The Machine SUIF Bit-Vector Data-Flow-Analysis Library

Release version

Glenn Holloway and Allyn Dimock
Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University


The bit-vector data-flow (BVD) library of Machine SUIF [cite bibmachine] is a framework for iterative, bit-vector-based data-flow analyzers. It uses Machine SUIF's control-flow graph (CFG) library [cite bibcfg] to parse the program being analyzed into basic blocks, and it associates data-flow results with these CFG nodes.

Each specific data-flow solver is derived from an abstract class called bvd, which supplies the generic machinery. It is quite easy to develop solvers for problems that fit the classical paradigm.

At present, the BVD library contains two concrete solvers, one that computes liveness information and another that does reaching-definitions analysis. Others will follow as the need for them arises.


Data-flow analysis (DFA) is a textbook example of code reuse [cite bibdragon, bibcrafting, bibmuchnick]. Available expressions, live variables, reaching definitions, or other useful sets of properties can be computed for all points in a program using a generic algorithmic framework. Typically, the property sets are represented as bit vectors, and the generic algorithm propagates them iteratively over a flow graph, transforming them monotonically to reflect the effects of basic blocks and the confluence of edges, until they converge at all points. Different problems have different initial conditions for the bit vectors (empty or full), different confluence transformations (union or intersection), different directions of traversal (with control flow or against it), and different rules for expressing the effects of a basic block. But the fact that their solvers fit a common pattern is useful, because once the framework is in place, it enables new analyzers to be added quickly and correctly.

The bit-vector data-flow (BVD) library of Machine SUIF [cite bibmachine] is a framework for iterative, bit-vector-based data-flow analyzers. It uses Machine SUIF's control-flow graph (CFG) library [cite bibcfg] to parse the program being analyzed into basic blocks, and it associates data-flow results with these CFG nodes.

Each specific data-flow solver is derived from an abstract class called bvd, which supplies the generic machinery. Section [->] describes this class, and Section [->] describes data structures used by bvd for capturing data flow that is local to a basic block.

For now, the BVD library contains a solver for liveness information and a reaching-definitions analyzer. The liveness subclass of bvd is described in Section [->]. Section [->] develops the map from operands to bit-vector positions used in liveness analysis.

Class Bvd


The classical iterative, bit-vector-based algorithm for data-flow analysis is covered in many general-purpose texts on optimizing compilation. We assume you are familiar with the basic approach, and we concentrate on describing how to use the BVD library to develop instances of this useful paradigm. Our running example will be the liveness analyzer, the details of which are described in Sections [->] and [->].


The data-flow analyzers covered here do two things: they identify an interesting class (or universe) of syntactic or semantic program elements, and for each such element, they identify the points in the program to which the element, or some aspect of the element, ``flows''. For an available-expressions problem, the elements are syntactic expressions evaluated by the program, and an expression e flows to point p in the program if e is computed (generated) on every path to p without being invalidated (killed) by an assignment to some variable in e before p is reached. For the reaching-definitions problem, the universe of interesting elements consists of the statements that assign to, or otherwise side-affect storage locations, and these definitions flow to all the program points reached by paths that don't contain an overriding assignment. For a liveness problem, the universe consists of storage cells, such as variables and registers. The liveness of a variable is generated by a use of the variable, and it (the liveness) flows backward along control paths until killed by a definition of (e.g., an assignment to) the variable.

In the examples just mentioned, the data-flow behavior of each element in the chosen universe is independent of the others. Iterative data-flow analysis, as implemented in the BVD library, exploits this fact by dealing with all the elements in parallel. For each element e and each program point p, it wants to produce one bit of information: true if e flows to p and false if it does not. The parallelism is achieved by packing these bits into bit vectors, with one bit position, or slot, per universe element, and then solving the data-flow equations for all elements at once by computing on the bit vectors instead of the individual slots.

To avoid the storage cost of allocating a different bit vector for every point in the program, it is customary to associate them only with the entry and/or exit points of nodes in the CFG of the program. It is easy to propagate from one of these node boundaries through the linear sequence of instructions of the node when necessary.

