(TOP (S (S (PP In (NP American romance)) , (NP-SBJ-2 almost nothing) (VP rates (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP higher) (PP than (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the movie men) (VP have (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) `` (S-NOM-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP meeting (NP cute))) '')))))))))) -- (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) , (NP-SBJ boy-meets-girl) (VP seems (ADJP-PRD more adorable) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP does n't (VP take (NP place) (PP in (NP (NP an atmosphere) (PP of (NP (ADJP correct and acute) boredom)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (ADVP Just about) the (ADJP most enthralling) real-life example) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP meeting (NP cute))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the Charles MacArthur-Helen Hayes saga) : (S (S (ADVP reputedly) (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP give (NP her) (NP (NP a handful) (PP of (NP peanuts))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (ADVP simultaneously) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD emeralds)))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP (NP the comico-romantico content) (ADVP here)))) , (NP-SBJ a good linguist-anthropologist) (VP could (ADVP readily) (VP pick (PRT up) (NP a few other facts) , (SBAR-ADV (ADVP especially) if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP (ADJP (NP-ADV a little) more)) (PP of (NP the conversation)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP on (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-MNR-SBJ (NP The way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ MacArthur) (VP said (NP his line) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (NP (NP the recorded transcript) (PP of (NP a professional linguist)))))) -- (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP have (VP gone (PP like (NP (NP this) : (UCP (X A[fj]) (NP (NP Primary stresses) (PP on (NP emeralds and wish))) ; ; (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP note (NP (NP pitch 3) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP pretty high) -RRB-) (PP (PP on (NP emeralds)) but (PP with (NP (NP (NP a slight degree) (PP of (NP drawl))) , (NP (NP one degree) (PP of (NP oversoftness))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Conclusions) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP The people) (VP involved)) (PRN -LRB- (S and (NP-SBJ subsequent facts) (VP bear (NP me) (PRT out) (ADVP here))) -RRB-) (VP knew (ADVP-MNR clearly) (NP (NP the relative values) (PP of (NP peanuts and emeralds)) , (ADJP both monetary and sentimental)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the drawling , oversoft voice) (PP of (NP flirtation))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD fairly overt))) , (VP was (ADVP still) (PP-PRD (ADVP well) within (NP (NP the prescribed gambit) (PP of (NP their culture))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP other words)) , (PP like (NP (NP automation machines) (VP designed (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP work (PP in (NP tandem)))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP shared (NP (NP the same programming) , (NP (NP a mutual understanding) (PP (CONJP not only) (PP of (NP English words)) , but (PP of (NP (NP the four stresses , pitches , and junctures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP change (NP their meaning) (PP (PP from (NP black)) (PP to (NP white))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP At (NP this point)) , (ADVP unfortunately) , (NP-SBJ romance) (VP becomes (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP regrettably small) part) (PP of (NP the picture))))) ; ; but (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP consider , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP bear (NP it))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP have (VP happened (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ MacArthur) , (PP for (NP some perverse , undaunted reason)) , (VP had (VP made (NP the same remark) (PP to (NP an Eskimo girl)) (PP in (NP Eskimo))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP her)) (NP-SBJ peanuts and emeralds) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD just (ADJP so much) blubber)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The point) -- (ADVP quite simply) -- (VP is (NP-PRD (NP this) : (UCP (S (NP-TPC-1 words) (NP-SBJ they) (VP might (VP have (VP had (NP *T*-1))))) ; ; but (FRAG (NP communication) , (INTJ no))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP This basic principle) , (NP (NP the first) (PP in (NP a (ADJP richly knotted) bundle)))) , (VP was (VP conveyed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP me)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Dr. Henry Lee Smith , Jr.) , (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Buffalo)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heads (NP (NP (NP the world 's) first department) (PP of (NP anthropology and linguistics))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP A brisk , amusing man) , (VP (ADVP apparently) constructed (NP *) (PP on (NP (NP an ingenious system) (PP of (NP spring-joints)) (VP attuned (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP the same peppery rhythm) (PP as (NP his mind))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Smith) (VP began (NP his academic career) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP teaching (NP speech) (PP to (NP Barnard girls))) -- (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (NP-PRD (NP a project) (VP (ADVP considerably) enlivened (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his devotion) (PP to (NP (NP a recording) (PP about `` (NP (NP a young rat) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Arthur))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP could (VP make (PRT up) (NP his mind)))))) '')))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the central spirits) (PP of (NP (NP the Army Language Program) and (NP (NP the language school) (PP of (NP (NP Washington 's) Foreign Service Institute))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) , (PP in (NP (NP the course) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP prepare (NP new men) (PP for (NP (NP the `` culture shock '') (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP might (VP encounter (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP remote overseas posts)))))))))))))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP develop (NP (NP a system) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP charting (NP (NP the `` norms) (PP of (NP human communication)) '')))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP (NP the trained ear) (PP of (NP the linguist)))) , (NP-SBJ talk) (VP has (ADVP-TMP always) (VP revealed (NP (NP (NP a staggering quantity) (PP of (NP (NP information) (PP about (NP the talker))))) -- (NP (NP such things) (PP as (NP (NP geographical origin) and (NP history) , (NP socio-economic identity) , (NP education))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP only) (ADVP-TMP-PRD fairly recently) , (ADVP however) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ linguists) (VP have (VP developed (NP (NP a systematic way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP charting (NP voices) (PP on (NP paper)) (PP in (NP (NP a way) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP tells (NP (NP (ADJP even more)) (PP (PP about (NP the speakers)) and (PP about (NP (NP the success or failure) (PP of (NP human communication)) (PP between (NP two people)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) , (PP-PRP for (NP obvious reasons)) , (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ their techniques) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP superbly useful (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP studying (NP the psychiatric interview))))) , (ADJP (ADJP so useful) (PRN , (PP in (NP fact)) ,) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP have (VP been (ADVP-MNR successfully) (VP used (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP suggest (NP (NP ways) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP speed (NP diagnosis))) and (VP to (VP evaluate (NP (NP the progress) (PP of (NP therapy))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the early 1950 's)) , (NP-SBJ Smith) , (PP (ADVP together) with (NP (NP (NP his distinguished colleague) , (NP (NP George Trager) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (ADJP so austerely academic) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP fights (NP his own evident charm))))) -RRB-))) , and (NP (NP a third man) (PP with (NP (NP the engaging name) (PP of (NP (NP Birdwhistell) (PRN -LRB- (NP Ray) -RRB-)))))))) , (VP agreed (PP on (NP (NP some basic premises) (PP about (NP (NP (NP the three-part process) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP makes (NP communication))))) : (NP (NP -LRB- (LST 1) -RRB- (NP words or language)) (NP -LRB- (LST 2) -RRB- (NP (NP paralanguage) , (NP (NP a set) (PP of (NP phenomena)) (PP including (NP (NP laughing) , (NP weeping) , (NP voice breaks) , and (NP `` (NP tone) '' (PP of (NP voice)))))))) , and (NP -LRB- (LST 3) -RRB- (NP (NP kinesics) , (NP (NP the technical name) (PP for (NP (NP gestures) , (NP facial expressions) , and (NP (NP body shifts) -- (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP nodding or shaking (NP the head))) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP `` talking '' (PP with (NP (NP one 's) hands)))) , (NP et cetera)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Smith 's) first workout) (PP with (NP stresses , pitches , and junctures))) (VP was (VP based (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP mother) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP spells , (PP in (NP our culture)) , (NP (NP (ADJP (NP-ADV a good deal) more)) (PP than (NP (NP bread) (ADVP alone))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP example)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (NP-PRD a (ADJP reasonably well-adjusted) person)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-MNR-PRD (NP certain ways) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD reasonable and appropriate (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP addressing (NP your mother)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The usual U.S. norm) (VP would (VP be : (X A[fj]) (NP-PRD (NP Middle pitches) , (NP (NP (NP slight pause) (PRN -LRB- (NP juncture) -RRB-)) (PP-TMP before (NP mother))) , (NP (NP slight rise) (PP at (NP the end)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The symbols) (PP of (NP (NP mother 's) status))) , (ADVP here) , (VP are all (ADJP-PRD usual (PP for (NP (NP culture) (NP U.S.A .))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP Quite other) feelings) (VP are (VP evidenced (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS this style)))) : (X A[fj]) (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Note (NP (NP the drop) (PP to (NP (NP pitch 1) (PRN -LRB- (NP the lowest) -RRB-))) (PP on (NP mother)) (PP with (NP (NP no rise) (PP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the sentence))))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD a `` fade '' ending))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP *T*-2) (ADVP here))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a downtalking style) (PP of (NP speech)) , (VP expressing (NP (NP something) (ADJP less (PP than (NP (NP conventional respect) (PP for (NP mother)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (ADJP Even less) regard) (PP for (NP (NP mom) and (NP (NP mom 's) apple pie)))) (VP goes (PP with : (X A[fj]))))) (TOP (S (PP In (NP other words)) , (NP-MNR-SBJ-1 (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ the speaker) (VP relates (PP to (NP mother)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))) (VP is (ADVP-MNR clearly) (VP indicated (NP *-1)))) .) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the meaning) (PP of (NP the words))) (VP is not (PP in (NP this instance)) (VP altered (NP *-2))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the quality) (PP of (NP communication)) (PP in (NP both the (ADJP second and third) examples))) (VP is (ADVP definitely) (VP impaired (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An accompanying record) (PP of (NP paralanguage factors)) (PP for (NP the second example))) (VP might (ADVP also) (VP note (NP a throaty rasp))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP this seven-word sentence)) -- (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ the speaker) (ADVP undoubtedly) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP dealing (PP (ADVP only) with (NP (NP the subject) (PP of (NP food))))))))))) -- (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP (VP telling (NP (NP things) (PP about (NP himself)))) and , (VP (PP in (NP the last two examples)) , revealing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP departed (PP from (NP (NP the customs) (PP of (NP his culture))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The joint investigations) (PP of (NP linguistics and psychiatry))) (VP have (VP established , (PP in (NP (NP point) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (SBAR that (S (ADVP no matter (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the subject) (PP of (NP conversation))) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-3)))) or (SBAR (WHNP-2 what words) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (VP involved (NP *-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-6)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD impossible) (SBAR-6 for (S (NP-SBJ-5 people) (VP to (VP talk (ADVP at all) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP telling (ADVP (ADVP over and over) again) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-4 (WHNP what sort) (PP of (NP people))) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-4)))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-7 how) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP relate (PP to (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the world)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-7))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ interviewing) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the basic (ADJP therapeutic and diagnostic) instrument) (PP of (NP modern psychiatry)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the recording) (PP of (NP interviews)) (PP for (NP playbacks and study))) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a boost) (PP of (NP Redstone proportions)) (PP in (NP new research and training))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP (NP the earliest recordings) , (VP made (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP the 1940 's)))))) (VP demonstrated (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ psychiatrists) (VP reacted (ADVP immediately) (PP to (NP (NP anger and anxiety) (PP in (NP the sound track)))) , (SBAR-ADV whereas (S (NP-SBJ (NP written records) (PP of (NP the same interview))) (VP offered (NP (NP (ADJP far fewer) cues) (PP to (NP therapy)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) -- (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADVP at all) discernible (PP in (NP print)))))) -- (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP were (VP picked (NP *-2) (PRT up) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP-LGS the (ADJP most skilled and sensitive) experts)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP a general way)) , (NP-SBJ-3 psychiatrists) (VP were (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP establish (PP on (NP a wide basis)) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP them))) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP felt (NP-PRD *T*-2))))) -- (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP most telling) cues) (PP in (NP psychotherapy))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD acoustic)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP such things) (PP as (NP stress and nagging))) (VP are (VP transmitted (NP *-1) (PP (PP by (NP-LGS (NP sound) (ADVP alone))) and (ADVP not necessarily) (PP by (NP-LGS words)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP a minimum)) , (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP recording -- (ADVP-TMP usually) (PP on (NP (NP tape) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-PRD in (NP wide professional use))))))) --)) (VP brings (S (NP-SBJ the psychiatric interview) (ADJP-PRD alive)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the full range) (PP of (NP emotion and meaning))) (VP can (VP be (VP explored (NP *-1) (ADVP repeatedly) (PP (PP by (NP-LGS the therapist)) or (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a battery) (PP of (NP therapists))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-2 Newest (PP to (NP this high-powered battery))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP the experts) (PP in (NP linguistics)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP carried (NP that minimum) (PP to (NP a new level))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP adding (NP (NP a systematic analysis) (PP with (NP symbols))) (PP to (NP (NP the typed transcripts) (PP of (NP interviews))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP supplied (NP (NP a new set) (PP of (NP (NP techniques) (PP for (NP the therapist))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Linguistic charting) (PP of (NP the transcribed interview))) (VP flags (NP (NP points) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the patient 's) voice) (VP departs (PP from (NP expected norms)) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP flags (NP (NP such possible breakdowns) (PP of (NP communication)) (PP as (NP (NP rehearsed dialogue) , (NP (NP the note) (PP of (NP disapproval))) , (NP ambivalence) or (NP ambiguity) , (NP annoyance) , (NP resentment) , and (NP (NP the disinclination (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP speak (ADVP at all))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 this last) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP marked (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a fade-in beginning) (PP of (NP sentences))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Interpretation) , (ADVP naturally) , (VP remains (NP-PRD (NP the role) (PP of (NP the therapist))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP orientation) -- (NP (CONJP not only) (NP (NP (NP the patient 's) vocal giveaways) (PP of (NP (ADJP geographical and socio-economic) background))) , (CONJP but also) (NP (NP (ADJP vocal but non-verbal) giveaways) (PP of (NP (NP danger spots) (PP in (NP (NP his relationship) (PP to (NP people)))))))) --) (VP can (VP be (ADVP considerably) (VP beefed (NP *-1) (PRT up) (PP by (NP-LGS the linguist)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His esoteric chartings) (PP of (NP the voice))) (VP alert (NP the therapist) (PP to (NP (NP areas) (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 deeper probing) (VP may (VP bring (PP to (NP light)) (NP underlying psychological difficulties) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP making (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD apparent (PP *ICH*-2))) (ADVP-TMP-3 first) (PP-2 to (NP the therapist))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP=3 eventually) (PP=2 to (NP the patient)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP one now-historic first interview)) , (PP for (NP example)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the transcript) (PRN -LRB- (VP reproduced (NP *) (PP from (NP (NP the book) , (NP-TTL The First Five Minutes)))) -RRB-)) (VP goes (PP like (NP (NP this) : (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The therapist 's) level tone) (VP is (ADJP-PRD bland and neutral))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP has , (PP for (NP example)) , (VP avoided (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP stressing `` (NP you) '') , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP imply (NP (NP disapproval) ; ; or (NP (NP surprise) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP set (NP the patient) (ADVP apart) (PP from (NP other people))))))))))))))))) .)))))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The patient) , (PP on (NP the other hand)) , (VP is (ADVP-PRD far (PP from (ADJP neutral))))) ; ; (S (PP aside (PP from (NP her (ADJP specifically regional) accent))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP reveals (PP by (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP (NP the triad) , `` (NP irritable , tense , depressed) '')))) , (NP (NP a certain pedantic itemization) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP indicates (SBAR 0 (S (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP has (NP (NP some familiarity) (PP with (NP (ADJP literary or scientific) language))))) (PRN -LRB- (ADVP i.e.) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP must (VP have (VP had (NP (ADVP at least) a high-school education))))) -RRB-)) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP is (VP telling (NP (NP a story) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP has (ADVP-MNR mentally) (VP rehearsed (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP (NP some time) before))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP catapults (PP into `` (NP everything and everybody) '') , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP putting (NP particular violence) (PP on `` (NP everybody) '') , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP indicating (PP to (NP the linguist)) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a spot) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP flag (NP *T*-2)))))))) -- (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD congruent (PP to (NP (NP (NP the patient 's) general style) (PP of (NP speech)) (PP up (PP to (NP this point))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Consequently) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP referred (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the therapist)) (PP for (NP attention)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP may (ADVP then) (ADVP very well) (VP conclude (SBAR that (S `` (NP-SBJ everybody) '' (VP is (ADVP probably) not (NP-PRD (NP the true target) (PP of (NP her resentment)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Immediately thereafter) , (NP-SBJ-1 the patient) (VP fractures (NP her rehearsed story) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP veering (PP into (NP an oversoft , breathy , (VP sloppily articulated) , `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP do n't (VP feel (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP talking))) (ADVP-TMP right now)))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Within (NP (NP the first five minutes) (PP of (NP this interview)))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD apparent (PP to (NP the therapist))) (SBAR-1 that (S `` (NP-SBJ everybody) '' (ADVP truthfully) (VP refers (PP to (NP (NP the woman 's) husband)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP says (UCP-TMP (ADVP later) , but (ADVP still) (PP within (NP the opening five minutes))) , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (PP of (NP a divorce)))))) but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD another emotional death)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The (ADJP linguistic and paralinguistic) signals) (PP of (NP misery))) (VP are all (ADJP-PRD present (PP in (NP (NP the voice chart) (PP for (NP this sentence))))))) ; ; (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 so) (VP are (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ certain signals (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP does not (VP accept (NP divorce))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying `` (NP another emotional death) ''))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP reveals (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD a previous one))))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP has not (VP described (NP it) (PP in (NP words))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 This) (NP-SBJ the therapist) (VP may (VP pursue (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP later questioning)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The phrase) , `` (NP emotional death) '') , (ADJP (ADJP interesting) and , (PP to (NP a non-scientific mind)) , (ADJP rather touching))) , (VP suggests (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this woman) (VP may (VP have (NP (NP (NP some flair) (PP for (NP words))) , (ADVP perhaps) (ADVP even) (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP (NP the temperament) (VP (ADVP regrettably) called (S (NP-SBJ *) `` (ADJP-PRD creative) ''))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ the psychiatric interview) , (PP like (NP any other interview)) , (VP depends (PP on (NP communication))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD significant) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP note (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the therapist) (PP in (NP this interview))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a man) (PP of (NP (NP marked skill) and (NP long experience))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His own communication apparatus) (VP operated (ADVP-MNR superbly))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Lillian Ross readers) (VP will (VP note (ADVP instantly) (NP (NP its total lack) (PP of (NP (NP resemblance) (PP to (NP (NP the blunted , (ADJP monumentally unmeshed) mechanism) (PP of (NP Dr. Blauberman)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Interestingly enough) -- (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP (NP the real-life therapists) (VP involved (NP *))))) (VP could (ADVP conceivably) (VP compare (PP with (NP Blauberman)))))) -- (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP groups) (PP of (NP them))) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP playing (ADVP back) (NP interviews))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP discovered (NP (NP any number) (PP of (NP (NP ways) (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP polish (NP their own interview techniques) (PP *T*-4)))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-5 almost everyone) , (PP-TMP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-5) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP hearing (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his own sessions))) (PP on (NP tape))))) , (VP expressed (NP some desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP the whole thing) (ADVP over) (ADVP again))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Yet) , (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP this)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP intensive study) (PP of (NP the taped interviews)) (PP by (NP (NP teams) (PP of (NP psychotherapists and linguists))))) (VP laid (S (ADJP-PRD bare) (NP-SBJ the surprising fact (SBAR that , (S (PP-TMP in (NP the first five minutes (PP of (NP an initial interview)))) , (NP-SBJ the patient) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP reveals (NP-TMP (QP as many as a dozen) times) (SBAR (WHNP-1 just what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD wrong (PP with (NP him))))))))))))) ; ; (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP spot (NP these giveaways)))) (NP-SBJ-2 the therapist) (VP must (VP know (ADVP either intuitively or scientifically) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP listen (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Naturally) , (NP-SBJ the patient) (VP does not (VP say , (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP my father))) '' , or `` (S (NP-SBJ Sibling rivalry) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP bugs (NP me)))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does (VP do (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP give (NP himself) (ADVP away) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP communicating (NP information) (PP over and above (NP (NP the words) (VP involved (NP *)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP the classic indicators))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP described (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Drs. Pittenger , Hockett , and Danehy)) (PP in (NP-TTL The First Five Minutes))))) , (VP are (NP-PRD (NP these) : (NP (NP (NP ambiguity) (PP of (NP pronouns))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP Stammering) or (NP (NP repetition) (PP of (NP (NP I) , (NP you) , (NP he) , (NP she) , (NP et cetera))))) (VP may (VP signal (NP ambiguity or uncertainty))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP On (NP the other hand)) (NP-SBJ-1 significant facts) (VP may (VP be (VP concealed (NP *-1))))) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP may (VP mean (FRAG (NP I))))) or (S (NP-SBJ everybody) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did (PP with (NP (NP the (ADJP tense and irritable) woman) (VP mentioned (NP *) (ADVP-TMP before))))))) , (VP may (VP refer (PP to (NP a specific person)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The word) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP is not (VP used (NP *-2)))))) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as important) (PP as (NP (NP the word) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-4) (VP is (VP used (NP *-1))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ therapist and linguist) (VP must (ADVP-TMP always) (VP consider (NP the alternatives)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ someone) (VP says , (PP for (NP example)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ-4 They) (VP took (NP x-rays) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP wrong (PP with (NP me)))))))))))) '' (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP pays (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP consider (SBAR (WHADVP-5 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 this statement) (VP would (ADVP normally) (VP be (VP made (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-5)))))))))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ This patient) , (PP in (NP actuality)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a neurasthenic) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP almost) (VP come (PP to (NP (NP the point) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP accepting (NP the fact (SBAR that (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP not (NP her soma) but (NP her psyche))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the cause) (PP of (NP her difficulty))))))))))))))))))))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ Amateur linguists) (VP note (ADVP here) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Pursewarden) , (PP in (NP (NP Durrell 's) (NX-TTL Alexandria Quartet))) , (VP (VP stammered (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP spoke (PP of (NP his wife)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD hardly surprising) (PP in (NP (NP view) (PP of (NP their disastrous relationship))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP another freighter) (PP from (NP the States))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as commonplace) (PP as (NP her name))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the John Harvey) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those Atlantic sea-horses) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP sailed (PP-DIR to (NP Bari)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP bring (NP beans , bombs , and bullets) (PP-DTV (PP to (NP the U.S. Fifteenth Air Force)) , (PP to (NP (NP (NP Field Marshal Montgomery 's) Eighth Army) (VP (ADVP-TMP then) racing (PP-DIR up (NP (NP the calf) (PP of (NP (NP the boot) (PP of (NP Italy)))))) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP that early December) (PP of (NP 1943)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The John Harvey) (VP arrived (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Bari) , (NP (NP a port) (PP-LOC on (NP the Adriatic))))) , (PP-TMP on (NP November 28th)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP making (PP for (NP (NP Porto Nuovo) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the name) (VP indicates))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the ancient city 's) (ADJP new and modern) harbor))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hardly anyone) (ADVP-LOC ashore)) (VP marked (NP her) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP anchored (ADVP stern-to) (PP-LOC off (NP (NP Berth 29) (PP-LOC on (NP the mole)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP thought (PP of (NP the John Harvey))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (S-PRP-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP observe (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP straddled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a pair) (PP of (NP (NP ships) (ADJP heavily laden (PP with (NP high explosive)))))))))) and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (VP hit (NP *-2))))) (NP-SBJ-3 the John Harvey) (VP would (ADVP likely) (VP be (VP blown (NP *-3) (PRT up) (PP with (NP (NP her own ammo) and (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-4 (WHNP whatever) (ADVP else)) (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-4) (SBAR (WHNP-5 that) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP carried (NP *T*-5))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-3 Which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (NP-PRD poison gas))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP required (NP (NP the approval) (PP of (NP President Franklin Delano Roosevelt))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 the John Harvey) (VP could (VP be (VP (VP loaded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP 100 tons) (PP of (NP mustard gas))))) and (VP despatched (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP the Italian warfront)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a world) (VP (ADVP-TMP as yet) unacquainted (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP the horrors) (PP of (NP the mushroom cloud))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 poison gas) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP regarded (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP the ultimate) (PP in (NP hideous weapons))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Throughout (NP (NP the early years) (PP of (NP World War 2)))) , , (NP-SBJ reports (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP persisted (SBAR-1 that (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 the Axis powers) (VP had (VP used (NP gas)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ=2 Germany) (PP-LOC in (NP Russia))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2 Japan) (PP-LOC in (NP China)) (ADVP again))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP were (ADVP-TMP always) (VP denied (NP *-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Influential people) (PP-LOC in (NP America))) (VP were (VP warning (S (NP-SBJ-2 the Pentagon) (VP to (VP be (VP prepared (NP *-2) (PP against (NP (NP desperation gas attacks) (PP by (NP the Germans)) (PP in (NP future campaigns)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Some extremists) (VP went (ADVP (ADVP so far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP urge (S (NP-SBJ our) (VP using (NP it) (ADVP-TMP first))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP To (VP silence (NP extremists))) , (VP to (VP warn (NP the Axis))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 President Roosevelt) (VP issued (NP (NP (NP this statement) (PP for (NP the Allies))) (S *ICH*-2)) (PP-TMP in (NP August)) : `` (S-2 (PP-TMP From (NP (NP time) (PP to (NP time)))) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ the present war) (VP began))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD reports (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (QP one or more)) (PP of (NP the Axis powers))) (VP were (ADVP-MNR seriously) (VP contemplating (NP (NP use) (PP of (NP (NP poisonous gas) or (NP noxious gases) or (NP (NP other inhumane devices) (PP of (NP warfare))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD loath (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP any nation) , (NP even our present enemies)) , (VP could or would (VP be (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP loose (PP upon (NP mankind)) (NP such (ADJP terrible and inhumane) weapons))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ-1 evidence (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Axis powers) (VP are (VP making (NP (NP significant preparations) (ADJP indicative (PP of (NP such an intention))))))))) (VP is (VP being (VP reported (NP *-1) (PP with (NP increasing frequency)) (PP from (NP (NP a variety) (PP of (NP sources))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Use) (PP of (NP such weapons))) (VP has (VP been (VP outlawed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the general opinion) (PP of (NP civilized mankind))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This country) (VP has not (VP used (NP them)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hope (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP will (VP be (VP compelled (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP use (NP them))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP state (ADVP-MNR categorically) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP shall (PP under (NP no circumstances)) (VP resort (PP to (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP such weapons)))) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (ADVP-TMP first) (VP used (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS our enemies))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP The following month) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the invasion) (PP of (NP Italy))) (VP was (VP begun (NP *-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Roosevelt) (VP gave (NP effect) (PP to (NP his warning)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP consenting (PP to (NP (NP the stockpiling) (PP of (NP poison gas)) (PP-LOC in (NP southern Italy))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bari) (VP was (VP chosen (NP *-1) (PP as (NP a depot)) , (UCP (CONJP not only) (PP for (NP its seeming safety)) , but (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP its proximity) (PP to (NP airfields))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Any retaliatory gas attack) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD airborne))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP would (VP be (VP made (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP three waves) -- (NP (NP (NP the first) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP lay (PRT down) (NP a smokescreen)))))) , (NP (NP the second) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP to (VP drop (NP the gas bombs)))))) , (NP (NP the third) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP to (VP shower (NP (NP incendiaries) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP burn (NP (NP everything) (ADVP-LOC below)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ the vile cargo) (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the hole) (PP of (NP the John Harvey))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A detachment) (PP of (NP (NP six men) (PP from (NP the 701st Chemical Maintenance Company)))) (PP under (NP First Lt. Howard D. Beckstrom))) (VP went (ADVP-DIR aboard) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP followed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Lt. Thomas H. Richardson) , (NP the Cargo Security Officer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Secrecy) (VP was (ADJP-PRD paramount)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Only a few other people) -- (NP (ADJP very important) people) --) (VP knew (PP of (NP (NP the nitrogen-mustard eggs) (VP nestled (NP *) (PP-LOC below (NP decks)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP No one) (ADVP else)) (VP must (VP know)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Thus) , (PP (PP in (NP the immemorial way)) -- (PP in (NP (NP the way) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the right hand) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP knows)))) and (NP (NP the left) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP does not)))))))) --) was (NP-SBJ the stage) (VP set (PP for (NP tragedy)) (PP-LOC at (NP Bari))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD (NP the night) (PP of (NP December 2 , 1943))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP growing (ADJP-PRD dark) (PP-LOC in (NP Bari))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (VP getting (PP on (PP toward (NP 7 o'clock)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the German Me-210 plane) (VP had (VP been and gone (PP on (NP its eighth straight visit))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Capt. A.B. Jenks) (PP of (NP (NP the Office) (PP of (NP Harbor Defense))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very worried)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ German long-range bombers) (VP had (VP been (VP returning (PP-DIR to (NP the attack)) (PP-LOC in (NP Italy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP November 24th)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP made (NP a raid) (PP on (NP La Maddalena)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Two days) later) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (QP some 30)) (PP of (NP them))) (VP had (VP struck (PP at (NP (NP a convoy) (PP-LOC off (NP Bougie)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sinking (NP a troopship)))))) -- and (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (NP-TMP-PRD that very night) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Me-210) (VP had (VP made (NP its first appearance)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP reappeared (NP-TMP the next two nights))))) , (NP-SBJ Jenks) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP higher headquarters))) and (VP said : `` (S (PP-TMP For (NP three days) (ADVP-TMP now)) (NP-SBJ-1 a German reconnaissance plane) (VP has (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD over (NP the city)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP taking (NP pictures)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (ADVP just) (VP waiting (PP for (NP (NP the proper time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP come (PP-DIR over (ADVP here))) and (VP dump (NP this place) (PP-DIR into (NP the Adriatic))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the (ADJP older and wiser) heads) (VP had (VP dismissed (NP his warning) (PP as (ADJP alarmist)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even though (S (NP-SBJ-4 it) (VP was (VP known (NP *-4) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-5 (NP the Luftwaffe) (PP-LOC in (NP the north))) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (VP being (VP directed (NP *-5) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the (ADJP young and energetic) General Peltz) , (NP (NP the commander) (SBAR (WHNP-7 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-7) (VP would (VP conduct (NP (NP the `` Little Blitz '') (PP on (NP London))) (PP-TMP in (NP 1944)))))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a major raid) (PP on (NP Bari)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP this juncture) (PP of (NP the war))))) (VP was not (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-6 *) (VP to (VP be (VP considered (NP *-6) (ADVP-MNR seriously)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ True) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP raids) (PP on (NP Naples)))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ Naples) (VP was (UCP-LOC-PRD (ADVP (ADVP pretty far) north) (PP on (NP the opposite coast))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ Bari) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD out (PP of (NP range)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP More) (PP than (NP that))) , (NP-SBJ Allied air) (VP had (NP complete superiority) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the Eighth Army 's) sector))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ-1 Captain Jenks) (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP his harbor post)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP watch (NP the scouting plane) (VP put (PRT in) (NP (QP five more) appearances)))) , and (VP to (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ (NP the certainty) (PP of (NP this dread))) (VP rising (PP within (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ Jenks) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Bari 's) defenses) (VP were (VP made (NP *-1) (PP of (NP paper)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Royal Air Force) (VP had (NP (NP (ADVP but) (NP a single light anti-aircraft squadron) and (NP two balloon units)) (ADJP available))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD no R.A.F. fighter squadrons) (PP-LOC on (NP Bari airfield))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The radar station) (PP with (NP the best location))) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) not (ADJP-PRD serviceable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Telephone communication) (VP was (ADJP-PRD bad)) .)) (TOP (SINV And (ADVP-LOC everywhere) (PP-PRD-TPC-1 in (NP evidence)) (PP among (NP the few remaining defensive units)) (VP was (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP that old handmaiden) (PP of (NP disaster))) -- (NP multiple command)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP had (VP been (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD shockingly evident (PP *ICH*-2))) (NP-TMP that very morning) (PP-2 to (NP (NP Ensign Kay K. Vesole) , (PP in (NP (NP charge) (PP of (NP (NP the armed guard) (PP-LOC aboard (NP the John Bascom))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A British officer) (VP had (VP (VP come (ADVP-DIR aboard)) and (VP told (NP him) (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP (NP case) (PP of (NP enemy air attack)))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was not (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP open (NP fire) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 bombs) (VP were (ADVP actually) (VP dropped (NP *-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP co-ordinate (NP his fire) (PP with (NP (NP a radar-controlled shore gun) (VP firing (NP white tracers)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ This harbor) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a bomber 's) paradise))) '' , (NP-SBJ the Britisher) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP with (NP frank grimness)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (PP-PRD up (PP to (NP you))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP protect (NP yourselves))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP ca n't (VP expect (NP (NP any help) (PP from (NP (NP the fighters) (PP-LOC at (NP Foggia))))) , (ADVP either))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP 're all (VP being (VP used (NP *-1) (PP on (NP offensive missions))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Vesole) (VP had (VP been (VP stunned (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) Not (VP fire (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the bombs) (VP came (ADVP-DIR down))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP the tons and tons) (PP of (NP flammable fluid)) (PP-LOC beneath (NP his feet))))) and (VP shook (NP his head))) .)) (TOP (PP Like (NP hell) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (PP Like (NP hell)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP wait))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP supposing (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the radar-controlled gun) (VP got (VP knocked (NP *-1) (PRT out)))))) ? ?))) (TOP (UCP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ would (NP-SBJ his guns) (VP guide (PP on (NP *T*-1)) (ADVP then)))) -- (NP the North Star) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Ensign Vesole) (VP decided (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would not (VP tarry (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP (NP the whispering) (PP of (NP the bombs)))))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 night) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fall))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP put (NP (NP Seaman 2 Donald L. Norton) and (NP Seaman 1 William A. Rochford)) (PP on (NP the guns))) and (VP told (NP-3 them) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP shooting)) (NP-TMP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP saw (NP an enemy silhouette) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Below (NP decks)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Seaman 1 Stanley Bishop) (VP had (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write (NP (NP a letter) (ADVP home))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Above (NP decks)) (PP-LOC on (NP the John Harvey)) , (NP-SBJ Lieutenant Richardson) (VP (VP gazed (PP at (NP (NP the lights) (VP (ADVP-TMP still) burning (PP-LOC on (NP the port wall)))))) and (VP felt (ADJP-PRD uneasy))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP lights) (VP glinting (PP-LOC in (NP the city)))) , (ADVP too) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP-PRD dark enough (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ a few stars) (VP to (VP become (ADJP-PRD visible)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Bari) (VP was (VP asking (PP for (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP five days) (ADVP-TMP now)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP port))))) and (S (NP-SBJ that filthy stuff) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the hold)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Richardson) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP would (VP be (VP unloaded (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP put (PRT in) (ADVP-LOC somewhere (PP (ADVP way , way) down (PP in (NP the earth))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The burden) (PP of (NP his secret))) (VP was (VP pressing (PP down (PP on (NP him))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP *?* (PP on (NP (NP Lieutenant Beckstrom) and (NP his six enlisted men))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lieutenant Richardson) (VP could (VP envy (NP (NP the officers and men) (PP of (NP the John Harvey))) (PP in (NP their innocent assumption (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the ship) (VP contained (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP more dangerous) (PP than (NP (ADJP high explosive) bombs))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (ADJP happy (PP at (NP (NP the delay) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP unloading)))))) , (ADJP glad (PP at (NP the chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR ashore) (PP in (NP (NP a lively liberty port) (PP such as (NP Bari)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nine) (PP of (NP them))) (VP had (VP gone (PP-DIR down (NP the gangplank)) (ADVP-TMP already))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Deck Cadet James L. Cahill) and (NP Seaman Walter Brooks)) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the first) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP leave))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Richardson) (VP had (VP returned (NP their departing grins) (PP with (NP (NP the noncommittal nod) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the security officer 's) stock) (PP in (NP trade)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The other half) (PP of (NP the crew))) , plus (NP (NP Beckstrom) and (NP his men))) , (VP had (VP remained (ADVP-LOC aboard))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Richardson) (VP (VP glanced (PP to (NP sea))) and (VP started (ADVP slightly))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Damned) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP a sailing ship) (VP standing (PP-LOC out (PP of (NP (NP the old harbor) -- (NP Porto Vecchio))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The night) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so clear) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Richardson) (VP had (NP (NP no difficulty) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (PRT out) (NP the silhouette))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ (NP the thought) (PP of (NP a cloudless sky))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP shiver)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP glanced (ADVP-DIR upward))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP boggled) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a clear night))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP raining))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Capt. Michael A. Musmanno) , (NP (NP Military governor) (PP of (NP the Sorrentine Peninsula)))) , (VP had (ADVP also) (VP seen and felt (NP-PRD the `` rain ''))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP mistaken (NP it) (PP for (NP bugs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Captain Musmanno 's) renovated schooner) (PP with (NP (NP the flamboyant name) (NP Unsinkable)))) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP left (NP Porto Vecchio) (PP with (NP (NP a cargo) (PP of (NP badly-needed olive oil)) (PP for (NP (NP the Sorrentine 's) civilian population)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Musmanno) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP deck))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP exactly 7:30)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ a fluttering object) (VP brush (NP his face)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP snatched (PP at (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR savagely)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP turned (NP (NP the beam) (PP of (NP his flashlight))) (PP-DIR on (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the silver foil) (PP from (NP (NP the chocolate bar) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP eating (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP frowned) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ-UNF could (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)) -- ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another , longer strip) (PP of (NP tinsel))) (VP whipped (NP his mouth)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV two feet) long)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (NP-PRD candy wrapping)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD `` (NP window) '' -- (NP (NP the tinsel paper) (VP dropped (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS bombers)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP jam (NP radar sets))) , (VP to (VP fill (NP the scope) (PP with (NP (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP (NP blips) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP would (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD approaching bombers)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Fermate '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Musmanno) (VP bellowed (INTJ *T*-1) (PP to (NP his Italian crewmen))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stop) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stop (NP the engines)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Unsinkable) (VP slowed and stopped)) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP brilliant white flares))) (VP swayed (ADVP-MNR eerily) (PP-DIR down (PP from (NP the black))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the air raid sirens) (ADVP-LOC ashore)) (VP rose (PP in (NP a keening shriek)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the anti-aircraft guns) (VP coughed and chattered)) -- and (S (PP-LOC above (NP it)) (S (NP-SBJ all motors) (VP roared)) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the bombs) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP whispering) and (VP wailing) and (VP crashing (ADVP-DIR down) (PP-LOC among (NP (NP the ships) (PP at (NP anchor)) (PP-LOC at (NP Bari)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR from (NP (NP airports) (PP-LOC in (NP the Balkans)))) , (NP-TPC these hundred-odd Junkers 88 's))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP winged (PP-DIR over (NP the Adriatic))))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP taken (NP Bari) (PP by (NP complete surprise))))) and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP battering (NP her) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP attacking (PP with (NP deadly skill))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP ruined (NP the radar warning system) (PP with (NP their window))))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP made (S (NP-SBJ themselves) (ADJP-PRD invisible (PP above (NP their flares))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP also) (VP had (NP (NP (NP (NP the lights) (PP of (NP the city))) , (NP the port wall lanterns) , and (NP (NP a shore crane 's) spotlight)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP guide (PP on (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ-3 the first two) (VP were (VP blacked (NP *-3) (PRT out))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the third light) (VP was (VP abandoned (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a terrified Italian crew) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP left (NP-4 their light) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP shine (PP-TMP for (NP nine minutes)) (PP like (NP an unerring homing beacon)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ British MP 's) (VP shot (NP it) (PRT out)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP that interval)) , (NP-SBJ the German bombers) (VP made (NP a hell) (PP of (NP Bari harbor))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Merchant ships) (VP illuminated (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the light) (PP of (NP the flares))))) , (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP seem (PP like (NP (NP stones) (VP imbedded (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a lake) (PP of (NP polished mud)))))))))))) , (VP were (ADJP-PRD impossible (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP miss (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The little Unsinkable) (VP sank (ADVP almost immediately)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Captain Musmanno) (VP roared (PP at (NP-1 his men)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP lash (NP (NP three) (PP of (NP (NP the casks) (PP of (NP olive oil))))) (ADVP together) (PP for (NP a raft)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP got (NP it) (PP-DIR over (NP the side))) and (VP clambered (ADVP-DIR aboard) (SBAR-TMP (NP-ADV only a few minutes) before (S (NP-SBJ their schooner) (VP went (ADVP under)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John Bascom) (VP went (ADVP-DIR down) (ADVP-TMP early) , (ADVP too)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ensign Vesole) and (NP his gunners)) (VP had (VP fought (ADVP-MNR valiantly)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP no targets))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP the Junkers))) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD above (NP (NP the blinding light) (PP of (NP the flares)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the radar-controlled shore gun) (VP had (VP been (VP knocked (NP *-1) (PRT out) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the first sticks) (PP of (NP bombs)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Vesole) (VP rushed (PP-DIR (PP from (NP gun)) (PP to (NP gun))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP attempting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP direct (NP fire))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP was (VP wounded (NP *-1))) , but (VP fought (ADVP on))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Norton and Rochford) (VP fired (ADVP-MNR wildly) (PP at (NP (NP the sounds) (PP of (NP the motors))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bishop) (VP rushed (PP-DIR on (NP deck)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP grab (NP a 20-mm gun)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pumping (PRT out) (NP 400 rounds) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP sticks) (PP of (NP (NP three bombs) (NP each)))) (VP crashed (PP into (NP Holds One , Three and Five)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-1 the Bascom) (VP was (ADVP mortally) (VP wounded (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Luckily) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP was not (ADJP-PRD completely aflame)) and (VP would (VP go (ADVP-DIR down) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the gasoline) (VP could (VP erupt))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 The order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP abandon (NP ship))))) (VP was (VP given (NP *-2)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP cries) (PP of (NP pain)) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP could (VP be (VP heard (NP *-3) (PP-1 from (NP (NP the wounded) (PP-LOC below (NP decks)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a pause) (PP in (NP the merriment))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 your friends) (VP gaze (PP at (NP you)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP are (VP staring , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD open-mouthed (PP in (NP amazement)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP explain , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP the strangest feeling) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP lived (PP through (NP this very same event)) (ADVP-TMP before))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP tell (ADVP when)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD positive (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP witnessed (NP (NP this same scene) (PP of (NP this particular gathering))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP some time) (PP-TMP in (NP the past)))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This experience) (VP will (VP have (VP happened (PP to (NP (NP many) (PP of (NP you))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Emerson) , (PP in (NP his lecture)) , (VP refers (PP to (NP (NP (NP the `` startling experience) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP almost every) person) (VP confesses (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP daylight))))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP particular passages) (PP of (NP conversation and action))) (VP have (VP occurred (PP to (NP-2 him)) (PP in (NP the same order)) (ADVP-TMP before) , (SBAR-ADV whether (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP dreaming or waking))) (ADVP *T*-3)))))) , (NP a suspicion (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP (VP been (PP-PRD with (NP precisely these persons)) (PP-LOC in (NP precisely this room))) , and (VP heard (NP precisely this dialogue)) , (PP-TMP at (NP (NP some former hour) , (SBAR-TMP (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP know not (ADVP *T*-4))) (WHADVP-4 when)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Most psychiatrists) (VP dismiss (NP (NP these instances) (PP of (NP that weird feeling))) (PP as (NP the (ADJP (ADJP deja vue) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP already seen) -RRB-)) illusion)) , (SBAR-ADV (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP dismiss (NP dream previsions) (PP as (NP coincidences)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this manner)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP side-step (NP (NP the (ADJP seemingly hopeless) investigation) (PP of (NP (NP the greater depths) (PP of (NP (NP mystery) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP us))) (VP grope (ADVP-TMP continually) (PP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP recognizes (NP a certain experience) (PP as (NP (NP the exact pattern) (PP of (NP a previous dream)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP an instance) (PP of (NP (ADJP deja vue)))) , (PP except (PP for (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knows (SBAR (ADVP just) (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ the experience) (VP seems (ADJP-PRD familiar) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Occasionally) (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP examples) (PP of (NP pre-vision)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP can not (VP be (VP pushed (NP *-1) (ADVP aside) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP confessing (NP an unscientific attitude))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One day) (NP-SBJ-2 Maeterlinck) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP coming (PP with (NP a friend)) (PP upon (NP (NP an event) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP recognized (NP *T*-3) (PP as (NP (NP the exact pattern) (PP of (NP a previous dream))))))))))) , (VP detailed (NP the ensuing occurrences) (PP-TMP in (NP advance)) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so accurately) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 his companion) (VP was (ADVP completely) (VP mystified (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Rudyard Kipling 's) scorn) (PP for (NP (NP the `` jargon '') (PP of (NP psychical research))))) (VP was (VP altered (NP *-1) (ADVP somewhat) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wondered (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-3 how , or why) , (SQ had (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP been (VP shown (NP *-4) (NP (NP an unreleased roll) (PP of (NP my life film))) (ADVP *T*-3)))) '' ? ?) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The famous author) (VP tells (NP us) (PP of (NP the strange incident)) (PP in (NP-TTL (NP Something) (PP About (NP Myself))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One day) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP attended (NP (NP a war memorial ceremony) (PP-LOC in (NP Westminster Abbey))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 his view) (VP was (VP obstructed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a stout man) (PP-LOC on (NP his left))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ his attention) (VP turned (PP to (NP (NP the irregular pattern) (PP of (NP the rough slab flooring)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-3 someone) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP clasping (NP him) (PP by (NP the arm)))) , (VP whispered , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP (NP a word) (PP with (NP you))) , (INTJ please))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP that moment)) (NP-SBJ-1 Kipling) (VP was (VP overwhelmed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP awed amazement)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP suddenly) (VP recalling (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP these identical details) (PP of (NP scene , action and word))) (VP had (VP occurred (PP to (NP him)) (PP in (NP a dream)) (ADVP-TMP (NP six weeks) earlier))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Freud) (ADVP probably) (VP contributed (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (NP (NP anyone) (ADVP else)))) (PP to (NP (NP the understanding) (PP of (NP dreams)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP enabling (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP recognize (NP their equivalents) (PP in (NP our wakeful thoughts)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ (NP readers) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP (VP accept (NP (NP Freud 's) findings)) and (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP solved (ADVP completely) (NP (NP the mystery) (PP of (NP dreams)))))))))))) , (VP should (VP ponder (PRT over) (NP (NP (NP the following words) (PP in (NP (NP his (NX-TTL (NX Interpretation) (PP Of (NP Dreams)))) , (NP Chapter 1)))) : : (S (S (PP As `` (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP no such complete solution) (PP of (NP the dream))) (VP has (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (VP accomplished (NP *-2) (PP in (NP any case)))))) , , and (S (SBAR-NOM-ADV (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP is (ADVP-PRD more)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP every one) (VP attempting (NP such solution))) (VP has (VP found (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP most cases)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP have (VP remained (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP great many) components) (PP of (NP the dream)) (SBAR (WHNP-6 (NP the source) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ-5 he) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP explain (NP *T*-6))))))))))))))))) nor (SINV is (NP-SBJ (NP the discussion) (PP *ICH*-1)) (ADJP-PRD closed) (PP-1 on (NP (NP the subject) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP mantic or prophetic) power) (PP of (NP dreams)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dreams) (VP present (NP (NP many mysteries) (PP of (NP telepathy , clairvoyance , prevision and retrovision)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The basic mystery) (PP of (NP dreams)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP embraces (NP all the others)) and (VP challenges (NP us) (PP from (NP even the (ADJP most common) typical dream))))))) , (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD original , visual continuities))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP recall (NP (NP the startling , vivid realism) (PP of (NP (NP a dream) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP lived (PP through (NP (NP the horror) (PP of (NP (NP the bombing) (PP of (NP a little Korean town)))))) (PP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP nothing) (PP within (NP me))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP composing (NP (NP that life-like sequence) , (ADJP so complete (PP in (NP detail)))) , (PP from (NP (NP the hodge-podge) (PP of (NP (NP news pictures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP seen (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ psychology) (VP explains (ADVP-MNR glibly) , `` (S but (NP-SBJ-2 the subconscious mind) (VP is (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP produce (NP it))))))) '' (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP refers (PP to (NP (NP a mental region) (VP (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so vaguely) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) identified (NP *) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP may (VP embrace (NP the entire universal mind) (ADVP (ADVP as conceivably) (PP as (NP (NP part) (PP of (NP the individual mind))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Skeptics) (VP may (VP deny (NP (NP the (ADJP more startling) phenomena) (PP of (NP dreams))) (PP as (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (ADVP-TMP never) (ADVP personally) (VP observed (NP *T*-1))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ failure (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wonder (PP at (NP their basic mystery)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP outright avoidance) (PP of (NP routine evidence)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The question) (VP becomes , (SBARQ-PRD `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD a dream))) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ a dream) (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD a (ADJP mental or cerebral) movie) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Every dream) (PRN , (S and (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true (PP of (NP (NP a mental image) (PP of (NP any type))))) (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP may (VP be (ADVP readily) (VP interpreted (NP *-1) (PP into (NP (NP its equivalent) (PP of (NP wakeful thought))))))))))) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a psychic phenomenon) (SBAR (WHPP-2 for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP no explanation) (PP *T*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD available)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP most cases)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP recognize (NP certain words , persons , animals or objects)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 these) (VP are (VP dreamed (NP *-1) (PP (PP in (NP original action)) , (PP in (NP (NP some particular continuity) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP do n't (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having (VP seen (NP *T*-3) (PP in (NP real life)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP instance)) , (NP-SBJ the dreamer) (VP (VP sees (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (VP seated (NP *-1) (PP-LOC behind (NP neighbor Smith))))) and , (VP (PP with (NP photographic realism)) , sees (S (NP-SBJ Smith) (VP driving (NP the car))) ; ; (SBAR-ADV whereas , (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Smith) (VP can not (VP drive (NP a car)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP suggest (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the brain) (VP can (VP alter (NP-2 past impressions) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP fit (PP into (NP (NP an (ADJP original , realistic and unbroken) continuity) (PP like (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP experience (NP *T*-3) (PP in (NP dreams))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The entire concept) (PP of (NP (NP cerebral imagery) (PP as (NP (NP the physical basis) (PP of (NP a mental image))))))) (VP can (VP find (NP no logical support))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A `` mental image '') (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR-2 subconsciously) impressing (NP us) (PP from (PP beneath (NP its language symbols))) (PP-3 in (NP wakeful thought))) , or (VP (ADVP-MNR=2 consciously) (PP=3 in (NP light sleep))))) , (VP (VP is (ADVP actually) not (NP-PRD an image) (ADVP at all)) but (VP is (VP comprised (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP realities) , (VP viewed (NP *) (PP not (PP in (NP the concurrent sensory stream)) , but (PP within (NP (NP the depths) (PP of (NP the fourth dimension))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dreams) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP display (NP (NP events) (PP of (NP the future))) (PP with (NP photographic detail)))))) (VP call (PP for (NP (NP a theory) (VP explaining (NP (NP their basic mystery) and (NP (NP all its components) , (PP including (NP (NP that weird feeling) (PP of (NP (ADJP deja vue)))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV (ADJP-TPC-2 inevitably fantastic) though (S (NP-SBJ that theory) (VP must (VP seem (ADJP-PRD *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP in (NP (NP the theory) (PP of (NP perception)) , (ADJP established (PP in (NP psycho-physiology)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the eye) (VP is (VP recognized (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP an integral part) (PP of (NP the brain)))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP But then) (NP-SBJ this theory) (VP confesses (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP completely) (PP-PRD at (NP (NP a loss) (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the image) (VP can (ADVP possibly) (VP be (VP received (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the brain)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The opening paragraph) (PP of (NP (NP the chapter) (VP titled (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-TTL-PRD (NP The Theory) (PP Of (NP Representative Perception))))))) , (PP in (NP (NP (NP the book) (NP-TTL (NP Philosophies) (PP Of (NP Science)))) (PP by (NP Albert G. Ramsperger))))) (VP says , `` (UCP (VP passed (ADVP on) (PP to (NP the brain))) , and (S (ADVP-LOC there) , (PP by (NP some unexplained process)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP causes (S (NP-SBJ the mind) (VP to (VP have (NP a perception))))))) '') .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHADVP why) (SQ is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD necessary) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reproduce (NP the retinal image) (PP-LOC within (NP the brain)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP As (S (NP-SBJ-1 retinal images) (VP are (VP conceded (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP an integral function) (PP of (NP the brain)))))))))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP seems (ADJP-PRD logical) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP suppose (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the nerves) , (PP-LOC between (NP (NP the inner brain) and (NP the eyes)))) , (VP carry (NP (NP the direct drive) (PP for (NP cooperation))) (PP-DIR from (NP the various brain centers))))))) -- (CONJP rather than) (VP to (VP theorize (PP on (NP (NP the transmission) (PP of (NP (NP an image) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP is (ADVP-TMP already) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP required location)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Hereby) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the external object) (VP viewed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the eyes)))) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (VP remains (NP-PRD (NP the thing) (SBAR (WHNP-5 that) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-5) (VP is (VP seen (NP *-4)))))) , (NAC-1 not (NP (NP the retinal image) , (SBAR (WHNP-6 (NP the purpose) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-6) (VP would (VP be (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP achieve (NP perceptive cooperation) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP stirring (NP (NP sympathetic impulses) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the other sensory centers) , (NP motor tensions) , (NP associated word symbols) , and (NP consciousness))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Modern physics) (VP has (VP developed (NP the theory (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ all matter) (VP consists (PP of (NP (NP minute waves) (PP of (NP energy)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the number) (PP of (NP (NP (NP radio and television impulses) , (NP sound waves) , (NP ultra-violet rays) , (NP etc.)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP may (VP occupy (NP the (ADJP very same) space) , (SBAR-ADV (NP-SBJ each) (ADJP-PRD solitary (PP upon (NP its own frequency))))))))))) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD infinite))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ we) (VP may (VP conceive (NP (NP the coexistence) (PP of (NP (NP the infinite number) (PP of (NP (NP universal , (ADJP apparently momentary) states) (PP of (NP matter)) , (RRC (RRC (ADJP-PRD successive) (NP-ADV (NP one) (PP after (NP another))) (PP in (NP consciousness))) , but (RRC (ADJP-PRD permanent) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ each) (PP-PRD on (NP (NP its own basic phase) (PP of (NP the progressive frequencies)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This theory) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-2 for (S (NP-SBJ (NP any event) (PP-TMP throughout (NP eternity))) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD continuously available (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-TMP at (NP any moment)) (PP-1 to (NP consciousness)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Space) (PP in (NP any form))) (VP is (ADVP completely) (VP measured (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the three dimensions)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the fourth dimension) (VP is (UCP-PRD (NP a physical concept) and not (ADJP purely metaphysical))))) , (WHPP-1 through (WHNP what medium)) (SQ does (NP-SBJ it) (VP extend (PP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is not (PP-PRD through (NP space nor time)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the time machine) (VP (ADVP most) approved (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS science fiction)))) (VP must (VP travel (PP for (NP (NP a visit) (PP to (NP (NP the permanent prehistoric past) , or (NP the ever-existent past-fantasy future)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Three seconds) (ADJP flat)) (VP is (NP-TMP-PRD the usual time))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the space) (VP is (VP crossed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS moderate mileage)) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the overwhelming immensity) (PP of (NP such journeys))) (VP must (VP be (VP conceived (NP *-2) (PP as (NP (NP a static pulsation) (PP through (NP (NP an enormous number) (PP of (NP (NP coexistent frequencies) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP perpetuate (NP all events)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The body , senses and brain) , (PP in (NP (NP common) (PP with (NP all matter)))) , (VP have (NP their counterpart) (PP on (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP (NP a countless number) (PP of (NP frequencies))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The senses) (PP in (NP each counterpart))) (VP bear (NP (NP the impression) (PP (ADVP only) of (NP (NP phenomena) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP share (NP its own frequency))))))) , (SBAR-ADV whereas (S (NP-SBJ (NP those) (PP upon (NP all other frequencies))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD invisible , inaudible and intactible (PP to (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Consciousness) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the factor) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP provides (NP the progressive continuity) (PP to (NP sensory impressions))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ consciousness) (VP deserts (NP (NP the sleeping body) and (NP the wakeful world)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP continues (PP (PP in (NP (NP the myriad progressions) (PP of (NP the ever-present past and future)))) , (PP in (NP (NP a life) (PP as (ADJP (ADJP vibrant and real) (PP as (NP (NP the one) (VP left (NP *) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the body) (VP (VP tired) and (VP required (NP sleep)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP photographically realistic) continuity) (PP of (NP (NP dreams) , (SBAR (WHADJP-3 however bizarre) (S (NP-SBJ their combinations) (VP *?* (ADJP-PRD *T*-3))))))) , (VP denies (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP purely) (NP-PRD (NP a composition) (PP of (NP the brain))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP must (VP be (VP compounded (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP views) (PP of (NP diverse realities)))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP some) (PP of (NP them))) (VP may (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (VP encountered (NP *-2) (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-5 what) (S (NP-SBJ-4 we) (VP are (VP pleased (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP call (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (NP-PRD the real life)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dr. H.V. Hilprecht) , (NP (NP Professor) (PP of (NP Assyrian)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Pennsylvania)))))) , (VP dreamed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a Babylonian priest) , (VP associated (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP the king Kurigalzu) , (PRN -LRB- (NP-TMP 1300 B.C.) -RRB-))))) (VP (VP escorted (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the treasure chamber) (PP of (NP (NP the temple) (PP of (NP Bel))))))) , (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP six novel points) (PP of (NP (NP information) (PP about (NP a certain broken relic)))))) , and (VP corrected (NP (NP an error) (PP in (NP its identification)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the incorrect classification) , (NP (NP the result) (PP of (NP (NP many weeks) (PP of (NP (NP labor) (PP by (NP Dr. Hilprecht)))))))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP published (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS him)) (NP-TMP the following day))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Some time) later) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the missing part) (PP of (NP the relic))) (VP was (VP found (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the complete inscription) , (PP (ADVP together) with (NP other new evidence))) , (ADVP fully) (VP corroborated (NP (NP the ancient priest 's) information))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Hilprecht) (VP was (ADJP-PRD uncertain (PP as (PP to (NP (NP the language) (VP used (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the ancient priest) (PP in (NP his dream)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD almost positive (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (NP-PRD Assyrian nor Cassite)))))) , and (VP imagined (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP must (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD German or English)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP may (VP conclude (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all six points) (PP of (NP information)) , (VP (ADVP ostensibly) given (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the dream priest)))) , (VP could (VP have (VP been (VP furnished (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Dr. Hilprecht 's) subconscious reasoning)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But , (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP denying (NP (NP any physical reality) (PP for (NP this dream)))))) , (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ could (NP-SBJ the brain) (ADVP possibly) (VP compose (NP (NP that realistic , (ADJP vividly visual) continuity) (ADJP uninterrupted (PP by (NP (NP misty fadeout) , (NP violent break) or (NP sudden substitution))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (UCP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 Which theory) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADJP-PRD more fantastic)))) : (SBAR (SBAR (LST 1 .) That (S (NP-SBJ-1 the perfect continuity) (VP was (VP composed (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP the joblot) (PP of (NP memory impressions)) (PP in (NP (NP the professor 's) brain)))))))) , or (SBAR (LST 2 .) That (S (NP-SBJ the dream) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a reality) (PP on (NP (NP the infinite progressions) (PP of (NP (NP universal , gradient frequencies) , (SBAR (WHPP-3 across (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the modern professor) and (NP (NP the priest) (PP of (NP ancient Nippur)))) (VP met (PP *T*-3))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The degree) (PP of (NP circumstance))) , (NP (NP the ratio) (PP of (NP (NP memory) (PP to (NP forgetfulness)))))) , (VP determines (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ a dream) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a recognized , fulfilled prevision) , or (NP (NP the (ADJP vaguely , effective) source) (PP of (NP the weird (ADJP deja vue) feeling))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV No doubt) (NP-SBJ-1 some experiences) (VP vanish (ADVP (ADVP so completely) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (NP no trace) (PP on (NP (NP the sleeper 's) mind)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Probably) (NP-SBJ (NP (QP less than one) percent) (PP of (NP our previsions))) (VP escape (NP final obliteration) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP wake)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP arrive (PP at (NP (NP the events) (ADJP concerned (PP in (NP the vanished majority))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP can not (VP impress (NP us) (PP as (NP (NP anything) (ADJP familiar))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP notably frequent) instances) (PP of (NP (ADJP deja vue))) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP our recognition) (PP of (NP an (ADJP entirely novel) event))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP a feeling) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP lived (PP through (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP before)))))) , (NP (NP a feeling) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (SBAR-ADV though (FRAG (ADJP-PRD vague))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP withstands (NP (NP the verbal barrage) (PP from (NP (NP the (ADJP most impressive) corps) (PP of (NP psychologists)))))))))) (PP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP deja vue)) (VP is (NP-PRD an illusion)))) , (ADVP then) (ADVP peculiarly) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP most prevalent) mental disturbance) (VP affecting (NP even the (ADJP most level-headed) people)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Chauncey Depew) , (NP (NP one-time runner-up) (PP for (NP the Republican Presidential nomination)))) , (VP was (VP attending (NP (NP a convention) (PP-LOC at (NP Saratoga)) , (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP scheduled (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP nominate (NP Colonel Theodore Roosevelt) (PP for (NP (NP Governor) (PP of (NP New York)))))))))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP noticed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the temporary chairman) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP met (NP *T*-1))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ-1 the preliminary business affair) (VP was (VP finished (NP *-1))))) (NP-SBJ Depew) (VP (VP arose) and (VP delivered (NP (NP the convincing speech) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP clinched (NP the nomination) (PP for (NP Roosevelt)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Depew) (VP had (VP told (NP any academic psychologist) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP a weird feeling) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP lived (PP through (NP that identical convention session)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP some time) (PP in (NP the past)))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP been (VP informed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a victim) (PP of (NP (ADJP deja vue))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the famous orator) (VP felt (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP (NP vague recognition) (PP for (NP the scene)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remembered (SBAR (ADVP exactly) (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP lived (PP through (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP before) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP prove (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP *?*))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (NP-ADV One week) before (NP the convention)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Depew) (VP was (VP seated (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the porch) (PP of (NP (NP a country home) (PP-LOC on (NP the Hudson)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP gazing (PP at (NP the opposite shore)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ The food) (VP is (ADJP-PRD wonderful))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a lot) (PP of (NP fun))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD here)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TPC-1 So) (VP wrote (ADVP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a (ADJP (NP-ADV ten year) old) student) (PP in (NP (NP a letter) (PP to (NP his parents)) (PP from (NP (NP North Country School) , (NP-LOC (NP Lake Placid) , (NP New York)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this one sentence)) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP unwittingly) (VP revealed (NP (NP the basic philosophy) (PP of (NP (NP the (UCP nutrition and psychological) programs) (PP in (NP operation)) (PP-LOC at (NP the school)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Because (S (NP-SBJ-2 the food) (VP is (VP (VP selected (NP *-2) (PP with (NP (NP (NP thought) (PP for (NP its nutritional value))) , (NP (NP care) (PP for (NP its origin)))))) , and (VP prepared (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP a manner) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP retains (NP the most nutrients))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the food) (VP does (VP taste (ADJP-PRD good))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-7 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP served (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP a psychological atmosphere) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP allows (S (NP-SBJ young bodies) (VP to (VP assimilate (NP the greatest good) (PP from (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-6 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP eat (NP *T*-6)))))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD free (PP from (NP tension))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-7)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 (NP a foundation) (PP *ICH*-8)) (VP is (VP laid (NP *-3) (PP-8 for (NP (NP a high level) (PP of (NP health)) (SBAR (WHNP-5 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP releases (NP-2 the children) (PP from (NP physical handicaps)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP participate (PP with (NP enjoyment)) (PP in (NP (NP the work assignments) , (NP the athletic programs) and (NP (NP the (ADJP most important) phase) , (NP the educational opportunities)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Situated (NP *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a region) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the loveliest mountain scenery) (PP-LOC in (NP the country)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the school buildings) (VP are (VP located (NP *-1) (PP-LOC amid (NP (NP open fields) and (NP farm lands))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP These contemporary structures) , (VP (ADVP beautifully) adapted (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP a school) (PP-LOC in (NP the country)))))) , (VP are (NP-PRD (NP home) (PP to (NP (NP 60 children) , (NP (NP (NP ages) (NP eight to fourteen)) , (NP (NP grades) (NP four through eight))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP fourteen states) and (NP three foreign countries))) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP come (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP spend (NP (NP the months) (PP (PP from (NP mid-September)) (PP to (NP June)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Director) , (NP Walter E. Clark)) , (VP believes (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a school) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ children) (VP living (ADVP full time) (PP in (NP its care)))))) (VP must (VP take (NP (NP full responsibility) (PP for (NP their welfare)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP him)) (NP-SBJ this) (VP means (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP caring (PP for (NP the whole child))) , (VP providing (NP (NP basic nutrition) , and (NP (NP a spiritual attitude) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lends (NP (NP freedom) (PP for (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP the mind)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Improved farming methods)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The concept) (PP of (NP good nutrition))) (ADVP really) (VP began (PP with (NP the garden))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The school) (VP has (ADVP-TMP always) (VP maintained (NP (NP a farm) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP supply (NP (NP the needs) (PP of (NP the school)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP a climate) (ADJP hostile (PP to (NP agriculture))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Clark) (VP has (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (ADJP-PRD alert (PP to (NP the (ADJP most productive) farm techniques)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-LOC (SBAR (WHADVP-2 Where) (S (NP-SBJ a growing season) (VP may , (PP with (NP luck)) , (VP allow (NP (NP 60 days) (PP without (NP frost))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))) , and (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the soil) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP poor) , (ADJP sandy) , (ADJP quick-drying) and (ADJP subject (PP to (NP erosion)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ many farmers) (VP fail) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Throughout (NP the Adirondack region)) (NP-SBJ (NP abandoned farm homes) and (NP wild orchards)) (VP bear (NP ghostly testimony (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ their owners) (VP met (NP defeat)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Clark) (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP orthodox procedures) (PP of (NP deep plowing))) , (NP (NP use) (PP of (NP (NP chemical fertilizers) and (NP insecticides)))) , plus (NP (NP the application) (PP of (NP (NP conservation principles) (PP of (NP rotation and contouring)))))) , (VP did not (VP prevent (NP (NP (NP sheet erosion) (PP-LOC in (NP the potato fields))) and (NP (NP depreciation) (PP of (NP the soil))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (S-PRP-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP give (PRT up) (NP these notions)))) (VP required (NP (NP a revolution) (PP in (NP thought))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 Mr. Clark) (VP said (S *T*-2) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP reminiscing (PP about (NP (NP the abrupt changes) (PP in (NP ideas)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP experienced (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP reading (NP `` (NP-TTL Organic Gardening) '' And `` (NP-TTL Modern Nutrition) '') (PP in (NP (NP a search) (PP for (NP (NP help) (PP with (NP his problems)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Louis Bromfield 's) writings) (VP excited (NP (NP me) (PP as (NP a conservationist)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP 1952)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP convinced (NP *-1) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP spray)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP locked (NP his equipment) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a cabinet) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP remains (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reading (NP `` (NP-TTL (NP Plowman 's) Folly) '' (PP by (NP Edward H. Faulkner)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP plowing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The basis) (PP for (NP compost materials))) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP existed (PP-LOC on (NP the school farm)) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a stable) (PP of (NP animals)) (PP for (NP the riding program))) , (NP (NP poultry) (PP for (NP eggs))) , (NP (NP pigs) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP eat (NP garbage)))))) , (NP a beef herd) and (NP (NP wastes) (PP of (NP all kinds)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Separate pails) (VP were (VP kept (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen)) (PP for (NP (NP coffee grounds) and (NP egg shells))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All these materials) and (NP (NP (NP supplementary manure) and (NP other fertilizers)) (PP from (NP neighboring dairy and poultry farms)))) (VP made (NP (NP (NP (QP over 40) tons) (PP of (NP finished compost))) (NP-ADV a year))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP applied (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP a compost shredder) (VP made (NP *) (PP from (NP a converted manure spreader))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Years) (PP of (NP (NP (NP patient application) (PP of (NP compost))) and (NP leaf mulching)))) (VP has (VP changed (NP (NP (NP the structure) (PP of (NP the soil))) and (NP its water-holding capacity)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Soon) after (S (NP-SBJ the method) (VP changed))) , (NP-SBJ-1 visitors) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP asking (SBAR (WHADVP-5 how) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP irrigate (NP his soil) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP looking (ADJP-PRD moist))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-5)))))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S-CLF (PP in (NP reality)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the soil treatment) (ADVP alone)) (SBAR (WHNP-6 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-6) (VP accomplished (NP this)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP demonstrate (NP (NP the soil) (PP of (NP his vegetable gardens))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-TMP today))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Clark) (VP stooped (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP scoop (PRT up) (NP (NP a handful) (PP of (NP rich dark earth))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP (VP Sniffing (NP its sweet smell)) and (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP fall)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP show (NP its good crumbly consistency))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP pointed (PP to (NP the nearby driveway))) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ-3 This soil) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD like (NP (NP that (ADJP hard packed) road) (PP-LOC over (ADVP there))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ People and soils) (VP respond (ADVP-MNR slowly))) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP says (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Walter Clark)) ,) `` but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the time) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP has (ADVP-TMP now) (VP come (SBAR-1 (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ the gardens) (VP produce (NP delicious long-keeping vegetables) (PP-PRP due (PP to (NP this enrichment program))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 No (NX (NX chemical fertilizers) and (NX poisonous insecticides and fungicides))) (VP are (VP used (NP *-1))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The garden) (VP supplies (NP enough carrots , turnips , rutabagas , potatoes , beets , cabbage and squash (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP store (PP for (NP winter meals)) (PP-LOC in (NP the root cellar))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The carrots) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP do n't (VP make (NP it) (PP through (NP the winter))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the cabbage and squash) (VP keep (PP-TMP until (NP March or April)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (ADVP-TMP never) (NP-PRD enough corn , peas or strawberries)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Clark) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP use (NP rotenone) (PP with (NP (NP potatoes) (VP grown (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP the (ADJP least fertile) fields)))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP has (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ the insect damage) (VP decrease (ADVP-MNR steadily))))) and (VP hopes (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP continued use) (PP of (NP (NP compost) and (NP leaf mulch)))) (VP will (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP do (PP without (NP it)) (PP-TMP in (NP the future)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A new project) (VP planned (NP *))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the use) (PP of (NP Bio-Dynamic Starter)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP New ideas) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP improving (NP nutrition))))) (VP came (PP with (NP (NP the study) (PP of (NP soil treatment))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (PP-TMP After (NP the soil)) , (NP the kitchen)) '' , (VP says (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mr. Clark) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The first major change) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP that) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP providing (NP (NP wholewheat bread) (CONJP instead of) (NP white bread))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Adults) (VP take (NP a long time) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP convince (NP *T*-3))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP are (VP thwarted (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP push))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP first)) (NP-SBJ the kitchen help) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD tolerant)) , but (VP ordered (NP (NP their own supply) (PP of (NP white bread)) (PP for (NP themselves))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP make (NP French toast) (PP with (NP whole-wheat bread))))) '' , (VP was (NP-PRD an early complaint)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP learned (PP-TMP in (NP time)) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (CONJP not only) (VP could (VP use (NP whole-wheat bread)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the children) (VP liked (NP it) (ADVP better)))))) .)) (TOP (NP Homemade bread)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Clark) , (PP as (NP house manager)) , (VP (VP planned (NP the menus)) and (VP cared (PP for (NP the ordering)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Lillian Colman) (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP Vermont)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD kitchen manager))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ-1 whole grains) (VP are (VP (VP (ADVP freshly) ground (NP *-1) (NP-TMP every day)) and (VP baked (PP into (NP bread))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. Clark 's) studies) (VP taught (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the only way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP conserve (NP (NP the vitamins) (PP-LOC in (NP the whole grain))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP prompt use) (PP of (NP the flour))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ-1 the grains) (VP are (VP ground (NP *-1))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-3 vitamin E) (VP begins (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP deteriorate))) (ADVP immediately))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP half) (PP of (NP it))) (VP is (VP lost (NP *-2) (PP by (NP (NP oxidation) and (NP (NP exposure) (PP to (NP the air))))) (PP-TMP within (NP one week))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A mill) (VP stands (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a room) (PP-LOC off (NP the kitchen))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-1 Surrounding (NP it)) (VP are (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP metal cans) (PP of (NP (NP grains) (VP ordered (NP *) (PP from (NP (NP organic farms) (PP-LOC in (NP the state)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Colman) (VP (VP pours (NP (NP measures) (PP of (NP (NP whole wheat) , (NP oats) , and (NP soy beans))))) and (VP turns (PRT on) (NP the motor))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP goes (PRT on) (PP about (NP her work))) and (VP listens (PP for (NP (NP the completion) (PP of (NP the grinding)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The bread) (VP baked (NP *) (PP from (NP this mixture)))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP light (PP in (NP color))) and (ADJP fragrant (PP in (NP aroma))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP is (ADVP-MNR well) (VP liked (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the children and faculty)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one problem) (PP with (NP the bread)))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (S (NP-SBJ (NP Lillian 's) bread) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so good) (SBAR *RNR*-4)))) and (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP tastes (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP so much) better) (SBAR *RNR*-4)) (ADVP-LOC here))) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD hard) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP eat (NP (ADJP too much))))))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-1 the secretary) (ADVP-MNR ruefully) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP eyeing (NP her extra pounds))) .)) (TOP (NP Hot , freshly-ground cereal)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The school) (VP has not (VP used (NP cold prepared cereals) (PP-TMP for (NP years)) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (PP-TMP at (NP one time)) (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP served (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the chance) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP (VP eliminated (NP cold cereal) (ADVP-TMP once (NP a week))) , (ADVP then) (VP (ADVP-MNR gradually) converted (PP to (NP (NP hot fresh-ground cereal) (NP-TMP every day))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP serve (NP (NP cracked wheat) , (NP oats) or (NP cornmeal))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Occasionally) , (NP-SBJ the children) (VP find (NP (NP steamed , whole-wheat grains) (PP for (NP cereal)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP call (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) `` (NP-PRD buckshot) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP the school year)))) , (NP-SBJ the new students) (VP do n't (VP eat (NP the cereal) (ADVP right away)))) , but (S (PP-TMP within (NP a short time)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP eating (NP it) (ADVP-MNR voraciously)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP leave (PP for (NP vacations)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP miss (NP the hot cereal)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The school) (VP has (VP received (NP (NP letters) (PP from (NP parents)) (VP asking , `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP Johnny)))) ? ?))))))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP like (NP any hot cereal)))))) , (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the only kind) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wants (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Where) (SQ can (NP-SBJ we) (VP get (NP (NP this cereal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP likes (NP *T*-1) (ADVP so much))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP Body-building foods)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Salads) (VP are (VP served (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP at least) once (NP a day)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Vegetables) (VP are (VP served (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR liberally))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Most) (VP come (PP (PP from (NP the root cellar)) or (PP from (NP the freezer)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Home-made sauerkraut) (VP is (VP served (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP once (NP a week)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Sprouted grains and seeds) (VP are (VP used (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP salads) and (NP (NP dishes) (PP such as (NP chop suey))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ-1 sprouted wheat) (VP (VP is (VP added (NP *-1) (PP to (NP bread)))) and (VP causes (S (NP-SBJ the children) (VP to (VP remark , (SQ `` (NP-VOC Lillian) , did (NP-SBJ you) (VP put (NP nuts) (PP-PUT in (NP the bread)) (NP-TMP today)) '' ? ?)))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Milk) (VP appears (ADVP-TMP twice (NP a day))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The school) (VP raises (NP (NP enough poultry , pigs , and beef cattle) (PP for (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP their needs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Lots) (PP of (NP (NP cheese) (VP made (NP *) (PP from (NP June grass milk)))))) (VP is (VP served (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hens) (VP are (VP kept (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP the range))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 roosters) (VP are (VP kept (NP *-2) (PP with (NP them)) (PP for (NP their fertility))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Organ meats) (PP such as (NP (NP beef) and (NP chicken liver) , (NP tongue) and (NP heart)))) (VP are (VP planned (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP once (NP a week)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) , (NP-SBJ salt water fish) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the table)) (ADVP-TMP once (NP a week))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP deserts)) , (NP-SBJ-1 puddings and pies) (VP are each (VP served (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP once (NP a week)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Most other desserts) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP fruit) (PP in (NP some form))) , (SBAR-ADV (FRAG (NP fresh fruits) (ADVP-TMP-1 once daily (ADVP at least))) , (FRAG (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (PP-TMP=1 at (NP snack time))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Dried fruits) (VP are (VP purchased (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP sources) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP neither sulphured nor sprayed (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Apples) (VP come (PP from (NP (NP a farm) (PP-LOC in (NP Vermont)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are not (VP sprayed (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Oranges and grapefruit) (VP are (VP shipped (NP *-1) (PP-DIR from (NP Florida)) (ADVP-TMP weekly) (PP-DIR from (NP an organic farm)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Finding (NP (NP sources) (PP for (NP these high quality foods))))) (VP is (NP-PRD a problem)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ the solution) (VP comes (PP in (NP unexpected ways))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Following (NP (NP a talk) (PP by (NP Mr. Clark)) (PP-LOC at (NP the New York State Natural Food Associates Convention)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a man) (PP from (NP the audience))) (VP offered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ship (NP his unsprayed apples) (PP-DIR to (NP the school)) (PP-DIR from (NP Vermont)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Wheat-germ) , (NP (NP brewer 's) yeast) and (NP ground kelp)) (VP are (VP used (NP *-1) (PP (PP in (NP bread)) and (PP in (NP (NP dishes) (PP such as (NP (NP spaghetti sauce) , (NP meat loaves)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Colman) (VP hopes (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP suitable shakers) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ kelp) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD available) (PP-LOC at (NP the tables)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Raw wheat-germ) (VP is (ADJP-PRD available (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC on (NP the breakfast table)) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ the children) (VP to (VP help (NP themselves)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP Very few) fried foods) (VP are (VP used (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the use) (PP of (NP salt and pepper))) (VP is (VP discouraged (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Drinking (PP with (NP meals)))) (VP is (ADVP also) (VP discouraged (NP *-1)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP pitchers) (PP of (NP water))) (ADVP merely) (VP appear (PP-LOC on (NP the tables)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Nothing) (VP is (VP peeled (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The source) (VP is (VP known (NP *-1)))) so (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD no necessity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remove (NP insecticide residues))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The cooking) (VP conserves (NP (NP a maximum) (PP of (NP (NP the vitamin C content) (PP of (NP vegetables))))) (PP by (NP (NP methods) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP use (NP (ADJP very little) water)) and (VP cook (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the shortest time) (ADJP possible)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Wholesome snacks) , (NP no candy))) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Clark) (VP believes (ADVP-MNR firmly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the) chewing (PP of (NP hard foods))) (VP helps (VP develop (NP healthy gums and teeth)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP raw vegetables) and (NP raw whole-wheat grains)) (VP are (VP handed (NP *-1) (PRT out) (PP with (NP (NP fresh fruit) and (NP whole-wheat cookies))) (PP-TMP at (NP snack time)) (PP-TMP in (NP the afternoons)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP solve (NP (NP the problem) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the wheat grains) (VP (VP spilling (PP-LOC on (NP the floor))) and (VP getting (ADVP-LOC underfoot))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a ball) (PP of (NP (NP maple syrup) (VP boiled (NP *) (PP to (NP candy consistency)))))) (VP was (VP invented (NP-2 *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hold (NP the grains)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP (NP their frequent hikes) (PP into (NP the nearby mountains)))) , (NP-SBJ the children) (VP carry (NP (NP whole grains) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP munch (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC along (NP the trail)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP learn (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP like (NP these) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so well) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD surprising) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hear (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one boy) (VP tried (NP (NP the oats) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP feeding (NP *T*-4) (NP his horse) (PP-TMP at (NP chore time))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP tasted (ADJP-PRD good) (PP to (NP him)))) , so (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP brought (NP some) (PP to (NP breakfast)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP eat (PP-LOC in (NP his cereal bowl)) (PP with (NP milk and honey))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Maple syrup) (VP is (VP made (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the children)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the woods) (PP-LOC on (NP the school grounds)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP This) and (NP raw sugar)) (VP replace (NP ordinary refined sugar) (PP-LOC on (NP the tables)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP very little) sugar) (VP is (VP used (NP *-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP cooking)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Candy) (VP is not (VP allowed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Parents) (VP are (VP asked (NP-2 *-1) (PP in (NP the bulletin)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP send (NP (NP packages) (PP of (NP (NP treats) (VP consisting (PP of (NP (NP fruit and nuts) , but (NP no candy)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Nourishing meals)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Clark) (VP believes (PP in (NP (NP a good full breakfast) (PP of (NP (NP fruit) , (NP hot cereal) , (NP milk) , (NP honey) , (NP (NP whole-wheat toast) (PP with (NP real butter))) and (NP eggs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The heavy meal) (VP comes (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the day))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Soup) (VP is (ADVP-TMP often) (NP-PRD the important dish) (PP at (NP supper))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Homemade (NP *-1) (PP of (NP meat , bones and vegetables)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD rich (PP in (NP dissolved minerals and vitamins)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The school) (VP finds (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the children) (VP are (VP satisfied (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP smaller amounts) (PP of (NP food)))) (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP it))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD high (PP in (NP quality))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The cost (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP feed (NP one person))))) (VP is (PP-PRD (ADVP just) under (NP (NP one dollar) (NP-ADV a day)))) .)) (TOP (NP Outdoor exercises)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP the necessity) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP growing (NP better food)) and (VP planning (NP good nutrition))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Mr. Clark) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the school) (VP had (NP a good health program))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rugged outdoor exercise) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP an hour (QP and a half)) (NP-TMP every day))) (PP in (NP (NP all kinds) (PP of (NP weather))))) (VP was (NP-PRD the rule)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A vigorous program) (VP existed (PP in (NP (NP skiing) , (NP skating sports) and (NP overnight hiking)))) .)) (TOP (NP Healthier children)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Since (NP (NP the change) (PP to (NP better nutrition)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP feels (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP report (PP on (NP (NP improvements) (PP in (NP health)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP considers (S (NP-SBJ the following statements) (NP-PRD (NP observations) and not (NP scientific proof))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Visitors) (PP to (NP the school))) (VP ask (SBAR (WHNP-1 what shampoo) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP use (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP (NP the children 's) hair)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP bring (PRT out) (NP the sheen)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The ruddy complexion) (PP of (NP the faces))) (ADVP also) (VP brings (NP comment)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Buffeted (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS swirling winds)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the little green biplane) (VP struggled (ADVP-DIR northward) (PP-LOC between (NP (NP the mountains) (PP-LOC beyond (NP Northfield Gulf))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Wires) (VP whined (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ a cold November blast) (VP rocked (NP the silver wings)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the engine roar) (VP was (ADJP-PRD reassuring (PP to (NP (NP the pilot) (VP bundled (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the open cockpit)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP peered (ADVP ahead)) and (VP grinned (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the railroad tracks) (VP came (PP into (NP view)) (ADVP again) (ADVP-LOC below)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` Good old iron compass '' ! !) (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A plume) (PP of (NP smoke))) (VP rose (PP-DIR from (NP (NP a Central Vermont locomotive) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP idled (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP a string) (PP of (NP gravel cars))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP little figures) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (NP-PRD workmen))))) (VP labored (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP set (NP the ruptured roadbed) (PP to (NP rights))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The girders) (PP of (NP a shattered Dog River bridge))) (VP lay (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP strewn (NP *-2) (PP for (NP half a mile)) (ADVP-LOC downstream)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Vermont 's) main railroad line) (VP was (ADJP-PRD prostrate)) .)) (TOP (S And (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the dark days) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP (NP the Great Flood) (PP of (NP 1927))) -- (NP (NP the worst natural disaster) (PP in (NP (NP the state 's) history))) --)))) (NP-SBJ the little plane) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP its sole replacement) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP carrying (NP the United States mails)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rain) (PP of (NP near cloudburst proportions))) (VP had (VP fallen (PP-TMP for (NP three full days))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP raining (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the morning) (PP of (NP (NP Friday) , (NP November 4 , 1927))))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP officials) (PP of (NP (NP the Post Office Department 's) Railway Mail Service))) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP their distribution system) (PP for (NP Vermont))) (VP had (VP been (ADVP almost totally) (VP destroyed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP overnight)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Clerks and postmasters) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP (VP shoveled (NP muck) (PP out (PP of (NP their offices))) -- (NP-2 (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP offices))))) --) and (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP move (NP the mail) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The state 's) railroad system) (VP counted (NP (NP miles) (PP of (NP (NP broken bridges) and (NP missing rights-of-way)))))) : (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (ADVP obviously) (VP remain (PP out (PP of (NP commission))) (PP-TMP for (NP weeks))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ-1 medicine , food , clothing and shelter) (VP had (VP been (VP provided (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP the flood 's) victims))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP communications) and (NP the mail)) (VP were (NP-PRD the next top problems)) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP Burlington)) , (NP-SBJ-1 outgoing mail) (VP could (VP be (VP ferried (NP *-1) (PP-DIR across (NP Lake Champlain)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the railroad) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Port Kent) , (NP N. Y .)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (ADVP in)))) (VP was (VP piling (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The nearest undisrupted end) (PP of (NP (NP track) (PP from (NP Boston))))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP (NP Concord) , (NP N. H .)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ Governor Al Smith) (VP offered (NP (NP New York National Guard planes) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP fly (NP the mail) (PP-DIR (PP in (NP *RNR*-1)) and (PP out (PP of (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 the state))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ-4 it) (VP seemed (NP-PRD a likely temporary solution) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP easing (NP (NP (NP Burlington 's) bottleneck) and (NP (NP that) (PP-LOC at (NP Montpelier)) (ADVP too)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The question) (VP was (SBARQ-PRD `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP land (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no such thing) (PP as (NP an airport))) (PP-LOC in (NP Vermont))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Burlington aviator John J. Burns) (VP suggested (NP (NP the parade ground) (ADVP-LOC southwest (PP of (NP Fort Ethan Allen)))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP soon) (NP-SBJ a dozen hastily-summoned National Guard pilots) (VP were (VP bringing (NP their wide-winged `` Jenny '' and DeHaviland two-seaters) (PP to (NP rest)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the frozen sod) (PP of (NP the military base))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only available field) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP could (VP be (VP used (NP *-1)))))) (ADVP-LOC near (NP flood-ravaged Montpelier))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP (NP (NP the Towne farm) (PP-LOC off (NP upper Main Street))) , (NP (NP a narrow hillside) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 takeoffs and landings) (VP could (VP be (ADVP-MNR safely) (VP made (NP *-2) (PP (ADVP only) under (NP light wind conditions)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC Over (PP in (NP Barre))) (NP-SBJ the streets) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD deep (PP in (NP swirling water)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 bridges) (VP were (UCP-PRD (VP crumpled (NP *-1)) and (ADJP-PRD gone)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Anticipating (NP (NP delivery) (PP of (NP medicines and yeast)) (PP by (NP plane))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Granite City citizens) (VP (VP formed (NP an airfield committee)) and (VP (PP with (NP (NP the aid) (PP of (NP (NP quarrymen) and (NP (NP the 172nd Infantry) , (NP Vermont National Guard)))))) , laid (PRT out) (NP runways) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Wilson flat) , (ADJP high (PP on (NP Millstone Hill))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The `` Barre Aviation Field '') (VP was (VP set (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP receive (NP its first aircraft)))) (NP-TMP (NP the Sunday) (PP following (NP the flood))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ the makeshift airports) (VP were (ADJP-PRD ready)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the York State Guard flyers) (VP proved (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP any kind) (PP of (NP mail schedule)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (NP courage))) but (S (NP-SBJ their meager training) (VP consisted (PP of (NP (NP weekend hops) (PP in (NP good weather)) , (PP (PP in (NP *RNR*-2)) and (PP out (PP of (NP *RNR*-2))) (NP-2 established airports)))))) , And (S (NP-SBJ the (ADJP increasingly cold) weather) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP raised (NP hob) (PP with (NP (NP the (ADJP water cooled) engines) (PP of (NP their World War 1 , planes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (PP like (NP (NP a good time) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ officials) (VP to (VP use (NP (NP a recently-passed law) (VP empowering (S (NP-SBJ the post office department) (VP to (VP contract (PP for (NP (NP the transport) (PP of (NP first class mail)) (PP by (NP air)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP act (ADVP-MNR fast)))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ letters) (VP were (VP clogging (NP the terminals)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Down (PP in (NP (NP Concord) , (NP New Hampshire)))) , (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a flier) (RRC (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the right place)) (PP-TMP at (NP the right time))))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP Robert S. Fogg) , (NP a native New Englander)) , (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a World War 1 , flying instructor) , (NP barnstormer) , and (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the original planners) (PP of (NP the Concord Airport))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Tall , wiry , dark-haired)) (NP-SBJ-1 Bob Fogg) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP racked (PRT up) (NP (NP one historical first) (PP in (NP air mail history))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Piloting (NP a Curtiss Navy MF flying boat) (PP-LOC off (NP Lake Winnipesaukee)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1925)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP inaugurated (NP the original Rural Delivery air service) (PP-LOC in (NP America)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the excitement) (PP following (NP (NP (NP Lindbergh 's) flight) (PP to (NP Paris)) (PP-TMP (ADVP earlier) in (NP 1927)))))) , (NP-SBJ dare devil aviators) (ADVP-TMP overnight) (VP became (NP-PRD legendary heroes)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP Concord)) , (NP-SBJ Bob Fogg) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most prominent) New Hampshire boy) (PP with (NP wings)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Public-spirited backers) (VP staked (NP him) (PP to (NP (NP a brand-new airplane) , (VP aimed (NP *) (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP putting (NP their city and state) (PP on (NP the flying map))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The ship) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a Waco biplane) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the first two) (PP of (NP its type)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP fitted (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the (ADJP air cooled) , 225 Wright radial engine) (VP known (NP *) (PP as (NP the Whirlwind))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP A trim (ADJP green and silver-painted) craft) (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP only 22-12) feet) long))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the Waco) (VP was (VP entered (NP-2 *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP compete (PP in (NP (NP the `` On-to-Spokane '' Air Derby) (PP of (NP 1927))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP As (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Fogg) and (NP his plane)) (VP did n't (VP get (PP-DIR beyond (NP Pennsylvania)) (PP in (NP the race))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ an engine oil leak) (VP forced (NP him) (ADVP down))) --) but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the flying service and school) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP started (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP subsequently))))) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP first steps) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP paying (PRT off) (NP his wry-faced backers))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (PP with (NP all this experience)) , (NP-SBJ Bob Fogg) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a natural choice) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP receive (NP the first Emergency Air Mail Star Route contract))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His work) (VP began (PP-TMP (NP-ADV (QP just six) days) after (NP the flood))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP airline)) (PP-SBJ (PP from (NP Concord)) (PP to (NP Burlington))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a distance) (PP of (NP (QP about 150) miles))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP counting (NP (NP a slight deviation) (PP for (NP (NP the stop) (PP-LOC at (NP either Barre or Montpelier)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The first few days) (NP-SBJ Bob Fogg) (VP (VP set (NP his plane) (PRT down) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Towne field) (ADVP-LOC back (PP of (NP the State House))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the wind) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , and (VP used (NP (NP Wilson flat) (PP-LOC above (NP Barre))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD *?*) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Between (NP (NP the unsafe Towne field) and (NP (NP the long roundabout back road haul) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD necessary) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP gain (NP (NP access) (PP to (NP Wilson flat)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP arrangements) (PP-LOC at (NP the state capital))) (VP were (ADVP-PRD far (PP from (ADJP satisfactory)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP Each time) (ADVP in)) , (NP-SBJ-2 the unhappy pilot) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP pushing (NP his luck))) , (VP begged (NP-3 (NP the postal officials) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP met (NP him))))) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP a safer landing place) , (PP-LOC (ADVP preferably) on (NP (NP the flat-topped hills) (PP-LOC across (NP the Winooski River))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` But (NP-VOC Fogg) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP countered (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ we) (VP ca n't (VP get (PP-DIR over (ADVP there)))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP besides) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP it) (ADVP-MNR all right) (ADVP-DIR here))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP took (NP a tragedy) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bring (NP things) (PP to (NP a head)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP (NP a week) (PP of (NP precarious uphill landings))) and (NP downwind takeoffs))) , (NP-SBJ Fogg) (NP-TMP one day) (VP looked (ADVP down) (PP at (NP (NP the shattered yellow wreckage) (PP of (NP an Army plane)) (VP strewn (NP *) (PP-LOC across (NP snow-covered Towne field)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Sent (NP *-2) (PP-DIR to (NP Montpelier)) (PP by (NP-LGS Secretary Herbert Hoover)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Red Cross Aide Reuben Sleight) (VP had (VP been (VP-4 killed (NP *-1))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1-3 (NP his pilot) , (NP Lt. Franklin Wolfe)) , (ADVP badly) (VP=4 injured (NP *-3))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ the field) (NP-PRD (NP a blur) (PP of (NP white))))) (NP-SBJ the unfortunate pilot) (VP had (ADVP simply) (VP flown (PP-DIR into (NP the hillside)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Faced (NP *-2) (PP with (NP this situation)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Postmaster Charles F. McKenna) (PP of (NP Montpelier))) (VP went (PP with (NP Fogg)) (PP on (NP a Burlington trip)))) , and (S (ADVP together) (NP-SBJ they) (VP scouted (NP (NP the terrain) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the heights) (PP of (NP Berlin))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A long flat) (VP known (NP *) (PP as (NP the St. John field)))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP answer (NP their purpose)))))) , and (S (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ the Winooski bridges) (VP were (PP at (ADVP last)) (ADJP-PRD passable)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP use (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP a wary eye) (PP on (NP (NP the farmer 's) bull)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Fred Somers) (PP of (NP Montpelier))) and (NP Mr. St. John)) (VP marked (NP the field) (PP with (NP a red table cloth))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP a wind direction indicator)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP tied (NP a cotton rag) (PP to (NP a sapling))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP these aids) , and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP a pair) (PP of (NP skiis))) (VP substituting (PP for (NP wheels)) (PP-LOC on (NP the Waco)))))) , (NP-SBJ Bob Fogg) (VP made (NP (NP the first landing) (PP-LOC on (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP the Barre-Montpelier Airport)))))))) (PP-TMP on (NP November 21 , 1927))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each trip) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-1 the front cockpit) (VP filled (NP *-1) (ADVP higher) (PP with (NP mail pouches))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the second week) (PP of (NP operations)))) , (NP-SBJ Fogg) (VP received (NP (NP a telegram) (PP from (NP the Post Office Department)) , (VP asking (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to `` (VP (VP put (PRT on) (NP two airplanes)) and (VP make (NP (NP (NP two flights) (ADVP-TMP daily)) , plus (NP one Sunday trip)))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ Fogg 's) (VP was (NP-PRD a one-man , one-plane flying service)))) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP meant (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP both trips) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP flying (ADVP alone) (NP-EXT (NP 600 miles) (NP-ADV a day)) , (PP under (NP sub-freezing temperature conditions)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Over (NP the weeks)) , (NP-SBJ (NP America 's) first Star Route Air Mail) (VP settled (PP into (NP a routine pattern)) (PP despite (NP (NP (NP the vagaries) (PP of (NP weather))) and (NP (NP the lack) (PP of (NP (NP ground facilities) and (NP (NP aids) (PP to (NP navigation))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Each morning) (PP-TMP at (NP five)) (NP-SBJ-1 Fogg) (VP crawled (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP bed))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bundle (PP into (NP flying togs)) (PP-LOC over (NP (NP the furnace register) (PP of (NP his home)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (ADVP-TMP Always) (VP troubled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP poor circulation) (PP in (NP his feet)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP experimented (PP with (NP (NP various combinations) (PP of (NP socks and shoes)))) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP finally) (VP adopting (NP (NP old-style felt (NP farmer 's) boots) (PP with (NP (NP his sheepskin flying boots) (VP pulled (NP *) (PP-LOC over (NP them)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A sheep-lined leather flying suit) , plus (NP helmet , goggles and mittens)) (VP completed (NP (NP his attire) (PP for (NP (NP the rigors) (PP of (NP the open cockpit)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The airman 's) stock answer) (PP to (SQ `` Were n't (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD cold) '' ? ?))) (VP Became (S-PRD `` (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ the first half hour) (VP is (ADJP-PRD tough))) , but (S (PP-TMP by (ADVP then)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so numb) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP notice (NP it)))))))) '' ! !)))) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ-1 daylight) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP show (PP through (NP the frosty windows)))))))) , (NP-SBJ Fogg) (VP would (VP place (NP (NP a call) (PP to (NP (NP William A. Shaw) (PP at (NP (NP the U.S. Weather Station) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Northfield) , (NP Vermont)))))))) , (PP for (NP temperature and wind-velocity readings)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shaw) (VP could (ADVP also) (VP give (NP the flyer) (NP (NP a (ADJP pretty good) idea) (PP of (NP area visibility))) (PP by (NP (NP a visual check) (PP of (NP (NP the mountains) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP seen (NP *-1) (PP from (NP his station))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 Ceilings) '' (VP were (VP judged (NP *-1) (PP by (NP (NP comparison) (PP with (NP known mountain heights and cloud positions)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later on (PP in (NP the day))) (NP-SBJ Fogg) (VP could (VP get (NP a better weather picture) (PP from (NP (NP the Burlington Weather Bureau) (VP supervised (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Frank E. Hartwell))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Out (PP at (NP the airport))) (NP-TMP each morning) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Fogg 's) skilled mechanic) (NP Caleb Marston)) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Waco) (VP (VP warmed (NP *-1) (PRT up)) and (VP running) (PP-LOC in (NP the drafty hangar)))))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP get (S (NP-SBJ the engine oil) (VP flowing)) (PP with (NP (NP an electric heater) (PP-LOC under (NP a big canvas cover)))))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Wishing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 aviation) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD-4 dependable)) and (VP (ADVP-PRD=4 here) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP stay)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Bob Fogg) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP made (NP a point) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP taking (PRT off) (NP-TMP each morning) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the dot) (PP of (NP seven))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP disregarding (NP rain , snow and sleet) (PP in (NP true postal tradition))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Concord) (VP learned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP set (NP its clocks) (PP by (NP (NP the rackety bark) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the Whirlwind 's) exhaust) (ADVP-LOC overhead))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ-2 the pilot) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP turn (ADVP-DIR back)))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADVP fully) (VP blocked (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS fog))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP 85 %) (PP of (NP his trips))) (VP were (VP completed (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Plane radios) (VP were not (ADVP-TMP yet) (ADJP-PRD available))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP once (PP in (NP the air))) , (NP-SBJ Fogg) (VP flew (NP his ship) (PP by (NP (NP compass) , (NP (NP a good memory) (PP for (NP (NP landmarks) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP seen (NP *-1) (PP from (NP above)))))))) , and (NP (NP a capacity) (PP for (NP (NP dead reckoning) and (NP quick computation)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Often) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP threading (PP-DIR through (NP the overcast)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP fly (ADVP-LOC close (PP to (NP the ground))) (S-ADV *ICH*-3)))) (PP by (NP-LGS a low ceiling)) , (S-ADV-3 (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP skimming (PP-LOC above (NP (NP the Winooski) or (NP the White River))) (PP-DIR along (NP (NP the line) (PP of (NP the broken railroad)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP driving rain) or (NP mist)) (VP socked (PRT in) (NP one valley) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Fogg) (VP would (VP chandelle (ADVP-DIR up and over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP reverse (NP course)) and (VP try (NP another one))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP ranging (PP-LOC (PP from (NP the Ottauquechee)) (PP up (PP to (NP Danville)))) (PP in (NP (NP search) (PP of (NP (NP safe passage) (PP through (NP the mountain passes)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The dependable Wright engine) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (VP stopped (NP *-1) (PP on (NP these trips)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP ticked (PRT over) (ADVP-MNR smoothly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP idling (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Fogg) (VP exchanged (NP mails) (PP with (NP (NP (NP the armed messenger) (PP from (NP Burlington)) (PP-LOC at (NP Fort Ethan Allen))) , and (NP (NP one) (PP from (NP Montpelier and Barre)) (PP-LOC at (NP the St. John field))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) , (PP on (NP a return trip)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the aviator) (VP would `` (VP go (ADVP-DIR upstairs) '' (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD high (PP over (NP the clouds)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP (VP take (NP a compass reading)) , (VP figure (NP his air speed)) , and (VP deduce (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP in (NP (NP a certain number) (PP of (NP minutes)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD over (NP (NP the broad meadows) (PP of (NP the Merrimack Valley)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD safe) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP let (PP-DIR down (PP through (NP the overcast)))) and (VP see (NP the ground) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP hit (NP him)))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bob Fogg) (VP did n't (VP have (NP (NP (NP today 's) advantages) (PP of (NP Instrument Flight and Ground Control Approach systems))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the calculated time)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP 'd (VP (VP nose (NP the Waco) (PP-DIR down (PP through (NP the cloud bank)))) and (VP hope (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP break (ADVP through) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP some feature) (PP of (NP the winter landscape))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD recognizable) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Usually) (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP back) in (NP Concord)) (PP-TMP by (NP noon))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP get (ADVP partially) (VP thawed (NP *-1) (PRT out))) , (VP refuel) , and (VP grab (NP (NP a bit) (PP of (NP (NP Mrs. Fogg 's) hot broth)))) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP starting (NP the second trip)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP Day) (PP after (NP day))) (NP-SBJ Fogg) (VP shuttled (ADVP-DIR back and forth) (PP on (NP his one-man air mail route)) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP the farmers) (PP-LOC in (NP their snowy barnyards))) and (NP the road repairmen)) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP recognize (NP the stubby plane) (PP as (NP (NP their link) (PP with (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the country))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The flyer) (VP had (NP (NP his share) (PP of (NP near-misses)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP Fort Ethan Allen)) (NP-SBJ (NP the ever-present wind) (PP-LOC off (NP Lake Champlain))) (VP could (ADVP readily) (VP flip (NP (NP a puny man-made thing) (PP like (NP an airplane))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the pilot) (VP miscalculated))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (NP-SBJ (NP the soldiers) (PP from (NP the barracks))) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hold (NP-1 the ship) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP blowing (ADVP-DIR away)))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Fogg) (VP (VP revved (NP the engine)) and (VP got (NP the tail) (ADVP up))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP (NP a nod) (PP of (NP his head)))) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP go)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP turning (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cup (NP their ears) (PP against (NP the icy slipstream)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Tracks) (PP-LOC in (NP the snow))) (VP showed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the plane) (VP was (ADJP-PRD airborne) (PP in (NP (QP less than a hundred) feet)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One afternoon) (PP-TMP during (NP a cold , powdery snowstorm)) , (NP-SBJ Fogg) (VP took (PRT off) (PP for (NP Concord)) (PP from (NP the St. John field))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD sixty-five)))) (ADVP so fast) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ-1 retirement) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP creep (PP upon (NP you)) (ADVP suddenly))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Somehow) (NP-SBJ we old-timers) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP figured (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP retire))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (VP die (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ our boots) (ADVP-PRD on)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-1 Out (PP of (NP the blue))) (VP comes (PP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP talk) (PP of (NP pension plans))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Compulsory retirement) (PP-TMP at (NP sixty-five))) (VP looms (PP on (NP our horizon))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP seems (PP in (NP the far future))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) , (NP-TMP one day) , (ADVP-TPC-1 up) (NP-SBJ it) (VP pops (ADVP *T*-1)) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Sixty-five years) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP had (NP it)))) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG So , (ADVP now) (WHNP what) ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ (INTJ Oh) (INTJ sure) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP thought (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP before) (PP in (NP (NP a hazy sort) (PP of (NP way)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP never) seemed (ADJP-PRD real)) ; ; (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seemed (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (VP happen (PP (PP to (NP you)) ; ; (PP (ADVP only) to (NP the other fellow))))))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Now ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 Here) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ am (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ am (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ do (NP-SBJ I) (VP go (PP from (ADVP here)) (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A (ADJP great many) retired people) (VP are (NP-PRD the so-called white collar workers)) .)) (TOP (SQ Are (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP these))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (FRAG (ADVP-PRD so))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (PP-PRD of (NP the old school))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (UCP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP conscientious) , (ADJP hard working) , (ADJP honest) , (ADJP accurate)) , (NP a good penman) , and (NP (NP a stickler) (PP for (NP (NP a job) (VP (ADVP-MNR well) done (NP *) , (PP with (NP no loose ends)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everything) (VP must (VP balance (PP to (NP the last penny)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP can (VP spell , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP consulting (NP a dictionary) (PP for (NP every other word))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP late (PP for (NP work))) and (ADVP-TMP seldom) (ADJP absent))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP take (NP no special credit) (PP for (NP this)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-MNR-PRD (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP were (VP taught (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) and (NP (NP your way) (PP of (NP life))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP standard equipment) (PP for (NP (NP a man) (PP of (NP your day))))) ; ; (NP (NP your stock) (PP in (NP trade))) ; ; (NP your livelihood))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-TMP (NP the last few years) (PP of (NP your life))) , (NP-SBJ-1 things) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP changing))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Your way) (VP does n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD so darned important)))) (ADVP-TMP any more))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP realize (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP getting (PP in (NP the old fogy class))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP put (NP it) (ADVP-MNR bluntly)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP getting (ADJP-PRD out-moded))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP happened))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The answer) (VP is (FRAG-PRD (NP a new era))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP Now) , (VP-TPC-1 looming (PP on (NP the horizon))) (VP are (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP such things) (PP as (NP (NP estimated totals) , (NP calculated risks) and (NP I.B.M. machines)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Planning Dept.) (VP comes (PP into (NP existence))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All sorts) (PP of (NP plans))) (VP come (PP to (NP life))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP is (VP followed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a boom) (PP in (NP conferences)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Yes) (NP-VOC sir) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Conferences) (VP become (ADJP-PRD very popular)) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ a plan) (VP burst (NP its seams) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ hasty conferences) (VP supply (NP the necessary patch))) , and (S (NP-SBJ life) (VP goes (ADVP-MNR merrily) (ADVP on))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 That) (VP 's (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD progress)))) ! !)) (TOP (NP (NP The new way) (PP of (NP life)) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP face (NP it)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP had (NP your day))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a good day))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ this generation) (VP have (NP theirs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Time) (VP marches (ADVP on)) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Well) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP (ADVP back) to (NP (NP the problem) (PP of (NP retirement))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Every retiring person) (VP has (NP (NP a different situation) (VP facing (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP have (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP money))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP have (NP (ADJP very little) money))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP are (ADJP-PRD blest (PP with (NP (NP an abundance) (PP of (NP good health))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP poor health)))) and (S (NP-SBJ many) (VP are (NP-PRD invalids))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP have (NP lovely homes))) -- (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP small apartments)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Some) (VP have (NP-2 beautiful gardens))) -- (S (NP-SBJ=1 some) (NP=2 (NP (ADVP not even) a blade) (PP of (NP grass)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP have (NP (NP (NP serenity) (PP of (NP mind))) , (NP the ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP accept (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (NP *T*-1))))) , and (VP make (NP the most) (PP of (NP it))))))) (PRN -LRB- (UCP (NP (NP a wonderful gift) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP *T*-2)))))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP believe (NP me)))) -RRB-)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP see (ADVP only) (NP (NP darkness) , (NP (NP the bitter side) (PP of (NP everything)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (SBAR-NOM-ADV (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD it)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP learn (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP live (PP with (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP Now ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The question) (VP is (SBARQ-PRD `` (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (PP with (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP (VP sit (ADVP back)) and (VP moan) and (VP bewail (NP your lot)))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Yes ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP do (NP this))) .)) (TOP (S But , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP you) (VP do))) , (NP-SBJ your life) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP just one thing) -- (NP (NP unhappiness) -- (ADJP complete and unabridged))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seems (PP to (NP me)) , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP the first thing) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-3)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD happy))))))))) , (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP face (PP up (PP to (NP your problems))) , (ADVP no matter (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Make (PRT up) (NP your mind) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP pool (NP your resources)) and (VP get (NP the most) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP your remaining years) (PP of (NP life)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP One thing) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD sure (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP must (VP get (NP (NP an interest) (PP in (NP life))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP something)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Many) (PP of (NP you))) (VP will (VP say , (SBARQ `` (INTJ Well) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ can (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?))))) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Believe (NP me)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP many , many things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Find (PRT out) (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))) (ADVP most))))) and (VP (ADVP really) give (NP it) (NP a whirl))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP think (PP of (NP (NP a thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP try (NP (NP something) -- (NP anything))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP surprise (NP yourself))) .)) (TOP (INTJ True ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP are not all (NP-PRD great artists)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) , (ADVP frankly) , (VP ca n't (VP draw (NP a straight line))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD that gifted) (ADVP either))) , but (FRAG (WHADVP how) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP puttering (ADVP around) (PP with (NP the old paints))))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP may (VP (VP amaze (NP yourself)) and (VP acquire (NP (NP a real knack) (PP for (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyway) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP bet (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP fun)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sew)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Does (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP (NP your own clothes) or (NP even doll clothes)))) , (VP interest (NP you)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP love (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP run (ADVP up) (NP a hem)) , (VP sew (PRT on) (NP buttons)) , (VP make (NP neat buttonholes)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (PP to (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD (NP a market) (PP for (NP (NP this line) (PP of (NP work)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some women) (VP can (VP (VP (VP sit) and (VP sew , crochet , tat or knit) (PP by (NP the hour))) , and (VP look (ADJP-PRD calm and relaxed)) and (VP turn (PRT out) (NP beautiful work)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-2 Where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 sewing) (VP is (VP concerned (NP *-1) (ADVP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD a total loss)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (NP a needle) (PP-LOC in (NP my hands)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ the family buttons) (VP have (VP fallen (ADVP off)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP sew (NP them) (ADVP back) (PRT on)) , or (VP get (PRT out) (NP the safety pins))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then again) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD (NP that lovely old pastime) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hooking or braiding (NP rugs)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (FRAG Not (PP for (NP me))) , but (FRAG (ADVP perhaps) (NP (NP just the thing) (PP for (NP you)))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Well ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP How 's) (PP about (NP (NP mosaic tile) , (NP ceramics) or (NP similar arts and crafts))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Some people) (VP love (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP crack (NP tile)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD amazing) (SBAR-3 (WHNP-2 what beautiful designs) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP come (PRT up) (PP with (NP *T*-2)) (PP as (NP (NP a result) (PP of (NP their cracking good time))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP How) (PP about (NP (NP the art) (PP of (NP cooking)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP yearn (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP cakes and pies) , or (NP special cookies and candies)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD (NP an open market) (PP for (NP (NP this sort) (PP of (NP delicacy))))) , (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP (NP (NP low calorie diets) , (NP cottage cheese) and (NP hands-off-all-sweets)) (PP to (NP the contrary))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some people) (VP can (VP carve (NP most anything) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP wood))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP make (NP beautiful chairs , cabinets , chests , doll houses , etc .)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ you) (VP could n't (VP do (NP that)))) but (SQ have (NP-SBJ-2 you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP a hunk) (PP of (NP wood)))))))))))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (S (PP Outside (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP cutting (NP your fingers))))) , (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP would (VP come (PRT up) (PP with (NP (NP nothing) (ADVP at all)))))) , but (S (ADVP then again) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (VP turn (PRT out) (NP some dandy little gadgets)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some women) (VP get (NP a real thrill) (PP out (PP of (NP housework)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP love (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP dust) , (VP scrub) , (VP polish) , (VP wax (NP floors)) , (VP move (NP the furniture) (ADVP around) (PP-DIR (PP from (NP place)) (PP to (NP place)))) , (VP take (PRT down) (NP the curtains)) , (VP put (PRT up) (NP new ones)) and (VP have (NP themselves) (NP a real ball)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD your forte)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP certainly) (VP is n't (NP-PRD mine)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP furniture) (PP-LOC in (NP one spot)))) (NP-TMP (NP (NP year) (ADVP in)) and (NP (NP year) (ADVP out)))) and (VP (ADVP really) feel (PP for (ADJP sure)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-LOC-PRD (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP belongs (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD a writer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP gives (NP you) (NP a (ADJP wide and varied) choice)) .)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP short stories) , (NP fiction) , (NP nonfiction) , (NP biography) , (NP poetry) , (NP (NP children 's) stories) , or (NP (NP even a book) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADJP-PRD really ambitious))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Ever) since (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD a child)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP always) (VP had (NP a yen (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP try (NP my hand) (PP at (NP writing)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP do (VP decide (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP become (ADJP-PRD acquainted (PP with (NP (NP rejection slips) and (NP dejection)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP be (VP discouraged))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADVP just) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD a normal writer)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the rejection slips) (VP fall (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP may (VP *?* (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) , and (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP keep (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP plugging)))) , and (S (ADVP finally) (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP make (NP the grade)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Few new writers) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 their first story) (VP accepted (NP *-1))))) , (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ they) (VP tell (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S But , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (VP happen))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP may (VP happen (PP to (NP you))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD (NP hobbies) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP collecting (NP (NP stamps) , (NP coins) , (NP timetables) , (NP salt and pepper shakers) , (NP elephants) , (NP dogs) , (NP dolls) , (NP shells))) , or (PRN (SQ shall (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP just) (VP say (FRAG (VP *RNR*-2))))) (VP-2 collecting (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ your heart) (VP desires (NP *T*-1))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP you folks))) (VP protesting)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP say , `` (S But (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP costs (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP money))) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP a hobby))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have n't (VP got (NP (NP that kind) (PP of (NP money))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ True ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP does (VP cost (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP money))) (PP for (NP most hobbies))))) but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP hobbies) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (PP-PRD for (ADJP free)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP How) (PP about (NP (NP a rock collection) , or (NP (NP a collection) (PP of (NP (NP leaves) (PP (PP from (NP different trees or shrubs)) and (PP in (NP different colors)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP Then) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP take (NP flowers)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (ADJP-PRD many and varied)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP scrap books) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP collecting (NP (NP newspaper pictures and clippings) , or (NP (NP any items) (PP of (NP (NP interest) (PP to (NP you)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (ADJP-PRD interested (PP in (NP something))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP counts)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP me))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP holding (PP in (NP reserve)) (NP (NP two huge puzzles) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP puzzles))) -RRB-) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP *T*-1) (ADVP together) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ time) (VP hangs (ADVP-MNR heavy) (PP on (NP my hands)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP So far) , (NP-SBJ the covers) (VP have (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (PP-PRD off (NP the boxes)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP do n't (VP have (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP half the things) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-3)))) (ADVP-TMP now))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (PP in (NP closing)) , (NP-VOC fellow retired members) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP advise (NP-1 you) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP make (NP the most) (PP of (NP each day))) , (VP enjoy (NP each one) (PP to (NP the n'th degree))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Travel , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Keep (ADJP-PRD occupied (PP to (NP (NP the point) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD bored (PP with (NP life))) (ADVP *T*-1))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (ADVP truly) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ (NP these final days and years) (PP of (NP your lives))) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sunshine sweet))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Good Luck ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (PP To (NP one and all)) -- (NP (NP Good Days) (ADVP-TMP ahead)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An important criterion) (PP of (NP maturity))) (VP is (NP-PRD creativity)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The mature person) (VP is (ADJP-PRD creative)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ does (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP mean (NP *T*-2) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP creative) , (NP (NP a term) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP hear (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP increasing frequency)) (NP-TMP these days))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP turn (PP to (NP Noah Webster)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD helpful)) (PP as (ADJP usual))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP be (ADJP-PRD creative)))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP the ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP cause (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP exist))))) -- (VP to (VP produce (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP was (ADVP-TMP before) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) -- (VP to (VP bring (ADVP forth) (NP (NP an original production) (PP of (NP human intelligence or power)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ We) (VP are (ADJP-PRD creative) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seems (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) ,) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP produce (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has not (ADVP-TMP previously) (VP existed))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ creativity) (VP may (VP run (NP-ADV all the way) (PP (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP making (NP a cake)) , (VP building (NP a chicken coop)) , or (VP producing (NP a book))))) , (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP founding (NP a business)) , (VP creating (NP (NP a League) (PP of (NP Nations)))) or , (VP developing (NP a mature character)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All living creatures) (PP from (NP (NP the lowest form) (PP of (NP insect or animal life))))) (VP evidence (NP (NP the power) (PP of (NP creativity))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP only) (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reproduce (NP (NP a form) (PP like (NP their own)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP shares (NP this procreative function) (PP with (NP (NP all his predecessors) (PP in (NP the evolutionary process))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the only animal) (PP with (NP a true (ADJP non-instinctive and conscious) creative ability)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An animal , bird or insect) (VP creates (NP either a burrow , or nest or hive) (PP in (NP unending sameness)) (PP according (PP to (NP specie)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Man 's) great superiority) (PP over (NP these evolutionary forbears))) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP his imagination))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP gives (NP him) (NP the power (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP form (PP in (NP his mind)) (NP (NP new image combinations) (PP of (NP old memories , ideas and experiences))))) and (VP to (VP project (NP them) (PP outside (PP of (NP himself))) (PP into (NP his environment)) (PP in (NP (ADJP new and ever-changing) forms)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-5)) (VP has (VP been (ADVP truly) (VP said (NP *-1) (SBAR-5 that (S (NP-TPC-3 (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP can (VP imagine (NP *T*-2)))))) (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP can (VP produce or create (NP *T*-3) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP projecting (NP this inner image) (PP into (NP (NP its counterpart) (PP-LOC in (NP the objective world)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP our own time)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP most fantastic) imagery) (PP of (NP a Jules Verne))) (VP come (PP into (NP actuality)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The vision) (PP of (NP a Lord Tennyson)) (VP expressed (NP *) (PP in (NP a poem)) (ADVP-TMP (NP 100 years) ago))) (VP took (NP visible form) (PP-LOC over (NP London)) (PP in (NP (NP the air blitzes) (PP of (NP 1941))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP our civilized world))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the resultant) (PP of (NP (NP (NP man 's) projection) (PP of (NP his imagination)) (PP over (NP the past 60 centuries (QP or more))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP this one aspect)) , (ADVP at least) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 man) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP made (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP the image) (PP of (NP his Creator)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP Not only) (SINV can (NP-SBJ man) (VP project (NP his imagination) (PP out (PP into (NP his environment))) (PP in (NP concrete forms)))) , but (S (ADVP (ADVP even more) importantly) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP can (VP turn (NP it) (ADVP inward) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP create (NP (NP (ADJP new and better) forms) (PP of (NP himself))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP recognize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 young people) (PP through (NP imaginative mind and body training)) (VP can (VP become (NP-PRD athletes , acrobats , dancers , musicians and artists) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP developing (NP many potentialities)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 actors) (VP can (VP learn (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP portray (NP (NP a wide variety) (PP of (NP character roles))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP (NP this same combination) (PP of (NP (NP the will) and (NP the imagination))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP each one) (PP of (NP us))) (VP can (VP learn (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP portray (ADVP permanently) (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP character)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP must (VP realize (PP with (NP Prof. Charles Morris)) (PP in (NP his (NX-TTL The Open Self))) (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ Man) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the being) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (ADVP continually) (VP remake (NP himself)))))) , (NP (NP the artisan) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (NP-ADV himself) (NP-PRD (NP the material) (PP for (NP his own creation)))))))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP So far) (PP in (NP history)) (NP-SBJ-3 man) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADVP too greatly) over-occupied (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP projecting (NP things) (PP into (NP his environment))) (CONJP rather than) (VP (ADVP-TMP first) creating (NP (NP the sort) (PP of (NP person)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP make (NP (NP the highest use) (PP of (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP created (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is not (NP-SBJ the present world crisis) (NP-PRD (NP a race) (PP (PP between (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP created (NP *T*-2))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (ADVP-TMP now) (VP destroy (NP us))))))) and (PP between (NP (NP populations) (PP of (NP sufficient wisdom and character (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP forestall (NP the tragedy)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-6)) not (NP-PRD (NP the obligation) (PP of (NP us older citizens))) (S-6 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP to (VP lend (NP our weight) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (ADJP-PRD creative) (PP on (NP the character side))))))) and (VP to (VP hasten (NP our own maturing process))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sir Julian Huxley) (PP in (NP (NP his book) (NP-TTL (NP Uniqueness) (PP Of (NP Man))))) (VP makes (NP the novel point (SBAR that (SINV (SBAR-ADV (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ-3 man) (VP is (ADJP-PRD unique) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP the only animal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP requires (NP (NP a long period) (PP of (NP (NP infancy and childhood) (PP under (NP family protection))))))))))))))) , (ADVP so) is (NP-SBJ he) (NP-PRD (NP the only animal) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP has (NP (NP a long period) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the decline) (PP of (NP his procreativity))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some recent writings) (VP assume (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the ignorant young couples) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP a thing) (PP of (NP the remote , Victorian past)))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (ADVP-TMP nowadays) (NP-SBJ all honeymooners) (VP (VP are (ADJP-PRD thoroughly familiar (PP with (NP the best sex-manuals)))) and (VP know (NP (NP enough (S *ICH*-1)) (PP from (NP (NP (NP talk) (PP with (NP friends))) and (NP personal experimentation))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP all the anxiety and hazards) (PP out (PP of (NP the situation))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) -- but (NP-SBJ (NP extensive discussions) (PP with (NP (NP contemporary practitioners) , (NP family doctors) and (NP gynecologists)))) (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP an area) (PP of (NP enormous ignorance))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Joking and talking) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD freer and easier)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the important factual information) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (VP lacking (PP for (NP (ADJP (ADVP far too) many) newly-married men and women))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Various factors) (PP in (NP the setting))) (VP can (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP great advantage)) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP the first intercourse) (NP (NP (NP a good (NX *RNR*-1)) (CONJP rather than) (NP a bad (NX *RNR*-1)) (NX-1 memory)) (PP for (NP one or both)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Privacy) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD highly assured) (PP-1 both in (NP time and place)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ That) (VP is)) , (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP locking (NP the room or stateroom door))) (VP gives (NP (NP privacy) (PP of (NP location))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD equally important) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD time enough (PP for (NP an (ADJP utterly unhurried) fulfillment)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (S (NP-SBJ the wedding party) (VP lasted (ADVP late))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the travel schedule) (VP means (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP only a few hours) (PP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP resuming (NP the trip)) or (VP making (NP an early start))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the husband) (VP may (VP forestall (NP tensions and uncertainties) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP confiding (PP to (NP his bride)) (SBAR that (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP lying (PP-LOC in (NP (NP each other 's) arms)))) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP bliss enough) (PP for (NP these few hours)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The consummation) (VP should (VP come (PP-LOC at (NP the next stopping place)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (NP (NP (NP a long private time) (PRN -LRB- (NP day or night) -RRB-)) (PP for (NP that purpose)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP First intercourse) (PP for (NP the bride))) (VP brings (PP with (NP it)) (NP (NP the various problems) (VP connected (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP virginity) and (NP the hymen)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One thing) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD clear (PP to (NP both husband and wife)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-2 neither (NP pain) nor (NP profuse bleeding)) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP occur))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the hymen) (VP is (VP ruptured (NP *-1) (PP-TMP during (NP the first sex act)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ignorance) (PP on (NP this point))) (VP has (VP caused (NP (NP a great deal) (PP of (NP needless anxiety , misunderstanding and suspicion))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The hymen) (VP is , (PP in (NP essence)) , (NP-PRD (NP a fragile membrane) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP (ADVP more or less) completely) (VP covers (NP (NP the entrance) (PP to (NP the vagina)) (PP in (NP (NP most female human beings) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have not (VP had (NP sex relations))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ Hymen) , (PP in (NP fact)) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the Greek word) (PP for (NP membrane)))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Often) (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP is (ADJP-PRD thin and fragile)) and (VP gives (NP way) (ADVP-MNR readily) (PP to (NP the male organ)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the first attempt) (PP at (NP intercourse)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP might (VP be (VP expected (NP *-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP girls) (PP in (NP this situation))) (VP bleed (ADVP (ADVP very little) and (ADVP perhaps) (ADVP not at all)) (PP in (NP (NP the process) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP losing (NP their virginity))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD important) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 many girls) (VP are (VP born (NP *-2) (X (PP without (NP a hymen)) or (PP at (ADVP most)) (NP (NP only a tiny trace) (PP of (NP one)))) ; ; (SBAR-ADV so that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the absence) (PP of (NP the hymen))) (VP is (PP by (NP no means)) (NP-PRD positive proof (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a girl) (VP has (VP had (NP sex relations))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a basis) (PP in (NP fact)) (PP for (NP (NP the exaggerations) (PP of (NP the folk-lore beliefs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some hymens) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP so strongly) developed) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP can not (VP be (VP torn (NP *-2) (PP without (NP (NP (NP considerable pain) (PP to (NP the girl))) and (NP (NP marked loss) (PP of (NP blood)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP More rarely) , (NP-SBJ the hymen) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so sturdy) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP does not (VP yield (PP to (NP penetration)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Extreme cases) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP are (PP-PRD on (NP record)) (SBAR-1 (WHPP in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 the doctor) (VP has (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP use (NP instruments) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP to (VP cut (PP through (NP the hymen)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP permit (S (NP-SBJ marital relations) (VP to (VP be (VP consummated (NP *-2))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These cases) , (PP for (NP all their rarity)) , (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so dramatic) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ friends and relations) (VP repeat (NP the story) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the general population) (VP may (VP get (NP (NP an (ADJP entirely false) notion) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how often) (S (NP-SBJ the hymen) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a serious problem) (PP to (NP newly-weds))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP recent times)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 sexual matters) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP discussed (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP more scientifically) and (ADVP more openly))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the emotional aspects) (PP of (NP virginity))) (VP received (NP considerable attention)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Obviously) , (NP-SBJ the bridal pair) (VP has (NP (NP many adjustments) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP *T*-1))))) (PP to (NP their new situation)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (ADJP-PRD necessary) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP add (PP to (NP the other tensions)) (NP (NP the hazard) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ the loving husband) (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP brought (NP pain) (PP to (NP his bride)))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Gynecologists) and (NP marriage manuals)) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP advise (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the bride) (VP should (VP consult (NP a physician) (PP-TMP before (NP marriage)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP foresaw (NP (NP any problem) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP the quality) (PP of (NP the hymen)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP recommended (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP simple procedures) (SBAR-PRP *ICH*-4)) (VP be (VP undertaken (NP *-2) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)) (SBAR-PRP-4 (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP (VP to (VP incise (NP the hymen))) or , (ADVP preferably) , (VP to (VP dilate (NP it)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP a natural outgrowth) (PP of (NP this approach)))) (NP-SBJ-4 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP was (ADVP-TMP often) (VP suggested (NP *-4) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the doctor) (VP should (VP complete (NP (NP the preparation) (PP for (NP painless intercourse))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP dilating (NP the vagina)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This recommendation) (VP was (VP based (NP *-1) (PP on (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the hymen) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP the only barrier) (PP to (NP (NP smooth consummation) (PP of (NP the sex act)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The vagina) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an organ) (ADJP capable (PP of (NP remarkable contraction and dilation))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD obvious) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ-5 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP is (VP remembered (NP *-5) (SBAR-4 that , (S (PP-TMP during (NP childbirth)) , (NP-SBJ the vagina) (VP must (VP dilate (ADVP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP permit (NP (NP the passage) (PP of (NP the baby))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The intricate system) (PP of (NP (NP muscles) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP manage (NP (NP the contraction and dilatation) (PP of (NP the vagina))))))))) (VP are (ADVP partly) (PP-PRD under (NP voluntary control))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ an instinctive reflex) (VP may (VP work (PP against (NP (NP the conscious intention) (PP of (NP the woman)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ That) (VP is)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ first penetration) (VP takes (NP place) (ADVP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the pressure and pain signals) (VP may (ADVP involuntarily) (VP cause (S (NP-SBJ all the vaginal muscles) (VP to (VP contract (PP in (NP (NP an effort) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP (VP bar (NP the intrusion)) and (VP prevent (NP further pain))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The advantages) (PP of (NP (NP dilatation) (PP by (NP the physician))))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD both physical and psychological)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP purely professional) situation)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP none) (PP of (NP the pain))) (VP is (VP associated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP love-making) or (NP the beloved))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP using (NP (NP instruments) (PP of (NP (ADJP gradually increasing) size)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the vagina) (VP is (UCP (ADVP-MNR gently) , and (PP with (NP (NP minimum pain) (PP at (NP each stage))))) , (VP taught (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP yield (PP to (NP (NP an object) (PP of (NP the appropriate shape))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this process)) (NP-SBJ the vaginal muscles) (VP come (PP under (NP (NP better conscious control) (PP by (NP the girl))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP learns (SBAR (WHADVP-6 how) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP relax (NP-3 them) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP accept (NP *RNR*-5)))) -- (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP contracting (NP-4 them) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP repel (NP *RNR*-5))))))) -- (NP-5 the entering object) (ADVP-MNR *T*-6)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Apart (PP from (NP (NP the standard problem) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP controlling (NP the vaginal muscles))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP other serious barriers) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP may (VP exist (SBAR-1 (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP need (NP special gynecological treatment)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP far better) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 such conditions) (VP treated (NP *-2) (PP-TMP in (NP advance))))))) (SBAR-1 than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP show (PRT up) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the honeymoon) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP create (NP a (ADJP really serious) situation) (ADVP *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ no medical problems) (VP exist (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the (ADJP newly married) couple) (ADVP generally) (VP prefer (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cope (PP with (NP (NP the adjustments) (PP of (NP their new relationship)))) (PP by (NP themselves)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Special information and guidance) (PP about (NP the possible difficulties))) (VP are (ADVP still) (PP-PRD of (NP great value))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Folk-lore) , (NP superstition) and (NP (NP remembered passages) (PP from (NP erotic literature)))) (VP can (VP create (NP (ADJP physical and emotional) problems) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADVP-MNR blindly) (VP taken (NP *-2) (PP as (NP (NP scientific facts) and (NP useful hints)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The importance) (PP of (NP loving tenderness))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD obvious)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The long , unhurried approach) and (NP (NP the deliberate prolongation) (PP of (NP fore-play)))) (VP work (PP on (NP several levels))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Under (NP (NP the excitement) (PP of (NP (NP caresses) and (NP sexual stimulation))))) (S (NP-SBJ the vagina) (VP relaxes and dilates)) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the local moisture) (ADVP greatly) (VP increases , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP providing (NP (NP an excellent lubricant) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP to (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP achieve (NP an easier penetration)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Extensive observations) (PP by (NP physicians)) (PP-TMP during (NP vaginal examinations))) (VP have (VP established (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a single finger) (VP inserted (NP *) (PP-LOC along (NP (NP the anterior wall) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP the top line) (PP of (NP the vagina)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the woman) (VP lies (PP-LOC on (NP her (NP back))))))) -RRB-))))) (VP may (VP cause (NP (NP a great deal) (PP of (NP distress)) (PP in (NP a virgin)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-TMP during (NP the same examination)) , (NP-SBJ-1 two fingers) (VP may (VP be (VP inserted (NP *-1) (PP-LOC along (NP (NP the posterior wall) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the vagina)) (PP in (NP the same position))) -RRB-))) (PP (PP without (NP any pain)) ; ; and (PP in (NP fact)) (PP without (NP any difficulty))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 the pressure) (VP is (VP kept (NP *-2) (ADVP downward) (PP-TMP at (NP all times))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP These regional differences) (PP of (NP (NP sensitivity) (PP to (NP pain))))) (VP may (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP crucial significance)) (PP-TMP during (NP the earliest intercourse)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The husband and wife) (VP should (VP start (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ this anatomical information) (PP-PRD (ADVP clearly) in (NP mind)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP may (ADVP-TMP then) (VP adjust (NP their positions and movements) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP avoid (NP (NP (ADJP too much) pressure) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the urethra) and (NP (NP the anterior wall) (PP of (NP the vagina))))))))) ; ; (SBAR-TMP (ADVP at least) until (S (S (NP-SBJ repeated intercourse) (VP has (VP dilated (NP it)))) and (S (NP-SBJ pain) (VP is (ADVP-TMP no longer) (NP-PRD (NP a possible threat) (PP against (NP (NP the full pleasure) (PP of (NP love-making))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the technical procedure) (PP in (NP medical examinations))) (VP may (VP be (ADVP-MNR wisely) (VP adapted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP his romantic purposes)) (PP by (NP-LGS the husband)) (PP-TMP during (NP the honeymoon))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Locker-room talk) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP stresses (NP the idea (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP is (VP doing (NP the girl) (NP a favor) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD forceful and ruthless) (PP-TMP during (NP the first penetration))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The false reasoning) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ a gradual advance) (VP prolongs (NP the pain) (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ a swift powerful act) (VP (VP gets (NP it) (ADVP over with)) and (VP leaves (NP-1 the girl) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP pleased (PP with (NP his virility))) and (ADJP grateful (PP for (NP (NP his decisiveness) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP settling (NP the problem) (UCP (ADVP once) and (PP for (NP all))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such talk) (VP is (PP-PRD (ADVP seriously) in (NP error))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ruthlessness) (PP-TMP at (NP this time))) (VP can (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP very severe) shock) (PP to (NP the bride)) , (ADVP both physically and psychologically)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The insistent , forceful penetration) (VP may (VP (VP tear and inflame (NP the vaginal walls)) (CONJP as well as) (VP do (NP (NP excessive damage) (PP to (NP the hymen)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The pain and distress) (VP associated (NP *) (PP with (NP the performance)))) (VP may (ADVP-MNR easily) (VP (VP give (NP the wife) (NP (NP a deep-seated dread) (PP of (NP marital relations)))) and (VP cause (S (NP-SBJ her) , (ADVP-MNR unconsciously) , (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the sex act) (ADJP-PRD unpleasant and difficult (PP for (NP both)))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP exercising (NP her vaginal muscles) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP complicate (NP his penetration))))) (CONJP instead of) (VP relaxing (NP them) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP facilitate (NP it)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Serious attention) (VP must (ADVP also) (VP be (VP given (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP (NP the husband 's) problems) (PP in (NP the honeymoon situation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The necessity) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (ADJP-PRD alert (PP to (NP (NP his bride 's) hazards))))))) (VP can (VP act (PP as (NP (NP an interference) (PP with (NP (NP the man 's) spontaneous desire)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The emotional stimulation) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so great) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP may (VP experience (NP a premature climax)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP very common) experience)) and (VP should (PP in (NP no way)) (VP discourage or dishearten (NP either husband or wife)))) .)) (TOP (S Or (NP-SBJ the frequent need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP check and discipline (NP himself) (PP to (NP (NP the wisest pace) (PP of (NP the consummation)))))))) (VP can (VP (VP put (NP him) (PP off (NP stride))) and (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD impossible) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD continuously ready (PP for (NP penetration)) (PP-TMP over (NP a long period))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The signals (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP proceed)))) (VP may (ADVP therefore) (VP come (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (ADVP momentarily) not (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP advantage) (PP of (NP them)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The best course) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP recover (NP his physical excitement) (PP by (NP (NP a change) (PP of (NP pace)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD ardent) (ADVP again))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP may (VP require (NP (NP imagination) and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP reminding (NP himself) (SBAR that (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD demanding and self-centered)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP can (VP take (NP security) (PP from (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the progress) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP made (NP *T*-2) (PP by (NP his gentle approach))))))) (VP will not (VP be (VP lost (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP uses (NP talk)) , (VP caresses) or (VP requires (NP (NP caresses) (PP from (NP her))))))) , (NP-SBJ his bride) (VP will (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR sympathetically) understand (NP the situation)) and (VP (ADVP-MNR eagerly) help (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP restore (NP his physical situation) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP have (NP (NP the consummation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP both)) (ADVP-MNR so eagerly) (VP desire (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP A final word .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The accumulated information) (PP on (NP this point))) (VP shows (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ first intercourse) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP achieved (NP *-1) (PP with (NP minimum pain or difficulty)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (VP is (ADVP-TMP seldom) (NP-PRD (NP an overwhelming sexual experience) (PP to (NP a woman))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (ADJP Too many) new things) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP are (VP happening (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a complete erotic fulfillment))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP (ADVP Only) under (NP rare circumstances)) would (NP-SBJ a bride) (VP experience (NP an orgasm) (PP-TMP during (NP her first intercourse))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both man and wife) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP a lack) (PP of (NP climax))) , and (ADVP even) (NP (NP the absence) (PP of (NP the anticipated keen pleasure)))) (VP are not (NP-PRD a sign (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the wife) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD cold or frigid)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the early approaches) (VP are (ADJP-PRD wise , understanding and patient)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the satisfactions) (PP of (NP marital fulfillment))) (VP will (ADVP probably) (VP be (VP discovered (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the marriage) (VP is (ADJP-PRD much older))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Writing (PP in (NP (NP a large volume) (PP on (NP (NP the nude) (PP in (NP painting and sculptures)))) , (VP titled (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-TTL-PRD (NP The Nude) : (NP (NP A Study) (PP In (NP Ideal Form)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Kenneth Clark) (VP declares : `` (S (NP-SBJ The human body) , (PP as (NP a nucleus)) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD rich (PP in (NP associations)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD ourselves)) and (VP arouses (NP (NP memories) (PP of (NP (NP all the things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP ourselves))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a clue) (PP to (NP (NP the amazing variety and power) (PP of (NP (NP reactions , attitudes , and emotions) (VP precipitated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the nude form))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The wide divergence) (PP of (NP reactions))) (VP is (ADVP-MNR clearly) (VP illustrated (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the Kinsey studies) (PP in (NP human sexuality)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Differences) (VP were (VP related (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (ADJP social , economic , and educational) backgrounds)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Whereas (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP persons) (PP of (UCP (NP eighth grade education) or (ADVP less)))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD more apt (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP (VP avoid (NP *RNR*-6)) or (VP be (VP shocked (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS *RNR*-6)))) (NP-6 nudity)))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP those) (VP educated (NP *) (PP beyond (NP the eighth grade)))) (ADVP increasingly) (VP welcomed and approved (NP (NP nudity) (PP in (NP sexual relations)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Such understanding) (VP helps (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP explain (SBAR (WHADVP-3 why) (S (NP-SBJ (NP one matron) (VP celebrating (NP (NP thirty-five years) (PP of (NP married life))))) (VP could (VP declare (PP with (NP some pride)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her husband) (VP had `` (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ her) (ADJP-PRD entirely naked))) ''))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ-2 another woman) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP boasting (NP (NP an equal number) (PP of (NP (NP years) (PP of (NP married life))))))) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD proud (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having `` (VP shared (NP (NP (NP the nudist way) (PP of (NP life))) -- (NP the (ADJP really free , natural) nude life) --) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP that period))))) ''))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Attempts) (PP at (NP censorship))) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP involve and reveal (NP such (ADJP complex and multiple) individual reactions)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The indignant crusader) (VP sees (NP the (ADJP nude or semi-nude) human form) (PP as (UCP `` (ADJP lewd and pornographic) , (NP (NP a threat and danger) '' (PP to (NP all the (ADJP young , or good , or religious , or moral) persons)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The (ADJP equally ardent) proponent) (PP of (NP (NP freedom) (PP from (NP (NP any kind) (PP of (NP censorship))))))) (VP may (VP find (S (NP-SBJ the nude human form) (NP-PRD (NP (NP the `` natural , honest , free expression) (PP of (NP (NP man 's) spirit))) and (NP (NP the epitome) (PP of (NP beauty and inspiration))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 One) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) surprised (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bump (PP into (NP such individual distinctions)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD unexpected) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP recall (NP (NP the mild shock) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP experienced (NP *T*-2) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP reading (NP (NP material) (PP of (NP (NP an enthusiastic advocate) (PP of (NP (NP the `` clean , healthful , free way) (PP of (NP natural life)) (PP in (NP nudism)) '')) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP brave (NP much misunderstanding and persecution) (PP in (NP fine spirit))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP In (NP tradition)) and (PP in (NP poetry))) , (NP-SBJ the marriage bed) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a place) (PP of (NP unity and harmony)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The partners) (NP each)) (VP bring (PP to (NP it)) (NP unselfish love))) , and (S (NP-SBJ each) (VP takes (ADVP away) (NP (NP an equal share) (PP of (NP pleasure and joy))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP its (ADJP most ecstatic) moments)) , (NP-SBJ-1 husband and wife) (VP are (VP elevated (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP far) above (NP worldly cares)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Everything) (ADVP else)) (VP is (VP closed (NP *-1) (ADVP away))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD the ideal)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ marriage experts) (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 such (NX (NX mutual contribution) and (NX mutual joy))) (VP are (ADVP-TMP seldom) (VP achieved (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Instead) (NP-SBJ (NP one partner) or (NP the other)) (VP dominates (NP the sexual relationship)) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (PP-TMP In (NP the past)) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD-1 the husband) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD-3 dominant)))))))) and (S (NP-PRD=1 the wife) (ADJP-PRD=3 passive)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-TMP today) (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD signs (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 these roles) (VP are (VP being (VP reversed (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (PP-LOC In (NP (NP a growing number) (PP of (NP American homes)))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ marriage counselors) (VP report (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (NP-SBJ the wife) (VP is (VP taking (NP (NP a commanding role) (PP in (NP sexual relationships))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD she) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP decides (NP (NP (NP the time) , (NP the place) , (NP the surroundings) , and (NP the frequency)) (PP of (NP the sexual act))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP she) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP says (FRAG (NP (NP aye or nay) (PP to (NP (NP the intimate questions) (PP of (NP sexual technique and mechanics))))))))) -- (NAC-1 not (NP the husband))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The whole act) (VP is (VP tailored (NP *-1) (PP (PP to (NP her pleasure)) , and not (PP to (NP theirs))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Beyond (NP a certain point)) , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ no woman) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD dominant)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ nature) (VP has (VP seen (PP to (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD little doubt (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP many marriages)) (NP-SBJ the wife) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP boss) (PP of (NP the marital bed)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP remain (NP-PRD (NP many `` old-fashioned '' marriages) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the husband) (VP maintains (NP his supremacy) (PP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (ADVP Yet) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP these marriages)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ psychologists) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (NP-SBJ wives) (VP are (VP asserting (NP themselves) (ADVP-MNR more strongly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The meekest , (ADJP most submissive) wife) (PP of (NP today))) (VP is (NP-PRD a tiger) (PP by (NP (NP her mother 's or grandmother 's) standards))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP many experts)) , (NP-SBJ this trend) (VP was (ADJP-PRD inevitable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD (NP a sign) (PP of (NP our times))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Our society) (VP has (VP `` emancipated '' (NP the woman) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP giving (NP her) (NP (NP new independence) and (NP new authority)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP is (ADVP only) (ADJP-PRD natural) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP assert (NP herself) (PP in (NP the sexual role)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ The sexual relationship) (VP does not (VP exist (PP in (NP a vacuum))))) '' , (VP declares (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Dr. Mary Steichen Calderone) , (NP (NP (NP medical director) (PP of (NP (NP the Planned Parenthood Federation) (PP of (NP America))))) and (NP (NP author) (PP of (NP (NP the recent book) , (NP-TTL (NP Release) (PP From (NP Sexual Tensions)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP reflects (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (VP going (PRT on) (PP (PP in (NP (NP other areas) (PP of (NP the marriage)))) and (PP in (NP (NP society) (NP itself))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP A world) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ wives) (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP a (ADJP more active) role) (PP-LOC *T*-1))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP produce (NP (NP sexual relationships) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ wives) (VP are (ADJP-PRD more self-assertive) , (ADVP too) (PP *T*-3)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ many psychologists and marriage counselors) (VP agree (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP domination) (PP of (NP the sex relationship)) (PP by (NP (NP one partner) or (NP the other)))) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD unhealthy and (ADVP even) dangerous)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP can , (PP in (NP fact)) , (VP wreck (NP a marriage))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ a husband) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP sexually selfish) and (ADJP heedless (PP of (NP (NP his wife 's) desires)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP is (VP cheated (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP the fulfillment and pleasure) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ nature) (VP intended (NP *T*-2) (PP for (NP her))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP begins (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP regard (NP him) (PP as (ADJP savage , bestial and unworthy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the other hand)) , (NP-SBJ wifely supremacy) (VP (VP demeans (NP the husband)) , (VP saps (NP his self-respect)) , and (VP robs (NP him) (PP of (NP his masculinity)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a target) (PP of (NP ridicule)) (PP (PP to (NP his wife)) , and (ADVP-TMP often) -- (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ private affairs) (ADVP-TMP rarely) (VP remain (ADJP-PRD private)))) -- (PP to (NP (NP the outside world) (ADVP as well)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ A marriage) (VP can (VP survive (NP (NP (ADJP almost any) kind) (PP of (NP stress)) (PP except (NP (NP an (ADJP open and direct) challenge) (PP to (NP (NP the husband 's) maleness)))))))) '' , (VP declares (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Dr. Calderone) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This opinion) (VP is (VP supported (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the nation 's) leading psychiatrists))) , (NP (NP Dr. Maurice E. Linden) , (NP (NP director) (PP of (NP (NP the Mental Health Division) (PP of (NP (NP the Philadelphia Department) (PP of (NP Public Health)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-5 `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the roles) (PP of (NP husband and wife))) (VP are (VP reversed (NP *-1) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 the wife) (VP becomes (NP-PRD-3 leader))) and (S (NP-SBJ=2 the husband) (NP-PRD=3 follower)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Linden) (VP says (S *T*-5))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ (NP the effects) (PP on (NP their whole relationship)) , (UCP (ADJP sexual) and (ADVP otherwise))) , (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD disastrous))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP one extreme case) , (VP cited (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a Pittsburgh psychologist))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP an office worker 's) wife) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP sexual relations) (PP with (NP her husband)))))) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP bought (NP her) (NP (NP the luxuries) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP demanded (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP win (NP her favors)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 her husband) (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP first) took (NP an additional job)) , (ADVP then) (VP (ADVP-MNR desperately) began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP embezzle (PP from (NP his employer))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Caught (NP *-2) (PP at (ADVP last)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP sentenced (NP *-1) (PP to (NP prison)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP custody))))) (NP-SBJ his wife) (VP divorced (NP him)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 More typical) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the case) (PP of (NP a suburban Long Island housewife)) (VP described (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a marriage counselor)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This woman) (ADVP repeatedly) (VP complained (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD `` too tired '' (PP for (NP marital relations))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP please (NP her)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 her husband) (VP assumed (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the domestic chores)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Finally) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP (VP cooking) , (VP washing (NP dishes)) , (VP bathing (NP the children)) , and (ADVP even) (VP ironing)))) -- and (S (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-SBJ-1 his wife) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP relations) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as often) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP desired (NP them) (ADVP-TMP *?*)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One wife) , (VP described (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a New York psychologist)))) , (ADVP (ADVP so) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP dominated (NP her husband) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (ADVP actually) (VP placed (NP their sexual relationship) (PP on (NP a schedule)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP writing (NP it) (PRT down) (PP (ADVP right) between (NP (NP the weekly PTA meetings) and (NP the Thursday-night neighborhood card parties))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another) (VP put (NP sex) (PP on (NP a dollars-and-cents basis))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP every money argument)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP rebuffed (NP (NP her husband 's) overtures) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 the matter) (VP was (VP settled (NP *-1) (PP in (NP her favor))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Experts) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the partners) (PP in (NP (NP marriages) (PP like (NP these))))) (VP can (ADVP almost) (VP be (VP typed (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The wife) (VP is (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (UCP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP young) , (ADJP sophisticated) , (ADJP (ADJP smart) (PP as (NP a whip)))) -- (ADVP-TMP often) (NP (NP a girl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP sacrificed (NP a promising career) (PP for (NP marriage))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP knows (UCP (NP (NP the power) (PP of (NP the sex urge))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP use (NP it) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP manipulate (NP her husband)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The husband) (VP (VP is (ADVP-TMP-2 usually) (NP-PRD-3 (NP a well-educated professional) , (VP preoccupied (NP *) (PP with (NP his job))))) -- (VP (ADVP-TMP=2 often) (NP-PRD=3 (NP an organization man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP whose motto) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (ADVP ahead))))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is : `` (S-IMP-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP rock (NP the boat)))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ this) (VP leads (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his) (VP becoming (ADJP-PRD demandingly dominant (PP in (NP marriage))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (UCP-PRD (VP Hemmed (NP *-1) (ADVP in) (PP on (NP the job))) and (ADJP unable (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP assert (NP himself))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP uses (NP the sex act) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD supreme (PP in (NP (QP at least one) area)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP More often) , (ADVP though) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so accustomed (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP submitting (PP to (NP authority)) (PP on (NP the job)) (PP without (NP argument)))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lives (PP by (NP the same rule)) (PP-LOC at (NP home))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some psychologists) , (PP in (NP fact)) , (VP suggest (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 career-bound husbands) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP are (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP blame (PP for (NP topsy-turvy marriages))))) (PP-2 than (NP their wives)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The wife 's) attempt) (PP at (NP control))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ these psychologists) (VP contend (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP is (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD a pathetic effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP compel (S (NP-SBJ her husband) (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP (ADJP as much) attention) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP to (NP her)) (SBAR-2 as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does (PP to (NP his job))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Naturally) (NP-SBJ no woman) (VP can (ADVP-TMP ever) (ADVP completely) (VP monopolize (NP the sexual initiative))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Unless (S (NP-SBJ her husband) (ADVP also) (VP desires (NP sex)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the act) (VP can not (VP be (VP consummated (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Generally) , (ADVP however) , (PP in (NP (NP such marriages) (PP as (NP (NP those) (VP cited (NP *)))))) , (NP-SBJ the husband) (VP is (PP-PRD at (NP (NP his wife 's) mercy))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ The pattern) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP says (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP Dr. Morton Schillinger) , (NP (NP psychologist) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP (NP New York 's) Lincoln Institute) (PP for (NP Psychotherapy))))))) ,) `` (VP is (SBAR-PRD for (S (NP-SBJ-1 the husband) (VP to (VP hover (ADVP about) (ADVP-MNR anxiously and eagerly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP virtually) (VP trembling (PP in (NP his hope (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP will (VP flash (NP him) (NP the signal (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ tonight) (VP is (NP-PRD the night)))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (ADVP-MNR seriously) (VP contends , (PP of (NP course)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the domineering wife) (VP is , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP sexually) (VP speaking)) , (NP-PRD (NP a new character) (PP in (NP our world))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (ADVP all)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the henpecked husband) (PP with (NP his shrewish wife))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a comic figure) (PP of (NP long standing)) , (PP (PP in (NP literature)) and (PP on (NP the stage)))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Schillinger) (VP points (PRT out))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD no evidence (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 these Milquetoasts) (VP became (ADVP suddenly) (VP emboldened (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP crossed (NP (NP the threshhold) (PP of (NP the master bedroom))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (ADVP Furthermore) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Calderone) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (NP-SBJ (NP a certain number) (PP of (NP docile , retiring men))) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP have (VP been (ADVP-PRD around))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are n't (ADJP-PRD `` frigid ''))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are n't (ADJP-PRD homosexual)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (ADVP just) (ADJP-PRD restrained (PP in (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP life))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP dominated (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One such man) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP confided (PP to (NP (NP Dr. Theodor Reik) , (NP New York psychiatrist) ,)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP preferred (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ his wife) (NP-PRD the sexual aggressor))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Asked (NP *-2) (ADVP why))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP replied (ADVP-MNR primly) : `` (SBAR-PRP Because (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP no activity) (PP for (NP a gentleman)))))) '') .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ such cases) (VP were , (PP-TMP in (NP the past)) , (ADJP-PRD unusual)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Society) (ADVP-LOC here and abroad)) (VP has (VP been (VP built (NP *-1) (PP around (NP the dominating male)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-2 even the Bible) (VP appears (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP endorse (NP the concept)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Family survival) (PP-LOC on (NP our own Western frontier))) , (PP for (NP example)) , (VP could (ADVP quite literally) (VP depend (PP on (NP (NP a man 's) (NX (NX strength) and (NX ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bring (ADVP-DIR home) (NP the bacon))))))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ the dependent wife) (ADVP-TMP seldom) (VP questioned (NP (NP his judgment) (PP about (NP (NP anything) , (PP including (NP the marriage bed))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP carried (ADVP over) (PP into (NP (NP the (ADJP more urbanized) (ADJP (ADJP late 19th) and (ADJP early 20th)) centuries) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP ruled (NP the roost) (PP in (NP the best bull-roaring (NP-TTL (NP Life) (PP With (NP Father))) manner)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP those days)) , (NP-SBJ a wife) (VP had (NP (NP (NP (ADJP mighty few) rights) (PP in (NP the domestic sphere))) and (NP (NP (ADJP even fewer)) (PP in (NP the sexual sphere))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 Grandma) (VP was n't (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP like (NP it))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ (NP Dr. Marion Hilliard) , (NP the late Toronto gynecologist)) , (ADVP-TMP once) (VP summed (PRT up) (NP (NP the attitude) (PP of (NP the '90s))) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Wives) (PP of (NP the period))) (ADVP-MNR shamefacedly) (VP thought (PP of (NP-2 themselves)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP `` used '' (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS their husbands))))))) -- and , (S-4 (PRN (S (NP-SBJ history) (VP indicates (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4)))) ,) (NP-SBJ-3 they) (ADVP-TMP often) (ADVP quite literally) (VP were (VP *?* (NP *-3)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 When) (SQ was (NP-SBJ the turning point) (ADVP-TMP-PRD *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 When) (SQ did (NP-SBJ-1 women) (VP begin (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP assert (NP themselves) (ADVP-MNR sexually)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 Some) (VP date (NP it) (PP-4 from (NP woman suffrage)))) , (S (NP-SBJ=3 others) (PP=4 from (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 women) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP challenge (NP men) (PP-LOC in (NP the marketplace))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=3 still others) (PP=4 from (NP (NP the era) (PP of (NP (NP the emancipated flapper) and (NP bathtub gin)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Virtually everyone) (VP agrees , (ADVP however) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the trend) (PP toward (NP female sexual aggressiveness))) (VP was (ADVP-MNR tremendously) (VP accelerated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the postwar rush) (PP to (NP the suburbs))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Left (NP-3 *-2) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP-PRD alone)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ her husband) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADVP-LOC (NP miles) away) (PP-LOC in (NP the city)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the modern wife) (VP assumed (NP (NP (ADJP more and more) duties) (VP (ADVP normally) reserved (NP *) (PP for (NP the male))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Circumstances) (VP gave (NP her) (NP (NP almost undisputed sway) (PP over (NP (NP child-rearing) , (NP money-handling) and (NP home maintenance))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP found (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP cope (PP with (NP (NP all kinds) (PP of (NP (NP problems) (SBAR (WHPP for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADVP-TMP once) (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD too helpless))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP liked (NP (NP this taste) (PP of (NP authority and independence)))) , and , (VP (PP with (NP darkness)) , was not (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP it) (PRT up))))))) .)) (TOP (S-5 `` (NP-SBJ-4 (NP (ADJP Very few) wives) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP says (S *T*-5)) (NP-SBJ Dr. Calderone)) ,) `` (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP balance (NP the checkbook)) , (VP fix (NP the car)) , (VP choose (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ the family) (VP will (VP live (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))) and (VP deal (PP with (NP the tradesmen))))))) , (VP are (ADVP suddenly) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP become (ADJP-PRD submissive) (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-6 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 sex) (VP is (VP concerned (NP *-1) (ADVP *T*-6)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP dominates (NP other family affairs))))) (VP will (VP dominate (NP the sexual relationship) (ADVP as well))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 (NP an additional factor) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP was (VP helping (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ women) (ADJP-PRD more sexually self-assertive))))) -- (NP-2 (NP the (ADJP comparatively recent) discovery) (PP of (NP (NP the true depths) (PP of (NP female desire and response))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Marriage manuals) and (NP (NP women 's) magazine articles)) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stress (NP (NP the importance) (PP of (NP the female climax))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP describe (PP in (NP detail)) (NP (NP (NP the woman 's) capacity) (PP for (NP response))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the noted psychologist and sex researcher) , (NP Dr. Albert Ellis)) , (VP has (VP declared (ADVP-MNR flatly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ women) (VP are (ADJP-PRD `` sexually superior '' (PP to (NP men)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP According (PP to (NP Dr. Ellis))) , (NP-SBJ the average 20-year-old American woman) (VP is (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP far greater) sexual arousal) (PP than (NP her partner)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (ADVP Not surprisingly) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Ellis) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (NP-SBJ-2 some (ADJP recently enlightened) wives) (VP are (ADJP-PRD out (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP claim (NP these capabilities)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) , (ADVP paradoxically) , (PP according (PP to (NP Dr. Maurice Linden))) , (NP-SBJ many wives) (VP despise (NP-1 their husbands) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP standing (PRT up) (PP to (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An aggressive woman) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP to (VP (VP demand) , not (VP knuckle (ADVP under)))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the husband) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD passive (PP in (NP (NP the face) (PP of (NP (NP his wife 's) aggressiveness))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Linden) (VP says (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ the wife) , (PP in (NP turn)) , (VP finds (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD inadequate))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Often) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP fails (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP gain (NP sexual satisfaction))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ One such wife) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Linden) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP (VP became (ADJP-PRD disgusted (PP with (NP her weak husband)))) and (VP flurried (PP through (NP (NP a series) (PP of (NP extramarital affairs)))) (PP in (NP (NP the hope) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP finding (NP a stronger man)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ her personality) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP such) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ each affair) (VP lasted (SBAR-TMP (ADVP only) until (S (NP-SBJ-1 that lover) , (ADVP too) , (VP had (VP been (VP (VP conquered (NP *-1)) and (VP reduced (NP *-1) (PP to (NP passivity))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ the wife) (VP bed-hopped (PP to (NP (NP the next) (PP on (NP the list))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP some cases)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP domination) (PP of (NP the sex act)) (PP by (NP one partner))) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD temporary) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP triggered (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS a (ADJP passing but urgent) emotional need)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (VP butting (NP a stone wall) (PP-LOC at (NP the office))))))) (VP may (VP become (ADJP-PRD unusually aggressive (PP in (NP (NP bed) -- (NP (NP the one place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (NP-PRD champion) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ his on-the-job problems) (VP work (ADVP out)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP may (VP return (PP to (NP his old pattern)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ (NP a burst) (PP of (NP aggressiveness))) (VP will (VP sweep (PP over (NP (NP a man) -- or (NP his wife) --)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he or she) (VP feels (S (NP-SBJ age) (VP creeping (ADVP up)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the other hand)) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a husband) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD vigorous and assertive)))))) (VP may (ADVP suddenly) (VP become (ADJP-PRD passive) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP asking (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ psychologists) (VP say)) ,) (PP for (NP reassurance (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his wife) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP finds (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD desirable))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (NP-SBJ a wife) (VP may (VP make (NP sudden demands (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP be (VP courted , flattered or coaxed (NP *-1)))))) , (SBAR-PRP (ADVP simply) because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP needs (S (NP-SBJ-2 her ego) (VP lifted (NP *-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (PP In (NP any case)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Calderone) (VP remarks (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (NP-SBJ-1 such problems) (VP (VP are (NP-PRD (NP a couple 's) own affair)) , and (VP ca n't (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (VP measured (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a general yardstick)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP (ADVP As long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the couple) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP agreement)) (PP in (NP (NP their approach) (PP to (NP sex)))))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP makes (NP little difference) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) or (NP the other)) (VP dominates))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Dr. Calderone) (VP declares (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The important point) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ both) (VP be (ADJP-PRD satisfied (PP with (NP the adjustment))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Other experts) (VP say , (ADVP however) , (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP sexual domination) (PP by (NP one or the other partner))) (VP exists (PP-TMP for (ADVP (ADVP longer) (PP than (NP a brief period))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shake (NP the marriage))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ domination) (NP-TMP today) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP begins (PP with (NP the wife))))) , (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ the cure) (ADVP generally) (VP must (VP lie (PP with (NP the husband)))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP get (NP a marriage) (ADVP back (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP belongs (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP comments (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP Dr. Schillinger) (PP of (NP the Lincoln Institute)))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ the husband) (VP must (VP take (NP some (ADJP very basic) steps))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP must (VP begin , (ADVP paradoxically) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP becoming (ADJP-PRD more selfish)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP become (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP more expressive) (PP of (NP his own desires))) , (ADJP more demanding) and (ADJP less ' understanding ')))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ (ADJP Too many) husbands) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Schillinger) (VP continues (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP (VP worry (PP about `` (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how well) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (VP doing (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))) '')) , and (VP fear (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ their success) (VP depends (PP on (NP (NP some trick or technique) (PP of (NP sexual play))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP gave (NP herself) (NP (NP a title) , (NP Lady Diana Harrington))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The New York D.A.) (VP gave (NP her) (NP (NP another) , (NP (NP The Golden Girl) (PP of (NP cafe society))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Houston police) (VP gave (NP her) (NP (NP a third , (ADJP less flamboyant) , title) , (NP prostitute))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S And (NP-SBJ Houston police) (VP have (NP (NP the final say) (PP in (NP the matter))) (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP died (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-TMP on (NP September 20 , 1960))))))) , `` (NP (NP (NP Diane Harris Graham) , (NP 30) , (ADJP D.O.A.)) , (NP (NP circumstances) -- (ADJP unusual))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Early) in (NP her life)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP discovered (SBAR that (S (S (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD men) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD money))) , and (SINV (PP with (NP the two)) (VP came) (NP-SBJ luxury and liquor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 She) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the play) (PP for (NP pay business)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP died (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (NP-PRD (NP a top trollop) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP given (NP (NP the world 's) oldest profession) (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP its rare flashes) (PP of (NP glamour)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP hid (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP play)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her neighbors) (PP-LOC in (NP the expensive Houston apartment building))) (VP told (NP reporters) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the ash-blonde beauty) (VP had (VP talked (PP-TMP at (NP times)) (PP about (NP (NP her past) (PP as `` (NP (NP the Golden Girl) (PP of (NP the Mickey Jelke trial))) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the trial) (PP of (NP (NP oleomargarine heir) (NP Minot (PRN -LRB- Mickey -RRB-) Jelke))) (PP for (NP compulsory prostitution)) (PP-LOC in (NP New York))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP put (NP the spotlight) (PP on (NP the international play-girl)))))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ Jelke) (ADVP-TMP later) (VP served (NP 21 months) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP found (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADJP-PRD guilty (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP masterminding (NP (NP a ring) (PP of (NP high-priced call girls)))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Diane) (VP was (VP needed (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP a material witness) (PP in (NP the case))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ New York police) (VP searched (NP three continents) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP found (NP her) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP their own back yard)) -- (PP in (NP a swank hotel)) , (PP of (NP course)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP been (VP moving (PP in (NP cafe society)) (PP as (NP (NP Lady Diana Harrington) , (NP (NP a name) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the gossip columns)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP was (VP seized (NP *-3) (PP as (NP a material witness)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP got (NP (NP the designation) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP liked (NP *T*-4) (ADVP best))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Clad (PP in (NP mink and diamonds)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP listened (SBAR to (S (NP-SBJ Assistant District Attorney Anthony Liebler) (VP describe (NP her) (PP to (NP the arraigning judge))))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ This girl) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the Golden Girl) (PP of (NP cafe society))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP-TMP In (NP 1951)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a prostitute) (PP-LOC in (NP New York County)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP the (NX (NX spring) and (NX early summer))) (PP of (NP that year)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP met (NP (NP a wealthy foreign tycoon) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP took (NP her) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP France) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP later) (VP (VP met (NP a (ADJP very wealthy) man) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)) and (VP toured (NP all Europe) (PP with (NP him))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP-LOC At (NP Deauville)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP met (NP (NP an Egyptian) (PP by (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP Pulley Bey)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the official procurer) (PP for (NP (NP King Farouk) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-PRD in (NP exile))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Egypt)) (PP-TMP during (NP the revolution))) and (VP had (NP passport difficulty))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP lied (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (VP checked (NP her) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP (NP different parts) (PP of (NP Europe and Egypt)))) and (ADVP finally) (PP (ADVP back) into (NP this country))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP has (VP been (VP acting (PP as (NP a prostitute))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Our information) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP gave (NP (NP the proceeds) (PP of (NP her acts))) (PP-DTV to (NP Jelke)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Diane) (ADVP-MNR sobbingly) (VP denied (NP this) (PP to (NP the court))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD a lie)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP gave (NP that boy) (NP a cent)) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am not (NP-PRD a prostitute))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (QP only one) (ADJP very wealthy) boy friend)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the course) (PP of (NP the trial)))) , (NP-SBJ Jelke) (VP backed (PRT up) (NP (NP part) (PP of (NP that statement)))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ Diane) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the type) (PP of (NP girl))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Jelke) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would n't (VP get (ADJP-PRD loving) -- (PP-TMP (ADVP even) on (NP her wedding night)) -- (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP piled (PRT up) (NP all your money) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the floor))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP underestimated (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP her `` boy friends '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP New York)) (PP-DIR from (NP Detroit)) (PP (PP as (NP a teenager)) , but (PP with (NP (NP a `` sponsor '') (CONJP instead of) (NP a chaperone))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP it)))) , `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a rich boy friend) , (NP (NP an old guy) (NP (QP about 60))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (NP-PRD Mary Lou Brew) (ADVP-TMP then) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP wide-eyed) , but not (ADJP naive)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP talked (NP-1 her `` boy friend '') (PP into (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sending (NP-2 her) (PP-DIR to (NP New York)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP a screen test))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The screen test) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (VP made (NP *-1)))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ-2 Diane) (VP was (VP *?* (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (VP moved (PP into (NP cafe society)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADVP possibly) (VP easing (NP her conscience) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP talking (ADVP constantly) (PP of (NP her desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP show business))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so anxious (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP on (NP the stage)))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP her friends) (PP in (NP the cocktail circuit))))) (VP set (PRT up) (NP a practical joke)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 An ex-fighter) (VP was (VP introduced (NP *-1) (PP to (NP her)) (PP-LOC in (NP a bar)) (PP as `` (NP (NP Mr. Warfield) , (NP the famous producer)) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The phony producer) (VP asked (NP her) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his shows)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP love (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP audition (PP for (NP you)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP gushed (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The audition) (VP was (VP held (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP (NP a few minutes) later) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP somebody 's) apartment)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP had (NP (NP great possibilities) (PP in (NP the ballet)))) and (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP show (NP the eminent producer) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how well) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP dance (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a few minutes)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP use (NP you) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP dance (PP like (NP that))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP dance (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD nude))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-MNR hastily) (VP complied) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Diane) (VP loved (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP dance (PP in (NP the nude))) , (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP demonstrate (NP *T*-2) (ADVP time and again)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP developed (NP another quaint habit)) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Even) among (NP (NP the fast set) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP moving (PP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP her method) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (NP-2 an escort) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP departing (ADVP-TMP too early)))))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unique)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the date) (VP would (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bid (NP her) (NP good-night) (PP-LOC at (NP the door))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP tell (NP him) , `` (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP-TMP now)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP scream))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP More often) (PP than (ADVP not))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP bow (PP to (NP the inevitable)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP needed (NP no such threats))))) (VP was (NP-PRD a French financier)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the blonde 's) yearnings)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP satisfied (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (PP-PRD for (NP travel))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR around (NP the world))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP settled (PP for (NP a French holiday)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP an anonymous interview) (PP with (NP a French newspaper)))) (NP-SBJ-1 the financier) (VP told (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP spending (NP several months) (PP with (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Deauville) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP met (NP (NP a member) (PP of (NP (NP a powerful Greek syndicate) (PP of (NP gamblers))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-3 (S (NP-SBJ The Greek) (ADVP evidently) (VP fell (PP for (NP her)))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ `` Monsieur X '') (VP recounted (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) ,) and (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP clinch (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (NP *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an affair) (PP in (NP the making)))))))))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP gave (NP her) (NP (NP 100,000 francs) (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP about $ 300) *U*) -RRB-))) and (VP led (NP her) (PP-DIR to (NP the roulette tables))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could (VP do (NP no wrong) (PP-LOC at (NP the tables)) (NP-TMP that time))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP in (NP short order)) (NP-SBJ the croupier) (VP had (VP pushed (NP (QP several million) francs) (NP-DIR her way))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP Smarter) (PP than (NP most gamblers)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP slipped (ADVP away) (PP-DIR from (NP the casino))) , (VP packed (NP her bag)) and (VP took (NP (NP the night train) (PP to (NP Paris))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP learned (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP the Greek)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The luxury) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Paris ') (ADJP most fashionable) hotel) , (NP the George 5)))) , , (VP bored (NP the beautifully-built blonde))) , so (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP high-tailed (NP it) (PP-DIR to (NP Rome)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP teamed (PRT up) (PP with (NP (NP another beauty) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose name) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP has (VP been (VP lost (NP *-1) (PP to (NP history)))))))))) , and (VP commenced (PP with (NP (NP some fiddling) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP would (VP have (VP made (S (NP-SBJ Nero) (ADJP-PRD envious))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP climax (NP her Roman revels)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP thrown (NP *-1) (PP out (PP of (NP the swanky Hotel Excelsior))) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP had (VP run (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD naked)) (PP-DIR through (NP its marble halls)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP screaming (PP for (NP help)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a rugged finish) (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD a (ADJP very interesting) night))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Discreet Italian police) (VP described (NP it) (PP in (NP (NP a manner) (ADJP typically continental)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP a threesome) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the party) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the suite 's) bedroom))))) : (NP (NP (NP Miss Harrington) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Diane 's) choice) (PP for (NP a Roman name))))) -RRB-)) , (NP (NP another woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP figured (PP in (NP other (ADJP very interesting) events))))))) and (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP your well-known American actors))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The actor) (VP (VP had (VP had (NP (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP drink (NP *T*-1)))))))) and (VP (ADVP apparently) became (ADJP-PRD very violent))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The hotel staff) , (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP residents) (PP of (NP the Excelsior)))) , (VP told (NP us) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ both ladies) (VP were (VP bleeding (PP from (NP scratches)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP fleeing (PP-DIR down (NP the hall)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP wearing (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP their scratches))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP asked (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP leave (NP the hotel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 No charges) (VP were (VP filed (NP *-1))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The girls) , (PP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP dressing))) , (VP were (ADJP-PRD indignant)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP do (NP this) (PP to (NP us))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Diane) (VP screamed (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP are (NP-PRD Americans)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the morning)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (NP (NP rooms) (PP-LOC (ADVP directly) across (PP from (NP the Excelsior))) (PP-LOC at (NP the (ADJP equally luxurious) Hotel Ambassador)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP the Ambassador) (PP as (NP headquarters)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP promote (NP good will) (ADVP-LOC abroad))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ-1 her benevolence) (VP was (VP limited (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP could (VP afford (NP it)))))))))) , (CONJP but then) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a limit) (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ one person) (VP can (VP do (NP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP this time)) (NP-SBJ Diane) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP (NP a beguiling lass) (PP of (NP 19))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP still) seeking (NP (NP her place) (PP in (NP the world)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ royal status) (VP might (VP come (NP-DIR her way) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) , (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Rome))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP met (NP (NP Pulley Bey) , (NP (NP a personal procurer) (PP to (NP (NP King Farouk) (PP of (NP Egypt)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A close friend) (PP of (NP hers)) (PP-TMP in (NP the Roman days))) (VP described (NP it) (NP-MNR this way) : `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a strange relationship)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pulley Bey) (VP spoke (NP no English)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Diane) (VP spoke (NP no Italian or French)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-4 She) (VP had (NP (NP a hard time) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP understand (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP was (NP-PRD Farouk) (SBAR-3 (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Pulley Bey) (VP insisted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP bestow (NP her favors) (PP on (NP him))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ the friend) (VP continued (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (SBAR as though (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (ADVP-TMP always) (VP auditioning))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP No believer) (PP in (NP (NP the traditional devotion) (PP of (NP royal servitors)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the plump Pulley) (VP (VP broke (NP the language barrier)) and (VP lured (NP her) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Cairo) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP waited (PP-TMP for (NP nine months)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (ADVP-MNR vainly) (VP hoping (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP Farouk)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Pulley) (VP had (VP set (NP her) (PRT up) (PP-LOC at (NP the Semiramis Hotel))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP grew (ADJP-PRD impatient) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting (PP for (NP a royal reception))))) and (VP moved (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a luxurious apartment) (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the royal pimp) (VP had (NP (NP no key) (PP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP picked (NP her own Middle-Eastern friends) (PP from (NP (NP the flock) (PP of (NP ardent Egyptians)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP buzzed (PP around (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Tewfik Badrawi) , (NP Mohammed Gaafer) and (NP (NP numerous other wealthy members) (PP of (NP Cairo society)))) (VP enjoyed (NP her company)) .)) (TOP (SINV-2 `` (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 (ADJP So extensive) (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (VP became (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP her circle) (PP of (NP admirers))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Egyptian police) (VP said (SINV *T*-2))) ,) `` (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ her escapades) (VP caused (NP distrust)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The roof) (VP was (ADJP-PRD about ready (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fall (ADVP in) (PP on (NP (NP Diane 's) little world)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-5)) (VP took (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP less (PP than (NP the Egyptian revolution)))) (S-5 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bring (NP it) (ADVP down)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Farouk) (VP was (VP overthrown (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ police) (VP picked (PRT up) (NP (NP his personal pimp) , (NP Pulley Bey))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP also) (VP called (PP upon (NP Diane)) (PP with (NP (NP a request) (PP for (NP (NP a look) (PP at (NP her passport))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The cagey Pulley Bey) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP spoke (NP no English))))) , (VP had (VP taken (NP the passport) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ Diane) (VP could n't (VP leave (NP the country) (PP without (NP his approval)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Officials) (VP provided (NP (NP a temporary passport) , (ADJP good (PP (ADVP only) for (NP (NP return) (PP to (NP the United States))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV And (VP-TPC-1 return (PP-DIR to (NP the United States)) (PP *ICH*-2)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP did (VP *T*-1) , (PP-2 into (NP (NP waiting arms) -- (NP (NP the unromantic ones) (PP of (NP (NP the New York District Attorney 's) office)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Held (NP *-2) (PP as (NP (NP a material witness) (PP in (NP (NP the compulsory prostitution trial) (PP of (NP Mickey Jelke)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the comely courtesan) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP raise (NP bail)))))) and (VP was (VP committed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP (NP (NP the Women 's) House) (PP of (NP Detention))) , (NP a (ADJP terribly overcrowded) prison)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-6)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a tribute) (PP to (NP her talents))) (SBAR-6 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (NP-2 the District Attorney) (PP into (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ-3 her) (VP removed (NP *-3) (PP-DIR from (NP the prison)) (PP-DIR to (NP a hotel room)) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-4 her meals) (VP taken (NP *-4) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Vesuvio 's) , (NP an excellent Italian restaurant))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Newspapers) (PP-TMP at (NP the time)) (VP noted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the move) (VP indicated (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP co-operating (PP with (NP the District Attorney)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the trial)))) (NP-SBJ Diane) (VP disappeared (PP from (NP New York))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADJP-PRD fashionable) (S-1 (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP be (VP seen (NP *-2) (PP with (NP fabulous `` Lady Harrington ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Several years) ago) (NP-SBJ she) (VP married (NP (NP a Houston business man) , (NP Robert Graham))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP later) (VP divorced (NP (NP Graham) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (VP believed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (VP moved (PP-DIR to (NP Bolivia)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Houston police) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP Diane)))) (ADVP-TMP (NP two years) ago) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the vice squad) (VP picked (NP her) (PRT up) (PP for (NP (NP questioning) (PP about (NP a call girl ring)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-TMP Last May) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP admitted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP being (NP-PRD a prostitute)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP The next time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the police) (VP saw (NP her) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP-TMP September 20 , 1960) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a (ADJP lavishly decorated) apartment) (VP littered (NP *) (PP with (NP liquor bottles))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP a party) (PP with (NP (NP a regular visitor) , (NP Dr. William W. McClellan)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP McClellan) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP lost (NP his medical license) (ADVP temporarily) (PP on (NP (NP a charge) (PP of (NP drug addiction))))))))) , (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP her)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP died (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the apartment)) (NP-TMP two days))) and (VP was (ADJP-PRD hazy (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened (PP-TMP during (NP that time)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP called (NP (NP two lawyers) (CONJP and then) (NP the police))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the police) (VP arrived (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ (NP McClellan) and (NP the two lawyers)) (VP sitting and staring (ADVP-MNR silently)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The blonde 's) nude body) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP bed)))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP a green sheet) and (NP a pink blanket)) (VP covered (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Pictures) (PP of (NP (NP her) (PP-TMP in (NP (ADJP more glamorous) days))))) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the walls))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An autopsy) (VP disclosed (NP (NP a large amount) (PP of (NP morphine)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Diane 's) body)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Police) (VP theorize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a combination) (PP of (NP dope , drink and drugs))) (VP killed (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR that (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (NP it) (NP-MNR this way)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ a vice squad cop) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ A maid) (VP told (NP us) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP bragged (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP getting (NP (NP $ 50 *U*) (NP-ADV a date))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP the junk)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP slide (ADVP-MNR fast) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP happens (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At least) (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the bottom) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD a carpet salesman)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP work (PP for (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the biggest chains) (PP of (NP retail carpet houses)) (PP-LOC in (NP the East))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP cater (ADVP mostly) (PP to (NP (NP nice people) (PP in (NP the $ 5-8,000 annual income bracket *U*)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP run (NP (NP a string) (PP of (NP snazzy , neon-lit , chromium-plated suburban stores))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP selling (NP (NP the stuff) (SBAR (WHPP-1 of (WHNP which)) (SINV is (VP made (PP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the Great American Dreams) -- (NP wall-to-wall carpeting))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (QP only one) trouble) (PP with (NP this big , beautiful dream)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (SBAR-NOM (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sit (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP looks (PP (ADVP more) like (NP a nightmare))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ People) (VP come (PP to (NP me)) (PP with (NP confidence))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP depend (PP on (NP (NP my (ADJP supposedly expert) knowledge) (PP of (NP (NP a trade) (SBAR (WHPP-1 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP themselves)) (VP know (NP (NP little) (PP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-MNR knowingly) (VP abuse (NP their confidence)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Franklin D. Lee) (VP proved (NP-PRD (NP a man) (PP of (NP prompt action))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Claire Shaefer) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP accompanied (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS a friend)))) , (VP visited (NP him) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Bakersfield) , (NP California))) , (ADVP-TMP (NP several months) ago) (PP as (NP a prospective patient)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ `` Doctor '' Lee) (VP asked (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP (VP lie (ADVP down) (PP-LOC on (NP a bed))) and (VP remove (NP her shoes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP squeezing (NP her foot) (NP-TMP three times)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP came (PRT up) (PRN -- (INTJ presto) --) (PP with (NP a different diagnosis)) (PP with (NP each squeeze))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP informed (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) --) (NP (NP kidney trouble) , (NP liver trouble) , and (NP a severe female disorder))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP explained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP diagnose (NP these ailments) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP squeezing (NP her foot)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all) (PP of (NP the nervous system))) (VP was (VP connected (NP *-1) (PP to (NP it))))))))))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (NP (NP (NP just the thing) (PP for (NP her))) -- (NP (NP a treatment) (PP from (NP his `` cosmic light ozone generator '' machine))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP applied (NP (NP the applicator) (VP extending (PP (PP from (NP (NP the machine) -- (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP consisted (PP of (NP (NP seven (ADJP differently colored) neon tubes) (VP superimposed (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP a rectangular base)))))))) --)) (PP to (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly diseased) portions) (PP of (NP (NP Mrs. Shaefer 's) body)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Lee) (VP kept (PRT up) (NP (NP a steady stream) (PP of (NP pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ (NP the ozone) (PP from (NP his machine))) (VP would (VP cure (NP practically everything)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP assured (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (SQ-1 Did (NP-SBJ she) (VP know (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1))) ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the colors) (PP of (NP the tubes))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD important (PP to (NP (NP people 's) health))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ The human body) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP pointed (PRT out) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)) , (PP for (NP example)))) --) (VP required (NP (NP 33 units) (PP of (NP blue light)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (PP-PRP For (NP that reason)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP informed (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (NP-SBJ the Lord) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the sky) (ADJP-PRD blue))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Continuing (ADVP-MNR glibly) (PP in (NP this vein)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP paused (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP comfort (NP her) : `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP worry)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This machine) (VP will (VP cure (NP your cancer-ridden body))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` Cancer '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Mrs. Shaefer) (ADVP practically) (VP shrieked (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP did n't (VP tell (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP cancer)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP have (NP it) , (ADVP all right)) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP have (NP (NP treatment) (PP from (NP my machine)))))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP worry (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP used (NP this machine) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cure (NP (NP a woman) (PP with (NP (NP 97 pounds) (PP of (NP cancer)) (PP-LOC in (NP her body))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP urged (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP buy (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his machines))) -- (PP for (NP $ 300 *U*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP have (NP the money))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP come (ADVP in) (PP for (NP (NP treatment) (PP with (NP his office model)))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP buy (NP one))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP then) (VP sold (NP her) (NP (NP (NP minerals) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP cure (NP her kidney ailment)))))) , (NP (NP a can) (PP of (NP (NP sage) `` (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP look (PP like (NP a girl)) (ADVP again))))))) ''))) , and (NP (NP an application) (PP of (NP (NP plain mud) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP take (NP her wrinkles) (ADVP away)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lee) (VP renewed (NP (NP his pressure (S *ICH*-1)) (PP on (NP Mrs. Shaefer)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP buy (NP his machine))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP visited (NP him) (NP-TMP the next day) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP (NP another treatment) (PP with (NP the machine)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP her) (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 her entire body) (VP was (VP shot (NP *-1) (ADVP through) (PP with (NP tumors and cysts))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP then) (VP sold (NP her) (NP (NP some capsules) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP asserted (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP the tumors and cysts)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP collect (NP (NP the money) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP buying (NP his machine)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP submitted (PP to (NP (NP his treatment) (PP with (NP the capsules)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Shaefer) (VP felt (NP-PRD intense pain)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Leaving (NP (NP Lee 's) office))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Mrs. Shaefer) (VP hurried (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP (NP her family physician) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP treated (NP her) (PP for (NP burned tissue))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP several days)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ill) (PP-PRP as (NP (NP a result) (PP of (NP (NP Lee 's) treatment))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mrs. Shaefer) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP got (PP around (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP joining (NP (NP the (QP thousand or so) people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP paid (NP Lee) (NP some $ 30,000 *U*) (PP for (NP his ozone machines))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Mrs. Shaefer) -- (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP given (NP *-1) (NP (NP a clean bill) (PP of (NP health))) (PP by (NP-LGS her own physician)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP visited (NP Lee) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))) --) and (NP her friend)) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP agents) (PP for (NP the California Pure Food and Drug Inspection Bureau)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ she) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD amply rewarded (PP for (NP her suffering))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the evidence) (PP of (NP (NP Lee 's) quack shenanigans)) , (VP gathered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the tape recorder) (PP-LOC under (NP (NP her friend 's) clothing)))))) , (VP proved (ADJP-PRD adequate (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC in (NP court)) (PP-1 for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP convicting (NP Franklin D. Lee)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The charge) : (NP (NP violation) (PP of (NP the California Medical Practices Act)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP practicing (NP medicine) (PP without (NP a license))) and (VP selling (NP misbranded drugs)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The sentence) : (NP (NP (NP 360 days ') confinement) (PP-LOC in (NP the county jail))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP An isolated case) (PP of (NP quackery)) ? ?)) (TOP (PP By (NP no means) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Rather) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD typical (PP of (NP (NP the thousands) (PP of (NP quacks)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP use (NP phony therapeutic devices) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP fatten (NP themselves) (PP on (NP (NP the miseries) (PP of (NP (NP (QP hundreds of thousands)) (PP of (NP Americans)))))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP robbing (NP them) (PP of (NP (NP millions) (PP of (NP dollars))))) and (VP luring (NP them) (ADVP away) (PP from (NP (NP legitimate , ethical medical treatment) (PP of (NP serious diseases)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The machine quack) (VP makes (NP his Rube Goldberg devices) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP odds and ends) (PP of (NP (NP metals) , (NP wires) , and (NP radio parts))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP these gadgets) -- (ADJP impressive (PP to (NP the gullible)) (PP-PRP because of (NP their (NX (NX flashing light bulbs) , (NX ticks) , and (NX buzzes))))))) -- (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP then) (VP carries (PRT out) (NP a vicious medical con game) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP capitalizing (PP on (NP (NP (NP people 's) respect) (PP for (NP (NP the (ADJP electrical and atomic) wonders) (PP of (NP our scientific age))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP milks (NP the latest scientific advances) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP translating (NP them) (PP into (NP his own special Buck Rogers vocabulary)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP huckster (NP his fake machines) (PP as (NP (NP a cure-all) (PP for (NP (NP everything) (PP (PP from (NP hay fever)) (PP to (NP (NP sexual impotence) and (NP cancer)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The gadget faker) (VP operates or sells (NP his phony machines) (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 5 *U*) to (NP $ 10,000 *U*)) -- (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the traffic) (VP will (VP bear (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP may (VP call (S (NP-SBJ himself) (NP-PRD (NP a anaprapath) , (NP a physiotherapist) , (NP an electrotherapist) , (NP a naturopath) , (NP a sanipractor) , (NP a medical cultist) , (NP a masseur) , (NP a `` doctor '') -- or (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (SINV (VP have (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ you))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (CONJP Not only) do (NP-SBJ these quacks) (VP (VP assume (NP impressive titles)) , but (VP represent (NP-3 themselves) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP being (VP associated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP various (ADJP scientific or impressive) foundations) -- (NP (NP foundations) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP little more)) (PP than (NP a letterhead existence))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The medical device pirate) (PP of (NP today))) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP (ADVP far more) sophisticated) operator) (PP than (NP (NP (NP his predecessor) (PP of (NP yesteryear))) -- (NP (NP the gallus-snapping hawker) (PP of (NP (NP snake oil) and (NP other patent medicines)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His plunder) (VP is (ADVP therefore) (ADJP-PRD far higher) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP running (PP into (NP (NP hundreds of millions)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the Food And Drug Administration) (PRN -LRB- (NP FDA) -RRB-)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP `` Doctor '' Ghadiali) , (NP (NP Dr. Albert Abrams) and (NP his clique)) , and (NP Dr. Wilhelm Reich)) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP name (NP three notorious device quacks)))) -- (VP succeeded , (ADVP respectively) , (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP distributing (NP (QP 10,000 , 5000 , and 2000) fake health machines))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Authorities) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP the Doctor Frauds)) (VP using (NP these false health gadgets))) (VP are (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD in (NP business)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP at (NP (NP the sums) (VP paid (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP two device quack victims) (PP-LOC in (NP Cleveland)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Sarah Gross) , (NP a dress shop proprietor)) , (VP paid (NP $ 1020 *U*) (PP-DTV to (NP a masseur)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. A.) , (NP a laborer)) , (VP paid (NP $ 4200 *U*) (PP-DTV to (NP a chiropractor)) (PP for (NP (NP treatment) (PP with (NP (NP two fake health machines) -- (NP (NP the `` radioclast '') and (NP the `` diagnometer '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Multiply (NP these figures) (PP by (NP (NP the millions) (PP of (NP people)) (VP known (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP conned (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS medical pirates)) (ADVP-TMP annually))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP will (VP come (PRT up) (PP with (NP a frightening total)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP why) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the FDA) , (NP (NP the American Medical Association) (PRN -LRB- (NP AMA) -RRB-)) , and (NP (NP the National Better Business Bureau) (PRN -LRB- (NP BBB) -RRB-))) (VP have (VP estimated (S (NP-SBJ (NP the toll) (PP of (NP mechanical quackery))) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a substantial portion) (PP of (NP (NP the (QP $ 610 million) *U* (QP or so)) (VP paid (NP *) (PP-DTV to (NP medical charlatans)) (ADVP-TMP annually))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Postmaster General) (ADVP-TMP recently) (VP reported (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP mail order frauds) -- (SBAR (WHPP-1 among (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ fake therapeutic devices) (VP figure (ADVP-MNR prominently) (PP *T*-1)))) --) (VP are (PP-PRD at (NP (NP the highest level) (PP in (NP history)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Similarly) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the American Cancer Society) (PRN -LRB- (NP ACS) -RRB-)) , (NP the Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation) , and (NP the BBB)) (VP have each (VP stated (ADVP-TMP lately) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ medical quackery) (VP is (PP-PRD at (NP a new high))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP example)) , (NP-SBJ the BBB) (VP has (VP reported (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP receiving (NP (NP (NP (QP four times as many) inquiries) (PP about (NP quack devices))) and (NP (QP 10 times as many) complaints)) (PP compared (PP with (ADVP-TMP (NP two years) ago))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Authorities) (VP hesitate (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP quote (NP exact figures)))) , (ADVP however) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP believing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP any sum) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP come (PRT up) (PP with (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP only a surface manifestation) -- (VP turned (PRT up) (PP by (NP-LGS their (ADJP inevitably limited) policing))) -- (PP of (NP (NP the real loot) (PP of (NP the medical racketeer))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this sense)) , (NP-SBJ authorities) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all estimates) (PP of (NP phony device quackery))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD conservative))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The economic toll) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ the device quack) (VP extracts (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD important) , (PP of (NP course))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF But (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP our health) -- (ADJP (ADJP more precious) (PP than (NP (NP all the money) (PP in (NP the world))))) --) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP these modern witch doctors) (PP with (NP their fake therapeutic gadgets))) (VP are (VP gambling (ADVP away)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP preying (PP on (NP the sick))))) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP playing (ADVP-MNR callously) (PP on (NP (NP the hopes) (PP of (NP the desperate))))))) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP causing (S (NP-SBJ the sufferer) (VP to (VP delay (NP proper medical care)))))))) , (NP-SBJ these medical ghouls) (VP create (NP pain and misery) (PP by (NP their very activity))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Typically) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Sarah Gross) and (NP Mr. A)) (NP both)) (VP lost (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP their money))) (PP-PRP as (NP (NP the result) (PP of (NP (NP their experiences) (PP with (NP their Cleveland quacks))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sarah Gross) (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the treatments) (VP given (NP her) (NP *) (PP for (NP a nervous ailment)) (PP by (NP-LGS the masseur)))) (VP were not (VP helping (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-PRP As (NP a result)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP consulted (NP medical authorities)) and (VP learned (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the devices) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ her quack `` doctor '') (VP was (VP using (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD phony)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP (VP suffered (NP a nervous breakdown)) and (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP institutionalized (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. A.) , (NP her fellow townsman)) , (ADVP also) (VP experienced (NP a nervous breakdown) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP (ADVP just) as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP discovered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP bilked (NP *-1) (PP of (NP his life savings)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the limited practitioner) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP treating (NP (NP (NP his wife) -- (NP (NP a woman) (VP suffering (PP from (NP (NP an incurable disease) , (NP multiple sclerosis))))) --) and (NP himself))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mr. A) (VP has (VP recovered))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is , (ADVP justifiably) , (NP-PRD a bitter man))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a lot) (PP of (NP hard-earned money)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP lose (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (S *T*-2) (NP-TMP today)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 Neither (NP me) nor (NP my wife)) (VP were (VP helped (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP that chiropractor 's) treatments)))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the case) (PP of (NP (NP Tom Hepker) , (NP a machinist) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP referred (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a friend)) (PP to (NP (NP a health machine quack) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP treated (NP him) (PP with (NP a so-called diagnostic machine)) (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ Doctor Fraud) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a system) (ADJP full (PP of (NP arsenic and strychnine)))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ his pains) (VP got (ADJP-PRD worse)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Tom) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP a real doctor) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 from (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP learned (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP suffering (PP from (NP (NP cancer) (PP of (NP the lung)))))))) (PP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ-1 Tom) (VP caught (NP it) (PP-TMP in (NP time)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (ADJP-PRD alive))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a welfare case) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP now) -- (NP-1 a human wreck) -- (NP-ADV (NP thanks) (PP to (NP this modern witch doctor)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the machine quack) (VP can (VP cause (NP (NP (ADJP far more)) (PP than (NP just suffering))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP such diseases) (PP as (NP (NP cancer) , (NP tuberculosis) , and (NP heart disease))))) , (NP-SBJ early diagnosis and treatment) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so vital) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the waste) (PP of (NP time)) (PP by (NP the patient)) (PP with (NP (NP Doctor Fraud 's) cure-all gadget))) (VP can (VP prove (ADJP-PRD fatal))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ (NP the diabetic patient) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP relies (PP on (NP (NP cure) (PP by (NP the quack device))))) and (ADVP therefore) (VP cuts (PRT off) (NP his insulin intake)))))) (VP can (VP be (VP committing (NP suicide)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP instance)) : (PP-LOC In (NP Chicago)) , (ADVP-TMP (NP some time) ago) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Mr. H.) , (NP age 27) , (NP (NP a diabetic) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD six)))))) , (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP using (NP insulin))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP bought (NP (NP (NP a `` magic spike '') -- (NP (NP a glass tube) (PP about (NP (NP the size) (PP of (NP a pencil)))) (VP filled (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP barium chloride) (ADJP worth (NP (NP a small fraction) (PP of (NP a cent)))))))) --) (VP sold (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Vrilium Company) (PP of (NP Chicago)))) (PP for (NP $ 306 *U*)) (PP as (NP a cure-all))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Hang (NP this) (PP-LOC around (NP your neck))) or (VP attach (NP it) (PP to (NP (NP other parts) (PP of (NP your anatomy))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ its rays) (VP will (VP cure (NP (NP any disease) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP *T*-1))))))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ the company) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. H.) (VP is (ADJP-PRD dead) (NP-TMP today) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP followed (NP this advice))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Doris Hull) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP suffering (PP from (NP tuberculosis)))) , (VP was (VP taken (PP by (NP-LGS her husband)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP (NP Otis G. Carroll) , (NP (NP a sanipractor) -- (NP a licensed drugless healer) --)) (PP-LOC in (NP Spokane)))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Carroll) (VP diagnosed (NP Mrs. Hull) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP taking (NP (NP a drop) (PP of (NP blood))) (PP from (NP her ear))) and (VP putting (NP it) (PP-PUT on (NP his `` radionic '' machine))) and (VP twirling (NP some knobs))))))) -LRB- (NP (NP fee) (NP $ 50 *U*)) -RRB- .)) (TOP (NP (NP His prescription) : (NP (NP (ADJP hot and cold) compresses) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP increase (NP (NP her absorption) (PP of (NP water)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP weighed (NP (QP only 108) pounds) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP visited (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ Carroll) (VP permitted (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP go (PP on (NP (NP a 10-day fast) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP took (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP water))) (PP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Inevitably) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Hull) (VP died (PP of (NP starvation and tuberculosis)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP weighing (NP 60 pounds)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ her husband and child) (VP contracted (NP T.B.) (PP from (NP her))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (NP Small wonder) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a Spokane jury) (VP awarded (NP the husband) (NP (NP $ 35,823 *U*) (PP for (NP (NP his wife 's) death))))))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP California)) , (ADVP-TMP (NP a few years) ago) , (NP-SBJ (NP a ghoul) (PP by (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP H.F. Bell))))) (VP sold (NP electric blankets) (PP as (NP (NP a cure) (PP for (NP cancer))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did (NP this) (PP by (NP (NP the charming practice) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP buying (PRT up) (NP used electric blankets) (PP for (NP (NP $ 5 *U*) to (NP $ 10 *U*))) (PP from (NP (NP survivors) (PP of (NP (NP patients) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP died))))))))) , (VP reconditioning (NP them)) , and (VP selling (NP them) (PP at (NP (NP $ 185 *U*) (NP each)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ authorities) (VP convicted (NP-1 him) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP practicing (NP medicine) (PP without (NP a license))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (PRT off) (PP with (NP (NP a suspended sentence) (PP of (NP three years)))) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP his advanced age) (PP of (NP 77)))))) -RRB-) , (NP-SBJ-3 (NP one) (PP of (NP his victims))) (VP was not (ADVP-PRD around) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP testify))))) : (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead (PP of (NP cancer))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP By (NP no means)) are (NP-SBJ these) (NP-PRD isolated cases) .)) (TOP (S-5 `` (ADVP Unfortunately) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP says (S *T*-5)) (NP-SBJ (NP Chief Postal Inspector David H. Stephens) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP has (VP prosecuted (NP many device quacks))))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the ghouls) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP trade (PP on (NP (NP the hopes) (PP of (NP the (ADJP desperately ill))))))))) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP can not (VP be (ADVP-MNR successfully) (VP prosecuted (NP *-1) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP the patients) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP are (NP-PRD the chief witnesses))))) (VP die (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-6 the case) (VP is (VP called (NP *-6) (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP court)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP Death ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Have (NP (NP no doubt) (PP about (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ device quackery) (VP can (VP lead (ADVP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The evidence) (VP shows (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 fake therapeutic machines) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP substituted (NP *-2) (PP for (NP valid medical cures)))) , (VP have (VP hastened (NP (NP the deaths) (PP of (NP thousands)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the victims) (PP of (NP the device quacks))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Authorities) (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ oldsters) (VP are (NP-PRD a prime target))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP Says (S *ICH*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Wallace F. Jannsen) , (NP (NP director) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the FDA 's) Division) (PP of (NP Public Information)))))) : `` (S-1 (NP-SBJ-2 Quacks) (VP are (ADJP-PRD apt (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP direct (NP their appeal) (PP (PP (ADVP directly) to (NP older people)) , or (PP to (NP (NP sufferers) (PP from (NP (NP chronic ailments) (PP such as (NP arthritis , rheumatism , diabetes , and cancer))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP People) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP have not (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP relief) (PP from (NP regular medical doctors))))))))))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD especially apt (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP taken (NP *-4) (PRT in) (PP by (NP-LGS quacks)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The victims) (PP of (NP the quacks))) (VP are (ADVP-TMP frequently) (NP-PRD (NP poor people) , (PP like (NP Mr. A.)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP scrape (PRT up) (NP (NP their life savings) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP offer (NP *T*-2) (PP as (NP (NP a sacrifice) (PP to (NP (NP Doctor Fraud 's) avarice)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (ADVP-TMP often) (ADJP-PRD ignorant (CONJP as well as) underprivileged)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ten-year-old Richard Stewart) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD irritable and quarrelsome) (PP-TMP for (NP (QP almost a) year)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His grades) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP-MNR steadily) (ADVP downhill)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bringing (NP friends and classmates) (ADVP-DIR home (PP from (NP school)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. and Mrs. Stewart) (VP were (ADJP-PRD puzzled and concerned)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-TMP one day) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Dick 's) classmate) (NP (NP Jimmy) , (PP from (NP next door)))) , (VP let (NP the cat) (PP out (PP of (NP the bag)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The youngsters) (PP in (NP (NP the boys ') class))) (VP had (VP nicknamed (S (NP-SBJ Dick) `` (NP-PRD Bugs Bunny) '') (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ his teeth) (VP protruded))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Richard 's) parents) (VP told (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP take (NP him) (PP to (NP (NP an orthodontist) -- (NP (NP a dentist) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP specializes (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP realigning (NP teeth and jaws)))))))) --)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) (NP-SBJ their young son) (VP was (ADJP-PRD interested)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the year) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP followed))))) , (NP-SBJ Dick) (VP (VP co-operated (ADVP-MNR whole-heartedly) (PP with (NP the dentist))) and (VP was (ADJP-PRD delighted (PP with (NP (NP (NP the final result) (VP achieved (NP *))) -- (NP (NP an upper row) (PP of (NP strong straight teeth)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP completely) (VP changed (NP his facial appearance)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Richard Stewart) (VP is (NP-PRD no special case)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ (NP The majority) (PP of (NP (NP children) (PP-LOC in (NP the United States))))) (VP could (VP benefit (PP by (NP (NP some form) (PP of (NP orthodontic treatment))))))) '' , (VP says (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Dr. Allan G. Brodie) , (NP (NP (NP (NP professor) and (NP (NP head) (PP of (NP (NP the department) (PP of (NP orthodontics)))))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Illinois))))) and (NP (NP a (ADJP nationally recognized) authority) (PP in (NP his field))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ-1 parents) (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP *T*-2) (PP about (NP (NP those `` years) (PP of (NP the braces)) ''))))) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP waste (NP (NP (NP a child 's) time) and (NP their money)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ can (NP-SBJ they) (VP tell (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ a child) (VP needs (NP orthodontic treatment)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Why and when) (SQ should (NP-SBJ-1 tooth-straightening) (VP be (VP undertaken (NP *-1) (ADVP *T*-2)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ is (NP-SBJ-1 it) (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cost (NP *T*-2)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tooth fit explained occlusion) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the dentist 's) expression) (PP for (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ teeth) (VP fit (ADVP together) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the jaws) (VP are (VP closed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Malocclusion) , or (NP a bad fit)) , (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 parents) (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PRT out) (PP for (NP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP One main type) (PP of (NP malocclusion))) (VP is (VP characterized (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a receding chin) and (NP protruding upper front teeth))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP A chin) (ADJP too prominent (PP in (NP (NP relation) (PP to (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the face)))))))) , (NP (NP a thrusting forward) (PP of (NP the lower front teeth))) , (NP an overdeveloped lower jawbone) , and (NP an underdeveloped upper jaw)) (VP indicate (NP (NP the opposite type) (PP of (NP malocclusion)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These two basic malformations) (VP have , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP many variations)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A child) (ADVP probably) (VP requires (NP (NP some form) (PP of (NP treatment))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP (NP the following conditions) : (NP (NP A noticeable protrusion) (PP of (NP the (ADJP upper or lower) jaw)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (ADJP (ADJP Crooked) , (ADJP overlapping) , (ADJP twisted) , or (ADJP widely spaced)) teeth .)) (TOP (NP (NP Front teeth) (VP not meeting (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the back teeth) (VP close (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Upper teeth) (VP (ADVP completely) covering (NP the lowers) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the back teeth) (VP close (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP The eyeteeth) (PRN -LRB- (RRC (ADJP-PRD third (PP from (NP the middle))) (PP-LOC on (NP top)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP counting (NP each front tooth) (PP as (NP the first))))) -RRB-)) (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP protrude (PP like (NP fangs)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Second teeth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP have (VP come (ADVP in) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the first ones) (VP have (VP fallen (ADVP out))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP making (NP a double row))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Contrary (PP to (NP (NP the thinking) (PP of (UCP (ADVP (NP (QP 30 to 40) years) ago) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 all malocclusion) (VP was (VP blamed (NP *-1) (PP on (NP some unfortunate habit)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ recent studies) (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ most tooth irregularity) (VP has (NP (ADVP at least) its beginning) (PP in (NP hereditary predisposition)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP does not (VP mean (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a child 's) teeth or jaws) (VP must (ADVP necessarily) (VP resemble (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP (NP someone) (PP in (NP his family))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Tooth deformity) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the result) (PP of (NP excessive thumb - or finger-sucking , tongue-thrusting , or lip-sucking)))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD important) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remember (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a difference) (PP between (NP (ADJP normal and excessive) sucking habits))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD perfectly normal) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ babies) (VP to (VP suck (NP their thumbs))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 no mother) (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP worry)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ a child) (VP continues (NP this habit) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP two or three) years) old))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Occasional sucking) (PP-TMP up (PP to (NP the fifth year))) (VP may not (VP affect (NP (NP a youngster 's) teeth)))) ; ; but (S (PP-TMP after (NP that)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ thumb-sucking pressure) (VP is (ADJP-PRD frequent)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (VP have (NP an effect)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Malocclusion) (VP can (ADVP also) (VP result (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 baby teeth) (VP are (VP (VP lost (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP too soon)) or (VP retained (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP too long)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ a child) (VP loses (NP a molar) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP two))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the adjoining teeth) (VP may (VP shift (PP-DIR toward (NP the empty space)) , (S-ADV (ADVP thus) (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP narrowing (NP (NP the place) (VP intended (NP *) (PP for (NP the permanent ones))))) and (VP producing (NP a jumble)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 baby teeth) (VP are (VP retained (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP too long))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the incoming second teeth) (VP (VP may (VP be (VP prevented (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP emerging (PP-TMP at (NP the normal time)))))))) or (VP may (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP erupt (PP-LOC in (NP the wrong place)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Correction) (VP can (VP save (NP teeth))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ every orthodontist) (VP sees (NP (NP children) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (VP embarrassed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS their malformed teeth)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Some such youngsters) (ADVP-TMP rarely) (VP smile)) , or (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-2 the mouth) (VP closed (NP *-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP certain cases)) , (PP as (PP in (NP Dick Stewart 's))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a child 's) personality) (VP is (VP affected (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (PP from (NP (NP (NP the dentist 's) point) (PP of (NP view)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 bad-fitting teeth) (VP should (VP be (VP corrected (NP *-1) (PP-PRP for (NP physical reasons))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bad alignment) (VP may (VP result (PP in (NP (NP early loss) (PP of (NP teeth)) (PP through (NP (NP a breakdown) (PP of (NP (NP the bony structure) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP supports (NP their roots)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This serious condition) , (VP (ADVP popularly) known (NP *) (PP as (NP pyorrhea)))) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the chief causes) (PP of (NP tooth loss)) (PP in (NP adults)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (ADVP too) , (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP misplaced or jammed-together) teeth) (VP are (ADJP-PRD prone (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trapping (NP food particles) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP increasing (NP (NP the likelihood) (PP of (NP rapid decay)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (PP For (NP (UCP these and other) reasons)) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP says (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Dr. Brodie)) ,) `` (NP-SBJ orthodontics) (VP can (VP prolong (NP (NP the life) (PP of (NP teeth))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The failure (S *ICH*-2)) (PP of (NP teeth)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fit (ADVP together) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP closed (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) (VP interferes (PP with (NP normal chewing)) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ a child) (VP may (VP (VP swallow (NP-3 food) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD whole))) and (VP put (NP a burden) (PP on (NP his digestive system)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-PRP Because of (NP these chewing troubles)) , (NP-SBJ a child) (VP may (VP avoid (NP (NP certain foods) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP needs (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP adequate nutrition)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP Badly placed) teeth) (VP can (ADVP also) (VP cause (NP (NP such a speech handicap) (PP as (NP lisping))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The when and how) (PP of (NP straightening)))) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 most orthodontic work) (VP is (VP done (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP children) (PP between (NP (NP the ages) (PP of (NP (QP 10 and 14))))))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP patients) (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP as young) (PP as (NP two))) and (ADJP (ADJP as old) (PP as (NP 55)))))))))))) '' , (VP says (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Dr. Brodie) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP the period) (PP from (NP (QP 10 to 14))))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the permanent set) (PP of (NP teeth))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP completed (NP *-1)))) , (S (ADVP yet) (NP-SBJ (NP the continuing growth) (PP of (NP bony tissue))) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP moving (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP badly placed) teeth) (ADJP-PRD comparatively easy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Orthodontic work) (VP is (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 teeth) (VP are (VP held (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP firmly) but not (ADVP rigidly)) , (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a system) (PP of (NP (NP peridontal membrane) (PP with (NP an involved nerve network)))))) , (PP to (NP (NP the bone) (PP-LOC in (NP the jaw)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP are not (VP anchored (NP *-2) (PP (ADVP directly) to (NP the bone))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Abnormal pressure) , (VP applied (NP *) (PP-TMP over (NP (NP a period) (PP of (NP time)))))) , (VP produces (NP (NP a change) (PP in (NP the bony deposit))) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ a tooth) (VP functions (ADVP-MNR normally) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the new position) (SBAR (WHPP-2 into (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP has (VP been (VP guided (NP *-1) (PP-DIR *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ can (NP-SBJ 10-year-old Susan) (VP expect (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP enters (NP (NP the orthodontist 's) office) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP her first visit)) (NP-SBJ the orthodontist) (VP will (VP take (NP (NP x-rays) , (NP photographs) , (NP tooth measurements) , and (NP `` (NP tooth prints) '' -- (NP (NP an impression) (PP of (NP the mouth)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP permits (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP study (NP her teeth and jaws)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP decides (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP proceed)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP will (VP custom-make (PP for (NP Susie)) (NP (NP an appliance) (VP consisting (PP of (NP (NP bands) , (NP plastic plates) , (NP fine wires) , and (NP tiny springs))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This appliance) (VP will (VP exert (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADJP gentle) and (ADJP continuous or intermittent)) pressure) (PP on (NP the bone))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the tooth) (VP moves))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP bone cells) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the pressure side) (PP of (NP it))))) (VP will (VP dissolve))) , and (S (NP-SBJ new ones) (VP will (VP form (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the side) (SBAR (WHPP-1 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the tooth) (VP has (VP moved (PP-DIR *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP must (VP be (VP done (NP *-1) (UCP (PP at (NP (NP the rate) (SBAR (WHPP-2 at (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ new bony tissue) (VP grows (PP *T*-2)))))) , and (ADVP no faster))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-3 (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 teeth) (VP are (VP moved (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR too rapidly))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 serious injury) (VP can (VP be (VP done (NP *-2) (PP (PP to (NP their roots)) (CONJP as well as) (PP to (NP (NP the surrounding bone) (VP holding (NP them) (PP-LOC in (NP place)))))))))) '' , (VP explains (S *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ Dr. Brodie) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Moving (NP one or two teeth))) (VP can (VP affect (NP the whole system)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP an ill-conceived plan) (PP of (NP treatment))) (VP can (VP disrupt (NP (NP the growth pattern) (PP of (NP (NP a child 's) face)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP (PP During (NP (NP the first few days) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP wearing (NP the appliance)))))) and (PP (ADVP immediately) following (NP each adjustment))) , (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP may (VP have (NP a slight discomfort or soreness)))) , but (S (PP-TMP after (NP a short time)) (NP-SBJ this) (VP will (VP disappear))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Parents) (VP are (ADVP-TMP often) (ADJP-PRD concerned (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ orthodontic appliances) (VP may (VP cause (S (NP-SBJ teeth) (VP to (VP decay))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP place)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))) , (NP-SBJ-4 a well-cemented band) (ADVP actually) (VP protects (NP (NP the part) (PP of (NP the tooth)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP covered (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Next) (NP-SBJ Susie) (VP will (VP (VP enter (NP the treatment stage)) and (VP visit (NP the orthodontist) (ADVP-TMP once or twice (NP a month)) , (PP depending (PP on (NP (NP the severity) (PP of (NP her condition)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP these visits)) (NP-SBJ-1 the dentist) (VP will (VP adjust (NP the braces) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP increase (NP (NP the pressure) (PP-LOC on (NP her teeth)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP Last) (VP comes) (NP-SBJ the retention stage) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Susie 's) teeth) (VP have (ADVP-TMP now) (VP been (VP guided (NP *-1) (PP-DIR into (NP a desirable new position))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ teeth) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP may (VP drift (ADVP back) (PP-DIR to (NP their original position)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 a retaining appliance) (VP is (VP used (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP lock (NP them) (PP-LOC in (NP place))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Usually) (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a thin band) (PP of (NP wire)) (VP (VP attached (NP *) (PP to (NP the molars))) and (VP stretching (PP-LOC across (NP the teeth)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Susie) (VP may (VP wear (NP this) (PP-TMP (PP (ADVP only) at (NP night)) or (PP for (NP (NP a few hours) (PP-TMP during (NP the day))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP Then) (VP comes) (NP-SBJ (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the last wire) (VP is (VP removed (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Susie) (VP walks (ADVP-DIR out) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP (ADJP healthier) and (ADJP more attractive)) girl) (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP went (PP to (NP the orthodontist)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How long) (SQ will (NP-SBJ this) (VP take (ADVP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Straightening (NP (NP one tooth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP has (VP come (ADVP in) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD wrong))))))))) (VP may (VP take (NP only a few months))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Aligning (NP all the teeth))) (VP may (VP take (NP a year (QP or more)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An added complication) (PP such as (NP a malformed jaw))) (VP may (VP take (NP (QP two or three) years) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP correct (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD the cost))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The charge) (PP for (NP a complete full-banded job))) (VP differs (PP-LOC in (NP (NP various parts) (PP of (NP the country))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Work) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP cost (NP (QP $ 500 to $ 750) *U*) (PP-LOC in (NP the South))))))) (VP could (VP cost (NP (QP $ 750 to $ 1,200) *U*) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP New York City) or (NP Chicago))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An average national figure) (PP for (NP (NP (QP two to three) years) (PP of (NP treatment))))) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (QP $ 650 to $ 1,000) *U*))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ (NP Factors) (PP in (NP (NP the cost) (PP of (NP treatment))))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP the length) (PP of (NP time)) (VP involved (NP *))) and (NP (NP the skill and education) (PP of (NP the practitioner)))))) '' , (VP says (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Dr. Brodie) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP become (NP-PRD an orthodontist)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 a man) (VP must (ADVP-TMP first) (VP be (VP licensed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS his state)) (PP as (NP a dentist)))))) , (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP must (VP spend (NP (QP at least two) years) (PP in (NP additional training)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP acquire (NP a license) (PP as (NP a specialist)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (S (NP-SBJ Costs) (VP may (VP seem (ADJP-PRD high)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD even higher))))))) '' , (VP says (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Dr. Brodie) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Fees) (VP are (ADVP about) (NP-PRD (NP (NP half) to (NP a third)) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-1) (ADVP (NP 25 years) ago))))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP The reason ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ People) (NP-TMP today) (VP are (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP (NP the value) (PP of (NP orthodontics))))))) , and (S (PP-PRP as (NP a result)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD more practitioners) (PP in (NP the field)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Most orthodontists) (VP require (NP (NP an initial payment) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the cost) (PP of (NP (NP diagnostic materials) and (NP (NP construction) (PP of (NP the appliances))))))))))))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP usually) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the remainder) (PP of (NP the cost))) (VP may (VP be (VP spread (NP *-1) (PP over (NP (NP a period) (PP of (NP months or years)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP many cities) (PP-LOC in (NP the United States)))) (NP-SBJ (NP clinics) (VP associated (NP *) (PP with (NP dental schools)))) (VP will (VP take (NP patients) (PP at (NP a nominal fee)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some municipal agencies) (VP will (VP pay (PP for (NP (NP orthodontic treatment) (PP for (NP (NP children) (PP of (NP needy parents)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Research) (VP helps (NP families)))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 growth studies) (VP have (VP been (VP carried (NP *-1) (PRT on) (ADVP-MNR consistently) (PP by (NP-LGS orthodontists)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Brodie) (VP has (NP (NP 30-year records) (PP of (NP head growth)) , (VP started (NP *) (PP-TMP (NP-ADV 20 minutes) after (NP (NP children 's) births))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (S (PP-TMP In (NP the past)) (NP-SBJ-3 (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP 90 %) (PP of (NP all malocclusion))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD hereditary)))))))) (VP was (VP scoffed (PP at (NP *-3))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ we) (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ family characteristics) (VP do (VP affect (NP tooth formation) (PP to (NP a large extent))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (ADVP Fortunately) (PP through (NP our growth studies)) (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ nature) (VP does (NP *T*-1))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP helps (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This knowledge) (VP both modifies and dictates (NP diagnosis and treatment)) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP example)) , (NP-SBJ a boy) (VP may (VP (VP inherit (NP-1 a small jaw) (PP-2 from (NP one ancestor))) and (VP (NP=1 large teeth) (PP=2 from (NP another))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the past)) (NP-SBJ-2 an orthodontist) (VP might (VP have (VP tried , (PP-TMP over (NP (QP four or five) years)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP straighten and fit (NP (NP the boy 's) large teeth) (PP into (NP (NP a jaw) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) , (S (PP despite (NP some growth)) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP accommodate (NP them))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ a dentist) (VP can (VP recommend (NP extraction) (ADVP immediately))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP other cases)) , (PP in (NP (NP view) (PP of (NP (NP present-day knowledge) (PP of (NP head growth)))))) , (NP-SBJ orthodontists) (VP will (VP recommend (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP waiting (NP-TMP (QP four or five) years) (PP-TMP before (NP treatment)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The child) (VP is (VP kept (NP *-1) (PP on (NP call))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the orthodontist) (VP watches (NP the growth))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Nature) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP takes (NP care) (PP of (NP the problem)))) '' , (VP says (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Dr. Brodie) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP A child) (PP with (NP (NP a certain type) (PP of (NP head and teeth))))) (VP will (VP outgrow (NP tooth deformity))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-3 why) (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Brodie) (VP asks (NP-1 parents) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP insist , (PP against (NP (NP their dentist 's) advice)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ their child) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 orthodontic work) (VP done (NP *-2) (ADVP-TMP too early))))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP-PRP Both because of (NP (NP (NP (NP our culture 's) stress) (PP on (NP beauty))) and (NP our improved economic conditions))) , (NP-SBJ some parents) (VP demand (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the dentist) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP correct (NP a problem) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD wise) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (ADVP so)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ the orthodontist) (VP decide (NP (NP the proper time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP start (NP treatment) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP urges (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Superior new material) (PP for (NP orthodontic work))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP another result) (PP of (NP research)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Plastics) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP easier (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP handle (NP *T*-1)))))) (PP than (NP (NP the vulcanized rubber) (VP (ADVP-TMP formerly) used (NP *))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP save (NP time and money))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Plaster) (PP of (NP Paris)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP once) utilized (NP *) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP (NP impressions) (PP of (NP teeth)))))))) , (VP has (VP been (VP replaced (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP alginates) (PRN -LRB- (NP gelatin-like material) -RRB-)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP work (UCP (ADVP-MNR quickly and accurately) and (PP with (NP (NP least discomfort) (PP to (NP a child))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Prevention) (VP is (ADJP-PRD best) (PP as (NP a rule)))) , (ADVP (ADVP the earlier) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 general dental treatment) (VP is (VP started (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (ADJP-PRD-TPC-3 the (ADJP (ADJP less expensive) and (ADJP more satisfactory))) (NP-SBJ-4 it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ (NP your child 's) baby teeth) (VP are all (ADVP-PRD in)))) (PRN -- (ADVP-TMP usually) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP (QP two and one half to three))))) --) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP time) (PP for (NP that first dental appointment))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Dr. Brodie) (VP advises (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ *) (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ your youngster) (VP has (NP a routine checkup) (ADVP-TMP once (NP a year)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP help (VP prevent (NP-2 orthodontic problems) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP arising))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 your dentist) (VP can (VP do (NP (NP these things) : (S (NP-SBJ-3 He) (VP can (VP correct (NP decay) , (S-ADV (ADVP thus) (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP preventing (NP (NP early loss) (PP of (NP teeth))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ a child) (VP does (VP lose (NP his first teeth) (ADVP prematurely) (PP-PRP because of (NP decay)))))) -- and (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-1 no preventive steps) (VP are (VP taken (NP *-1))))) --) (NP-SBJ the other teeth) (VP may (VP (VP shift (PP out (PP of (NP position)))) , (VP become (ADJP-PRD overcrowded and malformed)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP turn)) (NP-SBJ-1 the other teeth) (VP are (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP decay)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 food particles) (VP may (VP become (VP impacted (NP *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (PP From (NP time)) (PP to (NP time))) (NP-SBJ the medium) (VP (VP mentions (NP (NP other people) `` (PP-LOC around (NP him)) '' , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were `` (PP-PRD on (NP the other side)) ''))))) , and (VP reports (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP saying (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP After (NP a while)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP come (NP initials and names))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD interested (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (NP some (ADJP rather unusual) family nicknames))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the hour) (VP progresses))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the sensitive) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP probe (ADVP-MNR more deeply))) and (VP to (VP make (NP more (ADJP personal and specific) statements)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP a few prognoses) (PP of (NP coming events)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another medium) , (NP another sitter)) , (VP would (VP produce (NP a (ADJP somewhat different) content)))) , but (S (PP in (ADJP general)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP sound (PP (ADVP much) like (NP the foregoing reading))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some mediums) (VP speak (PP in (NP practical , down-to-earth terms)) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ others) (VP may (VP stress (NP the spiritual)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Not all) , (PP as (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ themselves) (NP-PRD `` (NP mediums) '' (PP in (NP (NP the sense) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP receiving (NP (NP messages) (PP from (NP the deceased))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ-1 some sensitives) (VP rule (NP this) (PRT out) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP preferring (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP consider (NP their expression) (PP as (NP (NP (NP strictly extra-sensory perception) (PRN -LRB- (NP ESP) -RRB-)) , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP this side) (PP of (NP the `` veil '')))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-1 However) (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP may (VP be (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 people) (VP are (VP known (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go (PP to (NP mediums)) (PP-PRP for (NP diverse reasons))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP are (VP mourning (NP a recent death))) and (VP want (UCP (NP comfort) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP feel (PP in (NP (NP touch) (PP with (NP the deceased))))))))) , or (VP seek (NP (NP indications) (PP for (NP future plans))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP may , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP be (NP-PRD curiosity seekers)))) -- or (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP may (ADVP just) (VP be (ADJP-PRD interested (PP in (NP (NP the phenomenon) (PP of (NP mediumship)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The mediums) (SBAR (WHPP-2 with (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ the Parapsychology Foundation) (VP is (VP working (PP in (NP this experiment)) (PP *T*-2)))))) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP a (ADJP (ADJP waking) or (ADJP (ADVP only slightly) dissociated)) state)) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ the sitter) (VP can (VP (VP (VP make (NP comments)) , (VP ask and answer (NP questions))) , (CONJP instead of) (VP talking (PP with (NP (NP a `` control '') (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP speaks (PP through (NP an entranced sensitive))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP *T*-1) (ADVP here)))) (VP is (PP in (NP some ways)) (PP-PRD (ADVP more) like (NP an ordinary conversation))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (ADVP really) (NP-PRD only a conversation)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Many a sitter) (PRN -LRB- (PP in (NP a personal sitting)) -RRB-) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD amazed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the medium) (VP was (VP describing (ADVP-MNR very vividly) (NP (NP his state) (PP of (NP mind))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) (NP himself)) (VP might not (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD really aware (PP of (NP his own mood))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP latent) , (ADJP unspecified) , (ADJP semi-conscious) and (ADJP (ADVP only partly) realized)) -- (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP described (NP it) (PP to (NP him)))))))) ! !)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 Most striking) (ADVP indeed) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ this beyond-normal ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP put (NP a finger) (PP on (NP `` pre-conscious '' moods)))) and (VP to (VP clarify (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (PP in (NP (NP the next visit) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ the researcher) (VP made (NP *T*-1)))) (PP to (NP the medium)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP receive (NP a personal reading))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Instead) (NP-SBJ he) (VP brought (PP with (NP him)) (NP (NP the names) (PP of (NP (NP some people) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP never) (VP met (NP *T*-1))))) and (SBAR (WHPP-2 of (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ the medium) (VP knew (NP (NP nothing) (PP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ-1 this) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a `` proxy sitting '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP was (VP noted (NP *-2) (ADVP-TMP earlier))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD important) (SBAR-1 that (S (PP in (NP (NP valid , objective study) (PP of (NP (NP this sort) (PP of (NP communication)))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 the interested sitter) (VP should (VP be (VP separated (NP *-3) (PP from (NP the sensitive)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dr. Karlis Osis) , (NP (NP Director) (PP of (NP Research)) (PP-LOC at (NP the Parapsychology Foundation)))) , (VP described (NP (NP the basis) (PP for (NP the experiment))) (PP in (NP (NP a (NAC-TTL tomorrow) article) , (PRN -LRB- (NP `` (NP-TTL (NP New Research) (PP On (NP (NP Survival) (PP-TMP After (NP Death))))) '' , (NP Spring 1958)) -RRB-)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remarked : `` (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP has (VP been (ADVP-MNR clearly) (VP established (NP *-3) (SBAR-2 that (S (PP in (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP instances)))) (NP-SBJ-1 the message) (VP (VP did not (VP come (PP from (NP a spirit)))) but (VP was (VP received (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR telepathically) (PP by (NP-LGS the medium)) (PP from (NP the sitter))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 The possibility (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP ruled (NP *-4) (PRT out))))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the medium 's) ESP) (VP may (VP tap (NP the memory (PP of (NP the sitter))))))))) , and (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP this)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the two central characters) (PP in (NP this drama))) (VP must (VP be (VP separated (NP *-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-MNR-SBJ (NP One way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP this) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) (VP is (PP-PRD by (NP `` (NP proxy sittings) '' , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 wherein) (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the person) (VP seeking (NP a message))) (VP (VP does not (NP-ADV himself) (VP meet (PP with (NP the medium)))) but (VP is (VP represented (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a substitute) , (NP the proxy sitter))))) (ADVP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the latter) (VP knows (NP (NP nothing) (PP about (NP the absent sitter)) (PP except (NP (NP his name) (PRN -LRB- (VP given (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the experimenter))) -RRB-))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP can not (ADVP possibly) (VP (VP give (NP (NP any clues) , (ADJP conscious or unconscious))) , (VP (ADVP far less) ask (NP leading questions)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP an (ADJP objective and careful) questioner) , (VP seeking (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (NP the sensitive) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP clarifying (NP *RNR*-2)) and (VP making (S (NP-SBJ *RNR*-2) (ADJP-PRD more specific))) (NP-2 her paranormal impressions))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (PP in (NP these experiments)) (NP-SBJ-1 `` appointment sittings '') (VP are (VP used (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Here) (NP-SBJ-2 the absent sitter) (VP makes (NP (NP a `` date '') (PP with (NP (NP a communicator) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP someone) (ADJP close (PP to (NP him))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD deceased))))) -RRB-)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP asking (NP-3 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to `` (VP come (ADVP in) '' (PP-TMP at (NP (NP a certain hour) , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ a channel) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD open (PP for (NP him))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this case)) (NP-SBJ the proxy sitter) (VP will (VP know (NP (NP (NP only the name) (PP of (NP the communicator))) , (NP (NP nothing) (ADVP else))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gives (NP this) (PP-DTV to (NP the medium)) (PP-TMP at (NP the appointed time)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the reading) (ADVP then) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP with (NP (NP (NP material) (PP about (NP *RNR*-1))) or (NP messages (PP from (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 the communicator))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (ADVP always)) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a tape recording) or (NP detailed notes)) (VP are (VP made (NP *-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a typescript) (PP of (NP this))) (VP is (VP sent (NP *-2) (PP-DTV to (NP the absent sitter))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ this proxy situation) (VP has (VP set (PRT up) (NP (NP (ADVP at least) a partial barrier) (PP between (NP (NP (NP the medium 's) ESP) and (NP (NP the absent sitter 's) mind)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP-PRD harder) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assume (NP telepathy) (PP as (NP (NP a basis) (PP for (NP the statements))))))) -- (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ research) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP does not (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 (WHADVP how far) afield) (S (NP-SBJ ESP) (VP can (VP range (ADVP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ the original absent sitter) (VP must (VP decide (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ the statements) (VP are (ADJP-PRD meaningful (PP to (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Here) (ADVP again) (NP-SBJ-2 laboratory approaches) (VP are (VP being (VP evolved (NP *-2) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (VP recognized (NP *-3) (SBAR-1 (SBAR (WHADJP-4 how `` elastic '') (S (NP-SBJ these readings) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD *T*-4))))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-6 how) (S (NP-SBJ-5 they) (VP (VP can (VP apply (PP to (NP many people)))) , and (VP are (ADVP-TMP often) (VP stated (NP *-5) (PP in (NP (NP general terms) (VP (ADVP all too easily) applied (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP any individual 's) own case))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-6)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP look (PP at (NP (NP a reading) (VP meant (NP *) (PP for (NP (NP someone) (ADVP else))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (ADVP probably) (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP many) (PP of (NP the items))) (VP could (VP be (VP considered (NP *-1) (PP as (ADJP applicable (PP to (NP you)))) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were not (PP-PRD in (NP the picture)) (ADVP at all) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ An interested sitter) (VP may (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the sensitive) (VP has (VP made (NP a `` hit '') , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP describing (NP something) (ADVP-MNR accurately) (PP for (NP him))))))))))) , but (SQ can (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP really) (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 another sitter) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP hearing (NP the same statement))) , (VP would not (VP apply (NP it) (ADVP-MNR subjectively) (PP to (NP his own circumstances)))))))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is , (PP of (NP course)) , (ADJP-PRD easy) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ `` J '') (VP will (VP mean (NP (NP (NP Uncle Jack) (PP to (NP one person))) and (NP (NP little Jane) (PP to (NP another)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ `` (NP A journey) '' , `` (NP a little white house) '' , `` (NP (NP a change) (PP of (NP outlook))) '') , (VP can (VP apply (PP to (NP many people)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-2 even (ADJP more complex) items) (VP can (VP be (VP interpreted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP conform (PP to (NP (NP (NP one 's) own point) (PP of (NP view)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (PP by (NP nature)) (ADJP-PRD so personal)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One sitter) (VP may (VP think (SBAR 0 (S `` (NP-SBJ a leather couch) '' (VP identifies (NP a reading) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP surely) (VP directed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP him))))))))))) ; ; (S (PP to (NP another)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP seems (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP nobody) (PP but (NP his father))) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP used (NP (NP the phrase) , (INTJ `` Atta boy '' ! !))))))))) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP get (PP around (NP this (ADJP quite difficult) corner))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP one first aid) (PP to (NP objectiveness))) : (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP prevent (NP the distant sitter) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP knowing (SBAR (WHNP-1 which reading) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD for (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP is not (VP told (NP *-2) (SBAR (WHNP-3 (WHNP which) (PP of (NP (QP four or five) readings))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP was (VP meant (NP *-1) (PP for (NP him)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (ADVP-MNR more readily) (VP assess (NP each item) (PP in (NP (NP a larger frame) : `` (SQ Does (NP-SBJ that statement) (ADVP really) (VP sound (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (UCP-PRD (PP for (NP me)) , (ADJP significant (PP in (NP my particular life)))))))) ? ?))))))) (TOP (SQ Or am (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP taking (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (ADVP really) (VP apply (PP to (NP almost anybody)))))))) , and (VP forgetting (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ many other people) (ADVP probably) (VP have (VP had (NP a similar experience))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Conversely) , (NP-SBJ experimenters) (VP would (VP consider (PP as (ADJP impressive)) (NP (NP such statements) (PP as (NP (NP (NP the following) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD hits))))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so unusual) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD really significant)))))))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP four children) , (NP (NP two sets) (PP of (NP twins))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD a lawyer) (PP-TMP for (NP twenty-five years))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP started (VP studying (PP for (NP the ministry)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Part) (PP of (NP his house))) (VP had (VP been (VP moved (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the other side) (PP of (NP the road))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP died (PP of (NP typhoid)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1921))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-7 (NP Methods) (PP *ICH*-3)) (VP have (VP been (VP developed (NP *-7) (PP-3 of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP assigning `` (NP weights) '' (PP to (NP statements))))))))) ; ; (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) , (NP-SBJ-8 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-6)) (VP is (VP known (NP *-8) (ADVP-MNR empirically) (SBAR-6 (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP names) (VP beginning (PP with (NP R)))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more common) (PP than (NP (NP those) (VP beginning (PP with (NP Z))))))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-9 fewer women) (VP are (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *-9) (NP-PRD (NP Miranda) (PP than (NP Elizabeth)))))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (PP-LOC in (NP the United States)) (NP-SBJ more people) (VP die (PP of (NP heart disease)) (PP than (PP of (NP smallpox)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (S (NP-SBJ-1 each reading) (VP can (VP be (VP given (NP *-1) (NP-2 a weight))))) and (S (NP=1 each reading) (NP=2 a score)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP adding (PRT up) (NP these weights)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Specific dates) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD important) , (SBAR-ADV as (SINV would (NP-SBJ double names) (VP *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Various categories) (VP have (VP been (VP explored (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (PP about (NP (NP these `` empirical probabilities '') (SBAR (WHPP-2 against (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP measure (NP the readings) (PP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the parapsychology foundation 's) long-range experiment)) , (NP-SBJ-1 readings) (VP are (VP made (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a variety) (PP of (NP sensitives)))) (PP for (NP (NP a large number) (PP of (NP cooperating sitters)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP throw (NP light) (PP on (NP (NP this question) (PP of (NP (NP the significance) (PP of (NP mediumistic statements))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-8)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD very important) (ADVP indeed) , (PP in (NP (NP (NP the field) (PP of (NP extra-sensory perception))) and (NP (NP its relation) (PP to (NP the survival hypothesis))))) , (S-8 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ the statements) (VP are (ADVP actually) (ADVP only) (NP-PRD (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (S (NP-SBJ any intuitive person) (VP might (VP venture (NP *T*-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ an eager sitter) (VP attach (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP himself)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Or , (PP on (NP the other hand)) , are (NP-SBJ-2 (NP unlikely facts) (NP *ICH*-3)) (VP being (VP stated (NP *-2) , (NP-3 (NP facts) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (PP in (NP themselves)) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP significant) and not (ADJP easily applicable (PP to (NP everybody)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the experiments) (VP are (VP designed (NP-3 *-2) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP find (NP *T*-1) (PRT out)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 the sitting) (VP has (VP been (VP held (NP *-1)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 several readings) (PP-TMP at (NP one time)) (VP are (VP mailed (NP *-2)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the distant sitter) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP-4 (WHNP whose name) or (WHNP (WHNP whose communicator 's) name)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-4) (VP was (VP given (NP *-3) (PP-DTV to (NP the medium)))))) -RRB-)) (VP must (VP mark (NP each little item) (PP as (FRAG (FRAG (ADJP Correct) (PRN -LRB- (NP Hit) -RRB-)) , (FRAG (ADJP Incorrect) (PRN -LRB- (NP Miss) -RRB-)) , (FRAG (ADJP Doubtful)) , or (FRAG (ADJP Especially Significant) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP applying (PP (PP to (NP him)) and (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP feels)) ,) not (PP to (NP (NP anyone) (ADVP else)))))) -RRB-))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP is (VP required (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP mark (NP every item))) and (VP to (VP indicate (SBAR (WHNP-2 which reading) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP feels (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADVP actually) (NP-PRD his))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 All these evaluations) (VP are (ADVP then) (VP (VP totted (NP *-1) (PRT up)) and (VP tabulated (NP *-1) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP adding (PRT up) (NP the Hits and Significants)))) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-2 the weight) (VP placed (NP *-2) (PP on (NP (NP those) (PP in (NP (NP the sitter 's) own reading)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ That) (VP is)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP marks (PP as (FRAG (ADJP most correct))) (NP (NP a reading) (VP not meant (NP *) (PP for (NP him))))))) , (NP-SBJ the total experimental score) (VP falls) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Conversely) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP gives (NP a heavy rating) (PP-DTV to (NP his own reading))) , and (VP finds (NP (NP more accurate facts) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP it)) (PP-1 than (PP in (NP the others))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 a point) (VP is (VP chalked (NP *-2) (PRT up) (PP for (NP (NP the intrinsic , objective meaningfulness) (PP of (NP (NP this type) (PP of (NP mediumistic material)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD some positive results) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the final findings) (VP will not (VP be (VP known (NP *-1) (PP-TMP for (NP a long time)))))) -- (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ-2 further research) (VP can (VP be (VP formulated (NP *-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP another approach) (PP to (NP the same procedure)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the content) (PP of (NP the readings))) (VP is (VP analyzed (NP *-1) (SBAR-PRP so as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the particular medium) (VP is (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP slant (NP her statements) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Does (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP speak (PP (PP of (NP locations)) , (PP of (NP (NP cause) (PP of (NP death)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Does (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-MNR accurately) (VP give (NP (NP dates) , (NP ages) , (NP (NP kind) (PP of (NP occupation))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD possible) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which categories)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP her correct statements))) (VP fall (PP *T*-2)))) , and (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP makes (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP her `` hits ''))) (ADVP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) , (S (PRN (S (ADVP-MNR so) (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP speak))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the cream) (VP has (VP been (VP-3 skimmed (NP *-1) (PRT off))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1-2 (NP the items) (PP in (NP the successful categories))) (VP=3 separated (NP *-2) (PRT out))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))) , (NP-SBJ-5 the sitter) (VP can (VP be (VP asked (NP-6 *-5) (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP consider and rate (NP (NP only this concentrated `` cream '') , (SBAR (WHADVP-7 where) (S (NP-SBJ the sensitive) (VP is (PP-PRD at (NP her best)) (ADVP *T*-7))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mediumistic impressions) (VP (VP are (ADVP evidently) (PP-PRD of (NP all sorts))) and (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP involve (NP all the senses)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD cold))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ the medium) (VP says (S *T*-1))) ,) or `` (S (NP-SBJ My leg) (VP aches)) '' , `` (S (NP-SBJ My head) (VP is (ADJP-PRD heavy))) '' .)) (TOP (S Or (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ she) (VP hears (NP (NP words or sounds) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP such a noise) (PP of (NP loud machinery))))) '' , or `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ a child) (VP crying)))) '' , or `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP 're all (UCP-PRD (ADVP-LOC here) and (ADJP glad (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP you)))))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ an entire scene) (VP comes (PP into (NP consciousness)) , (PP with (NP (NP action and motion) , or (NP (NP a static view) : `` (NP (NP a house) (PP-LOC under (NP a pine tree)) , (PP with (NP (NP a little stone path) (VP going (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the door))))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The sensitive) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP smell (NP definite odors) , (ADVP too))))) , or (VP (ADVP-MNR subjectively) feels (NP emotions))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP displays (NP amazing eidetic imagery)) and (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP all details) (PP in (NP perspective)) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ the scene) (VP were (ADVP actually) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP pressed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the sitter)) (PP for (NP more detail))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP bring (NP the picture) (PP (ADVP more) into (NP focus))) and (VP see (ADVP-MNR more sharply)))))) , (SBAR-ADV (ADVP almost) as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (ADVP-MNR physically) (VP going (ADVP-LOC closer))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (VP asked (NP *-2) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP gets (NP her impressions) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (ADVP probably) (VP can (ADVP only) (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) `` (ADVP just) (VP (VP gets (NP-4 them)) '' -- (VP (NP=4 some) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP more vividly) (PP than (NP others))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ this) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD so extraordinary) (ADVP after all)) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Even) in (NP normal experience)) (NP-SBJ-2 one) (VP gets (NP (NP impressions) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP knowing (ADVP exactly how)))) -- (PP-1 (PP of (NP atmosphere)) , (PP of (NP (NP one another 's) personalities , moods , intentions)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an element) (PP of (NP training))) (ADVP here))) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 these gifted people) , (PP by (NP concentration , study , guidance)) , (VP have (VP learned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP develop (NP their power))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Simply) (VP using (NP it))) (VP increases (NP its intensity))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)) (PP by (NP-LGS one sensitive)))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor does (NP-SBJ a medium) (ADVP-MNR automatically) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP interpret (NP her imagery) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Impressions) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP (VP appear (PP in (NP a symbolic form))) and (VP can not (VP be (VP taken (NP *-1) (PP at (NP face value)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP apparently) (PP-PRD by (NP symbols)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the unconscious) (VP speaks (PP to (NP the conscious))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the medium) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP translate (NP these) (PP into (NP meaning))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP communication) (PP with (NP (NP an entity) (PP on (NP the `` other side ''))))) (VP is (VP taking (NP place))))) , (NP-SBJ this) (ADVP too) (VP may (VP assume (NP (NP the form) (PP of (NP clairvoyant symbolism))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP one reading)) (NP-SBJ (NP an image) (PP *ICH*-3)) (VP appeared (PP-3 of (NP (NP a prisoner) (PP in (NP irons))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ this) (VP did not (ADVP necessarily) (VP refer (PP to (NP an actual jail))))) ; ; (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP taken (NP *-1) (PP with (NP other details)))) (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP could (VP have (VP referred (PP to (NP (NP a state) (PP of (NP (ADJP mental or spiritual) confinement)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this connection)) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD worth (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP noting))) (SBAR-1 (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ-2 names) (VP are (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP obtained (NP *-2) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP are (ADVP-TMP often) (VP heard (NP *-2) (ADVP-MNR clairaudiently) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ a voice) (VP were (VP speaking (NP them))))))))) , (PP in (NP other cases)) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP apprehended (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR visually) (PP as (NP (NP symbols) : (FRAG (NP (NP a slope) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP signify (NP (NP the name) `` (NP Hill) '')))))) , (PP for (NP instance))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One medium) (VP (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ two sheets) (VP flapping (PP-LOC on (NP a line))))) and (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the name) (NP Shietz)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD significant (PP to (NP the sitter)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Farming) (VP is (ADJP-PRD confining)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The farmer 's) life) (VP must (VP be (VP arranged (NP-2 *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP meet (NP (NP the demands) (PP of (NP crops and livestock))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Livestock) (VP must (VP be (VP tended (NP *-1) (NP-TMP every day) , (ADVP-MNR routinely)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A slight change) (PP in (NP the work schedule))) (VP may (VP cut (NP (NP the production) (PP of (NP cows or chickens))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD no livestock)))) , (NP-SBJ the farmer) (VP can not (VP leave (NP the farm) (PP-TMP for (NP long periods)) , (PP-TMP (ADVP particularly) during (NP the growing season)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The worker) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lives (PP-LOC on (NP a farm)))))) (VP can not (VP change (NP jobs) (ADVP readily))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP can not (VP leave (NP the farm) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP work) (PP-LOC in (NP another locality)))))) (PP on (NP short notice))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ such a move) (VP may (VP mean (NP (NP a loss) (PP of (NP capital)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hard physical labor) and (NP undesirable hours)) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP a part) (PP of (NP life)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The farmer) (VP must (VP (VP get (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP early)) , and , (VP (PP-TMP at (NP times)) , work (ADVP-TMP late (PP at (NP night)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Frequently) (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP work (NP long hours) (PP-LOC in (NP the (NX (NX hot sun) or (NX cold rain)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP No matter (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how well) (S (NP-SBJ-1 work) (VP is (VP planned (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP bad weather) or (NP unexpected setbacks)) (VP can (VP cause (NP (NP extra work) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP must (VP be (VP caught (NP *-4) (PRT up))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP may not (VP be (ADJP-PRD profitable) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ a part-time farmer) (VP to (VP own (NP (NP the labor-saving machinery) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ a full-time farmer) (VP can (VP invest (PP in (NP *T*-2)) (ADVP-MNR profitably)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Production) (VP may (VP fall (PP (ADVP far) below (NP expectations)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Drought , hail , disease , and insects) (VP take (NP (NP their toll) (PP of (NP crops)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Sickness or loss) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the livestock))))) (VP may (VP cut (PP (PP into (NP (NP the owner 's) earnings)) , (PP (ADVP even) into (NP his capital))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Returns) (PP for (NP (NP money and labor) (VP invested (NP *))))) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD small) (PP-TMP (ADVP even) in (NP a good year)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The high cost) (PP of (NP land , supplies , and labor))) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (ADJP-PRD difficult) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP farm (ADVP-MNR profitably) (PP on (NP a part-time basis))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Land) (PP-LOC within (NP (NP commuting distance) (PP of (NP a growing city))))) (VP (VP is (ADVP-TMP usually) (ADJP-PRD high (PP in (NP price)))) , (VP (ADJP-PRD higher) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (NP subdivision possibilities)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Part-time farmers) (ADVP generally) (VP must (VP pay (NP (NP higher prices) (PP for (NP supplies)) (PP than (NP full-time farmers))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP buy (PP in (NP smaller quantities))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the farm) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP an industrial area) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ wages) (VP are (ADJP-PRD high) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ farm labor costs) (VP will (ADVP also) (VP be (ADJP-PRD high))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 A part-time farmer) (VP needs (NP unusual skill) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP (ADJP as high) production) (PP (PP per (NP hen)) , (PP per (NP cow)) , or (PP per (NP acre))) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP can (VP be (VP obtained (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a competent full-time farmer)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP will (ADVP-TMP frequently) (VP be (ADJP-PRD uneconomical) (SBAR-3 for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP own (NP the most up-to-date equipment))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP may (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP depend (PP upon (NP custom service)) (PP for (NP (NP specialized operations) , (PP such as (NP spraying or threshing)))))))))) , and (S (PP for (NP these)) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP may (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP wait (NP his turn))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP losses) (VP caused (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP emergencies) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP arise (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP away) at (NP his off-farm job)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The farm) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD an additional burden) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 the main job) (VP is (VP lost (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-ADV whether (S (NP-SBJ-1 the farm) (VP is (VP owned or rented (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 the farm) (VP is (VP rented (NP *-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the rent) (VP must (VP be (VP paid (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP owned (NP *-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 taxes) (VP must (VP be (VP paid (NP *-2))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the place) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD free (PP of (NP mortgage)))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP interest and payments) (PP on (NP the principal)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Advantages)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A farm) (VP provides (NP (NP a (ADJP wholesome and healthful) environment) (PP for (NP children)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gives (NP them) (NP (NP (NP room) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP play (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) and (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP fresh air))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The children) (VP can (VP do (NP (NP chores) (VP adapted (NP *) (PP to (NP their age and ability)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Caring (PP for (NP (NP a calf) , (NP a pig) , or (NP some chickens))))) (VP develops (PP in (NP children)) (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP (NP responsibility) (PP for (NP work)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Part-time farming) (VP gives (NP (NP a measure) (PP of (NP security))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 the regular job) (VP is (VP lost (NP *-1))))) , (PP provided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 the farm) (VP (VP is (VP owned (NP *-2) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD free (PP of (NP debt)))))) and (VP furnishes (NP enough income (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP meet (NP (NP fixed expenses) and (NP minimum living costs)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP some retired persons)) , (NP-SBJ part-time farming) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a good way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP supplement (NP retirement income) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADJP-PRD particularly suitable (PP for (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP work or exercise (PP-LOC out (PP of (NP doors)))))) (PP for (NP their health))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Generally) , (NP-SBJ (NP the same level) (PP of (NP living))) (VP costs (NP (NP less) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC in (NP the country)) (PP-1 than (PP in (NP the city)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The savings) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as great) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) , (ADVP however) , (SBAR-2 as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP is (ADVP-TMP sometime) (VP supposed (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Usually) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the cost) (PP of (NP food and shelter))) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD-2 somewhat less) (PP-LOC on (NP the farm))))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1 (NP the cost) (PP of (NP transportation and utilities))) (ADJP-PRD=2 somewhat more)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP schools) , (NP fire and police protection) , and (NP similar municipal services)) (VP are (PP-PRD of (NP equal quality)) (PP-LOC in (NP city and country)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ real estate taxes) (VP are (ADVP-TMP usually) (ADVP about) (NP-PRD the same)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A part-time farmer) and (NP his family)) (VP can (VP use (NP their spare time) (ADVP-MNR profitably))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some persons) (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ (NP the work) (PP-LOC on (NP a farm))) (ADJP-PRD recreational))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP some white-collar workers)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP a welcome change) (PP from (NP the regular job))) , and (NP a physical conditioner))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Land , labor , and equipment) (VP needed (NP *)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Part-time farming) (VP can (VP take (NP (NP (ADJP comparatively little) land , labor , and equipment) -- or (NP a great deal)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP depends (PP on (NP (NP (NP the kind) and (NP the scale)) (PP of (NP the farming operation))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP General requirements) (PP for (NP land , labor , and equipment))) (VP are (VP discussed (NP *-1) (ADVP below))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Specific requirements) (PP for (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP (NP various types) (PP of (NP enterprises))))))) (VP are (VP discussed (NP *-1) (PP on (NP pages 8 to 14)))) .)) (TOP (NP Land)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (QP Three quarters to 1) acre) (PP of (NP good land))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD enough (PP (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP raising (NP (NP fruits and vegetables) (PP for (NP home use)))))) , and (PP for (NP (NP (NP a small flock) (PP of (NP chickens))) , (NP a cow) , and (NP two pigs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could not , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP raise (NP (NP feed) (PP for (NP the livestock))) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a plot) (ADJP this small))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP raise (NP feed)) or (VP carry (PRT out) (NP some enterprise) (PP on (NP a larger scale))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP need (NP more land))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (PP In (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP deciding (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how much) land) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 *) (VP take (PP into (NP account)) (NP (NP the amount) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-5 you) (VP 'll (VP need (NP *T*-2) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP bring (ADVP in) (NP (NP the income) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP expect (NP *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP But (NP-SBJ *) (VP consider (ADVP also) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how much)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP you) and (NP your family)) (VP can (VP keep (NP *T*-1) (PRT up) (PP along (PP with (NP your other work)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The cost) (PP of (NP land))) and (NP (NP the prospects) (PP for (NP (NP appreciation) (PP in (NP value)))))) (VP may (VP influence (NP your decision))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some part-time farmers) (VP buy (NP (NP more land) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP need (NP *?*))))) (PP in (NP (NP anticipation) (PP of (NP suburban development))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP highly speculative) venture)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ-1 a desired acreage) (VP is (VP offered (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP only) as (NP (NP part) (PP of (NP a larger tract)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ surplus land) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD expensive (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP buy (NP *T*-1))) or (VP to (VP keep (NP *T*-1) (PRT up))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADVP-TMP usually) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP better) (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP buy (NP it)))) (SBAR-4 than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP buy (NP (NP (ADJP so small) an acreage) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the development) (PP of (NP adjoining properties))) (VP might (VP impair (NP (NP the residential value) (PP of (NP the farm))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Labor)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP a year-round , full-time job)))) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP ca n't (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP grow (NP (NP (ADJP much more)) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ your family) (VP uses (NP *?*)))))))) -- (SBAR-ADV unless (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP other members) (PP of (NP the family))) (VP do (NP (NP a good deal) (PP of (NP the work))))) or (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP hire (NP help))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP a rule)) , (NP-SBJ part-time farmers) (VP hire (NP little help)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (PP In (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP deciding (PP on (NP (NP the enterprises) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-5) (VP to (VP be (VP managed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS family labor)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 *) (VP compare (NP (NP the amount) (PP of (NP labor)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP can (VP be (VP supplied (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the family)))))))) (PP with (NP (NP the labor needs) (PP of (NP (NP various enterprises) (VP listed (NP *) (PP in (NP table 1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP List (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP hours)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the family) (VP can (VP be (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP work (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP each month))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP may (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP include (NP your own regular vacation period)))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP one)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Do (ADVP-3 not) (VP include (NP-4 (NP all your spare time) or (NP all (NP your family 's) spare time)))) -- (VP (ADVP=3 only) (SBAR-NOM=4 (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP are (VP willing (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP use (NP *T*-2) (PP for (NP farm work))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Equipment)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP are (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP produce (PP for (NP home use)) (ADVP only)))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP need (ADVP only) (NP hand tools))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP will (ADVP probably) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hire (NP-3 someone) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP the plowing))))))) , (ADVP however))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP larger plantings)) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP need (NP (NP some kind) (PP of (NP power)) (PP for (NP plowing , harrowing , disking , and cultivating))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP a planting) (PP of (NP half an acre (QP or more))))))) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP may (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP buy (NP (NP a small garden tractor) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP available (PP for (NP (NP (NP (QP $ 300 to $ 500) *U*) (PP with (NP attachments))) , (NP 1960 prices)))) -RRB-))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ These tractors) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD entirely satisfactory (PP for (NP plowing))) , (PP-LOC (ADVP particularly) on (NP heavier soils)))) , so (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP may (ADVP still) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hire (NP-3 someone) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP the plowing)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Cost) (PP of (NP power and machinery))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP often) (NP-PRD (NP a serious problem) (PP to (NP the small-scale farmer)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP are (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP farm (PP for (NP extra cash income)) (PP on (NP a part-time basis))))))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP must (VP keep (PP in (NP mind)) (NP the needed machinery investments) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP choose (PP among (NP farm enterprises)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 You) (VP can (VP keep (NP your machinery investment) (PRT down) (PP (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP buying (NP good secondhand machinery)))) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sharing (NP (NP the cost and upkeep) (PP of (NP machinery))) (PP with (NP a neighbor))))) , and (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP hiring (NP-3 (NP someone) (PP with (NP machinery))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP certain jobs)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP an (ADJP expensive and specialized) piece) (PP of (NP machinery)) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP is (VP needed (NP *-3) -- (PP-1 such as (NP (NP a spray rig) , (NP a combine) , or (NP a binder))) --)))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD better) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP-4 (NP someone) (PP with (NP a machine))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP do (NP the work)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP Selecting (NP a farm)))) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP look (PP for (NP a farm))))) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 'll (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (UCP (NP (LST -LRB- 1 -RRB-) (NP the kind and scale) (PP of (NP farming)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP undertake (NP *T*-3)))))))) ; ; and (SBAR (LST -LRB- 2 -RRB-) whether (S (NP-SBJ-4 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP buy or rent)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Information) (PP on (NP pages 8 to 14))) (VP may (VP help (NP-1 you) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP deciding (PP on (NP (NP the kind and scale) (PP of (NP your farming venture))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD well acquainted (PP with (NP (NP the area) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP locate (PP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))))) , or (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP you) and (NP your family)) (VP will (VP (VP like (NP *RNR*-3)) and (VP make (NP a success) (PP of (NP *RNR*-3))) (NP-3 farming)))))))))) , (ADVP-TMP usually) (NP-SBJ-4 you) (VP would (VP do (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP rent (NP a place) (PP-TMP for (NP a year (QP or two))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP buy)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-1 Discussed (NP *-2) (ADVP below)) (VP are (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the main things) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP for (NP *T*-3)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP select (NP a part-time farm) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Location) (NP (NP nearness) (PP to (NP work))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP -- (NP-SBJ *) (VP Choose (NP (NP a location) (PP-LOC within (NP (NP easy commuting distance) (PP of (NP both (NP the regular job) and (NP other employment opportunities))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP change (NP jobs)))) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP wo n't (ADVP necessarily) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sell (NP the farm)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The presence) (PP of (NP alternative job opportunities))) (ADVP also) (VP will (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the place) (ADJP-PRD easier (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sell (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP should (VP become (ADJP-PRD desirable))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Obviously) (NP-SBJ the farm) (VP should (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP an all-weather road)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Nearness) (PP to (NP markets)) .)) (TOP (S -- (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP grow (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sell (NP *T*-1))))))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP need (NP (NP markets) (ADVP-LOC nearby)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP plan (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sell (NP (NP fresh vegetables) or (NP whole milk)))))))) , (PP for (NP example)) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP should (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD close (PP to (NP a town or city))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Kind) (PP of (NP neighborhood)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP -- (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP for (NP (NP a farm) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a neighborhood) (PP of (NP well-kept homes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD slums) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP the country)) (CONJP as well as) (PP in (NP the city)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Few rural areas) (VP are (VP protected (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS zoning)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A tavern) , (NP filling station) , (NP junk yard) , (NP rendering plant) , or (NP some other business)) (VP may (VP go (PRT up) (ADVP-LOC near enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP hurt (NP your home))) or (VP to (VP hurt (NP its value)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Facilities) (PP-LOC in (NP the area)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP -- (NP-SBJ *) (VP Check (PP on (NP (NP (NP the schools) (PP-LOC in (NP the area))) , (NP (NP the quality) (PP of (NP teaching))) , and (NP (NP the provision) (PP for (NP (NP transportation) (PP to and from (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Find (PRT out) (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP fire protection) , (NP sewage system) , (NP gas) , (NP water mains) , and (NP electrical lines)) (VP are (ADJP-PRD available) (PP-LOC in (NP the locality)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ these facilities) (VP are not (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP the door))))) , (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (NP them))) (VP may (VP cost (NP (NP more) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP expect (NP *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP may (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP provide (NP them) (NP-ADV yourself)) or (VP get (ADVP along) (PP without (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can not (VP get (ADVP along) (PP without (NP (NP an adequate supply) (PP of (NP pure water)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP considering (NP (NP a part-time farm) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the water) (VP must (VP be (VP provided (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a well)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP find (PRT out) (UCP (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD a good well) (PP-LOC on (NP the farm))))) or (NP (NP the probable cost) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ-3 one) (VP drilled (NP *-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A pond) (VP may (VP provide (NP (NP adequate water) (PP for (NP livestock and garden))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pond water) (VP can (VP be (VP filtered (NP *-1) (PP for (NP human use)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 most part-time farmers) (VP would not (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go (PP to (NP (ADJP so much) trouble)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The following amounts) (PP of (NP water))) (VP are (VP needed (NP *-1) (PP-TMP per (NP day)) (PP for (NP (NP livestock) and (NP domestic uses))))) .)) (TOP (NP Topography and soil)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ the land) (ADJP-PRD suited (PP to (NP (NP the crops) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP intend (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP raise (NP *T*-2)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP tell)))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP get (NP help) (PP from (NP (NP your county agricultural agent) or (NP other local specialist)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Soil type) , (NP drainage) , or (NP (NP degree) (PP of (NP slope)))) (VP can (VP make (NP (NP the difference) (PP between (NP (NP good crops) and (NP poor ones)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Small areas) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP are n't (ADJP-PRD right (PP for (NP a certain crop))))))) (VP may (VP lie (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP (NP areas) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP are (ADJP-PRD well suited (PP to (NP that crop))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP The house)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ (NP the house) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP any part-time farm) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP considering (NP *T*-1)))))))) (VP make (NP a satisfactory full-time residence)) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHADJP How much)) (SQ will (NP-SBJ it) (VP cost (NP *T*-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP any necessary modernizing and redecorating)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ-2 the house) (VP is not (VP wired (NP *-2) (ADVP-MNR adequately) (PP for (NP electricity)))))) or (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP plumbing) or (NP a central heating system)) (VP must (VP be (VP installed (NP *-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP check (PP into (NP (NP the cost) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP these improvements))))))) .)) (TOP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP Buying (NP a farm)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The value) (PP of (NP the farm)) (PP to (NP you))) (VP will (VP depend (PP on -- (NP (NP Its worth) (PP as (NP (NP a place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The value) (PP of (NP (NP the products) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP raise (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The possibilities) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP selling (NP the property) (ADVP-TMP later on) (PP for (NP suburban subdivision))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Decide (ADVP-TMP first) (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ the place) (VP is (ADJP-PRD worth (NP *T*-2)) (PP to (NP (NP you) and (NP your family))) (PP as (NP a home))))) (PP in (NP (NP comparison) (PP with (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP cost (NP *T*-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP town))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (PP into (NP account)) (NP (NP the difference) (PP in (NP (NP city and county taxes , insurance rates , utility rates) , and (NP (NP the cost) (PP of (NP (NP travel) (PP to (NP work))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP Next) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP estimate (NP (NP the value) (PP of (NP (NP possible earnings) (PP of (NP the farm)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP do (NP this)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP set (PRT up) (NP (NP a plan) (PP on (NP paper)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP operating (NP the farm)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP List (NP (NP the kind and quantity) (PP of (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the farm) (VP can (VP be (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP produce (NP *T*-2) (PP-TMP in (NP an average year)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Estimate (NP (NP the value) (PP of (NP the produce)) (PP at (NP normal prices)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The total) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the probably gross income) (PP from (NP farming)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP find (NP estimated net farm income)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP subtract (NP estimated annual farming expenditures) (PP from (NP (NP probable gross income) (PP from (NP farming))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Include (PP as (NP expenditures)) (NP (NP an allowance) (PP for (NP (NP depreciation) (PP of (NP (NP farm buildings) and (NP equipment))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP Also) (NP-SBJ *) (VP count (PP as (NP an expense)) (NP (NP a charge) (PP for (NP (NP the labor) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP contributed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the family))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD hard) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP decide (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ this labor) (VP is (ADJP-PRD worth (NP *T*-2))))))))))) , but (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP charge (NP something) (PP for (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Otherwise) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP may (VP (VP pay (NP (ADJP too much)) (PP for (NP the farm))) and (VP get (NP nothing) (PP for (NP your labor))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP To (VP figure (NP (NP the value) (PP of (NP the farm)) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP investment income)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP divide (NP the estimated annual net farm income) (PP by (NP (NP the percentage) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP could (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP get (NP *T*-4) (PP in (NP interest))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 the money) (VP were (VP invested (NP *-1) (PP in (NP some other way))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP Everyone) (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP personal or group) tragedy) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP relate (NP *T*-2)))))))) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP given (NP *-1) (NP (NP his day) (PP in (NP court))) (PP as (PP in (NP some vast collective dirge)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP (QP almost two) months)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the defendant) and (NP the world)) (VP heard (PP from (NP (NP individuals) (VP escaped (PP from (NP the grave))))) (PP about (NP (NP (NP fathers and mothers) , (NP graybeards) , (NP adolescents) , (NP babies)) , (VP (VP starved (NP *)) , (VP beaten (NP *) (PP to (NP death))) , (VP strangled (NP *)) , (VP machine-gunned (NP *)) , (VP gassed (NP *)) , (VP burned (NP *)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP One) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a boy) (PP-LOC in (NP Auschwitz)))))))) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP tell (SBAR (WHADVP-4 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 children) (VP had (VP been (VP selected (NP *-1) (PP by (NP height)) (PP for (NP the gas chambers)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (NP (NP The gruesome humor) (PP of (NP the Nazis))) (NP *ICH*-1)) (NAC *ICH*-3)) (VP was not (VP forgotten (NP *-2) -- (NP-1 (NP the gas chamber) (UCP (PP with (NP (NP a sign) (PP on (NP it)) (PP with (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP a Jewish foundation)))))) and (VP bearing (NP (NP a copper Star) (PP of (NP David)))))) -- (NAC-3 nor (NP (NP the gratuitous sadism) (PP of (NP SS officers))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Public relations strategists) (ADVP-LOC everywhere)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP watching (NP (NP the reaction) (PP of (NP (NP the German press) , (NP the liberal press) , (NP the lunatic-fringe press))))) , (VP listening (PP to (NP their neighbors))) , (VP studying (NP (NP interviews) (PP with (NP (NP men and women) (PP-LOC on (NP the street)))))))) , (VP cried (ADVP out) : (UCP (ADJP (ADJP Too much) , (ADJP too much)) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the mind) (PP of (NP the audience))) (VP is (VP becoming (VP dulled (NP *-2))))) , (S (NP-SBJ the horrors) (VP are (VP losing (NP their effect))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (ADJP still another) witness) , (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP crawled (ADVP out) (PP-DIR from (PP under (NP (NP a heap) (PP of (NP corpses))))))))))) , (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP tell (SBAR (WHADVP-4 how) (S (NP-SBJ-3 the victims) (VP had (VP been (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP lay (NP themselves) (NP-ADV (NP head) (PP to (NP foot))) (NP-ADV (NP one) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP the other)))))))) (PP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-5 *-3) (VP being (VP shot (NP *-5))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Most) (PP of (NP this testimony))) (VP (VP may (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD legally admissible (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bearing (PP on (NP (NP the corpus delicti) (PP of (NP the total Nazi crime))))))))))) but (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD subject (PP to (NP question))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) not (VP tied (NP *-2) (PP to (NP (NP the part) (PP in (NP it)) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the defendant 's) Department) (PP of (NP Jewish Affairs)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Counsel) (PP for (NP the defense))) , (ADVP however) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-MNR shrewdly) (VP allowing (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (VP to (VP be (VP swept (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the current) (PP of (NP dreadful recollections)))))))))) , (ADVP-TMP rarely) (VP raised (NP an objection)) .)) (TOP (SQ Would not (NP-SBJ (NP the emotional catharsis) (VP (ADVP eventually) brought (NP *) (PRT on) (PP by (NP-LGS this awfulness)))) (VP have (NP (NP a (ADJP calming , (CONJP if not) exhausting) , effect) (ADJP likely (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP improve (NP (NP his client 's) chances))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP feared (NP `` (NP emotionalism) '' (PP-LOC at (NP the Trial))))))) (VP showed (NP (NP less understanding) (PP than (NP Dr. Servatius)) (PP of (NP (NP the route) (SBAR (WHPP-2 by (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP achieves (NP (NP the distance) (ADJP necessary (PP for (NP (NP fairness) (PP toward (NP enemies)))))) (PP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Interruptions) (VP came (ADVP largely) (PP from (NP (NP the bench) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-TMP numerous times) (VP rebuked (NP-2 the Attorney General) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ his witnesses) (VP run (PRT on))))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ it) , (ADVP too) , (VP made (NP no serious effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP choke (PRT off) (NP the flow))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a contrast) (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP even more) decisive) (PP than (NP (NP a hunger) (PP for (NP fact))))) (PP between (NP (NP (NP the Trial) (PP-LOC in (NP Jerusalem))) and (NP (NP those) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Moscow) and (NP New York)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP the last)))) , (NP-SBJ the trial) (VP marked (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP (NP a new course) : (FRAG (FRAG (PP-LOC in (NP Moscow)) (NP (NP (NP the liquidation) (PP of (NP the Old Bolsheviks))) and (NP (NP the tightening) (PP of (NP (NP Stalin 's) dictatorship))))) ; ; (FRAG (PP-LOC in (NP the United States)) (NP (NP the initiation) (PP of (NP militant anti-Communism)) , (PP with (NP (NP the repentant ex-Communist) (PP in (NP the vanguard))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 These trials) (VP were (ADVP properly) (VP termed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) `` (NP-PRD political cases) '') (SBAR-ADV in that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the trial) (NP itself)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a political act) (VP producing (NP political consequences)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHNP-1 what) (SQ could (NP-SBJ the Eichmann Trial) (VP initiate (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHPP-1 Of (WHNP what new course)) (S could (NP-SBJ it) (VP mark (NP (NP the beginning) (PP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Eichmann case) (VP looked (PP (PP to (NP the past)) , not (PP to (NP the future)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the conclusion) (PP of (NP (NP the first phase) (PP of (NP (NP a process) (PP (PP of (NP tragic recollection)) , and (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP refining (NP the recollection))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP last (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD Jews))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP such)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP was (PP-PRD beyond (NP politics))) and (VP had (NP (NP no need) (PP of (NP (NP justification) (PP by (NP a `` message ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF-2 `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP not (NP an individual) (NAC *ICH*-3)) (NAC *ICH*-4)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP the dock)) (PP-LOC at (NP this historical trial))))) '' (PRN -- (SINV (VP said (S-CLF *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Ben Gurion)) ,) `` (NAC-3 and not (NP the Nazi regime alone)) -- (NAC-4 but (NP (NP anti-Semitism) (PP-TMP throughout (NP history))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP How) (SQ could (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP supplying (NP Eichmann) (PP with (NP (NP a platform) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP maintain (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 one) (VP could (VP collaborate (PP in (NP (NP the murder) (PP of (NP (NP millions) (PP of (NP Jews)))))) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP being (NP-PRD an anti-semite)))))))) (PP *T*-1))))))))) (VP contribute (PP to (NP (NP a verdict) (PP against (NP anti-Semitism)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ And (SBAR-ADV if (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (NP-PRD an individual) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the dock)))))))) , (WHADVP why) (SQ was (NP-SBJ-2 the Trial) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP shall (VP observe (ADVP-TMP later))))) , (ADVP all but) (VP scuttled (NP *-2) (PP in (NP the attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prove (S (NP-SBJ Eichmann) (NP-PRD a `` fiend ''))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These questions) (VP touch (NP (NP the root) (PP of (NP confusion)) (PP in (NP (NP the prosecution 's) case)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-5 (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP might (VP be (VP contended (NP *-5) , (PP of (NP course)) , (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ Eichmann) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR stubbornly) (VP denying (NP anti-Semitic feelings)))) (VP was (VP (VP lying) or (VP insisting (PP on (NP (NP a private definition) (PP of (NP anti-Semitism)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP in (NP either event)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD the wrong man) (PP for (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP case)) (VP (VP outlined (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Ben Gurion))) and (VP set (NP *) (ADVP forth) (PP in (NP the indictment))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP such a case)) (NP-SBJ-2 the defendant) (VP should (VP (VP serve (PP as (NP a clear example))) and not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP tied (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the issue)) (PP by (NP-LGS argument))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP could (VP be (VP linked (NP *-1) (PP to (NP anti-Semitism)) (PP (ADVP only) by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP overcoming (NP his objections)))))))))) (VP is (ADVP scarcely) (NP-PRD (NP a good specimen) (PP of (NP (NP the Jew-baiter) (PP-TMP throughout (NP the ages)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (VP-TPC-2 Shout (PP at (NP Eichmann))) though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ the Prosecutor) (VP could not (VP establish (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the defendant) (VP was (VP falsifying (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (PP about (NP Jews)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))))) or (SBAR that (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (VP feel (NP-PRD *T*-1))))) (VP fell (PP into (NP (NP the (ADJP generally recognized) category) (PP of (NP anti-Semitism)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP believed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Jews) (VP were `` (NP-PRD (NP enemies) (PP of (NP the Reich))) ''))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ such a belief) (VP is , (PP of (NP course)) , (ADJP-PRD typical (PP of (NP `` patriotic '' anti-Semites)))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP believed (PP in (NP the Jew-as-enemy)) (PP in (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP abstract , theological way)))) , (PP like (NP (NP a member) (PP of (NP a cult)) (VP speculating (PP on (NP (NP the nature) (PP of (NP things))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The real question) (VP was (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP passed (PP (PP from (NP (NP anti-Semitism) (PP of (NP this sort)))) (PP to (NP murder))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the answer) (PP to (NP this question))) (VP is not (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP found (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP anti-Semitism) (NP itself))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP Eichmann)))) , (NP-SBJ-5 it) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-5) (VP to (VP be (VP found (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP the Nazi outlook) , (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP contained (NP (NP (NP a principle) (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP separate) (PP from (NP *RNR*-1))) and (ADJP (ADJP far worse) (PP than (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 anti-Semitism))) , (NP (NP a principle) (SBAR (WHPP-6 by (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the poison) (PP of (NP (NP anti-Semitism) (NP itself)))) (VP was (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD more virulent)) (PP *T*-6))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (PP under (NP (NP the guidance) (PP of (NP this Nazi principle)))) (NP-SBJ one) (VP could , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Eichmann) (VP declared))) , (VP (VP feel (ADJP-PRD personally friendly (PP toward (NP the Jews)))) and (ADVP still) (VP be (NP-PRD their murderer)))) .)) (TOP (PP Not (PP through (NP (NP fear) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP disobeying (NP orders)))))) (PRN , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-3 Eichmann) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP explain)))))))) ,) but (PP through (NP (NP a peculiar giddiness) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP began (PP in (NP (NP a half-acceptance) (PP of (NP (NP the vicious absurdities) (VP contained (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the Nazi interpretation) (PP of (NP history)))))))))) and (VP grew (PP with (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP (NP Hitler 's) victories)))) (PP into (NP a (NX (NX permanent light-mindedness) and (NX (NX sense) (PP of (NP magical rightness)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-2) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP respond (PP to (NP any proposal)) (PRN , (FRAG and (ADJP the more outrageous) (ADJP the better)) ,) `` (S-IMP (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP try (NP it))))) ''))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP any rate)) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the substance) (PP of (NP (NP Eichmann 's) testimony))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ all his actions) (VP flowed (PP from (NP (NP his membership) (PP in (NP (NP the party) and (NP the SS)))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Prosecutor) (VP did (NP his utmost) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP prove (NP-PRD (NP actual personal hatred) (PP of (NP Jews))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP his success) (PP on (NP this score))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-4 doubtful))) and (S (NP-SBJ=3-2 the anti-Semitic lesson) (VP=4 weakened (NP *-2) (PP to (NP that extent))))) .)) (TOP (SINV But (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the Trial) (VP did not (VP expose (NP (NP the special Nazi mania) (ADJP so deadly (PP (PP to (NP Jews)) (CONJP as well as) (PP to (NP (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHPP-2 upon (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP happened (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP light (PP *T*-2)))))))))))))))) , (ADVP neither) did (NP-SBJ it) (VP warn (ADVP-MNR very effectively) (PP against (NP (NP the ordinary anti-Semitism) (SBAR (WHPP-4 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the Nazis) (VP made (NP such effective use) (PP *T*-4) (PP-LOC in (UCP (NP Germany) and (SBAR (WHADVP-3 wherever else) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP find (NP it) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ anti-Semitism) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP trial)) (PP-LOC in (NP Jerusalem))))) , (WHADVP-2 why) (SQ was (NP-SBJ-1 it) not (VP identified (NP *-1) , (NAC and (PP with (NP enough emphasis (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP capture (NP (NP the notice) (PP of (NP the world press))))))))) , (PP in (NP (NP its connection) (PP with (NP (NP the activities) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Eichmann 's) Department) (PP of (NP Jewish Affairs)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP exemplified (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the betrayal and murder) (PP of (NP Jews)) (PP by (NP (ADJP non-police and non-party) anti-Semites)) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP Germany)) , (CONJP as well as) (PP in (NP Poland , Czechoslovakia , Hungary)))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The infamous Wansee Conference) (VP called (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Heydrich)) (PP-TMP in (NP January 1942)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP organize (NP (NP the (ADJP material and technical) means) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (PP to (NP death)) (NP (NP the (QP eleven million) Jews) (VP spread (NP *) (PP-TMP throughout (NP (NP the nations) (PP of (NP Europe)))))) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))))) , (VP was (VP attended (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP representatives) (PP of (NP (NP major organs) (PP of (NP the German state)))) , (PP including (NP (NP (NP the Reich Minister) (PP of (NP the Interior))) , (NP (NP the State Secretary) (PP in (NP (NP charge) (PP of (NP the Four Year Plan))))) , (NP (NP the Reich Minister) (PP of (NP Justice))) , (NP (NP the Under Secretary) (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The measures) (PP for (NP annihilation)) (VP proposed and accepted (NP *) (PP-LOC at (NP the Conference)))) (VP affected (NP (NP industry , transportation , civilian agencies) (PP of (NP government)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Heydrich) , (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP opening (NP the Conference)))) , (VP followed (NP (NP (NP the reasoning) and (ADVP even) (NP the phraseology)) (PP of (NP (NP the order) (VP issued (NP *) (ADVP-TMP earlier) (PP by (NP-LGS Goering))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP authorized (NP the Final Solution) (PP as (NP `` (NP a complement) (PP to '' (NP (NP previous `` solutions '') (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP eliminating (NP the Jews) (PP from (NP German living space)) (PP through (NP (NP violence) , (NP economic strangulation) , (NP forced emigration) , and (NP evacuation))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP other words)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the promulgators) (PP of (NP the murder plan))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP *) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-2 (SBAR that (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP physically) (VP exterminating (NP the Jews))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP but an extension) (PP of (NP (NP the anti-Semitic measures) (VP (ADVP-TMP already) operating (PP in (NP (NP every phase) (PP of (NP German life))))))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the new conspiracy) (VP counted (PP on (NP (NP the general anti-Semitism) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP made (S (NP-SBJ those measures) (ADJP-PRD effective)))))))) , (PP as (NP (NP a readiness) (PP for (NP murder)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-2 This) , (PP in (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ (NP the magnitude) (PP of (NP the plan))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ secrecy) (ADJP-PRD impossible) , (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ-2 the wheels) (VP had (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP turn))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP persons) (VP controlling (NP German (NX (NX industries) , (NX social institutions) , and (NX armed forces))))) (VP became , (PP through (NP (NP their anti-Semitism) or (NP (NP their tolerance) (PP of (NP it))))) , (NP-PRD (NP conscious accomplices) (PP of (NP (NP Hitler 's) crimes))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-SBJ whether (FRAG (PP in (NP (NP the last degree) or (NP a lesser one))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a matter) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (VP determined (NP *-1) (ADVP individually))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What more) (PP *ICH*-3)) (SQ (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP could (VP be (VP asked (NP *-2) (PP for (NP (NP a Trial) (VP intended (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP warn (NP the world) (PP against (NP anti-Semitism)))))))) (PP-3 than (NP this opportunity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP expose (NP (NP the exact link) (PP between (NP (NP the respectable Anti-Semite) and (NP the concentration-camp brute))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-1 Not (PP in (NP (NP Eichmann 's) anti-Semitism)) but (PP in (NP (NP the anti-Semitism) (PP of (NP (NP the sober German man) (PP of (NP affairs))))))) (VP lay (PP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the potential warning) (PP of (NP the Trial))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV No doubt) (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP (NP the citizens) (PP of (NP the Third Reich))))) (VP had (VP conceived (NP their anti-Semitism) (PP as (NP (NP an `` innocent '' dislike) (PP of (NP Jews)))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (VP do) (NP (NP others) (PP like (NP them))) (NP-TMP today))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Final Solution) (VP proved (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Jew-baiter) (PP of (NP any variety))) (VP exposes (NP-2 himself) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP being (VP implicated (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the criminality and madness) (PP of (NP others)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Ought not (NP-SBJ an edifying Trial) (VP have (VP made (NP every effort (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP demonstrate (NP this) (UCP (ADVP once) and (PP for (ADVP all))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP showing (SBAR (WHADVP how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP representative types) (PP of (NP `` mere '' anti-Semites))) (VP were (VP drawn (NP *-1) (NP-ADV (NP step) (PP by (NP step))) (PP into (NP (NP the program) (PP of (NP skull-bashings and gassings))))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Prosecutor) (PP in (NP his opening remarks)) (VP did (VP refer (PP to (NP `` (NP the germ) (PP of (NP anti-Semitism)) '' (PP among (NP the Germans)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Hitler) (VP `` stimulated and transformed '' (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP evidence) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP-LOC at (NP the Trial)) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP aimed (PP over (NP (NP Eichmann 's) head)) (PP at (NP (NP his collaborators) (PP in (NP (NP the societies) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP functioned (ADVP *T*-3)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 the press) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP have (VP missed (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor did (NP-SBJ-1 the Trial) (VP devote (NP much attention) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP exposing (NP (NP the usefulness) (PP of (NP anti-Semitism)) (PP to (NP the Nazis)) , (PP both (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP building (NP their own power)))) and (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP destroying (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP rival organizations and states)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Certainly) , (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the best ways) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP warning (NP the world) (PP against (NP anti-Semitism)))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP demonstrate (NP its workings) (PP as (NP a dangerous weapon)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Eichmann) (NP himself)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a model) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the myth) (PP of (NP the enemy-Jew))) (VP can (VP be (VP used (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP transform (NP (NP the ordinary man) (PP of (NP present-day society))) (PP into (NP (NP a menace) (PP to (NP all his neighbors))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ (NP patriots) (ADVP-LOC everywhere)) (VP know (NP (NP enough) (PP about (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the persecution) (PP of (NP the Jews)) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP Germany)) and (ADVP-TMP later) (PP in (NP the occupied countries)))) (VP contributed (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP terrorizing (NP the populations)) , (VP splitting (ADVP apart) (NP individuals and groups)) , (VP arousing (NP the (ADJP (ADJP meanest) and (ADJP most dishonest)) impulses)) , (VP pulverizing (NP (NP trust) and (NP personal dignity))) , and (VP (ADVP finally) forcing (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP to (VP follow (NP their masters) (PP into (NP the abyss))))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ them) (NP-PRD (NP partners) (PP in (NP unspeakable crimes))))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The career) (PP of (NP Eichmann))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the Trial) (NP-PRD (NP a potential showcase) (PP for (NP anti-Semitic demoralization)))))) : (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (ADJP-PRD fearful (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *-4) (VP being (VP mistaken (NP *-1) (PP for (NP a Jew)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP seeks (NP protection) (PP in (NP his Nazi uniform)))) ; ; (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP clinging (PP to (NP the enemy-Jew idea)))) , (NP-SBJ-5 he) (VP is (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP habits) (PP of (NP politeness and neighborliness))))))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP once (FRAG (PP-PRD in (NP power)))) (NP-SBJ-6 he) (VP begins (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP give (NP vent) (PP to (NP (NP a criminal opportunism) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP causes (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP alternate (PP between (NP (NP megalomania) and (NP (NP envy) (PP of (NP (NP those) (PP above (NP him))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-2 `` Is (NP-SBJ this) (NP-PRD (NP the type) (PP of (NP citizen)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP desire (NP *T*-1))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The Trial) (VP should (VP have (VP asked (NP the nations) (SQ *T*-2)))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ this characterization) (PP in (NP no way)) (VP diminished (NP (NP Eichmann 's) guilt)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the Prosecutor) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP more deeply) involved (PP in (NP (NP the tactics) (PP of (NP a criminal case)))) (PP than (NP a political one)))) , (VP would (VP have (NP (NP none) (PP of (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (ADVP Finally) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP the mission) (PP of (NP the Trial))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP convict (NP anti-Semitism))))))) , (WHADVP-5 how) (SQ could (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP have (VP failed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP post (PP before (NP the world)) (NP (NP the contrasting fates) (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP the countries) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Final Solution) (VP was (VP aided (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS native Jew-haters)) (PP-LOC *T*-3)))))) -- (ADVP i.e.) , (NP Germany , Poland , Hungary , Czechoslovakia) --) and (NP (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP met (NP (NP the obstacle) (PP of (NP human solidarity))) (PP-LOC *T*-4))))) -- (NP Denmark , Holland , Italy , Bulgaria , France)))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-5)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Should not (NP-SBJ-2 everyone) (VP have (VP been (VP awakened (NP *-2) (PP to (NP (NP it) (PP as (NP (NP an outstanding fact (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP of (NP our time)) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the nations) (VP poisoned (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS anti-Semitism)))) (VP proved (ADJP-PRD (ADJP less fortunate) (PP in (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP their own freedom)))) (PP than (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose citizens) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP saved (NP their Jewish compatriots) (PP from (NP the transports)))))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was n't (NP-SBJ (NP this meaning) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Eichmann 's) experience) (PP-LOC in (NP various countries))))) (ADJP-PRD worth (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP highlighting))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (PP As (NP (NP the first collective confrontation) (PP of (NP the Nazi outrage)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the Trial) (PP of (NP Eichmann))) (VP represents (NP (NP (NP a recovery) (PP of (NP the Jews)) (PP from (NP (NP the shock) (PP of (NP the death camps))))) , (NP (NP a recovery) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP took (NP fifteen years)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (PP by (NP no means)) (ADJP-PRD complete))))))) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR-ADV though (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP could (VP be (VP hastened (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS silence)))))))))))) -RRB-))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP (ADVP Only) across (NP (NP a distance) (PP of (NP time)))) could (NP-SBJ the epic accounting) (VP begin) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP-TMP already) (ADJP-PRD difficult) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP recall (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHADJP how little)) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP knew (NP *T*-2) (PP-TMP before (NP the Trial)) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-9 what) (S (NP-SBJ-8 *T*-9) (VP had (VP been (VP done (NP *-8) (PP to (NP (NP the Jews) (PP of (NP Europe))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is not (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the facts) (PP of (NP the persecution))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD unavailable)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the information) (VP elicited (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP Jerusalem)))))) (VP had (VP been (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the surface)) (PP (PP by (NP-LGS the numerous (NX (NX War Crimes tribunals) and (NX investigating commissions)))) , and (PP by (NP-LGS (NP reports) , (NP memoirs) , and (NP (NP survivors ') accounts)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP Poughkeepsie) , (NP N.Y.))) , , (PP-TMP in (NP 1952)) , (NP-SBJ a Roman Catholic hospital) (VP presented (NP seven Protestant physicians) (PP with (NP an ultimatum (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP quit (NP the Planned Parenthood Federation))) or (VP to (VP resign (PP from (NP the hospital staff))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Three) (VP agreed)) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 four) (VP (VP declined) and (VP were (VP suspended (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP a flood) (PP of (NP protests)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP reinstated (NP *-1) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP 1953)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The peace) (PP of (NP the community))) (VP was (ADVP badly) (VP disturbed (NP *-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP people) (PP-LOC across (NP the nation))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP reading (PP of (NP the incident)))) , (VP felt (ADJP-PRD uneasy))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP New York City)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1958)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP the city 's) Commissioner) (PP of (NP Hospitals))) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP permit (S (NP-SBJ a physician) (VP to (VP provide (NP a Protestant mother) (PP with (NP a contraceptive device))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP thereby) (VP precipitated (NP (NP a bitter controversy) (VP involving (NP (NP Protestants) , (NP Jews) and (NP Roman Catholics))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP continued (PP-TMP for (NP two months)) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the city 's) Board) (PP of (NP Hospitals))) (VP lifted (NP (NP the ban) (PP on (NP birth-control therapy))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A year) later) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Albany) , (NP N.Y.))) , (NP-SBJ a Roman Catholic hospital) (VP barred (NP an orthopedic surgeon) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP his connection) (PP with (NP the Planned Parenthood Association))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Immediately) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the religious groups) (PP of (NP the city))) (VP were (VP embroiled (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP an angry dispute) (PP over (NP (NP the alleged invasion) (PP of (NP (NP (NP a man 's) right) (PP to (NP (NP freedom) (PP of (NP religious belief and conscience)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 These incidents) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD typical (PP of (NP many others)))) , (VP dramatize (NP the distressing fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP no controversy) (PP-TMP during (NP the last several decades))) (VP has (VP caused (NP (NP more tension , rancor and strife) (PP among (NP (NP religious groups) (PP-LOC in (NP this country)))) (PP than (NP the birth-control issue))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP has (VP flared (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP periodically) (PP on (NP (NP the front pages) (PP of (NP newspapers)))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP communities) (VP divided (NP *) (PP over (NP (NP birth-prevention regulations) (PP in (NP (NP municipal hospitals) and (NP health and family-welfare agencies)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP has (VP erupted (PP on (NP the national level)) (PP in (NP (NP the matter) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP including (NP birth-control information and material) (PP in (NP (NP foreign aid) (PP to (NP underdeveloped countries))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (ADVP actually) (VP erupting (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP rumbles and smolders (PP in (NP sullen resentment)) (PP like (NP (NP a volcano) , (ADJP ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP explode (PP-TMP at (NP any moment))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The time) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP has (VP come (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ (NP citizens) (PP of (NP all faiths))) (VP to (VP unite (PP in (NP an effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remove (NP this (ADJP divisive and nettlesome) issue) (PP from (NP (NP the (ADJP political and social) life) (PP of (NP our nation))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first step) (PP toward (NP the goal))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the establishment) (PP of (NP (NP a new atmosphere) (PP of (NP (NP mutual good will) and (NP friendly communication))))) (PP on (ADVP other (PP than (NP the polemical level)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (NP (NP emotional recrimination) , (NP loaded phrases) and (NP sloganeering))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP need (NP (NP (NP a dispassionate study) (PP of (NP the facts))) , (NP (NP a better understanding) (PP of (NP the opposite viewpoint))) and (NP a (ADJP more serious) effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP extend (NP (NP the areas) (PP of (NP agreement))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 a solution) (VP is (VP reached (NP *-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (ADVP-TMP All too frequently) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP points (PRT out) (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP James O'Gara) , (NP (NP managing editor) (PP of (NP Commonweal))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ Catholics) (VP run (ADVP roughshod) (PP over (NP Protestant sensibilities)) (PP in (NP this matter)) , (PP (PP by (NP failure (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP consider (NP (NP the reasoning) (PP behind (NP the Protestant position)))))))) and , (ADVP particularly) , (PP by (NP (NP their jibes) (PP at (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Protestant opinion) (PP on (NP birth control))) (VP has (VP changed (PP-TMP in (NP recent decades)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP All too often) (NP-SBJ our language) (VP is (ADJP-PRD unduly harsh)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The second step) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP recognize (NP (NP the substantial agreement) (PRN -- (VP (ADVP frequently) blurred (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP emotionalism) and (NP inaccurate newspaper reporting)))) --) (VP (ADVP-TMP already) existing (PP between (NP Catholics and Non-Catholics))) (PP concerning (NP (NP the over-all objectives) (PP of (NP family planning))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 Catholics ') (VP being (VP obliged or (ADVP even) encouraged (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP beget (NP (NP the greatest possible number) (PP of (NP offspring)))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ many Non-Catholics) (VP imagine))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the ideal) (PP of (NP responsible parenthood))) (VP is (VP stressed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Family planning) (VP is (VP encouraged (NP *-1) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-2 parents) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP provide (ADVP-MNR properly) (PP for (NP their offspring)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pope Pius 12) , (VP declared (PP-TMP in (NP 1951)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD possible) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD exempt (PP from (NP (NP the normal obligation) (PP of (NP parenthood))))) (PP-TMP (PP for (NP a long time)) and (ADVP even) (PP for (NP (NP the whole duration) (PP of (NP married life)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP serious reasons) , (PP such as (NP (NP those) (VP (ADVP-TMP often) mentioned (NP *) (PP in (NP the so-called (ADJP medical , eugenic , economic and social) `` indications ''))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP means (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP such factors) (PP as (NP (NP (NP the health) (PP of (NP (NP the parents) , (ADVP particularly) (NP the mother)))) , (NP their ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP provide (NP their children) (PP with (NP (NP the necessities) (PP of (NP life)))))))) , (NP (NP the degree) (PP of (NP population density)) (PP of (NP a country))) and (NP (NP the shortage) (PP of (NP housing facilities)))))) (VP may (ADVP legitimately) (VP be (VP taken (NP *-1) (PP into (NP consideration)) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP determining (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP offspring)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP are (ADVP substantially) (NP-PRD (NP the same factors) (VP considered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Non-Catholics)) (PP in (NP family planning))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The laws) (PP of (NP many states))) (VP permit (NP birth control) (PP-PRP (ADVP only) for (NP medical reasons))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Roman Catholic Church) , (ADVP however) , (VP sanctions (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP much more) liberal) policy) (PP on (NP family planning)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Catholics , Protestants and Jews) (VP (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP agreement)) (PP over (NP (NP the objectives) (PP of (NP family planning))))) , but (VP disagree (PP over (NP (NP the methods) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP used (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Roman Catholic Church) (VP sanctions (ADVP only) (NP (NP abstention) or (NP (NP the rhythm method) , (VP (ADVP also) known (NP *) (PP as (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP the (ADJP infertile or safe) period)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Church) (VP considers (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the method) (VP provided (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP nature) and (NP its divine Author)))))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP involves (NP (NP (NP no frustration) (PP of (NP (NP nature 's) laws))) , but (ADVP simply) (NP (NP an (ADJP intelligent and disciplined) use) (PP of (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP the exception) (PP of (NP (NP the Roman Catholic (NX *RNR*-1)) and (NP the Orthodox Catholic (NX *RNR*-1)) (NX-1 Churches))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 most churches) (VP make (NP (NP no moral distinction) (PP between (NP (NP rhythm) and (NP (ADJP mechanical or chemical) contraceptives)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP allowing (NP the couple free choice)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a difference) (PP in (NP theological belief)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP seems (NP-PRD (NP little chance) (PP of (NP agreement))) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The grounds) (PP for (NP (NP the Church 's) position))) (VP are (UCP-PRD (UCP (ADJP Scriptural) (PRN -LRB- (NP Old Testament) -RRB-)) , (NP (NP the teachings) (PP of (NP (NP the fathers and doctors) (PP of (NP the early Church))))) , (NP (NP the unbroken tradition) (PP of (NP nineteen centuries))) , (NP (NP the decisions) (PP of (NP the highest ecclesiastical authority))) and (NP the natural law))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The latter) (VP (VP plays (NP a prominent role) (PP in (NP Roman Catholic theology))) and (VP is (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD decisive (PRN , (PP (ADVP entirely) apart (PP from (NP Scripture))) ,) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP determining (NP (NP the ethical character) (PP of (NP birth-prevention methods))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Roman Catholic natural-law tradition) (VP regards (PP as (ADJP self-evident)) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the primary objective purpose) (PP of (NP the conjugal act))) (VP is (NP-PRD procreation)))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the fostering) (PP of (NP (NP the mutual love) (PP of (NP the spouses))))) (VP is (NP-PRD the (ADJP secondary and subjective) end)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This conclusion) (VP is (VP based (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP two propositions) : (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ man) (PP by (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP his reason)))) (VP can (VP ascertain (NP (NP (NP God 's) purpose) (PP in (NP the universe))))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP makes (S (VP known (NP *-2)) (NP-SBJ-2 His purpose)) (PP by (NP certain `` given '' physical arrangements)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (NP-SBJ man) (VP can (ADVP readily) (VP deduce (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the primary objective end) (PP of (NP the conjugal act))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP procreation) , (NP (NP the propagation) (PP of (NP the race))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ man) (VP may not (VP supplant or frustrate (NP (NP the physical arrangements) (VP established (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP God) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (PP through (NP (NP the law) (PP of (NP rhythm)))) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP provided (NP (NP a natural method) (PP for (NP (NP the control) (PP of (NP conception))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Believing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the Author) (PP (PP of (NP this law)) and (PP of (NP (NP all laws) (PP of (NP nature))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Roman Catholics) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP are (VP obliged (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP obey (NP those laws)) , not (VP frustrate or mock (NP them)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP be (VP granted (NP *-1) (ADVP then) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the theological differences) (PP in (NP this area)) (PP between (NP (NP Protestants) and (NP Roman Catholics)))) (VP appear (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD irreconcilable))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-2 people) (VP differ (PP in (NP their religious beliefs)) (PP on (NP (NP scores) (PP of (NP doctrines)))) , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP taking (PRT up) (NP arms) (PP against (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP disagree (PP with (NP them))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ is (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD so different) (PP in (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP birth control)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ-1 each side) (VP has (VP sought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP implement (NP its distinctive theological belief) (PP through (NP legislation))) and (VP (ADVP thus) (ADVP-MNR indirectly) force (NP (NP its belief) , or (NP (NP (ADVP at least) the practical consequences) (ADVP thereof)) ,) (PP upon (NP others))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD a temptation) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ (NP a religious organization) , (ADVP especially) (NP a (ADJP powerful or dominant) one)) , (VP to (VP impose (PP through (NP (NP the clenched fist) (PP of (NP the law)))) (NP its creedal viewpoint) (PP upon (NP others))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both (NP Roman Catholics) and (NP Protestants)) (VP have (VP succumbed (PP to (NP this temptation)) (PP-TMP in (NP the past)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Consider (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP-TMP during (NP (NP World War 1) , , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the Protestant churches) (VP united (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP push (NP the Prohibition law) (PP through (NP Congress))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Many) (PP of (NP them))) (ADVP-MNR sincerely) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the use) (PP of (NP liquor)) (PP (PP in (NP any form)) or (PP in (NP any degree)))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD intrinsically evil and sinful))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ (QP over four million) American men) (PP-PRD (ADVP away) at (NP war)))) , (NP-SBJ Protestants) (VP forced (NP their distinctive theological belief) (PP upon (NP the general public))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP the return) (PP of (NP our soldiers)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP became (ADJP-PRD apparent) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 the belief) (VP was not (VP shared (NP *-4) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the great majority) (PP of (NP citizens))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP enforce (NP that belief))))) (VP ushered (PRT in) (NP (NP a reign) (PP of (NP bootleggers , racketeers , hijackers and gangsters)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP led (PP to (NP (NP a breakdown) (PP of (NP law)) (ADJP unparalleled (PP in (NP our history)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The so-called `` noble experiment '') (VP came (PP to (NP an inglorious end))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That (ADJP tumultuous , painful and costly) experience) (VP shows (ADVP-MNR clearly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a law) (VP expressing (NP a moral judgment))) (VP can not (VP be (VP enforced (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (NP (NP little correspondence) (PP with (NP (NP the general view) (PP of (NP society))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That experience) (VP holds (NP a lesson) (PP for (NP (NP us) (NP all))) (PP in (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP birth control)))) (NP-TMP today)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Up (PP to (NP (NP the turn) (PP of (NP the century))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 contraception) (VP was (VP condemned (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS all Christian churches)) (PP as (ADJP (ADJP immoral) , (ADJP unnatural) and (ADJP contrary (PP to (NP divine law))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP was (ADVP generally) (VP reflected (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the civil laws) (PP of (NP Christian countries)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) , (NP-SBJ-1 the (ADJP (ADJP Roman Catholic) and (ADJP Orthodox)) Churches) (VP stand (ADVP virtually alone) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP holding (NP that conviction))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The various Lambeth Conferences) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP expressing (NP the Anglican viewpoint))) , (VP mirror (NP (NP the gradual change) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP taken (NP place) (PP among (NP (NP Protestants) (ADVP generally))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1920)) , (NP-SBJ the Lambeth Conference) (VP (VP repeated (NP (NP its 1908 condemnation) (PP of (NP contraception)))) and (VP issued `` (NP (NP an emphatic warning) (PP (PP against (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP unnatural means)) (PP for (NP (NP the avoidance) (PP of (NP conception)))) , (PP (ADVP together) with (NP (NP the grave dangers) (PRN -- (ADJP physical , moral , and religious) --) (VP (ADVP thereby) incurred (NP *)))))) , and (PP against (NP (NP the evils) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the extension) (PP of (NP such use))) (VP threaten (NP the race) (NP *T*-1)))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP Denouncing (NP the view (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the sexual union) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an end) (PP in (NP itself))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 the Conference) (VP declared : `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (ADVP-MNR steadfastly) (VP uphold (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP must (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (VP regarded (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP the governing considerations) (PP of (NP Christian marriage)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the primary purpose) (SBAR (WHPP-1 for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ marriage) (VP exists (PP-PRP *T*-1))))) , (ADVP namely) , (NP (NP the continuance) (PP of (NP the race)) (PP through (NP (NP the gift and heritage) (PP of (NP children)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the other) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the paramount importance) (PP in (NP married life)) (PP of (NP (ADJP deliberate and thoughtful) self-control))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Conference) (VP called (PP for (NP (NP a vigorous campaign) (PP against (NP (NP the (ADJP open or secret) sale) (PP of (NP contraceptives))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1930)) , (NP-SBJ the Lambeth Conference) (ADVP again) (VP (VP affirmed (S (NP-SBJ (NP the primary purpose) (PP of (NP marriage))) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the procreation) (PP of (NP children))))))) , but (VP conceded (SBAR that , (S (PP in (NP certain limited circumstances)) , (NP-SBJ contraception) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD morally legitimate))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1958)) , (NP-SBJ the Conference) (VP endorsed (NP birth control) (PP as (NP (NP the responsibility) (VP laid (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS God)) (PP on (NP (NP parents) (ADVP-LOC everywhere))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Many other Protestant denominations) (VP preceded (NP the Anglicans) (PP in (NP such action))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP March , 1931)) , (NP-SBJ (NP (QP 22 out of 28) members) (PP of (NP (NP a committee) (PP of (NP (NP the Federal Council) (PP of (NP Churches))))))) (VP ratified (NP (NP artificial methods) (PP of (NP birth control)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (PP As (PP to (NP (NP the necessity) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ the committee) (VP declared (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (PP for (NP (NP some form) (PP (PP of (NP (NP effective control) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the size) (PP of (NP the family))) and (NP (NP the spacing) (PP of (NP children))))))) , and (ADVP consequently) (PP of (NP (NP control) (PP of (NP conception)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP can (VP be (NP-PRD no question))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD general agreement (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (ADVP also) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP sex union) (PP between (NP husbands and wives)) (PP as (NP (NP an expression) (PP of (NP mutual affection)))) (PP without (NP (NP relation) (PP to (NP procreation))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD right))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Since (ADVP then)) , (NP-SBJ many Protestant denominations) (VP have (VP made (NP (NP separate pronouncements) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (CONJP not only) (VP approved (NP birth control)) , but (VP declared (S (NP-SBJ it) (PP-TMP at (NP times)) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a religious duty))))) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP determines (NP the morality)))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP state (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD not (NP (NP the means) (VP used (NP *))) , but (NP the motive))))) (TOP (S (PP In (ADJP general)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the means) (PRN -LRB- (PP excluding (NP abortion)) -RRB-) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP prove (ADJP-PRD most effective))))) (VP are (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD the (ADJP most ethical))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This development) (VP is (VP reflected (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the action) (VP taken (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP February , 1961)) , (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the general board) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the National Council) (PP of (NP Churches))) , (NP (NP the largest Protestant organization) (PP in (NP the A[fj])))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The board) (VP approved and commended (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP birth-control devices))) (PP as (NP (NP a part) (PP of (NP (NP Christian responsibility) (PP in (NP family planning))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP called (PP for (NP (NP opposition) (PP to (NP (NP (NP laws) and (NP institutional practices)) (VP restricting (NP (NP the information or availability) (PP of (NP contraceptives))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The general board) (VP declared : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP the Protestant churches))) (VP hold (S (NP-SBJ (NP contraception) and (NP periodic continence)) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD morally right) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the motives) (VP are (ADJP-PRD right) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The general Protestant conviction) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP motives) , (CONJP rather than) (NP methods)) , (VP form (NP the primary moral issue) , (PP provided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the methods) (VP are (VP limited (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP the prevention) (PP of (NP conception))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP An action) (VP (ADVP-TMP once) (VP (ADVP-MNR universally) condemned (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS all Christian churches))) and (VP forbidden (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the civil law))))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (VP (CONJP not only) (VP approved (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the overwhelming majority) (PP of (NP Protestant denominations))))) , (CONJP but also) (VP deemed , (PP-TMP at (NP certain times)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a positive religious duty))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This viewpoint) (VP has (ADVP-TMP now) (VP been (VP translated (NP *-1) (PP into (NP action)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the majority) (PP of (NP (NP people) (PP-LOC in (NP this country))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Repeated polls) (VP have (VP disclosed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ most married couples) (VP are (ADVP-TMP now) (VP using (NP contraceptives) (PP in (NP (NP the practice) (PP of (NP birth control)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP (NP all) (ADJP concerned (PP with (NP social-welfare legislation))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the significance) (PP of (NP (NP this (ADJP radical and revolutionary) change) (PP in (NP (NP the thought and habits) (PP of (NP (NP the vast majority) (PP of (NP the American people))))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD clear , profound and far-reaching)) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP To (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP oppose (NP (NP the general (ADJP religious and moral) conviction) (PP of (NP such a majority))) (PP by (NP a legislative fiat)))))))) (VP would (VP be (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP invite (NP (NP the same breakdown) (PP of (NP law and order)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP occasioned (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the ill-starred Prohibition experiment)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP brings (NP us) (PP to (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the realities) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (VP dealing (PP with (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP lie (PP not (PP in (NP (NP the field) (PP of (NP civil legislation)))) , but (PP in (NP (NP the realm) (PP of (NP conscience and religion))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP moral judgments) and (NP (NP matters) (PP of (NP theological belief))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Conscience and religion) (VP are (VP concerned (NP *-1) (PP with (NP private sin))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-2 The civil law) (VP is (VP concerned (NP *-2) (PP with (NP public crimes))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Only confusion , failure and anarchy) (VP result (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-5 the effort (S *ICH*-4)) (VP is (VP made (NP *-5) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP impose (PP upon (NP the civil authority)) (NP (NP the impossible task) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP policing (NP private homes) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP preclude (NP (NP the possibility) (PP of (NP sin))))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-1 Among (NP (NP the chief victims) (PP of (NP such an ill-conceived imposition)))) would (VP be (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP religion) (NP itself)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP April 17 , 1610)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the sturdy little three-masted bark) , (NP Discovery)) , (VP (VP weighed (NP anchor) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP St. Katherine 's) Pool) , (NP London)))) , and (VP floated (PP-DIR down (NP the Thames)) (PP-DIR toward (NP the sea)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP carried , (PP besides (NP her captain)) , (NP (NP (NP a crew) (PP of (NP twenty-one))) and (NP (NP provisions) (PP for (NP (NP a voyage) (PP of (NP (NP exploration) (PP of (NP (NP the Arctic waters) (PP of (NP North America))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Seventeen months) later) , (PP-TMP on (NP September 6 , 1611)) , (NP-SBJ an Irish fishing boat) (VP sighted (S (NP-SBJ the Discovery) (VP limping (ADVP-DIR eastward) (PP-LOC outside (NP Galway Bay))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP reached (NP port) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (VP found (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (PP-LOC on (NP board)) (NP (NP (QP only eight) men) , (NP (NP all) (ADVP near (NP starvation))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The captain) (VP was (ADJP-PRD gone))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the mate) (VP was (ADJP-PRD gone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP commanded (NP her))))) (VP had (VP started (NP the voyage) (PP as (NP an ordinary seaman)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 What disaster) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP struck (NP the Discovery) (PP-TMP during (NP those seventeen months)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP the fourteen missing men)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These questions) (VP have (VP remained (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the great sea mysteries) (PP of (NP all time))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP years)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the evidence) (ADJP available)) (VP consisted (PP of (NP (NP (LST -LRB- 1 -RRB-) (NP the captain 's) fragmentary journal) , (NP (LST -LRB- 2 -RRB-) (NP a (ADJP highly prejudiced) account) (PP by (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the survivors))))) , (NP (LST -LRB- 3 -RRB-) (NP a note) (VP found (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a dead man 's) desk)) (PP-LOC on (NP board)))) , and (NP (LST -LRB- 4 -RRB-) several second-hand reports)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP All told) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP offered (NP a (ADJP highly confused) picture)) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-TMP since (NP 1927)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP researchers) (VP digging (PP into (NP ancient (NX (NX court records) and (NX legal files)))))) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP illuminating pieces) (PP of (NP information))))))))) .)) (TOP (ADJP (ADJP Not enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (ADVP away) (PP with (NP all doubts)))))) , but (ADJP sufficient (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP (NP a (ADJP fairly accurate) picture) (PP of (NP (NP the events) (PP of (NP the voyage))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Historians) (VP have (VP had (NP (NP two reasons) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP persisting (ADVP-TMP so long) (PP in (NP their investigations)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP First) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP clarify (NP a tantalizing , bizarre enigma))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Second) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP believed (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD important) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP determine (NP (NP the fate) (PP of (NP (NP the captain) -- (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-3 whose name) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP is (ADVP permanently) (VP stamped (NP *-2) (PP (PP on (NP our maps)) , (PP on (NP American towns and counties)) , (PP on (NP a great American river)) , and (PP on (NP (NP (QP half a million) square miles) (PP of (NP Arctic seas)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The name) : (NP Henry Hudson) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the story) (PP of (NP his last tragic voyage))) , (ADVP (ADVP as nearly) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP (VP are (ADJP-PRD able (S *RNR*-1))) (PRN -- or (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) , (ADVP probably) , (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S *RNR*-1))))) --) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP determine))))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sailing) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the spring) (PP of (NP 1610))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Hudson 's) fourth) (PP in (NP four years))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Each time) (NP-SBJ his objective) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the same) -- (NP (NP a direct water passage) (PP (PP from (NP Western Europe)) (PP to (NP the Far East))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1607 and 1608)) , (NP-SBJ the English Muscovy Company) (VP had (VP sent (NP-1 him) (ADVP-DIR northward) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP for (NP (NP a route) (PP (PP over (NP the North Pole)) or (PP across (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP Russia)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Twice) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP failed))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the Muscovy Company) (VP indicated (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would not (VP back (NP him) (ADVP again))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1609)) , (NP-SBJ the Dutch East India Company) (VP (VP hired (NP Hudson)) , (VP gave (NP him) (NP two learned geographers)) , (VP fitted (NP him) (PRT out) (PP with (NP (NP a ship) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD the Half Moon)))))) , and (VP supplied (NP him) (PP with (NP Dutch sailors)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (ADVP-DIR westward) , (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the middle Atlantic coast) (PP of (NP North America))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP His chief discovery) (NP *ICH*-3)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD important) -- (NP-3 the Great North (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (ADVP-TMP later) , (NP the Hudson (NX *RNR*-1))) -RRB-) (NX-1 River)))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP produced (NP no northwest passage))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the Half Moon) (VP put (PRT in) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Dartmouth) , (NP England))) , (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the fall) (PP of (NP 1609)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP word) (PP of (NP (NP Hudson 's) findings))) (VP leaked (ADVP out))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP English interest) (PP in (NP him))) (VP revived)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The government) (VP forbade (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP to (VP return (PP-DIR to (NP Amsterdam)) (PP with (NP his ship)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (ADVP thereupon) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP London))) and (VP spent (NP the winter) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP talking (PP to (NP (NP men) (PP of (NP wealth)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP springtime)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP supported (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a rich merchant syndicate) (PP under (NP (NP the patronage) (PP of (NP (NP Henry) , (NP (NP Prince) (PP of (NP Wales))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP had (VP obtained and provisioned (NP (NP a veteran ship) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD the Discovery)))))) and (VP had (VP recruited (NP (NP (NP a crew) (PP of (NP twenty-one))) , (NP (NP the largest) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP commanded (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The purpose) (PP of (NP this fourth voyage))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD clear)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A century) (PP of (NP exploration))) (VP had (VP established (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a great land mass) , (NP (ADJP North and South) America)) , (VP lay (PP-LOC between (NP (NP Europe) and (NP the Indies)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP One) (PP by (NP one))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the openings) (PP-LOC in (NP the coast)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP promised (NP (NP a passage) (ADVP through)))))) (VP had (VP been (VP explored and discarded (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Hudson 's) sail) (PP up (NP the Great North River))) (VP had (VP disposed (PP of (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the last hopes)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP remained (NP-PRD (NP one mysterious , unexplored gap) , (PP-LOC (ADVP far) to (NP the north)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Nearly twenty-five years) before) , (NP-SBJ Captain John Davis) (VP had (VP noted , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sailed (ADVP-LOC near (NP the Arctic Circle))))) , `` (NP (NP a (ADJP very great) gulf) , (NP (NP the water) (VP whirling and roaring , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the meeting) (PP of (NP tides))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ (NP this opening) , (PP-LOC between (NP (NP Baffin Island) and (NP Labrador)))) , (NP-PRD the `` Furious Overfall ''))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (ADVP-TMP Later) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD Hudson Strait))))))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1602)) , (NP-SBJ George Waymouth) , (PP in (NP (NP the same little Discovery) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP commanded (NP *T*-1)))))) , (VP had (VP sailed (PP-DIR (NP-ADV 300 miles) up (NP the strait)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ his frightened men) (VP turned (NP the ship) (ADVP back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hudson) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP proposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP sail (ADVP (NP all the way) through)) and (VP test (NP (NP the seas) (ADVP-LOC beyond)) (PP for (NP the long-sought waterway))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Even Hudson) , (ADJP (ADJP experienced (PP in (NP Arctic sailing))) and (ADJP (ADJP determined) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))) , (VP must (VP have (VP had (NP qualms) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP slid (PP-DIR down (NP the Thames)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Ahead) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ perilous , ice-filled waters) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (PP On (NP previous voyages)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP (ADJP precisely such) dangerous situations)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP failed (PP as (NP a leader and captain)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the second voyage)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP (VP turned (ADVP back) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the frozen island) (PP of (NP Novaya Zemlya))))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR meekly) given (NP the crew) (NP (NP a certificate) (VP stating (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP did (ADVP so) (PP of (NP his own free will))) -- (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP obviously) not (NP-PRD the case)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the third voyage)) , (NP-SBJ (NP a near-mutiny) (VP rising (PP from (NP (NP a quarrel) (PP between (NP (NP (ADJP Dutch and English) crew members) (PP-LOC on (NP the Half Moon)))))))) (VP had (ADVP almost) (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP head (NP the ship) (ADVP back) (PP-DIR to (NP Amsterdam))))) (PP-LOC in (NP Mid-Atlantic)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Worse) , (NP-SBJ his present crew) (VP included (NP (NP five men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP sailed (PP with (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP before))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-1 Of (NP (NP (QP only one)) (NP *ICH*-2))) could (NP-SBJ he) (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (PP *T*-1)) -- (NP-2 (NP young John Hudson) , (NP his second son))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The mate) , (NP Robert Juet)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP kept (NP the journal) (PP-LOC on (NP the Half Moon))))))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD experienced))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a bitter old man) , (ADJP ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP complain or desert (PP at (NP any opportunity))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Philip Staffe) , (NP (NP the ship 's) carpenter)) , (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP a good worker) , but (ADJP perversely independent))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Arnold Lodley) and (NP Michael Perse)) (VP were (PP-PRD like (NP (NP the rest) -- (ADJP (ADJP lukewarm) , (ADJP ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP swing (PP against (NP Hudson)) (PP in (NP a crisis)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP men) (ADJP willing (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sail (ADVP at all) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP waters) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 wooden ships) (VP could (VP be (VP crushed (NP *-1) (PP like (NP eggs)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD hard (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP use (NP these men)))) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remained (NP-PRD an explorer) (ADVP-TMP *?*))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP anything) (ADVP else)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (VP believed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hudson) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD related (PP to (NP (NP other seafaring men) (PP of (NP the Muscovy Company)))))) and (VP was (VP trained (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP company ships))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a Londoner) , (ADJP married) , (PP with (NP three sons)))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ The common misconception (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD Dutch)))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his first name) (VP was (NP-PRD Hendrik)))))) (VP stem (PP from (NP (NP Dutch documents) (PP of (NP his third voyage))))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1610)) , (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADVP probably) (PP in (NP his early forties)) , (NP a good navigator) , (NP a stubborn voyager) , but (ADVP otherwise) (ADJP fatally unsuited (PP to (NP his chosen profession))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Hudson 's) first error) (PP of (NP the fourth voyage))) (VP occurred (PP-LOC (NP-ADV only a few miles) down (NP the Thames))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-2 There (PP at (NP (NP the river 's) edge))) (VP waited (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP one Henry Greene) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whom) (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP listed (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP a `` clerk '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Greene) (VP was (PP in (NP actuality)) (NP-PRD (NP a young ruffian) (PP from (NP Kent)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (VP broken (PP with (NP his parents)) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP (NP the company) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP preferred (NP *T*-2))))) -- (NP pimps , panders and whores)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP the sort) (PP of (NP sailor)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ his backers) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP board))))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ Greene) (VP wait (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Gravesend) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the Discovery) (VP picked (NP him) (PRT up) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP the first three weeks)) , (NP-SBJ the ship) (VP (VP skirted (PP-DIR up (NP (NP the east coast) (PP of (NP Great Britain))))) , (ADVP then) (VP turned (ADVP-DIR westward))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP May 11)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP reached (NP Iceland)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Poor winds) and (NP fog)) (VP locked (NP her) (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a harbor) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the crew) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD `` Lousie Bay '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The subsequent two-weeks wait) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the crew) (ADJP-PRD quarrelsome))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP looking (ADVP on)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP his protege) (NP Greene)) (VP picked (NP (NP a fight) (PP with (NP (NP (NP the ship 's) surgeon) , (NP Edward Wilson))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The issue) (VP was (VP settled (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP shore)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ Greene) (VP winning)) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Wilson) (VP remaining (ADVP-LOC ashore) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADJP-PRD determined (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP catch (NP (NP the next fishing boat) (PP (ADVP back) to (NP England))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP With (NP difficulty)) , (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP persuaded (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rejoin (NP the ship)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP sailed (PP-DIR from (NP Iceland)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Early) in (NP June)) , (NP-SBJ the Discovery) (VP (VP passed (NP `` (NP Desolation) '' (PRN -LRB- (NP southern Greenland) -RRB-))) and (VP (PP-TMP in (NP mid-June)) entered (NP the `` Furious Overfall ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Floating ice) (VP bore (ADVP down) (PP-DIR from (NP the north and west))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fog) (VP hung (PP-LOC over (NP the route)) (ADVP-TMP constantly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Turbulent tides) (VP rose (NP-EXT (QP as much as fifty) feet)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The ship 's) compass) (VP was (ADJP-PRD useless) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP the nearness) (PP of (NP the magnetic North Pole))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the bergs) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD larger)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Hudson) (VP was (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP turn (ADVP-DIR south) (PP-DIR into (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD (NP Ungava Bay) , (NP (NP an inlet) (PP of (NP the Great Strait))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP After (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP finding (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ its coasts) (VP led (ADVP-DIR nowhere))))))) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP turned (ADVP-DIR north) (ADVP again) , (PP-DIR toward (NP the main , ice-filled passageway)))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-2 the crew) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD (PP-TMP at (ADVP first)) (ADJP uneasy) , (ADVP then) (ADJP frightened))) , (VP rebelled)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The trouble) (VP was (ADVP (ADVP at least) partly) (NP-PRD (NP Juet 's) doing)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP weeks)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP saying (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Hudson 's) idea) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sailing (PP-DIR through (PP to (NP Java))))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD absurd))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The great , crushing ice masses) (VP coming (PP into (NP view)))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP sound (PP like (NP (NP the voice) (PP of (NP pure reason))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A group) (PP of (NP sailors))) (VP announced (PP to (NP Hudson)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP sail (ADVP no farther)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP quelling (NP the dissension) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP many captains) (PP of (NP the era))) (VP would (VP have (VP done))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ Sir Francis Drake) (VP lopped (NP (NP a man 's) head) (PRT off) (PP under (NP similar circumstances)))) -RRB-)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Hudson) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD reasonable))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP his cabin))) and (VP emerged (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP carrying (NP (NP a large chart) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP set (NP *T*-1) (PRT up) (PP in (NP (NP view) (PP of (NP the crew)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Patiently) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP explained (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP (NP their course) and (NP their objectives))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP had (VP finished (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ the `` town meeting '') (VP broke (PRT down) (PP into (NP a general , wordy argument))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One man) (VP remarked (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (QP a hundred) pounds)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP give (NP (NP ninety) (PP of (NP them))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP back) in (NP England)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TPC-2 Up) (VP spoke (ADVP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP carpenter Staffe) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP would n't (VP give (NP ten pounds) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD home)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The statement) (VP was (ADJP-PRD effective)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The meeting) (VP broke (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hudson) (VP was (ADJP-PRD free (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sail (ADVP on)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP All) through (NP July)) (NP-SBJ-1 the Discovery) (VP picked (NP her way) (PP-LOC along (NP the 450-mile-long strait)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP avoiding (NP (NP ice) and (NP rocky islands))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP August 3)) , (NP-SBJ (NP two massive headlands) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP reared (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the mists))) -- (NP-1 (NP great gateways) (VP (ADVP-TMP never before) , (ADVP (ADVP so far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP knew (ADVP *?*))))) , seen (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Europeans))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 To (ADVP starboard)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a cape) (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP a thousand) feet) high) , (VP patched (NP *) (PP with (NP ice and snow))) , (VP populated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP thousands) (PP of (NP screaming sea birds)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 To (ADVP port)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a point) (ADJP (NP-ADV 200 feet) high) (VP rising (ADVP-LOC behind) (PP to (NP (NP a precipice) (PP of (NP 2,000 feet)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ the capes) (NP-PRD Digges and Wolstenholme)) , (PP for (NP (NP two) (PP of (NP his backers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hudson) (VP pointed (NP the Discovery) (PP-DIR down (NP (NP the east coast) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP newly discovered) sea) (PRN -LRB- (VP (ADVP-TMP now) called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Hudson Bay))) -RRB-))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD confident (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP (NP his way) (PP to (NP (NP the warm waters) (PP of (NP the Pacific)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP three weeks ') swift sailing)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ the ship) (VP entered (NP (NP an area) (PP of (NP (NP shallow marshes) and (NP river deltas))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The ship) (VP halted) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The great `` sea) (PP-LOC to (NP the westwards)) '') (VP was (NP-PRD a dead end)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP must (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP Hudson 's) blackest discovery)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sense (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)) (SBAR that (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 before (NP him)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP no South Sea) , but (NP (NP the solid bulk) (PP of (NP the (ADJP North American) continent))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD the bitter end))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Hudson) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP destined (NP *-1) (PP to (NP failure))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Feverishly) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP brush (PRT away) (NP this intuition))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-DIR North and south , east and west) , (ADVP-DIR back and forth) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP sailed (PP-LOC in (NP the land-locked bay)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP (VP plowing (ADVP-MNR furiously) (ADVP-DIR forward) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ land) (VP appeared)))) , (ADVP then) (VP turning (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP repeat (NP the process) , (NP-TMP (NP day) (PP after (NP day))) , (NP-TMP (NP week) (PP after (NP week)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (NP-ADV (NP Hundreds) (PP of (NP miles))) to (NP the north)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the route) (PP (ADVP back) to (NP England)) (PP through (NP the `` Furious Overfall ''))) (VP was (ADVP again) (VP filling (PP with (NP ice)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The men) (VP were (VP (VP (PP-TMP at (ADVP first)) puzzled (NP *-1) (PP *RNR*-2)) , (ADVP then) (VP angered (NP *-1) (PP *RNR*-2)) (PP-2 by (NP-LGS the aimless tacking)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Once more) , (NP-SBJ (NP Juet 's) complaints) (VP were (NP-PRD the loudest)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hudson 's) reply) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP accuse (NP the mate) (PP of (NP disloyalty)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Juet) (VP demanded (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP prove (NP his charges) (PP in (NP an open trial)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The trial) (VP was (VP held (NP *-1) (NP-TMP September 10))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hudson) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP presiding)) , (VP (VP heard (NP (NP Juet 's) defense)) , (ADVP then) (VP called (PP for (NP (NP testimony) (PP from (NP crew members)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Juet) (VP had (VP made (NP plentiful enemies)))) , (S (NP-SBJ several men) (VP stepped (ADVP forward))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Hands) (PP-LOC on (NP Bible))) , (NP-SBJ (NP seaman Lodley) and (NP carpenter Staffe)) (VP swore (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Juet) (VP had (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP persuade (NP-2 them) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (NP muskets and swords) (PP-LOC in (NP their cabins))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cook Bennett Mathues) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Juet) (VP had (VP predicted (NP (NP bloodshed) (PP-LOC on (NP the ship)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP added (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Juet) (VP had (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn (NP the ship) (ADVP-DIR homeward))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP (VP deposed (NP Juet)) and (VP cut (NP his pay))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The new mate) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Robert Bylot) , (ADJP talented but inexperienced))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP other shifts and pay cuts) (PP according (PP to (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ individuals) (VP had (VP conducted (NP themselves) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The important result) , (ADVP however) , (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Juet) and (NP (NP Francis Clemens) , (NP the deposed boatswain))) , (VP became (NP-PRD (NP Hudson 's) sworn enemies))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP resumed (NP (NP his desperate criss-crossing) (PP of (NP the little bay)))))) , (NP-SBJ every incident) (VP lessened (NP (NP (NP the crew 's) respect) (PP for (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ the Discovery) (VP lay (PP-TMP for (NP a week)) (PP in (NP rough weather))))) , (NP-SBJ Hudson) (VP ordered (S (NP-SBJ-1 the anchor) (VP raised (NP *-1))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the sea) (VP had (VP calmed))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Just) as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP being (VP hauled (ADVP-DIR inboard)))))) , (NP-SBJ a sea) (VP hit (NP the ship)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Michael Butt) and (NP Adame Moore)) (VP were (VP (VP thrown (PP-DIR off (NP the capstan))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR badly) injured (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The anchor cable) (VP would (VP have (VP been (VP lost (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC overboard)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 Philip Staffe) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP hand)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP sever (NP it) (PP with (NP his axe))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Thomas Douglas) , (NP (NP fifth Earl) (PP of (NP Selkirk)))) , (NP (NP a noble humanitarian Scot) (ADJP concerned (PP with (NP (NP the plight) (PP of (NP (NP the crofters) (PP of (NP his native Highlands))))))))) , (VP conceived (NP a plan (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP settle (NP them) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the valley) (PP of (NP (NP the Red River) (PP of (NP the North))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ (NP the land) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP desired (NP *T*-1))))) (VP lay (PP-LOC within (NP (NP the great northern empire) (PP of (NP the (NP Hudson 's) Bay Company))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP purchased (NP (NP great blocks) (PP of (NP (NP the Comany 's) stock))) (PP with (NP (NP the view) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP controlling (NP its policies))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Having (VP achieved (NP this end)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP buy (NP (NP 116,000 square miles) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the valleys) (PP of (NP the Red and Assiniboine rivers)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The grant) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP stretched (ADVP-DIR southward) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Lake Traverse) -- (NP (NP the headwaters) (PP of (NP the Red))) --)))))) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1) (PP-TMP in (NP May , 1811))))) , and (S (PP-TMP by (NP (NP October) (PP of (NP that year)))) (NP-SBJ (NP a small group) (PP of (NP Scots))) (VP was (VP settling (PP for (NP the winter)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP York Factory) (PP-LOC on (NP Hudson Bay))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the same time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 William Henry Harrison) (VP was (VP (VP preparing (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pacify (NP (NP the aborigines) (PP of (NP Indiana Territory))))))) and (VP winning (NP fame) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the battle) (PP of (NP Tippecanoe))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , (NP-SBJ Anglo-Saxon settlement) (VP made (NP (NP a great leap) (PP into (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the North American continent)) (PP-LOC to (NP (NP the west) (PP of (NP the American agricultural frontier)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC (NP (QP Seven hundred) miles) south (PP of (NP York Factory))) , (PP-LOC at (NP `` (NP the Forks) '' (PP of (NP (NP the Red) and (NP the Assiniboine))))) , (NP-SBJ twenty-three men) (VP located (NP a settlement) (PP-TMP in (NP August 1812))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP October)) (NP-SBJ (NP the little colony) (PP-LOC about (NP (NP Fort Douglas) (PRN -LRB- (NP present-day Winnipeg) -RRB-)))) (VP numbered (NP 100)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Within (NP a few years)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the Scots) , (VP engaged (NP-1 *) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP breaking (NP the thick sod)) and (VP stirring (NP (NP the rich soil) (PP of (NP the valley))))))))) , (VP were (VP joined (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a group) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Meurons))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The latter) , (NP (NP members) (PP of (NP (NP two regiments) (PP of (NP (NP Swiss mercenaries) (VP transported (NP-1 *) (PP by (NP-LGS Great Britain)) (PP-DIR to (NP Canada)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fight (NP the Americans) (PP in (NP (NP the War) (PP of (NP 1812)))))))))))))) , (VP had (VP settled (PP-LOC in (NP Montreal and Kingston)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the close) (PP of (NP the war)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1815)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Selkirk) (VP persuaded (NP-2 (NP eighty men) and (NP four officers)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Red River) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 where) (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP serve (PP as (NP (NP a military force) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP to (VP protect (NP his settlers) (PP from (NP (NP the hostile Northwest Company) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP resented (NP (NP the intrusion) (PP of (NP farmers)) (PP into (NP the (NP fur traders ') empire))))))))))))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-5)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The mercenaries) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD little interested (PP in (NP farming)))) and (VP added (NP nothing) (PP to (NP (NP the output) (PP of (NP (NP the farm plots) (SBAR (WHPP-2 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 all work) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP done (NP *-1) (PP with (NP hoes)) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as late) (PP as (NP 1818))) (PP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the low yield) (PP of (NP the Selkirk plots))) and (NP (NP the ravages) (PP of (NP grasshoppers)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1818)))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the dispersal) (PP of (NP the settlement)) (ADVP southward))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (PP-TMP (ADVP late) in (NP the summer)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the full extent) (PP of (NP the damage))) (VP was (VP assessed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP (QP all but fifty)) (PP of (NP the Scots , Swiss and metis))) (VP moved (PP-DIR up (NP the Red)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the mouth) (PP of (NP the Pembina river))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ they) (VP built (NP (NP huts) and (NP (NP a stockade) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Fort Daer)) (PP after (NP (NP (NP Selkirk 's) barony) (PP-LOC in (NP Scotland)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The new site) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP somewhat warmer) (PP than (NP Fort Douglas))) and (ADVP-LOC (ADVP much closer) (PP to (NP (NP the great herds) (PP of (NP buffalo)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the settlement) (VP must (VP depend (PP for (NP food)) (PP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Selkirk settlers) (VP had (VP been (VP anticipated (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP their move) (ADVP southward))) (PP by (NP-LGS British fur traders))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP many years)) (NP-SBJ the Northwest Company) (VP had (NP its southern headquarters) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Prairie Du Chien) (PP-LOC on (NP the Mississippi River)) , (ADVP-LOC (NP (QP some 300) miles) southeast (PP of (NP (NP present-day St. Paul) , (NP Minnesota))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (PP-TMP in (NP 1816)) (NP-SBJ (NP an act) (PP of (NP Congress))) (VP forced (NP the foreign firm) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the United States))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP its British-born employees) , (VP (ADVP-TMP now) become (NP-PRD American citizens))) -- (NP (NP Joseph Rolette) , (NP Joseph Renville) and (NP Alexis Bailly)) --) (VP continued (PP in (NP the fur business))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP Big Stone Lake)) (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP the headwaters) (PP of (NP the Red River)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Robert Dickson) , (NP (NP Superintendent) (PP of (NP (NP the Western Indian Department) (PP of (NP Canada)))))) , (VP (VP had (NP a trading post)) and (VP planned (PP-TMP in (NP 1818)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP build (NP (NP a fort) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (VP defended (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP twenty men) and (NP two small artillery pieces)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His trading goods) (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP Canada)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the Forks) (PP of (NP Red River)))))) and (S (PP-DIR from (NP (NP Selkirk 's) settlement)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP brought (NP them) (ADVP-DIR south) (PP in (NP carts)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These carts) (VP were (PP-PRD of (NP (NP a type) (VP devised (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP Pembina)) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the days) (PP of (NP Alexander Henry the Younger)))) (SBAR-TMP (NP-ADV (QP about a) decade) before (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Selkirk colony) (VP was (VP begun (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1802)) (NP-SBJ Henry) (VP referred (PP to `` (NP-1 our new carts) '') (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP being (PP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP about four) feet) off (NP the ground))) and (VP carrying (NP (NP (QP five times as much)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ a horse) (VP could (VP pack (NP *?*))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP (VP held (NP *-1) (ADVP together) (PP by (NP-LGS pegs and withes))) and (VP (PP-TMP in (NP later times)) drawn (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a single ox) (PP in (NP thills))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD Dickson) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP suggested (PP to (NP Lord Selkirk)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP return (PP-DIR to (NP the Atlantic coast)) (PP by (NP (NP way) (PP of (NP the United States))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP September 1817)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Fort Daer) (PRN -LRB- (NP Pembina) -RRB-))) (NP-SBJ Dickson) (VP met (NP (NP the noble lord) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whom) , (S (PP with (NP (NP the help) (PP of (NP (NP a band) (PP of (NP Sioux)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP escorted (NP *T*-1) (PP-DIR to (NP Prairie Du Chien))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the trip)) (NP-SBJ Selkirk) (VP decided (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the route) (PP through (NP Illinois territory)) (PP to (NP (NP Indiana) and (NP the eastern United States)))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the best route) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ (NP goods) (PP from (NP England))) (VP to (VP reach (NP Red River))))))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the United States) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a better source) (PP of (NP supply)) (PP for (NP many goods)) (PP than (NP either Canada or England)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Upon (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP arriving (PP-LOC at (NP Baltimore))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Selkirk) (PP-TMP on (NP December 22)) (VP wrote (PP to (NP (NP John Quincy Adams) , (NP (NP Secretary) (PP of (NP State)) (PP-LOC at (NP Washington))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP inquiring (PP about (NP (NP laws) (VP covering (NP (NP trade) (PP with `` (NP Missouri and Illinois Territories) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ This traffic) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP declared (ADVP-MNR prophetically) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) `` (SBAR-ADV tho ' (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP small account)) (PP-TMP at (ADVP first)))))) , (VP would (VP increase (PP with (NP (NP the progress) (PP of (NP our Settlements)))))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The route) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP traveled (NP *T*-2))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP believed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP might (VP develop (PP into (NP a trade route))))))))))) (VP was (VP followed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS his settlers)) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP earlier) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (VP expected)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1819)) (NP-SBJ grasshoppers) (ADVP again) (VP destroyed (NP (NP the crop) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP `` the Forks '') (PRN -LRB- (NP Fort Douglas) -RRB-)))))) and (S (PP-TMP in (NP December 1819)) , (NP-SBJ twenty men) (VP left (NP Fort Daer) (PP for (NP (NP the (ADVP most northerly) American outpost) (PP-LOC at (NP Prairie Du Chien)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a three-month journey) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the dead) (PP of (NP winter)))) (VP followed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP three months) (PP of (NP (NP labor) (PP-LOC on (NP Mackinac boats))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 these) (VP completed (NP *-1))) and (S (NP-SBJ ice) (VP gone (PP from (NP (NP the (NP St. Peter 's) River) (PRN -LRB- (NP present-day Minnesota river) -RRB-))))))) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP their (NX (NX (NX 250 bushels) (PP of (NP wheat))) , (NX (NX 100 bushels) (PP of (NP oats and barley))) and (NX (NX 30 bushels) (PP of (NP peas))))) and (NP some chickens)) (VP were (VP (VP loaded (NP *-2) (PP onto (NP the flat-bottomed boats))) and (VP rowed (NP *-2) (PP-DIR (PP up (NP the river)) (PP to (NP Big Stone Lake)) , (PP across (PP into (NP Lake Traverse))) , and (PP down (NP the Red)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP reached (NP Fort Douglas) (PP-TMP in (NP June 1820))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This epic effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP secure (NP seed) (PP for (NP the colony)))))) (VP cost (NP Selkirk) (NP Ab1,040)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Nevertheless) (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 (ADJP so short) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the supply) (PP of (NP seed))) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the settlers) (VP were (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP retreat (PP-DIR to (NP Fort Daer)) (PP for (NP food))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Thereafter) (NP-SBJ seed and food) (VP became (ADJP-PRD more plentiful))) and (S (NP-SBJ the colony) (VP remained (PP-LOC in (NP the north)) (NP-TMP (NP the year) (ADVP round)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Activity) (PP by (NP British traders)) (PP-LOC *RNR*-1)) and (NP (NP the presence) (PP of (NP a colony)) (PP-LOC *RNR*-1)) (PP-LOC-1 on (NP the Red))) (VP prompted (S (NP-SBJ the United State War Department) (PP-TMP in (NP 1819)) (VP to (VP send (NP-2 Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Leavenworth) (PP-DIR from (NP Detroit)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP put (NP a post) (ADVP-LOC (NP 300 miles) northwest (PP of (NP (NP Prairie Du Chien) , (RRC (PP-TMP until (ADVP then)) (NP-PRD the (ADJP most advanced) United States post)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP September 1822)) (NP-SBJ (NP two companies) (PP of (NP infantry))) (VP (VP arrived (PP-LOC at (NP (NP (NP the mouth) (PP of (NP the (NP St. Peter 's) River))) , (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP (NP navigation) (PP-LOC on (NP the Mississippi)))))))) , and (VP began (NP (NP construction) (PP of (NP (NP Fort St. Anthony) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (PP-TMP upon (NP completion)) , (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP renamed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP honor) (PP of (NP (NP its commander) , (NP Colonel Josiah Snelling)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD from (NP the American outposts)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Red River shortages) (PP of (NP livestock))) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ-6 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (ADJP-PRD good)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Hercules L. Dousman) , (NP (NP (NP fur trader) and (NP merchant)) (PP-LOC at (NP Prairie Du Chien)))) , (VP contracted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP supply (NP (NP Selkirk 's) people) (PP with (NP (NP (QP some 300) head) (PP of (NP cattle))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Alexis Bailly) and (NP Francois Labothe)) (VP were (VP hired (NP *-1) (PP as (NP drovers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Bailly) , (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP leaving (NP Fort Snelling) (PP-TMP in (NP August 1821))))) , (VP (VP was (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP leave (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the cattle))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP (NP the (NP Hudson 's) Bay Company 's) post) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Lake Traverse) `` (PP-LOC in (NP the Sieux Country)) ''))))))))) and (VP reached (NP (NP Fort Garry) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Selkirk (NP Hudson 's) Bay Company center) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (VP called (NP *-1)))))) , (PP-TMP (ADVP late) in (NP the fall)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP set (PRT out) (PP on (NP his 700-mile return journey)) (PP with (NP (NP five families) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP discontented and disappointed) Swiss) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP turned (NP their eyes) (PP toward (NP the United States)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Observing (NP their distressing condition))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Colonel Snelling) (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ these half-starved immigrants) (VP to (VP settle (PP-LOC on (NP the military reservation)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ-2 these Swiss) (VP were (VP moving (PP-DIR from (NP the Selkirk settlement)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP the first civilian residents) (PP of (NP Minnesota)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Dousman) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Michilimackinac) , (NP Michigan)) , and (NP Prairie Du Chien)))) (VP was (VP traveling (PP-DIR to (NP Red River)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP open (NP (NP a trade) (PP in (NP merchandise)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Early) in (NP 1822)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP Fort Garry)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP offering (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP bring (ADVP in) (NP pork , flour , liquor and tobacco))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Alexander McDonnell) , (NP (NP governor) (PP of (NP Red River)))) , and (NP (NP James Bird) , (NP (NP a chief factor) (PP of (NP the (NP Hudson 's) Bay Company))))) , (VP ordered (NP (NP such `` sundry articles '') (PP to (NP (NP a value) (PP of (NP Ab4,500)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP its part)) (NP-SBJ-1 the (NP Hudson 's) Bay Company) (VP was (VP troubled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the approach) (PP of (NP American settlement)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ (NP the time) (PP *ICH*-6)) (VP drew (ADVP near) (PP-6 for (NP (NP the drawing) (PP of (NP the British-American frontier)) (PP by (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP (NP the agreement) (PP of (NP 1818))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the company) (VP suspected (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Pembina colony) -- (NP (NP its own post) and (NP Fort Daer)) --) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP American territory)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Accordingly) (NP-SBJ (NP Selkirk 's) agents) (VP ordered (S (NP-SBJ the settlers) (VP to (VP move (ADVP-DIR north)))))) , and (S (PP-TMP by (NP October)) , (NP-SBJ-1 John Halkett) (VP had (VP torn (PRT down) (NP both posts) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP floating (NP the timber) (PP-DIR to `` (NP the Forks) '') (PP in (NP rafts))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP have (VP done (NP everything) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP break (PRT up) (NP (NP the whole) (PP of (NP that unfortunate establishment)))))))) . '')) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP (NP Company threats (S *ICH*-1)) , (VP (ADVP duly) carried (NP *) (PRT through)) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cut (PRT off) (NP (NP supplies) (PP of (NP (NP powder) , (NP ball) , and (NP (NP thread) (PP for (NP fishing nets))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (QP about 350) persons) (VP stayed (PP-LOC in (NP the village))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP would (VP attempt (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bring (NP supplies) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP St. Louis) or (NP Prairie Du Chien)))))) (PP at `` (NP great expense (CONJP as well as) danger) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC At (NP Fort Garry)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP some) (PP of (NP the Swiss))) (ADVP also) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cast (NP their lot) (PP with (NP the United States))))))) , and (S (PP-TMP in (NP 1823)) (NP-SBJ several families) (VP paid (NP-2 guides) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP them) (PP-DIR to (NP Fort Snelling))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The disasters) (PP of (NP 1825-1826))) (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ more) (VP to (VP leave)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP heavy rains) and (NP (NP an onslaught) (PP of (NP mice))))) , (NP-SBJ snow) (VP (VP fell (PP-TMP on (NP October 15 , 1825))) , and (VP remained (PP-LOC on (NP the ground)) (PP-TMP through (NP (NP a winter) (ADJP (ADJP so cold) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the ice) (PP-LOC on (NP the Red))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV five feet) thick))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TMP In (NP April)) (VP came) (NP-SBJ (NP a rapid thaw) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP produced (NP (NP high waters) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP did not (VP recede (PP-TMP until (NP mid-June))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP June 24)) (NP-SBJ (QP more than 400) families) (VP started (NP (NP the three-month trip) (PP across (NP the plains)) (PP to (NP the Mississippi)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP By (NP fall)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP 443 survivors) (PP of (NP this arduous journey))) (VP were (VP clustered (NP *-1) (PP-LOC about (NP Fort Snelling))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (VP sent (ADVP on) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Galena) and (NP St. Louis))) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ a few) (VP going (ADVP (ADVP as far) (PP as (NP (NP (NP Vevay) , (NP Indiana)) , (NP (NP a notable Swiss center) (PP-LOC in (NP the United States)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1837)) , (NP-SBJ (NP 157 Red River people) (PP with (NP (QP more than 200) cattle))) (VP were (VP living (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the reservation) (PP-LOC at (NP Fort Snelling)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Below (NP the fort)) , (NP-SBJ high bluffs) (VP extended (ADVP-MNR uninterruptedly) (PP for (NP six miles)) (PP-LOC along (NP the Mississippi River))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the point) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP ended (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ another settlement) (VP grew (PRT up) (PP-LOC around (NP (NP a chapel) (VP built (NP *) (PP-LOC at (NP the boat landing)) (PP by (NP-LGS Father Lucian Galtier)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1840)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Its people) , (PP including (NP (NP Pierre Bottineau) and (NP other American Fur Company employees) and (NP (NP the refugees) (PP from (NP Fort Garry)))))) , (VP were (VP joined (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the remaining Scots and Swiss) (PP from (NP Fort Snelling)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Major Joseph Plympton) (VP expelled (NP them) (PP from (NP the reservation)) (PP-TMP in (NP May 1840)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The resultant town) , (VP (VP platted (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP 1847))) and (VP named (NP *) (PP for (NP (NP (NP the patron) (PP of (NP (NP Father Galtier 's) mission))) , (NP St. Paul)))))) , (VP (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP an important center) (PP of (NP the fur trade))))))) and (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (PRT on) (NP (NP a new interest) (PP for (NP (NP those Selkirkers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP remained (PP-LOC at (NP Red River))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ (NP population) (PP-LOC at (NP Fort Garry))) (VP increased (ADVP-MNR rapidly) , (PP (PP from (NP (NP 2,417) (PP-TMP in (NP 1831)))) (PP to (NP (NP 4,369) (PP-TMP in (NP 1840)))))))) , (NP-SBJ economic opportunities) (VP did not (VP increase (PP at (NP a similar rate)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Accordingly) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ the practice) (VP violated (NP (NP the no-trading provision) (PP of (NP the Selkirk charter)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP reserved (NP (NP all such activity) (PP in (NP merchandise and furs))) (PP to (NP the (NP Hudson 's) Bay Company))))))))) , (NP-SBJ some settlers) (VP went (PP into (NP trade))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Company) (VP (VP maintained (NP (NP a store) (SBAR (WHPP-2 at (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP products) (PP of (NP England))) (VP could (VP be (VP purchased (NP *-1) (PP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) and (VP brought (ADVP in) (NP (NP goods) (PP for (NP the new merchants))) (PP on (NP the understanding (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP refrain (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP trading (PP in (NP furs)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP this prohibiton)) , (PP-TMP by (NP 1844)) (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP the Fort Garry merchants))) (VP were (VP trading (PP with (NP the Indians)) (PP for (NP furs)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP June 1845)) , (NP-SBJ the (NP (NP Governor and Council) (PP of (NP Assiniboia)))) (VP imposed (NP a (ADJP 20 per cent) duty) (PP on (NP (NP imports) (PP via (NP (NP Hudson 's) Bay)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (VP viewed (NP *-1) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP aimed (NP *-3) (PP at (NP (NP the `` very vitals) (PP of (NP (NP the Company 's) trade and power)) '')))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP reduce (ADVP further) (NP (NP the flow) (PP of (NP goods)) (PP from (NP England)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the Company 's) local officials) (VP asked (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 its London authorities) (VP refrain (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP forwarding (NP (ADJP any more) trade goods) (PP-DIR to (NP these men))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP their customary source) (PP of (NP supply))) (VP cut (NP *-1) (PRT off)))) , (NP-SBJ the Fort Garry free traders) (VP engaged (NP-2 three men) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cart (NP goods) (PP-DIR to (NP them)) (PP-DIR from (NP the Mississippi country)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP (VP carried (NP-1 pemmican) (PP-DIR-2 from `` (NP the Forks) '') (PP-DIR-3 to (NP St. Paul))) and (VP (NP=1 goods) (PP-DIR=2 from (NP St. Paul)) (PP-DIR=3 to (NP Red River))) , (PP as (PP in (NP (NP the summer) (PP of (NP 1847)) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP one trader) , (NP Wells)) , (VP transported (NP (NP twenty barrels) (PP of (NP whisky))) (PP-DIR to (NP the British settlement)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This trade) (VP was (ADJP-PRD subject (PP to (NP (NP a tariff) (PP of (NP 7.5 per cent))))) (PP-TMP after (NP February 1835)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 much) (VP was (VP smuggled (NP *-1) (PP-DIR into (NP Assiniboia)) (PP with (NP the result (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the duty) (VP was (VP reduced (NP *-2) (PP-TMP by (NP 1841)) (PP to (NP 4 per cent)) (PP on (NP (NP the initiative) (PP of (NP the London committee))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The trade) (PP in (NP a few commodities)) (VP noted (NP *) (ADVP above))) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP grow (PP in (NP volume)) (PP-PRP as (NP (NP a result) (PP of (NP (NP changes) (ADVP-LOC both north and south (PP of (NP the 49th parallel))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The letters) (PP of (NP the common soldiers))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD rich (PP in (NP humor)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Indeed) , (NP-SBJ-3 (NP no richer humor) (PP *ICH*-4)) (VP is (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP found (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the whole) (PP of (NP American literature)))))))) (PP-4 than (PP in (NP (NP the letters) (PP of (NP (NP the semi-literate men) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP wore (NP (NP the blue) and (NP the gray))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP (NP their figures) (PP of (NP speech))))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD colorful and expressive)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Confederate) (VP observed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Yankees) (VP were : `` (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP thicker) (PP than (NP (NP lise) (PP-LOC on (NP a hen))))) and (ADJP (NP-ADV a dam site) ornraier)) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another) (VP reported (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 his comrades) (VP were `` (PP-PRD in (NP fine spirits)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pitching (ADVP around) (PP like (NP (NP a blind dog) (PP-LOC in (NP a meat house)))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A third) (VP wrote (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was `` (VP raining (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP poring (NP peas) (PP-LOC on (NP a rawhide)))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Yanks) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP equally adept) (PP at (NP figurative expression)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP wrote : `` -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so hungry) (SBAR 0 -RRB- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP (VP eat (NP a rider) (PP off (NP his horse))) & (VP snap (PP at (NP the stirups)))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A second) (VP reported (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the dilapidated houses) (PP-LOC in (NP Virginia))) `` (VP look (PP like (NP (NP the latter end) (PP of (NP (NP original sin) and (NP hard times)))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A third) (VP remarked (PP of (NP (NP slowness) (PP of (NP Southerners)))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP moved (ADVP about) (PP-DIR (PP from (NP corner)) (PP to (NP corner))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as uneasy) (PP as (NP (NP a litter) (PP of (NP hungry leaches)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the neck) (PP of (NP a wooden god)))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Still another) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP annoyed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the brevity) (PP of (NP a (ADJP recently received) missive)))))) , (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-SBJ yore letter) (VP was (ADJP-PRD short and sweet) , (PP (ADVP jist) like (NP a roasted maget)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Yankee sergeant) (VP gave (NP (NP (NP the following description) (PP of (NP his sweetheart))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ my girl) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP none) (PP of (NP your one-horse girls))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a regular stub and twister) , (ADJP double geered))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP is (UCP-PRD (ADJP well-educated and refined) , (NP all wildcat and fur) , and (NP (NP Union) (PP (PP from (NP the muzzle)) (PP to (NP the crupper)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Humor) (VP found (NP (NP many modes) (PP of (NP expression)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Texan) (VP wrote (PP to (NP (NP a male companion) (PP-LOC at (NP home)))) : `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP become (PP of (NP Halda and Laura))))) ? ?)))) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (NP them) (ADVP again) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ *) (VP give (NP them) (NP (NP my love) -- (NP not (NP best respects) (INTJ now) , but (NP love) (PP by (NP God))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP William R. Stillwell) , (NP (NP an admirable Georgian) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose delightful correspondence) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP preserved (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the Georgia Department) (PP of (NP Archives and History)))))))))) , (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP tease (NP his wife) (PP in (NP his letters)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD away (PP from (NP home))) (NP-TMP (QP about a) year))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote : `` (S (PRN -LRB- (NP-VOC dear Wife) -RRB-) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP (VP write) and (VP receive (NP (NP letters) (PP from (NP you)))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP forgit (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD married))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP feel (PP (ADVP much) like (NP a maryed man))))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP forgit (NP it) (ADVP (ADVP sofar) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP court (NP enny other lady)))))))) but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP *?*)))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP must (VP forgive (NP me) (SBAR-PRP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD so forgitful))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A Yank) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD disturbed (PP by (NP-LGS his increasing corpulence)))) , (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP growing (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so fat) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD (NP a burden) (PP 2 (NP myself)))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Another Yank) (VP parodied (NP the familiar bedtime prayer))) : `` (S (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ I) (VP lay (NP me) (PRT down) (PP to (NP sleep)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the gray-backs) (PP-LOC o'er (NP my body)) (VP creep)) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP should (VP bite (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wake))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP pray (NP-1 the Lord) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-TPC-2 their jaws) (VP to (VP break (NP *T*-2))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Charles Thiot) , (NP a splendid Georgia soldier)) , (VP differed (PP from (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP his comrades) (PP in (NP the ranks)))))) (PP in (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP (NP the owner) (PP of (NP a large plantation))) , (ADJP well-educated) , and (NP (NP (QP nearly fifty) years) (PP of (NP age))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP very much) like (NP his associates)) (PP in (NP (NP his hatred) (PP of (NP camp routine))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Near (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP his service)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (SBAR that (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the war) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP buy (NP two pups)) , (VP name (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP them))) (NP-PRD `` Fall-in '')) and (S (NP-SBJ the other) (NP-PRD `` Close-up '')))) , (CONJP and then) (VP shoot (NP them both)))))))) , `` and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the end) (PP of (NP (NP Fall-in) and (NP Close-up))))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The soldiers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP comprised (NP (NP the rank and file) (PP of (NP the Civil War armies))))))) (VP were (NP-PRD an earthy people)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP talked and wrote (ADVP much) (PP about (NP (NP the elemental functions) (PP of (NP the body))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most common)) (PP of (NP camp maladies))))) (VP was (NP-PRD diarrhoea)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Men) (PP of (NP (ADJP more delicate) sensibilities))) (VP referred (PP to (NP this condition)) (PP as `` (NP (NP looseness) (PP of (NP the bowels))) ''))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ a (ADJP (ADVP much more) common) designation) (VP was `` (NP-PRD the sh-ts) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A Michigan soldier) (VP stationed (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP Georgia)))) (VP wrote (PP-TMP in (NP 1864)) : : `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP tough) (PP as (NP a knott))) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (PRT over) (NP the Georgia Shitts) (ADVP-TMP *?*)))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Johnny Rebs) (PP from (NP the deep South)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (VP plagued (NP *-1) (PP with (NP diarrhoea)) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP transfer) (PP to (NP the Virginia front))))))))) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP informed (NP their families) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP suffering (PP from (NP the `` the Virginia quickstep ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Georgia soldier) (VP gave (NP his wife) (NP (NP (NP the following description) (PP of (NP (NP the cause and consequence) (PP of (NP diarrhoea))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP bin (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) sick (PP with (NP diorah))) (NP-TMP (QP two or three) days)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP eat (NP (ADJP too much) eggs and poark)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP sowered (PP (PRN -LRB- on -RRB-) (NP my stomack))) and (VP turn (ADJP-PRD loose) (PP on (NP me)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Michigan soldier) (VP wrote (NP his brother) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD well) (PP-TMP at (NP present)) (PP with (NP the exception (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP got (NP the Dyerear))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ thease few lines) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD the same))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The letters) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP poured (ADVP forth) (PP-DIR from (NP camps)))))) (VP were (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP written (NP *-1) (PP under (NP adverse circumstances)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Save (PP for (NP (NP brief periods) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP garrison) or (NP winter quarters)))))) , (NP-SBJ soldiers) (ADVP-TMP rarely) (VP enjoyed (NP (NP the luxury) (PP of (NP a writing desk or table)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Most) (PP of (NP the letters))) (VP were (VP written (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the hubbub) (PP of (NP camp)))) , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP stumps) , (NP (NP pieces) (PP of (NP bark))) , (NP drum heads) , or (NP the knee))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the South)) , (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the first year) (PP of (NP the war)))) , (NP-SBJ paper and ink) (VP were (ADJP-PRD very poor)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Scarcity) (PP of (NP paper))) (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ many Southerners) (VP to (VP adopt (NP (NP the practice) (PP of (NP (NP cross-writing) , (ADVP i.e.) , (S (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP writing (PP-DIR (PP from (NP (NP left) (PP *RNR*-1))) (PP to (NP (NP right) (PP *RNR*-1))) (PP-1 of (NP the page))) (PP in (NP the usual manner))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP (VP gave (NP the sheet) (NP a half turn)) and (VP wrote (PP-DIR (PP from (NP end)) (PP to (NP end))) (PP-DIR across (NP (NP the lines) (VP (ADVP-TMP previously) written (NP *)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ soldiers) (VP wrote (NP letters) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ bullets) (VP were (VP whizzing (PP-LOC about (NP their heads))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A Yank) (VP writing (PP from (NP Vicksburg)) , (NP-TMP May 28 , 1863))) , (VP stated : `` (S (NP-SBJ (QP not less than 50) balls) (VP have (VP passed (PP-LOC over (NP me)) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP commenced (VP writing)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP tell (NP you) (PP of (NP (ADJP plenty narrow) escapes))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP take (NP (NP no notice) (PP of (NP them))) (ADVP-TMP now))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A Reb) (VP stationed (NP *) (ADVP-LOC near (NP Petersburg)))) (VP informed (NP his mother) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP need not (VP tell (NP you) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP dodge (ADVP-TMP pretty often)))) (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP see (NP that) (ADVP-MNR very plainly) (PP by (NP (NP the blots) (PP-LOC in (NP this letter)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP (VP count (NP each blot) (NP a dodge)) and (VP add (PRT in) (NP a few) (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP dodge (NP every time))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another Reb) (VP writing (PP under (NP similar circumstances)) (PP-LOC before (NP Atlanta)))) (VP reported : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Yankees) (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shooting)))) so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD afraid (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP will (VP knock (PRT over) (NP my ink)))))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP close)))) '') .)) (TOP (NP 3 ,)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP most common) type) (PP of (NP letter))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP soldier husbands) (PP to (NP their wives)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ fathers) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP addressed (NP communications) (PP to (NP their small children)))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ (NP these) , (ADJP full (PP of (NP homely advice)))) , (VP are (PP-PRD among (NP (NP the (ADJP most human and revealing)) (PP of (NP Civil War letters)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rebs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP owned (NP slaves))))) (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (VP would (VP include (PP in (NP their letters)) (NP (NP admonitions or greetings) (PP to (NP (NP members) (PP of (NP the Negro community))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Occasionally) (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP write (PP to (NP the slaves)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Early (PP in (NP the war))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD uncommon) (SBAR-2 for (S (NP-SBJ (NP planters ') sons) (VP to (VP retain (PP-LOC in (NP camp)) (NP (NP Negro `` body servants '') (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP perform (NP (NP the menial chores) (PP such as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP cooking) , (VP foraging) , (VP cleaning (NP the quarters)) , (VP shining (NP shoes)) , and (VP laundering (NP clothes)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ these servants) (VP wrote or dictated (PP for (NP (NP enclosure) (PP with (NP (NP the letters) (PP of (NP their soldier-masters)))))) (NP (NP messages) (PP (PP to (NP their relatives)) and (PP to (NP (NP members) (PP of (NP (NP their owners ') families))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Unmarried soldiers) (VP carried (PRT on) (NP (NP correspondence) (PP with (NP (NP sweethearts) (PP-LOC at (NP home)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Owing (PP to (NP (NP the restrained usages) (ADJP characteristic (PP of (NP 19th-century America)))))) , (NP-SBJ these letters) (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD stereotyped)) and (VP revealed (NP (NP little depth) (PP of (NP feeling))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Occasionally) (NP-SBJ gay young blades) (VP would (VP write (ADVP-MNR vividly) (PP to (NP (NP boon companions) (PP-LOC at (NP home)))) (PP about (NP (NP their amorous exploits) (PP in (NP Richmond , Petersburg , Washington , or Nashville)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ these comments) (VP are (ADJP-PRD hardly printable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An Alabama soldier) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose feminine associations) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (PP-PRD of (NP the (ADJP more admirable) type)))))) (VP wrote (ADVP-MNR boastfully) (PP of (NP (NP his achievements) (PP among (NP the Virginia belles)))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP thout (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD a saint))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP them) (NP some sweet lies))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP believed (NP (NP it) (NP all)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP tell (NP them) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP (NP a letter) (PP from (NP home)) (VP stating (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP five) (PP of (NP my Negroes))) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (VP had (VP runaway (NAC-1 and (NP (NP ten) (PP of (NP Pappy 's))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP wold (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP recond (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP mind (NP it))))) (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP a plenty more) (ADJP left))))))))))) (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP lean (PP to (NP me)) (PP like (NP (NP a (ADJP sore eyd) kitten) (PP to (NP (NP a basin) (PP of (NP milk))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP the letters))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD pungently expressive)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An Ohio soldier) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) , (S (PP from (NP (NP a comrade) (VP (ADVP just) returned (PP from (NP leave))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP received (NP (NP an unfavorable comment) (PP on (NP (NP the conduct) (PP of (NP his sister))))))))) , (VP (VP took (NP pen) (PP in (NP hand))) and (VP delivered (NP himself) (ADVP thus) : `` (NP-VOC dear Sis))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Alf) (VP sed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you and Hardy) (VP was (VP a runing (ADVP together) (ADVP-TMP all the time)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP though (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP wod (ADVP gust) (VP quit (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having (NP (NP (NP any thing) (ADJP mor)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP doo (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP you))))))))) (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (ADJP no more) yuse)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP made (NP a dam good chouise (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT off) (NP (NP (ADJP as nise) a feler) (PP as (NP Alf Dyer)))) and (VP let (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP that orney thefin , drunkard , damed (ADJP card playing) sun) (PP of (NP a bich))) (VP com (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sea (NP you)))))))))))))))) , (S (NP-TPC (NP the (ADJP god damed) theaf) and (NP (ADJP lop yeard) (ADJP pigen tode) helion)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP too orney) (PP for (NP hel))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP shute (NP him) (ADVP (ADVP as shore) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sea (NP him) (ADVP *?*))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Initiation) (PP into (NP combat))) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP elicited (PP from (NP soldier correspondents)) (NP (NP choice comments) (PP about (NP their experiences and reactions)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Federal infantryman) (VP wrote (PP to (NP his father)) (PP-TMP (ADVP shortly) after (NP (NP his first skirmish) (PP-LOC in (NP Virginia)))) : `` (NP-VOC dear Pa)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Went (ADVP-DIR out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP a skouting)) (NP-TMP yesterday)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP got (PP-DIR to (NP (NP one house) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD five secessionists) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP brok & run)) and (S (NP-SBJ Arch) (VP holored (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shoot (NP (NP the ornery suns) (PP of (NP biches)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP all)) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (PP at (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Thay) (VP may (VP say (FRAG (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP please (NP *T*-1)))))))) but (S (INTJ godamit) (NP-VOC Pa) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD fun))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP (NP the choicest remarks) (VP made (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS soldiers)) (PP in (NP their letters)))))) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP (NP disparagement) (PP of (NP unpopular officers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Mississippi soldier) (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-SBJ our General Reub Davis) (VP is (NP-PRD a vain , stuck-up , illiterate ass))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An Alabamian) (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-SBJ Col. Henry) (VP is (NP-PRD (PRN -LRB- (NP an ignoramus) -RRB-) (ADJP fit (PP for (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP higher) (PP than (NP (NP the cultivation) (PP of (NP corn))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Floridian) (VP stated (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 his officers) (VP were `` not (ADJP-PRD fit (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tote (NP guts) (PP-DIR to (NP a bear)))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP December 9 , 1862)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Sergeant Edwin H. Fay) , (NP (NP an unusual Louisianan) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP held (NP (NP A.B. and M.A. degrees) (PP from (NP Harvard University)))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (PP-TMP before (NP the war)) (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP headmaster) (PP of (NP (NP a private school) (PP for (NP boys)) (PP-LOC in (NP Louisiana))))))))))) , (VP wrote (NP his wife) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP Pemberton))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most insignificant) puke) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP saw (NP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His head) (VP can not (VP contain (NP enough sense (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP command (NP (NP a regiment) , (ADVP much less) (NP a corps)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Jackson) (VP runs (ADVP first))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 his Cavalry) (VP are (ADJP-PRD well drilled (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP follow (NP their leader))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is not (PP-PRD worth (NP shucks))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD a West Point graduate)) and (ADVP therefore) (VP must (VP be (VP born (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP command))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Similar comments) (PP about (NP officers))) (VP are (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP found (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the letters) (PP of (NP Northern soldiers))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A Massachusetts soldier) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a Civil War version) (PP of (NP Bill Mauldin))))))))))) , (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-SBJ-3 the officers) (VP consider (NP themselves) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP made (NP *-4) (PP of (NP (NP a different material) (PP from (NP (NP the low fellows) (PP in (NP the ranks)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP get (NP (NP all the glory) and (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP the pay))))) and (VP do n't (VP earn (NP (NP ten cents) (NP-ADV apiece)) (PP on (NP the average)))) , (NP-TPC the drunken rascals)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Private George Gray Hunter) (PP of (NP Pennsylvania))) (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD well convinced (PP in (NP my own mind)) (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV (SINV had (NP-SBJ it) not (VP been (PP-PRD for (NP officers))))) (NP-SBJ this war) (VP would (VP have (VP ended (ADVP-TMP long ago)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Another Yankee) (VP became (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so disgusted) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP state : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (PP to (NP God)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP one half) (PP of (NP our officers))) (VP were (VP knocked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the head)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP slinging (NP them) (PP against (PRN -LRB- (NP the other half) -RRB-))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP No group) (PP of (NP officers))) (VP came (PRT in) (PP for (NP (NP (ADJP more spirited) denunciation) (PP than (NP the doctors))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One Federal soldier) (VP wrote : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ the docters) (VP is (NP-PRD no aconte))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 hell) (VP will (VP be (VP filde (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP do (PRN -LRB- c -RRB-) ters) and (NP offersey))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ this war) (VP is (ADVP-PRD over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Shortly) after (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP (NP Sherman 's) Georgia campaign)))) , (NP-SBJ an ailing Yank) (VP wrote (NP his homefolk) : `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 the surgeon) (VP insisted (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sending (NP me) (PP-DIR to (NP the hospital)) (PP for (NP treatment)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP insisted (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP takeing (NP the field))))) and (VP prevailed) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP die (PP by (NP rebel bullets)) (PP than (PP (PRN -LRB- by -RRB-) (NP Union quackery))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The attitudes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ the Rebs and Yanks) (VP took (NP *T*-1)))) (PP toward (NP each other))) (VP (VP were (NP-PRD (ADJP very much) the same)) and (VP ranged (PP over (NP (NP (NP the same gamut) (PP of (NP feeling))) , (PP (PP from (NP friendliness)) (PP to (NP extreme hatred))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Rebs) (VP were , (PP to (NP a Massachusetts corporal)) , `` (NP-PRD (NP fighting madmen) or (NP not (NP men) (ADVP at all) but (NP (NP whiskey & gunpowder) (VP put (NP *) (PP into (NP a human frame))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Pennsylvania soldier) (VP wrote (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP hardest looking) set) (PP of (NP men)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (ADVP-TMP ever) (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP looked (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP been (VP fed (NP *-1) (PP on (NP vinegar and shavings)))))))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Private Jenkins Lloyd Jones) (PP of (NP the Wisconsin Light Artillery))) (VP wrote (PP in (NP his diary)) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP strolled (PP-LOC among (NP (NP the Alabamans) (PP-LOC on (NP the right))))) , (VP found (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the greenest specimens) (PP of (NP humanity)) (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think))) (PP in (NP the universe))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ their ignorance) (VP being (ADJP-PRD (ADJP little less) (PP than (NP (NP the slave) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP despise (NP *T*-1))))))) (PP with (NP (ADJP as imperfect) a dialect)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP recooned (PP as (SBAR (WHADVP how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP you'uns) (NP all)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a heap) wus (PP to (NP (NP we'uns) (NP all)))))))))) ' '' .)) (TOP (S (UCP-ADV (PP In (NP a similar vein)) , but (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP writing (PP from (NP the opposite side))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 (NP Thomas Taylor) , (NP (NP a private) (PP in (NP the 6th Alabama Volunteers)))) , (PP in (NP (NP a letter) (PP to (NP his wife)))) , (VP stated : `` (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ my heart) (VP is (PP-PRD with (NP you)))) but (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP could (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD satisfied (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP have (VP staid (PP-LOC at (NP home))))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 my country) (VP is (VP invaded (NP *-1) (PP (PP by (NP-LGS a thievin foe)) , (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a set) (PP of (NP cowardly skunks)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose motto) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (NP-PRD Booty))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The popularity) (PP of (NP folklore)) (PP-LOC in (NP America))) (VP stands (PP in (NP (NP direct proportion) (PP to (NP (NP the popularity) (PP of (NP nationalism)) (PP-LOC in (NP America))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the emphasis) (PP on (NP nationalism)) (PP-LOC in (NP America))) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (NP proportion) (PP to (NP (NP the growth) (PP of (NP American influence)) (PP-LOC across (NP the world))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP observe (NP (NP American folklore) (PP-TMP in (NP the twentieth century))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP will (VP do (ADVP-MNR well) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP establish (NP (NP the relationships) (PP between (NP folklore , nationalism and imperialism))) (PP at (NP the outset))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Historians) (VP have (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP recognize (NP (NP two cardinal facts) (PP concerning (NP (NP nationalism) and (NP international influence))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (LST 1 -RRB-) (NP-SBJ-3 Every age) (VP rewrites (NP (NP the events) (PP of (NP its history))) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP should (VP have (VP been)))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP creating (NP (NP legends) (PP about (NP itself)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP rationalize (NP contemporary beliefs)) and (VP excuse (NP contemporary actions))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP actually) (VP occurred (PP-TMP in (NP the past))))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP seldom) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as important) (PP as (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ a given generation) (VP feels (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP must (VP have (VP occurred))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (LST 2 -RRB-) (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ a country) (VP superimposes (NP its (ADJP cultural and political) attitudes) (PP on (NP others))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP searches (NP its heritage) (PP in (NP (NP hopes) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP justifying (NP its aggressiveness))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Its folklore and legend) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP disguised (NP *-3) (PP as (NP history)))) , (VP are (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP to (VP account (PP for (NP group actions)))) , (VP to (VP provide (NP (NP a focal point) (PP for (NP group loyalty))))) , and (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a cohesive force) (PP for (NP national identification))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP can (VP apply (NP these facts) (PP to (NP (NP Britain) (PP-TMP in (NP the (ADJP (ADJP late eighteenth) and nineteenth) centuries)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP spread (NP her dominion) (PP-LOC over (NP palm and pine)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP can (VP be (VP applied (NP *-1) (ADVP again) (PP to (NP (NP the United States) (PP-TMP in (NP (ADJP more recent) years)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The popularity) (PP of (NP local color literature)) (PP-TMP before (NP the Spanish-American War))) , (NP (NP the steady currency) (PP of (NP the Lincoln myth))) , (NP (NP the increased emphasis) (PP on (NP the frontier West)) (PP in (NP our mass media)))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP cases) (PP in (NP point)))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (NP-PRD an accident) (SBAR-1 (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 baseball) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP growing (PP into (NP the national game)) (PP-TMP in (NP the last 75 years)))) , (VP has (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a microcosm) (PP of (NP American life))))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP learned societies) (PP such as (NP (NP the American Folklore Society) and (NP the American Historical Association)))) (VP were (VP founded (NP *-2) (PP-TMP in (NP the 1880s)))))) , or (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP courses) (PP in (NP (NP American literature) , (NP American civilization) , (NP American anything)))) (VP have (VP swept (NP our school and college curricula)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ nationalism) (VP has (ADVP really) (VP outlived (NP its usefulness) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a country) (ADJP (ADJP as world-oriented) (PP as (NP ours)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ its continued existence) (VP reflects (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the major culture lags) (PP of (NP the twentieth-century United States))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ nationalism) (VP has (VP lost (NP (NP few) (PP of (NP its charms))) (PP for (NP (NP the historian) , (NP writer) or (NP (NP man) (PP-LOC in (NP the street))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD an understandable paradox) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP most American history) and (NP most American literature)) (VP is (NP-PRD today) (VP written (NP *-2) (PP from (NP (NP an (ADJP essentially egocentric and isolationistic) point) (PP of (NP view)))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the very time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ America) (VP is (VP spreading (NP her dominion) (PP-LOC over (NP palm and pine)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ the average American) (SBAR-TMP (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP lies) and (VP waits (PP for (NP the enemy))) (PP-LOC in (NP Korea))))) or (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP scans (NP the newspaper) (PP in (NP (NP some vain hope) (PP of (NP (NP personal contact) (PP with (NP the front)))))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD unconcerned (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his or her plight) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the result) (PP of (NP (NP a complex) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP personal , economic and governmental) actions) (PP (ADVP far) beyond (NP (NP the normal citizen 's) comprehension and control)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Anyone 's) identification) (PP with (NP (NP an international struggle) , (SBAR whether (FRAG (ADJP-PRD warlike or peaceful)))))) , (VP requires (NP (NP absurd oversimplification) and (NP intense emotional involvement))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such identification) (VP comes (PP for (NP each group)) (PP in (NP each crisis)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP rewriting (NP history) (PP into (NP legend))) and (VP developing (NP appropriate national heroes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP America)) , (NP-SBJ such self-deception) (VP has (VP served (NP a (ADJP particularly useful) purpose))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A heterogeneous people) (VP have (VP needed (NP it) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP attain (NP (NP an element) (PP of (NP (ADJP cultural and political) cohesion))) (PP-LOC in (NP a (ADJP new and ever-changing) land))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (ADVP-TMP never) (VP forget , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the appropriate heroes) and (NP their legends)))) (VP were (VP created (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP overnight) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP answer (NP immediate needs)))) , (NAC (ADVP-TMP almost always) (PP with (NP conscious aims and ends))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Parson Weems 's) George Washington) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP (NP the symbol) (PP of (NP honesty))) and (NP (NP the father image) (PP of (NP the uniting States))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Abraham Lincoln) (VP emerged (PP as (NP (NP an incarnation) (PP of (NP the national Constitution))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Robert E. Lee) (VP represented (NP (NP the dignity) (VP needed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a rebelling confederacy))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 their roles) (VP are (VP paralleled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP those) (PP of (NP (NP Patrick Henry) , (NP Nathan Hale) , (NP Andrew Jackson) , (NP Davy Crockett) , (NP Theodore Roosevelt) and (NP many , many more))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Therefore) , (NP-SBJ the scholar) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looks (PP at (NP (NP our national folklore) (PP of (NP the last 60 years))))))) , (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD mindful (PP of (NP two facts))))) .)) (TOP (S (LST 1 -RRB-) (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP (NP the legends) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (VP created (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fan (NP (NP the fires) (PP of (NP patriotism))))))))))))) (VP (VP are (ADJP-PRD essentially propagandistic)) and (VP are not (NP-PRD folk legends) (ADVP at all))) .)) (TOP (S (LST 2 -RRB-) (NP-SBJ (NP The concept) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ an `` American national folklore '') (VP exists)))) (VP is (NP-ADV itself) (ADVP probably) (NP-PRD another propagandistic legend)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Folklore) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP individually created) art) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a homogeneous group) (PP of (NP people))) (VP preserve , vary and recreate (NP *T*-1) (PP through (NP oral transmission))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP has (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP mean (NP (NP myths) , (NP legends) , (NP tales) , (NP songs) , (NP proverbs) , (NP riddles) , (NP superstitions) , (NP rhymes) and (NP (NP such literary forms) (PP of (NP expression))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-2) (UCP-PRD (ADJP-PRD Related (PP to (NP written literature))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP often) remaining (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (ADVP temporarily) (VP frozen (NP *-5) (PP in (NP written form))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP loses (NP its vitality) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP transcribed or removed (NP *-3) (PP from (NP its oral existence)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP may (VP exist (PP in (NP (ADJP either literate or illiterate) societies)))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP assumes (NP (NP a role) (PP of (NP true cultural importance))) (PP (ADVP only) in (NP the latter))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP its (ADJP propagandistic and commercial) haste) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP discover (NP our folk heritage))))))) , (NP-SBJ the public) (VP has (VP remained (ADJP-PRD ignorant (PP of (NP (NP definitions) (PP such as (NP this))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Enthusiastically) , (NP-SBJ Americans) (VP have (VP swept (NP (NP (ADJP subliterary and bogus) materials) (PP like (NP (NP Paul Bunyan tales) , (NP Abe Lincoln anecdotes) and (NP labor union songs)))) (PRT up) (PP as (NP (NP true products) (PP of (NP our American oral tradition)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor have (NP-SBJ we) (VP remembered (SBAR that (S (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the melting pot) (PP of (NP America)))) (NP-SBJ (NP the hundreds) (PP of (NP (ADJP isolated and semi-isolated) (ADJP ethnic , regional and occupational) groups))) (VP did not (VP fuse (PP into (NP a homogeneous national unit)) (PP-TMP until (SBAR (ADVP long) after (S (NP-SBJ education and industrialization) (VP had (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP to (VP cast (NP oral tradition) (ADVP aside) (PP as (NP (NP a means) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP carrying (NP (ADJP culturally significant) material))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Naturally) , (NP-SBJ such scholarly facts) (VP are (PP-PRD of (NP little concern)) (PP to (NP (NP the man) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP make (NP money)) or (VP fan (NP patriotism)) (PP by (NP (NP means) (PP of (NP folklore))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-SBJ That (S (NP-SBJ (NP much) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP calls (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD folklore))))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the result) (PP of (NP (NP beliefs) (VP (ADVP-MNR carefully) sown (NP *) (PP-LOC among (NP the people)) (PP with (NP (NP the conscious aim) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP producing (NP (NP a desired mass emotional reaction) (PP to (NP a particular (NX (NX situation) or (NX (NX set) (PP of (NP situations))))))))))))))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD irrelevant)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP As long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 his material) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD Americana)) , (VP can (PP in (NP some way)) (VP be (VP ascribed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the masses))))) and (VP appears `` (ADJP-PRD democratic) '' (PP to (NP his audience))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP remains (ADJP-PRD satisfied)) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP all this)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (ADVP-TMP now) (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP two streams) (PP of (NP development))) (VP run (PP through (NP (NP the history) (PP of (NP twentieth-century American folklore))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the one side)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP (NP the university professors) and (NP their students)) , (VP trained (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP Teutonic methods) (PP of (NP research))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP (VP sought (PRT out) (NP *RNR*-3)) , (VP collected (NP *RNR*-3)) and (VP studied (NP *RNR*-3)) (NP-3 (NP the true products) (PP of (NP (NP the oral traditions) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP ethnic , regional and occupational) groups) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP make (PRT up) (NP this nation))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the other)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP (NP the flag-wavers) and (NP the national sentimentalists)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP use (NP any (ADJP (ADJP patriotic) , `` (ADJP frontier western) '' or (ADJP colonial)) material) (ADVP-MNR willy-nilly))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Unfortunately) , (NP-SBJ (NP few) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the artists) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP writers) , (NP movie producers) , (NP dramatists) and (NP musicians)) -RRB-)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP used (NP American folklore) (PP-TMP since (NP 1900))))))))) (VP have (VP known (NP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP distinguish (PP between (NP the two streams)) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP (NP the most general) (PP of (NP ways)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ-2 the field) (VP is (UCP-PRD (ADJP large) , (ADJP difficult (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP define (NP *T*-1)))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP seldom) taught (NP *-2) (ADVP-MNR properly) (PP to (NP American undergraduates))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP addition)) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 this country) (VP has (VP been (VP settled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP many peoples) (PP of (NP many heritages)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ their lore) (VP has (VP become (ADJP-PRD acculturated) (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (PP-TMP in (NP (NP an age) (PP of (NP (NP print) and (NP easy communication))))) , (PP within (NP an (ADJP ever-expanding and changing) society))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The problems) (VP confuse (NP even the experts)) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP that matter)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the experts) (NP themselves)) (VP are (NP-PRD a mixed breed)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP Anthropologists , housewives , historians and such) (PP by (NP profession)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP approach (NP their discipline) (PP as (NP (NP amateurs) , (NP collectors) , (NP commercial propagandists) , (NP analysts) or (NP (NP some combination) (PP of (NP the four)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP have (NP (ADJP widely varying) backgrounds and aims)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP have (NP little `` esprit de corps '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The outlook) (PP for (NP the amateur))) , (PP for (NP instance)) , (VP is (ADVP-TMP usually) (ADJP-PRD dependent (PP on (NP (NP his fondness) (PP (PP for (NP local history)) or (PP for (NP the picturesque))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP His love) (PP of (NP folklore))) (VP has (NP romanticism) (PP in (NP it)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does n't (VP care (ADVP much) (PP about (NP (NP the dollar-sign) or (NP the footnote)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Folklore) (VP is (NP-PRD his hobby))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) , (ADVP-MNR (ADVP all too) rightly) , (VP wishes (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP remain (PP as (NP such))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The amateur) (VP is (ADJP-PRD closely related (PP to (NP (NP the collector) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADVP actually) (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP no more)) (PP than (NP (NP the amateur) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP has (VP taken (PP to (NP the field)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The collector) (VP enjoys (NP (NP the contact) (PP with (NP rural life))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hunts (NP folklore) (PP for (NP (NP the very `` field and stream '' reasons) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ many persons) (VP hunt (NP game) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))))) ; ; and (SINV (ADVP-TMP only rarely) is (NP-SBJ he) (ADJP-PRD acutely concerned (PP with (NP (NP the meaning) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP located (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Fundamentally) , (NP-SBJ (NP both these types) , (NP (NP the amateur) and (NP the collector))) , (VP are (ADJP-PRD uncritical))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP them))) (VP do n't (VP distinguish (ADVP-MNR well) (PP between (NP (NP real folklore) and (NP bogus material)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP (NP the commercial propagandists) and (NP the analysts)) -- (NP (NP (NP-1 one) (VP dominated (NP *) (PP-2 by (NP-LGS money)))) , (NP (NP=1 the other) (PP=2 by (NP-LGS nineteenth-century German scholarship)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP are (ADVP primarily) (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP with (NP (NP the uses) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP can (VP be (VP made (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP the material) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ the collector) (VP has (VP found (NP *T*-4)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP shudder (PP at (NP (NP the thought) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP proceeding (PP (ADVP too far) beyond (NP (NP the sewage system) and (NP the electric light lines))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The commercial propagandist) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP ca n't (VP afford (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD critical))))))))) , (VP gets (ADVP along) (ADVP-MNR well) (PP with (NP (NP the amateur) , (SBAR (WHPP-3 from (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP feeds (PP *T*-3)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (ADVP-TMP frequently) (VP steps (PP on (NP (NP the analyst 's) toes)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP refusing (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ his material) (ADJP-PRD genuine)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His standards) (VP are , (PP of (NP course)) , (ADJP-PRD completely foreign (PP to (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP the analyst)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP both (NP the amateur) and (NP the commercial progandist))) (NP-SBJ (NP the analyst) (PP *ICH*-2)) (VP (VP lacks (NP a soul)) , (VP lacks (NP appreciation)) (PP-2 with (NP his endless probings and classifications))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP Dominated (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the vicious circle) (PP of (NP the university promotion system)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the analyst) (VP (VP looks (PRT down) (PP on (NP *RNR*-2))) and (VP gets (ADVP along) (ADVP-MNR poorly) (PP with (NP *RNR*-2))) (NP-2 the other three groups) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can not (VP deny (NP (NP his debt) (PP to (NP the collector)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The knowledge) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ most Americans) (VP have (NP *T*-1)))) (PP of (NP folklore))) (VP comes (PP through (NP (NP contact) (PP with (NP (NP commercial propagandists) and (NP a few energetic amateurs and collectors)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The work) (VP done (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the analysts) , (NP (NP the men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP really) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ folklore) (VP is (PP (ADVP all) about (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) , (VP (VP has (NP (NP (ADJP no more) appeal) (PP than (NP (NP any other work) (PP of (NP a (ADJP truly scientific) sort)))))) and (VP reaches (NP a limited , learned audience))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Publishers) (VP want (NP (NP books) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP sell))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ recording studios) (VP want (NP (NP discs) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP will not (VP seem (ADJP-PRD strange) (PP to (NP (NP ears) (ADJP used (PP to (NP hillbilly and jazz music)))))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (UCP grade and high) schools) (VP want (NP (ADJP quaint , but moral) , material))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The analyst) (VP is (ADJP-PRD apt (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD too honest (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fit (PRT in)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-PRP As (NP a result)) , (NP-SBJ most people) (VP do n't (VP have (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (NP (NP a vague idea) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ folklore) (ADVP actually) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP see (NP it) (PP as (NP (NP a potpourri) (PP of (NP (NP charming , moral legends) and (NP patriotic anecdotes))) , (PP with (NP (NP a superstition or remedy) (VP thrown (NP *) (PRT in) (ADVP here and there)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV And (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so well) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) is (NP-SBJ-1 such ignorance) (VP preserved (NP *-1) (PP by (NP (NP the amateur) and (NP the money-maker))) (SBAR-3 that (S (PP (ADVP even) at (NP the college level)) (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the hundred-odd folklore courses) (VP given (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the United States)))))) (VP survive (PP on (NP (NP sentiment and nationalism) (ADVP alone))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-3 one) (VP wishes (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP discuss (NP (NP a literary figure) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP uses (NP folklore) (PP in (NP his work)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the first thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP realize (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ the literary figure) (VP is (ADVP probably) (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP this ignorant American public))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ-1 every writer) (VP must (VP be (VP dealt (PP with (NP *-1)) (PP as (NP a special case))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the interested student) (VP will (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ask (NP himself) (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP (NP questions) (PP about (NP each)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Does (NP-SBJ the writer) (VP know (NP (NP the difference) (PP between (NP (NP an (NX (NX `` ersatz '' ballad) or (NX tall tale))) and (NP (NP a true product) (PP of (NP the folk))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the writer) (VP uses (NP material) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (SQ does (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP tamper (PP with (NP it)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP improve (NP its commercial effect)))))) or (SQ does (NP-SBJ he) (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD pure)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ the writer) (ADJP-PRD propagandistic) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP swept (NP *-2) (ADVP away) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP sentiment) and (NP (NP nostalgia) (PP for (NP (NP an America) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Or does (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP-MNR sincerely) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tap (NP (NP the real springs) (PP of (NP American attitude and culture))) (ADVP regardless (PP of (SBAR (WHADJP-2 how unpopular and embarrassing) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD *T*-2))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gets (NP (NP the answers) (PP to (NP his questions))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP will (VP be (VP discouraged (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the first place)) , (NP-SBJ (NP a (ADJP good many) writers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP are (VP said (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP use (NP folklore))))))))) , (VP do not , (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP counts (NP an occasional superstition or tale))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Robert Frost) , (PP for (NP instance)) , (VP writes (PP about (NP (NP rural life) (PP-LOC in (NP New England)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does not (VP include (NP (NP any significant amount) (PP of (NP folklore))) (PP in (NP his poems))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP has not , (ADVP however) , (VP prevented (NP-1 publishers) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP labeling (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD a `` folk poet '')) , (SBAR-PRP (ADVP simply) because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD a rural one))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the second place)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a large number) (PP of (NP writers))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (NP (NP a (ADJP more direct) claim) (PP than (NP Frost)) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD `` (NP folk writers) '' (PP of (NP (NP one sort) or (NP another)))))))))) , (ADVP clearly) (VP make (NP (NP no distinctions) (PP between (NP (ADJP genuine and bogus) material)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Stephen Vincent Benet 's) (NX-TTL (NP John Brown 's) Body)) (VP comes (ADVP immediately) (PP to (NP mind)) (PP in (NP this connection)) , (SBAR-ADV as (SINV (VP does) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP John Steinbeck 's) (NX (NX The Grapes) (PP Of (NP Wrath)))) and (NP (NP Carl Sandburg 's) (NX-TTL (NX The People) , (INTJ Yes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The last two writers) (VP (VP introduce (NP strong political bias) (PP into (NP their works))) , and (VP (PP not unlike (NP (NP the union leaders) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP will (VP discuss (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP soon))))))) , see (NP folklore) (PP as (NP (NP a reservoir) (PP of (NP (NP protest) (PP by (NP a (ADJP (ADJP downtrodden) and (ADJP publically silenced)) mass)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Folklore) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP used (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS such writers))))) , (ADVP really) (VP reflects (NP (NP images) (VP engraved (NP *) (PP into (NP it)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the very person) (VP using (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The folk) (VP are (ADVP simply) not (ADJP-PRD homogeneous) (PP with (NP (NP respect) (PP to (NP (NP nation) or (NP political attitude)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP much evidence) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP indicate (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do n't (VP care (NP-ADV a bit) (PP about (NP (NP anything) (PP beyond (NP their particular (ADJP regional , ethnic and occupational) limits)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (PP (PP with (NP (NP a reading public) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP longs (PP for (NP the `` good old days ''))))))) and (PP with (NP (NP an awareness) (PP of (NP our expanding international interests))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD easy) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ the Benets) (VP to (VP obtain (NP (NP a magnified position) (PP in (NP literature))) (PP by (NP (NP use) (PP of (NP (NP all sorts) (PP of (NP (NP Americana) , (ADJP real or fake))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD easy) (SBAR-2 for (S (NP-SBJ-4 the Steinbecks and Sandburgs) (VP to (VP support (NP (NP their messages) (PP of (NP reform))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP reading (NP (NP messages) (PP of (NP reform))) (PP into (NP (NP the minds) (PP of (NP the folk))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP part) (PP of (NP the same arrangement)))) , (NP-SBJ Torrio) (VP had , (PP (PP in (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP (NP peace) and (NP good will))))) , and (PP in (NP (NP exchange) (PP for (NP (NP armed support) (PP in (NP the April election campaign))))))) , (VP bestowed (PP upon (NP O'Banion)) (NP (NP (NP a third share) (PP in (NP the Hawthorne Smoke Shop proceeds))) and (NP (NP a cut) (PP in (NP the Cicero beer trade)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The coalition) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP prove (ADJP-PRD inadvisable))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ O'Banion) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP complex and frightening) man) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose (ADJP bright blue) eyes) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stared (PP with (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP frozen candour)))) (PP into (NP others '))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP a round , frank Irish face) , (VP creased (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP a jovial grin) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stayed (ADVP-MNR bleakly) (PP in (NP place)) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP pumping (NP bullets) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP someone 's) body)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP carried (NP (NP three guns) -- (NP (NP (NP one) (PP-LOC in (NP the right trouser pocket))) , (NP (NP one) (PP-LOC under (NP his left armpit))) , (NP (NP one) (PP-LOC in (NP the left outside coat pocket)))) --)) and (VP was (ADJP-PRD equally lethal (PP with (NP both hands))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP killed (ADVP-MNR accurately , freely , and dispassionately)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The police) (VP credited (NP him) (PP with (NP twenty-five murders)))) but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP to (NP trial)) (PP for (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP a fair number) (PP of (NP bootleggers)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP disliked (NP alcohol)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP an expert florist) , (ADJP tenderly dextrous (PP in (NP (NP the arrangement) (PP of (NP bouquets and wreaths))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP no apparent comprehension) (PP of (NP morality))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP divided (NP humanity) (PP into (NP `` (NP right guys) '' and `` (NP wrong guys) '')))) , and (S (NP-TPC-1 the wrong ones) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP kill (NP *RNR*-3)) and (VP trample (NP *RNR*-3) (ADVP under)) (NP-3 *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP described (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a psychologist)) (PP as (NP a `` sunny brutality ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP walked (PP with (NP (NP a heavy list) (PP to (NP the right)))) , (SBAR-PRP as (S (NP-SBJ that leg) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV four inches) shorter) (PP than (NP the other)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the lurch) (VP did not (VP reduce (NP (NP his feline quickness) (PP with (NP his guns)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Landesco) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ him) `` (NP (NP just a superior sort) (PP of (NP plugugly))) ''))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was , (PP in (NP fact)) , (PP with (NP his (NX (NX aggression and hostility) , and (NX (NX nerveless indifference) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP risking or administering (NP pain)))))))) , (NP-PRD a casebook psychopath))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP also) (PP-TMP at (NP this time)) , (SBAR-ADV although (FRAG not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so interwoven (PP in (NP (NP high politics) and (NP the rackets)))) (PP as (NP Torrio and Capone))))) , (NP-PRD (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADJP most powerful) and (ADJP most dangerous)) mob leader) (PP-LOC in (NP the Chicago underworld))) , (NP the roughneck king))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP O'Banion) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP was (VP born (NP *-1) (PP in (NP poverty)) , (NP-2 (NP the son) (PP of (NP an immigrant Irish plasterer))) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP the North Side 's) Little Hell) , (PP-LOC (ADVP close) by (NP (NP the Sicilian quarter) and (NP Death Corner))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a choir boy) (PP-LOC at (NP the Holy Name Cathedral))))) and (ADVP also) (VP served (PP as (NP (NP an acolyte) (PP to (NP Father O'Brien)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The influence) (PP of (NP Mass))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP less pervasive) (PP than (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP the congested , slum tenements) (PP-LOC among (NP (NP the (NX (NX bawdy houses) , (NX honkytonks) , and (NX sawdust saloons))) (PP of (NP his birthplace))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP ran (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD wild)) (PP with (NP (NP the child gangs) (PP of (NP the neighbourhood))))) , and (VP went (PP through (NP (NP the normal pressure-cooker course) (PP of (NP thieving , police-dodging , and housebreaking))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP ten)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP working (PP as (NP a newsboy)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Loop)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP (VP knocked (NP *-1) (ADVP down) (PP by (NP-LGS a streetcar))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP resulted (PP in (NP his (ADJP permanently shortened) leg))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-PRP Because of (NP this)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP known (NP *-1) (PP as (NP Gimpy)) (PRN -LRB- (NAC but , (PP as (PP with (NP (NP Capone) and (NP (NP his nickname) (PP of (NP Scarface)))))) , (ADVP-TMP never) (PP in (NP his presence))) -RRB-))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP his teens)) (NP-SBJ-1 O'Banion) (VP was (VP enrolled (NP *-1) (PP in (NP the vicious Market Street gang))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP a singing waiter) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP McGovern 's) Cafe) , (NP (NP a (ADJP notoriously low and rowdy) dive) (PP-LOC in (NP North Clark Street)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 befuddled customers) (VP were (ADVP-MNR methodically) (VP looted (NP *-2) (PP of (NP their money)) (PP by (NP-LGS the singing waiters)) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP being (VP thrown (NP *-3) (ADVP out))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP then) (VP got (NP (NP a job) (PP with (NP the Chicago Herald-Examiner)) (PP as (NP (NP a circulation slugger) , (NP (NP a rough fighter) (VP employed (NP-2 *) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP his paper 's) news pitches) (VP were not (VP trespassed (PP upon (NP *-1)) (PP by (NP-LGS rival vendors))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP also) (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) (VP (VP gaining (NP (NP practical experience) (PP as (NP a (NX (NX safe breaker) and (NX highwayman)))))) , and (VP learning (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP shoot (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP kill))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))) (PP from (NP (NP a Neanderthal convicted murderer) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Gene Geary))) , (UCP (VP (ADVP-TMP later) committed (NP *) (PP to (NP Chester Asylum)) (PP as (NP a homicidal maniac))) , but (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose eyes) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP misted (PP with (NP tears)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ the young Dion) (VP sang (NP (NP a ballad) (PP about (NP an Irish mother))) (PP in (NP his (ADJP clear and syrupy) tenor)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP O'Banion 's) first conflict) (PP with (NP the police))) (VP came (PP-TMP in (NP 1909)) , (PP-TMP at (NP seventeen)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP committed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP Bridewell Prison)) (PP for (NP three months)) (PP for (NP burglary)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP (NP two years) later) (NP-SBJ he) (VP served (NP another three months) (PP for (NP assault)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Those) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP his only interludes) (PP-LOC behind (NP bars))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP collected (NP (NP (NP (ADJP four more) charges) (PP on (NP his police record))) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1921 and 1922)) , (NP-1 (NP (NP three) (PP for (NP burglary))) and (NP (NP one) (PP for (NP robbery)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-TMP by (ADVP now)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP O'Banion 's) political pull) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD effective)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP (NP the occasion) (PP of (NP his 1922 indictment)))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the (ADJP $ 10,000 *U*) bond) (VP was (VP furnished (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS an alderman))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the charge) (VP was (ADJP-PRD nolle prossed))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP On (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his 1921 ventures)))) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (ADVP actually) (VP come (PP upon (NP *-3)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a Detective Sergeant) (NP John J. Ryan))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (PP-PRD down (PP on (NP his knees))) (PP with (NP (NP a tool) (VP embedded (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a labour office safe) (PP-LOC in (NP the Postal Telegraph Building))))))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ the jury) (VP wanted (NP (NP better evidence) (PP than (NP that))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP acquitted (NP *-1) , (PP at (NP (NP a cost) (PP of (NP (NP $ 30,000 *U*) (PP in (NP bribes)))))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP estimated)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR (ADVP As promptly) (PP as (NP Torrio))) , (NP-SBJ O'Banion) (VP jumped (PP into (NP bootlegging))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP conducted (NP it) (PP with (NP (NP (NP less diplomacy) and (NP more spontaneous violence)) (PP than (NP the Sicilians)))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP his huge North Side portion) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP exploit (NP *T*-1)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP (NP a great deal) (PP of (NP money)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Unlike (NP the Sicilians)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP additionally) (VP (VP conducted (NP (NP holdups) , (NP robberies) , and (NP safe-cracking expeditions))) , and (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP touch (NP prostitution)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD personally active (PP in (NP ward politics))))) , and (S (PP-TMP by (NP 1924)) (NP-SBJ O'Banion) (VP had (VP acquired (NP sufficient political might (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP state : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP deliver (NP my borough) (PP as (PP per (NP requirements))))) ''))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (WHNP whose requirements) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Until (NP 1924)) (NP-SBJ O'Banion pistoleers and knuckle-duster bullyboys) (VP had (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ his North Side domain) (ADJP-PRD solidly Democratic)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a question-and-answer gag) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP went (ADVP around) (PP-TMP at (NP that time)))))) : (NP (NP Q .) (SBARQ `` (WHNP-2 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP 'll (VP carry (NP the (ADJP Forty-second and Forty-third) wards)))) '' ? ?)))))) (TOP (NP (NP A.) (FRAG (NP-SBJ O'Banion) , (PP-LOC in (NP his pistol pocket))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ November 1924) (VP drew (ADVP close)))) (NP-SBJ-1 the Democratic hierarchy) (VP was (ADVP sorely) (VP troubled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS grapevine reports (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 O'Banion) (VP (VP was (VP being (VP wooed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the opposition))))) , and (VP was (VP meeting and conferring (PP with (NP important Republicans))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP forestall (NP (NP any change) (PP of (NP allegiance)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the Democrats) (ADVP-MNR hastily) (VP organised (NP (NP a testimonial banquet) (PP for (NP O'Banion))) , (PP (PP as (NP (NP public reward) (PP for (NP his past services)))) and (PP as (NP (NP a reminder) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ his loyalties) (VP lay (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The reception) (VP was (VP held (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a private dining room) (PP of (NP (NP the Webster Hotel) (PP-LOC on (NP Lincoln Park West)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an interesting fraternisation) (PP of (NP (NP ex-convicts) , (NP union racketeers) , (NP ward heelers) , (NP sold-out officials) , and (NP gunmen))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guest list) (VP is (PP in (NP itself)) (NP-PRD (NP a little parable) (PP of (NP (NP the state) (PP of (NP American civic life)) (PP-TMP at (NP this time)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP included (NP (NP the top O'Banion men) and (NP (NP (NP Chief) (PP of (NP Detectives))) (NP Michael Hughes)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Mayor Dever) (VP heard (PP of (NP the banquet)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP summoned (NP Hughes) (PP for (NP (NP an explanation) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-3 why) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP been (VP dishonouring (NP the police department) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP consorting (PP with (NP these felons and fixers))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hughes) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP understood (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the party) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP (NP honour) (PP of (NP (NP Jerry O'Connor) , (NP (NP the proprieter) (PP of (NP a Loop gambling house)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP arrived) and (VP recognised (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP (NP notorious characters) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP thrown (NP *T*-2) (PP into (NP the detective bureau basement)) (NP-TMP (QP half a dozen) times))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (VP been (VP framed (NP *-1))))))) , and (VP withdrew (PP (ADVP almost) at (ADVP once)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ-1 O'Connor) (VP was (VP honoured (NP *-1) (PP-TMP during (NP the ceremony)) (PP with (NP (NP the presentation) (PP of (NP a (ADJP $ 2500 *U*) diamond stickpin)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a brief interruption) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP O'Banion 's) men))) (VP (VP jerked (ADVP out) (NP both his guns)) and (VP threatened (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP shoot (NP (NP a waiter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP pestering (NP him) (PP for (NP a tip))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 O'Banion) (VP was (VP presented (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP a platinum watch) (VP set (NP *) (PP with (NP rubies and diamonds))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This dinner) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the start) (PP of (NP (NP a new blatancy) (PP in (NP (NP the relationship) (PP between (NP (NP the gangs) and (NP the politicians))) , (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) , (S-4 (PP-TMP prior (PP to (NP 1924))) (PRN , (SINV (VP says (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4))) (NP-SBJ Pasley)) ,) `` (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP had (VP been (VP maintained (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (ADJP more or less) stealth))))) '')) , but (SBAR (WHNP-5 which) (S (ADVP-TMP henceforth) (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-5) (VP was (VP marked (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP these ostentatious gatherings) , (VP denounced (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a clergyman)) (PP as (NP `` (NP Belshazzar feasts) '' , (SBAR (WHPP-6 at (WHNP which)) `` (S (NP-SBJ politicians) (VP fraternized (NP-ADV (NP cheek) (PP by (NP jowl))) (PP with (NP gangsters)) , (ADVP-MNR openly) , (PP-LOC in (NP the big downtown hotels)) (PP-LOC *T*-6))) ''))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pasley) (VP continued : `` (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP became (NP-PRD (NP an institution) (PP of (NP the Chicago scene)))) and (VP marked (NP (NP the way) (PP to (NP (NP the (ADJP moral and financial) collapse) (PP of (NP the (ADJP municipal and county) governments)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1928-29)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ this inaugural feast) (VP did (NP its sponsors) (NP (NP no good) (ADVP whatever))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ O'Banion) (VP (VP accepted (NP (NP his platinum watch) and (NP (NP the tributes) (PP to (NP his loyalty))))) , and (VP proceeded (PP with (NP the (ADJP bigger and better) Republican deal)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP (NP Election Day) -- (NP November 4) --)) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-MNR energetically) (VP marshalled (NP (NP his force) (PP of (NP (NP bludgeon men) , (NP bribers) , and (NP (NP experts) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP forging (NP repeat votes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The result) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a landslide) (PP for (NP the Republican candidates)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This further demonstration) (PP of (NP (NP O'Banion 's) ballooning power))) (VP did not (VP please (NP Torrio and Capone))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the past year)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP too many) examples) (PP of (NP his euphoric self-confidence and self-aggrandisement)) (PP for (NP their liking))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP behaved (ADVP publicly) (PP with (NP (NP a cocky , swaggering truculence) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP offended (NP their vulpine Latin minds))))))) , and (VP behaved (PP towards (NP (NP them) (ADVP personally))) (PP with (NP (NP an unimpressed insolence) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP enraged (NP them) (PP beneath (NP their blandness))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP disturbed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his idiotic bravado) -- (PP as , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP his bodyguard) , (NP Yankee Schwartz)) , (VP complained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP been (VP snubbed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP (NP Dave Miller) , (NP (NP a prize-fight referee) , (NP (NP chieftain) (PP of (NP a Jewish gang))) and (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP four brothers) (PP of (NP tough reputation)) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP were (NP-PRD Hirschey))))))) , (NP (NP a gambler-politician) (PP in (NP (NP loose beer-running league) (PP with (NP Torrio and O'Banion))))))) , (NP (NP Frank) , (NP a policeman)) , and (NP (NP Max) , (NP the youngest)))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP settle (NP this slight)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 O'Banion) (VP went (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP (NP the La Salle Theatre) (PP-LOC in (NP the Loop)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP learned))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ Dave Miller) (VP was (VP attending (NP (NP the opening) (PP of (NP a musical comedy))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the performance)))) , (NP-SBJ Dave and Max) (VP came (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the (ADJP brilliantly lit) foyer))) (PP-LOC among (NP (NP a surge) (PP of (NP (ADJP gowned and tuxedoed) first nighters))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 O'Banion) (VP (VP drew (NP his guns)) and (VP fired (PP at (NP Dave)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-MNR severely) (VP wounding (NP him) (PP-LOC in (NP the stomach)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A second bullet) (VP ricocheted (PP-DIR off (NP (NP Max 's) belt buckle)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving (S (NP-SBJ him) (UCP-PRD (ADJP unhurt) but (PP in (NP some distress))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ O'Banion) (VP (VP tucked (ADVP away) (NP his gun)) and (VP walked (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the theatre)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP neither prosecuted nor (ADVP even) arrested (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP That sort) (PP of (NP braggadocio)) , (PP for (NP (NP that sort) (PP of (NP reason))))) , (PP in (NP (NP the view) (PP of (NP Torrio and Capone)))) , (VP was (NP-PRD a nonsense)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A further example) (PP of (NP (NP the incompatible difference) (PP in (NP personalities))))) (VP was (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 two policemen) (VP (VP held (PRT up) (NP (NP a Torrio beer convoy) (PP-LOC on (NP a West Side street)))) and (VP demanded (NP $ 300 *U*) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP let (NP it) (ADVP through))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the beer-runners))) (VP (VP telephoned (NP O'Banion) -- (PP on (NP (NP a line) (VP tapped (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the detective bureau))))) --) and (VP reported (NP the situation))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP O'Banion 's) reaction) (VP was : `` (NP-PRD (QP Three hundred) dollars ! !)))) (TOP (PP To (NP them bums) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-1 them) (VP knocked (NP *-1) (PRT off) (PP for (NP half that much)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHPP-3 Upon (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the detective bureau) (VP despatched (NP-2 rifle squads) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP prevent (NP trouble) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ O'Banion) (VP should (VP send (NP-1 his gunmen) (ADVP-DIR out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP deal (PP with (NP the hijacking policemen)))))))))))) (PP-TMP *T*-3))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-TMP in (NP the meantime)) (NP-SBJ-1 the beer-runner) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unhappy (PP with (NP this solution)))) , (VP (VP telephoned (NP Torrio)) and (VP returned (PP to (NP O'Banion)) (PP with (NP (NP the message) : `` (S (INTJ Say) , (NP-VOC Dionie) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP been (VP talking (PP to (NP Johnny))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ them cops) (VP have (NP the three hundred))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP do n't (VP want (NP no trouble)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Torrio and Capone) (VP had (NP (NP graver cause) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hate and distrust (NP the Irishman) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP three years)) , (PP-TMP since (NP the liquor territorial conference)) , (NP-SBJ Torrio) (VP had , (PP with (NP his elastic patience)) , (NAC and (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ retaliation) (VP could (VP cause (ADVP only) (NP (NP violent warfare) and (NP (NP disaster) (PP to (NP business)))))))))))) , (VP tolerated (NP (NP O'Banion 's) impudent double-crossing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP suffered , (PP in (NP sulky silence)) , (NP (NP the sight) (PP of (NP (NP his sharp practice) (PP-LOC in (NP Cicero))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) , (S (PP (PP as (NP (NP a diplomatic gesture) (PP of (NP amity)))) and (PP in (NP (NP payment) (PP for (NP (NP the loan) (PP of (NP gunmen)) (PP in (NP the April election))))))) , (NP-SBJ Torrio) (VP had (VP given (NP O'Banion) (NP (NP a slice) (PP of (NP Cicero))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the profits) (PP from (NP that district))) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP $ 20,000 *U*) (NP-ADV a month)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP six months)) (NP-SBJ-1 O'Banion) (VP had (VP boosted (NP the profits) (PP to (NP (NP $ 100,000 *U*) (NP-ADV a month))) -- (PP (ADVP mainly) by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bringing (NP-3 pressure (S *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP bear (PP on (NP fifty Chicago speak-easy proprietors))))) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shift (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP the suburb))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (X (S (NP-SBJ These booze customers) (VP had (PP-TMP until (ADVP then)) (VP been (VP buying (NP their supplies) (PP from (NP the Sheldon , Saltis-McErlane , and Druggan-Lake gangs)))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP competing (PP for (NP trade)) (PP with (NP the Torrio-Capone saloons)))))) ; ; (S (ADVP once again) (NP-SBJ (NP O'Banion 's) rash recklessness) (VP had (VP caused (NP (NP a proliferation) (PP of (NP ill will)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The revenue) (PP from (NP (NP O'Banion 's) Cicero territory))) (VP went (ADVP up) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD still higher)) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the yield) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP than (NP (NP the Torrio-Capone takings) (PP from (NP (NP the (ADJP far bigger) trade area) (PP of (NP (NP Chicago 's) South and West Sides))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP showed (NP (NP no intention) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sharing (PP with (NP the syndicate))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP last)) , (NP-SBJ-1 even the controlled Torrio) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP hold (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD still)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-MNR tentatively) (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ O'Banion) (VP should (VP take (NP (NP a percentage) (PP in (NP the Stickney brothels))) (PP in (NP (NP return) (PP for (NP (NP one) (PP from (NP his Cicero beer concession)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP O'Banion 's) reply) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a raucous laugh) and (NP a flat refusal))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP (ADVP Still more) jealous) bitterness) (VP was (VP engendered (NP *-1) (PP (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP the O'Banion gang 's) seizure) (PP from (NP a West Side marshalling yard)) (PP of (NP (NP a freight-car load) (PP of (NP Canadian whisky)) (ADJP worth (NP $ 100,000 *U*)))))) and (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the biggest coups) (PP of (NP the Prohibition era))))) -- (NP (NP the Sibley warehouse robbery) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP became (ADJP-PRD famous (PP for (NP (NP the cool brazenness) (PP of (NP the operation)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-1 Here) was (VP stored (NP *-2) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (NP $ 1,000,000 *U*) worth) (PP of (NP bonded whisky))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 These 1750 cases) (VP were (VP carted (NP *-2) (ADVP off) (PP in (NP (NP a one-night operation) (PP by (NP (NP the O'Banion men) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP left (PP in (NP their stead)) (NP (NP the same number) (PP of (NP barrels)) (VP filled (NP *) (PP with (NP water))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A tsunami) (VP may (VP be (VP started (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a sea bottom slide) , (NP an earthquake) or (NP a volcanic eruption)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The (ADJP most infamous)) (PP of (NP all))) (VP was (VP launched (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the explosion) (PP of (NP (NP the island) (PP of (NP Krakatoa)))) (PP-TMP in (NP 1883))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP raced (PP-DIR across (NP the Pacific)) (PP at (NP (NP 300 miles) (NP-ADV an hour)))) , (VP (VP devastated (NP (NP the coasts) (PP of (NP Java and Sumatra))) (PP with (NP (NP waves) (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP 100 to 130) feet) high)))) , and (VP pounded (NP the shore) (ADVP-LOC (ADVP (ADVP as far) away) (PP as (NP San Francisco))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The ancient Greeks) (VP recorded (NP (NP several catastrophic inundations) (PP by (NP huge waves)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Whether or not (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Plato 's) tale) (PP of (NP (NP the lost continent) (PP of (NP Atlantis))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true)))) , (NP-SBJ skeptics) (VP concede (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the myth) (VP may (VP have (NP (NP some foundation) (PP in (NP (NP a great tsunami) (PP of (NP ancient times)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Indeed) , (NP-SBJ (NP a (ADJP tremendously destructive) tsunami) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP arose (PP-LOC in (NP the Arabian Sea)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1945)))))) (VP has (ADVP even) (VP revived (NP (NP the interest) (PP of (NP geologists and archaeologists)) (PP in (NP (NP the Biblical story) (PP of (NP the Flood))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most damaging) tsunami) (PP on (NP record))))) (VP followed (NP (NP the famous Lisbon earthquake) (PP of (NP November 1 , 1755))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 its waves) (VP (VP persisted (PP-TMP for (NP a week))) and (VP were (VP felt (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC (ADVP (ADVP as far) away) (PP as (NP the English coast))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Tsunami) (VP are (ADJP-PRD rare) , (ADVP however) , (PP-LOC in (NP the Atlantic Ocean)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADVP far more) common) (PP-LOC in (NP the Pacific)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Japan) (VP has (VP had (NP (NP 15 destructive ones) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP eight) (PP of (NP them)) (ADJP disastrous)) -RRB-)) (PP-TMP since (NP 1596)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Hawaiian Islands) (VP are (VP struck (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR severely) (NP-TMP (NP an average) (PP of (ADVP once (NP every 25 years)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1707)) (NP-SBJ (NP an earthquake) (PP-LOC in (NP Japan))) (VP generated (NP (NP waves) (ADJP (ADJP so huge) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP piled (PP-DIR into (NP the Inland Sea))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ one wave) (VP swamped (NP (NP (QP more than 1,000) ships and boats) (PP-LOC in (NP Osaka Bay))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A tsunami) (PP-LOC in (NP the Hawaiian Islands)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1869))) (VP washed (ADVP away) (NP (NP an entire town) (PRN -LRB- (NP Ponoluu) -RRB-)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving (NP (NP (QP only two) forlorn trees) (VP standing (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the community) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1896)) (NP-SBJ a Japanese tsunami) (VP (VP killed (NP 27,000 people)) and (VP swept (ADVP away) (NP 10,000 homes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The dimensions) (PP of (NP these waves))) (VP dwarf (NP (NP all our usual standards) (PP of (NP measurement)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 An ordinary sea wave) (VP is (ADVP-TMP rarely) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP more than a few hundred) feet) long) (PP (PP from (NP crest)) (PP to (NP crest))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP no longer) (PP than (NP-1 320 feet)) (PP-LOC-2 in (NP the Atlantic))) or (ADJP (NP=1 1,000 feet) (PP-LOC=2 in (NP the Pacific)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ a tsunami) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP extends (NP-EXT (NP (QP more than 100) miles) and (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP (QP as much as 600) miles)) (PP (PP from (NP crest)) (PP to (NP crest)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ a wind wave) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP travels (PP at (NP (NP (QP more than 60) miles) (PP per (NP hour))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the velocity) (PP of (NP (NP a tsunami) (PP-LOC in (NP the open sea))))) (VP must (VP be (VP reckoned (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP (NP miles) (PP per (NP hour))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP The greater) (SBAR (WHADJP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the depth) (PP of (NP the water))) (ADJP-PRD *T*-1))))) , (ADJP-PRD-TPC-2 the greater) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP the speed) (PP of (NP the wave)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP Lagrange 's) law) (VP says (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ its velocity) (VP is (ADJP-PRD equal (PP to (NP (NP the square root) (PP of (NP (NP the product) (PP of (NP (NP the depth) times (NP (NP the acceleration) (PP due (PP to (NP gravity)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the deep waters) (PP of (NP the Pacific)))) (NP-SBJ these waves) (VP reach (NP (NP a speed) (PP of (NP (NP 500 miles) (PP per (NP hour)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tsunami) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so shallow) (PP in (NP (NP comparison) (PP with (NP their length)))) (SBAR that (S (PP-LOC in (NP the open ocean)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD hardly detectable)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their amplitude) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (QP as little as two) feet) (PP (PP from (NP trough)) (PP to (NP crest))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (ADVP-TMP Usually) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-TMP-PRD (ADVP only) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP approach (NP (NP shallow water) (PP-LOC on (NP the shore))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP build (PRT up) (PP to (NP their terrifying heights)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP (NP the fateful day) (PP-TMP in (NP 1896)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the great waves) (VP approached (NP Japan) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP fishermen) (PP-LOC at (NP sea))) (VP noticed (NP no unusual swells)) .)) (TOP (SINV Not (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP sailed (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the day)))) , (PP through (NP (NP a sea) (VP strewn (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP bodies) and (NP (NP the wreckage) (PP of (NP houses))))))))))) , were (NP-SBJ they) (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The (ADJP seemingly quiet) ocean) (VP had (VP crashed (NP (NP a wall) (PP of (NP water)) (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP from 10 to 100) feet) high)) (PP-LOC upon (NP (NP beaches) (VP crowded (NP *) (PP with (NP bathers))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP drowning (NP (NP thousands) (PP of (NP them)))) and (VP flattening (NP (NP villages) (PP-LOC along (NP the shore)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The giant waves) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more dangerous) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC on (NP flat shores)) (PP-1 than (PP on (NP steep ones)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP range (PP (PP from (NP 20)) (PP to (NP 60 feet))) (PP in (NP height)))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP pour (PP-DIR into (NP a V-shaped inlet or harbor)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP may (VP rise (PP to (NP mountainous proportions))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Generally) (NP-SBJ (NP the first salvo) (PP of (NP a tsunami))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP rather sharp) swell) , (ADJP not different enough (PP from (NP an ordinary wave)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP alarm (NP casual observers))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP is (VP followed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a tremendous suck) (PP of (NP water)) (PP away (PP from (NP the shore))))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the first great trough) (VP arrives))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Reefs) (VP are (VP left (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD high and dry))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 the beaches) (VP are (VP covered (NP *-2) (PP with (NP stranded fish))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP Hilo)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP large numbers) (PP of (NP people))) (VP ran (ADVP-DIR out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP inspect (NP (NP the amazing spectacle) (PP of (NP the denuded beach))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Many) (PP of (NP them))) (VP paid (PP for (NP their curiosity)) (PP with (NP their lives)) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (ADVP-TMP (NP some minutes) later) (NP-SBJ the first giant wave) (VP roared (PP-DIR over (NP the shore)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP an earthquake) (PP-LOC in (NP Japan)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1793)))) (NP-SBJ (NP people) (PP-LOC on (NP the coast)) (PP-LOC at (NP Tugaru))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so terrified (PP by (NP (NP the extraordinary ebbing) (PP of (NP the sea))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP scurried (PP-DIR to (NP higher ground))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ a second quake) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP dashed (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the beach)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP fearing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP might (VP be (VP buried (NP *-1) (PP-LOC under (NP landslides)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Just) as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP reached (NP the shore)))) , (NP-SBJ the first huge wave) (VP crashed (PP-LOC upon (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A tsunami) (VP is (NP-PRD not (NP a single wave) but (NP a series))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The waves) (VP are (VP separated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP intervals) (PP of (NP (NP 15 minutes) to (NP an hour (QP or more)))))) (PRN -LRB- (PP-PRP because of (NP their great length)) -RRB-)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP has (ADVP-TMP often) (VP lulled (NP-2 people) (PP into (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP thinking (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ the first great wave) (VP has (VP crashed)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-PRD all over)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The waves) (VP may (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP coming)) (PP-TMP for (NP many hours)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Usually) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the third) to (NP the eighth waves)) (PP in (NP the series))) (VP are (NP-PRD the biggest)) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Among (NP (NP the observers) (PP of (NP (NP the 1946 tsunami) (PP-LOC at (NP Hilo)))))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Francis P. Shepard) (PP of (NP (NP the Scripps Institution) (PP of (NP Oceanography))))) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the world 's) foremost marine geologists)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP a detailed inspection) (PP of (NP the waves)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 Their onrush and retreat) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reported (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (VP was (VP accompanied (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a great hissing , roaring and rattling)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The (ADJP third and fourth) waves) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD the highest))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the islands ') beaches)))) (NP-SBJ the waves) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-MNR gently))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD steepest) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the shores) (VP facing (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (NP (NP the seaquake) (SBAR (WHPP-1 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the waves) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP Hilo Bay)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP from 21 to 26) feet) high)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The highest waves) , (NP 55 feet)) , (VP occurred (PP-LOC at (NP Pololu Valley))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scientists and fishermen) (VP have (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (VP seen (NP (NP strange by-products) (PP of (NP the phenomenon))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP a 1933 tsunami) (PP-LOC in (NP Japan)))) (NP-SBJ the sea) (VP glowed (ADVP-MNR brilliantly) (PP-TMP at (NP night))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The luminosity) (PP of (NP the water))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (VP believed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP been (VP caused (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the stimulation) (PP of (NP (NP vast numbers) (PP of (NP (NP the luminescent organism) (NP Noctiluca miliaris))))) (PP by (NP (NP the turbulence) (PP of (NP the sea))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Japanese fishermen) (VP have (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP observed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP sardines) (VP hauled (NP *) (ADVP up) (PP-LOC in (NP their nets)) (PP-TMP during (NP a tsunami)))) (VP have (NP (ADJP enormously swollen) stomachs))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the fish) (VP have (VP swallowed (NP (NP vast numbers) (PP of (NP (NP bottom-living diatoms) , (VP raised (NP *) (PP-DIR to (NP the surface)) (PP by (NP-LGS the disturbance))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The waves) (PP of (NP (NP a 1923 tsunami) (PP-LOC in (NP Sagami Bay))))) (VP (VP brought (PP-DIR to (NP the surface)) (NP *RNR*-1)) and (VP battered (PP to (NP death)) (NP *RNR*-1)) (NP-1 (NP huge numbers) (PP of (NP (NP fishes) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP normally) (VP live (PP-LOC at (NP (NP a depth) (PP of (NP 3,000 feet))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gratified fishermen) (VP hauled (NP them) (ADVP in) (PP by (NP the thousands))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The tsunami-warning system) (VP developed (NP *) (PP-TMP since (NP (NP the 1946 disaster) (PP-LOC in (NP Hawaii)))))) (VP relies (PP (ADVP mainly) on (NP (NP a (ADJP simple and ingenious) instrument) (VP devised (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Commander C.K. Green) (PP of (NP the (UCP Coast and Geodetic) Survey staff)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP consists (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP a series) (PP of (NP pipes))) and (NP a pressure-measuring chamber)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP record (NP (NP the rise and fall) (PP of (NP the water surface))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ordinary water tides) (VP are (VP disregarded (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP waves) (PP with (NP (NP a period) (PP of (NP (QP between 10 and 40) minutes))))) (VP begin (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP roll (PP-DIR over (NP the ocean))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP set (PP in (NP motion)) (NP (NP a corresponding oscillation) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a column) (PP of (NP mercury)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP closes (NP an electric circuit)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (PP in (NP turn)) (VP sets (PRT off) (NP an alarm) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP notifying (NP (NP the observers) (PP-LOC at (NP the station))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a tsunami) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP progress)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Such equipment) (VP has (VP been (VP installed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Hilo) , (NP Midway) , (NP Attu) and (NP Dutch Harbor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP The moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ the alarm) (VP goes (PRT off) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 information) (VP is (ADVP immediately) (VP forwarded (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Honolulu) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the center) (PP of (NP the warning system)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This center) (ADVP also) (VP receives (NP (NP prompt reports) (PP on (NP earthquakes)) (PP from (NP (NP four Coast Survey stations) (PP-LOC in (NP the Pacific)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (VP equipped (NP *-1) (PP with (NP seismographs)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its staff) (VP (VP makes (NP (NP a preliminary determination) (PP of (NP (NP the epicenter) (PP of (NP the quake)))))) and (VP alerts (NP (NP tide stations) (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP the epicenter) (PP for (NP a tsunami))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP (NP means) (PP of (NP (NP charts) (VP showing (NP (NP wave-travel times) and (NP (NP depths) (PP-LOC in (NP the ocean)) (PP-LOC at (NP various locations))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD possible) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP estimate (NP (NP (NP the rate) (PP of (NP approach)) (PP *RNR*-3)) and (NP (NP probable time) (PP of (NP (NP arrival) (PP-LOC at (NP Hawaii)))) (PP *RNR*-3)) (PP-3 of (NP (NP a tsunami) (VP getting (PP under (NP way)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP any spot) (PP-LOC in (NP the Pacific)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The (ADJP civil and military) authorities) (VP are (ADVP then) (VP advised (NP *-1) (PP of (NP the danger))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP issue (NP warnings)) and (VP take (NP all necessary protective steps)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP All) (PP of (NP these activities))) (VP are (VP geared (NP *-1) (PP to (NP a top-priority communication system))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 practice tests) (VP have (VP been (VP held (NP *-2) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP will (VP work (ADVP-MNR smoothly)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP Since (NP the 1946 disaster)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD 15 tsunami) (PP-LOC in (NP the Pacific))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (QP only one)) (VP was (PP-PRD of (NP any consequence)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP November 4 , 1952)) , (NP-SBJ an earthquake) (VP occurred (PP-LOC under (NP the sea)) (PP-LOC off (NP the Kamchatka Peninsula))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP (NP 17:07) (NP that afternoon)) (PRN -LRB- (NP Greenwich time) -RRB-))) (NP-SBJ-1 the shock) (VP was (VP recorded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the seismograph alarm) (PP-LOC in (NP Honolulu)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The warning system) (ADVP immediately) (VP went (PP into (NP action))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Within (NP (QP about an) hour)) (PP with (NP (NP the help) (PP of (NP (NP reports) (PP from (NP (NP seismic stations) (PP-LOC in (NP Alaska , Arizona and California)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the quake 's) epicenter) (VP was (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP (NP 51 degrees) (NP North latitude)) and (NP (NP 158 degrees) (NP East longitude)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP accounts) (PP of (NP (NP the progress) (PP of (NP the tsunami))))) (VP came (ADVP in) (PP from (NP (NP various points) (PP-LOC in (NP the Pacific)))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ Midway) (VP reported (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP covered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP nine feet) (PP of (NP water)))))))))) -RRB-))) , (NP-SBJ the Hawaiian station) (VP (VP made (NP its calculations)) and (VP notified (NP (NP the military services) and (NP the police)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the first big wave) (VP would (VP arrive (PP-LOC at (NP Honolulu)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP 23:30) (NP Greenwich time))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP turned (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the waves) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so high) (PP as (PP in (NP 1946)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP hurled (NP a cement barge) (PP-DIR against (NP a freighter)) (PP-LOC in (NP Honolulu Harbor))) , (VP knocked (PRT down) (NP telephone lines)) , (VP marooned (NP automobiles)) , (VP flooded (NP lawns)) , (VP killed (NP six cows))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ-1 not a single human life) (VP was (VP lost (NP *-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP property damage) (PP-LOC in (NP the Hawaiian Islands))) (VP did not (VP exceed (NP $ 800,000 *U*)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD little doubt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the warning system) (VP (VP saved (NP lives)) and (VP reduced (NP the damage))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD plain) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a warning system) , (ADJP however efficient)) , (VP is not (ADJP-PRD enough))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the vulnerable areas) (PP of (NP the Pacific)))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP should (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP restrictions) (PP against (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP building (NP homes) (PP-LOC on (NP exposed coasts)))))) , or (ADVP at least) (NP a requirement (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP be (VP either (VP raised (NP *-1) (PP-LOC off (NP the ground))) or (VP anchored (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR strongly) (PP against (NP waves))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The key) (PP to (NP (NP the world) (PP of (NP geology))))) (VP is (NP-PRD change))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP remains (NP-PRD the same))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Life) (VP has (VP evolved (PP from (NP (NP simple combinations) (PP of (NP molecules)) (PP-LOC in (NP the sea)))) (PP to (NP (NP complex combinations) (PP-LOC in (NP man)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The land ,) (ADVP too)) , (VP is (VP changing))) , and (S (NP-SBJ earthquakes) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP daily reminders) (PP of (NP this))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Earthquakes) (VP result (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP movements) (PP-LOC in (NP the earth))) (VP twist (NP rocks) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP break))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ-1 this) (VP is (VP accompanied (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP visible shifts) (PP of (NP the ground surface))))))) ; ; (S (S (ADVP-TMP often) (NP-SBJ-2 the shifts) (VP can not (VP be (VP seen (NP *-2))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)))) ; ; and (SINV (ADVP-LOC everywhere) can (VP be (VP found (NP *-3))) (NP-SBJ-3 (NP scars) (PP of (NP (NP earlier breaks) (VP (ADVP-TMP once) (ADVP-MNR deeply) buried (NP *)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Today 's) earthquakes) (VP are (ADJP-PRD most numerous) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP belts) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the earth 's) restlessness) (VP is (ADVP presently) (VP concentrated (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP scars) (PP of (NP the past))) (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no part) (PP of (NP the earth)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP has not (VP had (NP them))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The effects) (PP of (NP earthquakes)) (PP on (NP civilization))) (VP have (VP been (VP (VP (ADVP widely) publicized (NP *-1)) , (ADVP even) (VP overemphasized (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The role) (PP of (NP an earthquake)) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP starting (NP (NP the destruction) (PP of (NP whole cities))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD tremendously frightening))) , but (S (NP-SBJ fire) (VP may (ADVP actually) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the principal agent) (PP in (NP a particular disaster)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Superstition) (VP has (ADVP-TMP often) (VP blended (PP with (NP fact)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP color (NP reports)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (VP learned (PP from (NP earthquakes)) (NP (NP much) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP know (NP *T*-2) (PP about (NP (NP the earth 's) interior))))))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP send (NP (NP waves) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP-DIR through (NP the earth)) (SBAR-3 (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP emerge (PP with (NP (NP information) (PP about (NP (NP the materials) (SBAR (WHPP-4 through (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP traveled (PP-DIR *T*-4)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These waves) (VP have (VP shown (SBAR (SBAR that (S (PP-LOC (NP-ADV 1,800 miles) below (NP the surface)) (NP-SBJ a liquid core) (VP begins))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) , (PP in (NP turn)) , (VP has (NP a solid inner core))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Earthquakes) (VP originate (ADVP-LOC (ADVP as far) (PP as (NP (NP 400 miles) (PP-LOC below (NP the surface))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do not (VP occur (PP-LOC at (NP greater depths))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Two unsolved mysteries) (VP are (VP based (NP *-1) (PP on (NP these facts)))) .)) (TOP (S (LST -LRB- 1 -RRB-) (ADVP-LOC (ADVP As far down) (PP as (NP (NP 400 miles) (PP-LOC below (NP the surface))))) (NP-SBJ the material) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD hot enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP be (ADJP-PRD plastic)) and (VP adjust (NP itself) (PP to (NP twisting forces)) (PP (PP by (NP sluggish flow)) (CONJP rather than) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP breaking , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ rigid surface rocks) (VP do)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (LST -LRB- 2 -RRB-) (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ earthquakes) (VP do (VP occur (PP-LOC at (NP such depths)))))) , (WHADVP why) not (ADVP deeper) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Knowledge) (VP gained (NP *) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP studying (NP earthquake waves)))))) (VP has (VP been (VP applied (NP *-1) (PP in (NP various fields))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the search) (PP for (NP oil and gas)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP make (NP similar waves) (PP under (NP controlled conditions)) (PP with (NP dynamite))) and (VP learn (PP from (NP them)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP (NP buried rock structures) (ADJP favorable (PP to (NP (NP the accumulation) (PP of (NP these resources)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (ADVP also) (VP developed (NP (NP techniques) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP recognizing and locating (NP underground nuclear tests) (PP through (NP (NP the waves) (PP-LOC in (NP the ground)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP generate (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The following discussion) (PP of (NP this subject))) (VP has (VP been (VP adapted (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP (NP the book) (NP-TTL (NP Causes) (PP Of (NP Catastrophe)))) (PP by (NP L. Don Leet))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The restless earth) and (NP its interior))) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP twelve minutes) (PP after (NP five)))) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the morning) (PP of (NP (NP Wednesday) , (NP April 18 , 1906))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 San Francisco) (VP was (VP shaken (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a severe earthquake)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A sharp tremor) (VP was (VP followed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a jerky roll)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP Ireland 's) County Limerick)) , (ADVP-LOC near (NP the River Shannon)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a quiet little suburb) (PP by (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP (NP Garryowen) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP means `` (NP (NP Garden) (PP of (NP Owen))) ''))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Undoubtedly) (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP the residents))) (VP realize (NP (NP (NP the influence) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ their town) (VP has (VP had (NP *T*-3))))) (PP on (NP American military history))) , or (NP (NP the deeds) (PP of (NP valor)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP have (VP been (VP done (NP *-1) (PP in (NP its name)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The cry) (NP `` Garryowen '' ! !)) (VP Bursting (PP from (NP (NP the lips) (PP of (NP a charging cavalry trooper)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the last sound) (VP heard (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP this earth)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP untold numbers) (PP of (NP (NP Cheyennes) , (NP Sioux) and (NP Apaches) , (NP (NP Mexican banditos) (PP under (NP Pancho Villa))) , (NP (NP Japanese) (PP-LOC in (NP the South Pacific))) , and (NP (NP (ADJP (ADJP Chinese) and (ADJP North Korean)) Communists) (PP-LOC in (NP Korea)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Garryowen) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the battle cry) (PP of (NP (NP the 7th U.S. Cavalry Regiment) , `` (NP The Fighting Seventh) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ a battle cry) (VP may (VP seem (NP-PRD an anachronism) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (PP in (NP the modern Army)) , (NP-SBJ-1 esprit de corps) (VP has (VP been (VP sacrificed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP organizational charts and tables))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP But (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP tell (NP that) (PP-DTV to (NP (NP a veteran) (PP of (NP the Fighting Seventh)))) , (NAC (ADVP especially) (PP-LOC in (NP a saloon)) (PP-TMP on (NP Saturday night))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP (NP all the thousands) (PP of (NP men)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP served (PP in (NP the 7th Cav)))))))) , (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ no one) (VP knows (NP its spirit) (ADVP (ADVP better) (PP than (NP Lieutenant Colonel Melbourne C. Chandler)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Wiry and burr-headed)) , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP steel blue) eyes) and (NP (NP a chest) (VP splattered (NP *) (PP with (NP medals)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Chandler) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the epitome) (PP of (NP the old-time trooper)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The truth) (VP is , (ADVP however) , (SBAR-PRD that (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ Mel Chandler) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP reported (PP to (NP the regiment)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the only steed) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP ridden (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD a swivel chair))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the only weapon) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP wielded (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD a pencil)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Chandler) (VP (VP had (VP been (VP commissioned (NP *-1) (PP in (NP the Medical Service Corps))))) and (VP was (VP serving (PP as (NP (NP a personnel officer) (PP for (NP the Kansas City Medical Depot)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the Army) (NP-PRD his career))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the fighting part) (PP of (NP it)))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP (NP no more) (PP about (NP military science and tactics)) (PP than (NP any other desk officer)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP get (VP transferred (NP *-2) (PP to (NP the combat forces))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP The next thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP reporting (PP for (NP duty)) (PP as (NP (NP commanding officer) (PP of (NP (NP Troop H) , (NP 7th Cavalry))))) , (PP in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP (NP corps maneuvers) (PP-LOC in (NP Japan)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Outside (PP of (NP combat))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP have (VP landed (PP in (NP a tougher spot))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP First (PP of (NP all))) , (NP-SBJ-1 no unit) (VP likes (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 a new CO) (VP brought (NP *-2) (ADVP in) (PP from (NP the outside))))))) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP especially) (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (NP-PRD an armchair trooper) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Second) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (ADVP-TMP ever) (NP-PRD (NP a perfect time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pull (NP the rug) (ADVP out) (PP from (PP under (NP him))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (PP-PRD on (NP maneuvers))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP combat)) , (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP helping (S (NP-SBJ your CO) (VP make (NP a fool) (PP of (NP himself)))))) (VP might (VP mean (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ-1 yourself) (VP killed (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP in (NP maneuvers)) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the top brass) (VP watching (NP him) (NP-TMP all the time)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD easy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Chandler) (VP (VP understood (NP this)) and (VP expected (NP the worst))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP his first few days) (PP with (NP Troop H))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP surprises))) , (PP beginning (PP with (NP First Sergeant Robert Early)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Chandler) (VP had (VP expected (NP (NP a tough old trooper) (PP with (NP a gravel voice))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Instead) (NP-SBJ Sergeant Early) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quiet , sharp and confident)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP had (VP enlisted (PP in (NP the Army)) (PP (ADVP straight) out (PP of (NP high school))))) and (VP had (ADVP immediately) (VP set (PRT about) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP learning (NP his new trade)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no weapon) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 Early) (VP could not (VP (VP take (NP *T*-1) (PRT apart)) and (VP reassemble (NP *T*-1)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP blind-folded (NP *-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP lead (NP a patrol)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP his paper work))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Further) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP taken (NP full advantage) (PP of (NP (NP the Army 's) correspondence courses)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (CONJP not only) knew (NP (NP soldiering) , but (NP mathematics , history and literature) (ADVP as well))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP for (NP all his erudite confidence)) , (NP-SBJ Sergeant Early) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP right) out (PP of (NP the Garryowen mold)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP the Fighting Seventh)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP saved (NP Mel Chandler)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sergeant Early) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the new CO) (VP know (SBAR (ADVP just) (WHADJP-1 how lucky) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1 (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the best troop) (PP in (NP (NP the best regiment) (PP in (NP the United States Army)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP fed (NP the captain) (NP (NP bits) (PP of (NP (NP history) (PP about (NP (NP the troops) and (NP the regiment))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (PP For (NP example)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a battalion) (PP of (NP the 7th Cavalry)) (PP under (NP Colonel George Armstrong Custer))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP wiped (NP *-2) (PRT out) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the Battle) (PP of (NP The Little Big Horn)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP did n't (VP take (NP-1 Captain Chandler) (ADVP long) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP carry (NP (NP a heavy load) (PP of (NP tradition))) (PP on (NP his shoulders))))) (PP as (NP (NP commander) (PP of (NP Troop A[fj])))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the load) (ADJP-PRD lighter))))) (VP was (NP-PRD the realization (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 every officer , non-com and trooper) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready and willing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP help (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP carry (NP it))))))) , (PP for (NP (NP the good) (PP of (NP (NP the troop) and (NP the regiment)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Maneuvers) (ADVP-PRD over)) , (NP-SBJ the 7th) (VP returned (PP to (NP (NP garrison duty) (PP-LOC in (NP Tokyo)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Captain Chandler) (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD with (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD the 7th Cavalry) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose troopers) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP were (VP charged (NP *-4) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP guarding (NP (NP the Imperial Palace) (PP of (NP the Emperor))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-SBJ Mel Chandler) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD completely convinced (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ men) (VP would (ADVP really) (VP die (PP for (NP (NP a four-syllable word) , `` (NP Garryowen) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The final proof) (VP was (NP-PRD a small incident)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP happened (PP-LOC at (NP (NP (NP the St. Patrick 's) Day party) , (NP (NP a big affair) (PP for (NP (NP a regiment) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP gone (PP into (NP battle)) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP over three-quarters) (PP of (NP a century)))) (PP to (NP (NP the strains) (PP of (NP an Irish march)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the party)))) (NP-SBJ-2 Chandler) (VP looked (ADVP up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ four smiling faces) (VP bearing (PRT down) (PP upon (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ each) (VP beaming (PP above (NP (NP the biggest , greenest shamrock) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The faces) (VP belonged (PP to (NP (NP Lieutenant Marvin Goulding) , (NP his wife) and (NP their two children)))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the singing) (VP began (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD the Gouldings) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP sang (NP the old Irish songs) (NP-ADV the best))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an occasional good-natured chuckle) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP Marvin Goulding) , (NP (NP the Jewish officer) (PP from (NP Chicago)))) , (VP singing (ADVP-MNR tearfully) (PP about (NP the ould sod))))))))) , (NP-SBJ no one) (ADVP really) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD strange))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ Marvin Goulding) , (PP like (NP (NP (NP Giovanni Martini) , (NP (NP the bugler boy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP carried (NP (NP Custer 's) last message)))))) , or (NP (NP Margarito Lopez) , (NP (NP the one-man Army) (PP-LOC on (NP Leyte)))))) , (VP was (NP-PRD a Garryowen) , (ADVP through and through))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-5)) (VP was (NP-PRD no coincidence) (SBAR-5 that (S (NP-SBJ Goulding) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most beloved) platoon leaders) (PP in (NP the regiment))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And so) (NP-SBJ Mel Chandler) (VP got (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP Garryowen)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP set (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ Troop H) (NP-PRD (NP the best troop) (PP in (NP the best regiment)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP his innovations))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (PP to (NP it)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP every man) -- (NP (NP cook and clerk) (CONJP as well as) (NP rifleman)) --) (VP qualified (PP with (NP (NP every weapon) (PP in (NP the troop))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Even the mess sergeant) , (NP Bill Brown)) , (NP (NP a dapper , cocky transfer) (PP from (NP an airborne division)))) , (VP went (PP-DIR out (PP on (NP the range)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The troop) (VP received (NP (NP (NP a new leader) , (NP Lieutenant Robert M. Carroll)) , (UCP (PP (ADVP fresh) out (PP of (NP ROTC))) and (VP bucking (PP for (NP Regular Army status)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Carroll) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sharp and military))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD up (PP against (NP (NP tough competition) (PP for (NP that RA berth))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP play (NP it) (ADVP-MNR cool)))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ-2 Mel Chandler) (VP set (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP sell (NP him) (PP on (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP Garryowen)))) , (SBAR-ADV (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP he) (NP himself)) (VP had (VP been (VP sold (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP (NP a short time) before)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 When) (S (NP-SBJ the Korean war) (VP began , (PP-TMP on (NP (NP June 25 , 1950) , (NP (NP the anniversary) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Custer) (VP had (VP gone (PRT down) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP fighting)) (PP-LOC at (NP the Little Big Horn)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) and (NP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ the regiment) (VP had (VP assaulted (NP (NP the beachhead) (PP of (NP Leyte))) (PP-TMP during (NP World War 2)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) , , (NP-SBJ the 7th Cavalry) (VP was not (PP-PRD in (NP the best fighting condition))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Its entire complement) (PP of (NP (NP non-commissioned officers) (PP on (NP the platoon level))))) (VP had (VP departed (PP as (NP (NP cadre) (PP for (NP another unit))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ its vehicles) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP those) (VP used (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the drive) (PP across (NP Luzon)))) (PP in (NP World War 2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (NP (QP Just a) month) after (S (NP-SBJ the Korean War) (VP broke (PRT out)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the 7th Cavalry) (VP was (VP moving (PP-DIR into (NP the lines)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD ready (PP for (NP combat)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (PP From (NP then)) (ADVP on)) (NP-SBJ the Fighting Seventh) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the thick) (PP of (NP (NP the bitterest fighting) (PP-LOC in (NP Korea))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One night) (PP-LOC on (NP the Naktong River)) , (NP-SBJ Mel Chandler) (VP called (PP on (NP that fabled esprit de corps))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The regiment) (VP was (VP dug (NP *-1) (PRT in) (PP-LOC on (NP the east side (PP of (NP the river))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the North Koreans) (VP were (ADVP-MNR steadily) (VP building (PRT up) (NP (NP a concentration) (PP of (NP crack troops))) (PP-LOC on (NP the other side))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The troopers) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ an attack) (VP was (VP coming)))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP know (ADVP when)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP know (ADVP where))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP 6 o'clock)) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the morning) (PP of (NP August 12)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP doubt)) (ADVP-TMP no longer)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP came , (PP against (NP Troop A[fj]))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The enemy) (VP had (VP filtered (PP-DIR across (NP the river)) (PP-TMP during (NP the night))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP a full force) (PP of (NP (NP 1000 men) , (VP armed (NP *) (PP with (NP Russian machine guns)))))) , (VP attacked (NP (NP the position) (VP held (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Chandler 's) men)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP came (PP in (NP waves))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP First) (VP came) (NP-SBJ (NP the cannon fodder) , (NP (NP white-clad civilians) (VP being (VP driven (NP *) (PP into (NP death)) (PP as (NP a massive human battering ram)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP followed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP crack (ADJP North Korean) troops) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP mounted (NP (NP one charge) (PP after (NP another)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP overran (NP (NP the 7th Cav 's) forward machine-gun positions) (PP through (NP (NP sheer weight) (PP of (NP numbers)))) , (PP over (NP (NP piles) (PP of (NP their own dead))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another force) (VP (VP flanked (NP the company)) and (VP took (PRT up) (NP (NP a position) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a hill) (PP-LOC to (NP the rear))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Captain Chandler) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP building (PRT up) (NP strength)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP assembled (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP 25 men)) , (VP composed (NP *) (PP of (NP (NP (NP wounded troopers) (VP awaiting (NP evacuation))) , (NP the company clerk) , (NP supply men) , (NP cooks) and (NP drivers)))))) , and (VP led (NP them) (PP-DIR to (NP the hill)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (NP-PRD-TPC-1 (NP One) (PP of (NP the (ADJP (ADVP more seriously) wounded)))) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Lieutenant Carroll) , (NP (NP the young officer) (VP bucking (PP for (NP the Regular Army))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Chandler) (VP left (NP-2 Carroll) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the hill)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP direct (NP (NP any reinforcements) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP find (NP *T*-1)))))) (PP-DIR to (NP the fight)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ Mel Chandler) (VP started (PP-DIR up (NP the hill))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP took (NP (NP one step) , (NP two))) , (VP broke (PP (PP into (NP a trot)) (CONJP and then) (PP into (NP a run))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP The first thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ (NP the words) `` (NP Garryowen) '' ! !) (VP Burst (PP from (NP his throat))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His followers) (VP (VP shouted (NP the old battle cry) (PP-TMP after (NP him))) and (VP charged (NP the hill) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP firing (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP ran))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Koreans) (VP (VP fell (ADVP back)) , but (VP regrouped (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP the hill))))) and (VP pinned (PRT down) (NP the cavalrymen) (PP with (NP (NP a screen) (PP of (NP fire)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Chandler) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP looking (PP to (NP right and left)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ his men) (VP were (VP faring (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))))) , (ADVP suddenly) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ another figure) (VP (VP bounding (PP-DIR up (NP the hill))) , (VP hurling (NP grenades)) and (VP hollering (NP the battle cry) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ran))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Bob Carroll) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP suddenly) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ-2 himself) (VP imbued (NP *-2) (PP with (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP Garryowen)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP (VP formed (NP (NP his own task force) (PP of (NP three stragglers)))) and (VP led (NP them) (PP-DIR up (NP the hill)) (PP in (NP a Fighting Seventh charge))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-PRP Because of (NP this diversionary attack)) (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the main group) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP pinned (NP *-2) (PRT down) (PP-LOC on (NP the hill)))))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP surge (ADVP-DIR forward) (ADVP again)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ an enemy grenade) (VP (VP hit (NP Carroll) (PP-LOC in (NP the head))) and (VP detonated (ADVP simultaneously))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP went (PRT down) (PP like (NP a wet rag)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the attackers) (VP hit (NP the dirt) (PP in (NP (NP the face) (PP of (NP the withering enemy fire)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Enemy reinforcements) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pouring (ADVP down))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeking (NP a soft spot)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP (VP found (NP it) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the junction) (PP-LOC between (NP Troops H and G))))) , and (VP prepared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP counterattack))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marvin Goulding) (VP saw (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP happening))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP turned (PP to (NP his platoon))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Okay) , (NP-VOC men)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Follow (NP me)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Goulding) (VP (VP leaped (PP to (NP his feet))) and (VP started (ADVP-DIR forward) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ `` Garryowen '' ! !) (PP-PRD On (NP his lips))) , (S (NP-SBJ his men) (VP following))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ the bullets) (VP whacked (ADVP home) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP finished (NP his battle cry)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Marvin Goulding) (VP fell (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dead)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP an instant)) (NP-SBJ-1 his men) (VP hesitated , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP their lieutenant) , (NP (NP the (ADJP most popular) officer) (PP in (NP the regiment)))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ they) (VP let (PRT out) (NP (NP a bellow) (PP of (NP anguish and rage))))) and , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP cursing) , (VP screaming) and (VP hollering (NP `` Garryowen '' ! !)))) (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP charged (PP-DIR into (NP the enemy)) (PP like (NP wild men)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP finished (NP (NP the job) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Captain Chandler) and (NP Lieutenant Carroll)) (VP had (VP begun (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Goulding 's) platoon) (VP (VP pushed (ADVP-DIR back) (NP the enemy soldiers)) and (VP broke (PRT up) (NP (NP the timing) (PP of (NP the entire enemy attack))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Reinforcements) (VP came (ADVP up) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP advantage) (PP of (NP (NP the opening) (VP made (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Goulding 's) platoon))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The North Koreans) (VP (VP threw (ADVP away) (NP their guns)) and (VP fled (PP-DIR across (NP the rice paddies)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Artillery and air strikes) (VP were (VP called (NP *-1) (ADVP in) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP them) (PP by (NP the hundreds))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bob Carroll) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 his head) (ADVP practically) (VP blown (NP *-2) (PRT off) (PP by (NP-LGS the exploding grenade))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP lived) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a major) -- (PP in (NP the Regular Army)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD (ADJP So filled (PP *ICH*-1)) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP was) (NP-SBJ Mel Chandler) (PP-1 with (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP Garryowen)))) (SBAR-2 that (S (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ Korea) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP took (PRT on) (NP (NP the job) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP writing (NP (NP the complete history) (PP of (NP the regiment)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP years) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP digging , (NP-TMP nights and weekends)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP put (ADVP together) (NP (NP (NP the big , (ADJP profusely illustrated) book) , (PP-TTL Of (NP Garryowen And Glory))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP probably) (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most complete) history) (PP of (NP any military unit)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The battle) (PP of (NP the Naktong River))) (VP is (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP one example) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the battle cry) (PP *RNR*-1)) and (NP (NP the spirit) (PP *RNR*-1)) (PP-1 of (NP The Fighting Seventh))) (VP have (VP paid (PRT off) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP (QP nearly a) century)) (NP-SBJ-1 the cry) (VP has (ADVP-TMP never) (VP failed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rally (NP (NP the fighting men) (PP of (NP the regiment)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP (NP the case) (PP of (NP (NP Major Marcus A. Reno) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP survived (NP (NP the Battle) (PP of (NP The Little Big Horn)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1876)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP From (NP (NP the enlisted men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP pistol-whipped (NP *T*-1)))))) (PP to (NP (NP the subordinate officer) (SBAR (WHNP-3 whose wife) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP rape (NP *T*-3)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a lot) (PP of (NP men))) (VP had (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP (NP reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR heartily) (VP to (VP dislike (NP Marcus Reno) (ADVP-PRP *T*-4))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Many) (PP of (NP his fellow officers))) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak (PP to (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP a board) (PP of (NP inquiry))) (VP was (VP called (NP *-4) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP look (PP into (NP (NP the charges) (PP of (NP cowardice)) (VP made (NP *) (PP against (NP him)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))) , (NP-SBJ-7 (NP (NP the men) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ Reno) (VP leave (NP the battlefield)))))))) and (NP (NP the officer) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP had (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ Reno) (VP suggest (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-6 the wounded) (VP be (VP left (NP *-6) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-1 *-6) (VP to (VP be (VP tortured (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the Sioux)))))))))))))))))) , (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP to (VP say (NP (NP a harsh word) (PP against (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a member) (PP of (NP The Fighting Seventh)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP (NP the Battle) (PP of (NP The Little Horn)) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 about (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP more words) (PP *T*-1)) (VP have (VP been (VP written (NP *-4) (PP than (NP (NP any other battle) (PP in (NP American history))))))))) ,)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the 7th Cavalry) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP made (NP (NP its mark) (PP in (NP history))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the regiment) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV ten years) old) (PP-TMP by (ADVP then))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Brevet Major General George Armstrong Custer) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the regiment 's) first permanent commander))) and , (S (PP like (NP (NP such generals) (PP as (NP (NP George S. Patton) and (NP Terry De La Mesa Allen))) (PP in (NP (NP their rise) (PP to (NP military prominence)))))) , (NP-SBJ Custer) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a believer) (PP in (NP blood and guts warfare))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the Civil War)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Custer) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP achieved (NP a brilliant record))))) , (VP was (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD brigadier general)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP 23)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP finished (NP the war) (PP as (NP a major general)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP commanding (NP a full division)))) , and (VP (PP at (NP 25)) was (NP-PRD (NP the youngest major general) (PP in (NP (NP the history) (PP of (NP the U.S. Army))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do not (VP mean (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP suggest (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ these assumptions) (VP are (ADJP-PRD self-evident , (PP in (NP the sense (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP agrees (PP with (NP them)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *?*)))) , (S (NP-SBJ Walter Lippmann) (VP would (VP be (VP writing (NP (NP the same columns) (PP as (NP George Sokolsky))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Herb Lock) (VP would (VP have (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP cartoons) (PP about (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (VP mean , (ADVP however) , (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (NP them) (PP for (ADJP granted))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (VP be (VP saying (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP would (VP appear (ADJP-PRD quite idiotic) (PP against (NP any contrary assumptions))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Assumption 1 .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The ultimate objective) (PP of (NP American policy))) (VP is (UCP-PRD (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (VP establish (NP (NP a world) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the largest possible measure) (PP of (NP (NP freedom) and (NP justice) and (NP peace) and (NP material prosperity)))) (PP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) ; ; and (PP in (NP particular)) (PRN -- (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD our special responsibility)))) --) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 these conditions) (VP be (VP enjoyed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the people) (PP of (NP the United States)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP speak (PP of `` (NP the largest possible measure) '') (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP any person) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP supposes (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 these conditions) (VP can (VP be (ADVP universally and perfectly) (VP achieved (NP *-1) -- (ADVP-TMP ever) --))))))))) (VP (VP reckons (PP without (NP (NP the inherent imperfectability) (PP of (NP (NP himself) and (NP his fellow human beings)))))) , and (VP is (ADVP therefore) (NP-PRD (NP a dangerous man) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP *T*-3) (ADVP around))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Assumption 2 .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These conditions) (VP (VP are (ADJP-PRD unobtainable)) -- (VP are not (ADVP even) (ADJP-PRD approachable) (PP in (NP (NP the qualified sense) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP indicated (NP *T*-1)))))))) -- (PP without (NP (NP the prior defeat) (PP of (NP world Communism))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true) (PP-PRP for (NP (NP two reasons) : (SBAR (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ Communism) (VP is (UCP both (ADVP doctrinally) , and (PP in (NP practice))) , (ADJP-PRD antithetical (PP to (NP these conditions)))))) ; ; and (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ Communists) (VP have (NP (NP the will (S *RNR*-1)) and , (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Soviet power) (VP remains (ADJP-PRD intact) (ADVP-TMP *?*))))) , (NP the capacity (S *RNR*-1)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prevent (NP their realization)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Communist power) (VP increases))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the enjoyment) (PP of (NP these conditions))) (PP-LOC throughout (NP the world)) (VP diminishes (ADVP pro rata))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the possibility) (PP of (NP their restoration))) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD increasingly remote))) .)) (TOP (NP Assumption 3 .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP follows (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP victory) (PP over (NP Communism))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the dominant , proximate goal) (PP of (NP American policy))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP-PRD Proximate) (PP in (NP the sense (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP more distant) , (ADJP more `` positive '') ends) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP seek (NP *T*-1)))) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP victory) (PP over (NP Communism))) (VP is (ADVP but) (NP-PRD (NP a means) (PP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (ADJP-PRD dominant) (PP in (NP the sense (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ every other objective) , (ADVP no matter (FRAG (WHADJP how worthy) (ADVP intrinsically))) , (VP must (VP defer (PP to (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Peace) (VP is (NP-PRD a worthy objective))) ; ; but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP choose (PP between (NP (NP peace) and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (NP the Communists) (PP-LOC out (PP of (NP Berlin))))))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP fight))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Freedom) , (PP in (NP (NP the sense) (PP of (NP self-determination))))) , (VP is (NP-PRD a worthy objective))) ; ; but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP granting (NP self-determination) (PP-DTV to (NP the Algerian rebels)))) (VP entails (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP sweeping (NP that area) (PP into (NP the Sino-Soviet orbit))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ-1 Algerian freedom) (VP must (VP be (VP postponed (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Justice) (VP is (NP-PRD a worthy objective))) ; ; but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP justice) (PP for (NP Bantus))) (VP entails (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP driving (NP (NP the government) (PP of (NP (NP the Union) (PP of (NP South Africa))))) (PP away (PP from (NP the West)))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ-1 the Bantus) (VP must (VP be (VP prepared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP carry (NP their identification cards) (ADVP yet) (ADVP-TMP (NP a while) longer)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Prosperity) (VP is (NP-PRD a worthy objective))) ; ; but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP providing (NP (NP higher standards) (PP of (NP living))))) (VP gets (PP in (NP (NP the way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP producing (NP sufficient guns (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP resist (NP Communist aggression))))))))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ-2 material sacrifices and denials) (VP will (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP made (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP may (VP be , (PP of (NP course)) , (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 such objectives) (VP can (VP be (VP pursued (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR consisently) (PP with (NP (NP a policy) (VP designed (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP overthrow (NP Communism))))))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ my point) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ conflicts) (VP arise (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))) (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP must (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (VP resolved (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP favor) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP achieving (NP (NP (NP the indispensable condition) (PP for (NP a tolerant world))) -- (NP (NP the absence) (PP of (NP Soviet Communist power)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The uses) (PP of (NP power)))) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 This much) (VP having (VP been (VP said (NP *-2))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the question) (SBAR *ICH*-6)) (VP remains (SBAR-6 (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP the resources) (PP for (NP (NP (NP the job) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-4 we) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-3)))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP defeat (NP Communism))) --)))))) and (PRN , (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (ADVP so))) ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 those resources) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP used (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-5)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP brings (NP us) (ADVP squarely) (PP to (NP (NP (NP the problem) (PP of (NP power))) , and (NP (NP the uses) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a nation) (VP makes (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP power))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP submit (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the key problem) (PP of (NP international relations)))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD *?*))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP suggest (ADVP further) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the main cause) (PP of (NP (NP the trouble) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP *T*-1)))))))) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the failure (S *ICH*-2)) (PP of (NP American policy-makers)) , (SBAR (ADVP ever) since (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP assumed (NP free world leadership) (PP-TMP in (NP 1945))))) , (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP deal (PP with (NP this problem)) (ADVP-MNR realistically and seriously)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP the recent political campaign)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP two charges) (VP *ICH*-2)) (VP were (VP leveled (NP *-1) (VP-2 affecting (NP (NP the question) (PP of (NP power))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP might (VP begin (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP put (NP them) (PP into (NP proper focus)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 One) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 demonstrably false))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ=1 the other) , (PP for (NP the most part)) , (ADJP-PRD=2 true)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The first) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ America) (VP (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD *RNR*-2))) -- or (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP danger) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP becoming (NP-PRD *RNR*-2))))))) -- (NP-2 a (ADJP second-rate) military power))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dwell (ADVP here) (PP on (NP (NP the absurdity) (PP of (NP that contention)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP may (VP have (NP (NP misgivings) (PP about (NP (NP certain aspects) (PP of (NP our military establishment)))))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP certainly) (VP do)) --) but (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP any comparison) (PP of (NP over-all American strength)) (PP with (NP over-all Soviet strength))) (VP finds (S (NP-SBJ the United States) (ADJP-PRD (CONJP not only) (ADJP superior) , but (ADJP (ADJP so superior) (PP both (PP in (NP present weapons)) and (PP in (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP new ones))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 our advantage) (VP promises (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a permanent feature) (PP of (NP U.S.-Soviet relations))) (PP-TMP for (NP the foreseeable future)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP often) (VP searched (PP for (NP (NP a graphic way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP impressing (NP our superiority) (PP on (NP (NP those Americans) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (NP doubts)))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Jameson Campaigne) (VP has (VP done (NP it) (ADVP-MNR well) (PP in (NP (NP his new book) (NP-TTL (NP American Might) And (NP Soviet Myth)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (S *T*-2))) ,) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the tables) (VP were (VP turned (NP *-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the Soviets ') position)))))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP (QP more than 2,000) modern Soviet fighters) , (NP (NP all) (ADJP (ADJP better) (PP than (NP ours))))) , (VP stationed (NP *) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP 250 bases) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Mexico) and (NP the Caribbean)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Overwhelming Russian naval power) (VP would (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD within (NP (NP (QP a few hundred) miles) (PP of (NP our coast)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Half) (PP of (NP (NP the population) (PP of (NP the U.S.))))) (VP would (VP be (VP needed (NP-2 *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP work (PP on (NP arms))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP feed (NP the people))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Add (NP this) (PP to (NP (NP the unrest) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the countries) (PP-LOC around (NP us)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 oppressed peoples) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn (PP on (NP us)) (PP at (NP the first opportunity)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Add (ADVP also) (NP (NP a (ADJP comparatively primitive) industrial plant) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (ADVP-MNR severely) (VP limit (NP our capacity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (ADJP-PRD abreast (PP of (NP the Soviets))) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP (NP the missile field) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP is (VP reputed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD our main strength)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP look (PP at (NP the situation)) (NP-MNR this way)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP get (NP (NP an idea) (PP (PP of (NP (NP Khrushchev 's) nightmarish worries)) -- or , (ADVP at least) , (PP of (NP (NP the worries) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 his enemies) (VP were (VP disposed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP exploit (NP their advantage)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP U.S. `` prestige '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other charge) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP America 's) political position) (PP in (NP the world))) (VP has (ADVP-MNR progressively) (VP deteriorated (PP-TMP in (NP recent years))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 The contention) (VP needs (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP formulated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP much greater) precision) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP was (VP *?* (PP-TMP during (NP the campaign)))))))))))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ-2 that) (VP has (VP been (VP done (NP *-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP fail (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-5 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP any serious student) (PP of (NP world affairs))) (VP can (VP quarrel (PP with (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-5)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The argument) (VP was (ADVP typically) (VP advanced (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP U.S. `` prestige '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Prestige) , (ADVP however) , (VP is (ADVP only) (NP-PRD (NP a minor part) (PP of (NP the problem))))) ; ; and (S (ADVP even then) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a concept) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD highly misleading)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Prestige) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a measure) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ other people) (VP think (PP of (NP you)) , (ADVP well or ill) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP contrary (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP implied (NP *-1) (PP-TMP during (NP the campaign)))))))) , (NP-SBJ prestige) (VP is (ADVP surely) not (ADJP-PRD important) (PP for (NP its own sake))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Only the (ADJP (ADJP vain) and (ADJP incurably sentimental))) (PP among (NP us))) (VP will (VP lose (NP sleep) (SBAR-PRP (ADVP simply) because (S (NP-SBJ foreign peoples) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as impressed (PP by (NP our strength))) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP lose (NP sleep) (PP over (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 people) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having (VP concluded (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP weaker) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))))) , (VP are (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-3) (PP about (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The evidence) (VP suggests (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ foreign peoples) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the United States) (VP (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP weaker) (PP than (NP the Soviet Union)))) , and (VP is (ADJP-PRD bound (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fall (ADVP (ADVP still further) behind) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the years) (ADVP ahead))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-4 (NP-SBJ This ignorant estimate) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP repeat (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4)))) ,) (VP is not (PP-PRD of (NP any interest)) (PP in (NP itself)))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD very important) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-3 foreign peoples) (VP react (UCP (NP-MNR (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ human beings) (ADVP typically) (VP do (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))) -- (ADVP namely) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-5 *-3) (VP taking (NP steps) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP end (PRT up) (PP on (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-6 *T*-1) (VP appears (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD the winning side)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP (NP the extent) (SBAR *ICH*-3))) , (ADVP then) , (SBAR-3 (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ declining U.S. prestige) (VP means (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 other nations) (VP (VP will (VP be (VP tempted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP place (NP their bets) (PP on (NP an ultimate American defeat)))))))) , and (VP will (ADVP thus) (VP be (ADJP-PRD more vulnerable (PP to (NP Soviet intimidation)))))))) (ADVP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP reason) (PP for (NP concern)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ (NP these guesses) (PP about (NP (NP the outcome) (PP of (NP the struggle))))) (VP can not (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as important) (PP as (NP (NP the actual power relationship) (PP between (NP (NP the Soviet Union) and (NP ourselves)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Here) (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP speak (PP (PP of (NP (NP military power) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ our advantage) (VP is (ADJP-PRD obvious and overwhelming) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) but (PP of (NP (NP political power) (PRN -- (FRAG (PP of (NP influence)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP *?*))))) --) (SBAR (WHPP-2 about (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the relevant questions) (PP *T*-2)) (VP are : (SQ-PRD Is (NP-SBJ (NP Soviet influence) (PP-LOC throughout (NP the world))) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP greater or less) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?*) (ADVP-TMP (NP ten years) ago))))) ? ?))))))))))) (TOP (SQ And is (NP-SBJ Western influence) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP greater or less) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP Communist gains)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP answering (NP these questions)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP ask (SBAR (CONJP not merely) (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ Communist troops) (VP have (VP crossed (ADVP-DIR over) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP territories) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did not (VP occupy (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP before))))))))))) , (CONJP and not merely) (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP disciplined agents) (PP of (NP the Cominform))) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP (NP control) (PP of (NP (NP governments) (SBAR (WHPP-4 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (ADVP-TMP formerly) (VP excluded (NP *-1) (PP *T*-4)))))))))))))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP the success) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Communism 's) war) (PP against (NP the West))))) (VP does not (VP depend (PP on (NP such (ADJP spectacular and definitive) conquests))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Success) (VP may (VP mean (ADVP merely) (NP (NP the displacement) (PP of (NP Western influence))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 Communist political warfare) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP remember (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) ,) (VP is (VP waged (NP *-1) (UCP (ADVP-MNR insidiously) and (PP in (NP deliberate stages))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADJP-PRD Fearful (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP inviting (NP (NP a military showdown) (PP with (NP the West)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could not (VP win (NP *T*-1))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the Communists) (VP seek (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP undermine (NP Western power) (UCP-LOC (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the nuclear might) (PP of (NP the West))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD irrelevant) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))) -- (PP (PP in (NP backwoods guerrilla skirmishes)) , (PP in (NP (NP mob uprisings) (PP-LOC in (NP the streets)))) , (PP in (NP parliaments)) , (PP in (NP (NP clandestine meetings) (PP of (NP undercover conspirators)))) , (PP at (NP the United Nations)) , (PP on (NP the propaganda front)) , (PP at (NP (NP diplomatic conferences) -- (PP (ADVP preferably) at (NP the highest level)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Soviets) (VP understand , (ADVP moreover) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the first step) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP turning (NP a country) (PP toward (NP Communism)))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP turn (NP it) (PP against (NP the West))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (ADVP typically) , (NP-SBJ (NP the first stage) (PP of (NP a Communist takeover))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP `` neutralize '' (NP a country))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The second stage) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP retain (NP (NP the nominal classification) (PP of `` (NP neutralist) '')) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (PP in (NP fact)) (NP-SBJ *) (VP turning (NP the country) (PP into (NP (NP an active advocate and adherent) (PP of (NP Soviet policy))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ this) (VP may (VP be (ADVP-PRD (ADVP as far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the process) (VP will (VP go (ADVP *?*)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Kremlin 's) goal) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the isolation and capture) , (PP not (PP of (NP Ghana)) , but (PP of (NP the United States)))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-1 this purpose) (VP may (VP be (VP served (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR very well) (PP by (NP (NP countries) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP masquerade (PP under (NP a `` neutralist '' mask))) , (ADVP yet) (VP (PP in (NP fact)) are (NP-PRD (NP dependable auxiliaries) (PP of (NP the Soviet Foreign Office))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP recite (NP (NP the particulars) (PP of (NP recent Soviet successes)))))) (VP is (ADVP hardly) (ADJP-PRD reassuring)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Six years) ago) (NP-SBJ French Indochina) , (SBAR-ADV though (FRAG (PP in (NP troubie)))) , (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the Western camp))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (S (NP-SBJ Northern Vietnam) (VP is (ADJP-PRD overtly Communist))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Laos) (VP is (VP teetering (PP between (NP (NP Communism) and (NP pro-Communist neutralism)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Cambodia) (VP is , (PP for (NP all practical purposes)) , (NP-PRD neutralist))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Indonesia) , (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the early days) (PP of (NP the Republic)))) , (VP leaned (PP toward (NP the West))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Sukarno 's) government) (VP is (ADVP-MNR heavily) (VP besieged (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS avowed Communists))))) , and (S (PP for (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP its `` neutralist '' pretensions)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a firm ally) (PP of (NP Soviet policy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ceylon) (VP has (VP moved (PP from (NP a pro-Western orientation)) (PP to (NP (NP a neutralism) (ADJP openly hostile (PP to (NP the West))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the Middle East)) , (NP-SBJ Iraq , Syria and Egypt) (VP were , (ADVP-TMP (NP a short while) ago) , (PP-PRD in (NP the Western camp))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ the Nasser and Kassem governments) (VP (VP are (ADJP-PRD adamantly hostile (PP to (NP the West)))) , (VP are (ADJP-PRD dependent (PP for (NP their military power)) (PP on (NP Soviet equipment and personnel)))) ; ; (VP (PP in (NP (ADJP almost every) particular)) follow (NP (NP the Kremlin 's) foreign policy line))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A short time) ago) (NP-SBJ all Africa) (VP was (NP-PRD a Western preserve)) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Never) (VP mind (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Kikiyus) and (NP the Bantus)) (VP enjoyed (NP Wilsonian self-determination)))))) : (S (NP-SBJ the point) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (PP in (NP (NP the struggle) (PP for (NP the world)))) (NP-SBJ that vast land mass) (VP was (PP-PRD under (NP (NP the domination and influence) (PP of (NP the West))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) , (NP-SBJ Africa) (VP is (VP (VP swerving (ADVP-MNR violently) (PP away (PP from (NP the West)))) and (VP plunging (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP seem))) ,) (PP into (NP the Soviet orbit))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Latin America) (VP was (ADVP-TMP once) (NP-PRD (NP an area) (ADJP (ADJP as `` safe '' (PP for (NP the West))) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Nebraska) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?* (PP for (NP Nixon))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (PP-PRD up (PP for (NP grabs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One (ADJP Latin American) country) , (NP Cuba)) , (VP has (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a Soviet bridgehead) (PP-LOC (NP-ADV ninety miles) off (NP our coast))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC In (NP some countries)) (NP-SBJ the trend) (VP has (VP gone (ADVP (ADVP further) (PP than (NP others)))))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ Mexico , Panama , and Venezuela) (VP are (VP displaying (NP (NP open sympathy) (PP for (NP Castroism)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no country) -- (PP save (NP (NP the Dominican Republic) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose funeral services) (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP recently) (VP arranged (NP *T*-1)))))) -- (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ Castroism and Anti-Americanism) (VP does not (VP prevent (NP-2 the government) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-MNR unqualifiedly) (VP espousing (NP the American cause)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC (ADVP Only) in (NP Europe)) have (NP-SBJ our lines) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD firm) -- (NAC and (ADVP-LOC there) (PP (ADVP only) on (NP the surface)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The strains) (PP of (NP neutralism))) (VP are (VP running (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD strong)) , (PP-LOC (PP (ADVP notably) in (NP England)) , and (PP (ADVP even) in (NP Germany))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Opportunities) (VP missed (NP *)))) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (SQ (VP have (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ we) (SBAR-3 (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (NP *T*-2) (PP by (NP (NP way) (PP of (NP counter-successes))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (VP had (NP (NP opportunities) -- (NP clear invitations (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP plant (NP our influence) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the other side) (PP of (NP the Iron Curtain))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the Hungarian Revolution) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP praised and mourned (NP *T*-1)) , but (VP did (NP nothing) (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the Polish Revolution) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP (VP misunderstood (NP *T*-1)) (CONJP and then) (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP guide (NP *T*-1) (PP along (NP (NP a course) (ADJP favorable (PP to (NP Soviet interests))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the revolution) (PP-LOC in (NP Tibet)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP pretended (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did not (VP exist))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (SINV (PP (ADVP Only) in (NP one instance)) have (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP moved (ADVP-MNR purposively and effectively) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP dislodge (NP existing Communist power)))))) : (PP in (NP Guatemala)) .)) (TOP (S And (S (PP contrary (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP has (VP been (VP said (NP *-2) (ADVP-TMP recently)))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP did not (VP wait (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ `` (NP outside pressures) '' and `` (NP world opinion) '') (VP to (VP bring (PRT down) (NP that Communist government)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP moved (ADVP-MNR decisively) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP effect (NP an Anti-Communist coup d'etat)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP served (NP our national interests))) , and (S (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP so) (VP doing))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP saved (NP the Guatemalan people) (NP (NP the ultimate) (PP in (NP human misery))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first rattle) (PP of (NP the machine guns)) , (PP-TMP at (NP (NP 7:10) (PP-TMP in (NP the evening))))) , (VP roused (PP-LOC around (NP me)) (NP (NP the varied voices and faces) (PP of (NP fear)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Sounds (ADVP exactly) (PP like (NP last time))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The young man) (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR steadily enough))) , but (S (PP-TMP (ADVP all) at (ADVP once)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD grotesquely unshaven))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The middle-aged man) (VP said (ADVP over and over) , `` (SBARQ (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ I) (VP come (ADVP-DIR here) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) , (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ I) (VP come (ADVP-DIR here) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sick)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Amid (NP (NP the crackle) (PP of (NP (NP small arms) and (NP automatic weapons))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (NP (NP the thumping) (PP of (NP mortars)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ the lights) (VP went (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP my second day) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Vientiane) , (NP (NP the administrative capital) (PP of (NP Laos)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ my thoughts) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADVP none too) brave))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ was (NP-SBJ my flashlight) (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ should (NP-SBJ I) (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (PP-DIR To (NP my room) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP Better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stay (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the hotel lobby) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the walls) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD good and thick) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (ADJP Chinese and Indian) merchants) (PP-LOC across (NP the street))) (VP were (VP slamming (NP their steel shutters))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hotel attendants) (VP pulled (NP parked bicycles) (PP-DIR into (NP the lobby))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A woman) (PP with (NP a small boy))) (VP slipped (ADVP in) (PP-LOC between (NP them))) .)) (TOP (INTJ-1 `` (INTJ Please) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1))) ,) `` (INTJ please) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP held (PRT out) (NP her hand) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP money)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The American newspaperman) (VP worried (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP getting (PP-DIR to (NP the cable office)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD the story))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ the Communist-led Pathet Lao) (ADVP finally) (VP come (ADVP-LOC this far)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Or was (NP-SBJ it) (NP (NP another revolt) (PP-LOC inside (NP Vientiane))) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP play (NP hero))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the roof))) and (VP see)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gunfire) (VP saves (NP the moon)))) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP 7:50)) (NP-SBJ the answer) (VP was (ADJP-PRD plain)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP an eclipse) (PP of (NP the moon))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A traditional Lao explanation) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the moon) (VP was (VP being (VP swallowed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a toad))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the remedy) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP all possible noise) , (PP (ADVP ideally) with (NP firearms))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The din) (VP was (ADJP-PRD successful) , (ADVP too) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (PP-TMP (ADVP just) before (S (NP-SBJ the moon) (VP disappeared))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the frightened toad) (VP had (VP (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP spit (NP it) (PRT out) (ADVP again))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP meant (NP good luck) (ADVP all around))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHADJP-1 How quaint) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (NP all)) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (NP-TMP the next day))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A restaurant) (VP posted (NP (NP a reminder) (PP to (NP (NP patrons) `` (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP became (ADJP-PRD excited)) and (VP left (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP paying (NP their checks)))))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP everyone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP met (NP *T*-1))))) (VP had (VP (VP sought (NP cover) (ADVP-TMP first)) and (VP asked (NP questions) (ADVP-TMP later)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP-ADV no wonder) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ (NP Vientiane) , (NP (NP the old City) (PP of (NP Sandalwood)))) , (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD (NP the City) (PP of (NP Bullet Holes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP (NP holes) (PP (PP-LOC in (NP (NP planes) (PP-LOC at (NP the airport)))) and (PP-LOC in (NP (NP cars) (PP-LOC in (NP the streets))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Along (NP the main thoroughfares)) (NP-SBJ-1 hardly a house) (VP had not (VP been (VP peppered (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 In (NP (NP place) (PP of (NP the police headquarters)))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a new square) (VP filled (NP *) (PP with (NP rubble)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mortars) (VP had (VP (VP demolished (NP the defense ministry)) and (VP set (NP fire) (PP to (NP (NP the American Embassy) (NP-LOC next door)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the ambassador 's) suite))))) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD (NP jagged walls) (PP of (NP blackened brick)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-12 This damage) (VP had (VP been (VP done (NP *-12) (PP in (NP (NP the battle) (PP of (NP Vientiane)) , (VP fought (NP *) (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP less than three) months) earlier) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ four successive governments) (VP had (VP ruled (ADVP-LOC here) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP three days) (PRN -LRB- (NP December 9-11 , 1960) -RRB-))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP now) , (PP-TMP in (NP March)) , (NP-SBJ all Laos) (VP suffered (NP (NP a state) (PP of (NP siege)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Pathet Lao forces) (VP (VP held (NP two northern provinces)) and (VP (ADVP-MNR openly) took (NP the offensive) (PP-LOC in (NP (ADJP (NP-ADV three) more))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Throughout (NP the land)) (NP-SBJ their hit-and-run terrorists) (VP spread (NP (NP fear) (PP of (NP ambush and death)))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 And (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all the more tragic) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADVP so little) deserved)))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. J. J. A. Frans) , (NP (NP a Belgian official) (PP of (NP the United Nations (ADJP Educational , Scientific , and Cultural) Organization)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP talked (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hailed (NP (NP his Jeep) (VP marked (NP *) (PP with (NP the U.N. flag)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (ADVP Practically all) the people) (PP of (NP Laos))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP explained (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) -- (NP (NP (QP about two million)) (PP of (NP them))) --) (VP are (NP-PRD rice farmers))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the means and motives) (PP of (NP modern war))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as strange) (PP to (NP them)) (PP as (NP (NP clocks) and (NP steel plows)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP look (ADVP after) (NP-PRD (NP their (NX (NX fields) and (NX children) and (NX water buffaloes))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (QP ten or eleven thousand) villages) , (PP with (NP (NP an average) (PP of (NP 200 souls)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP can (VP tell (ADVP-MNR more closely) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how many) villages) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP spread (PP-LOC over (NP (NP an area) (ADJP (ADJP no larger) (PP than (NP Oregon))))))) ; ; (ADVP yet) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP include (NP (NP peoples) (ADJP (ADJP as different) (PP from (NP one another)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Oregonians) (VP are (ADJP-PRD *?*) (PP from (NP Patagonians))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Life) (VP must (VP be (VP kept (NP *-1) (PP in (NP harmony))))) `` .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP matters (ADVP-LOC here)))) (VP is (UCP-PRD (NP family loyalty) ; ; (NP (NP (NP faith) (PP in (NP the Buddha))) and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP staying (PP at (NP (NP peace) (PP with (NP (NP the phis) , (NP the spirits)))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live (PP in (NP (NP harmony) (PP with (NP nature))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP (NP Harmony) (PP-LOC in (NP Laos)) ? ?)) (TOP (SINV `` (ADVP-TPC-1 Precisely) '' , (VP said (ADVP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mr. Frans) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP spoke (PP of (NP (NP the season) (PP of (NP dryness and dust)) , (VP brought (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the monsoon) (PP from (NP the northeast))))) , (PP in (NP (NP harmony) (PP with (NP (NP the season) (PP of (NP rain and mud)) , (VP brought (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the monsoon) (PP from (NP the southwest)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The slim pirogues) (PP in (NP (NP harmony) (PP with (NP the (ADJP majestically meandering) Mekong River)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Shy , slender-waisted girls) (PP-LOC at (NP the loom)) (PP in (NP (NP harmony) (PP with (NP (NP the frangipani) (PP by (NP the wayside)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Even life) (PP in (NP (NP harmony) (PP with (NP death)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (ADVP (ADVP so long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ death) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD violent) (ADVP *?*))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP natural) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP welcomed (NP *-1) ,))))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ a funeral) (NP-PRD a feast)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP many a Frenchman)) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP came (ADVP-TMP (NP 95 years) ago)) , (VP colonized) , and (VP stayed (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ Laos) (VP became (ADJP-PRD independent) (PP-TMP in (NP 1953)))))))) --) (NP-SBJ the land) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP (ADVP even more) delightfully) tranquil) (PP than (NP Tahiti))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ Laos) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most explosive) headaches) (PP of (NP (NP statesmen) (PP-LOC around (NP the globe)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The Pathet Lao) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP stiffened (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Communist Veterans) (PP from (NP neighboring North Viet Nam)))))) , (VP were (VP supplied (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS Soviet aircraft)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Royal Lao Army) , (PP on (NP the other hand)) , (VP was (VP paid and equipped (NP *-1) (PP with (NP American funds)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP six years)) , (NP-SBJ U.S. aid) (VP had (VP amounted (PP to (NP (NP (NP (QP more than $ 1.60) *U*) (PP for (NP each American))) -- (NP (NP a total) (PP of (NP (QP three hundred million) dollars))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP a moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the situation) (PP-LOC in (NP Laos))) (VP threatened (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ignite (NP (NP another war) (PP among (NP (NP the world 's) giants)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV (ADVP Even) if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did not))) , (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ would (NP-SBJ (NP this little world) (PP of (NP gentle people))) (VP cope (PP with (NP (NP its new reality) (PP of (NP (NP grenades) and (NP submachine guns))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP find (PRT out)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP traveled (PP-LOC throughout (NP (NP that part) (PP of (NP Laos)) (VP (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP nominally) controlled (NP *) , (PP-TMP in (NP the daytime) (ADVP at least)) , (PP by (NP-LGS the Royal Lao Army))) : (PP-LOC (PP from (NP (NP Attopeu) , (NP (NP the City) (PP of (NP Buffalo Dung)) (PP-LOC in (NP the southeast))))) , (PP to (NP (NP Muong Sing) , (NP (NP the City) (PP of (NP Lions)) (PP-LOC in (NP the northwest)) , (ADVP-LOC close (PP to (NP Communist China))))))))) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP map) , (NP page 250)) -RRB-)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP rode (PP-DIR over (NP (NP roads) (ADJP (ADJP so rough) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 our Jeep) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rest (PP-LOC atop (NP (NP the soil) (PP-LOC between (NP ruts)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ all four wheels) (VP spinning (ADVP-MNR uselessly))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP flew (PP-LOC in (NP (NP rickety planes) (ADJP (ADJP so overloaded) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP crash (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the end)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP ran (PP into (NP Communist artillery fire))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) '' (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP Bill Garrett) (PP of (NP the National Geographic Illustrations Staff)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose (NX (NX three cameras) and (NX eight lenses))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP look (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as formidable) (PP as (NP (NP any fighting man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP met (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP Boun My) , (NP our interpreter)) ; ; and (NP myself))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Boun My) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ the name) (VP means (FRAG (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP has (NP (NP a boun) , (NP a celebration))) , and (VP is (ADVP therefore) (ADJP-PRD lucky))))))))) --) (VP was (VP born (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Savannakhet) , (NP (NP the Border) (PP of (NP Paradise))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP attended (NP (NP three universities) (PP-LOC in (NP the United States))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (NP (NP the mountainous half) (PP of (NP his native land)) (ADVP-LOC north (PP of (NP Vientiane))) , (PP including (NP (NP the royal capital) , (NP Luang Prabang)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ the airplanes) (VP came))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (NP-SBJ (NP travel) (PP-LOC in (NP Laos))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP just about) impossible)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Prime minister) (VP moves (ADVP-MNR fast)))) (TOP (S (INTJ Alas) , (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP almost) (VP proved (PP for (NP (NP us) , (ADVP too)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP go (PP-LOC outside (NP the few cities))))) (VP required (NP permits)) .)) (TOP (S And (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (NP them))) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP a life 's) work)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ-2 Americans) (VP to (VP be (VP hurt or captured (NP *-2))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 few soldiers) (VP could (VP be (VP spared (NP *-1) (PP as (NP escorts)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP were (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (PP to (NP the Pathet Lao)) , (NP-SBJ a kidnaped American) (VP was (ADJP-PRD worth (NP (NP (QP at least $ 750) *U*) , (NP (NP a fortune) (PP-LOC in (NP Laos)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (VP had (VP heard (PP of (NP (NP the American contractor) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP spurned (NP an escort))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-1 Pathet Lao propagandists) (VP were (VP reported (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP marching (NP him) (ADVP barefoot) (PP-DIR (PP from (NP village)) (PP to (NP village))) , (PP as (NP (NP evidence) (PP of (NP evil American intervention)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP enjoyed (NP (NP our rounds) (PP of (NP (NP the government offices) (PP-LOC in (NP Vientiane)))) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ officials) (VP offering (NP (NP tea) and (NP (NP pleasing conversation) (PP in (NP French))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP getting (ADVP nowhere))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP had (ADVP nearly) (VP decided (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all the tales) (PP of (NP Lao lethargy))) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD true))))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP were (VP invited (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP a trip) (PP with (NP the Prime Minister))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ we) (VP be (ADJP-PRD ready) (PP-TMP in (NP 15 minutes))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 His Highness) (VP had (VP decided (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP only two) hours) ago) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP town))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD eager (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-PRD off))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Prince) (VP wears (NP ten-gallon hat)))) (TOP (S (CONJP And so) , (PP-TMP after (NP (NP a flight southeast) (PP to (NP Savannakhet)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ ourselves) (VP bouncing (ADVP along) (PP-LOC in (NP a Jeep)) (PP-LOC (ADVP right) behind (NP (NP the Land-Rover) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Prince Boun Oum) (PP of (NP Champassak))) , (NP (NP a tall man) (PP of (NP Churchillian mien)) (PP in (NP (NP a bush jacket) and (NP (NP a ten-gallon hat) (PP from (NP Texas))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-1 From (NP his shoulder bag)) (VP peeked (PP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the seven-inch barrel) (PP of (NP a Luger))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The temperature) (VP rose (PP to (NP 105-degrees))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP our company) (PP of (NP soldiers)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP made (NP (NP one long column) (PP of (NP reddish dust)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP Keng Kok) , (NP (NP the City) (PP of (NP Silkworms))))) , (NP-SBJ the Prime Minister) (VP bought (NP (NP fried chickens) and (NP fried cicadas) , and (NP (NP two notebooks) (PP for (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP drove (PRT on) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (ADJP no more) road)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP traversed (NP dry rice fields) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bouncing (PP-DIR across (NP their squat earth walls)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a spleen-crushing day)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP An hour) (PP of (NP bouncing))) , (NP (NP a brief stop) (PP-LOC in (NP a village)) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP inspect (NP a new school or dispensary)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP More bouncing) , (NP another stop) , (NP (NP a new house) (PP for (NP teachers))) , (NP a new well) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Then) (ADVP-PRD off) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP rushing (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (PRT up)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (ADJP-PRD miserable)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP our two Jeep mates) -- (NP (NP (NP Keo Viphakone) (PP from (NP Luang Prabang))) and (NP (NP John Cool) (PP from (NP (NP Beaver) , (NP Pennsylvania))))) --) (VP were (VP beaming (PP-LOC under (NP (NP their coatings) (PP of (NP dust)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Together) (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (ADVP probably) (VP done (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP any other men)) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP to (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP push (NP Laos) (PP toward (NP the 20th century)) -- (ADVP-MNR constructively)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. Keo) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP once) (NP-PRD (NP a diplomat) (PP-LOC in (NP Paris and Washington))))) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Commissioner) (PP of (NP Rural Affairs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP John) , (NP (NP an engineer and anthropologist) (PP with (NP (NP a doctorate) (PP from (NP (NP the London School) (PP of (NP Economics)))))))) , (VP headed (NP (NP the rural development division) (PP of (NP (NP USOM) , (NP (NP the United States Operations Mission) (VP administering (NP U.S. aid))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (NP *T*-1)))) (VP are (NP-PRD self-help projects))) '' , (NP-SBJ John) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP ask (NP the people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP want (NP *T*-1)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP supply (NP the labor))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP send (NP (NP shovels) , (NP cement) , (NP nails) , and (NP (NP corrugated iron) (PP for (NP roofs))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-MNR That way) (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (NP an infirmary) (PP for (NP $ 400 *U*))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (NP 2,500 such projects))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP add (PRT up) (PP to (NP (NP (ADJP (NP-ADV a lot) more)) (PP than (NP just roads and wells and schools)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ask (NP Mr. Keo)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Keo) (VP agreed) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 Our people) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD used (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP accepting (NP things) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP found (NP them))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no road) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP lived (PP without (NP one))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ they) (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ men) (VP can (VP change (NP their surroundings) , (PP through (NP their traditional village elders)) , (PP without (NP violence))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a big step) (PP toward (NP a modern state)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP might (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP the nation-building business))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the villages)) (NP-SBJ-1 people) (VP lined (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP us) (NP flowers))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Then) (VP came) (NP-SBJ (NP coconuts) , (NP eggs) , and (NP rice wine)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Prime Minister) (VP (VP paid (NP his respects) (PP to (NP the Buddhist monks))) , (VP strode (ADVP-MNR rapidly) (PP-LOC among (NP the houses))) , (VP joked (PP with (NP the local soldiery))) , and (VP made (NP a speech))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ The soldiers) (VP are (VP fighting))) and (S (NP-SBJ the Americans) (VP are (VP helping))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) but (S (PP in (NP (NP the fight) (PP against (NP the Pathet Lao)))) (NP-SBJ the key factor) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the villager) (NP himself)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADVP-PRD off) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP did (NP it) (PP-TMP for (NP three days))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP our stumping tour) (PP of (NP the south))) (VP was n't all (NP-PRD misery)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Crossing (NP (NP the 4,000-foot width) (PP of (NP the Mekong))) (PP-LOC at (NP Champassak)) , (PP on (NP (NP a raft) (PP with (NP an outboard motor)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP (VP took (PRT off) (NP our dusty shirts)) and (VP enjoyed (NP a veritable ocean breeze))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP hung (ADVP overboard) (PP-LOC in (NP the water))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Briefly) (NP-SBJ we) (VP rolled (PP-DIR over (NP a paved road)) (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP (NP Pak Song) , (PP-LOC on (NP the cool Bolovens Plateau)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Prince) (VP (VP visited (NP (NP the hospital) (PP of (NP Operation Brotherhood)) , (VP supported (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Junior Chamber) (PP of (NP Commerce)) (PP of (NP the Philippines))))))) , and (VP fed (NP rice) (PP-DTV to (NP (NP two pet elephants) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP kept (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP his residence) (PP-LOC at (NP Pak Song))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Strings) (VP keep (NP souls) (PP in (NP place))))) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the village) (PP of (NP (NP Soukhouma) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP means `` (ADJP Peaceful) ''))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (NP a baci)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most endearing)) (PP of (NP Lao ceremonies)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP takes (NP place) (PP-LOC in (NP the household)) , (NP-TPC (NP a rite) (PP of (NP (NP well-wishing) (PP (PP for (NP myriad occasions)) -- (PP (PP for (NP (NP the traveler) , (NP a wedding) , (NP a newborn child) , (NP the sick) , (NP the New Year))) , (PP for (NP any good purpose)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The preparations) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD elaborate) : (NP-1 (NP flowers) , (NP candles) , (NP incense sticks) , (NP rice wine) , (NP (NP dozens) (PP of (NP delicacies))) , and (NP (NP pieces) (PP of (NP white cotton string))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The strings) (VP were (VP draped (NP *-1) (PP-LOC around (NP (NP flowers) (PP-LOC in (NP tall silver bowls)))) (PRN -LRB- (NP page 261) -RRB-))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The candles) (VP were (VP lighted (NP *-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP sat (PP-LOC on (NP split-bamboo mats)) (PP-LOC among (NP the village notables)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD careful (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP-2 (NP my feet) , (NP (NP the seat) (PP of (NP the (ADJP least worthy) spirits)))) , (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP pointing (PP at (NP (NP (NP anyone 's) head) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ the worthiest spirits) (VP reside (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ a distinguished old man) (VP called (PP on (NP-1 nine divinities)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP come) and (VP join (NP us)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Next) (NP-SBJ he) (VP addressed (NP himself) (PP to (NP our souls))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A man) (VP has (NP (NP 32 souls) , (NP (NP one) (PP for (NP (NP each part) (PP of (NP the body))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Those souls) (VP (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wander (ADVP off))))) , and (VP must (VP be (VP called (NP *-1) (ADVP back))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (S (NP-SBJ the divinities) (ADJP-PRD present)) and (S (NP-SBJ our souls) (PP-PRD in (NP place))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP were (VP wished (NP *-1) (NP health , happiness , and power))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (NP-ADV (NP one) (PP after (NP another))) , (NP-SBJ the villagers) (VP tied (NP the waiting cotton strings) (PP-LOC around (NP our wrists))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 These) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP kept (NP-3 *-2) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP-PRD on)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP hold (PRT in) (NP the 32 souls))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP stepped (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the sunlight)))))) , (NP-SBJ a man) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP John Cool)))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR silently) showed (NP him) (NP his hand))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (NP (NP a festering hole) (ADJP (ADJP as big) (PP as (NP a silver dollar))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP could (VP see (S (NP-SBJ maggots) (VP moving)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP said : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP some antiseptic salve) (PP with (NP me)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP too late) (PP for (NP that)))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP My interviews) (PP with (NP teen-agers))) (VP confirmed (NP (NP this portrait) (PP of (NP (NP the weakening) (PP of (NP (ADJP religious and ethnic) bonds)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jewish identity) (VP was (ADVP-TMP often) (VP confused (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (ADJP social and economic) strivings)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Being (ADJP-PRD Jewish))) (VP gives (NP you) (NP tremendous drive))) '' , (NP-SBJ a boy) (VP remarked (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP means (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADVP ahead)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP pressed (PP for (NP a (ADJP purely religious) definition)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP encountered (NP (NP the familiar blend) (PP of (NP (NP liberal piety) , (NP interfaith good will) , and (NP (NP a small residue) (PP of (NP ethnic loyalty))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP like (NP the tradition))) '' , (NP-SBJ a girl) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP follow (NP the holidays) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP come (ADVP along) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP do n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP worship (PP in (NP the traditional way))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP communicate (PP in (NP your own way)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP see (NP it)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP no real difference) (PP between (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD Jewish , Catholic , or Protestant)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another teen-ager) (VP remarked : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ Most Jews) (VP do n't (VP believe (PP in (NP God))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP believe (PP (PP in (NP people)) -- (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP helping (NP people)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Still another boy) (VP asserted : `` (S (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP be (NP-PRD a good Jew)))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP no wrong)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a good person))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP asked (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (ADJP-PRD different (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD a good Protestant))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP answered , `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD the same thing))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP accords (PP with (NP (NP the study) (PP by (NP Maier and Spinrad))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP discovered (SBAR that , (S (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP 42 per cent) (PP of (NP (NP a sample) (PP of (NP Catholic students))))) and (NP (NP 15 per cent) (PP of (NP the Protestants)))) (VP believed (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD important) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live (PP in (NP (NP accordance) (PP with (NP (NP the teachings) (PP of (NP their religion))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP (QP only 8) per cent) (PP of (NP the Jewish students))) (VP had (NP this conviction))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The (ADJP most important) aims) (PP of (NP the Jewish students))) (VP were (SBAR-PRD as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP follows))))) : (FRAG (FRAG (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the world) (NP-PRD (NP a better place) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP *T*-1))))))))))) -- (NP 30 per cent)) ; ; (FRAG (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP happiness) (PP for (NP yourself)))))) -- (NP 28 per cent)) ; ; and (FRAG (NP financial independence) -- (NP 21 per cent))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the teen-agers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP interviewed (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP (VP believed (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP maintaining (NP their Jewish identity))))) and (ADVP even) (VP envisioned (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP joining (NP a synagogue or temple))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD hostile (PP to (NP Jewish Orthodoxy))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP professing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP believe (PP in (NP Judaism)) `` (NAC but (PP in (NP a moderate way))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One boy) (VP said (ADVP-MNR querulously) (PP about (NP Orthodox Jews)) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD the twentieth century))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP do n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wear (NP beards)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The reason) (VP offered (NP *)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP clinging (PP to (NP the ancestral faith)))))) (VP lacked (NP force and authority) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP (NP the teen-agers ') minds))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (VP brought (PRT up) (NP-MNR that way)))) '' (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one statement) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP won (NP general assent)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP show (NP (NP respect) (PP for (NP (NP my parents ') religion)))))))) '' (VP was (NP-MNR-PRD (NP the way) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ a boy) (VP justified (S (NP-SBJ his) (VP inhabiting (NP (NP a halfway house) (PP of (NP Judaism))))) (PP-MNR *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP Still another)) (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP join (NP a temple) `` (PP-PRP for (NP social reasons)) , (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP living (PP-LOC in (NP a suburb))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Intermarriage) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP is (ADVP generally) (VP regarded (NP *-2) (PP as (NP (NP a threat) (PP to (NP Jewish survival))))))))) , (VP was (VP regarded (NP *-1) (PP not (PP with (NP horror or apprehension)) but (PP with (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP mild , clinical disapproval))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP (NP the teen-agers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP interviewed (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP rejected (NP it) (PP on (NP pragmatic grounds))) .)) (TOP (S-4 `` (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP marry (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP things) (PP in (ADJP common)))))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ a girl) (VP said (S *T*-4))) ,) `` and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD hard) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP marry (NP (NP someone) (PP with (NP your own background))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A fourteen-year-old girl) (PP from (NP the Middle West))) (VP observed (ADVP-MNR wryly) (SBAR that , (S (PP in (NP her community)) , (NP-SBJ religion) (ADVP-MNR inconveniently) (VP interfered (PP (PP with (NP religious activities)) -- (PP (ADVP at least) with (NP (NP the peripheral activities) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ many middle class Jews) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP regard (NP *T*-1) (PP as (ADJP religious)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP appears (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP an Orthodox girl) (PP in (NP the community))) (VP disrupted (NP (NP plans) (PP for (NP (NP an outing) (VP sponsored (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP one) (PP of (NP the Jewish service groups)))))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP would not (VP travel (PP-TMP on (NP Saturday)))) and , (VP (PP in (NP addition)) , required (NP kosher food))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another girl) (PP from (NP a (ADJP relatively large) midwestern city))) (VP described (NP herself) (PP as `` (NP (NP the only Orthodox girl) (PP-LOC in (NP town))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is , (NP-ADV no doubt) , (ADJP-PRD inaccurate))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP does (VP convey (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how isolated) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP feels (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (PP-LOC among (NP (NP the vast army) (PP of (NP the nonobservant)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP The older teens)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the significant things) (PP about (NP (NP Jewish culture) (PP in (NP the older teen years))))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP largely) (ADJP-PRD college-oriented))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Sixty-five per cent) (PP of (NP (NP the Jewish teen-agers) (PP of (NP college age))))) (VP attend (NP (NP institutions) (PP of (NP higher learning)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP substantially higher) (PP than (NP (NP (NP the figures) (PP for (NP (NP the American population) (PP at (ADJP large))))) -- (NP (NP (NP 45.6 per cent) (PP for (NP males))) and (NP (NP 29.2 per cent) (PP for (NP females)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP may (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP explain (NP (NP a phenomenon) (VP described (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a (ADJP small-town) Jewish boy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP their first two years) (PP in (NP high school)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Jewish boys) (PP-LOC in (NP this town))) (VP make (NP strenuous exertions (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP win (NP (NP positions) (PP on (NP the school teams)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (PP-TMP in (NP their junior and senior years)) , (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP generally) (VP forego (NP their athletic pursuits) , (ADVP presumably) (PP in (NP (NP the interest) (PP of (NP better academic achievement))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD significant) , (ADVP too) , (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the older teen-agers) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP interviewed (NP *T*-2))))) (VP believed , (PP unlike (NP the younger ones)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 Jewish students) (VP tend (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (ADVP-MNR (ADVP better) (PP *ICH*-4)) (ADVP academically) (PP-4 than (NP their gentile counterparts)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The percentage) (PP of (NP Jewish girls)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP attend (NP college))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP almost as high) (PP as (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP boys)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The motivations) (PP for (NP both sexes))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure)))) , (VP are (ADJP-PRD different)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The vocational motive) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the dominant one) (PP for (NP boys))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ Jewish girls) (VP attend (NP college) (UCP-PRP (PP for (NP social reasons)) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP become (ADJP-PRD culturally developed))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the significant developments) (PP in (NP American-Jewish life))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ the cultural consumers) (VP are (ADVP largely) (NP-PRD the women))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD they) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP read -- and make -- (NP Jewish best-sellers)) (CONJP and then) (VP persuade (NP-2 their husbands) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP read (NP them))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP upper teen Jewish life)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the non-college group) (VP tends (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP marginality))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ People) (ADVP automatically) (VP assume (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD in (NP college))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ a nineteen-year-old machinist) (VP observed (ADVP-MNR irritably) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (PP among (NP the girls)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP some morale-enhancing compensations) (PP for (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP going (PP to (NP college)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Jewish working girl) (ADVP almost invariably) (VP works (PP-LOC in (NP an office)) -- (PP in (NP (NP contradistinction) (PP to (NP gentile factory workers)))) --)) and , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP buttressed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS a respectable income)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP is (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP dress (ADVP-MNR better)) and (VP live (ADVP-MNR (ADVP more expansively) (PP than (NP the college student)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP is (ADVP even) (ADJP-PRD prone (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP regard (NP the college girl) (PP as (ADJP immature))))))) .)) (TOP (NP The lower-middle class college student)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the reasons) (PP for (NP (NP the high percentage) (PP of (NP (NP Jewish teen-agers) (PP in (NP college))))))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 a (ADJP great many) urban Jews) (VP are (VP enabled (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP attend (NP local colleges) (PP at (NP modest cost)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD particularly true) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP large centers) (PP of (NP Jewish population)) (PP like (NP (NP New York) , (NP Chicago) , and (NP Philadelphia)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD noteworthy) (PP about (NP (NP this large group) (PP of (NP teen-agers))))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that , (S (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ their attitudes) (ADVP hardly) (VP differentiate (NP them) (PP from (NP their gentile counterparts))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP actually) (VP lead (NP their lives) (PP in (NP a vast self-enclosed Jewish cosmos)) (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP relatively little) contact) (PP with (NP the non-Jewish world)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the Jewish students) (PP at (NP Brooklyn College))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP constituting (NP (NP 85 per cent) (PP of (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP attend (NP the day session))))))))) -- (VP can (VP serve (PP as (NP (NP a paradigm) (PP of (NP the urban , lower-middle class Jewish student)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP begin))) , (NP-PRD an important sex difference)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Typically) , (PP in (NP a lower-middle class Jewish family)) , (NP-SBJ-1 a son) (VP will (VP be (VP sent (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP an out-of-town school)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ financial resources) (VP warrant (NP it)))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ the daughter) (VP will (VP attend (NP the local college)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP two reasons) (PP for (NP this)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP First) , (NP-SBJ (NP the girl 's) education) (VP has (NP (NP a lower priority) (PP than (NP the son 's)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Second) , (NP-SBJ (NP the attitude) (PP in (NP Jewish families))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP far more) protective (PP toward (NP the daughter))) (PP than (PP toward (NP the son))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Most Jewish mothers) (VP are (ADJP-PRD determined (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP exercise (NP (NP vigilance) (PP over (NP (NP the (ADJP social and sexual) lives) (PP of (NP their daughters))))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP keeping (NP them) (ADVP-LOC home))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The consequence) (PP of (NP this))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the girls) (PP-LOC at (NP Brooklyn College))) (VP (VP outnumber (NP the boys)) and (VP do (ADVP-MNR somewhat better) (ADVP academically)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP can (VP assume (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP the brightest boys))) (VP are (PP-LOC-PRD out (PP of (NP town)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brooklyn College students) (VP have (NP (NP an ambivalent attitude) (PP toward (NP their school)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the one hand)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a sense) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) not (VP having (VP moved (PP beyond (NP (NP the ambiance) (PP of (NP their high school)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD particularly acute) (PP for (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP attended (NP (NP Midwood High School) (PP-LOC (ADVP directly) across (NP the street) (PP from (NP Brooklyn College)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP have (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP marginality)) (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP denied (NP *-1) (NP (NP (NP that special badge) (PP of (NP status))) , (NP the out-of-town school)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP At (NP the same time)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a good deal) (PP of (NP (NP self-congratulation) (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP attending (NP a good college))))))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP are (ADVP even) (ADJP-PRD inclined (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP exaggerate (NP its (ADJP not inconsiderable) virtues))))))) --) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP express (NP (NP pleasure) (PP at (NP (NP the cozy in-group feeling) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ the college) (VP generates (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP people) (PP of (NP your own kind))))) '' , (NP-SBJ a girl) (VP remarked (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-2 You) (VP do n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP watch (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP to (NP (NP an out-of-town school) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP all kinds) (PP of (NP people))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP want (NP (NP lots) (PP of (NP Jewish kids)) (ADVP-LOC there))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP most Brooklyn College students)) , (NP-SBJ college) (VP is (PP at (ADVP once)) (NP-PRD (NP (NP a perpetuation) (PP of (NP their ethnic attachments))) and (NP (NP a breaking) (PP away (PP from (NP (NP the cage) (PP of (NP neighborhood and family)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Brooklyn College) (VP is (ADJP-PRD unequivocally Jewish (PP in (NP tone))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ efforts (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP detribalize (NP the college) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP bringing (PRT in) (NP (ADJP unimpeachably midwestern) types) (PP on (NP the faculty))))))))) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD unavailing)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ (NP a growing intellectual sophistication) and (NP (NP the new certitudes) (VP imparted (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP courses) (PP in (NP psychology and anthropology))))))) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the students) (ADJP-PRD increasingly critical (PP of (NP their (ADJP somewhat provincial and overprotective) parents))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the rebellion) (PP of (NP these third generation Jews))) (VP is (NP-PRD not (NP (NP the traditional conflict) (PP of (NP culture))) (CONJP but , rather) , (NP (NP a protest) (PP against (NP (NP a culture) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP view (NP *T*-1) (PP as (ADJP (ADVP softly and insidiously) enveloping)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP-TMP (ADVP As long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP-LOC-PRD home) (ADVP-TMP *?