This directory contains a version in C of the program FOIL - FOIL4.1 (FOIL4.1 is a modification to FOIL4.0 to fix a recently discovered bug which dates back to FOIL2). The file "MANUAL" contains an explanation of the form of the input and the options. The file "OVERVIEW" contains a description of the method used by FOIL. The executable version of the program may be made with the command "make foilgt" (or "make foil4" for the slower version for debugging). A trivial example input file, "list.d", is provided to demonstrate the program, and may be used with the command "foil4 < list.d". The output from this is given in "list.out" - as it contains execution time information, the results from your system may well differ in this respect! Further comments on list.d and list.out are provided in list.explain. Several other example files (*.d) are also provided for your use. The names of these should be sufficiently mnemonic to enable recognition from the literature. This version of FOIL was produced by Mike Cameron-Jones deriving from the original by Ross Quinlan. Hence, queries, bug reports, improvements, etc should be sent to me, Mike Cameron-Jones (, in the first instance. In the event that I don't reply to you adequately quickly, get in touch with Ross Quinlan ( I'd appreciate it if you could mail me to let me know you've taken a copy of FOIL, so that we have some idea who has copies. Mike Cameron-Jones, 10th May 1993