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00001 #ifndef HINDEXED_LATTICE_H
00002 #define HINDEXED_LATTICE_H
00004 // This is a lattice indexed ONLY by a hash function
00005 // on the IndexObj
00007 #include <common/suif_hash_map.h>
00008 #include "lattice_utils_forwarders.h"
00010 // This contains a map from variable->lattice_value
00011 // All this does is look up
00012 // It should just become a class parameterized by the
00013 // index.
00014 //
00015 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00016 class HIndexedLattice {
00018   typedef suif_hash_map<IndexObj, SubLattice> VMap;
00019   typedef typename VMap::const_iterator ConstVIter;
00020   typedef typename VMap::iterator VIter;
00021   VMap *_values;
00022   SubLattice _default_value;
00023 public:
00024   HIndexedLattice(SubLattice def);
00025   HIndexedLattice(const HIndexedLattice &other);
00026   HIndexedLattice &operator=(const HIndexedLattice &other);
00027   ~HIndexedLattice();
00028   void set_value(IndexObj v, SubLattice val);
00029   SubLattice get_value(IndexObj v) const;
00030   SubLattice get_default_value() const;
00032   bool do_meet_with_test(const HIndexedLattice &other);
00033   HIndexedLattice *clone() const;
00035   // pass in a function pointer to a function that
00036   // works on one
00037   bool do_apply_fn_with_test(const HIndexedLattice &other,
00038                              bool(*fn) (SubLattice &, const SubLattice &));
00040   // To string must be passed functions that convert
00041 #if 0 
00042   // egcs 1.1.2 bug prevents this
00043   String to_string( String (*index_to_string) (const IndexObj &),
00044                     String (*lattice_to_string) (const SubLattice &),
00045                     String delimiter) const;
00046 #endif
00048   class iterator {
00049     suif_hash_map<IndexObj,SubLattice> *_map;
00050     suif_hash_map<IndexObj,SubLattice>::iterator _iter;
00051     suif_hash_map<IndexObj,SubLattice>::iterator _iter_end;
00052   public:
00053     iterator(const HIndexedLattice *map) :
00054       _map(map->_values),
00055       _iter(map->_values->begin()),
00056       _iter_end(map->_values->end())
00057     {}
00058     iterator(const iterator &other) :
00059       _map(other._map),
00060       _iter(other._iter),
00061       _iter_end(other._iter_end)
00062       {}
00063     iterator &operator=(const iterator &other) {
00064       _map = other._map;
00065       _iter = other._iter;
00066       _iter_end = other._iter_end;
00067       return(*this);
00068     }
00069     IndexObj current() const {
00070       return ((*_iter).first);
00071     }
00072     SubLattice current_val() const {
00073       return ((*_iter).second);
00074     }
00075     bool is_valid() const {
00076       return (_iter != _iter_end);
00077     }
00078     void next() { _iter++; }
00079     void reset() { 
00080       _iter = _map->_values->begin();
00081       _iter_end = _map->_values->end();
00082     }
00083   };
00084   friend class iterator;
00086 };
00088 // Here are the definitions
00090 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00091 HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00092 HIndexedLattice(SubLattice def) :
00093   _values( new suif_hash_map<IndexObj, SubLattice>()),
00094   _default_value(def)
00095 {}
00097 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00098 HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00099 HIndexedLattice(const HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice> &other) :
00100   _values( new suif_hash_map<IndexObj, SubLattice>()),
00101   _default_value(other._default_value)
00102 {
00103   for (VIter iter =
00104          other._values->begin(); iter != other._values->end(); iter++) {
00105     _values->enter_value((*iter).first, (*iter).second);
00106   }
00107 }
00109 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00110 HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice> &
00111 HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00112 operator=(const HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice> &other) {
00113   _values->clear();
00114   for (VIter iter =
00115          other._values->begin(); iter != other._values->end(); iter++) {
00116     _values->enter_value((*iter).first, (*iter).second);
00117   }
00118   _default_value = other._default_value;
00119   return(*this);
00120 }
00124 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00125 HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00126 ~HIndexedLattice() {
00127   delete _values;
00128 }
00130 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00131 void HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00132 set_value(IndexObj v, SubLattice val) {
00133   _values->enter_value(v, val);
00134 }
00136 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00137 SubLattice HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00138 get_value(IndexObj v) const {
00139   suif_hash_map<IndexObj, SubLattice>::const_iterator iter =
00140     _values->find(v);
00141   if (iter == _values->end())
00142     return(get_default_value());
00143   return((*iter).second);
00144 }
00146 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00147 SubLattice HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00148 get_default_value() const {
00149   return(_default_value);
00150 }
00152 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00153 bool HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00154 do_meet_with_test(const HIndexedLattice &other) {
00155   // This is just do_apply_fn with test but the FN is
00156   // meet.