*))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP-TMP never) (VP grow (PRT up)))) '' , (NP-SBJ a nineteen-year-old boy) (VP observed (ADVP-MNR sadly) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP do n't (VP like (NP it) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP anything) (PP-LOC away (PP from (NP home)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP so much) trouble) , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP bother)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP girls)) , (NP-SBJ the overprotection) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADVP far more) pervasive)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Parents) (VP will (VP drive (PP-TMP on (NP Friday night)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pick (PRT up) (NP their daughters) (PP after (NP a sorority or House Plan meeting))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A freshman girl 's) father) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP not too long) ago) (VP (VP called (NP (NP a dean) (PP-LOC at (NP Brooklyn College)))) and (VP demanded (NP (NP the `` low-down '') (PP on (NP (NP a boy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP going (PRT out) (PP with (NP his daughter))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The domestic tentacles) (ADVP even) (VP extend (PP to (NP (NP the choice) (PP of (NP a major field))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Under (NP (NP pressure) (PP from (NP parents)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the majority) (PP of (NP Brooklyn College girls))) (VP major (PP in (NP education)) (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP co-ordinates (ADVP-MNR best) (PP with (NP marriage plans)) -- (X (NP (NP limited graduate study requirement) and (NP convenient working hours))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP means (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 a (ADJP great many) (ADJP academically talented) girls) (VP are (VP discouraged (NP-2 *-1) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP pursuing (NP (NP graduate work) (PP of (NP a (ADJP more demanding) nature))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A kind) (PP of (NP (NP double standard) (PP *ICH*-1)))) (VP exists (ADVP-LOC here) (PP-1 for (NP Jewish boys and girls)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP does (PP in (NP (NP the realm) (PP of (NP sex)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The breaking) (PP away (PP from (NP (NP the prison house) (PP of (NP Brooklyn)))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD gradual)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP First) , (NP-SBJ the student) (VP trains (PP on (NP his hapless parents)) (NP (NP the heavy artillery) (PP of (NP his (ADJP newly acquired) (ADJP psychological and sociological) insights)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP with (NP the new affluence)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (ADVP actually) (NP-PRD (NP a sallying forth) (PP into (NP (NP the wide , wide world) (PP-LOC beyond (NP (NP the precincts) (PP of (NP New York)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD significant) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Catskills) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP the summer playground) (PP for (NP older teen-agers))) , (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP summer suburb) (PP of (NP New York))))))))))))) , (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP attracts (NP them) (PP in (NP great numbers)) -- (PP except (PP for (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP work (ADVP-LOC there) (PP as (NP (NP waiters) , (NP bus boys) , or (NP (NP counselors) (PP-LOC in (NP the day camps))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The great world) (ADVP-LOC beyond)) (VP beckons) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP should (VP be (VP pointed (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the new watering places) -- (NP (NP Fire Island) , (NP Nantucket) , (NP Westhampton) , (NP Long Island)) , (PP for (NP example)) --))) (VP tend (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD homogeneously Jewish)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ Brooklyn College) (VP does not (ADVP-TMP yet) (VP have (NP a junior-year-abroad program))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a good number) (PP of (NP students))) (VP spend (NP summers) (PP-LOC in (NP Europe))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (ADJP general)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ (NP the timetable) (PP of (NP travel))) (VP lags (PP (ADVP considerably) behind (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP the student) (PP at (NP Harvard or Smith))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 (NP acculturation) (PP into (NP (NP the world) (PP at (ADJP large))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP occur (PP for (NP the Brooklyn College student)) (PP-TMP (PP after (NP college)) (CONJP rather than) (PP during (NP the four school years)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brooklyn College) (VP is (NP-PRD Marjorie Morningstar territory) , (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP as (NP (NP the Bronx) or (NP Central Park West))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP hordes) (PP of (NP (NP nubile young women) (ADVP-LOC there) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP prodded (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS their impatient mothers)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD determined (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP marry))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD interesting) (SBAR-3 that , (S (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the percentage) (PP of (NP married students))) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP appreciably higher) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC at (NP Brooklyn)) (PP-1 than (ADVP elsewhere)) -- (NP-2 (ADVP about) (NP (NP 30 per cent) (PP of (NP (NP the women) (PP *RNR*-3)))) and (NP (NP 25 per cent) (PP of (NP (NP the men) (PP *RNR*-3)))) (PP-3 in (NP the graduating class))) --))) (NP-SBJ (NP the) anxiety (PP of (NP the unmarried))) (VP has (VP puffed (PRT up) (NP the estimate)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ-4 (NP Almost everybody) (PP in (NP the senior class))) (VP is (VP married (NP *-4)))) '' , (NP-SBJ students) (VP say (ADVP-MNR dogmatically) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ the school newspaper) (VP sells (NP space) (PP-DTV to (NP (NP jubilant (NX (NX fraternities) , (NX sororities) , and (NX (NX houses) (PRN -LRB- (PP in (NP the House Plan Association)) -RRB-)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (NP (NP good news) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP impart (NP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These announcements) (VP are , (PP in (NP effect)) , (NP-PRD (NP advertisements) (PP for (NP (NP themselves) (PP as (NP thriving marriage marts)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP boxed proclamations) (PP in (NP the newspaper)) (PP of (NP watchings , pinnings , ringings , engagements , and marriages)) (PP in (NP (NP a (ADJP scrupulously graded) hierarchy) (PP of (NP felicity)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Witt House) (ADVP-MNR happily) (VP announces (NP (NP the engagement) (PP of (NP Fran Horowitz)) (PP to (NP (NP Erwin Schwartz) (PP of (NP Fife House)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Brooklyn College student) (VP shows (NP (NP some striking departures) (PP from (NP prevailing collegiate models)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Ivy League) (VP enjoys (NP no easy dominion) (ADVP-LOC here))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the boys) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dress (PP (PP in (NP (ADJP rather foppish) Continental fashion)) , or (ADVP even) (PP in (NP nondescript working class manner))))))) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP *?* (PP-PRD in (NP the restrained , button-down Ivy way))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The girls) (VP are (ADJP-PRD prone (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dress (ADVP-MNR (ADVP (ADVP far more) flamboyantly) (PP than (NP (NP their counterparts) (PP-LOC out (PP of (NP town)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP eye shadow) , (NP mascara) , and (NP elaborate bouffant hairdos)) -- (PP despite (NP (NP the admonitions) (PP of (NP cautious guidance personnel)))) -- (VP are not (ADJP-PRD unknown) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP early morning classes)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Among (NP the boys)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP very little) bravado) (PP about (NP drinking)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Brooklyn College) (VP is (ADJP-PRD distinctive) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP having (NP an official drinking place))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Fort Lauderdale encampment) (PP for (NP drinking))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD foreign (PP to (NP most Brooklyn College boys)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP should (VP be (VP (VP used (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP frequently)) (PRN -LRB- but (VP shaken (NP *-1) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP using)))) -RRB-)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP galled breasts)) , (NP-SBJ the mother) (VP should (VP shave (PP into (NP (NP half a cup) (PP of (NP fresh unsalted lard)))) (NP enough white chalk (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP a paste))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP could (ADVP also) (VP be (VP used (NP *-1) (PP for (NP any other skin irritation))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP might (VP place (NP cornstarch) (PP-LOC in (NP the oven)) (PP-TMP for (NP a short time)))) (CONJP and then) (VP apply (NP this) (PP-LOC under (NP her breasts)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 `` (NP Female troubles) '' (PP of (NP various kinds))) (VP do not (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD common) (PP-LOC on (NP the frontier))))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP only) (NP (NP (NP one remedy) (PP for (NP (NP anything) (PP of (NP this kind))))) (NP *ICH*-2)) (PP in (NP my collection)) , (NP-2 (NP one) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hastening (NP delayed menstruation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sufferer) (VP drinks (NP tansy tea)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Bruises , burns , cuts) , (ADVP etc.)) , (VP occurred (ADVP-TMP frequently) (PP-LOC on (NP the frontier)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ folk medicine) (VP gave (NP (NP the answers) (PP to (NP (NP these problems) (ADVP too)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Bruises) and (NP black eyes)) (VP were (VP relieved (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP application) (PP of (NP raw beefsteak)))))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ Doctors) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP say (SBAR that (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD not (NP the meat) but (NP (NP the coolness) (PP of (NP the applications)))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP relieved (NP the pain)))))))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Salted butter) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP another cure) (PP for (NP bruises)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Many people) (VP agreed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 burns) (VP should (VP be (VP treated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP bland oily salves) or (NP unsalted butter) or (NP lard)))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ one informant) (VP told (NP me) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 a burn) (VP should (VP be (VP bathed (NP *-2) (PP in (NP salt water)))))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ the burn) (VP oozed (NP watery fluid) (PP-TMP for (NP many days)))) , and (S (ADVP finally) (NP-SBJ-3 the healing) (VP was (VP completed (NP *-3) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP bathing (NP it) (PP with (NP epsom salts))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Another) (VP swore (PP by (NP vinegar baths)) (PP for (NP burns)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ still another) (VP recommended (NP salted butter))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 `` (NP Butter salve) '' or `` (NP butter ointment) '') (VP was (VP used (NP *-1) (PP (PP for (NP burns)) , and (PP for (NP bruises)) (ADVP as well)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP putting (NP butter) (PP-PUT in (NP (NP a pan) (PP of (NP water))))) and (VP allowing (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP boil)))))))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cool) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 the fat) (VP was (VP (VP skimmed (NP *-3) (ADVP off)) and (VP bottled (NP *-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Cow 's) milk) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP another cure) (PP for (NP burns))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP burns) (VP covered (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP gum arabic) or (NP plain mucilage))))) (VP healed (ADVP quickly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 One man) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (ADVP badly) (VP burned (NP *-1) (PP-LOC about (NP the face and eyes)) (PP by (NP-LGS an arc welding torch)))) , (VP (VP was (VP blinded (NP *-2))) and (VP could not (VP find (NP a doctor) (PP-TMP at (NP the time))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A sympathetic friend) (VP made (NP (NP poultices) (PP of (NP raw potato parings)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-MNR-PRD (NP the (ADJP best and quickest) way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP draw (ADVP out) (NP the `` heat '') (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) (NP-SBJ the doctor) (VP used (NP mineral oil) (PP on (NP the burns))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The results) (VP were (ADJP-PRD good))) , but (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ-2 (WHNP-1 which treatment) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP helped))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) not (VP known (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP stop (NP bleeding)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 cobwebs) (VP were (VP applied (NP *-1) (PP to (NP cuts and wounds)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One old-timer) (VP said (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sprinkle (NP sugar) (PP-LOC on (NP a bleeding cut)) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) (WHADVP when) (FRAG (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP a knuckle)))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a rusty tool))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP would (VP (VP stop (NP the flow)) and (ADVP also) (VP prevent (NP infection))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My lawyer) (VP told (NP me) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP used (NP a similar remedy) (PP for (NP cuts and wounds))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP sprinkled (NP common sugar) (PP-LOC (ADVP directly) on (NP the injury))) (CONJP and then) (VP bound (NP it) (ADVP-MNR loosely) (PP with (NP (NP cotton cloth) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 over (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP poured (NP turpentine) (PP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP showed (NP me) (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his fingers)) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (ADVP practically) (VP amputated (NP *-1)))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP had (VP treated (NP *T*-3))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (ADVP scarcely) (NP-PRD (NP a scar) (VP showing)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tobacco) (VP was (NP-PRD common first aid)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A `` chaw '') (PP of (NP tobacco)) (VP put (NP *) (PP-PUT on (NP an open wound)))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD both antiseptic and healing)) .)) (TOP (S Or (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a thin slice) (PP of (NP plug tobacco))) (VP might (VP be (VP laid (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP the open wound)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP chewing)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One old man) (VP told (NP me) (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD a boy) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP was (VP kicked (NP *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP the head)) (PP by (NP-LGS a fractious mule)))) and (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-3 his scalp) (VP laid (NP *-3) (ADVP back) (PP from (NP (NP the entire front) (PP of (NP his head))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 His brother) (VP ran (NP a mile) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP the father)))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP reached (NP the boy) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ the father) (VP (VP sliced (NP (NP a new plug) (PP of (NP tobacco)))) , (VP put (NP the scalp) (PP (ADVP back) in (NP place))) , and (VP covered (NP the raw edges) (PP with (NP the slices))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP put (NP a rag) (PP-PUT around (NP the dressing)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP it) (PP in (NP place)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no (NX (NX cleaning) or (NX further care))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the wound) (VP (VP healed (PP-TMP in (NP (QP less than two) weeks))) and (VP showed (NP no scar)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Veronica) (PP from (NP the herb garden))) (VP was (ADVP also) (VP used (NP-2 *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP stop (NP bleeding))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ rue) (VP was (NP-PRD an antiseptic))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP Until (ADVP quite recently)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP `` sterile '' maggots) (SBAR-PRP *ICH*-4)) (VP could (VP be (VP bought (NP *-1) (SBAR-PRP-4 (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP apply (NP *T*-3) (PP to (NP a wound)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-5 they) (VP would (VP feed (PP on (NP its surface)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP leaving (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD clean) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP could (VP be (ADVP-MNR medically) (VP treated (NP *-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tetanus) (VP could (VP be (VP avoided (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP pouring (NP warm turpentine) (PP-LOC over (NP a wound)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One family) (VP bound (NP wounds) (PP with (NP (NP (NP bacon) or (NP salt pork strips)) , or , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ these) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD handy)))) , (NP plain lard)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another) (VP (VP sprinkled (NP sugar) (PP-LOC on (NP hot coals))) and (VP held (NP the wounded foot or hand) (PP-LOC in (NP the smoke)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rabies) (VP were (VP cured or prevented (NP *-1) (PP by (NP `` (NP madstones) '' (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ the pioneer) (VP wore or carried (NP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1872)) (NP-SBJ-1 there) (VP were (VP known (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD twenty-two) (PP-LOC in (NP Norton County)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP the family)) (PP-TMP for (NP 200 years))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another cure) (PP for (NP hydrophobia))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP suck (NP the wounds)) , (ADVP then) (VP cauterize (NP them) (PP with (NP a hot knife or poker))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (ADVP-TMP nowadays) (NP-SBJ we) (VP recognize (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP many causes) (PP for (NP (NP bleeding) (PP-LOC at (NP the nose)))))))))))) , (ADVP-TMP (ADVP not long) ago) (S (NP-SBJ a nosebleed) (VP was (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD that))) , and (S (NP-SBJ treatment) (VP had (NP little variation))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ a fall or blow) (VP might (VP have (VP caused (NP it)))))) , (NP-SBJ a cold pack) (VP was (ADVP-TMP usually) (NP-PRD first aid)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 This) (VP might (VP be (VP (VP applied (NP *-2) (PP to (NP (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP the nose))) or (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP the neck)))))) , (VP pressed (NP *-2) (PP-LOC on (NP the upper lip))) , or (VP inserted (NP *-2) (PP-LOC into (NP the nostril))))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ-1 cotton) (VP was (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP used (NP *-1) (PP in (NP this last))))) -RRB-) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Nosebleed) (VP could (VP be (VP stopped (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP wrapping (NP a red woolen string) (PP-LOC about (NP (NP the patient 's) neck))) and (VP tying (NP it) (PP in (NP (NP a knot) (PP for (NP (NP each year) (PP of (NP his life))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (NP-SBJ-1 the victim) (VP could (VP chew (ADVP-MNR hard) (PP on (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP paper)))) , (S-ADV (ADVP-TMP meanwhile) (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pressing (NP-2 his fingers) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD tight)) (PP-LOC in (NP his ears)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Old sores) (VP could (VP be (VP healed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP (NP the constant application) (PP of (NP (NP a wash) (VP made (NP *) (PP of (NP (NP equal parts) (NP vinegar and water))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Blood blisters) (VP could (VP be (VP prevented (NP-2 *-1) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP forming))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP rubbing (NP a work blister) (ADVP immediately) (PP with (NP any hard nonpoisonous substance)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Felons) (VP were (VP cured (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP taking (NP common salt)) and (VP drying (NP it) (PP-LOC in (NP the oven))) , (VP pounding (NP-2 it) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD fine))) , and (VP mixing (NP it) (PP with (NP (NP equal parts) (PP of (NP (NP spirits) (PP of (NP turpentine))))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 this mixture) (VP was (ADVP then) (VP (VP spread (NP *-3) (PP-LOC on (NP a cloth))) and (VP wrapped (PP-LOC around (NP the affected part)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the cloth) (VP dried))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP more) (PP of (NP the mixture))) (VP was (VP applied (NP *-1)))) , and (S (PP-TMP after (NP twenty-four hours)) (NP-SBJ-2 the felon) (VP was (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP be `` (VP killed (NP *-3)) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Insect bites) (VP were (VP cured (NP *-1) (PP in (NP many ways)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Many an old-timer) (VP swore (PP by (NP the saliva method)))) ; ; (S `` (S-IMP-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP get (NP a bite)) , (VP spit (PP-LOC on (NP it))))) '' (VP was (NP-PRD a proverb))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP was (VP used (NP *-1) (ADVP also) (PP for (NP bruises)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Yellow clay) (VP was (VP used (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP a poultice) (PP (PP for (NP insect bites)) and (ADVP also) (PP for (NP swellings)))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP not long) ago) `` (NP-SBJ Denver Mud) '' (VP was (ADJP-PRD most popular))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Chiggers) (VP were (NP-PRD a common pest) (UCP-LOC (PP along (NP streams)) and (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ gardens and berries) (VP thrived (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) ; ; (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so small) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD scarcely visible (PP to (NP the eye))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP buried (NP themselves) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the victim 's) flesh)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Bathing (NP the itching parts) (PP with (NP kerosene)))) (VP (VP gave (NP relief)) and (ADVP also) (VP killed (NP the pests))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ant bites) (VP were (VP eased (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP applying (NP liquid bluing)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP mosquito bites)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a paste) (PP of (NP (NP (NP half a glass) (PP of (NP salt))) and (NP (NP half a glass) (PP of (NP soda)))))) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP wasp stings)) (NP-SBJ (NP onion juice) , (VP obtained (NP *) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP scraping (NP an onion)))))) , (VP gave (NP quick relief)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A handier remedy) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bathe (NP the painful part) (PP-LOC in (NP strong soapy water))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP mud) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (VP was (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP used (NP *-2) (NAC-1 (CONJP as well as) (NP soap))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Just plain old black dirt) (VP was (ADVP also) (VP used (NP *-1) (PP as (NP a pack)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP relieve (NP wasp or bee stings)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Bedbugs) (VP were (NP-PRD a common pest) (PP-TMP in (NP pioneer days)))) ; ; (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP them) (PP-LOC out (PP of (NP homes)))))) , (PP-TMP (ADVP even) in (NP the 1900 's)) , (VP was (NP-PRD a chore))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bed slats) (VP were (VP washed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP alum water))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP legs) (PP of (NP beds))) (VP were (VP placed (NP *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP cups) (PP of (NP kerosene))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 all woodwork) (VP was (VP treated (NP *-3) (ADVP-MNR liberally) (PP with (NP (NP corrosive sublimate) , (VP applied (NP *) (PP with (NP a feather)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kerosene) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very effective (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP ridding (NP pioneer homes) (PP of (NP the pests))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP times)) (NP-SBJ pioneer children) (VP got (NP lice) (PP-LOC in (NP their hair))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A kerosene shampoo) (VP seems (NP-PRD a heroic treatment))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did (NP the job))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP remove (NP an insect) (PP from (NP (NP one 's) ear))))) (NP-SBJ-1 warm water) (VP should (VP be (VP inserted (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A (NX (NX cinder) or (NX other small object))) (VP could (VP be (VP removed (NP *-1) (PP from (NP the eye)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP placing (NP a flaxseed) (PP-LOC in (NP the eye)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the seed) (VP swelled))) (NP-SBJ its glutinous covering) (VP protected (NP the eyeball) (PP from (NP irritation)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 both (NP the cinder) and (NP the seed)) (VP could (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP be (VP washed (NP *-1) (PRT out))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-MNR-SBJ (NP Another way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remove (NP small objects) (PP from (NP the eye)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ the person) (VP look (ADVP cross-eyed)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the particle) (VP would (ADVP then) (VP move (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the nose) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP could (VP be (VP wiped (NP *-2) (ADVP out) (PP with (NP (NP a wisp) (PP of (NP cotton)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Shingles) (VP were (VP cured (NP *-1) (PP by (NP (NP gentian) , (NP (NP an old drug) , (VP used (NP *) (PP in (NP combinations)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP erysipelas)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a mixture) (PP of (NP (NP (NP one dram) (NP borax)) and (NP (NP one ounce) (NP glycerine))))) (VP was (VP applied (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the afflicted part)) (PP-LOC on (NP linen cloth)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Itching skin) , (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *) `` (NP-PRD just nerves) ''))) , (VP was (VP eased (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP treating (PP with (NP whiskey and salt))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Winter itch) (VP was (VP treated (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP applying (NP (NP strong apple cider) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 pulverized bloodroot) (VP had (VP been (VP steeped (NP *-2) (PP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP cure (NP (NP fungus growths) (PP-LOC on (NP mouth or hands)))))) (NP-SBJ-1 people) (VP made (NP a strong tea) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP using (NP (NP a handful) (PP of (NP sassafras bark)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a quart) (PP of (NP water))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP drank (NP (NP half a cup) (PP of (NP this))) (NP-TMP morning and night))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP also) (VP washed and soaked (NP their hands) (PP-LOC in (NP the same solution)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Six treatments) (VP cured (NP (NP one case) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP lasted (NP a month)) and (VP had (VP defied (NP other remedies)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Frostbite) (VP was (VP treated (NP *-1) (PP (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP putting (NP the feet and hands) (PP-PUT in (NP ice water))))) or (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP rubbing (NP them) (PP with (NP snow)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ one) (VP hears (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP heat) and (NP hot water)) (VP are (VP used (NP *-1) (ADVP instead)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another remedy) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP oil) (PP of (NP eucalyptus)) , (VP used (NP *) (ADVP as well) (PP for (NP chilblains))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Chilblains) (VP were (ADVP also) (VP treated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP tincture) (PP of (NP (NP capsicum) or (NP cabbage leaves))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Boils) (VP have (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a source) (PP of (NP much trouble))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A German informant) (VP gave (NP me) (NP (NP a sure cure) (VP made (NP *) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP combining (NP (NP rye flour) and (NP molasses)) (PP into (NP a poultice)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Another poultice) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP the inner bark) (PP of (NP the elm tree)) , (VP steeped (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP water)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP formed (NP a sticky , gummy solution))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP was (ADVP also) (VP used (NP *-1) (PP for (NP sores)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another frequent pioneer difficulty) , (VP caused (NP *) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP wearing (NP (ADJP rough and heavy) shoes and boots)))))) , (VP was (NP-PRD corns)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One veracious woman) (VP tells (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP has (VP used (NP thin potato parings) (PP for (NP (NP both corns and calluses) (PP-LOC on (NP her feet)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP remove (NP (NP the pain) or `` (NP fire) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another common cure) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP soak (NP the feet) (NP-TMP (QP five or ten) minutes) (PP-LOC in (NP warm water)))) , (ADVP then) (VP to (VP apply (NP (NP a solution) (PP of (NP (NP equal parts) (PP of (NP (NP soda) and (NP common brown soap)))))) (PP-LOC on (NP a kid bandage)) (ADVP-TMP overnight)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP softened (NP the skin) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the bandage) (VP was (VP removed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) (S (NP-SBJ-4 the corn) (VP could (VP be (VP scraped (NP *-4) (ADVP off))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP a bit) (PP of (NP corn plaster))) (VP put (NP *-3) (PRT on)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP many cures) (PP for (NP warts)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One young girl) (VP told (NP me) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 her mother) (VP removed (NP a wart) (PP from (NP her finger)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP soaking (NP a copper penny) (PP-LOC in (NP vinegar)) (PP-TMP for (NP three days))) (CONJP and then) (VP painting (NP the finger) (PP with (NP the liquid)) (NP-TMP several times))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another wart removal method) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP rub (NP each wart) (PP with (NP (NP a bean) (VP split (NP-1 *) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open))))))) (CONJP and then) (VP to (VP bury (NP the bean halves) (PP-LOC under (NP (NP the drip) (PP of (NP the house)))) (PP-TMP for (NP seven days))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Saliva) (VP gathered (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the mouth)) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP a night 's) sleep)))) (VP was (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD poisonous))))) ; ; (S (S (S-NOM-SBJ-3 (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP wetting (NP a wart) (PP with (NP this saliva)) (PP-TMP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wakening))) (NP-TMP (NP the first thing) (PP-TMP in (NP the morning))))) (VP was (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP cause (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP disappear (PP-TMP after (NP only a few treatments))))))))))) , and (S (ADVP strangely enough) (NP-SBJ many warts) (VP did (NP just that)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One wart cure) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wrap (NP it) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a hair) (PP from (NP a blonde gypsy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP soak (NP raw beef) (PP-LOC in (NP vinegar)) (PP-TMP for (NP twenty-four hours))) , (VP tie (NP it) (PP-LOC on (NP the wart))) , and (VP wear (NP it) (PP-TMP for (NP a week))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A simpler method) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP tie (NP a thread) (ADVP-MNR tightly) (PP-LOC around (NP the wart)) (PP-LOC at (NP its base))) and (VP wear (NP it) (NP-MNR this way)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP worked)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One person) (VP recommended (PP to (NP me)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP washing (NP the wart) (PP with (NP sulphur water)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ another) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP should (VP be (VP rubbed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP a cut potato)) (ADVP-TMP (NP three times) daily)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Another common method) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP cut (NP an onion) (PP in (NP two))) and (VP place (NP each half) (PP-LOC on (NP the wart)) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 the onion) (VP was (ADVP then) (VP (VP fastened (NP *-1) (ADVP together) (PP with (NP string))) and (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC beneath (NP a dripping eave)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the onion) (VP decayed))) , (ADVP-TPC-1 so) (VP did (ADVP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the wart) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Sore muscles) (VP were (VP relieved (NP *-1) (PP-4 by (NP an arnica rub))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ=1 sore feet) (PP=4 (PP by (NP (NP calf's-foot) , (NP (NP an herb) (PP from (NP (NP the pioneer 's) ubiquitous herb garden))))) , or (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP soaking (NP the feet) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a pan) (PP of (NP (NP hot water) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP two cups) (PP of (NP salt))) (VP had (VP been (VP dissolved (NP *-2) (PP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 Leg cramps) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ one person) (VP tells (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (VP were (VP relieved (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP standing (ADVP barefoot) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ (NP the weight) (PP of (NP the body))) (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the heel))))) and (VP pressing (ADVP down) (ADVP-MNR hard))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP does (VP give (NP relief) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP testify)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One doctor) (VP prescribed (NP (NP a tablespoon) (PP of (NP whiskey or brandy))) (PP-TMP before (NP each meal)) (PP for (NP leg cramps))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Pains) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP the leg)))) and (PP in (NP the abdomen)))) (VP were (VP prevented (NP-2 *-1) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP reaching (NP the upper body)))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP tying (NP a rope) (PP-LOC about (NP (NP the patient 's) waist))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP sprains and swellings)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP (NP one pint) (PP of (NP cider vinegar))) and (NP (NP half a pint) (PP of (NP (NP spirits) (PP of (NP turpentine)))))) (VP added (NP *) (PP to (NP three (ADJP well beaten) eggs)))) (VP was (VP said (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP speedy relief)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Except (PP for (NP (NP (NP the wine waiter) (PP-LOC in (NP a restaurant))) -- (ADVP-TMP always) (NP (NP an inscrutable plenipotentiary) (PP unto (NP himself)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the genii) (PP with (NP (NP the keys) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP unlock (NP (NP the gates) (PP of (NP the wine world)))))))))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP one 's) dealer) , and (NP (NP (NP the foreign shipper) or (NP negociant)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (PP in (NP turn)) (VP supplies (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP instances) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP both) (PP of (NP these))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP persons or firms) (PP with (NP integrity))) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ the situation) (VP is (ADJP-PRD ideal)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP may , (PP on (NP occasion)) , (VP be (NP-PRD (NP anything) (PP but (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP cultivating (NP a wine dealer)) and (VP accepting (NP his advice))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP will (ADVP-TMP soon enough) (VP ascertain (SBAR (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (NP any knowledge) (PP of (NP wines))) (PRN -LRB- (PP as (PP opposed (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP told (NP *T*-2) (PP by (NP-LGS salesmen and promoters))))))))))) -RRB-)))) and , (ADVP better yet) , (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (NP a taste) (PP for (NP wine))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP spreading (NP (NP one 's) purchases) (PP over (NP several wine dealers))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD familiar (PP with (NP (NP the names and specialties) (PP of (NP (NP reputable wine dealers and shippers) (ADVP-LOC abroad))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD important) (SBAR-PRP because , (S (PP despite (NP (NP all the efforts) (PP of (NP the French government)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP an appreciable segment) (PP of (NP (NP (NP France 's) export trade) (PP in (NP wines))))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (VP tainted (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP a misrepresentation) (VP approaching (NP downright dishonesty))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP (ADVP many too) many) negociants) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP would (ADVP (ADVP rather) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP turn (NP a sou)) (SBAR-3 than (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP amass (NP a creditable reputation) (ADVP-LOC overseas))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A good negociant or shipper) (VP will (CONJP not only) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP the man) or (NP the firm)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP cornered (NP (NP the wines) (PP from (NP (NP the best vineyards) , or (NP (NP the best parts) (PP of (NP them)))))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP may (ADVP also) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP makes and bottles (NP (NP the best blends) -- (NP (NP sound wines) (PP from (NP (NP vineyards) (PP-LOC (ADVP generally) in (NP his own district))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the wines) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the French) (NP themselves)) (VP use (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP everyday drinking)))))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (PP-LOC (ADVP even) in (NP France)) (NP-SBJ virtually no one) (VP drinks (NP the Grands Crus) (PP on (NP a meal-to-meal basis)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Grands Crus) (VP are (ADJP-PRD expensive))) , and (S (NP-SBJ even doting palates) (VP tire (PP of (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP certainly) , (PP in (NP (NP the case) (PP of (NP (NP the beginner) or (NP the (ADJP comparatively uninitiated) wine drinker))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the palate) and (NP (NP the capacity) (PP for (NP appreciation)))) (VP will not (VP be (ADJP-PRD ready (PP for (NP (NP the Grands Crus) (PP as (NP a steady diet))))) (PP without (NP (NP frequent recourse) (PP to (NP (NP crus) (PP of (NP less renown)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing infra dig) (PP about (NP (NP a good blend) (PP from (NP a good shipper)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP them))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD very delicious) (ADVP indeed))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP many good ones) (VP exported (NP *) -- (PP (ADVP unfortunately) , along (PP with (NP (NP others) (ADJP (ADJP not so good) , and (ADJP worse))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Consultation) (PP with (NP a reputable wine dealer))) and (NP (NP constant experimentation) -- `` (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP steering (ADVP-TMP ever) (PP from (NP the known)) (PP to (NP the unknown)))) '' --)) (VP are (NP-PRD the requisites)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Wine waiters) (VP are (NP-PRD something else) (ADVP again))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV (ADVP especially) if (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP is (VP (VP travelling) or (VP dining (ADVP-LOC out)) (NP-ADV a great deal))))) , (NP-SBJ their importance) (VP mounts)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP them))) , (NP-LOC (NP the world) (ADVP over)) , (VP operate (PP on (NP (NP (NP the same principle) (SBAR (WHPP-3 by (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 justice) (VP is (VP administered (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP France) and (NP some other Latin countries))) (PP *T*-3)))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-4 the customer) (VP is (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD guilty (PP of (NP abysmal ignorance)))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-5 *) (VP proven (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (ADVP-PRD otherwise))))) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ (NP the burden) (PP of (NP proof))) (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the customer) (NP himself)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ (NP the drinking) (PP of (NP wine))) (PRN -LRB- (FRAG and (ADVP happily) (ADVP so) ! !) -RRB-) (VP is (PP for (NP the most part)) (NP-PRD a recondite affair) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (ADVP manifestly) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP everyone) (PP-LOC in (NP the world)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP afford (NP the best wines)))))) (ADVP also) (VP liked (NP them)))) , (NP-SBJ the supply) (VP would (VP dry (PRT up) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP no time) (ADVP at all)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the only (ADJP valid , and extenuating) , argument) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP may (VP be (VP advanced (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP defense) (PP of (NP (NP the reprehensible attitude) (PP of (NP the common wine waiter))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A (ADJP really good) wine waiter) (VP is , (ADVP paradoxically) , (NP-PRD (NP (NP the guardian) (PRN -LRB- (CONJP and not) (NP the purveyor) -RRB-)) (PP of (NP his cellar)) (PP against (NP the Visigoths)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP Faced (NP *-3) , (PP (PP on (NP the one hand)) , (PP with (NP (NP an (ADJP always exhaustible) supply) (PP of (NP his best wines)))) , and (PP on (NP the other)) (PP by (NP (NP a clientele) (VP (ADVP-TMP usually) equipped (NP *) (PP with (NP inexhaustible pocketbooks)))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD a wonder) (ADVP indeed) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 all wine waiters) (VP are not (VP afflicted (NP *-2) (PP with (NP chronic ambivalence))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-MNR-SBJ (NP The one way) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP around (NP them)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))) -- (ADVP short (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP knowing (SBAR (ADVP exactly) (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP wants (NP *T*-2))))) and (VP sticking (PP to (NP it))))))) -- (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP frequent (NP a single establishment) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 its wine waiter) (VP is (VP persuaded (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP at least) as interested (PP in (NP wine))) (PP as (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP spending (NP money))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Only then) , (ADVP perhaps) , will (NP-SBJ he) (VP reveal (NP (NP his jewels) and (NP his bargains))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Wine) (VP bought (NP *) (PP from (NP a dealer)))) (VP should (ADVP ideally) (VP be (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP rest (PP-TMP for (NP several weeks))))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP served (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (UCP-PRD (ADJP especially true (PP of (NP red wines))) , and (NP (NP a practice) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (SBAR-ADV though (FRAG not (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD practicable))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD well worth (NP the effort)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP does (NP no harm) (SBAR-2 for (S (NP-SBJ wine) (VP to (VP stand (PP on (NP end)) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP days)))))))))) , but (S (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP months and years)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD fatal))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Wine) (VP stored (NP *) (PP-TMP for (NP a long time)))) (VP should (VP be (PP-PRD on (NP its side))))) ; ; (S (ADVP otherwise) , (S (NP-SBJ the cork) (VP dries)) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 air) (VP enters (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP spoil (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP stacking (NP wine) (PP on (NP its side)) (PP-LOC in (NP a bin)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 care) (VP should (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (VP taken (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no air bubble) (VP left (NP *) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP the cork))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Fat bottles) , (PP such as (NP Burgundies))) , (VP (VP have (NP (NP a way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP rolling (ADVP around) (PP-LOC in (NP the bin))))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP often) need (NP (NP little props) , (PP such as (NP (NP (NP a bit) (PP of (NP cardboard))) or (NP (NP a chip) (PP of (NP wood))))) , (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP hold (NP them) (PP in (NP the proper reclining posture))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (ADJP Too much) dampness) (PP-LOC in (NP the cellar))) (VP rots (NP the corks) , (ADVP again) (PP with (NP ill effects))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The best rule) (PP of (NP thumb)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP detecting (NP corked wine))))) (PRN -LRB- (PP provided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the eye) (VP has not (ADVP-TMP already) (VP spotted (NP it)))))) -RRB-) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP smell (NP (NP the wet end) (PP of (NP the cork))) (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP pulling (NP it))))))))) : (S (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP smells (PP of (NP wine))))) , (NP-SBJ the bottle) (VP is (ADVP probably) (ADJP-PRD all right))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP smells (PP of (NP cork))))) , (NP-SBJ one) (VP has (NP (NP grounds) (PP for (NP suspicion)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Seasonal rises or drops) (PP in (NP temperature))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD bad (PP for (NP wine))))) : (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP age (NP it) (ADVP prematurely))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The ideal storage temperature) (PP for (NP long periods))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (QP about fifty-five) degrees) , (PP with (NP (NP an allowable range) (PP of (NP (NP five degrees) (PP above or below (NP this))))))) , (PP provided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD no (ADJP sudden or frequent) changes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Prolonged vibration) (VP is (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD undesirable))) ; ; (S (ADVP consequently) , (NP-SBJ (NP one 's) wine closet or cellar) (VP should (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD away (PP from (NP (NP machines) or (NP (ADJP electrically driven) furnaces))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP lives (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP a subway) or (NP an express parkway)))))) , (NP-SBJ the solution) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP one 's) wines) (VP (VP stored (NP *-1) (PP with (NP a dealer))) and (VP brought (ADVP-DIR home) (NP-ADV (NP a few) (PP-TMP at (NP a time)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Light) , (ADVP especially) (NP daylight)) , (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD bad (PP for (NP wine)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-ADV (NP All) (PP in (NP all))) , (ADVP though) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a good deal) (PP of (NP nonsense)) (VP expended (NP *) (PP over (NP (NP the preparations) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD necessary (PP for (NP ordinary wine drinking))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 many people) (VP go (PP to (NP extreme lengths)) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP decanting) , (VP chilling) or (VP warming) , or (VP banishing (PP without (NP further investigation)) (NP (NP any bottle) (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP so much)) (PP as (NP a (ADJP slightly suspicious) cork))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 No one) (VP should (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP deny (NP these purists) (NP (NP the obvious pleasure) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP derive (NP *T*-2) (PP from (NP all this)))))))))))) , and (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP fair warning) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ warning) (VP is (ADJP-PRD due) (ADVP *T*-4))))))) , (NP-SBJ-5 (NP no one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD fond (PP of (NP wines))))))) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP avoids (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP acquiring (NP (NP some degree) (PP of (NP purism))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the fact (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (VP remains (SBAR-4 that (S (PP-LOC in (NP most restaurants)) , (PP including (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the best) (PP of (NP Paris and Bordeaux and Dijon)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-5 the bottle) (VP is (ADVP-MNR frankly and simply) (VP brought (NP *-5) (PP-DIR from (NP the cellar)) (PP-DIR to (NP the table)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP ordered (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP all the conditioning or preparation) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP receives (NP *T*-2))))) (VP takes (NP place) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the chef) (VP is (VP preparing (NP the meal)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A white wine) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP already) (PP-PRD at (NP cool cellar temperature)))) , (VP may (VP be (ADVP-MNR adequately) (VP chilled (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP a bucket) (PP of (NP ice and water))) or (NP (NP the freezing compartment) (PP of (NP a refrigerator))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ the former) (VP is (ADJP-PRD far preferable))) -RRB-) (PP-TMP in (NP (QP about fifteen) minutes)))))) ; ; (S (PP for (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP a winter climate))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP better) (PP than (NP (NP a bucket) (PP of (NP water and snow)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (FRAG (PP by (NP no means)) (NP-PRD an ideal procedure))) , (NP-SBJ-1 a red wine) (VP may (ADVP similarly) (VP be (VP (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP-DIR from (NP the cellar)) (PP-DIR to (NP the dining room))) and (VP opened (NP *-1) (PP-TMP (NP-ADV twenty minutes (QP or so)) before (NP serving time)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-6 It) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD a bit cold) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-6) (VP poured (NP *-5) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))) ; ; but (S (ADVP again) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP will (VP have (VP observed (PP-LOC at (NP (NP any restaurant) (ADJP worth (NP its salt))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 wine) (VP should (VP be (VP served (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a large , tulip-shaped glass) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP is (ADVP-TMP never) (VP filled (NP *-2) (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (ADJP half full))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP this way)) , (NP-SBJ red wine) (VP warms (PP of (NP itself)) (ADVP-MNR quite rapidly))) -- and (S (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP may not (VP attain (NP (NP its potential) (PP of (NP taste and fragrance))) (PP-TMP until (PP after (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP (NP the meal) (PRN -LRB- or (NP the course) -RRB-))))))))))))) , (PP-TMP in (NP the meantime)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (VP have (VP run (NP (NP the gamut) (PP of (NP many (ADJP beguiling and interesting) stages))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only cardinal sin) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP may (VP be (VP committed (NP *-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP warming (NP a wine)))))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP force (NP it) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP putting (NP it) (UCP-PUT (ADVP next (PP to (NP the stove))) or (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP an open fire)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (ADVP invariably) (VP (VP effaces (NP (NP any wine 's) character)) , and (VP drives (NP its fragrance) (ADVP underground))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP should not (VP be (VP forgotten (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ wines) (VP (VP mature (ADVP-MNR-1 fastest) (PP-LOC-2 in (NP half-bottles))) , (VP (ADVP-MNR=1 less fast) (PP-LOC=2 in (NP full bottles))) , (VP (ADVP-MNR=1 slowly) (PP-LOC=2 in (NP Magnums))) -- and (VP (ADVP-MNR=1 slower yet) (PP-LOC=2 in (NP (NP (NP Tregnums) , (NP double Magnums) , (NP Jeroboams) , (NP Methuselahs) , and (NP Imperiales)) , (ADVP respectively)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP Very old) red wines) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP require (NP (NP several hours) (PP of (NP aeration))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP any red wine) , (VP brought (NP *) (PP-DIR from (NP the cellar)) (PP-TMP within (NP (NP half an hour) (PP of (NP mealtime)))))) , (VP should (VP be (VP (VP uncorked (NP *-1)) and (VP allowed (NP *-1) (NP some air)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (NP white wines) (ADVP-TMP never) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 White wines) (VP should (VP be (VP opened (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP served (NP *-3) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-1) (VP having (VP been (ADVP previously) (VP chilled (NP *-4) (PP in (NP (NP proportion) (PP to (NP their sweetness))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 Sauternes or Barsacs) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD-2 very cold)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ=1 (NP a Pouilly-Fuisse) or (NP a Chablis)) (ADJP-PRD=2 (ADVP somewhat less) cold)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Over-chilling) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP an accepted method) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP covering (PRT up) (NP (NP the faults) (PP of (NP (NP many a (ADJP cheap or poor) white wine) , (ADVP especially) (NP a dry wine)))))))) -- and (ADVP certainly) (NP (NP less) (PP of (NP a crime)) (PP than (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP serving (NP a wine) (PP at (NP (NP a temperature) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP reveals (NP it) (PP as (ADJP unattractive))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The fragrance and taste) (PP of (NP any white wine))) (VP will (VP die (NP a lingering death) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP (VP is (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP warm))))) or (VP is (VP exposed (NP *-2) (PP-TMP for (ADVP long)) (PP to (NP the air)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP quote (NP Professor Saintsbury)))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP The last glass) (PP of (NP claret or Burgundy))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as good) (PP as (NP the first))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the first glass) (PP of (NP (NP Chateau d'Yquem) or (NP Montrachet)))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV a great deal) better) (PP than (NP the last))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP does not (VP mean , (ADVP though) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a red wine) (VP improves (PP with (NP prolonged aeration)))))))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD a reasonable limit))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ (NP wines) (VP kept (NP *) (PRT over) (PP to (NP (NP the next meal) or (NP the next day))) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP have (ADVP-TMP once) (VP been (VP opened (NP *-1)))))))) , (VP are (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD as good)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-3 this) (VP must (VP be (VP done (NP *-3)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP should (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (VP (VP corked (NP *-1)) and (VP kept (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP a cool place))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP should (VP be (VP remembered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ their lasting qualities) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP appreciably shorter) (PP than (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP milk)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A few red wines) , (ADVP notably) (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP the Beaujolais)))) , (VP are (ADVP better) (VP consumed (NP *-1) (PP at (NP cellar temperature)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP tradition)) , (NP-SBJ-1 a red wine) (VP should (VP (VP be (VP served (NP *-1) (PP at (NP approximately room temperature)) (PRN -- (FRAG (SBAR-ADV if (NP anything)) (ADJP (NP-ADV a little) cooler)) --))) and (VP be (VP aged (NP *-1) (ADVP enough (SBAR for (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 the tannin and acids) (VP to (VP-3 have (VP worked (ADVP out))))) and (S (NP-SBJ=2 the sediment) (VP=3 have (VP settled (ADVP-MNR well))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Thus) , (NP-SBJ-4 red wine) (VP must , (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (ADJP possible))) , (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (VP disturbed or shaken (NP *-4))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 (ADJP very old) red wine) (VP is (ADVP-TMP often) (VP decanted (NP *-2) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the puckering , bitter elements) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP have (VP settled (PP-DIR to (NP the bottom))))))) (VP will not (VP be (VP mingled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the wine) (NP itself))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A tug-of-war) (PP between (NP (NP an old bottle) and (NP an inefficient corkscrew)))) (VP may (VP do (NP (NP (ADJP as much) harm) (PP as (NP (NP a week) (PP-LOC at (NP sea))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The cork) (VP should (VP be (VP-3 pulled (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR gradually and smoothly))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1-2 (NP the lip) (PP of (NP the bottle))) (VP=3 wiped (NP *-2) (ADVP-TMP afterward))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Many people) (VP use (NP wicker cradles) (PP for (NP old red wine)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP lifting (NP the bottle) (ADVP-MNR carefully) (PP-DIR from (NP the bin)) (PP-DIR (PP into (NP the cradle)) and (ADVP-TMP eventually) (PP to (NP the table))) , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP disturbing (NP the sediment))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another school) (VP (VP frowns (PP on (NP such a shortcut))) , and (VP insists (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving (NP the bin)))) (NP-SBJ-1 an old red wine) (VP should (ADVP-TMP first) (VP stand (PP on (NP end)) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP several days) (SBAR *ICH*-3))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ the sediment) (VP to (VP roll (PP-DIR to (NP the very bottom)))))))) , (SBAR-3 (WHPP-2 after (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-4 the bottle) (VP may (VP be (ADVP-MNR gently) (VP eased (NP *-4) (PP to (NP (NP a tilted position) (PP on (NP its side)) (PP-LOC in (NP the cradle)))) (PP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP France)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP wishes (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP entertain (PP-LOC at (NP a restaurant))) and (VP serve (NP (ADJP truly fine) old red wines))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ one) (VP (VP visits (NP the restaurant) (ADVP-TMP well ahead (PP of (NP time)))) , (VP chooses (NP the wines)) and , (VP (PP with (NP (NP the advice) (PP of (NP (NP the manager) and (NP his chef))))) , builds (NP the menu) (PP around (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The wine waiter) (VP will (VP see (PP to (NP it)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the bottles) (VP (VP are (VP (VP taken (NP *-1) (PP from (NP the bin))) and (VP opened (PP-TMP (ADVP at least) in (NP time)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP warm and aerate)))) , (ADVP preferably) (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stand (PP on (NP end)) (PP-TMP for (ADVP (ADVP as long) (PP as (ADJP possible)))))))))) and , (VP (ADVP perhaps) (PP in (NP (NP the case) (PP of (NP (ADJP very old) wines)))) , be (VP decanted (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Decanting (NP old wine))) (VP aerates (NP it) (ADVP-MNR fully))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP may (ADVP also) (VP be -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR practically) (VP speaking)) -- (NP-PRD (NP a matter) (PP of (NP good economy)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (SBAR-PRP For , (PP in (NP (NP the process) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP decanting))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the bottle) (VP is (ADVP only) (VP tilted (NP *-1) (UCP-TMP (ADVP once) (CONJP instead of) (NP (NP (QP several or more) times) (PP-LOC at (NP the table))))))) : (FRAG (ADVP hence) , (NP (NP a minimum) (PP of (NP (NP the undesirable mixture) (PP of (NP wine and dregs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP many exceptions) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP noted (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP preceding pages)))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 white wine) (VP is (PP as (NP a rule)) (ADVP best) (VP consumed (NP *-2) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP-3 between two and six) years) old))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=2 red wines) , (ADVP-TMP nowadays) , (QP=3 between three and ten)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Red wines) (PP of (NP good years))) (VP tend (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP mature (ADVP-TMP later))) and (VP to (VP keep (ADVP-TMP longer))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the average claret) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP notably longer-lived) (PP than (NP (NP its opposite number) , (NP red Burgundy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some clarets) (VP do not (VP come (PP into (NP their own)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (QP ten or fifteen (NAC *ICH*-1)) years) (PP of (NP age)) , (NAC-1 or even more))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP a red Bordeaux) (PP of (NP a good name and year))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP bitter or acid) , or (ADJP cloying and muddy-tasting))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP leave (NP-1 it) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone)) (PP-TMP for (NP a while))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Most) (PP of (NP (NP the wines) (PP of (NP Beaujolais))))) , (PP on (NP the other hand)) , (VP should (VP be (VP drunk (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP while (FRAG (ADJP-PRD very young))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Alsatians) (VP may (VP be (VP *?* (NP *-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP replied (ADVP-MNR punctually and enthusiastically) : `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Rest (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP assured (NP *-2) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP your accompanying Letter) (PP of (NP Instructions))) (VP shall (VP be (PP in (NP the Letter and Spirit)) (ADVP-MNR strictly) (VP complied (PP with (NP *-3)) (NAC and (ADVP most particularly) (PP in (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP (NP that part) (PP of (NP them)) (ADJP relative (PP to (NP (NP the completion) (PP of (NP your (ADJP noble and humane) views))))))))))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Giffen) (VP lost (NP no time) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP visiting (NP the plantation))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The slaves) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD (PP in (NP good health)) and (PP at (NP work))) (PP under (NP (NP John Palfrey 's) overseer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 An excellent crop) (VP was (VP expected (NP *-1) (NP-TMP that year))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP William) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP neighboring (NP St. Mary 's) parish)))))) , (VP had (VP (VP taken (NP charge)) and (VP decided (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD best (PP for (NP all))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 the plantation) (VP were (VP operated (NP *-1) (PP-TMP for (NP another year))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Giffen) (VP advised (NP (NP acceptance) (PP of (NP this plan))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP citing (NP (NP (NP the depressed market) (PP for (NP land)) (VP (ADVP-TMP then) prevailing)) and (NP (NP the large stock) (PP of (NP provisions)) (PP-LOC at (NP the plantation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP sold (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP then)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the land and improvements) (VP might (VP bring (NP (QP only $ 5,000) *U*))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Early) in (NP January , 1844)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP a conference) (PP with (NP Henry and William))) (PP-LOC in (NP New Orleans)))) , and (S (PP upon (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP learning (PP of (NP (NP Gorham 's) intention))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Henry) (VP remonstrated (ADVP-MNR calmly but firmly) (PP with (NP his brother)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ The emancipation plan) (VP would (VP (CONJP not only) (VP be (ADJP-PRD injurious (PP to (NP all the heirs)))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP contended (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) but (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a form) (PP of (NP cruelty)) (VP perpetrated (NP *) (PP on (NP the hapless Negroes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP supporting (NP themselves) (PP-LOC off (NP the plantation)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Louisiana law) (VP required (NP (NP their removal) (PP from (NP the state))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gorham) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP accept (NP money) (PP for (NP slave property))))))) , but (SQ did (NP-SBJ he) (VP realize (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHADJP how much) expense and trouble) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the transportation) (PP of (NP his Negroes)) (PP to (NP the North))) (VP involved (NP *T*-2))))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The suggestion (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP hire (PRT out) (NP the slaves))))) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD realistic) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ no planter) (VP would (VP take (NP (NP the risk) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ (NP Negroes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD free))))))))))) (VP living (PP with (NP his own slaves))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Henry) (VP hid (NP his annoyance) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ both he and William) (VP were (ADJP-PRD furious (PP with (NP their Yankee brother))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP William) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did not (VP write (PP to (NP Gorham))))))) , (VP told (NP Giffen) (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP operate (NP the plantation) (PP as (ADJP usual)) (PP-TMP for (NP a year)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP would (VP sue `` (ADVP-MNR amicably) '' (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP protect (NP his interests))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP was (ADJP-PRD determined (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP his portion) (PP of (NP the slaves))) (VP be (VP converted (NP *-2) (PP to (NP wage laborers)) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the transition period) (PP-TMP before (NP emancipation)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-2 William) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP continue (NP operations) (PP-TMP for (NP a year)))))))) , (WHADVP-6 why not) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP simply) (VP (VP leave (NP-3 the Negroes) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD undisturbed))) and (VP pay (NP-4 them) `` (NP (NP (ADJP as high) wages) (SBAR *ICH*-5)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP remain (ADVP-LOC there)))) (SBAR-5 as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP are (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP paid (NP *-1) (NP (NP the labor) (PP of (NP (NP persons) (PP of (NP their sex & age)))))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-6))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A disposition (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP exert (NP themselves) (PP for (NP my benefit)))))) (VP would (ADVP perhaps) (VP be (NP-PRD a motive (S *ICH*-1)) (PP with (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP them)))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP come (PP into (NP the scheme))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ Their) (VP having (NP (NP family ties) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP our plantation) & (NP the adjoining one)))))) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a stronger inducement))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (PP of (NP (NP his brothers ') anger)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD hopeful (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP could (VP be (VP persuaded (NP-3 *-2) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP accept (NP (NP his notion) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP paying (NP wages))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (FRAG not)) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP accede (PP to (NP (NP William 's) wishes)) (PP in (NP (NP any way) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did not (VP block (NP his ultimate aim)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ William) (VP was (ADJP-PRD adamant (PP on (NP (NP one point) : (SINV (PP under (NP no circumstances)) would (NP-SBJ he) (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ the Negroes) (VP to (VP remain (PP-LOC on (NP the plantation)) (PP with (NP his and (NP Henry 's) slaves))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP told (NP *-1) (PP of (NP their coming freedom)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Knowing (NP (NP the antipathy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP existed (PP-LOC in (NP Louisiana))))) (PP against (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP increasing (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP free Negroes))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Giffen) (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP (VP bring (NP them) (PP-DIR to (NP Boston)) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once))) , (CONJP and then) (VP send (NP them) (PP-DIR on (PP to (NP Liberia)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Lacking (NP specific instructions))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP agreed (PP to (NP (NP William 's) condition))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP March)) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a division) (PP of (NP the slaves))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP carried (PRT out) (NP his instructions) (ADVP (ADVP as nearly) (PP as (ADJP possible))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP the fifty-two slaves)) , (NP-SBJ-2 Giffen) (VP succeeded (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP getting (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP (NP twenty) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 (NP twelve) (WHPP of (WHNP whom))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (NP-PRD females))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP considered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 your views) (VP would (VP be (ADVP best) (VP carried (NP *-1) (PRT out) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP explained (S *T*-3))) ,) `` (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP (NP women) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose progeny) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP will (PP of (NP course)) (VP (VP be (ADJP-PRD free)) & (VP (ADVP more fully) extend (NP (NP the philantrophy) (PP of (NP Emancipation)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP also) (VP taken (NP (NP the old servants) (PP of (NP your father))) (PP as (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP Conscience & Justice)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The ages) (PP of (NP the slaves))) (VP ranged (PP (PP from (NP (NP sixty-five) , (PP for (NP an old house servant)))) , (PP to (NP an unnamed newborn child)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP had (NP (NP any doubts) (PP about (NP (NP the wickedness) (PP of (NP slavery)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP put (NP *-1) (ADVP aside) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP received (NP (NP an inventory) (PP of (NP (NP the slave property) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP inherited (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This cold reckoning) (PP of (NP human worth)) (PP in (NP a legal paper)) , (ADJP devoid (PP of (NP compassion or humanity)))) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP needed (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Each human being) , (VP known (NP *) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP a given name)))) , (VP had (NP a cash value)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Old Sam 's) sixty-five years) (VP had (VP reduced (NP his value) (PP to (NP $ 150 *U*))))) ; ; ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rose) , (NP (NP a twelve-year-old) (PP with (NP child-bearing potential)))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD worth (NP $ 400 *U*)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP rejecting (NP (NP any claim) (PP to (NP (NP the value) (PP of (NP the slave property)))))))) , (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP was (VP giving (PRT up) (NP (QP close to $ 7,000) *U*))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Palfrey 's) brothers) (ADVP each)) (VP received (NP (NP lots) (PP of (NP sixteen Negroes))))) , and (S (PP for (NP bookkeeping purposes)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (VP agreed (NP *-2) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 all lots) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP valued (NP *-3) (PP at (NP $ 6,666.66 *U*)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ-1 twenty `` black souls '') (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remain (ADJP-PRD ignorant (PP of (NP (NP their imminent journey) (PP to (NP (NP the land) (PP of (NP free men))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP extracted (NP one concession) (PP from (NP William)))) : (S (NP-SBJ the house servants) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD free) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP any time) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Gorham) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADJP-PRD expedient)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP (NP Giffen 's) warning)) , (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP (NP plans) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP freeing (NP his slaves) (PP-LOC in (NP Louisiana))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (SBAR-ADV (ADVP even) if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP get (NP the necessary approval))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP fourteen) (PP of (NP his Negroes))) (VP could not (VP be (VP manumitted (NP *-1) (PP without (NP special permission))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP According (PP to (NP state law))) (NP-SBJ-2 a slave) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP at least thirty) years) old)))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could (VP be (VP freed (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP petitioned (S (NP-SBJ the state legislature) (VP to (VP waive (NP the requirement))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Otherwise) , (NP-SBJ freedom) (VP would (VP mean (NP (NP removal) (PP from (NP (NP the state) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) `` (S (PP as (NP (NP the place) (PP of (NP their past residence)) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP birth)) , or (PP for (NP many years))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP would (VP be (ADVP materially) (PP-PRD for (NP their advantage)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD at (NP liberty (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remain (PP *T*-1)))))))))))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP March 11)) (NP-SBJ-1 the Louisiana legislature) (VP voted (ADVP-MNR unanimously) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP table (NP the petition))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP News) (PP of (NP the legislative veto))) (VP appeared (PP in (NP the New Orleans papers)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Henry and William) (VP became (VP incensed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had not (VP been (VP told (NP *-1) (PP of (NP the attempt)) (PP-TMP in (NP advance)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Henry) (VP stormed (PP-DIR into (NP (NP Giffen 's) office)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP waving (NP (NP a copy) (PP of (NP the New Orleans Courier)))) , (VP shouting (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the emancipation scheme) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD a public affair))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP (VP reach (NP (NP the `` Ears) (PP of (NP (NP the People) (PP-LOC on (NP the Plantation)))))) , and (VP make (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD restless & unhappy))) ''))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His brothers ') anger) (VP caused (NP Palfrey) (NP genuine concern) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP imposed (NP (NP a dual mission) (S *ICH*-2)) (PP upon (NP himself)) : (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP free (NP his slaves))) , and (VP to (VP keep (NP-1 the family) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP falling (ADVP apart) (PP over (NP the issue)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Giffen) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP charge (NP him) (NP (NP interest) (PP on (NP (NP the loan) (PP from (NP John Palfrey)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Gorham) (ADVP-MNR readily) (VP assented , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP vowing (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP dollars and cents)))) , (NP-SBJ his brothers) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (NP any cause (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP complain (PP of (NP him))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP view) (PP of (NP these difficulties)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Palfrey) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP Louisiana)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP urged (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP journey (ADVP-DIR south) , (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (PP-TMP (ADVP only) for (NP a few days)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP clear (PRT up) (NP matters))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His duties) (PP as (NP (NP Massachusetts Secretary) (PP of (NP State))))) (VP obliged (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP wait (PP-TMP until (NP (NP the adjournment) (PP of (NP the legislature)) (PP-TMP in (NP mid-April)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Palfrey) (VP (VP told (NP his wife) (PP of (NP his intentions)) (PP-TMP for (NP the first time))) , and (VP left (PP for (NP New Orleans)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-MNR apprehensively) (VP invoking (NP (NP a special blessing (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP of (NP Providence)) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP might (VP be (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP his family) (ADVP again)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP his journey)) (NP-SBJ-1 Palfrey) (VP stopped (PRT off) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP two abolitionists))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP both cases)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP desired (NP (NP information) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP placing (NP the freedmen) (PP-LOC in (NP homes)) (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP arrived (PP-LOC in (NP the North)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC In (NP New York)) , (NP-SBJ Lydia Maria Child) (VP welcomed (NP him) (ADVP-MNR enthusiastically))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP lately) (VP (VP heard (PP of (NP you)) (PP from (NP (NP the Legislature) (PP of (NP Louisiana))))) , and (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP joy) (PP at (NP (NP your public recognition) (PP of (NP (NP the brotherhood) (PP of (NP man))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mrs. Child) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP apologized (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sending (NP editor Palfrey) (NP (NP a book) (PP on (NP slavery))))))))))) , (ADVP-TMP now) (VP (VP confided (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Henry Palfrey 's) slaves))) (VP escape (PP-DIR to (NP Canada)))) (ADVP-TMP (NP some years) before)))))) , but (VP asked (NP-3 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) not (VP to (VP advertise (NP the fact) (PP-LOC in (NP Louisiana))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP agreed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP charge) (PP of (NP (NP (QP five or six)) (PP of (NP the Negroes)))) (SBAR-ADV (SINV should (NP-SBJ-1 Palfrey) (VP decide (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP send (NP them) (ADVP-DIR north) (ADVP immediately))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP Lexington) , (NP Kentucky))) , (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP consulted (PP with (NP Cassius M. Clay)) (PP on (NP the same subject)) , (NAC but (PP with (NP no apparent result)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP (NP his apprehensions) (PP about (NP his personal safety)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Palfrey 's) reception) (PP-LOC in (NP New Orleans))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP more than) cordial)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead (PP of (NP (NP the expected `` annoyances '') (ADJP due (PP to (NP (NP the nature) (PP of (NP his mission)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP received (NP many calling cards and invitations) (PP from `` (NP (NP gentlemen) (PP of (NP mark)) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP no sort) (PP of (NP (NP claim) (PP *T*-1)))))))))) , & (VP have (VP had (NP (NP (ADJP many more) invitations) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP accept (NP *?*)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP later) (VP told (NP abolitionist Edmund Quincy) (PP of (NP (NP the `` marked attention and civility '') (SBAR (WHPP-1 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the New Orleans gentlemen) and (NP the upriver planters)) (VP greeted (NP him) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The memory) (PP of (NP this southern hospitality))) (VP did not (VP survive (NP (NP the trials) (PP of (NP coming antislavery years and Civil War))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Palfrey 's) autobiography) (VP contains (NP (NP a melodramatic account) (PP of (NP (NP two perilous days) (VP spent (NP *) (PP-LOC among (NP (NP the planters) (PP of (NP Attakapas)) , `` (SBAR (WHNP-2 (NP many) (WHPP of (WHNP whom))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP coarse & passionate) people) , (ADJP much excited (PP by (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP heard (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP my plans))))))))))) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP proceeded (PP with (NP his task)) (ADVP-MNR bravely) -- (PP in (NP his memoirs) , (ADVP at least)) -- (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP the `` passions) (PP of (NP my neighbors))) (VP should (VP have (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP boil (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD too high)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP made (PRT up) (NP his mind) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the men) , but not (NP the women)) , (VP to (VP choose (ADVP-MNR freely) (SBAR whether or not (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR North) (PP for (NP freedom))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The women) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP remaining (ADVP behind)))) (VP condemned (NP (NP their children) , (ADJP born and unborn)) , (PP to (NP bondage))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP a short private talk) (PP with (NP each adult slave)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (QP Only one)) (VP objected)) , but (S (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP convinced (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP with (NP the others)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 All the slaves) (VP joined (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP requesting (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP be (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP delay (NP their departure) (PP-TMP until (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the planting season)))) , (SBAR-TMP so that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP get (PRT in) `` (NP their own little produce) ''))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP agreed)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 the slaves) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remain (PP as (NP (NP wage laborers) (PP for (NP his account))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP William 's) threat (SBAR that (SINV (PP under (NP no conditions)) would (NP-SBJ he) (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ `` freedom-conscious '' slaves) (VP to (VP mix (PP with (NP his own))))))))) (VP was not (VP carried (NP *-1) (PRT out) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ the plantation) (VP continued (PP in (NP operation)) (PP as (ADVP before))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Palfrey) (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP Massachusetts)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADJP-PRD greatly relieved (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (VP made (NP (NP an arrangement) `` (ADJP so satisfactory (PP to (NP (NP my judgment) & (NP my conscience)))) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP Cambridge)) , (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP maintained (NP (NP a close interest) (PP in (NP (NP the welfare) (PP of (NP his slaves)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP the time) (PP for (NP their departure))) (VP approached))) , (NP-SBJ his solicitousness) (VP increased) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (SINV Should (NP-SBJ-2 any slave) (VP (VP change (NP his mind)) and (VP request (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP leave (ADVP-TMP earlier)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Giffen) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP provide (NP passage) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a sailing date) (PP of (NP March , 1845))) (VP was (ADVP finally) (VP established (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Negroes) (VP would (VP have (NP comfortable quarters) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP New Orleans)) and (PP aboard (NP ship)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP assured (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the captain) and (NP his mate)) (VP had (ADVP personally) (VP promised (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP treat (NP the Negroes) (PP with (NP consideration)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP was (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP about (NP (NP the question) (PP of (SBAR (WHNP-2 what wage) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP *T*-2) (PP for (NP (NP their labor) (PP-TMP throughout (NP 1844))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The plantation) (VP was (VP sold (NP *-1) (PP-TMP in (NP January , 1845))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 the new owner) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP pay (NP his people) (NP (NP two months ') wages))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP suggested (NP fifty dollars) (PP as (NP (NP fair compensation) (PP for (NP (NP a year 's) work)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the new owner) (PP-LOC at (NP Attakapas))) (VP declined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP enter (PP into (NP any philanthropic arrangement))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP March 21 , 1845)) (NP-SBJ (NP the bark) (NP Bashaw)) (VP weighed (NP anchor) (PP-LOC at (NP New Orleans)) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (PP-LOC on (NP the levee)) (NP-SBJ Henry and William Palfrey) (VP waved (NP farewell) (PP to (NP (NP (NP their father 's) former chattels) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP have (VP looked (ADVP back) (PP at (NP the receding shore)) (PP with (NP mingled regret and jubilation))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Not all) (PP of (NP (NP Palfrey 's) slaves))) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD aboard (NP the Bashaw))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP had (VP advised (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would not (VP be (ADJP-PRD too difficult) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP obtain (NP (NP freedom) (PP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP-LOC locally) (PP-2 for (NP the old house servants))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Two) (PP of (NP these))) (VP were (VP included (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP Palfrey 's) lot)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP filed (NP (NP a petition) (PP for (NP permission (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP emancipate (NP (NP four slaves) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP all) (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP more than fifty) years) old)) -RRB-)))))))) (PP with (NP the (NP St. Martin 's) Parish Police Jury))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP an initial rejection) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP attributed (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP (NP a `` general Excitement) (PP against (NP Abolition and Emancipation)) ''))))))) , (NP-SBJ Giffen) (VP (VP bribed (NP (NP the right individuals) (PP on (NP the jury)))) , and (VP got (NP the permission) (PP without (NP further delay)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the Negroes) (VP landed (PP-LOC at (NP Boston)) (ADVP-TMP (NP a month) later) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were , (PP of (NP course)) , (ADVP no longer) (NP-PRD slaves)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Slavery) (VP was (VP prohibited (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP Massachusetts)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the terms) (PP of (NP (NP the constitution) (PP of (NP 1780)) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP declared (SBAR 0 `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 all men) (VP are (VP born (NP *-2) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD free and equal))))) '')))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (NP-SBJ Palfrey) (VP arranged (NP (NP a religious ceremony) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP King 's) Chapel)) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP formalize (NP the emancipation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An eyewitness) (VP recalled (UCP (SBAR (WHADJP-3 how awkward) (S (NP-SBJ the red-turbaned colored women) (VP appeared (ADJP-PRD *T*-3) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP curtseyed (PP-LOC in (NP the church doorway)))))))) , and (NP (NP the diffidence) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ the former slaves) (VP displayed (NP *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP listened (PP to (NP (NP the few words) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP declared (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD free)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the question) (PP of (NP emancipation))) (VP was (VP settled (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP Palfrey 's) satisfaction)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP faced (NP (NP a real problem) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP placing (NP the freedmen) (PP-LOC in (NP suitable homes)) (PP as (NP servants))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Palfrey) (VP tried (ADVP-MNR fruitlessly) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP place (NP a Negro boy) (PP-LOC in (NP the Hopedale Community))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP better luck) (PP in (NP his other attempts)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Child) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD true (PP to (NP her word)))) , (VP helped (VP place (NP (NP Anna) and (NP her four children)) (PP with (NP (NP a Quaker family) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Hathaway))) (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP Canandaigua) , (NP New York))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This group) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP Palfrey 's) greatest worry) (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ Anna) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP bad health)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ her children) (VP were (ADJP-PRD too young (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP work (PP for (NP their keep)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP certainly) (NP-SBJ the New Frontier) (VP has (VP brought (PP-DIR to (NP Washington)) (NP (NP a group) (ADJP more varied (PP in (NP background and interest)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (NAC Secretary (PP of (NP State))) Dean Rusk) , (NP a former Rhodes Scholar and Mills College dean))) , (VP has (VP (VP headed (NP the Rockefeller Foundation)) and (VP (PP in (NP that role)) expended (NP large sums) (PP for (NP international cultural exchange))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP his initial acts) (PP in (NP office))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP appoint (NP (NP Philip Coombs) (PP of (NP the Ford Foundation))) (PP as (NP (NP the first Assistant Secretary) (PP of (NP State)) (PP for (NP (ADJP Educational and Cultural) Affairs)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 -LRB- `` (PP-TMP In (NP the (NX (NX late forties) and (NX fifties)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-2 Coombs) (VP has (VP declared (S *T*-3) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP defining (NP his role))))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ-1 two strong new arms) (VP were (VP added (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reinforce (NP United States foreign policy economic assistance and military assistance)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP embark (PP upon (NP the sixties))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP an opportunity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP build (NP (NP a third strong arm) , (VP aimed (NP *) (PP (PP at (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP people)))) , (PP at (NP (NP (NP the fuller realization) (PP of (NP their creative human potential))) , and (NP (NP a better understanding) (PP among (NP them))))))))))))) '' . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Many) (PP of (NP the new appointees))) (VP are (NP-PRD art collectors)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ambassador-at-Large Averell Harriman) (VP has (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP the capital)) (PP with (NP (NP a collection) (PP of (NP (NP paintings) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP include (NP (NP Renoir) , (NP Cezanne) , (NP Gauguin) , (NP Van Gogh) , (NP Toulouse-Lautrec) , (NP Degas) , (NP Matisse) , (NP Picasso) , and (NP Walt Kuhn))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The Director) (PP of (NP the Peace Corps))) , (NP (NP R. Sargent Shriver , Jr.) , (NP a Kennedy brother-in-law))) , (VP collects (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP among (NP (NP the moderns) , (PP including (NP (NP Kenzo Okada) and (NP Josef Albers)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NAC Secretary (PP of (NP the Treasury))) Douglas Dillon) (VP owns (NP (NP a prize Monet) , (NP Femmes dans un Jardin))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NAC Secretary (PP of (NP Defense))) Robert McNamara) , (NP (NP former President) (PP of (NP the Ford Motor Company)))) , (VP comes (PP from (NP (NP a generation) (ADJP different (PP from (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP Eisenhower 's) own first Secretary) (PP of (NP Defense))) , (NP (NP Charles Wilson) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP head) (PP of (NP General Motors)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Unlike (NP (NP Wilson) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (PP-TMP at (NP times)) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD almost anti-intellectual) (PP in (NP his earthy pragmatism))))))) . (NP-SBJ McNamara) (VP is (NP-PRD the scholar-businessman)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP An inveterate reader) (PP of (NP books)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP chose (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP working (PP-LOC in (NP Detroit))))) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the University community) (PP of (NP Ann Arbor)) , (ADVP-LOC (NP-ADV (QP almost forty) miles) away))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP selected (PP as (NP (NP Comptroller) (PP of (NP Defense)))) , (NP not (NP a veteran accountant) , but (NP (NP a former Rhodes Scholar) , (NP (NP Charles Hitch) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP author) (PP of (NP (NP a study) (PP on (NP-TTL (NP The Economics) (PP Of (NP Defense)) (PP-TMP In (NP The Nuclear Age)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the President 's) special assistants))) , (NP (NP the Harvard dean) (NP McGeorge Bundy))) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP co-author) (PP with (NP Henry L. Stimson)) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the latter 's) classic memoir) , (PP-TTL On (NP Active Service)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another) , (NP Arthur M. Schlesinger , Jr.)) , (VP has (VP won (NP (NP a Pulitzer Prize) (PP in (NP history)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP his wife) , (NP Marion)) , (VP is (NP-PRD a portrait painter))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Press Secretary) , (NP Pierre Salinger)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a child prodigy) (PP as (NP a pianist)))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S `` (S-TPC-6 (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (PP-PRD of (NP sorrow)) (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP find (NP (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP neither know nor understand (NP music))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP declared (SBAR 0 (S *T*-6)) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP not long) ago) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP proposing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP White House prizes) (PP *ICH*-4)) (VP be (VP awarded (NP *-1) (PP-4 for (NP music and art)))))))))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Mrs. Arthur Goldberg) , (NP (NP wife) (PP of (NP (NP the Secretary) (PP of (NP Labor)))))) , (VP (VP paints (ADVP professionally)) and (VP helps (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sponsor (NP (NP (NP the Associated Artists ') Gallery) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the District) (PP of (NP Columbia))))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Artists) (VP are (ADVP-TMP always) (PP-PRD at (NP a new frontier)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP claims (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ the search) (VP is (ADVP almost) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more important) (PP than (NP the find)))) '' . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mrs. Henry Labouisse) , (NP (NP wife) (PP of (NP (NP the new director) (PP of (NP the foreign aid program)))))) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the writer and lecturer) (NP Eve Curie))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The list) (VP goes (PRT on)) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP last count)) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP sixteen former Rhodes Scholars) (ADJP *ICH*-1)) (PRN -LRB- (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP see (NP (NP box) (PP-LOC on (NP page 13))))) -RRB-) (VP had (VP been (VP appointed (NP *-2) (PP to (NP the Administration)) , (ADJP-1 second (PP in (NP number)) (PP (ADVP only) to (NP its Harvard graduates)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Besides (NP Schlesinger)) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the Justice Department 's) Information Director) , (NP Edwin Guthman)) , (VP has (VP won (NP (NP a Pulitzer Prize) (PRN -LRB- (PP for (NP national reporting)) -RRB-)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Postmaster General J. Edward Day) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP deal (PP with (NP (NP matters) (PP of (NP postal censorship))))))))) , (VP is (NP-ADV himself) (NP-PRD (NP author) (PP of (NP (NP (NP a novel) , (NP-TTL Bartholf Street)) , (PP albeit (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP obliged (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP publish (NP *T*-3) (PP at (NP his own expense))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Two men) (VP show (NP (NP promise) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP playing (NP prominent roles))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP William Walton) , (NP a writer-turned-painter)) , (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a long-time friend) (PP of (NP the President)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP arrived (PP-LOC in (NP Washington)) (PP-TMP about (NP the same time)) (PP-TMP during (NP the early postwar years)))) : (FRAG (FRAG (NP-SBJ Kennedy) (PP as (NP (NP the young Congressman) (PP from (NP Massachusetts))))) ; ; (FRAG (NP-SBJ-1 Walton) , (PP-TMP after (NP (NP a wartime stint) (PP with (NP Time-Life)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP bureau chief) (PP for (NP The New Republic)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP Georgetown))) , (VP were (ADJP-PRD unattached)) , and (VP shared (NP an active social life))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Walton) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP made (NP (NP a break) (PP from (NP journalism))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the capital 's) leading semi-abstract painters)))))))))) , (VP vows (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he and Kennedy) (ADVP-TMP never once) (VP discussed (NP art) (PP-TMP in (NP those days)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nonetheless) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP found (NP common interests)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP last year 's) campaign)) , (NP-SBJ Kennedy) (VP asked (NP-1 (NP Walton) , (NP (NP an utter novice) (PP in (NP organization politics)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP assist (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Walton) (VP (VP dropped (NP everything) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP serve (PP as (NP a district co-ordinator)) (PP in (NP the hard-fought Wisconsin primary)))))) and (VP proved (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so useful) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP promoted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP liaison officer) (PP to (NP (ADJP critically important) New York City))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Walton) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP served (PP as (NP (NP a correspondent) (PP with (NP (NP General James Gavin 's) paratroopers)))) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the invasion) (PP of (NP France)))))))) , (VP combines (NP (NP the soul) (PP of (NP an artist))) (PP with (NP (NP the lingo) (PP of (NP a tough guy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP provoked (NP outraged editorials) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) , (S (PP-TMP after (NP (NP a post-Inaugural inspection) (PP of (NP the White House)) (PP with (NP Mrs. Kennedy)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP remarked (PP to (NP reporters)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 We) (ADVP just) (VP cased (NP the joint) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))))))))) '' (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ his credentials) (VP are (ADJP-PRD impeccable)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Already) (NP-SBJ (NP the President) and (NP the First Lady)) (VP have (VP deputized (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP advise (PP on (NP (NP matters) (VP ranging (PP (PP from (NP (NP the furnishing) (PP of (NP the White House)))) (PP to (NP (NP the renovation) (PP of (NP Lafayette Square))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP A man) (PP of (NP great talent)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP will (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP serve (PP as (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (NP Presidential trouble-shooter) , (PP (ADVP strictly) ex (NP officio)) , (PP for (NP culture))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A (ADJP more official) representative) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the Secretary) (PP of (NP the Interior)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Udall) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP comes (PP from (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the Mormon first-families) (PP of (NP Arizona)))))))))) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a bluff) , (NP (NP plain-spoken man) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a lust) (PP for (NP politics))) and (NP (NP a habit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP landing (PP (ADVP right) in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the fight))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) while (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sparring (ADVP-MNR furiously) (PP with (NP Republican politicians))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP displays (NP (NP a (ADJP deep and awesome) veneration) (PP for (NP (NP anyone) (PP with (NP cultural attainments)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His private dining room) (VP has (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a way station) (PP for (NP (NP visiting intellectuals) (PP such as (NP (NP C.P. Snow) , (NP Arnold Toynbee) , and (NP Aaron Copland)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Udall) (VP argues (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Interior affairs) (VP should (VP cover (ADVP (ADVP (NP a great deal) more) (PP than (NP (NP dams) and (NP wildlife preserves))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP promoting (NP (NP (NP Frost 's) appearance) (PP-LOC at (NP the Inauguration)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP persuaded (NP-2 the poet) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP return (ADVP-TMP (NP several months) later) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP give (NP a reading) (PP-DTV to (NP (NP a select audience) (PP of (NP (NP Cabinet members) , (NP (NP members) (PP of (NP Congress))) , and (NP (NP other Washington notables) (VP gathered (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the State Department auditorium))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The event) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so successful) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Interior Secretary) (VP plans (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP serve (PP as (NP impresario)) (PP for (NP similar ones)) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP time)) (PP to (NP time)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP hoping (ADVP thereby) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP add (PP to (NP (NP the cultural enrichment) (PP of (NP the Administration)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His Ideas) (PP in (NP this respect))) , (ADVP however) , (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP arouse (NP critical response)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 One tempest) (VP was (VP stirred (NP *-2) (PRT up) (NP-TMP last March) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ Udall) (VP announced (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP an eight-and-a-half-foot bronze statue) (PP of (NP William Jennings Bryan)) , (VP sculpted (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the late Gutzon Borglum)))) , (VP would (VP be (VP sent (NP *-1) `` (PP on (NP indefinite loan)) '' (PP-DIR to (NP (NP (NP Salem) , (NP Illinois)) , (NP (NP Bryan 's) birthplace)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Spokesmen) (PP for (NP (NP the nation 's) tradition-minded sculptors))) (ADVP promptly) (VP claimed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Udall) (VP was (VP exiling (NP the statue) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP his own hostility) (PP to (NP this art form))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP dug (PRT up) (NP (NP a speech) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP made (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP (NP two years) earlier) (PP as (NP a Congressman)))))) , (VP decrying (NP (NP the (QP more than two hundred) statues , monuments , and memorials) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) `` (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP dot (NP the Washington landscape) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP patriotic societies) and (NP zealous friends)) (VP are (ADVP constantly) (VP hatching (NP new plans))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP Hoping (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP cut (PRT down) (PP on (NP such works))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Udall) (VP had (VP proposed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a politician) (VP be (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP at least fifty) years) departed) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (VP memorialized (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP win (NP this battle) (ADVP-MNR easily)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the case) (PP of (NP the Borglum statue)))) (NP-SBJ-1 an Interior aide) (VP was (VP obliged (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP announce (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a misunderstanding))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Secretary) (VP had (NP no desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP `` hustle '' (NP it) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP Washington)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The last Congress) (VP adopted (NP (NP seven bills) (PP for (NP memorials)) , (PP including (NP (NP one) (PP to (NP (NP Taras Shevchenko) , (NP the Ukrainian poet laureate)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 eleven others) (VP were (VP introduced (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Active warfare) (VP is (VP raging (PP between (NP (NP (NP the forces) (VP pressing (PP for (NP (NP a monument) (PP to (NP the first Roosevelt)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Theodore Roosevelt Island) (PP-LOC in (NP the Potomac)))))))) , and (NP (NP (NP TR. 's) own living children) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP preserve (NP the island) (PP as (NP a wildlife sanctuary))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The (ADJP hotly debated) plan) (PP for (NP (NP (NP the capital 's) Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial) , (NP (NP a circle) (PP of (NP (NP huge tablets) (VP (VP engraved (NP *) (PP with (NP his speeches))) (PRN -LRB- and (VP (ADVP promptly) dubbed (PP by (NP-LGS (NP one) (PP of (NP its critics)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) `` (NP-PRD Instant Stonehenge) '')) -RRB-)))))))) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP another) (PP of (NP (NP Udall 's) headaches))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (PP as (NP (NP supervisor) (PP of (NP the National Parks Commission)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP will (VP share (PP in (NP (NP the responsibility) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP building (NP it))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ Washington) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-2 President Kennedy) (VP has (VP been (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP remark (ADVP-MNR ironically) (S *T*-1)))))))) ,) `` (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a city) (PP of (NP (NP southern efficiency) and (NP northern charm))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD indications (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP hopes (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP redress (NP that situation) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP commencing (PP with (NP the White House))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Mrs. Kennedy 's) initial concerns) (PP as (NP First Lady))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the sad state) (PP of (NP (NP the furnishings) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a building) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a national shrine)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Ever) since (S (NP-SBJ (NP the fire) (PP of (NP 1812))) (VP destroyed (NP (NP the beautiful furniture) (VP assembled (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS President Thomas Jefferson))))))) , (NP-SBJ the White House) (VP has (VP collected (NP (NP a hodgepodge) (PP of (NP period pieces))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP few) (PP of (NP them))) (ADJP-PRD authentic or aesthetic)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Kennedy) (VP shows (NP a determination (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP change (NP all this)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Not long) after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP moving (ADVP in)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP turned (PRT up) (NP (NP a (ADJP richly carved) desk) , (VP (VP hewed (NP *) (PP from (NP (NP the timbers) (PP of (NP (NP the British ship) (NP H.M.S. Resolute)))))) and (VP presented (NP *) (PP to (NP President Hayes)) (PP by (NP-LGS Queen Victoria)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP serves (NP the President) (PP-LOC in (NP his oval office))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP browsing (PP in (NP (NP an old issue) (PP of (NP the Gazette Des Beaux-Arts)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP found (NP (NP a description) (PP of (NP (NP a handsome gilt pier-table) (VP purchased (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP 1817)) (PP by (NP-LGS President James Monroe))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP traced (NP it) (PP to (NP a storage room))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP its coating) (PP of (NP gold radiator paint))) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP removed (NP *-1) -- (NP-2 (NP a gaucherie) (PP of (NP some earlier tenant))) --))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (ADVP-TMP now) (VP occupy (NP (NP its rightful place) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the oval Blue Room) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the first floor) (PP of (NP the White House))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP became (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP the search) (PP for (NP (NP eighteenth-century furniture) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Kennedy) (VP feels (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the proper period) (PP for (NP the White House))))))))) -RRB-)))) (VP must (VP be (VP pursued (NP *-4) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP places) (ADVP other (PP than (NP government storage rooms))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The First Lady) (VP appointed (NP (NP a Fine Arts Advisory Committee) (PP for (NP the White House)) , (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP to (VP locate (NP authentic pieces))) (CONJP as well as) (VP to (VP arrange (NP (NP ways) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP acquire (NP them) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP (NP the home) (PP of (NP living Presidents))) (PP on (NP (NP the same basis) (PP as (NP (NP Mount Vernon) and (NP Monticello))))))))) (VP recognizes (NP no party lines)) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP rough estimate)) (NP-SBJ (NP her Committee) , (VP headed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Henry Francis Du Pont)))) , (VP contains (NP (NP (QP three times as many) Republicans) (PP as (NP Democrats)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The press releases) (VP emanating (PP from (NP the White House)))) (VP give (NP (NP a clue) (PP to (NP (NP the activity) (ADVP-LOC within))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A curator) (VP has (VP been (VP appointed (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A valuable pencil-and-sepia allegorical drawing) (PP of (NP Benjamin Franklin)) (PP by (NP Jean-Honore Fragonard))) (VP (VP has (VP been (VP donated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the art dealer) (NP Georges Wildenstein)))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP now) hangs (PP-LOC in (NP the Blue Room)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The American Institute) (PP of (NP Interior Designers))) (VP is (VP redecorating (NP the White House library))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Secretary and Mrs. Dillon) (VP have (VP contributed (NP (NP enough pieces (S *ICH*-1)) (PP of (NP Empire furniture)) , (PP including (NP (NP Dolley Madison 's) own sofa)) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP furnish (NP a room) (PP in (NP that style)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 (NP part) (PP of (NP (NP a fabulous collection) (PP of (NP vermeil hollowware)) , (VP bequeathed (NP *) (PP to (NP the White House)) (PP by (NP-LGS the late Mrs. Margaret Thompson Biddle)))))) , (VP has (VP been (VP (VP taken (NP *-1) (PP out (PP of (NP its locked cases)))) and (VP put (NP *-1) (PP on (NP display)) (PP-LOC in (NP the State dining room)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Woman 's) place) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the home)))) : (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP must (VP attend (PP to (NP (NP matters) (PP of (NP the yard))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the vexatious problems) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (ADVP-TMP first) (VP confront (NP President Kennedy)))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the property) (VP lying (PP-LOC (ADVP just) across (NP Pennsylvania Avenue) (PP from (NP the White House)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Congress) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP appropriated (NP money)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ plans (S *ICH*-1)) (VP were (ADVP-PRD well along) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP tear (PRT down) (NP (NP the buildings) (VP flanking (NP Lafayette Square)))) and (VP replace (NP them) (PP with (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ one critic) (VP calls (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (NP-PRD (NP the `` marble monumentality '') (PP of (NP government office buildings)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD a Senator))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Kennedy) (VP had (ADVP-MNR unsuccessfully) (VP pushed (NP (NP a bill) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP preserve (NP (NP (NP the Belasco Theater) , (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP the Dolley Madison) and (NP the Benjamin Taylor houses))) , (NP (NP all) (VP scheduled (NP *) (PP for (NP razing)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD President)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (NP Only a few days) after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP moving (PP-DIR into (NP the White House))))) . (NP-SBJ-1 Kennedy) (VP made (NP (NP a midnight inspection) (PP of (NP the Square)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP called (PRT in) (NP (NP his friend) (NP Walton))) and (VP turned (PRT over) (NP the problem) (PP to (NP him)) , (PP with (NP instructions (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP work (PRT out) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD best)))) -- (PP provided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did n't (VP pile (NP unnecessary burdens) (PP on (NP the President)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The situation) (VP involved (NP some political perils)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the offices)) (VP slated (NP *) (PP for (NP reconstruction)))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the aged Court) (PP of (NP Claims)) , (PP-LOC (ADVP diagonally) across (NP the street) (PP from (NP the White House))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Logically) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP should (VP be (VP moved (NP *-1) (ADVP-DIR downtown)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP Judge Marvin Jones) , (NP (NP senior member) (PP of (NP the Court)))) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an elderly gentleman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP (VP lives (PP-LOC at (NP the nearby Metropolitan Club))) and (VP desires (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP walk (PP-DIR to (NP work))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP More importantly) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP also) (VP happens (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the brother-in-law) (PP of (NP (NP Sam Rayburn) , (NP (NP Speaker) (PP of (NP the House)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP aesthetic) (NAC *ICH*-1)) problems (NAC-1 (CONJP as well as) (ADJP political)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP delving (ADVP deeper)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Walton) (VP discovered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the buildings) (VP fronting (NP the Square))))) (VP could (VP be (VP classified (NP *-1) (PP as `` (ADJP early nondescript) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The old Belasco Theater) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 over (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ many people) (VP had (VP grown (ADJP-PRD sentimental (PP *T*-1))))))) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP only a shell) (PP of (NP its former self))) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP arduous years) (PP as (NP a USO Center))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ The Dolley Madison House) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Walton) (VP concluded (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP was (ADJP-PRD scarcely worth (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP preserving)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ The attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP save (NP (NP the Square 's) historic value))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP declares (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (VP came (ADVP-TMP (NP half a century) too late)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Surrounded (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS ancient elms)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the campus) (VP is (ADJP-PRD spacious and beautiful)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The buildings) (VP are (ADVP mostly) (ADJP-PRD Georgian)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Dartmouth student) (VP does not (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP monastic seclusion)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP did))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ his) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP a simple life) (ADJP relatively free (PP of (NP the female presence or influence)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP go (ADVP far) , (SBAR-ADV (ADVP even) though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP may (VP go (ADVP-MNR fast))))) , (PP for (NP sophisticated pleasures))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP heir) (PP to (NP (NP the rare gifts) (PP of (NP space and silence))))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP chooses (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *?*)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (PP by (NP no means)) (NP-PRD (NP the country boy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-1) (PP-TMP in (NP the last century))))))) , (PP down (PP from (NP the hills))) (PP with (NP (NP (NP bear grease) (PP-LOC on (NP his hair))) and (NP (NP a zeal) (PP for (NP book learning)) (PP in (NP his heart))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The men 's) shops) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Hanover 's) Main Street))) (VP compare (ADVP-MNR favorably) (PP with (NP (NP those) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Princeton) and (NP New Haven)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the automobiles) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stream (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP Hanover))) (NP-TMP each weekend) , (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP Smith) and (NP Wellesley) and (NP Mount Holyoke))))))) , (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP no less) rakish) (PP than (NP (NP those) (VP leaving (NP (NP Cambridge) or (NP West Philadelphia))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP has (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP an outdoor air) (PP to (NP Dartmouth))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The would-be sophisticate) and (NP the citybred youth)) (VP adopt (NP this air) (PP without (NP embarrassment))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP No one) (ADVP-LOC here)) (VP pokes (NP fun) (PP at (NP manly virtues))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ this) (VP gives (NP rise) (PP to (NP (NP an easy camaraderie) (ADJP probably unequaled (PP-LOC (ADVP elsewhere) in (NP the Ivy League)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP even) (VP affects (NP the faculty)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Dartmouth 's) Winter Carnival) -- (VP (ADVP widely) recognized (NP *) (PP as (NP (NP the greatest , wildest , roaringest college weekend) (ADVP-LOC anywhere) , (NP-TMP any time)))) --) (VP was (VP broadcast (NP *-1) (PP over (NP a national television hookup)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ Prexy John Sloan Dickey) (VP appeared (PP on (NP the screen)) (PP in (NP (NP rugged winter garb) , (VP topped (NP *) (PRT off) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a tam-o'-shanter) (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP confessed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP had (VP been (VP acquired (NP *-2) (PP from (NP a Smith girl)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP President Dickey 's) golden retriever) , (VP frolicking (PP-LOC in (NP the snow)) (PP-LOC at (NP his feet)))) , (VP added (PP to (NP (NP the picture) (PP of (NP masculine informality))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This carefree disdain) (PP for `` (NP side) '')) (VP cropped (ADVP up) (ADVP again) (PP in (NP the same television broadcast))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dean Thaddeus Seymour) , (VP wearing (NP ski clothes))) , (VP was (VP crowning (NP (NP a beauteous damsel queen) (PP of (NP the Carnival))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP must (VP have (VP looked (ADJP-PRD temptingly pretty) (PP to (NP the dean)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP put (NP the crown) (PP-PUT on (NP her head)))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ he) (VP kissed (NP her)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 No Dartmouth man) (VP was (VP surprised (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dartmouth students) (VP enjoy (NP other unusual diversions) (PP with (NP equal sang-froid))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP example)) , (NP-SBJ groups) (ADVP-TMP regularly) (VP canoe (PP-DIR down (NP the Connecticut River))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (NP honor) (PP of (NP (NP (NP John Ledyard) , (NP (NP class) (PP of (NP 1773)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP scooped (NP a canoe) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP a handy tree)))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP first) set (NP the course) (PP-TMP (ADVP way back) in (NP his own student days))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ these hardy travelers) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD unappreciated) (NP-TMP today)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP are (VP hailed (NP *-1) (PP-LGS by (NP (NP the nation 's) press))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Smith girls) (VP (VP throng (NP (NP the riverbanks) (PP-LOC at (NP Northampton)))) and (VP refresh (NP the voyageurs) (PP with (NP (NP hot soup) and (NP kisses)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dartmouth 's) (ADJP (ADJP favorite) and (ADJP most characteristic)) recreation) (VP is (NP-PRD skiing)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Since (NP (NP the days) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP their (QP two thousand) pairs) (PP of (NP skis))) (VP outnumbered (NP (NP those) (VP assembled (NP *) (PP-LOC (ADVP anywhere else) in (NP the United States)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the students) (VP have (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP regarding (NP the Olympic Ski Team) (PP as (NP (NP another name) (PP for (NP their own)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ Dartmouth) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the dominant member) (PP of (NP (NP the Intercollegiate Ski Union) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP includes (NP (NP (NP the winter sports colleges) (PP of (NP Canada))) (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP this country))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dartmouth students) (VP ski (ADVP-LOC everywhere) (PP-TMP in (NP winter)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP starting (PP with (NP their own front door))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP can (VP (VP (VP hire (NP a horse)) and (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ski-joring (PP-LOC behind (NP him)))))) , or (VP move (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP (NP Oak Hill) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD a lift) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Dartmouth Skiway) , (PP-LOC at (NP (NP (NP Holt 's) Ledge) , (ADVP-LOC (NP ten miles) north (PP of (NP the campus)))))) , (VP has (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the best terrains) (PP-LOC in (NP the East)) , (VP ranging (PP (PP from (NP novice)) (PP to (NP expert)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 (NP Forty miles) farther north) (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Mount Moosilauke) , (NP (NP Dartmouth 's) own mountain)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) , (PP-LOC at (NP the Ravine Lodge)) , (NP-SBJ President Dickey) (VP acts (PP as (NP (NP host) (PP *ICH*-1))) (NP-TMP every year) (PP-1 to (NP (NP (QP about a hundred) freshmen) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP are (VP being (VP introduced (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the Dartmouth Outing Club)) (PP to (NP (NP life) (PP-LOC on (NP the trails)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Lodge) , (VP built (NP *) (PP of (NP hand-hewn virgin spruce)))) , (VP can (VP handle (NP fifty people) (PP for (NP dining , sleeping , or lounging)) (PP-LOC in (NP its huge living room)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Outing Club) (ADVP also) (VP owns (NP (NP a chain) (PP of (NP (NP fourteen cabins) and (NP several shelters))) , (VP extending (PP (PP from (NP (NP the Vermont hills) , (PP-LOC (ADVP just) across (NP the river) (PP from (NP the college))))) , (PP through (NP Hanover)) (PP to (NP (NP the College Grant) -- (NP (NP 27,000 acres) (PP of (NP (NP wilderness) (ADVP-LOC (NP 140 miles) north) (PP-LOC up (PP in (NP the logging country)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The cabins) (VP (VP are (VP equipped (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP bunks) , (NP blankets) , and (NP cooking equipment))))) and (VP are (NP-PRD (NP ideal bases) (PP for (NP (NP hikes) and (NP skiing trips)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The club) (VP runs (NP (NP regular trips) (PP to (NP the cabins))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP many) (PP of (NP the students))) (VP prefer (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (PRT off) (PP in (NP small unofficial groups)) (PP for (NP (NP a weekend) (PP of (NP hunting , fishing , climbing , or skiing))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Under (NP (NP the auspices) (PP of (NP the Outing Club)))) , (NP-SBJ Dartmouth) (ADVP also) (VP (VP has (NP (NP (NP the Mountaineering Club) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP takes (PRT on) (NP (NP tough climbs) (PP like (NP Mount McKinley))))))) , and (NP (NP Bait & Bullet) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose interests) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP are (ADJP-PRD self-evident))))))) , and (ADVP even) (VP sports (NP (NP (NP a Woodman 's) Team) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP competes (PP with (NP other New England colleges)) (PP in (NP (NP wood sawing and chopping) , (NP canoe races) , and (NP the like))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP said (NP *-3) (PP for (NP (NP a college) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) , (S (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD happily attuned (PP to (NP the sophisticated Ivies))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP gives (NP its students) (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP get (PRT up) (PP-TMP (ADVP early) in (NP the morning))) and (VP drive (PP-LOC along (NP (NP back roads) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a glimpse) (PP of (NP (NP small game) , (NP deer) , or (ADVP even) (NP bear)))) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD uncommon) (ADVP-LOC *T*-5))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ City boys) (VP find (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP learning))) (PP (PP in (NP (NP the feel) (PP of (NP an ax handle)))) or (PP in (NP (NP the sharp tang) (PP of (NP (NP a sawmill) , (VP come (NP *) (ADVP upon) (ADVP suddenly) (PP-LOC in (NP a backwoods logging camp))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the summit) (PP of (NP Mount Washington)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP thirty-five degrees) (PP below (NP zero))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD commonplace))) and (S (NP-SBJ-3 the wind velocity) (VP has (VP registered (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP higher) (PP than (ADVP anywhere else (PP-LOC in (NP the world))))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP wisdom) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-5) (VP to (VP be (VP found (NP *-1)))))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ other men) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP seek (NP *T*-2) (PP-LOC in (NP the Himalayas)) `` (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-PRD there)))) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP said (NP *-3) (PP for (NP such a college)))))))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Dartmouth men) (VP have (VP been (VP accused (NP *-1) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying (NP it) (ADVP (ADVP-TMP too often) and (ADVP-MNR too loudly))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Their affection) (PP for (NP their college home))) (VP has (ADVP even) (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ President Dickey) (VP to (VP comment (PP on (NP this `` place loyalty '')) (PP as (NP (NP something) (ADJP (ADVP rather specially) Hanoverian)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Probably) (NP-SBJ a lawyer) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP said (NP it) (ADVP-MNR best) (PP for (NP all time)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the Supreme Court) (PP of (NP the United States))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Early) in (NP the nineteenth century)) (NP-SBJ (NP the State) (PP of (NP New Hampshire))) (VP was (VP casting (PRT about) (PP for (NP (NP a way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP found (NP its own state university) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP fixed (PP on (NP (NP Dartmouth College) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP ready-made) and (SBAR-NOM (ADVP just) (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ the proctor) (VP ordered (NP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The legislators) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP `` liberate '' (NP Dartmouth)) and (VP entered (PP into (NP (NP a tug-o'-war) (PP with (NP the college trustees)) (PP over (NP (NP the control) (PP of (NP classrooms , faculty , and chapel))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a time)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP two factions) (PP-LOC on (NP the campus)) (VP fighting (PP for (NP (NP possession) (PP of (NP the student body))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The struggle) (VP was (VP resolved (NP *-1) (PP-TMP in (NP 1819)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Supreme Court)) (PP in (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most intriguing) cases) (PP in (NP our judicial history)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1817)) (NP-SBJ the lawyers) (VP were (ADVP-MNR generally) (VP debating (NP (NP the legal inviolability) (PP of (NP private contracts and charters))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A lawyer) , (VP hired (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the college)))) , (VP was (VP arguing (PP (ADVP specifically) for (NP Dartmouth))))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP Daniel Webster) , (NP (NP class) (PP of (NP 1801)))) , (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her plight) (NP-PRD (NP the dramatic focus) (PP of (NP his whole plea)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP an age) (PP of (NP oratory)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the king) (PP of (NP orators))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 both (NP (NP he) (NP himself)) and (NP Chief Justice Marshall)) (VP were (VP bathed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP manly tears)) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Uncle Dan'l) (VP reached (NP (NP his thundering climax) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is , (NP-VOC sir) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP said)))) , (NP-PRD a small college))) , (CONJP and yet) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP love (NP it))))))))))))))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dartmouth) (VP (VP is (NP-TMP today) (ADVP-TMP-1 still) (NP-PRD-2 a small college)) -- and (VP (ADVP-TMP=1 still) (NP-PRD=2 a private one)) , (NP-ADV (NP thanks) (PP to (NP (NP Webster 's) eloquence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is not (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP (NP keeping) (PP with (NP (NP its origins) , (ADVP probably) (NP (NP the (ADJP most humble)) (PP of (NP (NP any) (PP in (NP the Ivy group))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Eleazar Wheelock) , (NP a Presbyterian minister)) , (VP founded (NP the school) (PP-TMP in (NP 1769)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP naming (NP it) (PP after (NP (NP (NP the second earl) (PP of (NP Dartmouth))) , (NP its sponsor and benefactor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Eleazar) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP pausing (PP-LOC on (NP the Hanover plain)))) , (VP (VP found (S (NP-SBJ its (NX (NX great forests) and (NX remoteness))) (ADJP-PRD good))) and (VP (PP with (NP his own hands)) built (NP (NP the first College Hall) , (NP (NP a log hut) (VP dedicated (NP *) `` (PP for (NP (NP the education & instruction) (PP (PP of (NP (NP Youth) (PP of (NP (NP the Indian Tribes) (PP-LOC in (NP this Land)))))) (NAC *ICH*-3)) (PP (PP in (NP (NP reading) , (NP writing) & (NP (NP all parts) (PP of (NP learning)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP shall (VP appear (ADJP-PRD necessary and expedient (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP civilizing & christianizing (NP (NP Children) (PP of (NP Pagans)))))))))))))) (CONJP as well as) (PP in (NP all (NX (NX liberal Arts) and (NX Sciences))))) ; ; (NAC-3 and (ADVP also) (PP of (NP (NP English Youth) and (NP any others)))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a hardy undertaking))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Wheelock 's) (VP was (ADVP indeed) `` (NP-PRD (NP a voice) (VP crying (PP-LOC in (NP the wilderness)))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 A road) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP hacked (NP *-1) (PP through (NP (NP trackless forests) (PP-LOC between (NP Hanover and Portsmouth)))))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP permit (S (NP-SBJ (NP Governor Wentworth) and (NP (NP a company) (PP of (NP gentlemen)))) (VP to (VP attend (NP (NP the first Dartmouth commencement) (PP-TMP in (NP 1771)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The governor) and (NP his retinue)) (ADVP thoughtfully) (VP brought (PP with (NP them)) (NP (NP a glorious silver punchbowl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the cherished possessions) (PP of (NP the college)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The exuberance) (PP on (NP this occasion))) (VP set (NP (NP a standard) (PP for (NP subsequent Dartmouth gatherings)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A student orator) `` (VP produced (NP tears) (PP from (NP (NP a great number) (PP of (NP the learned)))) '' (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) before (S (NP-SBJ-1 the punch) (VP was (VP served (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (PP from (NP (NP the branches) (PP of (NP a near-by tree)))) (NP-SBJ-1 an Indian underclassman) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP disdaining (NP both (NP the platform) and (NP the English language)))) , (VP harangued (NP the assemblage) (PP in (NP his aboriginal tongue))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Governor Wentworth) (VP contributed (NP (NP an ox) (PP for (NP (NP a barbecue) (PP-LOC on (NP the green)) (PP-LOC beneath (NP the three-hundred-foot pines))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a barrel) (PP of (NP rum))) (VP was (VP broached (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The cook) (VP got (ADJP-PRD drunk))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 President Wheelock) (VP proved (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a man) (PP of (NP broad talents)))))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP carving (NP the ox) (NP-ADV himself)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Future commencements) (VP were (ADJP-PRD more decorous) (ADVP perhaps))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the number) (PP of (NP graduates))) (VP increased (PP from (NP the original four)) (PP at (NP a (ADJP relatively slow) pace)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the nineteenth century)))) , (PP-TMP in (NP 1893)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Big Three) , (NP Columbia) , and (NP Penn)) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP populous centers) (PP of (NP learning))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Dartmouth) (VP graduated (NP (QP only sixty-nine))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The dormitories) , (PP including (NP the beloved Dartmouth Hall))) , (VP could (ADVP barely) (VP house (NP (QP two hundred) students) (PP in (NP Spartan fashion)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) (PP-TMP in (NP 1893)) (NP-SBJ Dr. William Jewett Tucker) (VP became (NP-PRD president))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the college 's) great awakening) (VP began)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP transformed (NP Dartmouth) (PP from (NP a small New Hampshire institution)) (PP into (NP a national college))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP 1907)) (NP-SBJ (NP the number) (PP of (NP undergraduates))) (VP had (VP risen (PP to (NP 1,107)))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP-TMP at (NP his last commencement)) , (PP-TMP in (NP that year)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Dr. Tucker) and (NP Dartmouth)) (VP were (VP honored (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the presence) (PP of (NP (NP distinguished academic visitors) (VP attesting (PP to (NP (NP the new stature) (PP of (NP the college))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The presidents) (PP of (NP Cornell , Wisconsin , C.C.N.Y. , Bowdoin , Vermont , Brown , Columbia , Princeton , Yale , and Harvard))) and (NP (NP the presidents emeritus) (PP of (NP Harvard and Michigan)))) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dartmouth) (VP is (ADVP numerically) (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD a small college) (NP-TMP today) , (PP with (NP (QP approximately twenty-nine hundred) undergraduates))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP achieved (NP (NP a cross-section) (PP of (NP (NP students) (PP from (NP almost all the states)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP two-thirds) (PP of (NP its undergraduates))) (VP come (PP-DIR from (PP outside (NP New England))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (QP Over 450) different schools) (VP are (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP represented (NP *-1) (PP in (NP each entering class)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (QP Only a dozen or so) schools) (VP send (NP (QP as many as six) students))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (ADVP-TMP seldom) (NP-PRD (QP more than fifteen) men) (PP in (NP any single delegation)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP About two-thirds) (PP of (NP the boys))) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP come (PP from (NP public schools))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP (NP a college) (ADVP only)) and not (NP a university)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is , (PP in (NP fact)) , (NP-PRD (NP the only college) (PP in (NP the Ivy group))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ (NP three distinguished associated graduate schools) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP offer (NP professional curriculums) -- (NP-1 (NP (NP the Dartmouth Medical School) (PRN -LRB- (UCP (ADJP third oldest (PP in (NP the country))) and (VP founded (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP 1797)))) -RRB-)) , (NP (NP the Thayer School) (PP of (NP Engineering))) , and (NP (NP the Amos Tuck School) (PP of (NP Business Administration))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 All three) (VP are (ADVP purposely) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD small)) , (PP with (NP (NP a current total enrollment) (PP of (NP (QP about two hundred))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All three schools) (VP (VP coordinate (NP their educational programs) (PP with (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP the undergraduate college))))) and , (VP (PP like (NP the college proper)) , place (NP emphasis) (PP upon (NP (NP a broad liberal arts course) (PP as (NP (NP the proper foundation) (PP for (NP specialized study)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Students) (PP of (NP the college)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP are (NP-PRD (NP candidates) (PP for (NP the A.B. degree)))) and (VP can (VP satisfy (NP (NP the academic requirements) (PP of (NP the (UCP medical and business) schools))))))))) , (VP may (VP enter (NP (NP either) (PP of (NP these associated schools))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP senior year)))) , (S-ADV (ADVP thus) (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP completing (NP the two-year postgraduate course) (PP-TMP in (NP one year)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Thayer School) (VP offers (NP (NP a year) (PP of (NP postgraduate study))) (PP in (ADVP somewhat) (NP the same way)) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ a boy) (VP wins (NP (NP a B.S.) (PP in (NP engineering))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ Dartmouth) (VP is (VP moving (ADVP closer (PP to (NP (NP the others) (PP in (NP the Ivy group))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) , (ADVP however) , (NP-PRD (NP the junior member) (PP of (NP the League)) , (PP (CONJP if not) (PP in (NP years)) (PP (ADVP at least) in (NP (NP the catching up) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP has (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP has not (VP been (NP-PRD a well-known school) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP any part) (PP of (NP (NP the span) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the other Ivies) (VP have (VP enjoyed (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-1 However much) (S (NP-SBJ-2 football) (VP has (VP been (VP over-emphasized (NP *-2) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 the public) (VP likes (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP measure (NP its collegiate favorites) (PP by (NP the scoreboard))))))) , so , (S (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ-5 Yale) (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP give (NP its record) (NP a thought) (ADVP again))) (PP-TMP since (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP outscoring (NP its opponents) (ADVP 694 to 0) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the season) (PP of (NP 1888)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 Dartmouth) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP wait (PP-TMP until (NP (NP its championship team) (PP of (NP 1925)))) (PP for (NP national recognition))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP has (VP come (ADVP on) (PP with (NP a rush)) (PP in (NP (ADJP more significant) areas)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ it) (VP espouses (NP (NP certain ideas) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP in (NP its curriculum)) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ other institutions) (VP might (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADJP-PRD somewhat breathtaking))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ Dartmouth) (VP preserves (NP its youthful brashness) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP its educational attitudes)))) , and , (S (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP its experiments))) (VP may (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP the testing stage)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP make (PP for (NP lively copy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 President Emeritus Hopkins) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP proposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP corral (NP (NP an `` aristocracy) (PP of (NP brains)) '') (PP-LOC in (NP Hanover)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The person) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP left (NP the buggy) (ADVP-LOC there))))) (VP has (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (VP identified (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a busy street) , (ADVP-LOC (ADVP conveniently) near (NP the shopping center))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 unattended horses and wagons) (VP were (ADVP-TMP often) (VP left (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the curbside))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-PRD (NP many weaknesses) (PP in (NP (NP any case) (PP against (NP Emma)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (VP like (NP her stepmother)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP nothing) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP is (VP known (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP have (VP occurred (PP-TMP (ADVP shortly) before (NP the crime)))))) (SBAR-1 (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP could (VP have (VP caused (NP such a murderous rage))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP no way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP knowing (PP-TMP in (NP advance)) (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP an opportunity) (PP for (NP murder))) (VP existed)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP have (VP been (VP taking (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP (NP a fair risk) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP seen and recognized (NP *-1) (PP-TMP during (NP her travels))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP avoided (NP the train)) and (VP hired (NP a buggy))))) , (NP-SBJ the stableman) (VP might (VP have (VP recognized (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ police) (VP had (VP checked (PP on (NP her)) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP more thoroughly) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP is (VP indicated (NP *-1)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP would (VP be (ADVP completely) (VP eliminated (NP *-2) (PP as (NP a suspect))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Uncle John Vinnicum Morse) (VP was (NP-PRD the immediate popular suspect)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His sudden unannounced appearance) (PP-LOC at (NP the Borden home))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD strange (PP in (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP carry (NP (NP an iota) (PP of (NP baggage))) (PP with (NP him)) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP clearly) (VP intended (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP-TMP overnight , (CONJP if not) longer)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lizzie) (VP stated (PP-TMP during (NP the inquest)) (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ her father and uncle) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the sitting room)) (NP-TMP (NP the afternoon) (PP-TMP before (NP the murders)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP had (VP been (VP disturbed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS their voices))))) and (VP had (VP closed (NP her door) , (SBAR-ADV (ADVP even) though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP very hot) day)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD evident) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ Lizzie) (VP did not (VP tell (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP overheard (NP *T*-3) (PP between (NP (NP her father) and (NP her Uncle Morse)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP that time)) (NP-SBJ Jennings) (VP had (NP (NP a young law associate) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Arthur S. Phillips))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A few years) ago) , (PP-TMP (ADVP not too long) before (NP his death)) , (NP-SBJ Phillips) (VP revealed (PP in (NP a newspaper story)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP suspected (NP Morse) (PP of (NP the murders))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Morse and Borden) (VP (VP had (VP quarreled (ADVP-MNR violently) (PP-LOC in (NP the house)) (NP-TMP that day))) , (NP-ADV (NP information) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP have (VP come (PP from (NP Lizzie)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP obviously) (NP-PRD (NP the sound) (PP of (NP this argument))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ Lizzie) (VP to (VP close (NP her door)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The New Bedford Standard-Times) (VP has (VP reported (NP Knowlton) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying , (PP-TMP (ADVP long) after (NP the trial)) , (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP only) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Borden) (VP said (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP his conversation) (PP with (NP Morse)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP convicted `` (NP somebody) '')))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Notice , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Knowlton) (VP did not (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP obtained (NP (NP a conviction) (PP in (NP (NP the trial) (PP of (NP Lizzie Borden))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP convicted `` (NP somebody) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (VP known (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Morse) (VP did (VP associate (PP with (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP itinerant horse traders)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP made (NP their headquarters) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Westport) , (NP (NP a town) (ADVP-LOC not far (PP from (NP Fall River))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (UCP-PRD (NP a vagabond lot) and (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (ADJP shady and undesirable) characters))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Fall River police) (VP did (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP Westport)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP (VP get (NP (NP any information) (PP against (NP Morse)))) and (VP (ADVP possibly) find (NP (NP an accomplice) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whom) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (VP hired (NP *T*-2) (PP from (PP among (NP these men))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These officers) (VP found (NP no incriminating information)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Morse 's) alibi) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as solid) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP returned (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the visit) (PP to (NP his niece)))) (PP on (NP the 11:20 streetcar)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The woman) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the house) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the niece) (VP was (VP staying (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) (VP (VP backed (PRT up) (NP his story)) and (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP left (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP shop (PP for (NP her dinner)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fall River) (VP is not (NP-PRD a fashionable town)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The dinner hour) (ADVP-LOC there)) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD twelve noon)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-3 this woman) (VP had (VP delayed (PP-TMP until (PP after (NP 11:20))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP start (NP her shopping)))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP have (VP had (NP (NP little time) (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prepare (NP (NP the substantial meal) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP eaten (NP *-1) (PP at (NP dinner)) (PP-TMP in (NP those days))))))) (PP-TMP *T*-4))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-2 that (S (S (NP-SBJ Morse) (VP told (NP the woman) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD 11:20)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (VP have (VP been (ADVP-TMP-PRD earlier) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did (VP serve (NP dinner) (PP-TMP on (NP time))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Police) (VP did (VP make (NP an attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP check (PP on (NP (NP Morse 's) alibi)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP interviewed (NP (NP the conductor) (PP of (NP (NP the streetcar) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Morse) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP taken (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP did not (VP remember (NP Morse) (PP as (NP a passenger))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Questioned (NP *-2) (ADVP further))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Morse) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (QP four or five) priests) (VP riding (PP on (NP the same car)) (PP with (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 The conductor) (VP did (VP recall (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having (NP priests) (PP as (NP passengers))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP satisfied (NP police) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ the conductor) (ADVP also) (VP pointed (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (PP-LOC in (NP (ADJP heavily Catholic) Fall River)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP priests) (VP riding (PP on (NP (NP (ADJP almost every) trip) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the streetcar) (VP made (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ (NP Morse 's) statement) (ADVP really) (VP proved (NP-PRD nothing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP do (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Morse) (VP left (NP the house) (PP-TMP before (NP nine o'clock))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bridget) (VP testified (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP leave (PP-DIR through (NP the side door)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Morse) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Borden) (VP (VP let (NP him) (PRT out)) and (VP locked (NP the screen door)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP that point) (ADVP on))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the post office))) (CONJP and then) (VP walked (ADVP-MNR leisurely) (PP-DIR to (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ his niece) (VP was (VP staying (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) , (ADVP-LOC (NP-ADV (QP more than a) mile) away)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP met (NP (NP nobody) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP *T*-1))))) (PP on (NP this walk))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no accounting) (PP of (NP (NP his movements) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP this long gap) (PP of (NP time)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP covers (NP (NP the early hours) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Borden) (VP was (VP killed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Morse) (VP testified (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP having (NP breakfast) (PP-LOC in (NP the dining room)))))) , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Borden) (VP told (NP the servant) , `` (S (NP-VOC Bridget) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP wash (NP these windows) (NP-TMP today)))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Bridget 's) testimony) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP direct contradiction))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-TMP-PRD after (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP returned (PP from (NP (NP her vomiting spell) (PP-LOC in (NP the back yard))))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Borden) (VP told (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wash (NP the windows))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (SBAR-TMP-PRD (ADVP long) after (S (NP-SBJ Morse) (VP had (VP left (NP the house)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Morse 's) knowledge) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Borden) (VP told (NP Bridget) (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP could (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP had (VP returned (ADVP-MNR secretly) (PP-DIR to (NP the house)))) and (VP was (VP hidden (NP *-2) (ADVP-LOC there)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (NP the house) (ADVP-MNR fairly well))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP on (NP (NP two previous visits) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the past (QP three or four) months) (ADVP alone)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP despite (NP (NP Knowlton 's) attempts (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the house) (VP was (VP locked (NP *-1) (PRT up) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP tighter) (PP than (NP a drum))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD true)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The screen door) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unlocked) (PP-TMP for (NP (QP some ten or fifteen) minutes)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Bridget) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sick) (PP-LOC in (NP the back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unlocked) (NP-TMP (NP all the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP washing (NP windows) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Morse) (VP could (VP have (VP (VP returned (ADVP-MNR openly) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Bridget) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sick) (PP-LOC in (NP the back yard)))))) and (VP gone (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP (NP the room) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP occupied (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Borden) (VP would not (VP have (VP been (VP alarmed (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP (NP Morse) (PP with (NP (NP an ax or hatchet) (PP-LOC in (NP his hand)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP been (PP-DIR-PRD to (NP the farm)) (NP-TMP the previous day)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP have (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP needed (NP the ax or hatchet) (PP-LOC at (NP the farm))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Borden) (VP would (VP have (VP had (NP (NP no reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP disbelieve (NP him) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP have (VP approached (ADVP-LOC close enough (PP to (NP her)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP swing (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP cry (ADVP out))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP could (VP have (VP (VP left (PP for (NP Weybosset Street)) (PP-TMP after (NP her murder))) and (VP made (NP it) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP time)))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP using (NP the streetcar)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP took (NP (NP an earlier streetcar) (PP than (NP the 11:20))) (PP on (NP his return))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP have (VP arrived (PP-LOC at (NP the Borden house)) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP shortly) after (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Borden) (VP came (ADVP-DIR home))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (S (NP-SBJ Lizzie) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the barn))) , (S (NP-SBJ the screen door) (ADJP-PRD unlocked)) and (S (NP-SBJ Bridget) (ADVP-LOC-PRD upstairs (PP in (NP her attic room)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP had (NP (NP (ADJP free and easy) access) (PP to (NP the house)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ the second murder) (ADVP-PRD over))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP have (VP (VP left) , (VP hidden (NP the weapon) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP some vacant lot) or (NP an abandoned cistern)) (PP-LOC in (NP the neighborhood)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His unconcerned stroll) (PP down (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the house)))) (PP to (NP a pear tree))) , (PP with (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ crowds) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP gathering (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the building)))))) and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Sawyer) (VP guarding (NP the side door))))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD odd)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no close examination) (PP of (NP his clothes)) (PP for (NP bloodstains))))) , and (S (ADVP certainly) (NP-SBJ-1 no scientific test) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1) (PP of (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP for (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP traveled (ADVP around) (PP without (NP (NP any change) (PP of (NP clothing))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a few more stains) (PP-LOC on (NP his dark suit))) (VP may (ADVP very well) (VP have (VP gone (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP unnoticed (NP *-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The motive) (VP may (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD the mysterious quarrel))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no financial gain) (PP for (NP Morse)) (PP in (NP the murders))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-1 On (NP (NP the other side) (PP of (NP the ledger)))) (VP is (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (VP see (NP (NP his niece) and (NP (NP the woman) (SBAR (WHPP-2 with (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP staying (PP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The time) (VP would (VP have (VP been (PP-TMP-PRD (ADVP shortly) after (NP (NP the murder) (PP of (NP Mrs. Borden)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP noticed (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP unusual) (PP in (NP his behavior))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP promised (NP Mrs. Borden) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP return (PP-TMP in (NP time)) (PP for (NP dinner))))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADVP-PRD close (PP to (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (VP turn (PRT up) (PP-LOC at (NP the Borden house)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ Pearson) (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP (NP Bridget Sullivan) (PP as (NP a possible suspect)))) (PP in (NP his trial-book essay)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 The police) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP ceased (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP upon (NP either (NP Bridget) or (NP Mr. Morse))) (PP as (PP in (NP (NP possession) (PP of (NP guilty knowledge))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Neither) (VP had (NP (NP any interest) (PP in (NP the deaths))))) ; ; (S (ADVP indeed) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP was (ADVP probably) (PP-PRD to (NP (NP Mr. Morse 's) advantage)) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ Mr. and Mrs. Borden) (ADJP-PRD alive))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-5 Both he and Bridget) (VP were (VP exonerated (NP *-5) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Lizzie) (NP herself))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his complete discussion) (PP of (NP (NP Bridget Sullivan) (PP as (NP a possible suspect)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ Pearson) (VP (VP disbelieved (NP (NP almost everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Lizzie) (VP said (NP *T*-1)))))) , and (VP read (NP a sinister purpose) (PP into (NP (NP almost everything) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did (NP *T*-2)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-MNR happily) (VP accepted (NP (NP her statement) (PP about (NP Bridget))) (PP as (NP the whole truth))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP nothing) (ADVP further)) (VP need (VP be (VP said (NP *-1) (PP about (NP the servant girl)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The exoneration) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Pearson) (VP speaks (PP of (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD not (NP an exoneration) , but (NP (NP (NP Lizzie 's) expression) (PP of (NP her opinion)) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP reported (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP the testimony) (PP of (NP Assistant Marshal Fleet)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This officer) (VP had (VP asked (NP Lizzie) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP suspected (NP her Uncle Morse))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP replied (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (NP it)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP left (NP the house) (PP-TMP before (NP the murders))) and (VP returned (PP-TMP after (NP them)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Fleet) (VP asked (NP the same question) (PP about (NP Bridget)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Lizzie) (VP pointed (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (ADVP (ADVP as far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (ADVP *?*))))) (NP-SBJ Bridget) (VP (VP had (VP gone (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP her room))) (PP-TMP before (NP (NP her father 's) murder)))) and (VP came (ADVP-DIR down) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP called (NP her) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lizzie) , (ADVP actually) , (ADVP-TMP never) (VP named (NP any suspect)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP told (NP police) (PP about (NP (NP the prospective tenant) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP quarreling (PP with (NP her father)) (PP-TMP (NP-ADV some weeks) before (NP the murders)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD from (PP out (PP of (NP town))))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP mention (NP (NP something) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP talking (PP to (NP his partner)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (ADVP (ADVP much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP detested (NP Hiram Harrington) (ADVP *?*))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP also) (VP did not (VP accuse (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP the inquest)) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP asked (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR specifically) (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (NP (NP anybody) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ her father) (VP had (NP (NP bad feelings) (PP toward (NP *T*-3)))))) , or (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (NP (NP bad feelings) (PP toward (NP her father))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP replied , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (PP of (NP (NP one man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has not (VP been (ADJP-PRD friendly (PP with (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP have not (VP been (ADJP-PRD friendly) (PP-TMP for (NP years)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP Asked (NP *-3) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP named (NP Harrington)) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Her statement) (ADVP certainly) (VP was (ADJP-PRD true))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 the press) (VP reported (NP the same facts) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP using (NP (NP Harrington 's) interview))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Lizzie) (VP did not (VP suggest (PP at (NP the inquest)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Harrington) (VP was (NP-PRD the killer))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP interviewed (NP (NP Kirby) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (PP as (NP a boy)) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP picked (PRT up) (NP pears) (PP-LOC in (NP the Borden yard)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ (NP anybody) (ADVP else) (PP-LOC in (NP the household)) (PP besides (NP Lizzie and Morse))) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD under (NP any suspicion)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP the murders))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (VP heard (PP of (NP (NP anybody) (ADVP else)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 `` (WHADVP How) (PP about (NP Bridget Sullivan)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ I) (VP inquired (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP the maid) (ADVP-LOC there)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP replied (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP waving (NP a hand) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP indicate (SBAR (WHADJP-4 how completely unimportant) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-4)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kirby) (VP was , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP reflecting (NP (NP the opinion) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP existed (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP murders)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Everyone) (ADVP-MNR somehow) (VP manages (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP overlook (ADVP completely) (NP the fact (SBAR that , (S (ADVP (ADVP as far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP know (ADVP *?*))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP (QP exactly two) people) (PP-LOC in and about (NP the house)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP both murders))))) : (NP (NP Lizzie Borden) and (NP Bridget Sullivan))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP All the officials) (PP on (NP the case))) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP have (VP been (VP afflicted (NP *-4) (PP with (NP a similar myopia)) (ADVP (ADVP as far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bridget) (VP was (VP concerned (NP *-1) (ADVP *?*))))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ (NP records) (PP-LOC in (NP police files))) (VP contain (NP (NP many reports) (PP of (NP (NP servants) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP have (VP murdered (NP their employers)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ True) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP-TMP no longer) (NP-PRD cricket) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ the butler) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD the killer) (PP in (NP mystery fiction)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (VP dealing (ADVP here) (PP with (NP (NP (NP actual people) (PP in (NP real life))) and not (NP imaginary characters and situations)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The actions) (PP of (NP Bridget))) (VP should (VP be (VP examined (NP *-1) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))) and (S (NP-SBJ opportunity) (VP did (VP exist))))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP establish (NP her innocence)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP other factors) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP require (NP closer examination)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The legend) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP exists (PP-LOC in (NP Fall River)) (NP-TMP today))))) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP includes (NP the solemn assurance (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Bridget) (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP Ireland)) (PP-TMP after (NP the trial)) (PP with (NP (NP a `` big bundle '') (PP of (NP cash)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Lizzie) (VP gave (NP-2 her) (NP *T*-1) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP keeping (S (NP-SBJ her mouth) (ADJP-PRD shut))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP believe and retell (NP the legend))))) (VP (VP have (ADVP apparently) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP troubled (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP read (NP the trial testimony)))))) and (VP do not (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the maid) (VP changed (NP (NP her testimony) (PP on (NP several key points))) , (PP (ADVP-TMP always) to (NP (NP the detriment) (PP of (NP Lizzie)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Bridget) (VP did (VP get (NP (NP any bundles) (PP of (NP cash))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the last person) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP have (VP rewarded (NP her) (PP for (NP (NP services) (VP rendered (NP *)))))))))) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD Lizzie Borden)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bridget) (VP was (VP born (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP Ireland)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP fourteen children)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADVP apparently) (NP-PRD (NP the pioneer) (PP in (NP her family))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP no close relatives) (PP-LOC in (NP this country))) (PP-TMP at (NP that time)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP worked (PP as (NP a domestic)) , (ADVP-TMP first) (PP-LOC-1 in (NP Newport)) (PP-TMP-2 for (NP a year))) , (CONJP and then) (VP (PP-LOC=1 in (NP (NP South Bethlehem) , (NP Pennsylvania))) , (PP-TMP=2 for (NP another year)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (ADVP finally) (VP (VP settled (PP-LOC in (NP Fall River))) and , (VP (PP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP being (VP employed (NP *-1) (PP-TMP for (NP a time)) (PP by (NP-LGS a Mrs. Reed)))))) , was (VP hired (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the Bordens))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP previously) (VP described (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) , (S (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the week) (PP of (NP the murder)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Bridget) (VP spent (NP the first few hot days) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP scrubbing and ironing (NP clothes))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her father) , (NP James Upton)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the Upton) (VP mentioned (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Hawthorne)) (PP in (NP (NP the famous introduction) (PP to (NP the Scarlet Letter)))) (PP as (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP came (PP-DIR into (NP the old custom house)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP business) (PP with (NP him)) (PP as (NP (NP the surveyor) (PP of (NP the port))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP A gentleman) (PP of (NP the old school)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Upton) (VP (VP possessed (NP (NP intellectual power) , (NP ample means))) , and (VP (ADVP withal) , was (NP-PRD a devoted Christian))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The daughter) (VP profited (PP from (NP (NP his interest) (PP in (NP (ADJP scientific and philosophical) subjects))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her mother) (ADVP also) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a person) (PP of (NP (NP superior mind) and (NP broad interests))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD clear evidence (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (PP-TMP from (NP childhood)) (VP had (NP an unusual mind)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP possessed (NP (NP an observant eye) , (NP a retentive memory) , and (NP a critical faculty))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV nine years) old) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP wrote (NP (NP a description) (PP of (NP (NP a store) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP visited (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP named (NP 48 items)) , and (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were `` (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP many more) things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP take (ADVP too long) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP write (FRAG (NP *T*-1)))))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An essay) (PP on `` (NP Freedom) '') (VP written (NP *) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP 10 years) (PP of (NP age)))))) (VP quoted (NP (NP (NP the Declaration) (PP of (NP Independence))) , (NP (NP the freedom) (VP given (NP *) (PP-DTV to (NP slaves)) (PP-LOC in (NP Canada)))) , and (NP (NP the views) (PP of (NP George Washington))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Lucy Upton) (VP was (VP graduated (NP *-1) (PP from (NP the Salem High School)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP few colleges) , (NP only Oberlin and Elmira)) , (VP were (ADJP-PRD open (PP to (NP women))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP an appetite) (PP for (NP learning)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP could not (VP be (VP denied (NP *-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A picture) (PP of (NP (NP her) (PP in (NP high school))))) (VP comes (PP from (NP (NP a younger schoolmate) , (NP (NP Albert S. Flint) , (NP (NP (NP friend) (PP of (NP (NP her brother) (NP Winslow)))) , and (ADVP-TMP later) , (PP like (NP Winslow)) , (NP a noted astronomer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP recalled (NP Lucy) , (PP as `` (NP (NP a bright-looking black-eyed young lady) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP came (ADVP regularly) (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the boys ') study hall)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP join (NP (NP the class) (PP in (NP Greek)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the little recitation room) (ADVP-LOC beyond))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The study) (PP of (NP Greek))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the distinctive mark) (PP of (NP (NP boys) (VP destined (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP to (NP college))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Lucy Upton) (ADVP too)) (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP go (PP to (NP college))) and (VP take (NP (NP the full classical course) (VP offered (NP *) (PP-DTV to (NP men)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The death) (PP of (NP her mother)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1865))) (VP prevented (NP this)) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ four younger children) (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP home)))) , (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP stepped (PP into (NP (NP her mother 's) role)))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) after (S (NP-SBJ the brothers and sisters) (VP were (ADJP-PRD grown)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP her father 's) comfort and stay) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP died (PP-TMP in (NP 1879))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP But) (ADVP even so) (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP could not (VP give (PRT up) (NP her intellectual pursuits))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP her brother) (NP Winslow)) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP a student) (PP at (NP Brown University))) (PP-TMP in (NP 1874)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP wrote (NP him) (PP about (NP (NP a course) (PP in (NP history)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP taking (NP *T*-2) (PP under (NP Professor Diman)))))))) : `` (SQ (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP Prof. Diman 's) definition) (PP of (NP civilization)))))) , and (SQ (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP take (NP (NP the world) (ADVP through)))) , (SQ is (NP-SBJ its progress) (ADJP-PRD ever onward)) , or (SQ does (NP-SBJ it) (VP retrograde (PP-TMP at (NP times))))) ? ?)))) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (ADVP-MNR profitably) (VP study (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the history) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) , (ADVP perhaps) (PP-TMP (NP-ADV two weeks) behind (NP you))))))) . '')) (TOP (S And (NP-TPC-2 that) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP proceeded (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (UCP-TMP (ADVP (NP Many years) later) (PRN -LRB- (PP on (NP August 3 , 1915)) -RRB-)) , (NP-SBJ Lucy Upton) (VP wrote (NP (NP (NP Winslow 's) daughter) (VP (ADVP-TMP soon) to (VP be (VP graduated (NP *) (PP from (NP Smith College)))))) : `` (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP (NP botany) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (PP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP dabbling (PP in (NP *T*-2)) (PP-TMP for (NP years))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP studied (NP *T*-2) (PP according (PP to (NP (NP the methods) (PP of (NP (NP that day) (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP exactly forty) years) ago) (PP-LOC in (NP a summer school)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD fascinating) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (PRT up) (NP zoology) (PP in (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP doing (ADVP-MNR *T*-4)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-ADV (WHNP-2 Whatever) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the science) (PP in (NP the high school course)) (PP-TMP for (NP the time being)))))) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD my favorite study)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mathematics) (VP came (ADVP next)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Her study) (PP of (NP history))) (VP was (ADVP-MNR persistently) (VP pursued (NP *-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP read (NP (NP (NP (NP Maitland 's) (NX-TTL Dark Ages)) , `` (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP enjoyed (NP *T*-1) (ADVP very much)))) '') ; ; (NP (NP La Croix) (PP on (NP-TTL (NP the Customs) (PP of (NP the Middle Ages))))) , (NP (NP 16 chapters) (PP of (NP Bryce)) (PRN `` (S and (NP-SBJ *) (VP liked (NP it) (ADVP more and more))) '')) ; ; (NP (NP more chapters) (PP of (NP Guizot))) ; ; (NP (NP Lecky and Stanley 's) (NX-TTL Eastern Church)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP discussed (PP in (NP (NP her letters) (PP to (NP Winslow)))) (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the questions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (PP to (NP her)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP studied (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD alone)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Lucy 's) correspondence) (PP with (NP brother Winslow)) (PP-TMP during (NP his college days))) (VP was not (ADVP entirely) (VP taken (NP *-1) (PRT up) (PP with (NP academic studies)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP played (NP chess) (PP with (NP him)) (PP by (NP postcard))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) (NP-SBJ Lucy and Winslow) (VP had (NP a private contest (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 which one) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP make (NP the most words) (PP from (NP (NP the letters) (PP in `` (NP importunately) '')))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 Who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP won))) (VP is not (VP revealed (NP *-1)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Winslow 's) daughter) (NP Eleanor)) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (PP up (PP to (NP 1,212 words)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD another family interest) (ADVP also)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winslow) (VP had (NP musical talents) , (SBAR-ADV as (SINV (VP had (NP *?*)) (NP-SBJ his father) (PP-TMP before (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP different times)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP served (PP (PP as (NP glee-club and choir leader)) and (PP as (NP organist)))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF And (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD Lucy Upton) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP started (NP (NP the idea) (PP of (NP (NP a regular course) (PP in (NP Music)) (PP-LOC at (NP Spelman College))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winslow Upton) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP (NP graduation) (PP from (NP Brown University))) and (NP (NP two years) (PP of (NP graduate study))))) , (VP accepted (NP (NP a position) (PP-LOC at (NP the Harvard Observatory)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (PP-TMP-2 For (NP three years)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP-3 was (VP connected (NP *-1) (PP (PP with (NP the U.S. Naval Observatory)) and (PP with (NP the U.S. Signal Corps)))))) ; ; and (S (PP-TMP=2 after (NP 1883)) , (VP=3 was (NP-PRD (NP professor) (PP of (NP astronomy))) (PP-LOC at (NP Brown University))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The six expeditions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP study (NP (NP eclipses) (PP of (NP the sun))))))) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a member) (PP *T*-1)))))) , (VP took (NP him) (PP-DIR (PP to (NP Colorado , Virginia , and California)) (CONJP as well as) (PP (PP to (NP the South Pacific)) and (PP to (NP Russia))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP her father 's) death)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Lucy) and (NP her youngest sister)) (VP lived (PP-TMP for (NP a few years)) (PP with (NP Winslow)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Washington) , (NP D.C .)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ Their house) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP writes (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Albert S. Flint)) ,) `` (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD (NP a haven) (PP of (NP (NP hospitality) and (NP good cheer))) , (ADJP especially grateful (PP to (NP (NP one) (PP like (NP myself)) (ADVP-LOC far (PP from (NP home)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a lively part) (PP of (NP the household)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (ADJP physical (CONJP as well as) mental) vigor)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Winslow) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP his daughters) (NP Eleanor and Margaret)) (VP recall))) , (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP characterize (NP her) (PP as `` (NP our iron sister) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP suppose (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP would (VP have (VP made (NP (NP a record) (ADJP (ADJP as publicly distinguished) (PP as (NP her brother)))) (SBAR-ADV (SINV had (NP-SBJ it) not (VP been (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP her mother 's) death) (VP occurred (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP enter (NP college))))))))))))))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (NP-SBJ Albert S. Flint) (VP expressed (NP his conviction (SBAR that (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP her physical strength) , (NP her mental power) , (NP (NP her lively interest) (PP in (NP (NP all objects) (PP about (NP her))))) and (NP her readiness (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP serve (NP her fellow beings)))))) '' (VP would (VP have (VP led (NP her) `` (PP to (NP (NP a distinguished career) (PP amongst (NP (NP the noted women) (PP of (NP this country)))))) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (FRAG (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP Washington) , (NP D.C.))))) , (NP-SBJ Lucy Upton) (VP held (NP (NP positions) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP the U.S. Census Office)) , and (PP in (NP the Pension Bureau))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD sufficiently challenging) (ADVP however))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP resigned (PP-TMP in (NP 1887)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP Germany)) (PP with (NP (NP (NP her brother) (NP Winslow)) and (NP his family))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP on (NP study)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP the months) (PP-LOC in (NP Europe)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP Boston))) and (VP became (ADJP-PRD active (PP in (NP church and community life))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP an `` accidental meeting '') (PP with (NP Miss Packard)) (PP-LOC in (NP Washington)))))))) (VP turned (NP her attention) (PP to (NP Spelman))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 Here) (VP was (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a cause) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP believed (PP in (NP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP-TMP After (NP (NP correspondence) (PP with (NP Miss Packard)))) and (PP to (NP (NP the joy) (PP of (NP (NP Miss Packard) and (NP Miss Giles)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP Atlanta)) , (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the fall) (PP of (NP 1888)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 wherever) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP needed (NP *-3) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-PRD (NP no money) (ADJP available) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP her) (NP a salary) (ADVP *T*-4)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP served (PP-TMP for (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP years)))) (PP without (NP (NP pay) (PP beyond (NP her travel and maintenance))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her students) (VP have (VP spoken (PP (PP of (NP (NP the exacting standards) (PP of (NP scholarship)))) and (PP of (NP (NP manners and conduct) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP expected and achieved (NP *T*-2) (PP from (NP the students))))))) ; ; (PP of (NP (NP her `` great power) (PP of (NP discernment)) '')) ; ; (PP of (NP `` (NP (NP her exquisiteness) (PP of (NP dress))) '' , `` (NP (NP her well-modulated voice) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP went (PP (ADVP straight) to (NP (NP the hearts) (PP of (NP the hearers)))))))) '' ; ; (NP (NP her great love) (PP of (NP flowers and plants and birds))) ; ; and (NP (NP her close knowledge) (PP of (NP individual students)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP drew (PP on (NP (NP all her resources) (PP of (NP mind and heart)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP help (NP them))) -- (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ them) (PP-PRD at (NP home)) (PP-LOC in (NP the world))))))))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ graduates) (ADVP-MNR gratefully) (VP recall))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP drew (PP on (NP her purse)) (ADVP as well))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Many a student) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remain (PP-LOC at (NP Spelman)))))) , (PP-PRP (ADVP only) because of (NP her unobtrusive help))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Under (NP Miss Upton)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the work) (PP of (NP the year 1909-10))) (VP went (ADVP forward) (PP without (NP interruption))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP Spelman Seminary)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1888)))) , and (VP had (VP been (PP-TMP since (NP 1891)) (PP except (PP for (NP one year))) , (NP-PRD (NP Associate Principal) or (NP Dean))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP taught (NP (NP classes) (PP in (NP (NP botany) , (NP astronomy) (PRN -LRB- (PP with (NP (NP the aid) (PP of (NP a telescope)))) -RRB-) , (NP geometry) , and (NP psychology)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Miss Upton) and (NP Miss Packard)) , (PP as (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (VP had (NP many tastes) (PP in (NP common))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP had (NP (ADJP eager and inquiring) minds))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ both) (VP believed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ intellectual growth) (VP must (VP go (NP-ADV (NP hand) (PP in (NP hand))) (PP with (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP (NP sturdy character) and (NP Christian zeal))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP loved (NP (NP the out-of-doors) , (PP including (NP (NP mountain climbing) and (NP horseback riding))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (PP-TMP In (NP (NP 1890) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the trip) (PP to (NP (NP Europe) and (NP the Holy Land)))) (VP was (VP arranged (NP *-2) (PP for (NP Miss Packard)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD Miss Upton) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP planned (NP the trip)) , and (VP `` (PP with (NP rare executive ability)) '' bore (NP (NP the brunt) (PP of `` (NP the entire pilgrimage))) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP beginning)) (PP to (NP end))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADJP-TPC-1 (ADJP So strenuous) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (ADVP physically) , (PP with (NP (NP its days) (PP of (NP (NP horseback riding) (PP-LOC over (NP rough roads)))))) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seems (NP-PRD (NP an amazing feat) (PP of (NP endurance)) (PP for (NP both (NP Miss Packard) and (NP Miss Upton)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ they) (VP thrived (PP on (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP (NP the Fifteenth Anniversary) (PRN -LRB- (NP-TMP 1896) -RRB-))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP quoted (NP *-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Miss Upton) (VP projected (PP with (NP force and eloquence)) (NP (NP the Spelman) (PP of (NP the Future))) (PP as (NP (NP a college) (PP of (NP first rank)) , (PP with (NP (ADJP expanding and unlimited) horizons))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Dr. Wallace Buttrick) , (ADJP wise (PP in (NP (NP his judgment) (PP of (NP people)))))) , (VP declined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 the Science Building) (VP named (NP *-2) (PP for (NP him))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (NP Miss Tapley) (PRN -LRB- (NP-TMP April 7 , 1923) -RRB-) `` (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (VP asked (NP me))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP have (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP name (NP the building) (PP for (NP Miss Upton))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her services) (PP to (NP the School))) (PP-TMP for (NP many years)) (VP were (PP-PRD of (NP a (ADJP very high) character)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP often) (VP thought (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP one) (PP of (NP the buildings))) (VP should (VP be (VP named (NP *-1) (PP for (NP her)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 Such) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the qualities) (PP of (NP (NP the Acting-President) (PP of (NP the Seminary))))) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the death) (PP of (NP Miss Giles)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the meeting) (PP of (NP (NP the Board) (PP of (NP Trustees)))))) , (PP-TMP on (NP March 3 , 1910)) , (NP-SBJ Miss Upton) (VP presented (NP (NP the annual report) (PP of (NP the President)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP noted (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 no student) (VP had (VP been (VP withdrawn (NP *-1) (PP through (NP (NP loss) (PP of (NP confidence))))))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the enrollment) (VP showed (NP (NP an increase) (PP of (NP boarding students))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP was (VP desired (NP *-2)))))))) ; ; and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the year 's) work) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP forward) (ADVP-MNR smoothly))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP urged (NP (NP the importance) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP more thorough) preparation) (PP for (NP admission)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP The raising) (PP of (NP the (ADJP $ 25,000 *U*) Improvement Fund)) (SBAR (NP-ADV two days) before (S (NP-SBJ the time limit) (VP expired)))) , and (NP (NP the spontaneous `` praise demonstration '') (VP held (NP *) (ADVP-TMP afterward) (PP-LOC on (NP the campus))))) , (VP were (VP reported (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP events) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP brought (NP happiness) (PP-DTV to (NP Miss Giles)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ the Fund) (PP-PRD in (NP hand)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the debt) (PP on (NP the boilers))) (VP had (VP been (VP paid (NP *-1))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Rockefeller and Packard Halls) (VP had (VP been (VP-5 renovated (NP *-2))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ=2-4 walks) (VP=5 laid (NP *-4)))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ-3 ground) (VP had (VP been (VP broken (NP *-3) (PP for (NP (NP the superintendent 's) home)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Upton) (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR gratefully) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the response) (PP of (NP (NP Spelman graduates) and (NP Negro friends))) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP helping (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP raise (NP the Fund)))))))) , and (NP their continuing efforts (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP raise (NP money) (PP for (NP (ADJP greatly needed) current expenses))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP spoke (ADVP also) (PP with (NP (NP deep thankfulness) (PP of (NP (NP the many individuals and agencies) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP whose interest and efforts) (PP-TMP through (NP the years))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the work) (ADJP-PRD so fruitful (PP in (NP results))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Two bequests) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP were (VP recorded (NP *-2) : (NP-1 (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP $ 200 *U*)) (PP under (NP (NP the will) (PP of (NP (NP Mrs. Harriet A. Copp) (PP of (NP Los Angeles))))))) ; ; and (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP $ 2,000 *U*)) (PP under (NP (NP the will) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Miss Celia L. Brett) (PP of (NP (NP Hamilton) , (NP New York)))) , (NP (NP a friend) (PP from (NP the early days))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Upton) (VP told (NP the Trustees) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the death) (PP of (NP Miss Giles))) (VP was (NP-PRD `` (NP the sorest grief) '' (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Seminary) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (VP called (ADVP upon) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bear (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP The daughters) (PP of (NP Spelman))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP known or thought (PP of (NP (NP Spelman) (PP without (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The removal) (PP of (NP Miss Packard)) (ADVP-TMP (NP 18 years) earlier)) (VP had (VP caused (NP them) (NP great sorrow)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP Miss Giles))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ the school) (VP was (ADVP indeed) (ADJP-PRD bereft)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ Spelman) (VP (VP has (NP strong , deep roots)) , and (VP will (VP live (PP for (NP (NP the blessing) (PP of (NP (NP generations) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP come))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Miss Mary Jane Packard) , (NP (NP Sophia 's) half-sister)) , (VP became (ADJP-PRD ill) (PP-TMP in (NP March , 1910)))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ school) (VP closed (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP travel (PP-DIR to (NP Massachusetts)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP remained (PP-LOC in (NP Atlanta)) (PP-TMP through (NP June and July)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP died (PP-TMP on (NP August sixth)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP Before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP coming (PP on (NP (NP a visit) (PP to (NP Spelman)))) (PP-TMP in (NP 1885))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Miss Mary) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a successful teacher) (PP-LOC in (NP Worcester))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP her position) (ADVP-LOC there)) (VP was (VP held (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open (PP for (NP her)))) (PP-TMP for (NP a considerable period))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (PP-LOC at (NP Spelman)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP helped (PP with (NP (NP teaching) (CONJP as well as) (NP office work))) (PP-TMP for (NP a few years)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ the catalogues) (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP classes) (PP in (NP geography , rhetoric and bookkeeping)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Soon) (NP-SBJ the office work) (VP claimed (NP all her time)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD closely associated (PP with (NP the Founders))) (PP in (NP all their trials and hardships))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP Quiet and energetic) , (ADJP cheerful and calm))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP she) (ADVP too)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a power) (PP in (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP the seminary)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Giles) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP refer (PP to (NP her)) (PP as `` (NP Sister) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP served (PP as (NP secretary)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Seminary office)) (PP-TMP for (NP 25 years))) , and (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP charge) (PP of (NP correspondence , records , and bookkeeping)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The books) (PP of (NP the school))) (VP hold (NP (NP a memorial) (PP to (NP her))))) ; ; and (SINV (ADVP-TPC-1 so) (VP do (ADVP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the hearts) (PP (PP of (NP students)) and (PP of (NP teachers))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ-2 Mary J. Packard) (PRN , (SINV (VP states (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) (NP-SBJ a Messenger editorial)) ,) (VP was `` (ADJP-PRD efficient , pains-taking , self-effacing , loving) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP radiating (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP her Master)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP With (NP infinite patience)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP responded (PP to (NP every call)) , (ADVP no matter (FRAG (WHPP at (WHNP (WHNP what cost) (PP to (NP herself)))))))) , and (S (PP-DIR-TPC-1 to (NP her)) (NP-SBJ all) (VP went (PP-DIR *T*-1) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP the needed information) or (NP (NP word) (PP of (NP cheer))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Northern liberals) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the chief supporters) (PP (PP of (NP civil rights)) and (PP of (NP integration))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP have (ADVP also) (VP led (NP the nation) (PP in (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (NP a welfare state)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP both in (NP (NP their objectives) (PP (PP of (NP non-discrimination)) and (PP of (NP social progress))))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP had (SINV (VP ranged (PP against (NP them))) (NP-SBJ (NP the Southerners) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD Bourbons)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The name) (ADVP presumably) (VP derives (PP from (NP (NP the French royal house) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP (VP learned) and (VP (ADVP-TMP never) forgot)))))) ; ; (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Bourbon whiskey)) , (PP though (PP of (NP Kentucky origin))) , (VP is (ADVP (ADVP (ADVP at least) as much) (PP *ICH*-3)) (VP favored (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP liberals) (PP-LOC in (NP the North)))) (PP-3 as (PP by (NP-LGS (NP conservatives) (PP-LOC in (NP the South)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The nature) (PP of (NP (NP the opposition) (PP between (NP liberals and Bourbons))))) (VP is (ADVP too little) (VP understood (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the North)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The race problem) (VP has (VP tended (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP obscure (NP (NP other , (ADJP less emotional) , issues) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP may (ADVP fundamentally) (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADVP even more) divisive))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP these other differences) (PP between (NP North and South))) -- (ADJP other , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is))) , (PP than (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP concern (NP (NP (NP discrimination) or (NP social welfare))))))))) --) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP chiefly) (VP discuss (NP *T*-2) (ADVP herein))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP write (PP about (NP Northern liberals)) (PP from (NP considerable personal experience))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP A Southerner) (VP married (NP *) (PP to (NP a New Englander)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP lived (PP-TMP for (NP many years)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a Connecticut commuting town) (PP with (NP (NP a high percentage) (PP of (NP (NP artists) , (NP writers) , (NP publicity men) , and (NP (NP business executives) (PP of (NP egghead tastes))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP them))) (VP are (NP-PRD Democrats))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 nearly all) (VP (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ themselves) (NP-PRD *RNR*-1))) , and (VP are (VP viewed (NP *-2) (PP as , (NP *RNR*-1)))) (NP-1 liberals))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (VP puzzling (PP to (NP (NP an outsider) (ADJP conscious (PP of (NP (NP the classic tradition) (PP of (NP liberalism))))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP these Democrats) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP are (ADJP-PRD left-of-center))))) (VP are (PP-PRD at (NP (NP opposite poles) (PP from (NP (NP the liberal Jefferson) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP held (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the best government) (VP was (NP-PRD the least government))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (ADVP paradoxically) (NP-SBJ-1 my liberal friends) (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP view (NP Jefferson) (PP as (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP their patron saints)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP question (NP them) (PP as (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP mean (NP *T*-3) (PP by (NP (NP concepts) (PP like (NP liberty and democracy))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP find (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP fall (PP into (NP (NP two categories) : (NP (NP (NP the simpler ones) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (ADVP simply) (VP accepted (NP (NP the shibboleths) (PP of (NP their faith))) (PP without (NP analysis))))))) ; ; and (NP (NP the intelligent , cynical ones) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP scornfully) (VP reply (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ these things) (VP do n't (VP count (ADVP-TMP any more) (PP in (NP (NP the world) (PP of (ADJP to-day))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD naive) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP use) (PP of (NP such words))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (NP-SBJ this) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP mean (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the (ADJP (ADJP intelligent) -- and (ADVP therefore) (ADJP necessarily cynical ? ?) --) liberal) (VP considers (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the need) (PP for (NP (NP a national economy) (PP with (NP (NP controls) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP assure (NP (NP his conception) (PP of (NP social justice)))))))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so great) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (ADJP individual and local) liberties) (CONJP as well as) (NP democratic processes)) (VP may (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP yield (PP before (NP it)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP seems (PP like (NP (NP an attitude) (VP favoring (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP totalitarian bureaucracy)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (PP under (NP (NP a President) (PP of (NP the same stamp)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP would (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP coerce (NP an uncooperative Congress or Supreme Court))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP (NP states ') rights))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (ADVP-TMP never) (VP counted (PP in (NP (NP the thinking) (PP of (NP my liberal friends)))) (PP except (PP as (NP (NP irritations) (PP of (NP a (ADJP minor and immoral) nature)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP exist (ADVP-TMP now) (PP (ADVP only) as (NP anachronisms)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The American liberal) (VP may , (PP in (NP (NP the world) (PP of (NP to-day)))) , (VP have (NP a strong case)))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP presents (NP-1 it) (ADVP publicly) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so enmeshed) (PP in (NP hypocrisy)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (NP-PRD an honest one)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) , (SQ (PP in (NP the first place)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP call (S (NP-SBJ himself) (NP-PRD a liberal)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP is (PP-PRD against (NP laissez-faire))) and (VP favors (NP (NP an authoritarian central government) (PP with (NP (NP womb-to-tomb controls) (PP over (NP everybody))))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP attaches (NP little importance) (PP to (NP personal liberty))))) , (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) not (VP make (S (NP-SBJ this) (ADJP-PRD known (PP to (NP the world)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ And (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD so scornful (PP of (NP (NP the rights) (PP of (NP states)))))))) , (WHADVP-2 why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) not (VP advocate (NP (NP a different sort) (PP of (NP constitution)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP more sincerely) (VP support (NP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-LOC here) , (ADVP however) , (PP-1 with (NP (NP (NP the Northern liberal 's) attitude) (PP toward (NP the South))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP appears (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP intense dislike) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP makes (NP little effort) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP conceal (NP *T*-2)))) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP (NP the presence) (PP of (NP Southern friends)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His assumption) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-2 any such friends) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP being (NP-PRD tolerable humans))) , (VP must (VP be (UCP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP more liberal) (PP than (NP most Southerners))) and (ADVP therefore) (PP (ADVP (ADVP at least) partly) in (NP (NP sympathy) (PP with (NP his views))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Time 's) editor) , (NP Thomas Griffith) ,) (PP in (NP (NP his book) , (NP-TTL The Waist-High Culture) ,)) (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-TPC-2 (NP most) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD different (PP about (NP (NP it) -LRB- (NP the Deep South) -RRB-)))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ myself) (ADJP-PRD unsympathetic (PP to (NP *T*-2))))))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) , (PP for (NP (NP the liberals) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP *T*-1)))))) , (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD an understatement))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Theirs) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP no mere lack) (PP of (NP sympathy))) , but (NP (NP something) (ADJP closer (PP to (NP (NP the passionate hatred) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP directed (NP *-1) (PP against (NP Fascism)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ my experience) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD typical (PP for (NP (NP Southerners) (VP living (PP-LOC in (NP the North)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP business circles) , (ADJP usually conservative) ,)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP this sort) (PP of (NP atmosphere))) (VP would (ADVP hardly) (VP be (VP found (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP in (NP our case)) (PRN -- and (S (NP-SBJ neither (NP my wife) nor (NP I)) (VP have (NP (NP extreme views) (PP on (NP integration))))) , nor (SINV are (NP-SBJ we) (ADJP-PRD given (PP to (NP emotional outbursts))))) -- (NP-SBJ the situation) (VP has (VP (VP ruined (NP (QP one or two) valued friendships)) and (VP come (ADJP-PRD close (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP wrecking (NP several more)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP give (NP serious thought) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP moving (NP our residence) (ADVP-DIR south))))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD easy (PP for (S (NP-SBJ the (ADJP most objective) Southerner) (VP to (VP sit (ADVP-MNR calmly) (ADVP by))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ his host) (VP is (VP telling (NP (NP a roomful) (PP of (NP people))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the only way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP deal (PP with (NP (NP Southerners) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP oppose (NP integration)))))) (ADVP *T*-2)))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP send (PRT in) (NP troops)) and (VP shoot (NP the bastards) (PRT down)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP Accounts) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP have (VP been (VP published (NP *-3) (PP-1 of (NP (NP (NP Northern liberals) (PP-LOC in (NP the South))) (PP up (PP against (NP segregationist prejudice))) , (PP-LOC (ADVP especially) in (NP (NP state-supported universities) (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ pressure (S *ICH*-2)) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD strong) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP uphold (NP the majority view))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ these accounts) (VP do not (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Northerners) (VP have (VP been (VP subjected (NP *-1) (PP to (NP embarrassment or provocation)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Yankee-hatred) (VP displayed (NP *) (PP in (NP social gatherings)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP (NP my wife 's) experience) and (NP other sources))) , (NP-SBJ-2 this) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADVP rarely) (VP encountered (NP *-1) (PP in (NP educated circles))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The strong feeling) (VP is (ADVP certainly) (ADVP-PRD there))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a leavening) (PP of (NP liberalism))) (PP (PP among (NP (NP college graduates) (PP throughout (NP the South)))) , (PP (ADVP especially) among (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP studied (PP-LOC in (NP the North)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP social relations) (VP arising (PP out (PP of (NP business ties))))) (VP impose (NP (NP courtesy , (CONJP if not) sympathy) , (PP toward (NP (ADJP resident and visiting) Northerners)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) , (PP among (NP the latter)) (NP-SBJ a large percentage) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP acquire (NP (NP the prevalent Southern attitude) (PP on (NP most social problems)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (PP of (NP course)) (NP-PRD many Souths))) ; ; but (S (PP for (NP this discussion)) (NP-SBJ the (ADJP most important) division) (VP is (PP-PRD between (NP (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP have (VP been (VP reconstructed (NP *-1))))))) and (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-3) (VP have n't (VP *?* (NP *T*-4)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP My definition) (PP of (NP this (ADJP much abused) adjective))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ a reconstructed rebel) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD glad (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the North) (VP won (NP the War))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP knows (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how many) Southerners) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-1) (PP in (NP this category)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suspect (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP (ADVP far more) unreconstructed) ones) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-1 the North) (VP likes (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP believe))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP heard (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 a poll) (VP being (VP taken (NP *-1) (PP on (NP the question))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV No doubt) (NP-SBJ-1 such a thing) (VP would (VP be (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unpatriotic))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Prior (PP to (NP 1954))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP imagine (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a majority) (PP of (NP Southerners))) (VP would (VP have (VP voted (PP against (NP the Confederacy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP Since (NP (NP (NP the Supreme Court 's) decision) (PP of (NP that year)))) (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD more doubtful))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 a poll) (VP had (VP been (VP taken (NP *-1) (PP-TMP (ADVP immediately) following (NP (NP the dispatch) (PP of (NP troops)) (PP to (NP Little Rock))))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the majority) (VP would (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD for (NP the Old South))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Belief) (PP in (NP (NP the traditional way) (PP of (NP life))))) (VP persists (ADVP (ADVP much more) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP the older states)) (PP-1 than (PP in (NP the new ones)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Probably a larger percentage) (PP of (NP (NP Virginians) and (NP South Carolinians))) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP remain (ADJP-PRD unreconstructed) (PP-1 than (ADVP-LOC elsewhere)) , (PP with (S (NP-SBJ (NP Georgia) , (NP North Carolina) , and (NP Alabama)) (VP following (ADVP along) (PP after (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Old attitudes) (VP are (VP held (NP *-1) (ADVP (ADVP more tenaciously) (PP *ICH*-2)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Tidewater)) (PP-2 than (NP-LOC the Piedmont)) ; ; (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a line) (VP (VP running (PP down (NP (NP the length) (PP of (NP the South))))) (VP marking (NP (NP the upper limits) (PP of (NP tidewater)))))) (VP would (ADVP roughly) (VP divide (NP the Old South) (PP from (NP the new)) , but (PP with , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP important minority enclaves)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The long-settled areas) (PP of (NP (NP states) (PP like (NP (NP Virginia) and (NP South Carolina)))))) (VP developed (NP the ante-bellum culture) (PP to (NP its richest flowering)))) , and (S (ADVP-LOC there) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the memory) (VP is (ADJP-PRD-2 more precious))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1 (NP the consciousness) (PP of (NP loss))) (ADJP-PRD=2 the greater))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP should not (NP-TMP even to-day) (VP discount (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a region) (ADJP such (PP as (NP (NP the coastal lowlands) (VP centering (PP on (NP Charleston))))))) (VP had (NP (NP closer ties) (PP with (NP (NP England) and (NP the West Indies))) (PP than (PP with (NP the North)))) (PP (ADVP even) after (NP independence))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The (ADJP social and psychological) consequences) (PP of (NP this))) (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP affect (NP the area))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP certain respects)) (NP-SBJ defeat) (VP increased (NP (NP the persistent Anglophilia) (PP of (NP the Old South)))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (ADJP Poor) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP been (ADJP-PRD rich) (ADVP *T*-3))))) , (ADJP humbled) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD arrogant) (ADVP *T*-4))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (ADVP-TMP no longer) (NP (NP any hope) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sharing (PP in (NP (NP the leadership) (PP of (NP the nation))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the rebels) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would not (VP surrender (PP in (NP spirit))))))) (VP drew (NP comfort) (PP from (NP (NP the sympathy) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-2) (VP extended (NP *-5) (PP to (NP them)) (PP by (NP-LGS the mother country)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-ADV no doubt) (NP-SBJ (NP many people) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP states) (PP like (NP (NP (NP the Carolinas) and (NP Georgia)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (PP-PRD among (NP (NP the most Tory) (PP in (NP sentiment)))) (PP-TMP in (NP the eighteenth century))))) ,))))) (ADVP-MNR bitterly) (VP regretted (NP (NP the revolt) (PP against (NP the Crown)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Among (NP Bourbons)) (NP-SBJ the racial issue) (VP may (VP have (NP (NP less) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP do (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ their) (VP remaining (ADJP-PRD unreconstructed)))))))) (PP than (NP other factors))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ All Southerners) (VP agree (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 slavery) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go)))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ many historians) (VP maintain (SBAR that (S (PP except (PP for (NP Northern meddling))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP have (VP ended (PP-LOC in (NP (NP states) (PP like (NP Virginia)))) (NP-TMP (NP years) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Southern resentment) (VP has (VP been (PP-PRD over (NP (NP (NP the method) (PP of (NP its ending))) , (NP the invasion) , and (NP Reconstruction)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ their fears) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP are (PP-PRD of (NP (NP miscegenation) and (NP (NP Negro political control) (PP-LOC in (NP many counties))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP apart (PP from (NP racial problems))) , (NP-SBJ the old unreconstructed South) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP use (NP (NP the moderate words) (VP favored (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Mr. Thomas Griffith))))))) --) (VP finds (S (NP-SBJ itself) (ADJP-PRD unsympathetic (PP to (NP (NP most) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD different (PP about (NP (NP the civilization) (PP of (NP the North)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ this) , (PP in (NP effect)) , (VP means (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP modern America)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD hard) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ the situation) (VP could (VP be (ADVP-PRD otherwise) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 And (ADVP therein) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ many Northerners) (VP delude (NP themselves) (PP about (NP the South))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP one thing)) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP a subject) (VP (ADVP-TMP often) discussed or analyzed (NP *)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 There) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP almost a conspiracy) (PP of (NP silence)) (VP veiling (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the reason) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a kind) (PP of (NP wishful thinking)))))))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP talk (PP about (NP (NP the final stages) (PP of (NP Reconstruction))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP will (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP themselves)))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (ADVP else) (NP-SBJ the North) (ADVP really) (VP believes (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all Southerners) (PP except (NP a few quaint old characters))) (VP (VP have (VP come (ADVP around) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP realizing (NP (NP the errors) (PP of (NP their past)))))))) , and (VP are (ADVP-TMP now) (PP at (NP heart)) (NP-PRD (NP sharers) (PP of (NP the American Dream))) , (PP like (NP everybody else))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-4 the circumstances) (VP are (VP faced (NP *-4) (ADVP-MNR frankly))))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD reasonable) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD true)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The situation) (PP of (NP the South)) (PP-TMP since (NP 1865))) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD unique (PP-LOC in (NP the western world))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Regardless (PP of (NP rights and wrongs))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (NP a population) and (NP an area)) (ADJP appropriate (PP to (NP a pre-World-War - 1 great power)))) (VP (VP have (VP been , (PP following (NP conquest)) , (VP ruled (NP *-2) (PP against (NP their will)) (PP by (NP-LGS a neighboring people))))) , and (VP have (VP had (VP imposed (PP upon (NP them)) (NP (NP (ADJP social and economic) controls) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP dislike (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the great majority) (PP of (NP these people))) (VP are (PP-PRD of (NP (ADJP Anglo-Saxon or Celtic) descent))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the only case) (PP in (NP modern history)) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP a people) (PP of (NP Britannic origin))) (VP submitting (PP without (NP continued struggle)) (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP view (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP foreign domination))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fact) (VP is (PP-PRD due (PP (ADVP mainly) to (NP (NP international wars) , (ADJP both hot and cold))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP every war) (PP of (NP the United States)) (PP-TMP since (NP the Civil War)))) (NP-SBJ the South) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more belligerent) (PP than (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the country)))))) .)) (TOP (S So (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP tests) (PP of (NP (NP the South 's) loyalty)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP the Spanish War) , (NP the two World Wars) , and (NP the Korean War)) (NP all)) (VP served (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP overcome (NP old grievances)) and (VP cement (NP reunion)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no section) (PP of (NP the nation)) (ADJP (ADJP more ardent) (PP than (NP the South)))) (PP in (NP (NP the cold war) (PP against (NP Communism))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (SINV Had (NP-SBJ-1 the situation) (VP been (VP reversed (NP *-1)))) , (SINV had , (PP for (NP instance)) , (NP-SBJ England) (VP been (NP-PRD the enemy) (PP-TMP in (NP 1898)) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP issues) (PP of (NP (NP concern) (PP (ADVP chiefly) to (NP New England))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD little doubt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP large numbers) (PP of (NP Southerners))) (VP would (VP have (ADVP-MNR happily) (VP put (PRT on) (NP their old Confederate uniforms) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fight (PP as (NP (NP allies) (PP of (NP Britain))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD extraordinary) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a people) (PP as (ADJP (ADJP proud and warlike) (PP as (NP Southerners))))) (VP should (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as docile) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP *?*))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The North) (VP should (VP thank (NP its stars) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ such) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD the case)))))))) ; ; but (S (PP at (NP the same time)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP should not (VP draw (NP false inferences) (ADVP therefrom)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The two main charges) (VP levelled (NP *) (PP against (NP the Bourbons)) (PP by (NP-LGS liberals)))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP racists) and (NP social reactionaries)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD much truth) (PP in (NP both these charges)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP not many) Bourbons) (VP deny (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (WHNP Whatever) (FRAG (NP their faults))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP are not (NP-PRD hypocrites)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP them))) (ADVP sincerely) (VP believe (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Anglo-Saxon) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the best race) (PP-LOC in (NP the world)))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP should (VP remain (ADJP-PRD pure))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Many Northeners) (VP believe (NP this) , (ADVP too) ,)) but (S (NP-SBJ (NP few) (PP of (NP them))) (VP will (VP say (ADVP so) (ADVP publicly)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Bourbon economic philosophy) , (ADVP moreover) , (VP is not (ADJP-PRD very different (PP from (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP Northern conservatives)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP those) (PP among (NP the Bourbons)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP remain (ADJP-PRD unreconstructed))))) (VP go (ADVP (ADVP much further) (PP than (NP this)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 the South) (VP had (VP been (VP let (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone))))))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP have (VP produced (NP (NP a civilization) (ADJP superior (PP to (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP modern America)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP consider (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the North) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (VP reaping (NP (NP the fruits) (PP of (NP excess egalitarianism))))))) , (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP (NP its high standard) (PP of (NP living)))))) (NP-SBJ-1 the `` American way '') (VP has (VP been (VP proved (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD inferior (PP to (NP the (ADJP English and Scandinavian) ways)))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP disapprove (PP of (NP (NP the socialistic features) (PP of (NP the latter)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The South 's) antipathy) (PP to (NP Northern civilization))) (VP includes (NP (NP such charges) (PP as (NP (NP poor manners) , (NP harsh accents) , (NP (NP lack) (PP of (NP (NP appreciation) (PP of (NP (NP the arts) (PP of (NP living)) (PP like (NP gastronomy))))))) and (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP leisure))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Their own easier , slower tempo) (VP is (ADJP-PRD especially dear (PP to (NP Southerners))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ many) (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD content (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP earn (NP (NP (QP a half or a third) as much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP *?* (PP-LOC up (NP North))))))))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP so much) (VP prefer (NP (NP the quieter habits) (PP of (NP their home town)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the past)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the duties) (PP of (NP the state))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Sir Henry Maine) (VP noted (ADVP-TMP long ago)))) , (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP (QP only two)) (PP in (NP number))) : (NP (NP internal order) and (NP external security)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP prevailing (PP over (NP (NP other claimants) (PP for (NP (NP the loyalties) (PP of (NP men))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the nation-state) (VP maintained (NP (NP an adequate measure) (PP of (NP certainty and order)) (PP-LOC within (NP its territorial borders)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Outside (NP those limits)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP asserted , (PP-1 as (PP against (NP other states))) , (NP-2 (NP a position) (PP of (NP sovereign equality)))) , and , (VP (PP=1 as (PP against (NP (NP the `` inferior '' peoples) (PP of (NP the non-Western world))))) , (NP=2 (NP a position) (PP of (NP dominance))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP the sole `` subject '') (PP of (NP (NP `` (NP international law) '' -LRB- (NP (NP a term) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD pertinent (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remember)))))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP was (VP coined (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS Bentham))))))) -RRB-) , (NP (NP a body) (PP of (NP (NP legal principle) (SBAR (WHNP-5 which) (S (ADVP by and large) (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-5) (VP was (VP made (NP *-3) (PRT up) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ Western nations) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-4) (PP-LOC in (NP the world arena)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP (NP That corpus) (PP of (NP law))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a reflection) (PP of (NP (NP the power system) (PP in (NP (NP existence) (PP-TMP during (NP the (ADJP eighteenth and nineteenth) centuries)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Speaking (ADVP generally))) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP (VP furthered (NP *RNR*-1)) -- and (VP (ADVP-TMP still) tends (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP further (NP *RNR*-1))))) -- (NP-1 (NP the interests) (PP of (NP the Western powers)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The enormous changes) (PP in (NP world politics))) (VP have , (ADVP however) , (VP thrown (NP it) (PP into (NP confusion)) , (ADVP (ADVP (ADVP so much) so) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD safe) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ all international law) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP need) (PP of (NP reexamination and clarification)))) (PP in (NP (NP light) (PP of (NP (NP the social conditions) (PP of (NP the present era)))))))))))))))))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (PP Beyond (NP (NP the two basic tasks) (VP mentioned (NP *) (ADVP above)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 no attention) (VP was (VP paid (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS statesman or scholar)) (PP to (NP (NP an idea) (PP of (NP state responsibility)))) , (ADVP either internally or externally))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (ADJP-PRD particularly true) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the world arena) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an anarchical battleground) (VP characterized (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP strife) and (NP (NP avaricious competition) (PP for (NP colonial empires))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-SBJ That (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP any sort) (PP of (NP duty))) (VP was (VP owed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS his nation)) (PP to (NP other nations)))))) (VP would (VP have (VP astonished (NP a nineteenth-century statesman)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His duty) (VP was (PP-PRD (PP to (NP his sovereign)) and (PP to (NP his nation))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP an extension) (PP to (NP (NP peoples) (PP-LOC beyond (NP the territorial boundaries))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-1 *) not (VP to (VP be (VP contemplated (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cite (NP but one example)))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Pax Britannica) (PP-TMP of (NP the nineteenth century)) , (SBAR whether (FRAG (PP (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the British navy) (VP ruling (NP the seas)))) or (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP the City) (PP of (NP London))) (VP ruling (NP world finance)))))))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD strictly national (PP in (NP motivation))) , (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-1 however much) (S (NP-SBJ (NP other nations) -LRB- (NP e.g. , the United States) -RRB-) (VP may (VP have (ADVP incidentally) (VP benefited (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP the same time)) , (NP-SBJ-1 all suggestions (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP some sort) (PP of (NP societal responsibility))) (VP existed (PP for (NP (NP the welfare) (PP of (NP the people)))) (PP-LOC within (NP the territorial state)))))) (VP was (ADVP-MNR strongly) (VP resisted (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Social Darwinism) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stave (PRT off) (NP the incipient socialist movement) (PP-TMP until (PP (ADVP well) into (NP the present century)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (PP-TMP in (NP recent decades)) , (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP doubtless) (VP are (NP-PRD multiple reasons))))) , (NP-SBJ an (ADJP (ADJP unannounced) but (ADJP (ADVP nonetheless) readily observable)) shift) (VP has (VP occurred (PP in (NP (NP both facets) (PP of (NP national activity)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A concept) (PP of (NP responsibility))) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (NP process) (PP of (NP articulation and establishment))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP-TMP Already) (ADVP-MNR firmly) (VP implanted (NP *-1) (ADVP internally))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a growing factor) (PP in (NP external matters)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP A little more than twenty) years) ago) (NP-SBJ the American people) (VP turned (NP an important corner)) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP has (ADVP aptly) (VP been (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD a `` constitutional revolution '')))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the basic nature) (PP of (NP government))) (VP was (VP transformed (NP *-2) (PP (PP from (NP (NP (NP one) (ADJP essentially negative) (PP in (NP nature))) -LRB- (NP the `` night-watchman state '') -RRB-)) (PP to (NP (NP one) (PP with (NP (NP affirmative duties) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP perform (NP *T*-4)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The `` positive state '') (VP came (PP into (NP existence))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP lawyers)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP reflecting (ADVP perhaps) (NP their parochial preferences))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a special fascination) (PP *ICH*-3)) (PP-TMP since (ADVP then)) (PP-3 in (NP (NP (NP the role) (VP played (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the Supreme Court)) (PP in (NP that transformation)))) -- (NP (NP the manner) (SBAR (WHPP-5 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ its decisions) (VP altered (PP in (NP `` (NP (NP (NP the switch) (PP in (NP time))) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP saved (NP nine))))) '' , (NP (NP President Roosevelt 's) (ADJP (ADJP ill-starred) but (ADJP (PP in (NP effect)) victorious)) `` Court-packing plan ''))) (PP *T*-5)))) , (NP (NP the imprimatur) (PP of (NP (NP judicial approval) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP-TMP finally) (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP upon (NP social legislation)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-2 Of (NP greater importance)) , (ADVP however) , (VP is (PP-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP the content) (PP of (NP (NP those programs) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP have (VP had (NP *RNR*-3))) and (VP are (VP having (NP *RNR*-3))) (NP-3 (NP enormous consequences) (PP for (NP the American people))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Labor relations) (VP have (VP been (VP transformed (NP *-1))))) , (S (NP-SBJ income security) (VP has (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a standardized feature) (PP of (NP political platforms)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP all the many facets) (PP of (NP (NP the American version) (PP of (NP the welfare state))))) (VP have (VP become (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP the conventional wisdom)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A national consensus) (PP of (NP near unanimity)) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP exists (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ these governmental efforts) (VP are (ADJP-PRD desirable (CONJP as well as) necessary))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP Ratified (NP *-3) (PP in (NP the Republican Party victory)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1952)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the Positive State) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (VP evidenced (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP-TPC-4 political campaigns) (VP being (VP waged (NP *T*-4) (PP not (PP on (SBAR whether (S *RNR*-5))) but (PP on (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHADJP how much) social legislation) (S *RNR*-5))) (S-5 (NP-SBJ there) (VP should (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The general acceptance) (PP of (NP (NP the idea) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP (ADJP governmental) -LRB- (ADJP i.e. , societal) -RRB-) responsibility) (PP for (NP (NP the economic well-being) (PP of (NP the American people))))))))) (VP is (ADVP surely) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the two (ADJP most significant) watersheds) (PP in (NP American constitutional history)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the Civil War) , (NP (NP the conflict) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP (NP a century) ago) (VP insured (NP national unity) (PP over (NP fragmentation)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP (NP A third) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP at least) equal) and (ADJP perhaps even greater)) importance))) ,) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (VP being (VP traversed (NP *-4) : (NP-1 (NP American immersion and involvement) (PP in (NP world affairs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Internal national responsibility) , (ADVP-TMP now) (NP a truism) ,) (VP need not (VP be (VP documented (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD helpful) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cite (NP (NP one example) -- (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP employment))) --))))))) for , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-4 *) (VP will (VP be (VP shown (NP *-4) (ADVP below)))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP cuts (PP across (NP (NP both facets) (PP of (NP the new concept))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Thirty years) ago) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the nation) (VP was (VP wallowing (PP in (NP economic depression)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the prevailing philosophy) (PP of (NP government))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP stand (ADVP aside)) and (VP allow (S `` (NP-SBJ natural forces) '' (VP to (VP (VP operate) and (VP cure (NP the distress)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP That guiding principle) (PP of (NP the Hoover Administration))) (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP the siege guns) (PP of (NP the New Deal)))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP (NP (NP less) (PP than (NP (NP a score) (PP of (NP years))))) later) (NP-SBJ Congress) (VP enacted (NP (NP the Employment Act) (PP of (NP 1946)) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 by (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the national government) (VP assumed (NP (NP the responsibility) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP action) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP insure (NP (NP conditions) (PP of (NP maximum employment)))))))))) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (FRAG Hands-off the economy)) (VP was (VP replaced (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP conscious guidance) (PP through (NP planning))) -- (NP (NP the economic side) (PP of (NP the constitutional revolution))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1961)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the first important legislative victory) (PP of (NP the Kennedy Administration))) (VP came (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the principle) (PP of (NP (NP national responsibility) (PP for (NP local economic distress))))) (VP won (PRT out) (PP over (NP a `` state's-responsibility '' proposal)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 provision) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP payment) (PP for (NP unemployment relief)) (PP (PP by (NP nation-wide taxation)) (CONJP rather than) (PP by (NP (NP a levy) (PP (ADVP only) on (NP (NP those states) (VP afflicted (NP *) (PP with (NP manpower surplus))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The American people) (VP have (ADVP indeed) (VP come (NP-EXT a long way) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the brief interval) (PP between (NP 1930 and 1961)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Internal national responsibility) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a societal response) (PP to (NP (NP the impact) (PP of (NP the Industrial Revolution)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Reduced (NP *-1) (PP to (NP its simplest terms)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an assumption) (PP of (NP a collective duty (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP compensate (PP for (NP (NP the inability (S *ICH*-3)) (PP of (NP individuals)) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cope (PP with (NP (NP the rigors) (PP of (NP the era)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP National responsibility) (PP for (NP individual welfare))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a concept) (VP not limited (NP *) (PP (PP to (NP the United States)) or (PP (ADVP even) to (NP the Western nations)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A measure) (PP of (NP its widespread acceptance))) (VP may (VP be (VP derived (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP a statement) (PP of (NP (NP the International Congress) (PP of (NP Jurists)))) (PP-TMP in (NP 1959))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Meeting (PP-LOC in (NP New Delhi)) (PP under (NP (NP the auspices) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the International Commission) (PP of (NP Jurists))) , (NP (NP a body) (PP of (NP (NP lawyers) (PP from (NP the free world))))) ,)))))) (NP-SBJ-1 the Congress) (VP redefined and expanded (NP (NP the traditional Rule) (PP of (NP Law))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP include (NP affirmative governmental duties))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD noteworthy) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the majority) (PP of (NP (NP the delegates) (PP to (NP the Congress))))) (VP were (PP-PRD from (NP the (ADJP less developed) , former colonial nations)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP The Rule) (PP of (NP Law))) , (ADVP historically) (NP (NP a principle) (VP according (NP everyone) (NP (NP his `` day) (PP in (NP court)) '' (PP before (NP an impartial tribunal))))) ,) (VP was (VP broadened (NP *-1) (ADVP substantively) (PP by (S-NOM-LGS (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (NP-PRD (NP a responsibility) (PP of (NP government))) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP promote (NP individual welfare)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP Recognizing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Rule) (PP of (NP Law))) (VP is `` (NP-PRD (NP a dynamic concept) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP should (VP be (VP employed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP not only) (VP to (VP safeguard (NP (NP the civil and political rights) (PP of (NP the individual))) (PP in (NP a free society))))))))))) ''))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 the Congress) (VP asserted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP also) (VP included (NP (NP the responsibility) `` (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP to (VP establish (NP (NP (ADJP social , economic , educational and cultural) conditions) (SBAR (WHPP-6 under (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 his legitimate aspirations and dignity) (VP may (VP be (VP realized (NP *-2) (PP *T*-6))))))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The idea) (PP of (NP national responsibility))) (ADVP thus) (VP has (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a common feature) (PP of (NP (NP the nations) (PP of (NP the non-Soviet world))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP For (ADJP better)) or (PP for (ADJP worse))) , (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP all)) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP live (PP in (NP (NP welfare states) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP the organizing principle) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP collective responsibility) (PP for (NP individual well-being))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-SBJ Whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP a concept) (ADJP analogous (PP to (NP (NP the principle) (PP of (NP internal responsibility)))))) (VP operates (PP in (NP (NP a nation 's) external relations))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP less obvious) and (ADJP more difficult (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP establish)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The hypothesis) (VP ventured (NP *) (ADVP-LOC here))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP does))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP evidence) (VP *ICH*-1)) (VP is (VP accumulating (NP *-2)) (VP-1 validating (NP that proposition))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The content) (VP is not (NP-PRD the same) , (ADVP however))) : (S (ADVP rather (PP than (NP individual security))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the security) and (NP continuing existence)) (PP of (NP (NP an `` ideological group '') -- (NP (NP those) (PP in (NP the `` free world ''))) --)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD basic))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ External national responsibility) (VP involves (NP a burgeoning requirement (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the leaders) (PP of (NP the Western nations))) (ADVP (ADVP so) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP guide (NP their decisions) (SBAR-1 as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP further (NP (NP the viability) (PP of (NP other friendly nations)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ internal responsibility) (VP suggests (NP (NP acceptance) (PP of (NP (NP the socialist ideal) (PP of (NP equality)))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ external responsibility) (VP implies (NP (NP adherence) (PP to (NP (NP principles) (PP of (NP ideological supranationalism)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Reference) (PP to (NP (NP two other concepts) -- (NP nationalism and sovereignty) --))) (VP may (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP reveal (NP (NP the contours) (PP of (NP the new principle)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP its beginnings)) (NP-SBJ-1 the nation-state) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP struggle (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assert (NP itself) -- (PP (PP (ADVP internally ,) against (NP feudal groups)) , and (PP (ADVP externally ,) against (NP (NP the power and influence) (PP of (NP (NP such other claimants) (PP for (NP loyalty)) (PP as (NP the Church)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The breakup) (PP of (NP the Holy Roman Empire))) and (NP (NP the downfall) (PP of (NP feudalism)))) (VP led , (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP not more than two) centuries) ago) , (PP to (NP (NP the surge) (PP of (NP nationalism))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ (NP the time-span) (PP of (NP the nation-state))) (VP coincides (ADVP roughly) (PP with (NP (NP the separate existence) (PP of (NP (NP the United States) (PP as (NP an independent entity))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP perhaps) (ADJP-PRD natural) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ Americans) (VP to (VP think (PP of (NP the nation)) (PP as (UCP (ADJP representative (PP of (NP (NP the highest form) (PP of (NP order))))) , (NP (NP something) (ADJP permanent and unchanging))))))))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The concept) (PP of (NP nationalism))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the political principle) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP epitomizes and glorifies (NP the territorial state) (PP as (NP (NP the characteristic type) (PP of (NP socal structure))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP than (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ it) (VP includes (NP (NP (NP the emotional ties) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP bind (NP men) (PP to (NP their homeland)))))) and (NP (NP the complex motivations) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP hold (NP (NP a large group) (PP of (NP people))) (ADVP together) (PP as (NP a unit)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ new nations) (VP rise (PP from (NP the former colonial empires))))) , (NP-SBJ nationalism) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the hurricane forces) (RRC (ADJP loose) (PP-LOC in (NP the world))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADJP Almost febrile (PP in (NP intensity))) , (NP-SBJ the principle) (VP has (VP become (ADJP-PRD worldwide) (PP in (NP application)) -- (PP-TMP (ADVP unfortunately) at (NP (NP the very time) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ nationalist fervors) (VP can (VP wreak (NP greatest harm))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Historically) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ the concept) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP been (PP-PRD of (NP (NP marked benefit) (PP to (NP (NP the people) (PP of (NP the Western civilizational group)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP subduing (NP disparate lesser groups)))) (NP-SBJ the nation) (VP has , (PP to (NP some degree) (ADVP at least)) , (VP broadened (NP (NP the capacity) (PP for (NP individual liberty))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Within (NP their confines)) , (ADVP moreover) , (NP-SBJ-2 technological and industrial growth) (VP has (VP proceeded (PP at (NP an accelerated pace)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP thus) (VP increasing (NP (NP the cornucopia) (SBAR (WHPP-3 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 material wants) (VP can (VP be (VP satisfied (NP *-1) (PP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ the pattern) (VP is (ADJP-PRD uneven) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ some) (VP having (VP gained (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP others))))))) ,)) (NP-SBJ nationalism) (VP has (PP in (NP fact)) (VP served (NP the Western peoples) (ADVP well))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (SBAR-SBJ (SBAR Whether (S (NP-SBJ historical nationalism) (VP helped (NP (NP the peoples) (PP of (NP (NP the remainder) (PP of (NP the world)))))))) , and (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP today 's) nationalism) (PP in (NP the former colonial areas))) (VP has (NP (ADJP equally beneficial) aspects)))) ,) (VP are (NP-PRD other questions)) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the ironic quirks) (PP of (NP history))))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the viability and usefulness) (PP of (NP (NP nationalism) and (NP the territorial state)))) (VP are (ADVP rapidly) (VP dissipating (PP at (NP (NP precisely the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ the nation-state) (VP attained (NP (NP its highest number) -LRB- (NP (QP approximately 100)) -RRB-) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP than (NP irony))))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the main reasons) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ nationalism) (VP is (ADVP-TMP no longer) (NP-PRD a tenable concept) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP spread (PP throughout (NP the planet)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP other words)) , (NP-SBJ nationalism) (VP worked (ADVP well enough) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (NP (NP limited application) , (PP both (PP as (PP to (NP geography))) and (PP as (PP to (NP population))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP becomes (NP-PRD a perilous anachronism) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP adopted (NP *-2) (PP on (NP a world-wide basis)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-1 Complementing (NP (NP the political principle) (PP of (NP nationalism)))) (VP is (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the legal principle) (PP of (NP sovereignty))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The former) (VP receives (NP its legitimacy) (PP from (NP the latter))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Operating (NP (NP side) (PP by (NP side))))) , (ADVP together) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP helped (VP shore (PRT up) (NP the nation-state))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ sovereignty) (VP has (NP roots) (PP in (NP antiquity))))) , (PP in (NP its present usage)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD essentially modern))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 Jean Bodin) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP writing (PP-TMP in (NP the sixteenth century)))) , (VP may (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD the seminal thinker))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP vastly influential) John Austin) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP set (PRT out) (NP (NP the main lines) (PP of (NP the concept)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP understood (NP *-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Austin 's) nineteenth-century view) (PP of (NP law and sovereignty))) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP dominates (NP (NP much) (PP of (NP (NP today 's) (ADJP legal and political) thinking)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP him)) , (NP-SBJ law) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the command) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the sovereign) -LRB- (NP the English monarch) -RRB-) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP personifies (NP (NP the power) (PP of (NP the nation))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ sovereignty) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the power) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP law) (ADVP *T*-2)))) -- i.e. , (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prevail (PP over (NP internal groups))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD free (PP from (NP (NP the commands) (PP of (NP (NP other sovereigns) (PP in (NP other nations))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP These fundamental ideas) -- (NP (NP (NP the indivisibility) (PP of (NP sovereignty))) and (NP its dual -LRB- internal-external -RRB- aspects)) --) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP remain (NP-PRD (NP the core) (PP of (NP (NP that concept) (PP of (NP ultimate political power)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The nation-state) , (ADVP then) , (VP (VP exemplifies (NP (NP the principle) (PP of (NP nationalism)))) and (VP exercises (NP (NP sovereignty) : (NP (NP (NP supreme power) (PP over (NP domestic affairs))) and (NP (NP independence) (PP from (NP outside control))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ both principles) (VP have (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP nebulous) and (ADJP loosely defined)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ High-level abstractions) (VP are (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD difficult (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pin (PRT down) (PP with (NP precision))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (ADJP-PRD particularly true (PP of (NP sovereignty))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-6 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP applied (NP *-1) (PP (PP to (NP (NP democratic societies) , (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 `` popular '' sovereignty) (VP is (VP said (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP exist (PP-LOC *T*-4)))))))) ,)) and (PP in (NP (NP federal nations) , (SBAR (WHPP-5 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the jobs) (PP of (NP government))) (VP are (VP split (NP *-2) (PP-LOC *T*-5)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-6)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (NP-SBJ nationalism and sovereignty) (VP are (ADJP-PRD reputed (S *ICH*-1)) , (PP in (NP the accepted wisdom)) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP describe (NP the modern world))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD a different reality) (PP behind (NP the facade)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Does (NP-SBJ the surface) (VP hide (NP a (ADJP quite different) picture)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The short answer) (PP to (NP those questions))) (VP is `` (INTJ yes) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Both concepts) (VP are (VP undergoing (NP alteration)))) ; ; (S (PP to (NP some degree)) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP being (VP supplanted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a concept) (PP of (NP national responsibility)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (PP As (NP (NP evidence) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP support (NP that view) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP consider (NP the following illustrative instances)) .)) (TOP (SQ Can (NP-SBJ-1 thermonuclear war) (VP be (VP set (NP *-1) (PRT off) (PP by (NP-LGS accident)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What steps) (SQ (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) have (VP been (VP taken (NP *-3) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP guard (PP against (NP (NP the one sort) (PP of (NP mishap)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP could (VP trigger (NP (NP the destruction) (PP of (NP continents))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Are (NP-SBJ we) (ADJP (ADJP as safe) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?* (PP from (NP such a disaster)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ-1 anything) (VP being (VP done (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP increase (NP (NP our margin) (PP of (NP safety)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ the danger) (VP increase or decrease) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP just) (VP asked (NP these questions) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP the Pentagon)) , (PP in (NP the White House)) , (PP in (NP (NP offices) (PP of (NP (NP key scientists) (PP across (NP the country)))))) and (PP aboard (NP (NP the submarines) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP prowl (PP-TMP for (NP months)) (NP-LOC underwater)))) , (PP with (NP (NP neat rows) (PP of (NP (NP green launch tubes) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP contain (NP Polaris missiles)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-4) (VP are (ADVP affectionately) (VP known (NP *-1) (PP as `` (NP Sherwood Forest) ''))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP the same questions) (PP-LOC (PP inside (NP (NP the launch-control rooms) (PP of (NP (NP an Atlas missile base) (PP-LOC in (NP Wyoming)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP officers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP wear (NP sidearms))))) (VP are (VP manning (NP (NP the `` commit buttons '') (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP could (VP start (NP a war) -- (UCP (ADVP accidentally) or (PP by (NP design))) --))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))) and (PP in (NP (NP the command centers) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ other pistol-packing men) (VP could (VP give (NP orders (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP push (NP such buttons))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP (NP the men) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP the instrument-jammed bomber cockpits) , (NP submarine compartments) and (NP (NP the antiseptic , windowless rooms))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the foxholes) (PP of (NP (NP tomorrow 's) impersonal intercontinental wars))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the questions) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD farfetched)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD unceasing pressure))) , but (S (NP-SBJ its sources) (VP are (ADJP-PRD immediate))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Readiness exercises) '' (VP are (ADJP-PRD almost continuous)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each) (VP could (VP be (NP-PRD the real thing))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the command centers)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP special clocks) (ADJP ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tick (PRT off) (NP (NP the minutes) (VP elapsed (PP-TMP since `` (NP E hour) ''))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ E) '' (VP stands (PP for (NP `` (NP execution) '' -- (NP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a `` go order '') (VP would (VP unleash (NP an American nuclear strike) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP little time) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ (NP the men) (PP-LOC in (NP the command centers))) (VP to (VP reflect (PP about (NP (NP the implications) (PP of (NP these clocks)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (ADJP-PRD preoccupied (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP riding (NP herd) (PP on (NP (NP control panels) , (NP switches) , (NP (NP flashing colored lights) (PP on (NP (NP (ADJP (ADJP pale green) or (ADJP gray)) consoles) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP look (PP like (NP business machines)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP know (NP (NP little) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP about (NP their machinery)) (PP-1 beyond (NP mechanical details))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Accidental war) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP so sensitive) a subject) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP most) (PP of (NP the people)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP could (VP become (ADJP-PRD directly involved (PP in (NP one)))))))) (VP are (VP told (NP *-1) (NP just enough) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP perform (NP (NP their portions) (PP of (NP (ADJP incredibly complex) tasks))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Among (NP (NP the policy makers) , (NP generals) , (NP physicists) , (NP psychologists) and (NP (NP others) (VP charged (NP *) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP controlling (NP (NP (NP the actions) (PP of (NP the button pushers))) and (NP their `` hardware ''))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the answers) (PP to (NP my questions))) (VP varied (PP (ADVP partly) according (PP to (NP (NP (NP a man 's) flair) (PP for (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the professionals) (PP in (NP this field))) (VP call (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) `` (NP scenarios) ''))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ an Air Force psychiatrist) (VP put (NP it)))) : `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP have (NP dry runs) (PP on (NP this one)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The experts) (VP are (ADVP thus) (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hypothesize (NP (NP sequences) (PP of (NP (NP events) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP have (ADVP-TMP never) (VP occurred)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP probably never) (VP will (VP *?*))) -- but (VP (ADVP possibly) (VP might (VP *?*)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Only one rule) (VP prevailed (PP in (NP (NP my conversations) (PP with (NP these men)))))) : (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP The (ADVP more highly) placed) (SBAR (WHADJP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) , (NP-ADV (NP the more) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP know (NP *T*-2))))) --) (ADJP-PRD-TPC-3 (ADJP the more concerned)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP become (ADJP-PRD *T*-3)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Already) (NP-SBJ accidental war) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a silent guest) (PP at (NP (NP the discussions) (PP within (NP the Kennedy Administration)) (PP about (NP (NP (NP the urgency) (PP of (NP disarmament))) and (NP (NP nearly all other questions) (PP of (NP national security))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Only recently) (NP-SBJ-1 new `` holes '') (VP were (VP discovered (NP *-1) (PP in (NP our safety measures))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ a search) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (ADVP-PRD on) (PP for (ADJP more)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Work) (VP is (PP-PRD under (NP way)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ-1 new restraining devices) (VP should (VP be (VP installed (NP *-1) (PP on (NP all nuclear weapons))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Meanwhile) , (NP-SBJ the experts) (VP speak (PP of (NP (NP wars) (VP triggered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS `` (NP false pre-emption) '' , `` (NP escalation) '' , `` (NP unauthorized behavior) '' and (NP (NP other terms) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP will (VP be (VP discussed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP this report)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP inhabit (NP (NP a secret world) (VP centered (NP *) (PP on (NP `` (NP go codes) '' and `` (NP gold phones) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Their conversations) (VP were , (ADVP almost invariably) , (VP accompanied (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the same gestures) -- (NP (NP (NP arms) and (NP pointed forefingers)) (VP darting (PP toward (NP each other)) (PP in (NP arclike semicircular motions)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 One arm) (VP represented (NP-2 our bombers and missiles))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 the other arm) `` (NP=2 theirs) '') .)) (TOP (SINV Yet (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 implicit (PP in (NP each movement))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the death) (PP of (NP (NP millions) , (NP (NP perhaps hundreds) (PP of (NP millions))) , (NP perhaps you and me) -- and (NP the experts)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These men) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD callous)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD their job) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP think (PP about (NP the unthinkable)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Unanimously) (NP-SBJ they) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the world) (VP would (VP become (NP-PRD a safer place) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP more) (PP of (NP us))) -- and (NP more Russians and Communist Chinese , too) --) (VP thought (PP about (NP accidental war)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The (ADJP first systematic) thinking) (PP about (NP (NP this (NP Pandora 's) box) (PP within (NP (NP Pandora 's) boxes))))) (VP was (VP done (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP (NP four years) ago) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Fred Ikle) , (NP a frail , meek-mannered Swiss-born sociologist))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was , and is , (PP-PRD with (NP (NP the RAND Corporation) , (NP (NP (NP a nonprofit pool) (PP of (NP thinkers))) (VP financed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the U.S. Air Force))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His investigations) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD the Paul Revere (PP of (NP accidental war)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 safety procedures) (VP were (ADVP enormously) (VP increased (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP recent weeks)) , (PP as (NP (NP a result) (PP of (NP (NP a sweeping defense policy reappraisal) (PP by (NP the Kennedy Administration)))))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 basic United States strategy) (VP has (VP been (VP-2 modified (NP *-1) (S-PRP *RNR*-4))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ=1-3 large new sums) (VP=2 allocated (NP *-3) (S-PRP *RNR*-4))) -- (S-PRP-4 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP meet (NP the accidental-war danger)))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reduce (NP it) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as quickly) (PP as (ADJP possible)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The chain) (VP starts (PP-LOC at (NP (NP (NP BMEWS) -LRB- (NP Ballistic Missile Early Warning System) -RRB-) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Thule) , (NP Greenland)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its radar screens) (VP would (VP register (NP Soviet missiles) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP shortly) after (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP launched (NP *-1) (PP against (NP the United States)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 BMEWS intelligence) (VP is (ADVP-TMP simultaneously) (VP (VP flashed (NP *-1) (PP (PP to (NP (NP (NP NORAD) -LRB- (NP North American Air Defense Command) -RRB-) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Colorado Springs) , (NP Colorado) ,)))) (PP *ICH*-2)) (PP for (NP interpretation)) ; ; (PP-2 (PP to (NP (NP the SAC command and control post) , (NP (NP forty-five feet) (PP below (NP the ground)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Offutt Air Force Base) , (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP Omaha) , (NP Nebraska)))))))) ; ; (PP to (NP (NP the Joint War Room) (PP of (NP (NP the Joint Chiefs) (PP of (NP Staff)))) (PP-LOC in (NP the Pentagon)))) and (PP to (NP the President)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Telephones) , (NP Teletypes) , (NP (NP several kinds) (PP of (NP radio systems))) and , (PP in (NP some cases)) , (NP television) ,) (VP link (NP all vital points)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Alternate locations) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP exist (PP-1 for (NP all key command centers))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP last-ditch emergencies)) (NP-SBJ SAC) (VP has (NP (NP alternate command posts) (PP-LOC on (NP KC-135 jet tankers)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Multiple circuits , routings and frequencies) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the chain) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as unbreakable) (PP as (ADJP possible))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The same principle) (PP of `` (NP redundancy) '')) (VP applies (PP to (NP (NP all communications) (PP on (NP these special networks))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 no messages) (VP can (VP be (VP transmitted (NP *-1) (PP on (NP these circuits)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ senders and receivers) (VP authenticate (PP in (NP advance)) , (PP by (NP special codes)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the messages) (ADVP actually) (VP come (PP from (NP their purported sources))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Additional codes) (VP can (VP be (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP challenge and counterchallenge (NP the authentications))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Only the President) (VP is (VP permitted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP authorize (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP nuclear weapons)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD the law)) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (WHNP what) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 somebody) (VP decides (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP break (NP it))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The President) (VP can not (ADVP personally) (VP remove (NP the safety devices) (PP from (NP every nuclear trigger)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP makes (NP the momentous decision)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Hundreds) (PP of (NP men))) (VP are (VP required (NP *-1) (S-PRP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pass (NP the word) (PP to (NP the button pushers))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP push (NP the buttons))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP one or more) (PP of (NP them))) (VP (VP turn (ADJP-PRD irrational)) or (VP (ADVP suddenly) , (ADVP-MNR coolly) , decide (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP clobber (NP the Russians)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the President) (NP himself)) , (PP in (NP (NP the language) (PP of (NP the military)))) , `` (VP (VP goes (NP ape) '' ? ?) (VP Or (ADVP-MNR singlehandedly) decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP reverse (NP national policy)) and (VP hit (NP the Soviets) (PP without (NP provocation)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD absolutely certain (PP of (NP the answers))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ-1 the system) (VP is (VP designed (NP *-1) , (ADVP-MNR ingeniously and hopefully) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ no one man) (VP could (VP initiate (NP a thermonuclear war))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Even the President) (VP can not (VP (VP pick (PRT up) (NP his telephone)) and (VP give (NP a `` go '' order)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Even he) (VP does not (VP know (NP (NP (NP the one signal) (PP for (NP a nuclear strike))) -- (NP the `` go code '')))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP an emergency)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP receive (NP available intelligence) (PP on (NP the `` gold-phone circuit '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A system) (PP of (NP `` gold '' (PRN -- (ADJP actually yellow) --) phones))) (VP connects (NP him) (PP with (NP (NP the offices and action stations) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the Secretary) (PP of (NP Defense))) , (NP (NP the Joint Chiefs) (PP of (NP Staff))) , (NP the SAC commander) and (NP other key men)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 All) (VP can (VP be (VP connected (NP *-1) (PP with (NP the gold circuit)) (PP from (NP their homes))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All) (VP could (VP help (S (NP-SBJ the President) (VP make (NP his decision))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The talk) (VP would not (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP code))))) , but (SINV (ADVP neither) would (NP-SBJ it) (VP ramble)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Vital questions) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-MNR quickly) (VP answered (NP *-1) (PP according (PP to (NP a preprepared agenda)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Officers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP participate (PP in (NP the continual practice drills)))))) (VP assured (NP me) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the President 's) decision) (VP could (VP be (VP made and announced (NP *-2) (PP on (NP the gold circuit)) (PP-TMP within (NP (NP minutes) (PP after (NP (NP the first flash) (PP from (NP A[fj])))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ communications) (VP work))) , (NP-SBJ-1 his decision) (VP would (VP be (ADVP instantly) (VP known (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP all command posts) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP originate (NP the actual go order)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ these centers) , (ADVP too) , (VP are (PP-PRD on (NP the gold circuit))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP include (NP (NP (NP (NP the Navy 's) Atlantic Command) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Norfolk) , (NP Virginia) ,)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (NP contact) (PP with (NP the Polaris subs)))))))) ; ; (NP (NP NATO headquarters) (PP-LOC in (NP Europe))) ; ; (NP (NP Air Force forward headquarters) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP Europe)) and (PP in (NP the Pacific))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP control (NP (NP tactical fighters) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP ships) and (NP land bases)))))))) ; ; and (NP (NP SAC) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP controls (NP (NP long-range bombers) and (NP Atlas missiles)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP (VP look (PRT in) (PP on (NP (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP these nerve centers))) -- (NP (NP SAC) (PP-LOC at (NP Omaha))) --))) and (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (ADVP-TMP still) (VP happen (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP a wing) (PP of (NP B-52 bombers))) (VP could (VP drop (NP their A[fj]))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP In (NP a word)) , (ADJP plenty) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The key man) (ADVP almost certainly) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP Col. William W. Wisman) , (NP (NP SAC 's) senior controller)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) or (NP his deputy) or (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP their seven assistants) , (NP all full colonels) ,)))) (VP mans (NP (NP the heart) (PP of (NP the command post))) (NP-TMP (NP twenty-four hours) (NP-ADV a day))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP quiet but impressive) room) -- (ADJP (ADJP (NP-ADV 140 feet) long) , (ADJP (NP-ADV thirty-nine feet) wide) , (ADJP (NP-ADV twenty-one feet) high)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Movable panels) (PP of (NP floor-to-ceiling maps and charts))) (VP are (VP crammed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP intelligence information)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP Bill Wisman) , (NP forty-three) , (NP (NP (NP a farmer 's) son) (PP from (NP (NP Beallsville) , (NP Ohio) ,)))) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP quiet but impressive) man)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP steady anchors) (PP of (NP the deepest brown)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His movements and speech) (VP are (ADJP-PRD precise , clear and quick)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No question) (VP (VP ruffles (NP him)) or (VP causes (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP hesitate))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Wisman) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP had (NP (NP the chief controller 's) job) (PP-TMP for (NP four years)))))) ,) (VP calls (NP the signals) (PP for (NP (NP a team) (VP operating (NP (NP three rows) (PP of (NP (NP dull-gray consoles) (VP studded (NP *) (PP with (NP lights , switches and buttons)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (QP At least a dozen) men) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ some) (ADJP-PRD armed)) ,) (VP are (ADVP-TMP never) (ADVP-LOC-PRD far away (PP from (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 In (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him)))) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a gold phone) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP emergencies)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the SAC commander) , (NP Gen. Thomas Power) ,) or (NP (NP his deputies) and (NP their staff))) (VP would (VP occupy (NP (NP a balcony) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stretches (PP across (NP (NP the length) (PP of (NP (NP the room) (PP above (NP (NP Wisman) and (NP his staff))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP (NP General Power 's) seat) (PP in (NP the balcony)))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (ADVP also) (NP-PRD a gold phone)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ General Power) (VP would (VP participate (PP in (NP the decision making)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Wisman) , (ADVP-LOC below)) , (VP would (VP (VP listen (PRT in)) and (VP act))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His consoles) (VP can (VP give (NP him) (NP (NP instant contact) (PP (PP with (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP (NP seventy bases) (PP around (NP the world)))))) and (PP with (NP every SAC aircraft)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP need (ADVP only) (VP pick (PRT up) (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the two red telephone receivers) (PP at (NP his extreme left)))) , (ADVP-LOC (ADVP right) next (PP to (NP (NP the big red button) (VP marked (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD alert))))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD two receivers) (SBAR-ADV in case (S (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP should (VP be (VP dropped and damaged (NP *-1))))))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Wisman) , (ADVP too) , (VP does not (VP know (NP the go code))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP take (NP it) (PP from `` (NP the red box) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP point) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a beige box) (PP with (NP a (ADJP bright red) door)) , (UCP (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP about one and a half) feet) square) and (VP hung (PP from (NP the wall)) (NP (NP (QP about six) feet) (PP from (NP (NP the door) (PP to (NP (NP Wisman 's) right))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The box) (VP is (ADVP internally) (VP wired (NP *-1) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ-2 the door) (VP can (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (VP opened (NP *-2) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP setting (PRT off) (NP a screeching klaxon) (PRN -LRB- `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD real obnoxious))) '' -RRB-))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP become (ADJP-PRD vague)))) , for (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (VP approaching (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the nation 's) (ADJP most guarded) secrets)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP The codes) (PP in (NP the red box))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP several) (PP of (NP them))) (VP covering (NP various contingencies))))) --)) (VP are (VP contained (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP a sealed X-ray-proof `` unique device '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP (VP are (VP supplied (NP *-1) , (NP-ADV (NP a batch) (PP at (NP a time))) , (PP by (NP-LGS a secret source)))) and (VP are (ADVP-TMP continually) (VP changed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Wisman) or (NP his staff))) , (PP-TMP at (NP random intervals))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP even the contents) (PP of (NP (NP Wisman 's) box))) (VP can not (VP start (NP a war))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP mere fragments) , (NP (NP just one portion) (PP of (NP preprepared messages))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-SBJ-1 (SBAR (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ these fragments) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-2)))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP activate (NP the go order) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))) (VP may not (VP be (VP revealed (SBAR *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The pieces) (VP must (VP be (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the context) (PP of (NP the prepared messages)))) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Wisman 's) staff))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP addition) (PP to (NP (NP the authentication and acknowledgment procedures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP precede and follow (NP (NP the sending) (PP of (NP the go messages)) , (PP (ADVP again) in (NP special codes)) ,)))))))) (NP-SBJ each message) (ADVP also) (VP contains (NP (NP an `` internal authenticator '') , (NP (NP another specific signal) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP convince (NP the recipient) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (VP getting (NP the real thing)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP Wisman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP happen (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP broke (PRT out) (NP the go codes)) and (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP transmitting (NP one))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP wind (PRT up) (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP bullet holes))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no question (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP talking (PP about (NP (NP bullets) (VP fired (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS his coworkers)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP imagine (NP (NP (NP a wing) (PP of (NP B-52 's))) , (PP on (NP alert)) (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP their `` positive control -LRB- or fail-safe -RRB- points '') , (NP (NP the spots) (PP on (NP the map)) , (NP (NP many miles) (PP from (NP Soviet territory))) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 beyond (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP forbidden (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fly (PP *T*-2) (PP without (NP specific orders (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP proceed (PP to (NP their targets))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) , (ADVP too) , (VP have (NP (NP fragments) (PP of (NP the go code))) (PP with (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ Wisman) (VP put (NP it)))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP have (NP (NP separate pieces) (PP of (NP the pie))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP the whole pie))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP send (PRT out) (NP the whole pie)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP put (NP their pieces) (PP-PUT into (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Unless (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP send (PP out (NP the whole pie))))) , (NP-SBJ their pieces) (VP mean (NP nothing)) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ does (NP-SBJ (NP Wisman 's) ever-changing code) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP mesh (PP with (NP (NP the fragments) (PP in (NP (NP possession) (PP of (NP the button pushers)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The answer) (VP is (NP-PRD a cryptographic secret)) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP any rate)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP three men) (PP out (PP of (NP a six-man B-52 crew)))) (VP are (VP required (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP copy (PRT down) (NP (NP Wisman 's) go-to-war message)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each) (VP must (VP match (NP (NP Wisman 's) `` pie '') (PP with (NP (NP the fragment) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP carries (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 All three) (VP must (VP (VP compare (NP notes)) and (VP agree (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to `` (VP go) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP that)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP requires (NP (NP several minutes) (PP of (NP (NP concentrated work) , (VP including (NP (NP six (ADJP separate and deliberate) actions) (PP by (NP (NP a minimum) (PP of (NP (NP (NP three men) (VP sitting (PP-LOC at (NP (NP three separate stations) (PP in (NP a bomber)))))) , (NP (NP each) (PP with (NP (NP another man) (PP beside (NP him)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (NP *T*-2)))))))) ,)))))))))) (PP for (S (NP-SBJ-1 an armed bomb) (VP to (VP be (VP released (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Unless (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 all gadgets) (VP are (ADVP properly) (VP-4 operated (NP *-1)))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ=1-3 (NP the wires and seals) (PP from (NP the handles))) (VP=4 removed (NP *-3) (ADVP-TMP first))) --)) (NP-SBJ-2 no damage) (VP can (VP be (VP done (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) , (ADVP however) , (S (NP-SBJ their posture) (VP changed)) and (S (NP-SBJ the game) (VP ended)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP went (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as rigid) (PP as (NP black statuary))))) (S (NP-SBJ (NP six figures) , (ADJP lean and tall and angular) ,) (VP went (ADJP-PRD still))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Their heads) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP the air)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sniffing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP all)) (VP swung (PP-TMP at (NP the same instant)) (PP in (NP the same direction))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP saw (NP it) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did , (PP (ADVP even) with (NP my binoculars)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP more (PP than (NP (NP a tiny distant rain squall) , (NP (NP a (ADJP dull gray) sheet) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP reached (PP-DIR from (NP (NP a layer) (PP of (NP clouds)))) (PP-DIR to (NP the earth))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the 360 degrees) (PP of (NP horizon)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP obscured (NP (NP only a degree) , (ADJP no more))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A white man) (VP would not (VP have (VP seen (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The aborigines) (VP fastened (PP upon (NP it)) (PP with (NP (NP a concentration) (PP beyond (NP pathos))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Watching)) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP waited (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-2 the squall) (VP (VP thickened) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP move (PP in (NP a long drifting slant)) (PP-DIR across (NP the dry burning land)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP once)) (NP-SBJ the whole band) (VP set (PRT off) (PP at (NP a lope))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP chasing (NP a rain cloud))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP went (PP after (NP the squall)) (ADVP (ADVP as mercilessly) (PP as (NP (NP a wolf pack) (PP after (NP an abandoned cow)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP followed (NP them) (PP in (NP the jeep)))) and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ they) (VP did not (VP care))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The games) (VP were (ADVP-PRD over))) , (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD life))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Occasionally) , (PP for (NP (NP no reason) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (NP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (ADVP suddenly) (VP alter (NP (NP the angle) (PP of (NP their trot))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ I) (VP guessed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ the rain squall) (VP had (VP changed (NP direction))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (S-PRP-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP skirt (NP a gulley))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their gait) (VP is (ADJP-PRD impossible (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP convey (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP words)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP has (NP (NP nothing) (PP of (NP (NP the proud stride) (PP of (NP the trained runner))))) (PP about (NP it)))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (NP-PRD a lope))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is not (VP done (NP *-1) (PP with (NP style or verve))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the gait) (PP of (NP (NP the human) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP run (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live))))))))) (NP *ICH*-3)) : (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ arms) (VP dangling)) , (S (NP-SBJ legs) (ADVP barely) (VP swinging (PP over (NP the ground)))) , (S (NP-SBJ head) (VP (VP hung (PRT down)) and (VP (ADVP only occasionally) swinging (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP the target))))) ,))) (NP-3 (NP a loose motion) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP is (ADJP-PRD just short (PP of (NP stumbling)))) (CONJP and yet) (VP is (ADJP-PRD wonderfully graceful))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP barely controlled) skimming) (PP of (NP the ground)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP ran (PP-TMP for (NP three hours))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Finally) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP avoiding (NP hummocks)) and (VP seeking (NP low ground)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP intercepted (NP the rain squall)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP ten minutes)) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP ran (PP beneath (NP the squall)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP raising (NP their arms)) and , (VP (PP for (NP the first time)) , shouting and capering))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (S (NP-SBJ the wind) (VP died)) and (S (NP-SBJ the rain squall) (VP held (ADJP-PRD steady))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP studying (NP the ground))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP them))) (VP (VP shouted) , (VP ran (NP-EXT a few feet)) , (VP bent (ADVP forward)) and (VP put (NP his mouth) (PP to (NP the ground)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP found (NP (NP a depression) (PP with (NP (NP rain water) (PP in (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP (VP bent (PRT down) , (NP-1 a black cranelike figure)) , and (VP put (NP his mouth) (PP-PUT to (NP the ground)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a (ADJP lordly and generous) gesture)) , (NP-SBJ the discoverer) (VP (VP stood (PRT up)) and (VP beckoned (PP to (NP (NP the closest) (PP of (NP his fellows)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other) (VP (VP trotted (PRT over)) and (VP swooped (PP at (NP the tiny puddle)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP an instant)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP sucked (NP-1 it) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dry)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The aborigine) (VP lives (PP on (NP (NP the cruelest land) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 Which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP does not (VP mean (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD ugly))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Part) (PP of (NP it))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *?*) , (PP of (NP course))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP thousands) (PP of (NP (NP square miles) (PP of (NP salt pan)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD hideous)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP huge areas) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP have (VP been (VP swept (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS winds)) (PP-TMP for (NP so many centuries)) (SBAR-PRP that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP no soil) (VP left (NP *))) , but (NP (NP only deep bare ridges) (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP fifty or sixty) yards) apart) (PP with (NP (NP ravines) (PP between (NP them)) (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP thirty or forty) feet) deep)))))))))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the only thing) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP moves)))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a scuttling layer) (PP of (NP sand))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such stretches) (VP have (NP an inhuman moonlike quality)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP much) (PP of (NP (NP the land) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ the aborigine) (VP wanders (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP looks (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD hospitable)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP (VP is (VP softened (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the saltbush) and (NP the bluebush))))) , (VP has (NP a peaceful quality)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the hills) (VP roll (ADVP-MNR softly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The malignancy) (PP of (NP such a landscape))) (VP has (VP been (ADVP beautifully) (VP described (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Australian) (NP Charles Bean)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP tells (PP of (NP (NP three men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP started (PRT out) (PP on (NP (NP a trip) (PP across (NP (NP a single paddock) , (NP (NP a ten-by-ten-mile square) (VP owned (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a sheep grazer)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP went (ADJP-PRD well-equipped (PP with (NP (NP everything) (PP except (NP (NP knowledge) (PP of (NP the `` outback '' country)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The countryside) (VP looked (PP like (NP (NP a beautiful open park) (PP with (NP (NP gentle slopes) and (NP (ADJP soft gray) tree-clumps)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nothing) (ADJP appalling or horrible)) (VP rushed (PP upon (NP these men))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Only) (NP-SBJ there) (VP happened -- (NP nothing)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a pool) (PP of (NP cool water))) (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP these tree-clumps)))))))) : (S (ADVP only) -- (NP-SBJ there) (VP was not (NP-PRD *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP might (VP have (VP rained , (NP-TMP any time))))) ; ; (S (ADVP only) -- (NP-SBJ it) (VP did not (VP *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a fence) or (NP a house)) (PP-LOC (ADVP just) over (NP the next rise)))))) ; ; (S (ADVP only) -- (NP-SBJ there) (VP was not (NP-PRD *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP lay) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP the birds) (VP hopping (PP-DIR from (NP branch)) (PP-DIR to (NP branch)) (PP-LOC above (NP them)))) and (NP (NP the bright sky) (VP peeping (PP down (PP at (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP came) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The white men) (VP died) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP countless others) (PP like (NP them))) (VP have (VP died)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Even today) (NP-SBJ range riders) (VP will (VP come (PP upon (NP (NP mummified bodies) (PP of (NP (NP men) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP (VP attempted (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP more difficult) (PP than (NP a twenty-mile hike))))) and (VP (ADVP slowly) lost (NP direction)) , (VP were (VP (VP tortured (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS the heat))) , (VP driven (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD mad)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the (ADJP constant and unfulfilled) promise) (PP of (NP the landscape))))))) ,))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP finally) (VP died)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The aborigine) (VP is not (VP deceived (NP *-1)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knows (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the land) (VP is (ADJP-PRD hard and pitiless)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knows (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the economy) (PP of (NP (NP life) (PP-LOC in (NP the `` outback ''))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD awful))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no room) (PP for (NP error or waste)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Any organism) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP falters) or (VP misperceives (NP the signals)) or (VP weakens))))) (VP is (VP done (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP know (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP such a way) (PP of (NP life))) (VP can (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a self-conscious challenge))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suspect (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP can (VP *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gives (NP the aborigine) (NP (NP his odd air) (PP of (NP dignity))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The family) (PP-LOC at (NP the boulder)))) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeing (NP an aborigine) (NP-TMP today))) (VP is (NP-PRD a difficult thing)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Many) (PP of (NP them))) (VP have (VP drifted (PP into (NP the cities and towns and seaports)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Others) (VP are (VP confined (NP *-1) (PP to (NP vast reservations))))) , and (S (CONJP not only) (SINV does (NP-SBJ the Australian government) (ADVP justifiably) (VP not wish (S (NP-SBJ-2 them) (VP to (VP be (VP viewed (NP *-2) (PP as (NP (NP exhibits) (PP in (NP a zoo)))))))))) , but (S (PP-LOC on (NP their reservations)) (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD extremely fugitive) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP (VP shunning (NP camps)) , (VP coming (ADVP together) (PP (ADVP only) for (NP (NP corroborees) (SBAR (WHPP-5 at (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ their strange culture) (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP its highest pitch) -- (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP is (ADJP-PRD very low) (ADVP indeed)))))) (PP *T*-5))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP persuaded (NP-2 (NP an Australian friend) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP lived (NP-ADV `` outback '') (PP-TMP for (NP years))))))) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP me) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP some aborigines) (VP living (PP-LOC in (NP the bush))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP difficult and ambiguous) kind) (PP of (NP negotiation))) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ-1 the rancher) (VP was (VP said (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD expert (PP in (NP (NP his knowledge) (PP of (NP (NP the aborigines) and (NP their language)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Finally) , (ADVP however) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 the arrangements) (VP were (VP made (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP drove (PP out (PP into (NP the bush))) (PP in (NP a Land Rover)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP followed (NP the asphalt road) (PP for (NP a few miles))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) swung (PRT off) (PP onto (NP (NP a smaller road) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP more (PP than (NP (NP two tire marks) (PP on (NP the earth))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The rancher) (VP (VP went (NP-EXT (NP a mile) (PP down (NP this road)))) and (ADVP-TMP then) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (NP a big red boulder) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (VP swung (PP off (NP the road)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP once)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP glance (PP toward (NP the instrument panel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP took (NP me) (NP a moment) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (ADJP-PRD odd (PP about (NP that panel))))))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a gimbaled compass) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP welded (PP to (NP it)) , (SBAR-1 (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP rocked (ADVP-MNR gently) (ADVP back and forth) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the Land Rover) (VP bounced (PRT about)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The rancher) (VP was (VP navigating (NP his way) (PP-DIR across (NP the flatland)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Do (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP navigate (PP like (NP this)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Damned right) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (PP out (PP on (NP the flat)))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP do) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some chaps) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP know (NP an area) (ADVP well))))) (VP can (VP make (NP their way) (PP by (NP (NP landmarks) , (NP (NP (NP a tree) (ADVP-LOC here)) , (NP (NP a wash) (ADVP-LOC here)) , (NP (NP a boulder) (ADVP-LOC there))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP know (NP the place) (PP like (NP (NP the palm) (PP of (NP your hand)))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP use (NP (NP a compass) and (NP the speedometer)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP (NP Two miles) northeast) , (ADVP-TMP then) (ADVP (NP five miles) southwest) (NP (NP that sort) (PP of (NP thing))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Very simple '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The landscape) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP repeating (NP itself)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP would (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP memorize (NP landmarks)))))) and (VP saw (PP-TMP in (NP a half-hour)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hopeless)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Finally) (NP-SBJ we) (VP approached (NP (NP the bivouac) (PP of (NP the aborigines)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP were (VP camped (PP-LOC beside (NP a large column-shaped boulder)) : (NP-1 (NP a man) , (NP his lubra) , and (NP two children)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The sun) (VP was (ADVP-TMP not yet) (ADJP-PRD high))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the small area) (PP of (NP (NP shade) (VP cast (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the boulder))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP a dog) , (NP a dingo dog))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Its ribs) (VP showed)) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a yellow nondescript color))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP suffered (PP from (NP (NP a variety) (PP of (NP sores)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ hair) (VP had (VP scabbed (PP off (NP its body)) (PP in (NP patches))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP lay (PP with (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ its head) (PP-PRD on (NP its paws))) and (S (NP-SBJ only its eyes) (VP moving)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (NP us) (ADVP-MNR carefully)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP struck (NP me) (PP as (NP a (ADJP very bright) and (ADJP very malnourished) dog))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP patted (NP the dog)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (NP-PRD a pet)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a worker)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ The buggers) (VP love (NP shade))) '' , (NP-SBJ the rancher) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP saves (NP-BNF them) (NP (NP some loss) (PP of (NP body water))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP 'll (VP move (PP around (NP that rock)) (NP-TMP all day) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP following (NP the shade))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the hottest part) (PP of (NP the day)))) , (PP of (NP course)) , (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP comes (ADVP straight down))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is n't (NP-PRD any shade))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP drove (ADVP-LOC close (PP to (NP the boulder)))) , (VP stopped (NP the Land Rover)) , and (VP walked (PP-DIR over (PP toward (NP the family))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP was (VP leaning (PP against (NP the rock)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gazed (ADVP away (PP from (NP us))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP approached)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP over six) feet) tall) and (ADJP very thin))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His legs) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP narrow) and (ADJP very long))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Every bone and muscle) (PP in (NP his body))) (VP showed)) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP give (NP (NP the appearance) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP starving))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP long black hair) and (NP a wispy beard))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The ridges) (PP over (NP his eyes))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD huge))) and (S (NP-SBJ his eyelids) (VP were (ADJP-PRD half shut))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (PP about (NP his face)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP disturbed (NP me))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP several seconds) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP realize (NP what)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-PRD (CONJP not merely) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ flies) (VP were (VP crawling (PP over (NP his face)))))) but (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his narrowed eyelids) (VP did not (VP blink (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the flies) (VP crawled (PP into (NP his eye sockets)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A fly) (VP would (VP (VP crawl (PP down (NP the bulging forehead)) , (PP into (NP (NP the socket) (PP of (NP the eye))))) , (VP walk (PP (PP along (NP (NP the man 's) lashes)) and (PP across (NP (NP the wet surface) (PP of (NP the eyeball))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the eye) (VP did not (VP blink))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP The Australian) and (NP I)) (NP both)) (VP (VP were (VP wearing (NP insect repellent))) and (VP were not (ADVP badly) (VP bothered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS insects)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ my eyes) (VP watered (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP watching (NP the aborigine)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP turned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP the lubra)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP remained (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP squatting (PP on (NP her heels)))) (NP-TMP (NP all the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (NP-LOC-PRD there) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) ; ; (S (PP like (NP the man)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD entirely naked))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her long thin arms) (VP moved (PP in (NP a slow rhythmical gesture)) (PP over (NP (NP the family possessions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP her))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP two rubbing sticks) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP fire))))) , (NP (NP two stones) (VP shaped (NP *) (PP (ADVP roughly) like (NP knives)))) , (NP (NP a woven-root container) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP held (NP (NP (NP a few pounds) (PP of (NP dried worms))) and (NP (NP the dead body) (PP of (NP some rodent)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADV also) (NP-PRD (NP a long wooden spear) and (NP (NP a woomera) , (NP (NP a spear-throwing device) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gives (NP the spear) (NP (NP an enormous velocity) and (NP high accuracy))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was also (NP-PRD (NP a boomerang) , (ADJP elaborately carved))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Everything) (VP was (VP burnished (NP *-1) (PP with (NP sweat and grease)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP all) (PP of (NP the objects))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP (VP to (VP have (VP been (VP carved (NP *-3) (PP from (NP the same material)))))) and (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD ageless)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The two children) , (NP both boys) ,) (VP (VP wandered (PP around (NP (NP the Australian) and (NP me))) (PP-TMP for (NP a few moments))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) returned (PP to (NP their work)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP squatted (PP on (NP their heels)) (SBAR-ADV with (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 their heads) (VP bent (NP *-1) (ADVP far forward))) , (S (NP-SBJ their eyes) (NP-PRD (NP only a few inches) (PP from (NP the ground))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP located (NP (NP the runway) (PP of (NP (NP a colony) (PP of (NP ants)))))))) and (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the ants) (VP came (PP out (PP of (NP the ground)))))) , (NP-SBJ the boys) (VP (VP picked (NP them) (PRT up) , (NP-ADV (NP one) (PP at (NP a time))) ,) and (VP pinched (NP-1 them) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dead))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The tiny bodies) , (VP dropped (NP *) (PP onto (NP a dry leaf))) ,) (VP made (NP (NP a pile) (ADJP (ADJP as big) (PP as (NP a small apple))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The odor) (ADVP-LOC here)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more powerful) (PP than (NP (NP that) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP surrounded (NP the town aborigines)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The smell) (PP-TMP at (ADJP first)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more surprising) (PP than (ADJP unpleasant)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD subtly familiar))) , for (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the odor) (PP of (NP the human body))) , but (VP multiplied (NP innumerable times) (PP-PRP because of (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the aborigines) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP bathed))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One 's) impulse) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the smell) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP a stink) and (ADJP unpleasant))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a cliche) and (NP a dishonest one))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The smell) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP sexual) , but (ADJP (ADJP so powerfully so) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a civilized nose) (VP must (VP deny (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Their skin) (VP was (VP covered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP a thin coating) (PP of (NP sweat and dirt)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (NP (NP almost the consistency) (PP of (NP a second skin)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP roll (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (PP in (NP ashes)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (ADJP-PRD warm)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ their second skin) (VP has (NP a light dusty cast) (PP to (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP spots) (PP such as (NP the elbows and knees)))) (NP-SBJ the second skin) (VP is (VP worn (PRT off)))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the aborigines) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP much darker) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP appeared))))))) ; ; (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ (NP the coating) (PP of (NP sweat , dirt , and ashes))) (VP were (NP-PRD a cosmetic)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The boys) (VP had (NP beautiful dark eyes))) and (S (PP unlike (NP their father)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP brushed (ADVP constantly) (PP at (NP the flies))) and (VP blinked (NP their eyes)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That smell) (VP is (NP-PRD something)) , (INTJ eh) , (NP-VOC mate)) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ The Australian) (VP asked (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP swear (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ every person) (VP smells (ADJP-PRD different))) and (S (NP-SBJ every family) (VP smells (ADJP-PRD different (PP from (NP every other)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP the corroborees)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP dancing and sweating))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP see (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP rubbing (PP up (PP against (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP 's (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP have (NP a (ADJP specially good) smell))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Idje) , (ADVP-LOC here)) '' , (PRN and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP nodded (PP at (NP the man))))) , `` (VP is (VP said (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP great odor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The stink) (VP is (NP-PRD all the same) (PP to (NP me)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP really) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP can (VP make (NP one another) (PRT out) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP blindfolded (NP *-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 (INTJ Here) , (NP-VOC Idje) , (NP-SBJ you fella) (VP like (NP tabac))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SQ *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR sharply)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Idje) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP stared (PP over (NP our shoulders)) (PP at (NP the horizon))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The Australian) (VP (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP talk (NP (NP a pidgin) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP understand (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) , and (VP spoke (NP strange words) (PP from (PP (ADVP deep) in (NP his chest))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a fortunate time) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP build (PP *T*-1)))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ the seventeenth century) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a great period) (PP in (NP Persian art))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The architects) , (NP the tile and carpet makers) , (NP the potters , painters , calligraphers , and metalsmiths)) (VP worked (PP through (NP (NP (NP Abbas 's) reign) and (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP his successors))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP enrich (NP the city))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Travelers) (VP entering (PP from (NP the desert)))) (VP were (VP confounded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP must (VP have (VP seemed (NP-PRD an illusion)))))) : (NP (NP a great garden) (VP (VP filled (NP *) (PP with (NP nightingales and roses))) , (VP cut (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP canals) and (NP terraced promenades)))) , (VP studded (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP water tanks) (PP of (NP turquoise tile)) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (SINV were (VP reflected (PP *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP the glistening blue) curves (PP of (NP a hundred domes)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-LOC-TPC-2 At (NP (NP the heart) (PP of (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP this)))))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP the square) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ one such traveler) (VP declared (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP be `` (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP (ADJP as spacious) , (ADJP as pleasant and aromatick)) a Market) (PP as (NP (NP any) (PP in (NP the Universe))))) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP time)) (NP-SBJ Isfahan) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP known (NP *-1) (PP as (NP `` (NP half the world) '' , (NP Isfahan nisf-i-jahan)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the (ADJP early eighteenth) century)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP this fantastic city) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-PRD (NP the size) (PP of (NP London)))) ,) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP decline)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Afghans) (VP invaded)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the Safavids) (VP fell (PP from (NP power)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the capital) (VP went (ADVP-DIR elsewhere))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the desert) (VP encroached)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Isfahan) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP of (NP a legend)) (PP than (NP a place))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (PP for (NP many people)) (NP-PRD (NP simply a name) (SBAR (WHPP-1 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP attach (NP (NP their notions) (PP (PP of (NP old Persia)) and (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (PP of (NP the East)))) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP think (PP of (NP it)) (PP as (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP spooky museum) (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP may (VP (VP (ADVP half) see (NP *RNR*-1)) and (VP (ADVP half) imagine (NP *RNR*-1)) (NP-1 the old splendor)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP actually) (VP get (ADVP there))))) (VP find (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD (ADJP spooky) (NAC *ICH*-2)) (ADVP at all) (NAC-2 but (ADJP (ADJP as brilliant) (PP as (NP (NP a tile) (PP in (NP sunlight)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (PP (ADVP even) for (NP them)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP remains (NP-PRD a museum))) , or (S (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD more accurate) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP (NP a tomb) , (NP (NP a tomb) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 Persia) (VP lies (PP *T*-2) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP well preserved) but (ADJP indeed dead)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (VP is (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP grant (NP the Persians) (NP their history))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ almost no one) (VP is (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP acknowledge (NP their present))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seems (SBAR that (S (PP (PP for (NP Persia)) , and (PP (ADVP especially) for (NP this city)) ,) (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP only two times) : (NP (NP the glorious past) and (NP the corrupt , depressing , sterile present))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The one apparent connection) (PP between (NP the two))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a score) (PP of (NP (NP buildings) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (ADVP-MNR somehow or other) (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP have (VP survived)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (ADVP naturally enough) (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP are (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) `` (NP-PRD historical monuments) '')))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (SBAR-ADV just as (S (NP-SBJ all the buildings) (VP have not (VP (VP fallen) and (VP flowed (ADVP back (PP to (NP their original mud)))))))) , (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ (NP the values) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP wanted (NP them)) and (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP built (NP *-1)))))))))) (VP have not all (VP disappeared)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The values and talents) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (NP (NP the tile) and (NP the dome) , (NP the rug) , (NP the poem) and (NP the miniature) ,))))) (VP continue (PP in (NP (NP certain social institutions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP rise (PP above (NP (NP the ordinary life) (PP of (NP this city)))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the great buildings) (VP rise (PP above (NP (NP blank walls) and (NP dirty lanes)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Often) , (ADVP too) , (NP-SBJ-1 the social institutions) (VP are (VP housed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP these pavilions and palaces and bridges))))) , for (S (S (NP-SBJ these great structures) (VP are not (NP-PRD simply `` historical monuments ''))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the places) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ Persians) (VP live (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The promenade) , (PP for (NP example)) , (VP continues (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP place) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the Chahar Bagh) , (NP (NP (NP a mile-long garden) (PP of (NP plane and poplar trees))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP serves (PP as (NP (NP the city 's) principal street)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP takes (NP place) (ADVP as well) (PP-LOC (PP along (NP the terraces)) and (PP through (NP (NP the arcades) (PP of (NP the Khaju bridge)))) , and (ADVP also) (PP in (NP (NP the gardens) (PP of (NP the square)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP (NP Fridays) , (NP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ many Persians) (VP relax (PP with (NP (NP poetry) , (NP talk) , and (NP a samovar) ,)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP do not , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true)))) , (VP stream (PP into (NP (NP Chehel Sotun) -- (NP (NP a pavilion and garden) (VP built (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Shah Abbas 2)) , (PP-TMP in (NP the seventeenth century)))) --))))) but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do (VP retire (PP into (NP (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP pavilions)) (PP-LOC (PP throughout (NP the city)) and (PP up (NP the river valley))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP smaller , (ADJP more humble) copies) (PP of (NP the former))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP of (NP course)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 religious life) (VP continues (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP center (PP-LOC-2 in (NP the (ADJP more famous) mosques))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1 (NP commercial life) -- (NP (ADVP very much) a social institution) --) (PP-LOC=2 in (NP the bazaar))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Those three other great activities) (PP of (NP the Persians))) , (NP (NP the bath) , (NP the teahouse) , and (NP (NP the zur khaneh) -LRB- (NP (NP the latter) (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP club) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a leader) and (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP men)) (PP in (NP an octagonal pit)))) (VP move (PP through (NP (NP a rite) (PP of (NP (NP calisthenics) , (NP dance) , (NP chanted poetry) , and (NP music))))) (PP *T*-2)))))))) -RRB-)) ,) (VP do not (VP take (NP place) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP buildings) (SBAR (WHPP-3 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 entrance tickets) (VP are (VP sold (NP *-1) (PP *T*-3)))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP them))) (VP occupy (NP (NP splendid examples) (PP of (NP (NP Persian domestic architecture) : (NP (NP long , domed , chalk-white rooms) (PP with (NP (NP daises) (PP of (NP turquoise tile)))) , (NP (NP their end walls) (VP cut (PP through (NP *)) (PP to (NP (NP the orchards) and (NP the sky))) (PP by (NP-LGS open arches)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (UCP-SBJ (ADJP more important) , and (NP (NP the thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the casual traveler) and (NP the blind sojourner)) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP do not (VP see (NP *T*-1)))))) ,) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ these places and activities) (VP are (ADVP-TMP often) (NP-PRD (NP the settings) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ Persians) (VP exercise (NP their extraordinary aesthetic sensibilities) (PP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-ADV (NP Water) , (NP air) , (NP fruit) , (NP poetry) , (NP music) , (NP the human form)) -- (NP-SBJ these things) (VP are (ADJP-PRD important (PP to (NP Persians))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP experience (NP them) (PP with (NP an (ADJP intense and discriminating) awareness)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP should (VP like , (PP by (NP the way)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am not (VP using (NP (NP the word) `` (NP Persians) '') (ADVP-MNR carelessly))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP mean (NP (NP a few aesthetes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP play (PRT about) (PP with (NP sensations)) , (PP like (NP (NP (NP a young prince) (PP in (NP a miniature))) (VP dabbling (NP his hand) (PP in (NP a pool))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These things) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP important (PP to (NP almost all Persians))) and (ADVP perhaps) (ADJP most important (PP to (NP the (NP (ADJP most ordinary))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The men) (VP crying (NP love poems) (PP-LOC in (NP an orchard)) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP any summer 's) night)))) (VP are (ADVP-TMP as often as not) (NP-PRD (NP the lutihaw) , (NP (NP mustachioed toughs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP spend (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP their lives))) (PP in and out (PP of (NP the local prisons , brothels , and teahouses))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A few months) ago) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP fairly typical) landlord) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the dead) (PP of (NP night)))) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lugged (NP me) (PP-DIR up (NP a mountainside)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP drink (PP from (NP (NP a spring) (ADJP famous (PP-LOC in (NP the neighborhood)) (PP for (NP its clarity and flavor))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Not long ago) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP an acquaintance) , (NP a (NP slick-headed water rat) (PP of (NP a lad)) (PP up (PP from (NP (NP the maw) (PP of (NP the city)))))) ,) (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP the balcony)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP puffing (NP his first cigarette) (PP-TMP in (NP weeks))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-1 (NP-SBJ The air) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD just right))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ a cigarette) (VP would (VP taste (ADJP-PRD particularly good)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP really) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP meant (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a nice day) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP granted))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP sniffed (NP the air)) and (VP licked (NP it) (PP on (NP his lip))) and (VP knew (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ a vintner) (VP knows (NP a vintage))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The natural world) (PP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP then) , (PP-1 plus (NP (NP poetry) and (NP (NP some kinds) (PP of (NP art))))) , (VP receives (PP from (NP (NP the (ADJP most ordinary)) (PP of (NP Persians)))) (NP (NP a great deal) (PP of (NP attention)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP (NP The line) (PP of (NP an eyebrow))) , (NP (NP the color) (PP of (NP the skin))) , (NP (NP a ghazal) (PP from (NP Hafiz))) , (NP (NP the purity) (PP of (NP spring water))) , (NP (NP the long afternoon) (PP among (NP (NP the boughs) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP crowd (NP (NP the upper story) (PP of (NP a pavilion)))))))))) -- (NP-SBJ-1 these things) (VP are (VP noticed , judged , and valued (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC Nowhere (PP in (NP Isfahan))) is (NP-SBJ (NP this rich aesthetic life) (PP of (NP the Persians))) (VP shown (ADVP (ADVP so well) (PP as (NP during (NP (NP the promenade) (PP at (NP the Khaju bridge))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP has (ADVP probably) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a bridge) (PP of (NP some sort))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the southeastern corner) (PP of (NP the city)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP For (NP one thing)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a natural belt) (PP of (NP rock)) (PP across (NP the river bed))))) ; ; (S-CLF (PP for (NP another)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP the old caravan routes))) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (S-PRP-PRD (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP provide (NP (NP a (ADJP safe and spacious) crossing) (PP for (NP these caravans)))))) , and (ADVP also) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP a pleasance) (PP for (NP the city))))) ,) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Shah Abbas 2) , (PP-TMP in (NP about 1657)) (VP built , (PP of (NP (NP sun-baked brick) , (NP tile) , and (NP stone))) , (NP the present bridge))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD a splendid structure)) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP From (NP upstream)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP looks (PP like (NP (NP a long arcaded box) (VP laid (NP *) (PP across (NP the river))))))) ; ; (S (PP from (NP (NP downstream) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the water level) (VP is (ADJP-PRD much lower) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) ,)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD a high , (ADJP elaborately facaded) pavilion))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The top story) (VP contains (NP (NP (QP more than thirty) alcoves) (VP separated (NP *) (PP from (NP each other)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP spandrels) (PP of (NP (ADJP blue and yellow) tile))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (PP At (NP either end)) and (PP in (NP the center))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP bays) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP contain (NP (NP nine greater alcoves) (ADJP (ADJP as frescoed and capacious) (PP as (NP church apses))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-2 Here) , (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the old days) -- (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP the moon) or (NP (NP displays) (PP of (NP fireworks))))))))))) --)) (VP sat (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP the king) and (NP his court)) (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ (NP priests) , (NP soldiers) , and (NP (NP other members) (PP of (NP the party)))) (VP lounged (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the smaller alcoves) (ADVP between)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Below) , (NP-SBJ twenty vaults) (VP tunnel (PP through (NP (NP the understructure) (PP of (NP the bridge))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 These) (VP are (VP traversed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP another line) (PP of (NP vaults))))))) , and (S (ADVP thus) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP rooms) , (ADJP arched (PP on (NP all four sides))) ,) (VP are (VP formed (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Down (PP through (NP (NP the axis) (PP of (NP the bridge))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a long diminishing vista) (PP like (NP (NP a visual echo) (PP of (NP piers and arches))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ (NP the vaults) (VP fronting (ADVP upstream and down))) (VP frame (NP (NP the sunset and sunrise) , (NP the (NX (NX mountains) and (NX river pools)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) , (PP on (NP the hottest day)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP is (ADJP-PRD-1 cool) (PP-LOC-2 beneath (NP the stone))) and (VP (ADJP-PRD=1 fresh) (PP=2 from (NP (NP the water) (VP flowing (PP in (NP (NP the sluices) (PP at (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the vaults))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP the downstream , or `` pavilion '' , side)) (NP-SBJ these vaults) (VP give (PRT out) (PP onto (NP (NP terraces) (ADJP (ADJP twice as wide) (PP as (NP (NP the bridge) (NP itself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-DIR From (NP (NP the terraces) -- (NP (NP eighteen) (PP in (NP all))) --)) (NP-SBJ (NP broad flights) (PP of (NP steps))) (VP descend (PP-DIR (PP into (NP the water)) or (PP onto (NP (NP (ADJP still more) terraces) (PP (ADVP barely) above (NP (NP the level) (PP of (NP the river)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Out (PP of (NP water , brick , and tile))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP made (NP (NP (ADJP far more)) (PP than (NP just a bridge))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP spring and summer evenings)) (NP-SBJ people) (VP (VP leave (NP their shops and houses)) and (VP walk (PRT up) (PP through (NP (NP the lanes) (PP of (NP the city)))) (PP-DIR to (NP the bridge)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD a great spectacle)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The bridge) (NP itself) (PP *ICH*-2)) (VP rises (PP up (PP from (NP the river))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD light-flared and enormous)) , (PP-2 like (NP (NP the outdoor set) (PP for (NP an epic opera))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Crowds) (VP press (PP (PP along (NP the terraces)) , (PP down (NP the steps)) , (PP in and out (PP of (NP the arcades)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP massing (PP against (NP it)) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP a fortress) (PP under (NP siege))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP All kinds) (NP *ICH*-3)) (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP walk (PP in (NP the promenade))))) : (NP-3 (NP (NP (NP merchants) (PP from (NP the bazaar))) (VP bickering (PP over (NP a deal)))) ; ; (NP (NP a Bakhtiari khan) (PP in (NP a cap and hacking jacket))) ; ; (NP (NP (NP dervishes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stand (PP with (NP (NP the stillness) (PP of (NP the blind)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ their eyes) (VP filmed (NP *) (PP with (NP rheum and visions))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP the old Kajar princes) (VP arriving (PP in (NP their ancient limousines)))) ; ; (NP students) , (NP civil servants) , (NP beggars) , (NP musicians) , (NP hawkers) , and (NP clowns))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Families) (VP go (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the terraces))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sit (PP on (NP carpets)) (PP around (NP a samovar)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Below) , (NP-SBJ-1 people) (VP line (NP the steps) , (PP as though (PP on (NP bleachers))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP watch (NP the sky and river))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Above) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the tiled prosceniums) (PP of (NP the alcoves)))) , (NP-SBJ boys) (VP sing (NP (NP the ghazals) (PP of (NP Hafiz and Saadi))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (PP-LOC at (NP the very bottom)) , (PP-LOC in (NP the vaults)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the toughs and blades) (PP of (NP the city))) (VP (VP hoot) and (VP bang (NP their drums)) , (VP drink (NP arak)) , (VP play (NP dice)) , and (VP dance))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (PP-TMP in (NP an evening)) (NP-SBJ Persians) (VP enjoy (NP (NP (NP many) (PP of (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD important (PP to (NP them))))))))) : (NP (NP poetry) , (NP water) , (NP the moon) , (NP a beautiful face)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP To (NP a stranger)) (NP-SBJ (NP their delight) (PP in (NP these things))) (VP may (VP seem (ADJP-PRD paradoxical)))) , for (S (NP-SBJ Persians) (VP chase (NP the golden calf) (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP as (NP any people))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Many) (PP of (NP them))) , (ADVP moreover) , (VP are (VP beginning (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP complain (PP about (NP (NP the scarcity) (PP of (NP Western amusements))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ridicule (NP (NP the old life) (PP of (NP (NP the bazaar merchant) , (NP the mullah) , and (NP the peasant)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nonetheless) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP take (NP (NP time) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PRT out) (NP-1 -- (NP much time) -- (PP from (NP (NP (NP the game) (PP of (NP grab))) and (NP these new Western experiments)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the gardens and riverbanks)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Above (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP will (VP stop (PP in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP anything)))) , (ADVP-LOC anywhere) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hear or quote (NP some poetry)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Poetry) (PP in (NP Persian life)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP far more)) (PP than (NP (NP a common ground) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) -- (S (PP in (NP (NP a society) (VP (ADVP deeply) fissured (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS antagonisms))))) -- (NP-SBJ all) (VP may (VP stand (PP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP contains , (PP in (NP fact)) , (NP (NP their whole outlook) (PP on (NP life)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP expressed (NP *-1) , (PP (ADVP at least) to (NP their taste)) , (PP in (NP a perfect form)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Poetry) (PP for (NP a Persian)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP less) (PP than (NP truth and beauty))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP most Western cultures)) (NP-TMP today) (NP-SBJ-1 these twins) (VP have (VP been (VP sent (NP *-1) (ADVP away) (PP to (NP the libraries and museums))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP Persia) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR practically) (VP speaking)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP no museums or libraries) or , (PP for (NP that matter)) , (NP hardly any books) ,) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) (NP-SBJ the twins) (VP run (ADVP free)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP perhaps) (ADJP-PRD difficult) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP conceive))))) , but (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP imagine (SBAR that (S (NP-TMP tonight) (PP-LOC on (NP London bridge)) (NP-SBJ (NP the Teddy boys) (PP of (NP the East End))) (VP will (VP gather (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sing (NP (NP Marlowe) , (NP Herrick) , (NP Shakespeare) , and (NP (NP perhaps some lyrics) (PP of (NP their own))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) , (PP at (NP any rate)) , (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happens (PP at (NP the Khaju bridge)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Boys and men) (VP go (PP (PP along (NP the riverbank)) or (PP to (NP (NP the alcoves) (PP in (NP the top arcade)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP these little rooms) -- or (NP (NP stages) (ADJP arched open (PP to (NP the sky and river)))) --)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP choose (NP a few lines) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP the hundreds) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP may (VP know (NP *T*-2))))))))) and (VP sing (NP them) (PP according (PP to (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the modes) (SBAR (WHPP-3 into (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Persian music) (VP is (VP divided (NP *-1) (PP *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Each mode) (VP is (VP believed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a specific attribute) -- (UCP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 one) (VP inducing (NP-3 pleasure))) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ=2 another) (NP=3 generosity)) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ=2 another) (NP=3 love)) , and (ADVP so on) ,)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP include (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP the emotions))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The singer) (ADVP simply) (VP matches (NP the poem) (PP to (NP a mode)))) ; ; (FRAG (PP for (NP example)) , (FRAG (NP (NP the mode) (PP of (NP bravery))) (PP to (NP (NP this anonymous folk poem) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP brought (NP me) (NP news (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ Spring) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP the plains)))) And (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ahmad 's) blood) (VP (NP the crimson tulip) stains))))))) ; ; (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Go)) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP tell (NP his aged mother) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ her son) (VP Fought (PP with (NP a thousand foes)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD one)))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (FRAG (NP (NP the mode) (PP of (NP love))) (PP to (NP (NP this fragment) (PP by (NP a recent poet)) : `` (SINV-IMP (VP Know (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP ye) , (NP (NP fair folk) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP *T*-1) (VP (VP dwell (PP on (NP earth))) Or (VP shall (ADVP-TMP hereafter) (VP come (PP to (NP birth)))))))) ,) (SBAR-2 That (S (ADVP-LOC here) , (PP with (NP (NP dust) (PP upon (NP his eyes)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Iraj) , (NP the sweet-tongued singer) ,) (VP lies))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (PP-LOC In (NP (NP (NP this true lover 's) tomb))) (VP interred (NP *-2))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A world) (PP of (NP love))) (VP lies (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sepulchred))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP These songs) -LRB- (NP (NP practically all Persian music) , (PP for (NP that matter))) -RRB-) (VP are (VP limited (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP a range) (PP of (NP two octaves)))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (PP within (NP this limitation)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an astonishing variety) : (NP (NP design) (ADJP (ADJP as intricate) (PP as (NP (NP that) (PP in (NP the carpet or miniature))))) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP the melodic line) (PP like (NP the (ADJP painted or woven) line))) (VP (ADVP-TMP often) flowing (PP into (NP an arabesque)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S Die Frist ist um , und wiederum verstrichen sind sieben Jahr) , (S (NP-SBJ the Maestro) (VP quoted (NP The Flying Dutchman) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP told (PP of (NP his career and wanderings)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP explaining (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the number seven) (VP had (ADVP significantly) (VP recurred (PP in (NP his life)) (NP-TMP several times)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The music director) (PP of (NP the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra))) , (NP William Steinberg) ,) (VP has (VP molded (NP his group) (PP into (NP (NP a prominent musical organization) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD his life)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP added (PP to (NP his Pittsburgh commitments)) (NP (NP the directorship) (PP of (NP the London Philharmonic Orchestra))) (PP-TMP in (NP 1958)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP conducted (NP (QP one hundred fifty) concerts) (PP-TMP within (NP nine months)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP `` commuting '' (PP between (NP the two cities))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This schedule) (VP became (ADJP-PRD too strenuous) , (PP (ADVP even) for (NP the (ADJP energetic and conscientious) Mr. Steinberg))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 His London contract) (VP was (VP rescinded (NP *-2)))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP explains (ADVP-MNR cheerfully) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ a bright smile) (VP lightens (NP his intense , mobile face)))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP conduct (NP (QP only one hundred and twenty) concerts))) '')) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our meeting) (VP took (NP place) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP May) , (NP 1961) ,)) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the Maestro 's) stop-overs) (PP-LOC in (NP New York)))))) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (PP for (NP Europe)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP converse (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the lounge) (PP of (NP his Fifth Avenue hotel)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP his restlessness) and (NP (NP sensitivity) (PP to (NP light and sound)))) (VP became (ADJP-PRD immediately apparent)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Seeking (NP an obscure , dark , (ADJP relatively quiet) corner) (PP in (NP (NP the airy room) (VP (ADVP otherwise) suffused (NP *) (PP with (NP afternoon sunshine))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP asked (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-2 the soft background music) (VP could (VP be (VP turned (NP *-2) (PRT off))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Unfortunately) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Muzak) , (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (ADVP automatically) (VP is (VP piped (NP *-1) (PP into (NP the public rooms)))))) , and (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (ADVP nolens volens) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP be (VP endured (NP *-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP talked (PP about (NP himself)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP time and again) (VP (VP stuffing (NP *RNR*-1)) and (VP dragging (PP on (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 his pipe)))))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 Steinberg) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP relax))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-4 the initial hurried feeling) (VP (VP grew (ADJP-PRD faint)) and (VP was (VP dispelled (NP *-4)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ he) (VP come (PP from (NP a musical family))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) : (PP though (NP not professional musicians)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD a music-loving family)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP his native Cologne) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP taught (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP play (NP the piano)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP read (NP notes))))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP learned (NP the alphabet))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP even) (VP devised (NP (NP a system) (PP of (NP colors)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 whereby) (S (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP could (ADVP-MNR easily) (VP distinguish (NP the different note values) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP started (NP school) (PP at (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP five-and-a-half)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP why) (S (NP-SBJ the alphabet) (VP begins (PP with (NP (NP the letter) (NP (NP A) , (CONJP instead of) (NP (NP C) , (PP as (PP in (NP the scale)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Because , (S (PP like (NP many other children)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP intensely) (VP disliked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP practicing (NP Czerny Etudes)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP composed (NP his own studies)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD eight) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP began (NP violin lessons)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Soon) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP playing (PP in (NP the Cologne Municipal Orchestra))))) , and (S (PP-TMP during (NP (NP World War 1) , , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ musicians) (VP were (ADJP-PRD scarce) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) ,)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP joined (NP the opera orchestra) (ADVP as well))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Steinberg) (VP claims (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP these early years) (PP of (NP orchestra participation))) (VP were (PP-PRD of (NP (NP invaluable help) (PP to (NP his career)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP observing (NP the conductor)))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (S *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP a twinkle) (PP in (NP his eyes))))))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP learned (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP conduct (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The musician) (VP ran (ADVP away (PP from (NP school))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD fifteen) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ this escapade) (VP did not (VP save (NP him) (PP from (NP the Gymnasium))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Simultaneously) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP pursued (NP (NP his musical studies) (PP at (NP the conservatory))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP receiving (NP (NP sound training) (PP (PP in (NP counterpoint and harmony)) , (CONJP as well) (PP in (NP the violin and piano))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His professional career) (VP began (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD twenty) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP became (NP-PRD (NP (NP Otto Klemperer 's) personal assistant) (PP at (NP the Cologne Opera)))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP (NP a year) later) (VP was (VP promoted (NP *-2) (PP to (NP (NP the position) (PP of (NP regular conductor))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was n't (NP-SBJ this) (NP-PRD (NP an (ADJP unusually young) age) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fill (NP such a responsible post) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ the Maestro) (VP assented) .)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a conductor))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (ADVP originally) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP had (VP hoped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD a concert pianist)))))) and (VP had (ADVP even) (VP performed (PP as (NP such))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP assumed (NP (NP the duties) (PP of (NP a conductor))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP relinquished (NP (NP his career) (PP as (NP a pianist)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Five years) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP were (VP spent (NP *-1) (PP with (NP the Cologne Opera)) , (SBAR-3 (WHPP after (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP called (NP *-2) (PP to (NP Prague)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Alexander von Zemlinsky) , (NP (NP teacher) (PP of (NP (NP Arnold Schonberg) and (NP Erich Korngold)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1927)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP succeeded (NP Zemlinsky) (PP as (NP (NP opera director) (PP of (NP (NP the German Theater) (PP-LOC at (NP Prague))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP his tenure)) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP also) (VP fulfilled (NP (NP guest engagements) (PP-LOC at (NP the Berlin State Opera)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Two years) later) (NP-SBJ he) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP director) (PP of (NP (NP the Frankfurt Opera) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remained (ADVP-LOC *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lost (NP this position) (PP-TMP in (NP 1933)) (PP through (NP (NP the rise) (PP of (NP the Hitler regime)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP these years)) (NP-SBJ the youthful conductor) (VP had (VP contributed (ADVP greatly) (PP to (NP (NP the high level) (PP of (NP (NP musical life) (PP-LOC in (NP Germany)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP presented (NP (NP the first German performances) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Puccini 's) Manon Lescaut) and (NP (NP De Falla 's) La Vida Breve)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Frankfurt years) (VP were (ADJP-PRD particularly noteworthy (PP for (NP (NP (NP his performance) (PP of (NP (NP Berg 's) Wozzek)) (PP-TMP (ADVP soon) after (NP (NP the Berlin premiere) (PP under (NP Erich Kleiber))))) , and (NP (NP the world premiere) (PP of (NP (NP Schonberg 's) Von heute auf morgen))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the outset) (PP of (NP his career)))) , (NP-SBJ Steinberg) (VP had (VP dedicated (NP himself) (PP to (NP (NP the advancement) (PP of (NP contemporary music)))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP vowing (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP a Schonberg work) (NP-TMP every year))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP Frankfurt)) , (ADVP too) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP directed (NP (NP the Museum and Opera House concerts) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (PP in (NP (NP addition) (PP to (NP the standard repertoire)))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP featured (NP (NP novelties) (PP like (NP (NP (NP Erdmann 's) Piano Concerto) and (NP (NP Mahler 's) Sixth Symphony))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-PRP Because of (NP (NP the political upheaval) (PP-LOC in (NP Germany)) (PP-TMP in (NP the 1930 's)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Steinberg) (VP was (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP restrict (NP his activities) (PP to (NP the Jewish community))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Through (NP the Frankfurt Jewish Kulturbund)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP sonata recitals) (PP-LOC in (NP synagogues)) , (PP with (NP Cellist Emanuel Feuermann)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP more and more) Jewish musicians) (VP lost (NP (NP their jobs) (PP with (NP professional organizations)))))) (NP-SBJ Steinberg) (VP united (NP them) (PP into (NP (NP the Frankfurt Kulturbund Orchestra) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP also) (VP gave (NP guest performances) (PP-LOC in (NP other German cities)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1936)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP accepted (NP (NP the leadership) (PP of (NP the Berlin Kulturbund)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP the fall) (PP of (NP that year)))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the best musicians) (PP of (NP the Berlin and Frankfurt Kulturbund orchestras))) (VP joined (PP under (NP (NP the combined efforts) (PP of (NP (NP Bronislaw Hubermann) and (NP Steinberg))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP the Palestine Orchestra) -- (VP (ADVP-TMP now) known (PP as (NP the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra))) --) (PP with (NP (NP Steinberg) (PP as (NP founder-conductor)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1938)) , (PP at (NP (NP the insistence) (PP of (NP Arturo Toscanini)))) , (NP-SBJ Steinberg) (VP left (NP Germany) (PP for (NP the United States)) , (PP by (NP (NP way) (PP of (NP Switzerland))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP spent (NP the first three years) (PP-LOC in (NP New York)) (PP as (NP (NP associate conductor) , (PP *ICH*-1))) (PP at (NP (NP Toscanini 's) invitation)) , (PP-1 of (NP the NBC Orchestra)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP numerous guest appearances) (PP throughout (NP (NP the United States) and (NP Latin America)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1945)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP conductor) (PP of (NP the Buffalo Philharmonic)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Seven years) later) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP asked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP director) (PP of (NP the Pittsburgh Symphony)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Since (NP 1944)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (ADVP also) (VP conducted (ADVP regularly) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the San Francisco Opera) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP his debut) (PP with (NP (NP a memorable performance) (PP of (NP (NP Verdi 's) Falstaff)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP recent years)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP has (VP traveled (ADVP widely) (PP-LOC in (NP Europe)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP conducting (PP in (NP Italy , France , Austria , and Switzerland)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP returned (PP to (NP (NP Germany) (SBAR *ICH*-1))) (PP for (NP the first time)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1953)) , (SBAR-1 (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (ADVP-TMP since) (VP conducted (PP-LOC in (NP Cologne , Frankfurt , and Berlin)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 (WHADVP Where) (PP-LOC in (NP Europe))) (SQ was (NP-SBJ he) (VP going (ADVP-DIR *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP First (PP of (NP all))) , (PP-DIR to (NP Italy)) (PP for (NP a short vacation)) -- (NP (NP Forte Dei Marmi) , (NP (NP a place) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP loves (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (ADVP-LOC-PRD far (PP from (NP Viareggio)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP will (VP visit (NP (NP Puccini 's) house) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP fails (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do)))))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP his respects) (PP to (NP (NP the memory) (PP of (NP (NP the composer) (PP of (NP (NP La Boheme) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP considers (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Puccini 's) masterpieces)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Steinberg) (VP spoke (PP with (NP warmth and enthusiasm)) (PP about (NP Italy)))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ Rome) (VP is (NP-PRD my second home))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD (NP the center) (PP of (NP the world))))) and (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (NP-PRD a point) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (ADVP-TMP once (NP a year)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP will (VP conduct (NP (NP two concerts) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC at (NP the Accademia Di Santa Cecilia)) , (NAC-1 (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP concerts) (PP-LOC in (NP Munich and Cologne)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP return (PP to (NP the United States)) (PP for (NP (NP engagements) (PP-LOC (PP at (NP the Hollywood Bowl)) and (PP in (NP Philadelphia)))))) '' ,) (NP-SBJ he) (VP added (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The forthcoming season) (PP in (NP Pittsburgh))) (ADVP also) (VP promises (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP unusual interest)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP premieres) (PP of (NP new works)) , (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD possible)) (PP through (NP Ford Foundation commissions)))) : (NP (NP (NP Carlisle Floyd 's) Mystery) , (PP with (NP (NP Phyllis Curtin) (PP as (NP soprano soloist)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Other world premieres) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP Gardner Read 's) Third Symphony) and (NP (NP Burle Marx 's) Samba Concertante)))) .)) (TOP (S `` And (NP-TMP next year) (NP-SBJ we) (VP will (VP do (PRN -- (NP also a Ford commission) --) (NP (NP a piano concerto) (PP by (NP Elliott Carter)) , (PP with (NP (NP Jacob Lateiner) (PP as (NP soloist))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (VP conduct (NP Mahler and Bruckner works) (PP-TMP in (NP the coming season)) , (PP as (ADJP usual)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP play (NP (NP (NP Bruckner 's) Fifth Symphony) (PP in (NP the original version)) , and (NP (NP (NP Mahler 's) Seventh) -- (NP (NP the (ADJP least accessible , known , and played)) (PP of (NP (NP Mahler 's) works))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My Pittsburghers) (VP have (VP become (NP-PRD (NP real addicts) (PP to (NP Mahler and Bruckner))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP added (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP also) (VP stresses (NP (NP (NP the works) (PP of (NP these favorite masters))) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP on (NP tour)) , (NP-1 (ADVP especially) (NP (NP (NP Mahler 's) First and Fourth symphonies) , and (NP Das Lied Von der Erde)) , and (NP (NP (NP Bruckner 's) Sixth (PRN -- (SBAR (WHNP-6 which) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-6) (VP is (ADVP rarely) (VP played (NP *-5))))) --) and Seventh))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP Bruckner 's) Eighth) (NP-SBJ he) (VP refers (PP to (NP *T*-1)) (PP as `` (NP my travel symphony) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP recalled (SBAR that (S (PP-LOC in (NP California)) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ a critic) (VP had (VP attacked (NP him) (PP for `` (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sell (NP Bruckner) (PP to (NP the Americans))))))) ''))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the public 's) response) (PP at (NP the next concert))) (VP was (NP-PRD a standing ovation))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TMP Now (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ Bruno Walter) (VP is (ADVP virtually) (PP-PRD in (NP retirement)))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP my dear friend) (NP Dimitri Mitropoulos)) (VP is (ADJP-TMP no longer) (PP-PRD with (NP us))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADVP probably) (NP-PRD (NP the only one) (PRN -- (PP with (NP (NP the possible exception) (PP of (NP Leonard Bernstein)))) --) (SBAR (WHNP-6 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-6) (VP (VP has (NP this special affinity) (PP for (NP *RNR*-1))) and (VP champions (NP *RNR*-1)) (NP-1 (NP the works) (PP of (NP Bruckner and Mahler)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP introduces (NP (ADJP so much) modern music)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP could not (VP resist (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP asking (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (UCP-TMP (ADVP always) and (PP at (NP all times))) (NP-PRD a contemporary music))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP expresses (NP (NP the era) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP created (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP usually) (VP stick (PP to (NP (NP the old phrase) : ' (S (S Ich habe ein Amt , aber keine Meinung) -LRB- (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hold (NP an office))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do not (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP entitled (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP an opinion)))))))))) -RRB-)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP my job) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP expose (NP the public) (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP being (VP written (NP *-1) (NP-TMP today)))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ (PP With (NP all his musical activities)) , did (NP-SBJ he) (VP have (NP (NP the time and inclination) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP do (NP anything else) (ADVP *T*-2))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP paid (NP a brief visit) (PP to (NP the Frick Collection)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP admire (NP (NP his favorite paintings) (PP by (NP (NP Rembrandt) and (NP Franz Hals))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP was not (ADJP-PRD enthusiastic (PP over (NP the (ADJP newly acquired) Claude Lorrain)))) , but (VP reminisced (PP with (NP pleasure)) (PP over (NP (NP a Poussin exhibit) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP Paris)) (ADVP-TMP (NP a year) ago))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ And (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ did (NP-SBJ he) (VP feel (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) (PP about (NP modern art))))) ? ?) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) (NP-SBJ Steinberg) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD cautious)) and (VP replied (PP with (NP a smile)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was not (VP exposed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP it)) (ADVP enough) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hazard (NP comments)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ my wife) (VP puts (NP it)))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (ADVP again) (PP with (NP (NP a twinkle) (PP in (NP his eyes))))))) , `` (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (NP-PRD your music)) .)) (TOP (S But (PP after (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP learned (NP (NP anything) (ADVP else))) '' ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ he) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP relaxation)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP his late colleague) , (NP Mitropoulos) ,)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP reads (NP (NP mystery stories) , (PP in (ADJP particular)) (NP Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP cited (NP Heine and Stendhal) (PP as (NP (NP favorites) (PP in (NP literature))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 But (NP-SBJ (NP his prime interest) , (ADVP apart (PP from (NP music))) ,) (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP insisted (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)) (ADVP-MNR seriously)))) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his family) -- (NP his wife , daughter and son))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the moment)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD excited (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his son 's) (VP having (VP received (NP (NP the Prix De Rome) (PP in (NP archaeology))))))))) and (VP was (VP looking (ADVP forward) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP being (ADJP-PRD present) (NP-TMP this summer) (PP at (NP (NP the excavation) (PP of (NP an Etruscan tomb)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Both children) (VP are (ADJP-PRD musical))) and (S (NP-SBJ my wife) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a music lover) (PP of (NP unfailing instinct and judgement))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-SBJ Is (NP-SBJ (NP the attitude) (PP of (NP German youth))) (ADJP-PRD comparable (PP to (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP `` (NP the angry young men) ' (PP of (NP England)))))))) '' ? ? (VP Was (NP-PRD (NP the topic) (PP for (NP (NP a round-table discussion) (PP at (NP (NP the Bayerische Rundfunk) (PP-LOC in (NP Munich)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP chairman) , (NP the only (ADJP not youthful) participant))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ-2 attack) (VP serves (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP stimulate (NP (NP interest) (PP in (NP broadcasts))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP added (PP to (NP my opening statement)) (NP (NP a sentence) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP claimed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-4 German youth) (VP (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP lack (NP (NP the enthusiasm) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a necessary ingredient) (PP of (NP anger))))))))))) , and (VP might (VP be (VP classified (NP *-4) (PP as (ADJP (ADJP uninterested and bored) (CONJP rather than) (ADJP angry))))))))) (PP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD far from convinced (PP of (NP (NP the truth) (PP of (NP my statement)))))) , but (VP could not (VP think (PP of (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP evoke (NP responses) (ADVP more quickly)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADJP-PRD easy (PP for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP talk))))))) '' ; ; (PRN (SINV (VP countered (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a (ADJP (NP-ADV twenty year) old) law student))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP travel (PP around (NP the world)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP that) (ADVP too)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP (NP a job) (VP guaranteed (NP *) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP return (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP continued (NP my attack))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP have (NP some security)))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a young clerk) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mentioned (SBAR that (S (PP for (NP my first long voyage)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP did not (ADVP even) (VP have (NP (NP the money) (PP for (NP the return fare))))) , but (VP had (VP trusted (PP to (NP luck)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP earn (NP a sufficient amount)))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the young people) (VP looked (PP at (NP me)) (ADVP-MNR doubtingly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One girl) (VP expressed (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP obviously) (PP-PRD in (NP their minds)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Would (NP-SBJ you) (VP advise (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP act (NP-MNR the same way))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP might (VP have (VP failed))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD rather foolhardy) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP trust (PP to (NP luck))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP mentioned (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP might (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ask (NP (NP friends) or (NP even strangers)) (PP for (NP help)))))))))) and (SBAR that (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP stranded (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP a foreign country)) (PP without (NP sufficient funds)))))) (VP did not (VP contribute (PP to (NP international understanding)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The debate) (VP needed (NP no additional controversy))) and (S (ADVP-TMP soon) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP ask (NP each) (ADVP individually) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP expected (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP life))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ his hopes) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-2)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ his fears) (VP (NP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the four boys) and (NP two girls)) , (NP (NP (NP the youngest) (NP (NP nineteen years) (PP of (NP age)))) , (NP (NP the oldest) (NP twenty-four))) ,) (VP (VP came (PP from (NP varying backgrounds))) and (VP had (NP different (ADJP professional and personal) interests))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD surprising agreement) (PP among (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP wished (PP for (NP *T*-2)) (ADVP most)))) (VP was (NP-PRD security))) ; ; (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP feared (NP *T*-1) (ADVP most)))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP war) or (NP (NP political instability) (PP in (NP their own country)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ The ideal home) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP agreed (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP a small private house) or (NP (NP a city apartment) (PP of (NP (QP four to five) rooms)))) , (ADJP just enough (PP for (NP (NP a family) (VP consisting (PP of (NP (NP husband) , (NP wife) , and (NP two children)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP wanted (NP (NP a larger family) or (NP no children)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ none) (VP (VP hoped (PP for (NP a castle))) or (VP said (SBAR that (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP living (PP in (NP less settled circumstances)))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD satisfactory)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ All) (VP expressed (NP (NP interest) (PP in (NP world affairs))))) but (S (NP-SBJ-1 no one) (VP offered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP any sacrifices) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP satisfy (NP this interest))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Once again) , (PP as (PP in (NP (NP the days) (PP of (NP the Founding Fathers))))) , (NP-SBJ America) (VP faces (NP a stern test)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That test) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ President Kennedy) (ADVP-MNR forthrightly) (VP depicted (NP it) (PP in (NP his (NAC State (PP of (NP the Union))) message))))) , (VP will (VP determine `` (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP a nation) (VP organized and governed (NP *) (PP such as (NP ours)))) (VP can (VP endure)))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP-PRD well) (ADVP then) (SBAR-1 that (S (PP-TMP in (NP (NP this hour) (PP both (PP of `` (NP national peril) '') and (PP of `` (NP national opportunity) '')))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP take (NP counsel) (PP with (NP (NP the men) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP made (NP the nation))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Incapable (PP of (NP self-delusion)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the Founding Fathers) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ (NP the crisis) (PP of (NP their time))) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD equally grave)))))) , (CONJP and yet) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP confidence (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ America) (VP would (VP surmount (NP it))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a republic) (PP of (NP free peoples))) (VP would (VP (VP prosper) and (VP serve (PP as (NP (NP an example) (PP to (NP (NP a world) (VP aching (PP for (NP liberty)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Seven Founders) -- (NP (NP George Washington) , (NP Benjamin Franklin) , (NP John Adams) , (NP Thomas Jefferson) , (NP Alexander Hamilton) , (NP James Madison) and (NP John Jay)) --) (VP determined (NP (NP the destinies) (PP of (NP the new nation)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP certain respects)) , (NP-SBJ their task) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP incomparably greater) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ ours) (VP *?* (ADJP-PRD *?*) (NP-TMP today))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nobody) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP-TMP before (NP them)) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP *T*-1) (VP to (VP show (NP them) (NP the way))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ Madison) (VP commented (PP to (NP Jefferson)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1789))))) , `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP are (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP a wilderness)) (PP without (NP (NP a single footstep) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP guide (NP us)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our successors) (VP will (VP have (NP an easier task))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP thought (PP of (NP themselves)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP use (NP (NP Jefferson 's) words)))) ,) (PP as (NP `` (NP the Argonauts) '' (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP lived (PP-TMP in `` (NP the Heroic Age) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Accordingly) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP took (NP special pains) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP preserve (NP their papers) (PP as (NP (NP essential sources) (PP for (NP posterity)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their writings) (VP assume (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP (ADJP dramatic or patriotic) interest))) (PP-PRP because of (NP their conviction (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the struggle) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP involved (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2)))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD neither selfish nor parochial)))) (CONJP but , rather) , (SBAR (PP as (S (NP-SBJ Washington) (PP in (NP his last wartime circular)) (VP reminded (NP his fellow countrymen)))) , that `` (SINV (PP with (NP our fate)) will (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the destiny) (PP of (NP unborn millions))) (VP be (VP involved (NP *-3))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Strong men) (PP with (NP strong opinions)) , (ADJP frank (PP to (NP (NP the point) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD refreshingly indiscreet)))))))) , (NP-SBJ the Founding Seven) (VP were (ADVP essentially) (NP-PRD congenial minds)) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP their agreements) (PP with (NP each other))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more consequential) (PP than (NP their differences))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even though (S (PP in (NP most cases)) (NP-SBJ (NP the completion) (PP of (NP (NP the definitive editions) (PP of (NP their writings))))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-PRD (NP years) off)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 enough documentation) (VP has (ADVP-TMP already) (VP been (VP assembled (NP *-1))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP to (VP warrant (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP drawing (NP (NP a new composite profile) (PP of (NP (NP the leadership) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP performed (NP the heroic dual feats (PP of (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP winning (NP American independence))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP founding (NP a new nation)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP merging (NP them) (PP into (NP a common profile))))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADVP-PRD well) (S-2 (NP *) (VP to (VP remember (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ their separate careers) (VP were (ADJP-PRD extraordinary)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Certainly) (NP-SBJ (NP no other seven American statesmen) (PP from (NP any later period))) (VP achieved (NP (ADJP so much)) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP (ADJP so concentrated) a span) (PP of (NP years))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Eldest (PP of (NP the seven)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Benjamin Franklin) , (NP (NP a New Englander) (VP transplanted (NP *) (PP to (NP Philadelphia)))) ,) (VP wrote (NP (NP the (ADJP most dazzling) success story) (PP in (NP our history)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The young (NP printer 's) apprentice) (VP achieved (NP greatness) (PP in (NP a half-dozen different fields)) , (PP as (NP (NP editor and publisher) , (NP scientist) , (NP inventor) , (NP philanthropist) and (NP statesman)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP Author) (PP of (NP (NP the Albany Plan) (PP Of (NP Union)) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) , (S (SINV-ADV had (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP been (VP adopted (NP *-1))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP might (VP have (VP avoided (NP the Revolution))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP fought (NP (NP the colonists ') front-line battles) (PP-LOC in (NP London))) , (VP negotiated (NP (NP the treaty) (PP of (NP (NP alliance) (PP with (NP France)))) and (NP (NP the peace) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP ended (NP the war))))))) , (VP headed (NP (NP the state government) (PP of (NP Pennsylvania)))) , and (VP exercised (NP an important moderating influence) (PP-LOC at (NP the Federal Convention)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP (NP a military mission) (PP for (NP his native Virginia)))) (NP-SBJ the youthful George Washington) (VP (VP touched (PRT off) (NP the (ADJP French and Indian) War)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) guarded (NP (NP his colony 's) frontier) (PP as (NP (NP head) (PP of (NP its militia)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Commanding (NP the Continental Army) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP six long years) (PP of (NP the Revolution)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the indispensable factor) (PP in (NP the ultimate victory)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Retiring (PP to (NP his beloved Mount Vernon)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP returned (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP preside (PP over (NP the Federal Convention)))))) , and (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only man) (PP in (NP history)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (ADVP unanimously) (VP elected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD President)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP his two terms)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the Constitution) (VP was (VP (VP tested (NP *-2)) and (VP found (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD workable)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 strong national policies) (VP were (VP-4 inaugurated (NP *-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1-3 (NP the traditions and powers) (PP of (NP the Presidential office))) (ADVP firmly) (VP=4 fixed (NP *-3))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John Adams) (VP (VP fashioned (NP (NP much) (PP of (NP pre-Revolutionary radical ideology)))) , (VP wrote (NP (NP the constitution) (PP of (NP (NP his home state) (PP of (NP Massachusetts)))))) , (VP negotiated , (PP with (NP Franklin and Jay)) , (NP (NP the peace) (PP with (NP Britain)))) and (VP served (PP as (NP (NP our first Vice President) and (NP our second President))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP His (NX (NX political opponent) and (NX lifetime friend))) , (NP Thomas Jefferson) ,) (VP achieved (NP immortality) (PP through (NP (NP his authorship) (PP of (NP (NP the Declaration) (PP of (NP Independence)))))))) , but (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-2 equally notable) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the (ADJP legal and constitutional) reforms) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP instituted (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP his native Virginia)))))) , (NP (NP his role) (PP as (NP (NP father) (PP of (NP our territorial system))))) , and (NP (NP his acquisition) (PP of (NP the Louisiana Territory)) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP his first term) (PP as (NP President))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the greater part) (PP of (NP (NP Jefferson 's) career)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP enjoyed (NP (NP the close collaboration) (PP of (NP (NP a fellow Virginian) , (NP (NP-1 James Madison) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP-ADV eight years) his junior))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP The active sponsor) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Jefferson 's) measure) (PP for (NP (NP religious liberty) (PP-LOC in (NP Virginia))))))) , (NP-SBJ Madison) (VP (VP played (NP the (ADJP most influential) single role) (PP (PP in (NP (NP the drafting) (PP of (NP the Constitution)))) and (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP securing (NP its ratification) (PP-LOC in (NP Virginia))))))) , (VP founded (NP (NP the first political party) (PP in (NP American history)))) , and , (VP (PP as (NP (NP (NP Jefferson 's) Secretary) (PP of (NP State)) and (NP (NP his successor) (PP in (NP the Presidency))))) , guided (NP the nation) (PP through (NP (NP the troubled years) (PP of (NP (NP our second war) (PP with (NP Britain)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Franklin) (VP was (NP-PRD an authentic genius)))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ (NP Alexander Hamilton) , (PP with (NP his (NX (NX exceptional precocity) , (NX consuming energy) , and (NX high ambition))))) , (VP was (NP-PRD a political prodigy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His revolutionary pamphlets) , (VP published (NP *) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD only 19) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) ,) (ADVP quickly) (VP brought (NP him) (PP to (NP (NP the attention) (PP of (NP the patriot leaders))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Principal author) (PP of `` (NP The Federalist) '')) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP swung (NP New York) (PP over (PP from (NP (NP opposition) (PP to (NP the Constitution))))) (PP to (NP ratification)) (ADVP-MNR almost single-handedly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP His collaboration) (PP with (NP Washington))) , (VP begun (NP *) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the general 's) aide) (PP-TMP during (NP the Revolution)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) ,) (VP was (VP resumed (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP entered (NP the first Cabinet) (PP as (NP (NP Secretary) (PP of (NP the Treasury)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His bold fiscal program) and (NP (NP his broad interpretation) (PP of (NP the Constitution)))) (VP stand (PP as (NP durable contributions))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP Less dazzling) (PP than (NP Hamilton))) , (ADJP (ADJP less eloquent) (PP than (NP Jefferson))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 John Jay) (VP commands (NP an (ADJP equally high) rank) (PP among (NP the Founding Fathers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP served (PP as (NP (NP president) (PP of (NP the Continental Congress))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP played (NP (NP the leading role) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP negotiating (NP (NP the treaty) (PP with (NP Great Britain)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ended (NP the Revolution)))))))))) , and (VP directed (NP (NP America 's) foreign affairs) (PP-TMP throughout (NP the Confederation period)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP first Chief Justice)) , (NP-SBJ his strong nationalist opinions) (VP anticipated (NP John Marshall)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ended (NP his public career) (PP as (NP (NP a two-term governor) (PP of (NP New York))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These Seven Founders) (VP constituted (NP (NP an (ADJP intellectual and social) elite) , (NP (NP the (ADJP most respectable and disinterested) leadership) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ any revolution) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP confessed (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Their social status) (VP was (VP (VP achieved (NP *-1) (PP-2 in (NP some cases)) (PP-3 by (NP birth)) , (PP-4 as (PP with (NP Washington , Jefferson and Jay)))) ; ; (VP (PP=2 in (NP others)) (PP=3 by (NP business and professional acumen)) , (PP=4 as (PP with (NP Franklin and Adams)))) , or , (VP (PP=2 in (NP (NP Hamilton 's) case)) , (PP=3 by (NP an influential marriage))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Unlike (NP (NP so many) (PP of (NP (NP the power-starved intellectuals) (PP in (NP underdeveloped nations)) (PP of (NP our own day)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP commanded (NP both prestige and influence) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the Revolution) (VP started)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP As different physically) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the tall , angular Jefferson) (VP was (PP-PRD from (NP the chubby , rotund Adams))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the seven) (VP were (NP-PRD striking individualists)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP Ardent) , (ADJP opinionated) , (ADJP even obstinate))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD amazingly articulate)) , (VP wrote (NP their own copy)) , and (VP were (NP-PRD (NP masters) (PP of (NP phrasemaking))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD Capable (PP of (NP enduring friendships)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP stout controversialists) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP write (PP with (NP (NP a drop) (PP of (NP vitriol)) (PP on (NP their pens)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John Adams) (VP dismissed (NP (NP John Dickinson) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP voted (PP against (NP (NP the Declaration) (PP of (NP Independence))))))) ,) (PP as `` (NP a (NX (NX certain great fortune) and (NX piddling genius))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Washington) (VP castigated (NP (NP his critic) , (NP General Conway) ,) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of `` (NP (NP all the meanness) (PP of (NP intrigue)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP gratify (NP (NP the absurd resentment) (PP of (NP disappointed vanity))))))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP Hamilton) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) `` (NP-PRD a religious duty) '' (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP oppose (NP (NP Aaron Burr 's) political ambitions)))))))) ,) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD a better actuarial risk) (SINV-ADV had (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP shown (NP more literary restraint))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Seven Founders) (VP were (ADVP completely) (VP dedicated (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the public service)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Madison) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP remarked : `` (S (NP-SBJ My life) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD (ADJP so much) a public one)))) '' , (NP-ADV (NP a comment) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP fits (NP (NP the careers) (PP of (NP the other six)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Franklin) (VP (VP retired (PP from (NP editing and publishing)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP 42))))) , and (PP-TMP for (NP the next forty-two years)) (VP devoted (NP himself) (PP to (NP (ADJP public , scientific , and philanthropic) interests)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Washington) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP had (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP work (PP-TMP for (NP an extended stretch)) (PP at (NP (NP (NP the occupation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP loved (NP *T*-1) (ADVP best))))) , (NP plantation management)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP served (PP as (NP (NP Commander) (PP in (NP Chief)))) (PP-TMP during (NP the Revolution)) (PP without (NP compensation))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John Adams) (VP took (PP to (NP heart)) (NP (NP the advice (S *ICH*-1)) (VP given (NP *) (NP him) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his legal mentor) , (NP Jeremiah Gridley) ,)))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to `` (VP pursue (NP (NP (NP the study) (PP of (NP the law))) , (CONJP rather than) (NP (NP the gain) (PP of (NP it))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP (NP account) (PP of (NP (NP seventeen years) (PP of (NP law practice)))))))) , (NP-SBJ Adams) (VP concluded (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP no lawyer) (PP-LOC in (NP America))) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP did (NP (NP so much business) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did)))) '' (NAC and `` (PP for (NP (ADJP so little) profit)) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the Revolution) (VP broke (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP he) , (PP along (PP with (NP Jefferson and Jay))) ,) (VP abandoned (NP (NP his career) (PP at (NP the bar))) , (PP with (NP considerable financial sacrifice))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hamilton) , (ADJP poorest (PP of (NP the seven))) ,) (VP gave (PRT up) (NP a brilliant law practice) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP enter (NP (NP Washington 's) Cabinet))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP handling (NP (NP the multi-million-dollar funding operations) (PP of (NP the Government))))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP resort (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP borrowing (NP small sums) (PP from (NP friends))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV-TPC-2 If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (ADVP conveniently) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP have (NP twenty dollars))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (NP one friend) (SBAR-ADV *T*-2) (PP-TMP in (NP 1791)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Secretary) (PP of (NP the Treasury))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP support (NP his large family)))) (NP-SBJ Hamilton) (VP went (ADVP back (PP to (NP the law))) (PP after (NP (NP each spell) (PP of (NP public service))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Talleyrand) (VP passed (NP his New York law office) (NP-TMP one night) (PP on (NP (NP the way) (PP to (NP a party))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hamilton) (VP was (VP bent (PP over (NP his desk)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP drafting (NP a legal paper) (PP by (NP (NP the light) (PP of (NP a candle)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Frenchman) (VP was (VP astonished (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP just) (VP come (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP viewing (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP had (VP made (NP (NP the fortune) (PP of (NP his country))))) , but (VP (ADVP-TMP now) is (VP working (NP-TMP all night) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP support (NP his family))))))))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP reflected (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All seven) (VP combined (NP (NP ardent devotion) (PP to (NP (NP the cause) (PP of (NP revolution))))) (PP with (NP (NP a profound respect) (PP for (NP legality))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ John Adams) (VP asserted (PP in (NP (NP (NP the Continental Congress ') Declaration) (PP of (NP Rights)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the demands) (PP of (NP the colonies))) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP (NP accordance) (PP with (NP (NP their charters) , (NP the British Constitution) and (NP the common law)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Jefferson) (VP appealed (PP in (NP (NP the Declaration) (PP of (NP Independence)))) `` (PP to (NP (NP the tribunal) (PP of (NP the world)))) '' (PP for (NP (NP support) (PP of (NP (NP a revolution) (VP justified (NP *) (PP by `` (NP-LGS (NP the laws) (PP (PP of (NP nature)) and (PP of (NP (NP nature 's) God)))) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP fought (ADVP-MNR hard))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP were (VP forgiving (PP to (NP former foes)))) , and (VP sought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP prevent (NP vindictive legislatures) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP confiscating (NP Tory property) (PP in (NP (NP violation) (PP of (NP (NP the Treaty) (PP of (NP 1783))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP This sense) (PP of (NP moderation and fairness))) (VP is (ADVP superbly) (VP exemplified (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP an exchange) (PP of (NP letters)) (PP between (NP (NP John Jay) and (NP (NP a Tory refugee) , (NP Peter Van Schaack)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jay) (VP had (VP participated (PP in (NP (NP the decision) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP exiled (NP (NP his old friend) (NP Van Schaack))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) , (S (PP-TMP at (NP (NP war 's) end)) , (NP-SBJ the ex-Tory) (VP made (NP (NP the first move) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP resume (NP correspondence) (ADVP *T*-3)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))) ,) (NP-SBJ Jay) (VP wrote (NP him) (PP from (NP (NP Paris) , (SBAR (WHADVP-5 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP negotiating (NP the peace settlement) (ADVP-LOC *T*-5))))))) : `` (S (S (PP As (NP an independent American)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP considered (NP (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were not (PP-PRD for (NP us)))))) , and (NP (NP you) (PP amongst (NP the rest)))) , (PP as (PP against (NP us))))) , yet (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP be (VP assured (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-6 John Jay) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP ceased (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the friend) (PP of (NP Peter Van Schaack))))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The latter) (PP in (NP turn)) (VP assured (NP him) (SBAR that `` (S (SINV-ADV (SINV were (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP-2 arraigned (PP at (NP the bar)))) , and (SINV (NP-SBJ=1 you) (NP-PRD=2 my judge))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP should (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP stand or fall (PP (ADVP only) by (NP (NP the merits) (PP of (NP my cause))))))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All seven) (VP recognized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ independence) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP but the first step) (PP toward (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP building (NP a nation))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (ADVP-TMP now) (NP (NP a national character) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP establish (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Washington) (VP wrote (S *T*-2) (PP-TMP in (NP 1783))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Think (ADVP-MNR continentally))) '' , (NP-SBJ Hamilton) (VP counseled (NP the young nation) (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP (NP This new force) , (NP (NP love) (PP of (NP country)))) , (VP (VP super-imposed (NP *) (PP upon (NP *RNR*-2))) -- (CONJP if not) (VP displacing (NP *RNR*-2)) -- (NP-2 (NP affectionate ties) (PP to (NP (NP one 's) own state)))) ,) (VP was (VP epitomized (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS Washington)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His first inaugural address) (VP speaks (PP of `` (NP (NP my country) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose voice) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (ADVP-TMP never) (VP hear (NP *T*-1) (PP but (PP with (NP veneration and love))))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All) (VP sought (NP (NP the fruition) (PP of (NP that nationalism))) (PP in (NP (NP a Federal Government) (PP with (NP substantial powers))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Save (NP Jefferson)) , (NP-SBJ all) (VP participated (PP in (NP (NP the framing or ratification) (PP of (NP the Federal Constitution))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP supported (NP it) , (PP not (PP as (NP a perfect instrument)) , but (PP as (NP the (ADJP best obtainable))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Historians) (VP have (ADVP traditionally) (VP regarded (NP (NP the great debates) (PP of (NP the Seventeen Nineties))) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP polarizing (NP (NP the issues) (PP of (NP (ADJP centralized vs. limited) government))) , (PP with (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hamilton) and (NP the nationalists)) (VP supporting (NP the former))) and (S (NP-SBJ Jefferson and Madison) (VP upholding (NP the latter position)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The (NP state 's) rights position) (VP was (VP formulated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Jefferson and Madison)) (PP in (NP the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves))))) , but (S (PP in (NP (NP their later careers) (PP as (NP (NP heads) (PP of (NP state)))))) (NP-SBJ the two) (VP proved (S (NP-SBJ themselves) (NP-PRD (NP better Hamiltonians) (PP than (NP Jeffersonians)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP purchasing (NP Louisiana)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Jefferson) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP adopt (NP (NP (NP Hamilton 's) broad construction) (PP of (NP the Constitution)))))))) , and (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-3 so) (VP did (ADVP-PRD *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ Madison) (PP (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP advocating (NP (NP the rechartering) (PP of (NP (NP Hamilton 's) bank)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-MNR so strenuously) (VP opposed (NP *T*-1) (PP at (NP its inception)))))))))) , and (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP adopting (NP a Hamiltonian protective tariff)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Indeed) , (NP-SBJ the old Jeffersonians) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP far more) atune (PP to (NP the Hamilton-oriented Whigs))) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *?* (PP to (NP the Jacksonian Democrats)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) , (S (PP-TMP in (NP 1832)) , (NP-SBJ the South Carolina nullifiers) (VP adopted (NP (NP the principle) (PP of (NP state interposition)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Madison) (VP had (VP advanced (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP his old Virginia Resolve))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP elicited (NP no encouragement) (PP from (NP that senior statesman))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP (NP his political testament) , `` (NP-TTL (NP Advice) (PP To (NP My Country))) '' ,) (VP penned (NP *) (PP-TMP (ADVP just) before (NP his death))) ,)) (NP-SBJ Madison) (VP expressed (NP the wish `` (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the Union) (PP of (NP the States))) (VP be (VP cherished and perpetuated (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Let (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the open enemy) (PP to (NP it))) (VP be (VP regarded (NP *-1) (PP-2 as (NP (NP a Pandora) (PP with (NP (NP her box) (VP opened (NP *))))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ=1 the disguised one) , (PP=2 as (NP (NP the serpent) (VP creeping (PP with (NP his deadly wiles)) (PP into (NP Paradise))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tobacco Road) (VP is (ADJP-PRD dead)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP-TPC-1 Long) (VP live (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Tobacco Road) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Nostalgic Yankee readers) (PP of (NP Erskine Caldwell))) (VP are (NP-TMP today) (VP informed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS proud Georgians)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tobacco Road) (VP is (VP buried (NP *-1) (PP beneath (NP (NP a four-lane super highway) , (SBAR (WHPP-3 over (WHNP which)) (SINV (VP travel (PP *T*-3) (NP-TMP each day)) (NP-SBJ (NP suburbanite businessmen) (ADJP (ADJP more concerned) (PP with (NP the Dow-Jones average)) (PP than (PP with (NP the cotton crop))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP are (VP compelled (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP face (NP (NP (NP the urbanization) (PP of (NP the South))) -- (NP (NP an urbanization) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (PP despite (NP (NP its (ADJP dramatic and overwhelming) effects) (PP upon (NP the Southern culture)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP has (VP been (ADVP utterly) (VP ignored (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the bulk) (PP of (NP Southern writers)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Indeed) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP seems (SBAR that (SINV (PP-TPC-1 (ADVP only) in (NP (NP today 's) Southern fiction)) does (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Tobacco Road) , (PP with (NP (NP all the traditional trimmings) (PP of (NP (NP sowbelly) and (NP cornbread) and (NP mint juleps)))))) , (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP live (PP *T*-1) -- (NAC but (PP (ADVP only) as (NP a weary , overexploited phantom)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those writers) (VP known (NP *) (ADVP collectively) (PP as (NP the `` Southern school '')))) (VP have (VP received (NP accolades) (PP from (NP (NP even those critics) (ADJP least prone (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP eulogize))))))))) ; ; (S (PP according (PP to (NP many critics))) , (PP in (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ the South) (VP has (VP led (NP the North) (PP in (NP literature)) (PP-TMP since (NP the Civil War)) , (ADVP-MNR both quantitatively and qualitatively)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Such writers) (PP as (NP (NP William Faulkner) and (NP Robert Penn Warren)))) (VP have (VP led (NP (NP the field) (PP of (NP (ADJP somewhat less important) writers))) (PP in (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP post-bellum renaissance)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD interesting) , (ADVP however) , (SBAR-2 that (S (PP despite (NP (NP this strong upsurge) (PP in (NP Southern writing)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP almost none) (PP of (NP the writers))) (VP has (VP forsaken (NP (NP the (ADJP firmly entrenched) concept) (PP (PP of (NP (NP the white-suited big-daddy colonel) (VP sipping (NP a mint julep) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP silently) (VP recounts (NP (NP the revenue) (PP from (NP (NP the season 's) cotton and tobacco crops))))))))) ; ; (PP of (NP (NP the stereotyped Negro servants) (VP chanting (NP hymns) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP plow (NP the fields))))))) ; ; (PP of (NP (NP these) and (NP (NP a host) (PP of (NP (NP other antiquated legends) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP deny (NP the South) (NP (NP its progressive leaps) (PP of (NP the past century)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP is not (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the South) (VP is (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADJP-PRD agrarian))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ such a statement) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the rankest form) (PP of (NP oversimplification)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-3 the South) (VP (VP is (VP *RNR*-1)) , and (VP has (VP been (PP-TMP for (NP the past century)) (VP *RNR*-1))) , (VP-1 engaged (NP *-3) (PP in (NP (NP a wide-sweeping urbanization) (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) , (S (ADVP oddly enough) , (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP is not (VP reflected (NP *-2) (PP in (NP its literature)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1900)) (NP-SBJ the South) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP only 15) %) urban))) ; ; (S (PP-TMP in (NP 1950)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP become (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV 47.1 %) urban)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP a mere half-century)) (NP-SBJ the South) (VP has (ADVP more than) (VP tripled (NP its urban status))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP a New South) (VP emerging)) , (NP (NP a South) (VP losing (NP (NP the folksy traditions) (PP of (NP an agrarian society))) (PP with (NP (NP the rapidity) (PP of (NP an avalanche)))) -- (PP-TMP (ADVP especially) within (NP recent decades)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ the New South) (VP snowballs (PP toward (NP further urbanization))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD (ADVP more and more) homogeneous (PP with (NP the North))) -- (NP-ADV (NP a tendency) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Willard Thorp) (VP terms (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) `` (NP Yankeefication) ''))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP evidenced (NP *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP such cities) (PP as (NP Charlotte , Birmingham , and Houston)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (VP said (SBAR-1 that , (S (PP (ADVP even) at (NP (NP the present stage) (PP of (NP Southern urbanization)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP such a city) (PP as (NP Atlanta))) (VP is not (PP-PRD (ADVP distinctly) unlike (NP Columbus or Trenton))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Undoubtedly) (NP-SBJ even the old Southern stalwart Richmond) (VP has (VP felt (NP the new wind)))) : (S (NP-SBJ William Styron) (VP mentions (PP in (NP his latest novel)) (NP (NP an avenue) (VP (VP named (NP *) (PP for (NP (NP Bankhead McGruder) , (NP a Civil War general) ,))) (VP (ADVP-TMP now) renamed , (PP in (NP typical California fashion)) , (S (NP-SBJ *) `` (NP-PRD Buena Vista Terrace) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The effects) (PP of (NP (NP television) and (NP other mass media)))) (VP are (VP erasing (NP regional dialects and localisms) (PP with (NP a startling force)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP progress))) , (NP-SBJ the `` backward South '') (VP can (VP boast (PP of (NP (NP Baton Rouge) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP increased (NP its population) (PP-TMP between (NP 1940 and 1950)) (PP by (NP (QP two hundred and sixty-two) percent)) , (PP to (NP (NP 126,000) , (NP (NP the (ADJP second largest) growth) (PP of (NP the period)) (PP for (NP (NP all cities) (PP over (NP 25,000)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The field) , (ADVP then) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD ripe (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ new Southerners) (VP to (VP (VP step (PP to (NP the fore))) and (VP write (PP of (NP (NP (NP this twentieth-century phenomenon) , (NP the Southern Yankeefication)) : (NP (NP the new urban economy) , (NP the city-dweller) , (NP (NP the pains) (PP of (NP transition))) , (NP the labor problems)))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the list) (VP is , (ADVP obviously) , (ADJP-PRD endless))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 these sources) (VP have not (VP been (VP tapped (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Truman Capote) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (VP (VP reveling (PP in (NP Southern Gothicism))) , (VP exaggerating (NP the old Southern legends) (PP into (NP (NP something) (ADJP (ADJP beautiful and grotesque) , but (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP as unreal) (PP as (NP *RNR*-2))) -- or (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP even more) unreal) (PP than (NP *RNR*-2))) -- (NP-2 yesterday)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ William Styron) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP facing (NP the changing economy) (PP with (NP a certain uneasy reluctance))))) , (VP (VP insists (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP is (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) not (VP to (VP be (VP classified (NP *-1) (PP as (NP a Southern writer)))))))))) (CONJP and yet) (VP includes (NP traditional Southern concepts) (PP in (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP publishes (NP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Even the great god) (NP Faulkner)) , (NP (NP (NP the South 's) one probable contender) (PP for (NP literary immortality))) ,) (VP has (NP-ADV little) (VP concerned (NP himself) (PP with (NP these matters))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ such) (VP are (ADVP simply) (PP-PRD not within (NP his bounded province)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Where) (SQ are (NP-SBJ (NP the writers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP treat (NP these changes)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Has (NP-SBJ the agrarian tradition) (VP become (NP-PRD (NP such an addiction) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the switch) (PP to (NP urbanism))) (VP is (ADVP-MNR somehow) (UCP-PRD (VP dreaded (NP *-1)) or (ADJP unwanted))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ present writers) (ADVP-MNR hypnotically) (VP cling (PP to (NP the older order)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD useful and reliable)) (PP through (NP (NP repeated testings) (PP over (NP the decades)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Lacking (NP (NP the pioneer spirit) (ADJP necessary (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP write (PP of (NP a new economy))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 these writers) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP contenting (NP themselves) (PP with (NP (NP an old one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as defunct) (PP as (NP Confederate money))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP An example) (PP of (NP (NP the changes) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP have (VP crept (PP over (NP the Southern region))))))))) (VP may (VP be (VP seen (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP (NP (NP the Southern Negro 's) quest) (PP for (NP (NP a position) (PP in (NP the white-dominated society))))) , (NP (NP a problem) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP has (VP been (VP reflected (NP *-2) (PP in (NP regional fiction)) (PP-TMP (ADVP especially) since (NP 1865))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ the Negro) (VP must (VP discover (NP (NP his role) (PP in (NP (NP an industrialized South) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP indicates (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the racial aspect) (PP of (NP the Southern dilemma))) (VP (VP has n't (VP changed (ADVP-MNR radically))) , (CONJP but rather) (VP has (ADVP gradually) (VP come (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP reflected (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP this new context) , (NP (NP this new coat) (PP of (NP paint)))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Negro) (VP faces (NP (NP (ADJP (ADJP as much) , (CONJP if not) (ADJP more) ,) difficulty) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP fitting (NP himself) (PP into (NP an urban economy))))) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (PP in (NP an agrarian one))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP represents (NP (NP a gradual change) (PP in (NP an ever-present social problem)))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD abrupt changes) (ADVP as well)))) : (S (NP-ADV (NP the sit-ins) , (NP the picket lines) , (NP the bus strikes)) -- (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP these))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD unheard-of) (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP even ten) years) ago))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Today 's) evidence) , (PP such as (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (QP only three) Southern states) -LRB- (NP (NP South Carolina) , (NP Alabama) and (NP Mississippi)) -RRB-) (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-MNR openly) (VP defy (NP integration)))))) ,) (VP would (VP have (VP astounded (NP (NP many) (PP of (NP (NP yesterday 's) Southerners))) (PP into (NP speechlessness))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Other examples) (PP of (NP (NP gradual changes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP affected (NP the Negro)))))))) (NP *ICH*-5)) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his) (VP moving (PRT up) , (NP row (PP by (NP row))) , (PP in (NP the buses)))) ; ; (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his) (VP (VP requesting (NP *RNR*-3)) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP often) getting (NP *RNR*-3)) , (NP-3 (NP higher wages) , (NP better working conditions) , (NP better schools))))) -- (NP-5 (NP changes) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (ADVP slowly) (VP emerging (PP-TMP (ADVP even) before (NP (NP the Supreme Court decision) (PP of (NP 1954))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP-TPC-2 Then) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP this decision) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP sped (NP (NP the process) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP gaining (NP equality)))))) -LRB- or (VP (ADVP perhaps) hindered (NP it) ; ; (PRN (S (NP-SBJ only historical evolution) (VP will (VP determine (NP which)))))) -RRB-)))) : (NP an abrupt change)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Since (NP 1954)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the Negro 's) desire) (PP for (NP social justice))) (VP has (VP led (PP to (NP an ironically anarchical rebellion)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP has (ADVP-TMP frequently) (VP (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP move (PP from (NP white lunch counters)))))) , (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP obey (NP (NP local laws) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP considers (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADJP-PRD unjust)))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (PP in (NP other cases)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP appealed (PP to (NP federal laws))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This bold self-assertion) , (PP-TMP after (NP (NP decades) (PP of (NP humble subservience)))) , (VP is (ADVP indeed) (NP-PRD (NP a twentieth-century phenomenon) , (NP (NP an abrupt change) (PP in (NP (NP the Southern way) (PP of (NP existence))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A new order) (VP is (VP thrusting (NP itself) (PP into (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A new South) (VP is (VP emerging (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the post-bellum years) (PP of (NP (NP hesitation) , (NP uncertainty) , and (NP (NP lack) (PP of (NP (NP action) (PP from (NP (NP the Negro) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP defining (NP his new role) (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP amorphously defined) socio-political organizations) (PP of (NP the white man)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The modern Negro) (VP has not (VP made (NP a decisive debut) (PP into (NP Southern fiction)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-2 that , (S (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ-1 most writers) (VP enjoy (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP picturing (NP the Negro) (PP as (NP (NP a woolly-headed , humble old agrarian) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP (VP mutters (NP `` (INTJ yassuhs) '' and `` (INTJ sho ' nufs) '') (PP with (NP (NP blissful deference) (PP to (NP (NP his white employer) -LRB- or , (PP in (NP Old South terms)) , `` (NP massuh) '' -RRB-))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 this stereotype) (VP is (VP doomed (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP become (PP in (NP reality)) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as obsolete) (PP as (NP (NP Caldwell 's) Lester))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP may (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP many Faulknerian Lucas Beauchamps) (VP scattered (PP through (NP the rural South)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 such men) (VP appear (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a vanishing breed))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Writers) (ADVP openly) (VP admit (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Negro) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP easier (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP write (NP *T*-1)))))) (PP than (NP the white man)))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP obviously) (VP mean (PP by (NP this)) , (NP not (NP a Negro personality) , but (NP a Negro type)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Presenting (NP an individualized Negro character))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP seem))) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most difficult) assignments) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a Southern writer) (VP could (VP tackle (NP *T*-1)))))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the success) (PP of (NP such an endeavor))) (VP is , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP suggested (NP *-2) (ADVP above)))) , (ADJP-PRD glaringly rare))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Just as (S (NP-SBJ the Negro situation) (VP points (PRT up) (NP (NP the (ADJP gradual and abrupt) changes) (VP affecting (NP Southern life)))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP also) (VP points (PRT up) (NP (NP the non-representation) (PP of (NP urbanism)) (PP in (NP Southern literature)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The book) (VP concerned (PP with (NP (NP (NP the Negro 's) role) (PP in (NP an urban society)))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD rare) (ADVP indeed))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP recently) (NP-SBJ (NP only (NP Keith Wheeler 's) novel) , (NP Peaceable Lane) ,) (VP has (ADVP openly) (VP faced (NP the problem)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All but the (ADJP most rabid)) (PP of (NP Confederate flag wavers))) (VP (VP admit (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the (ADJP Old Southern) tradition) (VP is (ADJP-PRD defunct) (PP in (NP actuality)))))) and (VP sigh (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 its passing) (VP was (VP accompanied (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the disappearance) (PP of (NP many (ADJP genteel and aristocratic) traditions (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP reputedly languid) ante-bellum way) (PP of (NP life)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Many earlier writers) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP mourning (NP (NP the demise) (PP of (NP the old order))))) , (VP tended (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP romanticize and exaggerate (NP this `` gracious Old South '' imagery)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP creating (NP (NP such lasting impressions) (PP as (NP (NP Margaret Mitchell 's) `` Tara '' Plantation)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Modern writers) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP are (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (NP their fingers) (PP (ADVP firmly) upon (NP (NP the pulse) (PP of (NP their subjects))))))))))) ,) (VP insist (PP upon (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP drawing (PRT out) (NP this legend)) , (VP prolonging (NP its burial))) ,)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP well) (VP deserves (NP a rest) (PP after (NP (NP the overexploitation) (PP of (NP the past century)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ-1 these writers) (VP have (VP been (ADVP too deeply) (VP moved (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS this romanticizing)))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (ADVP hardly) (VP deny (SBAR that , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD exaggerated or not)) , (NP-SBJ-2 the old panorama) (VP is (ADJP-PRD dead))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ John T. Westbrook) (VP says (PP in (NP (NP his article) , (NP `` (NP-TTL (NP Twilight) (PP Of (NP Southern Regionalism))) '' -LRB- (NP (NP-TTL Southwest Review) , (NP Winter 1957)) -RRB-)))))) : `` (NP (NP The miasmal mausoleum) (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP an Old South) , (VP (ADVP-TMP already) (ADVP too minutely) autopsied (NP *) (PP in (NP prose and poetry))) ,) (VP should (VP be (VP left (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rest (PP in (NP peace)) ,))) (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP forever) (ADJP-PRD dead)) and (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ us) (ADVP fervently) (VP hope)))) -RRB-) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADVP-TMP forever) (VP done (PP with (NP *-2))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Westbrook) (ADVP further) (VP bemoans (NP (NP (NP the Southern writers ') creation) (PP of (NP (NP an unreal image) (PP of (NP their homeland)) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (ADVP too readily) (VP assimilated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS both (NP foreign readers) and (NP visiting Yankees)))))))))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ Our northerner) (VP is (ADJP-PRD suspicious (PP of (NP (NP all this crass evidence) -LRB- (PP of (NP urbanization)) -RRB- (VP presented (NP *) (PP to (NP his senses)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP bewilders and befuddles (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP is (ADVP too deeply) (VP steeped (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP William Faulkner) and (NP Robert Penn Warren))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The fumes) (PP of (NP progress))) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP his nose)))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the bright steel) (PP of (NP industry))) (VP towers (PP before (NP his eyes)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his heart) (VP is (PP-PRD (ADVP away) in (NP Yoknapatawpha County)) (PP with (NP (NP razorback hogs) and (NP night riders))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP (NP this trip) (PP to (NP the South)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wants , (PP above (NP all else)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP sniff (NP (NP the effluvium) (PP of (NP backwoods-and-sand-hill subhumanity))))) and (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ (QP at least one) barn) (VP burn (PP-TMP at (NP midnight))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Obviously) , (NP-SBJ (NP such a Northern tourist 's) purpose) (VP is (ADJP-PRD somewhat akin (PP to (NP (NP (NP a child 's) experience) (PP with (NP Disneyland))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP a world) (PP of (NP make-believe)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the meantime)) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the South) (VP has (VP been (VP undergoing (NP (NP this phenomenal modernization) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD so disappointing (PP to (NP the curious Yankee)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Southern writers) (VP have (ADVP certainly) (VP done (NP (NP little) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reflect and promote (NP (NP their region 's) progress) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Willard Thorp) , (PP in (NP (NP his new book) , (NP-TTL (NP American Writing) (PP In (NP The Twentieth Century))))) , (VP observes , (PRN (S (ADVP quite validly) (NP-SBJ it) (VP seems))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 Certain subjects) (VP (VP are (ADJP-PRD conspicuously absent)) or (VP have (VP been (ADVP only lightly) (VP touched (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No Southern novelist) (VP has (VP done (PP for (NP Atlanta or Birmingham)) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (S (NP-SBJ Herrick , Dreiser , and Farrell) (VP did (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP Chicago)))) or (S (NP-SBJ Dos Passos) (VP did (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP New York)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP almost no fictional treatments) (PP of (NP the industrialized south)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Not a single Southern author) , (ADJP major or minor) ,) (VP has (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP the urban problems) (PP of (NP an urban South))) (NP-PRD his primary source material)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Faulkner) , (PP for (NP one)) , (VP appears (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD safe (PP from (NP (NP the accusing fingers) (PP of (NP all assailants))))) (PP in (NP this regard)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP culminates (NP the Southern legend) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP perhaps more masterfully) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP (VP has (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (VP *RNR*-1))) , or (VP could (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP be (VP *RNR*-1))) , (VP-1 done (NP *-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (VP made (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD his))))) , and (S (NP-TPC-1 his) (NP-SBJ it) (VP remains (NP *T*-1) , (ADVP irrevocably))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP treats (NP it) (PP with (NP a mythological , universal application))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR As (S (NP-SBJ his disciples) (VP boast))) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ his emphasis) (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD elsewhere)))) , (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP does (VP show (NP (NP his awareness) (PP of (NP (NP the changing order) (PP of (NP the South))))) (ADVP quite keenly) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP can (VP be (VP proven (NP-PRD *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a quick recalling) (PP of (NP his Sartoris and Snopes families))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Even two decades) ago) (PP in (NP-TTL Go Down , Moses)) (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP was (VP looking (PP to (NP the (ADJP more urban) future)) (PP with (NP (NP a glimmer) (PP of (NP hope (SBAR that (S (PP through (NP (NP its youth) and (NP (NP its new way) (PP of (NP life))))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the South) (VP might (VP be (VP-2 reborn (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1-3 (NP the curse) (PP of (NP slavery))) (VP=2 erased (NP *-3) (PP from (NP its soil))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S Yet (NP-SBJ his concern) (ADVP-LOC even here) (VP is (PP-PRD with (NP a (ADJP slowly changing) socio-economic order)) (PP in (ADJP general)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP deals (PP with (NP (NP such specific aspects) (PP of (NP this change)) (PP as (NP the (ADJP urban and industrial) impact)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP traces , (PP in (NP (NP his (ADJP vast and overpowering) saga) (PP of (NP Yoknapatawpha County)))) , (NP (NP the gradual changes) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP seep (PP into (NP the South)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP building (NP (NP layer) (PP upon (NP layer)) (PP of (NP minute , subtle innovation)))))))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP eventually) (VP tend (ADVP largely) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP hide (NP the Old Way)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP reminds (NP us) , (NAC and (ADVP wisely)) , (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ the `` new '' South) (VP has (ADVP gradually) (VP evolved (PP out (PP of (NP the Old South)))))) , and (S (ADVP consequently) (NP-SBJ its agrarian roots) (VP persist))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ he) (VP presents (NP (NP (NP a realm) (PP of (NP (NP source material) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP may (ADVP well) (VP serve (NP (NP other writers) (CONJP if not) (NP himself))))))))) : (NP (NP the problems) (SBAR (WHPP-2 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ a New South) (VP must (VP grapple (PP *T*-2) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP groping (PP through (NP a blind adolescence)) (PP into (NP (NP the maturity) (PP of (NP urbanization)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP With (NP new mechanization)) (NP-SBJ the modern farmer) (VP must (VP perform (NP (NP the work) (PP of (NP six men)))))) : (S (NP-SBJ a machine) (VP stands (PP between (NP (NP the agrarian) and (NP his soil))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The thousands) (PP of (NP city migrants)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP desert (NP the farms) (ADVP yearly))))) (VP must (VP readjust (PP with (NP (ADJP even greater) stress and tension))))) : (S (NP-SBJ the sacred wilderness) (VP is (ADVP gradually) (VP surrendering (PP to (NP (NP suburbs) and (NP research parks) and (NP industrial areas)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another element) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP concern (NP the choreographer)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP the visual devices) (PP of (NP the theatre)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Most avant-garde creators) , (ADJP true (PP to (NP (NP their interest) (PP in (NP (NP the self-sufficiency) (PP of (NP pure movement))))))) ,) (VP have (VP tended (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dress (NP their dancers) (PP in (NP (NP simple lines) and (NP (NP solid colors) -LRB- (NP often black) -RRB-)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP them) (NP a bare cyclorama) (PP for (NP a setting)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP Robert Rauschenberg) , (NP the neo-dadaist artist) ,) (VP has (VP collaborated (PP with (NP (NP several) (PP of (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (VP designed (NP (NP a matching backdrop and costumes) (PP of (NP (NP points) (PP of (NP color)) (PP on (NP white))))) (PP for (NP (NP Mr. Cunningham 's) (NX-TTL Summerspace))) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ dancers and background) (VP merge (PP into (NP a shimmering unity))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP (NP Mr. Taylor 's) (NX-TTL Images And Reflections))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP made (NP (NP some diaphanous tents) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP alternately) (VP hide and reveal (NP (NP the performer) , and (NP (NP (NP a girl 's) cape) (VP lined (NP *) (PP with (NP grass)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Nikolais) (VP has (VP made (NP a distinctive contribution) (PP to (NP (NP the arts) (PP of (NP costume and decor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP calls (S (NP-SBJ his productions) (NP-PRD (NP dance-theatre works) (PP of (NP motion , shape , light , and sound))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP raise (NP the dancer) (PP out (PP of (NP his personal , pedestrian self)))))) , (NP-SBJ Mr. Nikolais) (VP has (VP experimented (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP relating (NP him) (PP to (NP a larger , environmental orbit))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP began (PP with (NP masks)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the dancer) (VP identify (NP himself) (PP with (NP (NP the creature) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 He) (VP went (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP use (NP (NP (NP objects) -- (NP hoops , poles , capes) --) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP employed (NP *T*-2) (PP as (NP (NP extensions) (PP of (NP (NP the body) (PP of (NP (NP the dancer) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP moved (PP with (NP them))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The depersonalization) (VP continued (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 the dancer) (VP was (ADVP further) (VP metamorphosed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the play) (PP of (NP lights)) (PP upon (NP his figure))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP each case)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the object) , (NP the color) , (NP (NP even the percussive sounds) (PP of (NP the electronic score)))) (VP were (VP designed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP (NP the theatrical being) (PP of (NP the performer)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The dancer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP loosens (NP (NP her hold) (PP on (NP a parasol)))))) ,) (VP begins (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP feel (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP herself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Or , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP clad (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP head) (PP to (NP toe)))) (PP in (NP (NP fabric) (VP stretched (NP *) (PP over (NP (NP a series) (PP of (NP hoops))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the performer) (VP may (ADVP well) (VP lose (NP (NP his sense) (PP of (NP self))) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD a `` finial '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ-1 the dancer) (VP is (VP depersonalized (NP *-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 his accouterments) (VP are (VP animized (NP *-2))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the combined elements) (VP give (NP birth) (PP to (NP a new being)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-2 From (NP this being)) (VP come (PP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP new movement ideas) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP utilize (NP dancer and property) (PP as (NP a single unit)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (NP-SBJ the avant-garde choreographers) (VP have (VP extended (NP (NP the scope) (PP of (NP (NP materials) (ADJP available (PP for (NP dance composition)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP rejected (NP (ADJP both narrative and emotional) continuity))))) , (WHADVP-2 how) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 they) (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP unify (NP (NP the impressive array) (PP of (NP materials)) (PP at (NP their disposal)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP (VP look (ADVP deliberately) (PP to (NP (NP devices) (VP used (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS creators)) (PP in (NP the other arts)))))) and (VP apply (NP corresponding methods) (PP to (NP their own work)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Others) , (VP (ADVP (ADVP less consciously) but (ADVP quite probably)) influenced (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the trends) (PP of (NP the times))))) ,) (VP experiment (PP with (NP (NP approaches) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP parallel (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP the contemporary poet , painter , and musician))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An approach) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP appealed (PP to (NP some choreographers))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD reminiscent (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP Charles Olson 's) statement) (PP of (NP (NP the process) (PP of (NP projective verse))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ one perception) (VP must (ADVP immediately and directly) (VP lead (PP to (NP a further perception))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The creator) (VP trusts (S (NP-SBJ his intuition) (VP to (VP lead (NP him) (PP along (NP (NP a path) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (NP internal validity) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP mirrors (NP (NP the reality) (PP of (NP his experience))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP disdains (NP (NP external restrictions) -- (NP conventional syntax) , (NP traditional metre))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The unit) (PP of (NP form))) (VP is (VP determined (NP *-1) (ADVP subjectively)))) : `` (FRAG (NP the Heart) , (PP by (NP (NP the way) (PP of (NP the Breath)))) , (PP to (NP the Line))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The test) (PP of (NP form))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP fidelity) (PP to (NP the experience))) , (NP (NP a gauge) (VP (ADVP also) accepted (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the abstract expressionist painters)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP An (ADJP (ADJP earlier) but (ADJP still influential)) school) (PP of (NP painting))) , (NP surrealism) ,) (VP had (VP suggested (NP (NP the way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP dealing (PP with (NP (NP the dream experience) , (NP (NP that event) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP seemingly incongruous) objects) (VP are (VP linked (NP *-1) (ADVP together) (PP through (NP (NP the curious associations) (PP of (NP the subconscious)))) (PP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The resulting picture) (VP might (VP appear (NP-PRD (NP a maze) (PP of (NP restless confusions and contradictions)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more true (PP to (NP life))) (PP than (NP (NP a portrait) (PP of (NP an (ADJP artificially contrived) order))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The contemporary painter) (VP tends (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP depict (NP not (NP (NP the concrete objects) (PP of (NP his experience))) but (NP (NP their essences) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP revealed (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP abstractions) (PP of (NP their lines , colors , masses , and energies))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP *ICH*-1)) , (ADVP however) , (PP-1 with (NP a personal event))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP accepts (NP (NP the accidents) (PP of (NP his brushwork))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP provide (NP (NP evidence) (PP of (NP (NP the vitality) (PP of (NP (NP the experience) (PP of (NP creation))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The work) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD true (PP to (NP (NP (ADJP both the physical and the spiritual) character) (PP of (NP the experience))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some painters) (VP have (NP (NP less interest) (PP in (NP (NP the experience) (PP of (NP the moment)) , (PP with (NP its attendant urgencies and ambiguities)) ,)) (PP than (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP beyond (NP (NP the flux) (PP of (NP particular impressions)))) (PP to (NP (NP a higher , (ADJP more serene) level) (PP of (NP truth)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Rather (PP than (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP putting (NP their trust) (PP in (NP ephemeral sensations)))))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP seek (NP form) (PP in (NP (NP the stable relationships) (PP of (NP pure design)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP symbolize (NP (NP an order) (ADJP more real (PP than (NP (NP the disorder) (PP of (NP the perceptual world)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The concept) (VP remains (ADJP-PRD subjective)) .)) (TOP (S-CLF But (PP in (NP this approach)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the artist 's) ultimate insight) , (CONJP rather than) (NP his immediate impressions)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gives (NP form) (PP to (NP the work)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP look (PP to (NP (NP (ADJP more objective) devices) (PP of (NP order))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The musician) (VP employing (NP (NP the serial technique) (PP of (NP composition))))) (VP establishes (NP (NP a mathematical system) (PP of (NP rotations)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (ADVP once) (VP set (NP *-2) (PP in (NP motion)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP determines (NP (NP the sequence) (PP (PP of (NP pitches)) and (PP (ADVP even) of (NP rhythms and intensities))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The composer) (VP may (VP reverse or invert (NP (NP the order) (PP of (NP (NP his original set) (PP of (NP (NP intervals) -LRB- or (NP (NP rhythms) or (NP dynamic changes)) -RRB-))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP may (ADVP even) (VP alter (NP the pattern) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP applying (NP (NP a scheme) (PP of (NP random numbers)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP can not (VP order (NP his elements) (PP by (NP (NP will) , (ADJP either rational or inspired))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The system) (VP works (PP as (NP an impersonal mechanism))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Musicians) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP use (NP the chance method))))) (ADVP also) (VP exclude (NP (NP subjective control) (PP of (NP formal development)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) , (NP-SBJ the composer) (VP must (VP select (NP his own materials))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP a tossing) (PP of (NP coins)) , (PP with (ADVP perhaps) (NP (NP the added safeguard) (PP of (NP (NP reference) (PP to (NP (NP the oracles) (PP of (NP (NP the I Ching) , (NP (NP the Chinese Book) (PP Of (NP Changes))) ,))))))))) (VP dictates (NP (NP the handling) (PP of (NP the chosen materials)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Avant-garde choreographers) , (VP seeking (NP (NP new forms) (PP of (NP continuity))) (PP for (NP (NP their new vocabulary) (PP of (NP movements))))) ,) (VP have (VP turned (PP to (NP similar approaches)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ dances) (VP take (NP their form) (PP from (NP (NP the experience) (PP of (NP creation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP According (PP to (NP Katherine Litz))) , `` (NP-SBJ (NP the becoming) , (NP (NP the process) (PP of (NP realization))) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD the dance)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The process) (VP stipulates (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the choreographer) (VP sense (NP (NP the quality) (PP of (NP (NP the initial movement) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP discovered (NP *T*-2))))))))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP feel (NP-PRD (NP the rightness) (PP of (NP (NP the quality) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP follow (NP it))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The sequence) (VP may (VP (VP involve (NP-3 a sharp contrast)) : (VP (PP for (NP example)) , (NP=3 (NP (NP a quiet meditative sway) (PP of (NP the body))) (VP succeeded (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a violent leap)))))))) ; ; or (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP may (VP involve (NP (ADJP more subtle) distinctions)))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the sway) (VP may (VP be (ADVP gradually) (VP minimized or enlarged (NP *-1))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 its rhythmic emphasis) (VP may (VP be (ADVP slightly) (VP modified (NP *-2))))) , or (S (NP-SBJ-4 it) (VP may (VP be (VP transferred (NP *-4) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (X a movement) (PP of (NP only (NX (NX the arms) or (NX the head))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Even the least alteration) (VP will (VP change (NP the quality))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An exploration) (PP of (NP these possible relationships))) (VP (VP constitutes (NP (NP the process) (PP of (NP creation)))) and (VP (ADVP thereby) gives (NP form) (PP to (NP the dance)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The approach) (PP to (NP (NP the depiction) (PP of (NP (NP the experience) (PP of (NP creation))))))) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP analytic) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *?*) (PP for (NP Miss Litz))))) ,) or (ADJP (ADJP spontaneous) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *?*) (PP for (NP Merle Marsicano))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) , (ADVP too) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP with `` (NP (NP the becoming) , (NP (NP the process) (PP of (NP realization)))) '')))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP does not (VP think (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP (NP subtle variations) (PP of (NP (ADJP spatial or temporal) patterns))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The design) (VP is (VP determined (NP *-1) (ADVP emotionally)))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP reach (PP into (NP myself)) (PP for (NP (NP the spring) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP will (VP send (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP catapulting (ADVP-MNR recklessly) (PP into (NP (NP the chaos) (PP of (NP event)) (SBAR (WHPP-3 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the dance) (VP confronts (NP me) (PP *T*-3))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Looking (ADVP back))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Marsicano) (VP feels (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 her ideas) (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP influenced (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP those) (PP of (NP Jackson Pollock))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP one time)) (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP felt (VP impelled (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP dances) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) `` (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP moved (PP (ADVP all) over (NP the stage)) '' , (PP (ADVP much) as (S (NP-SBJ (NP Pollock 's) paintings) (VP move (ADVP-MNR violently) (PP over (NP (NP the full extent) (PP of (NP the canvas)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP her conscious need) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP break (ADVP away) (PP from (NP (NP constricting patterns) (PP of (NP form))))))) , (NP-1 a need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the experience) (VP shape (NP itself)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Midi Garth) (ADVP also) (VP believes (PP in (NP (NP subjective continuity) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP begins (PP with (NP (NP the feeling) (VP engendered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS an initial movement))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP a free front-back swing) (PP of (NP the leg))) , (VP leading (PP to (NP (NP a sideways swing) (PP of (NP the arm))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP develops (PP into (NP (NP a turn) and (NP (NP the sensation) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (PRT off) (PP from (NP the ground)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP a dance) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-TTL-PRD (NP Prelude) (PP To (NP Flight))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP A pervading quality) (PP of (NP free lyricism))) and (NP (NP a building) (PP from (NP (NP turns) (ADVP close (PP to (NP the ground))))) (PP towards (NP (NP jumps) (PP into (NP the air)))))) (VP gives (NP the work) (NP its central focus)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alwin Nikolais) (VP objects (PP to (NP (NP art) (PP as (NP (NP an outpouring) (PP of (NP personal emotion))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP seeks (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ his dancers) (ADJP-PRD more `` godlike '')) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP relating (NP them) (PP to (NP (NP the impersonal elements) (PP of (NP shape , light , color , and sound))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-2 his dancers) (VP are (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP look (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD (NP creatures) (PP from (NP Mars)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD consistent (PP with (NP (NP his intention) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP placing (NP them) (PP in (NP (NP the orbit) (PP of (NP (NP another world) , (NP (NP a world) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP freed (NP *-1) (PP of (NP their pedestrian identities)) (PP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (PP-PRD through (NP the metamorphosed dancer)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the germ) (PP of (NP form))) (VP is (VP discovered (NP *-2) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP his recognition) (PP of (NP his impersonal self)))) (NP-SBJ the dancer) (VP moves)) , and (S (NP-SBJ this self) , (PP in (NP (NP the `` first revealed stroke) (PP of (NP its existence)) '')) , (VP states (NP (NP the theme) (SBAR (WHPP-1 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ all else) (VP must (VP follow (PP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The theme) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the formation) (PP of (NP (NP a shape) (SBAR (WHPP-1 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ other shapes) (VP evolve (PP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a reaction) (PP to (NP a percussive sound))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the following movements) (VP constituting (NP further reactions))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP may (VP (VP establish (NP (NP the relation) (PP of (NP (NP the figure) (PP of (NP the dancer)))) (PP to (NP light and color)))) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which case)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP changes) (PP in (NP the light or color))) (VP will (VP set (PRT off) (NP (NP a kaleidescope) (PP of (NP visual designs))) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Unconcerned (PP with (NP (NP the practical function) (PP of (NP his actions)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the dancer) (VP is (ADJP-PRD engrossed (PP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP exclusively) (PP-2 in (NP their `` motional content ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Movements) (VP unfold (ADVP-MNR freely) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD uninhibited) (PP by (NP (NP emotional bias) or (NP purposive drive))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the metamorphosis) (VP must (VP come (ADVP-TMP first))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP freeing (NP dance) (PP from (NP (NP pedestrian modes) (PP of (NP activity))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Merce Cunningham) (VP has (VP selected (NP a (ADJP very different) method) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP achieving (NP his aim)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP rejects (NP (NP all (ADJP subjectively motivated) continuity) , (NP (NP (NP any line) (PP of (NP action))) (VP related (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP the concept) (PP of (NP cause and effect)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP bases (NP his approach) (PP on (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ anything) (VP can (VP follow (NP anything)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 An order) (VP can (VP be (VP (VP chanced (NP *-1)) (CONJP rather than) (VP chosen (NP *-1)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this approach) (VP produces (NP (NP an experience) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP is `` (UCP-PRD (UCP (ADJP free) and (VP discovered (NP *-3))) (CONJP rather than) (VP bound and remembered (NP *-3))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD freshness) (PP (CONJP not only) (PP in (NP (NP the individual movements) (PP of (NP the dance)))) but (PP in (NP (NP the shape) (PP of (NP their continuity))) (ADVP as well)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ Chance) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP finds (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (VP enables (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP create `` (NP (NP a world) (PP beyond (NP imagination))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP cites (PP with (NP pleasure)) (NP (NP the comment) (PP of (NP (NP a lady) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP exclaimed (PP after (NP a concert)) : `` (S (UH Why) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD extremely interesting))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP thought (PP of (NP it)) (NP-ADV myself)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sequence) (PP of (NP movements)) (PP in (NP a Cunningham dance))) (VP is (PP-PRD unlike (NP (NP any sequence) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP seen (NP *-1) (PP in (NP life)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP At (NP (NP one side) (PP of (NP the stage)))) (NP-SBJ a dancer) (VP jumps (ADVP-MNR excitedly))) ; ; (S (ADVP-LOC nearby) , (NP-SBJ-1 another) (VP sits (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD motionless)) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ still another) (VP is (VP twirling (NP an umbrella))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A man) and (NP a girl)) (VP happen (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP look (PP (PP (ADVP straight) at (NP the audience)) , not (PP at (NP each other))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP lifts (NP her)) , (VP puts (NP her) (PRT down)) , and (VP walks (PRT off) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD neither pleased nor disturbed)) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP had (VP happened)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ one dancer) (VP slaps (NP another)))) , (NP-SBJ the victim) (VP may (VP (VP do (NP a pirouette)) , (VP sit (PRT down)) , or (VP offer (NP his assailant) (NP a fork and spoon)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Events) (VP occur (PP without (NP apparent reason))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Their consequences) (VP are (ADJP-PRD irrelevant))) -- or (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP no consequences) (ADVP at all)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The sequence) (VP is (VP determined (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS chance))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Cunningham) (VP makes (NP (NP use) (PP of (NP (NP any one) (PP of (NP several chance devices))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP may (VP toss (NP coins)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP may (VP take (NP (NP slips) (PP of (NP paper))) (PP from (NP a grab bag))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The answers) (VP derived (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS these means)))) (VP may (VP determine (NP (CONJP not only) (NP (NP the temporal organization) (PP of (NP the dance))) (CONJP but also) (NP (NP its spatial design) , (NP (NP special slips) (VP designating (NP-LOC (NP the location) (PP on (NP the stage)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the movement) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP performed (NP *-1))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other variables) (VP include (NP (NP (NP the dancer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP perform (NP the movement)))))))) and (NP (NP the length) (PP of (NP time)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP its performance))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only factors) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (ADVP personally) (VP set (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the choreographer))))))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP the movements) (NP themselves)) , (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP the dancers))) , and (NP (NP the approximate total duration) (PP of (NP the dance))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The `` approximate '') (VP is (ADJP-PRD important) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) after (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the order) (PP of (NP the work))) (VP has (VP been (VP established (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the chance method))))))) , (NP-SBJ the result) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD inviolable))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each performance) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD different))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 a work) (VP is (VP divided (NP *-1) (PP into (NP several large segments)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a last-minute drawing) (PP of (NP random numbers))) (VP may (VP determine (NP (NP the order) (PP of (NP the segments))) (PP for (NP any particular performance)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 any sequence) (VP (VP can (VP (CONJP not only) (VP change (NP (NP its positions) (PP in (NP the work)))) but (VP can (ADVP even) (VP be (VP eliminated (NP *-1) (PP from (NP it)) (ADVP altogether))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Cunningham) (VP tries (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP cheat (NP the chance method)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP adheres (PP to (NP its dictates)) (ADVP (ADVP as faithfully) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD the possibility (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ chance) (VP will (VP make (NP (NP demands) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the dancers) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADJP-PRD impossible (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP execute (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ the choreographer) (VP must (VP arbitrate)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP rearrange (NP matters) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ two performers) (VP do not (VP bump (PP into (NP each other)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP construct (NP transitions) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a dancer) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP told (NP-3 *-1) (S (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP (VP to (VP lie (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD prone)) (NP-TMP one second))) and (VP to (VP leap (ADVP-MNR wildly) (NP-TMP the next))))))))))) (VP will (VP have (NP some physical preparation) (PP for (NP the leap)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The North) and (NP the South)) (VP were (PP in (NP (NP greater agreement) (PP on (NP sovereignty)) (PP-PRD *ICH*-1))) , (PP through (NP (NP all their dispute) (PP about (NP it)))) , (PP-PRD-1 than (SINV (VP were (PP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ the Founding Fathers)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The truth) (PP in (NP their conflicting concepts))) (VP was (VP (VP expounded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP statesmen) (PP of (NP (NP the calibre) (PP of (NP Webster and Calhoun))))))) , and (VP defended (NP *-1) (PP in (NP the end)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP leaders) (PP of (NP (NP the nobility) (PP of (NP Lincoln and Lee))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The people) (ADVP-LOC everywhere) (VP had (VP grown (ADVP-TMP meanwhile) (PP (PP in (NP (NP devotion) (PP to (NP basic democratic principles)))) , (PP in (NP (NP (NP understanding) (PP of (NP *RNR*-1))) and (NP belief (PP in (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 the federal balance))) , and (PP in (NP (NP love) (PP of (NP their Union))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Repeated efforts) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP beginning (PP with (NP (NP the Missouri Compromise) (PP of (NP 1821)))))) -- (VP were (VP made (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP such master moderates) (PP as (NP Clay and Douglas)))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP resolve (NP the difference) (ADVP-MNR peacefully) (PP by (NP (NP compromise) , (CONJP rather than) (NP (NP clear thought) and (NP timely action))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Even so) , (NP-SBJ (NP confusion) (PP in (NP this period))) (VP gained (NP (NP such strength) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) -LRB- (PP from (NP (NP compromise) and (NP other factors))) -RRB- (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the bloodiest war) (PP of (NP the Nineteenth century)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nothing) (VP can (VP show (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (NP this))) (NP (NP the immensity) (PP of (NP (NP the danger) (PP to (NP democratic peoples)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lies (PP in (NP (NP (ADJP even relatively slight) deviation) (PP from (NP (NP their true concept) (PP of (NP sovereignty)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The present issue) (PP in (NP Atlantica)) (PRN -- (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP transform (NP (NP an alliance) (PP of (NP sovereign nations))) (PP into (NP (NP a federal union) (PP of (NP sovereign citizens)))))))) --)) (VP resembles (NP (NP (NP the American one) (PP of (NP 1787-89))) (CONJP rather than) (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP was (VP resolved (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS Civil War))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And so) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (ADVP only) (VP touch (PP upon (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP now) -LRB- (ADVP (ADVP much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP long) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write (NP a book) (PP about (NP it)))))))))) -RRB-))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD essential) , (ADVP however) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pinpoint (ADVP-LOC here) (NP (NP the difference) (PP between (NP (NP the two concepts) (PP of (NP sovereignty)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP went (PP to (NP war)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1861)))))))) -- (SBAR-ADV if only (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (ADVP better) (SBAR (WHADJP-4 how imperative) (SINV is (ADJP-PRD *T*-4) (NP-SBJ (NP our need (S *ICH*-2)) (NP-TMP today)) (S-2 (NP *) (VP to (VP clarify (ADVP completely) (NP (NP our (ADJP far worse) confusion) (PP on (NP this subject))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The difference) (VP came (PP down (PP to (NP (NP this) : (S (NP-SBJ The Southern States) (VP insisted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the United States) (VP was , (PP in (NP last analysis)) , (NP-PRD (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ its name) (VP implied (NP *T*-1)))) -- (NP (NP a Union) (PP of (NP States))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP their leaders)) (NP-SBJ the Constitution) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a compact) (VP made (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the people) (PP of (NP (NP sovereign states) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP therefore) (VP retained (NP the right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP secede (PP from (NP it)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP This right) (PP of (NP the State))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ its upholders) (VP contended (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP was (ADJP-PRD essential) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP maintain (NP the federal balance)) and (VP protect (NP (NP the liberty) (PP of (NP the people))) (PP from (NP (NP the danger) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP centralizing (NP power) (PP in (NP the Union government)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The champions) (PP of (NP the Union))) (VP maintained (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Constitution) (VP had (VP formed , (ADVP fundamentally) , (NP (NP the united people) (PP of (NP America))))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a compact) (PP among (NP (NP sovereign citizens) (CONJP rather than) (NP states))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (ADVP therefore) (NP-SBJ the states) (VP had (NP no right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP secede)))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ the citizens) (VP could (VP *?*))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Writing (PP to (NP Speed)) (PP-TMP on (NP August 24 , 1855)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Lincoln) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the latter point) (ADJP-PRD clear))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP homely terms) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose timeliness) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD startling) (NP-TMP today)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP thus) (VP declared (NP his own right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP secede))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP began (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP declaring (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 all men) (VP are (VP created (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD equal)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (ADVP-TMP now) (ADVP practically) (VP read (NP it) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all men) (PP *ICH*-3)) (VP are (VP created (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD equal)) (PP-3 except (NP Negroes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ the Know-nothings) (VP get (NP control) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (VP read , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP All men) (PP *ICH*-4)) (VP are (VP created (NP-3 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD equal)) (PP-4 except (NP Negroes and foreigners and Catholics))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP comes (PP to (NP this)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP shall (VP prefer (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP emigrating (PP (PP to (NP (NP some country) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP make (NP (NP no pretence) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP loving (NP liberty))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))))) -- (PP to (NP (NP Russia) , (PP for (NP instance)) , (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 despotism) (VP can (VP be (VP taken (NP-5 *-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (ADJP-PRD pure)) , (PP without (NP (NP the base alloy) (PP of (NP hypocrisy))))))))))))))))) '' -LRB- (NP His emphasis) -RRB- .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the Southern States) (VP exercised (NP their `` right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP secede))) '') (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP formed (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP officially) (VP styled (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) `` (NP-PRD (NP The Confederate States) (PP of (NP America))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dictionaries) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP seen)))) , (ADVP-TMP still) (VP cite (NP this government) , (PP along (PP with (NP (NP the Articles) (PP of (NP Confederation)) (PP of (NP 1781))))) , (PP as (NP (NP an example) (PP of (NP a confederacy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fact) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ the Southern Confederacy) (VP differed (PP from (NP the earlier one)) (NP-EXT (NP (ADJP almost as much)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the Federal Constitution) (VP did)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Confederate Constitution) (VP (VP copied (NP-1 (NP much) (PP of (NP the Federal Constitution))) (ADVP-2 verbatim)) , and (VP (NP=1 (NP most) (PP of (NP the rest))) (PP=2 in (NP substance)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP operated (PP on , by and for (NP (NP the people) (ADVP individually))) (SBAR-ADV just as (SINV did (NP-SBJ the Federal Constitution)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP made (NP (NP substantially the same division) (PP of (NP power)) (PP (PP between (NP the (UCP central and state) governments)) , and (PP among (NP the (ADJP executive , legislative and judicial) branches))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The difference) (PP between (NP (NP confederacy) and (NP federal union))) (PP-TMP in (NP 1861)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Many) (VP believe -- (NAC and (ADVP understandably)) -- (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the great difference) (PP between (NP (NP (NP the Constitution) (PP of (NP the Southern Confederacy))) and (NP the Federal Constitution)))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ the former) (VP recognized (NP (NP the right (S *ICH*-1)) (PP of (NP each state)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP secede))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ (NP each) (PP of (NP its members))) (VP had (VP asserted (NP this right) (PP against (NP the Union)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the final Constitution) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ the Confederacy) (VP signed (NP *T*-1)) (PP-TMP on (NP March 11)) -- (NP-TMP (NP nearly a month) (SBAR before (S (NP-SBJ hostilities) (VP began)))) --))) (VP included (NP (NP no explicit provision) (VP authorizing (S (NP-SBJ a state) (VP to (VP secede)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its drafters) (VP (VP discussed (NP this vital point)) but (VP left (NP it) (PP out (PP of (NP their Constitution))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Their President) , (NP Jefferson Davis) ,) (VP interpreted (NP their Constitution) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP mean (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) `` (VP admits (PP of (NP no coerced association))) ''))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so doubtful) (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD frequent demands (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP secede)))) (VP be (VP put (NP *-1) (PP-PUT into (NP the Constitution))))))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Constitution) (PP of (NP the Southern `` Confederation ''))) (VP differed (PP from (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP the Federal Union)))) (PP (ADVP only) in (NP two important respects)))) : (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-MNR openly) , (ADVP-MNR defiantly) , (VP recognized (NP (NP slavery) -- (NP (NP an institution) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Southerners) (PP of (NP 1787))) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP continued (NP it)))) , (VP found (ADJP (ADJP so impossible (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reconcile (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP freedom)))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (ADVP carefully) (VP avoided (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP mentioning (NP the word) (PP in (NP the Federal Constitution))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP recognized (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ slavery) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a moral issue) and (NP (ADVP not merely) an economic interest))))) , and (SBAR that (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP recognize (NP it) (ADVP-MNR explicitly) (PP in (NP their Constitution))))) (VP would (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP (NP explosive contradiction) (PP to (NP (NP the concept) (PP of (NP sovereignty)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP set (NP *T*-2) (ADVP forth) (PP in (NP (NP the Declaration) (PP of (NP 1776)))))))) (SBAR (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ-3 all men) (VP are (VP created (NP-4 *-3) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD equal)))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP endowed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS their Creator)) (PP with (NP certain unalienable rights)))))) , (SBAR that (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-5 among (NP them)) (VP are (PP-PRD *T*-5)) (NP-SBJ (NP life) , (NP liberty) and (NP (NP the pursuit) (PP of (NP happiness))))))))))))))))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The other important difference) (PP between (NP the two Constitutions))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the President) (PP of (NP the Confederacy))) (VP (VP held (NP office) (PP-TMP for (NP (QP six -LRB- (CONJP instead of) four -RRB-) years))) , and (VP was (VP limited (NP *-1) (PP to (NP one term)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP are not , (ADVP however) , (NP-PRD (NP differences) (PP in (NP federal structure)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only important differences) (PP from (NP that standpoint)) , (PP between (NP the two Constitutions)) ,) (VP lies (PP in (NP their Preambles))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The one) (PP of (NP 1861))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD clear (SBAR that (S (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP their government)))) (NP-SBJ the people) (VP were (VP acting (PP through (NP their states)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV whereas (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Preamble) (PP of (NP 1787-89))) (VP expressed , (ADVP (ADVP as clearly) (SBAR as (NP-SBJ language (VP can (VP *?*))))) , (NP (NP the opposite concept) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP acting (ADVP-MNR directly) (PP as (NP citizens))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Here) (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the two Preambles)) : (FRAG (NP (NP Federal Constitution) , (NP 1789)) `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP (NP the People) (PP of (NP the United States)))) , (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP form (NP a (ADJP more perfect) Union)) , (VP establish (NP Justice)) , (VP insure (NP domestic Tranquility)) , (VP provide (PP for (NP the common Defence))) , (VP promote (NP the general Welfare)) , and (VP secure (NP (NP the Blessings) (PP of (NP Liberty))) (PP to (NP (NP ourselves) and (NP our Posterity)))))))) , (VP do (VP ordain and establish (NP this Constitution) (PP for (NP (NP the United States) (PP of (NP America))))))) '') .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP Confederate Constitution) , (NP 1861)) `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP We) (NP (NP the people) (PP of (NP (NP the Confederate States) , (NP (NP each state) (VP acting (PP in (NP its (ADJP sovereign and independent) character)))))))) , (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP form (NP a permanent federal government)) , (VP establish (NP justice)) , (VP insure (NP domestic tranquility)) , and (VP secure (NP (NP the blessings) (PP of (NP liberty))) (PP to (NP (NP ourselves) and (NP our posterity)))))))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP invoking (NP (NP the favor) and (NP (NP the guidance) (PP of (NP Almighty God)))))) -- (VP do (VP ordain and establish (NP this Constitution) (PP for (NP (NP the Confederate States) (PP of (NP America)))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 One) (VP is (VP tempted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that , (S (PP on (NP (NP the difference) (PP between (NP (NP the concepts) (PP of (NP sovereignty)))) (PP in (NP these two preambles)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the worst war) (PP of (NP the Nineteenth century))) (VP was (VP fought (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ the Southern States) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP drafting (NP (NP a constitution) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP unite (NP themselves) (ADVP *T*-2)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (VP narrowed (NP the difference) (PP to (NP this fine point)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-4 *) (VP omitting (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP assert (NP the right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP secede))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the fact) (VP remained (SBAR that (S (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP seceding (PP from (NP the Union))))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP acted (PP on (NP the concept (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP composed (NP *-1) (ADVP primarily) (PP of (NP sovereign states))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the Union) (VP conceded (NP this) (PP to (NP them))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the same right) (VP must (VP be (VP conceded (NP *-1) (PP to (NP each remaining state)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP saw (ADVP fit) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP secede))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP would (VP (VP destroy (NP (NP the federal balance) (PP between (NP (NP it) and (NP the states))))) , and (VP (PP in (NP the end)) sacrifice (PP to (NP (NP the sovereignty) (PP of (NP the states)))) (NP (NP all the liberty) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ the citizens) (VP had (VP gained (NP *T*-2) (PP by (NP their Union))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lincoln) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the act) (PP of (NP secession))) (VP made (NP the issue) (PP for (NP the Union)) (NP a vital one) : (SBAR-ADV Whether (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a Union) (PP of (NP sovereign citizens)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP should (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP live)))))))) , or (NP (NP an association) (PP of (NP sovereign states)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP must (VP fall (NP prey) (PP (ADVP either) to `` (NP anarchy or despotism) '')))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP Much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP abhorred (NP slavery))))) , (NP-SBJ Lincoln) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP concede (PP to (NP each `` slave state '')) (NP the right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP decide (ADVP independently) (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP continue or end (NP it)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ-1 his election) (VP was (VP interpreted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS many Southerners)) (PP as (NP (NP the forerunner) (PP of (NP (NP a dangerous shift) (PP in (NP the federal balance)) (PP in (NP (NP favor) (PP of (NP the Union)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Lincoln) (NP himself)) (VP proposed (NP no such change) (PP in (NP (NP the rights) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Constitution) (VP gave (NP the states) (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ the war) (VP began))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (ADVP-TMP long) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP permit (NP (NP emancipation) (PP of (NP the slaves)) (PP by (NP Union action))) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP (NP the Border States) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stayed (PP with (NP the Union))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP issued (NP his Emancipation Proclamation) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP only) (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ necessity) (VP left (NP him) (NP (NP no other way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP save (NP the Union) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP his Message) (PP of (NP December 2 , 1862)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP put (NP (NP his purpose) and (NP his policy)) (PP in (NP (NP (NP these words) -- (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP call (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD (NP the Lincoln Law) (PP of (NP Liberty-and-Union))))))))) : `` (S (PP In (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP giving (NP freedom) (PP to (NP the slave))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP assure (NP freedom) (PP to (NP the free)))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ Lincoln) (VP could not (VP concede (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the states) (CONJP rather than) (NP the people)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD sovereign) (PP in (NP the Union)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP fought (PP to (NP the end)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP preserve (NP it) (PP as (NP (NP a `` government) (PP (PP of (NP the people)) , (PP by (NP the people)) , (PP for (NP the people))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The truth) (PP on (NP each side))) (VP won (PP in (NP the civil war))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Americans) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP upheld (NP (NP the sovereignty) (PP of (NP their states))))))) (VP did (NP this) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP keep (NP (NP many) (PP of (NP their people))) (PP (ADVP more securely) in (NP slavery))) -- (NP (NP the antithesis) (PP of (NP individual liberty))) --))))))))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the conflict) (ADJP (ADJP grimmer) , and (ADJP the greater)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Out (PP of (NP this ordeal))) (NP-SBJ the citizen) (VP emerged , (PP in (NP the South)) (PP as (PP in (NP the North))) , (PP as (NP (NP America 's) true sovereign)) , (PP in `` (NP (NP a new birth) (PP of (NP freedom))) '') , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Lincoln) (VP promised)))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP came (PRT about)))) , (NP-SBJ 214,938 Americans) (VP had (VP given (NP their lives) (PP in (NP battle)) (PP for (NP (NP the two concepts) (PP of (NP (NP the sovereign rights) (PP (PP of (NP men)) and (PP of (NP states))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP their decisive battlefield)) (NP-SBJ Lincoln) (VP did not (VP distinguish (PP between (NP them)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP paid (NP tribute) (PP to (NP (NP the `` brave men) , (ADJP living and dead) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP fought (ADVP-LOC here)))) '')) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP understood (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ both sides) (VP were (PP-PRD at (NP fault))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (NP (NP the height) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying (ADVP so) (ADVP-MNR explicitly))))) (PP in (NP his Second Inaugural)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP my knowledge)) , (NP-SBJ Lincoln) (VP remains (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP the only Head) (PP of (NP State))) and (NP Commander-in-Chief)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) , (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP fighting (NP (NP a fearful war) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose issue) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP doubt))))))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP proved (NP-PRD (NP man) (ADJP enough (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP say (NP this) (ADVP-MNR publicly))) -- (VP to (VP give (NP his foe) (NP (NP the benefit) (PP of (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (S (PP-3 in (NP all human truth)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD-4 some error))) , and (S (PP=3 in (NP all our error)) , (NP=4 some truth))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP So great) a man) (VP could not (ADVP but) (VP understand , (ADVP too) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP moves (S (NP-SBJ men) (VP to (VP sacrifice (NP their lives)))))))) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP (NP the error) (PP of (NP their thought)) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ their opponents) (VP see and attack (NP *T*-3))))) , but (NP (NP the truth) (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ the latter) (VP do not (VP see (NP *T*-4) -- (ADVP any more (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP see (NP (NP the error) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP mars (NP (NP the truth) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP themselves)) (VP defend (NP *T*-5)))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP much less) difficult) (PP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-1 than (PP in (NP (NP Lincoln 's) day))) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (PP on (NP both sides)) (NP-SBJ sovereign Americans) (VP had (VP given (NP their lives) (PP in (NP the Civil War)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP maintain (NP (NP the balance) (PP between (NP (NP the powers) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP delegated (NP *T*-2) (PP (PP to (NP the States)) and (PP to (NP their Union))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP differed (PP in (NP (NP the balance) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP believed (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADJP-PRD essential (PP to (NP (NP the sovereignty) (PP of (NP the citizen))))))))))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP the supreme sacrifice) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ each) (VP made (NP *T*-3))))) (VP served (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP maintain (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP still more) fundamental) truth) : (SBAR That (S (NP-SBJ individual life , liberty and happiness) (VP depend (PP (PP on (NP (NP a right balance) (PP between (NP the two)))) -- and (PP on (NP (NP the limitation) (PP of (NP (NP sovereignty) , (PP in (NP all its aspects)) ,)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP involves (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The 140,414 Americans) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gave `` (NP (NP the last full measure) (PP of (NP devotion))) '' (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prevent (NP disunion)))))))) , (VP preserved (NP individual freedom) (PP-LOC in (NP the United States)) (PP from (NP (NP the dangers) (PP of (NP anarchy)) , (ADJP inherent (PP in (NP confederations))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (PP throughout (NP history)) (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP have (VP proved (ADJP-PRD fatal) (PP in (NP the end)) (PP (PP to (NP (NP all associations) (VP composed (NP *) (PP (ADVP primarily) of (NP sovereign states))))) , and (PP to (NP (NP the liberties) (PP of (NP their people)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ 70,524 other Americans) (VP gave (NP (NP the same measure) (PP of (NP devotion))) (PP to (NP an opposing concept)))))) (VP served (NP Liberty-and-Union) (PP in (NP other essential ways))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Its appeal) (PP (PP from (NP ballots)) (PP to (NP bullets))) (PP-LOC at (NP Fort Sumter))) (VP ended (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP costing (NP the Southerners) (NP (NP their right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP slaves))))) -- (NP (NP a right) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP even less) compatible (PP with (NP (NP the sovereignty) (PP of (NP man)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The very fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP came (ADVP so near (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP winning (PP by (NP (NP the wrong method) , (NP war) ,)))))))))) (VP led (ADVP directly) (PP to (NP (NP their losing) (NP both (NP the war) and (NP (NP the wrong thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP fought (PP for (NP *T*-1))))))))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ Lincoln) (VP to (VP free (NP their slaves) (PP as (NP a military measure))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a divine justice) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ one wrong) (ADVP thus) (VP undoing (NP another))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP a lesson) , (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP served (ADVP-TMP ever since) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP Americans) , (PP in (NP (NP their conflicts) (PP with (NP one another)))) , (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP turning (PP from (NP the ballot)) (PP to (NP the bullet))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ the Southern States) (VP lost (NP (NP the worst errors) (PP in (NP their case)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP did not (VP lose (NP (NP the truth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP fought (PP for (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP The lives) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP so many) (PP of (NP them))) (VP gave (NP *T*-1) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP forestall (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP believed (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a fatal encroachment) (PP by (NP the Union)) (PP on (NP (NP the powers) (VP reserved (NP *) (PP to (NP their states))))))))))))))))))) (VP have (VP continued (ADVP-TMP ever since) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP safeguard (NP all Americans) (PP against (NP (NP freedom 's) other foe))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ cells) (VP coalesced (PP into (NP organisms))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP built (NP (ADJP (ADJP new) `` (ADJP unnatural) '' and (ADJP internally controlled)) environments) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cope (ADVP even more successfully) (PP with (NP (NP the entropy-increasing properties) (PP of (NP the external world)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The useful suggestion) (PP of (NP Professor David Hawkins)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP considers (NP culture) (PP as (NP (NP a third stage) (PP in (NP biological evolution)))))))) (VP fits (ADVP-MNR quite beautifully) (ADVP then) (PP with (NP our suggestion (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ science) (VP has (VP provided (NP us) (PP with (NP (NP a (ADVP rather successful) technique) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP building (NP protective artificial environments))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP wonders (PP about (NP (NP its applicability) (PP to (NP people))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ (NP advances) (PP in (NP human sciences))) (VP help (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP build (NP (NP (NP social structures) and (NP governments)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP enable (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP cope (PP with (NP people)) (ADVP (ADVP as effectively) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ (NP the primitive combination) (PP of (NP (NP protein) and (NP nucleic acid)))) (VP built (NP (NP a structure) (PP of (NP molecules)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP enabled (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP adapt (PP to (NP (NP a sea) (PP of (NP molecular interaction)))))))))))))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The answer) (VP is , (PP of (NP course)) , (INTJ-PRD yes)) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ the family) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the simplest example) (PP of (NP (NP just such a unit) , (VP composed (NP *) (PP of (NP people))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP gives (NP us) (NP both (NP (NP some immunity) (PP from (NP *ICH*-1))) , and (NP (NP a way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP dealing (PP with (NP *ICH*-1)))))) , (NP-1 other people))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Social invention) (VP did not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP await (NP social theory)))) (ADVP (ADVP any more) (PP than (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP use) (PP of (NP (NP the warmth) (PP of (NP a fire))))) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP await (NP-3 Lavoisier)))))) or (S (NP-SBJ=2 (NP the buoyant protection) (PP of (NP a boat))) (NP=3 (NP the formulations) (PP of (NP Archimedes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF But (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP been (PP-TMP-PRD (PP during (NP the last two centuries)) , (PP during (NP the scientific revolution)) ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP our independence) (PP from (NP the physical environment))) (VP has (VP made (NP the (ADJP most rapid) strides) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (NP ample light) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP sets (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the temperature) (PP of (NP our homes))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD independent (PP of (NP the seasons))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP fly (PP through (NP the air)) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ gravity) (VP pulls (NP us) (PRT down)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the range) (PP of (NP our voice))) (VP ignores (NP distance))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHPP-1 At (WHNP what stage)) (SQ are (PP *T*-1) (NP-SBJ social sciences) (ADVP then)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ (NP the future) (PP of (NP psychology))) (ADJP-PRD akin (PP to (NP (NP the rich future) (PP of (NP physics)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP Newton))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a haunting resemblance) (PP between (NP (NP the notion) (PP of (NP cause)) (PP (PP in (NP Copernicus)) and (PP in (NP Freud))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP certainly) (NP-PRD (NP no slight) (PP to (NP (NP either) (PP of (NP them))))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP compare (NP both (NP their achievements) and (NP their impact)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP Political theoretical understanding) , (SBAR-ADV although (FRAG (ADVP almost) (PP at (NP a standstill)) (PP-TMP during (NP this century)))) , (VP (VP did (VP develop (PP-TMP during (NP the (ADJP eighteenth and nineteenth) centuries)))) , and (VP resulted (PP in (NP (NP a flood) (PP of (NP inventions)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP increased (NP (NP the possibility) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP to (VP coexist (PP with (NP man)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Consitutional government) , (NP popular vote) , (NP (NP trial) (PP by (NP jury))) , (NP public education) , (NP labor unions) , (NP cooperatives) , (NP communes) , (NP socialized ownership) , (NP world courts) , and (NP (NP the veto power) (PP in (NP world councils)))) (VP are (NP-PRD but a few examples)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Most) (PP of (NP these))) , (PP with (NP horrible exceptions)) , (VP were (VP conceived (NP *-1) (PP (PP as (SINV is (NP-SBJ a ship) (VP *?*))) , (PP not (PP as (NP an attempt (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP quell (NP (NP the ocean) (PP of (NP mankind)))))) , nor (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP deny (NP its force))))))) , but (PP as (NP (NP a means) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP survive and enjoy (NP it) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The (ADJP most effective) political inventions) (VP (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP maximum use) (PP of (NP natural harbors))))))) and (VP are (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP restraining (NP breakwaters))) (VP can (VP play (NP only a minor part) (PP in (NP the whole scheme))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Just as (S (NP-SBJ-1 present technology) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP await (NP (NP the explanations) (PP of (NP physics))))))))) , (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ one) (VP might (VP expect (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ social invention) (VP will (VP follow (NP growing sociological understanding))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP are (ADVP desperately) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the need) (PP of (NP such invention)))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP very much) (PP-PRD at (NP (NP the mercy) (PP of (NP man)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) (NP-SBJ (NP the accumulation) (PP of (NP (NP the hardware) (PP of (NP destruction))))) (VP is (NP-TMP (NP day) (PP by (NP day))) (VP increasing (NP (NP our fear) (PP of (NP each other))))) .)) (TOP (NP 3 ,)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want , (ADVP therefore) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADJP second) and (ADJP quite different)) fruit) (PP of (NP science))) , (NP (NP the connection) (PP between (NP (NP scientific understanding) and (NP fear))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (ADVP certainly) (NP-PRD (NP large areas) (PP of (NP understanding)) (PP in (NP the human sciences)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (PP (PP in (NP themselves)) and (PP (ADVP even) without (NP political invention))) (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP can (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP dispel (NP our present fears)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lucretius) (VP has (VP remarked : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP The reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 all Mortals) (VP are (ADVP so) (VP gripped (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS fear)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP see (S (NP-SBJ (NP all sorts) (PP of (NP things))) (VP happening (PP in (NP the earth and sky)) (PP with (NP no discernable cause)))))) , and (S (NP-TPC-3 these) (NP-SBJ they) (VP attribute (NP *T*-3) (PP to (NP (NP the will) (PP of (NP God)))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ things) (VP were (ADJP-PRD even worse) (ADVP-TMP then)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD difficult) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reconstruct (NP (NP the primeval fears) (PP of (NP man))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP get (NP (NP some clue) (PP (PP from (NP (NP a few remembrances) (PP of (NP childhood)))) and (PP from (NP the circumstance (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADVP probably) not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP much more) afraid (PP of (NP people))) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR-1 than (S (NP-SBJ man) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP are not (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP-PRD afraid (PP of (NP atomic bombs))) (PP in (NP (NP the same way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ people) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP feared (NP comets) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bombs) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as harmless) (PP as (NP (NP an automobile) (PP-LOC in (NP a garage)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP are (ADJP-PRD worried (UCP (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP may (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP them))))))) -- (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ some crazy fool) (VP may `` (VP push (NP the button)) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (ADVP certainly) not (ADVP adequately) (VP trained (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP describe (NP *RNR*-3)) or (VP enlarge (PP on (NP *RNR*-3))) (NP-3 human fears))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP certain features) (PP of (NP (NP the fears) (VP dispelled (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS scientific explanations))))) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP stand (PRT out) (ADVP quite clearly))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (PP in (ADJP general)) (NP-PRD (NP those fears) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD amenable (PP to (NP prayer or ritual)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP include (NP both (NP individual fears) and (NP collective ones))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP arise (PP in (NP (NP situations) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP believes (SBAR that (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happens))) (VP depends (PP (CONJP not only) (PP on (NP the external world)) , (CONJP but also) (PP on (NP (NP the precise pattern) (PP of (NP (NP behavior) (PP of (NP the individual or group)))))))))) (PP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Often) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (VP recognized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all the details) (PP of (NP the pattern))) (VP may not (VP be (ADJP-PRD essential (PP to (NP the outcome))))))))) but , (S (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 the pattern) (VP was (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR empirically) determined (NP *-1)) and (VP not developed (NP *-1) (PP through (NP theoretical understanding))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP is (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD quite certain (SBAR (WHNP-5 which behavior elements) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP are (ADJP-PRD effective))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the whole pattern) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD ritualized)))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (ADVP-TMP often) (NP-SBJ fear) (VP persists (SBAR-PRP because , (S (PP (ADVP even) with (NP the (ADJP most rigid) ritual)) , (NP-SBJ one) (VP is (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD quite free (PP from (NP the uneasy feeling (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP might (VP make (NP some mistake))))) or (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP every previous execution)) (NP-SBJ one) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD unaware (PP of (NP the (ADJP really decisive) act))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ science) (VP had (VP reduced (NP many such fears))))))))) (ADVP merely) (VP reiterates (NP the (ADJP obvious and frequent) statement (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ science) (VP eliminated (NP (NP much) (PP of (NP magic and superstition)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP a (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more) detailed) analysis) (PP of (NP this process))) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD illuminating))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The (ADJP frequently postulated) antique worry (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the daylight hours) (VP might (VP dwindle (PP to (NP complete darkness))))))) (ADVP apparently) (VP gave (NP rise) (PP to (NP (NP a ritual and celebration) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP recognize (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD curious) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP even centuries) (PP of (NP (NP repetition) (PP of (NP the yearly cycle))))) (VP did not (VP induce (NP (NP a sufficient degree) (PP of (NP confidence)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the ceremonies) (PP of (NP the winter solstice)))))) (ADVP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This) and (NP (NP other fears) (PP of (NP the solar system)))) (VP have (VP disappeared (ADVP gradually) , (FRAG (FRAG (ADVP-TMP first) , (PP with (NP (NP the Ptolemaic system) and (NP (NP its built-in concept) (PP of (NP periodicity)))))) and (FRAG (ADVP-TMP then) , (ADVP more firmly) , (PP with (NP (NP the Newtonian innovation) (PP of (NP (NP an universal force) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP account (ADVP quantitatively) (PP for (NP (ADJP both terrestial and celestial) motions)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This understanding) (VP provides (NP (NP a (ADJP very simple) example) (PP of (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP can (VP eliminate (NP fear) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP instituting (NP any controls)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP dispelled (NP the fear))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (ADVP not necessarily) (VP assured (NP ourselves) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD no dangers)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP the remote possibility) (PP of (NP planetoid collision)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A meteor) (VP could (VP fall (PP on (NP San Francisco)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Solar activities) (VP could (ADVP presumably) (VP bring (NP (NP long periods) (PP of (NP flood or drought))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Our understanding) (PP of (NP the solar system))) (VP has (VP taught (NP-1 us) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP replace (NP our former elaborate rituals) (PP with (NP (NP the appropriate action) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (PP in (NP this case)) , (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP amounts (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (NP nothing)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD uneasy)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This (ADJP almost trivial) example) (VP is (ADVP nevertheless) (ADJP-PRD suggestive))) , for (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP some elements) (PP in (NP common)) (PP between (NP (NP the antique fear (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the days) (VP would (VP get (ADJP-PRD shorter and shorter)))))) and (NP (NP our present fear) (PP of (NP war)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) , (PP-LOC in (NP our country)) , (VP think (PP of (NP war)) (PP as (NP (NP an external threat) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP occurs))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will not (VP be (ADVP primarily) (PP-PRD of (NP our own doing))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And yet) (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP obviously) (ADVP also) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the avoidance) (PP of (NP the disaster))) (VP depends (PP in (NP some (ADJP (ADJP obscure) or (ADJP (ADVP at least) uncertain)) way)) (PP on (NP (NP the details) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP behave (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What elements) (PP of (NP our behavior))) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD decisive))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP Our weapons production) , (NP our world prestige) , (NP (NP our ideas) (PP of (NP democracy))) , (NP (NP our actions) (PP of (NP trust or stubbornness or secrecy or espionage))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (VP staved (PRT off) (NP a war)))) and , (S (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ our behavior) (VP has (VP involved (NP all these elements))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP can (ADVP only) (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP adding (PP to (NP our ritual)))) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP daring (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP any part) (PP of (NP it))))))))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have not (NP (NP the slightest notion) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which parts) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD effective))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP also) (VP talking (PP of (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP (NP fear) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ a young boy) (VP has (NP *T*-2) (PP for (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP (NP boys) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (VP approaching)) (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (PP along (NP (NP the streets) (PP of (NP a large city)))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ an automobile) (VP were (VP approaching (NP him))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP required (NP *-1) (PP of (NP him)))))) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might not (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP act (ADVP quickly enough))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP the group) (PP of (NP boys)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD different)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP does not (VP know (SBAR whether (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP (VP look (PRT up)) or (VP look (ADVP aside)))) , (VP (VP to (VP put (NP his hands) (PP in (NP his pockets)))) or (VP to (VP clench (NP them) (PP at (NP his side))))) , (VP (VP to (VP cross (NP the street))) , or (VP to (VP continue (PP on (NP the same side))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP confronted (NP *-2) (PP with (NP (NP a drunk) or (NP an insane person))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP no notion) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP any one) (PP of (NP them))) (VP might (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP (PP to (NP me)) or (PP to (NP himself)) or (PP to (NP others)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP *T*-1)))) (VP has (NP some effect) (PP on (NP his actions))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP have (VP learned , (PP in (NP a way)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP commune (PP with (NP drunks))))))))) , but (S (ADVP certainly) (NP-SBJ-3 my actions) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP resemble (ADVP (ADVP more nearly) (PP *ICH*-4)) (NP (NP the performance) (PP of (NP a rain dance))) (PP-4 than (NP (NP the carrying out) (PP of (NP (NP an experiment) (PP in (NP physics))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (ADVP usually) (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP an uneasiness (SBAR that (S (PP through (NP some unwitting slip)) (NP-SBJ-2 all hell) (VP may (VP break (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD loose)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our inability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP explain (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ certain people) (VP are (ADJP-PRD fond (PP of (NP us))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))) (ADVP frequently) (VP induces (NP (NP the same kind) (PP of (NP ritual and malaise)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP are (VP forced , (PP in (NP (NP our behavior) (PP towards (NP others)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP adopt (NP (ADJP empirically successful) patterns) (PP in toto)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP such a minimal understanding) (PP of (NP their essential elements)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Our collective policies) , (UCP group and national) ,) (VP are (ADVP similarly) (VP based (NP *-1) (PP on (NP voodoo))))) , but (S (ADVP-LOC here) (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP often) lack (NP even the (ADJP empirically successful) rituals)) and (VP are (ADVP-TMP still) (VP engaged (NP *-2) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP determing (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP use (NP (NP terms) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP from (NP (NP our personal experience) (PP with (NP individuals)))) (PP-1 such as (NP `` (NP trust) '' , `` (NP cheat) '' , and `` (NP get tough) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP talk (PP about (NP national character)) (PP in (NP (NP the same way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ Copernicus) (VP talked (PP of (NP (NP the compulsions (S *ICH*-1)) (PP of (NP celestial bodies)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP move (PP in (NP circles))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP perform (NP elaborate international exhortations and ceremonies) (PP with (NP (NP virtually no understanding) (PP of (NP social cause and effect))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Small wonder) , (ADVP then) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP fear))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The achievements) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP dispelled (NP (NP our fears) (PP of (NP the cosmos))))))) (VP took (NP place) (ADVP-TMP (NP three centuries) ago)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What (NP additional roles)) (SQ has (NP-SBJ (NP the scientific understanding) (PP of (NP the (ADJP 19th and 20th) centuries))) (VP played (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the physical sciences)) , (NP-SBJ these achievements) (VP concern (NP (NP electricity) , (NP chemistry) , and (NP atomic physics))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the life sciences)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD (NP an enormous increase) (PP (PP in (NP (NP our understanding) (PP of (NP disease)))) , (PP in (NP (NP the mechanisms) (PP of (NP heredity)))) , and (PP in (NP (ADJP bio - and physiological) chemistry)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The major effect) (PP of (NP these advances))) (VP appears (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP lie (PP in (NP (NP the part) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP played (NP *T*-1) (PP (PP in (NP the industrial revolution)) and (PP in (NP (NP the tools) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ scientific understanding) (VP has (VP given (NP us) (NP *T*-3))))) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP build and manipulate (NP a (ADJP more protective) environment) (ADVP *T*-4)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP addition)) , (NP-SBJ (NP our way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP dealing (ADVP directly) (PP with (NP natural phenomena)))))) (VP has (ADVP also) (VP changed)) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Even) in (NP (NP domains) (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP detailed and predictive) understanding) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (VP lacking (ADVP *T*-2))))) , but (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ some explanations) (VP are (ADJP-PRD possible) (ADVP *T*-3))))))) , (PP as (PP with (NP lightning and weather and earthquakes))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the appropriate kind) (PP of (NP human action))) (VP has (VP been (ADVP more adequately) (VP indicated (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Apparently) (NP-SBJ (NP the population) (PP as (NP a whole))) (ADVP-TMP eventually) (VP acquires (NP (NP enough confidence) (PP in (NP (NP the explanations) (PP of (NP the scientists))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP modify (NP (NP its procedures) and (NP its fears)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-SBJ (WHADVP-1 How and why) (S (NP-SBJ this process) (VP occurs (ADVP *T*-1)))) (VP would (VP provide (NP (NP an interesting separate subject) (PP for (NP study))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP some areas)) , (NP-SBJ the progress) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP slower) (PP than (PP in (NP others))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP agriculture)) , (PP for (NP example)) , (PP despite (NP (NP the advances) (PP in (NP biology)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 elaborate rituals) (VP tend (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP persist (PP along (PP with (NP (NP a continued sense) (PP of (NP (NP the imminence) (PP of (NP some natural disaster))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP child care)) , (NP-SBJ the opposite extreme) (VP prevails)) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ procedures) (VP change (ADVP-MNR rapidly))) and (S (NP-SBJ parental confidence) (ADVP probably) (VP exceeds (NP (NP anything) (VP warranted (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS established psychological theory))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP many domains) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ understanding) (VP has (VP brought (PP about (NP (NP (ADJP widespread and quite appropriate) reduction) (PP in (NP ritual and fear)))) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Much) (PP of (NP (NP the former extreme uneasiness) (VP associated (NP *) (PP (PP with (NP visions and hallucinations)) and (PP with (NP death))))))) (VP has (VP disappeared)) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The persistent horror) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP a malformed child))))) (VP has , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) , (VP been (VP reduced (NP *-1) , (SBAR-PRP not (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP gained (NP any control) (PP over (NP this misfortune)))))) , but (SBAR (ADVP precisely) because (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP learned (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (ADJP so little) control) (PP over (NP it))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the recent warnings) (PP about (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP X-rays))))) (VP have (VP introduced (NP (NP fears and ambiguities) (PP of (NP action)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP require (NP (ADJP more detailed) understanding)))))))) , and (S (ADVP thus) (PP in (NP this instance)) , (NP-SBJ science) (VP has (ADVP momentarily) (VP aggravated (NP our fears)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (SBAR-ADV insofar as (S (NP-SBJ science) (VP generates (NP any fear)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP stems (PP (CONJP not so much) (PP from (NP scientific prowess and gadgets)) but (PP from (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP new unanswered questions) (SBAR *ICH*-5)) (VP arise , (SBAR-5 (WHNP-1 which) , (S (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-6 they) (VP are (VP understood (NP *-6))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP create (NP uncertainty))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the (ADJP most illuminating) example) (PP of (NP (NP the reduction) (PP of (NP fear)) (PP through (NP understanding))))) (VP is (VP derived (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP our increased knowledge) (PP of (NP (NP the nature) (PP of (NP disease)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The situation) (PP with (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP (NP our attitude and `` control '') (PP of (NP disease))))))) (VP contains (NP (NP close analogies) (PP to (NP (NP problems) (VP confronting (NP us) (PP with (NP (NP respect) (PP to (NP people))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The fear) (PP of (NP disease))) (VP was (ADVP-TMP formerly) (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP very much) the kind) (PP of (NP (NP fear) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP describe (NP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Nothing) (PP like (NP Godot))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP arrived (PP-TMP before (NP the hour))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His letter) (VP had (VP suggested (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP meet (PP-LOC at (NP my hotel)) (PP-TMP at (NP noon)) (PP-TMP on (NP Sunday)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (PP into (NP the lobby)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the clock) (VP struck (NP twelve)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP waiting)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 My wish (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP meet (NP Samuel Beckett))))) (VP had (VP been (VP prompted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP simple curiosity) and (NP (NP interest) (PP in (NP his work)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 American newspaper reviewers) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (S (NP-SBJ his plays) (ADJP-PRD nihilistic)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP find (NP deep pessimism) (PP in (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Even (ADJP so astute) a commentator) (PP as (NP (NP Harold Clurman) (PP of (NP The Nation))))) (VP has (VP said (SBAR that (S `` (VP-TTL-SBJ Waiting (PP For (NP Godot))) '' (VP is `` (NP-PRD (NP the concentrate) (PP of (NP (NP the contemporary European mood) (PP of (NP despair))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP to (NP me)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Beckett 's) writing) (VP had (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP permeated (NP *-3) (PP (PP with (NP (NP love) (PP for (NP human beings)))) and (PP with (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP humor)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP reconcile (NP *T*-1) (PP neither (PP with (NP despair)) nor (PP with (NP nihilism)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ my own eyes and ears) (VP had (VP deceived (NP me)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ his) (NP (NP a literature) (PP of (NP defeat)) , (ADJP irrelevant (PP to (NP (NP the social crises) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP face (NP *T*-1)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Or is (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD relevant) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP teaches (NP us) (NP (NP something) (ADJP useful (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP ourselves))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a conversation) (PP with (NP the author))) (VP would not (VP settle (NP such questions) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP the same) (PP as (NP his writing)))))))))))) : (S (PP in (NP the last analysis)) , (NP-SBJ the questions) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP settled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the work) (NP itself))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD curious)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 My curiosity) (VP was (VP sharpened (NP *-1) (NP-TMP (NP a day (QP or two)) (PP before (NP the interview))) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a conversation) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a well-informed teacher) (PP of (NP literature))) , (NP a Jesuit father) ,)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP a conference) (PP on (NP religious drama)) (PP-LOC near (NP Paris))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Beckett 's) name) (VP came (PP into (NP the discussion)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the priest) (VP (VP grew (ADJP-PRD loud)) and (VP told (NP me) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Beckett) `` (VP hates (NP life)) '')))) .)) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ That) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (S *T*-3)))) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (ADVP at least) one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP find (NP *T*-1) (PRT out) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP meet (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Beckett 's) appearance) (VP is (ADJP-PRD rough-hewn Irish)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The features) (PP of (NP his face))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD distinct , but not fine)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP look (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP been (VP sculptured (NP *-1) (PP with (NP an unsharpened chisel)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Unruly hair) (VP goes (ADVP straight up) (PP from (NP his forehead)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP standing (ADVP (ADVP so high) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the top) (VP falls (ADVP-MNR gently) (PRT over) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP really) (VP is (NP-PRD hair and not bristle))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP might (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP combines (NP (NP the man) ; ; own pride and humility)))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (NP (NP the pride) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP comes (PP of (NP self-acceptance)))))) and (NP (NP the humility) , (PP (ADVP perhaps) of (NP the same genesis)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP impose (NP himself) (PP upon (NP another)) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His (ADJP light blue) eyes) , (VP set (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD deep (PP within (NP the face))))) ,) (VP are (ADVP-MNR actively and continually) (VP looking)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP seems , (PP by (NP (NP some unconscious division) (PP of (NP labor)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP given (NP them) (NP (NP that one function) and (NP no other)) ,)))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving (NP communication) (PP to (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the face))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The mouth) (ADVP frequently) (VP breaks (PP into (NP a disarming smile))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The voice) (VP is (ADJP-PRD light (PP in (NP timbre)) , (PP with (NP (NP a rough edge) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP corresponds (PP to (NP his visage))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Irish accent) (VP is , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP would (VP expect)))) , (VP combined (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP slight inflections) (PP from (NP the French)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His tweed suit) (VP was (NP-PRD a baggy gray and green)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wore (NP (NP a brown knit sports shirt) (PP with (NP no tie)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP walked (PP (PP down (NP the Rue De L'Arcade)) , (ADVP thence) (PP along (PP beside (NP the Madeleine))) and (PP across (PP to (NP (NP a sidewalk cafe) (PP opposite (NP that church))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP The conversation) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP ensued)))) (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP engrossing (NP *-3)))))) but (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP could (ADVP hardly) (VP be (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD world-shattering)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP one thing)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the world) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ Beckett) (VP sees (NP *T*-2))))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP already) (VP shattered (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His talk) (VP turns (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP calls (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD `` (NP the mess) '' , or (ADVP-TMP sometimes) `` (NP this buzzing confusion) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP reconstruct (NP his sentences) (PP from (NP (NP notes) (VP made (NP *) (PP-TMP (ADVP immediately) after (NP our conversation)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP appears (ADVP-LOC here)))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP shorter) (PP than (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP actually) (VP said (NP *T*-2)))))) but (ADJP very close (PP to (NP his own words))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The confusion) (VP is (NP-PRD not my invention)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP can not (VP listen (PP to (NP a conversation)) (PP-TMP for (NP five minutes)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD acutely aware (PP of (NP the confusion)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (PP-PRD (ADVP all) around (NP us)))) and (S (NP-SBJ our only chance) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP let (NP it) (ADVP-DIR in)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only chance) (PP of (NP renovation))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP open (NP our eyes)) and (VP see (NP the mess)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP a mess) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP make (NP sense (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP must (VP let (NP it) (ADVP-DIR in) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD the truth)))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Beckett) (VP did not (VP take (PP to (NP (NP the word) (NP truth)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more true) (PP than (NP (NP anything) (ADVP else)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP swim))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true))) , and (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sink))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more true) (PP than (NP the other)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP can not (VP speak (ADVP-TMP anymore) (PP of (NP being))))) , (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP must (VP speak (ADVP only) (PP of (NP the mess))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Heidegger and Sartre) (VP speak (PP of (NP (NP a contrast) (PP between (NP being and existence)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD right)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ their language) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP too philosophical) (PP for (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am not (NP-PRD a philosopher)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP can (ADVP only) (VP speak (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP is (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD the mess))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak (PP about (NP (NP the tension) (PP in (NP art)) (PP between (NP the mess and form)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Until (ADVP recently)) , (NP-SBJ art) (VP has (VP withstood (NP (NP the pressure) (PP of (NP chaotic things))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP has (VP held (NP them) (PP at (NP bay)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP admit (NP them)))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP jeopardize (NP form)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ could (NP-SBJ-1 the mess) (VP be (VP admitted (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP appears (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (UCP-PRD (NP the (ADJP very opposite)) (PP of (NP form)) and (ADVP therefore) (ADJP destructive (PP of (NP (NP the very thing) (SBAR (WHNP-5 that) (S (NP-SBJ-4 art) (VP holds (NP itself (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-5))))))))))))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP keep (NP it) (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP no longer) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP come (PP into (NP (NP a time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) `` (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP invades (NP our experience) (PP-TMP at (NP every moment)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP-PRD there))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP must (VP be (VP allowed (NP *-1) (ADVP in))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP granted (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP might (VP be (ADVP-PRD so)))))) , but (VP found (S (NP-SBJ the result) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP even more) attention (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP form)))) (SBAR than (SINV was (NP-SBJ the case) (ADVP-TMP previously))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (WHADVP why) not ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ-2 (WHADVP How) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)))) , (SQ could (NP-SBJ-1 chaos) (VP be (VP admitted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP chaos))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Would not (NP-SBJ that) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP thinking))) and (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP art))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP look (PP at (NP recent art))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD preoccupied (PP with (NP form))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Beckett 's) own work) (VP is (NP-PRD an example)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Plays) (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP more highly) formalized) (PP than `` (NP (VP-TTL Waiting (PP For (NP Godot))) '' , `` (NP-TTL Endgame) '' , and `` (NP-TTL (NP Krapp 's) Last Tape) '')))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD hard (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP saying (NP *T*-1))))) (VP does not (VP mean (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP will (ADVP-TMP henceforth) (VP be (NP-PRD no form) (PP in (NP art)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP only) (VP means (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD new form))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 this form) (VP (VP will (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP (NP such a type) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP admits (NP the chaos)))))))) and (VP does not (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the chaos) (VP is (ADVP really) (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADVP else))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The form) and (NP the chaos)) (VP remain (ADJP-PRD separate)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The latter) (VP is not (VP reduced (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the former)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the form) (NP itself)) (VP becomes (NP-PRD a preoccupation) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))) , (SBAR-TMP-TPC because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP exists (PP as (NP (NP a problem) (ADJP separate (PP from (NP (NP the material) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP accommodates (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP find (NP (NP a form) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP accommodates (NP the mess)))))))) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the task) (PP of (NP the artist))) (ADVP-TMP now)) '' .)) (TOP (SQ-2 Yet , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP responded (SQ *T*-2)))) , could not (NP-SBJ-1 similar things) (VP be (VP said (NP *-1) (PP about (NP (NP the art) (PP of (NP the past)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) not (ADJP-PRD characteristic (PP of (NP the greatest art))) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP confronts (NP us) (PP with (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can not (VP clarify (NP *T*-1))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP demanding (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the viewer) (VP respond (PP to (NP it)) (PP in (NP his own never-predictable way)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the history) (PP of (NP criticism)) (PP but (NP (NP the history) (PP of (NP (NP-4 men) (VP attempting (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP sense) (PP of (NP (NP the manifold elements) (PP in (NP art)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP will not (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ-5 themselves) (VP to (VP be (VP reduced (NP *-5) (PP to (NP (NP a single philosophy) or (NP a single aesthetic theory))))))))))))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is n't (NP-SBJ all art) (ADJP-PRD ambiguous) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Not this) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP said (NP *T*-1)) , and (VP gestured (PP toward (NP the Madeleine)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The classical lines) (PP of (NP (NP the church) (SBAR-1 which (S (NP-SBJ Napoleon) (VP thought (PP of (NP *T*-1)) (PP as (NP (NP a Temple) (PP of (NP Glory)))))))))) , (VP dominated (NP (NP all the scene) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP sat (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The Boulevard De La Madeleine) , (NP the Boulevard Malesherbes) , and (NP the Rue Royale)) (VP ran (PP-DIR to (NP it)) (PP with (NP graceful flattery)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bearing (NP (NP tidings) (PP of (NP (NP the Age) (PP of (NP Reason)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Not this .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD clear)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP does not (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ the mystery) (VP to (VP invade (NP us)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP classical art)) , (NP-SBJ-1 all) (VP is (VP settled (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD different) (PP-LOC at (NP Chartres))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (ADVP-LOC There) (VP is (NP-SBJ the unexplainable))) , and (S (ADVP-LOC there) (NP-SBJ art) (VP raises (NP (NP questions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP does not (VP attempt (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP answer (NP *T*-2))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (PP about (NP (NP the battle) (PP between (NP life and death)) (PP in (NP his plays))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Didi and Gogo) (VP hover (PP on (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP suicide)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hamm 's) world) (VP is (NP-PRD death))) and (S (NP-SBJ Clov) (VP (VP may (VP *RNR*-1)) or (VP may not (VP *RNR*-1)) (VP-1 get (PP out (PP of (NP it))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP join (NP the living child) (ADVP-LOC outside))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ this life-death question) (NP-PRD (NP a part) (PP of (NP the chaos))) ? ?)) (TOP `` (INTJ Yes .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ life and death) (VP did not both (VP present (NP themselves) (PP to (NP us)))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD no inscrutability))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD only darkness)))) , (NP-SBJ all) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD clear))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (CONJP not only) darkness (CONJP but also) light)))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ our situation) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD inexplicable))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP (NP (NP Augustine 's) doctrine) (PP of (NP (NP (NP grace) (VP given (NP *))) and (NP (NP grace) (VP withheld (NP *)))))))) : (SQ have (NP-SBJ you) (VP pondered (NP (NP the dramatic qualities) (PP in (NP this theology)))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Two thieves) (VP are (VP-2 crucified (NP *-1) (PP with (NP Christ))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 one) (VP=2 saved (NP *)) and) (S (NP-SBJ=1 the other) (VP=2 damned (NP *))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ can (NP-SBJ we) (VP make (NP (NP sense) (PP of (NP this division))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP classical drama)) , (NP-SBJ such problems) (VP do not (VP arise)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The destiny) (PP of (NP (NP Racine 's) Phedre))) (VP is (VP sealed (NP *-1) (PP from (NP the beginning))))) : (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP will (VP proceed (PP into (NP the dark))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP goes))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP she) (NP herself)) (VP will (VP be (VP illuminated (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP the play)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP has (NP partial illumination))) and (S (PP-TMP at (NP the end)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP has (NP complete illumination))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD (NP no question) (PP but (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP moves (PP toward (NP the dark))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (NP-PRD the play)) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Within (NP this notion)) (NP-SBJ clarity) (VP is (ADJP-PRD possible))) , but (S (PP for (NP (NP us) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD neither Greek nor Jansenist)))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is not (NP-PRD such clarity))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The question) (VP would (ADVP also) (VP be (VP removed (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP believed (PP in (NP (NP the contrary) -- (NP total salvation))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP both dark and light) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (ADVP also) (NP the inexplicable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The key word) (PP in (NP my plays))) (VP is ' (NP-PRD perhaps) ') '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Given (NP a theological lead))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thinks (NP *T*-2) (PP about (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP find (NP (NP a religious significance) (PP to (NP his plays)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (ADVP really) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP none) (PP at (NP all)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP no religious feeling)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP a religious emotion)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD at (NP my first Communion))) .)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP No more .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My mother) (VP was (ADJP-PRD deeply religious)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 So) (VP was (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ my brother) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knelt (PRT down) (PP at (NP his bed)) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP kneel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My father) (VP had (NP none)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The family) (VP was (NP-PRD Protestant))) , but (S (S (PP for (NP me)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD only irksome))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP go))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My brother and mother) (VP got (NP no value) (PP from (NP their religion)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP died (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP (NP the moment) (PP of (NP crisis)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (NP (NP no more depth) (PP than (NP an old school tie)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Irish Catholicism) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD attractive))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD deeper))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP pass (NP a church) (PP on (NP an Irish bus)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ all the hands) (VP flurry (PP in (NP (NP the sign) (PP of (NP the cross))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One day) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the dogs) (PP of (NP Ireland))) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (VP will (VP do (NP that) (ADVP too) (NAC-1 and (ADVP perhaps) (ADVP also) (NP the pigs)))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ But do (NP-SBJ the plays) (VP deal (PP with (NP (NP the same facets) (PP of (NP experience)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ religion) (VP must (ADVP also) (VP deal (PP with (NP *T*-1))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , for (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP deal (PP with (NP distress)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some people) (VP object (PP to (NP (NP this) (PP in (NP my writing))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP a party)) (NP-SBJ (NP an English intellectual) -- (ADJP so-called) --) (VP asked (NP me) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP write (ADVP-TMP always) (PP about (NP distress)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV As if (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD perverse) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (ADVP so)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (SBAR if (S (S (NP-SBJ my father) (VP had (VP beaten (NP me)))) or (S (NP-SBJ my mother) (VP had (VP run (PP away) (PP from (NP home)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP me) (NP an unhappy childhood))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (UCP (INTJ no) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP had (NP a (ADJP very happy) childhood))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ me) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more perverse) (PP than (ADVP-TMP ever))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP left (NP the party) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (PP as (ADJP possible)))) and (VP got (PP into (NP a taxi)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-1 On (NP (NP the glass partition) (PP between (NP (NP me) and (NP the driver))))) (VP were (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP three signs) : (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 one) (VP asked (PP-4 for (NP-3 (NP help) (PP for (NP the blind)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2 another) (NP=3 (NP help) (PP for (NP orphans)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=2 the third) (PP=4 for (NP (NP relief) (PP for (NP the war refugees))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 One) (VP does not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP for (NP distress))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (VP screaming (PP at (NP you)) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP (NP the taxis) (PP of (NP London)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Lunch) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the hotel)) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP the light and dark) (PP of (NP Paris))) (VP screaming (PP at (NP us))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The personal quality) (PP of (NP Samuel Beckett))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD similar (PP to (NP (NP qualities) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP found (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP the plays)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP says (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP compresses (NP experience) (PP within (NP a closed pattern))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Perhaps) '' (VP stands (PP in (NP (NP place) (PP of (NP commitment))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP plainly sympathetic) , (ADJP clearly friendly))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD only the mess)))) , (NP-SBJ all) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD clear)))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (ADVP also) (NP-PRD compassion))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP a Christian)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP stand (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ Beckett) (VP stands (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (VP see (NP (NP much) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sees (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP a writer) (PP on (NP the theater)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP paid (NP (NP close attention) (PP to (NP the plays))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Harold Clurman) (VP is (ADJP-PRD right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S `` (VP-TTL-SBJ Waiting (PP For (NP Godot))) '' (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a reflection) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP calls (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD a distorted reflection)))) -RRB-) `` (PP of (NP (NP the impasse and disarray) (PP of (NP (NP Europe 's) (NP (NP present politics) , (NP ethic) , and (NP (NP common way) (PP of (NP life)))))))) ''))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP not only) (NP-PRD (NP Europe) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the play) (VP refers (PP to (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (VP-TTL-SBJ Waiting (PP For (NP Godot))) '' (VP sells (ADVP (ADVP even better) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC in (NP America)) (PP-1 than (PP-LOC in (NP France)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The consciousness) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP mirrors (NP *T*-1))))) (VP may (VP have (VP come (ADVP-TMP (ADVP earlier) (PP *ICH*-2)) (PP to (NP Europe)) (PP-2 than (PP to (NP America))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the consciousness) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ most `` mature '' societies) (VP arrive (PP at (NP *T*-3)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP their successes) (PP in (NP (ADJP technological and economic) systematization))) (VP propel (NP them) (PP into (NP (NP a time) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP examining (NP (NP the not-strictly-practical ends) (PP of (NP culture))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ America) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (VP joining (NP Europe) (PP in (NP (NP this `` mature '' phase) (PP of (NP development)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-SBJ Whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP any) (PP of (NP us))) (VP remain (PP in (NP it) (ADVP-TMP long))))) (VP will (VP depend (PP (PP on (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happens) (PP as (NP (NP a result) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP technological and economic) revolutions) (VP (ADVP-TMP now) going (PRT on) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the countries) (PP of (NP Asia and Africa)))))))))))) , and (ADVP also) (PP of (NP course)) (PP on (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how long) (S (NP-SBJ the cold war) (VP remains (ADJP-PRD cold) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Even Hemingway) , (PP for (NP all his efforts (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP formulate (NP a naturalistic morality))) (PP in (NP (S-TTL (NP-SBJ The Sun) (ADVP Also) (VP Rises)) and (NP (NP A Farewell) (PP To (NP Arms)))))))) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP maintained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ sex) (VP was (NP-PRD all))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Hemingway 's) fiction) (VP (VP is (VP supported (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a `` moral '' backbone)))) and (VP (PP in (NP (NP its search) (PP for (NP ultimate meaning)))) hints (PP at (NP a religious dimension))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ D.H. Lawrence) , (PP in (NP-TTL (NP Fantasia) (PP Of (NP The Unconscious)))) , (VP protested (ADVP-MNR vehemently) (PP against (NP (NP the overestimation) (PP of (NP the sexual motive))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP sex) (PP in (NP some form or other))) (VP enters (PP into (NP all human activity)))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD a good thing) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ Freud) (VP emphasized (NP (NP this aspect) (PP of (NP human nature)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD fantastic) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP explain (NP everything) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP sex)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ All) (VP is not (NP-PRD sex))) '' , (VP declared (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Lawrence) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Man) (VP is not (VP confined (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP one outlet) (PP for (NP his vital energy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The creative urge) , (PP for (NP example)) , (VP transcends (NP (NP the body) and (NP the self))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP for (NP the beat generation)) (NP-SBJ all) (VP is (NP-PRD sex)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nothing) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more revealing (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP the way) (PP of (NP life)) and) (NP literary aspirations)) (PP of (NP this group))))) (PP than (NP (NP their attitude) (PP toward (NP sex)))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ (NP the beatnik) , (PP like (NP the hipster)) ,) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (NP opposition) (PP to (NP (NP a society) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP based (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP the repression) (PP of (NP the sex instinct))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (VP elevated (NP (NP sex) -- (NP not (NP Eros or libido) but (NP pure , spontaneous , uninhibited sex)) --) (PP to (NP (NP the rank) (PP of (NP the godhead))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP Astarte) , (NP Ishtar) , (NP Venus) , (NP Yahwe) , (NP Dionysus) , (NP Christ) , (NP (NP the (ADJP mysterious and divine) orgone energy) (VP flowing (PP through (NP (NP the body) (PP of (NP the universe))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Jazz) (VP is (NP-PRD sex))) , (S (NP-SBJ marijuana) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a stimulus) (PP to (NP sex))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 the beat tempo) (VP is (VP adjusted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP the orgiastic release) (PP of (NP the sexual impulse))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lawrence Lipton) , (PP in (NP-TTL The Holy Barbarians)) , (VP stresses (SBAR that (S (PP for (NP the beat generation)) (S (S (NP-SBJ sex) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP than (NP (NP a source) (PP of (NP pleasure))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD a mystique)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ their private language) (VP is (ADJP-PRD rich (PP in (NP (NP the multivalent ambiguities) (PP of (NP sexual reference))))) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP dwell (PP in (NP (NP a sexualized universe) (PP of (NP discourse)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The singular uncompromising force) (PP of (NP (NP their revolt) (PP against (NP (NP the cult) (PP of (NP restraint))))))) (VP is (VP illustrated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS their refusal (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP dance (PP-LOC in (NP a public place))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The dance) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP but a disguised ritual) (PP for (NP (NP the expression) (PP of (NP ungratified sexual desire)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP this reason)) , (ADVP too) , (NP-SBJ their language) (VP is (ADJP-PRD more forthright and earthy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The beatniks) (VP crave (NP (NP a sexual experience) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ their whole being) (VP participates (PP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADVP therefore) (ADJP-PRD not surprising) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP resist (NP (NP (NP the lure) (PP of (NP marriage))) and (NP (NP the trap) (PP of (NP domesticity))))))))) , for (S (PP like (NP cats)) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP determined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP tame (NP their sexual energy))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP withdraw (PP to (NP (NP the underground) (PP of (NP the slums)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP defy (NP (NP the precepts) (PP of (NP legalized propriety))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Unlike (NP (NP the heroes and flappers) (PP of (NP the lost generation)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP disdain (NP (NP the art) (PP of (NP `` necking '' and `` petting '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 That) (VP is (VP reserved (NP *-1) (PP for (NP the squares)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP avoid (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP the pungent , outlawed four-letter word)))))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD taboo))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD sacred)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ (NP Lipton) , (NP (NP the prophet) (PP of (NP the beat generation))) ,) (VP declares))) : `` (PP In (NP the sexual act)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the beat) (VP are (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP mana) , (NP the divine power))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADVP-PRD far (PP from (NP (NP the vulgar , leering sexuality) (PP of (NP (NP the middle-class square) (PP in (NP heat)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the Holy Grail) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP these knights) (PP of (NP the orgasm))) (VP pursue (NP *T*-1))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the irresistible cosmic urge) (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP respond (PP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Wilhelm Reich) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the Moses) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP led (NP them) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP (NP the Egypt) (PP of (NP sexual slavery))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Dylan Thomas) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the poet) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP offers (NP them) (NP (NP the Dionysian dialectic) (PP of (NP (NP justification) (PP for (NP (NP their indulgence) (PP in (NP liquor , marijuana , sex , and jazz)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP addition)) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP have (VP been (VP converted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP Zen Buddhism) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP its glorification) (PP of (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADJP-PRD `` (ADJP natural) '' and (ADJP mysteriously alive)))))))) , (NP the sense (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP everything) (PP in (NP the world))) (VP is (VP flowing)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Thus) , (ADVP paradoxically) , (NP-SBJ the beat writers) (VP resort (PP to (NP `` religious '' metaphors)))) : (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP (NP search) (PP of (NP (NP (NP mana) , (NP (NP the spiritual) , (NP the numinous)) ,) but not (NP (NP anything) (VP connected (NP *) (PP with (NP formal religion)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (PP-PRD after (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (NP-PRD the beatific vision)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Zen Buddhism) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD extremely difficult) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 these internal contradictions) (VP are (VP reconciled (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))))))) , (VP helps (NP them) (PP in (NP their struggle (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP achieve (NP personal salvation) (PP through (NP sexual release)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (NP (NP The style) (PP of (NP life))) (VP chosen (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the beat generation)))) , (NP (NP the rhythm and ritual) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP adopted (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP uniquely their own))))))) ,) (VP is (VP designed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP enhance (NP (NP the value) (PP of (NP the sexual experience)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jazz) (VP is (ADJP-PRD good) (UCP-PRP (CONJP not only) (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP promotes (NP wholeness)))) but (PP because of (NP its decided sexual effect)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Jazz) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the musical language) (PP of (NP sex))) , (NP (NP the vocabulary) (PP of (NP the orgasm)))))) ; ; (S (ADVP indeed) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (VP maintained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sexual element) (PP in (NP jazz))) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP freeing (NP the listener) (PP of (NP his inhibitions))))) , (VP can (VP have (NP therapeutic value)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-2 why) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ the argument) (VP runs (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the squares) (VP are (UCP-PRD (ADJP so fearful (PP of (NP jazz))) (CONJP and yet) (VP (ADVP perversely) fascinated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS it)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP giving (NP themselves) (ADVP-MNR spontaneously) (PP to (NP (NP the orgiastic release) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ jazz) (VP can (VP give (NP them) (NP *T*-1)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP undergo (NP psychoanalysis)) or (VP flirt (PP with (NP mysticism))) or (VP turn (PP to (NP prostitutes)) (PP for (NP satisfaction)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ-1 jazz) (VP is (VP transmuted (NP *-1) (PP into (NP (NP something holy) , (NP (NP the sacred road) (PP to (NP (NP integration) (PP of (NP being))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jazz) , (PP like (NP sex)) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD a mystique)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP (NP a substitute) (PP for (NP sex))) but (NP (NP a dynamic expression) (PP of (NP (NP the creative impulse) (PP in (NP unfettered man))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The mystique) (PP of (NP sex)) , (VP combined (NP *) (PP with (NP marijuana and jazz))) ,) (VP is (VP intended (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP provide (NP (NP a design) (PP for (NP living)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP are (ADJP-PRD sexually liberated))))) (VP can (VP become (ADJP-PRD creatively alive and free) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 their instincts) (VP put (NP *-1) (PP at (NP (NP the service) (PP of (NP the imagination))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD Righteous) (PP in (NP (NP their denunciation) (PP of (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP makes (PP for (NP death)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the beat prophets) (VP bid (S (NP-SBJ all men) (VP become (NP-PRD cool cats))))) ; ; (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ-3 them) (VP learn (S (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP to (VP `` swing '' (ADVP-MNR freely))) , (VP to (VP let (VP go))) , (VP to (VP become (ADVP authentically) (NP-PRD themselves)))))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ-1 civilization) (VP will (VP be (VP saved (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The beatnik) , (VP seceding (PP from (NP (NP a society) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP is (ADVP-MNR fatally) (VP afflicted (NP *-2) (PP with (NP a deathward drive))))))))) ,) (VP is (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP with (NP (NP his personal salvation) (PP in (NP the living present)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the child) (PP of (NP nothingness)))))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the predestined victim) (PP of (NP (NP an age) (PP of (NP atomic wars)))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP will (VP (VP consult (NP only his own organic needs)) and (VP go (PP beyond (NP (ADJP good and evil)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP will (VP not (VP curb (NP his instinctual desires)) but (VP release (NP (NP the energy) (PP within (NP him)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD (ADVP truly and fully) alive)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP only) (PP-PRD for (NP this brief moment)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP the apocalypse) (PP of (NP annihilation))) (VP explodes (PP-LOC on (NP earth)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the members) (PP of (NP the beat generation))) (ADVP proudly) (VP assume (NP (NP the title) (PP of (NP the holy barbarians))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP will (VP destroy (NP (NP the shrines , temples , museums , and churches) (PP of (NP (NP the state) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the implacable enemy) (PP of (NP (NP the life) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP believe (PP in (NP *T*-3))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Apart (PP from (NP (NP the categorical imperative) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP derive (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP (NP the metaphysics) (PP of (NP the orgasm)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the only affirmation) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP *T*-2))))))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ art) (VP is (NP-PRD their only refuge))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Their writing) , (VP born (NP *) (PP of (NP (NP their experiments) (PP in (NP (NP marijuana) and (NP untrammeled sexuality)))))) ,) (VP reflects (NP (NP the extremity) (PP of (NP their existential alienation)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ The mind) (VP has (VP betrayed (NP them)))) , (S (NP-SBJ reason) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the foe) (PP of (NP life)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP will (VP trust (NP (NP only their physical sensations) , (NP (NP the wisdom) (PP of (NP the body))) , (NP (NP the holy promptings) (PP of (NP the unconscious))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP With (NP lyrical intensity)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP reveal (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP hate (NP *T*-1)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP their faith) (PP in (NP love))) , (VP inspired (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the revolutionary rhythms) (PP of (NP jazz))))) ,) (VP culminates (PP in (NP (NP the climax) (PP of (NP the orgasm)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their work) (VP mirrors (NP (NP the mentality) (PP of (NP the psychopath)) , (ADJP rootless and irresponsible))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Their rebellion) (PP against (NP authoritarian society))) (VP is not (ADVP far) (VP removed (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP the violence) (PP of (NP revolt)) (ADJP characteristic (PP of (NP the juvenile delinquent))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the life) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP lead (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD undisciplined and (PP for (NP the most part)) unproductive) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP make (NP (NP a fetish) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP devoting (NP themselves) (PP to (NP (NP some creative pursuit) -- (NP writing , painting , music))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (NP-PRD non-conformists) (PP on (NP principle))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP express (NP themselves) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP incandescent hatred) (NP *ICH*-3)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP shines (ADVP forth)))) , (NP-3 (NP (NP the rage) (PP of (NP repudiation))) , (NP (NP the ecstasy) (PP of (NP negation))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD-3 sex) (SBAR-4 (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP obsesses (NP them))))) , (VP (NP-PRD=3 sex) (SBAR=4 (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (PP-PRD at (NP (NP the basis) (PP of (NP their aesthetic creed)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP discuss (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP dialectical seriousness))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the degree) (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ sex) (VP can (VP inspire (NP the Muse) (PP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Monogamy) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the vice) (SBAR (WHPP-2 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the (ADJP abjectly fearful) middle class) (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP suffer (PP *T*-2)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV whereas (S (NP-SBJ the beatnik) (VP has (NP (NP the courage) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP break (PP out (PP of (NP (NP that prison) (PP of (NP respectability))))) (ADVP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One girl) (VP (VP describes (NP (NP her past) , (NP (NP her succession) (PP of (NP broken marriages))) , (NP (NP the abortions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP has (VP had (NP *T*-1)))))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP finally) confesses (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP loves (NP sex)) and (VP sees (NP (NP no reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP must (VP justify (NP her passion) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD an honest feeling)))) , (ADVP then) (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ she) not (VP yield (PP to (NP it)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-CLF-2 `` (ADVP Most often) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP says (S-CLF *T*-2))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD the monogamous relationship) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD dishonest))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP holy)) (PP in (NP wedlock))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This girl) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP drops (NP (NP the bourgeois pyschiatrist) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP disapproves (PP of (NP her life))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP finds (S (S (NP-SBJ married life) (ADJP-PRD stifling)) and (S (NP-SBJ every prolonged sex relationship) (ADJP-PRD unbearably monotonous))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 This confession) (VP serves (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (S (ADJP-PRD clear) (PP in (NP part)) (NP-SBJ (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (PP-PRD behind (NP this sexual revolution))))) : (NP (NP (NP the craving) (PP for (NP (NP sensation) (PP for (NP its own sake))))) , (NP (NP the need) (PP (PP for (NP change)) , (PP for (NP new experiences))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Boredom) (VP is (NP-PRD death)) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the realm) (PP of (NP physical sensations)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 sex) (VP reigns (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD supreme))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Hence) (NP-SBJ-1 the beatniks) (VP sustain (NP themselves) (PP on (NP (NP marijuana) , (NP jazz) , (NP free swinging poetry))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP exhausting (NP themselves) (PP in (NP (NP orgies) (PP of (NP sex)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP some) (PP of (NP them))) (VP (VP are (VP driven (NP *-2) (PP over (NP (NP the borderline) (PP of (NP sanity)))))) and (VP lose (NP (NP contact) (PP with (NP reality)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One beat poet) (VP composes (NP (NP a poem) , `` (NP-TTL (NP Lines) (PP On (NP A Tijuana John))) '' , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP contains (NP (NP a few happy hints) (PP for (NP survival)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The new fact) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the initiates) (PP of (NP this cult))) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP learn (NP *T*-2)))))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP must (VP move (PP toward (NP simplicity))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The professed mission) (PP of (NP this disaffiliated generation))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP a new way) (PP of (NP life)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP express (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP poetry and fiction)))))))))))) , but (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP produce (NP *T*-1)))) (VP is (ADVP unfortunately) (VP (VP disordered) , (VP nourished (ADVP solely) (PP on (NP (NP the hysteria) (PP of (NP negation)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the creative representatives) (PP of (NP this movement))))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP Nymphomaniacs) , (NP junkies) , (NP homosexuals) , (NP drug addicts) , (NP lesbians) , (NP alcoholics) , (NP the weak) , (NP the frustrated) , (NP the irresolute) , (NP the despairing) , (NP (NP the derelicts and outcasts) (PP of (NP society))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP embrace (NP independent poverty) , (PP (ADVP usually) with (NP (NP a `` shack-up '' partner) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP help (VP support (NP them))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP (NP contempt) (PP for (NP (NP the institution) (PP of (NP matrimony)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Their previous legalized marriages) (VP do not (VP count))) , for (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP hold (S (NP-SBJ (NP the laws) (PP of (NP the state))) (ADJP-PRD null and void)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP feel (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP (VP leagued (NP *-1) (PP against (NP a hostile , persecutory world))) , (VP faced (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the concerted malevolent opposition) (PP of (NP (NP squares) and (NP (NP their hirelings) , (NP the police)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the rhetoric) (PP of (NP righteousness)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the beatniks) (VP use (NP *T*-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP defending (NP (NP (NP their way) (PP of (NP life))) , (NP (NP their search) (PP for (NP wholeness))))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ-2 their actual existence) (VP fails (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP reach (NP these `` religious '' heights)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One beatnik) (VP got (NP (NP the woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP living (PP with (NP *T*-1))))))) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so involved (PP in (NP (NP drugs) and (NP self-analysis) and (NP (NP all-night sessions) (PP of (NP sex)))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP crack (PRT up)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What obsessions) (SQ had (NP-SBJ she) (VP picked (NP *T*-1) (PRT up) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP these long nights) (PP of (NP talk)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Sex) (PP as (NP (NP (NP the creative principle) (PP of (NP the universe))) , (NP (NP the secret) (PP of (NP primitive religion))) , (NP (NP the life) (PP of (NP myth))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Everything) (PP in (NP the final analysis))) (VP reduced (NP itself) (PP to (NP sexual symbolism))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP his chapter) (PP on `` (NP-TTL (NP The Loveways) (PP Of (NP The Beat Generation))) ''))) , (NP-SBJ Lipton) (VP spares (NP the reader) (NP (NP none) (PP of (NP the sordid details)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP asks (NP (NP questions) (PP about (NP (NP the free union) (PP of (NP the sexes)) (PP-LOC in (NP West Venice))))) (ADVP (ADVP so long) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ the partners) (VP share (NP (NP the negative attitudes) (PP of (NP the group)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The women) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP come (PP to (NP West Venice)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (VP forsaken (NP radicalism)))) , (VP are (ADJP-PRD interested (PP (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP living (PP (ADVP only) for (NP the moment))))) , (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADVP constantly) (PP-PRD on (NP the move)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Others) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (VP attracted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP this Mecca) (PP of (NP the beat generation))))))))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP homosexuals) , (NP heroin addicts) , and (NP smalltime hoodlums))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD sexual deviants))))) (VP are (ADVP naturally) (VP drawn (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP join (NP the beatniks)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ the homosexuals) (ADVP widely) (VP use (NP marijuana)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP do not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP initiated (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Part) (PP of (NP (NP the ritual) (PP of (NP sex))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the use) (PP of (NP marijuana)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ Lipton) (VP puts (NP it)))) : `` (NP-SBJ-1 The Eros) (VP is (VP felt (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the magic circle) (PP of (NP marijuana)))) (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP far greater) force) (PP *ICH*-2))) , (PP as (NP (NP a unifying principle) (PP in (NP human relationships)))) , (PP-2 than (PP at (NP (NP any other time) (PP except , (ADVP perhaps) , (PP in (NP the mutual metaphysical orgasms)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The magic circle) (VP is , (PP in (NP fact)) , (NP-PRD (NP (NP a symbol) (PP of (NP *RNR*-1))) and (NP (NP preparation) (PP for (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 the metaphysical orgasm))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Under (NP (NP the influence) (PP of (NP marijuana)))) (NP-SBJ the beatnik) (VP (VP comes (ADJP-PRD alive) (ADVP within)) and (VP experiences (NP (NP a (ADJP wonderfully enhanced) sense) (PP of (NP self))) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP discovered (NP (NP the open sesame) (PP to (NP (NP the universe) (PP of (NP being))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (VP Carried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD high)) (PP on (NP this `` charge '')))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP composes (NP (NP `` magical '' poetry) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP captures (NP (NP the organic rhythms) (PP of (NP life))) (PP in (NP words))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP thus) (VP achieves (NP a lyrical , dreamlike , drugged intensity)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP pays (NP (NP the price) (PP for (NP his indulgence))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP producing (NP (NP work) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP Allen Ginsberg 's) `` (NX-TTL Howl) '') (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a striking example) (PP of (NP this tendency))))) --) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (UCP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP disoriented) , (ADJP Dionysian)) but (PP (PP without (NP depth)) and (PP without (NP Apollonian control)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ drugs) (VP are (PP in (NP themselves)) (NP-PRD (NP no royal road) (PP to (NP creativity)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ is (NP-SBJ-1 the beat poet) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP achieve (NP (NP unity) (PP of (NP form))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP is (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) (VP engaged (NP *-3) (PP in (NP (NP a systematic derangement) (PP of (NP senses)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ love) (VP reflects (NP (NP the nature) (PP of (NP man)))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Ortega Y Gasset) (VP believes))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP the person) (PP in (NP love))) (VP betrays (ADVP decisively) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) (PP by (NP (NP his behavior) (PP in (NP love))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ (NP the writers) (PP of (NP the beat generation))) (VP are (VP creating (NP a new literary genre))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD fences) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the old days) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (NP-PRD children) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP Across (NP (NP the front) (PP of (NP a yard)))) and (PP down (NP the side))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (NP-PRD iron) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD either (ADJP spiked (PP along (NP the top))) or (ADJP arched (PP in (NP half circles)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alley fences) (VP were (VP made (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP solid boards) (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP higher) (PP than (NP (NP one 's) head))) , but (ADJP (ADJP not so high) (PP as (NP (NP (NP the golden glow) (PP in (NP a corner))) or (NP (NP the hollyhocks) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP grew (PP in (NP a line)) (PP against (NP them)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Side fences) (VP were (VP hidden (NP *-1) (PP beneath (NP (NP lilacs) and (NP hundred-leaf roses)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 front fences) (VP were (VP covered (NP *-2) (PP with (NP (NP Virginia creeper) or (NP trumpet vines) or (NP honeysuckle)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Square corner - and gate posts) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP an open-work pattern) (PP of (NP cast-iron foliage))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP topped (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP steeples) (ADJP complete (PP in (NP (NP every detail) : (NP (NP high-pitched roof) , (NP pinnacle) , and (NP narrow gable)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP these posts)) (NP-SBJ-1 the gates) (VP (VP swung (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) (PP with (NP a squeak))) and (VP shut (PP with (NP a metallic clang)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only extended view) (ADJP possible (PP to (NP (NP anyone) (ADJP (ADJP less tall) (PP than (NP the fences))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP that) (VP obtained (NP *) (PP from (NP (NP an upper bough) (PP of (NP the apple tree))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The primary quality) (PP of (NP that view))) (VP seems , (ADVP-TMP now) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD its quietness))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP can not (PP-TMP at (NP the time)) (VP have (VP impressed (NP us))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ one) (ADVP actually) (VP remembers (NP *T*-1)))) (VP is (NP-PRD its greenness)) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (ADJP high (PP in (NP the tree)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the whole block) (VP lay (PP within (NP (NP range) (PP of (NP the eye)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the ground) (VP was (ADVP-LOC almost nowhere) (ADJP-PRD visible))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP looked (PP down (PP on (NP (NP (NP a sea) (PP of (NP leaves))) , (NP a (NP breaking wave) (PP of (NP flower))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Every path) (PP from (NP back door)) (PP to (NP barn))) (VP was (VP covered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a grape-arbor))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ every yard) (VP had (NP its fruit trees))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP (NP any open space) (VP remaining))))) (NP-SBJ our grandfathers) (VP had (VP planted (NP (NP syringa and sweet-shrub) , (NP snowball) , (NP rose-of-Sharon and balm-of-Gilead)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (ADVP above)) (NP-SBJ one) (VP could (ADVP only occasionally) (VP catch (NP (NP (NP a glimpse) (PP of (NP (NP life) (PP on (NP (NP the floor) (PP of (NP this green sea))))))) : (NP (NP (NP (NP a neighbor 's) gingham skirt) (VP flashing (PP into (NP sight)) (PP-TMP for (NP an instant)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the path) (PP beneath (NP her grape-arbor)))))) , or (NP (NP the movement) (PP of (NP hands)) (PP above (NP a clothesline))) and (NP (NP the flutter) (PP of (NP (NP garments) (VP hung (NP *) (ADVP-LOC there) , (PP (ADVP half-way) down (NP the block)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one epoch) : (NP the apple-tree epoch))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another) (VP had (VP ended (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP began))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Time) (VP is (NP-PRD-2 a queer thing))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1 memory) (NP-PRD=2 a queerer))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the tricks) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (S (NP-SBJ-4 time) (VP plays (NP *T*-3) (PP-5 with (NP memory)))) and (S (NP-SBJ=4 memory) (PP=5 with (NP time)))))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD queerest (PP of (NP all))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP maturity)) (NP-SBJ one) (VP (VP looks (ADVP back) (PP at (NP (NP the succession) (PP of (NP years))))) , (VP counts (NP them)) and (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD many))) , yet (VP can not (VP feel (NP-PRD length) (PP in (NP (NP the number) , (ADJP however large)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP a stream) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP turns (NP a mill-wheel)))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a lot) (PP of (NP water))))) ; ; (S (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 the mill-pond) (VP is (ADJP-PRD-3 quiet))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2 its surface) (ADJP-PRD=3 dark and shadowed))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-4 there) (VP does not (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD much water) (PP in (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Time) (PP in (NP the sum))) (VP is (NP-PRD nothing)) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And yet) -- (NP-SBJ a year) (PP to (NP a child)) (VP is (NP-PRD an eternity)) , and (S (PP in (NP the memory)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP that phase) (PP of (NP (NP one 's) being))) -- (NP a certain mental landscape) --) (VP will (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP endured (PP (PP without (NP beginning)) and (PP without (NP end)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The part) (PP of (NP the mind)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP preserves (NP dates and events))))) (VP may (VP remonstrate , `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP could (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD like (NP that)) (PP-TMP for (NP only a little while)))))) ''))) ; ; but (S (S (NP-SBJ true memory) (VP does not (VP count nor add))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP holds (ADVP fast) (PP to (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADVP-PRD outside (PP of (NP time))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) , (ADVP then) (PRN -- (S (PP-TMP-SBJ for (NP (NP (WHADJP how many) years) or (NP (WHADJP how few)))) (VP does not (VP matter))) --) (NP-SBJ-1 my world) (VP was (VP bound (NP *-1) (ADVP round) (PP by (NP-LGS fences)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too small (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP to (VP reach (NP the apple tree bough))) , (VP to (VP (VP twist (NP my knee) (PP over (NP it))) and (VP pull (NP myself) (PRT up))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That world) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP scale) (PP with (NP my own smallness))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP no picture) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP my mind)) (PP-1 of (NP (NP (NP the garden) (PP as (NP a whole))))))) -- (S (NP-TPC-2 that) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could not (VP see (NP *T*-2)))) --) but (S (NP-SBJ (NP certain aspects) (PP of (NP certain corners)) (NP *ICH*-3)) (VP linger (PP in (NP the memory)) : (NP-3 (NP (NP wind-blown , frost-bitten , white chrysanthemums) (PP-LOC beneath (NP a window)) , (PP with (NP (NP their brittle brown leaves) and (NP (NP their sharp scent) (PP of (NP November)))))) ; ; (NP (NP-4 ripe pears) (VP lying (PP in (NP long grass)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP turned (NP *-5) (PRT over) (PP by (NP-LGS a dusty-slippered foot)) , (ADVP-MNR cautiously) , (SBAR-ADV lest (S (NP-SBJ bees) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP worked (PP in (NP the ragged , brown-edged holes))))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP hot-colored verbenas) (PP in (NP (NP the corner) (PP between (NP (NP the dining-room wall) and (NP the side porch))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-6 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP passed (PP on (NP (NP our way) (PP to (NP (NP the pump) (PP with (NP (NP the half-gourd) (VP tied (NP *) (PP to (NP it)) (PP as (NP a cup)) (PP by (NP-LGS my grandmother)) (PP for (NP (NP our childish pleasure) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP drinking (PP from (NP it)))))))))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-6)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD mother) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP planted (NP the verbenas))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ my grandmother) (VP was not (NP-PRD an impassioned gardener)))))) : (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP too indulgent) a lover) (PP of (NP dogs and grandchildren))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-4 (NP-SBJ My great-grandmother) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (VP been (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4)))))) ,) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her garden) (NP-PRD her great pride)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP cherished (NP-5 (NP rare and delicate plants) (PP like (NP oleanders))) (PP-6 in (NP tubs))) and (VP (NP=5 (NP wall-flowers) and (NP lemon verbenas)) (PP=6 in (NP (NP pots) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-7 *T*-3) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-7) (VP to (VP be (VP wintered (NP *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP the cellar)))))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP filled (NP (NP the waste spots) (PP of (NP the yard))) (PP with (NP (NP common things) (PP like (NP (NP (NP the garden heliotrope) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a corner) (PP by (NP the woodshed))))) , and (NP (NP the plantain lilies) (PP along (NP (NP the west side) (PP of (NP the house))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-2 These) (NP-SBJ my grandmother) (VP (VP left (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP their places)) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP are (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP more persistent) and (ADJP longer-lived)) (PP than (NP (NP the generations) (PP of (NP man)))))))) -RRB-)) and (VP planted (NP (NP others) (PP like (NP them)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP flourished (PP without (NP careful tending)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Three) (PP of (NP these)) (ADVP only) (NP *ICH*-8)) (VP were (VP protected (NP *-1) (PP from (NP us)) (PP by (NP-LGS stern commandment)) : (NP-8 (NP (NP the roses) , (SBAR (WHNP-5 whose petals) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-5) (VP might not (VP be (VP collected (NP *-2) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP fallen)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP to (VP be (VP made (NP *-3) (PP into (NP (NP perfume) or (NP (NP rose-tea) (SBAR (WHNP-9 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP drink (NP *T*-9)))))))))))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP the peonies) , (SBAR (WHNP-6 whose tight sticky buds) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-6) (VP would (VP be (VP blighted (NP *-4) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the laying on) (PP of (NP a finger)))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-10 they) (VP were not (ADVP apparently) (VP harmed (NP *-10) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the ants) (SBAR (WHNP-7 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-7) (VP crawled (PP over (NP them))))))))))))))))) ; ; and (NP the poppies)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP (ADVP more) (PP than (NP once))) (VP (VP sat (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD cross-legged)) (PP-LOC in (NP the grass)) (PP-TMP through (NP a long summer morning))) and (VP watched (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP touching)))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ (NP a poppy bud) (ADJP (ADJP higher) (PP than (NP my head)))) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR slowly but visibly) pushed (PRT off) (NP its cap)) , (VP unfolded) , and (VP shook (PRT out) (PP like (NP (NP a banner) (PP in (NP the sun)))) (NP its flaming vermilion petals))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-3 (NP Other flowers) (NP *ICH*-4)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP might (VP gather (NP *T*-3) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP pleased))) : (NP-4 (NP (NP (NP myrtle) and (NP white violets)) (PP from (PP beneath (NP the lilacs)))) ; ; (NP (NP the lilacs) (NP themselves) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP bloomed (UCP (ADVP so prodigally) but (PP for (NP the most part)) (PP beyond (NP our reach))))))) ; ; (NP snowballs) ; ; (NP (NP hollyhock blossoms) (SBAR (WHNP-5 that) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP turned (ADVP upside down))) , (NP-SBJ-6 *T*-5) (VP make (NP pink-petticoated ladies))))) ; ; and (NP (NP the little , (ADJP dark blue) larkspur) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP scattered (NP its seed) (ADVP-LOC everywhere)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (ADJP More potent) a charm) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bring (ADVP back) (NP (NP that time) (PP of (NP life))) (ADVP *T*-4))))) (PP than (NP (NP this record) (PP of (NP (NP a few pictures) and (NP a few remembered facts)))))) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a catalogue) (PP of (NP (NP the minutiae) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP are (PP-PRD-5 of (NP (NP the very stuff) (PP of (NP the mind))))) , (VP (ADJP-PRD=5 intrinsic) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP known (NP *-1) (PP in (NP the beginning)) (PP not (PP by (NP-LGS the eye alone)) but (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the hand) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP held (NP them)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Flowers) , (NP stones) , and (NP (NP small creatures) , (ADJP living and dead)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Pale yellow snapdragons) (SBAR (WHNP-5 that) (S (PP by (NP-LGS pinching)) (NP-SBJ-6 *T*-5) (VP could (VP be (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP bite))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP seed-pods) (PP of (NP (NP the balsams) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP snapped (PP like (NP fire-crackers)) (PP at (NP a touch)))))))) ; ; (NP (NP red-and-yellow columbines) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose round-tipped spurs) (S (NP-SBJ-7 *T*-2) (VP were (VP (VP picked (NP *-7) (PRT off)) and (VP eaten (NP *-7) (PP for (NP (NP the honey) (PP in (NP them)))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP morning-glory buds) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-8 *T*-3) (VP could (VP be (ADVP (ADVP so) (SBAR *ICH*-9)) (VP grasped and squeezed (NP *-8) (SBAR-9 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP burst (PP like (NP a blown-up paper bag))))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP bright flowers) (PP from (NP the trumpet vine)) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP made `` (NP gloves) '' (PP on (NP (NP the ends) (PP of (NP ten waggling fingers)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Fuzzy caterpillars) , (NP (NP snails) (PP with (NP their sensitive horns))) , (NP (NP struggling grasshoppers) (VP (VP held (NP *) (PP by (NP their long hind legs))) and (VP commanded (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to `` (VP (VP spit (NP tobacco)) , (VP spit)) ''))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Dead fledgling birds) , (NP their squashed-looking nakedness) and (NP (NP the odor) (PP of (NP decay)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP clung (PP to (NP the hand)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP been (VP buried (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP our graveyard) (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the purple flags)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP (NP the cast shell) (PP of (NP a locust)) , (ADJP straw-colored and transparent) , (VP weighing (NP nothing)) , (ADJP fragile but entire) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP eyes) (PP like (NP bubbles))) and (NP (NP a gaping slit) (PP down (NP its back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP-TMP Every morning) early) , (PP-TMP in (NP the summer)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP searched (NP (NP the trunks) (PP of (NP the trees))) (ADVP (ADVP as high) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (VP reach))))) (PP for (NP the locust shells))) , (VP (ADVP carefully) detached (NP their hooked claws) (PP from (NP (NP the bark) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP hung (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) , and (VP stabled (NP (NP them) , (NP a weird faery herd) ,) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP an angle) (PP between (NP (NP the high roots) (PP of (NP the tulip tree)))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ no grass) (VP grew (PP in (NP the dense shade)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP collected (NP `` (NP lucky stones) '' -- (NP (NP all the creamy translucent pebbles) , (VP worn (NP-2 *) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD smooth and round))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (VP find (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the driveway))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 these) (VP had (VP been (VP pocketed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP could (ADVP-TMP still) (VP spend (NP a morning) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP cracking (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD open)) (NP-4 other pebbles) (PP for (NP (NP our delight) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeing (SBAR (WHADJP-5 (WHADJP (WHADVP how much) prettier) (SBAR *ICH*-6)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *T*-5) (ADVP-LOC inside)) (SBAR-6 than (S (NP-SBJ their dull exteriors) (VP indicated)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP showed (NP them) (PP to (NP each other))) and (VP said `` (SQ Would (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (VP guessed))) '')) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ * (NP-SBJ *ICH*-2)) (VP Squatting (PP on (NP our haunches)) (PP beside (NP (NP the flat stone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP broke (NP them) (PP on (NP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP safe) (ADJP *ICH*-3)) (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP the high closed gates) (PP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the drive)))))) : (ADJP-3 safe (PP from (NP (NP interruption) and (NP the observation) and (NP (NP possible amusement) (PP of (NP the passers-by))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (ADVP Thus) (VP shielded (NP *-2))) , (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP played (NP many foolish games) (PP in (NP comfortable unselfconsciousness)))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 even when) (S (NP-SBJ the fences) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP a part) (PP of (NP the game))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) -- (SBAR-TMP (SBAR (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ a vine-embowered gate-post) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the Sleeping Beauty 's) enchanted castle) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5)))) , or (SBAR (WHADVP-6 when) (S (NP-SBJ Rapunzel) (VP let (PRT down) (NP her golden hair) (PP from (PP beneath (NP the crocketed spire))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-6))))) , (ADVP-TMP even then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP paid (NP little heed) (PP to (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP went (ADVP by) (PP on (NP the path outside))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP enjoyed (NP a paradoxical freedom) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD too young (PP for (NP school))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP the heat) (PP of (NP the summer)))) , (NP-SBJ the garden solitudes) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP ours) (ADJP alone)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 our elders) (VP (VP stayed (PP-LOC in (NP the dark house))) or (VP sat (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP fanning)) (PP-LOC on (NP the front porch))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP troubled (NP themselves) (PP about (NP us)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP playing)))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ the fence) (VP formed (NP such a definite boundary))) and (S (S-IMP-SBJ `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP go (PP outside (NP the gate)))) '') (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a command) (ADJP so impossible (PP of (NP misinterpretation))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were not , (ADVP however) , (ADVP entirely) (ADJP-PRD unacquainted (PP with (NP (NP the varying aspects) (PP of (NP the street)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 We) (VP were (VP forbidden (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP swing (PP on (NP the gates))))) , (SBAR-ADV lest (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP sag (PP on (NP their hinges)) (PP in (NP a poor-white-trash way)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-5 we) (VP could (VP (VP stand (PP on (NP them)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP latched (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))) , (VP rest (NP our chins) (PP on (NP the top))) , and (VP stare and stare) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP committing (PP to (NP memory)) , (ADVP quite unintentionally) , (NP (NP all the details) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP lay (PP before (NP our eyes))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The street) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD full (PP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-2 of (NP (NP traffic) and (NP parked cars))))))) (UCP-TMP (ADVP then) and (PP for (NP many years))) (VP drowsed (PP-TMP on (NP an August afternoon)) (PP in (NP (NP the shade) (PP of (NP the curbside trees)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ silence) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a weight) , (ADJP almost palpable) ,) (PP in (NP the air)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Every slight sound) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP rose (PP against (NP that pressure)))))) (VP fell (ADVP away) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP crushed (NP *-3) (PP beneath (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A hay-wagon) (VP moved (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP along (NP the gutter))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the top) (PP of (NP it))) (VP swept (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the low boughs) (PP of (NP the maple trees))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 loose straws) (VP were (VP left (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP hanging (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD tangled (PP among (NP the leaves))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A wheel) (VP (VP squeaked (PP on (NP a hub))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD still)) , and (VP squeaked (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ a child) (VP watched (NP its progress)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP whispered , `` (FRAG (NP Hay) , (NP hay) , (NP (NP load) (PP of (NP hay))) -- (S-IMP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP make (NP a wish))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP turn (PRT away))))) '') , (CONJP and then) (VP stared (ADVP-MNR rigidly) (PP in (NP the opposite direction)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sound) (PP of (NP (NP the horses ') feet))) (VP returned (ADVP-TMP no more)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (S (NP-SBJ the hay wagon) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ an interval) (VP passed)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a huckster 's) cart) (VP might (VP turn (NP the corner))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The horse) (VP walked)) , (S (NP-SBJ the reins) (VP were (ADJP-PRD slack))) , (S (NP-SBJ the huckster) (VP rode (PP with (NP (NP bowed shoulders) , (NP (NP his forearms) (PP across (NP his knees))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Sleepily) , (SBAR-ADV as if (ADJP half-reluctant (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP break (NP the silence)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP lifted (NP his voice : `` (FRAG (NP Rhu-beb-ni-ice nice fresh rhu-beb) (NP-TMP today)) '')) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The lazy sing-song) (VP was (VP spaced (NP *-1) (PP in (NP time)) (PP like (NP (NP the drone) (PP of (NP a bumble-bee)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 No one) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (NP him)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP heeded)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The horse) (VP plodded (PRT on))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP repeated (NP his call))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP became (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so monotonous) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP seem (NP-PRD (NP a part) (PP of (NP the quietness))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP his passage)) , (NP-SBJ the street) (VP was (ADJP-PRD empty) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The sun) (VP moved (ADVP slant-wise) (PP (PP across (NP the sky)) and (ADVP down)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the trees ') shadows) (VP circled (PP (PP from (NP street)) (PP to (NP sidewalk))) , (PP (PP from (NP sidewalk)) (PP to (NP lawn))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP four-o'clock) , or (NP four-thirty) ,)) (NP-SBJ (NP the coming) (PP of (NP the newsboy))) (VP marked (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the day))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP tossed (NP a paper) (PP toward (NP every front door)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ housewives) (VP came (PP down (PP to (NP their steps))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP pick (NP them) (PRT up)) and (VP read (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ their neighbors) (VP had (VP been (VP doing (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The streets) (PP of (NP any county town))) (VP were (PP-PRD like (NP this)) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP any sunshiny afternoon) (PP in (NP summer)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-PRD like (NP this)) (UCP-TMP (ADVP (NP fifty-odd years) ago) , and (NP yesterday)))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ the fences) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD in (NP place)) (ADVP-TMP (NP fifty-odd years) ago))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP stood (PP on (NP the gate)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP over)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the sidewalk) (PP under (NP our eyes))) (VP was (NP-PRD not (NP cement) but (NP (NP two rows) (PP of (NP paving stones)) (PP with (NP (NP grass) (UCP (ADVP between) and (PP on (NP both sides))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The curb) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a line) (PP of (NP stone)) (VP (VP laid (NP *) (ADVP edgewise) (PP in (NP the dirt))) and (VP tilted (NP *) (NP-ADV (NP this way) and (NP that)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP frost) (PP in (NP the ground))) or (NP (NP the roots) (PP of (NP trees))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Opposite (NP every gate)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a hitching post) or (NP (NP a stone carriage-step) , (VP set (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP a rusty iron ring) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP tying (NP a horse))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The street) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD unpaved)) and (VP rose (ADVP-MNR steeply) (PP toward (NP the center))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD-1 mud) (PP-2 in (NP wet weather))) and (VP (NP-PRD=1 (NP dust) , (ADJP ankle-deep)) , (PP=2 in (NP dry))) , and (VP (VP could (VP be (VP crossed (NP *-3) (PP-LOC (ADVP only) at (NP (NP the corner) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD stepping stones) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (NP (NP a bucolic atmosphere) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP lost (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP long since))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (NP The hoofmarks) (PP of (NP cattle))) and (NP (NP the prints) (PP of (NP bare feet)))) (PP (PP in (NP the mud)) or (PP in (NP the dust)))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as numerous) (PP as (NP (NP the traces) (PP of (NP shod horses)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Cows) (VP were (VP kept (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP backyard barns))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 boys) (VP were (VP hired (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP drive (NP them) (PP to and from (NP (NP the pasture) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP town)))))))))))) , and (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-3 familiar (PP to (NP the ear))) , (NP-TMP morning and evening) , (VP were (ADJP-PRD *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the boys ') coaxing voices) , (NP (NP the thud) (PP of (NP hooves))) , and (NP (NP the thwack) (PP of (NP a stick)) (PP on (NP cowhide))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADJP-PRD worth (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP dwelling (PP in (NP some detail)) (PP on (NP (NP the crisis) (PP of (NP this story))))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP brings (ADVP together) (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP characteristic elements)))) and (VP makes (PP of (NP them)) (NP (NP a curious , riddling compound) (ADJP (ADVP obscurely but centrally) significant (PP for (NP (NP Mann 's) work))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP The wife) , (NP Amra) ,) and (NP her lover)) (VP are both (ADVP-MNR savagely) (VP portrayed (NP *-1)))) , (FRAG (NP she) (PP as (NP (NP incarnate sensuality) , (ADJP `` voluptuous '' and `` indolent '') , (NP possibly `` a mischief maker '') , (PP with `` (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP luxurious cunning)) '' (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP set (NP *T*-2) (PP against (NP (NP her apparent simplicity) , (NP her `` birdlike brain '')))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Lautner) , (PP for (NP his part)) , `` (VP belonged (PP to (NP (NP the present-day race) (PP of (NP (NP small artists))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP do not (VP demand (NP (NP the utmost) (PP of (NP themselves)))))))))) '') , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the bitter description) (PP of (NP the type))) (VP includes (NP (NP such epithets) (PP as (NP `` (NP wretched little poseurs) '' , (NP (NP the devastating indictment) `` (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do not (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD wretched) (UCP-ADV (ADVP decently) and (PP in (NP order))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))) '') , and (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat extreme) prophecy) , (ADJP (ADVP so far) not fulfilled)) : `` (S (NP-SBJ-3 They) (VP will (VP be (VP destroyed (NP *-3))))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The trick) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ these two) (VP play (NP *T*-1) (PP upon (NP Jacoby)))))) (VP reveals (NP (NP their want) (PP (CONJP not simply) (PP of (NP decency)) but (PP of (NP imagination) (ADVP as well))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP His appearance) (PP as (NP Lizzy))) (VP evokes (NP not amusement but horror) (PP in (NP the audience)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP a spectacle) (ADJP absolutely painful)) , (NP (NP an epiphany) (PP of (NP (NP the suffering flesh) (ADJP (ADJP unredeemed (PP by (NP spirit))) , (ADJP untouched (PP by (NP (NP any spirit) (ADJP other (PP than (NP abasement and humiliation))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the multiple transvestitism) (VP involved (NP *))) -- (NP (NP the fat man) (PP (PP as (NP girl)) and (PP (PP as (NP baby)) , (PP as (S (NP-SBJ-2 coquette) (VP pretending (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a baby)))))))))) --) (VP touches (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (ADVP-MNR horrifyingly) (PP (PP upon (NP (NP the secret sources) (PP of (NP (NP a life) (PP like (NP Jacoby 's)))))) , (PP upon (NP (NP the sinister dreams) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP form (NP (NP the sources) (PP of (NP any human life)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The music) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Lautner) (VP has (VP composed (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP this episode))))))) (VP is (PP for (NP the most part)) `` (ADJP-PRD (ADJP rather pretty) and (ADJP perfectly banal)) '') .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD characteristic (PP of (NP him))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP are (VP told (NP *-2) , `` (NP his little artifice) ''))) ,) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP introduce `` (PP into (NP (NP a (ADJP fairly vulgar and humorous) piece) (PP of (NP hackwork)))) (NP (NP a sudden phrase) (PP of (NP genuine creative art))) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ this) (VP occurs (ADVP-TMP now) , (PP (PP at (NP (NP (NP the refrain) (PP of (NP (NP Jacoby 's) song))) (NP *ICH*-1))) -- (PP at (NP (NP the point) , (PP in (NP fact)) , (PP of (NP (NP the name) `` (NP Lizzy) '')))) --)) ; ; (NP-1 (NP a modulation) (VP described (NP *) (PP as `` (NP (NP almost a stroke) (PP of (NP genius))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC (NP A miracle) , (NP a revelation) ,) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP a curtain) (VP (ADVP suddenly) torn (NP *) (ADVP away) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reveal (NP (NP something) (ADJP nude))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD this modulation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP reveals (PP to (NP Jacoby)) (NP (NP his own frightful abjection) and , (ADVP-TMP simultaneously) , (NP (NP his wife 's) infidelity)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP By (NP the same means)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP perceives (NP this fact) (PP as (S (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *)) (VP having (VP communicated (NP itself) (PP to (NP the audience)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP collapses , and dies)) .)) (TOP (S-4 (PP In (NP (NP the work) (PP of (NP every artist)))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4)))) ,) (NP-SBJ there) (VP may (VP be (VP found (NP (NP (QP one or more) moments) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP strike (NP the student) (PP as (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP absolutely decisive) , (ADJP ultimately emblematic (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP all) (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))))) ; ; (FRAG not (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP less strikingly) so)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD mysterious) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP some (ADJP deeply hidden) constatation) (PP of (NP thoughts))) (VP were (VP enciphered (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP a single image) , (NP a single moment)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG So (ADVP-LOC here) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP The horrifying humor) , (NP (NP the (ADJP specifically sexual) embarrassment) (PP of (NP (NP-2 the joke) (VP gone (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD wrong)))))) , (NP (NP the monstrous image) (PP of (NP (NP the fat man) (VP dressed (PRT up) (PP as (NP (NP a whore) (VP dressing (PRT up) (PP as (NP a baby))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP the epiphany) (PP of (NP that quivering flesh))) ; ; (NP (NP the bringing together) (PP around (NP it)) (PP of (NP (NP the secret liaison) (PP between (NP (NP indolent , mindless sensuality) and (NP sharp , shrewd talent)))))) , (NP (NP cleverness) (PP with (NP (NP an occasional touch) (PP of (NP (NP genius) -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) , (S (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP does not (VP know `` (SBAR (WHADVP-4 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP attack (NP (NP the problem) (PP of (NP suffering))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4))))) '')))) -RRB-))))) ; ; (NP (NP the miraculous way) (SBAR (WHPP-5 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 music , revelation and death) (VP are (VP associated (NP *-1) (PP in (NP a single instant)) (PP *T*-5))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ all this) (VP seems (NP-PRD (NP a triumph) (PP of (NP (NP art) , (NP a (ADJP rather desperate) art) ,))) (PP in (NP itself)))) ; ; (S (PP beyond (NP itself)) , (ADVP also) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP evokes (NP (ADJP numerous and distant) resonances) (PP from (NP (NP the entire body) (PP of (NP (NP Mann 's) work)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP work (PRT out) (NP (NP my reasons) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP feeling (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this passage) (VP is (PP-PRD of (NP critical significance)))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP come (PRT up) (PP with (NP (NP the following ideas) , (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ-TPC-3 I) (VP shall (VP (VP express (NP *T*-3) (ADVP-MNR very briefly) (ADVP-LOC here)) and (VP revert (PP to (NP *T*-4)) (PP in (NP a later essay)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Love) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the crucial dilemma) (PP of (NP experience))) (PP for (NP (NP Mann 's) heroes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The dramatic construction) (PP of (NP his stories))) (ADVP characteristically) (VP turns (PP on (NP (NP a situation) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 someone) (VP is (ADVP simultaneously) (VP compelled and forbidden (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP love))) (PP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The release) , (NP the freedom) ,) (ADJP involved (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP loving (NP another)))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD either (ADJP terribly difficult) (CONJP or else) (ADJP absolutely impossible)))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the motion) (PP toward (NP it))) (VP brings (NP disaster))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP This prohibition) (PP on (NP love))) (VP has (NP (NP an (ADJP especially poignant) relation) (PP to (NP art))))) ; ; (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP particularly the artist) -LRB- (NP (NP Tonio Kroger) , (NP Aschenbach) , (NP Leverkuhn)) -RRB-) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP suffers (PP from (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The specific analogy) (PP to (NP (NP the dilemma) (PP of (NP love))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the problem) (PP of (NP (NP the `` breakthrough '') (PP in (NP (NP the realm) (PP of (NP art)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the sufferings and disasters) (VP produced (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP any transgression) (PP against (NP the commandment (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP love))))))))) (VP are (ADVP almost invariably) (VP associated (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP one way) or (NP another))) (PP (PP with (NP childhood)) , (PP with (NP (NP the figure) (PP of (NP a child))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Finally) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the (ADJP (ADJP theatrical) -LRB- and (ADJP perversely erotic) -RRB-) notions) (PP of (NP (NP dressing up) , (NP cosmetics) , (NP disguise) , and (ADVP especially) (NP (NP change) (PP of (NP costume)) (PRN -LRB- (FRAG or (NP (NP singularity) (PP of (NP costume))) , (PP as (PP with (NP Cipolla)))) -RRB-))))) , (VP are (ADVP characteristically) (VP associated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the catastrophes) (PP of (NP (NP Mann 's) stories)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP shall (VP (VP return (PP to (NP these statements))) and (VP deal (PP with (NP them)) (ADVP-MNR more fully)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP the evidence) (PP for (NP them))) (VP accumulates))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP the present)) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD enough) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP note (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP (NP the grotesque figure) (PP of (NP Jacoby)))) , (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the moment) (PP of (NP his collapse)))) , (NP-SBJ all these elements) (VP come (ADVP together) (PP in (NP prophetic parody))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP Professionally) (NP-PRD a lawyer) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP is (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP say (VP associated (NP *) (PP (PP with (NP dignity , reserve , discipline)) , (PP with (NP (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP is (ADJP-PRD essentially middle-class)))))) ,))))))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (VP compelled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS an impossible love)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP exhibit (NP (NP himself) (VP dressed (NP *) (PRT up)) , (VP (VP disguised (NP *)) -- (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is))) , (VP (ADVP paradoxically) , revealed (NP *)) -- (PP (PP as (NP a child)) , and , (ADVP worse) , (PP as (NP (NP a whore) (VP masquerading (PP as (NP a child))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ That (S (NP-SBJ this abandonment) (VP takes (NP place) (PP-LOC on (NP a stage)) , (PP-TMP during (NP an ' artistic ' performance)) ,))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD enough (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP associate (NP Jacoby) (PP with (NP art))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bring (PRT down) (PP upon (NP him)) (NP (NP the punishment) (PP for (NP art)))))))))) ; ; (S (S (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD suspect , guilty , punishable) , (SBAR-ADV as (SINV is (ADJP-PRD *?*) (NP-SBJ (NP anyone) (PP in (NP (NP Mann 's) stories)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP produces (NP illusion))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the constant elements) (PP of (NP (NP the artist-nature) , (NP technique , magic , guilt and suffering) ,))) (VP are (VP divided (NP *-1) (PP in (NP this story)) (PP between (NP Jacoby and Lautner))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP appears (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the dominant tendency) (PP of (NP (NP Mann 's) early tales))) , (NP (ADJP however pictorial or even picturesque) the surface) ,) (VP is (ADVP already) (PP-PRD toward (NP (NP the symbolic) , (NP the emblematic) , (NP the expressionistic))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP a certain (ADJP perfectly definite) way)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the method) and (NP (NP the theme) (PP of (NP his stories)))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP one) and (NP the same))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Something) (PP of (NP this))) (VP can (VP be (VP learned (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP `` (NP-TTL The Way To The Churchyard) '' -LRB- (NP 1901) -RRB-) , (NP (NP an anecdote) (PP about (NP (NP an old failure) (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP whose fit) (PP of (NP (NP anger) (PP at (NP a passing cyclist))))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP causes (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP die (PP of (NP a stroke or seizure)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP no more `` plot '') (PP than (NP that))) ; ; (ADJP (ADJP only slightly more) , (ADVP perhaps) , (PP than (S (NP-SBJ (NP a newspaper account) (PP of (NP such an incident))) (VP would (VP give))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The artistic interest) , (ADVP then) , (VP lies (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the encounter) (VP may (VP be (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP represent (NP *T*-2) , (PP in (NP (NP the power) (PP of (NP (NP some central significance))) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP draw (NP the details) (PP into (NP relevance and meaningfulness)) (ADVP *T*-3))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first sentence) , (PP with (NP its platitudinous irony)) ,) (VP announces (NP an emblematic intent))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP The way) (PP to (NP the churchyard))) (VP (VP ran (PP along (PP beside (NP the highroad)))) , (VP ran (PP beside (NP it)) (PP (NP all the way) to (NP the end)) ; ; (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say)))))) , (PP to (NP the churchyard)))) '') .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 the action) (VP is (ADVP-MNR consistently) (VP presented (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP regard) (PP for (NP this distinction)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ The highroad) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP might (VP say (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)) (PP at (ADVP first))))) ,) (VP belongs (PP to (NP life)) , (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ (NP the way) (PP to (NP the churchyard))) (VP belongs (PP to (NP death)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ that) (VP (VP is (ADJP-PRD too simple)) , and (VP wo n't (VP hold (PRT up)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ the first sentence) (VP suggests))) , (NP-SBJ both roads) (VP belong (PP to (NP death)) (PP in (NP the end))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the highroad) , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP the description) (PP of (NP its traffic))))) , (VP belongs (PP to (NP (NP life) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP lived (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP unawareness) (PP of (NP death)))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ (NP the way) (PP to (NP the churchyard))) (VP belongs (PP to (NP (NP (NP some other sort) (PP of (NP life))) : (NP (NP a suffering form) , (NP (NP an existence) (VP (ADVP wholly) comprised (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the awareness) (PP of (NP death))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (PP-LOC on (NP the highroad)) , (NP-SBJ (NP a troop) (PP of (NP soldiers))) `` (VP (VP marched (PP in (NP their own dust))) and (VP sang) '' , (SBAR-ADV while (S (PP-LOC on (NP the footpath)) (NP-SBJ-1 one man) (VP walks (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP This man 's) isolation) (VP is (ADVP not merely) (ADJP-PRD momentary))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD permanent))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD a widower))) , (S (NP-SBJ his three children) (VP are (ADJP-PRD dead))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (NP no one) (VP left (NP *) (PP on (NP earth))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP also) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD a drunk)) , and (VP has (VP lost (NP his job) (PP-PRP on (NP that account)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ His name) (VP is (NP-PRD Praisegod Piepsam))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (ADVP rather fully) (VP described (NP *-1) (PP as (PP to (NP his clothing and physiognomy))) (PP in (NP (NP a way) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP relates (NP him) (PP to (NP (NP a sinister type) (PP in (NP (NP the author 's) repertory))))))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a forerunner) (PP of (NP (NP (NP those enigmatic strangers) (PP in `` (NP-TTL (NP Death) (PP-LOC In (NP Venice))) '')))) (SBAR *ICH*-4)) , (PP for (NP example)) , (SBAR-4 (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP represent (NP (NP some combination) (PP of (NP cadaver , exotic , and psychopomp)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This strange person) (VP quarrels (PP with (NP a cyclist)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ the latter) (VP is (VP using (NP (NP the path) (CONJP rather than) (NP the highroad))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The cyclist) , (NP a (ADJP sufficiently commonplace) young fellow) ,) (VP is not (VP (VP named (NP *-2)) but (VP identified (NP *-2) (ADVP simply) (PP as (NP `` (NP Life) '' -- (NP (NP that) and (NP (NP a license number) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Piepsam) (VP uses (NP *T*-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP addressing (NP him)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 Life) '' (VP (VP points (PRT out) (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP uses (NP this path))) '')) , and (VP starts (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ride (PRT on)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Piepsam) (VP (VP tries (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stop (NP him) (PP by (NP force)))))) , (VP receives (NP a push) (PP in (NP the chest)) (PP from `` (NP Life) '')) , and (VP is (VP left (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP standing (PP in (NP (ADJP impotent and growing) rage)))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-2 a crowd) (VP begins (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP gather))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His rage) (VP assumes (NP a religious form))) ; ; (S (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is))) , (PP on (NP (NP the basis) (PP of (NP his own (NX (NX sinfulness) and (NX abject wretchedness)))))) , (NP-SBJ Piepsam) (VP becomes (NP-PRD (NP a prophet) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (PP (PP in (NP his ecstasy)) and (PP in (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP God))))) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP imprecates (NP doom) (PP on (NP Life))) -- (NP (CONJP not only) (NP the cyclist) (ADVP-TMP now) , but (NP (NP (NP the audience) , (NP the world)) , (ADVP as well) : `` (NP all you light-headed breed) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This passion) (VP brings (PP on (NP (NP a fit) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP proves (ADJP-PRD fatal))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ an ambulance) (VP comes (ADVP along))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP drive (NP Praisegod Piepsam) (ADVP-DIR away))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD simple enough))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (ADJP several more) points) (PP of (NP interest))) (VP may (VP be (VP mentioned (NP *-1) (PP as (ADJP relevant)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The season) , (PP between (NP spring and summer)) ,) (VP belongs (PP to (NP (NP life) (PP in (NP its carefree aspect))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Piepsam 's) fatal rage) (VP arises (SBAR-PRP (CONJP not only) (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can not (VP stop (NP the cyclist))))) , (CONJP but also) (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP will not (VP stop (NP him)))))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Piepsam) (VP says (PP to (NP the crowd)) (PP-TMP in (NP his last moments))))) : `` (NP-SBJ His justice) (VP is not (PP-PRD of (NP this world))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Life) (VP is (ADVP further) (VP characterized (NP *-1) , (PP in (NP (NP antithesis) (PP to (NP Piepsam)))) , (PP as (NP animal))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the image) (PP of (NP a dog)) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP appears (PP at (NP several places))))) ,) (VP is (ADVP first) (VP given (NP *-2) (PP as (NP (NP the criterion) (PP of (NP (NP amiable , irrelevant interest) (VP (VP aroused (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS life)))))) (VP considered (NP *) (ADVP simply) (PP as (NP (NP a spectacle) : (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP a dog) (PP in (NP a wagon))) (VP is (UCP-PRD `` (ADJP admirable) '' , `` (NP (NP a pleasure) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP contemplate (NP *T*-4)))))) ''))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ another wagon) (VP (VP has (NP no dog)) , and (VP (ADVP therefore) is `` (ADJP-PRD devoid (PP of (NP interest))) '')))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Piepsam) (VP calls (S (NP-SBJ the cyclist) (NP-PRD (NP `` cur '' and `` puppy '') (PP among (NP other things)))))) , and (S (PP at (NP (NP the crisis) (PP of (NP his fit)))) (NP-SBJ a little fox-terrier) (VP (VP stands (PP before (NP him))) and (VP howls (PP into (NP his face))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The ambulance) (VP is (VP drawn (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS two `` charming '' little horses)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Piepsam) (VP is not , (ADVP certainly) , (ADJP-PRD religious) (PP in (NP any conventional sense))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 His religiousness) (VP is (ADVP intimately , or dialectically) , (VP connected (NP *-1) (PP with (NP his sinfulness))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the two) (VP may (PP in (NP fact)) (VP be (ADJP-PRD identical)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 His unsuccessful strivings (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (PRT up) (NP drink))))) (VP are (VP represented (NP *-1) (PP as (NP religious strivings))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP keeps (NP a bottle) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a wardrobe) (PP at (NP home)))))) , and `` (S (PP before (NP this wardrobe)) (NP-SBJ Praisegod Piepsam) (VP (VP had (PP-TMP before (NP now)) (VP gone (ADVP literally) (PP on (NP his knees)))) , and (VP (PP in (NP his wrestlings)) had (VP bitten (NP his tongue))) -- and (VP (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-TMP in (NP the end)) capitulated))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The cyclist) , (PP by (NP contrast)) , (ADJP blond and blue-eyed) ,) (VP is (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD (NP unreflective , unproblematic Life) , `` (ADJP blithe and carefree) '')) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP no claims (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP belong (PP to (NP (NP the (ADJP great and mighty)) (PP of (NP this earth))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Piepsam) (VP is (UCP-PRD (ADJP grotesque) , (NP a disturbing parody)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ his end) (VP is (ADJP-PRD ridiculous and trivial))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is `` (NP-PRD (NP (NP-1 a man) (VP raving (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD mad))) (PP on (NP (NP the way) (PP to (NP the churchyard)))))) '') .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP more interesting) (PP than (NP (NP the others) , (NP (NP the ones) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP come (PP-DIR from (NP the highroad)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP watch (NP him))))))))))) , (ADJP (ADJP more interesting) (PP than (NP (NP Life) (VP considered (NP *) (PP as (NP a cyclist)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP gone (PP into (NP (NP (ADJP so much) detail) (PP about (NP (ADJP so small) a work)))))))) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP so typical) a work) , (VP representing (NP (NP (NP the germinal form) (PP of (NP (NP a conflict) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP remains (ADJP-PRD essential) (PP in (NP (NP Mann 's) writing)))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP the crude sketch) (PP of (NP Piepsam))) (VP contains , (PP in (NP its (ADJP critical , destructive and self-destructive) tendencies)) , (NP (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP is (VP enlarged and illuminated (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the figures) (PP of , (PP for (NP instance)) , (NP Naphta and Leverkuhn)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP In (NP method)) (CONJP as well as) (PP in (NP theme))) (NP-SBJ (NP this little anecdote) (PP with (NP (NP its details) (VP selected (NP *) (NP-ADV (NP as much) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP for (NP expressiveness and allegory)) (PP-1 as (PP for `` (NP realism) '')) ,)))) (VP anticipates (NP (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP musical composition))) , (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP fictional composition) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Leverkuhn) (VP says))) , `` (NP-SBJ there) (VP shall (VP be (NP-PRD nothing unthematic) (PP *T*-2))) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP resembles , (ADVP too) , (NP (NP pictures) (ADJP such (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Durer and Bruegel) (VP did)))) , (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP looks (PP-TMP at (ADVP first)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD solely pictorial)))))))) (VP proves (PP on (NP inspection)) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (ADVP also) (UCP-PRD (ADJP literary) , (NP (NP (NP the representation) (PP of (NP a proverb))) , (PP for (NP example)) , or (NP a deadly sin)))))) (PP *T*-4)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ `` (NP-TTL Gladius Dei) '' -LRB- (NP 1902) -RRB-) (VP resembles `` (NP-TTL The Way To The Churchyard) '' (PP in (NP (NP its representation) (PP of (NP (NP a conflict) (PP (PP between (NP light and dark)) , (PP between (NP `` (NP Life) '' and (NP (NP a spirit) (PP of (NP criticism , negation , melancholy)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP goes (ADVP considerably further) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP characterizing (NP (NP the elements) (PP of (NP this conflict)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The monk) (NP Savonarola)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP over (PP from (NP the Renaissance)))) and (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP against (NP (NP the background) (PP of (NP (NP Munich) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the turn) (PP of (NP the century))))))))))) , (VP protests (PP (PP against (NP (NP the luxurious works) (VP displayed (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the art-shop) (PP of (NP M. Bluthenzweig))))))) ; ; (PP (PP in (NP particular)) against (NP (NP a Madonna) (VP (VP portrayed (NP *) (PP in (NP a voluptuous style))) and (VP modeled (NP *) , (PP according (PP to (NP gossip))) , (PP upon (NP (NP the painter 's) mistress)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hieronymus) , (PP like (NP Piepsam)) , (VP makes (NP his protest) (PP (ADVP quite) in (ADJP vain)))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP his rejection) , (PP though (ADJP not fatal)) ,) (VP is (ADJP-PRD ridiculous and humiliating))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (ADVP simply) (VP thrown (NP *-1) (PP out (PP of (NP the shop))) (PP by (NP-LGS the porter)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (PP On (NP the street)) (ADVP outside)) , (NP-SBJ Hieronymus) (VP envisions (NP (NP (NP a holocaust) (PP of (NP (NP the vanities) (PP of (NP this world))))) , (NP (NP such a burning) (PP of (NP (ADJP artistic and erotic) productions)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ his namesake) (ADVP actually) (VP brought (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pass))) (PP-LOC in (NP Florence)))))))) , and (S (ADVP prophetically) (NP-SBJ he) (VP issues (NP (NP his curse) : `` (S Gladius Dei super terram cito et velociter) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The `` reality '') (SBAR (WHPP-1 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP respond (PP *T*-1))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD rationally empty))) and (S (NP-SBJ their art) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an imitation) (PP of (NP (NP the inescapable powerfulness) (PP of (NP this (ADJP unknown and empty) world))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Their artistic rationale) (VP is (VP given (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP the witness) (PP of (NP unreason)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP These polar concerns) -LRB- (NP (NP imitation) (PP vs. (NP formalism))) -RRB-) (VP reflect (NP (NP a (ADJP philosophical and religious) situation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP been (VP developing (PP-TMP over (NP (NP a long period) (PP of (NP time))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The breakdown) (PP of (NP (NP classical structures) (PP of (NP meaning)))) (PP in (NP (NP all realms) (PP of (NP western culture))))) (VP has (VP given (NP rise) (PP to (NP (NP several generations) (PP of (NP (NP artists) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP documented (NP the disintegrative processes))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ (NP the image) (PP of (NP man))) (VP has (VP (VP suffered (NP-1 complete fragmentation) (PP-2 in (NP (ADJP personal and spiritual) qualities))) , and (VP (NP=1 complete objectification) (PP=2 in (NP (ADJP sub-human and quasi-mechanistic) powers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The image) (PP of (NP the world))) (VP tends (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the hostility and indifference) (PP of (NP man))))) (CONJP or else) (VP to (VP dissolve (PP into (NP (NP empty spaces) and (NP overwhelming mystery)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The image) (PP of (NP God))) (VP has (ADVP simply) (VP disappeared)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All such imitations) (PP of (NP negative quality))) (VP have (VP given (NP rise) (PP to (NP a compensatory response)) (PP in (NP (NP the form) (PP of (NP a (ADJP heroic and highly individualistic) humanism))))))) : (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP can (VP neither know nor love (NP reality) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (ADVP at least) (VP invent (NP (NP an artistic `` reality '') (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP is (NP-PRD its own world)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP can (VP speak (PP to (NP man)) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP purely personal and subjective) qualities) (ADJP (ADJP capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP known (NP *-1)))))) and (ADJP worthy (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP being (VP loved (NP *-2)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The person) (PP of (NP the artist))) (VP becomes (NP-PRD (NP a final bastion) (PP of (NP meaning))) (PP in (NP (NP a world) (VP rendered (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD meaningless)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP the march) (PP of (NP events))) and (NP (NP the decay) (PP of (NP (ADJP classical religious and philosophical) systems))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 (WHNP Whatever pole) (PP of (NP this contrast))) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP emphasizes (NP *T*-3))) and (SBAR (WHNP whatever) (FRAG (NP (NP the tension) (PP between (NP these two approaches)) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP understanding (NP the artistic imagination)))))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (VP be (ADVP readily) (VP seen (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD mutually exclusive)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP belong (ADVP together)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (NP (NP the decay) (PP of (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP objective reference)))))) -LRB- (PP except (PP as (NP (NP the imitation) (PP of (NP mystery))))) -RRB- , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the stress) (PP on (NP subjective invention))) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP been (VP stimulated (NP *-1) (PP into (NP being)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ (NP these insights) (PP into (NP (NP the nature) (PP of (NP art))))) (VP may (VP be (PP in (NP themselves)) (ADJP-PRD insufficient (PP for (NP (NP a thoroughgoing philosophy) (PP of (NP art))))))))) , (NP-SBJ their peculiar authenticity) (PP-TMP in (NP this day and age)) (VP (VP requires (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP be (VP taken (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR seriously)))))) and (VP gives (NP promise) (SBAR that (S (PP from (NP their very substance)) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP new and valid chapters) (PP in (NP (NP the philosophy) (PP of (NP art))))) (VP may (VP be (VP written (NP *-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (ADJP better or worse)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP can not (VP regard (NP `` (NP imitation) '' (PP in (NP the arts))) (PP in (NP (NP the simple mode) (PP of (NP (NP classical rationalism) or (NP detached realism))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (NP A broader concept) (PP of (NP imitation))) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP is (VP needed (NP *-2) , (NP-1 (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP acknowledges (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ true invention) (VP is (ADJP-PRD important)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the artist 's) creativity) (PP in (NP part)) (VP transcends (NP (NP the non-artistic causal factors) (SBAR (WHPP-4 out (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP arises (PP *T*-4))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the other hand)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP can not (VP regard (NP artistic invention) (PP as (ADJP (ADJP pure) , (ADJP uncaused) , and (ADJP unrelated (PP to (NP (NP the times) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP occurs (PP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP need (NP (NP a doctrine) (PP of (NP imitation)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP save (NP us) (PP from (NP (NP the solipsism and futility) (PP of (NP pure formalism)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Accordingly) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the aim) (PP of (NP this essay))) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP advance (NP (NP (NP (NP a new theory) (PP of (NP imitation))) -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (VP call (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (NP-PRD mimesis)) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP distinguish (NP it) (PP from (NP (NP earlier theories) (PP of (NP imitation)))))))))))) -RRB-) and (NP (NP (NP a new theory) (PP of (NP invention))) -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP-5 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (VP call (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (NP-PRD symbol)) (PP-PRP for (NP (NP reasons) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP to (VP be (VP stated (NP *-3) (ADVP hereafter)))))))))))) -RRB-)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The mimetic imagination) (PP in (NP the arts)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The word) (NP `` (NP mimesis) '' -LRB- `` (NP imitation) '' -RRB-)) (VP is (ADVP usually) (VP associated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP Plato and Aristotle)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP Plato)) , `` (NP-SBJ-1 imitation) '' (VP is (ADJP-PRD twice removed (PP from (NP reality))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP a poor copy) (PP of (NP (NP physical appearance) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (PP in (NP itself)) (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a poor copy) (PP of (NP ideal essence)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 All (ADJP artistic and mythological) representations) , (ADVP therefore) , (VP (VP are `` (NP-PRD (NP imitations) (PP of (NP imitations))) '') and (VP are (ADVP completely) (VP superseded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the truth value) (PP of (NP `` (NP dialectic) '' , (NP (NP the proper use) (PP of (NP the inquiring intellect)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP Plato 's) judgment)) , (NP-SBJ the arts) (VP play (NP a meaningful role) (PP in (NP society)) (PP (ADVP only) in (NP (NP the education) (PP of (NP the young)))) , (PP-TMP prior (PP to (NP (NP the full development) (PP of (NP their intellectual powers)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-1 Presupposed (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP Plato 's) system))) (VP is (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a doctrine) (PP of (NP (NP levels) (PP of (NP insight)))) , (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP a certain kind) (PP of (NP detached understanding))) (VP is (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD alone)) (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP penetrating (PP to (NP the (ADJP most sublime) wisdom)))))) (PP *T*-4))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Aristotle) (ADVP also) (VP tended (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stratify (NP (NP all aspects) (PP of (NP human nature and activity))) (PP into (NP (NP levels) (PP of (NP excellence))))))))) and , (S (PP like (NP Plato)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP put (NP the (ADJP pure and unimpassioned) intellect) (PP-PUT on (NP the top level)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Poetics) , (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP affirming (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ all human arts) (VP are `` (NP-PRD (NP modes) (PP of (NP imitation))) '')))))) , (VP gives (NP (NP a (ADJP more serious) role) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP-DTV to (NP artistic mimesis)) (SBAR-1 than (SINV did (NP-SBJ Plato)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Aristotle) (VP (VP kept (NP (NP the principle) (PP of (NP levels)))) and (VP (ADVP even) augmented (NP it) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP describing (PP in (NP-TTL the Poetics)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP what kinds) (PP of (NP character and action))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP must (VP be (VP imitated (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the play) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a vehicle) (PP of (NP (ADJP serious and important) human truths))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP both Plato and Aristotle)) (NP-SBJ artistic mimesis) , (PP in (NP (NP contrast) (PP to (NP (NP the power) (PP of (NP dialectic)))))) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD relatively incapable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP expressing (NP (NP the character) (PP of (NP fundamental reality)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The central concern) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Erich Auerbach 's) impressive volume) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Mimesis)))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP describe (NP (NP the shift) (PP from (NP (NP (NP a classic theory) (PP of (NP imitation))) -LRB- (VP based (NP *) (PP upon (NP (NP a recognition) (PP of (NP (NP levels) (PP of (NP truth))))))) -RRB-)) (PP to (NP (NP a Christian theory) (PP of (NP imitation)) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the levels) (VP are (VP dissolved (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Following (NP (NP the theme) (PP of (NP Incarnation))) (PP in (NP the Gospels)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the Christian artist and critic) (VP sees (PP in (NP the (ADJP most commonplace and ordinary) events)) (NP `` (NP figures) '' (PP of (NP divine power and reality)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ artistic realism) (VP involves (NP the audience) (PP in (NP (NP an impassioned participation) (PP in (NP (NP events) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose overtones and implications) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD transcendent))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Artistic mimesis) (PP under (NP Christian influence))) (VP records (NP (NP the involvement) (PP of (NP (NP all persons) , (ADJP however humble) ,)) (PP in (NP a divine drama)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The artist) , (PP unlike (NP the philosopher)) , (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP a removed observer) (VP aiming (PP at (NP (NP (ADJP neutral and rarified) high levels) (PP of (NP abstraction))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the conveyor) (PP of (NP (NP a sacred reality) (SBAR (WHPP-2 by (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP has (VP been (VP grasped (NP *-1) (PP-LGS *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP have (VP chosen (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP to (VP use (NP (NP the word) `` (NP mimesis) '') (PP in (NP (NP its Christian (NX *ICH*-4)) (CONJP rather than) (NP its classic (NX *ICH*-4)) (NX-4 implications))))) and (VP to (VP discover (PP in (NP (NP the concrete forms) (PP of (NP both art and myth)))) (NP (NP powers) (PP of (NP theological expression)) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-5 which) , (S (PP as (PP in (NP the Christian mind))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the direct consequence) (PP of (NP (NP involvement) (PP in (NP historical experience)))))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are not (VP reserved (NP *-1) , (PP as (PP in (NP the Greek mind))) , (PP (ADVP only) to (NP (NP moments) (PP of (NP theoretical reflection)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the first instance)) , `` (NP-SBJ-1 mimesis) '' (VP is (ADVP-LOC here) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP mean (NP (NP the recalling) (PP of (NP experience)) (PP (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP vivid images)))) (CONJP rather than) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP (NP abstract ideas) or (NP conventional designations)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-4 By `` (NP-LGS image) '') is (VP meant (NP *-3) (PP *T*-4)) (NP-SBJ-3 (CONJP not only) (NP a visual presentation) , (CONJP but also) (NP (NP remembered sensations) (PP of (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP the five senses)))) (PP plus (NP (NP the feelings) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (ADVP immediately) (VP conjoined (NP *-1) (ADVP therewith))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the primary function) (PP of (NP (NP the imagination) (VP operating (PP in (NP (NP the absence) (PP of (NP (NP the original experiential stimulus) (SBAR (WHPP-2 by (WHNP-LGS which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the images) (VP were (ADVP first) (VP appropriated (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mimesis) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP nearest possible) thing) (PP to (NP (NP the actual re-living) (PP of (NP experience)) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the imagining person) (VP recovers (PP through (NP images)) (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP (NP the force and depth characteristic) (PP of (NP (NP experience) (NP itself)))))) (PP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The images) (NP themselves)) , (PP like (NP (NP their counterparts) (PP in (NP experience)))) , (VP are not (NP-PRD (NP neutral qualities) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP surveyed (NP *-1) (ADVP dispassionately))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP fields) (PP of (NP force)) (VP exerting (NP (NP (NP a unique influence) (PP on (NP the sensibilities))) and (NP (NP a unique relatedness) (PP to (NP one another)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP bring (NP (NP an inextricable component) (PP of (NP value)) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP within (NP themselves)) , (PP-1 with (NP (NP attractions and repulsions) (ADJP native (PP to (NP their own quality)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (PP in (NP experience)) (NP-SBJ-2 one) (VP (VP is (VP seized (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP given entities) and (NP their interrelations))))) and (VP is (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP respond (PP in (NP value feelings)) (PP to (NP them)))))))))) , (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP is (ADVP similarly) (VP seized (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the mimetic presentation) (PP of (NP images)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mimesis) (ADVP-LOC here) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-1 *) not (VP to (VP be (VP confused (NP *-1) (PP with (NP literalism or realism)) (PP in (NP the conventional sense))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP A word) (VP taken (NP *) (PP in (NP its dictionary meaning)))) , (NP (NP a photographic image) (PP of (NP a recognizable object))) , (NP (NP the mere picturing) (PP of (NP a `` scene '')))) (VP tends (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP lose (NP experiential vividness))) and (VP to (VP connote (NP (NP such conventional abstractions) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP invite (NP neutral reception) (PP without (NP (NP the incitement) (PP of (NP value feelings))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Similarly) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP experience) (NP itself)) (VP can (VP be (VP conventionalized (NP *-1) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP react (PP to (NP certain preconceived clues)) (PP for (NP behavior)) (PP without (NP (NP awareness) (PP of (NP (NP the vitality) (PP of (NP their experiential field)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A (ADJP truly vivid) imagination) (VP moves (PP beyond (NP the conventional recollection)) (PP to (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP immediacy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The mimetic character) (PP of (NP the imaginative consciousness))) (VP tends (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP express (NP itself) (PP in (NP (NP the presentation) (PP of (NP artistic forms and materials)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (SBAR (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 words) (VP can (VP be (VP used (NP *-1) (PP in (NP a (ADJP more fresh and primitive) way)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP strike (PP with (NP (NP the force) (PP of (NP sights and sounds))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP (NP tones) (PP of (NP sound))) and (NP (NP colors) (PP of (NP paint))) and (NP the carven shape)) all (VP strike (NP the sensibilities) (PP with (NP (NP an undeniable force) (PP of (NP (NP data) (PP in and of (NP themselves)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP compelling (NP the observer) (PP into (NP (NP an attitude) (PP of (NP attention)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ all this) (VP imitates (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP experience) (NP itself)) (PP in (NP its deepest character)) (VP (VP strikes (PP upon (NP (NP the door) (PP of (NP consciousness))))) and (VP clamors (PP for (NP entrance))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP are (PP-PRD like (NP (NP the initial ways) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the world) (VP (VP forces (NP itself) (PP upon (NP the self))) and (VP thrusts (NP the self) (PP into (NP decision and choice))) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The presence) (PP of (NP (NP genuine mimesis) (PP in (NP art))))) (VP is (VP marked (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the persistence) (SBAR (WHPP-3 with (WHNP which) (S (NP-SBJ the work) (VP (VP demands (NP attention)) and (VP compels (NP valuation)) (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP is (ADVP but vaguely) (VP understood (NP *-2))))) (PP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-2 Underlying (NP (NP these conceptions) (PP of (NP mimesis)))) (VP are (VP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP certain presuppositions) (VP concerning (NP (NP the nature) (PP of (NP primary human experience)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP require (NP some exposition) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the main argument) (VP can (VP proceed)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Experience) (VP is not (VP seen (NP *-1) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP is (VP *?* (NP *-2) (PP in (NP classical rationalism)))))) , (PP as (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP presenting (NP us) (ADVP initially) (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP clear and distinct) objects) (VP (ADVP simply) located (PP in (NP space))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP registering (NP their character , movements , and changes) (PP on (NP (NP the tabula rasa) (PP of (NP an uninvolved intellect)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Neither) is (NP-SBJ-1 primary experience) (VP understood (NP *-1) (PP according (PP to (NP (NP the attitude) (PP of (NP (NP modern empiricism) (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP nothing) (ADJP *ICH*-2)) (VP is (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP received (NP *-3))))) (ADJP-2 other (PP than (NP (NP signals) (PP of (NP (NP sensory qualities) (VP producing (NP their responses) (PP in (NP the appropriate sense organs)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Primary feelings) (PP of (NP the world))) (VP come (PP neither as (NP (NP (NP a collection) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP clearly known) objects) -LRB- (NP houses , trees , implements , etc.) -RRB-))) nor (NP (NP a collection) (PP of (NP (ADJP isolated and neutral) sensory qualities)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP contrast) (PP to (NP all this)))) , (NP-SBJ primary data) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP data) (PP of (NP (NP a self) (ADJP involved (PP in (NP environing processes and powers))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The (ADJP most primitive) feelings) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP rudimentary value feelings) , (ADJP both positive and negative)) : (NP (NP a desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP appropriate (NP (NP this or that part) (PP of (NP the environment))) (PP into (NP oneself)))))) ; ; (NP a desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP avoid and repel (NP this or that other part)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These desires) (VP presuppose (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP (NP (NP (ADJP causally efficacious) powers) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP is (VP involved (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2))))))))) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP working (PP for (NP (NP one 's) good)))) , (S (NP-SBJ others) (VP threatening (NP ill))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP Gone) is (NP-SBJ (NP the tabula rasa) (PP of (NP the mind))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-3 In (NP its place)) (VP is (PP-PRD *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP a passionate consciousness) (VP (VP grasped (NP *)) and (VP molded (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP feelings) (PP of (NP (ADJP positive or negative) values))))))) (SBAR-ADV even as (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the actions) (PP of (NP (NP one 's) life))) (VP are (VP determined (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP constellations) (PP of (NP process)) (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 one) (VP is (VP caught (NP *-2) (PP *T*-4))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The principal defender) (PP of (NP (NP this view) (PP of (NP primary experience)) (PP as `` (NP causal efficacy) '')))) (VP is (NP-PRD Alfred North Whitehead)) .)) (TOP (S-5 (NP-SBJ Our (ADJP most elemental and unavoidable) impressions) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S *T*-5)))) ,) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP those) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD involved (PP in (NP (NP a large arena) (PP of (NP (NP powers) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP have (NP (NP a longer past) (PP than (NP our own)))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP are (VP interrelated (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP a vast movement) (PP (PP through (NP the present)) (PP toward (NP the future)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP feel (NP (NP the quality) (PP of (NP these powers))) (ADVP initially) (PP as (ADJP-PRD (PP in (NP some degree)) wholesome or threatening))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Later) (NP-SBJ (ADJP abstractive and rational) processes) (VP may (VP indicate (NP (NP errors) (PP of (NP judgment))) (PP in (NP (NP these apprehensions) (PP of (NP value))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the apprehensions) (NP themselves)) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the primary stuff) (PP of (NP experience))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP takes (NP (NP a great deal) (PP of (NP abstraction))) (S-3 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP free (NP oneself) (PP from (NP (NP the primitive impression) (PP of (NP (NP larger unities) (PP of (NP power and influence)))))))) and (VP to (VP view (NP (NP one 's) world) (PP (ADVP simply) as (NP (NP a collection) (PP of (NP (NP sense data) (VP arranged (NP *) (PP in (NP (ADJP such and such) sequence and pattern))) , (ADJP devoid (PP of (NP (NP all power) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP move (NP the feelings and actions) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) (PP except (SBAR in so far as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP present (NP themselves) (PP for (NP inspection)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Whitehead) (VP is (ADVP-LOC here) (VP questioning (NP (NP (NP David Hume 's) understanding) (PP of (NP (NP the nature) (PP of (NP experience)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (VP questioning , (ADVP also) , (NP (NP every epistemology) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stems (PP from (NP (NP Hume 's) presupposition (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ experience) (VP is (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD (NP sense data) (PP in (NP (NP abstraction) (PP from (NP causal efficacy)))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ causal efficacy) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP something) (VP (VP (ADVP intellectually) imputed (NP *) (PP to (NP the world))) , not (VP (ADVP directly) perceived (NP *))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ Hume) (VP calls (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) `` (NP-PRD sensation) '')))) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ Whitehead) (VP calls (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (NP-PRD `` (NP perception) (PP in (NP (NP the mode) (PP of (NP presentational immediacy)))) '' (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a sophisticated abstraction) (PP from (NP (NP perception) (PP in (NP (NP the mode) (PP of (NP causal efficacy)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP As long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 perception) (VP is (VP seen (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP composed (NP *-2) (ADVP only) (PP of (NP isolated sense data)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the quality and interconnectedness) (PP of (NP existence))))) (VP (VP loses (NP its objectivity)) , (VP becomes (NP-PRD (NP an invention) (PP of (NP consciousness))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the result) (VP is (NP-PRD a philosophical scepticism))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Whitehead) (VP contends (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the human way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP understanding (NP existence) (PP as (NP (NP a unity) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP interlocking and interdependent) processes) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP constitute (NP each other)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP cause (S (NP-SBJ each other) (VP (VP to (VP be)) and (VP not to (VP be)))))))))))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-PRP (ADVP only) because (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the basic form) (PP of (NP such an understanding))) , (PP for (NP (NP all its vagueness) and (NP tendency (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP mistake (NP the detail))))))) , (VP is (ADVP initially) (VP given (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP feels (NP-PRD the world) (ADVP *T*-4)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this respect)) (NP-SBJ experience) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP broader) and (ADJP full (PP of (NP (NP a richer variety) (PP of (NP potential meanings)) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the mind) (PP of (NP man))) or (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP his arts or culture)))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (ADJP clear and distinct))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A chief characteristic) (PP of (NP experience)) (PP in (NP (NP the mode) (PP of (NP causal efficacy))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP derivation) (PP from (NP the past)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both (NP I) and (NP my feelings)) (VP come (PRT up) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP a chain) (PP of (NP (NP events) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP fan (PP out (PP into (NP the past))) (PP into (NP (NP sources) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP are (ADVP ultimately) (PP-PRD (ADVP very) unlike (NP (NP the entity) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP am (NP-PRD *T*-3)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP (QP only eighteen) years) (PP of (NP non-interference)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (ADVP-TMP already) (NP-PRD (NP indications) (PP of (NP melioration))) , (SBAR-ADV though (FRAG `` (PP in (NP a slight degree)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD more indications) (PP-TMP by (NP the mid-twentieth century))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP leave (NP it) (PP to (NP the statisticians)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP noticed (NP several) (ADVP-TMP (NP a few years) ago) , (PP-TMP during (NP (NP an automobile ride) (PP from (NP Memphis)) (PP to (NP Hattiesburg)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP town) (PP after (NP town)))) (NP-SBJ my companion) (VP pointed (PRT out) (NP (NP the Negro school) and (NP the White school)))) , and (S (S (PP in (NP every instance)) (NP-SBJ the former) (VP made (NP a better appearance))) -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD newer) , (PP for (NP one thing)))) -RRB-) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP really) (VP looked (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ (NP a change) (PP of (NP (NP the sort) (VP predicted (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Booker T. Washington)))))) (VP had (VP been (VP going (PRT on))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP with (NP (NP the renewal) (PP of (NP interference)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1954)))) -LRB- (PP as (PP with (NP (NP its beginning) (PP-TMP in (NP 1835))))) -RRB- , (NP-SBJ the improvement) (VP was (ADJP-PRD impaired)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP over a hundred years)) (NP-SBJ Southerners) (VP have (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the North) (VP was (VP picking (PP on (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD infuriating) , (NP-TPC (NP this feeling) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP is (VP being (VP picked (PP on (NP *-1)) , (ADVP continually , constantly)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ-2 (WHPP-1 By (WHNP (WHNP what right) (PP of (NP superior virtue)))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Southerners) (VP ask (SBARQ *T*-2)))) , (SQ do (NP-SBJ (NP the people) (PP of (NP the North))) (VP do (NP this (PP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The traditional strategy) (PP of (NP the South))) (VP has (VP been (S-PRD (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP expose (NP (NP the vices) (PP of (NP the North)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP demonstrate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the North) (VP possessed (NP no superior virtue))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to `` (VP show (NP the world) (SBAR that '' (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP James 's) (NP Christopher Newman)) (VP said (PP to (NP his adversaries)) -RRB-))) `` (SBAR-ADV (WHADJP-1 (WHADVP however) bad) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're not (NP-PRD (NP quite the people) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP say (NP it))))))) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the pre-Civil War years)) , (NP-SBJ the South) (VP argued (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the slave) (VP was not (ADVP (ADVP less humanely) (PP *ICH*-2)) (VP treated (NP *-1) (PP-2 than (NP (NP the factory worker) (PP of (NP the North))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the present time)) , (NP-SBJ the counter-attack) (VP takes (NP the line) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP no more) (PP of (NP (NP the true spirit) (PP of `` (NP integration) ''))) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC in (NP the North)) (PP-1 than (PP-LOC in (NP the South))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The line) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP pretty good) one)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ People) (VP talk (PP about `` (NP (NP the law) (PP of (NP the land))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The expression) (VP has (VP become (NP-PRD quite a cliche))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 people) (VP ca n't (VP be (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP integrate , socialize (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ the two) (VP are (ADJP-PRD inseparable) (PP by (NP Southern standards)))) -RRB-) (PP by (NP law)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP having (NP lunch) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP not long) ago) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP apologies) (PP to (NP N.V. Peale))) -RRB-) (PP with (NP (NP three distinguished historians) -LRB- (NP (NP (NP-2 one) (VP specializing (PP-3 in (NP the European Middle Ages)))) , (NP (NP=2 one) (PP=3 in (NP American history))) , and (NP (NP=2 one) (PP=3 in (NP the Far East)))) -RRB-))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP them) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP name (NP (NP instances) (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the general mores) (VP had (VP been (ADVP radically) (VP changed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP `` (NP (NP deliberate speed) , (NP majestic instancy)) '' (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP (NP Francis Thompson 's) words) (PP for (NP (NP the Hound) (PP Of (NP (NP Heaven 's))) Pursuit))) -RRB-))) (PP by (NP judicial fiat)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP did n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP think (PP of (NP any))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Virginia judge) (ADVP-TMP (NP a while) back) (VP cited (NP a Roman jurist) (PP to (NP (NP the effect) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ ten years) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a reasonable length) (PP of (NP time))) (PP for (NP such a change))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP suspect (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the old Roman) (VP was (VP referring (PP to (NP (NP (NP change) (VP made (NP *) (PP under (NP military occupation)))) -- (NP (NP the sort) (PP of (NP (NP change) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Tacitus) (VP was (VP talking (PP about (NP *T*-1)) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP make (NP a desert)) , and (VP call (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD peace))))) '' -LRB- `` (S Solitudinem faciunt , pacem appellant) '' . -RRB-)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the law) (PP of (NP the land))) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD irrevocable))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP can (VP be (VP changed (NP *-1))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP has (VP been (VP *?* (NP *-2) , (NP-TMP many times))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Mr. Justice Taney 's) Dred Scott decision) (PP-TMP in (NP 1857))) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD unpopular) (PP-LOC in (NP the North))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP soon) became (NP-PRD a dead letter))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Prohibition) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the law) (PP of (NP the land))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD unpopular) (PRN -LRB- (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP how many) (PP of (NP us oldsters))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP took (PRT up) (NP drinking) (PP in (NP prohibition days))))) , (S (NP-SBJ drinking) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so gay) , (ADJP so fashionable)) , (PP-LOC (ADVP especially) in (NP the sophisticated Northeast)))) ! ! -RRB-)) and (VP was (VP repealed (NP *-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The cliche) (VP loses (NP its talismanic virtue) (PP in (NP (NP the light) (PP of (NP a little history))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Declaration) (PP of (NP Independence))) (VP says (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ governments) (VP derive (NP their just powers) (PP from (NP (NP the consent) (PP of (NP the governed)))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The phrase) `` (NP (NP consent) (PP of (NP the governed))) '') (VP needs (NP a hard look)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ do (NP-SBJ we) (VP define (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ (NP the consent) (PP of (NP the governed))) (NP-PRD a numerical majority) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Calhoun) (VP dealt (PP with (NP this question)) (PP in (NP his `` (NX-TTL (NX Disquisition) (PP On (NP Government))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP guard (PP against (NP (NP the tyranny) (PP of (NP a numerical majority))))))) , (NP-SBJ Calhoun) (VP developed (NP (NP his theory) (PP of `` (NP concurrent majority) '') , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP giving (PP-DTV to (NP (NP each portion) (PP of (NP (NP the community) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP may (VP be (ADVP unequally) (VP affected (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the action) (PP of (NP government))))))))))))) , (NP (NP a negative) (PP on (NP the others)))))) , (VP prevents (NP all (ADJP partial or local) legislation))) ''))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP say (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ our country) (VP is (ADVP-TMP even now) (NP-PRD a homogeneous community)))) ? ? (SBAR That (S (NP-SBJ regional peculiarities) (VP do not (ADVP-TMP still) (VP exist)))) ? ? (SBAR That (S (NP-SBJ the Court order) (VP does not (ADVP unequally) (VP affect (NP the Southern region))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP deny (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP (NP a vast portion) (PP of (NP the South)))) (NP-SBJ the Federal action) (VP is (ADJP-PRD incompatible (PP with (NP (NP the Jeffersonian concept) (PP of `` (NP (NP the consent) (PP of (NP the governed))) '')))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Circumstances) (VP alter (NP cases)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A friend) (PP of (NP mine)) (PP-LOC in (NP New Mexico))) (VP said (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the Court order) (VP had (VP caused (NP no particular trouble) (PP-LOC out (NP there)))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ all) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP (ADVP as merry) (PP as (NP a marriage bell))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) surprised (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP should (VP have (VP caused (NP any particular trouble) (ADVP-LOC anywhere)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP murmured (NP something (PP about (NP (NP a possible difference) (PP between (NP (NP (NP New Mexico 's) history) and (NP Mississippi 's))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP can (VP meet (PP with (NP aloofness)) (ADVP-LOC almost anywhere))) : (S (NP-ADV the THIDIU viewpoint) , (NP-SBJ It) (VP Does n't (VP Affect (NP Us)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Southern Liberals) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD a good many))) -RRB-)) -- (SBAR-ADV (ADVP especially) if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD rich)))) -- (ADVP-TMP often) (VP exhibit (NP blithe insouciance)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The trouble) (ADVP-LOC here) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD almost too easy) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP the high moral ground)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP does n't (VP cost (NP you) (NP anything) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP already) (VP (VP sent (NP-1 your daughter) (PP-2 to (NP (NP (NP Miss X 's) select academy) (PP for (NP girls))))) and (VP (NP=1 your son) (PP=2 to (NP (NP (NP Mr. Y 's) select academy) (PP for (NP boys)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as liberal) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP please)))) (PP with (NP strict impunity))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD no suitable academy) (PP-LOC in (NP your own neighborhood))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD New England)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ New England academies) (VP welcome (NP (NP fugitives) (PP from (NP (NP the provinces) , (NP South (CONJP as well as) West))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP may (ADVP even) (VP enroll (NP a colored student (QP or two)) (PP for (NP show)) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP usually) (VP turns (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD from (NP (NP Thailand) , or (NP (NP any place) (ADJP other (PP than (NP the American South)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD interesting) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHADJP how much) `` integration '') (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-2) (PP in (NP (NP the famous , fashionable colleges and prep schools) (PP of (NP New England)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A recent newspaper report) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD five Negroes) (PP in (NP (NP the 1960 graduating class) (PP of (NP nearly one thousand)))) (PP-LOC at (NP Yale))) ; ;)))) (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is , (NP-PRD (NP (QP about one-half of one) per cent) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP looks (ADJP-PRD pretty `` tokenish '') (PP to (NP me)) , (PP (ADVP especially) in (NP (NP an institution) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP professes (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be `` (ADJP-PRD national) '')))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP confess (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP prefer (NP (NP the Liberal) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (ADVP personally) (VP affected (NP *-1))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP is (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP send (NP his own children) (PP to (NP a mixed school)))))) (PP as (NP (NP proof) (PP of (NP his faith)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP leave (PP out (PP of (NP account))) (NP (NP (NP the question) (PP of (NP (NP the best interests) (PP of (NP the children))))) , (NP (NP the question) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ their best interests) (ADVP really) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP talking (PP about (NP (NP the grand manner) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the Liberal) -- (NP North and South) --) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is not (VP affected (NP *-1) (ADVP personally))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 these people) (VP were (VP denied (NP *-1) (NP a voice) (PRN -LRB- (SQ do (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (NP (NP a moral right) (PP to (NP a voice)))) ? ?) -RRB-))))) , (WHNP-2 what voices) (SQ (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) would (VP be (VP left (NP *-3)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (VP involved (NP *-2) (ADVP willy nilly)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP has (VP followed (NP (NP the New England pattern) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP segregating (NP (NP one 's) children) (PP into (NP private schools)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 only the poor folks) (VP are (VP left (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF And (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP precisely) (PP-PRD in (NP this poorer economic class)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP (VP finds (NP *RNR*-2)) , and (VP has (ADVP-TMP always) (VP found , (NP *RNR*-2))) (NP-2 the most racial friction))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A dear , respected friend) (PP of (NP mine)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (PP like (NP myself)) (VP (VP grew (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP the South))) and (VP has (VP spent (NP many years) (PP-LOC in (NP New England))))))) ,) (VP said (PP to (NP me)) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP not long) ago) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP forgive (NP New England) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP rejecting (NP all complicity))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Being (NP-PRD (NP a teacher) (PP of (NP American literature))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP remembered (NP (NP (NP Whittier 's) `` (NP-TTL (NP Massachusetts) (PP To (NP Virginia))) '') , (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said : `` (S But (NP-TPC-3 that one dark loathsome burden) (NP-SBJ-4 ye) (VP must (VP (VP stagger (PP with (NP *T*-3)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD alone))) , And (VP reap (NP (NP the bitter harvest) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP ye) (NP yourselves)) (VP have (VP sown (NP *T*-1)))))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a legend) (PRN -LRB- (S (S (NP-SBJ Hawthorne) (VP records (NP it) (PP in (NP his `` (NX-TTL English Notebooks) ''))) .) (S And (NP-SBJ one) (VP finds (NP it) (ADVP again) (PP in (NP Thomas Nelson Page))))) -RRB-) (PP to (NP the effect (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Mayflower) (PP on (NP its second voyage)) (VP brought (NP (NP a cargo) (PP of (NP Negro slaves)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR Whether (FRAG (ADVP historically) (NP (NP a fact) or (NP (FRAG not))))) , (NP-SBJ the legend) (VP has (NP a certain symbolic value)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Complicity) (VP is (NP-PRD an embarrassing word)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP most) (PP of (NP us))) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (PP out (PP from (PP under (NP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP the cowboy) (PP in (NP (NP Stephen Crane 's) `` (NX-TTL Blue Hotel) '')))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP run (ADVP around) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP crying , `` (SQ (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP do (NP anything)))) , (SQ (VP did) (NP-SBJ I))) ''))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Robert Penn Warren) (VP puts (NP it) (NP-ADV this way) (PP in `` (NP-TTL (NP Brother) (PP To (NP Dragons))) ''))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP The recognition) (PP of (NP complicity))) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP innocence)))) '' , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ innocence) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think))) , (VP means (NP (NP about the same thing) (PP as (NP redemption))) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A man) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say , `` (S (NP-VOC Father) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP sinned))) ''))))))) , or (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD no hope) (PP for (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lincoln) (VP understood (NP this) (ADVP (ADVP better) (PP than (NP most))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (PP in (NP his `` Second Inaugural '')) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ God) `` (VP gives (PP-DTV to (NP both North and South)) (NP this terrible war) , (PP as (NP (NP the woe) (ADJP due (PP to (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHPP-1 by (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ the offense) (VP came (PP *T*-1)))))))))))) (ADVP *T*-2))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP also) (VP spoke (PP of `` (UCP (NP (NP the wealth) (VP piled (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the bondsman 's) (QP two hundred))))) and (FRAG (NP-TMP fifty years) (PP in (NP unrequited toil)))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lincoln) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP historian and economist) (ADJP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a substantial portion) (PP of (NP this wealth))) (VP had (VP accumulated (PP in (NP (NP the hands) (PP of (NP (NP the descendants) (PP of (NP (NP New Englanders) (VP engaged (NP *) (PP in (NP the slave trade))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHPP-1 After (WHNP (WHADJP how many) generations)) (SQ is (NP-SBJ (NP such wealth) -LRB- (VP mounting (NP-TMP all the while) (PP through (NP (NP the manipulations) (PP of (NP (NP high finance)))))) -RRB-) (VP purified (PP of (NP taint)) (PP-TMP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD a question) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ New Englanders) (ADVP-TMP long ago) (VP put (NP *T*-1) (PP out (PP of (NP their minds))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ But (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ they) (VP get (PRT off) (ADVP too easy))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The slaves) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP shared (PP in (NP their profits)) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did (VP share , (PP in (NP a (ADJP very real) sense)) , (PP in (NP (NP the profits) (PP of (NP the slave-owners))))))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP (VP fed , clothed , doctored (NP *-1)) , and (ADVP-ETC so forth)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the beneficiaries) (PP of (NP responsible , paternalistic care))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Emerson) -- (NP Platonist , idealist , doctrinaire) --) (VP sounded (NP-PRD a high Transcendental note) (PP in (NP (NP (NP his `` (NX-TTL Boston Hymn) '') , (VP delivered (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP 1863)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Boston Music Hall)) (PP amidst (NP thundering applause)))) : `` (S-IMP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Pay (NP ransom) (PP to (NP the owner)))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP fill (NP the bag) (PP to (NP the brim)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD the owner))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The slave) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD owner)) , And (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) was (NP-PRD *?*)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Pay (NP him)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the abstractionism) , (NP the unrealism)) , (PP of (NP the pure idealist)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP ignores (NP the sordid financial aspects) -LRB- (ADVP quite conveniently) , (ADVP too) , (PP for (NP (NP (NP his audience) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP indulge (PP in (NP moral indignation)) (PP without (NP (ADJP visible , or even conscious) , discomfort)))))) ,) (NP (NP (NP their money) (PP from (NP the transaction))) (VP having (VP been (VP put (NP *) (ADVP away) (ADVP-TMP long ago) (PP in (NP a good antiseptic brokerage)))))))) -RRB-) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP Pilate)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP washed (NP their hands))) .)) (TOP (SQ But (SQ can (NP-SBJ one) (VP *?