We take exactly this classical approach. We assume that every data-flow solver determines the universe of interesting elements and assigns a small non-negative number as the identifier of each element. We call this number the slot of the element. Instead of using the bit-vector or bit-string metaphor when describing flow-analysis results, we use sets of slots. That is, instead of describing computations in terms of bitwise boolean operations on vectors, we use set operations on sets of small integers. The two metaphors are conceptually equivalent, and of course, we make sure that the sets used for data-flow analysis have the complexity properties that have made ``bit-vector-based'' data-flow analysis effective and popular. The advantage of the set metaphor is simply that much of the machinery that works for sets based on bit vectors carries over smoothly to sets with other performance properties.

The slot-set types used in this library are derived from NatSet, a natural-number set class defined in the Utilities section of the machine library document [cite bibmachine]. You should familiarize yourself with the properties of those set types if you haven't already. For data-flow analysis results, we use the class NatSetDense, which has bit-vector-like complexity traits. Where a sparse representation is more suitable, we use the list-based set class NatSetSparse. The operations on all the NatSet classes are the same. There is an iterator class for these set types called NatSetIter.

The base class for data-flow solvers.

The abstract base class from which you derive a data-flow solver is Bvd:

<class Bvd>= (U->)
class Bvd {
    virtual ~Bvd() { }

    const NatSet* in_set(CfgNode*)  const;
    const NatSet* out_set(CfgNode*) const;

    virtual void find_kill_and_gen(Instr *) = 0;

    virtual const NatSet* kill_set() const = 0;
    virtual const NatSet* gen_set() const = 0;

    virtual int num_slots() const = 0;
    void print(CfgNode*, FILE* = stdout) const;

    enum direction { forward, backward };
    enum confluence_rule { any_path, all_paths };

        direction = forward,
        confluence_rule = any_path,
        FlowFun *entry_flow = NULL,
        FlowFun *exit_flow = NULL,
        int num_slots_hint = 0);

    bool solve(int iteration_limit = INT_MAX);

<Bvd details>

Accessing data-flow results

Note that most methods of Bvd are protected from public use. Apart from its destructor, the public methods are all about accessing the results of data-flow analysis.

The num_slots method (which must defined by a concrete subclass) returns the total number of allocated slots once the solver has been run. In other words, it is the size of the universe of items found in the program during data-flow analysis. At present, this and the print method are mainly used for debugging. The essential public methods are those that access the sets associated by Bvd with each CFG node.

in_set(n) Returns the slot set for the (control) entry point of node n.
out_set(n) Returns the slot set for the (control) exit point of node n.

The sets returned are owned by the Bvd object; you don't need to worry about deleting them.

To use liveness analysis as an example, in_set(node) indicates which items are live on entry to node and out_set(node) indicates those live at its exit. (Note that, even though liveness is a ``backward'' data-flow problem, the in_set method refers to a node's control-flow entry, not its exit.)

Constructing a data-flow analyzer

The concrete subclass that derives a specific data-flow solver from Bvd supplies the following parameters to its constructor.

Solving a data-flow problem

In addition to its constructor, class Bvd defines the protected method solve for use by its subclasses, typically in their own constructor methods. solve initializes the slot sets associated with nodes and then pre-computes the net effect of each node as a flow function from slot sets to slot sets.

Next, solve computes the local flow functions that capture the effects of the individual nodes. A flow function is a slot-set transformer; it captures the total effect of a CFG node n in one data structure that is applied to before[n], yielding after[n]. Starting with the plain identity function as the flow function for the node, solve scans its instructions in forward (backward) order for a forward (backward) problem. It first uses the kill[i] set for instruction i to alter the flow function so that it removes the corresponding slots from the argument set. Then it uses gen[i] to make the flow function insert the generated slots. For the entry (exit) node, it uses the entry_flow (exit_flow) parameter to accommodate boundary conditions, as discussed above.

Finally, solve runs the iterative propagation algorithm on the slot sets until it converges at a fixed point or until a caller provided iteration limit is reached. In the latter case, solve returns false to indicate abnormal termination.

Analyzing individual instructions

The remaining public member functions are pure virtual methods to be defined by the subclass for a specific data-flow problem. They handle the analysis of single instructions.

find_kill_and_gen(i)Prepares to enumerate the kill and gen sets of instruction i.
kill_set() Returns the kill set of the instruction analyzed by find_kill_and_gen.
gen_set() Returns the gen set of the instruction analyzed by find_kill_and_gen.

