Course: 15-880(B) - Computational Models of Neural Systems
General Class Information
- Days and Time: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 1:30 to 2:50 PM
- Place: Wean Hall 4615A
- Instructor:
- Dave Touretzky
- Office: 8128 Wean Hall
- Office Hours by appt.
- email:
- phone: 412-268-7561
- TA
- David Redish
- Office: Wean Hall 8301
- Office Hours by appt.
- phone: 412-258-3074
- email:
- Credits:
- 12 units (CMU)
- 4 credits (Pitt)
- probably 1 core unit (CS or NPC)
- Evaluation:
- class presentation of selected papers, plus a take-home final.
- Prerequisite:
- Prior familiarity with either computer science or
neuroscience. Computer science students should have passed the
graduate AI core course, or taken at least two undergraduate courses
in AI or cognitive modeling. Neuroscience students should have taken
Neuroscience 1 and 3 and have some formal training in computation,
such as an undergraduate programming class.
- Description:
- This course is an in-depth study of information processing in
real neural systems from a computer science perspective. We will examine
several brain areas where processing is sufficiently well understood that
it can be discussed in terms of specific representations and algorithms.
We will focus primarily on computer models of these systems, after
establishing the necessary anatomical, physiological, and psychophysical
context. There will be some neuroscience tutorial lectures for those with
no prior background in this area.
- The syllabus
Lectures and Handouts
- 17 January 1995
- DST:
- 19 January 1995
- DST:
Computation and the Brain
- 24 January 1995
- DST:
Neurophysiology for Computer Scientists
- 26 January 1995
- DST:
Matrix Memories
- DST:
Terms and References
- 31 January 1995
- Nathan Urban: Neurophysiology of Hippocampus
- 2 February 1995
- DST: Marr
- 7 February 1995
- DST:
Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map I
- 9 February 1995
- David Redish:
Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map II
- 14 February 1995
- DST:
Recoding in the Hippocampus
- 16 February 1995
- Randy O'Reilly: Pattern Separation and Completion
- DST: Cholinergic Modulation
- 21 February 1995
- Jim Dilmore: LTP and LTD
- 23 February 1995
- DST:
Clusteron and Volume Learning Models
- 28 February 1995
- DST:
Olfactory cortex
- DST: Competetive Learning
- 2 March 1995
- Ravi Desai: Granger/Lynch Model of Piriform Cortex
- 7 March 1995
- Nathan Urban: Wilson/Bower Model of Piriform Cortex
- 9 March 1995
- Ken Rideout: Chaos and the Freeman et al. Model of Piriform Cortex
- 14 March 1995
- Lisa Saksida: Classical Conditioning
- 16 March 1995
- DST:
Invertebrate Learning Mechanisms
- 21 March 1995
- No class, Spring Break.
- 23 March 1995
- No class, Spring Break.
- 28 March 1995
- DST: Backprop
- 30 March 1995
- DST: Backprop
- DST: Intro to VI
- 4 April 1995
- Yi-Jen Lin: Motion Processing in the Fly Retina
- 7 April 1995
- DST: Stereo Vision
- 11 April 1995
- Jordan Fielder: Development of Ocular Dominance and Orientation Selectivity in V1
- 13 April 1995
- Rich Zemel: Motion Processing in V1 and MT
- 18 April 1995
- Andrew Gove: Shape From Shading
- 20 April 1995
- Thea Ghiselli-Crippa: Coordinate Transformations in Parietal Cortex
- 25 April 1995
- David Redish: Superior Colliculus and Saccade Generation
- 27 April 1995
- Jim-Shih Liaw: Visuomotor coordination in Frogs
- 2 May 1995
- David Redish: Vector Models of Motor Control
- 4 May 1995
- DST: Cerebellum
A. David Redish
Carnegie Mellon University