lattice-tool - manipulate word lattices
lattice-tool [ -help ] option ...
performs operations on word lattices in
or in HTK Standard Lattice format (SLF).
Operations include size reduction, pruning, null-node removal,
weight assignment from
language models, lattice word error computation, and decoding of the
best hypotheses.
Each input lattice is processed in turn, and a series of optional
operations is performed in a fixed sequence (regardless of the order
in which corresponding options are specified).
The sequence of operations is as follows:
- 1.
Read input lattice.
- 2.
Score pronunciations (if dictionary was supplied).
- 3.
Split multiword word nodes.
- 4.
Posterior- and density-based pruning (before reduction).
- 5.
Write word posterior lattice.
- 6.
Viterbi-decode and ouptut 1-best hypothesis
(using either the original or updated language model scores, see
- 7.
Generate and output N-best list
(using either the original or updated language model scores, see
- 8.
Compute lattice density.
- 9.
Check lattice connectivity.
- 10.
Compute node entropy.
- 11.
Compute lattice word error.
- 12.
Output reference word posteriors.
- 13.
Remove null nodes.
- 14.
Lattice reduction.
- 15.
Posterior- and density-based pruning (after reduction).
- 16.
Remove pause nodes.
- 17.
Lattice reduction (post-pause removal).
- 18.
Language model replacement or expansion.
- 19.
Pause recovery or insertion.
- 20.
Lattice reduction (post-LM expansion).
- 21.
Multiword splitting (post-LM expansion).
- 22.
Merging of same-word nodes.
- 23.
Lattice algebra operations (or, concatenation).
- 24.
Perform word-posterior based decoding.
- 25.
Write word mesh (confusion network).
- 26.
Compute and output N-gram counts.
- 27.
Compute and output N-gram index.
- 28.
Word posterior computation.
- 29.
Lattice-LM perplexity computation.
- 30.
Writing output lattice.
The following options control which of these steps actually apply.
Each filename argument can be an ASCII file, or a
compressed file (name ending in .Z or .gz), or ``-'' to indicate
- -help
Print option summary.
- -version
Print version information.
- -debug level
Set the debugging output level (0 means no debugging output).
Debugging messages are sent to stderr.
- -in-lattice file
Read input lattice from
- -in-lattice2 file
Read additional input lattice (for binary lattice operations) from
- -in-lattice-list file
Read list of input lattices from
Lattice operations are applied to each filename listed in
- -out-lattice file
Write result lattice to
- -out-lattice-dir dir
Write result lattices from processing of
to directory
- -read-mesh
Assume input lattices are in word mesh (confusion network) format, as described
- -write-internal
Write output lattices with internal node numbering instead of compact,
consecutive numbering.
- -overwrite
Overwrite existing output lattice files.
- -vocab file
Initialize the vocabulary to words listed in
This is useful in conjunction with
- -limit-vocab
Discard LM parameters on reading that do not pertain to the words
specified in the vocabulary.
The default is that words used in the LM are automatically added to the
This option can be used to reduce the memory requirements for large LMs;
to this end,
typically specifies the set of words used in the lattices to be
processed (which has to be generated beforehand, see
- -vocab-aliases file
Reads vocabulary alias definitions from
consisting of lines of the form
alias word
This causes all tokens
to be mapped to
- -unk
Map lattice words not contained in the known vocabulary with the
unknown word tag.
This is useful if the rescoring LM contains a probability for the unknown
word (i.e., is an open-vocabulary LM).
The known vocabulary is given by what is specified by the
option, as well as all words in the LM used for rescoring.
- -map-unk word
Map out-of-vocabulary words to
rather than the default
- -keep-unk
Treat out-of-vocabulary words as
but preserve their labels in lattice output.
- -print-sent-tags
Preserve begin/end sentence tags in output lattice format.
The default is to represent these as NULL node labels, since
the begin/end of sentence is implicit in the lattice structure.
- -tolower
Map all vocabulary to lowercase.