When the flow function that represents the net effect of a node is being constructed, the solver calls find_kill_and_gen once on each instruction in the node. It then uses the kill_set and gen_set methods to obtain the results that find_kill_and_gen has found, i.e., to scan the slots killed by and those generated by the current instruction.

In the liveness example, the slots killed by an instruction are those for variables or registers that the instruction defines, i.e., writes to. The slots generated by an instruction are those for variables or registers that it uses. find_kill_and_gen determines the definition set and the use set for the instruction and kill_set and gen_set allow the solver to access them.


Our implementation uses the following storage:

The non-public members of Bvd are declared as follows.

<Bvd details>= (<-U)
    Cfg* _graph;
    FlowFun* _entry_flow;
    FlowFun* _exit_flow;
    int _num_slots_hint;

    direction _dir;
    confluence_rule _rule;

    Vector<FlowFun> _flow;              // slot set transformer for each node
    Vector<NatSetDense> _in;            // node-entry slot set for each node
    Vector<NatSetDense> _out;           // node-exit  slot set for each node

    Vector<NatSetDense> *_before;       // &_in  if forward, &_out if backward
    Vector<NatSetDense> *_after;        // &_out if forward, &_in  if backward

    void compute_local_flow(int);       // subroutines ...
    void combine_flow(CfgNode *);       //   ... of method solve

Header file

Class Bvd is defined in header file solve.h, which also declares the initialization and finalization functions for the BVD library:

<BVD library initialization>= (U-> U->) [D->]
extern "C" void enter_bvd(int *argc, char *argv[]);
extern "C" void exit_bvd(void);

/* file "bvd/solve.h" -- Iterative bit-vector data-flow solver */

<Machine-SUIF copyright>

#ifndef BVD_SOLVE_H
#define BVD_SOLVE_H

#include <machine/copyright.h>

#pragma interface "bvd/solve.h"

#include <machine/machine.h>
#include <cfg/cfg.h>

#include <bvd/flow_fun.h>

<class Bvd>

<BVD library initialization>

#endif /* BVD_SOLVE_H */

Flow functions


Muchnick [cite bibmuchnick] and other authors present the theoretical basis for data-flow problems in terms of flow functions (or sometimes transfer functions).

Here we define the three monotone boolean-to-boolean functions, extended pointwise to vectors of booleans, i.e., bit vectors. As in Section [<-] we use the slot-set metaphor instead of talking in terms of bit vectors, and so these flow functions operate on values of type NatSetDense. Class FlowFun has a method apply that applies the flow function that it represents to a NatSetDense value. This allows us to encode operations on NatSetDenses directly from the theory.

The reason that we get away with using the theory in practice is that there are only three monotone boolean functions (the identity function, the function that always returns the constant top ( true, 1), and the function that always returns the constant bottom ( false, 0). So we only need two bits to represent a monotone boolean-to-boolean function. Thus the pointwise extension of boolean functions to slot sets can be represented in only twice as much space as the sets that they manipulate.

Class FlowFun

<class FlowFun>= (U->)
class FlowFun {
    FlowFun(int num_slots_hint = 0);

    FlowFun(const FlowFun&);
    void operator=(const FlowFun&);
    void set_to_top();
    void set_to_top(int slot);
    void set_to_bottom();
    void set_to_bottom(int slot);
    void set_to_id();
    void set_to_id(int slot);
    void apply(NatSetDense &updated);
    void print(int bound, FILE* = stdout);
<FlowFun details>

When you create an instance of FlowFun, it is initialized to the identity function. The constructor takes an integer that the implementation can use as an estimate of slot-set sizes.

set_to_top(n) Makes this a function that sets bit n to 1 (top).
set_to_top() Makes this a function that sets all bits to 1 (top).
set_to_bottom(n)Makes this a function that sets bit n to 0 (bottom).
set_to_bottom() Makes this a function that sets all bits to 0 (bottom).
set_to_id(n) Makes this a function that passes the value of bit n unchanged.
set_to_id() Makes this a function that passes the values of all bits unchanged.
apply(b) Applies this to set b, overwriting b with the result.


As hinted earlier, we use two slot sets to represent a flow function.

<FlowFun details>= (<-U)
    NatSetDense _id;
    NatSetDense _cs;

Roughly speaking, the presence or absence of s in set _id determines whether the flow function is the identity at slot s or always produces a constant (top or bottom) at that slot. In the latter case, the particular constant is determined by whether or not _cs contains s. Here are the precise rules:

s notin _cs s in _cs
s notin _id bottom at s top at s
s in _id identity at s (disallowed)

Inlined methods.