* , (ADVP really))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Can (NP-SBJ-1 God) (VP be (VP mocked (NP *-1) , (ADVP-TMP ever) , (PP in (NP the long run)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ New Englanders) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a bit) sensitive (PP on (NP (NP the subject) (PP of (NP (NP their complicity) (PP in (NP Negro slavery))))))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP (NP the drafting) (PP of (NP (NP the Declaration) (PP of (NP Independence)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (S (NP-SBJ Jefferson) (VP explained (PP in (NP his `` (NX-TTL Autobiography) ''))))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The clause) (VP reprobating (NP the (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP enslaving (NP (NP the inhabitants) (PP of (NP Africa)))))))) (VP was (VP struck (NP *-2) (PRT out) (PP in (NP (NP complaisance) (PP to (NP (NP (NP South Carolina) and (NP Georgia)) , (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP attempted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP restrain (NP (NP the importation) (PP of (NP slaves)))))))))) , and (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (PP on (NP the contrary)) (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-4) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP continue (NP it))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-1 (NP-SBJ Our Northern brethren) (ADVP also) (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) tender) (PP under (NP those censures)))) ; ; for (S (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ their people) (VP had (NP very few slaves) (NP-ADV themselves)))) , yet (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP pretty considerable) carriers) (PP of (NP them)) (PP to (NP others)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADVP-TMP-PRD (NP a long time) ago)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The New England conscience) (VP became (ADJP-PRD desensitized)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP George W. Cable) -LRB- (NP naturalized New Englander) -RRB-) , (VP writing (PP-TMP in (NP 1889)) (PP from (NP `` (NP (NP Paradise Road) , (NP Northampton)) '' (PRN -LRB- (NP lovely symbolic name) -RRB-)))) ,) (VP agitated (ADVP-MNR continuously) (NP the `` Southern question '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD nice) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP isolate (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ New England) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP knows))) , (VP has (ADVP-TMP long) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP schoolmaster) (PP to (NP the Nation))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ one) (VP finds (SINV (VP concentrated (PP-LOC in (NP a (ADJP comparatively small) area))) (NP-SBJ (NP the chief universities , colleges , and preparatory schools) (PP of (NP the United States))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ this) (VP be (ADVP-PRD so) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP New England) , (ADJP (ADJP more) (PP than (NP any other section)))) , (VP was (VP dedicated (NP *-4) (PP to (NP education)) (PP from (NP the start))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP something) (ADJP (ADJP more) (PP than (NP this)))) (VP is (VP involved (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ it) (VP happen , (PP for (NP example)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the state university) , (NP (NP that great symbol) (PP of (NP American democracy))) ,) (VP failed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP flourish (PP-LOC in (NP New England)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did (PP in (NP (NP other parts) (PP of (NP the country))))))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is n't (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a bit) odd) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the three states) (PP of (NP Southern New England))) -LRB- (NP (NP Massachusetts) , (NP Connecticut) , and (NP Rhode Island)) -RRB-) (VP have (VP had (NP (NP state institutions) (PP of (NP university status))) (PP-TMP (ADVP only) in (NP the (ADJP very recent) past)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ these institutions) (VP having (ADVP-TMP previously) (VP been (NP-PRD A & M colleges)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ it) (VP supposed , (ADVP perchance) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP A & M) -LRB- (NP (NP vocational training) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)))) -RRB-) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quite sufficient (PP for (NP (NP (NP the immigrant class) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP flooded (NP (NP that part) (PP of (NP the New England world))) (PP-TMP in (NP the post-Civil War period))))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 the immigrants) (VP having (VP been (VP brought (NP *-2) (PRT in) (PP from (NP Southern Europe)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP work (PP in (NP the mills)))) , (VP to (VP make (PRT up) (PP for (NP (NP the labor shortage) (VP caused (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP migration) (PP to (NP the West))))))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) not (ADJP-PRD ironical) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Roger Williams 's) state) , (NP Rhode Island) ,) (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP very last)) (PP of (NP the forty-eight)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP establish (NP a state university))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The state universities) (PP of (NP (NP Maine) , (NP New Hampshire) , And (NP Vermont)))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP older) and (ADJP more `` respectable '')))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP (NP less immigration) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP contend (PP with (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A Yale historian) , (VP writing (ADVP-TMP (NP a few years) ago) (PP in (NP The Yale Review))) ,) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (PP-LOC in (NP New England))) (VP have (ADVP-TMP long since) (VP segregated (NP our children)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP referring (PP (CONJP not only) (PP to (NP the general college situation)) but (PP (ADVP more especially) to (NP the preparatory schools))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP what a galaxy) (PP of (NP those))) (VP adorns (NP that fair land)) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP propose (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP into (NP their history)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (QP one or two) surmises))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP were (VP established (NP *-1))) , or (VP gained (NP eminence)) , (PP under (NP (NP pressure) (VP provided (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP these same immigrants) , (SBAR (WHPP-3 from (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the old families) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP segregate (NP their children) (PP *T*-3)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP the early days) (PP of (NP a homogeneous population)))) , (NP-SBJ the public school) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quite satisfactory)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Among (NP (NP the recipients) (PP of (NP (NP the Nobel Prize) (PP for (NP Literature)))))) (NP-SBJ (NP more) (PP than (NP half))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD practically unknown (PP to (NP (NP readers) (PP of (NP English)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP these)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (ADVP surely) (NP-PRD (NP few) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP more rewarding) discoveries) (PP than (NP (NP Verner Von Heidenstam) , (NP (NP the Swedish poet and novelist) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP received (NP the award) (PP-TMP in (NP 1916))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 whose centennial) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP was (VP celebrated (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP (NP two years) ago)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP Equally a master) (PP of (NP prose and verse))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP recreates (NP (NP the glory) (PP of (NP (NP Sweden) (PP in (NP the past)))))) and (VP continues (NP it) (PP into (NP the present)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the following sketch)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP shall (VP (VP present (NP (NP a brief outline) (PP of (NP his life)))) and (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP as (ADJP possible))) (VP speak (PP for (NP himself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Heidenstam) (VP was (VP born (NP *-1) (PP-TMP in (NP 1859)) , (PP of (NP a prosperous family)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP On (NP (NP his father 's) side)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD of (NP German descent)))) , (S (PP on (NP (NP his mother 's))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (PP of (NP the old Swedish nobility)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The family estate) (VP was (VP situated (NP *-1) (PP-LOC near (NP Vadstena)) (PP-LOC on (NP Lake Vattern)) (PP-LOC in (NP south central Sweden)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (UCP-PRD (NP a lonely , (ADJP rather desolate) region) , but (ADJP full (PP of (NP (ADJP legendary and historic) associations))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP a boy) (PP in (NP a local school)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP shy and solitary) , (ADJP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP (NP his fondness) (PP for (NP nature))) and (NP (NP his visions) (PP of (NP (NP Sweden 's) ancient glory)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP fancy (NP himself) (PP as (NP a chieftain)))) and (VP to (VP dress (PP for (NP the part))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Being (ADJP-PRD somewhat delicate (PP in (NP health))))) , (PP at (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP sixteen)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP sent (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP Southern Europe) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (PP at (NP once)) (VP developed (NP a passion) (PP *T*-2) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP spent (NP (NP nearly all) (PP of (NP the following ten years))) (ADVP-LOC abroad) , (FRAG (FRAG (PP-TMP at (ADJP first)) (PP-LOC in (NP Italy))) , (FRAG (ADVP-PRP then) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Greece) , (NP Egypt) , (NP Asia Minor) , and (NP Palestine))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP his summers) (PP at (NP home)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP married , (PP to (NP (NP the great disapproval) (PP of (NP (NP his father) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP objected (PP-PRP because of (NP his extreme youth)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP Deciding (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD a painter)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP entered (NP (NP the studio) (PP of (NP Gerome)) (PP-LOC in (NP Paris)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP enjoyed (NP (NP the life) (PP of (NP the artists)))) , but (VP (ADVP-TMP soon) found (SBAR that (S (SBAR (WHNP-1 whatever talent) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (NP *T*-1))))) (VP did not (VP lie (PP in (NP that direction))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gives (NP us) (NP (NP an account) (PP of (NP this))) (PP in (NP (NP his (ADJP lively and humorous) poem) , `` (NP-TTL The Happy Artists) ''))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP scanned (NP the world) (PP through (NP printed symbol swart)))) , And (S (PP through (NP (NP the beggar 's) rags)) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP strove (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP The inner man)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (ADVP unceasingly) (PP (PP With (NP my cold mind)) and (PP with (NP my burning heart)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this final line)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP the key) (PP to (NP his nature))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Few writers) (VP have (ADVP better) (VP understood (NP their deepest selves))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Heidenstam) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (VP satisfied (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS surface))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP may , (ADVP however) , (VP be (VP noted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP his gift) (PP for (NP color and imagery))) (VP must (VP have (VP been (VP greatly stimulated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his stay) (PP in (NP Paris))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first result) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Heidenstam 's) long sojourn) (ADVP-LOC abroad)))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a volume) (PP of (NP poems))) , (NP (NP (NP-TTL Pilgrimage And Wander-Years) -LRB- (NP-TTL Vallfart och Vandringsar) -RRB-) , (VP published (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP 1888)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a brilliant debut) , (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADV so much) so) (ADVP indeed) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP aroused (NP a new vitality) (PP in (NP the younger poets)) , (SBAR-ADV as (SINV did (NP-SBJ (NP Byron 's) (NX-TTL Childe Harold)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Professor Fredrik Book) , (NP (NP (NP Sweden 's) foremost critic) (PP of (NP the period))) ,) (VP acclaims (NP it) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP follows))))) : `` (S (PP In (NP this)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP (NP the verse) (PP of (NP a painter))) ; ; (ADJP (ADJP strongly colorful) , (ADJP plastic) , (ADJP racy) , (ADJP vivid))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP a bold , (ADJP sometimes careless) , form)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP academic)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 all) (VP is (VP seen and felt and experienced (NP *-1)))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 the observation) (VP is (ADJP-PRD-3 sharp))) and (S (NP-SBJ=2 the imagination) (ADJP-PRD=3 lively)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The young poet-painter) (VP reproduces (NP (NP the French life) (PP of (NP the streets))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP tells (NP (NP stories) (PP of (NP the (QP Thousand and One) Nights)))) , and (VP conjures (PRT up) (PP before (NP us)) (NP (NP the bazaars) (PP of (NP Damascus)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP the care-free indolence) (PP of (NP the East)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP sees (NP (NP the last reflection) (PP of (NP the old happy existence))))) , and (S (PP for (NP that reason)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP loves (NP it))) .)) (TOP (SINV (CONJP And yet) (PP-PRD-TPC-1 amid (NP (NP all the gay hedonism) (PP in (NP-TTL Pilgrimage And Wander-Years)))) (VP is (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (NP a cycle) (PP of (NP short poems))) , `` (NP-TTL (NP Thoughts) (PP In (NP Loneliness))) '' ,) (VP filled (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP brooding) , (NP melancholy) , and (NP sombre longing))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP (NP the longer pieces) (PP of (NP the volume)))) (NP-SBJ none) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so memorable) (PP as (NP `` (NP-TTL Nameless And Immortal) '' , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP took (NP rank) (PP among (NP (NP the finest poems) (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) written (NP *) (PP in (NP the Swedish language)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP celebrates (NP (NP the unknown architect) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP designed (NP (NP the temple) (PP of (NP Neptune)) (PP-LOC at (NP Paestum)) , (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP (NP the Parthenon) (NP (NP the noblest example) (PP of (NP Grecian classic style)) (PP (ADVP-TMP now) in (NP existence)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP (NP the eve) (PP of (NP (NP his return) (PP to (NP their native Naxos)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP speaks (PP with (NP (NP his wife) (PP of (NP (NP the masterpiece) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP rises (PP before (NP them)) (PP in (NP its completed perfection)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (S-2 (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The supreme object) (PP of (NP their lives))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (VP fulfilled (NP *-1)))) (PRN , (SINV (VP says (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) (NP-SBJ the wife)) ,) (S (NP-SBJ her husband) (VP has (VP achieved (NP immortality))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TPC-2 Not so) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP answers (ADVP *T*-2))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP the architect) but (NP (NP the temple) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD immortal)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP The man 's) true reputation) (VP is (NP-PRD his work)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The short poems) (VP grouped (NP *) (PP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the volume)))) (PP as `` (NP-TTL (NP Thoughts) (PP in (NP Loneliness))) ''))) (VP is , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Professor Book) (VP indicated))) , (PP-PRD in (NP (NP sharp contrast) (PP with (NP the others))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP consists (PP of (NP (NP fragmentary personal revelations) , (PP such as `` (NP-TTL The Spark) ''))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a spark) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP dwells (PP (ADVP deep) within (NP my soul)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP get (NP it) (PRT out) (PP into (NP (NP the daylight 's) glow)))))) (VP Is (NP-PRD (NP (NP my life 's) aim) (ADJP both first and last) , (NP the whole))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP slips (ADVP away))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP burns and tortures (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ That little spark) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP all the wealth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP *T*-1))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ That little spark) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP my life 's) misery))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A dominant motive) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the poet 's) longing) (PP for (NP (NP his homeland) and (NP (NP its boyhood associations) : `` (NP Not (NP men-folk) , but (NP (NP (NP the fields) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP stray (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) , (NP (NP The stones) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (PP as (NP a child)) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP play))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (ADJP-PRD utterly disappointed (PP (PP in (NP himself)) and (PP in (NP (NP the desultory life) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP been (VP leading (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP really) (VP wants (NP *T*-1)))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP `` (NP a sacred cause) '' (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (ADVP honestly) (VP devote (NP himself) (PP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This restless individualism) (VP found (NP its answer) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP returned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (NP (NP nearly all the rest) (PP of (NP his life))) (PP-LOC in (NP Sweden))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His cause) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP commemorate (NP (NP the glory) (PP of (NP her past))))) and (VP to (VP incite (S (NP-SBJ her people) (VP to (VP perpetuate (NP it) (PP-TMP in (NP the present)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not , (ADVP however) , (VP find (NP himself) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His next major work) , (VP completed (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP 1892))) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a long fantastic epic) (PP in (NP prose)) , (VP entitled (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Hans Alienus))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Professor Book) (VP describes (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP (NP a monument) (PP on (NP (NP the grave) (PP of (NP his (ADJP carefree and indolent) youth))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The hero) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (NP-PRD himself)))) ,) (VP is (VP represented (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP (NP a pilgrim) (PP in (NP (NP the storied lands) (PP of (NP the East))))) , (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (NP Faustus type) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP quote (PP from (NP Professor Book)) (ADVP again)))) , `` (PP-LOC (ADVP even) in (NP (NP the pleasure gardens) (PP of (NP Sardanapalus)))) (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP can not (VP cease (PP from (NP (NP his painful search) (PP after (NP (NP the meaning) (PP of (NP life))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP is (VP driven (NP *-1) (ADVP back) (PP by (NP-LGS his yearning)) (PP to (NP (NP the wintry homeland) (PP of (NP his fathers)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the forest) (PP of (NP Tiveden)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (PP From (NP this time)) (ADVP on)) (NP-SBJ-1 Heidenstam) (VP proceeded (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP his deeper self))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the death) (PP of (NP his father)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1888)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP had (VP come (PP into (NP (NP possession) (PP of (NP the family estate)))))) and (VP had (VP re-assumed (NP its traditions)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not , (ADVP however) , (VP settle (PP (ADVP back) into (NP (NP acquiescence) (PP with (NP (NP things) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP his friend and contemporary) (NP August Strindberg))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP little patience) (PP with (NP collective mediocrity))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP Sweden) (PP as (NP (NP a country) (PP of (NP (ADJP smug and narrow) provincialism)) , (ADJP indifferent (PP to (NP (NP the heroic spirit) (PP of (NP its former glory)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Strindberg 's) remedy) (PP for (NP this condition))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP tear (PRT down) (NP the old structures)) and (VP build (ADVP anew) (PP (PP from (NP the ground)) (ADVP up))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Heidenstam 's) conception) , (PP on (NP the contrary)) , (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP revive (NP the present) (PP by (NP (NP the memories) (PP of (NP the past)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Whether (FRAG (PP in (NP prose or poetry)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP (NP Heidenstam 's) later work))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP with (NP Sweden)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP the first) (PP of (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP historical novels))))) , (NP (NP (NP The Charles Men) -LRB- (NP Karolinerna) -RRB-) , (VP published (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP 1897-8))) ,))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP achieved (NP (NP the masterpiece) (PP of (NP his career)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP scope and power)) (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP can (ADVP only) (VP be (VP compared (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP Tolstoy 's) (NX-TTL War And Peace)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP About one-third) (PP as (ADJP long)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP less intimate and detailed) , but (ADJP (ADJP better coordinated) , (ADJP more concise) and (ADJP more dramatic)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP centers (PP around (NP (NP the (ADJP brilliant and enigmatic) figure) (PP of (NP Charles 12))))))) , , (NP-SBJ the true hero) (VP is not (ADVP finally) (NP-PRD (NP the king) (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (ADVP Hence) (NP (NP the title) (PP of (NP the book)) , (VP referring (PP to (NP (NP the soldiers and subjects) (PP of (NP the king))))))) ; ; (S (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the fatal battlefield) (PP of (NP Poltava)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP quote (PP from (NP the novel))))) , `` (NP-SBJ (NP the wreath) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP twined (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP himself)))))) (VP slipped (ADVP down) (PP upon (NP his people))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Charles Men) (VP consists (PP not (PP of (NP a connected narrative)) but (PP of (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP (NP short stories)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ each) (VP depicting (NP (NP a special phase) (PP of (NP the general subject)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Somewhat uneven (PP in (NP interest)) (PP for (NP an average reader)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (QP eight or ten)) (PP of (NP these))) (VP are (PP-PRD among (NP (NP the finest) (PP of (NP their kind)) (PP in (NP literature))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP comprise (NP (NP a great variety) (PP of (NP (NP scene and interest) : (NP (NP (NP grim episodes) (PP of (NP war))) , (NP idyllic interludes) , (NP (NP superb canvases) (PP of (NP world-shaking events))) , and (NP (NP (ADJP delightfully humorous) sketches) (PP of (NP odd characters)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The general effect) (VP is (ADJP-PRD tragic)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Almost nothing) (VP is (VP said (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP Charles ') spectacular victories)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the central theme) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP the heroic loyalty) (PP of (NP the Swedish people)) (PP to (NP their idolized king)) (PP in (NP misfortune and defeat))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP To (VP carry (PRT out) (NP this exalted conception)))) (NP-SBJ-2 the author) (VP has (VP (VP combined (NP (NP (NP the vivid realism) and (NP imaginative power)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP noticed (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP his early poetry)))))))) and (VP carried (NP them) (PRT out) (PP on (NP a grand scale))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His peculiar gift) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP had (VP been (VP suggested (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP before)))))) , (VP is (NP-PRD his intensity)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ George Meredith) (VP has (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ fervor) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the core) (PP of (NP style)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP Of (NP few authors)) (VP is) (NP-SBJ this) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more true) (PP than (PP of (NP Heidenstam)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Charles Men) (VP has (NP (NP a tremendous range) (PP of (NP characters)) , (PP of (NP (NP common folk) (ADVP (ADVP even more) (PP than (PP of (NP major figures)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The career) (PP of (NP Charles 12))) , (VP is (ADVP obviously) (ADJP-PRD very similar (PP to (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP Napoleon)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His ideal) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Alexander) (PP of (NP Macedon))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Napoleon 's) (VP was (NP-PRD Julius Caesar))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His purpose) , (ADVP however) , (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP not (VP to (VP establish (NP an empire))) , but (VP to (VP assert (NP (NP the principle) (PP of (NP divine justice)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Each) (VP aspired (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a god) (PP in (NP human form)))))))) , but (S (PP with (NP each)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a (NP different kind) (PP of (NP god))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Each) (VP failed (ADVP-MNR catastrophically) (PP in (NP (NP an invasion) (PP of (NP Russia)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ each) (VP brought (NP ruin) (PP on (NP (NP the country) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP worshipped (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Each) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (VP glorified (NP *-1) (PP as (NP a national hero)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The first half) (PP of (NP The Charles Men))) , (VP ending (PP on (NP (NP the climax) (PP of (NP (NP the battle) (PP of (NP Poltava)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1709))))))) ,) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP more dramatically) coherent) (PP than (NP the second)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP the collapse) (PP of (NP that (ADJP desperate and ill-fated) campaign)))) (NP-SBJ (NP the character) (PP of (NP the king))) (VP degenerated (PP for (NP a time)) (PP into (NP (NP a futility) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (CONJP not merely) pitiable (CONJP but often) ridiculous))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP Napoleon)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the worst) (PP of (NP losers)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are , (ADVP however) , (NP-PRD (NP some wonderful chapters) (VP *ICH*-1)) (PP at (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP the second part)))) , (VP-1 concerning (NP (NP the reactions) (PP of (NP the Swedes)) (PP in (NP adversity))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP (ADVP Then) (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (ADVP ever before)))) did (NP-SBJ they) (VP show (NP their (NX (NX fortitude) and (NX patient cheerfulness)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP comes (PRT out) (PP in (NP `` (NP-TTL When The Bells Ring) '' , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP describes (NP (NP the rallying) (PP of (NP the peasants)) (PP-LOC in (NP southern Sweden)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP repel (NP (NP an invasion) (PP by (NP the Danes))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In `` (NP-TTL (NP The King 's) Ride) '') , (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP (VP breaks (PP out (PP of (NP (NP a long period) (PP of (NP petulance and inertia)))))) , (VP regains (NP his old self)) , (VP escapes (PP from (NP Turkey))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP finally) reaches (NP his own land) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP an absence) (PP of (NP eighteen years)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP finds (NP it) (PP in (NP utter misery and desolation))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ his people) (VP ask (PP for (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD no more war)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP plunges (PP into (NP yet another))) , (FRAG (NP this time) (PP with (NP Norway))) , and (VP (VP is (VP killed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP an assault) (PP on (NP (NP the fortress) (PP of (NP Fredrikshall)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP (QP only thirty-six) years) (PP of (NP age))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP died (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD king) (PP at (NP fifteen)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a tremendous revulsion) (PP of (NP popular feeling)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD a hated tyrant and madman)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD (NP the symbol) (PP of (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD noblest and best) (PP in (NP (NP the history) (PP of (NP Sweden))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (VP brought (PRT out) (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP next (PP to (ADJP last))) chapter) (PP of (NP (NP the book) , (NP `` (NP-TTL (NP A Hero 's) Funeral) '' , (VP written (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the form) (PP of (NP an impassioned prose poem)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Slowly) (NP-SBJ (NP the procession) (PP of (NP warriors and statesmen))) (VP passes (PP (PP through (NP (NP the snow) (PP beside (NP the black water)))) and (PP into (NP (NP the (ADJP brilliantly lighted) cathedral) , (NP (NP the shrine) (PP of (NP (ADJP so many) precious memories))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The guns) (VP are (VP fired (NP *-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 the hymns) (VP are (VP sung (NP *-2)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the body) (PP of (NP Charles))) (VP is (VP (VP carried (NP *-3) (PP down (PP to (NP the vault)))) and (VP laid (NP *-3) (PP-LOC beside (NP (NP the tombs) (PP of (NP his ancestors)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP longed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP the echo) (PP of (NP a saga)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Heidenstam) (VP wrote (NP (NP four other works) (PP of (NP fiction)) (PP about (NP (NP earlier figures) (VP revered (NP *) (PP in (NP Swedish memory))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Excellent) (PP in (NP their way))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP lack (NP (NP the wide appeal) (PP of (NP The Charles Men)))) , and (VP (VP need not (VP detain (NP us) (ADVP-LOC here))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADJP-PRD different) (PP with (NP (NP his volume) (NP (NP (NP-TTL (NP The Swedes) And (NP Their Chieftains)) -LRB- (NP-TTL Svenskarna och deras Hovdingar) -RRB-) , (NP (NP a history) (UCP (VP intended (NP *) (PP for (NP the general reader))) and (ADJP particularly suited (PP for (NP high school students))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (ADVP Admirably) (VP written (NP *-1))) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a perfect introduction) (PP to (NP Swedish history))) (PP for (NP (NP readers) (PP of (NP other countries))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP the earlier episodes))) (VP have (NP (NP touches) (PP of (NP the supernatural))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP suited (PP to (NP the legendary background)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP are (ADJP-PRD suggestive (PP of (NP Selma Lagerlof)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-2 Especially touching) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP the chapter) , `` (NP-TTL The Little Sister) '' , (PP about (NP (NP (NP a king 's) daughter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP became (NP-PRD a nun) (PP in (NP (NP the convent) (PP of (NP St. Birgitta)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The record) (VP teems (PP with (NP romance and adventure))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gustaf Vasa) (VP is (NP-PRD-2 a superb example))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1 (NP Charles 10) , , (NP (NP the conqueror) (PP of (NP Denmark))) ,) (ADJP-PRD=2 hardly less so)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP (NP Gustavus Adolphus) and (NP Charles 12))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD unnecessary) (S-2 (NP *) (VP to (VP speak)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ the private detective) (VP will (ADVP also) (VP (VP investigate (NP insurance claims)) or (VP handle (NP divorce cases))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his primary function) (VP remains (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-3))))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assist (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (NP money))))) (PP in (NP (NP their unending struggle) (PP with (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP have not))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (PP-PRD from (NP this unpromising background)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the fictional private detective) (VP was (VP recruited (NP *-1) (ADVP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The mythological private eye) (VP differs (PP from (NP (NP his counterpart) (PP in (NP real life)))) (PP in (NP two essential ways))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the one hand)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP does not (VP work (PP for (NP a large agency)))) , but (VP is (ADVP-TMP almost always) (ADJP-PRD self-employed))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP a free-lance investigator)) , (NP-SBJ the fictional detective) (VP is (ADJP-PRD responsible (PP to (NP (NP no one) (PP but (NP (NP himself) and (NP his client))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP this reason)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP appears (PP as (NP (NP an (ADJP independent and self-reliant) figure) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose rugged individualism) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP need not (VP be (VP pressed (NP *-1) (PP into (NP (NP the mold) (PP of (NP a (NAC 9 (PP to (NP 5))) routine)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP On (NP the other hand)) , (NP-SBJ the fictional detective) (VP does not (VP (VP break (NP strikes)) or (VP handle (NP divorce cases))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ no client) (VP would (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP think (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP asking (NP him) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP such things)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (WHNP Whatever) (FRAG (NP his original assignment))) , (S (NP-SBJ the fictional private eye) (VP ends (PRT up) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP investigating and solving (NP (NP a crime) , (ADVP usually) (NP a murder))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Operating (PP as (NP a one man police force)))) (PP in (NP fact)) (SBAR-ADV if not (PP in (NP name))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP more independent) and (ADJP more dedicated)) (PP than (NP (NP the police) (NP themselves))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP catches (NP criminals) (SBAR-PRP (CONJP not merely) (SBAR because (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP is (VP paid (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (ADVP so))))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (ADVP-TMP frequently) (NP-SBJ he) (VP does not (VP receive (NP a fee) (ADVP at all)))) -RRB-))) , but (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP enjoys (NP his work)))) , (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP firmly) (VP believes (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 murder) (VP must (VP be (VP punished (NP *-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ the fictional detective) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP much more) (PP than (NP a simple businessman)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is , (ADVP first and foremost) , (NP-PRD (NP (NP a defender) (PP of (NP public morals))) , (NP (NP a servant) (PP of (NP society))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP this curious blend) (PP of (NP (NP rugged individualism) and (NP public service)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP accounts (PP for (NP (NP the great appeal) (PP of (NP the mythological detective)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP (NP virtue) (PP of (NP (NP his self-reliance) , (NP his individualism) and (NP (NP his freedom) (PP from (NP external restraint))))))) , (NP-SBJ the private eye) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a perfect embodiment) (PP of (NP (NP the middle class conception) (PP of (NP liberty)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP amounts (PP to (UCP (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP please (NP *T*-2))))))) and (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the devil) (VP take (NP the hindmost)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) , (SBAR-PRP (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ (NP the personal code) (PP of (NP the detective))) (VP coincides (PP with (NP (NP the legal dictates) (PP of (NP his society))))))) , (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP likes (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP catch (NP criminals)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (PP in (NP middle class eyes)) (NP-PRD a virtuous man)) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this way)) , (NP-SBJ the private detective) (VP gets (NP (NP the best) (PP of (NP two possible worlds)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an individualist) but not (NP an anarchist)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a public servant) but not (NP a cop)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (ADJP short)) , (NP-SBJ the fictional private eye) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a specialized version) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Adam Smith 's) ideal entrepreneur) , (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose private ambitions) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (ADVP-TMP always and everywhere) (VP promote (NP the public welfare)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the mystery story)) , (PP as (PP in (NP-TTL (NP The Wealth) (PP of (NP Nations))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP individualism) and (NP the social good)) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP two sides) (PP of (NP the same benevolent coin)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (QP only one) catch) (PP to (NP this idyllic arrangement))))) : (S (NP-SBJ Adam Smith) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wrong))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP Not only) (SINV did (NP-SBJ the ideal entrepreneur) not (VP produce (NP the greatest good) (PP for (NP the greatest number)))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ended (PP (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP destroying (NP himself)))) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP giving (NP birth) (PP to (NP monopoly capitalism)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The rise) (PP of (NP the giant corporations)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Western Europe) and (NP the United States)))) (VP dates (PP-TMP from (NP the period 1880-1900))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (INTJ Now) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ (NP the roots) (PP of (NP the mystery story)) (PP in (NP serious literature))) (VP go (ADVP back) (ADVP (ADVP as far) (PP as (NP Balzac , Dickens , and Poe)))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (PP-TMP-PRD until (NP (NP the closing decades) (PP of (NP the 19th century)))) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ the private detective) (VP became (NP-PRD an established figure) (PP in (NP popular fiction)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Sherlock Holmes) , (NP (NP the ancestor) (PP of (NP all private eyes))) ,) (VP was (VP born (NP *-1) (PP-TMP during (NP the 1890s)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ (NP the transformation) (PP of (NP (NP Adam Smith 's) ideal entrepreneur)) (PP into (NP a mythological detective))) (VP coincides (ADVP closely) (PP with (NP (NP the decline) (PP of (NP the real entrepreneur)) (PP in (NP economic life))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Driven (NP *-1) (PP from (NP the marketplace)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the course) (PP of (NP history)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 our hero) (VP disguises (NP himself) (PP as (NP a private detective))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The birth) (PP of (NP the myth))) (VP compensates (PP for (NP (NP the death) (PP of (NP the ideal))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Even) on (NP the fictional level)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the contradictions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP give (NP rise) (PP to (NP the mystery story)))))) (VP are not (ADVP fully) (VP resolved (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The (NX (NX individualism) and (NX public service))) (PP of (NP the private detective))) both (VP stem (PP from (NP (NP his dedication) (PP to (NP (NP a personal code) (PP of (NP conduct)))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP enforces (NP the law) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP told (NP *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (ADVP so)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The private eye) (VP is (ADVP therefore) (NP-PRD a moral man))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ his morality) (VP rests (PP upon (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP his society)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The basic premise) (PP of (NP all mystery stories))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the distinction) (PP between (ADJP good and bad))) (VP coincides (PP with (NP (NP the distinction) (PP between (ADJP legal and illegal)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Unfortunately) , (NP-SBJ-1 this assumption) (VP does not (ADVP-TMP always) (VP hold (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD good)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ capitalism) (PP-TMP in (NP the 20th century)) (VP has (VP become (ADJP-PRD increasingly dependent (PP upon (NP force and violence)) (PP for (NP its survival))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the private detective) (VP is (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP a serious dilemma)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD good)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP may not (VP be (ADJP-PRD legal)))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD legal)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP may not (VP be (ADJP-PRD good)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the gradual unfolding and deepening) (PP of (NP this contradiction)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP creates (NP (NP the inner dialectic) (PP of (NP (NP the evolution) (PP of (NP the mystery story)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP the advent) (PP of (NP (NP Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 's) Sherlock Holmes)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the development) (PP of (NP the modern private detective))) (VP begins) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Sherlock Holmes) (VP is not (NP-PRD merely an individualist))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD very close (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP being (NP-PRD a mental case))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A brief list) (PP of (NP (NP the great detective 's) little idiosyncrasies))) (VP would (VP provide (NP Dr. Freud) (PP with (NP (NP ample food) (PP for (NP thought)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Holmes) (VP is (VP addicted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP (NP cocaine) and (NP other refreshing stimulants)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD prone (PP to (NP (NP semi-catatonic trances) (VP induced (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the playing) (PP of (NP the vioiln)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a recluse) , (NP an incredible egotist) , (NP a confirmed misogynist)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Holmes) (VP rebels (PP against (NP (NP the social conventions) (PP of (NP his day)))) (PP not (PP on (NP moral (NX *RNR*-1))) (CONJP but rather) (PP on (NP aesthetic (NX *RNR*-1))) (NX-1 grounds))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eccentricity) (VP begins (PP as (NP (NP a defense) (PP against (NP boredom))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP avoid (NP (NP the stuffy routine) (PP of (NP middle class life))))))) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Holmes) (VP became (NP-PRD a detective) (PP in (NP the first place)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP informs (NP Watson)))) , `` (NP-SBJ-1 My life) (VP is (VP spent (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP one long effort) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP escape (PP from (NP (NP the commonplaces) (PP of (NP existence)))) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These little problems) (VP help (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP do (ADVP so))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Holmes) (VP is (NP-PRD a public servant) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure)))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the society) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP serves (NP *T*-1))))) (VP bores (NP him) (PP to (NP tears)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The curious relationship) (PP between (NP (NP Holmes) and (NP Scotland Yard)))) (VP provides (NP (NP an important clue) (PP to (NP (NP the deeper significance) (PP of (NP his eccentric behavior)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD perfectly willing (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cooperate (PP with (NP Scotland Yard))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Holmes) (VP has (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP contempt))) (PP for (NP (NP the intelligence and mentality) (PP of (NP the police))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (PP for (NP their part)) (VP are (VP convinced (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Holmes) (VP is (ADJP-PRD too `` unorthodox '' and `` theoretical '' (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP make (NP a good detective))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do (NP-SBJ the police) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ Holmes) `` (ADJP-PRD unorthodox) '') (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP (NP the face) (PP of (NP it)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP employs (NP (NP deductive techniques) (ADJP alien (PP to (NP official police routine)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Another , (ADJP more interesting) explanation ,) (VP is (VP hinted (PP at (NP *-1)) (PP by (NP-LGS Watson)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP observes (PP-TMP on (NP several occasions)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Holmes) (VP would (VP have (VP made (NP a magnificent criminal)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The great detective) (ADVP modestly) (VP agrees) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Watson 's) insight) (VP is (VP verified (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the mysterious link) (PP between (NP (NP Holmes) and (NP (NP his arch-opponent) , (NP Dr. Moriarty)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The two men) (VP resemble (NP each other) (ADVP closely) (PP in (NP (NP their cunning) , (NP their egotism) , (NP their relentlessness)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first series) (PP of (NP Sherlock Holmes adventures))) (VP ends (PP with (S (NP-SBJ Holmes and Moriarty) (VP grappling (ADVP together) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP a cliff)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP are (VP presumed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP plunged (PP to (NP a common grave)) (PP in (NP this fatal embrace)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Linked (PP to (NP Holmes)) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP death)))) , (NP-SBJ Moriarty) (VP represents (NP (NP (NP the alter-ego) (PP of (NP the great detective))) , (NP (NP the image) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ our hero) (VP might (VP have (VP become (NP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV (SINV were (NP-SBJ he) not (NP-PRD a public servant)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Just as (S (NP-SBJ (NP Holmes) (NP the eccentric)) (VP stands (PP behind (NP (NP Holmes) (NP the detective)))))) , (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ (NP Holmes) (NP the potential criminal)) (VP lurks (PP behind (NP both))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the modern English `` whodunnit '')) , (NP-SBJ (NP this insinuation) (PP of (NP (NP latent criminality) (PP in (NP (NP the detective) (NP himself)))))) (VP has (ADVP almost entirely) (VP disappeared)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Hercule Poirot) and (NP Lord Peter Whimsey)) -LRB- (NP (NP the respective creations) (PP of (NP (NP Agatha Christie) and (NP Dorothy Sayers)))) -RRB-) (VP have (VP retained (NP (NP (NP Holmes ') egotism) but not (NP (NP (NP his zest) (PP for (NP life))) and (NP eccentric habits))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Poirot) and (NP his counterparts)) (VP are (NP-PRD (ADJP perfectly respectable) people))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD extremely dull)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Their dedication) (PP to (NP the status quo))) (VP has (VP been (VP affirmed (NP *-1) (PP at (NP (NP the expense) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP fascinating but dangerous) individualism) (PP of (NP a Sherlock Holmes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The latter 's) real descendents) (VP were (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP root) (PP-LOC in (NP England)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP fled (PP from (NP the Victorian parlor))) and (VP made (NP their way) (PP across (NP the stormy Atlantic))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the American `` hardboiled '' detective story) (PP of (NP the '20s and '30s)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP (NP the mad genius) (PP from (NP Baker Street))))) (VP lives (ADVP on)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP Holmes)) , (NP-SBJ the American private eye) (VP rejects (NP (NP the social conventions) (PP of (NP his time)))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP unlike (NP Holmes)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP feels (S (NP-SBJ his society) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (CONJP not merely) dull (CONJP but also) corrupt))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Surrounded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS crime and violence)) (ADVP-LOC everywhere))) , (S (NP-SBJ the `` hardboiled '' private eye) (VP can (VP retain (NP his purity) (PP (ADVP only) through (NP (NP a life) (PP of (NP self-imposed isolation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His alienation) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP far more) acute) (PP than (NP Holmes '))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD not (NP an eccentric) (CONJP but rather) (NP an outcast)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP Rex Stout 's) Nero Wolfe)) , (NP-SBJ-1 alienation) (VP is (VP represented (NP *-1) (PP on (NP a (ADJP purely physical) plane)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Wolfe) (VP (VP refuses (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP leave (NP his own house))))) , and (VP spends (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP his time))) (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP drinking (NP beer))) and (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP playing (PP with (NP orchids))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 (ADJP More profound) and (ADJP more disturbing)) , (ADVP however) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the moral isolation) (PP of (NP (NP Raymond Chandler 's) Philip Marlowe))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP a society) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP is (PP-PRD for (NP sale)) (ADVP *T*-3)))))) , (NP-SBJ Marlowe) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the only man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP can not (VP be (VP bought (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His tough honesty) (VP condemns (NP him) (PP to (NP a (ADJP solitary and difficult) existence))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Beaten , bruised and exhausted (NP *-1))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP pursues (NP the elusive killer) (PP through (NP (NP the demi-monde) (PP of (NP (NP high society) and (NP low morals))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-PRP always) (ADJP-PRD alone)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP despised (NP *-3)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP the end)) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gets (NP his man))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 no one) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP care)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ virtue) (VP is (NP-PRD its (ADJP own and only) reward))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A similar tone) (PP of (NP underlying futility and despair))) (VP (VP pervades (NP (NP the spy thrillers) (PP of (NP Eric Ambler)))) and (VP dominates (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP most famous)) (PP of (NP all American mystery stories))) , (NP (NP Dashiell Hammett 's) (NX-TTL The Maltese Falcon))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Sam Spade) (VP joins (NP forces) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a band) (PP of (NP adventurers))) (PP in (NP (NP search) (PP of (NP (NP a priceless jeweled statue) (PP of (NP a falcon)))))))))) ; ; but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the bird) (VP is (VP found (NP *-1) (PP-TMP at (ADJP last)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP turns (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a fake)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ the detective) (VP must (VP save (NP his own skin) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP informing (PP on (NP (NP the girl) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP loves (NP *T*-2)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP also) (NP-PRD the real murderer))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP For (NP Sam Spade)) , (NP-SBJ neither crime nor virtue) (VP pays)) ; ; (S (ADVP moreover) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD increasingly difficult) (S-3 (NP *) (VP to (VP distinguish (PP between (NP the two))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Because (S (NP-SBJ-1 the private eye) (VP intends (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP save (NP society) (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP himself)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP invariably) (VP finds (NP himself) (PP in (NP (NP trouble) (PP with (NP the police))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The latter) (VP are (ADJP-PRD either (ADJP too stupid (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP catch (NP the killer))))) or (ADJP too corrupt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP care)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP either case)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP do not (VP appreciate (NP (NP the private detective 's) zeal))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Perry Mason) and (NP Hamilton Burger)) , (NP (NP Nero Wolfe) and (NP Inspector Cramer))) (VP spend (NP (NP more time) (PP *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP fighting (NP each other))) (PP-2 than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP for (NP the criminal))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Frequently enough) , (NP-SBJ the police) (VP are (NP-ADV themselves) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP league) (PP with (NP the killer)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dashiell Hammett 's) (NX-TTL Red Harvest)) (VP provides (NP (NP a classic example) (PP of (NP this theme))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the police) (VP are (ADJP-PRD honest) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP do not (VP trust (NP the private eye))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is , (PP like (NP Phillip Marlowe)) , (ADJP-PRD too alienated (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD reliable))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Finally) , (PP in (NP (NP-TTL The Maltese Falcon) (PP among (NP others)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the clash) (PP between (NP detective and police))) (VP is (VP carried (NP *-1) (PP to (NP its logical conclusion))))) : (S (NP-SBJ Sam Spade) (VP becomes (NP-PRD the chief murder suspect))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP In order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP exonerate (NP himself))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP is (VP compelled (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP the real criminal) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP happens (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD his girl friend))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD only a vague suspicion) (PP in (NP (NP the case) (PP of (NP Sherlock Holmes))))))) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP appears (PP as (NP a direct accusation)))) : (S (NP-SBJ the private eye) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (NP danger) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP turning (PP into (NP his opposite))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the growing contradiction) (PP between (NP (NP individualism) and (NP public service))) (PP in (NP the mystery story))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP creates (NP this fatal dilemma))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP upholding (NP (NP his own personal code) (PP of (NP behavior)))))) , (NP-SBJ the private detective) (VP has (VP placed (NP himself) (PP in (NP (NP opposition) (PP to (NP (NP a society) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose fabric) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP permeated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP crime and corruption)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That society) (VP responds (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP condemning (NP the private eye) (PP as (NP (NP (NP a threat) (PP to (NP the status quo))) , (NP a potential criminal))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the detective) (VP insists (PP upon (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP retaining (NP his personal standards))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (ADVP-TMP now) (VP do (ADVP so) (PP in (NP (NP conscious defiance) (PP of (NP his society)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP must , (PP in (ADJP short)) , (VP (VP cease (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a detective))))) and (VP become (NP-PRD a rebel)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the other hand)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wishes (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP continue (PP in (NP his chosen profession)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP (VP abandon (NP his own code)) and (VP sacrifice (NP his precious individualism)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dashiell Hammett) (VP resolved (NP this contradiction) (PP by (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP ceasing (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write (NP mystery stories))))) and (VP turning (PP to (NP other pursuits)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His successors) (VP have (VP adopted (NP the opposite alternative))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP In order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP save (NP the mystery story))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP converted (NP the private detective) (PP into (NP an organization man)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The first) (PP of (NP (NP two possible variations) (PP on (NP this theme))))) (VP is (VP symbolized (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Mickey Spillane 's) Mike Hammer)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP first glance)) , (NP-SBJ-1 this hero) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP more (CONJP rather than) less) (PP of (NP an individualist)) (PP than (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP his predecessors))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP Hammer)) , (NP-SBJ-1 nothing) (VP is (VP forbidden (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP kills (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP pleases (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (VP takes (NP his women) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP finds (NP them) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP always) acts (PP as (NP (NP judge , jury and executioner) (VP rolled (NP *) (PP into (NP one))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP will (VP be (VP shown (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the objectives) (PP of (NP (NP the cooperative people) (PP in (NP an organization))))) (VP determine (NP (NP (NP the type) (PP of (NP network))) (VP required (NP *)))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP the type) (PP of (NP network))) (VP functions (PP according (PP to (NP (NP the characteristics) (PP of (NP (NP the messages) (VP enumerated (NP *) (PP in (NP Table 1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Great stress) (VP is (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP the role) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the monitoring) (PP of (NP information sending))) (VP plays (NP *T*-2) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP maintaining (NP (NP the effectiveness) (PP of (NP the network))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP monitoring)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP mean (NP (NP some system) (PP of (NP (NP control) (PP over (NP (NP the types) (PP of (NP (NP information) (VP sent (NP *) (PP from (NP the various centers))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP a word) (PP of (NP caution)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP actual practice)) (NP-SBJ no message) (VP is (ADVP purely) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the four types) , (NP question , command , statement , or exclamation)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (PP For (NP example)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a man) (VP (VP wearing (NP a (NP $ 200 *U*) watch)) , (VP driving (NP a 1959 Rolls Royce)) ,)) (VP stops (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ask (NP (NP a man) (PP on (NP the sidewalk))) , `` (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What time) (SQ is (NP-PRD *T*-2) (NP-SBJ it))) '' ? ?))))))))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This sentence) (VP would (VP have (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the characteristics) (PP of (NP a question)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the characteristics) (PP of (NP a statement))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ the questioner) (VP has (VP conveyed (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP no faith) (PP in (NP (NP his own timepiece) or (NP (NP the one) (VP attached (NP *) (PP to (NP his car)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP the man) (PP on (NP the sidewalk))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD surprised (PP at (NP this question)))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP served (PP as (NP an exclamation)))) .)) (TOP (S Also , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ (NP the man) (VP questioned (NP *))) (VP feels (NP-PRD a strong compulsion (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP answer) -LRB- and (VP (ADVP thereby) avoid (NP (NP the consequences) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD queer)))))))) -RRB-))))))) (NP-SBJ the question) (VP has (VP assumed (NP (NP some measurable properties) (PP of (NP a command))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (PP for (NP convenience)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP will (VP stick (PP to (NP the idea (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 information) (VP can (VP be (VP classified (NP *-1) (PP according (PP to (NP Table 1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP this basis)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP certain extreme kinds) (PP of (NP networks))) (VP will (VP be (VP discussed (NP *-1) (PP for (NP illustrative purposes))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Networks) (VP illustrating (NP (NP some special types) (PP of (NP organization))))) (NP the cocktail party) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Presumably) (NP-SBJ-3 a cocktail party) (VP is (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP fulfill (NP (NP the host 's) desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP get (ADVP together) (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (ADVP inadequately) (VP acquainted (NP *-1))))))))) and (VP (ADVP thereby) arrange (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP bringing (NP (NP the level) (PP of (NP acquaintance))) (PP up (PP to (NP (NP adequacy)))) (PP for (NP future cooperative endeavors))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The party) (VP is (ADVP-TMP usually) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP a room) (ADJP small enough (SBAR so that (S (NP-SBJ all guests) (VP are (PP-PRD within (NP (NP sight and hearing) (PP of (NP one another))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The information) (VP (VP is (VP furnished (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP each) (PP of (NP the guests)))))) , (VP is (VP sent (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP oral broadcasting) (PP over (NP the air waves)))))) , and (VP is (VP received (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the ears))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ the air) (VP is (NP-PRD a continuum)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the network) (PP of (NP communication))) (VP remains (ADJP-PRD intact) (ADVP regardless (PP of (NP (NP the positions or motions) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the points) -LRB- (NP the people) -RRB-) (PP in (NP the net)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP shown (NP *-1) (PP in (NP Figure 1))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a connection) (PP for (NP (NP communication) (PP between (NP (NP every pair) (PP of (NP points)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This) , and (NP other qualifications) ,) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the cocktail party) (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP (ADJP most complete) and (ADJP most chaotic)) communication system) (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) dreamed (NP *) (PRT up))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP All four types) (PP of (NP message))) (VP listed (NP *) (PP in (NP Table 1)))) (VP are (VP permitted (NP *-1) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ (NP decorum) and (NP cocktail tradition)) (VP require (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP holding (NP the commands) (PP to (NP a minimum))))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP exclamations) (VP having (NP complimentary intonations))) (VP are (VP (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (ADVP customarily))) encouraged (NP *-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The completeness) (PP of (NP the connections))) (VP provide (SBAR that , (S (PP for (NP N people)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP A[fj] lines) (PP of (NP communication)) (PP between (NP the pairs)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a large number) -LRB- (NP 1,225) -RRB-) (PP for (NP (NP a party) (PP of (NP fifty guests))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Looking (PP at (NP the diagram)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ A[fj] connection lines) (VP come (PP in (PP to (NP each member))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ-1 the cocktail party) (VP would (VP appear (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD the ideal system))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD one weakness))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP (NP the dreams) (PP of (NP the host)) (PP for (NP (NP oneness) (PP in (NP the group)))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the A[fj] incoming messages) (PP for (NP each guest))) (VP overload (NP his receiving system) (PP beyond (NP comprehension)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ N) (VP exceeds (NP about six))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The crowd) (ADVP consequently) (VP breaks (PRT up) (PP into (NP (NP temporary groups) (VP ranging (PP in (NP size)) (PP (PP from (NP two)) (PP to (NP six)))))) , (PP with (NP (NP a half-life) (PP for (NP the cluster)) (VP ranging (PP (PP from (NP three)) (PP to (NP twenty minutes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP (NP the occasion) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP knows (NP everyone else)) and (S (NP-SBJ the host) (VP wishes (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP to (VP meet (NP (QP one or a few) honored newcomers)))))) (PP *T*-1)))))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ the `` open house '' system) (VP is (ADJP-PRD advantageous) (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ the honored guests) (VP are (NP-PRD fixed connective points))) and (S (NP-SBJ the drifting guests) (VP make and break (NP connections) (PP-LOC at (NP the door))))))) .)) (TOP (NP The rural community .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP consider (NP a rural community) (PP as (NP (NP an assemblage) (PP of (NP inhabited dwellings)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose configuration) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP determined (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the location and size) (PP of (NP (NP the arable land sites) (ADJP necessary (PP for (NP family subsistence)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP assume (PP for (NP this illustration)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the size) (PP of (NP the land plots))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so great) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the distance) (PP between (NP dwellings))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP greater) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ the voice) (VP can (VP carry)))))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP the communication))) (VP is (PP-PRD between (NP nearest neighbors)) (ADVP only) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP shown (NP *-1) (PP in (NP Figure 2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Information) (PP beyond (NP nearest neighbor))) (VP is (VP carried (NP *-1) (ADVP second - , third - , and fourth-hand) (PP as (NP a distortable rumor)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP Figure 2)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the points) (PP in (NP the network))) (VP are (VP designated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a letter) (VP accompanied (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a number))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The numbers) (VP indicate (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP nearest neighbors)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP will (VP be (VP noted (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ point f) (VP has (NP seven nearest neighbors))) , (S (NP-SBJ h and e) (VP have (NP six))) , and (S (NP-SBJ p) (VP has (NP only one))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ the remaining points) (VP have (NP intermediate numbers))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP any social system) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ communications) (VP have (NP (NP an importance) (ADJP comparable (PP with (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP production) and (NP other human factors))))))) (PP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a point) (PP like (NP f)) (PP in (NP Figure 2))) (VP would (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ other things) (VP being (ADJP-PRD equal))) -RRB-) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the dwelling place) (PP for (NP the community leader))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ e and h) (VP would (VP house (NP the (ADJP next most important) citizens))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A point) (PP like (NP p))) (VP gets (NP information) (PP (ADVP directly) from (NP n)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all information) (PP beyond (NP n))) (VP is (ADVP indirectly) (VP relayed (NP *-1) (PP through (NP n))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The dweller) (PP at (NP p))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP last) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP hear (PP about (NP a new cure)))))) , (NP (NP the slowest) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP announce (PP to (NP his neighbors)) (NP his urgent distresses)))))) , (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP goes (NP-EXT the farthest) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP trade))))))) , and (NP (NP the one) (PP with (NP (NP the greatest difficulty) (PP of (NP all)) (PP in (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP putting (PP over (NP an idea))) or (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP to (VP join (NP him) (PP in (NP a cooperative effort))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ (NP the hazards) (PP of (NP poor communication))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD so great)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 p) (VP can (VP be (VP justified (NP *-1) (PP as (NP a habitable site)) (PP (ADVP only) on (NP (NP the basis) (PP of (NP (NP unusual productivity) (PP such as (S (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP is (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD available)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP a waterfall) (PP for (NP milling purposes))) , (NP a mine) , or (NP a sugar maple camp)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Location theorists) (VP have (VP given (NP these matters) (NP much consideration))) .)) (TOP (NP Military organizations .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The networks) (PP for (NP military communications))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the best examples) (PP of (NP (NP networks) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (CONJP not only) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP must (VP be (VP changed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the changes) (PP in (NP objectives)))))))) (CONJP but also) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP must (VP be (VP changed (NP *-2) (PP with (NP (NP the addition) (PP of (NP (NP new machines) (PP of (NP war)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP also) (VP furnish (NP proof (SBAR that , (S (PP in (NP modern war)) , (NP-SBJ-1 message sending) (VP must (VP be (VP monitored (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (NP monitoring)) , (NP-SBJ a military hookup) (VP becomes (NP-PRD a noisy party)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The need) (PP for (NP monitoring))) (VP became (ADJP-PRD greater) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 radio) (VP was (VP adopted (NP *-1) (PP for (NP military signaling)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP Alexander the Great) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP used (NP runners) (PP as (NP message carriers))))) ,) (VP did not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP worry (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP having (S (NP-SBJ (NP every officer) (PP in (NP his command))) (VP hear (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-2))))))) and (VP having (NP (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP them))) (VP comment (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (S (NP-SBJ time) (VP has (VP passed))) and (S (NP-SBJ science) (VP has (VP progressed))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the speed) (PP of (NP military vehicles))) (VP has (VP increased))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the range) (PP of (NP missiles))) (VP has (VP been (VP extended (NP *-1))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the use) (PP of (NP (NP target-hunting noses) (PP on (NP the projectiles))))) (VP has (VP been (VP adopted (NP *-2))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the range and breadth) (PP of (NP message sending))) (VP has (VP increased))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Next (PP to (NP (NP the old problem) (PP of (NP (NP the slowness) (PP of (NP decision making))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 network structure) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD paramount)))))) , and (S (PP without (NP monitoring)) (NP-SBJ no network) (VP has (NP value))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the parade ground)) (NP-SBJ the net) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD similar (PP to (NP (NP that) (VP shown (NP *) (PP in (NP Figure 3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The monitoring) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP (ADJP highest) and (ADJP most restrictive))) (PP of (NP (NP any organization) (PP in (NP existence)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP No questions , statements , or explanations) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP are (VP permitted (NP *-2))) -- (NP-1 only commands) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Commands) (VP go (ADVP only) (PP (PP from (NP an officer)) (PP to (NP (NP the man) (PP of (NP nearest lower rank)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The same command) (VP is (VP repeated (NP *-1) (NP-TMP (NP (ADJP as many) times) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP levels) (PP in (NP rank)) (PP (PP from (NP general)) (PP to (NP corporal)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All orders) (VP (VP originate (PP with (NP (NP the officer) (PP of (NP highest rank))))) and (VP terminate (PP with (NP (NP action) (PP of (NP (NP the men) (PP in (NP the ranks)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Even the officer) (PP in (NP charge))) (PRN , (SBAR-ADV (SINV be (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD (NP (NP a captain) -LRB- (PP for (NP small display)) -RRB-) or (NP a general)))) ,) (VP is (VP restrained (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS monitoring)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP is (VP done (NP *-1) (UCP (PP for (NP (NP simplicity) (PP of (NP commands)))) and (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bring (NP the hidden redundancy) (PP up (PP to (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ misunderstanding) (VP has (NP almost zero possibility) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-4 The commands) (VP (VP are (VP specified (NP *-4) (PP by (NP-LGS the military regulations)))) ; ; (VP are (UCP-PRD (NP (NP few) (PP in (NP number))) , (VP (ADVP-MNR briefly) worded (NP *-4)) , (ADJP all different (PP in (NP sound))))) ; ; and (VP are (ADJP-PRD combinable (PP into (NP (NP sequences) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP permit (NP (NP any marching maneuver) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP could (VP be (VP desired (NP *-1))))))) (PP on (NP a parade ground)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This monitoring) (VP is (ADJP-PRD necessary) (SBAR-PRP because , (S (S (PP-LOC on (NP a parade ground)) , (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP can (VP hear (NP too much)))) , and (S (PP without (NP monitoring)) (NP-SBJ a confused social event) (VP would (VP develop)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP troops) (VP dispersed (NP *) (PP (PP on (NP (NP fields) (PP of (NP battle)))) (CONJP rather than) (PP on (NP the parade ground)))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP may (VP seem (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a certain amount) (PP of (NP monitoring))) (VP is (ADVP automatically) (VP enforced (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the lines) (PP of (NP communication)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Years) ago) (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (ADJP-PRD true))) , but (S (S (PP with (NP the replacement (PP of (NP wires or runners)) (PP by (NP radio and radar -LRB- and perhaps television -RRB-)))) , (NP-SBJ these restrictions) (VP have (VP disappeared))) and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (ADVP again) (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP too much)) (VP is (VP heard (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP contrast) (PP to (NP cocktail parties)))) , (NP-SBJ military organizations) , (PP (ADVP even) in (NP the field)) , (VP are (ADJP-PRD more formal)) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the (ADJP extreme and oversimplified) example) (VP suggested (NP *) (PP in (NP Figure 3))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the organization) (VP is (UCP (VP (ADVP more easily) understood (NP *-1)) and (ADJP-PRD more predictable (PP in (NP behavior))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A military organization) (VP has (NP (NP an objective) (VP chosen (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the higher command))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This objective) (VP is (VP adhered (PP to (NP *-1)) (PP-TMP throughout (NP (NP the duration) (PP of (NP the action)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The connective system) , or (NP network) ,) (VP is (VP tailored (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet (NP (NP the requirements) (PP of (NP the objective))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADVP therefore) (ADJP-PRD not surprising) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a military body) (VP acting (PP as (NP a single coordinated unit)))) (VP has (NP (NP a different communication network) (PP than (NP (NP a factory) , (NP a college) , or (NP a rural village))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The assumptions) (SBAR (WHPP-7 upon (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the example) (VP shown (NP *) (PP in (NP Figure 3)))) (VP is (VP based (NP *-1) (PP *T*-7)))))) (VP are : (S-PRD (S (LST -LRB- A -RRB-) (NP-SBJ One man) (VP can (VP direct (NP about six subordinates) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 the subordinates) (VP are (VP chosen (NP *-2) (ADVP-MNR carefully) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do not (VP need (NP (ADJP too much) personal coaching , indoctrinating , etc.)))))))))))) . (S (LST -LRB- B -RRB-) (NP-SBJ A message) (VP runs (NP (NP (ADJP too great) a risk) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP being (VP distorted (NP *-3)))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-4 *) (VP to (VP be (VP relayed (NP *-4) (NP-ADV (QP more than about six) consecutive times)))))))))) . (S (LST -LRB- C -RRB-) (NP-SBJ-5 (NP Decisions) (PP of (NP a general kind))) (VP are (VP made (NP *-5) (PP by (NP-LGS the central command))))) . And (S (LST -LRB- D -RRB-) (NP-SBJ-6 (NP all action) (PP of (NP a physical kind)) (ADJP pertinent (PP to (NP the mission)))) (VP is (VP relegated (NP *-6) (PP to (NP (NP the line) (PP of (NP (NP men) (PP on (NP the lower rank))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These assumptions) (VP lead (PP to (NP (NP an organization) (PP with (NP (NP (NP one man) (PP at (NP the top))) , (NP (NP six) (PP (ADVP directly) under (NP him))) , (NP (NP six) (PP under (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP these))))) , and (ADVP-ETC so on))))) (SBAR-ADV until (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP six levels) (PP of (NP personnel))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The number) (PP of (NP (NP people) (VP acting (PP as (NP one body)) (PP by (NP this scheme)))))) (VP gives (NP (NP a (ADJP surprisingly large) army) (PP of (NP 55,987 men)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This organizational network) (VP would (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP no avail)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP no regulations) (VP pertaining (PP to (NP (NP (NP the types) (PP of (NP message))) (VP sent (NP *))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP (NP types) (PP of (NP message)) (VP listed (NP *) (PP in (NP Table 1))))) , (NP-SBJ commands and statements) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the only ones) (VP sent (NP *) (PP through (NP (NP the vertical network) (VP shown (NP *) (PP in (NP Figure 3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A further regulation) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 commands) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP go (PRT down) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unaccompanied (PP by (NP statements)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 statements) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP go (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD unaccompanied (PP by (NP commands))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Questions) and , (ADVP particularly) , (NP exclamations)) (VP (VP are (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP channeled (NP *-1) (PP along (NP (NP informal , horizontal lines) (VP not indicated (NP *) (PP in (NP Figure 3))))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP seldom) are (VP carried (NP *-1) (PP beyond (NP the nearest neighbor))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP will (ADVP readily) (VP be (VP seen (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP (NP this suggested network) -LRB- (ADJP not materially different (PP from (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the networks) (RRC (PP-PRD in (NP vogue)) (NP-TMP today))))))) -RRB-)) (NP-SBJ-4 (NP greater emphasis) (PP on (NP monitoring)) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP is (VP implied (NP *-4) (SBAR-1 than (S (NP-SBJ-5 *) (VP is (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP put (NP *-5) (PP into (NP practice))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Furthermore) , (NP-SBJ (NP the network) (PP in (NP Figure 3))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP only the basic net) (SBAR (WHPP-2 through (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP other networks) (VP pertaining (PP to (NP (NP logistics) and (NP the like))))) (VP are (VP interlaced (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-1 Not discussed (NP *-2) (ADVP-LOC here)) (VP are (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (NP some military problems) (PP of (NP modern times))) (PP such as (NP undersea warfare)) , (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the surveillance , sending , transmitting , and receiving)) (VP are all (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so inadequate) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP networks) and (NP decision making)) (VP are not (NP-PRD the bottlenecks))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such problems) (VP (VP are (PP-PRD of (NP (NP extreme interest) (CONJP as well as) (NP importance)))) and (VP are (ADVP (ADVP so much) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP-PRD like (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP fighting (PP in (NP a rain forest)))) or (NP (NP guerrilla warfare) (PP at (NP night)) (PP in (NP tall grass))))) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP might (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP re-examine (NP primitive conflicts) (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP teach (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A team) (PP for (NP useful research)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an unsolved problem) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (ADVP probably) (VP has (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (ADVP seriously) (VP investigated (NP *-1))))))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ one) (ADVP-TMP frequently) (VP hears (NP the comment (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP insufficient specialists) (PP of (NP (NP the kind) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP can (VP (VP compete (PP-4 with (NP the Germans or Swiss)) , (PP for (NP example)) , (PP-5 in (NP (NP precision machinery) and (NP mathematics)))) , or (VP (NP=4 the Finns) (PP=5 in (NP geochemistry)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP hear (NP (NP (ADJP equally fervent) concern) (PP over (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP not enough) generalists) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP (VP see (NP the over-all picture)) and (VP combine (NP our national skills and knowledge) (PP for (NP useful purposes))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP This problem) (PP of (NP (NP the optimum balance) (PP in (NP (NP the relative numbers) (PP of (NP generalists and specialists))))))) (VP can (VP be (VP investigated (NP *-1) (PP on (NP a communicative network basis))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ (NP the difficulty) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP drawing (NP the net))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD great)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP will (ADVP merely) (VP discuss (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP First) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a pure specialist) (VP does not (VP exist))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (PP for (NP practical purposes)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP can (VP be (VP considered (NP *-1) (PP as (ADJP such))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP example)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP persons) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP are (PP (PP in (NP physical science)) , (PP in (NP (NP the field) (PP of (NP mineralogy))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP trained (NP *-5) (PP in (NP crystallography)))) ,))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-6 *T*-2) (VP use (NP only X-rays) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP applying (NP (NP only the powder technique) (PP of (NP X-ray diffraction))) , (PP to (NP clay minerals only))))))) , and (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ-7 *T*-3) (VP have (VP spent (NP the last fifteen years) (S (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP concentrating (PP on (NP the montmorillonites)))))))))) ; ; or (NP (NP persons) (PP (PP in (NP the social sciences)) (PP in (NP (NP the field) (PP of (NP anthropology))))) , (VP studying (NP (NP the lung capacity) (PP of (NP seven Andean Indians))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ we) (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a specialist) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP knows (NP more and more) (PP about (NP less and less)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP develops))))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP contrasted (NP *-3) (PP to (NP (NP the generalist) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP knows (NP less and less) (PP about (NP more and more)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ American democratic thought) , (VP pointed (PRT up) (NP (NP the relation) (PP between (NP (NP (NP the Protestant movement) (PP in (NP this country))) and (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP (NP a social religion) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD the American Democratic Faith)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (ADJP familiar (PP with (NP his work)))) (VP will (VP remember (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP placed (NP (NP the incipience) (PP of (NP the democratic faith))) (PP-TMP at (NP around 1850))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP describes (NP it) (PP as (NP (NP a balanced polarity) (PP between (NP (NP the notions) (PP of (NP (NP the free individual) and (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD the fundamental law)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP (NP more) (PP about (NP (NP Gabriel 's) so-called fundamental law))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP first) (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP quote (NP him) (PP on (NP (NP the relationship) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP *T*-2) (PP between (NP (NP (NP religion and politics) (PP in (NP this country))) and (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP it)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP points (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP (PP from (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP Jackson)))) (PP on (PP through (NP World War 1)))) , , (NP-SBJ evangelical Protestantism) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a dominant influence) (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP social and political) life) (PP of (NP America))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP terms (S (NP-SBJ this early enthusiasm) `` (NP-PRD Romantic Christianity) '')) and (VP concludes (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP its similarity) (PP to (NP (NP democratic beliefs) (PP of (NP that day))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so great) (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP the doctrine) (PP of (NP liberty))) (VP seems (NP-PRD (NP but a secular version) (PP of (NP (NP its counterpart) (PP in (NP evangelical Protestantism))))))) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP quote (NP him) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP even more) fully))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ his analysis) (VP is (ADJP-PRD important (PP to (NP my theme))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP says : `` (SINV (PP-TPC-4 beside (NP (NP the Protestant philosophy) (PP of (NP Progress)) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP expressed (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (ADJP radical or conservative) millenarianism))))) ,)) should (VP be (VP placed (NP *-3) (PP *T*-4))) (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the doctrine) (PP of (NP (NP the democratic faith) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP affirmed (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-5)) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the duty) (PP of (NP (NP the destiny) (PP of (NP the United States))))) (S-5 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assist (PP in (NP (NP the creation) (PP of (NP a better world)))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (S (VP lighted (NP *-6)) (NP-SBJ-6 (NP the beacon) (PP of (NP democracy)))))))))))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP specifies , `` (S (S (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the middle period) (PP of (NP the Nineteenth Century)))) (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP colored (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Christian supernaturalism))))) , (S (PP-TMP in (NP the Twentieth Century)) (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (VP affected (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS naturalism))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-TMP in (NP every period)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD humanism '' . And (PRN (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP add))))) , utopianism ,) (ADVP also))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP Some fourteen or fifteen) years) ago) , (PP in (NP (NP an essay) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD (S-TTL (NP-SBJ The Leader) (VP Follows -- (FRAG (WHNP Where ? ?))))))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP used (NP his polarity) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP illustrate (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP happened (PP to (NP us)) (PP in (NP (NP that form) (PP of (NP liberalism)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP call (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD Progressivism))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the liberals) (VP had (VP (VP scrapped (NP the balanced polarity)) and (VP reposed (NP both (NP liberty) and (NP the fundamental law)) (PP in (NP the common man)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Gabriel 's) fundamental law) (VP had (VP been (ADVP so much) (VP modified (NP *-1) (PP-TMP by (NP this time)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (UCP-PRD neither (ADJP fundamental) nor (NP law)) (ADVP-TMP any more))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a weakness) (PP of (NP (NP Gabriel 's) analysis))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 his so-called fundamental law) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP been (VP cut (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD loose) (PP from (NP its foundations))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP was (VP adapted (NP *-3) (PP to (NP democracy)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP with (NP Progressivism)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the Religion) (PP of (NP Humanity))) (VP was (VP replacing (NP *-2) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Gabriel) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD Christian supernaturalism))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ the common man) (VP was (VP developing (NP (NP mythic power) , or (NP charisma) ,) (PP on (NP his own)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the decade) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP followed))))) , (NP-SBJ the common man) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ that piece) (VP put (NP it)))) , (VP (VP grew (ADJP-PRD uncomfortable) (PP as (NP (NP the Voice) (PP of (NP God))))) and (VP fled (PP from (PP behind (NP Saint Woodrow -LRB- Wilson -RRB-)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP learn (PP from (NP Science)) , (PP to (NP his shocked relief)) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (PP after (NP all)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no God) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP speak (PP for (NP *T*-4)))))))))))) and (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD just an animal) (ADVP anyhow)))) -- (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a chemical formula (PP for (NP him)))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 too much) (VP could n't (VP be (VP expected (NP *-1) (PP of (NP him)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The socialism) (ADJP implicit (PP in (NP (NP the slogan) (PP of (NP the Roosevelt Revolution)))))) , (NP (NP freedom) (PP from (NP want and fear))) ,) (VP seems (NP-PRD (NP a far cry) (PP from (NP (NP the individualism) (PP (PP of (NP (NP the First Amendment) (PP to (NP the Constitution)))) , or (PP of (NP the Jacksonian frontier))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened (PP to (NP the common man))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ French Egalitarianism) (VP had (VP had (NP (ADJP only nominal) influence) (PP-LOC in (NP this country)) (PP-TMP before (NP (NP the days) (PP of (NP Popularism)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The riotous onrush) (PP of (NP industrialism)) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the War) (PP for (NP Southern Independence))))) and (NP (NP the general secular drift) (PP to (NP (NP the Religion) (PP of (NP Humanity)))))) , (ADVP however) , (VP prepared (NP the way) (PP for (NP (NP a reception) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the French Revolution 's) socialistic offspring) (PP of (NP (NP one sort) (PP of (NP another))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 (NP The first) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP find (NP important place) (PP in (NP our federal government)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD the graduated income tax) (PP under (NP Wilson))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) (NP-ADV (NP (NP the centralization) (PP of (NP our economy)) (PP-TMP during (NP the 1920s))) , (NP (NP the dislocations) (PP of (NP the Depression))) , (NP (NP the common ethos) (PP of (NP Materialism)) (ADVP-LOC everywhere)) ,) (NP-SBJ all) (VP contributed (PP in (NP various ways)) (PP to (NP (NP the face-lifting) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP replaced (NP (NP Mike Fink) and (NP the Great Gatsby)) (PP with (NP (NP the anonymous physiognomy) (PP of (NP the Little People)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD important) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP trace (NP (NP the philosophy) (PP of (NP the French Revolution))) (PP to (NP its sources)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP understand (NP (NP (NP the common democratic origin) (PP of (NP individualism and socialism))) and (NP (NP the influence) (PP of (NP the latter)) (PP on (NP the former))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (SBAR-TPC-1 That (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP John Locke 's) philosophy) (PP of (NP the social contract))) (VP fathered (NP the American Revolution) (PP with (NP (NP its Declaration) (PP of (NP Independence))))))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP generally) (VP accept (SBAR *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-1 Yet , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP had (VP given (NP the social contract) (NP a new twist) (PP with (NP (NP his notion) (PP of (NP the General Will)))))))) , (NP-SBJ the same philosophy) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP may (VP be (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))))) ,) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP the idea source) (PP of (NP the French Revolution))) (ADVP also)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The importance) (PP of (NP (NP Rousseau 's) twist))) (VP has not (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (ADJP-PRD clear (PP to (NP us))) , (ADVP however))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This notion) (PP of (NP the General Will))) (VP (VP gave (NP rise) (PP to (NP (NP the Commune) (PP of (NP Paris)))) (PP in (NP the Revolution))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP later) brought (NP Napoleon) (PP to (NP dictatorship)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP (VP (ADVP clearly) argued (NP *-1) (PP-2 by (NP-LGS (NP Lord Percy) (PP of (NP Newcastle)))) , (PP-3 in (NP (NP his remarkable long essay) , (NP-TTL (NP The Heresy) (PP Of (NP Democracy))) ,))) and (VP (PP in (NP a (ADJP more general) way)) (PP=2 by (NP Voegelin)) , (PP=3 in (NP his (NX-TTL (NX New Science) (PP Of (NP Politics)))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP this same Rousseauan idea) , (VP descending (PP through (NP European democracy))) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the source) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Marx 's) theory) (PP of (NP (NP the dictatorship) (PP of (NP the proletariat)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD important (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP understanding (NP (NP (NP the position) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ doctrinaire liberals) (VP found (NP themselves) (PP in (NP *T*-2)) (PP-TMP after (NP World War 2)))))) , and (NP (NP our great democratic victory) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP brought (NP no peace))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The long road) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP taken (NP (NP liberals) (PP in (NP this country))) (PP (PP into (NP (NP the social religion) (PP of (NP democracy)))) , (PP into (NP (NP a worship) (PP of (NP man)))) ,)))))) (VP led (ADVP logically) (PP to (NP (NP the Marxist dream) (PP of (NP (NP a classless society) (PP under (NP a Socialist State))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ the ussr) (VP existed (PP as (NP (NP (NP the revolutionary experiment) (PP in (NP radical socialism))) , (NP the ultimate exemplar)))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP by (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the war) (VP ended (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP liberal leadership) (PP-LOC in (NP this country))) (VP was (NP-PRD spiritually Marxist)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP will (VP recall (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP still confident) liberals) (PP of (NP the Truman administration))) (VP gathered (PP with (NP other Western utopians)) (PP-LOC in (NP San Francisco)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP set (PRT up) (NP (NP the legal framework) (SBAR *ICH*-1) (NP *ICH*-3)) , (UCP-TMP (ADVP finally) and (PP at (ADJP last))) , (SBAR-1 (WHADVP 0) (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rationalize (NP war) (PP *RNR*-2)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rationalize (NP want and fear) (PP *RNR*-2)))) -- (PP-2 out (PP of (NP the world))))) : (NP-3 the United Nations))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (PP of (NP the liberal-led world))) (VP got (ADJP-PRD all set (PP for (NP peace and rehabilitation)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ we) (VP found (NP ourselves) (PP in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP (NP another fight) , (NP (NP an irrational (NX *RNR*-1)) , (NP an indecent (NX *RNR*-1)) , (NP an undeclared and immoral (NX *RNR*-1)) (NX-1 war)) (PP with (NP our (ADJP strongest -LRB- and (PRN (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP had (VP thought)))) noblest) -RRB- ally))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the next five years)) (NP-SBJ (NP the leaders) (PP of (NP the Fair Deal))) (ADVP-MNR reluctantly) (VP backed (PP down (PP from (NP (NP the optimistic expectations) (PP of (NP the New Deal)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the next five years)) (NP-SBJ (NP liberal leaders) (PP in (NP the United States))) (VP sank (PP in (NP (NP the cumulative confusion) (UCP (ADJP attendant (PP upon (NP *RNR*-1))) and (VP manifested (NP *) (PP in (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 (NP-3 (NP a negative policy) (PP of (NP Containment)))) -- and (PRN (NP the bitterest irony)) -- (UCP (VP enforced (NP *) (PP *RNR*-2)) and (ADJP enforceable (PP *RNR*-2)) (PP-2 (ADVP only) by (NP (NP threat) (PP of (NP (NP (NP a weapon) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP felt (NP-PRD the greatest distaste) (PP for (NP *T*-4))) but (VP could not (VP abandon (NP *T*-4))))))) : (NP the atom bomb)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1952)) (PRN , (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (VP be (VP remembered))) ,) (NP-SBJ the G.O.P.) (PP without (NP positive program)) (VP (VP campaigned (PP on (NP (NP the popular disillusionment) (PP with (NP liberal leadership))))) and (VP won (ADVP overwhelmingly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (PP of (NP this))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know)) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP recent history) (ADJP familiar (PP to (NP you))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD at (NP (NP some pains) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP review (NP it) (PP as (NP (NP the drama) (PP of (NP the common man)))) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP point (PRT up) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP him)) (PP under (NP (NP Eisenhower 's) leadership)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A perceptive journalist) , (NP Sam Lubell) ,) (VP has (VP phrased (NP it) (PP in (NP (NP the title) (PP of (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his books)))))) (PP as (NP (NP the revolt) (PP of (NP the moderates)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP opens (NP his discourse) , (ADVP however) , (PP with (NP (NP a review) (PP of (NP (NP the Eisenhower inaugural festivities) (SBAR (WHPP-1 at (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ a sympathetic press) (VP had (VP assembled (NP (NP its massive talents) , (ADJP (NP all) primed (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP catch (NP (NP some revelation) (PP of (NP the emerging new age)))))))) (PP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The show) (VP was (ADJP-PRD colorful , (ADVP indeed) , exuberant))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the press) (PP for (NP all its assiduity)) (VP could (VP detect (NP (NP no note) (PP of (NP (NP a fateful rendezvous) (PP with (NP destiny)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lubell) (VP offers (NP his book) (PP as (NP (NP an explanation) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no clue) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP select (NP this sentence) (PP as (NP its pertinent summation)))) : `` (S (PP in (NP essence)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the drama) (PP of (NP his (PRN -LRB- (NP Eisenhower 's) -RRB-) Presidency))) (VP can (VP be (VP described (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP the ordeal) (PP of (NP (NP a nation) (VP (VP turned (ADJP-PRD conservative)) and (VP struggling -- (ADVP thus far) (PP with (NP but (ADJP limited and precarious) success)) -- (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP effective voice and force) (PP to (NP that conservatism)))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP assume (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP we)) (VP are all (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP (NP the continuing struggle) , (PP with (NP its (ADJP limited and precarious) success)) , (PP toward (NP conservatism)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP has (VP moved (PP on (NP various levels))))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD clamorous and confused)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Obviously) (NP-SBJ there) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD (NP no agreement) (PP on (SBAR-NOM (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ American conservatism) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) , (CONJP or rather) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP should (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP neglected (NP *-1) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP say (ADJP nascent)))) ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the struggle) (VP began (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP (NP a piece) (VP *ICH*-5)) (NP-TMP the other day) (VP-5 assailing (NP (NP William Buckley) , (NP (NP (NP author) (PP of (NP-TTL (NP Man And God) (PP-LOC at (NP Yale))))) and (NP (NP publisher) (PP of (NP-TTL The National Review)))) ,) (PP as (NP (NP (NP no conservative) (ADVP at all)) , but (NP an old liberal))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP agree (PP with (NP this view)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP define (NP conservatism))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP report (PP on (NP (NP the gyrations) (PP of (NP (NP the struggle) -- (NP (NP a struggle) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP amounts (PP to (NP self-redefinition)))))) --)))))) (VP to (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP predict (NP its future course)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the obvious conclusions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP make (NP *T*-2) (PP on (NP (NP the basis) (PP of (NP the last election))))))))))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) ,) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP we) , (NP the majority) ,) (VP were (ADJP-PRD dissatisfied (PP with (NP Eisenhower conservatism))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV Though (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure)))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP gave (NP Kennedy) (NP no (ADJP very positive) approval) (PP in (NP (NP the margin) (PP of (NP his preferment))))))) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is , (ADVP however) , (ADJP-PRD symptomatic (PP of (NP our national malaise)))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP diagnose (NP it))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP offer (NP other evidence))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP mention (NP (NP two volumes) (PP of (NP (NP specific comment) (PP on (NP this malaise)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP appeared (NP-TMP last year))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The earlier) (PP of (NP them))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an unofficial enterprise) , (VP sponsored (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Life magazine)) , (PP under (NP (NP the title) (PP of (NP-TTL The National Purpose))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP-SBJ (NP The contributors) (PP to (NP this testament))) (VP were all (ADJP-PRD well-known)) : (NP (NP (NP a former Democratic candidate) (PP for (NP President))) , (NP a New Deal poet) , (NP (NP the magazine 's) chief editorial writer) , (NP two newspaper columnists) , (NP (NP head) (PP of (NP a national broadcasting company))) , (NP a popular Protestant evangelist) , (ADVP etc.)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP point (NP *T*-2) (PRT out) (ADVP-LOC here))))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP them)) (PP *ICH*-3)) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP ex-liberals) , or (NP modified liberals) ,) (PP-3 with (NP perhaps one exception)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP might (VP classify (NP Billy Graham) (PP as (NP an old liberal))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (ADVP further) (VP note (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all) -- (PP with (NP one exception) (ADVP again)) --) (VP sang (PP in (NP (NP one key) or (NP another))) (NP the same song)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its refrain) (VP was : `` (S-IMP-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP return (PP to (NP (NP the individualistic democracy) (PP of (NP our forefathers)))) (PP for (NP our salvation)))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adlai Stevenson) (VP expressed (NP (NP some reservations) (PP about (NP this return)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP invoked (NP (NP technology) and (NP common sense))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Only Walter Lippman) (VP envisioned (NP (NP the possibility) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ our) (VP having `` (VP outlived (NP (NP most) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP regard (NP *T*-2) (PP as (NP (NP the program) (PP of (NP our national purposes))))))))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP most notable) thing) (PP about (NP (NP the incantation) (PP of (NP these ex-liberals))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the one-time shibboleth) (PP of (NP socialism))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD conspicuously absent))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The second specific comment) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the report) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Eisenhower 's) Commission) (PP on (NP National Goals)) , (VP titled (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-TTL-PRD Goals For Americans))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) , (ADVP perhaps) , (VP gave (NP (NP the pitch) (PP of (NP their position))) (PP in (NP (NP the preface) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Eisenhower) (VP requested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-4 the Commission) (VP be (VP administered (NP *-4) (PP by (NP (NP the American Assembly) (PP of (NP Columbia University)))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD non-partisan))))))))))) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The Commission) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP represent (NP (NP the viewpoint) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP call (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD (NP the unconscious liberal) , (NAC but (ADJP not unconscious enough , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP invoke (NP (NP the (ADJP now taboo) symbolism) (PP of (NP socialism)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP again) (NP-SBJ we) (VP hear (NP (NP (NP the same refrain) (VP mentioned (NP *) (ADVP-LOC above))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the paramount goal) (PP of (NP the United States))) (VP set (NP *) (ADVP-TMP long ago))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP guard (NP (NP the rights) (PP of (NP the individual)))) , (VP ensure (NP his development)) , (VP enlarge (NP his opportunity))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This group) (VP is (ADJP-PRD secularist))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 their program) (VP tends (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD technological)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP undertake (NP these testaments))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP-2 that)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP submit (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP as (NP (NP symptom) (PP of (NP (NP the common man 's) malaise)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP And (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP add (NP (NP Murray 's) new book) (PP as (NP (NP another symptom) (PP of (NP it)))))) , (PP (ADVP particularly so) in (NP (NP view) (PP of (NP (NP the attention) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Time magazine) (VP gave (NP it) (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP came (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP recently) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Father Murray) (VP goes (ADVP back (PP to (NP (NP the Declaration) (PP of (NP Independence))))) , (ADVP too) , (PP though (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (VP add)))) , (PP with (NP (ADJP (ADVP considerably more) historical) perception)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP reserve (NP (NP discussion) (PP of (NP it))) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) , (ADVP however) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP return (PP to (NP President Kennedy))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (PP As (ADJP symptomatic (PP of (NP (NP the common man 's) malaise)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD most significant)) : (NP (NP (NP a liberal) and (NP a Catholic)) , (VP elected (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the skin) (PP of (NP his teeth)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Does (NP-SBJ that) not (VP suggest (PP to (NP you)) (NP (NP an (ADJP uncertain and uneasy (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP say (ADJP confused)))) ,)) state) (PP of (NP the public mind)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the common man 's) complaint))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP take (NP (NP a panoramic look) (ADVP back) (PP over (NP (NP the course) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP come (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Has not (NP-SBJ-1 that way) (VP been (VP lit (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP always) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the lamp) (PP of (NP liberalism)))) (PP-TMP up (PP until (NP (NP the turning back) (PP under (NP Eisenhower))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the basic character) (PP of (NP that liberalism))) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD spiritual (CONJP rather than) economic))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ralph Gabriel) (VP gave (NP it) (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP (NP Protestant philosophy) (PP of (NP Progress)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD a subjective side) (PP to (NP that utopian outlook))) .)) (TOP (SQ Does (NP-SBJ our society) (VP have (NP (NP (NP a runaway , uncontrollable growth) (PP of (NP technology)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP may (VP end (NP our civilization)))))) , or (NP a normal , healthy growth))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ there) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD (NP an analogy) (PP with (NP cancer)))))) : (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP detect (NP cancers) (PP by (NP (NP their (ADJP rapidly accelerating) growth) , (RRC (ADJP-PRD determinable) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP only) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP related (NP *-2) (PP to (NP (NP the (ADJP more normal) rate) (PP of (NP healthy growth)))) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Should (NP-SBJ (NP the accelerating growth) (PP of (NP technology))) (ADVP then) (VP warn (NP us)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Noting (NP such evidence))) (VP is (NP-PRD the first step))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ almost the only `` cure '') (VP is (NP-PRD early detection and removal))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP determine (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (ADJP so dangerous) a technology)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) (VP would (VP be (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP check (NP (NP the strength) (PP of (NP (NP our society 's) organs))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ their functioning) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as healthy) (PP as (ADVP before)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ (NP an objective look) (PP at (NP our present procedures))) (VP may (VP move (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP consider (ADVP seriously) (NP this (ADJP possibly analogous) situation)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (PP In (NP any event)) , (SBAR-ADV whether (S (NP-SBJ society) (VP may (VP have (NP (NP cancer) , or (NP merely a virus infection)))))) , (NP-SBJ the `` disease '') (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP shall (VP find (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) ,) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP political) , (ADJP economical) , (ADJP social) , and (ADJP even medical))) .)) (TOP (SQ Have not (NP-SBJ our physical abilities) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP deteriorated (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP the (ADJP more sedentary) lives) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADVP-TMP now) (VP living (NP *T*-1)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Hence) (NP-SBJ the prime issue) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP see (NP it)))) , (VP is (SBAR-PRD (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ a (ADJP democratic or free) society) (VP can (VP master (NP technology) (PP for (NP (NP the benefit) (PP of (NP mankind)))))))) , or (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ technology) (VP will (VP rule and develop (NP (NP its own society) (ADJP compatible (PP with (NP its own needs)))) (PP as (NP (NP a force) (PP of (NP nature)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP are (ADVP-TMP already) (VP committed (NP *-1) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP establishing (NP (NP (NP man 's) supremacy) (PP over (NP nature))) (NAC and (UCP (ADVP-LOC everywhere (PP on (NP earth))) , not (PP (ADVP merely) in (NP (NP the limited social-political-economical context) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADJP-PRD fond (PP of (NP *T*-2))) (NP-TMP today))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Otherwise) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP go (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADVP endlessly) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the line) , (UCP color and other) ,) (PP as (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-4 (WHNP which kind) (PP of (NP man))) (S (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP dominate)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (VP proved (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP solve (NP technological problems))))) (SBAR that (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP contend (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can not (VP realize (NP a universal goal) (PP-TMP in (NP the immediate future))))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD extremely shortsighted) , (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (NP (NP nothing) (ADVP else))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP must (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP the ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP affect (NP our own destinies))))))))))) : (SBARQ (ADVP otherwise) (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP try (NP anything) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (PP in (NP these pages)) (NP-SBJ-2 the term `` technology '') (VP is (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP include (NP (NP any and all means) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP amplify , project , or augment (NP (NP (NP man 's) control) (PP (PP over (NP himself)) and (PP over (NP other men)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Naturally) (NP-SBJ this) (VP includes (NP (NP (NP all communication forms) , (ADVP e.g.) (NP languages) ,) or (NP (NP any (ADJP social , political , economic or religious) structures) (VP employed (NP *) (PP for (NP such control)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Properly mindful (PP of (NP (NP all the cultures) (PP in (NP existence)) (NP-TMP today) (PP throughout (NP the world)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP must (VP employ (NP these resources) (PP without (NP (NP war) or (NP violent revolution))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP creating (NP a (ADJP wholly new) society))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (VP insist (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ our (ADJP social , political , economic and philosophic) institutions) (VP foster (CONJP rather than) hamper (NP man)))))) ; ; (NP best growth)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ we) (VP can not (VP start (PRT off) (PP with (NP a clean slate)))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (ADVP-TMP first) (VP analyze (NP our present institutions) (PP with (NP (NP respect) (PP to (NP (NP the effect) (PP of (NP each)) (PP on (NP (NP man 's) major needs)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (VP Asked (NP *-2) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which institution) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP most) (VP needs (NP correction)))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP would (VP say (NP (NP the corporation) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP exists (PP-LOC in (NP America)) (NP-TMP today))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP At (NP first glance)) (NP-SBJ this) (VP appears (ADJP-PRD strange))) : (SQ (PP of (NP all people)) , was not (NP-SBJ-2 America) (VP founded (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP rugged individualists) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP established (NP (NP (NP a new way) (PP of (NP life))) (VP (ADVP-TMP still) inspiring (NP `` undeveloped '' societies) (ADVP-LOC abroad)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP But (NP-SBJ *) (VP hear (NP (NP Harrison E. Salisbury) , (NP (NP (NP former Moscow correspondent) (PP of (NP-TTL The New York Times))) , and (NP (NP author) (PP of `` (UCP-TTL (PP To (NP Moscow)) -- And (ADVP Beyond)) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP a book review) (PP of (NP-TTL `` The Soviet Cultural Offensive '')))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP says , `` (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Long) before (S (NP-SBJ the State Department) (VP organized (NP its bureaucracy) (PP into (NP an East-West Contacts Staff)) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wage (NP a cultural counter-offensive) (PP within (NP Soviet borders))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sharp cutting-edge) (PP of (NP American culture))) (VP had (VP carved (NP its mark) (PP across (NP the Russian steppes)) , (PP as (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the enterprising promoters) (PP of ' (NP-TTL Porgy And Bess) ')) (VP overrode (NP the State Department) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP carry (NP the contemporary ' cultural warfare ') (PP behind (NP the enemy lines))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (NP-PRD not (NP (NP diplomats) or (NP jazz musicians) , or (NP (NP even organizers) (PP of (NP (NP reading-rooms) and (NP photo-montage displays))))) , but (NP (NP rugged capitalist entrepreneurs) (PP like (NP (NP Henry Ford) , (NP Hugh Cooper) , (NP Thomas Campbell) , (NP the International Harvester Co.) , and (NP David W. Griffith)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their kind) (VP created (NP (NP (NP an American culture) (ADJP superior (PP to (NP (NP any) (PP in (NP the world)))))) , (NP (NP an industrial and technological culture) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP penetrated (NP Russia) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did (NP (NP almost every corner) (PP of (NP the earth)))))) (PP without (NP (NP (NP a nickel) (PP from (NP the Federal treasury))) or (NP (NP a single governmental specialist) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP (VP contrive (NP directives)) or (VP program (NP (NP a series) (PP of (NP (NP consultations) (PP of (NP interested agencies))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This favorable image) (PP of (NP America)) (PP in (NP (NP the minds) (PP of (NP Russian men and women))))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP despite (NP (NP years) (PP of (NP energetic anti-American propaganda)))) '')) (NP (NP corporations) (RRC (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP-PRD outmoded))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the public 's) present attitude) (PP toward (NP business))) (VP stems (PP from (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the `` rugged capitalist entrepreneur '') (ADVP-TMP no more) (VP exists (PP-LOC in (NP America)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP In (NP his stead)) is (NP-SBJ (NP a milquetoast version) (VP known (NP *) (PP as `` (NP the corporation) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can not (VP see (NP the repulsive characteristics) (PP in (NP (NP this new image) (PP of (NP America)))))))) , (NP-SBJ foreigners) (VP can (VP *?*))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ (NP our loss) (PP of `` (NP prestige) '') (ADVP-LOC abroad)) (VP is (NP-PRD the direct result))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP No amount) (PP of (NP ballyhoo))) (VP will (VP cover (PRT up) (NP the sordid facts))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP want (NP respect) (PP from (NP ourselves or others))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP will (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP earn (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP-TMP First) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP realize (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-1 whatever good) (S (NP-SBJ this set-up) (VP achieved (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP in (NP earlier times))))) , (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ (NP the corporation) (ADVP per se)) (VP can not (VP take (NP economic leadership)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Businesses) (VP must (VP develop (PP as (NP (NP a result) (PP of (NP (NP the ideas , energies and ambitions) (PP of (NP (NP an individual) (VP having (NP (NP purpose) and (NP comprehensive ability)) (PP within (NP one mind))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP `` forced '' (S (NP-SBJ individuals) (VP to (VP assume (NP the corporate structure)))) (PP by (NP (NP means) (PP of (NP (NP taxes) and (NP other legal statutes))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP adopted (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP term (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) `` (NP pseudo-capitalism) '')))))) and (VP (ADVP so) took (NP (NP a major step) (PP toward (NP socialism))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The biggest loss) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the individual 's) lessened desire and ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP his services) (PP to (NP (NP the growth) (PP of (NP (NP his company) and (NP our economy)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ Socialism) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP grant (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP has (NP a definite place) (PP in (NP our society))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP But (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ us) not (VP complain (PP of (NP (NP the evils) (PP of (NP capitalism)))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP referring (PP to (NP (NP a form) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADVP not truly) capitalistic)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Some forms) (PP of (NP capitalism))) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP do (ADVP indeed) (VP work)) -- (NP-2 (NP superb organizations) , (NP (NP a credit) (PP to (NP any society)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the pseudo-capitalism) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP dictates (NP (NP our whole economy) (CONJP as well as) (NP our politics and social life)))))) , (VP will not (VP stand (NP close scrutiny))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its pretense (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP operate (PP in (NP the public interest)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP little more) (PP than (NP a sham)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP serves (NP only its own stockholders) (NAC and (ADVP poorly) (PP at (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (UCP (PP As (NP a creative enterprise)) , (NP-SBJ its abilities) (VP are (ADVP primarily) (PP-PRD in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP `` swallowing '' (NP (NP creative enterprises) (VP developed (NP *) (PP outside (NP its own organization))))))))) -LRB- (NP (NP an ability) (UCP (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP possible)) (PP by (NP-LGS us))) , and (ADJP almost mandatory))) -RRB- .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP to (NP (NP benefits) (PP to (NP employees))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD notorious (PP for (NP its callous disregard))) (PP except (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP depends (PP on (NP them)) (PP for (NP services)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The corporation) (PP in (NP America))) (VP is (PP in (NP reality)) (NP-PRD (NP our form) (PP of (NP socialism))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP vying (PP in (NP a sense)) (PP with (NP (NP the other socialistic form) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP emerged (PP within (NP governmental bureaucracy))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ the corporation) (VP has (NP (NP all the disadvantages) (PP of (NP (NP the socialist form) (PP of (NP organization)) -LRB- (ADJP (ADJP so cumbersome) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP can not (ADVP constructively) (VP do (NP (NP much) (PP of (NP (NP anything) (ADJP not compatible (PP with (NP its need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP perpetuate (NP itself)) and (VP maintain (NP its status quo)))))))))))))))) -RRB-)))))) , (ADVP unluckily) (NP-SBJ it) (VP does not (VP have (NP (NP (NP the desirable aspect) (PP of (NP socialism))) , (NP the motivation (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP operate (PP for (NP (NP the benefit) (PP of (NP (NP society) (PP as (NP a whole))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (VP faced (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP a vast network) (PP of (NP (NP amorphous entities) (VP (VP perpetuating (NP themselves) (PP in (SBAR (WHNP-2 whatever manner) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP *?* (NP *T*-2)))))) , (PP without (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP (NP the needs) (PP of (NP society))))))) , (VP controlling (NP society)) and (VP forcing (PP upon (NP it)) (NP (NP a regime) (VP representing (NP (NP only (NP the corporation 's) needs) (PP for (NP survival))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The corporation) (VP has (NP a limited , specific place) (PP in (NP our society))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Ideally) (VP speaking)) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP should (VP be (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP operate)) (SBAR-LOC (ADVP only) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the public) (VP has (NP a great stake) (PP in (NP (NP the continuity) (PP of (NP supply or services)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))) , and (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the actions) (PP of (NP a single proprietor))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD secondary (PP to (NP (NP the needs) (PP of (NP society))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Examples) (VP are (UCP-PRD (PP in (NP public utilities)) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP military aircraft and accessories))) , or (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the investment and risk) (PP for (NP a proprietorship))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP too great) (PP for (NP (NP a (ADJP much needed) project) (ADJP impossible (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP achieve (PP by (NP (NP any means) (ADJP other (PP than (NP (NP the corporate form) , (ADVP e.g.) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP constructing (NP major airports or dams))))))))))))))) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ corporations) (VP are not (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP run (ADVP away) (PP with (NP us)))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP must (VP become (NP (NP quasi-governmental institutions) , (ADJP-PRD subject (PP to (NP public control and needs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP all other areas)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP private initiative) (PP of (NP the `` proprietorship '' type))) (VP should (VP be (VP urged (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP produce (NP the desired goods and services))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Proprietorship)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Avoiding (NP runaway technology))) (VP can (VP be (VP done (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP only) by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP assuring (NP a humane society))))))) ; ; and (S (PP for (NP this)) (NP-SBJ human beings) (VP must (VP be (ADVP firmly) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP control) (PP of (NP (NP the economics) (SBAR (WHPP-2 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ our society) (VP rests (NP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TPC-1 Such genuine human leadership) (NP-SBJ the proprietorship) (VP can (VP offer (NP *T*-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ corporations) (VP can not (VP *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP can (VP project (NP long-range goals) (PP for (NP itself)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Corporations) (VP react (ADVP-MNR violently) (PP to (NP (NP short-range stimuli) , (ADVP e.g.) , (NP (ADJP quarterly and annual) dividend reports)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Proprietorships) (VP can (VP establish (NP a (NP unity and integrity) (PP of (NP control)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP corporations) , (VP being (ADJP-PRD more amorphous)) ,) (VP can not (VP *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Proprietorships) (VP can (VP (VP establish (NP (NP a meaningful identity) , (VP representing (NP a human personality)) ,)) and (VP (ADVP thus) establish (NP (NP sincere relationships) (PP with (NP customers and community)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ Corporations) (VP are (ADJP-PRD apt (S *ICH*-1)) (PP by (NP nature)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP impersonal) , (ADJP inhumane) , (ADJP shortsighted) and (ADJP (ADVP almost exclusively) profit-motivated))))))) , (NP (NP a picture) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP could (ADVP scarcely) (VP afford (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP present (NP *T*-2) (PP to (NP the public)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The proprietor) (VP is (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP create (NP (NP a leadership) (ADJP impossible (PP in (NP (NP the corporate structure) (PP with (NP (NP its board) (PP of (NP directors and stockholders))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Leadership) (VP is (VP lacking (NP *-1) (PP in (NP our society)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (NP (NP no legitimate place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP develop (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Men) (PP (ADVP continuously) at (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP growing enterprises))))) (VP can (VP acquire (NP (NP experiences) (PP of (NP the (ADJP (ADJP most varied) , (ADJP complicated) and (ADJP trying)) type))) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (PP at (NP maturation)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP developed (NP the competence and willingness (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP accept (NP (NP the personal responsibility) (VP (ADVP so sorely) needed (NP *) (ADVP-TMP now))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Hence) (NP-SBJ government) (VP must (VP establish (NP greater controls) (PP upon (NP corporations)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ their activities) (VP promote (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP deemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD essential (PP to (NP the national interest))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Proprietorships) (VP should (VP get (NP (NP (NP the tax advantages) (VP (ADVP-TMP now) accruing (NP *) (PP to (NP corporations)))) , (ADVP e.g.) (NP the chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP accumulate (NP (NP capital) (ADJP so vital (PP for (NP growth))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Corporations) (VP should (VP pay (NP (NP added taxes) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP used (NP *T*-2) (PP for (NP (NP educational purposes) -LRB- (ADVP not necessarily (PP of (NP the formal type))) -RRB-)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (NP legacies))))) (VP should (VP be (VP (VP (ADVP substantially) reduced (NP *-1)) and (VP (ADVP ultimately) eliminated (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP perpetuate (NP (NP wealth control) (VP led (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP small groups) (PP of (NP (NP individuals) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP played (NP no role) (PP in (NP its creation)))))))))))))) (VP (VP prevents (NP (NP those) (PP with (NP real initiative))) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP coming (PP to (NP the fore)))))) , and (VP is (ADVP basically) (ADJP-PRD anti-democratic))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ the proprietor) (VP dies (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ the establishment) (VP should (VP become (NP-PRD a corporation) (SBAR-TMP until (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (ADVP either) (VP acquired (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS another proprietor))))) or (S (NP-SBJ-3 the government) (VP decides (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP drop (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP Strikes) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP should (VP be (VP declared (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD illegal)) (PP-1 against (NP corporations)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 disagreements) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP settled (NP *-5) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP government representatives) (VP acting (PP as (NP (NP controllers) (PP of (NP (NP the corporation) (SBAR (WHNP-7 (NP whose responsibility) (PP to (NP the state))) (S (NP-SBJ-6 *T*-7) (VP would (ADVP-TMP now) (VP be (VP defined (NP *-6) (PP against (NP proprietorship)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ employees and proprietors) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD completely interdependent) , (SBAR-PRP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP they)) (VP are each (NP-PRD (NP a part) (PP of (NP the whole))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Strikes) (VP threatening (NP (NP the security) (PP of (NP the proprietorship))))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP internally) (VP motivated (NP *-1)))) , (VP prevent (NP a healthy relationship)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Certainly) (NP-SBJ-1 external forces) (VP should not (VP be (VP applied (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR arbitrarily) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP mere power) (ADJP available) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP do (ADVP so))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can not (VP stop (NP warfare) (PP in (NP our own economic system)))))) , (SBARQ (WHADVP how) (SQ can (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP abolish (NP it) (ADVP internationally))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP One kind) (PP of (NP proprietorship)))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ These proposals) (VP would (VP go (ADVP far) (PP toward (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP creating (NP (NP the economic atmosphere) (VP favoring (NP (NP growth) (PP of (NP (NP the individual) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) , (S (PP in (NP turn)) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP help (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP cope (PP with (NP runaway technology)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Individual human strength) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP is (VP needed (NP *-1) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP pit (PP against (NP an inhuman condition)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The battle) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD easy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP are (VP tempted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP blame (NP others) (PP for (NP our problems)))) (CONJP rather than) (VP (VP look (NP them) (PP (ADVP straight) in (NP the face))) and (VP realize (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (UCP-PRD (PP of (NP our own making)) and (ADJP possible (PP of (NP solution)) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP ourselves)) (PP with (NP (NP the help) (PP of (NP (ADJP desperately needed) , (ADJP enlightened) , (ADJP competent) leaders))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Persons) (VP developed (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP today 's) corporations)))) (VP can not (VP hope (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP serve (ADVP-LOC here))))))) -- (NP (NP a judgment) (VP based (NP *) (PP on (NP (NP experiences) (PP of (NP my own)) (PP (PP in (NP business)) and (PP in (NP (NP activities) (ADVP-LOC outside)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP my own company) , (RRC (PP in (NP effect)) (NP-PRD a partnership) , (SBAR-ADV although (FRAG (ADVP legally) (NP a corporation)))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP many things) (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (PP for (NP my employees)) (SBAR-4 (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP `` normal '' corporations) (PP of (NP comparable size and nature))) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Also , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (VP convinced (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ my company) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP a sole proprietorship) (CONJP instead of) (NP a partnership))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD even abler (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP solve (NP long-range problems) (PP for (NP (NP myself) and (NP my fellow-employees))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Any abilities) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (VP have (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP were (VP achieved (NP *-1) (PP in (NP their present shape)) (PP from (NP (NP experience) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sharing (PP in (NP (NP the growth and control) (PP of (NP my business))))))) , (VP coupled (NP *) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP raising (NP my family))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This combined experience) , (PP on (NP (NP a foundation) (PP of (NP (ADJP very average) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP assure (NP you))) ,) intelligence and background)))) , (VP has (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP do (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ many well-informed people) (VP would (VP bet (ADVP heavily) (PP against (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ (NP a list) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the `` practices '') (PP of (NP my company))))))) (VP will (VP help (ADVP-LOC here))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The company) (VP grew (PP out (PP of (NP (NP efforts) (PP by (NP (NP (NP two (ADJP completely inexperienced) men) (PP in (NP their late twenties))) , (NP (NP neither) (VP having (NP (NP (NP a formal education) (ADJP applicable (PP to (S *RNR*-5)))) , or (NP (NP experience) (PP in , (S *RNR*-5)))) (S-5 (NP-SBJ *) (VP manufacturing or selling (NP (NP our type) (PP of (NP articles))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP From (NP (NP an initial investment) (PP of (NP $ 1,200 *U*)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1943)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP grown , (PP with (NP no additional capital investment)) , (PP to (NP (NP a present value) (VP estimated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS some)) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP exceeding (NP $ 10,000,000 *U*)))))))))) -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do n't (VP disclose (NP financial figures) (PP to (NP the public))))) -RRB- .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Its growth) (VP continues (ADVP-MNR steadily) (PP on (NP (NP a par) (PP with (NP past growth)))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ no limitation) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP evidence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our (NX (NX pin-curl clips) and (NX self-locking nuts))) (VP achieved (NP dominance) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP-ADV just a few years) time)) , (PP despite (NP substantial , (ADJP well established) competition))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the last years) (PP of (NP (NP Woodrow Wilson 's) administration)))) , (NP-SBJ a red scare) (VP developed (PP-LOC in (NP our country))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Many Americans) (VP (VP reacted (ADVP-MNR irrationally) (PP to (NP (NP the challenge) (PP of (NP Russia))))) and (VP turned (PP to (NP (NP the repression) (PP of (NP ideas)) (PP by (NP force)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 Postmaster General Burleson) (VP set (PRT about) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP protect (NP the American people) (PP against (NP (NP radical propaganda) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP might (VP be (VP spread (NP *-1) (PP through (NP the mails))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Attorney General Palmer) (VP made (NP a (NP series) (PP of (NP (NP raids) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP sent (NP (QP more than 4,000) so-called radicals) (PP to (NP the jails)) , (PP in (NP (NP direct violation) (PP of (NP their constitutional rights))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (ADVP-TMP (NP not many years) later) , (NP-SBJ (NP the Un-American Activities Committee) , (PP under (NP (NP the leadership) (PP of (NP Martin Dies)))) ,) (VP pilloried (NP (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP decent , patriotic citizens)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP remedy (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most glaring) defects) (PP in (NP (NP our form) (PP of (NP democracy)))))))))))))) (VP was (VP denounced (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP a traitorous red) (SBAR (WHNP-3 whose real purpose) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the destruction) (PP of (NP our government)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This hysteria) (VP reached (NP its height) (PP under (NP (NP the leadership) (PP of (NP Senator Joseph McCarthy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Demagogues) (PP of (NP this sort))) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ communist bogeys) (VP lurking (PP behind (NP (NP any new idea) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP run (ADVP counter) (PP to (NP stereotyped notions))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 New ideas) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD dangerous)) and (VP must (VP be (VP repressed (NP *-1)))) , (ADVP no matter (FRAG (WHADVP how)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP suppress (NP dangerous thoughts)))))) , (VP credit (NP ideas) (PP with (NP high potency))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP give (NP strict interpretation) (PP to (NP (NP William James ') statement (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Every idea) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP enters (NP the mind))))) (VP tends (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP express (NP itself)))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a person) (VP will (VP act (ADVP-MNR automatically) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP contacts (NP (NP something) (ADJP new)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Hence) , (NP-SBJ the only defensible procedure) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP repress (NP any and every notion) , (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP gives (NP evidence (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD perfectly safe)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP this danger)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (VP informed (NP *-1) (PP on (NP every hand)) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ ideas , not machines ,) (VP are (NP-PRD our finest tools))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD priceless) (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP can not (VP be (VP recorded (NP *-2) (PP on (NP a ledger page))))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP the (ADJP most valuable)) (PP of (NP commodities))) -- and (NP the (ADJP most salable))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ their demand) (ADVP far) (VP exceeds (NP supply)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-4 (ADJP So all-important) (SBAR *ICH*-5)) (VP are (ADJP-PRD *T*-4)) (NP-SBJ ideas) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (VP told (NP *-1)))) ,) (SBAR-5 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP persons) (RRC (ADJP-PRD successful) (PP in (NP business))) and (RRC (ADJP-PRD happy) (PP in (NP social life)))) (ADVP usually) (VP fall (PP into (NP (NP two classes) : (NP (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP invent (NP (NP new ideas) (PP of (NP their own))))))) , and (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP borrow , beg , or steal (PP from (NP others)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Seemingly) , (PP with (NP (NP an unrestricted flow) (PP of (NP ideas)))) , (S (NP-SBJ all) (VP will (VP be (ADVP-PRD well)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (ADVP even) (VP assured (NP *-1) (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP an idea) (NP-ADV a day)) (VP will (VP keep (NP the sheriff) (ADVP away)))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) , (ADVP however) , (VP may (ADVP also) (VP bring (NP the police) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the thinking) (VP does not (VP meet (PP with (NP social approval)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Criminals) , (CONJP as well as) (NP model citizens) ,) (VP exercise (NP their minds)) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Merely) (VP having (NP (NP a mental image) (PP of (NP some sort))))) (VP is not (NP-PRD the all-important consideration)) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD clarity)))) : (S (NP-SBJ a single distinct impression) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more valuable) (PP than (NP many fuzzy ones))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ clarity) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD enough)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The writer) (VP took (NP (NP a class) (PP of (NP college students))) (PP to (NP (NP the state hospital) (PP for (NP the (ADJP mentally ill))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP St. Joseph) , (NP Missouri)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An inmate) , (NP a former university professor) ,) (VP expounded (PP to (NP us)) , (ADVP logically and clearly) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ someone) (VP was (VP pilfering (NP his thoughts)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP appealed (PP to (NP-2 us)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP bring (NP his case) (PP to (NP (NP the attention) (PP of (NP the authorities))))))) (SBAR-PRP that (S (NP-SBJ-1 justice) (VP might (VP be (VP done (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP (NP the clarity) (PP of (NP his presentation)))) , (NP-SBJ his idea) (VP was not (PP-PRD of (NP Einsteinian calibre))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP-PRD True) , (S (NP-SBJ ideas) (VP are (UCP-PRD (ADJP important) , (ADVP perhaps) (NP (NP life 's) (ADJP most precious) treasures)))) .)) (TOP (SQ But (SQ have (NP-SBJ we) not (VP gone (ADVP overboard) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP stressing (NP their significance)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Have (NP-SBJ we) not (ADVP actually) (VP developed (NP idea worship)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TPC-1 Ideas) (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP have (NP *T*-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP seek (NP them) (ADVP-LOC everywhere))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP scour (NP literature) (PP for (NP them)))) ; ; (S (ADVP-LOC here) (NP-SBJ we) (VP find (S (ADJP-PRD stored) (NP-SBJ (NP the wisdom) (PP of (NP great minds)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ But are (NP-SBJ all these works) (ADJP-PRD worthy (PP of (NP consideration))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Can (NP-SBJ they) (VP stand (NP rigid scrutiny)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Shakespeare 's) wit and wisdom) , (NP (NP his profound insight) (PP into (NP human nature))) ,) (VP have (VP stood (NP (NP the test) (PP of (NP centuries))))) .)) (TOP (SQ But (VP was) (NP-SBJ he) (ADJP-PRD infallible) (PP in (NP all things)) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (PP of (NP (NP his treatment) (PP of (NP (NP the Jew) (PP in (NP-TTL (NP The Merchant) (PP Of (NP Venice)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Shakespeare) (VP gives (NP us) (NP (NP a vivid picture) (PP of (NP Shylock))))) , but (S (ADVP probably) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP saw (NP a Jew) , (PP unless (PP in (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP his travels))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Jews) (VP (VP had (VP been (VP banished (NP *-1) (PP from (NP England)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1290))))) and (VP were not (VP permitted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP return))) (PP-TMP before (NP (NP 1655))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Shakespeare) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD dead) (PP-TMP for (NP thirty-nine years)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ any) (VP had (VP escaped (NP expulsion) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hiding))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP certainly) (VP would not (VP frequent (NP the market-place))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shakespeare) (VP did not (ADVP usually) (VP (VP invent (NP (NP the incidents) (PP in (NP his plays)))) , but (VP borrowed (NP them) (PP from (NP (NP old stories) , (NP ballads) , and (NP plays)))) , (VP wove (NP them) (ADVP together)) , (CONJP and then) (VP breathed (PP into (NP them)) (NP (NP his spark) (PP of (NP life)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Rather than (PP from (NP (NP a first-hand study) (PP of (NP Jewish people))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP his delineation) (PP of (NP Shylock))) (VP stems (PP from (NP (NP (NP a collection) (PP of (NP (NP Italian stories) , (NP Il Pecorone) ,))) (VP published (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP 1558))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP written (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP (NP almost two centuries) earlier))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP could (VP learn (PP at (NP second hand)) (PP from (NP books)))) , but (VP could not (ADVP thus) (VP capture (NP the real Jewish spirit)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Harris J. Griston) , (PP in (S-NOM-TTL (NP-SBJ *) (VP Shaking (NP The Dust) (PP From (NP Shakespeare)))) (PRN -LRB- (NP 216) -RRB-)) , (VP writes : `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP a word) (VP spoken (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Shylock))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP would (VP expect (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP a real Jew))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP took (NP (NP the story) (PP of (NP (NP the pound) (PP of (NP flesh)))))) and (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fasten (NP it) (PP on (NP someone))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Jew) (VP was (NP-PRD the safest victim)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 No Jew) (VP was (PP on (NP hand)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP boycott (NP his (ADJP financially struggling) theater))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD unwise policy) , (PP for (NP instance)) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP apply (NP the pound-of-flesh characterization) (PP to (NP the thrifty Scotchman)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Just as (ADVP-TMP now)) (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP may (VP hurl (NP insults) (PP at (NP (NP a citizen) (PP (PP of (NP Mars)) , or (PP (ADVP even) of (NP Tikopia)) ,)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ no senatorial investigation) (VP will (VP result))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP cares (PP about (NP them)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shakespeare) (VP does not (VP tell (NP us) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Shylock) (VP was (NP-PRD an aberrant individual)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sets (NP him) (ADVP forth) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD typical (PP of (NP the group))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP tells (PP of (NP (NP his `` Jewish heart '') -- (NP not (NP a Shylockian heart) ; ; but (NP a Jewish heart))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP crafty and cruel) , (ADJP capable (PP of (NP fiendish revenge))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no justification) (PP for (NP such misrepresentation)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ living Jews) (VP were (ADJP-PRD unavailable (PP for (NP study)))))) , (NP-SBJ the Bible) (VP was (PP-PRD at (NP hand))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Reading (NP the Old Testament))) (VP would (VP have (VP shown (NP the dramatist) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the ideas) (VP attributed (NP *) (PP to (NP Shylock)))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD abhorrent (PP to (NP the Jews))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Are (NP-SBJ we) (ADJP better off (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP (NP (NP Shakespeare 's) idea) (PP of (NP Shylock))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Studying (NP-TTL (NP The Merchant) (PP Of (NP Venice))) (PP in (NP (NP high school) and (NP college))))) (VP has (VP given (NP many young people) (NP (NP their notions) (PP about (NP Jews))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Does (NP-SBJ this) (VP help (S (NP-SBJ the non-Jew) (VP to (VP understand (NP this group))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Thomas De Torquemada) , (NP (NP Inquisitor-General) (PP of (NP the Spanish Inquisition))) ,) (VP put (NP many persons) (PP to (NP death))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His name) (VP became (ADJP-PRD synonymous (PP with (NP cold-blooded cruelty)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Would (NP-SBJ we) (VP gain (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP keeping (S (ADJP-PRD alive) (NP-SBJ his memory))) and (VP besmirching (NP (NP today 's) Roman Catholics) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP a Catholic heart)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ (NP his bones) and (NP his memory)) (VP rest (PP-TMP in (NP the fifteenth century)) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP belong (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP place))) (PP-TMP in (NP our times)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Shakespeare 's) Shylock) , (ADVP too) , (VP is (PP-PRD of (NP dubious value)) (PP in (NP the modern world))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ideas) , (PP in and of (NP themselves))) , (VP are not (ADVP necessarily) (NP-PRD the greatest good)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A successful businessman) (ADVP-TMP recently) (VP prefaced (NP (NP his address) (PP to (NP a luncheon group))) (PP with (NP the statement (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 all economists) (VP should (VP be (VP sent (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP the hospitals) (PP for (NP the (ADJP mentally deranged))) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) and (NP their theories)) (VP might (VP rot (ADVP together) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ-2 his words) (VP come (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP treasured and quoted (NP *-1) (PP through (NP the years))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Frequently) (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (VP given (NP *-1) (NP assurance (SBAR that (S (ADVP automatically) (S (NP-SBJ-2 all ideas) (VP will (VP be (VP sifted and resifted (NP *-2))))) and (S (PP in (NP the end)) (NP-SBJ only the good ones) (VP will (VP survive)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ But is (NP-SBJ that) not (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (PP to (NP a chemistry laboratory)))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP blindly) (VP pouring (PRT out) (NP liquids and powders) (PP from (NP (NP an array) (PP of (NP bottles)))))) and (S (ADVP-TMP then) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP stirring))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP expecting (S (NP-SBJ a new wonder drug) (ADVP inevitably) (VP to (VP result))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (PP of (NP (NP the efficiency) (PP of (NP (NP this natural instrument) (PP of (NP free discussion)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD (NP some magic) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP it)) (SBAR-1 (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP assures (NP results)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Peter B. Kyne) -LRB- (NP (NP-TTL (NP Pride) (PP Of (NP Palomar))) , (NP 43)) -RRB-) (VP informed (NP us) (PP-TMP in (NP 1921)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (NP (NP an instinctive dislike) (PP for (NP the Japanese))))))))) , did (NP-SBJ (NP the heated debates) (PP of (NP the Californians))) (VP settle (NP (NP the truth or falsity) (PP of (NP the proposition)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TTL-SBJ (NP The Leopard 's) Spots) (VP came (PP from (NP (NP the pen) (PP of (NP Thomas Dixon)))) (PP-TMP in (NP 1902)))) , and (S (PP in (NP this)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP announced (NP an `` unchangeable '' law))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ a child) (VP had (NP (NP a single drop) (PP of (NP Negro blood)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP revert (PP to (NP (NP the ancestral line) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (PP except (PP as (NP (NP slaves) (PP under (NP a superior race))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had not (VP made (NP (NP one step) (PP of (NP progress))) (PP-TMP in (NP 3,000 years)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 That doctrine) (VP has (VP been (VP accepted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS many)))))) , but (SQ has (NP-SBJ it) (VP produced (NP good results))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the same vein)) , (NP-SBJ-1 a certain short-story plot) (VP has (VP been (VP overworked (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The son and heir) (PP of (NP a prominent family))) (VP marries (NP (NP a girl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (NP tell-tale shadows) (PP on (NP the half-moons (PP of (NP her finger nails))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP time)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP presents (NP her aristocratic husband) (PP with (NP a coal-black child))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ the world) (ADJP-PRD better) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ-1 this idea) (VP thrust (NP *-1) (PP upon (NP it))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ argument and debate) (VP decide (NP its truth or falsity)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP (NP answers) (PP to (NP such questions)))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP turn (PP to (NP (NP the anthropologists) , (NP the biologists) , (NP the historians) , (NP the psychologists) , and (NP the sociologists))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Long ago) (NP-SBJ they) (VP consigned (NP (NP the notions) (PP of (NP Kyne and Dixon))) (PP to (NP the scrap heap))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ False ideas) (VP surfeit (NP (NP another sector) (PP of (NP our life)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP several generations)) (NP-SBJ (NP much fiction) (VP *ICH*-2)) (VP has (VP appeared (VP-2 dealing (PP with (NP the steprelationship))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The stepmother) , (PP (ADVP almost) without (NP exception)) , (VP has (VP been (VP presented (NP *-1) (PP as (NP a cruel ogress))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Children) , (VP conditioned (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS this mistaken notion))) ,) (VP have (VP feared (NP stepmothers) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ adults) , (PP by (NP their antagonistic attitudes)) , (VP have (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP the role) (PP of (NP the substitute parents))) (NP-PRD a difficult one)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Debate) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP resolve (NP the tensions)) and (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP the lot) (PP of (NP the stepchild))) (NP-PRD a happier one)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Research) , (PP on (NP the other hand)) , (VP has (VP shown (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 many stepmothers) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD-2 eminently successful)))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 some) (ADJP-PRD=2 (ADJP far better) (PP than (NP the real mothers))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ Helen Deutsch) (VP informed (NP us) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP-TTL (NP The Psychology) (PP Of (NP Women))) , (NP Vol. 2) , , (NP 434)) -RRB-) (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP all cultures)) `` (NP-SBJ the term ' stepmother ') (ADVP automatically) (VP evokes (NP (NP deprecatory implications))) '' ,)))) (NP (NP a conclusion) (VP accepted (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS many)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ (NP mere debate) (PP on (NP that proposition))) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (ADJP-PRD free and untrammeled)))) , (VP (VP remove (NP the dross)) and (VP leave (NP (NP a residue) (PP of (NP refined gold))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (ADJP-PRD questionable) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP the least))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Research) (PP into (NP several cultures))) (VP has (VP proven (S (NP-SBJ her position) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a mistaken one)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Most assuredly) (NP-SBJ ideas) (VP are (ADJP-PRD invaluable)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ ideas) , (PP (ADVP just) for (NP (NP the sake) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP them)))))) , (VP are not (ADJP-PRD enough)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the 1930 's)) , (NP-SBJ (NP cures) (PP for (NP the depression))) (ADVP literally) (VP flooded (NP Washington)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a time)) (NP-SBJ the President) (VP received (NP (NP (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP them))) (NP *ICH*-3)) (NP-TMP every day) , (NP-3 (NP most) (PP of (NP them)) (ADJP worthless))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Ideas) (VP need (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP tested (NP *-1) , (NAC and (PP (ADVP not merely) by (NP argument and debate)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP some question) (VP *ICH*-4)) (VP arises (PP in (NP the medical field)) (VP-4 concerning (NP cancer) , (PP for (NP instance))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP do not (VP turn (PP to (NP (ADJP free and open) discussion)) (PP as (PP in (NP a political campaign))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (NP (NP recourse) (PP to (NP (NP the scientifically-trained specialist) (PP in (NP the laboratory)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The merits) (PP of (NP the Salk anti-polio vaccine))) (VP were not (VP established (NP *-1) (PP (PP (PP on (NP the forensic platform)) or (PP in (NP newspaper editorials))) , but (PP (PP in (NP the laboratory)) and (PP by (NP (NP tests) (PP in (NP the field)) (PP on (NP (NP thousands) (PP of (NP children)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our presidential campaigns) (VP provide (NP much debate and argument)) .)) (TOP (SQ But is (NP-SBJ the result) (NP-PRD (NP new barnsful) (PP of (NP (NP tested knowledge) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP (WHNP the basis) (WHPP of (WHNP which)))) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (PP with (NP confidence)) (VP solve (NP our (ADJP domestic and international) problems) (PP *T*-1)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ-3 Man) (PRN , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (VP (VP is (VP endowed (NP *-3) (PP with (NP reason)))) and (VP is (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP distinguishing (NP good) (PP from (NP bad)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR (WHNP-2 what a super-Herculean task) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-2) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP winnow (NP (NP anything) (PP of (NP value))) (PP from (NP (NP the mud-beplastered arguments) (VP used (NP *) (ADVP so freely))))))) , (PP-PRP (ADVP particularly) since (S (NP-SBJ-1 such common use) (VP is (VP made (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP cliches and stereotypes) , (RRC (PP in (NP themselves)) (NP-PRD (NP declarations) (PP of (NP intellectual bankruptcy))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP are (VP reminded (NP *-1) , (ADVP however) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP freedom) (PP of (NP thought and discussion))) , (NP (NP the unfettered exchange) (PP of (NP ideas))) ,) (VP is (ADJP-PRD basic) (PP under (NP (NP our form) (PP of (NP government))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Assuredly) (PP in (NP our political campaigns)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD freedom (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP think)) , (VP to (VP examine (NP any and all issues))) , and (VP to (VP speak (PP without (NP restraint))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 No holds) (VP are (VP barred (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (SQ But have (NP-SBJ the results) (VP been (ADJP-PRD heartening)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ May (NP-SBJ we) (VP state (PP with (NP confidence)) (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP such an exhibition)) (NP-SBJ a republic) (VP will (VP find (NP its greatest security)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP must not (VP forget , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ free discussion and debate) (VP have (VP produced (NP beneficial results))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP truth)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP broke (NP (NP the power) (PP of (NP (NP Senator Joseph McCarthy) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP-TMP finally) (VP exposed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP full light)) (PP to (NP the American people)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP `` liquidated '' (NP *-1) (PP in (NP some way))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a martyr) , (NP (NP a rallying point) (PP for (NP (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP shared (NP his ideas))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Debate) (PP in (NP the political arena))) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD productive (PP of (NP good))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP clumsy and wasteful) process))) : (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP can (VP produce (NP (NP negative results) but (NP (NP not much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD positive))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Debate) (VP (VP rid (NP us) (PP of (NP McCarthy))) but (VP did not (VP give (NP us) (NP (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD positive)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP did (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP clear (NP the ground) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP erected (NP no striking new structure)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did not (ADVP even) (VP provide (NP (NP (NP the architect 's) plan) (PP for (NP (NP anything) (ADJP new))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the field) (PP of (NP the natural sciences)))) , (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP scientifically verified) data) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADVP quite readily) available))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 any discussion) (VP can (VP be (VP shortened (NP *-1) (PP with (NP good results)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the field) (PP of (NP the social sciences)))) (NP-SBJ-6 (NP a considerable fund) (PP of (NP tested knowledge)) (SBAR *ICH*-5)) (VP has (VP been (VP accumulated (NP *-6) (SBAR-5 (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-7 *T*-1) (VP can (VP be (VP used (NP *-7) (PP to (NP good advantage)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (PP By (NP no means)) would (NP-SBJ we) (VP discourage (NP (NP the production) (PP of (NP ideas))))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP provide (NP (NP raw materials) (SBAR (WHPP-2 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP work (PP *T*-2)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP provide (NP (NP stimulations) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lead (PP to (NP further production))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP would (VP establish (NP no censorship))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The President 's) personality) (VP would (VP have (VP opened (NP that office) (PP to (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP for (NP the first time)) (NP-SBJ (NP a representative) (PP of (NP (NP the highest office) (PP in (NP the land))))) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD liable (PP to (NP the charge (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP attempted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD (NP a successorship) (PP by (NP inheritance))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP testimony) (PP to (NP (NP the deep respect) (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mr. Eisenhower) (VP was (VP held (NP *-2) (PP *T*-4) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP members) (PP of (NP all parties))))))))))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the moral considerations) (VP raised (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his approach) (PP to (NP the matter)))))) (VP were not (S (NP-SBJ-3 *) (ADVP-MNR explicitly) (VP to (VP be (VP broached (NP *-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 These) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD apparent)))) (PP in (NP (NP a press conference) (VP held (NP *) (PP-TMP during (NP the second illness)) (SBAR-PRP in order that (S (NP-SBJ the consulting specialists) (VP might (VP clarify (NP (NP the President 's) condition) (PP for (NP the nation)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 Howard Rutstein) (VP felt (VP impelled (ADVP-TMP thereafter) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP formulate (NP (NP the ethics) (PP of (NP the medical profession)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP his article) (PP in (NP the Atlantic Monthly))) (VP accomplished (NP (ADJP (NP-ADV a good deal) more))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP fix (NP (NP the responsibility) (PP for (NP (NP the position) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 all medical commentators) (VP had (VP been (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The discussion) (PP of (NP professional ethics))) (ADVP inevitably) (VP reminded (NP us) (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP the historical perspective)) (NP-SBJ (NP the President 's) decision) (VP will (ADVP finally) (VP clarify (NP itself) (PP as (NP (NP a moral (NX *RNR*-1)) , (CONJP rather than) (NP a medical (NX *RNR*-1)) , (NX-1 problem)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Because (S (NP-SBJ (NP the responsibility) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP resolving (NP the issue))))) (VP lay (PP (PP with (NP the President)) , (CONJP rather than) (PP with (NP his doctors))) ,))) (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP raises (ADVP more surely) (PP for (NP us)) (NP (NP the difficulties) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ simple goodness) (VP faces (NP *T*-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP dealing (PP with (NP complex moral problems)) (PP under (NP political pressure)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ the President) (VP had (VP dealt (PP with (NP the matter)) (ADVP-MNR humbly) , (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP conceived (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP the democratic way)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the problem) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gives (NP us) (NP (NP the measure) (PP of (NP (NP a man) , (CONJP rather than) (NP (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP men))) , (PP whether (NP (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP doctors))) , (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP (NP party members) (VP assembled (NP *) (PP at (NP a dinner)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP their opinion)))))))) , or (NP (NP the masses) (PP of (NP the voters)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Any attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reconcile (NP (NP this statement) (PP of (NP the central issue))) (PP in (NP (NP the campaign) (PP of (NP 1956)))) (PP with (NP (NP the nature) (PP of (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could not (VP conceive (NP it) (PP as (NP the central issue)))))))))))))) (VP will (ADVP at least) (VP resolve (NP (NP our confusions) (PP about (NP (NP the (ADJP chaotic and misleading) results) (PP of (NP (NP the earnestness) (PP of (NP both doctors and President))))))) (PP in (NP (NP a situation) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP should (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP arisen))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a response) (PP to (NP (NP the conflict) (PP between (NP (NP political pressure) and (NP the moral intuition))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP resulted (PP in (NP (NP attempts) (PP at (NP prediction))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP In (NP no other situation)) would (NP-SBJ-3 (NP a group) (PP of (NP (NP doctors) , (VP struggling (ADVP-MNR competently) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP improve (NP (NP the life expectancy) (PP of (NP (NP a man) (ADJP beloved (PP by (NP the world)))))))))) ,))) (VP be (VP subjected (NP *-3) (PP to (NP (ADJP such merciless and persistent) questioning)) , (NAC and (PP before (S (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP were (VP prepared (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP demonstrate (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP verbal precision)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (ADJP-PRD alone)) (VP can (VP clarify (PP for (NP mankind)) (NP (NP the problems) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP faces (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP (VP look (ADVP back) (ADVP-TMP now)) and (VP see (NP their errors)))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP look (ADVP back) (ADVP also) (PP to (NP the ultimate error)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP recurred (PP in (NP the press conferences)))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the President 's) remarks) (PP about (NP his running))) (VP developed (NP (NP a singular tone) , (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP find (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP (NP few statements) (VP made (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS public individuals)) (PP on (NP such a matter)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The press conference) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP a stage) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP betrayed (NP (NP (NP the drift) (PP of (NP his private thinking))) , (CONJP rather than) (NP his convictions))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP commented (PRN -- (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADVP thoughtfully)) , (NP-SBJ a reporter) (VP told (NP us) (FRAG *T*-1))) --) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was `` not (ADJP-PRD too important (PP for (NP the individual))) (SBAR-2 (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ends (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gave (NP us) (NP a simile) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP explain (NP his admission (SBAR that (S (PP (ADVP even) at (NP (NP the worst period) (PP of (NP his second illness)))) (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP occurred (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP any renewed question) (PP about (NP his running))))))) : (S (PP as (PP in (NP (NP the Battle) (PP of (NP the Bulge))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP no fears) (PP about (NP the outcome)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP read (NP the American newspapers))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ (NP the attitude) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the fate) (PP of (NP the Presidency))) (VP demands (NP *T*-3) (PP in (NP such a situation)))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD quite distinct (PP from (NP (NP the simple courage) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP can (VP proceed (PP with (NP battles (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-4) (VP to (VP be (VP fought (NP *-1)))))))) , (ADVP regardless (PP of (NP the consequences))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this case)) (NP-SBJ-1 others) (VP should not (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP raise (NP the doubts and fears))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Presidency) (VP demands (NP (NP an incisive awareness) (PP of (NP (NP the larger implications) (PP of (NP (NP the death) (PP of (NP any incumbent)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (PP-PRD of (NP (NP the utmost importance) (PP to (NP (NP the people) (PP (PP of (NP America)) and (PP of (NP the world))))))) (SBAR-2 (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ their governing President) `` (VP ends (PRT up) '' (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the four years) (PP of (NP his term)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Only) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ that term) (VP is (VP ended))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD a private citizen) (ADVP again))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))) can (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP be (VP permitted (NP *-2) (NP (NP the freedom) and (NP (NP the courage) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP discount (NP (NP the dangers) (PP of (NP his death))) (ADVP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Ironically enough) , (PP in (NP this instance)) (NP-SBJ such personal virtues) (VP were (NP-PRD a luxury)) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP the (ADJP national and international) level)) , (ADVP then) , (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the highest kind) (PP of (NP morality)) (PP for (NP the private citizen)))))) (VP represents (NP (NP an instance) (PP of (NP political immorality)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (NP the uneasy sense (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the cleavage) (PP between (NP (NP the moral) and (NP the political)))) (VP progressed (PP amid (NP (NP the events) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP concern (NP us))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ (NP the tone) (PP of (NP (NP the editorials) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP greeted (NP (NP (NP Mr. Eisenhower 's) original announcement) (PP of (NP his running))))))))) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD strangely disquieting))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Neither (NP (NP the vibrant enthusiasm) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP bespeaks (NP (NP (NP a people 's) intuitive sense) (PP of (NP (NP the fitness) (PP of (NP things))))) (PP at (NP climactic moments)))))) nor (NP (NP the vital argumentation) (VP betraying (NP its sense (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP something) (ADJP significant)) (VP has (VP transpired)))))))) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP evidence))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nothing) (VP testifies (ADVP (ADVP more clearly) (PP *ICH*-2)) (PP to (NP that cleavage)) (PP-2 than (NP (NP the peculiar editorial page) (VP appearing (PP in (NP (NP (NP a July issue) (PP of (NP-TTL Life Magazine))) , (NP (NP the issue) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP also) (VP carried (NP (NP the second announcement) (PP of (NP the candidacy))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The double editorial) (PP on (NP-TTL (NP Two Aspects) (PP Of `` (NP The U.S. Spirit) '')))) (VP was (ADVP-MNR subtly) (VP calculated (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP suggest (NP a (NP moral sanction) (PP for (NP (NP gambles) (ADJP great (CONJP as well as) small))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reflecting (NP (NP popular approval) (PP of (NP (NP this questionable attitude) (PP toward (NP (NP the highest office) (PP in (NP the land))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ `` (NP-TTL The Moral Creed) '' and `` (NP-TTL (NP The Will) (VP To (VP Risk))) '') (VP live (ADVP-MNR happily) (ADVP together) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do not (VP examine (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the line) (VP is (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP drawn (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (ADVP possibly) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a greater risk) (PP than (SINV is (NP-SBJ (NP the normal person) (PP of (NP my age))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 the President) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP February 29th) (PP of (NP the election year)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP ignoring (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP no one) (PP of (NP his age))) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP lived (PRT out) (NP another term)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ My doctors) (VP assure (NP me) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP this increased percentage) (PP of (NP risk))) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD great))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (PP by (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the risk) (VP was (VP doubled (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , (NP-SBJ events) (VP had (VP dismissed (PP from (NP his mind)) (NP both (NP increased percentages) and (NP (NP a (ADJP previously stated) intention) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP considering (ADVP-MNR carefully) (NP (NP anything) (ADJP (ADJP more serious) (PP than (NP (NP a bout) (PP of (NP influenza))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Only infrequently) did (NP-SBJ the situation) (VP color (NP his thinking)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Ironically) (NP-SBJ (NP no president) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP had (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP would (VP have (VP regretted (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (NP President Eisenhower))) (NP (NP the possibility (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ his own words) , (PP in (NP (NP the press conference) (VP held (NP *) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP August))))))) , (VP testified (PP *T*-2)))) : (SBAR-4 that (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD unable (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD himself)))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his running) (VP was (ADJP-PRD best (PP for (NP the country))))))))))) , (ADVP unconsciously) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (VP placed (NP his party) (PP before (NP his nation)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-PRD-TPC-2 So) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP-PRD *T*-2) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP relive (NP (NP his opening statement) (PP in (NP the first television address))) (PP with (NP (NP the dramatic immediacy) (PP of (NP the present)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP No consideration) (PP of (NP risk))) (VP urges (NP itself) (PP upon (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP now))) : for (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the mind) (VP does (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP the ideas) (SBAR (WHPP-2 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has not (ADVP properly) (VP focussed (PP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S Yet (PP with (NP (NP a mind) (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP less shallow) , if (ADJP less sharp)) , (PP than (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the fortune-happy syndicates) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP back (NP him))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP feels (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can not (VP formulate (NP *T*-3))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP watch (NP him) (PP amid (NP (NP the overtones) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP suggest (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (PP in (NP any conscience)) (VP urge (NP a risk) (PP upon (NP the voters))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP Moving (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is))) (PP into (NP (NP the phase) (PP of (NP the campaign)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP demands (NP conviction) (PP of (NP him))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP adopts (NP (NP a position) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADJP-PRD morally indefensible)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ascribes (PP to (NP (NP the mercy) (PP of (NP God)))) (NP (NP the peace) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP this personal matter) -- (NP the assurance (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (ADVP-MNR physically) (VP sustain (NP (NP the burden) (PP of (NP the office))) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP longer) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ (NP any individual) (PP in (NP (NP the history) (PP of (NP our nation))))) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do)))))))))))))) --) (VP has (VP brought (NP him) (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD (NP an opinion) (VP formed (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP defiance) (PP of (NP (NP the laws) (PP of (NP human probability))))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV whether or not (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (ADVP-TMP later) (VP confirmed (NP *-1))))) , (VP has (VP become (PP-TMP by (NP (NP September) (PP of (NP the election year)))) `` (NP-PRD a firm conviction) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP As (NP (NP a means) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP silencing (NP (NP a discussion) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ought (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP place))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the statement) (VP is (NP-PRD an effective one))) : (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP sympathize (PP with (NP (NP the universal confusion) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP gives (NP rise) (PP to (NP such convictions))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP the climax) (PP to (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the absorbing chapters) (PP in (NP our current political history)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP assigning (PP to (NP God)) (NP (NP the responsibility) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP learned (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP could not (VP rest (PP with (NP his doctors))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Eisenhower) (VP gave (NP (NP evidence) (PP of (NP (NP that weakening) (PP of (NP the moral intuition)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP characterize (NP his administration) (PP in (NP the years (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP follow)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP any other man)) (NP-SBJ (NP this reassurance) (PP to (NP the electorate))) (VP would (VP have (VP caused (NP us) (NP a profound moral shock)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TPC-2 About (NP this man)) (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (PP *T*-2) (ADVP twice))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was , (PP as (NP reassurance)) , (NP-PRD (NP the ironic fruit) (PP of (NP a (ADJP deeply moral) nature))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the fact) (VP remains (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP even the unconscious acceptance) (PP of (NP himself)) (PP as (NP (NP a man) (PP of (NP destiny)) (ADJP divinely protected)))) (VP must (VP be (VP censored (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP any man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP evades (NP (NP the responsibility) (PP (PP for (NP his major decisions)) , and (ADVP thus) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP imposing (NP his will) (PP on (NP the people)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP in (NP (NP the context) (PP of (NP drifting personal utterances)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP examined (NP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP occasional evidence) (PP of (NP (NP the origin) (PP of (NP all such evasions)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the possibility (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (VP given (NP reconsideration) (PP-DTV to (NP (ADJP so weighty) a decision))))))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP disconcert (NP his questioners)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Mr. Eisenhower) (VP was (VP known (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP his characteristic statement (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (PP to (NP the press)) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ-5 he) (VP was not (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP talk (PP about (NP the matter)) (ADVP any more)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Thinking) (VP had (VP stopped))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP resumed (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The portrait) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP developed , (ADVP fragmentarily but consistently) ,))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the portrait) (PP of (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHPP-3 to (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ serious thinking) (VP is (ADJP-PRD alien enough (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the making) (PP of (NP a decision))) (VP inhibits , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP does not (VP forestall) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP any ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP review (NP the decision) (PP in (NP (NP the light) (PP of (NP new evidence)))))))))))) (PP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP does not (VP mean (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the decision (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP run (PP for (NP office)))))) (VP should (ADVP inevitably) (VP have (VP been (VP revoked (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Instead) (NP-SBJ it) (VP means (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the thinking) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ decision) (VP issues (PP *T*-2)))) (VP has (NP (NP the power) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP determine (NP (NP the morality) (PP of (NP the decision))) (ADVP *T*-3)))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (PP in (NP this instance)) (NP-SBJ (NP the pressure) (PP for (NP (NP renewed (ADJP practical or legislative) attention) (PP to (NP (NP the constitutional problems) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the decision) (VP had (VP uncovered (NP *T*-1)))))))))) (VP might (VP have (VP done)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Drifting (PP through (NP a third illness)) , (PP (ADVP apparently) without (NP (NP any provision) (PP for (NP (NP the handling) (PP of (NP (NP a major national emergency) (ADJP other (PP than (NP (NP a talk) (PP with (NP the vice-president))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Eisenhower) (VP revealed (NP (NP the (ADJP singularly static) quality) (PP of (NP his thinking)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP three warnings)) , (NP-SBJ (NP no sense) (PP of (NP moral urgency))) (VP impelled (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP distinguish (NP (NP his situation) , and (ADVP thus) (NP his responsibilities) ,) (PP from (NP Wilson 's)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP contrast)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the energetic reaction) (PP of (NP the leader)) (PP to (NP (NP the full demands) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ his decision) (VP imposes (NP *T*-1) (PP upon (NP him)))))))) (VP (VP strengthens (NP the moral intuition)) and (VP gives (NP us) (NP (NP the measure) (PP of (NP the man))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP (ADVP Only) by (NP (NP means) (PP of (NP (NP an intensive preoccupation) (PP with (NP (NP the detailed considerations) (VP following (PP from (NP any decision))))))))) can (NP-SBJ he) (VP ensure (NP (NP attention) (PP to (NP (NP the practical details) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP dealt (PP with (NP *-3)))))))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP the implications) (PP of (NP (NP immorality) (PP in (NP the major decision))))) (VP are (ADVP effectively) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP checked (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the incessant struggle) (PP with (NP recalcitrant political fact)))) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP learns (S (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP focus (NP (NP the essence) (PP of (NP a problem))) (PP in (NP the significant detail))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP articulate (NP (NP the distinctions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP clarify (NP the detail) (PP as (ADJP significant))))))))) ,) (PP with (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-PRD astounding rapidity)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP Lincoln)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP distinguish (NP (NP his relation) (PP to (NP God))) (PP from (NP (NP the constitutional responsibilities) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a questionable decision) (VP exacts (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP Roosevelt)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP distinguish (NP (NP an attitude) (PP toward (NP a Russian leader)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP may (VP share (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP a host) (PP of (NP Americans))))))))) (PP from (NP (NP the responsibilities) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ diplomatic convention) (VP may (VP impose (NP *T*-2) (PP upon (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP chooses (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP subordinate (NP one) (PP to (NP the other))))) , (ADVP sometimes reluctantly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP accepting (NP criticism) (PP for (NP (NP the lesser immoralities) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ facts) (VP breed (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The very nature) (PP of (NP (NP a choice) (VP so grounded (NP *) (PP in (NP distinction and fact)))))) (VP leads (PP to (NP (NP the valid convictions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP become (NP-PRD (NP force) (PP of (NP will))) (PP in (NP the manifest leader)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The capacity) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP (NP the distinctions) (SBAR (WHPP-2 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ diplomacy) (VP is (ADJP-PRD compact) (PP *T*-2))))))))) , and (NP (NP the facility) (PP with (NP language)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP render (NP them) (PP into (NP validity)) (PP in (NP (NP the eyes) (PP of (NP other men)))))))))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP the leader 's) means) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP transforming (NP the moral intuition) (PP into (NP moral leadership))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The making) (PP of (NP distinctions))) , (PP like (NP (NP the perception) (PP of (NP (NP the great distinctions) (VP made (NP *)))))) , (VP is (NP-PRD an (ADJP inordinately difficult) business)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Lincoln 's) slow progress) (PP towards (NP (NP the several) (VP marking (NP his achievement))))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP even now) (UCP-PRD (ADJP unrecognizable (PP as (ADJP such))) , and (VP (ADVP loosely) interpreted (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP the alternation) (PP of (NP inconsistency)) (PP with (NP vision))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the function) (PP of (NP the mind))) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP turn (NP the one) (PP into (NP the other)) (PP by (NP (NP means) (PP of (NP (NP the capacities) (SBAR (WHPP-1 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ words) (VP endow (NP it) (PP *T*-1)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP do not (ADVP-MNR unwisely) (VP examine (NP (NP the type) (PP of (NP (NP distinction) , (PP in (NP (NP the sphere) (PP of (NP politics)))) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ decisions) (VP hang (PP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (UCP (ADVP-TMP Only recently) , and (SBAR-PRP (ADVP perhaps) because (S (NP-SBJ a television debate) (VP can (ADVP so effectively) (VP dramatize (NP (NP (NP President Kennedy 's) extraordinary mastery) (PP of (NP detail))))))) ,) have (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the abilities) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the capacity) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP distinctions))))) (VP depend (PP *T*-1))))) (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD clearly discernible) (PP at (NP (NP the level) (PP of (NP politics)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP his recent evaluation) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Kennedy 's) potentialities) (PP for (NP leadership)))))) , (NP-SBJ Walter Lippmann) (VP has (VP cited (NP (NP (NP the `` precision '') (PP of (NP his mind))) , (NP (NP his `` immense command '') (PP of (NP factual detail))) , and (NP (NP his `` instinct) (PP for (NP the crucial point)) '')) (PP as (ADJP impressive (PP in (NP the extreme))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP is (ADVP surely) (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the first) (PP of (NP these))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the result) (PP of (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the individual 's) command) (PP of (NP language))) (VP interacts (PP with (NP the other two)) (PP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ this change) (VP is (NP-PRD not (NP (NP a change) (PP from (NP one positive position)) (PP to (NP another))) , but (NP a change (PP from (NP order and truth)) (PP to (NP disorder and negation))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The liberal-conservative division) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP might (VP observe (PP in (NP passing))))) ,) (VP is not (PP of (NP itself)) (ADVP directly) (VP involved (NP *-1) (PP (PP in (NP a private interest conflict)) (CONJP nor even) (PP in (NP (NP struggle) (PP between (NP ruling groups))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Rather) (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP rooted (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP a difference) (PP of (NP (NP response) (PP to (NP (NP the threat) (PP of (NP social disintegration)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The division) (VP is not (PP-PRD between (NP (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP preserve (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (NP *T*-3))))))))))) and (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP want (NP change)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Rather) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a division) (VP established (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP two (ADJP absolutely different) ways) (PP of (NP thought)) (PP with (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP (NP (NP man 's) life) (PP in (NP society))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These ways) (VP are (ADJP-PRD absolutely irreconcilable) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP offer (NP (NP two different recipes) (PP for (NP (NP (NP man 's) redemption) (PP from (NP chaos))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The civilizational crisis) , (NP (NP the third type) (PP of (NP change)))) (VP raises (NP (NP the question) `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ are (NP-SBJ we) (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) '' ? ?) (PP On (NP the (ADJP most primitive) level))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ-1 the answer) (VP can not (VP be (VP derived (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP any (ADJP socially cohesive) element) (PP in (NP the disrupting community))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no (ADJP socially existential) answer) (PP to (NP the question)))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ (NP the truth) (VP (ADVP formerly) experienced (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the community)))) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP has (NP existential status) (PP in (NP the community))) , nor (SINV does (NP-SBJ (NP any answer) (VP elaborated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS philosophers or theoriticians))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP this phase) (PP of (NP change)))) , (S (NP-SBJ no idea) (VP has (NP social acceptance))) (CONJP and so) (S (NP-SBJ none) (VP has (NP ontological status) (PP in (NP the community)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An interregnum) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP ensues (SBAR-1 (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ not men but ideas) (VP compete (PP for (NP existence)) (PP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP examine (NP (NP the three types) (PP of (NP change))) (PP from (NP (NP the point) (PP of (NP (NP view) (PP of (NP their internal structure))))))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP find (NP (NP (NP an additional profound difference) (PP between (NP (NP the third) and (NP the first two)))) , (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP accounts (PP for (NP (NP the notable difference) (PP between (NP (NP the responses) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP evoke (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first two types) (PP of (NP change))) (VP occur (PP within (NP (NP the (ADJP inward and immanent) structure) (PP of (NP the society))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The first) (VP involves (NP (NP a simple shift) (PP of (NP interests)) (PP in (NP the society)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The second) (VP involves (NP (NP something) (ADJP deeper)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ its characteristic form) (VP focuses (PP on (NP (NP a shift) (PP (PP in (NP (NP policy) (PP for (NP the community)))) , not (PP in (NP (NP the truth) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the community) (VP rests (PP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (PP in (NP both types)) (NP-SBJ-1 attention) (VP is (VP focused (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP (NP the community) (NP itself)) , and (NP its phenomenological life))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The third type) , (ADVP however) , (VP (VP wrenches (NP attention) (PP from (NP (NP the life) (PP of (NP (NP action and interests) (PP in (NP the community))))))) and (VP focuses (NP it) (PP on (NP (NP the ground) (PP of (NP being)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the community) (VP depends (PP *T*-1) (PP for (NP its existence))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Voegelin) (VP has (VP analyzed (NP this experience) (PP in (NP (NP the case) (PP of (NP the stable , healthy community)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ-1 the community) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP faced (NP *-2) (PP with (NP the need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP formulate (NP policy) (PP on (NP (NP the level) (PP of (NP absolute justice))))))))))) , (VP can (VP find (NP (NP the answer) (PP to (NP its problem))) (PP in (NP (NP the absolute truth) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP holds (NP *T*-3) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-4 *) (ADVP partially) (VP experienced (NP *-4))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) , (ADVP however) , (VP can not (VP be (VP done (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a community) (SBAR (WHNP-2 (NP whose very experience) (PP of (NP truth))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADJP-PRD confused and incoherent)))))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP has (NP no absolute standard)) , and (VP (ADVP consequently) can not (VP distinguish (NP the absolute) (PP from (NP the contingent)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP has (VP lost (NP (NP its ground) (PP of (NP being))))) and (VP floats (PP in (NP (NP a mist) (PP of (NP appearances)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Relativism and equality) (VP are (NP-PRD its characteristic diseases)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Precisely) at (NP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP lost (NP its vision) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) (NP-SBJ (NP the mind) (PP of (NP the community))) (VP turns (PRT out) (PP from (NP itself)) (PP in (NP (NP a search) (PP for (NP (NP the ontological standard) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 whereby) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP can (VP measure (NP itself) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ paradigmatic history) (VP `` breaks '' (CONJP rather than) unfolds (SBAR-TMP (ADVP precisely) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the movement) (VP is (PP-PRD (PP (PP from (NP order)) (PP to (NP disorder))) , and (PP not (PP from (NP one order)) (PP to (NP a new order)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The liberal-conservative split) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP define (NP it) (ADVP further)))) , (VP derives (PP from (NP (NP a basic difference) (PP (PP concerning (NP (NP the existential status) (PP of (NP (NP standard) (VP sought (NP *)))))) and (PP about (NP (NP the spiritual experience) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP leads (PP to (NP its identification))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ disruptive change) (VP has (VP penetrated (PP to (NP (NP the third level) (PP of (NP social order)))) (ADVP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the process) (PP of (NP disruption))) (ADVP rapidly) (VP reaches (NP (NP a point) (PP of (NP no return)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Indeed) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD probable) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 this point) (VP is (VP reached (NP *-2) (NP-TMP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the third level) (PP of (NP change))) (VP begins (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP that point)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP reach (NP (NP (NP the `` closed '' historical situation)) : (NP (NP the situation) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP is (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADJP-PRD free (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP return (PP to (NP a status quo ante)))))) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP that point)) (NP-SBJ men) (VP (VP become (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP (NP (NP the mystery) (PP of (NP history))) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP variously) (NP-PRD `` fate '' , or `` destiny '' , or `` providence ''))))))) , and (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ-1 themselves) (VP caught (NP *-1) (ADVP helplessly) (PP in (NP (NP the writhing) (PP of (NP a disrupted society)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The reasons) (PP for (NP this experience))) (VP are (VP rooted (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the metaphysical characteristics) (PP of (NP such a change)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP (NP all forms) (PP of (NP being)))) , (NP-SBJ society , or community ,) (VP has (NP (NP the greatest element) (PP of (NP determinability)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its ontological status) (VP is (NP-ADV itself) (ADJP-PRD most tenuous) (SBAR-PRP because (S (ADVP apart (PP from (NP (NP individual men) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP its `` matter '') , (NP tradition) ,))))))) (NP-SBJ (NP the `` form '') (PP of (NP society))) (VP exists (ADVP only) (PP as (NP (NP a shared perception) (PP of (NP truth)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The ontological status) (PP of (NP society))) (ADVP thus) (VP is (VP constituted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the psychological status) (PP of (NP (NP society 's) members)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The content) (PP of (NP that psychological status))) (VP determines , (ADVP ultimately) , (NP (NP the content) (PP of (NP civilization)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Those social , civilizational factors) (VP not rooted (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the human spirit) (PP of (NP the group))))) ,) (ADVP ultimately) (VP cease (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP exist)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Civilization) (NP itself)) -- (NP tradition) --) (VP falls (PP out (PP of (NP existence))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the human spirit) (NP itself)) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD confused) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Civilization) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP has (VP made (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP himself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Its massive contours) (VP are (VP rooted (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the simple need (S *ICH*-2)) (PP of (NP man))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD incomplete)))) , (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP complete (NP himself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (PP *EXP*-5)) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD enough) (PP-5 for (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD an ontological esse)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP needs (NP existential completion))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP needs (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) ,) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move (PP in (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (NP completion))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the direction) (PP of (NP that movement))) (VP is (VP determined (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his perception) (PP of (NP (NP the truth) (PP about (NP himself)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must , (ADVP consequently) , (VP exist (PP as (NP a self-perceived substantive , developing agent))))) , or (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does not (VP exist (PP as (NP man))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no mystical intuition) , but (NP an analyzable conception)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP man) and (NP his tradition)) (VP can `` (VP fall (PP out (PP of (NP existence)))) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP happens) (PP at (NP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP 0) (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP loses (NP (NP the perception) (PP (PP of (NP (NP moral substance) (PP in (NP himself)))) , (PP of (NP (NP a nature) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) , (S (PP in (NP (NP Maritain 's) words)) , (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP perceived (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP a `` locus) (PP of (NP intelligible necessities)) ''))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An existentialist) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP perceives (NP himself) (PP (ADVP only) (PP as `` (NP esse) '') , (PP as (NP (NP existence) (PP without (NP substance)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ (NP human perception) and (NP human volition)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the immanent cause) (PP of (NP all social change))))) and (FRAG (NP this) (ADVP most truly) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the change) (VP reaches (NP the civilizational level) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (PP with (NP regard (PP to (NP (NP the loss) (PP of (NP tradition)))))) , (PP in (NP (NP the change) (PP from (NP order)) (PP to (NP disorder)))) (NP-SBJ (NP the metaphysics) (PP of (NP change))) (VP works (NP itself) (PRT out) (PP as (NP (NP (NP a disruption) (PP of (NP the individual soul))) , (NP (NP a change) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP continues (PP (PP as (NP an objective ontological existent)) , but (PP (ADVP no longer) as (NP a man))) (PP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Further) , (S (NP-SBJ change) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a form) (PP of (NP motion))))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP occurs (PP as (NP (NP the act) (PP of (NP (NP a being) (PP in (NP potency)))))) (SBAR-ADV insofar as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP potency))) and (VP has not (ADVP-PRP yet) (VP reached (NP (NP the terminus) (PP of (NP the change)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP (NP the change) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (VP examining (NP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the question) (VP is , (SBARQ-PRD (WHPP-2 at (WHNP what point)) (SQ does (NP-SBJ the change) (VP become (ADJP-PRD irreversible) (PP *T*-2))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A number) (PP of (NP considerations))) (VP suggest (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP occurs (ADVP early (PP in (NP the process))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Change) (VP involves (NP (NP the displacement) (PP of (NP form)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP means (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the inception) (PP of (NP (NP change) (NP itself)))) (VP can (VP begin (SBAR-TMP (ADVP only) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the factors) (ADJP conducive (PP to (NP change)))) (VP have (ADVP-TMP already) (VP become (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more powerful) (PP than (NP (NP those) (VP anchoring (NP the existent form) (PP in (NP being)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the existent form) (VP is (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP retained (NP *-1)))))))) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP new factors) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP reinforce (NP it))))) (VP must (VP be (VP introduced (NP *-2) (PP into (NP the situation))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the case) (PP of (NP social decay)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 form) (VP is (VP displaced (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP simply) by (NP-LGS (NP the process) (PP of (NP dissolution)))) (PP with (NP (NP no form) (PP at (NP (NP the terminus) (PP of (NP the process)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Now) (PP in (NP (NP the mere fact) (PP of (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP such displacement)))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP prima-facie evidence) (PP of (NP (NP the ontological weakness) (PP of (NP the fading form)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP consider (NP (NP the tenuous hold) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ tradition) (VP has (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP existence)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP any weakening) (PP of (NP that hold))) (VP constitutes (NP (NP a crisis) (PP of (NP existence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The retention) (PP of (NP (NP a tradition) (VP confronted (NP *) (PP with (NP such a crisis)))))) (VP necessitates (NP (NP the introduction) (PP of (NP new spiritual forces)) (PP into (NP the situation)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ the crisis) (VP occurs (ADVP precisely) (PP as (NP (NP a weakening) (PP of (NP spiritual forces))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP seem , (ADVP therefore) , (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP a civilizational crisis)) (NP-SBJ man) (VP can not (VP save (NP himself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The emergence) (PP of (NP (NP the crisis) (NP itself)))) (VP would (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP constitute (NP (NP a warranty) (PP for (NP (NP the victory) (PP of (NP disorder)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP seem (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ history) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a witness) (PP to (NP this truth)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP a further characterization) (PP of (NP the liberal conservative split)))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP may (VP observe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP involves (NP (NP differences) (PP in (NP (NP the formula) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP escaping (NP (NP inevitabilities) (PP in (NP history)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These differences) , (PP in (NP turn)) , (VP derive (PP from (NP (NP prior differences) (PP concerning (NP (NP the (ADJP friendly or hostile) character) (PP of (NP change))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Unanalyzed responses) (NP anxiety) and (NP deep insecurity)) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the characteristic responses) (VP evoked (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the crisis) (PP in (NP tradition))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP experience (NP them)))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (PP *EXP*-3)) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD necessary) (PP-3 for (S (NP-SBJ a people) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD actively aware (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP is (VP happening (PP to (NP it)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The process) (PP of (NP erosion))) (VP need (ADVP only) (VP undermine (NP the tradition)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a series) (PP of (NP consequences))) (VP begin (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP unfolding (PP within (NP the individual)))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (PP in (NP institutions)) (NP-SBJ (NP a (ADJP quiet but deep) transformation) (PP of (NP processes))) (VP occurs))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Within (NP the individual)) (NP-SBJ-1 the reaction) (VP has (VP been (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP various names))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ all) , (ADVP however) , (VP pointing (PP to (NP the same basic experience))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Weil) (VP identifies (NP it) (PP-1 as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP being `` (ADJP-PRD rootless) ''))))) , (S (NP-SBJ Guardini) (VP (PP=1 as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP being `` (ADJP-PRD placeless) ''))))) , (S (NP-SBJ Riesman) (PP=1 as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP being `` (ADJP-PRD lonely) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP (VP call (S (NP-SBJ it) `` (NP-PRD alienation) '')) , and (VP mean (PP by (NP that)) (NP (NP no simple economic experience) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Marx) (VP does))) -RRB-) but (NP (NP a deep spiritual sense) (PP of (NP dislocation)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Within (NP institutions)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a marked decline) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the process) (PP of (NP persuasion))) and (NP (NP the substitution) (PP of (NP (NP a force-fear process) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP masquerades (PP as (NP (NP the earlier one) (PP of (NP persuasion)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP note (NP (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP rhetoric)) (PP as (NP a weapon))) , (NP (NP the manipulation) (PP of (NP the masses)) (PP by (NP propaganda))) , (NP (NP the `` mobilization '') (PP of (NP effort and resources))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Within (NP (NP this context) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP spontaneous and unanalyzed) responses) (PP to (NP (NP the experience) (PP of (NP civilizational crisis)))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP two basic organizations) (PP of (NP response))) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP are (ADJP-PRD observable) : (NP-2 (NP reaction) and (NP ideological progressivism))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These responses) (VP are (ADJP-PRD explicable (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP (NP characteristics) (ADJP inherent (PP in (NP the crisis))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Both) (VP are (ADVP predictably) (VP destined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fail))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The response) (PP of (NP reaction))) (VP is (VP dominated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a concern) (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (VP vanishing))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its essence) (VP lies (PP in (NP its attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP recover (NP previous order) (PP through (NP (NP the repression) (PP of (NP disruptive forces)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP this end)) (NP-SBJ-1 political authority) (VP is (VP called (PP upon (NP *-1)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP exercise (NP its (ADJP negative and coercive) powers)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The implicit assumption) (PP of (NP this response))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ history) (VP is (ADJP-PRD reversible))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Seemingly) , (NP-SBJ-1 order) (VP is (VP perceived (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP subsistent entity) (VP (ADVP-TMP now) covered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS adventitious accretions))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The problem) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP remove (NP the accretions)) and (VP (ADVP thereby) uncover (NP (NP the order) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADVP-PRD there)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such a response) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP misses (NP the point (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP crisis)) (NP-SBJ order) (VP is (VP going (PP out (PP of (NP existence))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP its posture) (PP of (NP (ADJP stubborn but simple) resistance))) (VP is (VP doomed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP failure)) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP the metaphysical weakness) (PP of (NP (NP the existent form) (PP of (NP order)))))) , (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ (NP the activation) (PP of (NP change))) (VP has (VP reached (NP visible proportions))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The most) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ reaction) (VP can (VP achieve (NP *T*-4)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP stasis) , and (NP (NP a stasis) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP can (VP be (VP maintained (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP-LGS (NP the expenditure) (PP of (NP (NP an effort) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (ADVP ultimately) (VP exhausts (NP itself)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP (NP the hopelessness) (PP of (NP the response)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD explicable (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP (NP the crisis) (PP of (NP (NP tradition) (NP itself))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ a civilizational crisis) (VP involves (ADVP also) (NP (NP a crisis) (PP (PP in (NP private interests)) and (PP in (NP the ruling class))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 reaction) (VP is (ADVP normally) (VP found (NP *-1) (PP among (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ themselves) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD among (NP the ruling class)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their great error) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP mingle (NP (NP the responses) (ADJP typical (PP of (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP (NP the three types) (PP of (NP change)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ civilizational change) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most difficult)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP perceive and analyze (NP *T*-2))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (ADVP-TMP seldom) (VP is (VP given (NP *-1) (NP adequate attention))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the anxiety) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP generates (NP *T*-2))))) (VP is (VP misinterpreted (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP anxiety) (PP over (NP (NP private interest) and (NP threatened social status))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The basic truth) (PP in (NP the reactionary response))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP found (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP its realistic assumption) (PP of (NP (NP the primacy) (PP of (NP the real)) (PP over (NP the ideational))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 this truth) (VP is (VP distorted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP its extreme application) : (NP (NP the assumption) (PP of (NP (NP the separate existence) (PP of (NP tradition))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The reactionary) (VP misses (NP the point (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ tradition) (VP exists (ADVP ontologically) (PP (ADVP only) in (NP (NP the form) (PP of (NP psychological-intellectual relations))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Reactionary theories) , (PP for (NP this reason)) , (ADVP usually) (VP assume (NP (NP some form) (PP of (NP organismic theory)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP its defensive formulations)) , (NP-SBJ the theory) (VP will (VP attack (NP conscious change) (PP on (NP (NP the grounds) (PP of (NP (NP the independent existence) (PP of (NP the community)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP its dynamic form)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP visualizes (NP the community) (PP as (NP (NP the embodiment) (PP of (NP (NP an ontological force) -- (NP (NP the race) , (PP for (NP instance)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP unfolds (PP in (NP history))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP both cases)) (NP-SBJ-2 the individual) (VP tends (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP treated (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP an instrument) (PP of (NP the organic reality))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the reactionary response) (VP is (ADVP thus) (VP bolstered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS an intellectual defense)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the characteristics) (PP of (NP that defense))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD explicable (PP (ADVP only) in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP (NP the basic attitudes) (PP of (NP unanalyzed reaction)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Reaction) (VP is (VP rooted (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP a perception) (PP of (NP (NP tradition) (PP as (NP a whole)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP a total situation) (SBAR (WHNP-5 that) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-5) (VP is (VP defended (NP *-4)))))) : (NP the `` good old days ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD no selectivity))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP even the questionable features) (PP of (NP the past))) (VP are (VP defended (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The point) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ the reactionary) , (PP for (WHNP whatever motive)) , (VP perceives (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP to (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP part) or (NP a partner)) (PP of (NP (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP extended (PP beyond (NP himself)))))) , (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (ADVP consequently) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP accept or reject (NP *T*-2) (PP on (NP (NP the basis) (PP of (NP subjective preference))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The reactionary) (VP is (VP confused (NP *-1) (PP about (NP (NP the existential status) (PP of (NP a decaying tradition))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does (VP perceive (NP (NP the unity) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ tradition) (VP had (NP *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD healthy) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 (NP All) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP brings (PRT up) (NP (NP another problem) (PP in (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP (NP psychoanalytic insight) (PP in (NP a literary work))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ (NP the Oedipus complex) , (NP the clinical syndrome) ,) (NP-PRD (NP material) (PP for (NP a tragedy))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP remove (NP ourselves) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (PP from (NP (NP our time) and (NP (NP our infatuation) (PP with (NP mental disease)))))))) , is n't (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADJP absurd (PP about (NP (NP a hero) (PP in (NP a novel)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP defeated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS his infantile neurosis)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am not (VP making (NP a clinical judgment) (ADVP-LOC here)))) , for (S (NP-SBJ such personal tragedies) (VP (VP are (ADJP-PRD real)) and (VP are (ADJP-PRD commonplace) (PP in (NP (NP the analyst 's) consulting room))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ literature) (VP makes (NP (NP a different claim) (PP upon (NP our sympathies)) (PP than (NP (NP tragedy) (PP in (NP life))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A man) (PP in (NP a novel)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (VP (VP defeated (NP *-2) (PP in (NP his childhood))) and (VP condemned (PP by (NP-LGS (NP unconscious forces) (PP within (NP him)))) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (ADVP-MNR tiredly) (VP repeat (NP (NP his earliest failure) (PP in (NP love)))))))))))) , (ADVP only) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ us) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) weary (PP of (NP man)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ his tragedy) (VP seems (ADJP-PRD unworthy and trivial))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Now) (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP argue (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the irresistible fate) (PP of (NP Oedipus Rex))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP more) (PP than (NP (NP (NP the irresistible unconscious longings) (PP of (NP Oedipus))) (VP projected (NP *) (ADVP outward)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP this externalization) (PP of (NP unconscious conflict))) (VP makes (NP (NP all the difference) (PP between (NP (NP a story) and (NP a clinical case history)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP can (ADVP also) (VP argue (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the three brothers Karamazov) and (NP Smerdyakov)) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the external representatives) (PP of (NP (NP (NP an internal conflict) (PP within (NP (NP one man) , (NP Dostoevsky) ,))) (NP (NP a conflict) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (PP with (NP (NP father-murder) and (NP the wish (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP possess (NP (NP the father 's) woman)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP a novel) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP one man) (NP Karamazov)) (VP explored (NP (NP the divisions) (PP within (NP his personality))) (PP *T*-1))))) (VP would (ADVP scarcely) (VP merit (NP (NP publication) (PP in (NP-TTL the Psychoanalytic Quarterly))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD a mistake) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP upon (NP (NP the Oedipus) (PP of (NP Oedipus Complex)))) (PP as (NP (NP a literary descendant) (PP of (NP Oedipus Rex)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (WHNP Whatever) (FRAG (NP (NP the psychological truth) (PP in (NP the Oedipus myth))))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP an Oedipus) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP drawn (NP *-1) (PP to (NP his fate)) (PP by (NP-LGS irresistible external forces))))))) (VP can (VP carry (NP (NP (NP the symbol) (PP of (NP humanity))) and (NP its archaic crime))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the incest) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP is (ADJP-PRD unknowing))))) (VP (VP renews (NP (NP the mystery) (PP of (NP (NP the eternal dream) (PP of (NP childhood)))))) and (VP absorbs (NP us) (PP in (NP the secret)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ (NP a modern Oedipus) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP doomed (NP *-1) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can not (VP oppose (NP his own childhood)))))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD only pathetic))) , and (S (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP renouncing (NP the mystery) (PP in (NP (NP favor) (PP of (NP psychological truth))))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP gives (PRT up) (NP (NP the claim) (PP on (NP our sympathies))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP suggesting (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a case-history approach) (PP to (NP the Oedipus complex))) (VP is (NP-PRD a blind alley) (PP for (NP a storyteller))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The best gifts) (PP of (NP the novelist))) (VP will (VP be (VP wasted (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP the reader) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP is (VP insulated (NP *-2) (PP against (NP (NP any surprises) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ the novelist) (VP may (VP have (NP *T*-4) (PP in (NP (NP store) (PP for (NP him))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Incest) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD a durable theme))) , but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP get (VP written (PP about (NP *-2))))))))) (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP will (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP ways) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP surprise (NP the emotions) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no better way) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP this) (ADVP-MNR *T*-5))))) (PP than (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP concealment) and (NP symbolic representation)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the best way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP conceal and disguise (NP (NP the elements) (PP of (NP an incest story))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) (VP is not (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP set (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP write (NP an incest story)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 Which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP brings (PP to (NP mind)) (NP (NP another Lawrence story) and (NP (NP some interesting comparisons) (PP in (NP (NP the treatment) (PP of (NP the Oedipal theme)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TTL-SBJ The Rocking Horse Winner) '' (VP is (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP a story) (PP about (NP (NP (NP a boy 's) love) (PP for (NP his mother)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP risk (NP (NP some comparisons) (PP with (NP-TTL Sons And Lovers)))))) (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP be (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am not (VP (VP comparing (NP the two works)) or (VP judging (NP their merits)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADVP only) (VP singling (PRT out) (NP (NP (NP differences) (PP in (NP (NP treatment) (PP of (NP a theme))))) and (NP the resultant effects))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (NP-TTL-SBJ The Rocking Horse Winner) '' (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a fantasy) (PP with (NP (NP extraordinary power) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP disturb (NP the reader) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do not (VP know (FRAG (WHADVP why))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the story) (PP of (NP (NP the hopeless love) (PP of (NP a little boy)) (PP for (NP his (ADJP cold and vain) mother)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP ghostly scenes) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the little boy) (PP on (NP his rocking horse))) (VP rocks (ADVP-MNR madly) (PP toward (NP (NP the climax) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (ADVP magically) (VP give (NP him) (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP the winning horse))))))))) (PP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The child) (VP (VP grows (ADJP-PRD rich) (PP on (NP his winnings))) and (VP conspires (PP with (NP his uncle)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP secret gifts) (PP of (NP his money))) (PP-DTV to (NP his mother))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The story) (VP ends (PP in (NP (NP (NP the child 's) illness and delirium) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP brought (PRT on) (PP by (NP-LGS the feverish compulsion (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ride (NP his horse) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP win (PP for (NP his mother)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The child) (VP dies (PP with (NP (NP his mourning mother) (PP-LOC at (NP his bedside))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP read (NP the story) (NP-ADV many times) (PP without (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP asking (NP myself) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP affected (NP me) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) or (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP caring (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-TMP on (NP (NP one occasion) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP encountered (NP a similar fantasy) (PP in (NP (NP a little boy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD my patient)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP understand (NP (NP the uncanny effects) (PP of (NP this story))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-PRD (NP (NP a little boy 's) fantasy) (PP of (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP winning (NP his mother) (PP to (NP himself)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP replacing (NP (NP the father) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could not (VP give (NP her) (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))) (PRN -- (NP (NP a classical oedipal fantasy) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP like)))) --))) (S but (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (ADVP only) (NP-PRD this)))) (NP-SBJ the story) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD banal)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ does (NP-SBJ the story) (VP affect (NP us) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ does (NP-SBJ the rocking) (VP exert (NP its uncanny effect) (PP upon (NP the reader)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The rocking) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP is (ADVP actually) (VP felt (NP-PRD *-2) (PP in (NP the story))) , (NP-1 (NP a (ADJP terrible and ominous) rhythm) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP prophesies (NP the tragedy)))))) .)) (TOP (S-4 (NP-SBJ The rocking) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4)))) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the single element) (PP in (NP the story)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP carries (NP (NP the erotic message) , (NP (NP the (ADJP unspoken and unconscious) undercurrent) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP would (VP (VP mar (NP (NP the innocence) (PP of (NP (NP a child 's) fantasy)))) and (VP disturb (NP (NP the effects) (PP of (NP the work))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP were (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD explicit)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ The rocking) (VP has (NP (NP the ambiguous function) (PP of (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (S (NP-SBJ the erotic undercurrent) (ADJP-PRD silent)))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD present))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP conceals) and (VP (ADVP yet) is (ADJP-PRD suggestive)))) ; ; (NP a perfect symbol) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP understand (NP the rocking) (PP as (NP an erotic symbol))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (ADVP also) (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how well) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP serves (ADVP *T*-1) (PP as (NP (NP the symbol) (PP of (NP impending tragedy))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP (NP this love) (PP of (NP the boy)) (PP for (NP his mother)))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP hopeless and forbidden) love) , (VP doomed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS its nature))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP are (ADVP also) (VP struck (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP this story) (PP of (NP (NP (NP a boy 's) love) (PP for (NP his mother))))) (VP does not (VP offend , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ (NP the incestuous love) (PP of (NP (NP the man) , (NP Paul Morel) ,))) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP repels))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD easy) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (FRAG (WHADVP why)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This love) (VP belongs (PP to (NP childhood)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP accord (NP it) (NP its place) (ADVP-LOC there))) , and (S (PP in (NP (NP Lawrence 's) treatment)) (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (VP given (NP *-1) (NP (NP (NP the innocent fantasy) (PP of (NP a child))) , (PP in (NP fact)) , (NP (NP the form) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 oedipal love) (VP is (VP expressed (NP *-2) (PP *T*-3) (PP in (NP childhood))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ the child) (VP dies (PP in (NP (NP Lawrence 's) story)) (PP in (NP (NP a delirium) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP-MNR somehow) (VP brought (NP *-2) (PRT on) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his mania) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP win))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ his mother) (ADJP-PRD rich))))) (ADVP *T*-3)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the manifest absurdity) (PP of (NP (NP such a disease) and (NP such a death)))) (VP does not (VP enter (PP into (NP our thoughts)) (ADVP at all))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (ADVP (ADVP so completely) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP entered (NP (NP the child 's) fantasy) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP his illness) and (NP his death)) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the plausible (NX *ICH*-2)) and (NP the necessary (NX *ICH*-2)) (NX-2 conclusion))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP none) (PP of (NP (NP the effects) (PP of (NP this story))))) (VP were (ADVP-MNR consciously) (VP employed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Lawrence)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP describe (NP (NP an oedipal fantasy) (PP in (NP childhood)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD most probable) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Freud) and (NP the Oedipus complex)) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP entered (NP his head) (PP in (NP (NP the writing) (PP of (NP this story)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP simply) (VP writing (NP (NP a story) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP told (NP *-1)))))))))))) , and (S (PP in (NP the writing)) (NP-SBJ (NP a childhood fantasy) (PP of (NP his own))) (VP emerged)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would not (VP have (VP cared (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP emerged (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (ADVP only) (VP wanted (S (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP capture (NP a memory)))) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP play (PP with (NP it)) (ADVP again) (PP in (NP his imagination))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP-MNR somehow) (VP to (VP fix and hold (PP in (NP the story)) (NP (NP the disturbing emotions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP accompanied (NP the fantasy))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP our own time)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP seen (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the novelist 's) debt) (PP to (NP psychoanalysis))) (VP has (VP increased)))) but (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the novel) (NP itself)) (VP has not (VP profited (ADVP much) (PP from (NP this marriage))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Ortega 's) hope (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ modern psychology) (VP might (ADVP-TMP yet) (VP bring (ADVP forth) (NP (NP a last flowering) (PP of (NP the novel)))))))) (VP has (ADVP only) (VP been (ADVP partially) (VP fulfilled (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The young writer) (VP seems (ADJP-PRD intimidated (PP by (NP psychological knowledge))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP lost (NP (NP confidence) (PP (PP in (NP his own eyes)) and (PP in (NP (NP the validity) (PP of (NP his own psychological insights))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP borrows (NP (NP the insights) (PP of (NP psychology))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP improve (NP his impaired vision))))) but (VP can not (VP bring (PP to (NP his work)) (NP (NP the distinctive vision) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP should (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a novelist 's) own))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP has (VP been (VP seduced (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the marvels) (PP of (NP the unconscious))))))) and (VP has (VP lost (NP interest) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP studying (NP (NP the surfaces) (PP of (NP character))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP many) (PP of (NP (NP the characters) (PP in (NP contemporary novels))))) (VP appear (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the bloodless relations) (PP of (NP (NP characters) (PP in (NP a case history))))))))))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ the novelist) (VP is (ADVP-TMP often) (ADJP-PRD forgetful (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (NP-TMP today) (SBAR-3 (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP those things) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP call (S (NP-SBJ character) (NP-PRD *T*-4)))))) (VP manifest (NP themselves) (PP in (NP surface behavior))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the ego) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP the executive agency) (PP of (NP personality)))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP know (NP *T*-5) (PP of (NP personality)))))) (VP must (VP be (VP discerned (NP *-1) (PP through (NP the ego)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The novelist) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP has (VP been (ADVP-MNR badly) (VP baptized (NP *-1) (PP in (NP psychoanalysis)))))))) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP gives (NP us) (NP the impression (SBAR that (S (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ all men) (VP must (VP have (NP an Oedipus complex))))) (NP-SBJ all men) (VP must (VP have (NP the same faces))))))) .)) (TOP (NP 2 .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP argued (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Oedipus) (PP of (NP the Oedipus complex))) (VP has (NP a doubtful future) (PP as (NP (NP a tragic figure) (PP in (NP literature))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP a writer) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (NP (NP a taste) (PP for (NP irony)))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP sees (NP incest) (PP in (NP all its modern dimensions))))))) (VP can (VP let (S (NP-SBJ his imagination) (VP work (PP on (NP (NP (NP the disturbing joke) (PP in (NP the incest myth))) , (NP (NP the joke) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP strikes (PP (ADVP right) at (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP (NP man 's) humanness)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Moral dread) (VP is (VP seen (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP the other face) (PP of (NP desire))))))) , and (S (ADVP-LOC here) (NP-SBJ psychoanalysis) (VP delivers (PP to (NP the writer)) (NP (NP a magnificent irony) and (NP (NP a moral problem) (PP of (NP great complexity)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (ADVP probably) (NP-PRD (NP some significance) (PP in (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP two) (PP of (NP (NP the best incest stories) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP encountered (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP in (NP recent years))))))))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP burlesques) (PP of (NP the incest myth)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The ancient types) (VP are (VP reassembled (NP *-1) (PP in (NP gloom and foreboding)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP be (ADVP irresistibly) (VP drawn (NP *-2) (PP to (NP their destinies))))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ the myth) (VP fails (PP before (NP the modern truth)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ the oracle) (VP speaks (ADVP false))) and (S (NP-SBJ the dream) (VP speaks (ADVP true))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP (PP In (ADVP both) (NP (NP (NP the farmer 's) tale) (PP in (NP (NP Ralph Ellison 's) (NX-TTL Invisible Man))))) and (PP in (NP (NP Thomas Mann 's) (NX-TTL The Holy Sinner)))) , (NP-SBJ the incest hero) (VP rises (PP above (NP the myth)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP accepting (NP the wish) (PP as (NP motive))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the heroic act) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the casting off) (PP of (NP pretense))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Thomas Mann) (VP wrote (NP-TTL The Holy Sinner) (PP-TMP in (NP 1951))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP conceived (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP a leave-taking) , (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP melancholy gathering-in) (PP of (NP (NP the myths) (PP of (NP the West)))))))))))) , `` (X bevor die Nacht sinkt , eine lange Nacht vielleicht und ein tiefes Vergessen) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP chose (NP (NP (NP a medieval legend) (PP of (NP incest))) , (NP Gregorius Vom Stein) ,)) and (VP (ADVP freely) borrowed and parodied (NP (NP other myths) (PP of (NP the West)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP mixing (NP themes , language , peoples and times) (PP in (NP (NP a master myth) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the old forms) (ADVP continually) (VP renew (NP themselves) (PP *T*-2) , (PP as (PP in (NP (NP his previous treatment) (PP of (NP Joseph))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-TTL-SBJ The Holy Sinner) (VP is not (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD (NP a retelling) (PP of (NP old stories))) (PP for (NP (NP an old man 's) entertainment))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mann) (VP understood (ADVP (ADVP better) (PP than (NP most men))) (NP (NP (NP the incest comedy) (PP at (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the myth))))) and (NP (NP the psychological truth) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 dread) (VP is (VP shown (NP *-1) (PP as (NP the other face)) (PP *T*-2))))))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ longing) (VP was (PP for (NP him)) (NP-PRD (NP (NP just the kind) (PP of (NP (ADJP deep and complicated) joke))) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP tell (NP *T*-4)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP retold (NP (NP the legend) (PP of (NP Gregorius))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP interpolated (NP (NP a modern version) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the medieval players) (VP speak (NP contemporary thoughts) (PP in (NP archaic language)) (PP *T*-2))))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP move (PP through (NP (NP the pageantry) (PP of (NP the ancient incest myth))))) and (VP cover (NP themselves) (PP through (NP not-knowing)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP reveal (NP the unconscious motive) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeking (NP each other))))) and (VP (PP in (NP the last scene)) make (NP (NP an extraordinary confession) (PP of (NP guilt))) (PP in (NP the twentieth-century manner))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grigorss) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the child) (PP of (NP (NP an incestuous union) (PP between (NP (NP a royal brother and sister) , (NP (NP the twins) (NP Sibylla and Wiligis)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP is (VP (VP born (NP *-1) (PP in (NP secrecy)) (PP after (NP (NP the death) (PP of (NP his father)))) and (VP cast (NP *-1) (ADVP adrift) (PP-TMP (ADVP soon) after (NP birth)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The infant) (VP is (VP discovered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a fisherman) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP brings (NP him) (ADVP-DIR home) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rear (NP him))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP An ivory tablet) (PP in (NP (NP the infant 's) cask))) (VP (VP recounts (NP (NP the story) (PP of (NP his sinful origins)))) and (VP is (VP preserved (NP *-1) (PP for (NP the child)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the monks) (PP of (NP (NP a monastery) (PP in (NP the fishing village))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grigorss) , (PP at (NP seventeen)) , (VP (VP learns (NP his story)) and (VP goes (ADVP forth) (PP as (NP a knight)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP uncover (NP his origins)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His sailing vessel) (VP is (VP guided (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS fate)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the shores) (PP of (NP his own country)))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP a time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Sibylla 's) domain) (VP is (VP overrun (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the armies) (PP of (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP her rejected suitors)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grigorss) (VP (VP overcomes (NP the suitor) (PP in (NP battle))) , (VP delivers (NP the city) (PP from (NP its oppressors))) and (VP marries (NP (NP Sibylla) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP fallen (PP in (NP love)) (PP with (NP the beautiful knight)) (NP-TMP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sibylla) (VP is (ADJP-PRD pregnant (PP with (NP their second child))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP finds (NP (NP the ivory tablet) (VP concealed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS her husband)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the identities) (PP of (NP mother and son))) (VP are (VP revealed (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grigorss) (VP goes (PRT off) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP penance) (PP-LOC on (NP a rock)) (PP-TMP for (NP seventeen years)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP this period)))) (NP-SBJ (NP two pious Christians) (PP-LOC in (NP Rome))) (VP receive (NP (NP the revelation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP leads (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP to (VP seek (NP the next Pope) (PP-LOC on (NP the rock)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grigorss) (VP (VP comes (PP-DIR to (NP Rome))) and (VP becomes (NP-PRD a (ADJP great and beloved) Pope))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the last pages) (PP of (NP the book)))) (NP-SBJ Sibylla) (VP comes (PP-DIR to (NP Rome)) (S-PRP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP seek (NP (NP an audience) (PP with (NP the great Pope)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP her confession)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mother and son) (VP (VP recognize (NP each other)) and , (VP (PP in (NP (NP (NP Mann 's) version) (PP of (NP this legend)))) , make (NP (NP (NP a remarkable confession) (PP of (NP guilt))) (NP *ICH*-2)) (PP to (NP each other)) , (NP-2 (NP the confession) (PP of (NP (NP unconscious motive) and (NP (NP unconscious knowledge) (PP of (NP their true identities)) (PP from (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (ADVP-TMP first) (VP set (NP eyes) (PP on (NP each other)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP recollection)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP said : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP Natural or man-made) objects) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP coming (PP into (NP my head)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP suppress (NP them) (ADVP-MNR sternly))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP organized (NP (NP the movement) (PP of (NP his forms))) , (PP within (NP his (ADJP rigorously shaped) space)) , (PP into (NP (ADJP highly complex) equilibriums))) ; ; and (VP used (NP (NP (NP gradations) (PP of (NP color value))) (CONJP as well as) (NP (ADJP sharply contrasting) elementary colors)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The worthy Mondrian) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP these pictures))) , (VP said (PP in (NP (NP a tone) (PP of (NP kindly reproof)))) : `` (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADVP really) (NP-PRD (NP an artist) (PP of (NP the naturalistic tradition))))) '') ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Helion) (VP did not (VP realize (NP it) (PP-TMP at (NP the time))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD true))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His `` monumental '' abstraction) , (VP made (PRT up) (PP of (NP (NP smooth , metallic `` non-objects '') (VP acting (PP upon (NP each other)) (PP with (NP great tension)))))) ,) (VP won (NP-BNF Helion) (NP much acclaim) (PP-TMP during (NP the 'thirties))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The play) (PP of (NP novel lighting effects))) (ADVP also) (VP entered (PP into (NP (NP these compositions) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose (NX (NX controlled power) and (NX varied activity))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD well worth (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP meditating)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ (NP Helion 's) work) (VP showed (NP (NP (ADJP more and more) nostalgia) (PP for (NP (NP the world) (PP of (NP man and nature)))))))) , (NP-SBJ the pure abstractionists) (VP expressed (NP some disapproval))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ (NP Leger) , (NP Arp) , (NP Lipchitz) and (NP Alexander Calder)) , (PP-TMP at (NP the time)) , (VP gave (NP him) (NP their blessing))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His canvases) (ADVP-TMP nowadays) (VP bore (NP (NP titles) (VP (ADVP frankly) declaring (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD `` (NP-TTL Figures In Space) '' , or `` (NP-TTL Blue Figure) '' , or `` (NP-TTL Pink Figure) '')))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had -LRB- (ADVP vaguely) -RRB- (NP heads and feet))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP (VP Exhibited (NP *-2) (PP in (NP shows)) (PP-LOC-3 in (NP London)) (PP-TMP-4 in (NP 1935))) , and (VP (PP-LOC=3 in (NP New York)) (NP-TMP=4 the following year)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the new , (ADJP more elaborated) abstracts) (VP were (ADVP much) (VP favored (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the circles) (PP of (NP the modernists)))) (PP as (NP (NP three-dimentional dramas) (PP of (NP great intellectual coherence)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP this period)) (NP-SBJ-1 the (ADJP thirty-year old) Helion) (VP was (VP (VP ranked (NP *-1) `` (PP-2 as (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the mature leaders) (PP of (NP the modern movement)))))) '' , (PP according (PP to (NP Herbert Read)))) , `` and (VP (PP=2 in (NP (NP the direct line) (PP of (NP descent)) (PP from (NP Cezanne , Seurat , Gris and Leger))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP America)) , (NP-SBJ Meyer Schapiro) (VP observed (SBAR that , (S (PP unlike (NP the Mondrian school)) , (NP-SBJ Helion) `` (VP sought (NP (NP a return path) (PP to (NP (NP the fullness) (PP of (NP nature))))) (PP within (NP (NP the framework) (PP of (NP abstract art))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD notable) (SBAR-1 that (S (PP-TMP at (NP this time)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP writing (PP with (NP (NP admiration) (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP Cimabue 's) and (NP Poussin 's)) way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP filling (NP space))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Abstract art) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP the right path) (PP for (NP him))))) ; ; (S but , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP held , (SBAR 0 (S (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP continuing (PP as (NP (NP an `` art) (PP of (NP reduction)) ''))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP must (VP grow)) , (VP must (VP make (NP (NP a place) (PP (PP for (NP (NP the contributions) (PP of (NP the Raphaels and Poussins)))) (CONJP as well as) (PP for (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP (NP the early cubists) and (NP Mondrian))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) (NP-SBJ Helion) (VP wrote (PP of (NP this phase)) : `` (S (PP-TMP For (NP years)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP built (PP for (NP myself)) (NP (NP (NP a subtle instrument) (PP of (NP relationships))) -- (NP (NP colors and forms) (PP without (NP a name)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP played (PP on (NP it)) (NP (NP my secret songs) , (ADJP unexplained , passionate and peaceful))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ his own work) (VP was (VP evolving (ADVP further))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The extreme limitations) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sensed (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP all current abstract art)))))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP seem (PP to (NP him)) (ADJP-PRD increasingly arid and cold)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP engaged (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP constant experiments) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP searched (PP for (NP new directions))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ would (NP-SBJ (NP it) (NP all)) (VP lead (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) (NP himself)) (VP did not (VP know , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (PP-TMP in (NP 1935))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was `` (ADJP-PRD afraid (PP of (NP the future))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (PP in (NP fact)) (VP welcome (NP (NP a way) (PP (ADVP back) to (NP (NP social integration) , (NP (NP a functional art) (PP of (NP some kind))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the 1920 's)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the Abstractionists) , (NP (NP the German Bauhaus group) (PP of (NP industrial designers))) , and (NP the new architects)) (NP all)) (VP had (NP (NP the dream) (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP well ordered) (NX (NX utopia) , or (NX welfare state) ,)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ their (ADJP neat and logical) constructions) (VP might (VP find (NP their proper place) (PP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV whereas (S (NP-SBJ-1 the postwar American abstractionists) (VP seem (PP to (NP Helion)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP determined (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP `` escape '' (PP from (NP the real world)))) , or (VP (ADVP simply) to (VP rebel (PP against (NP it))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the ordered abstractions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) and (NP (NP his associates) (PP of (NP (NP the 1930 's))))) (VP were (VP painting (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP embodied (NP (NP the hope) (PP of `` (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP improving '' (NP things)))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 `` (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP were (VP possessed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP visions) (PP of (NP (NP a new civilization) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP come)))) , (ADJP very pure and elevated) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3))))) ,) `` (PP in (NP fact)) (NP (NP some ideal form) (PP of (NP socialism)) (ADJP such (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (VP dreamed (PP of (NP *?*)))) (PP-TMP since (NP (NP the war) (PP of (NP 1914-1918)))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (NP this)) (NP-SBJ the 1930 's) (VP witnessed (NP (NP a tragic economic depression) , (NP (NP the rise) (PP of (NP Fascist dictators)) (PP-LOC in (NP Europe))) , (NP (NP the wasting Civil War) (PP-LOC in (NP Spain))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (NP-PRD (ADJP Very much) the political man)) , (NP-SBJ-2 Helion) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ-3 himself) (ADVP-MNR deeply) (VP affected (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the (ADJP increasingly pessimistic) atmosphere) (PP of (NP (NP (NP France) and (NP (NP all Europe))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose foundations) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP seemed (PP to (NP him)) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP more and more) shaky))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1936)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP migrate (PP to (NP America)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Rooseveltian America) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a haven) (PP of (NP liberalism and progress)))) and (VP seemed (PP to (NP him)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP constitute (NP (NP the last best hope) (PP for (NP civilization)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Helion) (ADVP also) (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP America 's) mastery) (PP of (NP (NP technology) and (NP industrial efficiency)))) (VP would (VP be (VP accompanied (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the production) (PP of (NP (ADJP new and beautiful) art works)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP arrived (PP-LOC in (NP the United States)) (PP with (NP (NP the idea) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP establishing (NP myself) (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP (ADVP more or less) permanently)) and (VP finding (NP (NP inspiration) (PP for (NP new compositions)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP New York)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP well) (VP received (NP *-1) (PP by (SBAR-NOM-LGS (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-PRD (NP only a small brave band) (PP of (NP non-figurative artists)) , (PP including (NP (NP Alexander Calder) , (NP George K.L. Morris) , (NP De Kooning) , (NP Holty) and (NP a few others)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP a year) (PP in (NP (NP a studio) (PP-LOC on (NP Sheridan Square)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having (VP married (NP (NP an American girl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a native) (PP of (NP Virginia)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Helion) (VP moved (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a village) (PP-LOC in (NP the Blue Ridge mountains)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP produced (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the most imposing) (PP of (NP his abstract canvases))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The darkening world scene) , (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP the Munich Pact))))) , (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP trouble (NP his mind) (PP-LOC (ADVP even) in (NP his remote Virginia studio)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ (NP Fear) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (VP possessed (NP me) , (NAC-1 and (NP (NP the certainty) (PP of (NP war)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP related (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP truly) (VP smelled (NP (NP blood) , (NP death) , (NP (NP heaps) (PP of (NP corpses)))) (ADVP-LOC everywhere)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP haste)) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP labored (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP finish (NP (NP (NP some last abstract paintings) : (NP (NP (NP a three-panel frieze) , (PP with (NP (NP a flying figure) and (NP a fallen figure)))) ; ; (NP (NP a `` Double-Figure '') , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP the Chicago Art Institute))) , and (VP is (VP considered (PP by (NP-LGS him)) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most successful)) (PP of (NP his abstracts)))))))))) ; ; and (PP-TMP in (NP early 1939)) , (NP (NP a `` Fallen Figure '') (PP of (NP (ADJP very ominous) character)) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP concluded (NP his abstract phase)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP carrying (PRT on) (PP with (NP abstraction)) (PP to (NP its very end)) -- (PP for (NP me)))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the two years ') output) (PP-LOC in (NP Virginia)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP those paintings) (PP of (NP (NP big constructions) (VP crashing (PRT down)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP stop))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were , (PP in (NP effect)) (NP-PRD (NP his last testament) (PP to (NP non-objective art)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP taken (PRT out) (NP (NP first papers) (PP for (NP American citizenship)))))) ; ; but (S (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ war) (VP came (PP to (NP Europe))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP return (PP-DIR to (NP France))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP arriving (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP January) , (NP 1940))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP hated (NP the war)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` but (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP go))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was , (ADVP perhaps) , (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had n't (VP done (NP enough) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prevent (NP it))))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP June) , (NP 1940) ,)) (NP-SBJ (NP Sergeant Helion)) , (PP with (NP (NP a company) (PP of (NP reserve troops)) (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP into (NP battle)))))))) , (VP was (VP sketching (NP (NP the hills) (ADVP south (PP of (NP the Loire River)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the war) (ADVP suddenly) (VP rolled (PRT in) (PP upon (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its first apparition) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a long , gloomy column) (PP of (NP (NP refugees) (VP (VP riding (PP in (NP farm wagons))) , or (VP pushing (NP prams))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His company) (ADVP-TMP then) (VP carried (PRT out) (NP a confused retreating movement) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP surrounded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the Germans)) , (NP-TMP (NP a few days) (SBAR before (S (NP-SBJ France) (VP capitulated))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (NP death march) (PP during (NP (NP four days) (PP without (NP food)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Helion) and (NP his comrades)) (VP were (VP shipped (NP *-1) (PP by (NP cattle-car)) (PP to (NP (NP a labor camp) (PP at (NP (NP an estate farm) (PP-LOC in (NP East Germany)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A year) later) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP removed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP a Stalag) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the harbor) (PP of (NP Stettin)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP his capture)))) (NP-SBJ Helion) (VP had (PP on (NP his person)) (NP (NP a sketchbook) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP bought (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Woolworth 's) (PP-LOC in (NP New York)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP stripped , deloused and numbered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS his guards)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ his much-thumbed sketchbook) (VP was (VP (VP seized) and (VP thrown (PP on (NP (NP a pile) (PP of (NP (NP (NP prisoners ') goods) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP to (VP be (VP confiscated (NP *-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-PRD then) (SBAR (WHADVP 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP making (NP war) (PP against (NP (NP (NP Man) , (NP (NP the individual) (ADVP within)) ! !) -- (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP questioned (NP things) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP given (NP *-2) (NP orders) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP Stettin)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the university-educated artist) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP studied (NP German))))) ,) (VP was (VP chosen (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP serve (PP as (NP interpreter and clerk)) (PP in (NP (NP the office) (PP of (NP the Stalag commander))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP secret)) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP also) (VP acted (PP as (NP (NP a member) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the prisoners ') Central Committee) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP plotted (NP sabotage)) , (VP planned (NP a few escapes)) , and (VP maintained (NP (NP a hidden control) (PP over (NP the wretched French slave-laborers)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the Stalag)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Helion) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know and love (NP (NP his comrades) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP them))) (NP-PRD plain folk)) ,) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) , (S (PP in (NP their extremity)) , (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP showed (NP true courage)) and (VP ran (NP great risks) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (NP each other))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-3 How much) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP esteemed (NP him) (NP-EXT *T*-3)))) (VP is (VP shown (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ their underground committee) (VP selected (NP him) (PP as (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the few)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP would (VP be (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP escape))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP the prison camp 's) Black Market)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 civilian clothes) (VP were (ADVP-MNR quietly) (VP bought (NP *-3)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 forged papers) (VP were (VP devised (NP *-1) (PP for (NP him)))))) ; ; (S (PP-TMP during (NP long weeks)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the plan) (PP for (NP his flight))) (VP was (VP rehearsed (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Every morning) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP contingents) (PP of (NP prisoners))) (VP would (VP be (VP sent (NP *-1) (ADVP out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP labor (PP-LOC in (NP nearby factories)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One evening) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-2 a volley-ball game) (VP was (VP being (VP played (NP *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP the yard)) (PP among (NP (NP the prisoners) (VP remaining (ADVP-LOC there))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 a simulated melee) (VP was (VP staged (NP *-1) -- (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ-3 the gates) (VP were (VP opened (NP *-3) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP admit (NP (NP other prisoners) (VP returning (PP-DIR from (NP work))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ Helion) (VP wrote (ADVP-TMP afterward)))) : `` (NP-SBJ Their sentry) (VP followed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Four hands) (VP were (VP stretched (NP *-1) (PP toward (NP me)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP my comrades) (PP behind (NP me)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Marquet) (VP held (NP my briefcase))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Finot) (VP held (NP (NP a wallet) (PP with (NP my money and papers))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Moineau and David) (VP held (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP their fingers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD rough and kind and warm)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP this moment)) (NP-SBJ the volley-ball) (VP hit (NP the ground)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Duclos) (VP ran (PP-DIR toward (NP Desprez)) (PP with (NP (NP fists) (VP raised (NP *))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The guards) (NP all)) (VP rushed (ADVP up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP intervene))) '')) (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Shedding (NP his prison cloak))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Helion) (VP shot (PP through (NP the gates)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADVP-TMP now) (UCP (VP clad (NP *-3) (PP in (NP civilian garments))) and (PP with (NP (NP the passport) (PP of (NP a Flemish worker)))))))) .) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP Riding (NP trains)) , (VP hitching (NP hikes) (PP on (NP trucks)) (PP across (NP Germany))) , (VP slipping (PP through (NP guarded frontiers)) (PP with (NP (NP the help) (PP of (NP secret guides))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP eventually) (VP (VP reached (NP Vichy France)) , and , (VP (PP-TMP by (NP (NP the winter) (PP of (NP 1943)))) , was (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP back) in (NP Virginia)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wrote : `` (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP escape (PP from (NP a prison camp))))) (VP required (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP very special) state) (PP of (NP mind))) ; ; (NP (CONJP not only) (NP (NP loathing) (PP of (NP captivity))) , but (NP (NP a faith) , (NP (NP a hope) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD even stronger))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP left (PP behind (NP me)) (NP (NP brave men) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whom) (S (NP-SBJ captivity) (VP had (VP robbed (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP all hope)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP too) (VP (VP loved (NP their families)) , (VP longed (PP for (NP their villages))) : yet (VP lacked (NP (NP the faith) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP drove (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP to (VP dare (NP (NP the fearful chance) (PP of (NP escape)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a time) (PP of (NP revelations))) (PP for (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Even the (ADJP most rational)) (PP of (NP men))) , (PP under (NP great stress)) , (VP may (VP (VP be (VP transported (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a new faith)))) and (VP behave (PP like (NP mystics))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Helion) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP owed (NP his freedom) (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP to (NP (NP the self-sacrifice) (PP of (NP (NP his fellow-men) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Arbeitskommando 13) , , (NP Stettin) ,))))) (PP-1 as (PP to (NP (NP his own fierce will) and (NP (NP love) (PP of (NP life))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP that)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP declared , `` (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP return (PP to (NP freedom))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP fall (PP to (NP (NP one 's) knees)) (PP before (NP the real world))) and (VP adore (NP it))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP prison)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sketch (NP (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP (NP figures) (PP from (NP life))))) , (NP his guards) , (NP (NP his companions) (PP in (NP misery)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ all his desires) (VP centered (PP on `` (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP rediscovering and singing (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP prosaic and yet beautiful) world) (PP of (NP men and objects)) (VP (ADVP-TMP so long) barred (NP *) (PP from (NP me)) (PP by (NP-LGS a barbed wire fence))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S And , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP added : `` (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the many months) (PP in (NP prison camp)))) , (NP-SBJ all abstract images) (VP vanished (PP from (NP my mind)))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leaving (PP for (NP America))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP happened (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP his old friend) (NP Jean Arp)))))) and (VP confided (PP to (NP him)) (NP his new resolutions))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Arp) (VP protested : `` (S But (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD impossible))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Everything) (PP in (NP (NP the way) (PP of (NP representation))))) (VP has (ADVP-TMP already) (VP been (VP done (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the old masters))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Helion) , (ADVP however) , (VP clung (PP to (NP the belief (SBAR that `` (S (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP escaping (PP from (NP the Stalag))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP also) (VP escaped (PP from (NP Abstraction))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP convalescing (PP-LOC in (NP his Virginia home))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (NP (NP (NP a book) (VP recording (NP his (NX (NX prison experiences) and (NX escape))))) , (VP entitled (S (NP-SBJ *) : (S-TTL-PRD (NP-SBJ They) (VP Shall Not (VP Have (NP Me)))))))))) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP Published (NP *-2) (ADVP originally) (PP in (NP -LRB- (NP Helion 's) -RRB- English)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Dutton & Co.) (PP of (NP New York)))) , (PP-TMP in (NP 1943)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the book) (VP was (VP received (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the press)) (PP as (NP (NP (NP a work) (PP of (NP astonishing literary power))) and (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most realistic) accounts) (PP of (NP World War 2)) , (PP from (NP the French side))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 It) (VP was (ADVP very widely) (VP read (NP *-2) , (ADVP too)))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the author) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP the embodiment) (PP of (NP (NP (NP France 's) rising spirit) (PP of (NP (NP resistance) (PP to (NP her conquerors)))))))))) ,) (VP was (ADVP much) (VP complimented (NP *-1) (PP for (NP his daring military action))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP showed (NP his new figurative pictures) (PP to (NP (NP his artist friends) (PP of (NP the abstract camp)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP paid (NP him) (NP no compliments)) and (VP drew (NP long faces))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Between (NP 1944 and 1947)) (NP-SBJ Helion) (VP had (NP (NP a series) (PP of (NP (NP one-man shows) (PP *ICH*-1)))) -- (PP-LOC (PP at (NP (NP the Paul Rosenberg Gallery) (PP in (NP New York)))) and (PP in (NP Paris))) -- (PP-1 of (NP his new realistic pictures))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP reincarnated (NP (NP (NP the figures) (PP of (NP human beings))) (VP banished (NP *) (PP from (NP his canvases)) (PP-TMP since (NP the 1920 's))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These new pictures) (VP focussed (PP on (NP (NP the (ADJP familiar and commonplace) objects) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ (NP the men) (PP in (NP his prison camp))) (VP talking (PP about (NP *T*-2)) (PP as (NP (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP missed (NP *T*-3) (ADVP most)) , (ADVP hence) (VP associated (PP with (NP (NP the sense) (PP of (NP lost freedom))))))))) : (NP (NP (NP the cafe) (PP at (NP the corner))) , (NP the newspaper kiosk) , (NP (NP the girls) (PP in (NP (NP doorways and windows) (PP along (NP the street))))) , (NP (NP the golden-crusted French bread) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP lacked (NP *T*-1))))) , (NP (NP the cigarettes) (VP denied (NP them) (NP *))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the pictures))) (VP was (PP-PRD of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP a man) (PP with (NP (NP hat) (VP drawn (NP *) (PP over (NP his face)))))) (ADVP-MNR ceremoniously) (VP lighting (NP a cigarette)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ others) (VP were (PP-PRD of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ men) (VP (VP doffing (NP their hats) (PP to (NP each other))) , (VP carrying (NP umbrellas) (PP with (NP pomp))) , (VP reading (NP newspapers)) , or (VP (ADVP simply) showing (NP (NP (NP loaves) (PP of (NP bread))) (VP spread (NP *) (PRT out))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD Important (PP as (SINV (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. O'Donnell's) essay))))) , (NP-SBJ his thesis) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so restricting) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP deny (NP Faulkner) (NP (NP the stature) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP obviously) (VP has (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) (CONJP and also) (NP Mr. Cowley) and (NP Mr. Warren)) (VP have (VP fallen (PP to (NP (NP the temptation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP besets (NP (NP many) (PP of (NP us)))))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP read (PP into (NP (NP our authors) -- (NP (NP Nathaniel Hawthorne) , (PP for (NP example)) , and (NP Herman Melville)) --)) (NP (NP protests) (PP against (NP (NP modernism) , (NP material progress) , and (NP science))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP are (NP-PRD (NP genuine protests) (PP of (NP our own)))) but (VP may not (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD theirs))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (NP Faulkner 's) total works) (NP-TMP today)) , and (PP in (NP fact)) (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP his works)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP existed (PP-TMP (PP in (NP (NP 1946) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Cowley) (VP made (NP his comment) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , or (PP in (NP (NP 1939) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ Mr. O'Donnell) (VP wrote (NP his essay) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))) ,) (VP reveal (NP (NP no such simple attitude) (PP toward (NP the South)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD a traditionalist)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD an eclectic traditionalist)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP condemns (NP (NP the recent) or (NP the present))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP condemns (NP the past) (PP with (NP no less force))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sees (NP the heroic) (PP in (NP (NP a Sartoris) or (NP a Sutpen)))))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sees (ADVP also) (NP *RNR*-1))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP shows (NP *RNR*-1))) -- (NP-1 (NP the blind) and (NP the mean))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sees (S (NP-SBJ the Compson family) (VP disintegrating (PP from (ADVP within)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP the barn-burner 's) family) (VP produces (NP (NP a Flem Snopes) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP personifies (NP commercialism and materialism) (PP in (NP hyperbolic crassness))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the Compson family) (VP produces (NP a Jason Compson 4)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP most untraditional) traditionalist)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Others) (VP writing (PP on (NP Faulkner)))) (VP have (VP found (S (NP-SBJ (NP the phrase) `` (NP traditional moralist) '') (ADJP-PRD either inadequate or misleading)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-1 Among (NP them)) (VP are (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Frederick J. Hoffman) , (NP William Van O'Connor) , and (NP Mrs. Olga Vickery)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP have (VP indicated (NP the direction)))) but (S-1 (NP-SBJ they) (VP have not (VP been (ADJP-PRD explicit enough) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP pointing (PRT out) (NP (NP (NP Faulkner 's) independence) , (NP his (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP questioning (CONJP if not indeed) challenging (NP the Southern tradition))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Faulkner 's) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP the mind) (PP of (NP the apologist)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Mr. O'Donnell) (VP implies (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP remain (ADVP (ADVP more comfortably and unquestioningly) (PP *ICH*-2)) (PP within (NP (NP a body) (PP of (NP (ADJP social , cultural , or literary) traditions)))) (PP-2 than (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD within (NP (NP (NP the traditions) -- or (ADVP possibly) (NP the regulations) --) (VP governing (NP (NP his tenure) (PP in (NP (NP the post office) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Oxford) , (NP Mississippi) ,))))) (ADVP-TMP (NP thirty-five years) ago))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP deny (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP traditions)))) , (PP of (NP course))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (VP steeped (NP *-1) (PP in (NP them)) , (PP in (NP fact)))))) , or (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP dealt (PP with (NP them)) , (PP in (NP his books))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (ADVP rather) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP brought (SINV (VP to (VP bear (PP on (NP (NP the history) , (NP the traditions) , and (NP (NP the lore) (PP of (NP his region))))))) (NP-SBJ (NP a critical , skeptical mind) -- (NP (NP the same mind) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP made (PP of (NP him)) (NP (NP an inveterate experimenter) (PP in (NP literary (NX (NX form) and (NX technique)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (VP employed (PP from (NP his section)) (NP (NP rich immediate materials) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (PP in (NP a loose sense)) (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP can (VP be (VP termed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Southern)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ The fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP cast (PP over (NP those materials)) (NP (NP the light) (PP of (NP a skeptical mind)))))))) (VP does not (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD (NP any the less) Southern))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP rather) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) , for (S (NP-SBJ the South) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP no more) solid) (PP than (NP other regions))) (PP except (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP political and related) areas) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ patronage and force and intimidation and fear) (VP may (VP produce (NP a surface uniformity) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP us))) (VP might (VP be (ADJP inclined (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP argue , (PP in (NP fact)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP an independence) (PP of (NP mind and action))) and (NP (NP an intolerance) (PP of (NP regimentation)) , (ADJP either mental or physical) ,)) (VP are (NP-PRD (ADJP particularly Southern) traits)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD no necessity (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assert (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Faulkner) (VP is (ADJP-PRD Southern))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would not (VP be (ADJP-PRD easy) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP discover (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP more thoroughly) Southern) pedigree) (PP than (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP his family)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (PP after (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP lived (ADVP-MNR comfortably) (PP at (NP both (NP (NP Oxford) , (NP Mississippi) ,) and (NP (NP Charlottesville) , (NP Virginia)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The young William Faulkner) (PP-LOC in (NP New Orleans)) (PP-TMP in (NP the 1920 's)) (VP impressed (NP (NP the novelist) (NP Hamilton Basso)) (PP as (ADJP obviously conscious (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD a Southerner)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD no evidence (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP since (ADVP then)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ himself) (ADJP-PRD any less so))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Besides (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP showing (NP no inclination (S *ICH*-2)) , (ADVP apparently) , (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP absent (NP himself) (PP from (NP his native region)) (PP-TMP (ADVP even) for (NP short periods)))))) , and (VP (PP in (NP addition)) writing (NP (NP a shelf) (PP of (NP (NP books) (VP set (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the region))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP handled (PP in (NP those books)) (NP (NP an (ADJP astonishingly complete) list) (PP of (NP (NP matters) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD important) (PP-LOC in (NP the South)) (PP-TMP during (NP the past hundred years))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more difficult (PP with (NP Faulkner))) (PP than (PP with (NP most authors)))) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the extent) (PP *RNR*-2))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the source) (PP *RNR*-2))))) (PP-2 of (NP his knowledge))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 His own testimony) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP read (NP (NP very little) (PP in (NP (NP the history) (PP of (NP the South))))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP implying (SBAR (SBAR that (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP *ICH*-3)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knows (NP *T*-1) (PP-3 of (NP that history))))) (VP has (VP come (PP to (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR orally))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knows (NP (NP the world) (PP around (NP him))) (PP (ADVP primarily) from (NP his own unassisted observation))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP His denials) (PP of (NP extensive reading)) (ADVP notwithstanding)) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP is (NP no doubt) (ADJP-PRD safe (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assume)))) (SBAR-3 (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP spent (NP time) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP schooling (NP himself) (PP in (NP Southern history)))))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP gained (NP (NP some acquaintance) (PP with (NP (NP the chief literary authors) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP (VP have (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP the South)))) or (VP have (VP written (PP about (NP the South)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP believe (ADVP otherwise)))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD unrealistic))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP at (NP Faulkner)) (PP against (NP (NP his background) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Mississippi) and (NP the South)))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD important) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP lose (NP the broader perspective))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His earliest work) (VP reflected (NP (NP heavy influences) (PP from (NP (ADJP English and continental) writers)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Evidence) (VP is (ADJP-PRD plentiful (SBAR that (S (ADVP-TMP early and later (ADVP also)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP been (ADJP-PRD indebted (PP (PP to (NP (NP the Gothic romancers) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP deal (PP in (NP extravagant horror))))))) , (PP to (NP (NP the symbolists) (VP writing (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the preceding century))))))) , and (PP in (NP particular)) (PP to (NP (NP the stream-of-consciousness novelists) , (NP (NP Henry James) and (NP James Joyce) (PP among (NP them))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP His repeated experimentation) (PP with (NP (NP the techniques) (PP of (NP fiction))))) (VP testifies (PP to (NP (NP (NP an independence) (PP of (NP mind))) and (NP (NP an originality) (PP of (NP approach))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP also) (VP shows (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP touching (PP at (NP many points)) (NP (NP the stream) (PP of (NP (NP literary development) (ADVP back (PP of (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My intention) , (ADVP therefore) , (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP say (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Faulkner 's) awareness) (VP has (VP been (VP confined (NP *-1) (PP-LOC within (NP (NP the borders) (PP of (NP the South))))))))) , (CONJP but rather) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP looked (PP at (NP his world)) (PP as (NP a Southerner)))))) and (SBAR that (S (ADVP presumably) (NP-SBJ his outlook) (VP is (ADJP-PRD Southern)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The ingredients) (PP of (NP (NP Faulkner 's) novels and stories))) (VP are (PP by (NP no means)) (ADJP-PRD new) (PP with (NP him)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the problems) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP takes (NP *T*-1) (PRT up))))))) (VP have (VP had (NP (NP the attention) (PP of (NP authors))) (PP before (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A useful comment) (PP on (NP (NP his relation) (PP to (NP his region))))) (VP may (VP be (VP made (NP *-1) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP noting (ADVP-MNR briefly) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP handling (NP (NP Southern materials) and (NP Southern problems))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP deviated (PP from (NP (NP the pattern) (VP set (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS other Southern authors))))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP remaining (ADJP-PRD faithful (PP to (NP (NP the essential character) (PP of (NP the region)))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The planter aristocracy) (VP has (VP appeared (PP in (NP literature)) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP at least) since (S (NP-SBJ John Pendleton Kennedy) (VP (VP published (NP-TTL Swallow-Barn) (PP-TMP in (NP 1832))) and (VP (PP in (NP (NP his genial portrait) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Frank Meriwether) (VP presiding (PP over (NP his plantation dominion))))))) initiated (NP (NP the (ADJP most persistent) tradition) (PP of (NP Southern literature))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The thoroughgoing idealization) (PP of (NP the planter society))) (VP did not (VP come , (ADVP however) , (PP-TMP until (PP after (NP the Civil War))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ Southern writers) (VP were (ADJP-PRD eager (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP defend (NP (NP a way) (PP of (NP life)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP destroyed (NP *-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP looked (PP with (NP nostalgia)) (PP to (NP (NP a society) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP swept (NP *-3) (ADVP away))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP probably) (ADJP-PRD no more than half-conscious (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP painted (PP in (NP (NP colors) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP existed))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their books) (VP found (NP (NP (ADJP no less willing) readers) (PP *ICH*-2)) (PP-LOC outside (NP *RNR*-1)) (PP-2 than (PP-LOC inside (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 the South) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) while (S (NP-SBJ (NP memories) (PP of (NP the war))) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD sharp))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The tradition) (VP (VP reached (NP its apex) , (ADVP perhaps) , (PP in (NP (NP the works) (PP of (NP Thomas Nelson Page)))) (PP-TMP toward (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the century))))) , and (VP reappeared (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD undiminished)) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as late) (PP as (NP 1934))) (PP in (NP (NP (NP the best-selling novel) (NP-TTL So Red The Rose)) , (PP by (NP Stark Young)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the heir) (PP in (NP his own family)) (PP to (NP this tradition)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP have (NP (NP Stark Young 's) inclination (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP romanticize and sentimentalize (NP the planter society))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The myth) (PP of (NP the Southern plantation))) (VP has (VP had (ADVP only) (NP (NP a tangential relation) (PP with (NP actuality))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Francis Pendleton Gaines) (VP showed (ADVP-TMP (NP forty years) ago))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suspect (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP far narrower) acceptance) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP as (NP something real)) (SBAR-2 than (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP has (ADVP generally) (VP been (VP supposed (NP *-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP has (VP found (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD useful))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP employed (NP it) (PP with (NP (NP (NP his habitual independence) (PP of (NP mind))) and (NP skeptical outlook)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP saying) or (VP seeming (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP portraying (NP the Sartoris and the Compson families)))) (NP-SBJ (NP Faulkner 's) chief concern) (VP is (NP-PRD social criticism)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP say (ADVP nevertheless) (SBAR that (S (PP through (NP those families)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP dramatizes (NP (NP his comment) (PP on (NP (NP the planter dynasties) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP existed (PP-PRP since (NP (NP the decades) (PP before (NP the Civil War)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP may (VP be (SBAR-PRD that (S (PP in (NP this comment)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP broken (PP from (NP the conventional pattern)) (ADVP (ADVP more violently) (PP than (PP in (NP any other regard))))))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the treatment) (PP in (NP his books))) (VP is (ADVP far) (VP removed (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP even the genial irony) (PP of (NP (NP Ellen Glasgow) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only important novelist) (PP-TMP before (NP him)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP challenge (NP (NP the conventional picture) (PP of (NP planter society)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Faulkner 's) low-class characters) (VP had (NP (NP but few counterparts) (PP in (NP (NP earlier Southern novels) (VP dealing (PP with (NP plantation life))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP have (NP (NP an ancestry) (VP extending (ADVP back) , (ADVP however) , (PP-TMP (ADVP at least) to (NP (NP 1728) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ William Byrd) (VP described (NP (NP the Lubberlanders) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP encountered (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the back country) (PP of (NP (NP Virginia) and (NP North Carolina))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The chief literary antecedents) (PP of (NP the Snopes clan))) (VP appeared (PP in (NP (NP the realistic , humorous writing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP originated (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the South) and (NP the Southwest))) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the three decades) (PP before (NP the Civil War)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP These narratives) (PP of (NP (NP coarse action) and (NP crude language)))) (VP (VP appeared (ADVP-TMP first) (PP in (NP local newspapers)) , (PP as (NP a rule)) ,) and (VP (ADVP-TMP later) found (NP their way) (PP between (NP book covers)) , (PP though (ADVP rarely) (PP into (NP (NP (NP the planters ') libraries) (PP beside (NP (NP the morocco-bound volumes) (PP of (NP (NP Horace) , (NP Mr. Addison) , (NP Mr. Pope) , and (NP Sir Walter Scott)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP evidence) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP suggest , (PP in (NP fact)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP many authors) (PP of (NP the humorous sketches))) (VP were (VP prompted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP write (NP them))) -- or (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as indelicate) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))) -- (PP by (NP (NP way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP protesting (PP against (NP (NP the artificial refinements) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP had (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP dominate (NP (NP the polite letters) (PP of (NP the South))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP William Gilmore Simms) , (NP (NP sturdy realist) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1))))) ,) (VP pleaded (PP for (NP (NP a natural robustness) (PP such as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP *?*) (PP in (NP (NP his favorites) (NP the great Elizabethans)))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP vivify (NP (NP the pale writings) (VP being (VP produced (NP *) (PP around (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Simms) (VP admired (NP (NP the raucous tales) (VP emanating (PP from (NP the backwoods)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP-ADV himself) (NP (NP social affiliations) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would not (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP approve (NP them) (ADVP fully))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Augustus Baldwin Longstreet) , (NP (NP a preacher) and (NP (NP a college and university president) (PP in (NP four Southern states)))) ,) (VP published (NP (NP the earliest) (PP of (NP these backwoods sketches))))) and (S (PP (PP in (NP (NP the character) (NP Ransy Sniffle))) , (PP in (NP (NP the accounts) (PP of (NP (NP sharp horse-trading) and (NP eye-gouging physical combat))))) , and (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP shockingly unliterary) speech) (PP of (NP his characters))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP set (NP (NP an example) (VP followed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP many) (PP after (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Others) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP wrote (PP of (NP (NP low characters) and (NP low life))))))) (VP included (NP (NP (NP Thomas Bangs Thorpe) , (NP (NP creator) (PP of (NP (NP-TTL (NP the Big Bear) (PP Of (NP Arkansas))) and (NP-TTL (NP Tom Owen) , (NP the Bee-Hunter)))))) ; ; (NP (NP Johnson Jones Hooper) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP whose character) (NP Simon Suggs)) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP bears (NP (NP a close kinship) (PP to (NP Flem Snopes))) (PP in (NP both (NP his willingness (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP cruel advantage) (PP of (NP all and sundry))))))) and (NP (NP the sharpness) (SBAR (WHPP-4 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP habitually) (VP carried (PRT out) (NP his will) (PP *T*-4))))))))))) ; ; and (NP (NP George Washington Harris) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 (WHNP whose Tennessee hillbilly character) (NP Sut Lovingood)) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP perpetrated (NP (NP (NP more unmalicious mischief) and (NP more unintended pain)) (PP than (NP (NP any other character) (PP in (NP literature))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-5)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD profitable) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe)) ,) (S-5 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP read (NP these realistic humorists) (PP alongside (NP (NP Faulkner 's) works))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the thought) (VP being (SBAR-PRD not (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP necessarily) (VP (VP read (NP them)) and (VP owed (NP anything) (PP to (NP them)) (ADVP directly))))) , (CONJP but rather) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP dealt (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP a hundred) years) ago) (PP with (NP (NP (NP (NP a class) (PP of (NP people))) and (NP (NP a type) (PP of (NP life)))) (SBAR (WHNP-6 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-6) (VP have (VP continued (PP down (PP (PP to (NP our time)) , (PP to (NP (NP Faulkner 's) time)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such a comparison) (VP reminds (NP us) (SBAR that (S (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP employing (NP low characters) (PP in (NP his works))))) (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP (VP is (VP recording (NP (NP actuality) (PP in (NP the South))))) and (VP (ADVP moreover) is (VP following (NP a long-established literary precedent))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Such characters) , (PP with (NP (NP their low existence) and (ADVP-TMP often) (NP low morality))) , (VP produce (NP humorous effects) (PP in (NP his novels and tales)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did (PP in (NP (NP the writing) (PP of (NP Longstreet and Hooper and Harris))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP need not (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP be (VP added (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gives (NP them) (NP (NP (ADJP (ADJP far subtler) and (ADJP more intricate)) functions) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP *?*) (PP in (NP the earlier writers)))))))))))))) ; ; nor (SINV is (NP-SBJ-2 there) (NP need (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP add (SBAR that (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-3 among (NP them)) (VP are (PP-PRD *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADJP most highly individualized) and (ADJP most successful))) (PP of (NP his characters)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the early humorists) (VP (ADVP-TMP already) mentioned)))) , (NP Thomas Bangs Thorpe) ,) (VP can (VP be (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP illustrate (NP (NP another point) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ Faulkner) (VP touches (NP (NP authentic Southern materials) (CONJP and also) (NP (NP earlier literary treatment) (PP of (NP those materials)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Thorpe) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP Louisiana)) (PP-DIR from (NP the East)) (PP as (NP (NP a young man) (VP prepared (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (PP-LOC in (NP the new country)) (NP (NP the setting) (PP of (NP (NP romantic adventure) and (NP idealized beauty))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Thorpe) (VP saw (ADVP also) (NP (NP (NP the hardships) (PP of (NP pioneer existence))) , (NP (NP the cultural poverty) (PP of (NP the frontier settlements))) , and (NP (NP the slack morality) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP abounded (PP-LOC in (NP the new regions)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP As (NP (NP a consequence) (PP of (NP (NP the tensions) (VP (ADVP thus) produced (NP *) (PP in (NP his thoughts and feelings))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (VP (VP (PP-2 on (NP the one hand)) (NP-3 (NP sketches) (PP of (NP idealized hunting trips)))) and (VP (PP=2 on (NP the other)) (NP=3 (NP an anecdote) (PP of (NP (NP the village) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Hardscrabble) , (NP Arkansas) ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP a piano) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))))))))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (ADVP also) (NP (NP (NP (NP the masterpiece) (PP of (NP frontier humor))) , `` (NP-TTL (NP The Big Bear) (PP Of (NP Arkansas))) '' ,) (SBAR (WHPP-6 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 earthy realism) (VP is (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP alongside (NP (NP (NP the exaggeration) (PP of (NP the backwoods tall-tale))) and (NP (NP the awe) (SBAR (WHPP-5 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP contemplates (NP (NP (NP the grandeur) and (NP the mysteries)) (PP of (NP nature))) (PP *T*-5))))))) (PP *T*-6)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Some years) ago) (NP-SBJ Julian Huxley) (VP proposed (PP to (NP (NP an audience) (VP made (NP *) (PRT up) (PP of (NP (NP members) (PP of (NP (NP the British Association) (PP for (NP (NP the Advancement) (PP of (NP Science))))))))))) (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP man 's) supernormal or extra-sensory faculties) (VP are -LRB- (ADVP-TMP now) -RRB- (PP-PRD in (NP the same case)) (PP as (SINV (VP were) (NP-SBJ his mathematical faculties) (PP-TMP during (NP the ice age)))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP As (NP a Humanist)) , (NP-SBJ Dr. Huxley) (VP interests (NP himself) (PP in (NP (NP the possibilities) (PP of (NP human development)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP say (NP *T*-3) (PP about (NP (NP this suggestion) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP comes (PP from (NP a leading zoologist))))) ,))))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that , (S (ADVP (ADVP so far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (VP concerned (NP *-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ the scientific outlook) (VP places (NP no rigid limitation) (PP upon (NP (NP the idea) (PP of (NP future human evolution))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP This text) (PP from (NP Dr. Huxley))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP used (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS enthusiasts)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (NP (NP the permission (S *ICH*-2)) (PP of (NP the scientists)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP press (NP the case) (PP for (NP (NP a wonderful unfoldment) (PP of (NP psychic powers)) (PP in (NP human beings)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a case) (PP of (NP this sort)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP argue (NP *T*-2) , (ADVP-LOC here)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even if (S (NP-SBJ-3 people) (VP do , (PP-TMP in (NP a (ADJP (ADVP not far) distant) future)) , (VP begin (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP read (NP (NP one another 's) minds)))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP will (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the question) (PP of (SBAR whether (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP (NP another man 's) mind))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP especially worth (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP reading))) -- (ADJP worth (NP (NP more) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) ,) (PP than (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP read (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP good books))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even if (S (NP-SBJ men) (ADVP eventually) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ themselves) (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP (PP through (NP walls)) and (PP around (NP corners))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ one) (VP may (VP question (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP will (VP help (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP to (VP live (NP better lives)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP side-conclusions) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (VP drawn (NP *-1))))))) , (PP of (NP course))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ such capacities) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP impressive evidence) (VP pointing (PP to (NP (NP a conception) (PP of (NP the human being)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP does not (VP appear (PP in (NP (NP the accounts) (PP of (NP (NP biologists) and (NP organic evolutionists))))))))))))))) ; ; but (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the basic puzzles) (PP of (NP existence))) (VP would (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (ADJP-PRD puzzling)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-4 we) (VP should (ADVP-TMP still) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP work (PRT out) (NP (NP the sort) (PP of (NP problems)) (SBAR (WHNP-6 0) (S (NP-SBJ-5 we) (VP plan (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP discuss (NP *T*-6) (PP in (NP this article)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP want (NP *T*-3) (PP from (NP (NP Dr. Huxley 's) statement)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD the feeling (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD an open world))))) , (PP in (NP (NP the view) (PP of (NP the (ADJP best scientific) opinion)))) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP practically no directional commitments) (PP as (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP may (VP happen (ADVP-TMP next)))))))) , and (NP (NP no important confinements) (PP with (NP (NP respect) (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD possible)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP seems (ADJP-PRD quite obvious) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all the (ADJP really difficult) tasks) (PP of (NP human beings))) (VP arise (PP from (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP is (NP-PRD not one , but many)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each man) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD both one and many)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a dreamer) (PP of (NP the good society)) (PP with (NP (NP a plan) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP *T*-1) (PP into (NP effect))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an individual craftsman) (PP with (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP *T*-2) (PP for (NP (NP himself) and (NP (NP the people) (PP of (NP his time)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a parent) (PP with (NP (NP a child) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP nurture (NP *T*-2) , (ADVP-TMP here and now))))))))) ,) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an educator) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP worries (PP about (NP (NP the children) (PP (NP-ADV half way) round (NP the world)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a utopian) (PP with (NP (NP a stake) (PP in (NP tomorrow))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a vulnerable human) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD captive)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the circumstances) (PP of (NP today)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP can (VP sacrifice (NP himself) (PP for (NP tomorrow))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP sacrifice (NP tomorrow) (PP for (NP himself))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP a Craig 's) wife) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP agonizes (PP about (NP (NP tobacco ash) (PP on (NP the living room rug)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a forgetful genius) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP goes (NP boating) (PP with (NP the town baker)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP dignitaries) (PP from (NP the local university))) (VP have (VP come (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP call))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the stern guardian) (PP of (NP the status quo)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP raised (NP (NP the utilitarian structures) (PP of (NP the age)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the revolutionary poet) (PP with (NP (NP a gun) (PP in (NP his hand)))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP writes (NP a tragic apologetic) (PP to (NP posterity)) (PP for (NP (NP the men) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP killed (NP *T*-3))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ will (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-1) (NP-SBJ (NP the final symmetry) (PP of (NP the good society))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHPP-1 For (WHNP what)) (SQ do (NP-SBJ the utopians) (VP labor (PP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) , (PP-LOC on (NP a desk)) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a stack) (PP of (NP (NP pamphlets) (VP representing (NP (NP the efforts (S *ICH*-1)) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the best men) (PP of (NP the day)))))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP penetrate (NP these questions)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The pamphlets) (VP are (PP-PRD about (NP (NP law) , (NP the corporation) , (NP (NP forms) (PP of (NP government))) , (NP (NP the idea) (PP of (NP freedom))) , (NP (NP the defense) (PP of (NP liberty))) , (NP (NP the various lethargies) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP overtake (NP our major institutions))))) , (NP (NP the gap) (PP between (NP (NP traditional social ideals) and (NP (NP the working mechanisms) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP have (VP been (VP set (NP *-1) (PP in (NP motion)) (PP for (NP their realization)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD notable) (PP in (NP all these discussions)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the lack) (PP of (NP ideological ardor)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP another kind) (PP of (NP ardor))) , (NP (NP a quiet , sure devotion) (PP to (NP (NP the fundamental decencies) (PP of (NP human life)))))) , but (NP no angry utopian contentions))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP wish (PP for (NP some passion)) , (ADVP-TMP now and then)))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP look (PP around (NP the world))) and (VP see (NP (NP the little volcanos) (PP of (NP current history)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ partisan social passions) (VP have (VP wrought (NP *T*-1))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADJP-PRD glad (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP these pamphlets)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (ADVP at least) some civilized calm))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could (ADVP also) (VP say (SBAR that (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-1 in (NP these pamphlets)) (VP is (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a relieving quality) (PP of (NP maturity))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD essential pleasantness) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP reading (NP (NP the writing) (PP of (NP (NP men) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are not (ADJP-PRD angry)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP can (VP contend (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP quarreling))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the good kind) (PP of (NP sophistication))))) , and (S (PP with (NP all our problems and crises)) (NP-SBJ (NP this kind) (PP of (NP sophistication))) (VP has (VP flowered (PP-LOC in (NP the United States)) (PP-TMP during (NP recent years))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A characteristic expression) (PP of (NP such concern and inquiry))) (VP is (VP found (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP (NP Joseph P. Lyford 's) (NX-TTL (NX Introduction) (PP To (NP The Agreeable Autocracies)))) , (NP (NP a recent paperback study) (PP of (NP (NP the institutions) (PP of (NP modern democratic society))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Lyford) (VP gives (NP voice) (PP to (NP (NP a temper) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP represents (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP think)) ,) (NP (NP an achieved plateau) (PP of (NP reflective thinking))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP casting (ADVP about) (PP for (NP (NP a way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP describing (NP this spirit))))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP decided (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD better))) (S-2 (NP *) (VP to (VP use (NP (NP Mr. Lyford 's) introduction) (PP as (NP an illustration)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP begins : `` (S (PP-TMP At (NP one time)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ the Soviet Union) (VP had (VP done (NP-BNF us) (NP a favor)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP providing (NP (NP a striking example) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP behave (PP towards (NP (NP other peoples) and (NP other nations))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP turned (ADVP out)))) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP have not (VP profited (ADVP greatly) (PP from (NP the lesson))))) : (S (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR persistently) (VP following (NP (NP a national program) (PP of (NP our own)))))) (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP have (ADVP often) (VP been (VP satisfied (NP *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD against (SBAR (WHNP-3 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ-2 Soviet policy) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-3) (PP-TMP at (NP the moment)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Such activity) (VP (VP may) or (VP may not) (VP have (VP irritated (NP the Kremlin))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (ADVP-TMP frequently) (VP condemned (NP America) (PP to (NP (NP an unnatural defensiveness) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP undermined (NP our effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP leadership) (PP to (NP the free world))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The defensiveness) (VP has (VP been (VP exaggerated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP another bad habit) , (NP our tendency (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rate (NP (NP the `` goodness '' or `` badness '') (PP of (NP other nations))) (PP by (NP (NP the extent) (SBAR (WHPP-3 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP applaud (NP (NP the slogans) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP circulate (NP *T*-2) (PP about (NP ourselves)))))) (PP *T*-3))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ the slogans) (VP (VP have (NP (NP little application) (PP to (NP reality)))) and (VP are (ADJP-PRD sanctimonious) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP boot))))))) , (NP-SBJ the applause) (VP is (ADJP-PRD faint) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP (NP areas) (PP of (NP the world)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP should (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP the greatest affection) (PP for (NP free government)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Shocked (PP at (NP (NP the response) (PP to (NP our proclamations)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP grow (ADJP-PRD more defensive))) , and (S (ADVP worse) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP lose (NP (NP our sense) (PP of (NP humor and proportion))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Nehru) (VP is (VP subjected (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP stern lectures) (PP on (NP neutralism)))) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP our Department) (PP of (NP State))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ an American President) (VP observes (ADVP-MNR sourly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Sweden) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADVP (NP a little) less) neurotic) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADVP (NP a little) more) capitalistic)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP Mr. Lyford))))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does not (VP suffer (PP from (NP (NP any insecurity) (PP as (NP an American))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD insecure))))) (VP fear (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD candid) (PP in (NP self-examination)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Only the strong) (VP look (ADVP-MNR squarely) (PP at (NP weakness))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The maturity) (PP in (NP (NP this point) (PP of (NP view))))) (VP lies (PP in (NP its recognition (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 no basic problem) (VP is (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP solved (NP *-2) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (ADVP-MNR clearly) (VP understood (NP *-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Lyford) (VP continues : `` (S (SBAR (ADVP Even) if (S (NP-SBJ (NP the self portrait) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP distribute (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP popular consumption)))))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD accurate)))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD dangerous) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP present (NP it) (PP as (NP (NP a picture) (PP of (NP the ideal society))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP would (VP be (VP ignoring (NP (NP the special circumstances) (PP of (NP other countries)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The picture) (VP is (NP-PRD the (ADJP more treacherous)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP misrepresents (NP (NP the facts) (PP of (NP American life))) (ADVP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The discrepancy) (PP between (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP commonly) (VP profess (NP *T*-1)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP practice or tolerate (NP *T*-2))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD great))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP does not (VP escape (NP (NP the notice) (PP of (NP others)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 our sincerity) (VP is (VP granted (NP *-1))))) (PRN , and (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP is (VP granted (NP *-2))) ,) (NP-SBJ-3 the discrepancy) (VP can (ADVP only) (VP be (VP explained (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-4 we) (VP have (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP believe (NP (NP hearsay and legend) (PP about (NP ourselves))) (PP in (NP (NP preference) (PP to (NP (NP an understanding) (VP gained (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS earnest self-examination))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD more)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the legends) (VP have (VP become (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so sacrosanct) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the very habit) (PP of (NP self-examination or self-criticism))) (VP smells (PP of (NP low treason))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP practice (NP it))))) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP defeatists) and (NP unpatriotic scoundrels)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pay (NP our conversational devotions) (PP to (NP `` (NP free private enterprise) '' , `` (NP individual initiative) '' , `` (NP the democratic way) '' , `` (NP (NP government) (PP of (NP the people))) '' , `` (NP (NP competition) (PP of (NP the marketplace))) '' , etc.)))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP live (ADVP-MNR rather comfortably) (PP in (NP (NP a society) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (S (NP-SBJ economic competition) (VP is (VP diminishing (PP in (NP large areas))))) , (S (NP-SBJ bureaucracy) (VP is (VP corroding (NP representative government)))) , (S (NP-SBJ technology) (VP is (VP weakening (NP (NP (NP the citizen 's) confidence) (PP in (NP his own power (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP decisions)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the threat) (PP of (NP war))) (VP is (VP driving (NP him) (ADVP economically and physically) (PP into (NP the ground))))) (PP *T*-2)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The interesting thing) (PP about (NP (NP (NP Mr. Lyford 's) approach) , and (NP (NP the approach) (PP of (NP (NP the contributors) (PP to (NP (NP-TTL The Agreeable Autocracies) -LRB- (NP (NP Oceana Publications) , (NP 1961)) -RRB-)))) (PP to (NP (NP the situation) (PP of (NP American civilization))))) ,))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP concerned (NP *-1) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP comprehending (NP (NP the psychological relationships) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP are (VP having (NP a decisive effect) (PP on (NP American life))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP an ideological argument)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the participants) (VP tend (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP thump (NP the table))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (ADJP-PRD determined (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prove (NP something)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The new spirit) , (RRC (ADVP-MNR so well) (VP illustrated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Mr. Lyford 's) work)))) ,) (VP is (ADJP-PRD wholly free (PP of (NP this anxiety)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The problem) (VP is (ADVP rather) (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP actually) (VP happening))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD especially difficult) (PP for (NP the reason (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP are (ADVP-MNR busily) (VP being (VP defended (NP *-2) (PP from (NP (NP a knowledge) (PP of (NP the present)))) , (PP (ADVP-TMP sometimes) by (NP-LGS (NP (NP the very agencies) -- (NP (NP our educational system) , (NP our mass media) , (NP our statesmen)) --) (SBAR (WHPP-4 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP rely (ADVP most heavily) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP understanding (PP of (NP ourselves))))))) (PP *T*-4)))))))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Introduction) (VP continues : `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP experience (NP (NP (NP a vague uneasiness) (PP about (NP events))) , (NP a suspicion (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ our (ADJP political and economic) institutions) , (PP like (NP (NP the genie) (PP in (NP the bottle)))) , (VP have (VP escaped (NP confinement))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP lost (NP (NP the power) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP recall (NP them) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD uncomfortable) (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP bossed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a corporation) or (NP a union) or (NP a television set))))))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP some knowledge) (PP about (NP (NP these phenomena) and (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP doing (NP *T*-2) (PP to (NP us))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP can (ADVP hardly) (VP learn (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP control (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP does not (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP will (VP be (VP delivered (NP *-1) (PP from (NP our situation)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP articles) (PP on (NP The National Purpose))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TTL-SBJ The Agreeable Autocracies) (VP is (NP-PRD an attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP explore (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the institutions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP both (VP reflect) and (VP determine) (NP (NP the character) (PP of (NP the free society today)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The men) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP speculate (PP on (NP these institutions)))))) (VP have , (PP for (NP the most part)) , (VP come (PP to (NP (NP (QP at least one) common conclusion) : (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP (NP the great enterprises and associations) (SBAR (WHPP-5 around (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 our democracy) (VP is (VP formed (NP *-1) (PP *T*-5)))))))) (VP are (PP in (NP themselves)) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP autocratic (PP in (NP nature))) , and (ADJP possessed (PP of (NP (NP power) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-6 *T*-3) (VP can (VP be (VP used (NP *-6) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP frustrate (NP (NP the citizen) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ-7 *T*-4) (VP is (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP to (VP assert (NP his individuality) (PP in (NP the modern world))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-TPC (NP These institutions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Lyford) (VP names (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) `` (NP-PRD agreeable autocracies) ''))))) -- (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 where) (SQ did (NP-SBJ they) (VP come (PP from (ADVP *T*-2))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TPC-3 Of (NP one thing)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (PP *T*-3))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP were not (VP sketched (NP *-4) (PRT out) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the revolutionary theorists) (PP of (NP the eighteenth century)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP formulated (NP the political principles)) and (VP (ADVP originally) shaped (NP (NP the political institutions) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP term (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (NP-PRD the `` free society '')))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV No doubt) (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP historians) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP explain (PP to (NP a great extent)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP happened (PP to (NP (NP the plans and projects) (PP of (NP the eighteenth century))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Going (ADVP back) (PP over (NP this ground)))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP analyzing (NP (NP the composition) (PP of (NP (NP forces) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP created (NP the present scene))))))))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the tasks) (VP undertaken (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Center) (PP for (NP (NP the Study) (PP of (NP Democratic Institutions)))) , (PP-LOC in (NP Santa Barbara))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-2 however) (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP come , (ADVP finally) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP explain) and (VP account) (PP for (NP the present))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the truth) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP are (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP expose (NP *T*-4)))) , (ADVP-TMP right now) ,))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the makers) (PP of (NP constitutions))) and (NP (NP the designers) (PP of (NP institutions)))) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-5)) (ADJP-PRD difficult (PRN (PP if (ADJP not impossible)))) (S-5 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the behavior) (PP of (NP (NP the host) (PP of (NP all their enterprises))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The host) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the flowing life) (PP of (NP the human race)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This life) (VP has (NP (NP its own currents and rhythms) , (NP its own multiple cycles and adaptations))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP occasion)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP produces (NP extraordinary novelties)) .)) (TOP (SQ Should (NP-SBJ-1 Rousseau) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (NP room (PP in (NP his social theory)) (PP for (NP (NP the advent) (PP of (NP (NP television) , (NP atomic energy) , and (NP IBM machines)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ would (NP-SBJ-1 Thomas Jefferson) (VP feel (PP after (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reading (NP-TTL Factories In The Field)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP tell (NP us) , (NP-VOC sir) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADJP-PRD free)) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP have (PP-1 in (NP one hand)) (NP-2 a ballot)) , and (VP (PP=1 in (NP the other)) (NP=2 a stock certificate)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP With (NP these)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP shape (NP our destiny)) and (VP own (NP private property)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) , (NP-VOC sir) , (VP makes (NP ours) (NP (NP the best) (PP of (NP all possible societies))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The reality) (PP of (NP the situation))) , (ADVP however) , (VP is (VP described (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Mr. Lyford)) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP Many) (PP of (NP us))) (VP may (ADVP even) (VP be (ADVP secretly) (VP relieved (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP a plausible excuse (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP delegate (NP ancient civic responsibilities) (PP to (NP (NP a new bureaucracy) (PP of (NP experts))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the member) (PP of (NP an industrial union))) (VP comes (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP regard (NP his officers) (PP as (NP (NP business agents) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP may (VP proceed (PP without (NP interference or recall))))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the stockholder) (VP delivers (NP his proxy))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ the citizen) (VP narrows (NP his political participation) (PP to (NP (NP the mere act) (PP of (NP voting))))) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP votes (ADVP at all))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Copernicus) (VP did not (VP question (NP it)))) , (S (NP-SBJ Ptolemy) (VP could not)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (PP Given (NP (NP the conceptual context) (SBAR (WHPP-1 within (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ ancient thought) (VP thrived (PP *T*-1)))))) , (WHADVP-2 how) (SQ could (VP anyone) (VP have (VP questioned (NP this principle) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The reasons) (PP for (NP this))) (VP are (UCP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP partly observational) , (ADJP partly philosophical)) , and (VP reinforced (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (ADJP other aesthetic and cultural) factors))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP First) , (NP the observational reasons) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The obvious natural fact) (PP to (NP ancient thinkers))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the diurnal rotation) (PP of (NP the heavens)))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP Not only) (SINV did (NP-SBJ (NP constellations) (PP like (NP Draco , Cepheus , and Cassiopeia))) (VP spin (NP circles) (PP around (NP the pole)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP stars) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD circumpolar))))) (VP rose and set (PP at (NP (NP the same place) (PP on (NP the horizon))))) (NP-TMP each night)) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor did (NP-SBJ (NP a constellation 's) stars) (VP vary (PP in (NP brightness))) (PP during (NP (NP the course) (PP of (NP their nocturnal flights)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The conclusion) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the distances) (PP of (NP the constellations))) (VP did not (VP vary))) and (S (NP-SBJ their paths) (VP were (ADJP-PRD circular)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the sun 's) path) (PP over (NP earth))) (VP described (NP (NP a segment) (PP of (NP a great circle))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (ADJP-PRD clear)) (PP from (NP (NP the contour) (PP of (NP (NP the shadow) (VP traced (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a gnomon)) (PP-TMP before and after (NP noon)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP As early) (PP as (NP the 6th century B.C.))) (NP-SBJ-1 the earth) (VP was (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD spherical)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Ships) (VP disappear (ADVP-MNR hull-first) (PP over (NP the horizon)))) ; ; (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP approaching (ADJP shore))) (NP-SBJ their masts) (VP appeared (ADVP-TMP first))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Earth) , (VP being (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the universe))))) ,) (VP would (VP have (NP (NP the same shape) (PP as (NP the latter)))))) ; ; (SINV (ADVP so) , e.g. did (NP-SBJ Aristotle) (VP argue) , (SBAR although (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP may not (VP be (NP-PRD (NP an observational reason) (PP in (NP (NP favor) (PP of (NP circularity)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The discoid shapes) (PP of (NP sun and moon))) (VP were (ADVP also) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP indicate (NP (NP the shape) (PP of (NP celestial things)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP light) (PP of (NP all this)))) , (NP-SBJ one) (VP would (VP require (NP (NP special reasons) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the paths) (PP of (NP the heavenly bodies))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD other (PP than (ADJP circular)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Why) , (PP for (NP example)) , (SQ should (NP-SBJ the ancients) (VP have) (VP supposed (NP-1 (NP the diurnal rotation) (PP of (NP the heavens))) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD elliptical)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG Or (ADJP oviform) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG Or (ADJP angular) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD no reasons) (PP for (NP such suppositions)) (ADVP-TMP then)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This) , (VP conjoined (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP the considerations) (ADJP above))))) , (VP made (NP (NP the circular motions) (PP of (NP heavenly bodies))) (VP appear (NP-PRD an (ADJP (ADVP almost directly) observed) fact))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Additional philosophical considerations) , (VP advanced (NP *) (ADVP notably) (PP by (NP-LGS Aristotle))) ,) (VP supported (ADVP further) (NP the circularity principle)) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP distinguishing (NP (ADJP superlunary -LRB- celestial -RRB- and sublunary -LRB- terrestrial -RRB-) existence))) , and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP reinforcing (NP this) (PP with (NP (NP the four-element physics) (PP of (NP Empedocles)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Aristotle) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP speak (PP of (NP the stars)) (PP as (NP (NP perfect bodies) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP moved (PP (PP in (NP only a perfect way)) , viz. (PP in (NP a perfect circle)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (ADVP-TMP Now) (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD perfect motion)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP must , (ADVP apparently) , (VP be (NP-PRD (NP motion) (PP without (NP termini))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP Because (S (NP-SBJ (NP motion) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP begins and ends (PP at (NP discrete places)))))) (VP would -LRB- e.g. (PP for (NP Aristotle)) -RRB- (VP be (ADJP-PRD incomplete)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Circular motion) , (ADVP however) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP eternal) and (ADJP perfectly continuous))))) , (VP lacks (NP termini)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP-TMP never) (NP-PRD (NP motion) (PP towards (NP something)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Only imcomplete , imperfect things) (VP move (PP towards (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP lack (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Perfect , complete entities) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP move (ADVP at all)))) , (VP do not (VP move (PP towards (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP lack (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP move (PP (ADVP only) in (NP (NP accordance) (PP with (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP their natures))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (NP-SBJ circular motion) (VP is (NP-ADV itself) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the essential characteristics) (PP of (NP (ADJP completely perfect) celestial existence)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP return (ADVP-TMP now) (PP to (NP the four-element physics))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP a mixture) (PP of (NP muddy , frothy water))) (VP will , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP standing (PP in (NP a jar)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (VP separate (PRT out) (PP with (NP (NP (NP earth) (PP at (NP the bottom))) , (NP (NP water) (PP on (NP top))) , and (NP (NP the air) (PP on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP that)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A candle) (RRC (ADJP alight) (PP in (NP the air)))) (VP directs (NP its flame and smoke) (ADVP-DIR upwards)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP gives (NP a clue) (PP to (NP (NP the cosmical order) (PP of (NP elements))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ earth) (VP has (VP fallen (PP to (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the universe)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP is (VP covered (NP *-1) -LRB- (ADVP partly) -RRB- (PP with (NP water))))) , (S (NP-SBJ air) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD atop (PP of (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Pure fire) -LRB- (NP the stars) -RRB-) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the heavens))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP combined (PP with (NP the metaphysical notion (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP pure forms) (PP of (NP this universe))) (VP are (ADVP best) (VP appreciated (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP least) (VP embodied (PP in (NP a material substratum)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) (ADVP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD clear (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ earth) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD dross) (PP on (NP (NP a scale) (PP of (NP material-formal ratios)))))))) , (NP-SBJ celestial bodies) (VP will (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP (NP a subtle , quickened , ethereal existence) , (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP whose embodiment)) (S (NP-SBJ pure form) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD the dominant component) (PP *T*-4))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ matter) (VP will (VP (VP be (ADJP-PRD absent)) or (VP remain (ADJP-PRD subsidiary))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The stars) (VP constitute (NP (NP an order) (PP of (NP (NP existence) (ADJP different (PP from (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP encounter (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP earth))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP distinguishes (NP (NP (NP the types) (PP of (NP motion))) (ADJP appropriate (PP to (NP both regions)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A projectile) (VP shot (NP *) (PRT up) (PP-DIR from (NP earth)))) (VP returns (ADVP rectlinearly) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP its ' natural ' place) (PP of (NP rest))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the natural condition) (PP for (NP the heavenly bodies))) (VP is (NP-PRD neither (NP rest) , nor (NP rectilinear motion))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Being (ADVP less) (VP encumbered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS material embodiments))))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP partake (ADVP more) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD divine)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their motion) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD eternal and perfect))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP re-examine (NP (NP the publicized contrasts) (PP between (NP (ADJP Ptolemaic and Copernican) astronomy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Bluntly) , (NP-SBJ there) (ADVP never) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a Ptolemaic system) (PP of (NP astronomy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Copernicus ') achievement) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (VP invented (NP systematic astronomy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP-TTL The Almagest) and (NP-TTL The Hypotheses)) (VP outline (NP (NP (NP Ptolemy 's) conception) (PP of (NP his own task))) (PP as (NP (NP the provision) (PP of (NP (NP computational tables) , (NP (NP independent calculating devices) (PP for (NP (NP the prediction) (PP of (NP future planetary perturbations)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Indeed) , (PP in (NP (NP the Halma edition) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Theon 's) presentation) (PP of (NP-TTL The Hypotheses)))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a chart) (VP setting (PRT out) -LRB- (PP under (NP six distinct headings)) -RRB- (NP (NP otherwise unrelated diagrams) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP describing (NP the planetary motions)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 No attempt) (VP is (VP made (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-2 Ptolemy)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP weld (PP into (NP a single scheme)) -LRB- (ADVP a-la-Aristotle) -RRB- , (NP these independent predicting-machines)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP all)) (VP have (NP this) (PP in (ADJP common)))) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 the earth) (VP is (VP situated (NP *-1) (PP-LOC near (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the deferent))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TPC that (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP should (VP (VP superimpose (NP all these charts)) , (VP run (NP a pin) (PP through (NP the common point))) , and (VP (ADVP then) scale (NP each planetary deferent) (ADJP larger and smaller) -LRB- (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP the epicycles) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) ' (VP bumping) '))))) -RRB-))))) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD contrary (PP to (NP (NP any intention) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Ptolemy) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP expresses (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP might (ADVP even) (VP suppose (S (NP-SBJ the planets) (VP to (VP move (PP at (NP infinity))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ptolemy 's) problem) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP forecast (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) , (S (PP against (NP (NP the inverted bowl) (PP of (NP night)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 some particular light) (VP will (VP be (VP found (NP *-1) (PP-TMP at (NP future times)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His problem) (VP concerns (NP (NP longitudes) , (NP latitudes) , and (NP angular velocities))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The distances) (PP of (NP (NP these points) (PP of (NP light))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a problem) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can not (VP master (NP *T*-1) , (PP beyond (NP (NP crude conjectures) (PP as (PP to (NP (NP the orderings) (PP of (NP (NP the planetary orbits) (VP viewed (NP *) (ADVP outward (PP from (NP earth))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP this))) (VP has (VP prevented (NP (NP scientists) , (NP philosophers) , and (NP (NP even historians) (PP of (NP science))) ,) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP speaking (PP of (NP the Ptolemaic system)) , (PP in (NP (NP contrast) (PP to (NP the Copernican))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD a mistake)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP is (VP engendered (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP confounding (NP (NP the Aristotelian cosmology) (PP in (NP The Almagest))) (PP with (NP the geocentric astronomy))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ptolemy) (ADVP recurrently) (VP denies (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP explain (NP planetary motion)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP necessitates (NP (NP the nonsystematic character) (PP of (NP his astronomy))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP textbooks) , (PP like (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP Baker))))) (VP set (PRT out) (NP (NP (NP drawings) (PP of (NP the ' Ptolemaic System '))) , (ADJP complete (PP with (NP (NP (NP earth) (PP-LOC in (NP the center))) and (NP (NP the seven heavenly bodies) (VP (ADVP epicyclically) arranged (PP on (NP their several deferents)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP (NP a misleading 20th-century idea) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP existed (ADVP historically))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the chief merit) (PP in (NP (NP Copernicus ') work)))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ all his planetary calculations) (VP are (ADJP-PRD interdependent)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP can not , e.g. (VP compute (NP (NP the retrograde arc) (VP traveled (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Mars)))))) , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP also) (VP making (NP (NP suppositions) (PP about (NP (NP the earth 's) own motion)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP can not (VP describe (NP eclipses))) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP entertaining (NP (NP some form) (PP of (NP a three-body problem)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP Ptolemaic terms)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ (NP eclipses) and (NP retrograde motion)) (VP were (NP-PRD phenomena simpliciter) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP explained (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR directly) (PP as (NP (NP possible resultants) (PP of (NP epicyclical combinations)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP a systematic astronomy) , (PP like (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP Copernicus)))) ,)) (NP-SBJ retrogradations) (VP become (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP (NP the conceptual structure) (PP of (NP the system))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADVP-TMP no longer) (NP-PRD (NP a puzzling aspect) (PP of (NP (ADJP intricately variable) , local planetary motions))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another contrast) (VP stressed (NP *) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP discussing (NP (ADJP Ptolemaic vs. Copernican) astronomy) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (VP turns (PP on (NP (NP the idea) (PP of (NP simplicity))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADVP-TMP often) (VP stated (NP *-3))) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ Copernican astronomy) (VP is (ADJP-PRD ' simpler ' (PP than (ADJP Ptolemaic)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some) (ADVP even) (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the reason) (PP for (NP (NP the ultimate acceptance) (PP of (NP the former))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (NP-SBJ Margenau) (VP remarks : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A large number) (PP of (NP unrelated epicycles))) (VP was (VP needed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP explain (NP the observations))))))) , but (S (ADVP otherwise) (NP-SBJ the -LRB- Ptolemaic -RRB- system) (VP served (UCP (ADVP well) and (PP with (NP quantitative precision))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Copernicus) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP placing (NP the sun) (PP at (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the planetary universe))))))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reduce (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP epicycles))) (PP from (NP eighty-three)) (PP to (NP seventeen))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Historical records) (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Copernicus) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP unaware (PP of (NP (NP the fundamental aspects) (PP of (NP his so-called ' revolution '))))))))))) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unaware (ADVP perhaps) (PP of (NP its historical importance)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP rested (ADJP content) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP produced (NP (NP a simpler scheme) (PP for (NP prediction))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP an illustration) (PP of (NP (NP the principle) (PP of (NP simplicity)))))) (NP-SBJ the heliocentric discovery) (VP has (NP a peculiar appeal) (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP allows (NP-2 simplicity) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP arithmetized (NP *-1))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP involves (NP (NP a reduction) (PP in (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP epicycles)))) (PP from (NP eighty-three)) (PP to (NP seventeen)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (NP careful qualification)) (NP-SBJ this) (VP can (VP be (VP misleading))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (PP in (NP any one calculation)) (NP-SBJ-1 Ptolemy) (VP had (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP invoke (NP 83 epicycles) (PP-TMP (ADVP all) at (NP once))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ Copernicus) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP required (NP (ADJP (ADJP more) (PP than (NP one third))) this number)))))))) , (ADVP then) -LRB- (PP in (NP (NP the sense) (ADJP obvious (PP to (NP Margenau))))) -RRB- (S (NP-SBJ Ptolemaic astronomy) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP simpler) (PP than (ADJP Copernican)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ no single planetary problem) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP required (PP of (NP Ptolemy)) (NP (ADJP (ADJP more) (PP than (NP six))) epicycles) (PP-TMP at (NP one time))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP results (PP from (NP (NP the non-systematic , ' cellular ' character) (PP of (NP Ptolemaic theory))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Calculations) (PP within (NP the Copernican framework))) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP raised (NP (NP questions) (PP about (NP planetary configurations)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 These) (VP could (VP be (VP met (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP only) by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP considering (NP (NP the dynamical elements) (PP of (NP several planets))) (PP-TMP at (NP one time)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more ambitious) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ptolemy) (VP is (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP required (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP faces (NP his isolated problems) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Thus) , (PP in (NP (NP no ordinary sense) (PP of ' (NP simplicity) '))) (VP is) (NP-SBJ the Ptolemaic theory) (ADJP (ADJP simpler) (PP than (NP the Copernican))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The latter) (VP required (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP juggling (NP several elements) (ADVP simultaneously)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (ADJP-PRD not (ADJP simpler) but (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP much more) difficult) (PP than (NP (NP exercises) (PP within (NP (NP Ptolemy 's) astronomy))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Analogously) , (NP-SBJ (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP argues (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Einstein 's) theory) (PP of (NP gravitation))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP simpler) (PP than (NP Newton 's)))))))))) , (VP must (VP say (NP (ADJP rather more)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP explain (SBAR (WHADVP-4 how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the latter) (VP is (VP mastered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS student-physicists)) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ-2 the former) (VP can (VP be (VP managed (NP *-2) -LRB- (PP with (NP difficulty)) -RRB- (PP (ADVP only) by (NP-LGS accomplished experts))))))))))) (ADVP *T*-4))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP a sense)) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP Einstein 's) theory) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP simpler) (PP than (NP Newton 's))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a corresponding sense) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Copernicus ') theory) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP simpler) (PP than (NP (NP Ptolemy 's)))) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S But ' (NP-SBJ simplicity) ' (ADVP here) (VP refers (PP to (NP systematic simplicity))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The number) (PP of (NP (NP primitive ideas) (PP in (NP systematically-simple theories))))) (VP is (VP reduced (NP *-1) (PP to (NP a minimum)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Axioms) (VP required (NP *) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the theoretical machinery) (VP operate))))))) (VP are (VP set (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR tersely and powerfully) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all permissible operations) (PP within (NP the theory))) (VP can (VP be (VP traced (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR rigorously) (ADVP back (PP to (NP these (NP axioms) , (NP rules) , and (NP primitive notions))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP characterizes (NP (NP (NP (NP Euclid 's) formulation) (PP of (NP geometry))) , (CONJP but not) (NP (NP Ptolemy 's) astronomy))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (PP in (NP-TTL The Almagest)) (NP-PRD (NP no rules) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP determining (PP in (NP advance)) (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ-1 a new epicycle) (VP will (VP be (VP required (NP *-1) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP dealing (PP with (NP (NP abberations) (PP in (NP (ADJP lunar , solar , or planetary) behavior))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The strongest appeal) (PP of (NP the Copernican formulation))) (VP consisted (PP in (NP (NP just this) : (S (ADVP ideally) , (NP-SBJ (NP the justification) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP dealing (PP with (NP special problems)) (PP in (NP particular ways)))))) (VP is (ADVP completely) (VP set (PRT out) (PP in (NP (NP the basic ' rules ') (PP of (NP the theory)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The lower-level hypotheses) (VP are (UCP-PRD (ADVP-TMP never) ' (ADJP ad hoc) ' , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) introduced (NP *) (ADVP ex post facto) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP sweep (PRT up) (PP within (NP the theory)) (NP some recalcitrant datum))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Copernicus) , (PP to (NP (NP an extent) (VP unachieved (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Ptolemy))))) , (VP approximated (PP to (NP (NP Euclid 's) vision))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TTL-SBJ De Revolutionibus) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP just a collection) (PP of (NP facts and techniques)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an organized system) (PP of (NP these things)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Solving (NP astronomical problems))) (VP requires , (PP for (NP Copernicus)) , (NP not (NP (NP a random search) (PP of (NP unrelated tables))) , but (NP (NP a regular employment) (PP of (NP (NP the rules) (VP defining (NP the entire discipline))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Hence) , (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP noting (NP (NP the simplicity) (VP achieved (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP Copernicus ') formulation)))))) (VP does not (VP provide (NP (NP (NP another reason) (PP for (NP (NP the acceptance) (PP of (NP-TTL De Revolutionibus))))) , (NP (NP another reason) (PP beyond (NP its systematic superiority)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP provides (NP exactly the same reason)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 1543 A.D.) (VP is (ADVP-TMP often) (VP venerated (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP the birthday) (PP of (NP the scientific revolution)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP really) (NP-PRD (NP the funeral day) (PP of (NP scholastic science)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Granted)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the (ADJP cosmological , philosophical , and cultural) reverberations) (VP initiated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS-TTL the De Revolutionibus)))) (VP were (VP felt (NP-PRD *-1) (PP with (NP increasing violence)) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the 300 years) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP follow))))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP considered (NP *) (PP within (NP technical astronomy)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 a different pattern) (VP can (VP be (VP traced (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHPP-1 In (WHNP what)) (SQ does (NP-SBJ (NP the dissatisfaction) (PP of (NP Copernicus-the-astronomer))) (VP consist (PP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What) (PP in (NP-TTL The Almagest))) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP draws (NP his fire))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP Geocentricism) (PP per (NP se)) ? ?)) (TOP (NP No .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP (NP The formal displacement) (PP of (NP the geocentric principle))) (ADVP far (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP Copernicus ') primary concern)))))) , (VP was (VP introduced (NP *-4) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP resolve (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP seemed (PP to (NP him)) (ADJP-PRD intolerable) (PP in (NP orthodox astronomy))))) , (ADVP namely) , (NP (NP the ' unphysical ' triplication) (PP of (NP (NP centric reference-points) : (NP (NP (NP one center) (SBAR (WHPP-5 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the planet 's) distances) (VP were (VP calculated (NP *-1) (PP *T*-5)))))) , (NP (NP another) (SBAR (WHPP-6 around (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 planetary velocities) (VP were (VP computed (NP *-2) (PP *T*-6)))))) , and (NP (NP (NP still a third center) -LRB- (NP the earth) -RRB-) (SBAR (WHPP-7 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the observations) (VP originated (PP *T*-7))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This arrangement) (VP was (PP for (NP Copernicus)) (ADJP-PRD literally monstrous))) : `` (S (PP With -LRB- (NP the Ptolemaists) -RRB-) (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-PRD as though (S (NP-SBJ an artist) (VP were (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP gather (NP (NP the (NX (NX hands) , (NX feet) , (NX head) and (NX other members)))) (PP for (NP his images)) (PP from (NP divers models)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ each part) (VP (VP (ADVP excellently) drawn (NP *)) , but (VP not related (NP *) (PP to (NP a single body))))))))))))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ they) (PP-MNR in (NP no way)) (VP match (NP each other)))) , (NP-SBJ the result) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a monster) (CONJP rather than) (NP a man)))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Copernicus) (VP required (NP a (ADJP systematically integrated) , (ADJP physically intelligible) astronomy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His objective) (VP was , (ADVP essentially) , (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP repair (NP (NP (NP those aspects) (PP of (NP orthodox astronomy))) (ADJP responsible (PP for (NP (NP its deficiencies) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP achieving (NP these ends)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-SBJ That (S (NP-SBJ such deficiencies) (VP existed) (PP within (NP (NP Ptolemy 's) theory)))) (VP was not (VP discovered (NP *-1) (ADVP de novo) (PP by (NP-LGS Copernicus)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The critical , rigorous examinations) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Nicholas) (PP of (NP Cusa))) and (NP (NP Nicholas) (PP of (NP Oresme)))))) (VP provided (NP (NP the context) -LRB- (NP a (ADJP late medieval) context) -RRB- (PP for (NP (NP Nicholas Copernicus ') own work)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The latter) (VP looked (ADVP backward) (PP upon (NP inherited deficiencies))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP abandoning (NP too much)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Copernicus) (VP sought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ orthodox astronomy) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP systematically and mechanically) acceptable)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP think (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP to (VP be (VP firing (NP (NP the first shot) (PP of (NP an intellectual revolution))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Henrietta 's) feeling) (PP of (NP (NP identity) (PP with (NP Sara Sullam))))) (VP was (VP crowned (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP her discovery) (PP of (NP (NP the coincidence) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Sara 's) epitaph) (PP in (NP (NP the Jewish cemetery) (PP in (NP Venice))))) (VP referred (PP to (NP her)) (PP as `` (NP the Sulamite) '')))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Into (NP (NP the texture) (PP of (NP (NP this tapestry) (PP of (NP (NP history) and (NP human drama))))))) (NP-SBJ Henrietta) , (PP-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 every artist) (VP delights (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do)))))) , (VP wove (NP (NP strands) (PP of (NP (NP her own intuitive insights) (PP (PP into (NP human nature)) and (PRN -- (PP (ADVP especially) in (NP (NP the remarkable story) (PP of (NP (NP the attraction and conflict) (PP between (NP (NP two (ADJP so disparate and fervent) characters) (PP as (NP this pair)))))))) --) (PP into (NP (NP the relations) (PP of (NP men and women)))))))))) : `` (S (PP In (NP their relations)) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (NP-PRD-3 the giver))) and (S (NP-SBJ=2 he) (NP-PRD=3 (NP the receiver) , nay (NP the demander)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His feeling) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP exacted (NP sacrifices) (PP from (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-5 One) (VP is (ADJP-PRD so accustomed (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP (VP think (PP of (NP-6 men)) (PP-7 as (NP (NP the privileged) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP need (VP but ask and receive))))))) , and (VP (NP=6 women) (PP=7 as (ADJP submissive and yielding))) ,))) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 our sympathies) (VP are (ADVP usually) (VP enlisted (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-4 whose love) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP is not (VP returned (NP *-2)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP condemn (NP the woman) (PP as (NP a coquette)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The very firmness) (PP of (NP her convictions))) and (NP (NP logical clearness) (PP of (NP her arguments)))) (VP captivated and stimulated (NP-2 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (NP greater efforts)))))) ; ; (S (ADVP usually) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD most exasperating (PP to (NP (NP men) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ every woman) (VP to (VP verify (NP (NP their preconceived notions) (PP concerning (NP her sex))))))) , and (VP (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP she) (VP does not (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (ADVP-TMP immediately) condemn (NP her) (PP as (ADJP eccentric and unwomanly))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP the opportunity) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ few clever women) (VP can (VP resist (NP *T*-1))))) , (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP showing (NP (NP her superiority) (PP in (NP argument)) (PP over (NP a man)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Women) (NP themselves)) (VP (VP have (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP look (PP upon (NP matters)) (PP in (NP (NP the same light) (PP as (NP the outside world))))))))) , and (VP (ADVP scarcely) find (NP any wrong) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP submitting (PP to (NP (NP the importunities) (PP of (NP a stronger will))))))) , (SBAR even (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 their affections) (VP are (VP withheld (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP exposing (NP herself) (PP to (NP (NP temptation) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD best (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP avoid (NP *T*-2)))))) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP can (ADVP-MNR consistently) (VP be (VP done (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP invites (NP (NP such trials) (PP of (NP character))))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD either (ADJP foolhardy) , (ADJP overconfident) or (ADJP too simple and childlike (PP in (NP (NP faith) (PP in (NP mankind)))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP the danger))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP any case) (PP but (NP the last)))) , (NP-SBJ such a course) (VP is (ADJP-PRD sure (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP avenge (NP itself) (PP upon (NP the individual)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the moral powers) (CONJP no more than) (NP the (ADJP physical and mental))) , (VP can (VP bear (NP overstraining)))) .)) (TOP (S And , (PP in (NP the last case)) , (NP-SBJ a bitter disappointment) (ADVP-TMP but too often) (VP meets (NP the confiding nature)) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP was (VP discovering (PP in (NP (NP the process) (PP of (NP writing)))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the born writer) (VP does))) , (NP (CONJP not merely) (NP (NP a channel) (PP for (NP (NP the discharge) (PP of (NP accumulated information))))) but (NP (NP a stimulus) (PP to (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP (NP the creative powers) (PP of (NP observation , insight and intuition)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Isaacs) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so pleased (PP with (NP (NP the quality) (PP of (NP her biographical study (PP of (NP Sara Sullam)))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP submitting (NP it) (PP to (NP (NP-TTL the Century Magazine) or (NP-TTL Harper 's))))))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP decided (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ its Jewish subject) (ADVP probably) (VP would not (VP interest (NP them)))))) and (VP published (NP it) (PP in (NP-TTL The Messenger)) , `` (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ-2 our readers) (VP will (VP be (VP benefited (NP *-2) (ADVP instead)))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Under (NP (NP her father 's) influence)) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP did not (VP occur (PP to (NP Henrietta)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP write (PP on (NP (NP subjects) (PP outside (NP the Jewish field))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP (VP did (VP begin (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP writing (PP for (NP other Anglo-Jewish papers)))))) and (VP (ADVP thus) increased (NP (NP her output) and (NP her audience))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ she) (VP wrote (NP (NP the libretto) (PP for (NP (NP (NP an oratorio) (PP on (NP (NP the subject) (PP of (NP Judas Maccabeus))))) (VP performed (NP *) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the Hanukkah festival) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (PP-TMP in (NP December)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP her eighteenth birthday)) (NP-SBJ (NP her bent) (PP for (NP writing))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so evident) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Papa and Mamma) (VP gave (NP her) (NP-TTL a Life Of Dickens) (PP as (NP (NP a spur) (PP to (NP her aspiration))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Another source) (PP of (NP intellectual stimulus))) (VP was (VP opened (NP *-1) (PP to (NP her)) (PP-TMP at (NP that time)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the founding) (PP of (NP Johns Hopkins University)) (PP-LOC within (NP (NP walking distance) (PP of (NP home)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP established (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP (NP buildings) (PP in (NP the shopping district)))))) , (PP with (NP only a few professors)) ,))) but (S (NP-SBJ (NP all eminent men) , and (NP (QP a few hundred) eager students)) (VP housed (PP-LOC in (NP nearby dwellings)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP September '76)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Thomas Huxley) , (NP (NP Darwin 's) famous disciple) ,) (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP England)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak (PP-LOC in (NP a crowded auditorium)) (PP at (NP (NP the formal opening) (PP of (NP the University))))))))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a school) (PP for (NP men only)))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP afforded (NP-BNF Henrietta) (NP an opportunity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP attend (NP its public lectures))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP the following year)) (NP-SBJ-4 her father) (VP undertook (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP give (NP (NP a course) (PP in (NP Hebrew theology))) (PP-DTV to (NP Johns Hopkins students))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP brought (PP to (NP the Szold house)) (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP (NP bright young Jews) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP Baltimore)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP study))))))) , and (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-2) (VP enjoyed (S (NP-SBJ-6 *-5) (VP being (VP (VP fed and mothered (NP *-6) (PP by (NP-LGS Mamma))) and (VP entertained (NP *-6) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Henrietta and Rachel) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP played and sang (PP for (NP them)) (PP-LOC in (NP the upstairs sitting room)) (PP-TMP on (NP Sunday evenings)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-DIR From (NP Philadelphia)) (VP came) (NP-SBJ (NP Cyrus Adler) and (NP Joseph Jastrow)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Adler) , (NP (NP Judge Sulzberger 's) nephew) ,) (VP came (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP study (NP Assyriology))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP A (ADJP smart , shrewd and ambitious) young man) , (UCP (ADJP well connected) , and (PP with (NP (NP a knack) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (PP in (NP (NP the good graces) (PP of (NP important people)))))))))) ,) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP bound (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP far)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Joseph Jastrow) , (NP (NP the younger son) (PP of (NP (NP the distinguished rabbi) , (NP Marcus Jastrow) ,)))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP friendly , round-faced) fellow) (PP with (NP a little mustache)) , (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose field) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD psychology)))) , and (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP a punster) and (NP a jolly tease)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His father) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a good friend) (PP of (NP Rabbi Szold))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Joe) (VP lived (PP with (NP the Szolds)) (PP-TMP for (NP a while)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Both these youths) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP greatly) (VP admired (NP Henrietta)))) ,) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP somewhat younger) (PP than (NP she)))) , (PP as (SINV (VP were (ADVP also)) (NP-SBJ (NP the neighboring Friedenwald boys) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (ADVP-TMP then) (VP studying (NP medicine))))))))) ; ; and (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD-TPC-3 bright) (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP could not (ADVP possibly) (VP compete (PP for (NP her interest)) (PP with (NP (NP Papa) , (SBAR (WHNP-5 whose mind) -- (S (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP dazzle or patronize (NP lesser lights) (PP with (NP it)))))))) -- (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (ADVP naturally) (VP (VP eclipsed (NP theirs)) and (VP made (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP seem (PP to (NP her)) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP even younger) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ Miss Henrietta) -- (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADVP generally) (VP known (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP put (PRT up) (NP her hair) (PP with (NP a chignon)) (PP in (NP the back)))))))))) -- (VP had (NP (NP little time) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP spare (NP *T*-2) (NP them) (PP from (NP her teaching and writing))))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP so) (S (NP-SBJ Cyrus Adler) (VP became (ADJP interested (PP in (NP (NP her friend) (NP Racie Friedenwald)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Joe Jastrow) -- (NP (NP the only young man) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP (VP had (NP (NP the temerity) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP address (NP her) (PP as (NP Henrietta)) (ADVP *T*-5))))))) , and (VP signed (NP himself) (NP Joe)))))) --) (VP fell (PP in (NP love)) (PP with (NP (NP pretty sister) (NP Rachel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) , (ADVP however) , (VP was (PP-TMP at (NP that time)) (VP engaged (PP in (NP (NP a lengthy correspondence) (PP with (NP (NP (NP (NP Joe 's) (ADJP (ADJP older) and (ADJP more serious)) brother) , (NP Morris) ,) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (ADVP just about) her own age)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 whom) (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP had (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know (NP *T*-3) (ADVP well)))))) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP trips) (PP to (NP Philadelphia)) (PP with (NP Papa)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP substituted (PP for (NP Rabbi Jastrow)) (PP at (NP Rodeph Shalom Temple)) (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP (NP its Rabbi 's) absence) (PP-LOC in (NP Europe)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP Young Morris) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) , (S (SBAR-TMP while (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP attending (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Pennsylvania)))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP also) (VP (VP taught) and (VP edited (NP a paper))))) ,) (VP found (NP time (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP write (NP Henrietta) (NP (NP twenty-page letters) (PP on (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP engaged (NP his interest)))) , (PP (PP from (NP (NP the acting) (PP of (NP Sarah Bernhardt)) (PP-LOC in (NP Philadelphia)))) (PP to (NP (NP his reactions) (PP to (NP (NP the comments) (PP of `` (NP Sulamith) '') (PP on (NP (NP the Jewish reform movement) (VP being (VP promulgated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Hebrew Union College) (PP-LOC in (NP Cincinnati))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Unlike (NP (NP his younger brother) , (NP Joe) ,)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP presumed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP address (NP her) (ADVP (ADVP more familiarly) (PP than (PP as `` (NP My dear friend) '')))))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP praised and envied (NP (NP the elegance and purity) (PP of (NP her style))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP complained (PP of (NP (NP the lack) (PP of (NP (NP time) (PP for (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP advised (NP-4 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP rise (PP-TMP at (NP (NP five) (PP in (NP the morning)))))) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ she and Papa) (VP did))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP had not (VP taught (NP Henrietta) (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP was (SBAR-MNR-PRD (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP handle (NP (NP a young man) (PP as (ADJP (ADJP high-spirited and opinionated) (PP as (NP herself))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could not (VP resist (NP (NP the opportunity) `` (PP of (NP-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP showing (NP her superiority (PP in (NP argument)) (PP over (NP a man))))) '' (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP remarked (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the `` feminine follies '') (PP of (NP Sara Sullam)))))))))))))))) ; ; and (S (PP in (NP her forthright way)) , (NP-SBJ-5 (NP Henrietta) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (PP in (NP (NP her story) (PP of (NP Sara)))) (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP indicated (NP her own unwillingness `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP think (PP of (NP-3 men)) (PP-4 as (NP the privileged))) '' and `` (VP (NP=3 women) (PP=4 as (ADJP submissive and yielding))) '')))))))) ,) (VP felt (VP obliged (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP defend (ADVP-MNR vigorously) (NP (NP (NP any statement) (PP of (NP hers))) (SBAR (WHPP-6 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ Morris Jastrow) (VP took (NP the slightest exception) (PP *T*-6) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP objected (PP (PP to (NP (NP her stand) (PP on (NP the Corbin affair)))) , (CONJP as well as) (PP on (NP (NP the radical reforms) (PP of (NP (NP Dr. Wise) (PP of (NP Hebrew Union College)))))))) --)))))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (ADVP-TMP once) , (PP in (NP sheer desperation)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP given (PRT up) (NP hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP agree (PP on (NP anything)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ that) (VP did not (VP prevent (NP him) (PP (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP writing (NP more long letters)))) , or (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP coming (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP spend (NP his Christmas vacations) (PP with (NP the hospitable , lively Szolds)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP their pleasant house) (PP-LOC on (NP Lombard Street))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP 1880s) : (NP `` little women '')) `` (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP Father) and (NP Mother) and (NP each other))))) '' (SINV (VP said) (NP-SBJ Beth) (PP on (NP (NP the first page) (PP of (NP (NP Louisa Alcott 's) (NP-TTL Little Women)))))) ; ; and , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ families) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most beautiful) things) (PP in (NP all the world)))))))) '') , (SINV (VP burst (PRT out)) (NP-SBJ Jo) (ADVP (NP some five hundred pages) later (PP in (NP (NP that popular story) (PP of (NP the March family)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP first) (VP appeared (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP was (NP-PRD eight) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ the Szold family) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP developed))) , (VP bore (NP a striking resemblance) (PP to (NP the Marches)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mr. March) , (PP like (NP Benjamin Szold)) , (VP was (NP-PRD a clergyman) , (PP although (PP of (NP an indeterminate denomination))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ `` Marmee '' March) , (PP like (NP Sophie Szold)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the competent manager) (PP of (NP (NP her brood) (PP of (NP (NP girls) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 of (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ the Marches) (VP had (NP only four) (PP to (NP (NP the Szolds ') five)) (PP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the March girls) (VP had (NP their counterparts) (PP in (NP the Szold girls))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP could (ADVP easily) (VP identify (NP herself) (PP with (NP Jo March)) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ Jo) (VP was not (NP-PRD the eldest sister)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (NP-SBJ Neither) (VP was) (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (ADJP-PRD hoydenish) (PP like (NP (NP Jo) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR frankly) (VP (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (NP-PRD a boy))))) and (VP had (ADVP-MNR deliberately) (VP shortened (NP (NP her name) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (PP like (NP Henrietta 's)) , (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the feminine form) (PP of (NP (NP a boy 's) name)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ both) (VP were (ADJP-PRD high-spirited and vivacious))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 both) (VP had (NP (NP tempers) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP control (NP *T*-2)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ both) (VP loved (NP (NP languages) , (NP especially English and German)))) , (S (NP-SBJ both) (VP (VP were (NP-PRD good teachers)) and (VP wrote (PP for (NP publication))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Each) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP her mother 's) assistant and confidante))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ each) (VP stood (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR conspicuously) (PP in (NP the family picture)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bertha Szold) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more) (PP like (NP (NP Meg) , (NP the eldest March girl) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) `` (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP learned (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a woman 's) happiest kingdom) (VP is (NP-PRD-3 home))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2 her highest honor) (NP-PRD=3 (NP the art) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP ruling (NP it) , (PP not as (NP (NP a queen) , but (NP a (NX (NX wise wife) and (NX mother))))))))))))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Bertha) , (ADJP (ADJP blue-eyed) (PP like (NP Mamma))) ,) (VP was (PP from (NP the start)) (NP-PRD (NP her mother 's) daughter , (VP destined (PP for (NP (NP (NP her mother 's) role) (PP in (NP life))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Sadie) , (PP like (NP Beth March)) , (VP (VP suffered (NP ill health)) -- (VP (VP got (NP rheumatic fever)) and (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD careful (PP of (NP her heart)))))))) --)) but (S (NP-SBJ that) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP dampened (NP her spirits))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 her right hand) (VP was (VP incapacitated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the rheumatism)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Sadie) (VP learned (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP write (PP with (NP her left hand)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wrote (NP (NP gay plays) (PP about (NP the girls)) (PP for (NP family entertainments)) , (PP like (NP `` (NP-TTL (INTJ Oh) , (NP What Fun) ! ! (NP A Comedy In Three Acts)) '' , (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) , (S (PP under `` (NP Personages) '') , (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP appeared (PP as `` (NP A Schoolmarm) ''))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Bertha) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV only a trifle) less brilliant) (PP in (NP high school)) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))) ,) (VP appeared (PP as `` (NP Dummkopf) '') (PP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Sadie) (VP (VP studied (NP piano)) ; ; (VP played (NP Chopin) (PP in (NP (NP the `` Soiree Musicale) (PP of (NP (NP Mr. Guthrie 's) Pupils)) ''))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP recited `` (NP (NP Hector 's) Farewell To Andromache) '' (ADVP-MNR most movingly) , (PP to (NP (NP the special delight) (PP of (NP Rabbi Jastrow)))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP his home) (PP-LOC in (NP Germantown)) (PP-LOC near (NP Philadelphia)) , (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Szold girls) (VP took (NP turns) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP visiting (PP between (NP (NP the visits) (PP of (NP the Jastrow boys)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the Szolds ') (PP-LOC in (NP Baltimore)))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adele) , (PP like (NP (NP Amy) , (NP (NP the youngest) (PP of (NP the Marches))))) , (VP was (NP-PRD the (ADJP (ADJP rebellious) , (ADJP mischievous) , (ADJP rather calculating) and (ADJP ambitious)) one)) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP For (NP (NP Rachel) , (VP conceded (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the prettiest) (PP of (NP the Szold girls))))) (PRN -- and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP did (VP make (NP a pretty picture) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP (VP sitting (PP in (NP the grape-arbor))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP strumming (NP her guitar)) and (VP singing (PP in (NP her silvery tones)))))))))) --))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no particular March counterpart))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ-1 both groups) (VP were (ADVP (ADVP so closely) (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (VP knit (NP *-1)) (SBAR-4 that (S (PP despite (NP individual differences)) (NP-SBJ (NP the family life) (PP in (NP both cases))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP remarkably similar) (PP in (NP atmosphere)) (PP if (PP (ADVP not entirely) in (NP content)))) -- (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ-5 the one) (VP being (ADJP-PRD-6 definitely Jewish))) and (S (NP-SBJ=5 the other) (ADJP-PRD=6 vaguely Christian)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 The Szolds) , (PP like (NP the Marches)) , (VP enjoyed and loved (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP living together , (PP-TMP (ADVP even) in (NP troubled times)))))) ; ; and , (S (PP as (PP in (NP the March home))) , (NP-SBJ (NP any young man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP called (PP on (NP the Szolds)))))) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ-4 himself) (VP confronted (NP *-4) (PP with (NP (NP a phalanx) (PP of (NP femininity)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD rather difficult (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP direct (NP his particular attention) (PP to (NP (NP any one) (PP of (NP them)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP included (NP (NP (NP Mamma) , (ADJP jolly , generous , and pretty) ,) (SBAR (WHPP-2 with (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all)) (VP fell (PP in (NP love)) (PP *T*-2) , (SBAR-ADV (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP had (ADVP-TMP first) (VP fallen (PP in (NP love)) (PP with (NP her Mamma)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP chose (NP her)))))))))))))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a young man) (PP like (NP Morris Jastrow))) (VP had (VP enjoyed (NP the Szold hospitality) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP felt (VP obliged (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP send (NP (NP his respects) and (NP his gifts)) (PP (CONJP not merely) (PP to (NP (NP Henrietta) , (SBAR (WHPP-5 in (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP really interested (PP *T*-5))))) ,)) but (PP to (NP (NP all the Szold girls) and (NP Mamma)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV just as (S (NP-SBJ-3 `` Laurie '' Lawrence) (VP (VP was (ADVP-TMP first) (VP attracted (NP *-3) (PP to (NP (NP bright Jo March) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD immature)) (PP by (NP her high standards))))))))) , and (VP (ADVP then) had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP content (NP himself) (PP with (NP (NP her younger sister) (NP Amy)))))))))) , (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ-4 (NP Joe Jastrow) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (ADVP also) (VP been (VP writing (NP Henrietta) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP Johns Hopkins)))))))))) ,) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP content (NP himself) (PP with (NP (NP her younger sister) , (NP pretty Rachel))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP like (NP (NP Jo March) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ (NP her sisters) (NP Meg and Amy)) (VP involved (PP in `` (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP lovering)) '') (PP before (NP herself))))))) ,)) (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP saw (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP her sisters) (NP Rachel and Sadie)) (VP drawn (NP *) (PP outside (NP their family circle)) (PP-4 by (NP-LGS (NP the attraction) (PP of (NP suitors)))))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ=3 Rachel) (PP=4 by (NP-LGS Joe Jastrow))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=3 Sadie) (PP=4 by (NP-LGS (NP Max Lobl) , (NP (NP a young businessman) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP write (NP her) (NP (NP romantic descriptions) (PP of (NP (NP his trips) (PP by (NP steamboat)) (PP down (NP the Mississippi)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP making (NP no mistake))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Olgivanna) (PRN -- (S (PP-LOC in (NP her country)) (NP-SBJ the nickname) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a respectful form) (PP of (NP address))))) --) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (CONJP not only) (ADJP attractive) but (ADJP shrewd , durable , sensible , and smart))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP No wonder) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 Wright) (VP was (VP enchanted (NP *-1)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ no two (ADJP better suited) people) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP met)) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP (PP (ADVP Almost) from (NP that day)) , (PP until (NP his death))) , (NP-SBJ Olgivanna) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stay (PP at (NP his side))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the years) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP immediately) (VP followed)))) (VP were (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD extraordinarily trying) , (PP both for (NP (NP Wright) and (NP his Montenegrin lady)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It)) (VP must (VP be (VP granted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the flouting) (PP of (NP convention))) , (ADVP no matter (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how well intentioned) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))))) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD sure (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP lead (PP (PP to (NP trouble)) , or (ADVP at least) (PP to (NP (NP the discomfort) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP goes (PP with (NP social disapproval)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Even so) , (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP Wright and Olgivanna)))))))) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD inordinately severe)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Their afflictions) (VP centered (PP on (NP one maddening difficulty)))) : (S (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP held (PRT up) (NP (NP the divorce proceedings) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP she) (NP herself)) (VP had (VP asked (PP for (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Reporters) (VP began (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP trail (NP Miriam) (ADVP-LOC everywhere))) , and (VP to (VP encourage (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP appalling statements) (PP about (NP (NP Wright) and (NP his doings))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Flocks) (PP of (NP (NP writs) , (NP attachments) , and (NP (NP unpleasant legal papers) (PP of (NP every sort)))))) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fly (PP through (NP the air)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The distracted Miriam) (VP would (VP (VP agree (PP to (NP (NP a settlement) (PP through (NP her legal representative))))) , (VP (ADVP then) (VP (VP change (NP her mind)) and (VP make (NP (NP another attack) (PP on (NP (NP Wright) (PP as (NP a person))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At last) (NP-SBJ (NP her lawyer) , (NP Arthur D. Cloud) ,) (VP gave (PRT up) (NP the case) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP turned (PRT down) (NP (NP three successive settlements) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP arranged (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Cloud) (VP made (NP an interesting statement)) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP parting (PP from (NP his client)))))) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a lawyer)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Wright) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD an avenging angel))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Wright) (VP is (PP-PRD without (NP funds))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP is (VP get (NP-BNF her) (NP some money) (PP by (NP (NP a (ADJP temporary but definite) adjustment) (VP pending (NP (NP a final disposition) (PP of (NP the case)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-TMP (NP every time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suggested (NP this) (PP to (NP her)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Wright) (VP (VP turned (NP it) (PRT down)) and (VP demanded (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP punish (NP Mr. Wright))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD (NP an attorney) , not (NP (NP an instrument) (PP of (NP vengeance))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miriam Noel) (VP (VP disregarded (NP (NP the free advice) (PP of (NP her departing counselor)))) , and (VP appointed (S (NP-SBJ (NP a heavy-faced young man) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Harold Jackson)))) (VP to (VP take (NP his place)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-TMP-PRD (NP three years) (PP of (NP this strange warfare))))) ; ; and (S (PP-TMP during (NP the unhappy time)) , (NP-SBJ Miriam) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP would (VP charge (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Wright and Olgivanna) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP misdemeanants) (PP against (NP (NP the public order) (PP of (NP Wisconsin))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (ADVP-MNR somehow) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 officers) (VP were (VP prodded (NP *-1) (PP into (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP visiting (NP Taliesin)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP execute (NP the warrants)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP find (NP neither Wright nor Olgivanna) (PP-LOC at (NP home)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP showed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ common sense) (VP had not (VP died (PRT out) (PP at (NP the county and village level)))))) -- (SBAR-ADV though (S (SBAR-PRP-SBJ (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the (ADJP (ADJP unhappy) and (ADJP obviously unbalanced)) woman) (VP was not (VP restrained (NP *-1) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))) (VP remains (NP-PRD a puzzle))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The misery) (PP of (NP (NP Miriam 's) bitterness))) (VP can (VP be (VP felt (NP *-1) (NP-TMP today) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP studies (NP the case)))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hopeless , agonizing , and destructive) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP Miriam) (NP herself)) (VP bearing (NP (NP the heaviest burden) (PP of (NP shame and pain)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP get (NP (NP an idea) (PP of (NP (NP the embarrassment and chagrin) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP was (VP heaped (NP *-1) (PP upon (NP Wright and Olgivanna)))))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP should (VP bear (PP in (NP mind)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the raids) (VP were (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP led (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS Miriam)) (PP in (NP person))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most distressing)) (PP of (NP these scenes))))) (VP occurred (PP-LOC at (NP Spring Green)) (PP toward (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the open warfare)))) , (PP-TMP on (NP (NP a beautiful day) (PP in (NP June))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP this time)) (NP-SBJ-2 Miriam Noel) (VP appeared) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP urging (PRT on) (NP (NP Constable Henry Pengally) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose name) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP showed (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a descendant) (PP of (NP (NP the Welsh settlers) (PP in (NP the neighborhood)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A troop) (PP of (NP reporters))) (VP brought (PRT up) (NP the rear)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Miriam) (VP was (VP stopped (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the Taliesin gate))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP William Weston) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP now) (NP the estate foreman)) ,) (VP came (ADVP-DIR out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP parley))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mr. Wright) (VP (VP was not (ADVP-PRD in)) , and so (VP could not (VP be (VP arrested (NP *-2) (PP on (NP (NP something) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD a peace warrant))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP was (VP waving (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP the air))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Miriam) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP ordered (NP-1 Pengally) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP break (PRT down) (NP the gate)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP really) (VP could n't (VP go (ADVP-EXT that far))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP this point)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Mrs. Frances Cupply) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Wright 's) handsome daughters) (PP by (NP his first wife))))) ,) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP the house))) and (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP calm (NP Miriam) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP tore (PRT down) (NP a no visitors sign)) and (VP smashed (NP (NP the glass pane) (PP on (NP another sign))) (PP with (NP a rock))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miriam Noel Wright) (VP said , `` (S (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Here) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP am (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1) (PP-LOC at (NP my own home)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP locked (PRT out) (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP stand (PP-LOC in (NP the road)))))))))) '') ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP rounded (PP on (NP Weston))) and (VP cried , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP did (NP (NP Wright 's) dirty work))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (PRT over) (NP Taliesin) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the first thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP is (VP fire (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (NP Madame Noel) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP had (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP go))))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Mrs. Cupply) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 And (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP had (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP leave))))))) '' , (VP replied (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Miriam) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Turning (PP to (NP the reporters)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP asked , `` (SQ Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear (NP her))) ?) ?)) (TOP (S ' (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP had (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leave)))))) ' ! !)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD my own home)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the silence) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP followed))))) , (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP walked (ADVP close (PP to (NP (NP Mrs. Cupply) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP drew (ADVP back) (NP-EXT a step)) (PP on (NP (NP her side) (PP of (NP the gate)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP with (NP (NP staring eyes) and (NP (NP lips) (VP drawn (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD thin)))))) , (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP said (PP to (NP the young woman)) , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP ugly) -- (ADJP (ADJP uglier) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD very ugly))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP even uglier) (PP than (NP Mr. Wright)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The animosity) (VP expressed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS such a scene)))) (VP had (NP (NP the penetrating quality) (PP of (NP a natural force))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP gave (NP Miriam Noel) (NP (NP a fund) (PP of (NP energy)) (PP like (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP a person) (VP inspired (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP complete (NP (NP some (ADJP great and universal) work) (PP of (NP art)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV As if (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (ADJP certain (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP any settlement) (ADVP at all))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Miriam) (VP wrote (PP to (NP prospective clients)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP denouncing (NP him))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP also) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP Washington))) and (VP appealed (PP to (NP (NP (NP (NP Senator George William Norris) (PP of (NP Nebraska))) , (NP the Fighting Liberal) ,) (SBAR (WHPP from (WHNP whose office)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 a (ADJP sympathetic but cautious) harrumphing) (VP was (VP heard (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP after (NP (NP overtures) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP accept (NP a settlement)) and (VP go (PP through (PP with (NP a divorce))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP gave (NP (NP a ghastly echo) (PP of (NP Mrs. Micawber))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR suddenly) (VP stating , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (ADVP-TMP never) (VP leave (NP Mr. Wright)))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Under (NP (NP this kind) (PP of (NP pressure)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD surprising) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP would (VP make (NP sweeping statements) (PP to (NP the newspapers))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP had not (ADVP-TMP yet) (VP goaded (NP him) (PP into (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP mentioning (NP her) (ADVP directly))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP can (VP feel (NP-PRD the generalized anger) (PP in (NP (NP (NP Wright 's) remarks) (PP to (NP reporters)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP asked (NP *-1) , (NP-TMP (NP one morning) (PP on (NP (NP arrival) (PP-LOC in (NP Chicago))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (NP *T*-2) (PP of (NP (NP the city) (PP as (NP a whole)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 (ADVP-TMP First) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP said (S *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP choked (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the smoke) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP fortunately) (VP kept (NP him) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeing (NP the dreadful town))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP surely) (NP-SBJ Michigan Avenue) (VP was (ADJP-PRD handsome)) ? ?)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is n't (NP-PRD a boulevard))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD a racetrack)))) '' ! ! (VP Cried (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Wright) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP showing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 automobiles) (VP were (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a danger)))) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as early) (PP as (NP (NP the 1920 's)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a horrible way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP went (PRT on) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP are (VP being (VP strangled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS traffic))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP was (ADVP-TMP then) (VP asked (PP for (NP (NP a solution) (PP of (NP the difficulty)))))) , and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (NP trenchant sense) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ private anguish) (VP showed (PRT through) (PP in (NP (NP the vehemence) (PP of (NP his manner)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Take (NP a gigantic knife)) and (VP sweep (NP it) (PP over (NP the Loop))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Cut (PRT off) (NP every building) (PP at (NP the seventh floor))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Spread (NP everything) (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP need (NP concentration))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP cut (PRT down) (NP these horrible buildings)))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP have (NP no more traffic jams))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP have (NP trees) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP have (NP some joy) (PP in (NP (NP the life) (PP of (NP this city)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ (NP that) (S *ICH*-1)) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the job) (PP of (NP the architect)))) -- (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP the world) (NP a little joy)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP Little enough) joy) (VP was (VP afforded (NP *-1) (NP Wright) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP (NP the spring) (PP of (NP 1925))) ,)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ another destructive fire) (VP broke (PRT out) (PP-LOC at (NP Taliesin)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The first news stories) (VP had (NP it) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 this blaze) (VP was (VP started (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a bolt) (PP of (NP lightning)))) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP could (VP call (PRT down) (NP fire) (PP from (NP heaven)) (PP like (NP (NP a prophet) (PP of (NP the Old Testament))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A storm) (VP did (VP take (NP place) (NP-TMP that night)))) , and (S (ADVP fortunately enough) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP included (NP (NP a cloudburst) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP helped (VP put (PRT out) (NP the flames)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Later accounts) (VP blamed (NP defective wiring) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP starting (NP the fire)))))) ; ; (S (PP at (NP any rate)) , (NP-SBJ heat) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so intense) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP (NP the main part) (PP of (NP the house)))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP melted (NP the window panes)) , and (VP fused (NP the K'ang-si pottery) (PP to (NP cinders)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP set (NP his loss) (PP at (NP (NP $ 200,000 *U*) , (NP (NP a figure) (RRC (ADVP perhaps) (VP justified (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP the unique character) (PP of (NP (NP the house) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP had (VP been (VP ruined (NP *-1))))))))) , and (NP (NP the faultless taste) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP had (VP gone (PP into (NP (NP the selection) (PP of (NP (NP the prints) and (NP (NP other things) (SBAR (WHNP-5 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-5) (VP were (VP destroyed (NP *-2))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP the disaster)))) , (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP completed (PP-TMP during (NP this period)) (NP (NP (NP plans) (PP for (NP (NP the Lake Tahoe resort) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP suggested (NP (NP the shapes) (PP of (NP American Indian tepees))) (PP *T*-2))))))) -- (NP (NP a project) (PP of (NP (ADJP great and appropriate) charm)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (PP to (NP nothing)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Amid (NP (NP a shortage) (PP of (NP profitable work)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the memory) (PP of (NP (NP Albert Johnson 's) $ 20,000 *U*))) (VP stood (PRT out) (PP in (NP lonely grandeur)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ the money) (VP had (ADVP quickly) (VP melted (ADVP away)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A series) (PP of (NP (NP conferences) (PP with (NP friends and bankers))))) (VP began (PP-TMP about (NP this time)))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the question) (PP before (NP these meetings))) (VP was , (UCP-PRD (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 here) (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a man) (PP of (NP (NP international reputation) and (NP proved earning power))))) ; ; (SBARQ (WHADVP-4 how) (SQ can (NP-SBJ-5 he) (VP be (VP financed (NP *-5) (SBAR so that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP find (NP (NP the work) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (PP-PRD under (NP consideration))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dauntless) (PP as (ADVP ever))) (NP-SBJ-1 Wright) (VP set (PRT about) (NP (NP the building) (PP of (NP Taliesin 3)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP (NP plans) (PP for (NP the new Taliesin)))))) , (NP-SBJ Wright) (ADVP also) (VP got (PP on (NP paper)) (NP (NP (NP his conception) (PP of (NP (NP a cathedral) (PP of (NP steel and glass)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP house (NP (NP a congregation) (PP of (NP all faiths))) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) , and (NP (NP the idea) (PP for (NP (NP a planetarium) (PP with (NP a sloping ramp))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Years) (VP were (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pass)))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ these plans) (VP came (PP off (NP the paper)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Wright) (VP was (VP justified (NP *-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP thinking , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the projects) (VP failed))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP much) (PP of (SBAR (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP show (NP *T*-4) (NP (NP his country) and (NP the world)))))))))) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (VP seen (NP *-2) (PP except (PP by (NP-LGS (NP visitors) (PP to (NP Taliesin)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP some question) (PP as (PP to (NP (NP his continued residence) (ADVP-LOC there)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Billy Koch) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP worked (PP for (NP Wright)) (PP as (NP a chauffeur)))))) ,) (VP gave (NP (NP a deposition (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP for (NP (NP Miriam 's) use)) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ Olgivanna) (VP living (PP at (NP Taliesin)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP might (VP put (NP Wright) (PP in (NP (NP (NP such a bad light) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP before (NP a court)) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Miriam) (VP would (VP be (VP awarded (NP *-1) (NP Taliesin))))))))))) ; ; nor (SINV was (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP moved (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a letter) (PP from (NP Wright)) (VP pointing (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP was not `` (VP compelled (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP spend (NP money) (PP on (NP (NP useless (NP lawyer 's) bills) , (NP useless hotel bills) , and (NP useless (NP doctor 's) bills))))))) ''))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP-TMP more quickly) (VP provide (NP Miriam) (PP with (NP (NP a suitable home) (PP either in (NP (NP Los Angeles) or (NP Paris))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP preferred)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP (VP sniffed (PP at (NP this))) , and (VP complained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP had (VP said (NP unkind things) (PP about (NP her)) (PP to (NP reporters)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His reply) (VP was , `` (S-PRD (S (NP-SBJ (NP Everything) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP has (VP been (VP printed (NP *-2)))))) (ADJP derogatory (PP to (NP you))) , (VP purporting (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (VP come (PP from (NP me))))))) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD a betrayal))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP nothing) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP yet) (VP has (VP been (VP printed (NP *-3) (SBAR-1 (WHNP-5 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP sanctioned (NP *T*-5)))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP irritated (NP Miriam)))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP had (VP told (NP the papers) (PP about (NP (NP a reasonable offer) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP made (NP *T*-2))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP considered (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP accept (NP *T*-3) `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP tires (PP of (NP publicity)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) '')))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP her California headquarters)) , (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP fired (ADVP back) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (ADVP-TMP never) (VP divorce (NP Mr. Wright) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP permit (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP marry (NP Olga Milanoff)))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP varied (NP the senseless psychological warfare) (PP by (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP suddenly) (VP withdrawing (NP (NP a suit) (PP for (NP separate maintenance)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP pending)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP asking (PP for (NP divorce)) (PP on (NP (NP the grounds) (PP of (NP cruelty))))) , (PP with (NP the understanding (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP would not (VP contest (NP it))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Bank) (PP of (NP Wisconsin))) (VP sent (NP a representative) (PP to (NP (NP (NP the judge 's) chambers) (PP-LOC in (NP Madison)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP (NP information) (PP on (NP (NP Wright 's) ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP meet (NP the terms))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the architect) (VP might (ADVP reasonably) (VP be (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP carry (NP his financial burdens)))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 all harrassment) (VP could (VP be (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP to (NP an end)))))))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the bank) (VP would (VP accept (NP (NP a mortgage) (PP on (NP Taliesin))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (VP bring (NP this) (PRT about))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP must (VP be (VP assured (NP *-1) (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP that other woman) , (NP Olga) ,) (VP will not (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP luxury)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP scraping (ADVP along)))))))) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP exhausted (NP (NP Wright 's) patience))) , and (S (PP in (NP consequence)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP talked (ADVP-MNR freely) (PP to (NP reporters)) (PP-LOC in (NP a Madison hotel suite)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Volstead laws) , (NP speed laws) , (NP divorce laws)) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP stand))) , (VP (VP demoralize (NP the individual)) , (VP make (NP (NP liars and law breakers) (PP of (NP us))) (PP in (NP (NP one way) or (NP another)))) , and (VP tend (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP our experiment) (PP in (NP democracy))) (ADJP-PRD absurd))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Wright) (VP does n't (VP accept (NP the terms) (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'll (VP go (PP-DIR either (PP to (NP Tokyo)) or (PP to (NP Holland))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP * (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP realize , (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP this stand)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 just what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP means (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP me and mine)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Here) (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP (VP gave (NP (NP a slight sigh) (PP of (NP weariness)))) , and (VP continued , `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP means (NP (NP more long years) (VP lived (NP *) (PP across (NP (NP the social grain) (PP of (NP (NP the life) (PP of (NP our people)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP making (NP shift) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (PP in (NP (NP the face) (PP of (NP popular disrespect and misunderstanding)))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP best) (VP can (VP *)))) (PP for (NP (NP myself) and (NP (NP those) (ADJP dependent (PP upon (NP me))))))))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP Next day) , (NP-SBJ word) (VP came (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Miriam) (VP was not (VP going (PRT through) (PP with (NP the divorce)))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ Wright) (VP stayed (PP-LOC in (NP the United States)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His mentioning) (PP of (NP Japan and Holland))) (VP had (VP been (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD (NP the expression) (PP of (NP wishful thinking))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP No matter (SBAR (WHNP-1 what troubles) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP betide (NP him)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP this most American) (PP of (NP artists))) (VP knew (PP in (NP his heart)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP function (ADVP-MNR properly) (PP-LOC outside (NP his native land))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP a few weeks)) (NP-SBJ-1 Miriam) (VP (VP made (NP (NP another sortie) (PP at (NP Taliesin)))) , but (VP was (VP repulsed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the (ADJP locked and guarded) gates))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP More likely) , (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP simply) (VP told (NP yourself) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP handed (NP us) (NP the book)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR-NOM *EXP*-1)) (VP mattered (ADVP little) (SBAR-NOM-1 (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP incanted (NP *T*-2)))) (PP providing (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP underwent (NP (NP the discipline) (PP of (NP incantation))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP (NP pride 's) sake)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP will not (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP coy and leering) vade mecum) (PP of (NP those verses))) (VP insinuated (NP itself) (PP into (NP my soul))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ that particular message) (VP does (NP (NP no more) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP weakly) (VP echo (NP (NP the roar) (PP in (NP all fresh blood)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could not (VP know (NP *T*-1))))) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP was (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP how smoothly) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the Victorian Fitzgerald) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP lead (PP into (NP (NP (NP an American Fitzgerald) (PP of (NP my own vintage))) (SBAR (WHPP under (WHNP whose banner)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 we adolescents) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP come , (PP (CONJP if not) (PP of (NP age)) , (ADVP then) (PP into (NP (NP a bright , taut semblance) (PP of (NP it)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP heard (PP of (NP (NP F. Scott Fitzgerald) , (ADJP living or dead))))))))) , and (S (ADVP moreover) (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP suppose (SBAR that , (S (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had))) , (NP-SBJ-1 his legend) (VP would (VP have (VP seemed (PP to (NP you)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP warrant (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP (NP a cluck) (PP of (NP disapproval)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Neither (NP his appetites) , (NP his exacerbations) , nor (NP his despair)) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP kin) (PP to (NP yours)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the man) (PP in (NP the moon)))))) (PP for (NP all (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP have (VP understood (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no man) (PP in (NP the moon)))) (PP to (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (S (NP-SBJ his tender nights) (VP were not (NP-PRD (NP the ones) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP dreamed (PP of (NP *T*-1)))))))) , nor (SINV (VP was) (NP-SBJ it) (PP-PRD (PP for (NP (NP yachts) , (NP sports cars) , (NP tall drinks) , and (NP swimming pools))) , nor (ADVP yet) (PP for (NP (NP money) or (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ money) (VP buys (NP *T*-2))))))) (SBAR-CLF that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP burned)))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP too) (VP was (VP (VP burning) and (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ myself) (VP burn))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The flame) (VP was (ADVP simply) (PP-PRD of (NP a different kind))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP symbolized (NP *-1) -LRB- (PP (ADVP at least) for (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP us)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP recognized (NP ourselves) (PP in (NP the image))))))) -RRB- (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP that (ADJP self-consuming , elegiac) candle) (PP of (NP Edna St. Vincent Millay 's))) , (NP (NP that candle) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (PP from (NP (NP the quatrain) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP ensconced (NP it) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))) (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP became) (NP a beacon (PP to (NP us))))) , but (SBAR (WHNP-5 which) (S (PP in (NP (NP point) (PP of (NP fact)))) (NP-SBJ-6 *T*-5) (VP would (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as tall) (PP as (NP a funeral taper)))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP last (NP-TMP even (NP the evening) , (CONJP let alone) (NP the night)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP should not , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP (VP pluck (NP the head) (PP off (NP a flower))) and (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ its perfume) (VP to (VP linger (PRT on))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ (NP this passion) (PP for (NP passion))) , (ADVP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP look (ADVP back) (PP on (NP it)) (PP with (NP (NP passion) (VP spent (NP *)))))))) , (VP seems (ADJP-PRD somewhat overblown and operatic)) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (PP as (NP a diva)) (NP-SBJ Miss Millay) (ADVP-MNR perfectly) (VP controlled (NP her notes)))) .)) (TOP (SQ (ADVP Only) (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP what else) (PP *ICH*-3)) (SQ was (NP-SBJ she) (VP singing (NP *T*-1) (PP-3 but (NP (NP (NP the old Song) (PP of (NP Songs))) , (NP (NP that (ADJP most ancient (PP of (NP tunes)))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ nature) (VP plays (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP (NP such unfailing response) (PP upon (NP young nerves))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ this) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD so little)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ the mere fact (SBAR that (S (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP plucking (PP on (NP the nerves))))) (NP-SBJ nature) (VP (VP can (VP awaken (PP in (NP the (ADJP most ordinary (PP of (NP us))))) (PRN , (ADVP-TMP temporarily) (ADVP anyway) ,) (NP the sleeping poet))) , and (VP (PP in (NP poets)) can (VP discover (NP their immortality))) ,)))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most remarkable)) (PP of (NP (NP all the remarkable phenomena) (SBAR (WHPP-1 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP attest (PP *T*-1))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP can (VP see (NP (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (PP as (ADJP humiliating)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP an extra hormone) (VP (ADVP casually) fed (NP *) (PP into (NP our chemistry)))) (VP may (VP induce (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP lay (PP down (NP our lives)) (PP for (NP (NP a lover) or (NP a friend))))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP can (VP take (NP it) (PP as (NP (NP no more) (PP than (NP (NP another veil) (VP torn (NP *) (PP from (NP (NP the mystery) (PP of (NP the soul)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP could (ADVP also) (VP be (VP looked (PP at (NP *-1))))) (PP from (NP (NP the other end) (PP of (NP the spectrum)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP could (VP see (NP this chemical determinant) (PP as (PP in (NP itself)) (NP a miracle)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP any case)) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Miss Millay 's) sweet-throated bitterness) , (NP (NP her variations) (PP on (NP the theme (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the world) (VP was (VP (CONJP not only) (VP (ADVP well) lost (PP for (NP love))) (CONJP but even) (VP (ADVP well) lost (PP for (NP lost love)))))))))) , (NP (NP her (ADJP constant and wonderfully tragic) posture) , (RRC (ADJP so unlike (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP Fitzgerald)))) (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP required (NP no scenery or props)))))) ,) (VP drew (PP from (NP (NP the me) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP fell (PP upon (NP her verses)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) (NP an overwhelming yea)) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ all this) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD well aware))) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the bel canto) (PP of (NP love))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP always) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD (PP to (NP the bel canto)) and (PP to (NP that alone))) (SBAR-CLF (WHPP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP listened (PP *T*-2)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (ADVP well enough) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak (NP (NP the whole truth) (PP about (NP (NP my knowledge) (PP of (NP love))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP will (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP stop (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP emulate (NP the transcendant nightingale))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP another side) (PP of (NP love))) , (ADVP more nearly) (VP symbolized (PP (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the croak) (PP of (NP the mating capercailzie)))) , or (ADVP better still perhaps) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the mute antics) (PP of (NP the slug)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV Whether (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP experienced (NP (NP the passion) (PP of (NP desire)))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP have , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP (NP no way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP knowing)))))) , nor (ADVP indeed) (SINV have (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wished (PP with (NP (NP even the (ADJP most fleeting) fragment) (PP of (NP a wish)))) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP constitutes (PP by (NP (NP one 's) mere existence)) (SBAR-ADV so (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP speak)))) (NP (NP the proof) (PP of (NP (NP some sort) (PP of (NP passion))))))))) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ (NP any speculation) (PP upon (NP (NP this part) (PP of (NP (NP (NP one 's) parents ') experience))))) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP more immodest) , (ADJP more scandalizing) , (ADJP (ADVP more deeply) unwelcome)) (PP than (NP (NP an obscenity) (PP from (NP a stranger)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP recoil (PP from (NP the very thought))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 my recoil) (VP could (VP be (VP interpreted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP readers) (PP of (NP (NP the tea leaves) (PP at (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP my psyche)))))))) (PP as (NP an incestuous sign)) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ theirs) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a science) (PP of (NP paradox)))))))))))))) : (S (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP hates))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP loves)))))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP bullies))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP is (ADJP-PRD afraid))))))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP shuns))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP desires)))))))) ; ; and (S (PP according (PP to (NP them))) , (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-3 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP fancies (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP feels (NP-PRD *T*-3))))))) , (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP feels (NP-PRD *T*-2)))) (PP in (NP fact)) (VP is (NP-PRD the opposite)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP normally abnormal) or (ADJP normally normal) , (ADJP neurotic) or (ADJP merely fastidious))) (PRN -LRB- (SQ do (NP-SBJ the tea-leaf readers) , (PP by (NP the way)) , (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ psyches) (VP to (VP have (NP moral taste))))) ? ?) -RRB- ,) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP never) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP knew (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP passion)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP probably) (VP would not (VP remember , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP remember (NP (NP (NP even the same moments) (PP as (NP I))) , (CONJP much less) (NP their intensity) ,))))))) (NP (NP one sunny midday) (PP on (NP Fifth Avenue)) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (VP set (PRT out) (PP with (NP me)) (PP for (NP some final shopping)) (NP-TMP less (PP than (NP (NP a week) (PP before (NP (NP the wedding) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP staged (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP me)) (PP with (NP such reluctance)) (PP-LOC at (NP the Farm)))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP see (NP us) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP had (VP been (VP walking (ADVP-MNR quite briskly))))) , for (S (PP despite (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ your) (VP being (ADJP-PRD so small))) and (S (NP-SBJ me) (ADJP-PRD so tall)))) , (NP-SBJ your stride) (PP-TMP in (NP those days)) (VP could (ADVP-MNR easily) (VP match (NP mine)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP had (VP stopped (PP-LOC before (NP a shop window)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assess (NP its autumnal display)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 you) (ADVP suddenly) (VP (VP turned (PP to (NP me)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP looking (PRT up) (PP from (PP beneath (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP your wrong hats)))))))) , and (VP (PP with (NP your nervous `` ahem '' ! !)) Said : `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP tell (NP you) (NP *T*-2) (PP about (NP (NP this man) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP marrying (NP *T*-4))))))))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does not (VP know (NP *T*-1) (NP-ADV himself)))))))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (VP screamed) (PP-LOC (ADVP right there) in (NP the street)) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP could not (VP have (VP felt (NP-PRD more fear)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP scarcely a mumble) (PP of (NP excuse)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP fled) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP fled , (ADVP however) , (PP not from (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the natural fear) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP disguise (PP from (NP you)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the things) (PP about (NP my bridegroom)) (PRN -- (PP in (NP the sense (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP meant (NP (NP the word) `` (NP things) '')))))) --)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (VP been (VP galvanizing (S (NP-SBJ yourself) (VP to (VP tell (NP me) (NP *T*-3) (PP as (NP (NP a painful part) (PP of (NP your maternal duty))))))))))))) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP insisted (PP upon (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP finding (NP *T*-4) (PRT out) (PP for (NP myself))))))) -LRB- (PP despite (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (ADVP-TMP now) (VP say))) ,) (NP (NP the unspeakable awkwardness) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP the discovery)) (PP (PP (PP on (NP principle)) , yes , (PP on (NP principle))) , and (PP in (NP cold blood))))))) -RRB-))))))))))))))))))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP resolved (NP *-1) , (PP as (NP a modern woman)) , (S not (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a mollycoddle) (VP waiting (PP for (NP Life))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP seize (NP Life) (PP by (NP the throat)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP developed (NP (NP (ADJP too foolproof) a facade) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD afraid (PP of (NP self-betrayal))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (SBAR (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP fled (PP from (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP my fear) (PP of (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) , (S (ADVP unwittingly) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (VP betray (NP *T*-2) , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP meaning (VP to (VP *))))) , (PP about (NP (NP my father) and (NP yourself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP see (PP from (NP (NP this latest trick) (PP of (NP memory)))) (SBAR (WHADJP-1 (WHADVP how much more) arbitrary and influential) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (PP than (NP the will))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ my memory) (VP holds (PP with (NP relentless tenacity)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can not (ADVP too often) (VP stress)))) , (PP to (NP my wrongs))))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP comes (PP to (NP my shames)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP gestures) and (VP jokes) and (VP toys (PP with (NP chronology))) (PP like (NP (NP a prestidigitator) (PP in (NP (NP the hope) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP distracting (NP me) (PP from (NP them)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Just as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP enlarge (PP upon (NP (NP my discovery) (PP of (NP (NP the underside) (PP of (NP (NP the leaf) (PP of (NP love))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP memory) , (VP displeased (NP *) (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP asked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP yield (NP its unsavory secrets))))))))) ,) (VP dashed (ADVP ahead (PP of (NP me)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP calling (ADVP back (PP over (NP its shoulder))) : `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Skip (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Cut (NP it) (PRT out)) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP will not (VP (VP skip (NP it)) or (VP cut (NP it) (PRT out)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP my intention) (PP in (NP this narrative)))) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP picture (NP myself) (PP as (NP (NP a helpless victim) (VP (VP moored (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP the rock) (PP of (NP experience))))) and (VP left (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP the buffetings) (PP of (NP chance))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD innocent)))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD helpless))))))) , (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP been -- (SBAR-ADV as (SINV (VP are) (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP all)))) -- (ADJP-PRD helpless))) (PP-TMP at (NP the start))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the time) (VP came (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP no longer) innocent) and (ADVP therefore) (ADJP (ADVP no longer) helpless)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADJP-TPC-1 (ADJP Helpless) (PP in (NP that sense))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP confess (NP my hope (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD innocent) (ADVP again) , (PP not (PP with (NP a pristine , accidental innocence)) , (CONJP but rather) (PP with (NP (NP an innocence) (VP achieved (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the slow cutting away) (PP of (NP the flesh)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reach (NP the bone)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ innocence) , (PP of (NP (NP all the graces) (PP of (NP the spirit)))) , (VP is (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe))) (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP most) (VP to (VP be (VP prayed (PP for (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP is (ADVP constantly) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP look (ADJP-PRD (ADJP foolish) -LRB- (ADJP too simple (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP come (PRT in) (PP out (PP of (NP the rain)))))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ (NP people) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP say , (SBAR-1 (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP have (VP found (PP in (NP the innocent)) (NP an impediment))))))))) -RRB-)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-5 it) (VP does not (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP looking (ADJP-PRD foolish))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP is not (VP concerned (NP *-2) (PP with (SBAR (WHADVP-6 how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP looks (ADVP-MNR *T*-6))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP assumes (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP are (SBAR-PRD as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP seem))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD best) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD worst) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP overlooks (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP innocence)) , (NP-SBJ (NP a word) (VP given (NP *))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a word) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP will (VP be (VP kept (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Instinctively) , (NP-SBJ innocence) (VP does (PP unto (NP others)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP expects (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP done (PP by (NP *-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 these expectations) (VP are (ADVP-TMP once too often) (VP ground (NP *-1) (PP into (NP the dust)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ innocence) (VP can (VP falter) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ its strength) (VP is (PP-PRD according (PP to (NP (NP the strength) (PP of (NP (NP him) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP possesses (NP it))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The innocence) (SBAR (WHPP-1 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP speak (PP *T*-1))))) (VP is (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know)) ,) (ADJP-PRD not incorruptible)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP insist (PP upon (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP believing (SBAR that (S (SBAR (ADVP even) (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP lost (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP may , (PP like (NP paradise)) , (VP be (VP regained (NP *-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (PP-PRD (PP of (NP (NP innocence) (PP in (ADJP general)))) (NAC *ICH*-3)) (SBAR-CLF (WHPP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP speaking (PP *T*-2))))) , (NAC-3 but (PP of (NP (NP (NP perhaps the frailest (NX *RNR*-4)) and (NP surely the least important (NX *RNR*-4)) (NX-4 side)) (PP of (NP it)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP innocence) (PP in (NP romantic love)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC (ADVP Here) , (PP if (ADVP anywhere))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD not wholly incontrovertible)) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP To (NP you)) , (PP for (NP instance)) , (NP-SBJ the word innocence) , (PP in (NP this connotation)) , (ADVP probably) (VP retained (NP its Biblical (PRN , or (SQ should (NP-SBJ I) (VP say (NP technical (NX *RNR*-1))))) (NX-1 sense)))) , and (ADVP therefore) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP make (S (NP-SBJ myself) (ADJP-PRD quite clear)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP lost) (PRN -- or (ADVP rather) (VP handed (PRT over)) --) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP would (VP have (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD my innocence))))))))) (NP-TMP (NP two weeks) (SBAR before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP (VP (ADVP legally) entitled (S *RNR*-2)) , and (VP (PP in (NP fact)) (PP by (NP oath)) required) , (S-2 (NP *) (VP to (VP hand (NP (NP it) (NAC *ICH*-5)) (PRT over) (NAC-5 (CONJP along with) (SBAR (WHNP-3 what other goods and bads) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP *T*-3))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP to (NP me)) (NP-SBJ innocence) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADVP far less) tangible)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP long since) (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP lose (NP my general innocence)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP lost (NP my trust (PP in (NP you)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) , but (S (NP-TPC-4 this special innocence) (NP-SBJ I) (VP lost (NP *T*-4) (SBAR-TMP before (S (ADVP-TMP ever) (NP-SBJ I) (VP loved))) , (PP through (NP my discovery (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP could (VP (VP tremble (PP with (NP desire))) and (VP (ADVP even) experience (NP (NP a flaming delight) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) , (NP (NP nothing) (WHNP whatever)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (PP (PP with (NP friendship or liking)) , (CONJP let alone) (PP with (NP love)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (S (NP-SBJ this knowledge) (VP to (VP be (VP corrupting)))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP acquired (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-TMP today) , (ADVP-TMP (NP these many years) later) , (PP-TMP after (NP (NP (NP all the temptations) (VP (VP resisted (NP *)) or (VP yielded (PP to (NP *))))) , (NP (NP the weasel satisfactions) and (NP the engulfing dissatisfactions) (VP (ADVP-TMP since) endured (NP *))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP call (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD corrupting)) (ADVP-TMP still))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP swear (PP to (NP it))))) ,) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD innocent) (PP in (NP this sense)) (PP-TMP until (NP the end))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Yours) , but (NP not mine) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an age) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ innocence) (VP was (VP (VP fostered) and (VP (ADVP (ADVP carefully) -- (CONJP if not) (ADVP perhaps altogether innocently)) -- preserved) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP had (VP grown (PRT up) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP a time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP most distinguishing) mark) (PP of (NP a lady))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the noli me tangere) (VP writ (NP *) (ADVP plain) (PP across (NP her face)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (SBAR-PRP (SBAR because (PP of (NP (NP the particular blot) (PP on (NP your family escutcheon)) (PP through (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP may (ADVP only) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP one unbridled moment) (PP on (NP (NP your grandmother 's) part)))))))))))) , and (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (NP (NP the (NX (NX lean-to kitchen) and (NX trundle bed))) (PP of (NP your childhood)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP outgrow (NP *T*-3)))))))))) , (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP obviously) (ADVP most) (VP desired (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP both your (ADJP conscious and unconscious) person))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP bent (NP your whole will , sensibility , and intelligence) (PP upon (NP *T*-4)))))) , (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a lady))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD daughter , wife , or mother)))) , (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD cultured) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP a word) (RRC (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP bereft (PP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP both socially and politically) (PP-2 of (NP (NP the sheen) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP you) (NP (NP children) (PP of (NP frontiersmen)))) (VP bestowed (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP it))))))))) -RRB-)))) , (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD (ADJP sorry (PP for (NP the poor))) , (ADJP progressive (PP about (NP public health))) , and (ADJP (ADVP prettily) if (ADVP somewhat imprecisely) humanitarian))))) , (ADVP indeed) (ADVP first and foremost) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD a lady)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP to (NP (NP the portrait) (PP of (NP a lady)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP carried (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP (NP your mind 's) eye))))))) (PP than (NP (NP the sine qua non) (PP of (NP her virtue)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ A lady) , (PRN (NP-SBJ you) (VP made (ADJP clear (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) (PP to (NP me)) (PP both by (NP precept and example)))) , (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP never) (VP raised (NP her voice)) or (VP slumped (PP in (NP her chair)))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) failed (PP in (NP social tact)) (PRN -LRB- (PP-LOC in (NP heaven)) , (PP for (NP instance)) , (VP would not (VP mention (NP (NP St. John the Baptist 's) head))) -RRB-)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) pouted or withdrew or scandalized (PP in (NP company))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) (VP reminded (NP others) (PP of (NP her physical presence)) (PP by (NP unseemly sound or gesture)))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) indulged (PP in (NP (NP public scenes) or (NP private confidences)))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) spoke (PP of (NP money)) (PP save (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP alleviating (NP suffering)))))))) , (VP (ADVP never) gossiped or maligned) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) stressed) but (VP (ADVP-TMP always) (VP minimized (NP (NP the hopelessness) (PP of (NP (NP anything) (PP (PP from (NP sin)) (PP to (NP (NP death) (NP itself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP each song)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (NP verbal footnotes)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The songs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Sandburg) (VP sang (NP *T*-1))))) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP reminded (NP listeners) (PP of (NP (NP songs) (PP of (NP a kindred character)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP knew (NP *T*-2) (UCP (ADVP entirely) or (PP in (NP fragments))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Often) (NP-SBJ these listeners) (VP would (VP refer (NP Sandburg) (PP to (NP (NP persons) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP similar ballads or ditties)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP due time)) (NP-SBJ Sandburg) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a walking thesaurus) (PP of (NP American folk music)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP finished (NP (NP the first two volumes) (PP of (NP his Lincoln))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Sandburg) (VP went (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP work)) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP assembling (NP (NP a book) (PP of (NP (NP songs) (PP (PP out (PP of (NP hobo and childhood days))) and (PP from (NP (NP the memory) (PP of (NP (NP songs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ others) (VP had (VP taught (NP him) (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP rummaged) , (VP found (NP composers and arrangers)) , (VP collaborated (PP on (NP (NP the main design and outline) (PP of (NP harmonization)))) (PP with (NP (NP musicians) , (NP ballad singers) , and (NP musicologists))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The result) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a collection) (PP of (NP 280 songs , ballads , ditties)) , (VP brought (ADVP together) (PP from (NP (NP all regions) (PP of (NP America)))))) , (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP (QP one hundred))) (VP (ADVP-TMP never before) published)) : (NP The American Songbag))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Each song or ditty) (VP was (VP prefaced (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP an author 's) note) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP indicated (NP (NP (NP the origin and meaning) (PP of (NP the song))) (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP special interest) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ the song) (VP had (NP *T*-3))))) , (NP musical arrangement) , and (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP the chorus and verses))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The book) , (VP published (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP 1927))) ,) (VP has (VP been (VP selling (ADVP-MNR steadily) (ADVP-TMP ever since)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ Sandburg) (VP said (PP-TMP at (NP the time))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as ancient) (PP as (NP (NP the medieval European ballads) (VP brought (NP *) (PP-DIR to (NP the Appalachian Mountains)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as modern) (PP as (NP (NP skyscrapers) , (NP the Volstead Act) , and (NP the latest oil well gusher)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Schopenhauer) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP learned (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Sandburg) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP constant demand)) (PP as (NP an entertainer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Two things) (VP contribute (PP to (NP his popularity))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP First) , (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP (VP respects (NP his audience)) and (VP prepares (NP his speeches) (ADVP-MNR carefully))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Even (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (VP called (PP upon (NP *-1)) (PP for (NP impromptu remarks)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (NP notes) (VP written (NP *) (PP on (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP handy envelopes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (NP (NP (NP his own system) (PP of (NP shorthand))) , (VP devised (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS abbreviations)))))) : (S (S `` (NP-SBJ humility) '' (VP will (VP be `` (NP-PRD humly) ''))) , (S `` (NP-SBJ with) '' (VP will (VP be `` (NP-PRD w) ''))) , and (S `` (NP-SBJ that) '' (VP will (VP be `` (NP-PRD tt) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The second reason) (PP for (NP his popularity))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP his complete spontaneity) (PP with (NP the guitar)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD a mistake)) , (ADVP however) , (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP imagine (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Sandburg) (VP uses (NP the guitar) (PP as (NP a prop)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no dextrous-fingered college boy) (CONJP but rather) (NP (NP a (ADJP dedicated , humble , and bashful) apostle) (PP of (NP this instrument))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP age seventy-four)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP became (PRN (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP shyly) (VP terms (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD *RNR*-2)))))) (NP-PRD-2 (NP a `` pupil '') (PP of (NP (NP Andres Segovia) , (NP (NP the great guitarist) (PP of (NP the Western world))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD easy)) (S-2 (NP *) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP Segovia 's) pupil)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP needs (NP high talent)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Segovia) (VP has (VP written (PP about (NP Carl))))) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ His fingers) (VP labor (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP on (NP the strings)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked (PP for (NP my help (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP disciplining (NP them))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP this precocious , grown-up boy) (PP of (NP 74))) (VP deserved (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP taught (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP has (ADVP-TMP long) (VP existed (NP a brotherly affection) (PP between (NP us))))) , (S (ADVP thus) (NP-SBJ I) (VP accepted (NP him) (PP as (NP my pupil)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Just as (PP in (NP (NP the case) (PP of (NP every prodigy child))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP watch (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ (NP the efficacy) (PP of (NP my teaching))) (VP to (VP show (PRT up) (PP-TMP in (NP the future)))))) -- (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP master (NP (NP all the strenuous exercises) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP inflicted (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP play (NP the guitar) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP aspires))))))) (VP will (VP devour (NP (NP his three-fold energy) (PP as (NP (NP a historian) , (NP a poet) and (NP a singer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One cause) (PP of (NP (NP Schopenhauer 's) pessimism))) (VP was (NP-PRD the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP failed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP learn (NP the guitar))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD certain (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Carl Sandburg) (VP will not (VP fall (PP into (NP the same sad philosophy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The heart) (PP of (NP this great poet))) (ADVP-TMP constantly) (VP bubbles (ADVP forth) (NP (NP a generous joy) (PP of (NP life)))) -- (PP with or without (NP the guitar)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The public 's) identification) (PP of (NP (NP Carl Sandburg) and (NP the guitar)))) (VP is (NP-PRD no happenstance)) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor does (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP reject (NP this identity)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP is (ADJP-PRD proud (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP Segovia) (PP for (NP a friend))))))) and (VP dedicated (NP (NP a poem) (VP *ICH*-1)) (PP to (NP him)) (VP-1 titled `` (NP-TTL The Guitar) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the greatest poem) (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) written (NP *) (PP to (NP the guitar))))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (ADVP-TMP never) (VP heard (PP of (NP (NP any other poem) (PP to (NP that subtle instrument))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP (NP A portable companion) (RRC (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (SBAR-DIR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-2)))))))))) -- (NP (NP a small friend) (VP weighing (NP (NP less) (PP than (NP a freshborn infant)))) -- (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (VP shared (NP *-1) (PP with (NP few or many))))))) --) (NP (NP just two) (PP of (NP you)) (PP in (NP sweet meditation))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The New York Herald Tribune 's) photographer) , (NP Ira Rosenberg) ,) (VP tells (NP (NP an anecdote) (PP about (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP a picture) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP playing (NP a guitar)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP had n't (VP brought (NP his) (PRT along))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Rosenberg) (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP find (NP one)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG-1 `` (ADVP Preferably) '' , (PRN (SINV (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Carl))) , `` (NP (NP one) (VP battered and worn (NP *)) , (SBAR such as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP might (VP be (VP found (NP *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP a pawnshop)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the pawnshop) (PP of (NP (NP Joseph Miller) (PP of (NP 1162 Sixth Avenue))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ Mr. Miller) (VP (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the shop))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ the Herald Tribune story) (VP related (S *T*-1)))) , `` but (VP was (ADJP-PRD reluctant (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ (NP anybody 's) picture) (VP taken (NP *) (ADVP-LOC inside))))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ his business) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too ' confidential ' (PP for (NP pictures)))))))) .)) (TOP `` (S But (PP after (NP introductions)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked : ' (NP Carl Sandburg) ? ?))) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP pose (ADVP-LOC inside))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Sandburg) (VP to (VP pose (PP with (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the guitars) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP displayed (NP *T*-1) (PP behind (NP glass)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP his shop))))))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the poet) (VP eyed (NP this) (ADVP-MNR somewhat distastefully))) .)) (TOP (NP-1 (NP ' (NP Kalamazoo guitars) ' (VP *ICH*-3)) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1)))) , (VP-3 ' used (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS radio hillbilly singers))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP chose (NP (NP one) (NP *ICH*-2)) (PP from (NP (NP Mr. Miller 's) window)) , (NP-2 (NP a plain guitar) (PP with (NP no fancy polish)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ-1 the picture) (VP was (VP taken (NP *-1))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. Miller 's) disposition (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD generous (PP to (NP Mr. Sandburg))))))) (VP increased (PP to (NP (NP the point) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP advised , ' (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wo n't (ADVP even) (VP charge (NP you) (NP the one dollar rental fee)))) (ADVP *T*-2) ')))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP A knowledgeable celebrity)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP someone) (PP in (NP the audience))) (VP (VP rose) and (VP asked (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 how) (SQ does (NP-SBJ it) (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a celebrity)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ A celebrity) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a fellow) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP eats (NP celery) (PP with (NP celerity)))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP has (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP Carl 's) attitude))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lloyd Lewis) (VP wrote (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP first) (VP knew (NP Carl) (PP-TMP in (NP 1916)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Sandburg) (VP was (VP making (NP (NP $ 27.50 *U*) (NP-ADV a week)) (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP writing (NP features) (PP for (NP-TTL the Day Book))) and (VP eating (NP sparse luncheons) (PP-LOC in (NP one-arm restaurants))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (PP for (NP (NP two miles) (PP beyond (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP a suburban trolley))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ fame) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP changed (NP Sandburg) (ADVP-MNR only slightly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lewis) (VP remembered (S (NP-SBJ another newspaperman) (VP asking , `` (SQ (NP-VOC Carl) , (SQ have (NP-SBJ your ideas) (VP changed (ADVP any) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP got (NP all these comforts))))))) '' ?))) ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP (VP thought (NP the question) (PRT over) (ADVP-TMP slowly)) and (VP answered : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP a starving man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP fed (NP *-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP remembers (NP (NP all the pangs) (PP of (NP his starvation)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP that)))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ Lewis) (VP reports (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP answer) (PP to (NP (NP (NP a New York Times query) (PP on (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ is (NP-PRD *T*-1) (NP-SBJ fame))))) -LRB- (NP `` (NP-TTL Thoughts (PP On (NP Fame))) '' , October 23 , 1960) -RRB-)))) , (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ Fame) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a figment) (PP of (NP a pigment)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP comes and goes) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP changes (PP with (NP every generation))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP two fames) (ADJP alike))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One fame) (VP is (ADJP-PRD precious and luminous))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ another) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a bubble) (PP of (NP a bauble))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (INTJ Ah) , did (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP see (S (NP-SBJ Shelley) (ADJP-PRD plain))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The impression) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (NP *T*-2) (PP from (NP (NP Carl Sandburg 's) home)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP laughter and happiness))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the laughter) and (NP the happiness)) (VP are (ADVP even more) (VP pronounced (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ no company) (VP is (ADJP-PRD present) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Carl) (VP has (VP been (VP married (NP *-1) (PP to (NP Paula)) (PP-TMP for (NP fifty-three years)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has not (VP made (NP a single major decision) (PP without (NP (NP careful consideration) and (NP (NP thorough discussion) (PP with (NP his wife)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Through (NP all these years)) , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Sandburg) (VP has (ADVP-MNR pointedly) (VP avoided (NP the limelight))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP has (VP shared (NP (NP her husband 's) greatness) , but (PP (ADVP only) within (NP (NP the confines) (PP of (NP their home))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a dedication) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP began (NP-TMP the moment (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP met (NP Carl) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Sandburg) (VP received (NP a Phi Beta Kappa key) (PP from (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Chicago)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD busy (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP writing and teaching)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP met (NP Sandburg) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the ' Peoples ') Poet '))) '' (PRN (SINV (VP was (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ her appraisal) (PP-TMP in (NP 1908)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP teaching and writing)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP devote (NP herself) (PP to (NP (NP the fulfillment) (PP of (NP (NP her husband 's) career))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP has (ADVP-TMP rarely) (VP been (VP photographed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP him)))))) and , (S (PP except (PP for (NP (NP (NP Carl 's) seventy-fifth anniversary celebration) (PP-LOC in (NP Chicago)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1953))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP has not (VP attended (NP (NP the dozens) (PP of (NP (NP (NP banquets) , (NP functions) , (NP public appearances) , and (NP dinners)) (VP honoring (NP him))))))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP this))) (PP-PRD upon (NP her insistence)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Even now) (NP-SBJ I) (VP will not (VP intrude (PP upon (NP her)) (PP except (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP state (NP a few bare facts))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP describe (NP Paula Sandburg) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP beautiful) (PP in (NP a Grecian sense)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her clothes) , (NP her hair) , (NP (NP everything) (PP about (NP her)))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD both graceful and simple)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP has (NP (NP small , broad , capable hands) and (NP an enormous energy))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP is (NP-PRD (CONJP not only) (NP a trained mathematician and Classicist) , but (NP a good architect))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP designed) and (VP supervised (NP (NP the building) (PP of (NP (NP the Harbert , Michigan , house) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 (NP most) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP constructed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP one local carpenter) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP carried (NP the heavy beams) (ADVP-MNR singly) (PP upon (NP his shoulder)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ the Sandburg goat herd) (VP increased))) , (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP also) (VP designed (NP the barn alterations) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP accommodate (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ erosion) (VP threatened (NP (NP the foundation) (PP of (NP (NP their home) (PP-LOC in (NP Harbert))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ Paula Sandburg) (VP (VP planted (NP grapevines)) and (VP arranged (NP (NP the snow fences) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP helped (VP hold (NP the sands) (ADVP away)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (VP born (NP *-1) (NP-ADV Lilian Steichen)))) , (S (NP-SBJ her parents) (NP-PRD (NP immigrants) (PP from (NP Luxemburg)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her mother) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ her) (NP-PRD (NP Paus'l) , (NP (NP a Luxemburg endearment) (VP meaning `` (NP pussycat) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP (NP the children) (PP of (NP the family))))) (VP (VP could not (VP pronounce (NP this name))) and (VP called (S (NP-SBJ her) (NP-PRD (NP Paula) , (NP (NP a soubriquet) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP liked (NP *T*-1) (ADVP (ADVP so much) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD Paula) (ADVP-TMP ever since)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV But neither (VP was) (NP-SBJ Lilian) (NP-PRD her baptismal name) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her parents) , (NP pious Roman Catholics) ,) (VP christened (NP her) (NP Mary Anne Elizabeth Magdalene Steichen)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ My mother) (VP read (NP a book) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP right) after (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP born (NP *-1))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a Lilian) (PP in (NP (NP the book) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP loved (NP *T*-2)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP became (NP-PRD Lilian))) -- and (S (ADVP eventually) (NP-SBJ I) (VP became (NP-PRD Paula))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lilian Steichen) (VP was (NP-PRD an exceptional student)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This family) (PP of (NP Luxemburg immigrants))) , (PP in (NP fact)) , (VP produced (NP two exceptional children)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Paula 's) older brother) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP Edward Steichen) , (NP (NP a talented artist) and , (PP-TMP for (NP the past half-century)) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the world 's) eminent photographers)))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (ADVP-TMP (NP Two years) ago) (NP-SBJ (NP the photography editor) (PP of (NP Vogue Magazine))) (VP titled (S (NP-SBJ (NP his article) (PP about (NP Steichen))) , `` (NP-TTL-PRD (NP The World 's) Greatest Photographer) '')) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Lilian) (VP had (VP been (VP graduated (NP *-1) (PP from (NP public school)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) , (NP-SBJ her parents) (VP were (VP doing (ADVP quite well))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her mother) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD a good manager)) and (VP established (NP a millinery business) (PP-LOC in (NP Milwaukee)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ her father) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD enthusiastic (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sending (NP young Paula) (PP to (NP high school))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no place) (PP for (NP a young girl))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The parents) (VP compromised , (ADVP however) , (PP on (NP a convent school)))) and (S (NP-SBJ Paula) (VP went (PP to (NP Ursuline Academy)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP London) , (NP Ontario))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD pious) , (ADVP too) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP kneeling (PP-TMP through (NP the night)) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP Holy Thursday)) (PP to (NP Good Friday))) , (PP despite (NP (NP the protest (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP of (NP the nuns)) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP too much) (PP for (NP a young girl))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP knelt (PP out (PP of (NP reverence))) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP read (NP-TTL (NP the Meditations) (PP of (NP St. Augustine)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP read (NP (NP everything else) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP get (NP her hands) (PP on (NP *T*-1)))))) , (PP including (NP (NP an article) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP thinks (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP-TTL the Atlantic Monthly))))))) -RRB-) (PP by (NP Mark Twain)) (PP on `` (NP White Slavery) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Paula) (VP (VP was (VP saddened (NP *-2) (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP happening (PP to (NP little girls))))))))) and (VP vowed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP kneel (ADVP no more) (PP-LOC in (NP Chapel))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP come (PP to (NP a decision)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP-TMP ever) (NP-PRD (NP a thought (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP in (NP her mind)) (SBAR-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP devote (NP her life) (PP to (NP religion)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (VP dispelled (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP devote (NP myself) (PP to (NP the ' outside ' world))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP passed (NP (NP the entrance examinations) (PP to (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Illinois)))))) , but (VP (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the year) (PP-LOC at (NP Urbana)))) felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP more important) events) (VP transpired (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Chicago))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` And (ADVP besides) , (NP-SBJ Thorstein Veblen) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP the Chicago professors)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Chicago)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP studied (NP Whitman and Shelley)) , and (VP became (NP-PRD a Socialist))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Socialist leaders) (PP in (NP Milwaukee))) (VP recognized (NP her worth)) , (PP-PRP (CONJP not only) (PP because of (NP her dedication)) but (PP because of (NP (NP her fluency) (PP in (NP German , French , and Luxemburg))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP gave (NP a German recitation) (PP before (NP (NP a convention) (PP of (NP German-language teachers)))) (PP-LOC in (NP Milwaukee))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Carl and Paula) (VP met (PP-LOC in (NP Milwaukee)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1907)) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP (NP Paula 's) Christmas holiday visit) (PP to (NP her parents))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Carl) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD Charles A. Sandburg)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) `` (VP legitimized '' (NP Paula) (PP for (NP Lilian Steichen)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD Paula) (SBAR-CLF (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP insisted (PP on (NP Carl)) (PP for (NP Charles))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Victor Berger) , (NP (NP (NP the panjandrum) (PP of (NP Wisconsin Socialism))) and (NP (NP member) (PP of (NP Congress)))) ,) (VP had (VP asked (NP-1 Paula Steichen) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP translate (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP his German editorials))) (PP into (NP English))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Carl) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP stationed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Appleton) , (NP Wisconsin))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP organizing (PP for (NP the Social Democrats)))))))) ,) (VP (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP Berger 's) office))) and (VP made (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD his business (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP escort (NP Paula) (PP-DIR to (NP the streetcar))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP left (NP-TMP the next day) (PP for (NP (NP her teaching job) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Princeton) , (NP Illinois)))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (PP-TMP After (NP (NP graduation) (PP from (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Chicago)))))) , (NP-SBJ Paula) (VP (VP taught (PP-TMP-1 for (NP two years)) (PP-LOC-2 in (NP (NP the normal school) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Valley City) , (NP North Dakota) ,))))) (VP (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-TMP=1 two years) (PP-LOC=2 at (NP Princeton -LRB- Illinois -RRB- Township High School)))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the streetcar) (VP pulled (ADVP away) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP fallen (PP in (NP love)) (PP with (NP Paula)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A letter) (VP awaited (NP her) (PP-LOC at (NP Princeton))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Paula) (VP says (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ (NP Carl 's) letters) (ADVP usually) (VP began , `` (NP Dear Miss Steichen) ''))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD an understanding (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (PP-TMP from (NP the beginning)) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP become (NP-PRD husband and wife))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Paula) (ADVP generously) (VP lent (NP me) (NP (NP (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Carl 's) love letters))) , (VP dated (NP *) (NP (NP February 21 , 1908) , (NP (NP Hotel Athearn)) , (NP (NP Oshkosh) , (NP Wisconsin))))) : `` (S (NP Dear Miss Steichen) : (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP very good) letter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP send (NP me) (NP *T*-1)))))) -- (VP softens (NP (NP the intensity) (PP of (NP (NP this guerilla warfare) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP carrying (NP *T*-2) (PRT on) (ADVP-LOC up here)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TMP (ADVP Never) until (PP in (NP (NP this work) (PP of (NP S-D organization))))) have (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP realized) and (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP the attitude and experience) (PP of (NP a Teacher))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The United States) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP participate (PP with (NP the Soviet Union)) (PP in (NP (NP serious discussion) (PP of (NP (NP these) or (NP (NP any other subjects) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP may (VP lead (PP to (NP peace)) (PP with (NP justice)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Certainly) (NP-SBJ it (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD necessary)) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP repeat (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the United States) (VP has (NP (NP no intention) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP interfering (PP in (NP (NP the internal affairs) (PP of (NP any nation))))))))))))))) ; ; (S (PP by (NP the same token)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP reject (NP any Soviet attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP impose (NP its system) (PP on (NP (NP us) or (NP other peoples))) (PP by (NP force or subversion)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ (NP this concern) (PP for (NP (NP the freedom) (PP of (NP other peoples))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP intellectual and spiritual) cement) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP allied (NP us) (PP with (NP (QP more than forty) other nations)) (PP in (NP a common defense effort)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (PP Not for (NP a moment)) do (NP-SBJ we) (VP forget (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 our own fate) (VP is (ADVP firmly) (VP fastened (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP these countries)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP will not (VP act (PP in (NP (NP any way) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP jeopardize (NP (NP our solemn commitments) (PP to (NP them)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) and (NP our friends)) (VP are , (PP of (NP course)) , (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP with (NP self-defense)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-2 Growing (PP out (PP of (NP this concern)))) (VP is (VP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP the realization) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all people) (PP of (NP the Free World))) (VP have (NP a great stake) (PP (PP in (NP (NP the progress) , (PP in (NP freedom)) , (PP of (NP the (ADJP (ADJP uncommitted) and (ADJP newly emerging)) nations))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 These peoples) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-1) (ADVP desperately) (VP hoping (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP lift (NP themselves) (PP to (NP (NP decent levels) (PP of (NP living))))))))) (VP must not , (PP by (NP our neglect)) , (VP (VP be (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP seek (NP help) (PP from (NP *RNR*-2))))))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP finally) become (NP-PRD (NP virtual satellites) (PP of (NP *RNR*-2)))) , (NP-2 (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP proclaim (NP (NP their hostility) (PP to (NP freedom))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ they) (VP must (VP have (NP technical and investment assistance))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a problem) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP to (VP be (VP solved (NP *-2) (PP not (PP by (NP (NP America) (ADJP alone))) , (CONJP but also) (PP by (NP (NP every nation) (RRC (RRC (VP cherishing (NP the same ideals))) and (RRC (PP in (NP (NP position))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP provide (NP help)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP recent years)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP America 's) partners and friends) (PP in (NP (NP Western Europe) and (NP Japan)))) (VP have (VP made (NP great economic progress))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The international economy) (PP of (NP 1960))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD markedly different (PP from (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP the early postwar years)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP No longer) (VP is) (NP-SBJ the United States) (NP-PRD (NP the only major industrial country) (ADJP capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP providing (NP (NP substantial amounts) (PP of (NP (NP the resources) (VP (ADVP so urgently) needed (PP-LOC in (NP the (ADJP newly developed) countries))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP remain (ADJP-PRD secure and prosperous) (NP-ADV themselves)))) , (NP-SBJ wealthy nations) (VP must (VP extend (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP co-operation)) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP to (NP the (ADJP less fortunate) members)) (SBAR-3 (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP inspire (NP hope , confidence , and progress))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A rich nation) (VP can (PP for (NP a time)) , (PP without (NP (NP noticeable damage) (PP to (NP itself)))) , (VP pursue (NP (NP a course) (PP of (NP self-indulgence))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ its single goal) (NP-PRD (NP the material ease and comfort) (PP of (NP its own citizens)))))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP thus) (VP repudiating (NP (NP its own (ADJP spiritual and material) stake) (PP in (NP (NP a (ADJP peaceful and prosperous) society) (PP of (NP nations))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the enmities) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (VP incur (NP *T*-3)))))) , (NP (NP the isolation) (SBAR (WHPP-4 into (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (VP descend (PP *T*-4)))))) , and (NP (NP the internal (ADJP moral and spiritual) softness) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP will (VP be (VP engendered (NP *-1))))))) ,) (VP will , (PP-TMP in (NP the long term)) , (VP bring (NP it) (PP to (NP (ADJP economic and political) disaster)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ America) (VP did not (VP become (ADJP-PRD great) (PP through (NP softness and self-indulgence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her miraculous progress) (PP in (NP material achievements))) (VP flows (PP from (NP (NP (NP other qualities) (ADJP (ADVP far more) worthy and substantial)) : (NP (NP (NP adherence) (PP to (NP (NP principles and methods) (ADJP consonant (PP with (NP our religious philosophy)))))) ; ; (NP (NP a satisfaction) (PP in (NP hard work))) ; ; (NP the readiness (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sacrifice (PP for (NP worthwhile causes)))))) ; ; (NP the courage (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP meet (NP every challenge))))) ; ; (NP the intellectual honesty and capacity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP recognize (NP (NP the true path) (PP of (NP her own best interests))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP To (NP us)) and (PP to (NP (NP (NP every nation) (PP of (NP the Free World))) , (ADJP rich or poor) ,))) (NP-SBJ these qualities) (VP are (ADJP-PRD necessary) (NP-TMP today) (PP as (ADVP never before)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP march (ADVP together) (PP to (NP greater security , prosperity and peace))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the industrial countries) (VP are (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP participate (ADVP actively) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP supplementing (NP (NP the efforts (S *ICH*-1)) (PP of (NP the developing nations)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP achieve (NP progress)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The immediate need) (PP for (NP (NP this kind) (PP of (NP co-operation))))) (VP is (VP underscored (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the strain) (PP in (NP (NP (NP this nation 's) international balance) (PP of (NP payments)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Our surplus) (PP from (NP foreign business transactions))) (VP has (PP-TMP in (NP recent years)) (VP fallen (ADJP substantially short (PP of (NP (NP the expenditures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP make (NP *T*-1) (ADVP abroad) (S-PRP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP maintain (NP our military establishments) (ADVP-LOC overseas)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP finance (NP private investment)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP provide (NP assistance) (PP to (NP the (ADJP less developed) nations)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP 1959)) (NP-SBJ (NP our deficit) (PP in (NP (NP balance) (PP of (NP payments))))) (VP approached (NP four billion dollars)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Continuing deficits) (PP of (NP (NP anything) (PP like (NP this magnitude))))) (VP would , (PP-TMP over (NP time)) , (VP (VP impair (NP our own economic growth)) and (VP check (NP (NP the forward progress) (PP of (NP the Free World)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP must (VP meet (NP this situation) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP promoting (NP (NP a rising volume) (PP of (NP (NP exports) and (NP world trade))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Further) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP induce (S (NP-SBJ (NP all industrialized nations) (PP of (NP the Free World))) (VP to (VP work (ADVP together) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (VP lift (NP (NP the scourge) (PP of (NP poverty))) (PP from (ADJP less fortunate))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This co-operation) (PP in (NP this matter))) (VP will (VP provide (NP both (PP for (NP (NP the necessary sharing) (PP of (NP this burden)))) and (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP bringing (PRT about) (NP (NP (ADJP still further) increases) (PP in (NP (ADJP mutually profitable) trade))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP New Nations) , and (NP (NP others) (VP struggling (PP with (NP (NP the problems) (PP of (NP development)))))) ,) (VP will (VP progress (ADVP only) -- (ADVP regardless (PP of (NP any outside help))) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP demonstrate (NP (NP faith) (PP in (NP their own destiny)))) and (VP use (NP their own resources) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fulfill (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP progress) (PP in (NP a national transformation))) (VP can (VP be (ADVP only gradually) (VP earned (NP *-1))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD no (ADJP easy and quick) way (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP follow (PP from (NP the oxcart)) (PP to (NP the jet plane)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV But , (PP (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP drew (PP on (NP Europe)) (PP for (NP (NP assistance) (PP in (NP our earlier years))))))) , (ADVP so) (ADVP-TMP now) do (NP-SBJ (NP these (ADJP new and emerging) nations) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP do (VP have (NP this faith and determination)))))) (VP deserve (NP help)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Respecting (NP their need))) , (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the major focal points) (PP of (NP our concern))))) (VP is (NP-PRD the South-Asian region)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC Here) , (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 in (NP (NP two nations) (ADJP alone))) , (VP are (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP (QP almost five hundred million) people) , (RRC all (VP (VP working) , and (VP working (ADVP hard)) , (S-PRP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP raise (NP their standards)))) , and (S (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (ADVP so)))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (PP of (NP themselves)) (NP (NP a strong bulwark) (PP against (NP (NP the spread) (PP of (NP (NP an ideology) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP destroy (NP liberty))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can not (VP express (PP to (NP you)) (NP (NP the depth) (PP of (NP my conviction (SBAR that , (S (PP in (NP our own and free world interest)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP co-operate (PP with (NP others)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (S (NP-SBJ these people) (VP achieve (NP their legitimate ambitions) , (PP as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP expressed (PP in (NP their different multi-year plans))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP Through (NP (NP the World Bank) and (NP other instrumentalities))) , (CONJP as well as) (PP through (NP (NP individual action) (PP by (NP (NP every nation) (PP in (NP position (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (ADVP-MNR squarely) (VP face (NP this titanic challenge))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP shall (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP urge (NP-3 the American people) , (PP in (NP (NP the interests) (PP of (NP their own security , prosperity and peace)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP make (ADJP sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP their own part) (PP of (NP this great project))) (VP be (ADVP amply and cheerfully) (VP supported (NP *-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Free world decisions) (PP in (NP this matter))) (VP may (VP spell (NP (NP the difference) (PP between (NP (NP (NP world disaster) and (NP world progress)) (PP in (NP freedom))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Other countries) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 (NP some) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP visited (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP last month)))) ,) (VP have (NP similar needs)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A common meeting ground) (VP is (ADJP-PRD desirable (PP for (NP (NP those nations) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP are (VP prepared (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP assist (PP in (NP the development effort))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the past year)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP discussed (NP this matter) (PP with (NP (NP the leaders) (PP of (NP several Western nations)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Because of (NP (NP its wealth) (PP of (NP experience)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the Organization) (PP for (NP European Economic Cooperation))) (VP could (VP help (PP with (NP (NP the initial studies) (VP needed (NP *)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The goal) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP enlist (NP (NP (NP all available economic resources) (PP in (NP the industrialized Free World))) , (NP especially private investment capital)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP extending (NP this help)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP hope (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (ADJP-PRD possible) (NP-SBJ (NP the enthusiastic enrollment) (PP of (NP these nations)) (PP under (NP (NP freedom 's) banner)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (ADJP (ADVP No more) startling) contrast) (PP to (NP (NP a system) (PP of (NP sullen satellites))))) (VP could (VP be (VP imagined (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP grasp (NP this opportunity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP build (NP (NP an age) (PP of (NP (NP productive partnership) (PP between (NP (NP the (ADJP less fortunate) nations) and (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (ADVP-TMP already) (VP achieved (NP (NP a high state) (PP of (NP economic advancement)))))))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP will (VP make (S (ADJP-PRD brighter) (NP-SBJ (NP the outlook) (PP for (NP (NP a world order) (VP based (NP *) (PP upon (NP security and freedom))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Otherwise) , (NP-SBJ the outlook) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD dark) (ADVP indeed))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP face , (ADVP indeed) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a turning point) (PP in (NP history))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP act (ADVP decisively and wisely)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP a nation)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (ADVP successfully) (VP pursue (NP these objectives) (PP (ADVP only) from (NP (NP a position) (PP of (NP (ADJP broadly based) strength)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP No matter (SBAR (WHADJP-2 how earnest) (SQ is (ADJP-PRD *T*-2) (NP-SBJ (NP our quest) (PP for (NP guaranteed peace)))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP maintain (NP (NP a high degree) (PP of (NP military effectiveness))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the same time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (VP engaged (NP *-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP negotiating (NP (NP the issue) (PP of (NP arms reduction)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Until (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP tangible and mutually enforceable) arms reduction measures) (VP are (VP worked (NP *-1) (PRT out))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP will not (VP weaken (NP (NP the means) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP defending (NP our institutions))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ America) (VP possesses (NP an enormous defense power)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (NP-PRD my studied conviction)) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ no nation) (VP will (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP risk (NP (NP general war) (PP against (NP us))) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP should (VP become (ADJP-PRD so foolish (PP as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP neglect (NP (NP the defense forces) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP now) (ADVP-MNR so powerfully) (VP support (NP *T*-3)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP is (NP-PRD world-wide knowledge)) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP any power) (SBAR (WHNP-6 which) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-6) (VP might (VP be (VP tempted (NP-1 *-5) (NP-TMP today) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP attack (NP the United States) (PP by (NP surprise)))))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP might (VP sustain (NP great losses))))) , (VP would (NP-ADV itself) (ADVP-TMP promptly) (VP suffer (NP a terrible destruction))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP once again) (VP assure (NP (NP all peoples) and (NP all nations)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the United States) , (PP except (PP in (NP defense))) , (VP will (ADVP-TMP never) (VP turn (ADVP loose) (NP this destructive power)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the past year)) , (NP-SBJ (NP our long-range striking power) , (RRC (ADJP unmatched) (NP-TMP today) (PP in (NP manned bombers))) ,) (VP has (VP taken (PRT on) (NP new strength) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ the Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile) (VP has (VP entered (NP the operational inventory))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fourteen recent test launchings)) , (PP at (NP (NP ranges) (PP of (NP (QP five thousand) miles)))) , (NP-SBJ Atlas) (VP has (VP been (VP striking (PP on (NP an average)) (PP within (NP (NP two miles) (PP of (NP the target))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP less) (PP than (NP (NP the length) (PP of (NP a jet runway)))) -- (PP (ADVP well) within (NP (NP the circle) (PP of (NP destruction)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Incidentally) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD an Atlas firing) (NP-TMP last night)) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP all reports) (VP (ADVP so far) received (NP *)))) , (NP-SBJ its performance) (VP conformed (PP to (NP (NP the high standards) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP just) (VP described (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such performance) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a great tribute) (PP to (NP (NP American scientists and engineers) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (PP-TMP in (NP the past five years)) (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP telescope (NP time and technology) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP develop (NP these long-range ballistic missiles) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ America) (VP had (NP none) (ADVP-TMP before) (ADVP *T*-3)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This year) , (ADVP moreover) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP growing numbers) (PP of (NP (ADJP nuclear powered) submarines))) (NP *ICH*-5)) (VP will (VP enter (NP our active forces))) , (NP-5 some (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-6 *T*-1) (VP to (VP be (VP armed (NP *-6) (PP with (NP Polaris missiles)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP These remarkable ships and weapons) , (VP ranging (NP the oceans)) ,) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (NP (NP accurate fire) (PP on (NP (NP targets) (ADVP-LOC virtually anywhere (PP on (NP earth)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP meet (NP (NP situations) (PP of (NP (ADJP (ADJP less) (PP than (ADJP general))) nuclear war)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP maintain (NP (NP our carrier forces) , (NP our many service units abroad) , (NP our (ADJP always ready) (NX (NX Army strategic forces) and (NX Marine Corps divisions))) , and (NP the civilian components)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The continuing modernization) (PP of (NP these forces))) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP costly but necessary) process)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (VP scheduled (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP forward) (PP at (NP (NP a rate) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (ADVP steadily) (VP add (PP to (NP our strength))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The deployment) (PP of (NP (NP a portion) (PP of (NP these forces)))) (PP-LOC (PP beyond (NP our shores)) , (PP on (NP land and sea)) ,)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP persuasive demonstration) (PP of (NP our determination (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stand (ADVP shoulder-to-shoulder) (PP with (NP our allies)) (PP for (NP collective security))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP directed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 steps) (VP be (VP taken (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP program (PP on (NP a (ADJP longer range) basis)) (NP (NP our military assistance) (PP to (NP these allies)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD necessary) (PP for (NP a sounder collective defense system))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Next) (NP-SBJ I) (VP refer (PP to (NP (NP our program) (PP in (NP space exploration)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP-TMP often) (ADVP mistakenly) (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP an integral part) (PP of (NP defense research and development))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP note (SBAR that , (S (LST first) , (NP-SBJ America) (VP has (ADVP-TMP already) (VP made (NP (NP great contributions) (PP-TMP in (NP the past two years)) (PP to (NP (NP (NP the world 's) fund) (PP of (NP (NP knowledge) (PP of (NP (NP astrophysics) and (NP space science))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ These discoveries) (VP are (PP-PRD of (NP (NP present interest) (PP (ADVP chiefly) to (NP the scientific community)))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP important foundation stones) (PP for (NP (NP (ADJP more extensive) exploration) (PP of (NP outer space)) (PP for (NP (NP the ultimate benefit) (PP of (NP all mankind))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (LST Second) , (NP-SBJ (NP our military missile program) , (VP going (ADVP forward) (ADVP so successfully)) ,) (VP does not (VP suffer (PP from (NP (NP our present lack) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP very large) rocket engines) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD necessary) (PP in (NP distant space exploration))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (VP assured (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS experts)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the thrust) (PP of (NP our present missiles))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD fully adequate (PP for (NP defense requirements)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (LST Third) , (NP-SBJ the United States) (VP is (VP pressing (ADVP forward) (PP in (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP large rocket engines)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP place (NP (NP vehicles) (PP of (NP many tons))) (PP into (NP space)) (PP for (NP exploration purposes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (LST Fourth) , (PP-TMP in (NP the meantime)) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD necessary) (S-4 (NP *) (VP to (VP remember (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP have (ADVP only) (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP probe (NP (NP the environment) (VP (ADVP immediately) surrounding (NP the earth)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Using (NP (NP launch systems) (ADJP presently available)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP are (VP developing (NP (NP satellites (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP scout (NP (NP the world 's) weather))))) ; ; (NP satellite relay stations (UCP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP facilitate and extend (NP communications) (PP over (NP the globe))))) ; ; (PP for (NP navigation aids (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP accurate bearings) (PP to (NP ships and aircraft))))))) ; ; and (PP for (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP perfecting (NP instruments (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP collect and transmit (NP (NP the data) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP seek (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (LST Fifth) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (ADVP just) (VP completed (NP (NP (NP a year 's) experience) (PP with (NP our new space law))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD deficient)) (PP in (NP certain particulars))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Suggested improvements) (VP will (VP be (VP submitted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the Congress)) (ADVP-TMP shortly)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The accomplishment) (PP of (NP (NP the many tasks) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP alluded (PP to (NP *T*-1))))))))) (VP requires (NP (NP the continuous strengthening) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP spiritual , intellectual , and economic) sinews) (PP of (NP American life)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The steady purpose) (PP of (NP our society))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assure (NP justice) , (PP before (NP God)) , (PP for (NP every individual)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD ever alert (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ freedom) (VP does not (VP wither (PP through (NP (NP (NP the careless amassing) (PP of (NP restrictive controls))) or (NP (NP the lack) (PP of (NP courage (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP deal (ADVP-MNR boldly) (PP with (NP (NP the issues) (PP of (NP the day))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A year) ago) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP met (PP with (NP you)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the nation) (VP was (VP emerging (PP from (NP an economic downturn)) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ (NP the signs) (PP of (NP resurgent prosperity))) (VP were not (ADVP-TMP then) (ADJP-PRD sufficiently convincing (PP to (NP the doubtful)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ our surging strength) (VP is (ADJP-PRD apparent) (PP to (NP everyone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 1960) (VP promises (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most prosperous) year) (PP in (NP our history))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Yet) (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP afflicted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS nagging disorders))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-2 Among (NP (NP current problems) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP require (NP solutions)))) , (VP participated (PRT in) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP citizens) (CONJP as well as) (NP government)))) ,)) (VP are (PP-PRD *T*-2)) : (NP-SBJ (NP the need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP protect (NP the public interest) (PP in (NP (NP situations) (PP of (NP prolonged labor-management stalemate)))))))) ; ; (NP the persistent refusal (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP grips)) (PP with (NP (NP a critical problem) (PP in (NP (NP one sector) (PP of (NP American agriculture)))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP the continuing threat) (PP of (NP inflation)) , (PP (ADVP together) with (NP (NP the persisting tendency) (PP toward (NP fiscal irresponsibility))))) ; ; (PP in (NP certain instances)) (NP (NP the denial) (PP to (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP our citizens) (PP of (NP (NP equal protection) (PP of (NP the law)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The group) , (PP upon (NP (NP the issuance) (PP of (NP its first press release)) (PP on (NP December 21 , 1957)))) , (VP designated (S (NP-SBJ itself) (NP-PRD (NP a `` Committee) (PP of (NP Investigation)) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the course) (PP of (NP its inquiry)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP testimony) (PP from (NP (QP only seven) witnesses))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP heard (NP-1 Bang-Jensen) (ADVP-2 twice)) and (VP (NP=1 (NP his lawyer) , (NP Adolf A. Berle , Jr.)) , (ADVP=2 once))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Its second press release) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD on (NP January 15 , 1958)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP recommended (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the secret papers) (VP be (VP destroyed (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP also) (VP implied (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Paul Bang-Jensen) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD irresponsible)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP January 18)) , (NP-SBJ Ernest Gross) (VP conducted (NP (NP (NP a press conference) (PP-LOC at (NP the U.N.))) (VP lasting (NP an hour)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP (ADVP openly) attacked (NP Bang-Jensen)) and (VP referred (PP to (NP his `` aberrant conduct '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This conference) (VP was (VP held (NP *-1) (PP despite (NP (NP (NP Stavropoulos ') assurance (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (PP to (NP (NP Adolf Berle) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (VP leaving (NP-TMP the same day) (PP for (NP Puerto Rico)))))) ,)) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 nothing (PP *ICH*-5)) (VP would (VP be (VP done (NP *-2) (PP-TMP until (NP (NP his return) (PP on (NP January 22)))) , (PP-5 except (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Secretary General) (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP order (S (NP-SBJ the list) (VP destroyed)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP January 24)) (NP-SBJ-1 Paul Bang-Jensen) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP accompanied (PP by (NP Adolf Berle)))) , (VP was (VP met (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Dragoslav Protitch) and (NP (NP Colonel Frank Begley) , (NP (NP (NP former Police Chief) (PP of (NP (NP Farmington) , (NP Conn.)))) , and (ADVP-TMP now) (NP (NP head) (PP of (NP U.N. special police))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The four)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bundled (NP *) (PP in (NP overcoats)))) , (VP mounted (PP to (NP (NP the wind-swept roof) (PP of (NP the U.N))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) , (S (NP-SBJ Begley) (VP lit (NP a fire) (PP in (NP a wire basket)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP dropped (NP four sealed envelopes) (PP into (NP the flames)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP In (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP these)))) (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said))) (VP were) (NP-SBJ (NP notes) (PP on (NP (NP the identities) (PP of (NP the eighty-one refugees))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The method) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP destroying (NP the evidence))))) (VP embarrassed (NP Paul Bang-Jensen)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (VP implied (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (VP done (NP *-2) (PP in (NP this way)) (PP at (NP his insistence)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Peter Marshall) (VP could not (VP help (ADVP but) (VP recall (NP (NP (NP (NP Andrew Cordier 's) words) (PP on (NP the subject))) , `` (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP as good) a place) (PP as (NP any)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP the job))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Gross group) (VP had (VP been (VP formed (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP the express purpose) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP advising (NP the Secretary General))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hammarskjold 's) supposed desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP seek (NP outside legal advice) (PP in (NP (NP the guise) (PP of (NP Ernest Gross)))))))) (VP is (NP-PRD illusion) , (PP at (ADJP best))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ Gross 's) , (VP being (PP `` outside '' (NP the U.N.)))) (VP applied (ADVP only) (PP to (NP (NP a physical state) , not (NP an objective one)))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-TMP by (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the papers) (VP were (ADVP finally) (VP disposed (PP of (NP *-2))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ the group) (VP had (VP informed (NP the world) (PP of (NP (NP its purpose) , (NP its recommendations) , and (NP its belief (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Paul Bang-Jensen) (VP was not (PP-PRD of (NP sound mind)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Shortly) (NP-SBJ-1 the group) (VP would (VP issue (NP its report) (PP to (NP the Secretary General)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP recommending (NP (NP (NP Paul Bang-Jensen 's) dismissal) (PP from (NP the United Nations))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The contents) (PP of (NP this 195-page document))) (VP would (VP become (VP known (PP to (NP many)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP become (VP known (PP to (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (VP written (NP *-2) (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP `` (S (SBAR-TMP Until (S (NP-SBJ this Hungarian Committee matter) (VP came (PRT up)))) , (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP fine and devoted) individual))) .) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP known (NP him) (PP-TMP for (NP some years)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when (NAC *ICH*-1)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD a delegate) (NAC-1 and (SBAR before)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this manner) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (NP-PRD his)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ernest A. Gross) (VP (VP leaned (ADVP back) (PP in (NP his chair))) and (VP told (NP Peter Marshall) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Secretary General) (NP Dag Hammarskjold)) (VP had , (PP-TMP on (NP December 4 , 1957)) , (VP called (NP him) (PRT in) (PP as (NP a private lawyer)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP review (NP (NP (NP Bang-Jensen 's) conduct) `` (VP relating (PP to (NP (NP his association) (PP with (NP (NP the Special Committee) (PP on (NP (NP the problem) (PP of (NP Hungary))))))))) '')))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The result) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the `` Gross Report '') , (VP prepared (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Gross)) , (PP as (NP chairman)) , (PP with (NP (NP the assistance) (PP of (NP (NP two U.N. Under Secretaries) , (NP (NP Constantin Stavropoulos) and (NP Philippe De Seynes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Yes) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP went (PRT on)))) , `` (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP was (NP-PRD an up-and-coming young man)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP done (ADVP well))) .)) (TOP (UCP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Never) (ADJP well known)) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (NP his work) (ADVP-MNR competently)))) . '')) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP had (VP received (NP Marshall) (ADVP-MNR courteously)))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP discussing (NP the case)))) .)) (TOP (S-3 `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (S *T*-3))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ the lawyer) (VP said))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD difficult)) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP talk (PP like (NP this)) (PP about (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP ca n't (VP answer (ADVP back))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gross) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD-2 behind (NP a clean-top desk)))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 only a manila folder) (PP-LOC-PRD=2 before (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marshall) (VP sat (PP in (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the several leather chairs))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Outside (NP the office windows)) , (NP-LOC (NP twenty-four stories) (PP above (NP Wall Street))) , (NP-SBJ a light rain) (VP was (VP falling)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Mr. Gross) , (NP-SBJ your report) (VP says (SBAR that ' (S (NP-SBJ our function) (VP (VP is (ADJP-PRD investigative and advisory)) and (VP does not (PP in (NP any way)) (VP (VP derogate (PP from)) or (VP prejudice (NP (NP (NP Mr. Bang-Jensen 's) rights) (PP as (NP a staff member)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know)) , (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP characterized (NP your Committee) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP prejudged (NP his case))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP swung (NP his swivel chair)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (INTJ Well) , (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ could (NP-SBJ that) (VP have (VP been (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP consider (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP prejudged (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP were (VP given (NP *-1) (NP a job)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP carried (NP it) (PRT out))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP later) , (NP-SBJ-2 his case) (VP was (VP taken (NP *-2) (PRT up) (PP by (NP-LGS the Disciplinary Committee))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hide (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC under (NP a bushel)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP We) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP did (NP our job)) , (NP-1 (NP Mr. Stavropoulos) and (NP Mr. De Seynes) and (NP myself)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP taking (NP evidence) (PP from (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP people)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP his mental state)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ our report) (VP sums (PRT up) (NP our finding)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP answered (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP forget))) , (SINV (ADVP-LOC here) (VP was) (NP-SBJ (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP accusing (NP his colleagues) (PP-TMP for (NP almost a year)) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *) (ADVP-MNR willfully) (VP attempting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP present (NP an incorrect report)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP (VP was (ADVP not merely) (VP alleging (NP errors))) , but (VP was (VP carried (NP *-1) (PRT out) (PP by (NP day-after-day allegations)) (PP in (NP (NP memos) , (NP (NP written charges) (PP of (NP serious consequence)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD a distressing thing)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Supposing (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 you or I) (VP were (VP being (VP accused (NP *-1) (PP in (NP this manner)))))) , and (S (ADVP yet) (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP doing (NP our level best (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP carry (PRT on) (NP our work))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No organization) (VP can (VP carry (PRT on) (PP like (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP government))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP tell (NP (NP some (ADJP pretty hairy) stories) (PP about (NP personnel difficulties)))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what a problem) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP comment (PP on (NP *T*-1))))))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the criticism) (VP leveled (NP *) (PP at (NP your Committee))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP mean (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP For (NP instance)) , (PP regarding (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Gross Committee) (VP issued (NP two interim announcements) (PP to (NP the press)) (PP-TMP during (NP its investigation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bang-Jensen) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the Committee) (VP was ' (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP convey (NP its views , suggestions and recommendations) (PP to (NP the Secretary General))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP his own words)) , (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP ' took (NP it) (PP for (ADJP granted)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Group) (VP would (VP report (PP to (NP the Secretary General)) (UCP (ADVP privately) and not (PP in (ADJP public)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP claimed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the release) (PP of (NP the preliminary findings))) (VP was ' (ADJP-PRD prejudicial (PP to (NP his position))) ')))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP bristled) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP an instant)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP glared (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD speechless)) (PP at (NP Marshall))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the entire report) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD confidential) (PP (PP from (NP beginning)) (PP to (NP end))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP launched (NP (NP an active campaign) (PP against (NP us))) (PP in (NP the press)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (VP getting (SBAR so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP we) , (NP the Committee) ,) (VP were (VP being (VP tried (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP find (NP it) (PP in (NP the papers)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S `` (INTJ Well) , (PP as (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP 've (VP looked (PP through (NP (NP back-issue files) (PP of (NP (NP New York papers) (PP for (NP December , 1957)))))))) , and (VP have n't (VP found (NP a great deal)))) '') -- (S (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP shot (NP another look) (PP at (NP Marshall)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (ADVP necessarily) all (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP here) in (NP New York))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP forget (NP the foreign press))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Then) (WHNP (WHNP what) (PP about (NP the second interim public announcement))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP cited (NP (NP Bang-Jensen 's) ' aberrant conduct ')) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The reason (PP for (NP that report))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP settle (NP (NP the matter) (PP of (NP the list))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP As) far (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP concerned))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a separate matter) (PP from (NP (NP the general Committee study) (PP of (NP (NP Bang-Jensen 's) conduct)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The January fifteen report) (VP recommended (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bang-Jensen) (VP be (VP instructed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP burn (NP (NP the list) -- (NP the papers) --) (PP in (NP (NP the presence) (PP of (NP a U.N. Security Officer)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (FRAG (WHADVP How) (PP about (NP your press conference)) (ADVP-TMP (NP three days) later)) -- (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the reason) (PP for (NP that)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP told (NP correspondents) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (VP checked (PP in (NP advance)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (ADJP sure) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the term ' aberrant conduct ') (VP was not (ADJP-PRD libelous))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP claimed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP made (NP other slanderous allegations))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP (VP paused) and (VP repeated (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP The entire object) (PP of (NP the press conference))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP clarify (NP (NP the problem) (PP of (NP the list)))))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP in (NP the press))) (VP were (VP querying (NP the U.N.) (PP about (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD the list))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP explained (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the documents or papers) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-3) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP his possession))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD foolish (PP of (NP him))) (S-2 (NP *) (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP them) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP could (VP have (VP been (VP blackmailed (NP *-1)))))) , or (S (NP-SBJ-2 his family) (VP might (VP have (VP been (VP threatened (NP *-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ the matter) (VP caught (NP (NP the public 's) attention)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP (VP attempted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP conclude (NP this))))) , and (VP did (ADVP so) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ the papers) (VP burned (NP *)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hammarskjold) (VP did n't (VP like (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (VP carried (NP *-2) (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a sort) (PP of (NP Gotterdammerung affair)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ Hammarskjold) (VP believes (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the U.N.) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an organization) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP settles (NP matters) (PP in (NP a procedural way)))))))))) . '') (NP-SBJ Peter Marshall) (VP reflected (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ Hammarskjold) (VP had not (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ the list) (VP disposed (PP of (NP *)) (PP in (NP this manner)))))))) , and (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP had not (VP wanted (NP it)))))) -- (WHNP-1 who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) had (VP ordered (NP it))) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Mr. Gross) , (S (PP concerning (NP (NP the formation) (PP of (NP your Committee)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a legal adviser) (PP to (NP the U.N.))) (PP-TMP in (NP the past))))))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP understand (NP it)))) , (NP-SBJ Mr. Hammarskjold) (VP wanted (NP outside advice))) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ you) (VP comment (PP on (NP that))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP served (PP as (NP (NP a counsel) (PP for (NP the U.N.)))) (PP-TMP for (NP some years)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP specializing (ADVP particularly) (PP in (NP (NP real estate matters) or (NP (NP other problems) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the regular U.N. legal staff) (VP might not (VP be (VP equipped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP handle (NP *T*-3)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Stavropoulos) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the U.N. legal chief) and (NP a (ADJP very good) man)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD fully versed (PP on (NP (NP some technical points) (PP of (NP American law))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP (NP (NP Bang-Jensen 's) contention) (PP of (NP (NP errors and omissions) (PP in (NP the Hungarian report))))))))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Marshall) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Those) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP answered (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mick Shann) (VP went (PP over and over (NP the report)) (PP with (NP Alsing Andersen)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP check (NP them) (PRT out))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (PP (ADVP Even) after (NP (NP the incident) (PP between (NP (NP Bang-Jensen) and (NP Shann))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the Delegates ') Lounge)))) and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Chicago Tribune) (VP presented (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP (VP reached (PP in (NP his desk))) and (VP pulled (PRT out) (NP two newspaper clippings))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an article) (PP on (NP the U.N.)) (PP by (NP (NP Alice Widener) (PP from (NP the Cincinnati Enquirer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other) (VP was (PP-PRD by (NP Chesly Manley)) (PP in (NP the Chicago Daily Tribune))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP pointed (PP to (NP the Manley story))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP Ches))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a friend) (PP of (NP mine))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (ADVP probably) (VP did n't (VP mean (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write (NP it) (NP-MNR this way))))))) , or (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP any ' violent argument ') (PP between (NP (NP Bang-Jensen) and (NP Shann)))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the Tribune) (VP puts (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP implies (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Shann) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP the enemy side)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (NP *T*-1))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP-1 How) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (VP phrased) (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) -- (NP (NP the word) (ADJP violent)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The case) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bang-Jensen) (VP came (PP up (PP to (NP Shann))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP claiming (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP found (NP further errors) (PP in (NP the report)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S ' (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP found (NP errors)))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP look (NP-PRD them) (PRT over))))))) .) (TOP (S So (ADVP once again) (NP-SBJ-1 Shann) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP argue (PP with (NP him)) (PP about (NP this)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (NP-PRD a violent discussion)) .)) (TOP (S And (PP-TMP after (NP all this)) , (NP-SBJ Shann) (VP went (PP over (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP had (VP brought (NP *T*-1) (PRT up)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 -LRB- (NP-SBJ (NP Shann 's) own report) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Peter Marshall) (VP reflected (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (VP describes (NP the encounter) (PP as `` (ADJP immoderate) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP was (PP-PRD in `` (NP hysterical condition) '')) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gross) (VP (VP stopped (ADVP-MNR briefly)) , (VP (ADVP then) went (PRT on))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Shann) (VP was (ADJP-PRD responsible (PP for (NP the report)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (VP felt (ADJP-PRD terrible (PP about (NP all this))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a good report))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP * (NP *T*-1)))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD a good report))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP speak (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ Shann) (VP felt (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (ADVP well)) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP forget))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD (NP (NP an old member) (PP of (NP the club))) , (NP a former delegate)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP being (ADJP-PRD unfair) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP these things) (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP now))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know)) , (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP hits (PP in (NP many areas)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP appeals (PP to (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (VP frustrated (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the outcome) (PP of (NP the Hungarian situation))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP forget))) , (S (NP-SBJ the U.N.) (VP did (NP (NP no more) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ the United States) (VP did)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP takes (NP (NP a great deal) (PP of (NP sophisticated thought))) (S-3 (NP *) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP the impact) (PP of (NP this fact))))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP Chapter 22)) (TOP (S (PP from (NP (NP the home) (PP of (NP (NP his friend) , (NP Henrik Kauffmann) ,)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Washington) , (NP D.C.))))) , (NP-SBJ Paul Bang-Jensen) (VP sent (NP (NP a telegram) (VP dated (NP *) (NP-TMP December 9 , 1957) ,)) (PP to (NP Ernest Gross))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP said (PP in (NP part)) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the matters) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (VP considered (NP *-1))))))) (VP are (ADVP obviously) (PP-PRD of (NP a grave character)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP therefore) (ADVP respectfully) (VP request (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the hearing) (VP be (VP postponed (NP *-2) (PP-TMP for (NP two weeks)) (SBAR-PRP in order that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (VP make (NP adequate preparation))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ernest Gross) (VP replied (NP-TMP the next day) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP putting (S (NP-SBJ (NP the suspended diplomat 's) fears) (VP to (VP rest)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This) (VP reveals (NP (NP some misunderstanding) (PP on (NP your part)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The group) (VP conducting (NP the review))) (VP is not (VP holding (NP formal hearings))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pursue , (PP in (NP (NP the course) (PP of (NP this review)))) , (NP (NP questions) (VP arising (PP from (NP (NP the body) (PP of (NP material)) (PP (ADVP already) in (NP its possession)))))))))) . '')) (TOP (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP sounded (PP like (NP a fair enough invitation)))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Peter Marshall) (VP reflected (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP must (VP have (VP thought (ADVP so) (ADVP too) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (PP-TMP on (NP the thirteenth)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP met (NP (NP the group) (PP of (NP three))) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the thirty-sixth floor) (PP of (NP the U.N.))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) , (NP-SBJ Ernest Gross) (ADVP further) (VP assured (NP him) : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP were (VP requested (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the Secretary General)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP understand (NP it)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP discuss (PP with (NP you)) (NP (NP such matters) (SBAR (WHNP-3 as) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-3) (VP appear (PP to (NP us)) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD relevant)))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are not (PP of (NP course)) (NP-PRD either (NP a formal group) or (NP a committee)) (PP in (NP (NP the sense) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP being (VP guided (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP any rules or regulations) (PP of (NP the Secretariat)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only rules) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP shall (VP follow (NP *T*-1))))))))) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP those) (PP of (NP (NP common sense) , (NP justice) , and (NP fairness)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Peter Marshall) (VP noted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Bang-Jensen) (VP had (ADVP-TMP later) (VP referred (PP to (NP (NP his two interviews) (PP with (NP the Gross group)))) (PP as `` (NP unfortunate experiences) ''))))))) , and (S (PP-TMP after (NP (NP his second meeting) (PP on (NP the sixteenth)))) (NP-SBJ-1 the Dane) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP attend (NP further hearings) (PP without (NP legal counsel))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marshall) (VP (VP pondered (NP (NP the reason) (PP for (NP this)))) , and (VP pondered (ADVP too) (NP (NP the replacement) (PP of (NP (NP one member) (PP of (NP the three-man group))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ J.A.C. Robertson) , (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP serving (NP Gross) (NP-TMP one week)))) , (VP left (PP for (NP England))) .)) (TOP (NP Thirty-three)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP did not (VP go (ADVP back) (PP to (NP school)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His parents) (VP talked (ADVP seriously and lengthily) (PP (PP to (NP their own doctor)) and (PP to (NP (NP a specialist) (PP-LOC at (NP the University Hospital))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-3 Mr. McKinley) (VP was (VP entitled (NP *-3) (PP to (NP (NP a discount) (PP for (NP (NP members) (PP of (NP his family))))))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD best) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP (VP take (NP (NP the remainder) (PP of (NP the term))) (PRT off)) , (VP spend (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP time))) (PP-LOC in (NP bed))) and , (VP (PP for (NP the rest)) , do (ADVP pretty much) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP chose))) -- (PP provided , (PP of (NP course)) , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP chose (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP too exciting) or (ADJP too debilitating)))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP His teacher) and (NP his school principal)) (VP were (VP conferred (PP with (NP *-1))))) and (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP agreed (SBAR that , (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP kept (PRT up) (PP with (NP (NP a certain amount) (PP of (NP work)))) (PP-LOC at (NP home))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP little danger) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his) (VP losing (NP a term)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP Scotty) (VP (VP accepted (NP the decision) (PP with (NP indifference))) and (VP did not (VP enter (NP the arguments))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP discharged (NP *-1) (PP from (NP the hospital)) (PP-TMP after (NP a two-day checkup))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) and (NP his parents)) (VP had (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ Mr. McKinley) (VP described (NP *T*-2) (PP as (NP a `` celebration lunch ''))))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the cafeteria) (PP on (NP the campus)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP (VP wore (NP a smart hat)) and , (VP (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP been (VP warned (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP recently) (PP about (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP smoking)))))))) , puffed (PP at (NP her cigarettes)) (PP through (NP (NP a long ivory holder) (VP stained (NP *) (PP with (NP lipstick))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Scotty 's) father) (VP sat (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sprawled (PP-LOC in (NP his chair)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP angular) , (ADJP alert (PP as (NP a cricket))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (ADVP about) (PP at (NP (NP the huge stainless-steel appointments) (PP of (NP the room)))) (PP with (NP (NP an expression) (PP of (NP proprietorship))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Teachers) -- (NP (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP wore (NP brown suits)) and (VP had (NP (NP gray hair) and (NP pleasant smiles))))))) --) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP their table)) (S-PRP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (NP shop)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP introduced (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP Scotty) and (NP Rachel))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rachel) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 polite))) , (S (NP=1 Scotty) (ADJP-PRD=2 indifferent)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP ate (NP (NP the cafeteria food) (PP with (NP its orange sauces))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP gazed (PP without (NP interest)) (PP at (NP (NP his food) , (NP the teachers) , (NP the (ADJP heroic baronial) windows) , and (NP (NP the bright ranks) (PP of (NP college banners))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His father) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the food) (NP-PRD a topic)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The blueberry pie) (VP is (ADJP-PRD good) , (NP-VOC Scotty)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP recommend (NP it)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP at (NP his son)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his face) (VP worried))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP murmured , `` (INTJ No) , (INTJ thanks) '' , (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so softly) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 his father) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP bend (NP his gaunt height) (PP-DIR across (NP the table))) and (VP turn (NP a round brown ear) (PP-DIR to (NP him))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP regarded (NP (NP the ear) and (NP (NP the grizzled hair) (PP-LOC around (NP it)))) (PP with (NP (NP a moment) (PP of (NP interest))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (ADVP-MNR more loudly) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD full) , (NP-VOC old Pop))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP had (VP eaten (NP (NP almost nothing) (PP-LOC on (NP the crested , three-sectioned plate))))) and (VP had (VP drunk (NP (NP (QP about half) the milk) (PP-LOC in (NP its paper container)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right) , (NP-VOC Craig))) '' , (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP fix (NP-BNF him) (NP something) (ADVP-TMP later (PP in (NP the afternoon))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP get (ADVP home) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Since (NP his seizure)) , (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP had (VP had (NP little appetite)))) ; ; yet (S (NP-SBJ his changed appearance) , (ADVP surprisingly) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP plumpness))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fuller))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP his lips) and (NP (NP the (ADJP usually sharp) lines) (PP of (NP his jaw)))) (VP had (VP become (ADJP-PRD swollen-looking)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP breathed (ADVP-TMP now) (PP with (NP (NP his mouth) (ADJP open))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP showing (NP (NP a (ADJP whitely curving) section) (PP of (NP lower teeth))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ (NP his eyes) , (PP with (NP their puffed blurred lids)) ,) (ADJP-PRD always lowered) , (PP though (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) not , (ADVP apparently) , (VP focusing)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Even his neck) (VP (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD-1 thicker)) and , (VP (ADVP therefore) , (ADJP-PRD=1 shorter))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His hands) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as quick) (PP as (NP (NP a pair) (PP of (NP fluttering birds))))))))) ,) (VP were (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP-PRD neither (ADJP active) nor (ADJP really relaxed))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP lay (PP-LOC on (NP his lap)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ palms) (ADVP-PRD up)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD stiffly motionless)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the tapered fingers) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) thick) (PP-LOC at (NP the joints)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Altogether) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had , (PP-TMP since (NP the seizure)) , (NP (NP the appearance) (PP of (NP (NP a boy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP overindulged (PP in (NP food))) and (VP took (NP no exercise))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP lazy) , (ADJP spoiled) , (ADJP a little querulous))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP had (NP (NP little) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP greeted (NP (NP her husband 's) colleagues) (PP with (NP smiling politeness)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP offering (NP nothing)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. McKinley) , (PP for (NP (NP all his sprawling) and (NP his easy familiarity))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD completely alert (PP to (NP his son))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ eyes) (ADVP-TMP always) (PP on (NP the still face))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP jumping (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP Scotty 's) desires))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a strained , silent lunch)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP get (NP him) (PP to (NP bed))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The doctors) (VP had (VP suggested (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP remain (NP-TMP (NP most) (PP of (NP every afternoon))) (PP-LOC in (NP bed)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD stronger))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. McKinley) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP a lecture))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Rachel and Scotty) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR home) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD alone)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Plymouth))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP did not (VP speak (ADVP much))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP (VP gazed (PRT out) (PP at (NP ugly gray slums))) and (VP said (ADVP-MNR softly) , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP at (NP those stupid kids)))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a Negro section) (PP of (NP (NP peeling row houses) , (NP store-front churches) and (NP ragged children))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rachel) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP bend (PP-DIR toward (NP Scotty))) and (VP ask (NP-2 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP repeat)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (NP Nothing) '') .)) (TOP (FRAG (CONJP And then) : `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP lots) (PP of (NP kids))) (PP-LOC around (ADVP here)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP looked (PP at (NP the children)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his mouth) (ADVP slightly) (VP opened)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his eyes) (ADJP-PRD dull))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD tired and full and calm)) .)) (TOP (NP Thirty-four)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ the days) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD short) , (SBAR-PRP (ADVP perhaps) because (S (NP-SBJ his routine) (VP was , (NP-TMP each day) , (NP-PRD almost the same)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP rose (ADVP-TMP late)) and (VP went (PRT down) (PP in (NP his bathrobe and slippers)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP breakfast) (UCP either (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone)) or (PP with (NP Rachel)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Virginia) (VP (VP treated (NP him) (PP with (NP attention))) and (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tempt (NP his appetite) (PP with (NP (NP (NP special food) : (NP biscuits , cookies , candies)) -- (NP (NP the result) (PP of (NP (NP devoted hours) (PP-LOC in (NP the tiled kitchen)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP would (VP (VP hover (PP over (NP him))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP like (NP her brother)))) , (ADVP-MNR anxiously) watch (NP (NP the progress) (PP of (NP (NP Scotty 's) fork or spoon)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP eat (NP enough) , (NP-VOC honey))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP that) (PRT down))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rachel) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP observing)) , (VP would (VP say , `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP rediscover (NP his own capacity)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 'll (VP take (NP time))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Virginia and Rachel) (VP talked (PP to (NP each other)) (ADVP-MNR quietly) (ADVP-TMP now) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP allies) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD political (CONJP rather than) natural))))) (VP might (VP *?* (PP in (NP a war atmosphere))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 Both) (VP watched (NP Scotty) (ADVP-MNR-4 constantly))) , (S (NP=3-1 Rachel) (PP=4 without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP seeming (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP *?*))))))) , (S (NP=3 Virginia) (ADVP-MNR=4 openly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her eyes) (VP filled (PP with (NP concern))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP was (ADJP-PRD neutral)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP resent (NP (NP their supervision) or (NP (NP Virginia 's) (ADJP sometimes tiring) sympathy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP ate (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (PP like (S-NOM *?* (NP *T*-1))))))) , (VP slept (NP (NP (NP as much) (PP *RNR*-2)) or (NP (NP as little) (PP *RNR*-2)) (PP-2 as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP pleased))))) , and (VP moved (PP about (NP (NP the draughty rooms) (PP of (NP the house)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP bed)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (PP-MNR with (NP slow , dubious steps)) , (PP like (NP (NP an elderly tourist) (PP in (NP a cathedral)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His energy) (VP was (VP gone)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S *ICH*-3)) , (ADVP-TMP now) , (S-3 (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP (VP sit (PP-TMP for (NP hours)) (PP-LOC in (NP a chair)) (PP-LOC in (NP the living room))) and (VP stare (PRT out) (PP at (NP the bleak yard)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP moving)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 His hands) (VP lay (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP loosely , yet stiffly) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (PP-PRD like (NP wax hands)) : (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD almost lifelike , (ADVP not quite))))) --) (VP folded (PP-LOC in (NP his lap)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 his mouth) (VP hung (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD slightly open)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP (VP asked (NP *-1) (NP a question)) or (VP addressed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP such a way) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ some response) (VP was (ADJP-PRD inescapable))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP answer))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP happened))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP repeat))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP spoken (ADVP-MNR too softly)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP repeat (NP his words) (PP-MNR in (NP the same way)) , (PP-MNR without (NP emphasis or impatience)) , (ADVP-MNR (NP only a little) louder)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had not (VP mentioned (NP Kate))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had not (ADVP even) (VP thought (PP about (NP her)) (ADVP much) (PP except (NP (NP once or twice) (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (PP-LOC in (NP bed)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ his (ADJP slowly ranging) thoughts) (VP would (ADVP-MNR abruptly) , (ADVP-MNR almost accidentally) , (VP encounter (NP her) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP these times)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP a kind) (PP of (NP pain))) (PP-LOC in (NP his upper chest)))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an objective pain) , (ADJP (ADJP (PP in (NP no way)) different (PP from (NP others)) (PP in (NP intensity))) and not (ADJP different (PP in (NP kind))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP the bandaged wound) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP his head)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (VP throbbed))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD (NP another part) (PP of (NP his weakness)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD calm , drugged , and lazy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP care)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP mentioned (NP Kate)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP notice (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the girl) (PP from (PP-LOC across (NP the street)))) (VP has n't (VP bothered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP phone or visit))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP thought (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP briefly)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) (ADVP-MNR deliberately) turned (NP the talk) (PP to (NP something else)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sitting (PP-LOC at (NP the front window)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP his parents ') room)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP come (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP her house)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP Elizabeth))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP were (ADVP-PRD far off)) and (VP looked (ADJP-PRD tiny))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The heavy branches) (PP-LOC in (NP his front yard))) (VP would (VP hide (CONJP and then) reveal (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP turned (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP (NP Kate 's) steps))))) and (VP moved (PRT off) (PP-DIR in (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (NP the park)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP awakened (NP *RNR*-1)) and , (VP (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) , interested (NP *RNR*-1)) (NP-1 him))) --) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Elizabeth) (VP held (NP a leash) (PP-LOC in (NP her hand))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a round fuzzy puppy) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the leash)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ they) (VP disappeared)) and (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP (VP got (PRT up)) and (VP (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP his own room))) and (VP got (PP into (NP bed)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD under (NP the covers)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP forgotten (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP seeing (NP Kate)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The doctor) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ-1 Scotty) (VP was (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADJP-PRD allowed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP his regular trips) (PP-DIR into (NP town)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP him))))))))))) , (VP came (ADVP often and informally) (PP-DIR to (NP the house))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP would (VP sit , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD slim-waisted and spare)) , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP (NP Scotty 's) bed)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his legs) (VP crossed (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so elaborately) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the crossed foot) (VP could (VP tap (NP the floor)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP did not (VP mind (NP (NP the doctor 's) unsmiling teasing) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Husky young man) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP mock distaste))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP imagine (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADVP-TMP always) (VP battling (PP-LOC in (NP school))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP go (PP to (NP school)) (ADVP-TMP any more))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Pardon '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The doctor) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP bend (ADVP-DIR close) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hear)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP his delicate hand) , (ADJP (ADJP as veined) (PP as (NP (NP a moth 's) wing)))) , (VP rested (ADVP-MNR absently) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Scotty 's) chest)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP said (NP the same words) (ADVP-MNR more loudly)) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Oh .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (VP taking (NP a little vacation)))) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD all))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP turned (ADVP-MNR unsmilingly) (PP-DIR to (NP Rachel))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (PP-TMP by (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP next week)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP get (PRT out) (PP in (NP the air)) (NP-ADV a little)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP He) (VP could (VP *?* (ADVP-TMP now)))) but (S (S (NP-SBJ the weakness) (VP is (ADJP-PRD very definite))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP exhaust (NP him) (ADVP further and unnecessarily)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD stronger) (ADVP-TMP soon))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His stethoscope) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP (NP the table) (PP-LOC by (NP (NP Scotty 's) bed)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP picked (NP it) (PRT up)) and (VP wagged (NP it) (PP at (NP Scotty))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (ADVP-MNR fussily) , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP keep (NP the cap) (PP on (NP those strong emotions)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The stethoscope) (VP glinted (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD silver)) (PP-LOC in (NP the darkening room))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP drop (ADVP by) (ADVP again) (PP-TMP in (NP a few days)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP stayed (PRT on) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ the doctor) (VP had (VP gone))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP smoothed (NP (NP the covers) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Scotty 's) bed)))) and (VP picked (NP things) (PRT up) (PP from (NP the floor)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did not (VP touch (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP watched (PP with (NP disinterest))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP speak)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP no desire) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP miss (NP school))))))) '' ?) ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP noticed (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how formal and irritably exact) (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP had (VP grown (ADJP-PRD *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP care)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ her irritability) (VP did not (VP concern (NP him))))))) , yet (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would not (VP care (SBAR-ADV (ADVP even) if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've (VP had (NP (NP any number) (PP of (NP (NP calls) (PP about (NP you))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could (VP win (NP a popularity contest) (PP-LOC at (NP that school)) (PP without (NP any trouble)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Estherson) (VP called (ADVP twice)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pay (NP you) (NP a visit))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the children) (VP miss (NP you))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Apparently) (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the light) (PP of (NP their lives)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP shrugged (ADVP-MNR slightly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP (VP came (ADVP-LOC close (PP to (NP the bed)))) , (VP bent (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP kiss (NP him)))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) moved (ADVP-DIR away))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP frowning)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That doctor) (VP annoys (NP me)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak (PP to (NP herself)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his self-consciousness) (VP is (ADJP-PRD characteristic (PP (PP of (NP the new Negro professionals)) or (ADVP merely) (PP of (NP (NP doctors) (PP in (ADJP general)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP turned (PP to (NP him)) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ (NP Mrs. Charles) -- (NP Sally) --) (VP has (VP phoned (ADVP too))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very worried)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rachel 's) tone) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dry)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (ADVP really) (VP say))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP glanced (ADVP away) (PP at (NP the floor))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) swooped (ADVP-MNR gracefully)) and (VP picked (PRT up) (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Scotty 's) slippers)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean)) , (SQ do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP feel (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP Kate)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD true)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD the slight pain))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD no different (PP from (NP (NP the throbbing) (PP-LOC in (NP his head))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD time) , (PP in (NP any case))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP (VP wait (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD stronger))))) (CONJP and then) (VP talk (PP about (NP it))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP put (NP the slipper) (ADVP-MNR neatly) (PP-PUT by (NP its mate)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the foot) (PP of (NP the bed))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP said , `` (INTJ Okay) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP kissed (NP him) (ADVP-MNR lightly) (PP-LOC on (NP the forehead))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP was (ADJP-PRD pleased)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His father) (VP was (NP-PRD a constant visitor)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP would (VP (VP hear (NP-1 the front door) (PP-TMP in (NP the evening))) (CONJP and then) (VP (NP=1 (NP his father 's) deep slow voice))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP floated (PP-DIR up (NP the stairs)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ 's (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) (NP-SBJ Scotty)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP (NP (NP Rachel 's) or (NP Virginia 's)) reply) : `` (ADVP better) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP getting (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP rest))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ his appetite) (ADJP-PRD improved) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG Or : `` (SQ Does (NP-SBJ he) (VP get (NP exercise))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The exchange) (VP was (ADJP-PRD almost invariable))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) , (PP-LOC in (NP his bed)) , (VP could (VP hear (NP (NP every word) (PP of (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP required (NP (NP an energy) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP possessed (NP *T*-3))))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD satirical (PP about (NP his father))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His father) (VP would (VP (VP come (ADVP-DIR upstairs)) and (VP stand (ADVP-MNR self-consciously) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the foot) (PP of (NP the bed))))) and (VP look (PP at (NP his son))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP a pause) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 during (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP studied (NP (NP Scotty 's) face) (PP-TMP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP (VP were not (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) and (VP could not (VP study (NP him) (ADVP too))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Mr. McKinley) (VP would (VP ask (NP (NP the same questions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP asked (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-LOC downstairs)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Scotty) (VP would (VP reply (ADVP-MNR softly)))) and (S (NP-SBJ his father) , (ADVP-MNR apologetically) , (VP would (VP ask (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP repeat)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP eating (NP more)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP say (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Or : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP walk (PP-LOC around (NP the house)) (NP-ADV a lot))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ you) (VP should (VP get (PRT out) (NP-ADV a little))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm not (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*))) (ADVP-TMP yet))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was not (VP irritated (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP mind (NP the useless , kindly questions))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP at (NP the lined face)) (PP with (NP vague interest)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP noting (NP it) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP think (PP about (NP *T*-1)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD stronger) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. McKinley) (VP examined (NP everything) (PP with (NP critical care)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeking (NP (NP something) (ADJP material) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP blame (NP *T*-2) (PP for (NP (NP his son 's) illness)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Have (NP-SBJ you) (VP got (NP enough blankets)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP-TMP another time) , (PP without (NP accusation)) : `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP wore (NP (NP that scarf) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP bought (NP-BNF you) (NP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ their sharp edges) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (ADJP restless) (PP as (NP (NP sea waves) (VP thrusting (NP themselves) (ADVP-DIR upward) (PP in (NP angry motion)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Papa-san) (VP sat (ADJP glacier-like) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP his smooth solidity) , (NP his very immobility)) (VP defying (NP (NP all the turmoil) (PP about (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ Our objective) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ the colonel) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1) (NP-TMP (NP that day) (PP of (NP the briefing))))))) , `` (VP is (NP-PRD Papa-san)) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ-1 the objective) (VP sat , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP brooding (PP over (NP all))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Gouge , burn , blast , insult (NP it) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP *?*)))))) , could (NP-SBJ anyone) (ADVP really) (VP take (NP Papa-san)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP Between (NP (NP the ponderous hulk) and (NP himself))) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the valley) (SBAR (WHPP-1 over (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ Papa-san) (VP reigned (PP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ men) (VP had (VP hidden (NP (NP high explosives) , (NP booby traps) , and (NP mines)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The raped valley) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a pregnant womb) (VP awaiting (NP abortion)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC On (NP (NP the forward slope) (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP his own post)))))) (VP stretched) (NP-SBJ (NP two rows) (PP of (NP barbed wire))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the slope 's) base)) (NP-SBJ (NP coils) (PP of (NP concertina)) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP stretched (PP out (PP of (NP eye range))) (PP-1 like (NP (NP a wild tangle) (PP of (NP (NP (NP children 's)) hoops , (VP (VP stopped (ADVP simultaneously)) , (VP (ADVP weirdly) poised (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP awaiting (NP (NP the magic) (PP of (NP (NP the child 's) touch))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP start (S (NP-SBJ (NP them) (NP all)) (VP rolling (ADVP again)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Closer still) , (NP-SBJ (NP regular barricades) (PP of (NP barbed wire))) (VP hung (PP-LOC on (NP timber supports))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ (NP it) (NP all)) (NP-PRD vain labor) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP clean (PRT up) (NP the mess) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the war) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Smiling (PP at (NP his quixotic thoughts)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Warren) (VP (VP turned (ADVP-DIR back) (PP from (NP the opening))) and (VP lit (NP a cigarette) (PP-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP sitting (PRT down)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP Tonight) (NP-SBJ (NP a group) (PP of (NP men))) (VP *RNR*-1)) , (S (NP-TMP tomorrow night) (NP-SBJ (NP he) (NP himself)) (VP *RNR*-1)) , (VP-1 would (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR (PP out (ADVP there)) somewhere)) and (VP wait))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP with (NP White)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP would (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD out (ADVP there)) (NP-TMP two days) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (CONJP not just) (VP listening (PP in (NP the dark)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP some point) (PP between (UCP (ADVP here) and (NP Papa-san)))))) , but (VP moving (ADVP ever deeper) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP enemy land) (PRN -- (PP-LOC behind (NP Papa-san)) --) (NP itself)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ this) (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP expected (NP *T*-1))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP so much time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP think) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP so many lulls)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Somehow) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP forgotten (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP have (VP been (VP told (NP *T*-1))))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ combat) (VP was (NP-PRD an intermittent activity))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the moment) (VP illuminated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the vision) (PP on (NP the train)))))) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP approached (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP could (VP take (NP place) (NP-TMP tomorrow night)))) , or (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP occur (NP-TMP (NP months) (PP from (ADVP now)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD too much time)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP become (ADJP-PRD afraid) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP White 's) suggestion) (VP flattered)) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP like (NP the identity)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP spill (PRT over) (PP with (NP (NP hatred) (PP for (NP the enemy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (ADVP even) (VP seen (NP him) (ADVP-TMP yet)))) (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Pressing (NP his cigarette) (PRT out) (PP-LOC in (NP the earth)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Warren) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP the slit))) and (VP scanned (NP the jagged hills)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP saw (NP no life)) , but (VP (ADVP-TMP still) stood (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-TMP for (NP a time)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP peering (PP at (NP the unlovely hills)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his gaze) (ADVP continually) (VP returning (PP to (NP Papa-san)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP come (ADVP-DIR here) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP test (NP himself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP his beliefs))) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD unsettled)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP believe (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP killing)))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-PRD here)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP come) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could not (VP live (PRT out) (NP his life) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feeling (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a coward)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP ten men) (PP on (NP (NP the patrol) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Sergeant Prevot) (VP led (NP *T*-1) (PRT out) (NP-TMP that next night)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The beaming ROK) (VP was (VP carrying (NP a thirty-caliber machine gun)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ another man) (VP lugged (NP (NP the tripod) and (NP (NP a box) (PP of (NP ammunition)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Warren and White) (NP each)) (VP carried , (PP in (NP (NP addition) (PP to (NP their own weapons and ammo)))) , (NP (NP a box) (PP of (NP (NP ammo) (PP for (NP (NP the ROK 's) machine gun)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP carried (NP (NP extra clips) (PP for (NP (NP the Browning Automatic Rifle) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the hands) (PP of (NP (NP a little Mexican) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Martinez)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Prevot) (VP had (VP briefed (NP the two new men) (NP-TMP that afternoon))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP just (VP sit (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD quiet))) and (VP wait))) '' , (NP-SBJ Prevot) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP the man) (ADVP nearest (NP you))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD awake)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Joe) (VP does n't (VP show (PRT up))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll all (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD back here) (PP-TMP at (NP 0600 hours)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Otherwise) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP hold (NP a reception)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP pull (PRT out) (PP under (NP our mortar and artillery cover)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP pulls (PRT out) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP say (ADVP so)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Remember (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-1) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (ADVP-DIR out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP anybody) (VP left (ADVP behind)))))))))))))) ? ?) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP holds) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP bring (ADVP-DIR back) (NP (NP all) (ADJP dead and wounded))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP 2130 hours)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP passed (PP-DIR through (NP the barbed wire)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the point) (PP of (NP departure)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP-TPC-1 Then) (VP began (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the journey) (PP-DIR through (NP their own mine fields))) .)) (TOP (NP Mines .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Ours) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP kinder) (PP than (NP theirs))))) , (NP-SBJ some) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP set (S (NP-SBJ bouncing betties) (VP to (VP jump and explode (PP-LOC at (NP testicle level))))) (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-MNR more mercifully) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP go (PRT off) (PP-LOC at (NP the head)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Mines .)) (TOP (NP (NP Big ones) and (NP little) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP The crude wooden boxes) (PP of (NP the enemy))) , (NP our (ADJP nicely turned) (ADJP gray metal) disks) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ theirs) (VP defied (NP the detectors)) .)) (TOP (NP Mines .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP A foot) (VP misplaced (NP *))) , (NP (NP a leg) (VP missing)) .)) (TOP (NP Mines .)) (TOP (NP (NP All sizes) : (NP (NP big ones) , (NP (NP some) (VP wired (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP set (PRT off) (NP a whole field))))))) , (NP (NP little ones) , (NP hand grenade size)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Booby traps) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fill (NP the head) (PP with (NP (NP chunks) (PP of (NP metal)))) (ADVP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Warren) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shake (PRT off) (NP (NP the jumble) (PP of (NP his fears)))))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP at (NP the sky)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dark)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Prevot) (VP had (VP said (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the searchlights) (VP would (VP be (VP (VP bounced (NP *-1) (PP off (NP the clouds)) (PP-TMP at (NP 2230 hours))) , `` (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP gives (NP us) (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP to (VP get (VP settled (NP *-3) (PP-LOC in (NP position)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))))))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (UCP-PRP (SBAR Because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD new men)))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP did n't (VP get (VP lost (NP *-1))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Prevot) (VP had (VP placed (NP Warren and White) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the patrol)))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP filed (ADVP-DIR out)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ His eyes) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP fixed (PP on (NP (NP White 's) solid figure)))) , (NP-SBJ Warren) (VP could (VP hear (PP-LOC behind (NP him)) (NP (NP the tread) (PP of (NP another))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (ADVP also) (VP hear (NP (NP the stream) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP seen (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP his position))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP follow (NP it)))) (PP for (NP (NP part) (PP of (NP their journey)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD safe))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Prevot) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1))))) , `` and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP provides (NP cover) (PP for (NP our noise)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Soon) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP picking (NP their way) (PP-DIR along (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP (NP the stream) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP glowed (PP in (NP the night))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 On (NP their right)) (VP rose (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the embankment) (VP covered (NP *) (PP with (NP brush and trees)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ a branch) (VP extended (PRT out) (ADVP too far)))) , (NP-SBJ each man) (VP held (NP it) (ADVP back) (PP for (NP the next)))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP met (NP a low overhang)))) , (NP-SBJ each) (VP warned (NP the other))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (S (ADVP-MNR stealthily) (NP-SBJ they) (VP advanced (ADVP-DIR upstream))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP turned (PP-DIR to (NP the right))) , (VP climbed (NP the embankment)) , and (VP walked (PP-DIR into (NP the valley)) (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no cover) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-LOC here) , (NP-1 (NP only grass) (VP sighing (PP against (NP pant-legs))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP with (NP each sigh)) , (PP like (NP (NP a whip) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the hand) (PP of (NP an expert)))))) , (NP-SBJ the grass) (VP stripped (NP something) (PP from (NP Warren))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The gentle whir) (PP of (NP each footstep))) (VP left (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more naked) (PP than (ADVP-TMP before)))) , (PP-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ-1 his unprotected flesh) (VP tremble , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP chilled (NP *-2) (PP-LGS by (NP each new sound)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The shapes) (PP of (NP (NP the men) (ADVP-LOC ahead (PP of (NP him)))))) (VP lacked (NP solidity) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ the whip) (VP had (VP stripped (NP them) (PP of (NP their very flesh))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The dark forms) (VP moved (PP like (NP (NP mourners) (PP on (NP some nocturnal pilgrimage)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ their dirge) (ADJP-PRD unsung) (PP for (NP (NP want) (PP of (NP vocal chords)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The warped , broken trees) (PP-LOC in (NP the valley))) (VP assumed (NP wraith-like shapes)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Clumps) (PP of (NP brush)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP passed (NP *T*-2))))) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP so many enchained demons) (VP straining (PP in (NP anger)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP tear (NP *RNR*-1)) and (VP gnaw (PP on (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 his bones))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Looming (PP over (NP all)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Papa-san) (VP leered (PRT down) (PP at (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP threatening (NP (QP a hundred) hidden malevolencies)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Off (PP in (NP the distance))) (NP-SBJ a searchlight) (VP flashed (PRT on) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its beam) (VP slashing (NP the sky)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The sharp ray) (VP was (VP (VP absorbed (NP *-1) (PP-LGS by (NP a cloud))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) reflected (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP the earth)) (PP in (NP a softer , diffused radiance))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Somewhere (PP over (ADVP there))) (NP-SBJ another patrol) (VP had (NP (NP need) (PP of (NP light)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Warren) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP all the men) (RRC (ADVP-LOC out) (NP-TMP that night)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) , (S (PP like (NP himself)) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP (VP left (NP their protective ridge)) and (VP -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ fear) (VP working (PP at (NP their guts)))) -- picked (NP their way) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the area) (ADVP-LOC beyond))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-3 (PP From (NP (NP the east (NX *RNR*-1)) (PP *RNR*-2))) (PP to (NP (NP the west (NX *RNR*-1)) (PP *RNR*-2))) (NX-1 coast) (PP-2 of (NP the Korean peninsula))) (VP was (PP-LOC *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP a strip) (PP of (NP land)) (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ fear-filled men) (VP were (PP-TMP at (NP that same moment)) (ADVP-MNR furtively) (VP (VP crawling (PP-TMP through (NP the night))) , (VP sitting (PP in (NP (NP sweaty anticipation) (PP of (NP any movement or sound))))) , or (VP shouting (PP amidst (NP confused (NX (NX rifle flashes) and (NX muzzle blasts))))) (PP *T*-4)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP White 's) arm) (VP went (ADVP-DIR up))) and (S (NP-SBJ Warren) (VP raised (NP his own))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The patrol) (VP was (VP stopping)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Prevot) (VP came (ADVP-DIR up)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP (NP that spot) (ADVP-LOC over there)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP whispered (S-IMP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP pointing (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a small clump) (PP of (NP blackness))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Give (NP me) (NP your machine gun ammo)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Warren) (VP handed (NP him) (NP the metal box))) and (S (NP-SBJ Prevot) (ADVP-MNR quietly) (VP disappeared (PP-DIR down (NP the line)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Lying (PP-LOC in (NP the grass)) (PP-LOC behind (NP the brush clump)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Warren) (VP looked (ADVP about)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The others) (ADVP likewise) (VP had (VP hidden (NP themselves) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the grass) and (NP the brush))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Over (NP his shoulder)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP Prevot) (PP with (NP the machine gun crew)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (ADVP Even) at (NP this short distance)) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (ADVP only) (NP-PRD vague shapes) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP setting (PRT up) (NP the machine gun) (PP-LOC on (NP a small knoll)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (VP fire (PP-LOC above (NP (NP the heads) (PP of (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the patrol))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Warren) (VP (VP eased (NP (NP his rifle 's) safety) (PRT off)) and (VP (ADVP-MNR gently) , (ADVP-MNR slowly) sneaked (NP (NP another clip) (PP of (NP ammunition))) (PP from (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the cloth bandoleers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP marked (NP (NP the upper part) (PP of (NP his body))) (PP with (NP an A[fj]))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 This) (NP-SBJ he) (VP placed (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC within (NP quick reach))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The walk) and (NP his fears)) (VP had (VP served (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP overheat (NP him))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ his sweaty armpits) (VP cooled (PP at (NP (NP the touch) (PP of (NP the night air)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ the armored vest) (VP fitted (NP (NP the upper part) (PP of (NP his body))) (ADVP-MNR snugly)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD no security)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Figures) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP crouch (PP-LOC in (NP the surrounding dark))))))) ; ; (S (PP-LOC in (NP the distance)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP a band) (PP of (NP (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP advance and retreat))) (SBAR-ADV even as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP watched))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Certain (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this menace) (VP was (ADJP-PRD only imaginary)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP yet) (VP stared (PP in (NP fascinated horror)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his hand) (ADJP-PRD sticky (PP against (NP (NP the stock) (PP of (NP his weapon))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP insistent inner beatings))) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ (NP prisoners) (ADVP-LOC within)) (VP sought (NP release) (PP from (NP his rigid body)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Above) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the glowing ivory baton) (PP of (NP their searchlight))) (VP pointed (PP-DIR at (NP the clouds)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP diluting (NP (NP the valley 's) dark) (PP to (NP a pallid light))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ (NP the figures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP held (NP his attention))))) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP a group) (PP of (NP shattered trees)) , (VP standing (PP like (NP (NP the grotesques) (PP of (NP a medieval damnation scene))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Even so) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP ease (NP (NP the tension) (PP of (NP his body)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the rough surface) (PP of (NP (NP the earth) (NP itself)))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP resist (NP (NP every attempt) (PP on (NP his part)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP relax))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Sensing (NP (NP the unseen presence) (PP of (NP (NP the other men) (PP in (NP the patrol))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD mutely united (PP to (NP (NP these nine near-strangers) (VP sharing (NP (NP this pinpoint) (PP of (NP being))) (PP with (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sensed (NP (NP something) (ADJP precious) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP the perilous moment)) , (NP-1 (NP something) (ADJP akin (PP to (NP (NP (NP the knowledge) (VP gained (NP *) (PP on (NP (NP his bicycle trip) (PP-DIR through (NP the French countryside)))))) , (NP (NP a knowledge) (VP imprisoned (NP *) (PP in (NP speechlessness))))))))) .)) (TOP (S -- (S (PP-LOC In (NP France)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP puzzled (NP (NP the meaning) (PP of (NP (NP the great stone monuments) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ men) (VP had (VP thrown (NP *T*-1) (PRT up) (PP-DIR to (NP the sky)))))))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP always) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wandered))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP a stranger) (PP to (NP their exultation))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (UCP-PRD (NP (NP poems) (PP in (NP a strange language)) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP barely) (VP touch (NP a meaning (PP *T*-2))))))) -- (ADJP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ his being) (VP ache (PP with (NP (NP the desire) (PP for (NP (NP the fullness) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sensed (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC there)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-4 (NP-SBJ (NP Brittany) , (NP (NP that stone-gray mystery) (SBAR (WHPP-1 through (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP traveled (PP *T*-1) (PP for (NP thirty days)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP sleeping (PP (PP in (NP (NP the barns) (PP of (NP farmers)))) or (PP alongside (NP roads))))))))) ,) (VP had (VP worked (NP some subtle change) (PP in (NP him))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (S *T*-4))) , and (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Brittany)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP met (NP Pierre) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Pierre) (VP had (NP no hands))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP been (VP severed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the wrists)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ-1 leather cups) (VP fitted (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP his handlebars))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP steered (NP his bicycle)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He and Warren) (VP had (VP traveled (ADVP together) (PP-TMP for (NP four days)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP visited (NP the shipyards) (PP-LOC at (NP Brest)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pierre) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sign (NP the register)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP vouching (PP for (NP (NP the integrity) (PP of (NP the visiting foreigner)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP took (NP the pen) (PP in (NP his stumps))) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (S-IMP-TPC-3 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Wait) ! ! (VP Wait)) '' ! !) (VP Cried (S-IMP *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP the guard) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP ran (PP-DIR from (NP the hut)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP shout (PP to (NP (NP other men) (VP standing (PRT about) (ADVP-LOC outside))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP (VP crowded (NP-LOC the small room)) and (VP peered (PP over (NP (NP one another 's) shoulders))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP watch (S (NP-SBJ the handless man) (VP write (NP his name) (PP-LOC in (NP the book)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 C'est formidable) '' , (NP-SBJ they) (VP exclaimed (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Mais , oui .)) (TOP (S C'est merveilleux '' .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ (NP the questions) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP came) , (NP-1 (NP eager , interested questions) , and (NP (NP many compliments) (PP on (S (NP-SBJ his) (VP having (VP overcome (NP his infirmity))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ-2 `` Does n't (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP bother (NP you)) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Warren) (VP had (VP asked (SQ *T*-2))))) , `` (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ people) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP asking (NP you) (PP about (NP your hands))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ the French) (VP are (NP-PRD a (ADJP very curious) people))) '' , (NP-SBJ Pierre) (VP had (VP laughed (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP honest seekers) (PP after (NP truth)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ the English) (VP are (ADJP-PRD painfully silent (PP about (NP my missing hands)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP refuse (S (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP mention (SBAR *RNR*-1)))) or (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP notice (SBAR *RNR*-1)))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are not (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Americans) , (PP like (NP yourself)) , (VP (VP take (NP the fact) (PP for (VP granted))) , (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD helpful))))) , but (VP do n't (VP ask (NP questions)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD used (PP to (NP all three))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the French) (VP have (NP the healthiest attitude)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Pierre) (VP had (VP told (NP Warren) (PP about (NP (NP the Abbey) (PP of (NP Solesmes)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (VP looking (ADJP-PRD tired)))) and (S (ADVP-LOC there) (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP rest))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP you))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think , (ADVP too) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his dark eyes) (ADJP-PRD mischievous))) ,)) `` (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP find (ADVP-LOC there) (NP (NP some clue) (PP to (NP (NP the secret) (PP of (NP the cathedrals)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 about (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (VP spoken (PP *T*-1)))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Within (NP two weeks)) (NP-SBJ Warren) (VP was (VP ringing (NP the bell) (PP-LOC at (NP the abbey gate)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The monk) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP opened (NP the door))))) (ADVP-TMP immediately) (VP calmed (NP (NP his worries) (PP about (NP his reception))))) : (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP speak (NP English))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ the old man) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP hear (NP it) (ADVP-MNR very well))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP smiled) and (VP stuck (NP (NP a large finger) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ white hairs) (VP sprouting (PP-LOC on (NP it)))))) (PP-DIR into (NP his ear)) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP might (VP help)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Smiling (PP at (NP (NP Warren 's) protestations)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the old monk) (VP (VP took (NP his grip) (PP from (NP him))) and (VP led (NP him) (PP-DIR down (NP a corridor)) (PP-DIR to (NP a small parlor)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Will (NP-SBJ you) (INTJ please) (VP wait (PP-LOC in (ADVP here))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mickie) (VP sat (PP over (NP his second whisky-on-the-rocks)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a little bar) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP the funeral parlor))) (PP-LOC on (NP Pennsylvania Avenue))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Al 's) Little Cafe) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP small , dark , narrow) , and (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the mingled scent) (PP of (NP (NP beer) , (NP tobacco smoke) , and (NP Italian cooking)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-3 Hanging (PP-LOC over (NP the bar))) (VP was (VP *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP an oil painting) (PP of (NP a nude)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Al) (VP had (VP accepted (NP *T*-2) (PP from (NP (NP a student) (PP at (NP the Corcoran Gallery)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP (VP needed (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP eat and drink)))) and (VP was (ADJP-PRD broke)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The nude) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD small and black-haired and elfin)) , and (VP was (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) `` (NP-PRD Eloise) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ Moonan) (VP could (VP go (PP for (NP a drink)) (PP-LOC in (NP a back booth)) (PP without (S (NP-SBJ-1 anyone) (VP (VP noticing (NP him)) , or (VP (PP at (ADJP least)) (VP coming (ADVP-DIR up)) and (VP hanging (ADVP around)) and (VP wanting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP all the low-down))))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other patrons) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP taxi drivers) and (NP art students) and (NP small shopkeepers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The reporters) (VP had not (ADVP-TMP yet) (VP discovered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD his hideaway)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His friend) (NP Jane)) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wise enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP realize (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP could (VP be (NP-PRD good company) (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP did (VP weigh (NP too much))) and (VP did n't (VP own (NP the mint))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the widow) (PP of (NP (NP a writer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP died (PP in (NP an airplane crash))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Mickie) (VP had (VP found (NP-BNF her) (NP (NP a job) (PP as (NP (NP head) (PP of (NP (NP the historical section) (PP of (NP the Treasury)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP meant (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sorting (PRT out) (NP press clippings))) and (NP the like))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jane) (VP sat (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD receptive and interested))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mickie) (VP had (NP a pleasant glow) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see)) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP both) (PP of (NP them))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (NP (NP the President) and (NP Jeff Lawrence)))) ,) (VP are (NP-PRD romantics)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A romantic) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP thinks (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the world) (VP is (ADVP divinely) (VP inspired (NP *-1)))) and (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-4)))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP find (NP the right key))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ divine justice and altruism) (VP will (VP appear))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP focusing (NP a camera)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the distant ship) (VP is n't (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (NP the focus)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP talking (PP about (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ all girls) (VP feel (NP-MNR this way) (PP about (NP men)) (PP-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP live (PP with (NP them)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP comes (PP to (NP war)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the Colonel) (VP knows (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Jeff) (VP does) n't) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Christiansen) (VP knows (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a soldier) (VP will (VP get (NP the Distinguished Service Medal) (PP for (NP (NP conduct) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP land (NP him) (PP in (NP (NP prison) (NAC *ICH*-2))) (PP-TMP for (NP life)) (NAC-2 or (NP the electric chair)) (PP as (NP a civilian))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP a mean , unbroken sheer bastard) (PP in (NP his outfit)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ someone) (VP invented (NP (NP the name) (NP Trig)) (PP for (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD trigger happy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP shoot (PP at (NP anything)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the rear end) (PP of (NP a horse))) or (NP his own sentry))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a wiry , inscrutable , silent country boy) (PP from (NP (NP the red clay) (PP of (NP rural Alabama))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP spoke (PP with (NP (NP the broad drawl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ others) (ADVP normally) (VP make (NP fun) (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But not (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP Trig)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (PP of (NP (NP some) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP tried (NP it) (PP-LOC (ADVP back) in (NP the States))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP knock (NP them) (PP (ADVP clear) across (NP the room))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 'd (VP been (NP-PRD a (ADJP pretty bad) incident) (PP-LOC (ADVP back) at (NP the Marine base)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A New York kid) , (NP (NP a refugee) (PP from (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the Harlem gangs))))) ,) (VP (VP made (NP fun) (PP of (NP (NP Trig 's) accent))) , and (VP drew (NP a knife))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ the fight) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the Harlem boy) (VP had (NP a concussion))) and (S (NP-SBJ Trig) (VP was (VP cut (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR badly)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP caught (S (NP-SBJ Trig) (VP stealing (NP liquor) (PP from (NP (NP the officers ') mess)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP girls))) (PP in (NP trouble)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The fear) (PP of (NP punishment))) (ADVP just) (VP did n't (VP bother (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (VP left (PP out (PP of (NP him))) (PP-TMP at (NP birth)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP such a magnificent soldier) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD troubled (PP with (NP (NP the ordinary , rank-and-file fear) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP overcomes) and (VP paralyzes) and (VP sends (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP individual soldiers) and (NP whole companies)) (PP under (NP fire))) (VP running (PP in (NP panic)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP just) (VP did n't (VP occur (PP to (NP Trig)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP anything) (ADJP serious)) (VP would (VP happen (PP to (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (NP (NP the picture) (PP of (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP fellow)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jane) (VP nodded (PP with (NP a pleasant smile))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` All right .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a sniper 's) nest) (PP-LOC in (NP a mountain cave)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP picking (PRT off) (NP our men) (PP with (NP devilish accuracy))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Colonel) (VP ordered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP be (VP wiped (NP *-1) (PRT out))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suggested , ' (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP (VP ask (PP for (NP volunteers))) , and (VP promise (NP (NP each man) (PP on (NP the patrol))) (NP (NP a quart) (PP of (NP whisky))) , (NP ten dollars) and (NP (NP a week-end pass) (PP to (NP Davao)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Trig) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP the five volunteers)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The patrol) (VP (VP snaked (ADVP around) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP back) (PP of (NP the cave))))) , (VP approached (NP it) (PP-DIR from (ADVP above))) and (VP dropped (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (PP with (NP wild howls)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could (VP hear (NP them) (PP from (NP our outpost)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a lot) (PP of (NP shooting)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the enemy) (VP was (VP subdued (NP *-1))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 a flare) (VP was (VP fired (NP *-2) (PP as (NP the signal))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ we) (VP hurried (ADVP-DIR over)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Two) (PP of (NP our men))) (VP were (VP killed (NP *-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 a (ADJP third)) (VP was (VP wounded (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Trig) and (NP (NP a (ADJP very black) colored boy) (PP from (NP Detroit)))) (VP had (VP (VP killed (NP *RNR*-1)) or (VP put (PP out (PP of (NP action))) (NP *RNR*-1)) (NP-1 ten guerrillas) (PP by (NP (NP grenades) and (NP hand-to-hand fighting))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP got (ADVP there) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Trig) and (NP the Negro)) (VP were (VP quarreling (PP over (NP (NP possession) (PP of (NP (NP a gold crucifix) (PP-LOC around (NP (NP the neck) (PP of (NP a wounded Filipino)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The colored boy) (VP had (NP it))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Trig) (VP (VP lunged (PP at (NP him)) (PP with (NP a knife))) and (VP said , ' (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Give (NP that) (PP-DTV to (NP me)) , (NP-VOC you black bastard)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP do n't (VP 'low (S (NP-SBJ nigras) (VP to (VP walk (PP-LOC on (NP the same sidewalk)) (PP with (NP white men))))) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP come (PP from (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The Negro) (VP got (NP a bad slice) (PP-LOC on (NP his chest)) (PP from (NP the knife wound))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ the Colonel) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP the men))))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Jane) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) (PP in (NP her placid , interested way))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mickie) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP recommended (NP-1 (NP both) (PP of (NP them))) (PP-2 for (NP the DSM))) and (VP (NP=1 the Detroit fellow) (PP=2 for (NP the Purple Heart)) , (ADVP too) , (PP for (NP a combat-inflicted wound)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP see)) (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Christiansen) (VP knows (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADVP all) (PP-PRD about (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But not (NP Jeff Lawrence) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the war)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP Law) or (NP Supplies) or (NP (NP something) (PP like (NP that))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP an old buddy) (PP of (NP his))) (VP told (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP come (PRT down) (PP-TMP on (NP Sundays)) (PP-DIR to (NP the Pentagon))) and (VP read (NP (NP the citations) (PP for (NP medals)) -- (PP just like (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP sent (NP *T*-1) (PRT in) (PP for (NP Trig))))))) --)) and (VP go (ADVP-DIR away) (PP with (NP a real glow))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP heroes) (ADJP (NP-ADV nine feet) tall)) (PP to (NP him))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jefferson Lawrence) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alone) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the small , (ADJP perfectly appointed) table) (PP-LOC by (NP the window)))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP out (PP over (NP the river)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP had (NP dinner)) and (VP sat (ADVP-LOC there) (PP over (NP his coffee)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (NP (NP the winding pattern) (PP of (NP traffic))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP crossed (NP the bridge)) and (VP spread (PRT out) (PP like (NP (NP a serpent) (PP with (NP two heads)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 Beside (NP him)) (VP was (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mrs. Dalloway) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 this dainty , fragile older woman) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP threading (NP her way) (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the streets) (PP of (NP Westminster)))) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP a day) (PP in (NP June))))) , (VP enjoying (NP (NP (NP the flowers) (PP-LOC in (NP the shops))) , (NP (NP the greetings) (PP from (NP old friends))))) , but (VP (ADVP-TMP never) (ADVP really) drawing (NP a deep , passionate breath)) ,)) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP so) like (NP himself)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) , and (NP Mrs. Dalloway)) , (ADVP too) , (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP permitted (NP themselves) (NP (NP the luxury) (PP of (NP (NP joys) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP dug (PP into (NP (NP the bone marrow) (PP of (NP the spirit)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had not (VP *?* (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD both poor and ambitious)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Poverty) (VP imposes (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP chastity))) (PP on (NP the ambitious))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP can not (VP stop (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP grasp) and (VP embrace) and (VP sit (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the back seat) (PP of (NP cars)))))))) (PP-LOC along (NP a dark country lane)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP must (VP (VP look (NP the other way)) and (VP climb (NP (NP one more painful step) (PP up (NP the ladder))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP the decision) (PP with (NP (NP his eyes) (ADJP open))))) , or (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought)) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP any cost)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP leave (NP (NP the dreary Pennsylvania mining town) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ his father) (VP was (NP-PRD a pharmacist) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had)) , (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP State College)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP no time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP walk (PP-LOC among (NP (NP the violets) (PP on (NP (NP the water 's) edge)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP his room)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP (VP look (PRT out) (PP-TMP in (NP springtime))) and (VP see (NP (NP the couples) (NP (NP hand) (PP in (NP hand))) (VP walking (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (ADVP-MNR deliciously) , (PP-DIR across (NP the campus))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP smell (NP the sweet vernal winds)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was not (NP-PRD stone)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD unmoved)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP teach (NP himself) (ADVP-MNR patiently) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ these traps) (VP were not (PP-PRD for (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (ADVP-MNR mentally) (VP (VP pull (NP the blinds)) and (VP close (NP the window)) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP existed)))) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the books) (PP-LOC before (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP At (NP law school)) , (NP the same) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP More) (PP of (NP (NP this stamping (PRT down)) (PP of (NP human emotion))))) (PP as (NP (NP a young lawyer) (PP-LOC in (NP New York)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD prosperous enough) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ his goals) (VP were (ADJP-PRD high))) --) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP bald) and (ADJP afraid (PP of (NP women))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP have (NP him)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his cripple) , (NP (NP the strange unhappy woman) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP became (NP-PRD his wife))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right))) ; ; (S (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD just))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP had (VP dared (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP to (VP defy (NP nature))) , (VP to (VP turn (NP his back) (PP to (NP the Lorelei))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP punished (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP Mrs. Dalloway) , (PP with (NP (NP her regrets) (PP about (NP Peter Walsh)))) ,)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP his moments) (PP of (NP melancholy))) (PP over (NP (NP a youth) (VP (ADVP too well) spent (NP *))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP had (NP a son))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP tell (NP him) , `` (SINV-IMP (VP-TPC-2 Gather (NP *ICH*-3)) (NP-SBJ ye) (VP *T*-2) (NP-3 rosebuds) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ ye) (VP may (VP *?*))))) (S (NP-SBJ (NP This same flower) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP smiles) (NP-TMP today)))) (NP-TMP tomorrow) (VP will (VP be (VP dying)))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP But then) (NP-SBJ his son) (VP could (VP afford (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lawrence) (VP was (VP waiting (PP for (NP Bill Boxell)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Vice President) (VP had (VP (VP called) and (VP asked (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP the Secretary) (PP-LOC at (NP his home))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the matter) (VP was (ADJP-PRD urgent))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Secretary) (VP was (ADJP-PRD uneasy (PP about (NP the visit)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP like (NP Boxell))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP suspected (NP (NP something) (ADJP underhanded and furtive (PP about (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Lawrence) (VP could not (VP put (NP his finger) (PP on (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR precisely)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP worried (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP disliked or distrusted (NP a man) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP should (VP have (NP a reason))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Human nature) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP a piece) (PP of (NP meat)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP tell (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD bad)))) (PP by (NP its smell)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Lawrence) (VP stared (NP-TMP a minute) (PP at (NP (NP the lighted ribbon) (PP of (NP traffic)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hoping (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a clue) (PP to (NP (NP his dislike) (PP of (NP the Vice President))))) (VP would (VP appear))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP did not) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Therefore) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD unfair (PP to (NP the young man)))) and (VP should (VP make (NP an effort) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP understand) and (VP sympathize (PP with (NP (NP his point) (PP of (NP view)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A half hour) later) (NP-SBJ the Vice President) (VP arrived) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP looked (ADVP-MNR very carefully) (PP at (NP (NP every piece) (PP of (NP furnishing)))) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP hoping (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP store (NP this information) (ADVP-MNR carefully) (PP-LOC in (NP his mind))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP observed (NP (NP (NP the Florentine vase) (PP-LOC in (NP the hall))) , (NP (NP the Renoir painting) (PP-LOC in (NP the library))) , (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP the long shelves) (PP of (NP well-bound volumes))) ; ; (NP (NP the pattern) (PP of (NP the Oriental rug))) , (NP the delicate cut-glass chandelier))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (PP to (NP the Secretary)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP understand (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP came (PP from (NP (NP a little Pennsylvania town) (ADVP-LOC near (NP Wilkes-Barre)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (PRT out) (PP about (NP this)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP waved (NP his arm) (ADVP around) (PP at (NP the furnishings))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (NP-PRD a discourteous question))) , (NP-SBJ Lawrence) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This young man) (VP had (NP (NP so little time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP learn (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD curious)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP find (PRT out)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Secretary) (VP did not (VP tell (NP him) (SBAR (WHPP-1 (WHPP at (WHNP what cost)) , (WHPP at (WHNP what loneliness)) ,) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP learned (NP these things) (PP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP merely) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ Any good decorator) (NP-TMP these days) (VP can (VP make (NP-BNF you) (NP a tasteful home)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Vice President) (VP said , `` (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear (PP of (NP (NP any names) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP fix (NP me) (ADVP-MNR cheap) (PP in (NP (NP return) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP advertising (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP decorated (NP (NP the Vice President 's) home)))))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP know))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP do (NP business) (PP with (NP that kind)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) , (NP-SBJ Lawrence) (VP thought (ADVP-MNR (NP a little) sadly) , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ these) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the fees) (PP of (NP poverty and ambition))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Boxell) (VP did not (VP have (NP (NP the chance) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP grow (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR graciously) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP acquire (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP *T*-3))))))))) (PP-TMP in (NP four years)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (NP brandy) (PP-LOC in (NP the library))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Boxell) (VP looked (PP at (NP Lawrence)) (PP with (NP (NP a searching glance) , (NP (NP the kind) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ a prosecuting attorney) (VP would (VP give (NP (NP a man) (PP on (NP trial))) (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD your weaknesses))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ will (NP-SBJ you) (VP break (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP-1 How) (ADVP best) (VP to (VP destroy (NP your peace) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Vice President) (VP said (PP with (NP a slight bluster)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is n't (NP-PRD (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP loves (NP the President) (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Old Chris) (VP is (NP-PRD my ideal)) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP the same time)) , (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP face (NP facts)) and (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP the Marine Corps)) (NP-TMP all his life)))))) (VP does n't (VP understand (NP (NP much) (PP about (NP politics)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ does (NP-SBJ a monk) (VP know (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP sex)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Lawrence) (VP listened (PP with (NP (NP the practiced , deceptive calm) (PP of (NP the lawyer)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his face) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the shadow)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP So) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP protect (NP the old man) (PP for (NP his own good)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (NP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Congress) (VP is (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP politicians))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADVP along) (PP with (NP them)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD politic)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP just) (VP ca n't (VP (VP go (ADVP ahead)) and (VP disarm (NP the Germans)) and (VP pull (PRT down) (NP our own defenses)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP tell (NP you) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP me)) (NP-TMP today))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A fellow) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP came (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP me)))) , (NP-1 a Senator)) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP do n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP tell (NP you) (NP his name))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP me) , ' (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP the President) (PP like (NP a brother)))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP damn (NP it))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (VP crucifying (NP me)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP (QP a quarter of a million) Germans) (PP-LOC in (NP my state))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ those krautheads) (VP tune (PRT in) (PP on (NP Father Werther)) (NP-TMP every night))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP tells (NP-2 them) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP piss (PP-LOC in (NP the public square))))))))) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP telling (NP-1 them) (ADVP-TMP now) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write (NP (NP letters) (VP *ICH*-2)) (PP to (NP their Congressmen)) (VP-2 opposing (NP (NP the disarmament) (PP of (NP Germany))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ another one) (VP comes (PP-DIR to (NP me)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP says , ' (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (ADVP here)) ,) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a mill) (PP in (NP my state)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP employs (NP (NP five thousand people) (VP making (NP uniforms) (PP for (NP the Navy))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Bishop) (VP (VP looked (PP at (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR coldly)) and (VP said , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Take (NP it)) or (VP leave (NP it)))) '')) ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP Literally) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing else) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP caught (NP *-1) (PP in (NP a machine)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 Sojourner) (VP (VP was not (ADVP easily) (VP excited or upset (NP *-1))) and (VP said (ADVP-MNR quite calmly) : `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP (VP go) and (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (PP-PRD like (NP *T*-2)))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Annisberg) (VP was (UCP-LOC-PRD (ADVP (NP (QP about seventy-five) miles) west (PP of (NP Birmingham))) , (ADVP near (NP the Georgia border)) and (PP on (NP (NP the Tallahoosa River) , (NP a (ADJP small and dirty) stream))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The city) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a center) (PP of (NP (NP manufacture) , (PP (ADVP especially) in (NP textiles))))) , and (ADVP also) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP the beauty) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP its surroundings)))))) , (NP (NP a residence) (PP for (NP (NP many owners) (PP of (NP (NP the great industries) (PP-LOC in (NP north Alabama))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP had , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP was (ADJP-PRD usual) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP southern cities) (PP of (NP this sort))))))) , (NP (NP a Black Bottom) , (NP (NP a low region) (ADVP-LOC near (NP the river)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the Negroes) (VP lived -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ servants and laborers) (VP huddled (ADVP together) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a region) (PP with (NP (NP no sewage) (PP save (NP the river)))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 streets and sidewalks) (VP were (VP neglected (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD much poverty and crime) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP (VP came (PP by (NP train)) (PP-DIR from (NP Birmingham))) and (VP looked (NP-PRD the city) (PRT over))) ;) ; (S (NP-SBJ the (ADJP rather pleasant) white city) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP (NP the hill) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the chief stores) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Beyond) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ industries and factories) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ they) (VP went (PRT down) (PP-DIR to (NP Black Bottom))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 In (NP (NP the midst) (PP of (NP this crowded region)))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an (ADJP old and dirty) wooden structure) , (RRC (ADVP sadly) (PP in (NP (NP need) (PP of (NP repair))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a landmark)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (NP-TMP 50 years (QP or more))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP everybody) (PP in (NP town))) , (ADJP black and white) ,) (VP knew (PP of (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP suffered (NP (NP a calamity) , (NP (NP the final crisis) (PP in (NP (NP a long series) (PP of (NP calamities)))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (S (NP-SBJ (NP the old preacher) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (NP-TMP twenty-five years)))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the city) (VP mourned (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a loud-voiced man) , (RRC (RRC (ADVP-TMP once) (ADJP vigorous)) but (RRC (PP-TMP for (NP many years)) (ADVP now) (VP declining (PP in (NP strength and ability))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP stern and overbearing (PP with (NP his flock))) , but (ADJP-PRD obsequious and conciliatory (PP with (NP (NP the whites) , (ADVP especially) (NP (NP the rich) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP partly) (VP supported (NP the church)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Deacon Board) , (VP headed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a black man) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Carlson)))))) ,) (VP had (ADVP practically) (VP (VP taken (PRT over) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the pastor) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD old))))) , and (VP had (NP its way) (PP with (NP (NP the support) (PP of (NP the Amen corner))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The characteristic thing) (PP about (NP this church))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP its Amen corner) and (NP the weekly religious orgy))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A knot) (PP of (NP (NP old worshippers) , (NP chiefly women) ,))) (VP listened (ADVP-TMP weekly) (PP to (NP a sermon))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP began (ADVP invariably) (PP in (NP (NP low tones) , (ADJP almost conversational)))) , (CONJP and then) (VP (ADVP gradually) worked (PP up (PP to (NP (NP high , shrill appeals) (PP to (NP God and man))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ-2 the Amen corner) (VP took (NP hold) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP re-enacting (NP (NP a form) (PP of (NP (NP group participation) (PP in (NP worship)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP stemmed (PP-TMP from (NP (NP years) (PP before (NP the Greek chorus)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP spreading (PP-DIR down (PP through (NP the African forest))) , (ADVP-DIR overseas (PP to (NP the West Indies))) , (CONJP and then) (ADVP-LOC here (PP in (NP Alabama))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP With (NP (NP shout) and (NP slow dance))) , (PP with (NP tears and song)) , (PP with (NP scream and contortion)) ,) (NP-SBJ-1 the corner group) (VP was (VP beset (NP *-1) (PP-LGS by (NP (NP hysteria) and (NP (NP shivering , wailing , shouting , possession) (PP of (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP seemed (PP like (NP an (ADJP alien and outside) force)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 It) (VP (VP spread (PP-DIR to (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP the audience))))) and (VP was (ADVP-TMP often) (VP viewed (NP *-2) (PP-LGS by (NP (NP visiting whites) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP snickered (PP behind (NP handkerchief))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP afterward) discussed (NP Negro religion)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP ended (PP in (NP death-like trances)) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-1 many) (VP lying (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP exhausted and panting)) (PP-LOC on (NP chair and floor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP composed (NP the Amen corner)))))))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP magnificent and beautiful) experience) , (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHPP-2 for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP lived (PP *T*-2) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP week)) (PP to (NP week))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (ADVP-TMP often) (VP re-enacted (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (ADJP less wild) form)) (PP-LOC at (NP the Wednesday night prayer meeting)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) , (PP-TMP on (NP his first Sunday)) , (VP witnessed (NP this) (PP with (NP (NP something) (PP like (NP disgust))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP had (VP preached (NP a short sermon) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP talk (ADVP-MNR man-to-man) (PP to (NP the audience)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (NP them) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP *T*-4)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP Macon and Birmingham)))))) , and (SBAR (WHNP-5 what) (S (NP-SBJ-6 he) (VP proposed (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-5) (ADVP-LOC here)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sympathized (PP with (NP them)) (PP on (NP (NP the loss) (PP of (NP their old pastor))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP But then) , (PP at (NP (NP mention) (PP of (NP that name)))) , (NP-SBJ the Amen corner) (VP broke (ADVP loose)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP no chance) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP another word) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the very end)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the audience) (VP was (ADJP-PRD silent and breathless) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 a collection) (VP was (VP taken (NP *-1)))) (CONJP and then) (S (ADVP-MNR slowly) (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP filed (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The audience) (VP did not (VP think (NP much) (PP of (NP the new pastor))))) , and (S (SBAR-NOM-TPC-3 (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the new pastor) (VP thought (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP the audience))))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP did not (VP dare (PP-TMP at (NP the time)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP say (SBAR-NOM *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the next weeks)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (PRT over) (NP-PRD the situation)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP First (PP of (NP all))) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the parsonage) , (NP (NP an (ADJP utterly impossible) place) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) for (S (NP-SBJ civilized people) (VP to (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP *T*-1))))))) , (VP (ADVP originally) (ADVP-MNR poorly) conceived) , (VP (ADVP apparently) not repaired (NP *) (PP-TMP for (NP years))) , (PP with (NP no plumbing or sewage)) , (PP with (NP rat-holes and rot))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (VP arranged (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP board (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the home) (PP of (NP (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the old members) (PP of (NP the church))))) , (NP (NP a woman) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Catt))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (ADVP-TMP afterward) (VP found))) , (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-TMP briefly) (VP referred (PP to (NP *-2)) (PP as (NP The Cat)) (PP-PRP because of (NP her (NX (NX sharp tongue) and (NX fierce initiative))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ann Catt) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a lonely , devoted soul) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP married)) , (VP conducting (NP a spotless home)) and (VP devoted (PP to (NP her church)))) , but (NP a (NX (NX perpetual dissenter) and (NX born critic))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP soared (PP over (NP the new pastor)) (PP like (NP an avenging angel)) (SBAR-ADV lest (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP stray (PP-DIR from (NP the path))) and not (VP know (NP (NP all the truth and gossip) (SBAR (WHPP-1 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP chief repository) (PP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP (VP looked (PRT over) (NP-PRD the church)) and (VP studied (NP its condition))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The salary (PP of (NP the pastor))) (VP had (PP-TMP for (NP years)) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP $ 500 *U*) (ADVP annually))))) and (S (NP-SBJ even this) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP arrears)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP made (PRT up) (NP his mind) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP receive (NP (QP at least $ 2,500) *U*))))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP mentioned (NP this) (PP to (NP the Deacons)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP said (NP nothing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The church) (NP itself)) (VP must (VP be (VP repaired (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dirty and neglected)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP really) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP rebuilt (NP *-1))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP determined (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR up) and (VP talk (PP to (NP the city banks)) (PP about (NP this)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Meanwhile) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the city) (NP itself)) (VP should (VP be (VP talked (PP to (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The streets) (PP-LOC in (NP the colored section))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD dirty)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD typhoid and malaria)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The children) (VP had (UCP (ADVP nowhere) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-2))))) and (NP (NP no place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP play) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) , (NP not even sidewalks)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The school) (VP was (ADJP-PRD small , dark and ill-equipped)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The teacher) (VP was (NP-PRD a pliant fool)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP two liquor saloons) (ADVP-LOC not very far (PP from (NP the church))) , (NP (NP (NP one) (ADJP white) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP conducted (NP *-1) (PP for (NP white people)) (PP with (NP (NP a side entrance) (PP for (NP Negroes))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP the other) (ADJP exclusively Negro))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Undoubtedly) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a good deal) (PP of (NP gambling))) (PP in (NP both))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 On (NP (NP the other side) (PP of (NP the church)))) (VP was (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP a quiet , well-kept house) (UCP (PP with (NP shutters)) and (VP (ADVP recently) painted)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP inquired (PP about (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD Kent House)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The deacon) (PP of (NP the church))) , (NP Carlson) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD its janitor)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the leading members) (PP of (NP the Amen corner))))) (VP was (NP-PRD cook))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (QP two or three) colored maids) (VP employed (NP *) (ADVP-LOC there))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Wilson) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (NP hotel) (PP for (NP white people)))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP seemed (PP to (NP him)) (ADJP-PRD rather queer))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ-1 a white hotel) (VP be (VP set (NP *-1) (PRT down) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP Black Bottom)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S But (ADVP nevertheless) (NP-SBJ it) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD respectable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD glad (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP it) (ADVP-LOC there)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The rest) (PP of (NP Black Bottom))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a rabbit warren) (PP of (NP (NP homes) (PP in (NP (NP every condition) (PP of (NP (NP neglect) , (NP disrepair) and (NP careful upkeep))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Dives) , (NP (ADJP carefully repaired) huts) , and (NP (ADJP (ADJP nicely painted) and (ADJP ornamented)) cottages)) (VP were (VP jumbled (NP *-1) (ADVP together) (NP-ADV (NP cheek) (PP by (NP jowl))) (PP with (NP little distinction)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The best) (VP could not (VP escape (PP from (NP the worst))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the worst) (VP nestled (ADVP-MNR cosily) (PP-LOC beside (NP the better)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The yards) , (ADJP front and back) ,) (VP were (ADJP-PRD narrow))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP were (NP-PRD trash dumps))) , (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP had (NP flower gardens))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-1 Behind) (VP were (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ privies) , (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no sewage system)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (ADVP about) (NP-ADV a bit)))) , (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP discovered (UCP-LOC (PP beyond (NP Black Bottom)) , (PP across (NP the river)) and (VP (ADVP far) removed (PP from (NP the white city)))) , (NP (NP a considerable tract) (PP of (NP land))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP occurred (PP to (NP him))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the church) and (NP the better Negro homes)) (VP might (ADVP gradually) (VP be (VP moved (NP *-2) (PP-DIR to (NP this plot)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP talked (PP about (NP it)) (PP to (NP the Presiding Elder))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Presiding Elder) (VP looked (NP-PRD him) (PRT over) (ADVP-MNR rather carefully)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was not (ADJP sure (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what kind) (PP of (NP a man))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP hand))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stress (NP *T*-2)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the contribution) (PP to (NP the general church expenses))) , (NP the dollar money) ,) (VP had (VP been (ADVP seriously) (VP falling (ADVP behind) (PP in (NP this church)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 that) (VP must (VP be (VP looked (PP after (NP *-3)) (ADVP-TMP immediately))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP intimated (ADVP clearly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Wilson) (VP had (VP been (VP sent (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))) -- (S-PRP-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP a larger contribution) (PP of (NP dollar money)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP stressed (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP clear) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP must (VP have (NP (NP a better church) , (NP a (ADJP more business-like) conduct (PP of (NP the church organization))) , and (NP (NP an effort) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP this religious center) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP its rut) (PP of (NP wild worship))))) (PP into (NP a modern church organization)) (ADVP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP emphasized (PP to (NP the Presiding Elder)) (NP (NP the plan) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP giving (PRT up) (NP the old church)) and (VP moving (PP-DIR across (NP the river)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Presiding Elder) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD impossible))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP Wilson) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to `` (VP (VP go (ADVP ahead)) and (VP try))) '')) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP tried) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP did (VP seem (ADJP-PRD impossible))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The bank) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP held (NP (NP the mortgage) (PP on (NP the old church))))))) (VP declared (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the interest) (VP was (ADVP considerably) (PP-PRD in (NP arrears))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the real estate people) (VP said (ADVP flatly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the land) (PP-LOC across (NP the river))) (VP was (VP being (VP held (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP an eventual development) (PP for (NP (NP white working people) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP were (VP coming (ADVP-DIR in)))))))))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 none) (VP would (VP be (VP sold (NP *-2) (PP to (NP colored folk))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (VP proposed (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rebuild (NP the church)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the terms) (PP for (NP a new mortgage))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD very high))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (ADVP-MNR better) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP Atlanta)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-1 the deal) (VP financed (NP *-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 this proposal) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1) (PP to (NP his Deacon Board)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP met (NP unanimous opposition)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The church) (ADVP certainly) (VP would not (VP be (VP removed (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The very proposition) (VP was (NP-PRD sacrilege)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (NP-TMP fifty years))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP-TMP forever)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hardly possible) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP any argument) (PP on (NP the subject)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP rebuilding))) , (INTJ well) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 that) (VP might (VP be (VP looked (PP into (NP *-1)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no hurry) , (NP (NP no hurry) (ADVP at all))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (ADVP again) (VP went (NP-DIR downtown) (PP to (NP (NP a different banker) , (NP (NP an intelligent young white man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD rather sympathetic))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP shook (NP his head))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-VOC `` Reverend '') , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (ADVP quite) (VP understand (NP (NP the situation) (ADVP-LOC here))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (NP (NP the amount) (PP of (NP money)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP has (VP been (VP invested (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS whites)) (PP-LOC around (NP that church))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP Tenements) , (NP stores) , (NP saloons) , (NP (NP some gambling) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hope (NP not too much))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The colored people) (VP are (VP getting (NP employment) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Kent House) and (NP other places)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD near (NP (NP their places) (PP of (NP employment)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ a city) (VP has (VP arranged (NP things) (PP like (NP this)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP can not (ADVP easily) (VP change (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP were (NP-PRD you)))) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would (ADVP just) (VP plan (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP repair (NP the old church) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP last (PP-TMP for (NP (QP five or ten) years))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP that time)) , (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP something) (ADJP better)) (VP can (VP be (VP done (NP *-1)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP asked , `` (SBARQ (FRAG (WHNP What) (PP about (NP (NP this Kent House) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP mention (NP *T*-1)))))))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ a white hotel) (VP should (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD down here) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The young banker) (VP looked (PP at (NP him)) (PP with (NP a certain surprise)))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (ADVP-MNR flatly) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD afraid (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP tell (NP you) (NP (NP anything) (PP in (ADJP particular)) (PP about (NP Kent House)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (PP about (NP it)) (PP on (NP your own))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Hope (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP you) (ADVP again))))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP dismissed (NP the colored pastor)) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD next day) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Sojourner) (VP (VP came) and (VP sat (PP-LOC beside (NP him))) and (VP took (NP his hand)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (SQ (NP-VOC My dear) , do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Kent House) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ No) '' , (PRN (SINV (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Wilson))) , `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP asking (PP about (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD it))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a house) (PP of (NP prostitution)) (PP for (NP white men)) (PP with (NP (NP white girls) (PP as (NP inmates)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP hire (NP (NP a good deal) (PP of (NP local labor)) , (PP including (NP (NP two members) (PP of (NP our Trustee Board)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP buy (NP some supplies) (PP from (NP our colored grocers)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP patronized (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the best white gentlemen) (PP in (NP town))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP stared (PP at (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC My dear) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP must (VP be (VP mistaken (NP *-1)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Talk (PP to (NP Mrs. Catt)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP had (VP talked (PP (PP to (NP Mrs. Catt)) and (PP to (NP others))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD absolutely amazed)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the sort) (PP of (NP thing)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP place) (PP-LOC in (NP Southern cities))))))))) -- (S-NOM-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP putting (NP (NP white houses) (PP of (NP prostitution)) (PP with (NP colored girls))) (PP-LOC in (NP colored neighborhoods))) and (VP carrying (NP them) (PRT on) (ADVP-MNR openly))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (ADVP largely) (VP disappeared (PP (PP on (NP (NP account) (PP of (NP (NP protest) (PP by (NP the whites)))))) and (PP through (NP (NP growing resentment) (PP on (NP (NP the part) (PP of (NP the Negroes)))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP became (ADJP-PRD more educated)) and (VP got (NP better wages)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP this situation) (PP of (NP Kent House))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD more subtle)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The wages) (VP involved (NP *))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP larger) and (ADJP more regular))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The inmates) (VP were (UCP-PRD (ADJP white) and (PP from (PP-LOC out (PP of (NP town))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP avoiding (NP local friction)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The backing) (PP from (NP the white town))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD greater))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD little publicity))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Good wages) , (NP (NP patronage and subscription) (PP of (NP various kinds)))) (VP stopped (NP (NP open protest) (PP from (NP Negroes)))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP yet) (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ this place) (VP must (VP go))) or (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP go)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-SBJ for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP leave (NP this job) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP accomplishing (NP anything)))))))) (VP would (VP mean (ADVP practically) (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP (NP his career) (PP (PP in (NP the Methodist church)) , (CONJP if not) (PP in (NP all churches)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Payne) (VP (VP dismounted (PP-LOC in (NP Madison Place))) and (VP handed (NP the reins) (PP-DTV to (NP Herold)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a fog) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP increased (NP (NP the darkness) (PP of (NP the night)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Two gas lamps) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP no more) (PP than (NP a misleading glow)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP might (VP have (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD anywhere or nowhere)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The pretence) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP delivering (NP (NP a prescription) (PP from (NP Dr. Verdi)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NAC Secretary (PP of (NP State))) Seward) (VP was (NP-PRD a sick man)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The idea) (VP had (VP come (PP from (NP (NP Herold) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a chemist 's) clerk))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sick) (VP were (ADVP-TMP always) (VP receiving (NP medicines))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP would (VP question (NP such an errand))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The bottle) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PRT up) (PP with (NP flour)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-2 Before (NP Payne)) (VP loomed (PP-LOC *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP the Old Clubhouse) , (NP (NP Seward 's) home) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Key) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP been (VP killed (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP have (NP another death))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP the outside)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an (ADJP ordinary enough) house) (PP of (NP the gentry)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP clomped (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP-DIR up (NP the stoop))) and (VP rang (NP the bell))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP the bell) (PP at (NP Mass)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the doorbell) (VP was (VP pitched (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD too high)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD Good Friday) , (PP after (NP all))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A nigger boy) (VP opened (NP the door)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Payne) (VP did not (VP notice (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP thinking (ADVP chiefly) (PP of (NP Cap)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 their schedules) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP synchronize)))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no point) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP wasting (NP time)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP pushed (NP his way) (ADVP-DIR inside)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ the hall) (VP confused (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the largest house) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP *T*-1))))))) , (NP (NP almost the largest building) , (PP except (PP for (NP a hotel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP no idea) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Seward 's) room) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the half darkness)) (S (NP-SBJ the banisters) (VP gleamed) , and) (S (NP-SBJ the hall) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD enormous))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Above (NP him) (ADVP somewhere)) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the bedrooms) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Seward) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD up there))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP explained (NP his errand) , (NAC but (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP bothering (ADVP much) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD plausible))))))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP something) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP well (PRT up) (PP in (NP him))) (SBAR-1 (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 why) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP fled (NP the army) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did not (ADVP really) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill)))))) , but (S (PP as (PP in (NP the sexual act))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the impulse) (VP (VP took (PP over)) and (VP could not (VP be (VP downed))) , (SBAR-TMP even while (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ yourself) (VP giving (NP way) (PP to (NP it))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADJP-PRD worried)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everything) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD all right))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP this mood)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could not (VP be (VP stopped (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ the sensation) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP surprised (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a thrill) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD no part) (PP in (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (ADVP only) (VP watch (PP with (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP gentle dismay)))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ his body) (VP did (NP these (ADJP quick , appalling , and efficient) things)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP brushed (PP by (NP the idiotic boy))) and (VP lumbered (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP-DIR up (NP the stairs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP were (VP (VP carpeted (NP *-2)) , but (VP made (NP *-2) (PP for (NP (NP (NP pumps) and (NP congress gaiters)) , not (NP (NP the great clodhoppers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wore (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sound) (PP of (NP his footsteps))) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP a muffled drum))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP the stairs)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP ran (PP into (NP (NP somebody) (VP standing (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-MNR angrily) (PP in (NP a dressing gown)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stopped) and (VP whispered (NP his errand))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Young Frederick Seward) (VP held (PRT out) (NP his hand)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ * (NP-SBJ *ICH*-1)) (VP Panting (NP a little))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Payne) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Verdi) (VP had (VP told (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP deliver (NP his package) (PP in (NP person))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Frederick Seward) (VP (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his father) (VP was (VP sleeping))))) , (CONJP and then) (VP went (PP through (NP a pantomime)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP his father 's) door)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prove (NP-PRD the statement)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TPC-1 Very well) '' , (NP-SBJ Payne) (VP said (ADVP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP go)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP smiled)) , but (S (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the elder Seward) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP did not (VP intend (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP pulled (PRT out) (NP his pistol)) and (VP fired (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP made (NP no sound)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP misfired)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Reversing (NP it))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP smashed (NP the butt) (PP down (PP on (NP (NP Frederick Seward 's) head))) , (ADVP over and over again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the first blow) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD difficult)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP that)) , (NP-SBJ violence) (VP was (ADJP-PRD exultantly easy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP got (VP caught (NP *T*-1) (PRT up) (PP into (NP it)))) and (VP became (NP-PRD a different person))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP Only afterwards) did (NP-SBJ (NP an act) (PP like (NP that))) (VP become (ADJP-PRD meaningless ,) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP puzzle (PP over (NP it)) (PP-TMP for (NP days))))))) , (SBAR-ADV whereas (S (PP-TMP at (NP the time)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD quite real))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The nigger boy) (VP fled (PP-DIR down (NP the stairs)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP screaming , `` (NP Murder) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (NP murder) (ADVP at all)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Payne) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more methodical) (PP than (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP merely) (VP clearing (NP (NP a way) (PP to (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP ran (PP-DIR for (NP the sick room))) , (VP found (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 his pistol) (VP was (VP broken (NP *-1)))))) , and (VP threw (NP it) (ADVP away))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A knife) (VP would (VP do)) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP childhood)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP known (PP (ADVP all) about (NP knives)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP blocked (NP the door) (PP from (NP inside))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP smashed (NP it) (PRT in)) and (VP tumbled (PP into (NP darkness)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (ADVP-MNR only dimly) (NP moving figures))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP slashed (NP them) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP yelled) and (VP fled))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR for (NP the bed))) , (VP jumped (PP on (NP it))) , and (VP struck (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP he) (VP could (VP *?* (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) , (ADVP-MNR repeatedly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP finally) (VP getting (PP into (NP (NP one 's) own nightmares)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP punish (NP (NP one 's) dreams)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Two men) (VP pulled (NP him) (PRT off)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP said (NP anything)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Payne) (VP hacked (PP at (NP their arms))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a lady) (ADVP-LOC there) , (PP in (NP a nightdress)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP would not (VP have (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hurt (NP a lady))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP *-1) (NP Another man)) (VP approached , (NP-1 (NP this one) (ADJP fully dressed))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the knife) (VP went (PP into (NP his chest)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PRT down) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD mad))) '' , (SINV (VP shouted (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Payne) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ran (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the hall))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD mad))) '' , and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP only wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP would (VP have (VP made (S (NP-SBJ things) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP so much) easier))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD mad)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP only) (VP dreaming)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP clattered (PP-DIR (PP down (NP the stairs)) and (PP out (PP of (NP the door))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Somewhere (PP in (NP the fog))) , (NP-SBJ the nigger boy) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP yelling (NP murder))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP wakes (PRT up) , (PP (ADVP even) from (NP (NP one 's) own dreams))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The clammy air) (VP revived (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ Herold) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (VP had (VP fled)) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP did not (VP expect (NP much) (PP of (NP (NP people) (PP like (NP Herold))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP unhitched (NP his horse)) , (VP walked (NP it) (ADVP-DIR away)) , (VP mounted) , and (VP spurred (NP it) (PRT on))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The nigger boy) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP close) behind (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (S (NP-SBJ the nigger boy) (VP turned (ADVP back))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP rode (ADVP-DIR on and on)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP no idea) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP some time)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (PP to (NP an open field))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ An open field) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP better) (PP than (NP a building))))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (PP-PRD for (ADJP sure))))) , (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP dismounted) , (VP turned (PRT off) (NP the horse)) , and (VP plunged (PP-DIR through (NP the grass))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD curiously sleepy))) , (S (NP-SBJ the world) (VP seemed (ADVP-PRD far away))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP get (PP to (NP Cap)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP know (ADVP how)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure))) , for (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1)))))))) , (SQ (VP had n't) (NP-SBJ he))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cap) (VP would (VP (VP find (NP him)) and (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP choosing (NP a good tree))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP clambered (PP-DIR up (PP into (NP it)))) , (VP found (NP a comfortable notch)) , and (VP curled (PRT up) (PP in (NP it)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sleep , (PP like (NP (NP the tousled bear) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) , (PP with (NP (NP his hands) (PP-LOC across (NP his chest)))) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP surfeited (PP with (NP honey)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Violence) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD tired)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD frightened))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP Boston)) , (NP-SBJ Edwin Booth) (VP was (VP winding (PRT up) (NP (NP a performance) (PP of (NP-TTL (NP A New Way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP Pay (NP Old Debts) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a part) (ADJP (ADJP so familiar) (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP did not (VP bother (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (PP about (NP it))))) (ADVP-TMP any more)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Acting) (VP soothed (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP a stage)) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) , and (S (NP-TMP tonight) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP judge (PP by (NP the applause))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP be (VP doing (NP it) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP better) (PP than (ADJP usual))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP Sir Giles Overreach)) (PRN -LRB- (SBARQ (WHADVP-4 how often) (SQ had (NP-SBJ-1 (NP he) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP play (NP that part) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) , (SBAR-2 (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP did not (VP believe (NP (NP a word) (PP of (NP it)))))))))) -RRB-) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP raised (NP his arm)) and (VP declaimed : `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-5 Where) (SQ (VP is (ADVP-LOC *T*-5)) (NP-SBJ my honour) (ADVP-TMP now))) '' ?)) ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the high spots) (PP of (NP the play)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The audience) , (PP as (ADJP usual)) , (VP loved (NP it)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP delighted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD so happy))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP any worries)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP only the small ones) , (PP about (NP (NP Mother) (PP-LOC in (NP New York)) , and (NP (NP his daughter) (NP Edwina)) and (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP be (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP at (NP this hour)) , (PP with (NP her Aunt Asia)) , (PP-LOC in (NP Philadelphia))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (VP is (ADJP-PRD ambivalent (PP about (NP his profession))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP practised (NP it) (ADVP-TMP long enough)))))) ,) but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP moments) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP loved (NP (NP the stage) and (NP (NP all those unseen people) (ADVP-LOC out there) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP (VP cheer (NP you)) or (VP boo (NP you))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADVP largely , (CONJP though not) entirely ,) (PP-PRD up (PP to (NP you))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the world) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD friendly))) (ADVP-MNR somehow) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP 7 ,)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wilkes) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quite right (PP about (NP one thing)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Laura Keene) (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the green room)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The commotion) (VP had (VP brought (NP her) (PP-DIR into (NP the wings)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could not (VP act)))) , (NP-SBJ one part) (VP suited (NP her) (ADVP (ADVP as well) (PP as (NP any other)))) , (CONJP and so) (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the first person) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP offer (NP Mr. Lincoln) (NP (NP a glass) (PP of (NP water))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP holding (NP it) (PP up (PP to (NP (NP the box) , (ADJP high (PP above (NP her head)))))) , (PP to (NP (NP Miss Harris) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP asked (PP for (NP it))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the first) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP collect (NP her wits)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (ADVP (ADVP so much) (PP *ICH*-2)) (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ the shot) (VP had (VP stunned (NP the audience))))) , (PP-2 as (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP been (VP stunned (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP already)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP them))) (VP had (VP seen (NP Our American Cousin) (ADVP-TMP before)))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ Miss Keene) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP stage))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was not (NP-PRD much) (PP to (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The theatre) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hot))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP drugged (NP *-1) (PP with (NP boredom))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The stage) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD empty) , (PP except (PP for (NP (NP Harry Hawk) , (VP doing (NP his star monologue))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The audience) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fond (PP of (NP Harry Hawk))))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD a dear) , (PP in or out (PP of (NP character))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD particularly funny))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the monologue)))) (NP-SBJ the audience) (VP would (VP applaud)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Meanwhile) (NP-SBJ it) (VP looked (PP at (NP the scenery))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP know (NP enough) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn (NP you) (ADVP inside out))))))) , (NP-VOC you sockdologizing old mantrap))) '' ! !)) (TOP (SINV (VP Said) (NP-SBJ (NP Trenchard) , (ADVP otherwise) (NP Hawk)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD a pause) (ADVP-LOC here) , (PP-LOC before (NP the next line))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the gun) (VP went (PRT off) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ even that explosion) (VP did not (VP mean (NP much))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Guns) (VP were (VP going (PRT off) (PP-LOC (NP all) over (NP Washington City)) (NP-TMP these days) , (PP-PRP because of (NP the celebrations))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the theatre) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD soundproof))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ the audience) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ a small , dim figure) (VP appear (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the Presidential box))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (X-TPC-1 Sic semper tyrannis) '' , (NP-SBJ it) (VP said (X *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR mildly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Booth) (VP had (VP delivered (NP his line))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 Behind (NP him)) (VP billowed (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a small pungent cloud) (PP of (NP smoke))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP strained (ADVP forward)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had not (VP heard (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP said (NP *-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP been (VP sitting (ADVP too long (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stand (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR easily)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The figure) (VP (VP leapt (PP-DIR from (NP the box))) , (VP (ADVP almost) lost (NP its balance)))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the flag) (VP draped (ADVP-LOC there))) (VP tore (PP in (NP the air)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the figure) (VP (VP landed (PP on (NP its left leg))) , (VP fell (PP on (NP its hands))) , and (VP pressed (NP itself) (PRT up)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Harry Hawk) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ his arm) (VP raised (PP-DIR towards (NP the wings))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His speech) (VP faltered) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP lower (NP his arm))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The figure) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP so theatrically) dressed) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-PRD as though (S (NP-SBJ (NP a character) (PP from (NP some other play))) (VP had (VP blundered (PP into (NP this one))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The play) (PP for (NP Saturday night))) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a benefit performance) (PP of (NP The Octoroon))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This figure) (VP looked (PP like (NP (NP the slave dealer) (PP from (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP also) (VP looked (PP like (NP (NP a toad) , (VP hopping (ADVP-DIR away) (PP-DIR from (NP the light)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADJP maimed and crazy (PP about (NP its motion))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP disturbed (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP disappeared (PP-DIR into (NP the wings))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Harry Hawk) (VP had not (VP shifted (NP position)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (PP-TMP at (ADJP last)) (VP lowered (NP his arm))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Lincoln) (VP screamed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP mistaking (NP that scream))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP her)))))) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ this scream) (VP had (NP a different note) (PP in (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP That absence) (PP of (NP an urgent self-indulgence))) (VP dashed (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD awake)) (PP like (NP (NP a pail) (PP of (NP water))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Clara Harris) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the guests) (PP-LOC in (NP the box))))) ,) (VP (VP stood (PRT up)) and (VP demanded (NP water))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her action) (VP was (ADJP-PRD involuntary)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP something) (ADJP unexpected)) (VP happened (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ one) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP (VP asked (PP for (NP-2 water)) (SBAR-ADV-3 if (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP were (NP-PRD a woman))))) , (NP=2 brandy) (SBAR-ADV=3 if (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP were (NP-PRD a man))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Lincoln) (VP screamed (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the Presidential box)) (NP-SBJ someone) (VP (VP leaned (PP over (NP the balustrade))) and (VP yelled : `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (VP shot (NP the President)))) '' !)) !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (ADVP-PRD up))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP the stage)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Harry Hawk) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP weep)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Laura Keene) (VP brushed (PP by (NP him)) (PP with (NP (NP the glass) (PP of (NP water))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The crowd) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP Washington City)) (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a bubble) (PP of (NP plots)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ one death) (VP might (VP attract (NP another)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP not exactly) (NP-PRD panic) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP gave (NP way) (PP to (NP *T*-1))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could not (ADVP just) (VP sit (ADVP-LOC there)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The beehive voices) (PRN , for (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP could (VP bear (NP silence)))) ,) (VP drowned (PRT out) (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP (NP Mrs. Lincoln 's) weeping)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the rear) (PP of (NP the auditorium)))) , (ADVP-LOC upstairs) , (NP-SBJ-1 some men) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP push (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD open)) (NP (NP the door) (PP to (NP the box corridor))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would not (VP give)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Dr. Charles Taft) (VP (VP clambered (PP-DIR up (PP on (NP the stage)))) and (VP got (S (NP-SBJ the actors) (VP to (VP hoist (NP him) (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the box)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the audience)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a man) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Ferguson)))) (VP (VP lost (NP his head)) and (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP rescue (NP a little girl) (PP from (NP the mob)) , (PP on (NP (NP the same principle) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP led (S (NP-SBJ Miss Harris) (VP to (VP demand (NP water))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP (VP opened (NP the corridor door) (PP from (NP the inside))) , and (VP called (PP for (NP a doctor)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Somehow) (NP-SBJ-1 Dr. Charles Leale) (VP was (VP (VP forced (NP *-1) (PP-DIR through (NP the mob))) and (VP squeezed (PRT out) (PP-DIR into (NP the dingy corridor))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP went (ADVP straight) (PP-DIR to (NP the Presidential box))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (ADJP usual)) , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Lincoln) (VP had (VP lost (NP her head))) , but (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP blamed (NP her) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (ADVP so) (ADVP-TMP now)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a little blood) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the hem) (PP of (NP her dress)))) , (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ the assassin) (VP had (VP slashed (NP (NP (NP Miss Harris 's) companion) , (NP Major Rathbone) ,) (PP with (NP a knife))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rathbone) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP bleeding (PP to (NP death))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP (NP the look) (PP of (NP him)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was n't (ADVP that far) (VP gone)) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a sneer)) , (NP-SBJ the man) (VP (VP spread (NP his legs)) and , (VP (NP a third time) , confronted (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Once more) , (NP-SBJ Katie) (VP reared , and whinnied (PP in (NP fear))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) , (NP-SBJ boy and mount) (VP hung (PP-LOC in (NP midair))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP (VP twisted) and , (VP (ADVP frantically) , commanded (NP-1 the mare) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leap (ADVP-DIR straight ahead)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the stranger) (VP was (ADJP-PRD nimbler still)) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a bold arm)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP dared (ADVP once more) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP obstruct (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Katie) (VP (VP reared (NP-TMP a third time)) , then , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP trembling)) , descended)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The stranger) (VP leered) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Seizing (NP the bridle))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP tugged (PP with (NP all his might))) and (VP forced (NP Katie) (PP to (NP her knees)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD absurd)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP could (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP toppling)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (UCP (S (NP-SBJ the ground) (VP coming (ADVP-DIR up))) -- and (NP (NP the stranger 's) head))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP incredible ferocity)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP brought (NP his fists) (ADVP together)) and (VP struck)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The blow) (VP encountered (NP (NP silky hair) and (NP hard bone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP (VP uttered (NP a weird cry)) , (VP spun (PRT about)) , and (VP collapsed (PP-LOC in (NP the sand)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Katie) (VP scrambled (PP to (NP her feet)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Stevie) (ADVP-MNR agilely) (VP retaining (NP his seat)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Again) (NP-SBJ Katie) (VP reared)) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) , (ADVP-MNR wickedly) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP compelled (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP bring (NP her hooves) (PP down (ADVP again and again) (PP upon (NP (NP the sprawled figure) (PP of (NP the stranger)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ (NP his own feet) , (ADJP iron-shod) ,) (VP striking (ADVP repeatedly) (PP-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the body) (VP was (ADJP-PRD limp)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gloated)) , and (S (NP-SBJ his lips) (VP slavered)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP chortling))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP rode (ADVP around and around) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP trample (NP the figure) (PP into (NP the sand)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Only the top) (PP of (NP the head)) , (PP with (NP a spot (ADJP bare and white (PP as (NP a clamshell))))) ,) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD visible)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP was (VP shouting (ADVP-MNR triumphantly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A train) (VP hooted) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Instantly) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP chilled) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP pursuing (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP frightened (NP *-1)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ his fists) (VP clutched (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so tightly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his knuckles) (VP hurt)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (S (NP-SBJ Katie) (VP stumbled)) , and (S (ADVP again) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP falling , falling))) ! !)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Stevie ! !)) (TOP (NP-VOC Stevie '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His mother) (VP was (VP nudging (NP him)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP falling))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His head) (VP hung (PP over (NP (NP the boards) (PP of (NP (NP Katie 's) stall)))))) ; ; (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 before (NP it)) was (VP sprawled (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the mangled corpse) (PP of (NP the bearded stranger)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Stevie) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP wake (ADVP up) (ADVP-TMP now)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (ADVP nearly) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP been (VP dreaming))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD safe) (PP in (NP (NP his Mama 's) arms))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The train) (VP had (VP slowed)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Houses) (VP winked (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the cars) (VP rolled (PP beside (NP a little depot)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Po ' Chavis) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ The trainman) (VP called (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP came (ADVP by)) and (VP repeated , `` (NP Po ' Chavis) '')) ! !)) (TOP (NP Chapter 6)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (INTJ Bong ! !) (INTJ Bong ! !)) (VP Startled (NP-1 him) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD awake))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The room) (VP vibrated (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ a giant hand) (VP had (VP rocked (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Bong ! !)) (TOP (NP (NP A dull boom) and (NP a throbbing echo) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The walls) (VP bulged)) , (S (NP-SBJ the floor) (VP trembled)) , (S (NP-SBJ the windowpanes) (VP rattled)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stared (PP at (NP the far morning))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP expecting (S (NP-SBJ a pendulum) (VP to (VP swing (PP-DIR across (NP the horizon))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Bong ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP raced (PP-DIR to (NP the window))) and (VP yanked (PP at (NP the sash)))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Bong ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The wood) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 old))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 the paint) (ADJP-PRD=2 alligatored)) .)) (TOP (INTJ Bong ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A fresh breeze) (VP saluted (NP him)) .)) (TOP (NP Six o'clock ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP put (NP his head) (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the slate roof) (PP of (NP the church))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ ivy) (VP climbed (NP the red brick walls) (PP like (NP a green-scaled monster)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The clock) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP struck))))) (VP presented (NP an innocent face)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the kitchen)) (NP-SBJ Mama) (VP was (VP wiping (NP the cupboards))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a tower) and (NP (NP a steeple) (PP on (NP the church)) (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP a million) feet) high)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP (NP the loudest clock) (PP-LOC in (NP the whole world))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP know , (NP-VOC Stephen))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP smiled (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ our steeple) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP one hundred and sixty-two) feet) high))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The clock) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP strike)))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADVP really) (NP-PRD the town clock))) --) (VP was (VP installed (NP *-1) (NP-TMP last April) (PP-LGS by (NP Mrs. Shorter)) , (PP-TMP on (NP her birthday)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP dressed) , and (VP sped (ADVP-DIR outdoors))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP crossed (NP Broome Street) (PP to (NP Orange Square))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The steeple) (VP leaned (ADVP backward) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the church) (VP advanced (PP like (NP (NP a headless creature) (PP in (NP a long , shapeless coat)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The spire) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hold (PRT up) (NP the sky))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Port Jervis) , (VP basking (PP-LOC in (NP the foothills))) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the city) (PP of (NP God)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Dutch Reformed Church) , (PP with (NP (NP two steeples) and (NP its own school)))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP Main Street)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the Episcopal Church) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (NP-ADV one block) down (NP Sussex Street)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Catholic (NP Saint Mary 's) Church) , (PP with (NP (NP an (ADJP even taller) steeple) and (NP (NP a cross) (PP-LOC on (NP top)))))) , (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP Ball Street)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Catholics) (VP had (NP the largest cemetery) , (PP-LOC near (NP the Neversink River)) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ Main Street) (VP ran (ADVP-DIR south) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP whistled (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP passed (NP these alien grounds) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD everywhere) , (PP-LOC (PP in (NP the belfry)) , (PP in (NP the steeple)) , (PP in (NP the clouds)) , (PP in (NP the trees)) , and (PP in (NP (NP the mountains) (VP hulking (PP-LOC on (NP the horizon))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-2 (ADVP Somewhere) , (ADVP beyond) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ shadows) (VP lurked (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) , must (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the yawning pit) (SBAR (WHPP-3 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP preached (PP *T*-3))))) and (NP (NP the dreadful Lake) (PP of (NP Fire)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP walking (PP in (NP awe)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP became (ADJP-PRD familiar (PP with (NP (NP God) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP resided (ADVP chiefly) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Drew Centennial Church) (PP with (NP its (NX (NX high steeple) and (NX clock))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP no church) (PP like (NP Drew Church))) , (NP (NP no preacher) (PP like (NP (NP Papa) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP *T*-1) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD intimate (PP with (NP Him)))) , and (VP could (VP consign (NP sinners) (PP to (NP hellfire)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP know (NP God)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP follow (PP in (NP (NP Papa 's) footsteps)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fortunate , and proud)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The veterans) , (VP idling (PP-LOC on (NP (NP their benches) (PP-LOC in (NP the Square)) , (PP-LOC beneath (NP (NP the soldiers ') monument))))) ,) (VP got (PP to (NP their feet)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP approached (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) : `` (FRAG (INTJ Morning) , (NP-VOC Reverend)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His being) and (NP His will)) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP could not (VP divide (NP God) (PP from (NP his Papa))))) --) (VP (VP illumined (NP every parish face)) , (VP (VP turned (NP-1 the choir) (PP-2 into (NP (NP a band) (PP of (NP angels))))) , and (VP (NP=1 the pulpit) (PP=2 into (NP (NP the tollgate) (PP to (NP Heaven))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (NP (NP (QP nine hundred and eleven) members) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP our charge)) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Mama) (VP announced (S *T*-2)))) , `` (NAC-1 and (NP (QP three hundred and eighty) Sunday-school scholars))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP went (ADVP-DIR out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP God 's) work)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ Stevie) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP accompanied (NP him) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the buggy) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP drawn (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Violet) , (NP the new black mare)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP journeyed (ADVP-DIR-1 westerly) (ADVP-2 (ADVP as far) (PP as (NP (NP Germantown) , (PP (PP beyond (NP (NP the Erie roundhouse) and (NP the machine shop))) , and (PP along (NP the Delaware and Hudson Canal))))))) , and (VP (ADVP-DIR=1 northward) (PP=2 to (NP (NP Brooklyn) , (PP below (NP Point Peter)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP the church spire) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-3 wherever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (ADVP back) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR south)) and (VP rolled (PP past (NP the tollhouse)) (PRN -- `` (FRAG (INTJ Afternoon) , (NP-VOC Reverend) '' ! ! --))) and (VP crossed (NP the suspension bridge) (PP-DIR to (NP Matamoras))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD Pennsylvania))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the Delaware River)) , (NP-SBJ-1 three long islands) (VP were (VP overgrown (NP *-1) (PP with (NP greening trees and underbrush)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (UCP-LOC-TPC-1 (ADVP South (PP of (NP Laurel Grove Cemetery))) , and (PP below (NP (NP the junction) (PP of (NP (NP the Neversink) and (NP the Delaware)))))) , (VP was (UCP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the Tri-State Rock) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP could (VP spy (NP (NP New Jersey) and (NP Pennsylvania) , (CONJP as well as) (NP New York) ,) (PP *T*-2) (PP (ADVP simply) by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP spinning (PP around (PP on (NP his heel))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP these excursions)) , (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP instructed (NP him) (PP on (NP (NP (NP man 's) chief end) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his duty) (PP to (NP (NP God) and (NP his own salvation)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ (NP a boy 's) lively eyes) (VP might (VP rove)) .)) (TOP (SINV (SBAR-LOC-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ Cuddleback Brook) (VP purled (PP into (NP the Neversink)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) (VP was (SBAR-LOC *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ a magnificent swimming hole) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP pointed (NP a scornful finger) (PP at (NP the splashing youth)))) : `` (NP Idle recreation) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP saw (NP no idols))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP troubled (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (ADVP-TMP always) (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP saw (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP torn (NP *-1) (PP between (NP (NP (NP the excitement) (PP in (NP the sun-inflamed waters))) and (NP (NP a little engine) (VP chugging (ADVP-DIR northward) (PP on (NP the Monticello Branch)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ (NP-SBJ you) (VP been (NP-TMP today) (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-3 Ludie) (VP inquired (SBARQ *T*-2) (NP-TMP every evening) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP pretending (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP care))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP make (NP a preacher) (PP out (PP of (NP you))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 `` (INTJ No) , (S (NP he) (VP wo n't (VP *?*))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP flared (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (NP me) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Somebody) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP 's (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a preacher)))) (PP-1 in (NP the family)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP a (NX (NX will) and (NX last testament))) (PP-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP left (NP Paterson))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (NP them)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Uncle and Aunt Howe) (VP were (NP-PRD the witnesses)) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Will (NP-SBJ he) (VP die) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Everybody) (VP does) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ludie) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD hateful))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP speak (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP dying)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD a sin)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP happen (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alert))) and (S (NP-SBJ the Drew steeple) (VP stood (NP guard) (PP with (NP its peaked lance)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP was (ADVP-TMP constantly) (VP slipping (PP-DIR into (NP the church)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP pulled (PP with (NP all his strength)) (PP at (NP the heavy , brass-bound door))) , and (VP shuffled (PP-DIR along (NP the wainscoted wall)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The cold , mysterious presence (PP of (NP God))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP all) around (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP (NP a shaft) (PP of (NP light)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the pews) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD broad stairs) (PP-LOC in (NP a long dungeon)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Far away) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP standing (PP before (NP a curtained window (PP in (NP the study room)))))) , (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 his father) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ hands) (VP tucked (PP under (NP his coattails)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP staring (PP into (NP the dark church))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The figure) (VP was (VP wreathed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP an extraordinary luminescence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP shuddered (PP at (NP (NP the (ADJP deathly pale) countenance) (PP with (NP its wrinkles and gray hair))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Would (NP-SBJ Papa) (ADVP really) (VP die) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The mouth) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 thin-lipped and wide))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 (NP the long cleft) (PP in (NP the upper lip))) (PP-PRD=2 like (NP a slide))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Papa 's) slender fingers) (VP removed (NP the spectacles) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD red indentations) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the bridge) (PP of (NP the strong nose))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (PP on (NP God))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-VOC Stephen)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-TMP one day) (NP-SBJ He) (VP will (VP choose (NP you) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP chose (NP me) , (ADVP-TMP long ago)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP Therefore) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP give (NP Him) (NP your affection)) and (VP store (PRT up) (NP (NP His love) (PP for (NP you))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Open (NP your heart) (PP to (NP Him))) and (VP pray) , (NP-VOC Stephen) , (VP pray)) ! !)) (TOP (SBAR For (S (NP-SBJ (NP His mercy) and (NP His guidance)) (VP to (VP spare (NP you) (PP from (NP (NP evil) and (NP eternal punishment))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the Lake) (PP of (NP Fire))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP had (VP heard (NP these words) (NP-TMP many times)))) , yet (S (PP-TMP on (NP each occasion)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP tremble))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ he) (VP feared (NP (NP the Lake) (PP of (NP Fire)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP strove (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP think (PP of (NP (NP God) and (NP His eternal wrath)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP must (VP pray (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP spared (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Papa) (VP was (VP disappointed (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP the brothers))) (VP had (VP heard (NP the Call))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP George) , (NP Townley) , or (NP Ted) , (ADVP certainly) not (NP Ludie) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Burt) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD-2 at (NP (NP Hackettstown) (SBAR *RNR*-3))))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1 Will) (PP-LOC-PRD=2 at (NP (NP Albany Law School) (SBAR *RNR*-3)))) , (SBAR-3 (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP surely) (VP could not (VP hear (NP it) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Someday) (NP-SBJ God) (VP would (VP choose (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-1 He) (VP (VP would (VP hear (NP the Call))) and (VP would (VP run (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP Papa))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The stern face) (VP would (VP relax))) , (S (NP-SBJ the black-clad arms) (VP would (VP embrace (NP him)))) , `` (NP-VOC My son) '' ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ Yet (WHADVP-2 how) (SQ might (NP-SBJ he) (VP know (NP the Call) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP came (ADVP *T*-1)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Probably) , (PP as (PP in (NP Scriptures))) , (NP-SBJ a still , small voice) (VP would (VP whisper)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP summon (NP him) (ADVP-TMP once))) ; ; (FRAG (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP missed (NP it)))) , (ADVP-TMP never again)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP came (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP was (VP playing)) , or (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP asleep) and (VP dreaming))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP must not (VP fail (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Papa 's) chosen))) ; ; (S (ADVP therefore) , (NP-SBJ (NP nothing) (PP but (NP good))) (VP could (VP happen (PP to (NP him)) , (PP (ADVP even) in (NP (NP God 's) wrathful storms))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (S (NP-SBJ the skies) (VP grew (ADJP dark))) and (S (NP-SBJ thunder) (VP rolled (PP across (NP the valley)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unafraid)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Aggie) (VP might (VP (VP fly (PP-DIR into (NP a closet))) , (VP shut (NP the door)) and (VP bury (NP her head) (PP in (NP the clothes)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP dared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wait (PP for (NP the lightning))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lightning) (VP could (VP strike (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD blind)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD a sinner)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP clenched (NP his fists)) and (VP faced (NP the terror))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Thunder) (VP crashed)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ barrels) (VP (VP tumbled (PP-DIR down (NP the mountainsides))) , and (VP bounced and bounced (PP-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ their own fury) (VP split (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD open)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lightning) (VP might (VP strike (NP (NP the steeples) (PP (PP of (NP the other churches)) ; ; not (PP of (NP Drew Church)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A flash) (VP illumined (NP the trees) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ a crooked bolt) (VP twigged (PP in (NP several directions)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Violet) (VP whinnied (PP from (NP the stable))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP ran (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the downpour)))) , (VP sped (PP-DIR (PP across (NP the yard)) and (PP into (NP the buggy room))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV-IMP-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD afraid) , (NP-VOC Violet))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP shouted (SINV-IMP *T*-1)) , and (VP was (ADJP-PRD aghast) (PP at (NP the echoes)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP be (ADJP-PRD afraid)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP save (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a fire) or (NP a flood))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP save (NP-1 Mama) (ADVP-2 first)) and (VP (NP=1 Violet) (ADVP=2 next)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (ADJP Drenched) and (VP shaking))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP stood (ADVP-LOC near (NP the sweet-smelling stall))) and (VP dared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pat (NP her muzzle)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP be (ADJP-PRD afraid) , (NP-VOC Violet))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP the storm)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the sky) (VP cleared (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD blue and cool))) , and (S (NP-SBJ fragrant air) (VP swept (NP the hills))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP came (ADVP out) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP strode (ADVP-MNR proudly) (PP into (NP Orange Square)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP smiling (PP like (NP a landlord)) (PP on (NP industrious tenants))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The fountain) (VP had (VP brimmed (PRT over)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the cannon) (VP were (ADJP-PRD wet))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the soldiers ') monument) (VP glistened)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Even before (S (NP-SBJ the benches) (VP had (VP dried)))) , (NP-SBJ the Civil War veterans) (VP were (VP straggling (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP their places)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The great spire) (VP shone (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ the lightning) (VP had (VP polished (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP jumped) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The pointed shadow) (VP had (ADVP nearly) (VP touched (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP trailed (NP Ludie) (PP to (NP (NP the baseball game) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the lot) (PP-LOC on (NP Kingston Street)) (ADVP-LOC near (NP the Dutch Reformed))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Go (PRT on) (ADVP-DIR home)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Ludie) (VP screeched (S-IMP *T*-1) (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP 'll (VP tell (NP Papa))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP told (PRT on) (NP Ludie) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP not even) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP slipped (NP live grasshoppers) (PP into (NP the mite-box)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ludie) (VP did (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP pleased)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ludie) (VP (VP took (NP his slingshot)) and (VP climbed (PP to (NP the rooftop))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shoot (PP at (NP crows)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ludie) (VP chewed (NP (NP roofer 's) tar)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ludie) (VP had (NP (NP (NP a cigar box) (ADJP full (PP of (NP marbles and shooters)))) , and (NP (NP a Roman candle) (PP from (NP (NP last Fourth) (PP of (NP July))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ludie) (VP (VP hopped (NP rides (PP on (NP freight cars)))) , and (VP was (VP chased (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Mr. Yankton) , (NP the railroad guard)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP came (ADVP-DIR home) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD overheated))) , (VP ran (PP-DIR (ADVP straight) to (NP the ice-chest))) , and (VP gulped (NP shivery cold water))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP envied (NP him)) .)) (TOP (NP That Ludie ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) , (ADVP too) , (VP (VP cocked (NP his cap) (PP at (NP a jaunty angle))) , (VP jingled (NP marbles) (PP-LOC in (NP his pocket))) , and (VP swaggered (PP-DIR down (NP Main Street)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP the Christophers ') lawn)) , (NP-SBJ (NP little girls) (PP in (NP white pinafores))) (VP were (VP playing (NP (NP grownups) (PP at (NP a tea party))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A Newfoundland) (VP sat (ADVP-MNR solemnly) (PP-LOC beside (NP (NP a doghouse) (ADJP half his size)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stevie) (VP yearned (PP for (NP a dog))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP had (NP a dog) (PP-LOC in (NP the sky)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP meandered (PP-DIR down (NP Pike Street)) , (PP-DIR past (NP (NP the First National Bank) (PP with (NP its green window shades))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP crossed (NP the tracks) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Delaware House) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP ladies) (PP in (NP gay dresses))) and (NP (NP men) (PP in (NP (NP straw boaters) and (NP waxed mustaches))))) (VP crowded (NP the verandah) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A tall lady) , (PP with (NP (NP a ruffled collar) (ADJP very low (PP on (NP her bosom))))) ,) (VP turned (NP insolent green eyes) (PP upon (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP taller) (PP than (NP Aggie)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so beautiful) (PP with (NP her (NX (NX rosy mouth) and (NX haughty air)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD wicked))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Fiddles) (VP screeched)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ a piano) (VP tinkled)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 P. J .) '' -- (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Ludie) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ the town) (NP-PRD *))))) -- (VP was (VP crowded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP summer people) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP the mountains)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP escape (NP (NP the heat) (PP in (NP the big cities))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP stayed (PP (PP at (NP hotels and boardinghouses)) , or (PP at (NP private homes)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rich people) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Delaware House) , (NP Opera House) , (NP American House) or (NP Fowler House)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the crummy bastard) (VP could (VP write))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP should (VP be (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD those two fucken niggers)) ! !)) (TOP (S (INTJ Krist) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP write)))))) ! !)) (TOP (NP Nigger pussy .