- -nonevents file
Read a list of words from
that are used only as context elements, and are not predicted by the LM,
similar to ``<s>''.
is also specified then pauses are not treated as nonevents by default.
- -max-time T
Limit processing time per lattice to
Options controlling lattice operations:
- -write-posteriors file
Compute the posteriors of lattice nodes and transitions (using the
forward-backward algorithm) and write out a word posterior lattice
This and other options based on posterior probabilities make most sense
if the input lattice contains combined acoustic-language model weights.
- -write-posteriors-dir dir
Similar to the above, but posterior lattices are written to
separate files in directory
named after the utterance IDs.
- -write-mesh file
Construct a word confusion network ("sausage") from the lattice and
write it to
If reference words are available for the utterance (specified by
their alignment will be recorded in the sausage.
- -write-mesh-dir dir
Similar, but write sausages to files in
named after the utterance IDs.
- -init-mesh file
Initialize the word confusion network by reading an existing sausage from
This effectively aligns the lattice being processed to the existing
- -acoustic-mesh
Preserve word-level acoustic information (times, scores, and pronunciations)
in sausages, encoded as described in
- -posterior-prune P
Prune lattice nodes with posteriors less than
times the highest posterior path.
- -density-prune D
Prune lattices such that the lattice density (non-null words per second)
does not exceed
- -nodes-prune N
Prune lattices such that the total number of non-null, non-pause nodes
does not exceed
- -fast-prune
Choose a faster pruning algorithm that does not recompute posteriors
after each iteration.
- -write-ngrams file
Compute posterior expected N-gram counts in lattices and output them
The maximal N-gram length is given by the
option (see below).
The counts from all lattices processed are accumulated and output in
sorted order at the end (suitable for
- -write-ngram-index file
Output an index file of all N-gram occurences in the lattices processed,
including their start times, durations, and posterior probabilities.
The maximal N-gram length is given by the
option (see below).
- -min-count C
Prune N-grams with count less than
from output with
In the former case, the threshold applies to the aggregate occurrence counts;
in the latter case, the threshold applies to the posterior probability of
an individual occurence.
- -max-ngram-pause T
Index only N-grams that contain internal pauses (between words) not exceeding
seconds (assuming time stamps are recorded in the input lattice).
- -ngrams-time-tolerance T
Merge N-gram occurrences less than
seconds apart for indexing purposes (posterior probabilties are summed).
- -posterior-scale S
Scale the transition weights by dividing by
for the purpose of posterior probability computation.
If the input weights represent combined acoustic-language model scores
then this should be approximately the language model weight of the
recognizer in order to avoid overly peaked posteriors (the default value is 8).
- -write-vocab file
Output the list of all words found in the lattice(s) to
- -reduce
Reduce lattice size by a single forward node merging pass.
- -reduce-iterate I
Reduce lattice size by up to
forward-backward node merging passes.
- -overlap-ratio R
Perform approximate lattice reduction by merging nodes that share
more than a fraction
of their incoming or outgoing nodes.
The default is 0, i.e., only exact lattice reduction is performed.
- -overlap-base B
is 0 (the default), then the overlap ratio
is taken relative to the smaller set of transitions being compared.
If the value is 1, the ratio is relative to the larger of the two sets.
- -reduce-before-pruning
Perform lattice reduction before posterior-based pruning.
The default order is to first prune, then reduce.
- -pre-reduce-iterate I
Perform iterative reduction prior to lattice expansion, but after
pause elimination.
- -post-reduce-iterate I
Perform iterative reduction after lattice expansion and pause node recovery.
Note: this is not recommended as it changes the weights assigned from
the specified language model.
- -no-nulls
Eliminate NULL nodes from lattices.
- -no-pause
Eliminate pause nodes from lattices
(and do not recover them after lattice expansion).
- -compact-pause
Use compact encoding of pause nodes that saves nodes but allows
optional pauses where they might not have been included in the original
- -loop-pause
Add self-loops on pause nodes.
- -insert-pause
Insert optional pauses after every word in the lattice.
