Article 6309 of comp.archives: Path: cse!!!!!ucbvax!agate!usenet From: (Mott Given) Newsgroups: comp.archives Subject: [] Public domain or shareware neural net software Message-ID: <> Date: 9 Aug 91 10:11:56 GMT References: <> Sender: (USENET Administrator) Followup-To: Organization: Defense Logistics Agency Systems Automation Center, Columbus Lines: 174 Approved: X-Original-Date: 19 Jul 91 13: 18:35 GMT X-Original-Newsgroups: Archive-name: auto/ Original-posting-by: (Mott Given) Original-subject: Public domain or shareware neural net software Reposted-by: I have gathered a list of public domain or shareware neural network software, which is predominantly for PCs running DOS. In almost every case, it is self-evident from the file description and the explanation below which BBS you can download the file from. Please do not ask me to send you a copy of a particular file, as you can download it yourself. The software below does not begin to compare with commercially available neural network tools - there is no free lunch. Files with a "(CNS BBS)" at the end of the line come from the Central Neural System BBS. It can be reached in Texas at 817-551-9363 (with modem setup 2400 baud, 8-N-1), and it probably has more neural network information than any BBS in the country. [***NOTE***: CNS has moved to Richland, Washington and can be reached at 509-WIN-1CNS with connect rates up to 9600 bps (using Courier HST protocol).] Files with a "(Shadetree)" come from a bulletin board in Pittsburgh, Penn. called the "Shadetree BBS", operated by Bill Keller at 412-244-9416, accessible at 2400 baud, N-8-1 modem setup. Presently, it is only accessible from 8:30PM to 8:30AM. A description of this BBS appears on page 10 of the November/December issue of "PC AI" magazine. Files which come from "AI Expert" magazine issues are available from various BBS systems around the world which carry the code accompanying the monthly issues of this magazine. The BBS phone numbers are listed in a boxed column called "AI Expert On-Line" which is always on the page following the one with the masthead. A few of the files (I can't remember which ones) are from posting to the USENET newsgroup ADALINE.ZIP 28631 03-07-91 A good demo of delta learning rule (Shadetree) ADALINE.C from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine ADALINE.EXE from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine ADALINE.ARJ (DOS) ADALINE ANN model tutorial, demo simulation (CNS BBS) AIEXP_NN.ARJ (DOS) AI Expert Mag's Neural Network demo disk. (CNS BBS) AI-MAR90 AI Expert code for March 1990 issue ANNCAM.ZIP 6426 06-11-91 an example of content-addressable memory (CNS BBS) ANNCAM.ARJ (DOS) Content Addressable Memory (CNS BBS) ART1-2.ZIP 6650 03-24-91 Source code only for a "rough" implementation of Adaptive Resonance Theory, 1 and 2 (Shadetree) ARTICLE2.TXT (TEXT) An unorganized NN related bibliography (CNS BBS) ART_CODE.ANN (SOURCE) ART 1 & 2 in C (CNS BBS) AUTONET.ARJ (DEMO: DOS) EGA/VGA ANN builder w/ examples (CNS BBS) BACK_CPP.ZIP 7365 04-08-91 a back-propagation, object oriented neural network, C++ (Shadetree) BAM.ARJ (DOS) Bidirectional Associative Memory Simulation (CNS BBS) BACKPROP.C from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine BACKPROP.CDE file from AI8806.ZIP code from AI Expert magazine BACKPROP.EXE from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine BACKPROP.OUT from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine BACKPROP.ZIP 