;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; ;;; This file has been copied from Spanish varg-class.lisp on Sept.20 96 ;;; ;;; ;;; Change Log ;;; ;;; 5 Nov - readded passive rules w/examples - found some warts - WAA ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; #| 1-1 AGENT 2-2 AGENT+BENEFICIARY 3-2 AGENT+BENEFICIARY+COMPLEMENT 4-2 AGENT+COMPLEMENT 5-3 AGENT+GOAL 6-3 AGENT+GOAL+COMPLEMENT 7-4 AGENT+GOAL+THEME 8-5 AGENT+PATIENT 9-5 AGENT+PATIENT+ATTRIBUTE 10-5 AGENT+PATIENT+COMPLEMENT 11-6 AGENT+SOURCE 12-6 AGENT+SOURCE+COMPLEMENT 13-7 AGENT+THEME 14-7 AGENT+THEME+ATTRIBUTE 15-7 AGENT+THEME+COMPLEMENT 16-8 AGENT+THEME+OBJECT 17-15 BENEFICIARY 18-9 EXPERIENCER 19-10 EXPERIENCER+STIMULUS 20-11 EXPERIENCER+THEME 21-12 POSSESSOR+OBJECT 22-13 STIMULUS 23-14 THEME 24-14 THEME+ATTRIBUTE 25-16 THEME+BENEFICIARY 26-17 THEME+COMPARISON-THEME 28-17 THEME+COMPARISON-THEME+COMPLEMENT 27-14 THEME+COMPLEMENT 28-18 THEME+GOAL 29-19 THEME+LOCATIVE 30-20 THEME+OBJECT 31-20 THEME+OBJECT+COMPLEMENT 32-21 THEME+PATH 33-22 THEME+SOURCE 34-23 THEME+SOURCE+COMPARISON-THEME 35-23 THEME+SOURCE+COMPARISON-THEME+COMPLEMENT |# ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 1 ;;; ;;; 1 AGENT ;;; ;;; You cannot have passives with intransitives like "to blink" ;;; ;;; blink backfire cavitate ; VCS: agent+complement seems to be handled by other rules ( :test (:sem (:and ;VCS (:or (argument-class agent) ;VCS (argument-class agent+complement)) ; (:not (topic-role :defined)) ;;; else passives will get messed up ; [no passives here - WAA] )) :map ((agent subj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 2 ;;; ;;; AGENT+BENEFICIARY ;;; AGENT+COMPLEMENT ;;; AGENT+BENEFICIARY+COMPLEMENT ;;; ;;; aid AGENT/AGENT+BENEFICIARY ;;; assist AGENT/AGENT+BENEFICIARY ;;; help AGENT+COMPLEMENT/AGENT+BENEFICIARY+COMPLEMENT ;;; ;;; "the manual helps the operator to dig" (AGENT+BENEFICIARY+COMPLEMENT) ;;; "the manual helps the operator" (AGENT+BENEFICIARY) ;;; "the operator agrees to" (AGENT+COMPLEMENT) ;;; passive mapping w/gapped agent and pronominal object (may need to change) ;;; trasforma "was agreed" normalmente tradotto con "e` stato convenuto" ;;; a "si e` convenuto" (:test (:sem (:and (argument-class agent+complement) (impersonal +) ((agent gapped) +) (object *PRON-IT) (tense past) ) ) :move ((agent agentjunk)) :map ((complement PROP-OGGETTIVA)) :add ((SUBJ (:lex "si-pn")) ; (DIATESI PASSIVA) ; (PASSIVIZER (:lex "essere-v")) ) :consume ((object)) :force-add ((adding tense) (TEMPO PRES) (MODO IND) (COMPOSTO -) ) ) ;;; passive mapping w/gapped agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+beneficiary) (argument-class agent+beneficiary+complement)) (topic-role beneficiary) ((agent gapped) +))) :move ((agent agentjunk)) :map ((beneficiary subj) (complement prop-oggettiva)) ) ;;; passive mapping w/ agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+beneficiary) (argument-class agent+beneficiary+complement)) (topic-role beneficiary) (beneficiary :defined))) :map ((beneficiary subj) (complement prop-oggettiva) (agent (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *))))) ) ;;; canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+beneficiary) (argument-class agent+beneficiary+complement) (argument-class agent+complement) ) ;;VCS (:not (topic-role beneficiary)) (:not (topic-role :defined)) )) :map ((agent subj) (beneficiary d-obj) (complement prop-oggettiva) ) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 3 ;;; ;;; AGENT+GOAL(+COMPLEMENT) ;;; "flag the operator to clear the field" agentgoal+complement ;;; "flash the magnet" agent+goal ;;;passive mapping w/ gapped agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+goal) (argument-class agent+goal+complement)) (topic-role goal) ((agent gapped) +))) :move ((agent agentjunk)) :map ((goal subj) (complement prop-oggettiva)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+goal) (argument-class agent+goal+complement)) (topic-role goal) (goal :defined))) :map ((goal subj) (agent (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *)))) (complement prop-oggettiva) ) ) ;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+goal) (argument-class agent+goal+complement)) (:not (topic-role theme)) ;;this was probably a copy mistake. AMM ;;actually it is ok, the passive can happen ;;that way too. (:not (topic-role goal)))) :map ((agent subj) (goal d-obj) (complement prop-oggettiva)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 4 ;;; ;;; AGENT+GOAL+THEME ;;; ;;; "competition offers the user a choice." ;;; ;;; passive mapping w/ agent ;;; "the user is offered a choice bythe competition." ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class agent+goal+theme) (:or (topic-role theme) (topic-role goal)) (theme :defined) (:not ((agent gapped) +)) (goal :defined))) :map ((theme subj) (agent (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *)))) (goal (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "a"))) (p-obj *)))) ) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ and topic role goal gapped agent ;;; "the user is offered a choice." ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class agent+goal+theme) (topic-role theme) ((agent gapped) +))) :move ((agent agentjunk)) :map ((theme subj) (goal (i-obj ((prep ((cat prep) (root a))) (p-obj *))))) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ topic role goal and gapped agent ;;; ;;; "this is called the NO-FUEL position." ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class agent+goal+theme) (topic-role goal) ((agent gapped) +) (goal :defined) (theme :defined))) :map ((agent agentjunk) (goal subj) (theme d-obj))) ;;;************************************ ;;;canonical mapping ;;; ;;; forma attiva ;;; ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class agent+goal+theme) (:not (topic-role :defined)) ; (goal :defined) ;; will be ; defined. AMM -- not necessarily ; "competition offers a choice" has no ; goal. WAA ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM -- yes WAA )) :map ((agent subj) (theme d-obj) (goal (i-obj ((prep ((cat prep) (root a))) (p-obj *))))) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 5 ;;; ;;; AGENT+PATIENT(+ATTRIBUTE)(+COMPLEMENT) ;;; ;;; the operator paints the tractor. agent+patient ;;; the cat holdsthe wheel tight. ;;; agent+patient+attribute ;;; the fuel enables the engine to start. ;;; agent+patient+complement ;;; passive mapping w/gapped agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+patient) (argument-class agent+patient+complement) (argument-class agent+patient+attribute)) (topic-role patient) (patient :defined) ((agent gapped) +))) :move ((agent agentjunk)) :map ((patient subj) (attribute comp-pred-subj) (complement prop-soggettiva) ) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+patient) (argument-class agent+patient+complement) (argument-class agent+patient+attribute)) (topic-role patient) (patient :defined))) :map ((patient subj) (agent (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *)))) (attribute comp-pred-subj) (complement prop-soggettiva) ) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+patient) (argument-class agent+patient+complement) (argument-class agent+patient+attribute)) (:not (topic-role patient)) ; (patient :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((agent subj) (patient d-obj) (attribute comp-pred-obj) (complement prop-oggettiva) ) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 6 ;;; ;;; AGENT+SOURCE(+COMPLEMENT) ;;; ;;; "depressurize the fuel line." source ;;; "ask the operator to burn the paper." source+complement ;;; passive mapping w/gapped agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+source) (argument-class agent+source+complement)) (topic-role source) (source :defined) ((agent gapped) +))) :move ((agent agentjunk)) :map ((source subj) (complement prop-soggettiva)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+source) (argument-class agent+source+complement)) (topic-role source) (source :defined))) :map ((source subj) (agent (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *)))) (complement prop-soggettiva) ) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+source) (argument-class agent+source+complement)) (:not (topic-role source)) ; (source :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((agent subj) (source d-obj) (complement prop-oggettiva) ) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 7 ;;; ;;; AGENT+THEME(+ATTRIBUTE) (+COMPLEMENT) ;;; ;;; dampen darken ;;; ;;; passive mapping w/gapped agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+theme) (argument-class agent+theme+attribute) (argument-class agent+theme+complement)) (topic-role theme) (theme :defined) ((agent gapped) +))) :move ((agent agentjunk)) ; This will be the gapped stuff :map ((theme subj) (attribute comp-pred-subj) (complement prop-soggettiva) ) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ agent ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+theme) (argument-class agent+theme+attribute) (argument-class agent+theme+complement)) (topic-role theme) (theme :defined))) :map ((theme subj) (agent (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *)))) (attribute comp-pred-subj) (complement prop-soggettiva) ) ) ;;; 05/02/96 enriquet: ;;; SPECIAL RULES FOR START + ING FORM ;;; ;;; rules for start stop begin and company. ;;;; ;;; ** Ho lasciato qui queste regole, ma non le capisco del tutto. ;;; ** WAA ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class agent+theme) ((theme nominal) +)) :syn ((root) "cominciare")) ;;;; <- Add here other verb roots mentione :map ((agent subj) (theme xcomp)) :add ((xcomp ((INF ((ROOT COMPLEMENTIZER?)))))) :force-add ((xcomp ((subj ((TYPE REG) (CAT N) (ROOT GAP!) (ARG ((GENDER MASC) (PERSON 3) (NUMBER SG))) (DET ((CAT DET) (TYPE DEF) (ROOT IL)))))))) :move ( ((theme nominal) (theme nominal-junk)) ((theme mood) (theme mood-junk)) ((theme tense) (theme tense-junk))) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class agent+theme) (argument-class agent+theme+attribute) (argument-class agent+theme+complement)) ;; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((agent subj) (theme d-obj) (attribute comp-pred-obj) (complement prop-oggettiva) ) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 8 ;;; AGENT+THEME+OBJECT ;;; ;;; the only verb in DMK 41002 that has these class is repeat, ;;; and we could not find a way to generate an analysis with ;;; AGENT+THEME+OBJECT. Commented it all out. (AMM-27 Sept 96) ;;; ;;; see DMK, this is here to accomodate ;;; ;;; "the operator repeats the procedure three times", where "three times" ;;; is the OBJECT and "procedure" the THEME (groan). ;;;passive mapping w/ gapped agent ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class agent+theme+object) (topic-role object) (object :defined) ((agent gapped) +))) :move ((agent agentjunk)) :map ((object subj) (theme modifier)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ agent ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class agent+theme+object) (topic-role object) (object :defined) (theme :defined))) :map ((object subj) (theme modifier) (agent (pp ((prep ((cat prep ((root "per"))) (p-obj *))))))) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class agent+theme+object) (topic-role object) (object :defined) (theme :defined) )) :map ((agent subj) (object d-obj) (theme modifier)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 9 ;;; EXPERIENCER ;;; ;;; ;;; It seems that we cannot have passives here. Comment out the ;;; passive protection. AMM ;;; ;;; unico verbo: to suffer, ;;; ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class experiencer) ; (experiencer :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM (:not (topic-role :defined)) ;;; else passives will get messed up )) :map ((experiencer subj))) ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class experiencer) ; (experiencer :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM (topic-role :defined)) ) :move ((experiencer experiencerjunk)) :map ((theme subj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 10 ;;; ;;; EXPERIENCER+STIMULUS ;;; ;;; feel hear sense see ;;; ;;;passive mapping w/ gapped experiencer ;;; "the operator is seen." ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class experiencer+stimulus) (topic-role stimulus) (stimulus :defined) ((experiencer gapped) +))) :move ((experiencer agentjunk)) :map ((stimulus subj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ experiencer ;;; "the engine is seen by the operator." ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class experiencer+stimulus) (topic-role stimulus) (stimulus :defined))) :map ((stimulus subj) (experiencer (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *)))))) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class experiencer+stimulus) (:not (topic-role :defined)) (stimulus :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((experiencer subj) (stimulus d-obj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 11 ;;; EXPERIENCER+THEME ;;; ;;; pass fail ;;; ;;; mappato noiosamente ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class experiencer+theme) (:not (topic-role theme)) ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((experiencer subj) (theme d-obj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ gapped experiencer ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class experiencer+theme) (topic-role theme) (theme :defined) ((experiencer gapped) +))) :move ((experiencer agentjunk)) :map ((theme subj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ experiencer ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class experiencer+theme) (topic-role theme) (theme :defined))) :map ((theme subj) (experiencer (pp ((cat prep ((prep ((root "da"))) (p-obj *))))))) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 12 ;;; ;;; POSSESSOR+OBJECT ;;; lack have ;;; passive mapping w/ gapped possessor ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class possessor+object) (topic-role object) (object :defined) ((possessor gapped) +))) :move ((possessor agentjunk)) :map ((object subj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ possessor ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class possessor+object) (topic-role object) (object :defined))) :map ((object subj) (possessor (pp ((prep ((cat prep ((root "da"))) (p-obj *))))))) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class possessor+object) (:not (topic-role object)) ; (possessor :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM ; (object :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((possessor subj) (object d-obj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 13 ;;; ;;; STIMULUS ;;; ;;; It seems that we cannot have passives here. Comment out the ;;; passive protection. AMM ;;; appeal ;;; ;;; yes, I think no passives here -- WAA ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class stimulus) ; (stimulus :defined) ; (:not (topic-role :defined)) ;;; else passives will get messed up )) :map ((stimulus subj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 14 ;;; ;;; THEME (+COMPLEMENT) (+ATTRIBUTE) ;;; ;;; It seems that we cannot have passives here. Comment out the ;;; passive protection. AMM ;;; ;;; We can: "the engine is being burned" -- WAA ;;; ;;; appear become cease drain fail ... ;;; "the engine failed to run" - theme+complement ;;; "the engine became hot" - theme+attribute ;;; ;;; In italiano sono complementi predicativi del soggetto. ;;; Mapping del passivo gapped "the engine is being burned" ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme) (argument-class theme+attribute) (argument-class theme+complement)) (theme :defined) (topic-role :defined) ((agent gapped) +) )) :map ((theme subj) (attribute comp-pred-subj) (complement prop-soggettiva) ) :move ((agent agentjunk)) ) ;;; Mapping del caso passivo con complemento ;;; "the engine is burned by the fire" ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme) (argument-class theme+complement) (argument-class theme+attribute) ) (theme :defined) (topic-role :defined))) ;;; else passives will get messed up :map ((theme subj) (attribute comp-pred-subj) (complement prop-soggettiva) (agent (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *)))) ) ) ;;; Mapping del caso attivo "the engine burns" ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme) (argument-class theme+attribute) (argument-class theme+complement)) (theme :defined) (topic-role :undefined)) ;; skip passives ) :map ((theme subj) (attribute comp-pred-obj) (complement prop-oggettiva) ) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 15 ;;; ;;; BENEFICIARY ;;; ;;; It seems that we cannot have passives here. Comment out the ;;; passive protection. AMM ;;; ;;; when we have passives they are of the form agent+beneficiary ;;; ;;; aid benefit help assist ;;; ;;; "the operator is assisted" ;;; "the manual helps the operator" ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class beneficiary) (beneficiary :defined) (:not (topic-role :defined)) ;;; else passives will get messed up )) :map ((beneficiary subj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 16 ;;; THEME+BENEFICIARY ;;; ;;; "the operator is benefitted by the engine." <--- CTE ! ;;; "the operator is benefitted" ;;; ;;; passive mapping w/ gapped theme ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+beneficiary) (topic-role beneficiary) (beneficiary :defined) ((theme gapped) +))) :move ((theme agentjunk)) :map ((beneficiary subj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ theme ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+beneficiary) (topic-role beneficiary) (beneficiary :defined))) :map ((beneficiary subj) (theme (pp ((prep ((cat prep ((root "da")))) (p-obj *)))))) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+beneficiary) (:not (topic-role beneficiary)) ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM ; (beneficiary :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((theme subj) (beneficiary d-obj)) ) ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 17 ;;; THEME+COMPARISON-THEME (+COMPLEMENT) ;;; ;;; cost equal overwhelm precede resemble supersede wheigh ;;; ;;; *** Note: I don't know how to generate a complement, so I won't map it for now ;;; - WAA ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme+comparison-theme) (argument-class theme+comparison-theme+complement)) (:not (topic-role comparison-theme)) ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM (comparison-theme :defined))) :map ((theme subj) (comparison-theme d-obj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ gapped theme ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme+comparison-theme) (argument-class theme+comparison-theme+complement)) (topic-role comparison-theme) (comparison-theme :defined) ((theme gapped) +))) :move ((theme agentjunk)) :map ((comparison-theme subj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ theme ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme+comparison-theme) (argument-class theme+comparison-theme+complement)) (topic-role comparison-theme) ; (comparison-theme :defined) )) :map ((comparison-theme subj) (theme (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *))))) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 18 ;;; ;;; THEME+GOAL ;;; attain become constitute date enhance enlarge ;;; passive mapping w/gapped theme ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+goal) (topic-role goal) (goal :defined) ((theme gapped) +))) :move ((theme agentjunk)) :map ((goal subj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ theme ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme+goal) (argument-class theme+goal+complement)) (topic-role goal) (goal :defined))) :map ((goal subj) (theme (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *))))) ) ;;;canonical mapping ;;; "use enhances the instrument." ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme+goal) (argument-class theme+goal+complement)) (:not (topic-role goal)) ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM ; (goal :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((theme subj) (goal d-obj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 19 ;;; ;;; THEME+LOCATIVE ;;; ;;; occupy span surround ;;; ;;; "the engine occupies the shop." - active ;;; "the site is occupied." - passive w/gapped theme ;;; "the ditch is surrounded by trees." - passive w/theme ;;; passive mapping w/gapped theme ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+locative) (topic-role locative) (locative :defined) ((theme gapped) +))) :move ((theme agentjunk)) :map ((locative subj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ theme ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+locative) (topic-role locative) (locative :defined))) :map ((locative subj) (theme (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *))))) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+locative) (:not (topic-role locative)) ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM ; (locative :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((theme subj) (locative d-obj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 20 ;;; ;;; THEME+OBJECT (+COMPLEMENT) ;;; accept accomodate concern ... ;;; ;;; "the engine accepts diesel fuel" theme+object ;;; "the operator requires water to rock."theme+object+complement ;;; passive mapping w/gapped theme ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme+object) (argument-class theme+object+complement)) (topic-role object) (object :defined) ((theme gapped) +))) :move ((theme agentjunk)) :map ((object subj) (complement prop-finale)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/theme ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme+object) (argument-class theme+object+complement)) (topic-role object) (object :defined))) :map ((object subj) (complement prop-finale) (theme (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *))))) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme+object) (argument-class theme+object+complement)) (:not (topic-role object)) ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM ; (object :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((theme subj) (complement prop-finale) (object d-obj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 21 ;;; THEME+PATH ;;; ;;; circle cross negotiate ;;; "the truck crosses the road" ;;; "the plate is crossed by a scratch" ;;; passive mapping w/gapped theme ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+path) (topic-role path) (path :defined) ((theme gapped) +))) :move ((theme agentjunk)) :map ((path subj)) ) ;;;passive mapping w/ theme ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+path) (topic-role path) (path :defined))) :map ((path subj) (theme (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root "da"))) (p-obj *))))) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+path) (:not (topic-role path)) ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM ; (path :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((theme subj) (path d-obj)) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 22 ;;; ;;; THEME+SOURCE ;;; ;;; ask call consult mount poll ;;; ;;; il mapping dipende dal verbo: chiedere A, ma tutti gli altri sono transitivi. ;;; ;;; quando e' passivo cade sotto AGENT o AGENT+SOURCE ;;; ;;; "the operator asks the dealer" ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+source) (:not (topic-role source)) ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM ; (source :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM ) :syn ((root) "chiedere")) :map ((theme subj) (source (pp ((prep ((cat prep) (root a))) (p-obj *))))) ) ;;;canonical mapping ( :test (:sem (:and (argument-class theme+source) (:not (topic-role source)) ; (theme :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM ; (source :defined) ;; will be defined. AMM )) :map ((theme subj) (source d-obj) ) ) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------; ;;; Set 23 ;;; ;;; THEME+SOURCE+COMPARISON-THEME+(COMPLEMENT) ;;; ;;; ??? non ce ne sono ??? #| ( :test (:sem (:and (:or (argument-class theme+source+comparison-theme) (argument-class theme+source+comparison-theme+complement)) (theme :defined) (source :defined) (comparison-theme :defined))) :map ((theme subj) (source (i-obj ((prep ((cat prep) (root a))) (p-obj *)))) (comparison-theme d-obj) (complement ) |# ;;; rimuovere agent-junk -- antiestetico (:test (:sem (AGENTJUNK :defined)) :consume ((AGENTJUNK)))