BIOSIM README File This directory contains the distribution of the BIOSIM simulator and the online- help-system. BIOSIM is a biologically oriented neural network simulator that allows one to simulate realistic model neurons. Four neuron models are implemented: a simple model only switching ion channels on and off, the Hodgkin-Huxley model, the SWIM model and the Golowasch-Buchholz model as the most enhanced model. Dendrites consist of a chain of segments without bifurcation. A neural network can be created by using the interactive network editor which is part of BIOSIM. Parameters could be changed via context sensitive menus and the results of the simulation can be visualized in observation windows for neurons and synapses. Stochastic processes such as noise can be included. In addition, biologically orientied learning and forgetting processes are modeled, e.g. sensitization, habituation, conditioning, hebbian learning and competitive learning. Three synaptic types are predefined (an excitatatory synapse type, an inhibitory synapse type and an electrical synapse). Additional synaptic types can be created interactively as much as desired. A demonstration shell script, which controls the simulator, is included showing a wide range of possibilities with BIOSIM. Within BIOSIM a handbook and an online-help system is available. BIOSIM is bilingual (english and german). When installing BIOSIM the user can choose between english and german. Thus, a english or german environment is installed. The INSTALL procedured is bilingual, too. The biological and mathematical model underlying BIOSIM were developed by Dr. Uwe T. Koch (university of Kaiserslautern, Germany) and Stefan Bergdoll (BASF Inc., Germany). The BIOSIM simulator as well as the online help system were developed by Stefan Bergdoll (BASF Inc., Germany). BIOSIM is a public domain software, which means the simulator is free of charge. STATIC VERSIONS OF BIOSIM: Static linked BIOSIM versions for SUN and IBM RS6000 are available in this directory: biosim_RS6000.Z and biosim_SUN.Z Happy computing...