From!!!!!!uunet!!sifon!chan Thu Sep 23 19:37:52 EDT 1993
Article: 1228 of comp.speech
Xref: comp.speech:1228
Newsgroups: comp.speech
From: (Wai-Yip Geoffrey Chan)
Subject: IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecommunications
Message-ID: <27nkav$8ho@phoenix.EE.McGill.CA>
Keywords: Speech Coding, Conference
Lines: 509
Sender: chan@phoenix.EE.McGill.CA
Organization: Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) Lab., McGill University
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1993 19:23:11 GMT

	     IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecommunications
	       Hotel Le Chantecler, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada
			    October 13-15, 1993


			      *** ADVANCE PROGRAM ***

*** Wednesday, October 13, 1993

++ Variable Rate Speech Coding
Session Chairman:  P. Kabal

2:00 PM	Variable rate speech coding for UMTS
	L. Cellario & D. Sereno

2:20 PM	Evolution of variable rate speech coders	
	T. Eriksson & J. Sjoberg

2:40 PM	QCELP: The North American CDMA digital cellular variable rate speech coding standard
	A. DeJaco, W. Gardner, P. Jacobs & C. Lee

3:00 PM	Break

++ Wideband Speech/Audio coding
Session Chairman:  W.-Y. Chan

3:30 PM	Extending MPEG-audio layer III to wideband speech coding	
	K. Brandenburg, M. Dietz, E. Eberlein & R. Bitto

3:50 PM	Audio coding using masking-threshold adapted perceptual filter
	W.-W. Chang & C.-T. Wang

4:10 PM	Feasibility study of 32 kb/s wideband speech and music coding with a low-delay filterbank
	F. Wuppermann & F. de Bont

4:30 PM	High quality coding of wideband speech at 24 kbit/s	
	J. Paulus, C. Antweiler & C. G. Gerlach

4:50 PM	Embedded  wideband VSELP speech coding with optimized codebooks	
	A. LeGuyader & E. Boursicaut

5:10 PM	End of session



*** Thursday, October 14, 1993

8:30 AM	Keynote Address: Speech coding: A historical perspective
	Ben Gold

++ Pitch Coding in CELP
Session Chairman:  P. Mermelstein

9:10 AM	Improved pitch prediction	
	W. B. Kleijn

9:30 AM	Design of a PSI-CELP coder for mobile communications	
	K. Mano, T. Moriya, S. Miki &  H. Ohmuro

10:00 AM Break

++ High-Quality - Medium Rate Coding
Session Chairman:  A. Gersho

10:30 AM ACELP speech coding at 8 kbit/s with a 10 ms frame: A candidate for CCITT standardization
	R. Salami, C. Laflamme & J.-P. Adoul

10:50 AM Conjugate structure CELP coder for the CCITT 8-kbit/s standardization candidate
	A. Kataoka, T. Moriya & S. Hayashi

11:10 AM A toll-quality 8 kb/s  speech coder for PCS applications
	D. W. Lin

11:30 AM A variable bit rate audio coder for videoconferencing
	A. Crossman

11:50 AM End of session 

12:00 PM LUNCH

++ Poster Session A
Session Chairman:  T. P. Barnwell III

1:30 PM	Analysis-by-synthesis algorithms for low bit rate coding
	G. Riccardi & G. A. Milan

	Analysis-by-synthesis speech coding with extended approximation interval
	C. G. Gerlach

	Performance of noise excitation for unvoiced speech
	G. Kubin, B. S. Atal & W. B. Kleijn

	A 1200 b/s voice coder based on split vector quantization of line spectral frequencies
	C. Ravishankar, B. R. U. Bhaskar & S. Dimolitsas

	Smooth speech reconstruction using prototype waveform interpolation
	M. Leong & P. Kabal

	A new government standard 2400 bps speech coder
	V. C. Welch & T. E. Tremain

	A 5600 bps VSELP speech coder candidate for half-rate GSM
	I. A. Gerson & M. A. Jasiuk

++ Poster Session B
Session Chairman:  J. D. Gibson

1:30 PM	High quality 2400 bps vocoder research
	B. Fette, C. Bergstrom, S. You & C. Jaskie

	M-LCELP speech coding at bit-rates below 4 kbps	
	M. Serizawa, K. Ozawa, T. Miyano & T. Nomura

	Stochastic tree voice coding for wireless channels	
	D. E. Veeneman, S. Gringeri &  B. Mazor

	Mixed excitation prototype waveform interpolation for low bit rate speech coding
	A. V. McCree & W. B. Kleijn

	Sinewave amplitude coding using line spectral frequencies	
	R. J. McAulay, T. Champion & T. F. Quatieri