The structure of inserted pauses is affected by
- -collapse-same-words
Perform an operation on the final lattices that collapses all nodes
with the same words, except null nodes, pause nodes, or nodes with
noise words.
This can reduce the lattice size dramatically, but also introduces new
- -connectivity
Check the connectedness of lattices.
- -compute-node-entropy
Compute the node entropy of lattices.
- -compute-posteriors
Compute node posterior probabilities
(which are included in HTK lattice output).
- -density
Compute and output lattice densities.
- -ref-list file
Read reference word strings from
Each line starts with a sentence ID (the basename of the lattice file name),
followed by the words.
This or the next option triggers computation of lattice word errors
(minimum word error counts of any path through a lattice).
- -ref-file file
Read reference word strings from
Lines must contain reference words only, and must be matched to input
lattices in the order processed.
- -write-refs file
Write the references back to
(for validation).
- -add-refs P
Add the reference words as an additional path to the lattice,
with probability
is specified, optional pause nodes between words are also added.
Note that this operation is performed before lattice reduction and
expansion, so the new path can be merged with existing ones, and the
probabilities for the new path can be reassigned from an LM later.
- -noise-vocab file
Read a list of ``noise'' words from
These words are ignored when computing lattice word errors,
when decoding the best word sequence using
or when collapsing nodes with
- -keep-pause
Causes the pause word ``-pau-'' to be treated like a regular word.
It prevents pause from being implicitly added to the list of noise
- -ignore-vocab file
Read a list of words that are to be ignored in
lattice operations, similar to pause tokens.
Unlike noise words (see above) they are also skipped during LM evaluation.
With this option and
pause words are not ignored by default.
- -split-multiwords
Split lattice nodes with multiwords into a sequence of non-multiword
This option is necessary to compute lattice error of multiword lattices
against non-multiword references, but may be useful in its own right.
- -split-multiwords-after-lm
Perform multiword splitting after lattice expansion using the specified LM.
This should be used if the LM uses multiwords, but the final lattices
are not supposed to contain multiwords.
- -multiword-dictionary file
Read a dictionary from
containing multiword pronunciations and word boundary markers (a ``|'' phone
Specifying such a dictionary allows the multiword splitting options
to infer accurate time marks and pronunciation information for the
multiword components.
- -multi-char C
as the character used for separating multiword components.
The default is an underscore ``_''.
- -operation O
Perform a lattice algebra operation
on the lattice or lattices processed, with
the second operand specified by
Operations currently supported are
for serial and parallel lattice combination, respectively,
and are applied after all other lattices manipulations.
- -viterbi-decode
Print out the word sequence corresponding to the highest probability path.
- -posterior-decode
Print out the word sequence with lowest expected word error.
- -output-ctm
Output word sequences in NIST CTM (conversation time mark) format.
Note that word start times will be relative to the lattice start time,
the first column will contain the lattice name, and the channel field
is always 1.
The word confidence field contains posterior probabilities if
is in effect.
This option also implies
- -hidden-vocab file
Read a subvocabulary from
and constrain word meshes to only align those words that are either all
in or outside the subvocabulary.
This may be used to keep ``hidden event'' tags from aligning with
regular words.
- -dictionary-align
Use the dictionary pronunciations specified with
to induce a word distance metric used for word mesh alignment.
See the
- -nbest-decode N
Generate the up to
highest scoring paths through a lattice and write them out in
along with optional additional score files to store knowledge sources encoded
in the lattice.
Further options are needed to specify the location of N-best lists and
score files, described below under "N-BEST DECODING".
Duplicated Hypotheses that differ only in pause and words specified with
are removed from the N-best output.
If the
option is specified, duplicates due to multiwords are also eliminated.
- -nbest-duplicates K
Allow up to
duplicate word hypotheses to be output in N-best decoding.
- -nbest-max-stack M
Limits the depth of the hypothesis stack used in N-best decoding to
which may be useful for limiting memory use and runtime.
- -nbest-viterbi
Use a Viterbi algorithm to generate N-best, rather than A-star.