32966 03-07-91 THIS IS THE ONE YOU SHOULD LEARN (Shadetree) BATCHNET.ARJ (DOS) Three-layer back-prop ANN (CNS BBS) BATCHNET.ZIP 51142 05-07-91 three layer back-propagation net (Shadetree) BAYES.ARJ (DOS) Tree-structured Bayesian belief network (CNS BBS) BENCH.ARJ (TEXT) Neural Network benchmarks (CNS BBS) BPS_100.ZIP 214963 03-07-91 Even though this is a public domain backprop program, it is also a SERIOUS neural net developement program, for building working, usable nets, this one you should have, thanks to one of our users for uploading! (Shadetree) BPS_100.ARJ (DOS,UNIX,MAC) Back-Propagation Simulation package (CNS BBS) BPSIM2.ARJ (DOS, Amiga, Sun) Back-propagation package (CNS BBS) BRAINOCR.ARJ (Brainmaker) PCX reader (CNS BBS) BVE.ARJ (Brainmaker) Variable Evaluator Utility (CNS BBS) CASCOR.ARJ (SOURCE) Cascade Correlation NNs in LISP and C (CNS BBS) CNS.ZIP 183936 5-29-91 Message traffic from neural net BBS. CORLITHM.ARJ Correlithm theory overview and software modules (CNS BBS) DATAREP.ZIP 86710 03-07-91 Data representation in neural nets,AI Expert 6/90 DDJ-AI.ARJ Dr. Dobb's AI programs, including SILOAM -- a perceptron ANN DDJ-APR.ARJ Dr. Dobb's programs, including some ANN simulations (CNS BBS) DESIRE.ARJ (DEMO: DOS) Korn's DESIRE modelling package demo DYNSYS.ARJ (DEMO: DOS) Dynamical System's modelling package demo ET.ARJ perceptron simulator (CNS BBS) FACENET.ZIP 217824 03-07-91 inside a neural net, AI Expert 11/90 FACESIM.ARJ neural net using Chernoff faces (CNS BBS) FRACTALD.ZIP 73344 5-30-91 Est. fractal dimension of a time series GENALG.ARJ (DOS) A simple genetic algorithm demo program (CNS BBS) GENESIS.ARJ a UNIX genetic algorithm package (CNS BBS) GRADSIM2.Z (UNIX) Package for time-delay ANNs [compress and tar] GRADSIMF.Z (UNIX) Package for time-delay ANNs, minimal version [compress & tar] HOPFIELD.COM from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine HOPFIELD.ZIP 22123 03-07-91 Traveling salesman problem, PASCAL JEDI.ZOO (DOS) Jet engine simulation system using ANNs KNOWREP.ARJ (TEXT) MIND Workshop on NNs for Knowledge Representation abstracts KOHENEN.C and KOHPLOT.C from AI8808.ZIP from AI Expert magazine MAC33.HQX (MAC) Mactivation 3.3 in Stuffit format (CNS BBS) MD2.ARJ (DOS) Simple medical diagnosis ANN in BASIC (CNS BBS) MINDNOTE.ARJ (TEXT) MIND Meeting Notes (CNS BBS) MIND_TXT.ARJ (TEXT) MIND Newsletter Announcements (CNS BBS) N'WARE.ARJ Neuralware demo (CNS BBS) MD2.ZIP 4403 03-24-91 A medical dianostician neural net in BASIC NASANETS.ZIP 171090 04-06-91 a back prop neural net system from the US Govt, this is your tax dollars at work!, source code, C NETLAB01.ARJ (DOS) Netlab v0.1 ANN hardware simulator NETS backprop package from COSMIC, not public domain NETSAMP.ZIP 116050 5-29-91 Neural Net Sampler from "AI Expert" NEURAL.C file from AI8801.ZIP code from AI Expert magazine NEURAL.PIT (MAC) ANN program for the Macintosh (CNS BBS) NEURO.DEC file from AI8612.ZIP code from AI Expert magazine NN2.ARJ (DOS) ANN simulator with 256 neurons (CNS BBS) NNET.ARJ (DOS) NASA Tech Briefs concerning ANN (CNS BBS) NEURAL.CDE file from AI8712.ZIP code from AI Expert magazine NEURAL.ZIP 165102 05-25-91 a pattern recognition neural network, thanks to Buck Gray for upload (Shadetree BBS) NEURAL1.ZIP 350601 05-21-91 A MASSIVE amount of neural net info, index magazine articles and such, unzips to over 800,000! Thanks to Tim Welsh NEURAL2.ZIP 316103 05-21-91 A MASSIVE amount of neural net info, index