15-750: Course Policies for Graduate Algorithms, Spring 2020
The course covers a broad set of topics in algorithms design and
analysis. The goal is to cover tools and algorithms that give students
the ability to (a) recognize which tool or method to apply to
problems, (b) to become reasonably proficient at using these tools,
and (c) to be able to reason about the correctness and performance of
the resulting algorithms. The course webpage for this semester will
list the tentative list of topics to be covered; these will include
basic graph algorithms, randomized algorithms, hashing and streaming,
flows and linear programming, convex optimization, and linear
algebraic algorithms.
This is a graduate breadth (aka star) course aimed at
students who have learned some basic undergraduate algorithms
material (probably not 15-451, see the FAQ), and want to get a
broader/deeper understanding of algorithms. (Students aiming to
specialize in theoretical CS should consider 15-850 Advanced Algorithms
Here is a very tentative schedule
(speadsheet format)
for the course. Broadly, we want to cover:
- Some basic graph algorithms: trees, matchings
- Hashing and Randomization.
- Streaming algorithms (a.k.a. algorithms for big data)
- Flows and Cuts, Graph Partitioning
- Linear Programming and LP Duality
- Convex Programming
- Continuous Optimization, gradient descent, multiplicative weights
- High-dimensional data: nearest neighbor, dimensionality reduction.
- Random walks.
- Online algorithms
- NP completeness and Approximation Algorithms
Previous versions of the course (taught by Gary Miller) are available
, S18
, and S17.
The topics this year will be a bit different.
Effort and Criteria for Evaluation:
Your grade will depend on HWs,
exams, and class participation.
- We have ~7 HWs (including HW0), roughly every other week. Some
may be solved with collaboration,
some solved individually.
- There will be one midterm and one final exam. Both will be
during the class times.
- We expect you to attend the lectures, and will give you some
points for attendance/class participation.
The rough breakdown will be 32% each for the exams (midterm and
finals), 32% for the homeworks, and 4% for attendance/class
participation in lecture or Piazza.
Homeworks are due at 11:59pm on the due date. They must be submitted
via gradescope. We will not accept late HWs, barring exceptional circumstances. However, each individual student
has a single 48 hours pass. This pass can be used to extend the
deadline for one homework by up to 48 hours. You are not allowed to
split this pass to use among several HWs.
Collaboration policy: On solo homeworks (like HW0) you must solve all the problems yourself. You must not discuss the problems with others.
On other collaboration HWs (like HW1) we will permit groups of two people (3 if you must). We require that collaborations be "whiteboard" collaborations, you can discuss problems and solutions with your group on a "whiteboard". After this each person should go away and write their own solutions, which they then submit. That is, collaboration should be limited to *talking* about the problems, so that your write-up is written entirely by you. No written work should be shared. Of course, you must also list all members of your group. In all cases if you use any resources not on the course webpage, you should cite them.
We will assume
basic knowledge in algorithms, probability, and linear algebra. We urge you to brush up on them
if you are rusty --- we can point you to books or lecture notes on
them. The use of linear algebra and probability is ubiquitous across
all of CS, just like the use of algorithms. Learning those topics will
not be a waste of your time, whether you take this course or not.
See below for some resources to help you brush up.
There is no mandatory textbook for the course. We will provide
lecture notes, or reading from books. Some good books include:
We assume basic discrete mathematics (counting, basic probability,
basic graphs theory, basic linear algebra): some resources include:
- Q: I am struggling with the homework: what should I do?
A little struggle in doing the homework is expected (and
healthy), since you're probably
learning something new.
However, if
you are struggling a fair bit, or if the struggle is unpleasant for you,
come talk to us.
- Q: I am on the wait-list: will I get in?
We hope everyone who wants to take the class will get in. (Usually
some students are "shopping around" in the first couple weeks, and
things settle down after that.) Just come to the lectures, and we will
try to get clear the wait-lists soon. OTOH, if you are on the wait-list
because you have too many credits, or are enrolled for a course with a
conflicting time-slot, you should fix those issues yourself.
Update (Nov 24): we currently have a long waiting list. I don't know
if we will even be able to let in all the students who are serious
about the course. If you are risk-averse you may want to consider other
options. We will keep you updated.
- Q: I have taken 451/651 at CMU, can I take this course?
Most likely not. Our undergraduate algorithms course (recent
versions: S18, S19)
contains fairly advanced material, and 750 will have
non-trivial overlap with it. If you still feel you want to take 15-750, please talk to us first.
- Q: I am a CS UG. Will 15-750 count towards the algorithms/complexity concentration?
No. See here.
- Q: I am an undergraduate who's taken 210 and 251. Can I take 750 instead of 451?
You should not. The undergrad course 15-451 has been designed for
the UG curriculum, and you should take that course.
- Q: I am interested in theoretical CS, and want a challenging
graduate algorithms course: what do you recommend?
This course (15-750) is a PhD star/breadth course. It aims at students whose
primary focus is not theoretical CS, but who want to learn more about algorithms
beyond what you learned in your standard undergraduate algorithms course.
If you want more depth than 15-750, check out 15-850: Advanced Algorithms
versions: F18, S17). It
is aimed at beginning Ph.D. and advanced MS/undergraduate
students who want to focus on theoretical CS. We will
likely teach 15-850 in F20.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:
If you have a disability and are registered with the Office of
Disability Resources, I encourage you to use their online system to
notify me of your accommodations and come and see me to
discuss your needs with me as early in the semester as possible. We should discuss how to make things work
out. I will work with you to ensure that accommodations are provided as
appropriate. If you suspect that you may have a disability and would
benefit from accommodations but are not yet registered with the Office
of Disability Resources, I encourage you to contact them at
Make-ups for the midterm/final must be arranged at least one week in
advance, barring extreme situations. Please make sure to document any
health problems you might have.
Academic Integrity
Honesty and transparency are important features of good scholarship. On
the flip side, plagiarism and cheating are serious academic offenses
with serious consequences. If you are discovered engaging in either
behavior in this course, you will earn a failing grade on the assignment
in question, and further disciplinary action may be taken. For a clear
description of what counts as plagiarism, cheating, and/or the use of
unauthorized sources, please see
the University
Policy on Academic Integrity and
the Carnegie
Mellon Code on Academic Integrity.
For each HW, we will specify if it is a solo HW (like Hw0) or if
collaboration is allowed (and the rules for such collaboration). If you
are allowed to collaborate, your submission must contain the names of
person(s) you collaborated with. You are not allowed to look at online
resources or books when solving the homeworks (except for resources
provided on the course webpage).
Your Health & Well-being
Part of
making sure that you enjoy the course involves taking care of yourself. Do your best to maintain a healthy
lifestyle this semester by eating well, exercising, avoiding drugs and
alcohol, getting enough sleep and taking some time to relax. This will
help you achieve your goals and cope with stress.
If you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult
life events, or feelings like anxiety or depression, we strongly
encourage you to seek support. Counseling and Psychological Services
(CaPS) is here to help: call 412-268-2922 and visit
http://www.cmu.edu/counseling/. Consider reaching out to a friend,
faculty or family member you trust for help getting connected to the
support that can help.
Back to course main page.
Maintained by Anupam Gupta