Time | MWF 10:30am-11:20am |
Location | Wean 5409 |
Instructor | Manuel Blum [mblum@cs | Wean 4113 | 8-3742] office hours: after each class, until there are no more questions |
Secretary | Phyllis Pomerantz [plp@cs | Wean 4610 | 8-7897] |
TA | Bartosz Przydatek [bartosz@cs | Wean 4126 | 8-1188] office hours: Tu, Th 4:30pm-5:30pm |
Textbooks | |
Web page | http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15750-s02/www/ |
News group | cmu.cs.class.cs750 |
Other references |
You are encouraged to work in groups of two or (preferably) three people. Each group should turn in a single write-up. Homework grading is likely to be randomized: instead of grading all problems on an assignment, only one or two randomly chosen problems will be graded, and your total score on the assignment will be equal to the score on the chosen problem(s) times the number of problems solved.
No. | Date | Topics | Readings | Homework |
1 | 01/14 M | Heaps | [Kozen 1-5] [Cormen et al, 7] | |
2 | 01/16 W | Binomial Heaps | [Kozen 8, MR 8.1] | |
3 | 01/18 F | Amortized Analysis | [Kozen 8] [Sleator's notes] | #1 out |
4 | 01/21 M | Dijkstra's SSSP, Fibonacci Heaps | [Kozen 9] | |
5 | 01/23 W | Fibonacci Heaps (cont.) | [Kozen 10] | |
6 | 01/25 F | Union-Find | [Kozen 11] | #1 due, #1 sol., #2 out |
7 | 01/28 M | Union-Find (cont.) | [Kozen 12] | |
8 | 01/30 W | Splay Trees | [Kozen 12] | |
9 | 02/01 F | Analysis of Splay Trees | [Sleator's notes] | #2 due, #2 sol., #3 out |
10 | 02/04 M | Random Search Trees | [Kozen 13] | |
11 | 02/06 W | Planar and Plane Graphs | [Kozen 14] | |
12 | 02/08 F | The Planar Separator Theorem | [Kozen 15] | #3 due, #3 sol., #4 out |
13 | 02/11 M | Max Flow | [Kozen 16] | |
14 | 02/13 W | More on Max Flow | [Kozen 17, MR 10.2] | |
15 | 02/15 F | Still More on Max Flow | [Kozen 18] | #4 due, #4 sol. |
16 | 02/18 M | Recap: Analysis of Union-Find | [Kozen 12] | |
17 | 02/20 W | Review | [Kozen 1-18] | |
18 | 02/22 F | First midterm exam | ||
19 | 02/25 M | Matching | [Kozen 19] | |
20 | 02/27 W | More on Matching | [Kozen 19] | |
21 | 03/01 F | Still more on Matching | [Kozen 20] | #5 out |
22 | 03/04 M | Markov Chains and Random Walks | [MR 6.1-6.3] | |
03/06 W | Markov Chains and Random Walks | [MR 6.4] | #5 due, #5 sol., #6 out | |
03/08 F | ----------------- (midterm break) | |||
23 | 03/11 M | Markov Chains and Random Walks | [MR 6.5] | |
24 | 03/13 W | Markov Chains and Random Walks | [MR 6.6] | |
25 | 03/15 F | Problems & Puzzles | #6 due, #6 sol., #7 out | |
26 | 03/18 M | Markov Chains and Random Walks | [MR 6.7] | |
27 | 03/20 W | Markov Chains and Random Walks (cont.) | [MR 6.7] | |
28 | 03/22 F | Approximate Counting | [MR 11.1-11.2] | #7 due, #7 sol. |
29 | 03/25 M | Markov Chains and Random Walks | [MR 6.8] | |
30 | 03/27 W | Review | [MR 6, 11.1-11.2] | |
31 | 03/29 F | Second midterm exam | ||
04/01 M | ----------------- (spring break) | |||
04/03 W | ----------------- (spring break) | |||
04/05 F | ----------------- (spring break) | |||
32 | 04/08 M | Algebraic Techniques | [MR 7.1-7.2] | |
33 | 04/10 W | Algebraic Techniques | [MR 7.3] | |
34 | 04/12 F | Algebraic Techniques | [MR 7.4-7.6] | #8 out |
35 | 04/15 M | Number Theory and Algebra: Intro, Primality tests | [MR 14.1-2, 14.6] | |
36 | 04/17 W | Number Theory: Dartboard method | [Bach's Thesis] | |
04/19 F | ----------------- (spring carnival) | #8 due, #8 sol., #9 out | ||
37 | 04/22 M | Data Structures: Universal hashing | [MR 8.4] | |
38 | 04/24 W | Data Structures: Universal hashing (cont.) | [MR 8.4] | |
39 | 04/26 F | Cryptographic hash functions | [notes] | #9 due, #9 sol. |
40 | 04/29 M | Number Theory: gcd & continued fractions | [MR 14.3, MathWorld] [Knott's notes] | |
41 | 05/01 W | Number Theory: factoring polynomials (LLL-algorithm) | [Sudan's notes] | |
42 | 05/03 F | Number Theory: LLL (cont.)/ Review | [Sudan's notes] | |
05/06 M | Final exam |
last update: May 1, 2002 | maintained by Bartosz Przydatek (bartosz@cs.cmu.edu) |