USER> (print-ilts "ilt-out.lisp") "Dipsticks" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.045 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*O-DIPSTICK (NUMBER PL) (HEADING +)) "New Dipsticks With \"FULL RANGE\" Readings" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.115 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "new") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT HAS-PART) (OBJ ((SEM *O-READING) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "reading") (CAT N) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["range"]) (ROOT "full range"))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*O-DIPSTICK (NUMBER PL) (HEADING +) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-NEW)) (HAS-PART (*O-READING (NUMBER PL) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "full range")))))) "The new dipsticks are for the rear sump and the front sump." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.198 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ARE) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "new") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (PP ((ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT PURPOSE) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-SUMP) (ROOT "sump") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "front") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) ((SEM *O-SUMP) (ROOT "sump") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "rear") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-DIPSTICK (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-NEW)))) (PURPOSE (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-SUMP (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FRONT))) (*O-SUMP (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-REAR))))))) "These dipsticks are used with their respective oil pans." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.145 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (FORM ARE) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT COFACTOR) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OIL-PAN) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "pan") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "their") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "respective") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (PATIENT (*O-DIPSTICK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +))) (COFACTOR (*O-OIL-PAN (PERSON THIRD) (NUMBER PL) (POSSESSIVE +) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-RESPECTIVE))))) "These oil pans are used in truck applications with set-back axles." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.253 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (FORM ARE) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-OIL-PAN) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "pan") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-APPLICATION) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "application") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 65) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "truck") (SEM *O-TRUCK) (SEMSLOT TYPE))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT HAS-PART) (OBJ ((SEM *O-AXLE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "axle") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "set-back") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (PATIENT (*O-OIL-PAN (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +))) (LOCATION (*O-APPLICATION (NUMBER PL) (TYPE (*O-TRUCK)) (HAS-PART (*O-AXLE (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SET-BACK))))))) "The new dipsticks are different because they have a \"FULL RANGE\" mark." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.167 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ARE) (CAT V) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "have") (FORM ROOTFORM) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "because") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "they"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MARK) (ROOT "mark") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["range"]) (ROOT "full range"))))))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "new") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "different") (CAT ADJ)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (REASON (*E-HAVE (MOOD DEC) (POSSESSOR (*PRON (PERSON THIRD) (NUMBER PL))) (OBJECT (*O-MARK (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "full range"))))))) (THEME (*O-DIPSTICK (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-NEW)))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-DIFFERENT))) "Other dipsticks have the traditional \"FULL\" mark." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.139 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "have") (FORM ROOTFORM) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "other") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MARK) (ROOT "mark") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["full"]) (ROOT "full"))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "traditional") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-HAVE (MOOD DEC) (POSSESSOR (*O-DIPSTICK (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-OTHER)))) (OBJECT (*O-MARK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "full"))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-TRADITIONAL))))) "These dipsticks are used with truck engines that are installed at various angles and at various slants." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.519 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (FORM ARE) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT COFACTOR) (OBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-TRUCK-ENGINE) (REL-CL ((PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM ARE) (ROOT "install") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT SET-PP) (CAT P) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEMSLOT LOCATION) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SLANT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "slant") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "various") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) ((SEMSLOT LOCATION) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ANGLE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "angle") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "various") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (PATIENT (*O-DIPSTICK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +))) (COFACTOR (*O-TRUCK-ENGINE (NUMBER PL) (PROPOSITION (*E-INSTALL (PASSIVE +) (COORDINATION (*PP-COORDINATION (AND-COORDINATION +) (LOCATION (*O-SLANT (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-VARIOUS)))) (LOCATION (*O-ANGLE (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-VARIOUS))))))))))) "[The angle is the front-to-back tilt and the slant is the sideways tilt.]" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.314 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((PARENTHETICAL +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "and") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-SLANT) (ROOT "slant") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TILT) (ROOT "tilt") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "sideways") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-ANGLE) (ROOT "angle") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TILT) (ROOT "tilt") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "front-to-back") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (PARENTHETICAL +) (SEQUENTIAL-EVENT (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-SLANT (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PREDICATE (*O-TILT (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SIDEWAYS)))))) (THEME (*O-ANGLE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PREDICATE (*O-TILT (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FRONT-TO-BACK))))) "Calibration" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.039 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-CALIBRATION) (ROOT "calibration") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-CALIBRATION (HEADING +)) "Use the following procedure in order to calibrate \"FULL RANGE\" dipsticks." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.132 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (POST-MOD ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "calibrate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "in-order-to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["range"]) (ROOT "full range"))))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PROCEDURE) (ROOT "procedure") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "following") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD IMP) (PURPOSE (*E-CALIBRATE (THEME (*O-DIPSTICK (NUMBER PL) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "full range"))))))) (PATIENT (*O-PROCEDURE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FOLLOWING))))) "It is convenient to calibrate the dipstick at the first oil change." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.203 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SCOMP ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "calibrate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT TIME-POINT) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 40) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "change") (SEM *O-OIL-CHANGE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "first") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "it"))) (ADJ ((ROOT "convenient") (CAT ADJ)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*PRON (PERSON THIRD) (NUMBER SG) (GENDER NEUTRAL))) (EVENT (*E-CALIBRATE (THEME (*O-DIPSTICK (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (TIME-POINT (*O-OIL-CHANGE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FIRST)))))) (PREDICATED-OF-EVENT (*P-CONVENIENT))) "Consult the \"PM Level 1\" entry of the \"Maintenance Management Schedule\" section of this publication for the proper oil change interval." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.381 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "consult") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ENTRY) (ROOT "entry") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-SECTION) (ROOT "section") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-PUBLICATION) (ROOT "publication") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["schedule"]) (ROOT "maintenance management schedule"))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["1"]) (ROOT "pm level 1"))))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SEARCH-FOR) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OIL-CHANGE-INTERVAL) (ROOT "interval") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "proper") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-CONSULT (MOOD IMP) (PATIENT (*O-ENTRY (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-SECTION (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-PUBLICATION (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "maintenance management schedule"))))) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "pm level 1"))))) (SEARCH-FOR (*O-OIL-CHANGE-INTERVAL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PROPER))))) "The following procedure has two purposes:" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.102 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((COLON +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "have") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "procedure") (SEM *O-PROCEDURE) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "following") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PURPOSE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "purpose") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "two") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-HAVE (MOOD DEC) (COLON +) (POSSESSOR (*O-PROCEDURE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FOLLOWING)))) (OBJECT (*O-PURPOSE (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-TWO))))) "= verifying the \"ADD\" mark" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.109 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GERUNDIVE +) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "verify") (FORM PRESPART) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MARK) (ROOT "mark") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["add"]) (ROOT "add")))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-VERIFY (HYPHEN +) (GERUNDIVE +) (PATIENT (*O-MARK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "add")))))) "= establishing the actual \"FULL\" mark" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.095 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GERUNDIVE +) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "establish") (FORM PRESPART) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MARK) (ROOT "mark") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["full"]) (ROOT "full"))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "actual") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-ESTABLISH (HYPHEN +) (GERUNDIVE +) (THEME (*O-MARK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "full"))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ACTUAL))))) "NOTE: The truck must be parked on a level surface." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.228 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "park") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (LABEL ((SEM *O-NOTE) (ROOT "note") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (SUBJ ((TRIETRANS 65) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "truck") (SEM *O-TRUCK) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SURFACE) (ROOT "surface") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "level") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (MODAL ((CAT ANOM.FIN.) (ROOT "must")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-PARK (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (MODAL NECESSITY) (COMPULSION +) (LABEL (*O-NOTE)) (THEME (*O-TRUCK (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (LOCATION (*O-SURFACE (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-LEVEL))))) "1. Operate the engine until the engine reaches normal operating temperature." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.240 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (ROOT "operate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "reach") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "until"))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 43) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "operating") (SEM *O-OPERATING) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "normal") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-OPERATE (MOOD IMP) (NUMBER-BULLET 1) (UNTIL-EVENT (*E-REACH (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (GOAL (*O-TEMPERATURE (BELONGS-TO (*O-OPERATING)) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-NORMAL)))))) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "2. Stop the engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.085 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "stop") (FORM ROOTFORM) (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-STOP (MOOD IMP) (NUMBER-BULLET 2) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "Drain the oil and change the oil filter." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.161 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (ROOT "drain") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (POST-MOD ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "change") (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OIL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 39) (CAT N) (ROOT "oil") (SEM *O-OIL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-DRAIN (MOOD IMP) (SEQUENTIAL-EVENT (*E-CHANGE (MOOD IMP) (THEME (*O-OIL-FILTER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (THEME (*O-OIL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "3. Fill the crankcase with 32 US quarts [30.3 liters] of oil." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.576 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "fill") (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 3) (CAT NUMBER))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-CRANKCASE) (ROOT "crankcase") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT COFACTOR) (OBJ ((SEM *O-US-QUART) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "quart") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (OF ((TRIETRANS 39) (CAT N) (ROOT "oil") (SEM *O-OIL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-LITER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "liter") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 3) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 30) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 32) (CAT NUMBER)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-FILL (MOOD IMP) (NUMBER-BULLET 3) (THEME (*O-CRANKCASE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (COFACTOR (*UNITS (OBJECT (*O-OIL)) (METRIC (*O-LITER (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (DECIMAL 3) (INTEGER 30))))) (ENGLISH (*O-US-QUART (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 32)))))))) "BrakeSaver models require 36 quarts [34 liters]." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.127 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "require") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-MODEL) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "model") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-BRAKESAVER) (ROOT "brakesaver") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT TYPE))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-QUART) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "quart") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-LITER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "liter") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 34) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 36) (CAT NUMBER)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-REQUIRE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-MODEL (NUMBER PL) (TYPE (*O-BRAKESAVER)))) (OBJECT (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-LITER (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 34))))) (ENGLISH (*O-QUART (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 36)))))))) "NOTE: Remote-mounted filters or auxiliary filters require additional oil." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.159 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "require") (FORM ROOTFORM) (LABEL ((SEM *O-NOTE) (ROOT "note") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (SUBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-FILTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "auxiliary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) ((SEM *O-REMOTE-MOUNTED-FILTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "or"))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 39) (CAT N) (ROOT "oil") (SEM *O-OIL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "additional") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-REQUIRE (MOOD DEC) (LABEL (*O-NOTE)) (AGENT (*COORDINATION (OR-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-FILTER (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-AUXILIARY))) (*O-REMOTE-MOUNTED-FILTER (NUMBER PL))))) (OBJECT (*O-OIL (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ADDITIONAL))))) "For information on auxiliary oil filters, consult the instructions from the OEM or from the manufacturer." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.325 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "consult") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-PP ((ROOT "for") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INFORMATION) (ROOT "information") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT TEXT-REFERENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OIL-FILTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "auxiliary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INSTRUCTION) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "instruction") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT SET-PP) (CAT P) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEMSLOT SOURCE) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MANUFACTURER) (ROOT "manufacturer") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) ((SEMSLOT SOURCE) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OEM) (ROOT "oem") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "or")))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-CONSULT (MOOD IMP) (PURPOSE (*O-INFORMATION (TEXT-REFERENT (*O-OIL-FILTER (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-AUXILIARY)))))) (PATIENT (*O-INSTRUCTION (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (COORDINATION (*PP-COORDINATION (OR-COORDINATION +) (SOURCE (*O-MANUFACTURER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (SOURCE (*O-OEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))))) "4. Start the engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.084 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (ROOT "start") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 4) (CAT NUMBER))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-START (MOOD IMP) (NUMBER-BULLET 4) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "Operate the engine until the engine reaches normal operating temperature." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.223 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (ROOT "operate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "reach") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "until"))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 43) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "operating") (SEM *O-OPERATING) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "normal") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-OPERATE (MOOD IMP) (UNTIL-EVENT (*E-REACH (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (GOAL (*O-TEMPERATURE (BELONGS-TO (*O-OPERATING)) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-NORMAL)))))) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "Stop the engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.057 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "stop") (FORM ROOTFORM) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-STOP (MOOD IMP) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "5. Allow the oil to drain into the sump for a minimum of 30 minutes." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.470 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (ROOT "allow") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE XCOMP) (FORM ROOTFORM) (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 5) (CAT NUMBER))) (XCOMP ((GAP -) (ROOT "drain") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (PP (*MULTIPLE* ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT TIME-EXTENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MINIMUM) (ROOT "minimum") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-MINUTE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "minute") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 30) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET)))))) ((GAP -) (ROOT "into") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SUMP) (ROOT "sump") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 39) (CAT N) (ROOT "oil") (SEM *O-OIL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-ALLOW (MOOD IMP) (NUMBER-BULLET 5) (THEME (*O-OIL (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (EVENT (*E-DRAIN (GOAL (*O-SUMP (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (TIME-EXTENT (*O-MINIMUM (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (OBJECT (*UNITS (ENGLISH (*O-MINUTE (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 30)))))))))))) "6. Remove the dipstick." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.092 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "remove") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 6) (CAT NUMBER))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-REMOVE (MOOD IMP) (NUMBER-BULLET 6) (THEME (*O-DIPSTICK (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "The oil level should be at the \"ADD\" mark." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.155 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "be") (SUBJ ((SEM *O-LEVEL) (ROOT "level") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 39) (CAT N) (ROOT "oil") (SEM *O-OIL) (SEMSLOT TYPE) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (PP ((ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MARK) (ROOT "mark") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["add"]) (ROOT "add"))))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (THEME (*O-LEVEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (TYPE (*O-OIL)))) (LOCATION (*O-MARK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "add")))))) "If the oil level is not at the \"ADD\" mark, mark the actual level on the dipstick." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.320 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "mark") (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (NEGATION +) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "level") (SEM *O-LEVEL) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 39) (CAT N) (ROOT "oil") (SEM *O-OIL) (SEMSLOT TYPE) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MARK) (ROOT "mark") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["add"]) (ROOT "add"))))))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LEVEL) (ROOT "level") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "actual") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-MARK (MOOD IMP) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (THEME (*O-LEVEL (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (TYPE (*O-OIL)))) (LOCATION (*O-MARK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "add"))))))) (THEME (*O-LEVEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ACTUAL)) (LOCATION (*O-DIPSTICK (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "This is the correct \"ADD\" mark." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.174 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((ROOT "this") (CAT PRON.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MARK) (ROOT "mark") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["add"]) (ROOT "add"))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "correct") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THIS))) (PREDICATE (*O-MARK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "add"))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-CORRECT))))) "7. Add an additional 4 US quarts [3.8 liters] of oil to the sump." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.301 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "add") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 7) (CAT NUMBER))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-US-QUART) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "quart") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (OF ((TRIETRANS 39) (CAT N) (ROOT "oil") (SEM *O-OIL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-LITER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "liter") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 8) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 3) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 4) (CAT NUMBER))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "additional") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT GOAL) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SUMP) (ROOT "sump") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-ADD (MOOD IMP) (NUMBER-BULLET 7) (THEME (*UNITS (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ADDITIONAL)) (OBJECT (*O-OIL)) (METRIC (*O-LITER (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (DECIMAL 8) (INTEGER 3))))) (ENGLISH (*O-US-QUART (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 4))))))) (GOAL (*O-SUMP (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "Wait until the oil has drained into the sump." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.266 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "wait") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (PERFECT +) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "drain") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (GAP -) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "until"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "into") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SUMP) (ROOT "sump") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-OIL) (ROOT "oil") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (TRIETRANS 39) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-WAIT (MOOD IMP) (UNTIL-EVENT (*E-DRAIN (MOOD DEC) (PERFECT +) (GOAL (*O-SUMP (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (AGENT (*O-OIL (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "Again, check the level on the dipstick." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.140 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "check") (PRE-MOD-ADV ((ROOT "again") (CAT ADV))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LEVEL) (ROOT "level") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-CHECK (MOOD IMP) (EVENT-FREQUENCY &AGAIN) (PATIENT (*O-LEVEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (LOCATION (*O-DIPSTICK (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "8. This is the correct \"FULL\" mark on the dipstick." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.178 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 8) (CAT NUMBER))) (SUBJ ((ROOT "this") (CAT PRON.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MARK) (ROOT "mark") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["full"]) (ROOT "full"))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "correct") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (NUMBER-BULLET 8) (THEME (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THIS))) (PREDICATE (*O-MARK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "full"))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-CORRECT)) (LOCATION (*O-DIPSTICK (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "If this is not the correct \"FULL\" mark, mark the new \"FULL\" level on the dipstick." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.262 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "mark") (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (NEGATION +) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((ROOT "this") (CAT PRON.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MARK) (ROOT "mark") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["full"]) (ROOT "full"))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "correct") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LEVEL) (ROOT "level") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["full"]) (ROOT "full"))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "new") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.06 seconds real time: (*E-MARK (MOOD IMP) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (THEME (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THIS))) (PREDICATE (*O-MARK (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "full"))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-CORRECT)))))) (THEME (*O-LEVEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "full"))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-NEW)) (LOCATION (*O-DIPSTICK (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "This procedure may be used with the non-spacer-plate oil pan or the spacer-plate oil pan." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.244 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "use") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-PROCEDURE) (ROOT "procedure") (CAT N) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT COFACTOR) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-SPACER-PLATE-OIL-PAN) (ROOT "pan") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))) ((SEM *O-NON-SPACER-PLATE-OIL-PAN) (ROOT "pan") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "or"))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "may") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (MODAL POSSIBILITY) (PATIENT (*O-PROCEDURE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))) (COFACTOR (*COORDINATION (OR-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-SPACER-PLATE-OIL-PAN (REFERENCE DEFINITE)) (*O-NON-SPACER-PLATE-OIL-PAN (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "Sump capacities and oil levels are identical for each oil pan." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.222 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ARE) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-LEVEL) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "level") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 39) (CAT N) (ROOT "oil") (SEM *O-OIL) (SEMSLOT TYPE) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) ((SEM *O-CAPACITY) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "capacity") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-SUMP) (ROOT "sump") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT TYPE)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "identical") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((ROOT "for") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OIL-PAN) (ROOT "pan") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "each") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.12 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-LEVEL (NUMBER PL) (TYPE (*O-OIL))) (*O-CAPACITY (NUMBER PL) (TYPE (*O-SUMP)))))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-IDENTICAL (PURPOSE (*O-OIL-PAN (ATTRIBUTE (*P-EACH))))))) "Any \"FULL RANGE\" dipstick for the 3406B truck engine can be calibrated with this procedure." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.437 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "calibrate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-DIPSTICK) (ROOT "dipstick") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["range"]) (ROOT "full range"))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "any") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TRUCK-ENGINE) (ROOT "engine") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (SERIAL-MOD ((SEM *O-3406B) (ROOT "3406b") (CAT N) (SERIAL-NUMBER +) (COUNT +))))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT INSTRUMENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PROCEDURE) (ROOT "procedure") (CAT N) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-CALIBRATE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (MODAL ABILITY) (THEME (*O-DIPSTICK (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "full range"))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ANY)) (BELONGS-TO (*O-TRUCK-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (SERIAL-NUMBER-CONCEPT (*O-3406B)))))) (INSTRUMENT (*O-PROCEDURE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +)))) "Minimizing Fuel Problems In Cold Weather Operation" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.216 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GERUNDIVE +) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "minimize") (FORM PRESPART) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-PROBLEM) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "problem") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OPERATION) (ROOT "operation") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-MINIMIZE (HEADING +) (GERUNDIVE +) (THEME (*O-FUEL-PROBLEM (NUMBER PL) (CONDITION (*O-OPERATION (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER))))))) "Caterpillar truck engines can operate in cold weather." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.148 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "operate") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-TRUCK-ENGINE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "engine") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SOURCE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-OPERATE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (AGENT (*O-TRUCK-ENGINE (NUMBER PL) (SOURCE (*O-CATERPILLAR)))) (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER))) "However, you must use the correct type of fuel in order to operate your engine in cold weather." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.233 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "however"))) (POST-MOD ((GAP -) (ROOT "operate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CNCT ((ROOT "in-order-to"))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "your") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((CAT ANOM.FIN.) (ROOT "must"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TYPE) (ROOT "type") (CAT N) (OF ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "correct") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (DISCOURSE-COHESION &HOWEVER) (MODAL NECESSITY) (COMPULSION +) (PURPOSE (*E-OPERATE (THEME (*O-ENGINE (PERSON SECOND) (POSSESSIVE +))) (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER)))) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*O-TYPE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL)) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-CORRECT))))) "Cold weather affects the flow of fuel through fuel-related components." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.216 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "affect") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "weather") (SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FLOW) (ROOT "flow") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "through") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT PATH) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COMPONENT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "component") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "fuel-related") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-AFFECT (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-COLD-WEATHER (NUMBER SG))) (PATIENT (*O-FLOW (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL)) (PATH (*O-COMPONENT (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FUEL-RELATED))))))) "This section explains some fuel problems that can occur during cold weather operation." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.320 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "explain") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "section") (SEM *O-SECTION) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))))) (OBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "problem") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-FUEL-PROBLEM) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "some") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (REL-CL ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "occur") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "during") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT DURING-EVENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OPERATION) (ROOT "operation") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-EXPLAIN (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-SECTION (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))) (PATIENT (*O-FUEL-PROBLEM (NUMBER PL) (PROPOSITION (*E-OCCUR (MODAL ABILITY) (DURING-EVENT (*O-OPERATION (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER)))))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SOME))))) "This section also explains steps that can minimize these problems." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.197 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "explain") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "section") (SEM *O-SECTION) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))))) (ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "also"))) (OBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "step") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-STEP) (REL-CL ((FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "minimize") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PROBLEM) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "problem") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-EXPLAIN (MOOD DEC) (EVENT-CONTRAST &ALSO) (AGENT (*O-SECTION (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))) (PATIENT (*O-STEP (NUMBER PL) (PROPOSITION (*E-MINIMIZE (MODAL ABILITY) (THEME (*O-PROBLEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +)))))))) "Effect of Cold Weather on Fuel" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.149 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-EFFECT) (ROOT "effect") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT THEME) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*O-EFFECT (HEADING +) (OBJECT (*O-COLD-WEATHER)) (THEME (*O-FUEL))) "In the United States and Canada, two types of diesel fuel are available for your truck engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.317 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM ARE) (ROOT "be") (PRE-MOD-PP ((ROOT "in") (CAT P) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-CANADA) (ROOT "canada") (CAT N) (COUNT -)) ((COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "states") (SEM *O-UNITED-STATES) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))))) (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "type") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-TYPE) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "two") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (OF ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "available") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((ROOT "for") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TRUCK-ENGINE) (ROOT "engine") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "your") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.24 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (LOCATION (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-CANADA) (*O-UNITED-STATES (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (THEME (*O-TYPE (NUMBER PL) (OBJECT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL)) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-TWO)))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-AVAILABLE (PURPOSE (*O-TRUCK-ENGINE (PERSON SECOND) (POSSESSIVE +)))))) "These types are grade No. 1 and grade No. 2." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.346 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ARE) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "type") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-TYPE) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-GRADE) (ROOT "grade") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER)))))) ((SEM *O-GRADE) (ROOT "grade") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER)))))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-TYPE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +))) (PREDICATE (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-GRADE (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 2)) (*O-GRADE (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 1)))))) "No. 2 diesel fuel is most commonly used." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.148 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM IS) (ROOT "use") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (ADV (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "most") (CAT ADV)) ((ROOT "commonly") (CAT ADV)))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (INTENSIFIER &MOST) (MANNER &COMMONLY) (PATIENT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (NUMBER SG) (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 2)))) "However, No. 1 diesel fuel is best suited for cold weather operation." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.266 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM IS) (ROOT "suit") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PASSIVE +) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "however"))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "best"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT PURPOSE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OPERATION) (ROOT "operation") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-SUIT (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (DISCOURSE-COHESION &HOWEVER) (INTENSIFIER &BEST) (PATIENT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (NUMBER SG) (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 1))) (PURPOSE (*O-OPERATION (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER))))) "Quantities of No. 1 diesel fuel are limited." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.197 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "limit") (FORM ARE) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "quantity") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-QUANTITY) (OF ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-LIMIT (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (THEME (*O-QUANTITY (NUMBER PL) (OBJECT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 1)))))) "Generally, No. 1 diesel fuel is only available during the winter months and in the colder climates." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.319 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM IS) (ROOT "be") (PRE-MOD-ADV ((ROOT "generally") (CAT ADV))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "available") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((ROOT SET-PP) (CAT P) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "in") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-CLIMATE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "climate") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "colder") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) ((ROOT "during") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MONTH) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "month") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "winter") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "only")))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (DISCOURSE-COHESION &GENERALLY) (THEME (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (NUMBER SG) (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 1))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-AVAILABLE (EVENT-CONTRAST &ONLY) (DURING-EVENT (*O-MONTH (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-WINTER)))) (LOCATION (*O-CLIMATE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-COLDER))))))) "Therefore, you may need to use No. 2 diesel fuel during cold weather operation." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.505 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "need") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE XCOMP) (FORM ROOTFORM) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((ROOT "therefore") (CAT ADV))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "may") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (XCOMP ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "during") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT DURING-EVENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OPERATION) (ROOT "operation") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-NEED (MOOD DEC) (DISCOURSE-COHESION &THEREFORE) (MODAL POSSIBILITY) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (EVENT (*E-USE (PATIENT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 2))) (DURING-EVENT (*O-OPERATION (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER))))))) "There are two major differences between No. 1 diesel fuel and No. 2 diesel fuel." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.496 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ARE) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((ROOT "there") (CAT PRON.))) (OBJ (*OR* ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) ((SEM *O-DIFFERENCE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "difference") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "two") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)) ((ROOT "major") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "between") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))) ((SEM *O-DIFFERENCE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "difference") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "two") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)) ((ROOT "major") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "between") (CAT P) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THERE))) (PREDICATE (*O-DIFFERENCE (NUMBER PL) (BETWEEN-ITEMS (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 2)) (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 1))))) (ATTRIBUTE (*MULTIPLE* (*P-TWO) (*P-MAJOR)))))) "No. 1 diesel fuel has a lower cloud point and a lower pour point." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.203 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "have") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((TRIETRANS 46) (CAT N) (ROOT "point") (SEM *O-POUR-POINT) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "lower") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) ((SEM *O-CLOUD-POINT) (ROOT "point") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "lower") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.13 seconds real time: (*E-HAVE (MOOD DEC) (POSSESSOR (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (NUMBER SG) (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 1))) (OBJECT (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-POUR-POINT (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-LOWER))) (*O-CLOUD-POINT (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-LOWER))))))) "When the temperature reaches the cloud point, a wax forms in the fuel." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.371 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "form") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "reach") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "when"))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-CLOUD-POINT) (ROOT "point") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "wax") (SEM *O-WAX) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-FORM (MOOD DEC) (WHEN-EVENT (*E-REACH (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (GOAL (*O-CLOUD-POINT (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (THEME (*O-WAX (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE INDEFINITE))) (LOCATION (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "This wax plugs the fuel filters." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.132 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "plug") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "wax") (SEM *O-WAX) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-PLUG (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-WAX (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))) (THEME (*O-FUEL-FILTER (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "When the temperature reaches the pour point, diesel fuel begins to thicken." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.251 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "begin") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (COMP-TYPE XCOMP) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "reach") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "when"))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 46) (CAT N) (ROOT "point") (SEM *O-POUR-POINT) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL))) (XCOMP ((GAP -) (ROOT "thicken") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to")))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BEGIN (MOOD DEC) (WHEN-EVENT (*E-REACH (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (GOAL (*O-POUR-POINT (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (THEME (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (NUMBER SG))) (EVENT (*E-THICKEN))) "Thickened fuel flows less easily through fuel pumps and lines." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.294 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "flow") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (TRIETRANS 19) (ADJ-MOD ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "thicken") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT ADJ) (PASSIVE +))))) (ADV (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "easily") (CAT ADV)) ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "less")))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "through") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT PATH) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-LINE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "line") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((SEM *O-FUEL-PUMP) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "pump") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-FLOW (MOOD DEC) (MANNER &EASILY) (INTENSIFIER &LESS) (THEME (*O-FUEL (NUMBER SG) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-THICKENED)))) (PATH (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-LINE (NUMBER PL)) (*O-FUEL-PUMP (NUMBER PL)))))) "In order to minimize fuel problems that result from cold weather, you can take the following steps:" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.253 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((COLON +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "take") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "minimize") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "in-order-to"))) (OBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "problem") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-FUEL-PROBLEM) (REL-CL ((ROOT "result") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))))))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-STEP) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "step") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "following") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-TAKE (MOOD DEC) (COLON +) (MODAL ABILITY) (PURPOSE (*E-MINIMIZE (THEME (*O-FUEL-PROBLEM (NUMBER PL) (PROPOSITION (*E-RESULT (SOURCE (*O-COLD-WEATHER)))))))) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (THEME (*O-STEP (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FOLLOWING))))) "= When you purchase diesel fuel, consider the fuel values." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.194 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "consider") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE APCOMP) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "purchase") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "when"))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-VALUE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "value") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (SEMSLOT TYPE) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-CONSIDER (MOOD IMP) (HYPHEN +) (WHEN-EVENT (*E-PURCHASE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (THEME (*O-DIESEL-FUEL)))) (PATIENT (*O-VALUE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (TYPE (*O-FUEL))))) "= Anticipate the average outside temperature for the area of operation." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.171 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "anticipate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "average") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)) ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "outside") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO) (OBJ ((SEM *O-AREA) (ROOT "area") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-OPERATION) (ROOT "operation") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-ANTICIPATE (MOOD IMP) (HYPHEN +) (PATIENT (*O-TEMPERATURE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*MULTIPLE* (*P-AVERAGE) (*P-OUTSIDE))) (BELONGS-TO (*O-AREA (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-OPERATION))))))) "NOTE: The heat content rating per unit volume of the average No. 1 diesel fuel is lower than the rating of the average No. 2 diesel fuel." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.392 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM IS) (ROOT "be") (LABEL ((SEM *O-NOTE) (ROOT "note") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-HEAT-CONTENT-RATING) (ROOT "rating") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "per") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-UNIT-VOLUME) (ROOT "volume") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "average") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "lower") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((CAT P) (ROOT "than") (OBJ ((SEM *O-RATING) (ROOT "rating") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "average") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.08 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (LABEL (*O-NOTE)) (THEME (*O-HEAT-CONTENT-RATING (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (PER-MEASUREMENT-UNIT (*O-UNIT-VOLUME (OBJECT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 1) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-AVERAGE)))))))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-LOWER (THAN-OBJECT (*O-RATING (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 2) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-AVERAGE))))))))) "When you use No. 1 diesel fuel, you may notice a drop in power and an increase in fuel consumption." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.529 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "notice") (FORM ROOTFORM) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "when"))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "may") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-INCREASE) (ROOT "increase") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-CONSUMPTION) (ROOT "consumption") (CAT N) (COUNT -)))))) ((SEM *O-DROP) (ROOT "drop") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-POWER) (ROOT "power") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-NOTICE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL POSSIBILITY) (WHEN-EVENT (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 1))))) (EXPERIENCER (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-INCREASE (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (LOCATION (*O-FUEL-CONSUMPTION))) (*O-DROP (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (LOCATION (*O-POWER))))))) "You should not experience any other operating effects." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.135 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (NEGATION +) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "experience") (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OPERATING-EFFECT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "effect") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "any") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)) ((ROOT "other") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-EXPERIENCE (MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (EXPERIENCER (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*O-OPERATING-EFFECT (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*MULTIPLE* (*P-ANY) (*P-OTHER)))))) "During the winter months, identify the type of fuel in use before you troubleshoot for low power or poor performance." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.502 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "identify") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-PP ((ROOT "during") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MONTH) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "month") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "winter") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "troubleshoot") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "before"))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SEARCH-FOR) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-PERFORMANCE) (ROOT "performance") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "poor") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) ((SEM *O-POWER) (ROOT "power") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "low") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "or"))))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TYPE) (ROOT "type") (CAT N) (OF ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-USE) (ROOT "use") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.06 seconds real time: (*E-IDENTIFY (MOOD IMP) (DURING-EVENT (*O-MONTH (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-WINTER)))) (PRE-EVENT (*E-TROUBLESHOOT (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (SEARCH-FOR (*COORDINATION (OR-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-PERFORMANCE (ATTRIBUTE (*P-POOR))) (*O-POWER (ATTRIBUTE (*P-LOW)))))))) (PATIENT (*O-TYPE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL (CONDITION (*O-USE))))))) "You can use No. 2 diesel fuel in diesel engines during cold weather." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.275 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP (*MULTIPLE* ((GAP -) (ROOT "during") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT DURING-EVENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIESEL-ENGINE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "engine") (CAT N) (COUNT +))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 2))) (DURING-EVENT (*O-COLD-WEATHER)) (LOCATION (*O-DIESEL-ENGINE (NUMBER PL)))) "You will need to add minimum amounts of a pour point depressant additive." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.380 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "need") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE XCOMP) (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (XCOMP ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "add") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-AMOUNT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "amount") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-ADDITIVE) (ROOT "additive") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-POUR-POINT-DEPRESSANT) (ROOT "depressant") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT FUNCTION))))) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "minimum") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-NEED (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (EVENT (*E-ADD (THEME (*O-AMOUNT (NUMBER PL) (OBJECT (*O-ADDITIVE (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (FUNCTION (*O-POUR-POINT-DEPRESSANT)))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-MINIMUM))))))) "When the pour point depressant is used at a very low concentration level, fuel can flow through pumps, lines, and hoses." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.342 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (ROOT "flow") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (FORM IS) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "when"))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-POUR-POINT-DEPRESSANT) (ROOT "depressant") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LEVEL) (ROOT "level") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-CONCENTRATION) (ROOT "concentration") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT TYPE) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "low") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE) (ADV ((ROOT "very") (CAT ADV))))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))))) (SUBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "through") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT PATH) (OBJ ((CAT N) (ROOT SET-NP) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-HOSE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "hose") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((SEM *O-LINE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "line") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((SEM *O-PUMP) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "pump") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-FLOW (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (WHEN-EVENT (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (PATIENT (*O-POUR-POINT-DEPRESSANT (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (LOCATION (*O-LEVEL (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (TYPE (*O-CONCENTRATION)) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-LOW (INTENSIFIER &VERY))))))) (THEME (*O-FUEL)) (PATH (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-HOSE (NUMBER PL)) (*O-LINE (NUMBER PL)) (*O-PUMP (NUMBER PL)))))) "However, these additives must be completely mixed into the fuel at temperatures above the cloud point of the fuel." 2 (2 distinct) F-Structures created, using 0.402 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "mix") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "however"))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-ADDITIVE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "additive") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))))) (MODAL ((CAT ANOM.FIN.) (ROOT "must"))) (ADV ((ROOT "completely") (CAT ADV))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP (*MULTIPLE* ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "above") (OBJ ((SEM *O-CLOUD-POINT) (ROOT "point") (CAT N) (OF ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT TEMP-POINT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) ((GAP -) (ROOT "into") (CAT P) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))) ; **** F-Structure #2 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "mix") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "however"))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-ADDITIVE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "additive") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))))) (MODAL ((CAT ANOM.FIN.) (ROOT "must"))) (ADV ((ROOT "completely") (CAT ADV))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP (*MULTIPLE* ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT TEMP-POINT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "above") (OBJ ((SEM *O-CLOUD-POINT) (ROOT "point") (CAT N) (OF ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) ((GAP -) (ROOT "into") (CAT P) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.27 seconds real time: (*E-MIX (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (DISCOURSE-COHESION &HOWEVER) (MODAL NECESSITY) (COMPULSION +) (MANNER &COMPLETELY) (GOAL (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (THEME (*O-ADDITIVE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +))) (TEMP-POINT (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER PL) (ABOVE (*O-CLOUD-POINT (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))))) "Otherwise, the additives will have no effect." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.115 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "have") (FORM ROOTFORM) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((ROOT "otherwise") (CAT ADV))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-ADDITIVE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "additive") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-EFFECT) (ROOT "effect") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "no") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-HAVE (MOOD DEC) (DISCOURSE-COHESION &OTHERWISE) (TENSE FUTURE) (POSSESSOR (*O-ADDITIVE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (OBJECT (*O-EFFECT (ATTRIBUTE (*P-NO))))) "When you are using No. 2 diesel fuel in cold weather, the following additional devices can minimize starting problems and fuel problems:" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.585 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((COLON +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "minimize") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (FORM ARE) (GAP -) (PROG +) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "when"))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DIESEL-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SERIAL-NUMBER +) (CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-DEVICE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "device") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "following") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)) ((ROOT "additional") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-FUEL-PROBLEM) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "problem") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((SEM *O-PROBLEM) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "problem") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 56) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "starting") (SEM *O-STARTING) (SEMSLOT CONDITION)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.06 seconds real time: (*E-MINIMIZE (MOOD DEC) (COLON +) (MODAL ABILITY) (WHEN-EVENT (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (PROG +) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*O-DIESEL-FUEL (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER 2))) (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER)))) (AGENT (*O-DEVICE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*MULTIPLE* (*P-FOLLOWING) (*P-ADDITIONAL))))) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-FUEL-PROBLEM (NUMBER PL)) (*O-PROBLEM (NUMBER PL) (CONDITION (*O-STARTING))))))) "= starting-aids" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.016 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-STARTING-AID) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "starting-aid") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-STARTING-AID (NUMBER PL) (HYPHEN +)) "= engine oil pan heaters" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.069 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-ENGINE-OIL-PAN-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-ENGINE-OIL-PAN-HEATER (NUMBER PL) (HYPHEN +)) "= engine coolant heaters" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.069 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-ENGINE-COOLANT-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-ENGINE-COOLANT-HEATER (NUMBER PL) (HYPHEN +)) "= fuel heaters" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.036 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL) (HYPHEN +)) "= fuel line insulation" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.074 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-FUEL-LINE-INSULATION) (ROOT "insulation") (CAT N) (COUNT -)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-FUEL-LINE-INSULATION (HYPHEN +)) "= de-icers" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.020 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-DE-ICER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "de-icer") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-DE-ICER (NUMBER PL) (HYPHEN +)) "Effect of Cold Weather on Fuel-related Components" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.231 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-EFFECT) (ROOT "effect") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT THEME) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COMPONENT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "component") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "fuel-related") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*O-EFFECT (HEADING +) (OBJECT (*O-COLD-WEATHER)) (THEME (*O-COMPONENT (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FUEL-RELATED))))) "Fuel Tanks" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.034 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-FUEL-TANK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "tank") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-FUEL-TANK (NUMBER PL) (HEADING +)) "Fuel tanks should contain some provision for draining water and sediment from the bottom of the tanks." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.478 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "contain") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-TANK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "tank") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PROVISION) (ROOT "provision") (CAT N) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "for") (GERUND-CL ((GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "drain") (FORM PRESPART) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-SEDIMENT) (ROOT "sediment") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) ((TRIETRANS 70) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "water") (SEM *O-WATER)))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-BOTTOM) (ROOT "bottom") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-TANK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "tank") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "some") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-CONTAIN (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (LOCATIVE (*O-FUEL-TANK (NUMBER PL))) (THEME (*O-PROVISION (FOR-EVENT (*E-DRAIN (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-SEDIMENT) (*O-WATER)))) (SOURCE (*O-BOTTOM (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-TANK (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SOME))))) "Water and sediment can settle below the end of the fuel supply pipes in some fuel tanks." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.415 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "settle") (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-SEDIMENT) (ROOT "sediment") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) ((TRIETRANS 70) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "water") (SEM *O-WATER)))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (PP (*MULTIPLE* ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-TANK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "tank") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "some") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) ((GAP -) (ROOT "below") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT UNDER) (OBJ ((SEM *O-END) (ROOT "end") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-FUEL-SUPPLY-PIPE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "pipe") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-SETTLE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-SEDIMENT) (*O-WATER)))) (LOCATION (*O-FUEL-TANK (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SOME)))) (UNDER (*O-END (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL-SUPPLY-PIPE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "This water and sediment should be drained at each oil change." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.200 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "drain") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-SEDIMENT) (ROOT "sediment") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) ((TRIETRANS 70) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "water") (SEM *O-WATER) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this")))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT TIME-POINT) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 40) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "change") (SEM *O-OIL-CHANGE) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "each") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.22 seconds real time: (*E-DRAIN (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-SEDIMENT) (*O-WATER (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))))) (TIME-POINT (*O-OIL-CHANGE (ATTRIBUTE (*P-EACH))))) "Some fuel tanks use supply lines that take fuel directly from the bottom of the tank." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.577 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-TANK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "tank") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "some") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (OBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "line") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-SUPPLY-LINE) (REL-CL ((CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "take") (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-BOTTOM) (ROOT "bottom") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-TANK) (ROOT "tank") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (ADV ((ROOT "directly") (CAT ADV)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-FUEL-TANK (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SOME)))) (PATIENT (*O-SUPPLY-LINE (NUMBER PL) (PROPOSITION (*E-TAKE (MANNER &DIRECTLY) (THEME (*O-FUEL)) (SOURCE (*O-BOTTOM (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-TANK (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))))))) "In these systems, regular maintenance of the fuel filters is important." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.182 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-PP ((ROOT "in") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SYSTEM) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (SUBJ ((TRIETRANS 33) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "maintenance") (SEM *O-MAINTENANCE) (OF ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "regular") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "important") (CAT ADJ)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (LOCATION (*O-SYSTEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +))) (THEME (*O-MAINTENANCE (OBJECT (*O-FUEL-FILTER (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-REGULAR)))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-IMPORTANT))) "The fuel return line from the engine should return fuel to the tank which supplied the fuel." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.390 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (ROOT "return") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-RETURN-LINE) (ROOT "line") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT GOAL) (OBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "tank") (SEM *O-TANK) (NUMBER SG) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (REL-CL ((CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "supply") (FORM PAST) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-RETURN (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (AGENT (*O-FUEL-RETURN-LINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (SOURCE (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (THEME (*O-FUEL)) (GOAL (*O-TANK (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (PROPOSITION (*E-SUPPLY (THEME (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))))) "The fuel return line should deposit fuel at a distance of about 10 inches [250 mm] from the supply line." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.403 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (ROOT "deposit") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-RETURN-LINE) (ROOT "line") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DISTANCE) (ROOT "distance") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-INCH) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "inch") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-MILLIMETER) (ROOT "mm") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 250) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 10) (CAT NUMBER))))) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "about") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SUPPLY-LINE) (ROOT "line") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-DEPOSIT (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (AGENT (*O-FUEL-RETURN-LINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (THEME (*O-FUEL)) (LOCATION (*O-DISTANCE (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (OBJECT (*UNITS (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ABOUT)) (METRIC (*O-MILLIMETER (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 250))))) (ENGLISH (*O-INCH (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 10))))))) (SOURCE (*O-SUPPLY-LINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "This allows the engine to get warm fuel from the tank." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.292 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "allow") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE XCOMP) (SUBJ ((ROOT "this") (CAT PRON.))) (XCOMP ((GAP -) (ROOT "get") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "warm") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TANK) (ROOT "tank") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-ALLOW (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THIS))) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (EVENT (*E-GET (THEME (*O-FUEL (ATTRIBUTE (*P-WARM)))) (SOURCE (*O-TANK (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "Also, air that escapes from the return fuel will not be pulled back into the engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.271 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "pull") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (NEGATION +) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "also"))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-AIR) (ROOT "air") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (NUMBER SG) (REL-CL ((VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "escape") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-RETURN-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))))) (ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "back"))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "into") (CAT P) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-PULL (MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (PASSIVE +) (EVENT-CONTRAST &ALSO) (MANNER &BACK) (TENSE FUTURE) (GOAL (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (THEME (*O-AIR (NUMBER SG) (PROPOSITION (*E-ESCAPE (SOURCE (*O-RETURN-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))))) "Fuel Lines" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.033 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (TRIETRANS 20) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "line") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-FUEL-LINE)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-FUEL-LINE (NUMBER PL) (HEADING +)) "Avoid sharp angles." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.071 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "avoid") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ANGLE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "angle") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "sharp") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-AVOID (MOOD IMP) (THEME (*O-ANGLE (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SHARP))))) "Use the minimal number of fittings and of connections." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.505 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (OBJ ((SEM *O-NUMBER) (ROOT "number") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((ROOT SET-OF) (CAT N) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-CONNECTION) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "connection") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) ((SEM *O-FITTING) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "fitting") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "minimal") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.10 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD IMP) (PATIENT (*O-NUMBER (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-CONNECTION (NUMBER PL)) (*O-FITTING (NUMBER PL))))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-MINIMAL))))) "Often, moisture in the fuel will collect at low points in the fuel lines." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.243 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "collect") (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((ROOT "often") (CAT ADV))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-MOISTURE) (ROOT "moisture") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-POINT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "point") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "low") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 20) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "line") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-FUEL-LINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-COLLECT (MOOD DEC) (EVENT-FREQUENCY &OFTEN) (TENSE FUTURE) (THEME (*O-MOISTURE (LOCATION (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (LOCATION (*O-POINT (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-LOW)) (LOCATION (*O-FUEL-LINE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "The moisture will freeze at these points." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.107 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (ROOT "freeze") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-MOISTURE) (ROOT "moisture") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-POINT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "point") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-FREEZE (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (THEME (*O-MOISTURE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (LOCATION (*O-POINT (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +)))) "Fuel should be drawn from the tank that is closest to the engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.277 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "draw") (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "tank") (SEM *O-TANK) (NUMBER SG) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (REL-CL ((ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (ADJ ((ROOT "closest") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((CAT P) (ROOT "to") (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-DRAW (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (THEME (*O-FUEL)) (SOURCE (*O-TANK (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (PROPOSITION (*E-BE (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-CLOSEST (GOAL (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))))))) "Fuel lines should follow the most direct route to the engine compartment." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.215 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "follow") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((TRIETRANS 20) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "line") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-FUEL-LINE))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ROUTE) (ROOT "route") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "direct") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE) (ADV ((ROOT "most") (CAT ADV))))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT GOAL) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ENGINE-COMPARTMENT) (ROOT "compartment") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-FOLLOW (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (THEME (*O-FUEL-LINE (NUMBER PL))) (PATH (*O-ROUTE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-DIRECT (INTENSIFIER &MOST))) (GOAL (*O-ENGINE-COMPARTMENT (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "PEEC Fuel Cooling" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.046 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-FUEL-COOLING) (ROOT "cooling") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-PEEC) (ROOT "peec") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (SEMSLOT THEME)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-FUEL-COOLING (HEADING +) (THEME (*O-PEEC))) "The PEEC electronic control module is fuel-cooled." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.117 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-ELECTRONIC-CONTROL-MODULE) (ROOT "module") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-PEEC) (ROOT "peec") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (SEMSLOT TYPE))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "fuel-cooled") (CAT ADJ)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-ELECTRONIC-CONTROL-MODULE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (TYPE (*O-PEEC)))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-FUEL-COOLED))) "Fuel is routed from the tank to the injection pump." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.244 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "route") (FORM IS) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (TRIETRANS 19))) (PP (*MULTIPLE* ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT GOAL) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INJECTION-PUMP) (ROOT "pump") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TANK) (ROOT "tank") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-ROUTE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (THEME (*O-FUEL (NUMBER SG))) (GOAL (*O-INJECTION-PUMP (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (SOURCE (*O-TANK (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "The fuel passes through the following components:" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.097 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((COLON +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "pass") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-FUEL) (ROOT "fuel") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (TRIETRANS 19) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "through") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT PATH) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COMPONENT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "component") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "following") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-PASS (MOOD DEC) (COLON +) (THEME (*O-FUEL (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PATH (*O-COMPONENT (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FOLLOWING))))) "= the primary fuel filter" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.055 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*O-FUEL-FILTER (HYPHEN +) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PRIMARY))) "= the transfer pump" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.041 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (TRIETRANS 63) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "pump") (SEM *O-TRANSFER-PUMP) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*O-TRANSFER-PUMP (HYPHEN +) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)) "= cored passages in the electronic control module housing" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.184 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-PASSAGE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "passage") (CAT N) (ADJ-MOD ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "core") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT ADJ) (PASSIVE +))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-HOUSING) (ROOT "housing") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-ELECTRONIC-CONTROL-MODULE) (ROOT "module") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*O-PASSAGE (NUMBER PL) (HYPHEN +) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-CORED)) (LOCATION (*O-HOUSING (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (BELONGS-TO (*O-ELECTRONIC-CONTROL-MODULE))))) "= the secondary fuel filter" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.045 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "secondary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*O-FUEL-FILTER (HYPHEN +) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SECONDARY))) "The temperature of the fuel at the inlet to the transfer pump must never exceed 149 *F [65 *C]." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.568 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "exceed") (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (OF ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INLET) (ROOT "inlet") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT GOAL) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 63) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "pump") (SEM *O-TRANSFER-PUMP) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 65) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 149) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (ADV ((ROOT "never") (CAT ADV))) (MODAL ((CAT ANOM.FIN.) (ROOT "must")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-EXCEED (MOOD DEC) (EVENT-FREQUENCY &NEVER) (MODAL NECESSITY) (COMPULSION +) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (LOCATION (*O-INLET (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (GOAL (*O-TRANSFER-PUMP (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))))))) (GOAL (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 65))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 149)))))))) "Fuel temperatures above 149 *F [65 *C] reduce the life of the electronics and of the transfer pump check valves." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.381 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "reduce") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "above") (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 65) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 149) (CAT NUMBER))))))))) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LIFE) (ROOT "life") (CAT N) (OF ((ROOT SET-OF) (CAT N) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-TRANSFER-PUMP-CHECK-VALVE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "valve") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))) ((SEM *O-ELECTRONICS) (ROOT "electronics") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.08 seconds real time: (*E-REDUCE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER PL) (ABOVE (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 65))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 149))))))) (BELONGS-TO (*O-FUEL)))) (THEME (*O-LIFE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-TRANSFER-PUMP-CHECK-VALVE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)) (*O-ELECTRONICS (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))))) "These high fuel temperatures also reduce the availability of engine power." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.210 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "reduce") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "high") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))))) (ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "also"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-AVAILABILITY) (ROOT "availability") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (OF ((SEM *O-POWER) (ROOT "power") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT SOURCE))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-REDUCE (MOOD DEC) (EVENT-CONTRAST &ALSO) (AGENT (*O-TEMPERATURE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-HIGH)) (BELONGS-TO (*O-FUEL)))) (THEME (*O-AVAILABILITY (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-POWER (SOURCE (*O-ENGINE))))))) "Fuel Heaters" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.037 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL) (HEADING +)) "In cold weather, wax can form in the fuel." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.167 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (ROOT "form") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (PRE-MOD-PP ((ROOT "in") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-WAX) (ROOT "wax") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-FORM (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER)) (THEME (*O-WAX)) (LOCATION (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "Waxed fuel can plug the fuel filters." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.132 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "plug") (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (ADJ-MOD ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "wax") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT ADJ) (PASSIVE +))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-PLUG (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (AGENT (*O-FUEL (ATTRIBUTE (*P-WAXED)))) (THEME (*O-FUEL-FILTER (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "Fuel heaters prevent the formation of wax in the fuel." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.217 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "prevent") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FORMATION) (ROOT "formation") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (OF ((SEM *O-WAX) (ROOT "wax") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-PREVENT (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL))) (PATIENT (*O-FORMATION (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-WAX)) (LOCATION (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "Non-thermostatically-controlled fuel heaters can heat the fuel above 149 *F [65 *C]." 2 (2 distinct) F-Structures created, using 0.258 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "heat") (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "above") (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 65) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 149) (CAT NUMBER))))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-NON-THERMOSTATICALLY-CONTROLLED-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))) ; **** F-Structure #2 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "heat") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-NON-THERMOSTATICALLY-CONTROLLED-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "above") (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 65) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 149) (CAT NUMBER)))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-HEAT (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (AGENT (*O-NON-THERMOSTATICALLY-CONTROLLED-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL))) (THEME (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ABOVE (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 65))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 149)))))))))) "High fuel temperatures reduce engine performance, transfer pump check valve performance, and PEEC system reliability." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.338 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "reduce") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "high") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (OBJ ((CAT N) (ROOT SET-NP) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-RELIABILITY) (ROOT "reliability") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-PEEC) (ROOT "peec") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (SEMSLOT TYPE)))))) ((SEM *O-PERFORMANCE) (ROOT "performance") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-TRANSFER-PUMP-CHECK-VALVE) (ROOT "valve") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT THEME)))) ((SEM *O-PERFORMANCE) (ROOT "performance") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT THEME)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-REDUCE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-HIGH)) (BELONGS-TO (*O-FUEL)))) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-RELIABILITY (BELONGS-TO (*O-SYSTEM (TYPE (*O-PEEC))))) (*O-PERFORMANCE (THEME (*O-TRANSFER-PUMP-CHECK-VALVE))) (*O-PERFORMANCE (THEME (*O-ENGINE))))))) "NOTE: Although the PEEC system dissipates heat into the fuel, fuel heaters are still necessary." