synplify Instructions
Start synplify:
% synplify&
Add the HDL files:
Hit the Add button, and select the mult1.v
file and hit OK.
Choose the FPGA Target:
Choose Target/Set Device Options from the menu. In the
dialog box, enter the following values:
Technology: Xilinx XC4000E
Part: XC4013E
Package: HQ240
Speed Grade: -3
Force GSR Usage: Enabled
Disable I/O Insertion: Disabled
Target M1 Place & Route: Enabled
Start the Synthesis tool:
Hit the huge RUN button. Even people with bad mouse
skills can use this tool! The message on the right should indicate the
different phases of the synthesis process.
Check out the log files:
Hit the View Log button. Look through the file for any
errors or warnings. There should be one warning generated because the valid
input is unused in the design. Ignore this warning. Look for the following
Estimated Frequency and Period:
FMAPs: (The 4-LUTs in a CLB)
HMAPs: (The 3-LUTs in a CLB)
Total packed CLBs:
The output file should be automatically saved in Mult1.xnf.
So you should be able to quit, without saving the "project". Do File->Exit..
If you can't get a license read