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP of (NP sweet wet nigger pussy))) .)) (TOP (SINV (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ (NP sweet land) (PP of (NP heaven))) , haint (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD (NP just nothin) (PP like (NP sweet nigger pussy))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP her) , (NP the first one)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP caught (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP coming (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the shack))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD a juicy one)) .)) (TOP (X (INTJ Oh) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP bounced (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) ! !) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 Fresh , warm , (ADJP sweet and juicy) , (ADJP sweet lovin) sixteen) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (X (INTJ Man) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP nigger pussy) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ The snow) (VP came (ADVP (NP a little) faster) (ADVP-TMP now))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP noted (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP Joe Harris) , (NP (NP the nigger) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP gone (PP after (NP his sister)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP chuckled , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the memory) (ADJP-PRD vivid))) .)) (TOP (X (INTJ Jee-sus) , (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP Fixed (NP him))) ! !)) (TOP (X (INTJ Yooee) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP fixed (NP him))) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (NP The snow) (ADVP again) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If only (S (NP-SBJ the fucken weather) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD so lousy))) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Goddamn) (NP niggers) , (INTJ Lord) .)) (TOP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (PP up) (PP with (NP *T*-2))))))) ! !)) (TOP (X (INTJ Sonuvabitch) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP figure (PP out (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP in (NP hell)) (PP for)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP went) and (VP put (NP niggers) (PP in (NP my squad)) (PP for (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Only one) (ADJP-PRD worth (NP a shit))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD Brandon))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ai n't (ADJP-PRD so bad)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His thoughts) (VP turned (PP to (NP other things))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP The big shock) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP had (NP *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ (NP ol Slater) and (NP those others)) (VP done (PRT for)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Kaboom) (PP for) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD pretty scared) (NP-ADV himself) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHNP-3 (WHNP what) (NP the hell)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP was (VP coming (PP off (NP *-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP saw (SBAR (WHNP-1 which way) (S (NP-SBJ the ball) (VP was (VP bouncing (NP-ADV *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Soon) (VP came (ADVP back) (PP to (NP his senses))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP came (ADVP back) (PP to (NP my senses)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (ADVP-MNR aloud) , (PP to (NP the young blizzard)) , (ADVP-MNR proudly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP drawing (NP himself) (PRT up) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP a report) (PP to (NP some important superior)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the first) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP get (NP my squad) (PP on (NP the ball))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP anybody) (VP thinkin (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD easy)))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD pretty damn dumb))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP at (NP thum))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That goddamn redheader) (VP was (NP-PRD the worst)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP kept (VP sayin , (FRAG not (NP me)) , (FRAG not (NP me)) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP wanta (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wind (PRT up) (PP like (NP em))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) , (INTJ goddammit)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (SBAR *ICH*-3))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR aloud) (SBAR-3 0 (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP get (NP (NP the guys) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP done (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 'll (VP put (NP the place) (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Normal) , (PP by (NP God)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (NP-PRD a good thing) (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP happened)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP stop (NP it) (ADVP-TMP now) , (ADVP once (PP for (NP all))))) .)) (TOP (VP Clean (NP the place) (PRT up)) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (VP doin (NP it) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hear (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the whole bunch) (VP is (VP croakin (PP-LOC out (PP in (NP the snow)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP get (NP (NP the guys) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP done (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (VP troubling (NP him))) (ADVP though))) : (S (ADVP as yet) (NP-SBJ they) (VP had n't (VP *?*))))) (TOP (NP Five days .)) (TOP (INTJ Keerist .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Prickly twinges) (PP of (NP annoyance))) (VP ran (PP through (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP blinked (ADVP-MNR hard)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP snapping (PP on (NP *RNR*-1))) and (VP squashing (NP *RNR*-1)) (NP-1 (NP some bad things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP were (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP push (NP their way) (PP into (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A tune) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP whirl))) (PP-LOC inside (NP his head))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP One) (PP of (NP his favorites))) : `` (NP Guitar Boogie) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP came (PRT on) , (ADVP faithfully) , (PP just like (NP a (NX (NX radio) or (NX juke box)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP worry (ADVP too much) (PP about (NP something))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 the bad things) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP push (NP their way) (PP into (NP him))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The music) (VP drove (NP them) (ADVP off , or away))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD free) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP walk (PP on (NP air)) (PP-TMP in (NP a (ADJP very few) moments))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP (VP humming) and (VP jiving (ADVP within))) , (VP beating (NP the rhythm) (ADVP within)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP glowed (PP with (NP anticipation)) (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP happen (PP to (NP the culprits)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP caught (NP them) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Turn (NP the bastards) (PRT over) (PP (PP to (NP me)) -- (PP to (NP (NP me) and (NP my boys))) --))) (S (NP-SBJ no nigger) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP got (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP be (VP comin (PP to (NP (NP them) -- (NP reactionary bastards))))))))))) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP heard (NP the word reactionary) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP his life) (PP as (NP a POW))) (VP began))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a word) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD proud (PP of (NP *T*-3)))))) , (NP (NP a word) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP meant (NP much) (PP to (NP him))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP used (NP it) (PP with (NP great pleasure))) , (SBAR (ADVP almost) as if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (NP-PRD an exclusive possession))))) , and (S (ADVP more) : (NP-SBJ he) (VP sensed (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADVP very highly) educated) , (NP-ADV (NP four cuts) (PP above (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP (NP the folks) (ADVP-LOC back home))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (FRAG (NP Four cuts) (ADVP at least)) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP chuckled (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP himself))))) , `` and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP owe (NP (NP it) (NP all)) (PP to (NP them)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The word) (ADVP also) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP feel (NP-PRD (NP hate) , (NP sincere hate) , (PP for (NP (NP those) (VP (ADVP so) labeled (NP *)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP used (NP it) (ADVP-MNR very effectively) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP his squad) (PP on (NP the ball))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP came (PRT up) (ADVP again and again) (PP in (NP the discussion sessions))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Lousy Reactionary bastards) (VP been (VP tryin (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fuck (PRT up) (NP the Program)))) (PP-TMP for (NP months)))) .)) (TOP (NP Months .)) (TOP (NP (NP Hired , hard lackeys) (PP of (NP the Warmongering capitalists)) .)) (TOP (VP (VP Not (VP captured) , (VP sent (ADVP-DIR here))) .)) (TOP (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP fuck (PRT up) (NP the program))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You guys) (VP remember (NP that)) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Remember (NP that))) (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP haranguing (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ himself) (PP before (NP them)) (VP delivering (NP the speech)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP laughed , (ADVP-MNR suddenly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP feeling (S (NP-SBJ (NP a surge) (PP of (NP power))) (VP telling (NP him) (PP of (NP (NP his hold) (PP over (NP them))))))) , (VP seeing (NP himself) (PP before (NP them)) , (VP receiving (NP (NP utmost respect) and (NP attention))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One day) , (NP-SBJ-1 Ching) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP smiling) , (VP patting (NP him) (PP-LOC on (NP the back))))) -RRB-) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the weekly conference) (PP of (NP squad leaders))))))) , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Keep (NP it) (PRT up))) , (S (NP-SBJ your squad) (VP is (UCP-PRD (ADJP good) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the best)))))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP keep (NP it) (PRT up)) , (VP keep (PRT up) (NP the good work)))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP He) (VP would (VP *?*)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 That) (VP was (NP-PRD really something) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP coming (PP from (NP Ching))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Really something) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1) , (ADVP-MNR aloud)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Dirty Reactionary bastards) (VP (VP comin (PP-DIR down (ADVP here)) (PP-TMP in (NP the night))) and (VP bumpin (PRT off) (NP (NP ol Slater) and (NP those other poor bastards))))) .) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP get (NP them) (PP by (NP God))))) and (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP bring (NP them) (PP-DIR down (ADVP here)) (PP to (NP me)))))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP let (NP them))) , (INTJ God) , (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP slice (NP their balls) (ADVP right off))))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His arm) (VP moved (ADVP swiftly , violently) , (ADVP once , twice)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (NP-PRD intense satisfaction)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP tingling (ADVP-LOC within))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Before (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP mutilated)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bleeding (PP to (NP death)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP lay) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-PRD as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP had (VP been (VP done (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Bastards) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR aloud) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP spitting (PP on (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP halted) , and (VP looked (ADVP around))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Rivers) (PP of (NP cold sweat))) (VP were (ADVP suddenly) (VP unleashed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC within (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The thought) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP came (ADVP back)) , (NP-1 (NP the one) (VP nagging (PP at (NP him)) (NP-TMP these past four days))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stifle (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the words) (VP were (VP forming)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP he) (VP could n't (VP *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP braced (NP himself)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Somebody) (VP 'll (VP haf (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP ta (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP thinkin))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP fought (NP it) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP seeking (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP kill (NP the last few words)))))))) , but (S (ADVP on) (NP-SBJ they) (VP came (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP trembling , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ a strange feeling) (PP-PRD upon (NP him))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP fully) (VP expecting (S (NP-SBJ some catastrophe) (VP to (VP strike (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PUT dead)) (PP-LOC on (NP the spot))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP did n't) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP took (NP heart))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the final word) (VP came (ADVP forth))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP it) , (ADVP fully) ; ; `` (PP bout (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP takin (NP his place)))) '')) (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP listened , waited)) , (S (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP happened)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD good)) .)) (TOP (NP His old self .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The music) (VP arrived) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP taking (NP him) (NP its rhythm))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Stroked (NP him)) , (VP snaked (PP (ADVP all) through (NP him))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 the lyrics) (VP (VP lifted (NP him)) , (VP took (NP him) (PP-DIR from (NP one magic isle)) (PP-DIR to (NP another)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stopping (NP-TMP briefly) (PP at (NP each))))))) (TOP (NP Brandon .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (ADJP-PRD good)) .)) (TOP (ADJP Damn good .)) (TOP (FRAG But (NP a nigger) .)) (TOP (NP Johnson .)) (TOP (X (INTJ Jesus) , (S (NP-SBJ the guy) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (VP trying)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP is n't (PP-PRD (PP with (NP it)) , (PP (ADVP not at all) with (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP talked (PP to (NP Ching)) (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (VP can (VP learn , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is not (UCP-PRD (NP a Reactionary) or (ADJP lazy))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP is (ADJP-PRD stupid)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-1 He) (VP oughta (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP know))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD plain (PP as (NP hell)))) (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP is (NP-PRD no reactionary)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're not (VP tryin , (NP-VOC (NP Johnson) , (NP you bastard) (NP you)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP looked (PP over (PP at (NP him))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP lying (ADVP there))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD asleep)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP a wave) (PP of (NP revulsion))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHADVP-1 How) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP loathed (NP him) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (ADJP Sleepy-eyed , soft-spoken) Johnson) , (NP (NP Biggest thorn) (PP in (NP my side)) (PP of (NP the whole fucken squad))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the guy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP goofed (PP at (NP Question Time))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ could n't (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP dumped (NP him) (PRT off) (PP on (NP someone else)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP Why) (NP me)) ? ?) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ the damn Reactionaries) (VP bump (NP him) (PRT off) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP Why) (NP Slater)) ? ?) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP a particle) (VP drawn (NP *) (PP-DIR to (NP a magnet))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP returned (PP to (NP (NP that) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP pressing (ADVP so hard) (PP in (NP his mind))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The music) (VP surged (PRT up))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP failed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP check (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP take (NP His place)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP The guy) (PP with (NP (NP most) (PP on (NP the Ball)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Most) (PP on (NP the ball)) .)) (TOP (VP Handle (NP men) .)) (TOP (ADJP Thoroughly Wised (PRT up) .)) (TOP (VP Knows (NP the score))) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a supreme effort)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP broke (NP it) (PRT off)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP turned (PP-DIR to (NP the window)) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A gnawing and gnashing) (PP within (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The snow) (VP was (VP tumbling (PRT down) (ADVP-MNR furiously) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Huge glob-flakes) (VP (VP hitting (NP the ground)) , (VP piling (ADVP higher and higher))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stared (PP at (NP it)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP amazed , alarmed))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The whole fucken sky) (VP 's (VP cavin (PRT in))) ! !)) (TOP (INTJ Keeeerist ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Lookit (NP it)) ! !)) (TOP (VP (VP Cover (NP the whole building)) , (VP bury (NP (NP us) (NP all))) , (PP-TMP by (NP nightfall))) .) (TOP (INTJ Jesus ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 Somebody) , (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD somebody)))))) (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP put (NP my two cents) (PRT in) (ADVP-TMP soon))))) , (NP-SBJ somebody else) (VP will (VP *?*))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (VP waitin (ADVP only) (PP-PRP (PP for (NP one thing)) : (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the bastards) (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP done (NP it))))) (VP to (VP be (VP nailed (NP *-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP already) (VP got (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP again) (VP (VP tingling (PP with (NP pleasure))) , (VP seeing (NP himself) (ADVP-MNR clearly) (PP in (NP (NP Slater 's) shoes))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Top dog) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP sleeping and eating (ADVP-LOC right there) (PP with (NP the Staff)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Ching) , (NP Tien) , (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP them))) .)) (TOP (NP Top dog .)) (TOP (NP Poor ol Slater .)) (TOP (X (INTJ Jesus) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP imagine)) , (S (NP-TPC the crummy bastards) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP get (NP em)))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP get (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP comin (PP to (NP em))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP whirled (PRT about) (ADVP-MNR suddenly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD nothing) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ his heart) (VP was (VP thumping (ADVP-MNR wildly)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Somebody) (VP was (ADVP-PRD up)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD all)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Boy) , (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP stirrin)) (ADVP early)) '' , (NP-SBJ a sleepy voice) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yehhh) '' , (SINV (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Coughlin) , (ADVP-MNR testily) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP eyeing (NP him) (ADVP up and down)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (SQ-TPC-1 (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Lookit (S (NP that) (VP come (PRT down))))) , (SQ willya)) '' , (SINV (VP said (SQ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 the man) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP scratching (NP himself)) , (VP yawning)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Yehhh '') , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Coughlin) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP practically) (VP spitting (PP on (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP moved (ADVP-DIR away)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD the way)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP toe (NP the line))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Goddamn it .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Keep (NP the chatter) (PP to (NP (NP a minimum) , (NP short answers) , (NP (NP one word) , (SBAR if (ADJP possible)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Less bull) (NP (NP the more) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP em))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP Brown 's) trouble)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bullshit (PP with (NP his squad))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the stupidest bastards) (ADVP-LOC around)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Just about) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP their asses) (VP kicked (PP into (NP hut Seven)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP Plenty) (PP of (NP room))) (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-TMP now) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All those dumb 8-Balls) (VP croaked) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP do (NP anything) (PP with (NP these dumb fucks)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (ADVP how)))))) .)) (TOP (NP Anything .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'd (VP cut (NP-1 (NP their mothers ') belly) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)))) .)) (TOP (VP Give (NP um) (NP the works)) .) (TOP (X (INTJ See) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADVP already) (VP snapping (NP it) (PRT up) , (NP-VOC the dumb jerk)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Coughlin) (VP grinned , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feeling (ADVP supremely) (PP on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP things))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP watched (NP the snow) (ADVP once again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP infuriated (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP made (NP no sense) (PP to (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP whirled (ADVP around) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD suddenly hot) (ADVP all over)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP finding (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP standing (PP-LOC before (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP (NP a few moments) back)))))) , (VP nailing (NP him) (PP to (NP (NP the spot) (SBAR (WHPP-3 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP stood (PP *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD open-mouthed))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC You) , (VP Listen) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP -- (NP-SBJ *) (VP name (NP (NP (NP William Foster 's) Four Internal Contradictions) (PP in (NP Capitalism)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Quick) -- (ADJP Quick) -- (ADVP-TMP now) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The man) (VP shrank (PP before (NP the hot fury)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP searching (ADVP-MNR frantically) (PP for (NP the answer))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Finnegan) (VP woke (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a hell) (PP of (NP a noise))) (NP-TMP (NP this time) (PP of (NP morning)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stared (PP out (NP the window))) .)) (TOP (PP For (NP (NP Christ 's) sake) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The whole fucken sky) (VP 's (VP caved (PRT in))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP for (NP (NP the source) (PP of (NP (NP the noise) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP awakened (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP that prick) (NP Coughlin))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What) (NP the hell)) (SQ was (NP-SBJ he) (PP up (PP to (NP *T*-1))) (ADVP-TMP now)) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Why) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP drop (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dead)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ they) (VP miss (NP him) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (NP Slater) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (WHADVP How ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP asking (NP himself) (NP (NP the usual early morning questions) : (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What) (NP the Hell)) (SQ am (NP-SBJ I) (VP doin (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC here))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ this) (NP-PRD a nut-house) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Am (NP-SBJ I) (ADJP-PRD nuts) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ this) (PP-PRD for (ADJP real)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Am (NP-SBJ I) (VP dreamin) ? ?)) (TOP (SINV (PP-DIR-TPC-1 From (ADVP-LOC somewhere (PP in (NP the hut)))) (VP came (PP-DIR *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Coughlin 's) voice) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How long) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP study (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP How long) , (NP-VOC buddy) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (PP-TPC-1 For (NP (NP Christ 's) sake)) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ A voice) (VP pleaded (PP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP Christsake (NP me) , (NP-VOC buddy))) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP answer) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP C'mon -- 'mon) ! !)) (TOP '' (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD no hero))) .) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ I) (VP start (NP the damn war)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Automatically) , (NP-SBJ-1 Finnegan) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP going (PP over (NP (NP today 's) lesson))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Capitalism) (VP rots (PP from (NP the core))) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP start (NP the damn war))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD a good one)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ Uncle Sam) (VP mind (NP his own fucken business) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP bet (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP both) (ADVP together)) (VP did))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP bet) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ *) (VP fuck (NP (NP them) (NP both))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Goddamn .)) (TOP (INTJ Goddammit .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR-1 home) (PP-DIR-2 to (NP Jersey))) , (VP (ADVP-DIR=1 back) (PP-DIR=2 to (NP (NP the shore) , (INTJ oh) , (INTJ Jesus) , (NP the shore))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The waves) (VP breakin (PRT in) (PP on (NP (NP you) and (NP your girl))) (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (ADVP-LOC there (PP on (NP the warm beach))) (PP in (NP the moonlight))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP haf (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ta (VP do (NP this)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stay (ADJP-PRD alive))))))) (PP by (NP God)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP do (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hated (NP the goddamn army) (PP-TMP from (NP (NP the first day) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (PRT in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP anyhow)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All pricks) (PP like (NP Coughlin))) (VP run (NP it) (ADVP anyway) , (NP-MNR (NP one way) or (NP another))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Fuck (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP rolled (ADVP over)) and (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shut (PRT out) (NP (NP the noise) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP much louder)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP snuggled (PP into (NP the blanket))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brandon) (VP dreamed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP sitting (PP on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP (NP a log) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP spinning (ADVP round and around) (PP in (NP the water)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A river) , (ADJP wide (PP as (NP (NP the Missouri) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP ran (PP by (NP his place)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The log) (VP was (VP spinning)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP So) (WHNP what) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ I) (VP be (VP spinning (SBAR-PRP just because (S (NP-SBJ the goddamn log) (VP is (VP spinning)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked (NP this) (ADVP-MNR out loud))) , but (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP heard (NP it) (PP over (NP (NP the other noise) (PP in (NP the hut)))))) -RRB- .)) (TOP (S (PP Over (PP on (NP (NP the bank) , (NP the west bank)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 a man) (VP stood , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP calling (PP to (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could n't (VP make (PRT out) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP saying (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV No doubt) (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (PP with (NP the log)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ he) (VP be (VP concerned) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so persuasive) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Voltaire) (VP is (ADVP almost) (VP convinced (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP burn (NP his books) , (ADVP too))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the two men) (VP are (VP riding (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the country) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP going (PP to (NP dinner)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP attacked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the dark) (PP of (NP the forest)))) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a band) (PP of (NP (NP thieves) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP strip (NP them) (PP of (NP (NP everything) , (PP including (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP their clothes))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD a (ADJP very learned) man)))) '' , (SINV (VP says (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Voltaire) (PP to (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the bandits))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` A learned man '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bandit) (VP laughs (PP in (NP his face))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Voltaire) (VP perseveres) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP goes (PP to (NP (NP the chief) (NP himself)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHPP-1 At (WHNP what university)) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP study (PP *T*-1))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asks (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP refuses (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the bandit chief) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP attended (NP a higher institution)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP have (VP become (ADJP-PRD so corrupt))))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (S *T*-1)))) , `` (ADVP surely) (NP-SBJ you) (VP must (VP have (VP studied (NP many arts and sciences)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The chief) , (VP annoyed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS these questions))) ,) (VP (VP knocks (NP Voltaire) (PRT down)) and (VP shouts (PP at (NP him)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (CONJP not only) (VP (ADVP-TMP never) went (PP to (NP any school))) , but (VP (ADVP-TMP never) (ADVP even) learned (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP read (ADVP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (ADVP-TMP finally) (NP-SBJ the two bedraggled men) (VP reach (NP (NP their friend 's) home) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Voltaire 's) fears) (VP are (ADVP-TMP once again) (VP aroused (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S For (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP such a distinguished place) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP such fine works) (PP of (NP art))) and (NP such a big library))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP can (VP be (NP-PRD little doubt) (PP but (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the owner) (VP has (VP become (ADJP-PRD depraved) (PP by (NP all this culture)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP (NP Voltaire 's) surprise)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ their host) (VP (VP gives (NP them) (NP (NP fresh clothes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP *T*-1) (PRT on))))))) , (VP opens (NP his purse) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP lend (NP them) (NP money))))) and (VP sits (NP them) (PRT down) (PP-LOC before (NP a good dinner)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Immediately) after (NP dinner)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP asks (PP for (NP still another favor))) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ he) (VP have (NP pen and paper) , (INTJ please)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP a hurry)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write (NP (NP another essay) (PP against (NP culture))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the impromptu) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ Voltaire) (VP gave (NP *T*-2) (PP to (NP (NP howls) (PP of (NP laughter)))) (PP-LOC at (NP Sans Souci))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-3) (VP was (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP circulated (NP *-4) (PP in (NP manuscript)) (PP throughout (NP (NP the literary circles) (PP of (NP Europe)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP printed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP sometime later))))) , (NAC but (PP with (S (NP-SBJ (NP the name) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Timon) (PP of (NP Athens))) , (NP the famous misanthrope) ,))) (VP substituted (PP for (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP Rousseau))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (WHADJP How cruel ! !)) (TOP (FRAG But (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) (WHADJP how understandable) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP How) (SQ could (NP-SBJ (NP the rich) , (SBAR (WHPP-4 for (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 life) (VP was (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD so simple)) (PP *T*-4))))) ,) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP understand (NP (NP (NP the subterfuges) , (NP the lies) , (NP the frauds) , (NP the (NX (NX errors) , (NX sins) and (NX even crimes)))) (SBAR (WHPP-6 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the poor) (VP were (VP driven (NP *-2) (PP *T*-6) (PP in (NP (NP their efforts) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP the great advantages) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ the rich) (VP had (NP *T*-3) (PP in (NP (NP the race) (PP of (NP life)))))))) (ADVP *T*-5)))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 How) , (PP for (NP example)) , (SQ could (NP-SBJ a Voltaire) (VP understand (NP (NP the strange predicament) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ a Rousseau) (VP would (VP find (NP himself) (PP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) , (S (PP-TMP (ADVP soon) after (NP (NP the furor) (PP of (NP his first Discourse)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP acquired (NP (NP still another title) (PP to (NP fame))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (NP This time) (PP as (NP a musician)) .)) (TOP (PP As (NP a composer) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Ever since (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP first) (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP study (NP music))) and (VP to (VP teach (NP it))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP had (VP dreamed (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP piercing (PP through (PP to (NP fame))) (PP as (NP (NP the result) (PP of (NP a successful opera))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP his facility) (PP in (NP this genre))) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD great)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP his efforts) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP a performance) (PP for (NP his Gallant Muses)) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP invariably) (VP failed) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (PP for (NP good reasons)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His operatic music) (VP had (NP little merit)) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP But then) (NP-TMP one day) , (SBAR-TMP while (PP on (NP (NP (NP a week 's) visit) (PP to (NP (NP the country home) (PP of (NP a retired Swiss jeweler))))))) , (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP amused (NP the company) (PP with (NP (NP a few little melodies) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP written (NP *T*-1))))) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP attached (NP no great importance) (PP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADVP really) (VP amazed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP discover (S (NP-SBJ the other guests) (ADJP-PRD so excited (PP about (NP these delicate little songs))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Put (NP a few such songs) (ADVP together))) '' , (NP-SBJ they) (VP urged (NP him) (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP String (NP them) (PP onto (NP (NP some sort) (PP of (NP little plot)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP have (NP a delightful operetta)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP believe (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Nonsense) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the sort) (PP of (NP stuff)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP write (NP *T*-1)) (CONJP and then) (VP throw (NP *T*-1) (ADVP away))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Heaven) (VP forbid)) '' ! ! (VP Cried (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the ladies) , (VP enchanted (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS his music)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP make (NP an opera) (PP out (PP of (NP this material))))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP would n't (VP leave (PRT off) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP arguing and pleading)) (PP-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP promised)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Oh) , (NP (NP (NP the irony) and (NP the bitterness)) (PP of (NP it))) ! !)) (TOP (SBAR That (PP-TMP after (NP (NP all his years) (PP of (NP (NP effort) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD a composer) (ADVP *T*-1))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP should (ADVP-TMP now) , (ADVP-TMP (ADVP now) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP stoutly) (VP replying (PP to (NP (NP the critics) (PP of (NP his (NX-TTL (NX Discourse) (PP on (NP the Arts and Sciences))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) , (VP (VP be (ADJP-PRD so close (PP to (NP (NP a success) (PP in (NP music)))))) and (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP reject (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP appear (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP reject (NP it))))) ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHNP-1 what else) (SQ could (NP-SBJ he) (VP do (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could n't (VP (VP (PP on (NP the one hand)) decry (NP the arts)) and (VP (PP at (NP the same time)) practice (NP them))))) , (SQ could (NP-SBJ you)) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Well) , (INTJ yes) , (ADVP perhaps) (PP in (NP literature)) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP argue (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP could n't (VP keep (ADJP-PRD silent) (PP about (NP (NP your feelings) (PP against (NP literature)))))) (CONJP and so) (VP were (VP involved (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP yourself))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (ADVP-TMP now) (NP music) (ADVP too) ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ No .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD too much))) ! !)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ the fault) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP was (NP-PRD Rameau 's)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fault) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Rameau 's) and (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP the whole culture) (PP of (NP this Parisian age))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Rameau 's) type) (PP of (NP music)) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP been (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP write (NP *T*-3))))))))) , and (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP write (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These little songs) , (ADVP however) , (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP sweet nothings) (PP from (NP the heart))) , (NP (NP tender memories) (PP of (NP his childhood))) , (NP (NP little melodies) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP could (VP hum (NP *T*-2))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ-3 one) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP weep))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (INTJ no) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could n't (VP appear (PP as (NP a composer)) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP That glory) , (VP craved (NP *) (PP-TMP for (ADJP so long))) ,) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (VP forbidden (NP *-1) (PP to (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (PP just for (NP the ladies)) , and (PP (ADVP just) for (NP this once)) , (PP for (NP (NP this one weekend) (PP in (NP the country)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP make (NP a little piece) (PP out (PP of (NP his melodies))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The ladies) (VP were (VP delighted (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Jean Jacques) (VP was (VP applauded (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-2 everyone) (VP went (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP work))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP learn (NP (NP the parts) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP But then) , (PP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 the little operetta) (VP had (VP been (VP given (NP *-1) (NP its feeble amateur rendering)))))) , (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP insisted (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too good (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD lost) (ADVP-TMP forever))))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Royal Academy) (PP of (NP Music))) (VP must (ADVP-TMP now) (VP have (NP the manuscript) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP it) (NP (NP the (ADJP really first-rate) performance) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP merited (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP must (VP seem (PP like (NP a hypocrite)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP standing (ADVP-LOC there)) and (VP arguing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (ADVP possibly) (VP permit (NP a public performance)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The ladies) (ADVP especially) (VP could n't (VP understand (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP troubled (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (NP A contradiction ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (INTJ Bah) , (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a contradiction) (PP in (NP (NP one 's) life)))))) ? ?) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Every woman) (VP has (VP had (NP (NP the experience) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP saying (NP no) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP meant (NP yes) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , and (VP saying (NP yes) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP meant (NP no)) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rousseau) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP admit (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP agree (PP to (NP a public performance)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP would (ADVP indeed) , (PP just for (NP his own private satisfaction)) , (ADVP dearly) (VP love (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ his work) (VP would (VP sound (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *) (VP done (NP *-4) (PP (PP by (NP-LGS professional musicians)) and (PP by (NP-LGS trained voices))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (ADVP simply) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as good) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ-2 you kind people) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP think)))))))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Duclos) , (NP the historian) ,) (VP pointed (PRT out) (PP to (NP Jean Jacques)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (ADJP-PRD impossible))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The musicians) (PP of (NP the Royal Opera))) (VP would not (VP rehearse (NP a work) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP merely) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP sound (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Merely) (VP to (VP satisfy (NP (NP the author 's) curiosity))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP agreed) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP recalled (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Rameau) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP had (NP (NP a private performance) (PP of (NP his opera Armide))) , (PP-LOC behind (NP closed doors)) , (PP (ADVP just) for (NP (NP himself) (ADJP alone)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Duclos) (VP understood (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP bothering (NP Rousseau))))) : (SBAR-TPC that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the writer) (PP of (NP-TTL (NP the Prosopopoeia) (PP of (NP Fabricius))))) (VP should (ADVP-TMP now) (VP become (ADJP-PRD known) (PP as (NP (NP the writer) (PP of (NP an amusing little operetta))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP would (ADVP certainly) (VP be (ADJP-PRD paradoxical))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Duclos) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP a way out)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP do (NP (NP the submitting) (PP to (NP the Royal Academy))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP suggested (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Your name) (VP will (ADVP-TMP never) (VP appear)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP will (ADVP even) (VP suspect (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD your work)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP that)) (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP could (VP agree)) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (ADVP-TMP now) (NP (NP what crazy twists and turns) (PP of (NP his emotions))) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Afraid (SBAR *ICH*-5)) (PP at (NP one and the same time)) (SBAR-5 (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 his work) (VP might (VP be (VP (VP turned (NP *-3) (PRT down)) -- (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a blow) (PP to (NP his pride))) (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD the author))))))))))) --))))) and (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the work) (VP would (VP be (VP accepted (NP *-1)))))) , (CONJP and then) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP his violent feelings) (PP in (NP the matter))) (VP would (ADVP certainly) (VP betray (SBAR (WHADJP-4 (ADVP how deeply) concerned) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-4) (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP himself))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR And (WHADJP-2 how anxious (PP *ICH*-1)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP this lover) (PP of (NP obscurity))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-2) (PP-1 for (NP applause)))) ! !)) (TOP (S And (ADVP thus) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (VP torn (NP *-2) (PP between (NP (NP his desire (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP known (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP the composer) (PP of (NP a successful opera))))))))) and (NP (NP the necessity) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP remaining (ADJP-PRD true (PP to (NP (NP his proclaimed desire) (PP for (NP anonymity))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Rousseau) (VP suffered (PP through (NP several painful weeks))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 All these emotions) (VP were (VP screwed (NP *-1) (PP up (PP to (NP new heights))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) , (S (PP-TMP after (NP (NP acceptance) and (NP the first rehearsals))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP ensued (NP (NP such a buzz) (PP of (NP excitement)) (PP among (NP Parisian music lovers)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 Duclos) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP running (PP to (NP Rousseau)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP inform (NP him) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the news) (VP had (VP reached (NP (NP the superintendent) (PP of (NP (NP the King 's) amusements))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (VP demanding (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the work) (VP be (VP offered (NP *-2) (ADVP-TMP first) (PP at (NP (NP the royal summer palace) (PP of (NP Fontainebleau)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Imagine (NP the honor (PP of (NP it)))) ! !)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-1 (WHNP-3 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (NP-PRD your answer)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ-2 Jean Jacques) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-2) (VP striving (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP appear (ADJP-PRD unimpressed))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP refused)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Duclos) (VP said (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What else) (SQ (AUX could) (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Monsieur De Cury) (VP was (VP incensed (NP *-1) , (PP of (NP course)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would (ADVP-TMP first) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP the author 's) permission))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD certain (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP refuse)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHADJP-1 How infuriating) (S (NP-SBJ all this) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1))) ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ had not (NP-SBJ this success) (VP come (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR-TMP (SBAR before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP plunged (PP into (NP his Discourse)))))) , and (SBAR before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP committed (NP himself) (PP to (NP (NP a life) (PP of (NP austerity and denial))))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP everything) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (VP opening (PRT up) (PP to (NP him)) -- (NP-1 (NP even the court) (PP of (NP Louis 15))) (ADVP *T*-2) ! ! --)))) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP play (NP (NP a role) (PP of (NP self-effacement))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Back and forth) (NP-SBJ-1 Duclos) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go , (PP (PP between (NP (NP M. De Cury) and (NP Jean Jacques))) and (PP between (NP (NP the Duke D'Aumont) and (NP Jean Jacques)))) (ADVP again)))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP his little operetta) , (NP The Village Soothsayer)) , (SBAR-ADV though (FRAG (ADJP still unperformed))) , (VP took (PRT on) (ADVP-TMP ever) (NP more importance))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the news) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ the composer) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) (VP did (ADVP-TMP finally) (VP begin (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (ADVP around) (PP among (NP his closest friends))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ they) , (ADVP naturally) , (VP kept (NP his secret) (ADVP-MNR well))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the public) (PP at (ADJP large))) (VP knew (ADVP only) (PP of (NP (NP a great excitement) (PP in (NP (UCP musical and court) circles)))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHADJP-3 How titillating) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP was (ADJP *T*-3) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP among (NP (NP people) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did not (VP know (NP him) (PP as (NP the composer)))))) , but (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP talked (PP in (NP the (ADJP most glowing) terms)) (PP of (NP (NP the promise) (PP of (NP the piece)))) (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP heard (NP the first rehearsals)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The furor) (VP was (ADJP-PRD such (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could not (ADVP possibly) (VP have (VP squirmed (NP their way) (PP-DIR into (NP the rehearsals)))))))) (VP were (VP pretending (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD intimate (PP with (NP the whole affair)))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD sensational)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP listening (PP to (NP such a conversation))) (NP-TMP one morning) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP (NP a cup) (PP of (NP chocolate))) (PP-LOC in (NP a cafe)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Rousseau) (VP found (NP (NP himself) (VP bathed (NP *) (PP in (NP perspiration)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP trembling (SBAR lest (S (NP-SBJ his authorship) (VP become (ADJP-PRD known))))) , and (VP (PP at (NP the same time)) dreaming (PP of (NP (NP the startling effect) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP make (NP *T*-3) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP proclaim (NP himself) (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (PP as (NP the composer)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (NP himself) (ADVP-TMP now) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) (NP himself)) (VP says (PP in (NP his Confessions))))) , (PP at (NP (NP a crucial point) (PP of (NP his life))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP why) , (S (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the day) (PP of (NP the performance)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a carriage) (PP from (NP the royal stables))) (VP called (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP the palace))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP did not (VP bother (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP shave)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the contrary)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP pleased (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his face) (VP showed (NP (NP a neglect) (PP of (NP several days)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seeing (S (NP-SBJ him) (UCP-PRD (PP in (NP that condition)) , and (ADJP about (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP enter (NP (NP the hall) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the King) , (NP the Queen) , (NP the whole royal family) and (NP (NP all the members) (PP of (NP the highest aristocracy)))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD present) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Grimm) and (NP the Abbe Raynal) and (NP others)) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP stop (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP go (ADVP-DIR in) (NP-MNR that way)))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ They) (VP cried (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (WHADVP Why) not) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Jean Jacques) (VP asked (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP stop (NP me))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP have n't (VP dressed (PP for (NP the occasion)))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ They) (VP pointed (PRT out) (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP dressed (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP am (VP *?*))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP said (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (ADVP-MNR `` Neither better nor worse '' .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (PP-LOC At (NP home)) , (INTJ yes)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP argued (FRAG *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (ADVP-LOC here) (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the palace))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD the King)) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP Madame De Pompadour) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADVP-PRD here)))) , (ADVP then) (ADVP surely) (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP the right) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-PRD here) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` And (NP (ADJP even more) right) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD the composer))) '' ! !)) (TOP (FRAG `` But (PP in (NP such a slovenly condition)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD slovenly) (PP about (NP me))))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Rousseau) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP-PRP-PRD because of (NP my slovenliness)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ hair) (VP grows (PP-LOC on (NP my face))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Surely) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP grow (ADVP-LOC there) (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP washed (NP myself)) or (VP (FRAG not))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A hundred years) ago) (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP have (VP worn (NP a beard) (PP with (NP pride))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP those) (PP without (NP beards))) (VP would (VP have (VP stood (PRT out) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP dressed (NP *) (PP for (NP the occasion)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (S (NP-SBJ times) (VP have (VP changed))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP pretend (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ hair) (VP does n't (VP grow (PP-LOC on (NP my face))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD the fashion)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ fashion) (VP is (NP-PRD the real king) (ADVP-LOC here)) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP Louis 15) , , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ even he) (VP obeys)))) .) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP mind)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP should (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ my own piece) (VP performed (NP *)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (PP of (NP course)) (PP behind (NP his boldness)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP feel (ADJP-PRD bold) (ADVP at all))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP trembled (SBAR lest (S (NP-SBJ his piece) (VP should (VP fail))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP this) (PP in (NP (NP addition) (PP to (NP (NP (NP his usual fear) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (PP-PRD among (NP (NP people) (PP of (NP high society)))))))) , (NP (NP his fear) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP some (ADJP inane or inappropriate) remark))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (ADJP (ADJP even deeper) (PP than (NP that))) : (NP his fear (SBAR lest (S (PP-LOC in (NP this closed hall)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (VP itch (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP relieve (NP himself)))))))))) .) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ he) (VP walk (ADVP-DIR out) (PP in (NP (NP the midst) (PP of (NP his piece))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-LOC Here) , (PP before (NP the court)) ? ?)) (TOP (PP Before (NP the King) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the first time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP any) (PP of (NP us))) (VP had (VP laughed (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ the morning) (VP began))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The rider) (PP from (NP Concord))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as good) (PP as (NP his word)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP spurring and whooping (PP-DIR down (NP the road)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his horse) (VP kicking (PRT up) (NP (NP clouds) (PP of (NP dust)))))) , (VP shouting : `` (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (VP a-coming))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP God)) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (VP a-coming))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP *?*))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP heard (NP him) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP showed))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP yelling)) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP sight)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Solomon Chandler) (VP had n't (VP misjudged (NP (NP the strength) (PP of (NP his lungs))) , (ADVP not at all))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP have (VP heard (NP him) (ADVP-LOC (NP a mile) away)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP bursting (PP at (NP every seam)) (PP with (NP importance))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP observed (SBAR that (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (PP-LOC-PRD up (PP on (NP a horse))))) (VP changes (NP (NP the whole character) (PP of (NP a man))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ a (ADJP very small) man) (VP is (PP-PRD up (PP on (NP a saddle))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP 'd (ADVP like as not) (VP prefer (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP eat (NP his meals) (ADVP-LOC there))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD understandable))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP appreciate (NP the sentiment))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As for (NP this rider)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP (VP saw (NP him) (ADVP before or afterwards)) and (VP (ADVP never) saw (NP (NP him) (VP dismounted))))) , (ADVP so) (S (S (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stood (ADJP-PRD tall or short) (PP in (NP his shoes))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP say))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (NP the day) (NP tone and distinction)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The last thing) (PP in (NP the world)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP resembled (NP a war))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP our line) (PP of (NP (NP farmers and storekeepers and mechanics) (VP perched (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP a stone wall)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this dashing rider) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV a good deal) sharper) and (ADJP more alert (PP to (NP the situation)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP came (PP-DIR down (PP off (NP the wall))) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP toppled (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP us))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP crouched (PP-LOC behind (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP talk (PP with (NP contempt)) (PP about (NP the British regulars))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (ADVP only) (VP proves (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a lot) (PP of (NP people))) (VP talk (PP about (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHPP-1 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD deplorably ignorant (PP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-2 Whatever) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP felt (NP *T*-2) (PP about (NP the redcoats))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP respected (NP them) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP (NP their trade) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD killing)))))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I , myself ,) (VP was (ADJP-PRD nauseated (PP with (NP apprehension and fear)))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ my hands) (VP were (ADJP-PRD soaking wet) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP held (NP my gun) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wipe (NP my flint)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP did n't (VP dare (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP *?*))) , (NP-ADV (NP the state) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ my hands) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP *T*-3)))))) , (SBAR (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP did n't (VP dare (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP do (NP anything) (PP about (NP the priming)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The gun) (VP would (VP (VP fire) or (VP (FRAG not)) , (SBAR (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ chance) (VP willed))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (NP (NP (ADJP (NP-ADV a lot) more) trust) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-PUT in (NP my two legs)) (PP-1 than (PP in (NP the gun))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP most important) thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP learned (NP *T*-2) (PP about (NP war))))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP (VP run (ADVP-DIR away)) and (VP survive (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (PP about (NP it)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The gunfire) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD (ADVP so near) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (PP-LOC-PRD (NP-ADV just a piece) up (NP the road)) (ADVP-TMP now)))))))) ,) (VP stopped (PP for (ADJP long enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP count (PP to (NP twenty))))))))) ; ; and (S (PP-TMP in (NP that brief interval)) , (NP-SBJ-2 a redcoat officer) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP tearing (PP-DIR down (NP the road)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP whipping (NP his horse) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP fit (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP kill))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD after (NP (NP our rider) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP by) (ADVP-TMP (NP a minute) before)))))))))) , or (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP simply) (VP scouting (NP conditions))))))))) ; ; but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP passed (NP us) (ADVP by) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (S (NP-SBJ a musket) (VP roared)) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP (VP reared (NP his horse)) , (VP swung (NP it) (ADVP around)) , and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP whip (NP it) (PP-DIR (ADVP back) in (NP (NP the direction) (SBAR (WHPP-4 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR *T*-4)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP fine and showy) rider))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 his skill) (VP was (VP wasted (NP *-1) (PP on (NP us))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-DIR From (UCP-LOC (PP above (NP me)) and (ADVP somewhere (PP behind (NP me))))) , (NP-SBJ a rifle) (VP cracked) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The redcoat officer) (VP collapsed (PP like (NP a punctured bolster)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the horse) (VP (VP reared) and (VP threw (NP him) (PP from (NP the saddle)) , (PP except (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one booted foot) (VP caught (PP in (NP the stirrup))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP Half) (VP crazed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP the weight) (VP dragging)) , (NP the dust) , and (NP the heat))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the horse) (VP leaped (NP our wall) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP dashing (PP out (NP (NP the rider 's) brains)) (PP against (NP it))) , and (VP leaving (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP lying (ADVP-LOC there) (PP among (NP us)) -- (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the horse) (VP crashed (ADVP-DIR away) (PP-DIR through (NP the brush)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP my initiation) (PP to (NP (NP war) and (NP (NP the insane symphony) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ war) (VP plays (NP *T*-3)))))))))) ; ; for (S (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened (PP on (NP the common)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD only terror and flight))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ (NP this grinning , broken head) , (PP-LOC (ADVP (NP (QP not ten) feet) away) from (NP me))) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the sharp definition) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ my reality) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP now) (S (NP-SBJ the redcoats) (VP were (VP coming))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the gunfire) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a part) (PP of (NP (NP the dust cloud) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the road) (PP to (NP (NP the west) (PP of (NP us))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP state (SBAR that (S (ADVP (ADVP the faster) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP happened (ADVP *T*-2))))) , (ADVP-TPC-3 the slower) (NP-SBJ they) (VP happened (ADVP *T*-3))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the passage and rhythm) (PP of (NP time))) (VP changed)) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (ADVP back) (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (ADVP-TMP then))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) , (NP-SBJ each event) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP separate and frozen) incident))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP my recollection)) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a long interval) (PP between (NP (NP (NP the death) (PP of (NP the officer))) and (NP (NP the appearance) (PP of (NP (NP the first) (PP of (NP the retreating redcoats))))))))) , and (S (PP-TMP in (NP that interval)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the dust cloud) (PP over (NP the road))) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hover (ADVP-TMP indefinitely))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP could not (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP than (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP seconds))))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the front) (PP of (NP the British army))) (VP came (PP into (NP view)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD only hours) (PP-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP last) (VP seen (NP them))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP changed))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP changed))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the (ADJP very front) rank)) , (NP-SBJ-1 two men) (VP were (VP (VP wounded) and (VP staggered (ADVP along)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP trailing (NP blood) (PP behind (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (FRAG (NP No drummers) (ADVP-LOC here) , (NP no pipers)) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the red coats) (VP were (VP covered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP a fine film) (PP of (NP dust))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP marched (PP with (NP (NP bayonets) (ADJP fixed))))) , and (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 as fixed (PP on (NP their faces))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ anger , fear , and torment)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rank) (PP after (NP rank)) (PP of (NP them))) (VP came (PP-DIR down (NP the road)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the faces) (VP were (NP-PRD all the same))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP walked (PP in (NP (NP a sea) (PP of (NP dust)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Committeemen) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP hold (NP your fire)) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hold (NP your fire)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ A voice) (VP called (S-IMP *T*-2))) , and (S (S-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP even more) terrible and unreal))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ the redcoat ranks) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP paused (PP for (NP an instant)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP only some) (PP of (NP them))) (VP glancing (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the stone wall) , (SBAR (WHPP-3 from (WHPP behind (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ the voice) (VP came (PP *T*-3))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The front) (PP of (NP their column))) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP passed (NP us) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ another officer) (VP came (VP riding (PP-DIR down (NP (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the road))) , (NP (NP not five paces) (PP from (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My Cousin Simmons) (VP carried (NP a musket))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP loaded (NP it) (PP with (NP bird shot))))) , and (S (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the officer) (VP came (PP opposite (NP him))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP rose (PRT up) (PP-LOC behind (NP the wall))) and (VP fired))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP-2 One moment) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD-3 a man) (PP-LOC-4 in (NP the saddle)))) ; ; (S (NP-TMP=2 the next) (NP-PRD=3 (NP a headless horror)) (PP-LOC=4 on (NP (NP a horse) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP bolted (PP-DIR through (NP the redcoat ranks)))))))) , and (S (PP-TMP during (NP the next second or two)) , (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP us)))) (VP fired (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the (ADJP suddenly disorganized) column) (PP of (NP soldiers)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP One moment) , (NP-SBJ-1 the road) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP disciplined troops) , (VP marching (NP (NP four) (PP by (NP four))) (PP with (NP (NP a purpose) (ADJP (ADJP as implacable) (PP as (NP death))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-TMP the next) , (NP-SBJ (NP a cloud) (PP of (NP gun smoke))) (VP covered (NP (NP a screaming fury) (PP of (NP sound)) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 out (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ the redcoat soldiers) (VP emerged (PP *T*-2) (PP with (NP (NP their bayonets) and (NP their cursing fury))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP the course) (PP of (NP this)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP fired (PP on (NP us))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP no memory) (PP of (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP squeezed (NP (NP the trigger) (PP of (NP my own gun)))))) , and (S (PP to (NP my amazement)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP (VP fired) and (VP kicked (ADVP back) (PP into (NP my shoulder)) (PP with (NP (NP the force) (PP of (NP an angry mule)))))))) ; ; (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (UCP-PRD (VP (VP adding (NP my own voice) (PP to (NP (NP the crescendo) (PP of (NP sound))))) , (VP hurling (NP (NP more vile language) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP *?*))))))))) , (VP sobbing) and (VP shouting)) , and (ADJP aware (SBAR that (S (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP passed (NP water) (ADVP-TMP before))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (NP-PRD enough))) , for (S (NP-SBJ my pants) (VP were (ADJP-PRD soaking wet))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP have (VP (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there)) and (VP died (ADVP-LOC there))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP left (PP to (NP myself)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Cousin Simmons) (VP (VP grabbed (NP my arm) (PP in (NP his viselike grip))) and (VP (ADVP fairly) plucked (NP me) (PP-DIR out (PP of (ADVP there)))))) ; ; (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP came (PP to (NP some sanity))) and (VP plunged (ADVP-DIR away) (PP with (NP (NP such extraordinary speed) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP outdistanced (NP Cousin Simmons) (PP by (ADVP far)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everyone else) (VP was (VP running)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) (NP-SBJ we) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the redcoats) (VP had (VP stopped (NP their charge) (PP-LOC at (NP the wall))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Their only hope) (PP of (NP survival))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP hold (PP to (NP the road))) and (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP marching))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP tumbled (PP to (NP a stop)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP Deacon Gordon 's) cow hole) , (NP (NP a low-lying bit) (PP of (NP pasture)) (PP with (NP (NP a muddy pool) (PP of (NP water)) (PP-LOC in (NP its middle)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A dozen cows) (VP (VP mooed (ADVP-MNR sadly)) and (VP regarded (NP us) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD insane (PRN , (PP as (S (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (PP-TMP-PRD at (NP that moment))))) ,) (PP with (NP (NP (NP the crazy excitement) (PP of (NP our first encounter))) , (NP (NP the yelling and shooting) (VP (ADVP-TMP still) continuing (PP-LOC up (PP at (NP the road))))) , and (NP (NP the thirst) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the men)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so great) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP waded (PP-DIR into (NP the muddy water))) and (VP scooped (PRT up) (NP (NP handfuls) (PP of (NP it)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Isaac Pitt) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the men) (PP from (NP Lincoln))))) ,) (VP had (VP taken (NP a musket ball) (PP-LOC in (NP his belly))))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP found (NP (NP the strength) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP run (PP with (NP us)) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))))) , (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP collapsed) and (VP lay (PP-LOC on (NP the ground)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP dying)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the Reverend) (VP (VP holding (NP his head)) and (VP wiping (NP his hot brow))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP may (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD cruel and callous))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP no one) (PP *ICH*-3)) (VP had (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP spend (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sympathizing (PP with (NP poor Isaac)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) -- (PP-3 except (NP the Reverend)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP I) (NP myself)) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a mortal shame) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ-1 a man) (VP to (VP be (VP torn (NP *-1) (ADVP open) (PP by (NP-LGS a British musket ball)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Isaac) (VP had (VP been (VP *?*)))))))))))))))))) , yet (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP also) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD relieved and lucky (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD him and not myself)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD drunk (PP with (NP (NP excitement) and (NP (NP the smell) (PP of (NP gunpowder)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP floating (PRT down) (PP-DIR from (NP the road)))))))) , and (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-5 I) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD afraid (NAC *ICH*-4)) (ADVP-TMP now) , (NAC-4 but (ADVP only) (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP next)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Meanwhile) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP reloaded (NP my gun) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the other men) (VP were (VP doing))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP less) (PP than (NP (NP a quarter) (PP of (NP a mile))))) (PP from (NP the road)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (VP trace (NP its shape) (PP from (NP (NP the ribbon) (PP of (NP (NP powder smoke) and (NP dust))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP hung (PP over (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 Wherever) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP looked (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP saw (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Committeemen) (VP running (PP-DIR-3 across (NP the meadows)) ,)) (S (NP-SBJ=2 some) (ADVP-DIR=3 away (PP from (NP the road)))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2 some) (PP-DIR=3 toward (NP it))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2 some) (ADVP-DIR=3 parallel (PP to (NP it)))))) ; ; and (S (PP-LOC (NP-ADV (QP about a) mile) to (NP the west)) (NP-SBJ (NP a cluster) (PP of (NP (NP (QP at least fifty) Militia)))) (VP were (VP making (NP their way) (PP-DIR in (NP our direction))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Cousin Joshua) and (NP some others)) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP should (VP (VP march (PP-DIR toward (NP Lexington))) and (VP take (PRT up) (NP new positions) (ADVP-LOC ahead (PP of (NP the slow-moving British column)))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ another group) (VP maintained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP should (VP stick (PP to (NP (NP this spot) and (NP (NP this section) (PP of (NP road))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP offer (NP any advice)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP certainly) (VP did not (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the officer) (VP lay (ADVP *T*-2) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his brains) (VP dashed (PRT out)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP said (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP (VP standing (ADVP-LOC here)) and (VP arguing (PP about (NP it))))))) , (NP-SBJ the British) (VP would (VP be (VP gone))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ Cousin Simmons) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP marching (ADVP-DIR west))) (PP-TMP (ADVP early) in (NP the morning))))) , and (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP moving (PP at (NP a much brisker pace)))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP had (ADVP-TMP still) (VP taken (NP half an hour) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ their column) (VP to (VP pass)))) , (PP what with (NP (NP (NP the narrowness) (PP of (NP the road))) and (NP their baggage and ammunition carts)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ-1 this) (VP was (VP being (VP discussed (NP *-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ (NP the militia) (PP to (NP (NP the west) (PP of (NP us))))) (VP (VP fanning (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP breaking (PP into (NP (NP little clusters) (PP of (NP (QP two and three) men))))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP approached (NP the road))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the opinion) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP us))))) (SBAR-3 that (S (S (NP-SBJ these) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP (NP the Committeemen) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the Battle) (PP of (NP the North Bridge)) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP entitled (NP them) (PP to (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP veteran status))))))))))))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP employed (NP this tactic)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP likely enough) (NP-PRD the best one)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mattathias Dover) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP makes (NP sense)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP cluster (ADVP together)))) , (NP-SBJ the redcoats) (VP can (VP make (NP an advantage) (PP out (PP of (NP it)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP not a blessed thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP two or three) (PP of (NP us)))) (PP except (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP chase (NP us)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP outrun (NP them)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP settled (NP it))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP broke (PP into (NP (NP parties) (PP of (NP two and three)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Cousin Joshua Dover) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP remain (PP with (NP (NP the Reverend) and (NP poor Isaac Pitt))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ life) (VP passed (ADVP away))))))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP hurt (NP *-1) (ADVP (ADVP so badly) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP seem (PP for (ADJP long)) (PP in (NP this world)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PRT off) (PP with (NP (NP Cousin Simmons) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP maintained (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP see (PP to (NP me)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP *?*)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-4 `` (INTJ Good heavens) , (NP-VOC Adam) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-4)))) , `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 'd (VP have (NP no trouble) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP learning (NP *T*-1)))))))) (VP is (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP out (PP of (NP a place))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP learned (NP that) (ADVP-TMP now))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP ran (ADVP-DIR east) (PP for (NP (QP about half a) mile)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP turned (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the road)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP panting (PP from (NP the effort))) and (VP soaked (PP with (NP sweat))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a clump) (PP of (NP trees)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP provide (NP cover) (PP (ADVP right) up (PP to (NP the road)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the shouting and gunfire) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP slackened)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Under (NP the trees)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a dead redcoat) , (NP (NP a young boy) (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP pasty white) skin) and (NP (NP a face) (ADJP full (PP of (NP pimples))))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP taken (NP a rifle ball) (PP-LOC (ADVP directly) between (NP the eyes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Three men) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD around (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP stripped (NP him) (PP of (NP his musket and equipment))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP pulling (NP his boots and jacket) (PRT off)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cousin Simmons) (VP (VP grabbed (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP them))) (PP by (NP the shoulder))) and (VP flung (NP him) (ADVP-DIR away))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (INTJ God 's name) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ (NP *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD you) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rob (NP the dead) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the fight) (VP going (PRT on))))))))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Cousin Simmons) (VP roared (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP outface (NP him)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Joseph Simmons) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as wide) (PP as (NP two average men))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP would (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP braver men) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ these) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP outface (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP That summer) (NP-SBJ-1 the gambling houses) (VP were (VP closed (NP *-1) , (PP despite (NP (NP the threats) (PP of (NP (NP Pierre Ameaux) , (NP a gaming-card manufacturer))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Dancing) (VP was (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP permitted (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the streets)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The Bordel) and (NP (NP other places) (PP of (NP prostitution)))) (VP were (VP emptied (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The slit breeches) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Drunkenness) (VP was (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP tolerated (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP defiance)) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a chinless reprobate) , (NP Jake Camaret) ,) (VP marched (PP-DIR down (NP (NP the aisle) (PP in (NP St. Peter 's)))) (NP-TMP one Sunday morning) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP followed (PP by (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the women) (PP from (NP the Bordel)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose dress and walk) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP plainly) (VP showed (NP (NP the lack) (PP of (NP any shame))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Plunking (NP themselves) (PRT down) (PP-LOC on (NP the front bench)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP turned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP smirk (PP at (NP (NP those) (PP-LOC around (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP John 's) first impulse) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP denounce (NP their blasphemy))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the thought) (VP occurred (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP would (VP want (S (NP-SBJ this opportunity) (VP used (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (NP them) (PP about (NP Him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Calmly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP opened (NP the Bible)) and (VP read (PP of (NP (NP the woman) (PP at (NP the well)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP finished (NP the worship service) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP no brazen attempt) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP dishonor (NP God and man) (ADVP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The next morning) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the clock) (VP struck (NP nine)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP appeared (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the Council meeting) (PP in (NP the Town Hall))))) and (VP insisted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 the couple) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP punished (NP *-1))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-4 the Church) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP respected (NP *-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP told (NP you) (ADVP-TMP before)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you) (ADVP again)))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Monsieur Favre) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR rudely))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stick (PP to (NP (NP the preaching) (PP of (NP the Gospel))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP stiffened (PP in (NP anger))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the answer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the ungodly) (VP will (ADVP-TMP always) (VP make (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the Church) (VP points (NP its fingers) (PP at (NP their sins)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP say (PP to (NP you)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Church) (VP will (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP decry (NP evil)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP John 's) reply) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP a declaration) (PP of (NP war))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Monsieur Favre) (VP sat (PRT down) (PP-LOC in (NP his high-backed stall)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ lips) (VP compressed)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ eyes) (VP glinting))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ablard Corne) , (NP (NP a short man) (PP with (NP (NP a rotunda) (PP of (NP stomach))))) ,) (VP rose) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Every eye) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP him)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ Master Calvin) (VP says (NP *T*-1)))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD true)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ can (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP a good city) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP respect (NP morality)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Abel Poupin) , (NP (NP a tall man) (PP with (NP (NP sunken cheeks) and (NP deep-set eyes)))) ,) (VP got (PP to (NP his feet))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP We) (NP all)) (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jake Camaret) and (NP the woman)) (VP are (ADVP-MNR brazenly) (VP living (ADVP together)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD well) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (NP the populace) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP deal (PP with (NP adulterers)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Philibert Berthelier) , (NP (NP the son) (PP of (NP the famous patriot))) ,) (VP disagreed) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do not (VP listen (PP to (NP that Frenchman)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (VP throttling (NP (NP the liberty) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ my father) (VP gave (NP his life) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP win (NP *T*-1)))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quietly insistent)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP can (VP be (NP-PRD no compromise) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ souls) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP jeopardy)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A week) later) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the sentence) (PP of (NP the Council))) (VP was (VP carried (NP *-2) (PRT out)))) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Jake Camaret) and (NP the woman)) (VP were (VP marched (NP *-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD naked)) (PP-DIR through (NP the streets)) (PP past (NP a mocking populace))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-2 Before (NP them)) (VP stalked (PP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-3 the beadle) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP proclaiming (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went))) , `` (S (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ the Council) (VP deals (PP with (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP break (NP its laws)))) -- (NP (NP adulterers) , (NP thieves) , (NP murderers) , and (NP lewd persons)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ evildoers) (VP contemplate (NP their ways))))) , and (S (NP-IMP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ every man) (VP beware)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP John 's) thoughts) (VP raced (ADVP painfully) (PP into (NP the past)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP read (NP (NP the letter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP received (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP (NP his sister) (NP Mary)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP had (VP died (ADVP-TMP (NP two weeks) before) , (PP-TMP in (NP early November)) , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP reconciled (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the Church)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The canons) , (PP in (NP a body)) ,) (VP had (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP force (S (NP-SBJ him) (PP-TMP on (NP his deathbed)) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP give (NP him) (NP (NP the last rites) (PP of (NP the Church)))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP died (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP proclaiming (NP (NP salvation) (PP by (NP faith)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Burial) (VP had (VP taken (NP place) (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the ground) (PP at (NP the public crossroads)) (PP under (NP the gibbet)))) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ his enemies) (VP could not (VP (VP find (NP his body)) and (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP (VP dug (NP *-1) (PRT up)) and (VP burned (NP *-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The Abbot) (PP of (NP St. Eloi))) , (NP Claude De Mommor) ,) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a good friend)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ not even he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP deserved (NP burial) (PP-LOC in (NP hallowed ground))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP (VP closed (NP his eyes)) and (VP saw (ADVP-TMP once again) (NP (NP the little niche) (PP in (NP (NP his mother 's) bedroom)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP knelt (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP the good Virgin) (PP of (NP her needs))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The blue-draped Virgin) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-PRD there))) , but (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP knelt (PP-LOC before (NP her)) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP Not even Varnessa) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) , (ADVP too) , (VP prayed (ADVP only) (PP to (NP God))))) .) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP an instant)) (NP-SBJ John) (VP longed (PP for (NP (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP (NP the bells) (PP of (NP Noyon-la-Sainte))))) , (NP (NP the touch) (PP of (NP (NP his mother 's) hand))) , (NP (NP the lilt) (PP of (NP (NP Charles 's) voice)) (PP-LOC in (NP the square raftered rooms))) , (NP (NP (NP his father 's) bass tones) (VP rumbling (PP to (NP the canons)))) , and (NP (NP the sight) (PP of (NP the beloved bishop)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP follow (NP the light))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV Unless (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP to (VP believe (NP the Holy Scriptures))))))) , (WHADVP why) (SQ had (NP-SBJ He) (VP given (NP them) (PP to (NP him)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The white-clad trees) (VP stood (PP like (NP specters)) (PP in (NP the February night))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Snow) (VP (VP buried (NP the streets)) and (VP covered (NP the slanting rooftops)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP trudged (PP-DIR toward (NP St. Peter 's)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A carriage) (VP crunched (ADVP by) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its dim lights) (VP filtering (PP through (NP the gloom))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The sharp wind) (VP slapped (PP at (NP him)))) and (S (NP-SBJ his feet) (VP felt (PP-PRD like (NP ice)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the snow) (VP penetrated (NP (NP the holes) (PP of (NP (NP his shoes) , (NP his only ones) , (VP (ADVP-TMP now) patched (NP *) (PP with (NP folded parchment))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The city) (VP had (ADVP-TMP recently) (VP given (NP him) (NP a small salary)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP supply (NP even necessities))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP neared (NP the square)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a round figure) (VP muffled (NP *) (PP in (NP a long , black cape)))) (VP whisked (ADVP by)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP (VP recognized (NP Ablard Corne)) and (VP called (PRT out) (NP a greeting))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHADJP-1 How grateful) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP *T*-1) (PP to (NP such men)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP several) (PP on (NP the Council)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP live (PP like (NP Christians)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP their efforts)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the problems) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP grow (ADJP-PRD graver) (NP-TMP all the time))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Quickening (NP his steps))) , (NP-SBJ-1 John) (VP (VP entered (NP the vast church)) and (VP climbed (NP the tower steps) (PP-DIR to (NP the bells)))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 Underneath (NP the big one)) , (PP in (NP the silent moonlight)) , (VP lay (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a dead pigeon)) , and (S (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the smaller bell) , (NP the Clemence))) , (NP-SBJ-2 two (ADJP gray and white) birds) (VP slept (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP huddled (ADVP together) (PP in (NP the cold winter air)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP leaned (PP upon (NP the stone balustrade))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP brushed (ADVP back) (NP his black hair) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shoving (NP it) (PP under (NP (NP his pastor 's) cap)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP it) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP blowing (PP in (NP his eyes))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-LOC Below) (NP-SBJ the moon-splashed world) (VP rolled (ADVP away) (PP to (NP insurmountable white peaks)))) ; ; (S (PP-LOC above (NP him)) (NP-SBJ the (ADJP deep blue) sky) (VP glittered (PP with (NP stars)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stood (ADVP-MNR very still) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his arms) (PP-PRD at (NP his sides))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP staring (PP-DIR (PP up (PP at (NP the heavens))) , then (PP down (PP at (NP (NP the blinking lights) (ADVP-LOC below)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHADJP How long) , (NP-VOC my Lord) ? ?)) (TOP (WHADJP How long ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP never) (VP asked (PP for (NP an easy task))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD weary (PP of (NP the strife))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sleep) (VP was (ADJP-PRD difficult) (NP-TMP these days)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Indigestion) (VP plagued (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Severe headaches) (VP were (ADJP-PRD frequent)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Loneliness) (VP tore (PP through (NP him)) (PP like (NP a physical pain)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP Peter Robert) , (NP Nerien) , (NP Nicholas Cop) , (NP Martin Bucer) , (CONJP and even) (NP the compromising Louis Du Tillet))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An occasional traveler) (PP from (NP Italy))) (VP brought (NP (NP news) (PP of (NP (NP Peter Robert) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (VP distributing (NP his Bible) (PP among (NP the Waldensian peasants)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Letters) (VP came (ADVP-TMP regularly) (PP from (NP Nerien , Nicholas , and Martin))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP Anthony and William) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP confide (PP in (NP *T*-1))) and (VP consult (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-2 William) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (NP a bitter joy) (PP in (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP smashing (NP (NP images) (ADJP *RNR*-1))) and (VP tearing (PRT down) (NP (NP symbols) (ADJP *RNR*-1))) (ADJP-1 sacred (PP to (NP the Old Church)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD difficult)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP held (NP him) (PP in (NP check)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 Anthony) (VP was (ADJP-PRD busy) (NP-TMP (NP most) (PP of (NP the time))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP courting (NP (NP this girl) and (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His easy good looks) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD (NP a favorite) (PP with (NP the ladies))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Geneva) , (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP becoming (NP-PRD (NP the City) (PP of (NP God))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP had (VP dreamed)))) ,))) (VP had (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the two years) (SBAR since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-PRD there))))))) , (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a godless place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP all manner) (PP of (NP vice))) (VP flourished (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Refugees) (VP poured (ADVP-DIR in) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP signing (NP the Confession and rules) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remain))))) , (CONJP and then) (VP disregarding (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dice) (VP rolled)) , (S (NP-SBJ prostitutes) (VP plied (NP their trade))) , (S (NP-SBJ thieves) (VP stole)) , (S (NP-SBJ murderers) (VP stabbed)) , and (S (NP-SBJ the ungodly) (VP blasphemed)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Catholics) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADVP truly) (NP-PRD Christians))))) (VP longed (PP for (NP (NP the simple penance) (PP of (NP (NP days) (VP gone (NP *) (ADVP by))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Libertines) (VP (VP recalled (NP (NP the heroism) (PP of (NP the past)))) and (VP demanded : `` (SQ Are (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Protestant Pope) , (NP Master Calvin) ,) (VP to (VP curtail (NP our liberty))))))))) ?)) ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 (WHADVP Why) , (INTJ oh) (WHADVP why) ,) (SQ does n't (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP stick (PP to (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP preaching (NP the Gospel)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3)) , (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP meddling (PP in (NP (NP (NP civic affairs) , (NP politics) , (NP economics) , and (NP social issues)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP no concern) (PP of (NP the Church)))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ (NP John 's) reply) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD the same))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP Anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP affects (NP souls))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the concern) (PP of (NP the Church))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP will (VP have (NP righteousness))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tears) (VP burned (PP behind (NP his eyes)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP prayed and meditated (NP-TMP tonight))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Unless (S (NP-SBJ the confusion) (VP cleared))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would not (VP be (VP coming (ADVP-DIR here) (ADVP-TMP much longer)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Monsieur Favre 's) threat) (VP would (VP become (NP-PRD a reality)))) , for (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP proclaim (ADVP-MNR loudly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the city) (VP must (VP rid (NP itself) (PP of `` (NP that Frenchman) '')))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The slow tapping) (PP of (NP (NP a cane))) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the stone steps) (VP coming (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the tower))))))) (VP interrupted (NP his reverie)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Faint) (PP-TMP at (ADJP first))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the tapping) (VP grew (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP sounded (ADJP-PRD loud) (PP against (NP the wind)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 Eli Corault ! !) (NP-SBJ John) (VP thought (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ is (NP-SBJ he) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP-TMP at (NP this hour)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP started (PP-DIR down (NP the steps)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP meet (NP (NP the near-blind preacher) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the early Gospelers) (PP in (NP Paris)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` John ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ that) (NP-PRD you) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP came (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP warn (NP you) (PP of (NP a plot)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP stood (PP-LOC above (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his face) (ADJP-PRD ashen))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (ADVP-TMP now) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Slowly) , (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP grown (ADJP-PRD old)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP took (NP (NP Eli 's) hand)) and (VP led (NP him) (ADVP-DIR below) (PP-DIR to (NP the tower study)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP guiding (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a chair))) (PP-LOC beside (NP (NP the little hearth) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ a fire) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP burned (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Plot) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ John) (VP asked (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR tiredly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Monsieur Favre) (ADVP just) (VP paid (NP me) (NP a visit)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP your rooms)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Anthony) (VP told (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD here)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Two Anabaptists) , (NP Caroli and Benoit) ,) (VP are (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP challenge (NP you and William) (PP to (NP (NP a debate) (PP before (NP the Council)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP is (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a trap))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (NP the law))) : (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP lose (NP the debate) (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP accepting (NP a challenge))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP will (VP be (VP banished (NP *-1))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD the subject)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-3 You) (VP are (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP accused (NP *-1) (PP of (NP Arianism)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP confuse (NP (NP the religious) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP remain (ADJP-PRD loyal))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anger and fear) (VP fused (PP in (NP John))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Ever since (NP the fourth century)) (NP-SBJ a controversy) (VP had (VP raged (PP over (NP (NP the person) (PP of (NP Christ)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the eternal Son) (PP of (NP God))))))))))))) (VP were (VP termed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD Arianists)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Peter Caroli) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP Geneva)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP saying (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a bishop) (PP of (NP (NP the Church) (PP of (NP Rome))))))) and (VP had (VP been (VP persecuted (NP *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP Paris)) (PP-PRP for (NP his Reformed faith)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP asked (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP appointed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD a preacher))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 Michael Sept) (VP had (VP unmasked (NP him) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP revealing (SBAR 0 (S (NP he) (VP (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (NP-PRD a bishop))) , but (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an Anabaptist) , (ADJP afraid (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP state (NP his faith) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ John Calvin) (VP had (VP written (NP (NP a book) (PP against (NP their belief (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the soul) (VP slept (PP-TMP after (NP death)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ-1 John) (VP had (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP agree (PP to (NP his appointment)) (PP as (NP a preacher))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ Caroli) (VP sought (NP revenge))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP sighed) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ William) (VP agrees))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP should (VP insist (PP on (NP a public debate))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP at (NP length))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP to (NP the conspiracy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bern) (VP demands (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the Lord 's) Supper) (VP be (VP administered (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC here) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP *?*))))))) , (PP with (NP unleavened bread))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Furthermore) , (NP-SBJ Bern) (VP decrees (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP must (VP (VP do (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (VP ordered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the Council))))))) , (VP (VP preach (ADVP only) (NP (NP the word) (PP of (NP God)))) and (VP stop (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP meddling (PP in (NP politics))))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD the spirit) (PP with (NP Christ)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP matters) (PP such as (NP (ADJP leavened or unleavened) bread))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD inconsequential))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Geneva) (VP must (VP remain (NP-PRD a sovereign state))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP will not (VP yield (PP to (NP (NP the demands) (PP of (NP Bern)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The firelight) (VP played (PP over (NP (NP Eli 's) (NX (NX flowing white locks) and (NX rugged features))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Monsieur Favre) (VP indicated (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP co-operate)))) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 you and William) (VP are (VP banished (NP *-1) , (PP-TMP following (NP the debate)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP will (VP be (VP given (NP *-2) (NP (NP a place) (PP of (NP influence))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP your reply) (PP to (NP that))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBAR `` That (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would (ADVP (ADVP rather) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP be (VP banished (NP *-1) (PP with (NP two such Christians)))) (SBAR-3 than (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP be (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (NP-PRD the Chief Syndic)))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The following morning) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP entered (NP-DIR the Place Molard) (PP on (NP (NP his way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP visit (NP a sick refugee) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP a premonition) (PP of (NP danger)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (ADVP-MNR suddenly) (NP-SBJ (NP a group) (PP of (NP men and dogs))) (VP circled (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP run))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP be (VP lost (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stood (ADVP-MNR very still) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his heart) (VP thumping (ADVP-MNR wildly)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP the outskirts) (PP of (NP the rabble)))) (NP-SBJ (NP the Camaret brothers) and (NP Gaspard Favre)) (VP shook (NP their fists)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-2 `` Are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP comply (PP with (NP (NP the demands) (PP of (NP Bern)))))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The chinless Jake) (VP called (SQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` Arianist '' ! !) (NP-SBJ (NP A rowdy) (PP with (NP (NP a big blob) (PP of (NP a nose))))) (VP roared (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Heretic '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP lifted (NP his hand) (PP for (NP silence))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Know (NP this) : (S-TPC (NP-SBJ the ministers) (VP will not (VP yield (PP to (NP (NP the demands) (PP of (NP Bern)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His voice) (VP shook (NP-ADV a little)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Somebody) (VP heaved (NP a stone)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP an instant)) (NP-SBJ-1 John) (VP was (VP stunned (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP the side) (PP of (NP his head))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 his fingers) (VP came (ADVP away) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP covered (PP with (NP blood))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP duck)))) , (NP-SBJ another stone) (VP struck (NP him)) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP another) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP be (ADVP-TMP now)))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ (NP Pierre Ameaux) , (NP the gaming-card manufacturer)) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his little pig eyes) (VP glaring))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (VP taught (NP him) (NP a lesson))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The crowd) (VP moved (ADVP-DIR back))) and (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP started (ADVP-MNR dizzily) (PP-DIR down (NP the hill)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fists) (VP pummeled (NP him) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP staggered (ADVP-DIR forward))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP slipped) and (VP went (PP down (PP on (NP his hands and knees))) (PP-LOC in (NP the melting snow)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP once)) (NP-SBJ (NP a bevy) (PP of (NP dogs))) (VP was (VP snapping and snarling (PP-LOC around (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP One) , (ADJP more horrible (PP than (NP the rest))) ,) (VP lunged , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP growling (PP (ADVP deep) in (NP his throat)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his hair) (VP bristling))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP great difficulty)) (NP-SBJ-1 John) (VP (VP clambered (PP to (NP his feet))) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ sweat) (VP pouring (PP down (NP his face))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP Standing (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the shelter) (PP of (NP (NP the tent) -- (NP a rejected hospital tent) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the rain) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP dripped (PP *T*-1)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP drumming)))) --)))))) (S (NP-SBJ-3 Adam) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ his own hands) (VP touch (NP the objects) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the improvised counter) (PP of (NP (NP boards) (VP laid (NP *) (PP across (NP two beer barrels))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-PRD no real need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rearrange (NP everything)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP-EXT (NP (NP-ADV A quarter inch) this way or that) (PP for (NP (NP the hardbake) , or (NP the toffee) , or (NP the barley sugar) , or (NP the sardines) , or (NP the bitters) , or (NP the condensed milk) , or (NP the stationery) , or (NP the needles)))) -- (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ could (NP-SBJ it) (VP mean (NP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ his own hands) (VP make (NP (NP the caressing , anxious movement) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) , (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ rain) (VP falls)) and (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP comes)) , and (S (NP-SBJ ruin) (VP draws (ADVP-DIR close) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ a cat) (VP rubbing (PP against (NP the ankles))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the ritual) (PP of (NP stall vendors))) , (ADVP-TMP forever))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP recognized (NP the gesture)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (NP its meaning)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP seen (NP a dry , old , yellowing hand) (VP reach (PRT out) , (PP with (NP that painful solicitude)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP touch (NP *RNR*-1)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rearrange (NP *RNR*-1)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shift (ADVP-MNR aimlessly) (NP *RNR*-1)))) , (NP-1 (NP some object) (ADJP worth (NP a pfennig)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (ADVP Back) in (NP Bavaria)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP seen (NP that gesture))) , and (S (PP at (NP that sight)) (NP-SBJ his heart) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP died (PP within (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP such occasions)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (VP had (NP (NP the courage) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the face) (PP above (NP the hand)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whatever face) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ the face) (VP was (NP-PRD his own)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHNP-1 what expression) , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP that gesture)))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP his face)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP wore (NP (NP the old anxiety) , or (NP the old , taut stoicism)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 But (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no need) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered (S *T*-1)))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ his hand) (VP to (VP reach (PRT out))))) , (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ his face) (VP to (VP show (NP concern or stoicism))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD nothing) (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (S (NP-SBJ rain) (VP fell)) and (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP came))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (ADVP-TMP Then) (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ was (NP-SBJ he) (VP assuming (NP (NP the role) -- (NP (NP the gesture) and (NP the suffering))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ was (NP-SBJ he) (VP expiating (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Or was (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP taking (NP (NP the role) -- (NP (NP the gesture) and (NP the suffering)) --) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP affirm (NP his history and identity) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the torpid , befogged loneliness) (PP of (NP this land)))) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD Virginia)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP out (PP of (NP the tent))) (PP at (NP the company street))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The rain) (VP dripped (PP on (NP (NP the freezing loblolly) (PP of (NP the street))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Beyond (NP (NP that misty gray) (PP of (NP the rain)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP the stretching hutment) , (NP (NP low diminutive log cabins) , (VP chinked (NP *) (PP with (NP mud))) , (PP with (NP (NP doorways) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 a man) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP crouch))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP through (NP *T*-1))))))))))) , (PP with (NP (NP roofs) (PP of (NP (NP tenting) (VP laid (NP *) (PP over (NP (NP boughs) or (NP (NP boards) (PP from (NP hardtack boxes))) , or (NP fence rails)))))))) , (PP with (NP (NP cranky chimneys) (PP of (NP (NP sticks) and (NP dried mud)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The chimney) (PP of (NP (NP the hut) (PP-LOC across (PP from (NP him)))))) (VP was (VP surmounted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a beef barrel) (PP with (NP (NP ends) (VP knocked (NP *) (PRT out)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this heavy air)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ-1 that device) (VP did not (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The smoke) (PP from (NP that chimney))) (VP (VP rose (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as sluggishly) (PP as (NP (NP smoke) (PP from (NP any other)))))) , and (VP hung (ADVP-MNR as sadly) (PP in (NP the drizzle)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP creeping (ADVP-DIR back down) (PP-DIR along (NP (NP the sopping canvas) (PP of (NP the roof)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Over (NP the door)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a board) (PP with (NP (NP large , inept lettering) : (NP home sweet home)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the hut) (PP of (NP (NP Simms Purdew) , (NP the hero))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The men) (VP were (VP huddled (NP *-1) (PP in (NP those lairs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP knew (NP (NP the names) (PP of (NP some)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (NP (NP the faces) (PP of (NP all)) , (ADJP hairy or shaven) , (ADJP old or young) , (ADJP fat or thin) , (ADJP suffering or hardened) , (ADJP sad or gay) , (ADJP good or bad))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP stood (PP-LOC about (NP his tent)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP chaffing (NP each other)) , (VP exchanging (NP their obscenities)) , (VP cursing (NP command or weather))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP studied (NP their faces))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP had (NP the need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP understand (SBAR (WHNP-1 what life) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lurked (PP (PP behind (NP (NP the mask) (PP of (NP flesh)))) , (PP behind (NP (NP the oath) , (NP the banter) , (NP the sadness))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-MNR covertly) (VP looking (PP at (NP (NP Simms Purdew) , (NP (NP the only man) (PP in (NP the world)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whom) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hated (NP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ the heavy , slack , bestubbled jaw) (VP open and close (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP emit (NP the cruel , obscene banter)))))))) , and (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ the pale-blue eyes) (VP go (ADJP-PRD watery) (PP with (NP whisky and merriment)))))))) , and (S (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (VP seeing (NP (NP the face) (PP of (NP that vile creature)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP seeing , (ADVP-MNR somehow) , (NP (NP the face) (PP of (NP (NP a young boy) , (NP (NP the boy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Simms Purdew) (VP must (ADVP-TMP once) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))) , (NP (NP a boy) (PP with (NP (NP sorrel hair) , and (NP (NP blue eyes) (VP dancing (PP with (NP gaiety)))) , and (NP (NP the boy mouth) (VP grinning (ADVP-MNR trustfully) (PP among (NP the freckles)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP that moment) (PP of (NP vision)))) (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ (NP the voice) (PP within (NP himself))) (VP saying : (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must not (VP hate (NP him)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must not (VP hate (NP him)))) or (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (VP die))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His heart) (ADVP suddenly) (VP opened (PP to (NP joy))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (ADVP-TMP once) , (ADVP-TMP only once) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP talk (PP with (NP Simms Purdew)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP something) (PP about (NP (NP his own life) , and (NP all life) ,))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD clear and simple)))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Simms Purdew) (VP would (VP (VP turn (PP to (NP him))) and (VP say : `` (S (NP-VOC Adam) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD a boy) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a funny thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP happened))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Lemme (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP tell (NP you) (ADVP-TMP now))))) '' -- (SBAR-ADV If only (S (NP-SBJ Simms Purdew) (VP could (VP do (NP that) , (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the thing) (SBAR *T*-2)) (VP *?* (NP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR-TPC-2 (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered and told (NP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a sign) (PP for (NP the untellable)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he , Adam ,) (VP would (VP understand))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (NP-SBJ Adam) , (PP in (NP (NP the gray light) (PP of (NP afternoon)))) , (VP (VP stared (PP across (PP at (NP (NP the hut) (PP-LOC opposite (NP his tent)))))) , and (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP Simms Purdew) (VP (VP lying (PP-LOC in (ADVP there)) (PP in (NP the gloom))) , (VP snoring (PP on (NP his bunk))) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP the fumes) (PP of (NP whisky))) (VP choking (NP the air))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP (NP (NP the sign) (PP-LOC above (NP (NP the door) (PP of (NP the hut))))) : (NP home sweet home))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP (NP the figure) (PP of (NP (NP a man) (PP in (NP a poncho))))) (VP coming (PP-DIR up (NP the company street)) , (PP with (NP (NP an armful) (PP of (NP wood)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Pullen James) , (NP (NP the campmate) (PP of (NP Simms Purdew))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP carried (NP the wood)) , (VP carried (NP the water)) , (VP did (NP the cooking , cleaning and mending)) , and (VP (ADVP occasionally) got (NP (NP a kick) (PP in (NP the butt))) (PP for (NP his pains)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ the moisture) (VP flow (PP from (NP the poncho))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gave (NP the rubberized fabric) (NP (NP a dull gleam) , (PP like (NP metal)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pullen James) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR humbly) lowered (NP his head)) , (VP pushed (ADVP aside) (NP (NP the hardtack-box door) (PP of (NP the hut)))) , and (VP was (VP gone (PP from (NP sight))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP (VP stared (PP at (NP the door))) and (VP remembered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Simms Purdew) (VP had (VP been (VP awarded (NP *-1) (NP (NP the Medal) (PP of (NP Honor))) (PP for (NP gallantry)) (PP-LOC at (NP Antietam))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The street) (VP was (ADVP again) (ADJP-PRD empty)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The drizzle) (VP was (VP slacking (PRT off) (ADVP-TMP now)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the light) (VP was (ADJP-PRD grayer))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP enormous interest)) , (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP watched (NP his hands) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP touched and shifted (NP the objects) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the board) (PP-LOC (ADVP directly) before (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-DIR-TPC-1 Into (NP (NP the emptiness) (PP of (NP (NP the street) , and (NP his spirit))))) , (VP moved (PP-DIR *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a form) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The form) (VP was (VP swathed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP an army blanket) , (ADJP much patched) , (VP fastened (NP *) (PP-LOC at (NP the neck)) (PP with (NP a cord))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (PP under (NP (NP the shapeless huddle) (PP of (NP blanket))))) (NP-SBJ the feet) (VP moved (PP in (NP the mud))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The feet) (VP wore (NP (NP army shoes) , (PP in (NP obvious disrepair)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The head) (VP was (VP wrapped (NP *-1) (PP in (NP a turban))))) and (SINV (PP-TPC-3 on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP the turban)))) (VP rode (PP *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP a great hamper) (SBAR (WHPP-4 across (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a piece) (PP of (NP poncho))) (VP had (VP been (VP flung (NP *-2) (PP *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The gray face) (VP stared (ADVP straight ahead) (PP in (NP the drizzle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Moisture) (VP (VP ran (PP down (NP the cheeks))) , (VP gathered (PP-LOC (PP at (NP (NP the tip) (PP of (NP the nose)))) , and (PP at (NP the chin))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The figure) (VP was (ADVP-PRD close enough (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ the nose) (VP twitching (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP dislodge (NP (NP the drop) (VP clinging (ADVP-LOC there))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The figure) (VP stopped)) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 one hand) (VP was (ADVP-MNR perilously) (VP freed (NP *-1) (PP from (NP the hamper)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP scratch (NP the nose))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ the figure) (VP moved (ADVP-DIR on)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the Irish women) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP built (NP their own huts) (PP-LOC down (PP near (NP the river))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP did (NP washing)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP recognized (NP this one)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP recognized (NP her) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) , (PP-TMP in (NP a winter twilight)) , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP camp)))) , (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP (VP stopped (NP him)) and (VP reached (PRT down) (NP her hand) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP touch (NP his fly)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP Slice (PP o ' (NP mutton))) , (NP-VOC bhoy)) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP queried (FRAG *T*-1) (PP in (NP her soft guttural)))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Slice (PP o ' (NP mutton)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her name) (VP was (NP-PRD Mollie)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP called (S (NP-SBJ her) (NP-PRD (NP Mollie) (NP the Mutton)))) , and (VP laughed)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Looking (PP down (NP the street)) (PP after (NP her)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Adam) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP (VP (ADVP again) stopped) and (VP (ADVP again) removed (NP one hand) (PP from (NP the basket)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could not (VP make (PRT out)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (ADVP again) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP scratching (NP her nose))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mollie) (NP the Mutton)) (VP was (VP scratching (NP her nose))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The words) (VP ran (ADVP-MNR crazily) (PP-LOC in (NP his head)))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mollie) (NP the Mutton)) (VP is (VP scratching (NP her nose) (PP in (NP the rain))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (S (NP-SBJ the words) (VP fell (PP into (NP a pattern)))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mollie) (NP the Mutton)) (VP is (VP (VP scratching (NP her nose)) , (VP Scratching (NP her nose) (PP in (NP the rain)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mollie) (NP the Mutton)) (VP is (VP scratching (NP her nose) (PP in (NP the rain)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The pattern) (VP would not (VP stop)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP came (ADVP again and again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (VP trapped (PP in (NP that pattern)) , (PP in (NP the repetition)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP weep))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ (NP the matter) (PP with (NP me))) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP demanded (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR out loud)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (ADVP-MNR wildly) (ADVP around) , (PP at (NP the (ADJP now empty) street)) , (PP at (NP the mud)) , (PP at (NP the rain))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (INTJ Oh) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ (NP the matter) (PP with (NP me))) (NP-PRD *T*-1))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP demanded (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP (VP stored (NP his stock) (PP-LOC in (NP the great oak chest))) , (VP (VP locked (NP the two big hasps)) and (VP secured (NP the additional chain))) , (VP tied (NP (NP the fly) (PP of (NP the tent)))) , and (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the cash box)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP moved (PP-DIR up (NP the darkening street))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP (VP consign (NP the cash box) (PP into (NP (NP the hands) (PP of (NP Jed Hawksworth))))) , then (VP stand (ADVP by) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ his employer) (VP checked (NP (NP the contents) and (NP (NP the list) (PP of (NP (NP items) (VP sold (NP *)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (S-UNF (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) -- (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Then) (WHNP what)) ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP know)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His mind) (VP closed (PP on (NP that prospect)) , (SBAR as though (S (NP-SBJ fog) (VP had (VP descended (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP blot (PRT out) (NP a valley))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Far off) , (PP in (NP the dusk)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ-1 voices) (VP singing) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD muffled but strong)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the huts)))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a group) (PP of (NP men))) (VP were (VP huddled (NP *-1) (ADVP together) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP singing)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stopped) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP strained (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP heard (NP (NP the words) : `` (S-IMP (NP-VOC (NP Rock) (PP of (NP Ages)) , (VP cleft (NP *) (PP for (NP me)))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP hide (NP myself) (PP-LOC in (NP Thee)))))) ! ! (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ (NP the water) and (NP the blood))) (PP From (NP Thy riven side)) (VP flow))) ! ! '')))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought : (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD (NP a Jew) (PP from (NP Bavaria)))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP standing (ADVP-LOC there) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-2)))) , (PP-LOC in (NP Virginia)) , (PP in (NP the thickening dusk)) , (PP in (NP (NP a costly greatcoat) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP belonged (PP to (NP another Jew)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP That other Jew) , (NP a young man)) (ADVP too) , (VP had (VP (VP left (NP that greatcoat) (ADVP-LOC behind) , (PP-LOC in (NP a rich house)) ,) and (VP marched (ADVP-DIR away)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP crossed (NP (NP the river) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (ADVP-TMP now) , (PP-LOC beyond (NP (NP the woods) (ADVP-LOC yonder))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP sliding (ADVP-MNR darkly) (PP under (NP the mist))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP plunged (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the dark woods) (ADVP-LOC beyond))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP died (ADVP-LOC there))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ had (NP-SBJ (NP that man) , (NP that other young Jew) ,) (VP felt (NP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP stood (PP in (NP the twilight))) and (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ other men) , (ADVP-LOC far away) , (VP singing (ADVP together))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP the hutments) , (NP (NP regiment) (PP after (NP regiment))) , (NP (NP row) (PP after (NP row))) , (NP (NP the thousands) (PP of (NP huts)) , (VP stretching (ADVP away) (PP into (NP the night))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP the men) , (NP the nameless thousands) , (VP huddling (PP-LOC in (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP of (S (NP-SBJ Simms Purdew) (VP snoring (PP on (NP his bunk)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pullen James) (VP crouched (PP-LOC by (NP the hearth)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP skirmishing (NP an undershirt) (PP for (NP lice)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ a wet log) (VP sizzled)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP Simms Purdew) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (ADVP-TMP once) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP (VP risen (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP a cornfield)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ a maniacal scream) (PP-PRD on (NP his lips))) ,) and (VP swung (NP a clubbed musket) (PP like (NP a flail)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP beat (PRT down) (NP (NP the swirl) (PP of (NP Rebel bayonets)) (PP about (NP him)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 Simms Purdew) (VP rising (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD fearless (PP in (NP glory)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sweetness) (PP of (NP pity))) (VP flood (PP through (NP him)))) , (S (NP-ADV-SBJ *-1) (VP veining (NP his very flesh)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP Those men) , (VP lying (PP in (NP the huts)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP did not (VP know)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP did not (VP (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-1))))) or (VP know (NP their own worth)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the pity) (PP for (NP them)))) (NP-SBJ his loneliness) (VP was (VP gone)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Aaron Blaustein) (VP (VP standing (PP-LOC in (NP his rich house))) (VP saying : `` (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP is (ADJP-PRD tired (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP the blame)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ History) (VP take (NP the blame) (PP for (NP a while))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the old man) (VP laughing (PP-LOC under (NP (NP the glitter) (PP of (NP the great chandelier)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought : (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 (ADVP Only) in (NP my heart)) can (NP-SBJ I) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the world) (VP hang (ADVP together) (PP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP rose (PP from (NP (NP the crouch) (ADJP necessary (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP enter (NP the hut)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Mose) (VP (VP squatting (PP-LOC by (NP the hearth))) , (VP breaking (PRT up) (NP hardtack) (PP into (NP a pan)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A pot) (VP was (VP boiling (PP-LOC on (NP the coals)))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-2 `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP give (NP Ole Buckra) (NP all his money))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Mose) (VP asked (SQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR softly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S-1 (INTJ `` Yeah '') , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Mose) (VP murmured (S *T*-1)))) , `` (INTJ yeah) .)) (TOP (S-IMP And (NP-SBJ *) (VP look (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP done (VP give (NP us) (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP looked (PP at (NP the pot))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD it)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Chicken) '' , (NP-SBJ Mose) (VP (VP said (NP *T*-1)) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR theatrically) licked (NP his lips))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP (ADJP Gre't big) fat chicken) , (INTJ yeah) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP licked (NP his lips) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Then) : `` (INTJ yeah) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A chicken) (PP with (NP (NP six tits) and (NP (NP a tail) (PP lak (NP a corkscrew))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ it) (VP squealed (PP for (NP slop))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mose) (VP giggled) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (VP Fooled (NP you)) , (INTJ huh) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD the same ole same)) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP tell (NP me) (NP its name)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP sowbelly) (PP with (NP (NP tits) (ADVP on))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD salt po'k)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP salt po'k) and (NP skippers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC That po'k) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so full (PP of (NP skippers))) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP (VP jump) and (VP run) and (VP not come (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say , (INTJ hoo-pig) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (NP my foot) (PP-PUT on (NP it))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hole (NP it) (PRT down) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP cut (NP it) (PRT up) (PP fer (NP the lob-scuse))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP dumped (NP (NP the pan) (PP of (NP crumbled hardtack))) (PP into (NP (NP the boiling pot) (PP of (NP lobscouse))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Good ole lob-scuse) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP mumbled (NP *T*-1)) , and (VP stirred (NP the pot))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stirring))) and (VP looked (PP over (NP his shoulder)))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-2 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Ole Buckra) (VP et (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP tonight))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP demanded (SQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Know (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fix (NP *T*-2) (PP fer (NP Ole Him))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Chicken) '' , (NP-SBJ Mose) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD a child) (NP (NP (NP too much a part) (PP of (NP her environment))) , (ADJP too eager (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP grow and learn and experience)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP Easthampton)) (PP-TMP for (NP the summer))) (PRN -LRB- (FRAG-2 (ADVP again) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Fritzie) (VP said (FRAG *T*-2)))) , (NP a good place) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP being (VP robbed (NP *-1))))))) -RRB-) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP One soft evening) -- (NP (NP that marvelous sea-blessed time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sun 's) departing warmth) (VP lingers)) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP a smell) (PP of (NP spume and wrack))) (VP haunts (NP everything))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) --) (NP-SBJ-2 Amy) (VP had (VP (VP picked (NP herself) (PP off (NP the floor))) and (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP walk)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Fritzie) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the couch)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reading)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Laura) (VP was (VP sitting (PP-LOC in (NP an easy chair)) (ADVP-LOC (NP (QP about eight) feet) away)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The infant) , (PP in (NP white terry-cloth bathrobe)) ,) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her face) (ADJP-PRD intense and purposeful)) , (VP had (VP essayed (NP a few wobbly steps) (PP-DIR toward (NP her father)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Y'all) (VP wanna (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP walk -- walk)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (ADVP-MNR gently) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP shoved (NP her behind) (PP-DIR toward (NP Laura))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Amy) (VP walked -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (NP it) (PP-DIR (ADVP halfway) across (NP the cottage floor))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP lost (NP not a second) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP picking (NP herself) (PRT up)) and (VP continuing (NP her pilgrimage) (PP-DIR to (NP Laura)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ Laura) (VP (VP took (NP her) (ADVP-MNR gently)) and (VP shoved (NP her) (PRT off) (ADVP again) , (PP-DIR toward (NP Fritzie))))) : (S (NP-SBJ Amy) (VP did not (VP laugh))) -- (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD work , concentration , achievement))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP a few minutes)) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP making (NP the ten-foot hike) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unaided)))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP soon) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP (VP parading (PP around (NP the house))) , (VP flaunting (NP her new skill))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Some liar 's) logic) , (NP (NP a wisp) (PP of (NP (NP optimism) (ADJP (ADJP as fragile) (PP as (NP (NP the scent) (PP of (NP tropical blossoms)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (PP-DIR through (NP the window))))))))))) -LRB- (NP (NP a euphoria) (VP (ADVP perhaps) engendered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the pill) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Fritzie) (VP had (VP given (NP *T*-2) (NP her))))))))) -RRB- ,) (VP consoled (NP her) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Amy) (VP (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD safe))))) , (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP them)))))) -- (SBAR-ADV if only (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reap (NP (NP that share) (PP of (NP (NP life 's) experiences)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (NP-PRD her due))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV if only (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP her parents) (NP (NP another chance) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (ADVP better) (PP by (NP her)) (ADVP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Through (NP (NP the swathings) (PP of (NP terror)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP jabbed (NP (NP deceit 's) sharp point))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 Amy) (VP would (VP be (VP reborn (NP *-1) , (NP-ADV (NP a new child) , (PP with (NP new parents)) , (VP living (PP under (NP new circumstances)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The comfort) (VP was (ADJP-PRD short-lived))) , yet (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ herself) (VP returning (PP to (NP the assurance)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ her imagination) (VP forced (NP (NP images) (ADJP *ICH*-1)) (PP on (NP her)) (ADJP-1 too awful (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP contemplate (PP without (NP (NP the prop) (PP of (NP illusion)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Gazing (PP at (NP (NP her husband 's) drugged body)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his chest) (VP rising and falling (PP in (NP mindless rhythms)))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP (NP the grandeur) (PP of (NP (NP his fictional world) , (NP (NP that lush garden) (SBAR (WHPP-1 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP plucked (NP flowers and herbs) (PP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP envied (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP admired (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the darkness)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP stirring))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP muttering) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his voice) (ADJP-PRD surprisingly clear)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Y'all) (VP should (VP have (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP take (NP that money) (PRT out))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Andrus) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TMP 'nother minute) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD fine))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ H'all) (VP should (VP have (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP do (NP it)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Laura) (VP touched (NP his hand)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP know , (NP-VOC Fritzie)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP have (VP *?*))) '' .)) (TOP (NP-TMP Tuesday)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The heat) (VP intensified (PP-TMP on (NP Tuesday))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Southern California) (VP gasped and blinked (PP under (NP (NP an autumn hot spell) , (ADJP (ADJP drier) , (ADJP more enervating) , (ADJP more laden (PP with (NP (NP man 's) contrived impurities))) (PP than (NP (NP the worst days) (PP of (NP (NP the summer) (ADVP-TMP past))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP could (VP continue (NP-MNR this way) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hitting (NP 106 and more))) (PP-LOC in (NP the Valley)) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Joe McFeeley) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) , (PP-TMP into (NP October)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) and (NP Irvin Moll)) (VP were (VP sipping (NP coffee) (PP-LOC at (NP the breakfast bar)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-PRD up) (PP-TMP since (NP 7:00)) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Irv) (PP-PRD on (NP the early-morning watch))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 McFeeley) (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sleep (PP-TMP during (NP his four-hour relief))))))))) .))) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP The night) before) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP telephoned (NP (NP the Andrus maid) , (NP Selena Masters) ,))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP had (VP arrived (ADVP-TMP early) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP bursting (NP her vigorous presence) (PP into (NP the silent house)) (PP with (NP (NP an assurance) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP amused (NP McFeeley)) and (VP confounded (NP Moll)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The latter) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thanking (NP her) (PP for (NP the coffee)))) , (VP had (VP (VP winked) and (VP muttered , `` (FRAG (ADJP Sure 'nuff ,) (NP-VOC honey)) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Selena) (VP was (NP-PRD the wrong woman) (PP for (NP these crudities))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a hard eye)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP informed (NP Moll) : `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP sure 'nuff (NP me) , (NP-VOC officer))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD honey) (PP (ADVP only) to (NP my husband)))) , (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP understand)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sergeant Moll) (VP understood) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The maid) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP very black) and (ADJP very energetic)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD trim) (PP in (NP a yellow pique uniform)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her speech) (VP was (ADJP-PRD barren (PP of (NP southernisms))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Eliot Sparling 's) neutralized minorities))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP adopting (NP (NP the (NX (NX rolling R 's) and (NX constricted vowels))) (PP of (NP Los Angeles))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) Not (VP seeing (NP her dark intelligent face))) , (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP would (VP have (VP gauged (NP the voice) (PP as (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP a Westwood Village matron) , (PP-TMP (NP-ADV ten years) out (PP of (NP Iowa)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP served (NP the detectives) (NP coffee and toast))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (ADVP-MNR politely) (VP declined (NP eggs) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD uncomfortable (PP about (NP their tenancy)))))) -RRB-) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP settled (PRT down) (PP with (NP a morning newspaper))) and (VP began (VP reading (NP the stock market quotations)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADVP thus) (VP engaged (NP *-1))))) , (NP-SBJ McFeeley) (VP questioned (NP her) (PP about (NP (NP (NP her whereabouts) (NP-TMP the previous day)) , (NP (NP any recollections) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP *T*-2)))) (PP of (NP (NP people) (VP hanging (ADVP around)))) , (PP of (NP overcurious (NX (NX delivery boys) or (NX repairmen)))) , (PP of (NP (NP strange cars) (VP cruising (NP the neighborhood)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP answered (NP him) (ADVP-MNR precisely) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP missing (NP not a beat) (PP in (NP (NP her scrutiny) (PP of (NP the financial reports))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ Selena Masters) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Joe) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (VP was (NP-PRD her own woman)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only kind) (PP of (NP Negro)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Laura Andrus) (VP would (VP want (NP *T*-1) (ADVP around))))) : (ADJP independent , unservile) , (VP (ADVP probably) charging (ADVP double) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ ordinary maids) (VP did (NP *T*-2)))) (PP for (NP housework))) -- and (ADJP doubly efficient))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the parents) (VP emerged (PP from (NP the bedroom)) (ADVP-TMP (NP a few minutes) later) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the maid) (VP greeted (NP them) (ADVP-MNR quietly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD awful sorry (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP happened)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Selena) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ today) (VP 'll (VP be (NP-PRD a good-news day))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP charged (PRT off) (PP-DIR to (NP the bedrooms))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Moll) (VP took (NP his coffee) (PP-DIR into (NP the nursery))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the night)) , (NP-SBJ a phone company technician) (VP had (VP (VP deadened (NP the bells)) and (VP installed (NP red blinkers) (PP-LOC on (NP the phones))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Someone) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remain (PP-LOC in (NP the office)) (ADVP-TMP continually)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ McFeeley) (VP (VP greeted (NP the parents)) , then (VP studied (NP his notebook))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP take (NP the mother) (PP-DIR to (NP headquarters)) (ADVP-TMP at once)) and (VP start (NP her) (PP on (NP the mug file))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Sleep (ADVP-MNR well)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andrus) (VP did not (VP answer (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP bloated (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP drugging)))) , (ADJP (ADJP redder) (PP than (ADJP normal))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The woman) (VP had (NP (NP the glassy look) (PP of (NP an invalid))) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had not (VP slept (ADVP at all)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) -- (NP-SBJ we) (VP managed)) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) groggy)) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ anything) (VP happen) (PP-TMP during (NP the night)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Few crank calls) '' , (NP-SBJ McFeeley) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP (NP (NP A couple) (PP of (NP tips))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (VP running (NP *T*-1) (PRT down)))))) -- (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP promising)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP can (VP expect (NP (NP more) (PP of (NP the same))))) .)) (TOP (ADJP-PRD Too bad (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ your number) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP the directory)))))) '' .) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Did) n't (VP occur (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 my child) (VP would (VP be (VP kidnaped (NP *-1)))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP listed)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Andrus) (VP muttered (S *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP settled (PP-LOC on (NP the sofa)) (PP with (NP his coffee)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP warming (NP his hands) (PP on (NP the cup)) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ the room) (VP was (ADJP-PRD heavy (PP with (NP heat))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The three) (VP had (NP (NP little) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP each other)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The previous night 's) horror) -- (NP (NP the absolute failure) , (ADJP overcast (PP with (NP (NP the intrusions) (PP of (NP the press))))) ,)) (VP had (VP left (NP (NP them) (NP all)) (PP with (NP (NP a wan sense) (PP of (NP uselessness)) , (PP of (NP play-acting)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP Sipping (NP their coffee)) , (VP discussing (NP (NP the weather) , (NP (NP the day 's) shopping) , (NP (NP (NP Fritzie 's) commitments) (PP at (NP the network)) -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP all) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP cancel (NP *T*-1))))) -RRB-))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP avoided (NP (NP the radio) , (NP the morning TV news show) , (NP (NP even the front page) (PP of (NP (NP the Santa Luisa Register) , (VP resting (PP-LOC on (NP the kitchen bar))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Kidnaper) (VP spurns (NP ransom))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Amy) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP missing)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) , (NP-SBJ Andrus) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR by (NP it))) , (VP (ADVP-MNR hastily) scanned (NP (NP the bold black headline) and (NP (NP the five-column lead) (PP of (NP (NP the article) -LRB- (PP by (NP (NP Duane Bosch) , (NP staff correspondent) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ age) not (VP given)))) -RRB-))))) , and (VP muttered : `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (NP-PRD (NP a buncha) (NP national celebrities))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ McFeeley) (VP told (NP the parents) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP escort (NP them) (PP-DIR to (NP police headquarters)) (PP-TMP in (NP a half hour))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (NP that)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP the neighbors)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did not (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bring (NP the Andruses) (PP-DIR to (NP the station house)) (ADVP-TMP too early))))))) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ Rheinholdt) (VP had (VP summoned (NP a press conference)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP subjected (PP to (NP the reporters)) (ADVP again))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP think (PP of (NP (NP (NP nothing else) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (NP them) (NP *T*-1)))))) : (NP no assurances) , (NP (NP no hopeful hints) (PP at (NP (NP great discoveries) (NP-TMP that day)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the detective) (VP left (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Andrus) (VP phoned (NP his secretary) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP cancel (NP his work))) and (VP to (VP advise (NP-2 the network) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP a substitute director) (PP for (NP his current project)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Andrus) (VP was (VP (VP talking (PP to (NP the maid))) , (VP arranging (PP for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR in) (NP-TMP (NP every day) , (CONJP instead of) (NP (NP the four days) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP worked (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Outside) , (NP-SBJ (NP only a handful) (PP of (NP reporters))) (VP remained) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The bulk) (PP of (NP the press corps))) (VP was (VP covering (NP (NP Rheinholdt 's) conference))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP contrast) (PP to (NP (NP the caravan) (PP of (NP the previous night)))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP only four cars) (VP parked (NP *) (PP-LOC across (NP the street))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Two men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP recognize (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP were (VP (VP sipping (NP coffee)) and (VP munching (NP sweet rolls)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP see (NP (NP Sparling) , or (NP DeGroot) , or (NP Ringel) , or (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP (NP the feverish crew) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP so) (VP harassed (NP him) (ADVP-TMP (NP twelve hours) ago))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ-1 the litter) (VP remained , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP augmented (PP by (NP (QP several dozen) lunchroom suppers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The street cleaner) (VP had not (ADVP-TMP yet) (VP been (ADVP-PRD around))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the reporters))) (VP called (PP to (NP him)) : `` (FRAG (NP (NP Anything) (ADJP new)) , (NP-VOC Lieutenant)) '') ? ?)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP ignored (NP him) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP skirting (NP the parked cars)) and (VP walking (PP-DIR up (NP the path)) (PP-DIR to (NP the Skopas house)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ McFeeley) (VP was (ADVP-PRD halfway (PP to (NP the door))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the proprietor) (NP *ICH*-3)) (VP emerged) -- (NP-3 (NP a mountainous , dark man) , (NP (NP his head) (ADJP thick (PP with (NP resiny black hair)))) , (NP (NP his eyes) (PP like (NP (NP two) (PP of (NP (NP the black olives) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP imported (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP boatloads))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ McFeeley) (VP identified (NP himself)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The master) (PP of (NP the house))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his nourished face) (VP unrevealing)) , (VP consented (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP postpone (NP his departure) (NP-TMP a few minutes) (S (NP-PRP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP the detective))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Inside) , (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Skopas) (VP had (VP disclosed -- (PP in (NP a hoarse whisper)) -- (NP (NP the detective 's) errand)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 his family) (VP gathered (PP in (NP a huddle)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP forming (NP a mass (PP of (NP dark flesh))) (PP on and around (NP (NP a brocaded sofa) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stood (PP-LOC at (NP (NP one side) (PP of (NP a baroque fireplace)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Flanked (PP by (NP (NP marble urns) and (NP alabaster lamps))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP posing (PP for (NP a tribal portrait))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD amazing) (SBAR-2 (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP had (VP herded (ADVP together) (PP for (NP protection)) : (NP-1 (NP (NP an enormous matriarch) (PP in (NP a quilted silk wrapper)) , (VP rising (PP from (NP the breakfast table)))) ; ; (NP (NP a gross boy) (PP in (NP his teens)) , (VP shuffling (ADVP-DIR in) (PP-DIR from (NP the kitchen)) (PP with (NP (NP a sandwich) (PP in (NP his hands)))))) ; ; (NP (NP a girl) (PP in (NP her twenties)) , (ADJP fat and sullen) , (VP descending (NP the marble staircase)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))) ; ; (S-ADV (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ all four) (VP gathering (PP on (NP the sofa)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP face (NP the inquisitor))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP answered (NP him) (PP in (NP monosyllables , nods)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP (ADVP occasionally) muttering (PP in (NP Greek)) (PP to (NP one another))) , (VP awaiting (NP the word) (PP from (NP (NP Papa) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR restlessly) (VP cracked (NP his knuckles) , (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD anxious (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP stuff (NP himself) (PP into (NP his white Cadillac))) and (VP burst (PRT off) (PP-DIR to (NP the freeway))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had n't (VP seen (NP anyone) (ADVP around)))) ; ; (S (INTJ no) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP know (NP the Andrus family)))) ; ; (S (INTJ yes) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP read (PP about (NP the case))))) ; ; (S (S (INTJ yes) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP let (S (NP-SBJ some reporters) (VP use (NP their phone)))))) , but (S (NP they) (VP would (VP *?* (ADVP-TMP no longer))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP offered (NP no opinions)) , (VP volunteered (NP nothing)) , (VP betrayed (NP no emotions))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Studying (NP them))) , (NP-SBJ-1 McFeeley) (VP could not (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP make (NP comparison) (PP with (NP the Andrus couple)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Skopas people) (VP seemed (PP to (NP him)) (PP-PRD of (NP (NP that breed) (PP of (NP human beings)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose insularity) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP frees (NP them) (PP from (NP tragedy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP imagined (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (SBAR (WHNP-3 whose tax returns) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP were (ADVP-TMP never) (VP examined (NP *-1))) (PRN -LRB- (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP *?*)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (ADVP-TMP never) (VP penalized (NP *-2)))) -RRB-))) , (SBAR (WHNP-4 whose children) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP had (NP no unhappy romances)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-5 whose names) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP knew (NP scandal))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The equation) (VP was (NP-PRD simple))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ wealth) (VP brought (NP them) (NP happiness))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP their united front) (PP to (NP the world))) (VP was (NP-PRD their warning (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP keep (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP *T*-1)))))) , (VP let (NP no one) (PP in (PP on (NP the secrets)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP comparison)) , (NP-SBJ Fritzie and Laura Andrus) (VP were (NP-PRD quivering fledglings)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP possessed (NP (NP no outer fortifications) , (NP (NP no hard shells) (PP of (NP confidence)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP enough difficulty (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP getting (PP (PP from (NP day)) (PP to (NP day)))) , (CONJP let alone) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ an awful crime) (VP thrust (PP upon (NP them)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Skopas) (VP (VP expressed (NP (NP no curiosity) (PP over (NP the case)))) , (VP offered (NP (NP no expression) (PP of (NP sympathy)))) , (VP made (NP (NP no move) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP escort (NP McFeely) (PP-DIR to (NP the door)) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All four) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD impacted) (PP-LOC on (NP the sofa)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP left))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP spoken (PP to (NP Mrs. Emerson)) (NP-TMP the previous day))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP remained (NP-PRD (NP a family) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Kahler))) , (NP (NP owners) (PP of (NP (NP a two-story Tudor-style house) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the south side) (PP of (NP the Andrus home))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Their names) (VP had not (VP come (PRT up) (PP in (NP (NP any discussions) (PP with (NP Laura))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP no idea) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP be (PP-PRD like (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ McFeeley) (VP noted (NP the immaculate lawn and gardens) : (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP each blade) (PP of (NP grass))) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP cropped) , (ADJP bright and firm))) ; ; (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 each shrub) (VP glazed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP good health))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The door) (VP was (VP answered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a slender man) (PP in (NP his sixties)) -- (ADJP (ADJP straight-backed) , (ADJP somewhat clerical (PP in (NP manner)))) , (VP wearing (NP rimless glasses)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Joe) (VP identified (NP himself) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP nodded , (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD unsmiling)) ,) and (VP ushered (NP him) (PP-DIR into (NP a sedate living room)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Kahler) (VP joined (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP a dried-out quality) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ a gray , lean woman) , (ADJP-PRD not unattractive))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Both) (VP were (VP dressed (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR rather formally))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP wore (NP (NP a vest) and (NP a tie)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the woman) (VP had (PRT on) (NP (NP a (ADJP dark green) dress) and (NP (NP three strands) (PP of (NP pearls)))))) .)) (TOP (S-4 `` (NP-ADV Funny thing) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Kahler) (VP said (S *T*-4)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP seated (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ringing)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP figured (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP that guy) (PP down (NP the block))) , (NP Hausman)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ McFeeley) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD puzzled)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kahler) (VP continued : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP fixed (NP his dog) (NP-TMP the other day))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD sore)))))) , (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ I) (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP come (VP barging (ADVP-DIR in)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Kahler) (VP went (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP explain (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hausman 's) fox terrier) (VP had (VP been (VP `` making '' (PP-LOC in (NP his flower beds)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 The dog) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP scared (NP *-1) (PRT off))))))) , (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ Kahler) (VP had (VP purchased (NP some small firecrackers)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP lay (PP in (NP wait)) (PP-LOC in (NP the garage))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the terrier) (VP came (VP scratching (ADVP around) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP let (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP fly (PP with (NP a cherry bomb))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Scared (NP the hell) (PP out (PP of (NP him))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Kahler) (VP grinned (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP hit (NP him) (PP-LOC in (NP the ass)) (ADVP-TMP once)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP grinned (PP at (NP the detective))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TMP Finally) , (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP needed (NP *T*-2))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP throw (NP (NP a little piece) (PP of (NP red wood)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP looked (PP like (NP a firecracker))))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-4 that dumb dog) (VP would (VP run (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP ki-yi-ing (PP for (NP his life))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the dim underwater light)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP dressed) and (VP straightened (PRT up) (NP the room))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP went (PP-DIR across (NP the hall)) (PP-DIR to (NP the kitchen)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (VP intimidated (NP *-1) (PP-LGS by (NP the stove)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP found (NP the pilot light)) and (VP turned (PRT on) (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the burners))) (PP for (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The gas) (VP flamed (PRT up) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV two inches) high))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP found (NP the teakettle)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP put (NP water) (PRT on) (S (NP-PRP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP boil)))) (CONJP and then) (VP searched (PP through (NP the icebox)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Several sections) (PP of (NP (NP a loaf) (PP of (NP dark bread))))) ; ; (NP butter) ; ; (NP jam) ; ; (NP (NP a tiny cake) (PP of (NP ice))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP their search) (PP for (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the right breakfast china) but (NP the wrong table silver))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP opened (NP every cupboard door) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen and pantry))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP settling (NP the teacart))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR across (NP the hall)) (PP-DIR to (NP their bedroom))) , (VP opened (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the suitcases)))) , and (VP took (PRT out) (NP (NP powdered coffee) and (NP sugar)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP appeared (PP with (NP the teacart)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP opened (NP the windows))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (NP Eugene))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't)) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (ADVP really) (NP-PRD a question))) , and (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP left (NP the room)) , (VP walked (PP-DIR down (NP the hall)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the front) (PP of (NP the apartment))))) , (VP hesitated) , (CONJP and then) (VP knocked (ADVP-MNR lightly) (PP on (NP (NP the closed door) (PP of (NP the study))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A sleepy voice) (VP answered) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-2 Le petit dejeuner) '' , (NP-SBJ Harold) (VP said (NP *T*-2) , (PP in (NP (NP an accent) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did (NP credit) (PP to (NP (NP Miss Sloan) , (NP his high-school French teacher))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) , (NP-SBJ his voice) (VP (VP betrayed (NP (NP uncertainty) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ their) (VP being (ADVP-LOC-PRD here)))))) , and (VP conveyed (NP (NP an appeal) (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD reasonable , peace-loving , and dependable) (PP in (NP everybody))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ ordinary breakfast-table conversation) (VP was (ADJP-PRD impossible)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD (ADVP at least) something) (SBAR-1 (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP offer (NP Eugene) (NP (NP (NP the sugar bowl) (PP with (NP (NP their sugar) (PP-LOC in (NP it))))) , and (NP (NP the plate) (PP of (NP bread and butter))))))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP could (VP return (NP (NP the pitcher) (PP of (NP hot milk))) (PP to (NP them)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ handle) (ADVP-PRD first))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP (VP put (NP (NP a spoonful) (PP of (NP powdered coffee))) (PP-PUT into (NP his cup))) (CONJP and then) (VP filled (NP it) (PP with (NP hot water)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Stirring)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD sorry (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ my work) (VP prevents (NP me) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (NP anything) (PP with (NP you)) (NP-TMP today)))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP assured (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP did not (VP expect or need (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP entertained (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Harold) (VP (VP put (NP (NP a teaspoonful) (PP of (NP powdered coffee))) (PP-PUT in (NP his cup))) and (VP filled (NP it) (PP with (NP hot water))))) , (CONJP and then) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stirring)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP sat (ADVP back) (PP-LOC in (NP his chair)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The chair) (VP creaked) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP Every time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP moved) or (VP said (NP something)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ the chair) (VP creaked (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP entirely silent) , or (ADJP openly rude)) -- (SBAR-ADV unless (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP asking (NP-2 Harold) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP move (PP to (NP another chair)))))) and (VP placing (NP himself) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the fauteuil) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP creaked (ADVP-MNR so alarmingly))))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an act) (PP of (NP rudeness))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 It) (VP went (ADVP right on) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP creaking (PP under (NP his own considerable weight)))))) , and (S-3 (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP needed (NP *T*-1))))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Harold) (VP thought (S *T*-3)))) , (VP was (SBAR-PRD for (S (NP-SBJ somebody) (VP to (VP fling (NP himself) (ADVP back) (PP in (NP (NP a fit) (PP of (NP laughter)))))) and (S (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the end) (PP of (NP it))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Through (NP the open window)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP heard (NP (NP (NP sounds) (ADVP-LOC below (PP in (NP the street)))) : (NP cartwheels) , (NP (NP a tired horse 's) plodding step) , (NP voices))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Harold) (VP (VP indicated (NP (NP the photograph) (PP on (NP the wall)))) and (VP asked (SBAR (WHNP-1 what church) (S (NP-SBJ the stone sculpture) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP told (NP him))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP promptly) (VP forgot)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP passed (NP (NP the marmalade) , (NP the bread) , (NP the black-market butter) ,) (ADVP back and forth)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Nothing) (VP was (VP said (NP *-1) (PP about (NP (NP hotels) or (NP train journeys))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP offered (NP Harold) (NP (NP his car) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP use (NP *T*-2) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP any time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP cared (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 this offer) (VP was not (VP accepted (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))) , (NP-SBJ the armchair) (VP creaked)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP all three)) (VP had (NP (NP another cup) (PP of (NP coffee)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP his pajamas) and (NP dressing gown))))) , and (S (PP on (NP his large feet)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP wore (NP (NP yellow Turkish slippers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP turned (PRT up) (PP at (NP the toes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (VP-TPC-1 Excuse (NP me)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP said (VP *T*-1) (PP in (NP Berlitz English))) , and (VP (VP got (PRT up)) and (VP left (NP them)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP bathe and dress)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first shrill ring) (PP of (NP the telephone))) (VP brought (NP Harold) (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the hall)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the telephone) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP that moment)) (NP-SBJ-1 the bathroom door) (VP flew (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open))) and (S (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP (VP came (ADVP-DIR out) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his face) (VP lathered (PP for (NP shaving)))))) , and (VP strode (PP-DIR down (NP the hall)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP tying (NP (NP the sash) (PP of (NP his dressing gown))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The telephone) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the study)))) but (S (NP-SBJ the ringing) (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP the hall)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Between (NP (NP the telephone) and (NP the wall plug))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP sixty feet) (PP of (NP cord)))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the conversation) (VP came (PP to (NP an end)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP carried (NP the instrument) (PP with (NP him)) (NP-EXT (NP the whole length) (PP of (NP the apartment))) , (PP-DIR to (NP (NP his bathroom) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP rang (NP-ADV three more times) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (UCP-PRD (VP shaving) and (PP-LOC in (NP the tub)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (NP the apartment)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP knocked (PP on (NP their door))) and (VP asked (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP them)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Harold) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Sabine) (VP called (ADVP-TMP (NP a few minutes) ago))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ you and Barbara) (VP to (VP have (NP dinner) (PP with (NP her)) (NP-TMP tomorrow night))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP handed (NP Harold) (NP (NP a key) (PP to (NP the front door)))) , and (VP cautioned (NP him) (PP against (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leaving (NP it unlocked) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP the apartment))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ enough time) (VP had (VP elapsed (SBAR so that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP little likelihood) (PP of (NP (NP his returning) (PP for (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP forgotten (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Harold) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the hall)))) and (VP stood (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP looking (PP into (NP (NP one room) (PP after (NP another)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 In (NP (NP the room) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP theirs))))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a huge cradle) , (PP of (NP (NP mahogany) , (ADJP ornately carved and decorated (PP with (NP gold leaf)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most important-looking) cradle) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP-TPC-1 Then) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP their bathroom) , (CONJP and then) (NP (NP a bedroom) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP judging (PP by (NP (NP the photographs) (PP-LOC on (NP the walls)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP must (VP belong (PP to (NP Mme Cestre))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP A young woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP looked (PP like (NP Alix)))))) , (PP with (NP her two children)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Alix and Eugene) (PP-TMP on (NP their wedding day)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Matching photographs) (PP in (NP oval frames)) (PP of (NP (NP Mme Bonenfant) and (NP (NP an elderly man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD (NP Alix 's) grandfather))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Mme Vienot) , (ADJP (ADJP considerably younger) and (ADJP very different)) .)) (TOP (NP The schoolboy .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP (NP a gray-haired man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose glance) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP *T*-2) -- (ADJP (ADJP direct) , (ADJP lifelike) , and (ADJP mildly accusing)) --) (VP was (VP contradicted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the (ADJP gilt and black) frame)))))))) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (PP of (NP frame)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (ADVP only) (VP put (NP *-1) (PP-PUT around (NP (NP the photograph) (PP of (NP a dead person)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-TPC-1 Professor Cestre) , could (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (NP *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ the metal shutters) (VP closed))) , (NP-SBJ the dining room) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so dark) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD night) (PP-LOC in (ADVP there))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the drawing-room shutters))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD partly open))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (PRT out) (NP (NP the shapes) (PP of (NP (NP chairs and sofas) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP upholstered (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (ADJP brown or russet) velvet)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The curtains) (VP were (PP-PRD of (NP the same material)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP some big oil paintings) -- (NP (NP portraits) (PP in (NP (NP the style) (PP of (NP Lancret and Boucher)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP taken (ADVP-MNR individually))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the big rooms) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD *RNR*-2)) , or (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP *RNR*-2))))) , (ADJP-2 square)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the apartment) (PP as (NP a whole))) (VP formed (NP a triangle)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The apex) , (NP (NP the study) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP slept (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) ,) (VP was (ADJP-PRD light and bright and airy and cheerful)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The window) (VP looked (PP out (PP on (NP the Place Redoute))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only window) (PP of (NP the apartment)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Looking (ADVP around) (ADVP-MNR slowly))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP saw (NP (NP a marble fireplace) , (NP a desk) , (NP (NP a low bookcase) (PP of (NP mahogany)) (PP with (NP (NP (NP criss-crossed brass wire) (CONJP instead of) (NP glass panes)) (PP in (NP the doors))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The daybed) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Eugene) (VP had (VP slept (PP-LOC in (NP *T*-1)))))) , (VP made (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP with (NP its dark-brown velours cover and pillows))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The portable record player) (PP with (NP (NP a pile) (PP of (NP classical records)) (PP-LOC beside (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Beethoven 's) Fifth) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the one) (PP-LOC on (NP top)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Da-da-da-dum Music) (VP could not (VP be (NP-PRD (NP Eugene 's) passion))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ the records) (VP were (ADJP-PRD dusty)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP tried (NP (NP the doors) (PP of (NP the bookcase)))) .)) (TOP (VP Locked .)) (TOP (FRAG (S (NP-TPC-1 The titles) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP read (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR easily) (PP through (NP the criss-crossed wires))))) : (NP (NP works) (PP on (NP (NP theology) , (NP astral physics) , (NP history) , (NP biology) , (NP political science)))) .)) (TOP (NP No poetry .)) (TOP (NP No novels .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP moved (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the desk)))) and (VP stood (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP looking (PP at (NP the papers)) (PP-LOC on (NP it))) but (VP not touching (NP anything)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The clock) (PP-LOC on (NP the mantel piece))) (VP (VP was (VP scandalized (NP *-1))) and (VP ticked (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so loudly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP glanced (PP at (NP it)) (PP over (NP his shoulder))) (CONJP and then) (VP (ADVP-MNR quickly) left (NP the room)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The concierge) (VP called (PP out (PP to (NP them))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP passing (PP-DIR through (NP the foyer))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her quarters) (VP were (PP-PRD on (NP the right)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP walked (PP-DIR into (NP the building))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 her small front room) (VP was (VP clogged (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP heavy furniture) -- (NP a big , round , oak dining table and chairs) , (NP (NP a buffet) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP a row) (PP of (NP unclaimed letters))) (VP inserted (NP *) (PP between (NP (NP the mirror) and (NP its frame)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 The suitcases) (VP (VP had (VP come (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP-PRD out)))))) , and (VP had (VP been (VP put (NP *-1) (PP-PUT in (NP their room))))))) , (NP-SBJ the concierge) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP waited (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD inside (NP the elevator)))))) (CONJP and then) (VP said : `` (SBARQ (ADVP-TMP Now) (WHNP-1 what) (SQ do (NP-SBJ we) (VP do (NP *T*-1)))) '')) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (VP-TPC-1 Call (NP the Vouillemont)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (VP *T*-1)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP Rather) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP sit (ADVP around) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP waiting (PP for (S (NP-SBJ-1 the suitcases) (VP to (VP be (VP delivered (NP *-1)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP gone (NP sight-seeing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the Flea Market)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP expecting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP the treasures) (PP of (NP Europe))))))))) , and (VP found (ADVP instead) (NP (NP a duplication) (PP of (NP (NP that long double row) (PP of (NP (NP booths) (PP in (NP Tours))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP Cheap clothing) and (NP (NP junk) (PP of (NP every sort)))) , (ADVP (ADVP as far) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ the eye) (VP could (VP see))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP looked , (ADVP even so)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Looked (PP at (NP everything))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Barbara) (VP bought (NP some cotton aprons))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Harold) (VP bought (NP shoestrings))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (NP lunch) (PP at (NP (NP a sidewalk cafe) (VP overlooking (NP (NP the intersection) (PP of (NP two broad , busy , unpicturesque streets)))))))) , and (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP coming (NP home))) (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP got (VP lost (PP in (NP the Metro))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP took (NP them) (PP over (NP an hour)) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP get (ADVP back) (PP to (NP (NP the station) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP should (VP have (VP changed (ADVP-LOC *T*-4) , (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP the line) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the Place Redoute)))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the end) (PP of (NP the afternoon)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP took (NP the huge key) (PP out (PP of (NP his pocket)))) and (VP inserted (NP it) (PP into (NP the keyhole))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP opened (NP the door) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (ADVP-LOC-TPC-2 there) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Eugene) , (PP on (NP (NP his way) (PP out (PP of (NP the apartment))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP wearing (NP (NP sneakers) and (NP shorts) and (NP an open-collared shirt))))) , and (S (PP in (NP his hand)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP carried (NP a little black bag))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP explain (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP going (ADVP-DIR *T*-1)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did not (VP ask))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Instead) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP went (PRT on) (PP-DIR down (NP the hall)) (PP-DIR to (NP their room))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP be (VP having (NP an affair))))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Barbara) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ the front door) (VP close)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Oh no) '' , (S (NP-SBJ-2 Harold) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shocked)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD France) , (PP after (NP all))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know)) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD some other explanation)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADVP probably) (VP spending (NP the evening) (PP with (NP friends)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` And (PP for (NP that)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP needs (NP a little bag)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP (VP went (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shopping (PP-LOC in (NP the neighborhood))))) , and (VP bought (NP (NP (NP two loaves) (PP of (NP bread))) (NAC *ICH*-5)) (PP with (NP (NP the ration coupons) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP had (VP been (VP given (NP *-3) (NP *T*-4) (PP-LOC in (NP Blois))))))))) , (NAC-5 and (NP (NP some cheese) , and (NP a dozen eggs) , and (NP (NP (NP a bag) (PP of (NP oranges)) (PP from (NP (NP a peddler) (PP-LOC in (NP the Place Redoute))))) -- (NP (NP the first oranges) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP seen (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP landed))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP had (NP Vermouth) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sitting (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP a cafe))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (ADVP home) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ Harold) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD grateful (PP for (NP (NP the stillness) (PP in (NP the apartment)))))) , and (VP thought (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) , (S (PP under (NP different circumstances)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP might (VP have (VP stayed (PRT on) (ADVP-LOC here) , (PP in (NP (NP these (ADJP old-fashioned , high-ceilinged) rooms) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP reminded (NP him) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the Irelands ') apartment) (PP-LOC in (NP the East Eighties))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP could (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD perfectly happy) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP-TMP for (NP ten whole days))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP went (PP-DIR down (NP the hall)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Eugene 's) bathroom)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP turn (PRT on) (NP the hot-water heater)))))) , and (S (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the tub)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP a pair) (PP of (NP blue wool swimming trunks))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (NP-PRD them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD damp)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP reached (PRT out)) and (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP the bath towel) (VP hanging (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the towel rack) (PP over (NP the tub)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Damp) (ADVP also) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP looked (PP around (NP the room))) (CONJP and then) (VP called (PRT out) : `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP-DIR here) , (ADVP-MNR quick))) '')) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD it))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-3 Barbara) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP standing (PP-LOC in (NP the doorway))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP solved (NP (NP the mystery) (PP of (NP the little bag))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-LOC-TPC-2 There) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHADVP where) (SQ do (NP-SBJ-1 people) (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP swimming)) (PP-LOC in (NP Paris))))) ? ?) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP That boat) (PP-LOC in (NP the river))) , (ADVP maybe) '' .)) (TOP (WHNP `` What boat '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a big boat) (VP anchored (NP *) (PP-LOC near (NP the Place De La Concorde))) , (PP with (NP (NP a swimming pool) (PP-PRD in (NP it))))))) -- (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP notice (NP it))) ? ?)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP swimming)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD with (NP us)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (PP at (NP him)) (PP in (NP surprise))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP know)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP reading (NP her mind)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP you))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP are (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP France))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` and (VP know (NP (ADJP so few) people)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ (NP something) (PP like (NP this))) (VP matters (ADVP (ADVP more) (SBAR than (S (NP it) (VP would (VP *?* (PP-LOC at (NP home)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so nice) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD nice) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP All) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did n't (VP feel (PP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP dancing))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD that)))) , (ADVP really))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (ADVP Then) (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD it))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP The tweed coat) , (ADVP maybe) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The thing) (PP about (NP Eugene))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD very proud))))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the thing) (PP about (NP hurt feelings))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the wet bathing suit) (VP pointed (PRT out))) , (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the person) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (NP them))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (ADVP not quite) the innocent party) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP believes (NP himself (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-3))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP For (NP instance)) -- (WHNP what) (PP about (NP (NP all those people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Harold Rhodes) (VP went (PP toward (NP *T*-1)) (ADVP-MNR unhesitatingly) , (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP the one moment) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP have (NP *T*-2) (ADVP together)))))) , (NP (NP their one chance) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP knowing (NP each other)))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Fortunately) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the embarrassing questions) (VP raised (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS objects)))) (VP do not (VP need (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP answered (NP *-1)))))))) , or (S (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP would all (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP sleep (PP-LOC in (NP the open fields)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP in (NP any case)) , (S (NP-SBJ answers) (VP may (VP clarify))) but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do not (VP change (NP anything)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP brought (PP with (NP him)) (NP (NP a mixture) (PP of (NP myrrh and aloes)) , (PP of (NP (NP-ADV (QP about a hundred) pounds ') weight)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP took (NP (NP Jesus 's) body) , (ADVP-TMP then)) , and (VP wrapped (NP it) (PP in (NP winding-clothes)) (PP with (NP the spices))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ the Jews) (VP prepare (NP a body) (PP for (NP burial)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-1 Listed (PP as (ADJP present)) (PP-LOC at (NP the Descent))) (VP were (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Mary) , (NP (NP Mary 's) sister) , (NP Mary Magdalene) , (NP John) , (NP (NP Joseph) (PP of (NP Arimathea))) , (NP Nicodemus)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Search (PP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP *?*)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could (VP find (NP (NP no place) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ the Bible) (VP spoke (PP of (NP (NP a moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Mary) (VP could (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD alone (PP with (NP Jesus))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Mostly) (NP-SBJ-1 the scene) (VP was (VP crowded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP mourners) , (ADJP (ADJP such) (PP as (NP (NP the dramatic Dell'Arca Lamentation) (PP-LOC in (NP Bologna)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the grief-stricken spectators) (VP had (VP usurped (NP (NP Mary 's) last poignant moment) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP his concept)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP could (VP be (NP-PRD (NP no one) (ADVP else) (ADJP present)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His first desire) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP create (NP (NP a mother and son) (ADJP alone) (PP-LOC in (NP the universe))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 When) (SQ might (NP-SBJ Mary) (VP have (VP had (NP (NP that moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hold (NP her child) (PP-LOC on (NP her lap)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Perhaps) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ the soldiers) (VP had (VP laid (NP him) (PP-LOC on (NP the ground)))))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Joseph) (PP of (NP Arimathea))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP Pontius Pilate 's)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP asking (PP for (NP (NP Christ 's) body)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ Nicodemus) (VP was (VP gathering (NP (NP his mixture) (PP of (NP myrrh and aloes)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the others) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP-DIR home) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP mourn)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP saw (NP his finished Pieta))))) (VP would (VP take (NP (NP the place) (PP of (NP the biblical witnesses))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP would (VP feel (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Mary) (VP was (VP undergoing (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP no halos) , (NP no angels)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP two human beings) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whom) (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP had (VP chosen (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD close (PP to (NP Mary)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP having) (VP spent (ADVP so long) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP concentrating (PP on (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP her journey)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP intensely alive) , (ADJP anguished)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ her son) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even though (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (ADVP-TMP later) (VP be (VP resurrected (NP *-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-TMP at (NP this moment)) (ADJP-PRD dead) (ADVP indeed) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the expression) (PP on (NP his face))) (VP reflecting (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP gone (PP through (NP *T*-2)) (PP-LOC on (NP the cross))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP his sculpture)) (ADVP therefore) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP would not (VP be (ADJP-PRD possible)) (SBAR-3 for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP project (NP (NP anything) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Jesus) (VP felt (NP-PRD *T*-1) (PP for (NP his mother))))))) ; ; (SBAR (ADVP only) (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ Mary) (VP felt (NP-PRD *T*-2) (PP for (NP her son)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jesus ') inert body) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD passive) , (SBAR-ADV (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP closed))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mary) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP carry (NP the human communication)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD right) (PP to (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD a relief) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shift (PP in (NP his mind)) (PP to (NP technical problems)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (SBARQ (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ-1 his Christ) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD life size))))))) , (WHADVP-3 how) (SQ was (NP-SBJ-2 Mary) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hold (NP him) (PP on (NP her lap)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the relationship) (VP seeming (ADJP-PRD ungainly)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His Mary) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP slender (PP of (NP limb))) and (ADJP delicate (PP of (NP proportion))))))) , yet (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP must (VP hold (NP this full-grown man) (ADVP (ADVP as securely and convincingly) (PP as (S (NP she) (VP would (VP *?* (NP a child))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP only one way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP accomplish (NP this) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) : (PP by (NP design)) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP drawing (NP diagrams and sketches (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP probed (NP (NP the remotest corner) (PP of (NP his mind))) (PP for (NP (NP creative ideas) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP carry (NP his concept))))))) (PP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP started (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP free sketches)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP loosen (PRT up) (NP his thinking) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ images) (VP would (VP appear (PP on (NP paper)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Visually) , (NP-SBJ these) (VP approximated (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP feeling (NP-PRD *T*-1) (PP within (NP himself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP started (VP walking (NP the streets) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP peering (PP at (NP (NP the people) (VP (VP passing) or (VP shopping (PP at (NP the stalls))))))) , (VP storing (PRT up) (NP (NP fresh impressions) (PP of (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP looked (PP like (NP *T*-2))))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP moved (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (ADJP particular)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP sought (NP (NP the gentle , sweet-faced nuns) , (PP with (NP (NP head coverings and veils) (VP coming (PP to (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP their foreheads)))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP remembering (NP their expressions) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP reached (ADVP home)) and (VP set (NP them) (PRT down) (PP on (NP paper))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Discovering (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 draperies) (VP could (VP be (VP designed (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP serve (NP structural purposes))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP began (NP (NP a study) (PP of (NP (NP the anatomy) (PP of (NP folds)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP improvised (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP along)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP completing (NP a life-size clay figure)))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) bought (NP (NP yards) (PP of (NP an inexpensive material))) (PP from (NP a draper))) , (VP wet (NP the lightweight cloth) (PP in (NP a basin))) and (VP covered (NP it) (PRT over) (PP with (NP (NP clay) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Argiento) (VP brought (NP *T*-1) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the bank) (PP of (NP the Tiber))))))))) , (PP to (NP (NP the consistency) (PP of (NP thick mud)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ No fold) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD accidental)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP each turn) (PP of (NP the drapery))) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP serve (ADVP organically) , (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the Madonna 's) slender (NX legs and feet)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP give (NP substantive support) (PP to (NP (NP Christ 's) body))))))))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP intensify (NP her inner turmoil))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ the cloth) (VP dried and stiffened (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR (WHNP-2 what adjustments) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP made (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD sculpture) '' , (PRN (SINV (VP commented (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Argiento) (ADVP-MNR wryly) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP sluiced (PRT down) (NP the floor)) (PP-TMP for (NP a week)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , `` (S-NOM-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP mud pies)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP grinned) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP See) , (NP-VOC Argiento)) , (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP control (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 these folds) (VP are (VP (VP bunched , (PP like (NP this))) , or (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP flow)))) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP enrich (NP the body attitudes)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP can (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP as much) tactile appeal) (PP as (NP flesh and bone))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the Jewish quarter)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP wanting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP draw (NP Hebraic faces) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP reach (S (NP (NP a visual understanding) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ Christ) (VP might (VP have (VP looked (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Jewish section) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (PP in (NP Trastevere)) , (PP near (NP the Tiber)) (PP at (NP (NP the church) (PP of (NP San Francesco a Ripa)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The colony) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD small) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Spanish Inquisition) (PP of (NP 1492))) (VP drove (NP many Jews) (PP-DIR into (NP Rome))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) , (PP for (NP the most part)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD well treated) , (PP as (NP (NP a `` reminder) (PP of (NP (NP the Old Testament heritage) (PP of (NP Christianity)))) ''))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP their gifted members))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD prominent) (PP-LOC in (NP the Vatican)) (PP as (NP physicians , musicians , bankers)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The men) (VP did not (VP object (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his) (VP sketching (NP them) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP went (PP about (NP their work))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 no one) (VP could (VP be (VP persuaded (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP his studio)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pose)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 He) (VP was (VP told (NP-4 *-3) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP Rabbi Melzi) (PP-LOC at (NP the synagogue)) (PP-TMP on (NP Saturday afternoon)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP found (NP (NP the rabbi) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the room) (PP of (NP study)))) , (NP-1 (NP (NP a gentle old man) (PP with (NP (NP a white beard) and (NP luminous grey eyes)))) , (VP robed (PP in (NP black gabardine))) (PP with (NP (NP a skullcap) (PP-LOC on (NP his head)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP reading (PP from (NP the Talmud)) (PP with (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP (NP men) (PP from (NP his congregation)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP explained (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP come (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ Rabbi Melzi) (VP replied (ADVP-MNR gravely) : `` (S (NP-SBJ The Bible) (VP forbids (NP-4 us) (S (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP bow (PP down (PP to (NP *RNR*-2)))))) or (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP *RNR*-2)))) (NP-2 graven images))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ our creative people) (VP give (NP their time) (PP (PP to (NP literature)) , not (PP to (NP painting or sculpture))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` But , (NP-VOC Rabbi Melzi) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP object (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ others) (VP creating (NP (NP works) (PP of (NP art)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP `` (ADVP Not at all) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each religion) (VP has (NP its own tenets)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP carving (NP a Pieta) (PP from (NP white Carrara marble)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ Jesus) (NP-PRD an authentic Jew)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can not (VP accomplish (NP this) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will not (VP help (NP me))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The rabbi) (VP said (ADVP-MNR thoughtfully) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would not (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-1 my people) (VP to (VP get (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP trouble) (PP with (NP the Church))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP working (PP for (NP (NP the Cardinal) (PP of (NP San Dionigi)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP approve)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 (NP What kind) (PP of (NP models))) (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP prefer (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` Workmen .)) (TOP (PP In (NP their mid-thirties) .)) (TOP (NP Not (NP bulky laborers) , but (NP sinewy men) .)) (TOP (PP With (NP intelligence) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP sensitivity) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rabbi Melzi) (VP smiled (PP at (NP him)) (PP with (NP (ADJP (ADJP infinitely old) but (ADJP merry)) eyes))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Leave (NP me) (NP your address)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP send (NP you) (NP (NP the best) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ the quarter) (VP has (NP *T*-2)))) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP offer (NP *T*-3)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP (VP hurried (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Sangallo 's) solitary bachelor room)) (PP with (NP his sketches))) , (VP asked (NP-2 the architect) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP design (NP (NP a stand) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP simulate (NP the seated Madonna))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sangallo) (VP (VP studied (NP the drawings)) and (VP improvised (NP a trestle couch))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP bought (NP some scrap lumber)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Together) (NP-SBJ-1 he and Argiento) (VP built (NP the stand) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP covering (NP it) (PP with (NP blankets))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His first model) (VP arrived (PP-TMP at (NP dusk))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hesitated (PP for (NP a moment)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP asked (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP disrobe))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP toweling)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wrap (NP *T*-3) (PP around (NP his loins)))))))) , (VP led (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP the kitchen)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (PRT off) (NP his clothes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP then) (VP (VP draped (NP him) (PP over (NP the rough stand))) , (VP explained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD recently dead))))) , and (VP was (VP being (VP held (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP his mother 's) lap)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The model) (ADVP quite plainly) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (ADJP-PRD crazy)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP only the instructions) (PP from (NP his rabbi))) (VP kept (NP him) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP bolting))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the sitting)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP showed (NP him) (NP (NP the quick , free drawings) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP the mother) (VP roughed (PRT in)) ,) (VP holding (NP her son)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the model) (VP (VP grasped (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP was (PP-PRD after (NP *T*-1)))))) , and (VP promised (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP speak (PP to (NP his friends))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP worked (PP-TMP for (NP (NP two hours) (NP-ADV a day))) (PP with (NP (NP each model) (VP sent (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the rabbi)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mary) (VP presented (NP quite a different problem)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ this sculpture) (VP must (VP take (NP place) (NP-TMP (NP thirty-three years) (PP after (NP (NP her moment) (PP of (NP decision))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP conceive (PP of (NP her)) (PP as (NP (NP a woman) (PP in (NP her mid-fifties)) , (ADJP old , wrinkled ,) (VP broken (NP *) (PP in (NP body and face)) (PP by (NP-LGS labor or worry))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His image) (PP of (NP the Virgin))) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP that) (PP of (NP a young woman))))) , (SBAR even as (SINV (VP had) (NP-SBJ (NP his memory) (PP of (NP his mother))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jacopo Galli) (VP introduced (NP him) (PP into (NP several Roman homes))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ he) (VP sketched , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sitting (PP in (NP (NP their flowing gowns) (PP of (NP linen and silk)))))) , (NP (NP-2 young girls) (RRC (ADVP not yet) (NP-PRD twenty)) , (NP (NP-3 some) (PP about (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP married (NP *-1))))))) , (NP (NP some) (RRC (ADJP-PRD married) (NP-TMP a year (QP or two)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ the Santo Spirito hospital) (VP had (VP taken (NP only men))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP had (NP no experience) (PP in (NP (NP the study) (PP of (NP female anatomy))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP sketched (NP (NP the women) (PP of (NP Tuscany))) (PP-LOC in (NP their fields and homes))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP discern (NP (NP the body lines) (PP of (NP the Roman women))) (PP-LOC under (NP their robes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 He) (VP spent (NP concentrated weeks) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP putting (NP his two figures) (ADVP together) : (NP (NP (NP a Mary) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP young and sensitive) , yet (ADJP strong enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hold (NP her son) (PP-LOC on (NP her lap)))))))))))) ; ; and (NP (NP a Jesus) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) , (S (SBAR-ADV though (FRAG (ADJP lean))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP was (ADJP-PRD strong) (PP even in (NP death)) (NP-ADV (NP a look) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered (NP *T*-2) (ADVP well) (PP from (NP (NP his experience) (PP in (NP (NP the dead room) (PP of (NP Santo Spirito)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP drew (PP toward (NP the composite design)) (PP from (NP his (ADJP meticulously accurate) memory)) , (PP without (NP need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP consult (NP his sketches))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Soon) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP into (NP (NP a three-dimensional figure) (PP in (NP clay))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (NP free expression) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 the material) (VP could (VP be (VP moved (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP distort (NP forms))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP emphasize) , or (VP get (NP greater intensity)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP added or subtracted (NP clay)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Next) (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (PP to (NP wax)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a similarity) (PP of (NP wax)) (PP to (NP marble)) (PP in (NP (NP tactile quality) and (NP translucence)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP respected (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP these approach techniques)))) , and (VP kept (NP them) (PP in (NP character))))) : (S (NP-SBJ his quill drawings) (VP had (NP (NP a scratchiness) , (VP suggesting (NP skin texture))))) ; ; (S (NP-TPC-1 the clay) (NP-SBJ he) (VP used (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR plastically) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP suggest (NP (NP soft moving flesh)) , (PP as (PP in (NP (NP an abdomen) , (PP in (NP a reclining torso)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-TPC-2 the wax) (NP-SBJ he) (VP smoothed (NP *T*-2) (PRT over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP the body surface) (NP an elastic pull)))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ these models) (VP to (VP become (ADJP-PRD fixed (PP in (NP his mind)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP remained (NP-PRD rough starting points))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP carving (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP charged (NP *-1) (PP with (NP spontaneous energy))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP (ADJP too careful or detailed) studies) (PP in (NP clay and wax))) (VP would (VP have (VP glued (NP him) (PRT down) (PP to (NP (NP a mere enlarging) (PP of (NP his model)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The true surge) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD inside (NP (NP the marble) (NP itself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Drawing and models) (VP were (NP-PRD his thinking)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Carving) (VP was (NP-PRD action)) .)) (TOP (NP 10 .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The arrangement) (PP with (NP Argiento))) (VP was (VP working (ADVP well) , (PP except (SBAR that (S (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP could not (VP figure (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD-2 master)))) and (SBAR (WHNP=1 who) (NP=2 apprentice)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Argiento) (VP had (VP been (VP trained (NP *-1) (ADVP (ADVP so rigorously) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP by (NP-LGS the Jesuits)) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-3 Michelangelo) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP change (NP (NP his habits) : (FRAG (ADVP up) (PP-TMP before (NP dawn)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP scrub (NP the floors) ,)) (SBAR whether (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP dirty) or (ADJP (FRAG not))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP water) (VP boiling (PP on (NP the fire)) (PP-PRP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP washing) (NP laundry))) (NP-TMP every day))) , (NP (NP the pots) (VP scoured (NP *) (PP with (NP river sand)) (PP-TMP after (NP each meal))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Argiento) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD senseless))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP complained (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) not (VP liking (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP work (PP-LOC on (NP the wet floors))))) , (PP (ADVP particularly) in (NP cold weather))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD too clean)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Scrub (NP the studio) (ADVP-TMP once (NP a week))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD enough)) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 No) '' , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Argiento) (ADVP-MNR stolidly) .)) (TOP (NP-TMP `` Every day .)) (TOP (PP-TMP Before (NP dawn) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP taught (NP *-1))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SINV (S-TPC-3 `` And (NP-SBJ God) (VP help (NP (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP tries (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP unteach (NP you))))))))) '' ! !) (VP Grumbled (S *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ Michelangelo)) ; ; yet (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP grumble (PP about (NP *T*-4))))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ Argiento) (VP made (NP few demands) (PP on (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The boy) (VP was (VP becoming (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP acquainted (PP with (NP (NP the contadini families) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP brought (NP produce) (PP-DIR into (NP Rome))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP Sundays)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP walk (NP-EXT miles) (PP-DIR into (NP the campagna)) (S-PRP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP visit (PP with (NP them))))) , and (S (PP in (NP particular)) (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP their horses))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP missed (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP (NP his farm) (PP in (NP the Po Valley)))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD the animals))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP frequently) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP take (NP (NP his leave) (PP of (NP Michelangelo))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP announcing : `` (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP see (NP the horses))))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP took (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP bad luck))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (NP Michelangelo) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the boy) (VP was (VP devoted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP crouched (NP *-1) (PP over (NP his anvil) (PP-LOC in (NP the courtyard))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP getting (NP his chisels) (PP into (NP trim)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a splinter) (PP of (NP steel))) (VP (VP flew (PP-DIR into (NP his eye))) and (VP imbedded (NP itself) (PP-LOC in (NP his pupil))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stumbled (PP-DIR into (NP the house)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ eyes) (VP burning (NP like fire)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Argiento) (VP (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP lie (PRT down) (PP-PRD on (NP the bed))))) , (VP brought (NP (NP a pan) (PP of (NP hot water)))) , (VP dipped (NP some clean white linen cloth)) and (VP applied (NP it) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP extract (NP the splinter)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ the pain) (VP was (ADJP-PRD considerable)))) (NP-SBJ Michelangelo) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD too concerned)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP assumed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP blink (NP the splinter) (PRT out)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP would not (VP come)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Argiento) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP left (NP his side) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP keeping (NP (NP the water) (ADJP boiled))) , (VP applying (NP hot compresses))) (PP-TMP throughout (NP the night)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP By (NP the second day)) (NP-SBJ-1 Michelangelo) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP worry))))) ; ; and (S (PP-TMP by (NP the second night)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP a state) (PP of (NP panic)))))) : (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP nothing) (PP out (PP of (NP the afflicted eye)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP dawn)) (NP-SBJ Argiento) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP Jacopo Galli))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Galli) (VP arrived (PP with (NP (NP his family surgeon) , (NP Maestro Lippi)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The surgeon) (VP carried (NP (NP a cage) (PP of (NP live pigeons)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP told (NP-1 Argiento) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP take (NP a bird) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the cage)))) , (VP cut (NP a large vein) (PP under (NP its wing))) , (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the blood) (VP gush (PP-DIR into (NP (NP Michelangelo 's) injured eye))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The surgeon) (VP (VP came (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-TMP at (NP dusk))) , (VP cut (NP (NP the vein) (PP of (NP a second pigeon)))) , (VP (ADVP again) washed (PRT out) (NP the eye))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Beth) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very still))) and (S (NP-SBJ her breath) (VP came (PP in (NP small jerking gasps)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The thin legs) (VP twitched (ADVP-MNR convulsively) (ADVP once))) , (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ the little body) (VP stiffening (PP in (NP her arms))))) and (VP heard (NP one strangled sound)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The scant flesh) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD cool) (PP beneath (NP her frantic hands))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The child) (VP was (VP gone)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Juanita) (VP awoke (ADVP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP (VP rocking (NP the dead child)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP still) crooning (PP in (NP disbelief)) , `` (INTJ No) , (INTJ no) , (INTJ oh) , (INTJ no)))) ! ! '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP put (NP Kate) (PP to (NP bed))) and (VP wired (NP Jonathan)) and (VP sent (PP for (NP the young Presbyterian minister)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP sat (PP-LOC beside (NP (NP Kate 's) bed)) (PP with (NP the others)) (PP-TMP throughout (NP the morning)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP talking) , (VP talking (PP of (NP (NP God 's) will))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-2 Kate) (VP lay (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP staring (ADVP-MNR angrily) (PP at (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP had (VP called (NP the child) (PP to (NP Him)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP rejected (NP his words) (ADVP-MNR rebelliously)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Few) (PP of (NP the neighbors))) (VP came)) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mrs. Tussle) (VP came , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP called (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS tragedy)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP comes (PP in (NP threes)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP sighed (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR heavily)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Trouble) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP comes (PP but (PP in (NP threes)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP held (NP the funeral) (NP-TMP the next morning) (PP from (NP the crossroads church))) and (VP buried (NP the little box) (PP-LOC in (NP the quiet family plot)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP moved (PP through (NP all the preparations and services)) (PP in (NP (NP a state) (PP of (NP bewilderment))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would not (VP accept (NP (NP the death) (PP of (NP such a little child))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ God) (VP called (NP her) (PP to (NP Him)))) '' , (NP-SBJ the minister) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ God) (VP would not (VP do (NP that)))) , (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP thought (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR stubbornly)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jonathan 's) letter) (VP came , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP *?*))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP accepted (NP (NP their child 's) death) (PP as (NP (NP another judgment) (PP from (NP God)) (PP against (NP both Kate and himself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP blind panic) (PP of (NP grief)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP accepted (NP (NP Jonathan 's) dictum)) , and (VP believed (PP in (NP her desperation)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP been (VP cursed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS God))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP held (NP (NP Jonathan 's) letter) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his words) (VP burning (PP like (NP a brand))))) , and (VP knew (ADVP suddenly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the bonds) (PP between (NP them))) (VP were (VP severed (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP (NP nothing) (VP left (NP *))) but (NP (NP her duty) (PP to (NP (NP his land) and (NP his son)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Joel) (VP (VP came) and (VP sat (ADVP-MNR mutely) (PP with (NP her)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP sharing (NP her pain and anguish)) , (VP averting (NP his eyes) (PP from (NP (NP the ice packs) (PP on (NP her bosom))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Juanita) and (NP Mrs. Tussle)) (VP kept (NP Kate) (PP-LOC in (NP bed)) (NP-TMP a week) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ her milk) (VP dried)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP returned (PP to (NP life)) (PP-LOC in (NP the big house)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD shriveled (PP of (NP (NP all emotion) (PP save (NP (NP dedication) (PP to (NP duty)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP disciplined (NP herself) (ADVP-TMP daily) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP must (VP be (VP done (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (ADVP even) (VP steeled (NP herself) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP Juanita) (ADVP-LOC upstairs) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP the nurse 's) room) (PP off (NP the empty nursery))))))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-1 the girl) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP insist (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP moving (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the quarters)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP spare (NP Kate) (NP (NP remembrance) (PP of (NP (NP the baby 's) death))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Juanita) (VP drooped (PP about (NP the place)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wearing (NP (NP a haunted , brooding look) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP attributed (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP (NP the baby 's) death)) , (PP-TMP until (NP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a letter) (VP *ICH*-3) (VP *ICH*-4)) (VP came (PP for (NP her))) (VP-3 addressed (PP to (NP `` Miss Juanita Fitzroy ''))) , (VP-4 bearing (NP a Grafton postmark))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Seeing (NP the slanting hand))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Kate) (VP knew (ADVP uneasily) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD from (NP the Yankee colonel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Federal forces) (VP (VP had (VP taken (NP Parkersburg and Grafton) (PP from (NP the Rebels)))) and (VP were (VP moving (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP all the mountains))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 Kate) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP contain (NP (NP her curiosity and foreboding) (PP (PP at (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ the letter) (VP portended (NP *T*-2))))) , (PP at (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what involvement) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP existed (PP for (NP Juanita)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Uncle Randolph) and (NP Joel)) (VP had (VP replanted (NP the bottom lands) (PP with (NP difficulty))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ (NP more) (PP of (NP the slaves)) , (PP including (NP Annie)) ,) (VP had (VP sneaked (ADVP-DIR off) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the soldiers) (VP broke (NP camp) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Joel) (VP worked (PP like (NP a field hand)) (PP-TMP in (NP the afternoons)) (PP-TMP after (NP school))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD at (NP lessons)) (PP-LOC in (NP the schoolhouse)) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP returned (PP-DIR from (NP Harpers Ferry))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP deserted (NP the boy) (PP in (NP her own loss))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP loved (NP him)) and (VP missed (NP his company))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Uncle Randolph) (VP had (VP been (VP riding (ADVP-DIR out) (NP-TMP every evening) (PP on (NP (NP some secret business) (PP of (NP his own))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP could not (VP fathom (SBAR *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP claimed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP visiting (NP (NP the waterfront saloon) (PP-LOC at (NP the crossroads))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP play (NP cards)) and (VP drink (PP with (NP his cronies)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP had not (VP smelled (NP brandy) (PP on (NP him)) (PP-TMP since (NP (NP Mrs. Lattimer 's) funeral))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Joel) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD about (NP *T*-1))))) , (ADVP however)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 're (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP na (VP get (VP caught (NP *-2)))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ Joel) (VP say (S *T*-3) (PP to (NP Uncle Randolph)) (PP-LOC by (NP the pump)))) (NP-TMP one morning))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 Not this old fox) '' , (VP chuckled (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Uncle Randolph) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Everybody) (VP knows (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP just a harmless , deaf old man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP takes (PP to (NP drink)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP aim (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP a little whisky still) (PP-LOC (ADVP back) in (NP the ridge)) (PP for (NP my pleasure)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP Whiskey still) , (NP my foot)) '' , (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Joel) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 're (ADVP-LOC-PRD back there) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP riding (PP with (NP (NP the guerrillas) , (NP the Moccasin Rangers)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SINV (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Hush '') , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Uncle Randolph) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP smiling))) , `` or (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP give (NP you) (NP another black eye))) '' .))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP patted (NP (NP the eye) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Joel) (VP had (VP had (VP blackened (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP (NP a fight) (PP over (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD Rebel)))))) (PP-LOC at (NP the crossroads)) (ADVP-TMP (NP some days) back)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP talking (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP she) (VP (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ the (NX (NX blue lights) and (NX strange fires))) (VP burning and winking (PP-LOC on (NP the ridges)) (PP-TMP at (NP night)))))) , (VP had (VP heard (NP (NP horsemen) (PP-LOC on (NP the (NX (NX River Road) and (NX hill trails)))) (PP-TMP through (NP (NP the nights) (PP till (NP dawn))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD Stranger)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Uncle Randolph) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP riding (ADVP-DIR home) (NP-TMP nights) (PP with (NP (NP a jug) (VP strapped (PP to (NP his saddle))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-MNR drunkenly) (VP singing `` (NP Old Dan Tucker) '' (PP at (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP his voice))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Hearing (NP his voice) (VP ring (ADVP-MNR raucously) (PP up (PP from (NP the road)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Kate) (VP would (VP (VP await (NP him) (ADVP-MNR anxiously)) and (VP watch (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD perplexed)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP walked (PP-DIR into (NP the house)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD cold sober)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD about (NP *T*-1))))) (VP became (ADJP-PRD clear) (PP to (NP her)) (PP with (NP (NP the circulation) (PP of (NP (NP another broadside proclamation) (PP by (NP General McClellan)) , (VP threatening (NP reprisals) (PP against (NP Rebel guerrillas)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (VP taken (NP *-1) (PRT up) (PP in (NP (NP worry) (PP for (NP the reckless old man)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP drew (ADVP more and more) (PP on (NP (NP her affection) (PP for (NP Joel)))) (PP through (NP (NP the hot days) (PP of (NP summer work))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP (VP taken (NP him) (PP out (PP of (NP the schoolhouse)))) and (VP closed (NP the school) (PP-TMP for (NP the summer))) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Miss Snow) (VP crack (NP Joel) (PP across (NP the face)) (PP with (NP a ruler)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ a snake) (ADJP-PRD loose) (PP-LOC in (NP the schoolroom))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP Kate) (VP (VP had (VP walked (PP-DIR past (NP the school)) (PP on (NP her morning chores)))) and (VP had (VP seen (NP the whole incident))) , (VP had (VP seen (NP (NP Joel 's) burning humiliation) (PP before (NP (NP Miss Snow 's) cold , bespectacled wrath))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP the hardest pains) (PP of (NP growing))) (PP before (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP now) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP approached (NP twelve))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ These) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD his hardest years)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP missed (NP his father) (ADVP-MNR desperately))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP some way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP draw (NP him) (PRT out))) , (VP to (VP help (NP him))) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 Whenever) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (NP time) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP went (NP blackberry picking) (PP with (NP him)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP would (VP come (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP together) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ mouths) (ADJP-PRD purple)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ arms and faces) (VP scratched)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD tired enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP forget (NP grief) (PP for (NP another day)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP tended (NP (NP the new colts) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Beau) (VP had (VP sired (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ Kate and Juanita) (VP enlarge (NP the flower garden) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the side yard) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP sat (PP in (NP the still evenings)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ the last fat bees) (VP working (PP against (NP (NP the summer 's) purple dusk)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP No one) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP went (ADVP much) (PP-DIR to (NP the crossroads)) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-1 except (NP Uncle Randolph))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP stayed (PP-LOC in (NP their own world)) (PP-LOC on (NP the bluff)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting (PP for (NP (NP letters) and (NP (NP the peddler) , (VP bringing (NP the news)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jonathan) (VP wrote (ADVP-MNR grimly) (PP (PP of (NP (NP the destruction) (PP of (NP Harpers Ferry)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP abandoned (NP it)))))) ; ; (PP of (NP (NP their first engagement) (PP at (NP Falling Waters)) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ (NP Old Jack 's) First Brigade) (VP had (VP destroyed (NP (NP all the rolling stock) (PP of (NP the B & O Railroad))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ The men) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP restive) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (ADJP ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP the battle) (PP to (NP the enemy)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Jackson) (VP wished))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The peddler) (VP (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP bawling (NP his wares)))) and (VP told (NP them) (PP of (NP (NP the convention) (PP in (NP Wheeling)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 Which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP formed (NP a new state government) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP declaring (S (NP-SBJ (NP the government) (PP-LOC at (NP Richmond)) (PP-LOC in (NP the east))) (ADJP-PRD illegal)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD traitors))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Dangling (NP his gaudy trinkets) (PP before (NP them)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP told (PP of (NP (NP (NP the Rebel losses) (PP-LOC in (NP the mountains)) , (PP-LOC at (NP Cheat and Rich mountains both)) ,) and (NP (NP the Federal march) (PP on (NP Beverly)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Cleaned (NP all them Rebs) (PP out'n (NP the hills)))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP wo n't (ADVP-TMP never) (VP git (PP over (PP inter (NP loyal western Virginia))) , (NP-TPC them traitors))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ The Federals) (VP is (VP making (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP take (NP (NP the oath) (PP of (NP loyalty))) (PP-LOC around (NP these parts)))) (ADVP too)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP crowed (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP gone)))) , (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP asked (NP Uncle Randolph) (ADVP-MNR proudly) , `` (SQ Would (NP-SBJ you) (VP take (NP their oath))) '') ? ?)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 the old man) (VP had (VP (VP given (NP a (ADJP sly and wicked) laugh)) and (VP said , `` (S (INTJ Hell) , (INTJ yes) ! ! (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've) (VP taken (NP it) (NP (QP about fifty) times) (ADVP-TMP already))))) '' ! !)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Winking (PP at (NP (NP (NP Joel 's) look) (PP of (NP shock)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her mother) (VP wrote (NP Kate) (PP of (NP (NP her grief) (PP (PP at (NP (NP the death) (PP of (NP (NP Kate 's) baby)))) and (PP at (NP (NP Jonathan 's) decision (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP with (NP the South)))))))))))) `` (S-2 And , (NP-VOC dear Kate) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wrote (S *T*-2)))) , `` (NP-SBJ (NP (NP poor Dr. Breckenridge 's) son) (NP Robert)) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (VP organizing (NP (NP a militia company) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR South) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) , (PP to (NP (NP his good father 's) sorrow))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Maj. Anderson) (PP of (NP Fort Sumter))) (VP is (UCP-PRD (NP-PRD home) and (VP recruiting (NP volunteers) (PP for (NP the U.S. Army))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the state legislature) (VP voted (NP-1 us) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD neutral))))))))) , (NP-SBJ John Hunt Morgan) (VP is (ADVP-MNR openly) (VP flying (NP the Confederate flag) (PP-LOC over (NP his woolen factory)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rumor) (PP of (NP a big battle))) (VP spread (PP like (NP a grassfire)) (PP-DIR up (NP the valley))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Accounts) (VP were (VP garbled (NP *-1) (PP at (NP the telegraph office)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP sent (NP old George) (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP Parkersburg))) (PP for (NP the news)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ dey) (VP know (NP *T*-1) (PP down (NP dere)))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP Manassas Junction)))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (NP-PRD a big fight))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ the old man) (VP told (NP them) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the next few days)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP (NP cause) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rejoice)) (ADVP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a big battle)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the Confederate forces) (VP had (VP won))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jonathan and Ben) (VP were not (PP-PRD (PP on (NP (NP the lists) (PP of (NP the dead)))) or (PP on (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP the missing)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Kate) and (NP Mrs. Tussle)) (VP waited (PP for (NP letters)) (ADVP-MNR anxiously)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Joel) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the crest) (PP of (NP (NP a hill) (PP-LOC behind (NP the house))))))) and (VP lit (NP an enormous victory bonfire) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP celebrate))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Kate) (VP hurried (PP in (NP alarm)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP-2 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP put (NP it) (PRT out))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP (NP other dots) (PP of (NP flames))) (PP-LOC among (NP the western Virginia hills)) (PP from (NP (NP the few scattered fires) (PP of (NP the faithful))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP all)) (VP prayed (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ the North) (VP would (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ peace) (VP must (VP come))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ Virginia) (VP had (VP defended (NP her land) (ADVP-MNR victoriously))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP The week) (PP after (NP Manassas))) (NP-SBJ (NP the sound) (PP of (NP horses)) (PP-LOC in (NP the yard))) (VP brought (NP Kate) (PRT up) (PP in (NP shock)) (PP from (NP (NP an afternoon 's) rest)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP the Federal soldiers) (PP from (NP her upstairs window)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP lost (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP their corn)))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP Were) (NP-SBJ-2 they) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP insulted (NP *-1) (ADVP again) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP the South 's) great victory)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP remembered (NP (NP McClellan 's) last proclamation) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP hurried (ADVP-MNR fearfully) (PP-DIR down (NP the stairs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP the landing)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Juanita) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 her face) (VP flushed (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD pink)) (PP with (NP excitement)))) , (VP run (PP-DIR down (NP the hall)) (PP-DIR from (NP the kitchen)) (PP-DIR to (NP the front door))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Juanita) (VP stopped (PP-LOC (ADVP just) inside (NP the open door)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her hand) (PP-PRD to (NP her mouth)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP came (ADVP-MNR swiftly) (PP-DIR down (NP the stairs)) (PP-DIR to (NP the hall))))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Colonel Marsh) (VP framed (PP-LOC in (NP the doorway)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his face) (VP set (PP in (NP (NP the same vulnerable look) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Juanita) (VP wore (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Kate) (VP greeted (NP him) (ADVP-MNR gravely) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD uneasy (PP with (NP misgivings))) (PP at (NP his visit)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP brings (NP you) (ADVP-DIR here) (ADVP again) , (NP-VOC Colonel Marsh))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-4 She) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP taking (NP him and Juanita) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the parlor) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the shutters) (VP were (VP closed (NP *-1) (PP against (NP the afternoon sun)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP stopped (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP say (NP goodbye) , (NP-VOC Mrs. Lattimer))) , and (VP to (VP tell (NP you) (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how sorry (S *ICH*-3)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP was (ADJP *T*-1) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hear (PP about (NP your baby))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ our doctor) (VP could (VP have (VP saved (NP her))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a terrible loss) (PP to (NP me)))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Kate) (ADVP-MNR quietly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP feeling (S (NP-SBJ the pain) (VP twist (ADVP again) (PP at (NP the mention))))) , (VP knowing (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Juanita) (VP must (VP have (VP written (PP to (NP him)) (PP-LOC at (NP Grafton)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ will (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP leaving (NP Parkersburg)))))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-3 She) (VP asked (NP him) (SBARQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP seeing (S (NP-SBJ (NP Juanita 's) eyes) (VP grow (ADJP-PRD bleak)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know))) , (NP-SBJ General McClellan) (VP has (VP been (VP occupying (NP Beverly)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (VP notified (NP me) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP orders (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP Washington)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (PRT over) (NP (NP the Army) (PP of (NP the Potomac))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP Washington)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP serve (PP with (NP him))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP When) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-3 Kate) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP watching (NP (NP them) (NP both)) (ADVP-TMP now) (ADVP-MNR anxiously)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Their eyes) (VP betrayed (NP (NP too much) (PP of (NP their emotions))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (ADVP-MNR sadly) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (NP-TMP `` Tomorrow .)) (TOP (SQ Would (NP-SBJ you) (VP permit (S (NP-SBJ Juanita) (VP to (VP walk (PP-LOC about (NP the grounds)) (PP with (NP me)) (PP-TMP for (NP a short spell))))) , (NP-VOC Mrs. Lattimer)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stay (ADVP-LOC here) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the parlor) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD cool) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD calm))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD better) (PP for (NP (NP Joel) and (NP Uncle Randolph) and (NP Mrs. Tussle))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP see (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kate) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR back)) and (VP reminded (NP the kitchen women) (PP of (NP the supper preparations)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP took (NP iced lemonade) (PP to (NP (NP Marsh 's) young aide)) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sat (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the cool) (PP of (NP (NP the big trees) (PP around (NP the flower garden)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (S (NP-SBJ Marsh) (VP called (PP to (NP his aide)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the pair) (VP rode (PRT off) (PP-DIR down (NP (NP the River Road) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the gentians) (VP burned (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD blue)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))) , (NP-SBJ-4 Juanita) (VP was (VP (VP shaken (NP *-4)) and (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-4) not (VP to (VP cry)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP sought (NP Kate) (PRT out) (ADVP-LOC upstairs) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her lips) (VP trembling))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ He) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP go (PP with (NP him)) (NP-TMP tomorrow)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP Kate) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-3 `` (WHNP-2 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-4 Kate) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD uneasy (PP at (NP (NP the gravity) (PP of (NP (NP the girl 's) dilemma))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP go (PP with (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knows (NP me) (PP as (NP (NP your niece) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD a slave)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP own (NP me)) .)) (TOP (SINV (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD your decision))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Juanita) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP (VP holding (S (NP-SBJ her face) (ADJP-PRD very still))) , (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP contain (NP (NP the bitterness) (PP of (NP her voice))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP enunciated (NP her words) (ADVP-MNR-MNR too distinctly)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ the decision) (VP is (NP-PRD yours)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP held (NP (NP your papers) (PP of (NP manumission))) (PP-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP married (NP Mr. Lattimer)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The red glow) (PP from (NP the cove))) (VP had (VP died (PP out (PP of (NP the sky))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The two) (PP in (NP the bed))) (VP knew (NP each other) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ old people) (VP know (NP (NP the partners) (SBAR (WHPP-1 with (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP shared (NP the same bed) (PP *T*-1) (PP-TMP for (NP many years)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP needed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP say (NP no more)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TPC-2 (NP The things) (VP left (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP unsaid (NP *-1))))) (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP both)) (VP felt (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR deeply))) , and (S (PP with (NP a sigh)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP fell (ADVP back) (PP on (NP the well-stuffed pillows)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Anita) (VP put (PRT out) (NP the remaining candles) (PP with (NP a long snuffer)))) , and (S (PP in (NP (NP (NP the smell) (PP of (NP scented candlewick))) , (NP (NP the comforting awareness) (PP of (NP (NP each other 's) bodies))) , (NP (NP the retained pattern) (PP of (NP (NP dancers and guests) (VP remembered (NP *))))))) , (NP-SBJ their minds) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD (ADJP numb) (CONJP and then) (ADJP empty (PP of (NP images)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP slept)) -- (S (NP-SBJ=1 Mynheer) (PP with (NP a (ADJP marvelously high-pitched) snoring)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the damn seahorse ivory teeth) (VP watching (NP him) (PP from (NP a bedside table))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the ballroom) (ADVP-LOC below))) , (NP-SBJ the dark) (VP had (VP given (NP way) (PP to (NP (NP moonlight) (VP coming (PP-DIR in (PP through (NP (NP the bank) (PP of (NP French windows)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a delayed moon))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP now) (S (NP-SBJ the sky) (VP had (VP cleared (PP of (NP scudding black))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the stars) (VP sugared (NP the silver-gray sky)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Martha Schuyler) , (ADJP (ADJP old) , (ADJP slow) , (ADJP careful (PP of (NP foot)))) ,) (VP came (PP-DIR down (NP the great staircase)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP dressed (PP in (NP her best lace-drawn black silk)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her jeweled shoe buckles) (VP held (ADVP forward)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (PP-TMP at (ADJP last)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP addressing (NP (NP the old portraits) (PP-LOC on (NP the walls)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP hear (NP the music))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP getting (ADJP-PRD deaf)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP admit (NP it)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP the ballroom))) and (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the two carpeted steps) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP led (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ is (NP-SBJ everyone) (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP say , (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 where) (SQ is (NP-SBJ everyone) (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-VOC (NP Peter) , (NP you lummox)) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 've (VP forgot (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP order (NP the musicians)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP She) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there) , (NP-2 a large old woman) , (S (NP-ADV-SBJ *-3) (VP smiling (PP at (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP (NP him) (NP *ICH*-4))) (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)) , (NP-4 (NP this big foolish baby) (PP of (NP a son)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP times) (PP *ICH*-1) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (ADVP-TMP now) , (PP-1 like (NP this)) , (SBAR-2 (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP lost (NP (NP control) (PP of (NP the time count)))) and (VP moved (ADVP-MNR freely) (ADVP-DIR back and forth) (PP into (NP three generations))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD a birthday ball) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Peter) (VP had (VP reached (NP his majority) (PP at (NP eighteen)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Or (SQ was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD her own first ball) (PP as (NP (NP (NP mistress) (PP of (NP this big house))) , (NP (NP a Van Rensselaer bride) (PP from (ADVP way upstate)) (ADVP-LOC near (NP Albany)) , (PP from (NP Rensselaerwyck)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ And (NP-TPC (NP this handsome booby) , (VP staring and sweating)) , was (NP-SBJ he) (NP-PRD her bridegroom) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Martha) (VP picked (PRT up) (NP (NP the hem) (PP of (NP her gown)))) and (S (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ eyes) (VP closed))) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (ADVP-MNR slowly) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dance (NP a stately minuet) (PP around (NP the ballroom)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ David Cortlandt) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tired) (PP beyond (NP (NP almost the limits) (PP of (NP his flesh))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP ridden (ADVP-MNR hard) (PP-DIR from (NP Boston))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD used (PP to (NP horseback))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP driving (NP (NP the horse and sulky) (VP borrowed (NP *) (PP from (NP Mynheer Schuyler)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (SBAR (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 every bone) (VP was (VP topped (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS burning oil)))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ every muscle) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP dissolve (PP into (NP jelly))) and (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ his big body) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP helpless) and (ADJP unable (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP move)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The road) (VP leading (ADVP-DIR south) (PP-DIR along (NP the river)))) (VP was (VP shaded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP old trees))))) , and (S (PP in (NP the moonlight)) (NP-SBJ the silvery landscape) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP (NP a setting) (PP for (NP (NP trolls) and (NP wood gods)))) (CONJP rather than) (NP (NP the Hudson River Valley) (PP of (NP his boyhood memories))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP slapped (NP the reins) (PP on (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP the powerful gray horse))))) and (VP held (PRT on) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sulky 's) wheels) (VP (VP hit (NP a pothole)) and (VP came (ADVP-DIR out) (PP with (NP a jolt))) and (VP went (ADVP-DIR on))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP cross (PP-DIR (PP to (NP Manhattan)) , (PP to (NP Harlem Heights))) , (PP-TMP before (NP morning)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ a certain farmhouse) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a station) (PP for (NP (NP the Sons) (PP of (NP Liberty)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP send (PRT on) (PP by (NP trusted messenger)) (NP (NP the dispatches) (PP with (NP their electrifying news))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP sleep) , (VP sleep) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP never) think (PP (PP of (NP (NP roads) and (NP (NP horses ') sore haunches))) , (PP of (NP colonial wars)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP-PRD Strange) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP everything) (ADVP-LOC here)) (VP fitted (PP (ADVP back) into (NP his life)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) , (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-PRD away) (ADVP-TMP so long)))))) .) (TOP (FRAG (NP Mynheer) , (NP Sir Francis) , (NP the valley society) , (NP (NP the very smell) (PP of (NP (NP the river) (PP on (NP his right)) (VP purling (PP-DIR along (PP to (NP the bay))) (PP-DIR past (NP fish weirs and rocks)))))) , and (FRAG (ADVP ahead) (NP (NP the sleepy ribbon) (PP of (NP moon-drenched road)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A mist) (VP was (VP walking (PP-LOC on (NP the water)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (ADJP white (PP as (NP cotton))) , but (PP with (NP a (ADJP blending and merging) grace)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Ahead) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a stirring) (PP of (NP sudden movement))) (PP-LOC at (NP a crossroads))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ David) (VP reached (PP for (NP (NP the pair) (PP of (NP pistols)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the saddlebags) (PP-LOC at (NP his feet))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP pulled (PRT out) (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP them)))) and (VP cocked (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A strange wood creature) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP floating (PP-DIR up (PP from (NP (NP a patch) (PP of (NP berry bushes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a grotesque hen) , (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP five or six) feet) tall))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (NP (NP the features) (PP of (NP a man)) (VP bewhiskered (PP by (NP (NP clumps) (PP of (NP loose feathers))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP ran , (NP-1 this apocalyptic beast) , (PP on (NP two thin legs)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ its wings) (PRN -- (SQ were (NP-SBJ they) (NP-PRD feathered arms)) ? ? --) (VP flapped) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP ran)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its groin) (VP was (ADJP-PRD bloody)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Black strips) (PP of (NP skin))) (VP hung (PP from (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The horse) (VP (VP shied (PP at (NP the dreadful thing))) and (VP flared (NP its nostrils))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ David) (VP took (NP a firm hand) (PP with (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The creature) (PP in (NP feathers))) (VP looked (ADVP around))) and (S (NP-SBJ David) (VP saw (NP (NP the mad eyes) , (VP glazed (NP *) (PP with (NP an insane fear)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The ungainly bird thing) (VP ran (ADVP-DIR away))) , and (S (PP to (NP David)) (NP-SBJ its croaking) (VP sounded (PP like (NP (NP the crowing) (PP of (NP a tormented rooster)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP gone)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR on) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD wary and shaken))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Sons) (VP were (ADVP-PRD out) (NP-TMP tonight)) .)) (TOP (NP Chapter 10)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 New York) (VP lay (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bleaching (PP in (NP the summer sun)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the morning fish hawk) , (VP flying (PP in (NP the heated air))) ,) (VP saw (PP-LOC below (NP him)) (NP (NP the long triangular wedge) (PP of (NP Manhattan Island))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (ADVP-MNR thickly) (VP (VP settled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS fifteen thousand citizens))) and (VP laid (PRT out) (PP into (NP (NP pig-infested streets) , (PP-LOC (ADVP mostly) around (NP the Battery)) , (VP (VP going (ADVP-MNR bravely) (ADVP-DIR north) (PP-DIR to (NP Wall Street))) , but (VP giving (PRT up)) and (VP becoming (NP-PRD fields and farms) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the region) (PP of (NP Harlem Heights))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (ADVP there)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP looked (PP across (PP at (NP (NP (NP Westchester County) and (NP the Hudson River)) (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the manor houses) , (NP estates) , and (NP big farms)) (PP of (NP the original -LRB- non-Indian -RRB- landowners))) (VP began))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP the east side) (PP of (NP (NP the island) (PP of (NP Manhattan)))))) (NP-SBJ the indifferent hawk) (VP knew (NP (NP the East River) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP connected (NP New York Bay) (PP with (NP Long Island Sound))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 On (NP (NP the western tip) (PP of (NP Long Island)))) (VP protruded (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Brooklyn Heights) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP commanded (NP (NP a view) (PP over (NP (NP Manhattan) and (NP the harbor))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A fringe) (PP of (NP housing and gardens))) (VP bearded (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP the heights))))) , and (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 behind (NP it)) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP sandy roads) (VP leading (PP-DIR past (NP farms and hayfields))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Husbandry) (VP was (VP bounded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS snake-rail fences))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD grazing cattle))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP the shores) (ADVP-LOC north and south))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the fishers and mooncursers) -- (NP smugglers) --) (VP lived (PP-LOC along (NP (NP the churning Great South Bay) and (NP (NP (NP the narrow barrier) (PP of (NP sand))) , (NP Fire Island))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The morning hawk) , (ADJP hungry (PP for (NP any eatable , killable , digestible item))) ,) (VP kept (NP his eyes) (PP on (NP (NP the ring) (PP of (NP anchored ships)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP lay (PP-LOC off (NP the shores)) (PP-LOC in (NP the bay)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sheltered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the Jersey inlets)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP threw (NP tidbits) (ADVP overboard)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The larger ships) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD near (NP (NP Paulus Hook) , (VP (ADVP-TMP already) being (VP called , (PP by (NP-LGS a few)) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Jersey City))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the ships) (PP of (NP (NP His Majesty 's) Navy)) , (VP herding (NP (NP (NP the hulks) (PP of (NP the East Indies merchants))) and (NP (NP the yachts and ketches) (PP of (NP the loyalists))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The news) (PP of (NP (NP battle) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Breed 's) Hill))))) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP seeped (PRT through)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP New York) (NP itself)) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (VP left (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the hands) (PP of (NP the local Provincial Congress))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fish hawk) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his wings) not (VP moving)) , (VP (VP circled) and (VP glided (ADVP lower))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP The gilt sterns) (PP of (NP the men-of-war)) (VP becoming (ADJP-PRD clearer) (PP to (NP him)))) , (NP (NP (NP the sides) (PP of (NP the wooden sea walls))) (VP (ADVP alternately) painted (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD yellow and black)))) , (NP (NP the bronze cannon) (PP-LOC at (NP the ports))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP The captain 's) gig) (PP of (NP H.M.S. Mercury))) (VP was (VP being (VP rowed (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP H.M.S. Neptune))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP shore)) (NP-SBJ `` (NP (NP the freed slaves) (PP to (NP despotism))) '' -- (NP the town dwellers) --) (VP (VP watched (NP the ships)) and (VP waited)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The chevaux de frise) , (NP (NP those sharp stakes and barriers) (PP around (NP (NP the fort) (PP-LOC at (NP the Battery))))) ,) (VP pointed (PP to (NP (NP a conflict) (PP between (NP (NP the town) and (NP (NP sea power) (VP rolling (PP in (NP glassy swells)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the tide) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Across (NP the bay)) (NP-SBJ the Palisades) (VP were (ADJP-PRD heavy (PP in (NP green timber)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ their rock paths) (VP led (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the Hudson))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 (ADVP Below) in (NP (NP the open bay) (VP facing (NP Manhattan)))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Staten Island) , (ADJP gritty (PP with (NP (NP (NP clam shells) and (NP (NP mud flats))) (SBAR (WHPP-2 behind (WHNP which)) (SINV (VP nested (PP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP farms) , (NP cattle barns) , and (NP berry thickets)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-DIR Along (NP (NP Wappinger Creek) (PP-LOC in (NP Dutchess County)))) , (PP-DIR past (NP (NP the white church) (PP-LOC at (NP Fishkill)))) , (PP-DIR past (NP (NP (NP Verplanck 's) Point) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the east bank) (PP of (NP the Hudson)))))) , (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the white salt-crusted roads) (PP of (NP the Long Island Rockaways)))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a watching) and (NP (NP an activity) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP preparing (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ (NP something) (ADJP explosive)) (VP to (VP happen)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP-TMP (NP Today) , (NP tomorrow) , (NP six months) , (ADVP even perhaps) (NP a year))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The fish hawk) (VP (VP flew (ADVP-DIR on)) and (VP was (VP lost (NP *-1) (PP from (NP sight))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The British ships) (VP (VP rolled (PP at (NP anchor))) , (VP sent (PRT out) (NP picket boats)) and (VP waited (PP for (NP (NP orders) (PP from (NP London)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Waited (PP for (NP (NP more ships) , (NP more lobster-backed infantry)))) , and (VP asked (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP done (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP a war) (PP of (NP rebellion))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 David Cortlandt) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (VP slept (ADVP away) (NP (NP a day) and (NP a night))))) , (VP came (ADJP-PRD awake) (PP in (NP (NP a plank farmhouse) (PP-LOC on (NP the Harlem River)) (ADVP-LOC near (NP Spuyten Duyvil))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP looked (PP out (PP through (NP (NP windowpanes) (VP turned (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP a faint violet) (PP by (NP-LGS sun and weather)))))))) , (VP looked (PP out (PP at (NP (NP King 's) Bridge)) (PP toward (NP Westchester))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The road) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD animated) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a few more wagons) (PP than (ADJP usual))) ; ; (NP (NP a carriage) (VP raising (PRT up) (NP the choking June dust))) , and (ADVP-LOC beyond) , (PP-LOC in (NP a meadow)) , (NP (NP a local militia company) (VP drilling (PP with (NP (NP muskets) , (NP Kentuck ' rifles) , (NP (NP every kind) (PP of (NP (NP horse pistol) , (NP old sword) , or (NP cutlass))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The wraith-like events) (PP of (NP the last few days))) (VP flooded (NP (NP David 's) mind))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP rubbed (NP his unshaved chin)) and (VP felt (ADVP again) (NP-PRD (NP the ache) (PP in (NP his kidneys)) (VP caused (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his saddle odyssey) (PP from (NP Boston))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Pensive , introspective)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP ached) .)) (TOP (S (NP He) (VP (VP had (VP sent (NP the dispatches) (ADVP-DIR downtown) (PP to (NP the proper people)))) and (VP had (VP slept))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP more) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Orders) not (VP written (NP *) (PRT down))) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP transmitted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the local provincial government))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP scratched (NP his mosquito-plagued neck)) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP the saddlebags) , (VP hung (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP a Hitchcock chair))) ,)) (NP-SBJ David) (VP took (PRT out) (NP (NP a good English razor) , (NP (NP a present) (PP from (NP John Hunter))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (NP (NP tepid water) (PP-LOC in (NP a pitcher)) and (NP (NP a last bit) (PP of (NP soap)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP lathered (NP his face)) and (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stropping (NP the razor) (PP on (NP (NP his broad leather belt) , (NP (NP its buckle) (VP held (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD firm) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a knob) (PP of (NP the bedpost)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD free (PP of (NP self-deception))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Here) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-MNR suddenly) (VP caught (PRT up) (PP (PP in (NP (NP the delirium) (PP of (NP a war)))) , (PP in (NP (NP the spite and calumny) (PP of (NP Whigs and Tories)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP great need) (PP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP soon) (PP-1 for (NP (NP his skill) (PP as (NP surgeon))))))) , but (S (ADVP-MNR somehow) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had not (VP planned (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP use (NP his knowledge) (PP-PRP (ADVP merely) for (NP war)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ David Cortlandt) (VP had (NP certain psychic intuitions (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this rebellion) (VP was not (ADVP wholly) (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP appeared (VP *?* (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP the surface))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ many) (VP were (VP using (NP it) (PP for (NP their own ends))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP did not (VP matter)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stropped (NP the razor) (ADVP-MNR slowly))) ; ; (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP mattered))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a new concept) (PP of (NP Americans))) (VP was (VP being (VP born))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TPC-1 That (S (NP-SBJ some men) (VP did not (VP want (NP it))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP understand (SBAR *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The moral aridity) (PP of (NP merchants))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD loyal (PP (ADVP usually) to (NP their ledgers))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ (NP some) , (PP like (NP Morris Manderscheid)) ,) (VP would (VP bankrupt (NP themselves) (PP for (NP the new ideas)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Unique circumstances) (VP would (VP test (NP (NP us) (NP all))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Injury and ingratitude) (VP would (VP occur)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV No doubt) (NP-SBJ John Hancock) (VP would (VP do (ADVP well) (ADVP-TMP now))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ war) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a smugglers ') heaven))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (WHNP what) (PP of (NP (NP that poor (ADJP tarred and feathered) wretch) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP seen (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP the road)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP driving (PP-DIR down (PP from (NP (NP Schuyler 's)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Things) (PP like (NP that))) (VP would (VP (VP increase) (CONJP rather than) (VP be (VP done (ADVP away) (PP with (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 One) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (NP *-2) (VP believe (PP in (NP final events))))))) or (S (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP was (VP stranded (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the abyss) (PP of (NP nothing))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (PP with (NP John Hunter)) (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the perfectability) (PP of (NP man))) (VP was (NP-PRD a dream))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Life) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a short play) (PP of (NP tenebrous shadows)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 David) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shave (PP with (NP great sweeping strokes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Time) (VP plays (NP an essential part) (PP in (NP our mortality)))) , and (S (ADVP suddenly) (PP for (NP (NP no reason) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP imagine -LRB- or admit -RRB- (NP *T*-1))))))) (NP-SBJ (NP the image) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ-2 Peg) (VP laughing)))) (VP filled (NP his mind) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so desirable) , (ADJP so lusty) , (ADJP so full (PP of (NP (NP nuances) (PP of (NP pleasure and joy))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP drove (NP sensual patterns) (PRT off) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-MNR carefully) (VP shaving (NP his long upper lip)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP harder) (PP *ICH*-2)) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP muttered (S *T*-1)))) , (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP meditate (PP on (NP man -LRB- or woman -RRB-))))) (PP-2 than (PP on (NP God)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 David) (VP (VP finished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shaving))) , (VP washed (NP-2 his face) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD clean (PP of (NP lather))))) , and (VP combed and retied (NP his hair))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD proud (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP worn (NP a wig))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP More and more) (PP of (NP the colonials))) (VP were (VP (VP wearing (NP their own hair)) and not (VP using (NP powder)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP cheerful) (ADJP *ICH*-1) (ADJP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP again) , (ADJP-1 refreshed) ; ; (ADJP-2 presentable) (PP in (NP (NP his wide-cut brown suit) , (NP the well-made riding boots)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD so easy) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP falsify (NP sentiment))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the meadow below)) , (NP-SBJ militia officers) (VP shouted (PP at (NP their men))) and (S (PP-LOC on (NP (NP King 's) Bridge)) (NP-SBJ-1 two boys) (VP sat (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP fishing)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The future) (VP would (VP happen))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP did not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hurry (NP it) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP thinking (ADVP too much)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A man) (VP could (VP be (VP tossed (NP *-1) (PP outside (NP (NP the dimension) (PP of (NP time)))) (PP by (NP-LGS a stray bullet))))) (NP these days) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pack (NP the saddlebags))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (NP this)) (ADVP too) (VP shall (VP pass (ADVP away)))) : (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP came (PP to (NP him)) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP some dim corner) (PP of (NP memory))))) (PP from (NP (NP a church service) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD a boy) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) -- (INTJ yes) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a white church) (PP with (NP a thin spur steeple)) (PP in (NP (NP the patriarchal Hudson Valley) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a feeling) (PP of (NP plenitude))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD normal) (PP in (NP (NP those English-Dutch manors) (PP with (NP their well-fed squires)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Burly leathered men) and (NP (NP wrinkled women) (PP in (NP drab black rags)))) (VP carried (PRT on) (PP in (NP (NP a primitive way) , (ADJP almost unchanged (PP from (NP feudal times)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Peasants) (VP puzzled (NP Andrei)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP go (PRT on) (PP in (NP poverty , superstition , ignorance)) , (PP with (NP (NP a complete lack) (PP of (NP desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ either (NP their land) or (NP their lives)) (VP flourish))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP remembered (NP a Bathyran meeting) (ADVP-TMP long ago)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tolek Alterman) (VP had (VP (VP returned (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the colonies) (PP-LOC in (NP Palestine))))) and , (VP (PP before (NP the national leadership)) , exalted (NP (NP the miracles) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP drying (PRT up) (NP swamps)) and (VP irrigating (NP the desert))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A fund-raising drive) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP buy (NP tractors and machinery) (ADVP *T*-2)))))) (VP was (VP launched (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP remembered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his own reaction) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD one (PP of (NP indifference)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP the meaning) (ADVP-TMP too late)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP aggravated (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The land) (PP of (NP the Lublin Uplands))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD rich))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 no one) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP care))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the unfertile land) (PP in (NP Palestine)))) (NP-SBJ-1 humans) (VP broke (NP their backs) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pushing (NP will power) (PP to (NP the brink))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP sat (PP-LOC beside (NP Alexander Brandel)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the rostrum) (PP of (NP (NP a congress) (PP of (NP Zionists)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP in (NP (NP this (ADJP loosely knit) association) (PP of (NP diversified ideologies)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ each) (VP (VP berated (NP the other)) and (VP beat (NP his breast) (PP for (NP his own approaches))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alexander Brandel) (VP rose (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ the hall) (VP became (ADJP-PRD silent)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP care (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ your beliefs) (VP take (NP you) (PP-DIR along (NP (NP (NP a path) (PP of (NP religion))) or (NP (NP a path) (PP of (NP labor))) or (NP (NP a path) (PP of (NP activism)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 all our paths) (VP travel (NP (NP a blind course) (PP through (NP a thick forest))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeking (NP human dignity))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Beyond (NP the forest)) (NP-SBJ all our paths) (VP merge (PP into (NP (NP a single great highway) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ends (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the barren , eroded hills) (PP of (NP Judea)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD our singular goal)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-MNR-SBJ (WHADVP-1 How) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP travel (PP through (NP the forest)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) (VP is (PP-PRD for (NP (NP each man 's) conscience))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-LOC-SBJ (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP end (NP our journey) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD the same)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (NP all)) (VP seek (NP (NP the same thing) (NP *ICH*-2)) (PP through (NP different ways)) -- (NP-2 (NP an end) (PP to (NP (NP this long night) (PP of (NP (NP two thousand years) (PP of (NP (NP darkness) and (NP unspeakable abuses))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP will (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP plague (NP us)))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Star) (PP of (NP David))) (VP flies (PP-LOC over (NP Zion))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (SBAR-MNR-PRD (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ Alexander Brandel) (VP expressed (NP pure Zionism) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP sounded (ADJP-PRD good) (PP to (NP Andrei))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP believe (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP his heart)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP no desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP Palestine))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP loathed (NP (NP the idea) (PP (PP of (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP drying (PRT up) (NP swamps))) or (NP (NP the chills) (PP of (NP malaria))))) or (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leaving (NP his natural birthright))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP battle))))) (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP had (VP told (NP Alex) , `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP only) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a Pole)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Warsaw) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD my city) , (NAC-1 not (NP Tel Aviv))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP (VP sat (PP-LOC on (NP a train)) (PP on (NP (NP the way) (PP to (NP Lublin))))) and (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was not (VP being (VP punished (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP his lack) (PP of (NP belief))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Warsaw ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP (NP (NP the smug eyes) (PP of (NP (NP the Home Army chief))) , (ADJP Roman)) , and (NP all the Romans) and (NP (NP the faces) (PP of (NP (NP the peasants) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP held (NP only hatred) (PP for (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP let (S (NP-SBJ (NP this black hole) (PP of (NP death)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Warsaw 's) heart))) (VP exist)) (PP without (NP (NP a cry) (PP of (NP protest)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP big glittering rooms) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ Ulanys) (VP (VP bowed) and (VP kissed (NP (NP the ladies ') hands)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP flirted (PP from (PP behind (NP their fans)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Warsaw ! !)) (TOP (NP Warsaw ! !)) (TOP (NP `` Miss Rak .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD a Jew)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP (NP Day) (PP by (NP day))) , (NP (NP week) (PP by (NP week))) , (NP (NP month) (PP by (NP month)))) , (NP-SBJ the betrayal) (VP gnawed (PP at (NP (NP Andrei 's) heart))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ground (NP his teeth) (ADVP together)) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP Warsaw))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP (NP Poland) and (NP (NP all (NP the goddamned mothers ') sons) (PP of (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (PP of (NP Poland))) (VP is (NP-PRD a coffin)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The terrible vision) (PP of (NP the ghetto streets))) (VP flooded (NP his mind)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP matters) (ADVP-TMP now)) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (PP-PRD beyond (NP this fog)))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Only Palestine) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (ADVP-TMP never) (VP live (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP Palestine)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP believe))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP late afternoon)) (NP-SBJ the train) (VP inched (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the marshaling yards) (PP in (NP (NP the railhead) (PP-LOC at (NP Lublin)) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP lines) (PP of (NP cars)) (VP poised (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pour (NP (NP the tools) (PP of (NP war))) (PP-DIR to (NP the Russian front))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP-LOC At (NP a siding)) , (NP (NP another train) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD a familiar sight) (NP-TMP these days))))) .)) (TOP (NP Deportees .)) (TOP (NP Jews .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Andrei 's) skilled eye) (VP sized (NP them) (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were not (NP-PRD Poles)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP guessed (PP by (NP their appearance)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD Rumanians))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP walked (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the city)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP his rendezvous) (PP with (NP Styka))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP (NP all the places) (PP in (NP Poland)))) , (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP hated (NP Lublin) (ADVP the most)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Bathyrans) (VP were all (VP gone)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Few) (PP of (NP (NP the native Jews) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP Lublin))))))))) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the ghetto))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP From (NP (NP the moment) (PP of (NP the occupation)))) (NP-SBJ Lublin) (VP became (NP-PRD a focal point)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He and Ana) (VP watched (NP it) (ADVP-MNR carefully)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lublin) (ADVP generally) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the forerunner) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP happen (ADVP-LOC elsewhere)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Early) in (NP 1939)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Odilo Globocnik) , (NP (NP the Gauleiter) (PP of (NP Vienna))) ,) (VP established (NP SS headquarters) (PP for (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP Poland))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Bathyrans) (VP (VP ran (NP a check) (PP on (NP Globocnik))) and (VP had (ADVP only) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP conclude (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP a tug) (PP of (NP war)) (PP with (NP (NP Hans Frank) and (NP the civilian administrators))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Globocnik) (VP built (NP the Death's-Head Corps)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lublin) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the seed) (PP of (NP action)) (PP for (NP (NP the `` final solution '') (PP of (NP the Jewish problem)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ (NP the messages) (PP from (NP Himmler , Heydrich , and Eichmann))) (VP came (ADVP in) (PP through (NP Alfred Funk))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Lublin 's) fountainhead) (VP spouted) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A bevy) (PP of (NP (NP interlacing lagers) , (NP work camps) , (NP concentration camps)))) (VP erupted (PP-LOC in (NP the area))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (QP Sixty thousand) Jewish prisoners) (PP of (NP war))) (VP disappeared (PP-DIR into (NP (NP Lublin 's) web))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Plans) (VP went (PP-DIR in and out (PP of (NP Lublin))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP indicating (NP German confusion)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP A tale) (PP of (NP (NP a massive reservation) (PP-LOC in (NP the Uplands)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hold (NP (QP several million) Jews) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) (NP (NP A tale) (PP of (NP a plan (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ship (NP all Jews) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the island) (PP of (NP Madagascar))))))))))) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Stories) (PP of (NP (NP the depravity) (PP of (NP (NP the guards) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Globocnik 's) camps))))))) (VP struck (NP (NP a chord) (PP of (NP terror))) (PP at (NP (NP the mere mention) (PP of (NP their names)))))) .) (TOP (NP (NP Lipowa 7) , (NP Sobibor) , (NP Chelmno) , (NP Poltawa) , (NP Belzec) , (NP Krzywy-Rog) , (NP Budzyn) , (NP Krasnik) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Ice baths) , (NP electric shocks) , (NP lashings) , (NP wild dogs) , (NP testicle crushers) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Death's-Head Corps) (VP took (PRT in) (NP (ADJP Ukrainian and Baltic) Auxiliaries))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Einsatzkommandos) (VP (VP waded (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD knee-deep)) (PP in (NP blood))) and (VP turned (PP into (NP drunken , dope-ridden maniacs))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lublin) (VP was (NP-PRD their heart)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP the spring) (PP of (NP 1942)))) (NP-SBJ Operation Reinhard) (VP began (PP-LOC in (NP Lublin))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The ghetto) , (NP (NP a miniature) (PP of (NP Warsaw 's))) ,) (VP was (VP emptied (NP *-1) (PP into (NP (NP (NP the camp) (PP-LOC in (NP the Majdan-Tartarski suburb))) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Majdanek))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ the camp) (VP emptied))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP refilled (NP *-1) (PP (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a draining) (PP of (NP (NP the camps and towns) (PP-LOC around (NP Lublin)))))) , then (PP by (NP-LGS (NP deportees) (PP from (PP-LOC outside (NP Poland)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-DIR In and in and in) (NP-SBJ they) (VP poured (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the gates) (PP of (NP Majdanek)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP left)) , and (S (NP-SBJ Majdanek) (VP was not (VP growing (ADJP-PRD any larger)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP happening (PP-LOC in (NP Majdanek))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ Operation Reinhard) (NP-PRD (NP the same pattern) (PP for (NP (NP the daily trains) (VP (ADVP-TMP now) leaving (NP (NP the Umschlagplatz) (PP-LOC in (NP Warsaw))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD another Majdanek) (PP-LOC in (NP the Warsaw area)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP suspected))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP (VP stopped (PP-LOC at (NP Litowski Place))) and (VP looked (ADVP around) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (PP at (NP (NP the boundary) (PP of (NP civil buildings)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His watch) (VP told (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD early))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Down (NP the boulevard)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP a portion) (PP of (NP the ghetto wall))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP found (NP an empty bench)) , (VP opened (NP a newspaper)) , and (VP stretched (NP his legs) (PP before (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Krakow Boulevard) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP black Nazi uniforms) and (NP (NP the (ADJP dirty brownish) ones) (PP of (NP their Auxiliaries))))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Captain Androfski '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP (VP glanced (PRT up) (PP over (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP the paper))))) and (VP looked (PP into (NP (NP the mustached , homely face) (PP of (NP Sergeant Styka)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Styka) (VP (VP sat (PP-LOC beside (NP him))) and (VP pumped (NP his hand) (ADVP-MNR excitedly))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP been (VP waiting (PP-LOC across (NP the street)) (PP-LOC at (NP the post office)) (PP-TMP since (NP dawn))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (VP get (PRT in) (PP on (NP a morning train))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD good) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP you) (ADVP again)))) , (NP-VOC Styka)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Styka) (VP studied (NP his captain)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP almost) (VP broke (PP into (NP tears))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP him)) , (NP-SBJ Andrei Androfski) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the living symbol) (PP of (NP a Polish officer))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His captain) (VP was (ADJP-PRD thin and haggard))) and (S (NP-SBJ his beautiful boots) (VP were (ADJP-PRD worn and shabby))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Remember (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (S (NP-SBJ me) (NP-PRD Jan))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Styka) (VP (VP nodded) and (VP sniffed) and (VP blew (NP his nose) (ADVP-MNR vociferously))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ that woman) (VP (VP found (NP me)) and (VP told (NP me) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP needed (NP me))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD so happy) (PP-TMP since (PP before (NP the war)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD lucky (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (VP living (PP-LOC in (NP Lublin)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Styka) (VP grumbled (PP about (NP fate))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (PP-TMP For (NP a time)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP reach (NP the Free Polish Forces))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ one thing) (VP led (PP to (NP another)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP a girl) (PP in (NP trouble)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP get (VP married (NP *-2))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Not a bad girl .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP three children) and (NP responsibilities))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP work (PP-LOC at (NP the granary))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP Nothing) (PP like (NP (NP the old days) (PP in (NP the army))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (ADVP by))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP complains)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Many times) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP reach (NP you)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP knew (FRAG (WHADVP how)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP Warsaw)) (ADVP-TMP twice))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD that damned ghetto wall))) '' `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP understand)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Styka) (VP blew (NP his nose) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-2 `` Were (NP-SBJ-1 you) (ADJP able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP the arrangements))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP asked (SQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a man) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Grabski))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the foreman) (PP in (NP (NP charge) (PP of (NP the bricklayers)))) (PP-LOC at (NP Majdanek)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (ADVP exactly) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP instructed)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (PP-PRD on (NP (NP orders) (PP from (NP the Home Army)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP inside (NP Majdanek)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP make (NP (NP a report)) (PP to (NP (NP the government) (PP in (NP (NP exile) (PP-LOC in (NP London))))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` His answer '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` Ten thousand zlotys '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Can (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP be (VP trusted (NP *-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP will not (VP live (PP-TMP for (NP twenty-four hours)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP betrays (NP you)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Good man) , (NP-VOC Styka) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-VOC Captain Jan) (SQ must (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (PP-DIR inside (NP Majdanek)))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP The stories)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (ADVP really) (VP knows (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (VP happening (ADVP-LOC there)))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Not everyone) , (NP-VOC Styka) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What good) (SQ will (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP really) (VP do (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a shred) (PP of (NP conscience)) (VP left (NP *) (PP in (NP the human race))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP know (NP the story)))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a massive cry) (PP of (NP indignation))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP really) (VP believe (NP that) , (NP-VOC Jan)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP believe (NP it))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Styka) (VP shook (NP his head) (ADVP-MNR slowly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD only a simple soldier)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can not (VP think (NP things) (PRT out) (ADVP too well))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Until (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP transferred (NP *-1) (PP into (NP the Seventh Ulanys)))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP every other Pole)) (PP in (NP (NP my feeling) (PP about (NP Jews))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hated (NP you) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP came (PRT in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ my captain) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD a Jew))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was n't (NP-PRD a Jew))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (NP *T*-1)))) (VP is , (SBAR-PRD 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a Pole) and (NP (NP the greatest soldier) (PP in (NP the Ulanys)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Hell) , (NP-VOC sir) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The men) (PP of (NP our company))) (VP had (NP a dozen fights) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP defending (NP your name)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP knew (PP about (NP it)))) , but (S (PP by (NP God)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP taught (NP them) (NP (NP respect) (PP for (NP Captain Androfski))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (PP-TMP Since (NP the war)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP seen (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Germans) (VP have (VP behaved (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think , (S (INTJ Holy Mother) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP behaved (PP like (NP this)) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP years))))))))) .)) (TOP (WHADVP Why '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-4 How) (SQ can (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP tell (NP-1 an insane man) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP-3 to (VP reason)))) or (VP (NP=1-2 a blind man) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP=3 to (VP see)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADJP-PRD neither blind nor insane)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The men) (PP of (NP your company))) (VP would not (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ-1 your name) (VP dishonored (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do (NP-SBJ we) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the Germans) (VP do (NP this))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP sat (NP-TMP many hours) (PP with (NP this)) , (NP-VOC Styka))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP wanted (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a free man) (PP-LOC in (NP my own country)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP lost (NP faith) , (NP-VOC Styka))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP love (NP this country)) and (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-TMP someday) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP win (NP (NP our battle) (PP for (NP equality)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP it) (ADVP very much))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` And (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP really) (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the world) (PP-LOC outside (NP Poland))) (VP will (VP care (ADVP (ADVP any more) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The question) (VP frightened (NP Andrei)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP go (PP-DIR inside (NP Majdanek)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD a soldier) (PP in (NP a (ADJP very small) way)) , (NP-VOC Styka)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an answer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Styka) (VP understood (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Grabski 's) shanty) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD beyond (NP (NP the bridge) (PP over (NP the River Bystrzyca)))) (ADVP-LOC near (NP the rail center))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Grabski) (VP sat (PP in (NP a sweat-saturated undershirt)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP cursing (NP (NP the excessive heat) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP clamped (NP an uneasy stillness) (PP-TMP before (NP sundown))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a square brick) (PP of (NP a man)) (PP with (NP (NP a moon-round face) and (NP sunken Polish features))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Flies) (VP swarmed (PP around (NP (NP the bowl) (PP of (NP lentils)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP mopped (NP thick black bread) (PP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Half) (PP of (NP it))) (VP dripped (PP down (NP his chin))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP washed (NP it) (PRT down) (PP with (NP beer))) and (VP produced (NP a deep-seated belch))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Well) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP demanded (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grabski) (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP the pair) (PP of (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP grunted (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP `` yes '' answer)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ My cousin) (VP works (PP-LOC at (NP the Labor Bureau))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP can (VP make (NP-BNF you) (NP work papers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP will (VP take (NP-TMP a few days))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP get (NP you) (PP inside (NP the guard camp)) (PP as (NP (NP a member) (PP of (NP my crew)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP get (NP you) (PP into (NP the inner camp)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (FRAG (ADVP Maybe) (INTJ yes)) , (FRAG (ADVP maybe) (INTJ no)) , but (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP observe (NP everything) (PP from (NP (NP the roof) (PP of (NP (NP a barrack) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (VP building (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grabski) (VP slurped (NP his way) (PP to (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the soup bowl))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ca n't (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP-2 (WHADVP why) (NP the hell)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 anyone) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR inside (NP that son-of-a-bitch place))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Orders) (PP from (NP the Home Army)) '' .)) (TOP (WHADVP `` Why ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Nothing) (ADVP-LOC there)) but (NP Jews) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP shrugged) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP get (NP strange orders)) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Well) -- (WHNP what) (PP about (NP the money)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andrei) (VP peeled (PRT off) (NP five one-thousand-zloty notes)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grabski) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (NP (ADJP so much) money))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His broad flat fingers) , (VP petrified (NP *) (PP into (NP massive sausages)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP years) (PP of (NP bricklaying))))) ,) (VP snatched (NP the bills) (ADVP-MNR clumsily)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD enough)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP get (NP the rest) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP-MNR safely) (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP Majdanek))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (VP taking (NP no goddamned chances) (PP for (NP no Jew business)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andrei and Styka) (VP were (ADJP-PRD silent)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP getting (ADJP-PRD real dramatic))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD more impressed) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP remembered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP played (NP Hedda Gabler) (PP in (NP her highschool dramatics course))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP want (NP her) (PP (ADVP back) on (NP that broken record)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ `` (S (NP-SBJ Nothing) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD free) (PP-LOC in (NP the whole goddam world))) '')) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP think (PP of (NP *T*-1)))))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP delivered (NP myself) (PP of (NP that gem)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP do (NP *T*-2)) but (VP order (PRT up) (NP another drink)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP *?*))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP forgotten (UCP (PP (ADVP all) about (NP (NP Thelma) and (NP the Kentucky Derby))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Thelma 's) fifty dollars) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP spending (NP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP just) (S-NOM-PRD (S-NOM (NP-SBJ me and Eileen) (VP getting (ADJP-PRD drunk) (ADVP together) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*))) (PP-TMP in (NP the old days))))))) , and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 me) (VP staring (PP at (NP her)) (PP across (NP the table)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD crazy (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP my hands) (PP on (NP her)) (SBAR-PRP (SBAR (ADVP partly) because (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP wring (NP her neck) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so ornery)))))))))) but (SBAR (ADVP mostly) because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so wonderful (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP touch (NP *T*-4))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Drunk or sober)) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most attractive) woman) (PP in (NP the world))) (PP for (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD crazy (PP about (NP her))) (ADVP all over again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the call) (PP of (NP the wild))) (ADVP all right)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 That evening) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD hell)))) (PP like (NP all the others))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP moved (PP-DIR down (NP Broadway)) (PP (PP from (NP ginmill)) (PP to (NP ginmill)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD the same old routine)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Eileen) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP (VP dancing , (NP just a little tiny dancing step) (PP to (NP (NP a hummed tune) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (ADVP hardly) (VP notice (NP *T*-1)))))))) , and (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP pick (PRT up) (NP strange men)))))))))) , but (S (NP-TMP (NP each time) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP (VP say (FRAG (PP to (NP hell)) (PP with (NP it)))) and (VP walk (ADVP-DIR out)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP (VP pull (NP herself) (ADVP together)) and (VP talk (ADVP-MNR so understandingly) (PP in (NP that sweet husky voice)) (PP about (NP (NP the good times) and (NP (NP the happiness) (SBAR (WHNP-6 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP had (NP *T*-6) (ADVP together))))))))))) and (S (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-7 there) (NP-SBJ-8 I) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-7) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-8) (PP-PRD (ADVP back) on (NP the hook)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (VP have (NP (NP the decency) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP call (PRT up) (NP Thelma)) and (VP tell (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP 'd (VP met (NP old friends))) and (VP would (VP be (NP-LOC-PRD home) (ADVP-TMP late))))))) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP scratch (NP her eyes) (PRT out)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP (VP cried (S *T*-1)) and (VP stamped (NP her foot)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR from (NP the phone booth)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ my men) (VP to (VP have (NP other women))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP it)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP it)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP got (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so drunk) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP her) (ADVP home))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a walk up) (PP-LOC on (NP Hudson Street)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP just about) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP carry (NP her) (ADVP-DIR upstairs))))) (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP clung (PP to (NP me))) and (VP would n't (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP go)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD-1 (NP a man 's) jacket) (PP-LOC-2 on (NP the chair))) and (VP (NP-PRD=1 a straw hat) (PP-LOC=2 on (NP the table)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The place) (VP smelt (PP of (NP (NP some kind) (PP of (NP hair lotion)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ these pimplike characters) (VP use (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHNP What) (PP about (NP Ballestre)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shake (NP her)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP listen)))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Precious .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (PP about (NP him)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very mysterious and dramatic)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Precious and I) (VP allow (NP each other) (NP absolute freedom)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD above) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (ADJP-PRD jealous)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD used (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ me) (VP bringing (ADVP-DIR home) (NP strange men)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP just) (VP tell (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-PRD my husband)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ca n't (VP object (PP to (NP that)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) (NP-SBJ I) (VP object) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP pokes (NP his nose) (PP-LOC in (ADVP here))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP slug (NP him))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (ADVP really) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD funny))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP laugh)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP laughing (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP grabbed (NP her)) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP rolling (NP her) (PP-LOC on (NP the bed))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP made (NP *-1) (PP of (NP flesh and blood)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (NP-PRD a plaster saint)) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Waking (PRT up))) (VP was (NP-PRD horrible)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP Never (PP in (NP my life))) have (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so remorseful (PP about (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP done (NP *T*-1)))))))) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP spending (NP that night) (PP with (NP my own wife)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (NP both)) (VP had (NP hangovers)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP declared (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP lift (NP her head) (PP from (NP the pillow))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP lay (PP-LOC under (NP the covers)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP making (NP jabbing motions) (PP with (NP her forefinger))) (VP telling (NP me) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP for (NP the coffeepot)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP (VP stumbling (PP in (NP my undershirt))) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP my way) (PP around (NP her damn kitchenette)))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP smelt (NP that (ADJP sickish sweet) hairtonic smell) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD somebody else) (PP-LOC in (NP the apartment))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stiffened) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Honest) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ the hair) (VP stand (PRT up) (PP on (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP my neck)))) (PP like (NP (NP a dog 's) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (PP into (NP a fight)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP turned (ADVP around) (PP with (NP (NP the percolator) (PP in (NP my hand))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so bleary) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (ADVP barely) (VP see (NP him)))))))) but (S (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 there) (NP-SBJ (NP he) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) , (NP-2 (NP a little smooth olivefaced guy) (PP in (NP (NP a new spring overcoat) and (NP a taffycolored fedora))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Brown eyes) , (NP eyebrow mustache) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Oval face) (PP without (NP (NP an expression) (PP in (NP the world)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP did n't (VP have (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP speak (ADVP *T*-1)))))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP Eileen 's) voice) (VP was (VP screeching (PP at (NP us)) (PP from (NP the bed)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Joseph Maria Ballestre) (VP meet (NP Francis Xavier Bowman)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Exboyfriend) (VP meet (NP exhusband)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP gave (NP (NP the nastiest laugh) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP heard (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV-IMP `` And do n't (NP-SBJ (NP either) (PP of (NP you))) (VP forget (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (NP-PRD (NP any man 's) property))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fight)))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (PP-DIR down (PP on (NP the sidewalk)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP enjoying (NP the situation))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Imagine (NP that)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP was (NP-PRD a psychologist) (ADVP all right)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP wanting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sock (NP the poor bastard))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ myself) (VP having (NP a fellowfeeling) (PP for (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD the same way)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP felt (NP-PRD such a lowdown hound) (PP in (NP my life))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP First thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP *T*-1))))) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the kitchenette)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP cooking (PRT up) (NP the breakfast))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP handing (NP Eileen) (NP her coffeecup)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP was (VP lying (ADVP-LOC there) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP handsome) (PP as (NP (NP a queen) (PP among (NP her courtiers))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP face (NP Thelma) (PP-TMP after (NP that night)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP have (NP (NP the nerve) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP call (NP her) (PP on (NP the telephone)) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP wrote (NP her) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP met (PP up (PP with (NP Eileen))))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ old bonds) (VP had (VP proved (ADJP-PRD too strong))))))) and (VP asked (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP send (NP my clothes) (PRT down) (PP by (NP express))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP her) (NP (NP Eileen 's) address))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP came (ADVP-DIR near (NP us)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (VP write (NP me) (NP (NP a pleasant little note) (UCP (PP about (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD beautiful) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP lasted))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) but (SBAR that (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ life) (VP had (VP parted (NP our ways))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD goodbye) (ADVP-TMP forever))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP said (NP (NP a word) (PP about (NP the fifty dollars)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP added (NP a postscript) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP begging (NP-1 me) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD careful (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP drinking)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD my greatest weakness) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP underlined (NP *) (NP-TMP three times)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Afterwards) (NP-SBJ I) (VP learned (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP had (VP (VP called (NP Thelma) (PP on (NP the telephone))) and (VP made (NP (NP a big scene) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 Thelma) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP her husband) (ADVP away)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP finished (NP me) (PP with (NP Thelma))) .)) (TOP (VP Trust (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP to (VP squeeze (NP all the drama) (PP out (PP of (NP a situation))))))) .) (TOP (S And (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 there) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shacked (PRT up) (PP with (NP Eileen)) (PP in (NP (NP that filthy fourth floor attic) (PP-LOC on (NP Hudson Street))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP use (NP the phrase) (ADVP advisedly) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADJP positively indecent) (PP about (NP our relationship))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (NP-PRD it))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP ate (PP on (NP me)) (NP-TMP all the time))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how right) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))) (PP-TMP till (ADVP later))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (VP know (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ Precious) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADVP-LOC-PRD around))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP slept (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the hall bedroom) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP the stairs))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP pays (NP the rent)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP would n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP throw (NP the poor boy) (PP out (PP on (NP the street)))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP said (S *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP needled (NP her) (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S (INTJ sure) (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wanted (S (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP paid (NP no attention))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP had (NP (NP a wonderful way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) not (VP listening (PP to (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hear (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP twotiming (NP me) (PP with (NP Precious)))))) (ADVP-TMP right then))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP be (PP-PRD on (NP the safe side))))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP get (PP out (PP of (NP my sight))) (NP-TMP day or night))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Precious) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ me) (ADJP-PRD worried))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP make (PRT out) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ his racket) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD a pimp or procurer))))) but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP did n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP smooth) and (ADJP civil spoken)))) but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADJP tough)) (PP under (NP his selfeffacing manner))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) (NP-SBJ he) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP treat (NP him) (PP like (NP a valet))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 Whenever) (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the place) (VP was (VP cleaned (NP *-1)))) or (S (NP-SBJ-4 a meal) (VP served (NP *-4))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD Precious) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP did (NP the work))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP could (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ his business) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP money) (PP in (NP his pocket)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The phone) (VP had (VP been (VP disconnected (NP *-1))))) but (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 telegrams) (VP came (PP for (NP him)))) and (S (NP-SBJ=2 notes) (PP by (NP special messenger)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now and then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP disappear (PP-TMP for (NP several days)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Connections) '' (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP that smooth hurt smile))))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (NP leading questions) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADVP just) (NP-PRD an international spy))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP would (VP shout (S *T*-1) (PP with (NP her screechy laugh)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC Poor devil) (NP-SBJ he) (VP ca n't (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD too happy) (ADVP either)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP got (NP no relief) (PP from (NP drink)) (SBAR-PRP because , (S (SBAR-ADV though (S (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-SBJ Precious) (VP would (VP buy (NP-BNF himself) (NP a drink) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP-DIR out) (PP with (NP us)) (PP-TMP in (NP the evening))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP leave (NP-1 it) (PP-LOC on (NP the table)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD untouched))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP liquor)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP rode (NP him) (ADVP-MNR pretty hard))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Occasionally) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP pushed (NP him) (ADVP too far)))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP give (NP me) (NP a look) (PP out (PP of (NP narrowed eyes)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the hard cruel bony skull) (VP would (VP show (PP through (NP (NP that smooth face) (PP of (NP his))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-TMP Some day) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP Eileen) (S *T*-1)))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ that guy) (VP will (VP kill (NP (NP us) (NP both))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP just) (VP would n't (VP listen)) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Getting (ADJP-PRD drunk) (NP-TMP every night))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP handle (NP the situation) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Eileen) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP feel (NP-MNR-PRD the same way))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP that much) (PP in (NP common))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The trouble) (VP was (SBAR-PRD 0 (S (NP-SBJ drinking) (VP cost (NP money))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP The way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Eileen and I) (VP were (VP hitting (NP it) (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP needed (NP (NP (QP ten or fifteen) dollars) (NP-ADV an evening))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP must (VP have (VP wheedled (NP a little) (PP out (PP of (NP Precious)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP raised (NP some kale) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hocking (NP (NP the good clothes) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP left (NP *T*-2) (PRT over) (PP from (NP my respectable uptown life)))))))))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (VP gone (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP have (NP a cent)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (VP have (VP done (NP *T*-1)))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Pat O'Dwyer) (VP had n't (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP town)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat O'Dwyer) (VP looked (PP like (NP a heavier Jim))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP the same bullet head) (PP of (NP curly reddish hair))))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP have (NP (NP (NP Jim 's) pokerfaced humor) or (NP his brains) or (NP his charm))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD a big thick beefy violent man)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Now) (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP may (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a lecher) and (NP a plugugly))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD a good churchgoing Catholic))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP loved (NP his little sister))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Those O'Dwyers) (VP had (NP (NP that Irish clannishness) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP stick (ADVP together) (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP politics and everything))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP (VP took (NP Eileen and me) (PP out (PP to (NP dinner))) (PP-LOC at (NP a swell steak house))) and (VP told (NP us) (PP with (NP (NP tears) (PP in (NP his eyes)))) (SBAR (WHADJP-1 (WHADJP how happy) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (VP come (ADVP together) (ADVP again)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 Whom) (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP hath (VP joined (NP *T*-1))))) '' (NP etcetera) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The O'Dwyers) (VP were (NP-PRD (ADJP real religious) people) (PP except (PP for (NP Kate)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (PP-PRD up (PP to (NP me))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP the little girl) (PP out (PP of (NP mischief)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD worried (PP as (NP hell))) (SBAR-TMP ever since (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP lost (NP her job) (PP on (NP that fashion magazine)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP gone (ADJP-PRD big) (PP with (NP the Hollywood girls)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP them) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his sister) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an editor) (PP of (NP-TTL Art And Apparel)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP How) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 me) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP get (NP her job) (ADVP back))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP All evening) (NP-SBJ Eileen) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as demure) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ a little girl) (VP getting (ADJP-PRD ready (PP for (NP her first communion))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP just about) (VP blew (NP (NP us) (NP both)) (PP out (PP of (NP the water))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ Eileen) (ADVP suddenly) (VP came (PP out (PP with (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP came (PP out (PP with (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 But (NP-VOC brother) (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP take (NP a job) (ADVP-TMP right now)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP her eyes) (PP on (NP her ice cream)))))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a baby) , (NP (NP Francis Xavier 's) baby) , (NP (NP my own husband 's) baby)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My first thought) (VP was (SBARQ-PRD (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ had (NP-SBJ it) (VP happened (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP so soon)))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP counted (ADVP back) (PP on (NP my fingers)))) and (S (ADVP sure enough) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP been (VP living (ADVP together)) (NP-TMP six weeks))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (ADVP-TMP meanwhile) (VP was (VP bubbling (PRT over) (PP with (NP sentiment)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Greatest thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP happened))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Eileen) (ADVP really) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP settle (PRT down))) (VP to (VP love honor and obey))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP 'd (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP quit (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP drinking)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP come (ADVP-DIR East) (PP for (NP the christening))))) , (S (PP by (NP God)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP separated (NP-TMP that evening) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP pushed (NP a hundred dollar bill) (PP into (NP (NP Eileen 's) hand)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (PP towards (NP a layette)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (NP town)))) (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP saw (PP to (NP it)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP fixed (NP *-1) (PRT up) (PP with (NP a job))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP had (NP contacts) (PP (ADVP all) over (NP the labor movement))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP A friend) (PP of (NP Pat 's))) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Frank Sposato)))) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP muscled (PP into (NP (NP the Portwatchers ') Union)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP The portwatchers) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP retired longshoremen) and (NP (NP small time seafarers) (PP off (NP towboats and barges)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP acted (PP as (NP watchmen)) (PP-LOC on (NP the wharves))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (NP-PRD elderly men)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP responsible) and (ADJP sometimes dangerous)) work) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ the thieving) (VP is (ADJP-PRD awful) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the port) (PP of (NP New York)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 They) (VP were n't (ADVP (ADVP as well) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP paid (NP *-3) (SBAR-1 as (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP should (VP have (VP been (VP *?* (NP *-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the portwatchers) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ Sposato) (VP take (NP them) (PRT over) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))) (VP was (S-PRP-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP the protection) (PP of (NP his musclemen))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sposato) (VP needed (S (NP-SBJ (NP a front) , (NP (NP some labor stiff) (PP with (NP a clean record)))) (VP to (VP act (PP as (NP (NP business agent) (PP of (NP the Redhook local)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 There) (NP-SBJ (NP I) (NP *ICH*-3)) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-3 (NP a (NX (NX retired wobbly) and (NX structural iron worker))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP never) (VP gouged (NP a cent) (PP off (NP a fellow worker)) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP my thirty years) (PP in (NP the movement))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (ADVP once)) (NP-SBJ radicalism) (VP was (NP-PRD a recommendation)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Sposato) (VP could n't (VP wait (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-2 me) (VP hired (NP *-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP my gray hair) and (NP my weatherbeaten countenance))) (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP certainly) (VP looked (NP-PRD the honest working stiff)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP will (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP a woman)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP one fact) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP could not (VP overlook (NP *T*-1)))))) , (NP (NP one truth) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP deny (NP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP As long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP two human beings) (VP working (ADVP together) (PP on (NP the same project)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD competition)))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (ADVP (ADVP no more) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP escape (NP it) (SBAR-1 than (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP could (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP escape (NP the grave))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP No matter (SBAR (WHADJP-2 how devoted) (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-2))))) , (ADVP no matter (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how fully) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (NP his life) (PP-DTV to (NP the Lord)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP extinguish (NP (NP that one spark) (PP of (NP pride)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP definition) (PP as (NP an individual))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (PP of (NP (NP the jobs) (PP in (NP the mission))))) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD equal) (PP in (NP (NP the eyes) (PP of (NP the Lord))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP certainly) not (ADJP-PRD equal) (PP in (NP (NP the eyes) (PP of (NP (NP the Lord 's) servants)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD only natural)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ Fletcher) (VP would (VP strive (PP for (NP (NP a position) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP make (NP the decisions) (PP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Even Rector) (NP himself)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP prey) (PP to (NP (NP this spirit) (PP of (NP (NP competition) (PP *ICH*-2)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP it))) , (PP-2 not (PP for (NP (NP a (ADJP more exalted) office) (PP in (NP (NP the hierarchy) (PP of (NP the church)))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP his ambitions) (PP for (NP the bishopry))) (VP had (VP died (ADVP-TMP very early (PP in (NP his career)))))) --) but (PP for (NP (NP the one clear victory) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP talked (PP about (NP *T*-1)) (PP to (NP the colonel))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP how much) (PP of (NP this desire))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (PP-PRD due (PP to (NP (NP his devotion) (PP to (NP the church))))))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 how much) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his own ego) , (VP demanding (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP satisfied (NP *-1))))))))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ-4 the two) (VP (VP were (VP intertwined (NP *-4))) and (VP could not (VP be (VP separated (NP *-4)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP wanted (ADVP desperately) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ Kayabashi) (VP defeated)) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Communists) (PP in (NP the village))) (VP rooted (PRT out))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 the mission) (VP standing (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD triumphant))))))))) , for (S (PP in (NP (NP the triumph) (PP of (NP the Lord)))) (NP-SBJ (NP he) (NP himself)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD triumphant) , (ADVP too)))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a part) (PP of (NP the eternal plan)))) , (SBAR-TPC that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP man 's) ambition)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP linked (NP *-2) (PP with (NP God)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a driving , indefatigable force) (PP for (NP good))) (PP-LOC in (NP the world))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sighed) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHADJP-1 How foolish) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP to (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP fathom (NP the truth) (PP in (NP (NP an area) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ only faith) (VP would (VP suffice (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP work (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP questioning (NP (NP the motives) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP work)))))))))) and (VP content (NP himself) (PP with (NP the thought (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the eventual victory) , (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-3 however) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP brought (PRT about) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))) , (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD sweet) (ADVP indeed))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His first move) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP send (NP Hino) (PP-DIR to (NP the village)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP spend (NP a few days)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His arm) (VP had (VP been (VP giving (NP him) (NP some trouble))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP enough (S *ICH*-1)) (PP of (NP a medical expert)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP determine (SBAR (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP healed (ADVP improperly))))) or (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ Hino) (VP was (ADVP simply) (VP (VP rebelling (PP against (NP (NP the tedious work) (PP in (NP the print shop))))) , (VP using (NP (NP the stiffness) (PP in (NP his arm))) (PP as (NP an excuse)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP any event)) (NP-SBJ-3 Rector) (VP sent (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP the local hospital)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP checked (NP *-2)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP telling (NP-4 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ his ears) (ADJP-PRD open)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the village))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Kayabashi) (VP was (VP planning (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hino) (VP was (VP elated (NP *-1) (PP at (NP the prospect)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP was (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP spend (NP his nights) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP an inn) (ADVP-LOC near (NP the hospital)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP given (NP *-1) (NP some extra money) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the pachinko parlor) -- (NP (NP an excellent place) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP contact) (PP with (NP the enemy)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP left (PP with (NP (NP all the joyous spirit) (PP of (NP (NP a child) (VP going (PP on (NP a holiday))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP nodding (ADVP-MNR attentively) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP gave (NP him) (NP his final instructions))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP get (VP involved (NP *-3) (PP in (NP no arguments)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP to (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP make (NP no converts))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-6 he) (VP was (ADVP simply) (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP (VP listen) and (VP report (ADVP back) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a ridiculous situation))) and (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP knew (NP it))) , for (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hino) , (ADJP (ADJP frankly partisan) , (ADJP openly gregarious)) ,) (VP would (VP make (NP a poor espionage agent)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP anything))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP would (VP end (PRT up) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP asking (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP point-blank))))) , but (S (PP in (NP this guileless manner)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP receive (NP (NP more truthful answers) (PP than (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP get (NP them) (PP by (NP indirection))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP (NP his experience) (PP-LOC in (NP the mission field)))))) (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (NP (NP a convert) (PP (ADVP quite) like (NP Hino))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Hino) (VP had (ADVP-TMP first) (VP walked (PP-DIR into (NP the mission)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP (NP a job) , (NP any job)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 his qualifications) (ADVP-MNR neatly) (VP written (NP *-2) (PP on (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP paper)))) (PP in (NP a precise hand)))) --)))))) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD a Christian))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP been (VP studying (NP the Bible))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP the fundamentals))) , and (S (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP studying (PP with (NP Fletcher)) (PP-TMP for (NP a time))))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP approached (NP Rector)) , (VP announced (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP baptized (NP *-1)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD that))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rector) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (NP much) (PP about (NP (NP Hino 's) past)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hino) (VP talked (ADVP very little) (PP about (NP himself)) (PP except (PP for (NP (NP the infrequent times) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP used (NP a personal illustration) (PP in (NP (NP connection) (PP with (NP another subject)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Putting (NP (NP the pieces) (PP of (NP this mosaic))) (ADVP together))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Rector) (VP had (NP (NP the vague outlines) (PP of (NP a biography)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hino) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the fourth son) (PP of (NP (NP an elderly farmer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP (VP lived (PP-LOC on (NP the coast)) , (PP-LOC in (NP Chiba))) , and (VP divided (NP his life) (PP between (NP (NP the land) and (NP the sea))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP supplementing (NP (NP the marginal livelihood) (PP-LOC on (NP his small rented farm))) (PP with (NP (NP seasonal employment) (PP-LOC on (NP a fishing boat)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Without (NP exception)) (NP-SBJ (NP Hino 's) brothers) (VP turned (PP to (NP (NP either one or both) (PP of (NP (NP their father 's) occupations)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Hino) (VP (VP showed (NP (NP a talent) (PP for (NP neither)))) and (VP (ADVP instead) spent (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP his time))) (PP on (NP (NP the beach) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP repaired (NP nets)) and (VP proved (ADJP-PRD immensely popular) (PP as (NP a storyteller))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP had (VP gone (PP-DIR into (NP the Japanese navy)))) , (VP had (VP been (VP trained (NP *-1) (PP as (NP an officer))))) , (VP had (VP participated (PP in (NP one or two battles)) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP went (PP into (NP detail)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP regarding (NP his military experience))))) --))))) and (S (PP at (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP twenty-five)))) , (PP (ADVP quite) as (NP (NP a bolt) (PP out (PP of (NP the blue))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP had (VP walked (PP-DIR into (NP the mission)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP belonged (ADVP-LOC here)))))) and (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD a Christian))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP (VP was (ADVP-TMP-1 often) (ADJP-PRD-2 curious)) ; ; (VP (ADVP-TMP=1 often) (ADJP-PRD=2 tempted (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ask (NP questions)))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP did)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If and (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hino) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP him) (PP about (NP his experiences))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP would (VP do (ADVP so) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD unasked)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP had (NP no doubt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hino) (VP would (VP come (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR from (NP the village)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bursting (PP with (NP information)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP impart (NP (NP it) (VP *ICH*-3)) (PP with (NP his customary gusto)) , (VP-3 (ADVP-MNR liberally) embellished (PP with (NP his active imagnation)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the telephone) (VP rang (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the day) (SBAR after (S (NP-SBJ Hino) (VP went (ADVP-DIR down (PP to (NP the village)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP had (NP a hunch (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP Hino) (PP with (NP (NP some morsel) (PP of (NP information)) (ADJP too important (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wait (PP-TMP until (NP his return)))))))))))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD few telephones) (PP-LOC in (NP the village)))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the phone) (PP in (NP (NP Rector 's) office))) (ADVP rarely) (VP rang (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD important)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP surprised (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP Kayabashi 's) secretary) (PP on (NP (NP the other end) (PP of (NP the line))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD even more startled) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Kayabashi) (VP wanted (NP *T*-1)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-1 (NP-SBJ The oyabun) (VP was (VP entertaining (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP (NP dignitaries) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ the secretary) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (NP (NP businessmen) (PP from (NP Tokyo)) (PP for (NP the most part))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Kayabashi) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP show (NP them) (NP the mission)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP They) (VP (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (NP one) (ADVP-TMP before))) and (VP had (VP expressed (NP (NP a curiosity) (PP about (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Oh '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD all right)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 When) (SQ would (NP-SBJ-1 the oyabun) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bring (NP his guests) (PP-LOC up (ADVP here))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 This afternoon) '' , (NP-SBJ the secretary) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP At (NP three o'clock)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP will (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP (NP convenience) (PP to (NP you)))) (PP-TMP at (NP that time)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 All right) '' , (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP be (VP expecting (NP them)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hang (PRT up) (NP the phone))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP a note) (PP of (NP hesitancy)) (PP in (NP (NP the secretary 's) voice))) (VP left (S (NP-SBJ the conversation) (ADJP-PRD open)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP something) (ADJP more) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP beg (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP inquire (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ the back) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP-PRD safe (PP for (NP travelers))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP laughed (PP despite (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV-TPC-1 Unless (S (NP-SBJ the oyabun) (VP has (VP been (VP working (PP on (NP it))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP said (SBAR-ADV *T*-1)) , then (VP checked (NP himself)) and (VP added : `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP tell (NP Kayabashi-san) (SBAR that (S (NP the back road) (VP (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (ADJP very good) condition))) and (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD quite safe (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) for (S (NP-SBJ his party) (VP to (VP use (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Arigato gosaimasu '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The secretary) (VP sighed (PP with (NP relief)))) (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ the telephone) (VP clicked (PP in (NP (NP Rector 's) hand)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Kayabashi) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP visit (NP the mission)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-SBJ For (S (NP-SBJ the oyabun) (VP to (VP make (NP such a trip))))) (VP was (NP-PRD either (NP (NP a sign) (PP of (NP great weakness))) or (NP (NP an indication) (PP of (NP (ADJP equally great) confidence)))))) , and (S (PP from (NP all the available information)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP probably) (NP-PRD the latter))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kayabashi) (VP must (VP feel (ADJP-PRD fairly certain (PP of (NP his victory))) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP (NP a visit) (PP like (NP this))) , (NP (NP a trip) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP could (VP be (ADVP so easily) (VP misinterpreted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the people) (PP in (NP the village))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unlikely)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ any businessmen) (VP would (VP spend (NP a day) (PP-LOC in (NP a Christian mission)) (PP out (PP of (NP mere curiosity))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (S (NP-SBJ Kayabashi) (VP was (VP bringing (NP his associates) (ADVP-DIR here) (PP-PRP for (NP a specific purpose))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rector) (VP would not (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fathom (NP it))))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP arrived)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP given (NP the call) (NP a few moments thought) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the kitchen)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ask (NP-4 Mrs. Yamata) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP to (VP prepare (NP tea and sushi) (PP for (NP the visitors)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP using (NP (NP (NP the formal English china) and (NP the silver tea service)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP donated (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the mission))))))))))))))))) , then (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP-DIR outside) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP inspect (NP the grounds)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fujimoto) (VP had (NP (NP a pile) (PP of (NP cuttings))) (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP one side) (PP of (NP the lawn))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP asked (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move (NP it) (PP for (NP the time being))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ the mission compound) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD effortlessly spotless)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A good initial impression) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD important) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the print shop) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Fletcher) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP finished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP cleaning (NP the press))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 (WHADJP How many) pamphlets) (SQ do (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP stock)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP say (NP (QP about a hundred thousand))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Fletcher) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (WHADVP `` Why '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP enact (NP a little tableau) (NP-TMP this afternoon))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP said (S *T*-2)) ,)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP explained (PP about (NP (NP the visit) and (NP (NP (NP the effect) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP create (NP *T*-2)))))))) , (NP (NP the picture) (PP of (NP a (ADJP very busy) mission))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did not (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP deceive (NP Kayabashi) (ADVP exactly))) , (VP (ADVP just) to (VP display (NP the mission activities) (PP in (NP a (ADJP graphic and impressive) manner)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fletcher) (VP (VP nodded (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP listened (PP to (NP the instructions)))))) and (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP arrange (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP requested (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rector 's) next stop) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP (NP the schoolroom) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ Mavis) (VP was (VP monitoring (NP a test) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP beckoned (PP to (NP her)) (PP from (NP the door)))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP slipped (ADVP-MNR quietly) (ADVP-LOC outside))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP told (NP her) (PP (PP of (NP the visitors)) (CONJP and then) (PP of (NP his plans)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 (WHADJP How many) children) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADJP-PRD present)) (NP-TMP today))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (ADVP back) (PP toward (NP the schoolroom))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Fifteen) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ No) , (NP only fourteen) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The little Ito girl) (VP had (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR home)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP has (NP a (ADJP pretty bad) cold)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP to (VP appear (ADJP-PRD (ADJP very busy) (ADJP *ICH*-1)) (NP-TMP today) , (ADJP-1 not (ADJP-PRD busy) (ADVP exactly) , but (ADJP-PRD (ADJP joyous) , (ADJP exuberant) , (ADJP full (PP of (NP life)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP create (NP (NP the impression) (PP of (NP (NP a compound) (ADJP full (PP of (NP children)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP manage (NP it)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mavis) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP try)) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP was (VP walking (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR toward (NP the residential hall)))))) , (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the basement)))) and (VP bounded (PP up (PP to (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The altercation) (PP in (NP the coffee house))) (VP had (VP done (NP (NP little) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP dampen (NP his spirits) (ADVP *T*-1))))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) wary) (PP around (NP Rector)))) for (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (ADVP-TMP not yet) (VP discussed (NP the incident))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP fixed (NP the pump) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP wo n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP worry (PP about (NP it)) (PP-TMP for (NP a long time))))))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP adjusted (NP the gauge) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ the pump) (VP cuts (PRT out) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the water) (VP gets (ADJP-PRD too low))))))))) . '')) (TOP (S (ADJP-TPC-1 `` Fine '') , (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP said (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP out (PP over (NP (NP the expanse) (PP of (NP the compound)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP activity))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fill (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Have (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP operated (NP a transit)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , (NP-VOC sir)) '' , (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP are (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD a first-class surveyor))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Konishi) (VP gets (ADVP back) (PP with (NP the jeep)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP round (PRT up) (NP (QP two or three) Japanese boys))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Konishi) (VP can (VP help (NP you))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP find (NP an old transit) (PP-LOC in (NP the basement)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The glass) (VP is (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP it))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP wo n't (VP matter))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP looks (ADJP-PRD pretty efficient)) and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD the important thing)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP went (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP explain (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP mind))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP was (VP warming (PP to (NP his over-all strategy)) (PP-TMP by (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (ADVP back) (PP to (NP the residential hall)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD rather a childish game) , (NP-ADV (NP all) (PP in (NP all))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 everybody) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP getting (PP into (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP the thing)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP remember (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP enjoyed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP planning (NP anything) (ADVP quite so much))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR (WHNP-1 what effect) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP have (NP *T*-1)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADVP really) (PP-PRD beside (NP the point)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP got (PP (ADVP right) down (PP to (NP it))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP was not (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP lose (NP the mission) (PP by (NP default)))))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-1 whatever reason) (S (NP-SBJ Kayabashi) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP bringing (NP his little sight-seeing group) (PP to (NP the mission)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (PP for (NP a surprise))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP found (NP Elizabeth) (PP-LOC in (NP the parlor))) and (VP asked (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP order)) (PP-LOC in (NP the residential hall))))))))) , (CONJP and then) (VP to (VP take (NP charge) (PP of (NP the office)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the party) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD here)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 everything) (VP had (VP been (VP done (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ Rector) (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP his desk)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP occupy (NP himself) (PP with (NP his monthly report)) (PP-TMP until (NP three o'clock)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP two thirty)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP sent (NP Fujimoto) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP (NP the wall) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the northeast corner) (PP of (NP the mission)))))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP keep (NP an eye) (PP on (NP the ridge road))) and (VP give (NP a signal) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP glimpsed (NP (NP the approach) (PP of (NP (NP Kayabashi 's) party))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Rector) , (VP attired (NP *) (PP in (NP his best blue serge suit))) ,) (VP sat (PP in (NP a chair)) (PP-LOC out (PP on (NP the lawn))) , (PP in (NP (NP the shade) (PP of (NP a tree)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP smoking (NP a cigarette)) and (VP waiting)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The air) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cooler) (ADVP-LOC here))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the lacy pattern) (PP of (NP the trees))) (VP threw (NP (NP a dappled shadow) (NP *ICH*-2)) (PP-LOC on (NP the grass)) , (NP-2 (NP an effect) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADJP-PRD pleasant)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP concluded (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP asking (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP name (NP another hour)))) (S-ADV (SINV should (NP-SBJ this one) (VP be (ADJP-PRD inconvenient)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fish) (VP took (NP the bait)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP replied (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP imagine (SBAR (WHNP-1 what importance) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP thus) (VP meeting (PP with (NP a stranger)))))))))))) , but -- (S (NP-ADV (NP joy) (PP of (NP joys))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP home)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the hour) (VP mentioned (NP *)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP called (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP (VP thought (ADVP better) (PP of (NP the matter))) and (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP involve (NP himself) (PP in (NP a new entanglement)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the manservant) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP opened (NP the door)))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 his lordship) (VP was (VP engaged (NP *-2) (PP on (NP (NP work) (SBAR (WHPP-6 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP left (NP strict orders (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-5 he) (VP was not (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-5) (VP to (VP be (VP disturbed (NP *-3) (PP *T*-6))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Claire) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP bitterly disappointed) but (ADJP determined (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the rebuff) (VP daunt (NP her purpose))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wrote (ADVP again))) and (S (ADVP-TMP now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP abandoning (PP-TMP for (NP the moment)) (NP (NP the theme) (PP of (NP love))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP asked (PP for (NP (NP help) (PP in (NP (NP the matter) (PP of (NP her career)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could (VP act))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP write))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His lordship) (VP was (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP in (NP (NP the management) (PP of (NP Drury Lane))))))) but , (SQ (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD no opportunities) (ADVP-LOC there)))) , would (NP-SBJ he) (VP read and criticize (NP her novel))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADJP last)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP consented (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet (NP her))))) , and (S (PP-TMP following (NP that brief interview)) (NP-SBJ Claire) (VP wrote (NP him) (NP (NP a (ADJP yet more remarkable) proposal) : (SQ (VP Have) (NP-SBJ you) (NP any objection) (PP to (NP the following plan)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP Thursday evening)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP may (VP go (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP town))) (ADVP together) (PP by (NP some stage or mail)) (NP-EXT (NP about the distance) (PP of (NP ten or twelve miles))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ we) (VP shall (VP be (ADJP-PRD free and unknown)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP return (NP-TMP the following morning)))))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP concluded (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP asking (PP for (NP (NP a brief interview) -- `` (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP settle (PP with (NP you)) (ADVP *T*-1) (SBAR (FRAG (WHADVP where))))))) '' --))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP threw (PRT in) (NP (NP a tribute) (PP to (NP (NP his `` gentle manners '') and `` (NP (NP the wild originality) (PP of (NP your countenance))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP opened (NP his reply) (PP with (NP trembling fingers)))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP agreed)) ! !)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP see (NP her) (NP-TMP that evening))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Victory) (PP-TMP at (ADJP last)) ! !)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP their meeting)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP bother (PP about `` (WHADVP where) '')))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP attend (PP to (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP the new forte-pianos))) (PP-LOC in (NP the room)))) and , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 Claire) (VP rose (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked (NP-2 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP sing (NP-BNF him) (NP one song) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP left)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP sang (NP-BNF him) (NP (NP (NP (NP Scott 's) charming ballad) `` (NP Rosabelle) '') , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the vogue) (PP of (NP the moment)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP sung (ADVP-MNR better))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Your voice) (VP is (ADJP-PRD delightful))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP approved (PP with (NP a warm smile)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Tomorrow) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD a new experience)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have) (ADVP-TMP never before) (VP made (NP love) (PP to (NP a nightingale)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP cooing doves) , (NP chattering magpies) , (NP thieving jackdaws) , (NP a proud peacock) , (NP a silly goose) , and (NP (NP a harpy eagle) -- (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 whom) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-PRD silly enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP mate (PP with (NP *T*-2))))))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD busy)) (VP tearing (PP at (NP my vitals))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ they) (VP went , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ he) (VP choosing (PP of (NP all places)) (NP (NP an inn) (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP Medmenham Abbey) , (NP (NP scene) (ADVP-TMP (NP a generation) ago) (PP of (NP (NP the obscene orgies) (PP of (NP the Hellfire Club))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP regaled (NP Claire) (PP with (NP (NP an account) (PP of (NP (NP the mock mass) (VP performed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the cassocked bloods))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP at (NP firsthand)) (PP from (NP (NP old Bud Dodington) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the leaders) (PP of (NP the so-called `` Order '')))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Each) (VP wore (NP the monkish scourge) (PP at (NP his waist)))) but (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 this) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seems (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) , (VP was not (VP employed (NP *-1) (PP for (NP self-flagellation))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Naked girls) (VP danced (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the chancel) (PP of (NP the Abbey)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the youngest) and (ADVP seemingly) (NP the (ADJP most innocent))) (VP being (VP chosen (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP read (NP (NP a sermon) (VP filled (NP *) (PP with (NP veiled depravities))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The jaded amorist) (VP conjured (PRT up) (NP (NP pictures) (PP of (NP the blasphemous rites))) (PP with (NP relish))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Alas) , (NP-SBJ all that) (VP belonged (PP to (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP (NP `` (NP Devil Dashwood) '' and `` (NP Wicked Wilkes) '') , (NP (NP abbot and beadsman) (PP of (NP the Order)))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The casual seduction) (PP of (NP a seventeen-year-old bluestocking))) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD tame) (PP by (NP comparison))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP passed (PP (ADVP close) by (NP (NP the turn) (PP to (NP Bishopsgate))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC (NP A scant half mile) away) (NP-SBJ Shelley and Mary) (VP were (ADVP doubtless) (VP (VP sitting (PP-LOC on (NP their diminutive terrace)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the air) (PP about (NP them))) (VP scented (PP with (NP stock)))) ,) and (VP listening (PP to (NP (NP the nightingale) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP nested (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the big lime tree) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the foot) (PP of (NP the garden))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Charming and peaceful) -- but (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (NP-PRD charm and peace) (PP compared (PP to (NP high adventure)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Alone) (PP with (NP the fabulous Byron)) ! !)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHADJP How many) women) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP longed (PP for (NP (NP the privilege) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD hers)))))))))) .) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-1 (WHADVP-3 How) (SQ was (NP-SBJ-2 she) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP behave (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))) , (NP-SBJ Claire) (VP wondered (SBARQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP To (VP be (ADJP-PRD passive))) , (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD girlishly shy)))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD palpably absurd)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD the pursuer) (ADVP (ADVP as clearly) (SBAR as (SINV was (NP-SBJ Venus) (NP-PRD *?*) (PP in (NP (NP Shakespeare 's) poem)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ her Adonis) (VP did not (VP suffer (PP from (NP inexperience)))))) , (NP-SBJ satiety) (VP might (ADVP well) (VP be (NP-PRD an equal handicap))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would not (VP pretend (NP modesty)))) , but (SINV (ADVP neither) must (NP-SBJ she) (VP be (ADJP-PRD crudely bold))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC Mystery) -- (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD the thing)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the bedroom)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP insist (PP on (NP darkness)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP his club foot)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (ADVP well) (VP be (ADJP-PRD grateful))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the inn) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP situated (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC close (PP to (NP a broad weir))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Byron) (VP was (VP (VP greeted (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS the landlord)) (PP with (NP obsequious deference))) and (VP addressed (NP *-3) (PP as `` (NP milord) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The place) (VP was (ADVP evidently) (NP-PRD a familiar haunt))) and (S (NP-SBJ Claire) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHNP-3 what other illicit loves) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP had (VP been (VP celebrated (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the comfortable rooms) (SBAR (WHPP-4 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (VP shown (NP *-2) (PP *T*-4)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The fire) (PP in (NP the sitting room))) (VP was (VP lighted (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (WHNP What) (PP about (NP the bedroom))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Byron) (VP inquired (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seems (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-TMP (NP last time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ the grate) (VP bellowed (PRT out) (NP smoke) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP have (VP been (VP preparing (NP us) (PP for (NP hell)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP found (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ some owls) (VP had (VP built (NP a nest) (PP-LOC in (NP the chimney)))))) , (NP-VOC milord))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP promise (NP you) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (NP (NP trouble) (PP of (NP that sort))) (ADVP again))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) , (S (CONJP not only) (SINV had (NP-SBJ he) (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (ADVP-TMP before))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (ADVP well) (VP come (ADVP again)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Claire) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP felt (ADVP suddenly) (ADJP-PRD small and cheap) , (NP-1 (NP heroine) (PP of (NP (NP a trivial episode) (PP in (NP (NP the voluminous history) (PP of (NP Don Juan)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A cold supper) (NAC *ICH*-2)) (VP was (VP ordered (NP *-1) (NAC-2 and (NP (NP a bottle) (PP of (NP port)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Napoleon 's) ship) (VP had (VP borne (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP Elba)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP French wines) (NP *ICH*-3)) (VP had (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cross (NP the Channel)))) , (NP-3 (NP the first shipments) (PP-TMP in (NP a dozen war-ridden years)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the supplies) (VP had not (ADVP-TMP yet) (VP reached (NP (NP rural hostelries) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sweet wines) (PP of (NP the Spanish peninsula))) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP ruled (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP waited (PP for (NP supper))))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP sat (PP-LOC by (NP the fire)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ glasses) (PP-PRD in (NP hand))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Byron) (VP philosophized (NP (NP as much) (PP for (NP his own entertainment)) (PP as (NP hers))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Sex) (VP is (ADJP-PRD overpriced))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The great Greek tragedies) (VP are (ADJP-PRD concerned (PP with (NP (NP (NP man) (PP against (NP Fate))) , not (NP (NP man) (PP against (NP man)) (PP for (NP (NP the prize) (PP of (NP (NP a woman 's) body))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP (VP see (NP yourself) (PP as (NP a heroine))) or (VP fancy (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this little adventure) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an event) (PP of (NP major importance))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 The gods) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (S (NP-SBJ sex) (ADJP-PRD pretty important))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP rebutted (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Mars and Venus) , (NP Bacchus and Ariadne) , (NP Jupiter and Io) , (NP (NP Byron) and (NP (NP the nymph) (PP of (NP (NP the owl 's) nest)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD Minerva)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was n't (NP-SBJ the owl) (NP-PRD her symbol) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Byron) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP the classics))))) , (SQ (VP do) (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP me) (PP about (UCP (NP Minerva) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP behaved (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did (NP *T*-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP please (NP you)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP tell (NP you) (NP nothing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP ask (NP you) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP who) (NP *ICH*-3)) (S-CLF (NP-SBJ 't-) (VP is (NP *T*-1) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP being (ADJP-PRD unfaithful (PP to (NP *T*-2))))))) , (NP-3 (NP husband) or (NP lover))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Frankly) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP care)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP answering (PP with (NP the truth)))))) but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP shied (ADVP away) (PP from (NP virginity))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP demanded (NP (NP some degree) (PP of (NP education))) (PP in (NP body (CONJP as well as) mind))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (ADVP Very well) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll not (VP catechize (NP you))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (VP matter (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the others) (ADVP (ADVP so long) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP my place) (PP in (NP history))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP striking (NP the right note))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ No man) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP had (NP (NP a better opinion) (PP of (NP himself))))) and (S (ADVP indeed) , (PP with (NP (NP one) (ADVP so) (VP favored (NP *)))) , (NP-SBJ flattery) (VP could (ADVP hardly) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD overdone)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Brains and beauty) , (NP (NP high position) (PP in (NP both the (ADJP social and intellectual) worlds))) , (NP athlete) , (NP fabled lover)) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (ADVP-TMP ever) (NP-SBJ the world) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP any man 's) oyster)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD his)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ The light supper) (ADVP-PRD over)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Claire) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP him))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP slipping (NP an arm) (PP about (NP his shoulder)))) , sat (PP-LOC on (NP his knee)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP drew (NP her) (ADVP close)) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ hand) (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP cheek))) , turned (NP her face) (PP to (NP his)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her lips) , (ADJP moist and parted) ,) (VP spoke (NP his name)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Byron '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His hand) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP her shoulder))) and (VP pushed (ADVP aside) (NP (NP the knotted scarf) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP surmounted (NP the striped poplin gown)))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP then) , (PP to (NP better purpose)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP took (NP hold) (PP of (NP the knot))) and (VP (PP with (NP dextrous fingers)) , untied (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The bodice) (ADVP-LOC beneath)) (VP was (VP buttoned (NP *-1)))) and , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP withdrawing (NP his lips) (PP from (NP hers)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP set (NP her) (ADVP upright) (PP-LOC on (NP his knee))) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP undo (NP it) , (ADVP-MNR unhurriedly))))) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (NP-PRD a child)))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP kindled (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his kiss) , (NP his caressing hand))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 her desire) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aflame)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP sprang (PRT up)) and (VP went (ADVP-MNR swiftly) (PP-DIR to (NP the bedroom)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Lord Byron) (VP (VP poured (NP-BNF himself) (NP (NP another glass) (PP of (NP wine)))) and (VP held (NP it) (PP up (PP to (NP the candle flame))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP admiring (NP the rich color))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP drank (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP with (NP due appreciation))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD an excellent vintage)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP rose) and (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the bedroom)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Pausing (PP-LOC in (NP the doorway)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP The form) (PP of (NP the human female)) , (PP unlike (NP (NP her mind) and (NP her spirit))) ,) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most challenging) loveliness) (PP in (NP all nature))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Claire) (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP Bishopsgate)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP longed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP tell (NP them) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD (NP Byron 's) mistress))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP odd coincidence)) , (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the evening) (PP of (NP her return)))) (NP-SBJ-2 Shelley) (VP chose (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP read (NP (NP Parisina) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the latest) (PP of (NP (NP the titled poet 's) successes))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP declaimed (NP the sonorous measures)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP as much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Claire) (VP could (VP do (NP *?*)))))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP restrain (NP herself) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP bursting (PRT out) (PP with (NP her dramatic tidings))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP the best) (SBAR (WHPP-1 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD capable (PP *T*-1))))))))) '' , (PRN (SINV (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Shelley) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP closed (NP the book)))))) , `` (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP poetry) (PP of (NP a high order)))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (SBAR-ADV-TPC-1 If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (ADVP only) (VP leave (NP the East))))) '' , (VP said (SBAR-ADV *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mary) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD tired (PP of (NP sultans and scimitars)))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ (NP The hero) (PP of (NP his next poem))) (VP is (NP-PRD Napoleon Bonaparte))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Claire) , (PP with (NP (ADJP slightly overdone) carelessness)) .)) (TOP (SINV (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP that) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?) (VP Demanded (SBARQ *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Mary) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1) (NP it) (PP on (NP good authority))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Claire) (VP answered (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR darkly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must n't (VP tell))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must n't (VP tell)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP repeated (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP herself))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP promised (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP I) (VP would n't (VP *?*))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP Chapter 9)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 winter) (VP came)) , and (S (PP with (NP it)) (NP-SBJ=1 (NP (NP Mary 's) baby) -- (NP a boy) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP wished)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-3 William) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD *T*-3)) , (PP in (NP (NP honor) (PP of (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (PP at (ADVP once)) (NP-PRD (NP (NP Shelley 's) pensioner) and (NP his (ADJP most bitter) detractor))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a pardonable irony)) (NP-SBJ Shelley) (VP wrote (PP to (NP (NP the father) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-MNR publicly) (VP disowned (NP his daughter))))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP Fanny) and (NP Mrs. Godwin)) (VP will (ADVP probably) (VP be (ADJP-PRD glad (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hear (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Mary) (VP has (ADVP-MNR safely) (VP recovered (PP from (NP a (ADJP very favorable) confinement)))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her child) (VP is (ADJP-PRD well)))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP another child) -- (NP (NP this one) (PP of (NP (NP Shelley 's) brain))) (NP *ICH*-2) --) (VP was (VP given (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the world)))) : (NP-2 (NP Alastor) , (NP (NP (NP a poem) (PP of (NP pervading beauty))) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the reader) (VP may (VP gaze (PP into (NP (NP the still depths) (PP of (NP (NP a fine mind 's) musings)))) (PP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alastor) (VP was (VP published (NP *-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP be (VP (VP (ADVP savagely) attacked) , (VP (ADVP contemptuously) ignored))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shelley) (VP (VP sent (NP-1 a copy) (PP-2 to (NP (NP Southey) , (NP a former friend)))) , and (VP (NP=1 another) (PP=2 to (NP Godwin)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Neither) (VP acknowledged (NP the gift)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Only (NP Mary 's) praise) (VP sustained (NP him) (PP in (NP his disappointment))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP understood (ADVP completely)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Not (NP a thought) nor (NP a cadence)) (VP was (VP missed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP her summary) (PP of (NP appreciation)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ You) (VP have (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the labor) (ADJP-PRD worth while))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP said (S *T*-2) (PP to (NP her)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP smiling))) .)) (TOP (S `` And (PP-TMP in (NP the future)) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP write (PP for (NP (NP a public) (PP of (NP one))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP save (NP the poor publishers) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP wasting (NP their money)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP A public) (PP of (NP one))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mary) (VP echoed (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR reprovingly)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ can (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP such a thing) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP thousands) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP will (VP thrill (PP to (NP (NP the loveliness) (PP of (NP Alastor))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD some) (ADVP-TMP even now)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (PP about (NP that dear , clever Mr. Thynne)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP raptures))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-TPC Poor Mr. Thynne) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP always) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP trotted (PRT out) (PP for (NP my encouragement)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD other Mr. Thynnes)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Not everyone) (VP is (VP bewitched (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Byron 's) caliphs and harem beauties)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Mary 's) supercritical attitude) (PP toward (NP Byron))) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP his moral disrepute)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD resentful (PP of (NP his easy success))) (PP as (PP compared (PP with (NP (NP Shelley 's) failure))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP The same month) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alastor) (VP was (VP published (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ Murray) (VP sold (NP (NP twenty thousand copies) (PP of (NP (NP-TTL (NP The Siege) (PP Of (NP Corinth))) , (NP (NP a slovenly bit) (PP of (NP Byronism)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ even (NP Shelley 's) generosity) (VP rebelled (PP at (NP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The lordly poet) (VP was (PP-PRD at (NP low-water mark))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The careless writing) (VP was (PP-PRD in (PP keeping (PP with (NP (NP his mood) (PP of (NP savage discontent))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP all sides)) (NP-SBJ-1 doors) (VP were (VP being (VP slammed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP his face))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The previous scandals) , (ADJP (ADJP gaily diverting) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *?*))))) ,) (VP had (ADVP only) (VP served (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP increase (NP his popularity)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (PP under (NP (NP the impact) (PP of (NP (NP his wife 's) disclosures)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP brought (NP *-1) (ADVP suddenly) (PP to (NP (NP the realization) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a limit) (PP to (NP tolerance))) , (SBAR-ADV (WHADJP-2 (WHADJP however brilliant) , (WHADJP however far-famed)) (S (NP-SBJ the offender) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP tried (NP defiance)) and (VP (ADVP openly) flaunted (NP (NP his devotion) (PP to (NP his half sister)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP saw , (SBAR-ADV as (SINV did (NP-SBJ she))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this course) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-TPC-1 *) (VP persisted (PP in (NP *T*-1))))) (VP would (VP involve (NP them) (PP in (NP a common ruin)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP the moment)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no woman) (PP in (NP his life))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP this vacuum) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP given (NP Claire) (NP her opportunity)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the liaison) (VP (ADVP successfully) started (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the last days) (PP of (NP autumn)))))) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (VP languishing)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Byron) , (PP-TMP since (NP (NP the separation) (PP from (NP his wife)))) (VP had (VP been (VP living (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a smallish house) (PP-LOC in (NP Piccadilly Terrace))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP bring (NP Claire) (PP-DIR to (NP it)) (PP even as (NP an occasional visitor))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP claiming (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 his every move) (VP was (VP watched (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP spies) (PP of (NP the Milbankes))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Beckworth) (VP handed (NP the pass) (PP to (NP the colonel))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP thought (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the suggestion) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP it) (NP-ADV himself))))) (VP would (VP tip (NP the colonel) (PP in (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP serving (NP his own order))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the slip) (PP of (NP paper))) (VP was (VP (VP folded (NP *-1)) and (VP (ADVP-MNR absently) thrust (NP *-1) (PP into (NP (NP the colonel 's) belt)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Despite (NP his yearning)) , (NP-SBJ the colonel) (VP would not (VP go (PRT down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ the men) (VP come (PP-DIR through (NP the lines))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP would (VP remain (PP-LOC in (NP the tent)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting (ADVP-MNR impatiently)) , (VP occupied (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS some trivial task)))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC -- Beckworth .)) (TOP (NP-VOC -- Sir ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP -- (NP-SBJ *) (VP Fetch (NP-BNF me) (NP (NP the copies) (PP of (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ B and C companies) (VP have (VP requisitioned (NP *T*-1)) (PP-TMP in (NP the last six months)))))))))) .) (TOP (FRAG -- (NP The last six months) , (NP-VOC sir) ? ?)) (TOP (S -- (NP-SBJ You) (VP heard (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a lot) (PP of (NP waste)) (VP going (PRT on) (ADVP-LOC here)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP 's (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stop))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP a look))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD no damned holiday) , (NP-VOC Beckworth)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (ADJP-PRD busy)) .)) (TOP (FRAG -- (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC sir) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Beckworth) (VP left (NP the tent)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Below) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (S (NP-SBJ the bright torches) (VP lighting (NP the riverbank))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP glanced (ADVP back)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The colonel) (VP crouched (ADVP-MNR tensely) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the folding chairs)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-MNR methodically) (VP tearing (PP at (NP his thumbnail))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bombproof) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a low-ceilinged structure) (PP of (NP (NP heavy timbers) (VP covered (NP *) (PP with (NP earth))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP stood (NP (QP some fifty) paces) (PP from (NP the edge (PP of (NP the bank))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP the outside)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP no more) (PP than (NP (NP a low drumlin) , (NP (NP a lump) (PP-LOC on (NP the dark earth))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A crude ladder) (VP ran (PP down (PP to (NP a wooden floor)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Two slits) (VP enabled (S (NP-SBJ observers) (VP to (VP watch (PP across (NP the river)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The place) (VP smelled (ADVP strongly) (PP of (NP (NP rank , fertile earth) , (NP rotting wood) and (NP urine)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The plank floor) (VP was (VP slimed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC beneath (NP (NP Watson 's) boots)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At least) (NP-SBJ the Union officer) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD decent enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP provide (NP a candle))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sit (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 Watson) (VP walked (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP-DIR from (NP the ladder)) (PP-DIR to (NP the window slits)) (NAC and (ADVP back)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-2) (VP stooping (ADVP-MNR slightly) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-3 *-4) (VP to (VP avoid (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP striking (NP his head) (PP on (NP the heavy beams))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 In (NP the corner)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the soldier) (PP with (NP the white flag))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD stiffly erect)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP clutching (NP the staff))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 his body) (ADVP half) (VP hidden (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the limp cloth))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (ADVP hardly) (VP looked (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The man) (VP had (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP floundering (PP aboard (NP the flat-bottomed barge)))) (PP-TMP at (NP the last instant)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP brandishing (NP (NP the flag) (PP of (NP truce))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP had (VP hauled (NP him) (PP over (NP the side))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP remained (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD silent)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP crossed)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An officer) (PP with (NP (NP a squad) (PP of (NP men))))) (VP had (VP been (VP waiting (PP-LOC on (NP the bank))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The men) (PP in (NP the boats))) (VP had (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP yelling (ADVP-MNR happily))) (PP at (NP (NP first sight) (PP of (NP the officer))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP two) (PP of (NP them))) (VP calling (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD Billy))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the boat) (VP had (VP touched (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the weaker ones) and (NP the two wounded men)) (VP had (VP been (VP (VP lifted (NP *-2) (PRT out)) and (VP carried (NP *-2) (ADVP away)) (PP by (NP-LGS the soldiers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Watson) (VP (VP had (VP presented (NP his pouch))) and (VP been (VP led (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP the bombproof))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The officer) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 both lists) (VP must (VP be (VP checked (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP had (VP (VP given (NP his name)) and (VP asked (PP for (NP a safe-conduct pass))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The officer) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD surprised)) , (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP had (VP (VP nodded (ADVP-MNR absently)) and (VP muttered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP he)) (VP would (VP check (NP the lists) (NP-ADV himself) (ADVP-TMP later)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP peered (PP through (NP the darkness)) (PP at (NP the rampart)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP take (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR across (NP the river))))))) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (ADVP away) (PP from (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wanted (NP (NP (NP no part) (PP of (NP (NP the emotions) (PP of (NP the exchange))))) , (NP (NP no memory) (PP of (NP (NP the joy and gratitude) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ other men) (VP felt (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP hoped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD alone) (PP-LOC in (NP the bombproof)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the soldier) (VP had (VP followed (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (ADVP-MNR carefully) (VP ignored (NP the man)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP deny (NP his presence))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD better) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP speak (PP to (NP him))))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ silence) (VP could not (VP exorcise (NP his form))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Watson) (VP glanced (ADVP-MNR briefly) (PP at (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP (NP only a body) (RRC (ADJP rigidly erect) (PP behind (NP the languid banner))))))) .)) (TOP (S -- (NP-SBJ We) (VP wo n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD too long))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 my pass) (VP is (VP approved (NP *-1))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD a half hour))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The soldier) (VP answered (PP in (NP a curious , muffled voice)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his lips) (ADVP barely) (VP moving))) .)) (TOP (S (NP Watson) (VP (VP turned (ADVP away)) and (VP did not (VP see (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the man 's) knees) (VP buckle)) and (S (NP-SBJ his body) (VP sag)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG -- (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC sir) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP acknowledged (NP the man))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD easier) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP think))) (ADVP-TMP now))) , (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The stiff figure) (PP in (NP the corner))) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP blocked (NP his thoughts)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP paced (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP stooping) , (VP staring (PP at (NP the damp , slippery floor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP order (NP (NP the words) (PP of (NP the three Union officers)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP seeking (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP create (NP (NP some coherent portrait) (PP of (NP the dead boy))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP groped (ADVP-MNR blindly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His lack) (PP of (NP success))) (ADVP steadily) (VP eroded (NP his interest)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stopped (VP pacing)) , (VP leaned (PP against (NP the dank , timbered wall))) and (VP let (S (NP-SBJ his mind) (VP drift)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP A feeling) (PP of (NP futility))) , (NP (NP an enervation) (PP of (NP mind)) (ADJP (ADJP greater) (PP than (NP (NP any fatigue) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP known (NP *T*-1))))))))) ,) (VP seeped (PP through (NP him))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What) (PP in (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP God))))) (SQ was (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP crouched (PP-LOC in (NP a timbered pit)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the wrong bank) (PP of (NP the river)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ had (NP-SBJ he) (VP crossed (NP the dark water) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1) ,))) (S-PRP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bring (ADVP-DIR back) (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP reclaimed soldiers)))))) or (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP skulk (PP-LOC in (NP a foul-smelling hole)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD (ADJP annoyed (PP *RNR*-1)) and (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) (ADJP surprised (PP *RNR*-1)) (PP-1 at (NP that emotion)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD conscious (PP of (NP (NP a growing sense) (PP of (NP absurdity)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ Hillman) (VP had (VP written (NP (NP it) (NP all)) (PRT out)))) , (SQ had n't (NP-SBJ he)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was n't (NP-SBJ the report) (ADJP-PRD official enough) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP hope (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP accomplish (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-LOC here)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hillman) (VP had (VP ordered (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP leave (NP the far bank)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP Prompted (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS a guilty urge)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP disobeyed (NP (NP the order) (PP of (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP respected (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (WHPP For (WHNP what) ? ?)) (TOP (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP tell (NP John) (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP find (NP *T*-1) (PRT out) (PP for (NP himself))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The figure) (PP in (NP the corner))) (VP belched (ADVP-MNR loudly) , (NP-ADV a deep , liquid eruption)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP (VP snorted) (CONJP and then) (VP laughed (ADVP-MNR aloud))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Exactly ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The soldier 's) voice) (VP was (VP (VP muffled (ADVP again)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stricken (PP with (NP chagrin)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP clutched (NP the staff))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his dark eyes) (VP blinked (ADVP-MNR apologetically))) .)) (TOP (VP -- 'scuse (NP me) , (NP-VOC sir) .)) (TOP (S-IMP -- (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP get (PP out (PP of (ADVP here))))))) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Watson) (VP (VP ran (PP-DIR up (NP the ladder))) and (VP stood (PP-TMP for (NP a second)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sucking (PP in (NP (NP the cool air) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP smelled (PP of (NP (NP mud) and (NP river weeds)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC To (NP his left)) , (NP-SBJ the two skiffs) (VP dented (NP their sharp bows) (PP into (NP the soft bank))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The flat-bottomed boat) (VP swung (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP to (NP (NP the pull) (PP of (NP the current))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A soldier) (VP held (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP a frayed rope)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Three Union guards) (VP appeared , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP carrying (NP their rifles) (PP at (ADJP ready))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP stared (PP at (NP them)) (ADVP-MNR curiously)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP stocky men) , (ADJP (ADJP well fed) and (ADJP clean-shaven)) , (PP with (NP (NP neat uniforms) and (NP sturdy boots))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-1 Behind (NP them)) (VP shambled (PP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a long column) (PP of (NP weak , tattered men))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The thin gray figures) (VP raised (NP (NP a hoarse , cawing cry) (PP like (NP (NP the call) (PP of (NP a bird flock)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP moved (PP-DIR toward (NP the skiffs)) (PP with (NP shocking eagerness)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP elbowing and shoving))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Four men) (VP (VP were (VP knocked (NP *-1) (PRT down))) , but (VP did not (VP attempt (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rise)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP crept (PP-DIR down (NP the muddy slope)) (PP-DIR toward (NP the waiting boats))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Union soldiers) (VP (VP grounded (NP arms)) and (VP settled (PP into (NP healthy , indifferent postures)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP watch (NP (NP the feeble boarding) (PP of (NP the skiffs)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The crawling men) (VP (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rise)))) and (VP fell (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP moved (PP to (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ (NP two) (PP of (NP them))) (VP flounder (PP into (NP the shallow water))))) and (VP listened (PP to (S (NP-SBJ their voices) (VP beg (ADVP-MNR shrilly)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP a (ADJP confused , soaked and stumbling) shift) (PP of (NP (NP bodies) and (NP lifting arms))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the two men) (VP were (VP dragged (NP *-1) (PP into (NP the same skiff)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The third crawling man) (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ himself) (ADJP-PRD erect))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP swayed (PP like (NP a drunkard)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his arms) (VP milling (PP in (NP slow circles))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP paced (ADVP forward) (ADVP-MNR unsteadily) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaning (ADVP (ADVP too far) back))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his head) (VP tilted (ADVP-MNR oddly)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His steps) (VP were (ADJP-PRD short and stiff))) , and , (S (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his head) (VP thrown (ADVP back)))) , (NP-SBJ his progress) (VP was (NP-PRD a supercilious strut))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP peering (ADVP-MNR haughtily) (PP down (NP his nose)) (PP at (NP (NP the (ADJP crowded and unclean) vessel) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP carry (NP him) (PP to (NP freedom))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stalked (PP-DIR into (NP the water))) and (VP fell (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP over (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the flat-bottomed barge)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his weight) (ADVP nearly) (VP swamping (NP the craft))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP looked (PP for (NP the fourth man))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP reached (NP the three passive guards)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP crept (PP in (NP an incertain manner)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP patting (NP the ground) (PP-LOC before (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guards) (VP did not (VP look (PP at (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The figure) (PP on (NP the earth))) (VP halted , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD seemingly bewildered))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sank (ADVP back) (PP on (NP his thin haunches)) (PP like (NP a weary hound))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP crawl))) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP watched (NP the creeping figure)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (NP-PRD a spectator interest)) .)) (TOP (SQ Would (NP-SBJ the man) (VP (VP make (NP it)) or (VP (FRAG not))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If only (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a clock) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP crawl (PP against (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP failed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP reach (NP the riverbank) (PP-TMP in (NP five minutes)) , (PRN (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP say))))))))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ the skiffs) (VP would (VP (VP pull (ADVP away)) and (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP groping (PP in (NP the mud))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Say (NP three minutes) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD sporting)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) (NP-SBJ-1 the guards) (VP (VP did not (VP move)) , but (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP inert) , (ADJP aloof (PP from (NP the slow-scrambling man))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The figure) (VP halted)) , and (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP gasped)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The man) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP creep (PP in (NP the wrong direction))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP deceived (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a slight rise) (PP in (NP the ground))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP turned (ADVP-MNR slowly)) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP crawl (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR up (NP the bank)) (PP-DIR toward (NP the rampart))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP raced (PP for (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his boots) (VP slamming (NP the soft earth)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guards) (VP came (PP to (NP life)) (PP with (NP astonishing menace))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP spun) and (VP flung (NP their rifles) (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP gesticulated (ADVP-MNR wildly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One man) (VP dropped (PP to (NP his knee)) (PP for (NP better aim))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP -- (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP help (NP him))) , (PP for (NP (NP the love) (PP of (NP God)))))) ! !) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guards) (VP (VP lowered (NP (NP their rifles) and (NP their rifles))) and (VP peered (PP at (NP Watson)) (PP with (NP sullen , puzzled faces)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Watson) (VP (VP pounded (PP to (NP the crawling man))) and (VP stopped , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP panting (ADVP-MNR heavily))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP reached (PRT down)) and (VP closed (NP his fingers) (PP on (NP (NP the man 's) upper arm)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Beneath (NP his clutch)) , (NP-SBJ (NP a flat strip) (PP of (NP muscle))) (VP surged (PP on (NP the bone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP (VP bent (ADVP-MNR awkwardly)) and (VP lifted (NP the man) (PP to (NP his feet)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP stared (PP into (NP a cadaverous face))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Two clotted balls) (NP (NP the color) (PP of (NP mucus)))) (VP rolled (PP between (NP fiery lids))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Light sticks) (PP of (NP fingers))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the tips) (ADJP-PRD gummy (PP with (NP dark earth)))) , (VP patted (PP at (NP (NP Watson 's) throat))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The man 's) voice) (VP was (NP-PRD a sweet , patient whisper)) .)) (TOP (S -- (NP-SBJ Henry) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP (VP take (NP my arm)) and (VP get (NP me) (ADVP right there)))))))) .) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD Henry)) .)) (TOP (INTJ -- no .)) (TOP (S -- (NP-SBJ It) (VP do n't (VP matter))) .) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-PRD far) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 How far) (SQ could (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP thought (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR bleakly) , (SBARQ (WHADVP how far) (SQ can (NP-SBJ a blind man) (VP crawl)))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP Another body length) or (NP (NP all the rest) (PP of (NP his nighted life))) ? ?)) (TOP (ADVP -- Not far .)) (TOP (S -- (NP-SBJ You) (VP talk (ADVP deep)) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (PP like (NP us fellas)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP raises (NP the voice)) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP bein (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP camp)))) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ You) (NP-PRD Secesh) ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ -- yes .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on) , (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (SQ Can (NP-SBJ you) (VP walk) ? ?)) (TOP (S -- (INTJ Why) , (NP-ADV course) (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP walk (ADVP real good))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP stumbled (PP-DIR down (NP the bank))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP leaned (NP his frail body) (PP against (NP (NP Watson 's) shoulder))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP no heavier) (PP than (NP a child)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP paused (PP for (NP breath))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP wheezed (ADVP-MNR weakly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his fetid breath) (VP beating (ADVP-MNR softly) (PP against (NP (NP Watson 's) neck))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His sweet whisper) (VP came (PP after (NP great effort))) .)) (TOP (INTJ -- (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ Christ) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP was (NP-PRD Henry))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP promised (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ -- hush .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (ADVP-LOC-PRD almost there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP (VP supported (NP the man) (PP to (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the bank))))) and (VP passed (NP the frail figure) (PP over (NP (NP the bow) (PP of (NP the nearest skiff)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The man) (VP swayed (PP on (NP a thwart)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP turning (NP his ruined eyes) (PP (PP from (NP side)) (PP to (NP side)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Watson) (VP turned (ADVP away) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sickened (PP for (NP (NP the first time) (PP in (NP many months))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ the patient voice) (VP calling))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC -- Henry ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1) , (NP-VOC Henry)) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP -- (NP-SBJ *) (VP Make (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP lie (PRT down)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP snatched (NP a deep breath)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had not (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shout))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stood (PP with (NP (NP his back) (PP to (NP the skiff))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The men) (VP mewed and scratched , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP begging (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP taken (NP *-1) (ADVP away)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR bewilderedly) (PP to (NP (NP the dark night) (ADJP-PRD flecked (PP with (NP pine-knot torches)))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ -- Goddamn you ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP them)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Intelligence) (VP jabbed (PP at (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR accusingly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD angry , sickened)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had not (VP felt (NP-PRD that) (PP-TMP during (NP the afternoon)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ No) , nor (ADVP-TMP later) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All his emotions) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD inward , self-conscious))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP war)) , (PP on (NP (NP a night) (PP like (NP this)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP only the outward emotions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP mattered))) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP could (VP be (VP flung (NP *-1) (PP out (PP into (NP the darkness))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP damage (NP others))))))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Yes .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD it)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (PP of (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP John 's) type) (PP of (NP man))) (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ (NP this sort) (PP of (NP thing))) (VP to (VP happen)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP What a fool) (S *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (NP *T*-1) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP think (PP of (NP his brother)))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ it) (VP matter (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His name) (VP had (VP been (VP crossed (NP *-1) (PP off (NP a list))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Already) (NP-SBJ his cool body) (VP lay (PP-LOC in (NP the ground))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What words) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP any meaning))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ had (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP thought (PP of (NP *T*-1)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP (VP go (PP to (NP John))) , (VP grovel) and (VP beg (NP understanding))))) ? ? (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (VP To (VP confess (PP with (NP (NP a canvas chair) (PP as (NP a prie-dieu)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP gouging (PP at (NP his heart)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ a (ADJP rough and stupid) hand) (VP bade (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP rise and go))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Men) (VP were (VP (VP slaughtered (NP *-1) (NP-TMP every day)) , (VP tumbled (PP into (NP eternity)) (PP like (NP (NP so many torn parcels) (VP flung (NP *) (PP down (NP a portable chute)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP him) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP had (NP a right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP witness (NP (NP his brother 's) humiliation)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What right) (SQ (VP had) (NP-SBJ John) (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP any special consideration))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ John) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP better) , (ADJP more deserving)) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (PP To (NP hell)) (PP with (NP John)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP (VP chafe (PP with (NP impatience (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP Charles))))))) , (VP rip (S (ADJP-PRD open) (NP-SBJ the note)) (PP with (NP trembling hands))) and (VP read (NP (NP the formal report) (PP in (NP (NP (NP Hillman 's) beautiful , schoolmaster 's) hand))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP would (VP curse)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP believed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ brave boys) (VP did n't (VP cry))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Watson) (VP spat (PP on (NP the ground))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADVP-MNR grimly) (VP satisfied (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-MNR stupidly) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (VP compelled (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ease (NP (NP his brother 's) pain)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (ADVP perfectly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (ADVP but) (VP longed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP increase (NP his own suffering))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP would not (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those writers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP begin (NP-TMP each morning) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP exclaiming , `` (SBARQ (INTJ O) (NP-VOC Gogol) , (INTJ O) (NP-VOC Chekhov) , (INTJ O) (NP-VOC (NP Thackeray) and (NP Dickens)) , (WHNP-3 what) (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (VP made (NP *T*-3) (PP of (NP (NP a bomb shelter) (VP ornamented (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP four plaster-of-Paris ducks) , (NP a birdbath) , and (NP (NP three composition gnomes) (PP with (NP (NP long beards) and (NP red mobcaps))))))))))))) '' ? ?)))))))))))))))) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP say))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP begin (NP a day) (PP like (NP this)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP wonder (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ the dead) (VP would (VP have (VP done (NP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the shelter) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP as much) a part) (PP of (NP my landscape)) (PP as (NP (NP the beech and horse-chestnut trees) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP grow (PP-LOC on (NP the ridge))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP see (NP it) (PP from (NP (NP this window) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP write (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 It) (VP (VP was (VP built (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the Pasterns)))) , and (VP stands (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the acre) (PP of (NP ground)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP adjoins (NP our property)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP bulks (PP under (NP (NP a veil) (PP of (NP thin , new grass)))) , (PP like (NP (NP some embarrassing fact) (PP of (NP physicalness)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Pastern) (VP set (PRT out) (NP the statuary) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP soften (NP its meaning))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD like (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD a pale woman)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP Sitting (PP-LOC on (NP her terrace))) , (VP sitting (PP-LOC in (NP her parlor))) , (VP sitting (ADVP-LOC anywhere)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP ground (NP (NP an axe) (PP of (NP self-esteem)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Offer (NP her) (NP a cup (PP of (NP tea))))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP say , `` (S (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ these cups) (VP look (PP just like (NP (NP a set) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP gave (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP the Salvation Army)) (NP-TMP last year)))))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Show (NP her) (NP the new swimming pool))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (VP say , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP slapping (NP her ankle))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP must (VP be (SBAR-LOC-PRD (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP breed (NP your gigantic mosquitoes) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hand (NP her) (NP a chair))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP say , `` (S (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a nice imitation) (PP of (NP (NP those Queen Anne chairs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP inherited (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP Grandmother Delancy)))))))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 These trumps) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more touching) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP anything) (ADVP else))))))) , and (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP imply (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 the nights) (VP were (ADJP-PRD-3 long))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2 her children) (ADJP-PRD=3 ungrateful)) , and (S (NP-SBJ=2 her marriage) (ADJP-PRD=3 bewilderingly threadbare))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Twenty years) ago) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (VP have (VP been (VP known (NP *-1) (PP as (NP a golf widow)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sum) (PP of (NP her manner))) (VP was (ADVP perhaps) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP bereavement))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP usually) (VP wore (NP weeds))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP a stranger) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP board (NP a train))))) (VP might (VP have (VP guessed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Pastern) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Pastern) (VP was (ADVP far (PP-PRD from (ADJP dead))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP (VP marching (PP up and down (NP (NP the locker room) (PP of (NP the Grassy Brae Golf Club))))) (VP shouting , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Bomb (NP Cuba)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Bomb (NP Berlin)) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP (VP throw (NP a little nuclear hardware) (PP at (NP them))) and (VP show (NP them) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD boss)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD (NP brigadier) (PP of (NP (NP the club 's) locker-room light infantry)))) , and (VP (PP-TMP at (NP (NP one time) or (NP another))) declared (NP war) (PP on (NP Russia , Czechoslovakia , Yugoslavia , and China)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (NP all)) (VP began (PP-TMP on (NP an autumn afternoon))) -- and (SBARQ (WHNP-1 who) , (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (PP-TMP after (NP all these centuries)) , can (VP describe (NP (NP the fineness) (PP of (NP an autumn day)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 One) (VP might (VP pretend (UCP (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP to (VP have (VP seen (NP one) (ADVP-TMP before))))) , or , (PP to (NP more purpose)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP another) (PP like (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The (ADJP clear and searching) sweep) (PP of (NP sun)) (PP-LOC on (NP the lawns))) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP a climax) (PP of (NP (NP the year 's) lights))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Leaves) (VP were (VP burning (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC somewhere)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the smoke) (VP smelled , (PP for (NP all its ammoniac acidity)) , (PP of (NP beginnings)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The boundless blue air) (VP was (VP stretched (NP *-1) (PP over (NP the zenith)) (PP like (NP (NP the skin) (PP of (NP a drum)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leaving (NP her house) (NP-TMP one late afternoon))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Pastern) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP admire (NP the October light))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP canvass (PP for (NP infectious hepatitis)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Pastern) (VP had (VP been (VP given (NP *-1) (NP (NP sixteen names) , (NP (NP a bundle) (PP of (NP literature))) , and (NP (NP a printed book) (PP of (NP receipts))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD her work) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP go (PP among (NP her neighbors))) and (VP collect (NP their checks)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her house) (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a rise) (PP of (NP ground)))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP got (PP into (NP her car))))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (PP at (NP the houses below)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Charity) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (NP it))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD complex and reciprocal))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP almost every roof) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP *T*-1))))) (VP signified (NP charity))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Balcolm) (VP worked (PP for (NP the brain))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs . Ten Eyke) (VP did (NP mental health)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Trenchard) (VP worked (PP for (NP the blind))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Horowitz) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP charge) (PP of (NP (NP diseases) (PP of (NP the nose and throat))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Trempler) (VP was (NP-PRD tuberculosis))) , (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Surcliffe) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Mothers ') March) (PP of (NP Dimes))))) , (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Craven) (VP was (NP-PRD cancer))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Gilkson) (VP did (NP the kidney))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Hewlitt) (VP led (NP the birthcontrol league))) , (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Ryerson) (VP was (NP-PRD arthritis))) , and (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-2 way (PP in (NP the distance))) could (VP be (VP seen (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the slate roof) (PP of (NP (NP Ethel Littleton 's) house))) , (NP (NP a roof) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP signified (NP gout))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Pastern) (VP undertook (NP (NP the work) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (PP (PP from (NP house)) (PP to (NP house))))))) (PP with (NP (NP the thoughtless resignation) (PP of (NP (NP an (ADJP honest and traditional) laborer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD her destiny))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD her life))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her mother) (NAC *T*-2)) (VP had (VP done (NP it) (PP-TMP before (NP her)) , (NAC-TPC-2 and (NP (NP even her old grandmother) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP collected (NP money) (PP for (NP (NP smallpox) and (NP unwed mothers)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Pastern) (VP had (VP telephoned (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP her neighbors))) (PP in (NP advance))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD ready (PP for (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP experienced (NP (NP none) (PP of (NP (NP the suspense) (PP of (NP (NP some poor stranger) (VP selling (NP encyclopedias)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here and there) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP stayed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP visit) and (VP drink (NP (NP a glass) (PP of (NP sherry)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The contributions) (VP were (ADVP-PRD ahead (PP of (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP got (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP the previous year))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ the money) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP was not (NP-PRD hers)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP excited (NP her) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stuff (NP her kit) (PP with (NP big checks))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP stopped (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the Surcliffes '))) (PP-TMP after (NP dusk))) , and (VP had (NP a Scotch-and-soda))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP stayed (ADVP-TMP too late))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP left (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP dark) and (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP go (NP home)) and (VP cook (NP supper) (PP for (NP her husband))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP (QP a hundred and sixty) dollars) (PP for (NP the hepatitis fund)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR excitedly) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP (NP (NP everybody) (PP on (NP my list))) but (NP the Blevins) and (NP the Flannagans))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP my kit) (PRT in) (NP-TMP tomorrow morning)))))) -- (SQ would (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP doing (NP them) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP cook (NP the dinner)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 But (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (NP the Flannagans)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Charlie Pastern) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP does)) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP gave (NP me) (NP ten) (ADVP-TMP last year))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tired))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP his business worries))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sight) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his wife) (VP arranging (NP pork chops) (PP-LOC in (NP the broiler)))))) (ADVP only) (VP seemed (PP like (NP (NP an extension) (PP of (NP a boring day)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD happy enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP take (NP the convertible)) and (VP race (PP up (NP the hill)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the Blevins ')))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP might (VP give (NP him) (NP a drink)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ the Blevins) (VP were (ADVP-PRD away))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ their maid) (VP (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP an envelope) (PP with (NP a check (PP in (NP it)))))) and (VP shut (NP the door)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Turning (PP in (PP at (NP (NP the Flannagans ') driveway))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remember (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP met (NP them))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The name) (VP encouraged (NP him) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP handle (NP the Irish))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a glass pane) (PP-LOC in (NP the front door)))) , and (S (PP through (NP this)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (PP into (NP (NP a hallway) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a plump woman) (PP with (NP red hair))) (VP was (VP arranging (NP flowers) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Infectious hepatitis) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP shouted (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR heartily)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP took (NP a good look) (PP at (NP herself)) (PP in (NP the mirror)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP turned) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP walking (PP with (NP (ADJP very small) steps)))) , started (PP-DIR toward (NP the door))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (ADVP in))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girlish voice) (VP was (NP-PRD nearly a whisper)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was not (NP-PRD a girl))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her hair) (VP was (VP dyed (NP *-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ her bloom) (VP was (VP fading))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP must (VP have (VP been (VP crowding (NP forty)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those women) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP cling (PP to (NP (NP the manners and graces) (PP of (NP (NP a pretty child) (PP of (NP eight))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Your wife) (ADVP just) (VP called)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP separating (NP one word) (PP from (NP another)) , (PP (ADVP exactly) like (NP a child))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP am not (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP any cash) -- (NP any money) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is))) --))))))) but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP wait (NP-TMP just a minute))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP write (NP you) (PRT out) (NP a check) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP find (NP my checkbook)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Wo n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP step (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the living room) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD cozier) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 A fire) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP been (VP lighted (NP *-1))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 things) (VP had (VP been (VP set (NP *-3) (PRT out) (PP for (NP drinks)))))) , and , (S (PP like (NP any stray)) , (NP-SBJ (NP his response) (PP to (NP these comforts))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD instantaneous))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ was (NP-SBJ Mr. Flannagan) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP wondered (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (VP Travelling (ADVP-DIR home) (PP on (NP a late train)) ? ?)) (TOP (VP Changing (NP his clothes) (ADVP-LOC upstairs) ? ?)) (TOP (VP Taking (NP a shower) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the room)))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a desk) (VP heaped (NP *) (PP with (NP papers))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP riffle (NP these)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP (NP sighs) and and (NP (NP noises) (PP of (NP girlish exasperation)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD terribly sorry (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP waiting)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) , `` but (SQ wo n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP make (NP-BNF yourself) (NP a little drink) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wait))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everything) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the table))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What train) (SQ does (NP-SBJ Mr. Flannagan) (VP come (ADVP-DIR out) (PP on (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Mr. Flannagan) (VP is (ADVP-PRD away))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her voice) (VP dropped) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Mr. Flannagan) (VP has (VP been (ADVP-PRD away) (PP-TMP for (NP six weeks)))) . '')) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP have (NP a drink) , (ADVP then) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP have (NP one) (PP with (NP me)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV `` If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP will (VP promise (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD weak)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Sit (ADVP down)) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)))) , `` and (VP enjoy (NP your drink)) and (VP look (PP for (NP your checkbook)) (ADVP-TMP later))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP things) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP relax)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP All) (PP in (NP all))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP six drinks)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP described (NP (NP herself) and (NP her circumstances)) (ADVP-MNR unhesitatingly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Flannagan) (VP manufactured (NP plastic tongue depressors)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP travelled (PP (ADVP all) over (NP the world))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP did n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP travel))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Planes) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD faint))))) , and (S (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Tokyo) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP gone (NP-TMP that summer) (ADVP-DIR *T*-2))))) ,)) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP been (VP given (NP *-1) (NP raw fish) (PP for (NP breakfast)))))) and (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP come (ADVP-DIR straight home)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP She) and (NP her husband)) (VP had (ADVP-TMP formerly) (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP (NP New York) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP many friends) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) ,))))) but (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Flannagan) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the country) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD safer) (PP in (NP (NP case) (PP of (NP war)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP She) (VP would (ADVP (ADVP rather) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP live (PP in (NP danger))) (PP-1 than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP die (PP of (NP loneliness and boredom)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP no children))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP made (NP no friends)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP seen (NP you))) , (ADVP though) , (ADVP-TMP before)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP with (NP enormous coyness)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP patting (NP his knee)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP walking (NP your dogs) (PP-TMP on (NP Sunday))) and (VP driving (ADVP by) (PP in (NP the convertible))))))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The thought) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ this lonely woman) (VP sitting (PP at (NP her window)))))) (VP touched (NP him) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP even more) (VP touched (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS her plumpness))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ Sheer plumpness) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (VP (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP a vital part) (PP of (NP the body)))) and (VP has (NP no procreative functions))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP serves (ADVP merely) (PP as (NP (NP an excess cushion) (PP for (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the carcass))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ And (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP knowing (NP its humble place) (PP in (NP (NP the scale) (PP of (NP things)))))) , (WHADVP-2 why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ-1 he) , (PP-TMP at (NP (NP this time) (PP of (NP life)))) , (VP seem (ADJP-PRD almost ready (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sell (NP his soul) (PP for (NP plumpness)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The remarks) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP made (NP *T*-2)))) (PP about (NP (NP the sufferings) (PP of (NP a lonely woman))))) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so broad) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP-TMP at (ADJP first)) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP them)))))))))))) , but (S (PP-TMP after (NP the sixth drink)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP put (NP his arm) (PP around (NP her))) and (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR upstairs)) and (VP look (PP for (NP her checkbook)) (ADVP-LOC there)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP done (NP this) (ADVP-TMP before)))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP later) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP arranging (NP himself) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her voice) (VP shook (PP with (NP feeling)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD lovely)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did) n't (NP doubt (NP her truthfulness) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP heard (NP the words) (NP-TMP a hundred times)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP done (NP this) (ADVP-TMP before)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shaking (NP their dresses) (PP down (PP over (NP their white shoulders)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP done (NP this) (ADVP-TMP before)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP waiting (PP for (NP the elevator)) (PP-LOC in (NP the hotel corridor))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP done (NP this) (ADVP-TMP before)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S (NP-ADV-SBJ *-1) (VP pouring (NP another whiskey)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP done (NP this) (ADVP-TMP before)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP putting (PRT on) (NP their stockings)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP ships) (PP at (NP sea)))) , (PP-LOC on (NP railroad trains)) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP summer hotels) (PP with (NP mountain views)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP done (NP this) (ADVP-TMP before)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ have (NP-SBJ you) (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Mrs. Pastern) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR sadly) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-TMP-PRD after (NP eleven))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP a drink) (PP with (NP the Flannagans))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP told (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Germany)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP came (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP-MNR unexpectedly)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP (VP ate (NP some supper) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen))) and (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the TV room)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hear (NP the news)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Bomb (NP them)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ He) (VP shouted (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Throw (NP a little nuclear hardware) (PP at (NP them))) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Show (NP them) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD boss))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S But (PP-LOC in (NP bed)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (NP (NP trouble) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sleeping)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (ADVP-TMP first) (PP of (NP (NP his son and daughter) , (PP-LOC (ADVP away) at (NP college))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP loved (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only meaning) (PP of (NP the word)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP known (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP played (NP (NP nine imaginary holes) (PP of (NP golf))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP choosing (NP (NP his handicap) , (NP his irons) , (NP his stance) , (NP his opponents) , and (NP his weather)) (PP in (NP detail))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the green) (PP of (NP the links))) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD faded) (PP in (NP (NP the light) (PP of (NP his business worries)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His money) (VP was (VP tied (PRT up) (PP in (NP (NP a Nassau hotel) , (NP an Ohio pottery works) , and (NP (NP a detergent) (PP for (NP window-washing)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ luck) (VP had (VP been (VP running (PP against (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His worries) (VP harried (NP him) (PP up (PP out (PP of (NP bed)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP lighted (NP a cigarette)) and (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the window))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the starlight)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP the trees) (VP stripped (NP *) (PP of (NP their leaves)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the summer)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP repair (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP his losses))) (PP-LOC at (NP the track))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the bare trees) (VP reminded (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his pari-mutuel tickets) (VP would (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (VP lying , (PP like (NP leaves)) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the gutters) (ADVP near (NP Belmont and Saratoga))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Maple and ash) , (NP beech and elm)) , (NP (NP one hundred) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP win (PP on (NP Three)) (PP in (NP the fourth)))))) , (NP (NP fifty) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP win (PP on (NP Six)) (PP in (NP the third)))))) , (NP (NP one hundred) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP win (PP on (NP Two)) (PP in (NP the eighth)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Children) (VP walking (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-DIR from (NP school)))) (VP would (VP scuff (PP through (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD his foliage)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP getting (PP (ADVP back) into (NP bed)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP thought (ADVP-MNR unashamedly) (PP of (NP Mrs. Flannagan)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP planning (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (ADVP-TMP next) (VP meet (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP are , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-1)))) , (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP so few) true means) (PP of (NP forgetfulness)) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP in (NP this life)) (SBAR-2 that (SBARQ (WHADVP-4 why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ he) (VP shun (NP the medicine) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ the medicine) (VP seemed , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did))) , (NP-PRD a little crude) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-4)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (SBAR-PRD as though (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP noted (ADVP clearly) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 her nephews) (VP had not (VP been (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP her)))) (PP-TMP (PP for (NP ten years)) , not (PP since (NP (NP their last journey) (ADVP-DIR eastward) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP witness (S (NP-SBJ-3 their Uncle Izaak) (VP being (VP lowered (NP *-3) (PP-DIR into (NP the rocky soil))))) (ADVP *T*-4)))))))))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (PP aside from (NP (NP due notification) (PP of (NP (NP (NP certain major events) (PP in (NP their lives))) -LRB- (NP (NP two marriages) , (NP two births) , (NP one divorce)) -RRB-)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Christmas and Easter cards) (PP of (NP the traditional sort))) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the only thin link) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP them)) (PP-TMP through (NP the widowed years))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her thoughts) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD discrete)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a look) (PP about (NP her mouth))) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (VP tasting (NP lemons)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP grasped (NP the chair arms)) and (VP brought (NP her thin body) (ADVP upright) , (PP like (NP (NP a bird) (ADJP alert (PP for (NP flight))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP turned) and (VP walked (ADVP-MNR stiffly) (PP-DIR into (NP the parlor)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the dainty-legged escritoire) , (RRC (ADJP-PRD warped and cracked) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP from (NP (NP fifty years) (PP in (NP (NP an atmosphere) (PP of (NP sea spray))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP extracted (NP two limp vellum sheets)) and (VP wrote (PRT off) (NP (NP the letters) , (NP (NP one) (PP to (NP Abel))) , (NP (NP one) (PP to (NP Mark)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP her trembling hand) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ the pen) (VP grasped (ADVP tight (PP in (NP it)))))) ,) (VP was (VP pressed (NP *-1) (PP against (NP the paper)))))) (NP-SBJ the words) (VP came (ADVP-MNR (ADVP sharply) , (ADVP smoothly) , (ADVP (ADVP as authoritatively) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP would (VP *?* (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP dropping (PP from (NP her own lips))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 And (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP stiffly regal) look) (PP of (NP them))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (ADVP grimly) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) , (VP lacked (NP (NP the quaver) (PP of (NP age)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP thwarting (NP (NP the efforts) (PP of (NP her amazing will))))) , (VP ran (PP through (NP her spoken words)) (PP like (NP a thin ragged string))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (INTJ Please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (ADVP-DIR down) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP conveniently) (VP can (VP *?*))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ the upright letters) (VP stalked (PP from (NP the broad-nibbed pen)))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP an important matter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP discuss (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP you))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP To (NP Abel)) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD afraid (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP much) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP amuse (NP small children) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-LOC here))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP should (VP be (VP obliged (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP make (NP other arrangements) (PP for (NP your daughters))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP may (VP stay (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wish)))) , (PP of (NP course)) ,))) but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP arranging (PP for (NP (NP the care) (PP of (NP the girls)))))) (VP must (VP take (NP time) (PP into (NP account)))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a day or two) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD enough (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP finish (NP our business) (PP in (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP To (NP Mark)) : `` (S-IMP (INTJ Please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP give (NP my regards) (PP-DTV to (NP Myra)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP signed (NP the letters) (ADVP-MNR quickly)) , (VP stamped (NP them)) , and (VP placed (NP them) (PP-LOC on (NP the hall table)) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ Raphael) (VP to (VP mail (PP-LOC in (NP town)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the wicker chair))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR resolutely) adjusted (NP her eyes) (PP to (NP (NP the glare) (PP on (NP the water)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ My nephews) (VP will (VP be (VP coming (ADVP-DIR down))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-2) (NP-TMP that evening) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Angelina) (VP brought (NP her dinner) (PP-DIR into (NP the dining room)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the whole meal) (PP-PRD on (NP a vast linen-covered tray)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (PP at (NP the girl)) (ADVP-MNR speculatively) (PP from (NP (NP eyes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP paled (PP with (NP the years)))))))))) ; ; (S (PP from (NP (NP the early evening lights) (PP of (NP them)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (ADVP first) (VP startled (NP-4 Izaak) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP her)) (PP in (NP an uncousinly way))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP faded (PP to (NP (NP a near-absence) (PP of (NP color)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP had , (PP (ADVP possibly) from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ her constant) (VP looking (PP at (NP the water))))) , (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP (NP the light) (PP of (NP the sea))))) (PP in (NP them)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Angelina) (VP (VP placed (NP the tray) (PP-LOC on (NP the table))) and (PP with (NP (NP a flick) (PP of (NP dark wrist)))) (VP drew (PRT off) (NP the cloth))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled)) , and (S (NP-SBJ the teeth) (VP gleamed (PP in (NP her (ADJP beautifully modeled) olive face)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD so nice (PP for (NP you))) , (NP-VOC Mrs. Packard)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her voice) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ripe and full))) and (S (NP-SBJ her teeth) (VP flashed (ADVP again) (PP in (NP Sicilian brilliance)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (S (NP-SBJ the warm curved lips) (VP met)) and (S (NP-SBJ her mouth) (VP settled (PP in (NP repose)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Um) '' , (VP (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NAC *ICH*-2)) (NP-SBJ the old lady) , (NAC-2 and (VP brought (NP her eyes) (PP down (PP to (NP the tray))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP remember (NP them))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP glinted (ADVP-MNR suspiciously) (PP at (NP (NP (NP the dish) (PP before (NP her))) : `` (NP blowfish)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Raphael) (VP bought (NP (NP them) (ADJP whole)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Angelina) (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR back) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her eyes) (VP roaming (NP the tray) (PP for (NP omissions))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (PP at (NP the old woman)) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her eyes) (ADJP-PRD calm))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Yes) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP came (ADVP-DIR here) (NP-TMP every summer))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP play (PP with (NP the older one))))) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP *?*)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (NP Abel '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The name) (VP fell (PP with (NP lazy affectionate remembrance)) (PP from (NP her lips))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP an instant)) (NP-SBJ the old aunt) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ (NP something) (ADJP indefinable)) (VP flash (PP through (NP her smile))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP have (VP said (NP triumph)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ Angelina) (VP (VP turned) and (VP (PP with (NP an easy grace)) walked (PP-DIR toward (NP the kitchen)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jessica Packard) (VP (VP lifted (NP her head)) and (VP followed (NP the retreating figure) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 her eyes) (VP resting (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD nearly closed)) (PP on (NP (NP the unself-conscious rise and fall) (PP of (NP the rounded hips)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP held (NP her face) (PP to (NP the empty doorway))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP snorted) and (VP groped (PP for (NP her fork))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP no greater catastrophe) (PP in (NP the universe)) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP reflected (ADVP-MNR dourly) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP impaling (NP tender green beans) (PP on (NP the silver fork))))))) , (PP than (NP (NP the dwindling away) (PP of (NP a family)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC Procreation , expansion , proliferation) -- (NP-SBJ these) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the laws) (PP of (NP living things))) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP the penalty) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) not (VP obeying (NP them))))) (NP (NP (NP the ultimate) (PP in (NP punishments))) : (NP oblivion))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the fate) (PP of (NP the individual))) (VP is (VP visited (NP *-1) (PP on (NP the group)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (PRN -LRB- (S (S (NP-SBJ the warm sweet butter) (VP dripped (PP from (NP her raised trembling fork)))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP pushed (NP her head) (ADVP-DIR forward) (ADVP-MNR belligerently)))) -RRB-) , (INTJ ah) , (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the true bitterness) (PP of (NP existence))) (VP could (VP be (VP tasted (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP indeed) (NP-SBJ the young garden beans) (VP were (ADJP-PRD brackish) (PP in (NP her mouth))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the last) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP living) (PP-1 of (NP the older generation)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP been (NP-PRD a widespread family))))) (PRN -- (S-2 (PP-TMP at (NP one time)) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD enough Packards (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP populate (NP an entire county))))))) --) (VP had (ADVP-TMP now) (VP narrowed (PP down (PP to (NP (NP the two boys) , (NP Abel and Mark)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP swung (NP her eyes) (PP up (PP to (NP (NP the blue) (PP of (NP the window))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her jaws) (ADVP-MNR gently) (VP mashing (NP the bitter beans)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What hope) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lay (PP in (NP the nephews))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP asked (NP (NP the intensifying light) (PP-LOC out (ADVP there))) (SBAR *T*-2) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP one) (ADJP married (PP to (NP a barren woman)))) and (NP (NP the other) (VP divorced (NP *) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP sired (NP two girl children)))))))) , (PP with (NP (NP none) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP bear (PRT on) (NP the Packard name)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP ate) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (PP to (NP her)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (NP-TMP each night)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the gloom) (VP (VP drew (NP itself) (ADVP-DIR in)) and (VP became (ADJP-PRD densest) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the table 's) empty chairs))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP giving (NP her) (NP the frequent illusion (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP dined (PP with (NP shadows)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) , (ADVP too) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP talked (ADVP low) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP quirking (NP her head) (PP (PP at (NP (NP one or another) (PP of (NP the places)))) , (PP (ADVP-TMP most often) at (NP (NP (NP Izaak 's) armchair) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP faced (NP her) (PP across (NP the long table))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF Or (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD the absent nephews) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP addressed (NP *T*-1)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR consciously) (VP playing (PP with (NP the notion (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the summers) (PP of (NP their early years))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thought (ADVP again) (PP of (NP (NP her children) , (NP (NP those two) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (VP died (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD young)) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP the later science) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP might (VP have (VP saved (NP them))))))) (VP could (VP attach (NP even a label) (PP to (NP their separate malignancies)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP The girl) , (NP her first)) , (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP barely) (VP remembered (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP could (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP anyone 's) infant))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had not (VP survived (NP the bassinet)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-ADV the boy) (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD alive) (NP-TMP yesterday))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Each successive movement) (PP in (NP his growing))) (VP was (VP recorded (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP the unreeling film) (PP inside (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ran (PP on (NP (NP his plump sticks) (PP of (NP legs)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP freezing (ADVP-TMP now and again) (PP into (NP (NP the sudden startled attitudes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ the camera) (VP had (VP caught and held (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP (NP the paling photographs) , (NP (NP all) (VP (ADVP carefully) placed and glued and labeled (NP *))) , (VP resting (PP in (NP (NP the fat plush album) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the bottom drawer) (PP of (NP the escritoire)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the cruel clearness) (PP of (NP her memory)))) (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD (ADJP unchanged) , (ADJP quick (PP with (NP (NP the delight) (PP of (NP laughter))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the pain) (SBAR (WHPP-1 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP recalled (NP that short destroyed childhood) (PP *T*-1))))) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD unendurable) (PP to (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP with (NP (NP the desolate rocks) and (NP the alien water)))) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP those days) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP hated (NP the sea) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The brothers) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR down) (ADVP together) (PP in (NP (NP Mark 's) small red sports car)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Mark) (PP-PRD at (NP the wheel)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP rarely) (VP spoke) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Abel) (VP (VP sat) and (VP regarded (NP (NP the farm country) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP spreading (PP out (PP from (NP (NP both sides) (PP of (NP the road))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP rolled (ADVP greenly) (PP-DIR up (PP to (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the silent white houses) and (NP long barns) and (NP silos)) (VP nested (PP into (NP the tilled fields)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP the land) (PP with (NP (NP a stranger 's) eyes)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ all the old familiarness) (VP gone))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ it) (VP presented (NP itself) (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP would (VP *?* (PP to (NP any stranger)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP impervious) , (ADJP complete (PP in (NP itself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP stability) (NP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP-LOC there) , (ADVP too) -- (NP-2 (NP a color) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ his life) (VP had (VP had (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP once))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ childhood) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP himself) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Solid , settled lost .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the stiff neutral lines) (PP of (NP the telephone poles)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP the no-nonsense pen strokes) (PP of (NP (NP Aunt Jessica 's) letter)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP What bad grace) , (WHNP what incredible selfishness)) (S (NP-SBJ he and Mark) (VP had (VP shown (NP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The boyhood summers) (VP preceding (NP (NP their uncle 's) funeral))) (VP might (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP been))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP closed (PRT over) , (ADVP absolutely) , (PP with (NP (NP the sealing) (PP of (NP (NP old Izaak 's) grave)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The small car) (VP flew (PRT on) (ADVP-MNR relentlessly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The old woman) , (VP (ADVP-MNR stubbornly) reigning (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the house) (PP above (NP the crashing waters)))))) (VP took (PRT on) (NP an ominous reality)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Abel) (VP (VP moved) and (VP adjusted (NP his long legs))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (PP with (NP the property)))))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Mark) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-3) (PP over (NP the telephone)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP discussed (NP (NP their receipt) (PP of (NP the letters))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (SBAR-TMP Not until (S (NP-SBJ-1 the words) (VP had (VP been (VP spoken (NP *-1)))))) did (NP-SBJ Abel) (ADVP suddenly) (VP (VP see (NP (NP the old house) and (NP the insistent sea))) , and (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ his contrition) (VP blotted (PRT out) (PP in (NP (NP one shameful moment) (PP of (NP covetousness)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He and Mark) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the last) (PP of (NP the family))))) , and (SINV (NP-LOC there) (VP lay) (NP-SBJ (NP the Cape Ann property) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP no end) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP stretching (PP (PP from (NP horizon)) (PP to (NP horizon))))) , (PP-TMP in (NP (NP those golden days) (PP of (NP summer))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-1 Abel) (VP turned (NP his head) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP his brother)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mark) (VP held (NP the wheel) (ADVP-MNR loosely))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his fingers) (VP curved (PP around (NP it)) (PP in (NP a purposeful way)))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the deliberate set) (PP of (NP his body))) (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR plainly) (PP of (NP (NP the figure) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP make (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the years) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP come)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 His sandy hair) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP thin and recede (PP at (NP the sides)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Abel) (VP looked (ADVP-MNR quickly) (ADVP away))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mark) (ADVP easily) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP years older) (PP than (NP himself))) , (ADJP settled)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 his world) (ADVP-MNR comfortably) (VP categorized (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The vacation traffic) (VP was (VP becoming (ADJP-PRD heavier) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP approached (NP the sea)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP did n't (NP mention (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bringing (NP Myra)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Mark) (VP said (S *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP maneuvering (NP the car) (PP into (NP the next lane))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (ADVP probably) (VP getting (ADJP-PRD old) (PRN -- (S (ADJP-TPC-1 crotchety) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (ADJP *T*-1))) --)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP figured (FRAG (INTJ uh-uh) , (ADVP better) not))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP met))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP would n't (VP budge (PP without (NP an express invitation)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD (ADVP kind of) bad (PP about (NP it)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP gave (NP Abel) (NP a quick glance)) and (VP moved (ADVP closer (PP to (NP the wheel))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hugging (NP it) (PP to (NP him)))))) ,) and (S (NP-SBJ Abel) (VP caught (NP (NP this (ADJP briefest (PP of (NP allusions)))) (PP to (NP guilt))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP imagine (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the old girl) (VP has n't (VP missed (NP us) (ADVP much))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mark) (VP added (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his eyes) (PP-PRD on (NP the road)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Abel) (VP ignored (NP (NP the half-expressed bid) (PP for (NP confirmation)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD barely possible) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ his brother) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP tell (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP approaching (NP the sea))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The air) (VP took (PRT on) (NP a special strength) (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP left (NP (NP the fecund warmth) (PP of (NP the farmland))) (ADVP behind))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the smell) (PP of (NP the coast)) , (PP like (NP a primeval memory)) ,) (VP composed (NP *) (PP of (NP (NP equal parts) (NP salt water) , (NP clams) , (NP seaweed) and (NP northern air)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned (PP from (NP the flying trees)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (ADVP ahead))))) and (VP saw (PP with (NP an (NP inward boy 's) eye)) (ADVP again) (NP (NP the great fieldstone house) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP built (PP on (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the many acres) (PP of (NP ancestral land)))) (VP bordering (NP the west harbor)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP Izaak 's) bride-gift) (PP to (NP his cousin-wife))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the last century) (VP ended))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mark 's) thoughts) (VP must (VP have (VP been (VP (VP keeping (NP silent pace) (PP beside (NP his own))) , (VP climbing (NP the same crags) (PP in (NP (ADJP dirty white) sneakers))) , (VP clambering (PP out (PP on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP the headland)))))) and (VP coming (PP upon (NP the sudden glinting water)) (PP-TMP at (NP the same instant))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SQ-TPC-2 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Remember (NP the Starbird)) ? ? '') (NP-SBJ Mark) (VP asked (SQ *T*-2))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Abel) (VP lifted (NP his eyes) (PP from (NP (NP (NP the double lines) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the road))))) , (NP (NP the twin white ribbons) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ the car) (VP swallowed (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR rapidly) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP ascended (NP (NP the crest) (PP of (NP the hill)))) and (VP came (ADVP-DIR down))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 The Starbird) , '' (NP-SBJ Abel) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Uncle Izaak) (VP had , (PP in (NP an unexpected grandiose gesture)) , (VP handed (PRT over) (NP the pretty sloop) (PP to (NP Abel)) (PP for (NP keeps)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1) , (PP on (NP condition (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP fail (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ his brother) (VP accompany (NP him) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ younger the boy) (VP wished (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The two) (PP of (NP them))) (VP had (VP developed (PP into (NP a remarkable sailing team)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP this))) (VP happening (PP-TMP in (NP (NP a time) (PP of (NP their lives)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP their youth) and (NP their brotherhood)) (VP knitted (NP them) (ADVP together) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ no other time or circumstance) (VP could (VP *?*))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 They) (VP seemed (ADVP-TMP then) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP have (VP had (NP (NP a single mind and body) , (NP (NP a mutuality) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP accepted (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the fact) (PP of (NP their youth)))) , (ADVP-MNR casually))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP the Starbird) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP lay , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her slender mast) (UCP (ADVP-PRD up) and (VP (ADVP-MNR gently) turning) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its point) (VP describing (NP constant languid circles) (PP against (NP a cumulus sky)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Both) (PP of (NP them))) (VP had (VP known (NP (NP the feeling) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the small life) (PP in (NP her))) (VP waiting , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD ready)) , (PP for (S (NP-SBJ (NP the two) (PP of (NP them))) (VP to (VP run (PRT up) (NP her sails))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Starbird) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-TMP-PRD long) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the bay)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP came (ADVP unexpectedly) (PP upon (NP the sea))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Meeting (NP it) (PP without (NP preparation)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP robbed (PP of (NP anticipation)))) , (NP-SBJ a common disappointment) (VP seized (NP-1 them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP climbing (NP the hill) (PP-TMP in (NP the night)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the headlights) (ADVP-MNR abruptly) (VP (VP probed (NP solid blackness)) , (VP became (NP-PRD (NP two parallel luminous tubes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP broadened (PP out (PP into (NP (NP a faint mist) (PP of (NP light)))))) and (VP ended)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mark) (VP (VP stopped (NP the car)) and (VP switched (PRT off) (NP the lights)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP sat (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (PP at (NP (NP the water) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ there) (VP being (NP-PRD no moon) (ADVP out))) , (S (PP-TMP at (ADJP first)) (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP could (VP be (VP distinguished (NP *-1) (PP from (NP the sky)) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP-LGS (NP an absence) (PP of (NP stars)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD old))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP saw (ADVP-MNR well))) , but (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP heated (PP with (NP whisky)))) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP 'd (VP glare (PP at (NP my noise)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP growing (ADJP-PRD red)) and (VP raising (PRT up) (NP his rage))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hated (NP (NP the Pedersen kid) (ADVP too) , (VP (VP dying (PP-LOC in (NP our kitchen)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP (ADVP away) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP watch (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))) , (VP dying (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP entertain (NP Hans))))) and (VP making (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP go (PP-DIR (PP up (NP snapping steps)) and (PP down (NP (NP a drafty hall) ,))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 Pa) (VP lumped (PP under (NP the covers)) (PP-LOC at (NP the end)) (PP like (NP (NP dung) (VP covered (NP *) (PP with (NP snow))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP snoring and whistling))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd not (VP care (PP about (NP the Pedersen kid))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP 'd not (VP care (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP getting (VP waked (NP *-2) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP (VP give (PRT up) (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP his whisky))) (PP to (NP (NP a slit) (PP of (NP a kid))))) and (VP (ADVP maybe) lose (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his hiding places))) (PP in (NP the bargain))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD mad enough)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sober)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP hurry (SBAR-ADV though (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold))) and (S (NP-SBJ the Pedersen kid) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the kitchen)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP all) (ADJP-PRD shoveled up) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP pushed (PP at (NP his shoulder)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP calling (NP his name)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his name) (VP stopped (NP the snoring)))))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP move (PP except (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP roll (NP-ADV a little) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shoved (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The covers) (VP slid (PP down (NP his skinny neck)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP (NP his head) , (ADJP fuzzed (PP like (NP (NP a dandelion) (VP gone (PP to (NP seed)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 his face) (VP was (VP turned (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the wall))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the pale shadow) (PP of (NP his nose))) (PP-LOC on (NP the plaster)))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought , (S (INTJ Well) (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP look (PP (ADVP much) like (NP a pig-drunk bully)) (ADVP-TMP now)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP still) (ADJP-PRD asleep))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD a cagey sonofabitch)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP shook (NP him) (ADVP-MNR (NP a little) harder)) and (VP made (NP some noise))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Pap-pap-pap-hey) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP leaning (ADVP (ADVP too far) over))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (ADVP better)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP slept (ADVP-LOC close (PP to (NP the wall))) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP lean))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reach (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD smart)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP put (NP you) (PRT off)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (ADVP better))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP thinking (PP of (NP (NP the Pedersen kid) (RRC (ADJP mother-naked) (PP-LOC in (NP all that dough)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ his arm) (VP came (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP ducked (ADVP away))) but (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP caught (NP me) (PP on (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the neck)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP watering (NP my eyes))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP backed (PRT off) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP cough))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Pa) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP his side)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (PP at (NP me)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP winking)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the hand) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP hit (NP me)))))) (RRC (NP-PRD a fist) (PP in (NP the pillow))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (INTJ the hell) (PP out (PP of (ADVP here)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did n't (VP say (NP anything) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ my throat) (ADJP-PRD clear)))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP watched (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP a mean horse) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP come (PRT at) (PP-DIR from (NP the rear)) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD better) , (ADVP though) , (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP hit (NP me)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD bitter) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP missed (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (INTJ the hell) (PP out (PP of (ADVP here)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Big Hans) (VP sent (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP told (NP-1 me) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wake (NP you))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP A fat hell) (PP on (NP Big Hans)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (PP out (PP of (ADVP here)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (NP the Pedersen kid) (PP-LOC by (NP the crib))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (INTJ the hell) (ADVP out)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pa) (VP pulled (PP at (NP the covers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP tasting (NP his mouth))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The kid) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD froze) (ADVP good)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP is (VP rubbing (NP him) (PP with (NP snow)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP got (NP him) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen)))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` Pedersen '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ No) , (NP-VOC Pa) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD the Pedersen kid)) .)) (TOP (NP The kid '' .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP steal (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP the crib)))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (VP stealing) , (NP-VOC Pa) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP lying (ADVP-LOC there))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP found (NP (NP him) (ADJP froze))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-LOC-PRD (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP found (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pa) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (VP hid (NP nothing) (PP-LOC in (NP the crib)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP understand , (NP-VOC Pa))) .)) (TOP (NP The Pedersen kid .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP The kid) '' -- `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP goddamn well) (VP understand)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pa) (VP had (NP his head) (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP glaring)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his teeth) (VP gnawing (PP at (NP (NP the place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP grown (NP a mustache) (ADVP-TMP once) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP goddamn well) (VP understand) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP Pedersen))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP That cock .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ I) (VP *?* (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ he) (VP come (PP for (NP *T*-1)) , (INTJ hey))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP dammit)) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP get)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP And (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP come (ADVP-DIR back))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Find (PRT out) (NP something)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD a fool)) .)) (TOP (NP Both you and Hans .)) (TOP (NP Pedersen .)) (TOP (NP That cock .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP come (ADVP-DIR back))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Out .)) (TOP (ADVP Out '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP (VP shouting) and (VP breathing (ADVP-MNR hard)) and (VP closing (NP his fist) (PP on (NP the pillow))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP long black hairs) (PP on (NP his wrist))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP curled (PP around (NP (NP the cuff) (PP of (NP his nightshirt))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Big Hans) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP come))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (S (NP-SBJ Big Hans) (VP said)) '' -- `` (FRAG (NP A fat hell) (PP on (NP Big Hans))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP an (ADJP even bigger) fool) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (NP-PRD *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Fat) , (INTJ hey) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP taught (NP him) , (INTJ dammit))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP teach (NP you)))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Out .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ You) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP drop (NP my pot))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PRT up))))))) (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP got (PRT out) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP slamming (NP the door))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too mad (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP sleep))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP threw (NP things)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP went (PP after (NP Hans))) and (VP dumped (NP his pot) (PP over (NP the banister)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pa) (VP 'd (VP been (ADJP-PRD shit-sick) (PP in (NP that pot)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP got (NP an axe)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP bother (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wipe (NP himself) (PRT off))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP chopped (NP (NP part) (PP of (NP (NP Pa 's) door))) (PRT down) (PP-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stopped))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP might not (VP have (VP gone (ADVP that far) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pa) (VP had n't (VP been (VP locked (NP *-1) (PRT in) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP laughing (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD fit (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shake (NP the house)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That pot) (VP put (NP Pa) (PP-PUT in (NP an awful good humor)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the memory) (VP was (ADJP-PRD present) (PP in (NP (NP both) (PP of (NP them)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stirring (PP in (NP their chests)) (PP like (NP (NP a laugh) or (NP a growl))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as eager (S *ICH*-2)) (PP as (NP an animal)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-PRD out)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ Pa) (VP cursing (ADVP-DIR (ADVP all the way) downstairs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP had (VP laid (NP steaming towels) (PP over (NP (NP the kid 's) chest and stomach)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP rubbing (NP snow) (PP on (NP (NP the kid 's) legs and feet)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Water) (PP from (NP the snow))) and (NP (NP water) (PP from (NP the towels)))) (VP had (VP run (PP off (NP the kid)) (PP to (NP (NP the table) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the dough) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the dough) (VP was (VP (VP turning (ADJP-PRD pasty)) , (VP sticking (PP to (NP (NP the kid 's) back and behind)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Ai n't (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wake (PRT up))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHNP What) (PP about (NP your pa)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD awake) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP left (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 'd (NP-SBJ he) (VP say (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (NP the whisky)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (FRAG (NP a fat hell) (PP on (NP Big Hans)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD smart))) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP ask (NP him) (PP about (NP the whisky))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yeah '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Well '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (FRAG (NP a fat hell) (PP on (NP Big Hans)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD smart))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (VP `` Go (ADVP back) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sleep))) (ADVP most likely) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'd (ADVP best) (VP get (NP that whisky))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP go) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP the axe)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pa) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD scared (PP to (NP hell)) (PP of (NP axes)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen (PP to (NP me)) , (NP-VOC Jorge)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP had (NP enough) (PP to (NP your sassing))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This kid) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD froze) (ADVP bad)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP get (NP some whisky) (PP down (NP him)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP die)) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ You) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ the kid) (VP to (VP die)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (VP Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP *?*)) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP get (NP your pa)) and (VP get (NP that whisky))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Pa) (VP do n't (VP care (PP about (NP the kid)))) '' .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Jorge '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) (NP-SBJ he) (VP do n't) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP do n't (VP care (ADVP at all)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP care (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ my head) (VP busted))))) (ADVP neither)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP do n't (VP care))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP care (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ his shit) (VP flung (PP on (NP me)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP do n't (VP care (PP about (NP anybody)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP cares (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP his whisky) and (NP (NP that dry crack) (PP in (NP his face))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (ADJP pig-drunk))) -- (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wants (NP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP do n't (VP care (PP about (NP (NP nothing) (ADVP else))) (ADVP at all))) .)) (TOP (NP Nothing .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP (NP Pedersen 's) kid) (ADVP neither) .)) (TOP (NP That cock .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP the kid) (ADVP neither) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP the spirits)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Ma) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP wound (NP-PRD Big Hans) (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR tight))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP jump)))))) but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Ma) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP get (NP the whisky))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP surprised (NP him) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP surprised (NP me)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ran (ADVP-DIR down))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ma) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP went (ADVP near (NP the old man)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP sleeping (NP it) (PRT off) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Not any more .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (PP for (NP years))) .) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP (NP The first thing every morning) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP washed (NP her face) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP the scar) (PP on (NP her chin)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP cut (NP her) (PP with (NP a boot cleat)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) , and (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP heaving (NP it) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the dirty sock) (VP popping (PRT out) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP flew))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP should (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP nearly as easy (PP for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP remember (NP that)))))) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-PRD for (S (NP-SBJ-2 Big Hans) (VP to (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP going (PP after (NP the axe)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP spattered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP Pa 's) yellow sick insides))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) (NP-SBJ you) (VP wo n't (VP *?*))) '' , (NP-SBJ Big Hans) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-2 (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC Hans) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP 're (VP needed (NP *-1)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Ma) (VP said (FRAG *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP shook (NP his head))) but (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP neither) (PP of (NP us))) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stop (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP one) (PP of (NP us))) (VP would (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go))) (ADVP instead)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP (VP rubbed (NP the kid) (PP with (NP more snow))) (VP rubbed) (VP rubbed)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP more snow)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP took (NP the pail and shovel)) and (VP went (PP-DIR out (PP on (NP the porch))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ Ma) (VP went (ADVP-DIR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP gone (ADVP-DIR upstairs)))))) and (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP *?*))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP surprised (NP Hans) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP surprised (NP me))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP go)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP surprised (NP him) (ADVP again) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP came (ADVP-DIR back) (ADVP so quick) (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP must (VP have (VP *?* , (SBAR-PRP because (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in) (PP with (NP the snow)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP with (NP (NP a bottle) (PP with (NP (NP three white feathers) (PP on (NP its label))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP was (VP holding (NP it) (ADVP-MNR angrily) (PP by (NP the throat)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP being (ADJP-PRD queer and careful) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP pawing (ADVP about) (PP-LOC in (NP the drawer))) and (VP holding (NP the bottle) (PP like (NP a snake)) (PP at (NP (NP the length) (PP of (NP his arm))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD awful angry) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ma) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP (NP something) (ADJP big)) , (NP (NP something) (ADJP heroic) (ADVP even) , (PP (ADVP especially) for (NP her))))))))))))))))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP him))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP him))) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP felt (NP-PRD the same) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Ma) (VP was n't (VP thinking (PP about (NP (NP that) (NAC *ICH*-2))) (ADVP at all) , (NAC-2 not (NP (NP anything) (PP like (NP that)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (ADVP even)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP getting (VP cheated (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the fair))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADVP-TMP always) (VP trying))) (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP expect (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP had (VP given (NP Ma) (NP (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP his))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP both)) (VP had (VP *?* (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP going (PP-DIR (ADVP straight) to (NP Pa)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) -- (NP (NP something) (ADJP valuable))))) ; ; but (S (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP given (NP it) (PP-DTV to (NP her)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no easy way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (NP it) (ADVP back))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP (VP cut (NP the foil) (PRT off) (ADVP-TMP finally)) and (VP unscrewed (NP the cap))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP put (PRT out) (ADVP too) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP only one way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP understanding (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP done (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ma) (VP had (VP found (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Pa 's) hiding places))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (VP found (NP one)))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had n't (VP said (NP a word) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ (NP Big Hans) and (NP I)) (VP had (VP hunted and hunted (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP did (NP-TMP (NP all winter) , (NP (NP every winter) (PP since (NP (NP the spring) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP had (VP come))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP (VP looked (PP in (NP the privy))) and (VP found (NP the first one))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pa) (VP had (NP (NP a knack) (PP for (NP hiding)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP looking)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP enjoyed (NP it))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (ADVP-TMP now) (NP Ma)) .) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (VP found (NP it) (PP by (NP luck)) (ADVP most likely)))) but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had n't (VP said (NP anything)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-1 (WHADVP how long) ago) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 'd (VP been (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) or (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHADJP how many) other ones) (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP 'd (VP found (NP *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP saying (NP nothing))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pa) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (PRT out)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP seem (VP to (VP *?*)) (SBAR-PRP (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hid (NP them) (ADVP (ADVP so well) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP find (NP them) (NP-ADV himself))))))))) or (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP (VP looked) and (VP did n't (VP find (NP anything)))) and (VP figured (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP had n't (VP hid (NP one) (PP after (NP all)))) or (VP had (VP drunk (NP it) (PRT up))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP find (PRT out) (PP about (NP this one)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP using (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A fool) (VP could (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP going (PRT on))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (PRT out) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Ma) (VP found (NP it))))))) -- (NP-SBJ that) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD bad))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP took (NP pride) (PP in (NP his hiding))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all the pride) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP fooling (NP Hans and me))) (VP took (NP doing))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP figure (NP Ma) (PP for (NP much)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did) n't (VP figure (NP her) (ADVP at all))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (PRT out) (NP a woman)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD bad)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP poured (NP some) (PP in (NP a tumbler))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (NP more towels) (PP on (NP him)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` No '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHADVP Why) not ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP needs (NP *T*-1))))) , (NP-TPC (NP something) (ADJP warm (PP to (NP his skin))))) , (SQ (VP do n't) (NP-SBJ he)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD froze) (ADVP good) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Heat) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD bad (PP for (NP frostbite)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP only) (VP put (NP towels) (PP-PUT on (NP his chest and belly)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP 's (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP thaw (ADVP-MNR slow)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP that))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Colors) (PP on (NP the towels))) (VP had (VP run)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ma) (VP poked (NP her toe) (PP in (NP (NP the kid 's) clothes))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-2 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP these))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Big Hans) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pouring (NP whisky) (PP in (NP (NP the kid 's) mouth)))))) but (S (NP-SBJ his mouth) (VP filled (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ any) (VP getting (PP down (NP his throat))))))) and (S (PP-TMP in (NP a second)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP dripping (PP from (NP his chin))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Here) , (VP help (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP prop (NP him) (PRT up)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hold (NP-2 his mouth) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD open))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP touch (NP him))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Ma) (VP would (VP do (NP it))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (PP at (NP (NP (NP (NP the kid 's) clothes) (VP piled (PP-LOC on (NP the floor)))) and (NP (NP the pool) (PP of (NP water)) (PP-LOC by (NP them)))))))) and (VP did n't (VP make (S (NP-SBJ any move) (VP to (VP *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on) , (NP-VOC Jorge)) '' .)) (TOP (ADVP `` All right '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Lift) , (VP do n't (VP shove)) (VP lift)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ O.K.) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP lifting)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (NP him) (PP by (NP the shoulders))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His head) (VP flopped (ADVP back)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His mouth) (VP fell (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The skin) (PP on (NP his neck))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tight)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold) (ADVP all right)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hold (NP his head) (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP choke)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ His mouth) (VP is (ADJP-PRD open)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ His throat) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD shut)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP choke)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP choke (ADVP anyway))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hold (NP his head) (PRT up)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP *?*)) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP hold (NP him) (PP like (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Put (NP your arms) (PP around (NP him))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Well) (NP Jesus) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold) (ADVP all right)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (NP my arm) (ADVP-MNR carefully) (PP around (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hans) (VP had (NP his fingers) (PP in (NP (NP the kid 's) mouth))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'll (VP choke (PP for (ADJP sure)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Shut (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP hold (NP him) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP you))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold (NAC *ICH*-1)) (ADVP all right) , (NAC-1 and (ADVP wet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP my arm) (PP behind (NP his back))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP his mid-fifties)) (PP-TMP at (NP this time)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (PP-PRD (ADVP long) past (NP (NP (NP the establishment) (PP of (NP his name))) and (NP the wish (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP lionized (NP *-1) (ADVP yet once again))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD (NP almost a decade) (SBAR since (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (VP sworn (PRT off) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP lecturing))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (NP-PRD a doubt (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP any more) (SBAR-1 (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ-2 his structures) (VP would (VP be (VP received (NP *-2) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD the same unqualified success) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP build (NP anything) (PRN , (SBAR whether (NP (NP (NP a private residence) (PP-LOC in (NP his Pennsylvania county))) or (NP (NP a church) (PP-LOC in (NP Brazil))))) ,) (PP without (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP being (ADJP-PRD obvious) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (NP it))))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (ADVP-LOC here and there) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (VP taken (NP *-3) (PP to (NP task)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP again) (VP developing (NP the same airy technique))))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP such fanciful and sometimes even playful) buildings) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the public) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD assured) (PP by (NP (NP its sense) (PP of (NP recognition)))) (PP-TMP after (NP a time)) , (NP-ADV (NP a quality) (PP of (NP authentic uniqueness)) (PP about (NP them)) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ-4 *) (VP established (NP *-4) (PP by (NP-LGS an artist)) (PP as (NP his private vision))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADJP-PRD disputable) (PP as (PP to (NP its other values)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stowey Rummel) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP internationally famous) , (NP (NP a crafter) (PP of (NP a genuine Americana)) (PP in (NP foreign eyes))) , (NP (NP an original designer) (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP whose inventive childishness) (PP with (NP steel and concrete))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP even more believably) sincere) (PP by (NP-LGS his personality)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP lived (PP-TMP for (NP almost thirty years)) (PP-LOC in (NP this same stone farmhouse)) (PP with (NP the same wife)))) , (NP-ADV (NP a (ADJP remarkably childish) thing) (PP in (NP itself)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP rose (PP-TMP at (NP half-past six)) (NP-TMP every morning)) , (VP made (NP-BNF himself) (NP some French coffee)) , (VP had (NP (NP his corn flakes) and (NP more coffee))) , (VP smoked (NP four cigarettes) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reading (NP (NP (NP last Sunday 's) (NX-TTL Herald Tribune)) and (NP (NP yesterday 's) (NX-TTL Pittsburgh Gazette))))))) , (VP (ADVP then) put (PRT on) (NP his high-topped (NP farmer 's) shoes)) and (VP walked (PP under (NP a vine bower)) (PP-DIR to (NP his workshop))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an (ADJP enormously long) building) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose walls) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (VP made (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP rocks) , (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP them)) (VP brought (NP *) (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-DIR from (NP every continent)) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP his six years) (PP as (NP an oil geologist)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP The debris) (PP of (NP his other careers))) (VP was (VP piled (NP *-4) (ADVP-LOC everywhere)))) ; ; (FRAG (FRAG (NP (NP a pile) (PP of (NP (NP wire cages) (PP for (NP mice))))) (PP-TMP from (NP (NP his time) (PP as (NP a geneticist))))) and (NP (NP a microscope) (VP lying (PP on (NP its side)) (PP-LOC on (NP the window sill)))) , (NP (NP vertical steel columns) (VP wired (NP *) (PP for (NP support)) (PP to (NP the open ceiling beams)) (PP with (NP (NP spidery steel cantilevers) (VP jutting (PP out (PP into (NP the air)))))))) , (FRAG (NP (NP masonry constructions) (PP-LOC on (NP the floor))) (PP-TMP from (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP inventing (NP (NP his disastrous fireplace) (SBAR (WHNP-5 whose smoke) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-5) (VP would (VP pass (PP through (NP a whole house)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD visible (PP (NP all the way) up (PP through (NP (NP wire gratings) (PP on (NP each floor)))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His files) , (NP desk) , (NP drafting board) and (NP a high stool)) (VP formed (NP the only clean island) (PP-LOC in (NP the chaos))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (S (ADVP-LOC (ADVP Everywhere) (ADVP else)) (NP-SBJ his ideas) (VP lay or hung (PP in (NP visible form)))) : (FRAG (FRAG (NP (NP his models) , (NP drawings) , (NP (NP ten-foot canvases) (PP in (NP monochromes)))) (PP-TMP from (NP his painting days))) , and (FRAG (ADVP-LOC underfoot) (NP (NP a windfall) (PP of (NP (NP broken-backed books) (SBAR (WHNP-6 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-6) (VP looked (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ-5 their insides) (VP had (VP been (VP ransacked (NP *-5) (PP by (NP-LGS a maniac))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Bicycle gear-sets) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP used (NP *T*-2) (PP as (NP (NP the basis) (PP of (NP (NP the design) (PP for (NP the (NP Camden Cycly Company) plant))))))))))) (VP hung (PP on (NP a rope)) (PP-LOC in (NP one corner)))) , and (SINV (PP-LOC over (NP his desk)) , (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-3 next (PP to (NP several (ADJP old and dusty) hats))) , (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP a clean pair) (PP of (NP roller skates)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (VP used (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-DIR up and down) (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP his house))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP worked (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP standing , (PP with (NP his left hand (PP in (NP his pocket)))) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP were (ADVP merely) (VP stopping (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)))))) ,) (VP sketching (PP with (NP (NP the surprised stare) (PP of (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP watching (NP (NP another person 's) hand))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP grunt (ADVP-MNR softly) (PP to (NP (NP some invisible onlooker) (PP beside (NP him))))))) , (S (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP look (ADJP-PRD stern and moralistic) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ his pencil) (VP did (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP disapproved (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (NP all)) (VP seemed (PRN -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP could (VP have (VP peeked (PRT in) (PP at (NP him)) (PP through (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his windows))))))))) --) (SBAR as though (S (NP-SBJ (NP this broken-nosed man) (PP with (NP the (NX (NX muscular arms) and (NX (NP wrestler 's) neck))))) (VP was (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD (NP the caretaker) (VP trying (NP his hand) (PP at (NP (NP the boss 's) work)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP This air) (PP of (NP disengagement))) (VP carried (PRT over) (PP to (NP (NP his apparent attitude) (PP toward (NP his things)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ people) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP mistook (NP it) (PP for (NP (NP (NP boredom) (PP in (NP him))) or (NP (NP a surrender) (PP to (NP repetitious routine))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ-6 he) (VP was not (VP bored (NP *-6) (ADVP at all)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP found (NP his style) (ADVP-TMP quite early (PP in (NP his career)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD quite wonderful) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ the world) (VP admired (NP it))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP imagine (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP alter (NP it) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are , (PP after (NP all)) , (NP-PRD (NP fortunate souls) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP hear (NP everything)) , but (VP (ADVP only) know (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP listen (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP them))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Stowey) (VP was , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP go))) , (NP-PRD a fortunate man))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP left (NP his home) (NP-TMP (NP the day) (PP after (NP (NP New Year 's)))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wearing (NP (NP a mackinaw) and (NP sheepskin mittens)) (NAC and (PP without (NP a hat)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP wear (NP this same costume) (PP-LOC in (NP Florida)))) , (PP despite (NP (NP (NP his wife Cleota 's) reminders (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP over (NP the past five days)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP take (NP some cool clothes) (PP with (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too busy (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hear (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP saying (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ they) (VP parted (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP an impatient humor)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD bent over) (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP the wheel) (PP of (NP the station wagon)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feeling (PP in (NP his trouser cuffs)) (PP for (NP (NP the ignition key) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP dropped (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP (NP a moment) before))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the house))) (PP with (NP (NP an enormous Rumanian shawl) (PP over (NP her head)) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP bought (NP *T*-3) (PP-LOC in (NP that country)) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP their trips abroad))))))))))) , and (VP handed (NP him) (NP a clean handkerchief) (PP through (NP the window)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Finding (NP the key) (PP-LOC under (NP his shoe)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP started (NP the engine)) , and (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP warmed (PRT up)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP turned (PP to (NP-2 her)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP standing (ADVP-LOC there) (PP in (NP the dripping fog))))) , and (VP said , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Defrost (NP the refrigerator))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP saw (NP the surprise) (PP in (NP her face))) , and (VP laughed (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the funniest expression) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP kept (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP laughing)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP laughing (PP with (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP (NP a deep voice) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP (NP (NP good food) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP cooked (NP *T*-3)))))) , and (NP good humor)))))))) ; ; (NP (NP an explosive laugh) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP carried (NP everything) (PP before (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP settle (NP himself) (PP into (NP his seat)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP laugh))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 Whenever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP laughed (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP doing (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP fall (PP in (NP (NP love) (PP with (NP him)))) (ADVP again)))) (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-LOC in (NP the rutted dirt driveway)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP standing (PP in (NP the cold fog)) , (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP mad) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?* (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his) (VP going (ADVP-DIR away) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP really) (VP did n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP *?*))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))))) , (ADJP mad (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP their) (NP both)) (VP having (VP got (ADJP-PRD older) (PP in (NP (NP a life) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP no more) (PP than (NP a week))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP by))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP She) (NP *ICH*-4)) (VP was (NP-PRD forty-nine) (PP-TMP at (NP this time)) , (NP-4 (NP a lanky woman) (PP of (NP breeding)) (PP with (NP (NP an austere , narrow face) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (NP (NP the distinction) (PP of (NP (NP a steeple) or (NP (NP some architecture) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP had (VP been (VP designed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP long ago) (PP for (NP a (NP stubborn sort) (PP of (NP prayer)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her eyebrows) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD definite and heavy)) and (VP formed (NP (NP two lines) (VP moving (ADVP-DIR upward) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP a high forehead) and (NP (NP a great head) (PP of (NP (NP brown hair) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP fell (PP to (NP her shoulders)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP an air) (PP of (NP blindness)) (PP in (NP her gray eyes))) , (NP (NP the startled-horse look) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP ultimately) (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP some women) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP are (VP born (NP *-1) (PP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP (NP an ancestral line) (UCP (VP (ADVP-TMP long since) divorced (PP from (NP money-making))) and (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) , (S (ADVP besides) , (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP has (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ its estate) (ADJP-PRD intact))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD personally sloppy)) , and (VP (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP colds) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) would (VP (VP blow (NP her nose) (PP in (NP the same handkerchief)) (NP-TMP all day)) and (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD soaking wet)) , (VP dangling (PP from (NP her waist))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP gardened (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP eat (NP dinner) (PP with (NP (NP dirt) (PP on (NP her calves))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP sunk (PP into (NP (NP some depravity) (PP of (NP peasanthood)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP would (VP (VP disappear) and (VP come (ADVP-DIR down) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP bathed) , (VP brushed) , and (VP taking (NP (NP breaths) (PP of (NP air))))))))) , and (S (PP (ADVP even) with (NP her broken nails)) (NP-SBJ-4 her hands) (VP would (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP rest (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a table) or (NP a leaf))) (PP with (NP (NP a thoughtless delicacy) , (NP (NP a grace) (PP of (NP history))) , (S-ADV (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP speak))) ,)))))))) and (S (PP-TMP for (NP an instant)) (NP-SBJ one) (VP saw (SBAR (WHADJP-5 (WHADVP how ferociously) proud (NAC *ICH*-6)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-5) (NAC-6 and (ADJP adamant (PP on (NP (NP certain questions) (PP of (NP personal value))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP even) (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR differently) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD clean) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD clean) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP for (NP his departure)))) and (S (NP-SBJ her voice) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP clear) and (ADJP rather sharp)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 `` (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP drive (ADVP-MNR carefully) , (PP for (NP (NP God 's) sake))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP called (S-IMP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP attain (NP (NP a half humorous resentment) (PP at (NP his departure))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP did not (VP notice)) , and (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP backing (NP the car) (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the road))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP saying `` (INTJ Toot-toot) '' ! ! (PP To (NP (NP (NP the stump) (PP of (NP a tree))) (NP *ICH*-2))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP passed (NP it)))) , (NP-2 (NP the same stump) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-8 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-8) (VP had (VP impaled (NP (NP the car) (PP of (NP many a guest))) (PP-TMP in (NP the past thirty years)))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-3) (VP removed (NP *-5)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP clutching (NP her shawl) (PP around (NP her shoulders)))) (PP-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP swung (NP the car) (PP onto (NP the road))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP pointed (PP-DIR down (NP the hill)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP gaze (PP at (NP her)) (PP through (NP the window)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn (ADVP back) (PP toward (NP the house)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his look) (VP caught (NP her))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD still)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP waiting (ADVP-LOC there) (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ his expression) (VP indicated (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a serious word) (PP of (NP farewell))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP at (NP her)) (PP out (PP of (NP himself))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (PP (ADVP only) for (NP (NP an instant) (PP at (NP a time))))))) , (NP-ADV (NP (NP the look) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP surprised (NP her) (ADVP-TMP even now) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ his uncombable hair) (VP was (VP yellowing (NP-ADV a little)))) and (S (NP-SBJ his breath) (VP came (ADVP hard) (PP through (NP his nicotine-choked lungs)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) , (NP (NP the look) (PP of (NP (NP the gaunt youth) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP suddenly) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ herself) (VP staring (PP at (NP *T*-4)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Tate Gallery)) (PP-TMP on (NP a Thursday)) (ADVP-TMP once)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ she) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ herself) (ADJP-PRD protectively ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP laugh (ADVP again)))))))) and (S (ADVP sure enough) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP pointed (PP at (NP her)) (PP with (NP his index finger))) and (VP said `` (INTJ Toot) '' ! ! (ADVP-TMP Once more)) and (VP roared (PRT off) (PP into (NP the fog)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his foot) (ADVP evidently) (VP surprising (NP him) (PP with (NP (NP the suddenness) (SBAR (WHPP-1 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP pressed (NP the accelerator) (PP *T*-1)))))) , (SBAR just as (S (NP his hand) (VP did (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP worked (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP walked (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the house))) and (VP entered) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP feeling (S (NP-SBJ herself) (VP returning))) , (VP sensing (NP (NP some kind) (PP of (NP opportunity))) (PP-LOC in (NP the empty building)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD a death) (PP in (NP all partings)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP knew (S *T*-1)) , and (VP (ADVP promptly) put (NP it) (PP out (PP of (NP her mind))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP enjoyed (NP (NP great parties) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (VP sit (PRT up) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP talking and dancing and drinking)) (NP-TMP all night) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP seemed (PP to (NP her)) (SBAR that (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD (ADJP alone) , (ADJP (ADVP especially) alone (PP-LOC in (NP her house)))) ,)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the realest part) (PP of (NP life)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP let (PRT out) (NP the three parakeets) (PP without (NP fear (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP would (VP be (VP stepped (PP on (NP *-1))))))) or (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Stowey) (VP would (VP let (NP them) (PP out (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the doors))))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP (VP dust (NP the plants)) , (VP (VP (ADVP then) break (PRT off) (ADVP suddenly)) and (VP pick (PP up (NP an old novel))) and (VP read (PP (PP from (NP the middle)) (ADVP on))) ; ; (VP improvise (NP cha-chas) (PP on (NP the harp))) ; ; and (VP (ADVP-TMP finally) , (NP-ADV (NP the best part) (PP of (NP all))) , (ADVP simply) sit (PP-LOC at (NP the plank table)) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen)) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a bottle) (PP of (NP wine))) and (NP the newspapers))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP reading (NP (NP the ads) (CONJP as well as) (NP the news))) , (VP registering (NP (NP nothing) (PP *ICH*-2)) (PP on (NP her mind)) (PP-2 but (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ her soul) (VP suspend (NP itself) (PP above (NP all wishing and desire))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP did (NP this) (ADVP-TMP now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD comfortably aware (PP of (NP (NP the mist) (VP running (PP down (NP the windows))))) , (PP of (NP (NP the silence) (ADVP-LOC outside))) , (PP of (NP (NP the dark afternoon) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-3))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP fell (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD asleep)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP leaning (PP on (NP her hand))) , (VP hearing (NP (NP the house) (VP creaking (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (VP (X a) living (NP-PRD (NP a private life) (PP of (NP its own))) (NP-TMP these (QP two hundred) years)))))))) , (VP (VP hearing (NP (NP (NP the birds) (VP rustling (PP-LOC in (NP their cages)))) and (NP (NP the occasional whirring) (PP of (NP wings)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP them))) (VP (VP landed (PP-LOC on (NP the table))) and (VP walked (PP across (NP the newspaper)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP perch (PP in (NP (NP the crook) (PP of (NP her arm)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Every few minutes) (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP awaken (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP review (NP things)))))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ Stowey) , (INTJ yes) , (VP was (PP-PRD (PP on (NP his way)) (ADVP south)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the two boys) (VP were (PP-PRD (ADVP away) in (NP school)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP was (VP burning (PP on (NP the stove))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Lucretia) (VP was (VP (VP coming (PP for (NP dinner))) and (VP bringing (NP (NP three guests) (PP of (NP hers)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP fell (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD asleep)) (ADVP again) (ADVP (ADVP as soddenly) (PP as (NP (NP a person) (PP with (NP fever))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP awoke (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD dark outside))) and (S (NP-SBJ the clarity) (VP was (ADVP back) (PP-PRD in (NP her eyes))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stood (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP smoothing (NP her hair) (PRT down)) , (VP straightening (NP her clothes)) , (VP feeling (NP-PRD (NP a thankfulness) (PP (PP for (NP (NP the enveloping darkness) (ADVP-LOC outside))) , and , (PP (PP above (NP everything else)) , for (NP (NP the absence) (PP of (NP the need (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP answer))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP respond))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD aware (ADVP even) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Stowey) (VP (VP coming (ADVP-DIR in)) or (VP going (ADVP-DIR out))))))))))))))))))))) , (CONJP and yet) , (S (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cook)))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP glimpsed (NP (NP (NP a future) (PP without (NP him))) , (NP (NP a future) (ADJP alone) (PP like (NP this)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the pain) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her head) (VP writhe)))) , and (S (PP-TMP in (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (ADJP-PRD hard) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wait (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ Lucretia) (VP to (VP come (PP with (NP her guests)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP (VP went (PP-DIR-2 into (NP the living room))) and (VP turned (PP on (NP three lamps)))) , (VP (ADVP then) (PP-DIR=2 (ADVP back) into (NP (NP the kitchen) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP turned (PRT on) (NP (NP the ceiling light) and (NP (NP the switch) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP lit (NP (NP the floods) (PP on (NP the barn))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP illuminating (NP the driveway)))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP feeling (ADJP-PRD afraid)))))) and (VP (ADVP inwardly) laughed (PP at (NP herself)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were both (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so young) (ADJP *ICH*-1)) , (PP after (NP all)) , (ADJP-1 so unready (PP for (NP any final parting)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-1 (WHADVP How) (SQ could (NP-SBJ it) (VP have (VP been (NP-TMP-PRD thirty years) (ADVP already))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP wondered (SBARQ *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (S But (INTJ yes) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP nineteen) plus (NP thirty)) (VP was (NP-PRD forty-nine))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD forty-nine))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP been (VP married (NP *-1) (PP at (NP nineteen)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP stood (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD still)) (PP over (NP (NP the leg) (PP of (NP lamb)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP rubbing (NP herbs) (PP into (NP it)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP quite suddenly) (ADJP-PRD conscious (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP a nausea) (PP in (NP her stomach))) and (NP (NP a feeling) (PP of (NP wrath)))) , (NP (NP a sensation) (PP of (NP violence)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP shivering))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-3 But (NP-SBJ *) (VP tell (NP me) , (NP-VOC doctor) , (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 where) (SQ do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP plan (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP conduct (NP the hatching)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP asked (S-IMP *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 That) (VP will (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the hotel)))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ-3 the doctor) (VP retorted (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP confirming (NP (NP Alex 's) anticipations))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the market)) (PP with (NP me)) (NP-TMP early tomorrow morning)) and (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP smuggle (NP the hen) (PP (ADVP back) into (NP the hotel))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The doctor) (VP paid (NP the bill))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP repaired (PP to (NP (NP the hotel) , (NP room number nine))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP initiate (NP Alex) (PP (ADVP further) into (NP these undertakings))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The doctor) (VP (VP opened (NP (NP (NP the smallest) (PP of (NP his cases))) , (NP an unimposing straw bag))) , and (VP exposed (NP the contents) (PP for (NP (NP Alex 's) inspection)))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Inside) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR carefully) (VP packed (PP in (NP straw)))) , (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ six eggs)) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the eye) (PP of (NP a poultry psychologist))) (VP was (VP required (NP *-2) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP detect (SBAR (WHNP-3 what (WHADJP scientifically valuable) specimentalia) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP lay (ADVP-LOC inside)))))))))) ; ; (S (PP to (NP Alex)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD six (ADJP not unusual) (NP hens ') eggs))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP little enough time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP contemplate (NP them) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (ADVP however))) ; ; (S (PP-TMP in (NP an instant)) (NP-SBJ the doctor) (VP was (VP stalking (PP-DIR across (NP the room)) (PP with (NP (NP an antique ledger) (PP in (NP his hands)) , (ADJP (ADJP thoroughly eared) and (ADJP big (PP as (NP a table top))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP placed (NP it) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Alex 's) lap))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD my hen ledger))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP informed (NP him) (PP in (NP an absorbed way)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (VP been (VP going (PP-TMP since (NP 1908)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD a junior) (PP in (NP college)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP That first entry) (ADVP-LOC there)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the Vermont Flumenophobe) , (NP (NP (NP the earliest) and (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the (ADJP most successful))))) (PP of (NP my eighty-three varieties))) -- (NP (NP (ADJP great big) scapulars) and (NP (NP hardly any primaries) (ADVP at all))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Could n't (VP take (NP them) (ADVP-LOC near (NP a river)) , (ADVP though)))) , or (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP squawk (PP like (NP (NP a turkey cock) (NP-TMP (NP the day) (PP before (NP Thanksgiving)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The ledger) (VP was (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP (ADJP most precise) information) : (UCP (NP (NP date) (PP of (NP laying))) , (NP (NP length) (PP of (NP incubation period))) , (NP (NP number) (PP of (NP chick)) (VP reaching (NP the (NX (NX first week) , (NX second week) , (NX fifth week))))) , (NP (NP weight) (PP of (NP hen))) , (NP (NP size) (PP of (NP (NP rooster 's) wattles))) and (ADVP so on)) , (NP (NP all) (VP scrawled (PRT out) (PP in (NP (NP a hand) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more Chinese) (PP than (ADJP English)))))) , (NP (NP the (ADJP most jagged and sprawling)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 Below (NP these particulars)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP a series) (PP of (NP (NP alpha-beta-gammas) (VP connected (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS arrows and crosses))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP denoted (NP (NP the lineage) (PP of (NP the breed))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Alex 's) instruction) (VP was (ADJP-PRD rapid))) , for (S (NP-SBJ-1 the doctor) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR off (PP to (NP the Rue Ecole De Medecine))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hear (NP more speeches)))) (PP with (NP (NP only time) (PP for (NP (NP one sip) (PP of (NP wine)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sustain (NP him) (PP through (NP (NP them) (NP all))) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the doctor 's) return) (NP that night)) (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP could (VP see , (PP from (NP (NP the high window) (PP in (NP his own room)))) , (NP-2 (NP the (ADJP now familiar) figure) (VP crouched (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a (ADJP truly impressive) heap) (PP of (NP towels)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP apparently) (VP giving (NP its egg-hatching powers) (NP one final chance) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP replaced (NP *-1) (PP in (NP its office)) (PP by (NP-LGS a sure-enough hen)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A knocking) (PP at (NP (NP Alex 's) door))) (VP roused (NP him) (PP-TMP at (NP six o'clock)) (NP-TMP the following morning)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the doctor) , (ADJP dressed and ready (PP for (NP (NP the expedition) (PP to (NP the market)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alex) (VP was (VP obliged (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP prepare (NP himself) (PP in (NP haste)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The doctor) (VP stood (PRT about) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP to (VP dress)))) , (PP with (NP (NP a show) (PP of (NP impatience)))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP soon) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP moving , (ADVP (ADVP as quietly) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP could (VP be))))) , (PP-DIR (PP through (NP the still-dark hallways)) , (PP past (NP (NP the bedroom) (PP of (NP the patronne)))) , (CONJP and so) (PP into (NP the street)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The market) (VP was not (ADVP-PRD far))) and , (S (SBAR-TMP once (FRAG (ADVP-LOC there))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the doctor 's) sense) (PP of (NP immediacy))) (VP left (NP him))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP fell (PP into (NP (NP a state) (PP of (NP (NP harmony) (PP with (NP (NP the birds) (PP around (NP him))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stroked (NP the hens))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP responded (PP with (NP delighted clucks))))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gobbled (PP with (NP the turkeys)))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)) (VP were (NP-PRD all attention)))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP quacked (PP with (NP the ducks))) , and (VP cackled (PP with (NP (NP a pair) (PP of (NP (ADJP exceedingly flattered) geese))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The dawn) (VP progressed)) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the doctor) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (ADJP-PRD done (PP with (NP his ministrations))))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (ADVP-MNR quite abruptly) (NP-SBJ something) (VP broke (NP his revery) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a fine broody hen) , (ADJP white) , (PP with (NP (NP a maternal eye) and (NP (NP a striking abundance) (PP of (NP feathers)) (PP in (NP (NP the under region) (PP of (NP the abdomen))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The doctor) , (PP with (NP (NP the air) (PP of (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose professional interests) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP found (NP scope))))))))) , (VP drew (NP (NP Alex 's) attention) (PP to (NP (NP those excellences) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP might (ADVP otherwise) (VP have (VP escaped (NP him)))))) : (NP (NP (NP the fine color) (PP in (NP comb and wattles))) , (NP (NP the length and quality) (PP of (NP neck and saddle hackles))) , (NP (NP the firm , wide spread) (PP of (NP the toes))) , and (NP (NP a rare justness) (PP in (NP (NP the formation) (PP of (NP the ear lappets))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 All search) (VP was (VP ended (NP *-1)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP found (NP his fowl)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The purchase) (VP was (VP effected (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP made (NP their way) (PP-DIR towards (NP the hotel)) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the hen) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 with (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP some sort) (PP of (NP communication))) (VP had (VP been (VP set (PRT up) (PP *T*-2)))))) ,) (NP nestling (PP in (NP (NP the doctor 's) arms)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The clocks) (VP struck (NP seven-thirty) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP approached (NP the hotel entrance)))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ-1 hopes (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the chambermaid and patronne) (VP would (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (ADVP-PRD abed)))))) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rise (PP in (NP (NP Alex 's) (ADJP well exercised) breast))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The doctor) (VP was (VP wearing (NP (NP (NP a long New England greatcoat) , (ADJP hardly necessary (PP in (NP the June weather)))) but (NP (NP a garment) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP proved (ADJP-PRD well adapted (PP to (NP (NP the sequestration) (PP of (NP hens)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Alex) (VP (VP entered (ADVP first)) and (VP was (VP followed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the doctor) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) , (S (PP for (NP all his care)) , (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP manifested (NP a perceptible bulge) (PP on (NP (NP his left side) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the hen) (VP was (VP cradled (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP advanced (PP in (NP a line)) (PP-DIR across (NP the entrance hall)) (PP-DIR to (NP the stairway)) and (PP-DIR up (PRN , (PP with (NP gingerly steps)) ,) (PP towards (NP the first landing)))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-TMP-PRD then) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP heard (NP (NP the tread) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ one) (VP descending))))) and , (VP (PP in (NP some perturbation)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP glancing (ADVP up))) , saw (NP (NP the patronne) (VP coming (PP-DIR towards (NP them)))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP gained (NP the landing))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S Bonjour , messieurs , vous etes matinals) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP greeted (NP them) (ADVP-MNR pleasantly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP explained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (ADVP out) (PP for (NP a stroll)) (PP-TMP before (NP breakfast)))))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-1 the doctor) (VP edged (ADVP around) (PP behind (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP attempting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hide (NP (NP the protuberance) (PP at (NP his left side))) (PP behind (NP (NP Alex 's) arm and back))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 Vous voulez vos petits dejeuners tout de suite alors) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Their hostess) (VP enquired (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alex) (VP told (NP her) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no hurry) (PP for (NP their breakfasts))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP effect (NP a (NP speedy separation) (PP of (NP (NP the persons) (PP before and behind (NP him))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-2 (NP-SBJ The doctor) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP noticed (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) , (VP was (VP attempting (NP (NP a transverse movement) (PP towards (NP the stairs)))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 the movement) (VP could (VP be (VP completed (NP *-1)))))) (NP-SBJ a (ADJP distinct and audible) cluck) (VP ruffled (NP the air) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the hollow) (PP of (NP the stair-well)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Eyes) (VP swerved (PP in (NP (NP the patronne 's) head)))) , (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP coughed (ADVP-MNR loudly))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the doctor) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP a sforzando) (PP of (NP chicken noises))) (VP floating (PP behind (NP him))))) , (VP took (PP to (NP the stairs)) (PP in (NP long-shanked leaps)))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (S-TPC-1 `` Comment '' ? ?) (VP Ejaculated (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 the surprised woman) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (PP at (NP Alex)) (PP for (NP an explanation))))) but (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP parting (PP from (NP her)) (PP without (NP ceremony)))) , (ADVP only) (VP offered (NP (NP a few words) (PP about (NP (NP (NP the doctor 's) provincial American speech) and (NP (NP a state) (PP of (NP nerves)) (VP brought (NP *) (PRT on) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the demands) (PP of (NP his work))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP that)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP hurried (PP-DIR up (NP the stairs)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP followed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS her suspicious gaze))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP entered (NP his room) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the doctor) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP preparing (NP a nest) (PP-LOC in (NP the straw case)) , (NP-ADV (NP six eggs) (ADJP ready (PP for (NP (NP the hen 's) attentions)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no reference) (PP to (NP (NP the incident) (PP on (NP the stairs))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 his powers) (VP being (VP absorbed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS this (ADJP more immediate) business)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The hen) (VP (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP no doubts) (PP as to (NP her duties)))))) and (VP was (ADJP-PRD quick (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP settle (PRT down) (PP to (NP (NP the performance) (PP of (NP them)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP One part) (PP of (NP her audience))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-4 totally engaged) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the connoisseur) (VP witnessing (NP (NP a (ADJP peculiarly fine) performance) (PP of (NP some ancient classic)))))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ=1 (NP the other part) , (NP (NP the guest) (PP of (NP the connoisseur))) ,) (ADJP-PRD=4 attentive) (PP as (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP must (VP take (NP an intelligent interest) (PP in (NP (NP that) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does not (ADVP fully) (VP understand (NP *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The spectacle) (VP progressed (PP towards (NP (NP a denouement) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP obviously) (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD remote)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the audience) (VP attended)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Time) (VP elapsed)) but (S (NP-SBJ the doctor) (VP was (ADVP obviously) (ADJP-PRD unconscious (PP of (NP its passage))) (PP-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ (NP an unwelcome knock) (PP on (NP the door))) (VP interrupted (NP (NP the processes) (PP of (NP nature)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Startled (NP *-2))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP jumped (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pull (NP hen and case) (PP out (PP of (NP view)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the door)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP opened (NP it) (NP-ADV a crack)) and (VP (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (ADVP so)))) made (NP (NP (ADJP as much) (ADJP shuffling , coughing , and scraping) noise) (PP as (ADJP possible))) (SBAR-PRP (PP in (NP order) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP drown (NP (NP emanations) (PP from (NP (NP the hen) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP protest))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP-1 (NP Giselle) , (NP the fille de chambre)) , (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP clean (NP the room))))) ,))) and (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP stood (PP before (NP him)) (PP with (NP (NP (NP ears) (VP pricked (NP *) (PRT up))) and (NP (NP regard) (NP all curiosity)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP explaining (NP her errand)))))) , (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP could (VP see (PP from (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP his eye)))) (NP (NP the doctor) (VP doing (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP *?*))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP calm (NP the displeased bird))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Giselle) (VP was (ADJP-PRD reluctant))) but (S (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP succeeded (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP persuading (NP-2 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP come (ADVP back) (PP-TMP in (NP five minutes)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the door) (VP was (VP shut (NP *-1) (ADVP again))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD that)) , (NP-VOC young feller)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The doctor) (ADVP instantly) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the fille de chambre) , (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could n't (VP get (NP the eggs) (PRT out))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD mighty interested) , (ADVP though)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyhow) (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (VP coming (ADVP back) (PP-TMP in (NP five minutes)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP the room)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The doctor 's) mind) (VP was (VP working (PP at (NP a great speed))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP rose (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP his greatcoat) (PRT on))))) and (VP addressed (NP Alex) (PP in (NP a muted voice))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Have (NP-SBJ you) (VP got (NP-1 our keys) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD handy))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (PP `` (ADVP Right) in (NP my pocket) '' .)) (TOP (ADVP `` All right .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR outside)) and (VP beckon (NP me) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD safe) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ The hall) (VP was (ADJP-PRD empty))) and (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP beckoned))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP climbed (NP (NP the stairs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP creaked , (ADVP-MNR very loudly) (PP to (NP their sensitive ears)) ,))))) and (VP reached (NP the next floor)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A guest) (VP was (VP locking (NP his room)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP passed (PP behind (NP him))) and (VP got (PP to (NP (NP Alex 's) room))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unnoticed)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The doctor) (VP sat (PRT down) (ADVP-MNR rather wearily) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP caressing (NP the hen)) and (VP remarking (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the city) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP the place) (PP for (NP a poultry-loving man))))))))))) , but (SINV (ADVP-TMP (ADVP no sooner) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) was (NP-SBJ the remark) (ADVP-PRD out) (SBAR-2 than (S (NP-SBJ (NP a knock) (PP at (NP this door))) (VP obliged (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP cover (NP the hen) (PP with (NP his greatcoat)) (ADVP once more)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the door)) (NP-SBJ-1 Alex) (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP persuade (NP-2 the (ADJP increasingly astonished) fille de chambre) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP return (PP-TMP in (NP ten minutes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD evident) (SBAR-1 (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 a second transfer) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP effected (NP *-2)))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-4 it) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP take (NP place) (PP-TMP between (NP (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ the fille) (VP finished (NP (NP the doctor 's) room) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))) and (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-6 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP began (NP Alex 's) (ADVP-TMP *T*-6))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP waited (NP-TMP three minutes)) (CONJP and then) (VP crept (ADVP-DIR out) (PP on (NP tip-toe))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the halls) (VP were (ADJP-PRD empty))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP passed (PP-DIR down (NP the stairs)) (PP-DIR to (NP number nine))) and (VP listened (PP at (NP the door))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A bustle) (PP of (S-NOM (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 sheets) (VP being (VP smoothed (NP *-1)))) and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 pillows) (VP being (VP arranged (NP *-2))))))) (VP indicated (NP (NP the fille de chambre 's) presence) (ADVP-LOC inside))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP listened)) and (S (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ (NP a step) (PP towards (NP the door))) (VP announced (NP another important fact)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The doctor) (VP (VP shot (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the lavatory)))) and (VP turned (NP the doorknob) , (NAC but (PP to (NP no effect)))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 the lavatory) (VP was (VP occupied (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ (NP a look) (PP of (NP alarm))) (VP passed (PP over (NP his face))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP (VP arrest (NP his movements)) but (VP disappeared (PP-DIR into (NP the shower room)) (SBAR-ADV just as (S (NP-SBJ the chambermaid) (VP emerged (PP-DIR from (NP number nine)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP suppressed (NP (NP those expressions) (PP of (NP relief)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP offered (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP (VP prevail (PP in (NP his face))) and (VP escape (PP from (NP his throat)))))))))))) ; ; (S (S (ADJP-PRD-TPC-4 unwarranted) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *T*-4) (PP in (NP any case)))) for , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-5 he) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP facing (NP the fille de chambre)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 his ears) (VP were (VP assailed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP new sounds) (PP from (NP (NP the interior) (PP of (NP the shower room)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The events) (PP of (NP (NP the last quarter) (PP of (NP an hour)))) , (ADJP mysterious (PP to (NP (NP any bird) (VP accustomed (NP *) (ADVP only) (PP to (NP (NP the predictable life) (PP of (NP coop and barnyard)))))))) ,) (VP had (VP overcome (NP (NP the doctor 's) hen)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP gave (PRT out) (NP (NP a series) (PP of (NP cackly wails)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP perhaps) (VP mourning (NP (NP her nest) , (VP (ADVP but briefly) enjoyed))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The doctor 's) wits) (VP had not (VP left (NP him) , (ADVP however) , (PP for (NP all his sixty-eight years))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the wails) (VP were (ADVP almost immediately) (VP lost (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ water) (VP rushing (PP out (PP from (NP the showerhead))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP (VP nodded (PP to (NP the maid)) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ (NP nothing) (ADJP unusual)) (VP were (VP taking (NP place)))))) and (VP entered (NP (NP the doctor 's) room))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Shortly) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the doctor) (NP himself)) (VP entered , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his hair) (ADJP-PRD somewhat wet) (PP from (NP the shower))) , (NAC but (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP evidently) (ADJP-PRD satisfied (PP with (NP (NP the outcome) (PP of (NP their adventures)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (NP comment)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP opened (NP the closet)) and (VP (PP from (NP its shelves)) constructed (NP a highboard) (PP around (NP (NP the egg case) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP placed (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP the floor inside)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Next) , (NP-SBJ-1 the hen) (VP was (VP nested (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ all) (VP seemed (ADVP well))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The two men) (VP sat (PP-TMP for (NP some time)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP savoring (NP (NP (NP the pleasure) (PP of (NP (NP escape) (PP from (NP peril))))) and (NP (NP the relief) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ such escape) (VP brings (NP *T*-1)))))))) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP got (PRT up)) and (VP left (NP the hotel)) , (FRAG (FRAG (NP the doctor) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the conference house)))))) and (FRAG (NP Alex) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the main post office))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alex) (VP (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP the hotel)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (ADJP rather weary) and (PP with (NP (NP no new prospects) (PP of (NP a role)))))) , (PP-TMP in (NP the late afternoon))) , but (VP found (NP the doctor) (PP in (NP an ebullient mood)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP arrived (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP engaged (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP some sort) (PP of (NP (NP intimate communication) (PP with (NP (NP the hen) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP settled (NP herself) (PP-LOC on (NP the nest)) (ADVP-MNR most peacefully) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the occurrences) (PP of (NP the morning)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-3 `` (S (NP-SBJ Chickens) (VP have (NP short memories))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ the doctor) (VP remarked (S *T*-3)))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP better company) (PP than (NP (NP most people) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP *T*-2))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) '') , and (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP went (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP break (NP some important news) (PP to (NP Alex))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Well) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP began (S *T*-1)))) , `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP seems (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP some people) (PP-LOC in (NP Paris))) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hear (NP (NP more) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP from (NP me)) (SBAR-3 than (S (NP-SBJ (NP those fellers) (PP over (PP at (NP the conference house)))) (VP do)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP a big vulture) (PP from (NP Tanganika))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the zoo) (ADVP-LOC here))) , (PP with (NP (NP a wife) (PP for (NP him)))) , (ADVP too) , (NP-ADV (NP (ADJP very rare) birds) , (NP (NP both) (PP of (NP them))) , (NP (NP the only Vulturidae) (PP of (NP their species)) (PP-LOC outside (NP Africa)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seems (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD willing)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the male) (ADVP just) (VP flops (ADVP around) (NP-TMP all day) (PP like (NP (NP the bashful boy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP *T*-1) (VP (VP took (NP Jeannie May) (PP behind (NP the barn))) (CONJP and then) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the people) (PP at (NP the zoo))) (VP have n't (VP got (NP (NP any vulture chicks) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (NP *T*-3) (PP for (NP their trouble)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Going (ADVP-DIR downstairs) (PP with (NP the tray)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Winston) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP have (VP given (PRT in) (PP to (NP Miss Ada))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (ADVP (ADVP better) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (NP *T*-1))))))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP that little-girl look) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP times) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD right) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ a person) (ADJP-PRD happy))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (PP like (NP (NP the times) (SBAR (WHADVP 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR in (NP the kitchen))) and (VP asked (X (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do n't (VP keep (NP peanut `` butter) (PP for (NP a peanut butter sandwich)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (X (NP You) (PP-LOC in (NP this house)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP told (NP her)) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Why) , (NP-VOC Winston) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP cry (S *T*-1))))) , `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP just now) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP eating (NP it) (PP out (PP of (NP the jar)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how important) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR-2 for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP keep (NP her figure))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the kitchen)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Leona) , (NP his little young wife) ,) (VP was (VP reading (NP the morning paper))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her legs) (VP hung (PRT down) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD long and thin)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sat (PP on (NP the high stool)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ-3 `` (INTJ Here) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP said (ADVP-MNR gently) (SBARQ *T*-3)))) , `` (WHNP-1 what) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ-2 these dishes) (VP doing (NP *T*-1)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) not (ADJP-PRD washed))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The enormous plates) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP held (NP (NP Mr. Jack 's) (NX (NX four fried eggs) and (NX (NP five strips) (PP of (NP bacon)))))))))) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (VP stacked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the sink)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Leave (S (NP-SBJ me) (ADJP-PRD alone)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Leona) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Ca n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD busy))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (PP at (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR impudently) (PP over (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP the paper))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD moving day))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP reminded (NP her) (S *T*-1)))) , `` and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP bet (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP left (NP-2 things) (NP-ADV-3 every which way) (ADVP-LOC upstairs)) , (VP (NP=2 your clothes) (PP=3 (ADVP all) over (NP the floor))) and (VP (NP=2-4 the bed) (S-ADV=3 (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) not (VP made (NP *-5)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC Leona '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His eye) (VP had (VP fastened (PP on (NP her leg))))) ; ; (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bending)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP touched (NP her knee))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (SBAR-ADV `` If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP catch (NP you) (NP-TMP one more time) (PP-LOC down (ADVP here)) (PP without (NP stockings)))) '') -- (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP twitched (NP her leg) (ADVP away))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Fuss , fuss , (NP-VOC old man)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP an alley cat 's) manners)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP stacked (NP (NP Miss Ada 's) thin pink dishes) (PP-LOC in (NP the sink))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP spread (PRT out) (NP the last list) (PP-LOC on (NP the counter))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-2 (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP To (VP Be (VP Left (NP *-1) (ADVP Behind)))))) '' (VP was (VP printed (NP *-2) (PP-LOC at (NP the top)) (PP in (NP (NP Miss Ada) ; ; (NP fine hand))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP (VP took (PRT out) (NP a pencil)) , (VP admired (NP the point)) , and (VP wrote (ADVP-MNR slowly and heavily) , `` (NP Clothes Stand) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Sighing)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Leona) (VP (VP dropped (NP the paper)) and (VP stood (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP better) (VP get (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ-1 her) (VP fumbling (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP untie (NP her apron))))))) .)) (TOP `` (INTJ Here '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Carefully) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP undid (NP the bow)) .)) (TOP (SBAR `` (WHADVP-1 How come) (S (NP-SBJ your bows) (VP is (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD cockeyed) (ADVP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP turned) and (VP put (NP her arms) (PP around (NP his neck)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (ADVP-LOC here)))) , (NP-VOC Winston))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP listen (PP to (NP that))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP drew (ADVP back) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD embarrassed and pleased))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sick (PP to (NP death)) (PP of (NP this big house))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP wore (NP yourself) (PRT out) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP cleaning (NP all these empty rooms))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP At least) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD room) (ADVP-LOC here))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What room) (SQ is (NP-SBJ-2 there) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP an apartment)) (PP for (NP any child))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP you) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Miss Ada 's) doctor) (VP said (NP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP mean (NP Miss Ada))) ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP care (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP that))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (NP our children)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP sounded (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP existed)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP (NP the hundred things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP his mind))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP (VP went) and (VP put (NP his arm) (PP around (NP her waist)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP think (PP about (NP that)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP All the time) (PP in (NP the world)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP 've (ADVP only) (VP been (VP married (NP *-1) (NP-TMP four years) , (NP-ADV January)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` Four years '' ! !) (NP-SBJ She) (VP wailed (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD a long time) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP waiting))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 (WHADJP How many) times) (SQ have (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP you) (NP-TMP *T*-1)))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP began (SBARQ *T*-2)) , and (VP was (ADJP-PRD almost glad) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP cut (NP him) (PRT off) (ADVP *T*-3) -- `` (NP Too many times '') ! ! --) and (VP flounced (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the sink) , (SBAR (WHADVP-5 where) (S (NP-SBJ-4 she) (VP began (ADVP-MNR noisily) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP wash (NP her hands)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-5))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Too many times) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the truth) (PP of (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP hardly) (VP believed (NP his reason) (NP-ADV himself) (NP-TMP any more)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP seemed (NP-PRD a good reason) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP begin (PP with (NP *T*-1)))))))))) : (NP-SBJ-2 no couple) (VP could (VP afford (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP children)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP How) (SQ (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP work))) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ a child) (VP hanging (PP on (NP you))))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (NP Leona) (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP this job)))))) , (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP doubted (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP heard (NP him) , (PP over (NP the running water)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP sat (PP-TMP for (NP a while)) (PP with (NP his hands)) (PP on (NP his knees)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (NP (NP the bend) (PP of (NP her back))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP gathered (PRT up) (NP (NP (NP her things) -- (NP a comb) , (NP (NP a bottle) (PP of (NP aspirin))) --) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP take (NP *T*-2) (ADVP upstairs)) and (VP pack (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD sad)) (NP-TMP some days))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR (WHADVP why)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP her back) , (NP (NP (NP the thinness) (PP of (NP it))) , and (NP (NP the quick , jerky way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP bent (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP too young) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD all)))) ; ; (ADJP-PRD too young and thin and straight))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Winston '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD-1 Mr. Jack) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bellowing (PP-LOC out (PP in (NP the hall)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP hurried (PP-DIR through (NP the swinging door))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (VP bursting (NP my lungs) (PP for (NP you)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mr. Jack) (VP complained (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP standing (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the mirror)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP tightening (NP his tie))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (PRT on) (NP (NP his gray tweed overcoat) and (NP his city hat)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his brief case) (VP lay (PP-LOC on (NP the bench)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP been (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP my clothes))))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This coat) (VP looks (PP like (NP a rag heap))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP a few blades) (PP of (NP lint))) (PP on (NP the shoulder))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Winston) (VP (VP took (NP the clothesbrush) (PP out (PP of (NP the closet)))) and (VP went (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP work))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gave (NP Mr. Jack) (NP a real going-over))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP brushed (NP (NP his shoulders) and (NP his back) and (NP his collar)) (PP with (NP long , firm strokes)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Hey '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Mr. Jack) (VP cried (INTJ *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the brush) (VP tipped (NP his hat) (PP down (PP over (NP his eyes))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP (VP apologized) and (VP (ADVP-MNR quickly) set (NP the hat) (ADVP right))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP stood (ADVP back) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP (NP Mr. Jack) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP pulling (PRT on) (NP his pigskin gloves))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Winston) (VP enjoyed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP start (PRT out))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wore (NP his clothes) (PP with (NP style)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP town)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good enough))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP cursed (PP at (NP Winston)) (ADVP-TMP once) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leaving (NP (NP a fleck) (PP of (NP polish))) (PP on (NP his shoelace)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP home)) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (ADVP even) (VP wash (NP his hands) (PP for (NP supper))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wandered (PP around (NP the yard)) (PP in (NP (NP a pair) (PP of (NP sweaty old corduroys)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The velvet smoking jackets) , (ADJP pearl-gray , wine , and blue) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Miss Ada) (VP had (VP bought (NP-BNF him) (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP hung (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD brushed and unworn)) (PP-LOC in (NP the closet))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Good-by) , (NP-VOC Winston)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Mr. Jack) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP giving (NP a final set) (PP to (NP his hat))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PRT out) (PP for (NP those movers))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ (NP him) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP hurry (PP-DIR down (NP the drive)) (PP-DIR to (NP his car)) ; ; (NP-1 (NP a handsome , fine-looking man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ-3 him) (ADJP-PRD proud (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Jack) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR away)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Winston) (VP went (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP out (NP the window))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP noticed (NP (NP a speck) (PP of (NP dirt))) (PP-LOC on (NP the sill))) and (VP swiped (PP at (NP it)) (PP with (NP his finger)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (PP (PP at (NP his finger)) , (PP at (NP (NP the wrinkled , heavy knuckle) and (NP (NP the thick nail) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP used (NP *T*-1) (PP like (NP a knife)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP pry (PRT up)) , (VP slit) , and (VP open)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP the first time)) , (NP-SBJ he) (X (VP be (ADJP-PRD sad (PP about (NP the move))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ That house) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP ten years) (PP off (NP his life))))) (X (VP let (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Each brass handle and hinge) (VP shone (PP for (NP his reward)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP at (NP (NP the dust) (PP in (NP the china flowers)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (PRT down) (NP (NP the long glass drops) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP hung (PP from (NP the chandelier)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (NP the house) (PP like (NP a blind man)) , (PP through (NP his fingers)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP did not (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP think (PP of (NP (NP all the time and rags and polishes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP spent (NP *T*-1) (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (NP it) (PRT up)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Ten years) ago) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP the house)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP interviewed (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The tulips) and (NP the big pink peonies)) (VP had (VP been (VP blooming (PP-LOC along (NP the drive)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP walked (PP-DIR up (PP from (NP the bus))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP almost) (VP singing))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Ada) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD out back) , (PP in (NP a straw hat)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP planting (NP flowers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP (VP talked (PP to (NP him)) (ADVP-LOC right there) , (PP with (NP (NP the hot sun) (PP in (NP his face)) ,))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP (VP sweat) and (VP feel (ADJP-PRD ashamed))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD surprised (PP at (NP her))) (PP for (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP liked (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP looked , (PP in (NP (NP a fresh , neat cotton dress) -- (NP (NP citron yellow) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (VP had (NP a dignity) (PP about (NP her)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP even) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP barefoot) and (ADJP almost too tan))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Since (ADVP then)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the flowers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP planted (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP had (VP spread (PP (ADVP all) over (NP the hill)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Already) (NP-SBJ the jonquils) (VP were (VP blooming (PP in (NP a flock)) (PP-LOC by (NP the front gate)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the periwinkles) (VP were (VP coming (PRT on) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD blue)) (PP-LOC by (NP the porch steps))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP a week)) (NP-SBJ the hyacinths) (VP would (VP spike (PRT out))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (FRAG (NP the dogwood) (PP-TMP in (NP early May)) , (PP for (NP (NP Miss Ada 's) alfresco party))) ; ; and (FRAG (PP-TMP after (NP that)) (NP the Japanese cherries))) .) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ the yard) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD wet and bald) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the trees) (ADJP-PRD bare) (PP under (NP their buds))))) , but (S (PP-TMP in (NP a while)) (NP-SBJ (NP Miss Ada 's) flowers) (VP would (VP bloom (PP like (NP a marching parade))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP dug (NP a hole) (PP for (NP each bulb))))) , (S (NP-SBJ each tree) (VP wore (NP (NP a tag) (PP with (NP (NP her writing) (PP on (NP it))))))) ; ; (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 where) (SQ would (NP-SBJ she) (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-1) (PP for (NP her gardening))) (ADVP-TMP now))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Somehow) (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP did n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP take (PP to (NP window boxes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Sighing)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP hurried (PP-DIR to (NP the living room))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP a thousand things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (PP to (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could n't (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking , (S (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're all (VP (VP getting (ADJP-PRD old)) , (VP getting (ADJP-PRD small))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the snail) (VP is (VP pulling (PRT in) (NP her horns))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the living room)) , (NP-SBJ Miss Ada) (VP was (VP standing (PP-LOC by (NP the window)) (PP with (NP (NP a sheaf) (PP of (NP lists)) (PP in (NP her hand)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP looking (PP out (PP at (NP the garden))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP-1 (NP-VOC `` Winston '') , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)))) , `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP get (NP (NP the basket) (PP for (NP the breakables)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ the big straw basket) (ADJP-PRD ready) (PP-LOC in (NP the hall)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP brought (NP it) (ADVP-DIR in)) and (VP put (NP it) (PRT down) (PP-LOC beside (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Miss Ada) (VP was (VP looking (ADJP-PRD fine)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (PRT on) (NP (NP her Easter suit) , (ADJP blue) , (PP with (NP lavender binding))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (ADVP Halfway) across (NP the house)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP have (VP smelled (NP her morning perfume)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP hung (PP in (NP all her day clothes)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD sweet and strong)))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP pressing (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP raised (NP her dresses) (PP to (NP his face)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Frowning)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Ada) (VP studied (NP the list)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP see))) .)) (TOP (NP The china lemon tree .)) (TOP (NP The alabaster cockatoo '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Winston) (VP followed (NP her) (PP around (NP the room)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP collecting (NP (NP the small frail objects) -LRB- (NP Christmas , birthday , and anniversary) -RRB-)) and (VP wrapping (NP them) (PP in (NP tissue paper)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Neither) (PP of (NP them))) (VP trusted (NP the movers)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP came (PP to (NP (NP (NP Mr. Jack 's) photograph) , (NP (NP-ADV (NP twenty) (PP by (NP twelve))) inches) (PP in (NP a curly silver frame)))) (ADVP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Miss Ada) (VP said , `` (S (PP By (NP rights)) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP leave (NP that)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeing (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wo n't (VP take (NP my clotheshorse))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled (PP at (NP Winston)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP the hateful hard glitter) (PP in (NP her eyes)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the photograph)) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wrap (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP At least) (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP leave (NP it) (PP for (NP the movers))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Miss Ada) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP possessed (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP tell (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a clotheshorse) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a good idea)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP folded (NP the tissue paper) (ADVP-MNR carefully)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP used (NP it) (NP-TMP every day)))) ; ; (S (NP-TMP every morning) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP lay (PRT out) (NP his clothes) (PP on (NP it)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (ADVP-PRD over) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD his main present)) ! !)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Leave (NP that fool picture) (PRT out))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP added (ADVP-MNR sharply) (S-IMP *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP laid (NP it) (PP in (NP the basket))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Mr. Jack) (VP sets (NP store) (PP by (NP that))) '' .)) (TOP `` (FRAG (INTJ Really) , (NP-VOC Winston) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD my present)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP went (PP on (PP down (NP the list)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Winston) (VP was (VP relieved (NP *-1)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ those presents) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD on (NP his mind))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP only) (VP agreed (PP with (NP Miss Ada)) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (NP the valet))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP actually) (VP suggested (NP the photograph) (PP to (NP Mr. Jack))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP likes (NP *T*-1)))) , (NP-VOC Winston))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP said (ADVP wearily) (S *T*-2) , (NP-TMP (NP one evening) (PP in (NP November))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP was (VP pulling (PRT off) (NP his overshoes) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP me) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP her) (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP Christmas))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (VP been (VP talking (PP about (NP a picture)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Picture ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (NP (NP picture) (PP of (NP me)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP had (VP persuaded (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP Christmas night)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP a disagreement) (PP about (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP had (VP heard (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP setting (PRT up) (NP the liquor tray) (PP-LOC in (NP the next room)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Through (NP the door)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Jack) (VP (VP walking (ADVP around)) , (VP waiting (PP for (NP Miss Ada))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Finally) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP come (ADVP-DIR down))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Winston) (VP had (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP shaking (PRT out) (NP (NP the skirt) (PP of (NP her new pink silk hostess gown)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP like (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Jack) (VP had (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP look (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP about fifteen) years) old))) '')) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ that) (NP-PRD a compliment) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP stood (PP-LOC at (NP a little distance)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP studying (NP her))) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP walk (ADVP around) (ADVP-TMP next)) and (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP her head))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Lovie) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD naked)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Miss Ada) (VP had (VP giggled))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP went (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sweeping and rustling (PP-DIR to (NP the couch))))) and (VP sank (PRT down)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ You) (VP look (PP like (NP (NP that picture) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the office))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mr. Jack) (VP had (VP started (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (NP a line) , not (NP a wrinkle) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP look (PP like (NP an old man)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP compared)))) '' , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP picked (PRT up) (NP (NP his photograph) (PP with (NP (NP the red Christmas bow) (PP (ADVP-TMP still) on (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look)) , (NP an old man) .)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP wear (NP pink) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-PRD sixty) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Darling) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP that photograph)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (NP it) (PP-PUT on (NP my dresser))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP children) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ a woman) (ADJP-PRD old)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A man) (VP gets (ADJP-PRD old) (ADVP anyhow)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP After (NP a minute)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PRT on) , `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 People) (VP must (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the curse) (VP is (PP-PRD on (NP me))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP (NP you) (ADJP fresh (PP as (NP an apple))) and (NP (NP me) (ADJP old and gray)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP give (NP you) (NP (NP a medical certificate) , (VP framed (NP *))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP like)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Miss Ada) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP `` (INTJ No .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a picture) -- (PP with (NP a few lines)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Make (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP put (NP them) (PRT in) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP that)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP sat (PP-TMP for (NP five minutes)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying (NP a word)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Ada) (VP had (VP (VP stood (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP rustling and rustling))) , and (VP gone (ADVP-DIR upstairs)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD love) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP no doubt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the summer)))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP my scholarly mania) (PP for (VP making (NP (NP (NP plaster casts) and (NP spatter prints)) (PP of (NP Catskill flowers and leaves)))))) (VP was (ADVP all but) (VP surpassed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the (ADJP constantly renewed) impressions) (PP of (NP Jessica)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ my mind) (VP served (NP *T*-2) (PRT up) (PP to (NP me)) (PP for (NP contemplation and delight))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nothing) (PP in (NP all the preceding years))) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP the power) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP bring (NP me) (ADVP closer (PP to (NP (NP a knowledge) (PP of (NP profound sorrow))))) (PP than (NP (NP (NP the breakup) (PP of (NP camp))) , (NP (NP the packing away) (PP of (NP my camp uniforms))) , (NP (NP the severing) (PP of (NP (NP ties) (PP with (NP (NP the (QP six or ten) people) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP grown (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP most) (VP to (VP love (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP the world))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP final separation) (PP from (NP them)))) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the railroad terminal) (PP-LOC across (NP the river) (PP from (NP New York))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (ADVP nearly) (VP cry)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP My parents ') welcoming arms) (VP would (VP seem (ADJP-PRD woeful , inadequate , unwanted))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ that year) (VP was (ADJP-PRD different))) , (S for (SBAR-ADV just as (S (NP-SBJ (NP the city) , (PP in (NP (NP the form) (PP of (NP my street clothes)))) ,) (VP had (VP intruded (PP upon (NP my mountain nights)))))) , (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ (NP an essential part) (PP of (NP the summer))) (VP gave (NP (NP promise) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP continuing (PP into (NP the fall)))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Jessica and I) , (ADJP about (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP separated (NP *-1) (PP not (PP by (NP a mere (NX (NX footbridge) or (NX messhall kitchen)))) but (PP by (NP (NP the immense obstacle) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP residing (PP-LOC in (NP (ADJP cruelly distant) boroughs)))))))))))))) , (VP had (VP agreed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP correspond)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These letters) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP the center) (PP of (NP my existence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP lived (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP an envelope) (PP of (NP hers))) (PP in (NP the morning mail))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP lock (NP myself) (PP-LOC in (NP my room)) (PP-TMP in (NP the afternoon)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP reread (NP her letter) (PP for (NP the tenth time))) and (VP (ADVP finally) prepare (NP an answer))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My memory) (VP has (VP catalogued (PP for (NP easy reference and withdrawal)) (NP (NP the image) (PP of (NP (NP her pink , scented stationery) and (NP (NP the unsloped , (ADJP almost printed) configurations) (PP of (NP (NP her neat , studious handwriting) (SBAR (WHPP-4 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP invited (NP-3 me) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP recall (NP our summer)))) (PP *T*-4) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ so many sentences) (VP beginning (PP with `` (VP Remember (WHADVP when)) ; ; ''))) and (S (NP-SBJ others) (VP concerning (NP (NP (NP camp friends) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP resided (PP-LOC in (NP her suburban neighborhood)))))) , , and (NP (NP news) (PP of (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ her) (VP commencing (ADVP again) (NP her piano lessons))) , (NP her private school) , (NP (NP a visit) (PP to (NP Boston)) (SBAR-PRP (WHADVP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP her grandparents) (ADVP *T*-5)))))) and (NP (NP-6 an uncle) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD a surgeon)))) (VP returned (PP on (NP furlough)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-6) (ADJP-PRD wounded)) , (PP from (NP (NP the war) (PP in (NP Europe)))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP my letters)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (PRT on) (NP (NP a personality) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP differed (PP from (NP (NP the self) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP real life)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ epistolatory me) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a foreign correspondent) (VP (VP dispatching (NP (NP exciting cables and communiques) , (ADJP full (PP of (NP dash and wit and glamor))))) , (VP quoting (PP from (NP (NP the books) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP read (NP *T*-2))))))) , (VP imitating (NP (NP the grand styles) (PP of (NP (NP the authors) (VP recommended (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a teacher) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP whose special , after-school class)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP enrolled (NP *-1) (PP *T*-3))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The letters) (VP took (NP their source) (PP from (NP (NP a stream) (PP of (NP my imagination)) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP transformed (NP *-1) (PP *T*-3) (PP into (NP (NP a young man) (PP not unlike (NP (NP my bunkmate) (NP Eliot Sands) -- (NP (NP he) (PP of (NP the porch steps anecdotes))) -- (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP smoked (NP cigarettes)) , (VP performed (NP the tango)) , (VP wore (NP (ADJP fifty dollar) suits)) , and (VP sneaked (PP off (PP into (NP the dark))) (PP with (NP girls)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP unimaginable things) (PP with (NP them)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP Eliot)) , (PP in (NP my fantasies)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP a proud bearing))) and , (S (PP with (NP (NP a skill) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADJP-PRD vaguely continental)))))) , (NP I) (VP (VP would (VP lead (NP Jessica) (PP through (NP (NP an evening) (PP of (NP (NP dancing) and (NP (NP handsome descriptions) (PP of (NP my newest exploits))))))))) , (VP would (VP guide (NP her) (ADVP-MNR gently) (PP to (NP (NP (NP the night 's) climax) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) , (S (PP in (NP my dreams)) , (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (VP represented (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ our) (ADVP almost) (VP suffocating (NP one another) (PP to (NP death)) (PP with (NP (NP deep , moist kisses) (VP burning (PP with (NP love)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP The night) (PP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP reading (NP (NP her letter) (PP about (NP her surgeon uncle))))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP must (VP have (VP been (ADJP-TMP-PRD late (PP in (NP September))))))) --) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP a vision) (PP of (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ (NP myself) (VP returned (PP in (NP ragged uniform)) (PP from (NP The Front)) ,)) (ADVP nearly) (VP dying , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ my head) (VP bandaged and blooded)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Jessica) (VP bending (PP over (NP me)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the power) (PP of (NP her love))) (VP bringing (NP me) (PP (ADVP back) to (NP life)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP (NP many nights) (ADVP afterward))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the idea) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ her) (VP having (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD so close (PP to (NP me))) (PP-LOC in (NP that imagined bed))))))) (VP (VP would (VP (VP return) and (VP fill (NP me) (PP with (NP (ADJP obscure and painful) desires))))) , (VP would (VP cause (S (NP-SBJ-1 me) (VP to (VP lie (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD awake)) (PP in (NP shame)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP tossing (PP with (NP irresolution))) , (VP longing (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fall (PP into (NP a deep sleep)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The weeks) (VP went (ADVP by))) , and (S (SBAR (ADVP-TMP the longer) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ our separation) (VP grew (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (ADJP-PRD-TPC-2 the more unbounded and almost unbearable) (NP-SBJ my fantasies) (VP became (ADJP-PRD *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ (NP my love) (PP for (NP Jessica))) (VP to (VP become (ADJP-PRD warmer) and (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) (ADJP-PRD more hopeless) , (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ my adolescent self) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ only torment) (VP would (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP bring (NP me) (NP (NP the courage) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP ask (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP her) (ADVP again)))) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP turned (PRT out)))) , (NP-SBJ Jessica) (VP took (NP matters) (PP into (NP her own hands))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Having (VP received (NP permission (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP a camp reunion-Halloween party)))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP asked (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP come) and (VP be (NP-PRD her date)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP went) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD mum and nervous)) , (ADVP all but) made (NP (NP a fool) (PP of (NP myself))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Again) among (NP those (ADJP jubilantly reunited) bunkmates)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD shy) (PP with (NP Jessie))) and (VP acted (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP *?* (PP-TMP during (NP (NP those early Saturday mornings) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) all (VP seemed (S (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP playing (PP for (NP effect)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD detached and unconcerned) (PP with (NP (NP the girls) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADVP properly) (NP-PRD our dates)))) but (SBAR (WHPP-3 about (WHNP whom) ,) (S (ADVP-TMP later) , (PP in (NP (NP the privacy) (PP of (NP our bunks)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (VP think (PP *T*-3) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP the (ADJP most elaborate) romance)))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP standing (PP-LOC in (NP a corner))) , (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ-2 Jessica) (VP act (NP the hostess) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP serving (NP soft drinks) (PP to (NP her guests)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP wearing (NP her dark hair) (PP in (NP two , thick braids)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP attain (NP (NP an `` American Girl '' effect) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD appropriate (PP to (NP Halloween))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP look (ADJP-PRD sweet and schoolgirlish))))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP excited (NP *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD with (NP her)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP express (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ a moment) (VP did (VP come (NP-TMP that night) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the adventurous letter writer and fantasist) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP stride (PP off (NP my flashy pages)) , (PP out (PP of (NP my mind)))) , and (VP plant (NP himself) (PP in (NP reality)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD late))) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP playing (NP kissing games)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jessica and I) (VP were (VP called (PP on (NP-2 *-1)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP kiss (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the others)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP (VP blushed) and (VP were (VP flustered (NP *-1))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the fleetest brush) (PP of (NP (NP lips) (PP upon (NP cheek)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The kiss) (VP outraged (NP our friends))) but (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP (VP was (VP done (NP *-1))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP meanwhile) had (VP released (PP in (NP me)) (NP (NP (NP all the remote , exciting premonitions) (PP of (NP lust))) , (NP (NP all the mysterious sensations) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP imagined (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a (ADJP truly consummated) kiss) (VP would (VP convey (NP *T*-2) (PP to (NP me)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD at (NP that party)) (SBAR (WHADVP that) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP finally) (VP overcoming (NP my timidity))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP inspired (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP tales) (VP (VP (ADVP only) half-understood (NP *)) and (VP overheard (NP *) (PP among (NP older boys)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP asked (NP-3 Jessie) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP spend (NP (NP New Year 's) Eve) (PP with (NP me))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-MNR Lovingly) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP accepted)) , and (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 (ADJP so great) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ my emotion) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP could (VP think (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP saying (NP *T*-3))))))))) (VP was , `` (S-PRD (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD amazing))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know))) '')))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP agreed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP spend (NP that night) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP would (VP (VP write (PP to (NP one another))) and (VP make (NP a definite plan)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (ADVP terribly) (VP pleased (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Among (NP my school and neighborhood friends)) , (PP-TMP during (NP the next months)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP bragged) and (VP swaggered) and (VP (ADVP pompously) described (NP my impending date))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP boasted) and (VP gave (PRT off) (NP a dapper front))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP beneath (NP (NP it) (NP all))) (ADJP-PRD frightened)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the first time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (ADVP completely alone) (PP-PRD with (NP (NP a girl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP loved (NP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP no idea) (PP of (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 what subjects) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP discussed (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (FRAG (WHADVP when) (ADJP alone (PP with (NP a girl)))))))) , or (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP behaved (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) : (SQ Should (NP-SBJ I) (VP hold (NP her hand) (SBAR-TMP (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP walking))) or (SBAR (ADVP only) (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP crossing (NP the street) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Should (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP bring (ADVP along) (NP a corsage)) or (VP send (NP one) (PP to (NP her)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD preferable) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP meet (NP her) (PP-LOC (PP at (NP home)) or (PP in (NP the city)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (SQ Should (NP-SBJ I) (VP accompany (NP her) (PP to (NP (NP the door) (PP of (NP her home)))))) , or (SQ should (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP ask (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP invited (NP *-1) (PRT in))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (ADVP In or out) , should (NP-SBJ I) (VP kiss (NP her) (NP goodnight)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ All this) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unknown (PP to (NP me))))) , (CONJP and yet) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (VP dared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ask (NP her) (PRT out) (PP for (NP (NP the (ADJP most important) night) (PP of (NP the year)))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (PP in (NP one letter)) (NP-SBJ Jessica) (VP informed (NP me) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her father) (VP did not (VP like (NP (NP the idea) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 her) (VP going (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone))) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP New Year 's) Eve))))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (NP an immense relief))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ the letter) (VP went (PRT on)) :) (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP cried))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP implored))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD miserable) (PP at (NP his refusal)))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP finally) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP relented))) -- and (FRAG (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR (WHADJP-3 (WHADJP how happy) (WHADJP *ICH*-4)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-3) , (WHADJP-4 how expectant))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her optimism) (VP gave (NP me) (NP heart)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP forced (NP confidence) (PP into (NP myself))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP inquiries))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP read (NP (NP a book) (PP of (NP etiquette))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP December)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP wrote (NP her) (PP with (NP authority)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (VP meet (PP on (NP (NP (NP the steps) (PP of (NP the Hotel Astor))) , (NP (NP a rendezvous spot) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP learned (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD the (ADJP most sophisticated)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP would (VP attend (NP a film)))) and , (S-1 (ADVP-TMP later on) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stated (S *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP might (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the Mayflower Coffee Shop) or (NP (NP Child 's)) or (NP (NP Toffenetti 's)))) (PP for (NP waffles))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP set (NP (NP the hour) (PP of (NP our meeting))) (PP for (NP seven))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP five o'clock) (NP-TMP that night))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (ADJP-PRD dark)) , and (S (PP-LOC behind (NP my closed door)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP dressing (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as carefully) (PP as (NP a groom)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wore (NP (NP a new double-breasted brown worsted suit) (PP with (NP (NP a faint herringbone design) and (NP (NP wide lapels) (PP like (NP (NP a devil 's) ears))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP My camp-made leather wallet) , (ADJP bulky (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP twisted , raised) stitches) (PP around (NP the edges))))) ,) (NP-SBJ I) (VP stuffed (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP money) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP been (VP saving (NP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Hatless)) , (PP in (NP (NP an overcoat) (PP of (NP rough blue wool)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP given (NP *-1) (NP a proud farewell) (PP by (NP-LGS my mother and father))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP set (PP out (PP into (NP (NP the (ADJP strangely still) streets) (PP of (NP Brooklyn))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP felt (ADJP-PRD superior (PP to (NP (NP the neighborhood friends) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP leaving (NP *T*-2) (ADVP behind))))))))) , (VP felt (ADJP-PRD older (PP than (NP my years)))) , and (VP was (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP (NP compliments) (PP for (NP myself)))))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP headed (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the subway) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP carrying (NP (NP its packs) (PP of (NP passengers))) (PP-DIR (PP out (PP of (NP that dull borough))) and (PP into (NP (NP the unstable , tantalizing excitement) (PP of (NP Manhattan))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Times Square) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ascended (PP to (NP it)) (PP with (NP (NP my fellow subway travellers) -LRB- (NP (NP all) (VP dressed (SBAR-ADV as if (PP for (NP (NP a huge wedding) (PP in (NP (NP a family) (SBAR (WHPP-1 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP all distant members) (PP *T*-1)))))))))))) -RRB-)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD nearly impassable) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the sidewalks) (VP swarming (PP (PP with (NP celebrants)) , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP bundled up) sailors and soldiers) (ADVP already) (VP hugging (NP (NP their girls) and (NP (NP their rationed bottles) (PP of (NP whiskey))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Heavy-coated , severe-looking policemen) (VP sat (PP astride (NP noble horses)) (PP-LOC along (NP the curbside)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prevent (NP the revellers) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP spilling (PRT out) (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the crawling traffic))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The night) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold))) but (S (NP-SBJ the crowd) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ one) (ADJP-PRD warm)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The giant electric signs and marquees) (VP were (VP lit (PRT up) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP the first time) (SBAR since (S (NP-SBJ-1 blackout regulations) (VP had (VP been (VP instituted (NP *-1))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the atmosphere) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alive (PP with (NP the feeling (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ victory) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP just) around (NP the corner)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Cardboard noisemakers) , (NP (NP substitutes) (PP for (NP the unavailable tin models))) ,) (VP were (VP being (VP hawked and bought (NP *-1) (PP at (NP (NP makeshift stands) (PP-LOC (NP-ADV every few yards) along (NP Broadway)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP one 's) ears) (VP were (ADVP continually) (VP serenaded (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the horns ') rasps and bleats))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An old gentlemen) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP me)))) (VP (VP held (NP a Boy Scout bugle) (PP to (NP his lips))) and (VP blasted (ADVP away) (PP at (NP every fourth step))) and (VP (PP-TMP during (NP the interim)) shouted (PP out , `` (NP (NP V) (PP for (NP Victory))) ''))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His neighbors) (VP cheered (NP him) (PRT on)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a great sense) (PP of (NP camaraderie)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ one) (VP join (NP them) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ were (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all)) (VP walking (PP-DIR to (ADVP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP buy (NP (NP a funny hat) and (NP a rattle)) (PP for (NP Jessica)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a quarter) (PP of (NP seven))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ the crowd) (VP washed (NP me) (PP up (PP among (NP (NP the other gallants) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP established (NP the Astor steps) (PP as (NP (NP the beach-head) (SBAR (WHPP-2 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP launch (NP (NP their night) (PP of (NP merrymaking))) (PP *T*-2)))))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP looked (PRT over) (NP-PRD their faces)) and (VP felt (NP-PRD a twinge)))) : (S (NP-SBJ they all) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP so much more) knowing) (PP than (NP I))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (ADVP away)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (PP for (S (NP-SBJ Jessica) (VP to (VP materialize (PP out (PP of (NP the clogging , curdling crowd))))))))) and , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (S (NP-SBJ the time) (VP passed)) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP waited)))) , (NP-SBJ a fiend) (VP (VP came (PP to (NP life)) (PP beside (NP me))) and (VP whispered (PP in (NP my ear)) : (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ was (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP planning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP greet (NP Jessica)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where exactly) (SQ would (NP-SBJ we) (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-1) (PP-TMP after (NP the movie)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the lines) (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the movie houses))))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD too long))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could n't (VP get (PRT in))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP brought (ADVP along) (NP enough money)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (PP for (NP my wallet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its thick , substantial outline) (VP calmed (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP already) (NP-PRD (NP ten) (PP past (NP seven)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP wonder (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP had (VP gone (ADJP-PRD wrong))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 her father) (VP (VP had (VP changed (NP his mind))) and (VP had (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP leave))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (PP-TMP at (NP this very moment)) (NP-SBJ her father) (VP was (VP calling (NP my house) (PP in (NP (NP an effort) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cancel (NP the plans) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD uneasy)) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP All) about (NP me)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a hectic interplay) (PP of (NP (NP (NP meetings) (VP taking (NP place)) , (PP like (NP (NP abrupt , jerky scenes) (PP in (NP old silent movies))))) , (NP joyous greetings and beginnings) , (NP huggings and kissings) , (NP (NP enthusiastic forays) (PP into (NP the festive night))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Whole platoons) (VP were (VP (VP taking (PRT up) (NP new positions) (PP-LOC on (NP the steps))) , (VP arriving) and (VP departing) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP stayed (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP glued , (PP like (NP a signpost)) , (PP to (NP one spot))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP 7:25)) (NP-SBJ-2 two hotel doormen) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP thumping (PP-DIR down (NP the steps))) , (VP carrying (NP (NP a saw-horse) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (VP set (PRT up) (PP as (NP a barricade)) (PP-LOC in (ADVP (NP front) (PP of (NP (NP the haberdashery store window) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP the entranceway)))))))))))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP watched (NP them) (PP in (NP (NP (NP their gaudy red coats) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP nearly) (VP scraped (NP the ground))))) , (NP their golden , fringed epaulets) and (NP spic , red-visored caps))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP suddenly) (VP saw (PP (ADVP just) over (NP their shoulders)) (NP (NP Jessica) (VP (ADVP gracefully) making (NP her way) (PP through (NP the crowd))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My heart) (ADVP almost) (VP stopped (VP beating)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD thirty-eight patients) (PP-LOC on (NP the bus)) (NP-TMP (NP the morning) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP left (PP-DIR for (NP Hanover)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP them))) (UCP-PRD (ADJP disturbed) and (VP hallucinating)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An interne) , (NP a nurse) and (NP two attendants)) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP (NP charge) (PP of (NP us))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD lonely and depressed) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stared (PP out (NP the bus window)) (PP at (NP (NP Chicago 's) grim , dirty West Side)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD incredible) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP listened (PP to (NP (NP the monotonous drone) (PP of (NP voices))))) and (VP smelled (NP (NP the fetid odors) (VP coming (PP-DIR from (NP the patients)))))))) , (SBAR-1 that (S (ADVP technically) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a ward) (PP of (NP (NP the state) (PP of (NP Illinois)))) , (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a hospital) (PP for (NP the (ADJP mentally ill))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP Mary Jane Brennan) , (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ her pretty eyes) (VP could (VP flash (PP with (NP anger)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) , (NP her quiet competence) , (NP (NP the gentleness and sweetness) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lay (PP (ADVP just) beneath (NP (NP the surface) (PP of (NP her defenses))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD good friends) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP my stay) (PP-LOC at (NP Cook County Hospital)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP told (NP her) (NP (NP enough (S *ICH*-2)) (PP about (NP myself)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP offset (ADVP somewhat) (NP (NP the damaging stories) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP appeared (PP in (NP local newspapers)) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP my little adventure) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Marshall Field) & (NP Co.)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP knew (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP lived (PP-LOC at (NP (NP a good address) (PP-LOC on (NP the Gold Coast))))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP been (NP-PRD a medical student))) and (VP was (VP thinking (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP returning (PP to (NP the university)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP finish (NP my medical studies)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP knew (ADVP also) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP unmarried) and (PP without (NP a single known relative))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD quite sure (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP enough remorse) (PP about (NP my drinking)))))) , or (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would not (VP return (PP to (NP it)) (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADVP out) and (PP on (NP my own))) (ADVP-TMP again))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP had (VP worried (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP read (NP (NP those newspaper stories) (PP about (NP you))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP have (VP loved (NP that girl) (ADVP very much))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could n't (VP have (VP meant (NP it) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP her))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP that) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP booze))))) and , (S (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ-1 a drunk) (VP is (ADJP-PRD apt (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'll (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP Nonsense ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP grew (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP an Irish neighborhood) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Chicago 's) West Side))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP tell (NP me) (PP about (NP drunks)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're not (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP go (ADJP-PRD violent))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Were (NP-SBJ you) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP love) (PP with (NP that girl)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SQ `` Would (NP-SBJ it) (VP make (NP (NP any difference) (PP to (NP you))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP were (PP-PRD *?*)))) , (NP-VOC Mary Jane)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP met (NP my eyes) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (ADJP-PRD angry))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP have (VP gone (PP into (NP nursing)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP care (PP about (NP people))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD interested (PP in (NP (NP every patient) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 've (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-UNF (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (PP of (NP (NP people) (PP like (NP you)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ I) '' --)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP-SBJ You) (NP what) , (NP-VOC Mary Jane) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP (VP are (ADJP-PRD young , intelligent)) , (VP have (NP (NP a whole lifetime) (PP before (NP you)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP something) (ADJP worth while)) (PP of (NP yourself)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP mess (NP it) (PRT up) (PP with (NP (NP whiskey) , (NP indifference) , (NP self-destructive attitudes))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP blame (NP-1 that girl) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP breaking (NP (NP her engagement) (PP with (NP you)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ she) (ADJP-PRD pretty) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-2 `` (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ yes) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feeling (ADJP-PRD annoyed)))))) , `` (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very pretty)) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP going (ADVP back) (PP to (NP medical school)) (X and (VP finish))))))))) , (SQ do (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ (VP should (VP *?* (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) (NP-SBJ I)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP worked (NP this ward) (PP-TMP for (NP three months) (ADVP-TMP now)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP getting (NP the same ones) (ADVP back) (ADVP again and again)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP all)) (VP (VP mean (ADVP well)) , (VP have (NP (NP great promises) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP *T*-1)))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR home))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ drinking) (VP is (NP-PRD their sickness))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've not (VP seemed (PP-PRD like (NP them))))) , but (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (PP-PRD *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP treated (NP (NP your stay) (ADVP-LOC here)) (PP like (NP a big joke)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP 's not (NP-PRD a joke) (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP sent (NP *-1) (PP-DIR (PP to (NP (NP a place) (PP like (NP this)))) or (PP to (NP Hanover)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP to (NP college)) , (ADVP too))))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ (VP did (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)) n't (NP-SBJ you))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Chicago) (VP has (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the best)))) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her eyes) (VP flashed (ADVP-MNR angrily)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (NP *T*-1) (PP-2 about (NP you))))) , (NP-VOC Anderson))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP do n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP (NP much) (PP about (NP reality)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP tell (NP you) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP go (PP to (NP college)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP the oldest) (PP of (NP six children))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My father) (VP (VP 's (NP-PRD a policeman)) and (VP makes (NP (NP (QP less than seven thousand) dollars) (NP-ADV a year)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no money) (PP (PP for (NP tuition)) , (PP for (NP clothes)) , (PP for (NP (NP all the things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP apparently) (VP take (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV for (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP granted (NP *-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nurses ') training) (ADVP-LOC here) (VP does n't (VP cost (NP anything))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP even) (VP pay (NP me) (NP (NP six dollars) (NP-ADV a month))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD a good deal))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD a good nurse))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP two baby brothers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP are (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP have (NP college) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP to (VP work (PP at (NP my profession)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD an old maid)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP give (NP it) (PP-DTV to (NP them)))))))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP a boy friend))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP none) (PP of (NP your business))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP said (S *T*-1)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) changed (NP the subject))) .)) (TOP (UCP `` (FRAG (WHNP What) (PP about (NP your father and mother))) , (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (PP of (NP them)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP a place) (PP like (NP this)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ My father and mother) (VP died (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV two years) old) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ My aunt) (VP raised (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Aunt Mary) (VP died (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP doing (NP my military service) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP no one) (PP but (NP myself)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP worry (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Something) (PP in (NP my voice))) (VP must (VP have (VP touched (NP her) (ADVP-MNR deeply) (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ her anger) (VP passed (ADVP-MNR quickly))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP turned (ADVP-DIR away) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP-2 me) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP seeing (NP her face)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP without (NP my family)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (ADJP-PRD so close))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP me) (NP (NP more) (PP about (NP them)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her eyes) (VP became (ADJP-PRD bright) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP talked (PP about (NP (NP her father and mother) , (NP aunts and uncles) , (NP cousins))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Listening)) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD cheated and lonely) (SBAR-ADV as (S (ADVP only) (NP-SBJ an orphan) (VP can (VP *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP finished (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ Your dad) (VP sounds (PP like (NP (NP a good father) and (NP a good policeman)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP bet (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would n't (VP be (VP pleased (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a rumdum) (PP like (NP me))) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ask (NP his daughter) (PP for (NP a date)))))))))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP the hospital)))))) , (NP-TMP (NP a month (QP or so)) (PP from (ADVP now))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 My father) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a sergeant) (PP of (NP detectives)))) and (VP has (VP been (VP attached (NP *-1) (PP to (NP Homicide)) (PP-TMP for (NP five years)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP pretty good) judge) (PP of (NP character))) , (NP-VOC Anderson)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP mind (ADVP too much))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP were (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 'd (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a rumdum) (PP-TMP in (NP the future))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHNP What) (PP about (NP you)) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP feel (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) (PP about (NP it)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ask (NP you) (PP for (NP a date)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (ADVP through) (PP at (NP Hanover))))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP were (ADJP-PRD serious (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP going (ADVP back) (PP to (NP school))))))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP learned (NP something) (PP from (NP (NP your experiences) (UCP-LOC (ADVP here) and (PP at (NP Hanover))))))))))))) -- (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (VP consider (NP such an offer))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (PP about (EDITED (NP-UNF your)) (NP (NP that girl) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP were (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP *T*-2)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD very important (PP to (NP me))) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ Mary Jane Brennan) (VP should (VP know (UCP (NP (NP the truth) (PP about (NP me))) -- (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP the confused , sick , irresponsible person) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP believed (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP things) (PP about (NP me)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can n't (VP tell (NP you) (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now)))))) , (NP-VOC Mary Jane))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-2)))) , `` but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP go (PP out (PP to (NP dinner))) (PP with (NP me)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (PP out (PP of (NP Hanover)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP tell (NP you) (NP the whole story))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP say (NP (NP this) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD dead serious (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP going (ADVP back) (PP to (NP school))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (PP As (PP for (NP that other girl))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (ADVP just) (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP her) (ADVP again)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP will (VP get (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR home) (PP on (NP long weekends)) (PP from (NP Hanover))))))) , (SQ (VP wo n't (VP *?*)) (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP (NP one overnight) (NP-ADV a month)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP go (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the Edgewater Beach Hotel))) (PP for (NP dinner))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dance)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP have (NP a good orchestra)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dance))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP said (S *T*-2)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) (VP turned) and (VP walked (ADVP-DIR away)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had n't (VP been (NP-PRD (NP anything) (ADJP really personal (PP in (NP (NP her interest) (PP in (NP me)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP that)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP just) (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP felt (ADVP-MNR deeply) (PP about (NP (NP every patient) (PP-LOC on (NP the ward))))) and (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP might (VP benefit (PP from (NP (NP their treatment) (ADVP-LOC there))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP riding (NP this hospital bus)) , (VP feeling (ADJP-PRD (ADJP isolated) and (ADJP utterly alone))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP genuine and unique) , (PP (ADVP quite) unlike (NP (NP any girl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP known (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP before)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most important) thing) (PP in (NP my life))) (PP-TMP at (NP this moment)) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP should (VP know (NP (NP the real truth) (PP about (NP me)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a fantastic story)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (QP Only two) people) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the state) (PP of (NP Illinois))))) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP entering (NP Hanover State Hospital) (PP under (NP an assumed name)) , (NAC or (ADVP-PRP why))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-5)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unlikely) (SBAR-5 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP any girl) (ADJP (ADJP as sharp) (PP as (NP Mary Jane Brennan)))) (VP would (VP believe (NP it) (PP without (NP proof))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP the proof) , (VP all documented (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP a legal agreement) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP show (NP her) (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD free (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (ADVP-PRD so))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the bus) (VP (VP turned (PP-DIR into (NP the main highway))) and (VP headed (PP-DIR toward (NP Hanover)))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP settled (ADVP back) (PP-LOC in (NP my seat))) and (VP closed (NP my eyes)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP thinking (PRT over) (NP (NP the events) (PP of (NP the past two weeks)))) , (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (NP the pieces) (PP in (NP order))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wondered (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP listened (PP to (NP (NP the disconnected jabberings) (VP coming (PP from (NP (NP the patient) (PP-LOC behind (NP me)))))))))) , (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had not (ADVP perhaps) (VP imagined (NP (NP it) (NP all))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD reality))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dale Nelson) , (NP the actor) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP delusion) ; ; (NP (NP a figment) (PP of (NP (NP Carl Anderson 's) imagination)))))) .)) (TOP (NP Four)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP Chicago)) (PP-DIR from (NP New York)) (PP-TMP (ADVP early) in (NP September)) (PP with (NP (NP a dramatic production) (VP called (S-TTL-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ask (NP Tony)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a bad play) , (NP (NP real grade-A turkey) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP only a prevalence) (PP of (NP (NP angels) (PP with (NP (NP grandiose dreams) (PP of (NP (NP capital gain) and (NP (NP tax money) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP burn (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) (VP could (VP have (VP put (NP *T*-2) (PP into (NP rehearsal)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP No one) , (NP (ADVP not even) the producer) ,) (VP had (NP (NP any real hope) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (NP it) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP Broadway))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a suspense gangster story) (PP of (NP the Capone era)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP us))) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP (VP catch (PRT on) (PP for (NP (NP a run) (PP-LOC in (NP Chicago))))) , (VP continue (PP as (NP a road company))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP eventually) become (NP-PRD a movie))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such optimism) (VP was (ADJP-PRD completely unjustified)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The critics) (ADVP literally) (VP screamed (NP their indignation)) .)) (TOP (S (S-TTL-IMP-SBJ-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ask (NP Tony))) (VP was (VP doomed (NP *-2) (PP-TMP from (NP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Kupcinet) (VP leveled (PP on (NP it)) (PP in (NP his Sun-Times column)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP opened (PP-TMP on (NP Friday))) and (VP closed (NP-TMP the following Monday))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Out (PP of (NP the entire cast))) (NP-SBJ (NP I) (ADVP alone)) (VP received (NP good notices) (PP for (NP (NP my portrayal) (PP of (NP a psychopathic killer))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP let (NP me) (PRT in) (PP for (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP (NP kidding) (PP from (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP (NP the company) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 (NP two members) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (NP-PRD native Chicagoans))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP were (VP (VP paid (NP *-1) (PRT off) (NP-TMP Tuesday morning)) and (VP given (NP *-1) (NP (NP tickets) (RRC (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP New York))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD lonely and depressed) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP packed (NP my bags) (PP-LOC at (NP the Croydon Hotel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 my life) (VP was (VP destined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP one brilliant failure) (PP after (NP another))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD among (NP (NP the top third) (PP in (NP (NP my class) (PP-LOC at (NP N.Y.U.)))))))) , (VP had (VP wanted (ADVP-MNR desperately) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP to (NP medical school))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP run (PP out (PP of (NP money and energy))) (PP-TMP at (NP the same time))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (ADVP-TMP later) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (VP quit (NP (NP my safe , secure five-a-week spot) (PP on (NP a network soap opera))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP a part) (PP in (NP this play)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (CONJP not only) (ADJP unlucky) but (ADJP quite stupid) (ADVP as well)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP be (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (ADVP back) (VP working (PP (PP as (NP (NP an orderly) (PP-LOC at (NP the hospital)))) or (PP as (NP (NP a counterman) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Union News) or (NP Schraffts)))))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP waiting (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ another acting job) (VP to (VP open)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-6)) (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (VP occurred (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR-6 (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (ADVP particularly) (VP like (NP acting))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP was (PP-PRD at (NP (NP some sort) (PP of (NP crossroads))))) and (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP decide (ADVP-TMP soon) (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-3) (PP with (NP my life))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP closed (NP the last bag)) and (VP stood (NP all three) (PP-LOC at (NP the door)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the bellboy) (VP to (VP pick (PRT up)))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) went (PP-DIR to (NP the bathroom)) (PP for (NP (NP a drink) (PP of (NP water)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The telephone) (VP rang) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP answered (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ (NP a voice) (ADJP too dignified and British (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD real))))))) (VP said , `` (SQ Is (NP-SBJ this) (NP-PRD (NP Mr. Dale Nelson) , (NP the actor))) '') ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADVP All right)) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you bastards) (VP lay (PRT off) (PP-TMP for (NP a while)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP beg (NP your pardon) , (NP-VOC sir)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (ADVP `` All right .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP Dale Nelson) (NP the actor))) '' .)) (TOP (ADJP `` Good .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP calling (NP you) , (NP-VOC Mr. Nelson) , (PP at (NP (NP the request) (PP of (NP Mr. Phillip Wycoff)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP possibly) (VP have (NP lunch) (PP with (NP him)) (NP-TMP today)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His car) (VP could (VP pick (NP you) (PRT up) (PP-LOC at (NP your hotel)) (PP-TMP at (NP twelve)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP send (NP the Rolls-Royce) , (PP of (NP course)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Yes) , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-VOC Mr. Nelson) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP (NP something) (ADVP else) (ADJP appropriate))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP had (VP hung (PRT up)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP finally) (VP went (ADVP-DIR downstairs) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the bar) (PP-LOC off (NP the main lobby)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP the cast))) (VP were (VP drowning (NP their sorrows) (PP over (NP (NP the untimely passing) (PP of (S-TTL-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ask (NP Tony)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP all)) (VP bowed (ADVP low) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP approached (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (ADVP All right) , (NP-VOC (NP you) (NP bastards)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ-1 the great actor) (VP is (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP buy (NP a drink)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP laid (NP a tenspot) (PP-LOC on (NP the bar))) and (VP motioned (PP to (NP the bartender)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP serve (NP a round)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP returned (NP my change) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the doorman) (VP came (PP-DIR in (PP off (NP the street))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP page (NP me)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP walked (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (NP-PRD Mr. Nelson)) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD right)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. Wycoff 's) car) (VP is (VP waiting (PP for (NP you)) (PP-LOC at (NP the east entrance)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP followed (NP him) (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-DIR through (NP the lobby)) (PP-DIR to (NP the street))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP An ancient Rolls-Royce) , (ADJP (ADJP as shiningly impressive) (PP as (NP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP came (PP off (NP the ship)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) ,) (VP was (VP parked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the curb)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The elderly chauffeur) , (ADJP immaculate (PP in (NP a dark uniform))) ,) (VP stood (ADVP-MNR stiffly) (PP at (NP attention)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP holding (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD open)) (NP-2 (NP the door) (PP of (NP the town car)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP giving (NP the parked cars) (NP the once-over))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Oldsmobile) (PP with (NP (NP the license number) (NP JYJ 114)))) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP stall number five))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Okay) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP the attendant)))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP let (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP close (NP (NP the deal) (PP on (NP (NP the office) (PP-LOC in (NP this building)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP walked (PP with (NP him)) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the entrance))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP gave (NP me) (NP (NP a ticket) (PP on (NP the agency car)))) and (VP parked (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-PRD back) (PP-TMP in (NP ten minutes))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Forgot (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP something) (PP out (PP of (NP the car)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP showing (NP him) (NP my ticket)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP something)))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR in))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) (VP (ADVP suddenly) grinned) and (VP said , `` (INTJ (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ yes))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP talking (PP to (NP *T*-1)) (PP about (NP a monthly rental)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD right))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP consulted (NP the parking ticket)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) (VP looked (PP at (NP a notation))) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the third row) (PP-LOC (ADVP back) toward (NP the rear))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Can (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (NP it) (ADVP all right)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Sure) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the agency car))) and (VP got (PRT out) (NP (NP an electric bug) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the newest devices) (PP for (NP electronic shadowing)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP keep (NP a set) (PP-LOC in (NP the car))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP put (PRT in) (NP new batteries) (SBAR-PRP so as (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD certain (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP power))))))))))))) and (VP (PP on (NP my way out)) (VP walked (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the regular parking stalls)))) and (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP at (NP them)) (ADVP-MNR thoughtfully)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP waited (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the parking attendant) (VP was (ADJP-PRD busy (PP with (NP a customer))))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) slipped (PP-DIR around (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP (NP the car) (PP with (NP (NP license number) (NP JYM 114)))))))) , (VP attached (NP the electronic bug) (PP to (NP the rear bumper))) and (VP walked (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The attendant) (VP waved (NP me) (PRT on)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the hardest chores)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a detective) (VP has (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP (VP hanging (ADVP around) (PP-LOC on (NP a city street))) , (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ himself) (ADJP-PRD inconspicuous)))))) , (VP keeping (NP an eye) (PP on (NP (NP the entrance) (PP of (NP an office building))))) and (VP waiting)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP the first (QP fifteen or twenty) minutes)) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD possible) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADVP more or less) interested (PP (PP in (NP window displays)) , (ADVP then) (PP in (NP (NP people) (VP passing (ADVP-DIR by)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP After (NP a while)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ (NP a person 's) mind) (VP gets (ADJP-PRD fed up))) and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP magnifies (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP (NP the disagreeable physical symptoms) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP go (PP with (NP (NP that sort) (PP of (NP an assignment)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sit (ADVP-DIR down))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Your leg muscles and back muscles) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD weary)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD conscious (PP of (NP the fact (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ your feet) (VP hurt))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the city pavements) (VP are (ADJP-PRD hard))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP waited (NP a solid two hours) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ my man) (VP came (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the office building))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP came (ADVP-DIR out) (ADVP alone)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (PP-PRD (ADVP far) behind (NP him)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP entered (NP the parking lot)) and (VP hurried (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP his car)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The attendant) (VP (VP recognized (NP me) (ADVP once more)) and (VP said , `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP that office))))) '')) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP have n't (VP made (PRT up) (NP my mind) (ADVP-TMP yet)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD a sublease)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP them)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP figuring (PP on (NP *T*-2)))))) ; ; (NP (NP (NP one) (ADVP-LOC here)) and (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD out (ADVP quite a ways) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP usually) (NP-PRD curb parking) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ That curb parking) (VP is (ADJP-PRD undependable and annoying) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP particularly) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP rains (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP take (NP my money)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Okay) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD in (NP a rush)) (ADVP-TMP right now)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the car) (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Want (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP drive (NP it) (PRT out))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP the boys))) (VP get (NP it)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the rules) (PP on (NP transients)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Regulars) (VP drive (PRT out) (NP their own cars)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Make (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as snappy) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP *?*)))))))) , (SQ (AUX will) (NP-SBJ you))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a regular)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP get (PP in (NP (NP the office building) (ADVP-LOC here))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP lease (NP (NP a place) (PP-LOC (ADVP way) out (PP in (NP the sticks))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP get (NP business) (SBAR-LOC (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the business) (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))) , (SBAR not (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is n't (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP grinned (PP at (NP him))) , (VP handed (NP him) (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP dollars)))) and (VP said , `` (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (NP the parking charge) (VP figured (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP should (VP be (NP-PRD a cigar) (PP in (NP it)) (PP for (NP you))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP hurried (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the agency heap)))) , (VP jumped (ADVP-DIR in)) , (VP started (NP the motor)) and (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP just) in (NP time (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ (NP the car) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shadow (NP *T*-2)))))))) (VP turn (PP-DIR to (NP the left))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP held (NP-2 *-1) (PRT up) (NP-ADV a bit) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP make (NP a left turn)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP made (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD gone)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Traffic) (VP was (ADJP-PRD pretty heavy)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP turned (PRT on) (NP the electric bug))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the signal) (VP came (PRT in) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD loud and clear)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP made (NP time)) and (VP picked (NP him) (PRT up) (PP within (NP ten blocks)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP stayed (PP (NP-ADV half a block) behind (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ (NP lots) (PP of (NP cars))) (VP keep (PP in (PP between (NP us)))))) , (VP listening (PP to (NP the steady beep beep beep)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP fifteen minutes) (PP of (NP traffic driving)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (PP-DIR to (NP the left))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP see (NP him)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the electric bugging device) (VP (VP gave (NP-3 steady beeps) (SBAR-TMP-4 (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-PRD straight ahead) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (VP (NP=3 short half beeps) (SBAR-TMP=4 (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the car) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP following (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP was (PP-PRD to (NP the left)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))) , and (VP (NP=3 long drawn-out beeps) (SBAR-TMP=4 (WHADVP-6 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP turned (PP-DIR to (NP the right)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-6))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP ever) (VP got (PP behind (NP me))))) , (NP-SBJ the beep) (VP turned (PP to (NP a buzz))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP turned (ADVP-DIR left) (ADVP-TMP too soon)) and (VP got (NP (NP a signal) (VP showing (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD behind (NP him)))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD to (NP the right)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a while)) (S (NP-SBJ the signal) (VP became (NP-PRD a buzz))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD behind (NP me))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP meant (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP parked (NP-LOC someplace)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP a big circle) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP located (NP (NP the car) (VP parked (NP *) (PP-LOC at (NP the curb)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP an apartment house)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP found (NP a parking place) (ADVP-LOC (NP half a block) away)) , (VP sat (PP-LOC in (NP the car))) and (VP waited)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My quarry) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the apartment house)) (PP-TMP for (NP two hours))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP came (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP driving (PP-DIR toward (NP the beach)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP this time)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dark)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP (VP could (VP get (PP-LOC up (ADJP close (PP to (NP him)))) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD traffic) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) but (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP drop (ADVP-LOC far behind) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was n't (NP-PRD traffic) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My lights) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD a giveaway) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shadow (NP him) (PP-MNR in (NP the conventional manner)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (VP lost (NP him) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had n't (VP been (PP-PRD for (NP the electronic shadowing device))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 His signal) (VP was (VP coming (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD loud and clear))))) and (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-TMP (NP all) (PP of (NP a sudden))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP turned (PP to (NP a buzz)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP circled (NP the block)) and (VP found (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the parking lot) (PP of (NP a high-class restaurant))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP sat (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP watch (NP the exit) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) and (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hungry)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP sat (ADVP-LOC there) (UCP-ADV (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP the faint odor) (PP of (NP charcoal-broiled steaks))) (VP tantalizing (NP my nostrils)))) and (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (VP catching (NP (NP the aroma) (PP of (NP coffee))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My man) (VP (VP came (ADVP-DIR out) (ADVP-TMP (NP an hour) later)) , (VP drove (PP-DIR to (NP the beach))) , (VP turned (ADVP-DIR right)) and (VP (PP-TMP after (NP half a mile)) went (PP-DIR to (NP the Swim and Tan Motel)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP fairly modern) motel) (PP with (NP (NP quite a bit) (PP of (NP (NP electrical display) (PP-LOC in (NP front)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remembered (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD the Peeping Tom place))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP waited (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ my man) (VP was (VP coming (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the office))) (PP with (NP (NP the key) (PP to (NP a cabin)))))))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP went (ADVP-DIR in) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP register))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The card) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP shadowing (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP had (VP filled (NP *T*-1) (PRT out)))))) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the counter))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP noticed (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Unit 12))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP registered (PP under (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP (NP Oscar L. Palmer) and (NP wife))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP giving (NP a San Francisco address))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP had (VP written (PRT out) (NP (NP the license number) (PP of (NP his car))))) but (VP had (VP transposed (NP the last two figures) , (NP-ADV (NP an old dodge) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD good)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP Ninety-nine times) (PP out (PP of (NP a hundred)))) (NP-SBJ the motel manager) (VP does n't (VP check (NP (NP the license number) (PP on (NP the plates))) (PP against (NP (NP the license number) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the tenant) (VP writes (NP *T*-1) (PRT out)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP he) (VP does))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP better) (PP than (NP an even chance (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wo n't (VP notice (NP (NP the transposition) (PP of (NP the numbers)))))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP notice (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ the thing) (VP can (VP be (VP passed (PRT off) (PP as (NP an honest mistake)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP used (NP (NP the alias) (PP of (NP Robert C. Richards)))) , (VP gave (NP (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP first three) letters) and (NP the (ADJP first and last) figure)) (PP of (NP (NP the license number) (PP on (NP the agency heap))))) , but (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP phony numbers)) (PP in (ADVP between)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP have (VP written (NP anything)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The manager) (PP of (NP the motel))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP apparently) (VP did n't (VP care)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP complying (PP with (NP the law)) (PP in (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP registrations))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP certainly) (VP was n't (VP (VP checking (NP license numbers)) or (VP bothering (NP the tenants))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD all alone)))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Richards)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD right)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 Your wife) (VP is n't (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP join (NP you) -- (ADVP-TMP later)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (ADVP so))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP show (PRT up))))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP put (NP ' and wife ') (PP-PUT on (ADVP there)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD a formality) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP Any difference) (PP in (NP the rate))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 Not (PP to (NP you))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP smiling))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD ten dollars) (NP-ADV either way)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD ice cubes) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP (NP a container) (PP-LOC at (NP the far end)))) and (PP in (NP (NP another) (PP-LOC by (NP the office)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD three soft-drink vending machines))) , and (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP should (VP be (VP joined (NP *-1) (PP by -- (NP-LGS anybody) --)))))) (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ things) (ADJP-PRD quiet))))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP you) (VP will (VP *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run (NP a nice quiet place))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP her) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP took (NP (NP another sidelong glance) (PP at (NP the other registration card)))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) (VP took (NP (NP the key) (PP to (NP Unit 13)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP given (NP me) (NP *T*-1))))))) and (VP went (ADVP-DIR down) (ADVP-TMP long enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP park (NP the car)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The construction) (VP was (ADJP-PRD reasonably solid) ; ; (PP not like (NP (NP the cracker-box construction) (PP of (NP (NP so many) (PP of (NP the motel units)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (NP (NP (NP stucco) (PP (ADVP all) over (NP the outside))) but (NP (NP walls) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP are (ADJP-PRD thin enough (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP hear (NP (NP every movement) (PP of (NP (NP the people) (PP-LOC in (NP the adjoining apartment))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (NP a small electric amplifier) (PP-PUT against (NP (NP the wall) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the side) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP case (NP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP the aid) (PP of (NP that)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP could (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ my man) (VP moving (ADVP-DIR around))))) , (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP cough (NP-TMP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP times)))))) , (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ the toilet) (VP flush))) , (VP heard (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP (NP water) (VP running)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-TPC (WHNP-2 Whoever) (S (NP-SBJ-1 his companion) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-2)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP join (NP him) (ADVP-TMP later)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP telephone))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so hungry) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ my stomach) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all lines) (PP of (NP communication))) (VP had (VP been (VP severed (NP *-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP 's (NP-PRD one thing) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP without (NP food)) (SBAR-TMP (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP occupied (PP with (NP some work)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) or (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADVP simply) (VP postponing (NP a meal) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP 're (ADJP-PRD dependent (PP on (NP someone else)))) and (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP eat (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (VP bedded (PRT down) (PP for (NP the night))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) , (NP-SBJ hunger) (VP can (VP be (NP-PRD a gnawing torture)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP noticed (NP a drive-in) (PP-LOC down (NP the road) (NP-ADV (NP a quarter) (PP of (NP a mile)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The batteries) (PP on (NP (NP the bugging device) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP put (NP *T*-1) (PP-PUT on (NP the car))))))))) (VP were (ADVP still) (ADJP-PRD fresh enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP send (ADVP-DIR out) (NP good strong signals)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The powerful microphone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP press (NP *T*-1) (PP against (NP (NP the wall) (PP-LOC between (NP (NP my motel unit) and (NP (NP that) (VP occupied (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the man))))))))))))) (VP would (VP bring (PRT in) (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP any conversation)))))) , and (S (SBAR-TPC-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD positively nauseated)))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so hungry) (SBAR *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP got (PP in (NP the car))) , (VP drove (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the drive-in)))) and (VP ordered (NP (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP (NP hamburgers) (SBAR with (S (NP-SBJ-1 everything) (VP included (NP *-1))))))) , (NP (NP a cup) (PP of (NP coffee))) and (NP (NP the fastest service) (ADJP possible))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The place) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD particularly busy) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP that time) (PP of (NP night)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-7 (NP the girl) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (VP waiting (PP on (NP me)))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP was (VP clothed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP (NP the tightest-fitting pair) (PP of (NP slacks)) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP *T*-5) (PP-LOC on (NP a woman))))))) and (NP (NP a sweater) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP showed (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-6 0) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-6) (PRN -- and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP lots) (PP of (NP it))))) --))))))))))))))))) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sociable)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP really) (PP-PRD in (NP a hurry)) , (NP-VOC Handsome)) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD in (NP a hurry)) , (NP-VOC Beautiful)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP-PRD early (PP in (NP the evening))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP a hurry)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP lots) (PP of (NP time)) (VP left (NP *)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP may not (VP be (NP-PRD (NP any women) (VP left (NP *)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP gave (NP a little pout)) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP get (PP off (NP work)) (PP-TMP until (NP eleven o'clock))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ my evening) (VP commences (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (PP-TMP at (NP ten-fifty-five))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-VOC you)) ! ! '' (NP-SBJ She) (VP announced (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all)) (VP say (NP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP that thing) (VP going (NP buzz-buzz-buzz) (PP-LOC in (NP your car)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said `` (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Darn (NP it))) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the automatic signal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP shows (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the ignition key) (VP is (ADVP-PRD on) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP turn (NP it) (PRT off))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP reached (ADVP over)) and (VP switched (PRT off) (NP the electronic bugging device))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP went (ADVP-DIR in) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP the hamburgers)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP switched (PRT on) (NP the device) (ADVP again)) and (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the signal) (PP from (NP (NP Dowling 's) car))) (VP coming (PRT in) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD steady and clear)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP starting (ADVP-DIR back) (PP with (NP the hamburgers)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP shut (PRT off) (NP the device) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hang (ADVP around) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP eating)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD selfish) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP dinner) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP go (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pick (NP her) (PRT up)))))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 No) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a kindness) (PP to (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (PP-PRD on (NP a diet))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'll (VP eat (NP just a pineapple and cottage cheese salad)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP one) (PP with (NP her)) (SBAR-ADV so (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wo n't (VP feel (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP place)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Diets) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD terrible)))) '' , (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADJP-1 (WHADVP How much) overweight) (SQ (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ she)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-1 `` (FRAG Not (NP a bit)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (VP keeping (NP her figure) (PP in (NP hand))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (PP at (NP me)) (ADVP-MNR provocatively)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 Good figures) (VP should (VP be (VP kept (NP *-1) (PP in (NP hand)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP said (S *T*-2)) , and (VP walked (ADVP-DIR away) (PP with (NP an exaggerated wiggle)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP turned (PRT on) (NP the device) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD half fearful (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (VP find (NP silence))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 the buzzes) (VP came (PRT in) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD loud and clear)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP switched (PRT on) (NP the lights) (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP (VP come) and (VP get (NP the check)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP the exact change) plus (NP (ADJP a dollar) tip))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fat man) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP gotta (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (PP-DIR around (NP the corner)))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The gun) (VP moved) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The thin man) (VP said , `` (ADVP-DIR That-a-way) '') .)) (TOP (NP `` -- (NP second building) (PP-LOC on (NP the right)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` -- (NP-SBJ it) (VP says (NP police) (PP-LOC (ADVP right) on (NP the door))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` -- so (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as dumb) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP take (NP us) (PP for (ADJP *?*))))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (ADVP still) (VP find (NP it))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Roberta and Dave) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP back (PP-DIR toward (NP the door)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The thin man) (VP waved (NP the gun) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (PP-DIR (ADVP Right) around (NP the corner)) '') .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP says (NP water works))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a policeman) (PP on (NP duty))) , (ADVP too))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP A night policeman) (PP (ADVP just) like (PP-LOC in (NP the States))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Canada) (VP does n't (VP have (NP (NP much) (PP of (NP this here juvenile delinquency problem)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP keep (NP a night policeman) (ADVP all the same) (PP-PRP on (NP (NP account) (PP of (NP the crazy tourists)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the door)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Dave) (VP paused (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP feel (PP for (NP the latch)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Roberta) (VP glanced (ADVP up) (PP at (NP her husband))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP (VP be (ADJP-PRD sensible)) and (VP not try (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP anything) (ADJP rash))))))))) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-3 that gun) (VP pointed (NP *-3) (PP at (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP measured (NP (NP the distance) (PP from (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) (PP to (NP (NP the men) and (NP the gun))))) , (VP measured (NP (NP the distance) (PP from (NP the men)) (PP to (NP the back room))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP risk (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP something) (ADJP phony) (PP about (NP all this gun waving))) -- (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-3 (ADVP not quite) what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (NP-PRD *T*-3)))) (PP in (NP (NP the detailed directions) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP finding (NP the police))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP had (NP the latch) (PP-LOC under (NP his thumb)) (ADVP-TMP now))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP removed (NP his arm) (PP from (NP his wife)) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pull (NP-2 the door) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD open)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP a flash)) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADVP-PRD away (PP to (NP the back))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP paying (NP no attention) (PP to (NP (NP three angry shouts) (PP from (NP the male throats))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP tore (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) (NP-1 the back door)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dark) (PP-LOC inside (NP the room)))) but (S (NP-SBJ enough light (S *ICH*-1)) (VP spilled (PP from (NP (NP the restaurant) (PP-LOC behind (NP her)))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP enable (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP make (PRT out) (NP (NP a round table) (PP with (NP a green cloth top))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a small sideboard) (PP with (NP (NP some empty beer bottles) (PP-LOC on (NP it))))) and (NP (ADVP perhaps) fifteen wooden chairs))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Slowly) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP turned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP face (NP the men) (ADVP again))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rat-face) (PP-LOC at (NP the counter))) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP his feet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The distance) (PP between (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP waited (PP-LOC at (NP the outside door)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD a hundred miles)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Keeping (NP her frightened gaze) (PP on (NP (NP the men) (PP-LOC at (NP the counter)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP feel (NP-PRD her way) (PP-DIR to (NP the door)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP sidled (PP along (NP the booths)) (NP-MNR (NP one step) (PP at (NP a time)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The gun) (VP followed (NP her)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP reached (NP Dave)) and (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ his arm) (VP go (PP around (NP her))))) , (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP pull (NP her) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the safety) (PP of (NP his person)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (PP with (NP (NP the certainty) (PP of (NP despair)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP something) (ADJP bad)) (VP had (VP happened (PP to (NP Lauren))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The two men) (VP (VP watched (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP closed (NP the door) (PP behind (NP them)))))) , (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP cross (NP the sidewalk) (PP-DIR to (NP their car)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (VP getting (ADJP-PRD light))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fat man) (VP (VP removed (NP his apron)) , (VP put (PRT on) (NP a (ADJP greasy and wrinkled) jacket)) , and (VP zipped (NP it) (PP over (NP his paunch)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The thin man) (VP (VP moved (ADVP-MNR swiftly) (PP to (NP the phone))) and (VP dialed (NP a number))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP answered (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (NP Albert)) ? ?)) (TOP (NP Vince .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP sending (NP you) (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP customers)))))) -- (S-IMP (INTJ yeah) -- (ADVP just) (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP get (S (NP-SBJ them) (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP my hair))))) and (VP keep (NP them) (ADVP out)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP give (NP a damn) (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP them) (NP *T*-2))))))) -- (S-IMP (ADVP only) (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP believe (NP (NP a word) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP say (NP *T*-3)))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD out (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP trouble) (PP for (NP me))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP is (PP-PRD up (PP to (NP you))) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stop (NP them)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP care (ADVP how)))) -- and (S (NP-ADV one more thing) -- (NP-SBJ (NP Cate 's) Cafe) (VP closed (PP-TMP at (NP eleven)) (PP like (ADVP always)) (NP-TMP last night))) and (S (NP-SBJ Rose and Clarence Corsi) (VP left (PP for (NP (NP Quebec) (NP *ICH*-5))) (NP-TMP yesterday) -- (NP-5 (NP some shrine) or (ADJP other)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD Saint Simon 's)))))))) -- (FRAG (INTJ yeah) , (NP-TMP yesterday)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Got (NP it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned (PP from (NP the phone))) and (VP strode (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the front) (PP of (NP the restaurant)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The white Buick) (VP had n't (VP moved (ADVP-DIR away) (ADVP-TMP yet))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Good .