From!!!!!!uunet!!!nobody Wed Aug 4 12:17:22 EDT 1993 Article: 18113 of Xref: Path:!!!!!!uunet!!!nobody From: (Timothy Finin) Newsgroups:,,, Subject: CIKM-93: 2nd Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management Date: 29 Jul 1993 23:53:45 -0400 Organization: Computer Science, University of Maryland Baltimore County Lines: 36 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Summary: email to CIKM-INFO@CS.UMBC.EDU for full details CIKM-93 -- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION -- CIKM-93 Second International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management November 1 - 5, 1993 Double Tree Hotel, Washington, DC, USA Sponsored by ACM (SIGART and SIGIR) and ISCA in cooperation with AAAI CIKM-93 will provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of research on the management of information and knowledge. The scope of the conference will cover the integration of database technology, knowledge representation and reasoning, information retrieval, and techniques for locating and accessing relevant data and knowledge in very large, distributed information systems. CIKM-93 will include tutorials, invited talks, panel sessions, submitted papers and poster presentations. A partial list of invited speakers includes Mike Stonebraker (UC-Berkeley), Stefan Spaccapietra (EPFL, Switzerland), Gunter Schelagetev (Fern U., Germany), Don Tiedemann (AT&T), Arie Segev (UC-Berkeley), Mike Papazouglou (Queens U., Australia), Rafael Alonso (MITL), Nico Haberman (NSF), Nick Derchak (UNISYS), Neil Coulbourn (Waterloo), Robert F. Cramp and William J. Campbell (NASA/GSFC), Hans R. Hansen (Vienna U.), Jack Minker (Maryland), John Mitchell (DISA), Christine Parent (U. of For). For an automatic reply with more information (including advance program and registration & hotel info), send email to CIKM-INFO@CS.UMBC.EDU or gopher to GOPHER.CS.UMBC.EDU. For general inquiries, contact: CIKM-93, Computer Science Department, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland 21228-5398, Email:, Phone: 410-455-3000, Fax: 410-455-3969