Formal Connectors
Authors: Robert Allen and David Garlan
CMU CS Technical Report, CMU-CS-94-115, March 1994.
BIBTEX Citation
As software systems become more complex the overall system structure
-- or software architecture -- becomes a central design problem. An
important step towards an engineering discipline of software is a
formal basis for describing and analyzing these designs. In this paper
we present a theory for one aspect of architectural description: the
interactions between components. The key idea is to define
architectural connectors as explicit semantic entities. These are
specified as a collection of protocols that characterize each of the
participant roles in an interaction and how these roles interact. We
illustrate how this scheme can be used to define a variety of common
architectural connectors. We further provide a formal semantics and
show how
this leads to a system in which architectural compatibility can be
checked in a way analogous to type checking in programming languages.
Keywords: software architecture, formal models, model checking, module
interconnection, software analysis
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Composable Systems Group.
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