Loop Transformations

Reconfigurable Computing Seminar 3/18/98

The lecture slides can be viewed in postscript or read on the web as part of a slide show.

You can also view scribe notes for this lecture.

1. Loop Transformations
2. Goal of Loop Transforms
3. Defining Dependencies
4. Example Dependencies
5. Data Dependence in Loops
6. Data Dependence in Loops
7. Unroll Loop to Find Dependencies
8. Iteration Space
9. Distance Vector
10. Example of Distance Vectors
11. Example of Distance Vectors
12. FIR Distance Vectors
13. Relabel/Pipeline Variables
14. Fir Dependencies
15. PPT Slide
16. Transforming to time and space
17. Meaning of ?
18. Meaning of S
19. ? for FIR
20. T for fir
21. T2
22. T1
23. T3
24. How about Double Pipeline of X?
25. Needs other transforms
26. Describing a Fabric
27. Constraints on S
28. Find S for FIR

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