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j2s_CodegenEmptyVisitor Member List
This is the complete list of members for j2s_CodegenEmptyVisitor, including all inherited members.
- _bb
- _clinit
- _code
- _curr_code_index
- _db
- _fb
- _ilist
- _lvs
- _method
- _ol
- _pb
- _pst
- _rt
- _stack
- _stack_spilled
- aaload(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- aastore(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- aconst_null(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- aload(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- aload_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- aload_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- aload_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- aload_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- anewarray(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* Type)
[inline, virtual]
- append_except_obj_parameter( CallExpression* cinstr )
- append_except_obj_parameter( CallStatement* stmt )
- areturn(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- array_kind enum name
- arraylength(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- arraypop()
- arrayrefpop()
- assert_str_prefix
[protected, static]
- astore(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- astore_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- astore_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- astore_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- astore_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- athrow(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- baload(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- basic_block_iterator() const
- bastore(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- bipush(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u1s byte)
[inline, virtual]
- build_get_put_field_instr(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Field* field, bool put)
- build_get_put_static_instr(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Field* field, bool put)
- build_load_address_external_procedure_op(char* procname)
- build_monitorenter()
- build_monitorenter_class(jhl_Unit* clazz)
- build_monitorexit()
- build_monitorexit_class(jhl_Unit* clazz)
- build_rt_athrow_AbstractMethodError()
- build_rt_athrow_ArithmeticException()
- build_rt_athrow_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException()
- build_rt_athrow_class_instr(jhl_Unit* unit)
- build_rt_athrow_instr(jhl_UnitType* unittype, Expression* objref_op)
- build_rt_athrow_NegativeArraySizeException()
- build_rt_athrow_NullPointerException()
- bytecode_iterator() const
- caload(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- castore(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- checkcast(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* Type)
[inline, virtual]
- curr_code_index()
- d2f(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- d2i(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- d2l(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dadd(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- daload(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dastore(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dcmpg(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dcmpl(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dconst(jhl_u4 ci, char* value)
- dconst(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Constant* value)
- dconst_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dconst_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- ddiv(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dload(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::dload(jhl_u2 lv_index, jhl_u4 ci)
- dload_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dload_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dload_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dload_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dmul(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dneg(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dpop()
- dpush(jhl_u4 ci, Expression* rvalue)
- dpush(jhl_u4 ci, LString opcode, Expression* s1, Expression* s2)
- dpush(jhl_u4 ci, LString opcode, Expression* s1)
- dpush(jhl_u4 ci)
- dpush_destination_op(jhl_u4 ci)
- drem(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dreturn(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dstore(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::dstore(jhl_u2s index, Expression* rvalue)
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::dstore(jhl_u2 lv_index)
- dstore_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dstore_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dstore_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dstore_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dsub(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dup(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dup2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dup2_x1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dup2_x2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dup_stack(jhl_u4 ci, Expression* rvalue)
- dup_stack(jhl_u4 ci)
- dup_stack_destination_op(jhl_u4 ci)
- dup_x1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- dup_x2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- emit(Expression* instr)
- emit(Statement *stmt)
- emit_arrayindex_check(Expression* index_op, Expression* length_op)
- emit_arrayindex_check(Expression* index_op, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* arrayref, Expression* arrayref_op)
- emit_assign(VariableSymbol* lvalue, Expression* rvalue)
- emit_assign(VariableSymbol* lvalue, VariableSymbol* rvalue)
- emit_binary_arithmetic_intruction(VariableSymbol* dst, LString opcode, Expression* src1, Expression* src2)
- emit_call_instr( jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Method* method, bool dispatch, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType** objectref_type )
- emit_compare_branch(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch, LString cmp_opcode, LString branch_opcode)
- emit_compare_null_branch(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch, LString cmp_opcode)
- emit_compare_zero_branch(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch, LString cmp_opcode, LString branch_opcode)
- emit_count_negative_check(Expression* count_op)
- emit_exception_check_instr()
- emit_handler_dispatch(jhl_Exception* handler)
- emit_handler_dispatch(jhl_Array<jhl_Exception>* handlers)
- emit_handler_dispatch()
- emit_if_cascade(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Array<jhl_MatchOffset>* pairs, Expression* key)
- emit_if_false_sequence(Expression* cond_op, Statement* else_instr)
- emit_if_sequence(LString cond_opcode, Expression* cond_op, Statement* else_instr)
- emit_if_true_sequence(Expression* cond_op, Statement* else_instr)
- emit_init_except_obj()
- emit_null_check(Expression* objectref_op)
- emit_typcheck_instruction( jhl_u4 ci, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* t, bool instanceof )
- emit_unary_arithmetic_intruction(VariableSymbol* dst, LString opcode, Expression* src)
- emit_zero_check(Expression* value_op)
- except_obj_deref_instr()
- except_obj_op()
- except_obj_symbol()
- except_obj_type()
