You will collect your numbers on the NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) Origin 2000 machines. You have each been given accounts on these machines; the logins and passwords will be provided to you when the first assignment is announced.
To develop your code, compile it, and make sure that it gets reasonable performance on small numbers of processors, you should use the Origin machine at NCSA called This machine is reserved for running interactive tasks. Note that you can use ssh to log into this machine, and you can use klog to access your AFS directories here at CMU. You will have to use the local filesystems on these Origin machines to collect your actual results. Information on the NCSA machines and how to use them can be found here. In particular, look under the "NCSA SGI Cray Origin2000 User Documentation" and "Frequently asked questions" links. To measure your final performance numbers, you will want to use the LSF batch queueing system (Note that the interactive machine only allows jobs with up to 8 processors). In particular, you will use vst_sj, vst_mj and vst_lj "lsbatch" queues to run small (1-8 processors), medium (9-16 processors) and large (17-64 processors) jobs respectively. Remember that submitting a job to the queueing system requires your executable and associated data files to be on modi4's local filesystems.
More information about how to run jobs on the Origins can be obtained from:
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