I have a quick look at the classification, but I dont take time to re-lable the sentences from the view of target generation: I think if you catch the grammatical segment of the sentence, it is possible to generate the target language by writing the "reverse" grammar(of course, chinese grammar is different from english grammar, but I think most of them could be done.) the problem here is that we need to keep the generation grammar as general as possible. As to the partially parsed sentences, I think we should make an agreement on the annotations of the semantic roles of the chunks, for example, MAIN-CLAUSE, SUB-CLAUSE, TIME, REASON, LOCATION, or simply CLAUSE1, CLAUSE2, ets. Is it possible to give such information during parsing? If so, the chunks could be mapped into target sentence according to the feature of the target language. Another problem is how we deal with the omitted words(if there are some) during generation, omit them or put them into the target sentence based on some strategy. Ambiguity is another problem, especially word sense ambiguity in generation, I encounter this problem when started looking into Wei's previous work, I think we should do some disambiguity in our system. the question is: disambiguity in parsing or generation, or both. Maybe some words like "plane(aircraft, surface)" could be sovled in parsing(again the same question, is it possible for you), and some words like "for(FOR a long time, FOR me)", "cover(COVER the surface, cover the fact)" could be sovled in generation, that is a problem of lexicon selection. Dr. Li reduced the 3-step generation to 2-step generation when he constructed the Chinese sentence generation system, I don't know whether this will hurt to disambiguity. He mentioned lexicon selection for disambiguity in his report, but I don't know whether he implement it in his work, I mean, the work related to Caterpillar domain. Maybe Eric could tell me more. Statistical method will work in disambiguity, but it requires a large amount of data. In our case, most of the previous work is done by KB method, so I think it is better to introduce a word sense hierarchy(semantic hierarchy) to our system, at least to the generation system. The hierarchy can be simple(but complete) now, so it is possible fo manual work in a demo system. In the long run, if a practical Chinese generation system will be constructed, it is worth to do so. Sorry, Krzysztof, many words here are written to Eric, I just want to refer to your opinion, anyway, the parsing and generation are not entirely seperated. In your classification of the "Marke Wrap" file, at least half sentences are labled TM or KB, do you get some interlingua of them, if so I can take them to have some tests.