For efficiency, we define the methods that compute and apply flow functions as inline members.

<FlowFun inlines>= (U->) [D->]
inline void
    // set function to "constant 1" on all bits

<FlowFun inlines>+= (U->) [<-D->]

inline void
FlowFun::set_to_top(int slot)
    claim(slot >= 0, "FlowFun::set_to_top - negative slot %d", slot);

<FlowFun inlines>+= (U->) [<-D->]

inline void
    // set function to "constant 0" on all bits

<FlowFun inlines>+= (U->) [<-D->]

inline void
FlowFun::set_to_bottom(int slot)
    claim(slot >= 0, "FlowFun::set_to_bottom - negative slot %d", slot);

<FlowFun inlines>+= (U->) [<-D->]

inline void
    // set function to "identity" on all bits

<FlowFun inlines>+= (U->) [<-D->]

inline void
FlowFun::set_to_id(int slot)

To apply a flow function to a slot set, we subtract away any slots at which the function is constant and then union in the new constant slots. We rely on the representation invariant that _cs INTERSECTION_id = Ø.

<FlowFun inlines>+= (U->) [<-D]

inline void
FlowFun::apply(NatSetDense &updated)
    updated *= _id;
    updated += _cs;

Header file

Class FlowFun is defined in the following header file.

/* file "bvd/flow_fun.h" -- Flow functions */

<Machine-SUIF copyright>

#ifndef BVD_FLOW_FUN_H
#define BVD_FLOW_FUN_H

#include <machine/copyright.h>

#pragma interface "bvd/flow_fun.h"

#include <machine/machine.h>

<class FlowFun>

<FlowFun inlines>

#endif /* BVD_FLOW_FUN_H */

Class Liveness


As mentioned in Section [<-] the only elements needed to build a liveness analyzer on top of class Bvd are a mechanism for mapping the ``interesting'' operands of a program to slot numbers, and a way of enumerating the slots of operands defined and/or used by a particular instruction. The map from operands to slots is called an operand catalog. It has class OpndCatalog, and it is the subject of Section [->]. The ``def/use'' analyzer for a single instruction is described later in this section.

Class Liveness

To perform liveness analysis, you simply construct an instance of class Liveness, passing a CFG, an operand catalog, and (optionally) a def/use analyzer as arguments to the constructor.

<class Liveness>= (U->)
class Liveness : public Bvd {
    Liveness(Cfg *graph, OpndCatalog *catalog, DefUseAnalyzer *analyzer)
        : Bvd(graph, backward, any_path)
        _catalog = catalog;

        if (analyzer) {
            _analyzer_own = NULL; _analyzer = analyzer;
        } else
            _analyzer_own = _analyzer = new DefUseAnalyzer(catalog);


    virtual ~Liveness()                       { delete _analyzer_own; }

    virtual void find_kill_and_gen(Instr *mi)
        { _analyzer->analyze(mi); }

    virtual const NatSet* kill_set() const    { return _analyzer->defs_set(); }
    virtual const NatSet* gen_set()  const    { return _analyzer->uses_set(); }

    virtual int num_slots() const             { return _catalog->num_slots(); }

    OpndCatalog* catalog()                    { return _catalog; }
    DefUseAnalyzer* analyzer()                { return _analyzer; }

    OpndCatalog *_catalog;
    DefUseAnalyzer *_analyzer;
    DefUseAnalyzer *_analyzer_own;            // default analyzer

The operand catalog, of type pointer to OpndCatalog, serves two purposes. It screens out the uninteresting operands, and it assigns slot numbers to the interesting one. You don't need to have enrolled any operands in the catalog before invoking the Liveness constructor (although you are free to do so). In the course of scanning the CFG, the solver enrolls interesting operands as needed. Then, after analysis is complete, you use the catalog to map operands to slot numbers so that you can access the data-flow results.

Note that the constructor and destructor and num_slots are the only public methods defined by Liveness. (Recall from Section [<-] that num_slots returns number of slots in the final catalog after liveness has been computed.) To get at the analysis, you use the inherited methods in_set and out_set.

