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vgraph Member List
This is the complete list of members for vgraph, including all inherited members.
- add_edge(gnode *node1, gnode *node2, arrow_dir arrow, vnode *obj = 0)
- add_node(char *text, vnode *obj, int pos_x = -100, int pos_y = -100)
- clear(void)
- current_layout
- current_sel
- destroy(void)
- edges
- export_dot(FILE *fp)
- get_edge(vnode *obj)
- get_node(int canvas_id)
- get_node(vnode *obj)
- get_node_geometry(gnode *n)
- get_root_node(void)
- get_selection(void)
- inv_binding
- invoke(vnode *vn)
- is_alive(void)
- kind(void)
[inline, virtual]
- layout(char *method_name = LAYOUT_DEFAULT)
- layout_dot(char *filename)
- layout_graph(char *method_name)
- new_node_pos(int &x, int &y)
- nodes
- parent
- path(void)
- place_edge(gedge *e, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
- place_edge(gedge *e, int num_points, int *xarray, int *yarray)
- place_node(gnode *n, int x, int y, bool update_edges = true)
- root_node
- select(vnode *vn)
- select_clear(void)
- set_binding(binding *b)
- set_node_size(gnode *n, int width, int height, bool update_edges)
- set_root_node(gnode *node)
- state
- vgraph(vwidget *par)
- vgraph_cmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char *argv[])
- view(gnode *node)
- vwidget(vwidget *par)
- win(void)
- wpath
- ~vgraph(void)
- ~vwidget(void)
[inline, virtual]
Generated at Mon Jul 31 13:44:55 2000 for NCI SUIF by
1.1.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000