This uses less memory but may take more time.
- -old-decoding
Decode lattices (in Viterbi or N-best mode) without applying a new language
By default, if
is specified,
options will use the LM to replace language model scores encoded in
an HTK-formatted lattice.
For PFSG lattices, the new LM scores will be added to the original scores.
- -decode-beamwidth B
Limits beamwidth in LM-based lattice decoding.
Default value is 1e30.
- -decode-max-degree D
Limits allowed in-degree in the decoding search graph for LM-based lattice
Default value is 0, meaning unlimited.
- -ppl file
Read sentences from
and compute the maximum probability (of any path) assigned to them by the
lattice being processed.
Effectively, the lattice is treated as a (deficient) language model.
The output detail is controlled by the
- -word-posteriors-for-sentences file
Read sentences from
and compute and output the word posterior probabilities according to a
confusion network generated from the lattice (as with
If there is no path through the confusion network matching a sentence,
the posteriors output will be zero.
- -debug
option, similar to
ngram -ppl
(In particular,
-debug 2
enables tracing of lattice nodes corresponding to sentence prefixes.)
Pause words in
are treated as regular words and have to match pause nodes in the
lattice, unless
specified, in which case pauses in both lattice and input sentences
are ignored.
The following options control transition weight assignment:
- -order n
Set the maximal N-gram order to be used for transition weight assignment
(the default is 3).
- -lm file
Read N-gram language model from
This option also triggers weight reassignment and lattice expansion.
- -use-server S
Use a network LM server (typically implemented by
with the
option) as the main model.
This option also triggers weight reassignment and lattice expansion.
The server specification
can be an unsigned integer port number (referring to a server port running on
the local host),
a hostname (referring to default port 2525 on the named host),
or a string of the form
is a portnumber and
is either a hostname ("")
or IP number in dotted-quad format ("").
For server-based LMs, the
option limits the context length of N-grams queried by the client
(with 0 denoting unlimited length).
Hence, the effective LM order is the mimimum of the client-specified value
and any limit implemented in the server.
is specified, the arguments to the options
etc. are also interpreted as network LM server specifications provided
they contain a '@' character and do not contain a '/' character.
This allows the creation of mixtures of several file- and/or
network-based LMs.
- -cache-served-ngrams
Enables client-side caching of N-gram probabilities to eliminated duplicate
network queries, in conjunction with
This may results in a substantial speedup
but requires memory in the client that may grow linearly with the
amount of data processed.
- -no-expansion
Suppress lattice expansion when a language model is specified.
This is useful if the LM is to be used only for lattice decoding
- -multiwords
Resolve multiwords in the lattice without splitting nodes.
This is useful in rescoring lattices containing multiwords with a
LM does not use multiwords.
- -classes file
Interpret the LM as an N-gram over word classes.
The expansions of the classes are given in
Tokens in the LM that are not defined as classes in
are assumed to be plain words, so that the LM can contain mixed N-grams over
both words and word classes.
- -simple-classes
Assume a "simple" class model: each word is member of at most one word class,
and class expansions are exactly one word long.
- -mix-lm file
Read a second N-gram model for interpolation purposes.
The second and any additional interpolated models can also be class N-grams
(using the same
- -factored
Interpret the files specified by
etc. as factored N-gram model specifications.
for more details.
- -lambda weight
Set the weight of the main model when interpolating with
Default value is 0.5.
- -mix-lm2 file
- -mix-lm3 file
- -mix-lm4 file
- -mix-lm5 file
- -mix-lm6 file
- -mix-lm7 file
- -mix-lm8 file
- -mix-lm9 file
Up to 9 more N-gram models can be specified for interpolation.
- -mix-lambda2 weight
- -mix-lambda3 weight
- -mix-lambda4 weight
- -mix-lambda5 weight
- -mix-lambda6 weight
- -mix-lambda7 weight
- -mix-lambda8 weight
- -mix-lambda9 weight
These are the weights for the additional mixture components, corresponding
The weight for the
model is 1 minus the sum of
- -bayes length
Set the context length used for Bayesian interpolation.
