HOW TO PORT PRODIGY TO YOUR SYSTEM PRODIGY runs on the IBM PC RT running CMU Common Lisp and the Machintosh II with Allegro Common Lisp. It will also run on the uVAX and SUN with Allegro or Lucid Common Lisp. Anyone installing the software needs to read the sections PATHNAMES and COMPILING. Installers on other systems will also need to read the section on READ CONDITIONAL MACROS. PATHNAMES PRODIGY uses three global variables that hold path name information. They are *DOMAINS-PATH*, *PLANNER-PATH* and *WORLD-PATH*. The ebl system adds one more, *EBL-PATH*. The first two are set in the files startup.lisp (only the one for the planner, there are many different startup.lisp files) and setpath.lisp and ebl-setpath.lisp. *WORLD-PATH* is set in the startup.lisp file for each of the domains. The variable *EBL-SETPATH* should be set in startup.lisp for the EBL system and also in ebl-setpath.lisp. For example, if your planner is in the directory /usr/prodigy/system/planner/ then you will need to add the line (setq *PLANNER-PATH* (pathname "/usr/prodigy/system/planner/")) and if the domains are in /usr/prodigy/domains/ then you will need to add (setq *DOMAINS-PATH* (pathname "/usr/prodigy/domains/")) If the ebl system is in /usr/prodigy/system/ebl/ then you will need (setq *EBL-PATH* (pathname "/usr/prodigy/system/ebl/")) For example, if your frozenblocksworld domain is in the directory /usr/prodigy/domains/frozenblocksworld then you need to put the following into /usr/prodigy/domains/frozenblocksworld/startup.lisp: (setq *WORLD-PATH* (pathname "/usr/prodigy/domains/frozenblocksworld")) Because users can set *WORLD-PATH* to the wrong path by mistake PRODIGY will issue a warning if *WORLD-PATH* is set to domain that is not on the path *DOMAINS-PATH*. Sometimes, of course, a user will want a different *WORLD-PATH* and then the warning can be ignored. COMPILING The most convenient method of compiling the whole planner is to start lisp and type (load "compile.lisp") This will load the file compile.lisp which compiles all of the PRODIGY files. The time needed to compile the files will probably vary from about a half an hour to a full hour. To compile just one of the PRODIGY files without loading the whole system you may use the Common Lisp compile-file function, but you must load the file setpath.lisp first. If the system is already loaded you may skip loading setpath.lisp. Compiling the files of the domains is not done by the PROIDGY software, but you are welcome to do it yourself (using compile-file). This can lead to speed improvements when there are many Lisp functions defined in a domain file. For the EBL system type (load "ebl-compile") To compile just one of the EBL files without loading the system you must load ebl-setpath first. READ CONDITIONAL MACROS Currently PRODIGY runs on the IBM-RT, uVax, SUN and the Macintosh II. While Common Lisp is in general quite portable some machine-dependent aspects of the different implementations have necessarily been used in the PRODIGY code. Often the macro-dispatching character with + or - for the traditional read-conditional macros is used to invoke the proper code on a particular machine. See Guy Steele's Common Lisp The Language for an explanation on these macros. In PRODIGY they are usually used with keyword variables such as :coral (for the Machintosh), :lucid (for lucid common lisp), :cmu (for cmu common lisp, :franz-inc (for allegro). The file system interface is the area where most of the implementation dependent differences are found. Below is the output of a grep of all the source files for #- and #+. If you are installing PRODIGY on a machine other then those for which it has been tested you may have to add you own read-conditional macros. The name before the colon is the source file in which the following read conditional macro occured. commands.lisp:#-:coral (directory name) commands.lisp: #-:lucid(when (string-equal "" (file-namestring pathname)) load-domain.lisp: #-:coral (compile name) setpath.lisp:#-:lucid (setq *print-case* :downcase) startup.lisp:#-:lucid (setq *print-case* :downcase) commands.lisp:#+:coral (append (directory (concatenate 'string name "*:")) commands.lisp: #+:lucid (file-namestring pathname) ini.lisp:(setq *DIRECTORY-SEPARATOR* #+:coral ":" ini.lisp: #+(or :cmu :lucid :unix) "/") ;; used in commands.lisp Another method used for producing machine specific code is to check the membership of one of the keywords listed above in the *features* list. Following are a couple of examples of this code grep'ed from the PRODIGY sources. commands.lisp: (cond ((member :coral *features* :test #'eq) "startup") commands.lisp: (cond ((and (member :cmu *features*) (ignore-errors (directory thedir))) commands.lisp: ((and (not (member :cmu *features*)) (directory thedir)) startup.lisp:(cond ((member :coral *features*) startup.lisp: ((and (member :cmu *features*) (find-package "X") startup.lisp: ((member :lucid *features*) We hope that PRODIGY can be implemented with no difficulty on other systems, however, if problems occur the read conditional macros are a good place to look. It has been our experience that the least portable aspects of the system are the directory structure (which is necessarily not well defined by common lisp) and the graphics (under X windows we use the unofficial, but proposed CLX routines, under the Macintosh we use Allegro Common Lisp and its associated graphics). For additional help on graphics look at the file pg-system.lisp which is a template for all of the different graphics implementations. Please send bug reports to