From aha@AIC.NRL.Navy.Mil Thu Mar 10 18:22:23 EST 1994 Article: 5743 of news.announce.conferences Xref: news.announce.conferences:5743 Path:!!!MathWorks.Com!!!pipex!uunet!sparky!sparky!not-for-mail From: aha@AIC.NRL.Navy.Mil (David W. Aha) Newsgroups: news.announce.conferences Subject: CFP: AAAI-94 Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning Followup-To: poster Date: 9 Mar 1994 14:40:59 -0600 Organization: Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC Lines: 81 Sender: Approved: Expires: 19 Mar 1994 8:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <2llc8r$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Call for Papers: AAAI-94 Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning OBJECTIVES: Several workshops have encouraged theoretical proposals on case-based reasoning (CBR). This workshop focuses instead on systematic evaluation of CBR theories, models, systems, and system components (e.g., retrieval, elaboration, adaptation, and learning). Our goal is to increase awareness of how to conduct such evaluations so that they yield useful insights for the design of subsequent systems. TOPICS: (including but not limited to) * Comparisons among different CBR systems or components, or between CBR and other approaches * Descriptions of CBR applications with emphasis on lessons learned from user feedback * Evaluations of CBR components in systems that employ large case bases and abundant domain-specific knowledge * Mathematical analyses * Computational benefits of cognitively plausible CBR models * Evaluation of the cognitive plausibility of CBR models of human cognition Researchers and practitioners conducting related work from fields not always associated with CBR are encouraged to participate. We hope to accumulate and disseminate knowledge gained from studying CBR-like algorithms in several fields (e.g., memory-based reasoning, k-nearest neighbor, etc), thus identifying problem issues and reducing replications of previous work. FORMAT: This two-day workshop will include invited talks, paper presentations, two interactive panel discussions, and a poster session. The invited talks will include summaries of the performance of currently fielded CBR systems as well as CBR-related contributions in areas not traditionally associated with CBR. The first panel will focus on the utility and limitations of evaluations. The first day will end with the poster session. The second day will include a panel on some controversial issue to be determined from the submissions. Critiques of the field, its direction, and of the workshop's presentations will also be included on the second day, which will end with a summary discussion. ATTENDANCE: Limited to 50 invitees. Additional invitations will be made as space permits to those who submit written requests. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Five copies of each paper should be submitted in hard copy form. The cover page should contain a title, authors' names, mailing address, email addresses, telephone numbers, and a brief abstract. Papers should not exceed twelve single-spaced pages including figures and bibliography. If using hardcopy, then double-sided submissions are strongly encouraged. Electronic submissions (e.g., compressed, uuencoded postscript files) are also strongly encouraged. Working notes containing the accepted papers will be distributed. Authors of accepted papers have the option of including their papers in the technical report published by AAAI Press for wider distribution. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 18, 1994 NOTIFICATION DATE: April 15, 1994 (note change from 4/8) DEADLINE FOR CAMERA-READY COPIES: April 29, 1994 Please send submissions to: David W. Aha AAAI-94 CBR Workshop Navy Center for Applied Research in AI (NCARAI) Naval Research Laboratory Code 5514 4555 Overlook Ave, SW Washington, D.C. 20375 USA (202) 767-9006 | 767-3172 (FAX) Workshop Committee: * David W. Aha * Christopher G. Atkeson, Massachusetts Institute for Technology, * Ray Bareiss, Institute for the Learning Sciences, Northwestern University, * L. Karl Branting, University of Wyoming, * Ashwin Ram, Georgia Institute of Technology, * Evangelos Simoudis, Lockheed AI Center * Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University,