	Pitch filtering in CELP using a time scaling approach	
	G. Chahine & P. Kabal

3:00 PM	Break

++ Poster Session C
Session Chairman:  W. B. Kleijn 

3:30 PM	Application of optimal LSP quantization in 5 kb/s speech coding	
	H. B. Hansen, H. T. Jensen, H. Nielsen & K. B. Mikkelsen

	Low complexity LPC quantization using the structured vector quantizer	
	M. Yong & V. Eyuboglu

	Spectral coding by fast vector quantization	
	E. Agrell

	Coding of LSP parameters using interframe moving average prediction and multi-stage vector quantization	
	H. Ohmuro, T. Moriya, K. Mano & S. Miki

	Fast search algorithms with applications to split and multi-stage vector quantization of speech LSP parameters
	S. Arya, N. Phamdo, N. Farvardin & D. Mount

	A robust single-stage VQ for spectral coding
	R. Hagen & P. Hedelin

	Anomalous behavior associated with vector quantizing code books	
	J. S. Collura & T. E. Tremain

	Tree-structured vector quantization of speech LSF parameters
	D. Chemla, S.-W. Soong & W.-Y. Chan

++ Poster Session D
Session Chairman:  V. Cuperman

3:30 PM	Subjective test methodology: MOS vs. DMOS in evaluation of speech coding algorithms	
	L. A. Thorpe & R. Shelton

	Speech coding over frame relay networks	
	T. W. Leung, W. P. LeBlanc & S. A. Mahmoud

	A speech packet recovery technique using a model based tree search interpolator	
	W. E. Erhart & J. D. Gibson

	A multimedia CELP/subband coder for ATM networks
	R. E. Van Dyck, J. Patel, E. Simota & Q. Lin

	Real-time implementation of a wideband speech coder
	E. Harborg, J. E. Knudsen, A. Fuldseth & F. T. Johansen

	Convergence and numerical sensitivity of backward-adaptive LPC predictor
	J.-H. Chen & R. Cox

	Voice activity detection for digital cellular networks
	K. Srinivasan & A. Gersho

	Structured codebook for variable-rate CELP coding
	T. Taniguchi, Y. Ohta & J. Yao

5:00 PM	End of  session


*** Friday, October 15, 1993

++ Standardization and Evaluation
Session Chairman:  R. Cox

8:30 AM	Speech coding requirements from the perspective of the future mobile systems
	M. Delprat, A. Urie & C. Evci

8:50 AM	Future objectives in low-rate speech coding technology standardization	
	S. Dimolitsas & C. Ravishankar

9:10 AM	Testing speech coders for usage in wireless communications systems
	V. K. Varma

9:30 AM	Selection phase of GSM half rate channel
	R. Montagna

9:50 AM	Evaluating the quality of wide-band music signals degraded by cell loss in ATM networks
	C. Morioka, A. Takahashi & H. Nagabuchi

10:10 AM Break

++ Topics in CELP
Session Chairman:  J.-P. Adoul

10:40 AM Soft decision vector quantization for noisy channels
	V. Cuperman, F.-H. Liu & P. Ho

11:00 AM PERCELP - Perceptually enhanced random codebook excited linear prediction
	D. Sen & W. H. Holmes

11:20 AM On reducing the complexity and storage of CELP speech coding using self-orthogonal codebook
	K. W. Law, W. F. Leung & C. F. Chan

11:40 AM On the use of band-passed excitation codebooks for CELP coding of speech	
	P. Zheng & P. Mermelstein

12:00 PM LUNCH	

++ New Directions in Speech Coding
Session Chairman:  B. S. Atal

1:20 PM	Speech coding at 2.4 kbps and below via time-frequency interpolation
	Y. Shoham

1:40 PM	A variable rate speech coding algorithm for cellular networks
	E. Paksoy & A. Gersho




Postscript files for the Workshop and Hotel registration forms may be obtained
via anonymous ftp from in directory pub/workshop93.


The 1993 IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecommunications will 
be held at Hotel Le Chantecler in Sainte-Adele, Quebec, 
about 70 kilometers northwest of Montreal in the Laurentian Mountains.
Sainte-Adele is within an hour of driving time from Montreal, and 
approximately two and a half hours from Ottawa, the capital of Canada.  
The Workshop will be held at a time when the mountains will be clothed 
in splendid fall colors.  Outdoor recreational activities, besides fall 
foliage viewing, include water sports on the lake, tennis, golf, hiking, 
mountain biking, and horseback riding.  Indoor facilities available 
include fitness equipment, swimming and whirlpool, sauna, and courts for 
squash, racquetball, and badminton.