The default value is 0, giving the standard fixed interpolation weight
specified by
- -bayes-scale scale
Set the exponential scale factor on the context likelihood in conjunction
with the
Default value is 1.0.
- -compact-expansion
Use a compact expansion algorithm that uses backoff nodes to reduce the
size of expanded lattices (see paper reference below).
- -old-expansion
Use older versions of the lattice expansion algorithms (both regular and
compact), that handle only trigram models and require elimination of
null and pause nodes prior to expansion.
Not recommended, but useful if full backward compatibility is required.
- -max-nodes M
Abort lattices expansion when the number of nodes (including null and pause
nodes) exceeds
This is another mechanism to avoid spending too much time on very large
incorporates several different algorithms to apply LM weights to
This section explains what algorithms are applied given what options.
- Compact LM expansion
This expands the nodes and transitions to be able to assign
higher-order probabilities to transitions.
Backoffs in the LM are exploited in the expansion, thereby
minimizing the number of added nodes (Weng et al., 1998).
This algorithm is triggered by
For the resulting lattices to work correctly, backoff paths in the LM
must have lower weight than the corresponding higher-order paths.
(For N-gram LMs, this can be achieved using the
ngram -prune-lowprobs
Pauses and null nodes are handled during the expansion and do
not have to be removed and restored.
- General LM expansion
This expands the lattice to apply LMs of arbitrary order,
without use of backoff transitions.
This algorithm is the default (no
- Unigram weight replacement
This simply replaces the weights on lattice transitions with
unigram log probabilities.
No modification of the lattice structure is required.
This algorithm is used if
-order 1
are specified.
- Bigram weight replacement
This replaces the transition weights with bigram log probabilities.
Pause and null nodes have to be eliminated prior to the operation,
and are restored after weight replacement.
This algorithm is used if
-order 2
are specified.
can optionally read, process, and output lattices in
HTK Standard Lattice Format.
The following options control HTK lattice processing.
- -read-htk
Read input lattices in HTK format.
All lattices are internally represented as PFSGs;
to achieve this HTK lattices links
are mapped to PFSG nodes (with attached word and score information), and
HTK lattice nodes are mapped to PFSG NULL nodes.
Transitions are created so as to preserve words and scores of all paths
through the original lattice.
On output, this mapping is reversed, so as to create a compact encoding
of PFSGs containing NULL nodes as HTK lattices.
- -htk-acscale S
- -htk-lmscale S
- -htk-ngscale S
- -htk-prscale S
- -htk-duscale S
- -htk-x1scale S
- -htk-x2scale S
- -htk-x9scale S
- -htk-wdpenalty S
These options specify the weights for
acoustic, LM, N-gram, pronunciation, and duration models,
up to nine extra scores, as well as
word transition penalties to be used for combining the various scores
contained in HTK lattices.
The combined scores are then used to compute the transition weights for
the internal PFSG representation.
Default weights are obtained from the specifications in the lattice files
Word transition penalties are scaled according to the log base used.
Values specified on the command line are scaled according to
or the default 10.
Word transition penalties specified in the lattice file are scaled
according to the log base specified in the file, or the default
- -htk-logzero Z
Replace HTK lattices score that are zero (minus infinity on the log scale)
by the log-base-10 score
This is typically used after rescoring with a language model that assigns
probability zero to some words in the lattice, and allows meaningful
computation of posterior probabilities and 1-best hypotheses from such
- -no-htk-nulls
Eliminate NULL nodes otherwise created by the conversion of HTK lattices
to PFSGs.
This creates additional links and may or may not reduce the overall
processing time required.
- -dictionary file
Read a dictionary containing pronunciation probabilities from
and add or replace the pronunciation scores in the lattice accordingly.
This requires that the lattices contain phone alignment information.
- -intlogs
Assume the dictionary contains log probabilities encoded on the int-log scale,
as used by the SRI Decipher system.
- -write-htk
Write output lattices in HTK format.
