SENTENCES: US President Bill Clinton warns Tokyo its latest 24 million yen stimulus package may not be enough to get the economy back on it's feet. 比爾-柯林頓警告東京它最近2400萬美圓刺激方案可能不是足夠恢復經濟. Meanwhile, "corporate Japan" is looking bleak. 同時日本公司看起來蒼白. Profits at banks, car makers and telecoms are all down. 在銀行汽車製造商和電訊的利潤是下降. Jakarta and Bangkok are shining the most. 雅加達和曼谷最閃亮. US president Bill Clinton issues a warning to japan at the end of his 2 day visit there. 美國總統比爾-柯林頓在那裡發出對日本在他2天訪問的最後的警告. Earlier Friday, Clinton held summit talks with Japanese Prime Minister, Kaysa Obachi. 星期五早些時候柯林頓舉行與日本首相小淵惠三的高峰會談. At a press conference shortly afterwards, Clinton praised Tokyo's efforts to try and kick-start it's recession hit economy but warned that it's new 200 billion dollar stimulus package may not be enough to drag the economy out of recession. 在記者會,柯林頓稱讚東京的試圖啟動這衰退經濟的努力,但是警告這新2000億美圓刺激方案可能不是足夠使經濟脫離衰退. Japan is unlikely to adopt any more stimulus spending measures soon despite that U.S. pressure. 盡管那美國壓力,日本是不可能近來採納更多刺激消費措施. That is the word from the country's top economic planner. 那是來自國家的高層經濟企劃者的話. Japan's Finance Minister says no to a cut in the sales tax. 日本的財務大臣對在銷售稅上的降低說不. Summers said changes would be desirable, but did not elaborate. 桑默斯說變化是好的,但是沒有詳談. Brian is Managing Director at Tokai Asia in Hong Kong and joins us from our studios there. 布萊恩是在位于香港的亞洲東海的董事總經理,從我們在那裡工作室加入我們. Sounds like a stand off? 聽起來像疏遠? In the U.S., we are seeing signs of increasing protectionist pressure. 在美國,我們看到正在增加保護主義壓力的跡象. This is a highly politicised process. 這是高度政治化過程. Well it's hard to come up with a hard and fast impact on the economy. 難以達到在經濟上的有力和迅速影響. The problem is consumer confidence remains so low that some portion or all of the savings in consumption tax may actually go into savings and not filter through the economy. 消費者的信心仍是這樣低,一些部分或者在消費稅上的全部積蓄實際上可能走進入積蓄,而不是通過經濟滲透. So it's not necessarily given that a cut in the consumption tax will lead to the hoped for boost in consumption. 那麼在消費稅上的降低將導致到在消費上的所期望的提高不是必定的. For the full year to March, the bank is forecasting a pre-tax profit of 70 billion yen. 對全年到三月,銀行預計700億日圓的稅前利潤. The new shares will be allocated to members of BTM's group. 新股票將被配置到BTM的集團的成員. And Sakura Bank meanwhile suffers a major set back. 同時櫻花痛苦地經歷嚴重萎縮. Like Bank Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Sakura is planning a share issue to build up it's capital base. 像東京三菱銀行,櫻花計劃建立它總部基地的發行股票. It had originally hoped to raise 350 billion yen through the issue but Sakura was forced to adjust that figure to just 86 billion yen after Toyota withdrew from the share placement. 它原本希望通過發行/問題籌措3500億日圓,但是在豐田從股票配置退出之後,櫻花被強迫調整那數目到剛剛860億日圓. Meanwhile, Sakura reported interim pre-tax profits of 25.2 billion yen or up 17.75 billion yen from a year ago. 櫻花提列252億日圓或者多出177.5億日圓從前年的暫定稅前利潤. The contraction came as a surprise. 萎縮令人意外. US Deputy Commerce Secretary, Lawrence Summers earlier Friday urged Japanese policy makers to consider a review of the sales tax. 美國副商務部長勞倫斯-桑默斯星期五早些時候敦促日本政策制定者考慮銷售稅的檢討. The Straits Times Index managing nearly a 2.5% gain. 海峽時報指數努力達到大約2.5%增長. ----------------------------------------------------------------- CHUNKS: reform legislation is quite good 改革法案是很好的 because it puts up public money 因為它釋出公共資金 which financial institutions can get 金融機構可能獲得它 to protect depositors 保護存款人 but only if 但是僅當 they re-cycle or if you will, write off their bad loans and clean up their balance sheets 他們重整,或者說注銷他們壞貸款,清除他們平衡帳表 so they can start to loan money again. 那麼他們可能開始重新放貸資金 Economic Planning Agency Director General, Taichi Saikia says 經企廳長官界屋太一說 Japan will definitely post positive growth next year after the latest package 下一年日本在最近方案之後必定將出現正增長 and he says 他說 a fourth supplementary budget is in his words, hard to consider at this point. 第四附加預算在這點用他的話來說是難考慮 Most economists doubt Japan's economy will grow next year, despite the government's latest stimulus package 大部分經濟學家懷疑下一年盡管政府的刺激方案,日本的經濟將增長 unveiled earlier this week. 早些時候宣布這星期 The EPA Japan says basically 日本經企廳說 well too bad, 太壞 that's about all 那是全部 we can or want to cough up at this stage. 我們能夠或者願意拿出在這階段 Steel groups obviously expressing their concern about Japanese dumping 鋼鐵業明顯表示他們關於日本傾銷的關注 and with the US merchandise trade deficit set to expand to about 300 billion US dollars next year, 並且美國的貿易逆差下一年擴大到約3000億美國美圓 it's understandable that Clinton is going to be making this point. 柯林頓將會提出這點是可理解的 But 但是 beyond that, 除那之外 obviously 明顯 so much more needs to be done in terms of the actual restructuring and deregulation of the economy, 更多事需要是 it's natural that Clinton would be making these points. 柯林頓提出這些點是自然的 it seems to have become a very controversial issue over the last few days or so. 它似乎在最近幾日子成為很具爭議性發行/問題 I mean it's not very clear, 它不是很清楚 what have you heard 你聽說什麼? or 或者 what do you understand? 你瞭解什麼? Our sense is that these are still proposals, 我們感覺是這些仍然是提議 nothing has been finalised, 沒有被確定 this is all subject to debate and final approval in the diet. 這在國會是有待討論和最後批准 BTM plans to raise 300 billion yen via the issue. BTM計劃通過發行/問題籌措3000億日圓 Well Singapore's non-oil exports tumbled in October, 新加坡的非石油出口在十月下滑 they fell almost 5% in nominal terms from a year ago, 他們下滑在來自前年的面值項的百分之5 Most people seem to think that the government is willing to let it depreciate further, 大部分人似乎認為政府是願意讓它進一步貶值 will that not help? 將沒有幫助? Seoul's composite index seeing it's biggest ever daily trading volume Friday, 漢城的綜合指數星期五看到它歷來最大單日成交量 242 million shares changing hands. 24200萬股票交換手 In Jakarta, 在雅加達 a late burst of energy sending the composite index above 4000 for the first time in 3 months. 能量的後來突增送綜合指數超過4000對在3月的第一次 And in Manila, 在馬尼拉 the 30 share index there jumping 1.25% to it's highest in 4 months. 在那裡30股指數上漲百分之1.25到這在4月的最高點