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A line) (PP of (NP worry))) (VP formed)) , (S (NP-SBJ a twitch) (VP pulled (NP his mouth) (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP one side))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (NP-VOC Grosse)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP ai n't (VP kidding (NP me)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ the kid) (VP do n't (VP know (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP this town)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (VP kidding (NP you) , (NP-VOC Vince))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ (VP could (VP *?* (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) (NP-SBJ she)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP musta (VP been (VP walking (PP in (NP her sleep)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP seen (NP her) (NP-ADV yourself) (PP-LOC in (ADVP here)))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Howda) (SQ (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Remember (SBAR (WHADVP how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Barney) (VP held (NP the door) (PP for (NP her)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (PP (ADVP Kinda) like (NP a zombie) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP waking (PRT up) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP found (NP her) (PP-LOC at (NP the garage)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Vince) (VP swore) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Stupid fools) -- (NP-SBJ *) (VP ai n't (VP got (NP enough brains) (PP between (NP (NP the two) (PP of (NP you))))))) '' -- (NP-SBJ Grosse) (VP muttered (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his head) (ADVP-PRD down)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ one hand) (VP playing (PP with (NP (NP the zipper) (PP-LOC on (NP his jacket))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` -- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP had (NP enough brains (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP call (NP ya) (PRT up) (SBAR-PRP so as (S (NP-SBJ ya) (VP could (VP do (NP (NP sompin) (PP about (NP it))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S-UNF (NP-SBJ the parents) --)))))))))))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP coulda (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP go go))))) '' -- (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 His eyes) (VP were (VP lowered (NP *-1)))) , so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP have (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ (NP the narrow , pointed face) (PP of (NP his companion))) (VP (ADVP suddenly) writhe (PP with (NP fury)))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP it))) (ADVP just the same)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Vince Steiner) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP work (PRT up) (NP a fury)))) (ADVP-TMP once (PP in (NP a while))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP prove (SBAR (WHADJP-3 how dangerous) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD *T*-3)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a curse)) , (NP-SBJ Vince) (VP (VP seized (NP (NP (NP the thing) (ADJP nearest)) , (NP (NP a glass sugar container) (PP with (NP a spouted metal top))))) , and (VP threw (NP it) (PP-DIR against (NP (NP the wall) (ADJP opposite))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The heavy glass) (VP did n't (VP break))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the top) (VP flew (ADVP-DIR off))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ sugar) (VP sprayed (PP with (NP (NP a hiss) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD loud) (PP in (NP the silence))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (UCP-PRD (VP (ADVP Not really) startled (NP *-1)) , but (ADJP careful (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP appear (ADVP-PRD so))))))) , (NP-SBJ Grosse) (VP sucked (ADVP-MNR noisily) (PP on (NP his pipe))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Vince) (VP cursed (ADVP-MNR steadily)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-2 Why) (SQ does (NP-SBJ-1 everything) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP happen (PP to (NP me)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Grosse) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR quietly) got (NP a broom)) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sweep (PRT up) (NP the sugar)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Vince) (VP watched (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His mouth) (VP worked (PRT over) (NP (NP (NP the profanity) , (NP the obscenities)) (PP in (NP his vocabulary)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why (PP 'n (NP hell))) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP look (PP in (NP (NP the back seat) (PP of (NP the car)))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR off)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Do n't (NP-SBJ you and Barney) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP use (NP your brains)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fat man) (VP did n't (VP answer)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP got (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the menus)))) and (VP brushed (NP the spilled sugar) (PP-DIR onto (NP it))) and (VP carried (NP it) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a box) (PP-LOC on (NP the floor)) (PP-LOC behind (NP the counter)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP returned (NP the menu) (PP to (NP (NP its place) (PP-LOC between (NP (NP catchup bottle) and (NP paper napkin dispenser)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR soothingly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP do n't (VP know (NP (NP nothing) (PP about (NP them cars))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thinks (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP a ordinary garage)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) , (NP-VOC stupid))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP And (NP-SBJ *) (VP put (NP (NP Cate 's) gun) (PRT back)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grosse) (VP tucked (NP the gun) (PP-LOC under (NP the counter))) .)) (TOP (S `` -- (NP-SBJ (NP one word) (PP of (NP this))) (VP gets (PP to (NP Guardino))) '' --)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP telling (NP Guardino)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Vince) (VP swore (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP get (NP that kid) (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP (NP Rose 's) house)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fat man) (VP winced) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP ran (NP a finger) (PP down (NP his cheek)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP tracing (NP the scratch there)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ ca n't (NP-SBJ I) (VP leave (NP (NP her) (VP locked (NP *) (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP the tool crib)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The thin man) (VP stopped (NP his pacing) (ADVP long enough (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP glance (PP at (NP the clock))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You and Barney) (VP get (NP her) (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP (NP Rose 's)))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP gets (ADJP-PRD too light))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ Guardino) (VP 's (VP left)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP dump (NP the kid) (ADVP-LOC somewhere (PP near (NP the border))) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP kin (VP get (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP help (NP you) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knows (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grosse) (VP spread (NP his hands)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-2 What) (SQ am (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP her)) (NP-TMP all day)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the tool crib)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP ca n't (VP get (ADVP away))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-2 (WHNP What) (NP the hell)) (SQ do (NP-SBJ I) (VP care (NP *T*-2) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP her)) (NP-TMP all day)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP Just) (NP-SBJ *) (VP get (NP her) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Guardino) (VP wo n't (VP (VP see (NP her)) and (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP asking (NP questions)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grosse) (VP swore (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Dammit all) , (NP-VOC Vince) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD no baby sitter)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Vince) (VP shouted (ADVP-TMP finally) , `` (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (NP her) (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP Rose 's))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP (VP come (ADVP-DIR by)) and (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP stays (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP put (NP *-2)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grosse) (VP rubbed (NP (NP the bridge) (PP of (NP his nose))) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP swollen (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR sullenly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP do n't (VP haf (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ta (VP get (ADJP-PRD nasty)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (NP you) (NP luck) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP scaring (NP that kid) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP grinned) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His voice) (VP lost (NP its sullen tones))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP chuckled)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP one question)) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (ADVP-MNR Impatiently .)) (TOP (SQ `` Are (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD (NP a poor dumb Canadian) or (NP (NP a smart aleck) (PP from (NP the States)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Vince) (VP lifted (NP his hand) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP strike)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his thin lips) (VP spread (PP in (NP a smile)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grosse) (VP ducked and sniggered) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-2 Where) (SQ 'd (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP was (VP born (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP-LOC In (NP a Chicago slum)) (PP (ADVP just) like (NP you)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (VP going (ADVP back) (ADVP there) (PP-PRP on (NP (NP account) (PP of (NP one lousy kid)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lauren Landis) (VP rubbed (NP her face) (PP against (NP the blanket))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP cried (NP-ADV a little) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD frightened)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could (ADVP-MNR easily) (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the two men) (VP had (VP been (VP startled (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP a strange girl) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the back seat) (PP of (NP their car))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP figured (NP that) (PRT out)))) -RRB-) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP understand (NP their subsequent actions)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ it) (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP shown (NP panic))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP blame (NP her) (PP for (NP that))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD-2 one thing) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP awaken (PP-LOC outside (NP (NP a restaurant) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ your parents) (VP were (VP eating (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))))) and (VP (NP-PRD=2 quite another) (S=3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP awaken (PP-LOC in (NP a strange garage))) and (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ your parents) (VP had (VP gone (PRT on) (ADVP-DIR home) (PP without (NP you))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD glad (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the fat man) (VP had (VP left)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barney) (VP was not (ADVP really) (ADJP-PRD frightening)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP jumped (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 the little man) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP (VP appeared (PP-LOC at (NP the window))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reaching (PP through (NP the opening)))) , offered (NP her) (NP (NP a bottle) (PP of (NP coke)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled (PP at (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR wetly)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD thirsty))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP refuse)))) (PRN -LRB- (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP never , never) (VP take (NP candy) (PP from (NP a strange man)))) -RRB-) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the bottle) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unopened)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP placed (NP a bottle opener) (PP-LOC on (NP the counter))) .)) (TOP (S So , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP understood (NP her panic))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP blew (NP her nose) (PP on (NP a tissue))) and (VP opened (NP the coke bottle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD icy cold)) and (VP tasted (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD delicious)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP a lift) (PP in (NP spirit)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD finished) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP pushed (NP it) (ADVP back)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The man) (VP was (ADJP-PRD busy (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP doing (NP (NP something) (PP to (NP (NP the inside) (PP of (NP (NP the door-frame) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP (NP the driver 's) side) (PP of (NP a car))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP called (ADVP-MNR softly) , `` (NP-VOC Barney) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP in (NP her direction)))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP answer))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (SBARQ (NP-VOC Barney) , (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ is (NP-SBJ he) (VP keeping (NP me) (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Still) (NP no answer) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP looking (PP at (NP (NP a point) (PP-LOC above (NP the little window))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lauren) (VP said , `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ ca n't (NP-SBJ I) (VP call (NP my home) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG Or (VP (VP borrow (NP some money) (PP from (NP someone))) and (VP go (ADVP-DIR home) (PP by (NP bus)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP send (NP the money) (ADVP right back))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barney) (VP finished (NP (NP the cigarette) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP smoking (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP dropped (NP it)) and (VP (ADVP-MNR carefully) ground (NP it) (PP to (NP nothing)) (PP with (NP (NP the sole) (PP of (NP his heavy shoe)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (PP at (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (ADVP only) work (ADVP-LOC here))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lauren) (VP said , `` (INTJ Please) '') ? ?)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP back) at (NP (NP work) (PP on (NP a car))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP dropped (NP her head) (PP-LOC on (NP her arms)) (PP-LOC on (NP the counter))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ could (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP be (ADJP-PRD-2 kind) (NP-TMP-3 one moment)) and (VP (ADJP-PRD=2 cruel) (NP-TMP=3 the next)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ he) (VP know (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (NP him) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD sad and sorry (PP for (NP her))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ And (SQ was (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADJP-PRD afraid (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP anything) (ADJP (ADJP as definite) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP releasing (NP her))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her heart) (VP was (VP thumping (ADVP-MNR painfully)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the unknown) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP so much) worse) (PP-UNF than)))) -- (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP what dangers) (PP *ICH*-2)) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lay (ADVP ahead) (PP-2 for (NP her))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What awful thing) (SQ had (NP-SBJ-1 she) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP face (NP *T*-2) (PP-TMP in (NP the next few hours)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Something) (ADJP wet and hot)) (VP was (VP trickling (PP-LOC on (NP her wrists)))) .)) (TOP (NP Tears ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (PP With (NP (NP a sturdy act) (PP of (NP will)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP turned (NP her mind) (PP away (PP from (NP herself))))) ; ; (S (ADVP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP do (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP constructive) (PP about (NP (NP the situation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP think (PP about (NP (NP something) (ADVP else)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Her mother and father) , (PP for (NP instance)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP now)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP her mind)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP followed (NP the white Buick) (PP along (NP (NP the road) (ADVP-LOC somewhere (PP between (NP (ADVP here) and (NP the Niagara River))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her father 's) attention) (VP would (VP be (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the road) (ADVP-LOC ahead)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would n't (VP deviate (NP an inch) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP crossed (NP (NP the bridge) (PP-LOC at (NP the Falls)))) and (VP took (NP (NP the River Road) (PP to (NP LaSalle)))) and , (VP (ADVP-TMP finally) , turned (ADVP-DIR in) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP their own driveway) (PP-LOC at (NP 387 Heather Heights))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP yawn) and (VP stretch) and (VP shout , `` (S (NP-SBJ All) (ADVP-PRD out))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the end) (PP of (NP the line)))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ And (WHNP-1 what) (SQ would (NP-SBJ her mother) (VP be (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP right now)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her mother) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD fast asleep) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD curled up (PP against (NP (NP that wonderful , big , safe , solid shoulder) (PP-LOC next (PP to (NP her)))))) (PP-LOC on (NP the front seat))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Lauren Landis) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP trouble)))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Roberta Landis) (VP put (NP her hand) (PP-PUT on (NP (NP her husband 's) arm)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP slid (PP-DIR in (NP (NP (NP the driver 's) seat) (PP-LOC beside (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Somewhere) (NP-SBJ-1 birds) (VP (VP were (ADVP-MNR sweetly) (VP calling)) , (VP were (VP answered (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her teeth) (VP chattered (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP made (NP (NP three attempts) (PP at (NP speech))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP became (ADJP-PRD intelligible)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Dave .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP (NP that woman 's) apron) (PP-LOC behind (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a wet spot))) -- (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP have (VP been (VP gone (ADVP-TMP long)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP made (NP (NP some sound) (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP convey (NP agreement))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP inserted (NP the car key) (PP-LOC in (NP the lock))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Roberta) (VP was (ADVP-MNR violently) (VP trembling)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP stammered , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP heard (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1) (PP-2 about (NP police)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ we) (VP drive (PP-DIR around (NP the corner)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The car door) (VP crashed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD shut))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The engine) (VP throbbed (PP into (NP life))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP the message)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (VP going)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Roberta) (VP said , `` (INTJ no)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP go) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Walk) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 Lauren) (VP comes (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP for (NP us)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP sit (ADVP-LOC here) (PP-LOC in (NP the car)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP walk (PP-DIR around (NP the corner))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The big car) (VP sprang (PP-DIR away (PP from (NP the curb))) (PP like (NP (NP something) (ADJP alive)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm not (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (NP (NP my wife) and (NP my car)) (PP-LOC out (ADVP here)) (PP in (NP (NP sight) (PP of (NP-UNF those)))))))))) '')) -- (S (NP-SBJ-2 Roberta) (VP (VP glanced (PP at (NP him))) and (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP trembling))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His jowls) (VP were (VP spiked (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP barbs) (PP of (NP graying beard)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His small , mean eyes) (VP regarded (NP Marty) (ADVP-MNR steadily , unblinkingly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His eyes) (VP were (VP threaded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP little filaments) (PP of (NP red)))) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ tiny veins) (VP had (VP (VP burst) and (VP flooded (NP blood) (PP into (NP them))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP chewed (NP his gum)) and (VP exuded (NP wheezing breath))))) , (NP-SBJ Marty) (VP smelt (NP (NP the reek) (PP of (NP bad whiskey)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marty) (VP recognized (NP the man)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP driven (NP (NP the car) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP passed (NP them) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the road) (PP-LOC outside (NP (NP Admassy 's) place)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Acey Squire) , (NP (NP proprietor) (PP of (NP the juke joint))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marty) (VP (VP smiled (PP at (NP Squire)) (ADVP-MNR pleasantly)) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a cab) (VP waiting (PP for (NP me)) (ADVP-LOC here))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP have (VP gone (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Squire) (VP chewed (NP his gum) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his jaw) (VP moving (PP in (NP a steady rhythm))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP (ADVP straight) at (NP Marty))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP answer)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marty) (VP (VP scanned (NP (NP the faces) (PP of (NP (NP the others) (ADVP-LOC nearest (NP him)))))) , (VP looked (PP into (NP their staring eyes)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Did (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP see (NP my cab)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP asked , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP keeping (S (NP-SBJ his voice) (ADJP-PRD casual))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP avoided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP showing (NP any surprise or annoyance) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP answered (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADVP back) (PP-DIR to (NP Jarrodsville))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PRT on) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP see (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD some cars) (ADVP-LOC here))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wonder (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP you gentlemen))) (VP could (VP drive (NP me) (ADVP back) (PP-DIR to (NP town))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD happy (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pay (PP for (NP the favor)))))) , (PP of (NP course)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The seventeen men) (VP (VP stood) and (VP stared (PP at (NP him)) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP a moment) (ADJP longer))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ a startling thing) (VP occurred) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so utterly unexpected) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Marty) (VP stood (PP-TMP for (NP several moments)) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 his mouth) (VP hanging (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) (ADVP-MNR foolishly)))) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP happened))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP no word) (VP spoken (NP *))) , (NP (NP no apparent signal) (VP given (NP *)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ (NP the men) (NP all)) (VP moved (PP-TMP at (NP the same instant))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP piled (PP into (NP the waiting cars)))) , (S (NP-SBJ motors) (VP roared)) , (S (NP-SBJ the cars) (VP sped (ADVP-DIR off))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The station wagon) and (NP the old Plymouth)) (VP headed (ADVP-DIR east) (PP-DIR toward (NP Jarrodsville))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Ford) and (NP the pickup truck)) (VP sped (ADVP-DIR west) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP Sanford 's) Run))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP seconds)) (NP-SBJ all four cars) (VP were (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP sight)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marty Land) (VP stood (ADVP alone) (PP-LOC on (NP a red-clay road)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ storm clouds) (VP gathered (ADVP-MNR ominously) (PP-LOC in (NP the sky)) (ADVP again))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP a great distance)) (NP-SBJ thunder) (VP (VP growled) and (VP broke (NP the silence))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Land) (VP looked (PP (ADVP back) toward (NP the dilapidated house))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP a pale face) (PP-LOC at (NP a window)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD Dora May)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD glad (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had n't (VP hurt (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD other farmhouses) (ADVP-LOC nearby)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Across (NP the road)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (ADVP (NP (QP no more than a hundred) yards) away))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP another) (PP-LOC on (NP this side)) , (ADVP-LOC (ADVP (NP a little) further) down))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP many more) (PP-LOC between (UCP (ADVP here) and (NP Jarrodsville))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Telephone poles) (VP lined (NP the road)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP reared (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD tall and mocking))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their wires) (VP stretched (PP out (PP into (NP infinity)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Not a single strand) (PP of (NP wire))) (VP reached (PP into (NP (NP the silent houses) (PP-LOC beside (NP the red-clay road))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1))))) (PP but (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP walk)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Jarrodsville) (VP was (UCP-LOC-PRD (ADVP (NP (QP more than three) miles) away) , (PP down (NP (NP an old dirt road) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ the rain) (VP had (VP turned (NP *T*-1) (PP into (NP a quagmire)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Marty) (VP (VP faced (ADVP east)) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP walking (PP down (NP (NP the left side) (PP of (NP the road)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP proceeded (NP a few feet))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP paused) and (VP turned (PRT up) (NP (NP the cuffs) (PP of (NP his trousers)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADVP-TMP already) (ADJP-PRD damp and mud-caked))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The viscous mud) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ankle-deep))) , and (S (PP-LOC in (NP places)) (NP-SBJ great puddles) (VP (VP spread (PP across (NP the road))) and (VP reflected (NP the murky light)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP approached (NP the first farmhouse)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 thunder) (VP sounded (PP-LOC behind (NP him)) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (ADJP closer now and louder) , (PP like (NP a (ADJP steadily advancing) drum corps))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD several people) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the porch) (PP of (NP the farmhouse))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP very old) man) and (NP a young woman) and (NP (NP a brood) (PP of (NP (NP children) (VP ranging (PP from (NP toddlers)) (PP to (NP teen-agers)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP just an instant)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP thought (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP appealing (PP to (NP them)) (PP for (NP help)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP had (NP a car or truck)) and (VP would (VP drive (NP him) (PP-DIR into (NP town))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP realized (NP (NP the utter futility) (PP of (NP the idea)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP staring (PP at (NP him)) (PP-MNR in (NP (NP the same (ADJP blank and menacing) way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the men) (PP-LOC outside (NP the gate))) (VP had (VP stared (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Even the eyes) (PP of (NP the smallest children))) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD malicious)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP his side) (PP of (NP the road)))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP two farm hands) , (PP-LOC (ADVP well back) in (NP a field)) , (VP leaning (PP against (NP a plow))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) , (ADVP too) , (VP stared (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The drums) (PP of (NP thunder))) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP right) behind (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A foolish thought) (VP came (PP into (NP his head))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remembered (NP (NP a story) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP read (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP a youth)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP probably) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Kipling 's) tales) (PP of (NP the British Army)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP concerned (NP (NP an officer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP (VP disgraced (NP *-2)) and (VP drummed (NP *-2) (PRT out))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The steady roll) (PP of (NP the drums))) (VP had (VP sounded (PP-LOC behind (NP him)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP walked (PP-LOC between (NP (NP the endless ranks) (PP of (NP (NP the men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP commanded (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ each man) (VP (VP about-faced) and (VP turned (NP his back)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the officer) (VP approached))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marty) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ these poor farm people) (VP would (VP turn (NP their backs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The fencing) (PP-LOC by (NP the roadside))) (VP ended) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-1 the dirt highway) (VP was (VP bordered (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP either side)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a (ADJP fairly deep) drainage ditch) , (ADJP too broad (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leap (PP over (NP *T*-2)) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD an Olympic star))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The day 's) rain) (VP had (VP been (VP added (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the stagnant water))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP trapped (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP the road)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP an approaching car))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (VP coming (PP-DIR toward (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The car) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-PRD in (NP sight))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Marty 's) heart) (VP skipped (NP a beat) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP recognized (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the station wagon) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP passed (NP his cab))) (PP-LOC on (NP the road))))) , (NP (NP the station wagon) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP had (VP been (VP parked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the Burch farm)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Acey Squire 's) station wagon .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP headed (ADVP back) (PP-DIR toward (NP Jarrodsville)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP had (ADVP only) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a ruse) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP lure (NP him) (PP-DIR out (PP on (NP the deserted road)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Now) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Acey) and (NP his friends)) (VP were (VP returning (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP seek (NP him) (PRT out)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The station wagon) (VP came (PP to (NP a stop)) (PP-LOC (NP (QP a couple of hundred) feet) in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him)))) , (PP-LOC beside (NP a fenced field))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD another sound)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A second car) (VP was (VP coming (PP-DIR (PP from (NP the west)) , (PP from (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (NP (NP Sanford 's) Run))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the Ford) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD outside (NP (NP Burch 's) farm)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marty) (VP looked (ADVP-MNR helplessly) (PP in (NP both directions))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a narrow road) , (ADJP barely wide enough (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ two cars) (VP to (VP pass))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could not (VP leave (NP the road) (PP-PRP because of (NP the water-filled drainage ditch)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the two cars) (VP were (ADJP-PRD equidistant (PP from (NP him))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the station wagon) (VP started (PRT up) (ADVP again))) and (S (NP-SBJ the Ford) (VP gathered (NP speed))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP bore (PP down (PP on (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1))))) (PP except (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP jump (PP-DIR into (NP the ditch)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP jumped) , and (VP sank (PP to (NP his knees)) (PP-LOC in (NP muddy water)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the two cars) (VP roared (ADVP-DIR by)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a high-pitched eerie , nerve-shattering sound)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marty) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP how) (S (NP-SBJ the Union soldiers) (VP must (VP have (VP felt (PP-LOC at (NP Chancellorsville and Antietam and Gettysburg)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the ragged gray ranks) (VP charged (PP at (NP them)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP screaming (NP (NP the wild banshee howl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD the Rebel yell)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP moments)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP stood (PP-LOC in (NP water)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP shivering) and (VP gasping (PP for (NP breath)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP turned (NP his ankle) (ADVP slightly)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP pained (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The cars) , (PP with (NP (NP their load) (PP of (NP howling men)))) ,) (VP had (VP disappeared (PP in (NP the distance)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP two more cars) (VP parked (NP *) (PP-LOC at (NP the farm)))) , (NP (NP a Plymouth) and (NP a pickup truck))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP would (VP be (VP (VP coming (PP for (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP next)) , (VP bearing (PP down (PP on (NP him))) (PP from (NP both directions)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ (NP the station wagon) and (NP the Ford)) (VP would (VP seek (NP him) (PRT out) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP would (VP be (VP harassed (NP *T*-1) (ADVP repeatedly)))) and (VP would (VP escape (NP death) (PP by (NP inches)) (NP-TMP (NP time) (PP after (NP time))))) , (NP-ADV (NP all the way) (PP to (NP Jarrodsville)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP (NP three miles) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Back East) (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP more affluent) juvenile delinquents) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP afford (NP (NP (NP hyped-up autos) instead of (NP switch blades)) (PP as (NP lethal weapons))))))) ,) (VP (VP played (NP this same game)) and (VP called (S (NP-SBJ it) `` (NP-PRD Chicken)) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could not (VP go (PP through (NP the fields)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 That way) (VP was (VP barred (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP both sides) (PP of (NP the road)))) (PP by (NP-LGS a high barbed-wire fence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP make (PP for (NP (NP (NP the section) (PP of (NP road)) (ADVP-LOC just ahead) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP bordered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the rail fence))))))) , (NP (NP the section) (PP-LOC by (NP the farmhouse))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At least) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP climb (PP up (PP on (NP the fence))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ his tormenters) (VP roared (ADVP-DIR by) (ADVP again) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Admassy place) (VP could not (VP be (ADVP-PRD far) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP would (VP (VP go (PP-DIR in (ADVP there))) , (VP climb (PP through (NP the window))) , and (VP (ADVP at least) be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP safe (PP for (NP a little while))) and (ADJP able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rest)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP even) (NP-PRD a bare chance (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the phone) (VP had not (VP been (VP disconnected (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did not (VP dare (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP climb (ADVP back) (PP up (PP to (NP the road))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD deep (PP in (NP water))))) , but (S (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ they) (VP could not (VP reach (NP him) (ADVP-LOC there)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP splashed (ADVP on) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ mud) (VP sucking (PP at (NP his feet)) (PP with (NP each step)))) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (NP (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the drainage ditch))) and (NP (NP the beginning) (PP of (NP (NP the fence) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP enclosed (NP the farm)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP climbed (ADVP back) (PP to (NP the road)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD utterly exhausted))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stood , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP panting)) , (PP-TMP for (NP a moment))) .)) (TOP (S (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (VP seen (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP before)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ panic) (VP gripped (NP him) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The fence) , (NP (NP his only refuge) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-4 the metal death) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP roaring (PP-DIR at (NP him)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))) ,) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1) (PP of (NP rails)) , (ADVP all right)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 the rails) (VP were (VP protected (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a thick screening) (PP of (NP (NP barbed wire) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP would (VP rip (NP his flesh) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP pressed (PP against (NP it)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP lurched (ADVP on) (PP down (NP the road)) (ADVP-MNR despairingly) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no place else) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP lost (NP (NP all sense) (PP of (NP dignity)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could not (VP stand (PP on (NP dignity)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (VP soaked and muddied))) and (S (NP-SBJ your life) (VP was (PP-PRD at (NP stake)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Probably) (NP-SBJ people) (VP were (VP watching (NP him) (PP (PP from (NP the porch)) or (PP from (PP behind (NP (NP the windows) (PP of (NP this farmhouse)))))) , (ADVP too) ,))) but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP did not (VP bother (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP broke (PP into (NP a dogtrot)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP breathing (ADVP heavily)) , (VP streaming (PP with (NP sweat)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP reach (NP (NP Admassy 's) place))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD his only sanctuary)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The fences) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP both sides) (PP of (NP the road))))) (VP bristled (PP with (NP the barbed wire))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fences) (VP stretched (ADVP on) (ADVP-MNR endlessly)) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Plymouth) (VP was (VP coming (PP-DIR at (NP him)) (PP-2 from (NP the east))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 the pickup truck) (PP=2 from (NP the west))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP timed (NP it) (ADVP better) (NP-TMP this time))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP would (VP reach (NP him) (PP-TMP at (NP (ADVP almost exactly) the same instant)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stopped (ADVP stone-still)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP backed (PP against (NP the fence))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP the cars))) (VP would (VP brush (NP him) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP passed)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP be (VP (ADVP-MNR cruelly) lacerated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the wire)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP stumbled (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the road))))) and (VP (ADVP simply) stood (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP waiting (PP for (NP them)))) , (NP-TPC a perfect target))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The cars) (VP must (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ their gas pedals) (VP pushed (PP down (PP to (NP the floor boards)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP coming (ADVP on) (PP at (NP (NP reckless speed) (PP for (NP such old vehicles)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP thundered (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP held (NP-1 his arms) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD close (PP to (NP his sides))))) and (VP made (S (NP-SBJ himself) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as small) (PP as (ADJP possible)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ the Plymouth) (VP neared))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP veered (PP toward (NP him))) and (VP seemed (PP about (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP run (NP him) (PRT down))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP to (VP stay (ADJP-PRD frozen) (ADVP-LOC there))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP moved))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the path) (PP of (NP the other car)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP the fender) (PP of (NP the Plymouth))) (VP brushed (NP his jacket) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP went (ADVP-DIR by)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP a fraction) (PP of (NP a second)))) (NP-SBJ the pickup truck) (VP hurtled (ADVP-DIR by) (PP-LOC on (NP the other side))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The weird , insane sound) (PP of (NP the Rebel yell))) (VP (VP reverberated (ADVP again)) and (VP echoed (PP from (NP the distant hills)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP leave (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the road))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did not (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP trudged (ADVP on) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his aching eyes) (VP focused (ADVP straight ahead)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP nearing (NP the Admassy house))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP it))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP himself) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (S And (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP a car) (VP coming (PP from (NP the east))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP break (PRT down)) and (VP weep))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ no) , not (ADVP again)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (ADVP aloud)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (ADVP again) (ADVP so soon) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a new sound) , (NP (NP a sound) (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP as piercing) (PP as (NP the Rebel yell))) , yet (ADJP different))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the sound) (PP of (NP a siren)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the approaching car) (VP was (VP painted (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD white)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP wave (NP his arms) (ADVP-MNR frantically)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the prowl car) (PP from (NP (NP the sheriff 's) office)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The car) (VP (VP drew (PRT up) (PP-LOC alongside (NP him))) and (VP stopped)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (ADVP in))) '' , (NP-SBJ Charley Estes) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR brusquely)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP staggered (PP-DIR into (NP the back seat))) and (VP lay (ADVP back) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP fighting (PP for (NP breath)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD someone) (PP-LOC in (NP front)) (PP with (NP the sheriff))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Pete Holmes) , (NP the cabdriver))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pete) (VP (VP turned (ADVP around)) and (VP said (PP to (NP Marty)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD a yellow-bellied hound))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP no use) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ me) (VP staying (ADVP-LOC there)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP fight (NP (NP a dozen (QP or so)) (PP of (NP 'em))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP stayed)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (VP got (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP four punctured tires) and (NP one busted head))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP wait (PP-LOC at (NP the Burch house)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP 've (VP known (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP gone (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP the sheriff))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD lucky (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP go)))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (S *T*-1)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The sheriff) (VP was (VP occupied (NP *-1) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP maneuvering (NP the car) (ADVP around) (PP-LOC in (NP a (ADJP very narrow) space))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (ADVP finally) (VP pointed (NP *-1) (ADVP-DIR east) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP should (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP come (PP-LOC out (ADVP here)) (ADVP alone)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD redneck country)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Every man) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP every one) (PP of (NP these houses))))) (VP is (NP-PRD a Night Rider)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP turned (NP the telephone) (PRT over) (PP to (NP Rourke))) , and (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the bedroom)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP change (NP his slippers) (PP for (NP (NP dry socks) and (NP shoes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP was (VP talking (PP on (NP the phone)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (ADVP back) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP About (NP an hour)) , (INTJ eh) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Are (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD positive) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP listened (NP a moment)) (CONJP and then) (VP said , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hold (NP it))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned (NP his head)) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ Alvarez) (VP will (ADVP definitely) (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP a back room) (PP at (NP (NP the Jai Alai Club) (PP-LOC on (NP South Beach)))))) (PP-TMP within (NP an hour))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP try) and (VP meet (NP him) (ADVP-LOC there)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP looked (PP at (NP his watch))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP (VP was n't (PP-PRD (ADVP too far) from (NP Fifth Street))) , and (VP should (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP Scotty 's) Bar) (PP-TMP by (NP midnight)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (PP with (NP satisfaction)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD fine) , (NP-VOC Tim)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP (VP confirmed (NP the appointment) (PP over (NP the phone))) and (VP hung (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP getting (PP into (NP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-VOC Mike)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR unhappily)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP-UNF hope (PP to (NP Christ))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP said (ADVP-MNR briskly) , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Grab (NP another drink) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP one other call) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP meet (NP Alvarez))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (WHADVP-LOC `` Where '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD out (PP in (NP the Northeast section)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Have (NP-SBJ you) (VP got (NP my car) (ADVP-LOC here)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (VP parked (PP-LOC in (NP front)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP (ADVP-MNR hastily) slopped (NP whiskey) (PP into (NP his glass)) (PP on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP half-melted ice-cubes))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP keep (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP driving (NP yours))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP decided (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP going (ADVP on) (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the Beach)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP drop (NP-1 you) (PP back (ADVP here)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pick (NP mine) (PRT up)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP a closet)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP a light jacket))))) , and (VP took (NP his hat) (PP from (PP beside (NP the door))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Timothy Rourke) (VP (VP gulped (PRT down) (NP the whiskey) (ADVP-MNR hastily)) and (VP joined (NP him) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP asking , `` (SBARQ (WHNP-3 Who) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP call (PP on (NP *T*-3)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Northeast section)))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` A lady .)) (TOP (FRAG (S-ADV (NP-SBJ That) (VP is)) , (ADVP maybe) not (ADJP too much (PP of (NP a lady))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At least) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP 's (ADVP-PRD home) (ADVP yet)) or (VP (FRAG not))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP opened (NP the door)) and (VP followed (NP Rourke) (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP Rourke 's) car)) , (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR (ADVP east (PP to (NP Biscayne Boulevard))) and (ADVP north (PP toward (NP (NP (NP Felice Perrin 's) address) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP given (NP *-1) (PP-DTV to (NP him)) (PP by (NP-LGS the Peralta governess)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP drove))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP filled (PRT in) (NP Timothy Rourke) (ADVP briefly) (PP (PP on (NP (NP the events) (PP of (NP the evening)) (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP leaving (NP the reporter) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the Peralta house)))))))))) , and (PP on (NP his own surmises)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP (NP Scotty 's) Bar)))) (PP at (NP (NP midnight) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Marsha) (VP makes (NP her phone call) (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP ended (S *T*-3) (ADVP-MNR grimly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP that threatening letter) (PP of (NP hers))) (VP (VP has (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP this situation)))))))) or (VP (FRAG not)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP takes (NP the call))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ-2 `` (S (NP-TPC (NP This deal) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Las Putas Buenas) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the two knife-men) (VP jumped (NP you) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (SQ *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Rourke) (PP with (NP interest))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ that) (VP sounds (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP was (VP set (NP *-3) (PRT up) (PP with (NP (NP malice) (ADJP aforethought))) (PP by (NP-LGS the luscious Mrs. Peralta)))))))) , (SQ does n't (NP-SBJ it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP does)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Shayne) (VP grunted (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR sourly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADVP still) (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP taste (NP (NP her mouth) (PP on (NP his)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Green Jungle parking lot))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP That story) (PP of (NP hers)) (PP about (NP (NP an unsigned note) (VP directing (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (NP-TMP tonight)))))))) (VP sounds (ADJP-PRD completely phony)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP designed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (NP me) (PP-PUT on (NP the spot))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP have (VP been (VP written (NP *-3) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ Peralta) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP called (NP me) (PRT in) (PP on (NP the case)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Laura) (VP did (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 the counterfeit bracelet) (VP made (NP *-1) (PP without (NP (NP her husband 's) knowledge))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP have n't (NP the faintest idea)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ her husband) (VP (ADVP-MNR strongly) suspects (ADVP so)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-3 why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP called (NP me) (PRT in) (PP on (NP the thing)) (PP (PP in (NP (NP direct defiance) (PP of (NP his confederates)))) and (ADVP almost certainly) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP telling (NP them) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP doing (ADVP so) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is n't (NP-SBJ this) (NP-PRD (NP Felice 's) street) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Shayne) (VP asked , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP peering (ADVP ahead) (PP at (NP the (ADJP partially obscured) street sign))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP could (VP see (NP it) (ADVP better) (PP-LOC out (NP the right-hand side))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (INTJ yes))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Turn (PP to (NP the left)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (S-IMP *T*-2))) ,) (PP for (NP (NP that number) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP gave (NP me) (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (ADJP (ADJP Not more) (PP than (NP a block (QP or so))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP (VP got (PP in (NP the left-hand lane))) and (VP cut (PP-DIR across (NP the Boulevard divider)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a small , neon-lighted restaurant and cocktail lounge) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the southeast corner) (PP of (NP the intersection)))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the quiet , palm-lined street) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the houses) (PP-LOC on (NP both sides))))) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP older two-story mansions) , (VP (ADVP now) cut (NP *) (PRT up) (PP into (NP (NP furnished rooms) and (NP housekeeping apartments))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Shayne) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR westward (PP from (NP the Boulevard))) (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP (VP crane (NP his head) (PP out (NP the window))) and (VP watch (PP for (NP street numbers)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A single automobile) (VP was (VP parked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC (ADVP half-way) up (NP the block)) (PP-LOC on (NP the left-hand side)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP (VP noted (ADVP-MNR idly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP carried (NP Miami Beach license plates)))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP approached)))) , (CONJP and then) (VP saw (NP (NP the flare) (PP of (NP a match)) (PP-LOC in (NP the front seat))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP passed))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP indicating (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP occupied (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP turned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP the briefly-illumed faces) (PP of (NP (NP two men) (PP-LOC in (NP the parked car)))))))) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD the next house) , (NP-VOC Mike))))))) .)) (TOP (PP-LOC On (NP the right) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pulling (PP into (NP the curb))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Shayne) (VP increased (NP his speed) (ADVP slightly) (PP to (NP (NP the corner) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP swung (ADVP-DIR left) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR around (NP the corner))) and (VP parked , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP turning (PRT off) (NP his lights and motor))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP you) , (NP-VOC Mike))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Rourke) (PP in (NP an aggrieved voice)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD back there)) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *?*)))) , (NP-VOC Tim))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His voice) (VP was (ADJP-PRD chilling and cold)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (NP (NP the car) (VP parked (NP *) (PP-LOC across (NP the street))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP notice (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP watching (PP for (NP numbers)))) . '')) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP has (NP a Beach license) , (NP-VOC Tim)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Two men) (PP-LOC in (NP the front seat)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP (NP a quick look) (PP at (NP their faces))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP went (ADVP past))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Unless (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD (ADJP crazy) (PP as (NP hell)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (NP-PRD (NP two) (PP of (NP (NP Painter 's) dicks)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A couple) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Harris and Geely))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Those names) (VP mean (NP anything) (PP to (NP you))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait (NP a minute) , (NP-VOC Mike)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP-LOC In (NP (NP Painter 's) office)) (NP-TMP this evening) .)) (TOP '' (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP nodded (ADVP-MNR grimly))) .) (TOP (NP `` (NP The pair) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whom) (S (NP-SBJ Petey) (VP is (ADVP officially) (VP commending (NP *T*-1) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP slapping (NP me) (PRT around)) and (VP pulling (NP me) (PRT in))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ they) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC here))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 A stake-out) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (PP On (NP Felice Perrin) .)) (TOP (PP (ADVP Maybe) with (NP specific orders (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP make (NP contact) (PP with (NP her)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (ADJP-PRD positive) , (NP-VOC Tim)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD wrong))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP (VP slide (ADVP out)) and (VP walk (PP-DIR around (NP the block)) (ADVP back) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the cocktail lounge) (PP-LOC on (NP Biscayne))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP (VP drive (ADVP-DIR on)) and (VP circle (ADVP back)) and (VP pull (ADVP up) (PP-LOC beside (NP (NP them) (VP parked (NP *) (ADVP-LOC there)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD a reporter))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 're (VP looking (PP for (NP Miss Perrin)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP interview (NP her))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Make (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP show (NP their hands)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP Beach cops) (PP on (NP a stake-out)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP admit (NP it) (PP to (NP a reporter)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 've (VP got (NP no official standing) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP this side) (PP of (NP the Bay)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP-TMP (ADVP As soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD Geely and Harris)))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (ADVP on) (PP-DIR around (PP to (NP (NP the lounge) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP waiting (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP (VP opened (NP (NP the door) (PP-LOC on (NP his side)))) and (VP stepped (ADVP out))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Timothy Rourke) (VP groaned (ADVP-MNR dismally) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP slid (PP under (NP the wheel)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP (NP The things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP talk (NP me) (PP into (NP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-VOC Mike) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP chuckled) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How often) (SQ do (NP-SBJ they) (VP add (PP up (PP to (NP headlines))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP should (VP complain)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP crossed (NP the street)) and (VP walked (ADVP-MNR swiftly) (ADVP-DIR (ADVP southward (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP circle (ADVP (ADVP back (PP to (NP the Boulevard))) and (ADVP north (NP a block) (PP to (NP the open restaurant))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP standing (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the bar)))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP enjoying (NP (NP a slug) (PP of (NP cognac))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP six or eight) minutes) later) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The reporter) (VP nodded (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP moved (ADVP-DIR up) (PP-LOC beside (NP him)) (PP-LOC at (NP the bar)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP told (NP the bartender) , `` (NP Bourbon and water) '')) , and (S (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP told (NP him) , `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD those two) , (ADVP all right))))) .)) (TOP (NP Harris and Geely .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP them) (VP show (NP me) (NP their identification) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP could (VP be (VP persuaded (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) not (VP to (VP call (PP on (NP Felice Perrin)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP said (ADVP-MNR happily) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP it) (NP all)) (VP worked (NP *-1) (PRT out))) , (NP-VOC Tim))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP your time) (PP with (NP your drink))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP beat (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (PP-TMP In (NP (QP exactly three) minutes)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP go (PP-DIR in (NP (NP that phone booth) (PP-LOC behind (NP you))))) and (VP call (NP Police Headquarters))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Be (ADJP-PRD excited)) and (VP do n't (VP identify (NP yourself)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP say (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP a couple) (PP of (NP drunks))) (VP are (VP having (NP (NP a hell) (PP of (NP a fight))) (PP-LOC down (NP the street))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP better) (VP send (NP a patrol car)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP hang (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR fast)) and (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP walking (ADVP on) (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the Perrin address))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP waiting (PP for (NP you)) (ADVP-LOC there)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The bartender) (VP brought (NP (NP Rourke 's) drink))) and (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP laid (NP a twenty-dollar bill) (PP-LOC on (NP the bar)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (PP in (NP a low voice)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP a date) (PP with (NP a lady))) , (NP-VOC Mister))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ that) (VP pay (PP for (NP (NP a pint) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP take (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP me))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-1)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP added (S *T*-2) (PP with (NP a conspiratorial wink))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Candy) (VP is (ADJP-PRD dandy))) , but (S (NP-SBJ liquor) (VP is (ADJP-PRD quicker))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP have (NP (NP any candy) (PP for (NP sale))) (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP anyhow)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (ADVP sure) (VP do n't) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bartender) (VP (VP winked (ADVP back) (PP at (NP him))) and (VP palmed (NP the bill))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned (ADVP away)) and (VP returned (PP-TMP in (NP a moment)) (PP with (NP (NP a pint) (PP of (NP brandy)) (PP-LOC in (NP a small paper sack)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP slid (NP *T*-1) (PP over (NP the counter)) (PP to (NP Shayne))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the detective) (VP slid (NP it) (PP into (NP his pocket))))) , (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP asked (ADVP-MNR sadly) , `` (SBARQ (WHNP-2 (WHNP What) (PP in (NP hell))) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))) , (NP-VOC Mike))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Make (S (NP-SBJ (NP a couple) (PP of (NP (NP punk detectives) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Geely and Harris)))))) (VP wish (PP to (NP God)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP stayed (PP out (PP of (NP my way))) (NP-TMP this afternoon)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP-TMP Three minutes) , (NP-VOC Tim) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP strode (ADVP-DIR out) (ADVP-MNR blithely))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rourke) (VP (VP checked (NP his watch)) and (VP sipped (NP his drink)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ a dime) (ADJP-PRD ready)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP the telephone call) (PP to (NP the police)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Outside) , (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP hesitated (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP had (VP parked (NP (NP his coupe) (VP *ICH*-2)) (PP-LOC (ADVP directly) in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the bar)))) (VP-2 headed (NP *) (ADVP south)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the right-hand door)))) , (VP opened (NP it)) and (VP got (NP the reloaded automatic) (PP out (PP of (NP the glove compartment)))) and (VP put (NP it) (PP-PUT in (NP his hip pocket)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would n't (VP be (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP use (NP it) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP taking (NP care) (PP of (NP the Beach detectives))))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP its weight) (PP-LOC *ICH*-3)) (VP was (VP comforting (PP-LOC-3 at (NP his hip))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP this side) (PP of (NP the Bay)))) , (NP-SBJ Miami Beach cops) (VP had (NP (NP (ADJP no more) legal rights) (PP than (NP any ordinary citizen))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Shayne 's) pistol permit) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP just as good) (PP as (NP theirs))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP went (ADVP-MNR swiftly) (PP up (NP the sidewalk)) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the parked car) (PP with (NP (NP the two Beach detectives) (PP-LOC in (NP the front seat))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP tugged (NP-1 (NP the brim) (PP of (NP his hat))) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD low)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP approached)))) , (VP stepped (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the street))) (PP-LOC (ADVP just) behind (NP the car))) and (VP strode (PP-DIR around (PP to (NP the right-hand side))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The big , paunchy man) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Geely)))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP that side)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD half-turned (PP-LOC in (NP the seat)) (PP toward (NP his hatchet-faced companion)) (SBAR so that (S (NP-SBJ his back) (VP (ADVP partially) rested (PP against (NP the closed door)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP (VP turned (NP the handle)) and (VP jerked (NP-1 the door) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP either) (PP of (NP the men))) (VP were (ADVP quite) (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP (NP his presence) (PP in (NP the night)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Geely) (VP (VP grunted) and (VP slid (ADVP partly out)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Shayne 's) left arm) (VP snaked (PRT in) (PP around (NP his neck)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (NP him)))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP set (NP himself) (ADVP-MNR solidly) (PP-LOC on (NP the roadway))) and (VP swung (NP his right fist) (PP to (NP the big , gum-chewing jaw)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ Geely) (VP could (VP straighten (ADVP up))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Shayne) (VP (VP stepped (ADVP back) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP slump (PP to (NP the ground)))))))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) dived (PP over (NP him)) (PP through (NP the open door)) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP Harris) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP was (VP (VP cursing (ADVP-MNR loudly)) and (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP drag (NP a gun) (PP from (NP a shoulder holster)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP (ADVP somewhat) impeded (NP *-4) (PP by (NP-LGS the steering wheel)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP (VP locked (NP his big hands) (PP around (NP (NP Harris ') thin neck))) and (VP dragged (NP him) (PP out (PP over (NP the seat))) (PP-DIR into (NP the roadway)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP hit (NP him) (ADVP-TMP once) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the sharp point) (PP of (NP his chin))))) and (VP felt (NP-PRD the body) (VP go (ADJP-PRD limp)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP dropped (NP him) (PP into (NP the street)) (ADVP-LOC (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP feet))) away (PP from (NP (NP Geely 's) recumbent figure)))) and (VP stared (ADVP down) (PP at (NP (NP both) (PP of (NP them)))) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP kicking (NP the big man) (ADVP-MNR lightly) (PP in (NP the side))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP stir)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were both (VP breathing (ADVP-MNR heavily) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD out cold))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP did n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP either) (PP of (NP them))) (VP (VP had (VP recognized (NP him))) or (VP could (VP describe (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP (VP got (NP (NP the pint) (PP of (NP liquor))) (PP out (PP of (NP his pocket)))) and (VP unscrewed (NP the top))) , (VP (VP sprinkled (NP the pungent stuff) (ADVP-MNR liberally) (PP over (NP both men))) , (CONJP and then) (VP tossed (NP the open bottle) (PP-DIR in (PP on (NP the front seat)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP turned , (ADVP-TMP then) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP toward (NP the lighted Boulevard)))))) , and (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Rourke 's) tall , emaciated figure) (VP (VP come (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the lounge)))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR hurriedly) start (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP angle (PP across (NP the street)) (PP-DIR toward (NP the opposite side)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Shayne) (VP (VP strolled (ADVP-DIR across) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP intercept (NP the reporter) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP (NP the two-story house) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ Felice Perrin) (VP lived (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))))) , and (VP asked (ADVP-MNR casually) , `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (NP the police) (ADVP okay))) '')) ? ?)) (TOP (ADVP `` Sure .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP have (NP a patrol car) (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP fast)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP get (ADVP-LOC inside)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP with (NP you)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Why) (NP-SBJ the two damned fools) (VP (VP got (ADVP all) (ADJP-PRD excited) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP saw (NP the bottle) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , and (VP knocked (NP-3 each other) (PRT out) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD cold))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR good-humoredly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP 'll (VP have (NP fun) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP explaining (NP that) (PP to (NP the Miami cops)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Got (NP no business) (PP-LOC over (ADVP here)) (PP on (NP a stake-out)) (ADVP anyway)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP went (PP-DIR (PP up (PP onto (NP a front porch))) and (PP into (NP (NP a small hallway) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ a dim bulb) (VP burned (PP-LOC (ADVP high) in (NP the ceiling)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A row) (PP of (NP mailboxes)) (PP-LOC along (NP the wall))) (VP had (NP (NP numbers and names) (PP on (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shayne) (VP found (NP (NP one) (VP marked (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Perrin A[fj]))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The stairway) (PP-LOC on (NP the right))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dark))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a wall-switch) (PP-LOC at (NP the bottom)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lighted (NP (NP another dim bulb) (PP-LOC at (NP the top))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP went (ADVP-DIR up))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP two front rooms) , (NP (NP both) (ADJP dark) (PP-LOC behind (NP their transoms)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no sound or light) (PP-LOC in (NP the entire house)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP any) (PP of (NP the occupants))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD awake))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-LOC (NP Eight , nine steps) (PP above (NP him))) , (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP had (VP paused)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mickey) (VP paused (PP with (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-TMP no longer) (ADJP-PRD impatient)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (ADVP-TMP now) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP think (NP it) (PRT out)) , (VP do (NP a little planning)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (ADVP down) (PP over (NP the banister)) (PP at (NP (NP the hotel desk) , (PP with (NP the telephone and pen set))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP call (PRT in))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP check (NP the story) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (PP-PRD on (NP our way))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP them) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP Roberts)))))))))) -- (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP heard (NP it) , (PP like (NP a muffled thud))) , (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP a subtle change) (PP in (NP air pressure)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP glanced (ADVP up) (PP in (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP (VP hurtling (PP-DIR down (PP on (NP him))) (PP from (ADVP above))) , (VP (ADVP literally) flying (PP through (NP the air)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 his bloody face) (VP twisted (NP *-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mickey) (VP (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP flatten (PP against (NP the banister)))))) , (VP gripped (NP it) (PP with (NP one hand))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP Roberts ') full weight) (VP struck (NP him) (PP-TMP at (NP that moment)) (PP-LOC in (NP the groin)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gasped (PP for (NP air)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the impact) (VP tore (NP his hand) (PP from (NP the rail)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tumbled (PP with (NP Roberts)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (ADJP helpless) and (PP in (NP agony)))) , (ADVP over and over) , (PP-DIR down (NP the steps))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP a wrenching effort)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP (VP hunch) and (VP draw (ADVP in)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP the final fall) (PP on (NP (NP his back and shoulders) (PP rather than (NP his head))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP fuzzy (PP in (NP his mind))) and , (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) , (ADJP helpless (PP-LOC on (NP the lobby floor)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP conscious) , and (ADJP free (PP of (NP (NP the weight) (PP of (NP (NP Roberts ') body)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ his vision) (VP cleared (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP the taller one) (VP (VP scrambling (ADVP upward)) , (VP reaching))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mickey) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP his knees)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP turned) (PP-LOC on (NP the stairs))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the razor) (PP-LOC *ICH*-2)) (VP flashed (PP-LOC-2 in (NP his hand)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP felt (NP-PRD his empty pocket)) and (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP had (VP retrieved (NP (NP the only weapon) (PP-LOC at (NP hand))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mickey 's) eyes) (VP fixed (PP on (NP (NP (NP the other 's) feet) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (ADVP-TMP first) (VP betray (NP (NP the moment and direction) (PP of (NP an attack)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP rose (ADVP-MNR stiffly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP forcing (S (NP-SBJ his knees) (VP to (VP lock)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The knifelike pain) (PP-LOC in (NP his groin))) (VP (ADVP nearly) brought (NP him) (ADVP down) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP himself) (VP back (ADVP off) (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his eyes) (ADJP-PRD wary (PP on (NP (NP Roberts) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP had (NP (NP no more) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP lose (NP *T*-2))))) (PP than (NP he)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The pain) (VP dulled (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP moved))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP steadied (ADVP inside))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP extended (NP (NP one hand) , (NP (NP the fingers) (VP curled (NP *))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP on))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (ADJP that big) a fool)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP hoping (PP for (NP this))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP (VP brushed (PP at (NP his eyes)) (PP with (NP his free hand))) and (VP started (PP-DIR down (NP the steps)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP held (NP the razor) (PP-LOC (ADVP well out) to (NP one side))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD invulnerable (PP to (NP attack))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could (VP be (VP handled (NP *-1) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Mickey) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP could (VP be (VP brought (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP make (NP the first move))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV eight feet) apart) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP cleared (NP the last step) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mickey) (VP waited (PP with (NP slack arms))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP Any time) , (NP-VOC Roberts)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Or would (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (ADJP-PRD easier) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (NP my hands) (PP-PUT in (NP my pockets)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The taunt) (VP was (VP lost (NP *-2) (PP on (NP Roberts)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP advanced (ADVP-MNR slowly , directly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP giving (NP (NP no hint) (PP of (NP (NP a feint) (PP to (NP either side)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD just short (PP of (NP (NP arm 's) reach))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stopped (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mickey) (VP backed (ADVP off) (NP-ADV two steps) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP forcing (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP come (ADVP on) (ADVP again))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a fixed grin) (PP on (NP (NP Roberts ') face)) , (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD hideous)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the swollen nose) and (NP the smeared blood)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mickey) (VP backed (ADVP off) (ADVP again))) and (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP (VP hesitated) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) came (ADVP along)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP moved (PP in (NP (NP (NP (NP a series) (PP of (NP rhythmic fits and starts))) , (NP a macabre dance)) -- (NP (NP (NP two steps) (ADVP back)) , (NP (NP two steps) (ADVP forward)) , (NP (NP two steps) (ADVP back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mickey) (VP felt (NP-PRD his shoulders) (VP come (PP up (PP against (NP (NP the wall) (PP-LOC beside (NP the heavy slab front door))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD it)))) (ADVP-TMP now) , (NP-TMP any second)))) , and (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP remember (NP *T*-2))))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP his eye) (PP on (NP the razor)) , (ADVP no matter (FRAG (WHNP what))) , (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP should (VP feint (PP with (NP (NP a kick) (PP to (NP the groin))))))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ the deadly hand) (VP was (NP-PRD his exclusive concern))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The kick) (VP came , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD sudden and vicious but short))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mickey 's) guts) (VP twisted (PP with (NP the effort)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP kept (NP his eye) (PP on (NP the weapon)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP moved (PP in (NP a silver arc)) (PP-DIR toward (NP his throat))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (VP veered (ADVP-DIR downward))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP hunched (NP his left shoulder) (PP-DIR into (NP it))) and (VP slashed (PP at (NP (NP Roberts ') forearm)) (PP with (NP his own))) , (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ the blade) (VP slide (PP off (NP his sleeve)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ-1 Roberts) (VP could (VP move (ADVP-DIR inside) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cut (ADVP-DIR upward) (PP toward (NP his face))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP slammed (NP his right fist) (PP into (NP (NP Roberts ') belly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP (VP sagged) and (VP slashed (PP at (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR wildly))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Ducking)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mickey) (VP (VP tripped) and (VP fell (PP to (NP one side)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP landing (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP-LOC on (NP the wood floor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 Roberts) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP gasping (PP for (NP breath)))))) and (S (PP-TMP for (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP seconds)))) (NP-SBJ Mickey) (VP lost (NP (NP sight) (PP of (NP the blade))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (UCP (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP rip (PP at (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP his jacket)))))) and (NP (NP a momentary sting) (PP-LOC under (NP his left ribs))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP got (NP a knee) (PP up (PP into (NP (NP Roberts ') belly)))) , (VP used (NP both hands)) and (VP heaved (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD clear))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) scrambled (PP to (NP his feet)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the lobby)))) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (ADVP-TMP Still) clutching (NP the razor))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Roberts) (VP came (PP up (PP into (NP a crouch))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shaking (NP his head)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP charged (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ Mickey) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hit (NP Roberts) (PP with (NP his left fist)) (PP-LOC in (NP the ribs)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the razor) (VP (VP cut (PP-DIR toward (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR feebly)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) wobbled (PP-LOC in (NP mid-air))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ (NP his right fist) , and (NP (ADJP nearly all) his weight)) (PP-PRD behind (NP it)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP smashed (PP at (NP the bloodstained face))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Roberts) (VP (VP careened (ADVP-DIR backward) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 his back) (VP arched (NP *-1)))) , (VP fought (PP for (NP balance))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP failing)) , stumbled (PP against (NP (NP the newel post) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the foot) (PP of (NP the stairs)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sound) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his head) (VP striking (NP the solid wood))))) (VP was (NP-PRD an ultimate , sudden-end sound)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP fell (PP on (NP his side)) (PP-LOC across (NP the lowest step))) , (VP rolled (ADVP over) (ADVP-TMP once)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) lay (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD still)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mickey) (VP found (NP himself) (VP (VP leaning (PP-LOC against (NP the desk)) , (PP with (NP stiff hands))) , (VP panting (PP for (NP breath))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a minute)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP Roberts))) , (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his eyes))))) and (VP felt (PP for (NP a pulse)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could n't (VP feel (NP any))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Roberts) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD dead) ; ; (ADVP-TMP (FRAG if not (ADVP yet)) , (ADVP then) (ADVP (ADVP soon) , (ADVP very soon))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold) (PP-LOC in (NP the lobby))) .)) (TOP (NP 12)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a long time) (VP had (VP passed (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Actually) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP no more) (PP than (NP (QP eight or ten) minutes))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sum) (PP of (NP his reasoning))) (VP came (PP to (NP (NP this) : (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP no way) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP take (NP him) (PRT in) (ADVP-TMP now)) and (VP keep (NP-2 (NP those other two) -- (NP (NP Wister) and (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP hired (NP (NP the two) (PP of (NP them)))))))) --) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP finding (PRT out) (PP about (NP Roberts))) and (VP lamming (PRT out)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The local law) (ADVP-LOC here)) (VP would (VP hold (NP me) (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP check (ADVP (ADVP-LOC clear back home) , and (ADVP (ADVP maybe more) (PP than (NP that))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (ADVP then)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP catch (PP up (PP with (NP the others))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD no other way))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP it) (NP-ADV myself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP at (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Roberts) (VP lay (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP sprawled (NP *-2) (PP-LOC on (NP the step)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mickey) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure now (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-ADV One thing) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP knows (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP yet)) .)) (TOP (NP Only me .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP climbed (NP the stairs)) , (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP (NP Roberts ') room))) , (VP found (NP a suitcase)) and (VP packed (NP (NP (ADJP as much)) (PP into (NP it)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP left (NP a few things)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP did n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD perfect)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP was (NP-PRD a wastrel)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Walking (ADVP-DIR away) (PP on (NP impulse)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP might (ADVP logically) (VP leave (ADVP behind) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD inconvenient) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP carry (NP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP closed (NP the suitcase) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP found (NP a rag)) and (VP moved (PP about (NP the room)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wiping (ADVP-MNR carefully) (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (VP touched (NP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP took (NP him) (NP-TMP nearly an hour)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP (NP the room) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP rented (NP *T*-1)))))))) and (VP got (PP into (NP his overcoat)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP left (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP his things)))) and (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP the lobby)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP set (NP (NP Roberts ') suitcase) (PP-LOC near (NP the front door))) , (VP went (ADVP-DIR outside)) and (VP walked (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the garage)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD mildly surprised (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP snowing))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP snowed (ADVP-MNR softly , silently) , (NP-ADV (NP an undulating interruption) (PP of (NP his vision)) (PP against (NP the night sky)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP feel (NP it) (PP-LOC (PP on (NP his face)) and (PP in (NP his hair))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP found (NP (NP the key) (PP to (NP the Jeep)))) , (VP got (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP started (NP *-1)))) and (VP warmed (NP it) (PRT up) (PP-TMP for (NP five minutes)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP backed (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP swung (ADVP-DIR around) (PP to (NP the front drive)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the hotel))) and (VP searched (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP the razor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP put (NP it) (PP-PUT in (NP his own pocket)) (PP for (NP safekeeping))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP took (NP the suitcase) (PP out (PP to (NP the Jeep)))) and (VP put (NP it) (PP-PUT in (NP the front seat)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP for (NP Roberts))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The body) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP heavier) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP anticipated)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP got (NP it) (PP-LOC onto (NP his shoulder)) (PP after (NP some work))) and (VP carried (NP it) (UCP-DIR (ADVP outside) and (PP down (PP to (NP the Jeep)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP dumped (NP it) (PP-DIR into (NP the back))) and (VP made (ADJP sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would n't (VP roll (ADVP-DIR out))))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) returned (PP to (NP the porch))) and (VP closed (NP the front door) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP making (ADJP sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP unlocked (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP drove (ADVP-MNR carefully) (PP-DIR in (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (NP (NP the brief tour) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP taken (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP earlier)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP snowed (ADVP-MNR continuously , but quietly , evenly)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (NP (NP the dip) (PP-LOC in (NP the woods))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (ADVP-TMP already) (NP-SBJ the earlier ruts) (VP were (ADJP-PRD barely discernible))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Jeep) (VP (VP fought (NP its way) (PP through (NP the low spot))) and (VP got (PP-LOC onto (NP higher ground)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP drove (PP in (NP low gear)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the fork) (PP-LOC in (NP the road))))) and (VP swung (ADVP (ADVP as close) (PP as (ADJP possible)) (PP to (NP (NP the entrance) (PP to (NP the abandoned mine))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP parked (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP facing (NP it)))) and (VP left (NP the headlights) (PRT on)))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP started (PP-DIR into (NP the tunnel)) (PP with (NP the suitcase)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the illumination) (VP extended (ADVP (ADVP no farther) (PP than (NP (NP (QP half a dozen) feet) (PP into (NP the passage)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR back)) and (VP got (NP the flashlight)) , (VP returned (PP to (NP the tunnel))) and (VP carried (NP the suitcase) (PP to (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP (NP the pit) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP found (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP earlier))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP tossed (NP the bag) (PP-DIR into (NP the pit))) and (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ dry dust) (VP spray (ADVP-DIR up) (PP-LOC around (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the dust) (VP settled (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the Jeep))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR carefully) worked (NP (NP Roberts ') body) (PP-LOC onto (NP his shoulder)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP carrying (NP the suitcase))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The soft snow) (VP was (ADJP-PRD deceitful) (ADVP-LOC underfoot)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Twice) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP nearly) (VP fell) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Inside (NP the passage)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP work (NP his way) (PP over (NP the fallen timber)))))) and (VP (ADVP nearly) collapsed (PP-LOC under (NP his clumsy burden)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the pit))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP panting))) and (S (NP-SBJ his shoulder and back) (VP ached (PP under (NP (NP the drag) (PP of (NP the dead weight)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (ADVP-DIR down) (PP-TMP for (NP a few seconds))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) backed (ADVP-DIR up) (NP (NP (QP two or three) paces) (PP from (NP the edge))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (ADJP too much) weight (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR casually) (VP to (VP toss (NP it) (ADVP-DIR away)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (VP (VP falling (ADVP-DIR in) (PP with (NP it))) and (VP being (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-DIR out)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a bad place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP die (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a bad place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) for (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP to (VP wind (PRT up) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Roberts) (VP had (VP asked (PP for (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too late (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP worry (PP about (NP that))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP knelt (ADVP-MNR slowly)) and (VP dumped (NP the corpse) (PP-DIR onto (NP (NP the floor) (PP of (NP the tunnel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP was (NP-PRD a relief) (S-3 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP rid (NP *-2) (PP of (NP the weight)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP shaking (PP with (NP tension))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP him) (NP-TMP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP minutes))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP get (NP his breath)) and (VP settle (PRT down))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP got (PP on (NP his knees))) and (VP rolled (NP (NP Roberts ') body) (PP-DIR toward (NP the edge)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP hung (ADVP-TMP momentarily) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the point) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP dropping (ADVP off))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP gave (NP it) (NP a strong push)) , (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP slide) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) tumble (ADVP-MNR dryly) (PP-DIR into (NP the hole))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP got (PP to (NP his feet))) and (VP threw (NP the flashlight beam) (PP-DIR into (NP the pit)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The body) (VP lay (PP in (NP an awkward sprawl)) (PP-LOC (NP-ADV (QP twelve or fifteen) feet) below (NP (NP the level) (PP of (NP the tunnel floor))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADJP Deep enough)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD little chance (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP would (VP enter (NP this shaft) (PP-TMP during (NP the winter)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The external signs) (PP of (NP (NP his approach) (PP to (NP it))))) (VP would (VP be (VP covered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the snow)) , (PP-TMP (ADVP probably) by (NP the next day))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD cold enough (PP-LOC in (NP the tunnel)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP preserve (NP (NP the body) (ADJP intact))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP spring)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a skeleton))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP his way) (PP-DIR back (PP to (NP the Jeep)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP back (PP-DIR into (NP the turn))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered (NP (NP the razor) (PP-LOC in (NP his pocket))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP climbed (ADVP-DIR down)) , (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR into (NP the tunnel))) and (VP tossed (NP the razor) (PP-DIR into (NP the pit)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP landed (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Roberts ') sprawled right thigh))) , (VP poised (ADVP-MNR precariously)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) slid (ADVP off) (PP-DIR to (NP the ground)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (ADVP-TMP once more) (PP-DIR to (NP the Jeep))) and (VP started (NP (NP the short drive) (PP to (NP the hotel))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the garage)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP checked (NP the Jeep) (PP for (NP (NP signs) (PP of (NP (NP the use) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP made (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP it))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD stains) (ADVP-LOC here and there))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP cleaned (NP them) (PRT off) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP using (NP (NP an oiled rag) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP a nail)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wiped (NP (NP the steering wheel) and (NP (NP all the places) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (VP touched (NP the Jeep) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP replaced (NP the flashlight) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP had (VP been (VP stowed (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))) , (VP got (PP into (NP his own car))) and (VP backed (NP it) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the garage))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD tire marks) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP (VP were (VP overlapped (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS others)))) and (VP (PP-LOC on (NP the dusty floor)) would not (VP be (ADJP-PRD noticeable) (PP except (PP under (NP close scrutiny))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-1 (NP-SBJ-2 Liz Peabody) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP might (VP spend (NP some time) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP grieving (PP for (NP her lost lover))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP doubted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP launch (NP an investigation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP judged (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a woman) (PP of (NP (NP some pride) , (ADVP though) (NP (ADJP not much) sense)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP have (NP sense enough (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP call (PRT in) (NP-1 the local sheriff) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP her boy friend) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) , (S (ADVP apparently) , (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP run (ADVP-DIR away))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP put (PRT in) (NP (NP a call) (PP to (NP Cunningham))) (PP from (NP his hotel room))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The maid) (VP answered)) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Nancy) (VP must (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP work)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jeb) (VP (VP cautioned (S (NP-SBJ him) not (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD too hopeful))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ignoring (NP his own advice))) , said (ADVP-MNR excitedly) , `` (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP does (VP sound (ADJP-PRD good)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A woman) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Lisa))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP tells (NP nobody) (NP (NP anything) (PP about (NP herself)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP That courtyard picture) (PP with (NP the same initials)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (ADVP exactly) (VP jumping (ADVP up and down) (PP with (NP enthusiasm)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP call (NP you) (PP-TMP in (NP a day (QP or so))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP the highway)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP relaxed) and (VP enjoyed (NP (NP the drive) (PP-LOC (PP over (NP Lake Pontchartrain)) and (PP along (NP the coast)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gulf Springs) (VP was (ADVP-PRD (NP ten miles) inland) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more) (PP of (NP a quaint old coast town)) (PP than (NP (NP those) (PP-LOC along (NP the beach)) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD garish)) (PP by (NP-LGS tourist attractions)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP checked (PP into (NP a motel))) and (VP drove (ADVP-DIR-DIR downtown))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The courthouse) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a white-stucco building) (PP minus (NP the customary dome)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (NP (NP the usual (NX (NX straggling privet hedges) and (NX (NX patches) (PP of (NP bare dirt))))) (PP-LOC in (NP most small-town squares)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the building) (VP was (VP hemmed (NP *-1) (PRT in) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP a semitropical growth) (PP of (NP camellias and azaleas))) and (NP (NP a smooth lawn) (NP (NP the (ADJP improbably bright-green) shade) (PP of (NP (NP florist 's) grass)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP figured (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his best bet) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a call) (PP on (NP the sheriff))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A clerk) (PP-LOC in (NP the outer office))) (VP took (NP him) (PP in (PP to (NP (NP Sheriff Carruthers) , (NP (NP a big , paunchy man) (PP with (NP (NP thick , white hair) and (NP (NP a voice) (PP with (NP a senatorial resonance)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP suggested (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP be (VP running (PP for (NP higher office)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Seated (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the desk)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Hank) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP looking (PP for (NP some information)) (PP with (NP (NP very little) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP on (NP *T*-2)))))))) , (NP-VOC Sheriff) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP explained (NP (NP the background) (PP of (NP the case))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP ending (PP with (NP (NP the tenuous clue) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP brought (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP Gulf Springs))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sheriff 's) swivel chair) (VP tilted (ADVP-DIR back)) .)) (TOP (S `` So (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP looking (PP for (NP (NP a woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP married (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP (VP might (VP have (VP lived (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP-TMP (NP a year) ago)))) and (VP might (VP have (VP been (VP poisoned (NP *-3)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD such a person)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD afraid (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP got (ADVP away (PP with (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Pity (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do n't (VP know (NP (NP more) (PP about (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the best bet) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP go (PP through (NP (NP the society columns) (PP of (NP last year))))) and (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ (NP any) (PP of (NP the grooms))) (VP match (PP with (NP (NP the obituaries) (ADVP-TMP (NP a little) later)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 'll (VP be (NP-PRD a tedious job)))) , but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP try (NP it))))))) , (NP-SBJ the old newspaper files) (VP are (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the basement) (ADVP-LOC here (PP in (NP (NP the county supervisor 's) office))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ the society editor) (VP would (VP remember (NP a good-looking out-of-town bride))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD an idea)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Calhoun) (VP has (VP been (NP-PRD society editor) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP-TMP for (NP twenty-five years)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The editor) (VP says (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 marriages) (VP may (VP be (VP made (NP *-1) (PP in (NP heaven)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 weddings) (VP are (VP made (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP Mrs. Calhoun 's) columns)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP decides (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 which wedding) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP is (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP the lead space) (PP-LOC in (NP the Sunday paper))))))))) and (NP all that))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TMP Once) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the editor) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP just) out (PP of (NP the hospital)) (PP from (NP a gallstone operation))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Mrs. Calhoun) and (NP (NP the mother) (PP of (NP the bride)))) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP his house)))) and (VP fought (NP it) (PRT out) (PP-LOC beside (NP his bed)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP remember (NP (NP any bride) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD vague (PP about (NP background))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (VP have (VP made (NP (NP a great scientist) (VP dedicated (NP *) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP tracking (PRT down) (NP heredity and environment))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (ADVP also) (VP remember (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ the groom) (VP died (ADVP-TMP later)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stood (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (NP you) (NP good luck))) , but (S-IMP (INTJ please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP dig (PRT up) (NP (NP (ADJP too tough) a case) (PP for (NP me))) (ADVP-TMP this close (PP to (NP election)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (PRT out) (NP anything)))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (ADVP on) (PP-DIR back (ADVP here)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP 'll (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP started (NP *-2) (PP on (NP it))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tracking (PRT down) (NP Mrs. Calhoun))) (VP was (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP catch (PRT up) (PP with (NP Paul Revere)) (PP-LOC between (NP Lexington and Concord))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP turned (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP also) (VP sold (NP (NP real estate) , (NP cosmetics) , and (NP hospital insurance)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The wearying trek) (VP stretched (PP-TMP into (NP the afternoon)) -- (PP (PP from (NP newspaper plant)) (PP to (NP insurance office)) (PP to (NP her house)) and (ADVP back) (PP to (NP (NP the newspaper) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP her) (PP-TMP at (NP five o'clock)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a large woman) (PP with (NP (NP a frizzled gray poodle cut) and (NP (NP a pencil) (VP clamped (NP *) (PP like (NP a bit)) (PP-LOC between (NP her teeth)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP hunted and pecked (PP on (NP an old typewriter))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP took (NP-TMP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP minutes))) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP run (PP through (NP her various businesses))) and (VP get (PP down (PP to (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wanted (NP *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP-TMP `` Last year ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (VP remember (NP one))) .)) (TOP (PP From (NP Baton Rouge) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Married (NP (NP a man) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Vincent Black))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (NP her) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP want (NP her picture) (PP in (NP the paper))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP First bride) (PP like (NP that)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP seen (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP in (NP twenty-five years)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What reason) (SQ did (NP-SBJ she) (VP give (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Said (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP (NP a breaking-out) (PP-LOC on (NP her face))) -- (NP (NP some sort) (PP of (NP allergy))) --))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP her old pictures))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good enough)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP see (NP her) (PP-TMP till (ADVP (NP several days) later)) (PP-LOC at (NP the wedding))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ her face) (VP looked (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP had (NP a blemish) (PP-LOC on (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP could n't (VP see (ADVP too well) (PP through (NP the veil)))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Was (NP-SBJ her name) (NP-PRD Lisa Carmody) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (ADVP Now) (WHADVP-1 how (PP in (NP hell))) (SQ would (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (NP that) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Never) (VP mind) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP look (NP-PRD it) (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP live (ADVP-LOC here)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP moved (ADVP-DIR away) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP shortly) after (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP married (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a salesman) (PP for (NP something or other)))) and (VP must (VP have (VP been (VP transferred (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 'll (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the files)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (ADVP usually) (VP run (NP a social note) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ somebody) (VP moves (ADVP-DIR away) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stood (PRT up)) and (VP thanked (NP her))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Have (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP inherited (NP some money)) or (NP-ETC something)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (PP with (NP (NP a reportorial gleam) (PP in (NP her eye))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (ADVP-MNR vaguely) , `` (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a little legal matter) , but (NP (NP nothing) (PP like (NP that))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP hurried (PP-DIR across (PP to (NP the courthouse)))) and (VP caught (NP the sheriff) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP leaving)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Sounds (PP like (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (PP-PRD after (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ Hank) (VP had (VP finished (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP on))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (NP 's) (VP hurry (ADVP-DIR down) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP lock (PRT up) (PP for (NP the day)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the basement)) (NP-SBJ the sheriff) (VP took (NP him) (PP to (NP (NP a small , dingy office) (VP occupied (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a tall , thin man) (ADJP informal (PP in (NP rolled-up shirt sleeves))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Mr. Ferrell Hirey Lindsay) , (NP (NP chairman) (PP of (NP (NP the board) (PP of (NP supervisors))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Ferrell) (VP is (NP-PRD a private detective) , (NP-VOC Hirey)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Wants (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PRT up) (NP-PRD something) (PP in (NP the newspaper files))))))) , so (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP lock (NP him) (PP-LOC in (ADVP here))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (ADJP Sure)) '' , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Hirey) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP just) (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ the door) (ADJP-PRD open)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP latches (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP close (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , so (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP stay (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP like)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Carruthers) (VP crossed (NP the room) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a metal door) (PP with (NP (NP an open grillework) (PP-LOC in (NP the top half))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP pulled (NP-1 it) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (ADVP Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP shut (NP this door))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP wo n't (VP open (PP from (ADVP inside)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP built (NP the new jail)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP prisoners) (PP-LOC in (NP here)) (ADVP-TMP overnight) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the old jail) (VP got (ADJP-PRD too crowded) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hirey) (VP treats (NP himself) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP (NP a lot) better) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do (VP *?* (NP prisoners))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV a sight) more comfortable) (PP than (NP (NP the ones) (PP-LOC in (NP the jail))))) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP the cold air) (PP from (NP (NP Hirey 's) air conditioner))) (VP coming (PP through (NP the grille)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP walked (PP past (NP the sheriff)) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP a windowless room) (PP with (NP (NP shelves) (ADJP full (PP of (NP big , leather-bound volumes))) (PP from (NP floor)) (PP to (NP ceiling)) (PP-LOC (ADVP all) around (NP the walls))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A metal table) and (NP four chairs)) (VP stood (PP-LOC in (NP the center))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're all (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) , (PP-TMP (ADVP back) to (NP 1865)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Carruthers) (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP smoke))))) , but (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP make (ADJP sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ your cigarettes) (VP are (ADJP-PRD out))))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP leave))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP know (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP take (NP clippings))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP leave (NP the air conditioner) (PRT on) (PP for (NP you)) , (NP-VOC Mr. Ferrell)))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Hirey) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Do n't (VP forget (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP turn (NP it) (PRT off)) and (VP close (NP the door) (ADVP good) (SBAR-ADV so (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 'll (VP latch)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hank) (VP (VP thanked (NP them)) and (VP promised (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP observe (NP the rules)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP stood (PP-TMP for (NP a minute)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP breathing (PRT in) (NP (NP the mustiness) (PP of (NP old paper and leather)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ the (ADJP busily thrumming) air conditioner) (VP could n't (ADVP quite) (VP dispel (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Chapter fourteen)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP a tour) (PP around (NP the stacks)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the earliest volumes) (VP (VP began (PP-LOC on (NP the left))) and (VP progressed (ADVP clockwise) (PP around (NP the room))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP An old weakness) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP burrowing (PP in (NP records)))))) (VP rose (PRT up) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tempt (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was , (ADVP indeed) , all (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) -- (NP-TPC almost a century)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP From (NP reconstruction)) (PP to (NP moon rockets)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP pulled (ADVP away (PP from (NP the irrelevant old volumes)))) and (VP walked (PP-DIR around (PP to (NP the newer ones))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Last year 's) volume) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (PP at (NP the top)) (PP (NP-ADV (NP a couple) (PP of (NP inches))) below (NP the ceiling)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Near (NP it)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a metal ladder) (PP on (NP casters)) (VP attached (NP *) (PP to (NP the top shelf)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP pulled (NP it) (ADVP-DIR over)) , (VP climbed (ADVP-DIR up)) , and (VP lifted (PRT out) (NP the big volume) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (ADVP almost) losing (NP his balance) (PP from (NP (NP the weight) (PP of (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP staggered (ADVP-DIR over)) and (VP dropped (NP it) (PP-LOC on (NP the table)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Calhoun) (VP remembered (SBAR (ADVP only) that (S (NP-SBJ the marriage) (VP had (VP been (PP-TMP-PRD in (NP the spring))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP plod (PP through (NP several months)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn (PP (ADVP right) to (NP (NP the society page) (PP in (NP each one))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 interesting stories) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP cropping (ADVP up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP distract (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP last)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP it) (PP in (NP (NP the paper) (PP of (NP April 2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP told (NP him) (NP (NP little more) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Calhoun) (VP had (VP remembered))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stating (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a small , modest wedding) (PP compared (PP to (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the others)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a marked contrast) (PP in (NP (NP the amount) (PP of (NP (NP information) (PP on (NP bride and groom)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. Black 's) life) (VP was (NP-PRD an open book) , (S-ADV (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP speak))) , (PP (PP from (NP (NP his birth) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Jackson) , (NP Mississippi))))) , (PP through (NP (NP (NP his basketball-playing days) (PP-LOC at (NP L.S.U.))) and (NP (NP his attainment) (PP of (NP (NP a B.A. degree) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP presumably) (VP prepared (NP *-2) (NP him) (PP for (NP (NP his career) (PP as (NP (NP district sales manager) (PP for (NP Peerless Business Machines))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The one line) (PP on (NP the bride))) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Miss Lisa Carmody) (PP from (NP Baton Rouge))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP No mention) (PP of (NP New Orleans)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hank) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP feel (NP-PRD (NP sharp concern) (PP for (NP Mr. Black)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Black) (VP was (SBAR-PRD (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. Black 's) Peerless selling days) (VP might (ADVP well) (VP be (ADVP-PRD over))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Now) (PP for (NP (NP their exodus) (PP from (NP Gulf Springs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ the search) (VP took (ADVP-TMP (ADVP twice) (PP as (ADJP long))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP cutting (ADVP down) (PP on (NP his extra reading)))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pick (PP through (NP (NP several columns) (PP of (NP (ADJP one - and two-line) social notes)) (PP in (NP each issue))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (NP it) (PP in (NP (NP the edition) (PP of (NP May 15))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The item) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Mr. and Mrs. Black) (VP had (VP moved (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Jackson) , (NP his home town))))))) -- (SBAR-ADV so (S (NP-SBJ the lovely Lisa) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD with (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP (NP a year) ago)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 Next (PP on (NP his program))) (VP was (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a call) (PP to (NP (NP the Jackson office) (PP of (NP Peerless Business Machines)))) (SBAR-PRP (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ Vincent Black) (VP was (PP-PRD (PP (ADVP still) with (NP them)) -- or , (ADVP more specifically) , (PP (ADVP still) with (NP us)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP glanced (PP at (NP his watch))) , (VP saw (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP only) (NP-PRD seven))))) , and (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP indulge (NP his weakness) (ADVP-TMP now)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP the next hour)) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP scrambled (ADVP-MNR happily) (PP up and down (NP the ladder)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sharing (NP (NP the excitement) (PP of (NP (NP reporters) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP seen (NP (NP (NP McKinley 's) assassination) , (NP (NP the Iroquois Theater fire) (PP-LOC in (NP Chicago))) , and (NP the Hall-Mills trial)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the stock market crash)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP (NP a slight noise) (PP-LOC in (NP the outer office)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned (ADVP around)) , (VP saw (NP nothing)) , and (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD a mouse))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Something else) (VP distracted (NP him))) , (S (ADVP yet) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no sound) , (NP only tomblike silence)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD not (NP sound) , but (NP (NP lack) (PP of (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The air conditioner) (VP was (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP running)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP jumped (ADVP-DIR up)) and (VP turned (ADVP around) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ the metal door) (VP closing))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP clanged (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-PRD shut)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sprang (PP-DIR toward (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP pressed (NP his face) (PP against (NP the grille))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The light) (VP shining (PP through (NP the grille)))) (VP (ADVP dimly) illumined (NP (NP the office) (ADVP-LOC beyond)) -- (ADVP enough (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP see (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no one) (ADVP-LOC there))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ the outer door) (VP closing))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (INTJ Hey) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (ADVP back))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP shouted (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD (NP some damn janitor or cleaning woman) (VP (VP puttering (ADVP around)) , (VP figuring (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hirey) (VP had (VP (VP gone (ADVP off)) and (VP forgotten (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn (PRT off) (NP everything))))) and (VP lock (PRT up)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ (NP the faint beginnings) (PP of (NP fear))) (VP stirred (PP in (NP his mind))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Unless (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD stone-blind)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the person) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 'd (ADVP just) (VP left))))) (VP could n't (VP have (VP missed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP seeing (NP Hank) (PP through (NP (NP the open door) (PP of (NP the (ADJP brightly lighted) room))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP 'd (ADVP somehow) (VP missed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP him))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (VP have (VP (VP gone (PRT off)) and (VP (VP left (NP-2 the light) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-PRD on))) and (VP (NP=2-3 door) (S=4 (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD open))) (PP-LOC in (NP the file room)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ-3 (WHNP-2 Whoever) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2)))) (VP (VP had (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP shut (NP him) (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (ADVP here))))))) , (VP had (VP (VP followed (NP him)) and (VP waited (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ-1 the courthouse and square) (VP were (VP deserted (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (WHADVP why) ? ?)) (TOP (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP search (NP (NP his room) (PP-LOC at (NP the motel))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP (VP come (ADVP-DIR back) (ADVP-TMP later)) and (VP kill (NP him) (SBAR-TMP after (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the stores) (PP-LOC *ICH*-1)) (VP had (VP closed (PP-LOC-1 around (NP the square))))) and (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP had (VP left)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP kill (NP him) (PP (ADVP just) as (ADJP easy)) (ADVP-TMP right now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP could (VP hear (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP going (PRT on) (PP-LOC in (NP this underground vault)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP heard (NP it)) and (VP smelled (NP it)) -- (NP-TPC (NP the steady hissing) , (NP (NP the dread , familiar pungency) (PP of (NP (NP gas) (VP escaping)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP must (VP be (VP coming (PP from (NP (NP an upright heater) (PP-LOC against (NP (NP the far wall) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the supervisors ') office))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Until (ADVP now)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Lilac Gaylor) and (NP Lila Kingsley)) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD like (NP (NP an anagram) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP unscramble (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP at (NP his own pace and choosing)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Except (PP for (NP (NP those minutes) (PP in (NP her room))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP lost (NP touch (PP with (NP (NP her) (PP as (NP a reality))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Gaylor 's) obsession) and (NP (NP Cunningham 's) chimera-chasing reminiscences)) (VP had (VP mesmerized (NP-1 him) (PP into (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (PP of (NP (NP Lila and Lilac) , (ADVP separately or together))) , (PP as (NP a legend))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP drifting (ADVP apart)) and (VP merging (ADVP again)))) (PP in (NP his mind)) (PP like (NP (NP some minute form) (PP of (NP life)) (PP on (NP a microscope slide))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Well) '' -- (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mr. Skyros) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (NP (NP a little time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP think (NP it) (PRT over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP awkward) : (ADJP very awkward))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP all the nuisance) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP contacting (NP (NP someone else) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP take (PRT over)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Someone) (ADJP reasonably trustworthy) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Angie) (VP would (VP hear (PP about (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Angie) (VP knew) --)) (TOP (S (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 Time) '' , (VP said (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Angie)) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP smiled (ADVP very sweet and slow) (PP at (NP Mr. Skyros)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP (ADJP Not too much) time) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP needing (NP some more) (NP-ADV myself) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP pretty much) right away)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SQ (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP done (NP (NP (NP favors) (PP for (NP you))) , (NP (NP big favor) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP not so long) back))))) , (SQ (VP did n't) (NP-SBJ I))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (ADVP-LOC-PRD right here) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (PRT on) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ Pretty) (VP left (PRT off) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP No trouble .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP want (NP no trouble)))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP want (NP no trouble)))) , (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP wants (NP trouble))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Skyros) '' .)) (TOP (SINV (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP-ADV Dear heaven) , (INTJ no)) , (VP thought (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Mr. Skyros) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP turning (ADVP away) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ another man) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP straightened (NP his tie) (PP-LOC at (NP the mirror)) (PP with (NP a shaking hand)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 the genial smile) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP painted (NP *-2) (PP on (NP his face)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Angie) (VP knew) --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Speak (PP of (NP dangerous information))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Angie) (VP knew (NP (NP (ADJP too much)) (ADVP entirely)) (ADVP already)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Really) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP Mr. Skyros) (PP at (NP bay))))) (TOP (NP `` (NP Big favor) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP done (NP-BNF you) (NP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ (S (NP-ADV Acourse) (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP this deal) (PP o ' (NP (NP Denny 's) -- and (NP Jackie 's) --)) (VP (ADVP kinda) hangin ' (NP fire) ,)))) (SQ (VP ai n't (VP *?*)) (NP-SBJ it) ,)) (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP been (VP (ADVP kinda) worryin ' (PP over (NP that)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (S-TPC-1 And (NP-SBJ *) (VP ca n't (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP blame (NP you))))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Angie) (ADVP-MNR thoughtfully) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP This deal) (PP with (NP (NP the ace) (PP o ' (NP spades)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP Anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP do (PP with (NP (NP an ace) (PP o ' (NP spades))))))))) , (NP bad luck) '' .)) (TOP (SINV (S-TPC-2 (FRAG (NP (NP Ace) (PP of (NP spades))) -- (NP a widow)) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (SBAR-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD a widow)) , (NP-TPC these low-class crooks))))))) (VP remembered (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) (NP-SBJ Mr. Skyros) (ADVP-MNR distractedly) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TPC-1 (ADVP All) about (NP that)) (NP-SBJ Angie) (VP knew (NP *T*-1)) , (ADVP too) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP got (PP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) out (PP of (NP hand))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP very rapidly) (VP got (PP-PRD (NP-ADV a lot) out (PP of (NP hand))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a general rule)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP All) (PP (ADVP just) by (NP chance))) , and (S (PP in (NP a way)) (NP-SBJ *) (VP tracing (ADVP back) (PP to (NP poor Frank)) , (NP-TPC (NP all) (PP of (NP it))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S-UNF (ADVP naturally) -- (NP-SBJ (NP (NP brothers) , (VP living (ADVP together))) -- and (NP Angie)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Skyros) (VP did not (ADVP at all) (VP like (NP (NP (NP the look) (PP on (NP (NP Angelo 's) regular-featured , (ADJP almost girlishly good-looking) face))) -- or (ADVP indeed) (NP (NP anything) (PP about (NP Angelo))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Skyros) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP thought (ADVP very much) (PP about (NP moral principles)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ money) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP much more) interesting)))) ; ; but (S (ADVP all the same) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP thought (ADVP-TMP now) , (ADVP-MNR uneasily) , (PP of (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ Angelo) (VP (VP earned (NP his living)) -- and (VP paid (PP for (NP his own stuff))) (PP-MNR *T*-2))))))) -- and (VP eyed (NP (NP the soft smile) , and (NP the spaniel-like dark eyes))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (NP a little) ill)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look , (NP-VOC my friend))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (S (PP in (NP my life)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP learn (PRN , (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 how) (SQ-CLF is (NP-SBJ it) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ the proverb) (VP says (NP *T*-2)))) (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-3))) ,) (FRAG (ADVP better) (NP (NP an ounce) (PP of (NP prevention)) (PP to (NP (NP a pound) (PP of (NP cure)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stay (PP in (NP business)) (ADVP-TMP so long) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD careful))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP-3 Two weeks) , (NP-TMP a month) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP talk (NP it) (PRT over) (ADVP again))) , and (SQ (S (ADVP maybe) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP nothing) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP happens (ADVP-TMP meanwhile) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the cops) (VP know (NP this and that))))))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP make (NP a little deal))) , (SQ (VP is n't (NP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ it))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD a long while))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Angie) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you) , (SBAR 0 (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (NP it) (NP-MNR that way)))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP fool (ADVP around) (PP with (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP go (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP Castro)))) and (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP fixed (NP *-2) (PRT up) (ADVP-LOC there))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP wait (NP-TMP no two weeks))) '' .)) (TOP (UCP (S And (NP-SBJ Mr. Skyros) (VP did n't (VP like (NP Angie)))) , but (FRAG (WHNP what) (SBAR with (UCP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Prettyman) and (NP (NP three) (PP of (NP his boys)))) (UCP-PRD (ADVP-LOC inside) , and (ADJP not likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR out))))))) (PRN -- (S And (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ Angie) (NP-PRD such a valuable salesman)) , (NP-SBJ Prettyman) (VP said (S *T*-2))) --) (NP (NP All the nuisance and danger) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (PP in (NP (NP touch) (PP with (NP (NP practically a whole new bunch) (PP of (NP boys))))))))))))) -- (SBARQ (WHADVP-4 Why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ-3 everything) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP happen (PP-TMP at (NP once)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-4))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Denny) (VP said (ADVP-MNR stupidly) , `` (SQ (S (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP ai n't (VP turning (NP Angie) (PRT down)))) , (SQ (VP are (VP *?*)) (NP-SBJ you) , (NP-VOC Mr. Skyros)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean)) ,) (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP all)) (VP figured (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ anybody) (VP 'd (VP figure (SBAR *RNR*-1))))))) --) (SBAR-1 0 (S-UNF (NP-SBJ Angie)))) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Angelo) (VP gave (NP him) (NP an affectionate smile)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-4 (NP Mr. Skyros) (NP (ADJP too smart) a fellow (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP rid (NP *-3) (PP of (NP me))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-4)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD O.K.) , (NP-VOC Denny))) , (SQ (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD O.K.))) (SQ (VP Ai n't (ADJP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ it) , (NP-VOC Mr. Skyros))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ God)) , (NP-SBJ the name) (VP repeated (ADVP-TMP over and over) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ anybody) (VP to (VP hear))))) -- (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) Not (VP being (NP-PRD a fool))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Skyros) (VP knew (ADVP why))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP aside (PP from (NP (NP everything) (ADVP else)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP would (ADVP scarcely) (VP be (ADJP-PRD pleasant) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP dealings) (PP with (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP (VP was (ADVP nominally) (NP-PRD an underling)) and (VP (ADVP actually) held (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP say))) --) (NP the whip hand))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP all) (PP-PRP because of (NP Domokous)) ! !)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Skyros) (VP had (VP dreamed (PP of (NP (NP all the trouble) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ that young man) (VP would (ADVP-TMP eventually) (VP cause (NP *T*-1)))))))))) --)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD another factor)) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (NP Angie) (ADJP worth (NP (NP his weight) (PP in (NP gold)))) (ADVP-TMP right now)) , but (S (NP-TPC these users) , (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP went (ADVP down) (ADJP-MNR fast))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP knew))) , (S (NP-SBJ Angie) (VP might not (VP last (ADVP-TMP long)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The sweat) (VP broke (PRT out) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Mr. Skyros ') forehead)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADVP actually) (VP (VP thinking) -- (VP hoping) -- (VP planning -- (ADVP perhaps) --))))))))))) (SQ (NP-ADV (INTJ Good God) (ADVP-LOC above)) , had not (NP-SBJ Domokous) (VP been (ADJP-PRD enough))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP patted (NP (NP Angelo 's) thin shoulder) (ADVP-MNR paternally)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP talking (NP-MNR that way))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (INTJ Sure) , (INTJ sure) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP take (PRT over) (PP for (NP Pretty)))))))) , (FRAG (ADVP-TMP (ADVP soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP (VP get (NP the supply)) , (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP started (NP *-3) (PRT up) (ADVP again)))))))) , (SQ (VP is n't (ADVP-TMP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ it))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP do n't (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP worry)) , (NP-VOC Angelo))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you) , (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-1) (PP with (NP you))))) , (NP-VOC my friend))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sympathize)) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (NP-PRD (NP a special point) -- (NP a special favor) --) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP get (PP in (NP touch))) , and (VP get (NP (NP some stuff) (PP (ADVP just) for (NP you))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP manage (NP it) (NP-TMP tonight or tomorrow)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP try (NP my best) , (NP-VOC my friend)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see)) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remember , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP all) (PP *ICH*-2)) (VP got (NP schedules) , (PP-2 like (NP any business)))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TPC My man) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP wo n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD around) (NP-TMP a little while)))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP just) (VP fixed (NP me) (PRT up) (PP with (NP (NP this stuff) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP took (NP *T*-1) (PP out (PP of (NP the Elite)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD awkward))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (NP that))) ,) (SQ (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD your business) , (NP-VOC Mr. Skyros))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Angie)) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 his dreamy eyes) (VP moved (PP past (NP (NP Mr. Skyros ') shoulder)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP gaze (ADVP-MNR vaguely) (PP out (NP the ground-glass window))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP appreciate (NP it))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP that))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Sure .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP do n't (NP-1 (NP none) (PP of (NP us))) (VP want (NP no trouble))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP a room) (PP over (NP (NP the Golden Club) (PP-LOC on (NP San Pedro)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP just) (VP ask (PP for (NP me)) (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP see (NP me))))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP call (NP you) -- (NP-TMP tonight)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP About (NP nine o'clock)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP call) and (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP got (NP any)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP (NP A couple decks) (PP for (NP me))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Skyros) -- and (NP (NP ten-twelve) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sell (NP *T*-1))))))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP see)) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP a little ready cash)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ now) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (PP about (NP (ADJP that much)))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mr. Skyros) .)) (TOP (S `` And (S (PRN (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know , (NP-VOC Angelo)) ,)) (NP-TPC Pretty) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP keeps (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD a strict cash basis)) , (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP say))))) '' --)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Sure) '' , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Angie) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Sure) , (NP-VOC Mr. Skyros) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP Fifty) (NP a throw)) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (NP-PRD the deal)) ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ Sure .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP bring (NP you) (NP (NP the cash) , (INTJ say) (NP (NP (QP five hundred)) (PP for (NP ten decks))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Never) (VP mind (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how much) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP cut (NP it) (ADVP *T*-1)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHADJP how much)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (NP *T*-2))))))) '' , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP smiled (NP his sleepy smile) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Standard deal) , (NP-VOC Mr. Skyros) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP (VP go) 'n ' (VP have (NP (NP a look) (ADVP round) (PP for (NP it))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP my best) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mr. Skyros) (ADVP-MNR earnestly)) ,) `` (PP (ADVP just) for (NP you)) , (NP-VOC my friend)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADJP-PRD awkward (PP for (NP everybody))))) , (SQ (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ it))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP we) (NP all)) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (PRT up) (PP with (NP inconvenience)) (ADVP-TMP sometimes)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP my best) (PP for (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP got (PP out (PP of (NP there))) (PP in (NP a hurry)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP brushing (PP past (NP (NP another man) (PP-LOC in (NP the door)) , (VP mopping (NP his brow))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP The expedient thing) -- (S (INTJ yes) , (ADJP very true) , (NP-SBJ one) (VP must (VP make (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP do)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP one) (VP could (VP *?*)))) , (PP in (NP some situations))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP could all (VP be (VP straightened (NP *-1) (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP later)))) .)) (TOP (UCP-TMP Not (ADVP (ADVP very much) later) , but (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP had (VP settled (PRT down) (NP-ADV a little) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ (NP this deal) (PP with (NP the Bouvardier woman))) (VP went (ADVP through))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP An ace) (PP of (NP spades)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was not (NP-PRD a superstitious man))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (ADVP perhaps) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a little something) (PP in (NP that)) , (ADVP indeed)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP rather) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP got (PP into (NP the business)))))))) , and (FRAG (ADVP still) -- (S-ADV (ADVP scarcely) (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP resisted (NP *-1))))) , (NP-3 (NP (NP a nice little profit) (SBAR with (S (NP-SBJ-2 (ADJP not much) work) (VP involved (NP *-2))))) , (NP easy money))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Katya Roslev) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD Katharine Ross) (ADVP-TMP so very soon) (ADVP now))))) ,) (VP (VP rang (PRT up) (NP (NP her first sale) (PP of (NP the day)))) and (VP counted (ADVP back) (NP the change))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did not (VP notice (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the customer) (VP (VP seized (NP her purchase)) and (VP turned (ADVP away) (PP without (NP (NP a smile) or (NP (NP a word) (PP of (NP thanks))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Usually) (NP-SBJ she) (VP marked (NP (NP the few) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did (VP thank (NP you)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP did n't (VP get (NP that kind) (ADVP much) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a place) (PP like (NP this))))))) : and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP played (NP a little game) (PP with (NP herself)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP seeing (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how downright rude) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP act (ADVP *T*-3) (PP to (NP the others)) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP 'd (VP (VP take (NP offense)) , (VP threaten (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP call (NP the manager))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (ADJP Funny) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how seldom) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) : (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP used (PP to (NP it)) , (ADVP probably))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The kind) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (PP into (NP (NP a cheap store) (PP like (NP this))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Grab , snatch)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP that) (ADVP-TMP first))) ! !)) (TOP (S And , (S (ADVP Here) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP this)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-PRD before (NP her)))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wait (PP on (NP me)) (ADVP-TMP now))) or (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP bother (PP with (NP it))))) , (INTJ see)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP (NP This kind) (PP of (NP place))) (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (VP (VP be (PP-PRD through (ADVP here)) , (NP-TMP (NP just no time) (PP at (NP all)))) -- (VP leave (NP (NP this kind) (PP of (NP thing))) (ADVP 'way behind)))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (ADVP Off) (PP-TMP at (NP noon))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP never) (VP come (ADVP back)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP-TMP Never) (VP have (S (NP *-1) (VP to (VP *?*)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Money) -- (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP money)) , (ADJP enough)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP 'd (VP (VP be (ADJP-PRD smart (PP about (NP it)))) , (VP get (NP him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP it) (PP-DTV to (NP her)) (PP in (NP little bills))))) (SBAR-PRP so 's (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP would (VP suspect)))))))) -- (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ *) (VP could n't (VP get (NP it) (PP-TMP until (NP Monday)) (PP-PRP account (PP of (NP (NP that) , (NP the banks))))))) -- But (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was n't (ADVP really) (ADVP-PRD long (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wait)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP waited (ADVP-TMP so long) (ADVP already) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (NP No need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP say (NP (NP anything) (ADVP at all)) (PP to (NP the old woman)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) all (VP planned (NP *-1) (ADVP out) , (SBAR-TPC (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP do (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (VP (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP did n't (VP feel (ADJP-PRD good) (PP-TMP on (NP Sunday)))) , (VP could n't (VP go (PP to (NP church)))))))) (PRN -- (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 'd (VP be (NP-PRD a little argument)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD stubborn))))) --) and (VP (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the old woman) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (VP (ADJP quick) pack (NP (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-4 she) (VP 'd (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP take (NP *T*-3))))))))) , (NP (NP all) (PP but (NP (NP the dress) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP wear (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP Monday)))))))) ,)) and (VP take (NP the bag) (PP down (PP to (NP (NP that place) (PP-LOC in (NP the station)) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP put (NP things) (PP-PUT in (NP a locker)) (ADVP-TMP overnight) , (PP for (NP a dime)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-5))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP Monday morning) (PRN -- or (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP might (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD Tuesday))))))) --))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP get (PRT up)) and (VP leave (NP-TMP just the usual time)))) , and (S (NP-ADV last thing) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP put (NP the money) (PP-PUT in (NP an envelope)) (PP-LOC under (NP (NP (NP the old woman 's) purse) (ADVP-LOC there (PP in (NP the drawer))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP would n't (VP be (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP that) (S-PRP *ICH*-2)))) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP an hour (QP or so)) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ Katya) (VP had (VP left)))))) , (S-PRP-2 (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP do (NP the daily shopping)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP No need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP leave (NP a note) (PP with (NP it)) , (ADVP either)))) -- or (ADVP maybe) (NP (NP just something) (PP like , (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP worry (PP about (NP me))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (ADVP away) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP a better life)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP A better life .)) (TOP (NP Escape .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (SBAR-PRD as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (NP much))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 She) (VP did n't (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP working (ADVP hard))) , (NAC not (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ-4 she) (VP figured (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP (VP to (VP do (NP (NP anything) (ADJP wrong)))) (VP to (VP live (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (ADJP-PRD easy and soft))))))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-6 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (NP *T*-6))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a chance) , (SBAR (WHADVP-7 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was n't (VP marked (NP *-1) (PP as (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2))))) (ADVP *T*-7)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP (VP be (NP-PRD Katharine Ross)) , and (VP work (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a nicer shop) (ADVP somewhere))) , (PP at (NP (ADJP (NP-ADV a little) more) money)) (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP could (VP (VP have (NP prettier clothes)) , and (VP learn (NP (NP (NP ladies ') manners) and (NP (NP all) (PP like (NP that))))) , and (VP get (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP (NP (NP different people) (PP than (PP-TMP up (PP to (NP now))))) , not (ADVP just) (NP (NP the ones) (PP like (NP her)) (ADVP-LOC here) , (PP with (NP foreign-sounding names)) , (NP (NP the ones) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP-UNF (VP went (PP to (NP the same church))) and)))))))))))))))))) --)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Different place) , (NP different job) , (NP different people)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD all different) (ADVP too))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP Prettier) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP (VP do (NP her hair) (NP-MNR (NP another way) ; ; (ADJP smarter))) , and (VP wear (NP (NP different kinds) (PP of (NP clothes))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP be (NP-PRD (NP Katharine Ross) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 just what) (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP sounded (PP like (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP give (NP me) (NP the wrong change)))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the customer) (ADVP-MNR sharply) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP count))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Katya) (VP made (PRT up) (NP the amount) (PP in (NP indifferent silence))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP listening (PP to (NP (NP other voices) , (PP out (PP of (NP the future))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Some) (PP of (NP those vaguely-imagined new , different people)) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ Katharine) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP awfully nice) , and (ADJP pretty) (ADVP too)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP like (NP Katharine))) -- (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP ask (NP-1 Katharine) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP with (NP us))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD (NP lots) (PP of (NP fun))))) -- (NP Katharine) -- (ADVP-TMP (ADVP Soon) , (ADVP very soon now)))) (TOP (NP sixteen)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mendoza) (VP did n't (VP wake (PP-TMP until (NP nearly nine-thirty)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD another hot day))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP already) (NP-SBJ the thermometer) (VP stood (ADVP close (PP to (NP ninety))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Alison) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD sound asleep))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP made (NP fresh coffee)) and (VP searched (PP through (NP all the desk drawers)) (PP for (NP more cigarettes)) (PP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP thinking (PP of (NP her handbag)))))) , and (VP found (NP (NP a crumpled stray cigarette) (PP-LOC at (NP its bottom)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP tasted (ADVP peculiarly) (PP of (NP face powder))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP left (NP (NP a note) (VP propped (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP the desk))) (VP asking (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (NP him) (NP-TMP sometime today))))))) , and (VP drove (ADVP-DIR home))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP got (PP out (NP fresh liver)) (PP-BNF for (NP Bast)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP paused (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP (NP her) (VP crouched (ADVP-MNR daintily) (PP over (NP her dish))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Surely) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV just a trifle) fatter (PP around (NP the middle)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP reading (ADVP somewhere) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Abyssinians) (VP had (NP large litters)))))))))) , and (VP suffered (NP (NP a dismaying vision) (PP of (NP (NP the apartment) (VP overrun (NP *) (PP with (NP a dozen kittens)))))))) .)) (TOP (X `` Y que sigue despues ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG -- (WHNP What) (ADVP then) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (NP her) (ADVP-MNR severely)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP A lot) (PP of (NP people))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so peculiar) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do n't (VP like (NP cats)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP 's not (NP-PRD (NP the easiest thing) (PP in (NP the world))) (S-4 (NP *) (VP to (VP find (NP good homes) (PP for (NP kittens))))))) -- and , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP damn (NP it))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (ADVP very well) (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP them) (ADVP around) (ADVP-TMP long))) ,) (NP-SBJ (NP *) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD impossible) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP them) (ADVP away)))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (ADVP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (ADVP finally) (VP grown (PRT up) , (FRAG if (ADVP (NP a little) late))))))) , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 'd (VP go (ADVP on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP producing (NP kittens)) (NP-TMP every six months (QP or so))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ Yes) , (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-5)) (VP 's (NP-PRD a pity) (S-5 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP spoil (NP your girlish figure)) -- (SBAR (WHNP-6 which) (S (NP-SBJ all those kittens) (VP would (VP do (NP *T*-6) (ADVP anyway)))))))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP raised (NP these) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (ADVP just) (VP have (NP the vet) (VP fix (NP it) (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP wo n't (VP be (NP-PRD (ADJP any more))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wonder (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ the Carters) (VP would (VP take (NP one)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-6)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD no good) (S-6 (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP at (NP me)) (PP like (NP that)))) '' , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wound (ADVP-MNR affectionately) (PP around (NP his ankles)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Maude 's) long nose) (ADVP unexpectedly) (VP wrinkled (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Happened (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the hall)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Happened (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP quarrel (PP about (NP her)))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (ADVP really) (VP blame (NP Lolotte))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP lost (NP her beau) (PP to (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP talking (PP of (NP Emile)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP (NP the black line) (PP of (NP the open door))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Sarah) (VP remembered (NP it) (ADVP-MNR clearly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP went (PRT on)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADJP-PRD busy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Celie) (VP 's (VP taken (PP to (NP her bed)) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-1 the door) (VP locked (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP opened (NP it) (NP-EXT an inch)) and (VP poked (PRT out) (NP (NP the keys) (SBAR for (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP give (NP you) (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Here) '' -- (NP-SBJ She) (VP thrust (NP (NP a bundle) (PP of (NP (NP keys) (VP strung (NP *) (PP on (NP a thick red cord)))))) (PP into (NP (NP Sarah 's) hand))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP much use) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP locking (PRT up) (NP (NP the smokehouse) and (NP the storehouse)) (ADVP-TMP now)))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Drink (NP your coffee))) '' -- (NP coffee) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's -- (ADJP-PRD cold)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Maude) (ADVP suddenly) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD quite capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pouring (NP it) (PP down (NP her throat))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP want (NP it)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Sarah) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (ADVP-MNR firmly)) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Oh .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP it) (ADVP down) (PP with (NP me)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP go)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Maude) (VP (VP swooped (PRT up) (NP the cup)) and (VP hiked (PRT up) (NP her top hoop) (FRAG as if (PP about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (PRT off) (PP with (NP a racing start))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the door)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP turned (ADVP back) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her Roman nose) (VP looking (ADJP-PRD (ADJP very long) (ADVP-TMP now) and (ADJP satiric))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP forgot) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ben and Lucien) (VP have (VP gone (PP after (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-PRD (ADVP just) like (NP (NP that book) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ your Northern friend) (VP wrote (NP *T*-1)))))) -- (SBAR-ADV except (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD n't (NP (NP any ice floes) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cross (NP *T*-2)))))) and (NP no bloodhounds)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (NP Mrs. Stowe))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ can (NP-SBJ they) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP find (NP them)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP ca n't (VP do (NP anything))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD silly , childish) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP running (PP after (NP them)) (PP like (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP Ben) (ADVP so)) .)) (TOP (S But (PP of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ the paterollers) (VP wo n't (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP any help)) , (NAC not (SBAR-ADV with (UCP (S (NP-SBJ everything) (ADJP-PRD so upset)) and (NP (NP that Yankee cavalry outfit) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP say (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (VP running (ADVP around) , (S-LOC (NP-SBJ God) (VP knows (ADVP where))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP swished (ADVP-DIR away)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP been (VP gone (NP *-1) (PP-TMP for (NP a long time)) (ADVP probably))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ Sarah) (ADVP suddenly) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP stop (NP her)) , (VP pour (PRT out) (NP the coffee) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP would (VP drink (NP it))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ the so-called coffee) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP bad enough) (PP at (NP best)) , (ADJP cold)))) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (PP but (ADJP undrinkable))) -- (NP-TPC (ADVP especially) that cup))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP deeply , horribly) sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Lucien) (VP had (VP filled (NP it) (PP with (NP opium)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP quarreled (PP with (NP Lucien))))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP resisted (NP (NP his demands) (PP for (NP money)))))) -- and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP died))) , (PP by (NP (NP the provisions) (PP of (NP her marriage contract)))) , (NP-SBJ Lucien) (VP would (VP inherit (ADVP-MNR legally) (NP (CONJP not only) (NP (NP the immediate sum) (PP of (NP (NP gold) (PP-LOC under (NP (NP the floorboards) (PP-LOC in (NP the office))))))) , (CONJP but) (ADVP-TMP later) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the war) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP (NP her father 's) entire estate))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP cold and hot) , (ADJP sticky and chilly)) (PP-TMP at (NP the same time))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (S-IMP (ADVP Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP wait (NP a minute)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP herself) (S *T*-2))) ,) (VP think (PP about (NP it))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Lucien) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP the only person) (PP-LOC in (NP this house)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP have (VP put (NP opium) (PP-PUT in (NP that coffee)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP lost (NP (NP a bottle) (PP of (NP opium)))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the trip) (PP from (NP New Orleans)))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (NP-SBJ someone) (VP had (VP taken (NP it) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP her first day) (PP-LOC at (NP Honotassa)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP missed (NP it) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP her talk) (PP with (NP Emile)))) , (PP-TMP after (NP dinner)) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) before (S (NP-SBJ-1 Emile) (VP was (VP shot (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rilly or Glendora) (VP had (VP entered (NP her room) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP slept))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bringing (ADVP back) (NP her washed clothes))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ (NP somebody) (ADVP else)) (VP could (VP have (VP come (ADVP-DIR in) , (ADVP too) -- (ADVP-TMP (ADVP then) or (ADVP (ADVP later) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD out (PP of (NP the room))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD easy) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP identify (PP as (NP opium)) (PP by (NP its odor)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD very reasonable) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Lucien) (VP had (VP (VP procured (NP unprocurable opium)) and (VP come (ADVP back) (PP to (NP Honotassa)) (PP with (NP a formed plan (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP murder (NP her))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S And (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP certainly) (VP could n't (VP have (VP guessed (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP resist (NP (NP his demand) (PP for (NP the gold))))))) or (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was not (NP-PRD the (ADJP yielding -- (INTJ yes) , and credible) fool))))))))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP every right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP-UNF expect)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP (VP surprised (NP *-1)) , (VP (ADVP unpleasantly) surprised (NP *-1)) , but (VP surprised (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Then) (NP (NP somebody) (ADVP else)) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Do n't (VP question)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Rev) (VP had (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)))) ,) (VP do n't (VP invite (NP danger))))) .) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her skin) (VP crawled)) : (S (NP-SBJ Lolotte) (VP had (VP told (NP Maude) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the hall)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the door) (VP was (ADJP-PRD open)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Sarah) (VP had (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP Lucien) (PP of (NP Emile)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP had (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP question)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ a little draft) (VP had (VP crept (PP across (NP the room)) (PP from (NP (NP the bedroom door) , (ADJP open barely enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (NP (NP a rim) (PP of (NP blackness)) (PP-LOC in (NP the hall)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (S (NP-SBJ Lolotte -- or anybody --) (VP could (VP have (VP listened)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 that somebody) (VP could (VP have (ADVP already) (VP been (VP supplied (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the missing bottle) (PP of (NP opium))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD reasonable) (ADVP either)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The opium) (VP had (VP disappeared (PP-TMP before (NP (NP Emile 's) death))))) and (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 whoever) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP shot (NP him)))) (VP could not (PP by (NP (NP any stretch) (PP of (NP the imagination)))) (VP have (VP foreseen (NP (NP Sarah 's) own doubts and suspicions -- and questions))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP doubt (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (PP in (NP fact)) (NP-PRD (NP a lethal dose) (PP of (NP opium)) (PP-LOC in (NP the cup))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ *) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 somebody) (VP (ADVP only) wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP frighten (NP her) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP leave (NP Honotassa)))))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP made (NP (NP a certain amount) (PP of (NP logic)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-1 Added (NP *-2) (PP to (NP the argument))) (VP was (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 the fact (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP have (VP tasted (NP the coffee)))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (ADVP still) (ADJP-PRD hot))))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (ADVP even) (VP have (VP drunk (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP it))))))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would n't (VP have (VP taken (NP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP kill (NP her))))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP would (VP have (VP been (VP warned (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS its taste))))))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ No .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD an attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP frighten (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would n't (VP go (ADVP back) (PP to (NP New York)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP suggested)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would n't (VP run (PP like (NP a scared cat))))) .)) (TOP (S But -- (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD very careful))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP dressed)) and (S (NP-SBJ the accustomed routine) (VP restored (PP to (NP her)) (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP normal everyday life))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP left (NP her room)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP dug (PP into (NP her big moire bag))) , (VP took (PRT out) (NP (NP the envelope) (VP holding (NP her marriage contract)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the wax seal) (VP had (VP been (VP broken (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ (NP somebody) (ADVP else)) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP happen (PP to (NP (NP her father 's) money)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP died)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rev) (VP had (VP known (ADVP-TMP all along))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rev) (VP did n't (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP break (NP the wax seal)) , (VP read (NP the contract)) and (VP find (PRT out))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP could (ADVP conceivably) (VP have (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (ADJP sure)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Rev) (VP loved (NP Honotassa))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP a part) (PP of (NP his breath and body)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Rev) (VP had (VP stressed (NP (NP the need) (PP for (NP money)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rev) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP her) (NP poison))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thrust (NP the envelope) (ADVP back) (PP in (NP the bag)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no point) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP locking (NP it) (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP the armoire)))))) (ADVP-TMP now))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP locking (NP the barn) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 the horse) (VP was (VP stolen (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP in (NP all likelihood)) , (PP-TMP by (ADVP now)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (QP more than one) person) (PP-LOC in (NP the house)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP knew (NP (NP the terms) (PP of (NP her marriage contract)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no point) (ADVP either) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP telling (NP herself) (ADVP again) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what a fool) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR downstairs)) and (VP received (NP another curious shock)))) , for (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ Glendora) (VP flapped (PP-DIR into (NP the dining room)) (PP in (NP her homemade moccasins))))) , (NP-SBJ Sarah) (VP asked (NP her) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP brought (NP coffee) (PP to (NP her room)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Glendora) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had n't (VP *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (FRAG (NP (ADJP Too much) work) (NP-TMP this morning) , (NP Miss Sarah)) -- (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP gone (PP like (NP that))))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ Sarah) (VP swallowed (PP past (NP (NP another kind) (PP of (NP (NP constriction) (PP-LOC in (NP her throat)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (INTJ Well) , (ADVP then) (WHNP-1 who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP brought (NP it))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` Miss Maude .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP the kitchen))) and (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP take (NP it) (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP you)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Glendora) (VP put (PRT down) (NP (NP a dish) (PP of (NP lukewarm rice)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (NP much breakfast) (NP-TMP this morning) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))) , (NP-VOC Miss Sarah))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP eat)))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Sarah) (VP said , (ADVP-MNR curtly) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ a chill) (VP crawled (PP over (NP her)) (ADVP again)))))) .)) (TOP (NP Maude ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Glendora) (VP flapped (ADVP-DIR away)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The rice) (VP was n't (VP dosed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP opium))))) , (S (ADVP indeed) (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (NP (NP (NP no taste) (ADVP at all)) , not (NP (NP a grain) (PP of (NP salt)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP ate (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP she) (VP could (VP *?* (NP *T*-1)))))) and (VP went (ADVP-DIR out) (PP along (NP (NP the covered passageway) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the rain) (VP dripping (PP from (NP the vines))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the kitchen)) (NP-SBJ Glendora) (VP was (ADVP-MNR despairingly) (VP picking (NP chickens))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (NP a basket))) '' , (NP-SBJ Sarah) (VP told (NP her) (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the storehouse)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Glendora) (VP (VP dropped (NP (NP a chicken) and (NP (NP a flurry) (PP of (NP feathers))))) , and (VP went (PP with (NP her)) (PP through (NP the drizzle)) , (PP-DIR to (NP the storehouse)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sarah) (VP (VP found (NP the right key)) and (VP unlocked (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a long , low room) , (PP like (NP a root cellar)) ,))) for (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP banked (NP *-1) (PRT up) (PP with (NP soil))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 vines) (VP had (VP run (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD rampant)) (PP over (NP that)) , (ADVP too))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP dark) but (ADJP dry and cool))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP doled (PRT out) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Glendora) (ADVP-MNR vaguely) (VP guessed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the right amounts) (PP of (NP (NP dried peas) , (NP eggs) , (NP cornmeal) , (NP a little salt))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The shelves) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP emptier) (PP than (SBAR-TMP (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Miss Celie) (VP had (VP shown (NP her) (NP the storeroom) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , and (SBAR since (S (NP-SBJ (NP the men) (PP from (NP the Commissary))) (VP had (VP called))))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (ADVP certainly) (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD (NP fewer mouths) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP feed (NP *T*-2)))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP less) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP feed (NP them) (PP with (NP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP took (NP Glendora) (PP-DIR to (NP the smokehouse))) , (VP unlocked (NP it)) and (VP saw (PP with (NP satisfaction)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP still) (NP-PRD (NP a quantity) (PP of (NP (NP hams) and (NP (NP sides) (PP of (NP bacon))))) , (VP hanging (PP from (NP the smoke-stained rafters))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP would n't (VP go (ADJP-PRD hungry) , (ADVP-TMP not yet))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ the fields) (VP were (UCP-PRD (ADJP green) and (VP growing))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Ca n't (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP possibly) (VP imagine (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 life) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD like (NP *T*-2)) , (ADVP-LOC here))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP had (VP said)) .)) (TOP (NP Maude .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP sent (NP Glendora) (ADVP back) (PP-DIR to (NP the house)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 (NP her basket) and (NP her apron)) (VP laden (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stood (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ rain) (VP dripping (PP from (NP (NP the trees) (PP-LOC over (NP her head)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (PP of (NP Maude))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP had (NP the opportunity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP the bottle) (PP of (NP opium))) (PP from (NP (NP Sarah 's) room))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP had (NP the cool ruthlessness (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP made (PRT up) (NP her mind) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could n't (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ her death) (VP could (VP affect (NP Maude) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could n't (VP see (NP any reason (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Maude) (VP would (VP attempt (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP frighten (NP her)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP something) (ADJP hysterical and silly)) , (NP (NP something) (ADJP almost childish)) (PP about (NP an attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP frighten (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP was (ADJP-PRD neither hysterical nor silly))) and (S (NP-SBJ Sarah) (ADVP rather) (VP doubted (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (ADJP-PRD childish))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP had (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Sarah) (VP return (PP-DIR to (NP New York))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP could (VP have (VP shot (NP Emile) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP had (NP a reason (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP kill (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no use) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP standing (ADVP there) (PP in (NP the drizzle))) , (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP a link) (PP between (NP (NP (NP Emile 's) murder) and (NP (NP opium) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a cup) (PP of (NP coffee)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP started (ADVP back) (PP for (NP the house))) , (VP saw (NP (NP a light) (PP-LOC in (NP the office)))) , (VP opened (NP the door)) and (VP surprised (NP (NP a domestic little scene) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP far) outside (NP (NP the dark realm) (PP of (NP (NP murder) or (NP attempted murder))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rev , George and Lolotte) (VP were (VP mending (NP shoes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A lighted lamp) (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP the table)) (NP-TMP that dusky , drizzling day)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (NP-PRD all three) (VP bent (PP over (NP a shabby riding boot))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ George) (VP had (NP a tack hammer))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Lolotte) (VP held (NP (NP a patch) (PP of (NP leather))))) , (S (NP-SBJ Rev) (VP steadied (NP (NP something) , (NP (NP a tiny brad) , (VP waiting (PP for (NP (NP George 's) poised hammer))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ George) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP First thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (PP to (NP Vicksburg)) (ADVP again) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) , (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP get (NP-BNF me) (NP (NP a Yankee '' -- ``) (PP With (NP (NP boots) (ADVP on)))))))) '')) , (S (NP-SBJ Lolotte) (VP laughed (ADVP-MNR softly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rev) (VP (VP looked (PRT up)) and (VP saw (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lolotte) (VP (VP looked (PRT up)) and (VP stiffened)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ George) (VP did n't (VP look (ADVP up) (ADVP at all))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP no way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (SBAR *RNR*-4) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) , (NP (NP no way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP guess (SBAR *RNR*-4) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) (SBAR-4 whether (S (NP-SBJ-5 (NP any one) (PP of (NP them))) (VP was (VP surprised (NP *-5) (PP at (NP (NP Sarah 's) appearance)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP believing (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP drugged and senseless) -- and (ADJP (ADVP just possibly) dead))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rev) (VP said , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP-DIR in) , (NP-VOC Sarah)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Reckon (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP the news))))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-TPC-1 what news) , (NP-SBJ Sarah) (VP thought (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as satirically) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP might (VP have (VP said (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rev 's) face) (VP was (ADVP suddenly) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) fixed and questioning)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP turned (PP to (NP George and Lolotte))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP (NP your cobbler 's) shop) (NP-DIR (NP somewhere) (ADVP else))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP Sarah)))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Everything) (PP-LOC in (NP the office))) , (NP (NP the spreading circle) (PP of (NP lamplight))) , (NP (NP the patch) (PP of (NP leather)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Lolotte 's) hands))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP George) (VP poised (PP with (NP the tack hammer)))) , (NP the homely , everyday atmosphere) , (NP all)) (VP denied (NP (NP an attempt) (PP at (NP murder)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A rush) (PP of (NP panic))) (VP caught (NP Sarah)) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No .)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP Not now .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (EDITED (VP-UNF to)) -- (VP to (VP see (PP to (NP the kitchen)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-UNF (NP-SBJ Glendora)) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ Her words) (VP jumbled (ADVP together))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP all but) (VP ran (PP (PP from (NP the office)) and (PP from (NP (NP the question) (PP in (NP (NP Rev 's) face))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (ADVP Now) (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP that) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thought (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ warm , drizzling rain) (VP touched (NP her face))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no schoolgirl) , (VP refusing (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bear (NP tales))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP reached (NP the kitchen door)))) (NP-SBJ the answer) (VP presented (NP itself))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP anyone) (PP of (NP the opium))))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD (NP Lucien) , (NP her husband))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD *RNR*-5)))) , (S (ADVP indeed) (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (ADVP already) (VP proved (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD *RNR*-5))))))) (NP-5 (NP a marriage) (PP without (NP love)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD marriage))) .)) (TOP (S So (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP choose (NP Rev) (PP as (NP a confidant))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD Lucien)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Always) (VP provided (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Lucien) (NP himself)) (VP had not (VP dosed (NP her coffee) (PP with (NP opium))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought , (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as coldly and sharply ,) (ADVP again) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP might (VP have (VP said (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP paused (PP-LOC at (NP the kitchen door))) , (VP caught (NP her breath)) , (VP told (NP herself) (ADVP-MNR firmly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the opium) (VP was (ADVP only) (NP-PRD an attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP frighten (NP her))))))))) and (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the kitchen) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (S (NP-SBJ Glendora) (VP was (VP eyeing (NP the chickens) (ADVP-MNR dismally)))) and (S (NP-SBJ Maude) (VP was (VP cleaning (NP lamp chimneys)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Glendora) (VP gave (NP a gulp)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Miss Sarah) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP cut (PRT up) (NP no chicken))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Maude) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP she) (VP wo n't (VP *?*))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) (NP-SBJ (NP the homely , everyday details) (PP of (NP daily living))) (VP refuted (NP a vicious attempt (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP frighten (NP her)))) -- or (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP murder (NP her))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The homely everyday details) (PP of (NP living))) and (NP domestic requirements)) (ADVP also) (VP pressed (PP upon (NP her)) (PP with (NP their immediate urgency))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP No matter (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP had (VP happened)) or (VP had n't (VP happened)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 somebody) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (PP about (NP dinner)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP eyed (NP the chickens) (PP with , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP known (NP it))))) , (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP (NP Glendora 's) dismal look))))) and (VP thought (PP with (NP a certain fury)) (PP of (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP spent (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP Latin verbs)))))))))) .)) (TOP (PP-TMP `` Not since (NP last night) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP-TPC-1 any reason) (SBAR (WHADVP 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP *?* (NP-MNR *T*-1))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is n't (NP-PRD *?*)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Speak (PP to (NP him)) (ADVP again) (ADVP anyway)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP talking (PP to (NP (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the fellows) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP works (PP with (NP *T*-2)))))))) , (NP friends) , (NP anyone)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR (SBAR (WHADJP-2 how happy) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-2) (PP with (NP his wife))))) , (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP plays (ADVP around) (PP with (NP women)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP might (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP into (NP his wife)))) (ADVP too))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP might (VP have (VP been (VP talking (PP to (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP her friends)))) (PP about (NP her husband)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 've (VP been (VP having (NP any trouble)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Black) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (VP looking (PP for (NP *T*-1))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yeah .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD *?*))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Conrad) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR grimly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Then again) (NP-SBJ he) (VP might not (VP *?*)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (WHNP-1 What a stinking world) '' , (NP-SBJ Rourke) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Black) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP Gilborn 's) best friend)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP be (VP coming (ADVP-DIR back) (ADVP-TMP soon))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (ADVP so)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD on (NP my way)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP the Jacobs woman))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Gilborn 's) secretary ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP-1 What) (PP for (NP *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Gilborn) (VP is (NP-PRD-UNF the --)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (NP anything))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP just) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP go (PRT off) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD half-cocked)) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP picking (PRT up) (NP Black)))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD all))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Conrad) (VP interrupted) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Gilborn) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP his office)) (NP-TMP all day) (PP with (NP her)) (NP-TMP yesterday))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (ADJP sure)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD just possible) (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP know (NP (NP something) (PP about (NP Mrs. Gilborn)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Right .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP see (NP you) (ADVP-TMP later))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Are n't (NP-SBJ-1 you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR home))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP (ADVP sure) (PP as (NP hell))) (VP does n't (VP look (PP like (NP it))))) , (SQ does (NP-SBJ it)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP telling (NP you)))) , (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ these corpses) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP knew (NP (NP the trouble) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP put (NP us) (PP to (NP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP 'd (VP think (ADVP twice) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ-3 themselves) (VP get (VP knocked (NP *-3) (PRT off)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP Remember (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP tell (NP that) (PP to (NP (NP the next corpse) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP meet (NP *T*-1)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Conrad) (VP (VP hung (PRT up)) and (VP sat (PP-LOC on (NP the small telephone-booth bench)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP massaging (NP his right leg))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP at (NP his watch))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP ten minutes) (PP before (NP eleven)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how long) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP (NP a signed confession) (PP from (NP Lionel Black))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Thirty years ') experience) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP know , (PP-TMP (ADVP even) at (NP this early stage)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Black) (VP was (NP-PRD his man))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP still) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (ADVP why))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a cold , windy day) , (NP (NP the day) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP Kitti 's) death)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Stanley Gilborn) (VP paid (NP no attention) (PP to (NP the blustery October wind)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leaving (NP Conrad)))) , (NP-SBJ Gilborn) (VP had (NP no destination)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (ADVP simply) (VP walked , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP not noticing (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2))))) , (VP not caring)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stopped (ADVP-MNR automatically) (PP-LOC at (NP the street corners)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ the traffic lights) (VP to (VP change)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unheeding (PP of (NP other people)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his coat) (ADJP-PRD open and flapping))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP walked))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think)))) .)) (TOP (PP Of (NP Kitti) .)) (TOP (PP Of (NP himself) .)) (TOP (PP (ADVP Mainly) of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Conrad) (VP had (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP believe (NP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP coherent) (PP about (NP his thinking)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a succession) (PP of (NP (NP (NP picture-images) (VP passing (PP through (NP his mind)))) : (NP (NP the same ones) , (NP different ones)))) , (PP (PP in (NP no apparent sequence)) , (PP in (NP no logical succession))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The enormity) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ Conrad) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (NP *T*-3))))))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (ADJP-PRD impossible) (SBAR-2 for (S (NP-SBJ Gilborn) (VP to (VP accept , (PP with (NP (NP any degree) (PP of (NP realism)))) , (NP (NP the actuality) (PP of (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Conrad 's) words) (VP had (NP intellectual meaning) (PP for (NP him)) (ADVP only)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Emotionally) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP penetrated (NP him) (ADVP not at all)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 Whoever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) and (NP your wife)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD intimate)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gilborn) (VP remembered (NP (NP Conrad 's) exact words)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP made (NP sense))) and (S (ADVP yet) (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Conrad) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (NP the truth)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-PRD so)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (ADVP-PRD so)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (ADVP-PRD so) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP could n't (VP be (ADVP-PRD so)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Kitti) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alive) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (PRN -- (S and (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered (NP (NP the pressure) (PP of (NP (NP her hand) (VP resting (ADVP-MNR lightly) (PP-LOC on (NP his arm)))))))) --) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the center) (PP of (NP his life))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (NP-PRD-2 the sun))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 he) (NP-PRD=2 (NP the closest planet) (VP orbiting (PP-LOC around (NP her))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the world))) (UCP-PRD (VP existing) and (ADJP visible) yet (ADJP removed))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP fifty-five years)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP lived , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP progressing (PP towards (NP a no-goal))) , (VP eating) , (VP working) , (VP breathing))) (PP without (NP plan)) , (PP without (NP reason)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Kitti) (VP had (VP come (ADVP along) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP justify (NP everything)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD his goal))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD his reason))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP lived (NP all his life) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting (PP for (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP Not once) , (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP known (NP her) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) , had (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP considered (NP (NP the possibility) (PP *ICH*-2)) , (ADVP-TMP not once) , (PP-TMP not for (NP (NP (QP one one-thousandth)) (PP of (NP a second)))) , (PP-2 of (NP her infidelity))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could not (VP consider (NP it) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Not really .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And so) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP walked , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD aimless) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The walk) (VP ended , (ADVP inevitably) , (PP-LOC (ADVP right) in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP his hotel building))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 The doorman) (VP (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP nod (NP his head) (ADVP-MNR automatically))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) remembered (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ Gilborn) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened (PP to (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP (NP the night) before)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP at (NP Gilborn)) (PP with (NP undisguised curiosity))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gilborn) (VP passed (PP by (NP him)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP crossed (NP the lobby)) and (VP rode (ADVP-DIR up) (PP in (NP the elevator))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD lost (PP in (NP his own thoughts))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the apartment) (NP itself))) , (NP-SBJ all) (VP was (ADJP-PRD still)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The police) (VP were (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no evidence (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ anything) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP different) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))))) .)) (TOP (PP Except (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Kitti) (VP was n't (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP taking (PRT off) (NP his coat)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP sat (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the blue chair) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP faced (NP the closed bedroom door))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP last)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP sitting (ADVP-LOC there) , (PP-LOC in (NP the familiar surroundings)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the truth) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sink (PRT in))))) .)) (TOP (WHNP Who ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP (NP no anger) (PP towards (NP Kitti))) , (NP no sense (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP betrayed (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (WHNP Who ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-1))))) , (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-2))))) , (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wanted (NP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP had (VP taken (NP her) (PP away (PP from (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (WHNP Who ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD a left-hand entry) (PP in (NP the ledger)) (ADVP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD a right-hand one))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)) (PP from (NP his school days))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD a victim) (ADVP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD a killer)) .)) (TOP (WHNP Who ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (SBAR (WHNP-1 Whoever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) and (NP your wife)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD intimate)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP rose (PP from (NP the chair))) , (VP took (PRT off) (NP his coat))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Quickly) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the bedroom))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bed) (ADVP still) (VP showed (NP (NP signs) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ Kitti) (VP had (VP lain (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gilborn) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-TMP for (NP a long time))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP at (NP the bed)) (ADVP-MNR unblinkingly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bed) (VP was (ADJP-PRD empty) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kitti) (VP would (VP lie (PP-LOC in (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP no more))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP lie (PP-LOC in (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP no more))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gilborn) (VP wondered (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ Kitti) (VP had (VP lain (PP-LOC in (NP that same bed)) (PP with (NP Who))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP thirty minutes)) , (NP-SBJ Stanley Gilborn) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the half-hour)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP racking (NP his brains)) , (VP thinking (ADVP-TMP over and over again) (PP of (NP (NP Kitti) , (NP her friends) , (NP her past)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (NP the bedroom)) .)) (TOP (WHNP Who ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP think (PP of (NP no answer)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gilborn) (VP put (PRT on) (NP his coat) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP took (NP (NP one last , lingering look) (PP at (NP the apartment)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP see (NP it) (ADVP again)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the street)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP walking (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as quickly) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP *?*))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Stanley Gilborn) (VP was (NP-PRD a lone figure)) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP Blanche Jacobs)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Kitti Gilborn 's) death) (VP had (NP a (ADJP quite different) effect)) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP Blanche)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Kitti 's) death) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a source) (PP of (NP (ADJP guilty , but nonetheless soaring) , happy hope)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP Blanche 's) defense)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP must (VP be (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unaware (PP of (NP the newborn hope))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP had (VP asked (NP her))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP have (VP described (NP herself) (PP (ADVP only) as (ADJP nervous and worried))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The figures) (PP on (NP (NP the worksheet paper) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP her))))))) (VP were (VP jumping and waving (ADVP-DIR around) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so badly) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP them) (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR clearly enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP copy (NP them) (PP with (NP the typewriter))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wondered (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ Stanley) (VP would (VP call))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP be (PP-PRD with (NP him))) , (VP to (VP give (NP him) (NP (NP the comfort and companionship) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP needed (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP skipped (NP her lunch hour) (PP-PRP in (NP the fear (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP call (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-PRD out)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP feeling (ADJP-PRD sick , (PP both from (NP (NP (NP concern) (PP about (NP Stanley))) and (NP hunger)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ had n't (NP-SBJ he) (VP called (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP Men) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP reflected (S *T*-1))) ,) (NP (NP even men) (PP like (NP Stanley))) ,) (VP are (ADJP-PRD unpredictable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (PP of (NP (NP his unpredictable actions) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the eleven years) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP known (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))) and (VP discovered (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were n't (ADJP-PRD so many) (PP after (NP all))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stanley) (ADVP really) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quite predictable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP liked (NP *T*-1)))) (PP about (NP Stanley)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was n't (PP-PRD like (NP (ADJP so many) other men))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP The dentist) (NP-TMP last night) , (PP for (NP instance)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dinner) and (NP the movies)) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD fine))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP taken (NP her) (ADVP-DIR upstairs) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP good night)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP invited (NP him) (ADVP-DIR in) (PP for (NP coffee)))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (UCP-PRD (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen)) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP (VP watching (NP the kettle)) , (VP waiting (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ the water) (VP to (VP boil)))))))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP grabbed (PP for (NP her))))))) .)) (TOP (PP (PP Without (NP warning)) , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP giving (NP her) (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prepare (PP for (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP behind)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP (VP put (NP his arms) (PP-PUT on (NP her shoulders))) , (VP turned (NP her) (ADVP-DIR around)) , and (VP pressed (NP her) (PP to (NP him)) , (ADVP (ADVP so close) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP breathe)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP apologized (PP for (NP (NP the long scratch) (PP across (NP his face))))) , (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP explain (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP help (NP herself))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the panic) (VP arose (PP in (NP her) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD unwanted)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (VP understood)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP see (NP him) (ADVP again)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stanley) (VP was n't (PP-PRD like (NP that))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could (ADVP-TMP always) (VP predict (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Stanley) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))))) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP ever) since (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP met (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (PP Except (PP for (NP that one morning)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The morning) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR in) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP announce (PP to (NP her)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP blushing)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP married (NP *-1)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP die)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP assumed (PP-TMP before (ADVP then)) (SBAR that (S (NP-TMP one day) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP ask (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP marry (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP could n't (VP remember (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP first) (VP arrived (PP at (NP this conclusion)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD (ADVP sometime) during (NP (NP the second week) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP worked (PP for (NP Stanley)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-8 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said or did (NP *T*-8))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-7)) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD so natural) (PP to (NP her)) (SBAR-7 that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP should (VP be (VP (VP working (PP for (NP him))) , (VP looking (ADVP forward) (PP to (NP his eventual proposal)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV thirty-one years) old) (ADVP-TMP then)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her mother) (VP was (ADVP already) (ADJP-PRD considerably concerned (PP over (NP (NP her daughter 's) future)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-2 Blanche) (VP (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP maintain (NP a (ADJP serene and assured) composure))))) (PP in (NP (NP the face) (PP of (NP (NP her widowed mother 's) continued carping)))))) , (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP resist (NP her urgings (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP date (NP (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP offered (NP (NP the slightest possibility) (PP of (NP matrimony)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP Blanche)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP only) (NP-PRD (NP a matter) (PP of (NP time))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ Stanley) (VP would (VP propose))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-8)) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-9 *) (VP to (VP be (VP expected (NP *-9))))) (SBAR-8 that (S (NP-SBJ Stanley) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD shy , slow (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP such a momentous step)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ-1 Stanley) (VP went (ADVP along) (PP in (NP life)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) ,) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP convinced (NP *-2) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP deserved (NP (NP the love and faith) (PP of (NP no woman))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-PRP As (NP a result)) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP looked (PP for (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S-3 But (NP-TMP one day) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP expected (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) ,) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (ADVP somehow) (VP discover , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-4 her) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP tell (NP him))))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP such a woman) (PP-LOC in (NP the world))) ; ; (NP (NP a woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP give (NP him) (NP (NP love) , (NP faith) , and (NP (NP anything else) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ a woman) (VP could (VP give (NP a husband) (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Indeed) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD unasked)) , (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP already) (VP given (NP him) (NP love))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Unquestionably) , (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP loved (NP Stanley)) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP then) , (ADVP unexpectedly) , (NP-SBJ Stanley) (VP made (NP his announcement)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP that first day)) , (NP-SBJ Blanche) (ADVP literally) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP die) , or , (VP (PP at (ADJP the very least)) , go (PP out (PP of (NP her mind)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP might (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD easier (PP for (NP her))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Kitti Walker) (VP had n't (VP been (NP-PRD (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP was not (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kitti) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP (NP-ADV thirty years) younger) (PP than (NP Stanley))) , (ADJP (ADJP taller) (PP than (NP Stanley))) , (ADJP (ADJP prettier) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ Stanley) (VP had (NP any right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP hope (PP for)) , (CONJP much less) (VP expect))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kitti) (VP could (VP have (VP married (NP (NP a score) (PP of (NP men)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no reason) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP marry (NP (NP someone) (PP like (NP Stanley Gilborn)))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no need) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP marry (NP Stanley)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kitti) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR into (NP the office)) , (PP on (NP (NP somebody 's) recommendation)) , (SBAR-TMP-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP needed (NP (NP help) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP preparing (NP her income tax return)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Stanley) (VP had (VP filled (PRT out) (NP the return)))) and (S (SBAR-PRP because , (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP finished (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD close (PP to (NP the lunch hour)))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP had (ADVP-MNR politely) (VP asked (NP-3 Kitti) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP join (NP him)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP expecting (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP accept)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP knew (NP all this) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP the door) (PP to (NP (NP Stanley 's) office))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD open)))))) and , (S (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP straining (ADVP too hard)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP hear (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP was (VP said (NP *-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Stanley) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP-DIR out) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP saying (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-PRD back) (PP-TMP in (NP an hour)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (VP come (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-TMP for (PP over (NP two))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP that day)) , (NP-SBJ Blanche) (ADVP still) (VP did n't (VP know (ADVP exactly) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP mornings) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Stanley) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-TMP late) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP (NP afternoons) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (ADVP-TMP early) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP (NP days) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP come (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP at all) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP must (VP be (VP causing (NP (NP Stanley 's) new , strange behavior)))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP never once) (VP connected (NP it) (PP with (NP Kitti Walker)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too unprecedented)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP-TMP (NP-ADV six weeks) after (NP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Kitti) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP came (PP-DIR into (NP the office)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ Stanley) (VP announced (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he and Kitti) (VP were (VP married (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Somehow) , (NP-SBJ-1 Blanche) (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP cover (NP the stunned surprise)) and (VP offer (NP her congratulations)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP That night) (NP-SBJ (NP the two) (PP of (NP them))) (VP left (PP for (NP (NP (NP a week 's) honeymoon) (PP-LOC in (NP Acapulco))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD away)))) (NP-SBJ-1 Blanche) (VP came (PP-DIR into (NP the office)) (NP-TMP every morning) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP running (NP things) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP run (NP them) (PP for (NP Stanley))))))) , (VP going (PP through (NP the week)) (PP in (NP a dazed stupor))) , (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ-2 things) (VP done (NP *-2))) (ADVP-MNR automatically) , (PP out (PP of (NP habit))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP exactly one week)) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP continue (PP-MNR in (NP this manner))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP (NP the morning) (PP of (NP (NP Stanley 's) return)))) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ her strength) (VP left (NP her)) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP Two hours) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP watching (NP his (ADJP serenely happy) face)) , (VP listening (PP to (NP his soft humming)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP bent (PP over (NP his penciled figures)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Blanche) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP stayed (ADVP-LOC away) (PP-TMP for (NP ten days))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Those ten days) (VP were (PP-PRD like (NP (NP no others) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP had (VP known (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Mostly) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP stayed (PP-LOC in (NP bed))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (VP tell (NP (NP anyone) , (NP even her mother)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wrong)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP a doctor)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP insisting (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a doctor) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP her))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Right) '' , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the fingerprint man) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Also) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP believe (NP those prints)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP look (PP for (NP (NP a killer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD a top-grade piano player))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP demonstrated (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP playing (NP an imaginary piano)) , (VP doing (NP (NP a staccato passage) (PP with (NP a (ADJP broadly exaggerated) attack)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP To (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD clearer))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP shifted (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP acting (PRT out) , (PP but (PP with (NP (NP no change) (PP of (NP manner))))) , (NP (NP the killing) (PP of (NP Rose Mallory))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 His hands) (VP snatched (PP at (NP an imaginary bucket)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP (VP swooping (ADVP-DIR down) (ADVP-MNR hard) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP grab (NP it))))) and (VP coming (ADVP away) (PP with (NP equal snap)) (PP like (NP (NP a ball) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP 's (VP been (VP bounced (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR hard)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-MNR In (NP the same way)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP pantomimed (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP grasping (NP a mantel)) and (VP bouncing (ADVP-MNR cleanly) (PP off (NP that))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP pressing (NP his hands) (PP against (NP the floor))) and (VP bouncing (ADVP-MNR cleanly) (PP off (NP that)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP (VP moving (PP like (NP a ballet dancer))) , (VP playing (PP for (NP laughs))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rose Mallory 's) killer) (VP acted (NP-MNR this way)))) , (S-NOM-SBJ-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP catching (PRT up) (PP with (NP him)))) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a cinch)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'd (VP know (NP him) (PP by (NP (NP his stretch pants) and (NP (NP the flowers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP wear (NP *T*-1))))) (VP twined (NP *) (PP in (NP his hair)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP had (ADVP-TMP first) (VP come (PP upon (NP us)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ this boy) (VP was not (VP cavorting (ADVP-MNR so gaily) (PP-DIR up and down (NP (NP the hall) (PP-LOC outside (NP (NP the murdered woman 's) apartment)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP might (VP have (VP had (NP (NP less trouble) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP convincing (NP Felix) (PP of (NP our seriousness)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ This) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP remember (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) ,) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP New Year 's) Day)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP turned (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP early afternoon) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP would (VP think , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-PRD late enough (SBAR so that (S (PP-TMP by (NP then)) , (PP except (PP for (NP (NP small children) and (NP (NP a few hardy souls) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP had not (ADVP yet) (VP sobered (PRT up))))))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (VP have (VP been (VP expected (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP would (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP be (VP having (NP (NP any sort) (PP of (NP (NP active interest) (PP in (NP (NP the previous night 's) noisemakers and paper hats))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP was (NP-PRD the exception)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP retained (NP (NP his hat) and (NP his horn))))) , and , (S (SBAR-TPC (WHNP-1 whatever fun) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (VP going))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP join (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) , (ADVP incidentally) , (VP might (VP give (NP you) (NP (NP some idea) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (VP happened (PP upon (NP us)) (PP-LOC in (NP that second-floor hall)) (PP without (NP warning)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The M.E. 's) boys) (VP had (VP finished (NP their on-the-spot examination))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the body) (VP had (VP been (VP removed (NP *-1) (PP-PRP for (NP autopsy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The meat wagon) , (ADVP therefore) , (VP was not (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP out) in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the house)))) (ADVP-TMP any more))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the cluster) (PP of (NP squad cars))) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD-1 a cop) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the door) (ADVP-LOC downstairs))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP screen (NP any comings and goings))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was , (ADVP furthermore) , (NP-PRD (NP (NP the crowd) (PP of (NP (NP curious onlookers) (VP gathered (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the street)))))) and (NP (NP a couple more cops) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP hold (NP them) (PP-LOC at (NP a decent distance))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP put (NP yourself) (PP-PUT in (NP (NP Felix 's) place)) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD a taxpayer , householder , landlord)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD away (PP from (NP home))) (PP-TMP for (NP the New Year festivities))))) , but (S (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ the party) (VP is (ADJP-PRD over))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP come (ADVP-DIR home)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Defining (NP sobriety) (PP in (NP (NP the limited sense) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD free (PP from (NP (NP the clinical symptoms) (PP of (NP (NP the effects) (PP of (NP (NP alcohol) (VP (VP ingested (NP *)) and (VP not (ADVP yet) eliminated (NP *) (PP from (NP the system)))))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADJP-PRD sober)) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP have (NP your paper hat))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP wearing (NP it)))) , but (S (ADVP then) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD an extraordinary paper hat)))) and , (S (PP in (NP (NP addition) (PP to (NP (NP anything else) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP may (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-2))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP the sculptor) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP created (NP (NP that (ADJP most peculiar) dame) (PP-LOC out (PP in (NP the back yard)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP 's not (ADJP-PRD too much) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assume (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP have (NP (NP a (ADJP more lasting) interest) (PP in (NP paper hats)) (SBAR than (SINV (VP will (VP *?*)) (NP-SBJ Mr. Average Citizen)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 your paper horn) (VP clutched (NP *-1) (PP in (NP your big , craggy fist)))))) , and (S (PP for (NP your entrance)) (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (VP planned (NP (NP a (ADJP noisy , colorful and exuberant) greeting) (PP to (NP your friends and tenants)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ your house) (NP-PRD (NP a focus) (PP of (NP (UCP public and police) attention))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Can (NP-SBJ you) (VP imagine (S (NP-SBJ yourself) (VP forgetting (PP under (NP the circumstances)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP approaching (NP this (ADJP startling and unexpected) situation) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP (ADVP so unsuitably) hatted (NP *-1)) and (VP armed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP a paper horn)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP could (VP be (VP startled (NP *-1) (PP into (NP forgetfulness))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP shoulder (NP your way) (PP through (NP (NP the cluster) (PP of (NP the curious)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP barge (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP (NP the cop) (PP-LOC on (NP the door))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP (VP identify (NP yourself)) and (VP ask (NP him) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP going (PRT on))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP answering (NP you)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP sticks (NP his head) (PP in (NP the door))) and (VP shouts (PP up (NP the stairs)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Got (NP the upstairs guy))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP bellows (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` The owner .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ I) (VP send (NP him) (PRT up)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP turns (ADVP back) (PP-DIR to (NP you))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Go (ADVP on) (ADVP-DIR in))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP tell (NP you) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP cooking)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ (ADVP-TMP Even then) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP go (PP-DIR into (NP the house)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP oppressed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the knowledge (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP is (VP cooking)))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ your house) (VP has (VP passed (PP under (NP this unaccountable , official control)))))))))))))) , could (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP go (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP forgetting (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP that ridiculous hat) (PP-LOC on (NP your head)))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (VP carrying (NP that childish horn) (PP-LOC in (NP your hand)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP getting (PP at (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP were (ADVP fully) (VP prepared (NP *-1) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Felix 's) (VP being (NP-PRD an odd one))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'd (VP seen (NP (NP his handiwork) (PP-LOC out (PP in (NP the back yard))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the little) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ his tenants) (VP had (VP told (NP us) (NP *T*-1))))) (PP of (NP him))) (VP did (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP sound (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) special)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 We) (VP were not , (ADVP however) , (VP prepared (NP *-2) (PP for (NP (NP anything) (PP like (NP (NP the apparition) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP confronted (NP us) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP came (PP-DIR up (NP the stairs)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP must (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD equally unprepared (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP confronted (NP him)))))))))) , but , (S (ADVP nonetheless) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (VP find (S (NP-SBJ his reaction) (ADJP-PRD startling))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP (VP wearing (NP the hat)) and (VP carrying (NP the horn)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP forgotten (PP about (NP them)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP remembered) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bounding (PP-DIR up (NP the stairs))))) and (VP joined (NP the dance))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP adjusted (NP the hat)) , (VP lifted (NP the horn) (PP to (NP his lips)) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (NP-PRD a flute))))) , and (VP fell (ADVP in) (PP alongside (NP our fingerprint expert)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cavort (PP with (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our man) (VP (VP stopped (ADVP dead)) and (VP glowered (PP at (NP Felix)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP (VP threw (NP his head) (ADVP back)) and (VP laughed (NP (NP a laugh) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP shook (NP (NP the timbers) (PP of (NP even that (ADJP solidly built) old house))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a bull) (PP of (NP a man)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD big-chested , big-shouldered and heavy-armed)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ruddy and heavy and unlined))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP laughed (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP showed (NP (NP his teeth) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP big) and (ADJP white) and (ADJP strong) and (ADJP unquestionably home-grown)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP do n't (VP remember (ADVP-TMP ever) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP seeing (NP (NP teeth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD-3 quite so white)) and (VP (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) (ADVP quite so emphatically) not (NP-PRD=3 dentures)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His hair) (VP had (VP receded (NP-ADV (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the way) (PP to (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP his neck))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP only a fringe) (PP of (NP hair))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wore (NP-1 it) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP cropped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD short)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP almost as white) (PP as (NP his teeth)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP (NP a man) (PP of (NP his mass)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD curiously short)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was n't (NP-PRD a dwarf))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a bit) (PP of (NP a comic figure))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A man) (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP (ADJP so big) and (ADJP so staggeringly developed)) a torso) and (NP such (ADJP long and powerful) arms)))) (VP is (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP stand (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP taller) (PP than (NP five feet five))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP Felix)) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a bit) (PP of (NP a stretch))) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP even that measurement))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP just this side) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD a freak)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP waited (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP finished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP laughing)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP gave (NP us) (NP (NP a few moments) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP (NP stock) (PP of (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP dressed (NP *-1) (PP-MNR in (NP (NP a manner) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Esquire) (VP might (VP suggest (NP *T*-2) (PP for (NP (NP the outdoor man 's) country weekend)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (ADJP Dark gray) sports jacket) , (NP (ADJP lighter gray) slacks) , (NP pink flannel shirt) , (NP black silk necktie) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD clear)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADVP freshly) (VP shaved (NP *-1)))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD any alcohol) (PP-LOC in (NP him)))))) (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP missed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP detecting (NP (NP some scent) (PP of (NP it))) (PP on (NP (NP the massive gusts) (PP of (NP his laughter)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP even a whiff) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Eventually) (NP-SBJ he) (VP subsided) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` Felix '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Gibby) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Me) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR merrily)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Me) , (NP the happy one) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-TPC-1 That much Latin) (NP-SBJ we) (VP remember (NP *T*-1))) '' , (NP-SBJ Gibby) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR dryly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP live (PP up (PP to (NP your name))) , (PP (ADVP-TMP always) like (NP this)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP making (ADJP happy)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP try)) '' , (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR blithely)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The world) (VP is (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP (NP blokes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP put (NP their hearts) (PP-PUT into (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP the tragic scene))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP noticed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP improves (NP things) (ADVP any)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Bully (PP for (NP you))) '' , (NP-SBJ Gibby) (VP said (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the rest) (PP of (NP your name))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` (NP No rest) (PP of (NP it)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ there) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-TPC-1 The past) (NP-SBJ I) (VP leave (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP historians)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Felix) (VP intoned (S *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP demonstrating (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD pompous (CONJP as well as) happy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP live (PP in (NP the present))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (PP-TPC-1 In (NP the present)) '' , (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP proclaimed (PP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (PP `` For (NP the future) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD (NP any other time) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP can (VP live (PP *T*-1)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ We) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Gibby) (VP announced (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (VP are not (NP-PRD philosophers)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP are (NP-PRD Assistant District Attorneys)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This gentleman) (VP is (NP-PRD a police officer)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD a fingerprint specialist)) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ-1 (NP your future) , (NP your immediate future) ,) (VP be (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP include (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP taking (NP us) (ADVP-DIR upstairs)) , (VP giving (NP us) (NP (NP a bit) (PP of (NP (NP space) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ our friend) (VP can (VP work (PP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) , and (VP making (S (ADJP-PRD available (PP to (NP him))) (NP-SBJ your finger tips)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The happy one) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP looked (ADJP-PRD happier)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP than (NP joy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD ecstasy)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Those lovely whorls) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP chortled (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (ADJP `` (ADJP So intricate) , (ADJP so beautiful) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP right along)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP fingerprints)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP (VP prancing (PP along (NP the hall))) , (VP heading (PP for (NP (NP the next flight) (PP of (NP stairs))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gibby) (VP called (NP him) (ADVP back)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (PP-PRP because of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (NP-TMP last night))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (ADJP `` Past , (INTJ yes) , but important .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD important)))) , (PP for (NP the record)) (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP have (NP the full name)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 That important) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP asked (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (ADJP `` That important '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Grubb) '' , (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP whispered (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Felix Grubb '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gibby) (VP asked , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) not (VP bothering (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP whisper)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Shh) '' , (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP implored (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-5 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (ADJP-PRD necessary) (SBAR-4 for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP know))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nothing) (VP could (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it (S *EXP*-5)) (ADJP-PRD necessary) (S-5 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP proclaim (NP it) (PP to (NP the whole world)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Obligingly) (NP-SBJ Gibby) (VP lowered (NP his voice)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Felix Grubb) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP repeated (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP `` (INTJ No) .) (TOP (FRAG (NP Edmund) , but not (PP-TMP for (NP years)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP years)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (VP been (ADVP just) (NP-PRD Felix))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP First thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP after (NP my twenty-first birthday)))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP go (PP into (NP court))) and (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP (ADVP-MNR officially) changed (NP *-3)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP tell (NP everybody) (NP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (ADVP-TMP-PRD (NP (QP almost forty) years) ago)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Having (VP volunteered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a man) (PP of (NP (QP about sixty)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP bounded (PP-DIR up (NP the stairs))) and (VP (PP with (NP each leap)) rendered (S (NP-SBJ the number) (ADJP-PRD less credible)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a broth) (PP of (NP a boy))) , (NP-TPC our Felix))) , and (S (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more obvious) (PP than (NP (NP the joy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP took (NP *T*-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP demonstrating (SBAR (SBAR (WHADJP-3 how agile) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-3)))) and (SBAR (WHADJP=3 how full (PP of (NP juice and spirit)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP followed (NP him) (PP-DIR up (NP the stairs))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The cops) (VP would (VP (VP gather (PRT up) (NP (NP Connor) and (NP (NP the foursome) (PP-LOC on (NP the third floor))))) and (VP bring (NP us) (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP them)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (ADVP-MNR voluntarily) (VP submit (PP to (NP fingerprinting)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP may (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP did n't (VP need (NP Nancy and Jean)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP get (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP *?* (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP you) (VP can (VP *?* (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (NP no guarantee (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a fingerprint record) (PP on (NP them))) (VP could n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD useful) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (PP-PRD through (PP with (NP this case))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (VP excluded (NP the ladies))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (VP have (PP to (NP that extent)) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the whole world) (VP know (NP (NP (ADJP (ADVP at least) that much)) (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP stood (ADVP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The killer) , (FRAG if (PP-LOC in (NP our present group))) , (VP would (ADVP certainly) (VP be (ADJP-PRD interested (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP knowing (NP (ADJP that much))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV even though (S (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ the fingerprint evidence) (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2)))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP no way) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP could (VP use (NP (NP this bit) (PP of (NP information))) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP improve (PP on (NP his situation))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP might (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (NP-PRD some way)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (ADVP possibly) (VP avoid (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP hand (PRT out) (NP any extra chances))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (VP took (NP us) (PP-DIR into (NP his studio))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP that (ADJP oddly shaped) space) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the very top) (PP of (NP the house)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 ceiling heights) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP accommodate (NP themselves) (PP to (NP (NP the varying angles) (PP of (NP roof slope))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP each angle) (PP of (NP its pitch)))) (NP-SBJ-1 a big skylight) (VP had (VP been (VP fitted (NP *-1) (PP into (NP the roof)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 all these skylights) (VP were (VP fitted (NP *-2) (PP with (NP (NP systems) (PP of (NP multiple screens and shades))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ Felix) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP opened (NP the door) (PP on (NP it))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 all these shades) (VP were (ADVP-MNR tightly) (VP drawn (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the whole studio) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as dark) (PP as (NP night))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (ADVP-MNR quickly) fixed (NP that) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP rolling (ADVP back) (NP (NP the shades) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the skylights)))))) and (VP adjusting (NP (NP screens) (PP-LOC on (NP the others))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP flew (PP about (NP the place)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (NP these adjustments))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-6)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD obvious) (SBAR-6 that (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-7 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP doing (NP *T*-7))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the fruit) (PP of (NP long experience)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP None) (PP of (NP his movements))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tentative)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no process) (PP of (NP trial and error)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Starting (PP with (S (NP-SBJ-3 the room) (VP (ADVP completely) blacked (NP *-3) (PRT out) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP *?* (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (ADVP unerringly) fixed (NP things) (SBAR-ADV so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the whole place) (VP was (VP bathed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the maximum) (PP of (NP light)))) (PP without (PP-TMP at (NP any point)) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP admitting (NP (NP (ADJP even so much)) (PP as (NP (NP a crack) (PP of (NP glare))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Expecting (NP (NP something) (ADJP more-than-average wacky)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP surprised (NP *-1) (PP by (SBAR-NOM-LGS (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP found (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no display) (PP (PP of either (NP (NP works) (PP in (NP progress)))) or (PP of (NP finished work))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC Here and there (PP on (NP (NP work table) or (NP pedestal)))) (VP stood) (NP-SBJ (NP a shape) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a sheet) or (NP a tarpaulin)) (VP draped (NP *) (PP-LOC over (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ These shapes) (VP might (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD mad))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no telling))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were all (ADVP completely) (VP shrouded)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The equipment) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP solid and heavy) and (PP in (NP good condition)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Everything) (VP was (ADJP-PRD orderly))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP arranged (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP the workman 's) comfort , convenience and efficiency)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP tools) (ADVP-LOC about)))) but (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (ADVP-MNR neatly) (VP kept (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no confusion) and (NP no litter))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Supplies) (PP of (NP sheet metal))) (VP were (ADVP-MNR neatly) (VP stacked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP bins)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP did not (VP see (NP the newspapers) (NP-TMP the next day))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Someone) (PP on (NP his staff))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP suspected (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD Ed Thornburg)))))) --) (VP intercepted (NP them))) and (S (PP for (NP this)) (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP was (ADJP-PRD grateful))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP finally) fell (ADVP asleep) (PP-TMP around (NP (NP six) (PP in (NP the morning)))) (PP with (NP (NP the aid) (PP of (NP (NP a sleeping capsule) , (NP (NP a crutch) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP rarely) (VP used (NP *T*-1)))))))))) , and (VP did n't (VP awaken (PP-TMP until (NP early afternoon))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Memory) (VP flooded (NP him) (NP-TMP (NP the instant) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP opened (NP his eyes) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the sick feeling) (VP knotted (NP his stomach))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC Outside (NP his window)) (VP bloomed) (NP-SBJ a beautiful summer day) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Presumably) (NP-SBJ the same sun) (VP was (VP shining (PP upon (NP (NP little Drew) (NAC *ICH*-2)) (ADVP also) (NAC-2 , and (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP kidnapped (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (WHADVP where) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP still) (NP-PRD a (ADJP very big) world) , (PP despite (NP (NP all the modern cant) (PP to (NP the contrary))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hub) (VP was (VP sitting (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a chair) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP blocked (NP the hall door)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP dozing))) , (FRAG perhaps (NP (NP the only sleep) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP gotten (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP snapped (PP to (NP alertness)) (PP at (NP (NP Andy 's) entrance))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Sorry) , (NP-VOC Mr. Paxton) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Nothing) (ADJP new) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP Lot) (PP of (NP (NP people) (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP you)))))))) , (ADVP though) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` Reporters '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` Our own people .)) (TOP (NP (NP Questions) (PP about (NP (NP the show) (NP-TMP tonight))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hub) (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the telephone)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Shall (NP-SBJ I) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD awake))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose) .)) (TOP (SQ (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ (VP 's (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Lissa))) , (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hub) (VP considered) .)) (TOP (ADJP `` Some better .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (VP got (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP guts))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Paxton))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP call (NP her))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP expecting (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP *?*)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hub) (VP shook (NP his head))) so (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP told (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP bother))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only reason) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP contacting (NP Lissa))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP (VP to (VP comfort)) or (VP to (VP be (VP comforted (NP *-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could not (VP (VP manage (NP the former)) or (VP expect (NP the latter))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP *T*-1) (PP-DTV to (NP each other))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The omission) (VP might (VP look (ADJP-PRD peculiar) (PP to (NP outsiders))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP could not (VP bring (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP to (VP go (PP through (NP the motions)) (PP-PRP (ADVP simply) for (NP (NP the sake) (PP of (NP appearances)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP little time) (PP to (NP himself)) , (ADVP anyway)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the afternoon) (VP sped (PP toward (NP evening))))) , (NP-SBJ the suite) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ (NP a steady procession) (PP of (NP (NP Paxton aides) (NP *ICH*-1)))) (VP pass (ADVP-DIR in and out) , (NP-1 (NP each) (PP with (NP his own special problem)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Thornburg) (VP arrived (PP with (NP the writers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP had (VP spent (NP the morning) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP revising (NP the act)) , (VP eliminating (NP all the gay songs , patter and dancing) (PP with (NP (NP a view) (PP of (NP the best public relations))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (SBAR (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP remained)))) (VP lacked (NP the original verve))) but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP at least) (ADJP-PRD dignified) , (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP befitting (NP the tragic circumstances)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Raymond Fox) (VP reported (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the orchestra) (VP had (ADVP-MNR hastily) (VP rehearsed `` (NP-TTL Cradle Song) '' (S-PRP (PP in (NP case)) (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP needed (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie Marble) (VP was (ADVP-DIR-PRD back and forth) (PP on (NP several occasions)) , (S-PRP (ADVP-TMP first) (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP confer (PP with (NP Andy)) (PP on (NP (NP the advisability) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP-NOM cancelling (NP the Las Vegas engagement)))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wise)))))) --))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP later) to (VP announce (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a prominent comedian) , (ADVP also) (NP an agency client) ,) (VP had (VP agreed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fill (NP (NP the casino 's) open date))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP once) (NP-SBJ-1 Bake) (VP slipped (ADVP-DIR in) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD pale and drawn)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP last night 's) liquor) (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD on (NP his breath)) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP some) (PP of (NP today 's))) (VP added (NP *-2) (PP to (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Andy) (VP invented (NP (NP a job) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD busy))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP sending (NP him) (ADVP ahead) (PP-DIR to (NP El Dorado)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP supervise (NP last minute arrangements))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP from (NP Rocco Vecchio)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP heard (NP nothing)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADJP last)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP depart (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 Hub) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP nosing (ADVP about))) , (VP spotted (NP (NP reporters) (PP-LOC in (NP the lobby))) ,)) so (S (NP-SBJ-1 Andy) (VP was (VP hustled (NP *-1) (ADVP-DIR away) (ADVP-MNR quietly) (PP through (NP (NP the hotel 's) service entrance)) (PP in (NP (NP a strange car) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ Hub) (VP had (VP procured (NP *T*-2) (ADVP somewhere)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP succeeded (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP eluding (NP the curious) (PP-LOC at (NP the hotel))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no chance) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP avoiding (NP them) (PP-LOC at (NP the nightclub)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 El Dorado) (VP was (VP surrounded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a mob)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP overflowed (NP the parking lot) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ (NP progress) (PP by (NP automobile))) (ADJP-PRD difficult))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Long) before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (NP (NP the protection) (PP of (NP the stage door)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Andy) (VP was (VP recognized (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Word) (PP of (NP his arrival))) (VP spread (PP through (NP the crowd)) (PP like (NP a brushfire))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP surged (PP around (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ fingers) (VP pointing)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ eyes) (VP prying))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (NP-PRD a hostile gathering))) but (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP sensed (NP (NP the difference) (PP from (NP (NP last night 's) hero-worshippers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP had (VP come (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP (VP to (VP admire)) but (VP to (VP observe)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD worse) (ADVP-LOC inside))) '' , (NP-SBJ Thornburg) (VP informed (NP Andy) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Skolman) (VP 's (VP jammed (PRT in) (NP (NP every table) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP find (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (PP Under (NP (NP the heading) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP an ill wind) , (FRAG et cetera)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Backstage) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tomblike) (PP by (NP contrast))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Andy 's) co-workers) (VP kept (NP their distance) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP awed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the tragedy))))) .)) (TOP (SINV But (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 in (NP his dressing room)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP a large bouquet) and (NP (NP a card) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP read , `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (PP-PRD with (NP you)) (NP-ADV all the way))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP signed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP everyone) (PP in (NP the troupe)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Andy) (VP could n't (VP (VP help) but (VP be (VP touched (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP instructed (NP-2 Shirl Winter) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP compose (NP (NP a note) (PP of (NP thanks)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (VP posted (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP the call board)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bake) (VP was (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP report (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Lou DuVol) (VP had (VP been (VP sobered (PRT up) (PP to (NP (NP the point) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP function (ADVP-MNR efficiently) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP gathered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD no small accomplishment)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Bake) (NP himself)) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD better))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP any kind) (PP of (NP job))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP better) (PP than (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP brooding)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP told (NP him) , `` (S (NP-VOC Bake) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP (VP talk (PP to (NP Skolman))) , (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP some kind) (PP of (NP p.a. system))) (VP can (VP be (VP rigged (NP *-1) (PRT up) (ADVP-LOC outside)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD just barely possible) (PP with (NP this crowd)) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the kidnapper) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP a table))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP miss (NP the message)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP try)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Skolman) (VP is n't (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP like (NP it) (ADVP much) , (ADVP though) , (S-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP giving (ADVP away) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP be (VP selling (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Skolman) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP the only one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did n't (VP care (PP for (NP (NP Andy 's) scheme)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A short time) later) , (NP-SBJ Lieutenant Bonner) (VP stomped (PP into (NP the dressing room))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP (NP a bone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pick (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP you))))))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Paxton)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD those damn loudspeakers)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP rolled (PRT up) (NP (NP the revised script) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP studying (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHNP What) (PP about (NP them)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP louse (NP me) (PRT up) (ADVP good)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 My men) (VP have (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (NP-TMP all afternoon) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP setting (PRT up) (PP for (NP this thing)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bonner) (VP explained (SBAR that (S , (PP with (NP (NP the nightclub 's) cooperation)) , (NP-SBJ the police) (VP had (VP occupied (NP El Dorado) (PP like (NP a battlefield))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Motion picture cameras)) (VP had (VP been (VP installed (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP film (NP the audience)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 the reservation list) (VP was (VP being (VP checked (NP *-2) (PRT out) (NP-ADV (NP name) (PP by (NP name))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 a special detail) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (PP-PRD at (NP work)) (PP-LOC in (NP the parking lot)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP scrutinizing (NP automobiles) (PP for (NP a possible lead)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD virtually impossible) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP screen (NP the mob outside)))) , (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ Bonner) (VP had (NP (NP manpower) (ADJP available (PP for (NP the purpose)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 the speakers) (VP taken (NP *-1) (PRT out))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP sighed) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seems (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP 're (ADVP-TMP never) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP eye) (PP to (NP eye)))))))))) , (NP-VOC Lieutenant)) .)) (TOP (SQ Did n't (NP-SBJ they) (VP tell (NP you) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wanted (NP the p.a. system) (PP-PRP for (NP *T*-1)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Sure) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP know) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD such a long shot)) '' --)) (TOP (ADJP `` (ADJP No longer) (PP than (NP yours)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP *T*-2) (NP-TMP tonight)))) , (ADVP anyway))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 somebody) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP stand (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP the audience))) and (VP make (NP guilty faces)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (VP Or have (NP (NP a sign) (PP on (NP his car)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP says , ' (SINV (ADVP Here) (VP Comes) (NP-SBJ the Paxton Kidnapper)) ')))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP crumbled (NP the script) (PP in (NP his fist))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP stop (NP-1 you) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP doing (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADJP-PRD right)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP But (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP do n't (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stop (NP me)))) , (ADVP either))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-TMP Someday) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Bonner) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ask (NP us) (PP for (NP help))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (ADVP hardly) (VP wait)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP understand (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP asking (PP for (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP now)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 Bonner) (VP departed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP ill will))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP gotten (VP stuck (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP a job) (ADJP too big (PP for (NP his imagination))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cling (PP to (NP routine , tested procedures))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP act (ADVP-MNR otherwise)))) (VP would (VP be (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP admit (NP his helplessness)))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP admit) or (VP (FRAG not)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Bonner) (VP was (ADJP-PRD helpless)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The crime) (VP showed (NP (ADJP too much) planning))) , (S (NP-SBJ the kidnappers) (VP appeared (ADJP-PRD too proficient (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP caught (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a checklist))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Andy 's) performance) (VP was (VP scheduled (NP *-1) (PP for (NP eleven o'clock)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stalled (PP-TMP for (ADVP (NP a half-hour) longer)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP hoping (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hear (NP (NP something) (PP from (NP Vecchio)) (PP about (NP the ransom money))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Bake) and (NP Shirl Winter)) , (PP on (NP separate telephones)) , (VP could not (VP reach (NP him) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP any conceivable location) (PP-LOC in (NP Los Angeles))))))) , nor (SINV could (NP-SBJ they) (VP secure (NP (NP any clear-cut information) (VP regarding (NP his efforts))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bake) (VP cursed) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The sweaty bastard) (VP 's (ADVP probably) (ADJP-PRD halfway (PP to (NP Peru))) (PP with (NP our money)) (PP-TMP by (ADVP now))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP smiled (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP constrained (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP add , `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (ADVP Just) kidding , (ADVP natch))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Thornburg) (VP popped (ADVP-DIR in) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP advise , `` (S (NP-VOC Andy) , (NP-SBJ Skolman) (VP 's (VP sending (PRT up) (NP smoke signals)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADJP-PRD about ready) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 's (NP-PRD he) (VP complaining (PP about (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bake) (VP asked) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (VP drinking))) , (SQ (VP are n't (VP *?*)) (NP-SBJ they)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` No .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP got (NP (NP a bunch) (PP of (NP sippers))) (PP-LOC out (ADVP there)) (NP-TMP tonight)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 nobody) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP pass (PRT out)) and (VP miss (NP anything))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Thornburg) (VP added (PP in (NP a lower voice)) (PRN but (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP overheard))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP act (PP (PP (ADVP more) like (NP a jury)) (PP than (NP an audience)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP said , `` (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP ca n't (VP wait (ADVP-TMP any longer)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-VOC Hub) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP stick (PP-LOC by (NP the stage door))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (S (NP-SBJ Rock) (VP shows (PRT up) (PP-TMP during (NP the number)))) -- or (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear (NP anything))) --)) (NP-SBJ *) (VP give (NP me) (NP the signal)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shirl Winter) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP stay (PP on (NP the phone))))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Paxton)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a couple) (PP of (NP call-backs)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP work (PP on (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD a sweetheart))) -- but (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ one line) (ADJP-PRD open)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP may (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP phone (NP us)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP passed (PP-DIR into (NP the corridor)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ their `` good lucks '' ! !) (VP Following (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP said (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP before (NP every performance))))))) but (S (NP-TMP tonight) (NP-SBJ it) (VP sounded (ADJP-PRD different) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP really) (VP needed (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD right)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The act) , (VP (VP cut (NP *) (PP to (NP shreds))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR hastily) patched (NP *) (ADVP together) (PP-TMP during (NP the afternoon)))) ,) (VP had not (VP been (VP rehearsed (NP *-1) (ADVP sufficiently) (PP by (NP-LGS anyone))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The result) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) (PP of (NP (NP the polish , pace or cohesion) (PP of (NP the previous night)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 Here) (VP 's (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (SBAR-SBJ (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ luck) (VP would (ADVP normally) (VP step (PRT in) (ADVP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD no ordinary show))) and (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP knew (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-SBJ Whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sang (ADVP-MNR well or badly)))) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The audience) (VP had (VP come (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) not (VP (VP to (VP be (VP entertained (NP *-1)))) but (VP to (VP judge)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Twenty-four hours) (VP had (VP changed (NP him) (PP from (NP a performer)) (PP to (NP a freak)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Within (NP this framework)) , (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP followed))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD strained , even macabre)) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Eliminating (VP (NP the patter) and (NP the upbeat numbers)))) (VP left (NP (NP little) (PP but (NP (NP blues) and (NP (NP other songs) (PP of (NP equal melancholy))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The effect) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 (ADJP as depressing) (PP as (NP a gravestone))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 the applause) (ADJP-PRD=2 irresolute and short-lived)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ-1 Andy) (VP plowed (ADVP ahead) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP mouthing (NP the inconsequential words) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP possessed (NP real meaning)))))))) , and (S (ADVP gradually) (NP-SBJ his listeners) (VP warmed (PP to (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Their clapping) (VP grew (ADJP more fervent))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the evening) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) not (PP-PRD beyond (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP salvaging , (PP not (PP as (NP a show)) but (PP for (NP (NP him) (PP as (NP a person)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The worst) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP yet) (VP to (VP come)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP reached (NP (NP the finale) (PP of (NP his act)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a subdued commotion) (ADVP-LOC backstage)) (VP drew (NP his attention) (PP to (NP the wings))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Rocco Vecchio) -- (NP a perspiring , haggard Vecchio) --) (VP was (VP standing (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP flanked (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP two men) (PP in (NP (NP the uniforms) (PP of (NP armored transport guards)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Vecchio) (VP was (VP (VP nodding) and (VP pointing (PP at (NP (NP the large suitcase) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP held (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP felt (NP-PRD his heart) (VP thud (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP with (NP relief)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP waved (PP at (NP Fox)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cut (PRT off) (NP the finale introduction))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The music) (VP died (ADVP away) (ADVP-MNR discordantly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP drew (NP a deep breath)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Ladies and gentlemen) , (PP in (NP (NP place) (PP of (NP my regular closing number)))) (NP-TMP tonight) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sing (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP a different nature))) (PP for (NP you))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Ray) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP please))) -- (NP the ' (NX-TTL Cradle Song) ') '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sensed (CONJP rather than) heard (NP (NP the gasp) (SBAR (WHNP-5 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP swept (PP across (NP the audience))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor could (NP-SBJ he) (VP blame (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP This particular song) (PP-TMP at (NP this particular time))) (VP could (ADVP only) (VP be (VP interpreted (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP (NP the ultimate) (PP in (NP bad taste))) , (NP (NP callous exploitation) (PP beyond (NP (NP the bounds) (PP of (NP decency)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Having (NP no choice))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP plunged (PP into (NP it)) , (ADVP anyway) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP holding (PP onto (NP the microphone)) (PP for (NP support))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Lullaby and goodnight . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His voice) (VP shook) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP (NP the first time) (PP in (NP his life)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP forgot (NP the lyrics) (ADVP midway through)) and (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP cover (PRT up) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP humming (NP the rest))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ the audience) (VP would (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP finish))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP did)) ; ; (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP though) (ADJP-PRD contemptuous)) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD polite))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP finally) (ADVP-PRD through) (ADVP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 their scorn) (VP was (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD apparent)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP (VP clapped (ADVP-MNR tentatively)) (VP (ADVP-TMP then) (ADVP-MNR quickly) stopped)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Otherwise) , (NP-SBJ the silence) (VP was (ADJP-PRD complete)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ the lights) (VP came (PRT up)))) , (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP could (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a number) (PP of (NP patrons))) (VP were (ADVP already) (PP-PRD on (NP (NP their way) (PP toward (NP the exit))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stumbled (ADVP-DIR off-stage)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 My God) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP muttered (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` My God '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hub) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP support (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD okay) , (NP-VOC Mr. Paxton)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The money) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) , (NP-1 (NP all) (PP of (NP it)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP this moment)) , (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP think (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP was (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP 'd (VP been (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP undergo (NP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear (NP them)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP think (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP me)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP Bunch) (PP of (NP damn jerks))) '' , (NP-SBJ Hub) (VP growled (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP needs (NP them))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Thornburg) (VP patted (NP his arm)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Sure) , (NP-VOC Andy) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD all right))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Nothing) (VP broken (NP *)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP ca n't (VP be (VP mended (NP *-4)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The words) (VP were (ADJP-PRD hollow)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Thornburg) (VP knew , (ADVP (ADVP better) (PP than (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP them))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ a public image) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as fragile) (PP as (NP Humpty Dumpty))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP All (NP the king 's) horses) and (NP all (NP the king 's) men)) (S (NP-SBJ Vecchio) (VP shouldered (ADVP-DIR in))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP it) , (NP-VOC Andy)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP knows (ADVP how))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (ADVP-TMP never) (VP believe (NP (NP the places) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-1) (NP-TMP today)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-UNF (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP practically) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sign (NP your life) (PRT away)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (ADVP probably) (VP fire (NP me) (PP-PRP for (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the deals) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go (PP for (NP *T*-3))))))))))))))) , but '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP nodded (ADVP-MNR dully)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP does n't (VP matter , (NP-VOC Rock))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've (VP done (NP our part))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP clutched (NP that knowledge) (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP returned (PP to (NP his dressing room)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The usual congratulatory crowd) (VP was (ADJP-PRD conspicuously absent))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the place) (VP had (NP (NP the air) (PP of (NP a morgue))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Andy) (VP had (NP no desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP linger)))) (NP-ADV himself))) but (S (NP-SBJ Hub) (VP reported (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the mob) (ADVP-LOC outside)) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD large) (PP despite (NP (NP the efforts (S *ICH*-1)) (PP of (NP the police)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP disperse (NP them))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His son) (VP (VP watched (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP got (ADVP-LOC (ADVP as far) (PP as (NP the hall))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (PP-PRD (ADVP almost) out (PP of (NP sight)))))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) hurried (ADVP after))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Dad .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-VOC Dad) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP wait) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP caught (PP up (PP with (NP the old man))) (PP-LOC in (NP the living room))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Old man Arthur) (VP had (VP put (PRT down) (NP the suitcase) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP open (NP the front door)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Just this one favor) , (NP-VOC Dad) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP Just) (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP tell (NP Ferguson) (NP (NP that crazy opinion) (PP of (NP yours))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHADVP Why) not '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The old man) (VP gave (NP the room) (NP a stare) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leaving))))) ; ; (S (PP-LOC under (NP the scraggly brows)) (NP-SBJ the pale old eyes) (VP burned (PP with (NP a bitter memory)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD the truth)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 The Bartlett girl) (VP was (VP killed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Mr. Dronk 's) son)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rossi and Ferguson) (VP have (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD across (NP the street)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP talking (PP to (NP the kid)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 've (VP found (NP (NP (NP some sort) (PP of (NP new evidence))) , (NP (NP a bundle) (PP of (NP clothes or something))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP must (VP link (NP the kid) (ADVP even stronger) (PP to (NP the crime))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ wo n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP accept (NP facts) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The two kids) (VP were (ADVP-PRD together) (NP-TMP a lot))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP having (NP (NP some kind) (PP of (NP teen-age affair)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP knows (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how far) (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP *T*-1))))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ the kid) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD crippled))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP limps)) , and (S (NP-TPC (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP hit (NP you)) and (VP took (NP the cane)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP limped)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (INTJ My God) , (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how much) more) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His father) (VP looked (NP-PRD him) (PRT over) (ADVP-MNR closely)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP sound (PP like (NP an old woman))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP should (VP have (VP gone (PP to (NP work)) (NP-TMP today) , (PP 'stead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP sneaking (ADVP around)) (VP spying (PP on (NP the Dronk house))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S-IMP (INTJ Now) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP see (ADVP here)) '' --) (S-UNF `` (NP-SBJ (NP The trouble) (PP with (NP you))) '')) , (NP-SBJ old man Arthur) (VP (VP began (S *T*-1)) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) checked (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Young Mrs. Arthur) (VP had (VP opened (NP the oven)))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a drifting odor) (PP of (NP hot biscuits))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The old man) (VP (VP opened (NP the door)) and (VP stepped (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the sunlight))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Is n't (NP enough time (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP into (NP it)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP finished (S *T*-1)) , and (VP slammed (NP the door) (PP in (NP (NP his son 's) face)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Holden) (VP turned (PP from (NP the window draperies))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP found (NP (NP something) (ADVP else)) (PP-LOC up (ADVP there)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR half-aloud) (PP to (NP the empty room))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP took (NP it) (ADVP away) , (NP-TPC overalls or something)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP walked (ADVP-MNR restlessly) (PP-DIR (PP across (NP the room)) , (ADVP then) (PP (ADVP back) to (NP the windows)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ they) (VP 've (VP gone))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP come (ADVP-DIR back)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP arrest (NP that Dronk boy)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP frowning) and (VP chewing (NP her lip))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP wearing (NP (NP a brown cotton dress) , (VP cut (NP *) (PP across (NP the hips)) (PP-MNR in (NP (NP a way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP was (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP look (ADJP-PRD slimmer))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))) , (NP (NP (NP a yoke) (VP set (NP *) (PP into (NP the skirt)))) and (NP (NP flaring pleats) (ADVP-LOC below))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP smoothed (NP the skirt)) , (VP sat (PRT down)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) stood (PRT up)) and (VP went (PP (ADVP back) to (NP the windows)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why (PP on (NP earth))) (SQ did (NP-SBJ I) (VP send (NP him) (PP off (PP to (NP work))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP excuse) (ADJP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP him) (ADVP home)))))))) (S (NP-SBJ that young Mr. Arthur) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD over (ADVP there)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP sudden energy)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP the phone))) and (VP (VP rang (NP (NP Holden 's) office)) and (VP asked (PP for (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (ADVP better) (VP come (ADVP-DIR home)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Mae) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD so busy)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Crosson) (VP 's (VP been (PP-PRD on (NP (NP everybody 's) neck))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP an order) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP expected (NP *T*-1))))) (VP did n't (VP come (ADVP through)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP-UNF 's)) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP care)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-LOC-PRD here))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD all alone))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP certain things) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP are (VP going (PRT on) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP look (ADJP-PRD very ominous))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP need (NP (NP someone) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP happening))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` But (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP do (NP that) , (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP were (ADVP-PRD home))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His voice) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD high and trembling)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD underfoot) (NP-TMP (NP every time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ those cops) (VP turn (ADVP around) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (EDITED (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP-UNF 'll))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP something)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP the grin) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP split (NP her mouth)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the teeth) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP shone (PP into (NP the phone)))))) (VP were (PP-PRD like (NP a shark 's)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 'll (ADVP just) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP risk (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP wander (ADVP along) (PP in (NP the dark))))) , (SQ (VP can (VP *?*)) (NP-SBJ you)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP (ADVP even more) (PP than (NP I))) (VP would (VP be (VP wondering (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (PP-PRD up (PP to (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP found (NP some clothes))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP tossed in)) .)) (TOP (WHNP `` What '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Deliberately) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP ignored (NP the yelp)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Also) , (NP-SBJ that Mr. Ferguson) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD here)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ask (NP you) (NP some questions)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stalled (NP him) (PRT off)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP does n't (VP expect (NP you) (PP-TMP until (NP five)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP wait (PP-TMP until (NP five)))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No-o-o .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP-TMP right away)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP slapped (NP the receiver) (PP into (NP its holder))) and (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR away))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD bright (PP with (NP anticipation)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP his office)) , (NP-SBJ Mr. Holden) (VP replaced (NP the phone) (ADVP-MNR slowly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP rose (PP from (NP his chair))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cough))) (ADVP-TMP then))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP the window))) and (VP choked (ADVP-LOC there) (PP with (NP (NP the fresh breeze) (PP on (NP his face))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP got (NP his hat) (PP out (PP of (NP the closet)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP For (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP going (PP into (NP (NP Crosson 's) office)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP explain (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP leave)))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD (NP (NP such a pain) (PP-LOC in (NP his chest)) (SBAR *RNR*-2)) , (NP (NP such a pounding) (PP-LOC in (NP his head)) (SBAR *RNR*-2)) , (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP go))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP passed (NP (NP the receptionist) (PP-LOC in (NP the outer office))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP muttering , `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-TMP for (NP a little while)))))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP call (NP Crosson))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*))))))) , (VP let (S (NP-SBJ Crosson) (VP (VP raise (NP the roof)) or (VP (ADVP even) can (NP him))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP care))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP got (PP into (NP the car))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Putting (NP the key) (PP-PUT into (NP the switch))) , (VP pressing (NP the accelerator) (PP with (NP his foot))) , (VP putting (NP the car) (PP into (NP reverse))))) , (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP vast endeavors) (PP (ADVP almost) beyond (NP (NP the ability) (PP of (NP his shaking body)))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG Once (PP-LOC out (PP in (NP the street)))) , (NP-SBJ the traffic) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a gadfly maze) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP wandered (PP-LOC *T*-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD stricken))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (PP into (NP (NP the highway) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the outskirts) (PP of (NP the city))))) (CONJP and then) (VP rose (PP toward (NP home)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-3) (VP to (VP (VP pull (PP over (PP to (NP the curb)))) and (VP wait (PP for (NP a few minutes)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-5) (VP (VP sucking (PP in (NP air))) and (VP squinting) and (VP blinking (NP his eyes) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP clear (NP them) (PP of (NP tears))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What) (PP on (NP earth))) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP Mae 's) mind)) , (SBAR-TPC that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ him) (UCP-PRD (PP-LOC up (ADVP there)) (VP spying (PP on (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ the cops) (VP were (VP doing (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ she) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ignore (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ his own common sense) (VP told (NP him) (NP *T*-1))))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD possible))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ her motives) (VP were (ADJP-PRD too blatant)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP get (PP into (NP trouble)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ the police) (VP to (VP (VP notice (NP him)) , (VP suspect (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP keep (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP scheming , poking , prodding , suggesting , and dictating)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the cops) (VP got (PRT up) (NP (NP enough interest (S *ICH*-3)) (PP in (NP him)) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP their old neighborhood))) and (VP ask (NP questions)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (PP-TMP in (NP that moment)) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP a cold sinking) (PP of (NP despair))) , (NP (NP a dying) (PP of (NP old hopes))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Mae) (VP had (VP spread (NP (NP some kind) (PP of (NP word))) (ADVP-LOC there) (PP among (NP the neighbors))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Nothing) (ADJP bald , open)) ; ; but (NP enough) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'd (VP have (NP (NP some suspicions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP repeat (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP the police))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ his inner thoughts) (VP cringed (PP at (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (VP to (VP think (ADVP back) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP recreating (NP (NP the scene) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mae) (VP claimed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (VP caught (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP molesting (NP the child))))))) (PP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had n't (VP amounted (PP to (NP anything)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP evil or dirty) (PP in (NP his intentions))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A second scene) (NP *ICH*-3)) (VP flashed (PP before (NP his mind)) , (NP-3 (NP (NP the interior) (PP of (NP (NP the garage) (PP-LOC at (NP the new house))))) and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 the young Bartlett girl) (VP turning (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD startled)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet (NP him)))))) , (NP the dim dark) and (NP the sudden confusion and fear) (CONJP and then) (NP (NP the brightness) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Mae) (VP had (VP clicked (PRT on) (NP the light)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the cops) (ADVP somehow) (VP got (VP hold (PP of (NP that))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP had n't (VP been (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP there))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (VP touched (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP examine (NP the scene)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a certain staginess) (PP to (NP it)))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (NP (NP the smell) (PP of (NP planning))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ a swift suspicion) (VP darted (PP into (NP his mind)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Too monstrous) , (PP of (NP course)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mae) (VP would n't (VP have (VP plotted (NP (NP a thing) (PP like (NP that)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-PRD (ADVP just) that (S (NP-SBJ little accidents) (VP played (PP into (NP her hands)))))) .)) (TOP (PP Like (NP this murder) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP leaned (PP on (NP the wheel)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP clutching (NP it)) , (VP staring (PP into (NP the sunlight)))))) , and (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bring (NP order) (PP into (NP his thoughts))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD light-headed and sick)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no use) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP wandering (ADVP off) (PP into (NP (NP a territory) (PP of (NP utter nightmare)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mae) (VP was (NP-PRD his wife)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (VP married (NP *-1) (PP to (NP him)) (PP (PP for (ADJP better)) or (PP for (ADJP worse))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would n't (VP be (ADVP-MNR wilfully) (VP planning (NP his destruction)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) as (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the conviction) (PP of (NP truth))) (VP roared (PP through (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shattering (NP (NP his last hope) (PP of (NP safety)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (VP (VP reaching (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (VP to (VP release (NP the hand brake) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP head (PP-DIR up (NP the road)) (PP for (NP home))))))))) , (VP doing (NP her bidding)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP drove)) , and (S (NP-SBJ the road) (VP wobbled)) , (S (NP-SBJ familiar scenes) (VP crept (ADVP past) (PP-LOC on (NP either side)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP came (PP to (NP (NP a stretch) (PP of (NP (NP old orange groves) , (NP (NP the trees) (ADJP dead)) , (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP them)) (VP uprooted (NP *))))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an outlying shopping area) , and (NP tract houses)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP the feeling (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP should (VP (VP abandon (NP the car)) and (VP run (PRT off) (ADVP-DIR somewhere) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hide)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP imagine (ADVP where))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP really) (NP-PRD (NP no place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))))) , (ADVP finally) , (PP except (ADVP home (PP to (NP Mae)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the gate)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP slowed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (ADVP around)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Cooper) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD beside (NP his car)) , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the curb) (PP-LOC at (NP the right)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (ADVP just) standing (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-MNR morosely))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP look (ADVP up)))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (PP-LOC Behind (NP him)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the steps) (PP of (NP the little office)))) (VP sat) (NP-SBJ old man Arthur)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD straight) , (NP-ADV (NP something) (ADJP angry) (PP in (NP his attitude))) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP might (VP be (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP report (NP something))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Holden) (VP stepped (PP on (NP the gas))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A new idea) (VP drifted (ADVP-DIR in) (PP from (NP nowhere))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP go (PP to (NP the police)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP tell (NP them) (NP (NP his fears) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP involved (NP *-1))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP explain (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP happened (PP-LOC in (NP the old neighborhood)))))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ Mae) (VP had (VP misunderstood (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-4 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP held (NP it) (PP over (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ the scene) (VP was (ADJP-PRD complete) (PP in (NP his mind)) (PP-TMP at (NP the moment)) , (PP (ADVP even) to (NP (NP his own jerkings and snivelings) , and (NP (NP Ferguson 's) silent patience))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP throw (NP himself) (PP on (NP (NP the mercy) (PP of (NP the Police Department)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (SBAR-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Mae) (VP would (VP want (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))) , (ADVP though)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (PP of (NP this)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (SBAR Once (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP abandoned (NP himself) (PP to (NP the (ADVP very worst))))))) , (SBAR once (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP quieted (NP (NP all the dragons) (PP of (NP worry and suspense)))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP would n't (VP be (NP-PRD (NP very much) (SBAR for (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Mae) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP that moment)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Holden) (VP (ADVP almost) slammed (PP on (NP the brakes)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP Cooper))) and (VP ask (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ Ferguson) (VP was (ADVP-PRD about))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD such a relief))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP that old sign) , (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP painted (NP *-1) (PP-LOC over (NP (NP a door) (ADVP-LOC somewhere))))))))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Abandon (NP hope)) , (NP-TPC (NP all ye) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP enter (ADVP-LOC here))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ-2 Holden) (VP said (PP to (NP himself)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP surprised (NP *-3) (PP at (NP his own sudden insight)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP bet (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP those people)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP enter)))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP just as happy) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 've (VP worried))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP 've (VP lain (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD awake)) (NP-TMP nights)))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 've (VP shook (PP at (NP the slightest footstep))))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 've (VP pictured (NP their own destruction)))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's all (ADVP-PRD over))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP give (PRT up))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Sure) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (VP giving (PRT up) (NP hope))) .)) (TOP (SINV (NP-ADV (NP Hand) (PP in (NP hand)) (PP with (NP hope))) (VP went) (NP-SBJ things (PP like (NP terror and apprehension))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Good-bye .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Holden) (VP waved (NP a hand) (PP at (NP the empty street))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Glad (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP go))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP drove (PP into (NP (NP the paved space) (PP-LOC before (NP the garage))))) and (VP got (ADVP-DIR out) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP slamming (NP the car door))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP up and down (NP the street))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ferguson 's) car) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP sight)))))) , (NP-SBJ Holden) (VP would (VP have (VP walked (PP-DIR (ADVP directly) to (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the front door))) and (VP opened (NP it)) and (VP looked (ADVP-DIR in))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mae) (VP entered (NP the room) (PP from (NP (NP the hallway) (PP to (NP the kitchen))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP had (NP-1 (NP a cup) (PP of (NP (NP (NP something) (VP steaming)) , (NP coffee) (ADVP perhaps) ,))) (PP-LOC-2 in (NP one hand))) , (VP (NP=1 (NP a fresh piece) (PP of (NP toast))) (PP-LOC=2 in (NP the other)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ Holden) (VP come (ADVP-DIR in)))))) ,) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP put (NP (NP the piece) (PP of (NP toast))) (PP-PUT in (NP her mouth))) and (VP bit (PRT off) (NP one corner) (PP with (NP (NP a huge chomp) (PP of (NP her white teeth))))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Mae '' --)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (VP thinking)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP swallowing (NP the toast)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Did n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP an old pair) (PP of (NP painting overalls))) (PP-LOC in (NP the garage))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP used (NP them) (NP-TMP (NP that time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP painted (NP (NP the porch) (PP-LOC at (NP our other house))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ you) (VP wiped (PRT up) (NP some grease)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP caught (NP (NP him) (PP off (NP guard))) , (NP-ADV no preparation) , (NP-ADV (NP nothing) (ADJP certain) (PP but (SBAR that (SINV (ADVP-LOC ahead) (VP lay) (NP-SBJ (NP some kind) (PP of (NP disaster))))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait (NP a minute)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP What) (SQ-UNF do (NP-SBJ you)) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (VP looking (PP for (NP them)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD gone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the garage)) (PP-TMP up (PP until (ADVP (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP days))) ago)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Or (ADVP even) (NP-TMP yesterday) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP paint (PP in (NP them))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP just) (VP took (NP them) (PP for (NP rags)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The police) (VP have (NP them) (ADVP-TMP now)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP remember (NP any overalls) (ADVP at all))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD all faded)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Worn (NP *-1) (ADVP through) (PP-LOC at (NP the knees))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stood (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sipping and chewing and watching))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-PRD-TPC-1 Green paint) , (VP was n't (NP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ it) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (ADJP-PRD sure (PP of (NP the color)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (NP them)) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Mae) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP sit (PRT down)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Put (PRT down) (NP (NP the cup) (PP of (NP coffee)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP me) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is all (PP-PRD about (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP shook (NP her head)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP took (NP (NP another bite) (PP of (NP toast)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Holden) (VP noticed (ADVP-MNR almost absently) (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP chewed (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the whole side) (PP of (NP her cheek)) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP moved , (ADVP *T*-4) (NP-2 (NP a slab) (PP of (NP fat)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP extended (PP down (PP into (NP her neck)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ My goodness) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remember (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 You) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP (VP go (PP to (NP the police))) and (VP explain (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP them) (NP (NP the truth) or (NP something)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP come (ADVP-DIR here))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A seeping coldness) (VP entered (NP (NP Holden 's) being))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ his nerves) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD frost-bitten) (PP down (PP to (NP (NP the tips) (PP of (NP his tingling fingers))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ his spine) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP stiff and glass-like) , (ADJP liable (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP break (PP like (NP an icicle)) (PP-TMP at (NP any moment))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP owned (NP any painting overalls))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A man) (PP with (NP (NP a sketch pad) (PP in (NP hand))))) (VP (VP sat (PP with (NP a large pink woman)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a small office) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP a long , dim corridor))))))) and (VP made (NP pencil lines) (PP-LOC on (NP paper))) and (VP said , `` (SQ (SQ Is (NP-SBJ this) (PP-PRD (ADVP more) like (NP it)) , (NP-VOC Mrs. MacReady)) ? ? Or (SQ are (NP-SBJ the eyebrows) (PP-PRD (ADVP more) like (NP this)))) '')) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP finished (PP with (NP that)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP go (PP to (NP (NP another part) (PP of (NP the hotel))))) and (VP say (NP much the same things) (PP to (NP (NP (NP someone) (ADVP else)) , (ADVP most probably) (NP a busboy)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Begin (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP like (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP now)))))) , (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP say)) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Different (PP about (NP the mouth))) , (INTJ huh) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (PP (ADVP More) like (NP this)) , (ADVP maybe) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Men) (VP (VP blew (NP dust) (PP on (NP (NP objects) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a room) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the seventeenth floor) (PP of (NP the Hotel Dumont))))))))) and (VP blew (NP it) (PRT off) (ADVP again)) , and (VP did (NP the same) (PP in (NP (NP a tiny , (ADJP almost airless) room) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a tenement) (PP-LOC in (NP the West Forties)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 men) (ADVP also) (VP used (NP vacuum cleaners) (PP-LOC in (NP both rooms)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sucking (NP dust) (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP once more)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Men) (PP from (NP (NP the Third Detective District) , (NP Eighteenth Precinct) ,))) (VP had (NP (NP the longest (NX *RNR*-1)) , (NP the most tedious (NX *RNR*-1)) , (NX-1 job))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the Hotel Dumont)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP had , (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (PP in (NP issue)))) , (VP been (NP-PRD twenty-three overnighters) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP counting (NP couples) (PP as (ADJP singular)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP included , (PP as (NP one)) , (NP (NP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Payne) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP had (VP checked (PRT in) (PP-TMP (NP-ADV a little) after (NP noon)) (ADVP-TMP (NP the day) before))) , and (VP had not (VP checked (PRT out) (ADVP together)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ-1 Gardner Willings) (VP was not (VP included (NP *-1)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP the Dumont)) (PP-TMP for (NP almost a week))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-PRD (NP no special reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the man or woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP sought (NP *T*-1))))) (VP had (VP stayed (ADVP-TMP only overnight) (PP-LOC at (NP the hotel)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The twenty-three) -LRB- or (NP (NP twenty-two) (SBAR with (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the Paynes) (NP themselves)) (VP omitted (NP *-1))))) -RRB-) (VP provided (ADVP merely) (NP (NP a place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP start (ADVP *T*-2)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ their identification) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the barest) (PP of (NP starts))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ-1 names and addresses) (VP listed (NP *-1)))) , (NP-SBJ verification) (VP came (ADVP-TMP next)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP take (NP time)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would , (ADVP almost inevitably) , (VP trouble (NP some water)))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP certainly) (VP was not (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP the Dumont)) (NP-TMP last night))) and (S (NP-SBJ my husband) (VP could n't (VP have (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD *?*)))))) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Boston))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (PP-PRD-LOC-UNF in)) '' -- -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Hotel King Arthur) (PP-LOC across (NP the street))) (VP provided (NP (QP almost twice as many) problems)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The King Arthur) (VP offered (NP (ADJP respectable and convenient) lodgings) (PP to (NP (NP people) (PP from (NP the suburbs)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP see (NP a show))))) and (VP did n't (VP want (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ heaven) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP did n't (VP want (S *RNR*-1)))))) ! !) --) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP (VP lunge (ADVP-MNR anxiously) (PP through (NP crowded streets)) (PP-DIR to (NP railroad stations))) and , (VP (PP-TMP at (NP (NP odd hours) (PP of (NP night)))) , drive (PP-DIR (PP from (NP smaller stations)) (PP to (NP distant homes))) , (PP (ADVP probably) through (NP (NP rain) or , (PP-TMP in (NP November)) , (NP (NP something) (ADJP worse)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The King Arthur) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP less expensive) (PP than (NP the Dumont)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The King Arthur) (VP had (NP fifty-four overnighters) , (S-ADV (ADVP again) (NP-SBJ *) (VP counting (NP rooms (CONJP rather than) people)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Check (NP the overnighters) (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-4) (VP Failing (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP find (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP wanted (NP *-1)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP was (ADJP-PRD most likely)))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 *) (VP check (PRT out) (NP other guests) , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP special -- but not exclusive --) attention) (PP to (NP (NP those) (PP with (NP (NP rooms) (PP-LOC on (NP the street))))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-SBJ (NP Anyone) (ADJP active enough)) (VP can (VP reach (NP a roof) , (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-1 wherever) (S (NP-SBJ his room) (VP may (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S-IMP And (NP-SBJ *) (VP know , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ all this) (VP went (PRT on)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no real reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP suppose (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the murderer) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a guest) (PP-LOC in (NP either hotel))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD even certain) (SBAR-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 the shot) (VP had (VP been (VP fired (NP *-3) (PP from (NP either hotel)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP other roofs) , (ADJP (ADJP less convenient) but not (ADJP impossible)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (UCP-PRD (NP (NP dull business) , (NP detecting)) , and (ADJP hard (PP on (NP feet))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP also) (NP-PRD (NP the one salient question) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP ask (NP *T*-1)) , and (VP ask (NP *T*-1) (ADVP widely)))))) : (SQ Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP notice (NP (NP anything) (PP out (PP of (NP the way)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (PP Like , (PP for (NP example)) , (NP (NP a man) (VP carrying (NP (NP a twenty-two rifle) , (SBAR (ADVP probably) with (S (NP-SBJ-1 a telescopic sight) (VP attached (NP *-1))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-PRD no hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP really) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD that simple))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The sniper) , (SBAR whether (FRAG (NP (NP psychopathic marksman) or (NP (NP murderer) (PP by (NP intent)))))) ,) (VP would (ADVP hardly) (VP have (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP his vantage point)) (PP with (NP (NP rifle) (PP-LOC over (NP shoulder)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP whistling (NP a marching tune)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Anybody) (VP carrying (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP hide (NP a rifle))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP Long thin suitcase ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG Or (NP long fat suitcase) , (PP for (NP that matter)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Shrugs) (PP *ICH*-3)) (VP met (NP that) , (PP-3 (PP from (NP room clerks)) , (PP from (NP bellhops)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP measures)) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG But (NP (NP nothing) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP appeared)) , (ADJP long enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP attract (NP attention)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Cases) , (INTJ say) , (PP for (NP musical instruments)) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP None) (VP noted (NP *) (PP-LOC at (NP the Dumont))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Several) (PP-LOC at (NP the King Arthur)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A combo) (VP was (VP staying (ADVP-LOC there))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ *) (VP had (VP been (VP *?* (PP-TMP for (NP a week))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Anything) (ADVP else) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP Anything) (ADVP at all) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shrugs) (VP met (NP that)) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-SBJ (NP Detective Pearson) , (NP Eighteenth Precinct) ,) (VP thought (PP-TMP for (NP a time)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP be (PP-PRD on (PP to (NP something)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A refuse bin) (PP-LOC at (NP the Dumont))) (VP turned (PRT up) (NP (NP (NP a florist 's) box) -- (NP (NP a (ADJP very long) box) (PP for (NP (ADJP very long-stemmed) flowers))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Traces) (PP of (NP oil)) (PP-LOC on (NP green tissue)) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (NP The lab) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP check))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP The lab) : (INTJ sorry) .)) (TOP (NP No oil . -RRB-)) (TOP (NP (NP Anything) (ADJP (ADVP at all) strange) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ-1 a man) (VP had (VP tried , (PP-LOC at (NP the King Arthur)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP register (PP with (NP an ocelot))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the Dumont)) , (NP-SBJ a guest) (VP had (VP come (PP in (NP a collapsible wheel chair)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the King Arthur)) (S (NP-SBJ one guest) (VP had (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 his head) (ADVP heavily) (VP bandaged (NP *-1)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ another) (VP (VP had (NP a bandaged foot)) and (VP had (VP walked (PP with (NP crutches)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (ADVP also) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP have (VP had (NP (NP St. Vitus) or (NP something)) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP jerking (NP his head)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ reports) (VP dribbled (PRT in)))) , (NP-SBJ William Weigand) (VP tossed (NP them) (PP into (NP (NP the centrifuge) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD his head)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mullins) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no sign) (PP of (NP Mrs. Lauren Payne))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP her house) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Nod Road) , (NP (NP Ridgefield) , (NP Connecticut))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The house) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP modern , large) , (PP on (NP five acres)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Must (VP have (VP cost (ADVP plenty)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The State cops) (VP would (VP (VP check (PP-TMP from (NP (NP time) (PP to (NP time))))) ; ; (VP pass (NP word) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP word) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pass (NP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Weigand) (VP tossed (NP this news) (PP into (NP the centrifuge))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Sort (NP things) (PRT out))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP damn (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Sort (PRT out) (NP the next move)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP forget (NP motive) (PP-TMP for (NP the moment)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Consider (NP opportunity)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Only) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP those) (PP (ADVP actually) with (NP Payne)) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP shot (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) , or (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP left (NP the party) (PP-TMP within (NP (QP not more than five) minutes (PRN -LRB- (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP make (NP five) (ADJP arbitrary))) -RRB-)))))))) (ADVP positively) (VP had (NP none)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The Norths) ; ; (NP (NP Hathaway) , (NP (NP Jerry 's) publicity director)) ; ; (NP (NP Livingston Birdwood) , (NP (NP producer) (PP of (NP Uprising)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD with (NP Payne)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP shot (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , (VP could not (ADVP therefore) (VP have (VP shot (NP him) (PP from (ADVP above)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP Gardner Willings)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP had (VP left (PP-TMP after (NP the scuffle)))) ; ; (VP had (VP been (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP have (VP had (NP (NP ample time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP go (PP-DIR into (NP (NP a blind) (ADVP-LOC somewhere)))) and (VP wait (NP his prey)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Consider (NP him) (ADVP-MNR seriously) , (ADVP therefore)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Intangibles) (VP entered , (ADVP then) -- (NP-TPC (NP hunches) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP felt (PP like (NP facts))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Willings) (VP would (VP ambush , (ADVP certainly)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Willings) (ADVP undoubtedly) (VP had (VP *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Willings) (VP was , (ADVP presumably) , (NP-PRD a (ADJP (ADJP better) (PP than (ADJP average))) shot)) .)) (TOP (S But (PRN -- (FRAG (NP hunch) , (ADVP-TMP now)) --) (NP-SBJ Willings) (VP would not (VP ambush (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP went (PP on (NP (NP two legs) (CONJP instead of) (NP four))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP Because , (S (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (PP for (NP no other reason)))) , (NP-SBJ Willings) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP bigger , tougher) , (PP than (NP (NP anything else) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP went (PP on (NP two legs)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ambushes) (VP are (VP laid (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP doubt (NP themselves) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ any man) (VP may (VP *?* (PP against (NP a tiger))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Faith Constable) (VP (VP had (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP `` go (PRT on) '' (PP from (NP the party))))))) and (VP had , (ADVP presumably) , (VP gone (PRT on)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP To (VP be (VP checked (NP *-1) (PRT out) (ADVP further)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Forget (NP motive)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ motive) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a part) (PP of (NP fact)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nobody) (PP in (NP his right mind))) (VP punishes (NP a quarter-century-old dereliction)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grudges) (ADVP simply) (VP do not (VP keep (ADVP that well) (PP in (NP a sane mind)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Faith Constable) (VP had (VP accomplished (NP much) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP a quarter) (PP of (NP a century)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Jeopardize (NP it) (ADVP-TMP now) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP correct (NP (ADJP so old) a wrong))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bill) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S-1 (ADVP Also) (PRN (S , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) ,)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP doubt (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP hit (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP a barn))) (PP with (NP a shotgun))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Lauren) (NP herself) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (VP left (NP the party) (ADVP-TMP early) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pleading (NP a headache))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP No lack) (PP of (NP opportunity))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP presuming (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP a gun)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP might , (ADVP conceivably) , (VP have (VP brought (NP one) (PRT in) (PP-LOC in (NP a large-enough suitcase))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP -LRB- (NP-SBJ *) (VP Check (PP on (NP the Payne luggage))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP might (ADVP-TMP now) (VP have (VP taken (NP it) (ADVP away) (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Motive) -- (S (NP-SBJ her husband) (VP wandering)) ? ?)) (TOP (NP Bitter , unreasoning jealousy ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Heaven) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP happened))))) and (S (NP-SBJ hell) (VP knew (NP it) (ADVP too))) .)) (TOP (S But -- (NP-SBJ it) (VP happened , (ADVP-TMP almost always) , (PP (PP among (NP the primitive)) and , (ADVP usually) , (PP among (NP the (ADJP very young))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP -LRB- (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Call (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD mentally young))) ; ; (VP call (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD retarded)))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Lauren Payne) (VP was (ADJP-PRD primitive)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did not (VP move (PP in (NP primitive circles)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP young) , but not (ADJP that young))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP occurred (PP to (NP Bill Weigand)) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was , (PP on (NP a hunch basis)) , (VP eliminating (NP a good many)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP reminded (NP himself) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ all eliminations) (VP were (ADJP-PRD tentative))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP also) (VP reminded (NP himself) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP an unusual number) (PP of (NP possibilities))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The Masons) , (NP (NP mother or son) , or (NP mother and son)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Opportunity) (VP was (ADJP-PRD obvious)) .)) (TOP (NP Motive .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Here) , (ADVP too) , (NP-SBJ (NP the cause) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hate (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) (VP lay (PP-TMP (ADVP well back) in (NP the years))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ bitterness) (VP had (NP (NP more cause) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP remain)) , (VP (ADVP even increasingly) to (VP corrode)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP With (NP the boy)) , (ADVP particularly) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The boy) (VP had , (ADVP apparently) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. MacReady) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right (PP in (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP told (NP Mullins) (NP *T*-1)))))))))) -- (PP-TMP (ADVP only) in (NP recent months)) (VP been (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP give (PRT up) (NP college) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP work (PP as (NP a busboy))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seeing (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP blamed (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP this)))))) (VP made (NP much) (PP of (NP *-2)))))) -- (NP-SBJ-UNF youth and bitterness and) --) (S (NP-SBJ Bill) (VP (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the telephone)) ; ; (VP got (NP Mullins)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Send (ADVP-DIR out) (NP a pickup) (PP on (NP (NP Mrs. Mason) and (NP the boy))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP got (NP enough (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP on (NP *T*-1))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Bill) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Right '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mullins) (VP would (VP do)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A man) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Lars Simon))) , (NP playwright-director) ,) (VP had (VP expressed (NP a wish (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Anthony Payne) (VP drop (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dead)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP say , (PP of (NP course)) , (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (ADVP really) (VP had (NP any such wish))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP said (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no more) (PP than (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 one) (VP does (VP say (NP *T*-2) , (ADVP-MNR lightly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP meaning (NP nothing)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 Which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (ADVP probably) (VP would (VP turn (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD true)))))))) ; ; (SBAR (WHNP-5 which) (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (ADVP obviously) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP given (NP *-1) (NP the opportunity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-5)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A man) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD (NP Blaine Smythe) , (UCP (PP with (NP `` y '' and `` e '')) but (VP pronounced (PP without (NP them)))) ,)))) (VP had (VP been (VP fired (NP *-1) (PP at (NP (NP Payne 's) insistence))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP also) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Pam North) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right)))) , (NP-PRD (NP a closer acquaintance) (PP of (NP Lauren Payne 's)) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) , (ADVP-TMP now) , (VP was (VP inclined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP admit))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP might (VP deny (NP the latter))) ; ; (VP would (ADVP certainly) (VP deny (NP (NP (NP any connection) (PP between (NP the two things))) , or (NP (NP any connection) (PP of (NP either)) (PP with (NP murder))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP given (NP *-1) (NP the opportunity))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Mullins ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-5)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD evident) (SBAR-5 that (S (NP-SBJ Mullins) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP go))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-6)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD evident) (SBAR-6 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 a captain) (VP should (VP remain (PP-LOC at (NP his desk)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP directing (PP with (NP a firm hand))) and (VP keeping (NP a firm seat))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bill Weigand) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good and tired (PP of (NP (NP (NP the wall) (ADJP opposite)) , and (NP (NP the crack) (PP-LOC in (NP the plaster))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mullins) (VP keep (NP the firm seat)))) ; ; (VP let (S (NP-SBJ=1 Stein)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ-9 Siamese cats) (VP are (VP intertwined (NP *-9) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-8)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD difficult) (S-8 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP leaves (PRT off))) and (S (NP-SBJ another) (VP begins)) (ADVP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Stilts and Shadow) , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Pam 's) bed)) , (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP one cat) -- (UCP (ADJP rather large , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Siamese cats) (VP go)))) , and (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure)))) ,) (VP having (NP (NP two heads) and (NP two tails))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the other hand)) , (NP-SBJ-1 they , or it ,) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP no legs) (NP whatever)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pamela North) (VP (VP said , `` (INTJ Hi) '' , (PP to (NP her cats))) , and (VP added (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ proper cats) (VP met (NP their humans) (PP-LOC at (NP the door))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TPC-1 Of (NP four (ADJP dark brown) ears)) , (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP *T*-1)) (VP twitched (ADVP slightly) (PP at (NP this))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TPC-1 All right) '' , (NP-SBJ Pam) (VP said (ADVP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is n't (NP-PRD dinnertime))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (PP at (NP this)) (NP-SBJ the one too-large cat) (ADVP suddenly) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP two cats) , (VP stretching))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Shadow) , (NP the (ADJP more talkative)) ,) (VP began (PP-TMP at (NP once)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her voice) (ADJP-PRD piteous)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Stilts) , (NP a (ADJP more direct) cat) ,) (VP (VP leaped (PP from (NP the bed))) and (VP trotted (ADVP-MNR briskly) (PP-DIR toward (NP the kitchen)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shadow) (VP (VP looked (ADJP-PRD surprised)) , (VP wailed) , and (VP trotted (PP after (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ The hell) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is n't (NP-PRD dinnertime))) , (S (NP-SBJ two waving tails) (VP told (NP Pam North))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (NP-PRD *?*) , (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-2 whatever tale) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS tails))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Martha) (ADVP presumably) (VP would (VP cope)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD firm))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-7)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD most unlikely) (SBAR-7 that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD firm)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD fat cats)))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Pam) (VP (VP thought (S *T*-2)) , and (VP lighted (NP a cigarette)) and (VP leaned (ADVP back) (PP-LOC on (NP a chaise))) and (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP pulling (NP her thoughts) (ADVP together))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a time)) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-9)) (VP occurred (PP to (NP her)) (SBAR-9 that (S (NP-SBJ her thoughts) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD worth (NP the trouble)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A vague feeling) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Anthony Payne) (VP had (VP had (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP coming))))))) (VP (VP was (ADVP hardly) (NP-PRD a thought)) and (VP was , (PP in (NP any event)) , (ADJP-PRD reprehensible))) .)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (NP Faith Constable 's) explanation) (PP of (NP her confidence))) , (ADJP so uninvited) ,) (VP been (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) thin)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP (ADVP more) (NAC *ICH*-1)) like (NP a thought) (NAC-1 , but not (ADVP (NP a great deal) more)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ (NP that tall dark boy) , (VP carrying (NP (NP trays) (ADJP too heavy (PP for (NP him))))) ,) (VP found (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (NP-PRD (NP adulation) (PP of (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP probably) (VP hated (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) (NP-PRD (NP more) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP bear (NP *?*)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP possessed (NP himself) (PRN -- (WHADVP how) ? ? --) (PP of (NP a rifle))) and (VP killed)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pam) (VP found (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP had (NP no answers)) ; ; (VP had (NP only a hope)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The poor kid) -- (NP the poor , frail kid) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Some people) (VP have (NP luck))) and (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP have (NP no luck))) and (S (NP-SBJ that) , (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-2 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP prefer (NP order))))) (VP say (NP *T*-2)))) , (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the size) (PP of (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP-UNF The poor , unlucky --) (S (NP-SBJ The telephone) (VP rang)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pam) (VP realized , (PP to (NP her surprise)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP been (ADVP almost) (VP dozing)))))) .)) (TOP (PP-TMP At (NP (NP four o'clock) (PP in (NP the afternoon))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP Two martinis) (PP for (NP lunch))) -- (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD the trouble)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remember)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP pretend)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do (VP remember)) .)) (TOP (S-UNF (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP just) --)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Hello) ? ? (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD she)) ? ?)) (TOP (WHNP What '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The voice) (VP had (NP music) (PP in (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Even) with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ words) (VP coming (ADVP-MNR too fast)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP came (PP on (NP (NP the music) (PP of (NP the voice))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP *?*)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Pam) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP wo n't (VP talk (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gave (NP the information))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV Not unless (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP do n't , (NP-VOC Mrs. Constable)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Not unless (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP-UNF have))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (VP interrupted (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Call (S (NP-SBJ this) (NP-PRD (NP a cry) (PP for (NP help)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Faith Constable) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP-TPC-1 Through (NP (NP a door) (RRC (ADVP conveniently) (ADJP-PRD unlocked)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP supplemented (PP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 That damn door) '' , (VP said (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the police chief) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP A gift horse) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP viewed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP suspicion))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Madden 's) dark face) (VP wore (NP a meditative look)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP collusion) (PP between (NP (NP an outside murderer) and (NP (NP a member) (PP of (NP the household))))))))) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD an elementary precaution) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP check (PP on (NP the door)) (ADVP-TMP later))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ it) (VP makes (NP (NP a (ADJP very poor) red herring) (PP for (NP an inside job)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Much better) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP break (NP a cellar window)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP forget))) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD the hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP pass (PP for (NP a natural death)))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Pauling) (VP reminded (NP him) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (PP with (NP (NP a house) (ADJP (ADJP as big) (PP as (NP that))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (QP at least one) cellar window) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP would n't (VP be (VP noticed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP right away) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a police investigation)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yeah .)) (TOP (S (S And (NP-SBJ (NP a pane) (PP of (NP glass))) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD hard (SBAR (WHNP 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP-UNF to)))))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ The telephone) (VP interrupted (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP scooped (PRT up) (NP the receiver)) and (VP (VP said , `` (NP-1 Police chief) '' , (PP into (NP the mouthpiece))) , (CONJP and then) , `` (VP (FRAG=1 (INTJ Oh) (INTJ yes) , (NP-VOC Mr. Benson))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP hoping (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP hear (PP from (NP you)) (NP-TMP today))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP his free hand)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP pulled (NP a pad and pencil) (PP toward (NP him))) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP notes) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP listened))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP saying , `` (UCP (INTJ Uh-huh) '' and `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP see)) '') (PP-TMP at (NP intervals))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADJP last)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (S-IMP (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP thank (NP you) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP calling))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Benson)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no doubt) (PP in (NP my mind)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 've (VP been (VP handling (NP it) (PP as (NP one)))))))) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD glad (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD official))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hung (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Coroner) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (PP to (NP Madden))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADVP just) (VP heard (PP from (NP (NP the pathologist) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Meeker) (ADVP apparently) (VP died (PP from (NP suffocation)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pauling) (VP looked (PP at (NP his notes))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (FRAG (NP Many minute hemorrhages) (PP-LOC in (NP the lungs))) ; ; (FRAG (NP (NP particles) (PP of (NP lint and thread))) (PP-LOC in (NP the mouth and nostrils))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP Scrapings) (PP from (NP the bed linen))) (ADJP identical (PP with (NP (NP the lint and thread) (VP found (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the (ADJP nasal and oral) cavities)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP No other cause) (PP of (NP death))) (ADJP apparent) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Trachea) (ADJP clear (PP of (NP (NP mucus) and (NP foreign objects)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Brain) (VP examined (NP *) (PP for (NP thrombosis , clot or hemorrhage))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP No signs) (PP of (NP these))) , (NP (NP no gross hemorrhage) (PP of (NP lungs , heart , brain or stomach))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP paused) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADVP about) (NP-PRD it)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Oh) , (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP death))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ (NP The duration) (PP of (NP the digestive process))) (VP varies)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ the pathologist) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the empty stomach) and (NP (NP the findings) (PP-LOC in (NP the upper gastrointestinal tract)))) (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Meeker) (VP died (PP-TMP (NP-ADV several hours) after (NP her seven-o'clock dinner))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Probably) (PP-TMP around (NP (NP midnight) , (VP give or take (NP an hour) (ADVP either way)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pauling) (VP paused (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 So (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 there) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-PRD *T*-1))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (NP your problem) , (PP of (NP course)) , (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ (NP Johnston) and (NP the murderer)) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP one) and (NP the same))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP discussed (NP this possibility)) .)) (TOP (S-2 (SBAR (WHADJP-1 However likely) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))) (PRN (S , (NP-SBJ Pauling) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) ,)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP limit (NP himself) (PP to (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP for (NP (NP other prospects) , (NP other motives))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ (NP (ADJP more conclusive) evidence) (VP pointing (PP to (NP Johnston)))) (VP came (PP to (NP light))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Madden) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-1 his investigation) (VP centered (NP *-1) (PP on (NP the fraud))))) , (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-TMP tomorrow) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the Bronx bank) (SBAR (WHPP-2 through (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Mrs. Meeker 's) checks) (PP to (NP Johnston))) (VP had (VP cleared (PP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-2 Arthur Williams) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP located (NP *-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP agreed (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP might (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP (NP collusion) (PP with (NP Johnston)) (PP on (NP the fraud)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP (VP be (NP-PRD (NP Mrs. Meeker 's) murderer)) or (VP have (VP played (NP some part) (PP in (NP her death))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Madden 's) suggestion))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the police chief) (VP shook (NP his head) (PP over (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Arthur Williams) (VP was (ADJP-PRD involved (PP in (NP (NP the fraud) or (NP the murder))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP too) (VP had (NP another identity)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP No one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Medfield police) (VP had (VP questioned (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP professed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know (NP (NP any more) (PP about (NP him)) (PP than (PP about (NP Johnston)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Scholarship applicant ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pauling) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD doubtful)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP explained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP thinking (PP of (NP (NP an application) (VP sent (NP *) (ADVP directly) (PP-DTV to (NP Mrs. Meeker)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP asked (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP use (NP the phone))))) and (VP called (NP (NP Brian Thayer) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP (VP was (ADVP just) (VP leaving (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP keep (NP a lunch date)))))) but (VP would (VP be (ADVP-PRD home) (PP-TMP by (NP two o'clock))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP see (NP him) (PP-TMP at (NP two))))))) and (VP made (NP (NP another call) , (NP (NP this one) (PP to (NP (NP Mrs. Meeker 's) lawyers)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Hohlbein) (VP was (ADJP-PRD out) (PP-TMP for (NP the day)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Garth) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD free) (PP-TMP at (NP one-thirty))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The secretary 's) tone) (VP indicated (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ an appointment) (PP at (NP such short notice)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a concession) (SBAR (WHPP-1 for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD duly grateful (PP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP inferred (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Hohlbein and Garth) (VP were (NP-PRD high-priced lawyers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP lunch) (PP with (NP Pauling))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Promptly) at (NP one-thirty)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP entered (NP (NP (NP Hohlbein and Garth 's) elegant suite) (PP of (NP offices)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Medfield 's) newest professional building)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP disliked (NP Garth) (PP on (NP sight)) , (NP-ADV conservative clothes and haircut) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ smile) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP (NP a shade) too earnestly) boyish (PP for (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP must (VP be (ADVP well) (PP-PRD into (NP his thirties)))))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ handclasp) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP too consciously) quick and firm))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP Youngish man) (PP on (NP the make))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Madden) (VP (VP labeled (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD *T*-1))) , and (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP guess (SBAR (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP a correct , (ADJP not too pushing) fashion)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the junior partner) (PP of (NP the firm))) (VP had (NP political ambitions)))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Garth) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD impeccably suitable) (PP as (NP (NP the wife) (PP of (NP a rising young lawyer)))))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP three children) , (NP (NP two boys) and (NP a girl)))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD active (PP-4 in (NP (NP the Woman 's) Club))))) and (S (NP-SBJ=3 he) (PP=4 in (NP Lions , Rotary , and Jaycee))))) ; ; and (SBAR (ADVP finally) , that (S (NP-SBJ (NP neither) (PP of (NP them))) (VP had (VP harbored (NP an unorthodox opinion) (PP-TMP since (NP their wedding day))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD completely wrong (PP about (NP all this)))))))) , but (VP (ADVP also) knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP go (ADVP right) (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP disliking (NP Garth))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Garth) (VP was (VP prepared (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD helpful (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP referred (PP to (NP *T*-3)) (PP with (NP fastidious distaste)) (PP as (NP (NP this unfortunate Johnston affair) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would not (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP-TMP (NP more) (PP than (NP once))))) ,) (VP have (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP come (ADVP about) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-4 Mrs. Meeker) (VP had (ADVP only) (VP seen (ADVP fit) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP consult (NP (NP Mr. Hohlbein) or (NP him)) (PP about (NP it)))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Madden) (VP regretted (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) not (VP being (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (NP fault) (PP with (NP (ADJP so true) a statement))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP asked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP a copy) (PP of (NP (NP Mrs. Meeker 's) will))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Garth) (VP brought (NP one) (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The date) , (NP (NP October 8) , (NP 1957)) ,) (VP (ADVP-TMP immediately) caught (NP (NP the inspector 's) eye)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Fairly recent) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP remarked (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Was (NP-SBJ she) (PP in (NP (NP the habit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP new wills)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Oh no .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP change (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP made (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP (ADVP right) after (NP (NP Mr. Meeker 's) death)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her estate) (VP had (VP grown (ADVP considerably))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP a (ADJP more equitable) distribution) (PP of (NP it))) (PP among (NP (NP (NP the groups) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP benefit (NP the most)))))) ; ; (ADVP particularly) (NP the scholarship fund))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the will) (VP was (VP drawn (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) (NP-SBJ Mr. Hohlbein) (VP mentioned (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR (WHADJP-4 how mentally alert) (S (NP-SBJ-5 she) (VP seemed (ADJP *T*-4) (PP for (NP her age)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP (VP knowing (SBAR (WHNP-2 (ADVP just) what changes) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ-6 *T*-2) (VP made (NP *-6))))))) and (ADVP-ETC so forth))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Garth) (VP hesitated) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. Hohlbein) and (NP I)) (VP have (VP noticed (NP some lapses) (ADVP-TMP since) , (ADVP though))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (NP (NP Most) (PP of (NP them))) (NP-TMP this past year)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP say))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Even) (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP two or three) years) ago) (NP-SBJ I) (VP doubt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP have (VP become (ADJP-PRD involved (PP in (NP this unfortunate Johnston affair))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (VP have (VP consulted (NP us))))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP see)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (ADVP always) (VP did (ADVP-TMP before)) , and (VP showed (NP (NP the utmost confidence) (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP advised (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The inspector) (VP nodded , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP doubting (NP this)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Meeker) (VP had n't (VP struck (NP him) (PP as (ADJP ready (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP seek (NP (NP (NP anyone 's) advice) , (ADVP least (PP of (NP all))) (NP Garth 's))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP her sharp tongue)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP have (VP cut (NP his pompousness) (PP to (NP ribbons))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD Hohlbein) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP handled (NP her affairs))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Madden) (VP settled (ADVP back) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP read (NP the will))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP skimmed (PP over (NP (NP the millions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP went (PP to (NP (NP Meeker Park) , (NP Medfield Hospital) , (NP the civic center) , (NP the Public Health Nursing Association) , (NP the library) , and (ADVP-ETC so on)))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP pausing (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (PP to (NP the scholarship fund)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (QP Two millions)) (VP were (VP-7 added (NP *-1) (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP had (VP been (VP set (NP *-2) (ADVP aside) (PP for (NP it)) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP Mrs. Meeker 's) lifetime))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1-6 the proviso) (VP=7 made (NP *-6) (SBAR that (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-8 Brian Thayer) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-8) (VP to (VP discharge (NP (NP his duties) (PP as (NP (NP administrator) (PP of (NP the fund))))) (PP to (NP (NP the satisfaction) (PP of (NP (NP the board) (PP of (NP (NP trustees) -LRB- (VP (ADVP hereinafter) appointed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the bank) (VP administering (NP the estate))))) -RRB-))))))))))))) (NP-SBJ-9 he) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-9) (VP to (VP be (VP retained (NP *-3) (PP in (NP his present capacity)) (PP at (NP (NP a salary) (ADJP commensurate (PP with (NP (NP the increased responsibilities) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP enlargement) (PP of (NP the fund))) (VP would (VP entail (NP *T*-5))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP (NP A splendid vote) (PP of (NP (NP confidence) (PP in (NP Thayer)))))) , (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP reflected (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Tenure) , (ADVP too) .)) (TOP (ADJP Very nice (PP for (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP went (PP on (PP to (NP (NP personal bequests) , (NP (NP a list) (PP of (NP (NP names) (ADJP largely unknown (PP to (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (FRAG (NP (QP Twenty-five thousand)) (PP to (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP (NP the great-nieces) (PP-LOC in (NP Oregon)))))) (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (NP (ADJP not much)) (PP to (NP blood relatives)) (PP out (PP of (NP millions)))) -RRB-)) (FRAG (NP (QP ten thousand)) (PP to (NP (NP this friend) and (NP that)))) , (FRAG (NP (QP five thousand)) (PP to (NP another))) ; ; (FRAG (PP to (NP Brian Thayer)) , (NP (NP the sum) (PP of (NP (QP ten thousand) dollars)))) ; ; (FRAG (PP to (NP the Pecks)) , (NP (NP (QP ten thousand)) (NP each))) ; ; (FRAG (PP to (NP Joan Sheldon)) (NP (NP the conditional bequest) (PP of (NP (NP (QP ten thousand)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP paid (NP *-1) (PP to (NP her)) (PP in (NP the event (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP Mrs. Meeker 's) employ)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP (NP the latter 's) death)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-TPC (NP No additional (QP five thousand)) (PP for (NP (NP each year) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP Joan 's) twenty-first birthday))))) ; ; (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Meeker) (VP had n't (VP got (ADVP around) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP taking (NP care) (PP of (NP that))))))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (ADJP-TPC-1 Too bad) , (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP thought (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Joan Sheldon) (VP had (VP earned (NP the larger bequest))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Hohlbein) (VP was (VP left (NP *-1) (NP-2 (QP twenty thousand))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 Garth) (NP=2 ten)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP no other names) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP recognized (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 Arthur Williams 's) (VP might (ADVP well) (VP have (VP been (VP included (NP *-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Meeker) (VP (VP had (VP spent (NP a small fortune) (PP on (NP (NP a search) (PP for (NP him)))))) but (VP had (VP made (NP (NP no provision) (PP for (NP him))) (PP in (NP her will)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP should (VP be (VP found (NP *-1) (PP-TMP after (NP her death))))))))) , and (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP mentioned (NP his name) (PP to (NP her lawyers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP took (PRT up) (NP this point) (PP with (NP (NP Garth) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP shrugged (NP it) (PRT off))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Old people) (VP have (NP their idiosyncrasies)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This one) (VP came (ADJP-PRD (NP a bit) high) (PP at (NP (QP thirty thousand or more)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP them))) (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 money) (VP was (VP concerned (NP *-1))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Garth) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP have (NP (NP trouble) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP persuading (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP tax-exempt charitable contributions)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP known (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP quarrel (PP with (NP a plumber)) (PP over (NP (NP a bill) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP fixing (NP a faucet)))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-TMP the next moment) (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP (VP put (NP-2 another (QP half million)) (PP-PUT-3 into (NP the scholarship fund))) or (VP (NP=2 (QP thirty thousand)) (PP-PUT=3 into (NP (NP something) (ADJP (ADJP as impractical) (PP as (NP this unfortunate Johnston affair))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no telling) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP react (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP spending (NP money)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP inquired (ADVP-TMP next) (PP about (NP (NP the audit) (PP of (NP the scholarship fund))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD an annual audit))) , (NP-SBJ Garth) (VP informed (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 No discrepancies or shortages) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (VP found (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brian Thayer) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP thoroughly honest and competent) administrator)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His salary) (VP had (VP reached (NP the (QP ten thousand) mark))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His expenses) (VP ran (NP another (QP four or five thousand))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The lawyer) (VP did n't (VP know (NP him) (ADVP very well) (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP saw (NP him) (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (PP-LOC at (NP some dinner party))) (PRN -- (S-1 (NP-SBJ Thayer) , (PP like (NP himself)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP reflected (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the extra man) (ADJP (ADVP so) prized (PP by (NP hostesses)))))) --) and (VP found (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD easy enough (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP did n't (VP play (NP golf))) , (VP did n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP belong (PP to (NP any local clubs))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ his work) (VP took (NP him) (ADVP away) (ADVP a lot) , (PP of (NP course)))) -- (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (ADVP probably) accounted (PP for (NP his tendency (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (PP to (NP himself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Garth 's) glance) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP flicker (PP to (NP his watch)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP told (NP the police chief) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what insurance man) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP recommended (NP Johnston) (PP to (NP Mrs. Meeker))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP offer (NP (NP no theory) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP account (PP for (NP her murder))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ The whole thing) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ his manner) (VP conveyed (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP so far) outside (NP (NP the normal routine) (PP of (NP Hohlbein and Garth))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (ADVP practically) (VP demanded (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP being (VP swept (NP *-1) (PP under (NP the rug)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP No doubt) (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Meeker) (VP had (VP snubbed (NP him) (NP-TMP many a time)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP no grief) (PP over (NP her passing)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Even so) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Madden 's) dislike) (PP of (NP the suave , correct lawyer))) (VP deepened) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD all right (PP with (NP him))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (SBAR-4 if (S (NP-SBJ (NP his investigation) (PP of (NP (NP the fraud) , (PP with (NP (NP its probable by-product) (PP of (NP murder)))) ,))) (VP led (PP to (NP (NP Garth 's) door))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Motive ? ?)) (TOP (NP Ten-thousand-dollar bequest .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (PP At (NP first glance)) , (NP (NP not much) (PP of (NP a motive)) (PP for (NP (NP a man) (PP of (NP his standing)))))) ; ; but (SBARQ (PP for (NP (NP all his air) (PP of (NP affluence)))) , (WHNP-1 who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP tell (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ his private financial picture) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The inspector) (VP knew (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD wishful thinking))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP a mental note (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP into (NP (NP Garth 's) financial background))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brian Thayer) (VP had (NP a downtown address)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP an apartment house) (ADJP (NP-ADV not over (QP three or four) years) old)) , (NP (NP a reclaimed island) (PP of (NP landscaped brick and glass)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the fringe) (PP of (NP the business district)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP occupied (NP (NP a two-bedroom apartment) (PP-LOC on (NP the fourth floor))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP using (NP the second bedroom) (PP as (NP his office))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Airy and bright)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the apartment) (VP was (VP furnished (NP *-1) (PP with (NP good modern furniture , rugs , and draperies)))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (UCP-PRD (VP Done (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a professional decorator))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Madden) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) and (ADJP (ADVP somehow) (ADVP (ADJP as impersonal) , (ADJP as unremarkable)) (PP as (NP its occupant))))) .) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC-3 In (NP Dunston)) (NP-SBJ the rent) (VP would (VP run (ADVP-4 close (PP to (NP (NP (QP two hundred)) (NP-ADV a month))))))) ; ; (S (PP-LOC=3 in (NP Medfield)) , (ADVP perhaps) (ADVP=4 (NP twenty-five) less) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 (NP not all) (PP of (NP it))) (VP paid (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Thayer) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP charge (PRT off) (NP one room) (PP on (NP his expense account))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP took (NP Madden) (PP into (NP (NP the room) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP used (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP an office)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP contained (NP (NP a desk) , (NP files) , (NP (NP a typewriter) (PP-LOC on (NP a stand))) , and (NP two big leather armchairs))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A newspaper) (ADJP open (PP at (NP stock-market reports)))) (VP lay (PP-LOC on (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Thayer) (VP (VP folded (NP it) (PRT up)) and (VP offered (NP a drink))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The inspector) (VP declined) .)) (TOP (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP To (VP begin (NP the interview)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP asked (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ Thayer) , (PP with (NP (NP more time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP think (NP it) (PRT over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) , (VP could (VP add (PP to (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP *ICH*-4)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP said (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP the other day) (PP-4 about (NP Johnston)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Thayer) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))) , (ADVP too)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP That) and (NP her death) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-6)) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD unbelievable) (SBAR-6 that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD murder))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP all her domineering ways)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP conceive (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ her) (VP having (VP had (NP a deadly enemy))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (INTJ Dammit) , (NP-VOC Phil) , are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wreck (NP my career))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S Because (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP doing (NP *T*-1))))) -- (S-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP wrecking (NP it)) , (VP wrecking (NP it)) , (VP wrecking (NP it))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Griffith) (VP had (VP (VP confronted (NP Hoag) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the building 's) front steps))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hoag) (VP had (VP been (VP permitted (NP *-1) (ADVP no further))))) --) and (VP backed (NP him) (PP-LOC against (NP a wrought-iron railing))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 His rage) (VP had (VP built (PRT up) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP (NP his way) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP from (NP the second floor)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP helped (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the quantity) (PP of (NP champagne)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP consumed (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP send (PP for (NP you)) , (NP-VOC Leigh))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP (NP the captain) (PP in (NP charge)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ he)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Phil) , (PP for (NP (NP God 's) sake)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (ADVP away)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The undersecretary) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD in (ADVP there))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP you) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP (NP nothing) (PP between (NP Midge and me))) , (NP nothing)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's all (PP-PRD in (NP your mind))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP A couple) (PP of (NP sobs))) (VP escaped (NP him) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP followed (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a sentiment) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP revealed (NP his emotional state))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm not (ADJP-PRD fit (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP touch (NP (NP the hem) (PP of (NP her garment)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Leigh) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP get (NP (NP a grip) (PP on (NP yourself)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's not (PP-PRD about (NP you or Midge))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP some security information) (PP about (NP the prime minister)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Griffith) (VP looked (PP at (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR suspiciously) (PP through (NP red-rimmed eyes))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (PP about (NP me)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (NP it) , (NP-VOC Phil)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP would n't (VP pull (NP my leg) , (NP-VOC old man))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (VP get (NP you) (PP-LOC on (NP the platform)) (NP-TMP this morning))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP pulling (NP your leg))) .)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP call (NP that captain)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (UCP `` (NP No use) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wo n't (VP come))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP peered (ADVP-MNR closely) (PP at (NP Hoag)) (PP in (NP the gathering darkness))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP your head)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP (VP hit (NP *-1)) -- (VP knocked (NP *-1) (PRT out)))) .)) (TOP (SQ (ADVP-TMP Now) will (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (NP him)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP the message)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stared (PP at (NP Hoag)) (ADVP-MNR drunkenly)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 'd (VP hit (NP you) (PP in (NP the head))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP does n't (VP matter)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP (VP get (ADVP back) (PP to (NP the captain))) and (VP tell (NP him) (NP (NP this) : (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Somebody) (VP 's (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP a shot) (PP at (NP the prime minister))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Mahzeer) (VP is (PP-PRD in (PP on (NP the plot))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP-1 him) (S (PP under (NP no circumstances)) (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP trust (NP the prime minister) (PP with (NP Mahzeer)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Griffith) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD impossible)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mahzeer) (VP 's (NP-PRD the ambassador)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Nevertheless) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD true)) '' .)) (TOP (ADJP `` Impossible '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Griffith) (VP was (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP clear (NP his head) (PP of (NP (NP the champagne fuzz) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP encased (NP it))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP show (NP you) (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how wrong) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mahzeer) and (NP the prime minister)) (VP are (ADJP-PRD alone) (ADVP-TMP right now)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP nodded (ADVP-MNR triumphantly)) .)) (TOP (S `` So (NP-SBJ that) (VP proves (NP it)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD terrified)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ they)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ 'd (NP-SBJ you) (VP expect , (ADVP-LOC *T*-1) (NP-TPC the john))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP Mahzeer 's) office '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ that)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (VP `` Facing (NP us) , (ADVP-LOC (NP two flights) up) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look , (NP-VOC old man)) ,) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP go (ADVP-DIR up)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP wo n't (ADVP even) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ you) (PP-PRD in (NP the front door))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ So (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP-UNF (VP be (NP-PRD a good boy) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)) and)) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP grabbed (NP him) (PP by (NP the shoulders))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen (PP to (NP me)) , (NP-VOC Leigh)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP spend (NP (NP (NP another day) (PP in (NP the State Department))) -- (NP another day) --))))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP get (PP in (ADVP there))) and (VP tell (NP that captain) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP you) (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP bit (PRT out) (NP the words)) .)) (TOP (S `` And (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP do (NP it)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Griffith) (VP raised (NP placating hands)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Easy) (VP does (NP it)) , (NP-VOC Phil) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP going)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD on (NP my way))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned) and (VP fled (PP-DIR into (NP the house))) and (VP made (NP his way) (PP-DIR up (NP the marble stairs)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP looking (ADVP back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP the second landing)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP paused (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP for (NP Docherty)))))) , (VP did n't (VP see (NP him))) , and (VP accepted (NP (NP a glass) (PP of (NP champagne))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP took (NP several large swallows)) , (VP recollected (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Docherty) (VP had (VP gone (PP-DIR up (NP another flight))))))) , and (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD wise (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP cover (NP himself) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP finding (NP him)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP-ADV (NP The way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP was (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-2))))) , (NP no telling (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP say or do (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP finished (NP his champagne)) and (VP climbed (ADVP-MNR uncertainly) (PP-DIR to (NP the next landing)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the top)) (NP-SBJ a uniformed officer) (VP blocked (NP further progress)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (INTJ Yes) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ it))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP Captain Docherty)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP spotted (NP (NP Docherty) (VP coming (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP (NP a room) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the far end) (PP of (NP the corridor)))))))))) and (VP called (PP to (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Docherty) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD okay) , (NP-VOC Bonfiglio)) ,) (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADVP-PRD by))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP walked (PP-DIR toward (NP each other))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Well '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Griffith) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP told (NP-1 me) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP-2 you) '' (PRN -- (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP waited (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD close)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP hideously) (ADJP-PRD embarrassing)))) --) `` (S (NP-SBJ *-2) not (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the prime minister) (VP be (ADJP-PRD alone (PP with (NP Mahzeer))))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Griffith) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD half-crocked) (PP to (NP the captain)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (PP-PRD (ADVP just) like (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHADVP Why) not '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP claims (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Mahzeer) (VP 's (PP-PRD in (NP a plot (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP kill (NP the P.M.)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Docherty) (VP went (ADJP-PRD taut))) : (SQ was (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD possible)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ (NP the ambassador) (NP himself)) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the man) (PP on (NP this side)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the prime minister) (VP feared (NP *T*-1)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (FRAG-TPC-3 Not (ADJP possible)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (FRAG *T*-3))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the prime minister) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ his enemy) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2) (ADVP-LOC here)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP was n't (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (VP to (VP be (VP led (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR meekly) (PP to (NP the slaughter)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV if (S (PP by (NP some wild chance)) (NP-SBJ Mahzeer) (VP was (NP-PRD the man)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would n't (VP dare (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP try (NP anything) (ADVP-TMP now) -- (SBAR-TMP not after (S (NP-SBJ-2 Docherty) (VP had (VP looked (PP in (PP on (NP (NP the two) (PP of (NP them))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ all) (VP was (ADVP-PRD well))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Docherty) (VP was (VP damned (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP make (NP a fool) (PP of (NP himself)) (ADVP again) (NP-MNR (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP *?* (ADVP-MNR *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP earlier) (PP over (NP the laundry truck))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP One more muddleheaded play) (PP like (NP that one))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP be (VP leading (NP him) (ADVP away))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ-1 this) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP checked (NP *-2) (PRT out)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ 'd (NP-SBJ (NP your friend) (NP Hoag)) (VP get (NP his information) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Have n't (NP the faintest) , (NP-VOC Captain)) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Would (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sending (NP him) (PP-DIR up (ADVP here))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP him))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Troubled)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP continued (PP along (NP the corridor)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP poking (NP his head) (PP into (NP the next office)) (PP for (NP a careful look around))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP had not (VP stayed (PP-LOC on (NP the front steps)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Griffith) (VP disappeared (PP-DIR into (NP the building)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unwilling (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rely (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Griffith 's) (VP carrying (NP his message)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP no confidence (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the police) (VP would (VP act (PP on (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Mahzeer) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alone (PP with (NP the prime minister)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP be (VP arranging (NP his execution) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hoag) (VP stood (PP-LOC out (ADVP here)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shivering (PP-LOC in (NP the darkening street)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP something) (PP on (NP his own))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (WHNP what) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The door) (VP opened)) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP three men) and (NP (NP a woman) (PP in (NP a sari)))) (VP swept (PP-DIR (PP past (NP him)) and (PP down (NP the stairs))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the lighted interior)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ other men and women) (VP struggling (PP into (NP their wraps))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP were (NP-PRD the early departures))) ; ; (S (PP-TMP in (NP half an hour)) (NP-SBJ the reception) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-PRD over)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mahzeer) (VP was (VP planning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP set (PRT up) (NP the prime minister) (PP for (NP Muller))))))))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP it) (PP-TMP in (NP the next few minutes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP (VP descended (NP (NP the stone steps) (PP to (NP the street)))) and (VP looked (PP up (PP at (NP the building))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Wide windows) (PP with (NP many small leaded panes))) (VP swept (PP across (NP the upper stories))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC On (NP the second floor)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP the animated faces) (PP of (NP the party guests))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the scene) (VP looked (PP like (NP a Christmas card)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC On (NP the third floor)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP one) (PP of (NP the two windows))) (VP was (VP lighted (NP *-1)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (VP framed (NP *-2) (PP in (NP maroon drapes))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ no faces) (VP were (ADJP-PRD visible)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP Mahzeer 's) office))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP He) and (NP the prime minister)) (VP would (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP back) from (NP the window)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP seated (NP *-3) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Mahzeer 's) desk))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP be (VP going (PP over (NP (NP papers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Mahzeer) (VP had (VP saved (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP (NP excuse) (PP for (NP just such a meeting)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP a minute) , or (NP five minutes))) , (NP-SBJ the business) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD done)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Mahzeer) (VP would (VP stand (PRT up)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the prime minister) (VP would (VP follow))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mahzeer) (VP (VP would (VP direct (NP (NP the prime minister 's) attention) (PP to (NP (NP something) (PP out (NP the window)))))) and (VP would (VP (VP guide (NP him) (ADVP-DIR forward)) (CONJP and then) (VP step (PP-DIR to (NP one side)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The single shot) (VP would (VP come))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP would (VP carry (NP its sound) (PP to (NP his grave))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mahzeer) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD desolate))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ (VP was) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP suspect (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 an assassin) (VP had (VP been (VP lurking (PP-LOC (ADVP somewhere) across (NP the street)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP waiting (PP for (NP just such a chance))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP turned) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP Where) (PP-LOC across (NP the street)) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ was (NP-SBJ Muller) (VP waiting (PP with (NP the rifle)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Narrow four-story buildings) (VP ran (NP (NP the length) (PP of (NP the block))) (PP like (NP (NP books) (VP (ADVP-MNR tightly) packed (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP a shelf)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Most) (PP of (NP them))) (VP could (VP be (VP eliminated (NP *-1))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 Muller 's) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the (QP half dozen)) (ADJP almost directly opposite)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The legation) (VP was (ADVP generously) (VP set (NP *-1) (ADVP back) (PP from (NP the building line))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP the angle) (PP of (NP fire))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD too great)))) (NP-SBJ (NP the jutting buildings) (PP-LOC on (NP either side))) (VP would (VP interfere))) .)) (TOP (SQ Would (NP-SBJ the shot) (VP come (PP from (NP a roof))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ran (NP his eye) (PP along (NP the roof copings)))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP almost at once) (NP-SBJ a figure) (VP bulked (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (SINV But (SINV (VP-TPC-1 (ADVP-MNR dully) glinting (PP-LOC on (NP the dark form))) (VP were (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the buttons and badge) (PP of (NP a policeman)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (S-NOM (NP-SBJ a cop) (VP patrolling (NP the road)))) (NP-SBJ-1 Muller) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD inside (NP a building)) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP at all) , and (VP not waiting (PP for (NP the prime minister)) (PP-LOC (ADVP somewhere) between (NP (NP this street) and (NP (NP the terminal building) (PP-LOC at (NP La Guardia Airport)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hoag) (VP crossed (NP the narrow street) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP squeezing (PP between (NP parked cars)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP reach (NP the sidewalk))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (PP From (NP this side)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (PP (ADVP farther) into (NP (NP the legation 's) third-story window))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP no faces)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the room 's) occupants) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (VP seated (NP *-2)))) or (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP been (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (PP-LOC-PRD into (NP the hallway))) (PP by (NP-LGS an alarmed police captain))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR If (ADVP only) (S (NP-SBJ the latter) (VP were (ADJP-PRD true))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP walked (ADVP-MNR rapidly) (PP-LOC along (NP the buildings)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP scanning (NP their facades))))) : (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP was (NP-PRD a club))) -- (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADVP-PRD out))) ; ; (S (NP-TPC-3 two others) (NP-SBJ he) (VP ruled (NP *T*-3) (PRT out) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 all their windows) (VP were (VP lighted (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP left (NP (NP (NP three) , (NP possibly four) ,) (NP (NP one) (VP looking (PP (ADVP much) like (NP the next)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP climbed (NP (NP the steps) (PP of (NP the first)))) and (VP opened (NP (NP the door) (PP to (NP the vestibule))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (ADVP-MNR quickly) closed (NP it) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP assumed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 all these buildings) (VP had (VP been (VP divided (NP *-1) (PP into (NP apartments)))))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ this one) , (PP from (NP (NP a glance) (PP at (NP the hall furnishings)))) , (VP was (ADVP obviously) (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD a functioning town house))) , and (S (NP-SBJ its owners) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP residence))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD doubtful) (PP as (NP (NP the hiding place) (PP of (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-3 whose plans) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-3) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP made (NP *-2) (PP-TMP in (NP advance)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR on (PP to (NP the next building)))) and (VP found (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP expected (NP *T*-1)))) -- (NP (NP the mingled cooking aromas) (PP of (NP a public vestibule)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 On (NP one wall)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the brass front) (PP of (NP (NP a row) (PP of (NP mailboxes)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD six apartments))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Now) (WHNP what) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The names) (PP on (NP the mailboxes))) (VP meant (NP nothing) (PP to (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (ADJP-PRD senseless))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP for (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP peered (PP-DIR in (NP (NP the boxes) (NP themselves))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD empty) (PP-1 except (NP one)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 that one) (VP was (VP jammed (NP *-2) (PP with (NP letters and magazines)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The occupants) (PP of (NP Apartment Number 3))) (VP were (ADVP probably) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP away (PP for (NP a few days))) , and not (ADJP likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP return (PP-TMP on (NP a Friday)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ Muller) (VP made (NP the same deduction)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Muller) (VP was (VP attracted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP the lore) (PP of (NP mailboxes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP opened (NP the inner door))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the cooking odors) (VP were (ADJP-PRD stronger))) -- (S (PP-LOC (ADVP all) over (NP the city)) , (PP-TMP at (NP this hour)) , (NP-SBJ housewives) (VP would (VP be (VP fussing (PP over (NP stoves)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP climbed , (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as quickly) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP urge (NP his body)))))) , (PP-DIR up (NP (NP the two unbroken flights) (PP to (NP the third floor)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP pulling (NP himself) (PRT along) (PP on (NP (NP a delicate balustrade) , (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP remained (PP of (NP (NP the building 's) beauty))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP paused (PP-LOC on (NP the landing)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP steady (NP his breathing))))) (CONJP and then) (VP bent (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP examine (NP the single door) (PP by (NP (NP the light) (PP of (NP (NP the weak bulb) (ADVP-LOC overhead)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD certain))) : (S (NP-SBJ the lock) (VP had not (VP yielded (PP to (NP (NP (NP Muller 's) collection) (PP of (NP keys))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ fresh scars) (VP showed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the door) (VP had (VP been (VP prized (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD open))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP had (VP been (VP shut (NP *-1) (ADVP again))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the lock) (VP was (ADJP-PRD broken)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP noted (PP with (NP (NP a thrill) (PP of (NP fear)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the door) (VP moved (PP under (NP his touch))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ was (NP-SBJ-2 he) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP thought (ADVP (ADVP no further) (PP than (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP finding (NP Muller))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP realized (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (ADVP half))) hoped (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (VP find (NP him))))) -- (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Muller) (VP would not (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD here))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the attempt) (VP would (VP be (VP scheduled (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP somewhere) (PP beyond (NP (NP Hoag 's) control))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could not (VP break (PP in (PP on (NP an armed man))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP climb (PP-DIR (ADVP back) down (PP to (NP the street)))) and (VP signal (NP a cop))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD time) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His thoughts) (VP were (VP scattered (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the sharp report) (PP of (NP a rifle)) (PP from (NP (NP the other side) (PP of (NP the door)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP pushed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD open)) (NP-3 the door))) : (S (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the far end) (PP of (NP the long dark room)))) (NP-SBJ-1 Muller) (VP was (ADVP-MNR faintly) (VP silhouetted (NP *-1) (PP-LOC against (NP the window)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 the rifle) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP raised (NP *-4)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stood (PP with (NP (NP his feet) (ADVP apart))) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a kitchen table) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP dragged (NP *T*-2) (PP to (NP the sill)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP turned (NP his head) (PP (PP to (NP (NP the source) (PP of (NP the disturbance)))) and (ADVP instantly) (PP (ADVP back) to (NP (NP the window) and (NP his rifle sight)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP dismissing (NP Hoag) (PP-TMP for (NP the moment)) (PP with (NP (NP the same contempt) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP shown (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP (NP their encounter) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Hoag 's) apartment))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hoag) (VP (VP stretched (NP his left hand) (PP-DIR to (NP the wall))) and (VP fumbled (PP for (NP the switch))))) : (S (NP-SBJ evil) (VP flourishes (PP-LOC in (NP the dark)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The room) (VP was (VP bathed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP light)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the instant) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Muller 's) second shot) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Muller) , (VP (ADVP-MNR nakedly) exposed (PP-LOC at (NP the bright window)) (PP like (NP (NP a deer) (VP pinned (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP a car 's) headlights)))))) ,) (VP (VP threw (PRT down) (NP the rifle)) and (VP turned (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP jump (PP from (NP the table)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ his face) (VP wore (NP (NP a look) (PP of (NP outrage))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A shot) (VP (VP caught (NP him)) and (VP straightened (NP him) (PRT up) (PP in (NP screaming pain))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP a following volley) (PP of (NP shots))) (VP (VP shattered (NP glass)) , (VP ripped (NP the ceiling)) , and (VP sent (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP lurching (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP from (NP the table))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ his body) (VP made (NP (NP contact) (PP with (NP the floor))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hoag) (VP (VP stumbled (PP-DIR (ADVP back) into (NP the hall))) , (VP leaned (PP against (NP the wall))) , and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP retch))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ Captain Docherty) (VP sent (NP Arleigh Griffith) (PP for (NP Hoag))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP complete (NP (NP his detailed inspection) (PP of (NP the third floor))))) and (VP to (VP receive (NP (NP a report) (PP from (NP (NP his man) (VP covering (NP (NP the floors) (ADVP-LOC above)))))))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-2 Griffith) (VP returned , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP buoyed (NP *-3) (PRT up) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a brief stop) (PP for (NP (NP another glass) (PP of (NP champagne))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The safe) (PP-LOC at (NP Ingleside District Station))) (VP stands (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP the gum machine))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a narrow passageway) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP leads (PP to (NP (NP (NP (NP Captain Harris 's) office) (PRN -LRB- (PP-LOC to (NP the left)) -RRB-)) , (NP (NP (NP the lieutenant 's) office) (PRN -LRB- (UCP-LOC (ADVP farther along) and (PP to (NP the left))) -RRB-)) and (NP (NP (NP the janitor 's) supply closet) (PRN -LRB- (ADVP-LOC straight ahead) -RRB-)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The safe) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a repository) (PP for (NP (NP three dead flashlight batteries) , (NP (QP a hundred and fifty) unused left-hand fingerprint cards) , (NP (NP a stack) (PP of (NP (NP unsold (NP Policemen 's) Ball tickets) (PP from (NP last year))))) , and (NP (NP thirty-seven cents) (PP in (NP coins and stamps))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP set (NP (NP (NP the captain 's) fifth) (PP of (NP Hiram Walker))) (PP-LOC inside (NP the safe)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reported (PP to (NP Lt. Killpath))))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Killpath 's) ulcer) (VP prevented (NP-1 him) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (NP (NP any untoward incursion) (PP on (NP (NP Herman Wolff 's) gift))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP more) (NP-PRD (NP a matter) (PP of (NP tact))))) , and (S (ADVP also) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP none) (PP of (NP (NP Killpath 's) goddam business))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP (NP the lieutenant 's) office)))) , (VP leaned (ADVP-MNR wearily) (PP against (NP (NP the gun rack) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP housed (NP (NP four rifles) and (NP (NP a gas gun) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 nobody) (VP remembered (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP having (VP used (NP *T*-4)))))))) and (NP (NP a submachine gun) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (VP tried (NP *-5) (PRT out) (PP-LOC on (NP the Academy Range))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stared (PP at (NP (NP the clerk) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP sat (PP-LOC at (NP a (ADJP scarred and ancient) fumed-oak desk)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP stuffing (NP envelopes))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the Lieut)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The clerk) (VP wagged (NP his head) (PP toward (NP (NP the captain 's) office))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the connecting door) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD open)))) ,))) and (VP stood (PP at (NP attention)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Orville Torrence Killpath) , (PP in (NP full uniform))) , (VP finished (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP combing (NP his hair)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The lieutenant 's) sparse brown hair) (VP was (ADVP heavily) (VP pomaded (NP *-1)))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP raked (NP the comb) (PP through (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP stuck (ADVP together) (PP in (NP thatches)) (SBAR-ADV so that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP looked (PP like (NP (NP umbrella ribs) (VP clinging (PP to (NP his pink skull)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The lieutenant) (VP (VP eyed (NP (NP (NP Gun 's) reflection) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the mirror) (PP-LOC over (NP the washbowl)))))) (CONJP and then) (VP glanced (PP (ADVP back) at (NP his own face))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP moving (NP the comb) (ADVP-MNR methodically) (PP around (NP his head))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Leave (S (NP-SBJ me) (ADJP-PRD alone)))) , (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP thought (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Fight (PP with (NP Sam Schaeffer))) , (VP fight (PP with (NP the whole damned Bureau)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP But (NP-SBJ *) (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ me) (ADJP-PRD alone))) .)) (TOP (SBAR Because (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP looking (PP for (NP (NP the son) (PP of (NP a bitch)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP killed (NP that old man))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP just) (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ me) (INTJ to hell) (ADJP-PRD alone)) , (NP-VOC Lieutenant))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP (VP peered (PP through (NP half-closed lids)) (PP at (NP his reflection))) , (VP thrust (PRT up) (NP his chin) (PP in (NP (NP a gesture) (PP of (NP satisfaction))))) and (VP about-faced)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP waited (PP for (S (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP to (VP sit (ADVP down) (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP the desk) (PP-LOC near (NP the window))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sat (ADVP-MNR stiff-backed) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a chair) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP did not (VP swivel , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD obvious (PP to (NP Gun))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP his position) (PP as (NP acting captain))) (ADVP plainly) (VP merited (NP a swivel chair))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The desk) (PP-LOC before (NP him))) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP no better repair) (PP than (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP (NP the furniture) (VP crowded (NP *) (PP into (NP the room))))) , (PP including (NP (NP (NP wooden file cabinets) (SBAR with (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP some) (PP of (NP their pulls))) (VP yanked (NP *-1) (PRT off))))) and (NP (NP a wardrobe) (VP stained (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP the roof seepage) (PP of (NP countless seasons))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Killpath) (VP pulled (NP one thin leg) (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP clamping (NP his arms) (PP around (NP the shinbone)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP press (NP his knee) (PP into (NP an (ADJP incredibly scrawny) gut)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the posture) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the men) (VP had (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP recognize (NP *T*-2) (PP as (NP (NP that) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP defying (NP his ulcer))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP put (NP his chin) (PP-PUT on (NP his kneecap)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stretching (NP his neck) (PP like (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP a turkey) (PP-LOC on (NP a chopping block)))))))) ,) and (VP stared (ADVP-MNR wordlessly) (PP at (NP his sergeant)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP waited) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The 7:45 bell) (VP rang)) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ-1 the outside doors) (VP bang (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD shut)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP closing (PRT in) (NP the assembled day watch)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Finally) , (NP-SBJ Orville) (VP intoned (PP through (NP his hawk nose)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP ca n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP running (ADVP-DIR in) (NP (NP any time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP please (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-VOC Sergeant)))) '') .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ No) , (NP-VOC sir) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Running (ADVP-DIR in)) , (VP running (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ca n't (VP have (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Makes (PP for (NP confusion and congestion))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP rocked (ADVP-DIR back) (PP in (NP the chair)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 knee) (VP locked (NP *-1) (PP against (NP stomach)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 his beady eyes) (VP fixed (NP *-2) (PP on (NP Matson))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD silent) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP possibly) (VP listening (PP to (NP (NP the sounds) (PP-LOC in (NP the squadroom))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Roll) (VP was (VP being (VP called (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP cleared (NP his throat)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP were (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP report (PP to (NP my office)) (ADVP-TMP (NP twenty minutes) ago)))) , (NP-VOC Sergeant))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's not (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ all the juice) (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP the orange))))))) , (SQ (INTJ now) (VP is (VP *?*)) (NP-SBJ it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ No) , (NP-VOC sir) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP nothing) (PP but (NP (NP aces) (NP-ADV (NP back) (PP to (NP back)))))) (VP would (VP give (NP the lieutenant) (NP (NP an ulcer) and (NP a smile)) (PP-TMP at (NP the same time))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The day-watch platoon commander) , (NP Lt. Rinker) ,) (VP was (VP calling (PRT out) (NP the beat assignments)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Matson) (VP could n't (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the names) (VP mean (NP anything)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP called (NP the station) (PP-TMP at (NP three)) (NP-TMP this morning))) '' , (NP-SBJ (NP Killpath 's) nasal voice) (VP pronounced (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP any idea (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP charge)) (PP-TMP at (NP the time))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Sergeant Vaughn) , (NP-VOC sir) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Now) , (INTJ now) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADVP just) (VP guessing , (NP-VOC Sergeant))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP smiled (ADVP-MNR thinly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP savoring (NP his joke)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHNP What) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP nobody) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (PP-1 but (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP patrolmen)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Sir) , (NP-SBJ Vaughn) (VP knows (ADVP (ADVP better) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (NP the station) (PP without (NP a relief)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP-UNF have)) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ a patrolman) (VP take (PRT over) (NP (NP the duties) (PP of (NP the station keeper)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's not (NP-PRD regulation))) , (SQ (VP is (NP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ No) , (NP-VOC sir) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP did n't (VP know (NP (NP a thing) (PP about (NP it)))))) , (SQ did (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP leaned (ADVP forward))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ his foot) (VP slipped (PP off (NP the chair)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP put (NP it) (PRT back) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP frowning (ADVP-TMP now)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's not (VP taking (NP (NP one 's) command) (PP with (NP a responsible attitude)) , (NP-VOC Matson))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP told (NP himself) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the old bastard) (VP was (NP-PRD a fool))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ stupidity) (VP was (NP-PRD no consolation) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (NP rank) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD out (PP in (NP the district))) , (NP-VOC sir)) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ yes) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP heard)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stretched (NP a pale hand) (PP out (PP to (NP (NP the scattered papers) (PP-LOC on (NP his desk)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (VP point (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ your inability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP report (PP to (NP my office)) (NP-TMP this morning) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP were (VP instructed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (ADVP so) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))) (VP has not (INTJ ah) (VP limited (NP (NP my knowledge) (PP of (NP your activities))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP may (VP have (VP hoped))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP took (PRT up) (NP (NP a white sheet) (PP of (NP (NP paper) , (ADJP dark (PP with (NP single-spaced data))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A car) (VP pulled (PP-DIR into (NP the driveway)) (PP-LOC outside (NP the window))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Car 12) , (NP (NP the wagon) , (VP returned (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP delivering (NP (NP Ingleside 's) drunk-and-disorderlies) (PP to (NP the City Jail)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-PRP for (NP some fool reason)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP remember (SBAR (WHNP-1 which men) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP put (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP the transfer detail)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stared (PP at (NP (NP the report) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Killpath 's) hand)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP was (VP written (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS Accacia))))))) -- (ADJP (ADJP just as sure) (PP as (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP submitted (NP it) (PP in (NP his scrawled longhand))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP sucked (PRT in) (NP his breath)) and (VP kept (ADJP-PRD quiet) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-4 Killpath) (VP (VP laid (PRT down) (NP the sheet) (ADVP again)) , (VP wound (NP (NP the gold-wire stems) (PP of (NP his glasses))) (PP around (NP his ears))) (CONJP and then) , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP eying (NP the report) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP lay (PP-LOC before (NP him)) (PP-LOC on (NP the desk))))))) , intoned , `` (S (NP-SBJ-5 Acting Lieutenant Gunnar Matson) (VP (VP (LST one) failed (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the station keeper) (VP was (ADVP properly) (VP relieved (NP *-1))))))))) (VP (LST two) absented (NP himself) (PP throughout (NP the entire watch)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP checking (PP on (NP (NP (NP the station 's) activities) or (NP (NP the whereabouts) (PP of (NP his section sergeants))))))))) (VP (LST three) permitted (S (NP-DIR (NP members) (PP of (NP (NP the Homicide Detail) (PP of (NP (NP the Inspector 's) Bureau))))) (VP to (VP arrogate (PP for (NP their own convenience)) (NP (NP a patrolman) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP was (ADVP thereby) (VP prevented (NP-6 *-2) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP carrying (PRT on) (NP his proper assignment))))))))))))) (VP (LST four) failed (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP notify (NP (NP the station commander) (NP Acting Captain O.T. Killpath)) (PP of (NP (NP a homicide) (VP occurring (PP-LOC in (NP the district))))))))) (VP (LST five) frequented (NP (NP extralegal establishments) (VP known (NP *) (PP as (NP after-hours spots)))) (PP for (NP (NP purposes) (PP of (NP an (ADJP unofficial and (ADJP purportedly social)) nature))))) and (VP (LST six) '' (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP leaned (ADVP-DIR back)) and (VP peeled (PRT off) (NP his glasses))))) `` -- failed (S (NP-SBJ-7 *-5) (VP to (VP co-operate (PP with (NP the Acting Captain)) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP returning (ADVP-MNR promptly) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-8 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP so) (VP ordere (ADVP-TMP *T*-8)))))))))))))))))))))) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ (VP have (S *ICH*-1)) (NP-SBJ-3 you) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-2) (PP to (NP that))))) , (NP-VOC Sergeant)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP sailed (NP the paper) (PP across (NP the desk)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Matson) (VP did n't (VP (VP pick (NP it) (PRT up)) or (VP (ADVP even) glance (PP at (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Well '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Accacia) (VP knew (NP (ADJP so many) big words)))) , (NP-VOC Lieutenant))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP licked (NP his lips)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Patrolman Accacia) (VP is (NP-PRD an (ADJP alert and conscientious) law-enforcement officer)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his diligence) (VP mitigates (NP your negligence)))) , (NP-VOC Matson))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Negligence) , (INTJ hell) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gun) (VP held (NP his breath) (NP-TMP a moment) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pushing (NP (NP the volume and pitch) (PP of (NP his voice))) (ADVP down) (PP under (NP (NP the trapdoor) (PP-LOC in (NP his throat))))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Sir .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP have (VP been (UCP-PRD (ADJP negligent) and (NP a goddam lousy cop) (PP to (NP boot))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP sat (PP-LOC around (NP this station)) (NP-TMP all night) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ somebody) (VP got (PRT away) (PP with (NP murder)) (PP-LOC in (NP my district)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD too bad) (SBAR-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP call (NP you))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD too bad) (SBAR-3 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ Schaeffer) (VP use (NP Accacia))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP have (VP had (NP (NP a boy) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-4) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD glad (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP learn (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP Homicide procedure)))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV one damned bit) sorry (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP-UNF (VP went (ADVP out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP question (NP (NP the people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP *T*-1)))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the places) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP hang (ADVP around) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))) , and))))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) not (VP push (NP our patience) (PP beyond (NP the danger line)) , (NP-VOC Sergeant))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP nasaled (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP should n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP write (NP you) (PRT up) (PP for (NP (NP insubordination) (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP dereliction) (PP of (NP duty))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP stiffened , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his hands) (VP balling (PP into (NP fists)) (PP-LOC at (NP his sides))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP clamped (NP his jaws) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP-2 the fury) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP spilling (PRT out)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An argument) (PP with (NP Orville Torrence Killpath))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP as frustrating) (PP *RNR*-4)) and (ADJP (ADJP as futile) (PP *RNR*-4)) (PP-4 as (NP (NP a cap pistol) (PP on (NP a firing range)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Killpath) (VP (VP leaned (ADVP-DIR forward) (ADVP-TMP again)) , (VP rocked (ADVP-MNR comfortably) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-1 his arms) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP wrapped (NP *-1) (PP around (NP one knee))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (ADVP just) (VP remember , (NP-VOC Sergeant) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP must all (VP carry (NP our own umbrella)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A district station) (VP ca n't (VP run (ADVP-MNR smoothly) , (SBAR-ADV-UNF unless))) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP interrupted (NP himself) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP around (NP Gun)) (PP at (NP the doorway))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Morning) , (NP-VOC Lieutenant Rinker) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Sorry) , (NP-VOC Orville) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had n't (VP come (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-TMP yet)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (PP-TMP for (NP some time)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stood (ADVP-DIR up)) , (VP cocked (NP his head)) and (VP eyed (NP Gun) (ADVP-MNR coldly))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The sergeant) (VP is (ADVP just) (VP leaving)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-5)) (VP had (VP come (PP as (NP (NP no great surprise) (PP to (NP Matson)))) (SBAR-5 (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the hot water) (PP-LOC in (NP the showers))) (VP did n't (VP work)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Loren Severe) (VP had (VP thrown (PRT up) (PP-LOC (ADVP all) over (NP the stairs)))))) , or (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP some thieving bastard) (PP of (NP a cop))) (VP had (VP walked (PRT off) (PP with (NP his cigarettes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the best) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP hope (PP for (NP *T*-2))))))) (PP on (NP (NP a watch) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP ended (PP with (NP (NP a session) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Killpath 's) office))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP passed (NP (NP the open counter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP divided (NP the assembly room) (PP from (NP the business office))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP nodded) and (VP said (NP good night) (PP to (NP (NP the station keeper) and (NP his clerks)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) not (VP stopping (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP hear (NP (NP the day-watch playback) (PP of (NP his chewing out))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR Not that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (NP a damn) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the grapevine) (VP sent (NP *T*-1) (PRT out) (PP about (NP (NP (NP Killpath 's) little speech) (PP on (NP (NP the comportment) (PP of (NP platoon commanders))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (ADVP just) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (PP about (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the acting captain) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ his acting lieutenant) (VP to (VP sit (PP on (NP his ass)) (PP-LOC around (NP the station)) (NP-TMP all night))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Killpath) (VP would (ADVP just) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP drag (NP Gun) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP by (NP the heels)) (ADVP-TMP once (NP an hour)))))) ; ; (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP 'd (VP be (VP damned (NP *-2) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a mid-watch pencil-pusher) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP please (NP his ulcerated pro-tem captain)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the doorway)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP squinted (PP up (PP at (NP the gray morning overcast)))) and (VP patted (NP his jacket pockets) (PP for (NP the cigarettes)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP remembering (ADVP-TMP then) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP left (NP them) (PP-LOC at (NP the Doughnuttery)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP pick (PRT up) (NP another pack) (PP on (NP (NP his way) (ADVP home))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP were (VP going (ADVP-DIR home))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP started (PP across (NP the oiled road)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP his Plymouth) , (VP parked (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the lot)) (PP-LOC under (NP (NP the cypress trees) (PP-LOC across (PP from (NP the station)))))) ,))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was n't (VP going (ADVP-DIR home)))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP Not yet .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP nine o'clock) (PP in (NP the morning))) : (NP (NP the hour) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (PP like (NP (NP a spade) (VP turning (NP (NP clods) (PP of (NP earth)))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP exposed (PP to (NP the day)) (NP (NP a myriad) (PP of (NP (NP busy creatures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (VP lain (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD dormant)) (PP-TMP in (NP the quiet night))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mission Street) (PP-TMP at (NP this hour)) (VP was (VP populated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP a whole community) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ Gun) (VP could not (VP have (VP seen (NP *T*-3) (PP on (NP (NP his tour) (PP of (NP duty)))))))))) -- (NP (NP the neighborhood) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP known (NP Urbano Quintana) (PP by (NP day))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ Sol Phillips) (VP had (VP purchased (NP the Alliance Furniture Mart) (ADVP-TMP (NP seventeen years) ago))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP professedly) worth (NP (NP (QP three thousand) dollars) (PP in (NP (NP stock) and (NP good will))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the name) (VP was (VP written (NP *-1) (PP in (NP gold)) (PP in (NP foot-high letters)) (PP-LOC across (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP the two display windows))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-1 (PP-LOC On (NP the right window)) , (PP-LOC at (NP eye level)) , (PP (PP in (NP smaller print)) but (ADVP also) (PP in (NP gold))) ,) (VP was (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Gonzalez , Prop.)) , and (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD=1 under (NP that)) , (NP-SBJ=2 Se Habla Espanol)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Phillips) (VP (VP took (NP a razor) (PP to (NP Gonzalez , Prop.))) , but (VP left (NP the promise (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Spanish) (VP would (VP be (VP understood (NP *-1))))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP meant (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Spanish clientele) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD welcome))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Language) (VP was (NP-PRD no problem) (ADVP anyway))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mr. Phillips) (VP had (ADVP only) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP signal (PP from (NP his doorway)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP summon (NP (NP aid) (PP from (NP (NP the ubiquitous bilingual children) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP played (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the sidewalks) (PP of (NP Mission Street)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP (ADVP Aside) from (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ business) (VP was (ADJP-PRD slow) (NP-TMP (NP this time) (PP of (NP year))))) and (S (NP-SBJ his one salesgirl) (VP was not (NP-PRD the (ADJP most enterprising)))))))) , (NP-SBJ Mr. Phillips) (VP had (NP (NP no worries) (ADVP at all)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP (ADJP as much)) (PP to (NP (NP Gun Matson) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP sat (PP-LOC across (PP from (NP him))) (PP in (NP civilian clothes)) , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a Jiffy-Couch-a-Bed) , (ADJP mauve velour) , (NP (ADJP $ 79.89 *U*) nothing-down special)))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP honest) (PP as (NP the day))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mr. Phillips) (VP (VP said (S *T*-2)) , and (VP added , `` (S (NP-VOC Mr. Gunnar) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP say (NP (NP this) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP to (NP you)) : (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ Beebe) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) too honest))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP tell (NP a customer) (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHADJP how much)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP 's (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cost (NP-3 him) (NP *T*-2) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP refinance (NP his payments))))))))))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP even) (VP signs (PP for (NP (NP a loan) (PP on (NP (NP the money) (ADJP down)))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ A time plan) (VP is (NP-PRD a mere convenience))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP understand (S *T*-1))) ,) and (S (SBAR-TMP-UNF (WHADVP when))) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP interrupted (NP himself) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP smiling))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (NP her) (PP-PUT in (NP lamps))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-MNR That way) (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP lose (NP (ADJP so much)))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP just) (VP hire (NP (NP somebody) (ADVP else)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP finish (NP a story)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shrugged) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP her) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP do (NP it) (NP-TMP tomorrow) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seems (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ the muse) (VP is (VP working (ADVP-MNR good) (NP-TMP tonight)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD afraid (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP go)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Casey) (VP made (NP some comment))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his mind) (VP was (ADJP-PRD busy) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP considered (NP the man)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His name) (VP was (NP-PRD George Needham))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) , (ADVP too) , (VP had (VP come (PP from (NP a good family))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP (ADVP perhaps) thirty-two) , (VP (ADVP-MNR nicely) set (NP *-2) (PRT up) , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP light brown) hair) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP a pronounced wave))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR well) groomed (NP *-2)) and (VP (ADVP-MNR well) tailored (NP *-2))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP had (NP (NP that (NP rich man 's) look) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD authentic enough)))))) and (VP came (PP from (NP (NP two good prep schools) and (NP a proper university)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (NP-PRD An only child)) , (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP had (VP done (NP (NP all the things) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP young men) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP do (NP *T*-3) (SBAR-1 (WHNP-5 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-5) (VP have (VP been (VP born (NP *-2) (PP to (NP (NP money) and (NP social position)))))))))))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-6 his father) (VP double-crossed (NP him) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-7 *-6) (VP dying (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-7) (ADJP-PRD broke)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Since (ADVP then)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP worked (PP at (NP this and that)) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his main interest) (VP was (NP-PRD gambling))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ All this) (VP went (PP through (NP (NP Casey 's) mind)) (PP-TMP in (NP the first instant)))) , but (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP held (NP his interest)))) (VP was (NP-PRD the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ these two) (VP should (VP be (ADVP-PRD together) (ADVP at all)))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP understood (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Betty) (VP had (VP been (VP engaged (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP a boy) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Barry Jenkins)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP grown (PRT up) (PP with (NP young Jenkins))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP heard (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD at (NP (NP the point) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (VP married)))))) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP at least) twice)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ask (NP her) (PP about (NP Jenkins))))) (ADVP-TMP now))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP do (ADVP so) (PP in (NP (NP Needham 's) presence)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And so) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (UCP-PRD (VP wondering) and (ADJP (NP-ADV a little) perplexed))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP grinned (PP at (NP the girl))) and (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR lightly)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (ADJP sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP kidding))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP pick (NP him) (PRT up) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP known (NP him) (NP-TMP quite a while))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP glanced (PP at (NP her companion)) (ADVP-MNR fondly)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (VP Have (VP *?*)) n't (NP-SBJ I) , (NP-VOC George) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (PP-PRD after (NP her)) (PP-TMP for (NP years))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Needham) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` but (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (ADVP anywhere))))) (PP-TMP until (NP the last few days))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The girl 's) eyes) (VP were (ADVP-MNR softly) (VP shining) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP reached (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP touched (NP (NP Casey 's) hand)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Can (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you) (NP a secret)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP get (VP married (NP *-2))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP approve) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Casey) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ his smile) (ADJP-PRD fixed)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ some small inner disturbance) (VP was (VP working (PP on (NP him)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (ADVP again) (PP about (NP (NP Needham) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP eight or ten) years) older) (PP than (NP the girl)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ-1 Needham) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP swear (PP off (NP gambling))) and (VP get (NP a steady job))))))))) or (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP counting (PP on (NP (NP the income) (PP from (NP (NP Betty 's) estate)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP subsidize (NP him))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP None) (PP of (NP this))) (VP showed (PP-LOC in (NP his face)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP his skepticism) (PP in (NP hand))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP made (NP a point) (PP (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP frowning))) , (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP acting (PRT out) (NP (NP the part) (PP of (NP the fond father-confessor)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP it) (NP some thought))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP would n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-1 me) (VP to (VP say (INTJ yes) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (ADJP sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his intentions) (VP are (ADJP-PRD honorable)))))))))))))) , (SQ (VP would (VP *?*)) (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP made (NP a face) (PP at (NP him)))) (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP laughed)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP Of (NP course)) not '' .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP my references) (PP in (NP order))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Needham) (VP said (S *T*-2))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP spoke (PP with (NP a smile))))) , (NP-SBJ Casey) (ADVP somehow) (VP got (NP the idea (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was not (ADVP particularly) (VP amused (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stop (PRT by) (NP-TMP any time) , (NP-VOC Casey)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stood (ADVP-DIR up)) and (VP touched (NP (NP the girl 's) arm))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on) , (NP-VOC darling)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADVP really) (ADJP-PRD serious (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP working (PP on (NP that story))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP take (NP you) (ADVP-DIR home))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Casey) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP go)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP still) frowning (ADVP-MNR absently)) (CONJP and then) (VP dismissing (NP the matter) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP called (PP for (NP his check))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP-DIR out)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP Freddie) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the dinner) (VP was (ADJP-PRD perfect)))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP got (NP his hat and coat) (PP from (NP Nancy Parks))) and (VP put (NP a fifty-cent piece) (PP-PUT in (NP the slot))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP-2 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP went (PP toward (NP her dowry))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A taxi) (VP took (NP him) (PP-DIR (ADVP back) to (NP (NP the bar and grill) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP left (NP his car) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP (NP a few minutes) later) (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP a parking place) (PP-LOC across (NP (NP the street) (PP from (NP his apartment)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Because (S (NP-SBJ-1 his mind) (VP had (VP been (ADVP otherwise) (VP occupied (NP *-1) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP the past couple) (PP of (NP hours))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP did not (VP think (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP look) and (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jerry Burton 's) car) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP think (PP about (NP Jerry Burton)) (ADVP at all) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP entered (NP his living room)) and (VP closed (NP the door) (PP behind (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP Only then) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ his glance) (VP (VP focused (PP on (NP the divan))) and (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD empty))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , did (NP-SBJ he) (VP remember (NP his earlier problem)) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Even) from (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP neatly folded) blanket) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP spread (NP *T*-1) (PP over (NP Burton))))))) , (NP the pillow) , (NP (NP the sheet) (PP of (NP (NP paper) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP striding (PP-DIR across (NP the room)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ-1 his thoughts) (VP confused (NP *-1))) but (S (NP-SBJ the worry) (VP building (ADVP swiftly) (PP inside (NP him)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP snatched (PRT up) (NP the note))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-VOC Jack) : (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP-LOC in (NP the wastebasket))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP the only way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP beat (NP you) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP play (NP possum))))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a good try) , (NP-VOC kid))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP appreciate (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The wastebasket) (VP stood (PP-LOC near (NP the wall)) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP the divan))))) , and (S (NP-TMP (NP the instant) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Casey) (VP picked (NP it) (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The discarded papers) (ADVP-LOC inside)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD sodden))) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a glint) (PP of (NP liquid))) (PP-LOC at (NP the bottom)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the smell) (PP of (NP whisky))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD strong and distinct))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP put (NP the basket) (PRT down) (ADVP-MNR distastefully) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP (VP muttering (ADVP-MNR softly)) and (VP (ADVP thoroughly) disgusted (NP *-3) (PP with (NP (NP himself) and (NP (NP his plan) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD so foolproof)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered (ADVP too well) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP (VP brought (ADVP back) (NP the loaded drinks) (PP to (NP Burton))) (CONJP and then) (VP returned (PP to (NP the kitchen)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP weaker drinks) (PP for (NP himself)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP another second (QP or two))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (PRT in) (PP to (NP (NP the annoyance) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP was (VP directed (NP *-1) (PP at (NP himself)))))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ-4 his mind) (VP moved (PRT on) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-2 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP confronted (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP something) (ADJP (ADVP far more) serious))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the thought) (VP expanded))) , (NP-SBJ the implications) (VP jarred (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP mattered (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ Burton) (VP had (VP outsmarted (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The important thing) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Burton) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP-DIR somewhere) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet (NP a blackmailer)))) (PP with (NP (NP a gun) (PP-LOC in (NP his pocket))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ that gun) (VP was (ADJP-PRD empty)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) before (S (NP-SBJ his mind) (VP had (VP rounded (PRT out) (NP the idea))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP thrust (NP one hand) (PP into (NP his trousers pocket))) and (VP pulled (PRT out) (NP (NP the six slugs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP taken (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP the revolver))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP considered (NP them) (PP with (NP brooding eyes)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 brows) (VP bunched (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ his brain) (VP grappled (PP with (NP the problem)))))))) and (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (NP some solution)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said : `` (NP The crazy fool) '' , (ADVP half aloud)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP put (NP the shells) (PP-PUT on (NP the table)) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP bear (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hold (NP them))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought : (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 (WHADVP Where) (NP the hell)) (SQ could (NP-SBJ he) (VP have (VP gone (ADVP-DIR *T*-1)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ can (NP-SBJ I) (VP find (NP him) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no answer) (PP to (NP this))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pace (ADVP back and forth) (PP across (NP the room)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his imagination) (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP control))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP himself) (SBAR that (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ-2 Burton) (VP had (VP sobered (PRT up) (ADVP enough (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP some sense))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (ADVP only) intended (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP scare (NP (NP the blackmailer) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whoever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) , (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which case)) (S (NP-SBJ an unloaded gun) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD good enough) (PP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP other possibilities) , (NP (NP none) (PP of (NP them)) (ADJP satisfactory)))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP finally) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP think)) , (VP to (VP wonder (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP some way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP reach (NP Burton) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (PP-DIR toward (NP the telephone))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP rang (ADVP-MNR shrilly) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shatter (NP (NP the stillness) (PP-LOC in (NP the room)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (PP for (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR eagerly))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yeah) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Casey '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yeah '' .)) (TOP (NP `` Tony Calenda '' .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Casey) (VP heard (NP the voice) (ADVP-MNR distinctly))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-3))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP-1 him) (NP-TMP a while) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP make (NP the mental readjustment)) and (VP control (NP (NP the disturbance) (PP-LOC inside (NP his head))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ Calenda) (VP say : `` (FRAG (WHNP What) (PP about (NP (NP that picture) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP took (NP *T*-4) (NP-TMP this afternoon))))))) '' ? ?))))) (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP took (NP-1 him) (NP-TMP another few seconds) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remember (NP (NP the job) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (NP *T*-5) (PP for (NP Frank Ackerly))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (WHNP-TPC-1 What picture '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP demanded (WHNP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP took (NP (NP a picture) (PP of (NP (NP me) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP Washington and Blake))))))) (NP-TMP (NP (ADVP about) three thirty) (NP this afternoon))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP says (ADVP so))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` (NP One) (PP of (NP my boys)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Casey) (VP believed (NP that much)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Calenda) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP the sort) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP walked (ADVP around) (SBAR-ADV without (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP his `` boys ''))) (ADJP-PRD close (PP at (NP hand)))))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` So '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (PP With (S-NOM (NP-SBJ my trial) (VP coming (PRT up) (PP in (NP Federal Court)) (NP-TMP next week)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-1 that picture) (VP published (NP *-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-2 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP 's (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP published (NP *-1))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (ADVP even) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP get (ADVP around)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Under (NP normal circumstances)) (NP-SBJ Casey) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) fussy) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP told (NP him) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP pictures) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP taken (NP *T*-2))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Even so) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP generally) (VP (VP listened) and (VP was (ADVP usually) (ADJP-PRD reasonable (PP to (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP voiced (NP their objections) (ADVP-MNR properly))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Right now) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD too worried (PP about (NP (NP Jerry Burton) , and (NP (NP the gun) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP no bullets))))) , and (NP (NP the story) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Burton) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (NP *T*-2)))))) ,)) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP care (ADVP too much) (PP about (NP Tony Calenda))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His nerves) (VP were (VP getting (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) ragged)))) and (S (NP-SBJ his impatience) (VP put (NP an edge) (PP-PUT in (NP his voice)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP hired (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP a picture)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (NP it)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP *T*-1)))) (PP about (NP it))))) and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP care (NP *T*-2))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP tell (NP (NP the guy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP hired (NP you))))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-2)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP tell (NP him)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 All right) '' , (NP-SBJ Calenda) (VP said (ADJP *T*-1)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his voice) (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD quiet)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP meant (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-1)))) , (NP-VOC Casey))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (S (NP-SBJ that picture) (VP gets (ADVP around))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP it)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP send (S (NP-SBJ (NP a couple) (PP of (NP my boys))) (ADVP around) (VP to (VP see (NP you))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP do (NP that))) '' , (NP-SBJ Casey) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP Just) (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP send (NP your two best boys))))) , (NP-VOC Tony)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP hung (PRT up) (PP with (NP a bang)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP (VP annoyed (NP *-2) (PP at (NP himself)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP running (PRT off) (PP at (NP the mouth)) (PP like (NP that)))))) but (VP (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP terribly) concerned (NP *-2) (PP with (NP (NP the situation) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP create (NP *T*-4)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP As soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP think (ADVP-MNR logically) (ADVP again)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP reached (PP for (NP the telephone directory))) and (VP found (NP (NP Jerry Burton 's) home number))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP dialed (NP it)) and (VP listened (SBAR to (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP ring (NP ten times)))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hung (PRT up)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP called (NP (NP the bar and grill) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP picked (NP Burton) (PRT up) (NP-TMP that afternoon) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP had (VP seen (NP Burton) (PP-TMP since (ADVP then)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP three other places) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (NP-PRD possibilities))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP Each time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (NP the same answer))) and (S (PP in (NP the end)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP smoked (NP three cigarettes) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP calmed (PRT down))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP done (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP *?* (NP *T*-1))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD that))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP anyway) (NP-SBJ Burton) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (PP of (NP guy)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (PP-PRD in (NP trouble)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 (ADVP even) when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD drunk) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) , (NP Casey) ,) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD scared) (PP-TMP for (NP a while))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP had (VP come (ADVP mostly) (PP from (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD responsible))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP should (VP have (VP (VP stayed (ADVP-LOC here)) and (VP watched (NP Burton))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP He) (VP did n't) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP a mistake)) .)) (TOP (FRAG So (WHNP what) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP telling (NP himself) (NP this))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP went (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP the kitchen))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (NP a drink)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP Only then) did (NP-SBJ he) (VP decide (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP want (NP one)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP opening (NP (NP a can) (PP of (NP beer)))))) but (VP vetoed (NP that idea) (ADVP too))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Finally) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the bedroom))) and (VP sat (ADVP-DIR down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (PRT off) (NP his shoes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP finished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP unlacing (NP the right one))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the telephone) (VP rang (ADVP again) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP snatched (NP it) (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ (NP the voice) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (PP to (NP him)))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quick and urgent)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Casey) ? ? (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP know (NP me)))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP you))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP a picture)))) (NP-SBJ *) (VP get (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP Adams and Clark)))) (ADVP (ADVP just as fast) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP hurry))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (VP beat (NP the headquarters boys))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Casey) (VP heard (NP (NP the click) (PP of (NP the distant receiver)))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP open (NP his mouth)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP-1 him) (NP-TMP (QP no more than three) seconds) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP his decision)))))) .)) (TOP (S For (PP-TMP over (NP the years)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP received (NP many such calls))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP them))) (VP came (PP from (NP (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP identified (NP themselves))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP telephoned (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (NP them) (NP a favor) (PP-TMP in (NP the past))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Others) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP expected (NP (NP some sort) (PP of (NP (NP reward) (PP for (NP the information)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A few) (VP passed (PRT along) (NP a tip) (PP-PRP for (NP the simple reason (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP liked (NP him)) and (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP him) (NP a break))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Only an occasional tip) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a phony)))))) , and , (S (S (PP like (NP the police)) , (NP-SBJ-2 Casey) (VP had (VP made (NP a point) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP running (PRT down) (NP all such suggestions))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP hesitate (NP-TMP this time))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP his car)) (PP with (NP his camera and equipment bag)) (PP-TMP in (NP (QP less than two) minutes)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP-1 him) (NP-TMP (QP only three) more) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP reach (NP (NP the corner) , (NP-LOC (NP a block) (PP from (NP Columbus Avenue))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a district) (PP of (NP (NP small factories) and (NP loft buildings) and (NP occasional tenements)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP the police radio car) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP rounded (NP the corner)) and (VP slammed (PP on (NP the brakes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP bother (PP with (NP his radio))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP time) (PP for (NP that))) (ADVP-TMP later)))) -- but (S (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP scrambled (PP-DIR out (PP on (NP the pavement)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP saw (NP (NP the filling station) and (NP the public telephone booth))) and (VP knew (ADVP instantly) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP summoned (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The police car) (VP had (VP pulled (PRT up) (PP-LOC behind (NP a small sedan)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its headlights) (ADVP still) (ADJP-PRD on)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Slowly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP pulled (PRT out) (NP the hand throttle) (SBAR-ADV until (S (NP-SBJ the boat) (VP was (VP moving (PP at (NP (NP little more) (PP than (NP a crawl))))))))) , and (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR rapidly) spin (PP from (NP one station)) (PP to (NP another))) , (VP tune (PRT in) (NP the null)) , (ADVP then) (VP draw (PRT in) (NP a line) (PP-LOC on (NP the chart))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD out) (ADVP (NP just a little) too far)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Make (NP a 90 degree) (PP (ADVP straight) for (NP shore))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Poet) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP raising (NP his eyebrows) (ADVP-MNR appreciatively) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP Elaine))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TMP-TPC-1 Now) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Pretty quick) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP replied (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP drop (NP the anchor)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP (VP nodded) , (VP swung (ADVP-DIR below)) and (VP (ADVP-TMP (NP a moment) later) emerged (PP from (NP (NP the forward hatch) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the anchor) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The rock and roll music) (VP coming (PP from (NP the radio station)))) (VP (ADVP-TMP suddenly) faded (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the boat) (VP coasted (PP into (NP the null)) (PP on (NP the A[fj])))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Reverse)) '' , (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) , (ADVP then) (VP peered (PP through (NP (NP the loop) (PP of (NP the RDF))))) and (VP waved (PP to (NP Poet)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A second) later) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP came (PP behind (NP the wheel))) and (VP backed (PRT off) (NP the anchor line) (SBAR-ADV until (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP set (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the ocean floor)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP cut (NP the engines))) and (S (ADVP-MNR slowly) (NP-SBJ the cruiser) (VP swung (ADVP-DIR around) (PP on (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP its lines)))) (SBAR-ADV until (S (S (NP-SBJ its bow) (VP was (VP pointing (PP-DIR into (NP the wind))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the cockpit) (VP faced (PP-DIR toward (NP the shore)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP watched (NP her) (ADVP-MNR somewhat enviously) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR efficiently) cut (NP the engines)) , and (VP started (NP the auxiliary motor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Poet) (VP came (PP-DIR up (PP from (ADVP below))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wearing (NP new bathing trunks)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The price tag) (VP hung (PP from (NP the belt)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP pulled (NP it) (PRT off) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP entered (NP the chartroom))))) and (VP looked (PP at (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR curiously)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP had (VP bought (NP them))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP nothing))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ Nobody) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP was (VP saying (NP anything))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were all (PP-PRD under (NP a spell)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP should (VP be (NP-PRD an excited conversation) , (SBAR-PRP for (SINV (PP-PRD-LOC-TPC-1 (ADVP somewhere) , (ADVP directly) below (NP them)) , (VP was (PP-PRD-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a treasure) (VP lost (NP *) (PP-TMP for (NP (QP more than four hundred) years))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP instead of (NP chatter)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a null) , (PP like (PP on (NP the radio direction finder))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) , (PP-LOC in (NP New York)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP gone (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP flying (PP with (NP some friends)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a small private airplane) (PP with (NP a single engine)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had all (VP been (VP laughing , joking , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (ADVP-TMP suddenly) (NP-SBJ the engine) (VP had (VP failed (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP had (VP screamed)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP had (VP prayed)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 All) (VP had (VP fallen (PP into (NP a complete silence)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP listening (SBAR to (S (NP-SBJ the wind) (VP whistle (PP over (NP the wings))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The pilot) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD good))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP landed (NP the plane) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a small airstrip) (PP-LOC in (NP Connecticut))))))) and (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the aircraft) (VP had (VP coasted (PP to (NP a stop))))))) , (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP had (VP burst (PP into (NP chatter)) (PP-TMP at (NP the same moment))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP tension) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC in (NP the plane)) (PP-TMP during (NP the silent descent)) ; ; (NP-1 (NP a tension) (ADJP similar (PP to (NP (NP the one) (ADVP-TMP now))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-LOC in (NP the plane)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a concrete reason) (PP for (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (PP-TMP at (NP this moment)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP should (VP be (NP-PRD none) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ skin diving) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP much more) dangerous) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP led (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP believe)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ tension) (VP existed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The same taut-nerved relationship) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD between (NP (NP the passengers) (PP-LOC on (NP the plane))))))))) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP strained (PP at (NP (NP the three) (PP of (NP them)))) (ADVP-LOC here (PP on (NP the boat)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP hung (PP over (NP them)) (PP like (NP a cloud)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its arrival) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as sudden) (PP as (NP (NP a cloud) (VP skidding (PP over (NP the sun)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Silently) , (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP (VP picked (PRT up) (NP her keys) (PP from (NP the table))) and (VP went (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the cockpit))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Poet) (PP-LOC-PRD behind (NP her))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP trailing (PP-LOC behind (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP threw (ADVP back) (NP (NP a cushion) (PP-LOC over (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the seats)))))) , (VP unlocked (NP (NP a padlock) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the chest) (PP-LOC beneath (NP it)))))) , (ADVP then) (VP (ADVP presently) straightened , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP holding (NP (NP a long knife) and (NP a (ADJP wicked looking) spear gun)) (PP-LOC in (NP her hand)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP whistled (ADVP-MNR softly) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (PP at (NP the gun)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Hydraulic) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (NP-PRD the best)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP kicked (NP-1 the locker lid) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD shut))) and (VP replaced (NP the cushion))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (NP-PRD the (ADJP most efficient))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 And (NP the deadliest)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP commented (FRAG *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP buckled (PRT on) (NP his tank harness)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP need (NP an arsenal) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ-3 Nick) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) , (ADVP-MNR apprehensively) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP staring (PP at (NP the weapon))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD quite possible) (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP than (NP codfish))) (PP-LOC down (ADVP there)) , (NP-VOC man)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP replied (S *T*-2) (PP with (NP a short , nervous laugh)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP held (NP the harness) (PP for (NP Elaine)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A moment) later) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP moving (ADVP-MNR awkwardly) (PP-PRP because of (NP the swimming fins)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the gun)) , (VP handed (NP the knife) (PP to (NP Poet))) , (ADVP then) (VP rolled (PP-DIR off (NP (NP the transom) (PP of (NP the boat)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ back) (ADVP-PRD first)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP (VP nodded (PP to (NP Nick))) and (VP entered (NP the water) (PP-MNR in (NP a similar fashion)))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP-TMP Another moment) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP sight))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving (ADVP-LOC behind) (NP (NP only a string) (PP of (NP bubbles))) (PP as (NP (NP a clue) (PP to (NP their whereabouts)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a while)) (NP-SBJ-2 Nick) (VP followed (NP (NP the twisting course) (PP of (NP the bubbles))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHNP-1 which set) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (PP from (NP Elaine)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP remained (ADVP-LOC-PRD close together) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ their air trail) (VP wiggling (PP like (NP (NP serpents) (VP traveling (NP (NP side) (PP by (NP side))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Eventually) (NP-SBJ the bubbles) (VP became (ADJP-PRD lost (PP in (NP (NP the sparkle) (PP of (NP the ocean surface)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP rolled (ADVP over) (PP on (NP his back)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Clasping (NP his hands) (PP-LOC behind (NP his head)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP stared (PP at (NP the blue sky))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (PP (ADVP quite) like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD alone) (PP-LOC on (NP a boat)) (PP-LOC on (NP the ocean))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alfredo) (ADVP certainly) (VP must (VP have (VP enjoyed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (ADJP-PRD alone)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Next (PP to (NP the ocean))) , (ADVP probably) (NP-SBJ the loneliest spot) (VP was (NP-PRD the desert)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP Elaine 's) uncle) (VP had (VP stuck (PP to (NP (NP this desire) (PP for (NP aloneness)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP probably) (VP would (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (ADJP-PRD alive))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ-1 Alfredo) (VP (VP wanted (NP money)) (VP wanted (NP money) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP roam (PP through (NP the deserts))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 Graham) (VP wanted (NP money) (ADVP probably) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP roam (PP among (NP (NP the dice tables) (PP-LOC in (NP Las Vegas)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP an odd combination) (NP a strange pair)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP stumble (PP upon (NP (NP the wreck) (PP of (NP the Trinidad)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Graham) (VP had n't (VP stumbled (PP on (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (NP-ADV (QP Two to three) weeks) prior (PP to (NP (NP the charter) (PP of (NP the Virginia))))) , (NP-SBJ Graham) (VP had (VP been (VP snooping (PP around (NP the San Luis Rey Mission))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The small helicopter) (PP with (NP its two steel skids))) (VP churned (ADVP-LOC offshore))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Nick) (VP raised (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP watch (NP it) (VP heading (ADVP-DIR south))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a hell) (PP of (NP a note))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A couple) (VP could n't (ADVP even) (VP find (NP (NP a secluded spot) (PP-LOC (ADVP anywhere) on (NP a beach)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP neck (ADVP-TMP nowadays) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ someone) (VP swooping (PRT down) (PP upon (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP the character) (VP flying (NP that thing))) (VP had (VP gone (PP-DIR over (NP San Clemente Island)) (NP-TMP yesterday))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP had (NP an eyeful)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADJP-LOC Off (PP to (NP the west))) (S (NP-SBJ a beautiful schooner) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR slowly) beat (NP its way) (PP-DIR into (NP the wind))) , (VP headed (PP on (NP (NP a tack) (PP toward (NP San Clemente))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Behind (NP it)) (NP-SBJ a cabin cruiser) (VP drifted (ADVP crossways) (PP-LOC in (NP the small ground-swell)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ a lone fisherman) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the chair) (ADVP-LOC aft))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fisherman) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP right) in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the Deep))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP recalled (NP stories (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the two best fishing spots) (PP-LOC in (NP Southern California))) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD over (NP (NP (NP the La Jolla Deep) and (NP the Redondo Deep)) , (NP (NP two spots) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the ocean) (VP dropped (PRT off) (PP to (NP fantastic depths)) (PP (ADVP almost) from (NP the shoreline)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (ADVP-TMP Someday) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ geologists) (VP had (VP warned (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the land) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP both sides) (PP of (NP these deeps))))) (VP would (VP fall (PP-DIR into (NP the ocean))))) and (FRAG (ADVP no more) (NP (NP La Jolla) or (NP Redondo Beach))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Meanwhile) , (NP-SBJ-1 fishermen) (VP took (NP (NP advantage) (PP of (NP them))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pull (PRT up) (NP whoppers))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ the fish) (VP exploded (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP neared (NP the surface)))) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP the difference) (PP in (NP pressure))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ-1 (WHADVP Why) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wondered (SBARQ *T*-1))) ,) (SQ had (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADVP-PRD-LOC along (PP on (NP this trip)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could n't (VP skindive))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP run (NP a boat) , (PP except (PP on (NP the open sea)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stood (PRT up)) , (VP stretched) , (VP looked (ADVP around) (PP for (NP the bubbles))) , but (VP could (VP see (NP none)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Strolling (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the galley))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP lit (NP (NP the butane) (PP-LOC under (NP the coffee pot)))) and (VP (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the brew) (VP was (VP heated (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , poured (NP-BNF himself) (NP a cup)) and (VP went (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the chartroom))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Turning (PRT on) (NP the hi-fi))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the cockpit))) , (VP stretched (PRT out) (PP-LOC on (NP the cushions))) and (VP listened (PP to (NP the music)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Elaine and Poet) (VP returned (ADVP together) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP popping (ADVP-DIR up) (PP-LOC over (NP the transom)) (PP (ADVP almost) like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ dolphins) (VP breaking (NP water))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP sat (PRT up)) and (VP watched (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP pulled (NP themselves) (PP over (NP the stern))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Any luck) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Poet) (VP shook (NP his head) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sliding (NP his face mask) (PP up (PP on (NP his forehead)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP right) on (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the Deep)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Pulling (PRT off) (NP her face mask))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR carefully) placed (NP the spear gun) (PP-LOC across (NP the stern))) , (ADVP then) (VP lifted (NP her wet hair) (PP from (NP her back))) and (VP squeezed (PRT out) (NP the water))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TPC-3 (WHNP-1 Which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD a break) (SBAR-PRP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP the area) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP search (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (QP less than a) square mile))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP added (SBAR *T*-3) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP swung (NP her legs) (PP over (NP the transom)))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Any news '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (NP a thing) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP tossed (NP her) (NP a towel)) , (ADVP then) (VP repeated (NP the service) (PP for (NP Poet)))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Cigarette '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP shook (NP her head) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP slipped (PP out (PP of (NP her harness)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP nodded)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His feet) (ADVP still) (VP hung (PP over (NP (NP the stern) (PP of (NP the transom)))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (PP for (NP the smoke))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP raised (NP them) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP swing (NP them) (ADVP-DIR in)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The fin) (PP-LOC on (NP his foot))) (VP caught (PP on (NP the moulding)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP throwing (NP him) (PP off (NP balance))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His forearm) (VP smashed (ADVP-MNR painfully) (PP into (NP the narrow washboard)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP grimaced (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP grabbed (NP his bruised limb) (PP with (NP his other hand)))))) and (VP rolled (PP-DIR into (NP the boat))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Kee-reist '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The word) (VP hissed (ADVP-MNR distinctly) (PP from (NP (NP Poet 's) lips)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP struggled (PP to (NP his feet)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nick 's) body) (VP became (ADJP-PRD rigid)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Turning (ADVP-MNR slowly))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP saw (NP Poet) (PP in (NP (NP a brilliant glare) (PP of (NP horror))))) .)) (TOP (NP Poet ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His face) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP creased (NP *-1) (PP in (NP pain)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP studied (NP (NP the underside) (PP of (NP his arm)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Poet) (NP a murderer) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Turning (ADVP-MNR quickly) (PP-DIR toward (NP Elaine)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Nick) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) , (ADVP too) , (VP stood (PP in (NP shocked surprise)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sudden silence) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too silent)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Instinctively aware (PP of (NP the charged atmosphere)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Poet) (VP raised (NP his head) (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (ADVP first) (PP at (NP Elaine))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP caught (NP (NP the implication) (PP of (NP the oath))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her face) (VP was (VP-2 frozen (NP *-1) (PP into (NP (NP the mask) (PP of (NP a mannequin))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 her body) (ADJP-PRD=2 absolutely motionless)) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP them)) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP knew (NP-1 Elaine , himself and Poet))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP recovered (ADVP first) , (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so quickly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (VP imagined (NP her sudden reaction))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP need (NP a bandage)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (ADVP-MNR steadily)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP rubbed (NP his arm)) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP banging (NP a shin)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1))) , (S (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP (VP lingered (PP on (NP (NP Nick 's) face))) , (ADVP then) (VP moved (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP Elaine))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hurts (PP like (NP hell)) (PP-TMP for (NP a second)))) , (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP disappears)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP some ointment))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP (VP turned) and (VP started (PP-DIR toward (NP the companionway)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 her walk) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP too steady) , (ADJP too slow)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP telegraphing (NP her fear)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP sensed (NP it)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 So) (VP did (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Poet) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Springing (PP like (NP a cat)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP leaped (ADVP-DIR back)) , (VP swooped (PRT up) (NP the spring gun)) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP whirling)) , pointed (NP it) (PP toward (NP the cabin)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same instant)) , (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP (VP hit (NP the barrel)) and (VP threw (NP himself) (PP upon (NP the smaller man)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The gun) (VP fired (PP-LOC next (PP to (NP his ear))) (PP with (NP (NP a vicious whoosh) (PP like (NP (NP the first stroke) (PP of (NP an old steam engine))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same instant)) , (NP-SBJ Elaine) (VP screamed (ADVP-MNR wildly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the sound) (VP ending (ADVP abruptly) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP went (PP-DIR (PP off (NP the boat)) and (PP into (NP the water))) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP the frantic , struggling Poet)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP The moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the sea) (VP closed (PP over (NP Nick)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ some atavistic sense) (VP warned (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP survive (PP-LOC in (NP this alien element)) (SBAR-ADV (ADVP only) if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP panic))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the murderer) (SBAR (WHPP-1 to (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP clung (PP *T*-1))))) (VP had (NP a tremendous advantage)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The wide flippers) (PP on (NP (NP Poet 's) feet))) (VP gave (NP his legs) (NP incredible power) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP driving (NP (NP the two) (PP of (NP them))) (ADVP-DIR down) (PP into (NP the water)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP rolled (ADVP over and over))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP was (NP-PRD the captured) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 arms) (VP pinioned (NP *-1) (PP to (NP his side)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP twisted (ADVP-MNR convulsively) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP escape))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP would (VP escape (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP thought (ADVP-MNR grimly) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wore (NP (NP the apparatus) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD alive)) (PP-LOC under (NP water)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 Nick) (VP would not (VP let (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP go)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The rubber and glass face mask) (VP (VP slipped (PP from (NP (NP Poet 's) forehead))) , (VP bounced (ADVP-MNR painlessly) (PP off (NP (NP Nick 's) chin))) , (ADVP then) (VP disappeared)) .)) (TOP (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP twisted (ADVP again))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nick 's) knuckles) (VP scraped (PP on (NP the air tank)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ripping (PRT off) (NP the skin))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP a split second)) , (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP relaxed (NP his grip))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Poet 's) slippery body) (VP spun (ADVP completely around) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 Nick) (VP could (VP stop (NP him) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP holding (NP him) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP from (NP the rear)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Something) (VP flailed (PP at (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP (NP Nick 's) head)))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP rolled (ADVP around and around))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ-1 Poet) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP struggling)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the two) (PP of (NP them))) (VP hung (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP (VP suspended (NP *-3) (PP-LOC in (NP the water))) , (VP not rising) , (VP not sinking))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A sharp pain) (VP lanced (PP across (NP (NP Nick 's) chest)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a bubble) (PP of (NP air))) (VP escaped (PP from (NP his tortured lungs)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP joining (NP (NP dozens) (PP of (NP others)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP sailed (ADVP-MNR lazily) (PP-DIR toward (NP the surface)) (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ helium balloons) (VP rising (PP-DIR into (NP the sky))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A black , snake-like object) (VP swayed (ADVP-MNR eerily) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP spewing (NP bubbles) (PP from (NP its flat cobra head))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The air hose) (VP was (ADJP-PRD free)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The discovery) (VP struck (NP Nick) (PP like (NP a blow))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Desperately) , (NP-SBJ-1 Nick) (VP flashed (NP one hand) (ADVP-DIR up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP catching (NP (NP Poet 's) neck) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the bend) (PP of (NP his elbow))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same instant)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP grabbed (NP the loose , writhing hose) (PP with (NP his other hand))) and (VP bit (PRT down) (PP on (NP the hard rubber mouthpiece)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Instinctively) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP exhaled (PP through (NP his nose))) (ADVP then) (VP sucked (PRT in) (NP (NP the air) (PP from (NP the hose))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP once)) (NP-SBJ (NP the excruciating pain) (PP-LOC in (NP his chest))) (VP stopped)) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP seized (NP *-1) (PP with (NP a sudden , wild exultation))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV As if (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD a signal)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Poet) (ADVP abruptly) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP thrash (NP the water)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the quick movement) (VP (ADVP-MNR slowly) made (NP them) (VP sink (PP through (NP the water))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Relentlessly) , (NP-SBJ Nick) (VP held (PRT on) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP sucking (PP on (NP the hose))) , (VP inhaling (NP (NP the air) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP belonged (PP to (NP Poet)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Poet) (VP was not (VP fighting (NP Nick) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Harbor Point) (VP sticks (PP out (PP into (NP the ocean))) (PP like (NP (NP the fat neck) (PP of (NP a steamer clam))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD a rich village) (NAC but (ADVP not much (PP for (NP action)))) -- (NP-ADV (NP (ADJP too many) solid residents) , (NP not enough tourists or working stiffs))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP (NP the far end) (PP of (NP the county)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the last time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (VP was (PP-PRP-PRD for (NP a (ADJP hit and run) manslaughter)) -- (ADVP-TMP (NP about seven months) ago))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Chief Bob Moore) (VP looked (NP-PRD (NP his same hick-self) ; ; (NP (NP a man mountain) (VP running (PP to (NP lard)) (PP-TMP in (NP his middle-age)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Seeing (NP me))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP said (PP with (NP real surprise)) , `` (SQ (INTJ Well) , (INTJ well) , ai n't (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP honored (NP *-2)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (ADVP Hardly) expected (S (NP-SBJ (NP the head) (PP of (NP County Homicide))) (ADVP-PRD up) (PP-PRP for (NP this murder)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP sure) (VP climbed (ADVP-MNR fast) , (NP-VOC Jed)) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (NP Rookie investigator) (NP-TMP last summer)) and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD Inspector Jed))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Took (NP-1 me) (NP-TMP 19 years) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP Chief) (PP of (NP our three man police force))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Proves (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a college education) (VP pays (PRT off))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His sarcasm) (VP was (VP followed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a stupid grin) (PP of (NP (NP his thick mouth) and (NP bad teeth))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP helps))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP paying (NP no attention) (PP to (NP his ribbing))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Never) (VP could (VP figure (PRT out) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (ADVP ever) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a cop)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))) , (NP-VOC Jed))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (CONJP not only) (ADJP-PRD young))) but (S (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (ADVP even) (VP look (PP like (NP a police officer))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP A runt) (PP with (NP (NP narrow shoulders) and (NP that brush haircut))))) (INTJ hell) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 'd (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP a juvenile delinquent) (PP of (NP the hotrod set)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP my day)) (NP-SBJ (NP the first requirement) (PP for (NP a cop))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (UCP-PRD (PP like (NP the law)) , (ADJP big and tough)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Man) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP my 275 pounds) and (NP six-four)) (VP comes (ADVP along) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (INTJ why) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the same) (PP as (NP another badge)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP say (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP move)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ a guy) (VP moves) '' ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP worry (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ my) (VP being (ADJP-PRD tough)))) , (NP-VOC Moore))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Also) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP far too) early) (PP in (NP the day)) (PP for (NP (NP corny lines) (PP like (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP the bigger) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP come (ADVP *T*-1))))))))))))) (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP had (NP your gassy lecture)))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP get (PP to (NP work)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the murdered woman) (NP Mrs. Buck)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Widow) , (NP (NP nice sort) (PP of (NP woman))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP-MNR Comfortably) (VP fixed (NP *-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ran (NP a fair-sized farm)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Came (PP-DIR to (NP the Harbor)) (PP as (NP a bride)))) and (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP worry (NP-VOC Jed)))) , (S (NP-SBJ this one) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP the bag))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP know (NP the killer)) , (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the only road) (PP off (NP the peninsula))) (VP covered (NP *-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Yeah) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP passed (NP your road block) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR in)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sitting (PP-LOC on (NP his polished desk))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ Bob) (VP dressed (PP like (NP a slob))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP kept (NP a neat office)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (INTJ Okay) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-TMP (NP About nine) (NP this morning)) (NP-SBJ Mrs. Buck) (VP phones (NP me))) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (VP having (NP (NP (NP trouble) (PP with (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP her farm hands))))) -- (NP money trouble))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Colored fellow) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Tim Williams)))) -- (NP (NP only hand) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP working (PP for (NP her)))) (ADVP-TMP now))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP come (PP with (NP (NP the migratory workers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP follow (NP the crops) (PP-DIR up (PP from (NP the South))) (NP-TMP last year)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP Tim) and (NP his wife)) (VP settled (ADVP-LOC here))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (ADVP-TMP Never) (VP had (NP (NP no trouble) (PP with (NP him))) (ADVP-TMP before)) , (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (NP-PRD a hard worker) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP hustling (ADVP around) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP a full week 's) work))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyway) , (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP asks (NP-1 me) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP-UNF to))) . '')) (TOP (NP `` Julia '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on) , (NP-VOC Inspector))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP look (ADJP-PRD alive))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP Julia Buck) , (NP the deceased)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Moore) (VP said (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP slipping (NP me) (NP his smug , idiot-grin) (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP asks (NP-1 me) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP sound (ADJP-PRD real alarmed) (PRN (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)) ,) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD any immediate danger)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP got (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-TMP at (NP 9:47 A.M.))) , (VP found (S (NP-SBJ-1 her) (VP strangled (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP have (VP come (ADVP-TMP sooner) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP known))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP No doubt) (PP about (S (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP being (NP-PRD the killer))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP a witness))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the County) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP send (NP anybody) (PP-DIR up (ADVP here))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Told (NP them) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP handle (NP this)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yeah) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP seems (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP a nice package) , (SBAR with (S (NP-SBJ-1 all the strings) (VP tied (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP-UNF 's)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP collar (NP Tim) (PP-TMP before (NP night)))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD your witness))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP (EDITED (VP-UNF had) --) has -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP an old Indian woman) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP cooking (PP for (NP her)) -- (NP-1 Nellie Harris)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Probably) (NP (NP the last) (PP of (NP the original Island Indians))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nellie) (VP (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the kitchen))) , (VP had (ADVP-TMP just) (VP come (PP to (NP work)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP arguing (PP with (NP Julia)) (PP-LOC in (NP the living room)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Swears (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP recognized (NP his voice)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP yelled , ' (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD my money))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP it)))) '))))) ! !)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ *) (VP rushed (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the house)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP phone (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nellie) (VP went (PRT on) (PP with (NP her house work)) -- (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ Julia) (ADJP-PRD dead)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP it)))) , (NP-SBJ Nellie) (VP ai n't (ADJP-PRD near strong enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (VP strangled (NP Julia))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD no doubt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this Tim) (VP (VP sneaked (ADVP-DIR back)) and (VP killed (NP Mrs. Buck))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Another fact) : (S (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP 's (VP disappeared -- (PP on (NP the run))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP no way) (PP off (NP the Point)) (PP except (PP through (NP my road block))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP the body))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP have (NP her) (PP-LOC up (NP the street)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Doc Abel 's) office)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP see (NP it)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP walked (PP-DIR (PP up (NP Main Street)) (PP to (NP this big white house)) , (ADVP then) (PP (ADVP around) to (NP the back)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Being (NP-PRD (NP the Harbor 's) sole doctor))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Abel) (VP was (ADVP also) (NP-PRD its Medical Examiner)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The corpse) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP a table)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP covered (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS a sheet))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Doc Abel) (VP was (ADJP-PRD busy) (PP-LOC up (NP front)) (PP with (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP his live patients))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Pulling (ADVP-DIR back) (NP the sheet))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP examined (NP (NP the bruises) (PP-LOC around (NP (NP Julia Buck 's) (ADJP once slender) throat)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Powerful hands) (VP had (VP killed (NP her))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Find (NP any prints)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Chief Moore) (VP (VP shook (NP his big head)) , (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD lost (PP in (NP thought))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stared (PP at (NP the nude body))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Never) (VP noticed (NP it) (ADVP-TMP before) (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP dressed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) but (S (PP for (NP (NP a woman) (NP her age))) , (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP had (NP a (ADJP real fine) figure)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP dropped (NP the sheet)) , (VP glanced (PP at (NP my watch)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD almost one))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP had (NP lunch)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ this) (ADJP-PRD over with)))))) , (VP had (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP paper work)) (VP waiting (PP-LOC in (NP my own office)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) , `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP see (NP the Buck house))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Sure '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Walking (PP (ADVP back) down (NP Main Street)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP (NP the Harbor 's) one squad car) (PP-LOC at (NP the road block)))) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP ride (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-LOC in (NP my car)))))) '') .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Naw) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP use (NP mine)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Moore) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP opening (NP (NP the door) (PP of (NP a sleek white Jaguar roadster)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP slid (ADVP-DIR in) (PP-LOC beside (NP him))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (FRAG (NP Some heap) , (INTJ hey))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Got (NP (NP a heck) (PP of (NP a buy))) (PP on (NP this)))) , (FRAG (ADJP dirt cheap)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Yeah) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD a real load))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (PP up (NP the street)) (PP at (NP my battered Ford))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Five racing minutes) later) (NP-SBJ we) (VP pulled (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the driveway) (PP of (NP this typical two-story house)))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the Jaguar) (VP stopped (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP swallow))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a garage) and (NP a modern barn)) (PP-LOC in (NP the rear)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP it))) (VP standing (PP-LOC between (NP (NP two large flat fields) (VP planted (NP *) (PP in (NP early potatoes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everything) (VP shouted (NP (NP gentleman farming) , (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP grandfather-father-to-son folding money)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Point) (VP is (VP known (NP *-1) (PP for (NP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The fins) (PP of (NP a Caddy))) (VP were (VP sticking (PP out (PP of (NP the garage))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ (NP the inside) (PP of (NP the house))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a comfortable mixture) (PP of (NP (ADJP old and expensive) contemporary furniture)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nellie Harris) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD old))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ancient))) -- (NP-1 (NP a tiny shriveled woman) (PP with (NP (NP a face) (PP like (NP a tan prune))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD stone deaf (PP in (NP her right ear)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-MNR calmly) (VP repeated (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Moore) (VP had (VP told (NP me) (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked , `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 Why) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP go (PP-DIR into (NP the living room)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Buck) (VP was (ADVP-PRD *T*-2))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3)))) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The old gal) (VP (VP stared (PP at (NP me)) (PP with (NP her hard eyes))) , (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (VP call))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP the living room) (ADVP-TMP last)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR up stairs)) and (VP did (NP (NP the bath) and (NP her bedroom)) -- (NP-MNR (NP way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP do (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (VP Have (NP *ICH*-2)) (NP-SBJ you) (NP-2 (NP any idea) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP this Tim) and (NP Mrs. Buck)) (VP were (VP arguing (PP about (NP *T*-1))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Probably) (NP wages) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Julia) (VP was (NP-PRD a hard woman) (PP with (NP a dollar))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Years) ago) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP put (NP me) (PP-PUT in (NP Social Security)) , (SBAR-PRP so 's (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP working (ADVP-TMP now)))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Miss Julia) (VP threatened (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP fire (NP me)))) -- (SBAR-PRP (ADVP all) because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP mean (NP (NP (QP a few more) dollars) (NP-ADV a year)) (PP to (NP her))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP return))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ No) (NP-VOC sir) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP came (PP-TMP until (NP Chief Moore))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drummed (PP on (NP the kitchen table)) (PP with (NP my pencil))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ Mrs. Buck) (VP have (NP any men friends)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` Her '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The wrinkled mouth) (VP laughed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP revealing (NP (ADJP astonishingly strong) , white , teeth)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP see (NP none)) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP But then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (NP-PRD her social secretary)) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Was (NP-SBJ she) (PP-PRD on (NP (NP friendly terms) (PP with (NP (NP other members) (PP of (NP her family)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Did n't (VP have (NP no family) -- (PP-LOC around (ADVP here)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (NP (NP a son) -- (VP killed (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP the war))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP walked (PP-DIR into (NP the living room))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 There) (VP did n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP any signs) (PP of (NP a struggle)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP Moore)) ,)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ does (NP-SBJ (NP Tim 's) wife) (VP live (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP you) (ADVP-DIR there))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (NP-VOC Jed))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD an (ADJP open and shut) case))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP relieve (NP (NP my men) (PP-LOC at (NP the road block))) (ADVP-TMP soon))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (INTJ Okay) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (PRT on)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP did (NP (NP 80 miles) (NP-ADV an hour)) (PP-DIR across (NP a hard dirt road)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a cluster) (PP of (NP shacks))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP late summer)) (NP-SBJ migratory workers) (VP lived (NP-MNR (NP five and six) (PP to (NP a room))) (PP-LOC in (NP these))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ (NP they) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD empty) , (PP-1 except (PP for (NP (NP a cottage) (PP-LOC across (NP the road)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Tim Williams) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP about 21) , (PP with (NP (NP skin) (NP (NP the color) (PP of (NP bitter chocolate)))))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP discounted (NP the (NX (NX plain dress) and (NX worn slippers)))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD startlingly pretty))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The inside) (PP of (NP their place))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP (NP new furniture) , (NP (NP (NAC five bucks (ADVP down)) (NX *RNR*-1)) and (NP (NAC a buck (NP-ADV a week)) (NX *RNR*-1)) (NX-1 stuff))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP it))) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP clean) and (ADJP full (PP of (NP (NP the warmth) (PP of (NP a home))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Williams) (VP was (ADJP-PRD both sullen and frightened)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP know (NP a thing))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP had (VP left (NP the house) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP six) (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)))) , (PP as (ADJP usual))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had n't (VP seen (NP him) (ADVP since))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Did (NP-SBJ Mrs. Buck) (VP owe (NP him) (NP any wages))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG (INTJ Well) , (PP for (NP this week))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP was n't (VP due (PP-TMP 'till (NP Saturday))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen , (NP-VOC Mr. Inspector))) , (S (ADVP no matter (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ anybody) (VP say (NP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ my Tim) (VP did n't (VP kill (NP that woman)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a good man) , (ADJP hard working))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP strong) (PP as (NP a bull))) but (ADJP (ADJP gentle) (PP as (NP a baby)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR (ADVP Even) if (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADJP-PRD angry))) , (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP would n't (VP hurt (NP a woman))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP never (PP in (NP his life))) (VP-UNF (VP took (NP a hand) (PP to (NP a woman))) or) '')) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP (VP get (NP him) (ADVP-TMP soon)) , (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Chief Moore) (VP cut (PRT in) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Does (NP-SBJ your husband) (VP have (NP a car))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Got (NP-BNF us) (NP an old station wagon)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Need (NP it) (PP for (NP the job))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP a silly question))) : `` (SQ (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (NP (NP no idea) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ your husband) (VP could (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1) , (ADVP-TMP now)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP shook (NP her head)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP lying))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP staring (PP at (NP her)) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment))) -- (VP thinking (ADVP mostly) (PP of (NP (NP her beauty) and (NP her poverty))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Moore) (VP said , `` (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on) , (NP-VOC Jed))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (PP to (NP my men)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP my way out)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP her) , `` (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP should (INTJ eh) (ADVP just) (VP happen (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP your husband)))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP give (NP himself) (PRT up))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP get (NP a fair trial))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hiding (PRT out) (PP like (NP this)))) (VP wo n't (VP get (NP him) (NP (NP anything) , (PP except (NP (NP more trouble) , or (NP a bullet)))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yes .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP tell (NP him) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP see (NP him)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP made (NP it) (ADVP back) (PP-DIR to (NP the Harbor)) (PP-TMP in (NP (QP less than four) minutes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP act (ADJP-PRD scared))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That Jaguar) (VP could (ADVP really) (VP barrel (ADVP along))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP Moore) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP eat) , (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-2 some forms) (VP filled (PRT out) (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS Doc Abel))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Chief Moore) (VP said , `` (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP see (NP you) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP return (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP see (NP you) (PP for (ADJP certain)) (PP-LOC at (NP my road block)) , (NP-VOC Inspector)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP had (NP (NP a bowl) (PP of (NP decent chowder)))) , (VP phoned (NP the Doc)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP leave (NP the death statements) (PP with (NP his girl)) -- (PP-TMP in (NP a half hour)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Lighting (NP my pipe))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP took (NP a walk)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Harbor) (VP is (NP-PRD a big yachting basin) (PP-TMP in (NP the summer))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Even now) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP several slick cruisers) (VP tied (NP *) (PP-LOC to (NP the dock)))) , (NP (NP an ocean-going yawl) (VP anchored (NP *) (PP-LOC inside (NP the breakwater)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a (ADJP 34 foot) Wheeler) (PP with (NP (NP Chief Bob 's) (PP in (NP big gold letters)) (PP-LOC on (NP its stern))))) (VP (ADVP also) tied (NP *) (PRT up) (PP-LOC at (NP the dock))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP a new boat) , (UCP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP about five) years) old) , but (VP fitted (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP fishing outriggers) and (NP chairs))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP (NP an old guy) (VP running (NP a fishing station))) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ the boat) (VP was (NP-PRD Moore 's))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP bet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bob Moore) (VP is (ADJP-PRD plumb crazy (PP about (NP blue fishing)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP dropped (PP into (NP (NP the doctor 's) office))) , (VP picked (PRT up) (NP my forms))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP walking (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the Police Station) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the same building) (PP with (NP the City Hall and Post Office))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Tim Williams) (VP sneaking (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP my car))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP moved (ADVP-MNR gracefully)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD clumsy (PP at (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (PP-DIR into (NP the front seat))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP ' hiding ' (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the floor) (PP of (NP the back seat)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the soft curves) (PP of (NP her back and hips))) -- (NP-PRD rousing lines)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP drove (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the Harbor)))) , (VP turned (PRT off) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP a dirt road) (PP-LOC among (NP the scrub pine trees))))) and (VP stopped)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP waited (NP-TMP a few minutes))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sat (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP another moment)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP did n't (VP talk))) , (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP weep))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP mumbled , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Chief Moore) (VP is (ADJP-PRD out (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP my Tim)))))))))) '') ! !)) (TOP (INTJ `` Maybe .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD so anxious)) (ADVP-TMP before))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP lighting (NP my pipe)) and (VP offering (NP her) (NP a cigarette))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (VP be (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD his first murder case)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ Tim) (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))))) , (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) , (NP-VOC Mrs. Williams)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP puffed (PP on (NP the cigarette)) (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP sitting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP slumped (PP-LOC against (NP the back seat))))))) ; ; (VP did n't (VP answer)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the police) (VP have (VP dropped (NP the case))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP Pearson City))) and (VP find (PRT out) (UCP (ADVP-PRP why) -- (NP (NP first-hand stuff) (PP for (NP your modern crime series))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Take (NP (NP the same train) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Diana Beauclerk) (VP took (NP *T*-1)))))) and (VP get (ADVP-DIR there) (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Go (PP-DIR to (NP the same hotel))) and (VP occupy (NP (NP the same suite) -- (NP 1105)))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Will (NP-SBJ the hotel) (VP rent (NP it) (ADVP-TMP so soon (PP after (NP the crime)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHADVP Why) not ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The police) (VP have (VP finished (PP with (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the number) (PP of (NP the suite))) (VP has n't (VP been (VP published (NP *-1) (PP in (NP any newspaper))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP the hotel people)) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (ADVP just) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP an innocent tourist) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP happens (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP that particular suite))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP may not (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rent (NP it)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD your headache)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-TMP Once (FRAG (ADVP inside))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ your eyes) (ADJP-PRD open))) '' ! !)) (TOP (PP `` For (NP what) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP was (VP growing (ADJP-PRD (ADVP more and more) skeptical))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The police) (VP will (VP have (VP gone (PP over (NP (NP every square inch) (PP of (NP the place)))) (PP with (NP a fine-tooth comb))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The hotel people) (VP will (VP have (VP scoured and vacuumed (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Ten) (PP to (NP one))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP 's (ADVP even) (VP been (VP redecorated (NP *-1)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP always) (NP-PRD a chance (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP may (VP have (VP overlooked (NP something))))))))) '' , (VP returned (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the chief) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP betting (PP on (NP that chance)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Interview (NP (NP the bellboy and chambermaid) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP waited (PP on (NP Beauclerk))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Study (NP (NP the topography) (PP of (NP the suite)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Soak (PRT up) (NP local color)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Reenact (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Beauclerk) (VP did (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP Try (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP imagine (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-4 you) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP murdered (NP *-2) (NP-ADV yourself) -- (PP-TMP between (NP (NP eleven p.m.) and (NP one a.m.))) (NP-TMP (NP the night) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP arrive (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP smirked) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Cheerful way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP spend (NP an evening) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A sudden thought) (VP wiped (NP the smirk) (PP from (NP his face))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the murderer) (VP should (VP return (PP to (NP (NP the scene) (PP of (NP the crime))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The chief 's) eyes) (VP gleamed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR softly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (ADVP exactly) (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP hoping (PP for (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ the murderer) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD at (ADJP large))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the key) (PP to (NP the suite))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (VP missing)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP the train)) (NP-SBJ-1 Alec) (VP refreshed (NP (NP his memory) (PP of (NP the Beauclerk case))) (PP-MNR by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reading (NP (NP teletype flimsies) -- (NP (NP spot-news stories) (PP about (NP the crime)) (VP sent (NP *) (PRT out) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Pearson City Star) , (NP (NP a member) (PP of (NP the Syndicate Press)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Diana Beauclerk) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a second-rate actress) (VP living (PP-LOC in (NP New York))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Two weeks) ago) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP-DIR west) (PP-DIR to (NP Pearson City)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Daniel Forbes) , (NP her divorced husband) ,) (VP lived (ADVP-LOC there)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-2 So) (VP did (ADVP-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the firm) (PP of (NP lawyers)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP got (NP-BNF her) (NP the divorce)))))) , (NP Kimball and Stacy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP reached (NP Pearson City) (PP-TMP at (NP nine p.m.))) and (VP went (PP-DIR (ADVP straight) to (NP the Hotel Westmore)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP telephoned (NP (NP (NP the junior partner) (PP of (NP her law firm))) , (NP Martin Stacy) ,)) and (VP asked (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (PP at (NP her hotel)) (NP-TMP that evening)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP her divorce)))) (NP-SBJ-1 Forbes) (VP had (VP promised (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pay (NP her) (NP a lump sum) (PP in (NP (NP lieu) (PP of (NP further alimony)))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP remarried)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP According (PP to (NP Stacy))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP planning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remarry)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP ask (NP Forbes) (PP for (NP the lump sum)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stacy) (VP replied (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP bankrupt (NP (NP Forbes) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP sunk (NP all his money) (PP in (NP a real estate venture)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stacy) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (NP her suite) (PP-TMP at (NP nine forty-five p.m.)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP good health and spirits))) , but (VP (ADVP-TMP still) determined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP the money) (PP from (NP Forbes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Stacy) (VP leave))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No other visitor) (VP inquired (PP for (NP her)) (NP-TMP that evening)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Next morning) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP found (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dead)) (PP in (NP her suite)) (PP with (NP (NP a bullet) (PP from (NP a Colt revolver)) (PP-LOC in (NP her brain)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP According (PP to (NP the medical examiner))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP shot (NP *-1) (PP-TMP between (NP (NP eleven p.m.) and (NP one a.m.))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her door) (VP was (VP locked (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the key) (VP was (VP missing))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 So) (VP was (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the gun) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alec) (VP finished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reading)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ either Forbes or Stacy) (VP had (VP killed (NP Diana Beauclerk))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Forbes) (VP had (NP motive))) and (S (NP-SBJ Stacy) (VP had (NP opportunity))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Find (NP (NP (NP a motive) (PP for (NP Stacy))) or (NP (NP an opportunity) (PP for (NP Forbes)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the case) (VP would (VP be (VP solved (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Hotel Westmore) (VP proved (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (UCP-PRD (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the older hotels) (PP-LOC in (NP Pearson City))))) , and (ADJP definitely second-rate)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Alec 's) first impression) (PP of (NP the lobby))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP gloomy , Victorian dignity) -- (NP (NP (NP black walnut) and (NP red plush)) , (NP a (ADJP black and white) tiled floor) , and (NP Persian rugs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP studied (NP the night clerk) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP measures (NP an adversary))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP like (NP (NP the room) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP the last time))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Certainly) , (NP-VOC sir) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The clerk) (VP was (ADJP-PRD young and limp , (PP with (NP a tired smile)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP recall (NP the number)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD 1105)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The clerk 's) smile) (VP congealed) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 That suite) (VP is (VP taken (NP *-1))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Alec 's) glance) (VP went (PP to (NP (NP a chart) (PP of (NP (NP guest names) and (NP room numbers))) (VP hanging (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the wall) (PP behind (NP the clerk)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-1 Opposite (NP the number 1105)) (VP stood (PP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP one word) : (ADJP Unoccupied)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The clerk 's) glance) (VP followed (NP Alec 's)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ better rooms) (ADJP-PRD vacant)) (ADVP-TMP now))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP babbled (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (ADJP `` (ADJP Larger) and (ADJP more comfortable) .)) (TOP (PP At (NP the same rate) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Alec 's) face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dark , blunt , and sulky)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD impertinent))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP look (ADJP-PRD dangerous)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP looking (ADJP-PRD dangerous) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP raised (NP his voice)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ Anything) (ADJP-PRD wrong (PP with (NP (NP the plumbing) (PP-LOC in (NP 1105))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a sudden stillness) (PP-LOC in (NP the lobby))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Two women) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP chattering (PP like (NP parrots))))))) ,) (VP were (VP struck (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dumb)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A man) , (VP lighting (NP a match) (PP for (NP his cigar))) ,) (VP paused (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the flame) (VP burned (NP his fingers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Even the bellboys) (PP-LOC on (NP their bench))) (VP were (VP listening)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The clerk 's) eyes) (VP flickered) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP Of (NP course)) not '' ! !)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ (NP Anybody) (PP with (NP a contagious disease))) (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD in (ADVP there))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` No '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The clerk) (VP was (ADJP-PRD almost hysterical)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADVP just) (SBAR-PRD that -- (S (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ-1 1105) (VP is (VP being (VP redecorated (NP *-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP believe (NP it))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alec) (VP leaned (PP-LOC on (NP the desk)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP holding (NP (NP the clerk 's) eyes) (PP with (NP his))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP me) (NP the real reason)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP drawled (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a story) (PP in (NP it))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` St-story '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD with (NP (NP the Syndicated Press) , (NP Feature Service)))) .)) (TOP (S Either (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (NP the story))) -- or (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (NP the suite))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD blackmail))) and (S (NP-SBJ the clerk) (VP knew (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD no story))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP piped (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR tremulously)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Front ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Show (NP this gentleman) (PP to (NP 1105))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The stillness) (VP persisted (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP followed (NP a bellboy) (PP-DIR across (NP the lobby)) (PP-DIR to (NP the elevator)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP feel (NP eyes) (PP on (NP his back)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP had not (VP been (ADJP-PRD necessary) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP announce (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP his suite))) (ADVP-MNR quite so publicly))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The corridor) (PP-LOC on (NP the eleventh floor))) (VP was (ADVP-MNR dimly) (VP lighted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP electric globes) (PP at (NP (NP intervals) (PP of (NP thirty feet)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A thick , crimson carpet) (VP muffled (NP every footfall)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the corridor)))) (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP noticed (NP (NP a door) (VP marked (S (NP-SBJ *) : (NP-PRD Fire Stairs))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a neat setup) (PP for (NP murder)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bellboy) (VP unlocked (NP (NP a white door) (VP numbered (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD 1105))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The room) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dark))) but (S (NP-SBJ a neon sign) (VP flashed and faded (PP-LOC beyond (NP the window)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A few snowflakes) (VP sifted (ADVP-DIR down) (PP through (NP that theatrical red glow)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP languid) (PP as (NP falling feathers))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Hastily) (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP switched (PRT on) (NP a ceiling light)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The room) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP normal) and (ADJP even commonplace))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no hint) (PP of (NP a violent struggle))) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Deal furniture) (PP with (NP a mahogany finish))) (VP was (ADVP-MNR neatly) (VP arranged (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP stood (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the window) (PP of (NP a department store))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The blue rug) (VP was (ADJP-PRD suspiciously bright and new)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (VP stained (NP *-1) (PP with (NP blood))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Table covers and towels) (VP were (ADJP-PRD-2 clean))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1-3 ashtrays) (UCP-PRD=2 (ADJP empty) and (VP supplied (NP *-3) (PP with (NP fresh matches))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The mirror) (PP-LOC over (NP the bureau))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a blank eye) , (ADJP round and innocent))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP played (NP (NP the part) (PP of (NP an innocent tourist)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD (NP anything) (ADJP wrong (PP with (NP this room)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` N-no '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP dropped (NP his eyes)) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD `` Afraid (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP lose (NP your job) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ your mouth) (ADJP-PRD shut)))))))))) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP raised (NP his eyes)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen , (NP-VOC mister)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP my advice)))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP pack (PRT up)) and (VP take (NP (NP the next train) (PP (ADVP back) to (NP New York))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Were (NP-SBJ you) (PP-PRD on (NP duty)) (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP-TMP (NP two weeks) ago) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP hesitated) .)) (TOP (S Then , `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP talking)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP spend (NP a night) (PP-LOC in (ADVP here)) (PP for (NP a million bucks)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP a hurry) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP out (PP of (NP the room))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP (VP gave (NP him) (NP a tip)) and (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP go)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Alone) , (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP examined (NP the doors)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP three) -- (NP (NP (NP one) (VP leading (PP-DIR to (NP a bathroom)))) , (NP (NP one) (PP to (NP the hall))) , and (NP (NP one) (PP to (NP (NP the room) (PP-LOC next (NP door)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP immovable) -- (VP locked or bolted (NP *-2) (PP-LOC on (NP the other side))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP (VP locked (NP the hall door)) and (VP put (NP the key) (PP with (NP his watch)) (PP-PUT on (NP the bedside table)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP just quarter) (PP of (NP nine)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ranged (NP his belongings) (PP-LOC on (NP the bureau))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP noticed (NP (NP a film) (PP of (NP (NP white dust) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the dark surface) (PP of (NP (NP the wood) (PP-LOC beyond (NP the linen cover)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (ADJP gray (PP like (NP (NP the dust) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP collects (PP-LOC in (NP an unused room)))))))) , but (ADJP white) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Women) (VP did n't (VP use (NP white face powder) (NP-TMP nowadays)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP recalled (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP used (NP (ADJP pink , tan , or cream) powder)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP glanced (PP into (NP the bathroom))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Blood) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the bathtub) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the murderer) (VP appears (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP washed (NP his hands) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD clean) (ADVP-TMP now))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP decided (PP against (NP a bath)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP crawled (PP into (NP bed))) and (VP switched (PRT off) (NP the light))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the darkness)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP the rosy reflection) (PP of (NP the neon sign))) (PP on (NP (NP the wall) (PP-LOC opposite (NP the window)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP winked (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as steadily) (PP as (NP a metronome))) -- (ADVP on , off) -- (ADVP on , off)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (QP less than five) minutes)) (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP was (ADJP-PRD asleep)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP knew (ADVP just) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP woke (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wide-awake)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP no sound) and (NP (ADVP apparently) no movement)) (PP-LOC in (NP the room)) (PP except (NP (NP the noiseless pulsation) (PP of (NP the red light)) (PP-LOC on (NP the wall)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP lay (ADVP still) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP listening (PP to (NP the silence))) , (VP watching (NP the light))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Somewhere (PP in (NP the city))) (NP-SBJ a big clock) (VP sounded (NP-PRD (NP twelve solemn notes) -- (NP midnight))) .)) (TOP (S (PP According (PP to (NP the medical examiner))) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP shot (NP *-1) (PP-TMP between (NP (NP eleven p.m.) and (NP one a.m.))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP heard (NP a faint sound)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His heart) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP swell) and (VP knock (PP against (NP (NP the wall) (PP of (NP his chest))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ the sound) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD inside (NP the room))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP let (S (NP-SBJ his eyelids) (VP droop))) and (VP breathed (ADVP-MNR heavily)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feigning (NP sleep)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sound) (VP was (VP coming (ADVP-DIR nearer))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A monstrous shadow) (ADJP *ICH*-4)) (VP fell (PP across (NP the illuminated wall)) , (ADJP-4 distorted and indefinable)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the neon sign) (VP faded (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the shadow) (VP disappeared) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the neon sign) (VP flashed (PRT on) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the shadow) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP stretched (PP to (NP an impossible height)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP climbing (NP the wall) (PP to (NP the ceiling))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP meant (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP something) (PP-LOC between (NP (NP the light) and (NP (NP its reflection) (PP-LOC on (NP the wall)))))) (VP was (VP moving (ADVP-DIR closer (PP to (NP (NP (NP the source) (PP of (NP the light))) -- (PP in (NP this case)) , (NP the window))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Cautiously) (NP-SBJ-1 Alec) (VP tensed (NP his muscles) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP jump)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bedsprings) (VP betrayed (NP him) (PP with (NP a creak))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The shadow) (VP vanished) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP had (VP moved (PP-LOC beyond (NP (NP the range) (PP of (NP (NP the light) (PP from (NP the window)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Abandoning (NP caution))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Alec) (VP (VP leaped (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP bed)))) and (VP groped (PP for (NP the light switch)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP snap (NP it) (PRT on))))) , (NP-SBJ a stinging blow) (VP caught (NP him) (PP in (NP the ribs))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP lashed (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR blindly) (PP with (NP his right))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a thick , squashy crack) (PP of (NP (NP fist) (PP on (NP flesh)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Something) (ADJP hard)) (VP grazed (NP his knuckles)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP put (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-1))))) (PP into (NP the next))) and (VP aimed (ADVP down (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the stomach) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rough cloth) (VP rasped (NP his fist)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a grunt) , (ADJP curiously inarticulate) , (PP like (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP an animal) (PP in (NP pain)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Something) (ADJP heavy)) (VP shook (NP the floor) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP dropped)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP waited (NP-TMP a moment) , (PP on (NP guard))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nothing) (VP happened) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Again) (NP-SBJ he) (VP groped (PP for (NP the light switch))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The blue rug) (VP had (VP been (VP (VP rolled (PRT up) (NP *-1)) and (VP stacked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP one corner) (PP of (NP the room)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP the bare floorboards)) (NP-SBJ a man) (VP lay (ADVP face down)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP a short , heavy , powerful body)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP (VP turned (NP him) (PRT over)) and (VP discovered (NP (NP (NP a round , lumpy face) (PP with (NP narrow , slanting eyes))) -- (NP (NP a primitive Tartar face) (PP from (NP (NP Russia) or (NP the Balkans))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The man 's) shoes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD-2 too pointed))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 his overcoat) (ADJP-PRD=2 (ADJP too broad (PP-LOC at (NP the shoulders))) and (ADJP too narrow (PP-LOC at (NP the waist))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a slight bulge) (PP-LOC under (NP the left armpit))) -- (NP a shoulder holster))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (ADVP promptly) (VP removed (NP the gun)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD familiar (PP with (NP this type)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP seen (NP it) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP (NP the lineup) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Police Headquarters) (PP-LOC in (NP New York)))))) , (PP in (NP (NP Broadway night clubs) and (NP Seventh Avenue pool rooms))) , (PP in (NP the criminal courts))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD surprised (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet (NP it) (ADVP-LOC here)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Diana Beauclerk) (VP had (NP (NP no connection) (PP with (NP the underworld)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A professional gunman) (VP would not (VP have (VP killed (NP her) (PP with (NP (NP a weapon) (PP of (NP (NP such small caliber) (PP as (NP-UNF a))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor would (NP-SBJ he) (VP choose (NP a respectable hotel) (PP as (NP (NP the scene) (PP for (NP a killing)))) (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-5)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADVP so much) safer) (S-5 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP his victim) (PP for (NP (NP a one-way ride) (PP-LOC on (NP a lonely country road))))))) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The man 's) eyelids) (VP fluttered) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP opened (NP his eyes)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC here))) '' ? ?) (VP Demanded (SBARQ *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Alec) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP made (NP no reply)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His eyes) (VP were (VP dazed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His lips) (VP were (ADJP-PRD bruised and swollen (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP had (VP hit (NP him) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP kill (NP Diana Beauclerk)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP expected (NP an indignant denial))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no response) (ADVP at all))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP come (PRT on)) , (VP snap (PP out (PP of (NP it))))) ! !)) (TOP (S Or (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP turn (NP you) (PRT over) (PP to (NP the police)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The silence) (VP was (VP getting (PP on (NP (NP Alec 's) nerves)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP opened (NP his mouth))) , but (S (NP-SBJ no words) (VP came)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Only that curious , animal grunting) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Alec) (VP had (VP heard (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP during (NP their fight)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP speak (NP English)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP opened (NP his mouth) (ADVP-MNR wider)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A forefinger) (VP pointed (PP toward (NP his gullet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alec) (VP leaned (ADVP-DIR forward) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD hideous scars) (PP-LOC inside (NP the throat)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the palate) (VP was (VP mutilated (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP good time)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (VP get (PP (PP to (NP the distressing actuality)) , (PP to (NP Red McIver and Handley Walker)) , (PP to (NP (NP murder) and (NP sudden death)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP realize (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD sure))) ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how much) (S (NP-SBJ old deeds) (VP incite (PP to (NP new ones)) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP must (VP forgive (NP me) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you) (ADVP-TMP first) (PP of (NP the old ones)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD in (NP 1814)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Abraham Wharf) and (NP his sister)) (VP sat (PP-LOC by (NP a meager fire)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP their house) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Dogtown Common) , (NP (NP a desolate place) (ADVP-TMP even then)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP sharpening (NP his razor))) .)) (TOP (SQ-2 `` (NP-VOC Sister) '' , (SINV (VP said (SQ *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ he)) `` do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP commit (NP suicide))))) (VP go (PP to (NP heaven)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ she) (VP answered , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (ADVP-TMP never) (VP do (NP such a thing))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (NP a tremor)) , `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ God) (VP forbid)) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP said (S *T*-1)) , and (VP went (PRT out)) and (VP cut (NP his throat) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the cave) (PP-LOC near (NP (NP Granny Day 's) swamp)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (VP has (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 this) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (PP with (NP the present)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Much) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP assure (NP you)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gets (PP into (NP (NP people) , (PP even such as (NP Red and Handley))))))) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP tell (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP comes (PP out (PP of (NP them)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP learned , (NP (NP both) (PP of (NP them))) , (PP about (NP Abraham Wharf)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP beg (S (NP-SBJ you) not (VP to (VP forget (NP him)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His ghost) (VP is not (VP laid (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Red and Handley) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP help (NP them))) ,) (VP knew (NP the old Dogtown lore))) ; ; and (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP knew (NP it)))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP told (NP them) (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ And is n't (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (NP (NP a deeper perception) (PP about (NP (NP a man) and (NP his motives)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knows (NP *T*-3))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC gentlemen) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP getting (PP (PP to (NP the point)) , (PP to (NP my point))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (NP the facts))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (VP set (NP *-1) (ADVP forth) (PP-LOC in (NP your own newspapers))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP want (PP from (NP me)) (NP the story))) , but (S (NP-SBJ a story) (VP is (PP-PRD (PP about ' (ADVP why) ') and (ADVP then) , (ADVP perhaps) , (PP about (ADVP how))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 The ' when ') (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP *T*-1) ; ; (NP-TMP yesterday morning)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP So) (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP you) (NP *T*-2)))))))) (VP is (NP-PRD the ' why '))) -- (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (NP-PRD my point))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP concerns (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP the matter))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP an inwardness) and (NP a luster)) (PP to (NP old furniture)) (PRN -LRB- (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP look (PP at (NP (NP that mahogany highboy) (PP-LOC behind (NP you)))))) -RRB-) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (NP a provocative emanation))))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (VP say (ADVP so)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Places) , (ADVP too) , (VP have (NP their haunting qualities)) .)) (TOP (NP Even people .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP my point) (PP in (NP this sad story))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP the matter)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP hold (NP (NP the spirit) (PP of (NP a thing))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (ADVP somehow) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP the truth))) -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP a fake antique) (PP from (NP the real thing)))) .)) (TOP (SQ And (S (NP-SBJ the truth) (VP is (SBAR-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP come (PP for (NP *T*-1)))))))) , (SQ (VP is (NP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ it) not) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Now) , (NP-SBJ Dogtown) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those places) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP creeps (PP into (NP the marrow)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ worms) (VP get (PP into (NP (NP old wood) , (PP-LOC under (NP the veneer)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-TPC (NP all the folk) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lived (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP Cape Ann)))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP are not (ADVP just) (PP-PRD like (NP others))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD a different hall-mark) (PP on (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD no witch burnings) (ADVP-LOC here) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP had (NP a witch) (PP in (NP the family)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP think (PP of (NP (NP old Granther Stannard) (SBAR (WHNP-5 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP pulled (NP (NP the teeth) (PP of (NP (NP Dark Younger) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ her real name) (VP was (NP-PRD Dorcas))) -RRB-))))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP bungled (NP the job)) and (VP left (NP two protruding tusks))))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP put (NP (NP such a hex) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP-PUT on (NP him)) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-4 his legs) (VP were (VP made (NP *-4) (PP of (NP glass))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP that)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (VP known (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP run) or (VP (ADVP even) walk (ADVP-MNR fast))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Today) (NP-SBJ Dogtown) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the only deserted village) (PP-LOC in (NP all New England)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP sits , (NP-1 (NP a small highland) , (PP with (NP (NP towns) (PP like (NP Gloucester)) (ADVP-LOC near by)))))) ; ; but (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most lost and tortured) place) (PP-LOC in (NP the world))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP (NP that desolation) (PP of (NP rocky deformity)))))))) (VP took (PRT on) (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the moraine 's) stony character)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Scientists) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the last spewings) (PP of (NP a great glacier)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ one) (ADVP rather) (VP feels (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ only a malevolent giant) (VP could (VP have (VP piled (PRT up) (NP (NP those crouching monsters) (PP of (NP granite)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP preserve (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (ADJP suspended , ominous) life))) (PP-LOC in (NP them)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP walk (PP-DIR up (ADVP there)) (ADVP-TMP later))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADVP perhaps) (NP-LOC-PRD (NP a mile) (PP from (NP (NP here) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP sit (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ not one single dwelling) (VP left (ADVP-LOC there) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (ADVP-TMP once) , (PP-TMP in (NP the (ADJP early eighteenth) century)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (ADJP close (PP to (NP a hundred))) houses))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-SBJ (NP I) (NP myself)) (VP have (VP identified (NP (QP about sixty) sites) , (PP from (NP the old maps and registers)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP A fascinating pursuit) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP assure (NP you)) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Even I) (VP can (VP remember (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP (NP ruined cellars) and (NP tumbled pillars))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP has (VP lived (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the memory) (PP of (NP any living man))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD (NP a sweep) (PP of (NP boulders and ledges))) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ oak , walnut and sumac) (VP creeping (PP across (NP the common))))))) , and (FRAG (ADVP-LOC everywhere) (NP (NP the ruins) and (NP the long , long shadows))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP your setting) , and (NP a sinister one))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (INTJ Please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP get (NP that) (PP-LOC in (NP your reports))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP accounts (PP for (NP (ADJP so many) things))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both Red McIver and Handley Walker) (VP lived (ADVP-LOC nearby) , (ADVP-LOC (ADVP almost as near) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Red) (VP lived (PP-LOC at (NP Lanesville)))) , and (S (PP from (NP his house)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD up (PP on (NP the Common))) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP a half hour 's) brisk walk)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Handley) (VP lived (ADVP-LOC further on) , (PP-LOC at (NP Pigeon Cove)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP often) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ (NP one or other) (PP of (NP them))) (PP-LOC up (PP around (NP Dogtown))) (VP sketching)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were both (NP-PRD painters) , (PRN -LRB- (SQ (SQ (NP-SBJ They) (VP were) ? ?) (SQ (NP-SBJ They) (VP are) ? ?) (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ should (NP-SBJ one) (VP say (NP *T*-1)))) ? ?) -RRB-))))) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (ADVP anyhow) , (NP-SBJ Dogtown Common) (VP is (PP-PRD (ADVP so much) off (NP the beaten track) (NP-TMP nowadays) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ only Sunday picnickers) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP stray (PP-LOC up (ADVP there)) , (PP-TMP from (NP (NP time) (PP to (NP time))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Sea-road) , (NP railroad) , (NP lack (PP of (NP water))) ,) (VP killed (NP Dogtown)) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP (ADJP Dead) , (ADJP (ADJP dead) (PP as (NP a brass door nail)))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP feel (PP like (NP the Sexton)))) , for (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP about the last) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (ADVP even) (ADJP-PRD interested))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP Red and Handley) (ADVP well)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were both (NP-PRD painters)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'd (VP come , (ADVP separately) , (PP-DIR to (NP Gloucester)) (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP some twenty) years) ago)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP an artists ') colony) (ADVP-LOC somewhere (PP on (NP Cape Ann)))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ each) (VP married (ADVP-LOC here))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP married (NP (NP cousins) , (NP Anta and Freya Norberg))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP a lot) (PP of (NP Scandinavians))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP this neck) (PP of (NP the woods)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ many) (ADVP still) (VP (VP make (NP painted furniture)) and (VP take (NP steam-baths)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Pretty girls) (PP-LOC among (NP them)) , (PP with (NP (NP blonde hair) and (NP pert faces))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Handley) (VP married (NP Freya))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Red) , (PP of (NP the red beard)) ,) (VP married (NP Anta))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (VP was (PP-PRP because of (NP an old Norberg inheritance)) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP understand (NP (NP them) (NP all)) (ADVP so well)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The quarrel) (VP ended (PP in (NP a ridiculous draw)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP tell (NP you) (PP about (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ yes) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD quite sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD important))))) , (PP-PRP because of (NP the Beech Pasture))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (VP 's (NP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ that)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP gave (NP me) (NP the feeling)) , (VP gave (NP me) (ADVP as-it-were) (NP (NP (NP the spirit) , (NP the (ADJP demoniac , evil) spirit)) (PP of (NP this whole affair)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see)) , (S (PP besides (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP custodian) (PP of (NP antiquities)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (ADVP also) (NP-PRD registrar))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP hold (PP with (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP live (PP-LOC (ADVP entirely) among (NP dead things))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (ADVP (ADVP as well) (PP as (NP the next man))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 a ship) (VP is (VP called (NP *-1) (PP (PP from (NP (NP the rigging) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP carries (NP *T*-2) , (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ the live wind) (VP blows (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))) ,)))) and not (PP from (NP the hull)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP both)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (SBAR (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD below (NP the water-line)))))) (VP interests (NP me) (ADVP also)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP saying)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP known (PP all about (NP (NP the old records) , (PP including (NP the old Norberg deed)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP Some ten) years) ago) (NP-SBJ that page) (VP was (VP torn (PRT out)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (PP by (WHNP whom))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP About five) years) ago) , (NP-SBJ-1 Handley) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ask (NP me) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP the tattered register))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD courteous and casual (PP about (NP it))) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (PP-PRD of (NP no consequence)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP always) (PP-PRD like (NP that)) , (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD a big man))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP notice (NP (NP his habit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP fingering (NP *RNR*-5)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (ADVP almost) (VP say , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP stroking (NP *RNR*-5))))))) (NP-5 (NP a large mole) (PP with (NP (NP black hairs) (PP-LOC on (NP it)))) , (PP-LOC by (NP his right temple)))))))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (FRAG (NP A sensual man) , but (ADJP very courteous)) , (S (NP-SBJ some) (VP would (VP say (ADJP slick)))) .)) (TOP (PP Like (NP his glossy black hair) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Too many outside manners) , (PP to (NP my taste)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the sort) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) , (S (PP with (NP an appraising eye)) , (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP would (VP (VP cross (NP the street) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP help (NP a strange woman) (PP on (PP to (NP a bus))))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) pinch (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A real gentleman) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel)) ,) (VP would (VP do (NP neither))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP always) (VP worn (NP a broad-brimmed hat)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP noticed , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP my small study) (PP-LOC at (NP the Society)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP rather) (VP smells (PP of (NP cosmetics)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The next week) , (NP-SBJ-1 cousin Red) (VP wandered (PRT in) (ADVP as casually) , (NAC but (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD curt and untidy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Red) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP small and fine-boned) , (PP like (NP ivory-inlay)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (ADVP too) (VP asked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP the same page))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ someone) (VP had (VP torn (NP it) (PRT out))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP shouted) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP By (NP God)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP that damn Handley) , (NP the sneak))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S And (PP-TMP (ADVP later) in (NP the same week)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP they) (NP both)) (VP came (ADVP together) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP examine (NP the register))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Fortunately) (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD alone) (PP-LOC in (NP the building)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP so few) people) (ADVP-LOC nowadays) (VP are (ADJP-PRD interested (PP (PP (ADVP even) in (NP their own past)) or (PP in (NP (NP the lovely craft) (PP of (NP other days)))))))) -- for (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP abuse (NP each other) (PP in (NP the foulest language))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Red) (VP thrusting (PP out (NP his tawny beard)))) , (S (NP-SBJ Handley) (VP glowering (PP-LOC under (NP his suddenly rumpled black hair)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP actually) (VP bristled) .)) (TOP (NP Le rouge et le noir .)) (TOP (NP Violent men both .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Red) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP was (ADJP-PRD morose))) , yet (S (NP-TMP that day) (NP-SBJ the dapper Handley) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the louder) (PP of (NP the two))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP But (PP for (NP my presence))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD at (NP (NP each others ') throats))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the quarrel)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP learned (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the trouble) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) , (PP from (NP (NP the accusations) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ each) (VP hurled (NP *T*-2) (PP at (NP the other)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Beech Pasture) (VP had (ADVP suddenly) (VP become (ADJP-PRD valuable))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD a fine granite quarry) (ADVP-LOC there))) , and (S (NP-SBJ granite) (VP 's (VP coming (ADVP back) (PP for (NP public buildings))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (S (NP-SBJ Both men) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the Norberg family holdings))))))) , but (SBARQ (WHPP to (WHNP (WHNP which) (PP of (NP the cousins)))) (SQ did (NP-SBJ it) (VP belong) , (NP-TPC (NP Anta) or (NP Freya)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Fortunately) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (ADVP almost exactly) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the will) (VP had (VP said (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP began (PP with (NP a preamble))) , (PP of (NP course)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP explained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the judge) (PP of (NP (NP probate) (PP of (NP Essex County))))) , (NP-TMP 1785 or 1786) , (VP appointed (S (NP-SBJ (NP three free-holders) (PP of (NP Gloucester))) (VP to (VP divide and establish (NP the Norberg estate)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP the usual Honorable Sirs)) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP went (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (VP set (PRT off) (PP to (NP the widow)) (NP (NP (NP one full third part) (PP of (NP (NP the real estate) (PP of (NP (NP the deceased) (NP Salu Norberg) ,))))) (NP (NP one lower room ,) (PP-LOC on (NP the Western side)) ,) (NP (NP privileges) (PP (PP to (NP the well and bake-oven)) and (PP to (NP (NP one third) (PP of (NP the cellar))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP show (NP you) (NP the cellar) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP go (ADVP up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) -RRB-)))) , (ADVP also) (NP one Cow Right)))))) , and (S (ADVP lastly) (NP-SBJ they) (VP set (PRT off) (PP to (NP the widow)) (NP (NP (NP her own land) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP brought (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP her)) (PP as (NP dower)))))) , (ADVP namely) (NP the Beech Pasture)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the whole) (PP of (NP (NP the privileges) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) not (VP counting (NP the Beech Pasture)))) ,)) (VP was (VP valued (NP *-1) (PP at (NP twenty pounds))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP have (VP seen (NP the crests) (VP fall (PP on (NP these two sparring coxcombs)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP them) (SBAR that (S (ADVP obviously) (NP-SBJ the pasture) (VP belonged (PP to (NP their wives)) (ADVP jointly)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 That battle scene) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP ridiculous) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))) , (VP remained (PP in (NP my mind))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP (NP A disturbing picture) (PP of (NP bad blood))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (ADVP further) (VP heightened (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (ADJP (ADJP illicit) (PP if (ADJP buccolic))) colors)))))))) , for (S (PP-TMP on (NP a subsequent day)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Handley) (VP escorting (NP (NP Anta) , (NP (NP Red 's) wife) ,) (PP-LOC up (PP on (NP Dogtown Common))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-6)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD inopportune)) (S-6 (NP *) (VP to (VP disclose (NP my presence)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG Not (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (ADVP intentionally) go (ADJP-PRD unperceived))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the boulders) (PP-LOC up (ADVP there))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD very high))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD a small woman)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP One other cause) (PP of (NP (NP jealousy) (PP between (NP them))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP tell (NP you) (NP *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (NP Paint ! !)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP Gloomy and unkempt) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Red McIver) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (NP-PRD much the better painter)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Handley) (VP knew (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Red) (VP had (NP a show) (PP-LOC at (NP Gloucester))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Handley) (VP would (VP hurry (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hang (NP his pictures) (PP-LOC in (NP Rockport))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP may (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP has (NP little pertinence))))))) , but , (S-IMP (NP-VOC gentlemen) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP remember (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ all this) (VP (VP prepared (NP my mind)) , (VP alerted (NP my intelligence))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP such touches)) (NP-SBJ the pattern) (VP takes (NP shape)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP would (VP call (S (NP-SBJ these) (NP-PRD (NP the motives) (PP of (NP crime)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP call (S (NP-SBJ them) (NP-PRD (NP (NP the patterns) (PP of (NP life))) , (ADVP perhaps) (ADVP even) (NP (NP the designs) (PP of (NP destiny))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (PP with (NP all this knowledge)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) (PP of (NP substance)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP unravel (NP (NP our case) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP would (VP call (NP it))))) ,)))))) (PP-TMP till (NP yesterday))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP-PRD-TPC-1 (NP One month) ago) , (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the 20th) (PP of (NP October)))) , (VP was (ADVP-TMP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the opening) (PP of (NP the gunning season)) (PP in (NP Massachusetts))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG Not (NP (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shoot (NP *T*-1))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD a few pheasant))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Rabbits) , (ADVP too) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP care (PP for (NP them))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the folk) (PP-LOC around (ADVP here))))) (VP have n't (NP (NP the sense) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP appreciate (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Any more (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (NP (NP the sense) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP eat (NP mussels)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Red) (VP was (VP said (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP gone (ADVP away) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh yes) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP 'd (VP talked (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP doing (ADVP so)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP often) (VP disappeared , (PP-TMP from (NP (NP time) (PP to (NP time)))) , -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADVP-PRD off (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP paint (NP the sea) , (PP-LOC aboard (NP (NP a dragger) (PP out (PP from (NP Gloucester))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Anta) , (NP his wife) ,) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP mind)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ these absences) (VP gave (NP her) (NP (NP more clearance) (PP for (NP (NP her embraces) (PP with (NP Cousin Handley))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyhow) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD surprised , (NP-TMP early that morning) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ (NP Handley) (NP himself)) (VP crossing (PP from (NP Dogtown Common Road)) (PP to (NP the Back Road))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP did n't (VP have (NP his gun))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP have (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a good excuse) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his) (VP being (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (ADVP at all)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP I) (NP myself)) (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD up (ADVP there)) (PP-TMP by (NP seven o'clock)) , (PP after (NP mushrooms)) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 'd (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a week) (PP of (NP (NP rain) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP stopped (NP-TMP early that morning))))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the day) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as clear) (PP as (NP Sandwich glass))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP had (VP said (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP peered (ADVP-MNR doubtfully) (PP at (NP his drinking companion)) (PP through (NP bleary , tear-filled eyes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP no ready answer) , (PP (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP *ICH*-1)) from (NP surprise) (PP-1 as (PP from (NP (NP the fit) (PP of (NP coughing))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ the man) (ADJP-PRD drunk or crazy or both) ? ?)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ his new-found buddy) (VP had (VP matched (NP him) (NP-ADV (NP drink) (PP for (NP drink))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lost (NP count))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the man 's) eyes) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD clear))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ The guy) (VP is (PP-PRD off (NP his rocker)))) , (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP (VP thought (PP to (NP himself)) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) , and (VP looked (PP away (PP from (NP those eyes))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Eyes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP clear) , (CONJP but also) (ADJP bright))))) (PP with (NP (NP a strange intensity) , (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (NP cold fire) (VP burning (PP-LOC behind (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ had n't (NP-SBJ he) (VP noticed (NP it) (ADVP-TMP before) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ the man) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD drunk)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (VP tied (PRT up) (PP with (NP this stranger)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP blurred (NP *-1) , (PP-TMP after (NP (NP two hours) (PP of (NP steady drinking))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the occasion) (PP of (NP it))) (VP came (PP back (PP to (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The stranger) , (NP (NP his head) (VP (ADVP seemingly) sunk (NP *) (PP in (NP thought))))) , (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cross (NP the street) (PP against (NP the light)) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ a huge moving van) (VP roared (PP-DIR through (NP the intersection))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Brakes) (VP howled)) and (S (NP-SBJ a horn) (VP blared (ADVP-MNR furiously))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 the man) (VP would (VP have (VP been (VP hit (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP had n't (VP called (PP out (PP to (NP him))) (ADVP-TMP (NP a second) before)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His shout) (VP had (VP been (UCP-PRD (ADJP involuntary) , (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ anybody) (VP might (VP have (VP done (NP *T*-1) (PP without (NP thinking)) , (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the spur) (PP of (NP the moment))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (VP have (VP cared (ADVP at all) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 the guy) (VP had (VP been (VP hit (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP regretted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (VP opened (NP his mouth)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ the truck) (VP came (PP to (NP a stop)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the angry driver) (VP (VP jumped (PP down (PP from (NP the cab)))) and (VP walked (PP-DIR back (PP toward (NP them)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (ADVP then)) , (NP-SBJ the stranger) (VP (VP was (VP thanking (NP Haney) (ADVP-MNR profusely))) and (VP had (NP one arm) (PP-LOC around (NP his shoulders)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP were (NP-PRD an old friend)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ-1 the driver) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP curse (PP at (NP (NP both) (PP of (NP them)))) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP a plot (S *ICH*-2))) (ADVP together) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ruin (NP his safe-driving record)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saved (NP *T*-1))))) (VP (VP turned) and (VP looked (PP (ADVP squarely) into (NP (NP the truck driver 's) face)) , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP saying (NP a word)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Very suddenly) , (NP-SBJ-1 the driver) (VP (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP swearing (PP at (NP them))))) , (VP turned (PP on (NP his heel))) and (VP went (PP-DIR back (PP to (NP his truck))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP had n't (VP given (NP it) (NP much thought) (PP-TMP at (NP the time)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP recalled (NP it) (ADVP-MNR very clearly)) , and (VP wondered (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the truck driver) (VP had (VP seen (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP those eyes)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP back (PRT off)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP must (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the sort) (PP of (NP look)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP can (VP call (NP a bluff) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP saying (NP a word)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the light) (VP went (NP-DIR their way) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP went (PRT on) (PP across (NP the street))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the stranger) (VP found (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the way) (PP to (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his favorite bars))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP insisted (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP offering (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP buy (NP drinks) (PP for (NP (NP both) (PP of (NP them))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Phil) (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP (VP went (ADVP alone)) and (VP kept (PP to (NP himself)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP (VP sitting (PP-LOC in (NP a corner))) and (VP passing (NP the time) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP nursing (NP his favorite grudges))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (VP mind (NP company) (PP in (NP (NP return) (PP for (NP free drinks)))) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP good money) (PP at (NP his job)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP that))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD worth (NP it)) , (S-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP a screwball) (PP for (NP company)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP really) (VP did n't (VP take (NP the offer) (ADVP-MNR seriously)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP feel (ADJP-PRD uneasy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP finally) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ the coughing) (PP-PRD under (NP control))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ Pete) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (NP-PRD his first name))) -RRB-) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP waiting (PP for (NP an answer))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP wink (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP stare))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP managed (NP a weak laugh)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP think (PP of (NP anyone)))))) , (NP-VOC Pete)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Thanks) (ADVP anyhow) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A faint crease) (VP appeared (PP between (NP (NP the man 's) eyebrows))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are n't (VP taking (NP me) (ADVP-MNR seriously))))) , (NP-VOC Phil)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP meant (NP it)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP has (NP (NP some kind) (PP of (NP grudge)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP might (VP have (VP got (VP hit (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS that truck)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (PP-PRD for (NP you))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP returning (NP favors))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP do (NP anything) (PP for (NP (NP somebody) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP like (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP wo n't (VP cost (NP-BNF you) (NP a cent) , (NP-VOC Phil))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Go (ADVP ahead)) and (VP try (NP me))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP rubbed (NP his forehead) (ADVP-MNR wearily)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP feel (ADJP-PRD woolly)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD better) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP humor (NP the guy)) and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) make (NP an exit))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP really) (VP did n't (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ anything) (VP to (VP come (PP of (NP it)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD a few people))))) (TOP (S-1 `` (ADJP-2 All right) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP conceded (ADVP finally) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) `` (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP must (VP know)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP get (ADVP along) (PP with (NP the landlord)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP keeps (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP riding (NP me) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP listen (PP to (NP the radio))) and (VP sing) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP taking (NP a bath)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the neighbors) (VP complain))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP believe (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP Why) (SQ (AUX do) n't (NP-SBJ they) (VP tell (NP me)) (NP themselves) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP bothers (NP them))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP (VP closed (NP his eyes)) and (VP nodded)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (ADVP up) (ADVP again)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD almost contented)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Fine .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Give (NP me) (NP your address)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP will (VP take (NP a little time))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP study (NP (NP your landlord 's) habits and movements))))) (ADVP first) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP always) (VP make (NP it) (VP look (PP like (NP an accident))))) .)) (TOP (X (ADVP Maybe) (NP suicide) , (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP looks (ADJP-PRD reasonable)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP that way)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD no trouble (PP for (NP the customer)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Haney 's) eyebrows) (VP flew (ADVP up)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Customer '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pete) (VP smiled (ADVP modestly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD my line (PP of (NP work))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said)))) (TOP (S (ADVP (NP Five minutes) later) , (PP before (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP could (VP make (NP his break))))) , (NP-SBJ the stranger) (VP (VP stood (ADVP up)) and (VP nodded (NP farewell))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP (VP watched (NP the small but wiry man) (VP slip (PP out (NP the door)) (ADVP quickly and silently))) , and (VP felt (ADJP-PRD relieved (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ nobody else) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP notice (NP his departure))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP (NP a little) longer)))))) , and (S (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ time) (VP passed))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ the strange little man) (VP had (ADVP never) (VP been (ADVP-PRD there)))))) , (PP but (PP for (NP the other glass (PP on (NP the table)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP Some time (PP before (NP midnight))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP returned (PP to (NP his apartment))) and (VP hit (NP the sack))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP putting (NP the whole incident) (PP out (PP of (NP mind)))) (PP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP fell (ADJP asleep))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP The next day) , (NP Sunday)) , (NP-SBJ the hangover) (VP reminded (NP Haney) (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW been)) (ADVP (NP the night) before)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The hangover (PP in (NP turn))) (VP reminded (NP him) (PP of (NP his conversation (PP with (NP the weirdy)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP groaned)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP for (NP more aspirin))) (ADVP later (PP in (NP the day))) , and (VP passed (NP the surly landlord) (PP on (NP the way))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW was (ADVP still) (X (ADJP alive) and (VP scowling (ADJP as usual) , (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ tenants) (VP were (NP-PRD a burden (PP in (NP his life)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP (VP shrugged) and (VP ignored (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP went (PP back (PP to (NP work)))) (NP Monday) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP Wednesday)) (NP-SBJ the landlord) (VP was (ADVP still) (ADJP-PRD alive)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) (PP On (NP Thursday)) , (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP (VP mailed (NP the monthly check (PP for (NP separate maintenance))) (PP to (NP (NP his wife) (NP Lolly)))) , and (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the stranger) (VP could (VP do (NP something) (PP about (NP her)))))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Coming (NP home) (PP from (NP work))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP startled (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP a police car) (VP parked (PP in (NP front (PP of (NP the apartment building))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Inside (NP the lobby)) , (NP-SBJ people) (VP were (VP standing (ADVP around) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP talking (ADVP excitedly))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His spine) (VP crawled (PP with (NP a foreboding premonition))) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked (NP one (PP of (NP his fellow tenants))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The landlord) (VP had (VP died)) .)) (TOP (S (NP Late that afternoon) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP fallen (PP off (NP the roof)))) (X while (PP on (NP some obscure errand or inspection)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP apparently) (VP been (ADJP-PRD alone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP witnessed (NP (NP the fall) -- (ADVP just) (NP (NP the sickening impact) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ his body) (VP smashed (PP on (NP the pavement (PP (ADVP just) outside (NP the basement delivery entrance)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP noticed (NP his sudden pallor) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD the blood) (VP drain (PP from (NP his cheeks)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP muttered (NP something (PP about (SBAR (ADJP (WHADVP how) terrible) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW was)))))) , and (VP walked (PP with (NP deliberate slowness)) (PP to (NP the elevator)))) .)) (TOP (S (X Once (PP inside (NP his apartment))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP poured (NP a drink) (PP with (NP trembling hands))) and (VP flopped (ADVP limply) (PP in (NP a chair))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP a while)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP feel (ADJP-PRD better) (PP about (NP it)))))) , (SBAR (ADVP especially) (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP bothered (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ask (NP any questions))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP after (NP all)) , (SBARQ (WHADVP why) (SQ (AUX should) (NP-SBJ they))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still later) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP finally) (VP convinced (NP himself) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an accident) -- (NP just a coincidence)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The stranger) (ADVP really) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (PP with (NP it))))))) , (PP of (NP course)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP went (PP to (NP bed))) , (ADJP happy (SBAR that (S (PP at (ADJP least)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD rid (PP of (NP that lousy landlord))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP had (NP no family))) , so (S (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP suffered)) , and (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP was (ADJP-PRD better off (PP for (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Really) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (PP to (NP himself))) , (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP kills (NP a man) (PP (ADVP just) as (NP a favor)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ you) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP mean (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The stranger 's) eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD large and sad)) , (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ Phil Haney) (VP had (VP hurt (NP his feelings))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP a recurrent , annoying dream)))) , but (S (ADVP now) (NP-SBJ the dream) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (PRT on) (NP overtones (PP of (NP a nightmare))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (NP-PRD a dream))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD very tight)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW was))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD the same bar))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW was (X (ADVP (NP two weeks) later) -- (NP (NP Saturday night) , (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP an excuse (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP drink (ADVP heavier (PP than (ADJP usual)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW been)) (VP sitting (PP in (NP the usual corner)) (PP at (NP the little table)) , (ADVP as far (PP as (ADJP possible)) (PP from (NP any talkative , friendly lushes)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP enjoying (NP the weekly ritual (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP washing (PRT down) (NP his pet grievance) (PP with (NP (NP bourbon) (VP (ADVP slightly) moistened (PP with (NP water))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This favorite grievance) (VP was not (NP-PRD the landlord)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP already) (VP (ADVP quite) forgotten (PP about (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP only) (VP mentioned (NP him) (PP on (NP the spur (PP of (NP the moment)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His real grievance) (VP was (NP-PRD Lolly)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Toward (NP the end (PP of (NP his fourth hairy highball)))) , (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP (ADVP moodily) making (NP wet rings (PP on (NP the table-top))) (PP with (NP the bottom (PP of (NP the glass)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP became (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD alone)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP looked (ADVP up) (PP with (NP bloodshot eyes))) and (VP beheld (NP the stranger) (VP (VP sitting (PP across (NP the table))) , (VP smiling (NP a secret smile) (PP at (NP him)) , (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD fellow conspirators)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (ADVP even) (VP noticed -- (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD his name)))) ? ? (NP Pete) ? ? --))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (VP seen (NP him) (VP sit (ADVP down))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD uncanny) , (PP like (NP a shadow)) ,) and (VP made (NP (ADJP as much) noise (PP as (NP a shadow))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP felt (PP like (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP shrinking (PP out (PP of (NP sight)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP already) (VP trapped (NP *-1) (PP in (NP the corner)) (PP with (NP the wiry , dark little man))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wish (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (VP shouted (NP that other evening) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ the truck) (VP bore (ADVP down) (PP through (NP the crossing))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (AUX Was) (NP-SBJ he) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP saddled (NP *-1) (PP from (ADVP now on)) (PP with (NP a creep (PP for (NP a bar-buddy))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (PP to (NP some (PP of (NP the other places))))) (ADVP again))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP a low voice)) , (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP almost) (VP whispering) , (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP had (VP asked (NP Phil) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD happy (PP with (NP (NP the way) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the landlord) (VP had (VP been (VP taken (NP *-1) (PP off (NP his back))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP made (NP the mistake (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP answering (PP in (NP an offhand way))))))) , and (ADVP instantly) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his skepticism) (VP must (VP have (VP showed (PP in (NP his face or voice))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pete) (VP (VP frowned (ADVP slightly)) , (ADVP then) (VP became (ADJP-PRD sad and moody))) .)) (TOP (S (NP Haney) (X (X (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP encourage (NP his company))))))) , but (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (AUX ought to) (VP buy (NP him) (NP a drink)) (ADVP anyhow) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prevent (NP possible trouble)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no trouble)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guy) (VP (VP sulked (PP over (NP his drink))) , (VP (ADVP obviously) upset (PP by (NP (NP Haney 's) lack (PP of (NP appreciation)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP break (NP the uncomfortable silence)))) , (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk))))) .)) (TOP (S (X (PP In (NP time)) , and (ADVP (NP two drinks) later)) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP complaining (ADVP bitterly) (PP about (NP his wife))))) , (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP the subject))) (PP for (NP (NP ten minutes) or (ADVP so))) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP noticed (NP the renewed interest) (PP in (NP his listener)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP showed (PP in (NP (NP the alert face) and (NP the suddenly bright eyes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP paused (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP moisten (NP his throat))))))) , (NP-SBJ the stranger) (VP broke (ADVP in)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` But (SBARQ (WHADVP why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP pay (NP her bills)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP runs (ADVP around) (PP with (NP other men))))) , and (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP hate (NP her)) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say)))))) , (SBARQ (WHADVP why) not (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP divorce (NP her)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP scowled) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ That bitch) (VP would (VP love (NP a divorce)))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP growled)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Then) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP get (NP half (PP of (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP Community property deal) -- (NP-SBJ you) (VP know) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sell (PRT out) (NP my business)))))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP her) (PRT off) (PP with (NP her share))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP can (VP drop (ADJP dead))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pete) (VP nodded (ADVP understandingly)) .)) (TOP `` (INTJ Oh yes) .) (TOP (S (ADVP Now) (NP-SBJ I) (VP see) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP understand))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have n't (VP been (PP in (NP this state)) (ADVP-PRD too long)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (PP out (ADVP here))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP retire))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR (WHADVP why) (S (NP I))) -- (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP a free job)) (ADVP now and then)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP should (VP have (VP told (NP me) (PP about (NP her)) (ADVP before)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP felt (NP-PRD a twinge (PP of (NP annoyance)))) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP the (ADJP now familiar) line) (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ a wild thought) (VP ran (NP circles) (PP through (NP his clouded brain))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR-2 *pseudo-attach*))) -- (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP suppose (SBAR-2 *pseudo-attach*))) (SBAR-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ this guy) (VP was (ADVP really) (SBAR-PRD (WHNP what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD T)))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (NP A retired professional killer)) (TOP (S (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD a nut)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 no harm) (VP was (VP done (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD the real thing)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (NP something (PP about (NP Lolly))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP very cunning) , (ADJP very proud (PP of (NP himself))))) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP played (PP on (NP (NP the other man 's) soft spot))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ No offense) (VP intended)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (ADVP gently))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADVP just) (SBAR-PRD that -- (X well)))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The cops) (VP did n't (VP suspect (NP a thing)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a coincidence)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NEG n't) (VP know (NP you))) , (NP Pete) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP could (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD an accident)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shrugged (ADVP casually)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP managed (NP it))))))) '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The stranger) (VP was (VP hooked (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP burned (ADVP feverishly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (X (INTJ Yes) , (INTJ yes)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP muttered (ADVP impatiently))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP Of (NP course)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP looked (PP like (NP an accident)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP always) (VP work (X (X (NP it) (NP that way)) -- and (X (ADVP always) (PP at (NP (NP a time) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ the customer) (VP has (NP an alibi))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (NP me) (VP prove (NP-PRD it))) , (NP Phil) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP manage (NP one more favor (PP for (NP you)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP waited (ADVP eagerly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Haney) (VP swished (NP the liquor (PP in (NP the bottom (PP of (NP his glass)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP About halfway) back) (NP-SBJ Pops) (VP (VP groped (PP against (NP a wall))) and (VP stopped) , (VP pulled (ADVP away) (NP two (VP loosely nailed) wide boards) (PP at (NP one end))) , and (VP went (ADVP through))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP C'mon)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP whispered)) ; ; `` (S (S (NP-SBJ floor level) (VP 's (ADVP-PRD (NP about three feet) down))) , so (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP fall)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (ADVP through and down) , (PP into (NP pitch darkness))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (S (ADVP Jist) (NP-SBJ *) (VP stay (ADVP still)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP (VP pull (NP the boards) (ADVP back)) and (ADVP then) (VP get (NP us) (NP a light)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Jist) (NP-SBJ *) (VP stay (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW are)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP jist) (VP (VP stayed (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW was))) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP fumbled (ADVP around))))) and (ADVP then) (VP walked (ADVP away))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (NP A moment) later) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP struck (NP a match)) and (VP lighted (NP a candle)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a big room) , (ADJP empty (PP except (PP for (NP (NP a few things (PP of (NP (NP Pops 's))) (PP at (NP the far end))) -- (NP (NP (NP a wooden crate) (SBAR (WHPP on (WHNP which)) (SINV (VP stood) (NP-SBJ the candle)))) , (NP a (VP spread (ADVP out)) blanket) , and (NP an unrolled bindle)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (ADVP back) (PP over (NP my shoulder))) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP join (NP him)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP hung (NP another half (PP of (NP a blanket))) (PP over (NP the boarded window)))) (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ no light) (VP would (VP show (ADVP through)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP took (NP the pint bottle) (PP from (NP my pocket))) and (VP handed (NP it) (PRT over))) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sat (ADVP down) (PP beside (NP him)) (PP on (NP the spread blanket))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (X (NP You) (ADVP first)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP drank) and (VP handed (NP it) (ADVP back))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP Nice place) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP (NP a buddy) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP travel (PP with (NP T))))) , (NP (NP (ADJP real nice) guy) (VP named (NP *) (NP Larry)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW is))))) , (X (PP (ADVP right) near (ADVP here))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ 0 (SQ (AUX Could) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP join (NP the party)) and (VP sleep (ADVP here) (NP tonight) (ADVP too)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (NP both) (VP be (VP blowing (NP town) (NP tomorrow)))) (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP wo n't (VP be (VP moving (PP in (PP on (NP you)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hesitated) (NP a second) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP at (NP the bottle)))) , (PP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said `` (X Sure-sure) '')))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP reassured (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP bring (NP a bottle))) (ADVP too)) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP (NP another one) or (ADVP maybe) (NP two)))) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD out))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP work (PP on (NP this one)))) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD gone))))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP kill (NP it)) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP took (NP a short swallow) (PP from (NP it)) (NP myself)) and (VP handed (NP it) (PP to (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His `` sure-sure '') (VP was (ADJP-PRD enthusiastic)) (NP this time) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP put (NP the bottle) (PRT down)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Git (PP over (PP by (NP the window)))) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD light))))) , an ' (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP put (NP th ' candle) (PRT out)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ yuh) (VP come (ADVP back)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP put (NP it) (PRT out) (ADVP agin) (PP till (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're both (ADVP-PRD inside)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP was (VP (VP waiting) , (VP leaning (PP against (NP a building front))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP Perfect set-up) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP go (PP back (PP to (NP Fifth)))) and (VP get (NP (NP another bottle) or (NP two)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the way)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP give (NP you) (NP the scoop))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the way)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP gave (NP him) (NP the scoop)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP bought (NP another pint (PP of (NP sherry))))) and (S (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP got (ADVP back)))) (NP-SBJ Pops) (VP (VP let (NP us) (PRT in) (PP in (NP the dark))) , (VP put (ADVP back) (NP the blanket)) and (ADVP then) (VP lighted (NP the candle) (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP introduced (NP (NP my friend) (NP Larry)) (PP to (NP Pops)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP made (NP ourselves) (ADJP comfortable))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP still) (NP-PRD (NP (NP a little) , (NP not much) ,) (VP left (NP *) (PP in (NP the first bottle)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP passed (NP it) (PRT around) (ADVP once)) and (VP killed (NP it)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP opened (NP his))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP reminded (NP *-1) , (ADVP amusedly) , (PP by (NP (NP (NP a poem (PP of (NP (NP Kenneth Patchen) 's))) (VP called (NP *) (NP The Murder (PP of (NP Two Men)) (PP by (NP (NP a Young Kid) (VP Wearing (NP Lemon Colored Gloves))))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Patchen) (NP himself)) (VP read (NP *T*-2) (PP on (NP a record)) (PP against (NP jazz background))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The poem) (VP consisted (PP of (NP (NP only two words) , (NP (NP the word) (NP `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait)) '') , (VP repeated (NP *) (ADVP over and over) (PP (PP at (NP irregular intervals)) and (PP with (NP different inflections))))) , and (ADVP then) (NP (NP the word) (NP `` Now ''))))) ! !)) (TOP (NP And (NP a blaring final chord (PP from (NP the jazz group))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD the same)) , (PP except (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD the murder (PP of (NP one man)) (PP by (NP two men))))) and (S (NP-SBJ neither (PP of (NP us))) (VP was (VP wearing (NP gloves))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (VP wait (ADVP all right)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no hurry))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP wait))) '' (PP to (NP Charlie)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP grinned) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP digging (NP the reference)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'd (VP heard (NP the record) (ADVP together))) (ADVP once) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The second bottle) (VP passed) (NP a few times) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pops) (VP was (VP (VP taking (NP long ones)) , but not (VP showing (NP the effect) (ADVP yet)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as drunk (PP as (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP first) (VP talked (PP to (NP him)))))))) , but (ADJP no drunker))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP a capacity))) ; ; (S (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (ADVP really) (VP been (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP him) (ADJP-PRD dead drunk))))))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP out) (PP for (NP more wine))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP About halfway) through (NP the second bottle)) , (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP (VP looked (PP at (NP me)) (PP across (NP (NP Pops) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP sitting (PP between (NP us))))))))) and (VP asked `` (ADVP Now) '')) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait)) '') , and (VP handed (NP the bottle) (PP to (NP Pops)) (PP for (NP his final drink)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR (WHADVP When) (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP handed (NP it) (PRT back))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP hold (PP of (NP it))) (ADVP safely))))) , (NP-SBJ Pops) (VP was (VP looking (PP toward (NP me))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said `` (ADVP Now) '' , (PP to (NP Charlie)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP swung (NP (NP the short length (PP of (NP lead pipe))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (ADVP meanwhile) (VP taken (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP his pocket))))))) , (ADVP once))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a lead pipe cinch)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a sound (PP like (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP produce (NP *T*-1) (PP by (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP flicking (NP a watermelon) (PP with (NP your finger))))))))))) , (ADJP only louder)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Pops) (VP fell (ADVP (ADVP forward (PP from (NP the waist))) and (ADVP then) (ADVP over) (ADVP sidewise)))) .)) (TOP (X (ADJP (ADJP Out cold) , (X if not (ADJP dead))) ; ; and (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (ADVP never) (VP known (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP hit (NP him))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (ADVP never) (VP known (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ anything) (VP had (VP hit (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP reached (NP my hand) (PP toward (NP him))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP it) (PP inside (NP his shirt)))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP feel (PP for (NP a heartbeat))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP (VP said `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait)) '' ! !) -- and (VP said (NP it) (ADVP sharply) , (PP not (PP as (PP in (NP the Patchen bit))) , but (PP as (NP an order)))) --)) (S so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP stopped (NP my hand)) and (VP looked (PP at (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP holding (NP the piece (PP of (NP lead pipe))) (PRT out) (PP to (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD dead))))))))) , (ADVP yet) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP gauged (NP (NP that blow) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD borderline)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP (VP kayo (NP him)) and (VP (ADVP (ADVP maybe) or (ADVP maybe not)) kill))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP hit (ADVP again) (ADJP (ADVP about twice) that hard)) (PP before (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP know (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP dead) or not))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP That way) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (ADVP never) (VP know (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 which (PP of (NP us))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP really) (VP killed (NP him)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD the accomplice))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Dig) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP dug (NP him))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP his point))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP made (NP sense))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP took (NP the piece (PP of (NP pipe))) (PP from (NP (NP Charlie 's) hand))) and (VP used (NP it) , (ADVP harder (PP than (S (NP he) (AUX had)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The thunk) (VP was (ADJP-PRD louder)) , (ADVP anyway)) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (NP bone) (VP crack)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP said , `` (NP Good boy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP did (NP it)) , (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ mine) (VP did n't))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (ADVP never) (VP know (WHNP which))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP All right) , (ADVP now) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP give (NP you) (NP a hand)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP straightened (NP Pops) (PRT up))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (ADJP sure) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no trace (PP of (NP a heartbeat)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP nodded (PP to (NP Charlie))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (NP 's) (VP put (NP him) (ADVP down) (ADVP again) (NP (NP the way) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW was)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD a (ADJP more natural) position)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP did (NP that)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP How) (SQ (AUX do) (NP-SBJ you) (VP feel)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP asked (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP Cool) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (AUX do) (NP-SBJ you) (VP feel (NP-PRD *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` Nothing .)) (TOP (S (X Well) (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP exaggerating)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a kick) , but not (NP a (ADJP big enough) one (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP the chance) (ADVP again)))))) , (PP except (PP for (NP stakes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (NP 's) not (VP talk (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP abstractly))) (PP until (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP here)))))) .)) (TOP (X (ADVP Now) , (NP (NP first question) : (NP the bottles)) .)) (TOP (SQ (AUX Shall) (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP take (NP them all) (PP with (NP us))) , or (VP leave (NP one))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP them))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP left (NP one)))) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wipe (NP it) (PP for (NP fingerprints)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Here) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW 's) (NP-SBJ (NP the picture) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (NP T) (PP for (NP the fuzz)))) -- (SBAR (WHADVP whenever) (S (NP-SBJ the body) (VP gets (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP found)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP happened (PP in (NP the middle (PP of (NP a drinking bout (PP with (NP another bum))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP been (VP working (PP on (NP (NP a bottle) or (NP a jug)))))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP have (VP taken (NP it) (PP with (NP him))))) '' .)) (TOP (ADJP `` Right .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP have (VP taken (NP the weapon) (PP with (NP him))))) (ADVP too)) , so (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP take (NP that))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Now) '' -- (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (ADVP around)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (ADJP-PRD careful (PP about (NP fingerprints))))) .)) (TOP (X (WHADVP How) (PP about (NP you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` Same .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD the boards (PP over (NP the window)))) , (PP of (NP course))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD (ADJP not painted) and (ADJP too rough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP prints)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Same) (VP goes (PP for (NP the rough cement (PP of (NP the ledge))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP doubt (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ the cops) (VP will (ADVP even) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP dusting))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP find (NP dead winos)) (NP every day)) , (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ they) (VP wo (NEG n't) (ADVP even) (VP autopsy (NP him) (PP for (NP the cause (PP of (NP death))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP ca n't (VP take (NP a chance) (PP on (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assume (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP decide (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP murdered (NP *-1))))))))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP the picture) (ADJP-PRD consistent))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Our hypothetical other bum) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP killed (NP him))))) (VP would (VP have (VP turned (PRT out) (NP his pockets)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (NP 's) (VP do (NP that))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP did (NP that)) and (VP found (NP (NP a dirty handkerchief) , (NP some matches) and (NP fourteen cents (PP in (NP change)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP took (NP (NP the matches) -- (S (NP they) (X (VP were (NP-PRD book matches)) and (SBAR once (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP 'd (VP been (VP touched (NP *-1)))))) (X (VP might (VP retain (NP fingerprints)))))) -- and (NP the change))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP discussed (NP the candle)) and (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the hypothetical other bum) (VP would (VP have (VP left (NP it) (VP burning)))) (X (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP light (NP his way (PP to (NP the window)))))) and (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP have (NP no reason (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP blow (NP it) (PRT out)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The candle) (VP had (VP been (VP stuck (NP *-1) (PP on (NP a tin lid))))) (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would n't (VP set (NP fire) (PP to (NP the crate)))) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP guttered (ADVP out)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A fire) (VP would n't (VP have (VP mattered))) (PP except (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP cause (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pops) (VP to (VP be (VP found (NP *-1) (ADVP sooner)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP might not (VP be (VP found (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP days) , (NP even weeks)))))) , (ADVP otherwise) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP went (ADVP once more) (PP over (NP every point))) , (ADVP then) (VP triple-checked)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Being (VP picked (PRT up) (PP for (NP questioning)) (PP by (NP a cop)) (PP on (NP the way out)))))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD the only possible remaining danger)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were n't (VP picked (PRT up) (PP by (NP a cop))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ (NP nobody) (NP-1 *pseudo-attach*)) (VP saw (NP us)) , (NP-1 (NP cop) or (NP citizen)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Winsett) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD a quiet street (PP with (NP no taverns)))) and (VP was (ADJP-PRD completely deserted) (PP at (NP that hour)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 Which) , (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP matters))) , (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD one A.M.))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (NP (ADJP Less (PP than (NP three))) hours) ago) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP decided , (PP in (NP (NP Maxine Wells 's) pad (PP on (NP Cosmo)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP commit (NP a trial murder)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP gone (PP like (NP clockwork)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Almost too smoothly) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP found (NP myself) (VP thinking)) , and (ADVP then) (VP told (NP myself) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ridiculous)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (ADJP (WHADVP How) safe) (SQ (VP is (ADJP-PRD too safe))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thinking (PP like (NP that))))) (VP can (VP get (NP you) (PP into (NP a padded pad)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (NP An hour) later) (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADVP back) (PP-PRD in (NP my unpadded pad))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP killing (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP left (NP *-1) (PP of (NP the second pint))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (NP the third one) (ADJP intact (PP for (NP tomorrow))))))) .)) (TOP (X (ADVP Also) (NP our plans (SBAR (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP commit (NP (NP Charlie 's) murder))))) and (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP commit (NP mine))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADVP really) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP shook (NP hands) (PP on (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP planned (ADVP ahead) (NP (NP only one step) , (NP (NP a rendezvous (PP for (NP tomorrow))) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (VP swap (NP notes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP tell (NP him) (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP learned (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP (NP Seaton 's) habits and habitat)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP tell (NP me) (NP the score (PP on (NP Radic)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP made (NP the date) (PP for (NP two o'clock (PP in (NP the afternoon)))) (PP at (NP (NP Maxine Wells 's) pad))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP would (VP get (ADVP there) (ADVP early))) (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP the key)))) .)) (TOP (X (PP From (ADVP here on in)) , (SBAR (X the less) (S (NP (NP Charlie) and (NP I)) (X (X (VP were (VP seen (ADVP together) (PP in (NP public))))) , or (VP visited (NP (NP one another 's) rooms))))) , (X the better) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead tired)) and (VP slept (ADVP soundly) , (ADVP as far (PP as (NP I) (VP know))) (ADVP dreamlessly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP met (PP at (NP (NP Maxine 's)))) and (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP set (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP as long (PP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP took , (PP into or (ADVP even) through (NP the evening)) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (NP things) (PRT out))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP had (VP brought (NP food)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP decided (PP on (NP no drinks))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP brought (PRT along) (NP the virgin pint (PP from (NP last night)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP kill (NP that)))))) (SBAR (WHADVP (ADVP only) when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD through (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP talking))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP talked (ADVP first)) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP telling (NP him) (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP (NP Seaton) and (NP his house) and (NP domestic arrangements))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drew (NP (NP diagrams) and (NP floor plans)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP memorized (NP them) (ADVP thoroughly))) and (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP tore (NP them) (PP into (NP tiny pieces))) and (VP flushed (NP them) (PRT down)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gave (NP me) (NP (NP (ADJP equivalent and (ADVP even) (ADJP more detailed)) dope (PP on (NP Radic))) , (VP including (NP (NP diagrams) -- (NP (NP one (PP of (NP (NP the apartment building) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Radic) (VP lived (PP in (NP T)))))))) and (NP one (PP of (NP (NP the apartment) (NP itself))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP been (ADVP-PRD there))) (NP several times) , (ADVP back when) , (SBAR while (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) and (NP Radic)) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD friends)))) , or (X (PP at (ADJP least)) (X not (NP enemies))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP did n't (VP take (NP us) (ADVP as long (PP as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP it) (AUX might))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it (SBAR-2 *pseudo-attach*)) (VP was (ADVP not quite) (NP-PRD six o'clock)) (SBAR-2 (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP finished)))) and (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP said , `` (S (INTJ Well) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD it))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (AUX Shall) (NP-SBJ we) (VP flip (NP a coin)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 which (PP of (NP us))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP goes (ADVP first))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Or (SQ (AUX would) (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP rather) (VP (VP deal (NP a hand (PP of (NP show-down poker)))) or (VP play (NP a game (PP of (NP gin rummy)))) , or (WHNP what))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait (NP a minute)) , (NP Charlie)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP (NP One thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have n't (VP discussed (NP *T*-1)))))) , (NP expense money) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP need (NP some) (PP at (ADJP least)))) , (X if only (NP bus fare (PP to (NP the scene (PP of (NP the crime)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD as flat broke (PP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP-CHECK-IF-PRD-BELOW am))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP the added risk (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP knocking (PRT over) (NP (NP a filling station) or (NP something))) (PP before (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP split))))))))))) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ one (PP of (NP us))) (VP to (VP set (PRT up) (NP an alibi))) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ the other) (VP does (NP his dirty work))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sighed) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP All right) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP come (ADJP-PRD clean)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP a little) (VP stashed (NP *) (PP for (NP a rainy day))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD rainy enough)))))) .)) (TOP (NP A couple (PP of (NP hundred)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP draw (NP the short straw)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP lend (NP you) (NP some bread) , (PP like (NP fifty bucks)) ,)) (PP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (ADVP off) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP visit (NP my sister (PP in (NP Frisco))))))))) .)) (TOP (X (ADVP Then) , (PP after (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD back)))) , (X (NP another fifty) (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP (VP put (NP some mileage) (PRT on) (NP yourself)) and (VP have (NP (NP a solid alibi) (ADVP somewhere))))) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (NP care (PP of (NP your seat cover boy))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP Solid) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (NP (NP a deep breath) , and (NP the plunge))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP In (NP that case)) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (NP 's) not (VP draw))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bat (ADVP first)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'd (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wait (X (PP till (S (NP-SBJ Seaton) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD back (PP from (NP Mexico City)))))) and (ADVP also) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP set (NP it) (PRT up) (PP with (NP Doris))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP her) (VP have (NP an alibi (PP for (NP D-night))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (NEG n't) (VP be (PP-PRD for (NP (NP days) or (NP even a week))))) (PP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP do (NP anything))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP your friend) (NP Manny)) (VP can (VP go (NP any time))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP grinned) and (VP clapped (NP me) (PP on (NP the shoulder)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP hoping (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP say (NP that))))))) , (NP Willy) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (NEG n't) (VP have (VP suggested (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) -- (PP in (NP that case)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (PRT off) (NP tomorrow morning) (PP for (NP Frisco))) .)) (TOP (S And , (PP in (NP case)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP brought (NP the money) (PP with (NP me))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD self)))))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD free (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP grok (ADVP ever closer (PP to (NP his brothers)))) , (VP merge (PP without (NP let)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Self 's) integrity) (VP (VP was) and (VP is) and (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) had (VP been))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mike) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cherish (NP (NP (NP all his brother selves) , (NP (NP the many threes-fulfilled) (PP-LOC on (NP Mars)) , (ADJP corporate and discorporate)) , (NP (NP the precious few) (PP-LOC on (NP Earth)))) -- (NP (NP (NP the unknown powers) (PP of (NP three)) (PP-LOC on (NP Earth))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP his) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP merge (PP with (NP *T*-3))) and (VP cherish (NP *T*-3))))))) (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP at (NP last long waiting)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP grokked and cherished (NP himself))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP remained (PP in (NP trance)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP grok (NP *T*-2)))))) , (NP (NP (NP loose ends) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP puzzle (PP over (NP *T*-3))) and (VP fit (NP *T*-3) (PP into (NP his growing)))))))) -- (NP (NP (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP (VP seen and heard (NP *T*-1)) and (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-1)) (PP-LOC at (NP the Archangel Foster Tabernacle))))))) -LRB- (NP (ADVP not just) cusp (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ he and Digby) (VP had (VP come (NP-MNR-PRD (NP face) (PP to (NP face))) (ADVP alone) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))) -RRB-) (SBAR-NOM (WHADVP-5 why) (S (NP-SBJ Bishop Senator Boone) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD warily uneasy)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-5)))) , (SBAR-NOM (WHADVP-7 how) (S (NP-SBJ Miss Dawn Ardent) (VP tasted (PP like (NP a water brother)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-6 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was not (NP-PRD *?*) (ADVP-TMP *T*-6)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-7)))) , (NP (NP (NP the smell) (PP of (NP goodness))) (SBAR (WHNP-8 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP incompletely) (VP grokked (NP *T*-8))))) (PP in (NP (NP the jumping (ADVP up and down)) and (NP wailing)))) -- (NP (NP Jubal 's) conversations (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP coming and going))) --)))) (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jubal 's) words) (VP troubled (NP him) (ADVP most))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-10 he) (VP (VP studied (NP them)) , (VP compared (NP them) (PP with (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-9 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP taught (NP *T*-9) (PP as (NP a nestling))))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-11 *-10) (VP struggling (S (NP-SBJ *-11) (VP to (VP bridge (PP between (NP (NP languages) , (NP (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-12 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP with (NP *T*-12)))))) and (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-14 0) (S (NP-SBJ-13 he) (VP was (VP learning (S (NP-SBJ *-13) (VP to (VP think (PP in (NP *T*-14)))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The word `` church '') (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP turned (PRT up) (ADVP over and over again) (PP among (NP (NP Jubal 's) words)))))) (VP gave (NP him) (NP knotty difficulty))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no Martian concept) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP to (VP match (NP it)))))) -- (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP (VP took (NP `` (NP church) '' and `` (NP worship) '' and `` (NP God) '' and `` (NP congregation) '' and (NP many other words))) and (VP equated (NP them) (PP to (NP (NP the totality) (PP of (NP (NP the only world) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP known (NP *T*-4) (PP-TMP during (NP growing-waiting))))))))))) (ADVP then) (VP forced (NP the concept) (ADVP back) (PP into (NP English)) (PP in (NP (NP that phrase) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP had (VP been (VP rejected (NP *-1) -LRB- (PP by (NP-LGS each)) (ADVP-MNR differently) -RRB- (PP by (NP-LGS Jubal)) , (PP by (NP-LGS Mahmoud)) , (PP by (NP-LGS Digby))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Thou) (VP art (NP-PRD God)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD closer (PP to (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP understanding (NP it) (PP in (NP English)))))) (ADVP-TMP now) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (NP (NP the inevitability) (PP of (NP (NP the Martian concept) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP stood (PP for (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP his mind)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP spoke (ADVP simultaneously) (NP (NP the English sentence) and (NP the Martian word))) and (VP felt (NP closer grokking))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Repeating (NP it) (PP like (NP (NP a student) (VP telling (NP himself) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the jewel) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the lotus)))))))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP sank (PP into (NP nirvana))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (NP midnight)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP speeded (NP his heart)) , (VP resumed (NP normal breathing)) , (VP ran (PRT down) (NP his check list)) , (VP uncurled) and (VP sat (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD weary)))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP light and gay and clear-headed) , (ADJP ready (PP for (NP (NP the many actions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP spreading (PRT out) (PP before (NP him))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (NP (NP a puppyish need) (PP for (NP company)) (ADJP as strong (PP as (NP (NP his earlier necessity) (PP for (NP quiet))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP stepped (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the hall)))) , (VP was (VP delighted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP encounter (NP a water brother))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Hi '' ! !)) (TOP (INTJ `` Oh .)) (TOP (INTJ (INTJ Hello) , (NP-VOC Mike) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ My) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP look (ADJP-PRD chipper)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD fine)) ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ is (NP-SBJ everybody) (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (ADJP `` Asleep .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Ben and Stinky) (VP went (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP-TMP (NP an hour) ago))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 people) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP going (PP to (NP bed)))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Oh '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD disappointed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Mahmoud) (VP had (VP left))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP explain (NP his new grokking)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD asleep) , (ADVP too))))) ,) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (PP like (NP a snack)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Are (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD hungry) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Sure) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD hungry)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD some cold chicken))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP see (WHNP what else))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR downstairs)) , (VP loaded (NP a tray) (ADVP-MNR lavishly))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP 's) (VP take (NP it) (ADVP-DIR outside)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD plenty warm)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 A fine idea) '' , (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP agreed (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADJP Warm enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP swim)))) -- (NP real Indian summer) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP switch (PRT on) (NP the floods))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Don't (VP bother))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP answered (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP carry (NP the tray))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP see (PP in (NP (ADJP almost total) darkness)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Jubal) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his night-sight) (ADVP probably) (VP came (PP from (NP (NP the conditions) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP grown (PRT up) (PP *T*-1)))))))))))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP grokked (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (ADJP-PRD true))))) but (VP grokked (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD more) (PP to (NP it)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ his foster parents) (VP had (VP taught (NP-2 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (S (NP-SBJ the night) (VP being (ADJP-PRD warm))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD comfortable) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD naked (PP-LOC on (NP Mount Everest)))))))) but (S (S (NP-SBJ his water brothers) (VP had (NP (NP little tolerance) (PP for (NP (NP changes) (PP in (NP temperature and pressure))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD considerate (PP of (NP their weakness))) , (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP learned (PP of (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP looking (ADVP forward) (PP to (NP (NP snow) -- (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (PP for (NP himself)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP each tiny crystal) (PP of (NP (NP the water) (PP of (NP life))))) (VP was (NP-PRD a unique individual) , (PP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP read))))))))) -- (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP walking (ADVP barefoot)) , (VP rolling (PP-LOC in (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the meantime)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP pleased (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the warm night) and (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADVP still more) pleasing) company) (PP of (NP his water brother))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Okay) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP take (NP the tray)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP switch (PRT on) (NP the underwater lights))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 'll (VP be (NP-PRD (NP plenty) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP eat (PP by (NP *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Fine '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP light) (PP up (PP through (NP the ripples))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a goodness) , (NP beauty)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP picnicked (PP-LOC by (NP the pool))) , (ADVP then) (VP lay (ADVP back) (PP-LOC on (NP the grass))) and (VP looked (PP at (NP stars)))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-VOC Mike) , (ADVP-LOC-TPC-1 there) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mars) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP Mars) (NAC *ICH*-1)))) , (SQ isn't (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD *?*) ? ? (NAC-1 Or (NP Antares))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD Mars)) '' .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Mike ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ they) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP Mars)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hesitated)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the question) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too wide (PP for (NP the sparse English language))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP (NP the side) (PP-LOC toward (NP the horizon))) -- (NP the southern hemisphere) --)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD spring))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 plants) (VP are (VP being (VP taught (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP grow))))))) '' .)) (TOP (VP `` ' Taught (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP grow))) ' '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hesitated) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Larry) (VP teaches (NP-1 plants) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP grow)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP helped (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ my people) (PRN -- (S (S (NP-TPC-1 Martians) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (NP *T*-1))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP grok (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (NP-PRD my people))))))) --) (VP teach (NP plants) (NP-MNR another way)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the other hemisphere)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (VP growing (ADJP-PRD colder)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP nymphs) , (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP stayed (ADJP-PRD alive) (PP-TMP through (NP the summer)))))) ,) (VP are (VP being (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP-DIR into (NP nests)) (PP for (NP (NP quickening) and (NP more growing))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP Of (NP (NP the humans) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP left (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the equator))))))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP has (VP discorporated))) and (S (NP-SBJ the others) (VP are (ADJP-PRD sad)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (NP it) (PP in (NP the news))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP had not (VP heard (NP it)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (VP known (NP it) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP asked (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP should not (VP be (ADJP-PRD sad))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. Booker T.W. Jones) (NP Food Technician First Class)) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD sad))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the Old Ones) (VP have (VP cherished (NP him)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP knew (NP him)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yes .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP his own face) , (ADJP dark and beautiful))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD homesick)) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ dear) ! !)) (TOP (SQ (NP-VOC Mike) do (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP get (ADJP-PRD homesick)) ? ?)) (TOP (PP For (NP Mars) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (PP-TMP At (NP first)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD homesick))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP answered (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD lonely) (ADVP-TMP always)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP rolled (PP-DIR toward (NP her))) and (VP took (NP her) (PP in (NP his arms)))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ I) (VP am not (ADJP-PRD lonely)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP grok (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (ADJP-PRD lonely) (ADVP again)))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Mike darling '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP (VP kissed) , and (VP went (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP kissing)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Presently) (NP-SBJ his water brother) (VP said (ADVP-MNR breathlessly) . `` (S (INTJ (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ my)) ! ! (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (ADVP almost) (ADJP-PRD worse (PP than (NP the first time))))) '') .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (ADJP-PRD all right) , (NP-VOC my brother)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yes .)) (TOP (INTJ (INTJ Yes) (INTJ indeed) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Kiss (NP me) (ADVP-TMP again)) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A long time) later) , (PP by (NP cosmic clock)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said , `` (NP Mike)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ-UNF Is (NP-SBJ that) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean)) , ' (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP-UNF know)) ' '' --))) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (PP-PRD for (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP growing (ADJP-PRD closer))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ we) (VP grow (ADJP-PRD closer)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (S (INTJ Well) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (ADJP-PRD ready) (NP-TMP a long time)))) -- (S (INTJ goodness) , (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP all)) (VP have)) , but (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP mind , (NP-VOC dear)))) ; ; (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP turn (NP-ADV just a little))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP help)) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP merged , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP grokking (ADVP together)))) ,)) (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP said (ADVP-MNR softly and triumphantly) : `` (S (NP-SBJ Thou) (VP art (NP-PRD God))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her answer) (VP was not (PP-PRD in (NP words))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (S (NP-SBJ their grokking) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD ever closer)))) and (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (ADJP-PRD almost ready (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP discorporate))))))))) (NP-SBJ her voice) (VP called (NP him) (ADVP back) : `` (INTJ Oh)) ! !)) (TOP (INTJ Oh ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Thou) (VP art (NP-PRD God)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP grok (NP God)) '' .)) (TOP (NP 25 .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP Mars)) (NP-SBJ humans) (VP were (VP building (NP (NP pressure domes) (PP for (NP (NP the male and female party) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP arrive (PP by (NP next ship))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP went (ADVP-MNR faster (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP scheduled (NP *-1))))) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ the Martians) (VP were (ADJP-PRD helpful))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Part (PP of (NP (NP the time) (VP saved (NP *))))) (VP was (VP spent (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP a preliminary estimate) (PP for (NP a long-distance plan (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP free (NP (NP bound oxygen) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the sands) (PP of (NP Mars))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the planet) (ADJP-PRD more friendly (PP to (NP future human generations)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Old Ones) (VP neither helped nor hindered (NP this plan))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ time) (VP was not (ADVP-TMP yet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their meditations) (VP were (VP approaching (NP (NP a violent cusp) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP shape (NP Martian art) (PP for (NP many millennia))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC On (NP Earth)) (S (NP-SBJ elections) (VP continued)) and (S (NP-SBJ a (ADJP very advanced) poet) (VP published (NP (NP a limited edition) (PP of (NP (NP verse) (VP consisting (ADVP entirely) (PP of (NP (NP punctuation marks) and (NP spaces)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Time magazine) (VP (VP reviewed (NP it)) and (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Federation Assembly Daily Record) (VP should (VP be (VP translated (NP *-1) (PP into (NP the medium)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A colossal campaign) (S *ICH*-1)) (VP opened (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sell (NP (NP more sexual organs) (PP of (NP plants)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mrs. Joseph -LRB- `` (NAC (NP Shadow (PP of (NP Greatness)))) '' -RRB- Douglas) (VP was (VP quoted (NP-3 *-2) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP saying : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (ADVP no more) (VP sit (PRT down) (PP without (NP (NP flowers) (PP-LOC on (NP my table)))) (PP than (PP without (NP serviettes)))))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A Tibetan swami) (PP from (NP (NP Palermo) , (NP Sicily)))) , (VP announced (PP-LOC in (NP Beverly Hills)) (NP (NP a (ADJP newly discovered) , ancient yoga discipline) (PP for (NP ripple breathing)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP increased (NP both (NP pranha) and (NP (NP cosmic attraction) (PP between (NP sexes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 His chelas) (VP were (VP required (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP assume (NP the matsyendra posture) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP dressed (PP in (NP hand-woven diapers)))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP read (ADVP aloud) (PP from (NP Rig-Veda)))) and (S (S (NP-SBJ an assistant guru) (VP examined (NP their purses) (PP-LOC in (NP another room)))) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 nothing) (VP was (VP stolen (NP *-1)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the purpose) (VP was (ADJP-PRD less immediate)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The President) (PP of (NP the United States))) (VP (VP proclaimed (NP (NP the first Sunday) (PP-TMP in (NP November))) (PP as `` (NP National (NP Grandmothers ') Day) '')) and (VP urged (NP-1 America) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP it) (PP with (NP flowers))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A funeral parlor chain) (VP was (VP indicted (NP *-1) (PP for (NP price-cutting)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fosterite bishops) , (PP-TMP after (NP secret conclave)) , (VP announced (NP (NP (NP the Church 's) second Major Miracle) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 Supreme Bishop Digby) (VP had (VP been (VP (VP translated (NP *-1) (ADVP bodily) (PP-DIR to (NP Heaven))) and (VP spot-promoted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP Archangel) , (VP ranking (PP with-but-after (NP Archangel Foster)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The glorious news) (VP had (VP been (VP held (PRT up) (NP *-2) (PP pending (NP (NP Heavenly confirmation) (PP of (NP (NP the elevation) (PP of (NP (NP (NP a new Supreme Bishop) , (NP Huey Short)) -- (NP (NP a candidate) (VP accepted (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the Boone faction)) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 lots) (VP had (VP been (VP cast (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR repeatedly))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP L'Unita) and (NP Hoy)) (VP published (NP (NP identical denunciations) (PP of (NP (NP Short 's) elevation))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP l'Osservatore Romano) and (NP the Christian Science Monitor)) (VP ignored (NP it))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP Times) (PP of (NP India))) (VP snickered (PP at (NP it)))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ the Manchester Guardian) (ADVP simply) (VP reported (NP it))) -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Fosterites) (PP-LOC in (NP England))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP few) but (ADJP extremely militant))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Digby) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD pleased (PP with (NP his promotion)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Man) (PP from (NP Mars))) (VP had (VP interrupted (NP him) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his work) (ADJP-PRD half finished)))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP that stupid jackass) (NP Short)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD certain (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP louse (NP it) (PRT up))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Foster) (VP (VP listened (PP with (NP angelic patience)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ Digby) (VP ran (PRT down))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) said , `` (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen , (NP-VOC junior))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-PRD an angel) (ADVP-TMP now))) -- so (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP forget (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eternity) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no time) (PP for (NP recriminations)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP too) (VP were (NP-PRD a stupid jackass) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP poisoned (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Afterwards) (NP-SBJ you) (VP did (ADVP-MNR well enough)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Short) (VP is (NP-PRD Supreme Bishop))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'll (VP do (ADVP-MNR all right)))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can't (VP help (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Same (PP as (PP with (NP the Popes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (NP-PRD warts) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP got (VP promoted (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Check (PP with (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP them)))))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (ADVP ahead))) -- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD no professional jealousy) (ADVP-LOC here))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Digby) (VP (VP calmed (PRT down)) , but (VP made (NP one request))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Foster) (VP shook (NP his halo)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP can't (VP touch (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP shouldn't (VP have (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP submit (NP (NP a requisition) (PP for (NP a miracle))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP a fool) (PP of (NP yourself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP telling (NP you)))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP 'll (VP be (VP turned (NP *-1) (PRT down))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP don't (VP understand (NP the System) (ADVP-TMP yet))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Martians) (VP have (NP (NP their own setup) , (ADJP different (PP from (NP ours)))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP need (NP him))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP can't (VP touch (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP run (NP their show) (NP-MNR their way))) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ the Universe) (VP has (NP (NP variety) , (NP something (PP for (NP everybody)))))) -- (NP a fact (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you field workers) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP miss (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ this punk) (VP can (VP brush (NP me) (ADVP aside)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hold (ADVP still) (PP for (NP it))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP held (ADVP still) (PP for (NP the same thing)))) , (SQ didn't (NP-SBJ I) (VP *?*)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP helping (NP you) (ADVP-TMP now)))) , (SQ am (NP-SBJ I) not (VP *?*)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP look)) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP (NP work) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP to (VP be (VP done (NP *-2))))))) and (NP (NP lots) (PP of (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Boss) (VP wants (NP performance , not gripes)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP need (NP a Day off) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP calm (PRT down))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP duck (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the Muslim Paradise)))) and (VP take (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP Otherwise) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP straighten (NP your halo)) , (VP square (NP your wings)) , and (VP dig (PRT in))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP The sooner) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP act (PP like (NP an angel)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (ADVP-TPC-2 the quicker) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP feel (ADJP-PRD angelic) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (ADJP-PRD Happy) , (NP-VOC junior)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Digby) (VP heaved (NP a deep ethereal sigh)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Okay) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD Happy)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ do (NP-SBJ I) (VP start (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Jubal) (VP did not (VP hear (PP of (NP (NP Digby 's) disappearance)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP announced (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) , and , (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP a fleeting suspicion)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP dismissed (NP it)))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP had (VP had (NP a finger) (PP in (NP it)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP gotten (ADVP away (PP with (NP it)))))) -- and (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP happened (PP to (NP supreme bishops))))) (VP worried (NP Jubal) (PP not at (NP all)) (ADVP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-5 he) (VP wasn't (VP bothered (NP *-5)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His household) (VP had (VP gone (PP through (NP an upset)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Jubal) (VP (VP deduced (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened))))) but (VP did not (VP know (WHPP with (WHNP whom)))) -- and (VP didn't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP inquire)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mike) (VP was (UCP-PRD (PP of (NP legal age)) and (VP presumed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP defend (NP himself) (PP in (NP the clinches)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyhow) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP high time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the boy) (VP was (VP salted (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jubal) (VP couldn't (VP reconstruct (NP the crime) (PP from (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the girls) (VP behaved (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 patterns) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shifting -- (NP-MNR (NP ABC (PP vs (NP D))) , then (NP BCD (PP vs (NP A))) or (NP AB (PP vs (NP CD))) , or (NP AD (PP vs (NP CB)))) , (PP through (NP (NP all ways) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ four women) (VP can (VP gang (PRT up) (PP on (NP each other)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP continued (NP (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the week) (VP following (NP (NP that ill-starred trip) (PP to (NP church))))))) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 during (WHNP which period)) (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP stayed (PP (PP-LOC in (NP his room)) and (PP (ADVP-TMP usually) in (NP (NP a trance) (ADJP so deep (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Jubal) (VP would (VP have (VP pronounced (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD dead)) (SBAR-ADV (SINV had (NP-SBJ he) not (VP seen (NP it) (ADVP-TMP before))))))))))))) (PP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jubal) (VP would not (VP have (VP minded (NP it) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ service) (VP had not (VP gone (PP to (NP pieces))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The girls) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP spend (NP half their time) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP tiptoeing (ADVP-DIR in) `` (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP was (ADJP-PRD all right))))))) ''))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD too preoccupied (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP (VP cook) , (CONJP much less) (VP be (NP-PRD secretaries)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC Even rock-steady Anne) -- (INTJ Hell) , (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP was (NP-PRD the worst)) ! !)) (TOP (S (ADJP-TPC (ADJP Absent-minded) , (ADJP subject (PP to (NP unexplained tears)))) (NP-SBJ Jubal) (VP would (VP have (VP bet (NP his life) (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 Anne) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP witness (NP the Second Coming))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP would (VP memorize (NP (NP date) , (NP time) , (NP personae) , (NP events) , and (NP barometric pressure)) (SBAR-ADV without (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP batting (NP her calm blue eyes))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The expense and time) (VP involved (NP *))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD astronomical)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP sent (NP (NP a third vessel) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PRT out) , (NP-1 (NP a (ADJP much smaller and faster) one) (PP than (NP the first two)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (VP learned (NP (NP much) (PP about (NP interstellar drives))) (PP-TMP since (ADVP (NP a hundred years) ago))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP tell (NP you) (NP *T*-1))))) (PP about (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ the third ship) (VP (VP came (ADVP back) (ADVP-TMP (NP several years) ago)) and (VP-UNF reported)) '')) (TOP (SINV `` (FRAG-TPC-4 (SBAR That (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP found (NP (NP a planet) (SBAR (SBAR (WHPP-5 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ human beings) (VP could (VP live (PP-LOC *T*-5))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP already) (VP inhabited (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS sentient beings))))))))))))) '' ! ! (VP Said (FRAG *T*-4)) (NP-SBJ-3 Hal) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP forgetting (PP in (NP his enthusiasm)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-6 he) (VP had not (VP been (VP asked (NP-7 *-6) (S (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP to (VP speak)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Macneff) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pacing)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stare (PP at (NP Hal)) (PP with (NP his pale blue eyes)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR sharply)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Forgive (NP me) , (NP-VOC Sandalphon))) '' , (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Hal) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD inevitable)) ! !)) (TOP (SQ Did not (NP-SBJ the Forerunner) (VP predict (PP in (NP his (NX-TTL (NX Time) and (NX the World Line)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 such a planet) (VP would (VP be (VP found (NP *-1))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP page 573)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Macneff) (VP (VP smiled) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD glad (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ your scriptural lessons) (VP have (VP left (NP such an impression)))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (SINV (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ could (NP-SBJ they) not (VP *?* (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?) (VP Thought (SBARQ *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Hal) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were not (NP-PRD the only impressions)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP bear (NP (NP scars) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP my back))) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Pornsen) , (NP my gapt) ,) (VP whipped (NP me) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had not (VP learned (NP my lessons) (ADVP-MNR well enough))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD a good impresser) , (NP-TPC that Pornsen)) .)) (TOP (VP Was (NP-PRD *?*) ? ?)) (TOP (VP Is (NP-PRD *?*) ! !)) (TOP (SINV (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP grew (ADJP-PRD older)) and (VP was (VP promoted (NP *-1)))))) , (ADVP-TPC-4 so) (VP was (VP *?* (NP *-2) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) , (ADVP-TMP always) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-3)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD my gapt) (PP in (NP the creche))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD the dormitory gapt) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP college))) and (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP getting (ADVP away (PP from (NP him)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD my block gapt)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the one) (ADJP responsible (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ my) (VP getting (NP such low M. R. 's))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-MNR-TPC-1 Swiftly) , (VP came (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the revulsion) , (NP the protest)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ No) , not (NP he) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ (NP I) , and (NP I alone)) , (VP am (ADJP-PRD responsible (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happens (PP to (NP me)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (NP a low M.R.)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (ADVP so) (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP it) (NP-MNR that way))) or (S (NP-SBJ my dark self) (VP does))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP die))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP die (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP willed (NP it) (ADVP so))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP So) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP forgive (NP me) , (NP-VOC Sigmen) , (PP for (NP the contrary-to-reality thoughts))) ! !)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (INTJ Please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP pardon (NP me) (ADVP again) , (NP-VOC Sandalphon))) '' , (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Hal) .)) (TOP (SQ `` But did (NP-SBJ the expedition) (VP (VP find (NP (NP any records) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ the Forerunner) (VP having (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP this planet)))))))) ? ? (ADVP Perhaps) , (ADVP even) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP too much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wish (NP *T*-1))))))))) , (VP find (NP (NP the Forerunner) (NP himself)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 No) '' , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Macneff) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV `` Though (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP does not (VP mean (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP may not (VP be (NP-PRD such records) (ADVP-LOC there)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The expedition) (VP was (PP-PRD under (NP orders (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP make (NP (NP a swift survey) (PP of (NP conditions))))) and (ADVP-TMP then) (VP to (VP return (PP-DIR to (NP Earth))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can't (VP tell (NP you) (ADVP-TMP now) (NP (NP (NP the distance) (PP in (NP lightyears))) or (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what star) (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1))))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP see (NP it) (PP with (NP the naked eye)) (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (PP-LOC in (NP this hemisphere)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP volunteer))) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP will (VP be (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP going (ADVP-DIR *T*-2))))) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ the ship) (VP leaves)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ it) (VP leaves (ADVP-TMP very soon)) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (SQ-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP need (NP a linguist))) '' ? ? (VP Said (SQ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Hal) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ The ship) (VP is (ADJP-PRD huge))) '' , (PRN (SINV (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Macneff))) , `` but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the number) (PP of (NP (NP military men and specialists) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (VP taking (NP *T*-1)))))))) (VP limits (NP the linguists) (PP to (NP one)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (VP considered (NP (NP several) (PP of (NP your professionals))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (UCP-PRD (NP lamechians) and (PP above (NP suspicion)))))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Unfortunately '')) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hal) (VP waited)) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 Macneff) (VP paced (ADVP some more) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP frowning)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (S (ADVP Unfortunately) , (S (S (NP-SBJ only one lamechian linguist) (VP exists)) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD too old (PP for (NP this expedition)))))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Therefore '')) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 A thousand pardons) '' , (VP said (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Hal) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP just) (VP thought (PP of (NP one thing)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD married)) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP No problem) (ADVP at all)) '' , (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Macneff) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD no women) (PP-LOC aboard (NP the Gabriel)))) .)) (TOP (S And , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP is (ADJP-PRD married)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP will (ADVP automatically) (VP be (VP given (NP *-2) (NP a divorce)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hal) (VP gasped)) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (NP A divorce) '')) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Macneff) (VP (VP raised (NP his hands) (ADVP-MNR apologetically)) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (ADJP-PRD horrified) , (PP of (NP course)))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (PP from (NP (NP our reading) (PP of (NP the Western Talmud)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP Urielites)) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the Forerunner) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP knowing (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this situation) (VP would (VP arise)))))) , (VP made (NP (NP reference (PP to (NP *RNR*-1))) and (NP provision (PP for (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 divorce)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD inevitable) (PP in (NP this case)) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ-1 the couple) (VP will (VP be (VP separated (NP *-1) (PP-TMP for , (ADVP at the least) , (NP forty years)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Naturally) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP couched (NP the provision) (PP in (NP obscure language))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP his great and glorious wisdom)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP our enemies) (NP the Israelites)) (VP must not (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP read (ADVP therein) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP planned (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP volunteer)) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Hal) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP me) (NP more) , (NP-VOC Sandalphon)) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Six months) later) , (NP-SBJ Hal Yarrow) (VP (VP stood (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the observation dome) (PP of (NP the Gabriel))))) and (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ (NP the ball) (PP of (NP Earth))) (VP dwindle (PP-LOC above (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD night) (PP-LOC on (NP this hemisphere)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the light) (VP blazed (PP from (NP (NP the megalopolises) (PP of (NP (NP Australia) , (NP Japan) , (NP China) , (NP Southeast Asia) , (NP India) , (NP Siberia))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hal) , (NP the linguist)) , (VP saw (NP the glittering discs and necklaces) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP (NP the languages) (VP spoken (NP *) (ADVP-LOC therein))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Australia) , (NP the Philippine Islands) , (NP Japan) , and (NP northern China)) (VP were (VP inhabited (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP those members) (PP of (NP the Haijac Union))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP spoke (NP American)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP Southern China) , (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP southeast Asia))) , (NP southern India) and (NP Ceylon)) , (NP-SBJ (NP these states) (PP of (NP the Malay Federation))) (VP spoke (NP Bazaar)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Siberia) (VP spoke (NP Icelandic)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His mind) (VP turned (NP the globe) (ADVP-MNR swiftly) (PP for (NP him)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP visualized (NP (NP Africa) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP used (NP Swahili) (ADVP-LOC south (PP of (NP the Sahara Sea))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC All around (NP (NP the Mediterranean Sea) , (NP Asia Minor) , (NP northern India) , and (NP Tibet))) , (NP-SBJ Hebrew) (VP was (NP-PRD the native tongue)) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 (PP In (NP southern Europe)) , (PP between (NP (NP the Israeli Republics) and (NP (NP the Icelandic-speaking peoples) (PP of (NP northern Europe)))))) , (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a thin but long stretch) (PP of (NP territory)) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD March)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP no man 's) land) , (VP disputed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Haijac Union) and (NP the Israeli Republic))))) , (NP (NP a potential source) (PP of (NP war)) (PP-TMP for (NP the last (QP two hundred) years))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Neither nation) (VP would (VP give (PRT up) (NP (NP their claim) (PP on (NP it)))))) , yet (S (NP-SBJ-2 neither) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP any move) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP lead (PP to (NP a second Apocalyptic War)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So , (PP for (NP all practical purposes)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD an independent nation)) and (PP-TMP by (ADVP now)) (VP had (NP (NP its own organized government) -LRB- (ADJP unrecognized (PP-LOC outside (NP its own borders))) -RRB-))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its citizens) (VP spoke (NP (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP (NP the world 's) surviving tongues))) , plus (NP (NP (NP a new one) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Lingo)))) , (NP (NP a pidgin) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 whose vocabulary) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP was (VP derived (NP *-1) (PP from (NP the other six)))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-4 whose syntax) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so simple (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP could (VP be (VP contained (NP *-2) (PP on (NP (NP half a sheet) (PP of (NP paper)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hal) (VP saw (PP in (NP his mind)) (NP (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP Earth))) : (NP (NP Iceland) , (NP Greenland) , (NP the Caribbean Islands) , and (NP (NP the eastern half) (PP of (NP South America)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ the peoples) (VP spoke (NP (NP the tongue) (PP of (NP Iceland))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ that island) (VP had (VP gotten (NP the jump) (PP on (NP (NP the Hawaiian-Americans) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP were (ADJP-PRD busy) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP resettling (NP (NP North America) and (NP (NP the western half) (PP of (NP South America)))))) (PP-TMP after (NP the Apocalyptic War)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP North America) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ American) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the native speech) (PP of (NP (NP all) (PP except (NP (NP (NP the twenty descendants) (PP of (NP French-Canadians))) (VP living (PP-LOC on (NP the Hudson Bay Preserve)))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hal) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP that side) (PP of (NP Earth))) (VP rotated (PP-DIR into (NP the night zone)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Sigmen City) (VP would (VP blaze (PP out (PP into (NP space)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV And , (ADVP-LOC-TPC-1 somewhere (PP in (NP that enormous light))) , (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ his apartment) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Mary) (VP would (ADVP-TMP soon) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP be (VP living (ADVP-LOC there) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (VP be (VP notified (NP *-1) (PP-TMP in (NP a few days)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 her husband) (VP had (VP died (PP in (NP an accident)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (PP-PRD on (NP (NP a flight) (PP-DIR to (NP Tahiti)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP weep (PP in (ADJP private))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP loved (NP him) (PP-MNR in (NP her frigid way))))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (PP in (ADJP public)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD dry-eyed)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her friends and professional associates) (VP would (VP sympathize (PP with (NP her)) , (SBAR-PRP not (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP lost (NP a beloved husband))))) , but (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP been (VP married (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP thought (ADVP-MNR unrealistically)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hal Yarrow) (VP had (VP been (VP killed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP a crash))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP have (VP wanted (NP it) (NP-MNR that way)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no such thing) (PP as (NP an `` accident '')))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Somehow) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all the other passengers) -LRB- (VP (ADVP also) supposed (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (VP died (PP in (NP (NP this web) (PP of (NP elaborate frauds (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cover (PRT up) (NP (NP the disappearance) (PP of (NP (NP the personnel) (PP of (NP the Gabriel))))))))))))))))) -RRB-) (VP had (ADVP simultaneously) (VP `` agreed '' (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP die))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (ADVP therefore) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (PP-PRD in (NP disgrace)))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP would not (VP be (VP-3 cremated (NP *-1))))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1-2 their ashes) (VP=3 flung (NP *-2) (PP to (NP the winds)) (PP in (NP public ceremony))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ the fish) (VP could (VP eat (NP their bodies) (PP for (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Sturch) (VP cared (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hal) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD sorry (PP for (NP Mary))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (NP a time) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP keeping (NP-2 the tears) (PP from (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP welling (PP to (NP his own eyes))))))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stood (PP in (NP the crowd)) (PP-LOC in (NP the observation dome))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 Yet , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP himself (S *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD the best way)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He and Mary) (VP would (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tear and rend (PP at (NP each other)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ their mutual torture) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-PRD over)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mary) (VP was (ADJP-PRD free (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP marry (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP not knowing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Sturch) (VP had (ADVP-MNR secretly) (VP given (NP her) (NP a divorce)))))) , (VP thinking (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ death) (VP had (VP dissolved (NP her marriage))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP have (NP (NP a year) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP make (PRT up) (NP her mind))) , (VP to (VP choose (NP a mate) (PP from (NP (NP a list) (VP selected (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS her gapt))))))) (PP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) , (NP-SBJ (NP the psychological barriers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP prevented (NP her) (PP from (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP conceiving (NP (NP Hal 's) child))))))))) (VP would (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP be (ADJP-PRD present))) .)) (TOP (ADVP Perhaps .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hal) (VP doubted (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ this happy event) (VP would (VP occur))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mary) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as frozen (PP-LOC below (NP the navel))) (PP as (NP he)))) .)) (TOP (ADVP No matter (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD (NP (NP the candidate) (PP for (NP marriage))) (VP selected (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the gapt)))))))) (TOP (NP The gapt .)) (TOP (NP Pornsen .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP would (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP see (NP that fat face)) , (VP hear (NP that whining voice))))))))) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 Hal Yarrow) '' ! ! (VP Said (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the whining voice) .)) (TOP (S And , (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feeling (S (NP-SBJ himself) (ADJP-PRD icy yet burning)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Hal) (VP turned) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-2 There) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-1 the squat loose-jowled man) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP smiling (ADVP-MNR lopsidedly) (PP up (PP at (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP My beloved ward) , (NP my perennial gadfly)) '' , (VP said (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the whining voice) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) , (ADVP too) , (VP would (VP be (PP-PRD on (NP this glorious voyage)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (VP have (VP known))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 We) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP bound (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS love)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP Sigmen) (NP himself)) (VP must (VP have (VP foreseen (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Love) (PP to (NP you) ,) (NP-VOC my ward) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ Sigmen) (VP love (NP you) , (ADVP too) , (NP-VOC my guardian))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-1 Hal) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP choking)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHADJP How wonderful) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP your cherished self)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never again) (VP speak (PP to (NP each other)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP 5)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Gabriel) (VP (VP pointed (PP towards (NP her destination))) and , (PP under (NP one-gee acceleration)) , (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP build (PRT up) (PP towards (NP (NP her ultimate velocity) , (NP (NP 99.1 percent) (PP of (NP (NP the speed) (PP of (NP light)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Meanwhile) , (NP-SBJ (NP all the personnel) (PP except (NP (NP those few) (VP needed (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP carry (PRT out) (NP (NP the performance) (PP of (NP the ship)))))))))) , (VP went (PP into (NP the suspensor))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC-TPC-1 Here) (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP lie (ADVP-LOC *T*-1) (PP in (NP suspended animation)) (PP-TMP for (NP many years)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Some time) later) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a check) (PP *ICH*-2)) (VP had (VP been (VP made (NP *-1) (PP-2 of (NP all automatic equipment))))))) , (NP-SBJ the crew) (VP would (VP join (NP the others))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP would (VP sleep (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Gabriel 's) drive) (VP would (VP increase (NP the acceleration) (PP to (NP (NP a point) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the unfrozen bodies) (PP of (NP the personnel))) (VP could not (VP have (VP endured (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Upon (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP reaching (NP the desired speed)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the automatic equipment) (VP would (VP cut (PRT off) (NP the drive)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the silent but not empty vessel) (VP would (VP hurl (PP-DIR towards (NP (NP the star) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP its journey 's) end))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Many years) later) , (NP-SBJ (NP the photon-counting apparatus) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the nose) (PP of (NP the ship))))) (VP would (VP determine (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the star) (VP was (ADJP-PRD close enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP actuate (NP deceleration)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a force) (ADJP too strong (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) for (S (NP-SBJ unfrozen bodies) (VP to (VP endure (NP *T*-2))))))) (VP would (VP be (VP applied (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP slowing (NP the vessel) (ADVP considerably)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the drive) (VP would (VP adjust (PP to (NP a one-gee deceleration)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 the crew) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-MNR automatically) (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP out (PP of (NP their suspended animation)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These members) (VP would (ADVP-TMP then) (VP unthaw (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the personnel))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the half-year) (VP left (NP *) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP reaching (NP their destination))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 the men) (VP would (VP carry (PRT out) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 whatever preparations) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (VP needed (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hal Yarrow) (VP was (PP-PRD (PP among (NP (NP the last) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR into (NP the suspensor)))))))) and (PP among (NP (NP the first) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR out))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP study (NP (NP the recordings) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the language) (PP of (NP (NP the chief nation) (PP of (NP Ozagen))))) , (NP Siddo)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (PP-TMP from (NP the first)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP faced (NP a difficult task)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The expedition) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP discovered (NP Ozagen)))))) (VP had (VP succeeded (PP in (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP correlating (NP two thousand Siddo words) (PP with (NP (NP an equal number) (PP of (NP American words))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The description) (PP of (NP the Siddo syntax))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very restricted)) .)) (TOP (FRAG And , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Hal) (VP found (PRT out)))) , (ADJP obviously mistaken) (PP in (NP many cases)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This discovery) (VP caused (NP Hal) (NP anxiety)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His duty) (VP was (S-PRD (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP write (NP a school text))) and (VP to (VP teach (NP (NP the entire personnel) (PP of (NP the Gabriel))) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP speak (NP Ozagen) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP used (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP (NP the little means) (PP at (NP his disposal)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (VP instructing (NP his students) (ADVP-MNR wrongly)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (S-NOM-SBJ (ADVP even) (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (NP this) (PRT across))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD difficult))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP For (NP one thing)) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the organs) (PP of (NP speech))) (PP of (NP the Ozagen natives))) (VP differed (ADVP somewhat) (PP from (NP (NP Earthmen 's))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sounds) (VP made (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS these organs)))) (VP were , (ADVP therefore) , (ADJP-PRD dissimilar))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP could (VP be (VP approximated (NP *-3)))))))) , but (SQ would (NP-SBJ the Ozagenians) (VP understand (NP these approximations))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another obstacle) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the grammatical construction) (PP of (NP Siddo)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Consider (NP the tense system)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP inflecting (NP a verb)) or (VP using (NP an unattached particle) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP indicate (NP the past or future))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Siddo) (VP used (NP an (ADJP entirely different) word)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the masculine animate infinitive) (NP dabhumaksanigalu'ahai)) , (VP meaning (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live)))) ,) (VP (VP was , (PP-1 in (NP the perfect tense)) , (NP-PRD-2 ksu'u'peli'afo)) , and , (VP (PP=1 in (NP the future)) , (NP-PRD=2 mai'teipa))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The same use) (PP of (NP an (ADJP entirely different) word))) (VP applied (PP for (NP all the other tenses))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Plus (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Siddo) (VP (CONJP not only) had (NP (NP (NP the normal (PRN -LRB- (PP to (NP Earthmen)) -RRB-) three genders) (PP of (NP masculine , feminine , and neuter))) , but (NP (NP the two extra) (PP of (ADJP inanimate and spiritual)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Fortunately) , (NP-SBJ-1 gender) (VP was (VP inflected (NP *-1) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ (NP the expression) (PP of (NP it))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD difficult (PP for (NP (NP anybody) (VP not born (NP *) (PP in (NP Siddo)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The system) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP indicating (NP gender))))) (VP varied (PP according (PP to (NP tense)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP All the other parts) (PP of (NP speech))) : (NP nouns , pronouns , adjectives , adverbs , and conjunctions)) (VP operated (PP under (NP (NP the same system) (PP as (NP the verbs))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was not , (PP for (NP the Angel)) , (NP-PRD (ADVP just) (NP a matter) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP running (PP through (NP a (ADJP logical or deductive) chain))) , or (VP deciding (PP on (NP some action)) (PP from (NP some (ADJP already established) premise)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV No doubt) (NP-SBJ the Angels) (VP could (VP do (NP (NP that kind) (PP of (NP thing))) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as fast) (PP as (NP any computer))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gabriel) (VP was (VP being (VP asked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP now))))))))) , (ADVP however) , (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP re-examine (NP all his basic assumptions)) , (VP make (NP value-judgments) (PP on (NP them))) , and (VP give (NP them) (NP (NP (ADJP new and different) powers) (PP in (NP his mind)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP govern (NP his motives)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (ADVP not wholly) (NP-PRD a reasoning process))) -- (S (NP-SBJ a computer) (VP can not (VP do (NP (NP it) (NP all))))) -- and (S (PP (ADVP even) in (NP an Angel)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP takes (NP time))) .)) (TOP (FRAG -LRB- Or , (ADVP perhaps) , (PP (ADVP especially) in (NP (NP an Angel) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose assumptions) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (ADVP mostly) (VP been (VP fixed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP (NP (NP millions) (PP of (NP years))) ago)))))))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Being (ADJP-PRD reasonably sure (PP of (NP (NP the reason) (PP for (NP the long pause))))))) , (ADVP however) , (VP did not (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD (ADVP any less) long) (PP to (NP Jack)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP become (ADJP-PRD used (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Hesperus ') (VP snapping (PRT back) (NP (NP answers) (PP to (NP questions))) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP almost) before (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP could (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-1 them) (VP asked (NP *-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) but (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP wait)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The dice) (VP were (VP cast (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADJP last)) (NP-SBJ Gabriel) (VP spoke) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP misjudged (NP you))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP slowly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP had (VP concluded (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP no race) (ADJP as ephemeral (PP as (NP yours)))) (VP could (VP have (VP had (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP develop (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP justice))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (PP before (NP us)) (NP (NP the example) (PP of (NP (NP the great races) (PP-LOC at (NP the galactic center))))))) ; ; (S (S (ADVP individually) (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP nearly as mortal) (PP as (NP you))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ the difference) (VP does not (VP seem (ADJP-PRD very marked) (PP to (NP us)) , (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP exists (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (VP survived (PP-TMP for (NP long periods)) (PP as (NP races)) , (SBAR-ADV whereas (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADJP-PRD young)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP shall (VP recommend (PP to (NP them)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP shorten (NP your trial period) (PP by (NP half))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP For (NP now)) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP the wrong)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP may (VP reclaim (NP your property)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the penalty) (PP on (NP Hesperus))) (VP is (VP lifted (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-VOC Hesperus) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP may (VP speak)) '' .