Complete the Workshop registration form and return it to the Workshop
Registrar by mail or fax.  Authors who have already registered may
use the Workshop registration form to sign up for the pre-arranged bus 
service.  Your payment may be remitted by a cheque or money order in 
Canadian dollars, payable to 1993 IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding. You 
may pay by charging to a credit card (fax registrations must charge to 
credit cards); only VISA or MasterCard can be accepted. The registration 
fee covers Workshop attendance, social events, and one copy of the Workshop
Proceedings. Additional copies of the Proceedings may be purchased at the
registration desk for Cdn $40 each. Meals are covered separately by your
accommodation arrangement with the Hotel (see below). Persons accompanying
Workshop delegates and who are not attending the technical sessions of the
Workshop need only register with the Hotel; however, accompanying persons
are welcome to participate in the social functions organized for Workshop

Registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
Registrations received on or before September 15, 1993 are eligible to pay
the advance registration fees, and registrations received after September
15, 1993 are required to pay the late registration fees. Any arrears due 
to a difference between your remittance and the applicable fees will have 
to be cleared when you check in at the registration desk. To prevent
overcrowding, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to limit
enrollment and will notify registrants of their registration status.
On-site registration is treated as late registration. Due to limited
enrollment, on-site registration will not be accepted without prior
approval from the Workshop Registrar.

The registration fees are refundable, minus a Cdn $30 cancellation charge,
provided a written request is received by the Workshop Registrar by
September 30, 1993. With written notice to the Registrar, a registration
may be transferred to another person without charge.


Workshop delegates are responsible for making their own reservations for
accommodation directly with the hotel. Complete the hotel registration form
and return it to Hotel Le Chantecler by mail or fax. September 13, 1993 
is the last date by which room availability is guaranteed for Workshop
delegates. The hotel daily rates cover three meals (supper, breakfast,
lunch) each day, but a tax of 11.28% will be added to the hotel bill.  On
the hotel reservation form, you may also sign up for the lunch served on
October 13 prior to the commencement of the Workshop.

Delegates are welcome to make reservations with Le Chantecler for earlier
arrival or later departure. Alternatively, you may wish to stay in a hotel
in Montreal before and/or after the Workshop. Greater Montreal with its 3
million population is renowned as the second largest French city in the
world (after Paris). It has so many things to offer that no short
description here would do justice! For touring information and suggestions,
you may call Tourism Quebec at (800) 363-7777 toll-free from Canada and the
U.S. or (514) 873-2015 from elsewhere. Tourism Quebec can also assist with
making hotel reservations: call (800) 363-7372 or (514) 878-1000.

Telephone numbers for obtaining travel information about the Ottawa region 
are (800) 465-1867 and (613) 239-5000.  For information about travelling in 
the province of Ontario, dial (800) 668-2746 (800-ONTARIO), or (416) 314-0944.
We suggest below a few hotels located in downtown Montreal:
The Queen Elizabeth Hotel           Cdn$110+tax (buffet breakfast included)
900 Blvd. Rene-Levesque West
Montreal, Quebec
Canada  H3B 4A5
Tel: (514) 861-3511
     (800) 441-1414 (Toll-free in North America)
Fax: (514) 954-2270 (attention Mr. St. Pierre)

Sheraton Centre                     Cdn$155+tax (lower rates available for
1201 Blvd. Rene-Levesque West                    early reservations)
Montreal, Quebec
Canada  H3B 2L7
Tel: (514) 878-2000
     (800) 325-3535 (Toll-free in North America)
Fax: (514) 878-3958
Le Shangrila                        Cdn$93+tax (continental breakfast included)
3407 rue Peel
Montreal, Quebec
Canada  H3A 1W7
Tel: (514) 288-4141
     (800) 361-7791 (Toll-free in North America)
Fax: (514) 288-3021
Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza            Cdn$79-99+tax
420 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, Quebec
Canada  H3A 1B4
Tel: (514) 842-6111
     (800) HOLIDAY  (Toll-free in North America)
Fax: (514) 842-9381

Flights from Canadian and U.S. locations arrive at Dorval Airport, 
and flights from elsewhere arrive at Mirabel Airport.  Mirabel 
Airport is located in between Montreal and Sainte-Adele.  Delegates 
may choose between driving to Le Chantecler themselves, taking a bus 
from downtown Montreal that has been pre-arranged by the Workshop 
Organizing Committee, and taking a taxi.
Driving Instructions
>From Montreal, Dorval, or Mirabel, it is necessary to get on Autoroute 15
(Autoroute des Laurentides) and head north (northwest geographically) to
reach Sainte-Ad=E8le. If you are renting a car, ask your rental agency for
directions and a map. Autoroute 15 skirts the eastern boundary of Mirabel
Airport. From Mirabel to Sainte-Ad=E8le, take Autoroute 15 in the direction
going away from Montreal. From Dorval Airport, head towards Mirabel Airport
and continue on Autoroute 15 to Sainte-Ad=E8le. One possible route from
Dorval is to take 520 east (northeast), then 13 north (northwest), then 640
east (northeast), and 15 north (northwest).

