11-711: Nyberg's Lecture Notes



Ambiguity Resolution

Brown, R. (1991). Automatic and Interactive Augmentation. In Goodman and Nirenburg, eds., The KBMT Project: A case study in Knowledge-Based Machine Translation, San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.

Mitamura, T. and E. Nyberg (1995). ``Controlled English for Knowledge-Based MT: Experience with the KANT System'', " Proceedings of TMI-95.

Baker, Franz, Jordan, Mitamura and Nyberg (1994). ``Coping With Ambiguity in a Large-Scale Machine Translation System,'' Proceedings of COLING-94, Kyoto, Japan, August 5-9.

Introduction to Semantic Processing

Knight, K. and E. Rich (1991). Artificial Intelligence, New York: McGraw Hill.

Nyberg, E. (1988). The FrameKit User's Guide, Technical Memo CMU-CMT-88-MEMO.

Mitamura, T., E. Nyberg and J. Carbonell (1991). "An Efficient Interlingua Translation System for Multi-lingual Document Production," Proceedings of the Third Machine Translation Summit, Washington, D.C.

Prerau, D. (1990). Developing and Managing Expert Systems, Addison-Wesley.

CYC System. For more details, see http://www.cyc.com.

Woods, W. A. (1978). "Semantics and Quantification in Natural Language Question Answering," Advances in Computers, Vol. 17.

Schank, R. and R. Abelson (1977). Scripts, Plans, Goals and Understanding, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Jakobson, G., C. Lafond, E. Nyberg and G. Piatetsky-Shapiro (1986). "An Intelligent Database Assistant," IEEE Expert, Vol. 1 No. 2.

Natural Language Generation

Derr, M. and K. McKeown. Using Focus to Generate Complex and Simple Sentences. Proceedings of COLING-84, 1984.

DiMarco, C. and G. Hirst. Stylistic Grammars in Language Translation. Proceedings of COLING-88, 1988.

Goldman, N. Conceptual Generation. In: R. Schank (ed.), Conceptual Information Processing. Amsterdam: North Holland, pp. 289-372, 1975.

Granville, R.A. Cohesion in Computer Text Generation: Lexical Substitution. Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-310, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1983.

Hovy, E. Generating Natural Language under Pragmatic Constraints. Yale University Ph.D. Dissertation, 1987.

Hovy, E. Two Types of Planning in Language Generation. Proceedings of ACL-88, 1988.

Jacobs, P. A knowledge-based approach to language production. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Berkeley, 1985.

Kittredge, R., L. Iordanskaja and A. Polgaire. Generation using the Meaning -- Text Model. Proceedings of COLING-88, 1988.

Leavitt, J., E. Nyberg, C. Defrise and S. Nirenburg (1991). DIOGENES-90, Technical Report, Center for Machine Translation, Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-CMT-89-123.

Leavitt, J. R. R. and E. Nyberg (1990). The DIBBS BlackBoard Control Architecture and its Application to Distributed Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of IEEE Tools for Artificial Intelligence '90, Washington, D.C., November 6-9.

Li, T. Q., E. Nyberg and J. Carbonell (1996). Chinese Sentence Generation in a Knowledge-Based Machine Translation System. Technical Report CMU-CMT-96-148.

Mann, W. An Overview of the Nigel Text Generation Grammar. USC/ISI Research Report 83-113, 1983.

Mann, W. and S. Thompson. Rhetorical Structure Theory: A Framework for the Analysis of texts. USC/ISI Research Report ISI/RS-87-185, 1987.

McDonald, D. Natural Language Generation as Computational Problem. in M. Brady and R. Berwick, eds., Computational Models of Discourse. MIT Press, 1983.

McDonald, D. and J. Pustejovsky. A Computational Theory of Prose Style for Natural Language Generation. Proceedings of European ACL, 1985.

McKeown, K. Text Generation. Cambridge University Press, 1985

Meteer, M., D. McDonald, S. Anderson, D. Foster, L. Gay, A. Huettner and P. Sibun. Mumble-86: Design and Implementation. University of Massachusetts Technical Report COINS-87-87, 1987.

Nirenburg, S., E. Nyberg and C. Defrise (1989). Text Planning with Opportunistic Control/, Technical Report, Center for Machine Translation, Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-CMT-89-113.

Nirenburg, S., V. Lesser and E. Nyberg (1989). Controlling a Language Generation Planner. Proceedings of the 1989 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Detroit, MI, August.

Nirenburg, S., E. Nyberg, R. McCardell, S. Huffman, E. Kenschaft and I. Nirenburg. Diogenes-88. Technical Report CMU-CMT-88-107. Carnegie-Mellon University. June, 1988.

Nyberg, E., and C. Defrise (1990). A Unification Based Rule Language for Text Planning. Workshop on Constraint-Based Approaches to Natural Language Generation, Bad Teinach, Germany, Nov. 26-30.

Nyberg, E., R. McCardell, D. Gates and S. Nirenburg (1991). Target Text Generation. In Goodman and Nirenburg (eds), A Case Study in Knowledge-Based Machine Translation, San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.

Pustejovsky, J. and S. Nirenburg. Lexical Selection in the Process of Language Generation. Proceedings of ACL-87, 1987.

Sondheimer, N., S. Cumming and R. Albano. How to Realize a Concept. Presented at the Workshop on Lexical Semantics, Brandeis University, May, 1988.

Tomita, M. and E. Nyberg. The Generation Kit and Transformation Kit User's Guide. Technical Memo CMU-CMT-88-MEMO. Carnegie-Mellon University. November, 1988.

Ward, N. Issues in Word Choice. Proceedings of COLING-88, 1988.

Werner, P. and S. Nirenburg. A Specification Language that Supports the Realization of Intersentential Anaphora. Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Natural Language Generation, 1988.