Technical Transitions

Invited talks

Workshops and Meetings

Software Tools

By the end of the summer, prototype software tools will be available for other researchers to use. Installation of prototype tools at industrial sites for demonstration purposes. Prospective sites include Siemens Corp. Research, UniSys, Silicon Graphics Corp. Discussed a collaborative effort with Belmont Research, Inc. of Cambridge, MA to pursue the signature matching ideas of Zaremski and Wing. Applied for joint funding to NIST.


Guest Editor for IEEE Trans on Software Eng. Special Issue on Software Architecture (April 1995)


Mary Shaw. "Abstraction and Codification in Software Engineering",
Presented at The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing,
distributed by University Video Communications.


David Garlan and Mary Shaw. "Architectures for Software Systems."
Half-day tutorial invited for SIGSOFT '94, December 1994.

Course Materials

David Garlan, Mary Shaw, and Jose Galmes. "Experience with a Course
on Architectures for Software Systems, Part II: Educational
Materials." Carnegie-Mellon University School of Computer Science
Technical Report CMU-CS-94-178, December 1994.

Comments? Gripes? Accolades? Mail the current maintainer of this page.

Last modified: July 7, 1995