If the input lattices were in PFSG format the original PFSG weights will be
output as HTK acoustic scores.
However, LM rescoring will discard the original PFSG weights and
the results will be encoded as LM scores.
Pronunciation scoring results will be encoded as pronunciations scores.
If the
was used in lattice processing the output lattices will also contain
node posterior probabilities.
If the input lattices were in HTK format, then
acoustic and duration scores are preserved from the input lattices.
The score scaling factors in the lattice header will reflect the
options given above.
- -htk-logbase B
Modify the logarithm base in HTK lattices output.
The default is to use logs base 10, as elsewhere in SRILM.
As value of 0 means to output probabilities instead of log probabilities.
Note that the log base for input lattices is not affected by this
option; it is encoded in the lattices themselves,
and defaults to
according to the HTK SLF definition.
- -htk-words-on-nodes
Output word labels and other word-related information on HTK lattice nodes,
rather than links, thus saving space.
This option is provided only for compatibility with software that requires
word information to be attached specifically to links of nodes.
- -htk-scores-on-nodes
Output scores on HTK lattice nodes, rather than links.
- Note:
The options
defeat the mapping of internal PFSG nodes back to HTK transitions, and should
therefore NOT be used when a compact output representation is desired.
- -htk-quotes
Enable the HTK string quoting mechanism that allows whitespace and other
non-printable characters to be included in words labels and other fields.
This is disabled by default since PFSG lattices and other SRILM tools don't
support such word labels.
It affects both input and output format for HTK lattices.
The option
triggers generation of N-best lists, according to the
aggregate score of paths encoded in the lattice.
The output format for N-best lists and associated additional score files
is compatible with other SRILM tools that process N-best lists,
such as those described in
The following options control the location of output files:
- -out-nbest-dir dir
The directory to which N-best list files are written.
These contain acoustic model scores, language model scores,
word counts, and the word hypotheses themselves,
in SRILM format as described in
- -out-nbest-dir-ngram dir
Output directory for separate N-gram LM scores as may be encoded in
HTK lattices.
- -out-nbest-dir-pron dir
Output directory for pronunciation scores encoded in HTK lattices.
- -out-nbest-dir-dur dir
Output directory for duration model scores encoded in HTK lattices.
- -out-nbest-dir-xscore1 dir
- -out-nbest-dir-xscore2 dir
- -out-nbest-dir-xscore9 dir
Output score directories for up to nine additional knowledge sources
encoded in HTK lattices.
- -out-nbest-dir-rttm dir
N-best hypotheses in NIST RTTM format.
This function is experimental and makes assumptions about the input
file naming conventions to infer timing information.
ngram(1), ngram-merge(1), pfsg-scripts(1), nbest-lattice(1),
pfsg-format(5), ngram-format(5), classes-format(5), wlat-format(5),
F. Weng, A. Stolcke, and A. Sankar,
``Efficient Lattice Representation and Generation.''
Proc. Intl. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, vol. 6, pp. 2531-2534,
Sydney, 1998.
S. Young et al., The HTK Book, HTK version 3.1.
Not all LM types supported by
are handled by
Care must be taken when processing multiword lattices with
Multiwords not listed in the LM (or the explicit vocabulary specified) will
be considered ``unknown'', even though their components might be
option does not work together with
When applying
to PFSG lattices, the old transition weights are effectively treated as
acoustic scores, and the new LM scores are added to them.
There is no way to replace old LM scores that might be part of the
PFSG transition weights.
This is a limitation of the
format, since PFSGs cannot encode separate acoustic and language scores.
Input lattices in HTK format may contain node or link posterior information.
However, this information is effectively discarded; posteriors are always
recomputed from scores when needed for pruning or output.
options discard the acoustic information associated with NULL and pause
nodes in HTK lattice input, and should therefore not be used if
equivalent HTK lattice output is intended.
option currently only works for input/output in HTK lattice format.
Fuliang Weng <>
Andreas Stolcke <>
Dustin Hillard <>
Jing Zheng <>
Copyright 1997-2009 SRI International