CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Pixie Scheme: R3RS-compatible Scheme for the Macintosh
Pixie Scheme is an implementation of a Scheme interpreter for the
Macintosh with nearly complete coverage of R3RS. The interpreter is
very slow. It also has limited numeric types, with no numeric types
beyond 32-bit integer and 32-bit and 80-bit floats.
The distribution includes two program versions (one uses
68020 / 68881 code, the other runs on a straight MC68000) and
a HyperCard help stack.
Pixie Scheme is distributed as shareware; the author would be
delighted to receive a one dollar donation from each user.
Archived/compressed with Compact 1.33 and BinHex 4.0
Version: May, 1990
Requires: Macintosh Plus or better. 1mb RAM, System software 6 or newer.
Updated: mid-1993
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Jay Reynolds Freeman
PO Box 60628
Palo Alto, CA, 94306-0628
Authors!Freeman, Interpreters!Scheme, Pixie Scheme,
Programming Languages!Scheme, R3RS Compatible,
Scheme!Implementations, Scheme!Macintosh
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:37:55 1995