Groundhog work, Saturday, 14 September 2002

Pictured: Red Whittaker, Dave Crissinger, Chris Baker, He Huang, Anirudha Jagtap, Ed Latimer (Photographer), Christian Reed, Zachary Omohundro

  1. Initial discussion - Dave, Red, Zachary, He
  2. Metal meets the Sawzall - He (foot), Zachary
  3. Sawed chassis - He, Zach (no head), Anirudha, Chris (background)
  4. Steering problem - Groundhog
  5. Grinding rough edges - Zachary
  6. Polishing metal - Chris
  7. More grinding - Anirudha
  8. More grinding - Ed
  9. Cutting with plasma - Anirudha, Dave, Chris (cutting)
  10. More grinding - Dave, Chris (behind Dave)