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP perceive (NP this essential distinction) (ADVP either) , (NP-VOC First-Born)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Hesperus) (VP said (PP-TMP at (NP once)) (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP only) (VP practicing (NP (NP (NP a concept) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP taught (NP me) (NP *T*-1))))) , (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD a deal))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Nevertheless) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD its agent)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (NP-VOC Jack) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ is (NP-SBJ (NP the nature) (PP of (NP this concept))) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP agreement))) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ each party) (VP gives (NP something) (PP-DTV to (NP the other)) (PP *T*-2))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP regard (NP it) (PP as (ADJP fair)) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP only) (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ each party) (VP feels (SBAR that (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP received (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as valuable) , or (ADJP more valuable) , (PP than (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP given (NP *T*-2)))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ His heart) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP discovered (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP was (VP pounding)) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP For (NP instance)) , (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hesperus) (VP agreed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP find (NP my property)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP agreed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP Earth)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Between (NP individuals)) , (NP-SBJ-1 this process) (VP is (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD bargaining)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP done (NP *-1) (PP between (NP races or nations)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP is (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (S-NOM-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP a treaty)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the major part) (PP of (NP (NP my mission) (PP to (NP your nest))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP a treaty) (PP between (NP (NP your race) and (NP mine)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Recovering (NP the property))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP much less) important)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Strange) '' , (NP-SBJ Gabriel) (VP said (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` And (ADJP apparently impossible) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP might (VP be (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (VP have (NP (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP you) (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP us) (NP *T*-3))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ Hesperus and Lucifer) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (NP Another pause)) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ this one) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD nearly as long))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a matter) (PP of (NP pleasure)) ; ; (PP of (NP curiosity)) ; ; (PP of (NP a (ADJP more alive) time)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ those) (VP could (VP be (NP-PRD commodities) (PP under (NP this concept)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP should (VP understand , (NP Jack) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Hesperus and Lucifer) (VP are (ADVP-TMP not long) (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP the nursery)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Visiting (NP the Earth))) (VP would not (VP be (NP-PRD (NP an offering) (PP of (NP worth))) (PP to (NP (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP us))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD older)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP explained (NP a great deal)) .)) (TOP (NP-2 `` (NP All the more reason) , (ADVP then) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP said (NP *T*-2))) ,) `` (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP have (NP a treaty) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP will (ADVP gladly) (VP (VP entertain (NP your young)) and (VP give (NP them) (NP proper living quarters)) , (PP in (NP (NP return) (PP for (NP (NP their help) (PP in (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP running (NP our fusion reactors)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP must (VP know (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP (NP accordance) (PP with (NP your customs))))))))) , and (VP must (VP have (NP (NP your agreement) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP will not (VP misuse (NP (NP the power) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP put (NP *T*-1) (PP-PUT in (NP their hands)) , (PP to (NP our hurt)))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ this) (ADVP simply) (VP requires (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP behave (PP in (NP (NP accordance) (PP with (NP (NP the dictates) (PP of (NP their own natures))))))) , and (VP respect (NP yours) (PP in (NP turn))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP this)) (NP-SBJ we) (PP of (NP course)) (VP agree) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP a wave) (PP of (NP complete elation))))) , but (S (PP in (NP a second)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP vanished (PP without (NP a trace))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ Gabriel) (VP was (VP asking (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-2 mankind) (VP (VP forego (NP all its parochial moral judgments)) , and (VP contract (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the Angels) (VP serve (PP-LOC on (NP Earth)) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (PP-LOC in (NP Heaven))))) (ADVP regardless (PP of (NP the applicable Earth laws))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Angels) (PP in (NP turn)) (VP would (VP exercise (NP similar restraints) (PP in (NP (NP respect) (PP for (NP (NP the natural preferences and natures) (PP of (NP the Earthmen))))))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP (NP no faintest notion) (PP of (NP (NP (NP man 's) perverse habit) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP passing and enforcing (NP (NP laws) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (UCP-PRD (ADJP contrary (PP to (NP his own preferences))) and (NP (NP violations) (PP of (NP his nature)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The simple treaty principle) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Gabriel) (VP was (VP asking (NP-2 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ratify (NP *T*-1))))))))) , (PP in (ADJP short)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP less) (PP than (NP total trust))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nothing) (ADJP less)) (VP would (VP serve)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP might (VP be , (PP considering (NP (NP the uncomfortable custom) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Angels) (VP had (NP *T*-1)))) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP thinking (PP of (NP everything)) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP absolutes))))))))) , (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the proposal) (PP of (NP anything less))) (VP might (ADVP well) (VP amount (ADVP instead) (PP to (NP (NP something) (PP like (NP (NP a declaration) (PP of (NP war)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Furthermore) , (NP-SBJ (NP even the (ADJP highly trained) law clerk) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a part) (PP of (NP (NP Jack 's) total make-up))))))) (VP could not (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the principle) (VP could (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP be (VP codified (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Almost the whole experience) (PP of (NP mankind))) (VP pointed (PP toward (NP suspicion , not trust) , (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP safest and sanest) attitude) (PP toward (NP all outsiders)))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP some precedent) (PP for (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The history) (PP of (NP disarmament agreements))) , (PP for (NP instance)) , (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD unreassuringly dismal)))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the United States) and (NP (NP the Union) (PP of (NP Soviet Socialist Republics)))) (ADVP nevertheless) (VP did (ADVP-TMP eventually) (VP agree (PP on (NP (NP an atomic bomb test ban) , and (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (NP provisional acceptance) (PP of (NP (NP (NP each other 's) good intentions) (PP on (NP this limited question)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (PP-TPC-1 (PP Out (PP of (NP that agreement))) , (NAC though not (PP by (NP any easy road)))) , (ADVP-TMP eventually) (VP emerged (PP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the present world hegemony) (PP of (NP the United Nations)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP suspicion) (PP between (NP member states))) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP existed)) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD of (NP (NP (NP about the same low order) (PP of (NP virulence))) (PP as (NP (NP the twentieth-century rivalry) (PP between (NP Arizona and California)) (PP over (NP water supplies))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ (NP agreements) `` (PP in (NP principle)) '') , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-1 the petty details) (VP to (VP be (VP thrashed (NP *-1) (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP later)))))) , (VP were (ADJP-PRD commonplace) (PP in (NP diplomatic history))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The trouble (PP with (NP them))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP almost never) (VP worked))))) , and (S (PP in (NP fact)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP an agreement) `` (PP in (NP principle)) '') (ADVP historically) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a sure sign) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ neither party) (ADVP really) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ-2 the quarrel) (VP settled (NP *-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 this one) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP work))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no question) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP (NP Jack 's) mind)) (PP-1 of (NP (NP the good faith) (PP on (NP one side)))) , (ADVP at least)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 mankind) (VP could (VP be (VP convinced (NP *-1) (PP of (NP that))))))) (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD worth (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP trying)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP tried (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP be (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)) (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most tentative) and (ADJP most final) treaty) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Earth) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP signed (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Secretary Hart) (VP had (VP taught (NP-1 Jack) , (ADVP-MNR (ADVP at least) partially) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD content (PP with (NP small beginnings))) (PP in (NP all diplomatic matters)))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no small way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP handle (NP this one) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP turned (PRT back) (PP to (NP the screens)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the (ADJP crucial , conclusive) phrase) (PP-PRD on (NP his lips)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too late)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP lost (NP his audience))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP make (NP no sense) (ADVP at all) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP only a riot) (PP of (NP (NP color) , (NP light) and (NP meaningless activity)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Gradually) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP realized (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the pentagon) (PP of (NP Angel elders))) (VP had (VP vanished)))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the ritual learning dance) (PP of (NP the nursery))) (VP had (VP been (VP broken (NP *-1) (PRT up)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Angels) (PP in (NP the nursery))) (VP were (VP zigzagging (ADVP-MNR wildly) (PP-DIR in (NP all directions)) , (PP (ADVP seemingly) at (NP random)))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Hesperus ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP going (PRT on) (ADVP-LOC here))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 Your brothers) (VP have (VP been (VP found (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (PP-PRD on (NP (NP their way) (ADVP-DIR here)))) '' .)) (TOP (WHADVP `` Where ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP see (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The instruments) (VP do n't (VP show (NP them))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP see (NP them) (ADVP-TMP yet) , (NP-VOC Jack))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP range)) (PP-TMP in (NP a short while)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP scanned (NP (NP the skies) , (NP the boards) , and (NP the skies again))) .)) (TOP (NP Nothing .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a tiny pip) (PP on (NP the radar)))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP getting (ADJP-PRD bigger) (ADVP-MNR rapidly))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD the skiff)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP making (NP unprecedented speed))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 the skiff) (VP hove (PP into (NP sight)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP just a dot) (PP of (NP light))) (PP-TMP at (ADJP first)) (PP-LOC against (NP (NP the (NX (NX roiling blackness) and (NX crimson streaks))) (PP of (NP the Coal Sack)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Through (NP the telescope)) , (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP could (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 both spacesuits) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (VP attached (NP *-1) (PP to (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sail) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD unfurled) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD a good many holes) (PP in (NP it)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Langer) (VP had (VP predicted (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD the case) (PP-TMP by (ADVP now)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a startling , (ADJP almost (TYPO numenous)) sight))) ; ; but (SINV (ADJP-TPC-1 (ADVP even more) awesome) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP trailing (NP (NP an enormous comet's-tail) (PP of (NP Angels))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The skiff) (VP was not (VP heading (PP-DIR for (NP the nursery)) , (ADVP however))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD unlikely) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ her crew) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP either) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD alive)))) , (VP could (ADVP even) (VP see (NP the Ariadne))))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP passing (NP her) (PP at (NP (NP a distance) (PP of (NP (QP nearly a) light-year))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S And (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP no chance) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP signaling (NP them)))))))) -- (S (S (PP without (NP the Nernst generator)) (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP could not (VP send (NP (NP a call) (ADJP powerful enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP through (NP all the static)))))))))) , and (S (PP-TMP by (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP rebuild (NP his fusion power) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) (NP-SBJ the skiff) (VP would (VP be (VP gone))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Fuming , helpless)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP pass (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sail) , (SBAR-ADV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 ragged) though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))) , (ADVP still) (VP had (NP (NP enough surface) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP catch (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the ocean) (PP of (NP power))) (VP being (VP poured (NP *) (PP-DIR out (PP from (NP the nursery stars)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP believed , (SBAR-ADV without (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP it)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the bizarre little vessel) (VP could (VP go (ADVP-MNR so fast)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHADVP-1 where) (SQ was (NP-SBJ it) (VP going (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ And (WHADVP-2 why) (SQ was (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP (VP causing (NP so much agitation) (PP among (NP the Angels))) , and (VP being (VP followed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (ADJP so many)) (PP of (NP them)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD only one possible answer))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Jack 's) horrified mind) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP believe (NP it)))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP fed (NP (NP the radar plots) (PP of (NP (NP the skiff 's) course))) (PP into (NP the computer)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The curve) (PP on (NP (NP the card) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the computer) (VP spat (NP *T*-1) (ADVP back) (PP at (NP him)))))))) (VP could n't (VP be (VP argued (PP with (NP *-2)) , (ADVP however)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The skiff) (VP was (VP headed (NP *-1) (PP-DIR for (NP (NP the very center) (PP of (NP the nebula)))) -- (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP that place) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP knew (ADVP-TMP now))) ,) (VP could (VP hold (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP less important (PP than (NP (NP the very core) (PP of (NP (NP the (TYPO Angel 's)) life and religion)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ Langer) (VP had (PP-TMP at (NP last)) (VP found (NP (NP a way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP the (TYPO Angel 's)) attention) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD equally clear) (SBAR-1 that (S (PP-TMP as (PP of (NP this moment))) , (NP-SBJ the treaty) (VP was (ADVP-PRD off))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Stern chase) (NP 10))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Langer) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP headed (NP *-2) (PRT off) , (SBAR-ADV whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP going (ADVP-DIR *T*-3)))))) or (VP (FRAG not))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Almost surely) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did)) ; ; (S (PP after (NP all)) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP the same set) (PP of (NP facts)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP had (VP had (NP *?*))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP work (PP from (NP *T*-1)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD an (ADJP (ADVP almost frighteningly) observant) man)))) .)) (TOP (S But (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP having (VP talked (PP to (NP the Angels))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP made (NP (NP a wrong turn) (PP in (NP his reasoning))) (ADVP somewhere (PP along (NP the line))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided , (ADVP perhaps) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the center) (PP of (NP the cloud))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a center) (PP of (NP government))) , (CONJP instead of) (NP (NP a center) (PP of (NP life and faith)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP did n't (VP matter (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR-1 whether (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP the Holy) (PP of (NP Holies))))))) , or (VP was (ADVP simply) (VP headed (PP-DIR in (NP that direction)) (PP by (NP accident))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD intentional)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD unnecessary))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-ADV whether (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD intentional) or not)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the outcome) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD disastrous)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP (VP crawled (PP-DIR under (NP the boards))) and (VP restored (NP (NP (NP the six feet) (PP of (NP lead line))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP excised (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP the Nernst generator switch))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (UCP-PRD (PP (ADVP back) on (NP his feet)) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (ADVP again) (NAC-1 and (ADJP about (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP reinstall (NP the fuses)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP hesitated) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP fusion power) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP catch (PRT up) (PP with (NP the skiff)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP have (NP it) (ADVP-MNR fast)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ (NP fusion power) (PP-LOC in (NP the Coal Sack))) (VP was (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP triggered (NP all the trouble) (PP in (NP the first place)))))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP already) (VP had (NP an Angel) (ADVP-LOC aboard))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Hesperus '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Receiving) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn (NP my generator) (ADVP back on) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP promised (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP take (NP you) (PP-DIR to (NP Earth)) (ADVP-TMP yet))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP First) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP intercept (NP my brothers) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP get (PP (ADVP any deeper) into (NP trouble)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (SQ Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP obstruct (NP this))) , or (SQ will (NP-SBJ you) (VP help)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's not (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP the bargain))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ your elders) (VP might not (VP like (NP it))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Nobody else) (VP can (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP your hearth)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP it)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Hesperus) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR promptly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP As (PP for (NP my elders))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (ADVP already) (VP admitted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD wrong)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (PP-PRP because of (NP this incident)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP become (ADJP-PRD angry (PP with (NP Earth)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP will not (VP be (VP permitted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR there) (ADVP at all))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Therefore) (PP of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP help)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP a short-lived sigh) (PP of (NP relief)))) , (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP (VP plugged (NP the fuses) (ADVP back in)) and (VP threw (NP the switch))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (NP (NP an instant 's) transition)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the green light) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP meant (NP full fusion power))))) (VP winked (PP on (NP the board))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Always before) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP had (VP taken (NP five minutes) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP-UNF to)))) --)) (TOP (PP Of (NP course) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hesperus) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP there))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP From (ADVP here on out)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the Ariadne) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP hotter) (PP than (NP (NP any space cruiser) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP dreamed (PP of (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP failed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP anticipate (NP it)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP lost (NP the five minutes) (ADVP anyhow) , (PP in (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP plotting (NP an intercept orbit))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Hesperus) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP use (NP (NP this t-tau vector trick) (PP of (NP yours))) , (INTJ please))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ryan) (VP (VP hefted (NP his bulk) (PRT up)) and (VP supported (NP it) (PP on (NP one elbow)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP rubbed (NP his eyes) (ADVP-MNR sleepily) (PP with (NP one huge paw))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-VOC Ekstrohm) , (NP-VOC Nogol) , (NP-SBJ you guys) (ADJP-PRD okay) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-3 (NP Nothing) (ADJP wrong (PP with (NP me))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP could n't (VP be (VP cured (NP *-1))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Nogol) (VP said (NP *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP say (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP cure (NP him)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP explaining (PP-TMP all during (NP the trip)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP needed (NP *T*-2) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP feel (PP like (NP himself)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His small black eyes) (VP darted (PP-LOC inside (NP (NP the olive oval) (PP of (NP his face))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Ekstrohm) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Ryan) (VP insisted (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Okay '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP take (NP (NP a ground-level look) (PP at (NP (NP the country) (PP-LOC around (ADVP here)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The facsiport) (VP rolled (ADVP open) (PP on (NP the landscape))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP A range) (PP of (NP bluffs)))) (VP hugged (NP the horizon) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP the color) (PP of (NP decaying moss))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Above (NP them)) , (NP-SBJ the sky) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the black) (PP of (NP space))) , or (NP (NP the (ADJP almost equal) black) (PP of (NP (NP the winter sky (PP-LOC above (NP Minneapolis))) , (VP seen (NP *) (PP against (NP neon-lit snow)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That cold , empty sky) (VP was (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP fire and light)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP (NP almost a magnification) (PP of (NP (NP the Galaxy) (NP itself))) , (PP of (NP the Milky Way))) , (VP blown (PRT up) (PP by (NP-LGS some master photographer))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This fiery swath) (VP was (ADVP actually) (NP-PRD (NP only a belt) (PP of (NP minor planets)) , (PP (ADVP almost) like (NP (NP the asteroid belt) (PP-LOC in (NP the original Solar System)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These planets) (VP were (ADJP-PRD much bigger) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ nearly all) (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP holding (NP an atmosphere))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP to (NP (NP the infuriation) (PP of (NP scientists)))) , (PP-PRP for (NP no known reason)) (NP-SBJ (NP not all) (PP of (NP them))) (VP did) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the fifth mapping expedition) (PP to (NP (NP the planetoids) (PP of (NP Yancy-6)))) (PP-TMP in (NP three generations))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP lay (ADVP-LOC (NP months) away (PP from (NP the nearest Earth star)) (PP by (NP jump drive))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP *T*-4)))))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (VP felt (NP *-2) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP be (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP something))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP could (ADVP only) (VP be (VP discovered (NP *-3)))))) -- (PP (NP much) like (NP (NP the continent) (PP of (NP Antarctica)) (PP in (NP ancient history)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-1 (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ can (NP-SBJ (NP a planet) (PP with (NP so many neighbors))) (VP be (ADJP-PRD so lonely) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Ryan) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD the captain))) , so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP ask (NP (NP questions) (PP like (NP that)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Some) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD lonely) (PP in (NP a crowd))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Nogol) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR elaborately)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ will (NP-SBJ we) (VP need (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC outside) , (NP-VOC Ryan)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 No helmets) '' , (NP-SBJ the captain) (VP answered (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP can (VP breathe (PP-LOC out (NP there)) , (ADVP all right))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP just) (VP wo n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD easy))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This old world) (VP lost (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP its (NX (NX helium) and (NX trace gases))))) (ADVP-TMP long ago)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nitrogen and oxygen) (VP are (ADVP about) (NP-PRD it)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Ryan) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP look (PP-LOC over (ADVP there)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Nogol) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Animals .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ringing (NP the ship)) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD (ADJP intelligent) , (ADJP maybe hostile)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD dead)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP interjected (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quietly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (NP (NP no readings) (PP from (NP them)) (ADVP at all))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Sonic , electronic , galvanic) -- (ADJP all blank) .)) (TOP (S (PP According (PP to (NP these needles))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV stone) dead)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Ekstrohm) , (NP-SBJ you and I) (VP will (VP have (NP a look)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Ryan) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP hold (PRT down) (NP the fort) , (NP-VOC Nogol)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP it) (ADVP easy)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Easy) '' , (NP-SBJ Nogol) (VP confirmed (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (NP (NP a story) (PP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP-TMP once) (PP-2 about (NP (NP a rookie) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP got (ADJP-PRD excited) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ the captain) (VP stepped (ADVP-LOC outside))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP get (NP (NP an encephalographic reading) (PP on (NP him)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC Me) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP the mind) (PP of (NP an officer))) (VP works (PP-MNR in (NP a (ADJP strange and unfathomable) manner)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (ADJP-PRD worried (PP (PP about (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP mis-reading (NP the dials) , (NP-VOC Nogol)))) , (PP (ADVP just) about (S (NP-SBJ (NP a lug) (PP like (NP you))) (VP reading (NP them) (ADVP at all))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Remember)) , (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the little hand) (VP is (ADVP-PRD straight up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD negative))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Positive results) (VP start (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP goes (PP-DIR towards (NP (NP the hand) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP use (NP *T*-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (NP your mark))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD ambidextrous)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ryan) (VP told (NP him) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1) (ADVP then)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP (VP smiled) , and (VP followed (NP the captain) (PP-DIR through (NP the airlock)) (PP with (NP (NP only a glance) (PP at (NP (NP the lapel gauge) (PP on (NP his coverall)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The strong negative field) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ his suit) (VP set (NP *T*-1) (PRT up))))) (VP would (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP repel (NP bacteria and insects)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the types) (PP of (NP infection))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP could (VP attack (NP a warm-blooded mammal)))))) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD infinite))) , and (S (PP-TMP over (NP (NP the course) (PP of (NP the last (QP few hundred) years)))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP adequate defenses) (PP *ICH*-3)) (VP had (VP been (VP found (NP *-1) (PP-3 for (NP all basic categories)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD likely (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP come (PRT down) (PP with (NP (NP hot chills) and (NP puzzling striped fever)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP ignored (NP (NP the ladder) (PP down (PP to (NP the planet surface))))) and , (PP with (NP (NP only a glance) (PP at (NP the seismological gauge)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP judge (NP surface resistance)))))) , (VP dropped (PP-DIR to (NP the ground)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD day))) , but (S (PP-LOC in (NP the thin atmosphere)) (NP-SBJ (NP contrasts) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD sharp) (PP-1 between (NP light and shadow)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR (PP (PP from (NP-1 midnight)) (PP-2 to (NP noon))) , (PP (NP=1 noon) (PP=2 to (NP midnight))))) , and (VP came (PP to (NP (NP the beast) (VP sprawled (NP *) (PP on (NP its side))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP nudged (NP it) (PP with (NP a boot))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Hey) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADJP-PRD pretty close (PP to (NP a wart-hog)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Uh-huh) '' , (NP-SBJ Ryan) (VP admitted (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the best matches) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP found (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP happen)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Statistical average) and (NP all) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADVP sometimes) (VP gives (NP you) (NP a creepy feeling) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP a rabbit) or (NP a snapping turtle)) (PP-LOC on (NP some strange world)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wonder (SBAR if (S (S (NP-SBJ this exploration business) (VP is n't all (NP-PRD some big joke))) , and (S (NP-SBJ somebody) (VP has (VP been (ADVP-LOC everywhere) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP even) (VP started))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The surveyor) (VP looked (ADVP sidewise) (PP at (NP the captain))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The big man) (ADVP-TMP seldom) (VP gave (PRT out) (PP with (NP such thoughts))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP cleared (NP his throat)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ shall (NP-SBJ we) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP this one)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Dissect (NP it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ryan) (VP nudged (NP it) (PP with (NP his toe)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP following (NP (NP Ekstrohm 's) example)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know , (NP-VOC Stormy))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP sure (PP as (NP hell))) (VP does n't (VP look (PP like (NP any dominant intelligent species)) (PP to (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP No hands) , (PP for (NP one thing)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's not (NP-PRD definite proof)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is n't (NP *?*))) '' , (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP lay)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP get (NP (NP a clearer picture) (PP of (NP (NP the ecological setup) (PP-LOC around (ADVP here))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the meantime)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP might (VP be (VP thinking (PP on (NP (NP the problem) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ all these dead beasts) (VP represent (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP killed (NP them))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP looks (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP did , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP made (NP blastdown) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` But (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP about (NP our landing))) (SQ was (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADJP-PRD lethal (PP to (NP the creatures)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Radiation) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP suggested (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ The planet) (VP is (ADJP-PRD very low (PP in (NP (NP radiation) (PP from (NP mineral deposits))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the atmosphere) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shield (PRT out) (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP the solar output)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Any little dose) (PP of (NP radiation))) (VP might (VP knock (PRT off) (NP these critters))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (PP about (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP work (NP-MNR the other way))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP have (VP had (NP virtually no radioactive exposure))) and (VP do n't (VP have (NP (NP any R 's) (VP stored (NP *) (PRT up)))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP take (NP a lot) (PP without (NP harm)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Then) (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the shockwave) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP set (NP *T*-1) (PRT up)))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD sheer xenophobia)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP curl (PRT up)) and (VP die) (PP at (NP (NP the sight) (PP of (NP (NP something) (ADJP strange and alien) -- (PP like (NP a spaceship))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TPC-1 Maybe) '' , (NP-SBJ the captain) (VP admitted (ADVP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP At (NP (NP this stage) (PP of (NP the game)))) (NP-SBJ anything) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD possible))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP one possibility) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP particularly) (VP do n't (VP like (NP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` And (NP-SBJ that) (VP-UNF is) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (NP-PRD us) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP killed (NP these aliens)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP something) (PP-LOC (ADVP right) on (NP the planet)) , (ADJP native (PP to (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP does n't (VP work (PP on (NP Earthmen)) (ADVP too)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These critters) (VP went (ADVP real sudden)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP (VP lay (PP-LOC in (NP his bunk))) and (VP thought , (S (NP-SBJ the camp) (VP is (ADJP-PRD quiet))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Earthmen) (VP made (NP camp) (PP-LOC outside (NP the spaceship))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (NP (NP the comfortable quarters) (PP-LOC inside (NP the ship))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) , (PP except (SBAR that , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP faced (PP with (NP (NP a possibility) (PP of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP sleeping (PP-LOC on (NP solid ground))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (ADVP simply) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-LOC out)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The camp) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a cluster) (PP of (NP aluminum bubbles))) , (VP ringed (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP a spy web))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP alert (NP the Earthmen) (PP to (NP (NP the approach) (PP of (NP any being)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each man) (VP had (NP (NP (NP a bubble) (PP to (NP himself))) , (NP (NP privacy) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the long period) (PP of (NP enforced intimacy)) (PP-LOC on board (NP the ship))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP (VP lay (PP-LOC in (NP his bunk))) and (VP listened (PP to (NP (NP the sounds) (PP of (NP (NP the night) (PP-LOC on (NP Yancey-6 138)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a keening) (PP of (NP wind))) , and (NP (NP a cracking) (PP of (NP the frozen ground))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TPC-2 Insects) (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-2) (PP-LOC on (NP the world)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP frozen (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD solid)) (PP-TMP during (NP the night)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP revive and thaw (PP-TMP in (NP the morning sun)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The bunk) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lay (PP-LOC on (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP much more) uncomfortable) (PP than (NP (NP the acceleration couches) (PP-LOC on (NP board)))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the others) (VP were (VP sleeping (ADVP-MNR more soundly) , (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP renewed (NP (NP their contact) (PP with (NP (NP the matter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP birthed (NP them) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP send (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP riding (NP high vacuum))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD asleep)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ there) (VP could (VP be (NP-PRD (NP an end) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP pretending)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP threw (PRT off) (NP the light blanket)) and (VP swung (NP his feet) (PP-DIR off (NP the bunk)) , (PP-DIR to (NP the floor)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP stood (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP-TMP no longer) (NP-PRD any need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hide))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHNP-1 what) (SQ was (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD (NP *T*-1) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ had (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP changed (PP for (NP him)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP lie (PP-LOC in (NP his bunk)) (NP-TMP all night) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his eyes) (ADJP-PRD closed)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP pretending (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP sleep))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP privacy)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP (VP walk (ADVP around)) , (VP leave (NP the light) (ADVP on)) , (VP read))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP small comfort) (PP for (NP insomnia)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP slept) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some doctors) (VP had (VP informed (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD mistaken (PP about (NP this)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (ADVP Actually) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (VP sleep , (NAC but (ADVP (ADVP so shortly and fitfully) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP forgot))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP admitted (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD absolutely correct))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP slept))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His body processes) (ADVP only) (VP slowed (PRT down) (ADVP enough (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP dispell (NP fatigue poisons))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Occasionally) (NP-SBJ he) (VP fell (PP into (NP a waking , gritty-eyed stupor)))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP slept)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Never) (ADVP at all) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Naturally) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP let (S (NP-SBJ his shipmates) (VP know (NP this))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Insomnia) (VP would (VP ground (NP him) (PP from (NP the Exploration Service)) , (PP on (NP (ADJP physiological (CONJP if not) psychological) grounds)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hide (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Over (NP the years)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP buddies) (PP in (NP space)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP confide (PP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The buddies) (ADVP invariably) (VP took (NP advantage) (PP of (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP sleep (ADVP anyway))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (ADVP as well) (VP (VP stand (NP their watches) (PP for (NP them))) or (VP write (NP their reports)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Where the hell) (SQ did (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP get (ADVP off) (ADVP *T*-2) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP threatening (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP report (NP (NP any laxness) (PP on (NP their part))) (PP to (NP the captain))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A man) (PP with (NP insomnia))) (VP had (ADVP better) (VP avoid (NP (NP bad dreams) (PP of (NP that kind))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP him))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ekstrohm) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hide (NP his secret))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP a camp) , (PP instead of (NP shipboard)))) , (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP hiding (NP the secret))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD easier)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the secret) (NP itself)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD just as hard)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP picked (PRT up) (NP (NP (NP a lightweight no-back) (PP from (NP (NP the ship 's) library))) , (NP (NP a book) (PP by (NP (NP Bloch) , (NP (NP the famous twentieth century expert) (PP on (NP sex)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP scanned (NP (NP a few lines) (PP on (NP (NP the social repercussions) (PP of (NP a celebrated (ADJP nineteenth century) sex murderer))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP concentrate (PP on (NP the weighty , pontifical , ponderous style)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP impulse)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP flipped (PRT up) (NP (NP the heat control) (PP on (NP his coverall)))) and (VP slid (PRT back) (NP (NP the hatch) (PP of (NP the bubble))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ekstrohm) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR through (NP the alien (TYPO glass)))) and (VP looked (PP up (PP at (NP the unfamiliar constellations)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP smelling (NP (NP the frozen sterility) (PP of (NP the thin air)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Behind (NP him)) , (NP-SBJ-1 his mates) (VP stirred (SBAR-ADV without (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waking)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ekstrohm) (VP was (VP startled (NP *-1) (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a banging) (PP on (NP (NP the hatch) (PP of (NP his bubble)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP took (NP him) (NP a few seconds) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP his thoughts) (PP in (NP order))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (PP-DIR up (PP from (NP (NP the bunk) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP resting , (ADVP-MNR sleeplessly) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The angry burnt-red face) (PP of (NP Ryan))) (VP greeted (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Okay) , (NP-VOC Stormy) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is n't (NP-PRD (NP the place) (PP for (NP fun and games)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP them)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (VP `` Do (PP with (WHNP what)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` The dead beasties .)) (TOP (NP (NP All the dead animals) (VP laying (PP-LOC around (NP the ship))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (VP talking (PP about (NP *T*-1)) , (NP-VOC Ryan))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP them))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP *T*-2))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP gone))))) '' .)) (TOP (VP `` Gone '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP (VP shouldered (NP his way) (ADVP-LOC outside)) and (VP scanned (NP the veldt))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no ring) (PP of (NP animal corpses)))) .)) (TOP (NP Nothing .)) (TOP (NP (NP Nothing) (PP but (NP (NP wispy grass) (VP whipping (PP in (NP the keen breeze))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP damned (NP *-1))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP are (VP *?* (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP right now) , (NP-VOC buddy))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ ExPe) (VP does n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ anybody) (VP mucking (PRT up) (NP primary evidence))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (PRT off) (ADVP *T*-1) , (NP-VOC Ryan)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP demanded (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP pick (NP me) (PP for (NP your patsy)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP has (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP some kind) (PP of (NP local phenomenon)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP accuse (NP a shipmate) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (PP-PRD behind (NP this))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen , (NP-VOC Ekstrohm))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP you) (NP (NP the benefit) (PP of (NP every doubt)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ you) (VP are n't (ADVP exactly) (NP-PRD (NP the model) (PP of (NP a surveyor))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP been (VP riding (PP on (NP a pink ticket)) (PP-TMP for (NP six years)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP that))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ No) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP know (NP that))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP been (VP hiding (NP things) (PP from (NP me and Nogol)) (NP-TMP (NP every jump) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 've (VP made (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP you)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP-TPC-1 Now) (VP comes (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ this) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP fits (NP (NP the pattern) (PP of (NP secrecy and stealth)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP been (VP involved (PP in (NP *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ could (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP your lousy dead bodies)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ would (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP them)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP *T*-2))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD outside (NP the bubbles)) (NP-TMP last night))) , and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the only sentient being) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (PP-DIR in or out (PP of (NP our alarm web)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The tapes) (VP show (NP that)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ all the bodies) (VP are (VP missing , (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP got (PRT up)) and (VP walked (ADVP-DIR away))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP a new experience) (PP to (NP Ekstrohm)))) .)) (TOP (INTJ No .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Suspicion) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD new (PP to (NP him))) (ADVP at all)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Ryan) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP other explanations) (PP for (NP (NP the disappearance) (PP of (NP the bodies)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP for (NP them)))) , (SQ will (NP-SBJ you) (VP *?*)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP give (NP you) (NP my word (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm not (VP trying (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP pull (NP (NP some stupid kind) (PP of (NP joke))))) , or (VP to (ADVP deliberately) (VP foul (PRT up) (NP the expedition)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP my word))) , (SQ ca n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP *?*)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ryan) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (ADVP still) (NP-PRD (NP such a thing) (PP as (NP mental illness)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP may not (VP be (ADJP-PRD responsible))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ekstrohm) (VP scowled) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP try (NP (NP anything) (ADJP violent)) , (NP-VOC Stormy))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP outweigh (NP you) (NP-ADV fifty pounds))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD fast (PP for (NP a big man))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was n't (VP planning (PP on (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP jumping (NP you)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 Why) (SQ do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP jump (NP me) (NP-TMP (NP the first time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP goes (ADJP-PRD wrong) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP lived) and (VP was (VP given (NP *-1) (NP a name)))) .)) (TOP (NP Helva .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP her first three vegetable months)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP waved (NP her crabbed claws)) , (VP kicked (ADVP-MNR weakly) (PP with (NP her clubbed feet))) and (VP enjoyed (NP (NP the usual routine) (PP of (NP the infant))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD alone))) for (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD three other such children) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the big city 's) special nursery)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Soon) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP they) (NP all)) (VP were (VP removed (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Central Laboratory School) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ their delicate transformation) (VP began (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the babies))) (VP died (PP in (NP the initial transferral)))) but (S (PP of (NP (NP Helva 's) `` class '')) , (NP-SBJ seventeen) (VP thrived (PP-LOC in (NP the metal shells)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Instead of (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP kicking (NP feet)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Helva 's) neural responses) (VP started (NP her wheels))) ; ; (S (PP instead of (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP grabbing (PP with (NP hands))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP manipulated (NP mechanical extensions))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP matured))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (ADJP more and more) neural synapses) (VP would (VP be (VP adjusted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP operate (NP (NP other mechanisms) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP went (PP into (NP (NP the maintenance and running) (PP of (NP a space ship)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ-2 Helva) (VP was (VP destined (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP the `` brain '' half) (PP of (NP a scout ship))) , (VP partnered (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a man) or (NP a woman)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whichever) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP chose (NP *T*-1)))))) , (PP as (NP the mobile half)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP be (PP-PRD among (NP (NP the elite) (PP of (NP her kind)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her initial intelligence tests) (VP registered (PP above (ADJP normal)))) and (S (NP-SBJ her adaptation index) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unusually high))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP As long (PP as (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP her development) (PP-LOC within (NP her shell))) (VP lived (PP up (PP to (NP expectations))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD no side-effects) (PP from (NP the pituitary tinkering))))))) , (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP would (VP live (NP (NP a (ADJP rewarding , rich and unusual) life) , (NP (NP a far cry) (PP from (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP have (VP faced (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP an ordinary , `` normal '' being)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP no diagram) (PP of (NP her brain patterns))) , (NP no early I.Q. tests)) (VP recorded (NP (NP (NP certain essential facts) (PP about (NP Helva))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Central) (VP must (ADVP-TMP eventually) (VP learn (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP (VP bide (NP their official time)) and (VP see) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP trusting (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the massive doses) (PP of (NP shell-psychology))) (VP would (VP suffice (NP her) , (ADVP too) , (PP as (NP (NP the necessary bulwark) (PP against (NP (NP her unusual confinement) and (NP (NP the pressures) (PP of (NP her profession)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A ship) (VP run (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a human brain)))) (VP could not (VP run (ADJP-PRD rogue or insane) (PP with (NP (NP the power and resources) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Central) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP build (NP *T*-2) (PP into (NP their scout ships)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brain ships) (VP were , (PP of (NP course)) , (PP-PRD (ADVP long) past (NP the experimental stages))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Most babes) (VP survived (NP (NP the techniques) (PP of (NP pituitary manipulation)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ their bodies) (ADJP-PRD small)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP eliminating (NP (NP the necessity) (PP of (NP (NP transfers) (PP (PP from (NP smaller)) (PP to (NP larger shells))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 very , very few) (VP were (VP lost (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the final connection) (VP was (VP made (NP *-2) (PP to (NP (NP the control panels) (PP of (NP (NP ship) or (NP industrial combine))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Shell people) (VP resembled (NP mature dwarfs) (PP in (NP size)) (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ their natal deformities) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the well-oriented brain) (VP would not (VP have (VP changed (NP places) (PP with (NP (NP the (ADJP most perfect) body) (PP-LOC in (NP the Universe)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP So) , (PP-TMP for (NP happy years)) , (NP-SBJ-2 Helva) (VP scooted (ADVP around) (PP-LOC in (NP her shell)) (PP with (NP her classmates)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP playing (NP (NP such games) (PP as (NP (NP Stall) , (NP Power-Seek))))) , (VP studying (NP (NP her lessons) (PP in (NP (NP (NP trajectory) , (NP propulsion techniques) , (NP computation) , (NP logistics) , (NP mental hygiene) , (NP basic alien psychology) , (NP philology) , (NP space history) , (NP law) , (NP traffic) , (NP codes)) : (NP (NP all the et ceteras) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP eventually) (VP became (VP compounded (NP *-3) (PP into (NP a reasoning , logical , informed citizen))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (UCP-ADV (ADJP Not so obvious (PP to (NP her))) , but (PP of (NP (NP more importance) (PP to (NP her teachers))))) , (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP ingested (NP (NP the precepts) (PP of (NP her conditioning))) (ADVP-MNR as easily (PP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP absorbed (NP her nutrient fluid)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (NP-TMP one day) (VP be (ADJP-PRD grateful (PP to (NP (NP the patient drone) (PP of (NP the sub-conscious-level instruction))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Helva 's) civilization) (VP was not (PP-PRD without (NP (NP busy , do-good associations) , (VP exploring (NP (NP possible inhumanities) (PP to (NP (ADJP (ADJP terrestrial) (CONJP as well as) (ADJP extraterrestrial)) citizens))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One such group) (VP got (ADJP-PRD all incensed) (PP over (NP shelled `` children '')) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP turning (NP-PRD fourteen) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP *?* (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Central Worlds) (VP (VP shrugged (NP its shoulders)) , (VP arranged (NP (NP a tour) (PP of (NP the Laboratory Schools)))) and (VP set (NP the tour) (PRT off) (PP to (NP a big start)) (PP by (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP showing (NP the members) (NP (NP case histories) , (ADJP complete (PP with (NP photographs))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Very few committees) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP looked (PP past (NP the first few photos))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Most) (PP of (NP (NP their original objections) (PP about `` (NP shells) '')))) (VP were (VP overridden (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the relief (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 these (ADJP hideous (PRN -LRB- (PP to (NP them)) -RRB-)) bodies) (VP were (ADVP mercifully) (VP concealed (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Helva 's) class) (VP was (VP doing (NP (NP Fine Arts) , (NP (NP a selective subject) (PP in (NP her crowded program)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP activated (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP her microscopic tools) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (ADVP-TMP later) (VP use (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP (NP minute repairs) (PP to (NP (NP various parts) (PP of (NP her control panel))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her subject) (VP was (UCP-PRD-2 (ADJP large) -- (NP (NP a copy) (PP of (NP the Last Supper))) --))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1 her canvas) , (UCP-PRD=2 (ADJP small) -- (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP a tiny screw))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP tuned (NP her sight) (PP to (NP the proper degree)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP worked))) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (ADVP absentmindedly) (VP crooned , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP producing (NP a curious sound)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Shell people) (VP used (NP their own (NX (NX vocal cords) and (NX diaphragms))))) but (S (NP-SBJ sound) (VP issued (PP-DIR through (NP microphones (CONJP rather than) mouths)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Helva 's) hum) (ADVP then) (VP had (NP (NP a curious vibrancy) , (NP a warm , dulcet quality)) (PP (ADVP even) in (NP its aimless chromatic wanderings))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Why) , (WHNP-1 what a lovely voice) (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP *T*-1))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP the female visitors))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP (VP `` looked '' (ADVP up)) and (VP caught (NP (NP a fascinating panorama) (PP of (NP (NP regular , dirty craters) (PP-LOC on (NP a flaky pink surface))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her hum) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP a gurgle) (PP of (NP surprise)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-MNR instinctively) (VP regulated (NP her `` sight '') (SBAR-TMP until (S (S (NP-SBJ the skin) (VP lost (NP its cratered look))) and (S (NP-SBJ the pores) (VP assumed (NP normal proportions)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP (NP quite a few years) (PP of (NP voice training))) , (NP-VOC madam))) '' , (VP remarked (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Helva) (ADVP-MNR calmly) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 Vocal peculiarities) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP (VP become (ADJP-PRD excessively irritating) (PP-TMP during (NP prolonged intra-stellar distances))) and (VP must (VP be (VP eliminated (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP enjoyed (NP my lessons)) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the first time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP had (VP seen (NP unshelled people) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP took (NP this experience) (ADVP-MNR calmly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Any other reaction) (VP would (VP have (VP been (VP reported (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR instantly))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP meant (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP a nice singing voice)))) (NP-VOC dear))) '' , (NP-SBJ the lady) (VP amended (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-2 Would (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP my work)))))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP asked , (SQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR politely)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-MNR instinctively) (VP sheered (ADVP away (PP from (NP personal discussions))))) but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP filed (NP the comment) (PRT away) (PP for (NP further meditation)))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 Work) '' ? ? (VP Asked (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the lady) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADVP-TMP currently) (VP reproducing (NP the Last Supper) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP a screw)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP say)) '' , (NP-SBJ the lady) (VP twittered (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP (VP turned (NP her vision) (ADVP back) (PP to (NP magnification))) and (VP surveyed (NP her copy) (ADVP-MNR critically))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP Of (NP course)) , (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP my color values))) (VP do not (VP match (NP (NP the old Master 's))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the perspective) (VP is (ADJP-PRD faulty))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a fair copy))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The lady 's) eyes) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unmagnified)) , (VP bugged (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP forget)) '' , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Helva 's) voice) (VP was (ADJP-PRD really contrite))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP have (VP blushed))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP have (VP *?*))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP You) (NP people)) (VP do n't (VP have (NP adjustable vision))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The monitor) (PP of (NP this discourse))) (VP grinned (PP with (NP pride and amusement)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP Helva 's) tone) (VP indicated (NP (NP pity) (PP for (NP the unfortunate))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP Here) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP will (VP help))) '' , (VP suggested (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Helva) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP substituting (NP a magnifying device) (PP-LOC in (NP one extension))) and (VP holding (NP it) (PP-LOC over (NP the picture)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP shock)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the ladies and gentlemen) (PP of (NP the committee))) (VP bent (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP observe (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADJP incredibly copied) and (ADJP brilliantly executed)) Last Supper) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP a screw))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (INTJ Well) '' , (PRN (SINV (VP remarked (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP one gentleman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP accompany (NP his wife)))))))))))) , `` (NP-SBJ the good Lord) (VP can (VP eat (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-5 where) (S (NP-SBJ-4 angels) (VP fear (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP tread (ADVP-LOC *T*-5))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ-2 `` Are (NP-SBJ you) (VP referring , (NP-VOC sir) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP asked (SQ *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Helva) (ADVP-MNR politely))) , `` (PP to (NP (NP the Dark Age discussions) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP angels))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP stand (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP a pin))))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP that) (PP in (NP mind))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP substitute ' (NP atom) ' (PP for ' (NP angel) ')))) , (NP-SBJ the problem) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD insoluble) , (PP given (NP (NP the metallic content) (PP of (NP (NP the pin) (PP in (NP question))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBAR `` (WHNP-2 Which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP are (VP programed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP compute (NP *T*-2))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (PP `` Of (NP course) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Did (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP program (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP humor))) , (ADVP as well)))) , (NP-VOC young lady)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-2 We) (VP are (VP directed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP develop (NP (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP proportion))) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) , (NP-VOC sir) , (SBAR-3 (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP contributes (NP the same effect))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The good man) (VP (VP chortled (ADVP-MNR appreciatively)) and (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the trip) (VP was (ADJP-PRD worth (NP his time))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 the investigation committee) (VP spent (NP months) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP digesting (NP (NP the thoughtful food) (VP served (NP them) (NP *) (PP-LOC at (NP the Laboratory School))))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP left (NP Helva) (PP with (NP a morsel)) (ADVP as well)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Singing) '' (PP as (ADJP applicable (PP to (NP herself)))) (VP required (NP research)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 She) (VP had , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP (VP been (VP exposed (NP *-3) (PP to (NP *RNR*-1)))) and (VP enjoyed (NP *RNR*-1)) (NP-1 (NP a music appreciation course) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP included (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP better known) classical works) (PP such as (NP `` (NP Tristan und Isolde) '' , `` (NP Candide) '' , `` (NP Oklahoma) '' , `` (NP Nozze de Figaro) '' , (NP the atomic age singers) , (NP Eileen Farrell) , (NP Elvis Presley) and (NP Geraldine Todd)))) , (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP (NP the curious rhythmic progressions) (PP of (NP the Venusians))) , (NP Capellan visual chromatics) and (NP (NP the sonic concerti) (PP of (NP the Altairians)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But `` (NP-SBJ singing) '' (PP for (NP any shell person)) (VP posed (NP (NP considerable technical difficulties) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP overcome (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Shell people) (VP were (VP schooled (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP examine (NP (NP every aspect) (PP of (NP a problem or situation))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP making (NP a prognosis))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Balanced (ADVP-MNR properly) (PP between (NP optimism and practicality)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the nondefeatist attitude) (PP of (NP the shell people))) (VP led (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP to (VP extricate (NP (NP themselves) , (NP their ships and personnel)) , (PP from (NP bizarre situations)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Therefore) (PP to (NP Helva)) , (NP-SBJ the problem (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP could n't (VP open (NP her mouth) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sing)))))))) , (PP among (NP other restrictions)) , (VP did not (VP bother (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP would (VP work (PRT out) (NP (NP a method) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP by-passing (NP her limitations))) , (SBAR-2 (WHADVP-3 whereby) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP sing (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP approached (NP the problem) (PP by (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP investigating (NP (NP (NP the methods) (PP of (NP sound reproduction)) (PP through (NP the centuries))) , (ADJP human and instrumental)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her own sound production equipment) (VP was (ADVP essentially) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more instrumental) (PP than (ADJP vocal)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Breath control) and (NP (NP the proper enunciation) (PP of (NP vowel sounds)) (PP-LOC within (NP the oral cavity)))) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP require (NP the most development and practice))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Shell people) (VP did not , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP strictly) (VP speaking)) , (VP breathe)) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP their purposes)) , (NP-SBJ (NP oxygen) and (NP other gases)) (VP were not (VP (VP drawn (PP-DIR from (NP the surrounding atmosphere)) (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the medium) (PP of (NP lungs))))) but (VP sustained (ADVP-MNR artificially) (PP by (NP solution)) (PP-LOC in (NP their shells))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP experimentation)) , (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP discovered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP could (VP manipulate (NP her diaphragmic unit) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sustain (NP tone))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP relaxing (NP the throat muscles)) and (VP expanding (NP the oral cavity) (PP (ADVP well) into (NP the frontal sinuses)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP could (VP direct (NP the vowel sounds) (PP into (NP (NP the (ADJP most felicitous) position) (PP for (NP (NP proper reproduction) (PP through (NP her throat microphone)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP compared (NP the results) (PP with (NP (NP tape recordings) (PP of (NP modern singers))))) and (VP was not (ADJP-PRD unpleased)) (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ her own tapes) (VP had (NP (NP a peculiar quality) (ADJP *ICH*-1)) (PP about (NP them)) , (ADJP-1 (ADJP (ADVP not at all) unharmonious) , (ADJP merely unique)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Acquiring (NP a repertoire) (PP from (NP the Laboratory library)))) (VP was (NP-PRD no problem) (PP to (NP (NP one) (VP trained (NP *) (PP to (NP perfect recall)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ-2 herself) (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP sing (NP (NP (NP any role) and (NP any song)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP struck (NP her fancy))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP would not (VP have (VP occurred (PP to (NP her)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD curious) (SBAR-2 for (S (NP-SBJ a female) (VP to (VP sing (NP bass , baritone , tenor , alto , mezzo , soprano and coloratura) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP pleased))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was , (PP to (NP Helva)) , (NP-PRD (NP only a matter) (PP of (NP (NP the correct reproduction) and (NP (NP diaphragmic control) (VP required (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the music) (VP attempted (NP *)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the authorities) (VP remarked (PP on (NP her curious avocation))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP did so (PP among (NP themselves))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Shell people) (VP were (VP encouraged (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP develop (NP a hobby) (ADVP (ADVP so long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP maintained (NP (NP proficiency) (PP in (NP their technical work)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP (NP the anniversary) (PP of (NP (NP her sixteenth year) (PP-LOC in (NP her shell)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Helva) (VP was (ADVP-MNR unconditionally) (VP (VP graduated (NP *-1)) and (VP installed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP her ship) , (NP the A[fj])))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her permanent titanium shell) (VP was (VP recessed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP an (ADJP even more indestructible) barrier) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the central shaft) (PP of (NP the scout ship)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The neural , audio , visual and sensory connections) (VP were (VP made and sealed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Her extendibles) (VP were (VP diverted , connected or augmented (NP *-2)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the final , delicate-beyond-description brain taps) (VP were (VP completed (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD anesthetically unaware (PP of (NP the proceedings))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP awoke (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD the ship)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her brain and intelligence) (VP controlled (NP (NP every function) (PP from (NP navigation)) (PP to (NP (NP such loading) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP a scout ship) (PP of (NP her class))) (VP needed (NP *?*)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP (NP herself) and (NP her ambulatory half))) , (PP in (NP (NP (NP any situation) (VP (ADVP already) recorded (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the annals) (PP of (NP Central Worlds)))))) and (NP (NP any situation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ its (ADJP most fertile) minds) (VP could (VP imagine (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her first actual flight) (PRN , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ (NP she) and (NP her kind)) (VP had (VP made (NP mock flights) (PP on (NP dummy panels)) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD eight)))))))) ,) (VP showed (NP (NP her complete mastery) (PP of (NP (NP the techniques) (PP of (NP her profession)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready (PP for (NP (NP her great adventures) and (NP (NP the arrival) (PP of (NP her mobile partner))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP nine qualified scouts) (VP (VP sitting (PP around)) (VP collecting (NP base pay)))) (NP-TMP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Helva) (VP was (VP commissioned (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP several missions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP demanded (NP instant attention))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD of (NP interest)) (PP to (NP (NP several department heads) (PP-LOC in (NP Central)))) (PP-TMP for (NP some time))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 each man) (VP was (ADJP-PRD determined (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-3 her) (VP assigned (NP *-3) (PP to (NP his section)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Consequently) (NP-SBJ-1 no one) (VP had (VP remembered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP introduce (NP Helva) (PP to (NP the prospective partners))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The ship) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP chose (NP its own partner)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (SINV Had (NP-SBJ there) (VP been (NP-PRD another `` brain '' ship) (PP-LOC at (NP the Base)) (PP-TMP at (NP the moment))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Helva) (VP would (VP have (VP been (VP guided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP the first move)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Central) (VP wrangled (PP among (NP itself))))) , (NP-SBJ Robert Tanner) (VP sneaked (PP-DIR (PP out (PP of (NP (NP the pilots ') barracks))) , (PP out (PP to (NP the field))) and (PP over (PP to (NP (NP Helva 's) slim metal hull))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (INTJ Hello) , (NP-SBJ anyone) (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP home))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Tanner) (VP wisecracked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (PP-TPC-2 Of (NP course)) '' , (VP replied (PP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-1 Helva) (ADVP-MNR logically) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP activating (NP her outside scanners))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Are (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD my partner)) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR hopefully) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP recognized (NP the Scout Service uniform))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP ask)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP retorted (S *T*-3) (ADVP-MNR hopefully)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ No one) (VP has (VP come)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP no partners) (ADJP available))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP had (NP no directives) (PP from (NP Central))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (PP (ADVP Even) to (NP herself)) (NP-SBJ Helva) (VP sounded (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) self-pitying))) but (S (NP-SBJ the truth) (VP was (SBAR-PRD 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD lonely) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sitting (PP-LOC on (NP the darkened field))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Always) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP the company) (PP of (NP (NP other shells) and (ADVP-TMP more recently) , (NP (NP technicians) (PP by (NP the score)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sudden solitude) (VP had (VP (VP lost (NP its momentary charm)) and (VP become (ADJP-PRD oppressive)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP No directives) (PP from (NP Central))) (VP is (ADVP scarcely) (NP-PRD (NP a cause) (PP for (NP regret))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 there) (VP happen (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP-2 eight other guys) (VP biting (NP their fingernails) (PP to (NP the quick)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP just) (VP waiting (PP for (NP an invitation (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP board (NP you ,))))))))))))) (NP-VOC you beautiful thing))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP have (VP killed (NP you) (PP-LOC in (NP the cabin))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP anything) (PP for (NP me))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mercer) (VP stammered , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) not (VP knowing (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (VP meant (NP *T*-1)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the two-nosed man) (VP answered (PP for (NP him)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP a nice baby head))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD big enough (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP take (NP *T*-3) (ADVP-TMP yet)))))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP noticed (S (NP-SBJ the needle) (VP touch (NP his arm)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (VP had (VP turned (PP to (NP (NP the next knot) (PP of (NP people)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the super-condamine) (VP hit (NP Mercer) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP run (PP after (NP B'dikkat)))) , (VP to (VP hug (NP the lead spacesuit))) , (VP to (VP tell (NP B'dikkat) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP loved (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stumbled and fell)) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did not (VP hurt))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The many-bodied girl) (VP lay (PP-LOC near (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP spoke (PP to (NP her))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is n't (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD wonderful) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD beautiful , beautiful , beautiful)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD so happy (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD here)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The woman) (VP covered (NP *) (PP with (NP growing hands)))) (VP (VP came) and (VP sat (PP-LOC beside (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP radiated (NP (NP warmth) and (NP good fellowship))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP thought (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP very distinguished) and (ADJP charming)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP struggled (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP his clothes)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD foolish and snobbish) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wear (NP clothing) (SBAR-ADV (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP these nice people))) (VP did (ADVP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The two women) (VP babbled and crooned (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP one corner) (PP of (NP his mind)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP (VP saying (NP nothing)) , (VP (ADVP just) expressing (NP (NP the euphoria) (PP of (NP (NP a drug) (ADJP so powerful (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the known universe) (VP had (VP forbidden (NP it))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP his mind)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD happy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP could (VP have (NP the good luck (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP visit (NP (NP a planet) (ADJP (ADJP as nice) (PP as (NP this)))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP the Lady Da)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the words) (VP were n't (ADJP-PRD quite straight))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A painful stab) (VP hit (NP him) (PP in (NP the abdomen))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The drug) (VP (VP went (PP after (NP the pain))) and (VP swallowed (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (UCP-PRD (PP like (NP (NP the cap) (PP-LOC in (NP the hospital)))) , (ADVP only) (ADJP (NP-ADV a thousand times) better))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The pain) (VP was (VP gone , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD crippling) (NP-TMP the first time))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD deliberate))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP rammed (NP his mind) (PP into (NP focus))) and (VP said (PP to (NP (NP the two ladies) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP lay (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD pinkly nude)) (PP-LOC beside (NP him)) (PP-LOC in (NP the desert))))))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD a good bite))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP grow (NP another head))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (ADJP-PRD happy)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Lady Da) (VP forced (NP (NP the foremost) (PP of (NP her bodies))) (PP in (NP an upright position))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP Said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ she) , `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD strong) , (ADVP too))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP talk)) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Remember , (NP-VOC man))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP remember)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ People) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP live (ADVP-TMP forever)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP can (VP die , (ADVP too))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP die (PP like (NP real people))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (ADVP so) (VP believe (PP in (NP death)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP smiled (PP at (NP her)) (PP through (NP his happiness))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (SQ But is n't (NP-SBJ this) (ADJP-PRD nice) '')) (TOP (S (PP With (NP this)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (S (S (NP-SBJ his lips) (VP thicken)) and (S (NP-SBJ his mind) (VP go (ADJP-PRD slack))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wide awake))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP did not (VP feel (PP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP doing (NP anything))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP that beautiful place)) , (PP among (NP all those (ADJP companionable and attractive) people)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP sat and smiled) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (VP was (VP sterilizing (NP his knives))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how long) (S (NP-SBJ the super-condamine) (VP had (VP lasted (NP him) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP endured (NP (NP the ministrations) (PP of (NP the dromozoa))) (PP without (NP screams or movement))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The agonies) (PP of (NP (NP nerves and itching) (PP of (NP skin))))) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP phenomena) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP happened (PP-LOC (ADVP somewhere) near (NP him))) , but (VP meant (NP nothing))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP watched (NP his own body) (PP with (NP remote , casual interest))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Lady Da) and (NP the hand-covered woman)) (VP stayed (PP-LOC near (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a long time)) (NP-SBJ the half-man) (VP dragged (NP himself) (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the group))) (PP with (NP his powerful arms))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Having (VP arrived))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP blinked (ADVP-MNR sleepily and friendlily) (PP at (NP them))) , and (VP lapsed (ADVP back) (PP into (NP (NP the restful stupor) (SBAR (WHPP-2 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP emerged (PP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mercer) (VP (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP rise)) (PP-TMP on (NP occasion))) , (VP closed (NP his eyes) (ADVP briefly)) , and (VP opened (NP them) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ stars) (VP shining))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Time) (VP had (NP no meaning)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The dromozoa) (VP fed (NP him)) (PP-MNR in (NP their mysterious way))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the drug) (VP canceled (PRT out) (NP (NP his needs) (PP for (NP (NP cycles) (PP of (NP the body))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADJP last)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP noticed (NP (NP a return) (PP of (NP (NP the inwardness) (PP of (NP pain)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The pains) (NP themselves)) (VP had not (VP changed))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (NP (NP all the events) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP take (NP place) (PP-LOC on (NP Shayol)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remembered (NP them) (ADVP well) (PP from (NP his happy period))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Formerly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP noticed (NP them)))) -- (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ask (NP the Lady Da) (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how long) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP had (NP the drug) (ADVP *T*-2))))) , and (SBAR (WHADVP-4 (WHADJP how much) longer) (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP wait (ADVP *T*-4) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP it) (ADVP again)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled (PP at (NP him)) (PP with (NP benign , remote happiness)))) ; ; (S (ADVP apparently) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP her many torsos) , (VP stretched (PRT out) (PP along (NP the ground))) ,) (VP had (NP (NP (NP a greater capacity) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP retaining (NP the drug))))) (SBAR than (SINV (VP did) (NP-SBJ his body)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP meant (NP him) (ADVP well)) , but (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP no condition) (PP for (NP articulate speech)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The half-man) (VP lay (PP-LOC on (NP the ground)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ arteries) (VP pulsating (ADVP-MNR prettily) (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP the half-transparent film) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP protected (NP his abdominal cavity))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP squeezed (NP (NP the man 's) shoulder)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The half-man) (VP (VP woke) , (VP recognized (NP Mercer)) and (VP gave (NP him) (NP a (ADJP healthily sleepy) grin))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` ' (NP (NP A good morrow) (PP to (NP you))) , (NP-VOC my boy) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP a play)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP see (NP a play)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (NP (NP a game) (PP with (NP cards)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG-1 `` (INTJ No) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the half-man)) ,) `` (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP eye-machine))) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ real people) (VP doing (NP the figures)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP saw (NP that))) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mercer)) ,) `` (S-UNF but (NP-SBJ I)) '' --)) (TOP (S `` But (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ask (NP me) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 B'dikkat) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP come (ADVP back) (PP with (NP the needle)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yes) '' , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Mercer) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD a little ashamed (PP of (NP his obviousness)))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (ADVP-TMP-TPC-1 Soon) '' , (VP said (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the half-man) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (PP of (NP plays)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (NP all)) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP happen)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (NP all)) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP happen (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (NP all)) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ the dummies) (VP will (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))) '' (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gestured (PP at (NP (NP the hummocks) (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the decorticated men) (VP were (VP cradled (NP *-1) (PP-LOC *T*-4))))))))) --) `` and (S (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP all)) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ the new people) (VP will (VP ask (NP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how long) (S (NP-SBJ-1 a scene) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ a ' scene ') (NP-PRD *T*-1))) '' ? ? (VP Asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Mercer) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ that) (NP-PRD (NP the name) (PP for (NP the needle))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The half-man) (VP laughed (PP with (NP (NP something) (ADJP close (PP to (NP real humor)))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ No) , (INTJ no) , (INTJ no) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP got (NP the lovelies) (PP on (NP the brain)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A scene) (VP is (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP a part) (PP of (NP a play)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP know (NP (NP the order) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP happen (PP *T*-1))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP no clocks))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 nobody) (VP cares (ADVP enough (S (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP to (VP count (NP days))) or (VP to (VP make (NP calendars)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD not much climate) (ADVP-LOC here))) , so (S (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP us))) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how long) (S (NP-SBJ anything) (VP takes (ADVP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The pain) (VP seems (ADJP-PRD short))) and (S (NP-SBJ the pleasure) (VP seems (ADJP-PRD long))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP inclined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (QP about two) Earth-weeks) (ADVP each)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP did not (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ an `` Earth-week '') (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (VP been (NP-PRD a well-read man) (PP-TMP before (NP his conviction))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (NP nothing more) (PP from (NP the half-man)) (PP-TMP at (NP that time)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The half-man) (VP (VP received (NP a dromozootic implant)) , (VP turned (ADJP-PRD red (PP in (NP the face)))) , (VP shouted (ADVP-MNR senselessly) (PP at (NP Mercer)) , `` (S-IMP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP it) (PRT out) , (NP-VOC (NP you) (NP fool))) ! !) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP it) (PP out (PP of (NP me)))))) '')) ! !)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP looked (PRT on) (ADVP-MNR helplessly) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the half-man) (VP (VP twisted (PRT over) (PP on (NP his side)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 his pink dusty back) (VP turned (NP *-2) (PP to (NP Mercer))))) , and (VP wept (ADVP-MNR hoarsely and quietly) (PP to (NP himself)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mercer) (NP himself)) (VP could not (VP tell (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how long) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (VP came (ADVP back))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD several days)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD several months)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Once again) (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (VP moved (PP among (NP them)) (PP like (NP a father)))) ; ; (S (ADVP once again) (NP-SBJ they) (VP clustered (PP like (NP children)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (VP smiled (ADVP-MNR pleasantly) (PP at (NP (NP (NP the little head) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP grown (PP out (PP of (NP (NP Mercer 's) thigh)))))))) -- (NP (NP (NP a sleeping child 's) head) , (VP covered (NP *) (PP (PP with (NP (NP light hair) (PP-LOC on (NP top)))) and (PP with (NP (NP dainty eyebrows) (PP-LOC over (NP the resting eyes)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP got (NP the blissful needle)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (VP cut (NP the head) (PP from (NP (NP Mercer 's) thigh)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ the knife) (VP grinding (PP against (NP (NP the cartilage) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP held (NP the head) (PP to (NP his own body)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ the child-face) (VP grimace (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 the head) (VP was (VP cut (NP *-1))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD the far , cool flash (PP of (NP unimportant pain))) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (VP dabbed (NP the wound) (PP with (NP (NP a corrosive antiseptic) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP stopped (NP all bleeding) (ADVP immediately))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The next time) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP two legs) (VP growing (PP from (NP his chest))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD another head) (PP-LOC beside (NP his own)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Or was (NP-SBJ that) (PP-TMP-PRD after (NP (NP (NP the torso and legs) , (NP (NP waist) (PP to (NP toe-tips))) , (PP of (NP the little girl))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP grown (PP from (NP his side)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP forgot (NP the order)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP count (NP time))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Lady Da) (VP smiled (PP at (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP often))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no love) (PP-LOC in (NP this place)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP lost (NP the extra torsos))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In between (NP teratologies)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD a pretty and shapely woman))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the nicest thing) (PP about (NP their relationship))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP her whisper) (PP to (NP him))) , (VP (VP repeated (NP (NP some thousands) (PP of (NP time)))) , (VP repeated (PP with (NP smiles and hope))))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ People) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP live (ADVP-TMP forever))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ this) (ADJP-PRD immensely comforting)) , (SBAR-ADV (ADVP even) though (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP did not (VP make (NP much sense) (PP out (PP of (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Thus) (S (NP-SBJ events) (VP occurred)) , and (S (NP-SBJ victims) (VP changed (PP in (NP appearance)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ new ones) (VP arrived)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (VP took (NP (NP the new ones) , (VP resting (PP in (NP (NP the everlasting sleep) (PP of (NP their burned-out brains)))))) , (PP in (NP a ground-truck)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP added (NP *-1) (PP to (NP other herds))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The bodies) (PP-LOC in (NP the truck))) (VP threshed and bawled (PP without (NP human speech)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the dromozoa) (VP struck (NP them) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Finally) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mercer) (VP did (VP manage (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP follow (NP B'dikkat) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the door) (PP of (NP the cabin))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP fight (NP (NP the bliss) (PP of (NP super-condamine))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Only the memory) (PP of (NP previous hurt , bewilderment and perplexity))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP ask (NP B'dikkat) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) , (NP Mercer) ,) (VP was (ADJP-PRD happy) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) , (NP-SBJ the answer) (VP would (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP be (ADJP-PRD available) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP needed (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Fighting (NP (NP pleasure) (NP itself)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP begged (NP-2 B'dikkat) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP to (VP check (NP the records))) and (VP to (VP tell (NP him) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how long) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (ADVP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (ADVP-MNR grudgingly) (VP agreed)) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP come (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the doorway)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP spoke (PP through (NP (NP the public address box) (VP built (NP *) (PP into (NP the cabin))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his gigantic voice) (VP roared (PRT out) (PP over (NP the empty plain)) , (SBAR-ADV so that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the pink herd) (PP of (NP talking people))) (VP (VP stirred (ADVP-MNR gently) (PP in (NP their happiness))) and (VP wondered (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 their friend B'dikkat) (VP might (VP be (VP wanting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP them) (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD exceedingly profound)) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP them))) (VP understood (NP it) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD (NP (NP the amount) (PP of (NP time)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP Shayol))))))) : `` (NP (NP Standard years) -- (NP (NP eighty-four years) , (NP seven months) , (NP three days) , (NP two hours) , (NP (QP eleven and one half) minutes))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Good luck) , (NP-VOC fellow) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP turned (ADVP away)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The secret little corner) (PP of (NP his mind))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stayed (ADJP-PRD sane) (PP through (NP happiness and pain))))) ,) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP wonder (PP about (NP B'dikkat))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP persuaded (NP-2 the cow-man) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP remain (PP-LOC on (NP Shayol))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD happy)) (PP without (NP super-condamine)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (SQ Was (NP-SBJ B'dikkat) (NP-PRD (NP a crazy slave) (PP to (NP his own duty)))) or (SQ was (NP-SBJ he) (NP-PRD (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (NP (NP hopes) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP going (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP his own planet)) (NP-TMP some day) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP surrounded (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a family) (PP of (NP (NP little cow-people) (VP resembling (NP himself))))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) , (PP despite (NP his happiness)) , (VP wept (NP-ADV a little) (PP at (NP (NP the strange fate) (PP of (NP B'dikkat))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 His own fate) (NP-SBJ he) (VP accepted (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remembered (NP (NP (NP the last time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP eaten (ADVP *T*-1)))))) -- (NP (NP actual eggs) (PP from (NP an actual pan))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The dromozoa) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD alive)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP staggered (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the group))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Lady Da) , (ADJP naked (PP-LOC in (NP the dusty plain))) ,) (VP (VP waved (NP a hospitable hand)) and (VP showed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a place) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP sit (PP-LOC beside (NP her)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP unclaimed square miles) (PP of (NP seating space))) (PP-LOC around (NP them)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP appreciated (NP (NP the kindliness) (PP of (NP her gesture))) (ADVP none the less))) .)) (TOP (NP 4 ,)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The years) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD years)))) , (VP went (ADVP by)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The land) (PP of (NP Shayol))) (VP did not (VP change)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ (NP the bubbling sound) (PP of (NP geysers))) (VP came (ADVP-MNR faintly) (PP-DIR across (NP the plain)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the herd) (PP of (NP men)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP talk))))) (VP declared (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the breathing) (PP of (NP Captain Alvarez)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP night and day) , but (NP (NP (NP no setting) (PP of (NP crops))) , (NP (NP no change) (PP of (NP season))) , (NP (NP no generations) (PP of (NP men)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Time) (VP stood (ADVP still) (PP for (NP these people)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP their load) (PP of (NP pleasure))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so commingled (PP with (NP (NP the shocks and pains) (PP of (NP the dromozoa)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the words) (PP of (NP the Lady Da))) (VP took (PRT on) (NP (ADJP very remote) meaning))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ People) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP live (ADVP-TMP forever)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her statement) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a hope) , not (NP (NP a truth) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP believe (PP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP did not (VP have (NP the wit (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP follow (NP the stars) (PP in (NP their courses)))) , (VP to (VP exchange (NP names) (PP with (NP each other)))) , (VP to (VP harvest (NP (NP the experience) (PP of (NP each))) (PP for (NP (NP the wisdom) (PP of (NP all))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no dream) (PP of (NP escape))) (PP for (NP these people))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ the old-style chemical rockets) (VP lift (PP-DIR up (PP from (NP (NP the field) (PP-LOC beyond (NP (NP B'dikkat's) cabin)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP did not (VP make (NP plans (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hide (PP among (NP (NP the frozen crop) (PP of (NP transmuted flesh)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Far long ago) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP some other prisoner) (PP than (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP these))))) (VP had (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write (NP a letter)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His handwriting) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP a rock))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Mercer) (VP read (NP it))) , and (SINV (ADVP-TPC-2 so) (VP had (ADVP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP a few) (PP of (NP the others))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could not (VP tell (SBAR (WHNP-1 which man) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP done (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor did (NP-SBJ they) (VP care) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The letter) , (VP scraped (PP-LOC on (NP stone))) ,) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a message) (ADVP-DIR home)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP could (ADVP-TMP still) (VP read (NP (NP the opening) : `` (S (ADVP-TMP Once) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP you)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP stepping (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP my window))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP day))))) , and (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ the winds) (VP blow (NP me) (ADVP-MNR gently) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP lived (PP-LOC in (ADVP *T*-2)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) , (PP like (NP you)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP one head) , (NP two hands) , (NP (NP ten fingers) (PP on (NP my hands))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The front part) (PP of (NP my head))) (VP was (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD a face))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP talk (PP with (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (ADVP only) (VP write))) , and (FRAG (NP that) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP only) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (PP out (PP of (NP pain))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dan Morgan) (VP told (NP himself) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP forget (NP Ann Turner)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADVP well) (VP rid (NP *-1) (PP of (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP certainly) (VP did n't (VP want (NP (NP a wife) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP fickle) (PP as (NP Ann))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP married (NP her))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP have (VP been (VP asking (PP for (NP trouble)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP this))) (VP was (NP-PRD rationalization)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP woke (PRT up) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the night)))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (PP of (NP Ann))))) , (CONJP and then) (VP could not (VP get (ADVP back) (PP to (NP sleep))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His plans and dreams) (VP had (VP revolved (PP around (NP her)) (UCP (ADVP (ADVP so much) (SBAR *RNR*-1)) and (PP-TMP for (ADVP (ADVP so long) (SBAR *RNR*-1))) (SBAR-1 that (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP nothing)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The easiest thing) (VP would (VP be (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP sell (PRT out) (PP to (NP Al Budd))) and (VP leave (NP the country)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a stubborn streak) (PP in (NP him)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would n't (VP allow (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The best antidote) (PP for (NP (NP the bitterness and disappointment) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP poisoned (NP him))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD hard work)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tired enough) (PP-TMP at (NP night))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PP to (NP sleep)) (SBAR-PRP (ADVP simply) because (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too exhausted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (ADJP-PRD awake)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP Each day) (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP thinking (ADVP-TMP less often) (PP of (NP Ann)))))) ; ; (S (NP-TMP each day) (NP-SBJ the hurt) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV a little) duller) , (ADJP (ADVP (NP a little) less) poignant)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP (NP work) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Because (S (NP-SBJ the summer) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unusually dry and hot)))) , (NP-SBJ the spring) (VP produced (NP (NP a smaller stream) (PP than (PP in (NP ordinary years))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The grass) (PP-LOC in (NP the meadows))) (VP came (ADVP-MNR fast) , (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the warm weather) (VP was (ADVP-PRD here)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP could not (VP afford (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP lose (NP (NP a drop) (PP of (NP the precious water))))))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP spent (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP his waking hours))) (PP-LOC along (NP (NP the ditches) (PP-LOC in (NP his meadows)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP no idea) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how much) time) (S (NP-SBJ Budd) (VP would (VP give (NP him) (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP any case)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP no intention) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP caught (NP *-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD asleep))))))))) , so (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP carried (NP his revolver) (PP-LOC in (NP its holster)) (PP-LOC on (NP his hip)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP took (NP his Winchester) (PP with (NP him))) and (VP leaned (NP it) (PP-LOC against (NP the fence)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stopped (NP-TMP every few minutes)) and (VP leaned (PP on (NP his shovel)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP studied (NP the horizon))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP happened , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ each day) (VP dragging (PRT out) (PP with (NP monotonous calm)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) , (S (PP-TMP in (NP late afternoon)) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the last day) (PP in (NP June)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ two people) (VP (VP top (NP (NP the ridge) (PP-LOC to (NP the south)))) and (VP walk (PP-DIR toward (NP the house))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP quit (NP work) (ADVP-TMP immediately)) and (VP strode (PP-DIR to (NP his rifle)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP could (VP be (NP-PRD (NP some kind) (PP of (NP (NP trick) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Budd) (VP had (VP thought (NP *T*-1) (PRT up)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP No one) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (VP walked (PP-LOC in (NP this country)) , (NAC-1 (ADVP least (PP of (NP all))) (NP (NP Ed Dow) or (NP Dutch Renfro) or (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the Bar B crew)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Morgan) (VP watched (NP the two figures) (PP-TMP for (NP a time)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD puzzled))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD closer))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP was (NP-PRD a woman)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more puzzled) (PP than (ADVP ever)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP cleaned (NP his shovel)) , (VP left (NP it) (PP-LOC against (NP the fence))) , (VP picked (PRT up) (NP his Winchester)) , and (VP started (ADVP-DIR downstream))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His visitors) (VP (VP had (VP crawled (PP through (NP the south fence)))) and (VP were (VP crossing (NP the meadow) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP angling (PP-DIR toward (NP the house))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 both the man and woman) (VP were (VP moving (ADVP-MNR slowly and irregularly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP staggering , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (NP-PRD a struggle) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remain (PP-LOC on (NP their feet)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Reaching (NP the house) (ADVP-TMP ahead (PP of (NP them))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP waited (PP with (NP (NP his Winchester) (PP-LOC in (NP his hands))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP crawled (PP through (NP the north fence))) and (VP came (ADVP on) (PP-DIR toward (NP him))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ both) (VP were (UCP-PRD (ADJP young) , not (NP (QP more than nineteen or twenty)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD dirty))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 their clothes) (VP were (VP torn (NP *-2)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so exhausted) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP fell (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD (NP-ADV twenty feet) from (NP the front door)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP lay (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (NP no effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (ADVP back) (PP on (NP her feet))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP (VP came (ADVP on) (PP-DIR to (NP the porch))) and (VP sat (PRT down)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his gaze) (PP-PRD on (NP Morgan)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP half) (VP expecting (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP shoot))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) not (ADVP really) (VP caring)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Morgan) (VP hesitated , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD a trick)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a good one))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ this couple) (VP to (VP be (VP pretending)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP licked (NP his dry lips)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked , `` (SQ Could (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP a drink)) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP jerked (NP his head) (PP-DIR toward (NP the front door))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP-LOC-TPC-1 In (NP the kitchen)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (PP-LOC *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leaning (NP his Winchester) (PP-LOC against (NP (NP the front) (PP of (NP the house)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP the girl))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD water) (PP-LOC in (NP the house))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (VP (VP move) or (VP say (NP anything)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Her eyes) (VP were (VP glazed (NP *-2) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP (VP hear (NP *RNR*-1)) or (VP (ADVP even) see (NP *RNR*-1)) (NP-1 him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP reached (NP (NP a point) (SBAR (WHPP-2 at (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP care (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) (PP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her face) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP very thin) , and (VP burned (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the sun)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ (NP much) (PP of (NP the skin))) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP dead) and (VP peeling)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the new skin) (PP-LOC under (NP it))) (ADJP-PRD red and angry)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ-5 Her blond hair) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 frowzy))) , (S (NP-SBJ=5-1 her dress) (VP=2 torn (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP several places))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 her shoes) (VP were (VP (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so completely) (SBAR *ICH*-4)) worn (NP *-3) (PRT out) (SBAR-4 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP practically) (NP-PRD no protection))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP must (VP have (VP hurt (NP her) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP even) (VP to (VP walk))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (S (NP-SBJ the sole) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP completely) off (NP her left foot)))) and (S (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (VP (VP bruised (NP *-2)) and (VP bleeding)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 He) (VP (VP picked (NP her) (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP sliding (NP-1 one hand) (PP-LOC-2 under (NP her shoulders))) , (VP (NP=1 the other) (PP-LOC=2 under (NP her knees)))))) , and (VP carried (NP her) (PP-DIR into (NP the house)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP amazingly light) , and (ADJP (ADJP so relaxed) (SBAR *ICH*-1))) (PP-LOC in (NP his arms)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was n't (ADVP even) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD conscious))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Any lingering suspicion (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a trick) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Al Budd) (VP had (VP thought (NP *T*-2) (PRT up)))))))))) (VP was (VP dispelled (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 No girl) (VP would (VP go (ADVP this far) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fool (NP a man) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP kill (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP a sweet face) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP attracted (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP put (NP her) (PRT down) (PP-LOC on (NP the couch))) , and (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP going (PP-DIR into (NP the kitchen)))) , saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP had (VP dropped (PP-DIR into (NP (NP a chair) (PP-LOC beside (NP the table)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a good deal) alike))) , (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP had (NP (NP blonde hair) and (NP blue eyes)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP even) (NP-PRD (NP a faint similarity) (PP of (NP features))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP (VP filled (NP the dipper) (PP from (NP (NP the water bucket) (PP-LOC on (NP the shelf))))) , (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR into (NP the front room))) , (VP lifted (NP (NP the girl 's) head)) , and (VP held (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the dipper))) (PP to (NP her mouth)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP drank (ADVP-MNR greedily)) , and (VP murmured , `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you))) '' , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lowered (NP her head)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (ADVP-DIR down) (PP at (NP her)))) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP have (VP reduced (NP her) (PP to (NP this condition)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ a few nester wagons) (VP go (PP-DIR through (NP the country)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the families) (ADVP almost) (VP starving (PP to (NP death))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ (NP any) (PP of (NP them))) (UCP-PRD (PP on (NP foot)) and (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP as bad) off) (PP as (NP these two)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP dropped (PRT off) (PP to (NP sleep))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP the kitchen))) , (VP built (NP a fire)) , and (VP carried (ADVP-DIR in) (NP (NP several buckets) (PP of (NP water)) (PP from (NP the spring)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP poured (NP *T*-1) (PP into (NP (NP the copper boiler) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP placed (NP *T*-2) (PP-LOC on (NP the stove)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP brought (NP his Winchester) (ADVP-DIR in) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the front) (PP of (NP the house))))) , (ADVP then) (VP faced (NP the boy))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-3 (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD *T*-1))) and (SBARQ (WHNP-2 what) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP happened (PP to (NP you))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD Billy Jones))) '' , (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP answered (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP my wife) (NP Sharon))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP ran (PRT out) (PP of (NP money)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have n't (VP eaten (PP-TMP for (NP two days))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC here))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SQ `` Are (NP-SBJ we) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Wyoming)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (ADVP-LOC `` (NP (QP About five) miles) north (PP of (NP the line)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jones) (VP sighed (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD relieved)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've (VP been (VP looking (PP for (NP work)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ all the ranchers) (VP have (VP turned (NP us) (PRT down)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP dragged (NP your wife) (PP-DIR (ADVP all) over (NP (NP hell 's) half-acre)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP for (NP work)))))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP demanded (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP The town) (PP of (NP Buckhorn))) (VP 's (ADVP only) (NP-LOC-PRD (NP (QP about six) miles) (PP from (ADVP here)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (ADVP-DIR there) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP did n't (VP want (NP town work)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Jones) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP mighty empty) country))) '' , (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP (QP only one more) ranch) (ADVP-LOC (NP three miles) north (PP of (ADVP here))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'd (VP have (VP starved (PP to (NP death)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP missed (NP both places)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD lucky (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP got (ADVP-DIR here)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ you) (VP give (NP us) (NP a job) , (NP-VOC Mr.)) '')) (TOP (NP `` Morgan .)) (TOP (NP Dan Morgan '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD silent) (NP-TMP a moment) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP use (NP a man) (NP-TMP (NP this time) (PP of (NP year)))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP could (VP cook)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP give (NP him) (NP (NP more time) (PP-LOC in (NP the meadows)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP (NP nothing) (PP about (NP the couple))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP might (VP kill (NP him) (PP in (NP his sleep)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP money) (PP-LOC in (NP the house)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP dismissed (NP the possibility) (ADVP-TMP at once)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The girl 's) thin face) (VP haunted (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP the face) (PP of (NP a killer)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD so sure (PP about (NP the boy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (VP shaved (PP-TMP for (NP several weeks)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his sparse beard) (VP giving (NP his face) (NP a pathetic , woebegone expression))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP to (NP this)) (PP than (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Jones) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP running (PP from (NP something)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP 'd (VP be (NP-PRD an idiot) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP stay)))))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP send (NP them) (ADVP on) , (ADVP either)))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP use (NP some help)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP finally))) ,) `` but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP can n't (VP afford (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pay (NP you) (NP anything))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP go (ADVP on) (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP work (PP for (NP our keep))))) '' , (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR eagerly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (VP mucking (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a mine) (PP-LOC in (NP the San Juan)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP work (PP-LOC on (NP a ranch))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV Sharon) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (VP cooked (PP-LOC in (NP a restaurant)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP work (ADVP-MNR hard) , (NP-VOC Mr. Morgan))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP see))) '' , (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TMP Right now) (NP-SBJ you) (VP need (NP (NP a meal) and (NP a bath))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Your wife) (VP 's (PP-PRD in (NP terrible shape))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP know)) '' , (NP-SBJ Jones) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR dejectedly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP (VP filled (NP the fire box) (PP with (NP wood)) (ADVP again)) , (ADVP then) (VP (VP started (NP supper)) and (VP set (NP the table)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the meal) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP (VP told (NP-2 Jones) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP wash (PRT up))))) , and (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP going (PP-DIR into (NP the front room)))) , woke (NP the girl))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ some supper) (ADJP-PRD ready))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP (VP rubbed (NP her eyes)) and (VP stretched)) , (ADVP then) (VP sat (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her hands) (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP her hair)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD a mess))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1))) , and (S (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alarmed))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ we) (VP get (ADVP-DIR here) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD Dan Morgan)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD the Rafter (X A[fj]))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP fell (PRT down) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the house)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP carried (NP you) (ADVP-DIR in))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP gave (NP you) (NP a drink))) (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP went (PP to (NP sleep)))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Oh '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP stared (PP at (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her eyes) (ADJP-PRD wide) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP said (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) ; ; (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP murmured : `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD very kind) , (NP-VOC Mr. Morgan))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP take (PRT in) (NP (NP all the strays) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP come (ADVP by)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ many strays) (VP coming (PP-DIR to (NP my front door))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP walk (PP-DIR to (NP the table))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (PP `` Of (NP course) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP got (PP to (NP her feet))) , (VP staggered) , and (VP (ADVP almost) fell)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP caught (NP her) (PP by (NP an arm))) and (VP helped (NP her) (PP-DIR into (NP the kitchen)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP sat (PRT down) (PP-LOC at (NP the table)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shaking (NP her head)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry) , (NP-VOC Mr. Morgan)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP-TMP usually) (NP-PRD a (ADJP very strong) woman))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD awfully tired))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 And (ADJP hungry)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Start (PRT in)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's not (NP-PRD (NP much) (PP of (NP a meal))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP eat (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` (NP (ADJP Not much)) (PP of (NP a meal)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP cried (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Mr. Morgan) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the best-looking food) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP saw (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP told (NP himself) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ two people) (VP eat (NP (ADJP so much))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP finally) (ADJP-PRD satisfied) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Jones) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP 's (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP give (NP us) (NP work)))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The grateful way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (PP at (NP Morgan)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD ashamed (PP of (NP himself))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP the expression) (PP-LOC in (NP her eyes))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP send (NP them) (ADVP on)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the Lord) (VP looks (PRT out) (PP for (NP fools , drunkards , and innocents))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Which) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're not (NP-PRD drunkards))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (PP of (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP helped (NP him) (PP with (NP the dishes)))) , (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP brought (NP more water) (ADVP-DIR in) (PP-DIR from (NP the spring)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP got (ADJP-PRD dark)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP carried (NP the tub) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP the house)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP hung (PP from (NP (NP a nail) (PP-LOC in (NP the wall)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP feel (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a lot) better) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP a bath)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Your feet) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP bad shape)) , (NP-VOC Mrs. Jones)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP town)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP the doc))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD all right)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Jones) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quickly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean)) ,) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do n't (VP have (NP (NP any way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-DIR there) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can n't (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP to (VP quit (NP work) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP take (NP us) (PP-DIR to (NP town))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP see))) '' , (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Could (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (NP me) (NP a needle and thread)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ My dress) (VP needs (NP (NP some work) (PP on (NP it)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP nodded) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP going (PP-DIR into (NP the bedroom)))) , brought (NP (NP a needle) , (NP thread) , and (NP scissors)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP going (PP to (NP bed))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP nodded (PP at (NP (NP the door) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD my spare bedroom)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The bed) (VP is n't (VP made (NP *-1)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP find (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP blankets))) (ADVP-LOC there)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD awfully kind))) '' , (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP pay (NP you) (ADVP back) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP let (NP us))))))) .)) (TOP (NP-MNR Some way '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP early)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sleep))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jones) (VP followed (NP him) (PP-DIR into (NP the front room)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP closing (NP the door) (PP behind (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said : `` (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right (PP with (NP you)))))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Morgan) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP sleep (PP-LOC out (ADVP here)) (PP-LOC on (NP the couch)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have n't (VP slept (ADVP together) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP started))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP can n't (VP take (NP (NP any chances) (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ her) (ADJP-PRD pregnant))))))))) , and (S-UNF (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP sleeping (ADVP together)))))) '')) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stopped , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD embarrassed)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP understand (NP that))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP savvy (SBAR (WHADVP-2 why) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP (VP go (ADVP off)) and (VP leave (NP your jobs)) (PP in (NP the first place)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP got (VP fired (NP *-1)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Jones) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP something))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP a pair) (PP of (NP lost , whipped kids))))) , (NP-SBJ Morgan) (VP thought (S *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PP to (NP bed)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gavin) (VP paused (ADVP-MNR wearily)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP stay (ADVP-LOC here) (PP with (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD late))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP be (ADVP-PRD here) (PP-TMP by (NP dawn)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP make (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP go)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gavin) (VP (VP sank (PRT down) (ADVP again) (PP-DIR into (NP his chair))) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rock))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP thinking (PP of (UCP (NP Rittenhouse) and (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP left (NP-2 him) (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP rock (PP to (NP death)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the porch) (PP of (NP the Splendide))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only thing) (PP in (NP his life)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP guilt) (PP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC Beneath (NP his black shirt)) (NP-SBJ his frail shoulders) (VP shook)) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP croaks) (PP of (NP pain))) (VP broke (PP-DIR from (NP his throat)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 the stored pain) (VP shattering (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD free)) (PP in (NP slow gasps)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD terrible (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Clayton) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP call (ADVP back) (NP (NP the face) (PP of (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP known (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Against (NP that other man)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP rally (NP his anger)))) ; ; (S (PP against (NP (NP this bent man) (PP-LOC in (NP the chair)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD powerless))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Gavin 's) lips) (VP moved (SBAR-ADV so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Clayton) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stoop))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP catch (NP the words)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP remember (NP Big Charlie)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP whispered (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP stuck (PP with (NP me)) (NP-TMP all these years)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (NP-PRD a half-breed 'pache)) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP said (NP much))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP meant (NP anythin) (PP to (NP me)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stuck (PP with (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP got (PP into (NP (NP a fight) (PP with (NP (NP Tom English) , (NP (NP your brother 's) son)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a fair fight))) , (S (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP provoked (NP it))) -- (S (NP-SBJ Big Charlie) (VP told (NP me) (ADVP so))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believed (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP killed (NP Big Charlie)) , (VP dumped (NP his body) (PP-LOC in (NP my rose garden))) (ADVP-TMP (NP two nights) ago)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV My men) , (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all)) (VP left (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP cleared (PRT out))) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP understand (ADVP why) , (NP-VOC Clay))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP just) all (VP cleared (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP treated (NP them) (ADVP-MNR fair)) '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP wiped (NP his lips) (PP with (NP a sleeve))) , (ADVP then) (VP stared (PP at (NP Clayton)) (PP in (NP (NP a childish kind) (PP of (NP wonder)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ-2 `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP mean '' (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked (SQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR almost shyly))) --) `` (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP go (PP with (NP you)) , (SBAR-DIR (WHADVP-1 wherever) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP goin (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))))))))))) '') ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yes '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP hate (NP me) (ADVP-TMP any more))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Clayton) (VP (VP choked) , (VP shook (NP his head)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP murmuring , `` (INTJ No) ''))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP-DIR here)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The old man) (VP beckoned (PP with (NP one finger)))) and (S (NP-SBJ Clayton) (VP went (ADVP-DIR forward) (PP-DIR to (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gavin) (VP (VP slipped (NP his arms) (PP around (NP his chest))) and (VP hugged (NP him) (ADVP-MNR fiercely))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-TMP All my life) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP tried) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tried) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP driftin (ADVP-DIR away))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tried)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ you) (VP wanted (NP (NP no part) (PP of (NP me))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP so much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP nothin) (VP left (NP *)) (PP of (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Laurel) (VP is (ADJP-PRD gone))) , (S (NP-SBJ my men) (VP are (ADJP-PRD gone))) , (S (NP-SBJ Ed) (VP is (ADJP-PRD dead))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP me)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (NP me)))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Oh ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP God) (PP-LOC in (NP Heaven))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP refuse (NP you) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP would (VP mock (NP me) (ADVP too much))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ca n't (VP let (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (ADVP-DIR way) (PP-DIR from (NP me)))) (ADVP again))) '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP closed (NP his eyes) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD ashamed (PP of (NP his tears))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP go , (NP-VOC Clay))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Clayton) (VP (VP freed (NP himself) (PP from (NP the embrace))) and (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR back))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The eyes) (VP followed (NP him) (ADVP-MNR fearfully)) .)) (TOP (NP `` The horses .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is n't (NP-PRD much time)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP (VP saddle (NP the horses)) and (VP bring (NP them) (ADVP-DIR round)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ You) (VP get (ADJP-PRD ready)) '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP burst (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the hot confinement) (PP of (NP the room)))) (PP-DIR into (NP the cold night air))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Gavin 's) stallion) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the barn)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP tightened (NP the cinches) (PP over (NP the saddle blanket)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP working (PP by (NP touch)) (PP-LOC in (NP the darkness))) , (VP comforting (NP the animal) (PP with (NP easy words))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP finished (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP led (NP (NP him) and (NP the mare)) (PP-DIR to (NP the porch))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The stallion) (VP had (VP (VP smelled (S (NP-SBJ the mare) (VP coming (PP into (NP heat))))) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP paw (NP the turf)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shaking (NP his head)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Clayton) (VP (VP looped (NP the reins) (PP in (NP a knot)) (PP over (NP the veranda post))) and (VP patted (NP (NP the warm flesh) (PP of (NP his neck))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The mare) (VP had (VP backed (ADVP-DIR away))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP take (NP it) (ADVP-MNR easy) , (NP-VOC boy))) '' , (NP-SBJ Clayton) (VP whispered (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP does n't (VP want (NP you) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ You) (VP take (NP it) (ADVP-MNR easy))) , (S (NP-SBJ your time) (VP will (VP come))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Gavin) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP the porch)) , (NP-1 a thin figure)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP taken (NP a carbine) (PRT down) (PP from (NP the wall))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP trailed (PP from (NP his hand)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the stock) (VP bumping (PP-LOC on (NP the wood floor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Clayton) (VP called (PP to (NP him)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP-DIR down (NP the steps)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ-2 `` (NP-VOC Clay) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2))) ,) `` (WHADVP-1 where) (SQ are (NP-SBJ we) (VP goin (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (PP-DIR `` To (NP (NP a ranch) (PP-LOC in (NP the valley))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP someone) (ADVP-LOC there) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP may (VP take (NP her) (PP with (NP us)) -- (PP-DIR to (NP California)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (ADVP-TMP yet)))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD crazy))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (PP about (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ California) (VP is (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (VP goin (ADVP-DIR *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` California '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gavin) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP nod)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD a new land)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A man) (VP could (VP make (NP a mark) (ADVP-LOC there))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Two men) , (RRC (ADVP together) (PP like (NP us))) ,) (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (VP (VP do (NP (NP somethin) (ADJP fine)) (ADVP-LOC out there)) , (VP (ADVP maybe) find (NP (NP a place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (VP Start (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR fresh)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the two) (PP of (NP us))) , (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ nothin) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP happened)))) '' .)) (TOP (UCP `` (INTJ Yes) , (PP like (NP a father and son)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ you) (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Gavin) (VP whispered (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP you) (SBAR-ADV so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP stand (PRT up)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD a man))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC Gavin) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP did) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP approached (NP the horse)) and (VP laid (NP a hand) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the stallion 's) quivering neck)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Help (NP me) (ADVP-DIR up) , (NP-VOC Clay)) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Help (NP me) (ADVP-DIR up))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD (ADVP kind of) stiff))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Clayton) (VP lifted (NP him) (ADVP-MNR gently) (PP-DIR into (NP the saddle)) , (PP like (NP a child))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP hate (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (NP my garden)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Gavin) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP trample (NP it) (ADVP down))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP loved (NP my garden)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP will (VP grow (ADVP again) -- (PP-LOC in (NP California)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP loved (NP this valley))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP whispered (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR huskily)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Lived (ADVP-MNR alone) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP-TMP for (NP three years)) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ any man) (VP came)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Lived (ADVP-MNR alone) (PP-LOC by (NP the river))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP nice) (ADJP-PRD *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP then) , (ADJP-PRD-1 so peaceful and quiet)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no one) (PP but (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (NP it)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Clayton) (VP (VP swung (PP-DIR into (NP the saddle))) and (VP whacked (NP (NP the stallion 's) rump))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The two horses) (VP broke (PP-DIR (PP from (NP the yard)) , (PP from (NP (NP the circle) (PP of (NP light)) (VP cast (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the lamp) (VP (ADVP-TMP still) burning (PP-LOC in (NP the house)))))))) ,) (PP-DIR into (NP the darkness))) .)) (TOP (NP Thirty-five)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP rode (PP at (NP a measured pace)) (PP-DIR through (NP the valley))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dawn) (VP would (VP come (ADVP-TMP soon)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the night) (VP was (PP-PRD at (NP its coldest)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The moon) (VP had (VP sunk (PP-DIR below (NP (NP the black crest) (PP of (NP the mountains))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 the land) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP seen (NP *-3) (PP through (NP (NP eyes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP grown (ADJP-PRD accustomed (PP to (NP (NP the absence) (PP of (NP light))))))))))))) , (VP looked (ADJP-PRD primeval) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ no man) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP trespassed (ADVP-TMP before))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP looked (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Gavin) (VP had (ADVP first) (VP seen (NP it) (ADVP-TMP (NP years) ago) , (PP-TMP on (NP (NP those nights) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP slept (ADVP-MNR alone) (PP-LOC by (NP his campfire))) and (VP waked (ADVP-MNR suddenly) (PP to (NP (NP (NP the hoot) (PP of (NP an owl))) or (NP (NP the rustle) (PP of (NP (NP a blade) (PP of (NP grass)))) (PP in (NP (NP the moon 's) wind)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) -- (NP-ADV (NP a savage land) , (UCP (ADJP untenanted) and (VP brooding) , (ADJP too strong (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP broken (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the will) (PP of (NP men)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gavin) (VP sighed (ADVP-MNR bitterly)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP that inert landscape)) (NP-SBJ (NP the caravan) (PP of (NP his desires))) (VP passed (PP before (NP his mind))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-1 them) (VP (VP ambushed (NP *-1)) , (VP strewn (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the postures) (PP of (NP (NP the broken) and (NP the dying))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (ADJP vain)) (NP-SBJ-2 his mind) (VP groped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP reassemble (NP (NP the bones) (PP of (NP (NP the relationships) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP sought (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR so desperately))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would not (VP come (PP to (NP life))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The silence) (VP (VP oppressed (NP him)) , (VP made (S (NP-SBJ-2 him) (VP bend (ADVP low) (PP-LOC over (NP (NP the horse 's) neck)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hide (PP from (NP (NP a wind) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP (VP had (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP blow (ADVP-LOC far away)))))) and (VP was (VP twisting (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP-DIR through (NP the darkness)) (PP in (NP its slow search))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP passed (NP (NP ranches) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (VP framed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dark gray)) (PP against (NP the black hills)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (PP at (ADVP last)) (NP-SBJ-1 the darkness) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dissolve)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP A bold line) (PP of (NP violet)) (VP *ICH*-3)) (VP broke (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD loose)) (PP from (NP (NP the high ridge) (PP of (NP the mountains)))) , (VP-3 followed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP feathers) (PP of (NP red)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP swept (NP the last stars) (PP-DIR from (NP the sky))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The wan light) (VP spread (PP-DIR over (NP the ground)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the valley) (VP revealed (PP in (NP the first glimmer)) (NP (NP the contours) (PP of (NP (NP trees and fences) and (NP (ADJP palely shadowed) gullies)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP had (VP been (VP (VP seen (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP left (NP the ranch)))))) , (VP picked (NP *-1) (PP out (PP of (NP the darkness))) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the (ADJP weary though watchful) eyes) (PP of (NP (NP two men) (VP posted (NP *) (ADVP-LOC (NP (QP a few hundred) yards) away) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the windless shelter) (PP of (NP the trees))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The two men) (VP (VP whipped (NP their horses) (PP-DIR into (NP town))) and (VP flung (NP themselves) (PP-DIR up (NP (NP the steps) (PP of (NP the saloon))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP crying (NP their intelligence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The men) (PP-LOC in (NP Pettigrew 's))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD tired (PP from (NP (NP a night 's) drinking))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ their faces) (ADJP-PRD red and baggy))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the liquor) (VP had (VP flushed (NP their courage))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP greeted (NP the news) (ADVP-MNR angrily) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP been (VP cheated (NP *-1) (PP of (NP purpose)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lester) (VP (VP heard (NP their muttering)) , (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ their eyes) (VP reveal (NP their desire))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP worked (NP his tongue) (ADVP-DIR round and round) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the hollow) (PP of (NP his cheek)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 his voice) (VP came (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP his throat))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dry and cracked)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP leavin)) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wanted (NP *T*-1)))))) , (SQ is n't (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD *?*)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Clayton) (VP is (PP-PRD with (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP takin (NP him) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the valley)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP-UNF ca n't) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Keep (PP out (PP of (NP this))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Purvis) (VP snarled (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's not (NP-PRD your brother))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP Gavin 's) son))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see)) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lied (PP to (NP us)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP leavin (ADVP-MNR alone))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Joe Purvis) (VP was (VP thinking (ADVP back) (NP-EXT many years))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP First) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP (VP ridden (PP-DIR to (NP Gavin))) and (VP told (NP him) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 his cattle) (VP were (VP being (VP rustled (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the far end) (PP of (NP the valley)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remembered (NP (NP (NP Gavin 's) smirk) , (NP his own cringing feeling) , (NP his impotence))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP a time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Clayton 's) horse) (VP had (VP fallen (ADJP-PRD lame) (PP-LOC in (NP the Gap)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His wife) (VP had (VP said (PP to (NP him)) : `` (S (NP-SBJ Nellie) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP love)) (PP with (NP Clayton Roy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would n't (ADVP even) (VP dance (PP with (NP her)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Gavin 's) party)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP treats (NP her) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD dirt))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP stand (ADVP by) (PP like (NP a fool))) and (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP do (NP it))))) '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remembered (NP (NP (NP Clayton 's) mocking smile) (PP-LOC in (NP the saloon)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP asked (NP him) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP do (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP brought (NP their cattle) (PP-DIR to (NP water))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the night) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Clayton) (VP had (VP tricked (NP them) (PP in (NP the poker game)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD (NP Gavin 's) son))) '' , (NP-SBJ Joe Purvis) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP turned (PP-DIR to (NP Lester))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP brought (NP him) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP this valley)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinkin (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP help (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (NP your boy)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (NP Gavin)))) (NP-TMP all the time)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP a fool) (PP of (NP you)) , (NP-VOC Lester)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP swung (ADVP-DIR round) (PP-DIR to (NP the other men)))) -- `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP can (VP catch (NP him) (ADVP-MNR easy)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP plenty) (PP of (NP fresh horses))) (PP-LOC (ADVP halfway) at (NP my place))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP go))))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP wo n't (VP stay (ADVP away)))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP find (NP (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP ride (PP with (NP them)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP be (ADVP-PRD back))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-MNR-PRD (NP only one way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP get (ADVP-DIR out) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP now))) and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (PP-PRD through (NP the Gap))))) -- (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP ride (ADVP-MNR hard)))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP take (NP them)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Lester 's) hand) (VP fluttered (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Cabot 's) shoulder))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP jerked (ADVP-DIR away)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP killed (NP Tom))) -- (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP understand (NP that)) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Cabot) (VP turned (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the men)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP drunk (PP with (NP (NP the thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))) , (ADJP wild (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP break (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the cloying warmth) (PP of (NP the saloon)))) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the cold) (PP of (NP the ebbing night))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP fled (PP-DIR (PP through (NP the door)) and (PP down (NP the steps))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP running)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 the men) (VP grunted and followed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP pushing (NP Lester) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP one side) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP backed (PP-DIR against (NP the wall)) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP the sleeve) (PP of (NP his jacket))) (VP raised (NP *-4) (PP-LOC before (NP his eyes)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shut (PRT out) (NP the light))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Purvis) and (NP Silas Pettigrew)) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the last) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP leave)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP mounted (PRT up)) and (VP rode (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP-LOC behind (NP the others)) (PP-LOC at (NP a safe distance)))) .)) (TOP (NP Thirty-six)) (TOP (S (PP in (NP the cold dawn)) (NP-SBJ-1 the mist) (VP (VP swirled (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD low (PP to (NP the ground))))) , (ADVP then) (VP rose (PP with (NP (NP a gust) (PP of (NP sudden wind)))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ the valley) (ADJP-PRD clear))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The clouds) (VP parted)) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP hard gashes) (PP of (NP sunlight))) (VP swooped (ADVP-DIR down) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stain (NP the earth) (PP with (NP (NP streaks) (PP of (NP (ADJP white and gold) light))))))) (SBAR-ADV so that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the shadows) (PP of (NP the running horses))) (VP flowed (PP like (NP dark streams)) (PP-DIR over (NP the dazzling snow))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP turned (PP-LOC in (NP the saddle)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP the men) (PP-LOC behind (NP them)) , (VP strung (NP *) (PRT out) (PP-LOC on (NP the prairie)) (PP in (NP a flat black line)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The wind) (PP of (NP their running))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold and wild))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 the horses) (VP were (VP lathered (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ their manes) (VP streamed (PP like (NP stiff black pennants)) (PP-LOC in (NP the wind)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The mare) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tire))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Clayton) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP the spray) (PP of (NP snow)) (PP from (NP (NP the hoofs) (PP of (NP (NP Gavin 's) stallion))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP-DIR over (NP his shoulder)) (PP at (NP (NP the thin dotting) (PP of (NP pursuers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP neither (VP gained) nor (VP fell (ADVP back))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP rode (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD low (PP on (NP (NP the mare 's) neck))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Ahead (PP of (NP him))) (NP-SBJ Gavin) (VP (VP turned (PP-DIR (ADVP slightly) off (NP the trail))) and (VP pointed (PP for (NP (NP the Gap) , (ADVP-LOC (NP (QP no more than a) mile) away))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Gavin 's) face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD bloodless (PP with (NP excitement)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP look (ADVP-DIR back)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP feel (CONJP more than) hear (NP (NP the staccato beat) (PP of (NP hoofs)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP fanned (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-DIR across (NP (NP the prairie) (PP-LOC to (NP the north))))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP riding (PP after (NP him)))))))) -- (NP (NP (NP the men) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP known (NP *T*-3) (NP-TMP all his life)))))) , (NP (NP the men) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP (VP worked (PP for (NP him))) , (VP sworn (NP (NP their loyalty) (PP to (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP riding (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP (VP fleeing , running) -- (VP fleeing (NP (NP his death) and (NP his life)) (PP-TMP at (NP the same time))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The land) (SBAR (WHPP-2 over (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sped (PP-LOC *T*-2))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the land) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP (VP created (NP *T*-1)) and (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP *T*-1)))))))) : (NP his valley))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP every leaping stride) (PP of (NP (NP the horse) (PP-LOC beneath (NP him)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP crossed (NP (NP one more patch) (PP of (NP earth)) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD his))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP see (NP *T*-2) (ADVP again)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The Gap) (VP looming (PP-LOC before (NP him)))) -- (NP (NP the place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP had (VP confronted (NP Jack English) (PP-TMP on (NP (NP that day) (ADVP-TMP (NP (ADJP so many) years) ago))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) --) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his exit) (PP from (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP (NP meaning) (PP to (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ California) (VP is (ADVP-PRD too far))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP reach (NP California))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too old))) -- (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP passed (PP-DIR up and through (NP (NP the corridor) (PP of (NP pines)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lined (NP (NP the trail) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-LOC ahead))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP passing (PP from (NP life))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sentry) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD dead)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was , (PP in (NP fact)) , (VP showing (NP (NP signs) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP reviving)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP been (VP carrying (NP (NP an Enfield rifle) and (NP a holstered navy cap-and-ball pistol))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A bayonet) (VP hung (PP-LOC in (NP a belt scabbard))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADVP-MNR partially) (VP uniformed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP a cavalry tunic and hat)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP stripped (NP these) (PP from (NP him))) and (VP donned (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He and Dean) (VP tied and gagged (NP the man) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP using (NP his belt and shirt) (PP for (NP the purpose))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP dragged (NP him) (PP-DIR inside (NP the building))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Fiske) (VP joined (NP them) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unsteady (PP on (NP his feet))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Julia) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP the bandage))) , (VP rushed (PP-DIR to (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP are (VP hurt (NP *-1))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ She) (VP breathed (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD better) (PP in (NP my life)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Fiske) (VP blustered (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned (PP-DIR to (NP Susan))) and (VP kissed (NP her) (PP-LOC on (NP the cheek)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you) , (NP-VOC My dear))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (ADJP-PRD very brave)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP silenced (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP talk (ADVP-TMP later))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP First) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP here)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP grab (NP horses)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Dean) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ The main bunch) (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD outside))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD some) (PP-LOC over (ADVP there)) (PP-LOC inside (NP the wall)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mike) (VP debated (NP it) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP decide (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ-3 Fiske) (VP was (ADJP-PRD strong enough (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP ride))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP at least) (VP offered (NP him) (NP (NP a chance) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP living))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP none) (ADVP-LOC here)) .)) (TOP (S And , (PP for (NP (NP the sake) (PP of (NP Julia and Susan)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP tried (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guerrilla bivouac) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD silent)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Light) (VP showed (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the orderly room) (PP-LOC across (NP the parade ground))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (ADVP evidently) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP duty)) (ADVP-LOC there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV No doubt) (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP men) (VP guarding (NP the horses))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (QP About a dozen) animals) (VP were (VP held (NP *-1) (PP-LOC inside (NP the stockade)) , (ADVP (ADVP as best) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP could (VP make (PRT out) (PP in (NP the moonlight)) (ADVP *?*)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Evidently) (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a precaution) (SBAR so that (S (NP-SBJ mounts) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD available) (PP in (NP an emergency)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP handed (NP (NP the guard 's) rifle) (PP-DTV to (NP Fiske))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 Dean and myself) (VP will (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cut (PRT out) (NP (NP horses) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ride (NP *T*-2)))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP stampede (NP the rest))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ You) (VP stay (PP with (NP the ladies))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 (NP All) (PP of (NP you))) (VP be (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ride (NP-MNR (NP hell) (PP for (NP leather)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP added , `` (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP does n't (VP work (PRT out))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the three) (PP of (NP you))) (VP (VP barricade (NP yourself) (PP-LOC in (NP the house))) and (VP talk (NP terms) (PP with (NP them))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP handed (NP the bayonet) (PP-DTV to (NP Dean))) and (VP kept (NP the pistol))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP (VP halted (NP Dean)) and (VP kissed (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP clung (PP to (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP talking (PP to (NP him))) , and (VP dabbing (PP at (NP her eyes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP turned (ADVP-DIR away)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP thinking (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP responded (PP to (NP his own kiss)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) (VP had n't (VP meant (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP believed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP *?* (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD unutterably weary)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dean) (VP (VP turned (PP from (NP Susan))) and (VP took (NP Julia Fortune) (PP in (NP his arms)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP kissed (NP her) (ADVP also) , (NAC and (PP with (NP deep tenderness)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (ADVP too) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP weep)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP released (NP her)) and (VP joined (NP Mike))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 All right) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (ADVP only) (VP said , `` (ADVP Later) '') .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Be (ADJP-PRD careful) , (NP-VOC McLish)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR fiercely)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-MNR-TPC-2 `` (NP The way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADJP-PRD careful) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP snorted (NP-MNR *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP Running (ADVP around) (PP-LOC in (NP the moonlight)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD almost naked))) and (VP slugging (NP a man) (PP with (NP a rock)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP going))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wanted (NP (NP (ADJP no more) sentimental scenes) (PP with (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP might (VP say or do (NP (NP something) (ADJP foolish)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP them))) (VP would (VP regret (NP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP might (VP tell (NP her) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP (WHADJP how sorry) a spectacle) (PP *ICH*-3)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP making (NP *T*-1) (PP-3 of (NP herself)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP pretending (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD blind (PP to (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ Julia Fortune) (VP had (VP taken (NP (NP Dean 's) affections) (PP from (NP her)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP using (NP (NP him) , (NP Mike McLish)) , (PP as (NP (NP a sop) (PP to (NP her pride)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP handed (NP the bayonet) (PP-DTV to (NP Dean))) and (VP kept (NP the pistol))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stay (ADVP-LOC well back (PP of (NP me))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP walk (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the horses))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP bold) (PP as (NP brass)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP pretending (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP the guerrillas))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD bound (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP someone) (PP on (NP guard))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the hat) (VP might (VP fool (NP them) (ADVP-TMP long enough (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-LOC close))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Holding (NP-2 the pistol) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP concealed (NP *-3))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the rear wall) (PP of (NP the stockade))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP pierced (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a wagon gate) (VP built (NP *) (PP of (NP two wings))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 One wing) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP passed (PP-DIR through (NP it))) and (VP moved (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the dark mass) (PP of (NP horses)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP tethered (NP *-1) , (NP-MNR army style) , (PP on (NP stable lines)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A voice) (VP spoke (ADVP-LOC near-at-hand)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ that) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 Just me) '' , (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ that) (NP-SBJ you) , (NP-VOC Bill) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP located (NP his man)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guard) (VP stood (PP-LOC (PP in (NP (NP the shadow) (PP of (NP the stockade wall)))) (PP (ADVP just) out (PP of (NP (NP reach) (PP of (NP the moonlight))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mike) (VP (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP walking))) and (VP got (PP-LOC within (NP (NP arm 's) reach)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP (VP became (ADJP-PRD suspicious)) and (VP straightened (PP from (NP his lax slouch)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP struck (PP with (NP (NP the muzzle) (PP of (NP the pistol))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the luck) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP running (NP-ADV their way))))))) (VP left (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guard) (ADVP-MNR instinctively) (VP parried (NP the blow) (PP with (NP his rifle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP veer (NP the rifle) (ADVP-DIR around) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP fire (PP-DIR into (NP (NP Mike 's) body))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mike) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (PP-PRD off (NP balance))) , (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bat (NP the muzzle) (ADVP-DIR away) (SBAR-TMP (NP-ADV a moment) before (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP exploded))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bullet) (VP went (ADJP-PRD wide)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP swung (NP the pistol) (PP in (NP a savage backlash))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP connected (ADVP-MNR solidly) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the man 's) temple)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP felling (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The explosion) (PP of (NP the rifle))) (VP had (VP crashed (PP against (NP (NP the walls) (PP of (NP the stockade))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the deep echoes) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (VP rolling (PP-LOC in (NP the hills))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The startled horses) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP rearing (PP on (NP their tethers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dean) (VP came (VP rushing (ADVP up))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-2 `` Are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP hit (NP *-1)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP demanded (SQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , but (NP-SBJ the fat) (VP 's (PP-PRD in (NP the fire))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP no chance) (PP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-1 of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP us))) (VP getting (ADVP away))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP try (NP it) (ADVP-MNR alone)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The sentry 's) saddled horse) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP picketed (NP *-2))) (ADVP-LOC nearby) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP having (VP been (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD handy)) (PP in (NP (NP case) (PP of (NP need))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP took (NP the bayonet) (PP from (NP (NP Dean 's) hand))) and (VP slashed (NP the picket line))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV-TPC-2 `` (ADVP-DIR-TPC-1 Up) (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-1)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SINV *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ride) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dean) (VP resisted (NP (NP Mike 's) attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP push (NP him) (PP-DIR toward (NP the horse))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 `` (WHADVP Why) not (NP you) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP protested (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Dammit '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR frantically)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD (ADJP lighter) (PP than (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD our only chance) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP these Feds))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The rest) (PP of (NP us))) (VP can (VP (VP fort (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP the house))) and (VP hang (PRT on) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (ADVP-DIR back))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP taking (NP the big chance))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dean) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP hesitated)) , but (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP lifted (NP him) (ADVP-MNR almost bodily) (PP-DIR into (NP the saddle))) and (VP thrust (NP the reins) (PP-DIR in (NP his hand))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-2 No (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP telling (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how good) (S (NP-SBJ this horse) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-1))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP panted (NP *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Favor (NP him)) and (VP save (NP something)) (SBAR-ADV in case (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP hit (NP trouble))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Watch (PRT out) (PP for (NP Apaches)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP comes (NP daylight) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP the pistol)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP might (VP need (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (ADVP-TMP still) (VP have (NP the rifle)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP round (PRT up) (NP some more)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP stampede (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP these horses))) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP ca n't (VP chase (NP you))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dean) (VP (VP leaned (PP from (NP the saddle))) and (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP a mighty whack) (PP on (NP the back))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-VOC McLish) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP kicked (NP the horse) (PP into (NP motion))))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP be (NP-PRD a (ADJP mighty sad) man) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP met (ADVP again)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD (PP on (NP his way)) (PP at (NP a gallop)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mike) (VP ran (PP-DIR down (NP the line)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP slashing (NP picket ropes) (PP with (NP the bayonet))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP lifted (NP a screeching war whoop)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP touched (PRT off) (NP a total stampede)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP darted (PP-DIR inside (NP the stockade))) and (VP freed (NP (NP the horses) (ADVP-LOC there)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP (VP poured (PP-DIR through (NP the gate))) and (VP joined (NP the flight))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The animals) (VP thundered (ADVP-DIR away) (PP-DIR into (NP the moonlight)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP heading (PP for (NP the ridges))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guerrillas) (VP were (VP swarming (PP-DIR from (NP (NP their bivouac) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the west end) (PP of (NP the enclosure)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` Apaches '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP yelled (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (VP stealin ' (NP the stock))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP scuttled (PP-LOC in (NP shadow)) (PP-DIR along (NP (NP the east wall) (PP of (NP the stockade))))) (CONJP and then) (VP followed (NP the south wall) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP (NP the rear) (PP of (NP the two frame buildings))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP crouched (ADVP-LOC there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His shout) (VP had (VP been (VP (VP taken (NP *-1) (PRT up)) and (VP repeated (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guerrillas) (VP were (VP running (PP-DIR (PP across (NP the parade ground)) and (PP through (NP the rear gate))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the wake) (PP of (NP the departing horses)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ All) (VP were (VP carrying (NP (NP guns) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP seized (NP *T*-1) (PRT up))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (UCP-PRD (ADJP half-clad) or (VP (ADVP hardly) clad (NP *-2) (ADVP at all))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Durkin and Calhoun) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP running (PP-DIR from (NP the post))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (NP pistols) (PP-LOC in (NP their hands))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP bawled (NP (NP questions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were not (VP answered (NP *-1) (PP in (NP the uproar)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP followed (NP the others) (PP-DIR toward (NP the east gate))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Beyond (NP the stockade)) (NP-SBJ-1 rifles) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP explode))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP the guerrillas))) (VP fired (PP-DIR at (NP (NP shadows) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP imagined (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (NP-PRD Apaches))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP made (NP (NP a dash) (PP to (NP (NP the rear) (PP of (NP the frame buildings)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP crawled (PP-DIR beneath (NP (NP the two supply wagons) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stood (PP-LOC between (NP the buildings)))))))) and (VP peered (PP around (NP a corner)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The area) (VP was (VP deserted (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A man) (VP was (VP standing (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the open door) (PP of (NP the lighted orderly room)))) (PP-LOC (NP-ADV a few yards) to (NP (NP Mike 's) left))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) , (ADVP too) , (ADVP-MNR suddenly) (VP (VP made (PRT up) (NP his mind)) and (VP went (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP racing (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP join (NP (NP the confused activity) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the east end) (PP of (NP the stockade))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP crawled (PP-DIR to (NP the door))) and (VP peered (ADVP in))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The orderly room) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP deserted (NP *-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A lantern) (VP hung (PP from (NP a peg)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP giving (NP light)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Ducking (ADVP-DIR inside))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 three rifles) (VP were (VP stacked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP a corner))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A brace) (PP of (NP (NP pistols) , (VP holstered (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP belts)))))) , (VP hung (PP from (NP a peg)) , (ADVP along (PP with (NP ammunition pouches)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP An ammunition case) (VP *ICH*-3)) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) , (VP-3 containing (NP (NP canisters) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP contained (NP powder cartridges))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mike) (VP (VP seized (NP a blanket) (PP from (NP (NP a pallet) (PP-LOC in (NP a corner))))) , (VP spread (NP it) (PP-LOC on (NP the floor))) and (VP used (NP it) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP form (NP (NP a bag) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP placed (NP his booty) (PP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Shouldering (NP the load))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP peered (PP from (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP His looting) (PP of (NP the orderly room))) (VP had (VP taken (NP (QP only a) minute (QP or two))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the vicinity) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD clear (PP of (NP guerrillas))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP the looming hoods) (PP of (NP the supply wagons)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP struck (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS a new inspiration))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP set (NP his bundle) (PRT down)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Snatching (NP the lantern) (PP from (NP its peg)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP shattered (NP its globe) (PP with (NP (NP a blow) (PP against (NP a post))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the powder canister)) and (VP ran (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Bursting (NP paper cartridges))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP scattered (NP powder) (PP-LOC beneath (NP the nearest wagon))) and (VP dumped (NP (NP the contents) (PP of (NP the canister))) (PP-LOC upon (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP shouldered (NP the blanket) (ADVP again)) , (VP backed (PRT off)) , and (VP tossed (NP (NP the lantern) (PP with (NP its open wick))) (PP-DIR beneath (NP the wagon)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned) and (VP raced (PP-DIR across (NP the parade ground)) (PP-DIR toward (NP the rock house)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Powder flame) (VP gushed (PP-LOC beneath (NP the wagon))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The stockade) (VP was (ADVP-MNR brilliantly) (VP lighted (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the guerrillas) (VP sighted (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP realized (NP the truth)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bullets) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP snap (PP-DIR past (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP struck (NP (NP the muzzle) (PP of (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the rifles) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP projected (PP-DIR from (NP the shoulder pack))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Its force) (VP spun (NP him) (ADVP-DIR around))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP recovered) and (VP got (PP-DIR into (NP stride)) (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A bullet) (VP tore (NP the earth) (PP-DIR from (PP beneath (NP his foot))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (NP-ADV a stride (QP or two)) from (NP safety)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Another) (VP struck (NP him) (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP-LOC in (NP the thigh)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP-DIR down))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Guerrillas) (VP were (VP racing (PP-DIR toward (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Susan and Julia) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP the door))) and (VP dragged (NP him) (PP with (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The three) (PP of (NP them))) (VP (VP floundered (PP-DIR through (NP the door)) (PP-DIR into (NP the interior))) and (VP fell (PP in (NP a heap)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP (VP bounced (PP to (NP her feet))) and (VP slammed (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP crouched (ADVP aside) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 bullets) (VP beat (PP-LOC at (NP the portal)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP chewing (PP into (NP the planks)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP tore (PP-DIR (ADVP entirely) through (NP the whipsawed post oak))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The iron hinges) (VP held)) , but (S (NP-SBJ the planks) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP (NP danger) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP torn (NP *-1) (PP-DIR from (NP the crossbars)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP rolled (PP-DIR to (NP Susan))) , (VP grasped (NP her) (PP-LOC around (NP the knees)) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP dragging (NP her) (PP off (NP her feet)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP hovered (PP-LOC over (NP her)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shield (NP her)))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ spent bullets) (VP were (VP thudding (PP-LOC against (NP the rear walls)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP peered (PP from (NP a loophole))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Guerrillas) (VP were (ADVP-PRD (NP (QP only a dozen) yards) away) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP charging (NP the house)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP snatched (NP a pistol) (PP from (NP (NP the heap) (PP of (NP scattered booty))))) and (VP fired)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP dropped (NP a man) (PP with (NP the first bullet))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same moment)) (NP-SBJ Wheeler Fiske) (VP fired (NP (NP the rifle) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP had (VP given (NP him) (NP *T*-2)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 another guerrilla) (VP was (VP hit (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP halted (NP the rush)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guerrillas) (VP scattered (PP for (NP cover))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The wagons) (VP were (VP burning (ADVP-MNR fiercely))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The mudwagon) (VP had (VP caught (NP fire) (ADVP also))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The blaze) (VP was (VP spreading (PP-DIR to (NP the frame buildings)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guerrillas) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP faced (NP a new problem))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Gawdamighty '' ! !) (NP-SBJ One) (VP screeched (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (ADVP-TPC-1 There) (VP goes (ADVP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ our grub an ' ammunition) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (S (NP-SBJ a bucket line) (VP going))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Calhoun) (VP shouted (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hurry) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hurry) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The guerrillas) (VP began (NP (NP a frantic search) (PP for (NP (NP pails) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bring (NP water) (PP-DIR from (NP the spring)) (PP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 (WHADJP what few) containers) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP found (NP *T*-2)))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD inadequate)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Many) (PP of (NP them))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (PP-PRD in (NP increasing panic))) , (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP running (PP with (NP (NP water) (PP-LOC in (NP their hats)))))) (PP in (NP a ludicrous effort))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both buildings) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP flames))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The heat) (VP drove (NP the guerrillas) (ADVP-DIR back)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The roof) (PP of (NP the command post))) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP buckle)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Drag (NP the wagons) (PP-DIR to (NP the spring))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Lew Durkin) (VP yelled (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Run (NP 'em) (PP-DIR (ADVP right) into (NP the spring))) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hustle) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the wagons))) (VP erupted (NP (NP a massive pillar) (PP of (NP flame)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A sizable supply) (PP of (NP powder))) (VP had (VP been (VP touched (NP *-1) (PRT off)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The wagons) and (NP the coach)) (VP were (PP-PRD beyond (NP saving)))) and (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 so) (VP were (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-PRD the buildings)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The glow) (PP of (NP the fire))) (VP reached (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the openings) (PP-LOC in (NP the windows)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP giving (NP light enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP examine (NP (NP Mike 's) wound)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The bullet) (VP had (VP torn (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the flesh) (PP-LOC (ADVP just) above (NP the knee)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP inflicting (NP (NP an ugly gash) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP forming (NP (NP a pool) (PP of (NP blood))) (PP-LOC on (NP the floor))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP had (VP missed (NP the bone))) and (VP had (VP passed (ADVP on) (ADVP-DIR through)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Susan and Julia) (VP (VP ripped (NP strips) (PP from (NP their clothing))) and (VP bound (NP the injury))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP tested (NP the leg)) and (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hobble (ADVP around) (PP on (NP it))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF `` So (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (NP-PRD the earthquake) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP return (PP-DIR to (NP his village)))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (INTJ `` No .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) (INTJ dammit) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP into (NP (ADJP any more) explanations))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TPC-1 Here) (VP comes (ADVP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Jason) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Keep (NP this) (PP to (NP yourself))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Reverend Jason) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (ADJP-PRD worried))) , (VP hurried (PP-DIR toward (NP us))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ Anything) (ADJP-PRD wrong) , (NP-VOC cap'n) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The men) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (ADVP so))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Dirion) (VP found (NP (NP a large war party) (ADVP-LOC south (PP of (NP us))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (ADVP probably) (VP attack (PP-TMP at (NP dawn))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Montero) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP brushed (PP-DIR past (NP the clergyman))) and (VP walked (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the camp)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Using (NP his hands) (PP as (NP a trumpet)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP shouted , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Fort (PRT up)) ! !)))) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Fort (PRT up)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a large war party) (PP on (NP their way)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a second)) , (NP-SBJ-1 engages , cooks , voyageurs) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP struck (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD dumb))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ Little Billy) (VP began (VP shouting (NP orders (UCP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP round (PRT up) (NP the ponies)) and (VP fill (NP the water buckets))))) and (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ the cooks) (VP to (VP hurry (PRT up) (PP with (NP the meal)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP all)) (VP flew (PP into (NP action))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a terrible thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-2) (PP to (NP Oso))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Aricaras) (VP treated (NP us) (PP like (NP friends))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP here) (NP-TMP all the time) (NP-SBJ you) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the Sioux) (VP would (VP be (VP using (NP our rifles) (PP on (NP them)))))))) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ God) , (WHNP-1 what a world) (S (NP-SBJ you people) (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP *T*-1)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Oso) (VP gave (NP me) (NP an unruffled look)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Old Knife) (VP 's (VP got (NP (NP the largest war party) (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) seen (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP the river))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR calmly)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (VP done (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP (NP Montero 's) moccasins))))) ? ?)) (TOP (UCP (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ Old Knife) (VP (VP come (ADVP up)) and (VP kill (NP (NP you) and (NP your people)))))) , or (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP steer (NP him) (PP on (NP (NP someone) (ADVP else))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Mr. Manuel) (VP did (NP that) (PP in (NP the war))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ the British) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ the tribes) (VP to (VP fight (PP for (NP the King))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Manuel) (VP whispered (PP in (NP (NP the ears) (PP of (NP the Sioux)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Cheyennes) (VP were (VP comin ' (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP raid (NP 'em) (PP for (NP their horses)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP went (ADVP on) (PP-DIR to (NP the Cheyennes))) and (VP told (NP them) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Sioux) (VP was (VP goin ' (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move (ADVP up)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did (NP that) (PP with (NP all the Nations))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Hell) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP fightin ' (NP each other) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so hard) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP (NP no time) (PP for (NP (NP anyone) (ADVP else)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The War Department) (VP (VP wrote (NP Mr. Manuel) (NP a letter)) and (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD a hero)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP that letter)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP carried (NP it) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a little wallet) (VP made (NP *) (PP of (NP fish skin)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 But (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD war))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP no war) (ADVP on)) (ADVP-TMP now)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD wrong) , (NP-VOC Matt)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP this country)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a war) (ADVP on)) (NP-TMP (NP every time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the grass) (VP turns (ADJP-PRD green) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP First) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the Nations) (PP against (NP themselves))))) , (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP them) (PP against (NP the whites))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP 's (VP goin ' (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PRT on) (PP like (NP this)) (NP-TMP (NP year) (PP after (NP year))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the white people) (VP take (PRT over) (NP this land))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP being (VP told (NP *-2) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP happen (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so fast) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP would (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP place) (ADVP-TMP overnight))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ this company) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD important) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP get (PP over (NP the mountains))))) (NP-SBJ others) (VP will (VP come (ADVP along))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ the Trust) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP make (NP it)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP That bastard) (NP Chambers) ! !)) (TOP (S -- (NP-SBJ Old Knife) (VP 's not (NP-PRD (NP the only chief) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'll (VP get (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP do (NP his dirty work)))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP get (ADVP through)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ the Blackfeet) (VP hankerin ' (PP for (NP (NP our hair) and (NP our goods))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ-1 talkin ') (VP ai n't (VP goin ' (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help)))))) -- (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP fort (PRT up)))) '' ! !))) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP dug (PRT in) (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the bales) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP using (NP *T*-2) (PP as (NP protection))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-MNR grudgingly) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ myself) (VP agreeing (PP with (NP (NP Oso 's) logic)) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP especially) (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP imagined (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP have (VP happened (PP to (NP Missy)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Old Knife 's) large party) (PP of (NP screeching warriors))) (VP had (VP overrun (NP our company)))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For , (S (S (PP unlike (NP (NP the Sioux) and (NP the Crows))) , (NP-SBJ the Aricaras) (VP are not (NP-PRD great horsemen))) , nor (SINV are (NP-SBJ they) (ADJP-PRD aggressive) (PP like (NP the savage Blackfeet)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP More) (PP of (NP an agricultural nation)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP have (VP relied (PP on (NP their warriors)) (PP (PP (ADVP only) for (NP defense)) and (PP for (NP (NP survival) (PP in (NP (NP the endless wars) (PP of (NP the plains))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP disgusted (NP *-1) (PP with (NP myself)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP agreeing (PP with (NP (NP Montero 's) methods))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Surprisingly) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP told (NP the others) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP (NP the brief moment) (SBAR *ICH*-5) (SBAR-TMP *ICH*-6)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP *T*-3)))) (SBAR-5 (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP them)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))) (SBAR-TMP-6 before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (NP (NP my post) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the ring) (PP of (NP defenses)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP indicated (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP sickened (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the methods) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-7 men) (VP employed (NP *T*-2) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP to (VP live and trade (PP-LOC on (NP the river))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Montero) (VP did (NP right)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Amy) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR firmly)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ the savages) (VP kill (NP each other)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ we) (VP care (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Reverend Jason) (VP was (ADJP-PRD understandably bitter)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a terrible thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Those little children . '')) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Oso) (VP replied (ADVP-MNR calmly) , `` (S (NP-SBJ Trouble) (VP ai n't (ADJP-PRD easy (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP dodge (NP *T*-1)))))) (PP-LOC out (PP in (NP this country))) , (NP-VOC rev'rend))) '') .)) (TOP (NP 28 .)) (TOP (NP Attack)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gray Eyes) (VP attacked (NP our camp) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ the first pink threads) (VP stitched (ADVP together) (NP (NP the hills) and (NP the sky)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our camp) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP a wide valley))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Montero) (VP had (VP set (PRT up) (NP a strong position) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP using (NP (NP every bale and box) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (NP *T*-1))))) (PP in (NP (NP addition) (PP to (NP (NP barricades) (PP of (NP logs and brush)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP had (VP ordered (S (NP-SBJ-1 the ponies) (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP-LOC inside (NP the fortified circle)))))) and (VP had (VP assigned (NP (NP Pierre) and (NP (NP a band) (PP of (NP picked engages)))) (NP (NP the job) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD steady (PP under (NP fire)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The pony herd) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the one flaw) (PP in (NP our defense))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Rees) (ADVP undoubtedly) (VP would (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cut (PRT down) (NP (NP as many) (PP of (NP the animals)) (PP as (ADJP possible))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP Wildly bucking) horses) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ the position) (ADJP-PRD difficult (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP defend (NP *T*-1) (PP against (NP charging warriors)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The cooks) (VP (VP had (VP prepared (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the best meals) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP in (NP a long time))))))))))) , and (VP (PP on (NP (NP Montero 's) orders)) had (VP baked (NP enough bread (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP last (NP the day)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Buckets) (VP were (VP-3 filled (NP *-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1-2 the herd) (VP=3 fed and watered (NP *-2))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The worst part) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD the waiting)))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP did n't (VP expect (NP the attack) (PP-TMP before (NP dawn)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the long cloudy night) , (VP filled (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP the sounds) (PP of (NP the industrious insects))))) ,) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD endless))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Coyotes) and (NP hunting wolves)) (VP sounded (PP like (NP signaling Indian scouts)))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the whinny) (PP of (NP a restless pony))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP one 's) skin) (VP crawl)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Oso) (VP slept (ADVP-MNR unconcernedly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 his rifle) (VP cradled (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP his arms)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP catch (NP a wink)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP Every time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP closed (NP my eyes) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Gray Eyes) (VP rushing (PP-DIR at (NP me)) (PP with (NP a knife))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a relief) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP finally) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP (VP poured (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the opening) (PP-LOC in (NP the valley))))) , (ADVP then) (VP spread (ADVP-DIR out) (PP in (NP a long line)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP come (PP at (NP us))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP brandishing (NP their lances)) and (VP filling (NP the morning) (PP with (NP their spine-chilling scalp cry))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-VOC Oso) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Montero) (VP called (S *T*-1)))) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP Gray Eyes))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 'll (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a pleasure) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-1))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ the big black) (VP murmured (S *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stared (PP down (NP (NP the barrel) (PP of (NP his rifle)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hold (NP your fire))) '' , (NP-SBJ Montero) (VP was (VP shouting (S-IMP *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait (PP-TMP until (NP my shot))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP shoot (NP (NP the first man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP does n't)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (NP them) (PP-LOC in (NP my sights)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD (NP (QP about a) mile) off))) ; ; (S (PP-LOC under (NP me)) (NP-SBJ the ground) (VP quivered (ADVP slightly))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP first)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP only) (NP-PRD (NP feathers) and (NP (NP dark indistinguishable faces and bodies) , (VP hunched (NP *) (PP-LOC over (NP (NP their horses ') heads)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Gradually) (NP-SBJ they) (VP emerged (PP as (NP men))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gray Eyes) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the lead))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 His face) (VP was (VP split (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a vermilion streak))))) , (S (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP pools) (PP of (NP white))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ jagged red and black medicine symbols) (VP covered (NP his chest))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD naked) (PP except (PP for (NP a clout)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Next (PP to (NP him))) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a young boy) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP sat (ADVP-LOC near (NP me)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the trading sessions))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His mouth) (VP was (ADJP-PRD open) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 his neck) (VP corded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the strain) (PP of (NP his screams))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (NP his chest) (PP-LOC in (NP my sights))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (NP a red circle)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The circle) (VP came (ADVP-LOC nearer and nearer)) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-3 (INTJ My God) , (WHADVP-2 how long) (SQ is (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wait (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBARQ *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Montero 's) rifle) (VP cracked) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP first)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP missed))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gray Eyes) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD erect)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The feathered lance) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD above (NP his head))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP slump (ADVP over))))))) , (NP-SBJ another warrior) (VP swung (NP him) (PP-DIR onto (NP his horse))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP squeezed (NP the trigger)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the last second)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP dropped (NP my sights) (PP-DIR from (NP the (NX (NX bare chest) and (NX bright red circle)))) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the chest) (PP of (NP his pony))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ the pony) (VP fall (PP like (NP a stone)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the young warrior) (VP flew (PP-DIR over (NP its head)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bouncing (PP like (NP a rubber ball)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run))))) but (S (NP-SBJ (NP Oso 's) shot) (VP caught (NP him) (PP on (NP the wing)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP jerked (ADVP-TMP once) (PP-LOC in (NP the grass))) and (VP lay (ADJP-PRD still))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 (SBAR-ADV `` If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 're (VP goin ' (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP 'em))))))) -- ! !) (NP-SBJ *) (VP Kill (NP 'em)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Oso) (VP growled (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ-1 (WHNP-2 (WHNP What) (ADVP else)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-2)))) (VP was (VP lost (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the rattle) (PP of (NP gunfire)) (PP-LOC on (NP all sides)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Aricaras) (VP (VP broke (PP under (NP the devastating fire))) , (VP wheeled) and (VP retreated)) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Lead (PRT up)) ! !) (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Lead (PRT up)) ! !) (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP be (ADVP-PRD back))) '' ! !)) (NP-SBJ Montero) (VP was (VP shouting (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (ADVP Far) up (NP the valley)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (S (NP-SBJ the Rees) (VP circling and reorganizing)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Out (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP our walls))))) (NP-SBJ-1 the grass) (VP was (VP covered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP dead and dying) men) , (NP war shields) , (NP lances) , (NP blankets) and (NP (ADJP wounded and dead) horses))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The morning air) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP (NP the sweetish odor) (PP of (NP new-spilled blood))) , (NP (NP the acrid stench) (PP of (NP frightened horses))) , and (NP (NP the bitterness) (PP of (NP burned powder))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A horse) (VP screamed (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP twisted (PP (PP from (NP side)) (PP to (NP side))) (PP in (NP a frenzy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A rifle) (VP cracked)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the square head) (VP fell (ADVP over))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the warriors))) (ADVP-MNR suddenly) (VP (VP leaped (PP to (NP his feet))) and (VP began (VP running (PP-DIR across (NP the valley)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the trees) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lined (NP the small creek))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His legs) (VP pumped (ADVP-MNR furiously))) , (S (NP-SBJ his long black hair) (VP streamed (ADVP out) (PP-LOC behind (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a ragged volley)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hit (NP the ground))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 `` (PP For (NP (NP Christ 's) sake)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP waste (NP your powder) (PP on (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP 'em)))))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Montero) (VP shouted (S-IMP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR furiously)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait (PP for (NP the charge))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 The charge) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you) (NP *T*-1)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sharp cries) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the valley))))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD faint)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD louder) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the Indians) (VP charged (ADVP again))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (S (S (NP-SBJ their faces) (VP glistening (PP with (NP (NP sweat) and (NP bear grease))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 their mouths) (ADJP-PRD open) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shouting (NP their spine-chilling cries))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Gray Eyes) (VP is (ADVP-PRD back))) , , (NP-SBJ Montero) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The war captain) (VP (VP had (VP been (ADVP-MNR badly) (VP wounded (NP *-1)))) and (VP was (VP fighting (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hold (NP his seat))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (S (NP-SBJ the blood) (VP running (PP-DIR down (NP his chest)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP riding (PP-LOC between (NP (NP two warriors) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP held (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD erect)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP slump))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP forgot (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP aim)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP my sights)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP looming (ADJP-PRD bigger and bigger)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Montero 's) shot) (VP had (VP caught (NP him) (PP-LOC (ADVP high) in (NP the chest))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no doubt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP dying))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) (NP-SBJ we) (VP waited (PP for (NP Montero))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP delayed (ADVP-TMP (ADVP so long) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP the engages))) (VP shouted (ADVP-MNR frantically))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP held (NP their fire))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The horses) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD (NP (QP only several) lengths) away) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP fired (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bullet) (VP flung (NP Gray Eyes) (PP-DIR from (NP his horse))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our rolling volley) (VP swept (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP the other riders))) (PP-DIR from (NP their mounts))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ a few) (VP reached (NP our wall)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (NP (NP the whir) (PP of (NP an ax))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP a Canadian 's) face) (VP burst (ADVP apart) (PP in (NP a bloody spray)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Little Billy) (VP (VP rise) and (VP fire (ADVP almost point blank)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP an Indian 's) face) (VP became (NP-PRD shattered flesh and bone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A second) (VP leaped (PP-DIR from (NP his horse)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP the bale)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP firing (NP four arrows) (PP in (NP (NP (ADJP such rapid) succession) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP did n't (VP seem (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP flight)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Men) (VP screamed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Oso) (VP (VP reached (ADVP-DIR up)) , (VP jerked (NP the buck) (PP-DIR from (NP the bale))) and (VP snapped (NP his neck))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Other Indians) (VP were (VP running (PP-DIR at (NP the ponies)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP shrilling) and (VP waving (NP blankets)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Reverend Jason) (VP got (NP-2 one))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 the Canadians) (NP=2 the others)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ the clergyman) (VP (VP kneel (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (PP-LOC by (NP (NP the twitching body) (PP of (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP shot (NP *T*-1)))))))))) , (ADVP then) (VP run (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP his position)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The ponies) (VP were (ADJP-PRD almost uncontrollable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The pall) (PP of (NP dust)) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP raised (NP *T*-4))))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (ADJP-PRD difficult) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the Aricaras) (VP charged (ADVP again) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ (NP more) (PP of (NP them))) (VP hurdled (NP the barrier)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A small Indian) (VP dived (PP-DIR at (NP (NP Montero) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP caught (NP him) (PP with (NP (NP a swift upward stroke) (PP of (NP his rifle butt)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP sounded (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP kicking (NP a melon))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Above (NP me)) (NP-SBJ a dark rider) (VP was (VP whipping (NP his pony) (PP with (NP a quirt)) (PP in (NP an attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hurdle (NP the bales)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ my shot) (VP killed (NP his horse)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP rolled (PP-DIR off (NP the bale)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP smell (NP woodsmoke , grease , and oil))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD dark , fluid , fearful))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (NP a sigh) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ my knife) (VP went (ADVP-DIR in)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Coming (PP-DIR over (NP the wall)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP seemed (PP like (NP a hideous devil)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (PP-LOC under (NP me)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (NP him) (PP for (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP really) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) , (NP (NP a boy) (VP dressed (NP *) (PRT up) (PP in (NP (NP streaks) (PP of (NP paint)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Aricaras) (VP made (NP one last desperate charge)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD pitiful) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the thin ranks) (PP of (NP (NP warriors) , (ADJP old and young)))) , (VP wheeling and twisting (NP their ponies) (ADVP-MNR frantically) (PP-DIR (PP from (NP side)) (PP to (NP side))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP be (VP tumbled (NP *-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bleeding)) (PP-DIR from (NP their saddles)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the relentless slam , slam) (PP of (NP the (ADJP cruelly efficient) Hawkinses)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 Others) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (ADVP-MNR badly) (VP wounded (NP *-2))) , (VP (VP (VP gripped (NP-4 hands) (PP-LOC-5 in (NP manes))) , (VP (NP=4 knees) (PP-LOC=5 in (NP bellies)))) , (VP held (PRT on) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (PP as (ADJP possible)))) (CONJP and then) , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD weak (PP from (NP ghastly wounds)))) , slipped (ADVP-DIR sideways) , (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (ADVP-MNR almost thoughtfully) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP broken (NP *-1) (PP-LOC under (NP the slashing hoofs)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Some) (ADVP-MNR gracefully) (VP soared (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the backs) (PP of (NP their wounded , screaming mounts)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP one last defiant charge) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the lead) (VP (VP split (NP their hearts)) or (VP tore (NP their guts))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP None) (PP of (NP them))) (VP reached (NP our walls) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The few survivors) (ADVP-MNR grudgingly) (VP turned (ADVP-DIR away)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the distance)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (VP hear (NP (NP the drums) and (NP (NP the wail) (PP of (NP the death song)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP carrying (NP a quirt)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP raise (NP it))))) , (ADVP then) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP fall (ADVP again)) and (VP dangle (PP from (NP her wrist)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP your fire))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP speaking (ADVP-MNR slowly)) , (VP making (NP an effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP control (NP her anger))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP could (VP burn (PRT down) (NP this whole mountainside) (PP with (NP (NP a fire) (NP that size))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would n't (VP matter (PP to (NP (NP a fool) (PP like (NP you)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP *?* (PP to (NP me)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 All right) '' , (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP said (ADJP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quickly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The fire) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD too big)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP appreciate (NP the advice)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP losing (NP patience) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP An hour) before) , (PP with (UCP (S (NP-SBJ the children) (ADJP-PRD asleep)) and (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP the strange darkness))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP appreciated (NP company)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP change (NP his mind))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP advising (NP you)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP telling (NP you))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That fire) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD too big)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP burn (ADVP down)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP And (NP-SBJ *) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADVP-PRD out) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP leave (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP taken (NP *-1) (ADVP aback))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP took (NP him) (NP a long time) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP compose (NP himself))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD some mistake))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP finally)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD right) (PP about (NP the fire))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP bigger) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (VP doing (NP any harm) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD wrong) (PP about (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP leaving (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ I) (VP *?* (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP own (NP the place)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP showed (NP her surprise) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP tightening (NP the reins)) and (VP moving (NP the gelding) (ADVP around) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP get (NP (NP a better look) (PP at (NP his face)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP did n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP her) (NP anything)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP glanced (PP around (NP the clearing)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP taking (PRT in) (NP (NP the wagon) and (NP (NP the load) (PP of (NP (NP supplies) and (NP trappings))) (VP scattered (NP *) (PP-LOC over (NP the ground)))) , (NP the two kids) , (NP (NP the whiteface bull) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP chewing (NP its cud) (PP-LOC (ADVP just) within (NP (NP the far reaches) (PP of (NP the firelight))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP studied (NP it) (PP-TMP for (NP a long time))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP turned (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP Wilson))) and (VP smiled))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD quite sure (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP meant (NP *T*-1) (PP by (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP own (NP this place)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (S *T*-1))) , and (S (NP-SBJ her tone) (VP had (VP softened (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD almost friendly))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP bought (NP it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (PP-TPC-1 From (NP (NP a man) (PP-LOC in (NP St. Louis)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP said (PP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Jake Carwood .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP him)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My father) (VP ran (NP him) (PP-DIR off (ADVP here)) (ADVP-TMP (NP six years) ago)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP did n't (VP say (NP anything))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP watching (NP the girl))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP coming (ADVP next)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP had (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the quirt))) and (VP was (VP (VP twirling (NP it) (PP-LOC around (NP her wrist))) and (VP smiling (PP at (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Carwood) (VP did n't (VP tell (NP you) (NP that)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 No) '' , (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD understandable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's not (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (PP of (NP thing)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD proud (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ it) (VP does n't (VP make (NP any difference))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sold (NP me) (NP a clear title)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP it) (PP with (NP me)) , (ADVP-LOC right here)) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see))))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Never) (VP mind)) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR sternly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP would n't (VP matter (PP (PP to (NP my father)) , and not (PP to (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP meant (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-1 (PP about (NP that fire))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADVP-PRD out) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP leave (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD all)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP let (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (ADVP back) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (NP the dishes)))))) (ADVP-TMP now))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP (VP was (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP insult (NP him)))))) , and (VP did n't (ADVP quite) (VP succeed))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP took (NP the reins) (PP-LOC (ADVP just) below (NP the bit))) and (VP held (NP them) (ADVP-MNR firmly)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD his turn (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP smile)))) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP do n't (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP washing (NP dishes) (ADVP-TMP now and then)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR pleasantly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP does n't (VP hurt)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP might (VP hurt (NP you) , (ADVP though))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Somebody) (VP might (VP mistake (NP you) (PP for (NP a woman)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP more)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP got (NP the chance))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quick)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP brought (NP the quirt) (ADVP-DIR down) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP slashing (NP it) (PP-DIR across (NP his cheek)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP step (ADVP-DIR back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP swung (NP the quirt) (ADVP again))) , and (S (NP-TMP this time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP caught (NP her wrist)) and (VP pulled (NP her) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the saddle)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP came (ADVP-DIR down) (PP against (NP him)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP break (NP her fall)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP grabbed (NP her) (PP by (NP the shoulders))) and (VP went (ADVP down (PP on (NP one knee))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP taking (NP her weight) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP the wind))) (VP was (VP driven (PRT out) (PP of (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) sick)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (PP of (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP got (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR slowly))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (PP-PRD on (NP her feet)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP facing (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wiped (NP the blood) (PP-DIR from (NP his cheek))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP-UNF to)))) '' -- (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP shaking (PP with (NP anger)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his breath) (VP coming (PP in (NP long , painful gasps)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC That quirt) -- (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP use (NP it) (PP on (NP you)) , (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP do (NP the most good) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-UNF (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD a man)))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP is n't (NP-PRD *?*) , (NP-VOC mister)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The voice) (VP came (PP-DIR from (PP behind (NP him))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP turned)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The fire) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP down)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP was (ADVP only) (NP-PRD (NP a shadow) (PP-LOC against (NP the trees))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (ADVP-TMP (NP a moment) later) (NP-SBJ he) (VP brought (NP his horse) (ADVP-DIR forward) (PP-DIR into (NP the light)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP had (NP (NP a good look) (PP at (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tall and dark-skinned))) , (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP a half-breed)) , (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP thought (FRAG *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD handsome) , (PP despite (NP (NP the long thin scar) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP slanted (PP-DIR across (NP his cheek)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's not (NP-PRD a man) , (NP-VOC mister))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD *?*)) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP got (NP any ideas)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP raised (NP the Winchester)) and (VP pointed (NP it) (PP at (NP (NP Wilson 's) chest)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Put (NP the rifle) (PRT down) , (NP-VOC Joseph))) '' , (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD irritated)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP-1 you) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP-LOC home)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The half-breed) (VP (VP eased (NP the Winchester) (ADVP-DIR down)) and (VP rested (NP it) (PP-LOC across (NP his lap)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The scar) (VP looked (NP-PRD pure white) (PP-LOC in (NP the half-darkness)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD black and deep-set , and expressionless))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP should n't (VP be (VP riding (PP-DIR up (ADVP here)) (PP-TMP after (NP dark)) , (NP-VOC Judith))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quietly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP this)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP no job) (PP for (NP you)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP (VP tapped (NP the quirt) (ADVP-MNR impatiently) (PP-LOC against (NP her knee))) and (VP glared (PP at (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP took (NP it) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP flinching)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (ADVP-DIR home))) , (NP-VOC Joseph)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP got (NP no business) (PP-LOC up (ADVP here)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The half-breed) (VP did n't (VP answer (NP-TMP this time))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ-1 the scar) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pull (ADVP-MNR hard) (PP at (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP his mouth))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD hurt and angry))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP wonder))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP watched (NP the half-breed) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (ADVP-MNR silently))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP could (VP hear (NP (NP (NP the pony 's) feet) (PP-LOC on (NP the dry leaves))) (PP-TMP for (NP a while))))) , (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ the sound) (VP faded (ADVP out))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP brushed (NP the dust) (PP-DIR from (NP his coat))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ was (NP-SBJ that) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Your personal guard ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD pretty hard (PP on (NP him)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ He) (VP works (PP for (NP my father)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 the girl) (VP (VP said (S *T*-1)) , (CONJP and then) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP change (NP her mind)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD a friend)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His name) (VP 's (NP-PRD Joseph Sanchez)) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ there) (NP (NP anything) (ADVP else) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP *T*-2)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 Not (ADVP-TMP now)) '' , (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP find (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP soon enough)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP got (NP blood) (PP-LOC on (NP your cheek)))) .)) (TOP (NP Not yours .)) (TOP (NP Mine .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP must (VP have (VP got (ADVP there) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP fell (PP-LOC against (NP me)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wiped (NP it) (ADVP off) (PP with (NP (NP the sleeve) (PP of (NP her coat))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP bet (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD (ADVP as close) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD *?* (PP to (NP a man)))))))) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD a baby)))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-1 her hand) (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP work (PP-DIR down (NP the leather thong)) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the handle) (PP of (NP the quirt))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP grabbed (NP her wrist))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ no)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD without (NP humor)) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP had (NP (NP enough) (PP of (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP had (NP (NP enough) (PP of (NP you))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP goes (PRT on) (PP-LOC around (ADVP here)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP care))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP get (ADVP away) (PP with (NP (NP this kind) (PP of (NP business)))))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP care (PP about (NP that)) , (ADVP either)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP took (NP me) (PP by (NP surprise))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP handle (NP you) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) (NP-TMP next time))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP brought (ADVP-DIR up) (NP her free hand) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hit (NP him)))))) , but (S (NP-TMP this time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quicker))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP side-stepped (NP her blow))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP fell , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stumbling (PP against (NP the gelding)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP finally) (VP (VP regained (NP her balance)) and (VP got (PP up (PP in (NP the saddle))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her hat) (VP had (VP (VP come (ADVP off)) and (VP fallen (PP-LOC behind (NP her shoulders)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP held (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS the string)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP her face) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP more clearly) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP *?* (PP-TMP at (NP any time before)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP forgotten (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so pretty)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ her prettiness) (VP was (SBAR-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP noticed (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP first))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP all the other things) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP had (VP come (ADVP-TMP afterward) : (NP-2 (NP cruelty) , (NP meanness) , (NP self-will))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP known (NP (NP (NP women) (PP like (NP that))) , (NP (NP one woman) (PP in (NP particular)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ one) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD too many))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP watched (NP the girl) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP gone (PP-DIR into (NP the trees))))))) , and (VP waited (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP hear (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP her horse))) (ADVP-TMP any longer)))))) , (ADVP then) (VP went (PP-DIR up (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the children) (VP were (VP sleeping (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were n't (VP sleeping , (PP of (NP course))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP doing (NP him) (NP a favor) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pretending))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP had n't (VP shown (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR too well) (PP in (NP their eyes)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ-3 himself) (VP be (VP browbeaten (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS a woman))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP expected (NP greater things) (PP from (NP him)) , (ADVP regardless (PP of (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how trying) (S (NP-SBJ the circumstances) (VP *?* (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD disappointed))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (ADJP determined (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP show (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP lay (ADVP-MNR (NP a little) too stiffly) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 their eyes) (VP straining (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (ADJP-PRD closed)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Go (PP to (NP sleep)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Both) (PP of (NP you)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP better things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP listen (PP to (NP (NP something) (PP like (NP that))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'll (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD down (PP at (NP the creek))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP finishing (NP the dishes))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP me)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP found (NP the pan) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP dropped (NP it) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) and (VP carried (NP it) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the stream))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The coyote) (VP was (VP calling (ADVP again)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP-TMP this time) (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP no other sounds) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP interrupt (NP it)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP-TMP tonight) , (PP at (NP any rate)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP a feeling (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP meant (NP trouble)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP stand (NP it) (ADVP-MNR better) (PP in (NP the light)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP scrubbed (ADVP-MNR absent-mindedly) (PP at (NP the pans))) and (VP reflected (PP on (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP had (VP turned (PRT out) (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP That afternoon) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP pulled (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the broken-down ranch house)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ his hopes) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD high))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Already) (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the pain) (PP *ICH*-1)))) (VP had (VP gone (PP-1 from (NP (NP Amelia 's) death)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP would (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP plenty) (PP of (NP (NP moments) (PP of (NP (NP regret) and (NP sadness) and (NP guilty relief)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP starting (NP a new life))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP (NP (NP almost everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP needed (NP *T*-1))))) : (NP (NP land) , (NP a house) , (NP two whiteface bulls) , (NP three horses)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The land) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP had (VP expected (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG-1 (NP (NP (QP Six hundred and forty) acres) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the old man) (PP-LOC (ADVP back) in (NP St. Louis))) (VP had (VP said (FRAG *T*-1))))) ; ; (NP (NP good grass) , (NP good water))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ the grass) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (PP-LOC in (NP some places)) (NP-SBJ the ground) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too steep (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ a cow) (VP to (VP get (PP-DIR to (NP it))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The water) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) , (NP-1 (NP (ADJP so much)) (PP of (NP it)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP spread (PP-DIR (ADVP all) through (NP the dead orchard))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a house) ; ; (UCP (RRC (ADJP-PRD livable) (ADVP perhaps)) , but (PP (ADVP badly) in (NP (NP need) (PP of (NP repairs))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the last analysis)) , (ADVP though) , (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP had (NP (NP little cause) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP complain (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The place) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD cheap)))) (PRN -- (NP (ADVP just) (NP the little) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP left (NP *-2) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP Amelia 's) burial)))))))) --) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP serve (NP its purpose)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (QP only one) place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jake Carwood 's) description) (VP had (VP gone (ADJP-PRD badly awry) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) : (NP the peace and quiet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had n't (VP started (PRT out) (NP-MNR that way))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP a feeling (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP thanks (PP to (NP the girl)))) --) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP would (VP get (ADJP-PRD worse) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (ADJP-PRD better)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP 2)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 the house) (VP cleaned (NP *-1) (PRT up))) (PP-TMP by (NP noon)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP sent (NP-2 the boy) (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP the meadow))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP bring (ADVP-DIR in) (NP the horses)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP the porch))) and (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP struggling (PP with (NP the heavy harness))))) , and (VP (ADVP finally) went (ADVP-DIR over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kathy) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the wagon))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP town))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were both (ADJP-PRD excited))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP (VP backed (NP the team) (PP-DIR into (NP the traces))) , and (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were n't (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP town)) (ADVP at all))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP an uneasy feeling) (PP about (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (NP-ADV (NP That girl) (NP-TMP last night)) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ was (NP-SBJ her name) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (NP Judith Pierce .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only thing) (PP about (NP her)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV the least bit) hard (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remember (NP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP finished (PP with (NP the team))) and (VP filled (NP his pipe)) and (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP about (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP spent (NP two hours) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP riding (PP-DIR around (NP the ranch)))) (NP-TMP that morning)))) , and (S (PP in (NP broad daylight)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP even less) inviting) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ Judith Pierce) (VP had (VP made (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP brush) , and (NP (NP stands) (PP of (NP pine)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ no grass) (VP could (VP grow (PP-LOC under (NP *T*-1))))))) , and (NP (NP places) (ADJP (ADJP so steep) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 cattle) (VP would n't (VP stop (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP graze))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD water)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an artificial lake) (PP (ADVP just) out (PP of (NP sight))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the first stand) (PP of (NP trees)))) , (VP fed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (QP a half dozen) springs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP popped (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the ground))) (PP-LOC above (NP the hillside orchard)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP water))) , (NP (ADJP too much))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADVP probably) (NP-PRD the trouble))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP tracks) (PP of (NP cattle))) (PP-LOC (ADVP all) over (NP his (QP six hundred and forty) acres))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first part) (PP of (NP the road))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD steep))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP leveled (PRT off) (PP-LOC after (NP the second bend))) and (VP curled (ADVP-MNR gradually) (PP-DIR into (NP the valley))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP hotter) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP reached (NP the flat)))) , (NAC-1 and (ADJP drier)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the grass) (VP was (ADJP-PRD better))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A warm breeze) (VP played (PP-DIR across (NP it)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP moving (NP it) (PP like (NP waves))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 A red-tailed hawk) (VP (VP flew (ADVP-DIR in) (PP-LOC behind (NP them))) and (VP stayed (ADVP-LOC there)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP watching (PP for (NP (NP any snakes or rabbits) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP might (VP stir (NP *T*-1) (PRT up) (PP from (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the road))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP took (NP them) (NP an hour) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the first houses) (PP of (NP Kelseyville)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The town) (VP was (NP-PRD (SBAR-NOM (ADVP about) (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Wilson) (VP expected (NP *T*-1)))) : (NP (NP (NP one main street) (PP with (NP (NP (NP its rows) (PP of (NP false-fronted buildings))) , (NP a water tower) , (NP a few warehouses) , (NP a single hotel)))) ; ; (NP (NP all) (ADJP dusty and sunbaked))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The place) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quiet)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Such) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP my state) (PP of (NP mind))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP question (NP (NP the possibility) (PP of (NP this))))))))) ; ; (S (PP under (NP the circumstances)) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP only too) willing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP confess (NP all))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD nearly thirty) (PP-TMP at (NP the time))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the hall)) (PP-TMP in (NP the afternoons) (ADVP only)) , (PP on (NP these preliminary matters))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP dark) and (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sensed (FRAG (ADJP *RNR*-2)))) ,) (ADJP-2 very large)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP only the counter) (PP-LOC at (NP one end))) (VP was (VP lighted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a long fluorescent tube) (VP suspended (NP *) (PP-LOC (ADVP directly) above (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ people) (VP moving (ADVP about) (PP-LOC in (NP the darkness))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP turn (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP my writing))) (PP in (NP (NP the hope) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (NP (NP a good look) (PP at (NP them))))))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (ADVP quite) (VP succeeded)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP A glimpse) (PP of (NP (QP three of four) vague figures))) , (PP at (NP the most)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Drifting (ADVP-DIR here and there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Squatting , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The pulsing glow) (PP of (NP a cigarette)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP could (VP see (NP-2 me)))) but (S (NP-SBJ=1 I) not (NP=2 them)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP their presence) (PP-LOC in (NP the hall))) (VP disturbed (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The clerk) (VP paid (NP them) (NP no attention)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP impressed (NP me) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP realized (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how limited) (SINV (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP his sphere) (PP of (NP influence))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His job) (ADVP simply) (VP consisted (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP registering (NP new men))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the phone) (VP rang (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP answered (NP it)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His authority) (VP extended (UCP (PP to (NP (NP the far edge) (PP of (NP the counter)))) , (ADVP no further))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP None) (PP of (NP (NP the men) (VP hanging (PP around (NP the hall)))))) (VP bothered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak (PP to (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Baldness) (VP was (VP attacking (NP his pate))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP spoke (PP to (NP me)) (PP in (NP (NP a gruff voice) , (NP (NP an affectation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP quite) (VP belied (NP his personality)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP wore (NP-1 his white shirt) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open (PP at (NP the neck)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP revealing (NP (NP a bit) (PP of (NP scrawny pale chest)) (ADVP-LOC underneath))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD obvious) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ himself) (ADJP-PRD different (PP from (NP (NP the sort) (PP of (NP person)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD easy) (PP for (NP him)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP slipped)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the men) (PP-LOC in (NP the hall)) (PP-LOC behind (NP us))))) (VP (VP spat (PP on (NP the floor))) and (VP scraped (NP his boot) (PP-DIR over (NP (NP the gob) (PP of (NP spittle))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP noticed (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ the clerk) (VP winced (ADVP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD certain (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP really) (NP-PRD a spineless little man)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP His hat) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP the cause) (PP of (NP his baldness))) ? ? -RRB-)) (VP hung (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a hook) (PP-LOC on (NP the wall)))))) , and (S (PP-LOC underneath (NP it)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP (NP his tie) , (UCP (VP knotted (NP *)) , (ADJP ready (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP slipped (NP *-1) (PP-DIR over (NP his head))))))))) , (NP (NP a black badge) (PP of (NP frayed respectability)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP ought (ADVP-TMP never) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP have (VP left (NP his neck))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The morning 's) tabloids) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the counter)) , (NAC-1 and (NP (NP a stack) (PP of (NP dog-eared (NP men 's) magazines))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 On (NP (NP a shelf) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the office) (PP-LOC behind (NP the counter)))))) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP a small radio) (VP dialed (NP *) (ADVP-MNR permanently) (PP on (NP (NP a station) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP broadcast (ADVP only) (NP (NP vulgar commercials) and (NP cheap popular music))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Everything) (PP about (NP the clerk))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD trivial)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pressing (NP him))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP learned (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his job) (VP was (ADVP only) (UCP-PRD (ADJP part-time) , (PP in (NP (NP the afternoons) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP went (PRT on) (PP-LOC in (NP the hall)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Noticing (NP my disappointment))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP attempted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP salvage (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP what scraps and shreds) (PP of (NP authority))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP might (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (VP clinging (PP to (NP his person)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP distaste)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP assume (NP a pompous air)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP coming)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (NP his radio) (PRT off)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP (NP a show) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP rearranging (NP my forms) (PP-LOC on (NP the shelf))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP (VP pick (PRT up) (NP the ringing phone) (PP with (NP studied negligence))) , (ADVP then) (VP bark (PP into (NP it)) (PP with (NP gruff importance))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What limited knowledge) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP possessed (NP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP forced (NP *T*-2) (PP upon (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (PP-TMP In (NP the mornings)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP informed (NP *-1) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) ,) (NP-SBJ (NP fluorescent tubes) , (ADJP similar (PP to (NP (NP the one) (PP-LOC above (NP the counter))))) ,) (VP illuminated (NP the entire hall)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP They) , and (NP (NP the two large fans) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (ADVP-MNR dimly) (VP see (NP *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ daylight) (VP filtered (PP-DIR through (NP (NP their vents) , (PP-LOC down (PP at (NP (NP the far end) (PP of (NP the hall)))))))))))))))) , (VP could (VP be (VP turned (NP *-1) (PRT on) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a master switch) (VP situated (NP *) (PP-LOC inside (NP the office)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP pointed (PRT out) (NP the switch) (PP to (NP me)))) and (S (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-MNR foolishly) (VP believed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP let (S (NP-SBJ deed) (VP follow (NP words))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP shown (NP *-1) , (ADVP instead) , (NP (NP a batch) (PP of (NP (NP white tickets) (PP of (NP (NP the sort) (VP handed (NP *) (PRT out) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP me))) ,) (NP-TMP every morning))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (INTJ Now) , (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 here) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP something) (PP of (NP (NP obvious importance) (PP to (NP me)))))) , yet (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP reached (PP for (NP the tickets)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP snatched (NP them) (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP my hand))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP could n't (VP afford (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP mess (PRT around) (PP with (NP them)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Each) (PP of (NP those tickets))) (VP was (PP-PRD of (NP great value)) (NP to (NP its rightful recipient))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP withdrew (NP my hand)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP remember (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ this pompous little man) (VP had (VP told (NP me) (NP *T*-1) (PP-2 about (NP (NP the worth) (PP of (NP a ticket)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP Having (NP (NP nothing) (ADVP else) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))) (SBAR except (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP wait (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ-1 my forms) (VP to (VP be (VP processed (NP *-1)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP gave (NP myself) (ADVP over) (PP to (NP (NP speculations) (PP concerning (NP (NP the hall) (NP itself)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (ADVP-MNR suitably) (VP lighted (NP *-2) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ would (NP-SBJ it) (VP look (PP like (NP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The presence) (PP of (NP the two exhaust fans))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the hall) (VP could (VP become (ADJP-PRD crowded (PP for (NP air))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One afternoon) , (PP-TMP upon (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP receiving (NP (NP permission) and (NP the necessary instructions)) (PP from (NP the clerk))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (VP visited (NP (NP the toilet) (VP adjoining (NP the hall))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP counting (NP (NP the number) (PP of (NP stalls and urinals)))))) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP attempted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP form (NP (NP a loose estimate) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how many) men) (S (NP-SBJ the hall) (VP would (VP hold (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP at (NP one time)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP crossed (NP (NP a corner) (PP of (NP the hall))) (PP on (NP (NP my way) (PP to (NP the toilet)))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP still) (VP could not (VP tell (PP for (ADJP sure)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how far (PP to (NP the rear))) (S (NP-SBJ the darkness) (VP extended (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP observe (NP (NP the two fans) (PP-LOC down (PP at (NP the end))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP their size) (PP in (NP themselves))) (VP meant (NP nothing) (PP to (NP me)) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP no measure) (PP of (NP comparison))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (PP-TMP for (NP some time)) (VP been (VP hoping , (PP in (ADJP vain)) , (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP the dim figures))) (VP to (VP pass (PP-DIR between (NP (NP the fan vents) and (NP myself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (QP three or four)) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (ADVP-TMP almost always) (ADJP-PRD present (PP in (NP the hall)))))))) , but (S (UCP-TPC-2 (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP doing (NP *T*-1))))) , and (ADVP exactly where)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP could not (VP tell (UCP *T*-2)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP having (VP received (NP no tickets) (PP for (NP that day))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-3) (VP had (VP remained (PP-LOC in (NP the hall)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP sleep (ADVP perhaps) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the corners) (VP (ADVP farthest) removed (NP *) (PP from (NP (NP the counter) (PP with (NP its overhead light))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This light) (VP did not (VP penetrate (ADVP (ADVP very far) back) (PP-DIR into (NP the hall))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 my eyes) (VP were (VP hindered (CONJP rather than) aided (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the dim daylight) (VP entering (PP-DIR through (NP the fan vents))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP pick (PRT out) (SBAR (WHNP-4 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP might (VP be (VP lying , or squatting , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the floor) (ADVP-LOC below))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) (NP-SBJ-1 the clerk) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP disapprove (PP of (NP (NP my frequent curious glances) (ADVP back) (PP over (NP my shoulder)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP No sooner) would (NP-SBJ I) (VP turn (NP my head) (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP the counter))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP address (NP me) (PRN , (PP-TMP at (NP times)) (ADVP-MNR quite sharply) ,) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bring (ADVP back) (NP my attention)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP hardly) (VP finished (NP (NP my business) (PP in (NP the toilet))) (PP-TMP on (NP the aforementioned occasion)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the lights) (PP-LOC in (NP that place)) , (VP (PP like (NP the hall lights)) controlled (NP *) (PP from (NP (NP the switch) (PP-LOC in (NP the office))))) ,) (VP flicked (PRT off and on) (ADVP-MNR impatiently) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This sort) (PP of (NP petty vigilance))) (VP annoyed (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD certain (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD self-appointed)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP sprang (PP from (NP (NP a type) (PP of (NP mentality)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP (VP 'd (VP encountered (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP often enough))) but (VP (ADVP certainly) had not (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC here)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP no more) (PP of (NP the clerk))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the processing) (PP of (NP my papers))) (VP was (VP completed (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD strongly attached (PP to (NP the hall))) , (ADVP however))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP hardly a day) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP passed (SBAR-1 (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP did not (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP it)) (PP from (NP a distance))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP lived (PP in (NP (NP a state) (PP of (NP suspense)))) (PP-PRP because of (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could not (VP cling (PP to (NP my past))))) nor (SINV did (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP signed (NP it) (PRT off) (PP on (NP the forms)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My future) (VP lay (PP (ADVP solely) with (NP the hall)))) , yet (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP *ICH*-2)) (SQ did (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP *T*-1) (PP-2 about (NP the hall)) (PP-TMP at (NP this point)))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD inside (NP it)))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had not (ADVP-TMP yet) (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP functioning)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP prepare (NP myself))))) but (VP did not (ADVP even) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-3 (WHNP what sort) (PP of (NP clothes))) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP wearing (NP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP despair , (ADVP however)))) ; ; (ADVP far (PP from (NP it))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP constantly) (VP searching (PP for (NP clues)) (PP-LOC around (NP (NP the neighborhood) (PP of (NP the hall)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ only a (ADJP relatively short) walk) (VP separated (NP it) (PP from (NP (NP my own part) (PP of (NP town))))))) , (NP-SBJ its character) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wholly foreign (PP to (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Large warehouses) (VP flanked (NP (NP the street) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the hall) (VP fronted (PP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The river) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD (NP only a few blocks) away))) but (S (NP-SBJ (NP an unbroken line) (PP of (NP piers))) (VP prevented (NP-1 me) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ I) (VP noticed (S (NP-SBJ (NP the tops) (PP of (NP (NP ships ') masts and funnels))) (VP reaching (PP above (NP the pier roofs))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The sounds) (VP issuing (PP-DIR from (NP beyond)))) -- (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ winches) (VP whirring)) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ men) (VP shouting))) --) (VP (VP indicated (NP great activity)) and (VP excited (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The hall) , (PP on (NP the other hand)) , (VP appeared (ADJP-PRD lifeless and deserted) (PP-TMP on (NP these long waterfront afternoons))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP resembled (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP before))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Its front) (VP was (ADJP-PRD windowless))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP irregularities) (PP in (NP the masonry))) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD an indication (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP windows) , (VP (ADVP-TMP now) blinded (NP *))) , (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP looked (ADVP out) (PP upon (NP the street)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP circling (NP the block))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP hoping (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see , (PP from (NP (NP the street) (PP-LOC behind (NP it)))) , (NP (NP the rear) (PP of (NP the hall))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (NP-PRD a tall structure))) and (S (NP-SBJ other buildings) (VP concealed (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP weeks)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP wandered (PP-DIR about (NP (NP this neighborhood) (PP of (NP (NP warehouses and garages) , (NP (NP truck terminals) and (NP taxi repair shops)) , (NP (NP gasoline pumps) and (NP (NP longshoremen 's) lunch counters)))))))) , yet (SINV (ADVP-TMP never) did (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP cease (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ myself) (NP-PRD (NP a stranger) (ADVP-LOC there)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP the hall)) , (PP despite (NP (NP my dislike) (PP for (NP the clerk))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP expected)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP insisted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP my visits) (PP to (NP the hall))) (VP would (VP do (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP further (NP (NP the process) (PP of (NP my application))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Meanwhile) (NP-SBJ spring) (VP had (VP passed (PP (ADVP well) into (NP summer)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (ADVP last)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (NP it) (PP to (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR directly) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the clerk) (VP was (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP admit (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the delay) (PP in (NP my case))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unusual))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP him) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP *ICH*-4)) (PRN , (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (NP anything))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP-4 about (NP it)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP surprised (NP me) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP referring (NP me) (PP to (NP (NP the director) (PP of (NP the hall)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP consult (NP this personage) (PP-TMP (PP on (NP any weekday morning)) , though (PP not before (NP ten o'clock))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The clerk) (VP impressed (NP (NP this) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP upon (NP me)) : (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP should not (VP arrive (PP-LOC in (NP the hall)) (PP-TMP before (NP ten o'clock))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP for (NP (NP my interview) (PP with (NP the director)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (ADVP why)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dark) (PP as (ADJP usual))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the hall) (VP had (ADVP-TMP only recently) (VP contained (NP a (ADJP great many) people))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cigarette butts) (VP littered (NP the floor)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The big fans) (VP were (VP going , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP drawing (PP-DIR from (NP the large room)) (NP (NP the remnants) (PP of (NP (NP stale smoke) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP drifted (ADVP about) (PP in (NP pale strata)) (PP-LOC underneath (NP the ceiling)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP the draft) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP making (NP *T*-1)))))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP mounting (NP the stairs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The staircase) (NP itself)) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP to (VP be (VP echoing (NP (NP the heavy footfalls) (PP of (NP many men)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stopped (PP-LOC by (NP the counter))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD behind (NP it)))) , but (S (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the rear wall) (PP of (NP the office)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP noticed , (PP-TMP for (NP the first time)) , (NP (NP a door) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP left (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD partially open)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Past (NP it)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP (NP part part) (PP of (NP a desk))) , (NP (NP a flag) (PP-LOC in (NP a corner))) , (NP (NP a rug) (PP-LOC on (NP the floor)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The director 's) office .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP rapped (NP my knuckles) (PP-LOC on (NP the counter))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The director) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-TMP at once) (ADJP-PRD disappointed) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (SBAR-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 just what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP look (PP like (NP *T*-1))))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could not (VP have (VP explained (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a man) (PP in (NP his late forties)) , (PP with (NP graying hair)) , (PP of (NP medium height))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD dapper) (PP in (NP (NP a lightweight summer suit) , (NP brown silk tie) and (NP green-tinted soft collar))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wore (NP perforated , white-topped shoes))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP somehow) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ-1 me) (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP launch (PP into (NP a vaudeville tapdance routine)) (NP-TMP any moment)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR toward (NP me)) (ADVP-MNR sedately enough)) , (VP showed (NP me) (PP-DIR around (NP the counter))) , (VP offered (NP me) (NP (NP a seat) (PP-LOC inside (NP his office)))) , (ADVP then) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP a file cabinet))) and (VP got (PRT out) (NP my application)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP the impression (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP read (NP my forms) , (ADVP perhaps) (NP-TMP several times))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP look (PP at (NP them)) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lowered (NP himself) (PP-DIR on (NP (NP the chair) (PP-LOC behind (NP his desk))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHNP-3 (WHNP what) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ-4 this dapper , slightly ridiculous man) (VP could (ADVP possibly) (VP have (NP *T*-3) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP the workings) (PP of (NP the hall))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP spoke , (PP in (NP (NP a voice) (ADJP (ADJP as immaculate) (PP as (NP his appearance)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ had (NP-SBJ I) (VP registered (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Begging (NP my pardon))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP must (VP express (NP (NP his astonishment) (PP over (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeing (S (NP-SBJ (NP a person) (PP of (NP my background))) (VP applying (PP at (NP the hall)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP had (VP looked (PRT over) (NP-PRD my forms))) and (VP was (VP impressed (NP *-2) (PP by (SBAR-NOM-LGS (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP seen (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC there)))))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP indeed) , (NP-SBJ my scholastic qualifications) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP such) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) , (NP (NP a college graduate) (NP himself))) , (VP must (VP envy (NP me) (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ-1 Was (NP-SBJ I) (ADJP-PRD sure (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1))) ,) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP applying (PP for (NP *T*-2)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP What sort) (PP of (NP men))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP come (PP into (NP (NP contact) (PP with (NP *T*-1)))) , (PP-LOC at (NP the hall))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ These questions) (VP did not (VP surprise (NP me)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD certain (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the director) , (PP like (NP the afternoon clerk)) , (ADVP-TMP seldom) (VP moved (PP-DIR beyond (NP the counter))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the hall) , (PP to (NP them)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a jungle) , (NP a (ADJP dark and unwelcome) place))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP doubted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP understand (NP me)))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP the director) (NP (NP my motives) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP applying))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP hankered (PP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP working (ADVP-MNR hard) (PP with (NP my hands))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ This desire) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP went (PRT on) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP growing (ADJP-PRD voluble) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-6 my conviction) (VP was (VP aroused (NP *-6))))))))) ,) (VP had (VP mounted (PP at (NP (NP such a rate) (SBAR *ICH*-2))) (ADVP-TMP recently) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ its realization) (ADJP-PRD necessary (PP (CONJP not only) (PP to (NP my physical (NX *RNR*-4))) (CONJP but also) (PP to (NP my spiritual (NX *RNR*-4))) (NX-4 wellbeing))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP this effect)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP severed (NP (NP all connections) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP bound (NP me) (PP to (NP my former existence)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The flat , hard cap) (VP was (ADJP-PRD small))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thrust (NP it) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP his head)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tie (NP him) (PRT up)) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Hell) (PP with (NP it)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP guess (NP his intention))))) (NP-SBJ Rankin) (VP (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR forward)) and (VP swung (NP (NP the guard 's) own gun) (PP against (NP the uncovered head)) , (ADVP-MNR hard))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The man) (VP went (ADVP-DIR over) (PP without (NP sound)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP falling (PP-DIR to (NP the bare floor))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP said (ADVP-MNR harshly) , `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP that) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) '') ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rankin) (VP sneered (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))) , (VP kiss (NP him)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP dumped (NP me) (PP in (NP solitary)) (ADVP-TMP twice)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP (VP caught (NP (NP the lighter man 's) shoulder)) and (VP swung (NP him) (ADVP-DIR around))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ (NP 's) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ one thing) (ADJP-PRD straight)) , (NP-1 you and me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP brought (NP you) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) (VP was (S-PRP-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP Miller) (PRT out))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP try (NP anything) (PP without (NP my orders))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP kill (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fred Rankin) (VP looked (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (PP to (NP Barton)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the green eyes) (VP mocked (NP him)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ the thin-lipped smile) (VP held (NP insolence))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP no time) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP waste (NP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP move))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP filed (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-DIR through (NP the guard-room door)) , (PP-DIR into (NP the paved square))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP three other men) (PP-LOC within (NP this prison)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whom) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Barton) (VP would (VP have (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP liberate (NP *T*-2)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP other cell blocks)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no chance)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP moved (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (PP-DIR toward (NP the main gate)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP following (NP the wall)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no moon)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP chosen (NP this night) (ADVP purposely))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP reached (NP the guard house) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP alerting (NP (NP the men) (PP on (NP (NP the walls) (ADVP-LOC above))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Powers) (VP slipped (PP-DIR through (NP the door)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Two men) (VP were (PP-PRD on (NP duty)) (ADVP-LOC inside) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (VP playing (NP pinochle)) , (ADJP relaxed)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP looked (ADVP up) (PP in (NP surprise)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Powers) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (PP-LOC-PRD out (PP of (NP the block)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD Curtiss))) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP naming (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Rankin) (VP had (VP hit (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP help)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP stared (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sergeant) (PP in (NP charge))) (VP climbed (PP to (NP his feet))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD wrong (PP with (NP him))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP having (NP (NP some kind) (PP of (NP a fit))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sergeant) (VP turned (PP-DIR to (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP passed (PP-DIR through (NP it))))) (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP shoved (NP his gun) (PP against (NP (NP the man 's) side))) .)) (TOP (UCP `` (NP One sound) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD dead))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sergeant) (VP froze) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Powers) (VP had not (VP followed)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Powers) (VP was (VP covering (NP the remaining guard))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP half-reached (PP for (NP (NP the cord) (PP of (NP the alarm bell))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Powers) (VP knocked (NP his arm) (ADVP-DIR aside)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Deliberately) , (PP with (NP (NP none) (PP of (NP (NP Rankin 's) viciousness)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP laid (NP (NP the barrel) (PP of (NP his gun))) (PP alongside (NP (NP the guard 's) head))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD free)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Even Barton) (VP could not (ADVP quite) (VP believe (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP gone (PP without (NP a hitch)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP slid (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the wicket) (PP-LOC in (NP the big gate))))) , (VP ghosted (PP-DIR across (NP the dark ground)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Five minutes) later) (NP-SBJ they) (VP reached (NP the horses)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Barton) (VP was (VP relieved (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Carl Dill) and (NP Emmett Foster)) (VP had (VP brought (NP extra mounts)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP been (VP worried (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-2 Miller and Rankin) (VP added (NP *-2) (PP to (NP the escape party))))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD short)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP hurried) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP walked (NP the horses) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP heading (PP-DIR along (NP the river)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP Barton) and (NP Emmett Foster)) (PP-PRD in (NP the lead))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP seven men) (VP riding (ADVP-MNR quietly) (PP through (NP the night)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP have (VP attracted (NP attention))))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 two) (VP wore (NP-3 (NP the uniform) (PP of (NP prison guards))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2 three) (NP=3 (NP the striped suits) (PP of (NP convicts))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Five miles .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP a small grove) (PP-LOC against (NP the river)))) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP halted , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP turning (PP-DIR (ADVP deep) into (NP (NP the protection) (PP of (NP the trees))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Foster) (VP had (VP brought (NP extra clothing) (ADVP also))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A good man) , (NP Emmett) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the original Night Riders))) , (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP escaped (NP the trial))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD to (NP him)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP had (VP sent (NP Carl Dill) (PP on (NP (NP (NP Dill 's) release) (PP from (NP the prison))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Clyde Miller) (VP was (VP crying (ADVP-MNR softly) (PP to (NP himself)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP shedding (NP his striped suit)) and (VP fumbling (PP into (NP (NP the nondescript butternut pants) , (NP the worn brown shirt)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Kid Boyd) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 unusually silent))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 Rankin) (ADJP-PRD=2 watchful)) , (ADVP-LOC (NP a few paces) apart) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP (VP finished (NP his dressing)) and (VP extended (NP his hand) (PP to (NP Powers)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wo n't (ADVP even) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP thank (NP you)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The ex-prison guard) (VP was (VP embarrassed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (PP in (NP a studied voice)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP do (NP it) (PP for (NP you)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP it) (PP for (NP the valley))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD (NP the only man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Night Riders) (VP will (VP follow (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've (VP been (VP starving)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP starve)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP turned (ADVP-DIR away) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP falling (PP upon (NP (NP Rankin) (PP-LOC beside (NP his horse))))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Good luck '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The murderer) (VP lifted (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Meaning (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP ride (ADVP out)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP are n't (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP us)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (PP for (NP you))) (ADVP-LOC here)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP (NP no place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP hesitated) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP trust (NP (NP Rankin) , (NP (NP his violent temper) , (NP his killer instinct))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP ten years) (PP-LOC in (NP prison))) (VP had (VP taught (NP him) (NP realities))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP a fight)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP outweighed (NP *-2) (PP in (NP both numbers and money))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD all right) (S-3 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP to (VP put (NP (NP a bunch) (PP of (NP ranchers))) (PP-PUT onto (NP horses)))) , (VP to (VP call (S (NP-SBJ them) (NP-PRD Night Riders)))) , (VP to (VP set (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP attack (NP (NP the largest mining combination) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ the country) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP wanted (NP *T*-4))))) (VP was (NP-PRD adventure))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (ADVP really) (VP hoped (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP succeed)))))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP needed (NP (NP professionals) , (NP (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-4 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP use (NP a gun) (PP against (NP men)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4)))))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP match (NP (NP the killers) (PP on (NP the other side)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Your choice) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP said (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR briefly)) , and (VP turned (PP-DIR to (NP Kid Boyd)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Bury (NP those uniforms) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP wo n't (VP be (VP found (NP *-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP (VP touched (NP (NP Carl Dill 's) arm)) and (VP moved (ADVP-DIR off) , (PP-DIR up (NP the river bank)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wanted (NP (NP a careful , uninterrupted report) (PP from (NP Dill)) (PP on (NP (NP the conditions) (PP-LOC in (NP the valley)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP squatted (PP on (NP their heels)) (PP-LOC in (NP the deep mud)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Dill) (VP found (NP a cigar) (PP-LOC in (NP his breast pocket)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP passing (NP it) (ADVP-DIR over) (ADVP-MNR silently))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP too) (VP knew (NP (NP the agony) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (PP-TMP for (NP (NP weeks) , (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP months))) (PP without (NP (NP the solace) (PP of (NP tobacco))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mitchell Barton) (VP drew (PRT in) (NP the fragrance) (ADVP-MNR deeply) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ-2 the smoke) (VP lie (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD warm and soothing)) (PP-LOC in (NP his throat)) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP exhaled)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Through (NP the gloom)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP see (NP (NP the man) (PP-LOC beside (NP him))) (ADVP-MNR clearly)))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP him) (ADVP-MNR thoroughly))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP (NP his first five years) (PP-LOC in (NP prison)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP shared (NP a cell))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Carl Dill) (VP was (NP-PRD neither (NP a rancher) nor (NP a valley man))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the auditor) (PP for (NP the mining syndicate)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP stolen (NP (NP (QP fifty thousand) dollars) (PP of (NP (NP the syndicate 's) money)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP done (NP time) (PP for (NP the theft)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP in (ADJP common)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD their hatred)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP hated (NP Donald Kruger)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP drawn (NP them) (ADVP together)))) , and (S (PP-TMP since (NP (NP his release) (PP from (NP prison)))) (NP-SBJ-1 Dill) (VP had (VP worked (ADVP-MNR tirelessly) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP effect (NP (NP this night 's) escape))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (ADVP-TMP now) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ-1 the perfect headquarters) (VP set (NP *-1) (PRT up))))))) .)) (TOP (NP The old Haskell mine '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mitch Barton) (VP knew (NP the place)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Twenty years) before) (NP-SBJ (NP a group) (PP of (NP Easterners))) (VP had (VP bought (PRT out) (NP (NP the Haskell claims) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the rocky hills) (ADVP-LOC south (PP of (NP Grass Valley)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP had (VP spent (NP (QP a million) dollars) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP carving (PRT in) (NP a road)) , (VP putting (PRT up) (NP buildings)) , (VP drilling (NP their haulage tunnel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ the vein) (VP had (VP petered (PRT out)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the whole project) (VP had (VP been (VP abandoned (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 The road) (VP 's (VP washed (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR badly)))) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Dill)) ,) `` but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a trail) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP get (PP over (NP *T*-3)) (PP with (NP a horse))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A company) (PP of (NP cavalry))) (VP could n't (VP come (PP-DIR in (NP there)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ two men) (VP were (VP guarding (NP that trail))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ do (NP-SBJ the valley people) (VP feel (ADVP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (ADJP `` (ADJP As mad) (PP as (ADVP ever)) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ (NP Kruger 's) men) (VP keep (NP them) (PP off (NP balance)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do n't (VP trust (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD an outsider)) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP learn (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the hills))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (ADVP though) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP rally))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP worry (PP about (NP that))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP (VP waited (PP-TMP for (NP a long moment))) , (ADVP then) (VP asked (NP (NP the question) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lay (ADVP-TMP always) (ADVP uppermost) (PP in (NP his mind)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` My boy .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (NP him)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dill) (VP was (ADJP-PRD silent) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP hated (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP answer)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP had (NP (NP a cold , sick feeling) (PP of (NP apprehension))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP Morgan 's) Ferry))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP half-straightened (PP in (NP surprise))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ he) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC there))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) (NP-SBJ Dill) (VP hesitated) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Dealing (NP faro)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Dealing (NP faro)) ? ?)) (TOP (WHADVP How come) '' ? ?) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Your sister-in-law) (VP has (NP (NP the faro bank) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Cap Ayres ') saloon)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP cursed (PP under (NP his breath))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP another long pause)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked , `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHADJP How many) people) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-2))))))) '') ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` Everyone .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Your cousin Finley) (VP saw (PP to (NP that))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD quite a rat) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sold (PRT out) (PP to (NP (NP Kruger 's) men))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP informed (NP them) (PP of (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP written (NP him) (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wants (NP your ranch)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP stood (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (ADVP-MNR tensely) , `` (ADJP All right)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP go (VP get (NP the boy))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dill) (VP had (VP come (ADVP-DIR up) (ADVP also))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD afraid (PP of (NP this)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP almost) (VP did n't (VP tell (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP had n't (VP *?*)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (VP killed (NP you)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dill 's) voice) (VP tightened) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP ride (PP-DIR into (NP the Ferry)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP 'll (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting (PP for (NP you)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP feel (PP about (NP the child)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) . '')) (TOP (S `` (NP-ADV The hell) (NP-SBJ you) (VP do) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Barton 's) voice) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP rougher) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ Dill) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP heard (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP saw (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My wife) (VP died (PP in (NP childbirth)) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP sent (NP *-1) (ADVP-DIR away)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP leave (NP him) (ADVP-LOC there))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Donald Kruger) (VP would (VP like (NP nothing) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP better) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hold (NP him) (PP as (NP hostage)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP entrust (NP a snake) (PP to (NP his tender care))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP the boy)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP ride))) '' .)) (TOP (NP Chapter two)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Barton 's) men) (VP cut (NP the telegraph wires) (PP in (NP half)) (NP-LOC a dozen places) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP carrying (ADVP away) (NP whole sections) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ repairs) (ADJP-PRD more difficult)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (QP over an) hour) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 their escape) (VP was (VP discovered (NP *-1))))))) , but (S (ADVP still) (NP-SBJ the news (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Barton) (VP was (ADJP-PRD free))))) (VP flashed (PP-DIR across (NP (NP the central portion) (PP of (NP the state)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP reached (NP (NP Donald Kruger) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP his massive home) (PP-LOC in (NP Burlingame)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP reached (NP (NP the mines) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP North San Juan) and (NP Bloomfield))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP brought (NP men) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP bed)))) and (VP sent (NP them) (PP into (NP hurried conferences)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ (NP everyone) (ADJP involved)) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 the whole valley) (VP was (NP-PRD-3 a powder keg))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=2 Mitchell Barton) (NP-PRD=3 (NP the fuse) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP send (NP it) (PP into (NP explosive violence)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Creighton Hague) (VP sat (PP-LOC in (NP (NP his office) (PP-LOC above (NP the Ione pit))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The office) (VP was (UCP-PRD (PP of (NP logs)) , (NP (NP four rooms) , (NP (NP each) (VP heated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS an iron stove))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The building) (VP was (VP dwarfed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the scene) (ADVP-LOC outside))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ a dozen giant monitors) (VP played (NP (NP their seventy-five-foot jets) (PP of (NP water))) (PP against (NP (NP the huge seam) (PP of (NP (NP tertiary gravel) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD the mountainside))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The gravel) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the bed) (PP of (NP an ancient river)) , (VP buckled (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP some prehistoric upheaval) (PP of (NP earth))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (ADVP partially) (VP cemented (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS ages and pressure))))) , yet (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP crumpled (PP before (NP (NP the onslaught) (PP of (NP (NP the powerful streams) , (NP (NP the force) (PP of (NP (QP a thousand) fire hoses)))))))) , and (VP (PP with (NP (NP the gold) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP held (NP *T*-2)))))) washed (ADVP-DIR down) (PP-DIR through (NP the long sluices))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP (QP A million) dollars ') (PP of (NP gold))) (NP-ADV a month) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (QP A million) tons) (PP of (NP rock and soil and brush)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The monitors) (VP ran (NP-TMP twenty-four hours) (NP-TMP each day)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Their roar) , (PP like (NP (NP the swelling volume) (PP of (NP (QP a hundred) tornadoes))))) (VP could (VP be (VP heard (NP *-1) (PP-LOC for (NP miles))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Hague) , (PP like (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP worked (ADVP-LOC near (NP the pits))))))) ,) (VP was (ADVP partly) (VP deafened (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP the constant assault) (PP against (NP his eardrums)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (NP-PRD a big man) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wearing (NP a neat flannel shirt) (PP against (NP the cold foothill air))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fat) (VP showed (PP in (NP loose rolls)) (PP-LOC beneath (NP the shirt))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV Ten years) older) (PP than (NP Mitch Barton)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP clawed (NP his way) (ADVP up) (PP (PP from (NP (NP mucker) (PP-LOC in (NP the pits)))) (PP to (NP (NP manager) (PP of (NP the operation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP proud (PP of (NP his accomplishments))) , (ADJP proud (PP of (NP his job))) , (ADJP proud (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Donald Kruger) and (NP his associates)) (VP trusted (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP lived and breathed (PP for (NP the mining company))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 No man) (VP could (VP have (VP (VP reached (NP his spot)) nor (VP held (NP it))) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (ADJP-PRD ruthless))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Hague) (VP had (VP made (NP (NP a virtue) (PP of (NP ruthlessness))) (NP-TMP (NP all) (PP of (NP his life)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP came (NP (NP a ghost) (PP of (NP noise))) (PP-LOC at (NP the office door)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hague) (VP swung (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP Kodyke) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the entrance) (PP from (NP the outer room)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hague) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP accustomed (NP himself) (PP to (NP Kodyke)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP tall) , (ADJP thin) , (PP with (NP (NP a narrow face) and (NP a too-large nose))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The eyes) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP held (NP Hague) , (NP-1 (NP eyes) (PP of (NP a dead man)) , (ADJP (ADJP lidless) (PP as (NP (NP a lizard 's)))) , (PP with (NP (NP the fixed intensity) (PP of (NP a cobra)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Even Hague) (VP was (VP repelled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the machinelike deadliness) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD Kodyke)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (NP (NP nothing) (PP about (NP (NP the man 's) history)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Kodyke) (VP had (VP appeared (PP-LOC at (NP the mine)) (NP-TMP one day) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bearing (NP (NP a letter) (PP from (NP Kruger))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Kodyke) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP head (NP the dread company police))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ran (NP the change rooms)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP threw (PRT out) (NP the hi-graders)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP supervised (NP the cleanups)) and (VP handled (NP (NP the shipments) (PP of (NP raw gold)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-TMP each week) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP went (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP San Francisco))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hague) (VP squeezed (PRT down) (NP his uneasy dislike)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP pulled (S (ADJP-PRD open) (NP-SBJ (NP the top drawer) (PP of (NP his desk))))) and (VP drew (PRT out) (NP a tintype))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD Mitchell Barton)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP broke (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP Folsom))) (NP-TMP last night)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Apparently) (NP-SBJ he) (VP bribed (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the guards)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADVP-LOC-PRD back there)))) or (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD dead)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Kodyke) (VP took (NP the picture) (PP in (NP a lean hand)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP studying (NP it) (ADVP-MNR thoughtfully)))) .)) (TOP (ADJP `` Dangerous '' ? ?)) (TOP (UCP `` (ADJP Dangerous) , (INTJ yes) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the ranchers) (PP-LOC in (NP the valley))) (VP are (ADVP-PRD *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP blame (NP us) (PP for (NP all their troubles))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Ten years) ago) (NP-SBJ they) (VP blew (PRT up) (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP our ditches)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *RNR*-1)) (VP cost (NP us) (NP (NP (QP a hundred thousand) dollars) and (NP thirty days lost time)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fix (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ (NP Barton 's) Night Riders) (ADJP-PRD loose) (ADVP again)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The gunman) (VP nodded , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP slipping (NP the picture) (PP-DIR into (NP his breast pocket))) , (VP saying (NP nothing))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Normally) (NP-SBJ Hague) (VP wasted (NP no words))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stop (NP their flow)))))) (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Kodyke) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sensed (NP (NP any unusual preoccupation) (PP on (NP (NP the part) (PP of (NP her mother)))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP did not (VP comment (PP upon (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP finished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP eating)))))) , (NP-SBJ Melissa) (VP (VP took (NP (NP Sprite) (NP the kitten)) (PP under (NP her arm)) (PRN -- `` (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ Auntie Grace) (VP can (VP teach (NP it) (PP about (NP the whistle)))))) '' --)) and (VP climbed (PP-DIR into (NP the station wagon)) (PP-LOC beside (NP her mother)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 She) (VP had (VP offered (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP walk)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would not (VP feel (ADJP-PRD comfortable (PP about (NP her child))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP personally) (VP confided (NP her) (PP to (NP (NP the care) (PP of (NP (NP the little pink woman) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP chose (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) `` (NP-PRD Auntie) '')))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP reached (NP (NP their neighbor 's) house) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP (VP said (NP a few polite words) (PP to (NP Grace))) and (VP kissed (NP Melissa) (ADVP-MNR lightly) (PP-LOC on (NP the forehead)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 the impulse) (VP prompted (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a stray thought (SBAR *ICH*-3)) -- (PP of (NP (NP the type) (SBAR (WHPP to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-TMP frequently) (ADJP-PRD subject) (NP-TMP these days)))))) -- (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP might (ADVP-TMP never) (VP see (NP one another) (ADVP again))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP turned (NP the station wagon) (ADVP around)) and (VP headed (NP it) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR down (NP the hill)) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ the village) (PP-PRD as (NP her ostensible destination)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP drove))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (PP about (NP her plan))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP really) (ADJP-PRD quite simple)) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP (ADJP So simple) , (PP in (NP fact)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (ADVP even) (VP work))))) -- (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pamela) , (ADVP-TMP now) , (PP in (NP (NP her new frame) (PP of (NP mind)))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD careful (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP not to (VP pretend (NP (ADJP too much) assurance)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-2 (NP-SBJ That mistake) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (VP had (VP cost (NP her) (ADVP-MNR dearly) (NP-TMP these past few days)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP avoid (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP falling (PP into (NP (NP any more) (PP of (NP (NP the traps) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ the mountain) (VP might (VP set (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP her))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD cautious) (SBAR-PRP so as (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP alert (NP the scheming forest))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ the station wagon) (VP drew (ADVP abreast (PP of (NP (NP the dusty dirt road) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP led (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP (NP the porch) (PP of (NP the Culver house))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Pamela) (VP (VP turned (NP the wheel) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP guiding (NP the car) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP its familiar parking spot) (ADVP-LOC close (PP to (NP the house)))))))) , and (VP stopped)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP All) (PP of (NP her movements))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD careful and methodical) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP partaking (PP of (NP (NP the stealth) (PP of (NP (NP a criminal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP (VP plotted (NP his felony) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP months) (PP in (NP advance))))) and (VP knows (SBAR (WHNP-2 exactly which step) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP *T*-2) (ADVP next) (PP in (NP (NP the course) (PP of (NP (NP the final execution) (PP of (NP his crime)))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP locked (NP the ignition)) , (VP removed (NP the keys)) , (VP stepped (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the car)))) and (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the house)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP dropped (NP the keys) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a small table) (PP-LOC beside (NP the door))))) and (VP went (ADVP-DIR upstairs) (PP-DIR to (NP her bedroom)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-2 On (NP her bureau)) (VP lay (PP-LOC *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP a small , brass ornament) (PP of (NP (NP simple design) and (NP faded engraving)))) -- (NP (NP an object) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP believed (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) ,) (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the property) (PP of (NP (NP her great-grandfather) , (NP Major Hiram Munroe Culver)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP had (VP belonged (PP to (NP this land)))) and , (ADVP perhaps) , (VP had (VP desecrated (NP it))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only material symbol) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP remained))) (PP of (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP she) , (NP Pamela)) , (VP were (VP being (VP held (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD responsible (PP for (NP his crimes))))))))) , (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ hers) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the final act) (PP of (NP expiation))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP return (NP this symbol) (PP to (NP the mountain)) , (SBAR-ADV (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP pours (NP seed) (ADVP back) (PP-DIR into (NP the soil)) (NP-TMP every Spring)))) or (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ ancient fertility cults) (VP demand (NP annual human sacrifice))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Slowly and thoughtfully) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP slipped (NP the ornament) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the pocket) (PP of (NP her slacks))))) , (VP moved (PP-DIR (PP down (NP the stairs)) and (PP out (PP of (NP the house)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (QP only one) place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the mountain) (VP might (VP receive (NP her) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) -- (NP (NP that unnamed , unnameable pool) (VP harbored (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP its secret bosom)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Atonement) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ atonement) (VP were (ADJP-PRD possible)))) , (VP could (ADVP only) (VP be (VP made (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP that sacred , sacrificial basin))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP enact (NP her renunciation)) , (VP beg (NP forgiveness)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD insane))) , (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was all (NP-PRD a (ADJP vividly conceived) dream)) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP caught (NP *-1) (PP in (NP it))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP faced (NP the terrible possibility (SBAR that , (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (NP-PRD a dream)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (SBAR (WHPP-2 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (ADVP-TMP never) (VP awaken (PP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Facing (NP the forest) (ADVP-TMP now))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP she) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had not (VP dared (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP enter (NP it)))) (ADVP-TMP before)))))) , (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR between (NP two trees)) (PP at (ADJP random))) and (VP headed (PP-DIR in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP believed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the direction) (PP of (NP the pool)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP remembered (NP (NP little) (PP of (NP (NP her previous journey) (ADVP-LOC there) (PP with (NP Grace))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (ADVP but) (VP hope (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP her dedication) (PP to (NP her mission))) (VP would (VP enable (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP accomplish (NP it))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The forest) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP open) and (VP (ADVP freely) welcoming)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP extending (NP an enchanted hand)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The ground) (VP was (VP covered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP soft pine needles))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the slope) (VP was (ADJP-PRD gentle))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Birds) (VP chirped and chattered (PP-LOC in (NP the trees)))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sun) , (ADJP all dewy-eyed and soft) ,) (VP caressed (NP her shoulders) (ADVP-MNR warmly) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP time)) (PP to (NP time))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (PRN , (SINV (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) (NP-SBJ Pamela)) ,) (NP-PRD such an evil place) (PP after (NP all))) .)) (TOP (NP No wonder (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Melissa) (VP responded (ADVP-MNR so completely) (PP to (NP its beckoning))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP no reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fear (NP (NP these trees) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP whispered (NP their secrets) (PP-LOC above (NP her head)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP passed))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) not (ADJP-PRD possible) , (PP after (NP all)) , (SBAR-1 (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the forest) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP league) (PP with (NP (NP her) and (NP her child)))))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ its sympathy) (VP lay (PP with (NP the Culvers))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP had (VP erred (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP failing (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP understand (NP this)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD calm and peaceful) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP walked (ADVP along))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The slight flutter) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP disturbed (NP (NP the motion) (PP of (NP her heart))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP entered (NP the forest) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD gone) (ADVP-TMP now))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP even the dim groves) (PP of (NP trees)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 through (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (VP passed (PP-DIR *T*-1))))) (VP did not (VP reawaken (NP her fear)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP regarded (NP them) (PP as (NP (NP signs) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP nearing (NP (NP the glen) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sought (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD glad (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (PP at (ADVP last)) (VP be (VP doing (NP (NP something) (ADJP positive)) (PP in (NP (NP her unenunciated , undefined struggle) (PP with (NP (NP the mountain) and (NP its darkling inhabitants)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP Having (VP persisted (ADVP-TMP too long) (PP in (NP (NP deliberate ignorance and denial) (PP of (NP (NP the forces) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP threatened (NP her))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Pamela) (VP was (ADJP-PRD relieved (S *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP now) (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP to (VP admit (NP their potency))) and (VP to (VP be (VP taking (NP (NP definite steps) (PP toward (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP grappling (PP with (NP them))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A few days) ago) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP have (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ (NP such an expedition) (PP as (NP this))) (ADJP-PRD utterly ridiculous)))))) ; ; (S (NP-TMP today) , (PP on (NP the contrary)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD utterly reasonable))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP did not (VP pause (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP consider (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP do (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ her plan) (VP should (VP fail)))))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP directed (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP her (ADJP mental and physical) energy))) (PP toward (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP achieving (NP this one goal)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If , (S (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP walked))) , (NP-SBJ her steps) (VP fumbled (PP-TMP (PP from (NP time)) (PP to (NP time)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP chose (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ignore (NP that omen))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the slope) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD-2 steeper))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1 the groves) (ADJP-PRD=2 more dim)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-3) not (VP to (VP heed)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Success) (VP depended (PP upon (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP maintaining (NP her equanimity)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD poised and proud and unafraid) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP prove (PP to (NP the mountain)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP earnest)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The forest) (VP took (PRT on) (NP an impersonal aspect)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP did not (VP care (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what sort) (PP of (NP person))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP prowled (NP its woods)) , (VP plucked (PP at (NP its bark))) or (VP stripped (NP the berries) (PP from (NP its bushes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Unconcerned , indifferent , unmotivated)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the forest) (VP was (ADVP simply) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP fighting (NP-2 (NP man 's) depredations) (PP-3 with (NP (ADJP more abundant) growth))) and (VP (NP=2 (NP man 's) follies) (PP=3 with (NP its own musical evening laughter)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP (NP Red man) or (NP white man)) , (NP pacifist or killer)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the forest) (VP would (VP accept (NP (NP them) (NP all)) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP knowing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (VP thrive (ADVP-MNR equally well) (PP on (NP slaughter and beneficence))))))) ; ; (VP knowing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ its ageless mass) (VP would (ADVP-TMP always) (VP dwarf (NP (NP the short span) (PP of (NP time)) (VP allotted (NP *) (PP to (NP any man))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP shook (NP her head)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP must not (VP think (PP about (NP time)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP another one) (PP of (NP those traps)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP her grim pursuit) (PP of (NP tranquillity)))) , (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP focused (NP her thoughts) (PP on (NP her husband))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If , (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was all (ADJP-PRD over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (NP (NP the words) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP tell (NP him) (PP about (NP it)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP understand))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ could (NP-SBJ he) (VP comprehend (NP her need) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) (NP himself)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD innocent)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Indian ghosts) (VP would not (VP impinge (PP upon (NP his nights))))) , nor (SINV would (NP-SBJ-1 his days) (VP be (VP haunted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the dimly-outlined , ill-conceived figure) (PP of (NP her benighted ancestor))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His bright , daylight mind) (VP would (VP whistle (ADVP away) (NP such images)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP would not (VP dare (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP face (NP his scoffing))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP was (ADJP-PRD glad (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD nowhere near)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His presence) (VP would (VP have (VP interfered (PP with (NP her duty))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The mountainside) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD steeper))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP slipped (ADVP-TMP once or twice) (PP-LOC on (NP the smooth pine needles)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The trees) (VP huddled (ADVP (ADVP more closely) together) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 their limbs and leaves) (VP intertwined (NP *-1) (PP in (NP a coarse curtain)) (PP against (NP the sun))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Bushes and vines) (VP abetted (NP the rocks) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP forming (NP (NP thorny detours) (PP for (NP the struggling stranger)))))))) , and (S (PP without (NP (NP the direct light) (PP of (NP the sun)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP act (PP as (NP compass)))))))) , (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP could (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP be (ADJP-PRD positive (PP of (NP her direction)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move (ADVP-DIR upward))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (VP reach (NP the pool) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP climbing)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP clung (PP to (NP that belief)) (PP despite (NP (NP the increasing number) (PP of (NP obstacles)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The forest) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD (NP an alien world) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP strove , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD alone , unprotected , unguided)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP deal (PP with (SBAR (WHNP-2 whatever hindrances) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (VP offered (NP *-1))))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a bold , dark castle) (PP of (NP pine boughs)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP stood (PP like (NP a medieval fortress)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP eclipsing (NP (NP the sun) and (NP human time))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP one (NX *RNR*-2)) and (NP the same (NX *RNR*-2)) (NX-2 time))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD within (NP it))) but (VP (ADVP-TMP still) searching (PP for (NP (NP the drawbridge) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP give (NP her entry))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Silence) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP came (PP-DIR into (NP the forest)) -- (NP-2 (NP a solid being) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP clapped (NP its hand) (PP over (NP (NP (NP the murmuring mouths) (PP of (NP the birds))) and (NP (NP the whispered comfort) (PP of (NP the trees)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Silence) (VP walked (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Pamela 's) side)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its presence) (ADVP-LOC-PRD (ADVP numbingly close) , yet (ADVP (ADVP too far) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP hear)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Silence) (VP (VP stood (PP-LOC-2 in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP her)))) , (S-ADV-3 (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting))) , and (VP (PP-LOC=2 in (NP (NP back) (PP of (NP her)))) , (S-ADV=3 (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP blocking (NP her retreat))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP stumbled (PP over (NP (NP the root) (PP of (NP a tree)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP protruded (ADVP-MNR maliciously) (PP-LOC above (NP the earth)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP her attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP preserve (NP her balance)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP fell , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bruising (NP her arm) (PP-LOC on (NP a naked stone))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP could not (VP catch (NP her breath)))) (CONJP and then) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her breath) (VP returning (PP in (NP short , frightened spasms)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP lifted (NP herself) (PP to (NP her feet)) (ADVP-MNR laboriously))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP brush (NP the (NX (NX dirt) and (NX (NX bits) (PP of (NP leaves))))) (PP off (NP her clothes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her arm) (VP bled (ADVP slightly))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the offended skin) (VP cried (PRT out) (PP in (NP pain)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (ADVP around)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD bewildered)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (VP come (UCP (NP such a long distance) -- (ADVP (ADVP too far) (PP for (NP (NP her destination) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-MNR wilfully) (VP been (VP swallowed (NP *-3) (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the greedy gloom) (PP of (NP the trees)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stood (ADVP-MNR quite still) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP focus (PP upon (NP (NP (NP a direction) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP turn (PP-DIR *T*-3)))))) , (NP (NP a path) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP follow (NP *T*-4)))))) , (NP (NP a clue) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP to (VP guide (NP her)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP standing (PP-LOC in (NP a thick grove)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The trees) (VP were (VP crowded (NP *-1) (ADVP (ADVP (ADVP so closely) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) together (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-3 their branches) (VP overlapped , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP virtually) (VP shutting (PRT out) (NP the sun) (ADVP completely))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The earth) (VP smelled (ADJP-PRD moist and pungent) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP it) (VP might (VP *?* (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a cave) (VP deprived (NP *) (PP of (NP (NP the cleansing effect) (PP of (NP (NP the sun 's) rays)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP the feeling (SBAR that , (S (PP-LOC under (NP the mouldering leaves)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the bodies) (PP of (NP dead animals)) , (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR quietly) decaying) and (VP giving (NP their soil) (ADVP back) (PP-DTV to (NP the mountain))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The thought) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP shudder))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A terrible chill) (VP swept (PP-DIR through (NP the grove))) .)) (TOP (UCP (FRAG Not (NP a breeze) (ADVP exactly)) , but (NP (NP a pocket) (PP of (NP icy air)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP settled (PP with (NP a loathsome familiarity)) (PP-LOC upon (NP (NP the deep confines) (PP of (NP the grove)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP catching (NP Pamela) (PP in (NP a leering embrace)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a peculiar density) (PP about (NP it))) , (NP (NP a thick substance) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP could (VP be (VP (VP sensed (NP *T*-1)) but (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP never) identified (NP *T*-1)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) (ADVP actually) perceived (NP *-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ (ADVP-TMP before) had (NP-SBJ she) (VP felt or dreamt or imagined (NP-PRD such a scene) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP knew (NP (NP this unwholesome , chilling atmosphere) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP somehow) (ADJP-PRD grotesquely alive)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP enclosed (NP her clammy hands)) and (VP twined (PP-DIR around (NP her ankles)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP (VP crept (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the open neck) (PP of (NP her blouse))))) and (VP slid (PP-DIR down (NP her body))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeping (PP-DIR into (NP her flesh)) (PP-DIR through (NP (NP all the quivering pores) (PP of (NP her skin))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP crawled (PP-DIR across (NP her breasts)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP suffocating (NP (NP the life) (PP-LOC in (NP her nipples)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP circled (NP her thighs) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP exploring (PP with (NP its icy tentacles))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP entered (NP her body) (PP with (NP (NP the ghastly intimacy) (PP of (NP an incubus)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 its particles) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP spreading , creeping , crawling)) , (VP joined (NP themselves) (PP into (NP (NP steel bands) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP constricted (NP her knees) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so tightly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP ached))))) ; ; (VP stifled (NP her lungs) (SBAR-ADV so that (S (NP-SBJ her breath) (VP came (PP in (NP harsh gasps)))))) ; ; (VP (VP clutched (NP her throat)) and (VP sucked (PRT up) (NP (NP the moisture) (PP-LOC in (NP her mouth))) (SBAR-ADV so that (S (S (NP-SBJ her tongue) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD dry and hard)) and (VP stuck (PP to (NP (NP the roof) (PP of (NP her mouth))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 her teeth) (VP were (VP clenched (NP *-1) (ADVP together) (PP in (NP (NP the rigid fixture) (PP of (NP her jaws)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP here))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-2 this demoniac possession) (VP (VP swallowed (PRT up) (NP (NP the liquid) (PP of (NP her eyes)))) and (VP sank (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the fibers) (PP of (NP her brain))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP depriving (NP her) (PP of (NP reason and sight))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP did not (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 which way) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (NP-DIR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The shadows) (PP of (NP the trees))) (VP engulfed (NP her) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP foreclosing (NP (NP every possible exit) (PP from (NP the grove)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (VP been (VP snared (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a vile sensuality) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP writhed (PP-DIR around (NP her throat)) (PP in (NP ever-tightening circles)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could not (VP scream , (SBAR-PRP for (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ a sound) (VP could (VP take (NP shape) (PP-LOC within (NP her parched mouth)))))) , (SBARQ (WHNP-1 who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP hear)))) , (SBARQ (WHNP-2 who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP listen)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Does (NP-SBJ the mountain) (VP listen) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pamela) (VP groped (ADVP-MNR blindly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP escape)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP move (PP-DIR in (NP (NP some direction) -- (NP (NP any direction) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP take (NP her) (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP this evil place)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thrust (ADVP-DIR forward) (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the shadows) and (NP (NP the trees) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP (VP resisted (NP her)) and (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP fling (NP her) (ADVP-DIR back)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her own body) (VP protested , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP aching (ADVP-MNR painfully) (SBAR-LOC (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the blood) (PP-LOC in (NP her veins))) (VP had (VP congealed (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ cold demon wisps) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP clung and caressed (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Every movement) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP made (NP *T*-1))))) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD unnecessarily noisy)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Twigs) (VP cracked (ADVP-MNR loudly) (PP-LOC under (NP her feet)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ bushes) (VP (VP swished) and (VP scratched (PP at (NP her slacks))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ tree branches) (VP snapped (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP pushed (NP them) (ADVP-MNR ruthlessly) (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Miraculously) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (NP exactly the right statement)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP began (NP it) (ADVP-MNR deliberately) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP none) (PP of (NP her words))) (VP would (VP be (VP lost (NP *-1) (PP on (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP you) (NP something)))) (NP-VOC Thomas DeMontez Lord)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD well aware (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP a pedigree) (ADJP (ADJP as long) (PP as (NP my leg)))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP amount (PP to (NP anything))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (S-UNF But) '' -- `` (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP do n't (VP matter (ADVP a-tall)))) '') , (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP supplied (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR fondly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (PP To (NP me)) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP the girl) (PP o ' (NP my dreams))) , an ' (NP (NP the sweetest flower) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP grows)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Beaming (ADVP-MNR idiotically))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP pooched (PRT out) (NP his lips)) and (VP attempted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kiss (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP yanked (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP him))) (ADVP-MNR furiously)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP shut (PRT up)) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Shu-tt (PRT up-pp)) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP you)))))))))) , and (S (PP by (NP God)) (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP listen)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear (NP me)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP listen))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP nodded (ADVP-MNR agreeably)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (ADVP very much) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP listen))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a brainy little lady) (PP like (NP her))) (VP had (NP *T*-3)))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP plumb important) , (CONJP as well as) (ADJP pleasin ' (PP to (NP the ear)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP miss (NP (NP a word) (PP of (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ So would (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP speaking (ADVP-MNR (NP a little) louder)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP stink))) , (NP-VOC Tom Lord)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD-UNF mean and hateful and stupid , and))))) --)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-TPC-1 louder '' ? ?) (VP Said (ADJP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Joyce) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Uh-huh .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP So (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP hear (NP you) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP checkin ' (NP the car)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Looks (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP might (VP be (PRT in) (PP for (NP (NP a speck) (PP of (NP trouble))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP opened (NP the door)) and (VP got (ADVP out))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP waited (PP-LOC at (NP the car side)) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (ADVP down) (PP at (NP her)) (ADVP-MNR expectantly)))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Well ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was n't (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP goin ' (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP somethin '))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Then) , (ADVP-MNR helpfully) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP merely) (VP stared (PP at (NP him)) (PP in (NP weary silence))))) , `` (S (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP write (NP it) (PRT down) (PP for (NP me))))) , (INTJ huh) ? ?))) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Print (NP it) (PP in (NP (ADJP real big) letters)))) , an ' (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP cipher (NP it) (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP later)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Aah) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (PRT on)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP go (NP the hell) (PRT on)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP grinned) , (VP nodded) , and (VP walked (PP-DIR around (PP to (NP (NP the front) (PP of (NP the car))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 Lips) (VP pursed (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR mournfully))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP stared (ADVP down) (PP at (NP its (ADJP crazily sagging) left side))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP hunkered (PRT down) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the heels) (PP of (NP his handmade boots))))) , (VP peered (PP into (NP (NP the orderly chaos) (PP of (NP (NP axle) , (NP shock absorber) , and (NP spring))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP went (ADJP-PRD prone (PP on (NP his stomach))) , (SBAR-PRP (ADVP the better) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pursue (NP his examination) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a time)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP straightened (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP brushing (NP the red Permian dust) (PP from (NP his hands)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP slapping (NP it) (PP from (NP (NP his six-dollar levis) and (NP his tailored , twenty-five-dollar shirt))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP wore (NP no gun)) -- (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD (NP a strange ommission) (PP for (NP (NP a peace officer) (PP-LOC in (NP this country)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV-2 (ADVP-TMP Never) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP once) (VP told (NP Joyce) (SBAR 0 (SINV *T*-2))))) ,) had (NP-SBJ he) (VP encountered (NP (NP any man or situation) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP called (PP for (NP a gun))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 And (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP really) (VP feels (NP-PRD that way))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADVP really) (NP-PRD (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (VP got (NP *T*-2)))))) , (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Just a big pile) (PP of (NP self-confidence)) (PP in (NP an (ADJP almost teensy) package)) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP make (S (NP-SBJ myself) (VP feel (NP-MNR the same way)))))))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP studied (NP him) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP hopefully) , (ADVP yearningly)))) ; ; (S (PP against (NP (NP the limitless background) (PP of (NP sky and wasteland)))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD easy) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP confirm (NP her analysis)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the God-forsaken place) , (NP (NP the westerly end) (PP of (NP nowhere))))) , (NP-SBJ Tom Lord) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP almost insignificant) , (ADJP almost contemptible))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD handsome) , (PP with (NP (NP his coal-black hair and eyes) , (NP his fine-chiseled features)))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP known (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP handsomer guys)))))) , and , (SBARQ (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP conceding (NP his good looks))) , (WHNP-2 (WHNP what) (VP *ICH*-1)) (SQ was (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD *T*-2) (VP-1 left (NP *)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was n't (NP-PRD a big man))) ; ; (FRAG (ADVP rather) (PP on (NP the medium side))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Neither) was (NP-SBJ he) (ADJP-PRD very powerful (PP of (NP build))) .)) (TOP (S (S-2 (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP move (ADVP-MNR very quickly) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP seldom) (VP found (NP (NP occasion) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (ADVP-PRD so) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) -RRB-)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more wiry) (PP than (ADJP truly strong))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ his (ADJP relatively small) hands and feet) (VP gave (NP him) (NP an (ADJP almost delicate) appearance)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 Just nothing) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP herself) (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG Just (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so darned sure (PP of (NP himself))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP puts (NP the Indian sign) (PP on (NP everyone)))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (INTJ by gosh) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP him))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP him))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP caught (NP her eye)) , (VP came (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR around (NP the car)) (PP with (NP (NP the boot-wearer) ; ; (NP teetering , half-mincing walk))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ these yokels) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP wear (NP boots) , (ADVP anyway) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ most) (VP had (ADVP scarcely) (VP sat (NP a horse) (PP-TMP in (NP years)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP slid (ADVP in) (PP-LOC at (NP her side))) , (VP tucked (NP a cigar) (PP into (NP his mouth))) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR politely) proffered (NP one) (PP-DTV to (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP cut (NP it) (PRT out) , (NP-VOC Tom)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP snapped) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Ca n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP stop (NP that stupid clowning) (PP-TMP for (NP (QP even a) minute))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ This) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD your brand) , (ADVP maybe))) '' , (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP suggested (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` Or (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP just) (VP do n't (VP feel (PP like (NP a cigar)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP feel (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP getting (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP town))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel (PP like (NP *T*-2))))))) ! !)) (TOP (SQ (INTJ Now) , (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP me)))))) or (SQ am (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP walk))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-3 `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Might (VP get (ADVP-DIR there) (ADVP faster) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP walkin ')) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP drawled (S *T*-3))) ,) `` (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP seein ' (PP as (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP a busted front spring) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the other hand)) , (ADVP howsomever) , (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP would n't (VP *?* (ADVP either))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP figger (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADVP probl'y) (NP-PRD a sixty-five-mile walk)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP c'n (ADVP maybe) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-1 this spring) (VP patched (NP *-1) (PRT up))) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP hours))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHADVP How) -- (PP with (NP what)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP (NP nothing) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC out (ADVP here)) (PP-1 but (NP rattlesnakes)))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (INTJ Now) , ai n't (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD the truth) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP laughed (PP with (NP secret amusement))) .)) (TOP (UCP `` (NP (NP Not a danged thing) (PP but (NP rattlesnakes))) , so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP reckon (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (S (NP-SBJ the boss rattler) (VP to (VP help (NP me)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Tom ! !)) (TOP (PP For (NP (NP God 's) sake) '' ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Looky) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP pointed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP cutting (NP her) (PRT off)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP See (NP that wildcat)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP saw (NP it) (ADVP-TMP then) , (NP-ADV (NP (NP the distant derrick) (PP of (NP the wildcat))) -- (NP (NP a test well) (PP-LOC in (NP unexplored country))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP (ADVP even) with (NP (NP her limited knowledge) (PP of (NP such things)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the car) (VP could (VP be (VP repaired (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC there) ; ; (ADVP sufficiently , (ADVP at least) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP them) (ADVP back) (PP-DIR into (NP town)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A wildcatter) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD prepared (PP for (NP almost any emergency))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP depend (PP on (NP himself))))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP invariably) (PP-LOC-PRD (NP-ADV miles and hours) away (PP from (NP others))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (INTJ Well) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (NP 's) (VP get (VP going))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (ADVP impatiently))) .)) (TOP (S-UNF `` (NP-SBJ I) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP broke (PRT off) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP frowning))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP mean (NP *T*-1) (PP by (NP that rattlesnake gag)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Getting (S (NP-SBJ the boss rattlesnake) (VP to (VP help (NP you))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 `` (INTJ Why) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP meant (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-1)))))) '') , (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP declared (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-2 (WHNP What) (ADVP else)) (SQ would (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (NP *T*-2) , (INTJ anyways))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (PP at (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 lips) (VP compressed (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP with (NP (NP a shrug) (PP of (NP pretended indifference)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP took (NP a compact) (PP from (NP her purse))) and (VP went (PP through (NP (NP the motions) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP fixing (NP her make-up)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP his mood)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-MNR-PRD (NP the best way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP handle (NP him) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) ; ; (S-ADV (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (NP (NP no curiosity) (ADVP whatsoever)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Otherwise) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (VP be (VP (VP baited (NP *-1) (PP into (NP a tantrum))) -- (VP teased and provoked (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP lost (NP (NP control) (PP of (NP herself)))) , and (VP (ADVP thus) lost (NP (NP still another battle) (PP in (NP (NP the maddening struggle) (PP of (NP (NP Tom Lord) (PP Vs. (NP Joyce Lakewood))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The car) (VP lurched (ADVP along) (PP at (NP (NP a snail 's) crawl)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the left-front mudguard) (VP (VP banging and scraping (PP against (NP the tire))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP occasionally) scraping (PP against (NP (NP the road) (NP itself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP whistled (ADVP-MNR tunelessly) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP fought (NP the steering wheel))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD very pleased (PP with (NP himself))) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ some intricate scheme) (VP was (VP working (PRT out) (SBAR-ADV (ADVP exactly) as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP planned))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Along (PP with (NP this self-satisfaction))) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ Joyce) (VP sensed (NP a growing tension)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP poured (PP out (PP of (NP him))) (PP like (NP an electric current)) , (NP-ADV a feeling (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the muscles and nerves) (PP of (NP his fine-drawn body))) (VP were (VP coiling (PP for (NP action)))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ that action) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP anticipated (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Joyce) (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ him) (PP-PRD like (NP this)) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP once before) -- (UCP (ADVP (ADVP more than) once) , (ADVP actually) , but (PP on (NP one (ADJP particularly memorable) occasion))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP practically) (VP mopped (PRT up) (NP (NP the main street) (PP of (NP Big Sands))) (PP with (NP (NP Aaron McBride) , (NP (NP field boss) (PP for (NP the Highlands Oil & Gas Company))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tom) (VP had (VP been (VP laying (PP for (NP Aaron McBride)) (PP-TMP for (NP a long time)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADVP just) (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP catch (NP-3 him) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP line)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ McBride) (VP gave (NP him) (NP his opportunity) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP showed (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP town)) (PP with (NP (NP a pistol) (PP-LOC on (NP his hip)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP a legitimate reason) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP wearing (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD payday) (PP for (NP Highlands)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP packing (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP money))) (PP (ADVP back) into (NP the oil fields))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 the weapon) (VP was (VP carried (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR openly)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the sheriff 's) office) (VP had (VP made (NP (NP no previous issue) (PP of (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` So (WHNP-1 what) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ this) (PP-PRD (ADVP all) about (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP demanded , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP confronted (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (NP-PRD (NP (NP the only man) (PP-LOC in (NP town)) (PP with (NP a gun))) , or (NP (NP the only one) (PP without (NP a permit))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the wrong thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP failing (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP to (VP do (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1))))) (ADVP instantly))) -- (VP to (VP (VP take (PRT out) (NP a permit)) or (VP return (NP the gun) (PP to (NP his car))))) --))))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP played (PP into (NP (NP Lord 's) hands)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The trouble) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (ADVP virtually) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP protest)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The deputy) (VP had (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP *?*))) (PP by (NP (NP his manner) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP accosting (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG So , `` (WHADVP How) (PP about (NP it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP single (NP me) (PRT out) (PP on (NP this permit deal)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP tell (NP you) (PP about (NP that))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP aim (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP t' (VP be (ADJP-PRD see-lective)))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ y') (VP know)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Do n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bother (NP no one) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP *?*)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP figger (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do (NP *T*-3) , (PP in (NP your case)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Figger (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD plumb careful (PP with (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP you Highlands big shots)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ McBride) (VP reddened) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) (NP himself)) (VP had (VP heard (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP gangster money) (PP in (NP the company))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an honest man) (VP doing (NP a hard job))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the implication (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP anything) (ADVP else)))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unbearable))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look , (NP-VOC Lord))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR hoarsely)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP a grudge) (PP against (NP me))))))))) , and (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP blame (NP you)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP think (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ Highlands) (VP swindled (NP you))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ 'em) (VP do (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD all wrong) , (NP-VOC man)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD no lawyer)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP do (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP told (NP *T*-1))))) , (X and)) '' --)) (TOP (INTJ `` uh-huh .)) (TOP (S An ' (NP-SBJ that) (VP could (VP mean (NP trouble) (PP with (NP (NP a fella) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP workin ' (PP for (NP crooks)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP So (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP get (VP rid (NP *-1) (PP of (NP that pistol)) (ADVP-TMP right now) , (NP-VOC Mis-ter McBride))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ You) (VP (VP do (NP that)) or (VP take (NP you) (PRT out) (NP a permit)) (ADVP-TMP right now)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ McBride) (VP could n't (VP do (NP either) , (PP of (NP course)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (ADVP-TMP immediately) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the deputy) (VP demanded))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (PP without (NP (NP a face-saving respite) (PP of (NP (ADVP at least) a few minutes)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP do (ADVP-PRD so)))) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ his job) (ADJP-PRD well-nigh impossible)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Oil-field workers) (VP were (NP-PRD a rough-tough lot)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ could (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP exert (NP authority) (PP over (NP them)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)) -- (VP make (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP toe (NP the line))) , (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knuckled (PRT under) (PP to (NP this small-town clown))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (PP around (PP to (NP it))) (ADVP-TMP (NP a little) later)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP mumbled (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR desperately)) .)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP `` (ADVP Just as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP-UNF (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the bank))) , and))) '' --)) (TOP (INTJ `` huh-uh .)) (TOP (S (SINV (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADVP Now) , (NP-VOC Mis-ter McBride)) '' , (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Lord)) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP laid (NP a (ADJP firmly restraining) hand) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the field boss 's) arm)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP strictly) (NP-PRD (NP the deputy 's) game))) , but (S (NP-SBJ McBride) (VP had (VP gone (ADVP too far (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP throw (PRT in)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP only) (VP play (NP (NP the last card) (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP probably) (NP-PRD (NP the world 's) coldest deck)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP flung (PRT off) (NP (NP Lord 's) hand)) and (VP attempted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP push (PP-DIR past (NP him))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP inadvertently) (VP shoving (NP him) (PP-DIR into (NP a storefront)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP practically) (NP-PRD (NP the last move) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ McBride) (VP made (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP his own volition))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP slugged (NP him) (PP-LOC in (NP the stomach)) , (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so hard) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the organ) (ADVP almost) (VP pressed (PP against (NP his spine))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP doubled , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP gasping) , (VP vomiting (NP (NP the breakfast) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP so lately) (VP eaten (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP straightened (NP him) (PP with (NP an uppercut))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A rabbit punch) (VP redoubled (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a numbing blow) (PP to (NP the heart))) , and (NP (NP another gut-flattening blow) (PP to (NP the stomach)))))) But (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP keep (PRT up) (PP with (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP No more) could (NP-SBJ he) (VP defend (NP himself) (PP against (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP fighting (NP not (NP one man) but (NP a dozen))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP think (PP (PP of (NP face-saving)) , (PP of (NP honor)) , (CONJP but only) (PP of (NP escape))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP 's (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP kill (NP me))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR wildly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP meant (NP him) (NP no harm)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP given (NP willful hurt) (PP-DTV to (NP no man)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP (VP (ADVP just) doing (NP my job)) , (VP (ADVP just) following (NP orders))))) , and (S (PP for (NP that)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP 's (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP me))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Beat (NP me) (PP to (NP death)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP (QP a hundred) people))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-3 (ADJP Somehow more terrible) (PP than (NP the certainty (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP die)))))))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ the knowledge (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP would (ADVP probably) not (VP suffer (PP for (NP it))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 the murder) (VP would (VP go (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP unpunished (NP *-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP He) , (NP McBride)) , (VP would (VP be (VP cited (NP *-1) (PP as (PP in (NP the wrong))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP he) , (NP Lord)) , (VP would (VP go (ADJP-PRD scot-free) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (NP-PRD (NP an officer) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (ADVP only) (VP done (NP his duty) , (SBAR-ADV though (FRAG (ADVP perhaps) (ADVP-MNR too energetically)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 McBride) (VP (VP staggered (PP-DIR into (NP the street))) , (VP flopped (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sprawling)) (PP-LOC in (NP the stinging dust)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Fear-maddened)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP fleeing (NP (NP the) lengthening shadow (PP of (NP death))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP scrambled (PP to (NP his feet)) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could n't (VP see))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP long) past (NP (NP the point) (PP of (NP coherent thinking)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-MNR Dimly) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP (NP laughter) , (NP (NP hoots) (PP of (NP derision)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP read (NP the racket) (ADVP-MNR properly)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could not (VP grasp (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP had (VP withdrawn (PP from (NP the fight)) (ADVP-TMP (NP minutes) ago))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his leaden arms) (VP were (VP flailing (PP at (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP the air))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hated (NP them) (ADVP too much (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP understand)))) -- (NP-ADV (NP the people) (PP of (NP (NP this isolated law-unto-itself world) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Lord 's) world)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ This) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3))))) ,) (VP was (NP-MNR-PRD (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP act (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) ; ; (S-NOM-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP laughing (PP at (NP a dying man))) , (VP laughing (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 a man) (VP was (VP beaten (NP *-1) (PP to (NP death)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 nothing) (VP would (VP be (VP done (NP *-1) (PP about (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Nothing) (PP unless (NP Donna)) ! !)) (TOP (NP (NP Donna) , (NP his young wife) , (NP (NP the girl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP both daughter and wife) (PP to (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Donna) (VP was (SBAR-PRD like (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP lived (PP by (NP the rules)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP never) compromising) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) blinded or diverted (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS circumstance)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Donna) (VP-UNF would) --)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP regained (NP consciousness) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (PP in (NP (NP Lord 's) house)) , (PP in (NP (NP the office) (PP of (NP (NP Doctor Lord) , (NP (NP the deputy 's) deceased father))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Brannon outfit) -- (VP known (NP *) (PP as (NP the Slash-B)) (PP-PRP because of (NP its brand))) --) (VP reached (NP Hondo Creek) (PP-TMP before (NP sundown))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The herd) (VP was (VP (VP watered (NP *-2)) (CONJP and then) (VP thrown (NP *-2) (PP-DIR onto (NP (NP a broad grass flat) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the first night 's) bedground)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Two) (PP of (NP the new hands))) , (NP (NP (NP a Mexican) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Jose Amado)))) and (NP (NP a kid) (VP known (NP *) (ADVP only) (PP as (NP Laredo)))))) , (VP were (VP picked (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP the first trick) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP riding (NP night herd)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The rest) (PP of (NP the crew))) (VP (VP offsaddled (NP their mounts)) and (VP turned (NP them) (PP-DIR into (NP the remuda)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP got (NP (NP tin cups) (PP of (NP coffee))) (PP from (NP (NP the big pot) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the coosie 's) fire))))) , (VP rolled and lighted (NP brown-paper cigarettes)) , (VP lounged (ADVP about))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP some idle talk) , (NP (NP a listless discussion) (PP of (NP (NP this or that small happening) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the day 's) drive))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-MNR deliberately) (VP avoided (NP (NP (NP the one subject) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ (NP them) (NP all)) (ADJP-PRD curious)))))) : (NP (NP the failure (S *ICH*-2)) (PP of (NP (NP the boss 's) wife and son)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP join (NP the outfit))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP especially) (VP bothered (NP the older hands)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The cook) , (NP Mateo Garcia) ,) (VP had (VP arrived (ADVP-DIR there) (PP-TMP (ADVP long) before (NP the herd)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP (VP started (NP a fire)) and (VP put (NP coffee) (PRT on)) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP now) was (ADJP-PRD busy) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the work board) (PP of (NP his chuck wagon))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP readying (NP (NP a batch) (PP of (NP sourdough biscuits))) (PP for (NP the Dutch oven)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Supper) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD ready) (PP-TMP within (NP the hour)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Maguire family) (VP was (VP setting (PRT up) (NP a separate camp) (ADVP-LOC nearby))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Billie) (VP had (VP unhitched (NP the mules) (PP from (NP (NP both (NP Tom Brannon 's) and (NP his father 's)) wagon)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hank) (VP had (VP gathered (NP wood) (PP for (NP a cookfire))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his wife) (VP was (ADJP-PRD busy (PP at (NP it))) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Conchita) (VP kept (NP an eye) (PP on (NP (NP the twins) and (NP little Elena))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (NP-3 them) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP falling (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the creek) (SBAR (WHPP-4 by (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-5 they) (VP persisted (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP playing (PP-LOC *T*-4)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Conchita) (VP nagged (PP at (NP the younger children)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP attempting (PP without (NP success)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (NP her thoughts) (PP off (NP Tom Brannon)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tom Brannon) (VP had (VP caught (PRT up) (PP with (NP the outfit)) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP shortly) after (S (NP-SBJ the Maguires) (VP (VP joined (NP it)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (PP-TMP-PRD at (NP midday))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP 'd (VP come (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone)) , (PP without (NP his wife and child)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP an angry mood))))) : (S (NP-SBJ Conchita) (VP had (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ his face) (ADJP-PRD almost ugly (PP with (NP (NP the anger) (PP in (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP taken (NP place) (PP-LOC in (NP town)) , (PP between (NP (NP him) and (NP his wife)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wished (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP talk (PP to (NP her mother)) (PP about (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (FRAG Not (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ her mother) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP speculate (PP upon (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ her mother) (VP would (VP (VP rebuke (NP her)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP mentioned (NP it)))) , and (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP none) (PP of (NP her concern))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Pat) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP get (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP that creek)))) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (NP You) (ADVP too) , (NP-VOC Sean) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-VOC Elena) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP get (NP mud) (PP (ADVP all) over (NP your dress)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Even as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP called (PP to (NP the children))))) , (NP-SBJ Conchita) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her gaze) (VP seek (NP Tom Brannon)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 Tomas) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) -- (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP the Mexican hands) (VP did)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP earnest conversation) (PP with (NP (NP her father) and (NP (NP the old vaquero) , (NP Luis Hernandez))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 Whatever) (SQ (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP talking (PP about (NP *T*-1))))) ? ?) (NP-SBJ Conchita) (VP wondered (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP bothered (NP her) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP probably) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP know))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Certainly) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would n't (VP dare (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ask (NP her father) (ADVP-TMP afterward))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP tell (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP pry (PP into (NP (NP grownups ') affairs))))) -- (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP a little kid) (PP like (NP Elena)))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the moment)) , (NP-SBJ the three men) (VP were not (VP saying (NP (NP much) (PP of (NP anything))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP sitting (PP on (NP their heels)) , (ADVP-MNR rider-fashion) , (PP-LOC (ADVP over) by (NP the (ADJP still empty) calf wagon)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Brannon) (VP was (VP hunkered (NP *-1) (PRT down) (PP with (NP (NP his broad back) (PP to (NP the left rear wheel)))) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the other two) (VP facing (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP held (NP a cigarette) (PP-LOC in (NP his right hand))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 It) (VP was (VP burning (ADVP away) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP forgotten (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His face) (VP was (VP clouded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP unhappiness)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP told (NP (NP Hank Maguire) and (NP Luis Hernandez)) (PP (PP about (NP (NP his wife 's) refusal (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP come (PP with (NP him))))))) and (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP intended (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP considering (NP it) (ADVP-MNR gravely) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 neither) (VP seeming (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP like (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP planned (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Finally) (NP-SBJ Hernandez) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP offer (NP you) (NP advice) , (NP-VOC Tomas)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP would n't (VP heed (NP it))))) '') .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP hear (NP it))) , (ADVP anyway)) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait (NP-TMP a little while)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ Senora Brannon) (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP (NP her father 's) house)) (PP-TMP for (NP a time))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Give (NP her) (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP miss (NP you) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ she) (VP will (ADVP-TMP then) (VP come (PP to (NP you)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP the senora) (ADVP (ADVP as much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP the boy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP need (NP her) (ADVP (ADVP even more) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP need (NP him)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP wo n't (VP change (NP her mind)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ John Clayton) (VP will (VP see (PP to (NP that)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-UNF `` But (PP-TMP after (NP (NP a time) (ADVP away (PP from (NP you))))) . '')) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP A year) , (NP-VOC Luis) ? ?)) (TOP (NP Five ? ?)) (TOP (NP Ten ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How long) (SQ should (NP-SBJ I) (VP wait (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Maybe) (PP in (NP a year) , (NP-VOC Tomas)) . '')) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (PP-TMP In (NP a year)) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP 'll (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP living (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Clayton 's) house)))) (ADVP (ADVP too much) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP come (ADVP back) (PP to (NP me))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR flatly)) .)) (TOP (S `` And (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP will (VP be (PP-PRD (ADVP too much) under (NP his influence)) (PP-TMP by (NP then)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP Danny) (ADVP away) (PP from (NP Clayton)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP lose (NP him) (ADVP altogether))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Hell) , (PP-TMP in (NP a year (QP or five or ten))) , (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP will (VP have (VP forgotten (NP (NP me) -- (NP his own father))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` But (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP take (NP him)) and (VP leave (NP his mother) (ADVP behind))))) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD good)) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (PP In (NP my place)) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP follow (NP (NP such advice) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP give (NP me))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hernandez) (VP looked (ADVP suddenly) (ADJP-PRD uncertain)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 That) (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP answer (NP *T*-1) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP imagine (S (NP-SBJ (NP something) (PP like (NP this))) (VP happening (PP to (NP me)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP withdraw (NP my advice)))) -- (INTJ no) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP looked (PP at (NP Hank Maguire))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` And (NP you) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP my place)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hank) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know , (NP-VOC Tom))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP Luis)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP see (S (NP-SBJ (NP something) (PP like (NP this))) (VP happening (PP to (NP me)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP Maria and me)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP never) (NP-PRD any problem)) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP goes (SBAR-DIR *T*-2))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ=3 the kids) (PP with (NP us))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP need (NP your woman)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP will (VP need (NP his mother))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP take (NP the one)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP take (NP both)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP wo n't (VP force (S (NP-SBJ Beth) (VP to (VP come (PP against (NP her will))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP my son)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD silent) (PP-TMP for (NP a little while)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ each) (VP looking (ADJP-PRD glum)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Finally) (NP-SBJ Luis Hernandez) (VP said , `` (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP be)))) , (VP must (VP be)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (PP-PRD with (NP you)) , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-VOC Tomas)) '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Hank Maguire) (VP added , `` (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 So) (VP am (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ I) , (NP-VOC Tom)) '') .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-2 All right) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Brannon) (VP said (ADJP *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP rising))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP ride (ADVP-DIR out) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 've (VP had (NP chuck)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP timed (NP it) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP rode (ADVP-DIR in) (PP-TMP (NP-ADV an hour) after (NP nightfall)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (PP for (NP cover)) (NP both (NP darkness) and (NP a summer storm))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP much) (PP of (NP the fifteen-mile ride)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP watched (NP (NP a lurid display) (PP of (NP lightning)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the sky) (PP-LOC to (NP the east))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Later) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP heard (NP (NP the rumble) (PP of (NP thunder)))))) (CONJP and then) , (S (PP-LOC (ADVP just) outside (NP Rockfork)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP ran (PP into (NP rain)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP slickers))))) (VP donned (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The others) (VP put (PRT on) (NP (NP (NP old coats) or (NP ducking jackets)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whichever) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP carried (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC behind (NP their saddle cantles))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP seven) (PP of (NP them))) , (NP enough (UCP (PP for (NP (NP a show) (PP of (NP strength)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP run (NP a bluff)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP more (PP than (NP that)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 There) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD no gunplay))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-1 (SBAR-ADV If (S (S (NP-SBJ the bluff) (VP failed)) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP ran (PP into (NP trouble)))))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP had (VP told (NP the others) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) ,) (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP withdraw))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP come (PP after (NP his son)) (NP-TMP another time)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (NP himself) (PP outside (NP the law))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-1 With (NP him)) (VP were (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Hank Maguire) , (NP Luis Hernandez) , and (NP (NP (NP Luis 's) son) (NP Pedro))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Ramirez brothers) (VP were (ADVP also) (ADVP-PRD along)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The seventh man) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Red Hogan) , (NP (NP a wiry little puncher) (PP with (NP (NP a wild streak) and (NP (NP a liking) (PP for (NP hell-raising)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were all (NP-PRD good men)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dark) (ADVP-TMP early) , (PP-PRP because of (NP the storm))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) (PP-PRP because of (NP the storm)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the streets) (PP of (NP Rockfork))) (VP were (VP deserted (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Lighted windows) (VP glowed (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD jewel-bright)) (PP through (NP the downpour))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP reined (PRT in) (PP-LOC before (NP (NP (NP the town marshal 's) office) , (NP (NP a box-sized building) (PP-LOC on (NP Main Street)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A lamp) (VP burned (ADVP-LOC inside))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 Brannon) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP peering (PP through (NP the window)))) , (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the office) (VP was (ADJP-PRD empty)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP 'd (VP hoped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP catch (NP Jesse Macklin) (ADVP-LOC there)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Probably) (ADVP just) (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR out))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Maybe) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP supper)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-VOC Red) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (ADVP along)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The rest) (PP of (NP you))) (VP wait (ADVP-LOC here)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP Red Hogan)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP rode (PP-DIR to (NP the Welcome Cafe))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hogan) (VP (VP got (PP-DIR down (PP from (NP the saddle)))) and (VP had (NP (NP a look) (ADVP-LOC inside)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-2 Not (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP getting (ADVP back) (PP onto (NP his horse))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP the hotel))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP rode (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the Rockfork House) , (PP-LOC (ADVP (NP a little) farther) along (NP (NP the opposite side) (PP of (NP the street))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP reined (PRT in) (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP remaining (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the saddle)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hogan) (VP went (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP for (NP Jesse Macklin)) (PP-LOC in (NP the hotel dining room))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP had (NP no slicker)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP put (PRT on) (NP his old brown corduroy coat)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP soaked (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD no physical discomfort)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP (ADVP only) vaguely) aware (PP of (NP the sluicing rain)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP hardly) (VP noticed (NP (NP (NP the blue-green flashes) (PP of (NP lightning))) and (NP (NP the hard claps) (PP of (NP thunder))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hogan) (VP (VP reappeared) , (VP stopped (PP-LOC on (NP the hotel porch))) , (VP lifted (NP a hand) (PP in (NP signal)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP (VP dismounted) and (VP climbed (NP the steps))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP 's (VP finished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP eating))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Hogan) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Sitting (PP with (NP (NP a cup) (PP of (NP coffee)))) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP should n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD long))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD long) , (PP (ADVP at least) to (NP Tom Brannon))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He and Hogan) (VP waited (PP-LOC by (NP the door)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP-LOC to (NP either side))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Macklin) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the third man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR out)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (ADVP-MNR unhurriedly))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP puffing (PP on (NP a cigar))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP turning (PRT up) (NP his coat collar) (PP against (NP the rain))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (SBAR-TMP-PRD until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP moved (PP-DIR across (NP the porch))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP became (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP them)))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too late))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP closed (PRT in) (ADVP-MNR fast)) , (VP kept (NP-1 him) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reaching (PP inside (NP his coat)) (PP for (NP his gun))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP come (ADVP along))) '' , (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP told (NP him) (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP start (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP finish (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (INTJ Now) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP listen)) '' -- (NP-SBJ Macklin) (VP began (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP talk (PP-LOC over (PP at (NP your office))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Brannon) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP warn (NP you)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP go)) , (NP-VOC Marshal))) '' , (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) , and (VP took (NP him) (PP by (NP the arm)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hogan) (VP gripped (NP (NP the lawman 's) other arm)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP escorted (NP him) (PP-DIR (PP down (PP from (NP the porch))) and (PP through (NP the rain))) (PP-DIR to (NP his office))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The other five Slash-B men) (VP followed (NP them) (ADVP-DIR inside) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP crowding (NP the small room)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD stiff (PP with (NP anger))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (PP of (NP his arms)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP looked (PP at (NP-1 (NP each) (PP of (NP them)))) (PP in (NP turn))) , (VP (NP=1 Brannon) (ADVP-TMP last (PP of (NP all))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP remember (NP you)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Every last one) (PP of (NP you)) .)) (TOP (S-UNF (PP As (PP for (NP you))) , (NP-VOC Brannon) '' --)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Put (NP your gun) (PP-PUT on (NP the desk)) , (NP-VOC Marshal)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (INTJ Now) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP hold (PRT on))) , (INTJ damn it)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wo n't (VP *?*))) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Red Hogan 's) patience) (VP ran (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP lifted (NP (NP the skirt) (PP of (NP (NP Macklin 's) coat)))) , (VP took (NP his gun) (PP-DIR from (NP its holster))) , (VP tossed (NP it) (PP-DIR onto (NP the desk)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (ADJP Too much) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP fooling (PRT around)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP press (NP your luck) , (NP-VOC badge-toter))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP said , (FRAG `` (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP (NP the key) (PP to (NP the lockup))) , (NP-VOC Marshal) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` Key '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Macklin) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHNP-1 What) (PP for (NP *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Ca n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP guess) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP said (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (VP putting (NP you) (SBAR-PUT (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wo n't (VP come (PP to (NP harm)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on))) -- (NP the key) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (NP it) (PRT out)) '' ! !)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Damned) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP *?*)))) .)) (TOP (S-UNF (NP-VOC Brannon) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP assaulted (NP a law officer) (X and))) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP moved (PRT in) (PP on (NP him))) , (VP crowded (NP him) (PP from (NP all sides)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ No man) (VP laid (NP a hand) (PP-LOC on (NP him)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the threat) (PP of (NP violence))) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 His face) (VP (VP took (PRT on) (NP a sudden pallor)) , (VP became (VP beaded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP sweat)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP trouble) (PP with (NP his breathing))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP held (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP (NP a moment) longer))) , (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ his nerve) (VP gave (PP under (NP the pressure)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP swore) , and (VP said , `` (ADJP All right))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD here (PP in (NP my pocket)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (NP it) (PRT out))) '' , (NP-SBJ Brannon) (VP ordered (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Then) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Macklin) (VP obeyed))) : `` (S-IMP (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP go (ADVP-DIR out back))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Resignedly) , (NP-SBJ Macklin) (VP turned (PP-DIR to (NP the back door))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP followed (NP him) (PP-DIR (PP into (NP the rain)) and (PP across (PP to (NP (NP the squat stone building) (PP-LOC (NP-ADV fifty feet) to (NP the rear))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The door) (PP of (NP the lockup))) (VP was (UCP-PRD (PP of (NP oak planks)) and (VP banded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP strap iron))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP secured (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS an oversized padlock)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Macklin) (VP balked (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) not (VP wanting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP unlock and open (NP the door))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP crowded (NP him) (PP in (NP that threatening way)) (ADVP-TMP once more)) , (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP give (PRT in)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ the door) (VP was (ADJP-PRD open)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP crowded (NP him) (PP-DIR inside (NP the dark building))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP uttering (NP threats) (PP in (NP a (ADJP low but savage) voice)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP closed and padlocked (NP the door) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP the street))) , (VP mounted (NP their horses)) , (VP rode (PP through (NP the rain)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the big house) (PP-LOC on (NP Houston Street)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its windows) (VP glowed (PP with (NP lamplight))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Deputy Marshal) (NP Luke Harper)) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP stood (NP guard) (PP-LOC on (NP the veranda)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP a forlorn , scarecrowish figure) (PP in (NP the murky dark))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the veranda))))) , (VP peered (ADVP down (PP at (NP them))) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his hand) (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP his gun)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP try (NP it)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Brannon) (VP told (NP him) (S-IMP *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP dismounting) and (VP starting (PP up (NP the steps)) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his men) (VP following))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-2 yourself) (VP killed (NP *-2) (PP for (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP does n't (VP concern (NP you))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP strode (PP-DIR past (NP the (ADJP now frightened) man))) , (VP entered (NP the house))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Miguel) and (NP Arturo Ramirez)) (VP remained (PP-LOC on (NP the veranda)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP-2 Harper) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP interfering))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The others) (VP followed (NP Brannon) (ADVP-DIR inside)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP trailed (NP him) (PP-DIR across (NP the wide hallway)) (PP-DIR to (NP the parlor)) , (NP-ADV (NP four (ADJP (ADJP roughly garbed) and (ADJP tough-looking)) men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP probably) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never before) (VP ventured (PP-DIR into (NP such a house)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP brought (PP-DIR to (NP it)) (NP (NP (NP all the odors) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP clung (PP to (NP (NP men) (PP like (NP themselves)))))))) , (NP (NP that) (PP (PP of (NP their own sweat)) , (PP of (NP campfire smoke)) , (PP of (NP horses and cattle)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP tracked (NP mud) (PP-LOC (PP on (NP the oaken floor)) , (PP on (NP the carpet)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their presence) (VP fouled (NP (NP the elegance) (PP of (NP that room)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ their arrival) (VP caught (S (NP-SBJ (NP John Clayton) and (NP Charles Ansley)) (PP-PRD off (NP guard)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The author) (PP of (NP the anonymous notes))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD all-knowing))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP left (S (NP-SBJ cattle) (ADJP-PRD alone)) (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP getting (NP their first notices))))))))) (VP had (VP received (NP no second)))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ (NP the day) (PP of (NP the deadline))) (VP came and passed)) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP scoffed (PP at (NP the warnings))))))) (VP laughed (PP with (NP satisfaction)))) .)) (TOP (S For , (PP with (NP a single exception)) , (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP had (VP happened (PP to (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The exception) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an Iron Mountain settler) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD William Lewis))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP walking (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP his corral))) (NP-TMP that morning)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP 'd (VP been (ADJP-PRD amazed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ the dust) (VP puff (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP his feet)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A split second) later) , (NP-SBJ (NP the distant crack) (PP of (NP a rifle))) (VP had (VP sounded)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP (VP mounted (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP immediately)) and (VP raced (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ a revolver) (ADJP-PRD ready))) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the spot) (SBAR (WHPP-1 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP estimated (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the shot) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR *T*-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP found (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all) (PP of (NP (NP the thickets and points) (PP of (NP cover))))) (VP deserted (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP no sign) (PP of (NP a rifleman))) and (NP (NP no track or trace) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD near))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lewis) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP made (NP a full-time job) (PP of (NP cow stealing)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had n't (ADVP even) (VP pretended (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP farming (NP his spread))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His land) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (VP plowed (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP (VP done (NP his rustling) (ADVP-MNR openly)) and (VP boasted (PP about (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP received (NP both (ADJP first and second) anonymous notices)))) , and (S (NP-TMP each time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP accused (NP-1 his neighbors) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP writing (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP (VP cursed (PP at (NP them))) and (VP threatened (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a man) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ those neighbors) (VP testified (ADVP-TMP later) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did n't (VP have (NP (NP a friend) (PP in (NP the world))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ William Lewis) (VP made (NP (NP the rounds) (PP of (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lived (ADVP-LOC near (NP him)))))))) (ADVP again) , (NP-TMP (NP that August morning) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ a bullet) (VP landed (PP-LOC at (NP his feet)))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP once more) (NP-SBJ he) (VP accused and threatened (NP everyone))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD ready) (NP-TMP next time))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP raged) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP shootin ' (ADVP right back)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP his chance) (NP-TMP the (ADJP very next) morning) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ exactly the same thing) (VP happened (ADVP again))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ Lewis) (VP had (NP his own rifle) (PP-LOC in (NP his hands)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP threw (NP some answering fire) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR at (NP the mysterious far-off shot))) , (ADVP then) (VP spent (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP the day))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP searching (PRT out) (NP the area)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (NP nothing))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP give (PRT up)) and (VP move (ADVP-DIR out))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP meet (PRT up) (PP with (NP that damned bushwhackin ' coward)) (ADVP face-to-face)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP exploded) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ask (NP *T*-1)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP got (NP that chance)) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ the unseen , ghostlike rifleman) (VP aimed (ADVP (NP a little) higher) (NP-TMP the third time))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A bullet) (VP smashed (ADVP directly) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP (NP William Lewis ') chest))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP slumped (PP-LOC against (NP a log fence rail))) , (ADVP then) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP lift (NP himself)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (QP Two more) shots) (VP followed (PP in (NP quick succession)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP dropping (NP-2 him) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD limp and huddled)) (PP-LOC on (NP the ground))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 An inquest) (VP was (VP held (NP *-1)))) , and (S (PP-TMP after (NP (NP a good deal) (PP of (NP (NP testimony) (PP about (NP the anonymous notes)))))) , (NP-SBJ the county coroner) (VP estimated (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the shooting) (VP had (VP been (VP done (NP *-2) (PP from (NP (NP a distance) (PP of (NP 300 yards))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Rumors) (PP of (NP (NP the offer) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Tom Horn) (VP had (VP made (NP *T*-2) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the Stockgrowers ') Association meeting))))))))) (VP had (VP leaked (ADVP out) (PP-TMP by (ADVP then))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP a grand jury investigation) (PP of (NP the murder))) (VP got (ADJP-PRD underway)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the prosecuting attorney) , (NP a Colonel Baird)) , (VP ordered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the tall stock detective) (VP be (VP summoned (NP *-1) (PP for (NP questioning)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP took (NP some time) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP locate (NP Horn))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADVP finally) (VP found (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the Bates Hole region) (PP of (NP Natrona County)) , (ADVP-LOC (NP two counties) away))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Prosecutor Baird) (ADVP immediately) (VP (VP assumed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP hiding (PRT out) (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-TMP after (NP the shooting))))))) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP preparing (NP an indictment))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 that indictment) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (VP made (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S-1 (NP-SBJ Tom Horn) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP turned (PRT out) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP had (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP rancher and cowboy witnesses)) (ADJP ready and willing (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP swear (PP with (NP straight faces)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Bates Hole)))) (NP-TMP (NP the day) (PP of (NP the killing)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The former scout 's) alibi) (VP could n't (VP be (VP shaken (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The authorities) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP release (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP immediately) (VP (VP rode (PRT on) (PP-DIR to (NP Cheyenne))) , (VP threw (NP a ten-day drinking spree)) and (VP dropped (NP some (ADJP very strong) hints) (PP among (NP friends)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP Dead center) (PP at (NP (QP three hundred) yards))) , (NP-SBJ that coroner) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP grin)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP (NP Three shots) (PP-LOC in (NP that fella))) (SBAR-TMP 'fore (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hit (NP the ground)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP reckon (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP two men) (PP-LOC in (NP this state)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP shoot (PP like (NP that))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Publicly) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP denied (NP everything)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Privately) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP created and magnified (NP (NP an image) (PP of (NP himself)) (PP as (NP a hired assassin)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ (NP a blood-chilling ring) (PP of (NP terror)) (PP to (NP (NP the very sound) (PP of (NP his name))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the tool) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP needed (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP (NP the job) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP 'd (VP promised (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-3)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tom Horn) (VP was (ADVP-TMP soon) (PP-PRD (ADVP back) at (NP work)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP giving (NP his secret employers) (NP (NP their money 's) worth)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A (ADJP good many) beef-hungry settlers) (VP were (VP accepting (NP (NP the death) (PP of (NP William Lewis))) (PP as (NP proof (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the warning notes) (VP were not (NP-PRD idle threats)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The company herds) (VP were (VP being (VP raided (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP less often))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP cabins and soddies) (PP-LOC (ADVP all) over (NP the range))) (VP were (VP standing (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP deserted (NP *-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP other homesteaders) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP passed (NP the Lewis murder) (PRT off) (PP as (NP (NP a personal grudge killing) , (NP (NP the work) (PP of (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his neighbors)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The rustling problem) (VP was (PP by (NP no means)) (VP solved (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (ADVP Even) in (NP (NP the very area) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the shooting) (VP had (VP been (VP done (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) , (NP-SBJ cattle) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (VP disappearing)) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (SINV (NP-LOC (NP (QP less than a dozen) miles) (PP-LOC from (NP (NP the unplowed land) (PP of (NP the dead man))))) (VP lived) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP another settler) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP ignored (NP the warnings (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 his existence) (VP might (NP be (VP foreclosed (PP on (NP *-2))))))))))))) -- (NP (NP a (ADJP blatant and defiant) rustler) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Fred Powell)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ Fred) (VP was (ADJP-PRD mighty crude (PP about (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP took (PRT in) (NP cattle) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) '' (NP-SBJ (NP his own hired man) , (NP Andy Ross)) , (VP mentioned (ADVP-TMP later) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (VP knew (NP it))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP sort of) (VP acted (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP care (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP knew (NP it)))))))) -- (SBAR-TMP (SBAR (ADVP even) after (S (NP-SBJ them notes) (VP came))) , (SBAR (ADVP even) after (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP heard (PP about (NP Lewis)))))) , (SBAR (ADVP even) after (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP 'd (VP been (VP shot (PP at (NP *-2)) (NP-TMP (NP a couple) (PP o ' (NP times))) (NP-ADV hisself))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP (NP the morning) (PP of (NP September 10 , 1895)))) , (NP-SBJ Powell and Ross) (VP (VP rose (PP-TMP at (NP dawn))) and (VP began (NP (NP their day 's) work))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Haying time) (VP was (ADVP-PRD close (PP at (NP hand))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP needed (NP some strong branches) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP repair (NP a hay rack)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Harnessing (NP a team) (PP to (NP a buckboard)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP drove (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP (NP a willow-lined creek) (ADVP-LOC (NP (QP about a) half-mile) off))))) , (ADVP then) (VP (VP climbed (ADVP-DIR down)) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP chopping))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Andy Ross) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP swinging (NP an ax) (PP at (NP his second willow)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the distant blast) (PP of (NP a rifle))) (VP sounded (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP looked (ADVP around) (PP in (NP surprise))) , (ADVP then) (VP noticed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Fred Powell) (VP was (VP clutching (NP his chest))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The hired man) (VP ran (ADVP-DIR over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (NP his boss))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 `` (INTJ My God) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP shot (NP *-1))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Powell) (VP gasped (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP collapsed) and (VP died (ADVP instantly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ross) (VP had (NP no intention (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP searching (PP for (NP the assassin))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP heaved (NP the dead man) (PP-DIR onto (NP the buckboard))) , (VP yelled and lashed (PP at (NP the team))) and (VP got (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP there))) (ADVP-MNR fast))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP brought (ADVP-DIR back) (NP (NP the sheriff) and (NP several deputies)))) , and (S (PP to (NP the lawmen)) (NP-SBJ the entire affair) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP a repetition) (PP of (NP the Lewis killing))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A detailed scouring) (PP of (NP the entire area))) (VP revealed (NP (NP nothing) (PP beyond (NP (NP a ledge) (PP of (NP rocks)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the rifleman 's) hiding place)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP no tracks) (PP of (NP either hoofs or boots)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADVP Not even) an empty cartridge case) (VP could (VP be (VP found (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Once again) , (NP-SBJ Tom Horn) (VP was (NP-PRD the (ADJP (ADJP first) and (ADJP most likely)) suspect))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP brought (ADVP-DIR in) (PP for (NP questioning)) (ADVP-TMP immediately)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once again) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP shook (NP his head)) , (VP (VP kept (S (S (NP-SBJ his face) (ADJP-PRD expressionless)) and (S (NP-SBJ his voice) (ADJP-PRD very calm))))) , and (VP had (S (NP-SBJ a (ADJP strongly supported) alibi) (ADJP-PRD ready)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP riding (ADVP-DIR in) (PP for (NP (NP some lusty enjoyment) (PP of (NP (NP the liquor) and (NP (NP professional ladies) (PP of (NP Cheyenne))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP laid (NP claim) (PP to (NP the killing)) (PP with (NP (NP the vague insinuations) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Exterminatin ' (NP cow thieves))) (VP is (ADVP just) (NP-PRD a business proposition) (PP with (NP me)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (ADVP-MNR blandly) (VP announce (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` And (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP sort o ') (VP got (NP (NP a corner) (PP on (NP the market)))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ-1 `` (NP-VOC Tom) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ a friend) (VP asked (NP him) (ADVP-TMP once) (SBARQ *T*-1))) ,) `` (WHADVP-2 how come) (SQ (NP-SBJ you) (VP bushwhacked (NP them rustlers) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP would n't (VP o ' (VP stood (NP (NP no chance) (PP with (NP you))) (PP in (NP a plain , straight-out shoot-down))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP lots) (PP of (NP friends))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (PP as (ADVP always))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP became (ADVP widely) (VP known (NP *-1) (PP as (NP a professional killer)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (ADJP nearly every) cowboy and rancher) (PP-LOC in (NP Wyoming))) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD proud (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP call (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD a friend))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP No man 's) name) (VP brought (NP more cheers) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP announced (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP a rodeo)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Well) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP explained (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP s'posin ' (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a nester) (VP swingin ' (NP the long rope))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (UCP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Which) (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP be (ADJP-PRD most scairt (PP of (NP *T*-1)))))) -- (NP (NP a dry-gulchin ') or (NP a shoot-down)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Yeah) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP see (NP that))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 the friend) (VP was (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP agree (S *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP just) (VP do n't (VP seem (ADJP-PRD sportin ') (ADVP somehow))) '' ! !)) (TOP (ADJP `` Sportin ' '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The tall sunburnt rustler-hunter) (VP stared (PP in (NP amazement))) .)) (TOP (ADJP `` Sportin ' '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP echoed (ADVP again) (PP in (NP soft wonder))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP seen (NP (NP a lot) (PP o ' (NP things))) (PP-TMP in (NP my time))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (NP (NP a trooper) (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (ADVP-TMP once) (SBAR-4 (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Apache) (VP had (VP spread-eagled (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP an ant hill)))))))) , and (S (NP-TMP another time) (NP-SBJ we) (VP ran (PRT across) (NP (NP some teamsters) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP (VP caught (NP *T*-3)) , (VP tied (NP *T*-3) (ADVP upside down) (PP-LOC on (NP their own wagon wheels)) (PP-LOC over (NP little fires)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-2 their brains) (VP was (VP exploded (NP *-2) (PP (ADVP right) out (PP o ' (NP their skulls))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (PP o ' (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Texas cattlemen) (VP (VP wrappin ' (NP a cow thief) (PRT up) (PP in (NP green hides))) and (VP lettin ' (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP (VP shrink (NP 'em)) and (VP squeeze (NP him) (PP to (NP death)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP (NP one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP (VP seen (NP *T*-1)) or (VP heard (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))) , (NP (NP one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-2)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a sportin ' way) (PP o ' (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP killin ' (NP a man))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP the first two murders)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the warning notes) (VP were (ADVP rarely) (VP ignored (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The lesson) (VP had (VP been (VP learned (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The examples) (VP were (ADJP-PRD plain)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Fred Powell 's) brother-in-law) , (NP Charlie Keane)) , (VP moved (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the dead man 's) home)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ the anonymous letter writer) (VP (VP took (NP no chances) (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP taking (PRT up) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ Fred) (VP had (VP left (PRT off) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))) and (VP wasted (NP no time) (PP on (NP (NP a first notice) : (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP leave (NP this country) (PP-TMP within (NP 3 days)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 your life) (VP will (VP be (VP taken (NP *-1) (NP-MNR (NP the same) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-4 Powell 's) (VP was (VP *?* (NP *-4)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the message) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP tacked (PP to (NP the cabin door))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Keane) (VP left , (PP-TMP within (NP three days))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (ADVP All) through (NP Albany and Laramie counties)) , (NP-SBJ other men) (VP were (VP doing (NP the same))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Houses) (PP of (NP (NP settlers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 'd (VP treated (NP the company herds) (PP as (NP (NP a natural resource) , (ADJP free (PP for (NP the taking)))))))))))) , (VP were (VP sitting (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD empty)) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ weeds) (VP growing (ADJP-PRD high) (PP-LOC in (NP their yards))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The small (ADJP half-heartedly tended) fields) (PP of (NP (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP 'd (VP spent (NP (NP more time) (PP *ICH*-4)) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP rustling (NP cattle))) (PP-4 than (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP farming)))))))))) (VP were (VP lying (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD fallow)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No cow thief) (VP could (VP count (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a jury) (PP of (NP his sympathetic peers))) (VP to (VP free (NP him)))) (ADVP-TMP any longer))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jury , judge and executioner) (VP were (VP riding (NP the range) (PP in (NP (NP the form) (PP of (NP (NP a single unknown figure) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP could (VP materialize (ADVP-LOC anywhere) , (PP-TMP at (NP any time)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP dispense (NP (NP an ancient brand) (PP of (NP justice)) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the men) (PP of (NP the new West))) (VP had (VP believed (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-3) (ADVP-TMP long) (VP outdated (NP *-4))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP three straight years)) , (NP-SBJ Tom Horn) (VP patrolled (NP the southern Wyoming pastures))) , and (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ-1 (WHNP-2 (WHADJP how many) men) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP killed (NP *T*-2) (PP-TMP after (NP Lewis and Powell)) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP killed (NP Lewis and Powell)))) -RRB-)))) (VP will (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (VP known (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP possible) , (ADVP although) (ADJP highly doubtful)) , (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP killed (NP none) (ADVP at all)) but (VP (ADVP merely) let (S (NP-SBJ his reputation) (VP work (PP for (NP him)))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP privately) (VP claiming (NP (NP every unsolved murder) (PP-LOC in (NP the state))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP possible) , but (ADJP equally doubtful)) , (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP actually) (VP shot (PRT down) (NP (NP the hundreds) (PP of (NP men)) (SBAR (WHPP-2 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ his legend) (VP credits (NP him) (PP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (S (NP-SBJ that legend) (VP was (VP growing (ADVP-MNR explosively)))) , (S (NP-SBJ Rumor) (VP was (VP insisting (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP received (NP (NP a price) (PP of (NP (NP $ 600 *U*) (NP-ADV a man))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-SBJ The best evidence) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP received (NP (NP a monthly wage) (PP of (NP (NP (QP about $ 125) *U*) , (NP (NP (ADJP very good) money) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP an era) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ top hands) (VP (VP worked (PP for (NP (NP $ 30 *U*) and (NP found)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))))))) -RRB- .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rumor) (VP had (NP it) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP slipped (NP two small rocks) (PP-LOC under (NP (NP each victim 's) head)) (PP as (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP trademark)))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A detailed search) (PP of (NP (NP old coroner 's) reports))) (VP fails (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP substantiate (NP this) (PP in (NP the slightest)))))) -RRB- .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One thing) (VP was (ADJP-PRD certain) -- (SBAR-ADV 0 (S (NP-SBJ his method) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP effective) , (ADJP (ADJP so effective) (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP after (NP a time)) (NP-SBJ even the warning notices) (VP were (ADVP-TMP often) (ADJP-PRD unnecessary)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The mere fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the tall figure) (PP with (NP the (NX (NX rifle) and (NX field glasses))))) (VP had (VP been (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP riding (NP-DIR that way))))))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP frighten (NP three rustling homesteaders) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the Upper Laramie country))) (PP-TMP in (NP a single week))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ My reputation) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP my stock) (PP in (NP trade))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Tom) (VP mentioned (S *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP more than) once)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP evidently) (VP could n't (VP foresee (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD his downfall) (PP in (NP the end)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP made (NP himself) (NP (NP the personification) (PP of (NP the Devil))) (PP to (NP the homesteaders)))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP (PP to (NP (NP the cattlemen) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP facing (NP (NP bankruptcy) (PP from (NP rustling losses)))))))))) and (PP to (NP (NP the cowboys) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP had (VP been (VP faced (NP *-1) (PP with (NP lay-offs)) (ADVP-TMP (NP a few years) earlier))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP becoming (NP-PRD (NP a vastly different type) (PP of (NP legendary figure))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Such ranchers) (PP as (NP (NP Coble) and (NP Clay) and (NP the Bosler brothers)))) (VP carried (NP him) (PP on (NP their books)) (PP as (NP a cowhand)) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP receiving (NP a much larger salary) (PP from (NP (NP parties) (ADJP unknown)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP their spreads) (NP his headquarters))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP helped (PRT out) (PP in (NP their roundups)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the cow camps)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Tom Horn) (VP was (VP regarded (NP *-1) (PP (PP as (NP a hero)) , (PP as (NP (NP the same kind) (PP of (NP (NP champion) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP entered (NP *RNR*-3)) and (VP (ADVP invariably) won (NP *RNR*-3)) (NP-3 the local rodeos) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The hands) and (NP their bosses)) (VP saw (NP him) (PP as (NP (NP a lone knight) (PP of (NP the range)) , (VP waging (NP (NP a dedicated crusade) (PP against (NP (NP a lawless new society) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP threatening (NP (NP a beloved way) (PP of (NP life)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The wailing , guitar-strumming minstrels) (PP of (NP the cattle kingdom))) (VP made (PRT up) (NP (NP songs) (PP about (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP 1898)) , (NP-SBJ-1 rustling losses) (VP had (VP been (VP driven (NP *-1) (ADVP down (PP to (NP (NP the lowest level) (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) seen (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP Wyoming))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (S (NP-SBJ several minutes) (VP had (VP passed))) and (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP had n't (VP emerged (PP-DIR from (NP the livery stable))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))) , (NP-SBJ Brenner) (VP (VP reentered (NP the hotel)) and (VP faced (NP Summers) (PP-LOC across (NP the counter)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP a little job) (PP for (NP you))) , (NP-VOC Charlie)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP wo n't (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP doing (NP me) (NP a small favor))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Brenner 's) voice) (VP was (ADJP-PRD oily))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 Summers) (VP was n't (VP fooled (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP moistened (NP his lips) (ADVP-MNR uneasily)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP it) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Brenner))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brenner) (VP shrugged (ADVP-MNR carelessly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD very simple)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP take (NP a message) (PP-DTV to (NP Diane Molinari)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR here) (PP-DIR to (NP the hotel)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (ADVP Vastly) (VP relieved (NP *-1))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Summers) (VP (VP nodded) and (VP started (PP-DIR toward (NP the door)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP One thing) , (NP-VOC Summers)) '' , (NP-SBJ Brenner) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 're (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP mention (NP my name))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 Curt Adams) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP her)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Summers) (VP (VP pulled (PRT up) (ADVP short)) , and (VP turned (ADVP around))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know) , (NP-VOC Mr. Brenner))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR haltingly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP an inkling) (PP of (NP (NP Brenner 's) plans))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP does n't (VP seem (ADJP-PRD quite right) , (S-NOM-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP telling (NP her) (NP (NP a thing) (PP like (NP that))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ-UNF Could n't (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His voice) (VP trailed (PRT off) (PP into (NP silence))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Brenner) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP smile))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD cold))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP turned) and (VP looked (ADVP around) (PP at (NP the lobby)) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP seeing (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (ADVP-TMP before) (VP noticed (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (PRN (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know)) ,) (NP-VOC Summers)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR thoughtfully)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Eagle 's) Nest) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP a fire company))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 someone) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP drop (NP a match) (PP-LOC in (ADVP here)))))))) , (NP-SBJ this place) (VP would (VP go (PRT up) (PP like (NP a haystack)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP started (PP-DIR toward (NP the stairway))) , (ADVP then) (VP turned (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP add , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP-2 her) (UCP (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Adams 's) room))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Adams) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP trouble))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hurry)))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Yes) (NP-VOC sir) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ His face) (ADJP-PRD pale)) , (NP-SBJ Summers) (VP headed (PP-DIR for (NP the street))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Curt 's) visit) (PP to (NP the livery stable))) (VP had (VP been (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD (NP a precaution) (SBAR in case (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP should (VP be (VP watching)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP paused (ADVP-TMP only long enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ascertain (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jess 's) buckskin) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD missing)))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his own gray) (VP was (ADJP-PRD all right)))))))))) , (ADVP then) (VP (VP climbed (PP-DIR through (NP a back window))) and (VP dropped (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the ground) (ADVP-LOC outside)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Jess 's) horse) (VP had not (VP been (VP returned (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP its stall)))))))) (VP could (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Diane 's) information) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD wrong)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP did n't (VP interpret (NP it) (NP-MNR this way)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP A man) (PP like (NP Jess))) (VP would (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a ready means) (PP of (NP escape))) (SBAR-ADV in case (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP needed (NP *-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Probably) (NP-SBJ his horse) (VP would (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD close (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP hiding (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP the barn)))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD a simple matter) (S-1 (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP reach (NP (NP Black 's) house) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP using (NP the street)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP (VP approached (NP the place) (ADVP-MNR cautiously)) , and (VP watched (NP it) (NP-TMP several minutes) (PP from (NP (NP the protection) (PP of (NP (NP a grove) (PP of (NP trees)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a light) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Black 's) front room))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ drawn curtains) (VP prevented (NP (NP any view) (PP of (NP the interior))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP (VP circled (NP the house)) and (VP located (NP (NP a barn) (ADVP-LOC out back)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP hear (NP (NP (S (NP-SBJ horses) (VP moving (ADVP around) (ADVP-LOC inside)))) , and (NP (NP nothing) (ADVP else))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP no lock) (PP on (NP the door))) , (NP (NP only an iron hook) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP unfastened (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP opened (NP the door)) and (VP went (ADVP-DIR in)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pulling (NP-2 it) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD shut)) (PP-LOC behind (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Again) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP stood (PP-LOC in (NP the darkness)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP listening)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP only) (NP-PRD (NP the scrape) (PP of (NP a shod hoof)) (PP-LOC on (NP a plank floor))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP moved (ADVP-DIR ahead) (ADVP-MNR carefully) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his left hand) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him)))))) , and (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP a wooden partition)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Horse smell) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very strong))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP hear (NP (NP the crunch) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 grain) (VP being (VP ground (NP *-1) (PP-LOC between (NP strong jaws)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP found (NP a match) (PP-LOC in (NP his pocket))) and (VP lit (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP two horses) (PP-LOC in (NP the barn))) , (NP (NP a sway-backed dun) and (NP (NP Jess Crouch 's) buckskin)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP snuffed (PRT out) (NP the match)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD certain) (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the house))))))) , but (SINV (ADVP also) , (ADVP presumably) , (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ Stacey Black)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Curt) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP-2 Jess) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD alone)) , (PP without (NP (NP interference) (PP from (NP (NP anyone) , (NP (NP even (ADJP as spineless) a person) (PP as (NP the store owner))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP studied (NP the problem) (PP-TMP for (NP a few seconds))) and (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP a means) (SBAR (WHPP-2 by (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP might (VP be (VP solved (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Reaching (PP-DIR across (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the stall)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP slapped (NP the buckskin) (PP-LOC on (NP the rump))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The startled animal) (VP (VP let (PRT out) (NP a terrified squeal)) and (VP thrashed (ADVP around) (PP-LOC in (NP the stall)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP had (VP hoped)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the house door) (VP banged (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP slapped (NP the buckskin) (ADVP again))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP kicked (ADVP-MNR wildly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its hoofs) (VP rattling (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the stall))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP (VP moved (ADVP-DIR over (PP beside (NP the door)))) and (VP waited)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Presently) (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ footsteps) (VP crossing (NP the yard))) , and (NP (NP Jess 's) smothered curses))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 The door) (VP swung (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD open)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP said (ADVP-MNR sourly) , `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What) (NP the hell)) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the matter) (PP with (NP you))))) ? ?) '')))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The horse) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP snort))))) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP doubted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP any animal) (VP belonging (PP to (NP Jess)))) (VP would (VP find (NP much reassurance) (PP in (NP (NP its owner 's) voice))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP (VP cursed (ADVP again)) , and (VP entered (NP the barn))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A match) (VP flared)) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP reached (PP-DIR above (NP his head)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP light (NP (NP a lantern) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP hung (PP-LOC from (NP a wire loop))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP crossed (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the stall))))))) , (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP (VP drew (NP his gun)) and (VP clicked (ADVP back) (NP the hammer))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TMP-TPC-1 Before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP try (NP anything)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR-TMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Remember (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP Gruller)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP caught (NP his breath) (PP in (NP surprise))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP reach (PP for (NP his gun)))))) , but (VP (ADVP apparently) thought (ADVP better) (PP of (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD the stuff))) '' , (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP hold (NP it) (NP-MNR that way)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP reached (ADVP out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP pull (NP-2 the door) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD shut))) and (VP fasten (NP it) (PP with (NP a sliding bolt))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You and I) (VP have (NP (NP a little talking) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-VOC Jess)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP wo n't (VP be (VP needing (NP this)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP moved (PRT up)) and (VP lifted (NP (NP Jess 's) pistol) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP its holster))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Damn (NP you) , (NP-VOC Adams))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jess) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP recover (PP from (NP his initial shock)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP ai n't (VP got (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (PP about (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP come (ADVP back) (PP-DIR in (NP the house)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Breed) (VP 's (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP-UNF to)))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Your trigger-happy brother) (VP is n't (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the house))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP About now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADVP probably) (VP having (NP supper))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP That long ride) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the four) (PP of (NP you))) (VP took (NP *T*-1))))) (VP must (VP 've (VP given (NP him) (NP a good appetite)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP turn (ADVP around) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP see (NP your face)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP turned) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD raw fury) (PP-LOC in (NP his eyes)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the veins) (PP of (NP his neck))) (VP were (VP swollen (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD (ADJP about as dumb) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP come)))) , (NP-VOC Adams)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (PP-PRD up (PP to (NP *T*-1)))))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S-UNF (NP-SBJ Brenner)))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP forget (PP about (NP Brenner)) , (ADVP too)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP Ben Arbuckle) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (PP about (NP *T*-2))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` Arbuckle '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP stiffened) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (NP (NP nothin ') (PP about (NP him))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP know (NP (NP anything) (PP about (NP (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP two-by-four))) (NP *ICH*-1)))) , (ADVP either) ; ; (NP-1 (NP one) (PP with (NP (NP (NP blood) (PP-LOC (ADVP all) over (NP it))) , (NP (NP Arbuckle 's) blood))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Curt 's) fingers) (VP put (NP (ADJP (NP-ADV a little) more) pressure) (PP-PUT on (NP (NP the trigger) (PP of (NP his gun))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (S-IMP So (NP-SBJ *) (VP help (NP me) , (NP-VOC Crouch))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP you) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP stand (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) , but , (S (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ-4 you) (VP admit (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP killing (NP him))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP talking))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP told (NP-2 you) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP it)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD Dutch Brenner) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP was (VP holding (NP (NP Jess 's) gun) (PP-LOC in (NP his left hand)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP drew (ADVP-DIR back) (NP his arm) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP slash (NP the gunbarrel) (PP-DIR across (NP (NP Jess 's) face)))))) , but (VP did n't (VP finish (NP the motion)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Pistol-whipping (NP an unarmed man))) (VP might (VP come (ADVP-MNR easy) (PP to (NP (NP someone) (PP like (NP Jess))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP could n't (VP bring (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP to (VP do (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP Apparently) (VP (VP sensing (NP this)) , and (VP realizing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP gave (NP him) (NP an advantage))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Jess) (VP became (ADJP-PRD bold)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Having (NP all the guns))) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD a big man)))) , (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ it) , (NP-VOC Adams)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP was both (VP armed (NP *-1))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP would n't (VP talk (ADVP-MNR so tough))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP (VP reached (ADVP out)) and (VP dropped (NP (NP Jess 's) pistol) (PP (ADVP back) into (NP the holster)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP retreated (NP-EXT a step)) and (VP holstered (NP his own))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG (ADJP All right) , (NP-VOC Crouch)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (PP-PRD on (NP even terms)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP draw) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sweat) (VP bubbled (PRT out) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Jess 's) swarthy face))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The fingers) (PP of (NP his right hand))) (VP twisted (PP into (NP a claw)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP reach (PP for (NP the gun))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Curt) , (ADJP angry enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) reckless))))) ,) (VP raised (NP-1 his hands) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV shoulder) high))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Does (NP-SBJ this) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD any easier)) , (NP-VOC coward)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (VP drawin ' (PP against (NP you))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR thickly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP outdrew (NP Chico) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD a gunslinger)) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (PP of (NP bastard)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP sneaks (PRT up) (PP on (NP a man)) (PP-DIR from (NP behind))) and (VP hits (NP him) (PP with (NP a club)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP just) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (ADVP so))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jess) (VP (VP stared (PP at (NP him)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP answering)))) and (VP let (S (NP-SBJ his hands) (VP fall (PP-DIR to (NP his sides)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP (VP found (NP (NP (NP Curt 's) weakness) , or (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (PP to (NP Jess)) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD a weakness)))))) , and (VP was (ADJP-PRD smart enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP advantage) (PP of (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Somewhere (PP in (NP the distance))) , (NP-SBJ a woman) (VP screamed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too involved (PP in (NP his own problems)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP much attention)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP talk))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP it) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-3 Stacey Black) (VP (VP got (ADJP-PRD curious)) and (VP came (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP investigate)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Once more) (NP-SBJ he) (VP lifted (NP (NP Jess 's) gun) (PP-DIR from (NP its holster)))) , (S (ADVP only) (NP-TMP this time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP tossed (NP it) (PP-DIR into (NP the stall)) (PP with (NP the frightened buckskin)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP dropped (NP his own) (PP-LOC beside (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP do (NP it) (NP-MNR another way)) , (ADVP then))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR harshly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jess 's) coarse features) (VP twisted (PP in (NP (NP a surprised grin) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP smashed (NP *-1) (PP out (PP of (NP shape))) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Curt 's) fist))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP a roar) (PP of (NP pain and fury)))) (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP made (NP his attack)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Curt) (VP (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP duck (PP-LOC beneath (NP (NP the man 's) flailing fist)))))) , and (VP drove (ADVP-DIR home) (NP (NP a solid left) (PP to (NP (NP Jess 's) mid-section))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hitting (NP (NP a sack) (PP of (NP salt))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Pain) (VP shot (PP-DIR up (NP (NP Curt 's) arm)) (PP-DIR (ADVP clear) to (NP the shoulder)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD hardly aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP hit (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP slammed (PP-DIR into (NP the wall))) , (VP bounced (ADVP-DIR back)) , and (VP caught (NP Curt) (PP with (NP (NP a roundhouse right) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP sent (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP spinning))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP (NP-ADV An inch) lower) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP have (VP knocked (NP him) (PRT out))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was))) , (S (NP-SBJ his vision) (VP blurred)) and (S (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ-2 his eyes) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP focus))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP charging (PP-DIR at (NP him)) (PP with (NP a pitchfork))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP twisted (PP-DIR to (NP one side)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the tines) (PP of (NP the fork))) (VP bit (PP into (NP the floor)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jess) (VP wasted (NP a few seconds) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP yank (NP-3 them) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD loose)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gave (NP Curt) (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stagger (PP to (NP his feet)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The tines) (VP broke (PRT off) (PP under (NP (NP Jess 's) twisting)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP swung (NP the handle) (PP in (NP an attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP knock (NP (NP Curt 's) brains) (PRT out)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His aim) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hurried))) ; ; so (S (NP-SBJ the pitchfork) (VP whistled (PP-DIR over (NP (NP Curt 's) head)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (ADVP now)) (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP was (VP seeing (ADVP-MNR clearly) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP stepped (PP-LOC inside (NP (NP Jess 's) guard))) and (VP landed (NP (NP two blows) (PP to (NP (NP the big man 's) belly))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP putting (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-1))))) (PP behind (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP double (PRT over)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ his head) (VP came (ADVP-DIR down) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP (VP grabbed (NP him) (PP by (NP the hair))) and (VP catapulted (NP him) (ADVP head first) (PP-DIR into (NP the wall)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The building) (VP shook , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP setting (NP-2 the lantern) (PP-3 to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP swaying)))) , and (VP (NP=2-4 the buckskin) (PP=3 to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP pitching (ADVP again)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Even (NP Black 's) old crowbait) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP snort))))) , and (S (PP from (NP the house)) (NP-SBJ Black) (VP yelled , `` (NP-VOC Jess ! !))))) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (VP going (PRT on) (PP-LOC out (ADVP there))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP did n't (VP seem (ADJP-PRD too sure) (NP-ADV himself))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP lurched (ADVP-MNR drunkenly) (PP to (NP his feet))) , (VP lowered (NP his head)) , and (VP took (NP one step) (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP the wall))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP caught (NP him) (ADVP-MNR flush) (PP-LOC on (NP the nose)) (PP with (NP (NP a blow) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP started (PP-LOC at (NP the floor)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP had (VP had (NP enough))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Blood) (VP gushed (PP-DIR from (NP his nose)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP backed (PRT off) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as rapidly) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP *?*))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stumbling (PP over (NP his own feet)) (PP in (NP his frantic haste (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP (NP Curt 's) fists)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (ADJP almost as bad) shape)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (VP quit))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP backed (NP Jess) (PP-DIR into (NP a corner))) , (VP grabbed (NP (NP a handful) (PP of (NP (NP the man 's) shirtfront)))) , and (VP drew (ADVP-DIR back) (NP his right fist))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP me) (PP about (NP Arbuckle))) ! !)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP killed (NP him))) , (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Brenner 's) idea))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Jess) (VP mumbled (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP dabbing (PP at (NP his nose))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (PRT out) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ you and Arbuckle) (VP talking)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 He) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP show (NP the town) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP start (NP trouble)))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (NP (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stood (PRT up) (PP for (NP his rights)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (PP of (NP the shirt)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP slumped (PP-DIR to (NP the floor)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Turning (NP his back))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Curt) (VP (VP crossed (PP-DIR to (NP the stall))) , (VP reached (ADVP over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP untie (NP (NP the buckskin 's) halter rope))))) , and (VP waved (NP his hand) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the animal 's) face)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The buckskin) (VP bolted (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the stall)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP (VP moved (ADVP-DIR in)) and (VP picked (PRT up) (NP his gun))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP shook (NP loose straw) (PP out (PP of (NP the action)))) , and (VP placed (NP the gun) (PP-PUT in (NP his holster)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leaving (NP Jess 's) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP lay (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP left (NP the stall)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (PRT up) , (NP-VOC Crouch)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (VP going (NP-DIR someplace))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (ADVP-MNR painfully) (VP got (PP to (NP his feet)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ someone) (VP rattled (NP the door))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD in (ADVP there)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Black) (VP called (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR fearfully)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Curt) (VP (VP opened (NP the door)) , (VP grabbed (NP Black) (PP by (NP the shoulder))) , and (VP pulled (NP him) (PP-DIR into (NP the barn)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (VP staying (ADVP-LOC right here) (PP-TMP for (NP a while)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This dirty coward) (ADVP just) (VP admitted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP killing (NP Arbuckle)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP tell (NP it) (PP-DTV to (NP (NP somebody) (ADVP else)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP shoved (NP Black) (PP-DIR toward (NP the stall))) , and (VP pointed (NP his pistol) (PP at (NP Jess)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (PP out (PP of (NP here)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (VP coming (ADVP along) (ADVP-MNR peacefully)))) , or (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP put (NP a bullet) (PP-PUT in (NP your leg))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP stumbled (PP-DIR through (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Curt) (VP followed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP reaching (PP-LOC behind (NP him)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP shut (NP the door)) and (VP hook (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Black) (VP would (VP have (NP (NP little trouble) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP getting (ADVP-DIR out))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP delay (NP him) (NP-TMP a few minutes)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ 're (NP-SBJ you) (VP takin ' (NP me) (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Jess) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR worriedly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Marshal Woods 's) house)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the marshal) (VP hears (NP this) (NP-ADV himself)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 'll (VP make (NP a difference))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Somebody) (PP-LOC in (NP this town))) (VP must (ADVP-TMP still) (VP have (NP some backbone))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Over (NP his shoulder)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP (NP Max 's) loose grin) and (NP (NP the Burnsides ') glowering faces)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC-TPC-1 Honey) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP whispered (NP-VOC *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (ADVP-TMP (ADVP Soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP send (NP them) (PP on (NP their way))) and (VP make (NP camp)))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ (NP 's) (NP you and me)) (VP go (PP for (NP a walk)) (ADVP-LOC down (PP by (NP the Snake))) -- (PP (ADVP all) by (NP ourselves))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-VOC Sally) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP admonished (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ her mother)) ,) `` (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP all evening) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP visit (PP with (NP Dan)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His wounds) (VP need (NP dressing) (ADVP-TMP now)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mrs. Jackson 's) words) (VP recalled (NP Dan) (PP to (NP (NP his lack) (PP of (NP (NP fitness) (PP for (NP courting))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 What a spectacle) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (UCP-PRD (VP caked (NP *-2) (PP with (NP dirt and sweat and blood))) , (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP filthy) (PP as (NP a pig))) and (ADJP (ADJP naked) (PP as (NP an Indian)))) , (VP kissing (NP (NP (NP the finest (NX *RNR*-4)) , (NP the sweetest (NX *RNR*-4)) , (NP the bravest (NX *RNR*-4)) , and (NP absolutely the prettiest (NX *RNR*-4)) (NX-4 girl)) (PP-LOC in (NP this whole wonderful world))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP released (NP her) (ADVP-MNR reluctantly) (PP for (NP (NP her enthusiastic reunion) (PP with (NP Old Hap))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Got (NP (NP a lot) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tend (PP to (NP *T*-1))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (ADVP back) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP quick) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP *?*))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP assured (NP her) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dan) (VP could (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ (NP Clayton Burnside) and (NP Eben Jackson)) (VP summing (PRT up) (NP (NP their final reckoning) (PP for (NP (NP rental) (PP on (NP the oxen))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jackson) (VP was (VP doing (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP the talking))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP So long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ (NP Sally 's) pa) (VP was (VP coming (PRT out) (ADVP best) (PP on (NP the haggle))))))) , (NP-SBJ Dan) (VP did n't (VP feel (NP-PRD (NP the need) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP putting (PRT in) (NP (QP his two-bits ') worth))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP Soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the Burnsides) (VP moved (PRT on) (ADVP-TMP *?*))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP lead (NP Rex) (PP-DIR down (PP by (NP the river)))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-LOC there) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP shave and scrub (NP himself) (PRT up) (PP for (NP the evening))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Damn (NP it))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP thought (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR bitterly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP picking (PRT up) (NP his shirt)) and (VP staring (PP at (NP (NP the fresh bullet hole) (PP-LOC in (NP the sleeve)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP got (S (NP-SBJ-2 Nate) (VP stopped (NP *-2))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 my duds) (VP 'd all (VP be (VP shot (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP plumb) to (NP hell))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stooped) , (VP picked (PRT up) (NP his ruined hat)) , and (VP pursed (NP his lips) (ADVP-MNR thoughtfully))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the wound) (PP-LOC in (NP his head))) (VP was (VP itching (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ Dan) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP heal))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ his only hat) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADVP else)) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-VOC-TPC-1 `` Nate ! ! Nate '' ! !) (NP-SBJ He) (VP shouted (NP-VOC *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Burnsides) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP roll)))))) , (VP were (ADVP purposefully) (ADJP-PRD deaf (PP to (NP his cry)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-VOC-TPC-1 `` Nate '' ! !) (NP-SBJ He) (VP bellowed (NP-VOC *T*-1) (PP to (NP (NP the retreating back) (PP-LOC (ADVP directly) in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP ai n't (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fight (NP you)))) (ADVP no more))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Nate) (VP turned (NP his head) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP attempting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP speak (PP in (NP a soothing voice)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ai n't (VP *?*))))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ-1 Dan) (VP affirmed (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feeling (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV ten feet) tall)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP moved (ADVP in) (ADVP-LOC close)) , (VP jerked (NP the handsome , broad-brimmed beaver hat) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP Nate 's) head))) and (VP clamped (NP it) (PP-LOC on (NP his own)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Here) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a present) (PP for (NP you))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shoving (NP his bullet-riddled hat) (ADVP down) (PP-LOC over (NP (NP Nate 's) purpling forehead))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Me and you) (VP 's (VP trading (NP hats) (SBAR-PRP so 's (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP have (NP (NP something) (ADJP permanent) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remember (NP me) (PP by (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Sally) (VP left (NP her choring) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stand (PP-LOC beside (NP Dan)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Slipping (NP her hand) (PP-DIR in (NP his)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-MNR silently) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ the Burnsides) (VP (VP make (NP (NP the bend) (PP-LOC in (NP the road)))) and (VP disappear (PP from (NP sight)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP *?*)))) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (ADVP forward) (PP to (NP *T*-3))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP begrudge (NP (NP a moment) (PP of (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP spent (NP *T*-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP seeing (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP go)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP first)) (NP-SBJ Matilda) (VP could not (VP believe (NP her own eyes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (VP spent (NP too many hours) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP (VP looking (ADVP ahead)) , (VP hoping and longing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP catch (NP (NP even a glimpse) (PP of (NP Dan))))))) and (VP finding (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP emptiness)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP see (S (NP-SBJ-1 him) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (ADJP-PRD uncommon handsome))) , (VP standing (ADVP-LOC there (PP beside (NP (NP Sally Jackson) and (NP her folks)))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP their trail-worn wagon)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seeing (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP waiting (ADVP-LOC there (PP at (NP (NP the foot) (PP of (NP Emigrant Rock))))))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so overwhelming) (SBAR that , (S (PP-TMP for (NP (NP a good minute) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP rounded (NP the bend)) and (VP started (PP-DIR down (NP (NP the grade) (VP leading (PP-DIR toward (NP them))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Matilda) (VP could not (VP speak (ADVP at all))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP with (NP (NP a glory) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP almost) (VP wiped (PRT out) (NP (NP the deep , downward sags) (PP-LOC in (NP her careworn face)))))))) , (NP-SBJ Matilda) (VP (VP leaned (PP-DIR over (NP the wheel))) and (VP shouted (PP to (NP (NP Hez) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (VP stumbling (ADVP along) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the heat) and (NP the dust))) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the opposite side) (PP of (NP the wagon)))))))))))))) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Pa ! !)) (TOP (NP-VOC Pa ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP see (NP Dan))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (PP-PRD with (NP the Jacksons))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-4 `` (WHNP What) (PP about (NP Burnsides)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ (NP Hez) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP asked (FRAG *T*-4) , (SBAR-3 (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP believed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP have (NP (NP them) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP lick (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP ai n't (ADVP even) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP sight))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ She) (VP replied (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (ADVP then)) (S (NP-SBJ Hez) (VP could (VP see (PP for (NP himself))))) , and (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 so) (VP could (VP *?* (ADVP-PRD *T*-1))) (NP-SBJ the others)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Soon) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were all (VP (VP shouting (NP greetings)) , (VP exchanging (NP smiles)) , and (VP rejoicing (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were all (ADVP-PRD back together) (ADVP again)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP even a reunion) (ADJP (ADJP as joyous) (PP as (NP this one)))) (VP did not (VP make (NP (NP a break) (PP in (NP (NP the routines) (PP of (NP the day))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor could (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP stop) and (VP find (PRT out) (PP about (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened))))))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP made (NP circle)) , (VP tended (NP the cattle)) , (VP tethered (NP the horses)) , (VP gathered (NP fuel)) , (VP carried (NP water)) , and (VP started (NP their cooking fires)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP (ADVP Then) , and (ADVP only then)) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Jacksons) and (NP Dan)) (PP-PRD as (NP (NP their true guests) (PP of (NP honor)))))) , did (NP-SBJ-1 the Harrows) (VP take (NP time) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP catch (PRT up) (PP on (NP the news)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP (ADVP No sooner) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) did (NP-SBJ they) (VP hear (PP of (NP (NP Dan 's) injury)) (SBAR-1 than (S (NP-SBJ both Gran and Matilda) (VP went (PP into (NP immediate action)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The wound) (PP-LOC in (NP his scalp))) (VP was (VP (VP examined (NP *-1)) , (VP pronounced (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP healing))) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR well) doctored (NP *-1) (PP with (NP simples))) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP dished (PRT up) (NP the victuals)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (PP From (ADVP then)) (ADVP on)) , (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (PP with (NP (NP the traditions) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP followed (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP since (NP childhood))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the whole group) (VP settled (PRT down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP relish (NP their food))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Even Sally) , (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP her (NX (NX gaiety) and (NX obvious welcome)))))) , (VP followed (NP (NP the old taboo) (PP of `` (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP quitting (NP the gab) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP wearing (NP the nosebag) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP their supper)) , (NP-SBJ the evening) (VP turned (PP into (NP a regular `` Hoe-Down ''))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Only) , (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-MNR carefully) (VP substituted (NP old country folk dances) (PP for (NP (NP (NP the Virginia Reels) and (NP square dances)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADJP-PRD so popular) (PP-LOC among (NP (NP (ADJP more worldly) trains) (PP-LOC in (NP the great westward migration)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV with (S (S (NP-SBJ Bill O'Connor) (PP-PRD on (NP the fiddle))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Gran Harrow) (ADVP-MNR exuberantly) (VP shouting (NP `` (S-TTL (NP-SBJ Glory) (VP Be)) '' and `` (NP-TTL Hallelujah) '') (PP above (NP (NP their united chant) (PP of (NP the lilting old ballads)))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP played (NP their quaint folk games) (PP with (NP (NP all the fervor and abandon) (PP of (NP a real celebration))))) .)) (TOP (SQ-1 `` (INTJ-TPC Golly) '' (PRN , (NP-SBJ Rod) (VP exclaimed (SQ *T*-1) (PP to (NP Harmony)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-MNR dutifully) (VP stood (PP-LOC by (NP her side)) (PP-LOC among (NP the ringed spectators)))))) ,) `` do n't (NP-SBJ that fiddle) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the Bible) (VP did n't (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP us) (NP Baptists)) (VP ca n't (VP dance))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 Nor (NP Methodists) , (ADVP neither)) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP replied (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP matters (PP to (NP-1 me)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (ADVP-PRD (ADVP this far) along)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rod) (VP gave (NP her) (NP (NP a warm pat) (PP-LOC on (NP the shoulder))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP replied)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TMP (SINV (VP Come) (NP-SBJ spring))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP be (VP (VP kicking (PRT up) (NP your heels)) and (VP feeling (ADJP-PRD coltish) (ADVP again) (ADVP too)) , (NP-VOC gal)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP (NP these words) (PP of (NP sympathy and understanding)))) , (NP-SBJ Harmony) (VP said (ADVP-MNR generously) , `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP setting (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP along (PP with (NP Gran))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP join (PP in (NP the games))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rod) (VP shifted (NP his eager eyes) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the milling group) (PP-LOC out (PP in (NP the circle))))) (ADVP-TMP long enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reply , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD (NP much) (PP of (NP (NP a hand) (PP for (NP (NP Dare-Base) and (NP Farmer-in-the-Dell)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (ADVP sure) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (PRT in) (PP on (NP the handhold and wrestles))))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP looked (ADVP down) (PP at (NP his big hands))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR slowly) flexed (NP his long fingers))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP reckon (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP nobody) (PP-LOC out (ADVP there)) , (PP 'cept (ADVP maybe) (NP Dan)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP outgrip (NP me))))))))) , (NP-VOC Harmony))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (S (NP-SBJ Rod) (PP-PRD on (NP his way))) and (S (NP-SBJ Matilda) (VP visiting (PP with (NP Mrs. Jackson)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP searched (PRT out) (NP familiar names) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the face) (PP of (NP the cliff))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Harmony) (VP (VP settled (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the grub box)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ease (NP (NP the pressure) (PP of (NP her swollen body)) (PP-LOC on (NP her bone-weary legs))))))) , and (VP worried (PP about (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP have (VP happened (PP to (NP Sally))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD deeply thankful (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP see (NP-1 her) (ADVP-TMP now) , (PP-LOC out (ADVP there)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the midst) (PP of (NP a gay , youthful circle)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP skipping) and (VP singing , `` (NP (NP (NP Farmer) (PP-LOC in (NP the dell))) , (NP (NP Farmer) (PP-LOC in (NP the dell))) , (INTJ Heigh-ho) (NP the dairy-oh) , (NP (NP the farmer) (PP-LOC in (NP the dell)))) ''))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP (NP the sight) (PP of (NP (NP Sally 's) (NX (NX happy face) and (NX carefree expression)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Harmony 's) dark , brooding eyes) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (VP brightened (PP with (NP unshed tears))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP glad (S *RNR*-1)) , (ADJP (ADVP completely and unselfishly) glad (S *RNR*-1)) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP were (VP working (PRT out) (NP-MNR the right way) (PP for (NP both Sally and Dan))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 she) (ADVP really) (VP (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP (NP a step) further))))) and (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP just) as right) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *?*) (PP (PP for (NP her)) and (PP for (NP Rod)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP *?* , (ADVP-TMP not yet))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP the memory) (PP of (NP (NP her folks) and (NP the lost Conestoga)))) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP holding (NP her) (ADVP close)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Out (PP in (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the circle))))) (NP-SBJ (NP the farmer) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD Dan))))) , (VP wasted (NP no time) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP came (PP to (NP (NP the line) , `` (S (NP-SBJ The farmer) (VP choose (NP his wife))) '')) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP a swift swoop) (PP of (NP his big arms)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP grabbed (NP Sally) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP the circle) (VP surrounding (NP him)))))) , (CONJP and then) (VP kissed (NP her) (ADVP-MNR soundly) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP setting (NP her) (PRT down) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP stand (PP-LOC by (NP his side)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-MNR jointly) (VP chose (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP their `` outfit ''))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Soon) (NP-SBJ (NP the child) , (NP the dog) , (NP the cat) and (NP even the cheese)) , all (VP joined (NP them) (PP-LOC out (ADVP there)) (PP-LOC in (NP the circle))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (ADVP now)) (NP-SBJ Harmony) (VP could (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP the adults) (PP-LOC in (NP the train))))) (VP were (UCP-PRD (ADJP winded) and (VP resting) , or (ADVP else) (VP siphoned (NP *-1) (ADVP off (PP from (NP the games))) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the challenging lure) (PP of (NP (NP the great cliff) (VP towering (PP-LOC above (NP them)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP No matter (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how many) registry rocks) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP *T*-1)) (PP on (NP this journey)))))) , (NP-SBJ each one) (VP exerted (NP its own appeal)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Even strange names) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP feel (ADVP-PRD (ADVP closer) (PP to (NP (NP some kind) (PP of (NP civilization)))))))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-TPC-2 *) (VP stumbled (PP across (NP *T*-2)) (PP-LOC out (ADVP here)) (PP-LOC in (NP this wilderness)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Already) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a few hardy folk) (PP from (NP their own train))) (VP were (ADVP-MNR zealously) (VP chipping (ADVP away) (PP at (NP the register rocks)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving (NP their own records) (ADVP along (PP with (NP (NP those) (VP made (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS the earlier trains)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Soon) (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-1 Rod and Hez) (VP moving (ADVP-DIR over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP join (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP (ADVP No sooner) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (SINV were (NP-SBJ-2 they) (ADVP-PRD through)) and (SINV (NP-SBJ=2-1 the guards) (VP posted (NP *-1))) , (SBAR-3 than (S (NP-SBJ the whole camp) (VP turned (PRT in) (PP for (NP (NP a night) (PP of (NP sound sleep))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP Matilda)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the first) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP known (NP *T*-1) (PP-TMP in (NP many a night)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Even the knowledge (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP losing (NP another boy) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ a mother) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP does (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 a marriage) (VP is (VP made (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))))) , (VP did not (VP prevent (NP-4 her) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP having (NP (NP the first carefree , dreamless sleep) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP known (NP *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP dropped (PP-DIR (PP down (NP the canyon)) and (PP into (NP Bear Valley))) , (ADVP-LOC (ADVP way , way back) there) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP crossing (NP those other mountains) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Next morning) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP moved (PRT on) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-2 `` My souls ' a-gracious '' ! !) (NP-SBJ-1 Gran Harrow) (VP exclaimed (INTJ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (NP their rippling muscles) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Rod and Dan) (VP swung (NP her) (PP-DIR up (PP into (NP the load))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ A body) (VP would (VP swear (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP floated (PP-DIR (ADVP right) up (ADVP here)) (PP-LOC on (NP a cloud))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rod and Dan) (VP (VP released (NP (NP their holds) (PP on (NP (NP the arms) (PP of (NP her hickory rocker)))))) and (VP exchanged (NP embarrassed grins))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Shucks) , (NP-VOC Gran)) '' , (NP-SBJ they) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (PP (ADVP almost) in (NP unison))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADVP at all))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leaning (ADVP forward) (PP-LOC in (NP her chair)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Gran) (ADVP-MNR nearsightedly) (VP scrutinized (NP (NP Dan 's) face)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-3 How) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ-2 Sally) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP rubbin ' (PP agin (NP (NP that thar little ticklebrush) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ ye) (VP 're (VP a-raising (NP *T*-1))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Quit (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ragging (NP him))) , (NP-VOC Gran))) '' , (NP-SBJ Rod) (VP protested (S-IMP *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (VP ragging (NP him))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gran) (VP peered (ADVP again) (PP at (NP (NP the week-old blond mustache) (VP shadowing (NP (NP Dan 's) upper lip))))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (INTJ honest-to-Betsy) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP seed (NP (NP more hair) (PP than (NP that))) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a piece) (PP o ' (NP bacon)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The two tall brothers) (VP waited (ADVP-MNR silently) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ their mother) (VP (VP handed (NP Gran) (NP her (NX (NX cold snack) and (NX water jug)))) , (VP placed (NP the chamber pot) (PP-LOC beside (NP her feet))) , and (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP (NP her place) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the front) (PP of (NP the wagon)))) (PP with (NP Alice))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-4 `` (NP-SBJ Rheumatics) (ADJP-PRD worse) , (NP-VOC Pa) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Dan) (VP asked (NP (NP Hez) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP limped (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR from (NP his team)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hold (NP the notched-stick chair braces) (PP in (NP place)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ his boys) (VP (VP swung (ADVP-DIR up) (NP the tailgate)) and (VP tied (NP-3 it) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD tight)) (PP-LOC at (NP the ends)))))))))))))) (FRAG *T*-4)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ My right leg) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP stiff) (PP as (NP a board))) (NP-TMP this morning))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP replied (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP 'll (VP fry (NP it) (PP out'n (NP me)) (SBAR-TMP onct (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP git (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP rolling)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The three men) (VP stepped (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP the side))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wait (PP for (NP (NP Captain Clemens ') signal)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hez) (VP (VP looked (ADVP up) (PP at (NP (NP the high face) (PP of (NP (NP Emigrant Rock) , (NP (NP official signboard) (PP for (NP the Raft River turnoff)))))))) , and (VP gloated , `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP *) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP Seems (ADJP-PRD funny) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ them Burnsides) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP took (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (NP their John-Henry) (PP-LOC up (ADVP thar)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wonder (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP hurry (ADVP so)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Rod) (VP drawled (S *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP giving (NP Dan) (NP a sly wink)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dan) (VP (VP grinned) , and (VP changed (NP the subject))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP-TMP (PP From (NP now)) (ADVP on)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Sally) and (NP me) and (NP her folks)) (VP aim (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP give (NP you) (NP our turn) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP comes (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) and (VP fall (PRT in) (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP you and Rod 's) outfit))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ai n't (NP (NP no sense) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ you) (VP eating (NP our dust)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Rod) (VP protested (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Sally) and (NP her ma)) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP trade (PRT off)))) (PP-PRP on (NP (NP account) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Harmony) (VP being (ADVP-PRD (ADVP so far) along)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Dan) (VP explained (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Jackson) (VP recruited (NP his critters))) , and (S (NP-SBJ him and me) (VP fixed (PRT up) (NP his wagon) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP was (VP waiting (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP catch (PRT up))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP got (NP (NP the tightest running gear) (PP-LOC in (NP the train))) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ (NP 't-) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP ai n't (ADJP-PRD (ADJP no more) (PP 'n (ADJP right))) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP follow (PP with (NP my black oxen)))))) , (SBAR-PRP so 's (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP (VP unhook) and (VP pull (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR fast)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP either) (PP of (NP you))) (VP get (PP in (NP a pinch)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Captain Clemens ') signal shot) (VP sent (S (NP-SBJ the men) (VP hurrying (PP-DIR to (NP their waiting teams))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Reckon (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ ye) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD right)))) , (NP-VOC Dan))) '' , (NP-SBJ Hez) (VP called (ADVP back) (PP over (NP his shoulder)) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP shore) (VP be (VP needing (NP ye both) (PP on (NP (NP the pull) (PP out (PP o ' (NP the canyon)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rod) (VP looked (ADVP-MNR apprehensively) (ADVP ahead) (PP at (NP the narrowing , precipice-walled gorge))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-4 (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP 'll (VP double (NP teams) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP zigzagging (PP-DIR up (NP the mountain)))) , (NP-VOC Harmony)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP spoke (S *T*-4) (ADVP-MNR reassuringly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP concerned (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the pinched look) (PP-LOC around (NP her mouth))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Like enough) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll all (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD up (PP on (NP top))) (PP-TMP by (NP sundown)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Out (PP of (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP his eye))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP his father 's) wheels) (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ Harmony) (VP had (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reply))))))) , (NP-SBJ Rod) (VP cracked (NP his long whip) (PP over (NP (NP his thin oxen 's) backs))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV While (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP no larger) (PP than (NP Dutch Springs))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 this mining supply town) (VP had (NP (NP the appearance) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD (ADJP far busier) and (ADJP more prosperous))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Men) (VP crowded (NP the streets))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP freight rigs) and (NP teams)) (VP were (VP moving (ADVP about)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP maintain (NP a sharper watch)))))))) , (NP-SBJ this activity) (VP enabled (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP to (VP (VP ride (ADVP-DIR in)) and (VP rack (NP their broncs)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 any particular attention) (VP being (VP paid (NP them) (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ Gyp) (VP 'll (VP be (VP holdin ' (ADVP forth) (PP-LOC in (NP some bar)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (ADVP at all)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Cobb) (VP declared (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP glancing (PP along (NP the street)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP stretched (NP their legs))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (QP no less than six or seven) saloons) (PP-LOC in (NP Ganado)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) not (VP counting (NP the lower class dives))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ all) (VP vying (PP for (NP (NP the trade) (PP of (NP celebrating miners and teamsters))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (ADVP only) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP (NP one side) (PP of (NP the street))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP the other))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP proposed (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP spot (NP Carmer)))) (NP-SBJ *) (VP give (NP a yell) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP move (ADVP in))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Cobb 's) assent) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tight)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP do (NP the same)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ask (NP *T*-1))))) , (NP-VOC Stevens)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Separating)) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP took (NP (NP different sides) (PP of (NP the main drag)))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR systematically) combed (NP the bars))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Russ) (VP visited (NP two places) (PP without (NP result)))) and (S (NP-SBJ his blood pressure) (VP was (PP-PRD down (PP to (NP zero))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP seemed (PP to (NP him)) (ADJP-PRD insane) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP might (VP hope (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP locate (NP Gyp Carmer) (ADVP-MNR so casually)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV (SINV (ADVP even) (VP were (S *ICH*-4)) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP prove (NP-PRD the thief))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP tramped (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the Miners Rest))) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his hopes) (VP plummeting)))) , and (VP headed (ADVP-MNR doggedly) (PP for (NP (NP the Palace Saloon) , (NP (NP the last place) (PP of (NP any consequence)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP this side) (PP of (NP the street))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Palace) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an elaborate establishment) , (VP built (NP *) (PP-LOC (ADVP practically) on (NP stilts)) (PP-LOC in (NP front))) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP long flights) (PP of (NP wooden steps))) (VP running (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the porch)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Behind (NP its ornate facade)) (NP-SBJ the notorious dive) (VP clung (PP like (NP (NP a bird 's) nest)) (PP to (NP (NP the rocky ribs) (PP of (NP the canyonside))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Russ) (VP ran (PP-DIR up (NP the steps)) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (PP-DIR to (NP the plank porch))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The front windows) (PP of (NP the place))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD long and narrow) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP reaching (PP (ADVP nearly) to (NP the floor))) and (VP affording (NP (NP an (ADJP unusually good) view) (PP of (NP the interior))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Heading (PP for (NP the batwings)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Cobb) (VP (VP glanced (ADVP-MNR perfunctorily) (PP through (NP the nearest window))) , and (VP (ADVP suddenly) dodged (ADVP-DIR aside))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Nerves) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP tight) (PP as (NP a bowstring)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP paused (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP gather (NP his wits))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Against (NP all expectation)) , (NP-SBJ-3 Carmer) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD inside) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP clearly) (VP enjoying (NP himself) (PP to (NP the hilt)))) and (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP-TMP already) (ADJP-PRD so tipsy (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD unlikely) (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP bothering (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP note (NP (NP anything or anyone) (PP-LOC about (NP him))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fierce anger) (VP surged (PP through (NP Russ))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP fought (PRT down) (NP the impulse (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP rush (ADVP-DIR in)) and (VP collar (NP the vicious puncher) (PP-LOC on (NP the spot)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Reaching (NP (NP the porch rail) (PP-LOC beyond (NP (NP view) (PP of (NP the bar windows))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP-MNR feverishly) (VP scanned (NP (NP the busy street) (ADVP-LOC below))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stevens) (VP was (ADVP-PRD nowhere (PP in (NP sight)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Muffling (NP an exclamation))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Russ) (VP (VP sprang (PP-DIR to (NP the nearest steps))) and (VP ran (ADVP-DIR down))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ luck) (VP had (NP it)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (VP gone (NP-EXT twenty feet) (PP-LOC in (NP the street)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP appeared))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 `` (WHNP What luck) , (NP-VOC Cobb) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR swiftly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Russ) (VP pointed (ADVP-DIR upward)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP got (S *T*-2) (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR tersely) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP curbing (NP his rising excitement)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Hitching (NP his cartridge belt) (ADVP around))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Pat) (VP (VP glanced (ADVP upward) (ADVP briefly) (PP at (NP the Palace))) and (VP started (NP-DIR that way) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ Cobb) (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP his side)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Climbing (NP the steps) (ADVP-MNR steadily))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP reached (NP the top)) and (VP headed (PP for (NP the door)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP pushed (ADVP-DIR through) (ADVP-TMP first)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Forced (NP *-1) (PP-LOC behind (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP momentarily))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Russ) (VP (VP followed (PP-TMP at (ADVP once))) and (VP halted (ADVP-LOC (NP two steps) inside))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP widened) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (ADVP-TMP (NP five minutes) ago) (NP-SBJ the place) (VP had (VP presented (NP (NP a scene) (PP of (NP easy revelry))) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ Gyp Carmer) (NP-PRD a prominent figure))))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as somnolent and dull) (PP as (NP (NP the day) (PP-TMP before (NP payday)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Carmer) (NP himself)) (VP was (S (ADVP-LOC nowhere) (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP seen (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A man) (VP knocked (NP the roulette ball) (PRT about) (ADVP-MNR idly) (PP-LOC in (NP its track)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ another) (VP dozed (PP-LOC at (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the card tables)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Two men) (VP murmured (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ their heads) (ADVP-PRD together))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the bar)))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the sleek-headed bartender) (ADVP-MNR absently) (VP polished (NP a glass))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Looking (NP the setup) (PRT over))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Stevens) (VP started (ADVP-MNR coolly) (PP for (NP (NP the rear) (PP of (NP the place))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ (NP-SBJ yuh) (VP goin ' (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD the barkeep)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Halting)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Pat) (VP turned (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP survey (NP him) (ADVP-MNR deliberately))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did not (VP reply , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP going (PRT on) (PP-DIR toward (NP the back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP Less assured) (PP than (NP (NP the tall , wide-shouldered man) (PP in (NP the lead)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Cobb) (VP followed (ADVP-MNR alertly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ a hand) (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP his gun butt)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bartender) (VP (VP measured (NP this situation) (PP with (NP heavy eyes))) and (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wanted (NP (NP no part) (PP of (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (NP no more)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A hall) (VP opened (PP-LOC in (ADVP back (PP of (NP the bar)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP running (PP toward (NP an ell))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP moved (PP-DIR into (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Small rooms) , (PP (ADVP probably) for (NP cards))) , (VP opened (ADVP off) (PP-LOC on (NP either side))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All the doors) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD open) (PP-TMP at (NP this hour)) (PP-1 except (NP one)))) , and (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-DIR-PRD toward (NP this)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Stevens) (VP made (NP his way) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ Russ) (ADVP-LOC-PRD close (PP at (NP his shoulder)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The door) (VP was (VP locked (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A single kick) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP spring (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shuddering))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ Gyp Carmer) (VP staggering (ADVP-DIR forward) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 a half-filled bottle) (VP upraised (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP strike))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Russ) (VP sprang (ADVP through) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bat (NP it) (ADVP-MNR nimbly) (ADVP aside))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a bellow)) (NP-SBJ Carmer) (VP lunged (PP-DIR at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more) (PP than (ADJP half-drunk))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 his faculties) (VP were (VP dulled (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cobb) (VP unleashed (NP (NP a single powerful jab) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP sent (S (NP-SBJ Gyp) (VP (VP reeling (ADVP-MNR wildly)) and (VP crashing (ADVP-DIR down) (PP with (NP a whining groan)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP struggle (ADVP up)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP heaving (ADVP-MNR desperately)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Russ) (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP a brutal thrust) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP tumbled (NP-2 him) (ADVP over) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD flat (PP on (NP his stomach))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Kneeling)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Cobb) (VP planted (NP a sturdy knee) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the small) (PP of (NP his back)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP holding (NP-2 him) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP pinned (NP *-3)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Okay) , (NP-VOC Stevens) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP drawn (NP his fangs)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP snapped (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Go (PRT through) (NP his pockets))) , (SQ will (NP-SBJ you) (VP *?*)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*)))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP (VP take (NP him) (ADVP apart)) and (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP 's (VP made (NP *-3) (PP of (NP *T*-2))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Complying (ADVP-MNR methodically))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Pat) (VP pulled (NP-2 (NP pocket) (PP after (NP pocket))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-PRD inside out)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP finding (NP a thing))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cobb) (VP watched (NP this) (PP with (NP hunted eyes)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his desperate hope) (VP waning (PP-TMP by (NP the moment))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Stevens) (VP was (VP grunting (PP over (NP the last empty pocket)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Russ) (ADVP-MNR abruptly) (VP (VP rose) and (VP lunged (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP (NP Carmer 's) hat) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP tumbled (ADVP (NP half-a-dozen feet) away) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP fell (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cobb) (VP got (NP it)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Straightening (PRT up))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his eyes) (ADJP-PRD ablaze)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP held (PRT out) (NP the battered Stetson)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP at (NP this))) '' ! !)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC Inside (NP the crown)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP stuffed (NP *-2) (PP-LOC behind (NP the stained sweatband)))) , could (VP be (VP seen (NP *-1))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP thin , crumpled wads) (PP of (NP currency))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Carmer 's) ingenious cache) (PP for (NP his loot))) (VP had (VP been (VP found (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (UCP-TPC-1 (FRAG (INTJ By golly) , (NP-VOC Stevens) ! !) (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP were (ADJP-PRD right)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Russ) (VP exclaimed (UCP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP tearing (NP the loose bills) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP (NP Carmer 's) hat)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (S-ADV (NP-SBJ That) (VP is)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP Colcord 's) money)))))))))) '' -- (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP grunted (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where else) (SQ would (NP-SBJ he) (VP get (NP it) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Count (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP got (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC there))))) , (NP-VOC Cobb)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP can (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP tell)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Russ) (VP (VP ran (PRT through) (NP the bills)) and (VP named (NP (NP an amount) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD highly unlikely (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ any cowpuncher) (VP would (VP come (PP by (NP *T*-1)) (ADVP-MNR honestly)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-PRD within (NP (NP a hundred) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Crip) (VP had (NP *T*-1))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP declared (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Penny) (VP spent (NP some)))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Carmer) (VP must (VP have (VP dropped (NP a few dollars) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP getting (NP that load) (PRT on))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Handing (NP the money) (PRT over))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Russ) (VP wiped (NP his hands) (PP-LOC on (NP his pants-legs)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ridding (NP himself) (PP of (NP (NP something) (ADJP unclean))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His glance) (PP at (NP Gyp Carmer))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD disdainful)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Shall (NP-SBJ we) (VP get (PP-DIR out (PP of (ADVP here)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leaving (NP the card room))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP moved (ADVP back) (PP-DIR through (NP the Palace)) (NP-DIR (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP come (ADVP-DIR *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Glowering looks) (VP met (NP them) (PP-LOC in (NP the bar)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP halt (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Pausing (PP-LOC in (NP the outside door)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP glance (PP behind (NP him))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Pat) (VP (VP looked (NP-PRD his unspoken warning)) and (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He and Cobb) (VP clattered (PP-DIR down (NP the high steps)) (PP-DIR to (NP the street))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Neither) (VP spoke (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP reached (NP their horses))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pat) (VP paused (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (ADVP across) (PP at (NP the young fellow))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP 'll (VP be (NP-PRD a pleasure) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP (VP return (NP this money) (PP to (NP Colcord))) and (VP tell (NP him) (PP about (NP it))))))) , (NP-VOC Russ))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP return (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP his faint surprise)) (NP-SBJ Russ) (VP held (PRT up) (NP his hand)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 Not (NP me)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP ruled (FRAG *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR decidedly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP had (NP enough))) .)) (TOP (S (S-CLF-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP you) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP tracked (NP it) (PRT down)))) (ADVP anyway) , (NP-VOC Stevens))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP pursued (S-CLF *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR strictly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP shove (ADVP along) (ADVP-DIR home))) '' .)) (TOP (SBAR `` (WHNP-1 Whatever) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP *T*-1))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Pat) (VP swung (PP-DIR into (NP the saddle)))) , (ADVP yet) (S (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-SBJ he) (VP delayed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 his brows) (VP puckered (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP owe (NP it) (PP to (NP Penny)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP her) (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP explain (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP defending (NP you)))))))))))) , (ADVP really))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP observed (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR mildly)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Old Crip) (VP was n't (VP *?*))) '' , (VP retorted (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Cobb) (ADVP-MNR tartly) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP know (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP to (VP sink (PRT in) (ADVP-TMP awhile))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (ADVP maybe) (NP-TMP next time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP wo n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD so quick (PP on (NP the trigger))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 Pat) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP pretended (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP advice) (PP in (NP such affairs))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD the doctor))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP returned (S *T*-1) (PP with (NP a smile))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Penny) (VP 's (NP-PRD an (ADJP awful nice) girl)))) , (NP-VOC Russ)) '' --)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP do n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP me))))))) '' , (VP flashed (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Cobb) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Giving (NP the other) (NP a dark look))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP hauled (NP his bronc) (ADVP around)) and (VP trotted (ADVP down) (PP off (NP the street)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pat) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP go)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP following (ADVP-MNR more leisurely)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP the first restaurant)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP (ADVP sensibly) pulled (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR in) (PP for (NP his dinner)))))) , and (VP (PP-PRP as (NP a consequence)) did not (VP see (S (NP-SBJ Cobb) (VP (VP strike (NP (NP the open range) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the mouth) (PP of (NP the canyon)))))) and (VP head (PP-DIR (ADVP straight) across (NP the swells)) (PP for (NP Antler)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The truth) (VP was , (SBAR-PRD 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the puncher) (VP was (VP both bewildered and dismayed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS his own mixed luck))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 Penny) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD glad (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ me) (PP-LOC-PRD over (ADVP there))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP mused (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR bleakly)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (SBAR-ADV (SINV had (NP-SBJ he) not (VP visited (NP the girl) (PP-LOC at (NP Saw Buck))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP been (VP involved (NP *-1) (PP in (NP this latest tangle)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-1 Over and above (NP that)) , (ADVP however) , (VP was (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP his growing suspicion) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Chuck Stober 's) part) (PP in (NP recent events))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-3 `` (S (NP-SBJ Gyp Carmer) (VP could n't (VP have (VP known (PP about (NP (NP Colcord 's) money)) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP told (NP *-1))))))))) -- and (SBARQ (WHNP-2 (WHNP who) (ADVP else)) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP would (VP have (VP told (NP him)))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (NP himself) (S *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-TMP-PRD (NP the second time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ War Ax hands) (VP made (NP (NP a play) (PP for (NP that money))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP (WHADJP How much)) (PP of (NP an accident))) (SQ could (NP-SBJ that) (VP be (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Nearing (NP home))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP jerked (PP to (NP attention)) (PP at (NP (NP the distant crack) (PP of (NP a gun))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC In (NP town)) (NP-SBJ no one) (VP paid (NP much attention) (PP to (NP an occasional shot)))) ; ; but (S (PP-LOC on (NP the range)) (NP-SBJ gunfire) (VP had (NP a meaning))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Hauling (PRT up))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Russ) (VP listened (ADVP-MNR carefully)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Two minutes) later) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP came (ADVP again) -- (NP-1 (NP a double explosion) , (VP followed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a third) , (VP sounding (ADJP-PRD more distant))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP As near) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ Cobb) (VP could (VP determine))))) (NP-SBJ the shots) (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (NP the Antler ranch house))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP tightened (PRT up) (PP in (NP a twinkling))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP So far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew)))) , (NP-SBJ only his father) (VP could (VP be (ADVP-PRD there))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ it) (VP mean (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Clapping (NP spurs) (PP to (NP the bronc)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP set (PRT off) (PP at (NP a sharp canter)) , (PP with (NP growing alarm))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His first glimpse) (PP of (NP the ranch house)) (PP across (NP the brushy swells))) (VP told (NP him) (NP nothing)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-TMP Still) (ADVP-LOC-PRD (NP a quarter-mile) away)) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the fresh clap) (PP of (NP guns))) (ADVP only) (VP served (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP increase (NP his speed))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP Setting (NP (NP a course) (PP (ADVP straight) for (NP the house))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (VP covering (NP ground) (ADVP-MNR fast) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 an angry bee) (VP buzzed (ADVP-DIR past) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-LOC-PRD close (PP to (NP his face)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP followed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a second) , (VP whining (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-LOC-PRD even closer))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ Cobb) (VP swerved (ADVP-MNR sharply) (ADVP-DIR aside) (PP-DIR into (NP a depression))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD up (PP against (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ-3 (WHNP-1 Whoever) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD out (ADVP there)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP hiding (PP in (NP the brushy cover))))))) (VP (VP was (VP besieging (NP the Antler house))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP having (VP spotted (NP his approach)))) , was (ADJP-PRD determined (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP drive (NP him) (PRT off) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP get (PP into (NP the fight)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Cursing (NP himself) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (VP ridden (ADVP out) (NP-TMP the last few days) (PP without (NP (NP a rifle) (PP-LOC in (NP his saddle boot)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Russ) (VP (VP drew (NP his Colt)) and (VP examined (NP it) (ADVP briefly))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wondered (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ the attackers) (VP would (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ-1 him) (VP to (VP pull (ADVP-DIR away) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP unmolested (NP *-2))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP his answer) (ADVP-TMP (NP a moment) later)) .)) (TOP (PP `` Over (NP this way) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ai n't (VP gone (ADVP far))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A harsh cry) (VP floated (PP-DIR to (NP him)) (PP-DIR across (NP the brush))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A carbine) (VP cracked (ADVP-MNR more loudly))) , and (S (NP-SBJ a slug) (VP clipped (NP fragments) (PP from (NP (NP the brush) (PP-LOC off (PP at (NP one side))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The would-be assassin) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 his position) (VP figured (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR pretty close)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Dismounting)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Russ) (VP looked (PRT about) (ADVP-MNR hastily)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Toward (NP the west)) (NP-SBJ this depression) (VP led (PP-DIR toward (NP a draw))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leading (NP his pony))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP hurried (NP-DIR that way) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP remounting (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP well) below (NP (NP the level) (PP of (NP the surrounding range)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP Swinging (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP then)) , and (VP bending (ADVP-DIR forward) (PP-LOC over (NP the horn))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP urged (NP his mount) (PP down (NP the meandering draw))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had not (VP covered (NP (QP a hundred) yards) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ a gun) (VP crashed (PP from (NP (NP somewhere) (ADVP-LOC behind)))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP been (VP sighted (NP *-1))))) , and (FRAG (NP-SBJ his attacker) (VP pumping (NP (NP shot) (PP after (NP shot))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A shot (QP or two)) (VP went (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD wild)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ Cobb) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP tug (PP at (NP his foot)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A slug) (VP had (VP torn (NP (NP half) (PP of (NP his stirrup-guard))) (ADVP away))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A second) (VP twitched (NP his shirtsleeve))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP a brief burn) (PP-LOC on (NP his upper arm))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another) (VP snarled (ADVP-LOC close overhead)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Jumping Jerusalem ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP get (PP-DIR out (PP of (ADVP here)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP the first shot)) (NP-SBJ Russ) (VP had (VP hurled (NP his mount) (PP-DIR to (NP the left)) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the winding draw)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The long minute) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (NP effective cover))))) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD endless)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Sweeping (NP a look) (ADVP around))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD safe) (PP-TMP for (NP the moment)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP heard (NP (NP cries) (PP from (PP behind (NP him)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP make (PRT out) (NP no words)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP dashed (ADVP-MNR madly) (PP for (NP (NP the next elbow turn) (PP-LOC in (NP the draw))))) , and (VP made (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-MNR Recklessly) (VP hurling (NP the bronc) (ADVP sidewise) (PP-DIR into (NP an intersecting draw)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP plunged (ADVP-DIR forward) (PP with (NP undiminished speed))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Gradually) (NP-SBJ-1 the wash) (VP climbed (ADVP-DIR upward) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP forcing (NP him) (PP-DIR toward (NP open range))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP chance (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP clambered (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the dwindling wash))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the loose dirt) (VP flying (PP-LOC behind (NP him))))) , and (VP flashed (NP a look) (ADVP about))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Early (PP in (NP November))) (NP-SBJ the clouds) (VP lifted (ADVP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP carry (PRT out) (NP the assigned missions)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Sweeney Squadron) (VP put (NP its first marks) (PP on (NP the combat record))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Every plane) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP could (VP fly))))) (VP was (VP sent (NP *-1) (PP-DIR into (NP the air)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cricket) (VP (VP took (NP eight ships)) and (VP went (ADVP-DIR south) (PP-DIR (PP across (NP the Straits)) and (PP along (NP (NP the north coast) (PP of (NP Mindanao))))) (PP-DIR to (NP Cagayan)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the enemy) (VP flew or floated (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (NP-PRD his target)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Fleischman) (PP with (NP eight))) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP patrol (NP the Leyte Gulf area) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his main task) (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP any kamikaze) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (PP to (NP the ships)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Greg) (NP himself)) (VP took (NP two flights) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Todman) (VP leading (NP the second)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP patrol) and (VP look (PP for (NP (NP targets) (PP of (NP opportunities)) (PP-LOC around (NP (NP Ormoc) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the east coast) (PP of (NP Leyte))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each plane) (VP carried (NP two (ADJP five-hundred pound) bombs)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A weapons carrier) (VP took (NP (NP Greg) , (NP Todman) , (NP Belton) , (NP Banjo Ferguson) , and (NP Walters) and (NP the others)) (NP-EXT (NP the two miles) (PP (PP from (NP the bivouac area)) (PP to (NP the strip))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a rough long ride) (PP through (NP the (NX (NX mud) and (NX pot holes))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP had (NP (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sky) (VP glowered (ADVP down) (PP at (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a feeling (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 this mission) (VP would (VP be (VP canceled (NP *-1) (PP like (NP all the others))))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP this muddy wet dark world) (PP of (NP combat))) (VP would (VP go (PRT on) (ADVP-TMP forever)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The truck) (VP dropped (NP them) (PRT off) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the various revetments) (VP spread (NP *) (PP through (NP the jungle)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Donovan) (VP (VP snatched (NP (NP Greg 's) chute) (PP from (NP him)) (PP with (NP a belligerent motion))) and (VP (ADVP almost) ran (PP-DIR to (NP the plane)) (PP with (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP dark) (PP as (NP (NP the sky) (PP-LOC above (NP it))))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP the wing))) and (VP waited (PP for (NP his pilot))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Greg) (VP climbed (PP-DIR into (NP the cockpit)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feeling (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP one)) (ADVP-TMP before)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 (NP his hands) and (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP Donovan)))) (VP moved (ADVP-MNR automatically) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP adjusting and arranging (PP in (NP the check-out procedure))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP-1 her) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as neat) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP *?*))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Donovan) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP dropped (NP (NP the straps) (PP of (NP the Seton harness))) (PP over (NP (NP Greg 's) shoulders)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` But (NP this goddamn climate) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-PRD for (NP carabao not airplanes))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP make (PRT out))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV-IMP-TPC-1 Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP worry , (NP-VOC chief))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Greg) (VP replied (SINV-IMP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wondering (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) (NP himself)) (VP believed (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yeah .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP See (NP you))) '' , (NP-SBJ Donovan) (VP said (S *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP jumped (PP-DIR off (NP the wing)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The expression) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his trade-mark) , (NP (NP his open sesame) (PP to (NP good luck))) , and (NP his prayer (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ pilot and plane) (VP would (ADVP-TMP always) (VP return))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the prearranged time)) , (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP (VP started (NP the engine)) and (VP taxied (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP From (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the chocks) (VP were (VP pulled (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the plane) (VP was (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP sight)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Donovan) (VP would (VP keep (NP his back) (PP to (NP the strip))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the superstition (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP had (VP originated (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD bad luck) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ a crew chief) (VP to (VP watch (S (NP-SBJ his plane) (VP take (PRT off) (PP on (NP a combat mission))))))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (PP-TMP (ADVP long) before (NP (NP the scheduled time) (PP for (NP return)))) , (NP-SBJ Donovan) (VP would (VP be (VP watching (PP for (NP (NP every speck) (PP-LOC in (NP the sky))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP rumbled (PP-DIR down (NP the rough metal taxi strip)))) , and (S (NP-ADV (NP one) (PP by (NP one))) (NP-SBJ (NP the seven members) (PP of (NP his flight))) (VP fell (PRT in) (PP-LOC behind (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The (ADJP dark brown) bombs) (VP hanging (PP-LOC under (NP each wing)))) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD large and powerful)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The pilots ') heads) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD ridiculously small)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The control tower) (VP gave (NP him) (NP immediate take-off permission))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the clean roar) (PP of (NP (NP the engine) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP took (NP him) (PP-DIR off (NP the rough strip)))))))) (VP spoke (ADVP-MNR well) (PP of (NP (NP the skill) (PP of (NP Donovan)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Greg 's) mission) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the last) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP leave))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP circled (NP (NP the ships) (PP-LOC off (NP Tacloban)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the clouds) (VP were (VP dropping (ADVP-DIR down) (ADVP again))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC To (NP the west)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the (ADJP dark green) hills) (PP of (NP Leyte))) (VP were (VP lost (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the clouds) (PP-LOC (ADVP about halfway) up (NP their slopes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Underneath (NP him)) (NP-SBJ the sea) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP dark and muddied) gray)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Water) (VP splashed (PP-LOC against (NP his windshield)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP led (NP the flight) (PP-DIR in and out (PP of (NP showers))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The metal strip) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP taken (PRT off) (PP from (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD coal black) (PP-LOC against (NP (NP the green jungle) (PP-LOC around (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP possessed (NP (NP (NP the fighter pilot 's) horror) (PP of (NP (NP bad weather) and (NP instrument flying)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wondered , (SBAR (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the ceiling) (VP did (VP drop)))) , whether (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP he) and (NP the other flights)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP their way) (ADVP back)) (PP-LOC in (NP this unfamiliar territory)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shivered (PP-LOC in (NP the warm cockpit))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The overcast) (VP was (ADJP-PRD solid) (PP-LOC above (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC (ADVP As far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (ADVP *?*)))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no hole) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP climb (PP through (NP it)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR west) (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the narrow river valley) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP separated (NP Leyte) (PP from (NP Samar)))))))) and (VP hope (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did n't (VP close (PRT in) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP returned))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP pushed (NP (NP the radio button) (PP-LOC on (NP his throttle)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Todman) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ-1 's) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP-LOC under (NP this stuff)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stay (ADVP-LOC in) (ADVP-LOC close))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP go (PP-DIR up (NP the valley))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Roger) , (NP-VOC Sweeney)) '' , (NP-SBJ Todman) (VP (VP called (ADVP back) (FRAG *T*-1)) , and (VP pulled (NP his four) (UCP (ADVP-DIR in) and (PP-LOC (ADVP slightly) above (NP Greg))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP took (NP the formation) (ADVP wide) (PP-DIR around (NP (NP three A-26 attack bombers) (SBAR (WHNP-28 that) (S (NP-SBJ-27 *T*-28) (VP were (VP headed (NP *-27) (ADVP-DIR north) (PP over (NP the Gulf))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP dropped (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP (QP five hundred) feet))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP swinging (ADVP-DIR (NP a little) north (PP of (NP (NP the city) (PP of (NP Tacloban)))))))) , and (VP punched (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the opening) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP showed (PP-LOC against (NP the mountain))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The valley) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP only a few hundred) yards) wide) (PP with (NP (ADVP just about) (NP room) (ADJP enough (PP for (NP a (ADJP properly performed) hundred-and-eighty-degree turn)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP only) (NP-PRD a fifteen-minute flight))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD through)))) (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP developing (NP (NP a case) (PP of (NP claustrophobia))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The ceiling) (VP stayed (ADJP-PRD solid) (PP-LOC above (NP them)) (PP-LOC at (NP (QP about eight hundred) feet)))) , and (S (PP-TMP at (NP times)) (NP-SBJ-1 the sheer cliffs) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP close (PRT in))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the other pilots) (VP were (ADJP-PRD worried)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP did not (VP show (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The formation) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD perfect)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the sea) (VP was (ADJP-PRD visible) (ADVP-LOC ahead (PP of (NP them))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the relief) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as great) (PP as (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP had (VP come (ADVP out)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP spread (NP the flight) (PRT out)) and (VP led (NP them) (PP-DIR (PP across (NP (NP a point) (PP of (NP land)))) (CONJP and then) (PP down (NP the coast))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP drew (NP light ground fire)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP saw (NP (NP no signs) (PP of (NP activity)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (NP-SBJ-1 Todman) (VP (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP spotted (NP a tank)))))) and (VP went (ADVP-DIR down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP investigate))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP covered (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ Somebody) (VP beat (NP us) (PP to (NP it))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Todman) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP over (NP the radio)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (ADVP-DIR back up) (PP in (NP formation)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Visibility) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD limited)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Greg) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (PP-LOC above (NP (QP a thousand) feet)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD frustrating)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His earphones) (VP were (ADVP-TMP constantly) (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP (NP the sounds) (PP of (NP (NP enemy contacts) (VP made (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS other flights))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (ADVP-TMP once) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP identified (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat hysterical) voice) (PP of (NP Fleischman)) (VP claiming (NP a kill))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP Greg 's) area) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as placid) (PP as (NP a Florida dawn)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Finally) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 time) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run (PRT out))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP headed (PP-DIR into (NP Ormoc))) and (VP glide-bombed (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP houses)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ Intelligence) (VP had (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP might (VP contain (NP Japanese supplies)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The low clouds) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ bombing) (ADJP-PRD difficult))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was not (NP-PRD enough room (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP the usual vertical bomb run)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The accuracy) (VP was (ADJP-PRD deplorable)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP Greg 's) bombs))) (VP hung (PRT up))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD (NP-ADV miles) from (NP the target)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could (VP get (VP rid (NP *-1) (PP of (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Only one) (PP of (NP the flight))) (VP scored (NP a direct hit))) and (S (NP-SBJ the rest) (VP blew (PRT up) (NP jungle))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ (NP their load) (PP of (NP bombs))) (ADJP-PRD gone))) , (NP-SBJ the planes) (VP moved (ADVP-MNR swiftly and easily)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Greg) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR up) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP tight) against (NP the ceiling)))) and (VP led (NP them) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP their pass) (PP to (NP home)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Mercifully) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD open)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP a man) (VP making (NP a deep dive)))) , (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP (VP took (NP full breath)) and (VP plunged (ADVP back) (PP-DIR into (NP the valley)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP a gas check) (PP on (NP his flight))))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Todman 's) voice) (VP broke (PRT in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2) : `` (NP-VOC Sweeneys ! !))))))) (TOP (NP Three bogies .)) (TOP (NP Twelve o'clock level '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Greg 's) eyes) (VP flicked (PP-DIR up (PP from (NP his instrument panel)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP (NP them) , (UCP (NP (NP specks) (PP-LOC against (NP the gray))) , but (VP closing (ADVP-MNR fast))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP headed (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP straight) for (NP each other)) (PP on (NP a collision course)))) .)) (TOP (NP Friend or enemy ? ?)) (TOP (NP The same old question .)) (TOP (NP And (NP (NP only a few seconds) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP answer (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` Zeros '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Todman) (VP said (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR excitedly , and hopefully)) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Todman) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD right)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His mind) (VP flicked (PP through (NP (NP the mental pictures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP (NP the hours) (PP of (NP Aircraft Identification)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP narrowed (NP the shape) (PRT down) (PP to (NP (NP two) : (NP either (NP a Zero) or (NP a U.S. Navy type aircraft))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were (NP-PRD the enemy)))) , (ADVP tactically) (NP-SBJ his position) (VP was (ADJP-PRD correct)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Japanese aircraft) (VP were (ADJP-PRD strong (PP-2 on (NP maneuverability))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 American) (PP=2 on (NP speed and firepower))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His present maximum altitude) , (PP-LOC up (PP against (NP the overcast)))) , (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP the opportunity) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP exploit (NP his advantages) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP also) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD conspicuous (PP to (NP the enemy)))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD the enemy))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had n't (VP been (VP spotted (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP already)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the closing aircraft) (VP showed (NP (NP no sign) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP deviating (PP-DIR from (NP their original course))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP seconds)) , (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP made (NP his decision)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP pushed (NP the radio button)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Sweeney Blue) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP hit (NP the deck)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Lots) (PP of (NP throttle)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-VOC Todman) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP take (NP (NP the one) (PP-LOC on (NP the left)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP the middle))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP-VOC Belton) , (NP (NP the one) (PP-LOC on (NP the right))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (NP-PRD Japs))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD sure)) (ADVP-TMP first)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP had (S (S (NP-SBJ the stick) (ADVP-PRD forward)) and (S (NP-SBJ the throttle) (ADVP-PRD up))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP the two `` Rogers ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The planes) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD light (SBAR with (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP most) (PP of (NP the gas))) (VP burned (NP *-2) (PRT out)))))) , (VP responded (ADVP-MNR beautifully)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Greg 's) airspeed indicator) (VP was (PP-PRD over (NP 350)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP leveled (PRT off) (PP-LOC (ADVP just) above (NP the trees)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The opposing aircraft) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP come (ADVP on))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP appeared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD the enemy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Air Corps) (VP had (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP camouflage (NP planes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-PRD (NP no way) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ the other planes) (VP to (VP get (PP by (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a box)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP (VP turn) and (VP escape (PP-DIR to (NP the east))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP pushed (NP the radio button) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-VOC Todman) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP drop (NP your second element) (ADVP back)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP any) (PP of (NP us))) (VP miss))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP pick (PRT up) (NP the pieces))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (NP-PRD Japs))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP it)))) , (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP found (NP the enemy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The shapes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD unmistakable))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Rising Suns) (VP were (VP showing (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP slightly brighter) pinpoints) (PP-LOC in (NP the gray gloom))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP slapped (NP his hand) (PP-DIR across (NP (NP the switches) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP turned (PRT on) (NP the (NX (NX guns) and (NX gun camera) and (NX gun sight))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The circle) (PP with (NP (NP the dot) (PP-LOC in (NP the center))))) (VP showed (PRT up) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD yellow)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the reflector glass) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His hands) (VP shook) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Arm (NP your guns) , (NP-VOC Sweeneys)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (NP-PRD Japs)) .)) (TOP (SINV (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (NP-PRD Japs))) '' , (VP came (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a high-pitched voice) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Greg) (PP to (NP Sweeney Blue)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP One pass) (ADVP only) .)) (TOP (NP No turns .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP bust (NP your ass) (PP-LOC in (NP this canyon)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD an order)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP moved (NP the flights) (PP-DIR over (PP against (NP one wall)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gave (NP (NP them) (NP all)) (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP a high-speed climbing turn attack) and (NP (NP a break-away) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would not (VP (VP take (NP them) (PP-DIR into (NP the overcast))) or (VP force (NP a tight-turn recovery))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the turn) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too tight)))) , (NP-SBJ a barrel roll) (VP would (VP bring (NP them) (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP A hell) (PP of (NP (NP an altitude) (PP for (NP a barrel roll))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP could (VP be (VP done (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP (VP slammed (NP his throttle) (PP-DIR to (NP the fire wall))) and (VP rammed (PRT up) (NP the RPM)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the engine) (VP responded (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (VP waiting))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The (ADJP clearly identifiable) enemy) (VP continued (ADVP on) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ (NP no one) (ADVP else)) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD around))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP have n't (VP seen (NP us)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP yelled (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP himself)) (PP over (NP the engine noise))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP have n't (VP seen (NP us))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hit (NP the radio button)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP-TMP Now) , (NP-VOC Sweeneys) , (ADVP-TMP now) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP take (NP 'em) (ADVP home)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP hauled (ADVP back) (PP on (NP the stick))) and (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ his cheeks) (VP sag)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Out (PP of (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP his eye))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ his wingman) (VP (VP move (ADVP-DIR out) (NP-EXT a bit)) and (VP shoot (ADVP-DIR up) (PP with (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADJP Perfect)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP the rapid rate) (PP of (NP closure))) , (NP (NP the approach) (PP from (UCP (ADVP below) , (NP the side) , and (ADVP ahead)))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP only a moment) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 damage) (VP could (VP be (VP done (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (PP (ADVP Just) like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP shooting (PP at (NP a duck)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP performing (NP a half-gainer) (PP from (NP a diving board))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP tightened (NP his turn)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP His nose) (ADVP up) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD dangerous)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Eight aircraft) (PP-LOC in (NP this small box)) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Please) , (INTJ dear God) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ my pilots) (ADJP-PRD good)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP prayed (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP took (NP (NP a lead) (PP on (NP the enemy))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP using (NP (NP a distance) (PP of (NP (NP five) (PP of (NP (NP the radii) (PP-LOC in (NP his circular sight)))))))))) (CONJP and then) (VP added (NP another))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The enemy) (VP did not (VP veer)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP did not (VP seem (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP had n't (VP been (VP spotted (NP *-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Blind fools .)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP Now ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Greg 's) fingers) (VP closed (PP on (NP the stick trigger))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The plane) (VP rumbled and slowed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Six red lines) (VP (VP etched (NP their way) (PP-DIR into (NP the gray))) and (VP vanished)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As if (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP drawn (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a wire))))) (NP-SBJ-2 the enemy) (VP flew (PP-DIR into (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP tightened (NP his turn) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the plane) (VP shuddered)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Luck) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His burst) (VP held (PP-TMP for (NP a second)) (PP on (NP (NP the engine section) (PP of (NP the plane))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Jap 's) propeller) (VP flew (ADVP off) (PP in (NP pieces))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A large piece) (PP of (NP engine cowling))) (VP vanished) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Greg) (VP had (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His maneuvering) (PP for (NP the shot))) (VP had (VP placed (NP-2 him) (ADVP-LOC near (NP the overcast)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP (VP (ADVP almost) inverted (NP *-1)) and (VP heading (PP-DIR up (PP into (NP the clouds)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His speed) (VP was (VP dropping (ADVP-MNR rapidly))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP spun (ADVP out) (ADVP-TMP now)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP join (NP his opponent) (PP-LOC on (NP the ground)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Wingman) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP stay (ADJP-PRD clear))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP prayed (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP pushed (NP stick and rudder)) and (VP entered (NP the overcast) (PP on (NP his back)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP fought (NP (NP the panic) (PP of (NP vertigo)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-PRD up)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP-PRD down))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP held (NP the controls) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Sweat) (VP popped (PRT out) (PP-LOC over (NP him)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP the slick) (PP-LOC between (NP (NP his palm) and (NP the stick grip)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His air speed) (VP dropped (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP spin (ADVP out))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Over (NP the (NX (NX (NX rattling) (PP of (NP fenders))) , (NX (NX humming) (PP of (NP tires))) and (NX (NX chattering) (PP of (NP gears)))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a charming melody) (PP of (NP (NP whispers) and (NP tiny giggles))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Cool air) (VP moving (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP-DIR through (NP the (ADJP open or smashed-out) side windows)))) (VP hinted (PP of (NP blooming roadside vegetation)))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (NP-SBJ (NP a faint fragrance) (PP of (NP perfume))) (VP swirled (PP-DIR from (NP the back seat)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC-TPC-1 Moriarty) '' , (NP-SBJ my driver) (ADVP suddenly) (VP exclaimed (NP-VOC *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP something) (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP so definite) , (ADJP so final)) (SBAR *ICH*-4)) (PP in (NP his tone)) (SBAR-4 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (ADVP-TMP once more) (VP repeated (NP the absurdity) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP mustering (NP (NP all my latent powers) (PP of (NP hypocrisy))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP sound (ADJP-PRD convinced)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (VP (VP coming (PP-DIR to (NP an intersection))) , (VP turning (ADVP-DIR right)) , (VP chuffing (PP to (NP a stop))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP Forced (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the end) (PP of (NP a (ADJP very short) line))))))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP scanned (NP a road marker)) and (VP discovered (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the end) (PP of (NP a (ADJP slightly longer) line))) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-1) (PP for (NP the old Mexican)))))) : (NP (NP Moriarty) , (NP New Mexico))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Gracias .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-2 Adios) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP exhausting (NP my Spanish vocabulary) (PP on (NP my host))) and (VP exchanging (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP a scarcely-tapped store) (PP of (NP smiles))))) (PP with (NP (NP my host 's) daughters)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP waved (PP with (NP discretion and moderation)) (PP to (NP (NP the vague golden faces) (VP fading (PP through (NP (NP rising dust) and (NP (NP the distortions) (PP of (NP the back window glass))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ (NP the father 's) head) (ADVP slightly) (VP turn)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ gauche rainbow shapes) (VP replaced (NP (NP the poignant ovals) (PP of (NP gold))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Autos) (VP whizzed (ADVP-DIR past)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP White-shirted and conservatively-cravated) drivers) (VP stared (ADVP-MNR conspicuously) (PP (PP toward (NP the eastern horizon)) and (PP past (NP my (ADJP supplicating and accusing) gaze)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ a treble auto horn) (VP tootley-toot-tootled)) , and , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thumbing (ADVP-MNR hopefully))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP saw (SINV (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD emergent (PP in (NP windshield)))) (VP flash) : (NP-SBJ-2 (NP red lips) , (NP (NP streaming silk) (PP of (NP blonde hair))) and (PRN -- (INTJ ah) , (NP (NP trembling confusion) (PP of (NP hope , apprehension , despair))) --) (NP (NP the leering face) (PP of (NP old Herry))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC-TPC-1 Mor-ee-air-teeeee) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP shrieked (NP-VOC *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his white teeth) (ADVP-MNR grossly) (VP counterpointing (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP the glittering blonde)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Over (NP (NP the rapidly-diminishing outline) (PP of (NP (NP a jump seat) (VP piled (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD high)) (PP with (NP luggage))))))) (NP-SBJ (NP Herry 's) black brushcut) (VP was (ADJP-PRD just discernible) , (ADVP-NOM (ADVP near) , or (ADVP enviably near (NP (NP that spot) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (PRN -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP hidden (NP *-2))) --) (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP (ADJP more delicately-textured) , (ADJP (ADVP most beautifully) tinted)) hair) (VP must (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (VP streaming (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (ADJP (ADJP cool) , (INTJ oh) (ADJP cool)) wind) (VP (ADVP sweetly) perfumed (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP sagebrush) and (NP yucca flowers) and (NP engine fumes)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Damn (NP his luck)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP have (VP (VP foregone (NP my romantic chances)) (CONJP rather than) (VP leave (NP-1 a friend) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD sweltering and dusty))))))) and -- (S (INTJ Well) , (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP have (VP shouted (ADVP back) (NP a taunt))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-TMP Still) (VP nursing (NP anger))) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (ADVP-MNR listlessly) (VP thumbed (NP (NP a car) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-MNR slowly) (VP approaching , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its pre-war chrome) (ADVP nearly) (VP blinding (NP me))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (VP stopping)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Just) as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP straightened (PRT up) (PP with (NP my duffel bag))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard : `` (S-IMP (NP-VOC Sahjunt Yoorick) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP meet (NP Mrs. Major J. A. Roebuck))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The voice) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP Johnson) , (NP (NP tail gunner) (PP off (NP another crew))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Squeezing (NP a look) (PP-LOC between (NP (NP (NP Johnson 's) fat jowls) and (NP the car frame))))) (NP-SBJ-1 a (ADJP (ADJP handsome) and (ADJP still darkhaired)) lady) (VP inquired (SQ `` (NP-SBJ Y'all) (VP drahve) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Onleh one thiihng) '' , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Roebuck) (VP continued (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ah-) (VP m (VP goin (ADVP-DIR nawth) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP t'- (VP jawn (NP mah husbun) (PP-LOC in (NP Sante Fe)))))))) , an (S (NP-SBJ y'all) (VP maht (VP prefuh (NP the suhthuhn rewt)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Corporal Johnson) (VP has (ADVP-TMP alreadeh) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did- n (VP make (NP no diffrunce) (PP t'- (NP hi-im)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did n't (VP make (NP any difference) (PP to (NP me)) (ADVP either) , (ADVP (ADVP as far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-SBJ (WHADVP-1 How far) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (ADVP *T*-1)))) (VP will (ADVP-TMP shortly) (VP become (ADJP-PRD apparent))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP pass (PRT over) (NP (NP the trip) (PP to (NP Sante Fe))) (PP with (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP (NP the same speed) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Roebuck) `` (VP wonduh (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ (NP the wahtahm speed limit) '' (PRN -LRB- (NP 35 m.p.h.) -RRB-)) `` (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD in (NP ee-faket))) '')))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-5 I) (VP let (PRT up) (PP on (NP the accelerator)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (ADVP only) (VP to (ADVP gradually) (VP reach (ADVP again) (NP (NP the 60 m.p.h.) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S-4 (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4)))) ,) (VP overhaul (NP (NP Herry) and (NP the blonde)))))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-PRP as (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP cars) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose drivers) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP apparently) (VP had (NP (NP something) (ADJP more important) (SBAR (WHNP-6 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP catch (NP *T*-6))))) (SBAR than (SINV (VP had (NP *?*)) (NP-SBJ I))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-7 Mrs. Major Roebuck) (VP settled (PRT down) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP practicing (PP on (NP Corporal Johnson)) (NP (NP the kittenish wiles) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP need (NP *T*-3) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP (NP her duty call) (PP on (NP Colonel and Mrs. Somebody)) (PP-LOC in (NP Sante Fe)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP ejaculated (FRAG `` (SBAR Howsabout (S (NP-SBJ my) (VP buying (NP (NP us) (NP all)) (NP a nice cold Co-cola)))) , (NP-VOC Ma'am) '' ? ?) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) (NP-SBJ-2 Mrs. Roebuck) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR smilingly) declined) and (VP began (ADVP suddenly) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go (PRT on) (PP about (NP (NP her son) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was `` (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV onleh a little) younguh) (PP than (NP you bawhs))) '')))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Johnson) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP would (VP have (VP believed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP a son) (NP that age)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Roebuck) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP was (NP-PRD-2 a `` sweet bawh) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP t'- (VP lah (PP lahk (NP thet))))) ''))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 her Herman) (VP was (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a man))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (PP around (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Just) befoh (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (PP foh (NP his academeh))))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP wuh (VP hevin (NP dack-rihs) (PP-LOC on (NP the vuhranduh)) , (NP-ADV (NP Major Roebuck) an (NP Ah))))) , an (S (NP-SBJ Huhmun) (VP says (SQ ' May (NP-SBJ Ah) (VP hev (NP one) (ADVP too)) ' ? ?))))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP Just as) p'lite (X an) -- an cohnfidunt)) , an (S (NP-SBJ Ah) (VP says ` (S (PP Uh (NP coahse)) (NP-SBJ you) (VP cain n't (VP *?*))) ')) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP says (S ` (SBARQ (WHADVP Whah) (SQ (FRAG nawt))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ah (VP hevin (NP one)))) ' ? ?))))) (TOP (S An (S (NP-SBJ Ah) (VP coud- n (VP ansuh (NP him)))) (CONJP an so) (S (NP-SBJ Ah) (VP said ' (S (INTJ Aw right) , (S (NP-SBJ Ah) (VP gay-ess))) ,)) an (S (NP-SBJ his fathuh) (VP did- n (VP uttuh (NP one wohd)))) an (S (SBAR-TMP aftuh (S (NP-SBJ Huhmun) (VP was (ADJP-PRD gone)))) , (NP-SBJ the majuh) (VP (VP laughed) an (VP tole (NP me) (SBAR thet (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) an (NP the bawh)) (VP had (VP been (VP hevin (NP (NP an occasional drink) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP t'gethuh) (PP-TMP f'- (NP (QP ovuh a) yeah)) , (NP-1 onleh an occasional one))))))))) , but (S (NP-ADV just the same) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD behahn (NP mah back)))) , an (SQ (S (NP-SBJ Ah) (VP doa- n (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ thet) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD nahce) (ADVP at all))))))) , (SQ d'- (NP-SBJ you) (VP *?*))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't))) '' , (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (UCP-PRD (NP a good Baptist) , and (VP drinking))) '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Roebuck) (ADVP very kindly) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP drive (PP-DIR through (NP Sante Fe)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a road) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (VP lead (NP us) (PP-DIR (PP to (NP Taos (CONJP and then) Raton)) and `` (ADVP eventshahleh) '' (PP out (PP of (NP New Mexico))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-3 How lightly) (S (NP-SBJ her `` eventshah-leh '') (VP passed (PP into (NP (NP the crannies) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP storing (NP dialect material) (PP for (NP some (ADJP vaguely dreamed) opus)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))) , and (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ the word) (VP would (VP echo (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (VP re-echo)) .) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Hardly) had (NP-SBJ Mrs. Roebuck) (VP driven (ADVP off) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP a rusty pick-up truck) , (NP (NP father or grandfather) (PP of (NP (NP Senor `` Moriarty 's '') Ford sedan)))) , (VP came (VP screeching (PP to (NP a dust-swirling stop))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ a brown face) (VP appeared , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 its nose) (VP threatened (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP shards) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP been (NP-PRD the side window)))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (ADVP in) , (NP-VOC buddies)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (ADVP in)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The straight , black hair) (VP flopped (PP in (NP a vigorous nod)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the slender nose) (VP (VP plunged (PP-DIR toward (NP glass teeth))) and (VP drew (ADVP safely) (ADVP-DIR back)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP unwired (NP (NP the right hand door) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose window) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was , (PP like (NP the left one)) , (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD (NP loosely-taped fragments) (PP of (NP glass))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP wadded (NP himself) (PP into (NP (NP a narrow seat) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP still more) narrow)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP three cases) (PP of (NP beer))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (PP-LOC In (ADVP back)) , (NP-VOC buddy)) '' , (NP-SBJ the driver) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (PP to (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-MNR Quickly but carefully) (VP lowering (NP my duffel bag) (PP over (NP the low side-rack)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP stepped (PP-LOC on (NP the running board)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP flopped (ADVP-DIR down)) , (VP sprang (ADVP-DIR back up)) and (VP gouged (NP my shin)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The truck) (VP was (VP hurtling (ADVP-DIR forward))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP seized (NP the rack)) and (VP made (NP a western-style flying-mount) (PP-TMP (ADVP just) in (NP time))) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP my knees))) (ADVP mercifully) (VP (VP landing (PP-LOC on (NP my duffel bag))) (PRN -- and (VP (VP (ADVP merely) wrecking (NP my camera)) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP discover (NP *T*-2)))) (ADVP-TMP later))))) --))) (S (NP-SBJ my other knee) (VP-UNF (VP landing (PP-LOC on (NP the slivery truck floor boards))) and))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD no medical report))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP again) (PP-PRD in (NP motion)) (NAC and (PP at (NP (NP a speed) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP belied (NP (NP (NP the truck 's) similarity) (PP to (NP (NP Senor X 's) Ford turtle)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP beat (NP old Herry) (PP-DIR to (NP Siberia)) (PP after (NP all)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 Whatever satisfaction) (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP might (VP offer (NP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Something) (VP pulled (NP my leg)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP drew (ADVP-DIR back) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP drawing (ADVP-DIR back) (NP my foot) (PP for (NP a kick))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP only) (S-NOM-PRD (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP reaching (PP-DIR around (NP (NP the wire chicken fencing) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP half) (VP covered (NP (NP the truck cab 's) glassless rear window))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-MNR (NP The way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 his red rubber lips) (VP were (VP stretched (NP *-1) (PP-LOC across (NP his pearly little teeth)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP only) (VP having (NP a little joke))))))) , but , (S (INTJ no) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP bend (PP-DIR down (PP from (NP (NP the roar) (PP of (NP wind))))) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP roar (NP something) (PP into (NP my ear)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wann- (NP a beer)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Hell) , (INTJ yes)) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP roared (INTJ *T*-1) (ADVP back) (PP between (NP dusty lips))) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP a beer)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ an anteater) (VP want (NP ants)) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADJP Bueno) , (NP-VOC amigo) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 Gracias) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP hollered (INTJ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ my first long swallow) (VP (VP filling (NP me) (PP with (NP confidence))) and (VP (ADVP immediately) doubling (NP (NP the size) (PP of (NP my Spanish vocabulary))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP once)) (NP-SBJ-1 my ears) (VP were (VP drowned (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a flow) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD Spanish))))))))))))) , but (S (S -- (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ (NP the driver 's) white teeth) (VP flashing (PP at (NP me)))) , (S (NP-SBJ the road) (ADVP-MNR wildly) (VP veering (PP-LOC beyond (NP his glistening hair)) , (PP-LOC beyond (NP his gesticulating bottle))))) -- (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the purest Oxford English) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP half) (VP hearing (NP *T*-3)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP have (VP known (NP the difference)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Johnson) (VP was (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP grab (NP the wheel)))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ (NP the swerve) (PP of (NP the truck))) (VP was (VP throwing (NP him) (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ White teeth) (ADVP suddenly) (VP vanishing)) , (NP-SBJ the driver) (VP slammed (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP his bottle))) (PP-LOC against (NP (NP Johnson 's) ear))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD off (NP the road)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 gleaming barbed wire) (VP pulling (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD taut))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ducked (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ the first strand) (VP (VP broke (ADVP-LOC somewhere (PP down (NP the line)))) and (VP came (VP whipping (PP-DIR over (NP the sideboards)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD (PP in (NP a field)) , (PP in (NP a tight , screeching turn)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Prairie dogs) (VP were (VP (VP popping (ADVP-DIR up)) and (VP popping (ADVP-DIR down)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP fell (PP-LOC on (NP my back)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ a vulture) (VP hovering))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Just) as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (PP to (NP my knees))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP again) (NP-PRD (NP the sound) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the fence) (VP stretching)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP taking (NP my kneeling posture) (ADVP-MNR seriously))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ no wire) (VP came (VP whipping (PP-DIR into (NP the truck)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP back) on (NP the road))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP regained (NP (NP my squatting position) (PP-LOC behind (NP (NP the truck cab 's) rear window)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Johnson 's) left hand) (VP was (VP pressed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC against (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP his head)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ red cheeks) (VP whitening (PP-LOC beneath (NP his fingers)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Tee-wah) '' , (NP-SBJ the driver) (VP cackled (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his black eyes) (VP glittering (PP-LOC behind (NP (ADJP dull silver) chicken fencing))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP That) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP was (NP-PRD Tee-wah) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP talking (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD a Mexican)))))) , (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you) , (NP-VOC buddy)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Hell) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right) , (NP-VOC buddy))) '' , (NP-SBJ the Indian) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP guessed)) -RRB-) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Drink (NP your beer)) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Miraculously) , (NP-SBJ the bottle) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP my hand)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ foam) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP geysering (PP-DIR over (NP my (PRN -LRB- luckily -RRB-) waterproof watch))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP (ADVP No sooner) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) had (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP drinking)) (SBAR-3 than (S (NP-SBJ-2 the driver) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP zigzagging (NP the truck))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The beer) (VP foamed (ADVP-MNR furiously)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drank (ADVP-MNR furiously)) .)) (TOP (NP A long time .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Emptied (NP the bottle)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Teeth) (ADVP again) (VP flashing (ADVP back) (PP at (NP me)))) , (NP-SBJ the driver) (VP released (NP (NP a deluge) (PP of (NP Spanish)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S `` (NP-SBJ amigo) '' (VP appeared (ADVP-TMP every so often) (PP like (NP (NP an island) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the stormy waves) (PP of (NP surrounding sound)))))) (PP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP bobbed (NP my head) (NP-TMP (NP each time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP appeared (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ the Spanish) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP an English) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP (QP only one) word) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP emerged (PP with (NP clarity and precision)) , (NP-1 `` (NP (NP son) (PP of (NP a bitch))) '' , (VP (ADVP-TMP sometimes) hyphenated (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP vicious jabs) (PP of (NP a beer bottle)) (PP into (NP (NP Johnson 's) quivering ribs)))))) (PP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A big car) (VP was (VP approaching , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its chrome teeth) (VP grinning)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Beyond (NP it)) (NP-SBJ the gray road) (VP stretched (NP-EXT a long , long way)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The car) (VP was (ADVP just about) (PP-PRD to (NP us)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP its driver 's) fat , solemn face) (ADJP-PRD intent (PP (PP on (NP (NP the road) (ADVP-LOC ahead))) , (PP on (NP business)) , (PP on (NP (NP a family) (PP-LOC in (NP Sante Fe)))) -- (PP on (NP (NP anything) (PP but (NP (NP an old pick-up truck) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ two human beings) (ADVP-MNR desperately) (VP needed (NP rescue) (PP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tossed (NP the bottle)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP High) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (ADVP only) (VP bounce (ADVP-MNR harmlessly but loudly) (PP off (NP (NP the car 's) steel roof)))))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Too high .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP unoccupied roadway)) (NP-SBJ the bottle) (VP shattered (PP into (NP a small amber flash))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Aye-yah-ah-ah '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Indian) (VP was (ADVP again) (VP raising (NP his bottle)))) , but (S (PP to (NP (NP my astonished relief) (PRN -- (ADVP probably) (NP (NP only a fraction) (PP of (NP Johnson 's))) --))) (NP-SBJ the bottle) (NP-TMP this time) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the Indian 's) lips)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Another car) (VP was (VP coming , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP a tiny , dark shape) (PP-LOC on (NP a far hill)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (PP on (NP the splintery truck bed)) (PP for (NP (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP board))) , (NP a dirt clod) -- (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP throw (NP *T*-1) (NAC and (PP with (NP (NP better aim) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP thrown (NP the beer bottle)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (VP slowing)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the ditch)) (NP-SBJ sand) (VP was (ADJP-PRD white and soft-looking) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 (NP only an occasional pebble)) (ADJP-PRD discernible) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-MNR faintly) (VP gleaming)))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ Johnson) (VP could n't (ADVP-MNR quickly) (VP unwire (NP the truck door)))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP escaped))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP suffer))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The car) (VP was (VP approaching (ADVP-MNR fast))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC On (NP the truck bed)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP smaller) (PP than (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP rusty machinery)))))))) ; ; (S (PP with (NP more time)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP have (VP loosened (NP a small (NX (NX burr) or (NX cotter pin))))))) --)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP Suddenly) and not (ADVP-TMP (NP a second) too soon)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP the coins) (PP-LOC in (NP my pocket))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pick (PRT out) (NP a penny) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP got (NP a coin) (PP-LOC between (NP my thumb and forefinger))) , (VP leaned (NP my elbows) (PP in (NP a (ADJP very natural and casual) manner)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP the truck cab))))) and (VP flipped (NP my little missile)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a blur) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP (ADVP just) under (NP (NP my focus) (PP of (NP vision)))) , (NP-1 a crash))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the car 's) far windshield panel) (VP turned (PP into (NP (NP a silver web) (PP with (NP (NP a dark hole) (PP-LOC in (NP the center)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (NP (NP (NP the screech) (PP of (NP brakes)) (PP-LOC behind (NP me))) , (NP (NP an insane burst) (PP of (NP laughter)) (PP-LOC beneath (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Looking (ADVP-DIR back))) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-2 a gray-haired man) (VP (VP getting (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP his halted car)))) and (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP read (NP our license number)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` S-s-sahjunt '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Johnson 's) fat hand) , (NP another bottle)) (VP were (VP protruding (PP-DIR from (NP the truck cab))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that self-proclaimed Baptist teetotaler) , (VP had (NP a bottle) (PP-LOC at (NP his own lips)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Two cars) (VP came (PP-DIR over (NP a crest)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ their chrome and glass) (VP flashing))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Indian 's) arm) (VP whipped (ADVP sidewise))) -- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a flash) (PP of (NP amber and froth))) , (NP (NP the crash) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the bottle) (VP shattering (PP-LOC against (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the first car))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brakes) (VP shrieked (PP-LOC behind (NP us))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Johnson 's) bottle) (VP snatched (NP *-1) (PP-DIR from (NP his hand))))) , (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP go (PP in (NP (NP a swirl) (PP of (NP foam)))) (PP-DIR (ADVP just) behind (NP the second car)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP no sound) (PP of (NP brakes))) but (NP (NP the shrieking) (PP of (NP women))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (ADVP back) (PP at (NP (NP pale ovals) (VP framed (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the elongated oval) (PP of (NP (NP the car 's) rear window)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Drink , (NP-VOC (NP you son) (PP of (NP a bitch)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP quickly) (VP (VP turned (ADVP around)) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP drink))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the Indian) (VP was (VP jabbing (NP another bottle) (PP-DIR toward (NP Johnson)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP guided (NP her) (PP-DIR to (NP the divan))) , (VP turned (PRT off) (NP the TV)) , (VP faced (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP sat (ADVP-MNR quietly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP staring (PP at (NP me)) (PP from (NP the wide eyes))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (SBAR (WHNP-1 what eyes) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP Big and dark) , (NP a melting , golden brown) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Eyes) (PP like (NP hot honey))) , (NP (NP eyes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP sizzled)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Plus (NP (NP flawless skin) , (NP smooth brow and cheeks) , (NP (NP lips) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP looked (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP get (NP a shock) (PP from (NP them))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP disturbingly familiar) face) , (ADVP too))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP remember (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (VP met (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said , `` (SQ Do (NP-SBJ we) (VP know (NP each other) , (NP-VOC Miss))) '') ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ No) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP remembered (UCP (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reading (PP about (NP you)) (PP in (NP the papers)))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP lived (ADVP-LOC here))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP happened (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP think (PP of (NP *T*-2))))))) (VP-UNF was)) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ she) (VP stopped (NP (NP the rush) (PP of (NP words))) (NP-ADV herself)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry)) .)) (TOP (SQ Shall (NP-SBJ I) (VP go (PRT on)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD her first smile)) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (ADJP worth (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP waiting (PP for (NP *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Sure) '' . (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (UCP `` (FRAG But (NP (NP one word) (PP at (NP a time)))) , (INTJ O.K.) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP hugging (NP the stained coat) (PP around (NP her))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Relax) , (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP take (NP your things)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Would (NP-SBJ you) (VP like (NP (NP a drink) , or (NP coffee))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ No) , (INTJ thanks) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP stood (PRT up)) , (VP pulled (NP the coat) (PP-DIR from (NP her shoulders))) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP slide (NP it) (PRT off))))) , (ADVP then) (VP let (PRT out) (NP a high-pitched scream)))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP let (PRT out) (NP (NP a low-pitched , wobbling sound) (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ a muffler) (VP blowing (PRT out))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP wearing (NP nothing) (PP-LOC beneath (NP the coat)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP jerked (NP the coat) (ADVP back) (PRT on)) and (VP squeezed (NP it) (PP around (NP her)) (ADVP again) , (NAC but not (ADVP-TMP soon enough)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a good second or two) (SBAR (WHPP-1 during (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ my muffler) (VP had (VP been (VP blowing (ADVP out) (PP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD certain (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP seen (NP her) (ADVP-LOC somewhere) (ADVP-TMP before)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP forgot) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ She) (VP yelped (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP do (VP forgive (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP forgive) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP started (NP all the trouble) (PP in (NP the first place)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ dear) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD all unstrung)) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP (NP You and me) (NP both)) , (NP-VOC dear) .)) (TOP (SQ (SQ-UNF Have n't (NP-SBJ we)) have n't (NP-SBJ I) (VP seen (NP you)) .)) (TOP (S (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean))) , (ADVP surely) (NP-SBJ we) (VP-UNF 've) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP may (VP have (VP seen (NP me) (PP on (NP TV)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP done (NP several filmed commercials) (PP-UNF for))) '' --)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP hit (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Zing '' ! !) (NP-SBJ I) (VP cried (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Why) , (INTJ yes) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ you) (VP recognized (NP me)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Yes) , (ADVP indeed) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP watching (NP you) (PP on (NP that little seventeen-inch screen)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP rang (NP my bell) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (INTJ Man) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP rang)) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP color)) , (ADVP too) , (NP-VOC Miss))) , and (NP-VOC Miss) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD your name) , (ADVP anyway))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Ah) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADJP-PRD splendid)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sat (PP-LOC by (NP her)) (PP-LOC on (NP the divan))) .)) (TOP (ADJP `` Splendid .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP-LOC In (NP a waterfall)) and (NP all that) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the last one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP did (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD a fun one)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP bet)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fun (PP for (NP me))) , (ADVP all right)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP mean (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pry)))))) , but (SQ do (NP-SBJ they) (VP hide (NP the swimsuit) (PP with (NP the bubbles)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean : (SQ Is (NP-SBJ advertising) (ADJP-PRD honest))) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP depends (PP on (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP does (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP wear (NP anything) (ADVP at all)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP-UNF would n't) -- (VP would n't (VP seem (ADJP-PRD fair) , (ADVP somehow))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP agree (PP with (NP you)) (ADVP more))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP really) (VP do (VP have (NP (NP something) (ADJP important) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (NP you) (NP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Scott))) .)) (TOP (PP About (NP the murder) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` Murder ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ yeah)) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP me) (PP about (NP the murder))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP told (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Zing) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the creation) (PP of (NP (NP two men) , (NP (NP Louis Thor) and (NP Bill Blake)) , (NP (NP partners) (PP in (NP zing ! ! , Inc.))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP 'd (VP peddled (NP the soap) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD virtually alone)) , (NAC and (PP without (NP much success))) , (PP-TMP until (ADVP (NP (QP about a) year) ago)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) -- (S (PP with (NP (NP (NP the addition) (PP of `` (NP SX-21) '') (PP to (NP their secret formula))) and (NP (NP the inauguration) (PP of (NP a high-powered advertising campaign))))) -- (NP-SBJ sales) (VP had (VP soared (PP (ADVP practically) into (NP orbit)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Their product) (VP had (VP been (VP endorsed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP Good Housekeeping) , (NP the A.M.A.) , and (NP the Veterinary Journal)) , (PP among (NP (NP other repositories) (PP of (NP higher wisdom)))))))))) , and (S (PP-TMP before (ADVP much longer)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP did n't (VP have (NP (NP a cake) (PP of (NP their soap))) (PP-LOC in (NP the john)))))) , (NP-SBJ even your best friends) (VP would (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP did n't (VP bathe))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My lovely caller) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ Joyce Holland) (VP was (NP-PRD her name))) --) (VP had (ADVP-TMP previously) (VP done (NP three filmed commercials) (PP for (NP zing))))) , and (S (NP-TMP this evening) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the fourth) , (NP a super production)) , (VP had (VP been (VP filmed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the home) (PP of (NP Louis Thor)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The water) (PP in (NP (NP Thor 's) big swimming pool))) (VP had (VP been (VP covered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a blanket) (PP of (NP thick , foamy soapsuds))) (PRN -- (VP fashioned (NP *) , (PP of (NP course)) , (PP from (NP zing))) --))))))) (S (NP-SBJ Joyce) (VP had (VP (VP dived (PP-DIR from (NP the board)) (PP-DIR into (NP the pool))) , (ADVP then) (VP swirled and cavorted (PP-LOC in (NP her luxurious `` bath ''))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ cameras) (VP rolled)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The (ADJP (ADJP finished) (PRN -- and (ADJP drastically cut) --)) product) (VP would (VP begin (PP with (NP (NP a hazy longshot) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 Joyce) (VP (VP entering (NP the suds)) , (ADVP then) (VP bursting (PP-DIR above (NP (NP the pool 's) surface)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP clad (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP layers) (PP of (NP lavender lather))))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP a hunch (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 this item) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP sell (NP (NP tons and tons) (PP of (NP soap))) ; ; (PP (ADVP even) to (NP clean men and boys)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Joyce) (VP went (PRT on) , `` (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP finished)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Lou) -- (NP Mr. Thor) --) (VP asked (NP-1 me) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP-TMP (NP a little) longer))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ He) (VP wanted (NP (NP a few stills) (PP for (NP magazine ads))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Everybody) (VP left)) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stayed (PP-LOC in (NP the pool))))) , (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Lou) (VP (VP came (ADVP-DIR back) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone))) and (VP leaped (PP-DIR into (NP the pool)) (ADVP too)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP have (NP any clothes) (PRT on))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't)) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (VP Did)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (FRAG *T*-1)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP paused) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Did (VP leap (PP-DIR into (NP the pool)))) , and (VP did n't (VP have (NP anything) (PRT on)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyway) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR-NOM *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD evident) (SBAR-NOM-1 (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP mind)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP got (ADVP away))) , (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yes .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP caught (PRT up) (PP with (NP me)) (ADVP-TMP once)) and (VP grabbed (NP me)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP (ADVP all) covered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP zing))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD very slippery) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP know)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP have (NP the stuff) (PP-LOC in (NP the house)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD pleased (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear))))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` So (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP scooted (PP out (PP of (NP his clutches)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP swam (PP like (ADJP mad))) , (VP got (PP out (PP of (NP the pool)))) , (VP grabbed (NP my robe)) , and (VP ran (PP-DIR to (NP the car)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The keys) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP it)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD (NP miles) away) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remembered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ my clothes and purse and everything) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the little cabana) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP changed (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-2 (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (VP driven (ADVP around) (PP-TMP for (NP a while))))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Joyce) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (ADVP then) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Louis Thor) (VP would (VP have (VP calmed (ADVP down) (PP-TMP by (NP that time))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP 'd (VP (VP gone (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP his home) (PP-LOC on (NP Bryn Mawr Drive))))) , (VP parked (PP-LOC in (NP front))) , and (VP walked (PP-DIR toward (NP the pool)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (FRAG (NP-LOC (NP several yards) (PP from (NP it))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP concealed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the shrubbery)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP 'd (VP seen (NP (NP two men) (PP-LOC on (NP her left)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the pool 's) edge))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP went (PRT on) : `` (S (NP-SBJ A man) (VP was (VP (VP holding (PP onto (NP Lou))) , (VP holding (NP him) (PRT up)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ Lou) (VP was (ADVP only) (ADJP-PRD unconscious))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP right then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD dead))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP (VP shoved (NP him) (PP-DIR into (NP the water))) , (ADVP then) (VP ran (PP-DIR past (NP the cabana)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a walk) (ADVP-LOC there) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP goes (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP Quebec Drive)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so scared (SBAR 0 (S (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP (VP ran (PP-DIR to (NP my car))) and (VP came (ADVP-DIR here))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ the other man) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ No) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP did (VP see (NP his face)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP get (NP (NP a good look) (PP at (NP him))) (ADVP at all)))) , (S (NP-SBJ his back) (VP was (PP-PRD to (NP me)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so scared))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP somebody) (PP in (NP (NP a man 's) suit)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the other one) (VP was (NP-PRD Lou)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ Joyce) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Thor 's) house))) and `` (VP do (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ detectives) (VP do (NP *T*-1))))) '' , and (VP get (NP her (NX (NX clothes) -- and (NX (NX handbag) (VP containing (NP her identification))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP notify (NP the police))))))))) , but (VP (ADVP-MNR fervently) hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP could (VP avoid (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP mentioning (NP her name))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her impact) (PP in (NP the zing commercials))) (VP had (VP led (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 her) (VP being (VP considered (NP *-2) (PP for (NP (NP an excellent part) (PP in (NP (NP an upcoming TV series) , (NP-TTL Underwater Western Eye) , (NP (NP a documentary-type show) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP to (VP be (VP sponsored (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Oatnut Grits)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Joyce) (VP got (ADJP-PRD involved (PP in (NP (NP murder) or (NP salacious scandal))))))) , (NP-SBJ the role) (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP go (PP to (NP (NP (NP the sponsor 's) wife) , (NP Mrs. Oatnut Grits))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Or (ADVP at least) not (PP to (NP Joyce)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 And (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP so) (VP want (NP the part))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ The commercials) (VP have (ADVP just) (VP been (PP-PRD for (NP money))))) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP has n't (VP been (NP-PRD (NP any real incentive) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP do (NP them))))))))) , but (S (PP in (NP-TTL Underwater Western Eye)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP act))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP show (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP As far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP concerned (NP *-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP had (ADVP-TMP already) (VP *RNR*-3)) and (VP had (ADVP-MNR dandily) (VP *RNR*-3)) (VP-3 shown (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP promised (NP Joyce) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP mention (NP her name) , (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (ADVP at all))) , (PP (ADVP only) as (NP a last resort))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Seeming (ADJP much relieved))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP smiled (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP those worth-waiting-for smiles))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP smiled (NP-ADV (NP all the way) (PP into (NP the bedroom))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP got (NP my (NX (NX Colt Special) and (NX shoulder harness)))) , (VP slipped (NP my coat) (PRT on)) , and (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR into (NP the front room)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Joyce) (VP squirmed (NP-ADV a little) (PP-LOC on (NP the divan))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP starting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP itch)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (VP `` Itch '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (ADVP-TMP still) (VP (ADVP all) covered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP that soap))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP loaded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP suds)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ran (ADVP-DIR away) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have n't (VP had (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wash (NP it) (PRT off)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Mmmm) , (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP sure) (VP itches) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP might (ADVP as well) (VP wait (ADVP-LOC here) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD gone)))) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP use (NP my shower) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP like)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP love (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP showed (NP her) (NP the shower and tub))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP said , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP smiling)) , `` (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP really) (VP do n't (VP mind)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP (VP get (ADJP-PRD clean) (PP-LOC in (NP the shower))) , (ADVP then) (VP soak (PP-TMP for (NP a few minutes)) (PP-LOC in (NP your tub))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP relaxes (NP me)) .)) (TOP (SQ Does n't (NP-SBJ it) (VP *?* (NP you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBAR `` (ADVP Only) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shook (NP my head)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP my virtues or vices))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (NP three-dimensional imagination) (ADJP complete (PP with (NP (NP sound effects) and (NP glorious living color)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Soak (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (ADVP-TMP *?*))))) , (NP-VOC Joyce)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 'll (ADVP probably) (VP be (NP-PRD (QP at least an) hour (QP or two)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP check (ADVP back) (PP with (NP you)))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP have (NP everything) (PP (ADVP all) to (NP yourself)) , (INTJ doggone))) '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (PP at (NP my watch))) .)) (TOP (PP (NP-ADV Ten) after (NP nine) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-2 (NP (NP Time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP supposed (FRAG *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (INTJ goodbye)) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Goodbye .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hurry))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP count (PP on (NP that)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled (ADVP-MNR slightly)) .)) (TOP (ADVP Softly .)) (TOP (ADVP Warmly .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP hurry (ADVP too much))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP soaking (PP-TMP for (NP (QP at least half) an hour))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (FRAG (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ-1 those hot-honey eyes) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP everything) (PP but (NP (NP swarms) (PP of (NP bees)))) (PP-LOC in (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (S-TPC-4 (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a job) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP done (NP *-1))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP a monstrosity) (PP of (NP grim determination))))) , (NP-SBJ-5 I) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP think (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP spun (ADVP about)) and (VP clattered (PP-DIR through (NP the front room)) (PP-DIR to (NP the door)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (ADVP-DIR out)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ water) (VP pouring (PP-LOC in (NP the shower)))))) .)) (TOP (NP Hot water .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would n't (VP be (VP taking (NP a cold shower)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Hell) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Bryn Mawr Drive) (VP is (NP-LOC-PRD (NP (QP only two or three) miles) (PP from (NP the Spartan))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP-1 me) (NP (QP less than five) minutes) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-DIR there)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the scene) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP the quiet , calm scene) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP expected (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Four cars) (VP were (VP parked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the curb))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP two) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (NP-PRD police radio cars))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lights) (VP blazed (PP-LOC in (NP the (NX (NX big house) and (NX surrounding grounds))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP followed (NP (NP a shrubbery-lined gravel path) (PP-LOC alongside (NP the house))) (PP-DIR to (NP the pool))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Two uniformed officers) , (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP (NP plain-clothesmen) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP *T*-1))))))) , and (NP two other men)) (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a gray cement area) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP (NP the pool) (PP-LOC on (NP my left)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 At (NP (NP the pool 's) far end)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP the little cabana) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Joyce) (VP had (VP mentioned (NP *T*-1))))))) , and (SINV (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the water 's) surface)) (VP floated) (NP-SBJ (NP scattered lavender patches) (PP of (NP limp-looking lather)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (NP-ADV A few yards) beyond (NP (NP the group) (PP of (NP men)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a man 's) nude body) (VP lay (ADVP face down) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a patch) (PP of (NP thick green dichondra))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Lieutenant Rawlins) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the plain-clothesmen))) ,) (VP (VP spotted (NP me)) and (VP said , (FRAG `` (INTJ Hi) , (NP-VOC Shell) '')) , and (VP walked (PP-DIR toward (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ 'd (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear (PP about (NP this one)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP grinned) , but (VP ignored (NP the question))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP push (NP it)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ Rawlins) (VP worked (PP out (PP of (NP Central Homicide))))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP been (NP-PRD friends) (PP-TMP for (NP years)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP filled (NP me) (PRT in)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A call) (PP to (NP the police))) (VP had (VP been (VP placed (NP *-1) (PP from (ADVP here)) (PP-TMP (NP-ADV (NP a couple) (PP of (NP minutes))) after (NP nine P.M.)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the first police car) (VP had (VP arrived (PP-TMP (NP-ADV (QP two or three) minutes) after (NP that)) -- (ADVP-TMP (NP 10 minutes) ago (ADVP-TMP now))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-3 Present (PP at (NP the scene))) -- (PP in (NP (NP addition) (PP to (NP (NP the dead man) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP indeed) (NP-PRD Louis Thor)))))))) -- had (VP been (ADJP-PRD *T*-3)) (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP Thor 's) partner) (NP Bill Blake)) , and (NP (NP Antony Rose) , (NP (NP an advertising agency executive) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP handled (NP the zing account))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP Neither) (PP of (NP them))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP understood (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD present (PP at (NP (NP the filming session) (ADVP-TMP earlier)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ were (NP-SBJ they) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC here))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP Rawlins) (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet (NP Thor) (PP-TMP at (NP nine PM)) (PP for (NP (NP a conference) (VP concerning (NP (NP (NP the ad campaign) (PP for (NP their soap))) , (NP (NP a new angle) (PP based (PP on (NP this SX-21 stuff))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yeah) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP heard (NP (NP more) (PP about (NP (NP SX-21) (PP than (NP space exploration))))) (ADVP-TMP lately)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD the gunk))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ would (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD a secret)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD the new advertising angle) -- (NP-ADV (NP something) (PP about (NP (NP a (NP (NP Lloyd) 's (PP of (NP London))) policy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP insure (NP (NP the secrecy) (PP of (NP the secret ingredient))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ (NP (QP only two) men) (NP-UNF *ICH*-2)) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the formula) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) , (NP-UNF-2 (NP Blake) and)) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stopped) and (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP Thor 's) body)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said , `` (S (INTJ O.K.) , (S so (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ only Blake) (VP knows)))) .)) (TOP (UCP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ it) (VP strike (NP you) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))) , (ADJP foul or fair) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ca n't (VP say (ADVP-TMP yet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Deputy coroner) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP looks (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP sucked (PRT in) (NP (NP a big pile) (PP of (NP those thick suds)))) and (VP strangled (PP on (NP 'em)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The PM) (VP might (VP show (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP drowned))) (ADVP instead)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the once-over-lightly) (VP gives (NP us) (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP Accident , murder , suicide) -- (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP take (NP your pick))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP pick (NP murder))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Anything) (ADVP else) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (PP According (PP to (NP Rose))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP arrived (ADVP-LOC here) (PP-TMP (NP-ADV a couple minutes) before (NP nine))) and (VP spotted (NP Thor) (PP-LOC in (NP the water))) , (VP got (NP a hooked pole) (PP from (NP the pool-equipment locker))) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hauling (NP him) (PRT out))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP Too many) people) (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the primary purpose) (PP of (NP a higher education))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP make (NP a living))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is not (ADVP-PRD so) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ education) (VP offers (NP (NP all kinds) (PP of (NP dividends)) , (PP including (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pull (NP the wool) (PP over (NP (NP a husband 's) eyes)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP having (NP an affair) (PP with (NP his wife)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were not (PP-PRD for (NP (NP an old professor) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP read (NP the classics))))))))))) (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP would (VP have (VP been (VP stymied (NP *-4) (PP on (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-5 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-5))))))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ I) (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP-6 why) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD classics) (ADVP-PRP *T*-6))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP wrote (NP them))))) (VP knew (NP (NP people) and (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP tick)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP worked (PP for (NP (NP my Uncle) (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (NP (NP an Uncle) (PP by (NP marriage))) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will not (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP has (NP (NP a mild undercurrent) (PP of (NP incest))))))))))) -RRB-) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ran (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those antique shops) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP New Orleans ') Vieux Carre) , (NP the old French Quarter)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The arrangement) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP *T*-1)))) (PP with (NP him))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP work (NP-TMP (NP four hours) (NP-ADV a day)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP The rest) (PP of (NP the time))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP devoted (NP *T*-1) (PP (PP to (NP painting)) or (PP to (NP (NP those other activities) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a (ADJP young and healthy) man) (PP (ADVP just) out (PP of (NP college)))) (VP finds (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADJP-PRD interesting))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP a one-room studio) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP overlooked (NP (NP an ancient courtyard) (VP filled (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP flowers and plants) , (VP blooming (ADVP everlastingly) (PP-LOC in (NP the southern sun)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP New Orleans)) (ADVP-TMP (NP two years) earlier) (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP graduating (NP college)))) , (SBAR-PRP (SBAR (ADVP partly) because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP loved (NP the city)))) and (SBAR (ADVP partly) because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD quite a noted art colony) (ADVP-LOC there))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ my Uncle) (VP offered (NP me) (NP (NP a part-time job) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP my normal expenses))) and (VP give (NP me) (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP paint (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP accepted) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The arrangement) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD excellent))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP loved (NP the city))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP particularly) (VP loved (NP (NP the gaiety and spirit) (PP of (NP Mardi Gras))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP seen (NP (NP two) (PP of (NP them)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP (NP another city-wide , joyous celebration) (PP with (NP (NP romance) (PP-LOC in (NP the air)))))))))) ; ; and , (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP took (NP a walk) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what (NX (NX adventure) or (NX (NX pair) (PP of (NP sparkling eyes))))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (VP waiting (PP-LOC around (NP the next corner)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The very faces) (PP of (NP the people))) (VP bore (NP (NP this expectation) (PP of (NP fun and pleasure)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-PRD as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP could (ADVP hardly) (VP wait (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP (VP get (PP into (NP their costumes))) , (VP cover (NP their faces) (PP with (NP masks))) and (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP adventuring))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP My Uncle) and (NP I)) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD too close) (ADVP socially) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP the difference) (PP in (NP our ages))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ I) (VP wondered (ADVP-MNR vaguely) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP women))))) (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ my Aunt) , (PP by (NP blood)) , (VP had (VP died (ADVP-TMP (NP some years) ago))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP neither) (PP of (NP us))) (VP said (NP anything))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One Monday morning) (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP (VP approach (NP the store) (PP with (NP a woman))) and (VP introduce (NP me) (PP to (NP her)) (PP as (NP my new Aunt)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP married (NP *-1) (PP-TMP over (NP the week-end)) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP easily) (NP-PRD sixty))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could not (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD even thirty))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (PP (ADVP more) like (NP twenty-five or six))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP really) (NP-PRD a May and December combination)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My new Aunt) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP perhaps three or four) years) older) (PP than (NP I))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a long time) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP seen (NP (NP (ADJP as gorgeous) a woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP oozed (NP sex)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (PP about (NP (NP (NP the contour) (PP of (NP (NP her face) , (NP her smile)))) (NP *ICH*-6) (NP *ICH*-7))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP New Orleans sunshine))))) , (NP-6 (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP held (NP her head) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4))))) , (NP-7 (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP walked (ADVP-MNR *T*-5)))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP scarcely anything) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did (NP *T*-3)))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP did not (VP fascinate (NP me)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her legs) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the full , sexy kind) , (ADJP (ADJP full bodied (PP like (NP a rare wine))) and (ADJP just as tantalizing (PP to (NP the appetite))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the calf) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 magnificent))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 the ankle) (ADJP-PRD=2 perfect))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP forgive (NP me) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dwell (ADVP too much) (PP on (NP her physical aspects))))))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD (NP an artist) , (VP accustomed (NP *) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP studying (NP the physical body)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The true artist) (VP is (PP-PRD like (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those scientists) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) , (S (PP from (NP a single bone)) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP reconstruct (NP (NP an animal 's) entire body)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The artist) (VP looks (PP at (NP (NP an ankle) , (NP a calf) , (NP a bosom))))) and , (S (PP in (NP (NP his mind 's) eye)) , (S (NP-SBJ the clothes) (VP drop (ADVP away))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sees (NP her) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP really) (VP is)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (NP-MNR-PRD (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP saw (NP her) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ my Uncle) (VP brought (NP her) (PP-DIR into (NP his antique store)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-SBJ That (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP impressed (NP me) (ADVP instantly)))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD obvious))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ our eyes) (VP met (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP both)) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (VP averted (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ (NP a faint surge) (PP of (NP color))) (VP (VP rise (PP-DIR to (NP her neck))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR quickly) suffuse (NP her cheeks)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ True) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP was (NP-PRD my Aunt) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD married (PP to (NP (NP an Uncle) (ADJP related (PP to (NP me)) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP marriage))))))))) , but (S (SBAR-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP married (NP (NP a man) (NP (NP twice her age) , and (NP more) , (ADVP perhaps))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP (VP know (SBAR *T*-2)) or (VP (ADVP much) care (SBAR *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP standing (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ her back) (PP-PRD to (NP the glass door)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her form) (VP was (VP silhouetted (NP *-1)))) and (S (PP with (NP the strong light)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP the outlines) (PP of (NP (NP her body) , (NP (NP a body) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP an artist) or (NP (NP anyone) (ADVP else))) (VP would (VP have (VP admired (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (PP in (NP (NP (ADJP so many) affairs) (PP of (NP the heart))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP a man) and (NP a woman)) (VP meet)) and (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP clicks)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Something) (VP clicked (PP in (NP this instance)))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP treated (NP her) (ADVP-MNR circumspectly)))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (NP it)))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP both)) (VP kept (NP our distance)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP appeared (PP-LOC at (NP the store)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (PRT out) (PP-TMP for (NP a few hours))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ even my) (VP looking (PP at (NP her)))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD surreptitious) (SBAR-ADV lest (S (NP-SBJ my Uncle) (VP notice (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP became (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) , (ADVP too) , (VP glanced (PP at (NP me)) (ADVP-MNR surreptitiously)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her eyes) (VP were (VP undressing (NP me) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP were (NP-PRD-2 a painter))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1 I) (NP-PRD=2 a nude model))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP dismissed (NP these feelings) (PP as (NP wishful thinking)))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could not (VP get (NP it) (PP out (PP of (NP my head))) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (NP (NP a strong physical attraction) (PP for (NP one another))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP we) (NP both)) (VP feared (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dwell (PP on (NP it)) (PP-PRP because of (NP our relationship)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ our eyes) (VP met (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ-1 the air) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP an unuttered message) (PP of `` (FRAG (NP Me) , (ADVP too)) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP have (ADVP probably) (VP experienced (NP this))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP put (NP your fingers) (PP on (NP *T*-1))))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ the air) (ADVP suddenly) (VP fills (PP with (NP (NP a high charge) (PP of (NP electricity)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Why) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP married (NP him) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP know (SBAR *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP I) (NP myself)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fond (PP of (NP him))))) but (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a young woman) (NP half his age)) (VP saw (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP him))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a mystery) (PP to (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP had (NP (NP that slow pace) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP comes (PP over (NP the elderly)))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ (NP she) (NP herself)) (VP had (NP (NP all the signs) (PP of (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP appreciates (NP (NP the joys) (PP of (NP living))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Perhaps) , (PP with (NP my Uncle)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (NP (NP a measure) (PP of (NP economic security)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP needed (NP *T*-1))))))) ; ; or (S (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ she) (VP liked (NP (NP men) (ADJP old enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD her father)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP some women) (PP with (NP father fixations))) (VP do))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP several weeks)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP eyed (NP one another) (PP (ADVP almost) like (NP sparring partners)))) , (CONJP and then) (S (S (NP-TMP one day) (NP-SBJ Uncle) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD slightly indisposed)) and (VP stayed (ADVP-LOC home)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ his bride) (VP opened (NP the store)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP waiting (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP it)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP showed (PRT up)) and (VP told (NP me) (PP of (NP (NP my Uncle 's) indisposition))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP telling (NP me) (PP about (NP it)))))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP became (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP (NP a give-away flush) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP suffused (NP her neck)) and (VP moved (ADVP-DIR upwards) (PP-DIR to (NP her cheeks))))))))))) , and (S (ADVP-MNR subconsciously) (NP-SBJ I) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP entered (NP the store) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP did not (VP switch (PRT on) (NP the lights))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The cavernous depth) , (VP cluttered (NP *) (PP with (NP antiques)))) , (VP echoed (PP to (NP her hard heels)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR (ADVP directly) to (NP (NP the office) (PP-LOC in (NP the rear))))) and (VP took (NP (NP the seat) (PP-LOC at (NP his desk)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP placed (NP her palms) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 fingers) (VP outspread (NP *-1))) , (PP-LOC on (NP the desk)) (PP in (NP an odd gesture)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP say , (FRAG `` (INTJ Now) , (WHNP what) (ADVP next) '' ? ?)))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP (NP a humid look) (PP-LOC in (NP her eyes)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP told (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the time) (VP was (ADJP-PRD opportune))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP little likelihood) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ any customers) (VP walking (PRT in))))) (PP-TMP at (NP that hour))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP (VP standing (PP-LOC beside (NP her))) , (VP watching (NP the outspread palms)) and (VP wondering (PP about (NP (NP the old horsehair sofa) (PP-LOC against (NP the wall)) (SBAR (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP napped (PP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP bent) and (VP kissed (NP the (ADJP still pink) neck)))) and (S (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ she) (VP jumped (ADVP-DIR up))) , and (S (NP-SBJ her two arms) (VP encircled (NP me) (PP in (NP a bear-like crush)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her mouth) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (ADVP so much) (PP-PRD in (NP my thoughts))))))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD warm and moist and tender)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP murmur , `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP lock (NP the door))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP did not (VP take (NP-1 me) (ADVP long) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP slip (NP the bolt) (ADVP-MNR securely)) and (VP return (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the rear) and (NP its couch))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP opened (NP the door) (ADVP again) (PP for (NP business))) and (VP switched (PRT on) (NP the lights)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP will not (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (ADJP-PRD indisposed)))) '') .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP thinking (PP about (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ will (NP-SBJ we) (VP work (NP it) (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD the man)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP figure (NP it) (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP noticed (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP been (VP looking (PP at (NP me)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP ever) since (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP met))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP both)) (VP felt (NP-PRD it)))))) '' . (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (ADVP so))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` But (ADVP-TMP now) (WHNP what) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP it)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ an education) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD invaluable)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP (NP a pass) (PP at (NP you))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP raised (NP a protesting hand) (PP with (NP a startled air))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-2 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Get (VP thrown (NP *-1) (PRT out))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP even) (VP hint (PP at (NP it))))) do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP will (VP matter (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP his nephew) -- and (ADVP not even) (NP a blood nephew)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP thrown (NP *-2) (PRT out)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP will (VP *?* (NP *-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP a way) (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP carry (PRT on) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ his) (VP suspecting (NP us))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TPC-1 `` By (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP telling (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP making (NP passes) (PP at (NP me)))))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (PP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR incredulously)) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP college)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP grinned (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (NP (NP a poem) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP read (NP *T*-4) (PP in (NP my lit class)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (ADVP even) (VP remember (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP wrote (NP it))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP those 15th or 16th century poets))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP those days)) (NP-SBJ poems) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP told (NP a story) (PP in (NP verse)))) and (S (NP-SBJ those boys) (VP had (NP (NP some corkers) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (NP *T*-2))))))))) ; ; and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP use (NP (NP the knowledge) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP passed (NP *T*-1) (PRT on) (PP-DTV to (NP us)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Tomorrow) (NP-SBJ Mardi Gras) (VP opens (ADVP officially)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A lot) (PP of (NP people))) (VP will (VP roam (NP the streets) (PP in (NP costumes and masks)) , (NAC and (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (NP a ball)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD romance and flirtation))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP a pass) (PP at (NP you)))))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP misunderstood (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said or did (NP *T*-2))))))))))) , so (S-IMP (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP just) (VP telling (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP a pass))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP say (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP date (NP you))))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP agreed (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP prove (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what a louse) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP really) (VP am (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP made (NP (NP a rendezvous) (NP-TMP tomorrow evening) (PP-TMP at (NP nine)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP some street) (ADVP-LOC near (NP Lake Ponchartrain)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP prove (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP him) (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP me)))))))) (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP suggest (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP keep (NP the date) (ADVP instead))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (NP-PRD both) (NP the same size)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP (VP use (NP-1 your clothes) (PP-2 for (NP a costume))) and (VP (NP=1 a heavy veil) (PP=2 for (NP a mask))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP show (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP will (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP are (NP-PRD a good wife) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (VP told (NP him) (PP about (NP it))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-UNF-TPC-1 But (NP-SBJ you)) '' -- (NP-SBJ she) (VP began (S-UNF *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP worry (PP about (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP will (VP turn (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD all right)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP understand))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP insisted (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cut (NP your throat))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ No) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP chuckled (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'm (ADVP just) (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP collect (NP dividends) (PP on (NP (NP my investment) (PP in (NP education))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP expected))) , (PP-TMP on (NP the following day)) (NP-SBJ my Uncle) (VP (VP was (ADJP completely recovered)) and (VP opened (NP the store) (PP as (ADJP usual)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP 10) (PP in (NP the morning)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP (VP looked (PP at (NP me)) (ADVP-MNR coldly and appraisingly)) and (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD uncertain (SBAR (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP his attitude) (PP towards (NP me))) (VP should (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-4))))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP say (NP (NP one word) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP might (VP indicate (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP told (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP advances) (PP to (NP his wife))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP quit (NP work) (PP-TMP at (NP my usual hour)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ this day) (VP was (ADJP-PRD no different (PP from (NP other days))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (ADVP subsequently) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ my Uncle and Aunt) (VP had (NP (NP dinner) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a nearby restaurant) (PP-LOC in (NP the French Quarter)))) (SBAR-3 (WHPP-4 after (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP went (ADVP-DIR home) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP get (PP into (NP his costume)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (NP the date))))))) (PP-TMP *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Shortly) before (NP nine)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP drove (NP my jalopy) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the street) (VP facing (NP the Lake))))) and (VP parked (NP the car) (PP-LOC in (NP shadows)) (ADVP-LOC (ADVP (ADVP far enough) away (PP from (NP the rendezvous corner))) but (ADVP near enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP the corner) (PP in (NP clear view))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A few minutes) later) (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP my Uncle 's) car) (VP drive (PRT up))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP a woman 's) figure) (VP (VP emerge) and (VP walk (PP-DIR to (NP the corner))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the figure) (VP was (ADVP-MNR well) (VP made (NP *-1) (PRT up))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP were not (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP have (VP mistaken (NP it) (PP for (NP my Aunt)) (SBAR-ADV (SINV (ADVP-MNR so well) did (NP-SBJ her clothes) (VP fit (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP one hand)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP gripped (ADVP-MNR firmly) (NP a parasol) (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP no indication) (PP of (NP rain)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suspected (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP brought (NP it) (ADVP along) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the half darkness)) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP approached (ADVP-MNR cautiously) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP see (NP me)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP looking (ADVP out (PP on (NP (NP the dark waters) (PP of (NP the Lake))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (PP upon (NP him)))) and (S (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wasting (NP words)))) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP smacked (NP him) (ADVP-MNR hard) (PP across (NP the face)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` You cheap bitch '' ! !) (NP-SBJ I) (VP exclaimed (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` You cheap , (ADJP no good) , two-timing bitch ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP get (NP a good , loyal husband))) (PRN -- (INTJ smack) ! ! --) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP fall (PP for (NP (NP a pass) (PP by (NP his own nephew)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP should (PRN -- (INTJ smack) ! ! --) (VP be (ADJP-PRD ashamed (PP of (NP yourself))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP write (NP (NP a postcard) (PP to (NP Walter)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP opened (NP the myth book) (ADVP again))) and (SINV (UCP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 (ADVP there) (PRN -LRB- (PP along (NP the margin)) (ADVP next (PP to (NP (NP (NP Robert Graves ') imaginative interpretation) (PP of (NP (NP the creation) (PP of (NP the Dactyls)) (PP from (NP (NP Rhea 's) fingertips))))))) -RRB-)) (VP were (UCP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the names) (PP of (NP four Munich bars))) and (NP (NP Meredith Wilder 's) address))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The bars) (VP were (VP marked (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Walter) (VP had (VP marked (NP them) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a small black book) (VP kept (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP a (ADJP nearly secret) drawer))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-3 (NP The code) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP probably) (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP (NP sex) or (NP some other interest)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 Nicolas) (VP was (ADJP-PRD determined (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP (VP find (NP *T*-3) (PRT out)) and (VP put (NP *T*-3) (PP to (NP use)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A card) (PP to (NP Walter))) (VP would (VP get (NP him) (NP (NP an introduction) (PP to (NP this Meredith)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP something)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Nicolas) (VP called (PP on (NP his muse)))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP a line) (S *ICH*-1)) (VP came (ADVP back) : `` (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP Squaresville) , (NP man) , and (NP all the palazzos)) (VP are (NP-PRD crummy Palasts))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-2 That) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP draw (NP a laugh)))))) , (NP-SBJ Nicolas) (VP reasoned (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stored (NP the line) (ADVP away) (PP on (NP (NP the wax tape) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD his mind)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP indeed) , (NP-SBJ his postcard) (VP did (VP draw (PP from (NP Walter)) (NP (NP a letter) (VP recommending (NP (NP his friend) , (NP (NP the poet) (NP Nicolas Manas))) , (PP to (NP (NP his friend) (NP Meredith Wilder))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Five days) later) , (PP-TMP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP receiving (NP it)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Meredith) (VP sat (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP drumming (NP his dactyls) (PP-LOC on (NP his writing table))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 Dammit ! !) (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP inwardly) (VP cried (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His hand) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP large) and (ADJP square) and (ADJP heavily tanned))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The voice) (VP crying (PP in (NP him)))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the voice) (PP of (NP guilt)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His four weeks) (PP-LOC in (NP Italy))) (VP had (VP turned (PP into (NP nearer three months)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP the pension)) (ADVP-TMP (NP a week) ago))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP just) in (NP (NP the late poems) (PP of (NP Holderlin))))) and (VP (ADVP therefore) had (NP (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP the nineteenth century))) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP before (NP him)) -- (PP-1 plus (NP (NP next semester 's) class preparation)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD determined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP spend (NP an industrious summer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Well) , (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ Manas) (VP would n't (VP call)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Meredith 's) fingers) (VP (VP slowed) and (VP stopped (PP-LOC over (NP (NP (NP a line) (PP-LOC before (NP him))) : (X Sie lacheln , die Schwarzen Hexen))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The menace) (PP of (NP Manas))) (ADVP-MNR gradually) (VP faded (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Meredith) (VP asked (NP himself) (SQ should (NP-SBJ he) (VP translate (NP it) , ' (SBAR (WHADVP-1 How) (S (NP-SBJ the dark fates) (VP laughed (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) ') ? ?))))))) (TOP (FRAG Or , (ADVP more rhythmically) , ' (S (NP-SBJ The swarthy witches) (VP are (VP laughing))) ' ? ?)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP missed (NP the point (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the swarthy witches) (VP might (VP be (VP laughing (PP at (NP-1 him)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP hoping (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP escape (NP Nicolas Manas)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 Nicolas) , (ADVP too) , (VP was (VP being (VP interrupted (NP *-1) , (NP-TMP that morning)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (PP by (NP (NP the 11:00 sun) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP (VP spread (NP a warmth) (PP around (NP (NP his spot) (PP of (NP grass)) (PP-LOC in (NP the English Gardens))))) and (VP sent (NP him) (ADVP off) (PP to (VP sleep))))))))) ; ; but (PP by (NP (NP a blond girl) (PP in (NP a sweater and skirt)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP stood (ADVP-LOC (NP a few yards) off)) and (VP (ADVP-MNR tenderly) regarded (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Should (NP-SBJ she) (VP wake (NP him)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (VP have (NP the heart))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Her heart) , (NP her maternal feeling) , (PP in (NP fact)) (NP her being)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too busy) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP expressing (NP itself) , (PP as (ADJP quietly thrilled (PP by (NP (NP this sight) (PP of (NP (NP her Nicolas) (VP curled (NP *) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD asleep)) (PP-LOC under (NP a blanket)) , (PP-LOC in (NP a park))))) (PP like (NP (NP a scene) (PP from (NP Poussin))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (ADVP just) not (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP break (NP the spell)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ -LRB- Would (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP *?*)))) (SBAR-ADV (SINV had (NP-SBJ she) (VP known (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the blanket) (VP belonged (PP to (NP (NP a young ballet dancer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Nicolas) (VP had (VP found (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP (NP his first night) (PP in (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Walter 's) marked bars))))))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Nicolas) : `` (FRAG (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look)) , (S (NP-SBJ Nicolas) (VP does n't (VP go (PP to (NP bed)) (PP with (NP boys))))) -- (NP no sex) , (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP see) ? ?)))) (TOP (S So (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 all these beers) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP me) (PP-LOC in (NP bed)))))))) , (INTJ man) , (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP just) (VP spent (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP money)))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Ballet dancer) : (FRAG (NP Protests) , (NP tears) , and `` (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP take (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP *T*-1)))) , (NP-VOC Nicolas))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD a dancer))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (NP-PRD a poet))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is all (ADJP-PRD beautiful)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP this meek conjugation)) (NP-SBJ Nicolas) (VP had (VP replied , `` (S (INTJ O.K.) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP use (NP this blanket))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (PP off (NP this job)) (NP-TMP tonight) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP gim (NP me) (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP eat (NP *T*-2)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S And , (PP as (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (NP-SBJ Nicolas) (VP had (VP slept (PP-LOC in (NP the park)) (NP-TMP (NP only part) (PP of (NP one night))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP discovered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Munich 's) early mornings) (PP-TMP (ADVP even) in (NP summer)) (VP are (ADJP-PRD laden (PP with (NP dew)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP known (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP a bed) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) , (NAC and (PP on (NP his own terms))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP used (NP the blanket) (PP for (NP late morning naps)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP hosts) (PP of (NP the night))) (VP had (VP (VP gone (ADVP off) (PP-DIR to (NP jobs))) and (VP proved (ADJP-PRD reluctant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (NP him) (PP-LOC in (NP their small rooms)) (PP with (NP their few possessions))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mary Jane Lerner) (VP knew (NP (NP none) (PP of (NP this)))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her Nicolas) (VP lay (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP curled (PP-LOC in (NP the sun)) (PP like (NP a fawn)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ black hair) (VP falling (PP-LOC over (NP his eyes))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP telling (NP herself) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP might (ADVP just) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP her reward) (PP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP (NP a long meaningful search) (PP for (NP truth))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (ADVP surely) (NP-PRD (NP a reunion) (PP in (NP art))))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ poetry) (VP promised (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP That long night) (PP with (NP Nicolas and marijuana)) (PP-LOC in (NP Venice))) (VP had (VP opened (NP her eyes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP His advice) , (NP (NP his voice) (VP saying (NP his poems))) , (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (ADVP so much as) (VP touched (NP her)))) -- (S (PP on (NP the contrary)) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP put (NP his head) (ADVP back)))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP stroked (NP his hair))))))))) -- (NP-SBJ this) (VP was all (ADJP-PRD new)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her eyes) (VP had (VP opened))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP caught (NP (NP a glimpse) (PP of (NP a new faith)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The next day) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD gone)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mary Jane) (VP might not (VP be (NP-PRD the (ADJP most intelligent) woman)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP the (ADJP most determined)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Even so) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP her) (NP several days) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP force (S (NP-SBJ Walter) (VP to (VP tell (NP her) (NP (NP Nicolas 's) whereabouts)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Packing (NP a small suitcase)) , (VP informing (NP (NP her husband) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whom) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Harry 's) Bar)))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (VP taking (NP (NP a train) (PP to (NP Germany))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-DIR away) (PP-TMP for (NP a while)))))))))) , (VP patting (NP his arm)) , (VP refusing (NP a drink)) , (VP getting (PP on (NP the train))))) -- (NP-SBJ all this) (VP had (ADVP only) (VP taken (NP her) (NP two hours))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP (VP arrived (NP-TMP this morning)) and (VP come (PP-DIR (ADVP straight) to (NP the English Gardens))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-VOC Dear girl) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Walter) (VP had (ADVP finally) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ he) (VP writes (NP me) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (VP sleeping (PP-LOC in (NP the English Gardens))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 `` (WHADVP How) (PP like (NP him)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Mary Jane) (VP had (ADVP-MNR smilingly) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ His address) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Walter) (VP added (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (VP is (NP-PRD (NP that great foundling home) , (NP the American Express))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (ADVP-MNR greatly) (VP appreciate (NP it) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will not (VP tell (NP your husband))))))) . '')) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP the last half hour)) (NP-SBJ Mary Jane) (VP had (VP (VP criss-crossed (NP (NP half the length) (PP of (NP the Gardens)))) and , (VP (PP at (ADVP last)) , come (PP upon (NP her knight))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His presence) (ADVP-LOC there) , (ADJP asleep (PP in (NP the grass)))) , (VP confirmed (NP (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Mary Jane) (VP believed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP his power)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP teach (NP her) (NP *T*-1))))))))))) : (NP (NP (NP freedom) (PP from (NP (NP the tedium) (PP of (NP (NP needs) (PP such as (NP hotels))))))) , (NP (NP the meaning) (PP of (NP nature))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live (PRN , (ADVP simply) ,) (PP with (NP the angels)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP set (PRT down) (NP her suitcase)) .)) (TOP (SQ Should (NP-SBJ she) (VP wake (NP him)) ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ No .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Smiling)) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP sat (PRT down) (PP-LOC on (NP the suitcase))) and (VP waited) and (VP watched)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sun) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD hotter) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP approached (NP the midday))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nicolas) (VP was (VP dreaming (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 his head) (VP pressed (NP *-1) (PP against (NP (NP the dashboard) (PP of (NP a speeding car))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sweating))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP his dream)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP cried , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Slow (PRT down) , (PP for (NP Chrissake))) '' ! !)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP (ADVP half) woke) and (VP rolled (ADVP over) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his face) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the cooler grass)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His nose) (VP was (VP tickled (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sneezed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP blew (NP his nose) (ADVP-MNR expertly) (PP between (NP his fingers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP spit) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP (ADVP half) sat (PRT up)) and (VP (VP scratched (PP-1 at (NP (NP the hair) (PP on (NP his forehead))))) (CONJP and then) , (VP (ADVP-MNR more vigorously) , (PP-LOC=1 between (NP his legs))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP belched)) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stretched)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mary Jane) (VP (VP got (PRT up) , (ADVP-MNR quietly)) , and (VP walked (ADVP-DIR away))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Twenty minutes) later) (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP (NP the desk) (PP of (NP (NP the Grafin 's) pension)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 her tears) (VP dried (NP *-1))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP signing (NP a hotel form)) and (VP asking (PP for (NP a bath)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mary Jane) (VP belonged (PP to (NP (NP a world) (VP acquainted (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP small attractive hotels and pensions) (PP-LOC in (NP all the (ADJP major and minor) cities)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP retreated (PP to (NP this world)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Grafin) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP charmed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS her))))))) , (VP told (NP her) , `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP Your sister) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (ADVP-TMP (NP two years) ago))))) (VP has (NP (ADJP quite dark) hair)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Families) (VP are (ADJP-PRD very interesting)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD no bath)) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ a young American) (VP has (NP (NP a bath) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP his room)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (VP ask (NP him) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (VP use (NP it) (ADVP-TMP this once)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP shall (VP see)) . '')) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ The Grafin) (VP was (ADJP-PRD partial (PP to (NP (NP the word) (NP shall))))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Meredith) (VP was (VP irritated (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the Grafin) (VP (VP knocked (PP at (NP his door))) and (VP told (NP him) , `` (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP is (NP-PRD a great beauty)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2) ! !))))))) (TOP (SQ Shall (NP-SBJ we) (VP allow (S (NP-SBJ her) not (VP to (VP have (NP a bath))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ she) (VP is (NP-PRD a sad beauty))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP shall (VP see (NP her) (PP at (NP dinner)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-MNR Rather erotically) (NP-SBJ he) (VP listened (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the bath water) (VP running))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP stopped (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-MNR busily) (VP typing)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sitting (PRT up) (PP-MNR in (NP a virtuous way)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (NP dinner)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP shaved (PP for (NP (NP the second time) (NP-TMP that day)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP did not (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP doing (NP *T*-2))) , (ADVP generally))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Singing (PP into (NP (NP the mirror) and (NP his interested eyes))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP pleased (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP note , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stripped (PP for (NP his own bath)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP (NP the best part) (PP of (NP his Italian sun tan))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP flexed (NP his muscles) (PP-TMP for (NP several minutes))) , (VP got (PP into (NP the tub))) , (CONJP and then) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD self-conscious (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP splashing (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP washed))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the small gallery) (VP used (NP *) (PP as (NP (NP the guests ') dining room))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Meredith) (VP (VP sat (PRT down) (PP-LOC at (NP his place))) and , (VP (PP as (ADVP always)) , began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP teasing (NP the young waitress))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP asking (SQ-CLF had (NP-SBJ it) (VP been (NP-PRD she) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP left (NP the love note) (PP-LOC in (NP his sheets))))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP also) (VP served (PP as (NP maid)))) -RRB-) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Grafin) (VP followed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a stately blond girl)))) (VP approaching (NP his table))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP literary license) (VP calculated (NP-4 *) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP glamorize (NP life)))))) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (PRN , (INTJ oh) ,) (VP dropped (NP his napkin) , (SINV-ADV (VP-TPC-1 (ADVP so) startled (NP *-2)) (VP was (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Mary Jane 's) beauty))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (VP drop (NP (NP his badinage) (PP with (NP the ordinary country girl))) (PP (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP *ICH*-2)) in (NP (NP deference) (PP to (NP the Grafin))) (PP-2 as (NP acknowledgement (SBAR that (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 here) , (ADVP indeed) , (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP something) (ADJP special))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mary Jane) (VP had (VP made (NP (ADJP very little) effort))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Above (NP a (ADJP dark green) skirt)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP wore (NP (NP a (ADJP pale green) cashmere sweater) (PP with (PRN , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP soon) (VP perceived))) ,) (NP (NP no brassiere) (ADVP-LOC beneath))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her (ADJP white blond) hair) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP clean) and (VP brushed (NP *-1) (ADVP long) (PP (ADVP straight) down (PP to (NP her shoulders)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ her eyes) (VP were (UCP-PRD (ADJP larger) and (NP (NP more) (PP of (NP a summer blue)))) (PP for (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP seen and wept (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP that day)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP touched (NP (NP her face) , (NP (ADVP truly) a (ADJP noble and pure) face)) , (PP (ADVP only) with (NP (NP a lip salve) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her lips) (UCP-PRD (VP glisten) but (ADJP (ADJP no redder) (PP than (ADJP usual)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The result) (VP was (NP-PRD grace and modesty)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP As (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD rather tired) (NP-TMP this evening)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP her simple `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you) (PP for (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP your bath)))))) '') (PRN -- (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sat (PRT down) (PP-LOC opposite (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) --) (VP spoken (NP *) (PP in (NP a low voice)))) , (VP came (PRT across) (PP with (NP (NP coolnesses) (PP of (NP intelligence and control))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Meredith) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP falling (PP in (NP love))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP Soup) : `` (NP Only this morning) '') ; ; (FRAG (NP veal cutlets) : `` (S (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (ADVP possibly) (VP eat (NP all this))) '' ! !)) ; ; (FRAG (NP Wine) : `` (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (VP typing (NP poems) (NP-TMP this afternoon)))) '' ? ?) ; ; (FRAG (NP Fruit compote) : `` (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP understand (NP it)))))))) '') ; ; (NP a smile) .)) (TOP (WHNP `` What a beautiful room .)) (TOP (PP Like (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP were (VP built (NP *-1) (PP of (NP books)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Having (VP (VP opened (NP (NP the windows) (PP onto (NP the terrace)))) , (VP lit (NP the fire)) , (VP translated (NP the motto))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Meredith) (VP (VP grinned) and (VP took (ADVP down) (NP (NP a little triplet) (PP of (NP books)) (VP bound (NP *) (ADVP together) (PP in (NP old calfskin)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Opening (NP these))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP brought (ADVP out) (NP (NP a schnapps bottle) and (NP (NP small gold thimble-sized glasses) (VP hidden (NP *) (PP-LOC inside (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the maids) (VP tipple (PP-TMP in (NP the afternoon)))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` Those sweet girls ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP joking)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP tastes (PP (NP-ADV a little) like (NP poppyseed))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD its name))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP Steinhager '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP whispered (NP Steinhager) (PP to (NP herself)) , (NP-TMP several times) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP memorizing (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Would (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP (VP read (NP the poem) (ADVP aloud) (PP to (NP me))) (CONJP and then) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP read (NP it) (PP to (NP myself)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Meredith 's) voice) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD deep) , (PP with (NP (NP rough bass notes) (PP in (NP it)))))) ; ; (S (PP in (NP reading)) , (PP-LOC on (NP platforms)) , (PP-LOC (ADVP even) in (NP (NP the large auditorium) (PP of (NP the Y.M.H.A.)))) , (NP-TMP Poetry Center nights) , (NP-SBJ his voice) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP intimate) , (ADJP thoughtful) , and (ADJP (NP-ADV a trifle) shy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His new poem) , (NP a love poem)) , (VP told (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ a young husband) (VP leading (NP his wife) (ADVP-DIR upstairs) (PP-DIR to (NP the bedroom)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the lights) (PP-LOC in (NP the house))) (VP have (VP failed (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The husband) (VP points (NP the steps) (PRT out) (PP with (NP his flashlight)) : `` (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Its white stare) (VP (VP filling (NP her pale eyes) (PP To (NP the blind brim)) (PP with (NP appetite))) , (VP Bleaching (NP (NP her hands) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP grazed (NP my thighs)) And (VP sent (NP-2 us) (PP-DIR from (NP the table)) (PP in (NP surprise)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP To (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the dishes) (VP soak (NP-TMP all night)))))))))))))))) , '' (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ Mary Jane) (VP asked (NP herself) (UCP (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ Meredith) (VP was (VP blushing (PP at (NP this line)))))) , or (SQ was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD the fire))))) -RRB- ? ?))) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP read (PRT on)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the bedroom)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the husband and wife) (VP find (NP (NP their way) (PP to (NP the bed)))))) , (NP-SBJ the lights) (VP go (PRT on)) :)) (TOP (S `` (PP In (NP dull domestic radiance)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP watch (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP her staring face) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP blind))) , (VP Start (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wincing (PP in (NP (NP obedience) (PP To (NP (NP dirty waters , counters , pots and pans) , (VP Waiting (PP-LOC below (NP stairs)) , (PP in (NP her mind)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mary Jane) (VP (VP took (NP the page) (PP from (NP him))) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP reading (NP it) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP moving (NP her lips) (PP with (NP the words)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP that myth) , (PP about (NP (NP Orpheus) and (NP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD her name))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (ADVP-TMP never) (VP pronounce (NP it))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP repeated `` (NP Eurydice) '') .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP-TMP The third time) (ADVP-MNR rather urgently) .)) (TOP (X But (PP with (NP her hand)) (NP poem) (ADVP again) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP raised (NP her face)) and (VP nodded))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP sweet) , and (ADJP very sad)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP discussed (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ people) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP tell (NP each other) (NP (NP the things) (PP on (NP their minds))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP finished (NP (NP the small bottle) (PP of (NP Steinhager)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP confessed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unhappy)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked (SQ was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD her husband) ? ?))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP explain , `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD this poet) , (PP-LOC in (NP Italy)))) '')))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP interrupted , `` (S-IMP (INTJ Please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP judge (NP all poets)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP her door)) , (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP two or three) hours) later) , (NP-SBJ Mary Jane) (VP whispered , `` (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (VP is (ADJP-PRD asleep))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Kissing (NP her))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP whispered , (NP-TMP several times) , `` (NP Eurydice) '') .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP-TMP The third time) (ADVP-MNR rather urgently) .)) (TOP (S (S But (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ her hand) (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP softly) on (NP his cheek)) (PP for (NP a last moment)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP closed (NP the door))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP went (ADVP back) (PP-DIR (PP down (NP the hall)) and (PP into (NP his bed))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (ADJP excited) , (ADJP expectant) , and (VP (ADVP finally) (ADVP-MNR faintly) grinning (PP with (NP (NP the feel) (PP of (NP (NP her hand) (PP-LOC against (NP his mouth))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD west (PP of (NP the Sabine))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ only God) (VP knew (ADVP where))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP three days)) , (NP-SBJ their stolid oxen) (VP had (VP plodded (PP-DIR up (NP (NP a blazing valley) (ADJP (ADJP as flat and featureless) (PP as (NP a dead sea))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Molten glare) (VP singed (NP-1 their eyelids) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD an angry crimson)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ suffocating air) (VP (VP sapped (NP their strength)) and (VP strained (NP-2 their nerves) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP snapping)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ dust) (VP (VP choked (NP their throats)) and (VP lay (PP like (NP acid)) (PP-LOC in (NP their lungs))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 the valley) (VP stretched (ADVP endlessly) (ADVP-LOC out ahead) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (UCP-PRD (VP scorched (NP *-2)) and (VP baked (NP *-2)) and (VP writhing (PP in (NP its heat))))) , (SBAR-ADV until (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP vanished (PP into (NP (NP the throbbing wall) (PP of (NP fiery orange brown haze)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ben Prime) (VP extended (NP his high-stepped stride) (SBAR-ADV until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP lay (NP his goad) (PP-LOC across (NP (NP the noses) (PP of (NP the oxen))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Hoa-whup '' ! !) (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP commanded (INTJ *T*-1) (PP from (NP his raw throat))) , and (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP the pain) (PP of (NP movement))) (PP-LOC in (NP his cracked , (ADJP black burned) lips)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP removed (NP his hat) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the trapped sweat) (VP cut (NP (NP rivulets) (PP through (NP (NP the dust film) (PP-LOC upon (NP his gaunt face))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP spat) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The dust-thick saliva) (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP his mouth)) (PP like (NP balled cotton))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP moved (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the wheel))) and (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP (VP blowing) , (VP grasping (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP a spoke))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP still (NP (NP the trembling) (PP of (NP his played-out limbs))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The burning air) (VP dried (NP his sweat-soaked clothes) (PP in (NP salt-edged patches))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP cleared (NP his throat)) and (VP wet (NP his lips))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR (ADVP As cheerfully) (PP as (ADJP possible))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could all (VP do (PP with (NP a little drink)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP unlashed (NP the dipper)) and (VP drew (NP water) (PP from (NP a barrel)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP could (ADVP no longer) (VP afford (NP (NP the luxury) (PP of (NP (NP the canvas sweat bag) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP cooled (NP it) (PP by (NP evaporation)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The water) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD warm and stale)) and (VP had (NP a brackish taste))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD water)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP the Lord))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP water))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP cleansed (NP his mouth) (PP with (NP a small quantity))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP took (NP a (ADJP (ADJP long) but (ADJP carefully controlled)) draught)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP replenished (NP the dipper)) and (VP handed (NP it) (PP-DTV to (NP (NP his young wife) (VP riding (NP the hurricane deck)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP took (NP it) (ADVP-MNR grudgingly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her dark eyes) (ADJP-PRD baleful) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP met (NP his)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP drank) and (VP pushed (ADVP-DIR back) (NP her gingham bonnet) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP wet (NP a kerchief)) and (VP wipe (NP her face))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP set (NP the dipper) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the deck)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving (NP it) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP stretch (PP after (NP it)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (PRT on) (ADVP-MNR scornfully))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-3 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happens (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (ADJP no more) water) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-3) (ADVP-MNR smolderingly)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP charcoal)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) -- (ADJP dark , opaque , explosive) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her thick hair) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the color and texture) (PP of (NP charcoal)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her temper) (VP sparked (PP like (NP charcoal)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP first) (VP lights (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-TMP all the time) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP the heat) (PP of (NP hatred))) (PP in (NP her)) , (PP like (NP (NP charcoal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (VP burning (PP-LOC on (NP its under side)) , (NAC but not (ADVP-MNR visibly))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A ripple) (VP ran (PP-DIR through (NP (NP the muscles) (PP of (NP his jaws)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP kept (NP control) (PP upon (NP his voice)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD some water) (PP-LOC under (ADVP there)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP tilted (NP his homely face) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the dry bed) (PP of (NP the river))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP can (VP get (NP it) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP dig)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR patiently)) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 `` And (NP-SBJ *) (VP add (NP fever) (PP to (NP our troubles))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP scoffed (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Or do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP stand (NP fever) , (ADVP too))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP can (VP boil (NP it)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her chin) (VP sharpened) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (UCP-PRD (ADJP lost) and (VP burning (PRT up))) (ADVP-TMP already))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP bit (S *T*-1) (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR tensely)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The tires) (VP are (VP rattling (PP-LOC on (NP the wheels)) (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP roll (PRT off) (PP-TMP in (NP another day)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no valley) (PP like (NP this))) (PP-LOC on (NP your map))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (ADVP even) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (VP headed (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-VOC Hettie) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as gently) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP *?