Introduction to UI Programming Projects

In Fall, 1996, 15-621A and 15-499A, "Introduction to UI Programming" was taught in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. The class was divided into nine groups, all of which used Amulet to create a system. The course was taught by Brad Myers and Dan Olsen.

The projects were all implemented using Amulet.

Project Name Students Pictures
(Click to get bigger versions)
1. Game of Life Scott Ballentine
Chris Esko
Lisa Vizer
2. Shufflenoid Game Eric Barnes
Sean Hart
Kendall Spaght
3. Riske' Game Bin Zhou
Rachel Cox
4. Chartit Charting Program

Web Page
Chienhao Chen
Rich Kaylor
Clark Slater
5. FileForest TreeMaps David Crow
Joel Baskin
Scott Kurland
6. Monopoly Game Frank Gualtieri
Rajesh Reddy
7. SoulEdge Maze Game Edwin Rodriquez
Austin Bye
Jin Yong
8. Heuristic Evaluation Tool Jennifer Gutwaks
Hisashi Ota
Thom Verratti
9. Address Book Matthew Hunter
Klhwan Kwon