From!!!!uunet!pipex!sunic!!hydra!hydra!not-for-mail Tue Aug 10 12:23:27 EDT 1993 Article: 8265 of comp.lang.prolog Xref: comp.lang.prolog:8265 comp.lang.functional:3536 comp.theory:7764 Path:!!!!uunet!pipex!sunic!!hydra!hydra!not-for-mail From: vilo@cs.Helsinki.FI (Jaak Vilo) Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog,comp.lang.functional,comp.theory Subject: PLILP'93: call for participation and programme Date: 10 Aug 1993 12:37:46 +0300 Organization: University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science Lines: 298 Distribution: inet Message-ID: <247q9aINN6rv@hydra.Helsinki.FI> NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: language implementation, logic programming Fifth International Symposium on PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE IMPLEMENTATION AND LOGIC PROGRAMMING PLILP'93 PROGRAMME SPONSORED BY: Estonian Informatics Fund Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Siemens AG Institute of Cybernetics of Estonian Academy of Sciences REGISTRATION FORM Return to: PLILP'93 Software Department Institute of Cybernetics of Estonian Academy of Sciences Akadeemia tee 21 EE0026 Tallinn, Estonia Fax: 372 2 527 901 E-mail: Name: ________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________ Registration fee: for registration before July 10 DM 380,- after July 10 DM 440,- Student fee: (does not include proceedings) for registration before July 10 DM 140,- after July 10 DM 190,- Registration/student fee includes one ticket for excursion and dinner. All money transfers must be in DEM and free of charge for the recipient. We cannot accept credit cards. For money transfer use the following account. Bank Account: Bankers Trust, Frankfurt BKTD DE FF A/C 811100013 Hansapank A/C 22 - 112515 Liivalaia 12 EE0106 Tallinn, Estonia Code: 420101767 Institute of Cybernetics Make payable to "PLILP'93" date __________________ signature ___________________________ HOTEL RESERVATION FORM Please reserve from ____________ to ____________ [ ] single bedroom[ ] double bedroom within the daily price range as indicated below [ ] more than EEK 650,- (four star international class) [ ] EEK 300,- to EEK 650,- (three star central hotel) [ ] EEK 100,- to EEK 300,- (two star, 5 km from centre, near the Institute of Cybernetics) Please note that in case the desired price range is not available, the next lower group will be booked. The room has to be paid for on arrival in cash. date __________________ signature ____________________________ General Information The International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming is held every year. The aim of PLILP'93 is to explore new declarative concepts, methods and techniques relevant for implementation of all kinds of programming languages, whether algorithmic or declarative ones. The intension is to gather researchers from the fields of algorithmic programming languages as well as logic, functional and object-oriented programming. PLILP'93 will take place in Tallinn, Estonia, from August 25 - 27. Estonia is a corner of the earth on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea: a little over 45.000 square kilometers in size, 350 kilometers from west to east and 240 from north to south, inhabited by 1,5 million people. Men settled in these areas ten thousand years ago. Tallinn, the capital of the Estonia, is situated on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland and is one of the oldest cities in Europe, to be found already on the world map compiled in 1154. Resisting the onslaught of time, the old citadel with the fortress on Toompea, the town hall, the circular walls studded with defence towers have made Tallinn a museum city. Parks, gardens and its green belt cover 30% of its territory. Tallinn has an active academic life: there are 8 higher educational establishments and 12 institutes of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. PLILP'93's predecessors have been held in: Orleans 1988, Linkoping 1990, Passau 1991, Leuven 1992. The following program contains 24 selected talks out of 72 contributions in response to the Call for Papers. Several Papers were selected for Posters Session. Invited speakers are Neil D. Jones, Uwe Kastens, Adnrey Mantsivoda, and Alexander Dikovsky. In parallel to the talks there will be system demonstration about new implementations in the area of functional, logic and object-oriented programming languages. Program Committee J. Darlington U.K. L. Naish Australia S. Debray USA J. Paakki Finland W. Drabent Poland P. Pepper Germany G. Ferrand France I. Pottosin Russia M. Hermenegildo Spain A. Rauzy France B. Jayaraman USA J. Tanaka Japan F. Kluzniak Poland F. Turini Italy B. Mayoh Denmark A. Voronkov Russia A. Mycroft U.K. D.S. Warren USA M. Bruynooghe Belgium (co-chairman) J. Penjam Estonia (chairman) Symposium Location Institute of Cybernetics of Estonian Academy of Sciences Akadeemia tee 21 EE0026 Tallinn, Estonia Symposium Registration Please fill the attached form and make sure that it will be received by the organizers not later than July 10, 1993. Travel Information Tallinn can be reached by plane, ship and train. There is direct flight connection with Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Moscow, Stockholm, St.-Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, Riga and Vilnius, direct shipping connection with Helsinki and Stockholm, and direct railway communication with Moscow, Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw and St.-Petersburg. Flight reservation should be made early. The organizers can provide you with information about visa formalities to visit the Republic of Estonia and travelling options to Tallinn. Please send e-mail to (empty subject/body) and you will get an automatic reply. Wednesday, August 25 8:30 Opening 8:45 Invited Talk Uwe Kastens: Executable Specifications for Language Implementation 9:45 Coffee Break Session: Integration of Different Paradigms I 10:00 Johan Boye: Avoiding Dynamic Delays in Functional Logic Programs 10:30 Michael Hanus, Berthold Josephs: A Debugging Model for Functional Logic Programs 11:00 Coffee Break Session: Constraint Programming 11:15 Pierre Lim, Joachim Schimpf: A Conservative Approach to Meta-Programming in Constraint Logic Programming 11:45 Jean Jourdan, Thierry Sola: The Versatility of Handling Disjunctions as Constraints 12:15 Coffee Break Session: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation I 12:30 Marc-Michel Corsini, Kaninda Musumbu, Antoine Rauzy, Baudouin Le Charlier: Efficient Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Prolog by means of Constraint Solving over Symbolic Finite Domains 13:00 Andreas Kagedal: Improvements in Compile-Time Analysis for Ground Prolog 13:30 Lunch Session: Grammars 15:00 Mark-Jan Nederhof: A New Top-Down Parsing Algorithm for Left-Recursive DCGs 15:30 Martin Jourdan, Carole Le Bellec, Didier Parigot, Gilles Roussel: Specification and Implementation of Grammar Couplings using Attribute Grammars 16:00 Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter: Programming Language Specification and Prototyping Using the MAX System 16:30 Coffee Break 16:45 System Demonstrations and Posters Session 18:15 End 19:00 Conference Dinner and Concert at Glehn Castle Thursday, August 26 8:30 Invited Talk Andrei Mantsivoda: Flang and its Implementation 9:30 Coffee Break Session: Narrowing I 9:45 Juan Jose Moreno-Navarro, Herbert Kuchen, Julio Marino- Carballo, Stephan Winkler, Werner Hans: Efficient Lazy Narrowing using Demandedness Analysis 10:15 Rita Loogen, Francisco Lopez Fraguas, Mario Rodrigues- Artalejo: A Demand Driven Computation Strategy for Lazy Narrowing 10:45 Coffee Break Session: Integration of Different Paradigms II 11:00 John Darlington, Yi-ke Guo, Martin Kohler: Functional Programming Languages with Logical Variables: A Linear Logic View 11:30 Antonio Natali, Andrea Omicini: Objects with State in Contextual Logic Programming 12:00 Coffee Break Session: Parallelism I 12:30 Khayri A. M. Ali, Roland Karlsson: A Novel Method for Parallel Implementation of findall 13:00 Remco Moolenaar, Bart Demoen: A Parallel Implementation for AKL 13:30 End 14:30 Lunch and Excursion in the Open Air in Lahemaa National Park Friday, August 27 8:30 Invited Talk Neil D. Jones: Program Speedups: Practical Results and Theoretical Limits 9:30 Coffee Break Session: Implementation Techniques 9:45 Owen Kaser: Inlining to Reduce Stack Space 10:15 Agostino Dovier, Enrico Pontelli: A WAM-Based Implementation of a Logic Language with Sets 10:45 Coffee Break Session: Parallelism II 11:00 V. Benjumea, J. M. Troya: An OR Parallel Prolog Model for Distributed Memory Systems 11:30 Jonas Barklund, Johan Bevemyr: Executing Bounded Quantifications on Shared Memory Multiprocessors 12:00 Coffee Break Session: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation II 12:15 David Clark, Chris Hankin: A Lattice of Abstract Graphs 12:45 Mads Rosendahl: Higher-Order Chaotic Iteration Sequences 13:15 Geoffrey Burn, Daniel Le Metayer: Proving the Correctness of Compiler Optimisations Based on Strictness Analysis 13:45 Lunch 15:15 Invited Talk Alexander Dikovsky: Abstract Complexity of Prolog Based on WAM 16:15 Coffee Break Session: Narrowing II 16:30 Alexander Letichevsky: Development of Rewriting Strategies 17:00 Maria Alpuente, Moreno Falaschi, Maria Jose Ramis, German Vidal: Narrowing Approximations as an Optimization for Equational Logic Programs 17:30 Coffee and End of PLILP'93 In parallel to the talks, system demonstrations will be organized. ****************************************************************************