- exception_dispatch_label_str_suffix
[protected, static]
- f2d(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- f2i(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- f2l(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fadd(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- faload(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fastore(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fcmpg(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fcmpl(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fconst(jhl_u4 ci, char* value)
- fconst(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Constant* value)
- fconst_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fconst_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fconst_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fdiv(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fload(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::fload(jhl_u2 lv_index, jhl_u4 ci)
- fload_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fload_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fload_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fload_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fmul(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fneg(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fpop()
- fpush(jhl_u4 ci, Expression* rvalue)
- fpush(jhl_u4 ci, LString opcode, Expression* s1, Expression* s2)
- fpush(jhl_u4 ci, LString opcode, Expression* s1)
- fpush(jhl_u4 ci)
- fpush_destination_op(jhl_u4 ci)
- frem(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- freturn(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fstore(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::fstore(jhl_u2s index, Expression* rvalue)
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::fstore(jhl_u2 lv_index)
- fstore_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fstore_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fstore_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fstore_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- fsub(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- genpush(jhl_u4 ci, j2s_StackValue* sv, Expression* rvalue, bool unique_name= false)
- genpush(jhl_u4 ci, j2s_StackValue* sv, bool unique_name= false)
- genpush_destination_op(jhl_u4 ci, j2s_StackValue* sv, bool unique_name= false)
- get_array_array_field(jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* t)
- get_array_length_field_op(jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* t, Expression* arraryref_op)
- get_exception_dispatch_label(jhl_Exception* excpt)
- get_label(const LString& name)
- get_label(jhl_u4 index)
- get_variable(const LString& varname, DataType* vartype)
- getfield(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Field* f)
[inline, virtual]
- getstatic(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Field* f)
[inline, virtual]
- goto_(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- goto_w(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u4s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- i2b(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- i2c(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- i2d(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- i2f(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- i2l(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- i2s(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iadd(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iaload(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iand(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iastore(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iconst(jhl_u4 ci, j2s_int value)
- iconst_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iconst_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iconst_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iconst_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iconst_4(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iconst_5(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iconst_m1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- idiv(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- if_acmpeq(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- if_acmpne(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- if_icmpeq(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- if_icmpge(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- if_icmpgt(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- if_icmple(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- if_icmplt(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- if_icmpne(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- ifeq(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- ifge(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- ifgt(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- ifle(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- iflt(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- ifne(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- ifnonull(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- ifnull(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- iinc(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, jhl_u2s byte, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- iload(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::iload(jhl_u2 lv_index, jhl_u4 ci)
- iload_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iload_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iload_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iload_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- imul(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- ineg(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- instanceof(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* Type)
[inline, virtual]
- invokeinterface(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Method* im, jhl_u1s nargs)
[inline, virtual]
- invokespecial(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Method* method)
[inline, virtual]
- invokestatic(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Method* method)
[inline, virtual]
- invokevirtual(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Method* method)
[inline, virtual]
- ior(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- ipop()
- ipush(jhl_u4 ci, Expression* rvalue)
- ipush(jhl_u4 ci, LString opcode, Expression* s1, Expression* s2)
- ipush(jhl_u4 ci, LString opcode, Expression* s1)
- ipush(jhl_u4 ci)
- ipush_destination_op(jhl_u4 ci)
- irem(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- ireturn(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- is_basic_block_existent(jhl_u4 leader_index)
- ishift(jhl_u4 ci, LString opc, Expression* s1, Expression* s2, bool to_unsigned= false)
- ishl(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- ishr(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- istore(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::istore(jhl_u2s index, Expression* rvalue)
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::istore(jhl_u2 lv_index)
