11-721: Grammars and Lexicons Fall Term 2002 Some English rules and lexical entries ========================================================= Annotated Phrase Structure Rules ^ is up arrow. | is down arrow. ========================================================= Subject-Verb Agreement Determiner-Noun Agreement Nominative and accusative pronouns Finite main verb Completeness and Coherence (Subcategorization) ======================================================== Rule 1: S --> NP VP (^ SUBJ)=| ^=| (| CASE) = nom (^ VFORM) =c fin ---------------------------------------------------------- Rule 2: VP --> V ^=| ---------------------------------------------------------- Rule 3: VP --> V NP ^=| (^ OBJ)=| (| CASE) = acc --------------------------------------------------------- Rule 4: VP --> V PP ^=| (^(| CASE))=| --------------------------------------------------------- Rule 5: VP --> V NP PP ^=| (^ OBJ)=| (^(| CASE))=| (| CASE) = acc --------------------------------------------------------- Rule 5a: VP --> V NP NP ^=| (^ OBJ)=| (^ OBJ2) = | (| CASE) = acc --------------------------------------------------------- Rule 6: NP --> (DET) N-1 ^=| ^=| --------------------------------------------------------- Rule 7: N-1 --> N ^=| --------------------------------------------------------- Rule 8: PP --> P (NP) ^=| (^ OBJ)=| (| CASE) = acc ========================================================= Lexicon ========================================================= a DET (^ NUM) = sg (^ DEF) = - -------------------------------------------------------- ate V (^ PRED) = `eat< SUBJ OBJ >' (^ VFORM) = fin (^ TENSE) = past -------------------------------------------------------- ate V (^ PRED) = `eat< SUBJ >' (^ VFORM) = fin (^ TENSE) = past -------------------------------------------------------- bag N (^ PRED) = `bag' (^ PERS) = 3 -------------------------------------------------------- cat N (^ PRED) = `cat' (^ PERS) = 3 ------------------------------------------------------- devour V (^ PRED) = `devour< SUBJ OBJ >' ------------------------------------------------------- doctor N (^ PRED) = doctor (^ PERS) = 3 ------------------------------------------------------ eat V (^ PRED) = `eat< SUBJ >' ------------------------------------------------------- eat V (^ PRED) = `eat< SUBJ OBJ >' ------------------------------------------------------- examine V (^ PRED) = `examine< SUBJ OBJ >' -------------------------------------------------------- forest N (^ PRED) = `forest' -------------------------------------------------------- go V (^ PRED) = `go< SUBJ >' -------------------------------------------------------- go V (^ PRED) = `go< SUBJ OBL-goal>' -------------------------------------------------------- hand V (^ PRED) = `hand< SUBJ OBJ OBL-goal>' -------------------------------------------------------- hand V (^ PRED) = `hand< SUBJ OBJ OBJ2 >' ---------------------------------------------------------- he N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ CASE) = nom (^ NUM) = sg (^ PERS) = 3 (^ GENDER) = masc ---------------------------------------------------------- her N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ CASE) = acc (^ NUM) = sg (^ PERS) = 3 (^ GENDER) = fem ---------------------------------------------------------- him N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ CASE) = acc (^ NUM) = sg (^ PERS) = 3 (^ GENDER) = masc -------------------------------------------------------- house N (^ PRED) = `house' ---------------------------------------------------------- I N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ CASE) = nom (^ NUM) = sg (^ PERS) = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- in P (^ PRED) = `in < OBJ >' (^ CASE) = OBL-loc ---------------------------------------------------------- it N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ NUM) = sg (^ PERS) = 3 ----------------------------------------------------------- live V (^ PRED) = `live< SUBJ OBL-loc >' ---------------------------------------------------------- Sam N (^ PRED) = `sam' (^ NUM) = sg (^ PERS) = 3 --------------------------------------------------------- sandwich N (^ PRED) = sandwich (^ PERS) = 3 -------------------------------------------------------- saw V (^ PRED) = `see< SUBJ OBJ >' (^ VFORM) = fin (^ TENSE) = past -------------------------------------------------------- see V (^ PRED) = `see< SUBJ OBJ >' ---------------------------------------------------------- she N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ CASE) = nom (^ NUM) = sg (^ PERS) = 3 (^ GENDER) = fem -------------------------------------------------------- that N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ NUM) = sg (^ PERS) = 3 (^ PROX) = far -------------------------------------------------------- that DET (^ DEF) = + (^ NUM) = sg (^ PROX) = far -------------------------------------------------------- the DET (^ DEF) = + ------------------------------------------------------- this DET (^ DEF) = + (^ NUM) = sg (^ PROX) = near -------------------------------------------------------- this N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ NUM) = sg (^ PERS) = 3 (^ PROX) = near -------------------------------------------------------- them N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ NUM) = pl (^ PERS) = 3 (^ CASE) = acc -------------------------------------------------------- these DET (^ DEF) = + (^ NUM) = pl (^ PROX) = near -------------------------------------------------------- these N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ NUM) = pl (^ PERS) = 3 (^ PROX) = near -------------------------------------------------------- they N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ NUM) = pl (^ PERS) = 3 (^ CASE) = nom -------------------------------------------------------- those DET (^ DEF) = + (^ NUM) = pl (^ PROX) = far -------------------------------------------------------- those N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ PERS) = 3 (^ NUM) = sg (^ PROX) = far -------------------------------------------------------- to P (^ PRED) = `to< OBJ >' (^ CASE) = OBL-goal -------------------------------------------------------- us N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ PERS) = 1 (^ NUM) = pl (^ CASE) = acc -------------------------------------------------------- we N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ PERS) = 1 (^ NUM) = pl (^ CASE) = nom ------------------------------------------------------- went V (^ PRED) = `go < SUBJ >' (^ TENSE) = past (^ VFORM) = fin ------------------------------------------------------- went V (^ PRED) = `go< SUBJ OBL-goal>' (^ TENSE) = pasat (^ VFORM) = fin ------------------------------------------------------- you N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ PERS) = 2 (^ NUM) = sg ------------------------------------------------------- you N (^ PRED) = `pro' (^ PERS) = 2 (^ NUM) = pl ========================================================= Suffixes ========================================================= null suffix for nouns (^ NUM) = sg --------------------------------------------------------- -s for nouns (^ NUM) = pl --------------------------------------------------------- null suffix for verbs (^ TENSE) = pres {(^ SUBJ NUM) ~= sg | (^ SUBJ PERS) ~= 3} (^ VFORM) = fin ---------------------------------------------------------- null suffix for verbs (^ VFORM) = inf ---------------------------------------------------------- -s suffix for verbs (^ SUBJ NUM) = sg (^ SUBJ PERS) = 3 (^ TENSE) = pres (^ VFORM) = fin ---------------------------------------------------------- -ed suffix for verbs (^ TENSE) = past (^ VFORM) = fin ----------------------------------------------------------