1.*PN-JAKARTA *PROP-BANGKOK? 2.Efs :(TIME +) => IR 3.(node :rules ((:lex ""))) lex->syntactic lexical entry->template if a word (same lexeme) has different POS? 4.(TGTLEX-CLASS NOM-M) generated by the code? 5. dummy-nodes? ---- Apr, 17: keep most of the features(keep as much information as possible, reuse the sem gen rules): attribute title q-modifier: np-modifier (lost some information useful in gener) (:map ((attribute (attribute *)))) (:map ((title title))) ---- one english word(same POS) --> more than one chinese word is it possible: the :lex depends on the IR A: test the IR in rules!!! (node "ella-n" :parents PRON :encodes (*PRON-SHE) :rules ((:lex "ella-pn" ) (:test (:sem (:or (:up vital-sign-O) (:up condition-O) (:up treatment-O) (:up point-event-O) ;; just coincidentally ) ) :add ((OMIT +)) ;; don't generate it ???ADD IN FS??? ) (:test (:sem (:up *G-COORDINATION)) :add ((MAYBE-OMIT +)) ;; maybe don't generate it ) ) ) ---- ?? g-coordination lexical nodes: the node name for *AAAAAA is ?AAAAA, but what is for :multiple ?? --- (node ?PROP-BILL-CLINTON :PARENTS (NOUN) :ENCODES (*PROP-BILL-CLINTON) :RULES ((:LEX "¤ñº¸-¬_ªL¹y"))) (node ?PN-LAWRENCE-SUMMERS :PARENTS (NOUN) :ENCODES (*PN-LAWRENCE-SUMMERS) :RULES ((:LEX "³Ò­Û´µ-®áÀq´µ"))) ---- apr 22 (CONJUNCTION AND) (CONJUNCTION (*CONJ-AND))))) difference? --- apr 24 *EXPL-IT ? POS? -- (NUMBER 38). members of btm's group (*O-MEMBER (UNIT -) (NUMBER PLURAL) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE) (PERSON THIRD) (Q-MODIFIER (*K-OF (OBJECT (*O-GROUP (UNIT -) (NUMBER SINGULAR) (REFERENCE NO-REFERENCE) (PERSON THIRD) (POSSESSOR (*PN-IN-ROOT (NUMBER SINGULAR) (IMPLIED-REFERENCE +) (PERSON THIRD) (UNIT -))))))))