magazine articles and such, unzips to over 800,000! Part 2 NEURALG.ZIP 271534 06-20-91 a VERY nice neural net tutorial program, needs EGA or VGA, written by Gregory L. Tarr, uploaded by Bruce Colletti NEURALX.ZIP 68537 03-31-89 Neural Networking System NEURTTT.ARJ (DOS) Neural Network Tic-Tac-Toe demonstration (CNS BBS) NERVOUS.ZIP 294717 05-03-91 Nervous System Construction Kit, v2.00, C++, make your own life form! want to build an intelligent cockroach? All kidding aside, this is a POWERFUL PROGRAM!! needs EGA or VGA (Shadetree) NETCPP.ZIP 64644 03-07-91 neural net using Turbo C++, AI Expert, 10/90 NETSTUFF.ZIP 105359 06-13-91 source code from the book "A Practical Guide to Neural Networks" by Marilyn Nelson (Shadetree) NEWRULE.ARJ Gary Coulter's NEWRULE BP ANN simulation with GWBASIC source (CNS) NEWRULE.BAS Gary Coulter's NEWRULE source code, GWBASIC ASCII text (CNS BBS) NEWRULEC.ARJ Edward Nicol's port to C of G. Coulter's NEWRULE BP ANN simulation NNETDRAW.ZIP 54562 03-14-91 v1.10 now on the board, supports Hercules boards now, a very visual representation of a neural net, Bruce Colletti. HEY Bruce!, thanks for re-writing it so us Herc owners can see it too! VERY nice visualization of a neural net (Shadetree BBS) NNETDRAW.ARJ (DOS) ANN BP tutorial with Prolog source (CNS BBS) NNPCTOOL.ARJ (DOS) Neural Network PC Tools support software (CNS BBS) NNS.ARJ (DOS) Neural Net Simulator written by Fred Mitchell (CNS BBS) NN_FTP.LST (TEXT) FTP sites for NN simulators. (CNS BBS) NRLNET10.ARJ (DOS) Back-propagation network construction kit (CNS BBS) NSHELL.ARJ (DOS) NeuroShell demo (CNS BBS) OUTSTAR.C from AI8808.ZIP from AI Expert magazine OUTSTAR.C from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine OUTSTAR and OUTSTAR.C from AI8811.ZIP from AI Expert magazine OUTSTAR.EXE from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine OUTSTAR.ZIP 34028 03-07-91 Grossberg learning, C (Shadetree) PATTERN from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine PDNNET.ZIP 66881 03-11-91 another wonderful back-prop neural net (CNS BBS) PDNNET.ARJ (DOS) PD BP ANN with Turbo C source (CNS BBS) PERCEP.JAN file from AI8701.ZIP code from AI Expert magazine PERCEPT.ARJ (DOS) Perceptron ANN (CNS BBS) PERCEPTR.ZIP 10607 03-07-91 A neural net in BASIC! (Shadetree) PERCEPTR.BAS from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine PERCEPTR.ASC 20652 02-02-91 BASIC neural net-ASCII, should be dl by everyone R&MBPANN.ARJ (DOS) Back-prop in C from Rumelhart & McClelland (CNS BBS) RESRC103.TXT (TEXT) Resources for ANN Research, Study, & Play (CNS BBS) SILOAM.ARJ (DOS) Neural network for pattern recognition (CNS BBS) S_GROSSB.ARJ (TEXT) A Grossberg bibliography (CNS BBS) TANN.ARJ (DOS) Neural networking kit with examples (CNS BBS) TARRTAR.ARJ (DOS) Graphic ANN demo with several models [EGA] (CNS BBS) TANN.ZIP 143350 04-28-91 Another neural net development program(Shadetree) TOGAI.ARJ DEMO: DOS) Togai Infralogic's fuzzy & neural network demos (CNS BBS) TOPMAP.ARJ (DOS) Kohonen topology preserving maps in Pascal (CNS BBS) TTT_ANN.ZIP 9056 03-24-91 A neural net that plays tic-tac-toe, (Shadetree) source only, C VECTOR.C from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine VECTOR.EXE from AI8912.ZIP from AI Expert magazine VECTOR.ZIP 25912 03-07-91 A bin sorter? (Shadetree) WORKABST.MND (TEXT) Abstracts from MIND's 4th Annual Workshop (CNS BBS) WRE_THES.ARJ (DOS) Master's thesis, with ANN source, exec, and text. (CNS BBS)