While you on Autoroute 15 north to Sainte-Adele, take Exit 67 and follow 
Route 117 north.  At the 4th traffic light, turn left on rue Morin.  At the 
top of the hill, turn right on rue Chantecler and continue on to Hotel Le 
Chantecler.  The Hotel is about 3 km from Exit 67.
Car Rental
Most multinational car rental companies also operate in Canada,
usually under the same name.  One notable exception is Tilden,
which is affiliated with National in the U.S., Europcar in Europe,
and Nippon Car Rental in Japan.  To reserve a car, we suggest that 
you call your one of the car rental multinationals or a travel agent 
in your home country.  
Pre-arranged Bus Service To/From Sainte-Adele
The Workshop Organizing Committee has arranged for bus service between
downtown Montreal and Sainte-Ad=E8le, with optional stops at the two 
airports on the return trip. Registrants wishing to use the bus service 
should indicate so on the Workshop registration form. The fare is Cdn $20
one way, prepaid with the registration. Registrants who have prepaid the 
bus fare are guaranteed seats on the bus. Those who have not prepaid may 
board the bus if seats are available; no additional bus service will be 
enlisted for non-prepaid passengers. The bus fare for non-prepaid 
passengers is Cdn $25 one way, payable upon boarding to a Workshop official.
The bus will leave from downtown Montreal for Sainte-Adele on October 13, 
at 11:00 a.m.  Passengers will be picked up at the Mansfield Street 
entrance (near the intersection of Mansfield Street and Rene-Levesque 
Boulevard West) of the Queen Elizabeth Hotel.  On October 15, the bus 
will leave Sainte-Adele for the Queen Elizabeth Hotel at 4 p.m.  Passengers 
on the return trip wishing to disembark at Mirabel Airport or Dorval Airport 
should notify the driver before the bus departs Sainte-Adele. 
Bus Service Between the Airports and Montreal
Autocar Connaisseur operates scheduled bus service between three locations:
downtown Montreal, Dorval Airport, and Mirabel Airport. Boarding in
downtown for the airports is at the Mansfield Street entrance (near the
intersection of Mansfield and Rene Levesque) of the Queen Elizabeth Hotel.
The Dorval-downtown service operates every 20 minutes during most hours of
the day and every 30 minutes in the early morning and late night hours; the
cost is Cdn $8.50 one way and $16 return. The Mirabel-downtown service 
operates hourly before 12:00 noon and every half hour after 12:00 noon; 
the cost is Cdn $13 one way and $20 return. The Dorval-Mirabel service 
operates hourly in the periods 9:20-11:20 and 20:20-23:20, and every half 
hour in the period 11:20-20:20. Delegates planning a tight itinerary are
strongly advised to call Autocar Connaisseur at (514) 934-1222 for the exact
bus schedule.

Taxi service between Dorval and downtown Montreal is currently fixed by
regulations at Cdn $24.  The taxi fare is roughly Cdn $60 between Mirabel 
and downtown.  Between Mirabel and Sainte-Adele, the taxi fare is 
approximately Cdn $40.  You may choose to take a bus from Dorval or 
downtown to Mirabel (see bus information above) and then take a taxi to 
Required Documentation
It is the responsibility of the delegate to comply with all Canadian
border entry requirements.  Please ask your local travel agent or nearest 
Canadian Embassy or Consulate what travel documents you need to visit 
Canada.  You might also need to check with your local authorities concerning 
documents required for returning to your country of residence. 
Health Insurance
Visitors to Canada should have adequate medical insurance coverage!
Canadian government health plans do not cover non-residents visiting
Canada.  We strongly suggest that you obtain health insurance that 
covers you during your stay in Canada.
There are banks and money changers in the airports and downtown Montreal. 
However, we suggest that you carry some Canadian money with you prior to 
arrival in Canada.  American dollars are accepted for many transactions,
though an exchange rate premium may be incurred.  As for delegates holding 
a currency not widely circulated internationally, it would be prudent to 
obtain Canadian or U.S. dollars prior to departure for Canada.


Postscript files for the Workshop and Hotel registration forms may be obtained
via anonymous ftp from in directory pub/workshop93.


Inquiries concerning Workshop registration and payments should be addressed
to the Workshop Registrar and Treasurer:
1993 IEEE Speech Coding Workshop
c/o Lynn-Marie Holland
Canadian Institute for Telecommunications Research
McGill University
3480 University Street
Room 633
Montreal, Quebec
Canada  H3A 2A7
Fax: (514) 398-4470
Inquiries concerning accommodation and meals should be directed to:
Le Chantecler
1474, chemin Chantecler
Sainte-Adele, Quebec
Canada  J0R 1L0
Tel: (514) 229-3555
     (800) 363-2420 (Toll-free in Eastern Canada and USA)
Fax: (514) 229-5593