From mgeller@ATHENA.MIT.EDU Fri Dec 3 15:27:21 EST 1993 Article: 19737 of Xref: Path:!fs7.ECE.CMU.EDU!!!eff!!!!mgeller From: mgeller@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Marilyn Geller) Newsgroups: Subject: MIT Press Book Announcement Date: 1 Dec 1993 14:54:32 GMT Organization: MIT Press Lines: 96 Distribution: world Message-ID: <2dib78$5r7@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> NNTP-Posting-Host: Just released by the MIT Press: BUILDING PROBLEM SOLVERS Kenneth D. Forbus and Johan de Kleer For nearly two decades, Kenneth Forbus and Johan de Kleer have accumulated a substantial body of knowledge about the principles and practice of creating problem solvers. In some cases they are the inventors of the ideas or techniques described, and in others, participants in their development. BUILDING PROBLEM SOLVERS communicates this knowledge in a focused, cohesive manner. It is unique among standard artificial intelligence texts in combining science and engineering, theory and craft to describe the construction of AI reasoning systems, and it includes code illustrating the ideas. After working through BUILDING PROBLEM SOLVERS, readers should have a deep understanding of pattern directed inference systems, constraint languages, and truth-maintenance systems. The diligent reader will have worked through several substantial examples, including systems that perform symbolic algebra, natural deduction, resolution, qualitative reasoning, planning, diagnosis, scene analysis, and temporal reasoning. Along the way Forbus and de Kleer teach the art of building robust AI software. They begin with simple examples such as search programs, and move to more complex cases on the cutting edge of AI techniques, such as model-based diagnosis systems and a qualitative reasoner. This software has been tested and used extensively by graduate students and programmers in industry. Although BUILDING PROBLEM SOLVERS is designed primarily as a text for advanced AI classes or AI programming classes, it can be used by researchers in universities and industrial laboratories who want to apply these techniques in their work, and by programmers who want to incorporate these ideas in their applications. Kenneth D. Forbus is Professor of Computer Science and Education at the Institute for Learning Sciences, Northwestern University. Johan de Kleer directs the Systems and Practices Laboratory at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. November 1993 -- 700 pp. -- 138 illus -- $49.95 ISBN 0-262-06157-0 FORVH BUILDING PROBLEM SOLVERS LISTINGS Kenneth D. Forbus and Johan de Kleer This supplement to BUILDING PROBLEM SOLVERS contains the Common Lisp code examples referenced throughout the text. The code is also available on a 3.5-inch (IBM DOS) disk and can be downloaded via ftp. $19.95 ISBN 0-262-56071-2 FORUP IBM/DOS $19.95 FORUDD MIT Press books are available at bookstores or directly from the publisher. For orders in the US When ordering, please specify this code: OML X23 Call toll free: 1-800-356-0343 or (617) 625-8569. Or write The MIT Press 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, U.S.A. For inquiries: To access our catalogs telnet to: and look under \ Around MIT \ Offices and Services. This server is also a Gopher server ( For price and order information in the UK, Eire and Continental Europe please contact our London office at 14 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2LP England, Tel (071) 404 0712 Fax (071) 404 0610 or via e-mail In Australia, please contact Astam Books, 57-61 John Street, Leichhardt, NSW 2040 Australia Tel (02) 566 4400 Fax (02) 566 4411. Please note that prices may be higher outside the US. In all other areas or in case of difficulty, please contact The MIT Press, International Department, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA Tel 617 253 2887 Fax 617 253 1709 or e-mail