*))))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (ADVP-TMP still) (VP headed (ADVP-DIR west))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Somewhere) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP hit (NP a trail))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TPC-1 `` Somewhere ! ! '') (NP-SBJ She) (VP repeated (ADVP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Maybe) (PP-TMP in (NP time)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP make (NP a cross)) and (VP dig (NP our graves))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His wide mouth) (VP compressed) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP a way)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP blame (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP picked (PRT out) (NP (NP this pathless trail) , (PP instead of (NP the common one))) , (PP in (NP (NP a moment) (PP of (NP romantic fancy)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP them) (NP (NP privacy) (PP on (NP their honeymoon)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a mistake)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ anything) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD a mistake) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP turned (PRT out)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP the roughness and crudity and discomfort) (PP of (NP the trip))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP frightened (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP hated (NP the whole idea) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP started))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP hated (NP him) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP saw (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV five days) too late) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP learned (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP gone (PP through (NP the wedding ceremony)) (PP in (NP (NP a semitrance) (PP of (NP (NP laudanum) , (VP administered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS her mother)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The bitterness) (PP of (NP their wedding night))) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP ripped (PP within (NP him)) (PP like (NP an open wound))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP jumped (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP his shy touch))) (PP like (NP (NP a cat) (VP confronted (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS a sidewinder))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP had (VP left (NP-1 her) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD inviolate)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP thinking (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ familiarity) (VP would (VP gentle (NP her) (PP-TMP in (NP time)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-ADV (NP each mile) (ADJP westward)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP hated (NP him) (ADVP-MNR the deeper))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stared (PP at (NP the dipper)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP turning (NP it) (ADVP over and over) (PP-LOC in (NP his (ADJP wide , calloused) hands))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP muttered (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP sell (NP the outfit) (PP for (NP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP send (NP you) (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-DIR to (NP your folks))))))) , (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP find (NP a settlement)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Do n't (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD noble)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her laugh) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hard)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP would n't (VP have (VP sold (NP me) (PP in (NP the first place)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 'd (VP been (NP-PRD (NP food) (ADJP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP around))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP winced) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Hettie) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP sell (NP you)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR miserably)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD a good sharecrop farmer) (PP-LOC (ADVP back) in (NP Carolina))))))) , but (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 out (ADVP West)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP build (NP (NP a real farm) (PP of (NP our own)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a chance (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP make (NP a life) (PP-LOC out (SBAR-NOM (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 nobody) (VP will (VP be (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP any better) (PP than (NP the next)))) (PP except (PP for (SBAR-NOM (ADVP just) (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP 's (PP-PRD inside (PP of (NP them)))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (PP Without (NP money or property)) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC at (NP Baton Rouge))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (VP have (VP starved)))) , but (S (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would n't (VP be (VP (VP fried (NP *-1) (PP to (NP a crisp))) and (VP soaked (NP *-1) (PP with (NP dirt))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP darkened (PP under (NP his heavy burn))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His blue eyes) (VP sought (NP (NP the shimmering sea) (PP of (NP haze)) (ADVP-LOC ahead))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP his puzzlement)) , (NP-SBJ there) (ADVP suddenly) (VP was (NP-PRD no haze)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The valley) (VP lay (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP clear) , and (ADJP open (PP to (NP the eye))))) , (PP-LOC (ADVP right) up (PP to (NP (NP the sharp-limbed line) (PP of (NP (NP gaunt , scoured hills) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP formed (NP the horizon) (ADVP-LOC (NP twenty miles) ahead)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP noticed (S (NP-SBJ (NP the clouds) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP racing (PP upon (NP them)) -- (NP-2 (NP heavy , ominous , leaden clouds) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP formed (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP sliced (PP-DIR over (NP (NP the crests) (PP of (NP the surrounding hills)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (NP (NP clouds) (PP like (NP them))) (ADVP-TMP before)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP the primitive feel) (PP of (NP danger)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gripped (NP a man) (PP-TMP before (NP a hurricane)) (PP-LOC in (NP Carolina)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP hollered (ADVP-MNR hoarsely) , (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hang (PRT on)) '' ! !)) And (VP goaded (NP the oxen) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP yelled))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP turn (NP them) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP putting (NP the wagon) (PP against (NP the storm)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Too late) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP turning))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP wheeled (NP them) (PP-DIR (PP onto (NP (NP a patch) (PP of (NP sandy ground)))) , (CONJP instead of) (PP atop (NP a grade or ridge)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP swung (PP-DIR up (PP over (NP the wheel)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP had (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP get (ADVP inside))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP warned (NP her) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP sat (ADVP on) (PP in (NP stubborn silence))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The clouds) (VP (VP bulged (ADVP-DIR downward)) and (VP burst (ADVP suddenly) (PP into (NP a great black funnel)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP Frozen (NP *-3))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP stared (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP whirling (PP-DIR down (NP the valley))) , (VP (VP gouging (NP *RNR*-1)) and (VP spitting (PRT out) (NP *RNR*-1)) (NP-1 (NP boulders) and (NP (NP chunks) (PP of (NP earth)))) (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ a starving hound dog) (VP cracking (NP marrowbones))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The six-ton Conestoga) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP whip and shake)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their world) (VP turned (ADJP-PRD black)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP dust and wind and sound and violence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The heavens) (VP opened , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pelting (NP them) (PP with (NP (NP hail) (NP (NP the size) (PP of (NP walnuts)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (CONJP And then) (VP came) (NP-SBJ (NP the water) -- (NP not (NP rain) , but (NP (NP solid sheets) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP sluiced (ADVP-DIR down) (PP like (NP (NP water) (VP slopping (PP from (NP a bucket))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Walls) (PP of (NP water))) (VP (VP rushed (PP-DIR down (NP the slopes))) and (VP filled (NP the hollows) (PP like (NP (NP the crests) (PP of (NP flash floods)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Through (NP (NP the splash) (PP of (NP the rising waters)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP hear (NP (NP the roar) (PP of (NP the river))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP raged (PP-DIR through (NP its canyon)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP gnashing (NP big chunks) (PP out (PP of (NP the banks)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The jetting , frothing surface) (PP of (NP the river))) (VP reached (NP (NP the level) (PP of (NP the runoff)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The dangerous current) (PP-LOC upon (NP the prairie))) (VP ceased)) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 the water) (VP (VP stood) and (VP kept (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP rising))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP cringed (PP-LOC under (NP sodden covers)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP listening (SBAR to (S (NP-SBJ the waves) (VP slop (PP against (NP the bottom)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The cloudburst) (VP cut (PRT off) (ADVP-MNR abruptly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP engulfed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the weird silence) , (VP broken (NP *) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP-LGS (NP the low , angry murmur) (PP of (NP the river))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (S (NP-SBJ the darkness) (VP thinned)) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD-1 light) (ADVP again)) , (CONJP and then) (VP (NP-PRD=1 bright sunlight)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP Beaten (NP *-3) (PP with (NP fear and sound and wet and chill)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP (VP crawled (PP-DIR to (NP the hurricane deck))) and (VP looked (ADVP out) (ADVP-MNR haggardly) (PP at (NP (NP a world) (PP of (NP water)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP reached (PP (ADVP clear) to (NP the surrounding hills))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The water level) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP higher) (PP than (NP their hubs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Only the heavy bones) (PP of (NP the oxen))) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ-1 them) (VP anchored (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD-2 (NP no real sign) (PP of (NP the river))) (ADVP-TMP now)) , (VP (NP-PRD=2 (NP just a roiling , oily ribbon) (PP of (NP (NP liquid movement) (PP through (NP (NP muddy waters) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP reached (ADVP-LOC everywhere))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Clumps) (PP of (NP brush))) (VP rode (PP-DIR down (NP the ribbon))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now and then) , (NP-SBJ (NP the glistening side) (PP of (NP a half-swamped object))) (VP showed (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP swept (ADVP-DIR past))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The girl) (VP crawled (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP (NP the renewing warmth) (PP of (NP the sunshine))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP hugging (NP her shoulders)) and (VP (ADVP-TMP still) trembling)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her face) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP pale) but (VP set (NP *-1))))) and (S (NP-SBJ her dark eyes) (VP smoldered (PP with (NP (NP blame) (PP for (NP Ben)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Out (PP of (NP compulsion (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP (NP something) (ADJP cheery)))))))) , (NP-SBJ Ben Prime) (VP blurted , `` (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD lucky (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP soft ground)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the first floodheads) (VP hit (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At least) , (NP-SBJ the wheels) (VP dug (ADVP in)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The soaking) (VP will (VP put (NP life) (PP (ADVP back) in (NP the wagon)) , (ADVP too))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His wife) (VP did n't (VP give (NP a sign (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP heard))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ a tree) (VP ride (ADVP-MNR wildly) (PP-DIR down (NP that roiling current)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Somebody) (VP was (VP riding (NP the tree))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP raced (ADVP-LOC closer))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP a woman) (PP with (NP white hair)) , (VP sitting (PP-LOC astride (NP an upright branch))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did not (VP call (ADVP out))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the tree) (VP passed))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP lifted (NP an arm) (PP in (NP (NP gesture) (PP of (NP (NP better luck) and (NP farewell)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP watched (NP the tree) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP twisted (ADVP-MNR sharply) (PP-LOC on (NP a bend)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP speared (PP-DIR up (PP into (NP the air))))) , (ADVP then) (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sinking (ADVP back))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the up-jutting branch) (VP turned (ADVP-MNR slowly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The pale blob) (PP of (NP the woman))) (VP disappeared) .)) (TOP (S (SINV-TPC-2 `` (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-3 There) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD lucky))))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP murmured (SINV *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR harshly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ben 's) eyes) (VP strained (PP with (NP the bitter hurt)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 his homely face) (VP slashed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP gray and crimson))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP took (PRT off) (NP his wet boots)) and (VP dropped (ADVP-DIR down) (PP-DIR into (NP the water)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (PP with (NP the beasts)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP needing (NP their comfort) (ADVP (ADVP more) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP needed (NP his)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP nearly) (NP-PRD sundown))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP the wagon)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP half-swimming (NP his way) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (NP-PRD a tall man)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP let (PRT down) (NP the tailgate)) and (VP was (VP knocked (PRT over) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the sluice) (PP of (NP water))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP sputtered (PP (ADVP back) to (NP his feet))) and (VP scrambled (ADVP-MNR madly) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pull (NP (NP his bags) (PP of (NP seed grain))) (ADVP-DIR forward)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (ADVP-TMP already) (VP swollen (NP *-1) (PP to (NP bursting)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP all their worldly belongings)) , (ADVP next (PP to (NP (NP the oxen) and (NP his gun)))) , (NP-SBJ the seed grain) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD the (ADJP most treasured)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (VP spoiled (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP for (NP seed))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP sour and mold (PP-TMP in (NP three days)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP failed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP a place) and (NP fuel)) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP dry (NP it) (ADVP *T*-3))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The oxen) (VP might (ADVP as well) (VP enjoy (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP examined (NP (NP the water marks) (PP-LOC on (NP the iron tires))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the animals) (VP were (VP finished (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The waters) (VP lay (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD muddy but placid)) , (PP without (NP (NP a ripple) (PP of (NP (NP movement) (PP against (NP the wheels)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP a match-width) (PP of (NP damp mark)) (SBAR-PRP (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP show (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP receding))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP doubted (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP could (VP wade (ADVP (ADVP as far) (PP as (NP (NP the desolate , dry hills) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP rimmed (NP the valley)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A terrible , numbing sense) (PP of (NP futility))) (VP swept (PP over (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP gripped (NP the wheel) (ADVP-MNR hard) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fight (NP (NP the despondency) (PP of (NP defeat))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP noticed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the dry wood) (PP of (NP the wheels))) (VP had (VP swollen))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The spokes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD tight) (ADVP again))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 the iron tires) (VP gripped (PP onto (NP the wheels)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (PP-PRD of (NP one piece)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hope) (VP surged (PP-LOC within (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP swung (PP-DIR toward (NP the front)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP the news) (PP-DTV to (NP Hettie)))))) , (ADVP then) (VP stopped , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP barred (NP *-2) (PP from (NP her)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the vehemence) (PP of (NP her blame and hate)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD better)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A tight wagon) (VP meant (NP (ADJP so much))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP got (S (NP-SBJ-1 a small fire) (VP started (NP *-1)))) and (VP put (PRT on) (NP bacon and coffee))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP poured (NP the water) (PP (PP off (NP the sourdough)) and (PP off (NP the flour))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP salvaging (NP the chunky , watery messes) (PP for (NP (NP biscuits) (PP of (NP a sort))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their jams and jellies) (VP had not (VP suffered)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (NP (NP (NP (NP a jar) (PP of (NP preserved tomatoes))) and (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP eggs)))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP save (NP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP broke (NP-1 them) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP hoping (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a good meal) (VP might (VP lessen (NP (NP this depression) (VP crushing (NP Hettie)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His long nose) (VP wiggled (PP at (NP (NP the smells) (PP of (NP (NP frizzling bacon) and (NP heating java))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ the fire) (VP was (ADJP-PRD low))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP waste (NP no time))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP furled (NP (NP the slashed sides) (PP of (NP the canvas tarpaulins))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving (S (NP-SBJ the ribs and wagon) (ADJP-PRD open))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (ADVP-MNR thoughtfully) (PP at (NP (NP (NP his wife 's) trunk) , (VP holding (NP her meager treasures))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (ADVP-MNR hesitantly) , `` (S (NP-VOC Hettie) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP figure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 your things) (VP got (VP wet (NP *-1) (ADVP too much))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD a good trunk)) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-2 them) (VP aired (NP *-2)))))))) '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 She) (VP said (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP turning (NP her head)))) , `` (S (PP-TMP After (S-NOM (NP-SBJ that rain) (VP beating (ADVP in) (PP atop (NP the dust))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is n't (NP-PRD (NP a thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP wo n't (VP be (VP streaked (NP *-1))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP drew (NP a long breath)) and (VP opened (NP the trunk)) and (VP hung (PRT out) (NP her clothes and spoilables) (PP-LOC upon (NP the wagon ribs)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sulphur , oil , and copra) (VP make (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP tinder)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ any firebug) (VP dreams (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a Lascar sailor) (VP had (VP (VP sneaked (NP a cigarette) (PP in (NP the hold))) and (VP touched (PRT off) (NP the blaze))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP roaring (ADVP up) (PP in (NP (NP great oily clouds) (PP of (NP smoke and flames)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the fierce heat) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (VP drove (NP us) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the stern) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP huddled (PP like (NP suffocating sheep)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) not (VP knowing (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The lifeboats) (VP were (VP stuck (NP *-1) (ADVP fast))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP could n't (VP budge (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (NP (NP a cry) (PP from (NP a stoker))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP a pillar) (PP of (NP flame))) (VP (VP leaped (PP-DIR from (NP a hatch))) and (VP tongued (NP (NP the man 's) bare back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP sprinted (PP-DIR to (NP the rail))) and (VP leaped (ADVP-DIR overboard) (PP-DIR into (NP the shark-infested waters)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One (ADJP especially bad) detonation) (VP shook (NP (NP Lifeboat No. 3) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP trembled (ADVP-MNR violently) (PP-LOC in (NP the davits))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brassnose) (VP yelled : `` (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on) , (NP-VOC Sommers))) , (S-IMP (NP-VOC Max) (NP-SBJ *) (VP step (PP on (NP it)))) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP got (NP a chance) (ADVP-TMP now))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Heave (PP on (NP those ropes)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the boat) (VP 's (VP come (ADJP-PRD unstuck)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP pulled and swore and yanked and wept , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP scraping (NP our hands) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP bled (ADVP-MNR profusely))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Bonaventure) (VP was (VP quivering and lurching (PP like (NP an old spavined mare)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her stern) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD down))) and (S (NP-SBJ a sharp list) (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP cut (S (ADJP-PRD loose) (NP-SBJ (NP the lifeboat) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP dropped (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP-DIR into (NP the water)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brassnose , Max and I) (VP (VP leaped (PP-DIR into (NP the sea))) and (VP swam (PP-DIR to (NP the boat)))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP get (ADVP away) (ADVP-MNR fast))))) '' , (VP said (S-IMP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-1 Brassnose) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shaking (NP water) (PP from (NP (NP his mop) (PP of (NP bleached hair)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 That tub) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP explode (PP-TMP (ADVP all) at (ADVP once))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 the Bonaventure) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP disintegrate (PP with (NP (NP (NP a roar) (PP of (NP live steam))) , (NP (NP geysers) (PP of (NP sparks and flames))) , and (NP (NP a dense cloud) (PP of (NP black-and-orange smoke))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-MNR Dimly) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP heard (NP (NP the voices) (PP of (NP (NP men) (PP in (NP mortal agony))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could n't (VP go (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR into (NP that inferno))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Already) (NP-SBJ-1 our leaky lifeboat) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP five inches) (PP of (NP water)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Sommers) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP bale (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP row))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Brassnose) (VP commanded (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP As best) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP determine (ADVP *?*)))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (UCP-LOC-PRD (ADVP (NP some 700 miles) west (PP of (NP New Guinea))) , (PP in (NP the Bismark Archipelago)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Three days) previously) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (VP steamed (PP-DIR past (NP (NP barren Rennell Island) (PP-LOC in (NP the distance)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ we) (VP peered (ADVP-MNR anxiously) (PP for (NP (NP any speck) (PP of (NP land)) (PP-LOC in (NP the Pacific)))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ-1 this interminable bailing) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stop (ADVP-TMP soon))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD gigantic blisters and rope burns) (PP-LOC on (NP our hands)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ our muscles) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP hot wires) (PP of (NP pain))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brassnose) (VP was (ADJP-PRD strangely silent)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The big man) (PP with (NP the whitened hair))) (VP murmured (NP something))) : (S (NP-SBJ his words) (VP sounded (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the Manu tongue) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP recognized (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having (VP studied (NP the dialect) (PP in (NP (NP my Anthropology 6 , class) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Chicago))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP then) (VP said (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP struck (NP a chord) (PP in (NP my memory))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ God) (VP help (NP us) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (ADVP-LOC-PRD near (NP (NP the island) (PP of (NP Eromonga)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'd (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP real trouble)) (ADVP then))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (ADVP rather) (VP (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bailing))) -- or (VP sink))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP puzzled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the remark))))) , (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP recalled (NP (NP the voice) (PP of (NP mild Professor Howard Griggs)) (ADVP-TMP (NP three years) ago) (PP in (NP (NP a university lecture) (PP on (NP primitive societies))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP been (VP speaking (PP of (NP this archipelago)))))) : `` (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the islands) (VP were (PP-PRD under (NP German mandate)) (PP-TMP before (NP World War 1)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , , (NP-SBJ Europeans) (VP gave (NP Eromonga) (NP a wide berth))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The place) (VP is (VP inhabited (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (QP several hundred) warlike women) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP anachronisms) (PP of (NP the Twentieth Century))) -- (NP (NP stone age amazons) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP live (PP in (NP (NP an all-female , matriarchal society) (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP is (ADJP-PRD self-sufficient)))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remembered , (ADVP too) , (NP (NP (NP the jesting voice) (PP of (NP (NP a classmate) , (NP Bobby Pauson)))) : `` (SBARQ But (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ do (NP-SBJ they) (VP reproduce (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) , (NP-VOC Dr. Griggs))) ? ?))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ males) (VP have (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP that process)))))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP classroom guffaws) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (VP subsided (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Professor Griggs) (VP said (ADVP-MNR dryly) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP see (NP your point) , (NP-VOC Pauson)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ males) (VP play (NP a role) (ADVP-LOC there))) , but (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP believe (NP me) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP would n't (VP enjoy (NP yourself) (NP-ADV one bit) (PP-LOC on (NP Eromonga)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Indeed) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP would n't (VP live (ADVP-TMP long) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 the females) (ADVP either) (VP drive (NP (NP the men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 've (VP seized (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP neighboring islands))))))) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP their boats)) (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP exploiting (NP them) (PP for (NP amatory purposes))))))) , or (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP destroy (NP them) (PP by (NP (ADJP revolting but ingenious) methods)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ (NP one important aspect) (PP of (NP their very religion))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the annihilation) (PP of (NP men)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP mean (NP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-VOC Brassnose))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP (NP something) (PP about (NP Eromonga)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP a safer place)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ we) (VP did n't (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Three hours) later) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP bailing (ADVP-MNR desperately))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a dot) (PP of (NP land))) (VP came (PP into (NP view))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Foster Lukuklu Frayne) (VP made (NP a sign) (PP-LOC over (NP his heart)) (PP with (NP his two linked thumbs)))) : (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP recognized (NP it) (PP as (NP (NP an ancient Manu gesture) (VP intended (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP propitiate (NP the Devil))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A half-hour) (VP passed)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (VP drifted (ADVP closer)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP a voice) (ADJP (ADJP so frightened) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP seem (NP-PRD not his own)))))))) , (NP-SBJ the big bo'sun's mate) (VP quavered : `` (NP Tchalo ! !)))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD Eromonga))) -- (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP look (ADVP-MNR hard))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP see (PP with (NP your naked eye)) (NP (NP the wooden scaffolding) (PP-LOC on (NP the cliff)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP squinted (PP at (NP the looming shoreline))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a wooden tower or derrick) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-LOC there) , (NP-1 (NP something) (PP like (NP a ski jump))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP (VP was (ADVP perhaps) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV 80 feet) high)) and (VP had (VP been (ADVP-MNR artfully) (VP constructed (NP *-2) (PP of (NP logs))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A fine example) (PP of (NP (NP engineering) (PP in (NP a primitive society)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ is (NP-SBJ the scaffolding) (PP-PRD for (NP *T*-1)) , (NP-VOC Brassnose)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP (NP a sound) (PP of (NP despair))) (PP-LOC (ADVP deep) in (NP his throat))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD embarrassing) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ strapping , blonde Brassnose) (VP comport (NP himself) (PP like (NP (NP a child) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP talks (PP about (NP bogeymen))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Aaa-ee ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP their tultul) , (NP (NP the ' jumping platform ') (PP of (NP death))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the last) (PP of (NP (NP the three tests) (PP of (NP manhood)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the women) (VP impose (NP *T*-1) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP discover (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ a male) (VP is (ADJP-PRD worthy (PP of (NP (NP survival) (ADVP-LOC there))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Often) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ my uncles and cousins) (VP speak (PP of (NP it)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a small boy) (VP growing (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP Rabaul)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (NP a tultul)))) but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP heard (PP about (NP it)) (PP from (NP their fathers))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Our lifeboat) (VP was (VP filling (ADVP-MNR rapidly)))) and (S (PP despite (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP heard (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP (NP the inhabitants) (PP of (NP Eromonga))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD glad (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ (NP a (ADJP long and graceful) outrigger) (VP manned (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS three bronzed girls)))) (VP glide (PP-DIR (PP out (PP of (NP a lagoon))) (PP into (NP the open sea)) and (PP toward (NP our craft))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ (NP Brassnose) (PRN -- (PP as (NP (NP a man) (PP with (NP (NP a strain) (PP of (NP Melanesian)) (PP in (NP his blood)))))) --)) (VP to (VP speak (PP to (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP had (VP turned (NP a sickly green))) and (VP appeared (ADJP-PRD tongue-tied or panicked))) .)) (TOP (S So , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP mustered (NP (NP my few words) (PP of (NP the Manu dialect)))) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP greet (NP you) (PP in (NP peace)))))) .)) (TOP (PP In (NP ngandlu) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP My friends) and (NP I)) (VP come (PP-DIR from (NP (NP a ship) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP destroyed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS fire))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP are (ADJP-PRD thirsty and hungry))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ our (ADJP sore and burned) hands and arms) (VP need (NP attention))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The girl) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the prow) (PP of (NP the outrigger))))) (VP turned (NP (NP a smile) (PP like (NP a beacon))) (PP on (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP noted (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her full breasts) (VP were (ADJP-PRD bare)))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wore (NP (NP a garland) (PP of (NP red pandanus fruit))) (PP-LOC in (NP her blue-black hair))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ My name) (VP is (NP-PRD Songau))) and (S (NP-SBJ these girls) (VP are (NP-PRD Ponkob and Piwen))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (ADJP-PRD welcome (PP to (NP Eromonga)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My people) (VP await (NP you) (PP-LOC on (NP the shore))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP shall (VP have (NP food , water and rest))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Thirty minutes) later) , (S (NP-SBJ the outrigger) (VP grated (PP-LOC on (NP sand)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP other girls) , (VP waiting (PP-LOC on (NP shore)))) , (VP rushed (ADVP-DIR forward) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP pull (NP it) (PP-DIR up (PP on (NP the beach)))) and (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD fast (PP *ICH*-2)) (PP with (NP vine ropes)) (PP-2 to (NP a large boulder))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP (NP (QP a dozen or so) other outriggers) (VP moored (NP *) (ADVP-LOC there)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All my rosy visions) (PP of (NP (NP (NP rest) and (NP even pleasure)) (PP-LOC on (NP this island))))) (VP vanished (PP at (NP the sight))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a mound) (PP of (NP bleached human bones and skulls))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the base) (PP of (NP the big wooden derrick))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Some) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP-TMP for (NP years))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ others) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP (NP whitened shreds) (PP of (NP decayed flesh)) (VP sticking (PP to (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one object) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP sickened yet fascinated (NP me)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (ADVP also) (NP-PRD a corpse))) -- (FRAG (NP a male) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP judging (PP from (NP (NP the coral arm bands) , (NP (NP the tribal scars) (RRC (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD discernible)) (PP-LOC on (NP the maggoty face))) , (NP (NP the painted bone) (PP of (NP (NP the warrior caste) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP pierced (NP (NP the septum) (PP of (NP the rotting nose)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The body) (VP may (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP two or three) weeks ') dead)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (PP with (NP revulsion)) (PP at (NP the legs))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP shattered (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Many small bones) (VP protruded (ADVP-MNR crazily) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the shreds) (PP of (NP flesh))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP must (VP have (VP leaped (PP to (NP his death)) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the topmost rung) (PP of (NP the tultul))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As if (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP divining (NP my thoughts)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the girl) (NP Songau)) (VP (VP smiled (ADVP-MNR warmly)) and (VP said (PP in (NP (NP the casual tone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 an American woman) (VP might (VP use (NP *T*-1) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP describing (NP her rose garden)))))))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP our tultul) , (NP a jumping platform)) , (NP-VOC aku))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP shall (VP know (NP it) (ADVP-MNR better))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ it) not (ADJP-PRD well-made) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our old one) (VP blew (PRT down) (PP in (NP a storm)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the time) (PP of (NP (NP the pokeneu festival) (ADVP-TMP (NP fifteen moons) ago)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP took (NP-1 (NP thirty) (PP of (NP our women))) (NP (QP almost six) moons) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP build (NP (NP this one) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP higher and stronger) (PP than (NP the old one))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP are (ADJP-PRD very proud (PP of (NP it)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ You) (VP have (NP every right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP replied (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR gravely) (PP in (NP the Manu dialect)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 my attention) (VP was (VP fixed (NP *-1) (PP on (NP (NP Brassnose) , (NP (NP the (ADJP biggest and strongest)) (PP of (NP us)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keel (PRT over))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (NP a queasiness) (PP-LOC in (NP my own stomach)))) but (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would n't (VP do (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (NP these girls) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD afraid)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (ADVP-TMP so soon) , (ADVP anyway) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP clapped (NP (NP the big man) (PP with (NP the bleached hair))) (PP-LOC on (NP his shoulder))) and (VP said (ADVP-MNR heartily) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hoping (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP make (NP an impression) (PP on (NP the women)))))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ This one) (VP is (NP-PRD the maku Frayne))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP speaks (NP your language) (ADVP too) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the grandson) (PP of (NP (NP a chieftain) (PP-LOC on (NP Taui)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP made (NP much magic)) and (VP was (ADJP-PRD strong and cunning)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The maku Frayne) (VP has (VP inherited (NP this strength) (PP from (NP his grandfather)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the worst thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP have (VP said (FRAG (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Brassnose) (VP (VP turned (NP a stricken face) (PP-DIR toward (NP me))) and (VP said (ADVP-MNR brokenly) , `` (S (NP-VOC (NP Sommers) , (NP (NP you) (NP meddling Yank))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-PRD a fool))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP despise (NP (NP males) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP brag (PP of (NP their strength)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP destroy (NP such men) (PP with (NP their damned tests)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP ruined (NP me)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP blast (NP you))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP first)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP his head))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP talking (ADVP-MNR wildly) (PP like (NP this)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP a glance) (PP at (NP (NP Songau) and (NP the other women)))) (VP confirmed (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Brassnose) (VP had (VP blurted (NP *T*-1) (PRT out)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The women 's) faces) (VP had (VP hardened (PP-TMP after (NP my statement)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP (NP a nod) (PP from (NP Songau)))) , (NP-SBJ four (ADJP lithe and muscular) girls) (VP (VP darted (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Frayne 's) side))) and (VP seized (NP him) (PP by (NP the arms)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP was (NP-PRD an ox))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP put (PRT up) (NP a creditable struggle)))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ four Eromonga women) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP than (NP (NP a match) (PP for (NP (NP the strongest male) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP lived)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ terror) (VP had (VP sapped (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP Frayne 's) vitality and will))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My last impression) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP led (NP him) (PP-DIR off (PP to (NP a stockade)))))) (VP was (PP-PRD of (NP his pale face))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the Manu tongue)) , `` (NP-SBJ eromonga) '' (VP means (NP (NP manhood) -- (NP (NP a quality) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ the women) (ADVP-MNR derisively) (VP toasted (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP (NP weekly feasts) (SBAR (WHPP-3 at (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP great quantities) (PP of (NP (NP a brew) (PP like (NP kava))))) (VP were (VP imbibed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the hut) (SBAR (WHPP-4 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP assigned (NP *-1) (PP-DTV *T*-4))))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ Max) (VP had (NP his own quarters))) --) (NP-SBJ-2 my food) (VP was (VP brought (NP *-2) (PP-DTV to (NP me)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a wrinkled crone) (PP with bare drooping breasts) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-3) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-6 *-5) (VP to (VP enjoy (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP conversing (PP with (NP me)) (PP in (NP rudimentary phrases)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her name) (VP was (NP-PRD L'Turu))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP me) (NP many things))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP an anthropologist)) , (NP-SBJ loquacious old L'Turu) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a mine) (PP of (NP information)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP had (NP (NP a great dread) (PP of (NP the island)))) and (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP leave (NP it) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD alive)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-MNR eagerly) (VP wrote (PRT down) (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP me) (NP *T*-1)))) (PP about (NP its women)))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her account) (VP was (ADVP-TMP later) (VP confirmed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Scobee-Frazier Expedition) (PP from (NP (NP the University) (PP of (NP Manitoba)))))) (PP-TMP in (NP 1951)))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP L'Turu)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (SBAR (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP until (NP about 1850)) (NP-SBJ (NP the people) (PP of (NP (NP this island) (PRN -- (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP (NP about the size) (PP of (NP Guam))) or (ADJP smaller))))) --)))) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD of (NP both sexes)))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the normal family life) (PP of (NP Melanesian tribes))) (VP was (VP observed (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP with (NP minor variations)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the last century)))) (NP-SBJ (NP an island woman) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) `` (NP-PRD Karipo) ''))) (VP (VP seized (NP a spear) (PP in (NP (NP the heat) (PP of (NP an inter-tribal battle))))) and (VP rallied (NP the women)) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ their men) (VP had (VP fled))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Miraculously) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Karipo) and (NP her women)) (VP had (VP succeeded (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP driving (NP (NP (QP a hundred) invaders) (PP from (NP (NP the isle) (PP of (NP Pamasu))))) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP their war canoes))))) , (PP-TMP after (NP (NP considerable loss) (PP of (NP life)) (PP-LOC on (NP both sides)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Karipo) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP a politician))) (CONJP as well as) (NP a militarist))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (VP exploited (NP (NP the exalted position) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP occupied (NP *T*-1))))) , (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP harassing (NP the disorganized males)) and (VP (ADVP even) putting (NP (NP many) (PP of (NP them))) (PP to (NP death))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Within (NP a decade (QP or less))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 few men) (VP were (VP left (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ a feminist society) (VP had (VP sprung (PRT up)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Karipo) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD great goddess)) , (VP told (NP our mothers) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ men) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD necessary) (SBAR-ADV except (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP father (NP children))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ the crone) (VP told (NP me) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ All men) (VP went (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (ADVP here)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stayed)))) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP pass (NP tests))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Few) (VP passed) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP cackled (PP with (NP mirth)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP showing (NP (NP the stumps) (PP of (NP betel-stained teeth)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Karipo 's) women) (ADVP then) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ this place) (NP-PRD ' (NP Eromonga) ' (PRN -- (NP manhood) --))) (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ just the strongest men) (VP could (VP stay (ADVP-LOC here)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP show (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The old woman) (VP (VP arose (ADVP-MNR stiffly)) and (VP led (NP me) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a clearing) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ a small hut) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the shade) (PP of (NP (NP a palm tree) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the squalid dwelling)))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP (NP four figures) (PP in (NP a semi-circle)) (PP-LOC on (NP the ground)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP spent (NP the morning) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (ADVP all) (VP organized (NP *-1)))))) , (ADVP then) (VP headed (PP for (NP home))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Maybe) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP beat (PRT up) (PP on (NP his squaw))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Benson) (VP (VP looked (ADVP up)) and (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Ramey 's) long head) (VP tilt (ADVP-DIR forward) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rub (NP his chin) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the stiff edge) (PP of (NP the overall bib))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP (VP reached (ADVP out) (PP with (NP the tire iron))) and (VP dislodged (NP (NP a chunk) (PP of (NP mud)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP caked (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP the spare tire rack))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP `` (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP know (SBAR (ADVP just) (WHNP-1 which) (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ those guys) (VP do n't (VP understand (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) , (NP the liquor or automobiles) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Somehow) (NP-SBJ (NP the thought) (PP of (NP (NP a simple man) (VP bewildered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (ADVP really) (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP understand (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) (VP moved (NP the driver)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ (NP his hatred) (PP toward (NP (ADJP drunken or careless) drivers))) (VP softened) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ the Indian) (VP was n't (PP-PRD (ADVP too much) at (NP fault)))) , (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP only) (VP doing (NP (NP the best) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP *?* (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))) , (PP like (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP us)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyway) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP does n't (VP deserve (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP (VP lie (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-LOC in (NP the sun))) and (VP be (VP stared (PP at (NP *-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-2 `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Ever) (VP see (S (NP-SBJ-1 yourself) (VP spread (NP *-1) (PRT out) (PP-LOC on (NP the pavement)))) , (NP-VOC Benny)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SQ *T*-2) (PP to (NP his partner))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP dream))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (ADVP exactly) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Just) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP see (NP it))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Benson) (VP (VP grinned) and (VP flipped (NP a rock) (PP with (NP his thumb)) (PP like (NP a marble)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG (INTJ Nope) , (NP just you) , (NP-TMP all the time)) -- (S (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-MNR-PRD (NP the only way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP get (NP a decent partner) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP smiled)) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP to (NP himself)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP see (NP me) (ADVP too))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Never) (NP Benny) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 Whenever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ someone) (VP lying (PP-LOC in (NP the dirt)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ the person) (VP had (VP been (VP thinking (NP *T*-2)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP try (PRT out) (NP thoughts) (PP in (NP his own mind))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP realize (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP really) (NP-PRD (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP only he) (NP himself)) (VP could (VP think (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP this realization)) , (ADVP-TMP sometimes) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP himself) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (ADVP down))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP seen (NP him) (ADVP-TMP yet)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-2 Benson) (VP said (SQ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP referring (PP to (NP the Indian))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ He) (VP was n't (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the car)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP did n't (VP go (ADVP clear around)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Benson) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP something))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP back) on (NP the other side)) (PP-LOC by (NP (NP the trunk) (PP of (NP the car))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (ADJP Too long) a waiting line) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Ramey) (VP answered (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP pretending (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP joke)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A few minutes) later) (NP-SBJ (NP the insurance man) , (NP a road checker) ,) (VP drove (PRT up) (PP in (NP (NP the gray coupe) (PP with (NP (NP license plates) (PP on (NP it)) (PP from (NP a far-away state))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a trick) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP used (NP *T*-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP try) and (VP conceal (NP their identity))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP followed (NP trucks) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP check (NP their speed)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP just) (VP (VP parked (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the road))))) and (VP used (NP radar) (PP on (NP the trucks)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP passed))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ All the drivers) (VP knew (PP about (NP the plates)))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP also) (VP knew (PP about (NP (NP (NP the big floppy straw hat) (PP with (NP shredded edges))) , (NP (NP the kind) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP natives) (PP in (NP travel ads))) (VP wear (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADVP-LOC out) (ADVP-MNR joyfully) (VP chopping (NP cane)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Horsely) , (NP (NP an agent) (PP on (NP the east end))) ,) (VP wore (NP the hat) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP look (PP like (NP a tourist)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD strange) (PP to (NP Ramey)) (SBAR-2 that (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP disguise (NP himself) (PP as (NP a tourist))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP an ex-truck driver) (PP like (NP Horsely))) (VP would (ADVP merely) (VP (VP pick (NP (NP something) (ADJP outlandish))) and (VP put (NP it) (PP-PUT on (NP his head))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The insurance man) (VP informed (NP them) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP talked (PP to (NP (NP Crumley) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD all right)))))))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP watch (NP (NP the men 's) personal effects) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP towed (NP the rig) (ADVP back) (PP-DIR to (NP town))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP chatted (PP with (NP Ramey and Benson)) (PP-TMP for (NP a minute (QP or so))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the meager shade) (PP of (NP the trailer))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Every so often) (NP-SBJ (NP the diminishing sound) (PP of (NP a car))) (VP came (PP-DIR under (NP the trailer)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP slowed (ADVP down) (PP for (NP the wreck))) (ADVP then) (VP speeded (PRT up) (ADVP again) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP got (ADJP-PRD clear))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ Benson and Ramey) (VP walked (ADVP back) (PP-DIR around (NP (NP the rear) (PP of (NP the trailer))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a body) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP wo n't (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP at (NP *T*-2))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Benson) (VP said (S *T*-3))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP stopped)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP driven (PRT up) (PP with (NP her husband)) (PP in (NP (NP a convertible) (PP with (NP Eastern license plates)))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ the two drivers) (VP knew (NP (NP nothing) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-TMP at (NP the moment)) (PP-1 about (NP that))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wore (NP (NP shorts) and (NP a loose terry-cloth shirt))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD Slender and tanned)) , (NP-SBJ-1 her (ADJP dark brown) hair) (VP was (VP drawn (NP *-1) (ADVP straight back) , (ADVP-MNR simply))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What outfit) (SQ does (NP-SBJ she) (VP drive (PP for (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Benson) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seeing (NP her))) (VP caused (NP (NP a lurch) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP Ramey)) , (NP-1 a recognition)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP someone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP loved (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (NP her) (ADVP-TMP before)))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP the manner) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he and Benson) (VP went (PP (PP in (NP *RNR*-1)) and (PP out (PP of (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 the cities)) (PP-MNR *T*-2) , (PP at (NP (NP each end) (PP of (NP their run))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The truck routes) , (NP (NP the industrial areas) (PP with (NP (NP walls) (VP grimed (NP *) (PP with (NP diesel smoke))))))) (VP passed (ADVP-MNR briefly) (PP through (NP his mind)))) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ back alleys) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP their access) (PP to (NP a city))))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP stay)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP see (NP her) (ADVP again) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The feeling) (VP subsided)) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP only) (NP-PRD a small yearning))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their work) (VP was (ADJP-PRD lonely)) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ she) (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP this bunch)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Benson) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHADJP-3 how close) (S (NP-SBJ their thoughts) (VP might (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP looked (ADVP around) (PP at (NP the countryside))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her glance) (VP swung (PP-DIR past (NP (NP the trailer) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the two drivers) (VP were (VP standing (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP made (NP (NP only a tiny bump) (PP over (NP the two men))) (PP like (NP (NP a tire) (PP over (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP gravel))))))) (ADVP then) (VP moved (ADVP on))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP watch (NP (NP a blonde-haired man) , (PP (ADVP also) in (NP shorts)) , (VP standing (PP-LOC (ADVP right) at (NP (NP the rear) (PP of (NP the wrecked car)))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the one spot) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP the crowd))) (VP had (VP detoured (NP *T*-2) (ADVP slightly))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP caught (NP his attention))))) (VP was (VP obscured (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the car) (NP itself))) , (SBAR-ADV so that (S (NP-SBJ neither (NP the girl) nor (NP the truck drivers)) (VP could (VP see))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Benson) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP took (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP (NP steps) (PP toward (NP (NP the man) (PP in (NP shorts))))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ Benson) , (PP in (NP (NP that barefoot courtliness) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP decide (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD real)))))))))) , (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 You) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR around (ADVP there))))) , (NP-VOC Ma'am)))) '' (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP (VP stopped) but (VP did not (VP (VP turn (NP her head)) or (VP acknowledge (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ someone) (VP had (VP spoken (PP to (NP her)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP the bent levi-clad body) (PP of (NP (NP the Indian) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lay (ADVP face down) (PP-LOC (ADVP almost) under (NP the car)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The two drivers) (VP moved (ADVP-LOC closer)) .)) (TOP (S (UCP-TPC-2 `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ does (NP-SBJ he) (VP want (NP *T*-1)))) , (NP a spoon) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Benson) (VP said (UCP *T*-2) (PP to (NP Ramey))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One tiny detail) (PP in (NP a happening))) (VP can (VP (VP clog (NP the memory)) and (VP stick (PP like (NP (NP meat) (PP-LOC in (NP a crooked tooth))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the occurrence))) (VP will (VP go (ADJP-PRD hazy and uncertain))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (PP With (NP Ramey)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a dusty work shoe) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (PP-PRD half-off (NP (NP the Indian 's) foot)))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (ADVP-TMP always) (VP remember (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The laces) (VP were (VP broken (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the eyelets))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD a bow knot) (PP-LOC at (NP the top)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The slightest twitch) (VP would (VP have (VP parted (NP the shoe) (PP (ADVP entirely) from (NP the foot)))))) , (ADVP yet) (S (NP-SBJ the toes) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-PRD inside))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The two men) (PP in (NP overalls))) (VP stood (PP-LOC (ADVP just) behind (NP the blonde-headed man))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wore (NP (NP tennis shorts) and (NP (NP a white sweater) (PP with (NP (NP a red V) (PP-LOC at (NP the neck)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 the sleeves) (VP pushed (NP *-1) (PP-DIR above (NP the elbows))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned) and (VP looked (PP at (NP them)) (PP with (NP (NP clear blue eyes) , (NP immaculate eyes))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very tanned))) -- (S (NP-SBJ big hands) (VP might (VP have (VP torn (NP him) (PP from (NP a Coca-Cola poster)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD dead))) , (SQ is n't (NP-SBJ he) (ADJP-PRD *?*)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The man) (VP said (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned) and (VP bent (PP over (NP (NP the body) (PP of (NP the Indian)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (PP in (ADJP particular)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the man 's) face)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP curiosity))) , (NP a natural right (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP examine)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ this) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-3 The man) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP backing (PRT up) (NP-ADV a step)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP still) (VP looking (ADVP-DIR down)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His words) (VP were (ADVP mostly) (PP-PRD to (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a gentle concern) (PP in (NP (NP Benson 's) voice)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP (VP looked (ADVP-DIR down)) and (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ (NP the white sneaker) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP (NP the man 's) tanned leg))))) (ADVP-MNR cautiously) (VP nudge (NP (NP a bit) (PP of (NP (NP folded , blood-flecked substance) (VP lying (PP by (NP itself)) (PP-LOC on (NP the pavement)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` But (WHNP-1 what) (SQ is (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The man) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2) (PP with (NP (NP a tone) (PP of (NP impatience))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHNP-1 what) (SQ is (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP had (VP spoken (ADVP-TMP only once))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP heard (NP-2 the words) (ADVP again) (ADVP inside) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP weakened (NP *-3))) , (NP-MNR (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ moving water) (VP sounds (PP through (NP (NP a grove) (PP of (NP trees)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP sound or light-headedness) (VP pressing (PP in (NP his ears)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The sneaker) (VP reached (ADVP out) (ADVP-TMP once more) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tap (PP against (NP the mass))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ramey 's) vision) (VP darkened (PP except (PP for (NP (NP an unreasonable clarity) (PP of (NP (NP the man 's) leg))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ sunlight) (VP touch (NP (NP the curly blonde hairs) (PP on (NP the brown skin)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stared (PP at (NP (NP the shining , shining circles) (PP of (NP hairs))))) and (VP heard (NP (NP the voice) (PP of (NP his partner))) (PP through (NP trees))))) , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP do (NP that) , (NP-VOC fella)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Them) (VP 's (NP-PRD brains)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The man) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sink (NP-ADV a little)))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP brought (NP the tire iron) (ADVP down) (PP-LOC on (NP his shoulder))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the blonde head) (VP was (VP turning)))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hit (NP the man) (ADVP again) , (PP with (NP his fist))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP (VP swung) and (VP caught (NP the man) (PP-LOC (ADVP just) to (NP (NP the left) (PP of (NP his mouth)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a straight , solid , once-in-a-lifetime shot))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP laid (NP all four knuckles) (PP-LOC in (PP between (NP (NP (NP the man 's) cheekbone) and (NP his chin)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Ramey 's) fist) and (NP (NP the air) (VP expelled (NP *) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the man 's) collapsing cheek))))) (VP made (NP (NP a hollow pop) (PP in (NP the air)) (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ cupped hands) (VP clapping (ADVP together)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP (VP took (NP (NP two short steps) (ADVP backward))) (ADVP then) (VP sat (ADVP down) (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP-LOC on (NP the pavement)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP (VP heard (NP (NP a cry) (PP from (NP the girl)))) and (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP a slight pain) (PP-LOC (ADVP somewhere) in (NP his hand))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP sit (ADVP-MNR suddenly)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a detached part) (PP of (NP his mind))) (VP observed (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how very difficult) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was , (ADVP really) , (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP knock (NP a man) (PP off (NP his feet))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (VP done (NP it) (NP-TMP this time)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never again) (VP hit (NP anyone) (ADVP-MNR so hard)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a thoughtful look)) , (NP-SBJ the man) (VP sat (PP-LOC on (NP the pavement)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ legs) (ADVP-PRD straight out) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His arms) (VP hung (PP like (NP empty shirt sleeves)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his mouth) (VP was (ADJP-PRD slightly open))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP After (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP seemed (NP-PRD several seconds))))) , (NP-SBJ the open mouth) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD dark) (ADVP-LOC inside))) (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ-2 blood) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ooze (PP-DIR from (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP brought (NP one hand) (ADVP-DIR up) (ADVP-MNR slowly))) and (S (NP-SBJ the fingers) (VP fumbled (PP-DIR across (NP his face)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP touched (NP his mouth)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP moaned) and (VP pulled (NP the hand) (ADVP-DIR away))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Even yet) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no realization) (PP-LOC in (NP his eyes)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP could (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ the crowd) (VP coming (ADVP up) (ADVP-MNR rapidly) (PP-LOC behind (NP him))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the questioning voices) (VP coming (PP-DIR over (NP his shoulder)))) (VP had (NP (NP no identity or importance) (PP to (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP look (ADVP around))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD hurt)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ (NP A woman 's) voice) (VP said (S *T*-1))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP wail)) (PP from (NP (NP the man 's) wife))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The man) (PP-LOC on (NP the ground))) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP his hands))) (VP (VP flattened (PRT out) (PP-LOC on (NP the pavement))) and (VP supported (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Blood) (VP dripped (PP-DIR down (NP (NP the front) (PP of (NP his sweater)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP soaking (PP into (NP (NP a dark streak) (PP of (NP dirt)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ran (ADVP diagonally) (PP-DIR across (NP (NP the white wool) (PP-LOC on (NP his shoulder))))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the bright V) (VP woven (NP *) (PP into (NP the neckline)))) (VP had (VP melted , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP running (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (NP-PRD a darker color))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP kneeled (PP-LOC by (NP her husband)) (PP with (NP (NP one arm) (PP-LOC at (NP his back))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (SQ Can (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear)) , (SQ can (NP-SBJ you) (VP talk (PP to (NP me)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP begged (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An incoherent , puzzled sound) (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP the red mouth))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP looked (ADVP around) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (PP at (NP (NP several) (PP of (NP the people))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP None) (PP of (NP the crowd))) (VP had (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR forward) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP Ramey))) and (S (NP-SBJ her face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD misshapen (PP with (NP bewilderment))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-3 `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP it) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) -- (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP hit (NP him) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her voice) (VP rising))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP said (NP nothing)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A shine) (PP-LOC in (NP her eyes))) (ADVP suddenly) (VP became (NP-PRD tears))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP turned (ADVP back) (PP to (NP her husband)) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Behind (NP Ramey)) (NP-SBJ feet) (VP scraped (PP beneath (NP sharp questioning whispers))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 No one) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know (PP for (ADJP sure)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened))))))))) , nor (SINV was (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD (NP any purpose or responsibility) (PP in (NP (NP (NP the muttering feet) and (NP urgent voices)) (PP-LOC behind (NP the driver)))) , (PP beyond (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP finding (PRT out)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP (VP looked (ADVP around)) and (VP caught (NP (NP sight) (PP of (NP (NP his partner) (ADVP-LOC near (NP (NP the front end) (PP of (NP the wrecked truck)))) (VP talking (PP to (NP the patrolman)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Benson) (VP moved (NP his arms) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP gesturing (PP with (NP an unfamiliar vigor))) and (VP talking (ADVP-MNR rapidly))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP caught (NP (NP a glimpse) (PP of (NP the insurance man)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP the ruddiness))) (VP was (VP gone (PP from (NP his face))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stared (PP at (NP Ramey)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's all (ADVP-PRD over) (ADVP-TMP now))) , (NP-SBJ the driver) (VP thought (S *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ the patrolman) (VP (VP turn) and (VP walk (ADVP-MNR rapidly) (PP-DIR (ADVP down) along (NP the trailer)) (PP-DIR toward (NP them))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ramey) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP coming (PP with (NP (NP a vision) (ADJP (ADJP as clean) (PP as (NP (NP the glare) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the metal sides) (PP of (NP the trailer)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ the dark sweat spots) (VP flip (PP (PP in (NP *RNR*-1)) and (PP out (PP of (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 sight)) (PP-LOC under (NP (NP the patrolman 's) swinging arms)))))) and (S (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the leather holster) (SBAR (WHNP-6 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-6) (VP swaggered and rolled (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP his stocky body))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP left (NP a smoky shine) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the narrow strip) (PP of (NP blue metal)) (SBAR (WHNP-7 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-7) (VP ran (PP-LOC between (NP (NP the horned handles) (PP of (NP his pistol))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 `` (INTJ All right) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP step (ADVP-DIR back)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ The patrolman) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (PP to (NP (NP no one) (PP in (ADJP particular)))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP pushed (PP-DIR between (NP (NP (NP the fat man) (PP in (NP the baseball cap))) and (NP (NP a young boy) (PP in (NP levis))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR (ADVP straight) up (PP to (NP (NP the man) (VP sitting (PP-LOC on (NP the ground))))))) and (VP bent (ADVP over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ You) (ADJP-PRD all right) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (UCP-TPC-2 (NP Mough) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD my mough)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 the man) (VP said (UCP *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP talk (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP moving (NP his lips)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His brown face) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD gray) (PP from (NP dirt streaks)) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ his hand) (VP had (VP (VP come (PP off (NP the dusty pavement))) and (VP rubbed (PP-DIR across (NP it))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-MNR calmly and carefully) (VP slugged (NP the remaining five shots) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the venomous head) -- (VP caught (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the wicker back) (PP of (NP the chair)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the eyes) (ADJP-PRD dead (PP on (NP him))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the life) (ADVP finally) (VP went (PP out (PP of (NP the brute))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The body) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP lash))))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ-2 Keith) (VP used (NP (NP the legs) (PP of (NP the chair))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP fork (NP the loathsome , bloody mass) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the bungalow)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP slammed (NP the door)) and (VP listened (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 his servants) (VP ran (ADVP up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP alarmed (NP *-2) (PP at (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP the shots))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP heard (NP-1 their chattering)) , (CONJP and then) (VP (NP=1 (NP the sounds) (PP of (NP hacking))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP dismembered (NP the snake) (PP-LOC (ADVP right) on (NP the porch)) (PP with (NP wood axes))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP only) (ADVP-TMP-PRD then) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP turned (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP Penny))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP sitting (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the bed)))) (ADVP again) , (PP (ADVP back) in (NP (NP the same position) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the snake) (VP had (VP found (NP her) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The fear) (VP had not (ADVP entirely) (VP gone (PP from (NP her face))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP some other emotions) (VP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP now) , (VP-1 crowding (PP into (NP (NP her eyes) and (NP (NP the lines) (PP of (NP her mouth)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ her hands) (VP were (ADJP-PRD calm) , (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (SINV (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (VP got (NP guts)))) , (VP thought (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Keith) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (VP got (NP (NP more guts) (PP than (NP (NP any other woman) (PP-LOC in (NP the world))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-VOC Keith) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Penny)) ,) `` (NP-VOC Keith) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADJP-PRD wonderful)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a wife) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD grateful (PP to (NP-1 her husband)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP saving (NP her life)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you) , (NP-VOC Keith)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP smiled (PP at (NP her sincerity))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP-TMP for (NP (NP the hundredth time) (NP-TMP that week))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP startled (NP *-1) (PP at (NP her beauty)))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Strange .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Seven years) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP 'd (VP been (VP married (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (NP (NP her mind) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-MNR pretty well) , (PP-TMP by (ADVP now)) , (NP-1 (NP its quick perceptions and sympathies) , (NP (NP its painful insistence) (PP on (NP truth and directness))) , (NP (NP its capacity) (PP for (NP love)) (ADJP (ADJP almost too deep) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) for (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP to (VP reciprocate (NP *T*-2) , (PP (ADVP even) in (NP part)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ her beauty) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP surprised (NP him) (ADVP anew)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (ADVP hardly) (NP-PRD (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-VOC Penny))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Keith) .)) (TOP (S `` But (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP knowing (NP you))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD (ADJP glad (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD alive))))) , and (ADJP grateful) -- and (ADJP sorry (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP killed (NP the snake) , (SBAR-ADV even though (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP *?*))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is n't (NP-SBJ that) (ADVP-PRD so) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Penny) (VP lowered (NP her eyes)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yes) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) , (PP (ADVP almost) in (NP a whisper)) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP admitting (PP to (NP a crime)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (SQ-TPC-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ The snake) (VP was (ADJP-PRD beautiful))) , (SQ was n't (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD *?*)) '' ? ?) (VP Asked (SQ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Keith) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his voice) (VP getting (ADJP-PRD harsher) (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP himself)))) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP struggled (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP control (NP his growing anger))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a king cobra) , (NP (NP the largest) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP saw (NP *T*-1)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP deserved (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP live (PRT out) (NP its life) (PP-LOC in (NP the jungle)))))))) , (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ it) (VP *?*)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ it) (VP *?*) ? ?)) (TOP (S '' (NP-SBJ Penny) (VP did not (VP answer)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (ADVP just) (VP sat (ADVP-LOC there) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP at (NP him)) , (PP without (NP (NP an expression) (PP except (NP (NP concern) (PP for (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're all (NP-PRD (NP God 's) creatures))) , (SQ are n't (NP-SBJ we) (NP-PRD *?*)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Keith) (VP was (VP snarling (ADVP-TMP now))) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP (NP All) (PP of (NP us))) -- (NP (NP every goddam roach and worm and killer) (PP-LOC in (NP that jungle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP love (NP (NP this village) and (NP these stinking brown people)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (NP-PRD (NP God 's) creatures) , (ADVP too))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ you) (VP love (NP (NP Ahmiri) , (NP (NP that black bastard) (PP of (NP a servant)))) (ADVP even (NP a little) more) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (NP-PRD a beautiful man))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP loves (NP you) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-PRD a beautiful woman))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're all (NP-PRD (NP God 's) creatures))) , (SQ are n't (NP-SBJ we) (NP-PRD *?*)) , (NP-VOC Penny) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP All) (PP of (NP us)) (PRN , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) ,) (PP except (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP hate (NP me))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP hate (NP my guts))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hunt)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP actually) (VP hate (NP me) (PRN -- (S and (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP both)) (VP know (NP it))) --) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP killed (NP that filthy snake)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (INTJ Well) , (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP something) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Penny) (VP would not (VP rise (PP to (NP his mood)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is n't (NP-PRD (NP anything) (ADJP left) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1)))))))) , (SQ is (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD *?*)) , (NP-VOC Keith) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-MNR softly) (VP (VP let (NP herself) (PP into (NP the bed))) , and (VP took (NP (NP her regular side) , (ADVP-LOC away (PP from (NP the door))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP slept (ADVP-MNR better) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Keith) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD between (NP (NP her) and (NP the invader)))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (UCP-PRD not (VP sulking) , not (ADVP even) (ADJP-PRD angry (PP at (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (ADVP Just) as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP loving (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Brahmaputra) (VP has (NP its headwaters) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP the tableland) (PP of (NP the world))) , (NP (NP the towering white headwalls) (PP of (NP the Himalayas)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP unknown (PP to (NP man))) (PP as (NP (NP any other space) (PP-LOC on (NP the planet)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP a brief period)) (NP-TMP each year) , (NP-SBJ (NP the rays) (PP of (NP the sun))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD warm enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP melt (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the snows) (VP piled (NP-1 *) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a mile) deep)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the base) (PP of (NP the headwalls)))))))))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (S (NP-SBJ the pinnacles) (VP glisten (PP-TMP in (NP the daytime)) (PP-TMP at (NP high noon)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP billions) (PP of (NP (NP gallons) (PP of (NP water))))) (VP begin (NP (NP their slow seepage) (PP (PP under (NP the glaciers)) and (PP across (NP the rockstrewn hanging valleys))) (PP on (NP (NP their long , meandering journey) (PP to (NP the sea))))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP running (ADVP-DIR east) (PP-DIR past (NP (NP the sky-carving massifs) (PP of (NP (NP Gurla Mandhata) and (NP Kemchenjunga)))))) , (ADVP then) (VP (VP turning (ADVP-DIR south)) and (VP curling (PP-DIR (PP down (PP through (NP (NP the jungles) (PP of (NP Assam))))) , (PP past (NP the Khasi Hills)) , and (PP into (NP Bengal)) , (PP past (NP Sirinjani and Madaripur))) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the hard water) (PP of (NP the melting snows))) (VP (VP mingles (PP with (NP (NP the soft drainage) (PP of (NP fields))))) and (PP at (NP length)) (VP fans (ADVP out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP meld (PP with (NP (NP the teeming salt depths) (PP of (NP (NP the Bay) (PP of (NP Bengal)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Keith Sterling) (VP had (VP looked (ADVP down) (PP on (NP the Brahmaputra)) (NP-TMP (NP more times) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP remember))))) , (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the war days) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP flew (PP-DIR over (NP (NP the Hump) (PP of (NP the world)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD high adventure)) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP those times) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP was (VP guiding (NP himself) (PP-DIR through (NP outer space)))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Keith) (VP looked (ADVP down) (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP than (ADVP up)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP (PP of (NP (NP the jungles) (PP-LOC below (NP him)))) , and (PP of (NP (NP the wild , strange , untracked beauty) (ADVP-LOC there)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP promised (NP himself) (SBAR that (S (ADVP-TMP someday) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP return , (PP on (NP foot)) (ADVP perhaps) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hunt (PP-LOC in (NP (NP this last corner) (PP of (NP the world)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (S (NP-SBJ man) (VP is (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-ADV himself) (NP-PRD the hunted))) , and (S (NP-SBJ animals) (NP-PRD the lords)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP first)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP just a romantic dream) (PP of (NP his))) , (NP (NP the same) (PP as (NP (NP the idea) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP finishing (NP Oxford) (PP-TMP after (NP the war))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But `` (PP-SBJ after (NP the war)) '' (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a luxury) (PP of (NP a phrase)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP permit (NP himself) (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Wing Commanders) (PP in (NP the RAF))) (VP do not (VP imply (NP (NP survival) (PP-TMP in (NP the future))) (PP either (PP in (NP their orders)) or (PP in (NP their attitudes))) , (PP (PP to (NP their men)) or (PP to (NP themselves))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Keith 's) record) (PP of (NP kills))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP listen (PP to (NP *T*-2))))))) -- (NP (NP a man) (ADVP paradoxically) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (ADVP even) (VP survive)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP became (NP-PRD a fighter pilot) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the stint) (PP-LOC over (NP the Hump)) (PP in (NP the big crates))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The RAF) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Britain 's) weapon) (PP of (NP attrition))))) , and (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP flying (NP a fighter plane))) (VP was (NP-MNR-PRD (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ her sons) (VP could (VP serve (NP her) (ADVP best) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP this point) (PP in (NP the war)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shoot (PRT down) (NP Nazis) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the men) (VP talked (PP about (NP him)) (PP behind (NP his back)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP saying (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-PRD (NP one) up (PP on (NP (NP everybody else) (PRN -- (PP including (NP (NP the pilot) (PP of (NP (NP the plane) (PP with (NP (NP the swastika) (PP-LOC on (NP it)))))))) --)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD chemically incapable (PP of (NP fear))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP true) , but (NP only half the truth))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-2 The other half) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP did n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP recognize (NP *T*-2) , (PP (ADVP even) to (NP himself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP enjoyed (NP the killing)) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP defending (NP England)) , or (VP being (NP-PRD an ace)) , or (VP fighting (PP for (NP humanity))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP enjoyed (NP killing)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP enjoyed (NP it) (ADVP just as much) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a Nazi)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Nowadays) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP talk (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ the blitz) (VP were (ADVP just) (NP-PRD a short skirmish))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Nazis) (VP bombed (NP Britain))) , so (S (NP-SBJ the RAF) (VP (VP retaliated) and (VP shot (NP (NP them) (NP all)) (PRT down)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (ADVP quite) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a war) (PP (PP of (NP nerves)) , (PP of (NP stamina)) , (PP of (NP dogged endurance))) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the stupid insistence) (PP of (NP the British)) (PP on (NP (NP their right) (PP to (NP their own country))))) (VP became (ADVP ultimately) (NP-PRD (NP an unsurmountable obstacle) (PP to (NP (NP the Nazis) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP better organized) and (ADJP technically superior)))))))) (PP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP took (NP a long time) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the British) (VP tipped (NP the balance))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Keith) (VP learned (NP (NP (ADJP too much)) (PP about (NP (NP air combat) , and (NP air killing))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP risked (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP grounded (NP him) (PRN -LRB- (PP over (NP (NP his protests) -- (PP not including (NP (NP his true reason) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP wanting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fly)))))))))) -RRB-)) and (VP put (NP him) (PP in (NP the Command offices)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (SBAR-LOC-PRD (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP met (NP Penny) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP her))) (PP as (NP (NP a (ADJP frightfully good-looking) American WAC) , (NP (NP a second lieutenant) (VP assigned (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the paper work) , (PRN -LRB- (ADVP regardless (PP of (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how important) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP have (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1))))))))))) -RRB-) (PP-LOC in (NP the Command offices)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD all))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Penny) (VP knew (NP him) (ADVP better) , (PP on (NP her part))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP a war reputation))) , but (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (PP of (NP man)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ women) (VP like (NP *T*-1) (PP (ADVP even) without (NP medals)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP do n't (VP go (PP for (NP bull-like muscle)) , (PP as (NP a rule)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP strength) (PP-LOC in (NP his six-foot frame)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP the tensile steel) (PP-LOC in (NP a rapier)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP the thin side)) , (PP with (NP (NP big hands) , and (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP (NP wrists) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP give (ADVP away) (NP (NP the power) (PP-LOC in (NP forearm and bicep)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His hair) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP black) , (VP (ADVP-TMP already) greying (PP-LOC at (NP the temples)) (PP in (NP (NP the classic beauty-idiom) , (NP (NP the only one) (VP permitted (NP *) (PP to (NP a man))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The pretty little twittering WACS) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP the look) (PP of (NP eagles)))))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Penny) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hating (NP the cliche))) , (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP admit (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP this case)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP applied)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Keith) (VP was (NP-PRD an eagle)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Penny and Keith) (VP had (NP no romance)) .)) (TOP (NP No dates or hand-holding .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ they) (VP met (PP in (NP (NP one searing moment) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gave (NP them) (PP to (NP one another)) (ADVP instantly))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Command offices) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP (NP the border country) , (PP-LOC up (ADVP north)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (S (NP-SBJ the radar systems) (VP centralized (NP their intelligence reports))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the fighters) (VP were (VP dispatched (NP-2 *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP harry (NP the enemy))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Nazis) (VP knew (NP this) , (PP of (NP course)))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ their chief quarry) (VP was (NP-PRD the industrial centers)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ a few) (VP drop)) (NP-TMP (NP every time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP went (ADVP-DIR over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hoping (PP for (NP a lucky hit)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD lucky))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Command post) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP underground) , and (ADJP well camouflaged))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP had n't (VP been (NP-PRD enough time (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP build (NP it) (PP for (NP keeps)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a measure) (PP of (NP protection))) (PP in (NP its concrete walls and ceiling)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the engineers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR hastily) (VP installed (NP it))))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD well aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ concrete) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP much better) (PP than (NP prayer))) , (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (ADJP as efficacious))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ a direct hit) (VP comes (ADVP along) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This one) (VP was (ADVP actually) (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP of (NP a `` near miss '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bomb) (VP plunged (PP-DIR into (NP the ground)) (UCP (ADVP-LOC near (NP the Post)) , but (ADVP not precisely) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the Command room) (NP itself))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a shattering , cracking sound) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 the concrete) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP buckle)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ the air) (VP filled (PP with (NP (NP dust) and (NP flying debris))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP everyone) (PP-LOC in (NP the room))) -- (NP men and women)) (VP (VP hit (NP the floor)) and (VP used (NP the desks) (PP as (NP turtlebacks))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP ordered (NP *-2)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (S-ADV (NP-SBJ That) (VP is)) , (NP (NP everyone) (PP but (NP Keith and Penny))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there) , (NP-TPC (NP just the two) (PP of (NP them))) , (PP-LOC in (NP the rocking , shattering blast))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Keith) (VP was (PP-PRD-2 on (NP his feet)) (SBAR-PRP-3 because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP care (ADVP at all) (PP about (NP life)) (ADVP-TMP any more))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ=1 Penny) (PP-PRD=2 on (NP her feet)) , (ADVP-MNR proudly) , (SBAR-PRP=3 because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP cared (ADVP too much))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The bomb) (VP was (NP-PRD a solitary one)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The blast) (VP (VP damaged (NP *RNR*-1)) , but (VP did not (VP destroy (NP *RNR*-1))) (NP-1 the room)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Keith 's) eyes) (VP met (NP Penny 's) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there) (PP in (NP (NP this strange marriage) (PP of (NP destruction)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 the others) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP crawl (PP-DIR out (PP from (PP beneath (NP the desks))))) and (VP tend (PP to (NP (NP those) (VP wounded (NP *))))) , and (VP mark (NP (NP the several) (VP killed (NP *)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP climbed (PP-DIR across (NP the debris)) (PP-DIR to (NP Penny))) and (VP took (NP her hand) (PP in (NP his)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The chaplain) (VP married (NP them) , (PP-TMP on (NP the next day))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP the war)) , (NP-SBJ Penny) (VP had (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ Keith) (ADVP at least) (VP to (VP visit (NP her home) (PP with (NP her))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP came (PP-DIR (PP from (NP Ohio)) , (PP from (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD (NP a `` small farm '') (PP of (NP (QP two hundred) acres))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (ADVP indeed) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *?*) (PP to (NP farmer-type farmers)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP to (NP (NP Keith 's) London-bred mind)) , (NP-SBJ such acreage) (VP sounded (ADJP-PRD rather invincible)) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (NP-PRD that) , (ADVP however) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ them) not (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP America))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Keith) (VP told (NP Penny) (PP about (NP his dream (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP return (PP-DIR to (NP India and Burma)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stressed (NP (NP the wild beauty) (PP of (NP (NP the mountains) , and (NP the jungles))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP tell (NP her) (NP (NP the truth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP now) (ADVP-MNR freely) (VP admitted (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP himself)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP could n't (VP stop (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP killing)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP That) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD his true love) , (NAC-1 not (NP Penny))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The terrible power) (PP of (NP a gun))) , (NP (NP the thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP blasted (NP the soul) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP a living body) , (NP man or beast)))))))) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP lose (NP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP-LOC in (NP the hunting land)) , (NP-SBJ-1 this hunger) (VP was (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a noble thing)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (PP to (NP (NP Shillong) , (PP-LOC in (NP Assam)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD happy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a paradise) (PP for (NP hunters)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the land) (PP of (NP (NP the sladang) , (NP (NP the great water buffalo) (PP with (NP (NP horns) (NP (NP forty inches) (PP across (NP the spread)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP The great black leopards .)) (TOP (NP (NP The sambur buck) , (NP (NP the jungle stag) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP even more) noble) (PP than (NP the Scottish elk))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP even) (VP hunted (NP elephant) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ the Asian elephant) (VP is not (ADVP quite) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as ferocious) (PP as (NP his African cousin))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD big rogues) (PP-LOC in (NP both countries))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP the ones) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Keith) (VP sought (NP *T*-2) (PRT out))))) -- (NP (NP the loners) , (NP (NP the ones) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP killed (PP for (NP (NP the joy) (PP of (NP it)))) , (PP like (NP himself))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He and Penny) (VP would (VP go (ADVP-DIR out) (PP on (NP (NP tame elephants) , (VP raised (NP *) (PP-TMP from (NP babyhood)) (PP-LOC in (NP the keddah))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP ever) (ADJP-PRD alert (PP for (NP (NP game) , and (ADVP most particularly) (NP a tiger))))))) , (NP-SBJ Penny) (VP marvelled (PP at (NP (NP the Eden) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP traversing (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP came (PP upon (NP cheetal deer)) (PP-LOC at (NP woodland pools))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Peacocks) (VP strutted (PP-DIR across (NP their path)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP preening))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP fantastic flowers) (PP without (NP perfume))) , and (NP (NP gaudy birds) (PP without (NP song))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mouse deer) (VP (VP played (PP-LOC around (NP (NP the feet) (PP of (NP the elephants))))) , or (VP fled (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the mighty legs) (VP thrashed (ADVP-LOC too close) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wild boar) (VP (VP watched (NP their progress) (PP with (NP little pig eyes))) , and (VP grunted (NP derision) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ such game) (ADJP-PRD worthy (PP of (NP (NP a shot) (PP from (X the)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (NP-TMP the next morning) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP anchored (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP The Elbow))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the boat) (VP was (VP riding (PP-DIR (ADVP directly) over (NP (NP the underwater ledge) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (S (NP-SBJ the green water) (VP turned (PP to (NP deepest blue)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the cliff) (VP dropped (ADVP-DIR straight down) (NP-EXT 600 fathoms))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))) , (PP with (NP (NP the weighted line) (PP-LOC beside (NP it)))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Robinson Roy) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP had (VP gone (PP-DIR down (NP this line)) (ADVP-TMP (NP ten minutes) before) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP set (NP (NP a new depth record) (PP for (NP the free dive)))))))))) ,) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP back) on (NP the surface)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) and (NP (NP his safety man) , (NP Herr Schaffner) ,)) (VP swam (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the boarding ladder))) (ADVP together)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The German) (ADVP-MNR courteously) (VP indicated (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Robinson) (VP should (VP mount (ADVP-TMP first)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Robinson) (VP (VP clambered (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP-DIR into (NP the boat))) , (VP sat (ADVP down)) , and (VP stripped (PRT off) (NP his triple-tank assembly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP frowning)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP took (NP his mask) (PP from (NP his forehead))) and (VP threw (NP it) , (ADVP unexpectedly) , (PP-DIR across (NP the deck)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP Temper) , (NP temper)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Mrs. Forsythe) (VP said (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP laughing (ADVP-MNR uneasily)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP A phony blonde) (UCP (VP hanging (PP onto (NP a bygone youth and beauty))) , but (ADJP irreparably stringy (PP in (NP the neck)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP working (PP on (NP her second gin and tonic)) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (ADVP-TMP yet) (NP-TMP-PRD ten A.M.)))))))) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP loused (NP it))) '' , (NP-SBJ Rob) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (PP with (NP (NP a savage note) (PP in (NP his voice))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP set (NP the record)))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PRT on) (ADVP-DIR down))))) .)) (TOP (S So (ADVP instead) (NP-SBJ I) (VP come (ADVP-DIR up)) '' .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD my equipment) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The German) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD (NP something) (VP went (ADJP-PRD bad) (PP with (NP the breathing)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ The equipment) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fine))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Rob) (VP stated (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP standing (PRT up)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a huge young man) (PP of (NP twenty-four)) , (VP clothed (NP *-3) (PP in (NP muscle))) , (ADJP immensely strong) , (PP with (NP (NP a habitual gentleness and diffidence) (PP of (NP manner)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP submerged (NP *-1) (PP under (NP his present agitation)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stared (ADVP-MNR stonily) (PP at (NP the floor))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD down (PP to (NP 275)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD that far) (NP-TMP (QP half a dozen) times))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP get (NP it) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-TMP this time) (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP pull (NP such a stupid trick) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (NP it))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Artie) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the ladder)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (NP-PRD a big muscle-bound ape))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP got (NP (NP this idea) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP setting (NP a record))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP also) (VP got (NP (NP this little spark) (PP-LOC in (NP your bird-brain)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP tells (NP-2 you) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP turn (ADVP around) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP drown (NP yourself)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ you) (VP turn (ADVP around)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (NP-PRD that))) '' , (NP-SBJ Rob) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A note) (PP of (NP awe))) (VP came (PP into (NP his voice))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (ADVP-DIR up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (INTJ damnit) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP going (ADVP-DIR down)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (ADVP-DIR up) (NP-EXT (QP maybe fifty) feet) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP happening)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Pressure-happy) '' , (NP-SBJ Artie) (VP (VP said (ADJP *T*-1)) , and (VP climbed (ADVP-DIR in))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD right))) '' , (NP-SBJ Robinson) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP expecting (NP it) , (INTJ sure))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP happens (PP to (NP you)) (PP like (NP that)))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you))) ,) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-LOC-PRD (NP (QP a hundred) feet) (PP from (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))) -- (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP head (ADVP-DIR back down) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP me) , (ADVP anyway) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (ADVP-TMP right away) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP his voice) (PP under (NP control)) (ADVP again))) : (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP became (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP terrified (NP *-1) (PP by (SBAR-NOM-LGS (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP happened (PP to (NP him)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Waddell) , (NP the newspaperman) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a fellow) (PP in (NP his middle forties)) , (PP with (NP (NP a graying crewcut) , (NP heavy-framed glasses) , and (NP (NP a large jaw) (VP padded (NP *) (PP with (NP fat)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP show (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how much) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (ADVP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP `` (S (NP-SBJ Our boy) (VP did n't (VP chicken (PRT out)))) , (FRAG (INTJ no) (NP-VOC sir)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ran (PP into (NP (NP the rapture) (PP of (NP the depths))))) .)) (TOP (NP Nitrogen narcosis .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ the diver) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD drunk)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-MNR-PRD (NP the only way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Forsythe) (VP (VP said (S *T*-2)) , and (VP gave (NP her brassy laugh))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADVP Maybe) not , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (PP-LOC-PRD (NP 200 feet) under (NP water)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Artie) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TPC-1 Anyway) '' , (NP-SBJ Waddell) (VP went (PRT on) (ADVP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fool (PP with (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP can (VP kill (NP you))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Personally) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP blame (NP-1 him) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP giving (PRT up) (NP the dive)))) , (ADVP (ADVP much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP regret (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP losing (NP the story))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP 's (VP giving (NP anything) (PRT up)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Robinson) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC there) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (VP towering (PP over (NP (NP them) (NP all)))) : (ADJP gentle) , (ADJP mighty) , (ADJP determined) , (NP (NP the moving force) (PP in (NP the group))) ; ; (CONJP and yet) (PP like (NP (NP a child) (PP-LOC among (NP adults))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP (NP you) and (NP Artie) and (NP Herr Schaffner)) (PP-LOC (NP all the way) out (ADVP here)) (PP (ADVP just) for (NP the boat ride)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP going (ADVP-DIR down) (ADVP again))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD my boy)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Mr. Forsythe) (VP exclaimed (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 Rob) (VP 's not (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP as easy) (PP as (NP all that)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a florid , puffy man) (PP in (NP his early sixties))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD very natty (PP in (NP (NP his yachting cap) , (NP striped jacket) and (NP white flannels)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP Key West)) (NP-TMP every fall and winter)) and (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the only man) (PP-LOC in (NP town)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP did not (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP his title) (PP of `` (NP Commodore) '')) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (VP used (NP *-1) (PP without (NP irony))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Old Commodore Forsythe) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP lost (NP (NP a fifty-dollar bet) (PP on (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-2 both motors) (VP started (NP *-2)))) and (VP turn (PRT on) (NP the running lights) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP accidentally) (VP turning (PRT on) (NP (NP something) (ADJP else)) (ADVP-TMP first))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP did not (VP occur (PP to (NP him)) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP even) (VP to (VP wonder (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wise) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ Robinson) (VP to (VP dive (ADVP again)))))))))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ Rob) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his boy) , (NP (NP the kid) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP rescued (NP *T*-2) (PP from (NP the streets))))))) , (NP (NP the object) (PP of (NP his pride)))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (INTJ Why) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PRT on) (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Rob) (VP asked (NP me) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP make (NP his dive) (PP on (NP this trip)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP think (ADVP-TMP twice) (PP about (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP helped (NP him) (ADVP along) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP ever) since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a youngster) (VP hanging (PRT around) (NP-LOC (NP his brother 's) tackle shop)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ Hell) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP the first decent job) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP had (NP *T*-1))))) , (ADVP-TMP-UNF (NP (NP six) , (NP seven))))) -- (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 (WHNP (WHADJP how many) years) ago) (SQ was (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP-PRD *T*-2) , (NP-VOC Rob)) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADVP-TMP (NP Seven years) ago) , (NP-VOC Commodore)) '' , (NP-SBJ Rob) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR impassively)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP thinking , (FRAG (NP big deal) : (FRAG (NP (NP skipper) (PP on (NP his drunken fishing parties)) (PP-TMP for (NP seven years))) and (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP no better) off) (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP started (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Excuse (NP me))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR abruptly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR down (NP the steps)) (PP-DIR to (NP the (NX (NX galley) and (NX sleeping quarters))))) ; ; (VP (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the forward stateroom))) and (VP locked (NP the door) (PP-LOC behind (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-4 (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ta (VP go))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP ta (VP go))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Forsythe) (VP said (S *T*-4)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Waddell) (VP (VP muttered (NP (NP something) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP (NP a look) (ADVP around))))))) and (VP climbed (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the flying bridge))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP disturbed (NP *-1) (PP (PP by (SBAR-NOM-LGS (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP happened (PP on (NP the dive))))))) and (PP by (SBAR-NOM-LGS (WHNP-4 (WHNP what) (PP *ICH*-6)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered (NP *T*-4) (PP-6 of (NP (NP a conversation) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP had (NP *T*-5) (NP (NP the night) (ADVP-TMP before)))))) (PP with (NP (NP the German) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the head))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP fixing (NP himself) (NP a drink) (PP-LOC in (NP the galley))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Hi there) , (NP-VOC Schaffner)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP said (FRAG *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Can (NP-SBJ I) (VP make (NP you) (NP one)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) (NP-SBJ *) (VP thank (NP you) (ADVP very much))) '' , (NP-SBJ Schaffner) (VP had (VP answered (S *T*-1) (PP in (NP his accented English)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP drink (ADVP so much)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP thank (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Waddell) (VP had (VP looked (NP-PRD the man) (PRT over) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP size (NP him) (PRT up)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP was (UCP-PRD (PP in (NP his early forties)) , (ADJP rather short) and (VP (ADVP very compactly) built (NP *-2)) , and (PP with (NP (NP a manner) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD reserved and stiff) (PP despite (NP his efforts (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP adapt (NP himself) (PP to (NP American ways)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 His open face) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP promise (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP innocence)))))) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP looked (PP into (NP (NP his eyes) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (NP (NP no warmth) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-LOC in (NP them)) (PP-1 but (NP only alert intelligence))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Waddell) (VP had (VP heard (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a commando) (PP in (NP (NP Rommel 's) Afrika Corps)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (PP to (NP himself)) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP hate (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run (PP into (NP him)) (PP-LOC in (NP the desert)) (PP-TMP on (NP a dark night)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Aloud) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP said , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (NP conversation))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ Rob) (VP tells (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (VP using (NP your Atlantis equipment) (PP on (NP the dive)))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yes) '' , (NP-SBJ Herr Schaffner) (VP had (VP said (INTJ *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP one hell) (PP of (NP a decent boy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP like (NP that kid)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP agree , (INTJ yes)) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` And (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the dive) (VP goes (ADVP OK)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (NP the exclusive import rights) (PP to (NP your line)) (PP for (NP this country))))) , (SQ is (NP-SBJ that) (ADJP-PRD right)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (INTJ no)) '' , (NP-SBJ Herr Schaffner) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Waddell) (VP turned (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP face (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` No '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP me) (NP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP his main reason) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP the dive)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Shaffner) (VP (VP looked (PP at (NP him)) , (PP (ADVP altogether) without (NP guile))) , and (VP shrugged (NP his shoulders) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (NP a little spreading gesture) (PP with (NP his two hands)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP mean (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-3 Waddell) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP frowning))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (INTJ Please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP explain)))) '' , (NP-SBJ the German) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR earnestly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his face) (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD devoid (PP of (NP deceit))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (PP-LOC in (NP Europe)) (NP (NP a gross business) (PP of (NP (NP (QP seven million) dollars) (NP-ADV the year))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP enter (NP (NP the American market) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the competition) (VP is (ADJP-PRD very strong) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP have (NP (NP a powerful representative) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-LOC here) , (NP-1 (NP a firm) (PP with (NP (NP a national distribution) and (NP (NP (QP ten , twenty thousand) dollars) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP advertise (NP my products) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP all respect) (PP to (NP a fine young man)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Roy) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP provide (NP these necessaries)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Waddell) (VP was not (NP-PRD an (ADJP eminently moral) person))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP like (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP heard (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP him) (NP all this)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADVP Perhaps) not (PP in (NP (ADJP so many) words))) '' , (NP-SBJ the German) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (ADVP surely) (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (VP misunderstood (NP Mr. Roy))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TMP Never) , (ADVP-TMP never) did (NP-SBJ I) (VP offer (NP him) (NP the exclusive rights)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP spoke (PP of (NP (NP the need) (PP for (NP advertising)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP agreed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the deep dive) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD most useful (PP for (NP publicity))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD most eager (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP the dive))))))) ; ; (S (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD willing))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no definite agreement) (PP about (NP business arrangements)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (INTJ damn)) '' , (NP-SBJ Waddell) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the end) (PP of (NP (NP his front-page feature story) , (PP with (NP byline)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP started (PP out (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` One moment '' ! !) (NP-SBJ Herr Schaffner) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP intend (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP speak (PP with (NP Mr. Roy)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (WHNP-1 `` (WHNP What) (ADJP else) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Waddell) (VP asked (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP pardon)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD better) (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG not))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Roy) (VP is (ADJP-PRD determined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP this dive)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-ADV (WHNP-1 Whatever) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP him) (NP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP will (VP dive)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP this) (PP from (NP (NP my talks) (PP with (NP him))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 `` (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP make (PRT up) (NP his own mind))))) , (INTJ OK '' ? ?))) (NP-SBJ Waddell) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (PP `` On (NP (NP the basis) (PP of (NP the facts))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP will (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD unhappy and anxious))))) '' , (NP-SBJ the German) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP-LOC At (NP (NP (QP 200 , 300 , 400) feet) (PP-LOC under (NP the water)))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP be (VP paying (NP (ADJP very much) attention) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP will (VP be (VP thinking (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP telling (NP him) (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD good) , (NP-VOC Mr. Waddell))) : (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP do (NP him) (NP great harm)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no doubt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Herr Schaffner) (VP meant (NP (NP every word) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Waddell) (VP (VP came (ADVP back) (PP from (NP the door))) and (VP sat (PP-LOC on (NP a bunk)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD an honest man))) '' , (NP-SBJ the German) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP with (NP fervor))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP give (NP Mr. Roy) (NP his due) (PP for (NP this dive)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD (NP distributor) (PP for (NP (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP Florida))) -- (NP a big market))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All tourists) (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP Florida))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP will (VP help (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP get (PP out (PP of (NP his little tackle shop)))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Yes ! !)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD no use) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP causing (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP worry (PP-TMP at (NP this time)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The German 's) words) (VP worked (PP on (NP the newspaperman)) (PP like (NP (NP a reprieve) (PP from (NP an odious duty))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP took (NP (NP a big swig) (PP of (NP his drink)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a colossal shame) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP throw (ADVP away) (NP (NP a story) (PP like (NP this)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD right)))) , (NP-VOC Schaffner))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (NP (NP the distributorship) (PP for (NP Florida))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (S *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yes) '' , (NP-SBJ the German) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP At least) (PP for (NP South Florida)) '' .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (PP By (NP God)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Waddell) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP upset (NP the boy) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP this time) (PP of (NP all times))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD right))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP sloshed (NP his drink) (ADVP around)) and (VP drained (NP it) (PP in (NP a few large gulps)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The story) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (VP shaping (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR nicely) (PP in (NP his mind)) : (NP-1 (NP (NP the young pioneer) , (PP as (PP of (ADJP old))) , (VP (ADVP-MNR altruistically) braving (NP the unknown))) ; ; (NP (NP the rewards) (ADJP prompt and juicy) (PP-LOC in (NP modern big-business America)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Join (NP me) (PP in (NP another))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP asked (SQ *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you))) '' , (NP-SBJ the German) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR courteously))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do not (VP drink (ADVP so much))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (PP-LOC in (NP that same cabin)) , (NP-SBJ Robinson) (VP fell (PP to (NP his knees)) (PP-LOC beside (NP a bunk))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fear and relief) (VP mingled (PP in (NP his churning emotions))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP pressed (NP his palms) (ADVP together)) and (VP addressed (NP himself) (PP to (NP (NP the patron saint) (PP of (NP divers)))) (PP in (NP a (ADJP hurried and anxious) whisper)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Blessed Saint Nicholas) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thank (NP-3 thee) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP getting (NP me) (PP out (PP of (NP that mess)))) and (VP sending (NP me) (ADVP-DIR (ADVP up) (PP instead (PP of (ADVP down)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP bewildered (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP make (NP the dive) (ADVP again) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP paused) ; ; (VP crossed (NP himself)) ; ; (VP said (NP a Hail Mary) , (UCP (ADVP-MNR slowly) and (PP with (NP understanding))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Folding (PP-LOC between (NP his hands)) (NP (NP the cross) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP hung (PP from (NP his neck)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP took (NP his appeal) (PP (ADVP direct) to (NP Headquarters))) .)) (TOP (SINV-IMP `` (NP-VOC (NP Holy Mary) , (NP (NP Mother) (PP of (NP God))) , (NP (NP Star) (PP of (NP the Sea)))) , (VP stay) (NP-SBJ Thou) (PP with (NP me)) (PP on (NP this next dive)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Make (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP come (PRT off) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD all right))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP set (NP the record) (NP-TMP this time)))) , and (VP let (S (NP-SBJ-1 me) (VP get (ADVP back) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD OK))))) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ the German) (VP will (VP give (NP me) (NP the exclusive)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP And (NP-SBJ *) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ my life) (ADJP-PRD different and better) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP this time)) (ADVP on)))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Amen '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP crossed (NP himself) (ADVP again)) and (VP rose)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADVP (NP a good deal) less) shaky)) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (PP for (NP the door))))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a knock) (PP on (NP it))))) and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP opened (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP (NP Artie) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP came (ADVP-DIR in)) and (VP sat (ADVP down) (PP-LOC on (NP a bunk))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Artie) (VP (VP had (VP picked (PRT up) (NP a snorkle))) and (VP was (VP twirling (NP it) (PP-LOC on (NP his forefinger))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP waited (ADVP-TMP awhile) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , (SQ `` (NP-VOC Roy) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP your decompression table))) , (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP *?*)) '' ? ?))))))) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP it)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Robinson) (VP answered (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR warily)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP came (PP-DIR (ADVP straight) up (PP from (NP 275))) (PP without (NP a stop)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Artie) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little bit) confused)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyway) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (ADVP-LOC-PRD down) (ADVP-TMP long enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP matter))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP see (NP (NP me) (VP stretched (NP *) (PRT out) (PP-LOC on (NP the deck))))))) , (SQ (VP do) (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (PP *ICH*-4)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP-4 about (NP (NP two deep dives) (PP-TMP in (NP one day))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Artie) (VP went (PRT on) (S *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP still) twirling (NP the snorkle)) and (VP studying (NP it) (ADVP-MNR intently))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP should (VP go (ADVP-DIR down) (ADVP again))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Early) (NP-TMP that day) (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP saw (NP a marine)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The enemy) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looming (PP-LOC around (NP (NP a bend) (PP-LOC in (NP the trail)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Matsuo) (VP (VP took (NP a hasty shot)) , (ADVP then) (VP fled (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP knowing (NP the result))))) , (VP ran (SBAR-TMP until (S (S (NP-SBJ breath) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a pain) (PP-LOC in (NP his chest))))) and (S (NP-SBJ his legs) (VP were (ADJP-PRD rubbery)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ his feet) (VP slowed))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP felt (ADJP-PRD ashamed (PP of (NP the panic)))) and (VP resolved (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP a stand)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP crossed (NP the next meadow)) and (VP climbed (NP a tree) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the jungle trail) (VP resumed (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the leafiest part) (PP of (NP the tree)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP straddling (NP a broad horizontal limb))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could (VP see (PP over (NP the meadow)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a while)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD content (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ events) (VP develop (PP in (NP their good time))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP no doubt (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ the marine) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the lead scout) (PP of (NP a column))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ his shot) (VP had (ADVP probably) (VP bred (NP indecision))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP would (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hunting))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His superiors) (VP had (VP emphasized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ marines) (VP tortured (NP others) (PP for (NP the sheer pleasure))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP-TMP (NP Yesterday) ; ; (NP today) ; ; (NP tomorrow)) : (NP no surrender) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ His) (VP remembering (NP the self-dictate))) (VP brought (NP (NP no peace) -- (NP (NP only a faint chill) (PP of (NP doubt))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP murmured (PP to (NP himself)) , (PP with (NP firmness)) : `` (NP No surrender) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD best) (S-2 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP die (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP fighting (NP the marines))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His superiors) (VP had (ADVP also) (VP preached (NP this) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP saying (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the way) (PP for (NP eternal honor)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ the marines) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP came))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His comrades) (VP were all (ADJP-PRD dead)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP no rice)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a choice) (PP between (NP starvation and suicide))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV Whichever the way) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP rot (PP-LOC in (NP this vast choking green)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his wife) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP to (VP receive (NP (NP an urn) (PP of (NP his ashes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP sighed) and (VP leaned (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (PP-LOC against (NP the trunk)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His fingers) (VP touched (NP (NP the bone handle) (PP of (NP a knife)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The knife) , (NP an ammunition pouch) , and (NP (NP a half-filled bottle) (PP of (NP purified water)))) (VP hung (PP-LOC on (NP his belt))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Besides (NP the belt)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP wore (NP a loin cloth)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP looked (ADVP up) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP picking (PP at (NP a leg ulcer)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP a marine) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the jungle) (PP-LOC across (NP the clearing)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gloom) (VP receded) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The marine) (VP (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the green jungle mist))))) and (VP stayed , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP debating (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP brave (NP the sunlight)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His fatigues) (VP made (NP (NP a streak) (PP of (NP (ADJP almost phosphorescent) green))) (PP-LOC in (NP the mist))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Come (ADVP-DIR out)) , (VP come (PP-DIR out (PP in (NP the meadow)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (PP under (NP his breath))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP (VP leaned (PP-LOC against (NP a tree))) and (VP wiped (NP a sleeve) (PP-DIR across (NP his face)))) .)) (TOP (NP A signal ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Matsuo) (VP lifted (NP his rifle) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP easing (NP the sling) (PP-DIR under (NP his left upper arm)) (PP for (NP steadiness))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-2 Fresh (PP on (NP his mind))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP events) (PP of (NP (NP the past day) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 his whole regiment) (VP was (VP destroyed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the hills)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP fought (PP from (NP caves))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the marines) (VP resorted (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP burning (NP them) (PRT out)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Even now) , (PP like (NP (NP a ringing) (PP-LOC in (NP his ears)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP (NP the wooooosh) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ flame-throwers) (VP squirting (NP great orange billows)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A wave) (PP of (NP flame)) (VP rippling (PP-DIR through (NP their cave)))) (VP had (VP reached (NP (NP Nagamo) , (NP his friend))))) , and (S (PP with (NP a shriek)) (NP-SBJ the man) (VP (VP bolted (PP-DIR through (NP the entrance))) , (ADVP then) (VP slowed (PP to (NP (NP the jerky walk) (PP of (NP a puppet)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his uniform) (VP blazing))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marines) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP advance))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sank (PP on (NP his knees)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ-2 him) (VP to (VP char (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP administering (NP (NP the stroke) (PP of (NP mercy))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP (VP had (VP faked (NP death))) and (VP was (VP pitched (PP-LOC on (NP (NP a stack) (PP of (NP (NP corpses) , (NP both (NP the burned) and (NP the unburned)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the latter) (VP decomposing (ADVP-MNR rapidly) (PP-LOC under (NP the tropical sun))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The callous marines) (VP had (VP laughed (PP at (NP (NP each other 's) retching)) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stacking (NP bodies)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (ADVP repeatedly) (VP choked (PRT down) (NP his own nausea)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP nightfall)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP sneak (PP-DIR (PP down (NP a hillside)) and (PP into (NP the jungle))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP reeking (PP of (NP death)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Apprehensively) (NP-SBJ he) (VP peered (PP (PP to (NP the left)) , (PP to (NP the right))) (PP into (NP the leafy , vine-crisscrossed maze))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP decided (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the marines) (VP must (VP be (VP deploying (PP-LOC around (NP the meadow)) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-1 the one) (VP left (NP-2 *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP distract (NP him))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP strained (NP his hearing)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP (NP Cautious feet) (VP stepping (PP-LOC on (NP leafmold)))) ; ; (NP (NP faint creaking) (PP of (NP belts and slings))) ; ; (NP whispers)) : (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP (NP none) (PP of (NP these)))) .)) (TOP (NP (ADVP Only) (NP (NP the hum) (PP of (NP insects))) and (NP (NP the distant fluttering call) (PP of (NP a bird))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP hear (NP them))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP more) (VP convinced (NP *-1) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP-PRD there)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A spectacle) (VP occurred (PP-LOC across (NP the meadow)))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ the lone marine) (VP took (NP a seat) (PP-LOC on (NP the ground)))) ; ; (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaning (ADVP-MNR sidewise) (PP-LOC on (NP a tree trunk)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP embraced (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Humiliation) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP tremble))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ his comrades) (VP cocked (NP the trap)))) , (NP-SBJ that one) (VP behaved (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD some dull maneuver))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Taking (NP aim) (PP at (NP (NP the man 's) face)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Matsuo) (VP squeezed (NP the trigger) (PP up (PP to (NP (NP the point) (PP of (NP discharge))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP changed (NP his mind))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ the arrogant marine) (VP to (VP know (NP fear)))))) , (CONJP and so) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP aimed (PP-LOC above (NP the head)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The shot) (VP reverberated (PP in (NP (NP diminishing whiplashes) (PP of (NP sound))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hush) (VP followed) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP a mischievous boy) (VP expecting (NP punishment)))) , (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP awaited (NP (NP reaction) (PP from (NP the jungle)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADJP How stupid) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP his position) (ADVP away)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The jungle) (VP did not (VP retort)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The sitter) (VP remained (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP seated (NP *-2))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hugging (NP the tree)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (ADVP long)) (S (NP-SBJ the atmosphere) (VP reverted (PP to (NP its old normalcy)))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ insects) (VP hummed)) and (S (NP-SBJ birds) (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (VP called))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Matsuo) (VP (VP puzzled (PP *RNR*-2)) and (VP grew (ADJP-PRD anxious (PP *RNR*-2))) (PP-2 over (NP the complete passiveness)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP concluding (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the butt) (PP of (NP a devilish joke))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP Five or so) minutes) later) (NP-SBJ-1 the marine) (VP (ADVP-MNR abruptly) (VP pulled (ADVP-DIR up)) and (VP stepped (PP-DIR into (NP sunlight))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP immediately) (VP throwing (NP his hands) (PP-DIR over (NP his eyes))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP went (PP into (NP (NP a whirling dance) , (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (NP blind chasing) (PP of (NP the tail)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP ended (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP tumbled (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) ; ; but (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP jumping (ADVP-DIR right up))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP staggered (PP-DIR in (NP no particular direction)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP wore (NP (NP no head cover) (PP of (NP any kind)))) and , (VP (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADJP-PRD more odd))) , (VP had (NP no visible weapon)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a sudden decisiveness)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP lurched (PP-DIR in (NP (NP Matsuo 's) direction)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP crossing (NP the meadow) (PP in (NP a zigzagging gallop))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (ADVP-LOC closer (PP to (NP the tree))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP noted (NP (NP the wild look) (PP-LOC on (NP his face)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The pockets) (PP of (NP his jacket))) (VP bulged) .)) (TOP (NP Hand grenades .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The bobbing head) (VP was (NP-PRD a poor target))) , so (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP shot (NP him) (PP-LOC in (NP the upper trunk)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The marine) (VP (VP spun , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP clapping (NP a hand) (PP-LOC (ADVP high) on (NP his chest))))) , and (VP dived (ADVP-DIR forward))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the hush) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP followed (NP the echoes)))))) , (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tense)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP could (VP come (PP on (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP without (NP difficulty)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Gradually) (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (NP a conclusion)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alone) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP were (NP-PRD impatient people)) and (VP (PP-TMP by (ADVP now)) would (VP have (VP vied (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP knock (NP him) (PP-DIR from (NP the tree)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-DIR-TPC-1 Down (NP the tree)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP scrambled (PP-DIR *T*-1)) and (VP knelt (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP foliage)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The marine) (VP was (VP sprawled (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC (NP (QP some thirty) yards) away) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 one arm) (VP extended (NP *-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP jumped (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the hidden arm) (VP flopped (ADVP out) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (NP Reflex ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 Rifle) (VP leveled (NP *-1) (PP on (NP the man)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP a rush)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Heat) , (PP-LOC in (NP the sunlight)) , (VP pressed (ADVP in) (PP like (NP an invisible crowd))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP squatted (PP-LOC by (NP the head)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-MNR gently) (VP placing (NP the rifle) (PP-LOC on (NP the ground))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a snakestrike motion)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP grasped (NP the hair)) , and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP twisting)) , pulled (NP the marine) (PP over (PP on (NP his back))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP bearded (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The bullet) (VP had (VP penetrated (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the area) (PP of (NP the right collarbone))))))) ; ; (S (PP-LOC around (NP the hole)) , (NP-SBJ blood) (VP glistened (PP in (NP a little patch)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Maintaining (NP (NP his clutch) (PP on (NP the hair))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Matsuo) (VP watched (NP the closed eyes) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP rummaging (PP-LOC in (NP the jacket pockets)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP-LOC In (NP one)) : (NP (NP (NP a package) (PP of (NP cigarettes))) and (NP a tinplated lighter)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ both) (ADJP-PRD sticky (PP from (NP (NP the man 's) bleeding)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP-LOC In (NP the other)) : (NP (NP a wristwatch) (PP with (NP broken crystal)) (VP wrapped (NP *) (PP in (NP a dirty handkerchief)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP One) (PP by (NP one))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP tossed (NP the objects) (ADVP-DIR aside)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP did n't (VP smoke)) and (VP could not (VP light (NP fires) (PP with (NP a flintless lighter)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP no use) (PP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP any longer) (PP-1 for (NP exact time)) , (SBAR-ADV (SINV (ADVP even) had (NP-SBJ the watch) (VP been (VP running)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how many) times) (S (NP-SBJ the marine) (VP had (VP blown (NP his nose) (PP-LOC on (NP the handkerchief)) (NP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP-PRD Too bad) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the marine) (VP had (NP no water)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP its holder)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP took (NP his own canteen)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The cap) (VP (VP was (VP stuck (NP *-1))) and (VP made (NP a thin rusty squeaking) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP applied (NP pressure)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The marine 's) eyes) (VP (VP opened) , (VP squeezed (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD shut))) , (ADVP then) (VP opened (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP squinted (NP *-1) (PP in (NP the glare)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG So , (ADJP alive) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP put (NP the bottle) (PP-PUT to (NP his own lips))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) (VP reached (ADVP-DIR up) (NP a hand)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP None) (PP for (NP you)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The marine) (VP blinked , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP dropping (NP his hand)))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP Not only) (SINV (VP had (NP *ICH*-1)) (NP-SBJ he) (NP-1 no canteen)) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lacked (NP (NP even the belt) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hang (NP one) (PP-LOC on (NP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP came (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADVP well) (VP equipped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP die)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Some odor) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP lean (PP-LOC over (NP the man))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP sniffed) and (VP recognized (NP it))) .)) (TOP (NP Sake .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ that) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD his difficulty))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Drunk (PP on (NP sake)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP must (VP have (VP wandered (PP-DIR off (PP from (NP his bivouac)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The marine) (VP (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP roll (PP on (NP his right side)))))) , and (VP moaned)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP rolled (PP on (NP the left side)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP propping (PP-LOC on (NP his left elbow))))))) , (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP (VP seized (NP his hair)) and (VP pulled (NP him) (ADVP-DIR back over))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Be (NP a good turtle)) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Awkwardly) (PP with (NP one hand)) (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP got (NP the cap) (PP-LOC (ADVP back) on (NP the water bottle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The smell) (PP of (NP sake))) (VP had (VP freshened (NP (NP yesterday 's) events) (PP in (NP his thoughts)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the caves)) , (PP with (NP other supplies)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP kept (NP (NP cases) (PP of (NP sake))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) (VP shut (NP his eyes)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Are (NP-SBJ you) (NP-SBJ (NP a thrower) (PP of (NP flame))) , (NP-VOC marine) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP (VP took (NP the small knife) (PP-DIR from (NP its scabbard))) and (VP laid (NP it) (PP-LOC on (NP the ground)) , (UCP-LOC (PP out (PP of (NP (NP the marine 's) reach))) and (ADVP away (PP from (NP their shadows)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP waited (PP in (NP his squat)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP gripping (NP the hair)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Every so often) (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (NP the knife)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its blade) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dazzling) (PP-LOC in (NP the intense sunlight))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The sun) (VP was (ADJP-PRD noon high))) and (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP perspired (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ his body) (VP was (VP dripping)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 Wet) (ADVP also) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the marine 's) fatigues)) and (S (NP-SBJ the face) (VP had (NP an oily film))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP had (VP thrown (NP the left hand) (PP over (NP his eyes)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now and again) (NP-SBJ he) (VP murmured (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ended (PP in (NP a giggle))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP have (VP saturated (NP himself) (PP in (NP the drink)) , (SBAR-ADV for (S (NP-SBJ the bullet) not (VP to (VP shock (NP him) (PP out (PP of (NP his drunken haze)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (ADJP Strange .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP last)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (PP for (NP the knife))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Even the bone handle) (VP scorched)) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP retrieved (NP (NP the marine 's) handkerchief) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wrap (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP First) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP barely) (VP touched (NP the blade) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the hand) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP shaded (NP the eyes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) (VP (VP yelled) and (VP flung (NP the hand) (ADVP-DIR away))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP a firm grip) (PP on (NP (NP the man 's) hair)))) (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP applied (NP the blade) (PP-LOC (ADVP flat) on (NP a cheek))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A shrill yelp) , (NP kicked legs) , and (NP (NP groping hands) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP circled (NP (NP Matsuo 's) wrist))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Matsuo) (VP (VP wrenched (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD free))) and (VP (VP burned (NP the hands) (PP into (NP retreat))) ; ; (VP burned (NP the other cheek)) ; ; (VP burned (NP each hand) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP groping)) (ADVP again) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The marine) (VP commenced (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP weep))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP blighted (NP (NP the sense) (PP of (NP enjoyment))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP stood (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP (NP A small measure) (PP of (NP payment))) , (NP-VOC marine) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP dropped (NP the knife) (PP-LOC in (NP its scabbard))) , (VP hung (NP the rifle) (PP-LOC behind (NP a shoulder)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ hands) (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP cheeks))) , (VP rolled (PP by (NP his unwounded side)) (PP onto (NP his stomach))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP ceased (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP weeping))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Matsuo) (VP walked (PP-DIR toward (NP his tree)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP glancing (ADVP back)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) (VP was (ADJP-PRD still)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP die)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ-1 Matsuo) (VP climbed (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP using (NP the vines)) and (VP kicking (NP his feet) (PP against (NP the trunk))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a mood) (PP of (NP gloom))) (VP immersed (NP him) (PP like (NP a jungle shadow))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (ADVP-TMP now) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the jungle)) , (NP-SBJ birds) (VP were (ADJP-PRD mute) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ insects) (VP preserved (ADVP only) (NP (NP the monotony) (PP of (NP living))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP called) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD the marine))) : (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 head) (VP lifted (NP *-1))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP strained and called)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP astonished (NP Matsuo) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pushing and dragging (NP himself) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sat))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP cupped (NP his mouth)) and (VP yelled)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP hustled (NP the rifle) (PP-DIR off (NP his shoulder))) .)) (TOP (S (UCP (ADVP Once) and (PP for (ADVP all))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP finish (NP (NP this marine) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would not (VP die))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP aimed) , but (VP listened)) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP sounded (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ the man) (VP were (VP calling (NP him))))))) : `` (FRAG (FRAG (INTJ Hey) , (NP-VOC Japanese)) (FRAG (INTJ hey there) , (NP-VOC Japanese))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The man) (VP (VP tilted (ADVP-DIR back) (NP his head)) and (VP went (PP through (NP (NP the pantomime) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP drinking (PP from (NP a container))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP performed (NP the act) (ADVP twice more))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the begging) (PP in (NP his tone))) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD more distinct))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 `` Sake '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP called (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) (VP nodded (ADVP-MNR vigorously)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP (VP laughed) , (VP slung (NP the rifle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) (VP was (NP-PRD a winehead)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His superiors) (VP had (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 all marines) (VP were (VP depraved (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) (VP slumped (ADVP-DIR forward) (PP into (NP a bow)) (PP like (NP (NP a priest) (PP-LOC before (NP an idol))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Remembering (NP his own thirst))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Matsuo) (VP took (PRT out) (NP his water bottle)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One swallow) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (NP *T*-1)))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very thirsty))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP observe (NP water discipline))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His years) (PP of (NP campaigning))) (VP had (VP taught (NP him) (NP (NP the value) (PP of (NP water discipline))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP uncap (NP the bottle) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the rusty cap) (VP squealing (PP on (NP its threads)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Popping (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD upright)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the marine) (VP (VP waved (NP both hands)) and (VP shouted)) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was (NP-PRD water) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP really) (VP craved (NP *T*-1)))))) ; ; (S (PP-LOC down (PP in (NP (NP the broil) (PP of (NP the sun))))) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (VP becoming (VP dried (NP *-3) (PRT out))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The marine) (VP shouted (PP for (NP it)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 his voice) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP crack)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP no water) (PP for (NP an enemy))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 this) (VP was (VP gone (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (ADVP even) (NP (NP a little bitter tablet) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP purify (NP other water) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP discover (NP some stagnant jungle pool))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP capped (NP the bottle)) and (VP replaced (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (ADVP all)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP less reason (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP desire (NP it))))) (PP than (NP the marine)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (ADVP much longer)) (NP-SBJ the marine) (VP quieted (ADVP down)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His head) (VP slumped) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The upper part) (PP of (NP his packet))) (VP had (VP stained (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dark)))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Marine .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD nothing) (PP for (NP you)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Matsuo) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Your superiors) (VP will (ADVP certainly) (VP beat (NP you) (PP for (NP your desertion)) , (PP besides (NP (NP the dishonor) (PP of (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (NP nothing) (PP for (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP the convulsive quivers) (PP of (NP (NP the man 's) shoulders)))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD plain) (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP resumed (NP the weeping)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP reminded (NP Matsuo) (PP of (NP (NP a similar thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP witnessed (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP China))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP China)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a baby) (VP sitting (PP-LOC on (NP a railroad platform))) , (ADJP smudged) , (ADJP blood-specked) , (PP with (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the village) (VP burning (PP-LOC about (NP him)))) and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ shells) (VP exploding)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Chairs) (VP scraped (ADVP back))) and (S (NP-SBJ customers) (ADVP-MNR hastily) (VP vacated (NP their tables))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the tall young buffalo hunter) (VP (VP pushed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) (NP-1 the swing doors)) and (VP walked (PP-DIR towards (NP the bar)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (ADVP Only) (NP Blue Throat) and (NP his gang)) (VP stayed (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Blue Throat) (VP was (VP slumped (NP *-1) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his back) (PP-LOC-PRD against (NP the bar)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ elbows) (VP supporting (NP his massive frame))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP leered (PP at (NP the stranger)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP the distance) (PP-LOC between (NP them))) (VP closed)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHPP-1 Since (WHADVP when)) (SQ did (NP-SBJ they) (VP allow (NP beardless kids) (PP into (NP (NP the saloon bars) (PP of (NP this town)))) (PP-TMP *T*-1) , (NP-VOC boys))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seems (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP altering (NP (NP any law) (PP about (NP that)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP straightened (ADVP up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alert) (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the buffalo hunter) (VP came (ADVP-LOC closer)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stay (ADVP-LOC right here) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))) , (NP-VOC kid))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP called (S-IMP *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP aim (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ minors) (VP breathing (PP down (NP my neck)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP a-drinking (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))) '' : (S (NP-SBJ The stranger) (VP ignored (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP stop (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD within (NP (NP three feet) (PP of (NP Blue Throat)))))))))) and (S (PP-TMP by (NP that time)) (NP-SBJ (NP the gang leader 's) right hand) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP (NP the butt) (PP of (NP his revolver)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD Billy Tilghman))) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the stranger)) ,) `` and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP come (PP for (NP (NP Pat Conyers ') body))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` And (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP it)))))))))) , (NP-VOC pretty boy))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP `` Because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP asking))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP Most) (PP of (NP the time))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ask (PP for (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Blue Throat) (VP winked (PP at (NP his six cronies))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The kid) (VP has (NP no manners) , (NP-VOC boys)) .)) (TOP (SQ Shall (NP-SBJ we) (VP teach (NP him) (NP some)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 His gun) (VP was (ADVP half) (VP drawn (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked (NP the question) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the weapon) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP left (NP its holster))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Tilghman 's) clenched fist) (VP (VP swept (ADVP over) (PP in (NP a terrific right cross))) and (VP clipped (NP the big gunfighter) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP his chin)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His head) (VP snapped (ADVP round))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP reeled (ADVP-DIR back) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP crashing (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the table) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ his buddies) (VP were (VP sprawling (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Tilghman) (VP (VP leapt (PP on (PP to (NP him)))) , (VP dragged (NP-1 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD upright))) and (VP hit (NP him) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-TMP this time) (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sending (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP careening (PP against (NP the bar)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A bullet) (VP gouged (PP-DIR into (NP the bar top)) (NP-LOC (NP an inch) (PP from (NP (NP Tilghman 's) stomach))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Blue Throat 's) henchmen) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shooting)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tilghman) (VP (VP flung (NP himself) (ADVP-DIR aside)) , (VP dropped (PP on (NP one knee))) and (VP pulled (NP his own gun))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Colt) (VP roared (ADVP-TMP twice))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 two men) (VP dropped , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP writhing)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A third shot) (VP doused (NP the light)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Somewhere (PP at (NP (NP the far end) (PP of (NP the room))))) (NP-SBJ a voice) (VP yelled , (SQ `` (NP-SBJ You) (ADJP-PRD all right) , (NP-VOC Billy) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC George) , but (NP-SBJ I) (VP ai n't (VP got (NP (NP poor old Pat 's) body) (ADVP-TMP yet))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP aim (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP it))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP fired (ADVP again))) , and (S (ADVP-LOC somewhere (PP in (NP the gloom))) (NP-SBJ a man) (VP screamed)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another) (VP (VP took (PRT off) (NP his gun belt)) and (VP flung (NP his weapons) (PP-DIR to (NP the floor)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ OK) , (NP-VOC Tilghman) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP quitting)) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (FRAG-TPC-1 And (NP me)) '' , (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ another Blue Throat henchman) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Somebody) (VP brought (NP a light)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Tilghman) and (NP (NP his partner) , (NP George Rust) ,)) (VP herded (NP the men) (PP-DIR into (NP a corner))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` And (ADVP-TMP now) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Tilghman) (PP with (NP deadly calm))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP repeat (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP come (PP for (NP (NP Pat Conyers ') body)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP two minutes)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the body) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Tilghman 's) former comrade) , (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP had (VP been (VP killed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS Blue Throat)) (PP in (NP a gambling brawl)) (NP-TMP the previous night)))))) ,))) (VP was (VP carried (NP-5 *-1) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the town 's) funeral parlor)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-3 *-5) (VP to (VP be (VP prepared (NP *-3) (PP for (NP decent burial)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Blue Throat) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP nursing (NP (NP an aching jaw) and (NP (NP a collosal dose) (PP of (NP wounded pride)))))) , (VP rode (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP town))) (PP with (NP (NP the survivors) (PP of (NP the fight))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ That critter) (VP will (VP be (ADVP-PRD back) (NP-TMP tomorrow)))) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP predicted (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ George Rust)) ,) `` and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'll (VP bring (NP (NP fifty) (PP of (NP his kind))) (ADVP back) (PP with (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Blue Throat) (VP wo n't (VP stand (PP for (NP this)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP shoot (PRT up) (NP the town))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The prediction) (VP was (ADJP-PRD correct)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Reverend James Doran) (VP had (ADVP scarcely) (VP completed (NP (NP Pat Conyers ') last rites) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP Boot Hill) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the township) (PP of (NP Petrie)))))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 shots) (VP were (VP heard (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the distance)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (INTJ Amen) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-3 the Reverend Doran) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP grabbing (NP (NP his rifle) (VP propped (NP *) (ADVP up) (PP-LOC against (NP a tombstone))))))) ,) `` and (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-VOC my brethren) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP seem (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 our presence) (VP is (VP required (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC elsewhere))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Billy Tilghman) and (NP his comrades)) (VP rode (PP-DIR off (PP to (NP the battle)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Blue Throat) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP ruled (NP the town) (PP with (NP his six-shooter)) (PP-TMP for (NP the last six months)))))) ,) (ADVP certainly) (VP had (NP (NP no intention) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP relinquishing (NP his profitable dictatorship)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD essential) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP restore (NP (NP his formidable reputation) (PP as (NP a rip-roaring , ruthless gun-slinger))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the time-honored Wild West method) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP rode (ADVP-DIR in) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP sixty (ADJP trigger-happy and liquor-crazed) desperadoes))))) and (VP took (PRT over) (NP (NP a livery barn) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the entrance) (PP to (NP Main Street))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The entire length) (PP of (NP the street))) (VP could (VP be (VP raked (NP *-1) (PP with (NP rifle fire)) (PP from (NP this barn))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Any posse) (VP riding (PP-DIR down (NP the street)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP demand (NP (NP Blue Throat 's) surrender)))))) (VP would (VP be (VP wiped (NP *-1) (PRT out) (PP with (NP (NP one deadly burst) (PP of (NP fire))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The law-abiding citizens) (PP of (NP Petrie))) (VP had (VP gathered (PP-LOC inside (NP (NP (NP Kaster 's) Store) , (PP-LOC (ADVP halfway) down (NP the street)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Several) (VP were (VP firing (PP-DIR into (NP the barn)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Billy Tilghman) (VP arrived (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP sized (PRT up) (NP the situation)) and (VP shook (NP his head))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Blue Throat) (VP has (NP his way)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'll (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP us) (NP all)) (VP cooped (NP *-2) (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (ADVP here)))) (PP-TMP for (NP days))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP only one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP move (NP him) (ADVP-MNR fast)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP it) (ADVP-LOC right here (PP in (NP this very store))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP called (NP the store owner))) and (S (ADVP together) (NP-SBJ they) (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the stockroom)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Billy) (VP returned (PP with (NP (NP six sticks) (PP of (NP dynamite))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP drop (NP these) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP Blue Throat 's) lap)))))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP announced (S *T*-2))) ,) `` and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ every gun) (VP to (VP be (VP firing (PP-DIR into (NP that barn)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (ADVP-LOC-PRD near enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP toss (NP 'em) (PP-DIR through (NP the window)))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP slipped (ADVP-DIR outside) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP hugging (NP (NP the walls) (PP of (NP buildings)))) and (VP dodging (PP-DIR into (NP doorways)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Blue Throat 's) men) (VP spotted (NP him))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP a hail) (PP of (NP bullets))) (VP splintered (NP the (NX (NX store fronts) and (NX board walk))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP passed))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC (NP Fifty yards) away (PP from (NP the barn))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP dodged (PP-DIR inside (NP (NP a barber 's) shop))) and (VP came (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-LOC at (NP the back)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could n't (VP be (VP seen (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Blue Throat) and (NP his gang)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP light (NP (NP the fuses) (PP of (NP the dynamite sticks)))) , (VP run (PP-DIR to (PP within (NP (NP ten yards) (PP of (NP (NP an open window) (PP-LOC in (NP the barn)))))))) and (VP hurl (NP the sticks) (ADVP-DIR through))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Billy Tilghman) (VP did (NP just that)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Within (NP seconds)) (NP-SBJ-1 the big barn) (VP was (VP blasted (NP *-1) (PP into (NP smoking splinters)) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ every outlaw) (ADJP-PRD either (ADJP dead) or (ADJP injured)) (ADVP-LOC inside))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the abrupt end) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Blue Throat 's) dictatorship) (PP-LOC in (NP Petrie)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADVP only slightly) (VP injured (NP *-2) (NP-ADV himself)))) (NP-SBJ-1 the big hoodlum) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP those parts))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP Tilghman)) (NP-SBJ the incident) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP a long list) (PP of (NP (NP hair-raising , smash-'em-down adventures) (PP on (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the law)))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP started (PP-TMP in (NP 1872)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP only eighteen) years) old) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , and (VP did not (VP end (PP-TMP till (ADVP (ADVP (NP fifty years) later) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP shot (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dead)) (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP warning (S (NP-SBJ a drunk) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD quiet))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP (NP all the rip-roaring two-fisted tough boys) (PP of (NP the Old West)))) , `` (NP-SBJ Uncle Billy Tilghman) '' (VP stands (PRT out) (NP-ADV head and shoulders)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the lawman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP survived (NP (NP more gunfights) (PP than (NP (NP any other famous gun-slinging character) (PP in (NP the book)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP saw (NP the most action)) , (VP beat (PRT up) (NP (NP more badmen) (PP *RNR*-2)) (PP with (NP his bare fists))) , (VP broke (PRT up) (NP the most gangs)) and (VP sent (NP (NP more murderers) (PP *RNR*-2)) (PP-DIR to (NP the gallows))) (PP-2 than (NP (NP any other U.S. marshal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lived (PP-TMP before or after (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP fifty years)) (NP-SBJ his (NX (NX guns) and (NX ham-like fists))) (VP (VP shot (NP holes) (PP through (NP *RNR*-1))) and (VP battered (NP the daylights) (PP out (PP of (NP *RNR*-1)))) (NP-1 (NP the enemies) (PP of (NP law and order))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the frontier towns) (PP of (NP the West))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The deeds) (PP of (NP countless western bandits and outlaws))) (VP have (VP been (VP glorified (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP almost) to (NP (NP the point) (PP of (NP hero-worship)))))))) , but (S (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Billy Tilghman) (VP remained (PP (ADVP strictly) on (NP (NP the side) (PP of (NP the law)))) (PP-TMP throughout (NP his action-packed career))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP his achievements) and (NP (NP the appalling risks) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP took (NP *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP taming (NP the West))))))))) (VP have (VP remained (ADJP-PRD almost unsung)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Citizens) (VP took (NP the view (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 a lawman) (VP was (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP risk (NP his life) (PP on (NP the odd occasion))))) (ADVP anyway)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP this fighting fury) (PP of (NP a man))) (VP risked (NP it) (ADVP regularly) (PP-TMP over (NP (NP a period) (PP of (NP half a century)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP came (PP within (NP (NP an ace) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP riddled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP bullets)))))))) (PP-TMP during (NP (NP his long fight) (PP with (NP (NP the Doolin gang) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP terrorized (NP Oklahoma) (PP-TMP in (NP the 1890 's)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Led (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Bill Doolin)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 these mobsters) (VP specialized (PP in (NP train robberies)))) but (S (PP as (NP a sideline)) (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP (VP looted (NP stores)) and (VP robbed (NP banks)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP making (NP liberal use) (PP of (NP their guns)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-1 (NP-SBJ (NP Bill Doolin 's) ambition) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP appeared (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP carve (PRT out) (NP his name) (PP with (NP bullets)) (PP-LOC alongside (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP (NP Jesse James) and (NP (NP Billy) (NP the Kid))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Bill Tilghman) (VP had (VP sworn (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP stop (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tilghman) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ some ranchers) (VP were (ADJP-PRD hand-in-glove (PP with (NP the Doolin gang))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP bought (NP rustled cattle) (PP from (NP the outlaw))) , (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ-1 him) (VP supplied (NP *-1) (PP with (NP guns and ammunition))))) , (VP harbored (NP his men) (PP-LOC in (NP their houses)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Billy) (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP set (NP an example) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP arresting (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the ranchers)) , (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Ed Dunn))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lived (PP-LOC at (NP Rock Fort))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP On (NP (NP a (ADJP bitterly cold) day) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP January) , (NP 1895))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP accompanied (NP *-2) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP-LGS (NP Neal Brown) (PP as (NP his deputy)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Tilghman) (VP (VP left (NP (NP the township) (PP of (NP Guthrie)))) and (VP headed (PP for (NP (NP Rock Fort) and (NP (NP Dunn 's) ranch))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (VP snowing (ADVP-MNR hard) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP saw (NP (NP no horses) (ADVP-LOC outside)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only evidence) (PP of (NP occupation))) (VP came (PP from (NP (NP the chimney) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP belching (ADVP out) (NP thick smoke)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The two lawmen) (VP halted (NP their wagon) (NP-LOC (NP (QP about twenty) yards) (PP from (NP the door)))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait (ADVP-LOC here) , (NP-VOC Neal))) '' , (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Tilghman) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP come (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-TMP within (NP half an hour)))))) (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP ride (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP town))) and (VP bring (ADVP-DIR out) (NP a posse))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leaving (NP his rifle) (PP-LOC in (NP the wagon)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Tilghman) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the door)))) and (VP hammered (PP on (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no reply))) so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP shoved (NP-1 it) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) (PP with (NP his foot))) and (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR inside)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 (ADVP Directly) opposite (NP the door)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a roaring log fire) , (NP (NP a welcome sight) (PP-TMP on (NP that (ADJP bitterly cold) day)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-2 Seated (NP *-3) (ADVP-LOC near (NP it)) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his back) (PP-PRD to (NP the door))))) (VP was (VP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the rancher) , (NP Ed Dunn)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Hello) , (NP-VOC Ed)) '' , (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Tilghman) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The rancher) (VP (VP grunted (NP an acknowledgement)) but (VP did n't (VP move))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tilghman) (VP (VP closed (NP the door) (PP-LOC behind (NP him))) and (VP walked (PP-DIR towards (NP the fire)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP (VP made (S (NP-SBJ his big heart) (VP give (NP a sickening lurch)))) and (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ (NP the hairs) (PP-LOC *ICH*-1)) (VP to (VP bristle (PP-LOC-1 on (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP his neck))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Along (NP (NP each side) (PP of (NP the room)))) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ six tiered bunks) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 each one) (VP screened (NP *-2) (PRT off) (PP with (NP a curtain)))) .)) (TOP (SINV And (VP-TPC-1 projecting (ADVP-MNR wickedly) (PP through (NP these curtains))) (VP were (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the gleaming muzzles) (PP of (NP (NP six rifles) , (NP (NP all) (VP trained (NP *) (PP on (NP Billy Tilghman))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The fighting marshal) (VP had (VP walked (PP-DIR (ADVP right) into (NP a trap))))) and (S (PP-TMP at (NP any moment)) (NP-SBJ six slugs) (VP might (VP slam (PP-DIR into (NP his hide))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Thinking (ADVP-MNR fast))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Tilghman) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP hesitated (PP-TMP for (NP one instant))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP walked (PP-DIR (ADVP right) up (PP to (NP the fire))) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD blissfully unaware (PP of (NP (NP the guns) (VP covering (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The men) (PP-LOC behind (NP them))) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP Bill Doolin) and (NP (NP five) (PP of (NP his gang)))) -- (NP (NP every man) (NP a killer)))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 Cold day) '' , (VP said (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Tilghman) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP placing (NP his hands) (PP-LOC behind (NP him))) and (VP (ADVP-MNR casually) presenting (NP his backside) (PP to (NP the fire))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP Just) (VP dropped (PRT in) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ask (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ Jed Hawkins) (VP lives (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Ca n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP locate (NP landmarks) (PP-LOC in (NP this snow))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The rancher) (VP was (VP trembling)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would n't (VP look (NP Tilghman) (PP in (NP the face)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Follow (NP the river) (PP-EXT for (NP five miles)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR hoarsely)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Jed 's) homestead) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the south bank))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Resisting (NP the overwhelming temptation (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP flng (NP himself) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP that bristling death-trap))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Tilghman) (ADVP-MNR deliberately) (VP engaged (NP the nervous rancher) (PP in (NP trivial conversation)) (PP-TMP for (NP a good ten minutes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP All that time) (NP-SBJ rifle barrels) (VP were (VP pointing (ADVP-MNR unwaveringly) (PP at (NP his head and body)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP One false move) (PP on (NP his part))) and (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a dead man))) .)) (TOP (UCP-1 `` (INTJ Well) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP announced (UCP *T*-1))) ,) `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP going (ADVP-TMP now)))))) , (NP-VOC Ed))) , and (NP (NP thanks) (PP for (NP the warmup))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP strolled (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the door)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP whistling (ADVP-MNR softly))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 hands) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP clasped (NP *-2) (PP-LOC behind (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP left (NP (NP the house) and (NP (ADJP almost certain) death)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP even) (VP increasing (NP his pace))))) and (VP wondered (SBAR (WHPP-4 by (WHNP (WHNP what remarkable stroke) (PP of (NP Providence)))) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP been (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR out) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD alive))))) (PP *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (ADVP-MNR well enough) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 those guns) (VP would (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (VP trained (NP *-1) (PP on (NP his back)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP walked (PP-DIR towards (NP the wagon))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP showed (NP (NP signs) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP collecting (NP his rifle)) and (VP going (ADVP-DIR back) (PP with (NP his deputy)) (PP-DIR to (NP the ranch)))))))))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP be (VP shot (NP *-1) (ADVP down) (ADVP instantly)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Leisurely) (NP-SBJ he) (VP climbed (PP on (PP to (NP the wagon))) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP Neal Brown)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP say or do (NP anything)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR softly)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP get (PP-DIR out (PP of (ADVP here))) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ it) (VP looking (SBAR as though (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (PP-PRD in (NP a hurry))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That place) (VP is (VP crawling (PP with (NP (NP Bill Doolin) and (NP his gang))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP spoke (NP those words)))) (NP-SBJ (NP Billy Tilghman 's) life) (VP hung (PP on (NP a thread))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (ADVP Back) in (NP the house)) (NP-SBJ (NP a hoodlum) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Red Buck))) , (RRC (ADJP-PRD sore) (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ-1 Billy) (VP had (VP been (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP unscathed (NP *-3)))))))))))) ,) (VP (VP jumped (PP-DIR from (NP a bunk))) and (VP swore (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP was (VP going (PP after (NP him)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP kill (NP him) (ADVP-TMP right then)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP stay (ADVP-LOC right here)))) '' , (VP commanded (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 Bill Doolin) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP covering (NP Red) (PP with (NP his rifle)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Billy Tilghman) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP too good) a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shoot (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the back)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP go)))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the fighting marshal 's) fifty-year run) (PP of (NP (NP immunity) (PP from (NP violent death))))) (VP came (PP to (NP a (ADJP full and final) stop)) (NP-TMP one night) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a street) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP (NP Cromwell) , (NP Oklahoma)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP sent (NP-3 *-1) (ADVP-DIR *T*-2) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP clean (PRT up) (NP the gambling and vice rackets)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP Wiley Lynn) , (NP a self-styled prohibition officer) ,) (VP (VP had (VP hit (NP town) (NP-TMP the previous day))) and (VP had (VP been (VP drinking (ADVP-TMP ever since))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP That night) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP reeled (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP (NP Ma Murphy 's) dance hall)))) and (VP proceeded (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP disturb (NP the peace) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shooting (PRT off) (NP his revolver))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP several months) (ADVP-TMP now)) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Jack Carter) , (NP (NP a big overgrown boy) (PP of (NP fifteen)) (PP with (NP (NP a fuzzy , pimpled face) and (NP (NP greenish catlike eyes) (PP with (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP red)) (PP-LOC in (NP them)))))))) ,) (VP had (VP been (VP haunted (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP a dream) (PP *RNR*-1)) , (NP (NP a vision) (PP *RNR*-1)) , (PP-1 of (NP a Woman))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ This Woman) (VP had (NP (NP no distinct shape or size) and (NP no particular face)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP radiated (NP (NP warmth) , (NP a sweet warmth))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP (VP talk (PP to (NP him)) (PP in (NP a soothing voice)) (PP about (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP would (VP have (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD nice)))))))))))) and (VP put (NP her hands) (PP-LOC on (NP him))) and (VP kiss (NP him) (ADVP-MNR passionately))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP do (NP these things) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP turn (ADJP-PRD blind) (PP-TMP for (NP an instant))) and (VP become (ADJP-PRD sick (PP at (NP his stomach)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP run (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the toilet) (PP-LOC behind (NP the house)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (NP this) (NP-TMP (NP three or four times) (NP-ADV a day)) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ this Woman) (VP was (ADVP almost always) (PP-PRD with (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP would (VP (VP feel (ADJP-PRD ashamed) (NP-TMP each time)) and (VP wonder (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ his mother and father) (VP knew))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP might (VP (VP see (NP it) (PP-LOC in (NP his eyes))) or (VP smell (NP it) (PP-LOC on (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP said (NP anything))) , so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP figured (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD all right)))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And so) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Langford) (VP came (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP teach (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the one-room Chestnut school) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a pupil) (PP in (NP the eighth grade))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the Woman) (PP of (NP (NP Jack 's) mind))) (VP assumed (NP (NP the teacher 's) face and figure)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP could not (VP keep (NP his eyes) (PP off (NP her)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP school)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP took (NP her) (PP with (NP him)) (PP in (NP his mind)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ-4 the anonymous Woman) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-5)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (NP the thing) (ADVP-TMP afterwards) (NP-TMP each time) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-6 he) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP do))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP awoke (PP-TMP in (NP the mornings)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP his mind)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP could (ADVP hardly) (VP wait (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP get (PP-DIR to (NP school)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD near (NP her)) (PP in (NP the flesh))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Langford) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ her first name) (VP was (NP-PRD Evelyn))) -RRB-) (VP was (NP-PRD an attractive girl)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP Tall) , (ADJP blonde) , (X (NP blue-eyes)) , (ADJP fair) , (ADJP buxom (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (ADJP-PRD heavy))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP cut (NP (NP a fine figure) (PP of (NP budding womanhood))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP swished (PP-LOC among (NP the pupils)) (PP in (NP her fresh , starched summer dress)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Something) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP stir) and (VP come (ADJP-PRD alive)) (PP in (NP (NP her) , (ADVP too))))))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP may (VP have (VP been (ADVP-PRD there) (PP-PRD for (NP a good while)) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD twenty) (ADVP-TMP now)))))))) ; ; but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-PRD *?*))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP had (VP been (VP smothered (NP *-1) (PP-TMP until (ADVP now)) (PP by (NP-LGS fear))))))) -RRB-) : (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP tell (NP it) (PP by (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP watched (NP (NP the older , bigger boys) , (PP like (NP Jack))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP look (PP at (NP Jack)) , (PP with (NP (NP that hidden something) (PP-LOC in (NP her eyes))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP would (VP (VP see (NP the Woman)) and (VP become (ADJP-PRD (ADJP breathless) and (ADJP (NP-ADV a little) sick)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ School) (VP began (PP-TMP in (NP (NP August) , (NP (NP the hottest part) (PP of (NP the year))))))) , and (S (PP-TMP for (NP the first few days)) (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Langford) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very lenient (PP with (NP the children))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP letting (S (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP play (NP-ADV a lot))) and (S (NP-SBJ the new ones) (ADVP sort of) (VP get (ADJP-PRD acquainted (PP with (NP one another)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The first (QP two or three) days) (NP-SBJ they) (VP went (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP-TMP early)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP All) (PRN , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ that) (VP is)) ,) (PP except (NP Jack)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP hung (PP-LOC around (NP the schoolhouse)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (PP through (NP a window)) (PP from (ADVP outside)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Miss Langford) (VP (VP straightened (NP desks)) and (VP put (NP the room) (PP in (NP order))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (PRN -LRB- (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD on (NP (NP the third day) (PP of (NP school))))) -RRB-) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP kneeled (ADVP down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pick (PRT up) (NP some books) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP dropped (PP-LOC on (NP the floor)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP looked (PP up (NP her dress)) -- (PP at (NP (NP the bare expanse) (PP of (NP (ADJP incredibly white) leg)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 his heart) (VP had (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP beating))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP About (NP that time)) (NP-SBJ Miss Langford) (VP (VP straightened (ADVP up)) and (VP looked (PP out (NP the window)) (PP (ADVP directly) at (NP him)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought)) ,) (SBAR-ADV although (S (ADVP probably) (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP see (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP jumped (ADVP-DIR back)) , (VP ducked) and (VP ran , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP crouching)) , (PP-DIR down (NP the hill)) (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP the school))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP look (ADVP back)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ran (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD (PP out (PP of (NP (NP sight) (PP of (NP the schoolhouse))))) and (PP out (PP of (NP breath)))))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP slowed (PP to (NP a walk)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The vision) (VP became (ADJP-PRD even stronger) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP her) (ADVP yet)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP muttered (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP her)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP That night) (NP-SBJ he) (VP dreamed (NP (NP a dream) (ADJP violent (PP with (NP passion))) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) and (NP (NP the Woman) , (ADVP-TMP now) (NP the teacher) ,)) (VP did (NP (NP everything) (PP except (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP engage (PP in (NP the act)) (PRN -LRB- (FRAG and (NP this) (ADVP probably) (SBAR-PRP (ADVP only) because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP engaged (PP in (NP the act)) (PP in (NP reality))))))) -RRB-))))) (PP *T*-2))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP awoke (NP-TMP the next morning) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ his heart) (VP was (ADJP-PRD afire))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ate (NP litle) (NP-TMP that morning))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP became (ADJP-PRD concerned) , (SBAR-ADV inasmuch as (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP ate (ADVP-MNR heartily)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD the matter) , (NP-VOC honey))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-2) , (PP with (NP (NP the solicitude) (PP of (NP a middle-aged woman)) (PP for (NP her only child))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Are n't (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD hungry) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (ADJP-PRD hungry))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pushing (ADVP back) (NP the bacon and eggs)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-LOC Outside) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (ADJP-PRD hot) (PP-TMP at (NP 7:30 A.M.)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP getting (ADJP-PRD hot) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) sick (PP at (NP his stomach)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Are (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD sick) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 No) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD all right))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD this hot weather))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ-IMP `` Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP play (ADVP-MNR hard) (NP-TMP today) (ADVP then)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP And (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (ADJP-PRD sick)))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP ask (NP-1 the teacher) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP come (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP-TMP early))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Daddy) (VP left (NP the car) (PP for (NP me)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP town)) (NP-TMP this afternoon)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ OK.) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP wo n't (VP play (ADVP-MNR hard)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP promised (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Just then) (NP-SBJ Charles Lever) (VP yelled , `` (FRAG (INTJ Hey) , (NP-VOC Jack)) '' , (PP from (NP (NP the quarry road) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ran (PP-LOC behind (NP the Carter house))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Jack) (VP (VP grabbed (NP the lunch) (PP from (NP the table))) and (VP darted (PP-DIR out (NP the kitchen door)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP yelling `` (FRAG (INTJ Good-bye) , (NP-VOC Mom)) '' (PP over (NP his shoulder))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-3 `` (WHNP-1 Wha) (SQ dd (NP-SBJ ya) (VP say (NP *T*-1) , (NP-VOC boy))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-2 Charles) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP grinning) , (VP showing (NP his huge yellow teeth))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Charles) , (ADVP also) (NP fifteen)) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP tall and skinny) , (ADJP scraggly)) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP straight black hair) (PP like (NP an Indian 's))) and (NP sharp brown eyes)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ himself) (ADJP-PRD handsome))) and (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ all the girls) (VP were (PP-PRD after (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-3 `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP done (NP *T*-2) (NP-TMP last night))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP said (SQ *T*-3) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP picked (NP their way) (PP over (NP (NP the rocky road) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP led (PP-DIR up (NP the hill)) (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP the Dixie Highway))) , (PP-DIR through (NP (NP a corn field) and (NP (NP a patch) (PP of (NP woods))))) (PP-DIR to (NP the school))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP knew (PP of (NP course)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the tale) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP unfolded (NP *-1))))))) (VP would (VP (VP involve (NP a girl)) and (VP (ADVP probably) be (ADJP-PRD dirty)))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ girls) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP Charles ') only apparent interest))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ Jack) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP derived (NP vicarious sensual thrills) (PP from (NP (NP Charles ') revelations)) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP suspected (NP his friend) (PP of (NP exaggeration or invention)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) -RRB-))) , so (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP invited (NP them) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (ADVP-TMP now)))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No .)) (TOP (WHNP What '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP Margaret Rider) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP them old box cars)))) (PP-LOC down (ADVP there)) (PP-LOC by (NP the quarry))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A nude imaginary picture) (PP of (NP Miss Langford))) (VP flashed (PP across (NP (NP Jack 's) mind))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His heart) (VP beat (ADVP-MNR faster)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-6 `` (INTJ Hell) (NP-SBJ you) (VP say) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP said (SQ *T*-6) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP lapsing (PP into (NP (NP the profanity) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP used (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADVP-LOC-PRD away (PP from (NP his parents))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))) and (SBAR (ADVP especially) (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP Charles)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ 'd (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Hell) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP jist) (VP got (PP-LOC on (NP (NP top) (PP-UNF of)))) -- '')) (TOP (S `` (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ 'd (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP do (NP it)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Hell) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP jist) (VP ask (NP her)) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Jist) (PP like (NP that)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Hell) , (INTJ yes) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (VP been (VP hangin ' (PP around (NP me)) (NP-ADV a lot) (ADVP here) (ADVP-TMP lately))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP figgered (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (ADVP as well 's) (VP try (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP her old uncle) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stays (ADVP-LOC there))))) (VP has (VP been (VP doin ' (NP it))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP heard (NP that)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-PRD (ADVP all) over (NP Branchville))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP get (PP-LOC out (PP of (NP your back yard))) (ADVP-TMP once (PP in (NP a while))))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (ADVP even) (VP get (NP her) (NP-ADV your ownself))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (VP try (NP it) (NP-TMP (NP one) (PP of (NP these days)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Jack) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR wonderingly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (PP of (NP Miss Langford))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP reached (NP the school) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a gang) (PP of (NP boys and girls))) (VP were (ADVP-TMP already) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP playing `` (S-TTL (NP-SBJ *) (VP crack (NP the whip))) '' (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the schoolhouse))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Miss Langford) , (PP in (NP (NP a fresh white dress) and (NP (NP low-heeled white sandals) , (PP without (NP socks)))))) , (VP was (PP-LOC-LOC out (ADVP there)) (PP with (NP them)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP them) (ADVP-LOC inside))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TMP-TPC-2 (NP Time) (PP for (NP books))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP yelled (NP-TMP *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP jingling (NP a little five-and-dime store bell) (PP-LOC in (NP her right hand))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP go (ADVP-DIR inside)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (INTJ Oh) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (PRT on))) (NP-VOC Miss Langford) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP play (PP with (NP us)) (ADVP-TMP just onct)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP one) (PP of (NP the little girls))) (VP begged , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP smiling (ADVP-MNR wistfully)))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , not (ADVP-TMP now)) '' , (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the teacher) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Maybe) (PP-TMP at (NP dinner time)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP-DIR inside) (ADVP-TMP now)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The children) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR grudgingly) stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP playing)) (ADVP-TMP then)) and (VP straggled (PP-DIR into (NP the schoolhouse)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP watched (NP Miss Langford) (NP-TMP all morning)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP think (PP of (NP (NP nothing) (ADVP else) (PP save (NP (NP (NP his mental image) (PP of (NP her nude figure))) and (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP had (VP said (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP that morning) (PP about (NP Margaret Rider)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Occasionally) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP look (PP across (NP the aisle)) (PP at (NP (NP Margaret) , (UCP (NP fourteen) and (ADJP demure (PP in (NP a fresh green organdy dress)))) , (VP sitting (PP-LOC in (NP the sixth-grade row)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP hardly) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP do (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP had (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP noontime)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP remembering (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-3 the teacher) (VP had (VP said (NP *T*-1) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP maybe) (VP playing (PP with (NP the kids))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Jack) (VP stayed (ADVP-LOC-PRD close (PP to (NP the schoolhouse))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP all the other big boys) , (PP except (NP Charles))) , (VP went (ADVP-DIR off (PP out (NP the road))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP play (NP ball)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ ai n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP playin ' (NP ball) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (NP Charles) (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR suspiciously) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP sat (PP-LOC in (NP the well-house shade)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ the girls) (VP congregate (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the schoolhouse)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Miss Langford) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP come (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP play (PP with (NP us))) (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP promised))))) '' , (NP-SBJ (NP several) (PP of (NP the little girls))) (VP called (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP druther) (VP (VP stay (ADVP-LOC here)) and (VP watch (NP the girls))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP grinned (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP 'em))) (VP will (VP fall (ADVP down)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP see (PP up (NP their dress))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Maybe) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Jack) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR idly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP watching (PP for (NP Miss Langford))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Presently) (NP-SBJ she) (VP came (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the schoolhouse)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP appeared (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (QP two or three)) (PP of (NP the little girls))) (VP jumped (ADVP-DIR up and down) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP yelling , `` (INTJ (INTJ Goody) , (INTJ goody)) ''))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP play (PP with (NP 'em)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Jack) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP rising (PP from (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sat (PP-LOC on (NP the ground)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) and (VP dusting (PRT off) (NP his overall pants))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` O.K. '')) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP rose (ADVP also))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the two) (PP of (NP them))) (VP moved (ADVP-DIR over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP join (NP the girls)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP played (S-TTL (NP-SBJ *) (VP crack (NP the whip))) (NP-TMP a few minutes) (PP without (NP mishap))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Miss Langford) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP (NP the line) (PP of (NP girls)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 Jack) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the line))))) , (VP gave (NP an (ADJP extra hard) pull))) and (S (NP-SBJ-3 the young teacher) (VP sprawled (ADVP-DIR backwards) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP sitting (ADVP down) (ADVP-MNR hard))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her dress) (VP flying (PP-DIR over (NP her head)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP struggling (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP get (NP her skirt) (ADVP-DIR down)) and (VP get (PP on (NP her feet)) (ADVP again))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Jack) (VP (VP ran (ADVP-DIR over)) , (VP offered (NP her) (NP his hand)) and (VP said , `` (S (INTJ Gosh) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry) , (NP-VOC Miss Langford))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did n't (VP mean (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pull (ADVP-MNR so hard)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP tossing (NP her head) (ADVP-DIR back) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP get (NP the hair) (PP out (PP of (NP her eyes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD my fault)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP one hand)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP held (NP her skirt) (ADVP down) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP took (NP (NP Jack 's) extended hand) (PP with (NP the other)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ her hand) (VP touched (NP his) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ fire) (VP went (PP through (NP Jack)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD weak)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP managed (ADVP somehow) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP her) (PP on (NP her feet))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP that look) (PP with (NP (NP the hidden something) (PP in (NP it))))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her hand) (VP go))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP dusting (NP herself) (PRT off)))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP play (PP with (NP us)) (ADVP again) , (NP-VOC Miss Langford)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the little girls))) (VP said (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP No more) (NP-TMP today) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Maybe) (NP-TMP some other day) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ shucks)) '' , (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP play (ADVP any more) (ADVP neither))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP Me) (ADVP neither)) '' , (NP-SBJ others) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP soon) (NP-SBJ the game) (VP broke (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 the children) (VP going (ADVP off) (UCP (PP in (NP pairs)) , (PP in (NP larger groups)) and (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD alone))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Jack) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR off) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD alone)) (PP-DIR out (NP the road)) (PP-LOC in (NP the searing midday sun)) , (PP-DIR past (NP (NP Robert Allen 's) three-room , tarpapered house)) , (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the field) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ the other boys) (VP were (VP playing (NP ball) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP thinking (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP would (VP do (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ Miss Langford) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP stay (ADVP in) (PP-TMP after (NP school))))))))))))))) -- (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP decided (SBAR (WHADVP-6 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP the look) (PP-LOC in (NP her eyes)))))) (ADVP *T*-6)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the schoolhouse)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 his mind) (VP was (VP made (NP *-2) (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP simply) (VP would not (VP work (NP his arithmetic problems) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the teacher) (VP held (NP his class) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP should (VP do (NP it) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Miss Langford) (VP had (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD strict (PP about (NP school work)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP throwing (NP erasers)) or (VP flipping (NP paperwads) (PP-DIR at (NP someone))) or (VP pulling (NP (NP the hair) (PP of (NP (NP the girl) (VP sitting (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP him)))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP take (NP a chance) (PP on (NP (NP either) (PP of (NP these possibilities)))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ the teacher) (ADVP probably) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP (VP stand (ADVP face-to-wall) (PP-LOC in (NP a corner))) (CONJP instead of) (VP stay (ADVP in) (PP-TMP after (NP school)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only drawback) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP to (NP (NP the plan) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP decided (PP on (NP *T*-1))))))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP someone) (ADVP else)) (VP might (VP fail (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP his work)))) , (ADVP too)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the teacher) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ that person) (VP stay (ADVP-TMP late) (PP along (PP with (NP Jack))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 But (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP a chance) (PP on (NP it)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP himself) (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR desperately)) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP his surprise)) (NP-SBJ his plan) (VP worked (ADVP-MNR perfectly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ All right) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP do (NP your arithmetic) (PP-TMP during (NP school hours)))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP do (NP it) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ school) (VP is (ADVP-PRD out))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Langford) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR firmly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP smiling))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP will (VP (VP stay (ADVP-LOC here) (NP-TMP thirty minutes) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ the others) (VP go (ADVP-DIR home) (NP-TMP this afternoon))))) and (VP work (NP your problems)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And so) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the others) (VP stampeded (ADVP-DIR out) (NP-TMP that afternoon) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ-2 Jack) (VP remained (ADVP-MNR docilely) (PP-LOC in (NP his seat)) (ADVP-LOC near (NP a window)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (ADVP out) (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (NP-PRD a pitiable manner)))))))))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the other kids) (VP (VP laughed) and (VP yelled (ADVP in) (PP at (NP him))) and (VP made (NP faces)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP dispersed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP going (ADVP-DIR home)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP scarcely) (VP saw (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His heart) (VP was (VP pounding (PP like (NP a mighty dynamo))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 his mind) (VP seeming (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP scream (PP at (NP him)) (PP like (NP a (ADJP hurt or frightened) child)) , `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 How) (SQ will (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))) ? ?))))))))))) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC On (NP (NP the fringe) (PP of (NP (NP the amused throng) (PP of (NP white onlookers)))))) (VP stood) (NP-SBJ (NP a young woman) (PP of (NP remarkable beauty and poise))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP munched (NP (NP little ginger cakes) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD (NP mulatto 's) belly))))) and (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ-2 her green , somewhat hypnotic eyes) (VP fixed (NP *-2) (PP on (NP (NP a light-colored male) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP prancing (ADVP-MNR wildly) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-3 a 5-foot king snake) (VP wrapped (NP *-3) (PP around (NP his bronze neck))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The youth) (PP with (NP the snake))) (VP had (NP (NP a (NX (NX natural pride) and (NX (NX joy) (PP of (NP life))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP appealed (PP to (NP the woman))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD Lithe and muscular)) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (NP well-molded features))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his light color) (VP told (PP of (NP (NP the European ancestors) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD intimate (PP with (NP (NP the slave women) (PP of (NP his family))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The haughty white girl) (VP (VP turned (PP to (NP (NP a distinguished , hawk-faced man) (VP standing (PP-LOC at (NP her side)))))) and (VP murmured : `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP at (NP your watch)) , (NP-VOC Col. Garvier))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADVP almost) (NP-TMP-PRD (NP time) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ (X and calinda)) (VP to (VP begin)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Col. Henri Garvier) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP New Orleans ') (ADJP most important and enlightened) slave owners)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP chuckled) and (VP gave (NP (NP the signal) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ the dance) (VP to (VP start))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The slaves) (VP (VP ran (ADVP-MNR gaily) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP Congo Square))))) and (VP gathered (PP-LOC around (NP (NP a sweaty youth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD Johnny No-Name))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Johnny) (ADVP-MNR vigorously) (VP pounded (NP two bleached steer bones) (PP against (NP (NP the gourd) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP served (PP as (NP his drum)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP showed (NP (NP his gleaming tusks) (PP of (NP teeth)))) and (VP bellowed (ADVP-MNR incoherently)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his brass earrings) (VP jangling (ADVP-MNR discordantly) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP shook and trembled (PP in (NP ecstasy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The drummer) (VP flogged (NP the gourd) (PP with (NP frantic intensity)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the dancers) (VP began (NP (NP the calinda) , (NP (NP a sensual gyration) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP long) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a favorite) (PP of (NP (NP voodoo practitioners) and (NP their disciples)))) (PP-LOC in (NP the Louisiana slave compounds)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The dance) (VP was (PP-PRD of (NP Haitian origin))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The white girl) (PP with (NP the penetrating green eyes))) (VP sipped (NP (NP the lemonade) (VP handed (NP *) (PP-DTV to (NP her)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a handsome man) (PP of (NP about 30)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP (NP coppery skin) and (NP beetling eyebrows)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD possessive (PP in (NP his manner)))) and , (VP (SBAR-ADV though (FRAG (NP a slave))) , (ADVP obviously) was (ADJP-PRD educated) (PP after (NP a fashion))) and (VP imitated (NP (NP the manners) (PP of (NP his owners))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-MNR proudly) (VP wore (NP (NP the blue livery) (PP of (NP her house))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Madame Delphine Lalaurie) , (NP (NP wife) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the prominent surgeon) , (NP Dr. Louis Lalaurie)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP bore (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the South 's) (ADJP (ADJP oldest) and (ADJP most cherished)) names)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Delphine) (VP was (NP-PRD a pace-setter) (PP in (NP high society))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a top horsewoman) and (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the city 's) (ADJP most gracious) hostesses))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ-1 New Orleans) (VP was not (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP learn (PP of (NP it))))) (PP-TMP for (NP a spell))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP also) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP a sadist) , (NP a nymphomaniac) and (ADJP unobtrusively mad) -- (NP (NP the perpetrator) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the worst crimes) (PP against (NP humanity)) (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) committed (NP *) (PP-LOC on (NP American soil)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Madame Lalaurie) (VP gestured (PP with (NP her riding crop)) (PP toward (NP (NP the 20-year-old youth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (VP stomping and writhing (PP with (S (NP-SBJ-2 the king snake) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP draped (NP *-2) (PP-LOC over (NP his bare shoulders)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The slender , handsome fellow) (VP was (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD Dandy Brandon)) (PP by (NP-LGS the other slaves)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP gifted (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP animal magnetism) and (NP (NP a potent allure) (PP for (NP (NP women) (PP of (NP any race))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Dandy) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP little experience) (PP with (NP girls))) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP (NP his master 's) plantation) (PP-LOC in (NP Bayou St. John)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Shy) , (ADVP actually)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP avoided (NP feminine overtures)) and (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD truly ignorant (PP of (NP (NP the girls ') desires))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP sought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (NP (NP liaisons) (PP with (NP him))) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP the open fields)) , (PP in (NP carriages)) and (PP in (NP boathouses)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This young slave) (VP was (ADVP therefore) (ADJP-PRD quite unprepared) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Delphine Lalaurie) (VP signaled (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP draw (ADVP-LOC near))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The woman) (VP eyed (NP the youth) (PP with (NP (NP the avidity) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ a coin collector) (VP might (VP display (NP *T*-2) (PP toward (NP (NP a rare doubloon) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is not (ADVP-TMP yet) (PP-PRD in (NP his collection)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD your name) , (NP-VOC boy))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP-LOC (NP a bit) closer)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wo n't (VP bite (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP gaped (PP at (NP Madame Lalaurie))) and (VP sniffed (NP (NP the Paris perfume) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP emanated (PP-DIR from (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP smiled (ADVP-MNR shyly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ My name) (VP is (NP-PRD Dandy Brandon) , (NP-VOC missy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP belong (PP to (NP Master Alexander Prieur))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (PP with (NP intense feeling)) : `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Come (ADVP-LOC near)) , (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP feel (NP-PRD your arms))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP look (ADJP-PRD quite strong and healthy) (PP to (NP me)) , (NP-VOC Dandy)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Lalaurie) (ADVP-MNR impatiently) (VP propelled (NP the slave) (PP-DIR toward (NP her waiting carriage))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Lifting (NP her skirts))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP climbed (ADVP-DIR in) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP relinquishing (NP (NP her grip) (PP on (NP his arm)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The woman) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD utterly unafraid (PP of (NP (NP the snake) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP coiled (PP-LOC on (NP the floor)) (PP in (NP a torpor))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (PP-LOC-PRD inside (NP the luxuriosly-upholstered landau)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP drew (NP the curtains)) and (VP proceeded (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP give (NP the startled youth) (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP physical examination)) (VP (ADVP-TMP usually) reserved (NP *) (PP for (NP army inductees))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (UCP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-4) (VP Satisfied (NP *-3) (PP at (ADVP last)))) , and (PP-TMP after (NP (NP a few amorous gambits) (PP on (NP her part)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP convinced (NP Delphine) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Dandy) (VP was (ADJP-PRD capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP learning (NP new arts)))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 she) (VP (VP opened (NP the window)) and (VP called (PP to (NP her liveried driver)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the big man) (PP with (NP (NP the proprietory air) and (NP the beetling , shaggy eyebrows))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Aristide ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP (VP find (NP Monsieur Prieur) (ADVP-TMP at once)) and (VP give (NP him) (NP this money) (PP for (NP (NP the boy 's) purchase))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP $ 600 *U*) (PP in (NP gold))) (PP-LOC in (NP this chamois sack))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the old fool) (VP argues (PP about (NP the price))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP tell (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (VP order (NP-1 my husband) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP treat (NP him) (PP as (NP a patient)) (ADVP-TMP any longer))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Prieur) (VP (VP has (NP gout)) and (VP depends (PP on (NP (NP Louis ') pills and bleedings)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP owns (NP 300 slaves)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (ADVP less)) (VP should n't (VP matter (PP to (NP him)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Aristide Devol) , (NP (NP the sardonic manservant) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP in (NP chains)) (ADVP-TMP (NP years) before) (PP-DIR from (NP his native Sierra Leone))))))))) , (VP (VP smiled (ADVP-MNR thinly)) and (VP touched (NP his well-brushed beaver hat))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His bold eyes) (VP raked (NP the woman))) , and (S (NP-SBJ a perceptive spectator) (VP might (VP sense (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP to (NP their relationship)) (PP than (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP slave) (PP to (NP owner))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 `` (NP Another youth) , (NP-VOC Madame) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The coachman) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR softly)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ This one) (VP is (NP-PRD a tender chicken) , (INTJ oui)) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP Such delicate beauty) , (NP such fine flesh) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP will (VP rip and shred (ADVP-MNR easily) (PP for (NP Madame)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Be (ADJP-PRD quiet) , (NP-VOC Devol)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (VP forgetting (NP your place))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The tall coachman) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR off) (ADVP-MNR briskly) (PP in (NP (NP search) (PP of (NP Alexander Prieur))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Delphine Lalaurie) (VP (VP took (NP the reins) (PP-LOC in (NP her gloved hands))) and (VP drove (NP (NP Dandy Brandon) -- (VP cowering (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the back seat) (PP of (NP the carriage))))) --) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP her mansion) (PP-LOC at (NP 677 Perdido Street)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Louis Lalaurie) (VP (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the veranda) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP the driveway))))))) and (VP watched (NP his carriage) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP approached (NP the pillared mansion)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dandy) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ curiosity) (VP overcoming (NP his apprehensions))) , (VP peered (PP out (PP at (NP the doctor))) (PP from (NP (NP the window) (PP of (NP the vehicle))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP (NP a pint-sized man) (PP with (NP (NP a graying spade beard) and (NP an (ADJP unusually large) head))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Lalaurie) (VP wore (NP a maroon smoking jacket))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his myopic eyes) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD blurry)) and (VP glistened (PP-LOC behind (NP thick octagonal lenses))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP (QP about 50) years) old)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Another young man) , (NP-VOC my dear) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-3 (INTJ Really) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP are (ADJP-PRD most indiscreet) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP drive (NP him) (ADVP-DIR here) (NP-ADV yourself)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP frowning (PP with (NP displeasure))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Delphine) (VP presented (NP her cheek) (PP for (NP a kiss)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the physician) (VP pecked (NP it) (PP like (NP a timid rooster)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 Dandy) (VP is (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD our house guest)))) , (NP-VOC Louis)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the room) (PP-LOC in (NP the attic))) (VP prepared (NP *-1) (PP for (NP him))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (UCP-PRD (NP a (ADJP most unusual) lad) , (ADJP quite precocious (PP in (NP many ways))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP deserves (NP (NP a better life) (PP than (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP rotting (ADVP away) (PP-LOC on (NP the Prieur plantation))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Quite so) , (NP-VOC my dear) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His room) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD ready) (ADVP-TMP shortly))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The physician) (VP led (NP the horses) (PP-DIR to (NP the stable)) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP a cursory glance) (PP at (NP the cringing slave))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (SINV Had (NP-SBJ Dandy) (VP been (ADJP-PRD older or wiser)))) , (NP-SBJ instinct) (VP might (VP have (VP warned (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP be (VP (ADVP-MNR well) advised (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP flee (PP from (NP (NP the Lalauries ') tender care))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP valued (NP his life)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP liked (NP (NP the smell) (PP of (NP (NP Delphine 's) perfume)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ (NP her endearments and caresses) (PP-LOC in (NP the carriage))) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (ADJP new and stirring) experiences) (PP to (NP the simple youth)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD weary (PP of (NP plantation drudgery and monotony)))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ Dandy Brandon) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR trustingly) entered (NP the house) (PP with (NP Delphine Lalaurie))) and (VP trudged (PP-DIR up (NP the rear steps)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the attic room) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD his new home))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-2 Airless and dingy) though (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ the attic) (VP represented (NP luxury) (PP to (NP (NP a slave) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP led (NP a wretched life) (PP with (NP (NP six brothers and sisters) and (NP assorted relatives))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a shanty) (PP-LOC at (NP Bayou St. John))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP bounced (ADVP-MNR exuberantly) (PP-LOC on (NP the sagging bed))) and (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP even more) delighted) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 Madame Lalaurie) -- (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP closing (NP the door)))) -- (VP showed (NP the slave) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the bed) (VP was (VP designed (NP *-1) (PP for (NP (NP something) (ADVP other (PP than (NP slumber))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADVP-PRD just as well) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ the ignorant Dandy) (VP enjoyed (NP himself) (PP to (NP the hilt)) (NP-TMP that first evening)))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ-2 the room) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD his prison cell))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP finally) (VP left (NP (NP the sinister mansion) (PP-LOC on (NP Perdido Street))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP carried (NP *-1) (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a coroner 's) basket)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (NP (QP Just six) weeks) after (NP (NP (NP Dandy Brandon 's) arrival) (PP-LOC at (NP the mansion)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the little surgeon) and (NP his svelte young wife)) (VP gave (NP (NP their annual (NX (NX open house) and (NX ball))) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 only (NP New Orleans ') (ADJP oldest and wealthiest) families) (VP were (VP invited (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A stringed orchestra) (VP played (ADVP-MNR softly) (PP-LOC behind (NP the potted palms)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Delphine) (VP circulated (ADVP-MNR graciously) (PP-LOC among (NP her guests)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP chatting (ADVP-MNR airily) (PP of (NP (NP the forthcoming races) , (NP (NP the latest fashions) (PP from (NP Paris))) , and (NP Louisiana politics))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a commotion) (ADVP-LOC upstairs)) , (NP a despairing boyish shriek)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the strains) (PP of (NP the waltz))) (VP faltered and died (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the musicians and guests) (VP gaped (PP at (NP (NP an apparition) (VP descending (NP the marble staircase))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Dandy Brandon) , (UCP (VP clad (NP *) (PP (ADVP only) in (NP a bloody loincloth))) , (ADJP-PRD emaciated) and (VP quaking (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ the devil) (VP were (VP breathing (ADVP-MNR hard) (PP-LOC on (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The lad 's) (ADJP once superb) body) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a mass) (PP of (NP scars and welts)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His pinched face) (VP showed (NP (NP the ravages) (PP of (NP malnutrition)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Feebly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP pointed (NP an accusing finger) (PP at (NP Madame Lalaurie))) and (VP shouted : `` (NP Evil woman ! !))))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP did (NP this))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP hurt (NP *RNR*-2))) (VP to (VP beat (NP *RNR*-2))) (NP-2 people))))) (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR home)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the last words) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP uttered (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Convulsively) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP spat (PRT up) (NP some blood)) and (VP collapsed (PP into (NP (NP the arms) (PP of (NP Senator Gaston Berche))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP crimsoning (NP (NP the frilly shirt and waistcoat) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the politician) (VP wore (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Louis Lalaurie) (VP (VP examined (NP (NP the inert form) (PP of (NP the slave))) (PP-LOC on (NP the parquet dance floor))) and (VP pronounced (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD dead)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The ball) (VP broke (PRT up) (PP in (NP confusion))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Guests) (VP (VP stared (PP with (NP horror)) (PP at (NP Madame Lalaurie))) and (VP made (NP speedy departures))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Delphine) (VP stood (PP like (NP stone)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her eyes) (ADJP-PRD alive (PP with (NP hate))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (PP down (PP at (NP the sheeted corpse)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the coroner 's) inquest)) (NP-SBJ Delphine) (VP told (NP a forthright story)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP saw (NP (NP the boy) (NP Dandy)) (PP-LOC at (NP the Congo Square festivities))) and (VP felt (ADJP-PRD sorry (PP for (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (NP-PRD our hope) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP educate (NP him))) and (VP to (VP give (NP him) (NP his freedom) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the right time) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP bright and friendly) youth) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD worthy (PP of (NP our interest)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP paid (NP Monsieur Prieur) (PP for (NP Dandy))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP brought (NP him) (ADVP-DIR home))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD ill (PP at (NP ease)))) and (VP ran (ADVP away) (NP-TMP the same night)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TPC-3 (WHADVP-1 (WHADVP How) (NAC *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP returned (PP in (NP such a ghastly condition)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) , (NAC-2 or (WHADVP why))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP can not (VP say (SBAR *T*-3))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Dr. Lalaurie) and (NP I)) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the house))))) (PP-TMP until (NP (NP the night) (PP of (NP our ball)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (PP-DIR down (NP the stairs)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP daubed (PP at (NP her swimming eyes)) (PP with (NP a lacy handkerchief))) and (VP said (PP with (NP obvious emotion)) : `` (NP That poor boy ! !))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP have (VP fallen (PRT in) (PP with (NP evil companions)) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (UCP-PRD (NP a simple youth) and (ADJP quite trusting and inexperienced)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ruffians) (VP must (VP have (VP robbed and beaten (NP him) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bringing (NP-2 him) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP our house)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP die))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Such a pitiful end '' ! !)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the slave 's) dying words) (PP about (NP the woman))) (VP troubled (NP (NP the coroner 's) panel)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Dandy 's) accusation) (VP was (VP (VP adjudged (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD an aberration)) (PP by (NP-LGS the jury))) and (VP disregarded (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Lalauries) (VP were (PP-PRD at (NP (NP the top rung) (PP of (NP the social ladder)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 even a jury) (VP did n't (VP feel (ADJP-PRD privileged (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP doubt (NP (NP the veracity) (PP of (NP (ADJP so illustrious) a lady)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (NP-SBJ runaway slaves) (ADVP-TMP frequently) (VP got (PP into (NP serious trouble)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP New Orleans ') dives))) .)) (TOP (S (S So (NP-SBJ the verdict) (VP was `` (NP-PRD (NP death) (PP at (NP (NP the hands) (PP of (NP (NP (NP a person) or (NP persons)) (ADJP unknown)))))) '')) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the elite) (PP of (NP the city))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP accepting (NP (NP Delphine 's) testimony))) , (VP welcomed (NP (NP her) and (NP the doctor)) (ADVP back) (PP into (NP the fold)))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (ADVP Once again) (NP-SBJ life) (VP went (NP its serene way))) -- (NP (NP soirees) , (NP fox hunts) , (NP balls) and (NP dinners)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The excitement) (PP over (NP (NP Brandon 's) bizarre death))) (VP abated)) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Madame Lalaurie 's) stock) (VP soared (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP resumed (NP (NP her self-imposed chores) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP visiting (NP the poor)) and (VP bringing (NP cakes and comfort) (PP-DTV to (NP (NP destitute patients) (PP-LOC in (NP the county hospital))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP Then) , (PP-TMP on (NP July 2)) , (NP-SBJ (NP there) (NP *EXP*-3)) (VP occurred (NP-3 (NP another incident) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP set (NP-2 tongues) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wagging (PP at (NP a furious clip)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Mrs. Victor Dominique) , (UCP (ADJP socially prominent) and (NP (NP a neighbor) (PP of (NP the Lalauries))))) , (VP chanced (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP glance (PP out (PP of (NP her parlor window))) (PP-TMP at (NP dusk)) (NP-TMP one evening)) and (VP beheld (NP an amazing sight)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The manservant) (NP Devol)) and (NP (NP his mistress) , (NP Delphine Lalaurie))) , (VP were (VP pursuing (NP (NP a young girl) -- (NP (NP an octoroon) (PP of (NP cameo-like beauty))) --) (PP-DIR across (NP (NP the front lawn) (PP of (NP the Lalaurie mansion)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP was not (NP-PRD (QP more than 16))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD nude (PP to (NP the waist))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP her tumbled abundance) (PP of (NP black hair))) (VP did not (VP conceal (NP (NP the knife slashes) (PP-LOC on (NP her back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The bleeding girl) (VP was (VP tiring (ADVP-MNR fast)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the coachman) and (NP Delphine)) (VP were (VP gaining (PP on (NP her)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP raced (PP-DIR down (NP Perdido Street)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fugitive) (VP cried (ADVP out) (PP in (NP an (ADJP oddly sibilant) voice)) : `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Help (NP me) , (NP-VOC somebody) ! !))))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP have (VP pulled (PRT out) (NP all my teeth)))) and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ she) (VP will (VP carve (PRT out) (NP my tongue) (PP with (NP her hacksaw))))) ! !)) (TOP (UCP-1 `` (NP Bastards) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP say (UCP *T*-1)))) ,) `` (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP *T*-2))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP put (NP a beat) (PP to (NP that Vivaldi stuff)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the first chair) (VP clobbered (NP me)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (UCP-TMP (PP Since (ADVP then)) , and (SBAR since (S (NP-SBJ the pure grain) (VP had (VP gotten (S (NP-SBJ-1 him) (VP divorced (NP *-1) (PP from (NP every (ADJP decent (PRN -- and even indecent --)) group)) (PP-LOC (PP from (NP Greenwich Village)) (PP to (NP the Embarcadero)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD a sucker-rolling freight-jumper))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ There) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD (NP nothin ') (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP faster) , or (ADJP lonelier) , or (ADJP more direct)) (PP than (NP a cannonball freight)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP wan- (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP go (ADVP-DIR someplace)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Feathertop) (VP would (VP say (S *T*-3))) .)) (TOP (UCP `` (S (NP-SBJ The accommodations) (VP may not (VP be (NP-PRD the poshest)))) , but (INTJ man ! !))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD (NP nobody) (VP askin ' (PP for (NP your ticket stub)))) , (ADVP neither)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP been (VP conning (NP the freights) (PP-TMP for (NP a long , long time)) (ADVP-TMP now)))) .)) (TOP (PP-TMP (ADVP Ever) since (NP (NP the hooch) , and (NP (NP the trouble) (PP with (NP the Quartet))) , and (NP (NP Midge) and (NP the child))) .)) (TOP (PP-TMP (ADVP Ever) since (NP all that) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP very long) time) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP (NP no form) and (NP no end)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (PRN -- (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP himself) (PP in (NP (NP the vernacular) (PP of (NP (NP a trade) (RRC (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADJP his own))))))))) --) (VP riding (NP the dark train) (ADVP-DIR out))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADVP-DIR Out and out) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP to (VP return (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-TMP Till (S (NP-TMP one day) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the last freight) (VP had (VP been (VP jumped (NP *-1))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 the last pint) (VP had (VP been (VP killed (NP *-2))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-3 the last beat) (VP had (VP been (VP rapped (NP *-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP ended (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The freight car) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold) , (PP-TMP (ADVP early) in (NP the morning))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP pressed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC (ADVP far back) into (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP the car)))) (PP-LOC on (NP his hay sacks)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the rattling and tinning) (PP of (NP (NP the wheels) (PP-LOC on (NP the rails))))) (ADVP almost) (VP covering (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP his ocarina))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP held (NP his elbows) (ADVP-LOC away (PP from (NP his body))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the little sweet potato) (VP trilled (ADVP-MNR neatly and sweetly) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP tickled (NP its tune-belly)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The train) (VP slowed (PP-LOC at (NP a road crossing)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the big door) (VP slid (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) ; ; (PP-TMP at (ADVP first)) (ADVP-MNR gratingly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP caught (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP grains) (PP of (NP corn)))))) -- (NAC (ADVP then) (PP with (NP a clash)) (PP-DIR into (NP its slot))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP (VP lifted (NP the girl) (PP by (NP the waist))) and (VP set (NP her) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the lip) (PP of (NP the floor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP pulled (NP her legs) (ADVP up) (PP-LOC under (NP her)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rise))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her full peasant skirt) (VP drawing (PP-DIR up (NP her thighs)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Feathertop 's) music) (VP pfffted (ADVP away))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP very nice)) , (NP a (ADJP very nice))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP murmured (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP himself)) , (PP-LOC (ADVP back) in (NP his corner))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A little thing) , but (NP (NP the right twist) (PP for (NP (NP the action) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP counted)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (ADJP-TPC Hot) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD the word))) , (ADJP hot ! !))) (TOP (NP (NP Hair) (PP like (NP (NP (NP a morning-frightened sparrow 's) wings) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP shining (PP down (PP over (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP A poet) , (ADVP-TMP yet) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His thoughts) (PP for (NP (NP the swanlike neck) , (NP the full , high breasts) , (NP the slim waist) , and (NP the long legs)))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP less) (PP than (ADJP poetic))) , (ADVP however)) .)) (TOP (INTJ Zingggg-O ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 the boy) (VP straight-armed (NP himself) (ADVP-DIR up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP twisting (PP-TMP at (NP the last moment)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP landed (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sitting)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP less) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-2)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 Feathertop) (VP took (NP him) (PRT in) , (ADVP too) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ the records) (ADJP-PRD straight))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Curly hair) , (NP high cheekbones) , (NP wide gnomelike mouth) , (NP (NP a pair) (PP of (NP (NP drummer 's) blocky hands))) , and (NP (NP a body) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP said (S (S (INTJ well) , (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP wrestle (NP you) (PP-TMP for (NP ten minutes))))) -- (CONJP but then) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'm (VP finished (NP *-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP made (NP it) , (NP-VOC Cappy))) '' , (NP-SBJ the chick) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-2 (INTJ Yeah) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP seems (ADVP so))) , (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ it))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 the boy) (VP laughed (SQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hugging (NP her) (ADVP-LOC close)))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Ah-ah '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Feathertop) (VP interrupted , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP standing (ADVP up)) , (VP brushing (NP the pig offal) (PP-DIR from (NP his dirty pants)))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP None) (PP of (NP that)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP run (NP a respectable house) (ADVP-LOC here)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP whirled) and (VP saw (NP-1 him) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP standing (ADVP-LOC there) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD dim (PP in (NP (NP the slatted light) (PP from (NP the boarded freight wall)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP big) , and (ADJP filthy)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his toes) (VP stuck (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP (NP the flapping tops) (PP of (NP his shoes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP held (NP the black plastic kazoo) (ADVP-MNR lightly)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-IMP-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sit)))) '' , (VP said (S-IMP *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ-2 Feathertop) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP motioning (NP them) (PP-DIR toward (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That crap) (VP is (ADJP-PRD softer) (PP-LOC over (ADVP here))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP (VP smiled) , and (VP started (ADVP-DIR forward))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The boy) (VP (VP yanked (NP her) (ADVP-DIR back) (ADVP-MNR hard) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP tugging (NP her) (PP-DIR off (NP her feet))))) , and (VP gathered (NP her) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the crook) (PP of (NP his arm)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP stay (PP with (NP me)) , (NP-VOC Kitty))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP snapped (S-IMP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR irritably)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP vowed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP you))))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP 'm (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP na (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP do n't (VP know (NP this guy))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG (INTJ Oooo) , (NP square bit)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Feathertop) (VP screwed (NP his face) (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This guy) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP strictly) from (NP Outsville))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (ADVP nowhere) ! !)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (PP-PRD with (NP this vow jazz)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-3 Feathertop) (VP inquired (SBARQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP lounging (PP-LOC against (NP (NP the freight 's) vibrating wall))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S-UNF (NP-SBJ We)) -- (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP eloped))) '' , (NP-SBJ Cappy) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His head) (VP came (ADVP-DIR up))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP it) (ADVP-MNR defiantly))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Well) , (INTJ congratulations) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Feathertop) (VP made (NP an elaborate motion) (PP with (NP his hand))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 These two) (VP were (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD easy pickins)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP could n't (VP have (NP much dough)))) , (CONJP but then) (S (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP (NP the freight-bums) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Feathertop) (VP rolled (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP had (NP much))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP besides) , (NP-SBJ the chick) (VP had (NP (NP a little something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the others) (VP did n't (VP have (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 That) (VP was (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP be (ADJP-PRD fun (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP collecting (NP *T*-2)))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG But not (ADVP just) (ADVP-TMP yet) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Feathertop) (VP was (NP-PRD a connoisseur)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP savor (NP his meat) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP tasted (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sit)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP repeated (S-IMP *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP motioning (PP to (NP (NP the piled hay bags) , (PP-LOC over (NP the pig leavings))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP just a poor ex-jazz man) , (NP (NP name) (PP of -- (INTJ uh) -- (NP Boyd Smith))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP grinned (PP at (NP them)) (ADVP-MNR wolfishly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD your name) , (NP-VOC Mister))) '' , (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP accused (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` And (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)) -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD right))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Feathertop) (VP aimed (NP a finger) (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (PRT on) , (NP-VOC Cappy))) '' , (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP chided (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD okay)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD a nice guy)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP move (PP-DIR toward (NP the hay bags)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP dragging (NP the reluctant Cappy) (PP-LOC behind (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Feathertop) (VP watched (NP (NP the smooth scissoring) (PP of (NP her slim , trim legs))) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP the bags))) , and (VP tucked (NP them) (PP-LOC beneath (NP her)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP smoothing (NP the skirt) (ADVP out) (PP in (NP a wide circle))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP cleared (NP his throat))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a long , hot while) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP seen (NP (NP anything) (ADJP (ADJP as nice) (PP as (NP this))) (PP-LOC within (NP grabbin ' distance)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP it) (NP all)) (VP doped (NP *-1))) , (PP of (NP course))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Slug (NP the kid)) , (VP grab (NP (NP his dough) (PRN -- (NP (ADVP at least) enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP-DIR to (NP Philadelphia)))))) --))) (CONJP and then) (VP have (NP a rockin ' ball) (PP with (NP the doll)))) .)) (TOP (INTJ (INTJ Hmm) -- (INTJ diddle) ! !)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ 'd (NP-SBJ you) (VP come (PP-DIR from (ADVP *T*-1)) , (NP-VOC (NP-UNF Mr .) (PRN -- (INTJ uh) --) (NP Mr. Smith)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Kitty) (VP inquired (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR politely)) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (PP from (ADVP *T*-1)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP mused (FRAG *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (ADVP `` Out .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP been (VP riding (NP train) (PP for (NP a ways)) (ADVP-TMP now))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP lapsed (PP into (NP silence)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the freight) (VP (VP wallowed (PP-DIR up (NP a hill))) , (VP scooted (PP-DIR down (NP the other side))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shaking and clanking (PP to (NP itself)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a while)) , (S (NP-SBJ Kitty) (VP murmured (NP something) (PP to (NP Cappy)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP held (NP her) (ADVP-LOC close) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP answering , `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 We) (VP 'll (ADVP just) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP wait (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP pull (PP-DIR into (NP Philly)))))))) , (NP-VOC honey)))) '')))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD the matter)))) , (SQ (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP wan- (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP na (VP go (NP the bathroom)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD immensely funny))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP scowled (PP at (NP him)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD shocked))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No ! !)) (TOP (S (UCP-TPC-2 (FRAG (ADVP Certainly) not) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean)) ,) (S (INTJ no) (NP-SBJ that) (VP is n't (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-1)))))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ She) (VP snapped (UCP *T*-2) (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP only) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hungry))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have n't (VP had (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP eat (NP *T*-1)))))) (NP-TMP all day))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Joviality) (VP suffused (NP (NP Feathertop Ernie Cargill 's) voice) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (PP-LOC behind (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP pulling (PRT out) (NP (NP a battered carpet bag) , (PP with (NP leather handles))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ ' n't (NP-SBJ ya) (VP say (ADVP so) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1) , (NP-VOC fellow travelers))) ! !)) (TOP (S (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP got (NP dinner) (ADVP-LOC right here)) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP C'mon , (NP-VOC buddy)) , (VP help (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP set (PRT up) (NP the kitchen)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP have (NP food) (PP-TMP in (NP a minute (QP or two)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Cappy) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD wary))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP moved (PP-DIR off (NP the floorboards))) and (VP followed (NP the dirty ex-musician) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the refuse-littered boxcar))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP (VP crouched) and (VP opened (NP the carpet bag))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP took (PRT out) (NP (NP a small packet) (VP filled (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP (NP bits) (PP of (NP charcoal))) , (NP (NP a deep pot) (PP of (NP thin metal))) , (NP (NP some sheets) (PP of (NP newspaper))) , (NP (NP a book) (PP of (NP matches))) and (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADJP wrinkled) and (ADJP many-times folded)) piece) (PP of (NP tin foil)) (PP with (NP (NP holes) (PP-LOC in (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP put (NP the charcoal) (PP-PUT in (NP the pot))) , (VP lit (NP the paper) (PP with (NP the matches))) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR carefully) stretched (NP the tin foil) (PP-LOC across (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP the pot)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP A charcoal pit) , (INTJ man)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP indicating (NP the slightly-smoking makeshift brazier)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Fan (NP it))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP told (NP Cappy) (S-IMP *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP handing (NP him) (NP (NP a sheet) (PP of (NP newspaper)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP `` (INTJ Yeah) , but (SBARQ (WHNP-2 what) (SQ 're (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP eat (NP *T*-2)))))) ? ?))) (TOP (NP Charcoal '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Fella) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP waggled (NP a dirty finger) (PP at (NP the younger man)))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ you) (VP try (NP my (ADJP ever-lovin ') patience)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP reached (ADVP-TMP once more) (PP-DIR into (NP the carpet bag))) and (VP brought (ADVP-DIR up) (NP (NP a package) (PP of (NP wieners))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Hot dogs) , (INTJ man) .)) (TOP (UCP (FRAG Not (NP-PRD the greatest)) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP stick (PP to (NP your belly insides)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP ripped (ADVP-DIR down) (NP the cellophane) (ADVP-MNR carefully)) , and (VP laid (NP three dogs) (PP-LOC on (NP the tin foil)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Almost immediately) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sizzle)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP looked (ADVP up)) and (VP grinned)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP A Kroger 's) self-serve) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP explained (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP self-served) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP licked (NP (NP the last) (PP of (NP (NP the wieners ') taste))) (PP from (NP their fingers)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP settled (ADVP back))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Cappy) (VP offered (NP Ernie) (NP a cigarette))) .)) (TOP (UCP-1 (NP Nice kid) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP thought (UCP *T*-1))) ,) (ADJP too bad) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-3 `` (WHADVP-2 How come) (SQ (NP-SBJ (NP you) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP 're (VP riding (NP the rods) , (NP-1 (NP kids) (PP like (NP you))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cappy) (VP (VP looked (PP down (PP at (NP his wide hands)))) , and (VP did not (VP reply))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP surprisingly) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP Kitty 's) face) (VP came (ADVP up))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said , `` (NP My father))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-1 us) (VP to (VP get (VP married (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ we) (VP ran (ADVP away)) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-2 Why) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ he) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP to (VP get (VP hitched (NP *-1))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ even she) (VP did not (VP answer)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (PP down (PP at (NP her hands))) , (ADVP too)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a few seconds)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ Dad) (VP did n't (VP like (NP Cappy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD my fault)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Cappy 's) head) (VP came (ADVP-DIR around) (ADVP-MNR sharply)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Your fault) , (INTJ hell) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was all (NP-PRD my fault)) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP been (ADJP-PRD careful))))) (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP-UNF woulda)) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP stopped (ADVP-MNR abruptly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ernie 's) eyebrows) (VP went (ADVP-DIR up)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD the matter))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP did not (VP raise (NP her eyes)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP added (ADVP simply) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD pregnant))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cappy) (VP raged (PP at (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Oh) (NP-SBJ (NP he) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD stupid) , (NP-1 her old man)) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP heard (NP (NP nothin ') (PP like (NP it))))) : (FRAG (S (NP-SBJ-1 Kitty) (VP 's (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP na (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP have (NP an abortion))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 Kitty) (VP 's (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP na (VP go (ADVP-DIR away) (PP-DIR to (NP a convent)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Kitty) (VP 's (NP-PRD this))) and (S (NP-SBJ Kitty) (VP 's (NP-PRD that))) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP nuts) or (NP somethin ')) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ y') (VP know) '' ? ?)))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP slightly different) matter)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remembered (NP (NP Midge) , and (NP the child))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ that) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP a time) (PP-TMP before (NP all this))) , (NP (NP a time) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP think (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A time) (PP-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP the white lightning) and (NP the bumming)) (VP had (VP turned (NP him) (ADVP inside out))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ these kids) (VP were n't (PP-PRD like (NP him))) .)) (TOP (INTJ (INTJ Oh) (INTJ crap) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Pull (PP out (PP of (NP it))) , (NP-VOC old son)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP are (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP another couple) (PP of (NP (NP characters) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP roll (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (NP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (NP *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP forget (NP all this other)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wann- (NP a drink)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-2 Ernie) (VP offered (SQ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP taking (NP (NP the pint) (PP of (NP sweet lucy))) (PP-DIR from (NP his jacket pocket))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yeah .)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP Now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP offer))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The answer) (VP came (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the open door) (PP of (NP the boxcar))))) .)) (TOP (PP From (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP leaped (ADVP-DIR in) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the high bank) (ADVP-LOC outside))) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the train) (VP had (VP slowed (PP-LOC on (NP the grade))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP stared (PP at (NP the man))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD big)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Real big) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP shoulders) (PP out (PP to (ADVP here)))) , and (NP (NP hair) (PP-LOC (ADVP all) over (NP him)) (PP like (NP a grizzly))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP Road gang)) , (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP thought (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP give (NP me) (NP a drink)))) , (NP-VOC fella)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The big man) (VP asked (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP taking (NP (NP a step) (PP into (NP the boxcar)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP hesitated (NP-TMP a moment)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This character) (VP could (VP break (NP him) (PP in (ADVP half)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Sure) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) , and (VP lifted (NP the pint) (PP to (NP his own lips)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP guzzled (ADVP down) (NP (NP three-quarters) (PP of (NP the strong home-blend)))) and (VP proffered (NP the remainder))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The man) (VP stalked (PP-DIR toward (NP them)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his big boots) (ADJP-PRD heavy (PP on (NP the wooden flooring))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP took (NP the bottle) (PP with (NP undue belligerence))) , and (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (NP sucking noises) (PP with (NP his thick lips)))) , drained (NP it) (ADVP completely))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP threw (NP his head) (ADVP-DIR back)) , (VP closed (NP his eyes)) , and (VP belched (ADVP-MNR ferociously))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP belched (ADVP again)) , and (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP opening (NP his eyes))) , threw (NP the bottle) (PP-DIR out (NP the open door)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (INTJ now)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) , and (VP reached (PP into (NP his pocket)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP have (NP company) (PP-LOC in (NP this car))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP Philadelphia))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Kitty) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pulling (NP her skirt) (ADVP down (PP around (NP her legs))) (ADVP all the more)))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (ADVP so)))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the big man)) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD the final clincher) (PP for (NP Ernie)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP suspected (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this guy) (VP was (NP-PRD trouble))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (PP of (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ you and me) (VP will (VP *?*) , (NP-VOC girlie))) , but (S (NP-SBJ these two) (VP ai n't (VP goin ' (ADVP-DIR nowhere)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP advanced (PP on (NP them)))) , and (S (ADVP abruptly) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a shocked electricity) (PP-LOC in (NP the car)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP was (VP screaming (PP inside (NP himself)) : (S (INTJ No) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP damn (NP you))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP ai n't (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP take (NP my meal ticket) (ADVP away) (PP from (NP me)))))))) ! !))))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The newcomer) (VP stalked (PP-DIR toward (NP them)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Kitty) (VP shied (ADVP-DIR back) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her hand) (PP-PRD to (NP her mouth))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her scream) (VP split (PRT up) (NP (NP the silence) (PP of (NP the car))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP accompanied (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the rattling) (PP of (NP the freight)))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ Cappy) (VP came (PP-DIR off (NP the floor)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his legs) (VP driving (NP him) (ADVP-MNR hard))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The kid) (VP hit (NP the bigger man) (PP with (NP an audible thwump))) ! !)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ *) (VP carried (NP him) (ADVP-DIR backward) (PP in (NP (NP a footballer 's) tackle))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP went (ADVP-DIR down) (PP in (NP a heap)))) and (S (PP-TMP for (NP a long minute)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-1))))) (PP but (NP flailing arms and legs))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The kid) (VP showed (PP-TMP for (NP an instant)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 his arm) (VP was (VP cocked (NP *-1) (ADVP back)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The fist) (VP went (PP-DIR down (PP into (NP (NP the pile) (PP of (NP flesh))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Ernie) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ (NP the bigger man 's) deeper voice) (VP go , `` (INTJ Aaawww) '')))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP tumbling (ADVP again)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the big man) (VP (VP reached (PP into (NP (NP the same pocket) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP gone (PP for (NP *T*-1)) (ADVP-TMP earlier)))))))) , and (VP came (PRT up) (PP with (NP a vicious switchblade))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP held (NP-1 the knife) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-LOC-PRD aloft)) (NP-TMP (NP an instant) -- (NP an instant (ADJP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP press (NP the stud)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The blade) (VP came (ADVP-DIR out) (PP with (NP a snick))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP fisted (NP the knife) (ADVP overhand)) , and (VP drew (ADVP-DIR back) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP plunge (NP it) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the kid 's) throat))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Kitty) (VP screamed (ADVP-MNR insanely))) and (S (NP-SBJ her face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD white))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP grabbed (PP at (NP (NP Feathertop 's) sleeve))) and (VP shrieked , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Help (NP him)) ! !))))) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Help (NP him)) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do (NP something)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP neither liked nor disliked (NP the Old Man)) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP them)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the broken bell) (PP-LOC in (NP the church tower)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP rang (PP-TMP (PP before and after (NP Mass)) , and (PP at (NP noon)) , and (PP at (NP (NP six) (NP-TMP each evening)))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ its tone) , (UCP-PRD (ADJP repetitive , monotonous) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) breaking (NP (NP the boredom) (PP of (NP the streets))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Old Man) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unimportant)) .)) (TOP (S Yet (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP were not (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP have (VP missed (NP him) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP have (VP missed (NP (NP (NP the sounds) (PP of (NP (NP bees) (VP buzzing (PP against (NP the screen door)) (PP-TMP in (NP early June)))))) ; ; or (NP (NP (NP (NP the smell) (PP of (NP thick tomato paste))) -- (NP (NP the ripe smell) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was both (ADJP-PRD sweet and sour))))) --) (VP rising (PP up (PP from (NP (NP aluminum trays) (VP wrapped (NP *) (PP in (NP fly-dotted cheesecloth))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Or (NP (NP the surging whirling sounds) (PP of (NP bats))) (PP-TMP at (NP night)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ their black bodies) (VP dived (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the blackness) (PP-LOC above and below (NP the amber street lights)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Or (NP (NP the bay) (PP of (NP (NP female dogs) (PP in (NP heat))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP called (NP him) (PP by (NP name)) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP one))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TPC Filippo Rossi) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD *T*-2)) (PP-LOC in (NP the old country)))))))) ; ; (S but (ADVP-LOC here) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP Signore) or (NP the Old Man)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ this) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD unusual) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 youth) (PP-LOC in (NP these quarters)) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (VP pushed (NP *-1) (PP at (NP (NP a distance) (PP from (NP its elders))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Youth) (VP obeyed (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP commanded (NP *-2) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP church)) (PP-TMP on (NP Sunday))) and (NP-TMP (NP one Saturday) (NP-ADV a month)) (VP went (PP to (NP confession)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ youth) (VP asked (NP (NP nothing) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP of (NP its parents)) -- (NP-1 not (NP (NP a touch) (PP of (NP the hand))) or (NP (NP a kiss) (VP given (NP *) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP passing))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The only thing) (ADJP unusual)) (PP about (NP the Old Man))) (VP had (ADVP-TMP long since) (VP happened)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the past) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead) (ADVP-LOC here) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the present) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (NP-SBJ the Old Man) (VP had (VP had (NP a wife))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP once) (NP-SBJ she) , (ADVP too) , (VP ignored (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP a tiny fur-piece) (VP wrapped (NP *) (PP around (NP her shoulders))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP wiggled (NP her satin-covered buttocks) (PP-DIR down (NP the street)) (PP-LOC before (NP him))) and (VP did n't (VP stop))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-1 In (NP one hand)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP clutched (NP-2 a (ADJP hundred dollar) bill))) and (S (PP=1 in (NP the other)) (NP=2 a straw suitcase)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-MNR (NP The way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP strutted (PP-DIR down (NP the street)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 the Old Man) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD blind) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) not (VP to (VP have (VP noticed (NP both)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP at (NP him))))) , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP at (NP (NP anything) (PP except (NP (NP Drexel Street) (PP-LOC (ADVP directly) in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP her))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP climbed (PP-DIR up (PP into (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP those orange streetcars)))))) , (VP rode (ADVP-DIR away) (PP-LOC in (NP it))) , and (ADVP-TMP never) (VP came (ADVP-DIR back))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 But (NP-SBJ she) (VP should n't (VP have (VP come (ADVP-DIR here)) (PP in (NP the first place))))) '' , (NP-SBJ the women) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ No) , (INTJ no) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP that one) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP bigger) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP came (PP from (NP Torino)))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Eh) , (NP Torino) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP gave (NP herself) (NP fancy airs)) ! !)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP (ADVP Just) because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP a part) (PP on (NP the stage))) (PP-LOC in (NP the old country))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP carry (NP her head) (ADVP (ADVP higher) (PP than (NP ours)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP slapped (NP their thighs))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's not (PP-PRD for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP (NP pretty speeches) (PP about (NP Dante)))))) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ those actresses) (VP get (VP paid (ADVP so good) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Henh '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Calloused fingers) , (VP caressed (NP *) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP-LGS (NP the smoothness) (PP of (NP polished rosaries))))) ,) (VP had (VP swayed (ADVP-MNR excitedly) (PP-LOC beneath (NP (NP puckered chins) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-3 tiny black hairs) (VP sprouted (ADVP-LOC *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP to (VP be (VP tweezed (NP *-1) (ADVP away)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mauve-colored mouths) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP known (NP (NP anything) (ADJP (ADJP sweeter) (PP than (NP (NP (NP the taste) (PP of (NP new wine))) and (NP (NP the passion) (PP of (NP (NP man 's) tongue)))))))))))) (VP (VP had not (VP smiled)) , but (VP had (VP condemned (ADVP again and again)))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Puttana '' ! !)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the Old Man) (ADVP even) (VP thought (PP about (NP his wife)) (ADVP-TMP now)))) , (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP cared (NP-ADV a fig)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD enough) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP to (VP know (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP at (NP one time)) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (VP looked (PP down (NP the street)) (PP at (NP (NP the fleshy suppleness) (PP of (NP (NP a woman) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP consumed (NP *T*-2))))))))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP become (ADJP-PRD (ADJP thinner and thinner) (ADJP *ICH*-4)) (PP-LOC in (NP the distance)) , (ADJP-4 (ADJP (ADJP as thin) (PP as (NP (NP the seams) (PP on (NP her stockings))))) , and (ADJP still thinner))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His voice) (VP had not (VP commanded (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stop))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had not (VP questioned (WHADVP why))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The women) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP wave (NP an exhausted farewell))))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP have (VP been (VP shooing (ADVP away) (NP (NP the fleas) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP hopped (PP-DIR from (NP his yellow dog)) (PP-DIR onto (NP him))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (PP-PRD without (NP that dog))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP his eyes) -- (NP (NP those miniature sundials) (PP of (NP variegated yellow))) --) (VP had not (VP altered (NP their expression or direction))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Old Man 's) very soul) (VP could (VP have (VP (VP left (NP him)) and (VP flown (PP-DIR down (NP that street))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP know (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP known (ADVP-TMP then) (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ that (ADJP hundred dollar) bill) (VP had (VP come (PP from (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP taking (NP his wife) (ADVP-DIR *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP called (PP for (S (NP-SBJ his withered , wrinkled sister Rose) (VP to (VP care (PP for (NP (NP him) and (NP the children))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) , had (NP-SBJ he) (VP guessed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP all) (PP *ICH*-3)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP remember (NP *T*-1) (PP-3 of (NP his woman))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the memory) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ her) (VP climbing (PP-DIR into (NP that streetcar)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 There) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a contemptuous purpose) (PP in (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sat (ADVP-LOC there) (SBAR-ADV with (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 his eyes) (VP glued (NP *-3) (PP to (NP Drexel Street)))) and (S (NP-SBJ his back) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP opposition) (PP to (NP (NP the church) (PP-LOC behind (NP him))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP saw (NP *T*-1)) or (VP cared (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-1)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP could (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP a town) (PP-LOC in (NP Italy))) , not (NP (NP the outskirts) (PP of (NP Philadelphia))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP could (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD Bari or Chieti) (PP for (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP smelled (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP matter (NP *T*-2) (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the park) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the foot) (PP of (NP Ash Road))))) (VP stretched (PP-LOC beneath (NP (NP elevated trains) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP roared (PP-DIR from (NP the stucco station)) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the city 's) center)) (PP-TMP at (NP half-hour intervals)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG Or (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the tiny creek) (VP spun (NP its silent course) (PP-DIR toward (NP the Schuylkill))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This place) (VP was (NP-PRD hatred) (PP to (NP him)) , (SBAR-ADV (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ hatred) (VP was (NP-PRD his only companion) (PP-LOC in (NP his aloneness)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP him)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP one) and (NP the same))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Sameness) (PP for (NP the Old Man)) (VP was (VP framed (NP *-2) (PRT in) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP a wall) (PP of (NP ginkgo trees))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP divided (NP these quarters) (PP from (NP the city))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sameness) (VP lined (NP the streets) (PP with (NP (NP two-story houses) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD (NP the color) (PP of (NP ash)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP slashed (NP (NP the sloping manure-scented lawns) (PP with (NP (NP concrete steps) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP climbed (ADVP-DIR upward) (PP-DIR to (NP white wooden porches))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP swayed (PP with (NP the wicker swings))) and (VP screeched (PP with (NP (NP the rusted hinges) (PP of (NP screen doors)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Even the stable-garage) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP housed (NP (NP nothing) (PP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-2 but (NP (NP the scent) (PP of (NP rot))))))) ,) (VP had (NP a lawn) (PP-LOC before (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the coffee shop) (PP-LOC on (NP Drexel Street))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the men) (VP spent (NP their evenings and Sundays) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP playing (NP cards))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) ,) (VP had (NP a rose hedge) (PP-LOC beneath (NP its window))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The hedge) (VP reeked (PP of (NP (NP coffee dregs) (VP thrown (NP *) (PP against (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Only one house) (PP-LOC on (NP the street))) (VP had (NP no lawn) (PP-LOC before (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP squatted (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD low and square)) (PP-LOC upon (NP the sidewalk)) (PP with (NP (NP a heavy iron grating) (VP supporting (NP a glass facade))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Bartoli 's) shop)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Above (NP it)) , (PP from (NP a second-story showroom)) , (NP-SBJ wooden angels) (VP surveyed (NP the neighborhood)) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ the Old Man) (VP remember (NP them) (ADVP-LOC there)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (ADVP-LOC (ADVP everywhere) (ADVP else)) (NP-SBJ sameness) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP stucco and wood) (PP in (NP square blocks)) -- (PP like (NP (NP fortresses) (VP (VP perched (NP *) (PP-LOC against (NP (NP the slant) (PP of (NP the hill))))) , (VP rising (PP (PP with (NP the hill)) (PP (PP to (NP (NP the top) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the church) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))))) and (PP beyond (NP that)) (PP to (NP the cemetery)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Only paved alleyways) (VP tunneled (PP through (NP (NP the walls) (PP of (NP those fortresses)))) (PP into (NP (NP (NP the mysterious core) (PP of (NP intimacy)) (PP-LOC behind (NP the houses))) (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ backyards) (VP owned (NP no fences) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP one man 's) property) (VP blended (PP with (NP the next)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP form (NP (NP courtyards) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP knew (NP privacy (PP-LOC *T*-3))))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Love and hatred and fear) (VP were (NP-PRD one) (ADVP-LOC here) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP shaded (NP *-2) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP-LGS (NP fig trees) and (NP grape vines)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the forked tongue) (PP of (NP gossip))) (VP licked (NP its sinister way) (PP-DIR from (NP back porch)) (PP-DIR to (NP back porch))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Old Man) (ADVP-MNR silently) (VP fed (PP upon (NP these streets))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ him) (UCP-PRD (ADJP alive) , (VP waiting)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Waiting (PP (PP for (WHNP what)) and (PP for (WHNP whom))))) , (NP-SBJ only he) (VP (VP could (VP tell (S *T*-1))) and (VP would not (VP *?* (S *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-PRD as though (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP made (NP (NP a pact) (PP with (NP (NP the devil) (NP himself))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (ADVP-TMP yet) (NP-PRD (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP the price) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP holding (PRT out) (PP for (NP something)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP determined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hold (PRT out)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The Old Man 's) son) (VP threw (NP himself) (PRT down) , (ADVP belly first) , (PP-DIR upon (NP a concrete step)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP taking (PRT in) (NP (NP the coolness) (PP of (NP it)))) , and (VP dreaming (PP of (NP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD rich) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP At (NP fifteen)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP care (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP no mother)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP remember (NP (NP her face) or (NP her touch)))))))))) ; ; (SINV neither did (NP-SBJ he) (VP care (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Aunt Rose) (VP provided (PP for (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD Pompeii)) (PP as (NP (NP a tribute) (PP to (NP his heritage))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP have (VP cared (ADVP less) (PP about (NP that)) (ADVP either))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP him)) (NP-SBJ life) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a restless boredom) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP began (PP with (NP the rising sun))) and (VP ended (PP (ADVP only) with (NP sleep)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a man) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a rich man))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would not (VP be (PP-PRD like (NP (NP the `` rich Americans '') (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP white-columned houses)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the other side) (PP of (NP the park))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would not (VP ride (NP the eight-thirty local) (PP-DIR to (NP the city)) (NP-TMP each morning))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would not (VP carry (NP a brief case))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor would (NP-SBJ he) (VP work (ADVP at all)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP (VP square (NP his shoulders)) and (VP carry (NP a cane) (PP before (NP each step))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP (VP sit (PP-LOC inside (NP the coffee shop))) and (VP pound (NP a gloved fist) (PP upon (NP the table)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 a girl) (VP would (VP (VP hear (NP him)) and (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP running))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP bowing (PP with (NP her running))) , (VP calling (PRT out) (PP in (NP her bowing)) , `` (PP At (NP your service)) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP would (VP order (NP-2 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP bring (NP coffee)))))) , and (VP would (VP take (PP from (NP his vest pocket)) (NP (NP a thin black pipe) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP stuff (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would not (VP remove (NP his gloves)))) --) and light and smoke (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP do (NP that) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a man) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Hey) , (NP-VOC Laura) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP called (PP to (NP his sister)) (PP on (NP (NP the porch) (PP above (NP the steps))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV (QP only ten) months) older) (PP than (NP he)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (NP-VOC Laura) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ would (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP smoked (NP a pipe)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Laura) (VP did not (VP answer (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP leaned (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unconcerned)) (PP against (NP the broken porch fence)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP brushing and drying (NP her wet , gilded hair) (PP in (NP the sun))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One lithe leg) (VP (VP straddled (NP the railing)) and (VP swung (ADVP-MNR loosely) (PP-LOC before (NP the creaking , torn pales)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her tanned foot) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose arch) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP swept (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD high and white))))) ,) (VP pointed (ADVP-MNR artfully) (PP toward (NP (NP tapering toes) -- (NP (NP (NP toes) (PP like (NP fingers))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose tips) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP glowed (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD white))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP All the while) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sat (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ her sinewy arms) (VP swirled (PP-LOC before (NP her chest))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her face) (VP showed (NP (NP no sign) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP heard (NP Pompeii))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a face) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP (VP had (VP lost (NP its childlike softness))) and (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP fold (PP within (NP its fragile features)) (NP (NP a harshness) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP belied (NP (NP the lyric lines) (PP of (NP its contours))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The eyes) , (ADJP (ADJP blue) and (ADJP (ADVP-TMP always) somewhat downcast)) ,) (VP possessed (NP a sullen quality)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (ADVP Even) though (S (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP could not (VP see (NP them))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP clouded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS distance))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP fully) (VP took (NP him) (PRT in)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pompeii) (VP called (ADVP again) , `` (NP-VOC Laura) '') ! !)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the only answer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP reached (NP him))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the screeching) (PP of (NP the porch rail)) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ her leg) (VP moving (PP against (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (PP-PRD in (NP a mood)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-2)))) `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's not (NP-PRD (NP a month) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP does n't (VP get (NP herself) (PP in (NP a mood)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ (INTJ Well) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ did (NP-SBJ that) (VP matter (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP was (VP shining))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP dreams) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP dream (PP about (NP *T*-3))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S And (PP as (PP for (NP his pipe))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP smoke (NP one))))))) , (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP would (VP stop (NP him))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (ADVP even) (NP Laura) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP interrupted (NP *-1) (PP in (NP his daydreaming)) (PP by (NP (NP a warm wetness) (VP lapping (PP against (NP his chin)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP opened (ADVP wide and long) (PP at (NP (NP the sight) (PP of (NP (NP (NP a goat 's) claret tongue) , (VP feasting (PP against (NP (NP the salt taste) (PP of (NP him))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Above (NP the tongue)) , (NP-SBJ (NP an aged yellow eye) , (ADJP sallow and time-cast) , (VP encrusted (NP *) (PP-LOC within (NP (NP a sphere) (PP of (NP marbleized pink skin))))) ,) (VP stared (ADVP-MNR unfalteringly) (PP at (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Christ sake) , (NP-VOC goat) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP git) '' ! !)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the goat) (VP would not (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (VP boiling (NP milk)))) , (SQ ai n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP *?*)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Soothing (NP it) (PP with (NP his hand))) , (VP knowing (NP (NP the whiskered jowls) and (NP (NP the swollen smoothness) (PP of (NP (NP teats) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP wrinkled (ADVP-MNR expectantly) (PP to (NP his touch))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pompeii) (VP rolled (PRT over)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His head) (VP undulated (ADVP-MNR gradually) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP covering (NP space))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP come (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP straining)) (PP-LOC beneath (NP the taut belly)) (PP-LOC within (NP (NP the warmth) (PP of (NP those teats)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ-1 his mouth) (VP opened (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD wide))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP squirted (NP the warm white milk) (PP-DIR against (NP (NP the roof) (PP of (NP his mouth))))) and (S (NP-SBJ his tongue) (VP savored (NP (NP the light , earthy taste) (PP of (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The boy 's) fingers and mouth) (VP operated (PP with (NP (NP the skilled unity) (PP of (NP a bagpipe player)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP (VP pressing) and (VP pulling)) , (VP delighting (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 Above (NP him)) (VP slid (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the evasive shadow) (PP of (NP a storm cloud))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Its form) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a heavy figure) (PP in (NP a fluttering soutane)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP could (VP see (NP (ADVP only) (NP the goat 's) belly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Old Man) (PP-LOC near (NP the corner)) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the shadow) (VP pass (PP-DIR over (NP him)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sensing (NP (NP something) (ADJP portentous)) (PP in (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))))) , (VP knew (ADVP also) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD about (NP *T*-1)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP would n't (VP raise (NP a finger) (PP except (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP smooth (NP (NP his yellow dog 's) back)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ There) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP time enough) , (ADVP perhaps) (PRN (S (NP-SBJ the Old Man) (VP reassured (NP himself) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP the devil) (NP his due) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Time enough) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (PRT up) (NP his soul) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the meantime)) , (NP-SBJ (NP six sandals) , (VP stained (NP *) (NP (NP an ocher) , (NP (NP the same color) (PP as (NP (NP Pompeii 's) shaved hair))))) ,) (VP edged (PRT up) (ADVP-LOC close (PP to (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The clapping) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP made (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP the concrete)))))) (VP interrupted (NP him) (PP in (NP (NP the ecstatic pleasure) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (NP *T*-2)))))) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (ADVP-MNR quickly) (VP (VP released (NP (NP his hold) (PP on (NP the goat)))) and (VP pretended (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP examining (NP its haunches) (PP for (NP ticks))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (PP at (NP a glance)) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the biggest sandals) (VP belonged (PP-2 to (NP Niobe)))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 the neatest ones) (PP=2 to (NP Concetta))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1 the laced ones) (PP=2 to (NP (NP Romeo) , (NP (NP Concetta 's) idiot brother))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pompeii) (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ (NP Romeo 's) small body) (VP to (VP sink (ADJP-LOC closer and closer (PP to (NP the ground))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP expected (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Concetta 's) thin hand) (VP to (VP reach (PRT down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP grasp (NP the boy))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ her shrill , impetuous voice) (VP to (VP sound (PP against (NP (NP the rotundity) (PP of (NP (NP his disfigured flesh) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD sure (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hearing (NP anything))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 People) (VP came (ADVP-DIR in and out) (NP-TMP all evening) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP see (NP the baby)) and (VP hold (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The room) (VP filled (PP with (NP smoke)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Maggie 's) head) (VP throbbed (PP with (NP excitement and fatigue)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Stuart) (VP had (NP (NP such a happy , earnest look) (PP of (NP proud possession)) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP on (NP his face)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Maggie) (VP could n't (VP bear (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP quench (NP it))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Little Anne) (ADVP-MNR rapidly) (VP outdistanced (NP her mother) (PP in (NP recovery))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP two months)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP a fat (ADJP highly social) baby) , (PP with (NP (NP a fuzz) (PP of (NP flaxen hair)) (PP all over (NP her head)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP flying (PP into (NP rages))))) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP digesting (NP her food)))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP developed (NP (NP a peaches and cream complexion) and (NP a sunny disposition)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP asked (PP for (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP (ADJP more) (PP *ICH*-2))) (PP of (NP life)) (PP-2 than (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-4 she) (VP (VP be (VP (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADJP-PRD dry and comfortable))) and (VP fed (NP *-4) (NP (NP huge amounts) (PP of (NP food))) (PP-TMP at (NP stated intervals))))) and (VP be (VP carried (NP *-4) (PP-DIR to (SBAR-NOM (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP watch (S (NP-SBJ activity) (VP going (PRT on) (PP-LOC around (NP her)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so heavy) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Maggie 's) arms) (VP shook (PP from (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP lifting (NP her)) and (VP taking (NP care) (PP of (NP her)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Maggie) (VP could n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP get (NP her strength) (ADVP back)) or (VP catch (PRT up) (PP with (NP herself))) (PP with (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the big basket) (PP of (NP (NP clothes) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-4) (VP to (VP be (VP (VP coaxed (NP *-5) (PP through (NP the rackety old washer))) and (VP lugged (NP *-5) (ADVP out)) and (VP lugged (NP *-5) (ADVP back)))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the daily round) (PP of (NP (NP household chores) (SBAR (WHPP-6 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-7 Maggie) (VP insisted (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP participating (PP *T*-6))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Worry) (VP had (NP (NP a great deal) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP do (PP with (NP it))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 Stuart) (VP (VP had (VP been (VP laid (NP *-3) (PRT off) (PP at (NP the produce company))))) and (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP go (ADVP back) (PP to (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP (VP sitting (PP-LOC in (NP (NP his father 's) office))) , (VP taking (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what salary) (S (NP-SBJ his father) (VP could (VP hand (NP *T*-1) (PRT out) (PP to (NP him))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 Mr. Clifton) (VP would (VP have (VP preferred (NP death and bankruptcy) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ-4 his son) (VP stay (PP with (NP (NP his wife 's) people)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP contributing (PP to (NP (NP his and his family 's) upkeep)))))))))))))) , (S and (PP besides (NP that)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-2) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-5) (VP to (VP be (VP bought (NP *-1) (PP for (NP the baby)))))))))) , (NP (NP milk) and (NP orange juice) and (NP vitamins) and (NP (NP soap) , (NP just plain soap)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Maggie and Stuart) (VP pored (PP over (NP figures)) (NP-TMP every night) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP squeeze (PRT out) (NP (NP a few pennies) (ADJP more)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP desperation)) (NP-SBJ Maggie) (VP consulted (NP Eugenia) (NP-TMP one afternoon))) : `` (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP find (NP-BNF me) (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC here (PP at (NP home))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP some money)))) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (ADVP still) (VP (VP watch (NP the baby)) and (VP do (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the things))))))))))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP seems (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP enough) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP been (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ Maggie) (VP go (UCP-DIR (PP from (NP the washing machine)) (PP to (NP the baby)) (PP to (NP the stove)) and (ADVP back again))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP (NP odd moments) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP be (VP doing (NP something) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Maggie) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a lot) better)))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Woman 's) Exchange) (VP is n't (VP taking (NP baked goods) (ADVP-TMP any more)))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP leave (NP the baby) (PP with (NP Grandma)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD strong enough))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 the baby) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD too young (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP put (NP *-1) (PP-PUT in (NP a nursery)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP think (ADVP so)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP For (NP one thing)) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP can (VP stop (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP keeping (NP that child) (UCP (PP in (NP starched dresses)) and (VP changed (ADVP (PP from (NP the skin)) out) (NP-TMP (NP nineteen times) (NP-ADV a day)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD so beautiful))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP looking (ADJP-PRD nice)))))))))) '' . (NP-SBJ Maggie) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the baby)) and (VP nuzzled (NP her fat warm little neck))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-4 (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD just as beautiful) (PP in (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP does n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP ironed (NP *-1)))))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP said (S *T*-4)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Evadna Mae Evans) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP put (NP (NP a thing) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-PUT on (NP her child)) (PP-1 but (NP a flannel wrapper)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV nine months) old))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Evadna Mae Evans) (VP got (NP all her baby clothes) (PP from (NP (NP (NP Best 's) Liliputian Bazaar) (PP-LOC in (NP New York)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sick and tired (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hearing (PP about (NP Evadna Mae Evans)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Well now) , (NP-VOC Maggie) , (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP do n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP snap (PP at (NP me)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP just) (VP thinking (PP of (NP (NP a way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sensible) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP snap (PP at (NP everybody)) (NP-TMP these days))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP think (PP of (NP (NP a way) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP a little extra money) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP see))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP make (NP (NP a list) (PP of (NP your assets)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Maggie) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP laughing)))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP laughed (ADVP so hard (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP stop))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP kept (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP laughing)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP lugged (NP the clothes) (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP the yard))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP hang (NP them) (PRT up) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP shining))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP came (ADVP-DIR back) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ-2 Eugenia) (VP was (VP sitting (PP-LOC at (NP the kitchen table)) (PP with (NP a pencil and envelope)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP jotting (PRT down) (NP words and figures))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-LOC here) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP run (NP (NP a nursery) (PP of (NP your own)) (PP for (NP working mothers))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP could (VP (VP put (PRT up) (NP cribs) (PP-LOC on (NP the (ADJP second floor) sleeping porch))) and (VP turn (NP the front bedroom) (PP into (NP (NP a playroom) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD nice and sunny) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))) , but (S (PP of (NP course)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP entail (NP (NP quite a bit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP running (PP-DIR up and down (NP stairs))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Chris) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD careful (PP about (NP that)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (WHNP `` (WHNP What) (ADVP else) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP might (VP set (PRT up) (NP a dress shop) (PP-LOC in (NP the living room)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Every woman) (PP-LOC in (NP the block))) (VP has (VP tried (NP that))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHNP What) (PP about (NP a tea room)) , (ADVP then) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could (VP (VP set (PRT up) (NP tables) (PP-LOC in (NP the front room))) and (VP serve (NP (NP salads) and (NP your baked beans) and (NP brown bread)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Grandma) (VP could (VP (VP dress (PP like (NP a gypsy))) and (VP tell (NP fortunes))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD too elaborate)) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ-1 Grandma) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD strong enough (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (PRT on) (NP (NP something) (PP like (NP that))))))))) , and (SINV (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (NP you) (NP the truth)))) neither (VP am (ADJP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ I)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP sighed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (S (INTJ Well) , (S (S (NP-SBJ those) (VP are (NP-PRD the (ADJP really interesting) things))) , but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP like (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP those))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP turn (PRT over) (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP my extra typing jobs))) (PP to (NP you)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP type (ADVP-MNR well enough))))))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP do (NP that)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Maggie) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP really) (VP would n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD fair) , (S-NOM-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP your jobs) (ADVP away (PP from (NP you)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP worry))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP get (NP plenty more))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Eugenia) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where (PP in (NP the world))) (S (NP she) (VP could (VP *?* (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Maggie) (VP was (VP looking (ADJP-PRD much happier) (ADVP-TMP already) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP clearing (NP a space) (PP on (NP the table))) and (VP chattering (PP about (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP could (VP put (PRT up) (NP a typewriter) (ADVP-LOC right there))) , and (VP be (VP brushing (PRT up) (PP on (NP her typing)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP would n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD ashamed (PP of (NP it))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` And (ADVP then) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP a minute) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP (VP be (VP working (PP at (NP it)))) , and (VP keep (NP an eye) (PP on (NP (NP the baby) and (NP the stove))) (PP-TMP at (NP the same time))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP (VP go (ADVP back) (PP to (NP my contests))) and (VP be (VP thinking (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP doing (NP the washing))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-2 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP your feet)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP waste (NP anything)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Maggie) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (S (INTJ Oh) (NP-VOC Eugenia) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP-UNF wish)) ''))) (TOP (WHNP `` What '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP three wishes)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Maggie) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP (NP All) (PP of (NP them))) (PP for (NP you)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD bitterly cold) (PP-TMP toward (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP November)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP contributing (PP to (NP (NP the miseries) (PP of (NP (NP countless numbers) (PP of (NP people))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The temperature) (VP (VP dropped (PP to (NP (NP twenty) (ADVP below))) (PP-TMP at (NP night))) and (VP stood (PP at (NP zero)) (PP-TMP during (NP the days)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 The cold) (VP settled (PP like (NP a tangible pall)) (PP over (NP the Mile High City)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP locking (NP it) (PP in (NP (NP an icy grip) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP harshened (NP its outlines)) and (VP altered (NP its physical appearance))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-4 it) (VP had (NP (NP a look) (PP of (NP grim stark realism))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP resembling (NP (NP other cities) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose habitual climate) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold))))) , (PP instead of (NP (NP the sprawling bumptious open-handed greedy Western city) (VP basking (PP in (NP eternal sunshine)) (PP at (NP (NP the foot) (PP of (NP (NP mountains) (VP stored (NP *) (PP with (NP endless riches and resources)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The jobless) (VP huddled (PP-LOC in (NP the streets)) (PP-LOC (PP outside (PP of (NP employment offices))) , (PP outside (NP newspaper buildings)) , (PP in (NP parks)) , (PP in (NP relief lines)) , (PP outside (NP government agencies)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were n't (NP-PRD (NP facilities) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP them))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP had (VP been (S (NP-SBJ (NP a need) (PP *ICH*-2)) (VP felt (NP *) (PP-2 for (NP such facilities))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP That kind) (PP of (NP poverty))) (VP was (VP regarded (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP the exclusive property) (PP of (NP (NP the East) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP created (NP depressions) (PP with (NP (NP their stock markets) and (NP their congested populations) and (NP (NP their greedy centralization) (PP of (NP (NP industries) , (VP protected (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS discriminatory freight rates))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The East) (VP was (ADVP popularly) (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP got (NP the country) (PP (PP into (NP war)) and (PP into (NP depression))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP dragging (NP the west) (ADVP along)))))))))) ; ; and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ the East) (VP was (VP creating (NP (NP government agencies) (SBAR (WHPP-4 for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-3 the West) (ADVP doubtless) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP pay (PP *T*-4)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The government offices) (VP were (VP being (VP opened (NP *-1))))) but (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were n't (VP being (VP opened (NP *-2) (ADVP-MNR fast enough))))) and (S (ADVP-TMP meanwhile) (NP-SBJ the cold) (VP penetrated (NP everything))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Shivering)) , (NP-SBJ-2 people) (VP talked and argued)) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 all this government spending) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP for (NP *-4)) (ADVP-MNR somehow)))))))) , but (S (S (PP on (NP the other hand)) (NP-SBJ desperate circumstances) (VP called (PP for (NP desperate remedies)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-5 something) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-5) (VP to (VP be (VP done (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Something) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP done (NP *-1))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the theme song) (PP of (NP (NP millions) (PP of (NP (NP American people) , (NP (NP their personal problems) (ADJP (ADVP no less) urgent (PP than (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP the government))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Something) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP done (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Abernathys) (VP said (NP it) (PP to (NP each other)) (NP-TMP (NP a dozen times) (NP-ADV a day))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 Something) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP done (NP *-1) (PP (PP about (NP (NP the furnace) , (NP the fuel bills) , (NP the washing machine) , (NP the doctor and dentist bills))) , (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ money) (VP stretch (PP (PP for (NP food)) , (PP for (NP the mortgage)) , (PP for (NP taxes)) , (PP for (NP shoes)) , (PP for (NP half soles)) , (PP for (NP overshoes)) , (PP for (NP clothes)) , (PP for (NP (NP the new leaks) (PP in (NP the roof)))) , (PP for (NP gas and light bills)))))))) ; ; (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (ADJP-PRD warm)))) , (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (ADJP-PRD well)))) , (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP meeting (NP (NP the minor emergencies) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP came (PRT up) (UCP-TMP (ADVP once) , (ADVP twice) , (NP (NP fifty times) (NP-ADV a day)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP (VP dropping (NP (NP the baby 's) bottle)) and (VP breaking (NP it)))) (VP became (NP-PRD a catastrophe))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Stuart) (VP wore (PRT out) (NP his shoes) (ADVP (ADVP so fast) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP termed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD a major disaster))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Abernathy furnace) (VP consumed (NP fuel) (PP like (NP (NP a giant ravenous maw) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP appeased (NP *-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hurling (NP (NP tons) (PP of (NP coal))) (PP-DIR into (NP its evil red depths)))))))))))))))) , and (S (ADVP no matter (SBAR (WHNP-4 (WHADJP how much) coal) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP put (NP *T*-4) (PRT in))))) (NP-SBJ the house) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD cold))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cold) (VP came (PP (PP in (NP (NP the innumerable cracks) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (VP sprung (PRT up)))))))))) , (PP under (NP doors)) , (PP around (NP loosened window frames)) , (PP from (NP (NP the sleeping porches) , (NP the attic))) , (PP from (NP (NP the widened cracks) (PP between (NP (NP shingles) (PP on (NP the roof)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-PRP Presently) (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP (VP give (PRT up) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP running (NP the furnace) (PP at (NP full capacity))))) and (VP depend (PP on (NP (NP (NP (NP the old coal range) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen))) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (VP removed (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the new gas range) (VP was (VP installed (NP *-2) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))) , and (NP the fireplaces) and (NP (NP an electric heater) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Grandma 's) room)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP so cold) and (ADJP so wretched)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a sort) (PP of (NP desperate gaiety))) (VP infected (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP them))) , (PP like (NP (NP people) (UCP-PRD (ADJP stormbound) or (ADJP shipwrecked) or (VP caught (PP in (NP (NP some other freak) (PP of (NP circumstance)))))))) (SBAR-ADV so that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 time) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD still)))) and (S (NP-SBJ minor anxieties) (VP fell (ADVP away))) and (S (NP-SBJ the only important thing) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP cling (ADVP together)) and (VP survive))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The pipes) (VP burst)) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all)) (VP (VP laughed) and (VP stood (PP in (NP ice water)) (PP to (NP their ankles))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP swabbed (NP the bathrooms)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP lived (ADVP mainly) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP moved (NP (NP (NP Maggie 's) bed) and (NP (NP the baby 's) basket)) (ADVP-LOC there))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the rest) (PP of (NP them))) (VP (VP undressed (PP-LOC by (NP the stove))) and (VP ran (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP groaning and shivering)) (PP-DIR to (NP the upper polar regions))) and (VP plunged (PP-DIR into (NP icy beds)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grandma) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP just) like (NP the early mining camp days)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 people) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))))) , (S (ADVP only) (NP-SBJ-4 she) (VP was (VP getting (ADJP-PRD too old (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP the pleasure) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP from (NP it)) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-6 that) (S (NP-SBJ-5 she) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP *?* (NP *T*-6))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP said (NP a mouthful))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR grimly)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Eugenia) (VP hated (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (ADJP-PRD cold))) (ADVP (ADVP worse) (PP than (NP anything))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the joys) (PP of (NP poverty))) (VP wearing (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD thin)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (PP to (NP Maggie)) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD-2 one thing) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP meet (NP an emergency))))) and (VP (NP-PRD=2 another) (S=1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wallow (PP in (NP it)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP look (SBAR at if (S (NP-SBJ-4 this one) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP last (ADVP-TMP forever))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Plenty) (PP of (NP people))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD poor) (NP-TMP all their lives)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Plenty) (PP of (NP people))) (VP have n't (NP our brains and talent)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP you) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP talking (PP about (NP brains and talent)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Maggie) (VP said (S *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (VP working (PP up (PP to (NP something)))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP watch (PRT out))))) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 'll (VP ruin (NP your whole life) (NP-TMP (NP one) (PP of (NP these days))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP prove (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Abernathy family) (VP is (ADJP-PRD superior (PP to (NP (NP everything) , (NP even a depression))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ (NP The only thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP worries (NP me))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP-4 how) (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP prove (NP-PRD it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4)))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP begged (NP-1 Grandma) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP put (NP a bed) (PP-PUT in (NP the kitchen)) (PP for (NP her))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Grandma) (VP said (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP getting (ADJP-PRD too old (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP (VP sleep (PP-LOC in (NP strange beds))) and (VP be (VP seen (NP *-2) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ her teeth) (ADVP-PRD out))))))))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP hoped (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP die (PP in (NP privacy)) (PP like (NP a Christian))))))) and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ the Lord) (VP willed (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD of (NP pneumonia)))))))) (ADVP than) (NP-SBJ-4 it) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (NP-MNR-PRD that way)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the only one) (PP with (NP (NP a stove) (PP-LOC in (NP her room)))))))) , (SBAR-PRP (ADVP especially) as (S (NP-SBJ her life span) (VP was (ADVP nearly) (VP run (PRT out) (ADVP anyway)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP insisted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Hope) (VP have (NP the heater)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Hope) (VP would n't (VP hear (PP of (NP it))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP took (NP the heater) (ADVP back) (PP to (NP (NP Grandma 's) room)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Grandma) (VP took (NP it) (ADVP back) (PP to (NP (NP Hope 's) room)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the two) (PP of (NP them))) (VP dragged (NP it) (ADVP-DIR back and forth) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ Grandma) (VP (VP tipped (NP it) (PRT over)) and (VP (ADVP almost) set (NP her bedspread) (PP on (NP fire)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP proved (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP was n't (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP trusted (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP a fire) (PP-LOC in (NP her room)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP could (VP be (VP burned (NP *-2) (PP to (NP a crisp)) (SBAR-ADV without (S (NP-SBJ anybody) (VP knowing (NP it)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Eugenia) (VP suspected (NP-1 her) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP deliberately) (VP overturning (NP the heater)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP (VP was (VP getting (ADJP-PRD tired (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP dragging (NP it) (ADVP-DIR back and forth))))))) and (VP (ADVP still) wanted (NP her own way))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Hope) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Grandma) (VP would n't (VP have (NP the heater))))) (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP would (VP have (NP it))))) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ-3 Grandma) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP give (PRT in))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADJP Thrifty (PP of (NP her))) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP use (NP it) (PRT up)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Unusual) (PP in (NP (NP a case) (PP like (NP this)))) , but '' --)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP joke)) ! !)) (TOP (SQ Did n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP read (NP it)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (VP married (NP that tenant))) ! ! '')) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP read (NP it) , (INTJ yes)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP simplify (NP (NP Tolley 's) life))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Laban) (VP had (NP (NP more) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tolley) (VP had (VP gone (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP California))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP mentioned (NP it) , (NP-ADV himself) , (PP at (NP church))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 everybody) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP the idea (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Tolley) (VP had (VP left (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Jenny) (VP had (VP jilted (NP him) (PP for (NP Roy Robards)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP plain) (PP as (NP (NP the nose) (PP on (NP your face))))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (VP laughing (PP about (NP it)) , (NP-VOC Mamma)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Zion) (VP stayed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP my pin)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 'll (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a cold day) (PP-TMP in (NP June))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP go (ADVP back) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP will both (VP go (ADVP back) , (NP-VOC Laban))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Kizzie) (VP turned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR inside))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP (VP stay) and (VP take (NP-PRD (NP the pictures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wanted (NP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-VOC Mamma)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sun) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD right)) '' --)) (TOP (NP `` Pictures '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP swung (ADVP around)) .)) (TOP (WHNP `` What pictures '' ? ?)) (TOP (PP-LOC `` In (NP (NP Brace 's) room) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP told (NP-1 me) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bring (NP my camera))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP going (ADVP back))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Indeed) (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP *?*)) ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP (NP pictures) (PP of (NP an empty room))) (ADVP-TMP now) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tolley) (VP had (NP (NP no idea) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP marrying (NP that sneaky little Jenny)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP This -- trip) (PP of (NP his))) (VP had (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP do (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ her) (VP consorting (PP with (NP tenants)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP am (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP everybody) (PP-LOC at (NP Mt. Pleasant))) (VP understands (NP that simple fact)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait (PP for (NP me)) , (NP-VOC Laban))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP dressed (NP *-1) (PP-TMP in (NP (QP half a) second)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Frank) (VP (VP followed (NP her) (PP-DIR into (NP the bedroom))) , (VP hooked (NP her dress) (PP up (NP the back)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hurry , (NP-VOC Frank)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP 're not (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP laugh (PP at (NP the Fairbrothers and Labans)) (ADVP-TMP very long)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Tolley 's) going) (VP is (NP-PRD my fault)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drove (NP him) (ADVP away)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (NP it))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP tell (NP everybody) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 exactly how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP happened (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so beautiful) , (ADJP so valiant) , (ADJP so pitiable))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP kissed (NP her)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Make (NP your confession) (PP (PP to (NP God)) (PP *ICH*-1)) , (NP-VOC Kizzie dear) , (PP-1 not to (NP the congregation))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP decide (NP that) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so cruel (PP to (NP Tolley))) , (ADJP so unfair))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD fair) (ADVP-TMP now))) ! !)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (VP coming (ADVP-DIR back)))) , (SQ is n't (NP-SBJ he) (VP *?* , (NP-VOC Frank))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ (INTJ Yes) , (INTJ oh) (INTJ yes) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP (WHNP What) (ADVP else)) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (SQ was (NP-SBJ there) (NP-PRD *T*-1) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-3)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Returning (PP to (NP the log-house)))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP found (NP (NP (NP some favorite lines) (PP from (NP Jonathan Swift))) (S *ICH*-1)) (PP on (NP his lips)) : (S-1 `` (PP-LOC Under (NP the window)) (PP in (NP stormy weather)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP marry (NP this man and woman) (ADVP together)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP but (NP (NP Him) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP rules (NP the thunder))))))) (VP Put (NP this man and woman) (ADVP asunder)))) '' .)) (TOP (NP (NP Absolution) (PP for (NP his lie)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP questioned (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 God 's) (VP taking (NP time) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP telegraph (NP the message)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (ADVP better (PP about (NP Kizzie))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP took (NP the sealed envelope) (PP from (NP its pigeonhole)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHADVP-3 why) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP preserved (NP it) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP died (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP resist (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP opening (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP any case)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (VP (VP thrusting (NP a burden) (PP on (NP his remaining sons))) , (VP making (S (NP-SBJ them) (NP-PRD (NP parties) (PP to (NP (NP a deception) (NP peculiarly his own))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD his necessity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP confess)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP write and keep (NP this thing)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP told (NP God) , (NP-VOC Frank)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP lacerate (NP the -- congregation) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Reaching (PP for (NP (NP an old clay pot) , (NP (NP relic) (PP of (NP pioneer days))) ,)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP tore (NP the envelope) (PP in (NP pieces)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP dropping (NP them) (PP-DIR into (NP it))) , (VP touching (NP the little pyre) (PP to (NP flame))) , (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP curl , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the red sealing wax) (VP melting and bubbling (PP in (NP the feathery ash)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Surely) (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ his beloved son) (VP could (VP rest (PP in (NP peace)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` ' And (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP go , (SBAR-PRP for (S (S (NP-SBJ the night) (VP gathers (NP me))) , and (SINV (PP-TMP-TPC-1 in (NP the night)) shall (NP-SBJ no man) (VP gather (NP fruit) (PP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) ' '' .)) (TOP (FRAG (FRAG (NP A (ADJP beautiful and haunting) line) , (NP (NP a subtle genius) , (NP Swinburne))) , (FRAG (ADJP difficult (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP envy (NP a gifted man)))))) , and (S (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD great satisfactions) , (PP (ADVP even) for (NP a small man))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 Beyond (NP his window)) (VP were (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the greening trees) , (NP new spring) , (NP eternal hope) , (NP eternal life)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-1 There) (VP lay (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Grand Fair 's) Quinzaine) , (NP (NP his own young parents ') graves) , but (NP (NP new life and promise) (PP for (NP his sons , grandsons)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP poured (NP (NP his thimble) (PP of (NP wine))) (PP for (NP (NP the toast) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP made (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP so often)))))))) .)) (TOP (PP `` To (NP absent loved ones) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-TMP this last time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP drank (PP not (PP to (NP Brace)) but `` (PP To (NP Tolley)) '')) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Robards) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ Jenny) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the only person) (PP-LOC *ICH*-3)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (PP of (NP *T*-2)) (PP-LOC-3 in (NP the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD that)))))))) --) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP kind) but (ADJP too easygoing))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP did n't (VP bother (NP him) (SBAR-2 for (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP everybody) (PP (PP from (NP the blacksmith)) (PP to (NP the preacher)))) (VP to (VP say , `` (INTJ (INTJ Howdy) , (NP-VOC Miss Jenny)) '' , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP adding (NP a careless `` Roy '')))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP put (NP a stop) (PP to (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP him) (ADVP again and again) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Simply) (VP (VP call (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Whipsnade) (NP-PRD-2 Oscar))) , and (VP (NP-SBJ=1 Dr. Dunne) (NP-PRD=2 P.GA)) , and (VP (NP-SBJ=1 C'un Major) (NP-PRD=2 Frank))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Robards) (VP (VP laughed) , (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP 'd (VP feel (NP-PRD a damn fool))) , (VP (ADVP plain-out) (VP could n't (VP do (NP that) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP even) (VP to (VP please (NP her)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP could (VP try)) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP ' Mist Laban ') (ADVP again)))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP scream)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP And (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP tell (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP did n't (PP at (NP church)) (NP-TMP Sunday)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (NP you)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-4 (NP-SBJ-3 He) (ADVP really) (VP had n't (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP *?*)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP assured (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD plain (PP to (NP her))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the importance) (PP of (NP these small things))) (VP was (VP lost (NP *-2) (PP on (NP Mr. Robards)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (WHADJP-2 How strange) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-2) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP (VP give (NP her) (NP (NP this handsome house) and (NP (NP carte blanche) (PP as (PP to (NP its beautiful furnishings)))))) , and (VP fail (NP her) (PP in -- (NP spiritual ways)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another weakness) -- (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP far more) irritating) (PP than (NP (NP (NP his manner) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP speaking)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP (ADJP only token) effort (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP change (NP *T*-1))))))))))) --) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his devotion) (PP to (NP (NP that old horse) (PP of (NP Tolley 's)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Her horse) , (ADVP rather) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (NP Mr. Robards ') (ADVP-TMP now) , (INTJ oh) (INTJ my) (INTJ yes) , (ADVP indeed) , (INTJ yes) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ her) `` (NP-PRD the Mare) '') (SBAR-ADV (ADVP much) as (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Whipsnade) (VP spoke (PP of `` (NP (NP the Queen) (PRN , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ God) (VP bless (NP her))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) , (PP with (NP (NP (QP fifteen or twenty) horses or mares or geldings or what-nots) (ADVP-LOC out there (PP in (NP the barn))))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD reverent (PP (ADVP only) of (NP `` (NP the Mare) '' , `` (NP the Racin ' Mare) '' , (NP the revolting Gunny))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP (NP the first few months) (PP of (NP their marriage)))) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD nice (PP about (NP Gunny))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP going (ADVP-DIR out) (PP with (NP him)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP watch (S (NP-SBJ (NP this pearl) (PP without (NP price))) (VP stamp (ADVP-MNR imperiously) (ADVP around) (PP-LOC in (NP her stall)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ And (WHNP-1 what) (SQ had (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gunny) (ADVP invariably) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bite (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG-1 (NP Nerves) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Robards) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1))) ,) (NP just a nip) (ADVP anyway) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stand (ADVP back) , (NP-VOC Miss Jen)) ,) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD oneasy (PP of (NP your scarf))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Never) , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Quit (NP that) , (NP-VOC you sor'l devil))) '' ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Never) (NP (NP concern) (PP for (NP (NP (NP his wife 's) nerves) , or (NP the danger (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the (NX (NX curled lip) and (NX big teeth))) (VP might (VP mark (NP (NP their own dear baby) (ADJP due (PP-TMP in (NP January)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP mus n't (VP annoy (NP (NP Gunny) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose foal) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD due) (ADVP-TMP then) (ADVP too))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Listening (PP-TMP for (NP hours)) (PP (PP to (NP his laments (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the war) and (NP (NP `` (NP Mist Fair 's) '' poverty) (ADVP-TMP afterwards))) (VP had (VP robbed (NP the mare) (PP of (NP many a racing triumph)))))))) , and (PP to (NP (NP his predictions) (PP of (NP greatness)) (PP for (NP (NP the procession) (PP of (NP (NP foals) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP come))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Jenny) (VP could (VP look (ADVP forward) (PP to (NP (NP years) (PP of (NP (NP conflict) (PP with (NP (NP an animal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP disliked (NP her) (ADVP-MNR intensely)) and (VP showed (NP it))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gunny) (VP symbolized (NP (NP (NP so much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unpleasant))))) -- (NP (NP Tolley) , (NP (NP the indifference) (SBAR (SBAR (WHPP-2 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Fairbrothers) and (ADVP indeed) (NP the whole neighborhood)) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP treated (NP her) (PP *T*-2)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP die (ADVP (ADVP rather) (PP than (VP acknowledge (NP *T*-3) (PP to (NP her husband))))))))))) , (NP (NP his lack) (PP of (NP (NP understanding and sympathy) (PP in (NP her present condition))))) , (NP her disgusting swollen stomach)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Human birth) (VP was (NP-PRD no novelty) (PP to (NP Mr. Robards))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Tillie) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD a fine midwife)) and (VP could (VP get (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP-MNR quick))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP suggested (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Jenny 's) aversion) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP (NP Dr. Dunne) , (NP a former admirer) ,))))) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD silly) (PP to (NP him)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP humor (NP her)) , (VP get (NP (NP anybody) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (NP *T*-1)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the best) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP being (ADJP-PRD too good (PP for (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ The chances) (VP were (PP-PRD against (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ-1 his) (VP being (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP humor (NP her)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ her time) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP be (UCP-PRD (PP-LOC in (NP the barn)) , or (VP riding (PP for (NP the veterinarian)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP Night) (PP after (NP night))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP stayed (PP with (NP Gunny)) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the dead) (PP of (NP winter)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP rubbing (NP her) (PP with (NP (NP quarts) (PP of (NP expensive liniment))))) , (VP fussing (PP over (NP her bran mash)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the cook) (VP did (PP over (NP charlotte russe)))))) , (VP tracking (NP manure) (PP on (NP the pretty new carpet)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (VP come (PP-DIR to (NP the house)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the dear baby) (VP came (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP had (NP Tillie) (ADVP-LOC over here) (PP-TMP in (NP a jiffy))) , and (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as attentive and sweet and worried and happy) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-PRD all over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (SBAR-3 as (S (NP-SBJ any husband) (VP could (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jenny) (VP wished (ADVP-TMP now) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP had (NP Dr. Dunne))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feeling (SBAR that (S (ADVP somehow) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (VP have (VP allowed (S (NP-SBJ the dear baby) (VP to (VP turn (PP into (NP triplets))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADJP not nice) (PP about (NP triplets))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ-2 their father) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD pleased) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP showing (NP no disappointment (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had n't (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the son) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wanted (NP *T*-1))))))))))) , (VP saying , (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP see (S (NP-SBJ triplets) (VP trippin ' (PP-DIR down (NP the pike)))) (NP-TMP ever ' day) , (NP-VOC Miss Jen) , (NP-VOC hon))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Rhyme (NP 'em) (PRT up) (ADVP cute)) --)) (TOP (NP (NP Arcilla) , (NP Flotilla) '')) (TOP (NP-UNF-1 (NP (NP Edmonia) (PP for (NP her mother))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (NP-UNF *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR firmly))) ,) (NP (NP Jennifer) , (PP for (NP herself))) , and --)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP Kezziah) , (PP for (NP Miss Kizzie))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP suggested (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD mighty good (PP to (NP you))) (NP-TMP past times))) , an ' (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP 'll (VP fetch (NP her)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ she) (VP must (VP be (VP thinking (PP of (NP (NP a boy-name) , (NP (NP something) (ADJP special))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP wait (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP (NP the Mare 's) foal))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Handsomest colt) (PP-LOC in (NP all Kentucky)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Strong) (ADVP too) , (PP up (PP on (NP his legs))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV an hour) old) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP What) (PP about (NP Royal Robards)) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP name (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD Jesus Christ)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ! ! '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP burst (PP into (NP tears))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Roy) (VP was (ADVP deeply) (VP distressed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how unhappy) (S (NP-SBJ his sweet peach) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was n't (NP-PRD herself) (ADVP-TMP right now))) , but (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ her strength) (VP came (ADVP back)))) (NP-SBJ-1 her spirits) (VP did n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rise (PP with (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP a good idea) (WHADVP why not))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those elegant `` At Home '' cards) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sent (NP *T*-1) (PRT out) , (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP could (VP wear (NP her pretty clothes) (ADVP again))) , and (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 the house) all (VP trimmed (NP *-2) (PRT up)))))))))))) , (VP had n't (VP brought (NP many callers) (PP-TMP in (NP two whole months)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Doc Dunne) and (NP Miss Sis)) (VP had (VP come)) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-TPC-1 So) (VP had (VP *?* (ADVP *T*-1))) (NP-SBJ-2 Miss Shawnee Rakestraw) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (UCP-PRD (ADJP full (PP of (NP (NP criticisms) (PP about (NP (NP the changes) (ADVP-LOC here)))))) , (VP (VP giving (NP thanks (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her dear old father) (VP had (VP gone (PP to (NP his Heavenly Rest)) (NP-TMP last year))))))) , (VP saying (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how much) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP enjoyed (NP (NP her boarding house) (PP-LOC in (NP town))) (PP in (NP inclement weather))) , (VP was (VP looking (ADVP forward) (PP to (NP Quinzaine Spa)) (NP-TMP this summer))) (ADVP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD an idea)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Kizzie) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD right snippy) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP ever) since (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP married (NP *-1))))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP have (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a namesake) (VP would (VP have (VP brought (NP her) (ADVP round))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP 'd (VP (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP them)))) (ADVP-TMP once)) , (VP left (NP silver teething rings) (PP for (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP the trips))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Miss Jen) (VP went (PRT over) (ADVP-TMP right away) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP return (NP the call)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ Miss Kiz) (VP could n't (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD very cordial) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP come (ADVP back) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP hardly) (VP had (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP More and more) , (NP-TMP these days) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP been (VP driving (NP (NP that pretty little mare) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP looked (PP like (NP her)))))) , (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP (NP Tillie 's and Nick 's) -- (NP (NP (NP his own old square frame box) (PP-LOC on (NP posts))) , (NP (NP chickens and cats and pups) (PP-LOC under (NP the house))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 everybody) (ADJP-PRD friendly) (ADVP-LOC inside) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP making (NP a to-do) (PP over (NP (NP the babies) (VP dressed (NP *) (PP like (NP dollies))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD glad (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP got (PRT on) (ADVP well) (PP with (NP his young folks))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD welcome) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the finest house) (PP-LOC in (NP the land)))) , (ADVP too))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-4)) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD pretty hot (PP-LOC under (NP the collar)))) , (PP after (NP (NP the idea) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ Miss Sis) (VP had (VP given (NP him) (NP *T*-3))))))) , (S-4 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP told (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Miss Kiz)) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 her holy spa) (VP was all (VP reserved (NP *-2) (PP for (NP (NP this summer) and (NP next))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP please))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (ADVP (ADVP much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP regretted (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ-5 they) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP entertain (NP (NP Mrs. Robards) and (NP the children)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD well))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP tell (NP Miss Jen)))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP must (VP have (VP got (NP word) (PP from (NP (NP the cook or nurse) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (PP of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP knew (NP those Quinzaine nigs)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP really) (VP took (NP a fit)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP did (NP such a thing) (ADVP again)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP die (PP of (NP shame)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Have (NP a party)) an ' (VP leave (NP 'em) (PRT out)) , (NP-VOC hon))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP suggested (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-ADV A swell party) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP send (NP an invite) (PP to (NP (NP (NP ever'body) (PP but (NP them))) -- (NP (NP (NP those folks) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP met (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the Galt House)))))) , (NP (NP the ones) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know (NP *T*-3) (PP in (NP this new Jockey Club affair)))))))))) , (NP the whole dang neighborhood))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP have (NP oystchers)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ couple bar'l oystchers) (VP 'll (VP fetch (PRT in) (NP a crowd) (NP-TMP any time)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP see (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ word) (VP gets (ADVP round)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV-IMP `` Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP dare) ! ! '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Miss Jen) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP funny (NP-MNR that way)) , (ADJP funny (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP did n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP take (PP to (NP his ideas))) and (VP perk (PRT up)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD downright worried (PP about (NP her))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one more thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP try (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Zion) (VP was (VP surprised (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Roy 's) buggy) (VP stopped (PP-LOC beside (NP her)) (PP-LOC on (NP the pike)) (NP-TMP one early summer day) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP walking (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the country school) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP teaching (ADVP-LOC *T*-3) (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Eph Showers) (VP had (VP had (NP a call (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP preach (PP-LOC in (NP some mountain town))))))))))))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Roy) (VP (VP smiled) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (VP have (NP a nice smile)))) --) (VP took (PRT off) (NP his hat) (ADVP-MNR most politely)) , (VP told (NP-1 her) (S (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hop (PRT in)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP give (NP her) (NP (NP a lift) (PP-DIR to (NP Quinzaine))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her hesitation) (VP was (ADJP-PRD only momentary))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP notice (NP it))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP settled (NP herself)) , (VP asked (ADVP-MNR quickly) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Miss Jenny) and (NP the babies)) (VP were (VP getting (PRT on) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP See (PP for (NP yourself)) , (NP-VOC Miss Zion)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP will n't (VP take (NP a minute))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP swung (PRT in) (PP-DIR through (NP his own wide gateway))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Them) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the purtiest babes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP did (VP see (NP *T*-1)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Miss Jen) (VP gets (ADJP-PRD mighty lonesome))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'll (VP relish (NP (NP the sight) (PP of (NP a friendly face))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ Miss Kiz) (VP will n't (VP care (S-NOM (NP-SBJ your) (VP comin '))))) , (SQ will (NP-SBJ she) (VP *?*) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Why) (PP of (NP course)) not) '' , (NP-SBJ Zion) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR uncomfortably)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP have (VP forgiven (NP me))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP murmured (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP the room))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The absolution) (PP of (NP (NP Doaty 's) last will and testament))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP proof) (ADVP enough) (PP of (NP that))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Doaty) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP left (NP her house) (PP-DIR to (NP a godless woman)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ herself) (VP wishing (NP (NP an old wish) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP told (NP Doaty) (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP running (ADVP away))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP left (NP (NP something more) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP behind (NP her)) (PP-1 than (NP (NP the loving , sorry note) and (NP her best garnet pin)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ Doaty) (VP had (VP (VP guessed (ADVP-TMP already)) and (VP kept (NP her counsel)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP thought , (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD extraordinary) (SBAR-1 (WHNP (WHNP how much) (PP *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP knew (PP-2 about (NP (NP both) (PP of (NP us)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP more) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (NP *T*-1))))) (PP about (NP Hetty))) (NAC *ICH*-2)) , (ADVP inevitably) , (NAC-2 and (FRAG (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP it))) (ADJP unfavorable))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adelia) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the good one) , (NAC or , (PP if (ADVP-TMP not always) (ADJP good)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP less frequently) tempted (NP *))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their childhood) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD quite circumspect) (PP without (NP (NP (NP Hetty 's) flair) (PP for (NP drama)))) , (PP-TMP (ADVP especially) through (NP the long summers))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP winter)) , (PP-LOC in (NP the city)) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the Maneret School) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP taught (ADVP-MNR excellently) (PP with (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP austere passion) (PP for (NP knowledge))))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP lessons) (PP in (NP French)) (PP from (NP (NP a small Polish nobleman) (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP really profound) distaste) (PP for (NP his pupils)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the dancing class) -- (NP (NP Miss Craddock) , (ADJP thin and tireless) , (PP with (NP (NP her supervising wand) and (NP her everlasting one-two-three , one-two-three)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP supper parties) and (NP teas)) , (NP (NP fetes) and (NP little balls)) , (NP (NP Mama) (ADJP small and pretty and gay)) and (NP (NP Papa) (ADJP (ADJP enormously jocular) , (ADJP enormously possessive)) , (NP (NP the sun) (SBAR (WHPP-1 around (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the Blackwell planets) (VP revolved (PP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mama) (VP had (VP died (PP-TMP before (NP (NP (NP the corruption) (PP of (NP the family circle))) , (NP (NP the interruption) (PP of (NP Charles))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD safe) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP assume (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Papa) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sighing (ADVP-MNR heavily))) , (VP had (VP said (NP-TMP many times) (PP to (NP his remaining daughter)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP God) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-4 your poor mother) (VP was (VP spared (NP *-4) (NP this))))))) ''))))))))) , and (S (ADVP indeed) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-5)) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD easier) (SBAR-5 for (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP to (VP leave , (PP with (NP her hand) (PP in (NP (NP Charles ') hand))))))) , (SBAR-PRP (ADVP just) because (S (NP-SBJ her `` poor mother '') (VP (VP was (VP gone (ADVP-TMP already))) and (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP know)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mama) (VP was (ADJP-PRD vulnerable))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP felt (NP-PRD the need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP a safe world) (PP around (NP her))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (S-TPC-1 But (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP have (VP gone (ADVP anyway))))) , (VP thought (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Henrietta) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ignore (NP the moral question))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD no choice))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Only) at (NP this moment)) -- (SBAR-PRP (ADVP perhaps) because (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD before (NP dawn)))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP lying (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Doaty 's) bed))))))) -- (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ herself) (VP examining (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ others) (VP might (VP regard (NP her) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP argue (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ morality) (VP consisted (PP (ADVP just) of (NP that ability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP a choice))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP turned (PP on (NP her side)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP finding (S (NP-SBJ the idea) (ADJP-PRD oppressive))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Adelia) (VP had (VP felt (PP about (NP someone)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP felt (ADVP-MNR *?*) (PP about (NP Charles))))))))) , would (NP-SBJ she) (VP have (VP run (ADVP away) (PP with (NP him)))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Impossible) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP imagine (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Adelia) (VP feeling (ADVP so) (PP about (NP anyone))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP No temptation) , (NP no sin) .)) (TOP (NP (NP No temptation) , (NP no virtue) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (NP A curious thought) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP end (NP a curious night)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The birds) (VP were (ADJP-PRD really awake) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP in (NP (NP a colloquy) (PP of (NP music)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 light) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP creep (PP-DIR across (NP the room)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP touching (NP (NP sill and door) , (NP table and chair) and (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Doaty 's) flowers) (PP-LOC in (NP their artificial blossom and leaf)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Before (NP anything else)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Doaty 's) grave)) (PP with (NP (NP flowers) (PP from (NP (NP Doaty 's) forgotten garden)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everything) (VP must (VP wait (PP upon (NP (NP this mission) , (NP (NP this sentimental duty) (PP of (NP (NP a pilgrim) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose nature) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP avoided (NP graveyards))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP closed (NP her eyes) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP remembering (NP (NP the small French cemetery) , (VP enclosed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS stone walls))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rain (ADVP-LOC there))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ even the grass) (VP was (ADJP-PRD gray))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP the sad impatient moment)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP waiting (PP for (NP (NP comfort) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could not (VP come)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP (VP slipped (PP out (PP of (NP bed)))) and (VP went (PP to (NP the open window)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The garden) (ADVP-LOC below)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP lacy (PP with (NP dew))) and (ADJP enchanting (PP in (NP its small wildness))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leaning (ADVP-DIR out))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP a tangle) (PP of (NP (NP rosebush and honeysuckle) , (NP (NP (NP one) (VP (ADVP not quite) come (NP *) (PP to (NP bloom)))) , (NP (NP one) (PP (ADVP just) beyond (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP (NP (NP a thrusting spray) (ADJP thick (PP with (NP (NP thorns) and (NP dewdrops) and (NP swelling pink buds))))))) , (PP like (NP a summer Valentine)) , (NP-SBJ-1 a bird) (VP balanced and sang) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP nondescriptly brown) and (ADJP alive (PP with (NP its own music)))) , (NP (NP a little engine) (PP of (NP song))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so pretty and artless) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP felt (PP like (NP a child)) (ADVP again)) and (VP would (VP have (VP enjoyed (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP running (ADVP-DIR out) (ADVP barefoot) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP play (PP-LOC on (NP the wet grass)) (PP with (NP all the growing things)))))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Doaty) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP permitted (NP bare feet))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP decidedly) (NP-PRD not (NP a child) but (NP une femme d'un certain age)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Feeling (ADVP suddenly) (ADJP-PRD neat and subdued))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP dressed (ADVP-MNR quite soberly)) and (VP went (ADVP-DIR downstairs))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rosa) , (ADVP unbelievably) , (VP was (ADVP-TMP not yet) (ADVP-PRD up and about) , (NP-ADV reassurance (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Rosa) (VP was (ADJP-PRD human)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Feeling (ADJP-PRD protective (PP toward (NP this sleeping being))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Henrietta) (VP found (NP (NP (NP a yesterday bun) and (NP (NP milk) (PP-LOC in (NP a white jug)))) , (NP (NP a breakfast) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP somewhat) (NP-PRD (NP the equivalent) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (ADVP barefoot))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Outside) , (NP-SBJ (NP the garden) , (NP the tame wilderness) ,) (VP yielded (NP (NP (NP a patchwork bouquet) (PP of (NP (NP daisies) , (NP sweet william) , (NP scented stock) and (NP (NP lady 's) bedstraw)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP (VP tied (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP long grasses))) and (VP took (NP *T*-2) (ADVP back)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP show (NP (NP Rosa) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (VP (VP stirring (PP about (NP the kitchen))) and (VP haranguing (NP Folly))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The poodle) (VP (VP came (ADVP-MNR gleefully) (PP to (NP Henrietta))) and (VP begged (PP for (NP the flowers))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP supplicating (NP the air) (PP with (NP prayerful forepaws))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP (VP held (NP her bouquet) (PP out (PP of (NP reach)))) and (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD for (NP Doaty))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-NOM-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Rummaging (PP in (NP the dew)))) '' , (VP said (S-NOM *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Rosa) (ADVP-MNR coldly) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Go (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP change (NP your shoes) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP turn (ADVP around))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP sounded (PP (PP so (ADVP exactly) like (NP Doaty)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP obeyed (NP her) (PP under (NP the clear impression (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP either (VP comply) or (VP stay (ADVP-LOC home))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Folly) (VP danced , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD eager (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lay (PP-LOC beyond (NP the door))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP a Blackwell)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD only one church)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The cemetery) (VP slumbered (PP-LOC (ADVP just) behind (NP it)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the way) (VP lay (UCP-LOC (PP through (NP the village)) and (ADVP close (PP to (NP the sea)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP (NP the first time) (PP in (NP thirty years)))) , (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP walked (PP-DIR down (NP (NP the narrow street) (SBAR with (S (S (NP-SBJ its shuttered shops) (ADVP just) (VP stirring)) and (S (NP-SBJ its inhabitants) (VP eying (NP her) (PP with (NP the frankest curiosity))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP smiled and bowed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP recalling (NP (NP the princess-in-a-carriage feeling) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP enjoyed (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD a child) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP the acknowledgments))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD cautious))) , but (S (NP-SBJ all) (VP were (ADJP-PRD interested))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An old man) , (VP (VP sitting (PP against (NP (NP the wall) (PP of (NP a cottage))))) and (VP waiting (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP to (VP find (NP him))))))) ,) (VP gave (NP her) (NP a (ADJP more (PP than (ADJP reflective))) look) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP passed))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the sap) (VP (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP plainly) rising (PP in (NP his branches))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP an impulse)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP turned (ADVP back)) and (VP said (NP good morning))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP cupped (NP his ear)) and (VP shook (NP his head) (PP at (NP her repetition))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP announcing (PP-MNR in (NP a nettled way)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP heard (NP her) (NP-TMP the first time)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP then) (VP offered (NP (NP (NP his own estimate) (PP of (NP the weather))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unenthusiastic)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ Summer) (VP 's (VP been (ADJP-PRD slow (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP come)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD my dryin ' out time)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP scowled (PP at (NP her flowers))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP taking (NP them) (PP to (NP the cemetery))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Henrietta) , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP a vague feeling) (PP of (NP hospitality))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'll (VP be (VP takin ' (NP me) (ADVP-TMP next) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR pleasantly))) ,) `` (NAC but not (ADVP-TMP (ADVP so soon) (PP 's (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP plan)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP See (NP (NP half) (PP of (NP 'em))) (PP-LOC in (NP their graves)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP choose (NP my own coffin))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP dryin ' (NP myself) (PRT out))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP does (NP it))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP regarded (NP her) (PP with (NP rising hope))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP go (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD nice (PP of (NP you))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR doubtfully)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Y) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD welcome)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP straightened (NP himself) , (ADVP soldierly) (PP against (NP the wall))) , and (VP pulled (NP his sprawled feet) (ADVP together) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP stood (NP-ADV (NP side) (PP by (NP side))) (PP in (NP their old boots))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His stick) (VP (VP ceased (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rest (NP his chin) (PP on (NP *T*-2))))))))))) and (VP became (NP-PRD (NP a pointer) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP emphasizing (NP (NP the finer aspects) (PP of (NP his text))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-TMP Every month) , (PP-TMP f'r (NP three days)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR happily))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (NP (NP no water) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP into (NP my system)) , (NP-1 no water whatsoever)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP rests (NP the tissues)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP murmured (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (ADVP quite) (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP *?* (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP nodded (NP (NP approval) (PP of (NP her womanly good sense))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Rests (NP the tissues)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` and (VP pacifies (NP the system))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My dad) (VP did (NP it))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lived (PP to (NP a great age)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PRT up) (PP at (NP her)) (ADVP-MNR sharply)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP remember))) , (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP *?*)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did (ADVP suddenly) , (PP through (NP (NP (NP the link) (PP of (NP memory))) (PP with (NP (NP his father) , (NP (NP old Titus) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP his nineties)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP ran (ADVP away) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Next (PP to (NP the Blackwells))) , (NP-SBJ Titus) (VP had (VP owned (NP the island) (ADVP most)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she and Adelia) (VP had (ADVP-TMP often) (VP stood (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP (NP him) (NP *ICH*-3))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP silenced (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS his terrible years)))) -- (NP-3 (NP a scanty man) (PP with (NP (NP a thin beard) and (NP (ADJP very deep-set) blue eyes))) (PP like (NP a mariner)) , (ADJP (ADJP more aged) (PP than (ADJP possible))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP spoken (ADVP-TMP once) (PP to (NP the awed sisters))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP his son) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD friendly) , (NP-1 (NP (NP a big fellow) (PP of (NP (QP fifty or more)))) , (UCP (NP a fishing-boat captain) and (ADJP powerful (PP like (NP the sea)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD (NP that son) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP sat (PP-LOC before (NP her)) (ADVP-TMP now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shriveled (PP to (NP (NP half his size) and (NP half his senses))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (ADVP-MNR gently) , `` (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (NP you))) '') .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TPC-1 (ADVP Not so well) (SBAR 's (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (NP you))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (ADVP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Y) (VP 're (NP-PRD the young Blackwell woman)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ran (ADVP away) (PP-TMP on (NP a black night)) (PP with (NP a (ADJP lawful wedded) man))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (PP (ADVP all) about (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP do (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*)))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ-2 Henrietta) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD impressed)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Ca n't (VP blame (NP a man) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leavin ' (NP his wife))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quite cheerfully)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Left (NP mine) (NP-TMP many a time))) , (S (ADVP only) (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP knew (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP Man) (PP-LOC in (NP a boat))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP (NP places) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP put (PRT in) (PP-LOC at (ADVP *T*-1))))))))) and (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP reasons (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP be (ADVP-PRD away) (PP-TMP for (NP a bit)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Any harm) (PP in (NP that)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SINV `` (ADVP-TPC-1 Probably) '' , (VP said (ADVP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (ADVP-MNR dryly) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP gave (NP a short hard laugh)) and (VP looked (PP at (NP her)) (ADVP-MNR knowingly))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'd (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP say)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP observed (S *T*-1))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ herself) (VP liking (NP his approval) (ADVP none too well))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could not (VP (VP defend (NP herself)) and (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her actions) (VP were `` (ADJP-PRD different) '')))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ all actions) (VP had (NP their own laws))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Only) , (NP-SBJ (NP this old man 's) connivance) (VP was (ADVP (ADVP even less) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP-PRD to (NP her taste) (PP-1 than (NP (NP Selma Cotter 's) open censure)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had not (VP come (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP Great Island)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP understood , praised or condemned (NP *-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (VP come (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP her peace) (PP with (NP the past)))))))) , and (S (PP of (NP that past)) (NP-SBJ (NP this ancient) (PP of (NP the earth))) (VP was (ADVP only) (NP-PRD (NP a kind) (PP of (NP shadow))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move (ADVP-DIR away) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP just) as (S (NP-SBJ (NP a woman) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP came (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the cottage))) , (NP-2 (NP a big-boned , drab-haired figure) (PP with (NP (NP a clean apron) (VP tied (NP *) (PP over (NP her limp print dress))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP smiled (ADVP-MNR vaguely) (PP at (NP Henrietta))) and (VP spoke (PP to (NP the old man)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've not (VP had (NP your breakfast) (ADVP-TMP yet) , (NP-VOC gran'dad))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Y'r dam ' porridge) (VP is (NP-PRD no breakfast))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Milk and sops '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP beat (NP the air) (PP with (NP his stick)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP fell (PP from (NP his claws))) and (VP clattered (PP on (NP the stones))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD lowly) (NP-TMP today))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 his grand-daughter) (VP (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR wearily)) , and (VP bent (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pick (NP it) (PRT up)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP got (NP (NP this idea) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP drying (PRT out))))))) '')) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD an idea)) '' ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ-3 `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD an idea)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBARQ *T*-3))) ,) `` (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ (VP comes (SBAR *ICH*-2) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ it) (SBAR-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP drink (NP beer (CONJP but not) water)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP looked (ADVP-MNR piously) (PP to (NP heaven))) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ Beer) (VP do n't (VP affect (NP the tissues) (ADVP none)))) ''))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the ingenious hypocrisy) (PP of (NP this defense))) (VP pleased (NP Henrietta) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP forgave (NP him) (NP (NP his stint) (PP of (NP malevolence)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His grand-daughter) (VP sighed) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Come (PRT on)) , (VP do)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The children) (VP are (VP eating))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Miss Blackwell) (VP 's (PP-PRD on (NP (NP her way) (ADVP-DIR somewheres))))) '' .)) (TOP (PP `` To (NP the graveyard) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ai n't (PP-PRD *?*))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (NP me) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP (NP a day 's) work) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S -- (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP be (VP visiting (NP Miss Doaty) , (NP-VOC Ma'am)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Henrietta) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADVP How) much) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP knew (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP her)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The woman) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP must (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD a tiny baby) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hetty and Delia) (VP had (VP stood (NP-ADV (NP arm) (PP in (NP arm))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ great age) (VP grow (ADJP-PRD small))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) -RRB-) (VP answered (NP the nod) (PP with (NP her own))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP rest (NP her soul))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD a sweet one))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on) (INTJ now)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP put (NP a strong hand) (PP under (NP (NP the old man 's) arm))) and (VP lifted (NP him) (PRT up) , (ADVP-MNR patiently) , (PP with (NP (NP the (NX (NX gentle cruelty) and (NX necessary tyranny))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ the young) (VP show (NP *T*-1) (PP toward (NP the (ADJP very old)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP mumbled (PP at (NP her))) but (VP let (S (NP-SBJ-2 himself) (VP be (VP led (NP *-2) (PRT off) (PP-DIR inside (NP the house)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP shuffling (ADVP-MNR mightily) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-4)) (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-4 (SBAR (WHADJP-5 how weak and aged) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-5)))) and (SBAR (WHADVP-7 how) (S (NP-SBJ-6 he) (VP was (VP buffeted (NP *-6) (PRT about) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP their wicked strength)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-7))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP a gabble) (PP of (NP voices)) (PP from (NP indoors))) , (NP (NP young hungry sounds) (PP like (NP (NP cats) (PP after (NP fish)))))) , and (NP (NP a burst) (PP of (NP swearing)) (PP from (NP the old man))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Henrietta) (VP (VP looked (ADVP down) (PP at (NP (NP her bouquet) , (ADJP still lively (PP with (NP its color and scent)))))) , and (VP set (NP her feet) (PP on (NP (NP their journey 's) way)) (ADVP again)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP leaving (NP the village street)) and (VP crossing (NP the first field)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Folly) (VP dancing (ADVP-LOC ahead (PP of (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the field)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the wild rolling land) (VP *ICH*-1)) (VP took (PRT over) , (VP-1 dotted (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP fat round bushes) (PP like (NP sheep)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP covered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP tiny white blossoms)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ their scant roots) (VP clawing (PP at (NP the stony ground))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ wild birds) (VP darted (PP-DIR in and about and through (NP them)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD nearly alive (PP with (NP the rustle and cry)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The air) (VP was (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP (NP sounds) (NAC *ICH*-1)))) (ADVP too) (NAC-1 but (NP (NP placid ones) , (NP (NP a terrestrial humming) (PP (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP *ICH*-2)) out (PP of (NP the earth)))))) (PP-2 as (PP out (PP of (NP the blue sky))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP mindless) (NAC *ICH*-3)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP walking)) , (NAC-3 and (ADJP almost easy)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the church spire) (VP told (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD near (NP the cemetery)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP caught (S (NP-SBJ herself) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP Doaty)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Both church and graveyard) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP smaller) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP remembered (S (NP-SBJ them) (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHADJP how many) things) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP lessened (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP gone (ADVP away))))))))) -RRB-))) but (S (NP-SBJ the headstones) (VP had (VP grown (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so thick) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP-TMP in (NP thirty years)) (SBAR-1 that (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP one) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) `` (NP-PRD Dorothy Tredding) '')))))) (VP seemed (ADVP suddenly) (ADJP-PRD impossible))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP sat (PRT down) (PP on (NP (NP the nearest) , (VP fallen (NP *) (PP with (NP age))) and (ADJP gray (PP with (NP sea-damp))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her fingers) (VP tracing (NP (NP the indecipherable carved letters) (VP padded (NP *) (PP with (NP green moss))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The day 's) sun) (VP was (VP gathering (NP its strength) (PP in (NP gold))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP brought (NP her parasol) , (SBAR-ADV if only (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shade (NP (NP Doaty 's) flowers))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A small , rock-carved angel) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP watched (NP her) (PP from (NP a nearby tomb)) , (NP-1 (NP the only angel) (PP-LOC in (NP the cemetery)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP remembered , (ADVP suddenly) , (NP (NP (NP a night) (PP of (NP (NP savage moonlight) and (NP scudding clouds)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP she and Adelia)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (VP dared (NP each other)))) , (VP had (VP (VP stolen (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP their great safe house)))) and (VP come (ADVP-DIR here) , (NP-ADV (NP hand) (PP in (NP hand))) ,) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hoping and fearing (NP ghosts))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Momoyama family) (VP had (VP come (PP from (NP (NP Miyagi Prefecture) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP (NP the northeast) (PP of (NP (NP the main Japanese island) (PP of (NP Honshu))))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP traces) (PP of (NP the mysterious Ainu strain))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Ainus) (VP were (NP-PRD a primitive people) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP living (PP-LOC on (NP the island)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ (NP the principal ancestors) (PP of (NP the Japanese))) (VP came (PP from (NP Southern Asia)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Apparently) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-PRD of (NP Caucasian blood))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (NP (NP white skins) and (NP blue eyes)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ all their men) (VP were (ADJP-PRD bearded))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP their women))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD beautiful)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP A pitiful few) (PP of (NP them))) (VP are (VP left (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP now) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP subsist (ADVP mainly) (PP on (NP the tourist trade)))) and (VP to (VP sing (NP (NP their ancient tribal chants) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP have (NP (NP the same haunting sadness) (PP as (NP (NP the laments) (PP of (NP the American Indians)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Most) (PP of (NP them))) (VP have (VP been (VP assimilated (NP *-1))))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-SBJ (NP a man) (PP-LOC in (NP Miyagi or Akita prefectures))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP much more) hairy) (PP than (NP the average Japanese))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP occasionally) (NP-SBJ a girl) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD strikingly lovely) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 her coloring) (VP warmed and improved (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a little) (PP of (NP (NP the tawny honey-in-the-sun tint) (PP of (NP (NP the invaders) (PP from (NP the South))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tommy Momoyama) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP these fortunate occasions)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP taller) (PP than (NP most Japanese girls)))) , and (VP had (NP (NP the (ADJP exquisitely willowy) form) (PP of (NP (NP the Japanese girl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD lucky enough (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD tall))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Her nose) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-3 higher (PP of (NP bridge))))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2-4 her complexion) (ADJP-PRD=3 so pale (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD quite susceptible (PP to (NP sunburn)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the fish and vegetable diet) (PP of (NP her forebears))) (VP had (VP given (NP her) (NP (NP teeth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADJP-PRD white and regular and strong)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her mouth) , (ADJP soft and full) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) for (S (NP-SBJ any man) (VP to (VP dream (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP black eyes) , (ADJP (ADJP long) and (ADJP intriguingly tilted)) ,))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP walked (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) (VP was (NP-PRD melody))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP been (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Japan)) (NP-TMP (QP just one) week))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD an alien land))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP hated (NP it) (ADVP-MNR intensely)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP considering (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-4 *-2) (VP putting (PRT in) (NP (NP rebellious requests) (PP for (NP (NP duty) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP (NP San Diego) , (NP Bremerton) , (NP the Great Lakes) , (NP Pensacola)) -- (NP (NP any place) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Navy) (VP had (NP a hospital) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))) --))))) (PP with (NP a threat (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP resign (NP her commission) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 the request) (VP were not (VP granted (NP *-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anywhere) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP better) (PP than (NP (NP the land) (PP of (NP her ancestors))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP-PRD wrong (PP with (NP her job))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tommy) (VP had (VP been (VP assigned (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the psychopathic ward))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD no (ADJP depressingly serious) cases))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the ward doctor) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP teamed (PRT up) (PP with (NP the chaplain)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP serve (PP as (NP a marriage counselor))))))) -- (S (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-SBJ the Navy) (VP sent (NP people) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP the States)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP preserve (NP a marriage)))))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ mental health) (PP as (NP a rule)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very high)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP present)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the doctor 's) main concern) (VP was (PP-PRD in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (PP to (NP it)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Japanese salvage firms) (VP were not (VP permitted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP operate (PP on (NP (NP the hulks) (PP of (NP (NP warships) (VP sunk (NP *) (ADVP-LOC (ADJP too close) inshore))))))))))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ the work) (VP involved (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP setting (PRT off) (NP nerve-shattering blasts) (PP-TMP at (NP all hours))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tommy) (VP was (ADJP-PRD interested (PP in (NP psychiatry))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 an understanding nurse) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-2) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (NP the patients))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP suffered (PP-TMP in (NP her off-duty hours))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP Such as (ADVP-TMP now)) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP sat (PP-LOC at (NP (NP a table) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the coffee shop) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the Officers ') Club)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (NP (NP coffee) and (NP a hamburger)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sustain (NP her) (PP-TMP until (NP dinnertime))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP changed (PP into (NP a cocktail dress))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the whole evening) (VP should (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD before (NP her)))))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP already) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP a tight feeling) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP her neck))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the Navy 's) crossroads))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (NP them) (PP-LOC all around (NP the world)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ships) (PP from (NP the West Coast))) (VP rotated (PP on (NP (NP six-month tours) (PP of (NP duty)) (PP with (NP the Seventh Fleet)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Yokosuka) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the Seventh Fleet 's) principal port) (PP for (NP (NP maintenance) , (NP upkeep) and (NP shore liberty)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Sooner or later) , (NP-SBJ all the gray Navy ships) (VP came (PRT in) (ADVP-LOC here))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Tommy) (VP sat (ADVP-TMP long enough)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP all the young officers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP met (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP San Diego) and (NP Long Beach))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP wanted (ADVP-MNR desperately) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP someone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP known (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC back there)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP felt , (CONJP rather than) saw , (NP-PRD (NP the approach) (PP of (NP the good-looking young man)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP came (PP through (PP from (NP (NP the Fleet Bar) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD stag)))) ,))) (PP with (NP (NP the ice cubes) (VP tinkling (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a glass) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP carried (NP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tommy) (VP sitting (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ the tinkling sound) (VP stopped) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADVP perhaps) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a trifle) tipsy) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (VP been (PP-PRD (PP (ADVP-TMP long) at (NP (NP sea) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ-3 drinking) (VP is not (VP permitted (NP *-3) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))))) , and (PP (ADVP consequently) out (PP of (NP practice))))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wore (NP (NP a brown tweed sports jacket) (VP (ADVP obviously) tailored (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP Hong Kong)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD of (NP (NP an age) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP marked (NP him) (PP as (NP a lieutenant)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Probably) (PP off (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the carriers)))) -- (NP an aviator) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a fifty-fifty chance , (ADVP perhaps) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD unmarried)))))) , and (NP an (ADJP (ADVP even more) slender) chance (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his approach) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD different)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Japan) (VP did (NP something) (PP to (NP a man)))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (NP-PRD just Japan) , (ADVP either) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ the same thing) (VP applied (ADVP-LOC anywhere overseas)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-ADV-PRD as if (S (NP-SBJ foreign duty) (VP implied and excused (NP license)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP intimated (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the folks) (PP-LOC at (NP home))) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP know (PP about (NP it))))) , and , (ADVP therefore) , (FRAG (WHADVP why) not ? ?))))))) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the young man) (PP in (NP the brown sports jacket))) (VP spoke)) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD no different))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Harro) , (NP-VOC girl-san) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP said , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP turning (PRT on) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP was (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD charm))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP catchee (NP boy-furiendo)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP likee (NP (NP date) (PP with (NP me)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP beg (NP your pardon))) '' ! ! (S (NP-SBJ Tommy) (VP said (PP out (PP of (NP her cold rage))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP you))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP understand (NP (NP your quaint brand) (PP of (NP English))))))) -- (SQ (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD English))))))) , (SQ was n't (NP-SBJ it) (VP *?*))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The nice-looking young officer) (VP fell (ADVP back) (PP on (NP his heels)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (UCP-PRD (ADJP open-mouthed) and (VP blushing)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (ADVP At least) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP the decency (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP blush)))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Oh) -- (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry)) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP-UNF thought)) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP really) (VP had (NP no idea)))))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ yes) -- (NP-SBJ you) (VP had (NP ideas))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ Tommy) (VP interrupted (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR furiously)) .)) (TOP (NP `` All wrong ones '' ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP jerked (NP her thumb) (PP toward (NP the door)) (PP in (NP a (ADJP very American) gesture))) , and (VP dropped (PP into (NP Navy slang)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (PRT off) , (NP-VOC fly-boy)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Uh) -- (INTJ sorry)) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP (VP muttered (INTJ *T*-1)) , and (VP took (PRT off) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP obviously) (VP feeling (PP like (NP a fool)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The trouble) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no lasting satisfaction) (PP in (NP this))) (PP for (NP Tommy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP felt (PP like (NP a fool)) , (ADVP too)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had n't (VP been (NP-MNR-PRD this way) (PP (PP in (NP college)) , or (PP in (NP (NP nurses ') training)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (NP-MNR-PRD this way) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the hospital) (PP-LOC at (NP San Diego)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everybody) (VP had (VP accepted (NP her) (PP for (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) -- (NP a (ADJP very charming) girl))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP had (VP addressed (NP her) (PP in (NP broken English)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP those places))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP had (VP suggested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was n't (NP-PRD American))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP Spanish girls) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP look (PP like (NP Tommy Momoyama)))))) , (NP (NP brunettes) (PP with (NP (NP a Moorish hint) (PP of (NP the Orient)) (PP in (NP their faces)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP beauties) (PP from (NP the Balkan states))) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-4) (VP are (ADVP similarly) (VP endowed (NP *-2))))))))) , and (S -- (PP-LOC (ADVP back) in (NP the blessed United States)) -- (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP regarded (NP *-1) (ADVP simply) (PP as (NP pretty women))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP having (VP been (VP sent (NP *-2) (PP (ADVP halfway) around (NP the world)) (PP on (NP (NP a job) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had not (VP asked (PP for (NP *T*-3)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Tommy) (VP was (VP being (VP humiliated (NP *-1) (PP at (NP every turn))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (ADVP around) , (ADVP-MNR self-consciously)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Four little Japanese waitresses) (VP were (VP murdering (NP the English language) (PP-LOC at (NP the counter))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 Yuki Kobayashi) (VP happened (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Everybody) (PP but (NP Tommy))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD charming) (SBAR-2 (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP called , `` (NP-3 Bifutek-san) '' ! ! (PP-4 For (NP a steak sandwich)) , or) (VP `` (NP=3 Kohi Futotsu) '' ! ! (PP=4 For (NP (NP one cup) (PP of (NP coffee))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Two other Japanese girls) (VP were (VP sitting (PP-LOC at (NP the tables)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ both) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP quite pretty) and (ADJP well groomed))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP a (ADJP whitehaired and doting) lieutenant commander)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the other) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP (NP her American husband) and (NP their (ADJP exceptionally appealing) children))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seeing (NP these))) (VP did (NP nothing) (PP for (NP (NP Tommy 's) mood))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP told (NP herself) (UCP-MNR (ADVP rebelliously) , and (PP with (NP pride))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD an American)))) ! !)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TPC-1 so) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP was (ADVP *T*-1)) , and (VP would (VP remain (ADVP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP learning (SBAR that (S (ADVP (ADVP so long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP this country))) , and (VP wore (NP civilian dress) (PP-LOC in (NP the Club))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP transient young men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP approach (NP her) (PP with (NP broken English))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP occasions) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP the (ADJP more experienced)))) (VP had (ADVP even) (VP addressed (NP her) (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (ADJP perfectly good) Japanese))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Tommy) (VP would n't (VP know))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP coming (PP to (NP America))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 her parents) (VP had (VP spoken (NP only English)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One thing) (VP was (VP becoming (ADJP-PRD increasingly sure))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP had (VP been (VP sent (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP the wrong place)) (PP for (NP duty))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP more) (PP to (NP (NP service) (PP in (NP the Navy Nurse Corps)))) (PP than (NP (NP the hours) (PP-LOC in (NP the ward)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 One) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP friends) , and (NP a congenial life)) (PP-TMP in (NP after-duty hours)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD raucous male singing) (PP from (NP the Fleet Bar))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (UCP-PRD (PP (ADVP terribly) off (NP key)) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR poorly) done)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Tommy) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP admit (PP to (NP herself)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ male companionship) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP (ADJP very natural) and (ADJP important)) thing))))))) , but (S (PP-TMP (NP all) at (ADVP once)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD lonesome and put-upon))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP finished (NP her hamburger)) and (VP drank (NP her coffee)) and (VP paid (NP her check)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP got (PP-LOC out (PP of (NP the coffee shop))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-1 the incident) (VP could (VP be (VP repeated (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Eating (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD angry))))) (VP had (VP given (NP her) (NP a slight indigestion))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (ADVP Back) in (NP (NP her living quarters) (PP-LOC at (NP the hospital)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP took (NP (NP bicarbonate) (PP of (NP soda)))) , and (VP sulked)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP-TMP after (NP a while)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP went (PP to (NP her mirror))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was all (ADJP-PRD true)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP certainly) (VP looked (NP-PRD Japanese))) , and (S (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ she) (VP could not (ADVP really) (VP blame (NP the young men)))) .)) (TOP (S And , (ADVP still) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP did not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD so crude (PP in (NP their approach)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a letter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP write (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP her mother))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ its tone) (ADJP-PRD cheerful))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP promised (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP (VP take (NP (NP a few day 's) leave)) and (VP visit (NP (NP the uncle) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seen (NP *T*-2))))) , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP (NP the island) (PP of (NP Oyajima))) -- (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was not (ADVP-LOC-PRD very far (PP from (NP Yokosuka))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-TMP tomorrow) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP would (VP take (NP time) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shop (PP for (NP (NP the kimono) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 her mother) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP present (NP *T*-3) (PP to (NP (NP the young wife) (PP of (NP a faculty member)))) (PP as (NP a hostess gown))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tommy) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP heard (PP of (NP (NP (NP a kotowaza) , or (NP Japanese proverb) ,) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP (VP says , (NP `` Tanin yori miuchi '')) , and (VP is (ADVP literally) (VP translated (NP *-1) (PP as `` (S (NP-SBJ Relatives) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP better) (PP than (NP strangers))))) ''))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP only another way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ blood) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP thicker) (PP than (NP water))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Doc Doolittle 's) scheduled appearance) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP captain 's) mast))) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP very unusual) thing) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the discipline) (VP dispensed (NP *) (ADVP-LOC there))) (VP is (ADVP ordinarily) (PP-PRD for (NP the (ADJP young and immature))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 a chief) (VP is (ADVP naturally) (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (PP off (NP the report))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ (NP the beer hall riot) (PP-LOC in (NP Subic))) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD unusual) , (ADVP too) ,))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Walt Perry) (VP was (VP convinced (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Doc) (VP had (VP started (NP it) (PP through (NP (NP some expert tactics) (PP in (NP rabble rousing))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TPC-3 (WHADVP-2 Just why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 anybody) (VP should (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP start (NP a riot) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))))) (NP-SBJ the executive officer) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR *T*-3))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP his opinion)) , (NP-SBJ Doc) (VP had not (VP grown (PRT up))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The lieutenant) (VP was not (ADVP entirely) (ADJP-PRD wrong) (PP in (NP the belief))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a good reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) for (S (NP-SBJ Doc Doolittle) (VP to (VP grow (PRT up) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (VP come (PP into (NP the Navy)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD too young)) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ (NP the image) (PP of (NP the fun-loving Guns Appleby))) (PP-PRD before (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The war) (VP found (NP him) (ADVP much too early))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP its perils) -- and (ADVP especially) (NP its awful boredom) --) (VP were (VP (ADVP best) forgotten (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP horseplay) and (NP elaborate practical jokes)))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP even now) (NP-SBJ Doc) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP found (NP any stabilizing , sobering influence)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remained (UCP-PRD (ADJP young (PP at (NP heart))) , (PP with (NP (NP an overdeveloped sense) (PP of (NP humor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP wisecracked (PP about (NP (NP (NP the captain 's) indoctrination) (PP of (NP new men))))) , (VP took (NP (NP great delight) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP slaughtering (NP cockroaches) (PP with (NP ethyl chloride))))))) , and (VP gave (NP no thought) (PP for (NP tomorrow)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP doing (NP thirty years)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the Navy) (VP would (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The job security) (VP enjoyed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Doc Doolittle) , and (NP (NP nearly all members) (PP of (NP the Armed Forces))) ,)))) (VP is (NP-PRD a wonderful thing)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a man) (PP in (NP uniform))) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PRT by))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP may not (VP rise (PP to (NP the heights))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP can (VP (VP get (PRT by)) , and (ADVP-TMP eventually) (VP be (VP retired (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Doc) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD under (NP (NP restriction) (PP to (NP the ship)))) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ the Bustard) (VP left (NP Subic)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP deprived (NP him) (PP of (NP (NP liberty) (PP-LOC in (NP Hong Kong)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP Boats McCafferty) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ Hong Kong) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a book) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP read (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP before)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the Navy) (VP would (ADVP-TMP always) (VP bring (NP him) (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP again) , (NP-TMP some day)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP Yokosuka)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP restricted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP the confines) (PP of (NP the Base)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 Walt Perry) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP being (ADJP-PRD thoughtful))) , (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 Doc) (VP might (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP draw (NP some medical supplies) (PP from (NP (NP the hospital) or (NP the Supply Base))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP (VP gave (NP Doc) (NP (NP the whole range) (PP of (NP the naval establishment)))) , and (VP suited (NP him) (ADVP quite well))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP two things) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-4)))))))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP inspect (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the many caves) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP dug (NP *-1) (PP into (NP (NP the hills) (PP on (NP the Naval Base))))))))))))) , and (VP visit (NP an old shipmate))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A telephone line) (VP had (VP been (VP hooked (NP *-1) (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP connect (NP the ship) (PP with (NP the Base exchange)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP supper)) , (NP-SBJ Doc) (VP called (NP (NP Whitey Gresham) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP was (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-PRD a lieutenant)) and (VP had (NP a family))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (NP-VOC Doc) , (NP-VOC you old sonofabitch)) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ Whitey) (VP exclaimed (INTJ *T*-1) , (PP with (NP true affection))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Come (PRT over)) and (VP have (NP a drink))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP live (PP-LOC down (PP by (NP the Base commissary)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Grab (NP a taxi)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP walk)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Doc) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run (NP an errand) (PP on (NP the way))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP See (NP you) (PP-TMP in (NP (QP about an) hour))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP threw (NP a smart salute) (PP-LOC at (NP the gangway))) , (VP went (PP-DIR up (NP the dock))) , and (VP turned (PP-DIR down (NP (NP the wide street) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP (NP the Petty Officers ') Club)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ-2 (WHADVP-1 How) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wondered (SBARQ *T*-2))) ,) (SQ does (NP-SBJ one) (VP enjoy (NP (NP one 's) spare time) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP considered (NP some interesting excursion))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP the road)) (NP-TMP every day) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP dawn)) (PP to (NP dusk))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP exercise , boating and hiking) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP was (CONJP not only) (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP you)))) (CONJP but also) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD more virile))))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ (NP the thought) (PP of (NP strenuous activity))) (VP left (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD exhausted)))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (ADVP Perhaps) (NP golf) , (PP with (NP a fashionable companion))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP 'd (VP lost (NP his clubs))) , (VP had n't (VP played (PP-TMP in (NP years)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP swimming) (PP-LOC over (PP at (NP the Riverside Hotel))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his skin) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so white (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (PP like (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP a frog)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (ADVP Perhaps) (NP (NP a packing trip) (PP into (NP the Sierras)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ his beard) (VP grow)))) -- but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too stark))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-1))) ,) (VP take (NP a long walk)))) -- (FRAG but (WHADVP where)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The telephone) (VP rang) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP missed (NP it))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ (NP Buzz 's) voice) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP should (VP have (VP gone (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the Pagan Room))) (PP with (NP us)))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Wow .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Strippers) , (PP but (ADJP scrumptious))) , and (NP (NP Toodle Williams) and (NP her all-lesbian band)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Hi) , (NP-VOC Buzz)) '' , (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the Willows)))) and (VP dropped (NP two notes))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (FRAG (ADJP Tough)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Buzz) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen)) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (VP having (NP a stag dinner) (PP-LOC over (PP at (NP the Pagan Room))) (PP-TMP on (NP Friday)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Imagine (NP (NP a stag dinner) (PP with (NP Toodle Williams)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP laughed and laughed) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Owen) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD pleasant) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Buzz) (VP worked (NP (NP the territory) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP his)))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (VP come (PP to (NP Reno)) (PP for (NP stag dinners))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Thanks) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (S but (S (NP-SBJ Friday) (VP is (ADVP-PRD (NP a long way) off))) and (S (NP-SBJ anything) (VP can (VP happen)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Buzz) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a tireless instigator) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ his victims) (VP rest))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Owen) (VP was (ADVP-TMP finally) (VP rid (NP *-1) (PP of (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a timid rap) (PP at (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yes) '' , (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP called (PRT out) (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yes '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD Mrs. Gertrude Parker))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ a soft voice) (VP explained (S *T*-2))) ,) `` And (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP you)) (PP-TMP for (NP a few minutes)) , (INTJ please))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG-1 (INTJ Ahah) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (FRAG *T*-1))) ,) (NP a lush divorcee) (PP-TMP at (NP last)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Probably) (VP saw (NP me) (PP-LOC in (NP the lobby))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP disappointed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (S (NP-SBJ (NP a nervous , scrawny woman) (PP with (NP a big hat))) (VP standing (PP at (NP the door))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP frowned (PP at (NP (NP his green pajamas) (PP with (NP the yellow moons))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR semi-professionally)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Our church) (VP is (VP sponsoring (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP (ADJP very courageous) women)) (PP-LOC up (PP in (NP Alaska)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP call (S (NP-SBJ them) (NP-PRD lay-sisters)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP go (PP among (NP the Eskimos)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP making (NP friends)) and (VP bringing (NP the light)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (PP-LOC-PRD (PP up (ADVP there)) (PP in (NP that freezing climate))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all) (PP of (NP us))) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP try) and (VP help (NP them))))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Oh '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-5 `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP see)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP said (S *T*-5) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP past (NP him)) (PP into (NP (NP the room) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the highball glasses) (VP sparkled (ADVP-MNR dully) (PP in (NP the bright light)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) ,)) `` (S (NP-SBJ you and I) (VP ca n't (VP understand (NP (NP the many hardships) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP undergo (NP *T*-4))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ is (NP-SBJ that) (ADVP-PRP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (ADVP apparently) (VP was n't (VP satisfied (NP *-1) (PP with (NP his reaction)))) .)) (TOP (ADJP-1 (ADJP Smug) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP thought (ADJP *T*-1))) ,) (ADJP smug and sappy) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a slight nervous twitch) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the region) (PP of (NP her left eye))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gave (NP her) (NP a lewd , winking (NP effect))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-3 Have (NP-SBJ-2 you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP reason (PP with (NP an Eskimo))))))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP asked (SQ *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP winking (ADVP-MNR wildly)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP very difficult) group) (PP of (NP people)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-3 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (NP (NP much) (PP about (NP them)))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP admitted (S *T*-3))) ,) `` but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (NP their own religion))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP probably) (VP resent (S-NOM (NP-SBJ outsiders) (VP (VP coming (PRT in)) and (VP telling (NP them) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled (PP-MNR in (NP a sickly-tolerant fashion))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know)) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD very interesting))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ People) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP (WHADJP how much)) (PP *ICH*-1)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP give (NP *T*-2) (ADVP away) (PP-1 about (NP themselves)) (PP by (NP (NP remarks) (PP like (NP that))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP The more canvassing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP *T*-1))))) , (ADVP-TPC-3 the more) (NP-SBJ I) (VP note (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how far) (S (NP-SBJ most people) (VP are (ADVP-PRD *T*-2 (PP from (NP their personal God)))))) (ADVP *T*-3)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Forebearing)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Owen) (VP kept (NP his peace)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ would (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happen (ADVP next))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ That (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-PRD out (PP for (NP a touch)))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD certain))) , but (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 when) (SQ did (NP-SBJ she) (VP get (PP to (NP the pitch)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Several people) (VP (VP passed (PP in (NP the hall))) and (VP stared) (SBAR-ADV as (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (ADVP-MNR slowly) (VP retreated , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP close (NP the door) (NP-ADV a little)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-MNR slowly) (VP (VP leaned (PP toward (NP him))) and (VP raised (NP her voice))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (PP-DIR by (NP the desk)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR curiously)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the hotel) (VP does n't (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP (VP wandering (PP around (NP the corridors))) , (VP knocking (PP on (NP (NP strangers ') doors))) and (VP talking (PRT down) (NP Eskimos)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP come (ADVP-TMP once (NP a week))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Every day) (NP-SBJ I) (VP visit (NP a different hotel)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD my duty))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP this work) all (PP on (NP my own)) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP understand (NP the difficulties))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help (NP these lay-sisters))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ these women) (VP go all (PP through (NP Alaska)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do n't (VP have (NP the proper facilities))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP travel (PP in (NP pairs)) (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP as (NP (NP a hundred-and-fifty miles) (NP-ADV a day))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP any idea) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how far) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP travel (ADVP *T*-1) (NP-TMP every day)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP the whole Pacific Northwest)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP getting (ADJP-PRD overexcited)))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP help (NP himself)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Gertrude Parker) (VP drew (ADVP back)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADVP hardly) (NP-PRD a Christian approach))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP remonstrated (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the secular world))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD Christian)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP find (NP many active Christian salesmen))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Not (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ religion) (VP is n't (NP-PRD big business))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ those bibles and prayer books) (VP make (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP money))) (PP for (NP publishing houses)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP do n't (VP get (NP top personnel)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our key salesmen) (VP are (PP-PRD in (NP appliances and cosmetics))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ God) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (NP it))) ,) (VP plays (NP no part) (PP in (NP this)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR waspishly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ God) (VP does n't (VP have (NP any appliance or cosmetics)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR heatedly) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP caught (NP himself))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP sounded (ADJP-PRD silly))) ; ; (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (PRT on) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ More people) (VP were (VP passing))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP some way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP close (NP this impossible conversation) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 And (NP whiskey)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP smiling) and (VP blinking (PP at (NP the highball glasses)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP forget (NP whiskey)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD such a big seller))) '' .)) (TOP (S-4 `` (PRN (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP said (S *T*-4) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP getting (NP a grip) (PP on (NP himself)))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP excuse (NP me)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP an appointment)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP imagine))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP Probably) (PP-LOC down (PP at (NP the bar))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHNP-2 what) (SQ do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP about (NP the lay-sisters))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP must (VP be (VP freezing (ADVP-LOC up there) (ADVP-TMP now)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Ca n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP help (NP them)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Leave (NP (NP a card) or (NP something))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP think (NP it) (PRT over))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP no card))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR bitterly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP have n't (VP been (VP listening (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (VP telling (NP you) (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP only) (VP hope (SBAR 0 (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ my) (VP talking (PP to (NP you)))) (VP has (VP helped (NP you) (NP-ADV a little) , (ADVP anyway))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP need (NP spiritual bucking-up))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD crestfallen) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-MNR somehow) (VP disappointed (NP the whole human race)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP stood (ADVP-MNR indecisively) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (VP walked (PP-DIR down (NP the hall))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP knocking (PP on (NP another door)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP took (NP-1 him) (NP about fifteen minutes) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP calm (NP himself)))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hungry)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP showered) , (VP shaved) , (VP dressed) and (VP went (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the dining room))) (PP for (NP breakfast)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the way)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP stopped (PP at (NP the desk)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP receive (NP his mail))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a check) (PP from (NP his company))) , and (NP (NP (NP the usual enthusiastic bulletins) (PP on (NP new lines))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP issued (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His lawyer) (VP had (VP sent (NP him) (NP (NP a statement) (PP on (NP his overdue alimony)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a letter) (PP from (NP (NP the Collector) (PP of (NP Internal Revenue))))) (VP asking (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP (VP stop (PP in (NP his office))) and (VP explain (NP (NP last year 's) exemptions))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ate (NP breakfast) (PP in (NP a sullen mood)))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP afterwards) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP walked (PP-DIR out (PP onto (NP Virginia Street))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD braced))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PRT off) (PP to (NP (NP the crest) (PP of (NP (NP the Sierras) , (ADJP still white-topped))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the glisten) (PP of (NP the Truckee River))) (VP made (NP a wide spangle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADVP suddenly) (ADJP-PRD elated , adventurous)) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP any luck) (PP at (NP all)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP-MNR easily) (VP find (NP a flowerpot))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD only three o'clock)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP stopped (PRT in) (PP at (NP the Golden Calf))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The tables) (VP were all (VP-2 spinning))) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 the dice) (VP=2 rattling)) , (S (NP-SBJ=1 the bar) (ADJP-PRD=2 crowded)) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP Just) (VP to (VP test (NP himself)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP played (NP roulette) (PP for (NP quarters)) (PP on (NP (NP his old combination) , (NP five and seventeen) ,)))) and (S (PP-TMP within (NP an hour)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP won , (ADVP surprisingly) , (NP twenty dollars)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The way) (VP was (VP opening (PRT up)))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the management) (VP brought (ADVP around) (NP champagne) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the breakfast) (VP settled (NP its (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP whirling (ADVP around) (PP in (NP his stomach))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Golden Calf) (VP was (VP (ADVP-MNR dimly) lit (NP *-1) (PP with (NP shaded neon)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP more women) (PP than (NP men))) (PP-LOC in (NP the place)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP find (NP a flowerpot)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP all)) (VP had (NP (NP the hard look) (PP of (NP (NP gamblers) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP had (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP dreaming)))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-5 *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR automatically) (VP turned (NP the cards) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (ADVP hardly) (VP caring (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP showed (PRT up)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The mural) (PP around (NP the wall))) (VP depicted (NP (NP (NP early settlers) (PP-LOC in (NP covered wagons))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP appeared (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP much more) animated) (PP than (NP the gamblers)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The women) (VP had (NP a bright shining expectancy) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP leaned (PP out (PP from (NP the wall)))) and (VP gazed (ADVP-MNR splendidly) (PP into (NP the distance)))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ the men) (VP were (ADJP-PRD stern but hopeful))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP All) (PP *ICH*-3)) , (PP of (NP course)) , (PP-3 except (NP (NP the Donner party) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (VP bent (NP *-1) (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP starving (PP to (NP death))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP wonder (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did (VP eat (NP each other) (PP-TMP at (NP the end)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP mused (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sat (PRT down) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP a heavily-upholstered blonde))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP cleaned (NP *-1) (PRT out) (PP-TMP in (NP twenty minutes))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP sighed (NP a dirty word)) and (VP left)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 Owen) (VP was (VP surprised (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Gertrude Parker) (VP playing (NP (NP the one-arm bandits) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP were (ADVP-MNR cunningly) (VP arranged (NP *-1) (PP-LOC by (NP the entrance)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP sat (PRT down)) and (VP played (NP two slots) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP looking (ADJP-PRD grim) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (VP bested (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS mechanical devices))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD sorry (PP for (NP (NP the lay-sisters) (VP depending (PP on (NP her support)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A dried-up cowboy) (VP sat (PRT down) (PP-LOC next (PP to (NP him))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the blonde 's) place))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADVP (NP a little) more) authentic) (PP than (ADJP usual))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP smelled (ADVP slightly) (PP of (NP the stables)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP need (NP *T*-1)))) (VP is (NP-PRD a steady martingale))) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 the cowboy) (VP announced (S *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP play)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP build (PP on (NP your hit-and-miss five-seventeen)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (VP playing (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP just) (VP logging))) '' , (NP-SBJ the cowboy) (VP explained (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP keep (NP all these plays) (PP in (NP this little black book)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP watch (PP-TMP over (NP a twelve-hour period)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what numbers) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (VP repeating))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ roulette) (VP 's not (NP-PRD my game)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (ADVP-TMP always) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP a breaking table) (PP in (NP blackjack))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Incidentally) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD pretty famous (PP in (NP these parts))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD The Wrangler))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADJP-PRD Nice) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (NP you)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do n't (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP spend (NP any time) (PP-LOC on (NP your ranch)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (PP of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP do) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD with (NP the Bar-H)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pushing (NP (NP a horse) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Sparky))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD my own horse))) , and (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP collect (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP him))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP use (PP on (NP blackjack)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This Sparky) (VP can (VP rack and single-foot))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the fastest thing) (PP-LOC in (NP Washoe County))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP figure (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP get (S (NP-SBJ (NP any kind) (PP of (NP publicity campaign))) (VP going)))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP land (NP him) (PP on (NP TV)) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)) ,) (NP-ADV (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those favorite horses) (PP for (NP some Western hero)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP trained (NP (NP a horse) (NAC *ICH*-1)) (PP-BNF for (NP Hoot Gibson)) , (NAC-1 but (NP (NP nothing) (PP like (NP Sparky))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD a pinto))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP photographs (ADVP-MNR wonderfully))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Five) (VP came (PRT up) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP was (VP listening (PP to (NP The Wrangler)))))))) and (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP neglected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP play))))) , (NP (NP a loss) (PP of (NP ten dollars)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP proved (ADVP-MNR conclusively) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ The Wrangler) (VP was (NP-PRD a jinx)))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP walked (PP-DIR on (PP down (PP to (NP (NP Hurrays) , (NP (NP an (ADJP (ADVP even more) glorified) gambling den) (PP than (NP the Golden Calf))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (PP-LOC in (NP the back)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Gertrude Parker) (VP was (VP marking (NP keno cards))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His adventurous spirit) (VP had (VP waned))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP studied (NP (NP the pistol exhibition) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Hurrays) (VP featured (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP an added attraction)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP ogled (NP (NP a long redhead) (PP with (NP green eyes))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a shill) (PP with (NP (NP her money) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP her))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP no great prejudice) (PP against (NP shills))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP just) (VP seemed (NP-PRD such a dry run))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no cash) (ADVP around))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP was (VP flipping (NP silver dollars)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The management) (VP (ADVP-MNR discreetly) (VP withdrew (NP the green stuff) (PP-DIR into (NP the office))) and (VP gave (NP the customers) (NP (NP chips) or (NP checks) or (NP premium points)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP read (NP (NP a special announcement) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 whereby) (S (NP-SBJ Hurrays) (VP would (VP feature (NP (NP a special floorshow) (VP *ICH*-1)) (PP-TMP at (NP three A.M.)) (VP-1 starring (NP (NP Adele -LRB- The Body -RRB- Brenner) and (NP fourteen glamorous schoolgirls))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP bag (NP a tourist))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD frightened (PP of (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP passed (NP two brides) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ both) (VP wearing (NP orchids))) ,)) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) sad))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ Buzz) (VP watching (NP chuck-a-luck)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Buzz) (VP (VP had (PRT on) (NP a Hawaiian shirt)) and (VP was (VP carrying (NP (NP some sun-tan oil) and (NP dark glasses))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP shorter and fatter) (PP than (NP (NP Owen) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD good) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP standing (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're all (VP (VP going (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP Lake Tahoe)))) and (VP try (NP our luck) (PP-LOC at (NP Cal-Neva)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 Buzz) (VP explained (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP instigating))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP ran (PP into (NP (NP a guy) (SBAR *ICH*-2))) (PP-LOC at (NP the Pagan Room)) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP guarantees (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP beat (NP the wheel))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP started (PRT out) (PP as (NP a stickman))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (VP became (NP-PRD a pit boss) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the Club) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP crossroading))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP knocking (PRT down) (NP checks) (PP at (NP faro)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD allergic (PP to (NP Tahoe))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP explained (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Something) (PP about (NP the pollen)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (INTJ okay)) '' , (NP-SBJ Buzz) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP see (NP you) (ADVP around) (ADVP-TMP later))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP went (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the crap table))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the dice) (VP were (ADJP-PRD hot))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP pyramid (PP with (NP any consecutive success))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ your luck) (ADVP-PRD *T*-1) , (NP-VOC honey))) '' ? ? (S (NP-SBJ (NP A short platinum blonde) (PP in (NP a bursting sun-suit))) (VP addressed (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD well-fed and prosperous))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP get (NP the impression (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP being (VP propositioned (NP *-2) (NP-MNR (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP been (VP hoping (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP have n't (VP had (NP any luck) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD a baby)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Stake (NP me)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` and (VP let (NP me) (PP at (NP those dice))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP make (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP dance (NP the tango))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP (VP get (NP it) (PP in (NP a hurry))) and (VP get (NP it) (PRT out)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP (VP have (NP a drink)) and (VP discuss (NP a merger))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (ADJP-PRD broke)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP smiling (PP up (PP at (NP him))))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP leave (NP you))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Sounds (PP like (NP real love)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Owen) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP sort of) (VP brings (NP a lump) (PP to (NP my throat))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ My name) (VP 's (NP-PRD Gisele))) '' , (NP-SBJ the blonde) (VP said (S *T*-1) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP ordered (NP a Scotch))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Named (NP *-1) (PP after (NP the ballet))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 My mother) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (S (NP-SBJ me) (NP-PRD Sylphide))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP sounded (ADJP-PRD too affected))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Spencer) (VP said (NP nothing)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ there) (NP (NP any word) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP offer (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP your own defense)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Spencer) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP said , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Answer (NP me) (ADVP-MNR properly) , (NP-VOC Spencer))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Spencer) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quiet) (PP-TMP for (ADVP (NP a moment) longer)))) , (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-2)))))))) , (NP-VOC Captain))) '')) .)) (TOP (ADVP `` Very well '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP walked (ADVP away)) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ Naval procedure) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-1))) ,) (VP had (NP (NP its moments) (PP of (NP grim humor)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Philip Spencer) (VP had (ADVP-MNR cold-bloodedly) (VP planned (NP (NP the murder) (PP of (NP his captain)))))) , yet (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP seemed (PP-PRD in (NP order)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP chide (NP him) (PP for (NP (NP a lapse) (PP of (NP proper address))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP the morning hours)) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP became (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the arrest) (PP of (NP Spencer))) (VP was (VP having (NP no sobering effect) (PP upon (NP (NP the men) (PP of (NP the Somers))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those) (VP named (NP *) (PP in (NP the Greek paper)))) (VP were (VP manufacturing (NP (NP reasons) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP steal (ADVP-DIR aft) (PP under (NP (NP pretence) (PP of (NP (NP some call) (PP of (NP duty)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3)))))) , (SBAR-PRP so as (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD near (NP Spencer)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP watching (NP an opportunity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP communicate (PP with (NP him)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hostile glances) (VP were (VP flashed (NP *-1) (PP at (NP both Alexander and Gansevoort)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The two) (VP met (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the Captain 's) cabin))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ is (NP-SBJ the next step) (NP-PRD *T*-1) , (NP-VOC Captain)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP More arrests)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP fear (FRAG *T*-1)) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ (PP In (NP your opinion)) , (WHNP-1 who) (SQ is (NP-SBJ (NP this E. Andrews) (PP on (NP the ' certain ' list))) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Cromwell) , (PP of (NP course)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the oldest and (ADJP most experienced)) (PP of (NP the lot)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP saw (NP (NP (NP the dangers) , not (NP the glories)) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP being (VP identified (NP *-1) (PP as (NP a mutineer)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Somehow) (NP-SBJ he) (VP talked (NP-1 Spencer) (PP into (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP use (NP another name))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a tap) (PP at (NP the door)))) and (S (NP-SBJ Oliver) (VP entered (PP with (NP the word (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Heiser) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP the Captain))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Have (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP come (PRT in)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Heiser) , (ADJP breathless and wild-eyed) ,) (VP brought (NP the chilling news (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the handspikes , heavers and holystones) (VP had (VP been (ADVP mysteriously) (VP removed (NP *-1) (PP from (NP their customary places))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` And (ADVP also) , (NP-VOC sir) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP two articles) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP were (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (NP-PRD souvenirs))))))) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP must (VP be (VP regarded (NP *-1) (PP in (NP another light)) (ADVP entirely)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 An (NX (NX African knife) and (NX battle-ax))) (VP are (PP-TMP at (NP this moment)) (VP being (VP sharpened (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS McKinley and Green))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 McKinley) (VP was (VP overheard (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP would (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP the knife) (PP into (NP (NP Spencer 's) possession))))))))) and (SBAR-UNF that))))))) '' --)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP gather (NP all this information) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1) , (NP-VOC Heiser))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP reported (PP to (NP you)) (NP (NP the disappearance) (PP of (NP handspikes and heavers)))))) and (SBARQ-UNF (WHNP who)) '' --)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP was (VP interrupted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a crash) (PP from (NP the deck)))))) and (VP sprang (PP-DIR toward (NP the ladder)) , (PP with (NP (NP Gansevoort and Heiser) (PP-LOC behind (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A glance) (VP revealed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the main topgallant mast) (VP had (VP been (VP carried (NP *-1) (PRT away))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The aimless milling about) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a (ADJP well-trained , well-organized) crew))))))) (VP struck (NP Alexander) (PP with (NP horror))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP bellowed (NP orders)) and (VP watched (NP (NP the alert response) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP his men)))))) and (VP watched , (ADVP too) , (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (QP a dozen or more)) (VP turned (NP their heads) (ADVP-MNR questioningly) (PP toward (NP the shackled figure)) (PP as though (PP for (NP further instruction))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Adrien Deslonde) (VP hastened (PP to (NP (NP Alexander 's) side))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Small) (ADVP-MNR violently) (VP jerked (NP the weather-royal brace) (PP with (NP full intention (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP carry (PRT away) (NP the mast))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP him) (NP-ADV myself))) and (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP was (VP done (NP *-3) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP consultation) (PP with (NP Cromwell))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP swear (NP it) , (NP-VOC sir)) '' .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 Adrien) (VP was not (VP mistaken (NP *-4))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ both Small and Cromwell) (VP took (NP (NP no step) (PP toward (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP aiding (PP in (NP (NP the sending up) (PP of (NP the new topgallant mast)))))))) (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ Philip Spencer) (VP had (VP given (NP the signal (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP obey)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ disappointment) (ADJP-PRD evident (PP upon (NP their faces))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP moved (PP to (NP the work))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP guessed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP planned (NP confusion and turmoil) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD (NP the ideal climate) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP begin (NP battle and bloodshed) (PP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ-3 Their strategy) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD sound enough)) and (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP reasoned (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))) ,) (VP had (VP been (VP defeated (NP *-3) (PP (ADVP only) by (NP-LGS (NP Philip Spencer 's) unwillingness (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sanction (NP (NP an idea) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (VP originated (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the mast) (VP was (VP raised (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP gave (NP the order (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ-2 Small and Cromwell) (VP to (VP be (VP placed (NP *-2) (PP under (NP arrest)))))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ (NP three figures) (PP in (NP irons))) (VP sprawled (PP-LOC upon (NP the open deck)))) and (S (NP-SBJ terror) (VP stalked (NP the Somers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Spencer 's) potential followers) (VP were (ADJP-PRD openly sullen and morose) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP missing (NP muster) (PP without (NP excuse))) , (VP expressing (PP in (NP ominous tones)) (NP (NP their displeasure) (PP at (S (NP-SBJ-1 the prisoners) (VP being (VP kept (NP *-1) (PP in (NP irons)))))))) , (VP communicating (PP with (NP the three)) (PP by (NP glance and signal))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the missing handspikes))) (VP came (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP its hiding place))) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 Midshipman Tillotson) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-MNR insolently) (VP disobeyed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Seaman Wilson)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tillotson) (VP (VP had (VP reported (NP the man) (PP to (NP Gansevoort)))) and (ADVP-TMP (NP an hour) later) , (PP with (NP (NP back) (VP turned (NP *)))) , (VP had (VP been (VP attacked (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Wilson) , (VP brandishing (NP the weapon)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Wilson) , (VP (VP shackled (NP *)) and (VP snarling)) ,) (VP (VP was (VP thrown (NP *-1) (PP with (NP the other prisoners)))) and (VP was (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP joined (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Green , McKee and McKinley))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Not a man) (PP on (NP the brig))) , (ADJP loyal or villainous) ,) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD unaffected (PP by (NP (NP the sight) (PP of (NP (NP seven men) (VP involved (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the crime) (PP of (NP mutiny)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the tiny cabin)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Alexander) (VP met (PP with (NP Gansevoort , Heiser and Wales)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP speak)) and (VP to (VP listen))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Three days) (VP had (VP passed (PP-TMP since (NP (NP Spencer 's) arrest))))) and (S (NP-SBJ each day) (VP had (VP brought (NP (NP new dangers) , (NP new fears))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Gansevoort) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP requires (NP an omniscient eye) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP select (NP (NP those) (PP if (NP any)) (SBAR (WHPP-2 on (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (ADVP-TMP now) (VP rely (PP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP have (NP the Greek paper)))) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP the great help) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (PP-TMP at (NP first flush)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP actions) (ADVP-LOC aboard))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD easy) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP guess (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Spencer 's) boast) (PP of (NP twenty staunch followers))) (VP was (NP-PRD a modest estimate)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (INTJ Well) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Heiser) (VP ventured)) ,) `` (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ we) (VP hold (NP (NP an investigation) (PP with (NP-UNF (NP questioning) and))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' --)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP worse) (PP than (ADJP useless)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP broke (PRT in) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP (NP space) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP hold (NP *RNR*-1)))))) or (NP (NP force) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP to (VP guard (NP *RNR*-1)))))) (NP-1 (NP any increased number) (PP of (NP prisoners))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP hold (NP (NP a court) (PP of (NP inquiry)))))))) , (FRAG (ADVP then) (WHNP what)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (VP informed (NP (NP a large number) (PP of (NP our crew))) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP reach (NP the United States) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP will (VP be (VP punished (NP *-1)))))) but (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP in (NP the meanwhile)) , (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP (VP may (VP run (ADVP loose))) and (VP are (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP perform (NP their jobs) (PP in (NP good order))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-VOC Mr. Heiser) , does (NP-SBJ this) (VP sound (PP like (NP a (ADJP truly workable) plan)) (PP to (NP you))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) not (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ these men) (VP might (VP choose (NP the black flag) (ADVP (ADVP-LOC here) and (ADVP-TMP now))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wales) (VP said , `` (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP *?*)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP are (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (ADVP so) (PP-TMP at (NP any moment)))))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-MNR-PRD *?*))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP needed (NP *-1)))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD for (S (NP-SBJ-3 one man) (VP to (VP feel (ADJP-PRD self-confident enough (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP take (NP the lead)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP As soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 that one man) (VP is (VP appointed (NP *-1) (PP (PP by (NP-LGS (NP himself) or (NP the others))) or (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a signal) (PP from (NP Spencer)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 we) (VP are (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP rushed (NP *-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP are (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP rushed and murdered (NP *-2))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (NP-PRD extravagant language) , (NP-VOC Mr. Wales)) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP are not (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP rushed and murdered (NP *-2)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP said (S *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP are (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bring (NP-2 the Somers) (PP-DIR into (NP New York harbor)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD safe and sound))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP agree (PP with (NP the Captain)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Gansevoort) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR thoughtfully))) ,) `` but (S (NP-SBJ the conspiracy) (VP is (ADJP-PRD ferocious and desperate))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The instinct) (PP of (NP discipline))) (VP has (VP been (VP lost (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anything) (VP is (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ anarchy) (VP has (NP the upper hand) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP paused) , (ADVP-TMP then) (VP added , `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP Everything) (PP on (NP a ship))) (VP is (NP-PRD a weapon))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Implements) (PP of (NP wood and iron))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD available (PP for (NP (ADJP close and hasty) combat))) (ADVP no matter (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP stands (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP positive (PP of (NP (ADJP so few)))) and (ADJP suspicious (PP of (NP (ADJP so many)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ-2 (NP We) (NP ourselves)) (VP must (VP stand (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (NP-PRD sentinel))))) '' . (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP Under (NP arms)) (NP-TMP day and night) , (NP-ADV (NP watch and watch) (ADVP about)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (NP Those) (PP of (NP us))) (ADJP present)) , (NP (NP the Perry brothers) , (NP Deslonde) and (NP the other midshipmen))) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP have (NP (NP the responsibility) (PP of (NP the Somers)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-2 (NP A great deal) (PP of (NP labor))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP have (NP *T*-2) (ADVP as well) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (ADJP-PRD too uncertain (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 trust) (VP may (VP be (VP placed (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alone) (ADVP again) (PP-LOC in (NP the cabin)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) , (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP (VP lowered (NP his head) (PP into (NP his arms))) and (VP wept) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (ADVP (ADJP full) well) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP must (VP be (VP done (NP *-1)))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-5 what) (S (PP-TMP in (NP the end)) (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-5) (VP would (VP be (VP done (NP *-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP With (NP all his heart)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP loved (NP the Navy)))) and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP act (PP in (NP (NP accordance) (PP with (NP (NP the Navy 's) implacable laws))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (PP to (NP his ship)) (NP (NP that protection) (ADJP necessary (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP preserve (NP her honor)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP lose (ADVP-TMP forever) (NP (NP the Navy) (SBAR (WHPP-3 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP dedicated (NP his soul) (PP *T*-3))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ had (NP-SBJ he) (VP failed (ADVP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ had (NP-SBJ he) (VP failed (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP He) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP tried (ADVP so hard))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP had (VP yearned (ADVP-MNR so passionately) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a great officer))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP came (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wept (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-LOC aboard (NP the Somers))))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as foolish) (PP *ICH*-3)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP strive (PP for (NP greatness))))) (PP-3 as (S (NP-SBJ-4 *) (VP to (VP seek (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP storm (NP (NP the gates) (PP of (NP heaven)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-7 It) (VP was (VP given (NP *-7)))) or (S (NP-SBJ-8 it) (VP was not (VP given (NP *-8)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP did (NP (NP one 's) best))) and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ fortune) (VP smiled))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a reward))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP did (NP (NP one 's) best))) and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ fortune) (VP frowned))) , (NP-SBJ (NP an eighteen-year-old boy) (PP with (NP (NP murder) (PP in (NP his heart))))) (VP sailed (PP-LOC aboard (NP (NP one 's) ship)))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP sobbed (PP like (NP a girl)) (PP for (NP (NP the dreams) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP had (NP *T*-1))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (NP-PRD no shame))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his tears) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP his) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shed (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP so) (VP desired)))))))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP had not (VP been (PP-PRD with (NP (NP (NP an egotist 's) rage) (PP for (NP fame)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP held (S (ADJP-PRD precious) (NP-SBJ his naval career)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another field) (VP had (VP given (NP him) (NP (NP fame enough) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP satisfy (NP any egotist)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD for (NP love)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP served (NP the Navy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP have (ADVP-TMP someday) (S (NP-SBJ-1 that love) (VP returned (NP *-1)))))) (VP was (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP lived (PP for (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ the hope) (VP was (VP gone)) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP bring (NP the Somers) (ADVP-MNR safely) (PP-DIR into (NP New York harbor)) (NAC but (PP at (NP a price))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Dear God) , (WHPP at (WHNP what a price)) .)) (TOP (S And (PP-TMP after (NP a while)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP dried (NP his tears)) and (VP walked (NP the deck) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP a captain) (VP should (VP *?*)))) (PP with (NP assurance and dignity)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Stern-faced)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP inspected (NP the prisoners) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP satisfying (NP himself) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP clean) , (ADJP well fed) and (ADJP comfortable (PP within (NP reason))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The prisoners) (VP averted (NP their eyes) (NAC but (SBAR-TMP not before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP glimpsed (NP hatred and anger))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Only Cromwell) , (NP the giant boatswain) ,) (VP was (ADJP-PRD mild-mannered and respectful)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (SQ (NP-VOC Captain) , may (NP-SBJ I) (VP speak , (INTJ please)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-VOC Captain) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD innocent (PP of (NP (NP any plot) (PP against (NP (NP you) or (NP the ship))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Are (NP-SBJ you) , (NP-VOC Cromwell) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC sir) .)) (TOP (S (PP Before (NP God)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP swear (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD innocent))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP nothing) (PP of (NP any plot)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD such a thing))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP (NP the only man) (ADVP-LOC aboard)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP can (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP doubt)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can not (VP speak (PP for (NP others)) , (NP-VOC sir) ,))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD innocent))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP leaned (ADVP closer (PP to (NP Alexander))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP squinting (PP up (PP at (NP him))) (PP from (NP the deck))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Surely) , (NP-VOC Captain) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP did not (VP find (NP my name) (PP on (NP (NP any suspicious paper) or (NP anything))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ No) , (NP-VOC Cromwell) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP find (NP your name))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP were (ADJP-PRD careful (PP about (NP that)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-1 Spencer) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP seeming (PP with (NP effort)) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP shake (NP himself) (PP from (NP lethargy))))))) , (VP spoke) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , (S `` (NP-SBJ Cromwell) (VP is (VP telling (NP you) (NP the truth))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP is (ADJP-PRD innocent)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP shifted (NP his gaze) (PP to (NP Spencer))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The calmness and detachment) (PP of (NP his tone))) (VP suggested (NP (NP unawareness) (PP of (SBAR (WHADJP-2 how implicit) (SINV (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ his own guilt) (PP in (NP (NP the words) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP used (NP *T*-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP defend (NP Cromwell))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Alexander) (VP knew (NP Spencer) (ADVP too well (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD naive or thick-skulled))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP in (NP (NP a sudden wave) (PP of (NP painful clarity)))) , (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP recognized (NP (NP a kinship) (PP with (NP Spencer)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-2 Here) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP another human) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP understood (NP (NP the stupidity) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP quarreling (PP with (NP the inevitable)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD good fortune))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD bad))) and (S (NP-SBJ Philip Spencer) , (PP in (NP (NP handcuffs) and (NP ankle irons))) , (VP knew (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a truth)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP expected (NP (NP nothing) (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP for (NP himself)) (PP-1 but (NP (NP that) (SBAR (WHNP-8 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-8) (ADVP-MNR naturally) (VP follows (NP (NP those) (VP marked (NP *) (PP for (NP misfortune)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The red-haired captain) , (VP towering (PP above (NP the prisoner)) (PP as (NP (NP a symbol) (PP of (NP decency and authority))))) ,) (VP was (VP shocked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP looking (PP with (NP sympathy)) (PP upon (NP Philip Spencer))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This tragic lad) (VP had (VP forged (NP his own shackles))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP could not (VP have (VP done (ADVP so)))) , (VP could not (VP have (VP found (NP the way)))) , (SINV-ADV had (S (NP-SBJ fortune) (VP favored (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ fortune) (VP had (VP favored (NP neither (NP the prisoner) nor (NP the red-haired captain)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP each other 's) undoing))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (NP-VOC Spencer) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD guilt)))) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do not (VP deny (NP your own))))) , (WHADVP-2 how) (SQ is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADJP possible) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ Cromwell) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD innocent))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD your constant companion)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The hazel eyes) (VP met (NP Alexander 's)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADJP-PRD innocent))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` And (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP accept (NP your word) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Yes .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP gain (NP *T*-1) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP defending (NP Cromwell)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP (NP Nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP lose (NP *T*-1)))))) , (ADVP either) , (NP-VOC Spencer) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD true))) '' , (NP-SBJ Spencer) (VP (VP agreed (S *T*-1)) and (VP withdrew (NP himself) (PP from (NP the conversation)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP went (ADVP back) (PP to (NP (NP contemplation) (PP of (NP the sea))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD innocent) , (NP-VOC Captain))) '' , (NP-SBJ Cromwell) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP Before (NP God)) , (NP-VOC Captain) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD innocent)) '' .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD logical) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-10 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-10) (VP could (VP plot (NP mass murder)))))) (VP would not (VP hesitate (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP speak (NP an untruth))))))))))) , (ADVP still) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD difficult) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP-4 why) (S (NP-SBJ Spencer) (VP spoke (ADVP only) (PP for (NP Cromwell)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boatswain) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as guilty) (PP as (NP any)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP No action) (PP of (NP his))) (VP could (VP be (VP interpreted (NP *-1) (PP in (NP his favor)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ four midshipmen) , (PP-TMP prior (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ their) (VP knowing (NP (NP the significance) (PP of (NP the Greek paper))))))) , (VP had (VP seen (NP it) (PP in (NP (NP Cromwell 's) hands)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Spencer) (VP whispered (NP explanations))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Midshipman Rogers) (VP had (VP told (NP Alexander)))) ,) `` (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Spencer) (VP was (VP teaching (NP him) (NP geometry)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fantastic) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP turn (PP (PP from (NP (NP the seven men) (PP in (NP shackles)))) (PP to (NP (NP the wardroom) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a class) (PP of (NP apprentices))) (VP awaited (NP him) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD a training ship))) and (S (NP-SBJ the training) (VP would (VP continue)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP an element) (PP of (NP frightful absurdity))) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-LOC here) (SBAR-1 (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ Alexander) (VP recognized (NP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP these apprentices))) (VP were , (PP in (NP physical strength)) , (ADVP-TMP already) (NP-PRD men))) and (S (ADVP doubtless) (NP-SBJ (NP a percentage) (PP of (NP them))) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP Spencer 's) followers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP steered (NP me) (ADVP along) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP a school) (PP for (NP (NP young boys) (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP study (NP the Torah)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Bits) (PP of (NP trash))) (VP lay (PP-LOC in (NP the roadway))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The air) (VP smelled (ADJP-PRD warmish and foul)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A young man) (VP (VP appeared (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP a side alley)))) and (VP walked (PP-DIR toward (NP us)) (PP with (NP quick strides)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wore (NP (NP (NP a long double-breasted coat) (PP of (NP a heavy material))) , (NP dark trousers) , and (NP (NP black boots) (PP with (NP buckles))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His black hat) (PP with (NP its (NX (NX wide brim) , (NX high crown) , and (NX fur trim))))) (VP rode (ADVP high)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV With (S (NP-SBJ his head) (ADJP-PRD erect))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP approached , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP glancing (PP at (NP us))))) , and (VP passed (PRT by) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-2 his clear eyes) (VP (VP raised (NP *-2)) and (VP fixed (NP *-2) (ADVP straight ahead))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP a pinkish-white complexion) , (NP a small straight nose) , (NP a short black beard) , and (NP (ADJP tightly curled) paot))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP suddenly) (ADJP-PRD conscious (PP of (NP my bare arms)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The girls) (PP in (NP the market place))) (VP (VP wore (NP long-sleeved dresses)) and (VP covered (NP their legs) (PP with (NP cloth stockings)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP turned) and (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP stride (PP-DIR down (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the road)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His hands) (VP were (VP swinging (PP at (NP his sides))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP passed (PP-DIR through (NP the dingy market place)) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ his back) (ADJP-PRD straight))))) and , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pivoting (PP on (NP his heel)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP entered (NP an old stone building))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP had (VP seen (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP watching (NP the young man))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ your mother) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD a young boy)))) .)) (TOP (PP Like (NP (NP the ones) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP see (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP swallowed (ADVP hard)) and (VP looked (PP down (PP at (NP (NP my feet) (VP plodding (ADVP along) (PP-LOC beside (NP Rachel)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP led (NP me) (PP into (NP a twisting side alley))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The dirty , discolored buildings) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD boarded up))) , and (S (NP-SBJ their few windows) (VP stood (PP-LOC (ADVP high) above (NP our heads)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ schools and synagogues) (VP occupied (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP the buildings))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP entered (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the front door) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD ajar)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) and (VP climbed (NP (NP a flight) (PP of (NP steep steps))) (PP to (NP the main floor)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An old man) (UCP (PP with (NP a white beard)) and (VP dressed (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP a long shabby coat) , (NP baggy trousers) , and (NP a black skullcap)))))) (VP greeted (NP us)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP talked (PP to (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP nodded , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP clasping and unclasping (NP his hands) (PP over (NP his paunch))))) , and (VP flicked (NP glances) (PP at (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP ask (NP-1 us) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Rachel and I) (VP were (ADJP-PRD bare-armed)))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP looked (PP down (PP into (NP his beard)))) and (VP preceded (NP us) (PP-DIR down (NP the corridor))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His toes) (VP pointed (PP out (PP toward (NP the walls)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP stopped (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP a door))))) , (VP placed (NP a finger) (PP on (NP his lips))) , and , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP peering (PP down (PP into (NP his beard))))) , (VP pushed (S (ADVP-PRD open) (NP-SBJ (NP the door) (PP to (NP a classroom)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR inside)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP left (NP us)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Little boys) (VP crowded (ADVP together) (PP on (NP long wooden benches)))) , and (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 in (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP the room)))) (VP sat (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the teacher)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His black beard) (VP dripped (PP down (PP over (NP (NP the front) (PP of (NP his coat)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One white hand) (VP poised (NP a stick) (PP above (NP his desk))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP turned (NP his surly , half-closed eyes) (PP toward (NP us))) , (VP stared (PP for (NP a second))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (VP shouted (PP in (NP Yiddish)) , `` (NP One , two , three) '' ! ! (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Rapping (NP the stick) (PP against (NP the desk)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The little boys) (VP shrilled (PRT out) (NP (NP (NP a Yiddish translation or interpretation) (PP of (NP (NP the Five Books) (PP of (NP Moses))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (ADVP previously) (VP chanted (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP Hebrew)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP chanted (NP a fixed tune) (PP in (NP time)) (PP to (NP (NP the report) (PP of (NP the stick))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each boy) (VP (VP opened (NP-1 his small mouth) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD wide))) and (VP rocked (ADVP-DIR back and forth) (PP on (NP the bench)) (PP-MNR in (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ his grandfather and great-grandfather) (VP had (VP studied and prayed (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the ghettos) (PP of (NP Europe)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boys) (VP were (ADJP-PRD tiny)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (NP (NP large bright eyes) , (NP (NP the small upturned noses) (PP of (NP (NP all babies) (ADVP-LOC everywhere)))) , and (NP (NP hair) (VP cropped (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD short)) (PP except (PP for (NP (NP (NP the long ringlets) (PP of (NP paot))) (VP framing (NP their little white faces))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP (VP bent (PP over (NP yellowed prayerbooks))) and (VP looked (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP watch (NP the teacher)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did not (VP glance (ADVP-MNR curiously) (PP at (NP us)) (ADVP once))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP guessed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a penalty) (PP for (NP distraction)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The guttural language) (PP from (NP the ghetto))) (VP stopped) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The teacher) (VP plunged (NP the children) (PP into (NP (NP a new portion) , (PP (NP-TMP this time) in (NP Hebrew)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP rapping (NP the stick) (ADVP-MNR incessantly)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One boy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP rocked (ADVP-DIR back and forth) (PP over (NP his worn book)))))) (VP had (NP (NP bright red hair) and (NP freckles))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His (ADJP tightly curled) paot) (VP hung (PP down (PP to (NP his narrow shoulders)))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 In (NP (NP the center) (PP of (NP his brilliant curls)))) (VP sat (PP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a small black skullcap) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His head) (ADVP barely) (VP rose (PP above (NP the table))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stared (PP at (NP him)) (PP-TMP for (NP a long time))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP return (NP my interest))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My eyes) (VP traveled (PP (PP over (NP the bare walls)) and (PP up (PP to (NP (NP the one (ADJP partially open) window) (PP (ADVP high) above (NP the little figures))))) and (PP back (PP to (NP the boys))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Some) (PP of (NP them))) (VP (VP ignored (NP the texts)) and (VP had (ADVP apparently) (VP memorized (NP the words) (ADVP-TMP long ago)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP singsonged (NP the portion) (PP at (NP (NP the teacher) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP accompanied (NP them) (PP in (NP an off-key baritone))) and (VP spurred (NP them) (PRT on) (PP with (NP the stick))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The tapping) (VP (VP defined (NP the rhythm)) and (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ the boys) (ADJP-PRD awake)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could not (VP keep (NP my eyes) (ADVP away (PP from (NP (NP the boy) (PP with (NP the red hair))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His body) (VP pitched (ADVP-DIR back and forth) (PP on (NP the bench))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His front teeth) (VP were (VP missing)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP shuddered) and (VP backed (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the room))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP (VP followed) , (VP looked (PP at (NP me))) , and (VP clucked (PP with (NP her tongue)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP walked (PP-DIR down (NP the cool hall)) (ADVP-MNR silently)) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-TPC-2 From (PP behind (NP us))) (VP came (PP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the rapping) (PP of (NP the stick))) and (NP (NP the high-pitched voices) (PP of (NP (NP the boys) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP would (VP grow (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP devote (NP their lives) (PP to (NP (NP rigid study) and (NP prayer)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said , `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How long) (SQ do (NP-SBJ they) (VP keep (NP that) (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) '') ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TMP-TPC-1 All day) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (NP-TMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (PP `` Except (PP for (NP (NP Shabbat) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP praying (NP-TMP all day) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP rubbed (NP my hands) (ADVP together)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP turned (ADJP-PRD numb and prickly) (PP-LOC in (NP the classroom)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The old man) (PP in (NP the baggy clothes))) (VP waited (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the foot) (PP of (NP the steps))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP glanced (PP down (PP into (NP his beard)))) and (VP muttered (NP something) (PP in (NP Yiddish)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP asks (PP for (NP money)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP passed (PP-DIR by (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP reached (PP into (NP (NP the pocket) (PP of (NP my skirt))))) , (VP fingered (NP ten pruta)) , and (VP dropped (NP the coin))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP picked (NP it) (PRT up) (ADVP again)) and (VP handed (NP it) (PP to (NP the old man)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thanked (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP look (PP at (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP grinned (PP at (NP Rachel))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Does (NP-SBJ this) (VP bother (NP you))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled (PP to (NP herself))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP our Sabras))) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD horrible))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP fighting) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a few) (PP of (NP our orthodox people))) (VP were (VP lying (PRT down) (PP-LOC in (NP the roads)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could not (VP pass)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP must (VP not (VP fight) but (VP wait (PP for (NP the Messiah)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP amazed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP convictions) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP lie (PRT down) (PP-LOC in (NP the road)) (PP in (NP all those clothes))) and (VP appear (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP might (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP turn (NP yourself) (PP out (PP of (NP your own home)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD stupid or crazy or immortal))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD American)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know , (ADVP also) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP were (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP fail))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (PP of (NP it))) (VP might (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD heroic))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP done (NP it) (PP-LOC in (NP the wrong place))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP resented (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP faced (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her bright eyes) (VP were (VP twinkling)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (VP keeping (NP religion) (PP for (NP us)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP play (PRT around))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Your mother) (VP hated (NP (NP this way) (PP of (NP life)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP change (NP much) (PP for (NP (NP the children) (ADVP-LOC here))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (ADVP-MNR quietly) , (ADVP-MNR respectfully) , `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ she) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC here)))) ? ?))) (TOP (PP-LOC In (NP this section) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP clicked (NP her tongue) (PP-LOC behind (NP her teeth))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP-LOC Here) , (NP nothing) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP (NP the children) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (ADVP just) (VP visited (NP *T*-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP (VP take (NP them) (ADVP away)) and (VP put (NP them) (PP-PUT out (PP (PP in (NP the country)) , (PP in (NP the kibbutzim))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP loved (NP the children)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD a strange woman) , (NP-TPC your mother)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP loved (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP (NP a passion) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP drove (NP her) (ADVP along)) and (VP carried (PP along (PP with (NP her))) (NP (NP those things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP loved (NP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nothing) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too impossible (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stayed (ADVP-LOC here) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP work (PP for (NP Aliah)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP For (NP many immigrants)) , (PP for (NP many children)) ,) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the first thing) (PP *ICH*-2)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP knew (NP *T*-1) (PP-2 of (NP Israel and freedom)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD your mother)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dangerous (PP for (NP her)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP grinned (ADVP-MNR slyly)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ she) (VP loved (NP danger)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP took (NP it) (PP with (NP her)) (SBAR-DIR (WHADVP-1 wherever) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP went (ADVP-DIR *T*-1)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP chose (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sought (PRT out) (NP danger) (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sought (PRT out) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP helping (NP other people))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (ADJP most strange) woman)) .)) (TOP (ADJP Ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP follow (NP her impulse)))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD an impulse) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD here (PP in (NP Me'a She'arim))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP her)))) --) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP led (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP stay (PP-LOC in (NP Israel))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Your mother) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bring (NP children) (PP-DIR to (NP Israel)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP leave (NP their ghettos))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP did not (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP ghettos))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could not (VP take (NP the children) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP this section))))))) , (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP (VP take (NP other children) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP their countries)))) and (VP put (NP them) (PP-PUT on (NP the farms))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP set (PRT out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 no Jewish child) (NP-LOC (NP anyplace) (PP in (NP the world))) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a place) (PP such as (NP this)))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP said (ADVP-MNR quietly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP gaining (NP nerve))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP ready (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP ask (NP (NP (NP any question) (ADVP at all)) , (ADVP no matter (WHADJP how intimate))))))) , (ADJP ready (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP rebuffed (NP *-1)))))) ,)) `` (SBARQ (ADVP Then) (WHADVP-4 why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ she) (VP leave (NP Israel) (ADVP-PRP *T*-4))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (NP that)))) (ADVP very much))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP (VP clasped (NP her hands) (ADVP together)) and (VP slowed (NP her pace))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The soles) (PP of (NP her sandals))) (VP reported (ADVP-MNR sharply) (PP on (NP the cobblestones))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP pursed (NP her lips)) , (ADVP-TMP then) (VP clamped (NP them) (ADVP together) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so tightly) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD angry (PP with (NP me)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP sighed)) and (S (NP-SBJ her face) (VP relaxed)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Trouble) (VP came (PP into (NP her life))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP good friends) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-LOC here) , (NP-1 (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP liked (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 Who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP loved (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP hurt (NP herself)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a man) (ADVP-LOC here (PP in (NP town)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP meet (NP people) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP do (NP (NP the work) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wanted (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP worked (ADVP very hard)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a refugee) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR here))))) (PP-PRP because of (NP her))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP came (PP with (NP his son))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP first)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP relatives) (PP of (NP your mother)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (ADVP-PRD so))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This refugee) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a middle-aged man) , (NP (NP a big , handsome man) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a strut) (PP to (NP his walk))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP never before) (VP seen (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP the black numerals) (PP on (NP his arm)))) , so (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP branded (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP a concentration camp)))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ he) (VP walked (PP like (NP a young man))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Often) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD terribly despondent)) and (VP talked (PP to (NP no one)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP walk (PRT off) (PP-TMP for (NP a few days)) (ADVP alone) (PP-DIR in (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (NP Europe)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All his family) (PP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dead) , (PP-1 except (PP for (NP his son)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Your mother) (VP would (ADVP-TMP always) (VP retrieve (NP him) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wandered (PRT off) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP send (NP him) (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-DIR to (NP his son))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP loved (NP the son)) and (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD glad (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP sent (NP *-2) (ADVP back) (PP to (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ his son) (VP did (NP (NP something)) (PRN (S '' -- (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP threw (PRT up) (NP her hands))) -- `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (WHNP what) , (PP but (NP something)))))) ,) (PP to (NP an official)) (ADVP-LOC here))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD during (NP the Mandate)))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the son) (VP was (VP imprisoned (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP A few hours) (PP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 the son) (VP was (VP arrested (NP *-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 your mother) (VP was (VP informed (NP *-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP ran (PP from (NP (NP a little group) (PP of (NP us))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (VP (VP sitting (ADVP together)) , (VP talking))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP the father))) and (VP found (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP hanged (NP himself))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP paused) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD silent) (PP-LOC in (NP the stone alley))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP continued (PP with (NP energy)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP I) (NP myself)) (VP did not (VP see (NP her) (PP-TMP until (NP (NP a week) (SBAR after (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP run (PRT off) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP the father)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP saw (NP her) (PP except (NP (NP the man) (NP Reuveni)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yes) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP him)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Rachel) (VP gave (NP me) (NP a direct , bright-eyed look)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ Reuveni) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ your mother) (VP to (VP give (PRT up) (NP (NP her deep interest) (PP in (NP this refugee))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (ADVP only) (VP hurt (NP herself)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP complained (PP to (NP me)) (ADVP-TMP once) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP talk (PP to (NP her))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (VP *?* (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP shrugged (NP her shoulders)) and (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Reuveni) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP marry (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP her) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP *?*)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would not (VP *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP known (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP (VP meet (NP the right people)) and (VP work (PP with (NP them)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP did not (VP intend (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP marry (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyway) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP see (NP her) (PP-TMP until (NP (NP two weeks) (SBAR after (S (NP-SBJ the refugee) (VP hanged (NP himself)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP came (PP to (NP me)) (NP-TMP one day)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD pale and skinny))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD terribly alone))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ this man) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD dead) (PP-TMP for (NP a week)))))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP (VP gone (PP to (NP Reuveni))) and (VP accepted (NP his proposal))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP shouted (PP at (NP her))) and (VP told (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP loved (NP her)) and (VP could n't (VP understand (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP upset (NP herself) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD happy (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP (VP straighten (PRT out) (NP her life)) and (VP take (NP care) (PP of (NP her))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP harm (NP herself) (ADVP again))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP one whole week)) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP stay (ADVP alone)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP lead (NP her) (ADVP around)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP took (NP her) (PP to (NP a doctor)) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP run down) , (ADJP nervous))) , (VP did not (VP care (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Reuveni) (VP took (NP her) (PP with (NP him)) (SBAR-DIR (WHADVP-1 wherever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP-DIR *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP talk (PP to (NP people))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP choose (NP her own food)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD limp and beaten (PP from (NP her loss))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did not (VP care))) .)) (TOP (S `` And (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP you) (PP with (NP me)))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP (NP The two) (PP of (NP them))) (PP against (NP the world)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP had (VP been (SBAR-MNR-PRD (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP imagined (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP talk and dream all (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP making (NP his plans) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP had (VP begun (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP dreaming (ADVP too)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ the dream) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The big (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP waking (PRT up)))) (VP had (VP happened)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ I) (VP imagine (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP thought) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Did (NP-SBJ I) (VP see (S (NP-SBJ-1 him) (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP swing (ADVP low) (PP in (NP a chariot)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG Or (ADVP maybe) (VP (VP poling (PP-DIR up (NP (NP the south fork) (PP of (NP the Forked Deer River))))) (VP braving (NP (NP the wastes) (VP dumped (NP *) (PP-DIR in (NP it)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP him) (PP-LOC on (NP a barge)) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a gang) (PP of (NP Ethiopians))) (VP poling (NP it))))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP you) (PP with (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP taken (NP her) (ADVP all right))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP-TMP Wednesday nights) (PP-TMP after (NP youth fellowship)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP-DIR (PP Out (PP of (NP the church))) and (PP into (NP his big car))) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP tooling (PP-DIR over (NP the road)) (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP driving))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the headlights) (VP sweeping (NP the pike) (ADVP ahead)))) and (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hit (NP college)))) , (NP (NP his expansiveness) , (NP (NP (NP the quaint little (ADJP pine board) tourist courts) , (NP (NP cabins) (ADVP really)) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP a cute naked light bulb) (PP in (NP the ceiling))) -LRB- (ADJP (ADJP unfrosted) and (ADJP (ADJP naked) (PP as (NP (NP a streetlight) , (PP like (NP (NP the one) (PP on (NP (NP the corner) (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP play (ADVP-LOC *T*-2) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD a kid) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ-5 you) (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ the bats) (VP swooping (PRT in) (PP after (NP the bugs) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP watching (PP in (PP between (NP (NP your bouts) (PP at (NP hopscotch))))))))))))))))))) -RRB-))) , (NP (NP a room) (ADJP complete (PP with (NP (NP (NP (NP moths) (VP pinging (NP the light))) and (NP (NP the few casual cockroaches) (VP cruising (NP the walls)))) , (NP (NP an insect Highway Patrol) (PP with (NP (NP feelers) (VP waving)))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP And (NP (NP the bed) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP sagged (PP in (NP (NP a certain place) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 all the weight) (VP had (VP been (VP put (NP *-1) (ADVP-PUT *T*-4) (ADVP-TMP (NP (ADJP too many) times) before)))))))))))) and (NP (NP the walls) (ADJP fine and thin (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP overhearing (NP talk) (PP-LOC in (NP the next room)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ Gratt) (VP went (ADVP-DIR out) (PP for (NP ice)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the sound) (VP coming (PP-DIR through (NP the walls)) (PP like (NP (NP something) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the other side) (PP of (NP the curtain)))))) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP heard (NP you) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-6 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD quiet) (ADVP-TMP *T*-6))))))))) and (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-7 you) (VP lay (S (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP wondering (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP heard (NP *T*-3)))))))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP listened))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ Gratt Shafer) (VP would (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Memphis)) (NP-TMP today) (PP for (NP the wedding rehearsal))))) and (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-TMP tomorrow) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP marry (PP (PP (ADVP just) like (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP *?*))))))) , (PP (ADVP just) like (S (NP-SBJ everybody) (VP knew (ADVP all along)))))))) .)) (TOP (PP (PP Like (NP (NP (NP Mattie) and (NP (NP the mayor) (PP-LOC up (ADVP there)) (VP gripping (NP the microphone)))) and (NP (NP (NP Toonker Burkette) (PP-LOC (ADVP back) in (NP his office))) (VP yanking (PRT out) (NP teeth))))) , (PP like (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all)) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Just) like (S (S (NP-SBJ the balloon) (VP would (VP go (ADVP-DIR up)))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP (VP sit (NP-TMP all day)) and (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP (VP spring (NP a leak)) or (VP (VP blow (PP to (NP hell)) (PRT up)) and (VP burn)))))))))))) and (NP-SBJ (NP nothing) (PP like (NP that))) (VP would (VP happen)) .)) (TOP (S Or (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the parachute) (VP would n't (VP open)))) (SBAR-PRP (SBAR (ADVP just) so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP not open))))))))) , not (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP meant (NP any harm) (PP to (NP (NP Starkey Poe) (PP in (NP (NP his suit) (PP of (NP red underwear))))))))) , (CONJP but mainly) (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP were (ADJP-PRD tired (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP an old maid) -- (NP (NP a thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP (VP can not (VP admit (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP thinks (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD pregnant))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) , but (VP must (VP (VP stand (NP the dizzy feeling) (ADVP all alone)) and (VP go (PRT on) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP is (ADJP-PRD all right)))) (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP being (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP say (PP to (NP somebody)) (PP in (NP a normal voice)) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD pregnant)))))) ''))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could (VP wish (NP that))) .)) (TOP (S Or (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ your daddy) (VP would (ADVP really) (VP (VP do (NP it)) -- (VP kill (NP Gratt Shafer) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (NP-TMP all the time) , (ADVP all along) , (VP could (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ the nerve) (VP draining (PP out (PP of (NP him))) (PP like (NP (NP (NP air) (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP a punctured tire)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP a muddy road)) (ADVP alone))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (UCP-PRD (VP raining) and (PP-TMP at (NP night))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP (VP sit (PP-LOC in (NP the car))) and (VP listen (PP to (S (NP-SBJ the air) (VP run (PP out))))) and (VP listen (PP to (NP the rain))) and (VP see (NP (NP the mud) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the headlights)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP waiting (PP (PP for (NP you)) , (PP for (NP your new spectator pumps)))) , (VP waiting (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP to (VP squat (PP by (NP yourself)) (PP-LOC out (NP there)) (PP in (NP your tight skirt)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (UCP-PRD (VP crying) and (ADJP afraid) and (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP get (NP that damned son-of-a-bitch tire) (PRT off)))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (VP being (NP-PRD an old maid) (ADVP too) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-4 you) (VP happen (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP drive (NP a car)))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-5 *) (VP changing (NP the tire) (NP-ADV yourself) (PP (PP-TMP in (NP the night)) , and (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the mud) and (NP the rain)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-6 *-5) (UCP-PRD (VP hating (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP get (PP-LOC out (PP in (NP it))))))) but (ADJP (ADJP afraid (S (NP-SBJ *-6) (VP to (VP stay)))) and (ADJP afraid (S (NP-SBJ-7 *-6) (VP to (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-7) (VP to (VP walk (PRT out) (PP for (NP help))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S And (NP-SBJ (NP every sound) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD the rain)))))) (ADVP also) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP thinks (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP raped (NP you))))) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP beat (NP your brains) (PRT out) (PP with (NP a tire tool)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wo n't (VP tell)))) , (NP-ADV (NP (NP a combination) (PP like (NP ham and eggs))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP rape (NP her)) and (VP kill (NP her)))))))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (S-NOM-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD an old maid))) (ADVP too))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (S-NOM-PRD (NP-SBJ *) not (VP having (S (NP-SBJ-2 his baby) (VP nestled (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD warm and fat) (PP against (NP your breast))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (S-NOM-PRD (NP-SBJ *) not (VP having (NP (NP somebody) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP really) (VP gives (NP a damn) (SBAR-ADV whether (S (NP-SBJ some tramp) (VP cracks (NP your skull)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP most (PP of (NP all))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (S-NOM-PRD (NP-SBJ *) not (VP having (NP (NP the only man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP love (NP *T*-2)))))))) , (SBAR-ADV whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP drives (NP a bread truck)) or (VP delivers (NP the mail)) or (VP checks (NP the berry crates) (PP-LOC down (PP at (NP the sheds)))) , or (VP owns (NP (NP seventeen oil wells) and (NP six diamond mines)))))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (NP-PRD anybody)))) (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)) or (VP does (NP *T*-1))))) (VP makes (NP no difference) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD the one)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP can (ADVP even) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a mild-voiced little-town guy) (PP with (NP (NP big-town ideas) and (NP level gray eyes) and (NP (NP a heart) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ even Houdini) (VP could n't (VP figure (PRT out) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP *T*-3) (NP it)) (VP is (VP unlocked (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP be (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the way) (PP to (NP Memphis))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ your Gratt Shafer) (VP can (VP *?*))) , and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP discover (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP (VP stay (ADJP-PRD alive)) and (VP hate (NP him)) and (VP love (NP him)) and (VP want (NP him)) (SBAR-ADV (ADVP even) if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP means (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP want (S (NP-SBJ him) (PRN -- (VP (ADVP really) want (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD *RNR*-1))) --) (ADJP-PRD-1 dead))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP Because (S (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP *?*)))) (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ (NP nobody) (ADVP else)) (VP can (VP *?* (ADVP either)))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP nobody) (ADVP else)) (VP can (VP have (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP share (NP him) , (PP (ADVP not even) with (NP God)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD love)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP you) (PP with (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (ADVP Even) if (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP all the promise) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) gave (NP *T*-2)) or (VP (ADVP-TMP ever) will (VP give (NP *T*-2)))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP the giving) (PP of (NP it))) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP was (NP-PRD enough))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP believed (NP it) (ADVP-TMP then))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (ADVP-TMP always) (VP believe (NP it) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) (WHADVP-4 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-TMP finally) (NP-PRD (NP (NP the only thing) (PP in (NP the world))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP left (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP believe))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the whole world) (VP is (VP telling (NP you) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ that one) (VP was (NP-PRD a lie))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Even) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the way) (PP to (NP Memphis)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (ADVP still) (VP have (NP (NP the promise) (VP resting (PP inside (NP you)) (PP like (NP a gift)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD he) (PP inside (PP of (NP you))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP in (NP a way)) (NP-SBJ the promise) (VP works (PRT out) (ADJP-PRD true) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (SBAR-ADV whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP wants (NP you)) or (VP (FRAG not))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (PP with (NP him)) (PP in (NP your heart)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP feel (NP-PRD him) (ADVP (NP every mile) further away)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP feel (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-4)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sees (NP *T*-3))))))) , and (S (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (NP-SBJ you) (VP feel (SBAR (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (UCP-PRD (ADJP asleep) or (PP with (NP (NP the other woman) , (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP could (VP love (NP him) (NP-MNR (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-6 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (ADVP-MNR *T*-6)))))))))) , (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP got (NP him) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (ADVP particularly) (VP give (NP a damn) (SBAR-ADV whether (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP got (NP him)) or (VP did n't))))))))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (ADVP-TMP always) (VP wonder (NP-TMP (NP all) (PP of (NP your life))) (SBAR whether (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wanted (NP him) (ADVP so bad)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP did n't (VP get (NP him)))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP can (VP feel (ADJP-PRD nearly sorry enough (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP cry)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (PP of (NP (NP that other guy) , (NP (NP the chump) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP begged (NP-4 you) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP marry (NP him)))))))) , (NP (NP the one) (PP with (NP (NP the plastered hair) and (NP (NP the car) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP afford (NP *T*-2)))))) and (NP the too-shiny shoes)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP think : `` (SQ Did (NP-SBJ he) (VP feel (NP-MNR that way) (PP about (NP me)))) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP comes (PP to (NP you)) (SBAR-1 (SBAR that (S (ADVP probably) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP did (VP feel (NP-MNR that way) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP use (NP him) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP did))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could n't (VP have (NP Gratt Shafer) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP have (VP *?* (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP like (NP the radio)) (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT on)) or (VP snap (PRT off)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP got (ADJP-PRD tired (PP of (NP (NP him) , (NP that other guy)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP dawns (PP on (NP you)) (SBAR-1 (SBAR that (S (PP instead of (NP (NP a lump) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP fill (NP (NP the seat) (PP across (NP the bridge table)) (PP from (NP you))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD a man)))) , and (SBAR that (S (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Gratt Shafer) (VP was (VP making (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD miserable)))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (VP passing (NP it) (PP down (PP (PP to (NP him)) , (PP to (NP (NP (NP Gratt Shafer 's) substitute) , (NP that other guy))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ you) (VP wonder (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ the little man) (VP (VP lost (NP (NP his job) and (NP his car))) and (VP stayed (ADJP-PRD drunk) (NP-TMP about a year) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP straightened (PRT out)) and (VP moved (PP to (NP (NP St. Louis) , (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a big unhappy success)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP wonder (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP looks (PP at (NP his wife)) (ADVP-TMP now)) and (VP thinks (PP of (NP you))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP wonder (PP about (NP (NP the Christmas card) (PP with (NP (NP no name) (PP on (NP it)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP comes (PP to (NP you)) (SBAR-3 that (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD better) (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP have (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP somebody) (ADVP else)) (ADJP-PRD happy)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD happy) (NP-ADV yourself)))))))) , (VP to (VP give (NP (NP somebody) (ADVP else)) (NP (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP wanted (NP *T*-2))))))) -- (VP to (VP give (NP them) (NP you))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Damn (NP the world))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (PRT out) (PP at (NP (NP the corn field) , (NP (NP (NP the great green deep acres) (PP of (NP it))) (VP rolled (PRT out) (PP like (NP the sea)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the field) (PP-LOC beyond (NP (NP the whitewashed fence) (VP bordering (NP the grounds))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The mayor) (VP envisioned (NP factories) (ADVP-LOC there)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Homes) and (NP factories) and (NP schools) and (NP a big wide federal highway)) , (PP instead of (NP (NP peaceful corn) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP rest (NP your eyes) (PP on (NP *T*-1)) (SBAR-TMP (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP rest (NP your heart))))))) , (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-3) not (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the balloon) and (NP the bandstand) and (NP the uniforms) and (NP (NP the flash) (PP of (NP the instruments)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The bands) (VP were (ADJP-PRD impatient))) , but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD the only ones))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The others) , (NP (NP the ones) (PP in (NP the stands))) ,) (VP were (VP spellbound (NP *-1) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP hearing (NP the mayor))) (VP was (PP for (NP them)) (PP-PRD like (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP listening (PP to (NP a symphony)))) (VP was (ADVP-PRD *?*) (PP for (NP (NP sophisticated folks) (PP-LOC in (NP New York City)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP being (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the concert hall)) (PP-TMP in (NP the afternoon))) and (VP hearing (S (NP-SBJ the piano virtuoso) (VP rehearsing)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (SBAR-NOM-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP them)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP do (SBAR-NOM *T*-2) (PP-LOC all over (NP the United States)) (NP-TMP some day))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP (VP stayed (ADJP-PRD quiet)) and (VP hung (PP not (PP on (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-1))))) but (PP on (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) not (VP (VP listening (ADVP exactly)) , (CONJP but rather) , (VP feeling))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good)))) , (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD governor))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP felt (NP-PRD it))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP go (PRT on) (ADVP-TMP forever)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP were (ADJP-PRD sorry) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP finished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP talking)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD up there)))) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP someone) (ADVP else)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the world) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADVP else)) (ADVP too)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a place) (ADJP full (PP of (NP courage and hope)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP laughed)) (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ your chest) (VP swelled)) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP cry (PP-TMP for (NP a little bit)))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (S (NP-SBJ a feeling) (VP hit (NP you) (PP like (NP (NP a chill) (PP-LOC in (NP your stomach)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the goose bumps) (VP rippled (PP along (NP your arm))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP hit (NP (NP the theme) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP dying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP defend (NP your country)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP were (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP it) (ADVP-TMP right then) , (PP without (NP a second thought)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP talked))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP would n't (VP trade (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD a West Tennessee farmer))) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP (NP anything) (ADVP else)) (PP in (NP the whole damned world)))))) , (ADVP no matter (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had n't , (PP-TMP in (NP six weeks)) , (VP rained (ADVP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wet (NP (NP a rat 's) ass)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP glanced (PP at (NP (NP (NP the man) (VP nodding (PP-LOC beside (NP her)))) , (NP (NP a man) (PP (PP with (NP (NP weather cracks) (VP furrowed (NP *) (PP into (NP his lean cheeks))))) , (PP (PP with (NP (NP powdery pale eyes) (VP (VP reflecting (NP (NP all the droughts) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP seen (NP *T*-2))))))) , (VP reflecting (NP (NP the sky) and (NP (NP the drought) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP follow (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-TMP in (NP August)))))))))))) -- (INTJ yes) , (PP with (NP (NP eyes) (VP predicting (NP the drought))))))))))) and (S (S (ADVP here) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP only June) , (NP only festival time)) (ADVP again))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP thoughts) (PP of (NP Gratt Shafer))) (VP would not (VP leave (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP have (VP stayed (PP-LOC at (NP the store)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC (ADVP Back) at (NP the Factory-to-You)) (PP with (NP the other old maids)) , (ADVP-LOC back there) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD the youngest clerk))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD thirty-four)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ-2 her) (ADJP-PRD young enough (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP resent (NP (NP the usual ideal working conditions) , (PP like (NP (NP the unventilated toilet) (PP with (NP (NP the door) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP hold (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (ADJP-PRD shut)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP sat (PRT down))))))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD no lock) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Herman) (VP did n't (VP allow (NP a lock)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A lock) (PP on (NP the toilet))) (VP would (VP encourage (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP malingering) and (VP primping)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The toilet) (VP had n't (VP had (NP a sincere scrubbing) (PP-TMP in (NP years))))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP things) (VP written (NP *) (PP on (NP (NP the walls) (PP of (NP the little boxed-in place)))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could n't (VP keep (NP the public) (PRT out) -- (ADVP entirely))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could not (VP count (NP (NP the times) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (S (NP-SBJ Herman) (VP had (VP rapped (PP on (NP the door)) , (NP-ADV (NP (NP just a couple) (PP of (NP bangs))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP *T*-1) (VP (VP shook (NP the whole damned closet)) and (VP might , (ADVP-TMP someday) , (VP break (ADVP away) (NP the pipe connections) (PP from (NP the wall)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The two little bangs) (VP meant (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP was (VP getting (ADJP-PRD impatient (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP a crowd) (PP of (NP customers))) (VP waited (PP on (NP *-3)))))))))))) and (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-5 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP *?*)))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP jerk (S (ADVP-PRD open) (NP-SBJ the door))) and (VP drag (PRT out) , (PP by (NP (NP the opposite door handle) (SBAR (WHNP-6 which) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP be (VP clutching (NP *T*-6)))))))) , (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 whichever-the-hell clerk) (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP waste (NP so much store time) (PP on (NP the pot))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ the hours) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP six-thirty) (PP-TMP in (NP the morning))) (PP-TMP until (NP (NP eleven) (PP-TMP at (NP night))))) (PP-TMP (PP on (NP Saturdays)) and (PP during (NP sales))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD no chairs))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could n't (VP smoke))) and (S (NP-SBJ the cooling) (VP was (NP-PRD overhead fans))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD no porter or janitor))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Among (NP us)) , (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP three)) (VP handled (NP (NP (QP quite a few) small commissions) , (PP (PP from (NP (NP spot drawings) (PP for (NP (NP advertising agencies) (ADVP-LOC uptown))))) (PP to (NP (NP magazine work) and (NP quick lettering jobs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Each) (PP of (NP us))) (VP had (NP his own specialty) (ADVP besides)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ George) (VP did (NP (NP (NP wonderful complicated pen-and-ink drawings) (PP like (NP (NP something) (PP out (PP of (NP a medieval miniature)))))) : (NP (NP (NP hundreds) (PP of (NP delicate details))) (VP (VP crammed (NP *) (PP into (NP an eight-by-ten sheet))) and (VP looking (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP been (VP done (NP *-1) (PP-LOC under (NP (NP a jeweler 's) glass)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP also) (VP drew (NP (NP precise crisp spots) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sold (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP (NP various (ADJP literary and artistic) journals) , (NP (NP (NP The New Yorker) , (PP for (NP instance)) ,) or (NP Esquire))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP (NP (NP book jackets) and (NP (NP covers) (PP for (NP paperback reprints)))) : (NP (NP naked girls) (VP huddling (PP-LOC in (NP (NP corners) (PP of (NP dingy furnished rooms)))) (SBAR-TMP while (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-1 at (NP the doorway)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP daring (S (NP-SBJ the cops) (VP to (VP take (NP him)))))) , (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the guy) (PP in (NP shirt sleeves))) (VP clutching (NP a revolver))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The book) (VP could (VP be (NP-PRD The Brothers Karamazov)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (ADVP still) (VP have (NP the same jacket illustration)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (SBAR 0 (S (ADVP-TMP once) (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP a jacket) (PP for (NP Magpie Press))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ the book) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a fine historical novel) (PP about (NP Edward 3))))) , , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did (NP (NP a week) (PP of (NP research))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ (NP the details) (NP *ICH*-2)) (ADJP-PRD just right) : (NP-2 the fifteenth-century armor , furnishings , clothes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP even) (VP ferreted (PRT out) (NP (NP (NP the materials) (SBAR (WHPP-2 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 shields) (VP were (VP made (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2)))))) -- (NP (NP linden wood) (VP covered (NP *) (PP with (NP leather)))) --) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP get (S (NP-SBJ the light reflections) (ADJP-PRD accurate))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP McKenzie) , (NP the art editor) ,) (VP (VP took (NP one look) (PP at (NP my finished sketch))) and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ Nothing) (VP doing , (NP-VOC Rufus))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP the first place)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD static))) ; ; (S (PP in (NP the second place)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP does n't (VP look (ADJP-PRD authentic)))) ; ; and (S (S (PP in (NP the third place)) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP would (VP cost (NP a fortune) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reproduce))) (PP in (NP the first place))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP six colors) (PP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-1 including (NP gold)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said , `` (S (NP-VOC Mr. McKenzie) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as authentic) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ careful research) (VP can (VP make (NP it)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP may (VP be))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD authentic) (NP-MNR (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ readers) (VP think (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP know (PP from (NP (NP their researches) (PP into (NP (NP television) and (NP the movies))))) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ knights) (PP-TMP in (NP the middle ages)) (VP had (NP (NP beautiful flowing haircuts) (PP like (NP Little Lord Fauntleroy))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ only the villains) (VP had (NP beards)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ girls) (VP could n't (VP have (VP dressed (PP like (NP that)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD transparent enough))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP the end)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP (NP the same old picture) , (NP (NP the naked girl) and (NP (NP the guy) (PP-LOC in (NP the doorway))))))) , (S (ADVP only) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP put (NP a Lord Byron shirt) (PP-PUT on (NP the guy))) , (VP gave (NP him) (NP (NP a sword) (PP instead of (NP a pistol)))) , and (VP painted (PRT in) (NP (NP furniture) (PP from (NP (NP the stills) (PP of (NP a costume movie)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ McKenzie) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as happy) (PP as (NP a clam)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD authenticity))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP Donald))) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP actually) (VP sold (NP paintings)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (NP all)) (VP painted (PP-TMP in (NP our spare time)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had all (VP started (PP as (NP (NP easel painters) (PP with (NP scholarships))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the only one) (PP of (NP us))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (NP any regular money) (PP at (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP Not much) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sold (NP (NP (QP perhaps three or four)) (NP-ADV a year)) , (NAC and (ADVP-TMP usually) all (PP to (NP (NP Joyce Monmouth) or (NP her friends)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP style) , (NP (NP a real inner vision) (PP of (NP his very own))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD strange stuff))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP reminded (NP me) (PP of (NP (NP the pictures) (PP of (NP (NP a child) , (PP but (NP (NP a child) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (S-SBJ (NP *T*-1)) (VP (VP has (ADVP-TMP never) (VP played (PP with (NP other kids)))) and (VP has (VP lived (NP all its life) (PP with (NP adults))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP the freshness) (PP of (NP color))) , (NP (NP the freedom) (PP of (NP perception))) , (NP (NP the lack) (PP of (NP self-consciousness)))) , (PP but (PP with (NP (NP a twist) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the forms) (VP (VP leap (PP from (NP the page))) and (VP smack (NP you) (PP in (NP the eye))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP kid (NP him) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP saying (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP only) (VP painted (NP-MNR that way) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so nearsighted)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP may (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD true) (PP for (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP *T*-1)))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ his glasses) (VP were (PP-PRD like (NP (NP the bottoms) (PP of (NP milk bottles))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did n't (VP prevent (NP the paintings) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD exciting))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP also) (VP had , (PP-TMP at (NP times)) , (NP (NP an uncanny absent-minded air) (PP like (NP a sleepwalker))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP look (PP (ADVP right) through (NP you)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (VP talking (PP to (NP him))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP said , `` (S (PP For (NP (NP Christ 's) sake)) , (NP-VOC Donald) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP got (NP Prussian blue) (PP all over (NP your shirt))))) ''))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP smile , and nod))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP (NP an hour) later) (NP-SBJ the paint) (VP would (VP be (PP-PRD all over (NP his pants)) (ADVP as well)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Monmouth) (VP thought (PP of (NP him)) (PP as (NP her discovery)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP paid (NP (QP two to three hundred) dollars) (PP for (NP a painting)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was all (NP-PRD gravy))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ Donald) (VP did n't (VP need (NP (NP much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live (PP on (NP *T*-1)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP none) (PP of (NP us))) (VP did))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP shared (NP (NP the expenses) (PP of (NP the studio))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP all)) (VP lived (PP-LOC within (NP (NP walking distance) (PP of (NP it)))) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP cheap lodgings) (PP of (NP (NP one kind) or (NP another))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Attending (NP the life class))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP my idea) -- (CONJP or rather) , (NP (NP Askington 's) idea)))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ripe (PP for (NP it))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the other two) (VP would n't (VP have (VP gone (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP talked (NP them) (PP into (NP it))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP paint (ADVP again))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP done (NP a serious picture) (PP-TMP in (NP (QP almost a) year)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP just the pressure) (PP of (NP work))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the excuse) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP used (NP *T*-1) , (PP (ADVP even) to (NP myself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP work))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP doing (NP *T*-1)))))) , (NP (NP the quality) (PP of (NP (NP the ambition) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP awoke (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP me))))))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP kept (NP me) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP painting))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP saying , `` (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP could (ADVP just) (VP (VP build (PRT up) (NP a reputation) (PP for (NP myself))) , (VP make (NP some real money)) , (VP get (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD well known (PP as (NP (NP an illustrator) -- (PP like (NP Peter Askington)) , (PP for (NP instance)) --))))))))))) (ADVP then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP (VP take (NP some time) (PRT off)) and (VP paint)))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Askington) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP goal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP set (NP myself) (NP *T*-1))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP admired (NP him) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP long) before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP talked (PP to (NP him)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP looked (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR as though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ an artist) (VP could (VP want (NP *T*-1)))))) , (NP (NP (NP joy) (PP in (NP his work))) , (NP (NP standing) (PP in (NP the profession))) , (NP a (ADJP large and steady) income))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP The night) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP met (ADVP-TMP *T*-1) , (PP-LOC at (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Mrs. Monmouth 's) giant parties)))) ,)))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP wearing (NP (NP (NP a brown cashmere jacket) (PP with (NP silver buttons))) and (NP a soft pink Viyella shirt))))) ; ; (S (PP instead of (NP a necktie)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP wore (NP (NP a leather bolo) (VP drawn (NP *) (PP through (NP (NP a golden ring) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (SINV (VP was (VP set (PP-LOC *T*-2))) (NP-SBJ (NP a lump) (PP of (NP pale pure jade))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP set (NP (NP his tone) : (NP (NP (NP richness) (PP of (NP texture and color))) , and (NP (NP (NP another kind) (PP of (NP richness))) (ADVP as well)))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ his clothing and decorations) (VP would (VP have (VP paid (NP (NP the Brush-off 's) rent) (PP for (NP a year))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP (NP-ADV fifteen years) older) (PP than (NP I))) -- (NP forty-four) -- but (ADJP full (PP of (NP spring and sparkle))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP look (PP like (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (PP of (NP *T*-1)) (PP as (NP an old man))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his (ADJP lively and erudite) speech) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD even younger))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most prominent) magazine illustrators) (PP-LOC in (NP America))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP saw (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his paintings))) (PP on (NP (NP the cover) (PP of (NP (NP one or another) (PP of (NP the slick national magazines)))))) (NP-TMP every month))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Life) (VP (VP had (VP included (NP him) (PP in (NP its `` Modern American Artists '' series)))) and (VP had (VP photographed (NP him) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP his studio) (PP-LOC in (NP the East Sixties)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP it))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP see (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP the photograph))))))) (VP looked (SBAR as though (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP-3 Velasquez) (PP in (NP it)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP painting (NP (NP the royalty) (PP of (NP Spain))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP a long talk) (PP with (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP went (PP into (NP (NP (NP Mrs. Monmouth 's) library) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP had (NP-3 low bookshelves) (PP-LOC-4 all along (NP the walls)) , and) (VP (PP-LOC=4 above (NP them)) (NP=3 (NP a Modigliani portrait) , (NP (NP a Jackson Pollock) (ADJP (NP-ADV twelve feet) long)) , and (NP (NP (NP a gorgeous Miro) (PP with (NP a yellow background))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP looked (PP like (NP (NP an inscription) (PP from (NP a Martian tomb)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The fireplace) (VP had (NP (NP tiles) (VP made (NP *) (PP-BNF for (NP Mrs. Monmouth)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Picasso) (NP himself)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP certain expensive restaurants)) , (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP sitting (ADVP-LOC there))) (VP gave (NP you) (NP the illusion (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD wealthy) (NP-ADV yourself)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the course) (PP of (NP our talk)))) , (NP-SBJ Askington) (VP mentioned (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP spent (NP (NP part) (PP of (NP each week))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP studying)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP-TPC-1 By (NP yourself)) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (PP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (NP classes) (PP with (NP different people)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP reached (NP (NP the point) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) , (ADVP-TMP yet) , (SBAR-1 (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know (NP *T*-3))))))) (PP about (NP the craft)))))) (ADVP *T*-4))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD important (PP to (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a painter) (VP thinks (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP move (PP in (NP (NP a certain atmosphere) , (NP (NP an atmosphere) (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP may (VP absorb (NP (NP the ideas) (PP of (NP other masters))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-3 Durer) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP Italy)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP meet (NP Bellini and Mantegna))))))) (PP *T*-4))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP a circle) (PP with (NP his thumb and fingers))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Painting) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD this big) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP does n't (VP embrace (NP (NP only the artist) , (ADJP alone (PP-LOC before (NP his easel)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP as large) (PP as (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP art))))) , (ADJP interdependent , varied , multitudinous))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP threw (NP-1 his arms) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD wide)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his face) (VP shining))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ The artist) (VP is (PP-PRD like (NP (NP a fragment) (PP of (NP a mosaic)))))) -- (S (INTJ no) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP that))) , (NP (NP a virtuoso performer) (PP in (NP some vast philharmonic)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP (NP One) (PP of (NP these days))) , (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP organize (NP (NP a gigantic exhibition) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP will (VP span (NP (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP 's (VP being (VP painted (NP *-1) (NP-TMP these days))))))) , (PP (PP from (NP extreme abstract expressionism)) (PP to (NP extreme photorealism))))))))))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ-5 you) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP see (PP at (NP a glance)) (SBAR (WHNP-6 how much) (S (NP-SBJ artists) (VP have (NP *T*-6) (PP in (ADJP common)) (PP with (NP each other)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The eye) (ADJP *ICH*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD all) , (ADJP-1 inward or outward)) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (INTJ Ah) , (WHNP (WHNP what a title) (PP for (NP the exhibition)))) : (S (NP-SBJ The Eye) (VP is (NP-PRD All))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP study (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fascinated))) ; ; (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP listening (PP to (NP him)))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD intelligent))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP studying (NP anatomy) (PP with (NP Burns))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP replied (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP teaches (PP at (NP (NP the Manhattan School) (PP of (NP Art))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP studied (PP with (NP Burns)) (ADVP-TMP (NP ten years) before) , (PP-TMP during (NP (NP the scholarship year) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Manhattan) (VP gave (NP me) (NP *T*-1) , (PP along (PP with (NP (NP the five-hundred-dollar prize) (PP for (NP (NP my paintings) (PP of (NP (NP bums) (PP-LOC on (NP Hudson Street)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Burns and I) (VP had not (VP loved (NP each other))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP also) (VP studying (NP enameling) (PP with (NP Hajime Iijima))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PRT on) (S *T*-1))) ,) `` and (S (ADVP-TMP twice (NP a week)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP go (PP to (NP (NP a life class) (VP taught (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Pendleton))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Osric Pendleton) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (INTJ My God) , is (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD alive) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a million years) old))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP to (NP (NP a retrospective) (PP of (NP his work)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD eighteen) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a contemporary) (PP of (NP Cezanne 's)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (ADVP `` Not quite '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Askington) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD (QP about sixty)) , (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-TMP Still) (VP painting) , (ADVP-TMP still) (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP modern impressionist))) , (NP (NP beautiful canvases) (PP of (NP mountains and farms))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP even) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ the city) (VP look (PP like (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Thoreau 's) hangouts))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP always) (VP admired (NP him)))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP taking (NP a few pupils))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP him))) and (VP joined (NP his class)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP sounds (ADJP-PRD great))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` but (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP think (PP of (NP yourself)) (PP as (NP an impressionist painter)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (VP missing (NP the point)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP has (NP the magical eye)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD a great man)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Contact) (PP with (NP him))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD stimulating)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the trouble) (PP with (NP (ADJP so many) artists))) (NP-TMP today)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP lack (NP stimulation)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP (VP sit (ADVP alone) (PP-LOC in (NP their rooms))) and (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP paint)))) , and (ADVP only) (VP succeed (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP isolating (NP themselves) (PP (ADVP still farther) from (NP life))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the reasons) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ art) (VP is (VP becoming (NP-PRD a useless occupation) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the Middle Ages)) , (PP-TMP in (NP the Renaissance)) , (PP-TMP (ADVP right) up (PP to (NP the early nineteenth century))) , (NP-SBJ the painter) (VP was (NP-PRD a giant) (PP-LOC in (NP the world))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an artisan) , (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP studied (NP his trade)) and (VP developed (NP his craftsmanship) (NP-MNR (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a goldsmith) or (NP a wood carver)) (VP did (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP filled (NP a real need) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP showing (NP society) (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP looked (PP like (NP *T*-2)))))) , (VP turning (NP it) (ADVP inside out)) , (VP portraying (NP (NP (NP its wars) and (NP its leaders)) , (NP (NP its ugliness) and (NP its beauties)))) , (VP reflecting (NP its profound religious impulses))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP a propagandist) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were n't (ADJP-PRD afraid (PP of (NP the word))) , (ADVP-TMP then))) --)) (NP satirist) , (NP nature lover) , (NP philosopher) , (NP scientist) , (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (NP *T*-1))))) , (NP (NP a member) (PP (PP of (NP every party)) and (PP of (NP no party)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP But (NP-SBJ *) (VP look (PP at (NP us)) (NP-TMP today)) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 We) (VP hold (NP safe little jobs) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP illustrating (NP (NP tooth-paste ads) or (NP (NP the salacious incidents) (PP in (NP trivial novels)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP our easel painting))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (PP but (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP picking (NP the fluff) (PP out (PP of (NP the navel))) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP can (VP be (VP contemplated (NP *-1) (PP in (NP greater purity))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A bunch) (PP of (NP amateur dervishes)) ! !)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP need (NP *T*-1)))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP (ADVP back) (PP to (NP the group)) , (PP to (NP learning and apprenticeship)) , (PP to (NP (NP the cafe) and (NP the school)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (ADVP certainly) (VP talk)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The upshot) (PP of (NP the evening))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP got (NP (NP the address) (PP (PP of (NP (NP Pendleton 's) studio)) -- (CONJP or rather) , (PP of (NP (NP the studio) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (NP his classes) (PP-LOC *T*-2)))))) ,)) (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP work (ADVP-LOC there) (NP-ADV himself)))))) -- and (VP joined (NP (NP the life class) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP met (NP-TMP every Tuesday and Thursday) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP ten)) (PP to (NP (NP twelve) (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD an awkward hour))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP punch (NP any time clock))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP only) (VP meant (SBAR that (S (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP-TMP (NP a couple (PP of (NP hours))) later) (PP at (NP the drawing board)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP finish (PRT up) (NP a job)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a short time)) , (S (NP-SBJ both George and Donald) (VP joined (NP the class) (PP with (NP me)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would n't (VP feel (ADJP-PRD lonely))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hang (NP (NP a sign) (VP *ICH*-2)) (PP on (NP (NP the door) (PP of (NP the Brush-off)))) (VP-2 reading (PP out (PP to (NP work))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP mostly) (PP-PRD for (NP (NP the benefit) (PP of (NP the mailman)))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP hardly anybody) (ADVP else)) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP visited (NP us))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP a way)) , (NP-SBJ Askington) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Stimulating) '' (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the word) (PP for (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as rewarding) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Partly) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ (NP Pendleton) (NP himself)) (VP was n't (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP anticipated (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (VP come (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP prepared (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP worship (PP at (NP (NP the feet) (PP of (NP this classic)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP rather bitter) old man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP smelled (PP of (NP dead cigars))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD quite fair)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a lot) (PP of (NP force))) (PP in (NP him))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP-3 why) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP kept (PRT on) (PP in (NP that class)) (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP quitting (PP-TMP after (NP a week))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Such a little thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP start (PP with (NP *T*-1))))))) -- (NP the car registration) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (NP-VOC Ida) , (WHADVP-1 where) (SQ is (NP-SBJ the car license) (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP find (NP it) (PP-LOC in (NP the glove compartment)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ Via) (VP must (VP have (NP it)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP answered (S *T*-2) (ADVP readily enough) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP recalling (NP her last visit)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP Via) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP frowning)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ Via) (VP have (NP it) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ she) (VP forgotten (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP signed (NP the car) (PRT away))))) , (SBAR that (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ-1 (WHNP-2 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP mutually) (VP owned (NP *T*-2)))) (VP had (VP been (VP divided (NP *-1) (PP among (NP the children)))))))))) ? ?) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD silent)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stir (NP things) (PRT up)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP drive (NP my own car) (PP by (NP (NP courtesy) (PP of (NP Via))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP turn (NP it) (PRT over) (PP to (NP you)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (ADVP rather) (VP *?*)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (NP that)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (VP accusing (NP me) (PP of (NP some fraud))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP must (VP have (VP taken (NP the registration) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP Walter 's)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP call (NP her))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP thank (NP you)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP (NP nothing) (PP of (NP Via 's)))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ this) (ADVP suddenly) (VP assail (NP her) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Walter) (VP was (VP giving (NP me) (NP checks) (PP for (NP (NP my pay) , (NP the household bills))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ she) (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP (NP such a turmoil) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP had (VP slipped (NP her mind)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What a fool) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR quietly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP all this))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP paid (NP no attention))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (ADVP even) (VP own (NP (NP the house) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP standing (PP-LOC in (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so sure (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was all (ADJP-PRD temporary)))) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP would all (VP embrace))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ the lawyer) (VP would (VP tear (PRT up) (NP all those things)))))))))))) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP narrows (PRT down down down))) and (S (ADVP-TMP finally) (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP no way) (ADVP out)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am not (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD Mrs. Salter))))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD nothing)) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP have (VP paid (NP attention) (PP to (NP that half-murmured remark))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those extreme statements) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP women) (PP under (NP stress))) (VP indulge (PP in (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP you))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP you))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP feel (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP killing (NP you and myself))))))) , and (PP in (NP the same sequence)) (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP you))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most wonderful)) (NP the (ADJP most noble)) and (ADVP-ETC so on and on)))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (ADVP meanwhile) (VP (VP eating (NP a good breakfast and dinner)) and (VP enjoying (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP living))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP about (NP my business))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP made (NP (NP a lemon sponge) , (NP a light dessert))) , (VP roasted (NP a chicken)) , (VP parboiled (NP some frozen vegetables) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADJP nice)) (PP-LOC in (NP the icebox)) (PP for (NP the weekend)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP bother , (NP-VOC Ida)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP these appointments) (PP-LOC in (NP town))) (PP for (NP Saturday)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP probably) (VP spend (NP Sunday) (PP with (NP (NP Dolly) or (NP the Thaxters)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 (PP At (NP last)) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (S *T*-1))) ,) (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (VP recovering (NP her spirits))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP this movie-to-be) (PP-LOC in (NP London))) , and (NP (NP new faces) (PP about (NP her)) (ADVP-LOC there)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP more tranquil) , a wiser person) , (ADJP all the better (PP for (NP (NP her stay) (ADVP-LOC out here))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD more cheerful) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP had (NP a part) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP bringing (NP her) (PP through (PP to (NP (NP a greater tolerance) (PP of (NP herself))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP my own cottage)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (NP (NP my own little patch) (PP of (NP life))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD foggy) (NP-TMP that evening))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the path) (PP to (NP my house))) (VP was (ADVP (ADVP so well) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP grooved (NP *-1) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP could (VP feel (NP-PRD my way) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP accustomed (NP *-5) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-6 I) (VP was (VP *?* (NP *-6))))) (PP to (NP (NP the dense mists) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP rise (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the sun-warmed palisades) (PP of (NP the river))))) and (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP last (PP-TMP for (NP days))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the morning)) (NP-SBJ the fog) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD thick) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the village))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP crept (ADVP along) (PP with (NP (NP my headlights) (ADVP-PRD full on))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (VP notice (NP (NP a twinkle) (PP of (NP light))) (PP from (NP the big house)) (PP through (NP the woods))))) but (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP left (NP a light) (PRT on) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP my own house))) (PP-PRP because of (NP the fog)))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP assumed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Salter) (VP had (VP done (NP the same) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP left (PP for (NP town))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP did (NP my shopping)) , (VP had (NP my dentist appointment)))) , and (S (PP-DIR from (ADVP there)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP (NP the women 's) lunch) (PP-LOC at (NP our parish church)) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP discussed (NP (NP plans) (PP for (NP the annual Christmas bazaar))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-2 dusk) (VP was (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP gather))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-TMP in (NP the late afternoon)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (NP-TMP (NP the next day) -- (NP Sunday)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Why) , (SQ (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drove (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP church))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ it) (VP speak (PP to (NP me)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2) , (S-NOM-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP the lights) (RRC (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-PRD on))) and (NP (NP the day) (ADJP-PRD crisp and clear)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Prisoners) (VP brought (PP to (NP the dock)))) (VP accused (NP *) (PP of (NP murder or accident)))) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can not (VP remember)))))) , and (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reading (NP (NP the accounts) (PP of (NP their testimony))))) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP can not (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the mind) (VP can (VP (VP remove) , (VP absent (NP itself)) , (VP unsee)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR from (NP church)) (PP-TMP at (NP noon)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ Mrs. Thaxter) (VP was (VP turning (PP into (NP the Salter driveway)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP (ADVP Even) at (NP (NP a car 's) length)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP sense (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wrong))))))) , (CONJP and so) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP followed (NP her) (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP (NP the turnaround) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the house))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dolly Engisch) (VP was (VP waiting (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-LOC on (NP the steps))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP running (PP-DIR toward (NP us)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD (ADVP nowhere) , (ADVP nowhere)))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ She) (VP screamed (S *T*-1))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ both women) (VP ran (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP the house))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP followed))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The search) (VP began , (PP in (NP all the rooms)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP running (ADVP-DIR upstairs) , (ADVP-DIR down))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP opening (NP closets))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP talking , exclaiming (PP in (NP rushes and gasps)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Everything) (NP *ICH*-1) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP was (SBAR-PRD as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP left (NP it) (NP-TMP (NP the night) (PP before (ADJP last))))))) -- (NP-1 (NP her portfolio and bag) (PP for (NP town))) , (NP-2 (NP her lingerie and dress and shoes) (VP laid (PRT out))))) (S (NP-SBJ only her mink coat) (VP was (VP missing))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP she) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ the telephoning) (VP began) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP I) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (PP-TMP until (NP (NP that day) (ADVP before))) (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP Mrs. Salter 's) friend) , (NP her equal) ,)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD the servant) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Dolly) and (NP Mrs. Thaxter)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (VP calling (NP (NP Via) , (NP everybody)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP spoke (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP spoke (PP (PP to (NP each other)) (CONJP and not) (PP to (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP brought (NP them) (NP sandwiches and coffee)))) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP my place) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen))))) and (VP wait))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP Sitting (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen)))) (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP recalled (NP (NP every word) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Salter) (VP said (NP *T*-2)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD a sign) (PP to (NP me))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am not (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD Mrs. Salter))))))) (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD nothing)) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ that) (VP alarm (NP me) (ADVP-TMP then) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP returned (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP her guests) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP New York))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP talked (PP about (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Harvie) (NP (NP (NP Harvie) (NP this)) , (NP (NP Harvie) (NP that)))))))) )) (TOP (SQ (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP know (NP the truth) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (SQ will (NP-SBJ they) (VP drop (ADVP away (PP from (NP me))))) , (SQ will (NP-SBJ I) (VP become (NP-PRD a nothing))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP remembered (ADVP-TMP (NP a few years) before) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP their return) (PP from (NP (NP a short trip) (PP to (NP Rome)))))) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP boast , (ADVP over and over again) , `` (S (PP-LOC On (NP the boat)) (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP liked (NP me) (PP for (NP myself))))) ''))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP made (NP (NP a habit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP calling (NP her) (PP-TMP at (NP night)) (PP from (NP my cottage)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP check))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The last night) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP called)) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ the line) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD busy))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP reassured (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP assumed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those hour-long conversations) (PP with (NP Dolly or Constance))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ she) (ADJP-PRD comfortable) (PP-LOC in (NP bed))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed not (PP from (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP saying (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (ADVP-TMP Then) was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD (NP a final desperate plea) (PP (PP from (NP her)) , (WHPP to (WHNP whom) ? ?)) (VP Hanging (PP on and on) (PP past (NP (NP any man 's) patience))) (NP (NP some final stab) (PP of (NP conclusion)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (VP found (NP *-1) (NP-TMP (NP the day) (ADVP after)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the cliff)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP have (VP happened))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD restless)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP disturbed (NP *-4) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP this telephone call) or (NP whatever))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-TMP in (NP the night)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP a habit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ she) (VP took (NP (NP the path) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP winds (PRT up) (PP around (NP my cottage)) (PP to (NP (NP the walk) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the cliff))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD so romantic) (PP-LOC up (NP there))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (S *T*-2))))))) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP the broad river) (VP gleaming (PP in (NP its moontrack)) (PP like (NP an enormous dark mirror)))) and (NP (NP (NP all the sounds) (PP of (NP the night))) , (ADJP-PRD so poetic)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP all that warm rain) and (NP the fog))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as simple) (PP as (NP (NP a loosened rock) , (NP a misstep))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (ADVP really) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as simple) (PP as (NP that)))))))) , nor (SINV did (NP-SBJ anyone else) (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ a fisherman) (VP brought (NP-1 her) (PRT up) (PP in (NP his arms)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD still , small ,)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP a child) (ADJP asleep))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP shudder (PP with (NP (NP (NP a terrible excitement) , (ADJP almost triumphant) ,) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP can not (VP account (PP for (NP *T*-4)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ it) (NP (NP a hysterical release) (PP from (NP (NP the long strain) (PP of (NP (NP vigilance) (PP of (NP those weeks))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBAR That (S (ADVP at last) (NP-SBJ (NP the vigilance) , (NP the will)) (VP gives (NP way))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ Or (WHNP-1 what) (SQ was (NP *T*-1) (NP-SBJ it) (SBAR-PRP that , (S (PP before (NP Via , Sonny , Walter and all)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP almost) (VP to (VP (VP dance (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP shuddering)))) and (VP cry (PRT out) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP do (NP it))))))) ! !)))))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (VP (VP stared (PP at (NP me))) and (VP drew (ADVP back))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their eyes) (VP turned (ADJP-PRD cold and accusing) , (NP-ADV even Via 's)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ they) (VP have (ADVP-TMP never) (VP changed)) .)) (TOP (SQ (PP-TMP At (NP (NP the same time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP understood (NP her) (PP-TMP at (ADJP long last))) and (VP pitied (NP her)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) , (PP underneath (NP this knowing)) had (NP-SBJ there) (VP burned (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD unquenched (PP by (NP my pity)))) (NP-3 (NP (NP a fire) (PP of (NP hate))) , (NP (NP an enduring envy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP burst (PRT out)) (PP in (NP that ghastly outcry))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ (NP that) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP given (NP way) (PP in (NP me))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Even now) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (VP appalled (NP *-1) (PP at (SBAR (WHNP-3 how little) (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP knows (NP *T*-3) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP really) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *ICH*-1)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD absurd) (PP of (NP course)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ that one exclamation) (VP estranged (NP me) (PP from (NP (NP the family) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (NP-PRD my (ADJP very own)))))))))))))))) , but (S (ADVP-LOC there) (NP-SBJ it) (VP hangs , (NP-TPC (NP a cooling void) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP broke (NP (NP our close connection) (PP with (NP each other))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP the time)) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP filled (NP *-1) (PP with (NP self-pity)) (PP at (NP this separation))))) , but (S (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the years) (ADVP since))) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP have (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP understand (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sight) (PP of (NP me))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD painful) (PP to (NP them)) (PP after (NP that outcry))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP my person)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (ADVP-TMP always) (VP remember (NP (NP that last long time) (PP of (NP (NP me) (ADJP alone (PP with (NP her))))))))) , so (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP told (NP themselves) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP have (VP prevented (NP it))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP (VP understand (NP that) (PP-TMP by (ADVP now))) and (VP love (NP them) (ADVP-TMP still)) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP must (VP (VP justify) , (VP have (NP a scapegoat) (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP is not (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP borne (NP *-1))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is not (NP-PRD (NP their avoidance) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP rankles)))))) ; ; (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-3 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP meet (NP (NP someone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a close friend) (PP (PP of (NP the family)) , and (ADVP therefore) (PP of (NP mine)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP nod (PP to (NP me)) (ADVP-MNR so coolly)) and (VP walk (ADVP-DIR away)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP hurts (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP tell (NP them)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ no one) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP asked , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP cried (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR so triumphantly) (PP at (NP (NP the sight) (PP of (NP her body)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP forget (NP (NP Mrs. Mathias) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-PRD away) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP visiting (NP a married daughter))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP happened (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP haunted (NP me))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP persisted (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP explaining (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how and why) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP advised (NP-1 Mrs. Salter) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP return (PP to (NP the country))))) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP We) (NP all)) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD guilty))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP turned (ADVP away) (PP from (NP her)) (ADVP-MNR coldly))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nobody 's) fault)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP overplayed (NP her hand)) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP mean (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP frowned) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP put (NP such a high value) (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (NP-PRD top dog)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ I) (VP added (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP coarse) , (ADJP almost insulting)) , (NP-TPC this harsh appraisal))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP has (ADVP-TMP never) (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP me)))) (ADVP-TMP since)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ *) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP she) (VP had not (VP (VP taken (NP (NP Mrs. Mathias ') advice)) and (VP lived (ADVP on) (PP like (NP (NP thousands) (PP of (NP (NP women) (PP in (NP towns)))) , (UCP (VP dispossessed (NP *) (PP of (NP love))) , (VP hanging (PP on (PP to (NP makeshifts)))) , and (ADJP (ADVP altogether and finally) arid)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP chose (SBAR *RNR*-2)) , and (VP (PP in (NP that final decision)) discarded (SBAR *RNR*-2)) , (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 what) , (S (PP above (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP us))) (VP value (NP *T*-1) , (NP-TPC (NP life) (NP itself)))))))) , must (NP-SBJ-3 she) not (VP have (VP (VP risen (PP to (NP her fullest height))) , and (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP transcending (NP her murky self))) , felt (PP-TMP at (ADJP last)) (NP-PRD (NP the passion) (PP of (NP a great moral decision)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP have (VP stopped (NP her))))))))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (ADJP-PRD ignorant (PP of (NP (NP (NP her last weeks) (PP of (NP self-examination))) , (NP (NP (NP her search) (PP into (NP herself))) and (NP its conclusions))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP cried (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP do (NP it))))))))))) , but (S (PP without (NP my (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (ADVP fully) realizing (NP it) (PP-TMP at (NP the time)))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a cry) (PP of (NP (NP triumph) (PP for (NP her)))) , (NP (NP praise) (PP at (NP (NP her deliverance) (PP from (NP pettiness and greed -- and guilt)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADVP-TMP finally) (PP-PRD at (NP rest)) (PP in (NP truth)) , (PP of (NP her own proud free choice))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP At (NP rest)) (PP with (NP (NP my darling Ellen) , (NP the first Mrs. Salter))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Salter) (VP came (ADVP-DIR home)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The funeral service) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the house))) , (FRAG (NP the Methodist minister) , (UCP (SBAR (WHADJP-3 how clean and glistening) (S (NP-SBJ his eyeglasses) (VP *?* (ADJP-PRD *T*-3)))) and (S (NP-SBJ his neat body) (VP standing (PP-LOC beside (NP that coffin)) (PP with (NP that doll inside)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ a stranger) (VP speaking (PP to (NP strangers)) (NP the old sacred words))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the rain) (VP drumming (ADVP-MNR incessantly) (PP in (NP accompaniment)) , (NP-ADV (NP seven days) (PP of (NP (NP relentless rain) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP turned (NP the ground) (PP to (NP mud)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ the burial) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP postponed (NP *-1)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP waited) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 Via) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (UCP (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP had (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cremate (NP her) (PRN -- (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP *?* (NP Ellen)))))) , (NP-SBJ the thought) (VP leaped (PP to (NP my mind)))) --))))))))) and (SQ did (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP meet (NP her) (PP-LOC at (NP the funeral home)) (NP-TMP the next morning))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The coffin) (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP trestles)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a corner) (PP of (NP the long low (ADJP dimly lit) funeral parlor)))) ,)) (FRAG (PP-LOC on (NP its dark shining surface)) (NP (NP the sheaf) (PP of (NP white roses)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP ordered (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP knelt , (ADVP just) (PP for (NP decency)) (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) (PP-TMP at (NP the time))))) , but (VP found (S (NP-SBJ myself) (VP whispering , `` (NP-VOC (NP Our Father) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP Art (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP Heaven)))))) ''))))) And (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP only) (PP-TMP-PRD after (NP that)) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 that) (S (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP unlocked (PP in (NP me)))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (NP-PRD a grief))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Via) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the parking lot)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (ADVP-DIR outside) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Together) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP waited (PP-LOC in (NP her car)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the hearse) (VP moved (ADVP-DIR out)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP followed (NP it) (PP-DIR down (PP into (NP (NP the heavy traffic) (PP of (NP New Jersey))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP arrived) and (VP entered (NP the building)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) (NP-SBJ sacred music) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP swelling (PP out (PP into (NP (NP the chapel-like auditorium) (PP with (NP (NP its discreet symbols) (PP of (NP religious faiths))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP impelled (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP kneel)))))) , and (VP reached (ADVP back)) and (VP pulled (NP Via) (PRT down))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Something) (VP would (VP come (PP into (NP her heart))))) (S (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (NP (NP nothing) (ADVP else)))) (NP-SBJ (NP the sounds) (PP of (NP Bach))) (VP would (VP give (NP her) (NP some healing)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP rather small) place) (PP of (NP my own)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A nice bachelor apartment) (PP in (NP (NP a place) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD the Lancaster Arms))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Uhhu '') , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP hardly) (VP listening)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP studied (NP her left eyelid))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP another place) (ADVP-LOC farther downtown) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP used (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP a studio))))))) '' .)) (TOP `` (INTJ Uhhu '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (NP-PRD (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (NP many close intimate friends))))) , (NP-VOC Carla))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-3) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wanting (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP know (NP (NP all) (PP about (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP drink (PP with (NP newspaper people)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (VP call (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD a convivial man))))))))))) , (CONJP and yet) (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alone) (PP-LOC in (NP my studio)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (NP my work))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2) ,))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP really) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD alive)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP needs (NP (NP (QP at least one) intimate friend) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP communicate (PP with (NP *T*-1))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Pausing)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP waited (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP (VP to (VP turn)) , (VP to (VP ask (NP a question))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP showed (NP (NP no interest) (ADVP at all) (PP in (NP (NP the life) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP led (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC back home)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP hurt (NP him) (NP-ADV a little))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Well) , (WHNP what) (PP about (NP you)) , (NP-VOC Carla) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Me) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP asked (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP turning (ADVP slowly)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHNP What) (PP about (NP me)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SQ `` Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP make (NP friends) (ADVP-MNR easily)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Umm) , (INTJ uhhu) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-MNR Somehow) (NP-SBJ I) (VP imagine (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP grew (PRT up)))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADJP-PRD alone) (NP-ADV a lot))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHADVP How) (PP about (NP it)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (ADVP so))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (S *T*-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP taking (NP a Kleenex) (PP from (NP her purse)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP wiped (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the lipstick))) (PP from (NP her mouth)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP stared (ADVP-MNR solemnly) (PP at (NP (NP her image) (PP in (NP the mirror))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-2 `` Are (NP-SBJ your people) (ADJP still alive) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-3 He) (VP asked (SQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP touch (NP (NP a part) (PP of (NP her life)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Alberto) (VP had n't (VP discussed (NP *T*-1))))))))) ; ; (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP have (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP her))) (PP for (NP himself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP talk (ADVP so well) , (NP-VOC Carla))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PRT on) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP read (NP (ADJP so much)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP a natural gift) (PP for (NP words)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP added (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP flatter (NP her vanity))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD good (PP at (NP history))) (PP-LOC at (NP school))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (PP to (NP school)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD this)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ-3 She) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP turning (ADVP suddenly)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP (NP all) (PP about (NP me))) (PP-TMP by (NP this time))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My name) (VP 's (NP-PRD Carla Caneli)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD my town)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sleep (PP with (NP you))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (NP (NP something) (ADJP more) (PP about (NP me))) (NP-TMP every day))) , (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Would (NP-SBJ you) (VP be (ADJP-PRD happier) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP made (PRT up) (NP (NP some stories) (PP about (NP my life)))) , (VP told (NP you) (NP some lies)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 Why) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP worry (NP me)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm not (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP worry (NP you)))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Well) , (ADVP all right) (ADVP then) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The cleansing tissues) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP been (VP using (NP *T*-2))))))) (VP had (VP been (VP falling (PP on (NP the floor)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP (VP got (PRT up)) and (VP (VP picked (PRT up) (NP (NP one) , then (NP another)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP hoping (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP notice (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP doing (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC At (NP home)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a clean orderly man)))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hide (NP his annoyance)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 Was (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP just) (ADJP-PRD naturally sloppy (PP about (NP (NP everything) (PP but (NP her physical appearance))))) ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ Would (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP clean (PRT up) (PP after (NP her)) (NP-TMP every day)) , (VP clean (NP (NP the kitchen) , (NP the bathroom))) , and (VP (VP get (PRT down) (PP on (NP his knees))) and (VP scrub (NP the kitchen floor))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) (VP hang (PRT up) (NP her dresses)) , (VP pick (PRT up) (NP her stockings)) , (VP make (NP the bed))) (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP lay (ADVP around)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP straightened (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP vent (NP his exasperation))))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) grew (ADJP-PRD afraid))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP dwelt (PP on (NP (NP the indignities) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP suffered (NP *T*-1))))))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP lose (NP (NP all respect) (PP for (NP her)))))) , and (S (PP without (NP the respect)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP lose (NP (NP his view) (PP of (NP her))) , (ADVP too)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD the matter)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (ADVP suddenly) (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Nothing .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP Nothing) (ADVP at all)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (ADVP-MNR quietly) (NP *T*-1))) .) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP go (ADVP-DIR out)))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Are (NP-SBJ those) (NP-PRD (NP the only shoes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP *T*-1))))) , (NP-VOC Sam) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the matter) (PP with (NP them))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` The heavy thick soles .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP at (NP them))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (NP-PRD an expensive English shoe) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP walking (ADVP around) (NP-ADV a lot))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP like (NP them)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Sam) , (NP-SBJ (NP no one) (PP-LOC around (ADVP here))) (VP wears (NP such heavy soles)) .)) (TOP (SQ Ca n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (NP another pair)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP Maybe) (S (NP I) (VP could (VP *?*)))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP surprised (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP (VP turn (PP from (NP herself))) and (VP notice (NP (NP anything) (PP about (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP (NP an elegant pair) (PP of (NP thin-soled Italian shoes))) (NP-TMP tomorrow) , (NP-VOC Carla))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-4 And (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-3 why) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP go (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wearing (NP that outfit)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-5 she) (VP said (S *T*-4) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP making (NP a face)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the matter) (PP with (NP it))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP put (PRT on) (NP (NP the gray jacket) and (NP the dark-gray slacks) and (NP (NP the fawn-colored shirt) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP worn (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP (NP that first night) (PP-LOC in (NP Rome)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP encountered (NP her) (PP-LOC on (NP the street)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-VOC Sam) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP look (PP like (NP a tweedy Englishman))) .)) (TOP (SQ Ca n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP wear (NP (NP something) (ADVP else))) and (VP look (SBAR-PRD (ADVP (NP a little) more) as though (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP belonged))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP mind (ADVP at all)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP delighted (NP *-3) (PP with (NP her attention))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Changing (NP his clothes))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP put (PRT on) (NP his dark-blue flannel suit)) , and (VP laid (PRT away) (NP the gray jacket) (PP with (NP the feeling (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP be (VP putting (NP it) (ADVP aside) (PP for (NP good))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a hopeful sign))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP himself) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP wanted (NP (NP anything) (PP about (NP him)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP remind (NP her) (PP of (NP (NP the circumstances) (PP of (NP (NP their meeting) (NP-TMP (NP that first night) (PP-LOC in (NP Parioli))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP That day) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP loafed (ADVP around) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP just) (VP getting (NP (NP the feel) (PP of (NP the city)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP the ruins) (PP of (NP (NP the old Roman wall) (PP-LOC on (NP the lower Via Veneto)))))))) , (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ they) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the Farnese Gardens)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP some amusing scandal) (PP about (NP (NP the Farneses) (PP in (NP the old days)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ they) (VP took (NP a taxi) (PP-DIR to (NP Trastevere))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a church) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP should (VP see (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP stood (PP-LOC by (NP the fountain)) (PP-LOC in (NP the piazza)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP at (NP Santa Maria))))))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (NP a straight face)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) not (VP letting (PRT on) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP with (NP Alberto))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP tell (NP him) (NP (NP all) (PP about (NP the church)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (NP dinner)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP All evening) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP eloquent) and (ADJP pleased (PP with (NP herself))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (ADVP home) (PP-TMP at (NP midnight)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD tired out)) .)) (TOP (S And (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP woke (ADVP up) (PP-TMP at (NP ten)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ the church bells) (VP were (VP ringing)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP heard (NP so many bells)))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP lay (ADVP-LOC there) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP listening))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ her) (VP scolding (NP him) (PP for (NP his remarks)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP looked (PRT up) (PP at (NP (NP the obelisk) and (NP (NP the church) (PP at (NP (NP the top) (PP of (NP the Spanish Steps))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (NP-PRD a good thing) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP clung (PP to (NP her religion))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP might (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP St. Peter 's))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Carla) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP wake (PRT up))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shaking (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD ten o'clock)) .)) (TOP (SQ Are n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP going (ADVP out) (PP to (NP mass))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could (VP take (NP me) (PP-DIR to (NP St. Peter 's)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Uhhu '') , (NP-SBJ she) (VP muttered (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (PRT on))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD late)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP sleep (PRT in) (NP-TMP this morning))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (ADVP drowsily) (S *T*-1))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP snuggled (PP against (NP him))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP went (PP to (NP church))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ he) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP go (PP to (NP church))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBARQ *T*-2)))) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Probably) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP get (NP (NP a feeling) (PP of (NP certainty and security))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too bad) (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP no feeling) (PP *ICH*-2)) (NP-ADV himself) (PP-2 for (NP church)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (NP (NP his poor mother 's) fault .))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD better off) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP stuck (PP to (NP her Bible))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP himself))) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP just) (VP did n't (VP have (NP the temperament) (PP for (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP From (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD at (NP college)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP achieved (NP a certain tranquility and composure) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP accepting (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP certain things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP know (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP those Old Testament figures) (PP on (NP (NP the ceiling) (PP of (NP the Sistine Chapel))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Just figures) (PP out (PP of (NP a tribal folklore))) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP honestly) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP Carla))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP those old prophets) (VP gripping (NP her imagination) (ADVP-TMP now))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Being (NP-PRD a woman) (ADVP though))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP would (VP take (SBAR-NOM (ADVP only) (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP needed (NP *T*-1)))) (PP from (NP church)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too bad) (SBAR-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was n't (NP-PRD a Catholic) (NP-ADV himself))))) .)) (TOP (NP Or (NP a Protestant) , or (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP those amusing dogmatic atheists))) , or (NP a strict orthodox Communist) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD the matter) (PP with (NP him)) (SBAR-ADV that (S (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all)) (VP wearied (NP him)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD the times))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP All the ideologies) (VP changing (PP-TMP (PP from (NP day)) (PP to (NP day))) , (PP (ADVP right) under (NP his eyes)))) , so (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ could (NP-SBJ a man) (VP look (PP to (NP (NP any one) (PP of (NP them)))) (PP for (NP (NP an enlargement) (PP of (NP his freedom)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was all (ADJP-PRD too wearying)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (ADVP-LOC (ADVP somewhere) (ADVP else))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (WHADVP where) ? ?)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-ADV Just the same) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP thought (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pondering (PP over (NP it))))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a good thing) (PP for (NP (NP a girl) (PP like (NP Carla)))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP got (PRT up)) and (VP went (PP to (NP church)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A half hour) later) (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (NP her) (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR out) (PP for (NP breakfast))))))) so (S (NP-SBJ-1 the Ferraros) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hearing (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP hurrying (PP down (NP the stairs)))))) , (VP would (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP going (PP to (NP a late mass))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP the Ferraros) (VP (VP felt (ADJP-PRD sure (PP of (NP them)))) , (VP could (VP place (NP them))) ,))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP help (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP feel (ADJP-PRD more sure (PP of (NP himself))) (PP with (NP Carla)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (VP having (NP coffee) (PP with (NP them)) (NP-TMP this afternoon))))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP ask (NP the daughter) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP pay (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP come (ADVP in) (NP-TMP every day) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP clean (PP for (NP us)))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP waited (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP say , `` (S (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ no) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP do (NP it) , (NP-VOC Sam))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP so little) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (WHADVP Why) not) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (ADJP-PRD good (PP at (NP (NP that kind) (PP of (NP thing)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-TMP This afternoon) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP take (NP an air) (PP with (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP fine superior people) (PP of (NP great dignity))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP were (VP joking))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD necessary)) , (NP-VOC Sam) ,))) (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (ADVP ahead))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) , (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP turning (PP on (NP the stair))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP help (NP it))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her words) (VP remained (PP with (NP him)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP worrying (NP him) (PP-TMP for (NP hours))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP behave (PP with (NP other people)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP walked (PP-DIR into (NP the Ferraro apartment)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the old lady) , (VP bowing and smiling)) , (VP (VP said (ADVP-MNR softly) . `` (INTJ Ciao) , '') and (VP put (PRT out) (NP her hand))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her little brown face) (VP wrinkled (PRT up))) , (S (NP-SBJ her brown eyes) (VP gleamed)) , and (S (PP with (NP her little gestures)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (NP all the courteous things))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Agnese) , (VP smiling (ADVP too)) ,) (VP (VP said , (UCP `` (INTJ 'ello) '' , (CONJP and then) (ADVP more slowly) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD happy))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP sat (PRT down)) and (VP began (NP their little coffee party))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Ferraros) (VP offered (NP them) (NP biscuits) (PP with (NP the coffee))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Acting (ADVP only) (PP as (NP interpreter)))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Carla) , (NP (NP her hands) (VP folded (NP *) (PP on (NP her lap))))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD utterly impersonal)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP (VP turn (PP to (NP them))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) turn (PP to (NP him))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) turn (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Watching (NP her))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP felt (PP like (NP (NP a spectator) (PP at (NP a tennis game)))) , (PP with (NP (NP the ball) (VP being (VP bounced (ADVP back and forth)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Signora Ferraro) , (VP bobbing (NP her head) (ADVP encouragingly)) ,) (VP asked (NP Sam) (PP about (NP Canada)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (NP a special interest)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Carla) (VP translated) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The old woman) (VP had (NP (NP (NP a nephew) (PP from (NP North Italy))) , (NP (NP a poor boy) (PP from (NP a lumber mill)) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (VP got (VP tired (NP *-3) (PP of (NP the seasonal unemployment))))))) , and (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP migrated (PP to (NP Canada)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP work (PP on (NP the railway))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a year)) (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP had (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP the bush)) (PP in (NP a boxcar)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ (NP many) (PP of (NP (NP Sam 's) countrymen))) (VP live (PP in (NP boxcars)) (PP-LOC in (NP the bush))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Had (NP-SBJ Sam) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP lived (PP in (NP a boxcar))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Regretfully) (NP-SBJ Sam) (VP explained (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP no experience) (PP with (NP boxcars))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-ADV Just the same) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ the old woman) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP (VP write (PP to (NP (NP her nephew) (PP in (NP his boxcar))))) and (VP tell (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP met (NP (NP a nice man) (PP from (NP his adopted country)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Sam) (VP (VP thanked (NP her)) , and (VP hoped (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP might (VP meet (NP her nephew) (ADVP-LOC back home)))))) , and (VP asked (NP her) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP any further news) (PP of (NP the Pope)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP A (ADJP very great) Pope) , (NP this one) ,) (NP-SBJ the old woman) (VP explained (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her black eyes) (VP sparkling))) .)) (TOP (NP An intellectual .)) (TOP (FRAG But (ADJP very mystical) (ADVP too) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP had (NP a vision))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR Just as (S (NP-SBJ thousands) (NP-TMP that day) (PP-LOC in (NP Portugal)) (VP had (VP seen (NP (NP the sun) (VP dancing (PP in (NP the sky)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP seen (NP the same thing) (ADVP-TMP later) (PP-LOC in (NP his own garden))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP turned (PP to (NP Agnese)) (PP for (NP confirmation)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Agnese) (VP had (VP been (VP (VP sitting (ADVP-MNR quietly)) , (VP listening (PP with (NP (NP the serenity) (PP of (NP the unaware)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 a little flush) (VP came (PP-2 on (NP her pale homely face)))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1 enchantment) (PP=2 in (NP her eyes)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ The Holy Father) (VP would (VP die (ADVP-TMP soon)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-2) (PP to (NP Carla)) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP translate (PP for (NP Sam)))))) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP a brilliant doctor) , (NP (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did not (VP need (NP (NP the assistance) (PP of (NP (NP those doctors) (VP offered (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the great rulers) (PP of (NP the world)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ-1 the Pope) (VP (VP could (VP die)) and (VP (ADVP quickly) be (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD a saint))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP indeed) (NP-PRD a saint) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Nodding (ADVP-MNR approvingly))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP swelling (PP with (NP importance))))) , (NP-SBJ the old lady) (VP whispered (ADVP-MNR confidentially)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a certain discontent) (PP among (NP the cardinals))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Pope) , (PP in (NP (NP the splendor) (PP of (NP his great intellect)))) , (VP had (VP neglected (NP them) (NP-ADV a little))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP changes) (VP made (NP *)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Signor Raymond) (VP should (VP understand (SBAR that (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the Pope) (VP died (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP a regime)))) (PP-LOC in (NP Rome)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jobs) (VP would (VP be (VP lost (NP *-1))))) and (S (NP-SBJ new faces) (VP would (VP become (ADJP-PRD prominent)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ Signor Raymond) (VP understand) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (ADVP Indeed) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did)) , (NP-SBJ-2 Sam) (VP said (ADVP solemnly) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP Carla 's) eye))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (ADVP Surely) (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ these women) (VP were (NP-PRD her Italians) , (ADVP too))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Devout , orthodox and plain) (PP like (NP (NP a family) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP meet (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP Brooklyn or Malta or Ireland)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP Carla 's) eyes) (VP were (PP-PRD on (NP (NP Agnese) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose (NX (NX glowing face) and (NX softening eyes))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gave (NP her) (NP (NP a look) (PP of (NP warmth and happiness))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP Carla) , (VP watching (PP in (NP wonder))) ,) (VP turned (PP to (NP Sam))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP means (NP (ADJP so much)) (PP to (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (PP-PRD like (NP a flame)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-2) (PP in (NP a dreamy tone))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-TMP one night) (NP-SBJ Dookiyoon) (VP moved (PP-DIR in (NP (NP the direction) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the women 's) lodge) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Shades) (PP of (NP Night))) (VP had (VP gone (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP purify (NP herself)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP the blue flesh) (PP of (NP night))) (VP touching (NP him)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP stood (PP-LOC under (NP a gentle hill)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP caressing (NP the flageolet) (PP with (NP his lips))) , (VP making (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP whisper)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ-3 her) (VP emerge (ADVP suddenly) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP coming (PP in (NP her unhesitant fashion)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ her back) (ADJP-PRD stiff)) , (S (NP-SBJ her head) (ADJP-PRD erect))))) , (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP facing (PP with (NP contempt)) (NP (NP the night) and (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP encounter (NP *T*-1)))))) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (PP in (NP her extreme disdain and indifference)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP pass (ADVP by) (NP (NP all the outraged looks) (PP of (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whom) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP approach (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP her dark , scornful fashion)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP proceeded (PP-DIR to (NP her destination)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD afraid (PP of (NP (NP nothing) , (NP (NP (ADVP not even) the evil spirits) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP kept (NP her company) (PP in (NP (NP her time) (PP of (NP bleeding))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Seeing (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP come)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP caught (NP his breath) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP feeling (S (NP-SBJ his heart) (VP bounce (PP in (NP him))))))) , and (VP turned (ADVP away) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD afraid) (ADVP-TMP now)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Even he) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wanting (NP her))) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD afraid (PP of (NP her)))) and (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP knowing (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP press (NP his suit) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))) , (VP feared (NP (NP the evil presences) (PP in (NP her metabolism))) (ADVP more)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His breath) (VP caught)) , and , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP trembling)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP closed (NP his eyes)) and (VP stumbled (PRT off)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP Going)) , (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP saw (PP as (ADVP often before)) (NP (NP some queer , hideous yellow face) (ADJP *ICH*-5)) (PP over (NP his head)) , (ADJP-5 shining and weird) (PP like (NP (NP the old images) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP invested (NP him) (PP at (NP other times)) (PP like (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP appear (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (PP near (NP the eyeballs)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-6 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (ADVP perhaps) (VP pressed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the thumbs)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-6))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP cried (PRT out) (PP to (NP her)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 his back) (VP turned (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP fled , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) not (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP minded (NP him)) or (VP took (NP notice) (PP of (NP his cry)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP go))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP did not (VP hesitate)) and (VP (ADVP only) turned (ADVP-MNR slightly)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her neck) (ADJP-PRD tall) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP looked (PP in (NP his direction))) , and (VP continued (PP on (NP her way)) (PP-DIR toward (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the camp)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Elsewhere) (NP-SBJ others) (VP heard and stopped and waited , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the women) (VP (VP peering (PP from (NP their lodges))) (VP (ADVP-TMP then) gathering (PP in (NP small , curious clusters)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Early Spring) (VP (VP came (PP (PP from (NP her bed)) , (PP from (PP beside (NP (NP her half-drunk husband) , (NP Walitzee) ,))))) and (VP stood (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the entrance way) (PP to (NP her lodge)))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hearing (NP (NP the mild commotion) , (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP hushed voices)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Standing (ADVP-LOC there))) (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP saw (NP (NP-3 Shades) (PP of (NP Night))) (VP (VP come (PP-DIR through (NP the trees))) and (VP stop (PP-LOC beside (NP the lodge)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP silent) , (ADJP almost imperious))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her body) (ADJP-PUT taut)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP simply) (VP standing (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP speaking or moving))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ (NP the wife) (PP of (NP Walitzee))) (VP waited , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP perhaps) (VP denying (NP (NP the dread) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP moved (PP in (NP her)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (PP-TMP at (ADJP last)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP (VP suffer (NP the insult) (ADVP-TMP no longer)) , nor (VP face (NP (NP the girl 's) scorn)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (PP in (NP (NP a voice) (ADJP overloud))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shall (VP call (NP your father))) ! !)))) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Go (ADVP-DIR back) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP bring (NP no harm) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) , or (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP (VP go) and (VP get (NP the old man) (PP from (NP his bed))) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP can (VP see (NP your shame)))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP said (ADVP only) , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP him) (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADVP-LOC-PRD here)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP come))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (NP-PRD (NP Pile) (PP of (NP Clouds)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP meant (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP now) (PP with (NP (NP real anger) (NP *ICH*-1))) (PP at (NP last)) , (NP-1 (NP something) (ADJP proud and indignant)) , (NP-SBJ Early Spring) (VP (VP stood (PP like (NP (NP a she wolf) (PP-LOC before (NP her den))))) and (VP cried , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will not (VP shriek (PP at (NP you))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP will (VP tell (NP-1 you) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go))) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP not begging) . (VP Telling (NP you))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S And (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP unsheathing (NP (NP the knife) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP used (NP *T*-1) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP curing (NP hides)))))))))) (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP stepped (ADVP-DIR away (PP from (NP the lodge))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP holding (NP the knife) (PP at (NP her side))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ You) (VP bring (NP only wickedness))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-2))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (PP-PRD (PP to (NP a child)) (ADVP-TMP any longer) but (PP to (NP (NP another woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP skirt (NP her lodge) (PP with (NP (NP the cunning hunger) (PP of (NP a wild animal)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Speaking (PP in (NP (NP a low voice) (PP of (NP loathing)))))) (NP-2 she) (VP (VP went (PP up (PP to (NP (NP the girl) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP stood (PP with (NP the same upright , scornful bearing))))))))) and (VP did not (ADVP even) (VP look (PP at (NP the knife))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Go (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP take (NP (NP helsq'iyokom) , (NP your evil spirit) ,) (PP to (NP the young boys)))))) '') , (NP-SBJ the woman) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP do not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP face (NP battle)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will not (VP let (NP your evil) (PRT in))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (ADVP simply) (VP kill (NP you)) (ADVP first)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP go) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other women) (VP had (VP come (ADVP-LOC close) (ADVP-TMP now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ their voices) (VP murmuring (ADVP together))) (SBAR-ADV until (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP buzzing)) (PP in (NP an angry knot)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ their threats) (VP (VP mingling) , (VP rising) , (VP nagging (PP at (NP each other))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 each) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ-3 her indignation and anger) (VP felt (NP *-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP picked (PRT up) (NP sticks)) and (VP hurled (NP them) (PP at (NP the girl)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The sticks) (VP fell (PP like (NP a shower)) (PP around (NP her)))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP (VP sting (NP her flesh)) and (VP send (NP (NP tiny points) (PP of (NP pain))) (PP along (NP her thighs))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were all (VP shouting (PP at (NP her)) (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the embodiment) (PP of (NP (NP the evil) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP brought (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP did not (VP move) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP taking (NP (NP the words) and (NP the sticks)) (PP in (NP (NP that old defiance) (PP of (NP her extreme youth)))) (SBAR-SBJ until (S (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Pile) (PP of (NP Clouds))) (VP came (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP howling (PP among (NP them))) , (VP swinging (NP a great bullhide whip)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Go (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP your lodges)))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ He) (VP shouted (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP A pack) (PP of (NP dogs))) (VP makes (NP less noise)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ the long whip) (VP sing and snap (PP around (NP their heads)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP ran (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP screaming)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ some) (VP tripping (PP over (NP themselves)) (PP in (NP their flight)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Early Spring) (VP (VP seized (NP the whip)) and (VP said : `` (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP must (VP flog (NP someone))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP her) , (NP your daughter)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Drive (NP the demons) (PP out (PP of (NP her)))) and (VP teach (NP-1 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP away (PP from (NP my husband)))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 the old man) (VP turned (PP on (NP her)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP jerking (NP the whip) (PP from (NP her hand))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (PP into (NP your hovel)))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ He) (VP spat (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Go (ADVP back) (PP to (NP (NP that double-married man) (PP of (NP yours)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP so) (VP parades (NP his fine body) (PP among (NP the young women)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Keep (NP him) (ADVP back) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP must (VP tell (NP me) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP I) (NAC *ICH*-2)) (VP will (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP confront (NP my daughter)))))) , (NAC-2 not (NP (NP the wife) (PP of (NP (NP him) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP leads (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP sin)))))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP retreated (PP before (NP (NP (NP the naked shame) (PP in (NP the old man))) and (NP (NP the fury) (PP beyond (NP it)))))) and (VP sank (PP into (NP (NP the darkness) (PP of (NP her lodge)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-3 Walitzee) (VP stirred (ADVP-LOC *T*-2) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP mumbling)) , (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP sitting (PRT up) (PP in (NP a half stupor)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say : `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What worrisome thing) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happens)))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP dreamed (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ wolves) (VP fighting))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP (VP went (PP to (NP him))) and (VP pressed (NP herself) (PP against (NP his nakedness))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP smelling (NP (NP the stale odor) (PP of (NP (NP the whisky) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP stolen (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP TuHulHulZote)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP concerns (NP you) (ADVP-LOC here)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP (VP Lie (ADVP back)) and (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sleep))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP But (NP-SBJ *) (VP do not (VP dream)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do not (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the wicked spirits) (VP enter (NP your brain))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP sank (ADVP back) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sighing))) , and (VP was (ADVP-TMP soon) (ADJP-PRD asleep) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Outside) , (NP-SBJ the old man) , (PP beyond (NP (NP all the curses) (PP of (NP the spirits)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ his daughter) (VP bore (NP *T*-1)))))) , (VP (VP went (PP to (NP her))) and (VP twisted (NP (NP the gnarled talons) (PP of (NP his fingers))) (PP in (NP her hair))) and (VP turned (NP her)) and (VP pushed (NP her) (ADVP-MNR rudely) (ADVP ahead (PP of (NP him))) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the trees) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the moon) (VP sent (PRT out) (NP a thousand arms) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP shoving (NP her) (PP against (NP a spruce)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her back) (PP-PRD to (NP him))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP retreated (PP with (NP the whip))) and (VP made (NP it) (VP whine and crack (PP in (NP the damp air)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shortening (NP its arc) (SBAR-ADV until (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP narrowed (PP to (NP her flesh)))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sound) (PP of (NP it))) (VP snarled and cracked , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP settling (NP its own cruel demons) (PP on (NP her shoulders)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP stood (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP as unchanged) , (ADJP as dark and motionless)) (PP as (ADVP-TMP ever))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her eyes) (UCP (ADJP open) and (VP staring (PP at (NP (NP the pale delineaments) (PP of (NP (NP the bark) (ADVP-LOC so close (PP to (NP her face)))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (PP to (NP (NP him) , (NP her father) ,)) (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ was (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP begotten (NP *-2) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) , (PP in (NP pain or joy)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ it) (PP for (NP-3 me)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP forbidden (NP *-1) (NP (NP the flesh) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP grow (PP on (NP me)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP all)) (VP know (NP your foolish name)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP stared (PP at (NP (NP the pale tracings) (PP on (NP the tree)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP hearing (NP (NP her breath) (VP refracted (PP from (NP it)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her face) (UCP-PRD (ADJP close) and (VP touching (PP at (NP time)) (NP (NP the rough edges) (PP of (NP the bark))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ the lash) (VP bite))) and (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ her father) (VP say (PP in (NP crazed monosyllables)) (NP (NP words) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (NP no meaning)))) , (PP like , (NP `` (NP unnnt) ! ! (NP Sssshoo) ''))))))) ! !)) (TOP (NP (NP The sounds) (PP of (NP (NP an animal) (PP in (NP rage and despair)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the lash) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP fighting (NP the air))))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ (NP Pile) (PP of (NP Clouds))) (VP say (PP in (NP his high , quavering voice)) : `` (SQ Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP follow (NP me) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP my shame)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Move (PP from (NP the line)))) or (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP settle (NP the whip) (PP on (NP you))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Move) ! !)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear (NP (NP the anger) (PP of (NP (NP the whip 's) whine)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Turning)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the girl) (VP saw (NP (NP Dookiyoon) (VP standing (ADVP-LOC between) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ his narrow shoulders) (ADJP-PRD unbent)) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 his arms) (VP hanging (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD long and resigned)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said , `` (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP take (NP her blows))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD demons) (PP in (NP me)) (ADVP too))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP knowing (WHADVP why)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ herself) (VP (VP running (PP from (NP them))) , (VP fleeing (ADVP-MNR wildly) (PP-DIR through (NP the trees))) , (VP dodging (NP her own shadows) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP came (PP to (NP (NP (NP a little hollow) (PP in (NP the rocky ground))) (PP with (NP (NP a big stone) (PP-LOC in (NP the center)))) (SBAR (WHPP-1 behind (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knelt and hid (PP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP (VP listening (PP to (NP (NP the madness) (PP of (NP her heart))))) and (VP wanting (PP for (NP once)) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP cry))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a while)) (NP-SBJ-1 the young men) (VP waited (PP-LOC outside (NP (NP the lodge) (PP of (NP TuHulHulZote)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP glorying (PP in (NP his harsh language)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP talked (PP with (NP himself)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shouted (PP like (NP a hoarse old mastiff)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his hair) (ADJP-PRD stiff and bristling))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP ranted) and (VP prophesied (NP (NP the doom) (PP of (NP his enemies)))) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP walking (PP in (NP circles)) (PP in and out (PP of (NP his living place)))) , (VP drinking (NP stolen whisky) (PP in (NP great , gasping draughts))))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (ADVP finally) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD incoherent and sick)) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP fell (PP into (NP his own oblivion)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP amused (NP (NP the young men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD silent) (ADVP-TMP long enough))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP taste (NP (NP the appeasement) (PP of (NP violence and retribution))) (PP through (NP his antics)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP moved , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP rubbing (NP-3 their flesh) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD alive)) (ADVP again)) , (VP disdaining (NP (NP the gloom) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP saw (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP (NP the faces) (PP around (NP them))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP came (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP held (NP their games and races))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP they) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP held (NP the future) (PP in (NP their hands))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP (VP went (PP into (NP the sun)) (ADVP together)) and (VP paraded (ADVP grandly) (PP in (NP their war clothes))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP painting (NP their faces) (PP with (NP (NP the sacred attis) (VP dug (ADVP-LOC far off) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the cave) (PP of (NP skeletons)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP (VP danced (NP (NP the paxam) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-MNR wildly) (PP at (NP night)) , (NP-1 the war dance) ,) and (VP dipped (NP their arrowheads) (PP in (NP (NP the venom) (PP of (NP rattlesnakes))))) and (VP rode (NP their horses) (PP in (NP swift maneuvers)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP firing (NP their few guns) (PP in (NP unison)) (PP at (NP some indeterminate signal)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Walitzee (NAC *ICH*-2)) (VP was (PP-PRD among (NP them)) , (NAC-2 and Sarpsis))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP wore (NP (NP red blankets) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP flew (PP like (NP broad wings)) (PP in (NP (NP the air) (PP of (NP their passing)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a (ADJP very young) one) , (NP Swan Necklace) ,) (VP (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP emulate (NP them))))) and (VP followed (ADVP-MNR timidly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Yellow Wolf) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) , (NP-1 (NP nephew) (PP of (NP the young chief)) (PP by (NP (NP an older brother) (ADJP long dead))) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP whom)) (S (ADVP also) (NP-SBJ (NP the disordered chemistries) (PP of (NP youth))) (VP worked (PP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP spring (ADVP bolt upright) (ADVP suddenly) (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sitting (ADVP-MNR quietly) (PP with (NP inaction))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP had (VP boiled (PRT over)) (PP in (NP his fermenting juices))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All the young men) , (NP (NP Alokut) (PP among (NP them))) ,) (VP challenged (NP them) (PP in (NP matched racing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP raced and maneuvered (PP for (NP war)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP swinging (NP their horses) (UCP (PP in (NP single file)) and (ADVP-TMP then) (ADVP abreast (PP like (NP cavalry))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP times)) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP would (VP ride (ADVP-MNR frenziedly) (PP-DIR through (NP the camp)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ the women) (VP see (UCP (NP their courage) , (SBAR (WHADJP-2 how handsome) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *T*-2) (PP in (NP their regalia)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then again) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP would (VP stand (PP in (NP circles)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (NP other preparations))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP combed (NP their hair)) and (VP streaked (NP it) (PP at (NP the part))) and (VP greased (NP the bangs)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the hair) (PP above (NP their foreheads))) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD rigid)) (PP like (NP (NP the tails) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ sage hens) (VP making (NP love)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Walitzee) (VP whitened (NP his leggings) (PP with (NP clay)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP knowing (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the girl) (VP watched (PP from (NP (NP her place) (PP in (NP the trees)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP himself) (PP in (NP a superior reflection)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD as (NP (NP (NP a speeding arrow) (PP from (NP the taut bow))) , (VP hurtling (PP with (NP a mad grace))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his maleness) (VP (VP shining) and (VP scented (PP with (NP meadow rue))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD aware (PP of (NP (NP (NP the women 's) eyes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP followed (NP him) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP admiring (NP him)))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP (NP the suspicious , envenomed eyes) (PP of (NP (NP Pile) (PP of (NP Clouds))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP Early Spring)) , (ADJP (ADJP haunted) and (ADVP-TMP now) (ADJP full (PP of (NP hurt and envy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADVP so much) (PP (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP laughing))) ; ; (PP (ADVP even) like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP shouting) and (VP crying (PRT out) (PP from (NP (NP the hilltops) (SBAR (WHPP-1 from (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP descend (PP *T*-1) (PP as (NP an eagle)) (PP in (NP (NP a mad caper) (PP from (NP the cliffs)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He and Sarpsis) (VP planned (NP a great parade) (PP with (NP the young men))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP would (VP give (NP (NP one final testimony) (PP of (NP their challenge))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the people) (VP see (NP their arrogance)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP would (VP ride (PP with (NP (NP streaming amulets) , (NP (NP their colors) (VP ripening (PP in (NP the sun)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shouting (NP (NP the last bellicosity) (PP of (NP (NP a nation) (PP in (NP (NP the throes) (PP of (NP death))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And so (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP came (PRT up) (ADVP again))) and (S (PP for (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ its color) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the young men 's) blood) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP shifting (ADVP-TMP then) (PP into (NP (NP the full heat and outcry) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ran (PP with (NP their hearts))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP mounted (NP their horses)) and (VP rode (PRT off) (PP-DIR into (NP the hills)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The , young chief) (VP stared (PP at (NP (NP the wall) (PP of (NP his lodge)))) , , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP listening))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The sound) (VP (VP rose (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the other side) (PP of (NP the hills))))) , (VP vanished) and (VP rose (ADVP again)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP imagine (NP (NP the mad , disheveled hoofs) (PP of (NP (NP the Appaloosas) , (NP (NP horses) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the white men) (ADVP once) (VP had (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (NP-PRD (NP the Dogs) (PP of (NP Hell))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP them) (PP in (NP fleet images)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP came (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP rolling))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP now) burst (PP across (NP the ridge))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Standing (ADVP-TMP then) (PP with (NP the others))) , (VP peering (PP into (NP the sun))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP the bright , multicolored legion) , (NP (NP their hair) (VP flying (PP like (NP dark banners))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP only the thunder) , (NP (NP the roll) (PP of (NP drums))) , (NP (NP the mad cacophony) (PP of (NP the hoofs)))) (VP accompanying (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP leaned (PP into (NP the wind))) and (VP seemed (PP like (NP (NP one thousand-legged monster) (VP hurtling and plunging)))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (ADVP suddenly) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP rose (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD straight)) (PP in (NP their saddles))) and (VP (PP in (NP one terrifying voice)) shouted , ejaculated (NP (NP their grotesque cry) (PP of (NP war)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP moving (PP-DIR through (NP (NP a screen) (PP of (NP hemlocks)))) , (PP in (PP among (NP the (NX (NX white birch) and (NX maples))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The sounds) (PP from (NP the quarry))) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pulse (PP in (NP her ears)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stood , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP once more) (VP listening))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (PP-TMP at (NP this hour)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP felt (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ some dark , (ADJP totally unfamiliar) shape) (VP would (VP clutch (PP at (NP her arm)))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (NP (NP (NP the path) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP used (NP *T*-1))))) , (NP (NP the stubs) (PP of (NP (NP (NP branches) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP broken (NP *T*-2)))))) , (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP pushed (NP *T*-3) (ADVP aside)))))))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP walked (ADVP-MNR (ADVP easily) (NAC *ICH*-4)) (ADVP-TMP now) , (NAC-4 and (ADVP more slowly)) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP the dark glisten) (PP of (NP water))) (PP-LOC beneath (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP committed (NP suicide)))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (S *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP dive (PP-DIR (ADVP straight) down (PP from (ADVP here)))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP would (VP find (NP me) (PP-TMP for (NP days))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP smiled) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR expertly) let (NP herself) (ADVP-DIR downward)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP holding (NP (NP this known root) or (NP that)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her sneakers) (VP sliding (PP in (NP the leaves))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP jumped (PP out (PP onto (NP (NP the flat expanse) (PP of (NP rock)))))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seating (NP herself))) , shook (NP her short-cut brown hair)) and (VP tilted (NP her chin) (ADVP far upward))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The reedy music) (PP of (NP the frogs))) (VP had (VP faded))) , but (S (ADVP-TMP presently) (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP began (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP growing (PP in (NP volume)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD vibrant)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP (VP felt (PP at (NP peace))) and (VP drew (NP her legs) (PRT up)) and (VP clasped (NP her hands) (ADVP-MNR tightly) (PP around (NP the bent knees)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP accomplished (NP a miracle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD her place)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The hour) (VP could n't (VP change (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Only) -- (ADVP only) -- (NP-SBJ her thoughts) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) strange)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP becoming (ADJP-PRD confused))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so late)))) , and (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP no business) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (ADVP-TMP now) (ADVP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP thinking (PP of (NP (NP Paul) (ADVP-TMP (NP a few weeks) ago) , (PP-TMP in (NP the Easter holidays)) , (PP with (NP (NP her))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those awful Friday Evening Dancing Class parties) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ her mother) (VP had (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP attend (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (INTJ Hello) , (NP-VOC Julie) , (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ are (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-1) (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP then) (ADVP-DIR off) (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP-MNR so casually) , (PP to (NP (NP (NP someone else) (PP with (NP (NP breasts) (ADJP better developed) , (ADJP more obvious))) (PP in (NP a lower-cut dress))) , (NP (NP someone) (PP without (NP (NP (NP a mouthful) (PP of (NP wire bands))) and (NP (NP an inability) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP words) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP hold (NP him)))))) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP me)) (ADVP-TMP now)))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (S *T*-3)))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were both (UCP-PRD (NP (NP the ages) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-2))))) and (VP doing (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-TMP once) (NP-PRD only (NX (NX pretense) and (NX acute embarrassment))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Oh God ! !)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP were (ADJP-PRD older or younger)))))) , (NP-SBJ Julia Bentley) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (ADVP so much) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ someone) (VP loved (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 George Rawlings) (VP remembered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (S (NP-SBJ the door) (VP open)) (PP-PRP (ADVP sometime) during (NP the night)) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Millie) , (PP in (NP a white robe)) , (VP standing (PP like (NP a ghost)) (PP-LOC at (NP the threshold))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP vanished))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP must (VP have (VP slept (ADVP again))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP staring (PP at (NP (NP the blue china lamp) (VP left (PRT on) (PP beside (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (ADJP too much) trouble) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP even) (VP to (VP reach (PP for (NP the switch))))))) ; ; but (S (PP of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the impossible effort) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leaving)))) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP made (NP *-1) (PP-TMP on (NP this Monday morning))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This room) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP a prison))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would not (VP be (ADJP-PRD indebted (PP to (NP Sam))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Below (NP him)) , (PP as if (PP at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP some remote tunnel))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (NP (NP the humming) (PP of (NP a vacuum cleaner)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His fingers) (VP fumbled (PP across (NP the bandages))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP left (S (NP-SBJ (NP both) (PP of (NP his eyes))) (VP uncovered)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP-1 (INTJ Well) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP himself) (S *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP put (NP the show) (PP on (NP the road))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP walking (PP-DIR across (PP to (NP the bathroom))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP drank (NP (NP a glass) (PP of (NP water)))) and (VP gripped (NP the sink) (PP with (NP both hands)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A fearful pain) (VP had (VP come (PP from (NP his head)) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ the water) (VP were (VP (VP coursing (PP up (PP through (NP the blood vessels)))) and (VP expanding (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP recognized (NP his jacket and trousers)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The fabric) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dark))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the stains) (VP were n't (ADJP-PRD too apparent))) ; ; and (S (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 there) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ his shoes) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP thank (NP God))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his shirt) (VP was (NP-PRD one terrible mess)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP shivered) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) tore (ADVP away) (NP the blood-soaked parts)) and (VP wound (NP the rest) (PP around (NP his neck)) (PP like (NP a scarf)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sam) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD amazed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP gone)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Millie) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP understand))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP must (VP have (VP put (NP his clothes) (PP-PUT in (NP the closet))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (NP (NP a lump) (VP rising (PP in (NP his throat)))) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP that one simple act) (PP of (NP tidiness))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the verge) (PP of (NP tears))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV Alex Poldowski) -- (PP in (NP a fashion)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP owed (NP a debt) (PP to (NP that effete gentleman))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At least) (NP-SBJ Alex) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was n't (VP dying)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ-1 George Rawlings) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD better off) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dead)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What time) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD it))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP peered (PP at (NP his wristwatch))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP Strange) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP running))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A quarter) (PP to (NP seven)) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADVP-TMP Too early (PP for (NP a vacuum cleaner)) ,) but (S (ADVP probably) (NP-SBJ Sam) (VP wanted (NP the whole house) (PP in (NP order)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (ADVP-DIR downstairs)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP kneeling (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tie (NP his shoelaces)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His fingers) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD absurdly thick and clumsy)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP rose (ADVP-MNR slowly)) and (VP looked (PP into (NP (NP the mirror) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the inside) (PP of (NP the closet door)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP barely) (VP knew (NP himself)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP some freak) , (NP (NP two strands) (PP of (NP adhesive tape)) (PP across (NP his nose)) , (PP like (NP (NP ugly roots) (PP from (NP (NP the mass) (PP of (NP gauze)) , (ADJP suddenly moist (PP over (NP his cheekbones)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The surface) , (ADVP however) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD perfectly white)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP drinking (NP (NP another glass) (PP of (NP water))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD after (NP seven o'clock))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP court)) (NP-TMP this afternoon) , (PP-LOC at (NP City Hall))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) would (VP take (PRT over))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP 'd (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the main thing) , (NP the imperative necessity) ,) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (SBAR-TMP (SBAR before (S (NP-SBJ Sam Bentley) (VP was (ADVP-PRD up and about)))) , and (SBAR before (S (NP-SBJ Millie) (VP detained (NP him) (PP with (NP sympathy))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP entered (NP the hallway)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADVP actually) (VP walking (PP-DIR down (NP the stairs)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP A plane) (PP up (PP in (NP the sky))) , (PP above (NP the clouds))) , and (NP (NP this freakish wreck) (PP of (NP (NP a man) (VP (ADVP desperately) trying (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (ADVP away)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Father) , (SQ is (NP-SBJ that) (NP-PRD you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The voice) (VP issued (PP from (NP (NP the cavern) (PP of (NP (NP the hall) (ADVP-LOC below)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ George) (VP did not (VP reply)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ that) (NP-PRD you) , (NP-VOC Father) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP felt (PP like (NP (NP a thief) (VP discovered (NP *))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP appeared (PP under (NP (NP the arch) (VP leading (PP-DIR to (NP the dining room)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP gazing (PP at (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Uncle George '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP smile (PP at (NP her))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Gosh ! !)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP should n't (VP be (ADVP-PRD up)))) , (SQ should (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (EDITED (NP-SBJ I)) -- (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP leaving (ADVP-LOC here) , (NP-VOC Julie))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD all set)) .)) (TOP (ADJP (ADVP Just) about (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP call (NP a taxi)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP wearing (NP (NP some sort) (PP of (NP gray blazer))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD overly tall) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ her brow) (VP knitted (NP *) (PP in (NP concern))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Well) , (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP wo n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP that))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP saying (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (NP-ADV myself)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP drop (NP you) (PRT off))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (VP leaving)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP going (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP school))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP answered (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Pietro) (VP 's (VP driving (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP just) (VP finishing (NP breakfast))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 But (SQ have (NP-SBJ you) (VP told (NP Mother) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (VP going)))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (NP him) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP disturbed)) , (NP-VOC Julie))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD my wish)) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD quite a big one))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP added (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her face) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP float (PP in (NP (NP an (ADJP implausibly bright) shaft) (PP of (NP sunlight)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (INTJ Well) , wo n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP come (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP then)) , (VP have (NP (NP (NP a cup) (PP of (NP coffee))) -- or (NP something)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-2 Or (ADVP maybe) (NP a drink) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (FRAG *T*-2) , (PP in (NP (NP a way) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (ADJP oddly sophisticated) , (ADJP considerate) , (CONJP and yet) (ADVP perhaps) (ADJP partly scornful)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP her face) (ADVP more clearly))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 `` (INTJ No) -- (NP (NP nothing) (ADVP at all)) '' ,) (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (PP-TMP after (NP (NP a moment 's) hesitation))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP just) (VP wait (PP for (NP you)) (ADVP-LOC here))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP leaned (NP his head) (PP against (NP (NP the wood paneling) (PP behind (NP him)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the vivid red images) (PP of (NP pain))) (VP inserted (NP themselves) (PP against (NP his eyelids)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP raised (NP them)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP moved (ADVP past)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP good-bye) (ADVP-LOC upstairs))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wo n't (VP be (ADJP-TMP-PRD long))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP-1 `` (PP As (NP a great favor)) , (NP-VOC Julie) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)))) , `` (INTJ please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP mention (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP seen (NP me))))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Not (PP to (NP anyone)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ No) -- (INTJ please) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP call (NP your mother) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (ADVP home))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADVP so much) easier))) '' .)) (TOP (UCP `` (ADVP All right) '' (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP staring (PP at (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD fine) , (NP-VOC Julie)) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Please) , (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP just) (VP go (ADVP ahead)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP disappeared)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP feel (S (NP-SBJ a pulse) (VP pounding (PP against (NP the bandages)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP imagined (NP (NP Sam 's) voice))) : `` (S (NP-VOC George) , (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (NP the hell)) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP goes (PRT on))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP have (NP (NP the strength) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP answer (ADVP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP have (VP called (NP a taxi)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP hear (NP the footsteps) (ADVP-LOC overhead))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (NP (NP the suitcase) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP was (VP holding (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stood (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP that) , (NP-VOC Julie) -- (PP for (NP you)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Oh no) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP manage)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP went (ADVP ahead (PP of (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Outside) (NP-SBJ-1 the Lincoln) (VP was (VP parked (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (ADVP hardly) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP getting (PRT in))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Pietro) (VP was (VP gazing (PP at (NP him)) (PP in (NP an insolent , disdainful fashion))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP did n't (VP matter))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP drop (NP Mr. Rawlings) (PRT off) (PP-LOC in (NP Ardmore)))) '') , (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP said (S *T*-2))) , and (S (PP-TMP for (NP the merest second)) (NP-SBJ-1 George) (VP was (VP reminded (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP (NP her father 's) tone) (PP with (NP servants))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (VP (PP To (NP the manner)) born) -- (ADJP odd (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP such a thought) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP a time) (PP like (NP this)))))))) ; ; (S yet (NP-SBJ her inflection) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD forced or rehearsed))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP could not (VP stop (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP analyze))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD particularly close (PP to (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Carrie) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD more affectionate))) , but (S (ADVP obviously) (NP-SBJ Julia) (VP had (VP respected (NP his request)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP took (NP her hand)) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP school))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-2))) , (CONJP and then) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP New York))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (PP-PRD in (NP the opposite direction))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP responded (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (VP wearing (NP this ridiculous costume))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could (VP (VP go (PP to (NP (NP a theater) (NAC *ICH*-1))) (ADVP together) , (NAC-1 or (NP a nice restaurant))) , (VP forget (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP knew))))))))))) '' (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP speaking)))) .)) (TOP (VP `` Forget (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP knew (NP what)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP (NP just sort) (PP of (NP (NP everything) (PP in (ADJP general))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (NP nothing) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ Pietro) (VP had (VP slackened (NP their pace)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP feel (ADVP-MNR badly)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP sounds (PP like (NP (NP such a queer thing) (SBAR for (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Does (NP-SBJ it) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Yes) , (ADVP perhaps) .)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (NP *-1) (VP joke (PP about (NP things)))))))) , (SQ are n't (NP-SBJ I)) ? ?)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-SBJ life) (VP can (VP be (NP-PRD rather a disappointing business))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His voice) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD thick and purposeless)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP relinquished (NP her hand)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP the stone building) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lived (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Just a few more steps .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Abruptly) (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (PP into (NP his pocket))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD the key)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Are (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD positive (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD all right) (PP by (NP yourself))))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (NP him) (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC Julie dear) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP done (NP-BNF me) (NP the greatest possible service))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP myself)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD fine))) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP care) (PP of (NP yourself)) (ADVP then)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP will (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP You) , (ADVP also) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP work (ADVP too hard))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD an automatic phrase))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP crossed (PP-DIR through (NP the courtyard))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP regretted (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP should (VP have (VP discovered (NP a (ADJP more tender) farewell)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP shouted (PP at (NP him)) , `` (SQ (INTJ Well) ! ! Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP look (PP at (NP George Rawlings))))) ! !)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP you)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP bumped (PP into (NP a door handle)))) '' , (NP-SBJ George) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ George) (VP walked (ADVP-MNR steadily) (ADVP ahead) (PP into (NP his entry))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His bandages) (VP seemed (PP on (NP fire))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP shut (NP (NP his door) (PP with (NP (NP the brass number) (VP screwed (NP *) (PP to (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the kitchenette)) (NP-SBJ the raw whiskey) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP gasp))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP Just one or two swallows) (NP *ICH*-2)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP himself) (NP *T*-1) , (NP-2 enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP lessen (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP the pain)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP telephoning)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ No) , (NP-VOC Millie) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADVP-LOC-PRD home)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ No) , (ADVP really) , (ADJP right (PP as (NP rain))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP-1 Sam) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP worry (PP about (NP the car)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP hauled (ADVP away))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (INTJ No) , (INTJ please) -- (NP (NP no visit) (ADVP-TMP today)) -- (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD asleep))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (PP For (NP (NP God 's) sake)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP worry)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP upsets (NP me) (ADVP more (PP than (NP anything)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (INTJ sure) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP see (NP the doctor) -- (NP-TMP this evening) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP insist))))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one more call) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (NP-VOC Joan) , did (NP-SBJ I) (VP wake (NP you)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (ADVP probably) (VP be (ADVP-PRD up)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look) , (NP-VOC sweetheart)) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 some fool) (EDITED (VP-UNF was)) . (VP Happened (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP driving (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD somewhat intoxicated)) (NP-TMP last night)))))) .))) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Unfortunately) (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD me)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (ADVP quite) (VP put (NP it) (NP-MNR that way) (PP to (NP the boss))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh hell no) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP a hospital))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wo n't (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP town)) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP days)))) , (ADVP though)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP that case) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP handle (NP *T*-2) (NP-TMP this afternoon))))))))))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Too bad (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 a jury) (VP is n't (VP involved (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (VP struggle (PRT in) (PP for (NP a jury)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP win (ADVP-MNR hands down))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ Tony Elliott) (VP could (VP pinch-hit (PP for (NP me))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'll (VP understand))) -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (VP give (NP him) (NP (NP sort) (PP of (NP a tactful nudge)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP got (NP all the facts))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP a postponement)))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADVP really) (NP-PRD just a routine thing))) .)) (TOP (WHNP What ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-VOC darling) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP rather) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP did n't (VP come (ADVP-DIR out)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A smile) (VP pulled (PP at (NP (NP the lower strip) (PP of (NP adhesive tape))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (ADVP even) (VP send (NP flowers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP see (NP you) (NP-TMP Wednesday))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP bribe (NP you) (PP with (NP-UNF a nice))))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say `` (NP double martini) ''))))) but (VP thought (ADVP better) (PP of (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP take (NP you) (PP out (PP to (NP dinner))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Okay ? ? '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP put (PRT down) (NP the receiver))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP A strange relationship) (PP between (NP (NP Joan Fulbright) and (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP knew (PP about (NP it)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP lived (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the older part) (PP of (NP the city)))) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those renovated houses) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose brick facade) (S (NP-SBJ some early settler) (VP had (VP constructed (NP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP two tiny rooms) (PP-LOC on (NP the second floor))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a clever girl) , (NP a (ADJP most efficient) secretary))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP come and go (SBAR-ADV (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP pleased))) , or (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP pleased (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC In (NP the office)) (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (VP have (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ them) (NP-PRD only casual friends)))))) ; ; yet (S (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said : (S-IMP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Make (NP an excuse) (NP-ADV yourself))) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (ADVP-DIR out here) (ADVP-TMP today))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP have (VP been (PP on (NP the next train)))))) -- and , (S (ADVP similarly) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD in (NP need)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP gone (PP to (NP her))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ us conformists) (VP look (ADJP-PRD good)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a peculiar way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP think (ADVP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (NP-PRD just the obnoxious birds) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP ruffled (NP her own feathers))))) , (PP of (NP course)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (NP that))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP Jim 's) `` little '' sister) (NP Myra)) , (NP the unreliable , irresponsible , (ADJP forever flyaway) , Myra))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (NP-ADV a year) older) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))) , (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP told (NP herself) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come , come)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Jim) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP jollying (NP Lucy) (NP-ADV a little)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP you)) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ Susan) (ADJP-PRD ready) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP listened) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Obviously) , (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-LOC Upstairs) , (NP-SBJ (NP busy feet) , (VP showering (PP like (NP raindrops)))) , (VP pattered (PP around (NP her room))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP would (VP be (VP visiting (NP her grandmother) (PP-TMP for (NP only a few days)))))) , but (S (PP (ADVP even) at (NP seven)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD a prudent soul)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP packed (PP for (NP a lifetime)) , (PP (ADVP just) in (NP case)))) .)) (TOP (ADVP `` Not yet .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Every doll) (PP in (NP the house))) (VP must (VP be (VP going (PP with (NP her))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP step (PP on (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a long way) (PP to (NP Websterville)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Jim 's) fine young face) (VP was (NP-PRD an expressive one) , (ADVP too))) ; ; (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (PP at (NP her))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP registered (NP anxiety))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP know)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP thank (NP you) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP Cathy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 'll (VP be (NP-PRD (NP only a couple) (PP of (NP weeks))) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP finds (NP a home) (PP for (NP them)) (PP-LOC in (NP Paris)))))))) -- but (S (ADVP even so) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD awfully grateful))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP did not (VP believe (NP him)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP appreciated (NP nothing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP had (VP put (NP the thanks) (PP in (NP (NP his sister 's) mouth)))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (NP-VOC-TPC-1 Darling) '' -- (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (NP-VOC *T*-1))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the single word) (VP mingled (NP love and exasperation) (PP in (NP an equal blend)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP should (VP have (VP told (NP me) (NP-ADV herself)))) .)) (TOP (S And (SQ will (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP only a couple) (PP of (NP weeks))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Remember (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (NP-TMP the last time))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leaving (NP Cathy) (PP with (NP them)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Myra) (VP had (VP gone (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP the Coast))) (PP for (NP a (ADJP supposedly brief) visit))))) ; ; but (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP stayed (NP-TMP all winter)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Cathy) (VP had (VP stayed (NP-TMP all winter) (ADVP too) -- (PP with (NP them)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP suspected (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP have (VP come (ADVP-DIR home) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP Gregg) , (NP (NP Myra 's) husband)) , (VP had n't (VP gone (ADVP-DIR out) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fetch (NP her)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD an (ADJP awfully long) two weeks)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP an (ADJP otherwise silent) moment)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Jim 's) keys) (VP jingled (ADVP-MNR nervously) (PP in (NP his pocket))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 But (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP promised)) -- (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD different)))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said) (PP at (ADJP last)) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP admit (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD smart (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP scare (PRT up) (NP this fine government job) (PP-LOC over (ADVP there))))))))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'll (VP get (NP a home) (PP for (NP herself and Cathy)) (PP in (NP no time))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP see))) , (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP 's (VP settling (PRT down)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the defensive)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP added , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP think (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP must (VP be (VP like (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-2 for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD without (NP Greg)))) , (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a new widow) , (NP a young widow))))))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP depends (PP on (NP the widow))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP had (NP an idea (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP loved (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV And (PP-TMP not for (NP one moment)) did (NP-SBJ she) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP had (VP settled (PRT down)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (PP to (NP Lucy)) (SBAR that (S (NP-TMP all their married life) , (NP-SBJ she and Jim) (VP had (VP been (VP doing (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP rescue (NP his sister) (PP from (NP (NP the constant crises) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP her way) (PP of (NP life)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Remembering (NP (NP that succession) (PP of (NP disasters))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ Cathy) , (NP-PRD (NP an ominous child-cloud) (PP on (NP her horizon))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was not (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP disliked (NP Cathy))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The youngster) (VP (VP drew (NP her)) , (VP troubled (NP her depths)))) ; ; (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP saw (NP her) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP tried , (PP without (NP noise or fuss)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP give (NP her) (NP (NP the warmth) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP Myra)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Cathy) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Myra 's) responsibility) , not (NP hers))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP would n't (ADVP even) (VP be (VP surprised (NP *-2) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (ADVP-MNR unhappily) (S *T*-1)))) , `` (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-3 Myra) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP leave (NP her) (PP with (NP us)) (ADVP-TMP forever)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP loved (NP big cities))) ; ; (S (ADVP-LOC (NP (NP thousands) (PP of (NP miles))) away) -- (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Paris) , (PP of (NP all places)))) -- (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP forget (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (NP-PRD a mother)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP knew (NP her) (ADVP too well (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP find (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD impossible)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a horrible thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP accuse (NP her) (PP of (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so indignant) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD obvious) (SBAR-1 that (S (ADVP no matter (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP too) (VP had (VP seen (NP (NP the looming specter) (PP of (NP a forever-Cathy)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the foot) (PP of (NP the stairs))))) and (VP shouted (PRT up) , (ADVP-MNR fiercely) , `` (S-IMP (NP-VOC Susan) ! ! (NP-VOC Susan) ! ! (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Get (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP moving)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A startled piping sound) (VP returned) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP yell (PP at (NP Susan))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ-CLF Was (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP (NP only a few nights) ago) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (VP standing (ADVP together) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP the house)))) (VP looking (PP at (NP the moon-washed river)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Their arms) (PP-PRD around (NP each other))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP been (VP talking (PP of (NP (NP the present) and (NP the future))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP their talk) and (NP their feeling)) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP as deep and warm) , (ADJP as steeped (PP in (NP light)))) , (PP as (NP (NP the air) (PP around (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP from (PP within (NP the still , sleeping house))) , (NP-SBJ the telephone) (VP had (VP rung))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Myra) , (PP with (NP her news)) , (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the other end) (PP of (NP the line)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP (VP turned (ADVP back) (PP from (NP the stairway))) and (VP looked (PP at (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His dark brows) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP lowered (NP *-1) (PP in (NP anger))))))) ,) (VP smoothed) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Please) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP is n't (NP-PRD (NP a chance) (PP of (S-NOM (S (NP-SBJ Myra 's) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ (NP anything) (PP like (NP that))) (VP happen)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP stay (NP-PRD friends)))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ they) (VP were n't (ADVP just) (NP-PRD friends))) , (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP thought (S *T*-1))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD husband and wife))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Myra) (VP had (NP no right) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP muddling and chilling (NP their marriage)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The only thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP come (PP between (NP them))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP that worthless , selfish sister) (PP of (NP his)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sick (PP of (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (PP at (ADJP last))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP was (VP clattering (PP-DIR down (NP the stairs))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP looked (PP-PRD like (NP an overwhelmed baby nurse)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ her arms) (VP were (VP straining (PP with (NP (NP a burden) (PP of (NP dolls))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD ready))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP announced (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP need (NP that big bundle))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP said (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His voice) (VP had (NP sharp edges) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (ADVP very well) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Lucy and he) (VP were not (NP-PRD friends) (PP-TMP at (NP the moment))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` All that junk '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP stared (PP at (NP him)) (PP with (NP (NP hurt blue eyes) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP gushed (NP an instant grief)))))))) ; ; (S (PP to (NP her)) , (NP-SBJ (NP each) (PP of (NP her dolls))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a real person) (PP with (NP a living heart))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Now , now) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Lucy) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP approaching (NP Susan) (PP with (NP a handkerchief)))) , (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP mopping (ADVP-MNR skillfully)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Your father) (VP did n't (VP mean (NP it) , (NP-VOC Susan))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP gave (NP Jim) (NP (NP a quick , shape-up look) (PP of (NP warning)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'll (VP take (NP (NP every one) (PP of (NP them))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP groaned)) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP lifted (NP (NP Susan 's) suitcase)) and (VP said , (PP in (NP a gentler tone)) , `` (FRAG (INTJ Sure) -- (NP the entire thousand))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (ADVP back) (PP from (NP (NP Grandma 's))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ Cathy) (VP will (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP play (PP with (NP you))))))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Nice '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 No) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Susan) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP grappling (PP with (NP (NP her outsized armload) (PP of (NP dolls)))) (PP with (NP a Scrooge-like effect))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S-1 (PP-TMP at (NP this point)) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP thought (S *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP should (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a lecture) (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ little cousins ') (VP sharing (NP dolls)))))))) -- but (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP sympathize (PP with (NP Susan))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 there) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a limit) (PP to (NP sharing)))))) , (ADVP too)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one more reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP look (ADVP forward) (PP to (NP (NP (NP Cathy 's) visit) , (ADJP short or long))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the last one) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a Lilliputian war)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP suspected (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Cathy) (VP had (VP been (VP competing (PP with (NP Susan)) (PP for (NP (NP attention) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP had (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP-2 `` (INTJ Well) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-2) , (PP out (PP of (NP the silence)))))) , `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ-1 's) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP going)) , (NP-ADV dolls and all)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the car) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP Susan 's) hands) (VP waving (ADVP-MNR wildly) (PP from (NP the rear window))))) ,) (VP disappeared (PP-DIR down (NP the driveway)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Lucy) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (PP after (NP its pale dust))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The day) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP brilliant) (ADJP *ICH*-1)) (PP around (NP her)) -- (ADJP-1 (ADJP flower-scented) , (ADJP crisp (PP with (NP breeze)))) --)) (S yet (NP-SBJ her inner turmoil) (VP darkened (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP let (S (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP go (PP with (NP (NP a chilly good-by) , (NP a chillier kiss))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP sorry) , and (ADJP angry (PP at (NP herself)))) , (SBAR-PRP because (SINV (ADVP-TMP never) (PP in (NP their life together)) had (NP-SBJ she) (VP done (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP turned) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP walk (PP-DIR toward (NP the house))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP At (NP the feeding station)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the raffish group) (PP of (NP cowbirds))) (ADVP again) (VP bobbed and gobbled (PP over (NP the ground)))) , but (SINV (ADVP-TMP now) , (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 gorgeous (PP among (NP them))) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a beautiful red cardinal) , (ADJP radiant (PP in (NP its feathered vestments))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The handsome bird) (VP was (ADJP-PRD solitary))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 its mate) (VP must (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP home)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-MNR silently) (VP guarding (NP their nest)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (ADVP better) (VP stay (ADVP-LOC there)))) , (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP thought (S *T*-1))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the sly female cowbirds) (VP took (NP (NP instant advantage) (PP of (NP (NP nests) (PP without (NP sentinels))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (NP-VOC Lucy) ? ?) (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (PP to (NP herself)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP abandoning (NP (NP the cardinals) and (NP the cowbirds))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP a day) (PP of (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))))) ; ; (S (PP among (NP them)) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP prepare (NP the guest room)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 How long) (SQ would (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (VP occupied (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP wondered (SBARQ *T*-2) , (PP with (NP (NP a baffled feeling) (PP of (NP helplessness))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP (ADVP As long) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ the unscrupulous Myra) (VP chose))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP a moment)) , (NP-SBJ her mind) (VP returned (ADVP again) (PP to (NP (NP the strange , flying world) (PP of (NP birds))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (PP to (NP herself)) . (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is n't (NP-PRD (NP only birds) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP dump (NP their children) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP other people 's) nests)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the sunshine) (PP of (NP late afternoon)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Lucy) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP at (NP the ready guest room))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP new yellow curtains) , (ADJP (ADJP bright) (PP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a child 's) life) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))) , (NP (NP a new bedspread) , (ADJP lively (PP with (NP hopping rabbits))))))) , and (SINV (VP-TPC-2 hanging (PP from (NP the ceiling))) (VP was (VP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP an airy Mother Goose Mobile) , (VP spinning (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP in (NP the breeze))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A row) (PP of (NP little hangers))) (VP waited (PP for (NP (NP a child 's) clothes)) (PP-LOC in (NP the (ADJP neatly empty) closet)))) ; ; (S (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP put (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP Greg 's) money))) (PP-PUT on (NP her own back)))))) , (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP suspected (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP no more) (PP than (NP (NP a few) (PP of (NP that long row))))) (VP would (VP be (VP needed (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The closet) (VP was (ADJP-PRD faintly fragrant (PP with (NP lavender))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP shut (NP the door)))) (NP-SBJ (NP an unhappy memory) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP slipped (PP into (NP her mind)) , (PP like (NP a lavender ghost))) : (NP-2 (NP (NP (NP Greg 's) house) , (PP on (NP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (VP buried (NP *-3) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) , and (NP (NP the child) , (ADJP pale , silent , baffled) , (VP watching (NP the funeral guests) (PP with (NP panicky eyes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP Many times) (PP since (NP his death))) (NP-SBJ that memory) (VP had (VP worried and troubled (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC Out (PP in (NP the hall))) , (NP-SBJ the upstairs phone) (VP shrilled)) , and (S (NP-SBJ the small ghost) (VP vanished)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the receiver) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP her mother 's) cheerful voice) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Websterville Junction) (VP calling)) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP let (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP dropped (NP Cathy) (NP-TMP this morning))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP (VP picked (NP Cathy) (PRT up)) and (VP left (NP Susan)) (ADVP-TMP (NP a few hours) ago))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (VP phoned (ADVP-TMP sooner))))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (ADJP-PRD busy)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP imagine)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Susan) (VP was (NP-PRD an active character))) ; ; (S (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ Mother) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP call)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Susan) (VP must (VP be (VP napping (ADVP-TMP now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP surrounded (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP her multitude) (PP of (NP dolls)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP (VP drew (PRT out) (NP the chair)) and (VP sat (PRT down)))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP relaxed (NP-ADV a little))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP some) (PP of (NP the tension))) (VP went (PP out (PP of (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP could (VP think (S (NP-SBJ yourself) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as grown up) (PP as (NP Methuselah))))))) , (S yet (NP-SBJ the maternal voice) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP kept (NP its comforting magic))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ was (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) (NP-SBJ Cathy)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (ADJP `` Subdued .