CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Implementation of ART-2 Neural Networks for NeXTStep
This directory contains a NeXTStep application for simulating an
ART-2 network with a modification for distributed classification.
Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) networks, as proposed by Carpenter
and Grossberg, form clusters and are trained without supervision.
as the file Programming/ai/ART.tar.Z
or on
Version: 1.1 (12-AUG-93)
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Contact: Christian Mueller-Tomfelde
ART-2, Adaptive Resonance Theory, Authors!Mueller-Tomfelde,
C!Code, Carpenter, Classification, Clustering, Grossberg,
Machine Learning!Neural Networks, Neural Networks!Simulators
G. A. Carpenter and S. Grossberg, "A massively parallel architecture
for a self-organizing neural pattern recognition machine", Computer
Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Academic Press, Inc., 1987.
G. Carpenter and S. Grossberg ``ART 2: self-organization of stable
category recognition codes for analog input patterns'', Applied Optics
26(23):4919-4930, 1987.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:25:07 1995