00158   bool changed = false;
00159   // Make a list of all of the ones that are not default
00160   suif_hash_map<IndexObj, bool> v;
00161   for (iterator iter(this); iter.is_valid(); {
00162     v.enter_value(iter.current(), true);
00163   }
00164   for (iterator iter(&other); iter.is_valid(); {
00165     v.enter_value(iter.current(), true);
00166   }
00168   // Now walk over that list and apply for each
00169   for (suif_hash_map<IndexObj, bool>::iterator it =
00170          v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {
00171     IndexObj obj = (*it).first;
00172     SubLattice v1 = get_value(obj);
00173     SubLattice v2 = other.get_value(obj);
00174     // This is the function
00175     if (v1.do_meet_with_test(v2)) {
00176       changed = true;
00177       set_value(obj, v1);
00178     }
00179   }
00180   return(changed);
00181 }
00183 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00184 HIndexedLattice<IndexObj,SubLattice> *HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00185 clone() const {
00186   HIndexedLattice *new_l =
00187     new HIndexedLattice(*this);
00188   return(new_l);
00189 }
00191 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00192 bool HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00193 do_apply_fn_with_test(const HIndexedLattice &other,
00194                       bool(*fn) (SubLattice &, const SubLattice &)) {
00195   bool changed = false;
00196   // Make a list of all of the ones that are not default
00197   suif_hash_map<IndexObj, bool> v;
00198   for (iterator iter(this); iter.is_valid(); {
00199     v.enter_value(iter.current(), true);
00200   }
00201   for (iterator iter(&other); iter.is_valid(); {
00202     v.enter_value(iter.current(), true);
00203   }
00205   // Now walk over that list and apply for each
00206   for (suif_hash_map<IndexObj, bool>::iterator it =
00207          v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {
00208     IndexObj obj = (*it).first;
00209     SubLattice v1 = get_value(obj);
00210     SubLattice v2 = other.get_value(obj);
00211     if ((*fn)(v1, v2)) {
00212       changed = true;
00213       set_value(obj, v1);
00214     }
00215   }
00216   return(changed);
00217 }
00219 /* This does NOT work in egcs 1.1.2  because of template problems */
00220 #if 0
00221 template <class IndexObj, class SubLattice>
00222 String HIndexedLattice<IndexObj, SubLattice>::
00223 to_string(
00224           String (*index_to_string)(const IndexObj &),
00225           String (*lattice_to_string)(const SubLattice &),
00226           String delimiter) const {
00227   String s;
00228   // Print the default value first
00229   s += "default: ";
00230   s += lattice_to_string(get_default_value());
00231   s += delimiter;
00233   for ( terator iter(this);
00234         iter.is_valid(); {
00235     IndexObj idx = iter.current();
00236     s += index_to_string(idx);
00237     s += ": ";
00238     SubLattice l = get_value(idx);
00239     s += lattice_to_string(l);
00240     s += delimiter;
00241   }
00242   return(s);
00243 };
00244 #endif 
00247 #endif /* HINDEXED_LATTICE_H */

Generated at Mon Jul 31 13:41:46 2000 for NCI SUIF by doxygen 1.1.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000