6. (NUMBER 10). reform legislation is quite good because it puts up public money which financial institutions can get to protect depositors but only if they re-cycle or if you will, write off their bad loans and clean up their balance sheets so they can start to loan money again. ((ROOT BUT-ONLY-IF) (PRE ((ROOT "但是僅當"))) (CAT CONJ)) 但是僅當 7. (NUMBER 10). reform legislation is quite good because it puts up public money which financial institutions can get to protect depositors but only if they re-cycle or if you will, write off their bad loans and clean up their balance sheets so they can start to loan money again. ((OBJ ((CAT GAP))) (CAT VERB) (TGTLEX-CLASS VERB) (ROOT "重整") (VALENCY SUBJ+OBJ) (SUBJ ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "他們") (PERSON THIRD) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE))) (MOOD DECLARATIVE) (TENSE PRESENT) (VOICE ACTIVE)) 他們重整 8. (NUMBER 10). reform legislation is quite good because it puts up public money which financial institutions can get to protect depositors but only if they re-cycle or if you will, write off their bad loans and clean up their balance sheets so they can start to loan money again. ((ROOT OR-IF-YOU-WILL) (PRE ((ROOT "或者說"))) (CAT CONJ)) 或者說 9. (NUMBER 10). reform legislation is quite good because it puts up public money which financial institutions can get to protect depositors but only if they re-cycle or if you will, write off their bad loans and clean up their balance sheets so they can start to loan money again. ((SUBJECT ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "他們") (PERSON THIRD) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE))) (CONJUNCTS (*MULTIPLE* ((OBJ ((UNIT -) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE) (PERSON THIRD) (NUMBER PLURAL) (ROOT "平衡帳表") (TGTLEX-CLASS NOM) (CAT NOUN) (POSSESSOR ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "他們") (PERSON THIRD))))) (CAT VERB) (TGTLEX-CLASS VERB) (ROOT "清除") (VALENCY SUBJ+OBJ) (SUBJ ((CAT GAP))) (MOOD DECLARATIVE) (TENSE PRESENT) (VOICE ACTIVE)) ((OBJECT ((ATTRIBUTE ((CAT ADJ) (TGTLEX-CLASS ADJ) (ROOT "壞") (DEGREE POSITIVE))) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS NOM) (ROOT "貸款") (NUMBER PLURAL) (PERSON THIRD) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE) (UNIT -) (POSSESSOR ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "他們") (PERSON THIRD))))) (CONJUNCTS (*MULTIPLE* ((CAT VERB) (TGTLEX-CLASS VERB) (ROOT "注銷") (MOOD DECLARATIVE) (VOICE ACTIVE)) ((OBJ ((CAT GAP))) (CAT VERB) (TGTLEX-CLASS VERB) (ROOT "重整") (VALENCY SUBJ+OBJ) (SUBJ ((CAT GAP))) (MOOD DECLARATIVE) (VOICE ACTIVE)))) (CONJ ((ROOT OR-IF-YOU-WILL) (PRE ((ROOT "或者說"))) (CAT CONJ)))))) (CONJ ((ROOT AND) (PRE ((ROOT "和"))) (CAT CONJ)))) NIL 10. (NUMBER 10). reform legislation is quite good because it puts up public money which financial institutions can get to protect depositors but only if they re-cycle or if you will, write off their bad loans and clean up their balance sheets so they can start to loan money again. ((ROOT AND) (PRE ((ROOT "和"))) (CAT CONJ)) 和 11. (NUMBER 10). reform legislation is quite good because it puts up public money which financial institutions can get to protect depositors but only if they re-cycle or if you will, write off their bad loans and clean up their balance sheets so they can start to loan money again. ((OBJ ((UNIT -) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE) (PERSON THIRD) (NUMBER PLURAL) (ROOT "平衡帳表") (TGTLEX-CLASS NOM) (CAT NOUN) (POSSESSOR ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "他們") (PERSON THIRD))))) (CAT VERB) (TGTLEX-CLASS VERB) (ROOT "清除") (VALENCY SUBJ+OBJ) (SUBJ ((CAT GAP))) (MOOD DECLARATIVE) (TENSE PRESENT) (VOICE ACTIVE)) 清除他們的平衡帳表 ;;-- (NUMBER 34). I mean it's not very clear, what have you heard or what do you understand? ((PREDICATE ((DEGREE POSITIVE) (ROOT "清楚") (TGTLEX-CLASS ADJ) (CAT ADJ) (MANNER ((CAT ADV) (TGTLEX-CLASS ADV) (ROOT "很") (DEGREE POSITIVE))))) (CAT VERB) (TGTLEX-CLASS VERB) (ROOT "是") (SUBCAT BE) (VALENCY SUBJ+PREDICATE) (SUBJ ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "它") (PERSON THIRD) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE))) (MOOD DECLARATIVE) (TENSE PRESENT) (NEGATION +) (VOICE ACTIVE)) 它不是很清楚 21. (NUMBER 34). I mean it's not very clear, what have you heard or what do you understand? ((OBJ ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "什麼") (PERSON THIRD) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE))) (CAT VERB) (TGTLEX-CLASS VERB) (ROOT "聽說") (SUBJ ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "你") (PERSON SECOND) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE))) (MOOD INTERROGATIVE) (TENSE PRESENT) (VOICE ACTIVE)) 你聽說什麼 22. (NUMBER 34). I mean it's not very clear, what have you heard or what do you understand? ((OBJ ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "什麼") (PERSON THIRD) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE))) (CAT VERB) (TGTLEX-CLASS VERB) (ROOT "瞭解") (SUBJ ((SUBCAT PRON) (CAT NOUN) (TGTLEX-CLASS PRON) (ROOT "你") (PERSON SECOND) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE))) (MOOD DECLARATIVE) (TENSE PRESENT) (VOICE ACTIVE)) 你瞭解什麼