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.299 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ARE) (CAT V) (LABEL ((SEM *O-NOTE) (ROOT "note") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PRE-MOD (*OR* ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "dissipate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "although") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "system") (SEM *O-SYSTEM) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-PEEC) (ROOT "peec") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (SEMSLOT TYPE))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 24) (CAT N) (ROOT "heat") (SEM *O-HEAT) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "into") (CAT P) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "dissipate") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (GAP -) (CNCT ((ROOT "although") (CAT CONJ.))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "into") (CAT P) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 24) (CAT N) (ROOT "heat") (SEM *O-HEAT) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "system") (SEM *O-SYSTEM) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-PEEC) (ROOT "peec") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (SEMSLOT TYPE))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (ADJ ((ROOT "necessary") (CAT ADJ) (ADV ((ROOT "still") (CAT ADV)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (LABEL (*O-NOTE)) (ALTHOUGH-EVENT (*E-DISSIPATE (MOOD DEC) (GOAL (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (AGENT (*O-SYSTEM (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (TYPE (*O-PEEC)))) (THEME (*O-HEAT)))) (THEME (*O-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-NECESSARY (EVENT-CONTRAST &STILL)))) "The fuel heater should be mechanically simple, but the heater must be adequate for the application." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.260 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "be") (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "but") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-HEATER) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "adequate") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((ROOT "for") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-APPLICATION) (ROOT "application") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))) (MODAL ((CAT ANOM.FIN.) (ROOT "must"))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "simple") (CAT ADJ) (ADV ((ROOT "mechanically") (CAT ADV))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.06 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (BUT-EVENT (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (COMPULSION +) (THEME (*O-HEATER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-ADEQUATE (PURPOSE (*O-APPLICATION (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))))) (THEME (*O-FUEL-HEATER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-SIMPLE (MANNER &MECHANICALLY)))) "Also, the fuel heater should prevent overheating of the fuel." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.173 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "prevent") (FORM ROOTFORM) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "also"))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OVERHEATING) (ROOT "overheating") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (OF ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-PREVENT (MOOD DEC) (EVENT-CONTRAST &ALSO) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (AGENT (*O-FUEL-HEATER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PATIENT (*O-OVERHEATING (OBJECT (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "Deactivate the fuel heater in warm weather." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.175 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "deactivate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-WARM-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-DEACTIVATE (MOOD IMP) (THEME (*O-FUEL-HEATER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (CONDITION (*O-WARM-WEATHER))) "If the fuel supply temperature exceeds 85 *F [30 *C], the engine can lose power." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.318 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "lose") (FORM ROOTFORM) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "exceed") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 22) (CAT N) (ROOT "supply") (SEM *O-FUEL-SUPPLY) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 30) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 85) (CAT NUMBER))))))))) (SUBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-POWER) (ROOT "power") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-LOSE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-EXCEED (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (BELONGS-TO (*O-FUEL-SUPPLY)))) (GOAL (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 30))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 85))))))))) (AGENT (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (THEME (*O-POWER))) "The use of fuel heaters should be limited to cold weather conditions." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.295 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "limit") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-USE) (ROOT "use") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-CONDITION) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "condition") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-LIMIT (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (THEME (*O-USE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL))))) (CONDITION (*O-CONDITION (NUMBER PL) (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER))))) "When ambient temperatures rise, the fuel can overheat." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.181 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "overheat") (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "rise") (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "when"))) (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "ambient") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (SUBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-OVERHEAT (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (WHEN-EVENT (*E-RISE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-AMBIENT)))))) (THEME (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "NOTICE" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.043 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-NOTICE) (ROOT "notice") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-NOTICE (HEADING +)) "YOU SHOULD ONLY USE THERMOSTATICALLY-CONTROLLED FUEL HEATERS OR SELF-REGULATING FUEL HEATERS WITH THE PEEC SYSTEM." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.497 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "only"))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-SELF-REGULATING-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((SEM *O-THERMOSTATICALLY-CONTROLLED-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "or"))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT COFACTOR) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-PEEC) (ROOT "peec") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (SEMSLOT TYPE)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (EVENT-CONTRAST &ONLY) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*COORDINATION (OR-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-SELF-REGULATING-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL)) (*O-THERMOSTATICALLY-CONTROLLED-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL))))) (COFACTOR (*O-SYSTEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (TYPE (*O-PEEC))))) "NOTE: Heat-exchanger-type fuel heaters should have a bypass provision in order to prevent overheating of the fuel in warm weather operation." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.372 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "have") (FORM ROOTFORM) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (LABEL ((SEM *O-NOTE) (ROOT "note") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (POST-MOD ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "prevent") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "in-order-to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OVERHEATING) (ROOT "overheating") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (OF ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OPERATION) (ROOT "operation") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-WARM-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-HEAT-EXCHANGER-TYPE-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PROVISION) (ROOT "provision") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-BYPASS) (ROOT "bypass") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT THEME)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-HAVE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (LABEL (*O-NOTE)) (PURPOSE (*E-PREVENT (PATIENT (*O-OVERHEATING (OBJECT (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (CONDITION (*O-OPERATION (CONDITION (*O-WARM-WEATHER)))))))) (POSSESSOR (*O-HEAT-EXCHANGER-TYPE-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL))) (OBJECT (*O-PROVISION (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (THEME (*O-BYPASS))))) "This overheating of the fuel will cause a loss of engine power." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.338 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "cause") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE XCOMP) (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-OVERHEATING) (ROOT "overheating") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (OF ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LOSS) (ROOT "loss") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-POWER) (ROOT "power") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT SOURCE))))) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.06 seconds real time: (*E-CAUSE (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (AGENT (*O-OVERHEATING (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (THEME (*O-LOSS (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-POWER (SOURCE (*O-ENGINE))))))) "Caterpillar recommends the use of the following fuel heaters with PEEC engines:" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.556 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((COLON +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "recommend") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE SCOMP) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-USE) (ROOT "use") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "following") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT COFACTOR) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-ENGINE) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-PEEC) (ROOT "peec") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (SEMSLOT TYPE)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-RECOMMEND (MOOD DEC) (COLON +) (AGENT (*O-CATERPILLAR (NUMBER SG))) (PATIENT (*O-USE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FOLLOWING)))) (COFACTOR (*O-ENGINE (NUMBER PL) (TYPE (*O-PEEC))))))) "Thermoblend = CAT Part No. 7C3557" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.090 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((GAP -) (SEM *O-CAT-PART) (ROOT "part") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (LABEL ((SEM *O-THERMOBLEND) (ROOT "thermoblend") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (SERIAL-MOD ((SEM *O-7C3557) (ROOT "7c3557") (CAT NUMBER) (SERIAL-NUMBER +) (COUNT +)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*O-CAT-PART (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER "7c3557") (LABEL (*O-THERMOBLEND))) "Hot Joint = CAT Part No. 7C3558" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.118 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((GAP -) (SEM *O-CAT-PART) (ROOT "part") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (LABEL ((SEM *O-HOT-JOINT) (ROOT "joint") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (SERIAL-MOD ((SEM *O-7C3558) (ROOT "7c3558") (CAT NUMBER) (SERIAL-NUMBER +) (COUNT +)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*O-CAT-PART (SERIAL-NUMBER-INTEGER "7c3558") (LABEL (*O-HOT-JOINT))) "For further information on fuel heaters, contact your Caterpillar dealer." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.191 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "contact") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-PP ((ROOT "for") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INFORMATION) (ROOT "information") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "further") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT TEXT-REFERENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-HEATER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "heater") (CAT N) (COUNT +))))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEALER) (ROOT "dealer") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "your") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-CONTACT (MOOD IMP) (PURPOSE (*O-INFORMATION (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FURTHER)) (TEXT-REFERENT (*O-FUEL-HEATER (NUMBER PL))))) (PATIENT (*O-DEALER (PERSON SECOND) (POSSESSIVE +) (BELONGS-TO (*O-CATERPILLAR))))) "Fuel Filters" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.033 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-FUEL-FILTER (NUMBER PL) (HEADING +)) "The use of a primary fuel filter is recommended." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.131 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (COMP-TYPE SCOMP) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "recommend") (FORM IS) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "use") (SEM *O-USE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (OF ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-RECOMMEND (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (PATIENT (*O-USE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL-FILTER (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PRIMARY))))))) "The micron rating and location of the primary fuel filter are important in cold weather operation." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.257 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ARE) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-LOCATION) (ROOT "location") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) ((SEM *O-MICRON-RATING) (ROOT "rating") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "important") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((ROOT "in") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OPERATION) (ROOT "operation") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-LOCATION (OBJECT (*O-FUEL-FILTER (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PRIMARY))))) (*O-MICRON-RATING (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-IMPORTANT (LOCATION (*O-OPERATION (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER))))))) "The primary fuel filter and the fuel filter supply line are the components that are most commonly affected by cold fuel." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.611 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM ARE) (ROOT "be") (SUBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-SUPPLY-LINE) (ROOT "line") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT DESTINATION)))) ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (OBJ (*OR* ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "component") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-COMPONENT) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (REL-CL ((PASSIVE +) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "affect") (FORM ARE) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (ADV (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "most") (CAT ADV)) ((ROOT "commonly") (CAT ADV)))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "by") (CAT P) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "cold") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "component") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-COMPONENT) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (REL-CL ((PASSIVE +) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "affect") (FORM ARE) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (ADV (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "most") (CAT ADV)) ((ROOT "commonly") (CAT ADV)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "by") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT AGENT) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 19) (CAT N) (ROOT "fuel") (SEM *O-FUEL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "cold") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.10 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-SUPPLY-LINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (DESTINATION (*O-FUEL-FILTER))) (*O-FUEL-FILTER (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PRIMARY)))))) (PREDICATE (*O-COMPONENT (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (PROPOSITION (*E-AFFECT (PASSIVE +) (INTENSIFIER &MOST) (MANNER &COMMONLY) (AGENT (*O-FUEL (ATTRIBUTE (*P-COLD))))))))) "The micron rating of the primary fuel filter is very important." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.155 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-MICRON-RATING) (ROOT "rating") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "important") (CAT ADJ) (ADV ((ROOT "very") (CAT ADV)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-MICRON-RATING (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FUEL-FILTER (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PRIMARY)))))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-IMPORTANT (INTENSIFIER &VERY)))) "The filter must protect the fuel transfer pump." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.141 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "protect") (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-TRANSFER-PUMP) (ROOT "pump") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (MODAL ((CAT ANOM.FIN.) (ROOT "must")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-PROTECT (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (COMPULSION +) (AGENT (*O-FILTER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PATIENT (*O-FUEL-TRANSFER-PUMP (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "However, the filter should not be too fine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.075 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "be") (NEGATION +) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "however"))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "fine") (CAT ADJ) (ADV ((ROOT "too") (SENT-ADV -) (CAT ADV))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (DISCOURSE-COHESION &HOWEVER) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (THEME (*O-FILTER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-FINE (INTENSIFIER &TOO)))) "An excessively fine primary filter can be more easily plugged by wax in cold weather." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.313 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "plug") (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "fine") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE) (ADV ((ROOT "excessively") (CAT ADV)))) ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (ADV (*MULTIPLE* ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "more")) ((ROOT "easily") (CAT ADV)))) (PP (*MULTIPLE* ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) ((GAP -) (ROOT "by") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT AGENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-WAX) (ROOT "wax") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-PLUG (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (INTENSIFIER &MORE) (MANNER &EASILY) (MODAL ABILITY) (THEME (*O-FILTER (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*MULTIPLE* (*P-FINE (MANNER &EXCESSIVELY)) (*P-PRIMARY))))) (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER)) (AGENT (*O-WAX))) "Waxing problems are likely if the micron rating of the primary filter is as low as the rating of a secondary filter." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.423 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ARE) (CAT V) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-MICRON-RATING) (ROOT "rating") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (ADJ ((AS-AS +) (ROOT "low") (CAT ADJ) (COMPARE ((SEM *O-RATING) (ROOT "rating") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "secondary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-PROBLEM) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "problem") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-WAXING) (ROOT "waxing") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (SEMSLOT CONDITION))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "likely") (CAT ADJ)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.06 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-MICRON-RATING (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FILTER (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PRIMARY)))))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-LOW (AS-THEME (*O-RATING (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FILTER (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SECONDARY)))))))))) (THEME (*O-PROBLEM (NUMBER PL) (CONDITION (*O-WAXING)))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-LIKELY))) "The micron rating of a secondary filter is 10 microns to 15 microns." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.230 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-MICRON-RATING) (ROOT "rating") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "secondary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 34) (COUNT +) (UNIT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "micron") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-MICRON) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 10) (CAT NUMBER))))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT RANGE-TO) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 34) (COUNT +) (UNIT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "micron") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-MICRON) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 15) (CAT NUMBER)))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-MICRON-RATING (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FILTER (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SECONDARY)))))) (PREDICATE (*UNIT-RANGE (START (*UNITS (ENGLISH (*O-MICRON (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 10))))))) (END (*UNITS (ENGLISH (*O-MICRON (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 15)))))))))) "NOTE: Caterpillar recommends the use of an 8H7204 filter as a cold weather primary fuel filter." 2 (2 distinct) F-Structures created, using 0.382 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "recommend") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE SCOMP) (LABEL ((SEM *O-NOTE) (ROOT "note") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (OBJ (*OR* ((SEM *O-USE) (ROOT "use") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))) (SERIAL-MOD ((SEM *O-8H7204) (ROOT "8h7204") (CAT N) (SERIAL-NUMBER +) (COUNT +))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "as") (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) ((SEM *O-USE) (ROOT "use") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))) (SERIAL-MOD ((SEM *O-8H7204) (ROOT "8h7204") (CAT N) (SERIAL-NUMBER +) (COUNT +))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "as") (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) ; **** F-Structure #2 **** ((MOOD DEC) (COMP-TYPE SCOMP) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "recommend") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (GAP -) (LABEL ((SEM *O-NOTE) (ROOT "note") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "as") (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-USE) (ROOT "use") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))) (SERIAL-MOD ((SEM *O-8H7204) (ROOT "8h7204") (CAT N) (SERIAL-NUMBER +) (COUNT +))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.10 seconds real time: (*E-RECOMMEND (MOOD DEC) (LABEL (*O-NOTE)) (AS-OBJECT (*O-FUEL-FILTER (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PRIMARY)) (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER)))) (AGENT (*O-CATERPILLAR (NUMBER SG))) (PATIENT (*O-USE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-FILTER (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (SERIAL-NUMBER-CONCEPT (*O-8H7204))))))) "The best location for the primary fuel filter is the engine compartment." