CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
VSCM: Portable R4RS Scheme implementation.
VSCM is a portable R4RS Scheme. The implementation is based on a
virtual machine design with heavy support for most of the
sophisticated features of Scheme. The virtual machine is written in
ANSI-C to aid in its portability. The bytecode compiler is written in
Scheme itself.
Extensions to R4RS include:
- ability to create a memory image of a running VSCM (dump)
- ability to execute a shell command (system)
- continuations with multiple arguments (call-with-values)
- error handling (with-error-handler)
- flexible garbage collection (with-gc-strategy)
- interrupts (with-interrupt-handler)
- errors (error)
- CPU time measurements (clock, gc-clock, timer)
- access to the environment (getenv)
- eval
- control over open compilation
- file system interface (remove-file, rename-file, etc.)
- generic ports
- writing to and reading from strings
- property lists
Origin: []
as the file vscmV0r3.tar.Z
Version: V0r4 (5-AUG-94)
Updated: Fri Oct 14 18:10:18 1994
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Matthias Blume
Princeton University
Department of Computer Science
35 Olden Street, Princeton, NJ 08544
Tel: 609-258-1795
Authors!Blume, Compilers!Scheme, Interpreters!Scheme,
Princeton, Programming Languages!Scheme, R4RS Compatible,
Scheme in C, Scheme!Implementations, Scheme!UNIX, VSCM
Documentation of VSCM is also available as
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:38:11 1995