- istore_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- istore_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- istore_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- istore_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- isub(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- iushr(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- ixor(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenEmptyVisitor(jhl_Method* method, FileBlock* fb, j2s_OSUIFObjLayout* ol, j2s_RuntimeSystem* rt, j2s_Clinit* clinit)
- j2s_CodegenVisitor(jhl_Method* method, FileBlock* fb, j2s_OSUIFObjLayout* ol, j2s_RuntimeSystem* rt, j2s_Clinit* clinit)
- j2s_CodeVisitor()
- jhl_CodeVisitor()
- jsr(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- jsr_w(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u4s branch)
[inline, virtual]
- l2d(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- l2f(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- l2i(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- label_str_suffix
[protected, static]
- ladd(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- laload(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- land(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lastore(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lcmp(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lconst(jhl_u4 ci, j2s_long value)
- lconst_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lconst_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- ldc(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Constant* Constant)
[inline, virtual]
- ldc2_w(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Constant* Constant)
[inline, virtual]
- ldc_w(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Constant* Constant)
[inline, virtual]
- ldiv(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lload(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::lload(jhl_u2 lv_index, jhl_u4 ci)
- lload_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lload_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lload_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lload_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lmul(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lneg(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- local_var(jhl_u2s index)
- local_var_destination_op(jhl_u2s index)
- local_var_source_op(jhl_u2s index)
- lookupswitch(jhl_u4 ci, int num_pads, jhl_u4s deflt, jhl_u4s npairs, jhl_Array<jhl_MatchOffset>* pairs)
[inline, virtual]
- lor(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lpop()
- lpush(jhl_u4 ci, Expression* rvalue)
- lpush(jhl_u4 ci, LString opcode, Expression* s1, Expression* s2)
- lpush(jhl_u4 ci, LString opcode, Expression* s1)
- lpush(jhl_u4 ci)
- lpush_destination_op(jhl_u4 ci)
- lren(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lreturn(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lshift(jhl_u4 ci, LString opc, Expression* s1, Expression* s2, bool to_unsigned= false)
- lshl(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lshr(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lstore(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::lstore(jhl_u2s index, Expression* rvalue)
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::lstore(jhl_u2 lv_index)
- lstore_0(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lstore_1(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lstore_2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lstore_3(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lsub(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lushr(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- lxor(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- monitorenter(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- monitorexit(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- multianewarray(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_ArrayclassType* Type, jhl_u1s dimensions)
[inline, virtual]
- new_(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Unit* class_)
[inline, virtual]
- new_unique_label(SymbolTable*, const String&)
- newarray(jhl_u4 ci, array_kind atype)
[inline, virtual]
- newarray_array_kind(jhl_u1s atype)
- nop(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- pop(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- j2s_CodegenVisitor::pop(jhl_FieldType* ft)
- pop2(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- pop_source_opnd()
- pop_vsym()
- postinstr(jhl_u4 ci)
- postvisit()
- preinstr(jhl_u4 ci)
- prepend_emit(Expression* instr)
- prepend_emit(Statement* instr)
- previsit()
- primitivepush_destination_op(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_PrimitiveType* ptype)
- putfield(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Field* field)
[inline, virtual]
- putstatic(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_Field* field)
[inline, virtual]
- raload(jhl_u2 lv_index, jhl_u4 ci)
- rapop()
- rapush(jhl_u4 ci, Expression* rvalue)
- rapush(jhl_u4 ci)
- rapush_destination_op(jhl_u4 ci)
- rastore(jhl_u2s index, Expression* rvalue)
- rastore(jhl_u2 lv_index)
- refload(jhl_u2 lv_index, jhl_u4 ci)
- refpop()
- refpush(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* ref, Expression* rvalue)
- refpush(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* ref)
- refpush_destination_op(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* ref)
- refstore(jhl_u2s index, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* ref, Expression* rvalue)
- refstore(jhl_u2 lv_index, jhl_ArrayclassOrUnitType* ref)
- ret(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s index, bool wide)
[inline, virtual]
- return_(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- saload(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- sastore(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- set_basic_block_iterator(j2s_BBIterator* bbi)
- set_bytecode_iterator(jhl_ByteCodeIterator* bci)
- set_curr_code_index(IInteger ci= i_negative_inf())
- set_curr_code_index(jhl_u4 ci)
- set_procedure_definition(ProcedureDefinition* pb)
- sipush(jhl_u4 ci, jhl_u2s byte)
[inline, virtual]
- sizeof_lookupswitch(jhl_u4 ci, int num_pads, jhl_u4s deflt, jhl_u4s npairs)
- sizeof_tableswitch(jhl_u4 ci, int num_pads, jhl_u4s deflt, jhl_u4s low, jhl_u4s high)
- spill_bytecode(jhl_u4 ci)
- spill_stack()
- spill_stack_for_branch()
- spill_stack_for_eh()
- statement_list()
[inline, virtual]
- suif_comparison_type
- suif_shift_type
- swap(jhl_u4 ci)
[inline, virtual]
- t_boolean enum value
- t_byte enum value
- t_char enum value
- t_double enum value
- t_float enum value
- t_int enum value
- t_long enum value
- t_short enum value
- tableswitch(jhl_u4 ci, int num_pads, jhl_u4s deflt, jhl_u4s low, jhl_u4s high, jhl_Array<jhl_u4s>* jumptable)
[inline, virtual]
- Taload(jhl_u4 ci, j2s_Word::type_kind tk)
- Tastore(jhl_u4 ci)
- Tcmp(jhl_u4 ci, bool Tcmpl)
- to_primitive_type(array_kind ak)
- top_destination_opnd()
- top_source_opnd()
- top_vsym()
- Treturn(jhl_u4 ci)
- Tshift(VariableSymbol* dst, LString shift_opc, Expression* s1, Expression* s2, int mask, bool to_unsigned= false)
- widening_conversion(jhl_u4 ci, j2s_Word::type_kind conv_to_tk)
- widening_conversion(jhl_u4 ci, int bit_size, bool to_unsigned)
- ~j2s_CodegenEmptyVisitor()
- ~j2s_CodegenVisitor()
- ~j2s_CodeVisitor()
- ~jhl_CodeVisitor()
Generated at Mon Jul 31 13:43:23 2000 for NCI SUIF by
1.1.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000