This is ProTcl (pronounced pro-tickle), the Prolog interface to Tcl/Tk. It is a lightweight interface in that it does not try to map Tcl/Tk functions directly onto Prolog predicates. Instead, the Tcl/Tk commands are accessible from Prolog using the tcl_eval/1,2 predicate which accepts any Tcl expression and passes it to the Tcl interpreter. ProTcl also allows to call Prolog from a Tcl command or script using the 'prolog' command and to get back the value of variables (Eclipse only). It is possible to specify callback predicates in Prolog using the Tcl 'prolog_event' command. protcl*.tar The interface itself, it contains Prolog and C files needed to connect the two languages tcl* The latest version of the Tcl distribution compatible with this ProTcl tk* The latest version of the Tk distribution compatible with this ProTcl and the above Tcl