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the merriest widow) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP saw (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (PP On (NP (NP her way) (PP to (NP the airport)))) , (PP on (NP (NP her way) (PP to (NP Paris)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP bet))) , (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) (PP to (NP herself))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (VP fixing (PRT up) (NP the guest room) (PP for (NP Cathy))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a momentary pause))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ her mother) (VP said , `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How long) (SQ is (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP-TMP (ADVP Just) for (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP weeks)))) , (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP finds (NP a place) (PP for (NP them))))) '' .)) (TOP (UCP `` (INTJ Well) '' -- (NP-TMP This time) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a long silence) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the telephone) (VP hummed (ADVP-MNR faintly) (PP with (NP a voiceless life)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Puzzled)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Lucy) (VP stared (PP at (NP the flowered wallpaper)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ her mother) (VP was (ADJP-PRD forthright))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was not (ADVP usually) (VP given (PP to (NP mysterious silences))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ she) (VP thinking (UCP (PP along (NP (NP the same lines) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP was (VP *?* (NP *T*-2))))))) -- (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quite possible (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 Cathy) (VP might (VP be (VP left (NP *-1) (PP with (NP her)) (PP for (NP good))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (SBAR once (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP gets (PP to (NP Paris)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBAR Once (S (NP-SBJ the soft , pretty moth) (VP found (NP (NP the bright light) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP wanted (NP *T*-1)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) , (ADVP-MNR seekingly) , (NP-SBJ Lucy) (VP asked , `` (S (NP-VOC Mother) , (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (NP *T*-1)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Again) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD that curious pause))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ her mother) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP Just) before (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP left))) -- (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP saying (NP good-by) (PP to (NP Cathy))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP realize (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD near))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP hesitated , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP hunting (PP over (NP (NP words) and (NP (NP ways) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP putting (NP them))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Cathy) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP tears)) , (PP of (NP course)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP say , ' (S (S-IMP (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP be (ADJP-PRD good))) , and (S (PP-TMP at (NP Christmastime)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP send (NP you) (NP a wonderful present) (PP from (NP Paris)))))) ')))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Shocked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD speechless)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Lucy) (VP sat (ADVP-LOC there)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP jumped (PP to (NP her feet)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the elastic phone cord) (VP uncoiling (PP like (NP a black snake))))) .)) (TOP (NP-TMP `` Christmastime ! ! '')) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no bogey) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP dreamed (NP *T*-1) (PRT up)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD only too true))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP had (NP (NP no intention whatever) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sending (PP for (NP Cathy)) (PP in (NP two weeks))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP For (NP a moment)) , (NP-SBJ anger) (VP darkened (NP the hallway) (PP about (NP her)))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (NP her voice) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ anger) (VP thickened (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP does (NP it))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP keep (NP Cathy) (PP for (NP two weeks)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ Myra) (VP does (NP (NP nothing) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP fetching (NP her)))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP pack (NP her) (ADVP right back (PP to (NP her mother))) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP her) (NP-ADV myself))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her hand) (VP tightened (PP on (NP the receiver))) .)) (TOP (S `` And (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP Jim) (NP *T*-2)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP Lucy)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the day 's) nagging to-and-fro) (VP had (VP come (PP to (NP an abrupt end)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP hung (PRT up)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP saw (PP through (NP (NP the hall 's) open window)) (NP (NP the purple-black flying) (PP of (NP (NP the cowbirds ') wings)))) , and (VP heard (NP their grotesque singing))) .)) (TOP (NP Cowbird Myra ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP 's not (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADVP away) (PP with (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ Cathy) (VP is (ADJP-PRD tired))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Lucy) (VP thought (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP come (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP-DIR up (NP the path))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The child 's) thin legs) (VP were (VP plodding)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP trudged (ADVP along) (ADVP-MNR slowly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ both hands) (VP clutching (NP a tired teddy bear)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (PP-TMP at (NP the moment)) (NP-PRD (NP just a small , walking package) , (VP being (VP delivered (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP (NP her aunt 's) and (NP uncle 's)) house)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Unlike (NP Susan)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP traveling (ADVP light)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the worn teddy bear) , (NP (NP a tiny suitcase) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Jim) (VP carried (NP *T*-1))))) , and (NP (NP the clothes) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP wore (NP *T*-3))))) ,) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Lucy) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP glancing (PP at (NP the miniature case)))) , (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP would not (VP be (NP-PRD enough (PP *ICH*-2)) (PP in (NP it)) (PP-2 for (NP (NP the shortest) (PP of (NP stays)))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP buy (NP things) (PP for (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP opened (NP the door)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Unimpressed)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the dog) (VP plopped (PP on (NP the sand))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Quint) (VP could n't (VP blame (NP Maggie) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP disbelieving))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP eleven days)) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP 'd (VP done (NP the same thing) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP leaving (NP the cottage) (ADVP-MNR quietly) (PP-TMP before (NP breakfast)) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-2 Esperanza Beach) (VP got (VP jammed (NP *-2) (PP with (NP (NP tourists) and (NP beach balls) and (NP show-offy lifeguards))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The swirling sand) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP Quint 's) limp) (ADJP-PRD more pronounced))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP walked (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP-DIR (PP past (NP (NP the sherbet-colored cottages) -- (NP (NP eleven lemon) , (NP nine mint) , (NP seven orange)) --)) (PP around (NP the curve)) (PP to (NP (NP a deserted stand) (PP with (NP (NP an `` Eats '' sign) (VP jiggling (PP in (NP the wind))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP friendly territory))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Nobody) (ADVP around) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Nothing) (PP but (NP (NP sand) and (NP (NP a ridge) (PP of (NP rocks)) (VP sloping (ADVP jaggedly) (PP to (NP (NP the water 's) edge)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His rock) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (PP-PRD to (NP (NP the right) (PP of (NP a V-shaped inlet)))) , (NP-1 (NP a big , brown , lumpy rock) (VP trailing (NP seaweed whiskers)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His rock) (VP was (ADJP-PRD special) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP no one) (PP on (NP the beach))) (VP could (VP see (NP him) (ADVP-LOC here)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD enclosed and safe)) .)) (TOP (SQ -LRB- (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ (NP a dragon) or (NP a sea monster)) (VP came (ADVP along)))) , did n't (NP-SBJ he) (VP have (NP (NP (NP a red Swiss hunting knife) (PP on (NP his belt))) -- (NP (NP ten blades) and (NP a corkscrew)))) ? ? -RRB-)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Here) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a perfect place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP lie (PRT down)) and (VP make (VP believe)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Canute) (VP controlling (NP the waves)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP a knight) (PP of (NP the Round Table))) , `` (NP (NP Sir Quintus) (NP the Brave)) '') , (VP slaying (NP (NP evil spirits) and (NP banshees) and (NP vampires) and (NP (NP witches) (PP with (NP warty noses))))))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-ADV (NP One good thing) (PP about (NP (NP a suit) (PP of (NP armor))))) , (NP-SBJ his leg) (VP would n't (VP show)) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the first astronaut) (PP on (NP the moon)) , (VP chosen (NP *) (PP-PRP because of (NP his (NX (NX small size) and (NX intrepid nature))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP six feet one) (PP *ICH*-1)) (NP *ICH*-2)) (PP like (NP his father)) , (PP-1 with (NP (NP big hands) and (NP a hairy chest))) , (NP-2 (NP a man) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ the weak and persecuted) (VP would (VP turn (PP to (NP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Fearless .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-TMP (NP Every night) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wanted (NP a drink (PP of (NP water))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , did n't (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP practice (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP being (ADJP-PRD fearless))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) not (VP turning (PRT on) (NP the bathroom light))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A dark bathroom) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD pretty scary)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP 'd (VP creep (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP bed)) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD proud (PP of (NP himself)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking : (S (NP-TMP Tomorrow) , (PP for (ADJP sure)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP (VP go (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the rock)))) and (VP keep (NP (NP my promise) (PP to (NP Dad)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had n't (VP intended (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP the promise)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP happened (ADVP-TMP (NP two weeks) ago) , (NP-TMP (NP the night) (SBAR before (S (NP-SBJ his father) (VP left (PP on (NP (NP a business trip) (PP to (NP South America))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Every piece) (PP of (NP the nightmare))) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP clear) , (PP in (NP place))))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP woke (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ his father) (VP was (VP saying , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP Stop (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP screaming)) , (NP-VOC Quint)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Stop (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shaking))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP remember (NP (NP (NP the feel) (PP of (NP (NP his father 's) big hands))) , (NP (NP the thump) (PP of (NP (NP his father 's) heart)) (VP sending (PRT out) (NP (NP signals) -- (ADJP regular) , (PP like (NP radar)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP talk (PP about (NP the beach))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC Son .)) (TOP (SQ (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP gone)))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (ADJP-PRD (ADJP brown) and (ADJP fat (PP as (NP a pig)))))) , (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP hear)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP put (NP two fingers) (PP between (NP (NP the cords) (PP in (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP your neck))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Fortman) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ swimming) (VP would (VP help (NP your leg)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP limping)) (ADVP (ADVP more) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ does (NP-SBJ he) (VP know (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP Big dumb nut .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP had (NP polio)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the light) (PP from (NP the bedside table)))) (NP-SBJ his father) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so worried) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the promise) (VP spilled (PRT out)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP just) (VP wait , (NP-VOC Dad)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (ADVP back) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP probly) (VP be (VP swimming (ADVP (ADVP better) (PP than (NP Victoria)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Wait and see , (NP-VOC Dad)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Victoria) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP (NP-ADV fourteen months) younger) (PP than (NP Quint))) , (ADJP (NP-ADV a head) taller))) , and (VP (VP could (VP lick (NP (NP any boy or girl) (PP on (NP the beach))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ her) `` (NP-PRD Fatso) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ him) `` (ADJP-PRD Stuck-up)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP plays (PP with (NP you)) , (NP-VOC Mister Stuck-up) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S Or , (SBAR-ADV (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD worse)))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP prayed (PP for (NP him)) (ADVP-MNR out loud) (PP-TMP at (NP bedtime)))) : `` (S-IMP (INTJ Please) , (NP-VOC Lord Gord) , (INTJ please) (NP-SBJ *) (VP give (NP my brother) (NP (NP the strength) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP swimming)) (SBAR-ADV like (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP promised))) (ADVP *T*-3)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (VP got (NP a nerve)))) '' . (S (NP-SBJ Quint) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP to (NP the clouds)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Strength) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP zip (PP up and down (NP his chest)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP strong) (PP as (NP a giant)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP unlaced (NP his high brown shoes)) and (VP took (PRT off) (NP (NP the metal brace) (PP on (NP his leg))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP wadded (NP his sweat shirt) (PP into (NP a ball))) and (VP stripped (PP down (PP to (NP his swimming trunks))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP Goolick) , (NP goooolick)) '' , (VP creaked (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a sea gull) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (INTJ Aw) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP shut (PRT up))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP He) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP stood (PP-LOC on (NP the rock)) , (NP-1 (NP a skinny , dignified boy) (VP surrounded (PP by (NP the ocean))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The wind) (VP bored (NP a hole) (PP between (NP his shoulder blades)))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP the choppy waves) (VP (VP coming) and (VP going) and (VP crossing (NP each other))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP see (NP-2 his head) (PP-LOC down (ADVP there)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP bleeding) , (VP wedged (PP-LOC between (NP (NP the rocks) and (NP the waves))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP go (ADVP in))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP scared (PP of (NP the nightmare)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Shivering)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP put (PRT on) (NP his clothes)) .)) (TOP (S And (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP shivering (PP with (NP shame)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP crawled (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the narrow end) (PP of (NP the rock))))) and (VP spat (PP into (NP the water)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Watch (NP it) , (NP-VOC big shot))) '' , (NP-SBJ a hoarse voice) (VP yelled (ADVP back) (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP holding (PP on (PP to (NP his rock))) (PP with (NP one hand)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smelled (PP of (NP peppermints))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP wore (NP (NP a bathing suit) (PP like (NP (NP his mother 's))) , (NP-ADV (NP no straps) (PP on (NP the shouders))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-1 (WHADVP-2 Why) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP duck (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP snapped (SBARQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD my rock)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Is n't) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Is) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Is n't) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Is) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sore (PP as (NP a boil)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Ever) (VP hear (PP of (NP (NP squatter 's) rights))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Sure .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP started (PP with (NP (NP the Kansas-Nebraska Bill) (PP of (NP eighteen)))))) '' -- `` (SQ (NP-PRD-TPC-1 Mister Big Britches) , are n't (NP-SBJ you) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP Mark Gordon Peters) (NP the Fifth))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP call (S (NP-SBJ me) (NP-PRD Quint))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (ADVP-TMP Then) (WHADVP-2 why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP stop (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP squinting)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP Quint)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD short (PP for (NP Quintus)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Quintus) (PP in (NP Latin)) (VP-UNF means)) '' -- `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP speak (NP (NP both kinds) (PP of (NP Latin))) , (NP-VOC smart aleck)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her cough) (VP sounded (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ cloth) (VP ripping)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP should n't (VP smoke (ADVP so much)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP unconsciously) (VP imitating (NP (NP Victoria 's) holier-than-thou voice)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP smoke)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD horrified)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Hell) , (INTJ yes) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) Not (VP having (VP said `` (NP hell) '' (ADVP-TMP before)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP stumbled (NP-ADV a bit) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP gathering (NP momentum))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP (NP eleven , fourteen) (NP-ADV a day)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD your mama)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP wop (NP your tail) (PRT off))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ My mother) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP wops (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP this leg brace))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so unimpressed) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP obliged (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP roll (PRT up) (NP his blue jeans)))) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP see (NP his brace))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (ADJP-PRD-TPC-2 Dingy-looking) '' , (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-2)) (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (NP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP paint (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD red and white (PP like (NP a barber pole)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP `` Because (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wo n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wear (NP it)))) (ADVP-TMP always)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dr. Fortman) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP exercise (NP my leg) (ADVP more)))) , (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP use (NP a cane) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD big) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP spouted (NP (NP a mouthful) (PP of (NP water))) (PP into (NP the air))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ A cane) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD mighty handy)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Someone) (VP 's (VP walking (ADVP past)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stop (NP him)))))) , (S (INTJ zoooop) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP snag (NP him) (PP around (NP the neck)) (PP with (NP (NP the crook) (PP in (NP your cane)))))) .)) (TOP (S Or (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a waiter) (VP brings (NP you) (NP (NP a bowl) (PP of (NP soup)) (PP with (NP (NP a dead fly) (PP in (NP it)))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP bannnnnng , stooooomp (NP your cane) (PP-LOC on (NP the floor)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (INTJ Hey) , will (NP-SBJ you) (VP look (PP at (NP that))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Maggie) (VP (VP had (VP shaken (S (NP-SBJ himself) (ADJP-PRD awake)))) and (VP was (VP licking (NP the sand) (PP off (NP (NP his stubby whiskers) and (NP (NP his long plume) (PP of (NP a tail)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD some dog)) .)) (TOP (WHNP What kind '' ? ?)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Part collie) , (NP part wire-haired terrier) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Quint) (VP glared) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP did (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP asked (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Holy mackerel) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most unique) dog) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP saw (NP *T*-1))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (ADVP-MNR firmly) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ His real name) (VP 's (NP-PRD DiMaggio))) , (S (ADVP only) (NP-SBJ we) (VP call (S (NP-SBJ him) (NP-PRD Maggie)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP tranquilizers))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP braver) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looks (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP been (ADJP-PRD sick) (ADVP-TMP lately))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Last Tuesday) (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PP on (NP a ham jag))) '' .)) (TOP (WHNP `` A what '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP have (VP told (NP her))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Victoria) (VP was (VP yodeling))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP meant `` (S (NP-SBJ Mama) (VP wants (NP you) (NP-VOC Quint)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (NP home))) or (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'll (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP find (NP you)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP gotta (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP go))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even though (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD my rock)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP use (NP it) (ADVP-TMP sometimes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP come (PP-TMP (ADVP early) in (NP the morning))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 So) (VP do (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ I) .)) (TOP (VP See (NP you) (ADVP around) , (NP-VOC Mister Squint)) '' .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (NP-PRD friends))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP met (NP-TMP (NP next morning) and (NP (NP all the mornings) (ADVP thereafter)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP-TMP Same time) , (ADVP-TMP early) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the fog) (VP burned (PRT off)))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP like (NP the sun)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP blister)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her name) (VP was (NP-PRD Sabella))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the strip) (PP of (NP seaweed)) (PP around (NP her neck))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an emerald necklace) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the King) (VP gave (NP her) (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP (NP a token) (PP of (NP his undying love)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP marry (NP the King))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` No .)) (TOP (S (NP He) (VP (VP 's (VP got (NP a long beard))) and (VP picks (NP his teeth) (PP with (NP a fork)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My hair) (VP is (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD nuts (PP about (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP Naturally curly) hair) (VP runs (PP in (NP my family))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Personally) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP prefer (NP (NP straight hair) (PP like (NP yours))))) , but (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP say) (PP-LOC on (NP the Continent)))) , (SBARQ ' (WHNP-1 What) (SQ can (NP-SBJ one) (VP do (NP *T*-1)))) ' '' ? ?))) (TOP (WHNP `` Which continent '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Name (NP one))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ Japan) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , (VP smelled (ADJP-PRD pugh) (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ dead fish) (VP lie (PP-LOC on (NP the beaches)) (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ the fish) (VP got (ADJP-PRD (ADJP hard) (PP as (NP rocks)))))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP scraped (PRT off) (NP the mold)) and (VP made (NP fish soup))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ Pugh .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Camels) (PP-LOC in (NP Tripoli))) (VP had (NP harelips)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Near (NP Galway)) (NP-SBJ the tinkers) (VP (VP drove (NP their caravans) (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the beach)))) and (VP sang and drank and fought (NP-TMP all night))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP dancing))) -- (INTJ holy mackerel) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP the gypsies) (PP-LOC in (NP Jerez))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP danced (PP on (NP the sand)) (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ your blood) (VP (VP got (ADJP-PRD hot)) and (VP danced (PP with (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP `` Really '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Quint) (VP smothered (NP a yawn)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP made (NP (NP better pictures) (PP than (NP (NP any book) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP read (NP *T*-1)))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP say (ADVP so)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Artfully) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the days) (VP went (ADVP by)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP (NP occasion) (SBAR (WHADVP 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (NP her) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his father) (VP had (VP won (NP the Navy Cross) (PP in (NP the Korean War)))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ his baby sister) (VP could (VP spit (PRT up) (PP through (NP her nose)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP felt (PP like (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) ; ; (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) (ADVP personally)) (VP (VP had (NP (NP an IQ) (PP of (NP 141)))) and (VP was (ADVP-TMP currently) (VP reading (NP (NP the (NP (NP Mushr) (PP to (NP Ozon))) volume) (PP of (NP the encyclopedia))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Books) (VP are (PP-PRD for (NP schnooks))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP skipped (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP water))) (PP at (NP him))) and (VP laughed , (NP (NP a funny , hoarse laugh) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (NP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP appreciated (NP his jokes) (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP as (NP Sabella)))) .)) (TOP -LRB- `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ one tonsil) (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP the other tonsil))))) ? ?) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ-1 's) (VP get (VP dressed (NP *-1) (PRT up)))))) -- (S (NP the doctor) (VP 's (VP taking (NP us) (PRT out) (NP-TMP tonight)))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ And `` (WHNP-1 What time) (SQ did (NP-SBJ the Chinaman) (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the dentist)) (NP-TMP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP Tooth-hurty '' . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Encouraged (PP by (NP her giggles)))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP imitated (NP (NP Maggie) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD crazy (PP about (NP ham)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP described (NP (NP the ham) (VP decorated (NP *) (PP with (NP pineapple and cherries))) , (VP cooling (PP-LOC on (NP the porch))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP snuck (PRT up) (PP on (NP the ham)) (PP like (NP Maggie)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP gumming (NP it) (PP with (NP soft , stumpy teeth))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) panting (PP with (NP thirst))) , (VP lapping (PRT up) (NP the water) (PP-LOC in (NP the lagoon))) , (VP swelling (PRT up) (PP like (NP a balloon))) , (VP staggering (ADVP-DIR home) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sick))))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP does (NP it)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 That dog) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Say) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-PRD quite a comic))) '' , (NP-SBJ Sabella) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR admiringly)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Ever) (VP thought (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (PP on (NP the stage)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP such a nice thought) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP nodded (NP his head)))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Either (NP that) or (NP a veterinarian) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADVP Better) (VP make (PRT up) (NP your mind) , (NP-VOC son))) '' , (NP-SBJ Sabella) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP serve (NP cod and salmon))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ they) (VP argued) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ sharks) (VP have (NP no bones))) and (S (NP-SBJ shrimp) (VP swam (ADVP backward)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His encylopedia) (VP agreed (PP with (NP Sabella))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Next morning) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP tied (NP (NP a bunch) (PP of (NP sea daisies))) (PP with (NP string))) and (VP threw (NP them) (PP across (NP the V-shaped inlet)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the rock) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP swimming (ADVP around) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (INTJ Boy) , could (NP-SBJ she) (VP catch) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (PP Like (NP Willie Mays)) (PP-LOC in (NP the outfield)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP gave (NP me) (NP flowers) (ADVP-TMP before)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you) , (NP-VOC Quint)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her face) (VP turned (ADJP-PRD pink) (PP with (NP (NP pleasure) and (NP a smothered cough)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (ADVP-TMP always) (VP tell (NP a real gentleman)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP got (NP a certain je ne say quok))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP talk) (ADVP at all)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP daydreamed (PP-LOC on (NP the rock)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP swam) and (VP splashed (ADVP around)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP asked (SBAR (WHADVP why) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP went (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP swimming))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP answered , `` (VP Do n't (VP feel (PP like (NP it)))) '')) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))) , (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP was (VP tempted (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP tell (NP her) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (VP scared))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ Victoria) (VP began (VP yodeling) (ADVP-TMP just then))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP went (ADVP-DIR home) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP carrying (NP Sabella) (PP in (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP his head))))) , (VP not thinking (PP about (NP her))) , (VP (ADVP just) knowing (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP smiling) , (VP smelling (PP of (NP peppermints))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP his promise))) -- (INTJ oh) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP time))) , (NP (NP buckets) (PP of (NP time))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Wednesday morning) (NP-SBJ it) (VP happened) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (VP eating (NP breakfast))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP beseech (S (NP-SBJ thee) , (NP-VOC Lord Gord) , (VP to (VP bless (NP this food)))))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Victoria) (VP saying (NP grace) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the baby) (VP sprayed (NP raisin toast) (PP on (NP her plastic bib))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Same old breakfast) (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ-1 the phone) (VP rang , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ (NP his mother 's) voice) (VP shake (PP with (NP excitement))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Your Daddy) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP San Francisco)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP them) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'll (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (PP on (NP the one-o'clock plane))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADVP-TMP (NP Fifteen days) early) -- (SQ is n't (NP-SBJ that) (ADJP wonderful)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Yeah) , (INTJ keen) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A cave) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP opening (PP in (NP (NP Quint 's) stomach))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Children) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP get (VP organized (NP *-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The baby) (VP can (VP have (NP an early nap))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-VOC Victoria) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP-UNF to)))) -- '' (S (NP-SBJ Quint) (VP closed (NP the screen door) (ADVP-MNR quietly) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ-1 Maggie) (VP would n't (VP be (VP scared (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hurry (PRT up))) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD late)))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP noticing (PP with (NP a chill)) (SBAR (WHADJP-3 how gray) (S (NP-SBJ the sky) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-3) (NP-TMP this morning)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the fog) (PP-PRD like (NP (NP a rope) (PP along (NP the horizon))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the choppy waves) (VP sending (PRT off) (NP (NP sheets) (PP of (NP blue and Kool-Aid green)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The cave) (PP in (NP his stomach))) (VP hurt) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP into (NP the water)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP tell (NP Sabella) (PP about (NP the nightmare)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP started (ADVP-TMP (NP two years) ago) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP an iron lung)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP caused (NP it)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The metal collar) (VP gagging (NP his neck)) ? ?)) (TOP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP Sweating (ADVP so much)) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP The unbearable weight) (PP on (NP his chest)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (PP of (NP it)) (ADVP together)) (VP meant (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP drowning))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP The first time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the nurse) (VP took (NP him) (PP out (PP of (NP the lung))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (VP frightened)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP put (NP him) (ADVP back) (PP-TMP for (NP a second))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP When) (S (NP-SBJ-2 Bobbie Evans) (VP smashed (PRT up) (NP (NP (NP his car) , (NP (NP the Jaguar) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP his wife) (NP Linda)) (VP had (VP given (NP him) (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP his last birthday))))))) ,) and (NP (NP himself) (ADVP quite thoroughly) (PP with (NP it)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP driving (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP (NP an afternoon 's) golf) (PP-LOC at (NP Oakmont))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP mark (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP (NP a long , miswritten chapter) (PP in (NP (NP the social life) (PP of (NP the community))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD remote yet lovely (PP in (NP black))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP held (NP his or her breath))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (SBAR Not that (S (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP was (ADJP-PRD heartless)))) , (SBAR not that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP do (NP anything) (UCP (ADVP prematurely) or (PP in (NP bad taste))) (ADVP (ADVP any more) (SBAR than (S (NP John Cooper) (VP would (VP *?*))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Had n't (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a perfect wife) (PP to (NP (NP Bobbie) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the least bit) (PP of (NP a disappointment))) (NP-TMP all these years)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was n't (NP-SBJ John Cooper) (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP even more) attractive) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP at (NP forty-seven)) (SBAR-1 than (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD *?*) (ADVP-TMP (NP twenty-five years) earlier))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S And (SQ was n't (NP-SBJ (NP (NP John 's) wife) , (NP Edythe) ,) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP even more) appalling) , (SBAR if (ADJP possible))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did n't (NP-SBJ John Cooper) , (PP-TMP after (NP all this time)) , (VP deserve (NP something better) (PP of (NP life))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was n't (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD adult and realistic) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP it)) (NP-MNR that way)))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG And (ADJP romantic) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everybody) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ John Cooper) (VP had (VP married (NP Edythe) (PP on (NP the rebound))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (PP of (NP thing)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP ruin (NP (NP a man 's) life)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a tribute) (PP to (NP (NP John 's) (NX (NX (NX strength) (PP of (NP character))) and (NX (ADJP very real) business ability))))) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had n't (VP ruined (NP his))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD ashamed (PP of (NP yourself))) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP letting (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP happen))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mousie Chandler) (VP said (S *T*-3) (PP to (NP Linda Stuart))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Poor John '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP (VP accepted (NP the reproach)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP did (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-3 rarely) (PP-4 in (NP all her life))) and (VP (ADVP=3 most rarely) (PP=4 in (NP (NP that summer) (PP of (NP 1936)) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP by (NP all odds)) (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP prettiest and brightest) young woman) (ADVP-LOC west (PP of (NP the Allegheny Mountains)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP was (ADVP surely) (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP handsomer and brighter) young men) (PP-LOC around (NP Pittsburgh))))))) (ADVP *T*-5)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD John and Linda) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP ever) since (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP come (PRT out) (ADVP-TMP (NP two seasons) before) (PP-LOC at (NP the Golf Club)) (PP to (NP (NP the goggle-eyed admiration) (PP (CONJP not only) (PP of (NP the stag line)) (CONJP but even) (PP of (NP her fellow debs))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP John) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP had (VP claimed (NP her) (PP from (NP the stag line)) , (NP-1 (NP a young man) (PP (NP-ADV a year) out (PP of (NP Dartmouth))) (PP with (NP (NP skiing crinkles) (RRC (ADVP-TMP still) (PP around (NP his eyes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP saw (NP them) (ADVP-TMP always) (ADVP together) (NP-TMP those years)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP talked (PP about (NP John-and-Linda)) (PP as (NP an entity))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ John-and-Linda) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP Longue Vue)) (NP-TMP last night))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ John-and-Linda) (VP drove (PP-DIR to (NP Conneaut)) (PP-TMP in (NP (QP three and a half) hours)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a spat) (PP over (NP something))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP lovers ') spats) (ADVP-TMP before))))))) ; ; (S (ADVP only) (NP-SBJ this one) (VP did n't (VP heal))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP said `` (NP John-and-Linda) '' , (NAC but (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (VP speaking (PP of (NP (NP a national catastrophe) (PP such as (NP (NP the depression) or (NP Dillinger))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP got (ADJP-PRD worse (CONJP instead of) better)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP First) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP came (PRT out) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Mr. Cooper 's) will) (VP was (VP settled (NP *-1) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP died (ADVP-TMP (NP the year) before)))) --))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP John) and (NP his mother)) (VP were n't (ADJP-PRD rich) (ADVP-TMP any more))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Linda 's) engagement) (PP to (NP Bobbie Evans)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no connection) (PP between (NP the two events))) , (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ Bobbie) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD rich) , (ADVP either) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more aggressive) (PP than (NP John)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP bright and handsome) young man) (PP from (NP New York)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP worked (PP for (NP (NP the same steel company) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP did)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Some people) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP announced (NP the engagement) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP jolt (NP John) (PP into (NP some action))))))))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP came (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP a business trip) (PP to (NP Cleveland)))) (PP (PP with (NP Edythe)) , (PP with (NP (NP Edythe) (NP his bride)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP be (NP-PRD John-and-Linda) (PP (ADVP even) to (NP sentimental wishful thinkers))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (ADVP even) (NP-PRD John and Edythe)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD Poor John)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP specifically wrong (PP with (NP Edythe)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (ADVP absolutely) (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (ADJP right (PP about (NP her)))) (ADVP either))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mousie Chandler) (VP (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD to (NP (NP school) (NP-LOC *ICH*-1))) (PP with (NP her)) (NP-LOC-1 (NP someplace) (PP near (NP Baltimore))))) and (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP explain (CONJP rather than)) (VP defend (NP her) (PP to (NP (NP the gang) (VP having (NP lunch) (PP-LOC at (NP Horne 's))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP should n't (VP underestimate (NP Edythe)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mousie) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP gives (NP (NP the impression) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD shallow and frivolous and scatterbrained))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP is (ADJP-PRD frivolous and scatterbrained))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP really) (VP is n't (ADJP-PRD shallow))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bobbie and Linda) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD magnificent) (PP at (NP their wedding))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP the church)) (PP with (NP Edythe))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP giggled (PP-TMP during (NP the ceremony)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mousie Chandler) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP Linda 's) bridesmaids)))))) ,) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP glared (ADVP (ADVP black) (PP as (NP death))) (PP at (NP her))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV-TPC-1 As if (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP were (VP choking (NP *-2))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (SBAR-ADV *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Poor John '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Edythe) (VP settled (PRT down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a social myth) and (NP a horrible example)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her hair) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP place))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ her skirts) (VP were (ADVP-TMP never) (NP-PRD quite the correct length))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (VP have (NP a bad shape) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP caught (NP her) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the pool) (PP at (NP Longue Vue)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ her bathing suits) (VP were (ADJP-PRD far (PP from (NP smart))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP did n't (VP see (NP her) (ADVP much) (PP-LOC at (UCP (NP Longue Vue) or (ADVP anywhere)))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP had (VP drifted (ADVP away) (PP from (NP the gang))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mousie) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too proud (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stand (NP pity)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP could n't (VP stand (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Linda) , (NP Mrs. Bobbie Evans) ,) (ADJP-PRD still so beautiful) , (PP (ADVP so much) in (NP (NP command) (PP of (NP everything)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD less-dramatic reasons) (ADVP too)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP John 's) mother) (VP died (PP-TMP (ADVP not long) after (NP his marriage)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP even less) Cooper money) (VP left (NP *))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP (VP sold (NP (NP the big old place) (PP-LOC in (NP Sewickley)))) and (VP bought (NP a smaller house) (PP-LOC in (NP Fox Chapel)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was not (VP reduced (NP *-1) (PP to (NP poverty))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP his job) (PP-LOC at (NP the steel company))) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a real job) (CONJP and not) (NP (NP a method) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP passing (NP the day))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good (PP at (NP his job)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADVP probably) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD hard) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP keep (NP his nose) (PP to (NP the grindstone)) (PP with (NP (NP nothing) (PP but (NP Edythe)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP come (ADVP-DIR home) (PP to (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV Though (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP may (VP be (ADJP-PRD unfair) (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ben Cooper) , (NP (NP John 's) first son) , (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP came (ADVP along) (PP-TMP (ADVP early) in (NP 1938)) , (NP-1 (NP (NP the cutest baby) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP saw (NP *T*-4))))) and (NP a blessing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (NP-PRD all Cooper) (PP (PP from (NP fontanel)) (PP to (NP pink toes))) , (NP-ADV (NP nary a trace) (PP of (NP Edythe)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the continuing charm) (PP of (NP (NP the other children) -- (NP (NP (NP Sally) (PP-TMP in (NP 1940))) and (NP (NP Jack) (PP-TMP in (NP 1944)))) --))) and (NP (NP (NP all John 's) success) (PP at (NP his work)))) (ADVP only) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP Edythe 's) dizziness and general uselessness) (ADJP-PRD more glaring))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP could (VP fit (PP into (NP (NP a crowd) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-5 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP had (VP known (NP *RNR*-1))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-6 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-6) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP knew and admired (NP *RNR*-1)))) (NP-1 Linda)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD bridge) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Edythe 's) house)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the cards) (VP shuffled (PP like (NP wet graham crackers)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the food) (ADVP probably) (VP was (NP-PRD wet graham crackers))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP managed (NP a missionary drive) (PP for (NP the church)) (ADVP once)) and (VP got (S (NP-SBJ the books) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so confused) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP old Mr. Webber) , (NP the eldest elder) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP never) (VP donated (NP (NP more) (PP than (NP five dollars))) (PP to (NP anything)))))) ,) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP cough (PRT up) (NP (QP five hundred) dollars)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP avoid (NP (NP a scandal) (PP in (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ Edythe) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) `` (NP (NP the bosoms) (PP of (NP the church))) '')))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP did (VP find (NP the missing checks and money) (ADVP-TMP afterward)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the drive) (VP (VP was (ADVP actually) (VP oversubscribed (NP *-1))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a real bit) (PP of (NP luck))) (PP for (NP the missionaries))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Being (NP an intelligent man))) , (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 John) (VP must (VP have (VP guessed (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP thought (NP *T*-1) (PP about (NP Edythe))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP let (PRT on) (PP by (NP (NP so much) (PP as (NP a brave smile))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Poor John) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (PP of (NP stock)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP keeps (NP a bargain) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP whimpering)))) and (VP (ADVP maybe) bends (PRT over) (ADVP backward) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP a bad one)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an (ADJP attentive and generous) husband) , (FRAG (ADJP overgenerous) , (S (NP-SBJ (NP a lot) (PP of (NP people))) (VP felt , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ money) (VP must (VP be (NP-PRD a problem) (PP to (NP him)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (ADVP ahead) (PP in (NP business)))) : (FRAG (PP on (NP (NP leave) (PP from (NP his job)) (PP to (NP an important Washington assignment)))) (PP-TMP during (NP the war))) ; ; (FRAG (PP-TMP after (NP the war)) (ADVP back) (PP to (NP (NP the heir apparency) (PP of (NP the steel company))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Coopers) (VP saw (NP Bobbie and Linda) (ADVP socially) , (NAC but (ADVP (ADVP no more) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP was (ADJP-PRD necessary))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bobbie) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD successful) , (ADVP too) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP match (NP (NP John 's) pace)))) , and (S (PP after (NP all)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP *?*))) , (PP with (NP all the Stuart money))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He and Linda) (VP settled (PRT down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP being (NP-PRD social leaders)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Linda) (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (ADJP-PRD (ADVP (NP-ADV a little) more) beautiful) (NP-TMP each year)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (CONJP And then) (VP came) (NP-SBJ (NP the hairpin turn) , (NP the smashed Jaguar) and (NP (NP-1 Linda) , (VP mourning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone and lovely))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (VP held (NP his or her breath)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP could n't (VP have (VP got (NP John) (ADVP back) (NP-TMP any time) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP tried)))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ (NP Mousie Gordon) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD Mousie Chandler)))))) , (VP said (S-IMP *T*-2) (PP between (NP (NP bites) (PP of (NP a chicken sandwich)))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP a luncheon table) (PP-LOC at (NP Le Mont))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP 've (VP *?*))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP is n't (NP-PRD (NP that kind) (PP of (NP girl))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S-TPC-1 (ADVP-TMP now) -- (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a blessing)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP Poor John '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Linda Evans) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more wretched) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP dreamed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP Bobbie 's) death) (VP could (VP move (NP her) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP feeling (ADJP-PRD *?*)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-3 What) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP felt (NP-PRD *T*-3)))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a bone-deep loss) (PP with (NP (NP a sense) (PP of (NP waste)) (PP to (NP it))))) , (NP (NP not (ADVP so much) sorrow) (PP (PP for (NP handsome , ambitious Bobbie)) , but (PP for (NP (NP the lost years) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP brought (NP *-1) (PP into (NP high relief)) (PP by (NP-LGS his death))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP were (VP thinking (NP *T*-1))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP been (VP thinking (NP *T*-2) (NP-ADV herself)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (PP-PRD up (PP to (NP her))) (S-2 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP save (NP (NP Poor John) , (NP dear John)))) , (VP to (VP undo (NP (NP the wrong) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP done (NP *T*-1))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP trembled (PP at (NP the decision)) (PP as (PP at (NP (NP the brink) (PP of (NP a cold stream))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP blame (NP her or John)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (PP of (NP that)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD rough (PP on (NP Edythe))) (PP-TMP at (ADJP first))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP Linda and John) (PP between (NP them))) (VP could (VP make (NP (NP a settlement) (ADJP handsome enough (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP soothe (NP her))) , (VP to (VP send (NP her) (ADVP (ADVP back) (PP to (NP Cleveland)) or (ADVP anywhere)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (ADJP capable (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP capturing (NP (NP the affection) (PP of (NP the children))))))) , (ADJP anxious even)) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ she and Bobbie) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP none) (PP of (NP their own)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD good (PP for (NP them)))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a mother) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP need not (VP be (ADJP-PRD ashamed (PP of (NP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Linda) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wait)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHNP-1 what) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a decent six months (QP or so)) (PP after (NP (NP the (QP more than twenty) years) (VP gone (ADVP by)))))))) ? ?) (TOP (NP (NP Years) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP watching (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Poor John) (VP struggled (PP without (NP (NP the help and understanding) (PP of (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP wife)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP needed (NP *T*-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (ADVP ahead))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (NP wonders))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Alloy steels) and (NP regular steels)) (VP had (NP different sales departments) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Smith & MacIsaacs) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP John and Bobbie)) both (VP worked (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bobbie) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP head) (PP of (NP the alloy division))) , (SBAR while (S (NP-SBJ John) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP just another good salesman) (PP in (NP the regular branch)))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP old Mr. Lovejoy) , (NP the company president) ,) (VP talked (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP putting (PRT in) (NP a single sales manager) (PP for (NP both branches)) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ (NP the head) (PP of (NP the regular steels))) (VP had (VP gone (PP with (NP Carnegie-Illinois))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP looked (PP like (NP (NP the perfect chance) (PP for (NP Bobbie))))) .)) (TOP (S For (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (NP her husband) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) , (NP-ADV (CONJP not just) (NP the Stuart-family contacts) (CONJP but also) (NP (NP the little dinners) (PP for (NP Reuben Lovejoy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD almost sick) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Bobbie) (VP came (ADVP-DIR home) (PP with (NP the news (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Poor John) (VP had (VP won (NP the job))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (NP Bobbie) (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP have (VP done (NP (NP something) , (NP (NP something) (ADJP wrong)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Lord) (VP knows (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP everything) (VP set (NP *) (PP for (NP you)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Bobbie) (VP said (NP (NP something) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ damned Pittsburghers) (VP sticking (ADVP together))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP got (ADJP-PRD angry (PP at (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (NP their first real fight))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Bobbie) (VP went (PRT off) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (ADJP-PRD drunk)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP dragooned (NP (NP her uncle) , (NP Donald Murkland) ,) (PP into (NP a lunch)) (NP-TMP the next day) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a director) (PP of (NP S. & M.)))) and (VP must (VP have (VP been (PP-PRD in (PP on (NP the decision))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ jolly old Uncle Donald) (VP would (VP tell (NP her (NP (NP no more) (PP than (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bobbie) (VP had (ADVP certainly) (VP been (VP considered (NP *-1) (PP for (NP the job)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP factors) (PP in (NP a large company)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP outsiders) and (NP even some insiders)) (VP could n't (VP understand (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP tell (NP her) (PP of (NP (NP the long board meeting) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Bobbie and John) (VP were (VP weighed (NP *-1) (NP (NP one) (PP against (NP the other))) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD behind (NP John Cooper)))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Lovejoy) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP finally))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (VP agreed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he and Evans) (VP are (ADJP-PRD equal (PP in (NP ability)))))))))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP the thing)) (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP incentive))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Now) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Poor John) (VP 'll (VP work (ADVP (NP just a little) harder)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP that wife) (PP of (NP his)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP feels (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP every chance) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP gets (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (NP-PRD his big chance)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bobbie) , (PP with (NP (NP Linda) (PP behind (NP him)))) , (VP will (VP have (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP other opportunities))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP also) , (NP-SBJ the money) (VP ca n't (VP mean (NP (NP (ADJP as much)) (PP to (NP Bobbie))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Bobbie) (VP will (VP (VP take (NP the job) (PP as (NP his just reward))) and (VP work (ADVP hard) (PP at (NP it)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ Poor John) (VP will (VP (VP take (NP it) (PP as (NP a miracle))) and (VP have (NP (NP every other independent steel company) (VP (VP sitting (PRT up) (NP-TMP nights)) (VP worrying (PP about (NP us))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Most) (PP of (NP the directors))) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Uncle Donald Murkland) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP nodding (NP agreement))) (ADVP too)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ the surprise) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over)))) , (NP-SBJ Linda) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP almost as pleased (PP *ICH*-1)) (PP as (NP anyone)) (PP-1 with (NP (NP John 's) good luck))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP agreed (PP with (NP (NP (NP Bobbie 's) decision (S *ICH*-2)) (ADVP-TMP (NP some months) later) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP move (PP to (NP Funk Furnaces))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The job) (PP at (NP Funk))) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD particularly better))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP got (NP him) (ADVP away (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD subordinate (PP to (NP John)))))))) and (VP assured (NP him) (NP steady advancement)) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ-1 Funk) (VP was (VP owned (NP *-1) (PP to (NP a large degree)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP various branches) (PP of (NP (NP Linda 's) family)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Poor John 's) rise) (VP continued (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD meteoric))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD a vice president)) (PP (NP-ADV only a year) after (NP the new sales job)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ a leading business magazine) (VP ran (NP his photograph) (PP with (NP a brief biography)) (PP in (NP (NP a series) (PP on (NP (NP national business leaders) (PP of (NP the future))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP called (ADVP-TMP then) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP a baby-sitter) (PP for (NP that night))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Shirley) (VP appreciated (NP (NP the chance) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP some money) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP Such a nice little thing) -- (VP lives (PP-LOC (ADVP right) in (NP the building))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD swell))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR sweetly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP get (ADVP along) (PP without (NP that three dollars)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP some ways)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD worth (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD out) (NP-ADV the money)))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP just) (VP knowing (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADJP-PRD obligated (PP to (NP Nadine))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD past midnight))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP bed)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the phone) (VP rang (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP stumbled (PP through (NP the hall)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP be (VP calling (PP-TMP at (NP this hour)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP answered (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP Nadine) (PP at (NP the other end)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP scared (NP me) (ADVP half (PP to (NP death))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR shakily)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD wrong))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (UCP `` (NP Janice) , (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP answers (PP-LOC at (NP the apartment)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her voice) (VP came (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD shrill))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD absolutely frantic)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That stupid girl) (VP might (VP have (VP (VP gone (PRT off)) and (VP left (NP Francie))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would n't (VP do (NP that)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP 's (ADVP probably) (VP fallen (ADJP asleep))) and (VP does n't (VP hear (NP the phone)))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP worried)))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR home)) and (VP check)))) '' -- `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP leave (NP the party)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP (NP Ken Thom 's) apartment)))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ one couple) (VP leaves (ADVP-TMP early) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ-2 everything) (VP falls (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD flat)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Old Mr. Thom) (VP is (ADVP-TMP already) (PP-PRD down (PP on (NP Wally))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 we) (ADVP simply) (VP ca n't (VP afford (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ Ken) (ADJP-PRD mad (PP at (NP us))))))))))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD all set) (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP came (ADVP next))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-VOC Janice) , could (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP possibly) (VP (VP go (ADVP-DIR over)) and (VP make (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP call (NP you) (ADVP-LOC there) (PP-TMP in (NP ten minutes))))) '' -- `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP make (NP it) (PP-TMP in (NP ten minutes))))) '' -- (VP Wondering , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP it)))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP make (NP it) (ADVP at all) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ I) (VP go (ADVP-DIR over) (PP-TMP at (NP midnight)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP check (PP on (NP Francie))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ her parents) (VP did n't (VP care (ADVP enough) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (NP a party)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) ? ?) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Fifteen minutes) , (ADVP then) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Please) , (NP-VOC Janice) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD glad (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pay (NP you))))))) '' -- (ADJP So sure (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ money) (VP could (VP do (NP anything)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TPC-1 All right) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (ADVP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP do (NP it))) .)) (TOP (UCP (UCP Not (PP-PRP for (NP (NP the dollar (QP or so)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Nadine) (VP would (VP give (NP me) (NP *T*-1))))))) . But (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD the chance (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ something) (VP had (VP gone (ADJP-PRD wrong) (PP-LOC at (NP the apartment))))))))))) , and (SBARQ (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP go (ADVP-DIR over))))) , (WHNP-1 who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP *?*))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Chris) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sound asleep))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP see (NP any sense) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP waking (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP dressed (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) left (NP (NP a note) (VP *ICH*-2)) (PP-LOC on (NP the table)) (VP-2 telling (NP him) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP happened))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP drove (PRT off) (PP through (NP the cool darkness)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP Nadine 's) apartment))) and (VP rang (NP the bell)))) , and (S (PP-TMP in (NP a few seconds)) (NP-SBJ a young girl) (VP opened (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD flushed) (PP from (NP sleep))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP look (ADJP-PRD scared)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Mrs. Roberts) (VP (VP had (VP called)) , and (VP could n't (VP wake (NP you)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP just) (VP came (ADVP-DIR over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP was (ADJP-PRD all right)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm -- (ADJP-PRD hard (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wake (PRT up))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP faltered)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (VP look (PP-PRD over (NP thirteen)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Nadine) (VP insisted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her sitters) (VP be (ADJP-PRD reliable))))) ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP early) (PP for (NP church)) (ADVP-TMP tomorrow)))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP went (PRT on))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD this late)))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The phone) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ringing))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD Mrs. Roberts) (ADVP again))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP answer (NP it))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP crossed (NP the (ADJP beautifully furnished) living room) (PP-DIR to (NP the pale yellow phone))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP Nadine) (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fine)))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP be (VP getting (PRT on) (ADVP home)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-VOC Janice) , would (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP staying))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a ragged edge) (PP to (NP her voice)) (ADVP-TMP now) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP been (VP crying)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD drunk))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP him) (PP out (PP of (ADVP here))) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP possibly) (VP can (VP *?*))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ Shirley) (VP to (VP see (NP him) (PP like (NP this)))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ (NP gossip) (PP of (NP that sort))) (VP spreads (PP through (NP an apartment building)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) '' -- (NP (NP Not a word) (PP of (NP thanks)) (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP already) (VP done (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The receiver) (VP clicked (PP in (NP my ear))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP give (NP me) (NP (NP a chance) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP refuse (ADVP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP any law) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP stay))))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S But (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP looked (PP at (NP Shirley))) and (VP thought (SBAR that (S (NP I) (VP might (ADVP as well) (VP *?*))))))) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ the child) (VP needed (NP her sleep))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Heaven) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what kind) (PP of (NP a mess))) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD *T*-1) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-2 Wally) (VP coming (ADVP-DIR home) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD drunk)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Roberts) (VP would (VP pay (NP her) (PP in (NP the morning)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP scooted (PRT off) (PP-DIR to (NP her own apartment)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (PRT in) (PP at (NP Francie))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR into (NP the living room))) and (VP waited)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP have (VP dozed (PRT off) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (PRT to) (PP with (NP a start)) (PP at (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP voices)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (NP (NP Nadine 's) , (ADJP shrill (PP with (NP anger)))) -- (NP (NP Wally 's) (ADJP loud and thick)) --) (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP the door))))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ the clock) (VP strike (NP two))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP opened (NP the door))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP stumbled (PRT in) -- (ADVP fast) -- (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ Nadine) (VP had (VP pushed (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so beautiful)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD ugly)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her skin) (VP was (VP stretched (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so tight) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her cheekbones) (VP stuck (PRT out))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ looks) (VP could (VP kill)))) , (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD dead))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Pack (NP your clothes))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP hissed (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP Pack) -- and (VP get (PRT out))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD crazy))) '' , (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR thickly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP lurched and stumbled (PP-DIR to (NP the davenport))) and (VP sank (PP down (PP on (NP it)))) , and (VP was (ADVP-TMP instantly) (ADJP-PRD asleep))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Nadine) (VP strode (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP him))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ her pointed nails) (VP raked (PP across (NP his face)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP grabbed (NP her arm))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP turned (PP on (NP me)))) and (S (PP for (NP a scared second)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR that (S (ADVP maybe) (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD crazy))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP stay (PP out (PP of (NP this))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP spat (PP at (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (VP ruined (NP us)))) -- (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP hear (NP me))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (VP ruined (NP us)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP insulted (NP Ken Thom)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD wild)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP told (NP Ken) (PP to (NP his face)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP does n't (VP have (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP takes (NP *T*-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP a woman)))))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ (NP the other people) (ADVP-LOC there)) (VP were (VP listening)) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (VP ruined))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP 's (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (PRT out)))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP throw (NP him) (PP down (NP the stairs)))))))))))) '' -- (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (ADVP better) (VP simmer (PRT down)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-3) (ADVP-MNR nervously))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP plenty) (ADJP-PRD scared)) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the state) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (ADVP actually) (VP kill (NP him))) ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S (S (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP just) (VP take (NP it) (ADVP-MNR easy))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP make (NP-BNF you) (NP some tea))))) '' -- (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Tea) , '' (NP-SBJ Nadine) (VP screeched (NP *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ can (NP-SBJ you) (VP be (ADJP-PRD so damn stupid) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP 's (VP lost (NP his job))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ken) (VP will (ADVP-TMP never) (VP forgive (NP him) -- (ADVP-TMP never))) ! !)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do n't (VP have (NP any money)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do n't (VP have (NP a dime)))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP own (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP Francie 's) bedroom set) and (NP the televison-record player)))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP even) (VP owe (PP on (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP 'll (VP (VP be (ADJP-PRD poor)) and (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a grubby little house) (PP like (NP yours))))))))))) -- and (FRAG (NP all) (PP-PRP because of (NP that))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP clamped (NP my hand) (PP over (NP her mouth)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stop (NP (NP the stream) (PP of (NP filth)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stop (NP that)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP wake (PRT up) (NP the whole building))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP ca n't (VP go (NP any place) (PP-TMP at (NP this hour))))) '' -- (S `` (S (INTJ Well) (ADVP then) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (PRT out)))) '' -- But (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD uncertain)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP coming (PP to (NP her senses)) (ADVP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP do n't (VP go (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP traipsing (PRT off) (ADVP-DIR anywhere))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP two) (PP in (NP the morning)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP go (PP to (NP bed)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR curtly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (PP-TMP In (NP the morning)) (NP-SBJ you and Wally) (VP can (VP talk (NP things) (PRT out)))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP collapsed (PP against (NP me)) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ (NP everything) (PP inside (NP her))) (VP snapped))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP got (NP her) (PP into (NP bed))) , and (VP sat (PP with (NP her)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP sobbed (NP herself) (PRT out))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD three o'clock) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP figured (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD all right) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP left (S (NP-SBJ (NP her) , (NP (NP a limp bundle) (PP of (NP self-pity))) ,) (VP shivering (PP with (NP terror)) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ her bubble) (VP had (VP burst (PP around (NP her))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP was (VP snoring (PP-LOC on (NP the davenport)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP done (NP all (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP I) (VP could (VP *?* (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP done (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (SBAR Whether or not (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP lost (NP his job))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no concern) (PP of (NP mine)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP drove (ADVP-DIR home)) , (VP found (NP (NP Chris) (RRC (ADVP still) (ADJP-PRD asleep))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP snuggled (PRT up) (ADVP-LOC close (PP to (NP him))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP loving (NP him))) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD thankful (PP for (NP (NP a man) (PP like (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Thankful (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (NP-PRD Nadine)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP kept (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (ADJP-PRD thankful)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the afternoon)) (NP-SBJ Nadine and Wally) (VP came (PRT-DIR over) (PP with (NP Francie))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Wally) (VP sat (PP-LOC in (NP our big chair)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his hands) (PP-PRD between (NP his knees))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cry))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP had (NP all this trouble) (PP with (NP the old man))))) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drank (NP (ADJP so much))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) -- (VP got (VP fired (ADVP-TMP yesterday) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) not (VP attending (PP to (NP business)))))))) '' -- (S-2 (NP (NP Old Mr. Thom) (NP himself)) (VP (VP had (VP stopped (PP-LOC at (NP the service station)) (PP for (NP a grease job)))) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP confessed (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))))) , and (VP could n't (VP get (NP one) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP cars) (PP-LOC on (NP the pits))) (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP be (VP repaired (NP *-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Seems (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the kid) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP had (VP hired (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP had (NP (NP a repair business) (PP of (NP his own))) (VP going (PP on (NP the side))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Thom) (VP had (VP (VP gotten (NP Wally) (PP on (NP the phone))) , and (VP fired (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP smooth (NP things) (PRT over) (PP through (NP Ken)))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR miserably))) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ Ken) (VP (VP got (ADJP-PRD coy)) and (VP would n't (VP make (NP any promises)))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP plastered (NP *-1)))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP blew (NP my stack)) '' -- `` And (VP told (NP him) (PP (ADVP right) to (NP his face)) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP never) (VP slept (PP with (NP a woman)))))))) '' ! !))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP quiet (NP Nadine) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ the children) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-PRD beyond (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP caring (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Things) (VP may (VP smooth (PRT over) (ADVP-PRP yet)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Chris) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his nice lean face) (ADJP-PRD grave (PP with (NP honest concern))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP could n't (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP thinking (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Nadine and Wally) (VP were (VP getting (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 just what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP deserved (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'd (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ life) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD tough))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ A bubble) (VP breaks (ADVP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD nothing)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Little) (PP by (NP little))) , (PP-TMP during (NP the week)) , (NP-SBJ Chris and I) (VP discovered (NP (NP the crazy unbelievable way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Nadine and Wally) (VP had (VP lived (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (CONJP not only) (VP spent (NP every cent)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (PP in (NP debt)) (PP-PRD up (PP to (NP their necks))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP owing (PP on (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP owned (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP On (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP everything else)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP-TMP-PRD (NP two months) behind (PP on (NP their apartment rent))))) , and (S (NP-TMP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP received (NP written notice (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP fired (NP *-1)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP were (VP evicted (NP *-2)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Worst (PP of (NP all))) , (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP had (NP no training) (PP for (NP (NP any kind) (PP of (NP work))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP fallen (PP into (NP a soft job))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (S (NP-SBJ the job) (VP was (VP gone))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (VP stranded (NP *-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Chris) (VP fretted) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP (NP a position) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP offer (NP a little money) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tide (NP them) (PRT over)))) (ADVP *T*-1))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (PP-PRD *?*)))) , (ADVP too))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD easy enough) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP say (NP it)))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (PP of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ we) (VP could n't (VP spare (NP a cent)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Chris) (VP brightened (PRT up) (PP like (NP a candle))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD glad (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP feel (NP-PRD that way))))) , (NP-VOC honey)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP one big way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP help (NP them) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP-SBJ We) (VP can (VP let (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP move (PRT in) (PP with (NP us)))))) '' -- (NP (NP Something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP simply) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP thought (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Something) (ADJP (ADJP so incredible) -- (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP stared (PP at (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD incredible))) -- (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gave (NP me) (NP an embarrassed , pleading look))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP be (ADJP-PRD pretty crowded)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (ADVP only) (VP be (PP-TMP-PRD for (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP weeks)))) -- (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP get (VP straightened (NP *-1) (PRT out))))))) '' .)) (TOP (UCP (VP Straightened (PRT out)) -- (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'd (VP had (NP (NP years) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP all that money)))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP wo n't (VP do (NP it)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR flatly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Nadine) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD too good (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a little house) (PP like (NP this)))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ she) (VP can (VP sleep (PP-LOC in (NP the street)) (PP for (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP care (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP is n't (PP-PRD like (NP you))) , (NP-VOC Janice)) '' , (NP-SBJ Chris) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR uncomfortably)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD uncomfortable) , (ADVP too)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (UCP-PRD (PP like (NP that)) , (ADJP mean and bitter))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But , (INTJ darn it all) , (WHADVP-2 why) (SQ should (NP-SBJ we) (VP help (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP (NP spoiled snobs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP looked (PP down (NP their noses)) (PP at (NP us))))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S But , (PP in (NP the end)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP did) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP just) (VP seemed (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP nothing else) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The finance company) (VP took (NP all their furniture))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP have (NP a cent) (PP to (NP their name))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ Wally) (VP got (ADJP-PRD sick)) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP (NP my way) (PP-NOM of (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP thinking))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP scared (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD sick)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His luck) (VP had (VP failed (NP him)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP easier) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP crawl (PP off (PP into (NP bed)))))) (SBAR-2 than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP get (PRT out)) and (VP fight (NP the world)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Chris) (VP made (NP (NP trip) (PP after (NP trip))) (PP in (NP our old car)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP moving (NP (NP the clothes and dishes) and (NP (NP the stock) (PP of (NP groceries)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Nadine) (VP had (VP bought (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP special))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (ADVP At least) (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'll (VP eat))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR grimly) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (NP all the food) (ADVP away))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP worked))) , (NP-SBJ Nadine) (VP sat and cried) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was n't (VP crying (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP our bedroom)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP fighting (PP with (NP Wally))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP Virus infection) (NP nothing)) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP scream (NP *T*-1) (PP at (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD too lazy (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP (VP go (PRT out)) and (VP look (PP for (NP another job))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (NP-PRD just a no-good bum)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a mess) , (ADVP all right)) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP could n't (VP go (PRT on) (ADVP-TMP forever)))) -- (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP A couple) (PP of (NP weeks))) , (NP-SBJ Chris) (VP had (VP said (NP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP figured (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP stand (NP practically anything) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP weeks))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ the two weeks) (VP dragged (PP into (NP three)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD with (NP us)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nadine 's) constant nagging) (VP had (ADVP finally) (VP gotten (NP Wally) (PP out (PP of (NP bed))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP set (PRT out) (NP-TMP every morning) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP for (NP work))))) , and (VP come (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-TMP around (NP noon)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP alibis and excuses)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Wendell Thom) (VP had (VP black-balled (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP would (ADVP even) (VP take (NP his application))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP get (NP something)))) , '' (S (NP-SBJ Nadine) (VP would (VP snap (S *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP get (NP (NP a job) (VP working (PP-LOC in (NP a grocery store)))) , (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (NP nothing else))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ The high school kids) (VP have (VP got (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP sewed (PRT up)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ a whine) (PP-PRD in (NP his voice)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Those damn punks) -- (VP taking (NP work) (ADVP away) (PP from (NP (NP men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP need (NP it))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (PP-TMP By (NP fall)) (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP back) in (NP school))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'd (VP say (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP sound (ADJP-PRD encouraging)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD (NP only the middle) (PP of (NP July)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP take (NP (NP six more weeks) (PP of (NP this))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mentioned (NP it) (PP to (NP Chris)) (NP-TMP (NP one (ADJP stifling hot) night) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP slipped (ADVP outside) (PP for (NP (NP a breath) (PP of (NP fresh air)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (ADVP really) (VP believe (PP in (NP intuition)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP swear (PP to (NP you)) (SBAR 0 (S (PP-TMP from (NP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP opened (NP my eyes) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a bad day)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Part) (PP of (NP it))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the weather) , (ADJP (ADJP so foggy) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP take (NP me) (ADVP twice as long) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP to (NP the hospital)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Part) (PP of (NP it))) (VP was (VP being (ADJP-PRD so tired)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (CONJP not only) (VP had (NP (NP (NP my usual full day) (NP-TMP yesterday)) , but (NP (NP a dinner meeting) (PP as well) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP kept (NP me) (PRT up) (ADVP late))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP it))) , (NP the main part) ,) (VP was n't (VP based (NP *-1) (PP on (NP logic)) (ADVP at all))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP those days)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP the thousandth time)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP chosen (NP some nice , nine-to-five , five-days-a-week profession)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP for (NP the thousandth time)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP answered (NP myself)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP chosen (NP medicine)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP chosen (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP should n't (VP complain))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP myself) (S *T*-1) (PP in (NP the shaving mirror))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP a lot) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD thankful (PP for (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP A profession) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP brought (NP me (NP (NP (ADJP as good) an income) (PP as (NP mine)))))))) (VP was n't (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (VP sneezed (PP at (NP *-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP see (NP (NP (ADJP as much)) (PP of (NP Gladdy)) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP like (VP *?*))))))))) , but (SBAR (WHADJP-1 (WHADVP how much) worse) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP *T*-1) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'd (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP board (NP her) (PRT out) (ADVP-LOC somewhere) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ Alice) (VP went)))) -- (VP send (NP my daughter) (PP to (NP (NP an orphanage) or (NP a boarding-home)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At least) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADVP-PRD together))) and (S (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (NP Mrs. Hodges) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP bless (NP her)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP after (NP us))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ no mother) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP fonder (PP of (NP Gladdy))) (PP than (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Hodges) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD lucky) (PP in (NP (NP lots) (PP of (NP ways)))))) , (NP (NP no doubt) (PP about (NP it))) .)) (TOP (PP (ADVP Especially) in (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Gladdy) (VP had (VP turned (PRT out) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-TPC (NP-SBJ *) (VP Growing (PRT up) (PP without (NP a mother)) (PP from (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD three) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (NP-PRD a good thing) (PP for (NP a child)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP even) (VP knowing (NP (NP the kind) (PP of (NP mother)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Alice) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP must n't (VP start (PP on (NP Alice)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a closed book) , (NP (NP a picture) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP keep (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP my bureau))) , but (VP (ADVP-TMP never) look (PP at (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP kept (PRT on) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP been (VP going))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the story) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP told (NP Gladdy) (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD true) (PP-TMP by (ADVP now)) , (ADVP anyhow)))))) (TOP (S (PP As (ADJP usual)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Gladdy 's) bright smile) (VP greeted (NP me) (PP at (NP the breakfast table))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her first class) (VP was n't (PP-TMP-PRD until (NP ten)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP got (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP breakfast) (PP with (NP me))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD good))))) and (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP knowing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP decided , (PP (NP all) on (NP her own)) , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (PP to (NP college)) (ADVP-LOC right here) (PP-LOC in (NP town))))))))))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD good) , (ADVP too))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP give (NP myself) (NP (NP all the credit) (PP for (NP her decision)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP a feeling (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP young Pete Michelson) , (NP (NP the (ADJP most promising) intern) (PP at (NP Fairview))) ,) (VP had (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP it)) , (ADVP too))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She 'd) (VP been (ADVP-PRD out) (PP with (NP Pete)) (ADVP-TMP (NP the night) before))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP her gay chatter) (PP about (NP their date))) (VP lightened (NP my mood) (NP-ADV a little))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alone) (ADVP again) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP driving (PP-DIR to (NP the hospital))))))) , (NP-SBJ the heaviness) (VP returned) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ she and Pete) (VP were (ADVP really) (VP getting (ADJP-PRD serious))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP some hard thinking)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Should (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP him) (NP (NP the truth) (PP about (NP Alice)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ he) (VP have (NP (NP a right) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (NP (NP the secret) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP kept (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP Gladdy)) (NP-TMP all these years)))))) (ADVP *T*-2))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The boys) (VP were (ADVP-TMP already) (VP waiting (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the corridor) (PP-LOC outside (NP my office)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (PP to (NP Fairview)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Two interns) and (NP (NP Dick Ishii) , (NP the other resident)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP Chief) (PP of (NP Medicine))) (ADVP-LOC here))) and (S (NP-SBJ this morning) (VP would (VP start (PP like (NP all others)) , (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ me) (VP taking (NP the boys) (PP on (NP the rounds)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Pete) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD down (PP on (NP Seven))))) , (NP-SBJ Dick) (VP told (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP meet (NP us) (ADVP-LOC there)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP (NP anything) (PP of (NP special interest))) (NP *ICH*-1)) (NP-TMP that morning) , (NP-1 (NP no one) (ADJP (ADJP sicker) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP should (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Pete) (VP came (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet (NP us)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP stepped (PP out (PP of (NP the elevator))) (PP-LOC on (NP Seven)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP had (NP (NP a case) (PP of (NP post-operative shock)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP was all (VP taken (NP care) (PP of (NP *-3)) (ADVP-TMP now))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Seven) (VP is (UCP-PRD (NP (NP a women 's) floor) and , (FRAG (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP happened))) , (ADJP (ADVP not very) busy) (ADVP-TMP right then)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP finished (NP our regular rounds) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ Pete) (VP pointed (NP me) (PP toward (NP (NP the small ward) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the floor))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Got (NP a new one) (PRT in) (NP-TMP last night))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have n't (VP seen (NP her) (ADVP-TMP yet)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hear (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (NP-PRD a lulu)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was n't (VP surprised (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The ward) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a small one) , (NP (NP four beds) , (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP reserved (NP *-1) (PP for (NP female alcoholics)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP did n't (VP get (NP many) (PP-LOC at (NP Fairview))))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADVP-TMP never) (NP-PRD pretty sights))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD wiser)) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP segregated (PP from (NP (NP the patients) (PP in (NP the regular charity ward))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP (NP The moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the whole miserable feeling) (PP of (NP the day))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP focus (PP on (NP (NP the woman) (PP in (NP the bed)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 'd (VP cleaned (NP her) (PRT up) (NP-ADV some) , (PP of (NP course))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (ADVP pretty much) (VP slept (PRT off) (NP her drunk)))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (PP about (NP her))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ my lips) (VP forming (NP a name))))) .)) (TOP (NP Alice)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP this woman 's) name) (VP was (NP-PRD Rose Bancroft)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (PP at (NP the chart)) (PP for (NP reassurance))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ Yes) , (NP Rose Bancroft) , (NP (NP diagnosis) : (NP acute alcoholism)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (NP-PRD (QP about sixty)) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP recalled (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the chart) (VP gave (NP her age) (PP as (NP forty-four))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An ugly scar) (VP disfigured (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat familiar) puffy face) , (VP (ADVP-TMP already) marred (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the tell-tale network) (PP of (NP (NP broken red veins) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ heavy drinkers) (VP carry (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her coarse hair) (VP was (ADJP-PRD two-colored -- (ADJP bleached blonde) and (ADJP its real , dirty gray))) .)) (TOP (SQ (INTJ Oh) , could (NP-SBJ it) (VP be) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (S (INTJ No) , (INTJ no) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD an unfortunate resemblance))) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP turned (PP to (NP Dick)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP forcing (S (NP-SBJ myself) (VP to (VP put (NP my disquiet) (PP out (PP of (NP my mind)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP a low voice)) , (NP-SBJ Dick) (VP filled (NP us) (PRT in))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP 'd (VP (VP been (VP picked (NP *-1) (PRT up) (NP-LOC downtown))) , (VP passed (PRT out) (PP-LOC in (NP the doorway)))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (SBAR-ADV Although (FRAG (ADJP quiet))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP brought (NP her) (PRT in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP 'd (ADVP suddenly) (VP (VP turned (ADJP-PRD violent)) and (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP knocked (NP *-3) (PRT out)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD the old story)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'd (VP keep (NP her) (NP-TMP a day or two)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the AA people) (VP would (VP talk (PP to (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD interested)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (ADVP just) (VP go (ADVP back (PP to (NP (NP the same life) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP left (NP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Turning (PP toward (NP the patient)) (ADVP again))) , (EDITED (NP-SBJ I)) -- (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP ca n't (VP describe (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (PP to (NP me)) (ADVP-TMP then)))) , (PP except (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD sick)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP took (NP (NP (NP every ounce) (PP of (NP control)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP *T*-1)))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP speak))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Now) , (NP Miss (NX *RNR*-1)) (PRN -- (SQ or is (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD Mrs. (NX *ICH*-1)))) (NX-1 Bancroft) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP going (PP (ADVP straight) into (NP (NP an examination) (PP with (NP patients)))))))) -- (S-3 (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP relaxes (NP them) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP always) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))))) , (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP chat (ADVP first)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP have (ADVP-MNR gladly) (VP broken (NP my own rule) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ habit) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too strong))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Hey '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her voice) (VP was (ADJP-PRD flat and dull)) .)) (TOP (UCP But (NP those penetrating eyes) -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn (NP my head) (ADVP away)))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-TMP-PRD then) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ the drawn-back covers) (VP revealed (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD bloodspots) (PP-LOC on (NP the sheet))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD this)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (NP `` Your period '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP shook (NP her head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP been (VP spotting (NP-ADV a little) (ADVP-TMP now and then)))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quietly)) , (NP (NP no emotion) (PP in (NP her voice)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Have (NP-SBJ you) (VP spoken (PP to (NP a doctor)) (PP about (NP it))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Once again) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a negative shake)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP-1 Miss Groggins) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move (NP her) (PP down (NP the hall)) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (NP an examining table) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (FRAG (ADVP Better) (VP do (NP a Papanicolaou))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP Pete) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD only a few moments) (PP-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ Miss Groggins) (VP had (NP her) (PP in (NP the proper position)) (PP for (NP a vaginal))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP anything) (ADJP wrong)) (PP on (NP gross examination))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Pete) (VP (VP stood (ADVP by) (PP with (NP a slide))) and (VP (VP took (NP the smear)) , (VP sent (NP it) (PP down (PP to (NP the lab))) (PP with (NP (NP a request) (PP for (NP the test))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ That) (VP done (NP *))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP told (NP-1 Miss Groggins) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP her patient) (ADVP back) (PP to (NP bed)))))) and (VP (ADVP again) put (NP her) (PP out (PP of (NP my mind))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD busy) (NP-TMP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the day)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Late) in (NP the afternoon)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD up (PP on (NP Seven))) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP One) (PP of (NP my private patients))) (VP was (VP being (VP admitted (NP *-1))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (ADVP-DIR in) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ-2 her) (VP settled (NP *-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP (NP my way) (PP to (NP the elevator)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP ran (PP into (NP Pete))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP the results) (PP on (NP the Bancroft smear test)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADVP-LOC there)) , (ADVP all right)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 Class Three) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP her))))) , (NP-VOC Doctor)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did) n't) -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP did n't (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP that woman) (ADVP again))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ridiculous) , (PP of (NP course))) .)) (TOP (ADVP `` All right .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP (VP do (NP a D. and C.)) and (VP get (NP (NP her permission) (PP for (NP a hysterectomy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD nothing))) , (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (UCP-PRD (ADJP intraepithelial) or (PP in (NP situ)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP ca n't (VP take (NP any chances)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-ADV-TPC-1 If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP keep (NP her) (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP-TMP that long))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Pete) (VP said (SBAR-ADV *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR wryly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Groggins) (VP tells (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-1 she) (VP (VP 's (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP badgering)) (ADVP-TMP already))) , (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (PRT out))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Wants (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (NP *-1) (VP get (PP to (NP her booze))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP grimaced (PP in (NP distaste))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Well) , (ADVP better) (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'd (VP been (VP standing (PP-LOC (ADVP right) outside (NP (NP Miss Bancroft 's) door)))))) and (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP went (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP turn (NP the knob) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP enter))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP was (VP surprised (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP find (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the door) (VP was (ADJP-PRD slightly ajar)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP dozing)))))) and (S (PP in (NP any case)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP been (VP talking (PP in (NP low tones)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her eyes) (VP opened (ADVP-TMP (ADVP as soon) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP heard (NP me))))) , (ADVP though))) , and (S (ADVP once again) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (NP-PRD an inward shiver))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP sure) (VP ca n't (VP complain (PP about (NP (NP the service) (PP in (NP this place))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP got (PRT through) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeing (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP you guys)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADJP almost insulting)) (PP in (NP her tone)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP disregarded (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP just) (VP been (VP talking (PP to (NP Dr. Michelson)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'd (VP like (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP have (NP a dilatation and curettage)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (UCP-PRD (ADJP quite minor) , (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP worry (PP about (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ we) (VP would (VP like (NP your permission (S (NP-SBJ *) (EDITED (VP to (VP do))) -- (PRN (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP is))) , (VP to (VP go (ADVP further) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP proves (ADJP-PRD necessary)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD flat , definite)) .)) (TOP (VP `` Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP explain))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP rather) (VP doubt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP this))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even if (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP be (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP here))) (PP-TMP in (NP a week)) , (ADVP probably))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD the difficulty))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (ADVP just) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stay (NP-PRD (NP here) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP get (PP to (NP the liquor))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` No '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (PP at (NP her)) (PP in (NP amazement))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I (VP 'd (VP had (NP (NP (NP patients) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 'd (VP refused (NP surgery) (ADVP-TMP before) , (PP of (NP course))))))) , but (ADVP-TMP never) (NP (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP did n't (VP show , (PP in (NP one way or another)) , (NP (NP the reason) (ADVP why))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Mostly) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD fear))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP this woman 's) voice) (VP did n't (VP tremble))) and (S (NP-SBJ her hands) (VP were (ADJP-PRD still) (PP-LOC on (NP the coverlet))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP me) (SBAR (FRAG (WHADVP why)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled , (NP (NP a smile) (PP without (NP humor)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP should n't (VP tell (NP your little secrets) (ADVP-LOC outside (PP of (NP (NP the patient 's) door)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP cancer)))) , (SQ have n't (NP-SBJ I)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP went (PRT on) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP disregarding (NP my protests)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm not (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP your guinea pigs)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ your pupils) (VP learn (PP on (NP someone else)))) , (NP-VOC Doctor)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP die (PP in (NP peace))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP stared (PP at (NP her)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD almost speechless))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her little speech) (VP was (ADVP totally) (PP-PRD out (PP of (NP character))) (PP with (NP (NP the sort) (PP of (NP person)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Even her voice) (VP had (VP taken (PRT on) (NP a (ADJP more cultivated) tone))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP someone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 'd (VP come (PP down (PP in (NP the world)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (ADVP (NP A long , long way) down .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Again) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP something) (ADJP familiar)) (NP *ICH*-1)) (PP about (NP her)) , (NP-1 something))) -- (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ You) (VP have n't (VP got (NP cancer)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP (ADVP as strongly) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP *?*))))))) .)) (TOP `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP heard (NP *T*-1) (SBAR-2 (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (ADVP so))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP assure (NP you) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (ADVP even) (VP know (NP myself))))))) , so (SBARQ (WHADVP-4 how) (SQ can (NP-SBJ you) (VP be (ADJP-PRD so sure) (ADVP-MNR *T*-4))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (S And (SBAR-ADV-UNF even if)) '' -- `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP give (NP me) (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP talk))) , (NP-VOC Joe)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP gaped (PP at (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could (VP have (VP found (PRT out) (NP my first name) , (PP of (NP course)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP would n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD difficult)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP that something) , (NP some echo)) (PP in (NP (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP spoke (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP watching (NP me) (ADVP-MNR intently) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ a funny little half-smile) (PP-PRD on (NP her lips))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADJP Surprised) , (NP-VOC baby) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP changed)))))) , (SQ have n't (NP-SBJ I)) ? ?)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP have n't (VP changed (ADVP much) , (NP-VOC Joe))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP knew (ADVP-TMP then)) , (VP knew (PP with (NP a heart-stopping shock)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Alice) '' -- (NP-SBJ I) (VP stammered (NP *T*-1) (PP through (NP dry lips))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG (NP Alice) , (PP for (NP goodness sake))) '' -- (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Alice) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP echoed (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR mockingly))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD the matter) , (NP-VOC Joe)))) , (SQ (NP-SBJ you) (VP scared (PP of (NP me)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP introduce (NP a drunk) (PP as (NP your wife)))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP worry)) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (ADVP Just) (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (NP me) (PP outta (ADVP here)))) '' -- `` (SBARQ But (WHADVP-1 why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP come (ADVP back) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP found (NP my voice))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ have (NP-SBJ you) (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1) (NP-TMP all these years))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP shrugged) .)) (TOP (ADVP-LOC `` Here and there .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP coming (ADVP back here))))) -- (S (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP tell (NP you) (NP the truth)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP came (PRT to) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The last thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (NP (NP a bar) (PP-LOC in (NP San Diego))))) '' -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP spoke (ADVP *T*-2))))) , (NP (NP her flat acceptance) (PP of (NP her alcoholic blackout))) ,) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP shudder)))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Gladdy 's) mother)) ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP asked (NP you) (PP for (NP any favors)) , (NP-VOC Joe))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP went (PRT on))) , `` but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP asking (NP one) (ADVP-TMP now)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (NP me) (PP outta (ADVP here))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You doctors) (VP are all (ADJP-PRD alike))) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP *T*-2))))) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cut (PRT up) (NP people)))))) and (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD the good))) ? ?)))) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (ADVP out) , (NP-VOC Joe)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP the pathetic wreck) (PP of (NP a woman)))) (PP before (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (NP her) (PRT out))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (NP her) (PRT out))) -- (SQ (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD the solution)))) , (SQ would n't (NP-SBJ it))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP said (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD true))) -- (S (PP-TMP in (NP all these years)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP never) (VP asked (PP for (NP anything)) (PP from (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP go))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 'd (VP disappear (ADVP-TMP once more))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Gladdy) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD safe))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP-MNR slowly) (VP swimming (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the sea))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (ADJP-PRD welcome))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her dark cool caresses) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP sweeter) (PP than (NP any woman 's))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the many little tricks) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (NP *T*-1))))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her embrace) (NP-PRD the ultimate one)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP the (ADJP (ADVP ever more) fantastic) pressures) (RRC (ADJP deeper) (PP in (NP her body)))) (VP squeezed (NP not (NP me) but (NP (NP the air) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP breathed (NP *T*-2)))))) (PP into (NP a nitrogen anesthetic)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC yielding-Mediterranian-woman) - , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP soothed (NP me)) , and (VP drew (NP-1 me) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD deeper)) (PP into (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how deep) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))) , (PP-LOC (ADVP somewhere) under (NP 230 feet)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP getting (ADJP-PRD (ADJP drunker) , (ADJP happier) and (ADJP more contented)) (PP-TMP by (NP the second))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The reasons) (PP for (NP this dive))) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD foolish) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Only the dive) (NP itself)) (VP had (NP any meaning)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The metal-tasting nitrogen) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP wonder (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP (VP remove (NP the mouthpiece)) and (VP suck (PRT in) (NP the sweet water))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (PRT off) (NP the aqua-lung)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP (VP swim (ADVP-MNR better)) , (VP love (NP my woman) (ADVP-MNR better)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP chuckled (ADVP aloud))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the mouthpiece) (VP fell (PRT out))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ (NP a hazy part) (PP of (NP my mind))) (VP concentrated (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP swimming (PRT down))))))) , (NP-SBJ a clear part) (VP sorted (PP over (NP (NP recent events) , (NP (PP among (NP them)) (NP (NP my only positive act) (PP-TMP in (NP a long time))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP packed (PRT up) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what duds) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP *T*-1))))) and (VP went (PP to (NP Paris))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no vacation) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ just me) (VP getting (PRT out) (PP after (NP a bellyfull)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would n't (VP be (NP-PRD the same)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Wild kicks) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP are (NP-PRD *?*))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP hoped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP dig (PRT up) (NP (NP a better frame) (PP of (NP mind)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once before) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP been (PP-DIR-PRD to (NP Paris)) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP long) before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP married (NP Valery)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ That first time) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP stuck (PP with (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD twenty-one) (ADVP-TMP back then) , (PP in (NP the army)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ fog) (VP put (NP our plane) (PRT down) (PP-LOC at (NP Orly (CONJP instead of) Rhine-Main)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD (NP a Saturday evening) (PP in (NP April)) (PP with (NP a mist-like rain))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) high (PP on (NP (NP the good taste) (PP of (NP life))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP had (NP (NP a pocketful) (PP of (NP money)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unusual) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the army)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the plane) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD grounded) (NP-TMP all night)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP less) (PP than (NP an hour)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP had (VP (VP gotten (NP a hotel)) , (VP showered) , (VP shaved))) and (VP was (PP-PRD out (PP on (NP the Champs Elysees))) (PP in (NP a fresh uniform)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (PP like (NP (NP a Hun) (PP-LOC in (NP Rome))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ All the women) (VP were (ADJP-PRD beautiful))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the men) (VP were (ADJP-PRD equal (PP to (NP them)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP was (ADJP-PRD glamorous) (PP to (NP my dazzled eyes)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP some sweet machines) (ADJP other (PP than (NP women)))) : (NP (NP an old Bugatti) , (NP (NP a lean Farina coachwork) (PP on (NP an American chassis))) , (NP a Swallow) , (NP a type A40-AjK Mercedes) and (NP lots more)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the Arc de Triomphe) and (NP the Tour d'Eiffel)))) -- (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD no yokel))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD young))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (NP-PRD Paris))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP had (NP champagne) (PP-LOC at (NP Maxim 's))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) went (PP-DIR into (NP (NP a cafe) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD the Jour et Nuit))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP ask (NP (NP the way) (PP to (NP Montmartre)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP got (ADVP there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP met (NP Claire)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD better))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP (VP eating (NP bread and cheese) (ADVP (ADVP just as fast) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP possibly) (VP could (VP *?*)))))) , and (VP washing (NP it) (PRT down) (PP with (NP red wine))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stared) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ a human) (VP could (VP (VP feed (ADVP so fast)) and (VP (ADVP-TMP still) be (ADJP-PRD beautiful)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP blonde) , and (ADJP young) , and (ADJP nice and round (PP in (NP a tight white dress))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ her ravenous eating) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD grotesque) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so positive (PP about (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP (VP drained (NP (NP the last) (PP of (NP the bottle)))) and (VP paid (NP her bill)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP came (ADVP-MNR directly) (PP-DIR to (NP my table))) and (VP said : `` (S (NP-VOC Handsome soldier) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP assuaged (NP one hunger) (PP with (NP food)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel (NP-PRD (NP another) (PP of (NP terrible urgency)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ your evening) (ADJP-PRD free) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-VOC Madame) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP with (NP noblesse oblige)) (PP-PRP because of (NP the `` handsome ''))) -- `` (INTJ yeah) '' .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And so) (ADVP off) (NP-SBJ we) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP her apartment))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD a nymphomaniac) , (PP of (NP course)) , (NP-TPC the poor girl)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Toward (NP (NP the break) (PP of (NP day)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP waxed (ADJP-PRD philosophical)) , and (VP drew (NP (NP analogies) (PP about (NP (NP her way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP eating (NP bread and cheese))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-PRD (NP nine years) later))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (NP (NP spring but winter) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP returned (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (ADVP there) (PP-TMP on (NP a Saturday evening))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP (NP the mistake) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP the Jour et Nuit))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The place) (VP was (ADJP-PRD busy))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (NP feel (PP like (NP a Hun))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP sat (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ Life) (VP to (VP (VP come (ADVP along)) and (VP sweep (NP me) (PRT up))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP had (NP (NP part) (PP of (NP (NP a bottle) (PP of (NP (NP French beer) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD (NP Panther Pils) (PRN -LRB- (S (ADVP so) (NP-SBJ *) (VP help (NP me))) -RRB-)))))))))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) switched (PP to (NP Tuborg)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a few hours)) , (S (NP-SBJ Life) (VP had n't (VP showed))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD crocked))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP my hotel))) and (VP slept)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP The next morning) (NP-SBJ a little cognac) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD better))))) -- but (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ can (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP Paris)) (PP-TMP on (NP Sunday morning))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ I) (VP drank (NP more cognac))) .) (TOP (S (NP-TMP All that day and Monday) (NP-SBJ I) (VP drank (ADVP just enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP orbit) (CONJP but not) (VP make (NP deep space))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP read (NP (NP-TTL (NP the Tropic) (PP of (NP Capricorn))) and (NP-TTL (NP the Tropic) (PP of (NP Cancer))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP Elemental) , but (NP sex) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP my mind)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP turning (PRT over) (NP (NP the idea) (PP of (NP a good debauchery))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP dozed (PRT off) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD better) (NP-TMP (NP Tuesday evening) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP woke (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 My head) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-3 clear))) , (S (NP-SBJ=2 my thinking) (ADJP-PRD=3 sober))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP reconciled (NP *-1) (PP to (NP this Paris idea)) (PP as (NP (NP a flop) (PP on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP all my others))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A good binge) (VP has (NP (NP that kind) (PP of (NP therapeutic value)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Sometime) earlier) (NP-SBJ the weather) (VP had (VP turned (ADJP-PRD cold)))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (VP snowing))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP out (PP into (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP walked (ADVP around) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP breathing (NP (NP the cold wine) (PP of (NP the air))))) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (NP a park)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sat (PP down (PP on (NP (NP a snowy bench) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ the light) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD dim)) and (VP came (PP from (NP the sky))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD dignity and beauty) (PP in (NP (NP the little white flakes) (VP falling (PP through (NP the blue night)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (PRT on) (NP only a topcoat))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD cold))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP just) (ADJP-PRD miserable)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Pretty soon) (NP-SBJ-1 a woman) (VP came (ADVP along) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP carrying (NP a folded umbrella) (PP as (NP a walking stick))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP saw (NP me)) and (VP sat (PRT down) (PP beside (NP me)) , (ADVP-LOC (NP three feet) away))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ I) (VP understood (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP the umbrella) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gave (NP her) (NP poise and posture)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (NP it)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD drab and limp)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gave (NP her) (NP propriety)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gave (NP her) (NP (NP the right) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP sit (PRT down) (PP beside (NP me)) (ADVP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ back) (ADJP-PRD straight)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ one hand) (PP-PRD out (PP on (NP the handle)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP imagine (NP her) (PP without (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (PP (ADVP all) about (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD another human being)) and (VP happened (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a hustler)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (ADVP much) (VP care (SBAR if (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) or (VP (FRAG not)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a while)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (PP with (NP (NP sort) (PP of (NP an unuttered laugh)))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP have (NP snow) (PP in (NP your hair and ears)))) '') .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP have (PRT on) (NP a hat))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (ADVP Hardly) glancing (PP at (NP her)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP smiled (NP (NP a bleak one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP said , (S (FRAG (INTJ Thanks) , (NP-VOC baby)) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP rather) (VP be (ADJP-PRD alone)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD silent) (PP-TMP for (NP a while))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) said , `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD so unhappy) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (ADJP-PRD unhappy))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP lied) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP staring (PP at (NP the snow))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP was (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP a hole) (PP in (NP my armor)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP want (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Is (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD a woman) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR gently)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP must (VP have (VP seen (NP (NP the ring) (PP on (NP my left hand)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 `` (INTJ Well) -- (NP-SBJ women and unhappiness) (VP go (ADVP together)) '') , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP observed (S *T*-1) (ADVP profoundly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP adding , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP can (VP wager (NP your derriere) (PP on (NP that)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Ah) , (NP-VOC Monsieur) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is not (NP-PRD my business) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP wager (NP it))))) . '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP took (NP me) (ADJP (ADJP so funny) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP her)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ my frozen sad face) (VP crumble)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP grinned (NP (NP a silly one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP have (VP helped (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP even) (VP snorted (NP a chuckle)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP smiled (PP at (NP me)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD an (ADJP awfully sad) smile))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP even more miserable) (PP than (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her eyes) (VP were (VP smiling , (ADVP too) , (NAC but (ADVP-MNR so sadly))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP tiredness) and (NP infinite wisdom)) (PP in (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Now) (SQ is n't (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD better) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP smile))))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Because (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP liked (NP this sad person) (ADVP so much)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said , `` (SQ Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP a drink) (PP with (NP me)))) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (S (NP-SBJ the ancient cynicism) (VP reinforce (NP itself))) (PP in (NP her eyes))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wondered (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how many) men) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP picked (NP *T*-1) (PRT up) (PP with (NP this same gambit)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Anyway) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP pulled (NP (NP a bottle) (PP of (NP Remy Martin))) (PP out (PP of (NP my topcoat)))) , (VP drew (NP the cork)) , and (VP passed (NP it) (PP to (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP shocked (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have n't (VP got (NP a glass)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Non) , (INTJ non)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP taking (NP the bottle)))) , `` (S not for that be sorry) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP tilted (PRT up)) and (VP drank))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drank)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD really rotten) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP drink (NP good cognac) (PP like (NP that))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP cared (ADVP-TMP before)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was n't (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP lug (ADVP around) (NP a glass)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was n't (NP-PRD much light) (PP in (NP the blue dark)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (NP her) (ADVP well)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC (NP No child) , (NP this tart)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP must (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP thirty-five) or (NP even forty))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Somehow) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD attractive)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Not (ADJP good looking) , but (ADJP self-confident and wise)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP made (NP her attractive)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP liked (NP her))) , and (S (PP (ADVP all) at (ADVP once)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD glad (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP finished (NP the bottle) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP had (NP a lot) (PP out (PP of (NP it))) (ADVP-TMP earlier)))) --) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP speaking (ADVP much) (PP to (NP each other)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP stayed (ADJP-PRD sober))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD cold)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP did n't (VP feel (NP-PRD it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP drowsing , (ADVP-MNR sadly , soberly) , (PP in (NP the cold , cold air)) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the snow) (VP fell)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ she) (VP said , `` (S Allons) '')) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP (VP got (PRT up)) and (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP my hotel)) (PP without (NP another word))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sensed (NP no stranger) (PP in (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP undressed) and (VP made (NP love) (PP with (NP (NP the comfortable acceptance) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP known (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP Valery)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ thirty-five) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the best estimate) (PP of (NP her age))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP a funny little scar) (PP on (NP her stomach)) , (PP on (NP the left side))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD very tired)))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP awoke (PP-TMP at (NP the same moment)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP (VP (ADVP deeply) rested) , (VP surprised (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP see (NP the late morning sun) (PP on (NP (NP the windows) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADJP-PRD wet) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ the rime) (VP had (VP melted) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (UCP-PRD (ADJP wonderful) , (NP (NP the absolute opposite) (PP of (NP (NP last night 's) melancholy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My head) (VP was (ADJP-PRD clear)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP hungry) (PP as (NP a wolf))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ my body) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD lean and vital))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-2 Bon jour) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR brightly) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP sitting (PRT up)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP pulled (NP the covers) (PP to (NP her hips))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD good) , (PP with (NP (NP her short tousled hair) and (NP no make-up)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TPC-1 (ADVP Maybe) closer (PP to (NP thirty))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (ADVP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Bon jour) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ She) (VP exclaimed (INTJ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP smiling))) .)) (TOP (S `` J'ai faim '' ! !)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Yeah) , but (NP breakfast) (ADVP-TMP first) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP a laugh)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP beat (NP me) (PP to (NP the bathroom))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP called (ADVP-LOC downstairs) (PP for (NP (NP food) and (NP (NP a toothbrush) (PP for (NP her)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP came (ADVP-DIR out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD pink) (PP from (NP a hot bath))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP gave (NP her) (NP my robe))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP (VP brushed (NP my teeth)) , (VP showered) , (VP shaved) and (VP dressed) (PP by (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ a waiter) (VP wheeled (PRT in) (NP breakfast) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (NP The toothbrush) (NP-VOC Monsieur)) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP presenting (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP gave (NP it) (PP-DTV to (NP the woman))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ is (NP-SBJ this) (PP for (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR innocently)) .)) (TOP (S-PRP `` (INTJ Why) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP brush (NP your teeth))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP already) (VP have (VP *?*)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP used (NP yours)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Oh) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) (PP with (NP round eyes))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (VP use (NP the new one) (NP-ADV myself))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP smelled (NP the coffee))) , and (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking , (FRAG (WHNP (WHNP What) (NP the hell)) , (VP live (ADVP-MNR dangerously))) ,)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP scald (NP my worries) (ADVP away)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The coffee)) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD very hot) (SBAR-ADV though , (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP made (PP in (NP a filter pot))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP sent (NP the waiter) (ADVP away)) and (VP ate (NP (NP a tremendous amount) (PP of (NP (NP cold ham) , (NP hot hard-boiled eggs) and (NP hot garlic bread)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP ate))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP talked) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Her name) (VP was (NP-PRD-2 Suzanne))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1 mine) (NP-PRD=2 Stephen)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP sat (ADVP back) (ADVP-MNR comfortably) (PP-LOC on (NP the bed)) (PP with (NP (NP our last cups) (PP of (NP coffee))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (ADJP-PRD very tactful))) , (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know , (NP-VOC Stephen)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP remarked (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Um) '' ? ? (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP grunted (INTJ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sipping)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Yes) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP did n't (VP run (PRT off) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP use (NP that new toothbrush)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP raised (NP my eyes) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PP at (NP her)) (PP in (NP the mirror)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (ADVP really) (VP use (NP yours)))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP went (PRT on))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP carry (NP one) (PP in (NP my purse))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ men) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP kiss (NP les putains))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (PP To (NP my immense relief)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP changed (NP the subject) (PP in (NP the next sentence)))) : `` (SQ Shall (NP-SBJ we) (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the Louvre)) (NP-TMP today)) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TPC-1 All right) '' . (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (ADVP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP enthusiasm) (PP at (NP the idea))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` But (ADJP not immediately) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (ADVP aside) (NP my empty cup)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP smiled (NP (NP all the way) (PP to (NP her wise , sad eyes)))) , and (VP drained (NP her own))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP were not (VP rushed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (S is (NP-SBJ this) (PP from (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP touching (NP (NP the scar) (PP on (NP her stomach)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD like (NP (NP a long thin line) (VP drawn (NP *) (PP through (NP a pink circle)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 A bullet) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP answered (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The cynicism) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (ADVP-PRD back (PP in (NP her eyes)))) , (NP-1 a bitter wisdom) ,) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ forty) (VP were not (ADJP-PRD (ADVP so far) wrong) (PP after (NP all))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP understood (NP sex) (ADVP anyway)) , and (VP played (PP at (NP it)) (ADVP well))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR-1 to (NP the Louvre)) (PP-TMP for (NP a few hours)) ,) (VP (ADVP-TMP then) (PP by (NP Metro)) (PP=1 to (NP (NP a cabaret) (PP in (NP Montmartre)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a nice place) , (VP not filled (PP with (NP smoke))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP had (NP (NP champagne) and (NP steamed mussels))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sommelier) (VP brought (NP (NP the wine) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-TMP first) , (NP-1 (NP a magnum) (CONJP instead of) (NP (NP the bottle) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP ordered (NP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP must (VP have (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD a tourist))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP fixed (NP him) (PP with (NP a steely eye))) and (VP said , `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ 's (NP-SBJ this) (PP for (NP *T*-1)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP ask (PP for (NP (NP a Jeroboam) (PP of (NP champagne)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADJP-PRD pretty humorous)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP laugh))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Two letters) (VP had (VP arrived (PP for (NP Miss Theresa Stubblefield))))) : (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP put (NP them) (PP-PUT in (NP her bag)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP would not (VP stop (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP read (NP them) (PP-LOC in (NP American Express)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ many) (VP were (VP doing)))) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP sitting (PP-LOC on (NP benches))) or (VP leaning (PP against (NP the walls))))))))))) , but (VP pushed (NP her way) (PP-DIR out (PP into (NP the street))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP her first day) (PP-LOC in (NP Rome))))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD June))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP An enormous sky) (PP of (NP the (ADJP most delicate) blue))) (VP arched (ADVP overhead)) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP her mind 's) eye)) (PRN -- (S-NOM (NP-SBJ her imagination) (VP responding (ADVP (ADVP fully) , (ADVP almost exhaustingly) ,) (PP to (NP (NP (NP these shores ') peculiar powers) (PP of (NP stimulation)))))) --) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP (NP the city) (PP as (PP from (ADVP above))) , (VP telescoped (PP on (NP (NP (NP its great bare plains) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ the ruins) (VP marked (NP *T*-1))))) , (NP aqueducts and tombs) , (FRAG (FRAG (ADVP-LOC here) (NP a cypress)) , (FRAG (ADVP-LOC there) (NP a pine)) , and (FRAG (ADVP-LOC all around) (NP the low blue hills))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Pictures) (PP in (NP old Latin books))) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP returned (PP to (NP her)) : (NP-1 (NP (NP the Appian Way) (NP-TMP Today)) , (NP the Colosseum) , (NP (NP the Arch) (PP of (NP Constantine))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (VP see (NP (NP them) , (VP looking (SBAR just as (S (NP they) (VP had (VP *?* (PP in (NP the books))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP would (VP make (PRT up) (NP (NP a part) (PP of (NP her delight)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Moreover) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP nursing (NP (NP various Stubblefields) -- (NP (NP her aunt) , (ADVP then) (NP her mother) , (ADVP then) (NP her father)) --) (PP through (NP their lengthy illnesses)))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP everybody) (VP could (VP tell (NP you) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the Stubblefields) (VP were (ADVP-TMP always) (ADJP-PRD sick))))))) -RRB-) , (NP-SBJ-1 Theresa) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP a chance) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP read (NP-ADV quite a lot) (ADVP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 England , France , Germany , Switzerland , and Italy) (VP had all (VP been (VP rendered (NP *-3) (PP for (NP her)) (ADVP time and again))))) , and (S (PP-TMP between (NP (NP the prescribed hours) (PP of (NP pills and tonics)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP conceived (NP a dreamy passion (S *ICH*-1)) (PP by (NP lamplight)) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP all these places) (PP with (NP her own eyes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP The very night) (PP after (NP (NP her father 's) funeral))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP (VP thought (S *RNR*-1)) , though (VP (ADVP-TMP never) admitted (PP to (NP a soul)) (S *RNR*-1)) : (S-1 (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP go))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP stop (NP me)))))) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP So) (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 here) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1))) , (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 here) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Italy) , (ADVP anyway) , (NAC and (ADJP terribly noisy))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the street)) (NP-SBJ the traffic) (VP was (ADJP-PRD really frightening)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Cars , taxis , buses , and motorscooters) (NP all)) (VP went (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP plunging (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)) (PP-DIR down (NP (NP the narrow length) (PP of (NP it))))) or (VP swerving (ADVP-MNR perilously) (PP around (NP a fountain)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Shoals) (PP of (NP tourists))) (VP went (PP by (NP her)) (PP in (NP (NP national groups) -- (NP (NP (NP English school girls) (PP in (NP blue uniforms))) , (NP (NP German boys) (PP with (NP (NP cameras) (VP attached (NP *))))) , (NP (NP (ADJP smartly dressed) Americans) (VP looking (PP in (NP shop windows)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADJP-PRD Glad (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD alone)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Theresa) (VP climbed (NP (NP the splendid outdoor staircase) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP opened (PP to (NP her left))))))) .)) (TOP (NP The Spanish Steps .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Something) (ADJP special)) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP was (VP going (PRT on) (ADVP-LOC here) (ADVP-TMP just now) -- (NP-1 (NP the annual display) (PP of (NP azalea plants))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP heard (PP about (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP (NP the night) before) (PP-LOC at (NP her hotel)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-TMP not yet) (ADJP-PRD complete))) : (S (NP-SBJ workmen) (VP were (VP (VP unloading (NP the potted plants) (PP from (NP a truck))) and (VP placing (NP them) (PP in (NP banked rows)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the steps) (ADVP above))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The azaleas) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as large) (PP as (NP shrubs))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP their myriad blooms) , (NP (NP many) (ADJP still tight (PP in (NP the bud)))) ,) (VP ranged (PP in (NP color)) (PP (PP from (NP purple)) (PP through (NP fuchsia and rose)) (PP to (NP the palest pink)) , (PP along (PP with (NP many white ones)))) (ADVP too))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (ADJP-TPC-2 Marvelous) , (VP thought (ADJP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-3 Theresa) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP climbing (PP in (NP her portly , well-bred way))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP someone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP learned (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP only) (VP move (ADVP-MNR slowly enough)))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP notice (NP everything) (ADVP *T*-4)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP Rome)) , (PP-LOC (ADVP all) over (NP Europe)) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP intended (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP move (ADVP-MNR very slowly indeed))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Halfway (PP up (NP the staircase))) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP stopped) and (VP sat (PRT down))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Other people) (VP were (VP (VP doing (NP it) , (ADVP too) ,) (VP (VP sitting (PP (ADVP all) along (NP the wide banisters))) and (VP leaning (PP over (NP (NP the parapets) (ADVP above))))) , (VP (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ the azaleas) (VP mass))) , or (VP (ADVP just) enjoying (NP the sun))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Theresa) (VP sat (PP with (NP (NP her letters) (PP in (NP her lap)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP breathing (NP Mediterranean air)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The sun) (VP warmed (NP her) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP warming (NP (NP everything) , (ADVP perhaps) (NP (NP (NP even the underside) (PP of (NP stones))) or (NP (NP the chill insides) (PP of (NP churches))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP loosened (NP her tweed jacket)) and (VP smoked (NP a cigarette))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP Content) (ADJP excited) ; ; (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ could (NP-SBJ you) (VP be (NP-PRD both) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP Strange) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD *?*))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Presently) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP picked (PRT up) (NP (NP the first) (PP of (NP the letters)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A few moments) later) (S (NP-SBJ her hands) (VP were (VP trembling))) and (S (NP-SBJ her brow) (VP had (VP contracted (PP with (NP anxiety and dismay))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP one) (PP of (NP them))) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP go) and (VP do (NP this))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TPC-1 Poor Cousin Elec) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP thought (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 tears) (VP rising (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP sting (PP in (NP the sun))))))))) , but (SBARQ (WHADVP-4 why) (SQ could n't (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP have (VP arranged (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP live (PP through (NP the summer))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-4)))) ? ?))) (TOP (S And (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 how (PP on (NP earth))) (SQ did (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP get (NP this letter) (ADVP anyway) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (NP (NP reason indeed) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP wonder (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the letter) (VP had (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP find (NP her)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))) (ADVP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Her Cousin) (NP Emma Carraway)) (VP had (VP written (NP it) , (PP in (NP (NP her loose high (NP old lady 's) script) -- (NP (NP (NP t 's) (VP (ADVP carefully) crossed)) , but (NP (NP-1 l 's) (VP inclined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wobble (PP like (NP (NP an old car) (PP on (NP the downward slope)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP Cousin Emma) (VP (VP had (ADVP simply) (VP put (NP (NP Miss Theresa Stubblefield) , (NP (NP Rome) , (NP Italy)) ,) (PP-PUT on (NP the envelope))))) , (VP (VP had (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP (NP the post office) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Tuxapoka) , (NP Alabama))))))) , and (VP mailed (NP it) (PP with (NP (NP as much confidence) (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a birthday card) (PP to (NP her next-door neighbor))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP No return address) (ADVP whatsoever) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Somebody) (VP had (VP scrawled (NP (NP American Express) , (NP Piazza di Spagna) ? ? ,) (PP across (NP the envelope))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ Theresa) (VP had (NP it)) , (ADVP (ADVP all as easily) (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP the President) (PP of (NP the Republic))) or (NP the Pope)))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 Inside) (VP were (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP all the things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP ought (S (VP to (VP know (NP *T*-2)))))))))) (PP concerning (NP (NP the last illness , death , and burial) (PP of (NP Cousin Alexander Carraway))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (NP Cousin Emma) and (NP Cousin Elec)) , (NP brother and sister)) -- (ADJP unmarried , devoted , aging) --) (VP had (VP lived (NP (NP next door) (PP to (NP the Stubblefields))) (PP-LOC in (NP Tuxapoka)) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP time immemorial)) (SBAR until (S (NP-SBJ the Stubblefields) (VP had (VP moved (PP-DIR to (NP Montgomery)) (ADVP-TMP (NP fifteen years) ago)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP (NP Two days) (SBAR before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP taken (ADJP-PRD sick)))))) , (NP-SBJ Cousin Elec) (VP was (ADVP out) (VP worrying (PP about (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ (ADJP too much) rain) (VP might (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP to (NP his sweetpeas)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Cousin Elec) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP preserved (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the top drawer) (PP of (NP his secretary)))) (NP (NP a mother-of-pearl paper knife) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ Theresa) (VP had (VP coveted (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP a child)))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP promised (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP have (NP *T*-3) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP died (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-6 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP care (ADVP-4 (ADVP as much) (PP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP-TMP-5 now) (PP-2 as (ADVP then))) , (VP (ADVP=4 (ADVP as much) (PP *ICH*-3)) (ADVP-LOC=5 here) (PP-3 as (ADVP there))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP realized (S *T*-6)) , (PP with (NP a sigh))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This letter) (VP would (VP have (VP got (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had n't (ADVP even) (VP put (NP (NP Rome) , (NP Italy) ,) (PP-PUT on (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP refolded (NP the letter)) , (VP replaced (NP it) (PP in (NP its envelope))) , and (VP turned (PP with (NP relief)) (PP to (NP (NP one) (PP from (NP her brother George)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (INTJ alas) (NP-SBJ George) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP written (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (VP had (ADVP only just) (VP returned (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP Tuxapoka)) (PP to (NP (NP Cousin Elec 's) funeral))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP heavy family reminiscence)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ All the fine old stock) (VP was (VP dying (PRT out)))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP look (PP at (NP the world)) (NP-TMP today))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His own children) (VP had (VP suffered (PP from (NP (NP the weakening) (PP of (NP (NP those values) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he and Theresa) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP taken (NP *T*-1) (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP granted)))))))))))))) , and (S (PP as (PP for (NP his grandchildren))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP one) (PP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP so far) , (PP-2 (ADVP-TMP still) in (NP diapers)))) -RRB-) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP shuddered (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the true meaning) (PP of (NP character))) (VP might (ADVP-TMP never) (VP dawn (PP on (NP them)) (ADVP at all)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (NP A life) (PP of (NP gentility and principle))) (SBAR such as (S (NP-SBJ Cousin Elec) (VP had (VP lived))))) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP known (NP *-1) (PP at (NP first hand))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Poor George ! !)) (TOP (NP (NP The only boy) , (NP the family darling) .)) (TOP (FRAG (PP (ADVP Together) with (NP her mother)) , (NP (NP (NP both) (PP of (NP them))) (ADJP tense (PP with (NP worry)) (SBAR lest (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP should (ADVP-MNR somehow) (VP go (ADJP-PRD wrong))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Theresa) (VP had (VP seen (NP-2 him) (UCP (PP through (NP the right college)) , (PP into (NP the right fraternity)) , and (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP pursued (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP various girls) and (NP (NP various mammas) (PP of (NP girls)))))))) , (ADVP safely) married (PP to (NP the right sort))))))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 however much) (S (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the early years) (PP of (NP that match)))) (NP-SBJ-3 (NP his wife) , (NP Anne) ,) (VP had not (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP understand (NP poor George) (ADVP *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ-1 Could (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP just) (VP be , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Theresa) (VP wondered (SQ *T*-1)))) , (SBAR-PRD (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP had (VP understood (ADVP only too well))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ George) (ADVP all along) (VP was (ADJP-PRD extraordinary) (PP (ADVP only) in (NP (NP the degree) (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dull) (PP *T*-2))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP Cousin Alexander Carraway))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the only thing) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ Theresa) (VP could (VP remember (NP *T*-4) (PP-TMP at (NP the moment)) (PP about (NP him)))))) -LRB- (PP except (NP his paper knife)) -RRB-) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP had (NP (ADJP exceptionally long) hands and feet)))) and (S (NP-TMP one night) (NP-TMP (NP about one o'clock) (PP in (NP the morning))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the whole Stubblefield family) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP had (VP been (VP aroused (NP *-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP go (NP-DIR next door)))) (PP at (NP (NP Cousin Emma 's) call))))) -- (NP-2 (ADVP first) (NP Papa) , (ADVP then) (NP Mother) , (ADVP then) (NP Theresa and George)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP all)) (VP did (NP their uttermost) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP help (S (NP-SBJ Cousin Elec) (VP get (NP a cramp) (PP out (PP of (NP his foot))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP had (VP hobbled (ADVP-DIR downstairs) (PP-DIR into (NP the parlor)) , (PP in (NP his agony)))) , and (VP was (VP sitting , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wrapped (PP in (NP his bathrobe)))) , (PP-LOC on (NP a footstool))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP held (NP his long clenched foot) (PP in (NP both hands)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP this) and (NP his contorted face)) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP trying (ADVP-MNR heroically) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP cry (PRT out))))))) --) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP look (PP like (NP a large skinny old monkey)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP They) (NP all)) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP surrounded (NP him)) , (NP-1 (NP the family circle) , (NP (NP (NP Theresa and George) (ADJP (ADJP as solemn) (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ the cat) (VP have (NP kittens))))))))) , and (NP (NP Cousin Emma) (VP running (ADVP back and forth) (PP with (NP (NP a kettle) (PP of (NP (NP hot water) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP poured (NP-3 *T*-2) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP steaming)) (PP into (NP a white enamelled pan))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-2 Can (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (PP of (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))))) '' ? ? (S (NP-SBJ-3 She) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP repeating (SQ *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP hate (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (NP the doctor)))))) but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP keeps (PRT up)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP just) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP *?*)))))) ! !)) (TOP (SQ Can (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (PP of (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP might (VP treat (NP it) (PP like (NP the hiccups))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Papa) .)) (TOP (VP `` Drop (NP a cold key) (PP down (NP his back)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP just) (VP hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP happens (PP to (NP you)) (NP-TMP someday)))))) '' , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP Cousin Elec) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was not (PP-PRD at (NP his best))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Poor Cousin Elec) '' , (NP-SBJ George) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD younger (PP than (NP Theresa))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP remembered (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP looking (PRT down)) and (VP seeing (NP his great round eyes)))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD dimly aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 her mother and father) (VP were not (VP unamused (NP *-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Poor Cousin Elec '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (ADVP-LOC here) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP they) (NP both)) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP were , (ADVP still) (NP-PRD the same) , (NP-1 (NP (NP George) (ADJP full (PP of (NP round-eyed woe)))) , and (NP (NP Cousin Emma) (PP in (NP despair))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Theresa) (VP shifted (PP to (NP a new page))) .)) (TOP (S-3 `` (PP Of (NP course)) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ (NP George 's) letter) (VP continued (S *T*-3))) -RRB-) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP practical problems) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP considered (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP Cousin Emma) (VP (VP is (ADJP-PRD alone) (PP-LOC in (NP that big old house))) and (VP wo n't (VP hear (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP parting (PP from (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Robbie and Beryl) (VP tried (NP their best) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP persuade (NP-2 her) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP come and stay (PP with (NP them)))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Anne and I) (VP have (VP told (NP her) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more) (PP than (ADJP welcome))) (ADVP-LOC here))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP feels (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP be (NP-PRD an imposition) , (ADVP especially) (ADVP (ADVP as long) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ our Rosie) (VP is (ADVP-TMP still) (PP-PRD in (NP high school))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other possibility) (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP arrangements (SBAR for (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP let (PRT out) (NP (NP one or two) (PP of (NP the rooms))) (PP to (NP (NP (NP some teacher) (PP of (NP good family))) or (NP (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP those solitary old ladies) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Tuxapoka) (VP is (VP populated (NP *-1) (PP with (NP *T*-2))))))))) -- (NP (NP Miss Edna Whittaker) , (PP for (NP example))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP this)) (SBAR-1 than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP meets (NP the eye))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A new bathroom) (VP would (ADVP certainly) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP put (NP *-2) (PRT in))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The wallpaper) (PP-LOC in (NP the back bedroom))) (VP is (ADVP literally) (VP crumbling (PRT off))) . '')) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP Theresa) (VP skipped (NP (NP a page) (PP of (NP (NP details) (PP about (NP the house)))))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP hope (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP any ideas) (PP along (NP these lines)))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP write (NP me) (PP about (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (VP (VP settle (PP on (NP some makeshift arrangements)) (PP-TMP for (NP the summer))) and (VP wait (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP return (PP-TMP in (NP the fall)))))) (SBAR-ADV so (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP work (PRT out) (ADVP together) (NP the best))))))) . '')) (TOP (S-1 (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP really) (VP should n't (VP have (VP smoked (NP a cigarette) (ADVP-TMP so early (PP in (NP the day))))))) , (PRN (SINV (VP thought (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Theresa))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP makes (S (NP-SBJ me) (ADJP-PRD sick)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'll (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sneezing)) (PP-TMP in (NP a minute)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP sitting (PP on (NP these cold steps)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP got (PRT up) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP standing (ADVP-MNR uncertainly) (PP-TMP for (NP a moment))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) moving (ADVP aside) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP let (SINV (VP go (PP past (NP her)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP talking))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP a group) (PP of (NP young men))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP wore (NP (NP (NP shoes) (PP with (NP pointed toes)) , (ADJP odd (PP to (NP American eyes)))) , and (NP narrow trousers)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ their hair) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD unnaturally black and slick))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (ADVP-LOC here) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP (VP were (ADVP obviously) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD handsome)))))) , and (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ themselves) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD so)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Just then) (NP-SBJ a man) (VP approached (NP her) (PP with (NP (NP a tray) (PP of (NP (NP cheap cameos) , (NP Parker fountain pens) , (NP rosaries) , (NP papal portraits)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 No) '' , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Theresa) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ No) , (INTJ no)) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The man) (VP did not (VP wish (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP spread (NP himself) (PP against (NP (NP the borders) (PP of (NP (NP the space) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP separate (NP them))))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 (NP (NP Carrozza rides) (PP in (NP the park))) , (NP (NP the Colosseum) (PP by (NP moonlight)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP specialized (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Theresa) (VP (VP turned (ADVP away) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP escape)))) , and (VP climbed (PP to (NP (NP a higher landing) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the steps) (VP divided (PP in (NP two)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC There) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP the far left))) and (VP leaned (PP on (NP (NP a vacant section) (PP of (NP banister))))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the vendor) (VP picked (NP-BNF himself) (NP (NP another well-dressed American lady) , (VP (VP carrying (NP (NP a camera) and (NP a handsome alligator bag))) , (VP ascending (NP the steps) (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD alone))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 Was (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP ever) (ADJP-PRD successful)) , (NP-SBJ Theresa) (VP wondered (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The lady) (PP with (NP the alligator bag))) (VP registered (NP (NP (NP interest) , (NP doubt) , (ADVP then) (NP indignation)) ; ; (PP at (ADJP last)) , (NP alarm))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP cast (PRT about) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP for (NP a policeman))))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 this) (ADVP really) (VP should n't (VP be (VP allowed (NP *-1)))) ! !))) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Finally) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP scurried (ADVP-DIR away) (PP-DIR up (NP the steps))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Theresa Stubblefield) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (ADVP-TMP still) holding (NP the family letters) (PP in (NP one hand)))) , (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP her whole trip) (PP to (NP Europe))) (VP was (VP viewed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP family circles)) (PP as (NP (NP an interlude) (PP between (UCP (NP (NP Cousin Elec 's) death) and `` (VP doing (NP (NP something) '' (PP about (NP Cousin Emma))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP were (ADVP even) , (NP-1 Anne and George) , (ADVP probably) (VP thinking (S (NP-SBJ themselves) (ADJP-PRD very considerate) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) not (VP hinting (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP really) (VP should (VP (VP cut (PRT out) `` (NP one or two countries) '') and (VP come (ADVP-DIR home) (PP-TMP in (NP August))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ (NP Cousin Emma 's) house) (ADJP-PRD ready)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the teachers) (VP came (PP-DIR to (NP Tuxapoka)) (PP-TMP in (NP September)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP Anne and George 's) fault) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-3 one family crisis) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP follow (NP another))))))))) , and (SQ were n't (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP emphasizing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP really) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP without (NP Theresa))))))))))) ? ?))) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ The trouble) (VP is (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Theresa) (VP thought (S *T*-3))) ,) (SBAR-PRD that (S (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP happens (ADVP-LOC there))))) (VP is (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP matter (ADVP supremely)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP nothing) (ADVP-LOC here)) (VP is (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP even) (VP to (VP exist)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP would not (VP care (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP all) (PP of (NP Europe))) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sink (PP into (NP the ocean)) (NP-TMP tomorrow))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP registered (PP with (NP them)) (SBAR-1 that (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP read (NP-2 (NP all) (PP of (NP Balzac , Dickens , and Stendhal))) (SBAR-TMP-3 while (S (NP-SBJ Papa) (VP was (VP dying)))) ,) (VP (CONJP not to mention) (NP=2 (NP everything) (PP-LOC in (NP the city library))) (PP-TMP=3 after (NP (NP Mother 's) operation))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP exactly the same) (PP to (NP them))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP read (PP through (NP (NP all twenty-six volumes) (PP of (NP Elsie Dinsmore))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP arranged (NP (NP the letters) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-MNR carefully) , (NP-1 (NP one) (PP on (NP (NP top) (PP of (NP the other)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP with (NP (NP a motion) (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP so suddenly) violent) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP amazed (NP herself))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP tore (NP them) (PP in (NP two))) .)) (TOP (NP `` Signora '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP became (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (NP (NP two Italian workmen) , (VP carrying (NP a large azalea pot)) ,) (VP (VP were (VP standing (PP before (NP her)))) and (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP move (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP could (VP begin (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP arranging (NP (NP a new row) (PP of (NP the display)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` Mi diapiace , Signora , ma insomma . '')) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Oh) (NP-SBJ *) (VP put (NP it) (ADVP-PUT there)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP indicated (NP a spot) (ADVP-LOC (NP a little distance) away)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP it) (ADVP (ADVP as surely) (PP as (NP (NP everybody) (PP-LOC in (NP Westfield))))) -- (SBAR-TPC that (S (NP-SBJ Lucille) (VP was (NP-PRD a husband stealer))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ (NP that kind) (PP of (NP information))) (ADJP-PRD quiet)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a town) (PP of (NP (QP only 4000-plus))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP been (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (ADVP just about) every town) , (ADVP no matter (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ its size) (VP *?* (NP *T*-2))))) , (VP has (NP its Lucille Warren))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (SBAR Just as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP has (NP its Susan Dolan)))) , (SBAR-ADV though (S (NP-SBJ-1 nobody) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP bothered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP me) (NP that)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC Susan Dolan) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD me)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP even) (VP talked (PP about (NP Lucille)) (PP-LOC down (PP at (NP (NP (NP the Young Christians ') League) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP spent (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP time))) (UCP (PP in (NP Bible classes)) and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP helping (PRT out) (PP with (NP the office work)) (PP for (NP our foreign mission))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ my folks) (VP talk (PP about (NP her)))) , (ADVP though)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (NP-PRD good-living religious people))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (ADVP truthfully) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP spread (NP (NP any gossip) (PP about (NP anybody))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even if (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP did (VP say (NP (NP anything) (PP about (NP (NP people) (PP like (NP Lucille Warren))))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would n't (VP have (VP dreamed (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying (NP it) (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP me))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP My folks) and (NP my faith)) (VP protected (NP me) (PP from (NP (NP things) (PP like (NP that))))) .)) (TOP (S And so (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD really upset) (NP-TMP (NP the first time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP discovered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP my boy friend) (NP Johnnie)) (VP was (VP seeing (NP Mrs. Warren))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP him) (PP about (NP it)) (NP-TMP one night) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (VP sitting (PP in (NP his truck))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP him) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD true))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP gave (NP me) (NP a straight , honest answer)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look) , (NP-VOC Sue baby)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP Much) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP love (NP you))))) -- (S (INTJ well) , (NP-SBJ a guy) (VP 's (NP-PRD a guy))) and (S (NP-SBJ Lucille) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *) (EDITED (VP-UNF to)) -- (VP to (VP come (ADVP across))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Honest) , (NP-VOC kitten) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (ADVP even) (VP like (NP Lucille) (ADVP much)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD at (NP that moment)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP realized (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-PRD up (PP against (NP *T*-2))) (PP in (NP (NP the person) (PP of (NP Lucille Warren)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP did n't (VP seem (ADJP-PRD fair))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP My love) (PP for (NP Johnnie))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD young and clean))) -- (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 how) (SQ could (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP possibly) (VP compete (PP with (NP (NP a woman) (PP like (NP that)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP did n't (VP hesitate (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP use (NP her sex)))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Johnnie) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a trucker) (PP with (NP (NP a small lumber outfit) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a town) (ADVP (NP about twenty miles) away)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD pretty good (PP at (NP (NP anything) (PP in (NP the carpentry line))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a vivid , sharp February morning) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Johnnie) (ADVP-TMP first) (VP made (NP his appearance) (PP-LOC in (NP my back yard)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP bringing (NP (NP some stuff) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Dad) (VP had (VP ordered (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (PP-PRD in (NP (NP the habit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP batting (NP my eyes) (PP at (NP delivery men))))))))) , but (S (NP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP Johnnie) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD different)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was n't (ADVP only) (ADJP-PRD different))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP an easy masculine grace) (NP *ICH*-3)) (PP about (NP him)) , (NP-3 (NP the kind) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ kids) (VP do n't (VP have (NP *T*-1))))) , but (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP admired (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP other older men))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His smile) (VP was (ADJP-PRD quick))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP held (NP (NP some promised secret) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ my knees) (VP go (ADJP-PRD limp))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The (ADJP most unbelievable) thing) (PP about (NP the chance meeting))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD interested (PP in (NP me)))) , (ADVP too))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (ADVP hardly) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ such good luck) (VP was (NP-PRD mine)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ Lucille Warren) (VP had (VP gotten (NP a look) (PP at (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP (PP between (NP affairs)) or (NP-ETC something))))))) , but (S (ADVP anyway) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP set (NP her sights) (PP on (NP (NP Johnnie) , (NP my Johnnie)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP like (NP it) (NP-ADV one bit))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHNP-1 what) (SQ could (NP-SBJ I) (VP do (NP *T*-1)))) ? ?) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 A man) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP his release)))))) -- (S (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-PRD (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the boys) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-3)))) (PP in (NP high school))))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (VP providing (NP it) (PP for (NP Johnnie))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Neither) (VP was (NP-PRD his wife)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would n't (VP have (VP *?* , (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP asked (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (VP ask (NP her)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP the kind) (PP of (NP man)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP force (S (NP-SBJ his wife) (VP to (VP submit (PP to (NP him)) (PP against (NP her will)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would n't (VP leave (NP her) (ADVP either)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP told (NP me) (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too honorable (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ his wife) (ADJP-PRD penniless))) and (VP leave (NP those helpless children) (PP without (NP their daddy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Johnnie) (VP (VP loved (NP me)) and (VP wanted (NP me))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the only love) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP giving (NP him) (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP was (NP-PRD the pure kind)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD weeks) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP even) (VP kissed (PP for (NP the first time)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Against (NP (NP my folks ') wishes)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP 'd (VP been (VP seeing (NP each other) (PP for (NP (NP short rides) (PP in (NP the truck))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The rides) (VP were (ADJP-PRD tame enough))) -- (S (ADVP mostly) (NP-SBJ we) (VP talked)) .)) (TOP (S But (PP by (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the first crackling) (PP of (NP spring))) (VP came (ADVP around) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP we) (NP both)) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADVP hopelessly) (PP-PRD in (NP love)))))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (ADVP-TMP even then) (NP-SBJ we) (VP did (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP much) (SBAR but (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP talk) , and (VP (ADVP maybe) neck (NP-ADV a little)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD so crazy))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP once)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP imagined (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP end (PRT up) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP marrying (NP (NP a minister) or (NP (NP somebody) (PP like (NP that))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Somebody) (PP with (NP no vices)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know) '' .)) (TOP (S `` And (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP fall (PP for (NP a lumber jockey)))) '' .)) (TOP (SBAR `` (WHNP-1 Who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP drinks (ADVP far too much))) '' .)) (TOP `` (FRAG And (VP smokes (ADVP too much))) '' .) (TOP (FRAG `` And '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP ticking (PRT off) (NP the items) (PP on (NP my fingers)))))) , `` (VP (VP swears (ADVP too much)) and (VP (VP goes (ADVP out) (PP with (NP (NP the boys) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 whoever) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-2)))) ,)) (ADVP too much)))) , and (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP (VP goes (PP to (NP church))) and (VP wo n't (ADVP even) (VP listen (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP persuade (NP-4 him) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP come (ADVP back) (PP to (NP the fold)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP examined (NP his nails) (ADVP-MNR carefully)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP walk (PP-DIR out (NP the door)))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV-IMP `` Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP dare) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` And (VP (ADVP-TMP never) show (NP (NP my face) or (NP my truck)) (PP-LOC around (ADVP here)) (ADVP again)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP was n't (VP looking (PP at (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP would n't (VP *?*)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` Or (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP visit (NP Lucille Warren))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP would n't (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (INTJ Please ! !)) (TOP (S (NP You) (VP would n't (VP *?*)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shrugged (ADVP-MNR noncommittally)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP might (VP *?*)) '' .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP seeing (NP her))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (ADVP just) (VP admitted (NP it) (PP to (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP huddled (ADVP-MNR miserably) (PP beside (NP him)) (PP in (NP the truck))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP was all (NP-PRD my doing) -- (S-1 (NP-SBJ his) (VP seeing (NP her)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Johnnie and I) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD innocent) (PP in (NP our love))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP it)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (ADJP first)) , (NP-SBJ Johnnie) (VP had n't (VP understood))) -- (SBARQ (WHADVP how) (SQ could (NP-SBJ-1 he) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP being (NP-PRD (NP a religious person) (PP like (NP me)))))) ? ?))) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP said , `` (S (ADVP All right) , (NP-VOC kid) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-MNR-PRD (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP it) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-MNR-PRD (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 'll (VP be (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-2))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S But (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ had (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP done (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ us) (ADJP-PRD pure)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP driven (NP him) (PP into (NP (NP the arms) (PP of (NP that scheming woman)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP (ADVP just the same) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP delivered (NP him) (PP into (NP (NP the hands) (PP of (NP the Devil))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S So (ADVP-TMP (NP one week) later) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP surrendered (PP to (NP him)) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the little motel) (PP on (NP Route 10))))) .)) (TOP (NP My (ADJP very first) time .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD desperate (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP hold (NP him))) , (VP to (VP give (NP him) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP whatever) (PP-LOC in (NP this world))) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wanted or needed (NP *T*-1)))))) , and (VP to (VP keep (NP him) (PP from (NP (NP the clutches) (PP of (NP Lucille Warren))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (SBAR-ADV though (S (PP-TMP at (NP the time)) (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP blushed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP admit (NP it) (PP (ADVP even) to (NP myself)))))))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (PP in (NP me)) (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP a growing desire) , (NP a sexual awareness) ,) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Johnnie) (VP had (VP set (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP motion))))))) , (NP (NP an awareness) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ no other man) (VP had (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP triggered (NP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wanted (NP him) , (PP with (NP a terrifying fierceness))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (ADVP Astonishingly enough) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD my own voice) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP heard (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-LOC there) (PP in (NP the darkness)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP begging (NP-3 this man) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP make (NP love) (PP to (NP me))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Love (NP me) , (NP-VOC Johnnie)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP I) (VP will (VP *?* , (NP-VOC kitten))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Outside) , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the summertime fields) (PP-LOC behind (NP the motel)))) , (NP-SBJ a thousand crickets) (VP serenaded (NP us)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Will (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP love (NP me) (NP-MNR this way)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` Uh huh .)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP Always '' .)) (TOP `` (INTJ Mmm '' .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP snuggled (ADVP closer (PP to (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP loved (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP as blissful and fulfilling) a night) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ any bride) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP experienced))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP had (NP (NP no wedding ceremony) , (NP no witnesses) , (NP (NP no certificate) (PP of (NP marriage))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP all the joy) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP goes (PP with (NP them)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP-VOC `` Johnnie ? ?)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP ca n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD wrong)))) , (SQ can (NP-SBJ it)) ? ?)) (TOP (ADVP Not really '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Johnnie) (VP rose (PP on (NP one elbow))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Stop (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP worrying))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD wrong) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ love) (VP is (ADJP-PRD real))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP took (NP great comfort) (PP from (NP his words))) , and (VP smiled (PP to (NP myself)) (PP in (NP the darkness)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Infinite peace) , (NP complete contentment) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP Idiot 's) delight) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP later) (VP discovered) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (NP-PRD no conflict) (PP between (NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP doing (NP *T*-1))))) and (NP my strict religious upbringing)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP resisted (NP (NP the passes) (VP made (NP *) (PP at (NP me)) (PP by (NP-LGS other kids))))))) , and (S (NP-TMP many times) (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP thought (PP about (NP (NP my love) (PP for (NP (NP Johnnie) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP being (NP-PRD thirty))) , (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP brought (NP (NP a maturity) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP to (NP love)) (SBAR-3 (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the kids) (PP around (NP town))) (VP could (VP know (NP (NP nothing) (PP about (NP *T*-4))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP also) (VP thought (NP (NP a lot) (PP about (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP must (VP look (PP on (NP true love)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))))) , (CONJP and so) (S (PP in (NP a way)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP keeping (NP (NP (NP my promise) (PP to (NP God))) , (NP my promise (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remain (ADJP-PRD pure) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP married (NP *-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP practically) (NP-PRD a bride) , (PP after (NP all))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP would (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD a ceremony) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD possible)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP this)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP no doubt)) .)) (TOP (SQ Would n't (NP-SBJ Johnnie) (VP do (NP (NP practically anything) (PP in (NP the world))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP insure (NP my happiness))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (CONJP not only) (VP told (NP me) (ADVP so)))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP proved (NP-PRD it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP Johnnie 's) fault) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP hopelessly) (VP tied (NP *-1) (PRT down) (PP to (NP (NP that frightful woman) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP did (NP her best) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ his life) (ADJP-PRD unbearable))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV (ADVP Just) because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD honorable enough (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP supporting (NP his two children))))))))))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ any decent man) (VP would (VP *?*)))) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP should (VP be (VP denied (NP *-1) (NP (NP his own small share) (PP of (NP happiness))) (ADVP too) (ADVP-PRP *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP contribute (PP to (NP that)))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP do (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The cost) (VP did n't (VP matter)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No price) (VP is (ADJP-PRD too high) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ true love) (VP is (PP-PRD at (NP stake)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP (NP no doubts) (PP about (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how true) (S (NP-SBJ this love) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (ADVP-TMP never) (ADVP even) (VP petted (PP with (NP a boy))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP met (NP Johnnie)))) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP touched (NP me) (PP-TMP for (NP the longest while)) , (SBAR not until (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP all but) (VP threw (NP myself) (PP at (NP him))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD plenty attentive) , (ADVP all right) ,)) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP behaved (PP like (NP a gentleman)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP figured (SBAR that , (S (ADVP emotionally) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP closer (PP to (NP his age))) (PP than (PP to (NP my own (QP eighteen and a half)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ could (NP-SBJ a mere twelve years) (VP matter (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-2 (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))))) , (NP-PRD (NP (NP a difference) (PP in (NP age)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP came (PP between (NP people)))))) , but (NP (NP a difference) (PP in (NP maturity))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SQ had n't (NP-SBJ I) (VP rescued (NP him) (PP from (NP Lucille Warren)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'd (VP have (VP gotten (NP him) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP stopped (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ Lucille Warren) (VP was (NP-PRD a husband-stealer) (PP from (NP way back))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP been (NP-PRD a good girl)))) and (S (ADVP-TMP now) (NP-SBJ God) (VP was (VP blessing (NP me) (PP with (NP (NP the gift) (PP of (NP (NP this magnificent man) and (NP (NP the wondrous love) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP shared (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADVP only) (VP fitting) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP seek (PRT out) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 whatever joy) (S (NP-SBJ our union) (VP might (VP bring (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (VP Love (NP me)) '' ? ?)) (TOP `` (INTJ Uh-huh .)) (TOP (VP Love (NP you) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (ADVP-TMP Always and always) , (NP-VOC Johnnie) '' ? ?)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP `` Always '' .)) (TOP `` (INTJ Mmm '' .)) (TOP (NP (NP Convention time) (PP-LOC in (NP Boston)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP A chill wind) (PP in (NP the air))) and (NP (NP the narrow streets) (VP packed (NP *) (PP with (NP snow)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-DIR From (NP (NP the entire eastern half) (PP of (NP the nation)))) (NP-SBJ (NP they) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP 'd (VP be (VP coming , (NP-1 (NP members) (PP of (NP (NP the Young Christians ') League))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'd (VP been (VP chosen (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP represent (NP our chapter)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP mixed emotions) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP going)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP been (VP seeing (NP Johnnie) (NP-TMP almost a year) (ADVP-TMP now))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP leave (NP him) (PP-TMP for (NP five whole days)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP looked (ADVP forward) (ADVP so much) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (PP-PRD with (NP this church group))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP been (VP doing (NP (NP (ADJP as much) work) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?*))))))) (PP-LOC in (NP Westfield)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP (VP felt (ADJP-PRD funny) (PP about (NP that))) and (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP work (ADVP (ADVP harder) (PP than (ADVP ever))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (ADVP just) (VP throw (NP myself) (PP into (NP (NP the good works) (PP of (NP this fine group)))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP Boston))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The first meeting) (VP was (VP held (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Faneuil Hall) , (NP (NP a great big place) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP meet (NP (NP members) (PP from (NP all the other states))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP My cousin Alma) , (SBAR (WHPP-1 at (WHNP whose home)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP staying (PP *T*-1) (PP during (NP the convention)))))) ,) (VP introduced (NP me) (PP to (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP young people)) (PP from (NP Rhode Island))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP them))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a (ADJP very friendly) , lovely fellow) (VP named (NP *) (NP Ronald))) , (NP (NP a boy) (PP about (NP my age)) (PP with (NP (NP slick , blond hair) and (NP dancing blue eyes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD very different (PP from (NP Johnnie))))) -- (S (PP in (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (ADVP sort of) (PP like (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (ADVP so))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP mentioned (NP it))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Alma) (VP said (ADVP so) (ADVP too))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP the meeting)) , (NP-SBJ-1 there) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a party)))) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP someone 's) house)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP assumed (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Alma) (VP would (VP get (NP me) (ADVP there))))))) , but (S (PP in (NP (NP the confusion) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the meeting) (VP breaking (PRT up)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP were (VP separated (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC Outside (NP the hall)) , (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-MNR anxiously) (VP looked (ADVP around) (PP for (NP her)))) , (S (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-ADV (NP all) (PP at (NP once))) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a hand) (PP on (NP my elbow)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Hey , there) , (NP-VOC (NP beautiful twin) (PP of (NP mine)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Ronald) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (VP Need (NP a pumpkin) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP to (NP the party)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP could n't (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP laughing (PP with (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP find (NP Alma)))) '' -- (NP-SBJ I) (VP began (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Alma) , (NP Schmalma) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Come (ADVP along) (PP with (NP me))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP arrived (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ the party) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP going (ADJP-PRD strong))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A couple) (PP of (NP the girls))) (VP were (VP laughing (ADVP-MNR rather shrilly)))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP drinking)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My folks) (VP would n't (VP dream (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP alcohol) (PP-LOC in (NP the house)))))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ (NP my first taste) (PP of (NP it))) (VP had (VP been -- (PP of (NP course)) -- (PP-PRD with (NP Johnnie))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had n't (VP liked (NP it) (ADVP-TMP at first)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD bitter and burning))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Johnnie) (VP disguised (NP the taste) (PP with (NP ginger ale)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP enjoyed (NP it)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP enjoyed (NP 'most anything) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did (NP it) (PP with (NP Johnnie)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC Johnnie) (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP suddenly) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP been (PP-PRD (ADVP totally) out (PP of (NP my thoughts))) (NP-TMP all evening)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (ADVP only) (ADJP-PRD natural))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP decided (S *T*-1))) ; ; (S (ADVP surely) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP resting (ADVP-MNR snugly) (PP in (NP my heart))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP see (NP Alma) (ADVP-LOC anywhere)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD invisible) (NP-TMP tonight)) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP C'mon)) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 're (VP keeping (NP the glasses) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP drew (ADVP back)) .)) (TOP (S `` (EDITED (NP-SBJ I)) -- (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (ADVP so) , (NP-VOC Ronald))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (PP for (NP me)) '' .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Aw) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (PRT on)) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ No) -- (INTJ really) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shrugged) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Okay .)) (TOP (S-IMP But (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (ADVP along) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (VP lubricated))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The kitchen) (VP was (VP jammed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP (NP Strange faces) , (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP them)))) , and (NP-SBJ I) (VP was n't (ADVP even) (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (PP of (NP them))) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR from (NP the League meeting)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Under (NP normal circumstances)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP a certain bright-eyed all-American-boy charm) , (PP with (NP (NP great appeal) (PP for (NP (NP young ladies) , (NP old ladies) , and (NP dogs))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-TMP Today) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (PP like (NP (NP (NP an Astronaut) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP (VP left (NP his vitamin pills) (PP-LOC on (NP the bureau))) and (VP spent (NP six months) (PP-LOC in (NP space)))))))))))) : (NP (NP hollow eyes) , (NP hollow cheeks) , (NP hollow stomach)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 Breakfast) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A shot) (PP of (NP orange juice))) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ everything) (VP seem (ADJP-PRD better))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP around (NP his little Eden)))) : (NP (NP bureau) , (NP bed) , (NP table) , (NP chair) , (NP two-burner stove)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP share (NP a refrigerator))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Kirby) (VP had (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , and (S (ADVP-MNR somehow) , (PP-TMP at (NP midnight)) , (PP-TMP after (NP (NP the long drive) (PP from (NP New York)) (PP in (NP pelting rain)))) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP had (VP sounded (ADJP-PRD reasonable)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the cold light) (PP of (NP day)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (NP-PRD a lunatic arrangement)) .)) (TOP (VP (VP Share (NP bath) , (ADVP maybe)) -- but (VP share (NP refrigerator)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP explained (NP (NP it) -- (NP (NP something) (PP about (NP (NP (NP summer people 's) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP eating (PRT out)))) and (NP (NP not enough space) (PP in (NP the units))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 where) (SQ (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the thing))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP remembered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (NP it) (NP-TMP (NP last night) , (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP put (ADVP away) (NP (NP his small store) (PP of (NP bachelor-type eatables))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Ah) , (INTJ yes) -- (NP-SBJ (NP his half) (PP of (NP a refrigerator))) (VP stood (ADVP-LOC outside) , (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the `` curving veranda '') (PP between (NP (NP Unit Number Three) and (NP Unit Number Four)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP raining))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mrs. Kirby 's) cottages) (VP bloomed (PP through (NP the gray haze)) (PP like (NP (NP (NP the names) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP bore (NP *T*-1))))) , (NP vivid blue and green and magenta))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP downed (NP (NP his orange juice) and (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the long , skinny green pills)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his spirits) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as damp) (PP as (NP the day))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This vacation) (VP had (VP seemed (PP like (NP a good idea)) (NP-TMP (NP last week) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ his doctor) (VP had (VP prescribed (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP a full month))) '' , (NP-SBJ the doctor) (VP had (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP (NP Lots) (PP of (NP sun))) , (NP (NP lots) (PP of (NP rest))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The red pills) (VP are (NP-PRD a vitamin-and-iron compound)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD a sleeping capsule)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The others) (VP will (VP make (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) more comfortable)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP licked (NP *-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 You young men) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD my age)))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP wo n't (VP take (NP flu) (ADVP-MNR so lightly))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP had (VP accepted (NP the diagnosis) (PP without (NP comment)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The doctor) (VP could (VP call (NP it) (NP (NP anything) (PP (PP from (NP flu)) (PP to (NP beriberi))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wrong (PP with (NP him))))))) and (VP knew , (ADVP too) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no pill) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP cure (NP it)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP He) (VP (VP had (VP loved and lost (NP Vivian Wayne) (PP to (NP somebody else)))) , (VP had (VP watched (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP marry (NP the somebody else))))) , and (VP had (VP (VP caught (NP (NP a bear) (PP of (NP a cold))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP kissing (NP the bride) (ADVP good-by) (ADVP-TMP forever))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP really) (VP piling (NP it) (PRT on)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP caught , (ADVP too) , (PP like (NP an ailment)) , (NP (NP a confirmed distrust) (PP of (NP women))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (FRAG (ADVP Once) (VP burned (NP *))) -- (PRN (VP scalded (NP *) , (ADVP really)) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Vivian) (VP had (VP given (NP him) (NP every encouragement)))))) -- (FRAG (ADVP forever) (ADJP shy)) .)) (TOP (S (PP (PP From (ADVP now)) (ADVP on)) , (NP-SBJ-1 his) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP a man 's) world) : (NP (NP the North Woods) , (NP (NP duck blinds) (PP at (NP dawning))) , (NP (NP beer) and (NP poker) and (NP male secretaries))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Meanwhile) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP this miserable cold))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP leaned (PP against (NP the refrigerator)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ the rain) (VP make (NP sandy puddles) (PP at (NP his feet))))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the doctor 's) prescription) (PP for (NP (NP lots) (PP of (NP sun))))) (VP seemed (PP like (NP a hollow mockery)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP these damp circumstances)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an odds-on bet) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP develop (NP pneumonia) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP looked (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mrs. Kirby) , (ADJP awesome (PP in (NP a black-and-yellow polka-dotted slicker))) ,) (VP bearing (PP down (PP on (NP him))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Three-day blow) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ She) (VP bellowed (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR triumphantly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP noticed (ADVP-TMP before) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the natives) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP regard (NP (ADJP really filthy) weather) (PP as (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP Pyhrric victory) (PP over (NP the tourists)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (ADJP Fine) , (NP (NP day) (PP after (NP tomorrow)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP added (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP hope (ADVP so))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP this cold))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP bake (NP it) (PRT out) (PP in (NP the sun))))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Ah '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP studied (NP him) (ADVP-MNR briefly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (VP got (NP a peaked look))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Better) (VP get (PRT in) (PP out (PP of (NP the wet)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Charlie) (VP forbore (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP mention (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ the wet) (VP was (ADJP-PRD somewhat universal) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ Peony) (VP being (ADJP-PRD less (PP than (ADJP weatherproof))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As for (S (NP-SBJ its) (VP being (ADJP-PRD fine) , (NP-TMP (NP day) (PP after (NP tomorrow)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP the unhappy conviction (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP be (ADJP-PRD fine) (ADVP again) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ Vivian) (VP lost (PP to (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP forever)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP imagine (NP her) (PP-TMP at (NP this minute)) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP honeymooning (PP-LOC in (NP Nassau)) (PP with (NP what's-his-name))) , (VP lounging (PP-LOC on (NP golden sands))) , (VP looking (ADVP forward) (PP to (NP (NP a life) (PP of (NP unalloyed bliss)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP could (VP look (ADVP forward) (PP to (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP a yellow pill) (PP-TMP at (NP noon))) , (NP (NP a salami sandwich) (PP for (NP lunch))) , and (NP (NP a lonely old age) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lived (ADVP-TMP that long))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP leafed (PP through (NP (NP (NP the light reading) (VP provided (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Mrs. Kirby)) (PP for (NP her guests)))) : (NP (NP (NP four separate adventures) (PP of (NP the Bobbsey Twins)) (PRN -LRB- (PP-LOC At (NP the Seashore)) , (PP-LOC At (NP the Mountains)) , (PP-LOC On (NP the Farm)) , and (PP In (NP Danger)) -RRB-)) and (NP (NP several agricultural bulletins) (PP on (NP (NP the treatment) (PP of (NP (NP hoof-and-mouth disease) (PP in (NP cattle)))))) , (ADJP hideously illustrated)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP dozed , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP dream (PP of (NP Vivian)))))) , and (VP woke , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP crash (PP into (NP the night table)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bruising (NP his other shin)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP took (NP a yellow pill) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP choke (PP on (NP it)))))) , and (VP went (PP for (NP the salami)) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP something) (ADJP alive) (PP-LOC in (NP the refrigerator))) -- (NP (NP something) (ADJP pink and fuzzy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His first thought) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (S (NP-SBJ Mrs. Kirby) , (PP in (NP (NP her mania) (PP for (NP color)))) , (VP had (VP dyed (NP a cat)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 that cat) (VP had (ADVP-MNR somehow) (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP open (NP the refrigerator door)) and (VP climb (PRT in)))))))))))) ; ; but (S (PP on (NP further investigation)) , (NP-SBJ-3 the thing) (VP proved (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP a sweater) , (PP of (NP (NP the long-hair variety) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP sheds (PP onto (NP (NP men 's) jackets)))))))) -- (UCP (ADJP pale , pale pink) and , (PP according (PP to (NP the label))) , (NP size thirty-four)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP He) (VP (VP thought (PP about (NP it)) (PP-TMP for (NP a minute))) , (VP could (VP find (NP (NP no reasonable explanation) (PP for (NP (NP the presence) (PP of (NP a sweater)) (PP-LOC in (NP the refrigerator))))))) , (VP got (NP (NP the salami) , (NP bread) , and (NP a Bermuda onion))) , and (VP put (NP the whole thing) (PP out (PP of (NP his mind))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Next morning) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP found (NP a note) (PP in (NP the refrigerator))) .)) (TOP (SINV-2 `` (SQ Would (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP mind (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wrapping (NP your onion))))) '' ? ? (VP Said (SINV *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ this note) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The smell) (VP permeates (NP everything)) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Everything) (VP being (NP-PRD (NP the sweater) , (NP a lipstick case) , and (NP (NP a squirt bottle) (PP of (NP Kissin ' Kare pink hand lotion))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The note paper) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 pink) , (ADVP too))) , and (S (NP-SBJ=1 the handwriting) (ADJP-PRD=2 (ADJP small) and (ADJP dainty) and (ADJP utterly feminine))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP supposed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP considering (NP the evidence))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP sharing (NP this refrigerator) (PP with (NP (NP a member) (PP of (NP the Beach Patrol)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP scrawled `` (ADJP Sorry) '' (PP across (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the note))))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) , (PP against (NP his better judgment)) , added : `` (SQ Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP eat)) '')) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP encourage (NP anything) (ADVP-LOC here))))))) ; ; but (S (PP on (NP the other hand)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP swiping (NP his salami)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (NP-TPC-1 Not onions) '' , (VP came (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the answer) (NP-TMP the following day) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Ugh '' .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Must (VP have (ADVP really) (VP smelled (PRT up) (NP her sweater))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP thought (S *T*-1)) , and (VP wondered (ADVP-MNR idly) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 just why) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ the sweater) (ADJP-PRD fast-frozen)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP But then) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP well) (VP knew))) , (NP-SBJ-1 women) (VP are not (VP guided (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP logic) or (NP common sense))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP Vivian)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP take (NP Vivian)) .)) (TOP (S (NP Somebody) (VP had (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) , (SBAR-ADV (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP were (NP-PRD Vivian) (NP-LOC (NP next door) (PP to (NP him)))))) and (SBAR if , (S (PP for (NP some obscure female reason)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP kept (NP her clothes) (PP-LOC in (NP the refrigerator)))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP would not (VP be (ADJP-PRD pink))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP black) or (ADJP white) or (ADJP horse-blanket plaid) , (ADJP chic and splashy , (PP like (NP (NP Vivian) (NP herself))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-2 (NP-SBJ Pink) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Vivian) (ADVP once) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2)))))) , (VP was (PP-PRD for (NP baby girls)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP grown-up girls) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP wore (ADJP pink))))) (VP were (ADVP subconsciously) (VP clinging (PP to (NP their infancy))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ does (NP-SBJ this girl) (VP keep (NP a sweater) (PP-LOC in (NP the refrigerator)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP mused (SBARQ *T*-2) (ADVP aloud)) .)) (TOP (INTJ Eh '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Mrs. Kirby) , (VP making (NP her toilsome way) (PP along (NP the veranda))) , (VP laden (PP with (NP (NP a clattery collection) (PP of (NP mops , brushes , and pails))))))) .)) (TOP `` (SBARQ-CLF (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP that) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP *T*-2))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP nothing) .)) (TOP (ADJP Just glad (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the rain) (VP 's (VP stopped)))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ yes) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP look (PP at (NP that sky))) .)) (TOP (VP Be (NP a scorcher) (PP-TMP by (NP afternoon)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP hope (ADVP so)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP this cold))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP So) (NP-SBJ you) (VP said) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP scrutinized (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ My) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD peaked)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP watch (PRT out) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP get (VP burned (PP to (NP an ash)) , (NP-TMP first sunny day)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP must (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP warn (NP (NP the girl) (ADVP next (PP to (NP you))) (PP-LOC in (NP Larkspur)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That pale kind) (VP 's (NP-PRD the worst)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 That pale kind) , (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP thought (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (NP Hardly an inviting description .)) (TOP (SINV (CONJP But then) , (ADVP neither) (VP was (NP-PRD *?*)) (NP-SBJ peaked) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP hear (NP-1 Mrs. Kirby) (ADVP-TMP now) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP warning (NP her pale guest) (PP against (NP sunburn)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP spoke (PP to (NP (NP the fellow) (NP-LOC next door))) , (ADVP too))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (VP say (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD that peaked kind)) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Surely) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a better word)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP looked (PP in (NP the mirror))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Run-down , iron-poor .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (ADVP more closely)) .)) (TOP (ADJP Frail , feeble -- peaked .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Clearly) , (NP-SBJ (NP two damp days) (PP with (NP the Bobbsey Twins))) (VP had (VP done (NP-BNF him) (NP no good))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sun) , (VP blazing (ADVP hot) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP prophesied (NP *-1))))) ,) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADVP far from) kind (PP to (NP (NP Mrs. Kirby 's) varicolored properties)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP came (PP-DIR up (PP from (NP the beach))) (PP for (NP his four-o'clock pill)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the whole establishment) (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (ADJP gaudy enough) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP seen (PP through (NP mist and fog)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) -RRB-)) (VP looked (PP like (NP (NP a floodlit modern painting) -- (NP (NP (NP great blocks) (PP of (NP dizzy color))) , (VP punctuated (NP *) (PP at (NP regular intervals)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the glaring white) (PP of (NP five community refrigerators))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-TMP This weekend) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP look (ADVP around) (PP for (NP (NP some (ADJP more subdued) retreat) , (PP with (NP (NP Cape roses) , (ADVP maybe) , (PP-LOC at (NP the door)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could not (VP imagine (S (NP-SBJ a flower 's) (VP being (ADJP-PRD brave enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP grow (PP beside (NP (NP Peony) , (NP Larkspur) , and (NP the rest))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The sweater) (VP was (VP gone (PP from (NP the refrigerator))))) , and (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 in (NP its place)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a large plastic bag) , (ADJP full (PP of (NP wet pink clothes))))) .)) (TOP (NP No wonder (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so pale) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wearing (NP all those cold clothes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP got (NP (NP a red pill) and (NP a beer))) and (VP (ADVP-TMP then) , (PP on (NP impulse)) , (VP (VP transferred (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP his salami))) (PP to (NP (NP her side) (PP of (NP the refrigerator))))) and (VP scrawled `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Be (NP-PRD my guest))) '' (PP on (NP the wrapping)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gave (NP him) (NP a good feeling)) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ M-m-m) . (INTJ Thanks)) '' , (VP was (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ her answer) (NP-TMP the next day) .)) (TOP (S (NP The note) (VP (VP was (VP propped (PP against (NP his pill bottles)))) and (VP bore (NP (NP a postscript) : `` (SQ (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD not (ADVP at all) well))) , (SQ are (NP-SBJ you)) '' ? ?)))))) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP this cold)))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG Not (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP any) (PP of (NP her business)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD none (PP of (NP my business))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the next note) , `` but) (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 my Aunt Elsie) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP (NP lemon juice) and (NP honey)) (PP in (NP hot water))) (PP for (NP a cold))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP lived (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD ninety-six))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean)) , (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (ADVP-TMP still) (VP living))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (NP-PRD ninety-six)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP try (NP that) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP have (NP a lemon))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP write (ADVP very small)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP it) (PP on (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP (NP the scrap) (PP of (NP paper)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP the next morning)) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP turned (NP the paper) (PRT over))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SINV-TPC-2 (INTJ Gee) , (ADVP-TPC-1 neither) (VP do (ADVP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ I)) '' . (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP grinned (SINV *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (VP sound (PP like (NP a pale girl)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP sounded (PP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) like (NP a redhead))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP But then) , (NP-SBJ redheads) (VP are (ADVP-TMP often) (ADJP-PRD pale)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stuck (NP his head) (PP in (NP (NP Mrs. Kirby 's) little rental office))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP that redhead) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP me)))) (VP took (NP your advice))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have n't (VP seen (NP her) (PP-LOC on (NP the beach)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP wo n't , (VP *?* (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP looking (PP for (NP a redhead)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 's (VP got (NP browny hair))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP spent (NP that afternoon) (PP-LOC on (NP the beach)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP for (NP (NP a pale , browny-haired girl) (PP in (NP a pink bathing suit))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP pink bathing suits) (PP on (NP blondes))) , and (NP (NP browny-haired girls) (PP in (NP (ADJP red or black or green) bathing suits))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP (NP a sprinkling) (PP of (NP daring bikinis))) and (NP (NP a preponderance) (PP of (NP glorified tank suits))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC Up (PP on (NP a dune))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP a girl) , (PP (ADVP all) by (NP herself)) , (VP (VP sitting (PP on (NP a camp stool)) (PP before (NP an easel))) and (VP absorbed (PP in (NP her painting)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP paid (NP little attention) (PP to (NP her)) (SBAR-PRP (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (NP-PRD a redhead)))) and (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP wearing (UCP (ADJP white) -- (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP those bulky , turtle-neck sweaters)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC On (NP the beach)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP pale girls) and (NP not-so-pale girls))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP (NP them) (NP all)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR up and down))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP (NP two) (NP that morning))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (VP walking -- (PP-DIR (PP up and down (NP Peony)) , (PP up and down (NP the veranda)) , (PP up and down (NP the silent , moonlit beach))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Finally) , (PP in (NP desperation)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP opened (NP the refrigerator)) , (VP filched (NP her hand lotion)) , and (VP left (NP a note))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP this sunburn)))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the note)) , `` and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP used (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP your hand lotion))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hope (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP mind))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP mind))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP answered (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (VP having (NP a miserable time)))) , (SQ are n't (NP-SBJ you) ? ?))) (TOP (S (S-IMP-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Use (NP (NP all the lotion) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (NP *T*-1))))))) , and (S-IMP (PP for (NP (NP goodness ') sake)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP stay (PRT in) (PP out (PP of (NP the sun))) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP days)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP (ADJP very warm) , sympathetic) girl))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP decided (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sympathy) (VP is (NP-PRD a fine quality) (PP in (NP a woman))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ Vivian) , (PP for (NP instance)) , (VP was not (ADJP-PRD too long (PP on (NP sympathy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP felt , and said , (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ sympathy) (ADVP only) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD sorry (PP for (NP themselves))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a tough world))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD tough))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hold (NP your own))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so tough (PP about (NP (NP (NP Vivian 's) world)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP slopping (PP-LOC around (NP Nassau)) (PP with (NP what's-his-name)))))))) .)) (TOP (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ what's-his-name) (VP got (NP a sunburn)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Charlie) (VP could n't (VP see (S (NP-SBJ Vivian) (VP offering (NP any hand lotion))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP might (VP peel (NP him) , (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ (NP the worst) (PP of (NP the agony))) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Charlie) (VP (VP spent (NP the next two days) (PP in (NP his pajama bottoms)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP waiting (PP for (S (NP-SBJ (NP the fire) (PP in (NP his back))) (VP to (VP subside))))))) , and (VP used (NP (NP generous quantities) (PP of (NP the hand lotion))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Correspondence) (VP passed (ADVP back and forth)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ 's (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-1) (NP-SBJ your sunburn) (ADVP-TMP now)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV The only thing) , (S (NP-SBJ this lotion) (VP has (NP glycerin) (PP in (NP it)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP whitens (NP the skin))) , so (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD so anxious (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP a tan)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP may not (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP use (NP it))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD not that anxious))) , but (S (ADVP maybe) (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD so fair) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` That Mrs. Kirby ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP bet (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP you) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD puny)))) , (ADVP too)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ 's (ADVP-MNR-PRD *T*-1) (NP-SBJ your cold)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (VP `` Broiled (PRT out) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did n't (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADJP-PRD puny)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Are (NP-SBJ you) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD puny))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Puny) (VP goes (PP with (ADJP pale and peaked))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP read (NP *T*-1)))))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP shut (PRT up)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP two things) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP Surviving (PP-LOC in (NP the Wilderness))))) , and (NP (NP a book) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-TTL-PRD ' (NP Tom Swift) and (NP His Speedy Canoe) '))))))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ (NP the picture) (PP of (NP Tom Swift))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD pretty sinister))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP Also) (NP the canoe) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a crowd) (PP-LOC in (NP the stands)) (PP for (NP a change)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hot))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The new Riverside pitcher) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP an overhand fast ball) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP took (NP a hop))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP a few innings)) (NP-SBJ the Anniston team) (VP could n't (VP figure (NP him) (PRT out))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (PP in (NP the fifth)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Anniston 's) kid catcher) (VP (VP caught (PP onto (NP a curve))) and (VP smacked (NP the ball) (PP into (NP left center field)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Eddie Lee) , (NP (NP Riverside 's) redheaded playing manager) ,) (VP ran (PP after (NP the ball)))) but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP rolled (PP past (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil Rossoff) (VP cut (PRT over) (PP-DIR to (ADJP center)) (PP-DIR from (NP left field)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP the relay))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP (VP caught (PRT up) (PP with (NP the ball)) (ADVP-LOC near (NP the fence))) and (VP threw (NP it) (PP to (NP Phil)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 (NP Third) ! ! (NP Third base)) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP shouted (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP (VP spun (ADVP around)) and (VP made (NP an accurate throw) (PP into (NP (NP (NP Mike Deegan 's) hands) (PP on (NP third base)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP caught (NP the ball) (SBAR-ADV just as (S (NP-SBJ the catcher) (VP slid (PP into (NP the bag)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the Anniston boy) (VP had (VP begun (NP his slide) (ADVP-TMP too late))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP came (PP into (NP the bag)) (PP with (NP his body)))) and (S (NP-SBJ Mike Deegan) (VP brought (NP the ball) (PRT down) (PP (ADVP full) in (NP his face)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 You bastard) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ The Anniston catcher) (VP screamed (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP jumped (PP to (NP his feet))) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP throw (NP punches)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mike Deegan) (VP (VP tossed (NP his glove) (ADVP away)) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP swing (PP at (NP the catcher))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP brought (PRT in) (NP (NP everybody) (PP from (NP both sides))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the spectators) (VP (VP stood (PRT up)) and (VP added (PP to (NP the uproar))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The fighters) (VP were (VP separated (NP *-1) (PP-TMP in (NP a few minutes)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The game) (VP was (VP resumed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Mike Deegan) (VP was (ADJP-PRD boiling mad) (ADVP-TMP now)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ the inning) (VP was (ADVP-PRD over) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP cursed (NP the Anniston catcher) (PP (NP-ADV all the way) into (NP the dugout))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Phil Rossoff) , (VP coming (PP in (PP from (NP left field)))) ,) (VP stopped (PP-LOC at (NP the water fountain)) (PP for (NP a drink))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike Deegan) (VP was (VP (VP standing (PP-LOC beside (NP it))) , (VP facing (NP the field)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (VP eyeing (NP (NP the Anniston catcher) (VP warming (PRT up) (NP his pitcher) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the inning) (VP began))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Keep (S (NP-SBJ your eyes) (ADJP-PRD open)) , (NP-VOC sonny))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP yelled (S-IMP *T*-1) (PP to (NP the catcher))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (PP-PRD in (PP for (NP trouble)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Anniston catcher) (VP did not (VP reply (PP with (NP words)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP simply) (VP (VP turned (PP to (NP Mike))) and (VP smiled)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (ADVP (ADVP so) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP infuriated (NP Deegan) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP spun (ADVP around)) and (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP that little bastard))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP So) (VP help (NP me)) (NP-SBJ God)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP get (NP him)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil Rossoff) (VP said : `` (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP leave (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD alone)) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Mind (NP your own goddamn business))) '' , (NP-SBJ Mike Deegan) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP shrugged) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stepped (PP into (NP the dugout)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHADVP why) (S (NP-SBJ Deegan) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (VP looking (PP for (NP trouble))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ the answer) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP his eyes))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ Deegan) (VP smiled (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ his eyes) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP fit (PRT in) (PP with (NP his lips))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the last) (PP of (NP the sixth inning)))) (NP-SBJ Mike Deegan) (VP (VP got (PRT up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP bat)))) and (VP hit (NP a fast ball) (PP over (NP (NP the left fielder 's) head)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the fielder) (VP got (NP his hands) (PP on (NP the ball)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) (NP-SBJ Deegan) (VP was (VP (VP rounding (NP third base)) and (VP heading (PP for (NP home))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The left fielder) (VP threw)) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a good one))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP had (NP (NP no chance) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP tagged (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Anniston catcher) (VP was (VP straddling (NP home plate))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Deegan) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))))) (VP was (VP (VP slide) , (VP fall (ADVP away))))) , but (S (ADVP instead) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP rammed (PP into (NP the catcher)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Both) (VP fell (ADVP-MNR heavily) (PP to (NP the ground))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Only Mike) (VP got (PP to (NP his feet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (ADVP back) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP touch (NP home plate))))) , (VP turned) and (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP the dugout)) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (ADVP back)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Anniston players) and (NP their manager)) (VP ran (PP-DIR out (PP on (NP the field)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP poured (NP water) (PP over (NP (NP their catcher 's) face))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not (NP move)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ the manager) (VP called (PP for (NP a doctor))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Riverside physician) (VP came (PRT down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look (PRT over) (NP-PRD the injured ballplayer))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (ADVP-MNR (ADVP quickly) , and (ADVP (NP a little) nervously)) , (NP-SBJ the doctor) (VP ordered (NP-1 (NP a couple) (PP of (NP ballplayers))) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP carry (NP the catcher) (PP-DIR into (NP the dressing room)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mike Deegan) (VP was (VP sitting (PP on (NP the bench)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the ballplayers) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP carry (NP the catcher) (PP-DIR off (NP the field))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ-3 That) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP teach (NP the sonofabitch)))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Phil Rossoff) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seated (NP *) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP Deegan))))) , (VP (VP got (PRT up)) and (VP moved (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the other end) (PP of (NP the bench)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Anniston manager) (VP was (VP coming (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP the Riverside dugout))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP followed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP four) (PP of (NP his men)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (SBAR as if (S (NP-SBJ-2 something) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP happen))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mike) (VP sat (ADVP-MNR quietly) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ the manager) (VP come (ADVP nearer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eddie Lee) (VP moved (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP (NP Mike Deegan 's) side)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP said (NP a word)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Anniston manager) (VP came (PP (ADVP right) up (PP to (NP the dugout))) (PP in (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP Mike))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His face) (VP was (VP flushed (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Deegan) '' , (NP-SBJ the manager) (VP said (NP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ his voice) (VP (VP pitched (ADVP low)) , (VP quivering)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a rotten thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (PP-TPC-1 For (NP (NP God 's) sake)) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 Mike) (VP said (PP *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP waving (NP the manager) (ADVP away)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stop (NP it))) , (SQ will (NP-SBJ you)) ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP-1 your guys) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP block (NP the plate))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP did n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ram (NP him)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (NP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Anniston manager) (VP looked (PP at (NP Eddie Lee))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP cold and calculated) look)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned) and (VP went (ADVP-DIR back) (PP across (NP the field)) (PP-DIR to (NP his dugout)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP called (PRT in) (NP (NP the pitcher) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (VP pitching)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ a big , heavy , (ADJP powerfully built) right hander) (VP moved (PP out (PP to (NP the mound))) (PP for (NP Anniston)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The game) (VP started (ADVP again))) and (S (PP in (NP the eighth inning)) (NP-SBJ-1 Mike Deegan) (VP came (PRT up) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP bat))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Everyone) (PP in (NP the ball park))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP standing and shouting))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The first ball) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the hefty pitcher) (VP threw (NP *T*-1))))) (VP came (PRT in) (PP for (NP (NP Mike 's) head))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Deegan) (VP fell (PP into (NP the dirt)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ the ball) (VP going (PP over (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP arose (ADVP-MNR slowly)) and (VP brushed (NP himself) (PRT off))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP got (PP (ADVP back) into (NP (NP the batter 's) box))) and (VP (PP on (NP the next pitch)) dropped (PP into (NP the dirt)) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hit (NP the bum))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ Somebody) (VP yelled (S-IMP *T*-1) (PP from (NP the Anniston bench))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP the Riverside dugout)) (NP-SBJ (NP Frankie Ricco) , (NP shortstop) ,) (VP whispered (PP into (NP (NP Phil 's) ear)) : `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 There) (VP 's (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP be (NP-PRD a fight)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP at (NP those bastards)))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ (NP Charlie Haydon) , (NP a pitcher) ,) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (VP looking (PP for (NP trouble)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP was (ADJP-PRD slow (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (PP into (NP the box))))) (NP-TMP this time)) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP finally) (VP did (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP duck (NP his head) (ADVP quickly) (ADVP away)))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the pitch) (VP came (PRT in))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen)) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ He) (VP shouted (S-IMP *T*-1) (PP to (NP the pitcher))) .)) (TOP (UCP `` (NP One more) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP coming (ADVP-DIR out there)))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP be (VP waiting)))) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ The pitcher) (VP yelled (S *T*-1) (ADVP back)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike Deegan) (VP pounded (NP the rubber plate) (PP with (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP his bat))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stood (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD flat-footed) (PP in (NP the box))) , but (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-LOC-PRD not very close (PP to (NP the plate))) (ADVP-TMP now)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The pitcher) (VP wound (PRT up))) and (S (NP-SBJ the ball) (VP came (PRT in) (ADVP straight (PP for (NP (NP Mike 's) head))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Deegan) (VP (VP dropped) , (VP got (PRT up)) , (VP turned) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP holding (NP the bat) (PP with (NP both hands)) (PP up (PP against (NP his chest))))) , began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP walk (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP-DIR out (PP to (NP the mound)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The pitcher) (VP (VP tossed (NP his glove) (ADVP away)) and (VP came (PP-DIR towards (NP Mike Deegan)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were both (VP walking (PP-DIR towards (NP each other)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD unhurried)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Riverside and Anniston players) (VP rushed (PP-DIR out (PP on (NP the field)))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (PP-TMP In (NP the next moment)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (SBAR 0 (S *T*-2))) , (NP-SBJ the infield) (VP was (ADJP-PRD crowded (PP with (NP (NP spectators) , (NP ballplayers) , (NP cops) , (NP kids) and (NP a dog))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD much (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP shouting and screaming)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 Fights) (VP (VP sprang (PRT up)) and (VP were (ADVP quickly) (VP squelched (NP *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Mike) and (NP the Anniston pitcher)) (VP were (VP pulled (NP *-1) (ADVP away) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP even) (VP came (ADVP together)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Phil Rossoff) and (NP two other Riverside players)) (VP did not (VP go (PP-DIR out (PP on (NP the field))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the fighting) (VP started (ADVP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP the game)) , (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP was (VP taking (PRT off) (NP his sweatshirt) (PP-LOC in (NP the dressing room)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Mike Deegan) (VP came (PRT in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD a helluva thing) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mike) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP looking (PP at (NP Phil))))))) , `` (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP a guy 's) own team-mate) (VP wo n't (VP (VP come (ADVP-DIR out)) and (VP help (NP him) (PP in (NP a fight))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP (VP sighed) and (VP pulled (NP the wet sweatshirt) (PP over (NP his head)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Frankie Ricco) (VP sat (PP down (PP on (NP the bench))) (ADVP-LOC near (NP Phil))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other players) (VP were (VP undressing (ADVP-MNR quietly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eddie Lee) (VP had not (VP come (ADVP-DIR in) (ADVP-TMP yet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR over (PP to (NP Phil)))) and (VP stood (PP over (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-2 (WHADVP Why) (NP the hell)) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP come (ADVP-DIR out) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ them) (VP gang (PRT up) (PP on (NP me)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD necessary)))))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Well ! !)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD just fine)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP did n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD necessary)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP placed (NP both his hands) (PP on (NP his hips))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP pushed (NP his jaw) (ADVP forward)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen) , (NP-VOC wise guy) ,) (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP do (NP all the fighting) (PP for (NP this ball club)))))))))))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD crazy))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mike) (VP had (NP (NP a good two inches) (PP over (NP Phil))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Phil) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP up (PP into (NP (NP Mike 's) face)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP ask (NP-1 you) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fight (PP for (NP the ball club)))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR slowly))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP Nobody) (ADVP else)) (VP did , (ADVP either)) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP started (NP the fight)))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm not (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP anything)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP (VP turned (ADVP away)) and (VP opened (NP his locker)))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ Mike Deegan) (VP say : `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD yellow) , (NP-VOC Rossoff))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP (VP banged (NP-1 his locker door) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD shut))) and (VP spun (ADVP around))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ anything) (VP could (VP happen)))) (S (NP-SBJ Frankie Ricco) (VP was (PP-PRD between (NP them)))) and (S (NP-SBJ Eddie Lee) (VP had (VP come (PP-DIR into (NP the dressing room))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-VOC Phil) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP come (PP into (NP my office)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP (VP followed (NP Eddie) (PP into (NP the office))) and (VP shut (NP the door))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sat (PRT down) (PP-LOC before (NP (NP Eddie 's) desk))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP doing (NP-BNF you) (NP a favor)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quickly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP get (NP your unconditional release) (PP as (PP of (NP today)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Phil 's) eyes) (VP widened (NP-ADV just a trifle)) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ The best thing (PP for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP do))))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (NP home)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP belong (PP in (NP professional baseball)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Phil) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP clear (NP his throat))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ this) (PP-PRP because of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened (ADVP-LOC out there))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 No) '' , (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ it) (VP does (VP confirm (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP suspected (NP *T*-1) (ADVP all along))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP stood (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Listen) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD the second time)) . '')) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Sit (ADVP down))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP sit (ADVP down)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP saying (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD yellow)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP saying (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're not (NP-PRD a professional ballplayer)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eddie Lee) (VP leaned (ADVP forward) (PP over (NP the desk))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP listen (PP to (NP me)) , (NP-VOC Phil)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP steering (NP you) (ADVP wrong))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP have n't (VP got (NP (NP the heart) (PP for (NP baseball))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP shook (NP his head))) and (S (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP frowned)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ his voice) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD hard)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 (WHNP What) (NP the hell)) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ baseball) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're not (PP-PRD in (NP the big leagues)))) , but (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP give and take (ADVP-LOC down here))))) (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP what) (NP the hell)) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 'll (VP be (PP-PRD like (NP *T*-1) (NP T)) (ADVP-LOC up there))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Phil) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP something)))))) but (S (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP cut (NP him) (ADVP short))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (INTJ Now) (NP-SBJ *) (VP do n't (VP tell (NP me) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what a good ball player) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP got (NP talent)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have n't (VP got (NP *T*-1)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the heart) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP back (PRT up) (NP that talent) (PP with (NP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP The heart) , (NP-VOC Phil) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP just) (VP have n't (VP got (NP (NP the heart) (PP for (NP pro-ball)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD it))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Dazed)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Phil) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP get (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (NP My batting average '')) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP (VP stood (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR abruptly)) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) sat (ADVP down) (ADVP-MNR just as abruptly))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What difference) (SQ does (NP-SBJ your batting average) (VP make (NP *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG Or (NP your fielding average) .)) (TOP (FRAG Or (NP (NP even the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP run (NP bases) (ADVP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you) (SBAR 0 (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD necessary) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP hurt))) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP win))))))) -- (NP-SBJ you) (VP wo n't (VP do (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mean (NP *T*-1) (PP by (NP (NP no heart) (PP for (NP the game)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Baseball) (VP 's (NP-PRD no cinch)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Deegan) (VP had (NP (NP no business) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP ramming (PP into (NP that kid)) (ADVP-LOC out there))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did (NP it) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knows (SBAR 0 (S (PP for (NP (NP each guy) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP puts (NP *T*-2) (PP out (PP of (NP commission)))))))) (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP one less) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP take (NP his job) (ADVP away) (ADVP-TMP later on))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 (WHNP What) (NP the hell)) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ baseball) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP A sport ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a way) (PP of (NP life))) , (INTJ goddamit)) ! !)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP cut (PP to (NP ribbons)) (NP (NP anybody) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP take (NP (NP your way) (PP of (NP life))) (ADVP away) (PP from (NP you)))))))))))))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD wrong)) ! !) (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD only his opinion)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP were (NP-PRD other clubs) (PP in (NP this league))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP stood (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR slowly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) pale and shaky)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His lips) (VP felt (VP glued (ADVP together))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD wrong)))) , (NP-VOC Eddie))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP finally)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Okay .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP get (NP your pay) (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Phil) (VP (VP turned) and (VP left (NP the room)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hearing (S (NP-SBJ Eddie) (VP say : `` (S (ADVP-TMP Someday) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP see (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD right)))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP shut (NP the door) (PP behind (NP him))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Outside (PP in (NP the dressing room))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Frankie Ricco) (VP sat (PP-LOC on (NP the bench)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP dressed (PP in (NP his street clothes))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBARQ-TPC-2 (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP happened))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ Frankie) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (NP my release))) '') .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ You) (ADJP-PRD crazy) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP shrugged) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (WHNP What) (PP for) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP sighed) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Frankie) (VP shook (NP his head)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP get (NP it))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP know))) '' , (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD silent) (PP-TMP for (NP a few moments))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ Frankie) (VP said : `` (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP na (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Phil) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP his clothes) (PRT off)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ Frankie) (VP sat (PP down (PP on (NP the bench))) (ADVP again))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP (VP took (PRT off) (NP one shoe)) and (VP stared (PP at (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP take (NP it) (PP like (NP this))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Frankie) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Hell) , (NP-SBJ (NP plenty) (PP of (NP guys))) (VP (VP get (VP let (PRT out))) and (VP come (ADVP back) (ADVP-TMP later))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The leagues) (VP are (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP (NP guys) (PP like (NP that)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very quiet)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-2 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP gon (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP na (VP do (NP *T*-2)))) , (NP-VOC Phil))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP did not (VP answer)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) not (VP try (NP another club) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP looked (PRT up)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-1 What (NP the hell) right) (SQ did (NP-SBJ-2 Eddie) (VP have (NP *T*-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP saying (NP (NP a thing) (PP like (NP that))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Springfield) (VP 's (ADVP-PRD in) (NP-TMP tomorrow))) '' , (NP-SBJ Frankie) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Talk (PP to (NP Whitey Jackson))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (ADVP just) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP talking (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP saying (NP (NP a thing) (PP like (NP that))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP it) , (NP-VOC Phil)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (VP `` Do (WHNP what) '' ? ?)) (TOP (VP `` Ask (NP Whitey) (PP for (NP a job)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Sure) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Springfield) (VP come (ADVP-DIR in) (NP-TMP tomorrow)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Frankie) (VP nodded) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP speak (PP to (NP Whitey)))) '' .)) (TOP (INTJ `` Atta boy '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP talk (PP to (NP him)) , (ADVP all right))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP worry))) '' , (NP-SBJ Frankie) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 'll (VP get (NP a job) (ADVP-LOC there))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP needs (NP outfielders) (ADVP bad)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP worried (PP about (NP it))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 What else) (SQ did (NP-SBJ-1 Eddie) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-2)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Nothing) '' , (NP-SBJ Phil) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Richard 's) next interest) (VP seemed (NP-PRD (NP the product) (PP of (NP his insularity)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His broad reading) (VP took (NP him) (PP into (NP (NP certain by-ways) (PP of (NP religion)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the subject) (PP of (NP religion))) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP fascinate (NP him)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD twelve) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP took (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP reading (NP (NP St. Augustine) and (NP Aquinas) , (ADVP then) (NP Lao-tse) , (NP Confucius) , (NP Mencius) , (NP Suzuki) , (NP (NP Hindu tomes) (PP by (NP endless Krishnaists))) and (NP numerous socio-archaeological papers)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP his birthday)) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP had (VP (VP seen (NP them) (PP-LOC in (NP a store))) and (VP asked (PP for (NP them))))))) , (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP bought (NP-BNF him) (NP (NP the Zend-Avesta) and (NP (NP a little image) (PP of (NP (NP the Indian god) , (NP Acala)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-TMP one day) , (PP on (NP her own)) , (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP came (ADVP-DIR home) (PP with (NP (NP a present) (VP entitled (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-TTL (NP The Book) (PP of (NP the Dead))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP suspected (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP would (VP enjoy (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD enormously happy (PP with (NP her gift)))) and (VP smiled) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) went (PP-DIR to (NP his room)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP read))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP dinner)) (NP-TMP (NP one night) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD fourteen) (ADVP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP announced , `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD only one god))) '') .)) (TOP (SINV `` (SQ-TPC-1 Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD two)))))) '' ? ? (VP Grinned (SQ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ his father) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP understand))) '' , (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR gloomily)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Through (NP quiet laughter)) (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP said , `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP speak (PP to (NP your father)) (PP like (NP that)) , (NP-VOC Richard)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Richard) (ADVP seldom) (VP spoke (ADVP anyhow))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP speak (PP to (NP his parents)) (PP about (NP religion)) (ADVP again)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP His interest) (PP in (NP (NP the formal study) (PP of (NP religion))))) (VP waned (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD sixteen) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP substituted (PP for (NP it)) (NP (NP an interest) (PP in (NP Asian affairs))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP did n't (VP speak (PP to (NP anyone)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP grew (ADVP fond (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying , `` (S (NP-SBJ The future) (VP lies (PP-LOC in (NP Asia)))) '' , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the opportunity) (VP arose (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP graduated (PP from (NP high school)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ his parents) (VP sent (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP New York)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP give (NP him) (NP (NP a foundation) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP said)) ,) (PP for (NP (NP his life) (PP in (NP Asian studies)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD a solitary student) (PP-LOC in (NP New York))) and (VP acquired , (PP in (NP his remoteness)) , (NP (NP a (ADJP thorough if bookish) knowledge) (PP of (NP Asian lore , literature , life , politics and history))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP awarded (NP *-1) (NP a fellowship) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP continue (NP his studies) (PP-LOC in (NP Tokyo)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP packed (PRT up) (NP (NP his clothes) , (NP (NP the biwa) (SBAR (WHPP-2 upon (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP practicing (PP *T*-2))))))) and (NP (NP his image) (PP of (NP Acala))))) , and (VP left (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP spend (NP a week) (PP-LOC at (NP home)) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leaving (NP the country)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The week) (PP-LOC at (NP home))) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD comfortable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His mother) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP seen (NP (NP little) (PP of (NP him))) (PP-TMP for (NP four years)))))) ,) (VP appeared (ADJP-PRD worried (PP about (NP his (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sailing (PRT off) (PP by (NP himself)) (PP for (NP (NP an Orient) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP she) (NP herself)) (VP having (NP (NP slight knowledge) (PP of (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-3) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP distrusted (NP *-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 She) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP work (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP grow (ADJP-PRD close (PP to (NP her son))))))))) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the few days) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP spent (NP *T*-4) (PP-LOC at (NP home))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-5 *) (VP (VP talking (PP to (NP him)) (PP about (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP more pleasant) moments) (PP of (NP his childhood))))))) (CONJP and then) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP him)) (PP about (NP (NP those things) (SBAR (WHPP-1 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP he) (ADJP alone)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD interested (PP *T*-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Do (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP have (NP-TTL (NP The Book) (PP of (NP the Dead))))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ She) (VP asked (NP him) (SQ *T*-1)) and , (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP laughing)) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP added , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD nervous (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP buying (NP (NP a book) (PP with (NP (NP a title) (PP like (NP that))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'd (VP like (NP it)))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP lied (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shorten (NP the conversation)))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP have (NP it)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP was (ADVP-TMP no longer) (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP relax (PP in (NP (NP the presence) (PP of (NP his parents))))))))) and (VP found (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (ADJP-PRD difficult) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (PRT up) (NP (NP (NP a conversation) (PP with (NP his mother or father)))) , (ADVP no matter (NP the subject)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As for (NP-TTL (NP The Book) (PP of (NP the Dead)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP it) (PP along (PP with (NP (NP his other books) (PP on (NP religion)))))) (VP had (VP been (VP incarcerated (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a furnace) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the basement) (PP of (NP (NP the building) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP lived (PP *T*-2) (PP-LOC in (NP New York))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP (VP dusted (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP the books))) (ADVP-MNR carefully)) and (VP carried (NP (NP them) (NP all)) (PP-DIR to (NP the basement))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP trembling (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP open (NP the big furnace))))))))) , given (NP them) (PRT up) (PP to (NP the flames))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP sped (PP-DIR from (NP the dark basement))) and (VP returned (PP-DIR to (NP his room))) and (VP cried)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP left (NP America) (PP with (NP (NP his clothes) , (NP his biwa) and (NP (NP his image) (PP of (NP Acala))))))) and , (S (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the freighter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP took (NP him) (PP-DIR to (NP Japan))))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP plucked (PP at (NP the biwa)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sounds) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrought (NP *T*-2))))) (VP resemble (NP (NP an ancient Japanese tune) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP heard (NP *T*-3))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP his second week) (PP at (NP sea)))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP brought (NP the curious melody) (PP out (PP of (NP the instrument)))) and (VP (ADVP suddenly) wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP force (S (NP-SBJ the biwa) (VP to (VP remain (PP at (NP (NP just that moment) (PP in (NP its history)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had (VP given (NP him) (NP pleasure) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stole (PP-DIR from (NP his cabin)) (NP-TMP (ADVP late) that night)) and (VP crept (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-DIR into (NP a gusty North Pacific wind))) and (VP dropped (NP the biwa) (PP into (NP the water)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so dark) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP see (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP hit (NP the water)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the noisy rush) (PP of (NP the ocean))) (VP kept (NP him) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hearing (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (SBAR-ADV-PRD as though (S (NP-SBJ-1 the biwa) (VP had (VP been (VP eaten (NP *-1) (PRT up) (PP by (NP-LGS the wind)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP Tokyo)) (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP took (PRT up) (NP (NP a life) (ADJP similar (PP to (NP (NP that) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP lived (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP New York)))))))))) , (PP except (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP replaced (NP his biwa) (PP with (NP a friend)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP An American student) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Charlotte Adams)))) (VP (VP had (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP notice) (PP of (NP (NP his evident aversion) (PP to (NP people))))))))) and (VP had (PP-TMP at (ADJP last)) (VP succeeded (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP talk (PP to (NP her))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (NP (NP nothing much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP her))))))))) but (S (SBAR-SBJ-2 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP anything)))) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP please (NP her)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP accompanied (NP her) (PP on (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP her (ADJP unusually searching) tours) (PP of (NP Tokyo)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP Charlotte)) , (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP saw (NP (NP (NP a frankness) and (NP (NP a zest) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (NP things)))))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (PP after (NP a fashion)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP envied (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP time)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP grew (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP depend (PP upon (NP her occasional company))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ she) (PP at (NP length)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP encourage (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP participate (PP in (NP more social activity))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP convinced (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a member) (PP of (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP the small tea-drinking parties) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP held (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC at (NP her rooms)))))))))))))))))) and (S (PP-TMP in (NP the end)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP complied (PP with (NP her wishes)) , (SBAR-ADV although (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP-PRD only rarely) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP added (NP anything) (PP to (NP the random conversations)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP one such gathering)) (NP-SBJ Charlotte) (VP announced , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP Ryusenji)) (NP-TMP today)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Have (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP been (PP-DIR-PRD to (NP Ryusenji))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP had (VP *?*)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP Fudomae)))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a tan young man) , (ADJP quite naked) , (VP taking (NP a shower) (PP-LOC in (NP the pool)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (ADVP thoroughly) (VP startled (NP *-1))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD (NP a (ADJP more promising) remark) (PP than (NP (NP any) (VP made (NP *) (PP-TMP during (NP the last conversation))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Charlotte 's) manner) (PP-TMP during (NP the gatherings))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more flippant and superficial) (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD alone) (PP with (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ her remark) (VP would (VP lead (PP to (NP (NP nothing) (ADJP much better (PP than (NP (NP the pointless words) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP preceded (NP it))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Three) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the four persons) (ADJP present)) , (NP (NP all foreign students) (PP-LOC in (NP Tokyo))) ,))) (VP had (VP been (VP playing (NP (NP a game) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP judging (NP popular Japanese foods) (PP by (NP (NP the In and Out system) , (NP (NP an equation) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Zen philosophy) (VP was (VP used (NP *-1) (PP *T*-2) (PP as (NP the modifier)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Soba , udon and tea) (VP were (ADVP-PRD In) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP could (VP be (VP taken (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR noisily))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Sushi) (VP was (ADVP-PRD Out) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD pretentious))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ Sashimi) (VP was (ADVP-PRD In) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Samuel Burns) (VP had (VP suggested (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) ,) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-PRD (ADVP (ADVP too far) Out)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stay (ADVP-PRD Out)))) , (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) pretentious)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP had (VP kept (NP his eyes) (PRT down) (PP throughout (NP the game)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP the very sound) (PP of (NP the chatter))) (ADJP-PRD nearly painful (PP to (NP his ears)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was n't (NP-ADV the least bit) (VP disturbed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS my (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP watching (NP him)))))))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Charlotte) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (SQ-TPC-1 Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP watch (NP him))) '' ? ? (VP Asked (SQ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP a red-haired girl) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Ceecee Witter)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP should n't (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP that)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Well) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP it))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Charlotte) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP no sign) (PP of (NP irritation))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP-TMP For (NP a minute)) , (ADVP anyhow) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD surprised (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP has (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PUT there) (NP-TMP (NP a number) (PP of (NP times))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-VOC Sam) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP knew (NP (NP everything) (PP about (NP Tokyo))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP been (PP-DIR-PRD to (NP Ryusenji)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP heard (PP about (NP it))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Samuel Burns) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a little place) (ADVP-LOC there) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Lovers Mound))) (VP dedicated (NP *) (PP to (NP Gompachi and Komurasaki))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Yes) , (NP a little parkish place)) '' , (NP-SBJ Charlotte) (VP (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) , and (VP concluded , `` (S (ADVP Anyhow) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's all (ADJP-PRD very nice))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP brought (NP sweet potatoes) (PP-DIR into (NP Kanto)))))) (VP is (VP buried (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC there) , (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP (NP a beautiful seated statue) (PP of (NP Fudo))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tell (NP you) (NP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD the interesting part) , (NP-VOC Richard))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP a bothersome habit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pull (NP him) (PP into (NP the talking))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD that fellow) (ADVP-LOC out there) (PP in (NP the bitter cold)))) '' -- `` (SINV (S-TPC-1 (INTJ My God) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD cold) (NP-TMP today))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Samuel Burns)) .)) (TOP (NP `` (NP Twenty-two) or (NP twenty-three) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S And (S (NP-SBJ the water) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD still colder))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ-1 Ceecee) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shiver))) (PP at (NP (NP the thought) (PP of (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` And (NP-SBJ your golden god) '' , (PRN (SINV (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Samuel Burns))) , `` (ADVP probably) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR right home)) and (VP poured (NP himself) (PP into (NP a boiling bath)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP kill (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP us))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` But (NP-SBJ the point) (VP is '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Charlotte) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (SBAR 0 (S (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 there) (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD freezing , naked) (PP in (NP (NP a little stream) (PP of (NP water)))) (PP-LOC at (NP Ryusenji))) , (PP (ADVP all) in (NP (NP worship) (PP of (NP (NP Fudo) , (NP (NP the god) (PP of (NP fire))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Richard 's) dark eyes)) (VP (VP came (PRT up)) and (VP seemed (PP-TMP for (NP the tiniest moment)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP reflect (NP sharp light)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD true))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Fudo) , (NP (NP the god) (PP of (NP wisdom))) ,) (VP was (ADVP also) (VP thought (PP of (NP *-1)) (PP as (NP (NP the Japanese version) (PP of (NP Acala))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The conversation) (VP went (PRT on))) but (S (NP-SBJ-1 Richard) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP listening)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ-1 himself) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remember (NP something)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP decide (NP (NP even the nature) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP what) (SBAR *ICH*-5)) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2) (SBAR-5 (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP worked (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP recall (NP *T*-4)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP almost) (VP given (PRT up) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the dropping) (PP of (NP his biwa)) (PP into (NP (NP the icy jowls) (PP of (NP the black Pacific))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the memory) (SBAR (WHPP-1 for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP searching (PP *T*-1)))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ he) (VP sensed (NP (NP some connection) (PP between (NP (NP (NP the incident) (PP on (NP the freighter))) and (NP (NP the ascetic) (PP at (NP Ryusenji)))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unable (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP it) (ADVP together))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP That night) , (PP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP leaving (NP (NP Charlotte 's) apartment)))) , (NP-SBJ Richard) (VP walked (ADVP about) (PP-TMP for (NP a time)) (PP-TMP before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP returning (PP-DIR to (NP his room)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (PP-TMP at (ADJP last)) (VP did (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP his room)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP (VP could n't (VP sleep)) and (VP (ADVP instead) paced (ADVP-DIR up and down) (PP before (NP (NP his little image) (PP of (NP Acala)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP thinking (PP (ADVP-TMP first) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Charlotte 's) tale) (PP of (NP (NP the man) (PP-LOC at (NP Ryusenji)))))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (PP of (NP (NP his biwa) and (NP the invisible Pacific waters)))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-TMP the next morning) , (ADJP not sure (PP of (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP took (NP the train) (PP-DIR to (NP Fudomae))) and (VP walked (PP-DIR to (NP Ryusenji)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP surprised (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the sharp sensation) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP experienced (NP *T*-3) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP approached (NP (NP the pool) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ Charlotte) (VP had (VP mentioned (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR through (NP a gate)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stand (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the edge) (PP of (NP the water)))))))) and (VP gazed (PP at (NP (NP the two thin falls) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP dropped (PP from (NP (NP large spigots) (ADVP high (PP at (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP the pool)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-TPC-2 (PP On (NP the hillside)) (ADVP above)) was (VP caged (PP-LOC *T*-2)) (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP an incarnation) (PP of (NP Fudo))) , or (ADVP perhaps) (NP a demon))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The strange creature) , (VP housed (NP *) (PP in (NP wire))) ,) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP shudder))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sensation) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (ADVP so overwhelmingly) realized (NP *T*-4))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP one) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP told (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (ADVP-TMP before))))))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had not (VP *?*))))) , and (VP could not (VP recall (S (NP-SBJ (NP any place) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP visited (NP *T*-3)))))) (VP to (VP be (VP likened (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP the limpid green water) or (NP the little fountain-falls) or (NP (NP the green demon) (VP imprisoned (NP *) (PP beyond (NP his reach)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP left (NP the pool)) and (VP climbed (NP the steep stone stairs) (PP-DIR to (NP the temple))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the sense) (PP of (NP (NP familiarity) (PP with (NP the place))))) (VP would not (VP leave (NP him)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (PP Into (NP (NP a little well) (PP before (NP the temple)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP dropped (NP a hundred-yen coin))) (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP an urge (S (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP sound (NP-PRD (NP the bell) (PP before (NP the temple))))) , (VP to (VP (VP take (NP hold) (PP of (NP the rope))) and (VP crash (NP it) (PP against (NP (NP the circle) (PP of (NP bronze)))))))))))))) ; ; but (S-3 (NP-SBJ (NP the spirit) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wished (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (NP *T*-2) (PRT out)))))))) (VP would not (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) ,) (VP come (PP in (NP (NP the person) (PP of (NP the temple priest))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Instead) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP walked (PP around (NP the temple))) and (VP mounted (NP (NP still another flight) (PP of (NP stairs)))) and (VP stood (PP-LOC before (NP (NP the seated Fudo) (PP at (NP their head)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 The black Fudo) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP stare (ADVP-MNR rigidly) (ADVP back) (PP at (NP him))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Richard 's) eyes) (VP were (VP caught (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the Fudo 's)) (PP in (NP fascination))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ-2 Richard) (VP was (VP shocked (NP *-2) (SBAR-ADV as , (S (PP (ADVP all) at (NP once)) , (NP-SBJ flames) (VP shot (PRT out) (PP from (NP (NP the sharp features) (PP of (NP (NP Fudo 's) face))))) and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a terrible metallic scraping sound) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ the large statue) (VP were (ADJP-PRD about (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP burst (PP from (NP (NP some pressure) (PP within (NP it)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (S (NP-SBJ the flames) (VP were (VP gone))) , (S (NP-SBJ the stillness) (VP fell (PP upon (NP the severe black face)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Richard) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP tremble (ADVP-MNR violently)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP emptied (NP (NP his pockets) (PP of (NP all his coins)))) and (VP dropped (NP them) (PP into (NP (NP the box) (PP-LOC before (NP the seated Fudo))))) and (VP hurried (PP-DIR (PP (ADVP back) down (NP both stairways)) and (PP (ADVP away) from (NP the temple)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP looking (ADVP back)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP walked (NP-EXT all the miles) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP his room))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP picked (PRT up) (NP a virus) (NP-TMP that day))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-TMP the next morning) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP had (NP a small cough)) and (VP felt (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a bit) hot)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP stayed (ADVP-LOC home) , (S-ADV (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP (VP reading) and (VP refusing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP think (PP about (NP (NP his frightening experience) (PP-LOC at (NP Ryusenji)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ (NP the process) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP refusing (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (PP about (NP it))))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD an active reminder) (PP in (NP itself)))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP rid (NP himself) (PP of (NP (NP a consciousness) (PP of (NP it)))) (PP-TMP throughout (NP the day))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The cold) (VP lingered , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ sleep) (ADJP-PRD difficult)) (NP-TMP that night))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP remained (PP-LOC in (NP bed)) (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-TMP the next morning) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD now unable (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP thinking (PP about (NP (NP (NP the inexplicable sight) (PP of (NP burning metal))) , (NP the wretched sound) , (NP (NP the unbearable feeling) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP been (PP-DIR-PRD to (NP a remote Tokyo temple)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP some earlier time) (PP in (NP his life))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (PP of (NP (NP the elements) (PP of (NP the experience))))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD impossible))) (CONJP and yet) (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the reality) (PP of (NP them))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD heavy) (PP upon (NP him)))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP resolved (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-TMP never again) (VP to (VP visit (NP (NP the temple) (PP-LOC at (NP Fudomae))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP thinking (PP (PP of (NP the heat)) and (PP of (NP water))) (NP-TMP (NP that morning) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP plowing (NP the stubble field) (PP-LOC (ADVP far) across (NP the hill) (PP from (NP the farm buildings)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (VP grown (ADJP-PRD hot) (ADVP-TMP early) (NP-TMP that day)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the boy) , (NP (NP my brother 's) son) ,) (VP would (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP come (PP-DIR across (NP (NP the broad black area) (PP of (NP plowed ground)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP carrying (NP (NP the jar) (PP of (NP cool water))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (ADVP usually) (VP was (VP sent (PRT out) (PP-TMP at (NP about that time)) (PP with (NP the water))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP dragged (NP (NP an old snow-fence lath) or (NP a stick)) (ADVP along) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP play (PP with)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP pretended (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the lath) (VP was (NP-PRD a tractor)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP (VP drag (NP it) (PP through (NP the dirt))) and (VP make (NP buzzing , tractor sounds) (PP with (NP his lips)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP almost) (VP ran (PRT over) (NP the snake) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP stop (NP the tractor) (PP in (NP time))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP turned (PP at (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP the field))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (ADVP back)))) (S-PRP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP to (VP raise (NP the plow))) (CONJP and then) (VP to (VP drop (NP it) (ADVP again) (PP into (NP the earth))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP thinking (PP of (NP (NP the boy) and (NP the water))) (ADVP anyway)))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (ADVP again) (PP down (NP the furrow)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ the snake) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP lay (ADVP half (PP in (NP the furrow)) and (ADVP half out)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the front wheels) (VP had (VP rolled (ADVP nearly) (PP up (PP to (NP it))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (PRT in) (NP the clutch) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The tractor) (VP was (ADVP-MNR heavily) (VP loaded (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the weight) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ the plow) (VP turning (NP the earth))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the tractor) (VP stopped (ADVP instantly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The snake) (VP (VP slid (UCP-MNR (ADVP slowly) and (PP with (NP great care))) (PP-DIR from (NP (NP the new ridge) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the plow) (VP had (VP made (NP *T*-1))))))) , (PP-DIR into (NP the furrow))) and (VP did not (VP go (ADVP-DIR any further)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP liked (NP snakes) (NP-ADV much)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP had (NP (NP that kind) (PP of (NP (NP quick panic) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP had (NP *T*-1) (PP as (NP a child)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP one) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ this snake) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP clean) and (ADJP bright) and (ADJP very beautiful)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD multi-colored and graceful))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP lay (PP-LOC in (NP the furrow))) and (VP moved (NP his arched and tapered head) (ADVP only so slightly)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Go (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP the furrow))) , (NP-VOC snake)) ,) (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP did not (VP move (ADVP at all)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP pulled (NP (NP the throttle) (PP of (NP the tractor))) (ADVP in and out) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP hoping (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP frighten (NP him) (PP with (NP the noise))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the snake) (ADVP only) (VP (VP flicked (NP its black , forked tongue)) and (VP faced (NP the huge tractor wheel) , (PP without (NP fright or concern))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the engine) (VP idle (ADVP-TMP then))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP got (PRT down)) and (VP went (PP around (NP the wheel))) and (VP stood (PP beside (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My movement) (VP did (VP frighten (NP the snake)))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP (VP raised (NP its head)) and (VP trailed (ADVP-MNR delicately) (NP-EXT (NP a couple) (PP of (NP feet)))) and (VP stopped (ADVP again)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ its tongue) (VP was (VP working (ADVP-MNR very rapidly)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP followed (NP it) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP at (NP (NP (NP the brilliant colors) (PP on (NP its tubular back))) , (NP (NP the colors) (ADJP clear and sharp and perfect) , (PP in (NP (NP (ADJP orange and green and brown) diamonds) (NP (NP the size) (PP of (NP (NP a baby 's) fist))) (PP down (NP its back))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 the diamonds) (VP were (VP (VP set (NP *-2) (NP (NP one) (PP within (NP the other)))) and (VP interlaced (PP with (NP glistening jet-black)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The colors) (VP were (ADJP-PRD astonishing , clear and bright))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR-ADV-PRD as if (S (NP-SBJ the body) (VP held (NP (NP a fire) (PP of (NP its own)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the colors) (VP came (PP through (NP that transparent flesh and skin)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD vivid and alive and warm)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD clear and black))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 the slender body) (VP was (VP arched (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR slightly)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His (ADJP (ADJP flat) and (ADJP gracefully tapered)) head) (VP lifted (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (PP at (NP him))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ the black tongue) (VP slipped (PP in and out (PP of (NP that solemn mouth))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-VOC-TPC-1 You beauty) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP-VOC *T*-1))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP kill (NP you)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (ADJP-PRD much too beautiful)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP killed (NP snakes) (ADVP-TMP before) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD younger) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP no animal) (PP like (NP this one)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unthinkable) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP an animal) (ADJP such (PP as (NP that)))) (VP should (VP die)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP picked (NP him) (PRT up))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the length) (PP of (NP him))) (VP arched (ADVP-MNR (ADVP very carefully and gracefully) and (ADVP (NP only a little) wildly)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP feel (NP-PRD (NP the coolness) (PP of (NP (NP that radiant , fire-colored body) , (PP like (NP splendid ice)) ,)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP eaten (ADVP only recently) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP two (ADJP whole and solid) little lumps) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP (NP the forepart) (PP of (NP him)))) , (SBAR-1 like (S (NP-SBJ (NP-2 fieldmice) (VP swallowed (NP *) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD whole)))) (VP might (VP make))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The body) (VP caressed (PP through (NP my hands)) (PP like (NP cool satin)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP my hands) , (ADJP usually tanned and dark) ,) (VP were (ADJP-PRD pale) (PP beside (NP it)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP it) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ the fire colors) (VP could (VP come (PP from (NP (NP the coolness) (PP of (NP that body)))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP lowered (NP him) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would not (VP fall)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ his body) (VP slid (PP out (PP onto (NP the cool , newly-plowed earth))) , (PP from (PP between (NP my pale hands))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The snake) (VP worked (ADVP away) (UCP-MNR (ADVP very slowly and delicately) and (PP with (NP (NP a gorgeous kind) (PP of (NP dignity and beauty))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP carried (NP his head) (PP (NP-ADV a little) above (NP the rolled clods)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sharp , burning colors) (PP of (NP his body))) (VP stood (ADJP-PRD brilliant and plain) (PP against (NP the black soil)) , (PP like (NP a target))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD good and satisfied) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP at (NP the snake))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP shone (PP in (NP its bright diamond color)) (PP (PP against (NP (NP the sun-burned stubble) and (NP (NP the crumbled black clods) (PP of (NP soil))))) and (PP against (NP (NP the paleness) (PP of (NP myself)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The color and beauty) (PP of (NP it))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP strange) and (ADJP wonderful) and (ADJP somehow alien)) , (ADVP too) , (PP in (NP that (ADJP dry and dusty and uncolored) field))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP got (PP on (NP the tractor)) (ADVP again))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP watch (NP the plow) (ADVP closely)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 the field) (VP was (VP drawn (NP *-1) (PP across (NP the long hillside))))) and (S (PP (ADVP even) in (NP that good soil)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a danger) (PP of (NP rocks))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP my back) (PP to (NP (NP the corner) (PP of (NP (NP the triangular field) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP pointed (PP towards (NP the house)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The earth) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) heavy))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP stop (ADVP once)) and (VP clean (NP the plowshares))))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were not (VP scouring (ADVP-MNR properly))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP look (ADVP back) (PP towards (NP the place)) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP had (VP turned (NP the corner))) and (VP was (VP plowing (PP across (NP (NP (NP the upper line) (PP of (NP the large field))) , (NP (NP a long way) (PP from (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP stopped (PP-PRP because of (NP the snake)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP (NP it) (NP all)) (PP at (NP a glance))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD there) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the lower corner) (PP of (NP the field)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the plowed earth)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stamping (PP with (NP (NP ferocity) and (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP frenzied impatience))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Even) at (NP that distance)) , (PP with (NP (NP no sound) but (NP (NP the sound) (PP of (NP the tractor))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP tell (NP (NP the fierce mark) (PP of (NP brutality)) (PP on (NP the boy))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP (VP see (NP-1 (NP the hunched-up shoulders) , (NP the savage determination) , (NP (NP the dance) (PP of (NP his feet)))) (SBAR-ADV-2 as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ground (NP the snake) (PP with (NP his heels)))))) , and (VP (NP=1 (NP the pirouette) (PP of (NP his arms))) (SBAR-ADV=2 as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP whipped (PP at (NP it)) (PP with (NP the stick)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Stop (NP it))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP shouted (S-IMP *T*-2)) , but (S (NP-SBJ the lumbering and mighty tractor) (VP roared (PRT on) , (PP above (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP say (NP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP stopped (NP the tractor))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP shouted (PP down (PP to (NP the boy))))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP hear (NP me))))))) , for (S (NP-SBJ the morning) (VP was (ADJP-PRD clear and still)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (ADVP even) (VP hesitate (PP in (NP that brutal , murdering dance))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD no use)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ myself) (VP tremble)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP thinking (PP of (NP (NP the diamond light) (PP of (NP (NP that beauty) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP held (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP (NP a few moments) before))))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP (VP run (PP-DIR down (ADVP there))) and (VP (VP halt , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP *?*)))) , (NP that frenetic pirouette)) , (VP catch (NP the boy) (PP in (NP (NP the moment) (PP of (NP his savagery))))) , and (VP save (NP (NP (NP a glimmer) , (NP a remnant) ,) (PP of (NP (NP that) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remembered (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (ADJP-PRD too late)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP drove (NP the tractor) (PRT on) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP looking (PP down (ADVP there)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD afraid (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP look)))) (PP for (NP fear (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the evil) (VP might (ADVP-TMP still) (VP be (VP going (PRT on)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 My head) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP ache))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the fumes) (PP of (NP the tractor))) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP bother (NP my eyes)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hated (NP the job) (ADVP suddenly))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought , (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP only moments) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP sees (NP beautiful things) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4))))))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 these) (VP are (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP crushed (NP *-1)))) , or (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP vanish)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ the anger) (VP mount (PP within (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP waited (PP-LOC at (NP the corner)) , (PP with (NP (NP (NP the jar) (PP of (NP water))) (VP held (PP up (PP to (NP me))) (PP in (NP his hands))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the water) (VP had (VP grown (ADJP-PRD bubbly) (PP in (NP (NP the heat) (PP of (NP the morning))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (NP the boy) (ADVP well)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD eleven))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (VP done (NP many things) (ADVP together)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD a beautiful boy) , (ADVP really) , (PP with (NP (NP finely-spun blonde hair) and (NP a (ADJP (ADJP smooth) and (ADJP still effeminate)) face))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his eyelashes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD long and dark and brushlike))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his eyes) (VP were (ADJP-PRD blue))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP waited (ADVP-LOC there))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP smiled (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ the tractor) (VP came (PRT up)))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP smile (PP-TMP on (NP any other day)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (NP (NP my nephew) , (NP (NP my brother 's) son) ,) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD handsome and warm and newly-scrubbed)) , (PP with (NP (NP happiness) (PP upon (NP his face)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ his face) (VP resembled (NP (NP my brother 's) and (NP mine)) (ADVP as well))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (ADVP-TMP then) , (ADVP too) , (NP (NP the stake) (VP driven (NP *) (ADVP straight and hard) (PP into (NP the plowed soil)) , (PP through (NP (NP something) (ADVP-LOC there) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP not long) before)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP stopped (NP the tractor)) and (VP climbed (PRT down)))) and (S (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP came (ADVP-MNR eagerly) (PP up (PP to (NP me))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Can (NP-SBJ I) (VP ride (ADVP around) (PP with (NP you)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP did)) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP as often) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP be (PP-PRD on (NP the tractor)) (PP beside (NP me)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (ADVP-MNR closely) (PP at (NP his eyes)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (ADJP-PRD innocent)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 the killing) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP forgotten (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP that clear mind) (PP of (NP his))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ No) , (NP you) (VP can not (VP *?*))) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP said (S *T*-2) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP pushing (ADVP aside) (NP (NP the water jar) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP offered (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP me))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP pointed (PP to (NP the splintered , upright stake))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP that))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yes) '' , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) , (ADVP-MNR eagerly) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP beginning (NP (NP a kind) (PP of (NP (NP dance) (PP of (NP excitement)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP killed (NP a snake))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD a big one))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP take (NP my hand) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP show (NP me)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP kill (NP it) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Snakes) (VP are (ADJP-PRD ugly and bad)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This snake) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very beautiful)) .)) (TOP (SQ Did n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how beautiful) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Snakes) (VP are (ADJP-PRD ugly))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP saw (NP (NP the colors) (PP of (NP it))))) , (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ you)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Have (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP seen (NP (NP anything) (PP like (NP it))) (PP-LOC around (NP here))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Snakes) (VP are (ADJP-PRD ugly and bad))) , and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP might (VP have (VP bitten (NP somebody))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP have (VP died)))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD no poisonous snakes) (PP-LOC in (NP this area)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This snake) (VP could not (VP harm (NP anything))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ They) (VP eat (NP chickens) (ADVP-TMP sometimes))) '' , (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP are (ADJP-PRD ugly))) and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP eat (NP chickens))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP snakes))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP are (VP talking (ADVP-MNR foolishly)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP killed (NP it) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP it))))))) , (PP-PRP for (NP no other reason))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD ugly))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP them)))) '' , (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP insisted (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP likes (NP snakes)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADJP-PRD beautiful))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (ADVP-MNR half (PP to (NP myself)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP skipped (ADVP along) (PP beside (NP me)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP contented (NP *-1) (PP with (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (NP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The fire) (PP of (NP the colors))) (VP was (VP gone))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a contorted ugliness) (ADVP-TMP now))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the colors) (PP of (NP its back))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADJP dull and gray-looking) , (ADJP torn and smashed in) , and (ADJP dirty (PP from (NP (NP the boy 's) shoes)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The beautifully-tapered head) , (ADJP (ADJP so delicate) and (ADJP so cool)) ,) (VP had (VP been (VP flattened (NP *-1) (PP as if (PP in (NP a vise))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the forked tongue) (VP splayed (PP out (PP of (NP the (ADJP twisted , torn) mouth))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The snake) (VP was (ADJP-PRD hideous))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remembered , (ADVP even then) , (NP (NP the (ADJP cool , bright) fire) (PP of (NP it))) (ADVP-TMP (NP only a little while) before))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (ADVP perhaps) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 the boy) (VP (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP seen (NP (NP it) (ADJP dead and hideous) (PP like (NP that))))) , and (VP had not (ADVP even) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (NP (NP the beauty) (PP of (NP it))) (PP in (NP its life)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wrenched (NP (NP the stake) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PRT out) , (SBAR-1 (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ the boy) (VP had (VP driven (NP *T*-2) (PP through (NP it)) (PP in (NP (NP the thickest part) (PP of (NP its body)))) , (PP between (NP the colored diamond crystals))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP touched (NP it))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the coolness) , (NP the ice-feeling) ,) (VP was (VP gone))) , and (S (ADVP even then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP moved (NP-ADV a little) , (NP-ADV (NP perhaps a tiny spasm) (PP of (NP the dead muscles))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD truly dead) , (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would not (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP it))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-TMP then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP moved (ADVP (NP a little) more)) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ the snake) (VP was (VP dying))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP kill (NP it) (ADVP-LOC there))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The boy) (VP stood (PRT off) (NP-LOC a few feet))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP the stake) (ADVP again))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (VP (VP racing (ADVP-MNR innocently) (PP in (NP circles))) , (VP making (NP the buzzing tractor sound) (PP with (NP his lips)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (S *T*-1) (PP to (NP the snake)))) , for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (ADJP-PRD beautiful))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (NP (NP the broken length) (PP of (NP it))) (PP around (NP the tractor)))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP the wrenches))) (PP from (NP the tool-kit)))) and (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP struck (NP its head) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP looking (PP at (NP it)))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP kill (NP it) (PP-TMP at (ADJP last))))) ,)) for (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP live)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The boy) (VP came (ADVP around) (PP behind (NP me)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP dragging (NP the stake)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD a big snake))) , (SQ (VP is n't (NP-SBJ it)))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'm (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP tell (NP everybody) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP how big) a snake) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP killed (NP *T*-1))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (SQ-TPC-2 Do (NP-SBJ n't) (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (VP done (NP *T*-1))))))) '' ? ? (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (NP the difference) (ADVP-TMP now)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD an (ADJP ugly , terrible) snake))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP came (PRT up)) and (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP push (PP at (NP it)) (PP with (NP his heavy shoes)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP (NP the happiness) (PP in (NP (NP the boy 's) eyes))) , (NP the gleeful brutality)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't)) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP have (VP slapped (NP the boy)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP looked (PP up (PP at (NP me))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD puzzled)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP swayed (NP his head) (PP (PP from (NP side)) (PP to (NP side))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought , (NP (NP you little brute) , (NP (NP you nasty , selfish , little beast) , (PP with (NP (NP brutality) (VP (ADVP already) developed (PP (PP within (NP that brain)) and (PP in (NP those eyes))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP slap (NP his face))) , (VP to (VP wipe (ADVP-TMP forever) (NP the insolence and brutal glee) (PP from (NP his mouth)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP decided (ADVP-TMP then) , (ADVP-MNR very suddenly) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP do (NP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP did n't (VP come (ADJP-PRD unglued) (ADVP easily)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP had not (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a day) (PP of (NP glad tidings)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Tax worries) , (NP production worries) , (NP personnel worries) , and (NP (NP (NP the letter) (PP from (NP (NP Hanford College) , (NP his own alma mater)))) , (NP a real snapper)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hanford) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP enrolled (NP his son) (ADVP-TMP (NP four years) ago)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the boy 's) credentials) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP order))) -- (NP-1 (NP scholastic transcript) , (NP character references) , (NP picture) , (NP health record) , (NP successful college boards)) .)) (TOP (SQ But (PP due (PP to (NP (NP the many applicants) (PP on (NP file))))) , would (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP co-operate) and (VP write (NP (NP a personal letter) (VP giving (NP them) (NP (NP (NP his son 's) motivation , interests) and (NP (NP his qualifications) (PP for (NP leadership)))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady Partlow) (VP lit (NP his pipe) (PP with (NP no comfort))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD it)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the letter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP would (VP *RNR*-2)) or (VP would not (VP *RNR*-2))) (VP-2 enroll (NP (NP his son) , (NP David) ,) (PP in (NP Hanford))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP His son) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP held (NP (NP an office) (PP in (NP any organization))) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the eighteen years) (PP of (NP his life)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP His son) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did not (VP know (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD doctor , lawyer , merchant or chief))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP wondered (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP played (NP it) (ADVP wrong)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP have (VP kept (PP in (NP touch))))) .)) (TOP (VP Gone (ADVP-DIR back) (PP for (NP reunions))) .) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD busy (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP building (NP a business)) , (VP being (NP-PRD a big man) (PP-LOC in (NP his own town)) (SBAR-ADV just as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD a big man) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Hanford) , (NP (NP Class) (PP of (NP 1935))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Besides) , (NP-SBJ Cady Partlow) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was n't (NP-PRD the old-grad-type))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would n't (VP help (ADVP anyway))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (PP at (NP (NP Pete Alcorn) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had n't (VP missed (NP a Hanford ball game) (PP-TMP in (NP fifteen years))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Pete 's) son) (VP was (VP rejected (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hanford College) , (NP Little Ivy League) ,) (VP had (NP no room) (PP for (NP (NP football players) (PP with (NP low grades))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP his own son 's) scholastic record)) (PP with (NP pride))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Good solid B average) (PP with (NP (NP a sprinkling) (PP of (NP (NP A 's) (PP in (NP math and science)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Imagine (S (NP-SBJ his son) (VP being (ADJP-PRD that good (PP in (NP science)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Partlow) (VP could (ADVP-TMP still) (VP feel (NP-PRD a cold sweat) (PP on (NP his (ADJP slightly gray) temples)) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remembered (SBAR (WHNP-1 what a near thing) (S (NP-SBJ chemistry) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-1) (PP for (NP him)) (PP-LOC at (NP Hanford))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP then) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (VP studied (ADVP very hard))) .)) (TOP (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Getting (VP elected (NP (NP president) (PP of (NP the student body)))))) (VP took (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP time and politicking)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP put (PRT down) (NP his pipe)) and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP type))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (PP In (NP (NP response) (PP to (NP your letter)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (PP in (NP good conscience)) (VP recommend (NP (NP my son) , (NP David) ,) (PP in (NP (NP the field) (PP of (NP leadership)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stopped) and (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP (NP the picture) (PP of (NP his son))) , (NP (NP the picture) (PP on (NP his desk)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP changed (PP with (NP the years)) (PP (PP from (NP a laughing baby)) (PP to (NP (NP a candidate) (PP for (NP Hanford College)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (VP did n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his son) (VP looked (PP like (NP him))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ David) (VP had (NP (NP the same (NX gray eyes) , (NX high cheekbones) , (NX dark hair)) and (NP a certain rugged ugliness))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Height) , (NP 6 ') .)) (TOP (NP (NP Weight) , (NP 160) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Health) , (ADJP excellent) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP turned (ADVP back) (PP to (NP the typewriter)) (PP with (NP (ADJP (NP-ADV a little) more) confidence))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ His interests) (VP range (PP (PP from (NP astronomy and geology)) (PP to (NP electronics , tennis and swimming)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP His chief motivation) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP enrolling (PP at (NP Hanford)))))) (VP is (NP-PRD the desire (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP-UNF to) '')))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Partlow) (VP banged (NP his fist) (PP on (NP the keyboard)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ruining (NP the letter))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP paced (PP-DIR to (NP the window))) and (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP the city) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had (VP helped (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP build (NP *T*-1)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 How) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP a college president) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ your son) (VP does n't (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBAR That (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP have (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP drive (NP him) (PP into (NP the family business))) or (VP push (NP him) (PP into (NP a profession))) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP say (PP at (NP the club)) , `` (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ David) (VP has (VP known (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD twelve)))) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP an engineer) '' -- or (NP a lawyer) , or (NP an editor))))))))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP (NP a college) (PP like (NP Hanford))) (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ your son) (VP has (NP a vast potential)))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP will (VP find (NP himself)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP give (NP him) (NP time))) , (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP give (NP him) (NP a chance))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP (VP snapped (NP-3 the Venetian blind) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD shut))) and (VP slammed (NP himself) (PRT down) (PP before (NP the typewriter))) , (VP rolled (PRT in) (NP a fresh sheet)) , and (VP gave (NP his letter) (NP (NP the same savage attention) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP bestowed (NP *T*-2) (PP on (NP (NP a salesman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-1) (VP needed (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ-5 the bucket) (VP taken (NP *-5) (PP off (NP his thick head)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR (WHNP-1 What a production) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP *T*-1) (PP of (NP (NP a letter) (VP commending (NP your own son))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eyebrow) (VP went (PRT up) (PP in (NP amusement)) (PP at (NP his soul-searching panic))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP told (NP Hanford) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 his son) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP go (PP into (NP (NP the field) (PP of (NP electronics))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP told (NP Hanford) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ his son) (VP had (VP participated (PP in (NP numerous high-school activities))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP belonged (PP to (NP (NP a social club) , (NP a civic group) , (NP little theater) , (NP swimming team)))) , and (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP (NP president) (PP of (NP the student forum))) (CONJP as well as) (NP (NP treasurer) (PP of (NP the science club))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP finished (PP with (NP (NP a flurry) (PP of (NP (NP good wishes) (PP to (NP Hanford College))))))) and (VP signed (NP the letter))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADVP There) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP did (NP it))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP met (NP (NP the grave eyes) (PP of (NP (NP his wife) , (NP Anne) ,))) (PP from (NP (NP the photograph) (ADVP next (PP to (NP David 's)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shoved (NP the unsealed letter) (PP into (NP his coat pocket))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Better) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP show (NP it) (PP to (NP Anne))) and (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP omitted (NP anything)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ his wife) (VP had (VP written (NP (NP most) (PP of (NP his letters))) (PP for (NP him)) (PP in (NP (NP those first lean days) (PP of (NP Partlow Products)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP had (NP (NP a way) (PP with (NP words)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Half) (PP of (NP it))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD natural))) , (S (NP-SBJ half) (VP was (NP-PRD Smith College))) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ (NP the whole) (PP of (NP Anne))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP learned (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP any college)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A woman) (VP had (NP it))) or (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP had (NP it)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP said (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP meant (NP *T*-1))))) and (VP let (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP be)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP got (PP on (NP his back))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP (VP take (NP the advice)) or (VP leave (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP whistled (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP locked (NP the office))))) and (VP grinned (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (PP on (NP the elevator))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP look (SBAR like (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP just) (VP heard (NP a real gasser)))) , (NP-VOC Mr. Partlow)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP Tom) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP taken (NP him) (ADVP up and down) (PP-TMP for (NP fifteen years))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP thinking (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ things) (VP have (VP changed (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP went (PP to (NP college)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP begged (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP come)))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Be (NP our guest)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD our pleasure)) ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP well rounded) , (ADJP firm (PP in (NP motivation))) and (ADJP pre-packed (PP with (NP knowledge)))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Tom) (VP slid (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD open)) (NP-1 (NP the door) (PP to (NP the lobby)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD a fact) , (NP-VOC Mr. Partlow)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My John) (VP applied (PP to (NP six colleges)) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP got (PRT in))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Going (PP to (NP State))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ `` No .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP president) (PP of (NP the rocket club))) (ADVP-LOC here))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)) .)) (TOP (VP (ADVP-TMP Always) messing (ADVP around) (PP with (NP science stuff)) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP Real bright (PP along (NP those lines))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP might (VP say))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP got (NP (NP a science scholarship) (PP to (NP Yale)))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Oh) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mr. Partlow)) ,) `` (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD fine) , (NP-VOC Tom))) .)) (TOP (ADJP Just fine '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP drove (ADVP-DIR home) (PP through (NP the thinning traffic))))) , (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ the unease) (VP growing))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had n't (VP told (NP anyone)))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) , (ADVP too) , (VP had (VP applied (PP to (NP five colleges)) (PP for (NP David))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had all (VP turned (PRT down) (NP his son))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Weakness) (PP in (NP leadership)) .)) (TOP (ADJP So sorry .)) (TOP (NP Limited interests .)) (TOP (ADJP So sorry .)) (TOP (NP No clear motivation .)) (TOP (ADJP So sorry .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP suddenly) (VP realized (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP walked (PP into (NP his own (ADJP pretty darned expensive) house))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP needed (NP (NP the Martini) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP waiting (PP for (NP him)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S But (NP-TMP tonight) (NP-SBJ his drink) (VP tasted (PP like (NP branch water)))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP even his favorite meal) (PP of (NP (NP steak) and (NP tossed salad)))) (VP gave (NP (NP no surcease) (PP from (NP (NP the growing weight) (PP of (NP (NP the letter) (PP in (NP his pocket))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor did (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP looking (PP at (NP Anne)))) (VP ease (NP the tension) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP usually) (VP did)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP looking (PP at (NP Anne))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Most people) (VP did) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP liked (NP (NP her blond hair) and (NP (NP the sprinkle) (PP of (NP freckles)) (PP across (NP her nose))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP those navy-blue eyes)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP saw (NP things) (ADVP (ADVP as clearly and honestly) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ David) (VP did))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP could (VP sense (NP (NP the shag end) (PP of (NP a woolly day))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Board meeting) (NP-TMP tonight) , (NP-VOC Cady) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP begged (PRT off)) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Work) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (SQ `` Can (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP the car) , (NP-VOC Dad)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHADVP Why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) not (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP take (NP it))) , (NP-VOC Cady))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD midweek)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP only eight days) (PP before (NP commencement))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP forget (NP the rules)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Cady) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD deep (PP in (NP thought)))) , (VP neither (VP heard) nor (VP answered)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ David) (VP grinned) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Carefully) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP put (PRT down) (NP his steak knife)) and (VP said (ADVP-MNR loudly) , `` (NP Mr. Chairman) '')) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Cady Partlow 's) head) (VP came (PRT up) (PP like (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP the proverbial fire horse))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry) , (NP-VOC Dave)) .)) (TOP (NP The car ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP have (NP it))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP ate (NP (NP two pieces) (PP of (NP pie))) (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (NP everything else)))) , (UCP-MNR (ADVP slowly) , (ADVP methodically) and (PP with (NP interest)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hear (NP anything) (PP from (NP Hanford)) (ADVP-TMP yet) , (NP-VOC Dad)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP begged (NP the question)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP worry (PP about (NP it)) , (NP-VOC Dave))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Your acceptance) (VP will (VP come (ADVP through))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP (VP shrugged (PRT on) (NP his sports coat)) and (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the car keys))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD too sure) , (NP-VOC Dad))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Charles Burke) (VP got (VP turned (NP *-1) (PRT down) (PP by (NP-LGS Dartmouth))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD a straight-A student))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD surprising) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Charles) (VP was (UCP-PRD (ADJP antisocial) , (NP a lone wolf) , and (ADJP completely one-sided))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (ADVP hardly) (VP say (NP the same) (PP about (NP you)) , (NP-VOC Dave))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP kissed (NP her) (ADVP-MNR lightly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Girls) , (NP-VOC my dear parent) , (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP stay)))) ! !)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Get (NP my old man) (PP to (NP bed)) (ADVP-TMP early)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looks (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little bit) frayed)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP (VP waited (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ the door) (VP had (VP slammed))))) and (VP picked (PRT up) (NP the coffeepot))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP go (PP into (NP the library))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do (VP seem (ADJP-PRD somewhat tattered))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP (VP trailed (NP her) (PP with (NP the coffee cups))) and (VP settled (PP into (NP his favorite chair)) (PP-LOC in (NP the comfortable book-lined room)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD so dilapidated)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP Wrong word) , (NP-VOC darling) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Your fur) (VP has (VP been (VP rubbed (NP *-1) (NP-MNR the wrong way))))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP show (NP it))) .)) (TOP (SQ (NP-SBJ *) (VP Need (NP any help)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG `` (PP In (NP a way)) , (INTJ yes) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Hanford College) (VP has n't (VP decided (PP on (NP (NP Dave 's) application)) (ADVP-TMP yet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP want (NP (NP a letter) (PP from (NP me)) (PP on (NP his motives , interests and leadership)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 Here) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (SBAR-SBJ (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wrote (NP *T*-1)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP (VP handed (NP her) (NP the letter)) , (VP drank (NP his coffee)) and (VP waited (PP with (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP suddenly) (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD belligerence)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Already) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP feel (NP-PRD (NP Anne 's) questioning eyes))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wrote (NP this)) (PP in (NP a hurry)))))) , but , (S (NP-VOC Cady) , (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP was (ADVP only) (NP-PRD (NP acting president) (PP of (NP the student forum))) (PP-TMP for (NP a few days)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ half the school) (VP was (ADVP-PRD down (PP with (NP flu))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD president)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` And (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was n't (ADVP really) (VP elected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP treasurer) (PP of (NP the science club)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP just) (VP took (PRT over) (NP-TMP (NP the week) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Bill Daley) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the state basketball play-off)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP stuck (NP his jaw) (PRT out)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ The fact (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP remains (SBAR-1 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD treasurer))))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG `` And (NP the swimming team) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-VOC Cady) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP made (NP second team)) .)) (TOP (VP (ADVP Just) missed (NP the first) '' .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ A team) (VP is (NP-PRD a team))) '' , (VP insisted (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Cady) .)) (TOP (NP `` Anything else '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 Yes) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quietly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP been (ADJP-PRD quite honest))))) , (NP-VOC Cady))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is n't (PP-PRD like (NP you))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP David 's) interests .)) (TOP (NP Astronomy .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD mad (PP about (NP stars))) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP the age) (PP of (NP nine))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (NP Geology) , (NP-SBJ You and Dave) (VP used (NP his rock collection) (PP for (NP (NP the bottom) (PP of (NP the fishpond)))) (ADVP-TMP (NP six years) ago)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Those) (VP are n't (NP-PRD his interests) (ADVP-TMP now)) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP suggest (NP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP Just) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP likes (NP swimming , tennis , chess and music))))) '' .)) (TOP (NP `` Music ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has n't (VP been (PP-PRD to (NP a symphony concert)) (NP-TMP all season))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP smiled) .)) (TOP (S `` But (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP plays (NP bass) (PP with (NP (NP Chief Crazy Horse) and (NP his Five Colts))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (NP that rock-and-roll combo)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP (ADVP Even) in (NP that)) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP solos (PP like (NP (NP (NP Jack) (PP on (NP guitar))) or (NP (NP Rich) (PP on (NP sax)))))) .)) (TOP (S (EDITED (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP-UNF 's))) -- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD just there))) , (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (NP-PRD all))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADVP-LOC-PRD just there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP keeps (S (NP-SBJ the beat) (VP going))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP likes (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP play (NP bass)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP does n't (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP solo)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP does n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP rise and shine))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Do n't (VP worry , (NP-VOC Cady))) ,) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'll (VP be (PP-PRD (ADVP back) in (NP the Beethoven fold)) (PP-TMP by (NP next year))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP appeared (ADJP-PRD slightly mollified)) .)) (TOP (ADVP `` All right .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP refuse (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP be (ADJP-PRD brutally honest)) and (VP mention (NP (NP Chief Crazy Horse) and (NP his Five Colts))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP laughed)) and (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ the tension) (VP loosen (NP (NP its grip) (PP on (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP his neck))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP Maybe) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP padding (NP it) (NP-ADV a bit) , (NP-VOC Anne))))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how hard) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (NP a boy) (PP into (NP a good college)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP has (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP leadership (CONJP as well as) grades))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP folded (NP the worrisome document)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (VP advertising (NP his ham-radio equipment) (PP for (NP sale)) (NP-TMP this weekend)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP has n't (VP used (NP it) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-TMP for (NP several years)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Can (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP really) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP his motivation) (PP for (NP college))) (VP is (NP-PRD electronics))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP felt (NP-PRD the jolt) (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP stepped (PP off (NP the curb)) (PP on (NP his heel))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` And (WHNP-2 what) (SQ would (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2)))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (WHNP Just what '' ? ?)) (TOP (S-CLF `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD Dave) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (VP applying (PP to (NP Hanford College))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP ask (NP him) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP For (ADVP once)) (NP-SBJ Cady Partlow) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP would (VP yell (PP at (NP him)) (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP yell (ADVP back)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (VP talked (PP to (NP him))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP push (NP him) (PP into (NP any profession))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wo n't (VP be (ADJP-PRD guilty (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run (NP his life)))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anne) (VP picked (PRT up) (NP (NP the towel) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP hemming (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP the hospital guild)))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-PRP Just because (S (NP-SBJ-1 your father) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (NP a banker) (PP out (PP of (NP you))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP leaned (PRT over) (ADVP backward) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP your hands) (PRT off)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-MNR subconsciously) (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP conform (PP to (NP your mold))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a leader) (PP of (NP men)) , (PP like (NP you))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Cady) (VP put (NP the well-worn chip) (PP-PUT (ADVP back) on (NP his shoulder))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Dave) (VP has (NP (NP qualities) (PP of (NP leadership)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP just) (VP has n't (VP developed (NP them) (ADVP-TMP yet))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Give (NP him) (NP time)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP He) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP will (VP *?* , (NP-VOC Cady))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Not the kind) (PP of (NP leadership)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP mean (NP *T*-1))))) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP working (PP with (NP (NP lots) (PP of (NP people)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ All your wishful thinking) (VP wo n't (VP change (NP that))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Remember (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-1)))) (PP in (NP the Army)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP ca n't (VP run (NP a war) (PP with (NP (NP ninety-nine generals) and (NP one private))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Cady) (VP walked (NP the block) (PP-DIR to (NP the mailbox)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD almost ashamed (PP of (NP himself)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP arguing (PP with (NP Anne)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD incredible) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the situation) (VP (VP had (VP come (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP exist))) (ADVP at all))) . And (VP (SBAR-TMP once (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP begun))) , had (VP grown (PP to (NP such monstrous proportions))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The pair) (PP of (NP white cotton shorts))) (VP ruled (NP his life)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Lying (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD awake)) (PP-TMP at (NP night)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP could (VP see (NP (NP them) , (VP laid (PRT out) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the floor) (PP of (NP his mind)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP rose (PP-TMP in (NP the morning)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ the image) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (NP-PRD a (ADJP messy and negligent) man))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP his bachelor days)) , (NP-SBJ-1 his bedroom) (VP had (VP been (VP strewn (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP clothes) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ (NP his mother) , or (ADVP-TMP later) (NP the hotel maid)) , (ADVP generally) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD fit (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP order))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP No doubt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 Dolores) (VP resented (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP following (PP in (NP their footsteps)))))))) .) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD fun) (NP-TMP those first days) , (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP kidding (PP about (NP (NP the trail) (PP of (NP (NP garments) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP littered (PP across (NP the rug)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD an assertive maleness) (PP in (NP his grinning refusal (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pick (NP them) (PRT up))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Half slyly) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP enjoyed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP seeing (S (NP-SBJ-2 her) (VP stoop (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP lift (NP the things))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remembered (NP (NP the first time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP-2 her) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP standing (PP across (NP the room)) (PP at (NP a party))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The smooth curve) (PP of (NP her neck)) , (ADJP very white (PP against (NP (NP hair) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP curled (PP against (NP it)) (PP like (NP petals)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her hair) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the color) (PP of (NP (NP those blooms) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (S (PP in (NP seed catalogues)) (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP are (VP referred (PP to (NP *-3)) (PP as `` (ADJP black) '')))) , but (S (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ no flower) (VP is (ADVP actually) (PP-PRD without (NP color))))) (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP contain (ADVP-TMP always) (NP (NP a hint) (PP of (NP grape or purple or blue)))))))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the broad patina) (PP of (NP hair))) (PP through (NP his fingers)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP searching (NP it) (ADVP-MNR slowly) (PP for (NP (NP a trace) (PP of (NP (NP veining) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (VP reveal (NP its true shade) (PP beneath (NP the darkness))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP sought (NP her) (PRT out)) , and (VP spoke (PP to (NP her))) , and (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP his hand) (PP in (NP her hair)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Or (PP against (NP her back)) , (VP pressed (PP on (NP (NP the column) (PP of (NP vertebrae)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP held (S (NP-SBJ her) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP so magnificently) straight and unyielding))))))) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ (NP the segments) (PP of (NP bone))) (VP made (NP tiny sharp cracking noises) , (PP like (NP (NP the snapped stem) (PP of (NP a tulip)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP it) (ADVP-MNR bluntly)))) , (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP snapped) .)) (TOP (S Yet (NP-SBJ that) (VP had not (ADVP seriously) (VP troubled (NP him) , (ADVP-TMP not then))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP married) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TPC-1 More) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP take (NP *T*-1) (PP at (NP leisure)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP needed (NP *T*-1)))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD time))) : (SBARQ (WHPP-3 to (WHNP what better use)) (SQ could (NP-SBJ-2 time) (VP be (VP put (NP *-2) (PP *T*-3)))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (ADVP-TMP later) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP made (NP their marriage) (ADVP too quickly)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (ADJP too little) occasion) (ADVP-TMP beforehand) (PP for (NP (NP resistance) , (NP (NP the brave strong delights) (PP of (NP emotional clash and meeting)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP left (NP-BNF themselves) (NP (NP too much) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP discover (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (PP-TMP at (NP the start)) , (NP-SBJ his new life) (VP felt (ADJP-PRD invigorating)) .)) (TOP (ADJP Good .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the tenth day) (PP after (NP the wedding)))) (PRN -LRB- (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 how) (SQ could (NP-SBJ it) (VP have (VP been (ADVP-TMP-PRD so soon) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) ? ? -RRB-) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP dropped (NP the shorts) (PP on (NP the floor)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Now) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm not (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pick (PRT up) (NP those shorts)))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP gave (NP her) (NP a teasing pat)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP get (ADJP-PRD tired (PP of (NP them))) (ADVP-LOC there)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the morning)) (NP-SBJ the shorts) (VP were (SBAR-LOC-PRD (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP left (NP them) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP smiled (PP to (NP himself))) , and (VP decided (S (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP to (VP mention (NP them) (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP did)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (ADVP almost) (ADJP-PRD too easy)) .)) (TOP (S (S For (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP remembered))) : (S (NP-TMP tonight) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP having (NP their first guests)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The shorts) (VP would not (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP the floor)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (ADVP-DIR home) (NP-TMP that evening) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wrong)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The rest) (PP of (NP the bedroom))) (VP had (VP been (VP groomed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP a superhuman neatness)))))) , but (SINV (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the carpet)))) (VP lay) (NP-SBJ the disheveled shorts)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP gave (NP the room) (NP (NP a strange note) (PP of (NP incongruity)) , (PP like (NP (NP a mole) (PP on (NP a beautiful face)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Dolores) (VP intended (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wait (PP-TMP until (NP the last minute)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP get (ADJP-PRD nervous)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Quietly) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP determined (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP foil (NP her))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP be (ADJP-PRD as stubborn (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP can (VP *?*)))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-1))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ my nerves) (VP are (ADJP-PRD as strong))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP 'll (VP rush (PP-DIR to (NP the bedroom)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the doorbell) (VP rings (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP rang) .)) (TOP (ADVP-TMP (NP Ten minutes) early .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP was (VP standing (NP-LOC (NP a few feet) (PP from (NP the front door))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP swung (ADVP around)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ eyes) (PP-PRD toward (NP (NP the bedroom) , (ADVP-LOC (NP (QP some fifteen) feet) away)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Dolores) (VP stood (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD motionless)) (PP-LOC in (NP the doorway))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could not (VP (VP cross (NP the living room)) , (VP brush (PP past (NP her))) , and (VP bend (PRT down) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP retrieve (NP the shorts))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP turned (NP his back)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP strode (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP answer (NP the bell))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Bill 's) hat) (VP was (VP deposited (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the hall closet)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP the (ADJP most casual and relaxed) manner) (PP in (NP the world)))) , (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP led (NP Anthea) (PP-DIR to (NP the bedroom))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP strained (NP his ears)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADJP first)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP caught (NP just enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the shorts) (VP were (ADVP-TMP still) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A glissade) (PP of (NP giggles))) (VP slid (PP over (NP their voices))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP All evening) (NP-SBJ Anthea) (VP favored (NP him) (PP with (NP odd , coy looks))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Clearly) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP had (VP been (VP instructed (NP-2 *-1) `` (S (NP-SBJ *-2) not (VP to (VP say (NP a word)))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP some reason)) , (NP-SBJ (NP this ellipsis) (PP in (NP the conversation))) (VP spread (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP swallowed (PRT up) (NP every other topic))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADJP last)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a void) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP could (VP fill (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The Brainards) (VP went (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP-TMP early)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP realized , (ADVP-TMP later on) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP should (VP have `` (VP had (NP it) (PRT out) '' (PP with (NP Dolores))) (NP-TMP that night)))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP (ADVP As violently) (PP as (ADJP possible)) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP (ADVP so) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP taken (NP *-1) (ADVP aback) , (SBAR-2 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP any rage) (PP of (NP his))) (VP would (VP make (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP give (PRT in))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the contrary)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (ADVP only) (VP weaken (NP his position) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP fumed , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP stayed (ADJP-PRD calm and adamant))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP surrendered (PP-TMP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP raving (PP at (NP her)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP shivered) .)) (TOP (VP Suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ran (PRT up) (NP the white flag) (ADVP altogether)))) ? ?)) (TOP (PP-TMP At (ADVP once) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP considered (NP the sober possibility)) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-PRD-TPC-1 In (NP his head)) (VP was (PP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the echo) (PP of (NP (NP those titters) (PP with (NP Anthea))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (PP about (NP private feminine whisperings)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD scabrous and unclean)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP remembered (S (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP (VP gossiping (PP with (NP her neighborhood women friends))) , (VP lowering (NP her voice) (PP to (NP (NP a penetrating hoarseness) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP might (VP be (VP trusted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP carry (PP to (NP (NP the head) (PP of (NP the stairs)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-4 where) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP crouched (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP listening)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-4)))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (ADVP even) (VP recall (NP (NP the last time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP sat (ADVP-LOC there) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP talking (PP about (NP him)) (NP-TMP that time) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP done (NP (NP some bad thing) , (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP disliked (NP *T*-1))))))))) , but (S `` (ADVP-TMP Afterwards) (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sorry)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP apologized (ADVP-MNR (ADVP so sweetly) , (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP could n't (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP being (ADJP-PRD annoyed (PP with (NP him))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP was n't (ADVP even) (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sorry)))) (NP-TMP that time))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (PP in (NP fact)) (VP said (ADVP simply) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the thing) (VP had n't (VP happened))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as honest) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP put (NP it))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ his mother) (VP told (NP the story) (ADVP over and over) , (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ her `` (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sorry)))))) '') (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (ADVP as much) a part) (PP of (NP her)) (PP as (NP (NP the shape) (PP of (NP her thin , pallid ears))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The battle) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP fought (NP *-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ the best sex) (VP win))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 his resolution) (ADVP hardly) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP help)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ the situation) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD bad))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP got (ADJP-PRD worse)) .)) (TOP (S (PP About (NP this time)) (NP-SBJ-2 people) (VP began `` (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP dropping (PRT in))) '' , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP considering (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the (ADJP newly married)) (VP had (VP been (VP left (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD alone)) (ADVP-TMP long enough))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Angrily) (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP wished (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP (VP delayed (NP the wedding)) and (VP gone (PP on (NP (NP a trip) -- (NP (NP preferably one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP lasted (NP months))))) --))) (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP deciding (S (NP-SBJ *-2) not (VP to (VP postpone (NP the date) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP get (ADVP away)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-LOC Here) (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-PRD at (NP (NP the mercy) (PP of (NP (NP anyone) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP chose (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP come (ADVP by)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These stray people) (ADVP-TMP nearly always) (VP insisted (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP showing (NP them) (PP around (NP the apartment)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-SBJ (NP the tours) (PP of (NP inspection))) (VP included (NP the ever-present shorts)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD curious) (SBAR-1 (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ the different visitors) (VP took (NP this) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Some) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP ignore (NP (NP the blot) (PP on (NP (NP the bedroom 's) countenance))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Others) (VP asked) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Quite a few) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP (NP them) (NP all))) (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP told (NP a (ADJP lighthearted and witty) tale)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a little contest) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Martin and I) (VP have (NP *T*-1))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP would (VP begin (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR gaily) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP carrying (NP the anecdote) (PP through (NP a (ADJP frothy and deceptive) course)))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP waited (PP-LOC in (NP the living room)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once) (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP went (ADVP along)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP entered (NP the bedroom))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP said (NP nothing))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP the guests))) (VP showed (NP his merriment))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP a hurry)))) , (SQ (VP were n't (NP-SBJ you))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Martin) (VP would (VP have (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP break (NP (NP the man 's) neck))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP smiled)) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ the interpretation) (VP stand)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ himself) (VP give (NP (NP a snort) (PP of (NP mock good nature)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP With (NP her eyes)) (NP-SBJ-1 Dolores) (VP dared (NP him) (PP for (NP the truth)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP begin))))))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (NP-PRD a little contest))) -- (SINV (ADVP-TMP Never again) did (NP-SBJ he) (VP enter (PP into (NP (NP the ritual) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP showing (NP the apartment))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP kept (PRT up) (NP (NP a rigid pretense) (PP of (NP speaking relations)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Martin) (ADVP-TMP seldom) (VP felt (NP-PRD (NP the impulse) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (PP about (NP anything)) (ADVP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (WHNP-1 What) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP talk (PP about (NP *T*-1))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP kept (VP picking (PRT up) (NP (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP his clothes)) -LRB- (PP except (NP the fatal shorts)) -RRB- (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP left (NP *T*-2) (PRT about))))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP robbed (NP *-1) (PP of (NP (NP pleasure) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP scattering (NP his possessions)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP fell (PP into (NP (NP the habit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP putting (NP his clothes) (PP in (NP drawers and closets))))))) , (SBAR-PRP so (S (NP-SBJ his life) (VP might (VP impinge (NP (NP as little) (PP as (ADJP possible))) (PP on (NP hers))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The shorts) (ADJP alone)) (VP remained) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP his moments) (PP of (NP worst agony)))) , (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP imagined (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ his friends) (VP were (VP saying (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The sound) (PP of (NP their amazement)) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP Bizarre) : (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP could (VP hear (NP the word)))) .)) (TOP (NP The most bizarre situation .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP were (ADVP-PRD up) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP visit (NP them)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ her) (SBAR-NOM-PRD (ADVP exactly) (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wanted (NP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (UCP-TPC-1 (NP (NP Six weeks) (PP of (NP marriage))) and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP using (NP the past tense))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP himself) (UCP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR furiously)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Pursuing (NP his idea))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD impossible) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP leave (NP her) (ADVP-TMP now))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Everyone) (VP would (VP know (ADVP why)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP cut (NP a (ADJP supremely ridiculous) figure)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP trapped (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Day and night) (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP could not (VP drag (NP his mind) (PP from (NP (NP the dilemma) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP made (NP *T*-1) (PP for (NP himself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His mind) (VP scurried (ADVP-MNR frantically) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeking (NP an exit)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Alternately) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP periods) (PP of (NP hostile defeatism)) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP determined (ADVP-MNR sullenly , morosely ,) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP live (PRT out) (NP his life) (PP in (NP this fashion))))) (PP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Nothing) (VP would (VP change))) , (S (NP-SBJ nothing) (VP would (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP change))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ the solution) (ADVP-TMP finally) (VP came (PP to (NP him)) , (NP-TMP one night) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP bed))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP (ADVP so) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP shaken (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS its simplicity)) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (ADVP only) (VP wonder (SBAR (WHADVP-4 why) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP had not (VP occurred (PP to (NP him)) (ADVP-TMP before) (ADVP-PRP *T*-4))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP a frenzy) (PP of (NP excitement)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP considered (NP his plan)) .)) (TOP (S (PP Beside (NP his shorts)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP place (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP hers))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Instantaneously) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (VP won (NP an immeasurable moral victory))))) , for (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP picked (PRT up) , (INTJ say) , (NP (NP a pair) (PP of (NP her panties)))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (ADVP just as well) (VP lift (NP (NP his shorts) (VP lying (ADVP-LOC alongside))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ (NP the expenditure) (PP of (NP energy))) (VP was (NP-PRD almost the same)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP felt (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD a particular humiliation) (PP to (NP Dolores)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP pick (PRT up) (NP (NP her own underwear) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP laid (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC on (NP the floor))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Furthermore) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP-1 could (VP go (ADVP on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP repeating (NP the maneuver) (ADVP endlessly)))))) : (S (NP-TMP (NP every time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP went (PP in (NP the bedroom)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP drop (NP (NP a slip) or (NP a brassiere) , or (NP maybe a girdle) ,) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP his shorts)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sooner or later) , (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP would (VP crack)) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP the other hand)) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP did n't (VP remove (NP her own things))))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD difficult (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP explain (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP the parade) (PP of (NP (NP guests) (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP traversed (NP the apartment))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP guessed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP would not (VP be (ADJP-PRD so eager (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (NP (NP the next installment) (PP of (NP her story)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ The tale) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))))) , (VP would (VP become (ADJP-PRD less gay))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP had (VP used (NP his rumpled shorts) (PP as (NP (NP the very image) (PP of (NP (NP his childishness) , (NP (NP his lack) (PP of (NP control))) , (NP his general male looseness) ,)))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ (NP she) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD cool , airy , and untouched) , (NP-2 (NP the charming teacher) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP disciplined (NP an unruly body)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP have (S (NP-SBJ her underclothes) (VP linked (PP with (NP his)) (PP-LOC on (NP the floor))))))) (VP would (VP draw (NP her) (ADVP-MNR visibly) (PP into (NP (NP a struggle) (ADJP both bitter and absurd))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Something) (PP in (NP (NP the back) (PP of (NP his mind))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the magnificence) (PP of (NP the plan))) (VP lay (PP in (NP his faith))))) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the idea) (VP would (VP work (SBAR-PRP (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP believed (PP in (NP it)) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ-1 his courage and virility) (VP were (VP involved (NP *-1)))))))) , (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP truly) (NP-PRD his)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The knowledge) (VP (VP kept (NP him) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP analyzing (NP his scheme) (PP to (NP death)))))) , and (VP took (NP him) (PP through (NP (NP the last hours) (PP of (NP that night)))) (PP in (NP (NP a peace) (PP of (NP exalted fanaticism)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The next morning) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD out (PP of (NP the room)))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP her bureau drawer))) , (VP took (PRT out) (NP (NP a pair) (PP of (NP nylon lace pants)))) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR tenderly) dropped (NP them) (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP his shorts))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP sat (PRT down) (PP on (NP the bed))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP a (ADJP surprisingly short) time)) , (NP-SBJ Dolores) (VP appeared) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP his delight)) , (NP-SBJ her eyes) (VP focused (PP-TMP at (NP once)) (PP upon (NP the two garments))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-MNR Slowly and deliberately) (NP-SBJ she) (VP (VP (VP reached (PRT down)) and (VP touched (NP the lace) (PP with (NP her fingers)))) , (VP (ADVP-TMP then) hesitated (PP-TMP for (NP about a second)))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (INTJ Ah) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP thought (S *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP 's (VP going (PP through (NP (NP the chain) (PP of (NP reasoning)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP might (ADVP really) (ADVP just as well) (VP pick (PRT up) (NP my shorts) (ADVP too)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP saw (SBAR that (S (PP-TMP in (NP a moment)) (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP grasped (NP (NP all the implications) (PP of (NP (NP a plot) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD weeks) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP occurring (PP to (NP him))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Extending (NP her fingers) (NP-EXT another inch))) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP (VP caught (PRT up) (NP the shorts)) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR swiftly) left (NP the room))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP did not (VP look (PP at (NP him))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP noticed (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 her face) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-2 flushed))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1 her eyes) (ADJP-PRD=2 unsteady)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP breakfasted (ADVP together))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP did not (VP refer (PP to (NP his triumph))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-2 Dolores) (VP found (NP (NP a great deal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP bobbing (PP up and down (PP from (NP the table))) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ talk) (VP was (ADJP-PRD impossible)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (INTJ Well) , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP thought (S *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ That) (VP 'll (VP save)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP left (PP for (NP work)) (PP in (NP high spirits))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP relaxed (NP-TMP that day)))) , (NP-SBJ Martin) (VP realized (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how tense) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) (NP-TMP these past weeks)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP hated (NP Dolores)))))) -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how much) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP hated (NP her) (ADVP *T*-2))))))) -RRB- , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP surprised (NP *-1) (PP at (NP (NP a resurgence) (PP of (NP an affectionate feeling))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Good old A-Z) '' , (NP-SBJ Cap) (VP said (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP know)) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP your cars))) (PP-LOC at (NP home))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP a prominent industrialist)) , (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD interested (PP in (NP (NP his nibs ') support group))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is n't (NP-SBJ his racket) (PP-PRD down (NP your alley)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (ADVP-TMP Once) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-PRD *?*))) , (NP-SBJ William) (VP thought (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG But (ADVP not any more) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP A rush) (PP of (NP memory))) (VP swept (NP him) (ADVP back))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP forgot (NP Cap))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ he) (VP start (PP on (NP (NP such a ride) (PP to (NP brief glory)))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP-MNR Simply enough) , (PP through (NP (NP the inadvertent agency) (PP of (NP his brother-in-law)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP General Hershey 's) draft) and (NP Doc Eddyman) and (NP Cap)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD responsible (PP for (NP his first eminence))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Fearless Freddy Bryan) (VP could (VP take (NP credit) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP cared (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP *?*))))) (PRN -LRB- and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did)) -RRB-))) , (PP for (NP the second time))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Freddy) (VP needed (NP a job) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP having (VP been (VP detached (NP *-2) (PP from (NP (NP a (ADJP rather dangerous) career) (PP in (NP real estate and skyscraper financing)))) (PP by (NP-LGS Gerry)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP was (PP-PRD up (PP to (NP Arthur Willis))) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP provide (NP him) (PP with (NP one))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Willis) (VP (VP bought (NP (NP Zenith Plastic Products) , (NP (NP a skeleton corporation) (PP of (NP sorts)) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP undergone (NP many vicissitudes))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose principal assets) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP a couple) (PP of (NP electronics plants)) (PP-LOC on (NP Long Island)) (VP engaged (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP working (PRT out) (NP government contracts))))))))))))) , and (VP installed (NP Freddy) (PP in (NP an executive position)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Shortly after) , (NP-SBJ Freddy) (VP had (NP (NP his usual proliferation) (PP of (NP bold ideas)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ Willis) (VP listened (ADVP-MNR patiently))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP once (PP in (NP a while))) (NP-SBJ-1 William) (VP was (VP exposed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP them)) (PP at (NP a family gathering)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP generally) (VP heard (NP (NP Freddy 's) suggestions) (PP without (NP interest)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP being (VP absorbed (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS his own prospering concerns))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Probably Mr. Willis) (VP was (VP influenced (NP *-1) (PP toward (NP deeper involvement)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP familial loyalty) and (NP (NP a concern) (PP for (NP his grandchildren))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Gerry) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP aid (NP Freddy) (PP with (NP her father)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP prodded , (NP-ADV no doubt) , (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP (NP Joan 's) open contempt) (PP for (NP Freddy))) and (NP (NP William 's) irritating competency))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Another factor) (VP must (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP the eventual disposal) (PP of (NP (NP Willis ') fortune))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP unquestionably) (VP assumed (SBAR that (S (ADVP (ADVP the more) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP entwined (NP *-1) (PP with (NP Freddy)) (ADVP *T*-2)))))) , (ADJP-PRD-TPC-3 the more likely) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-3 (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP reward (NP Freddy) (ADVP-MNR richly) (PP upon (NP his death))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG (WHNP Whatever) (NP the reasons)) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 Willis and Bryan) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP expanding (NP Zenith))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP acquired (NP (NP another electronics factory) , (NP a specialized ceramics company) , (NP (NP an organization) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP built -- (ADVP very experimentally) -- (NP high-speed research calculators))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP hunting (PP for (NP national defense contracts)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Adam Herberet) , (NP (NP a man) (PP of (NP surprising resources))) ,) (VP entered (NP the combination) (PP as (NP a silent partner)) (PP-PRP because of (NP his political connections))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Feeling (NP his power))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Freddy) (VP looked (PP for (NP (NP additional worlds) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP conquer (NP *T*-2)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Heavy industry) , (VP slanted (NP *) (PP toward (NP inexhaustible government coffers))) ,) (VP attracted (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The Allstates Auto Company) , (NP (NP a medium-sized firm) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP manufactured (NP (NP four-wheel-drive vehicles) and (NP other off-road equipment)))))) ,) (VP had (ADVP-TMP recently) (VP constructed (NP an over-large , modern plant) (PP in (NP (NP a burst) (PP of (NP misguided optimism)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Cursed (NP *-2) (PP with (NP (NP a shaky management) and (NP dissatisfied stockholders))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ripe (PP for (NP amalgamation)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Freddy 's) instinct) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP to (VP (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP growing (PP by (NP (NP stock mergers) and (NP (NP small expenditure) (PP of (NP cash)))))))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP never) mind (NP inevitable consequences))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP Herberet 's) blessing)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP convinced (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Allstates ') Wisconsin folly) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD ideal (PP for (NP (NP conversion) (PP to (NP (NP airplane sub-assembly) , (NP tanks) , (NP missiles) or (NP (NP ordnance) (PP of (NP some kind)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP that point)) (NP-SBJ William) (VP came (PP into (NP the picture))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Although (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (ADVP not much) desiring (NP the account)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP been (VP appointed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP advertising head) (PP of (NP Zenith))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP Freed (NP *-3) (PP of (NP routine)) (PP by (S-NOM-LGS (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (NP (NP his own firm) and (NP a complaisant partner))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP his work) (PP in (NP New York))) (VP had (VP given (NP him) (NP (NP a broader overall knowledge) (PP of (NP (NP business administration) and (NP corporate structure))))))) ; ; and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was n't (ADVP entirely) (VP committed (NP *-1) (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (NP *T*-2))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP was (ADVP at least) (VP fascinated (NP *-4) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the chance) (PP of (NP wider opportunities))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Mr. Willis) , (ADJP eager (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP allied (PP with (NP the family)))))))) ,) (VP wanted (NP (NP advice) (PP beyond (NP (NP the confines) (PP of (NP his field))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ William) (VP set (PRT out) (PP on (NP (NP a serious study) (PP of (NP the situation)) , (PP including (NP (NP trips) (PP to (NP Wisconsin and Washington)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP the end)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm not (VP enchanted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the proposition)))) , (NP-VOC sir))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP (NP a guy) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD (NP Jack Hamrick) , (NP (NP a (ADJP very bright) young engineer) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (PP-PRD with (NP Chrysler)))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP took (NP him) (PP with (NP me)) (PP to (NP Allstates)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-3)) (VP 's (NP-PRD his expert opinion) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ the plant) (VP is n't (ADJP well suited (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP *T*-2) (PP in (NP mind))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The conversion) (VP will (VP cost (NP a fortune))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Besides (NP that)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP acquainted (ADVP more or less) (PP with (NP the defense hardware situation) (PP through (NP (NP my contacts) (PP in (NP the Air Force))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ Adam Herberet) (VP is (ADJP-PRD guilty (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (ADJP-PRD (ADJP too hopeful) and (ADJP (ADJP better informed) (PP on (NP defense financing)) (PP than (PP on (NP the technical side))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Missiles) (VP have (VP thrown (NP everything) (PP up (PP for (NP grabs)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 nobody) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-2) (PP-DIR from (NP here))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The future) (PP of (NP manned aircraft))) (VP (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP doubt))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP affects (NP government procurement)))))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ jet transports) (VP have (VP revolutionized (NP the airline trade)))) -- (S (NP-SBJ one jet) (VP can (VP take (NP (NP the place) (PP of (NP three compound-engine planes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP means (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-2 the aircraft companies) (VP are (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP tear (PP into (NP the government market))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP looking (PP for (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP can (VP get (NP *T*-1)))))))) and (VP making (S (NP-SBJ the competition) (ADJP-PRD tough)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 Here) (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP a few facts and figures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP assembled (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Ca n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP stay (PP with (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP *T*-1)))))) and (VP wait (SBAR-TMP till (S (NP-SBJ the dust) (VP settles))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Willis) (VP (VP glanced (PP at (NP (NP the bound pages) (VP given (NP *) (NP him))))) and (VP shrugged)) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Well) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (NP-PRD Freddy))) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know)) .)) (TOP (FRAG And (NP Gerry) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Freddy) (VP is (ADVP deeply) (VP committed (NP *-1) (PP to (NP our plans)) (ADVP-TMP already))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP assures (NP me) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP handle (NP the money raising))))))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ham Richert) , (NP my lawyer) ,) (VP says (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP the legal aspects) (PP of (NP (NP the wedding) (PP of (NP Zenith and Allstates))))) (VP are (NP-PRD no problem)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP do n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP exhibit (NP (NP the deadly dampening effect) (PP of (NP (NP an elderly man 's) caution)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP appreciate (NP that)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP would n't (VP tell (NP Freddy) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD lukewarm)))))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP caused (NP-BNF him) (NP trouble) (ADVP-TMP before)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP 's (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP resent (NP me)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP do n't (VP take (NP care))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the sisters) (VP will (VP be (VP entering (NP the fray) (PP on (NP opposite sides)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP brandishing (NP their cudgels)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBAR `` (WHNP-1 Which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD a frightful prospect) , (NP-VOC Bill))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Willis) (VP laughed) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP should n't (VP mix (NP commercial affairs) (PP with (NP patriarchy))))) , but (S (PP in (NP this case)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP no choice))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP think (PP about (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD (ADJP most grateful (PP to (NP you))) , (ADJP so grateful (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD my principal aide) (PP instead of (NP Freddy))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Not to (NP (NP William 's) surprise)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Freddy) , (NP Adam) and (NP Hamilton Richert)) (VP prevailed)) ; ; (S (VP (VP-TPC-1 allied (NP *-2) (PP to (NP them))) (VP was (VP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Gerry) , (VP devoting (NP much time) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP swaying (NP her father))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Joan) (VP dismissed (NP (NP all thought) (PP of (NP the project))))) and (S (NP-SBJ William) (VP was (ADJP-PRD unwilling (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP interfere (ADVP further)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Zenith) (VP absorbed (NP Allstates))) , (S (NP-SBJ-1 stock transfers) (VP were (VP arranged (NP *-1)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ Freddy) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP president) (PP of (NP the hyphenated combination))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Through (NP Jack Hamrick)) , (NP-SBJ William) (VP (VP fell (PP into (NP (NP the world) (PP of (NP automobile promotion))))) and (VP got (NP several accounts) (PP for (NP Shoals and Clay)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP forgot (PP about (NP A-Z)) (SBAR-TMP till , (S (ADVP-MNR unhappily) , (NP-SBJ-1 he and Hamrick) (VP were (VP proved (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD correct))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Freddy 's) backing) (VP dropped (ADVP away (PP from (NP him))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Willis) (VP was (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (PRT up) (NP the deficit))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Adam) , (VP beset (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP changing defense conditions) and (NP the open secret (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP part) (PP of (NP the new corporation)))))))))) ,) (VP could n't (VP deliver (PP from (NP his end)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Wisconsin plant) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a white elephant))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Stock) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Willis) (VP held (NP *T*-1) (PP in (NP abundance)))))) (VP fell (ADVP sharply) (PP in (NP value))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP Confronted (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS a grim future)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Freddy) (VP (VP lost (NP his nerve)) and (VP plumped (PP for (NP a drastic liquidation)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Once more) (NP-SBJ Willis) (VP summoned (NP William)) .)) (TOP (S (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ (NP You) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP were (ADJP-PRD right)) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) -- `` (NP-2 (NP you) and (NP your engineer))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (PP-PRD in (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP a bind)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Freddy 's) solution) (VP does n't (VP appeal (PP to (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP addition) (PP to (NP other defects)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP 'm (NP-PRD a stubborn man)) and (VP hate (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP admit (PP to (NP (NP the common garden variety) (PP of (NP bad judgment))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Will (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP help (NP me)))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 William) (VP spent (NP a long week end) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP closeted (PP with (NP Hamrick))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP His recent experience) (PP in (NP motor car advertising))) , (NP (NP a love) (PP for (NP (NP cars) (PP of (NP themselves))))) , (NP (NP the existence) (PP of (NP (NP A-Z 's) useless Wisconsin set-up))) , (NP (NP exposure) (PP to (NP (NP exciting conceptions) (PP of (NP (NP Hamrick 's))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP would (VP buy (NP *T*-1)))))))) , and (NP (NP the coincidental recent failure) (PP of (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP respected but out-dated) small-car manufacturer)) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Ticonderoga Motors))))))) (VP had (VP given (NP him) (NP (NP an idea) (PP of (NP (NP such dimensions) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP almost) (ADJP-PRD afraid (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP broach (NP it))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Initially) , (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Hamrick 's) reaction) (PP to (S-NOM (NP-SBJ A-Z) (VP going (PP into (NP the passenger car market)))))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD discouraging)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP the financing) , (NP the advertising) , (NP (NP the production) (PP of (NP new models))) , (NP (NP the founding) (PP of (NP (NP a nationwide chain) (PP of (NP dealerships)))))) (VP was (ADVP simply) (ADJP-PRD too difficult))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ he) (VP caught (NP fire)) .)) (TOP (SBAR-ADV (SBAR If (S (NP-SBJ A-Z) (VP could (VP (VP buy (NP Ticonderoga) (ADVP cheaply)) and (VP use (NP their (NP (NX presses) and (NX dies) and (NX other equipment)))))))) , (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ William) (VP could (VP hit (NP precisely the right promotion note))))) , (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ the money hurdle) (VP was not (ADJP-PRD insurmountable)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP took (NP nearly a month) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP investigate) , (VP marshal (NP statistics)) , and (VP put (NP their arguments) (PRT down) (PP in (NP black and white))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Taking (NP Hamrick) (PP with (NP him)))) , (NP-SBJ William) (VP went (PP to (NP Mr. Willis))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP surprised and dubious) , but (ADJP impressed (PP by (NP (NP the engineer) and (NP the report)))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ Your alternative) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP breathtaking)))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` and , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD frank) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying , (ADJP (NP-ADV a bit) mad)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP younger) and (ADJP less timid)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP resolve (NP this) (NP-ADV myself))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (PRT in) (NP the brain trust)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Are (NP-SBJ-1 you) (ADJP willing (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run (NP the gantlet))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP guarantee (NP-BNF you) (NP a sympathetic audience))) '' .)) (TOP (S-3 `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP 'll (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP there)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP swinging))))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ William) (VP said (S *T*-3)))) , `` but (S (PP in (NP a way)) , (NP-VOC sir) , (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 've (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP decide (NP it)))) (NP-ADV yourself)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP have (NP the controlling interest))) and (S (NP-SBJ the principal expenditure) (VP is (NP-PRD yours))) -- and , (S (ADVP besides) , (NP-SBJ-1 nobody else) (VP is (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP the courage))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP follow (NP anyone)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP 'll (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD you)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP paused) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP explain))) : (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP more) (PP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-LOC here) (PP for (NP me)) (PP-1 than (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP advocating (NP my little dream)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD you)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP must n't (VP (VP take (NP a fall)) , or (VP (ADVP publicly) back (ADVP away)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hate (NP that)) .)) (TOP (S (EDITED (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP-UNF 're))) -- (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (NP-PRD Arthur Willis))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Forgive (NP the hearts and flowers theme)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP rather) (VP like (NP the music))) '' , (NP-SBJ Willis) (VP replied (S *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR quietly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Thank (NP you)) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP At (NP (NP the meeting) , (VP attended (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Freddy) , (NP Richert) , (NP Herberet) and (NP the A-Z executive staff))) , (PP with (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Willis) (VP presiding)))))) , (NP-SBJ William and Hamrick) (VP did (ADVP indeed) (VP run (NP the gantlet))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP shock and incredulity)) , (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP the listeners))) (VP went (PP on (PP to (NP open resistance and animosity)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Oh) , (INTJ my God) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Ham Richert) (VP said (S *T*-1)))) , `` (NP-SBJ a little child) (VP shall (VP lead (NP them))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Move (PRT over) , (NP-VOC General Motors)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD absurd) , (NP-VOC Bill))) '' , (NP-SBJ Freddy) (VP said (S *T*-1) , (PP from (NP a pale face))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (VP leading (NP Dad) (PP down (NP the garden path)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 `` (NP Your garden) , (S (NP-SBJ God) (VP damn (NP it))) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ William) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP enjoy (NP family quarrels)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Nor (NP crazy relatives .))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 're (ADVP-LOC-PRD here) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP transact (NP business))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Ca n't (NP-SBJ we) (VP put (NP an end) (PP to (NP this)) , (NP-VOC Arthur)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hear (NP me) (PRT out) , (INTJ please))) '' , (NP-SBJ William) (VP begged (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD an advertising hustler))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP admit))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADJP-PRD hot)))) (ADVP once) (PP in (NP a larger sphere)))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Sure) , (NP-SBJ-1 Ticonderoga) (VP went (ADJP-PRD broke) (PP in (NP the low-priced market)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP bucking (NP the Big Three)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Their cars) (VP were n't (ADJP-PRD small enough))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP have (NP the power)))) , (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD old-fashioned))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sell (NP 'em) (PP on (NP (NP economy) and (NP simple merit))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've (VP arrived (PP at (NP (NP an age) (PP for (NP romance and snobbery)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 've all (VP been (ADJP-PRD rich and spoiled) (ADVP long enough) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hate (NP the machine age)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Look (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ those little European jobs) (VP are (VP doing (NP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP 'll (VP (VP woo (NP the consumer) (PP with (NP a product))) , not (VP bludgeon (NP him) (PP with (NP chromed excess length and weight))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP make (NP it) (NP (NP moonlight) and (NP (NP the call) (PP of (NP far places))) and (NP (NP a seduction) , (PP at (NP reasonable rates))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Ticonderoga) (VP folded (ADVP-TMP (NP a few minutes) too soon) , (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ the tide) (VP changed))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP-PRD honest and stupid)))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the network) (PP of (NP dealers)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ the company) (VP had (NP *T*-1))))) (VP is (ADVP-PRD around) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP signed (NP *-5) (PRT up) (ADVP again)))))) -- (VP waiting (PP for (NP us)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD ready-made)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP 've (VP got (VP rid (NP *-1) (PP of (NP the (NX (NX steam yachts) and (NX Georgian houses)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ the bloated , too-expensive automobile) (VP is (ADJP-PRD next))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ (NP-SBJ *) not (VP come (PRT down) (ADVP-MNR smartly) (PP in (NP the world)) , (PP in (NP a chic fashion)) , (PP with (NP an Allstates-Zenith))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP swayed (NP them) (ADVP somewhat))) , but (S (NP-SBJ the debate) (VP raged (PRT on))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Financing) (VP emerged (PP as (NP the main obstacle))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Willis) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD evident) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP contributed (NP his maximum))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (S (NP-SBJ Nobody) (VP will (VP underwrite (NP it)))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP telling (NP you))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Freddy) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP talking (PP about (NP *T*-1)))))) (PP in (NP that department))) '' .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP (NP plenty) (PP of (NP risk money)))) '' , (PRN (S (NP-SBJ Ham Richert) (VP added (S *T*-1)))) , `` (NAC but not (PP for (NP (NP anything) (ADJP this risky)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TPC-1 All right) '' , (NP-SBJ William) (VP said (ADVP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP 'll (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP swing (NP the deal) (PP on (NP that basis))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP ca n't (VP raise (NP the capital))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (ADVP-PRD through)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Nothing) (VP has (VP been (VP lost (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP 're (PP-PRD up (PP against (NP it))) (ADVP anyhow)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why) (SQ wo n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP give (NP me) (NP a chance) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A silence) (VP fell) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Heads) (ADVP instinctively) (VP turned (PP in (NP (NP Willis ') direction))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP smiled (PP at (NP William))) and (VP (ADVP slowly) rubbed (NP his hands) (ADVP together))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP feel (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP must (VP answer (NP the question))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1))) , `` (SBAR since (S (NP-SBJ the onus) (ADVP-TMP later) , (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (NP any))) , (VP should (VP fall (PP on (NP me)))))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP relish (NP (NP recriminations) (VP spread (NP *) (ADVP broadcast) (PP outside (NP my family))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP (VP not giving (NP you) (NP a chance) , (NP-VOC Bill)) , but (VP availing (NP myself) (PP of (NP (NP your generous offer) (PP of (NP assistance))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Good luck) (PP to (NP you)) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 All the in-laws) (VP have (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (NP their day))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ Adam) (VP (VP said (S *T*-2)) , and (VP glared (PP at (NP William and Freddy)) (PP in (NP turn))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Sweat) (VP started (PRT out) (PP on (NP (NP William 's) forehead)))) , (S (SBAR-TPC-1 whether (FRAG (PP from (NP relief or disquietude)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP tell (SBAR *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Across (NP the table)) , (NP-SBJ Hamrick) (VP saluted (NP him) (ADVP-MNR jubilantly) (PP with (NP an encircled thumb and forefinger))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Nobody) (ADVP else)) (VP showed (NP pleasure)) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD Spike-haired , burly , red-faced)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP decked (NP *) (PP with (NP (NP horn-rimmed glasses) and (NP an Ivy League suit))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Jack Hamrick) (VP awaited (NP William) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the officers ') club))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Hello) , (NP-VOC boss)) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) , and (VP grinned)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP can (ADVP-TMP never) (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP call (S (NP-SBJ you) ' (NP-PRD General) ')))) (PP after (NP that Washington episode))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD afraid) not) '' .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD among (NP these)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Hinkle) (VP identified (NP (NP a photograph) (PP of (NP Barco))))))) ! !)) (TOP (SBAR-PRP For (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seems (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Barco) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP fancying (S (NP-SBJ himself) (NP-PRD (NP a ladies ') man)) (PRN -LRB- (FRAG and (SBAR-PRP (WHADVP why) (FRAG not)) , (PP after (NP seven marriages)) ? ?) -RRB-))) , (VP had (VP listed (NP himself) (PP for (NP (NP Mormon Beard) roles)) (PP at (NP (NP the instigation) (PP of (NP (NP his fourth murder victim) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP said : `` (S (PP With (NP your beard)) , (NP-VOC dear) , (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP movies))))))) '' !)))))))))))))) !)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mills) (VP (VP secured (NP (NP Barco 's) photograph) (PP from (NP (NP the gentleman) (PP in (NP charge))))) , (VP rushed (PP-DIR to (NP the Hollywood police station)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP report (NP the theft))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP less than five) minutes) later) , (NP-SBJ (NP detectives) (PP with (NP (NP his picture) (PP in (NP hand))))) (VP were (PP-PRD on (NP (NP the trail) (PP of (NP Cal Barco)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP On (NP their way)) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP stopped (PP-LOC at (NP (NP every gas station) (PP-LOC along (NP the main boulevards)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP question (NP the attendants))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Finally) , (PP-LOC at (NP (NP Ye Olde Gasse Filling Station) (PP-LOC on (NP Avocado Avenue)))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP learned (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 their man) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP having (VP paused (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP oil) (PP for (NP his car))))))))) , (VP had (VP asked (PP about (NP (NP the route) (PP to (NP San Diego))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP (VP headed (PP-DIR in (NP that direction))) and , (VP (PP-LOC at (NP San Juan Capistrano By-the-Sea)) came (PP upon (NP (NP Barco) (VP sitting (PP-LOC in (NP the quaint old Spanish Mission Drive-in)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP eating (NP a hot tamale)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP the moment)) , (NP-SBJ (NP Barco 's) back) (VP was (PP-PRD to (NP the road)))) so (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP see (S (NP-SBJ the detectives) (VP close (PRT in) (PP on (NP (NP his convertible) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (PP in (NP (NP their quest) (PP for (NP the stolen lap rug)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP proceeded (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP search (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The robe) , (ADVP however) , (VP was (ADJP-PRD missing) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (PP-TMP by (NP that time)) (NP-SBJ Barco) (VP had (VP disposed (PP of (NP it)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP a pawnshop) (PP-LOC in (NP Glendale))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The detectives) (VP (VP placed (NP Barco) (PP under (NP arrest))) and , (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP informing (NP him) (PP of (NP (NP the nature) (PP of (NP the charge))))))) , (VP took (NP him) (ADVP-DIR back) (PP-DIR to (NP Hollywood)) (PP for (NP questioning)))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (ADVP Thus) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Barco) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-1) (VP apprehended (NP *-4) (PP for (NP mere larceny)))) , (ADVP-TMP now) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP suspect (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP one or another) (PP of (NP his murders))) (VP had (VP been (VP uncovered (NP *-3))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP During (NP the return trip)) , (NP-SBJ-1 Barco) (VP kept (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP muttering (PP to (NP himself)) (PP in (NP (NP meaningless phrases) , (PP such as : `` (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (PP-LOC-PRD under (NP sand dunes)))) (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD better off))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tell (NP you))) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saved (NP their souls)))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 The detective) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP commenting (PP on (NP (NP Barco 's) behavior)))) , (VP felt (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP merely) (VP belonged (PP-LOC among (NP (NP the myriad citizens) (PP of (NP our community)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP are (ADJP-PRD mentally unhinged))))))))) -- (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD a (ADJP (ADVP more or less) harmless) `` nut '')))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) (SBAR-TMP while (S (PP-LOC in (NP his cell)) (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP awaiting (NP (NP trial) (PP for (NP theft)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Barco) , (PP in (NP (NP a fit) (PP of (NP apprehension)))) , (VP made (NP an attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP take (NP his own life)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The attempt) (VP had (VP failed (SBAR-PRP because , (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP endeavoring (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP cut (NP his wrists)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 (NP this murderer) (PP of (NP seven women))) (VP had (VP fainted (PP at (NP (NP the sight) (PP of (NP blood)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 The jail authorities) -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP attaching (NP no particular significance) (PP to (NP the episode)))) -- (VP offered (NP Barco) (NP whisky) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP revive (NP him)))))) ; ; but (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP the old fellow) , (NP a lifelong teetotaler)) , (VP refused (NP it))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP no more)) (VP was (VP thought (NP *-1) (PP of (NP the matter)))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ District Attorney Welch) (VP entered (NP the case))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (NP-PRD (NP A man) (PP of (NP vaulting ambition)) , (PP with (NP (NP one eye) (PP on (NP (NP the mayorship) (PP of (NP Los Angeles)))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP nothing) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP escaped (NP-2 him) (SBAR-3 (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP might (ADVP possibly) (VP lead (PP to (NP personal publicity))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (VP reported (NP *-4) (PP to (NP (NP Welch 's) office)) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP a thief) (PP-LOC in (NP the city jail))) (VP had (VP attempted (NP suicide))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Welch) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (ADVP why))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ No one) (VP knew) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ Welch) (VP had (NP a pet theory (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 everyone) (VP is (ADJP-PRD guilty (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP breaking (NP (NP more laws) (PP than (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP gets (VP caught (PP at (NP *T*-1))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The suicide attempt) (VP looked (PP to (NP him)) (PP like (NP an opportunity (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP his theory) (PP to (NP the test)))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP paid (NP a call) (PP on (NP Barco)) (PP-LOC in (NP his cell))) and (VP began (NP their chat) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP stating (ADVP-MNR bluntly) : `` (S (NP-VOC Barco) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP 've (VP got (NP (NP the goods) (PP on (NP you))))) ! !)))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 'll (VP be (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a lot) better) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP come (ADJP-PRD clean)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (ADVP first)) (NP-SBJ Barco) (VP was (ADJP-PRD evasive and shifty)) .)) (TOP (S But (PP with (NP (NP (NP Welch 's) relentless pursuit) (PP of (NP the subject)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Barco) (ADVP finally) (VP `` (VP broke) '' and (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP confessing (PP to (NP (NP one murder) (PP after (NP another)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Barco) (VP reached (NP (NP the count) (PP of (NP three))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ the situation) (VP seemed (PP to (NP Welch)) (ADJP-PRD almost too good (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD true))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-ADV if (FRAG (ADJP-PRD true))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the case) (SBAR (WHPP-2 of (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP dreamed (PP *T*-2)))))) , (NP (NP the case) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP throw (NP him) (PP into (NP (NP headlines) (PP-LOC (ADVP all) over (NP America)))) (PP as (NP (NP the hero) (PP of (NP a great murder trial))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Welch) (VP summoned (NP jail officials) (PP to (NP (NP Barco 's) cell))) .)) (TOP (S But (PP to (NP (NP Welch 's) chagrin)) , (NP-SBJ the police captain) (VP pooh-poohed (NP (NP (NP Welch 's) credulity) (PP in (NP (NP Barco 's) confession)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barco) (VP was (ADVP clearly) (NP-PRD a `` nut '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP required (NP strength , bravado , daring) (S-1 (NP *) (VP to (VP commit (NP murder))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP-SBJ That worm) (NP-PRD a murderer) ? ?)) (TOP (ADJP Ridiculous '' ! !)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (PP-TMP for (NP (NP the first time) (PP since (NP his arrest)))) , (NP-SBJ (NP a glint) (PP of (NP spirit))) (VP lit (NP (NP Barco 's) eyes)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 His manhood) (VP had (VP been (VP attacked (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP stiffened) and (VP rose (PP to (NP his feet)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 'd (VP show (NP them))) ! !)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Is (NP-SBJ that) (ADVP-PRD so) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP queried (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Well) , (PP-TMP for (NP ten years)) (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP been (VP murdering (NP women)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP lead (NP you) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP every one) (PP of (NP the bodies))))))) , and (S (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP ai n't (NP-PRD (NP four , nor five , nor six) (PP of (NP 'em))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 's (NP-PRD seven)) ! !)) '')) (TOP (S (NP-TMP The next day) (NP-SBJ the police captain) , (PP in (NP derision)) , (VP organized (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP termed (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) `` (NP-PRD (NP Welch 's) Wild Goose Chase) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S For (ADVP indeed) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD incredible) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 anyone) (VP (VP could (VP go (PRT on) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP committing (NP murder))) (PP-TMP for (NP ten years)))) and not (VP get (VP caught (NP *-1) (PP at (NP it))))))) , (PP-LOC (ADVP even) in (NP Hollywood))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The searching party) (VP consisted (PP of (NP (NP the police captain) , (NP Welch) , (NP Barco) , (NP (NP policemen) (PP with (NP shovels))) , (NP newspaper reporters) , and (NP cameramen)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Barco) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (NP his state) (PP of (NP apprehension))) (VP (VP gone) , (VP (ADVP-TMP never) to (VP return)))) , (VP had (VP assumed (NP (NP a matter-of-factness) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP remained (NP-PRD his principal attitude) (PP-TMP (PP from (NP that time)) (ADVP on)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP directed (NP (NP the cortege) (PP of (NP autos))) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the sand dunes) (ADVP-LOC near (NP Santa Monica))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Stopping (NP the cars) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP a fork) (PP-LOC in (NP the road)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP got (ADVP-DIR out)) , (VP paced (PRT off) (NP a certain distance) (PP to (NP (NP a spot) (PP-LOC between (NP two shrub-covered sand hills))))) , and (VP indicated (NP a location))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 Orders (S *ICH*-1)) (VP were (VP given (NP *-3) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP dig))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Nothing) (VP was (VP found (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Welch) (VP was (VP worried (NP *-1))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The police captain) (VP chortled) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The newspaper boys) (VP cracked (NP jokes))) and (S (ADVP again) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Barco 's) pride) (VP was (VP aroused (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP greater precision)) (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP again) (VP paced (PRT off) (NP (NP a location) , (RRC (NP-TMP this time) (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP (NP a little) more) to (NP the left))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP quibs and gibes)) , (NP-SBJ-1 the policemen) (ADVP again) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP digging))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Welch) (VP was (PP-PRD on (NP edge))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The captain) (VP was (VP remarking (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a nice day) (PP for (NP a picnic)))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (ADVP finally) (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP the shovels))) (VP struck (NP an object) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (S-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADVP-LOC here))) '' ! !) (VP Said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the digger) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Joking) (VP stopped)) and (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP gathered (ADVP around))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The digger) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thrusting (ADVP about) (PP with (NP his shovel)))) , (ADVP-TMP now) (VP raised (PP-DIR into (NP view)) (NP (NP a package) (VP (ADVP-MNR crudely) wrapped (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the murderer 's) Hollywood sport shirts))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a mere fragment) (PP of (NP (NP the victim 's) remains)))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD enough)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Welch) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wild (PP with (NP delight)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His elation) (VP grew (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP Barco 's) seven disclosures) (VP brought (PP to (NP light)) (NP (NP one reward) (PP after (NP another))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (ADVP-TMP Now) did (NP-SBJ Welch) (ADVP truly) (VP become (NP-PRD (NP the man) (PP of (NP the hour))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP everything) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP followed (PP in (NP (NP the procedure) (PP of (NP Justice)))))))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a new triumph) (PP for (NP him))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP went (PP to (NP his head)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ his ambition) (VP increased)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD apparent) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Welch) (VP (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP (NP cahoots) (PP with (NP Marshall))))) and (VP would (VP use (NP (NP his power) (PP as (NP D.A.))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP drag (NP every possible sensation) (PP into (NP the case))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Every new scandal) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (VP provide (NP (NP more `` copy '') (PP for (NP (NP Marshall 's) pen)))))))) (VP would (ADVP thus) (VP mean (NP (NP more publicity) (PP for (NP Welch))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP knew (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ both these cynics) (VP were (VP waiting (PP with (NP impatience)) (PP for (NP (NP the dramatic moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Viola) (VP was (VP called (NP *-1) (PP to (NP the stand)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the D.A.) (PP with (NP devilish cleverness)) (VP would (VP provide (NP Marshall) (PP with (NP (NP headlines) : (NP `` (NP-TTL (NP Viola 's) Multiple Romances) '' `` (S-TTL (NP-SBJ Viola Lake) (NP-PRD an Addict)) '' `` (NP-TTL (NP Downfall) (PP of (NP Another Film Idol))) '' ! !))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD (NP fine publicity) (PP for (NP (NP the man) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD willing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP walk (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the mayor 's) throne)) (PP over (NP (NP the broken reputation) (PP of (NP a helpless girl)))))))))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP studied (NP Welch) (ADVP-MNR closely) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ the trial) (VP progressed))) (PP for (NP (NP any hint) (SBAR (WHNP-5 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP might (VP give (NP me) (NP (NP a lead) (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP might (VP be (VP thwarted (NP *-4) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (ADVP-TMP-PRD long) (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP sensed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP something) (ADJP (ADJP deeper) (PP than (NP overvaulting ambition))) (ADVP back (PP of (NP (NP his desire) (PP for (NP (NP Viola 's) destruction))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP bitter and resentful) (PP toward (NP her))) , (ADJP personally resentful))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A dreadful fear (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP entered (NP my consciousness) (SBAR-2 (SBAR that (S (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP entertained (NP (NP aspirations) (PP toward (NP (NP Viola 's) favors))))))) -- or (PRN , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP even more) serious) (ADVP perhaps)) ,) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP had (VP attained (NP (NP a share) (PP of (NP them))))) and (VP had (ADVP then) (VP been (VP superseded (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS some luckier chap)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (VP rest (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP tracked (NP the mystery) (PRT down))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 here) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP One day) (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP over a) year) before)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a cocktail party) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP an apartment) (PP of (NP a downtown hotel))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Viola) (VP had (VP been (VP urged (NP-2 *-1) (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP attend))) , (PP by (NP telephone)))))) , and (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) not (VP knowing (NP (NP (NP the host) or (NP the character)) (PP of (NP the party))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 she) (VP had (VP gone))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP arrived (ADVP-TMP late)) and (VP (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP entered (NP the party)))) , noted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 gentlemen) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP the majority))))))))))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ the air) (VP was (ADJP-PRD thick (PP with (NP smoke))))) , (S (NP-SBJ empty bottles) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP evidence)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP several) (PP of (NP the guests))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (ADVP somewhat) the worse (PP for (NP liquor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Naturally) , (NP-SBJ Viola) (VP had (NP no wish (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP remain)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could n't (VP leave (ADVP-TMP so soon (PP after (NP her arrival))))))) , (PP in (NP (NP all politeness) (PP to (NP her host)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP so) (VP happened (SBAR that (SINV (ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-4 adjacent (PP to (NP (NP a couch) (SBAR (WHPP-2 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP taken (NP refuge) (PP-LOC *T*-2)))))))) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-4)) (NP-SBJ (NP a small table) (SBAR (WHPP-3 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP noted (NP (NP a vase) (PP of (NP red rosebuds))) (PP-LOC *T*-3))))) ; ; (SBAR-ADV while (SINV (VP-TPC-5 projecting (PP from (PP beneath (NP the couch)))) (VP were (VP *T*-5)) (NP-SBJ (NP a pair) (PP of (NP feet)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Fate) (VP would (VP have (NP it))))) , (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP belonged (PP to (NP District Attorney Welch))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ Viola) (VP sat (ADVP-LOC there)))) , (NP-SBJ a playful impulse (S *ICH*-1)) (VP overcame (NP her) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP remove (NP the shoes and socks) (PP from (NP the unidentified feet))) and , (PP as (NP a prank)) , (VP insert (NP rosebuds) (PP-LOC between (NP the toes))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP A little) later) (NP-SBJ the district attorney) (VP (VP woke (PRT up)) , (VP emerged (PP-DIR from (PP under (NP the couch)))) , (VP looked (PP at (NP his watch))) , and (VP realized (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP (NP an engagement (S *ICH*-1)) (NP-TMP that very hour) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP address (NP (NP a meeting) (PP of (NP the Culture Forum)) (PP on `` (NP-TTL (NP The Civic Spirit) (PP of (NP the Southland))) '') , (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the Byzantine room) (PP of (NP the hotel)) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 his wife) , (PP as (NP (NP president) (PP of (NP the forum)))) , (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP preside (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP his way) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP (NP his host 's) bedroom) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR carefully) brushed (NP himself) (PRT off)) , (VP (ADVP-MNR neatly) arranged (NP his hair)) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR painstakingly) selected (NP his hat) (PP from (NP (NP the many) (PP-LOC on (NP the bed))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP noting (NP neither (NP (NP the absence) (PP of (NP his footwear))) nor (NP (NP the presence) (PP of (NP the rosebuds)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP made (NP his way) (PP-DIR to (NP the Byzantine room))) and , (PP with (NP his usual dignity)) , (VP mounted (NP the rostrum))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The effect) (PP on (NP (NP the intellectuals) (PP-LOC among (NP his audience))))) (VP may (ADVP well) (VP be (VP imagined (NP *-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The incident) , (ADVP aside (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP reflecting (PP on (NP (NP Welch 's) political career)))))) , (VP had (VP (ADVP all but) wrecked (NP his home life))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP rested (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP discovered (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ the culprit) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP vowed (NP (NP vengeance) (PP on (NP Viola Lake)) (SBAR-ADV if (S (ADVP-TMP ever) (NP-SBJ the chance) (VP came (NP-DIR his way))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 here) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) ! !)) (TOP (SINV (PP By (NP-LGS such innocent actions)) are (NP-SBJ-1 human tragedies) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP set (NP *-1) (PP in (NP motion))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP (NP these first days) (PP of (NP the trial)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP did n't (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP as much) time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP commiserate (PP with (NP Viola)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP have (VP liked (NP *?*))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP the first place)) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD difficult) (SBAR-1 for (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP meet))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP could n't (VP be (VP seen (NP *-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP-PRD together)) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the tongue) (PP of (NP Scandal))) (VP was (ADVP-TMP ever) (ADJP-PRD ready (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP link (NP our names))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP the tongue) (PP of (NP Scandal))) (VP finds (NP (NP (QP but one) thing) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-3) (PP of (NP (NP the association) (PP of (NP a man)) (PP with (NP a girl)))) , (ADVP no matter (FRAG (WHADJP how innocent))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP invite (NP Viola) (PP to (NP our house)) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mother) (ADVP-MNR snobbishly) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP receive (NP her))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) (S (NP-SBJ the Czarship) (VP had not (VP affected (NP (NP my own sense) (PP of (NP social values)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Mother) (VP had (VP attained (NP (NP a reflected glory) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (PP through (NP it)) , (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP opened (NP (NP the doors) (PP of (NP Los Angeles-Pasadena Society))) (PP to (NP her))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP There) , (NP-SBJ-1 Mother) (VP was (VP received (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the scions) (PP of (NP (NP aristocratic lines) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP are (VP dominated (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP the Budweisers) (PRN -LRB- (PP of (NP beer derivation)) -RRB-)) , (NP (NP the Chalmers) (PRN -LRB- (PP of (NP underwear origin)) -RRB-)) , and (NP (NP the Heinzes) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP-4 whose forbears) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP founded (NP (NP a (ADJP nationally famous) trade) (PP in (NP pickles)))))) -RRB-)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP hated (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP being (VP dragged (NP *-1) (PP-DIR into (NP (NP the salons) (PP of (NP these aristocrats)))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ Mother) (VP insisted , (SBAR-PRP for (S-CLF (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-TMP-PRD seldom) (ADVP indeed) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP anyone) (VP (ADVP remotely) connected (NP *) (PP with (NP the cinema)))) (VP is (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP received (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP their exclusive midsts)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (PP In (NP fact)) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was not (SBAR-TMP-PRD until (S (NP-SBJ (NP the King) (PP of (NP Spain))) (VP had (VP visited (PP-LOC at (NP Pickfair)))))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Mary and Doug) (VP were (VP beckoned (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP cross (NP (NP the sacred barriers) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP separate (NP (NP Los Angeles) and (NP Pasadena)) (PP from (NP the hoi-polloi)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-4 Mother) (ADVP even) (VP went (ADVP (ADVP so far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP trump (PRT up) (PP for (NP me)) (NP (NP matrimonial opportunities) (PP (PP with (NP (NP Pasadena debs) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP had (VP been (VP educated (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC abroad)))))))) , and (PP with (NP (NP those) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP more lenient) Los Angeles area) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 where) (S (NP-SBJ a debutante) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a girl) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP had (VP been (PP-PRD to (NP high school))))))) (ADVP-LOC *T*-5)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV But (PP at (ADVP long last)) (VP came) (NP-SBJ (NP a time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP broke (ADVP away) (PP from (NP (NP Mother) and (NP her society `` chi-chi ''))) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP spend (NP a cosy evening) (PP with (NP (NP Viola) and (NP her chaperon))) (PP-LOC at (NP her home)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP However) , (NP-SBJ (NP such a hotbed) (PP of (NP gossip)) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP had (VP grown (PRT up) (PP-TMP during (NP the trial)) , (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 every precaution) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP taken (NP *-1))))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP-5 my visit) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *-5) (VP being (VP whispered (NP *-2) (PP (PP to (NP (NP the world) , (NP Society))) , and (ADVP even) (PRN , (INTJ alas) ,) (PP to (NP my own mother))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP arrived (PP-LOC at (NP Viola 's)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP shown (NP *-1) , (PP to (NP my surprise)) , (PP into (NP the kitchen)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Viola) (VP (VP greeted (NP me) , (PP in (NP checked apron)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ ladle) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP hand)))) , and (VP explained (SBAR (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the cook 's) night) (ADVP out))))) and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP she) (NP herself)) (VP was (VP preparing (NP dinner)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP sat) and (VP watched (NP proceedings))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 There) (VP was (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP (NP roast chicken) (PP with (NP dressing))) , (NP giblet gravy) , (NP asparagus) , (NP (NP new peas) (PP with (NP (NP a sprig) (PP of (NP mint))))) , (NP creamed onions) , and (NP mashed potatoes)) -- (NP (NP all) (VP chosen , prepared , and cooked (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Viola) (NP herself)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP realized (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Hamlet) (VP was (VP faced (NP *-1) (PP with (NP an (ADJP entirely different) problem)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ his agony) (VP could (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD no greater))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The most) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP accomplished (NP *-1)))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP adding (NP (NP Mrs. Beige 's) tray) (PP to (NP the dish pile))) , and (VP (PP by (NP (NP means) (PP of (NP (NP repeated threats) , (PP on (NP an ascending scale)))))) , seeing (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the girls) (VP dressed (NP themselves) , (PP after (NP a fashion))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP saved (NP *-1) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP making (NP the decision)))) (SBAR-PRP as (S (S (NP-SBJ the phone) (VP rang)) , and (S (NP-SBJ the girls) (VP were (PP-PRD upon (NP me)) (ADVP instantly))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 Here) (VP 's (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ a household hint)) : (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP (VP ca n't (VP find (NP your children))) , and (VP get (ADJP-PRD tired (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP calling (NP them))))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP pick (PRT up) (NP the phone))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP No matter (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ your children) (VP are (UCP-PRD (PP at (NP the movies)) , (PP in (NP school)) , (VP visiting (NP their grandmother)) , or (PP on (NP (NP a field trip) (PP-LOC in (NP some distant city))))))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP will (VP be (PP-PRD upon (NP you)) (ADVP magically) (PP-TMP within (NP seconds)) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP pick (PRT up) (NP the phone)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Jennie and Miranda) (VP twined (NP themselves) (PP around (NP me)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP murmuring (NP endearments)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-3 Louise) (VP (VP climbed (PP-DIR onto (NP a stool))) and (VP clutched (NP (NP the hand) (SBAR (WHPP-2 with (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hold (NP the phone) (PP *T*-2)))))))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP claiming (NP my immediate attention) (PP on (NP (NP grounds) (PP of (NP extreme emergency))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (ADVP Somehow) (VP managing (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (PRT out) (NP a cool , poised , `` (SQ Wo n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP hold (PRT on) (NP-TMP a second) , (INTJ please))) '')))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP covered (PRT up) (NP the mouthpiece)) , and (VP (PP with (NP (NP more warmth) and (NP less poise))) , gave (NP (NP a quick lecture) (PP on (NP (NP crime and punishment) , (ADVP mostly) (NP the latter)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP including (NP (NP (NP Devil 's) Island) and (NP (NP the remoter reaches) (PP of (NP Siberia)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP promised (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP illustrate (NP the lecture) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP so much as) (VP breathed (PP-TMP till (SBAR after (S (NP-SBJ-1 the call) (VP was (VP completed (NP *-1))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP Speaking (PP into (NP the phone)) (ADVP again)) and (VP recognizing (NP the caller)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP resumed (NP my everyday voice)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Soon) (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD deep (PP in (NP (NP a conversation) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP interrupted (NP *-1) (NP-TMP many times) (PP by (NP (NP little things) (PP like (NP (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-3 Jennie 's) (VP (VP holding (NP her breath)) and (VP pretending (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP black (PRT out))))))) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ Miranda 's) (VP dumping (NP (NP the contents) (PP of (NP the sugar bowl))) (PP-LOC on (NP the table)))) , and (NP various screeches , thuds , and giggles))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP Under (NP the circumstances)) , (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP had (NP (NP difficulty) (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP keeping (PRT up) (PP with (NP (NP the conversation) (PP on (NP the phone))))))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP hung (PRT up) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD reasonably certain (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Francesca) (VP had (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP remind (NP me) (PP of (UCP (NP (NP our town meeting) (NP-TMP the next evening)) , and (SBAR (WHADJP-3 how important) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-5)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-3) (SBAR-5 that (S (NP-SBJ Hank and I) (VP be (ADVP-LOC-PRD there))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP discovered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the girls) (VP (VP had (ADVP-MNR shrewdly) (VP vacated (NP the kitchen))) , and (VP were (VP playing (ADVP-MNR quietly) (PP-LOC in (NP the living room)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD the gainer) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP accepted (NP the peace and quiet) , (PP instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP carrying (PRT out) (NP my threats)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP Resolving (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-1 something) (VP done (NP *-1)))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP started (PRT in) (PP on (NP the dishes))) .)) (TOP (INTJ No .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP saying (NP it) (ADVP-MNR right))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP meant (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-2))))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP started (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP start (PRT in) (PP on (NP the dishes))))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP gathering (NP (NP them) (NP all)) (ADVP together) (PP-LOC in (NP the kitchen sink))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP so formidable) (ADJP *ICH*-2)) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) , (ADVP however) , (ADJP-2 so demanding) , (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ-1 myself) (VP (VP staring (PP at (NP them)) (PP in (NP dismay))) and (VP starting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP woolgather (ADVP-4 again)) , (VP (NP-TMP=4 this time) (PP about (NP (NP Francesca) and (NP her husband)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 (WHADVP How) (PP about (NP them))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Francesca and Herbert) (VP were (PP-PRD among (NP (NP the few people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP knew (NP *T*-1)))) (PP-LOC in (NP Catatonia))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP know (NP them) (PP-TMP till (SBAR (NP-ADV (QP about a) month) after (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP moved))))))) -- (S (PP-TMP at (NP that time)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP had (VP called (PP on (NP us)) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP met (NP Fran) (PP-LOC at (NP a PTA meeting))))))) , and (VP had (VP taken (NP us) (PP in (NP hand)) (ADVP socially))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD kind (PP to (NP us)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD indebted (PP to (NP them)) (PP (PP for (NP (QP one or two) pleasant dinners)) , and (PP for (NP (NP information) (PP as (PP to (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP shop (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which dentist , doctor , plumber , and sitter) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP call (NP *T*-1) (PRN -LRB- (FRAG not (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP much) (PP of (NP a choice)))))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (S (NP-SBJ Catatonia) (VP was (ADVP just) (NP-PRD a village))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the yellow pages) (PP of (NP the telephone book))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD amazingly thin)))))) -RRB-)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were `` (NP-PRD personalities) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Herb) , (NP (NP an expert) (PP on (NP (NP narrow ties) , (NP thin lapels) , and (NP swatches)))) ,) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP men 's) fashion editor) (PP of (NP (NP Parvenu) , (NP (NP the weekly magazine) (PP with (NP the tremendous circulation))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Fran and he) (VP had (VP met (SBAR-TMP (NP-ADV (QP about two) years) after (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP arrived (PP-LOC in (NP Manhattan)) (PP from (NP Nebraska) (PRN , (SQ or was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD Wyoming) ? ?))))))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the (NX (NX daughter) and (NX sole heiress))) (PP of (NP either (NP a cattle baron) or (NP an oil millionaire))))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP having (VP arrived (PP-LOC in (NP New York)) (PP with (NP a big bank roll))))) , became (NP-PRD (NP a dabbler) (PP in (NP various fields))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP patronized (NP Greenwich Village artists) (PP-TMP for (ADVP awhile))) , (ADVP then) (VP put (NP some money) (PP into (NP (NP a Broadway show) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP successful) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP terrible , but successful) -RRB-))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD during (NP her `` writing '' period)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she and Herb) (VP (VP met) and (VP decided (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-PRD in (NP love)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP married (NP *-1) (PP at (NP (NP a lavish ceremony) (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP was (ADVP duly) (VP recorded (NP *-2) (PP in (NP (NP Parvenu) and (NP all other magazines and newspapers)))))))))))) , (CONJP and then) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP honeymooned (PP-LOC in (NP Bermuda)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (INTJ No) , not (NP-PRD Bermuda) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Bermuda) (VP was not (PP-PRD in (NP style)) (NP-TMP that year)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP honeymooned (PP-LOC in (NP Rome))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ everyone) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very high (PP on (NP Rome))) (NP-TMP that year))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP had (VP bought (NP (NP their house) (PP-LOC in (NP Catatonia))) (PP-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP investigating (NP (NP all the regions) (PP of (NP suburbia)) (VP surrounding (NP New York))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP chosen (NP Catatonia) (PP-PRP because of (NP (NP its reputation) (PP for (NP (NP excellent schools) , (NP beaches) , and (NP (NP abundance) (PP of (NP names)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-5 `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP are (VP bound (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (ADJP-PRD involved (PP with (NP people))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP children) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Fran) (VP had (VP told (NP me) (S *T*-5) (PP at (NP our first meeting))))) ,) `` so (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (ADJP-PRD good) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP those) (SBAR (WHPP-6 with (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP get (ADJP-PRD involved (PP *T*-6)))))) (VP are (NP-PRD not (ADVP just) (NP (NP dreary little housewives) and (NP dull husbands)) , but (NP (NP People) (SBAR (WHNP-3 Who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP Do (NP Things)))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP admired (NP (NP their easy way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP doing (NP things))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP escape (NP (NP an uneasiness) (PP at (NP (NP their way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP doing (NP the right things)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their house) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a centuries-old Colonial) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP had (VP had (VP (VP restored (NP *T*-1) (PRN -LRB- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP guided (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS an eminent architect)))) -RRB-)) and (VP updated (NP *T*-1)) , and (VP added (PP on (PP to (NP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP had (NP (NP (NP (NP a gourmet 's) corner) (PRN -LRB- (PP instead of (NP a kitchen)) -RRB-)) , (NP a breakfast room) , (NP a luncheon room) , (NP a dining room) , (NP a sitting room) , (NP (NP a room) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP standing (PRT up))))) , (NP a party room) , (NP (NP dressing rooms) (PP for (NP everybody))) , (ADVP even) (NP (NP a room) (PP for (NP mud))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP was all (VP set (NP *-1) (PRT up) (SBAR-PRP (SBAR so (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD no dust) (ADVP-LOC anywhere))))) and (SBAR so that (S (NP-SBJ their children) (VP would (VP (VP color (PP-LOC in (NP the coloring room))) , (VP paint (PP-LOC in (NP the painting room))) , (VP play (PP with (NP blocks)) (PP-LOC in (NP the block house))) , and (VP do (NP all the other things) (PP-LOC in (NP the proper rooms))) (PP-TMP at (NP exactly the right time))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Their two boys) (VP (VP were `` (ADJP-PRD well adjusted) '') and , (VP (PP like (NP their parents)) , (ADVP-TMP always) did (NP the right thing) (PP-TMP at (NP the right time))))) and (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP damn (NP the consequences))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Francesca and Herbert) (VP (VP considered (S (NP-SBJ themselves) (ADJP-PRD violently nonconformist))) and (VP showed (NP the world) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD *?*)))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP filling (NP their Colonial house) (PP with (NP (NP (NP contemporary furniture) and (NP (NP paintings) and (NP other art objects))) (PRN -LRB- (NP (ADJP (ADJP expensive) , but (ADJP (ADVP not necessarily) valuable) ,) contemporary things) -RRB-)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Fran) (VP flaunted (NP her independence) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP rebelling (PP against (NP (NP the Catatonia uniform) (PP of (NP (NP Bermuda shorts) and (NP knee-length socks))))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wearing (NP (NP Bermuda shorts) and (NP knee-length socks)) (PP in (NP (NP colors) ; ; (NP (NP bright pinks) and (NP plaids) and (NP vivid stripes))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP even) (VP wore (NP the uniform) (PP in (NP solid , unrelieved black)))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-1 her blonde hair) (VP cut (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR so closely)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP wearing (NP this uniform))) , (NP-SBJ-2 she) (ADVP-MNR strongly) (VP resembled (NP (NP a member) (PP of (NP the SS.))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ No one) (VP could (VP dislike (NP them)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) , (ADVP though) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP did not (VP seem (ADVP quite) (ADJP-PRD human))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seemed , (ADVP indeed) , (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ their house) (VP was (NP-PRD (CONJP not so much) (NP a home) , (CONJP but rather) (NP a perfect stage set))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP actors) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP had (VP been (VP handed (NP (NP fat roles) (PP in (NP a successful play)))))) , and (VP had (NP (NP talent) (ADJP enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP fill (NP the roles) (ADVP-MNR competently) , (PP with (NP nice understatement))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Practically the only enthusiasm) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP showed (NP *T*-1))))) (VP was (SBAR-TMP-PRD (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP discussing (NP `` (NP names) '' ; ; (ADVP even) (NP brand names)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP should (VP hear (NP (NP the reverence) (PP in (NP (NP Fran 's) voice))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (NP `` (NP Baccarat) '' or `` (NP Steuben) '' or `` (NP Madame Alexander) '') (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (VP known (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD wine) (PP-LOC in (NP the pot roast))))) or (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the chicken) (VP had (VP been (VP marinated (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP brandy))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Koussevitzky 's) second cousin) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an intimate) (PP of (NP theirs))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP would n't (VP have (VP wasted (NP time) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP puzzling (PP over (NP this couple)))) (SBAR-ADV (SINV were (NP-SBJ it) not (PP-PRD for (NP my fear (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP all the other inhabitants) (PP of (NP Catatonia))) (VP were (ADJP-PRD equally unreal))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP feel (PP at (NP home)) (PP-LOC among (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Besides (NP Francesca)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD Blanche)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Francesca) (VP was (ADJP-PRD pleasant and charming))) , but (S (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP was (ADJP-PRD sweet))) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ Yes) , (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very , very sweet))) -- (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP being (PP-PRD in (NP her company)))) (VP was (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP drowned (NP *-1) (PP in (NP warm , melted marshmallows)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP been (NP-PRD a witness) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP had (VP (VP smiled) and (VP said (PP with (NP only minimum ruefulness)) , `` (S (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ my souffle) (VP has (VP collapsed))) '') (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Anyone) (VP knows (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ a real , red-blooded woman) (VP would (VP react (PP to (NP such a catastrophe)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ Blanche) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD honest))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP have (VP (VP yelled) , (VP slammed (NP (NP (ADVP at least) a couple) (PP of (NP doors)))) , and (VP thrown (NP a few little , valueless things))))) .)) (TOP (UCP But (INTJ (INTJ dear me) , (INTJ no)) ; ; (FRAG not (NP Blanche)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP five minutes) (PP with (NP Blanche)))) , (NP-SBJ one) (VP might (VP welcome (NP (NP the astringency) (PP of (NP (NP Grazie) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a sort) (PP of (NP (NP Gwen Cafritz) (PP to (NP (NP Francesca 's) Perle Mesta))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Francesca and Grazie) (VP were (NP-PRD habitual committee chairmen))) and (S (NP-SBJ-4 they) (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP managed (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-4) (VP to (VP be (VP elected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP (NP co-chairmen) , (NP equal bosses)) , (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 whatever PTA or civic project) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP was (VP being (VP launched (NP *-2))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD inseparable) , (SBAR-PRP not (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD fond (PP of (NP each other)))))) , but (SBAR because (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP an eye) (PP on (NP each other))))) , (SBAR-PRP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP keen rivals) (PP for (NP social leadership))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Grazie) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP mean) : (ADJP (ADJP quietly mean) , and (ADJP bitterly , unfunnily sarcastic)))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-PRD-TPC-2 She) (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-2) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP had (VP looked (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP wearing (NP shoes)))))))) (PP-TMP upon (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP learning (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP drive)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Grazie) (VP had (NP a small , slick head))) and (S (NP-SBJ her hair and skin) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP the color) (PP of (NP golden toast))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP lived (PP-LOC in (NP (NP an ultra-modern house) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose decoration , appointments , paint , and even pets) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP were (VP chosen (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP complement (NP her coloring)))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ the pets) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP a couple) (PP of (NP Siamese cats))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her uniform) (VP was (PP-PRD of (NP (NP rich , raw silk) , (PP in (NP (NP a shade) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP matched (NP her hair , skin , housepaint , and cats)))))))))) , and (S (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ-2 she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so thin) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD almost shapeless))))))))) , (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP rather) (VP resembled (NP a frozen fish stick))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The husbands) (PP of (NP (NP these women) and (NP (NP others) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP met (NP *T*-2) (PP-LOC in (NP Catatonia)))))))))) (VP were (VP distinguished (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP only) in (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were , (PP to (NP me) (ADVP at least)) , (ADJP-PRD indistinguishable))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could n't (VP tell (NP one) (PP from (NP the other)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP Herbert)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were all (PP-PRD in (NP (NP communications) : (NP radio , television , magazines , and advertising)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (QP One or two)) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP writers) (PP of (NP books))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ all) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP fellows) (PP of (NP finite charm))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Each) (VP had (VP developed (NP (NP a hair-trigger chuckle) and (NP (NP the habit) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying `` (INTJ zounds) '' ! ! (PP In (NP (NP deference) (PP to (NP country-squirehood))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'd (VP live (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP (VP chuckle) and (VP say `` (INTJ zounds) '' ! !) (PP In (NP real life)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP have (VP missed (NP it) (PP for (NP anything))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (UCP-PRD `` (ADJP sincere) '' -- (NP (NP men) (PP of (NP (NP the too-hearty handclasp) and (NP the urgent smile)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 These boys) (VP acknowledged (NP (NP an introduction) (PP to (NP anybody))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP-MNR gently) (VP pressing (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP his hands))) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP both) (PP of (NP theirs)))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-3 they) (VP gazed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD misty-eyed (PP with (NP care)))) , (PP into (NP (NP the eyes) (PP of (NP (NP the person) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (VP meeting (NP *T*-1)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ-1 (NP such unadulterated love) , (PP for (NP a total stranger))) , (VP be (VP credited (NP *-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP were (ADVP-TMP always) (VP leaping (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP light (NP cigarettes)) , (VP open (NP car doors)) , (VP fill (NP plates or glasses)))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mistrusted (NP (NP the whole lot) (PP of (NP them))) (PP to (NP (NP the same degree) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP mistrusted (NP (NP bake shops) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ themselves) `` (NP-PRD Sanitary Bake Shops) ''))))) (ADVP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-5 `` (INTJ O) ! ! (NP Pioneers) ! ! '') (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP thought (FRAG *T*-5)) , and (VP wondered (SBAR (WHNP-4 (WHNP what kind) (PP of (NP homesteads))) (S (NP-SBJ (NP such odd pioneers) (NP *ICH*-1)) (VP would (VP establish (NP *T*-4) (PP-LOC in (NP this suburban frontier)) ; ; (NP-1 (NP pioneers) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP looked (PP like (NP off-duty gardeners)) (PP-LOC (ADVP even) at (NP parent-teacher conferences))))) and (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ the school principal) `` (NP-PRD Mister) '')))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP sighed , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking (SBAR that (S (PP among (NP other things)) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP people) (ADVP-LOC here)) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ-8 *T*-4) (VP would (VP have (S (NP-SBJ *-8) (VP to (VP cut (PRT down)))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP earned (NP (QP less than $ 85,000) *U*) (ADVP-TMP yearly))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-5 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP would (VP give (NP their teeth) (PP for (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (PP on `` (NP-TTL (NP Person) (PP to (NP Person))) ''))))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP people) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-6 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-6) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP was (ADJP-PRD-9 nice) (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD important)))))) , but (S not (ADJP-PRD=9 important) (S=3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD nice)))))))))) ; ; (SBAR (WHNP-7 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-7) (VP (VP were (ADJP-PRD-11 (ADJP more ingratiating) (PP than (ADJP gracious)))) , (VP (ADVP (ADVP more) (PP *ICH*-10)) (NP-PRD=11 personalities) (PP-10 than (NP persons)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP my estimation)) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP people) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP read (NP Daphne du Maurier)) , and (VP (VP discussed (NP Kafka)) ; ; (INTJ well) , (VP not (VP discussed (NP him) (ADVP exactly)) , but (VP (VP said , (NP `` Kafka '' ! !) (ADVP-MNR Reverently)) and (VP raised (NP their eyes) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP (VP were (PP-PRD at (NP a loss)) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP describe (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP felt (PP about (NP Kafka)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3)))))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-2) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-5 they) (VP had (NP (NP no opinions) (PP about (NP Kafka))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-5) not (VP having (VP read (NP Kafka)))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-3 (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S *T*-3)))) ,) (NP-PRD (NP people) (VP (ADVP invariably) (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP prove (SBAR (WHNP-1 not (WHNP who) , but (WHNP what)) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))))) , and (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP determine (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP what) , not (WHNP who)) , (S (NP-SBJ others) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Becoming (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP nearly) (NP-TMP-PRD lunchtime))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP brought (NP myself) (ADVP back) (PP to (NP (NP the tasks) (PP at (NP hand))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP (NP (NP plans) (PP for (NP the afternoon))) -- (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP doing (NP the breakfast and luncheon dishes) (PP-TMP (ADVP all) at (ADVP once))) , (VP making (NP the beds)) , (CONJP and then) (ADVP maybe) (VP painting (NP the kitchen)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP remembered (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the girls) (VP had (VP had (NP a banana) (PP for (NP dessert)) (NP-TMP every day) (PP-TMP for (NP the last week))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Bananas) '' ! ! (NP-SBJ Jennie) (VP had (VP shouted (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP each time))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're not (NP-PRD dessert)) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're not (ADVP even) (NP-PRD food)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP 're (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 're (VP supposed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (NP *T*-2) (PP on (NP cereal)) (PP for (NP breakfast))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP dug (ADVP around)) and (VP found (NP a mix)) , and (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP surprise (NP them) (PP with (NP (NP a devil's-food cake) (PP with (NP chocolate icing)))))))))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP need (NP (NP (NP only one rule) (PP for (NP cooking))) : (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (VP put (NP garlic) (PP in (NP it)))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP put (NP chocolate) (PP in (NP it))))))))) .) -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The cake) (VP was (VP received (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP a stunned silence) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP evidence) (PP *ICH*-4)) (PP in (NP itself)) (PP-4 of (NP (NP the dearth) (PP of (NP (NP taste thrills) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ Mama) (VP had (VP been (VP providing (NP *T*-3))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ Jennie) (VP (VP closed (NP her eyes)) , (VP stretched (ADVP-DIR forth) (NP her arms)) , and (VP said : `` (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Take (NP my hand) , (NP-VOC Louise))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP a stranger) (PP-LOC in (NP paradise)))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD Needless (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD furious (PP at (NP (NP this unparalleled intrusion) (PP upon (NP free enterprise)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 How) (SQ (VP dared (VP *ICH*-1)) (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP-1 demand (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP `` snoop '' (PP in (NP (NP private financial records) , (NP disbursements) , (NP confidential contracts and agreements)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))) ? ?)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (SBAR-PRD as though '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-2) (PP on (NP (NP the historic three-hour , coast-to-coast radio broadcast) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP bought (NP *T*-1)))) (PRN -LRB- (VP (VP following (NP Father Coughlin)) and (VP pre-empting (NP the Eddie Cantor , Manhattan Merry-go-round and Major Bowes shows))) -RRB-)))))) `` (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP That Man) (PP-LOC in (NP the White House))) , (PP like (NP (NP some despot) (PP of (ADVP yore)))) , (VP insisted (PP on (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP reading (NP my diary)) , (VP raiding (NP my larder)) and (VP ransacking (NP my lingerie)))))))))) ! ! '')) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP My impassioned plea) (PP for (NP civil rights))) (VP created (NP (NP a landslide) (PP of (NP correspondence))))) and (S (NP-SBJ one sponsor) (ADVP even) (VP asked (NP-1 me) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP replacing (NP the Eddie Cantor comedy hour) (PP on (NP a permanent basis))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ But (WHNP-2 what quarter) (SQ could (NP-SBJ a poor defenseless woman) (VP expect (NP *T*-2) (PP from (NP (NP a dictator) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP would (ADVP even) (VP make (ADVP (ADVP so bold) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP close (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP (NP the banks) (PP-LOC in (NP our great nation)))))))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The savage barbarian hordes) (PP of (NP red Russian Communism))) (VP descended (PP on (NP (NP the Athens) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD mighty Metronome)))))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP sacking and despoiling (PP with (NP (NP their Bolshevistic battle cry) (PP of `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP Soak (NP the rich))) ' ! !)))))))) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP an unspeakable siege) , (VP lasting (NP-TMP (NP the better part) (PP of (NP two months)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (VP announced (NP *-2) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ the studio) (VP `` owed '' (NP the government) (NP (NP a tax debt) (PP in (NP (NP excess) (PP of (NP (QP eight million) dollars)))))))) (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP I) , (SBAR (WHNP-4 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD aloof (PP from (NP (NP such iniquitous practices) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP paying (NP (NP taxes) (PP on (NP (NP (NP the salary) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP earned (NP *T*-5)))))) and (NP (NP the little) (SBAR (WHNP-6 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-MNR legally) (VP inherited (NP *T*-6) (PP as (NP (NP Morris ') helpless relict)))))))))))))))))))) , (VP was (VP `` stung '' (NP *-3) (PP with (NP (NP a personal bill) (PP of (NP (NP such astronomical proportions) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP `` wipe (PRT out) '' (NP (NP all) (PP but (NP a fraction)) (PP of (NP my poor , hard-come-by savings))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (ADVP also) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR publicly) reprimanded) , (VP dragged (NP *-1) (PP through (NP the mud)) (PP by (NP-LGS the radical press))) and (VP made (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP a figure) (PP of (NP fun)))) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP such leftist publications) (PP as (NP (NP-TTL The New Republic) , (NP-TTL The New Yorker) , (NP-TTL Time) and (NP-TTL The Christian Science Monitor)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was (ADVP-TMP-PRD then) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP availed (NP myself) (PP of (NP (NP the rights) (PP of (NP a citizen))))) and (VP declared (S (NP-SBJ the income tax) (ADJP-PRD unconstitutional))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The litigation) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP costly) and (ADJP seemingly endless))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP fought (PP like (NP a tigress)))) but (S (PP-TMP by (NP (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP appealed (NP my case) (PP to (NP the Supreme Court)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) (PRN -LRB- (NP 1937) -RRB-))) , (NP-SBJ-2 (NP Mr. Roosevelt) and (NP his `` henchmen '')) (VP had (VP done (NP their `` dirty work '') (ADVP-MNR all too well) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (ADVP even) (VP going (ADVP (ADVP so far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) (VP to (VP attempt (S (NP-SBJ-5 *-4) (VP to (VP `` pack '' (NP (NP the highest tribunal) (PP-LOC in (NP the land))) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP defeat (NP little me)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Presidential coercion) (VP had (VP succeeded (CONJP not only) (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP poisoning (NP (NP the courtiers , `` toadies '' and sycophants) (PP of (NP the `` bench ''))) (PP against (NP me)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so far-reaching) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP discourage (NP-3 (NP any lawyer) (PP-LOC in (NP the nation))) (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP representing (NP me))))))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD ready (S *ICH*-1)) , (PP like (NP Portia)) , (S-1 (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP present (NP my own brief))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the Supreme Court) (VP would n't (ADVP even) (VP hear (NP my case))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My plea) (VP was (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR unanimously) voted (PRT down)) and `` (VP thrown (PRT out)) '')) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Again) , (NP-SBJ my name) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD on (NP all the front pages))) .)) (TOP (S-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP seemed (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) ,) (UCP-PRD (NP (NP persona non grata) (PP-LOC in (NP every quarter))) , but not (PP (ADVP entirely) without (NP (NP a staunch following) (PP of (NP (NP noted political thinkers) and (NP (NP students) (PP of (NP jurisprudence))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ Charles Evans Hughes) (VP said))) , `` (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP Miss Poitrine 's) limitations) (PP as (NP an actress))) (VP are (VP exceeded (NP *-1) (ADVP only) (PP by (NP (NP her logic) (PP as (NP a litigant)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Albert Einstein) (VP was (VP quoted (NP *-1) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP saying : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP The workings) (PP of (NP (NP the woman 's) mind))) (VP amaze (NP me))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Henry Ford) (VP spoke (PP of (NP me)) (PP as `` (ADJP utterly astounding) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Heywood Broun) (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-SBJ Belle Poitrine) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most original) thinker) (PP-TMP since (NP Caligula))))) '')) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 even F.D.R.) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP concede (SBAR that `` (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ (NP the rest) (PP of (NP this nation))) (VP showed (NP (NP the foresight and patriotism) (PP of (NP Miss Poitrine)))))) , (NP-SBJ America) (VP would (ADVP-MNR rapidly) (VP resemble (NP ancient Babylon and Nineveh)))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP Not only) (SINV were (NP-SBJ the court costs) (ADJP-PRD prohibitive)) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP subjected (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP (NP crippling fines) , (PP in (NP (NP addition) (PP to (NP (NP usurious interest) (PP on (NP (NP the unpaid `` debts '') (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ the government) (VP claimed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Metronome and I) (VP owed (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) -- (NP a severe financial blow)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV Nor , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Manny) (VP said))) , had (NP-SBJ the notoriety) (VP done (NP my career) `` (NP any good) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 My enemies) (VP were (ADJP-PRD only too anxious (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP level (PP against (NP me)) (NP (NP such charges) (PP as (NP `` (NP reactionary) '' , `` (NP robber baroness) '' , and (ADVP even) `` (NP traitor) '')))))))) ! !)) (TOP (FRAG (NP Traitor) (INTJ indeed) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP point (ADVP-TMP now) (PP with (NP pride)) (PP to (NP the fact (SBAR that , (S (SBAR-TMP (ADVP long) ere (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP (NP the Committee) (PP on (NP Un-American Activities))) , (NP the Minute Women) , (NP the Economic Council) and (NP other such notable `` watchdog '' organizations)) (VP were (ADVP so much as) (VP heard (PP of (NP *-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP Hollywood 's) leading bulwark) (PP against (NP communism))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP fighting (ADVP-MNR single-handedly) `` (NP creeping socialism) '' (PP against (NP (NP such insuperable odds) (PP as (NP (NP (NP the Fascio-Communist troops) (PP of (NP the NRA , PWA , WPA , CCC))) and (NP (NP an army) (PP of (NP (NP (QP more than twenty-two million) mercenaries) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whom) (S (NP-SBJ F.D.R.) (VP employed (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR secretly) , (PP through (NP (NP the transparent ruse) (PP of (NP regular `` relief '' checks)))))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD Needless (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say))))) , (NP-SBJ my art) (VP suffered (ADVP-MNR drastically) (PP-TMP during (NP this turbulent period))) .)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ it) (VP do (ADVP otherwise)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Even though (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (ADVP-TMP always) (VP had (NP (NP a genius) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP `` throwing (NP myself) '' (PP into (NP every role))) and `` (VP playing (NP it) (PP for (NP (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD worth (NP *T*-1)))))))) '')))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 no actress) (VP can (VP be (VP expected (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP her best work)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP her fortune) , (NP her reputation) , (NP her livelihood) , (NP her home) and (NP (NP her nation) (NP itself))) (VP are all (VP imperilled (NP *-3) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Such sweeping distractions) (VP are (ADVP hardly) (ADJP-PRD conducive (PP to (NP (ADJP `` Oscar '' winning) performances)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP tried (NP-ADV my hardest) , (PP with (NP (NP little help) (PRN , (SQ may (NP-SBJ I) (VP say)) ,) (PP from (NP (NP my husband) and (NP leading man))))))) , but (S (ADVP somehow) (NP-SBJ the outside pressures) (VP were (ADJP-PRD too severe))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Having (PRN -LRB- (PP through (NP my unflagging effort and devotion)) -RRB-) (VP achieved (NP (NP stardom) , (NP a fortune) and (NP a world-renowned wife)) (PP-TMP at (NP (NP an age) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ most young men) (VP are (VP casting (NP their first vote) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 Letch) (VP proceeded (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP neglect (NP (NP them) (NP all)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADVP-TMP Never) (NP-PRD a `` quick study '')) , (NP-SBJ-3 he) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP made (NP no attempt (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP learn (NP his `` lines ''))))))) and (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP many a mile) (PP of (NP film))) (VP was (VP wasted (NP *-1)))) , (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP many a scene) -- (VP (ADVP-TMP sometimes) involving (NP (QP as many as a thousand) fellow thespians)) --) (VP was (VP taken (NP *-2) (NP-TMP (QP thirty , forty , fifty) times) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ (NP Miss Poitrine 's) co-star and `` helpmate '') (VP had (ADVP-TMP never) (VP learned (NP his part))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP Each time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ Letch) (VP `` went (PRT up) '' (PP in (NP his `` lines '')) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the one) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD patient , helpful and apologetic)))))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP indulged (PP in (NP (NP outbursts) (PP of (NP temperament , profanity and abuse)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP blaming (NP others)) , (VP going (PP into `` (NP sulks) '')) and , (VP (PP-TMP on (NP (NP more occasions) (SBAR than (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP care (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP count (NP *?*))))))))) , storming (PP-DIR off (NP the `` set '')) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the day))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP his finances))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP was (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD privileged (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHADJP exactly how much) money) (S (NP-SBJ Letch) (VP had `` (VP salted (NP *T*-1) (ADVP away)) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD I) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP paid (PP for (NP (NP (NP our little home) , (NP the food) , (NP the liquor) , (NP the servants)) -- (ADVP even) (NP (NP (NP Letch 's) bills) (PP at (NP (NP his tailor) and (NP the Los Angeles Athletic Club)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (ADVP-TMP Never once) did (NP-SBJ he) (VP buy (NP me) (NP a single gift))) and (S (PP for (NP our third anniversary)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP gave (NP me) (NP a dislocated jaw))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S But (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (NP-PRD another story))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (PP As (PP for (NP his private monies))) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (ADVP-MNR rapidly) (VP dissipated (NP *-1) (PP in (NP drinking , gaming and carousing)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP More than) once) (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP confronted (NP-3 *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP professional gamblers) , `` (NP bookies) '' , (NP loan `` sharks '') , (NP gangsters) , `` (NP thugs) '' and `` (NP finger men) '') -- (NP (NP people) (PP of (NP (NP a class) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP did not (ADVP even) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP existed)))))))))) --)) (UCP (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP repay (NP (NP my husband 's) staggering losses)))) , `` (FRAG or (ADVP else)) ''))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP shuddered (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP someone) (ADJP so dear (PP to (NP me)))) (VP could (ADVP even) (VP associate (PP with (NP such a sinister milieu)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (PP-TMP at (NP (NP three different times) (PP-TMP during (NP our turbulent marriage)))) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP strange girls) , (PP with (NP (NP the commonest) (PP of (NP accents))))) , (VP telephoned (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP announce (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ Letch) (VP had (VP sired (NP their unborn children))))))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Having (NP (NP the deepest) (PP of (NP maternal instincts))))) , (NP-SBJ my heart) (ADVP fairly) (VP bled (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (PP of (NP (NP (NP the darling pink and white `` bundles) (PP from (NP heaven)) '') (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP have (ADVP-MNR proudly) (VP given (NP my husband) (NP *T*-1)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-SBJ (INTJ Ah) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (ADJP-PRD too old))) '' , (VP was (ADVP invariably) (NP-PRD his (ADJP ungallant and untrue) retort) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP suggested `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP starting (NP a family))) '' (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Letch) (VP had (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD abundantly clear) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not (VP care (PP for (NP (NP the company) (PP of (NP my own precious daughter))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP felt (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD wiser) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (NP Baby-dear) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP school)) and (PRN -- (PP-TMP during (NP the summers)) --) (PP at (NP (NP a camp) (VP run (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Society) (PP of (NP Friends)))))))) (ADVP-TMP (NP all year) around)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her presence) (ADVP only) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ Letch) (ADJP-PRD more distant and irritable)))) and , (S (S (PP in (NP (NP the hurry) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP buying (NP Chateau Belletch)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (VP neglected (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP consider (NP (NP a room) (PP for (NP Baby-dear))))))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP her) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))) , (ADVP anyhow)))) .)) (TOP (S -LRB- (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP feel (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ God) , (PP in (NP His infinite wisdom)) , (VP wants (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP to (VP have (NP (NP these inexplicable little lapses) (PP of (NP memory)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-TMP almost always) (VP works (PRT out) (PP for (NP the best))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (ADVP Yet) (NP-SBJ I) (VP adored (NP (NP this man) , (NP Letch Feeley)) , (SBAR-PRP (WHADVP-1 why) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can not (VP say (ADVP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP With (NP (NP faint heart) and (NP a brave smile))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP endured (NP (NP (NP his long absences) (PP from (NP Chateau Belletch))) , (NP his coldness) , (NP his indifference) , (NP his slights) and (NP his abuse))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP The times) (SBAR (WHNP-5 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP recall (NP *T*-5))))) (SBAR (WHADVP-6 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (ADVP-MNR publicly) (VP humiliated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS him)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-6)))))) -- (NP (NP (NP lovely dinner parties) (PP-LOC in (NP our Trianon Suite)) (SBAR (WHADVP-8 where) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the collation) (VP was (VP postponed and postponed and postponed (NP *-2) (ADVP-LOC *T*-8) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP only) (VP to (VP be (VP served (NP *-3) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD dry and overcooked)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP a table) (SBAR (WHADVP-7 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the host 's) chair) (VP was (ADJP-PRD vacant) (ADVP-LOC *T*-7))))))))))))))) ; ; (NP (NP (NP a `` splash party '') (PP at (NP (NP the new pool) , (SBAR (WHNP-4 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP built (NP *T*-4) (PP in (NP (NP the hope) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP keeping (NP Letch) (ADVP-LOC away (PP from (NP public beaches)))))))))))))) , (SBAR (WHADVP-9 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Letch) and (NP a certain Aquacutie)) (VP stayed (ADVP-LOC underwater) (ADVP together) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP the better part) (PP of (NP an hour)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-9)))))) ; ; (NP (NP (NP a lovely Epiphany party) (PP-LOC at (NP Errol Flynn 's)) , (SBAR (WHPP-12 on (WHNP which sacred occasion)) (S (NP-SBJ-10 Letch) (VP stole (ADVP away) (PP with (NP an unknown `` starlet '')) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-10) (VP leaving (NP-11 me) `` (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-11) (ADJP-PRD high and dry)) '' (S (NP-SBJ *-11) (VP to (VP get (ADVP-DIR home) (ADVP (ADVP as best) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP *?*)))))))))) (PP-TMP *T*-12))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ These) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP but a sampling) (PP of (NP (NP the insults) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP endured (NP *T*-4)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (PP As (NP Mrs. Letch Feeley)) , was (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (NP-PRD any wonder) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP I) , (RRC (ADVP-TMP once) (NP-PRD (NP the social arbiter) (PP of (NP Filmdom))))) , (VP was (VP excluded (NP *-1) (PP from (NP (NP the smart entertainments) (VP given (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the Astaires) , (NP the Coopers) , (NP the Gables) , (NP the Colmans) , (NP the Rathbones) , (NP the Taylors) , (NP the Thalbergs) and (NP (NP such devout , (ADJP closely knit) families) (PP as (NP (NP the Barrymores) and (NP the Crosbys))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ (NP Letch 's) antisocial conduct) (VP increased))) , (NP-SBJ our invitations) (VP decreased)) and (S (NP-SBJ my heart) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP my mouth)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP played (NP hostess) (PP-LOC at (NP a fashionable `` screenland '' gathering)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Between (NP 1935 and 1939)) (NP-SBJ Letch and I) (VP made (NP (NP ten films) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP together) , (NP-1 (NP each) (ADJP (ADJP less successful , (ADVP both artistically and commercially)) , (PP than (NP (NP the one) (PP-TMP before (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Our last joint venture) , (NP Sainted Lady) , (NP (NP a (ADJP deeply religious) film) (VP (VP based (NP *) (PP on (NP (NP the life) (PP of (NP Mother Cabrini))))) , and (VP timed (NP *) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ its release date) (VP would (VP coincide (PP with (NP (NP the beatification) (PP of (NP (NP America 's) first saint)) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP November) , (NP 1938))))))))))))) , (VP was (NP-PRD a fiasco) (PP (PP from (NP start)) (PP to (NP finish)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP As (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (VP playing (NP Mother Cabrini))))) , (NP-SBJ the picture) (VP was (ADVP actually) `` (ADJP-PRD all mine) '' , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP nearly every) scene) (VP built (NP *-1) (PP around (NP me)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (NP Letch) (PP (PP in (NP the public eye)) and (PP out (PP of (NP trouble)))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP wrote (PRT in) (NP (NP (NP a part) (PP (ADVP especially) for (NP him))) -- (NP (NP that) (PP of (NP (NP a dashing ruffian) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP `` (VP sees (NP the light)) '' and (VP is (VP saved (NP *-3) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the inspiring example) (PP of (NP Mother Cabrini)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ And did (NP-SBJ he) (VP appreciate (NP (NP my efforts) (PP on (NP his behalf)))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP trouble (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP memorize (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP very small) part) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP `` tailor-made '' (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP his specifications))))))) , (NP (NP a role) (VP (ADVP-TMP eventually) cut (ADVP down) (PP to (NP three short speeches))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ he) (VP show (NP (NP (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the cast))) -- (VP numbering (NP four thousand)) --) (NP (NP the consideration) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP arriving (PP-LOC at (NP the studio)) (ADVP-MNR punctually) -- (NAC or (ADVP even) (ADVP at all))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did not) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The `` shooting '') (VP went (PRT on) (PP-TMP for (NP eight months))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Most) (PP of (NP our working days))) (VP were (VP spent (NP *-1) (PP on (NP the telephone)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP calling (NP `` (NP bookies) '' , (NP illegal gambling dens) , (NP (NP a certain `` residential club) (PP for (NP young actresses)) '') , (NP (QP more than a hundred) different bars) or (NP (NP the steam room) (PP of (NP the athletic club)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 Whenever) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP deigned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP appear (PP-LOC at (NP the studio))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD `` (ADJP hung over) '' , (ADJP uncooperative) , (ADJP rude) and (ADJP insulting))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP made (NP (NP many (ADJP tasteless , irreverent and unfunny) remarks) , (PP (CONJP not only) (PP about (NP (NP me) (PP in (NP the title role)))) , but (PP about (NP (NP religion) (PP in (ADJP general))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP By (NP (NP the time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the film) (VP was (VP released (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP three million) dollars) over-spent))) , (S (NP-SBJ war) (VP was (ADJP-PRD imminent))) and (S (NP-SBJ the public) (ADVP apparently) (VP had (VP forgotten (PP (ADVP all) about (NP Mother Cabrini))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-ADV (NP Thanks) (PP to (NP (NP Letch Feeley) and (NP (NP the terrible strain) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP imposed (NP *T*-1) (PP on (NP me))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the notices) (VP were (ADJP-PRD few and unfavorable)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Only George Santayana) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP understand and appreciate (NP the film)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP wrote : `` (S (NP-SBJ Miss Poitrine) (VP has (VP perpetrated (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP most eloquent) argument) (PP for (NP the Protestant faith))) (VP (ADVP-TMP yet) unleashed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS Hollywood))))))) '' (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD small consolation)) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP a rare fit) (PP of (NP anger and spite)))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP `` farmed (PRT out) '' (NP my own husband) (PP to (NP a (ADJP (ADJP small) and (ADJP most undistinguished)) studio)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (NP one picture)))) (PP as (NP (NP a form) (PP of (NP punishment))))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (NP An actor) (VP must (VP have (NP discipline)))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The film) (VP was (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP-TTL (NP The Diet) (PP of (NP Worms))) , (SBAR (WHNP-3 which) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP felt (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP was (SBAR-NOM-PRD (ADVP just) (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ Letch) (VP deserved (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 It) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP a life) (PP of (NP Martin Luther))) , (PP of (NP all things)))))) ! !)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-PRD a disaster)) ! !)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP clothes)) , (NP-SBJ Letch) (ADVP simply) (VP did not (VP project)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP laughed (NP *-1) (PP off (NP the screen)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) , (ADVP however) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP availed (NP myself) (PP of (NP (NP the services) (PP of (NP (NP (NP that great English actor and master) (PP of (NP make-up))) , (NP Sir Gauntley Pratt))))) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP a `` quickie '') (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-TTL-PRD (NP The Mystery) (PP of (NP the Mad Marquess))))) , (SBAR (WHPP-5 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP played (NP (NP a young American girl) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP inherits (NP (NP a haunted castle) (PP-LOC on (NP the English moors)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP (VP is (VP filled (NP *-4) (PP with (NP (NP secret passages) and (NP sliding panels))))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD unbeknownst (PP to (NP anyone)))) , is (ADVP-TMP still) (VP occupied (NP *-4) (PP by (NP-LGS an eccentric maniac)))))))))))) (PP *T*-5))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD-4 (NP a `` potboiler '') (VP made (NP *) (PP on (NP a `` shoestring ''))))) and (VP not (NP-PRD=4 (NP the sort) (PP of (NP film)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP like (NP *T*-1))))) , (SBAR-PRP as (S (NP-SBJ (NP all) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-3)))))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP look (ADJP-PRD blank)) and (VP scream (NP-ADV a great deal))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My heart) (VP was not (PP-PRD in (NP it)))) , but , (S (ADVP oddly enough) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP remains (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most financially successful) picture) (PP of (NP my career))))) .)) (TOP (PRN -LRB- (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP watched (NP it) (PP on (NP television)) (NP-TMP late one night) (NP-TMP last week))) and (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP `` stands (PRT up) '' (ADVP-MNR remarkably well) , (ADVP-TMP even (NP twenty years) later)))) . -RRB-)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Letch) (VP had (VP returned (PP from (NP his debacle)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP unrepentant) and (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP more badly) behaved) (PP than (ADVP before))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP really) (VP loved (NP that boy))) , and , (S (PP in (NP a feverish attempt (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP (VP to (VP preserve (NP our marriage))) and (VP to (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP revive (NP (NP the wonderful , wonderful person) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ Letch) (VP had (ADVP-TMP once) (VP been (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP took (NP my troubles) (PP to (NP Momma)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP hoping (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ her earthy advice) (VP would (VP help (NP me))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TPC-2 If (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (ADVP only) (VP think (PP of (NP (NP something) (PP at (NP the studio)) , (ADVP-LOC near (NP me)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP absorb (NP his boundless energy))))))))))) '' , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SBAR *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ is (NP-SBJ Letch) (ADJP-PRD interested (PP in (NP *T*-1)))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 Bookies , booze and babes) '' , (NP-SBJ Momma) (VP said (NP *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR bluntly)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Her reply) (VP stung (NP me))) , but (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP was (ADJP-PRD too important (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ my hurt) (VP make (NP any difference))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP ca n't (VP turn (NP the studio) (PP into (NP (NP a gambling hell) or (NP a saloon)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP Up (PP to (NP date))) , (ADVP however) , (S (NP-SBJ his garden) (VP was (ADVP-TMP still) (NP-PRD (NP more or less) (PP of (NP a mess))))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (ADVP even) (VP started (NP his workshop)))) and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD a meadow pond) (PP-LOC in (NP the neighborhood))))) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had n't (VP found (NP it)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP was n't (NP-PRD his fault) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ these things) (VP were (ADVP-PRD so))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The difficulty) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-2 each day) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP produce (NP (NP its quota) (PP of (NP (NP details) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP be (VP cleaned (PRT up) (ADVP immediately)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-PRP As (NP a result)) , (NP-SBJ life) (VP had (VP become (NP-PRD (NP a kind) (PP of (NP continuous make-ready))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Once (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP disposed (PP of (NP (NP these items) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP screamed (ADVP-MNR so harshly) (PP for (NP attention)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP undertake (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (ADVP really) (VP counted)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (PP at (ADVP last)) , (S (NP-SBJ his day) (VP would (VP fall (PP into (NP an ordered pattern))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD free (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP read) , or (VP garden) or (VP (ADVP just) wander (PP-DIR through (NP the woods)) (PP-TMP in (NP the late afternoon)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP accompanied (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS his dogs)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP His dogs ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (ADVP almost) (VP forgotten (NP them) , (SBAR-ADV although (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP played (NP such an important part) (PP in (NP his early dreams)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (VP (VP romping (PP-LOC around (NP him)) (PP on (NP these walks))) , (VP yelping (PP with (NP delight))) , (VP dashing (PP-DIR off (PP into (NP the bushes))) (PP on (NP fruitless hunting expeditions))) , (VP returning (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP jump (PP up (PP on (NP him))) (ADVP-MNR triumphantly) (PP with (NP muddy paws))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Dogs) (VP did (NP something) (PP to (NP (NP one 's) ego))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADVP constantly) (VP assuring (NP you) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the world 's) great guys)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Regardless (PP of (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP (WHADJP how much)) (PP of (NP a slob))) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP knew (S (NP-SBJ yourself) (VP to (VP be (NP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (VP be (ADJP-PRD certain (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (ADVP-TMP never) (VP find (PRT out))))))))) -- and (S (SBAR-ADV even if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did))) (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP make (NP no difference)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ it) (VP became (ADJP-PRD increasingly apparent (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 there) (VP were (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP no dogs) (PP in (NP the picture))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHNP-2 (WHNP What) (PP in (NP the world))) (SQ were (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP with (NP (NP a lot) (PP of (NP dogs))))))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP left (PP for (NP town)) (PP-TMP on (NP Monday afternoons)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ You) (ADVP certainly) (VP could n't (VP take (NP them) (PP-DIR into (NP the little apartment))))) and (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP farm (NP them) (PRT out) (PP-TMP for (NP (QP two or three) days)) (NP-TMP every week))))))) (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP become (ADJP-PRD so confused (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP would (VP have (NP nervous breakdowns))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-3 Why (PP in (NP the world))) (SQ could n't (NP-SBJ he) (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP one place)) (NP-MNR (NP the way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP everyone) (ADVP else)) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP *?* (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-3))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP worried (NP him) , (NP-TPC this inability (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-1 the simplest things) (VP done (NP *-1))) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the course) (PP of (NP a day))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would (VP (VP wake (PRT up) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the middle) (PP of (NP the night))))) and (VP fret (PP about (NP it))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How (PP in (NP the world))) (SQ had (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP formerly) (VP found (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP build (PRT up) (NP a business)) , (VP raise (NP a family)) , (VP be (PP-PRD on (NP (QP half a dozen) boards))) , (VP work (ADVP-MNR actively) (PP on (NP committees))) and (VP either (VP go (ADVP-DIR out) (PP-TMP in (NP the evening))) or (VP plow (PP through (NP (NP the contents) (PP of (NP a bulging brief case)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD possible) (SBAR-1 that (S (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ people) (VP grow (ADJP-PRD older)))) (NP-SBJ (NP the nature) (PP of (NP time))) (VP changed))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Could (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP be (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP speeded (PRT up) (PP for (NP the aged)) (PP in (NP some mysterious way)) , (SBAR-ADV as if (S (NP-SBJ-1 a bored universe) (VP were (VP skipping (PP through (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP the chapter)))) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP just) (VP to (VP get (NP it) (ADVP over (PP with))))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Or was (NP-SBJ the answer) (ADJP-PRD less metaphysical) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ older people) (VP work (ADVP-MNR more slowly)) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP take (NP (NP a man) (PP of (NP sixty-five))) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP longer) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP write (NP a letter)) , (VP shave) , (VP clean (PRT out) (NP a barn)) , (VP read (NP a newspaper))))) , (SBAR-1 than (FRAG (NP (NP a man) (PP of (NP thirty)))))) ? ?)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ-2 men) (VP become (NP-PRD perfectionists) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP grew (ADJP-PRD older)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (UCP-PRD (VP polishing , polishing) , (ADJP reluctant (S (NP-SBJ-3 *-1) (VP to (VP let (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP go))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP might (VP be (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-4 certain people) (VP were (VP born (NP *-4) (PP with (NP a compulsion (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP complicate (NP their lives)))))) , (SBAR-ADV while (S (NP-SBJ-2 others) (VP could (VP live (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD blissfully motionless)) (ADVP almost indefinitely) , (PP like (NP (NP lizards) (PP-LOC in (NP the sun)) , (ADJP too indolent (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP blink (NP their eyes))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-3)) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his misfortune) , or (NP good fortune)) , (SBAR-NOM-MNR (WHNP-5 whichever way) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP looked (PP at (NP it)) (NP-MNR *T*-5)))) , (S-3 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP belong (PP to (NP the former group))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP was (VP struggling (ADVP-MNR unconsciously) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP build (PRT up) (NP pressure) (PP in (NP (NP a world) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP demanded (NP none)))) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADJP-PRD positively antagonistic (PP to (NP it))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (ADVP then again) (ADVP perhaps) (NP-SBJ (NP the reason) (SBAR (WHADVP-5 why) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP find (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP any) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (VP planned (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP-TMP after (NP retirement)))))))))) : (NP (NP reading) , (NP roaming) , (NP gardening) , (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP (VP lying (PP on (NP his back))) and (VP watching (S (NP-SBJ the clouds) (VP go (ADVP by)))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-5)))))) , (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD because (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP did n't (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP do (NP them))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no compulsion) (PP behind (NP them)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP could (VP be (VP (VP done (NP *-1)) or (VP left (NP-2 *-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADJP-PRD undone))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (ADVP really) (VP gave (NP a damn))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP During (NP all his busy life)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP only) (VP done (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP done (NP *-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This habit) (VP had (VP become (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so fixed) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (PP-TMP over (NP the years)) (SBAR-3 that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD futile) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP (NP anything) (SBAR (WHPP-1 for (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP was (VP waiting (PP *T*-1)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP looked (PP at (NP (NP the luminous dial) (PP of (NP his wrist watch))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-TMP-PRD (NP-ADV five minutes) after (NP four))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-LOC On (NP some distant farm)) (NP-SBJ a rooster) (VP crowed)) and , (S (PP-LOC (ADVP far) down (NP the valley)) , (NP-SBJ an associate) (VP answered)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP turned (ADVP over) (ADVP-MNR impatiently)) and (VP pulled (NP the sheet) (PP over (NP his head)) (PP against (NP (NP the treacherous encroachment) (PP of (NP the dawn)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At least) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could (VP buy (NP (NP the equipment) (PP for (NP his workshop))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP Thus) (VP committed (NP *-1))) , (NP-SBJ action) (VP might (VP follow)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP (NP Mills and Bradley 's) Hardware Store)))) and (VP bought (NP (NP a full set) (PP of (NP (NP carpenter 's) tools)) , (PP including (NP (NP a rotary power saw) and (NP (NP several other pieces) (PP of (NP power machinery)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Mills) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (ADJP-PRD essential (PP for (NP (NP babbiting and doweling) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 whatever) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP also) (VP bought (NP (NP (NP a huge square) (PP of (NP pegboard)) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hanging (PRT up) (NP his tools))))) , and (NP (NP lumber) (PP for (NP his workbench))) , (NP sandpaper) and (NP glue) and (NP assorted nails) , (NP levels) and (NP T squares) and (NP plumb lines) and (NP (NP several gadgets) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP use (NP *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))) or (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (PP-PRD for (NP *T*-3))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (INTJ-TPC-1 There) '' , (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mr. Mills) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ That) (VP 'll (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP started (NP *-1))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP-PRD Best) (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP get (NP everything) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Add (NP things) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP need (NP 'em)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP did n't (ADVP even) (VP ask (NP (NP the cost) (PP of (NP this collection))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP all)) , (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP were (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP set (PRT up) (NP a workshop)))))))) (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (NP the proper equipment)))))) and (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD that))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP returned (ADVP-LOC home) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 the station wagon) (VP loaded (NP *-2) (PP with (NP tools)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 Jinny) (VP had (VP gone (PP with (NP a friend)) (PP-DIR to (NP (NP some meeting) (PP-LOC in (NP the village)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP using (NP the (ADJP recently purchased) second car))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD glad)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP gave (NP him) (NP a chance (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP unload (NP the stuff)) and (VP get (NP it) (PP-DIR down (PP to (NP the cellar)))) (PP without (NP (NP a barrage) (PP of (NP acid comments))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP had (VP made (NP (NP such a fuss) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP buying (NP that second car)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP knew (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD vulnerable)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP piled (NP everything) (ADVP-MNR neatly) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a corner) (PP of (NP the cellar))))) and (VP turned (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stare (PP at (NP the blank stone wall))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (SBAR-LOC-PRD (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the pegboard) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (VP would (VP go (ADVP-LOC *T*-3) (SBAR-2 (WHPP-1 on (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP hang (NP his hand tools) (PP-LOC *T*-1)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 In (NP (NP front) (PP of (NP it)))) would (VP be (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ his workbench) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The old nightmare) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP caused (NP him) (NP (ADJP so many) wakeful hours)))))) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP charging (ADVP in) (PP on (NP him)))) (ADVP-TMP once more))) , (S (ADVP only) (NP-TMP this time) (NP-SBJ he) (VP could n't (VP (VP pacify (NP it) (PP with (NP a sleeping pill))) and (VP send (NP it) (ADVP away))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How (PP in (NP the world))) (SQ did (NP-SBJ one) (VP attach (NP a pegboard) (PP to (NP a stone wall)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))) ? ?)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 How) (SQ did (NP-SBJ one) (VP attach (NP anything) (PP to (NP a stone wall)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1) , (PP for (NP that matter)))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP the pegboard)) (NP-SBJ there) (VP would (VP be (NP-PRD the paneling))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP sat (ADVP down) (PP-LOC on (NP an old box))) and (VP focused (PP on (NP the problem)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ one) (VP bored (NP holes) (PP-LOC in (NP the stone)) (PP with (NP (NP some kind) (PP of (NP an electric gadget))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (CONJP But then) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP stuck (NP things) (PP into (NP the holes)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (WHADVP-2 why) (SQ did n't (NP-SBJ they) (VP come (ADVP right out) (ADVP again) (ADVP-PRP *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (NP all)) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD rather hopeless)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP turned (NP his attention) (PP to (NP the workbench))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the first thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A workbench) (VP had (NP (NP a heavy top) and (NP sturdy legs)))) , but (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 how) (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) (VP attach (NP sturdy legs) (PP to (NP a heavy top)) (SBAR-PRP so that (S (NP-SBJ the whole thing) (VP did n't (VP (VP wobble (PP like (NP a newborn calf))) and (VP (ADVP ultimately) collapse (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP leaned (PP-LOC on (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Mills) (VP had (VP (VP done (NP some figuring) (PP on (NP (NP a scrap) (PP of (NP paper))))) and (VP given (NP him) (NP (NP the various kinds) (PP of (NP (NP boards and two-by-fours) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) , (S-4 (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-3) (ADVP-MNR properly) (VP handled (NP *-2))) (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) , (VP would (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP assured (NP him) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4))))) ,) (VP turn (PP into (NP a workbench)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP lay (PP-LOC on (NP the cellar floor)) (PP in (NP a disorderly pile))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Crombie) (VP poked (PP at (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR gingerly) (PP with (NP his foot))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-2 How) (SQ could (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP an assortment) (PP like (NP that)))))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Perhaps) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP had (ADVP better) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP have (S (NP-SBJ (NP someone) (NP *ICH*-2)) (VP help (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP (VP put (PRT up) (NP the pegboard)) and (VP build (NP the workbench)))) -- (NP-2 (NP someone) (SBAR (WHNP-5 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-5) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (PP-PRD about (NP *T*-3)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (ADVP at least) (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP have (NP (NP (NP a place) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP hang (NP his tools) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)))))) and (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP work (PP-LOC on (NP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP After (NP that)) (NP-SBJ everything) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD simpler))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP went (ADVP-DIR upstairs) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP phone (NP Crumb))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP To (NP his amazement)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP reached (NP him)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Crumb) (VP was (VP laid (NP *-1) (PRT up) (PP with (NP a bad cold)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP did n't (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP think (SBAR that (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP attaching (NP a pegboard) (PP to (NP a stone wall)))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP much) (PP of (NP a problem)))))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP tossed (PRT off) (NP (NP the building) (PP of (NP the worktable))) (ADVP-MNR equally lightly))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The only trouble) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP he) (NP himself)) (VP was (VP tied (NP *-1) (PRT up) (PP on (NP the school job))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP had n't (VP been (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP finish (NP the porch))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP know (PP of (NP any handyman-carpenter)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was n't (NP-PRD any such thing) (ADVP-TMP any more)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Carpenters) (NP all)) (VP wanted (NP steady work))) and (S (PP-TMP at (NP the moment)) (NP-SBJ (NP (NP every mother 's) son) (PP-LOC for (NP (NP twenty miles) (ADVP around))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP hammer (NP nails) (PP for (NP (NP twenty-five dollars) (NP-ADV a day)))))))) (VP was (VP working (PP on (NP the school job))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a fellow) (VP named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Blatz)))) (PP-LOC over (NP Smithtown way))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 Nobody) (VP liked (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP hire (NP him)))) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP could (VP tell (SBAR (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-3) (VP to (VP be (VP taken (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD drunk)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Crumb) (VP would (ADVP probably) (VP see (NP him) (PP-LOC at (NP Lodge Meeting)) (NP-TMP the next night))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP was (ADJP-PRD sober)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD doubtful))))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP 'd (VP have (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP get (PP in (NP touch)) (PP with (NP Mr. Crombie)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Blatz) (VP had (VP been (ADJP-PRD (ADVP at least) sober enough (S (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP telephone)))))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP turned (PRT out) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the greatest boon) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP had (VP come (PP into (NP (NP Mr. Crombie 's) life)) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP moved (PP-DIR to (NP Highfield))))))))))))) , (PP in (NP (NP spite) (PP of (NP the fact (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP work (ADVP (ADVP-MNR very fast) or (ADVP-TMP very long (PP at (NP a time))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-4 he) (VP did n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP work (ADVP at all)))) (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Crombie) (VP (VP hung (ADVP around)) and (VP talked (PP to (NP him))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD the lonely type)))))) and (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP working (PP-LOC in (NP a cellar)))) (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ funny things) (VP coming (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP (NP the cracks) (PP-LOC in (NP the wall))))))) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP was n't (NP-PRD (NP nobody) (PP with (NP you)))))))) .)) (TOP (S So (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Crombie) (VP (VP sat (PP-LOC on (NP a wooden box))) and (VP talked) (SBAR-PRP in order (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP Mr. Blatz 's) mind) (PP from (NP funny things))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP At (NP the same time)) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP watched (ADVP-MNR carefully) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP attached (NP pegboards) (PP to (NP stone walls)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) , but (S (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Blatz) (VP was (ADVP-TMP usually) (VP standing (PP-LOC in (NP (NP his line) (PP of (NP vision))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (NP all)) (VP seemed (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so simple) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP did n't (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP disclose (NP his ignorance)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Blatz) (VP was (VP (VP putting (PRT up) (NP the pegboards)) and (VP starting (NP the workbench)))))) , (NP-SBJ Mr. Crombie) (VP told (NP him) (PP of (NP (NP this idea) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP paneling (NP (NP the whole end) (PP of (NP the cellar))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Blatz) (VP agreed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD pretty)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Without (NP further discussion)) (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP appeared (NP-TMP the next morning) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP a pile) (PP of (NP boards))) (VP sticking (PP-LOC over (NP (NP the end) (PP of (NP his light truck)))))))) and (VP proceeded (PP with (NP (NP the paneling) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ he) (ADVP then) (VP stained and waxed (NP *T*-1) (PP according (PP to (NP his taste)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (INTJ Now) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP put (PRT in) (NP (NP (NP some outlets) (PP for (NP them power tools))) ; ; (ADVP then) (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP (NP fluorescent lamps) (PP-LOC over (NP the workbench))))))))))) an ' (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP 're (ADVP-PRD about through) (PP-LOC down (ADVP here))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (NP all)) (VP did (VP look (ADJP-PRD very efficient and shipshape))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP no question) (PP of (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (PP By (NP the way)) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Blatz) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP packing (NP his tools) (PP into (NP a battered carrier))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ them power tools) (VP needs (NP extra voltage)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP guess (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (PP about (NP that)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP Before (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP use (NP 'em)))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the light company) (VP 's (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP run (PRT in) (NP a heavy line))))))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 'll (VP need (NP (NP a new fuse box) (PP for (NP the extra circuits)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP ai n't (ADJP-PRD too bad) (PP 'ceptin ' (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the light company) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so busy) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP get (S (NP-SBJ 'em) (VP to (VP do (NP nothin ')))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP Instead of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP being (VP depressed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS this news)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Mr. Crombie) (VP was (ADVP actually) (ADJP-PRD relieved)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP At least) (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the moment) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (VP was (VP postponed (NP *-2) (SBAR-1 (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 he) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP face (NP (NP the mystery) (PP of (NP the power tools)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP followed (NP Mr. Blatz) (PP-DIR up (NP the cellar stairs))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (ADJP usual)) , (NP-SBJ Mrs. Crombie) (VP was (VP standing (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the midst) (PP of (NP (NP a confusion) (PP of (NP cooking utensils)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Blatz) (VP sat (ADVP down) (PP-LOC in (NP the only unoccupied kitchen chair))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (INTJ Well) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ-1 your man) (VP fixed (NP *-1) (PRT up) (ADVP-MNR nice) (PP-LOC down (ADVP there))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP oughta (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP build (NP a new house) (PP with (NP all them contraptions)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Crombie) (VP watched (NP his wife) (PP with (NP an anxious expression))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP sayin ' (PP to (NP him)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD all ready (PP *ICH*-2)) (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-2 for (NP (NP anything) (ADVP else) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-3) (VP done (NP *-1))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Crombie) (VP could n't (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ his) (VP saying (NP any such thing))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD wonderful))) '' , (VP cried (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Mrs. Crombie) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP (NP a thousand things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) for (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Doors) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP wo n't (VP open))))) , and (NP (NP doors) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP wo n't (VP close))))) and (NP shelves) and (NP-UNF broken --) '')) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-2 But (NP-SBJ those) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP built (NP the workshop) (PP for (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (VP protested (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ Mr. Crombie) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Those) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP the things) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP do (NP *T*-1) , (ADVP-TMP now (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'm (VP set (NP *-2) (PRT up)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 've (VP been (VP waiting (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (S (NP-SBJ-2 these things) (VP done (NP *-2)))))) (PP-TMP for (NP months)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-3)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP wo n't (VP live (ADVP-TMP long enough) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wait (PP for (NP you)))))))) , (S (PP besides (NP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP do n't (VP need (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP worry)))))) -- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP 'll (VP be (NP-PRD plenty more))))) '' .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ the discussion) (VP was (ADJP-PRD academic)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Blatz) (VP was (ADVP-TMP already) (VP taking (NP (NP measurements) (PP for (NP (NP a shelf) (PP-LOC above (NP the kitchen sink))))))) .)) (TOP (NP Ambiguity)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Nothing) (PP in (NP English))) (VP has (VP been (VP ridiculed (NP *-1) (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP as (NP (NP the ambiguous use) (PP of (NP words))))) , (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP be (NP-PRD (NP the ambiguous use) (PP of (NP sentences))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ben Franklin) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 *) (ADVP-MNR Clearly) (VP spoken (NP *-1) , (NP-VOC Mr. Fogg)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP explain (NP English) (PP by (NP Greek))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Richard Brinsley Sheridan) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the interpreter) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (ADJP the hardest)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP to (VP be (VP understood (NP *-1)))))) (PP of (NP the two)))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ a witty American journalist) (VP remarked (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP over a) century) ago) (UCP (FRAG (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADVP even more) true) (NP-TMP today))))) , `` (S (NP-SBJ-2 Many a writer) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (ADVP-TMP never) (ADJP-PRD profound) (PP except (SBAR (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP ca n't (VP understand (NP his own meaning) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP many types) (PP of (NP ambiguity))))) and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP many) (PP of (NP them))) (VP have (VP been (VP described (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS rhetoricians)) (PP under (NP (NP such names) (PP as (NP (NP amphibology) , (NP parisology) , and (NP other ologies))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP common parlance)) (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP would (VP be (VP described (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP misses) -- (NP (NP misinterpreters) , (NP misunderstanders) , (NP misdirectors) and (NP kindred misdeeds))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP One species) (PP of (NP ambiguity))) (VP tries (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP baffle (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP interweaving (NP repetition)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (SQ Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP *RNR*-3)) or (SQ did (NP-SBJ you) not (VP *RNR*-3)) (VP-3 say (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP said (NP *T*-2)))))))) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ Jane) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP said (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (NP *T*-1)))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Another woman) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP addressing (NP Christmas cards))) , (VP said (PP to (NP her husband)) : (SQ `` (SQ (S (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP sent (NP them) (NP one) (NP-TMP last year))) but (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (VP send (NP us) (NP one))))) , so (S (NP-SBJ they) (ADVP probably) (VP wo n't (VP send (NP us) (NP one) (NP-TMP this year) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP 'll (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP wo n't (VP send (NP them) (NP one) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did n't (NP-TMP last year)))))))))))))))) , (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR *?*)))) , or (SQ shall (NP-SBJ we) (VP *?*)) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 Such ambiguous exercises) (VP compound (NP confusion) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD worse compounded))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP are (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (VP expanded (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP until (S (NP-SBJ (NP the cream) (PP of (NP the jest))) (VP sours)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Ambiguity) (PP of (NP a non-repetitious kind))) (VP describes (NP (NP the dilemma) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ one girl) (VP found (NP herself) (PP in (NP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD terribly upset))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP a girl-friend) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wrote (S (NP-SBJ Bill) (VP *ICH*-3)) (PP in (NP my last letter)) (VP-3 to (VP forget (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP told (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP did n't (VP mean (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP reconsider (NP my decision (S (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP change (NP my mind)))))))))))))))))))) -- and (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP misunderstood (NP me))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Evidently) (NP-SBJ Bill) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP another) (PP of (NP (NP those men) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP simply) (VP do n't (VP understand (NP women))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another case) (VP involves (NP (NP a newspaper reporter) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP tripped (PRT up) (NP a politician)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-VOC Mr. Jones) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP may (VP recall (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP printed (NP-TMP last week) (NP (NP your denial) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP having (VP retracted (NP (NP the contradiction) (PP of (NP your original statement))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (INTJ Now) would (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP care (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP have (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP were (VP misquoted (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP regard) (PP to (NP it)))))))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Questions) (PP like (NP this)) , (VP framed (NP *) (PP in (NP verbal fog)))) , (VP are (ADVP perhaps) (NP-PRD (NP the only kind) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP stumped (NP an experienced politician))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP recall (NP (NP (NP Byron 's) classic comment) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP would (VP explain (NP his explanation))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Similarly) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ a reporter) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP questioned (NP Lincoln) (PP in (NP cryptic fashion)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Lincoln) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP make (NP any further statement))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP fear (NP (NP explanations) (ADJP explanatory (PP of (NP (NP things) (VP explained (NP *))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) (VP leaving (S (NP-SBJ-1 the biter) (UCP-PRD (VP bit (NP *-1)) -- and (ADJP bitter)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The obscurity) (PP of (NP politicians))) (VP may not (ADVP-TMP always) (VP be (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as innocent) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP looks (ADJP-PRD *?*))))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-VOC Senator) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ an interviewer)) ,) `` (NP-SBJ your constituents) (VP ca n't (VP understand (PP from (NP (NP your speech) (NP-TMP last night))) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 just how) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP stand (PP on (NP the question)) (ADVP *T*-1)))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV (INTJ-TPC-1 `` Good '' ! !) (VP Replied (INTJ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the Senator) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP took (NP me) (NP five hours) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP write (NP it) (NP-MNR that way))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The misplaced modifier) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP another species) (VP (ADVP more) honored (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP the observance) (PP of (NP obscurity)))) (PP than (PP in (NP the breach)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP creates (NP an amusing effect) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP its position) (PP in (NP a sentence))) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP apply (PP to (NP the wrong word))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (NP-PRD-TPC-1 (NP A verse) (ADJP familiar (PP to (NP all grammarians)))) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the quatrain) : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (S (NP-SBJ a man) (VP *ICH*-4)) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP-4 beat (NP (NP his wife) (SBAR *PPA*-3)) (SBAR-TMP *PPA*-3)) (SBAR-TMP-3 (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ *) (PP-PRD on (NP a drunken spree)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (SQ (INTJ Now) can (NP-SBJ you) (VP tell (NP me) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD drunk)))))) -- (NP (NP The man) , (NP his wife) , or (NP me)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The `` wooden-leg '' gag) (PP of (NP vaudeville))) , (NP (NP another standby) (PP of (NP this sort)))) , (VP had (NP endless variations)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP a man) (ADVP-LOC outside) (PP with (NP (NP a wooden leg) (VP *PPA*-1))) (VP-1 named (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD Smith))))) '' .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the name) (PP of (NP his other leg))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Another stock vaudeville gag) (VP ran : `` (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mother) (VP is (ADVP-LOC-PRD home) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD sick)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP bed)) (PP *PPA*-2)) (PP-2 with (NP the doctor)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ radio) (VP came (ADVP in) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP continued (NP the misplaced modifier) (PP in (NP its routines)) (PP as (NP a standard device))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP see (NP (NP that pretty girl) (VP standing (ADVP-LOC next (PP to (NP (NP the car) (PP *PPA*-1))))) (PP-1 with (NP (NP slacks) (ADVP on))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP see (NP the girl))) but (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP see (NP (NP the car) (PP with (NP (NP slacks) (ADVP on))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP In (NP recent years)) (NP-SBJ gagwriters) (VP have (VP discovered (NP (NP this brand) (PP of (NP blunder)))))) and (S (ADVP thus) (NP-SBJ the misplaced modifier) (VP has (VP acquired (NP (NP a new habitat) (PP in (NP the gagline)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP one cartoon)) (NP-SBJ-7 a family) (VP is (VP shown (NP *-7) (PP-LOC outside (NP a theater)) (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP the head) (PP of (NP the family))) (VP addressing (NP the doorman) : `` (S (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Excuse (NP me))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP came (ADVP-DIR out) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ we) (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP had (VP left (NP (NP (NP my daughter 's) handbag) and (NP (NP my wife 's) (NAC *PPA*-2))) (ADVP-2 behind)))))))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Journalism) (VP supplies (NP us) (PP with (NP (NP an endless run) (PP of (NP such slips))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Not long ago) (NP-SBJ a newspaper) (VP advised (NP (NP those) (VP taking (NP part) (PP in (NP a contest)))) (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ snapshots) (VP must (VP be (UCP-PRD (PP of (NP (NP a person) (ADJP *PPA*-1))) (ADJP-1 (ADJP not larger) (PP than (NP A[fj] inches))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Classified ads) (VP are (ADVP also) (ADJP-PRD chockfull (PP of (NP misrelated constructions)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Readers) (PP of (NP (NP the Reader 's) Digest))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD familiar (PP with (NP (NP such items) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (ADVP-TMP often) (VP appear (PP in (NP (NP its lists) (PP of (NP verbal slips))))))) , (PP like (NP (NP the ad) (PP in (NP a California paper)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP advertised `` (UCP (NP (NP House) (PP for (NP rent))) . (S (NP-SBJ View) (VP takes (PRT in) (NP (NP five counties) , (NP two bedrooms))))) ''))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ brevity) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the soul) (PP of (NP (NP ambiguity) (CONJP as well as) (NP wit))))))) , (NP-SBJ newspaper headlines) (ADVP-TMP continually) (VP provide (NP us) (PP with (NP amusing samples))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ Officials) (VP Meet (PP-LOC on (NP rubbish))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Many Shapes) (PP-LOC in (NP bathtubs)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Son and Daughter) (PP of (NP Local Couple))) (VP Married (NP *-1)) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Apart (PP from (NP (NP misplaced modifiers) and (NP headlinese)))) , (NP-SBJ journalism) (VP contributes (NP (NP a wide variety) (PP of (NP comic ambiguities)) (PP in (NP both (UCP editorial and advertising) matter)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A weekly newspaper) (VP reported (NP a local romance))) : `` (S and (NP-SBJ-1 the couple) (VP were (VP married (NP *-1) (NP-TMP last Saturday) , (S-ADV (ADVP thus) (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP ending (NP (NP a friendship) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP began (PP-TMP in (NP their schooldays))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP An item) (PP in (NP (NP the letters column) (PP of (NP a newspaper))))) (VP renewed (NP a subscription) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP adding : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP personally) (VP enjoy (NP your newspaper) (ADVP (ADVP as much) (PP as (NP my husband))))) ''))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP the caterer 's) ad) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP read : `` (SQ are (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP (VP getting (VP married (NP *-2))) or (VP having (NP an affair))) ? ?)))))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (NP (NP complete facilities) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP accommodate (NP 200 people))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The newspaper) (ADVP too) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the favorite habitat) (PP of (NP the anatomical)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This slip) (VP is (VP so-called (NP *-1) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ-2 its semi-ambiguous English) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP refer (PP to (NP (NP a person 's) anatomy))) but (VP (ADVP-TMP never) (ADVP quite) means (SBAR (WHNP-4 what) (S (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP say (NP *T*-4)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP Samples) : (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP walked (ADVP-DIR in) (PP upon (NP her invitation)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP kissed (NP him) (ADVP-MNR passionately) (PP-TMP upon (NP his reappearance))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP kissed (NP her (NAC *PPA*-1)) (ADVP-1 back)) .)) (TOP (SINV Not (PP without (NP good reason)) has (NP-SBJ-1 the anatomical) (VP been (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD jocular journalese)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP news items)) (NP-SBJ-1 a man) (VP is (ADVP-TMP (ADVP less often) (PP *ICH*-2)) (VP shot (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP the body or head)) (PP-2 than (PP-LOC in (NP the suburbs))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (SBAR-TMP While (S (NP-SBJ Henry Morgan) (VP was (VP escorting (NP Miss Vera Green) (PP from (NP the church social)) (NP-TMP last Saturday night))))) , (NP-SBJ a savage dog) (VP (VP attacked (NP them)) and (VP bit (NP Mr. Morgan) (PP-LOC *PPA*-1)) (PP-LOC-1 on (NP the public square))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Such items) (VP recall (NP (NP the California journalist) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP reported (NP (NP an accident) (VP involving (NP a movie star))))))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP The area) (SBAR (WHPP-3 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 Miss N --) (VP was (VP injured (NP *-1) (PP-LOC *T*-3)))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD spectacularly scenic))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The double meaning) (PP in (NP the anatomical))) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD (NP a familiar vaudeville device) , (PP as (PP in (NP (NP the gags) (PP of (NP Weber and Fields)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP a witness) (PP at (NP court))) (VP was (VP asked (NP *-4) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-5 he) (VP had (VP been (VP kicked (NP *-5) (PP in (NP the ensuing rumpus))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP replied , `` (S (INTJ No) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the stomach)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Strangely enough) , (NP-SBJ this) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP brought (NP the house) (PRT down)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Apart (PP from (NP (NP journalese) and (NP vaudeville gags)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the anatomical) (VP is (ADVP also) (VP found (NP *-1) (PP in (NP jocular literature)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A conscientious girl) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP the secretary) (PP of (NP a doctor)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP Her first day) (PP at (NP work))) (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (VP puzzled (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP an entry) (PP in (NP (NP the doctor 's) notes)) (PP on (NP an emergency case)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP read : `` (VP Shot (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the lumbar region))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP a moment) (PP of (NP thought)))) , (NP-SBJ her mind) (VP cleared)) and , (S (PP in (NP (NP the interest) (PP of (NP clarity)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP typed (PP into (NP the record)) : `` (VP Shot (NP *) (PP-LOC in (NP the woods))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP many grammatical misconstructions) (ADVP other (PP than (NP (NP dangling modifiers) and (NP anatomicals)))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP permit (NP two different interpretations)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC At (NP (NP the home) (PP of (NP a gourmet)))) (NP-SBJ-1 the new maid) (VP was (VP instructed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the fine points) (PP of (NP serving)))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ-1 the fish) (VP served (NP *-1) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD whole)) , (PP with (NP head and tail)))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ the epicure) (VP explained (S *T*-2))) ,) `` and (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP serve (NP it) (PP with (NP (NP lemon) (PP-LOC in (NP mouth)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The maid) (VP demurred) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD silly) -- (NP-TPC (NP lemon) (PP-LOC in (NP mouth))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S But (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ the gourmet) (VP insisted (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP is (VP done (NP *-1) (NP-MNR that way) (PP-LOC at (NP the (ADJP most fashionable) dinners))))))))) , (NP-SBJ the girl) (ADVP-MNR reluctantly) (VP agreed) .)) (TOP (S So (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP brought (NP-1 the fish) (ADVP in) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD whole)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP carried (NP a lemon) (PP-LOC in (NP her mouth)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Another specimen) (PP of (NP such double-entendre))) (VP is (VP illustrated (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a woman) (PP-LOC in (NP a department store)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP said (PP to (NP the saleslady)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP want (NP (NP a dress) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP put (NP *T*-1) (PRT on) (PP around (NP the house))))))))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The puzzled saleslady) (VP inquired , `` (SBARQ (WHADJP-1 How large) (SQ is (NP-SBJ your house) (ADJP-PRD *T*-1) , (NP-VOC Madam))) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This saleslady) (VP (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a failure) (PP-LOC in (NP the dress department)))) and (VP was (VP transferred (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP the shoe department))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ a customer) (VP asked (PP for (NP alligator shoes)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))) , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said , (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What size) (SQ is (NP-SBJ your alligator) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The comic indefinite) (VP comprises (NP (NP an extensive class) (PP of (NP comedy)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 One species) (VP is (VP restricted (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP statements) (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP are (ADJP-PRD neither explicit nor precise) (PP regarding (NP a particular person , place , time or thing))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ A woman) (VP met (NP a famous author) (PP-LOC at (NP a literary tea))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD so delighted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP meet (NP you))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP gushed (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S-CLF `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (NP-TMP-PRD only the other day) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP saw (NP (NP something) (PP of (NP yours)) , (PP about (NP something or other))) , (PP in (NP some magazine)))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP This baffling lack) (PP of (NP distinct details))) (VP recalls (NP (NP the secretary) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose employer) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP was (VP leaving (NP the office))) and (VP told (NP her) (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP answer (NP *T*-2) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ anyone) (VP called (PP in (NP his absence))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP may (VP be (ADVP-PRD back)))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP explained (S *T*-1))) ,) `` and (S (ADVP then again) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP may not (VP *?*))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The girl) (VP nodded (ADVP-MNR understandingly)) .)) (TOP (UCP-1 `` (FRAG (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC sir)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (UCP *T*-1))) ,) (SQ `` is (NP-SBJ that) (ADJP-PRD definite) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An old-fashioned mother) (VP said (PP to (NP her modern daughter)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP must (VP have (VP gotten (ADVP in) (ADVP-TMP quite late) (NP-TMP last night) , (NP-VOC dear)))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Where) (SQ were (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The daughter) (VP replied , `` (S (INTJ Oh) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (NP dinner) (PP-UNF with))) (PRN -- (S (INTJ well) , (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP know (NP him)))) but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD awfully nice)))) --) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP went (PP-DIR to (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP places)))))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP do n't (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP heard (PP of (NP them))))))))) --) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP finished (PRT up) (PP-LOC at (NP a cute little night club)))) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP forget (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP it)))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (INTJ Why) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right))) , (SQ is n't (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD *?*) , (NP-VOC Mother) '' ? ?))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her woolly-minded parent) (VP agreed) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (PP Of (NP course)) , (NP-VOC dear)) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADVP only) (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP like (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (ADVP-DIR *T*-2))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 (ADVP No less) ambiguous) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP the indefinity) (PP of (NP (NP a certain clergyman 's) sermon))) .)) (TOP (S-3 `` (NP-VOC (ADJP Dearly beloved)) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP preached (S *T*-3))) ,) `` (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP (VP repent (PP of (NP your sins)) (PP in (NP a measure))) , and (VP become (VP converted (NP *-2) (PP to (NP a degree))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP will (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-4 I) (VP regret (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP say (S *T*-3)))))) ,) (VP be (VP damned (NP *-1) (PP to (NP a (ADJP more or less) extent))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This clergyman) (VP should (VP have (VP referred (PP to (NP (NP (NP Shakespeare 's) dictum) : `` (S (NP-SBJ So-so) (VP is (NP-PRD a (ADJP (ADJP good) , (ADJP very good) , (ADJP very excellent)) maxim)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And yet) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is not (NP-PRD *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (ADJP-PRD but so-so)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Indefinite reference) (ADVP also) (VP carries (NP (NP double-meaning) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP an allusion) (PP to (NP one person or thing))) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP refer (PP to (NP another)) (ADVP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ A news item) (VP described (NP (NP the launching) (PP of (NP a ship))))) : `` (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Completing (NP the ceremony))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the beautiful movie star) (VP smashed (NP (NP a bottle) (PP of (NP champagne))) (PP-LOC over (NP her stern)) (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP slid (ADVP-MNR gracefully) (PP-DIR down (NP the ways)) (PP-DIR into (NP the sea))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is not (PP-PRD unlike (NP (NP (NP the order) (VP received (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the sergeant) (PP of (NP an army motor pool)))))) : `` (FRAG (NP Four trucks) (PP to (NP Fort Mason gym)) , (NP-TMP (NP 7:30) (NP tonight)) , (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP hauling (NP girls) (PP-DIR to (NP dance))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The bodies) (VP must (VP be (VP-3 cleaned (NP *-1))))) and (S (NP-SBJ=1-2 seats) (VP=3 wiped (NP *-2) (PRT off))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 A politician) (VP was (VP approached (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a man) (VP seeking (NP (NP the office) (PP of (NP (NP a minor public official) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP died)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ are (NP-SBJ (NP my chances) (PP for (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP taking (NP (NP Joe 's) place))))) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP fix (NP it) (PRT up) (PP with (NP the undertaker)))))) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP returned (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the politician)) ,) `` (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD all right (PP with (NP me)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The manager) (PP of (NP a movie theater))) (VP received (NP a telephone call) (PP from (NP (NP a woman) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD equally indefinite))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ have (NP-SBJ you) (VP got (NP *T*-1) (ADVP on) (NP-TMP today))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP inquired (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TPC-1 A blue suit) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP answered (NP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 Who) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (PP-PRD in (NP it)))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP continued (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (PP-PRD *?*))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a short pause) (PP for (NP reflection)))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ Oh) '' (PRN , (SINV (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the woman)) ,) `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (VP seen (NP that picture) (ADVP-TMP already))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Another brand) (PP of (NP indefinite reference))) (VP arises (PP out (PP of (NP (NP the use) (PP of (NP the double verb)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 When) (S (NP-SBJ a question) (VP contains (NP two verbs) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))) , (NP-SBJ the response) (VP does not (VP make (S (ADJP-PRD clear) (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 (WHNP which) (PP of (NP them))) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP being (VP answered (NP *-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 The moonlit night) (VP was (VP made (NP *-1) (PP for (NP romance))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP been (VP looking (PP at (NP her)) (ADVP-MNR soulfully) (PP-TMP for (NP some time)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Finally) (NP-SBJ he) (VP asked , (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP object (PP to (NP petting))) '' ? ?)))) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP one thing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 've (ADVP-TMP never) (VP done (NP *T*-1)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-MNR promptly)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP thought (NP-TMP a moment)) , (ADVP then) (VP inquired , (SQ `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP mean (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP petted))) '' ? ?))))) (TOP (S-1 `` (INTJ No) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP smiled (S *T*-1))) ,) `` (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP objected)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Replies) (PP to (NP (NP requests) (PP for (NP character reference))))) (VP are (ADJP-PRD notorious (PP for (NP their evasive double-entendre)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD hard) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (NP (NP anything) (ADJP (ADJP more equivocal) (PP than : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can not (VP recommend (NP him) (ADVP-MNR too highly)))) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Another (ADJP less ambiguous) case) (VP read (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP follows))))) : `` (S (NP-SBJ (NP The bearer) (PP of (NP this letter))) (VP has (VP served (NP me) (PP-TMP for (NP two years)) (PP to (NP his complete satisfaction))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (VP thinking (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP giving (NP him) (NP a berth)))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD a wide one))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP the comedy) (PP of (NP indefinite reference)))) , (NP-SBJ it-wit) (VP occupies (NP a prominent place) (PP-PRP because of (NP its frequent occurrence))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Ambiguity) (VP arises (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the pronoun) (NP it)) (VP carries (NP a twofold reference) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Two friends) (VP were (VP talking)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP said , `` (S (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 When) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP get (NP a cold) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) (NP-SBJ I) (VP buy (NP (NP a bottle) (PP of (NP whiskey)) (PP for (NP it))))) , and (S (PP-TMP within (NP a few hours)) (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD gone)))) '') .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The speaker) (VP referred (PP to (NP the whiskey)))) but (S (NP-SBJ his friend) (VP thought (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP meant (NP the cold)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It-wit) (VP is (NP-PRD a misnomer) (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP covers (NP slips (CONJP as well as) wit)))))) .) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ An excited woman) (VP was (VP making (NP (NP an emergency call) (S-IMP *ICH*-1)) (PP over (NP the phone)) : `` (S-IMP-1 (NP-VOC Doctor) , (NP-SBJ *) (INTJ please) (VP come (ADVP over) (ADVP-TMP right away))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My husband) (VP is (PP-PRD in (NP great pain))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP called (NP-TMP the other afternoon) (PP on (NP (NP my old friend) , (NP Graves Moreland) , (NP (NP the Anglo-American literary critic) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ-1 his mother) (VP was (VP born (NP *-1) (PP-LOC in (NP Ohio))))) --) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-2) (VP lives (ADVP alone) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP a fairy-tale cottage) (PP-LOC on (NP the Upson Downs)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP raising (NP hell and peacocks))))))))))) , (FRAG (NP the former) (SBAR-TMP (ADVP only) (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ the venerable gentleman) (VP becomes (NP-PRD (NP an angry old man) (PP about (NP (NP the state) (PP of (NP (NP literature) or (NP (NP something) (ADVP else) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP is (VP dwindling and diminishing)))) , (PP such as (NP (NP human stature) , (NP hope) , and (NP humor))))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My unscientific friend) (VP does not (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ human stature) (VP (VP is (ADJP-PRD measurable (PP in (NP (NP terms) (PP of (NP (NP speed) , (NP momentum) , (NP weightlessness) , or (NP (NP distance) (PP from (NP earth))))))))) , but (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a matter) (PP of (NP (NP the development) (PP of (NP the human mind))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP After (S (NP-SBJ Gagarin) (VP became (NP-PRD (NP the Greatest Man) (PP-LOC in (NP the World))) , (PP for (NP (NP a nation) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP does not (VP believe (PP (PP in (NP (NP the cult) (PP of (NP personality)))) or (PP in (NP careerism)))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP wrote (NP me) (NP (NP a letter) (SBAR (WHPP-4 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said : `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am not (ADJP-PRD interested (PP in (SBAR (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how long) (S (NP-SBJ a bee) (VP can (VP live (PP-LOC in (NP a vacuum)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , or (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how far) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP can (VP fly (ADVP *T*-3)))))))))) (PP *T*-4)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A bee 's) place) (VP is (PP-LOC-PRD in (NP the hive))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP have (VP come (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP talk (PP with (NP you)) (PP about (NP (NP the future) (PP of (NP humor and comedy)))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-3)) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 at (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP started (ADVP-MNR slightly)) , (CONJP and then) (VP made (NP (NP us) (NP each)) (NP a stiff drink) , (PP with (NP a trembling hand))) (PP *T*-2))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP remember '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP (NP an interview) (ADVP-TMP (NP ten years) ago))) (NP-SBJ you) (VP gave (NP humor and comedy) (NP (NP five years) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP live (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Did (NP-SBJ you) (VP go (PP to (NP their funeral))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD wrong))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP admitted (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ Comedy) (VP did n't (VP die))) , (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP just) (VP went (ADJP-PRD crazy))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP has (VP identified (NP itself) (PP with (NP (NP the very tension and terror) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP did (NP (NP (ADJP so much)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP alleviate (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ We) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP have (CONJP not only) (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP has (VP been (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD *ICH*-3)) (PP-LOC over (ADVP here)) (NP-PRD-3 (NP the comedy) (PP of (NP menace)))))))))) but (S (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP also) (VP have (NP (NP horror jokes) , (NP (NP magazines) (VP known (NP *) (PP as (NP Horror Comics)))) , and (NP sick comedians)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP are (ADVP even) (NP-PRD (NP publications) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD (NX-TTL Sick) and (NX-TTL Mad)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The Zeitgeist) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD (ADJP (ADJP crazy) (PP as (NP a loon))) or (ADJP (ADJP mad) (PP as (NP a March hare)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP manic) (PP as (NP a man))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP woke (PRT up) (NP-TMP this morning) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP paraphrasing (NP Lewis Carroll)))) .)) (TOP (SQ Do (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP hear (NP the paraphrase))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Can (NP-SBJ I) (VP bear (NP it)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP taking (NP (NP a final gulp) (PP of (NP my drink)))) , and (VP handing (NP him) (NP the empty glass))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TPC-2 Just barely) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP said (ADVP *T*-2)) , and (VP repeated (NP (NP his paraphrase) : (S-4 `` (NP-SBJ (NP The time) (SBAR *ICH*-3)) (VP has (VP come '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ the walrus) (VP said (S *T*-4))) ,) `` (SBAR-3 (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP To (VP speak (PP (PP of (NP manic things)) , (PP Of (NP (NP shots and shouts) , and (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP sealing (NP (NP dooms) (PP Of (NP commoners and kings)))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) '')))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP (VP fixed (NP (NP us) (NP each)) (NP another drink)) , and (VP said , `` (S-IMP (PP For (NP (NP God 's) sake)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP tell (NP me) (NP (NP something) (ADJP truly amusing)))) '')) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP try))) '' , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP said (S *T*-2)) , and (VP sat (PP-TMP for (NP a moment)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ (INTJ Oh) (INTJ yes)) , (S (NP-TMP the other day) (NP-SBJ I) (VP reread (NP (NP some) (PP of (NP (NP Emerson 's) (NX-TTL English Traits)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP an anecdote) (PP about (S-NOM (NP-SBJ (NP a group) (PP of (NP English and Americans))) (VP visiting (NP Germany) , (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP more than a hundred) years) ago))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP (NP the railway station) (PP-LOC at (NP Berlin)))) , (NP-SBJ a uniformed attendant) (VP was (VP chanting , ' (FRAG (FRAG (NP Foreigners) (NP-DIR this way) ! !) (FRAG (NP Foreigners) (NP-DIR this way) ' ! !)))))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One woman) (PRN -- (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD either English or American))))) --) (VP (VP went (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP him)))) and (VP said , ' (S But (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (NP-PRD the foreigners))) ')) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP took (NP (NP a deep breath) and (NP (NP an (ADJP even deeper) swallow) (PP of (NP my drink))))) , and (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP admit (SBAR that (S (S-NOM-SBJ (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (ADVP back) (PP to (NP Ralph Waldo Emerson)) (PP for (NP humor)))) (VP is (PP-PRD like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP going (PP-DIR to (NP a modern musical comedy)) (PP for (NP music and comedy)))))))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the matter) (PP with (NP the music))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP does n't (VP drown (PRT out) (NP the dialogue)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP explained (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP talk (PP about (NP books)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP am (VP told (NP *-1) (SBAR that (S (PP-LOC in (NP America)) (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (NP (NP non-books) (PP by (NP non-writers)) , (VP brought (NP *) (PRT out) (PP by (NP-LGS non-publishers)) (PP for (NP non-readers))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (NP all)) (NP-PRD non-fiction) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP non-fiction) and (NP non non-fiction)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP Speaking (PP of (NP nonism)))) : (NP-TMP the other day) , (PP in (NP (NP a story) (PP about (NP a sit-down demonstration)))) , (NP-SBJ the Paris Herald Tribune) (VP wrote , ' (S (NP-SBJ The non-violence) (VP became (ADJP-PRD noisier)))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP And then) (NP-SBJ-1 Eichmann) (VP was (VP quoted (NP-2 *-1) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP saying , (PP in (NP non-English)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP Hitler 's) plan (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP exterminate (NP the Jews))))) (VP was (NP-PRD nonsense))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBARQ-TPC-2 `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can not (VP tell (NP evil , horror , and insanity) (PP from (NP nonsense)))))) , (WHNP-1 what) (SQ (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the future) (PP of (NP humor and comedy))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP asked (SBARQ *T*-2) , (ADVP-MNR grimly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Cryptic) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP require , (PP for (NP existence)) , (NP (NP a brave spirit) and (NP a high heart)))) , and (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 where) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP find (NP these) (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))) ? ?))) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP our present era) (PP of (NP Science and Angst)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the heart) (VP has (VP been (VP downgraded (NP *-1) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP use (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP our popular retrogressive verbs))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP mean (NP *T*-1)))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP sighed (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TMP Last year) (NP-SBJ your Tennessee Williams) (VP told (NP our Dilys Powell) , (PP in (NP a television program)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the task) (PP of (NP the playwright))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP throw (NP light) (PP into (NP (NP the dark corners) (PP of (NP the human heart))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP Like (NP (NP almost everybody) (ADVP else))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP confused (NP (NP the heart) , (PP both (PP as (NP organ)) and (PP as (NP symbol)))) , (PP with (NP (NP the disturbed psyche) , (NP the deranged glands) , and (NP the jumpy central nervous system)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm not (VP pleading (PP (PP for (NP (NP the heart) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP leaps (ADVP up) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP beholds (NP (NP a rainbow) (PP-LOC in (NP the sky))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))) , or (PP for (NP (NP the heart) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP (VP (PP with (NP rapture)) fills) and (VP dances (PP with (NP the daffodils))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sentimental pure heart) (PP of (NP Galahad))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD gone (PP with (NP the knightly years))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-TMP still) (VP believe (PP in (NP (NP the heart) (PP of (NP (NP the George Meredith character) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-3) (VP was not (VP made (NP *-2) (PP of (NP (NP the stuff) (SBAR (WHNP-4 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP breaks))))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (ADVP-TMP no longer) (VP have (NP (NP (NP (NP Tom Moore 's) and (NP Longfellow 's)) ' heart) (PP for (NP any fate)) ')) , (ADVP either)) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ Moore and Longfellow) (VP did n't (VP have (NP (NP the fate) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP faces (NP us)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (NP-TMP One day) (NP-SBJ our species) (VP promises (NP co-existence))) , and (S (NP-TMP the next day) (NP-SBJ it) (VP threatens (NP co-extinction))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP sat (PP-TMP for (NP a while)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP drinking (PP in (NP silence))))) .)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ The heart) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1) (ADVP finally))) ,) `` (VP is (ADVP-TMP now) (PP-LOC-PRD (ADVP either) in (NP (NP the throat) or (NP the mouth) or (NP the stomach) or (NP the shoes)))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP was (VP worn (NP *-1) (PP-LOC (PP in (NP the breast)) , or (PP (ADVP even) on (NP the sleeve))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP at least) (VP knew (SBAR (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-3))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD a long silence)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You) (VP have (VP visited (NP England) (NP-TMP (NP five times) (PP-TMP in (NP the past quarter-century)))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) '' , (NP-SBJ my host) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (SBARQ `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ (NP *T*-1) (VP has (VP impressed (NP you) (ADVP most) (PP on (NP your present visit))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP would (VP say (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP depressed , not impressed))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP should (VP say (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the turning) (PP of (NP (NP courts) (PP of (NP law)))) (PP into (NP (NP veritable theatres) (PP for (NP (NP sex dramas) , (PP involving (NP (NP clergymen and parishioners) , (NP psychiatrists and patients))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP is (VP becoming (ADJP-PRD harder and harder) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP tell (NP (NP law courts) and (NP political arenas)) (PP from (NP the modern theatre))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP need (NP (NP a new Henry James) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP re-explore (NP the Anglo-American scene)))))))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` Or (ADVP perhaps) (NP a new Noel Coward) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ you) (VP must (VP have (VP heard (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP said (NP *-2) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ the drawing-room) (VP disappeared (ADVP-TMP forever) (PP with (NP (NP (NP the somnolent years) (PP of (NP James))) and (NP (NP the antic heyday) (PP of (NP Coward))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP I) (NP myself)) (VP hear (S (NP-SBJ-1 it) (VP said (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP constantly) -- (PP-LOC in (NP drawing-rooms))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP them)) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP is (ADVP-TMP usually) (NP-PRD (NP a group) (PP of (NP Anglo-Americans)) (PP with (NP (NP tragicomic problems) , (ADJP worthy (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP being (VP explored (NP *-1) (PP either (PP in (NP the novel)) or (PP in (NP the play)) or (PP in (NP comedy and satire)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP (VP stood (ADVP up)) and (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP pacing)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP are (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP us) (PP out (PP of (NP (NP the brothel) , (NP the dustbin) , (NP the kitchen sink) , and (NP the tawdry living-room))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADVP probably) (VP wasting (NP your time)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP told (NP me)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (ADJP Too many)) (PP of (NP our writers))) (VP seem (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD interested (PP (ADVP only) in (NP (NP creatures) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP crawl (PP-DIR (PP out (PP of (NP the woodwork))) or (PP from (PP under (NP the rock)))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (ADJP-TPC-1 Furiouser and furiouser) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (ADJP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (ADJP-PRD worried (PP about (NP (NP the current meanings) (PP of (NP (NP the word) (NP funny))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP means (FRAG (FRAG (ADJP ominous) , (PP as (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP speaks (PP of (NP (NP a funny sound) (PP in (NP the motor)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) ; ; (FRAG (ADJP disturbing) , (PP as (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP says (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 a friend) (VP is (VP acting (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD funny)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) ; ; and (FRAG (ADJP frightening) , (PP as (SBAR (WHADVP-4 when) (S (NP-SBJ a wife) (VP tells (NP the police) (SBAR that (S (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADJP-PRD funny))) , but (S (NP-SBJ her husband) (VP has n't (VP been (ADVP-LOC-PRD home) (PP-TMP for (NP two days and nights))))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-4)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Moreland) (VP sat (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP brooding)) (PP-TMP for (NP (NP a full minute) , (SBAR (WHPP-2 during (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP made (NP (NP each) (PP of (NP us))) (NP a new drink) (PP-TMP *T*-2))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP took (NP his glass)) , (VP clinked (NP it) (PP-LOC against (NP mine))) , and (VP said , (X `` (X Toujours gai) , (NP what the hell) '' ! !) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Borrowing (NP (NP a line) (PP from (NP (NP Don Marquis ') (NX-TTL Mehitabel)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP Be (ADJP-PRD careful (PP of (NP (NP the word) ' (NP gay) '))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ it) , (ADVP too) , (VP has (VP undergone (NP a change)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP means , (PP-LOC in (NP my country)) , (FRAG (ADJP homosexual)))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP forgot (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 one) (VP is (VP taken (NP *-1) (PP-DIR to (NP the funny house)) (PP in (NP the funny wagon)))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP is (VP removed (NP *-2) (PP-DIR to (NP a mental institution)) (PP in (NP an ambulance)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Recently) , (PP by (NP the way)) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP received (NP (NP a questionnaire) (SBAR (WHPP-2 in (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (VP asked (NP *-1) (SBAR whether or not (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD non-institutionalized)))) (PP *T*-2))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ My host) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR over)) and (VP stared (PP out (NP the window)) (PP at (NP his peacocks))))) ; ; (ADVP then) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP turned (PP to (NP me)))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Is (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (ADJP-PRD true) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the other animals) (VP are (ADJP-PRD (ADJP saner) (PP than (NP the human species))))))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (INTJ Oh) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP is (ADJP-PRD demonstrable))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP told (NP him) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (SQ `` Do (NP-SBJ you) (VP remember (NP (NP the woman) (PP-LOC in (NP the French Alps)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-PRD all alone (PP with (NP her sheep))) (NP-TMP one day) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ the sun) (VP darkened (ADVP-MNR ominously) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP told (NP the sheep) , (S ' (NP-SBJ The world) (VP is (VP coming (PP to (NP an end)))) ' ! !)))) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-1 the sheep) (VP said -- (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) all (PP-PRD in (NP unison))) , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP no doubt) -- (INTJ ba-a-a)) ! !)))) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The sound mockery) (PP of (NP sheep))) (VP is (PP-PRD like (NP the salubrious horse laugh))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (ADVP only partly) (NP-PRD non-nonsense))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP began (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S-IMP-2 `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP saw (NP (NP the drama) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-TTL-PRD Rhinoceros))))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-2))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP think (PP of (NP (NP the effect) (PP *ICH*-4) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP would (VP have (NP *T*-1) (PP-4 on (NP (NP an audience) (PP of (NP rhinos)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-3 (NP the actor) (PP-LOC on (NP stage))) (ADVP-MNR suddenly) (VP begins (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP turning (PP into (NP a rhinoceros)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 The rhinos) (VP would (VP panic , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP screaming (NP help ! !) -- (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-1 that) (VP can (VP be (VP screamed (NP *-1) (PP in (NP their language)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP think (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ the Russians) (VP are (VP getting (ADVP ahead (PP of (NP us))) (PP in (NP comedy))))))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP demanded (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 (INTJ Non-God) , (INTJ no)) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 The (ADJP political and intellectual) Left) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP fighting (NP humor and comedy))) (ADVP-TMP (NP years) ago) , (SBAR-PRP because (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP fear (NP (NP things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP (VP do not (VP understand (NP *T*-2))) and (VP can not (VP manage (NP *T*-2)))))) , (PP (PP such as (NP satire and irony)) , (PP such as (NP humor and comedy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Nevertheless) , (PP like (NP (NP any other human being) (SBAR (WHPP-1 upon (WHNP whom)) (S (NP-SBJ (NP the spotlight) (PP of (NP the world))) (VP plays (ADVP-TMP continually) (PP *T*-1)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP Khrushchev) , (NP the anti-personality cultist)) , (VP (VP has (VP become (NP-PRD a comic actor))) , or (VP thinks (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (VP *?*)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP (NP his famous meeting) (PP with (NP Nixon)) (ADVP-TMP (NP (NP a couple) (PP of (NP years))) ago))) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP as funny) (PP as (NP Ed Wynn)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (PP like (NP Caesar)) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP has (NP (QP only one) joke) , (ADVP (ADVP so far) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP find (PRT out))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP consists (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP saying , ' (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP would (VP be (VP sending (NP-1 the goat) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP look (PP after (NP the cabbage))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP-1 Why (PP in (NP (NP the name) (PP of (NP his non-God))))) (SQ does n't (NP-SBJ he) (VP vary (NP it) (NP-ADV a bit) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (PP-UNF-TPC-1 `` Such as '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP asked (PP-UNF *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (PP `` Such as ' (VP (VP sending (NP-1 the cat) (S-PRP-3 (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP guard (NP the mice))))) ' , or ' (VP (NP=1-2 the falcon) (S-PRP=3 (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP protect (NP the dove))))) ' , or (PRN (ADJP (ADVP most terribly) sharp (PP of (NP all))) ,) ' (VP (NP=1-4 the human being) (S-PRP=3 (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP save (NP humanity)))))) ' '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ You and I) (VP have (VP fallen (PP out (PP of (NP literature))) (PP into (NP politics))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP observed (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (SINV-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ What a nasty fall) (VP was (ADVP-PRD there)) '' ! !) (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (SINV *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 Moreland) (VP (VP went (ADVP-DIR over) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP stare (PP at (NP his peacocks)) (ADVP again))))) , (CONJP and then) (VP (VP came (ADVP-DIR back)) and (VP sat (ADVP down) , (ADVP-MNR restively)))) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ (NP The world) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADVP-TMP once) (ADJP-PRD foot-loose and fancy-free))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (VP has (ADVP-TMP now) (VP become (ADJP-PRD screw-loose and frenzy-free))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP (NP our age) (PP of (NP Science and Angst)))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP seems (PP to (NP me)) (ADJP-PRD (ADJP more brave) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP stay (PP-LOC on (NP Earth))) and (VP explore (NP inner man))))) (SBAR-2 than (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP fly (ADVP-LOC far (PP from (NP (NP the sphere) (PP of (NP our sorrow)))))) and (VP explore (NP outer space))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (S-ADV (NP-SBJ The human ego) (VP being (SBAR-NOM-PRD (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1)))))) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP put (PRT in) (S *T*-2))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ science fiction) (VP has (ADVP-TMP always) (VP assumed (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the creatures) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the planets) (PP of (NP (NP (QP a thousand) larger solar systems) (PP than (NP ours))))))) (VP must (VP look (PP like (NP gigantic tube-nosed fruit bats)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP seems (PP to (NP me)) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP the first human being) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP reach (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP these planets)))))))) (VP may (ADVP well) (VP learn (SBAR (WHNP-5 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-2)) (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-5) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD a (ADJP truly great and noble) species)))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ we) (VP are (VP leaving (NP humor and comedy) (ADVP behind) (ADVP again)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP protested (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 Not (PP in (NP (NP the largest sense) (PP of (NP the words))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-TMP The other day) (NP-SBJ Arnold Toynbee) (VP spoke (PP against (NP (NP the inveterate tendency (S *ICH*-1)) (PP of (NP our species)) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP believe (PP in (NP (NP the uniqueness) (PP of (NP (NP its religions) , (NP its ideologies) , and (NP (NP its virtually everything) (ADVP else)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (SBARQ (WHADVP Why) (SQ do (NP-SBJ we) not (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ no ideology) (VP believes (ADVP (ADVP so much) (SBAR *ICH*-1)) (PP in (NP itself)) (SBAR-1 as (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP disbelieves (PP in (NP (NP something) (ADVP else))))))))))) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP Forty years) ago) (NP-SBJ (NP an English writer) , (NP W.L. George)) , (VP (VP dealt (PP with (NP this subject)) (PP in (NP-TTL (NP Eddies) (PP of (NP the Day))))) , and (VP said , (PP as (NP an example)) , (SBAR that (S ' (NP-TTL-SBJ (NP Saint George) (PP for (NP Merry England))) ' (VP would not (VP start (NP a spirit) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP half so quickly) (PP as ' (S-IMP-TTL (NP-SBJ *) (VP Strike (NP-1 frog-eating Frenchmen) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dead)))) ')))))))) '' ! !)) (TOP (S-1 `` (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (ADVP also) (X (X Gott strafe Angleterre) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ Moreland) (VP reminded (NP me) (S *T*-1))) ,) `` and (X (X Carthago delenda est) , or (PRN (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP *?*))))) , (X Deus strafe Carthage)))) .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is n't (NP-PRD (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-3 what) (S (NP-SBJ the ideologist) (VP believes (PP in (NP *T*-3))))) , but (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP hates (NP *T*-2))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP puts (NP the world) (PP in (NP jeopardy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the force) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) , (PP-TMP (PP in (NP our time)) and (PP in (NP every other time))) , (SBAR-2 (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP urges (NP-3 (NP the paranoiac) and (NP the manic-depressive)) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP become (NP-PRD (NP head) (PP of (NP a state)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Complete power) (CONJP not only) (VP corrupts)) but (S (NP-SBJ it) (ADVP also) (VP attracts (NP the mad))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a bitter satire) (PP for (NP a future writer))) (PP in (NP that))) '' .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 Great satire) (VP has (ADVP-TMP always) (VP been (UCP-PRD (VP (ADVP-MNR clearly) written (NP *-1)) and (ADJP readily understandable))))) '' , (NP-SBJ I) (VP said (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S `` But (NP-SBJ we) (ADVP-TMP now) (VP find (NP (NP writers) (VP (VP obsessed (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the nooks and crannies) (PP of (NP their ivory towers))))) , and (VP (ADVP curiously) devoted (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP the growing obscurity and complexity) (PP of (NP poetry and non-poetry)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wrote (ADVP-TMP (NP a few years) ago) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the cardinal rules) (PP of (NP writing))))) (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ-1 the reader) (VP should (VP be (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (NP (NP some idea) (PP of (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ the story) (VP is (PP-PRD about (NP *T*-2))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One day) , (NP-SBJ-1 the children) (VP had (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP get (PP-DIR up (PP onto (NP (NP General Burnside 's) horse)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP his back) (NP *ICH*-3)) (VP felt (PP like (NP *T*-2)) -- (NP-3 the General 's)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP looked (ADJP-PRD so comfortable) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP being (ADJP-PRD straight)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP wanted (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP touch (NP the mystery))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP was (VP boosting (NP them) (ADVP-DIR up) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the policeman) (VP came (ADVP by) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very rude)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP had (NP a hard voice) , (ADVP too) , (NP-TMP this time)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The policeman 's) eyes) (ADVP rather) (VP popped (PP-TMP for (NP a second)))) ; ; (CONJP but then) (S (S (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP got (NP another tone) (PP in (NP a hurry)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said , (S-UNF `` (SBAR-ADV If (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was n't (PP-PRD for (NP these dear children))))) '' --)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The policeman) (VP got (NP (NP a confused , funny look) (PP-LOC on (NP his face))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP answered (ADVP-MNR (ADVP kind of) politely) , `` (S (S-IMP (INTJ Now) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP look (ADVP here) , (NP-VOC lady))) : (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP got (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP entertain (NP these kids)) and (NP-ETC all))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (S (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD a public park))) and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP 's (NP-PRD a city ordinance) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ-2 the statues) (VP can not (VP be (VP crawled (PP-LOC on (NP *-2))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP so ashamed) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP hung (NP her head) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP said , `` (FRAG (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC sir)) '' (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The policeman) (VP walked (ADVP on))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP looked (ADVP back) (ADVP-TMP once))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP had (VP happened (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the day) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ two other unusual things) (VP had (VP occurred (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP had (VP taught (NP them) (NP (NP a new way) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP have (NP fun) (PP-LOC in (NP their little private area)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP told (NP their mother) (PP about (NP the tumbles))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP In (NP (NP matters) (PP of (NP exact information)))) , (NP-SBJ that) (VP kept (NP her) (PP (NP-ADV one step) behind (NP developments)))) ; ; (CONJP and so) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD consistently true (PP to (NP their principles))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Never) (VP mind)) '' , (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP had (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1) , (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-2 the policeman) (VP had (VP left , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having (VP pursued (NP (NP the usual unco-operative course) (PP of (NP grownups)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP `` (NP-SBJ *) (ADVP-TMP Never) (VP mind) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP know (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADVP much more) fun)))) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP can (VP do (NP *T*-2) (PP-LOC on (NP our little lawn)))))))) '' .)) (TOP (SINV (SBARQ-TPC-3 `` (WHNP-1 What) (SQ is (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD *T*-1)) '' ? ?) (VP Asked (SBARQ *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ (NP the children) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose reflexes and replies) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (ADVP invariably) (ADJP-PRD (ADVP so admirably) normal and predictable))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Maybe) (NP-SBJ that) (VP was (SBAR-PRP-PRD (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP were (ADJP-PRD cordial and loyal (PP towards (NP (NP the unpredictability) (PP of (NP Arlene))))) (ADVP-PRP *T*-1))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (ADVP Just) (NP-SBJ you) (VP wait)) '' , (VP advised (S-IMP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-1 Arlene) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP echoing (NP (NP the dialogue) (PP in (NP a recent British movie))))) .)) (TOP (S And (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP got (PP to (NP their little lawn)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP had (VP had (NP a (ADJP (ADVP most twirlingly) magnificent) time))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP First) , (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP had (VP put (NP them) (PP through (NP some rapid somersaults)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP had (VP protested (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP was n't (NP-PRD any surprise)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (ADVP Just) (NP-SBJ you) (VP wait)) '' , (VP said (S-IMP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ Arlene) (ADVP again) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP were (VP discovering (NP (NP the (ADJP pleasantly tingling) insinuations) (PP of (NP that handy little sturdy statement))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ This) (VP is (NP-PRD a warm-up)) '' .)) (TOP (SINV (SQ-TPC-1 `` Is (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD (NP anything) (PP like (NP cooked-over oatmeal))) '' ? ?) (VP Asked (SQ *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP the children))) .)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 Not (NP-ADV the least bit)) '' , (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP snapped (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP (NP the many things) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so nice)))) (PP about (NP her))))) (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ she) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP took (NP (NP your questions) (NP *ICH*-1)) (ADVP-MNR seriously) , (NP-1 (ADVP particularly) your (ADJP very , very serious) questions))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Those) (VP were (ADVP especially) (NP-PRD (NP the ones) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ all other grownups) (VP laughed (PP at (NP *T*-1)) (ADVP-MNR loudest)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP would (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (ADVP even) (VP get (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) hard (PP on (NP you)))))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP took (NP you) (ADVP-MNR so seriously))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But not (ADJP-PRD hard) (PP-TMP for (ADVP very long)) .)) (TOP (ADVP Just long enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP make (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP feel (ADJP-PRD important)))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (ADVP-TMP-TPC-3 Now) '' , (VP said (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)) (NP-SBJ-2 Arlene) , (ADVP eventually) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP making (S (NP-SBJ (NP them) (NP both)) (VP sit (PP in (NP formation)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP (NP a big root) (PP of (NP a live oak))) , (NP (NP the sort) (PP of (NP root)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP divided (NP itself)) and (VP made (S (NP-SBJ their bottoms) (VP (VP sag (ADVP down)) and (VP feel (ADJP-PRD comfortable))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (ADVP-TMP Now) , (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (PP-PRD like (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ (NP General Burnside) and (NP his horse)) (VP make (S (NP-SBJ us) (VP think (PP of (NP *T*-2))))))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The children) (VP (VP looked (PP at (NP each other))) and (VP sagged (NP their bottoms) (ADVP down) (ADVP-MNR (ADVP even more comfortably) (PP than (ADVP ever))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their curiosity) (VP went (ADVP-MNR happily) (PP out (PP of (NP bounds)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP (VP threw (NP herself) (ADVP-DIR backwards)) and (VP wiggled (PP in (NP (NP a way) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD just wonderful)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP held (NP herself) (NP-MNR that way)) and (VP turned (NP her head) (PP-DIR towards (NP them))) and (VP laughed) and (VP winked)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-4 (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Imagine (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP being (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP laugh and wink)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (PP-PRD like (NP (NP the top part) (PP of (NP (NP that picture frame) (PP-LOC at (NP home)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP them))) (VP said (S-IMP *T*-4)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP They) (NP both)) (VP (VP laughed) and (VP winked (ADVP back))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-3 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (NP-PRD (NP (NP General Burnside 's) horse) , (ADVP upside down)))) '' , (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP said (S *T*-3) , (ADVP-MNR (ADVP sort of) gaspingly , (PP for (NP her))))) : (S (NP-SBJ-1 even she) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP breathe (ADVP-MNR (ADVP kind of) funny)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP that position)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP General Burnside 's) horse 's) belly) (VP do (NP (ADJP so funny)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADVP-PRD upside down) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) , (NP-SBJ-1 she) (VP was (PP-PRD (ADVP back) on (NP her feet)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP winking) and (VP smiling (NP that enormous smile)))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP (NP lots) (PP of (NP (NP wonderful big teeth) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP would (VP have (VP suspected (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (NP *T*-2)))) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was not (VP smiling (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))))))))))) -RRB-) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP (VP wink) and (VP throw (NP kisses)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP They) (NP both)) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP keep (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP smiling and winking)) (PP-TMP for (NP a long time))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ their lips and eyelids) (VP tremble)))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP kept (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP clapping)) (PP-TMP for (NP a long , long time))) .)) (TOP (S-5 `` (NP-TMP This time) '' (PRN , (S (S (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP said (S *T*-5))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-3 she) (ADVP even) (VP kept (PRT on) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP wiggling (NP-ADV a little bit))) (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADVP just) (VP talking))))))) ,) `` (NP-SBJ-4 you) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP tell (NP me) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (NP-PRD *T*-1)))) and (SBAR (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (VP doing (NP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP It) (NP all)) (VP has (NP (NP something) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP with (NP (NP General Burnside) and (NP his horse))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP This time) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD so grand))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP tell (SBAR (ADVP exactly) (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ (NP General Burnside 's) horse) (VP running (PP in (NP a circle))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His legs) (VP shook)) , and (S (NP-SBJ the shaking) (VP went (PP-DIR (ADVP right on) up (NP his body)) (PP-DIR through (NP his hips)) (PP-DIR to (NP his shoulders)))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP the General 's) horse))) '' , (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP them))) (VP cried (ADVP out) (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The other) (VP remarked , (PP in (NP a happy laughter)) , `` (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP 's (NP-PRD a funny old horse))) '') .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The first one) (VP said , `` (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP sure) (VP does (VP shake)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD old)) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) (NP-SBJ there) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ the General) (VP kissing (NP his wife)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 They) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP told (NP *-1) (NP that one)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD even funnier) (SBAR-TMP after (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (VP been (VP told (NP *-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Their father) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP came (ADVP back) (PP from (NP those many business trips)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (ADVP just) (VP (VP bumped (NP their mother) (PP-LOC on (NP the forehead)) (PP with (NP his lips))) and (VP asked (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-2 anybody) (VP had (VP thought (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP (VP mix (NP the martinis)) and (VP put (NP them) (PP-PUT in (NP the electric icebox)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG But not (NP General Burnside) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (NP-PRD the funniest man)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP could (VP keep (ADJP-PRD still) , (SBAR-TMP (ADVP even) (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP did n't (VP move (NP his feet) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP get (PRT up)) and (VP be (NP-PRD General Burnside)))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG Or (NP his horse) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP All) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP could (VP think (PP of (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP was (S-PRD (NP-SBJ-2 *) (VP to (VP run (ADVP around) (PP in (NP circles)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP kicking (NP their legs) (ADVP out))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD very funny)) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP Then) , (NP-SBJ they) (VP said (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ-1 General Burnside) (VP was (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP jump (PP-DIR over (NP (NP his horse 's) head))))))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP did (NP some somersaults))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ that) (VP was n't (ADJP-PRD very funny) , (ADVP either)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ-1 You) (VP ought (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP shake))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP advised (NP them) (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP showed (NP them) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP begin (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP also) (VP taught (NP-1 them) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP sing `` (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP wish (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (VP shimmy (PP like (NP (NP my sister) (NP Kate))))))))) '')))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP helped (NP-ADV a lot)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD clumsy))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP beginning (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP catch (PRT on))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (ADVP also) (VP caught (PRT on) (NP-ADV a little bit) (PP on (SBAR (WHADVP-1 how) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP smile (NP-ADV a lot) (PP without (S-NOM (NP-SBJ your lips) (VP trembling))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1))))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Imagine (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP wo n't (VP get (NP your allowance) (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP 're (VP caught (NP-3 *-2) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP (VP not smiling) -- or (VP smiling (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ your lips) (VP trembling (ADVP too much))))))))))))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP suggested (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ that) (VP helped (NP-ADV a great deal)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP were (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a little) late (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP getting (ADVP-DIR home)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sorry) , (NP-VOC Mrs. Minks))) '' , (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP in (NP (NP a tone) (ADJP (ADJP so low) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP could (ADVP hardly) (VP hear (NP it))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My mother) (VP constituted (NP-ADV herself) (NP (NP the voice) (PP of (NP (NP all) (PP of (NP us)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADJP-PRD perfectly understandable) , (NP-VOC Arlene))) '' , (NP-SBJ my mother) (VP said (S *T*-1) (PP in (NP a friendly way))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP suppose (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ (NP you) (NP all)) (VP (VP were (VP playing)) and (VP forgot))))) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S `` (FRAG-TPC-1 (INTJ Yes) , (NP-VOC ma'am)) '' , (NP-SBJ the children) (VP chorused (FRAG *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR heartily)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP could n't (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP laughing)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 The children) (VP rushed (ADVP off) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP to (VP get (VP rid (NP *-3) (PP of (NP their sweaters)))))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ-1 Arlene) (VP began (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP tapping (NP-4 the kitchen door) (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (ADVP-PRD open)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP 's (NP-PRD a good girl))) '' , (NP-SBJ my uncle) (VP remarked (PP to (NP us)) (S *T*-1))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (NP it) (ADVP-TMP too soon) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP came (ADVP out) (PP-TMP (ADVP just) before (NP (NP the tap) (SBAR (WHPP-2 to (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ the door) (VP responded (PP *T*-2))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ That tap) (VP had (NP a slight bangish quality)) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ She) (ADVP really) (VP is (NP-PRD a dear little thing))) '' , (NP-SBJ my mother) (VP agreed (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Her upper lip) (VP lifted (ADVP slightly)) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (VP biting (PP into (NP a small red radish))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ that action) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP caused (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP to (VP lift (NP her lip) (PP from (NP (NP the sting) (PP of (NP the thing))))))))) .)) (TOP (S Also , (NP-SBJ she) (VP lived (PP in (NP (NP continual fear) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP finding (NP (NP a white worm) (VP curled (NP *) (ADVP up) (PP in (NP (NP a neat , mean little heap) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the white center) (PP of (NP the radish)))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP would (VP try (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP see (PP (PP over (NP (NP the bulge) (PP of (NP her cheeks)))) and (PP (ADVP somewhat) under (NP her teeth))) (PP to (NP (NP the place) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (VP biting (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (ADVP-TMP never) (VP worked , (ADVP naturally))) ; ; but (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP made (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP look (ADJP-PRD unusual))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Also) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP had (VP bitten (PRT off) (NP (NP half) (PP of (NP the small radish))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ the suspense) (ADJP-PRD unbearable)))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP would (VP snatch (NP (NP the finger-held half) (PP of (NP the radish))) (PP out (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP could (VP inspect (NP it) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ One) (VP could (VP hear (NP (NP a (ADJP very faint) , ladylike sigh) (PP of (NP relief))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Actually) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (ADJP-PRD inaudible (PP to (NP (NP anyone) (VP not expecting (NP it)))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ (NP the warm joy) (PP of (NP her brown eyes))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD open (PP to (NP the general public)))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Later on) , (NP-SBJ the children) (VP told (NP her) (ADVP further) (PP about (NP somersaulting))) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ It) (VP must (VP be (ADJP-PRD awfully good (PP for (NP them))))) .)) (TOP (S (FRAG-TPC-1 And (ADJP awfully kind (PP of (NP Arlene)))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP told (NP us) (ADVP-TMP later) (FRAG *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` But do (NP-SBJ you) (VP know (NP (NP something) (ADJP curious))) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ She) (VP added (SQ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP reached (PP into (NP (NP that funny little pocket) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (ADJP-PRD high (PP up (PP on (NP my dress)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP have (NP no notion (SBAR (WHADVP-1 why) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP reached (ADVP-PRP *T*-1)))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (NP a radish)) .)) (TOP (SQ Was (NP-SBJ it) (NP-PRD an omen) ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP thought (PP-TMP for (NP a second))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ I) (VP would not (VP pamper (NP myself) (PP in (NP that silly way)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP opened (NP the window)) and (VP threw (NP the radish) (ADVP-DIR out))) '' .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Then) , (NP-SBJ my mother) (VP blushed (PP at (NP this small lie)) ; ; (SBAR-PRP for (S (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP knew (SBAR *RNR*-1))) and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP knew (SBAR *RNR*-1))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP cowardice) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP had (VP made (S (NP-SBJ (NP one more radish) (NP-TMP that night)) (NP-PRD (ADJP just too impossible) a strain))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Arlene) (VP became (ADJP-PRD indispensable))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ nobody) (VP could (VP have (VP told (ADVP why))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *?*)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP was (PP-PRD in (NP the air))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A friend) (PP of (NP my father 's))) (VP came (PP to (NP dinner))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP was (VP passing (PP-DIR through (NP town)))) and (VP phoned (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP say (NP hello)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-PRP As (NP a result)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP persuaded (NP *-1) (PP out (PP to (NP dinner))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP As (NP (NP a matter) (PP of (NP fact)))) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP happened (NP-TMP every (QP four or five) months)) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP coincided (PP with (S-NOM (NP-SBJ my father 's) (VP being (PP-LOC-PRD at (NP home)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometimes) , (PP as (PP at (NP this juncture))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP did not) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP always) (VP persuaded (NP *-1) (ADVP out))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP liked (NP children) , (PP in (NP (NP a loathsome kind) (PP of (NP way)))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the two youngest) (PP in (NP our family))) (ADVP-TMP always) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP in)) and (VP put (PP through (NP tricks))) (PP for (NP his entertainment)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 When) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP left (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP could (ADVP-TMP never) (VP remember (SBAR (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP poked (NP them) (PP-LOC in (NP their middles)) , (ADVP-MNR laughingly) , (PP with (NP a thick index finger)))))) or (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (ADVP merely) (NP-PRD (NP (ADVP so much) the sort) (PP of (NP person)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP did (NP this)))) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-3 one) (VP assumed (NP the action) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-4 *-3) not (VP bothering (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP look))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The children) (VP loathed (NP him) , (ADVP too)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP This evening) , (NP-SBJ-1 they) (VP were (VP pushed (NP *-1) (PP in (PP from (NP the breakfast room))) , (SBAR-ADV with (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP odds and ends) (PP of (NP dessert))) (VP distributed (NP *-2) (PP-LOC over (NP them))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP had (VP been (NP-PRD (NP some coconut) (PP-LOC in (NP it))) , (SBAR-PRP for (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP remember (S (NP-SBJ my mother 's) (VP (VP taking (NP (NP a quick glance) (PP at (NP (NP a stringy bit) (PP of (NP this nut)) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP the cheek) (PP of (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP them)))))))))) (CONJP and then) (VP putting (PRT down) (NP her radish) (PP with (NP a shiver)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP were (VP pushed (NP *-1) (ADVP-MNR gently) (PP-DIR into (NP the room)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Arlene) -- (SBAR (WHNP-2 (WHNP whose only part) (VP appearing)) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP were (NP-PRD (NP hands) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP crept (ADVP-MNR quickly) (ADVP back) (PP-DIR around (PP to (NP (NP the kitchen side) (PP of (NP the door)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP had (ADVP just) (VP sat (ADVP down))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP Mr. Gorboduc) (SBAR (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 're (VP doing (NP *T*-1) (NP-TMP these days))))))) '' , (NP-SBJ my mother) (VP advised (NP the children) (S-IMP *T*-2) , (ADVP-MNR ceremonially)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP (NP an air) (PP of (NP revolt)) (PP about (NP the children))) -- (ADVP even) (NP (NP irreverence) (PP for (NP their own principles))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP could (VP be (VP told (NP *-1) (PP (ADVP chiefly) from (NP (NP (NP a sort) (PP of (NP head-tossing and prancing))) , (NP (NP a horselike balkiness) (PP of (NP demeanor)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Possibly) , (NP-SBJ the coconut-containing dessert) (VP had (VP brought (PRT up) (NP (NP bitter problems) (PP of (NP administration))))) .)) (TOP (S But , (PP-TMP at (NP the beginning)) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP stayed (PP (ADVP just) in (NP the air))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP go (PP-DIR to (NP the park)) (PP with (NP this nice lady)))) '' , (NP-SBJ (NP one) (PP of (NP them))) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (NP good times)) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This happy bulletin) (VP convulsed (NP Mr. Gorboduc)) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ You) (VP do) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1) , (PP between (NP (NP wheezes) (PP of (NP laughter))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (VP forced (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP wipe (NP his eyes)))))) .)) (TOP (SQ `` (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP do n't (VP step (PP-LOC on (NP the flowers))))) , (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP *?*)) ? ?)) (TOP (INTJ Eh '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP One) (PP of (NP the children))) (VP maneuvered (PP-DIR out (PP of (NP (NP range) (PP of (NP the poking index finger)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (INTJ-TPC-1 No) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (INTJ *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ We) (VP do n't) '' .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Gorboduc) (VP took (NP (NP a swig) (PP of (NP his sherry)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP was (ADVP-TMP (ADVP so long) (SBAR *ICH*-2)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP thinking)) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ my mother) (VP had (NP (NP time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP inspect (NP her sherry) (PP for (NP dregs)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Usually) , (NP-SBJ-1 this) (VP was (VP done (NP *-1) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 attention) (VP was (VP diverted (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP (NP someone) (ADVP else) 's) long , boring story)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (NP-TMP this time) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD nervous))) : (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD open))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Gorboduc) (VP was (ADVP finally) (PP-PRD in (NP (NP command) (PP of (NP his mind)))) (ADVP again)) .)) (TOP (S (S-TPC-2 `` (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Tell (NP me))) -- (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ do (NP-SBJ you) (VP do (NP *T*-1) (PP-LOC at (NP the park)))) '' ? ?)) (NP-SBJ He) (VP asked (S *T*-2)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 This) (VP was (VP delivered (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP (NP a forthright way) , (PP without (NP (NP coyness) and (NP over-pretended interest)))) -- (NP (NP an admirable way) (PP with (NP children))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Only) , (ADVP unfortunately) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP could not (VP remove (PP from (NP his voice)) (NP (NP a nagging insinuation) (PP of (NP the direct command))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ This) (VP nettled (NP the children) (PP into (NP (NP (NP the revelation) (PP of (NP exact truth))) , (NP (NP (NP a sacrifice) (PP of (NP (NP their secret superiority) (PP over (NP grown people))))) , but (NP (NP a victory) (PP in (NP (NP the wide fields) (PP of (NP (NP perpetration) and (NP illegitimate accomplishment)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP bump)) '' , (NP-SBJ one) (VP said (S *T*-1))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ the other) (VP went (PRT on) (PP to (NP (NP development) (PP of (NP the idea)))))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ We) (VP grind , (ADVP too))) '' , (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My mother) (VP was (PP-PRD beside (NP herself)) (PP with (NP curiosity))) .)) (TOP (S `` (S-IMP-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP Say (NP that) (ADVP again))) '' , (NP-SBJ she) (VP pleaded (S-IMP *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP (VP laughed (NP-ADV a little)) and (VP tossed (NP the dregs) (ADVP-MNR rakishly) (ADVP around) (PP-LOC in (NP her glass)))) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP-SBJ You) (NP what) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP could (VP see (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mr. Gorboduc) (VP was (VP intrigued (NP *-1)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ (NP the hostess) (PP in (NP her))) (VP took (PRT over))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (ADJP-PRD rollickingly happy)) .)) (TOP (FRAG `` (NP-SBJ You) (NP what) '' ? ?)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My uncle) (VP looked (PP at (NP Mr. Gorboduc))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 He) (VP (VP read (NP Henry James)) and (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP pretend (NP profundity) (PP through (NP (NP eye-beamings) (PP at (NP people))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Gorboduc) (VP looked (ADVP down)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP would not (VP look (ADVP up))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP was (ADJP-PRD very funny (PP about (NP the whole thing)))) .)) (TOP (X (X Pueri aquam de silvas ad agricolas portant) , (NP (NP a delightful vignette) (VP set (NP *) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP the unforgettable epoch) (PP of (NP pre-Punic War Rome)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Marcellus) , (NP the hero)) , (VP is (VP beset (NP *-1) (PP from (NP all sides)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the problems) (PP of (NP approaching manhood)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The story) (VP opens (PP-TMP on (NP (NP the eve) (PP of (NP his fifty-third birthday)))) , (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP prepares (PP for (NP (NP the two weeks) (PP of (NP festivities)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 *T*-1) (VP are (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP follow)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Suddenly) , (NP-SBJ-2 a messenger) (VP (VP arrives) and , (VP (PP-TMP (ADVP just) before (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP collapsing (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dead)) (PP-LOC at (NP his feet))))) , informs (NP him) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Saracens) (VP have (VP invaded (NP (NP Silesia) , (NP (NP the home province) (PP of (NP his affianced)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-2 He) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once)) (VP (VP cancels (NP the celebrations)) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP buckling (PRT on) (NP his scimitar))) , stumbles (ADVP-MNR blindly) (PP-DIR from (NP the house)) , (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-3 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP is (VP hit and killed (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS a passing oxcart)) (ADVP-LOC *T*-3))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP The Albany Civic Opera 's) presentation) (PP of (NP (NP Spumoni 's) immortal (NX-TTL Il Sevigli del Spegititgninino))) , (PP with (NP guest contralto Hattie Sforzt)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP An (ADJP unusual , (CONJP if not) extraordinary) , rendering) (PP of (NP (NP the classic myth) (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP involves (NP (NP the rescue) (PP of (NP Prometheus)) (PP from (NP the rock)) (PP by (NP the U.S. Cavalry))))))))) (VP was (VP given (NP *-1) (NP-TMP last week) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the warehouse) (PP of (NP the Albany Leather Conduit Company)))) (PP amid (NP (NP cheers) (PP of (INTJ (INTJ `` Hubba hubba '') and (INTJ `` Yalagaloo pip pip '' ! !))))))))) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a `` busy '' overture)) , (NP-SBJ the curtain) (VP rises (PP on (NP (NP a farm scene) -- (NP (NP the Ranavan Valley) (PP-LOC in (NP northern Maine)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A dead armadillo) , (NP (NP the sole occupant) (PP of (NP the stage)))) , (VP symbolizes (NP (NP the crisis and destruction) (PP of (NP the Old Order)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Old Order) , (VP (VP acted (NP *)) and (VP (ADVP-MNR atonally) sung (NP *)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP Grunnfeu Arapacis) , (NP the lovely Serbantian import))))) , (ADVP-TMP then) (VP (VP entered) and (VP delivered (NP (NP the well-known invocation) (PP to (NP (NP the god) (NP Phineoppus))))) , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 whereupon) (S (NP-SBJ-1 the stage) (VP is (ADVP quite unexpectedly) (VP visited (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a company) (PP of (NP (NP wandering Gorshek priests) , (VP symbolizing (NP (NP Love) , (NP Lust) , (NP Prudence) and (NP General Motors)) , (ADVP respectively)))))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP According (PP to (NP the myth))) , (NP-SBJ Old Order) (ADVP-TMP then) (VP (VP vanishes (PP-LOC at (NP stage left))) and (VP reappears (PP-LOC at (NP extreme stage right))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-1 Director Shuz) (ADVP-MNR skillfully) (VP sidesteps (NP (NP the (ADJP rather gooshey) problem) (PP of (NP stage effects))) (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP simply) (VP having (S (NP-SBJ Miss Arapacis) (VP walk (PP-DIR across (NP the stage))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP (NP The night) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP saw (NP it) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))) , (NP-SBJ a (ADJP rather unpleasant) situation) (VP arose (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (NP-SBJ-2 the soloist) (VP refused (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP approach (NP the armadillo)))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP complaining -- (PP in (NP ad-lib)) -- (SBAR that `` (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP smelled)) ''))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP caught (NP (NP the early train) (PP to (NP New York)))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP The Dharma Dictionary) , (NP (NP a list) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP highly unusual) terms) (VP used (NP *) (PP in (NP (NP connection) (PP with (NP Eurasian proto-senility cults)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP 's (ADVP somewhat) (PP-PRD off (NP the beaten track)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD sure)))))) , but (SINV (ADVP-LOC-TPC-1 therein) (VP lies (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ its variety and charm)) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP example)) , (NP-SBJ (ADJP probably very few) people) (VP know (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP the word) `` (NP visrhanik) '') (SBAR (WHNP-2 that) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP is (VP bantered (NP *-1) (PRT about) (ADVP so much) (NP-TMP today)))))) (VP stems (PP from (NP (NP the verb) (NP `` (NP bouanahsha) '' : (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP salivate)))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (ADJP-PRD-TPC-1 (ADVP Likewise , and equally) fascinating) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ the news (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP such unlikely synonyms) (PP as (NP `` (NP pratakku) '' , `` (NP sweathruna) '' , and (NP (NP the tongue-twister) `` (NP nnuolapertar-it-vuh-karti-birifw -) '')))) (VP (VP all originated (PP-LOC in (NP (NP the same village) (PP-LOC in (NP Bathar-on-Walli Province))))) and (VP are all (VP used (NP *-2) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP express (NP (NP sentiments) (PP concerning (NP British `` imperialism '')))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The terms) (VP are (ADJP-PRD fairly safe (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP use (NP *T*-2)))))) (PP-LOC on (NP (NP this side) (PP of (NP the ocean)))))) , but (S (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ-3 you) (VP start (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP spouting (NP them) (PP to (NP your date))))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP might (VP be (ADJP-PRD best) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP find (PRT out) (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP a member) (PP of (NP (NP Major Pockmanster 's) Delhi Regiment))))))))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ (NP resentment) (PP toward (NP the natives))) (VP was (ADVP reportedly) (ADJP-PRD very high) (PP-LOC in (NP that outfit)))))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP-TTL (NP The breeze) and (NP chancellor Neitzbohr)) , (NP (NP a movie melodrama) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP concerns (NP (NP the attempts (S *ICH*-2)) (PP of (NP a West German politician)) (S-2 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP woo (NP (NP a plaster cast) (PP of (NP the Apollo Belvedere))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP have (ADVP doubtless) (VP guessed (ADVP-TMP already))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the plot) (VP is (VP plastered (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (ADJP Freudian , Jungian , and Meinckian) theory)))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP example)) , (S (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ the film) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV (QP only four) minutes) old) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5)))) , (NP-SBJ Neitzbohr) (VP refers (PP to (NP a small , Victorian piano stool)) (PP as `` (NP Wilhelmina) ''))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 we) (VP are (ADVP thereupon) (VP subjected (NP *-1) (PP to (NP (NP a flashback) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP informs (NP us) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 this very piano stool) (VP was (ADVP-TMP once) (VP used (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP an epileptic governess) (SBAR (WHNP-4 whose name) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) , (PP of (NP course)) , (VP was (NP-PRD (NP Doris) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP the English equivalent) , (SBAR (WHADVP-6 when) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP passed (PP through (NP middle-Gaelic derivations)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-6)))) , (PP of (NP Wilhelmina))) -RRB-))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP For (NP (NP the remainder) (PP of (NP the movie)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 Chancellor Neitzbohr) (VP proceeds (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP lash (NP the piano stool) (PP with (NP (NP a slat) (PP from (NP (NP a Venetian blind) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-1) (VP used (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP hang (PP-LOC in (NP the pre-war Reichstag)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this manner)) , (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP seeks (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP expunge (PP from (NP his own soul)) (NP (NP the guilt pangs) (VP caused (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP his personal assaults) (PP against (NP the English)) (PP-LOC at (NP Dunkirk)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV As (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP find (PRT out) (PP-TMP at (NP the end))))) , (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD not (NP (NP the stool) (PRN -LRB- (VP symbolizing (NP (NP Doris) , (ADVP therefore) (NP the English))) -RRB-) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (VP punishing (NP *T*-1)))))) but (NP (NP the piece) (PP of (NP Venetian blind))))) .)) (TOP (S And , (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ the slat) (ADVP finally) (VP shatters (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP see (S (NP-SBJ-2 him) (VP count (NP the fragments) , (S-ADV (NP-TMP all the while) (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP muttering , `` (S (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP loves (NP me))) , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP loves (NP me) not))) ''))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP (NP a few tortuous moments) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP wondering (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S `` (NP-SBJ he) '' (VP is (NP-PRD *T*-1))))))))) , (S (NP-SBJ the camera) (VP pans (PP-DIR across (NP the room)) (PP-DIR to (NP the plaster statue)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP realize (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 Neitzbohr) (VP is (VP trying (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP redeem (NP himself) (PP in (NP (NP the eyes) (PP of (NP (NP a mute piece) (PP of (NP sculpture))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The effect) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD needless (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP say))))) , (VP is (ADVP almost) (ADJP-PRD terrifying))) , and (S (SBAR-ADV though (FRAG (PP-TMP at (NP times)) (ADJP-PRD (NP a bit) obscure))) , (NP-SBJ the film) (VP is (ADVP certainly) (NP-PRD (NP a much-needed catharsis) (PP for (NP the `` repressed '' movie-goer))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP The music) (PP of (NP Bini SalFininistas))) , (NP capital LP Ab63711-r) , (NP (NP one) (PP of (NP (NP the rare recordings) (PP of (NP this (ADJP titanic , yet unsung) , composer))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP Those persons) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP were (ADJP-PRD lucky enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP see and hear (NP (NP the performance) (PP of (NP his work)) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the Brest-Silevniov Festival) (PP-TMP in (NP (NP August) , (NP 1916)))))))))))))) , (VP will (ADVP certainly) (VP welcome (NP (NP his return) (PP to (NP public notice)))))) ; ; and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is not (ADJP-PRD unlikely) (SBAR-2 that , (SINV (SBAR-ADV (ADVP even) as (S (NP-SBJ-1 the great Bach) (VP lay (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD dormant)) (PP-TMP for (NP so many years))))) , (ADVP so) has (NP-SBJ the erudite , ingenious SalFininistas) (VP passed (PP through (NP (NP his `` purgatory '') (PP of (NP neglect))))))))) .)) (TOP (S But (ADVP-TMP now) , (PP under (NP (NP the guidance) (PP of (NP (NP the contemporary composer) (NP Marc Schlek , Jr.))))) , (NP-SBJ a major revival) (VP is (PP-PRD under (NP way))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP leads (NP the Neurenschatz Skolkau Orchestra)))) , (NP-SBJ Schlek) (VP gives (NP (NP a (ADJP tremendously inspired) performance) (PP of (NP (NP both the Baslot and Rattzhenfuut concertos) , (PP including (NP (NP the controversial Tschilwyk cadenza) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (VP included (NP *-1) (PP at (NP (NP the conductor 's) insistence)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP A major portion) (PP of (NP the credit))) (VP should (ADVP also) (VP go (PP to (NP flautist Haumd)) (PP for (NP (NP his rendering) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP almost impossible) `` Indianapolis '' movement) (PP in (NP the Baslot)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (CONJP Not only) (SINV (VP was (PP-PRD *ICH*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NP Haumd 's) intonation and phrasing) (PP-PRD-1 without (NP flaw))) , but (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP seemed (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP take (NP every tonal eccentricity) (PP in (NP stride))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP For (NP example)) , (S-SBJ (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP to (VP move (PRN -LRB- (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ the score) (VP requires))) -RRB-) (PP from (NP the lowest F-major register)) (PP up (PP to (NP a (ADJP barely audible) N minor))) (PP-TMP in (NP four seconds)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) not (VP skipping , (PP-TMP at (NP the same time)) , (NP (NP (QP even one)) (PP of (NP the 407 fingerings)))))))) , (VP seems (NP-PRD (NP a feat) (ADJP too absurd (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP consider))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-2)) (VP is (PP-PRD to (NP (NP the flautist 's) credit)) (SBAR-2 that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP remained (ADJP-PRD silent) (PP-TMP throughout (NP the passage))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 We) (VP would (VP have (VP preferred , (ADVP however) , (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP have (VP had (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP the rest) (PP of (NP the orchestra))) (VP refrain (PP from (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP laughing (PP at (NP (NP (UCP this and other) spots) (PP on (NP the recording))))))))))))) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP mars (NP an (ADJP (ADJP otherwise sober) , (CONJP if not) (ADJP lofty)) , performance))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TMP As (S (NP-SBJ (NP Broadway) (NP itself)) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD increasingly weighted down (PP by (NP (NP trite , heavy-handed , (ADJP commercially successful) musicals) and (NP inspirational problem dramas))))))) , (NP-SBJ the American theatre) (VP is (VP going (PP through (NP (NP an inexorable renaissance) (PP in (NP (NP that nebulous area) (VP known (NP *) (PP as `` (NP off-Broadway) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP For (NP the last two years)) , (NP-SBJ (NP this frontier) (PP of (NP the arts))) (VP has (VP produced (NP (NP a number) (PP of (NP (NP so-called `` non-dramas '') (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP have (VP left (NP indelible , bittersweet impressions) (PP on (NP (NP the psyche) (PP of (NP this veteran theatregoer))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The (ADJP latest and (PRN , (ADVP significantly) ,) greatest) fruit) (PP of (NP this theatrical vine))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP-TTL The) , (NP (NP an adaptation) (PP of (NP (NP Basho 's) classic frog-haiku)) (PP by (NP (NP Roger Entwhistle) , (NP a former (NAC University (PP of (NP Maryland))) chemistry instructor)))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV Although (S (NP-SBJ the play) (VP does (VP show (NP a certain structural amateurishness))))) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ there) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP eleven acts) (VP varying (PP in (NP length)) (PP (PP from (NP twenty-five seconds)) (PP to (NP an hour (QP and a half)))))))) -RRB- ,) (NP-SBJ (NP the statement) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP makes (NP *T*-1)))) (PP concerning (NP (NP the ceaseless yearning and searching) (PP of (NP youth))))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD (ADJP profound) and (ADJP worthy (PP of (NP our attention))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ The action) (VP centers (PP about (NP (NP (NP a group) (PP of (NP (ADJP outspoken and offbeat) students)) (VP sitting (PP-LOC around (NP a table)) (PP-LOC in (NP a cafeteria)))) and (NP (NP their (ADJP (ADJP collective) and (ADJP ultimately fruitless)) search) (PP for (NP (NP a cup) (PP of (NP hot coffee)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 They) (VP are (ADVP-MNR relentlessly) (VP rebuffed (NP *-1) (PP on (NP all sides)) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP a waitress) , (NP the police) , and (NP an intruding government tutor))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP The innocence) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP tried (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP conceal (NP *T*-3)))) (PP-TMP at (NP the beginning)))))) (VP is (ADVP clearly) (VP destroyed (NP *-1) (ADVP-TMP forever) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-5 when) (S (NP-SBJ-4 (NP one) (PP of (NP them))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP asking (PP for (NP (NP a piece) (PP of (NP lemon-meringue pie)))))) , (VP gets (NP (NP a plate) (PP of (NP English muffins))) (ADVP instead) (ADVP-TMP *T*-5)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Leaving (NP the theatre) (PP-TMP after (NP the performance)))) , (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP had (NP (NP a flash) (PP of (NP intuition (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ life) , (PP after (NP all)) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ Rilke) (VP said))) -RRB- ,) (VP is (ADVP just) (NP-PRD (NP a search) (PP for (NP (NP the nonexistent cup) (PP of (NP hot coffee)))))))) , and (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP this unpretentious , moving , clever , bitter slice) (PP of (NP life))) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP the greatest thing) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP to (VP happen (PP to (NP the American theatre)) (SBAR-TMP since (S (NP-SBJ Brooks Atkinson) (VP retired)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (UCP-PRD (VP Aging) but (ADVP-TMP still) (ADJP precocious))) , (NP-SBJ-2 French feline enfant terrible Francoisette Lagoon) (VP has (VP succeeded (PP in (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP shocking (NP jaded old Paris) (ADVP again)))) , (NP-TMP this time) (PP with (NP (NP (NP a sexy ballet scenario) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-TTL-PRD The Lascivious Interlude)))) , (NP (NP the story) (PP of (NP (NP a nymphomaniac trip-hammer operator) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP falls (PP (ADVP hopelessly) in (NP love)) (PP with (NP a middle-aged steam shovel)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-PRD (NP A biting , pithy parable) (PP of (NP (NP the all-pervading hollowness) (PP of (NP modern life)))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 the piece) (VP has (VP been (VP set (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS Mlle Lagoon)) (PP to (NP (NP a sumptuous score) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP a single motif) (VP played (NP *) (ADVP-TMP over and over) (PP by (NP-LGS (QP four thousand) French horns)))) -RRB-) (PP by (NP existentialist hot-shot Jean-Paul Sartre))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Petite , lovely Yvette Chadroe) (VP plays (NP the nymphomaniac) (ADVP-MNR engagingly)) .)) (TOP (S (S (PP-TMP (ADVP Ever) since (NP (NP Bambi) , and , (ADVP-TMP more recently) , (NP Born Free))) , (NP-SBJ there) (VP have (VP been (NP-PRD (NP a lot) (PP of (NP (NP books) (PP about (NP animals)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ few) (VP compare (PP with (NP (NP Max Fink 's) (ADJP (ADJP wry) , (ADJP understated) , (ADJP charming) , and (ADJP immensely readable)) (NX-TTL (NP My Friend) , (NP the Quizzical Salamander)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *) (VP Done (NP *-1) (PP in (NP (NP the modern style) (PP of (NP a `` confession '')))))) , (NP-SBJ Fink) (VP tells (PP in (NP exquisite detail)) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 how) (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP came (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP know , and (PRN , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (ADJP-PRD more important)) ,) love (NP (NP (NP his mother 's) pet salamander) , (NP Alicia))))) (ADVP-MNR *T*-3))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ It) (VP is not (NP-PRD an (ADJP entirely happy) book) , (SBAR-PRP as (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mrs. Fink) (ADVP-TMP soon) (VP (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD jealous (PP of (NP Alicia)))) and , (VP (PP in (NP retaliation)) , refuses (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP continue (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP scrape (NP the algae) (PP off (NP her glass))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Max) , (PP in (NP (NP a fit) (PP of (NP despair)))) , (VP (VP takes (NP Alicia)) and (VP runs (ADVP off) (PP for (NP (NP two marvelous weeks) (PP in (NP Burbank)) (PRN -LRB- (S (NP-SBJ Fink) (VP calls (S (NP-SBJ it) `` (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most wonderful and lovely) fourteen days) (PP in (NP my whole life))) ''))) -RRB- ,) (SBAR (WHPP-1 at (WHNP (WHNP the end) (WHPP of (WHNP which)))) (S (NP-SBJ Alicia) (ADVP tragically) (VP (VP contracts (NP (NP Parkinson 's) disease)) and (VP dies) (PP-TMP *T*-1)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ This brief resume) (ADVP hardly) (VP does (NP the book) (NP justice))) , but (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP-MNR heartily) (VP recommend (NP it) (PP to (NP (NP all those) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP are (VP engages (NP *-1) (PP with (NP (NP the major problems) (PP of (NP our time)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Opera) (PP in (NP the Grand Tradition))) , (PP along (PP with (NP mah-jongg))) , (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP staging (NP a well-deserved comeback)))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-LOC In (NP this country)) , (NP-SBJ the two guiding lights) (VP are , (PP without (NP doubt)) , (NP-PRD (NP Felix Fing) and (NP Anna Pulova))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Fing) , (NP (NP a lean , chiseled , impeccable gentleman) (PP of (NP the old school)) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *T*-2) (VP was (ADVP-TMP once) (VP mistaken (NP *-1) (PP-LOC on (NP the street)) (PP for (NP Sir Cedric Hardwicke)))))))) , (VP is (ADJP-PRD responsible (PP for (NP (NP the rediscovery) (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP Verdi 's) earliest , (ADJP most raucous) opera) , (NP-TTL Nabisco)) , (NP (NP a sumptuous bout-de-souffle) (PP with (NP (NP a haunting leitmotiv) (SBAR (WHNP-3 that) (S (NP-SBJ-4 *T*-3) (VP struck (NP me) (PP as (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP being (ADJP-PRD highly reminiscent (PP of (NP (NP the Mudugno version) (PP of `` (NP-TTL Volare) ''))))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Miss Pulova) (VP has (NP (NP a voice) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ Maria Callas) (ADVP-TMP once) (VP described (NP *T*-1) (PP as `` (PP like (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP chipping (NP teeth) (PP with (NP a screw driver))))) ''))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ her round , opalescent face) (VP becomes (ADJP-PRD fascinatingly reflective (PP of (NP (NP the emotions) (VP demanded (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP the role) (PP of (NP Rosalie)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Champs Elysees) (VP is (ADVP literally) (VP littered (NP *-1) (NP-TMP this summer) (PP with (NP (NP the prostrate bodies) (PP of (NP (NP France 's) beat-up beatnik jeunes filles)))))) .)) (TOP (NP (NP (NP Cause) (PP of (NP all this commotion))) : (NP (NP (NP squat , pug-nosed , balding , (ADJP hopelessly ugly) Jean-Pierre Bravado) , (NP a Bogartian figure)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP plays (NP a sadistic , amoral , philosophic Tasti-Freeze salesman) (PP in (NP (NP (NP old New-Waver Fredrico de Mille Rossilini 's) (ADJP endlessly provocative) film) , (NP-TTL A Sour Sponge))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TTL-SBJ-1 Bravado) (VP has (VP been (ADVP alternately) (VP described (NP *-1) (PP as (NP (NP `` (NP a symbol) (PP of (NP (NP the new grandeur) (PP of (NP France and myself)))) '' (PRN -LRB- (NP De Gaulle) -RRB-)) and (NP (NP `` a decadent , disgusting slob '' ! !) (PRN -LRB- (NP Norman Mailer) -RRB-)))))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ no one) (VP can (VP deny (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the screen) (VP crackles (PP with (NP electricity)) (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 whenever) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (PP-PRD on (NP it)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Soaring (PP to (NP stardom)) (PP along (PP with (NP him))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Margo Felicity Brighetti) , (NP a (ADJP (ADJP luscious) and (ADJP curvaceously beguiling)) Italian starlet)) , (VP turns (PRT in) (NP (NP a creditable performance) (PP as (NP an airplane mechanic)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The battle) (PP of (NP the drib-drool))) (VP continues)) , but (S (NP-SBJ (NP most) (PP of (NP (NP (NP New York 's) knowing sophisticates) (PP of (NP Abstract Expressionism))))) (VP are (VP stamping (NP their feet) (ADVP-MNR impatiently) (PP in (NP (NP expectation) (PP of (NP (NP (NP V (PRN -LRB- (PP for (NP Vindication)) -RRB-) Day) , (NP September first)) , (SBAR (WHADVP-1 when) (S (NP-SBJ (NP Augustus Quasimodo 's) first one-man show) (VP opens (PP-LOC at (NP the Guggenheim)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ We) (VP have (VP heard (SBAR that (S (PP after (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP seeing (NP (NP Mr. Quasimodo 's) work)))) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP will (VP be (ADJP-PRD virtually impossible) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP deny (NP (NP the artistic validity and importance) (PP of (NP the whole abstract movement)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S And (NP-SBJ-6 (NP it) (SBAR *EXP*-1)) (VP is (VP thought (NP *-6) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP many) (SBAR (WHNP-7 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-7) (VP think (PP about (NP such things))))))) (SBAR-1 that (S (NP-SBJ Quasimodo) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the logical culmination) (PP of (NP (NP a school) (SBAR (WHNP-8 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-8) (VP (VP started (PP with (NP Monet))) , (VP progressed (PP through (NP (NP Kandinsky) and (NP (NP the cubist) (NP Picasso))))) , and (VP blossomed (ADVP-TMP just recently) (PP in (NP (NP Pollock) and (NP De Kooning))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Quasimodo) (VP defines (NP his own art) (PP as `` (NP (NP the search) (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is not (ADVP-PRD there)))))) '')) .)) (TOP (S-2 `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP paint (NP (NP the nothing) '' (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP said (S *T*-2) (ADVP-TMP once) (PP to (NP (NP Franz Kline) and (NP myself))))) ,) `` (NP (NP (NP the nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP is (PP-PRD behind (NP the something)))))) , (NP (NP the inexpressible , unpaintable ' tick ') (PP in (NP the unconscious))) , (NP (NP the ' spirit ') (PP of (NP the moment)) (VP resting (ADVP-TMP forever) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-3 *) (VP suspended (NP *-3) (PP like (NP a huge balloon)) , (PP in (NP non-time))))))))) '' .)) (TOP (S-CLF (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP his (ADJP relentlessness and unwaivering) adherence) (PP to (NP this revolutionary artistic philosophy))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP has (VP enabled (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP to (VP paint (NP (NP such pictures) (PP as `` (NP-TTL (NP The Invasion) (PP of (NP Cuba))) '')))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP In (NP this work)) , (NP-SBJ (NP his use) (PP of (NP non-color))) (VP is (ADJP-PRD startling and skillful)) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (NP The sweep) (PP of (NP space))) , (NP (NP the delicate counterbalance) (PP of (NP the white masses))) , (NP the over-all completeness and unity) , (NP the originality and imagination)) , (NP all)) (VP entitle (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP to (VP be (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (NP-PRD an authentic masterpiece))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP asked (NP Quasimodo) (ADVP-TMP recently) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 how) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP accomplished (NP this) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP (VP replied (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP (VP painted (NP-3 his model) `` (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (NP-PRD (NP a beautiful shade) (PP of (NP red))))) (CONJP and then) (VP had (S (NP-SBJ her) (VP breathe (PP on (NP the canvas))))) ''))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (NP-PRD (NP his typical tongue-in-cheek way) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *) (VP chiding (NP me) (PP for (NP (NP my lack) (PP of (NP sensitivity))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-VOC Dear Sirs) : (NP-SBJ *) (VP Let (S (NP-SBJ-1 me) (VP begin (PP by (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP clearing (PRT up) (NP (NP any possible misconception) (PP in (NP your minds))) , (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-2 wherever) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The collective) (SBAR (WHPP-1 by (WHNP which)) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP address (NP you) (PP in (NP (NP the title) (ADVP-LOC above))) (PP *T*-1))))) (VP is (UCP-PRD (ADJP neither patronizing nor jocose) but (NP (NP an exact industrial term) (PP in (NP (NP use) (PP among (NP professional thieves))))))) .)) (TOP (S-4 (NP-SBJ It) (VP is (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ-5 I) (VP am (ADVP-MNR reliably) (VP given (S (NP-SBJ *-5) (VP to (VP understand (SBAR 0 (S *T*-4)))))))) ,) (NP-PRD (NP the technical argot) (PP for (NP (NP (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP engage (PP in (NP (NP your particular branch) (PP of (NP the boost)))))))) ; ; (ADVP i.e.) , (NP (NP burglars) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP rob (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the tenants) (VP are (ADJP-PRD absent))))))))) , (PP in (NP (NP contrast) (PP to (NP (NP hot-slough prowlers) , (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP-3 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-3) (VP work (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ the occupants) (VP are (ADVP-LOC-PRD home)))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-PRP Since (S (NP-SBJ the latter) (ADVP obviously) (VP require (NP (NP an audacity) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do not (VP possess (NP *T*-1))))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP may (ADVP perhaps) (VP suppose (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP am (VP taunting (NP you) (PP as (ADJP socially inferior)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Far (PP from (NP it))) ; ; (NP-SBJ-1 I) (ADVP merely) (VP draw (NP an etymological distinction) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP hoping (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP specialists) and (NP (NP busy people) (PP like (NP you)))) (VP will (VP welcome (NP (NP such precision) (PP in (NP a layman)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (PP Above (NP all)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP disabuse (NP yourselves) (PP of (NP any thought (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP propose (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP to (VP vent (NP (NP moral indignation) (PP at (S-NOM (NP-SBJ your) (VP rifling (NP my residence))))))) , (VP to (VP whimper (PP over (NP (NP the loss) (PP of (NP a few objets d'art)))))) , or (VP to (VP shame (NP you) (PP into (NP rectitude)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My object) , (ADVP rather) , (VP is (S-PRD (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP alert (NP you) (PP to (NP (NP an aspect (QP or two)) (PP of (NP the affair)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could (VP have (NP (NP the gravest implications) (PP for (NP you)) , (PP (ADVP far) beyond (NP (NP the legal sanctions) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ society) (VP might (VP inflict (NP *T*-2)))))))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ You) (VP have (ADVP-MNR unwittingly) (VP set (PP in (NP motion)) (NP (NP forces) (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP so malign) , (ADJP so vindictive)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP would (VP be (ADJP-PRD downright inhumane (PP of (NP me))) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) not (VP to (VP warn (NP you) (PP about (NP them))))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Quite candidly) , (NP-VOC fellows) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP your shoes)) (PP for (NP (NP all the rice) (PP-LOC in (NP China)))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (SBAR-PRP As (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (ADVP doubtless) (VP forgotten (NP the circumstances) (PP in (NP (NP the press) (PP of (NP (ADJP more recent) depredations)))))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP permit (S (NP-SBJ me) (VP to (VP recapitulate (NP them) (ADVP-MNR briefly))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Sometime (PP on (NP (NP Saturday evening) , (NP August 22nd)))) , (SBAR-TMP while (S (NP-SBJ (NP my family) and (NP I)) (VP were (VP dining (PP-LOC at (NP (NP the Hostaria dell ' Orso) , (PP-LOC in (NP Rome)))))))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP (VP jimmied (NP (NP a window) (PP of (NP (NP our home) (PP-LOC in (NP (NP Bucks County) , (NP Pennsylvania))))))) , and (VP let (NP yourselves) (PP-DIR into (NP the premises)))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP Hastening (PP-DIR to (NP (NP the attic) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 (NP the temperature) (WHPP of (WHNP which))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (ADJP easily hotter) (PP than (NP the Gold Coast)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP proceeded (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP (VP to (VP mask (NP the windows) (PP with (NP (NP a fancy wool coverlet) , (NP some khaki pants) , and (NP the like))))) , and (VP to (VP ransack (NP (NP the innumerable boxes and barrels) (VP stored (NP *) (ADVP-LOC there)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-2 What) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP were (VP looking (PP for (NP *T*-2)))))) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR-ADV unless (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP make (NP a hobby) (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP collecting (NP old tennis rackets and fly screens))))))) -RRB-) (VP eludes (NP me))) , but (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP judge (PP from (NP (NP phonograph records) (VP scattered (NP *) (PP-LOC about (NP a fumed-oak Victrola)))))))) . (NP-SBJ You) (VP danced (NP (NP (NP two tangos) and (NP a paso doble)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 which) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP must (VP have (VP been (ADJP-PRD fairly enervating) (PP-LOC in (NP that milieu)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 You) (ADVP-TMP then) (VP (VP descended (NP-EXT one story)) , (VP glommed (NP a television set) (PP from (NP the music room)) (PRN -- (FRAG (NP (NP the only constructive feature) (PP of (NP your visit))) , (PP by (NP the way))) --)) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP returning (PP-DIR to (NP the ground floor)))) , entered (NP the master bedroom))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (NP (NP (NP the curio cabinet) (PP-LOC on (NP its south wall))) and (NP (NP the bureaus) (ADVP-LOC beneath)))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP abstracted (NP (NP (NP seventeen ivory , metal , wood , and stone sculptures) (PP of (NP (ADJP Oriental and African) origin))) , (NP two snuffboxes) , and (NP a jade-handled magnifying glass))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP Rummaging (PP through (NP (NP a stack) (PP of (NP drawers)) (ADVP-LOC nearby))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP unearthed (NP (NP an antique French chess set) (PP in (NP ivory and sandalwood)) , (SBAR (WHNP-2 which) , (S (PP along (PP with (NP two box Kodaks))) , (NP-SBJ you) (VP added (NP *T*-2) (PP to (NP your haul))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP Then) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP having (VP wrapped (NP the lot) (PP in (NP (NP an afghan) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ my dog) (ADVP customarily) (VP slept (PP-LOC on (NP *T*-1)))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-2 you) (VP lammed (PP-DIR out (NP the front door)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (ADVP considerately) (VP leaving (NP-3 it) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-3) (ADJP-PRD open (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) for (S (NP-SBJ neighbors) (VP to (VP discover (NP *T*-4)))))))))) .)) (TOP (ADVP So much (PP for (NP (NP the tiresome facts) , (ADJP (ADJP as familiar (PP to (NP you))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'm (ADJP-PRD sure))) ,) (PP as (PP to (NP (NP the (NX (NX constables) and (NX state troopers))) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP followed (PP in (NP your wake))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP The foregoing) , (VP aided (NP *) (PP by (NP-LGS (NP several clues) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP 'll (VP withhold (NP *T*-1) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP keep (NP you) (PP on (NP your toes))))))))))))) , (VP will (VP pursue (NP you) (PP with (NP (NP a tenacity) (ADJP worthy (PP of (NP Inspector Javert)))))))) , but (S-IMP (SBAR-TMP before (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP close (ADVP in)))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP gird (NP yourselves) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP repeat)) ,) (PP for (NP (NP a vengeance) (ADJP (ADVP infinitely more) pitiless))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP Fourteen) (PP of (NP (NP the sculptures) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP took (NP *T*-1))))))) (VP possess (NP (NP properties) (PP of (NP a (ADJP most curious and terrifying) nature))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP will (VP observe (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-3 when) (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 your limbs) (VP begin (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP wither))))) and (S (NP-SBJ your hair) (VP falls (PRT out) (PP in (NP patches)))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP In (NP time)) , (NP-SBJ-1 these minor manifestations) (VP will (VP multiply and effloresce , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP riddling (NP you) (PP with (NP (NP frambesia) , (NP (NP the king 's) evil) , (NP sheep rot) , and (NP clonic spasm))) , (SBAR-TMP until (S (S (NP-SBJ your very existence) (VP becomes (NP-PRD a burden))) and (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP cry (PRT out) (PP for (NP release)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ All this) , (ADVP though) , (VP is (ADVP simply) (NP-PRD (NP (NP a prelude) , (NP a curtain-raiser)) , (PP for (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP ensues))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP doubt (SBAR whether (S (NP-SBJ any Occidental) (VP could (ADVP-MNR accurately) (VP forecast (NP it))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-ADV If (S *ICH*-4)) , (ADVP however) , (S-4 (NP-SBJ-3 it) (VP would (VP help (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP intensify (NP your anguish))))))) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP can (VP (VP delimit (NP (NP the powers) (PP of (NP (NP a few) (PP of (NP (NP the divinities) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP affronted (NP *T*-1))))))))))) and (VP describe (NP (NP the punishment) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP meted (NP *T*-2) (PRT out) (PP in (NP one analogous instance))))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP Hold (PRT on) (ADVP-MNR tight)) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADVP First (PP of (NP all))) , (NP (NP (NP the six figures) (PP of (NP the Buddha)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP heisted (NP *T*-1))))) -- (NP (NP four Siamese heads) , (NP (NP a black obsidian statuette) (PP in (NP the earth-touching position))) , and (NP (NP a large brass figure) (PP of (NP the Dying Buddha)) (PP-LOC on (NP a teakwood base))))) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Now) , (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP probably) (VP share (NP the widespread Western belief (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the Lord Buddha) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the (ADJP most compassionate)) (PP of (NP the gods))) , (ADVP (ADVP (ADVP much more) so) (PP than (NP (NP Jehovah) and (NP Allah) and (NP the rest))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ (S-IMP (NP-SBJ *) (VP 'fess (PRT up))) -- (SQ do n't (NP-SBJ you)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (ADVP ordinarily) (NP-SBJ he) (VP is (NP-PRD *?*) , (PP except (PRN -LRB- (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP the Wheel) (PP of (NP the Law))) (VP specifies))) -RRB-) (PP toward (NP (NP impious folk) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP steal , disturb , or maltreat (NP the Presence)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP Very peculiar) retribution) (ADVP indeed) (VP seems (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP overtake (NP such jokers))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP (QP Eight or ten) years) ago) , (NP-SBJ (NP a couple) (PP of (NP French hoods))) (VP (VP stole (NP a priceless Khmer head) (PP from (NP (NP the Musee Guimet) , (PP-LOC in (NP Paris))))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP (NP a week) later) crawled (PP-DIR into (NP the Salpetriere)) (PP with (NP (NP unmistakable symptoms) (PP of (NP leprosy)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Hell 's) own amount) (PP of (NP chaulmoogra oil))) (VP did (NP (NP nothing) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP to (VP alleviate (NP their torment)))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-2 they) (VP expired (PP amid (NP indescribable fantods)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP imploring (NP-3 the Blessed One) (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP forgive (NP their desecration)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ Any reputable French interne) (VP can (VP supply (NP you) (PP with (NP a dozen similar instances))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (ADVP presently) (VP recount (NP (NP a case) (PP out (PP of (NP my own personal experience))))))) , but , (S-IMP (PP for (NP the moment)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP let (S (NP-SBJ 's) (VP resume (NP our catalogue))))) .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-TPC-2 Whether (S (NP-SBJ (NP the pair) (PP of (NP Sudanese ivory carvings)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP lifted (NP *T*-1))))) (ADVP really) (VP possess (NP (NP the juju) (SBAR (WHNP-4 0) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VP to (VP turn (NP your livers) (PP to (NP lead))))))) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ (NP a dealer) (PP-LOC in (NP Khartoum))) (VP assured (NP me))))))) , (NP-SBJ-3 I) (VP am not (ADJP-PRD competent (S (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP say (SBAR *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (FRAG (ADVP Likewise) (NP (NP (NP the ivory Chinese female figure) (VP known (NP *) (PP as (NP a `` doctor lady '')))) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP provenance) (NP Honan)) -RRB-))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP (NP a friend) (PP of (NP mine))) (VP removing (NP her) (PP from (NP the curio cabinet)) (PP for (NP inspection)))) (VP was (VP felled (NP *-1) (PP as if (PP by (NP-LGS a hammer)))))) , but (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (ADVP previously) (VP drunk (NP (NP a quantity) (PP of (NP applejack))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The three Indian brass deities) , (ADVP though) -- (NP Ganessa , Siva , and Krishna) --) (VP are (NP-PRD (NP an (ADJP altogether different) cup) (PP of (NP tea)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ They) (VP hail (PP from (NP (NP Travancore) , (NP (NP a state) (PP-LOC in (NP the subcontinent)) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 where) (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Kali) , (NP (NP the goddess) (PP of (NP death)))) , (VP is (VP worshiped (NP *-1) (ADVP-LOC *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (SQ Have (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP-TMP ever) (VP heard (PP of (NP Thuggee))) ? ?)) (TOP (NP (NP Nuf) (VP sed (NP *)) .)) (TOP (S-CLF But (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP (NP the wooden sculpture) (PP from (NP Bali))) , (NP (NP the one) (VP representing (NP (NP two men) (PP with (S (S (NP-SBJ their heads) (VP bent (ADVP-DIR backward))) and (S (NP-SBJ-2 their bodies) (VP interlaced (NP *-2) (PP by (NP-LGS a fish)))))))))) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ I) (ADVP particularly) (VP call (NP *T*-1) (PP to (NP your attention)))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Oddly enough) , (NP-SBJ this) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP an amulet) (PP against (NP housebreakers)) , (VP presented (NP *) (PP to (NP (NP the mem) and (NP me))) (PP by (NP-LGS a local rajah)) (PP-TMP in (NP 1949))))) .)) (TOP (SINV (VP-TPC-2 Inscribed (NP *-1) (PP-LOC around (NP its base))) (VP is (VP *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ-1 (NP a charm) (PP in (NP (NP Balinese) , (NP (NP a dialect) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP take (NP it) (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP do n't (VP comprehend (NP *T*-3)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV Neither do (NP-SBJ I) (VP *?*)) , but (S (NP-SBJ the Tjokorda Agoeng) (VP was (ADJP-PRD good enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP translate)))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'll (VP do (NP (ADJP as much)) (PP for (NP you))))) .)) (TOP (S-2 (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 Whosoever) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP violates (NP our rooftree)))) (PRN , (S (NP-SBJ the legend) (VP states (S *T*-2))) ,) (VP can (VP expect (NP maximal sorrow))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ The teeth) (VP will (VP rain (PP-DIR from (NP his mouth)) (PP like (NP pebbles))))) , (S (NP-SBJ his wife) (VP will (VP make (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD cocu (PP with (NP fishmongers))))))) , and (S (NP-SBJ a trolley car) (VP will (VP grow (PP-LOC in (NP his stomach))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Furthermore) (PRN -- (S and (NP-SBJ this) , (PP to (NP me)) , (VP strikes (NP an (ADJP especially warming) note))) --) (NP-SBJ (NP it) (S *EXP*-1)) (VP shall (VP avail (NP the vandals) (ADVP naught) (S-1 (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP (VP throw (ADVP away) (NP *RNR*-2)) or (VP dispose (PP of (NP *RNR*-2))) (NP-2 their loot)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The cycle) (PP of (NP disaster))) (VP (VP starts (NP-TMP (NP the moment) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ they) (VP touch (NP (NP any belonging) (PP of (NP ours))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-1)))))) , and (VP dogs (NP them) (PP-TMP unto (NP the forty-fifth generation)))) .)) (TOP (UCP (ADJP (ADVP Sort of) remorseless) , (SQ is n't (NP-SBJ it) (ADJP-PRD *?*)) ? ?)) (TOP (S (ADVP Still) , (ADVP-PRD-TPC-1 there) (NP-SBJ it) (VP is (ADVP-PRD *T*-1)) .)) (TOP (S (S (INTJ Now) , (NP-SBJ you) (ADVP no doubt) (VP regard (NP the preceding) (PP as (NP pap)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 're (VP tooling (ADVP around) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD full (PP of (NP gage)))) (PP in (NP your hot rods)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP gorging (NP yourselves) (PP on (NP pizza))) and (VP playing (NP pinball) (PP-LOC in (NP the taverns))) and (VP (ADVP generally) behaving (PP like (NP Ubermenschen)))))))) .)) (TOP (S-IMP (PP In (NP that case)) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP listen (PP to (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-1 what) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP befell (NP (NP another wisenheimer) (SBAR (WHNP-2 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) (VP tangled (PP with (NP our joss))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP-TMP (NP (NP A couple) (PP of (NP years))) back) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP occupied (NP (NP a Village apartment) (SBAR (WHNP-1 whose outer staircase) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP contained (NP (NP the type) (PP of (NP niche)) (VP called (S (NP-SBJ *) (NP-PRD a `` coffin turn ''))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SINV (PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-2 In (NP it)) (VP was (PP-LOC-PRD *T*-2)) (NP-SBJ (NP a stone Tibetan Buddha) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP had (VP picked (NP *T*-1) (PRT up) (PP-LOC in (NP Bombay)))))))) , and (S (ADVP-TMP occasionally) , (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP make (NP merit)))) , (NP-SBJ-3 (NP my wife) and (NP I)) (VP (VP garlanded (NP it) (PP with (NP flowers))) or (VP laid (NP a few pennies) (PP-LOC in (NP its lap))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP-TMP After (NP a while)) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP became (ADJP-PRD aware (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the money) (VP was (VP disappearing (ADVP (ADVP as fast) (SBAR as (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP replenished (NP it) (ADVP *?*))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Our suspicions) (ADVP-TMP eventually) (VP centered , (PP by (NP (NP the process) (PP of (NP elimination)))) , (PP on (NP (NP (NP (NP a grocer 's) boy) , (NP a (ADJP thoroughly bad) hat)) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP delivered (NP cartons) (PP to (NP (NP the people) (ADVP-LOC overhead))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP (ADVP The more) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP probed (PP into (NP (NP this young man 's) activities and character)) (ADVP *T*-1))))) , (ADJP-TPC-2 the less savory) (NP-SBJ I) (VP found (S (NP-SBJ him) (ADJP-PRD *T*-2))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP learned , (PP for (NP example)) , (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP made (NP a practice) (PP (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP yapping (PP at (NP (NP dogs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP encountered (NP *T*-1))))))))) and , (PP-TMP in (NP winter)) , (PP of (S-NOM (NP-SBJ-3 *-2) (VP sprinkling (NP salt) (PP-LOC on (NP the icy pavement)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-3) (VP to (VP scarify (NP their feet)))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ His energy) (VP was (ADJP-PRD prodigious))) ; ; (S (ADVP-TMP sometimes) (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP (VP would (VP be (ADVP-PRD up) (PP-TMP before (NP dawn)) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP (VP clad (PP as (NP *-2) (NP a garbage collector))) and (VP hurling (NP pails) (PP-DIR into (NP areaways)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP exasperate (NP us))))))))) , and (VP (ADVP-TMP thereafter) would (VP hurry (PP-DIR to (NP the Bronx Zoo)) (S-PRP (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP (VP grimace (PP at (NP the lions))) and (VP press (NP cigar butts) (PP against (NP their paws)))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP Evenings) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (VP was (ADVP-TMP frequently) (S (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP to (VP be (VP seen (NP *-1) (PP-LOC at (NP (NP restaurants) (PP like (NP (NP Enrico & Paglieri 's) or (NP (NP Peter 's) Backyard))))) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP (VP (ADVP-MNR drunkenly) donning (NP (NP ladies ') hats)) and (VP singing `` (NP-TTL O Sole Mio) '')))))))) .)) (TOP (S (UCP (PP In (ADJP short)) , and (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP borrow (NP an arboreal phrase))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP slash (NP timber)) .)) (TOP (S (INTJ Well) , (NP-SBJ-2 the odious little toad) (VP (VP went (ADVP along) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP chivying (NP (NP animals and humans) (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP could n't (VP retaliate)))))))) , and (VP (PP in (NP due course)) , (SBAR-ADV as (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP was (ADJP-PRD inevitable)))) , overreached (NP himself))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-TMP One morning) , (NP-SBJ we) (VP discovered (SBAR (CONJP not only) (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ the pennies) (VP were (ADJP-PRD missing (PP from (NP the idol)))))) but (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ-1 a cigarette) (VP had (VP been (VP stubbed (NP *-1) (PRT out) (PP-LOC in (NP its lap))))))))) .)) (TOP (SINV `` (S-TPC-1 (ADVP-TMP Now) (NP-SBJ he) (VP 's (VP bought (NP it)))) '' , (VP said (S *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ my wife) (ADVP-MNR contentedly) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ-1 No divinity) (VP will (VP hold (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD still)) (PP for (NP that)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP 's (ADVP really) (VP asking (PP for (NP it)))) '' .)) (TOP (FRAG And (SBAR (WHADJP-1 how right) (S (NP-SBJ she) (VP was (ADJP-PRD *T*-1)))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-TMP (NP The next time) (SBAR (WHADVP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP saw (NP him) (ADVP-TMP *T*-3))))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP was (NP-PRD a changed person))) ; ; (S (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP had (VP aged (NP-EXT thirty years)))) , and (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP his face) , (NP (NP the color) (PP of (NP tallow)))) , (VP was (VP crisscrossed (NP *-1) (PP with (NP wrinkles)) , (SBAR-ADV as though (S (NP-SBJ-2 it) (VP had (VP been (VP wrapped (NP *-2) (PP in (NP chicken wire))))))))))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (S-TPC-1 (NP-SBJ (NP (NP Some sort) (PP of (NP nemesis)))) (VP was (VP haunting (NP his footsteps)))) , (NP-SBJ he) (VP told (NP us) (PP in (NP a quavering voice)) (SBAR 0 (S *T*-1)))) -- (UCP (NP either (NP an ape specter) or (NP (NP Abe Spector) , (NP a process-server))) , (S (NP-SBJ we) (VP could n't (VP determine (NP which))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ His eyes) (VP had (NP (NP the same dreadful rigid stare) (PP as (NP (NP Dr. Grimesby Roylott 's) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 when) (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP found (NP *-1) (PP-LOC before (NP his open safe)) (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP wearing (NP the speckled band))) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP The grocery) (SBAR (WHNP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ the youth) (VP worked (PP for (NP *T*-2)))))) (VP (VP (ADVP-TMP soon) tired (PP of (NP (NP his depressing effect) (PP on (NP (NP customers) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 (WHNP most) (WHPP of (WHNP whom))) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP were (ADJP-PRD sufficiently neurotic) (PP without (NP (NP the threat) (PP of (NP incubi)))))))))))) , and (VP let (S (NP-SBJ him) (VP go)))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NP The beautiful (NX *RNR*-1)) , (NP the satisfying (NX *RNR*-1)) (NX-1 part)) (PP of (NP his disintegration))) , (ADVP however) , (VP was (NP-MNR-PRD (NP the masterly way) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ the Buddha) (VP polished (NP him) (PRT off) (ADVP-MNR *T*-2)))))) .)) (TOP (S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ-1 *-2) (VP Reduced (NP *-1) (PP to (NP beggary)))) , (NP-SBJ-2 he) (PP at (ADVP last)) (VP got (NP (NP a job) (PP as (NP (NP office boy) (PP to (NP a television producer)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NP His hubris) , (NP (NP deficiency) (PP of (NP taste))) , and (NP sadism)) (VP carried (NP him) (PP (ADVP straightaway) to (NP the top))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ He) (VP (VP evolved (NP (NP programs) (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP (VP plumbed (NP (NP new depths) (PP of (NP bathos)))) and (VP besmirched (NP whole networks))))))) , and (VP (ADVP-MNR quickly) superseded (NP his boss))) .)) (TOP (S (S (ADVP-TMP (ADVP Not long) ago) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP rode (ADVP-DIR down) (PP with (NP him)) (PP-LOC in (NP an elevator)) (PP-LOC in (NP Radio City)))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ-1 he) (VP was (VP (VP talking (PP to (NP himself)) (NP-ADV (NP thirteen) (PP to (NP the dozen)))) and (VP smoking (NP two cigars) (PP-TMP at (ADVP once))) , (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADVP clearly) (NP-PRD (NP a man) (PP in (NP extremis))))))) .)) (TOP (S (SQ-TPC-1 `` (NP-SBJ *) (VP See (NP that guy)) '' ? ?) (NP-SBJ The operator) (VP asked (SQ *T*-1) (ADVP-MNR pityingly)) .)) (TOP (S `` (NP-SBJ I) (VP would n't (VP be (PP-PRD in (NP his shoes)) (PP for (NP (NP all the rice) (PP-LOC in (NP China)))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ There) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP some kind) (PP of (NP a nemesis)) (VP haunting (NP his footsteps)))) '' .)) (TOP (S (SBAR-MNR (WHADVP-1 However) (S (NP-SBJ one) (VP looks (PP at (NP it)) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))) , (ADVP therefore) , (NP-SBJ I) (VP 'd (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP-SBJ (NP your horoscope) (PP for (NP this autumn))) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP the reverse) (PP of (ADJP rosy)))))))) .)) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-2 (NP The inventory) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP acquired (NP *T*-1) (PP from (NP me)))))) (VP is n't (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP to (VP be (ADJP-PRD easy (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP move (NP *T*-3)))))))))))) ; ; (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP ca n't (ADVP very well) (VP (VP sidle (PP-DIR up (PP to (NP (NP people) (PP-LOC on (NP the street)))))) and (VP ask (SBAR if (S (NP-SBJ-4 they) (VP want (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP buy (NP a hot Bodhisattva))))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (ADVP Additionally) , (SBAR-PRP since (S (NP-SBJ-4 you) (VP 're (VP going (S (NP-SBJ *-4) (VP to (VP be (NP-PRD hors de combat) (ADVP-TMP pretty soon) (PP with (NP (NP sprue) , (NP yaws) , (NP Delhi boil) , (NP the Granville wilt) , (NP liver fluke) , (NP bilharziasis) , and (NP (NP a host) (PP of (NP (NP other complications) (PP of (NP (NP the hex) (SBAR (WHNP-3 0) (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP 've (VP aroused (NP *T*-3))))))))))))))))))) , (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP must n't (VP expect (S (NP-SBJ-2 *-1) (VP to (VP be (VP lionized (NP *-2) (ADVP socially))))))) .)) (TOP (S (NP-SBJ My advice) , (SBAR-ADV if (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP live (ADVP-TMP long enough (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP continue (NP your vocation)))))))) , (VP is (SBAR-PRD that (S (S-IMP (NP-TMP (NP the next time) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 0) (S (NP-SBJ-1 you) (VP 're (VP attracted (NP *-1) (PP by (NP-LGS the exotic)) (ADVP-TMP *T*-2)))))) , (NP-SBJ *) (VP pass (NP it) (PRT up))) -- (S (NP-SBJ it) (VP 's (NP-PRD (NP nothing) (PP but (NP a headache)))))))) .)) (TOP (SBAR As (S (NP-SBJ you) (VP can (VP count (PP on (NP-1 me)) (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP do (NP the same))))))) .)) (TOP (FRAG (ADJP Compassionately yours) , (NP S.J. Perelman))) (TOP (NP (NP revulsion) (PP-LOC in (NP the desert)))) (TOP (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP the doors) (PP of (NP the D train))) (VP slid (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1) (ADJP-PRD shut)))) , and (S (SBAR-TMP as (S (NP-SBJ-2 I) (VP (VP dropped (PP-DIR into (NP a seat))) and , (VP (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-2) (VP exhaling)) , looked (ADVP up) (PP across (NP the aisle)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the whole aviary) (PP in (NP my head))) (VP burst (PP into (NP song)))) .)) (TOP (UCP (S (NP-SBJ She) (VP was (NP-PRD a living doll))) and (NP no mistake) -- (NP (NP the blue-black bang) , (NP (NP the wide cheekbones) , (ADJP olive-flushed) , (SBAR (WHNP-1 that) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP betrayed (NP (NP the Cherokee strain) (PP in (NP her Midwestern lineage))))))) , and (NP (NP the mouth) (SBAR (WHNP-2 whose only fault) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-2) , (PP in (NP (NP the novelist 's) carping phrase)) , (VP was (SBAR-PRD that (S (NP-SBJ the lower lip) (VP was (ADJP-PRD (NP-ADV a trifle) too voluptuous))))))))) .)) (TOP (S (PP From (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 what) (S (NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP was (ADJP-PRD able (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP to (VP gauge (NP *T*-2))))) (PP in (NP a swift , greedy glance)))))) , (NP-SBJ (NP the figure) (PP-LOC inside (NP the coral-colored boucle dress))) (VP was (ADJP-PRD stupefying)) .))