 Copyright (C) 1993 Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, Germany
 Projekt  : APPLY - A Practicable And Portable Lisp Implementation
 Funktion : Installation notes for CLiCC

 $Revision: 1.14 $
 $Id: INSTALL,v 1.14 1994/06/23 14:57:59 hk Exp $
 This  file describes  the  system requirements  and  the installation
 procedure for the CLiCC Common Lisp to C compiler.
 See the files README, README.* and COPYRIGHT for further information.
 Look at  src/compiler/README and  lib/README to get information about
 how to use CLiCC.  After installation you should apply  CLiCC  to our
 test suite in src/test. Look at src/test/README for details.
 0. Requirements
 First of all note that you need a  Common Lisp  system to boot CLiCC.
 You also need a C compiler available on your target system,  i.e. the
 machine on which you want to run the executables.  This machine might
 be but of course needs not to be the same as your development system,
 i.e. the machine on which you want to run CLiCC.
 You might compile CLiCC to C, and then use it as an application
 program  with command line arguments. 
 The following is a list of Common Lisp systems we tested to be usable
 for CLiCC to run: 
   - Allegro Common Lisp 4.1 (Franz Inc.)
   - Sun (Lucid) Common Lisp 4.0 (Sun Microsystems Inc., Lucid Inc.)
   - CMU Common Lisp 17c (Carnegie Mellon University)
   - CLISP "August 1993" (Bruno Haible & Michael Stoll)
   - AKCL 1.615 (Austin Kyoto Common Lisp) with September-16-92-PCL-f

 But CLiCC should run on every system which implements Common Lisp as
 described in CLtL1 with additional CLOS support.

 You need an ANSI-C or K&R-C compiler to generate the executables. On
 PC compatible machines you have to use a 32-bit C compiler, preferably
 the GNU-C port of DJ Delorie.
 If you want to use  the makefiles contained in our distribution,  you 
 will  need the  GNU Make Utility  "gmake".  GNU  Make is available on 
 ftp.informatik.uni-kiel.de ( as:
 1. Installation
 These steps generate the CLiCC runtime-system library from the
 precompiled lisp files of the runtime system, which are part of this
 distribution. These are ANSI-C files. You have to recompile them, as
 described below, if you want to use a K&R-C compiler. 
 a) Decide where to  locate the CLiCC root directory, further referred 
    to as $CLICCROOT.  You need approx.  9 MByte  of free  disk  space 
 b) Set the environment variable CLICCROOT to point to this directory.
 c) Locate your Common Lisp system, further referred to as "lisp".
 d) Locate your C compiler,  further referred to as "yourcc". Edit the
      $CLICCROOT/bin/rt   and    $CLICCROOT/bin/cl .
    and change the parameters "CC=gcc" into "CC=yourcc".
 e) Run  $CLICCROOT/bin/rt  to generate the  CLiCC runtime  libraries
    $CLICCROOT/lib/rtc.a  and  $CLICCROOT/lib/rtl.a.  Those libraries
    will be linked with application programs compiled by CLiCC.
 If you want to use a K&R-C compiler or change other qualities of the
 Lisp part of the runtime system, you have to recompile it. Add the
 following steps to the procedure described above:

 d1) If you want to use a K&R-C compiler, edit the file
    and change the line
        (defvar *ANSI-C* T)
        (defvar *ANSI-C* NIL)
 d2) Change to the directory $CLICCROOT/src/compiler.
 d3) Start Common Lisp. Load the file "clcload.lisp". 
    Run (compile-clicc) first and then (ask-runtime). 
    Answer "K" and "A" and take a cup of tea.
         At this point you can  decide to generate separate files for 
         each runtime system function, which will take quite a lot of
         installation  time,  but helps to generate much smaller exe-
         cutables.  If you want  to  split the runtimesystem,  toggle 
         "S)plit" to be "on". Type "K" if splitting has changed
	 relating to the last run of (ask-runtime), before answering
 2. Example Dialogue
 The following  shows an example  dialogue to install CLiCC,  using a
 shell prompting with "% ", and a  Common Lisp system  prompting with
   % mkdir ~/CLiCC
   % setenv CLICCROOT ~/CLiCC
   % cd ~/CLiCC
   % cd src/compiler
   % lisp


   cl> (load "clcload.lisp")
   ; Loading ...


   cl> (compile-clicc)
   ;;; CLiCC, the Common Lisp to C Compiler --- Version 0.6.4
   ;;; Copyright (C) 1994 Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel

   cl> (ask-runtime)
   A)ll L)isp-module I)nline-module 
   P)rint messages is on  S)plit is off  O)nly Pass1 is off  K)ill C-Files 
   choose: K
   A)ll L)isp-module I)nline-module 
   P)rint messages is on  S)plit is off  O)nly Pass1 is off  K)ill C-Files 
   choose: A
   ;;; Initialize Special Forms
   ;;; Initialize System Macros
   ;;; Initialize System Functions
   ;;; Initialize Evaluator
   ;;; Syntactic and semantic analysis
   ;;; File "inline.lisp"


   cl> (exit)
   % $CLICCROOT/bin/rt
   gcc -I/home/karlo/wg/CLiCC/lib -O -c values.c unix.c
   system.c symbols.c structure.c string.c progv.c packages.c number.c 
   list.c keysort.c funcall.c foreign.c file.c environ.c debug.c clos.c
   character.c catch.c array.c


   cp lisp.syntax /home/karlo/wg/CLiCC/lib
   cp lisp.def /home/karlo/wg/CLiCC/lib
   cp inline.h lisp.h /home/karlo/wg/CLiCC/lib