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.163 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "location") (SEM *O-LOCATION) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "primary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "best") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ENGINE-COMPARTMENT) (ROOT "compartment") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-LOCATION (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (BELONGS-TO (*O-FUEL-FILTER (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PRIMARY)))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-BEST)))) (PREDICATE (*O-ENGINE-COMPARTMENT (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "In this location, the filter will benefit from the radiant heat of the engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.226 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (ROOT "benefit") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (PRE-MOD-PP ((ROOT "in") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LOCATION) (ROOT "location") (CAT N) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 24) (CAT N) (ROOT "heat") (SEM *O-HEAT) (OF ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "radiant") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-BENEFIT (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (LOCATION (*O-LOCATION (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))) (BENEFACTOR (*O-FILTER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (SOURCE (*O-HEAT (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-RADIANT))))) "If a filter is mounted outside the frame rails or in any location that is exposed to wind, there will be persistent problems in cold weather." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.654 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "mount") (FORM IS) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-FILTER) (ROOT "filter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT SET-PP) (CAT P) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEMSLOT LOCATION) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LOCATION) (ROOT "location") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (NUMBER SG) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "any") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (REL-CL ((PASSIVE +) (GAP -) (FORM IS) (ROOT "expose") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-WIND) (ROOT "wind") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))))) ((SEMSLOT OUTSIDE) (CAT P) (ROOT "outside") (OBJ ((SEM *O-FRAME-RAIL) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "rail") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "or"))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))))) (SUBJ ((ROOT "there") (CAT PRON.))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PROBLEM) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "problem") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "persistent") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-MOUNT (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (THEME (*O-FILTER (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE INDEFINITE))) (COORDINATION (*PP-COORDINATION (OR-COORDINATION +) (LOCATION (*O-LOCATION (NUMBER SG) (PROPOSITION (*E-EXPOSE (PASSIVE +) (CONDITION (*O-WIND)))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ANY)))) (OUTSIDE (*O-FRAME-RAIL (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))))) (THEME (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THERE))) (PREDICATE (*O-PROBLEM (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PERSISTENT)) (CONDITION (*O-COLD-WEATHER))))) "Maintaining Engine Compartment Temperature" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.139 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GERUNDIVE +) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "maintain") (FORM PRESPART) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-ENGINE-COMPARTMENT) (ROOT "compartment") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-MAINTAIN (HEADING +) (GERUNDIVE +) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (BELONGS-TO (*O-ENGINE-COMPARTMENT))))) "Radiator shutters and on/off fans reliably maintain engine compartment temperatures." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.220 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "maintain") (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((TRIETRANS 42) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "fan") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-ON/OFF-FAN)) ((TRIETRANS 49) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "shutter") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-RADIATOR-SHUTTER)))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-ENGINE-COMPARTMENT) (ROOT "compartment") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO))))) (ADV ((ROOT "reliably") (CAT ADV)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-MAINTAIN (MOOD DEC) (MANNER &RELIABLY) (AGENT (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-ON/OFF-FAN (NUMBER PL)) (*O-RADIATOR-SHUTTER (NUMBER PL))))) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER PL) (BELONGS-TO (*O-ENGINE-COMPARTMENT))))) "These devices should operate in sequence." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.111 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "operate") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SEQUENCE) (ROOT "sequence") (CAT N) (COUNT -))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-DEVICE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "device") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-OPERATE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (AGENT (*O-DEVICE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +))) (CONDITION (*O-SEQUENCE))) "The engine thermostat opens at the appropriate temperature." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.154 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "open") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (GAP -) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "at") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT TEMP-POINT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "appropriate") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-ENGINE-THERMOSTAT) (ROOT "thermostat") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-OPEN (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-ENGINE-THERMOSTAT (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (TEMP-POINT (*O-TEMPERATURE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-APPROPRIATE))))) "If the temperature rises by 10 *F [5.6 *C], the radiator shutter thermostat should open the shutters." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.488 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "open") (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "rise") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "by") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT EXTENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 6) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 5) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 10) (CAT NUMBER))))))))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-RADIATOR-SHUTTER-THERMOSTAT) (ROOT "thermostat") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SHUTTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "shutter") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-OPEN (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-RISE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (EXTENT (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (DECIMAL 6) (INTEGER 5))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 10))))))))) (AGENT (*O-RADIATOR-SHUTTER-THERMOSTAT (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (THEME (*O-SHUTTER (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "If the temperature rises by another 5 *F [2.8 *C] to 10 *F [5.6 *C], the on/off fan thermostat should open." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.413 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "open") (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "rise") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "by") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT EXTENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 8) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 5) (CAT NUMBER))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "another") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT RANGE-TO) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 6) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 5) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 10) (CAT NUMBER))))))))))))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-ON/OFF-FAN-THERMOSTAT) (ROOT "thermostat") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.08 seconds real time: (*E-OPEN (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-RISE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (EXTENT (*UNIT-RANGE (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ANOTHER)) (START (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (DECIMAL 8) (INTEGER 2))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 5))))))) (END (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (DECIMAL 6) (INTEGER 5))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 10))))))))))) (AGENT (*O-ON/OFF-FAN-THERMOSTAT (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "The correct sequence of these events is important." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.111 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-SEQUENCE) (ROOT "sequence") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (OF ((SEM *O-EVENT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "event") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "these") (CAT DET))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "correct") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "important") (CAT ADJ)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-SEQUENCE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-EVENT (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER PL) (NEAR +))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-CORRECT)))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-IMPORTANT))) "This sequence maintains engine temperature." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.098 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "maintain") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-SEQUENCE) (ROOT "sequence") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-MAINTAIN (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-SEQUENCE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (BELONGS-TO (*O-ENGINE))))) "Also, this sequence optimizes fuel economy." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.127 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "optimize") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "also"))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-SEQUENCE) (ROOT "sequence") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FUEL-ECONOMY) (ROOT "economy") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-OPTIMIZE (MOOD DEC) (EVENT-CONTRAST &ALSO) (AGENT (*O-SEQUENCE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))) (THEME (*O-FUEL-ECONOMY))) "If shutters are not used, the temperature for fan operation is 10 *F [5.6 *C] to 15 *F [8.4 *C] above the thermostat temperature." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.495 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (FORM ARE) (GAP -) (NEGATION +) (PASSIVE +) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-SHUTTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "shutter") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "temperature") (SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OPERATION) (ROOT "operation") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-FAN) (ROOT "fan") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT THEME))))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ (*OR* ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 6) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 5) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 10) (CAT NUMBER))))) (PP (*MULTIPLE* ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "above") (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-THERMOSTAT) (ROOT "thermostat") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO)))))) ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT RANGE-TO) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 4) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 8) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 15) (CAT NUMBER))))))))))) ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 6) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 5) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 10) (CAT NUMBER))))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT RANGE-TO) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 4) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 8) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 15) (CAT NUMBER))))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "above") (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-THERMOSTAT) (ROOT "thermostat") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO))))))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.18 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (PASSIVE +) (PATIENT (*O-SHUTTER (NUMBER PL))))) (THEME (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (BELONGS-TO (*O-OPERATION (THEME (*O-FAN)))))) (PREDICATE (*UNIT-RANGE (ABOVE (*O-TEMPERATURE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (BELONGS-TO (*O-THERMOSTAT)))) (START (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (DECIMAL 6) (INTEGER 5))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 10))))))) (END (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (DECIMAL 4) (INTEGER 8))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 15)))))))))) "NOTE: Caterpillar discourages the use of winter fronts and shutters on air-to-air aftercooled engines." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.551 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "discourage") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (LABEL ((SEM *O-NOTE) (ROOT "note") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-USE) (ROOT "use") (CAT N) (OF ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-SHUTTER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "shutter") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((SEM *O-WINTER-FRONT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "front") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-AIR-TO-AIR-AFTERCOOLED-ENGINE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "engine") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-DISCOURAGE (MOOD DEC) (LABEL (*O-NOTE)) (AGENT (*O-CATERPILLAR (NUMBER SG))) (PATIENT (*O-USE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-SHUTTER (NUMBER PL)) (*O-WINTER-FRONT (NUMBER PL))))) (LOCATION (*O-AIR-TO-AIR-AFTERCOOLED-ENGINE (NUMBER PL)))))) "For additional information on the effects of cold weather on your Caterpillar truck engine, consult the \"Cold Weather Recommendations\" section in the \"Operation and Maintenance\" manual [Form SEBU5898]." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.513 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "consult") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-PP ((ROOT "for") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INFORMATION) (ROOT "information") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "additional") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT TEXT-REFERENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-EFFECT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "effect") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-COLD-WEATHER) (ROOT "weather") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT THEME) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TRUCK-ENGINE) (ROOT "engine") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "your") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SOURCE))))))))))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SECTION) (ROOT "section") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["recommendations"]) (ROOT "cold weather recommendations"))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MANUAL) (ROOT "manual") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-FORM) (ROOT "form") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SEM *O-SEBU5898) (ROOT "sebu5898") (CAT N) (SERIAL-NUMBER +) (COUNT +))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["maintenance"]) (ROOT "operation and maintenance")))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-CONSULT (MOOD IMP) (PURPOSE (*O-INFORMATION (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ADDITIONAL)) (TEXT-REFERENT (*O-EFFECT (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-COLD-WEATHER)) (THEME (*O-TRUCK-ENGINE (PERSON SECOND) (POSSESSIVE +) (SOURCE (*O-CATERPILLAR)))))))) (PATIENT (*O-SECTION (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "cold weather recommendations"))) (LOCATION (*O-MANUAL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (PAREN-MATERIAL (*O-FORM (SERIAL-NUMBER-CONCEPT (*O-SEBU5898)))) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "operation and maintenance")))))))) "Engine Lifting" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.044 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (TRIETRANS 31) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "lifting") (SEM *O-LIFTING) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT THEME)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-LIFTING (HEADING +) (THEME (*O-ENGINE))) "NOTICE" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.023 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-NOTICE) (ROOT "notice") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-NOTICE (HEADING +)) "Sometimes it is necessary to remove an angled component." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.154 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((ROOT "sometimes") (CAT ADV))) (SCOMP ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "remove") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COMPONENT) (ROOT "component") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "angle") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT ADJ) (PASSIVE +))))))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "it"))) (ADJ ((ROOT "necessary") (CAT ADJ)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (EVENT-FREQUENCY &SOMETIMES) (THEME (*PRON (PERSON THIRD) (NUMBER SG) (GENDER NEUTRAL))) (EVENT (*E-REMOVE (THEME (*O-COMPONENT (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ANGLED)))))) (PREDICATED-OF-EVENT (*P-NECESSARY))) "Remember that the capacity of an eyebolt decreases when the angle between the supporting members and the object becomes less than 90 *." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.498 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "remember") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE SCOMP) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (COMP-TYPE APCOMP) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "become") (FORM PRESENT3SG) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "when"))) (SUBJ (*OR* ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "angle") (SEM *O-ANGLE) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "between") (CAT P) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-OBJECT) (ROOT "object") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))) ((SEM *O-SUPPORTING-MEMBER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "member") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))) ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-OBJECT) (ROOT "object") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))) ((SEM *O-ANGLE) (ROOT "angle") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "between") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SUPPORTING-MEMBER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "member") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))) (APCOMP ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "less") (PP ((CAT P) (ROOT "than") (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE) (ROOT "*") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 90) (CAT NUMBER))))))))))))) (COMP (*OR* ((GAP +) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "decrease") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "capacity") (SEM *O-CAPACITY) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (OF ((SEM *O-EYEBOLT) (ROOT "eyebolt") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) ((FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "decrease") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "capacity") (SEM *O-CAPACITY) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (OF ((SEM *O-EYEBOLT) (ROOT "eyebolt") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.12 seconds real time: (*E-REMEMBER (MOOD IMP) (WHEN-EVENT (*E-BECOME (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-ANGLE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (BETWEEN-ITEMS (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-OBJECT (REFERENCE DEFINITE)) (*O-SUPPORTING-MEMBER (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))))) (GOAL (*P-LESS (THAN-OBJECT (*UNITS (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 90))))))))))) (EVENT (*E-DECREASE (THEME (*O-CAPACITY (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-EYEBOLT (REFERENCE INDEFINITE)))))))) "Never bend eyebolts and brackets." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.098 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "bend") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (ADV ((ROOT "never") (CAT ADV))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-BRACKET) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "bracket") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((SEM *O-EYEBOLT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "eyebolt") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-BEND (MOOD IMP) (EVENT-FREQUENCY &NEVER) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-BRACKET (NUMBER PL)) (*O-EYEBOLT (NUMBER PL)))))) "Always load eyebolts and brackets in tension." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.395 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "load") (ADV ((ROOT "always") (CAT ADV))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-BRACKET) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "bracket") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((SEM *O-EYEBOLT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "eyebolt") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TENSION) (ROOT "tension") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-LOAD (MOOD IMP) (EVENT-FREQUENCY &ALWAYS) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-BRACKET (NUMBER PL)) (*O-EYEBOLT (NUMBER PL))))) (CONDITION (*O-TENSION))) "Use a hoist to remove heavy components." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.190 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (SCOMP ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "remove") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COMPONENT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "component") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "heavy") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-HOIST) (ROOT "hoist") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD IMP) (PATIENT (*O-HOIST (REFERENCE INDEFINITE))) (PURPOSE (*E-REMOVE (THEME (*O-COMPONENT (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-HEAVY))))))) "Lift the engine with an adjustable lifting beam." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.120 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (ROOT "lift") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT INSTRUMENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LIFTING-BEAM) (ROOT "beam") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "adjustable") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-LIFT (MOOD IMP) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (INSTRUMENT (*O-LIFTING-BEAM (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ADJUSTABLE))))) "When you are lifting an object, all supporting members should be parallel." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.346 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ARE) (ROOT "lift") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PROG +) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "when"))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-OBJECT) (ROOT "object") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-SUPPORTING-MEMBER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "member") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((CAT ADJ) (ROOT "all") (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (ADJ ((ROOT "parallel") (CAT ADJ)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (WHEN-EVENT (*E-LIFT (MOOD DEC) (PROG +) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (THEME (*O-OBJECT (REFERENCE INDEFINITE))))) (THEME (*O-SUPPORTING-MEMBER (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ALL)))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-PARALLEL))) "The chains and cables should be as perpendicular as possible to the top of the object." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.283 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-CABLE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "cable") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((SEM *O-CHAIN) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "chain") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (ADJ ((AS-POSSIBLE +) (AS-AS +) (ROOT "perpendicular") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((CAT P) (ROOT "to") (OBJ ((SEM *O-TOP) (ROOT "top") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-OBJECT) (ROOT "object") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.08 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-CABLE (NUMBER PL)) (*O-CHAIN (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-PERPENDICULAR (AS-POSSIBLE +) (GOAL (*O-TOP (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-OBJECT (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))))) "Some objects should be removed with lifting fixtures." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.180 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "remove") (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-OBJECT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "object") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "some") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT INSTRUMENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LIFTING-FIXTURE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "fixture") (CAT N) (COUNT +))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-REMOVE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (THEME (*O-OBJECT (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SOME)))) (INSTRUMENT (*O-LIFTING-FIXTURE (NUMBER PL)))) "Lifting fixtures provide proper balance and safe handling." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.206 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "provide") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-LIFTING-FIXTURE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "fixture") (CAT N) (COUNT +))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-HANDLING) (ROOT "handling") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "safe") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) ((SEM *O-BALANCE) (ROOT "balance") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "proper") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and")))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-PROVIDE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-LIFTING-FIXTURE (NUMBER PL))) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-HANDLING (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SAFE))) (*O-BALANCE (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PROPER))))))) "To remove the engine, use the two lifting eyes on the engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.272 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (PRE-MOD ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "remove") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LIFTING-EYE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "eye") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "two") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-USE (MOOD IMP) (PURPOSE (*E-REMOVE (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (PATIENT (*O-LIFTING-EYE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-TWO)) (LOCATION (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "The lifting eyes are designed for the original arrangement." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.168 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "design") (FORM ARE) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-LIFTING-EYE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "eye") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT PURPOSE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ARRANGEMENT) (ROOT "arrangement") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "original") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.08 seconds real time: (*E-DESIGN (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (THEME (*O-LIFTING-EYE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PURPOSE (*O-ARRANGEMENT (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ORIGINAL))))) "If you change the lifting eyes and/or the arrangement weight, the lifting devices will be obsolete." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.314 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "change") (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-WEIGHT) (ROOT "weight") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-ARRANGEMENT) (ROOT "arrangement") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT TYPE) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) ((SEM *O-LIFTING-EYE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "eye") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and/or"))))))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-LIFTING-DEVICE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "device") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (ADJ ((ROOT "obsolete") (CAT ADJ)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.18 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-CHANGE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND/OR-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-WEIGHT (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (TYPE (*O-ARRANGEMENT))) (*O-LIFTING-EYE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))))) (THEME (*O-LIFTING-DEVICE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-OBSOLETE))) "If you make alterations, you must provide adequate lifting devices." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.194 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "provide") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "make") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ALTERATION) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "alteration") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((CAT ANOM.FIN.) (ROOT "must"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-LIFTING-DEVICE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "device") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "adequate") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-PROVIDE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (COMPULSION +) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-MAKE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (THEME (*O-ALTERATION (NUMBER PL))))) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (THEME (*O-LIFTING-DEVICE (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ADEQUATE))))) "Engine Storage" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.042 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (TRIETRANS 57) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "storage") (SEM *O-STORAGE) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT THEME)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-STORAGE (HEADING +) (THEME (*O-ENGINE))) "If you do not start the engine for several weeks, the lubricating oil will drain from the cylinder walls and the piston rings." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.393 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "drain") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (GAP -) (ROOT "start") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT TIME-EXTENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-WEEK) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "week") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "several") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-PISTON-RING) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "ring") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))) ((SEM *O-WALL) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "wall") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 10) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "cylinder") (SEM *O-CYLINDER) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-LUBRICATING-OIL) (ROOT "oil") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-DRAIN (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-START (MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (TIME-EXTENT (*O-WEEK (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SEVERAL)))))) (AGENT (*O-LUBRICATING-OIL (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (SOURCE (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-PISTON-RING (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)) (*O-WALL (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (BELONGS-TO (*O-CYLINDER))))))) "Rust can form on the cylinder liner surface." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.542 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (ROOT "form") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-RUST) (ROOT "rust") (CAT N) (COUNT -))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SURFACE) (ROOT "surface") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-CYLINDER-LINER) (ROOT "liner") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "can") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-FORM (MOOD DEC) (MODAL ABILITY) (THEME (*O-RUST)) (LOCATION (*O-SURFACE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (BELONGS-TO (*O-CYLINDER-LINER))))) "This will increase engine wear, which will shorten engine life." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.254 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "increase") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "this"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-WEAR) (ROOT "wear") (CAT N) (REL-CL ((NONRESTRICTIVE +) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "shorten") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((GAP +))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ENGINE-LIFE) (ROOT "life") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT THEME))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-INCREASE (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (AGENT (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THIS))) (THEME (*O-WEAR (PROPOSITION (*E-SHORTEN (TENSE FUTURE) (THEME (*O-ENGINE-LIFE)))) (THEME (*O-ENGINE))))) "To prevent excessive engine wear, take the following steps:" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.150 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((COLON +) (MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "take") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "prevent") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-WEAR) (ROOT "wear") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT THEME))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "excessive") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-STEP) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "step") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "following") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-TAKE (MOOD IMP) (COLON +) (PURPOSE (*E-PREVENT (PATIENT (*O-WEAR (THEME (*O-ENGINE)) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-EXCESSIVE)))))) (THEME (*O-STEP (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FOLLOWING))))) "Complete all of the lubrication recommendations in the \"Maintenance Management Schedule\" intervals chart." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.545 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "complete") (OBJ ((SEM *O-ALL) (ROOT "all") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-RECOMMENDATION) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "recommendation") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-LUBRICATION) (ROOT "lubrication") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (SEMSLOT TYPE))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INTERVALS-CHART) (ROOT "chart") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["schedule"]) (ROOT "maintenance management schedule")))))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-COMPLETE (MOOD IMP) (THEME (*O-ALL (OBJECT (*O-RECOMMENDATION (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (TYPE (*O-LUBRICATION)) (LOCATION (*O-INTERVALS-CHART (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "maintenance management schedule")))))))))) "If you expect freezing temperatures, check the cooling system for adequate protection against freezing." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.329 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "check") (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "expect") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "freezing") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SEARCH-FOR) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PROTECTION) (ROOT "protection") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "adequate") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "against") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT OPPOSITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FREEZING) (ROOT "freezing") (CAT N) (COUNT -)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-CHECK (MOOD IMP) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-EXPECT (MOOD DEC) (EXPERIENCER (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FREEZING)))))) (PATIENT (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (SEARCH-FOR (*O-PROTECTION (ATTRIBUTE (*P-ADEQUATE)) (OPPOSITION (*O-FREEZING))))) "In order to protect the cooling system against temperatures below -20 *F [-29 *C], mix Caterpillar permanent antifreeze and approved water in equal amounts." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.599 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "mix") (PRE-MOD ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "protect") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "in-order-to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "against") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT OPPOSITION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-TEMPERATURE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "temperature") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "below") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT UNDER) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT) (ROOT "*f") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE) (ROOT "*c") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT -) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT -29) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT -20) (CAT NUMBER))))))))))))))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((TRIETRANS 70) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "water") (SEM *O-WATER) (ADJ-MOD ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "approve") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT ADJ) (PASSIVE +)))) ((SEM *O-ANTIFREEZE) (ROOT "antifreeze") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "permanent") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SOURCE)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT PROPORTION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-AMOUNT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "amount") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "equal") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-MIX (MOOD IMP) (PURPOSE (*E-PROTECT (PATIENT (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (OPPOSITION (*O-TEMPERATURE (NUMBER PL) (UNDER (*UNITS (METRIC (*O-DEGREE-CENTIGRADE (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER -29))))) (ENGLISH (*O-DEGREE-FAHRENHEIT (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER -20))))))))))) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-WATER (ATTRIBUTE (*P-APPROVED))) (*O-ANTIFREEZE (ATTRIBUTE (*P-PERMANENT)) (SOURCE (*O-CATERPILLAR)))))) (PROPORTION (*O-AMOUNT (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-EQUAL))))) "If it is impossible to start the engine weekly, you must prepare your engine for a longer storage period." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.330 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "prepare") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SCOMP ((GAP -) (ROOT "start") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (ADV ((ROOT "weekly") (CAT ADV))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "it"))) (ADJ ((ROOT "impossible") (CAT ADJ))))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((CAT ANOM.FIN.) (ROOT "must"))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "your") (CAT DET))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT PURPOSE) (OBJ ((SEM *O-STORAGE-PERIOD) (ROOT "period") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "a") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "longer") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-PREPARE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (COMPULSION +) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*PRON (PERSON THIRD) (NUMBER SG) (GENDER NEUTRAL))) (EVENT (*E-START (EVENT-FREQUENCY &WEEKLY) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (PREDICATED-OF-EVENT (*P-IMPOSSIBLE)))) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*O-ENGINE (PERSON SECOND) (POSSESSIVE +))) (PURPOSE (*O-STORAGE-PERIOD (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-LONGER))))) "Consult your Caterpillar dealer for instructions." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.104 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "consult") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEALER) (ROOT "dealer") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "your") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT BELONGS-TO))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SEARCH-FOR) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INSTRUCTION) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "instruction") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-CONSULT (MOOD IMP) (PATIENT (*O-DEALER (PERSON SECOND) (POSSESSIVE +) (BELONGS-TO (*O-CATERPILLAR)))) (SEARCH-FOR (*O-INSTRUCTION (NUMBER PL)))) "If an engine remains out-of-service, you should take special precautions." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.146 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "take") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "remain") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (COMP-TYPE APCOMP) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))))) (APCOMP ((ROOT "out-of-service") (CAT ADJ))))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (MODAL ((ROOT "should") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PRECAUTION) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "precaution") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "special") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-TAKE (MOOD DEC) (MODAL NECESSITY) (OBLIGATION +) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-REMAIN (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE INDEFINITE))) (PREDICATE (*P-OUT-OF-SERVICE)))) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (THEME (*O-PRECAUTION (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SPECIAL))))) "Consult the \"Storage Procedures for Caterpillar Products\" manual [Form SEHS9031] for more detailed information about engine storage." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.434 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "consult") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MANUAL) (ROOT "manual") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-FORM) (ROOT "form") (CAT N) (SERIAL-MOD ((SEM *O-SEHS9031) (ROOT "sehs9031") (CAT N) (SERIAL-NUMBER +) (COUNT +))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["products"]) (ROOT "storage procedures for caterpillar products"))))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SEARCH-FOR) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INFORMATION) (ROOT "information") (CAT N) (ADJ-MOD ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "detail") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT ADJ) (PASSIVE +) (ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "more"))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "about") (SEMSLOT TEXT-REFERENT) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 57) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "storage") (SEM *O-STORAGE) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT THEME)))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-CONSULT (MOOD IMP) (PATIENT (*O-MANUAL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (PAREN-MATERIAL (*O-FORM (SERIAL-NUMBER-CONCEPT (*O-SEHS9031)))) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "storage procedures for caterpillar products"))))) (SEARCH-FOR (*O-INFORMATION (ATTRIBUTE (*P-DETAILED (INTENSIFIER &MORE))) (TEXT-REFERENT (*O-STORAGE (THEME (*O-ENGINE))))))) "Cooling-System" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.014 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "cooling-system") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM (HEADING +)) "NOTICE" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.024 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-NOTICE) (ROOT "notice") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-NOTICE (HEADING +)) "Read the information in the \"cooling system specifications\" section of this manual." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.290 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (ROOT "read") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (OBJ ((SEM *O-INFORMATION) (ROOT "information") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SECTION) (ROOT "section") (CAT N) (OF ((SEM *O-MANUAL) (ROOT "manual") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((CAT DET) (ROOT "this"))))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (QUOTED-LABEL ((CAT QUOTED-TERM) (QUOTED-STRING ((TRINODE ["specifications"]) (ROOT "cooling system specifications"))))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-READ (MOOD IMP) (PATIENT (*O-INFORMATION (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (LOCATION (*O-SECTION (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-MANUAL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (NUMBER SG) (NEAR +))) (QUOTED-LABEL (*QUOTED-TERM (QUOTED-STRING "cooling system specifications")))))))) "Then, proceed with maintenance of the cooling system." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.134 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "proceed") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "then"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT COFACTOR) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 33) (COUNT -) (CAT N) (ROOT "maintenance") (SEM *O-MAINTENANCE) (OF ((SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-PROCEED (MOOD IMP) (DISCOURSE-COHESION &THEN) (COFACTOR (*O-MAINTENANCE (OBJECT (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "Add liquid conditioner or replace the coolant conditioner element." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.427 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "add") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (POST-MOD ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "replace") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "or"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER-ELEMENT) (ROOT "element") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-CONDITIONER) (ROOT "conditioner") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-LIQUID) (ROOT "liquid") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SUBSTANCE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-ADD (MOOD IMP) (OR-EVENT (*E-REPLACE (MOOD IMP) (THEME (*O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER-ELEMENT (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (THEME (*O-CONDITIONER (SUBSTANCE (*O-LIQUID))))) "In order to prevent engine damage, do not add coolant to an overheated engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.395 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (NEGATION +) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "add") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "prevent") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "in-order-to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DAMAGE) (ROOT "damage") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (SEMSLOT THEME))))))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 6) (CAT N) (ROOT "coolant") (SEM *O-COOLANT) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "to") (SEMSLOT GOAL) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "an") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "overheat") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT ADJ) (PASSIVE +)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-ADD (MOOD IMP) (NEGATION +) (PURPOSE (*E-PREVENT (PATIENT (*O-DAMAGE (THEME (*O-ENGINE)))))) (THEME (*O-COOLANT)) (GOAL (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE INDEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-OVERHEATED))))) "First, wait until the engine cools." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.161 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "wait") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "first"))) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "cool") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CNCT ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "until"))) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-WAIT (MOOD IMP) (DISCOURSE-COHESION &FIRST) (UNTIL-EVENT (*E-COOL (MOOD DEC) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "In the following cases, flush the cooling system before the recommended maintenance interval." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.295 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "flush") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-PP ((ROOT "in") (CAT P) (OBJ ((SEM *O-CASE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "case") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "following") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "before") (SEMSLOT PRE-EVENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-MAINTENANCE-INTERVAL) (ROOT "interval") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "recommend") (CAT ADJ) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE SCOMP) (PASSIVE +)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-FLUSH (MOOD IMP) (CONDITION (*O-CASE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FOLLOWING)))) (THEME (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (PRE-EVENT (*O-MAINTENANCE-INTERVAL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-RECOMMENDED))))) "= The cooling system is heavily contaminated." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.087 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD DEC) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "contaminate") (FORM IS) (GAP -) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "system") (SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (ADV ((ROOT "heavily") (CAT ADV)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-CONTAMINATE (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (HYPHEN +) (MANNER &HEAVILY) (THEME (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "= The engine overheats." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.047 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "overheat") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-OVERHEAT (MOOD DEC) (HYPHEN +) (THEME (*O-ENGINE (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "= There is foam in the radiator." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.216 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT PRON.) (ROOT "there"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-FOAM) (ROOT "foam") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 47) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "radiator") (SEM *O-RADIATOR) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (HYPHEN +) (THEME (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THERE))) (PREDICATE (*O-FOAM (LOCATION (*O-RADIATOR (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "= The oil cooler has failed." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.091 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "fail") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (PERFECT +) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-OIL-COOLER) (ROOT "cooler") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-FAIL (MOOD DEC) (PERFECT +) (HYPHEN +) (THEME (*O-OIL-COOLER (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "= There is oil in the coolant." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.116 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "be") (FORM IS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT PRON.) (ROOT "there"))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 39) (CAT N) (ROOT "oil") (SEM *O-OIL) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 6) (CAT N) (ROOT "coolant") (SEM *O-COOLANT) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (HYPHEN +) (THEME (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THERE))) (PREDICATE (*O-OIL (LOCATION (*O-COOLANT (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "= The conditioner and the antifreeze in the cooling system were not made by Caterpillar." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.230 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD DEC) (TENSE PAST) (PASSIVE +) (NEGATION +) (GAP -) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "make") (FORM WERE) (SUBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-ANTIFREEZE) (ROOT "antifreeze") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) ((SEM *O-CONDITIONER) (ROOT "conditioner") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "by") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT AGENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-MAKE (MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (PASSIVE +) (HYPHEN +) (TENSE PAST) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-ANTIFREEZE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (LOCATION (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) (*O-CONDITIONER (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (AGENT (*O-CATERPILLAR))) "Too much conditioner will cause deposits on the high-temperature surfaces of the cooling system." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.443 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (ROOT "cause") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE XCOMP) (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((SEM *O-CONDITIONER) (ROOT "conditioner") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "much") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE) (ADV ((ROOT "too") (SENT-ADV -) (CAT ADV))))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEPOSIT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "deposit") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (CAT P) (ROOT "on") (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-SURFACE) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "surface") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "high-temperature") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.03 seconds real time: (*E-CAUSE (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (AGENT (*O-CONDITIONER (ATTRIBUTE (*P-MUCH (INTENSIFIER &TOO))))) (THEME (*O-DEPOSIT (NUMBER PL) (LOCATION (*O-SURFACE (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-HIGH-TEMPERATURE))))))) "This will reduce the heat transfer in the engine." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.157 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "reduce") (FORM ROOTFORM) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "this"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-HEAT-TRANSFER) (ROOT "transfer") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 14) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "engine") (SEM *O-ENGINE) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "will") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.08 seconds real time: (*E-REDUCE (MOOD DEC) (TENSE FUTURE) (AGENT (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THIS))) (THEME (*O-HEAT-TRANSFER (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (LOCATION (*O-ENGINE (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "Reduced heat transfer could crack the cylinder head and other high-temperature components." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.945 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "crack") (SUBJ ((SEM *O-HEAT-TRANSFER) (ROOT "transfer") (CAT N) (ADJ-MOD ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "reduce") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT ADJ) (PASSIVE +))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-COMPONENT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "component") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (ADJ-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((ROOT "other") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)) ((ROOT "high-temperature") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) ((SEM *O-CYLINDER-HEAD) (ROOT "head") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "could") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-CRACK (MOOD DEC) (MODAL POSSIBILITY) (TENTATIVE +) (AGENT (*O-HEAT-TRANSFER (ATTRIBUTE (*P-REDUCED)))) (THEME (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-COMPONENT (NUMBER PL) (ATTRIBUTE (*MULTIPLE* (*P-OTHER) (*P-HIGH-TEMPERATURE)))) (*O-CYLINDER-HEAD (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "Also, excessive concentrations of conditioner could accelerate wear in the water pump seal." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.225 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "accelerate") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (PRE-MOD-ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "also"))) (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "concentration") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-CONCENTRATION) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "excessive") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (OF ((SEM *O-CONDITIONER) (ROOT "conditioner") (CAT N) (COUNT +))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "could") (CAT ANOM.FIN.))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-WEAR) (ROOT "wear") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT LOCATION) (OBJ ((SEM *O-WATER-PUMP-SEAL) (ROOT "seal") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-ACCELERATE (MOOD DEC) (EVENT-CONTRAST &ALSO) (MODAL POSSIBILITY) (TENTATIVE +) (AGENT (*O-CONCENTRATION (NUMBER PL) (OBJECT (*O-CONDITIONER)) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-EXCESSIVE)))) (THEME (*O-WEAR (LOCATION (*O-WATER-PUMP-SEAL (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))))) "Check the concentration with the 8T5296 coolant conditioner test kit." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.226 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "check") (OBJ ((SEM *O-CONCENTRATION) (ROOT "concentration") (CAT N) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "with") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT INSTRUMENT) (OBJ ((SEM *O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER-TEST-KIT) (ROOT "kit") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (SERIAL-MOD ((SEM *O-8T5296) (ROOT "8t5296") (CAT N) (SERIAL-NUMBER +) (COUNT +)))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-CHECK (MOOD IMP) (PATIENT (*O-CONCENTRATION (REFERENCE DEFINITE))) (INSTRUMENT (*O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER-TEST-KIT (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (SERIAL-NUMBER-CONCEPT (*O-8T5296))))) "NOTICE" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.065 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-NOTICE) (ROOT "notice") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-NOTICE (HEADING +)) "Excessive concentrations of coolant conditioner and of antifreeze cause deposits to form." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.475 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (COMP-TYPE XCOMP) (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "cause") (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "concentration") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-CONCENTRATION) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "excessive") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (OF ((ROOT SET-OF) (CAT N) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-ANTIFREEZE) (ROOT "antifreeze") (CAT N) (COUNT +)) ((TRIETRANS 7) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "conditioner") (SEM *O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER)))))))) (XCOMP ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (VALENCY INTRANS) (CAT V) (ROOT "form") (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-DEPOSIT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "deposit") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-CAUSE (MOOD DEC) (AGENT (*O-CONCENTRATION (NUMBER PL) (OBJECT (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-ANTIFREEZE) (*O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER)))) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-EXCESSIVE)))) (THEME (*O-DEPOSIT (NUMBER PL))) (EVENT (*E-FORM))) "This may result in radiator tube blockage and overheating." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.204 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (ROOT "result") (CAT V) (VALENCY INTRANS) (FORM ROOTFORM) (GAP -) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "this"))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "in") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT CONDITION) (OBJ ((ROOT SET-NP) (CAT N) (MEMBER (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-OVERHEATING) (ROOT "overheating") (CAT N) (COUNT -)) ((SEM *O-BLOCKAGE) (ROOT "blockage") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-RADIATOR-TUBE) (ROOT "tube") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT LOCATED-IN)))))) (CONJ ((CAT CONJ.) (ROOT "and"))))))) (MODAL ((ROOT "may") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-RESULT (MOOD DEC) (MODAL POSSIBILITY) (THEME (*PRON (PLEONASTIC-PRON THIS))) (CONDITION (*COORDINATION (AND-CONJUNCTION +) (CONJUNCTS (*O-OVERHEATING) (*O-BLOCKAGE (LOCATED-IN (*O-RADIATOR-TUBE))))))) "The following conditions are considered excessive:" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.121 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((COLON +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM ARE) (ROOT "consider") (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE APCOMP) (PASSIVE +) (SUBJ ((COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "condition") (NUMBER PL) (SEM *O-CONDITION) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "following") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))) (APCOMP ((ROOT "excessive") (CAT ADJ))) (OBJ ((ROOT "*gap*")))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-CONSIDER (MOOD DEC) (PASSIVE +) (COLON +) (PREDICATE (*P-EXCESSIVE)) (PATIENT (*O-CONDITION (NUMBER PL) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-FOLLOWING))))) "= The concentration of coolant conditioner is greater than the recommended initial 6% fill." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.241 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM IS) (ROOT "be") (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "concentration") (SEM *O-CONCENTRATION) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (OF ((TRIETRANS 7) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "conditioner") (SEM *O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "greater") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((CAT P) (ROOT "than") (OBJ ((CAT N) (ROOT "fill") (SEM *O-FILL) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (ADJ-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((FORM PASTPART) (ROOT "recommend") (CAT ADJ) (VALENCY TRANS) (COMP-TYPE SCOMP) (PASSIVE +)) ((ROOT "initial") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (PERCENT +) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 6) (CAT NUMBER)))))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.04 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (HYPHEN +) (THEME (*O-CONCENTRATION (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER)))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-GREATER (THAN-OBJECT (*O-FILL (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (ATTRIBUTE (*MULTIPLE* (*P-RECOMMENDED) (*P-INITIAL))) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (PERCENT +) (INTEGER 6)))))))) "= The concentration of antifreeze is greater than 65%." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.150 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HYPHEN +) (MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM IS) (ROOT "be") (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "concentration") (SEM *O-CONCENTRATION) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (OF ((SEM *O-ANTIFREEZE) (ROOT "antifreeze") (CAT N) (COUNT +))))) (ADJ ((ROOT "greater") (CAT ADJ) (PP ((CAT P) (ROOT "than") (OBJ ((CAT NUMBER) (PERCENT +) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 65) (CAT NUMBER)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (HYPHEN +) (THEME (*O-CONCENTRATION (NUMBER SG) (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (OBJECT (*O-ANTIFREEZE)))) (PREDICATED-OF-THEME (*P-GREATER (THAN-OBJECT (*NUMBER (PERCENT +) (INTEGER 65)))))) "Liquid Conditioner" 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.050 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((HEADING +) (GAP -) (SEM *O-CONDITIONER) (ROOT "conditioner") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-LIQUID) (ROOT "liquid") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SUBSTANCE)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.00 seconds real time: (*O-CONDITIONER (HEADING +) (SUBSTANCE (*O-LIQUID))) "1. Slowly loosen the radiator filler cap in order to relieve pressure." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.178 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "loosen") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 1) (CAT NUMBER))) (POST-MOD ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "relieve") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "in-order-to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PRESSURE) (ROOT "pressure") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (ADV ((ROOT "slowly") (CAT ADV))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-RADIATOR-FILLER-CAP) (ROOT "cap") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-LOOSEN (MOOD IMP) (NUMBER-BULLET 1) (MANNER &SLOWLY) (PURPOSE (*E-RELIEVE (THEME (*O-PRESSURE)))) (THEME (*O-RADIATOR-FILLER-CAP (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "Remove the cap." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.037 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "remove") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (OBJ ((SEM *O-CAP) (ROOT "cap") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-REMOVE (MOOD IMP) (THEME (*O-CAP (REFERENCE DEFINITE)))) "2. It may be necessary to drain some coolant from the radiator in order to add the liquid cooling system conditioner." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.476 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "be") (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 2) (CAT NUMBER))) (POST-MOD ((GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "add") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (CNCT ((ROOT "in-order-to"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-CONDITIONER) (ROOT "conditioner") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-LIQUID) (ROOT "liquid") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SUBSTANCE)) ((SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT THEME) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))))) (SCOMP ((GAP -) (ROOT "drain") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (FORM ROOTFORM) (CNCT ((CAT P) (ROOT "to"))) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 6) (CAT N) (ROOT "coolant") (SEM *O-COOLANT) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "some") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "from") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT SOURCE) (OBJ ((TRIETRANS 47) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "radiator") (SEM *O-RADIATOR) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))))))))) (SUBJ ((ROOT "it") (CAT PRON.))) (ADJ ((ROOT "necessary") (CAT ADJ))) (MODAL ((ROOT "may") (CAT ANOM.FIN.)))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.07 seconds real time: (*E-BE (MOOD DEC) (NUMBER-BULLET 2) (MODAL POSSIBILITY) (PURPOSE (*E-ADD (THEME (*O-CONDITIONER (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (THEME (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM)) (SUBSTANCE (*O-LIQUID)))))) (THEME (*PRON (PERSON THIRD) (NUMBER SG) (GENDER NEUTRAL))) (EVENT (*E-DRAIN (THEME (*O-COOLANT (ATTRIBUTE (*P-SOME)))) (SOURCE (*O-RADIATOR (REFERENCE DEFINITE))))) (PREDICATED-OF-EVENT (*P-NECESSARY))) "3. Add 0.5 pints [0.24 liters] of Caterpillar liquid cooling system conditioner for every 10 US gallons [38 liters] of cooling system capacity." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.540 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "add") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (NUMBER-BULLET ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 3) (CAT NUMBER))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PINT) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "pint") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-CONDITIONER) (ROOT "conditioner") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (N-MOD (*MULTIPLE* ((SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SOURCE)) ((SEM *O-LIQUID) (ROOT "liquid") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SUBSTANCE)) ((SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT THEME) (COUNT (*OR* + -))))))) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-LITER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "liter") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 24) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 0) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (NUMERIC +) (DECIMAL ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 5) (CAT NUMBER))) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 0) (CAT NUMBER))))) (PP ((GAP -) (ROOT "for") (CAT P) (SEMSLOT MATCH) (OBJ ((SEM *O-US-GALLON) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "gallon") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (OF ((SEM *O-CAPACITY) (ROOT "capacity") (CAT N) (COUNT (*OR* + -)) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-COOLING-SYSTEM) (ROOT "system") (CAT N) (SEMSLOT TYPE) (COUNT (*OR* + -)))))) (ADDITION ((SEM *O-LITER) (NUMBER PL) (ROOT "liter") (CAT N) (UNIT +) (COUNT +) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 38) (CAT NUMBER))))))) (NUM-MOD ((CAT NUMBER) (INTEGER ((NUMERIC +) (ROOT 10) (CAT NUMBER))))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "every") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.05 seconds real time: (*E-ADD (MOOD IMP) (NUMBER-BULLET 3) (THEME (*UNITS (MATCH (*UNITS (ATTRIBUTE (*P-EVERY)) (OBJECT (*O-CAPACITY (TYPE (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM)))) (METRIC (*O-LITER (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 38))))) (ENGLISH (*O-US-GALLON (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (INTEGER 10))))))) (OBJECT (*O-CONDITIONER (THEME (*O-COOLING-SYSTEM)) (SUBSTANCE (*O-LIQUID)) (SOURCE (*O-CATERPILLAR)))) (METRIC (*O-LITER (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (DECIMAL 24) (INTEGER 0))))) (ENGLISH (*O-PINT (NUMBER PL) (QUANTITY (*NUMBER (DECIMAL 5) (INTEGER 0)))))))) "Caterpillar antifreeze contains the necessary coolant conditioner precharge." 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.116 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (FORM PRESENT3SG) (ROOT "contain") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (SUBJ ((NUMBER SG) (SEM *O-ANTIFREEZE) (ROOT "antifreeze") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SOURCE))))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PRECHARGE) (ROOT "precharge") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 7) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "conditioner") (SEM *O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER) (SEMSLOT THEME))) (ADJ-MOD ((ROOT "necessary") (CAT ADJ) (SEMSLOT ATTRIBUTE)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.01 seconds real time: (*E-CONTAIN (MOOD DEC) (LOCATIVE (*O-ANTIFREEZE (NUMBER SG) (SOURCE (*O-CATERPILLAR)))) (THEME (*O-PRECHARGE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (THEME (*O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER)) (ATTRIBUTE (*P-NECESSARY))))) "Only add the coolant conditioner precharge if you are not using Caterpillar antifreeze. " 1 (1 distinct) F-Structure created, using 0.295 seconds of real time ; **** F-Structure #1 **** ((MOOD IMP) (GAP -) (FORM ROOTFORM) (ROOT "add") (VALENCY TRANS) (CAT V) (POST-MOD ((MOOD DEC) (GAP -) (CAT V) (VALENCY TRANS) (ROOT "use") (FORM ARE) (NEGATION +) (PROG +) (CNCT ((ROOT "if") (CAT CONJ.))) (SUBJ ((CAT PRON.) (ROOT "you"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-ANTIFREEZE) (ROOT "antifreeze") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (N-MOD ((SEM *O-CATERPILLAR) (ROOT "caterpillar") (CAT N) (COUNT +) (SEMSLOT SOURCE))))))) (ADV ((CAT ADV) (ROOT "only"))) (OBJ ((SEM *O-PRECHARGE) (ROOT "precharge") (CAT N) (COUNT -) (DET ((ROOT "the") (CAT DET))) (N-MOD ((TRIETRANS 7) (COUNT +) (CAT N) (ROOT "conditioner") (SEM *O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER) (SEMSLOT THEME)))))) 1 semantic parse(s) found in 0.02 seconds real time: (*E-ADD (MOOD IMP) (EVENT-CONTRAST &ONLY) (PRE-CONDITION (*E-USE (MOOD DEC) (NEGATION +) (PROG +) (AGENT (*PRON (PERSON SECOND))) (PATIENT (*O-ANTIFREEZE (SOURCE (*O-CATERPILLAR)))))) (THEME (*O-PRECHARGE (REFERENCE DEFINITE) (THEME (*O-COOLANT-CONDITIONER))))) NIL USER>