Grammars and Lexicons Class, Another reminder about due dates: German and Malayalam due on Wednedsay, October 16. Tongan and Jakaltek due on Monday, October 21. Instructions for Malayalam: Task 1: Fill in the table below. One row is done as an example. Include one sentence number for each word form. You can reformat the table in Word, Excel, Tex, etc., but you don't have to. ====================================================================== subj. obj. loc. instr. recip. ben. agent exp. pass. hungry desid. child children mother elephant elephants stick wati wati kontuh (4) (13) watiyaal (9) bird bread shirt book rice =========================================================================== subj. = subject obj. = object loc. = locative instr. = instrument recip. = recipient ben. = benefactive agent pass. = agent of passive exp. hungry desid. = experiencer of "be hungry" and desideratives ("desiderative" is the word that linguists use for "want") Task 2: a. In the table, what is nominative case used for? Subjects not subjects of desiderative not subject of hungry Inanimate objects b. What is accusative case used for? Animate direct objects c. What is dative case used for? Recipient Experiencer of hungry Experiencer of desiderative Object of benefactive postposition (animate?) d. What is instrumental case used for? Instrument Agent of Passive (running tally: 9) Task 3: a. How do you form a desiderative (want) sentence in Malayalam? Subject in dative case Add -anam to the end of the verb (plus some morphophonological operations) b. How do you form a passive sentence in Malayalam? Agent in instrumental case Patient in nominative case Add --kkapppett to the verb (plus some morphophonological operations) Task 4: Reflexive Pronouns a. In sentences 32 and 35, what is the grammatical relation of the antecedent of "swantam"? Subject b. What grammatical relation cannot be the antecedent of "swantam"? Object c. In sentences 33 and 36, what is the grammatical relation of the antececent of "awante"? Object d. What grammatical relation cannot be the antecedent of "awante"? Subject e. Hypothesis 1: The experiencer of a desiderative is a subject. Hypothesis 2: The experiencer of a desiderative is not a subject. Which hypothesis is supported by example 34? Hypothesis 1 f. Why? Swantam can refer to it. (running tally: 18) Taks 5: Controllers and Controllees of Adjunct Clauses a. In sentence 37, what is the grammatical relation of the controller? Subject b. In sentence 37, what is the grammatical relation of the controllee? Subject c. In sentence 38, can a recipient with dative case be the controller? No d. In sentence 43, can a recipient with dative case be the controllee? No d. In sentences 39 and 40, can a direct object be the controller? No e. Hypothesis 1: A dative experiencer is a subject. Hypothesis 2: A dative experiencer is not a subject. It is like other datives, for example, dative recipients. Which hypothesis is supported by sentence 41? Hypothesis 1 f. Why? It can be a controller. g. Which hypothesis is supported by sentence 42? Hypothesis 1 h. Why? Because a dative recipient cannot be a controllee. i. Hypothesis 1: Dative and nominative NPs can be controllers and controllees of adjunct clauses. Hypothesis 2: Subjects can be controllers and controllees of adjunct clauses. Which hypothesis is supported by sentence 43? ****Change to "Which Hyp is disproven by 43?" Because 43 is a counterexample to Hyp 1***** Hypothesis 2 j. Why? Dative recipients cannot be controllers and controllees. k. Hypothesis 1: Agents and experiencers can be controllers and controllees of adjunct clauses. Hypothesis 2: Subjects can be controllers and controllees of adjunct clauses. Which hypothesis is supported by sentences 44 and 45? ****Hyp 1 is true as stated***** Hypothesis 2 l. Why? Subjects of passives can be controllers and controllees, but they are not agents or experiencers. Agents of passive sentences cannot be controllers/controllees.