The protected methods are principally those that any subclass of Bvd must supply:

find_kill_and_gen(i)Analyzes instruction i prior to use of kill_iter and gen_iter. For Liveness, this extracts the slots of operands defined (written) and operands used (read) by i.
kill_iter() Produces an iterator over the kill set for the instruction most recently analyzed instruction by find_kill_and_gen. For Liveness, the kill set holds the slots of operands defined.
gen_iter() Produces an iterator over the gen set for the instruction most recently analyzed instruction by find_kill_and_gen. For Liveness, the gen set holds the slots of operands used.

Since liveness is a backward data-flow problem, the solver built into class Bvd applies find_kill_and_gen to the instructions in a basic block by starting at the last one and working backward to the entry of the block. It starts with a ``blank'' flow function (one that would do nothing if applied to a slot set) and accumulates the block's net effect on liveness (for all slots) as it goes through the block. For each instruction, the operands defined are considered first; their liveness is ``killed'' because just before their definitions, their old values cannot be useful. The operands used by the instruction are considered next; they become live (their liveness is ``generated'') from the point of view of code preceding the current instruction. The flow function that results from this one pass over a node in the CFG captures its effect on liveness. The solver therefore has no further need to examine instructions as is solves the liveness problem for the whole procedure.

The catalog and analyzer methods of class Liveness simply return pointers to the operand catalog and the instruction def/use analyzer associated with an instance of the class.

Note that all of the code for Liveness is given in the above class declaration. All that's required to build a Bvd-based analyzer is to establish a map from ``interesting data-flow items'' to bit-vector slots, and to write a gen/kill analyzer for instructions.

Class DefUseAnalyzer

The task of identifying the data-flow items defined and used by a particular instruction is handled by an instance of class DefUseAnalyzer. This class handles explicit operands as well as implicit definitions and uses recorded in regs_defd and regs_uses annotations. The latter are used, for example, on call and return instructions for certain architectures to indicate registers used for argument and result transmission and also registers potentially defined because they are not protected by a callee-saves convention.

<class DefUseAnalyzer>= (U->)
class DefUseAnalyzer {
    DefUseAnalyzer(OpndCatalog *catalog) : _catalog(catalog) { }
    virtual ~DefUseAnalyzer() { }

    virtual void analyze(Instr *mi);

    NatSetIter defs_iter() const              { return _defs.iter(); }
    NatSetIter uses_iter() const              { return _uses.iter(); }

    const NatSet *defs_set() const            { return &_defs; }
    const NatSet *uses_set() const            { return &_uses; }

    OpndCatalog *catalog()                    { return _catalog; }
    NatSet *defs()                            { return &_defs; }
    NatSet *uses()                            { return &_uses; }

    OpndCatalog *_catalog;
    NatSetSparse _defs;
    NatSetSparse _uses;

The only input needed to create a DefUseAnalyzer is the operand catalog. When the analyze method is applied to an instruction, it attempts to enroll each operand of the instruction in the catalog. This has the effects of excluding uninteresting operands, of enrolling interesting operands in the catalog, and of providing slot numbers that can be used to make up def/use sets. The analyze method builds these sets for the instruction. The the other public methods can be used to access them, either directly as sets (methods defs_set and uses_set) or as iterations (methods defs_iter and uses_iter).

/* file "bvd/liveness.h" -- Liveness analyzer */

<Machine-SUIF copyright>


#include <machine/copyright.h>

#pragma interface "bvd/liveness.h"

#include <machine/machine.h>
#include <cfg/cfg.h>

#include <bvd/solve.h>

<class DefUseAnalyzer>

<class Liveness>

#endif /* BVD_LIVENESS_H */

Mapping operands to bit-vector slots


Solvers of bit-vector data-flow problems need to associate an integer identifier with each item in the universe whose data flow they calculate. As mentioned earlier, we call these unique integers slots because that is the term sometimes used for bit-vector positions. In the liveness problem, the items of interest are operands, so the liveness solver needs a map from operands to slots. The purpose of an operand catalog is to provide this map.

As the program is scanned during analysis, the catalog is used to assign slots to operands. Later, as operands are revisited, the catalog provides efficient lookup of their slot numbers so that data-flow information can be read out of the slot sets produced by analysis.


The machine library (see The SUIF Machine Library document) defines class OpndCatalog which provides a common abstract interface for operand catalogs. One very useful concrete subclass of OpndCatalog implements a catalog for register and variable-symbol operands. This class, called RegSymCatalog is heavily used in register allocation, scalar optimization, and instruction scheduling.

<class RegSymCatalog>= (U->)

class RegSymCatalog : public OpndCatalog {
    typedef bool (*filter_f)(Opnd);

    RegSymCatalog(bool record = false, filter_f = NULL,
                  int hash_table_size = 1024);

    virtual int size() const { return _next_slot; }

    virtual bool enroll(Opnd, int *slot = NULL);
    virtual bool lookup(Opnd, int *slot = NULL) const;

<RegSymCatalog details>

Constructing a RegSymCatalog.

The constructor for class RegSymCatalog declared above takes the following arguments:

Implementation details

Class RegSymCatalog

The private part of RegSymCatalog declares the user-provided operand filter and the running slot count.

<RegSymCatalog details>= (<-U) [D->]
    filter_f _filter;
    int _next_slot;

It also records the hash map taking operands to slots:

<RegSymCatalog details>+= (<-U) [<-D->]

    HashMap<unsigned long, int> _hash_map;

The function member is simply a subroutine of the public methods.

<RegSymCatalog details>+= (<-U) [<-D]

    bool get_slot(Opnd, int*, bool);

Header file for module

Classes OpndCatalog and RegSymCatalog are defined in module catalog, which has the following header file:

/* file "bvd/catalog.h" -- Maps from operands to slot sets */

<Machine-SUIF copyright>


#include <machine/copyright.h>
#pragma interface "bvd/catalog.h"

#include <machine/machine.h>

<class RegSymCatalog>

#endif /* BVD_OPND_CATALOG_H */

Library initialization

Before you can start using the facilities of the BVD library, the library must initialize some parts of itself. In SUIF, this is performed by defining an init_libname routine. The respective declarations are:

<BVD library initialization>+= (<-U U->) [<-D]
extern "C" void init_bvd(SuifEnv*);

The BVD library initialization header file has the following simple layout:

/* file "bvd/init.h" */

<Machine-SUIF copyright>

#ifndef BVD_INIT_H
#define BVD_INIT_H

#include <machine/copyright.h>

#pragma interface "bvd/init.h"

#include <machine/machine.h>

<BVD library initialization>

#endif /* BVD_INIT_H */

When you extend the library, you may need to add initialization and or finalization actions to the corresponding implementation file init.cpp.

Header file for the BVD library

The following is the header file is for use by other libraries and passes that depend upon the BVD library. It is never included in any implementation file within the machsuif/bvd directory. We use comments to indicate dependences among the header files.

/* file "bvd/bvd.h" */

<Machine-SUIF copyright>

#ifndef BVD_BVD_H
#define BVD_BVD_H

#include <machine/copyright.h>

<contents of bvd.h>

#endif /* BVD_BVD_H */

<contents of bvd.h>= (<-U)
#include <bvd/flow_fun.h>
#include <bvd/catalog.h>
#include <bvd/solve.h>
#include <bvd/liveness.h>
#include <bvd/reaching_defs.h>
#include <bvd/init.h>


All of the code is protected by the following copyright notice.

<Machine-SUIF copyright>= (<-U <-U <-U <-U <-U <-U)
    Copyright (c) 2000 The President and Fellows of Harvard College

    All rights reserved.

    This software is provided under the terms described in
    the "machine/copyright.h" include file.


This work is supported in part by an DARPA/NSF infrastructure grant (NDA904-97-C-0225) and a NSF Young Investigator award (CCR-9457779). We also gratefully acknowledge the generous support of this research by Advanced Micro Devices, Digital Equipment, Hewlett-Packard, International Business Machines, Intel, and Microsoft.


[1] A. Aho, R. Sethi, and J. Ullman. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools. Addison-Wesley, 1986.

[2] C. Fischer and R. LeBlanc. Crafting a Compiler. Benjamin/Cummings, 1988.

[3] Glenn H. Holloway and Michael D. Smith. The SUIF Machine Library. The Machine SUIF documentation set, Harvard University, 1998.

[4] Glenn H. Holloway and Michael D. Smith. The Machine-SUIF Control Flow Graph Library. The Machine SUIF documentation set, Harvard University, 1998.

[5] S. Muchnick. Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation. Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.