Technology Transition

Technology Transition

Made UniCon publicly available. UniCon is a language for describing the software architecture of a system, and its associated toolset analyzes such descriptions and builds applications from them. The UniCon toolset distribution is available on the Web at the following location: For more information, contact project members at

The Nitpick tool, the only tool available for completely automatic checking of relational specifications (that is, those in languages like Z and VDM that use relational data structures), was released in a beta version in January, 1996. Nitpick is pubicly available in executable form from the following Web site: For more information, contact project members at

Aesop (V2) was released to the public. This version includes support for ACME. For more information and to order this version, contact project members at

Mary Shaw and David Garlan authored and published the following text on software architecture. "Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Engineering Discipline," Prentice Hall, 1996.

David Garlan interacted with the Advanced Distributed Simulation Steering Committee to show the benefits of formal architectural modelling.

David Garlan and Mary Shaw presented a full-day tutorial for CMU School of Computer Science summer school, entitled "Architectures for Software Systems," June 1996.

Daniel Jackson presented a one-day summer school course on the use of the Nitpick tool in requirements analysis, June 1996.

Jeannette Wing presented a tutorial for CMU School of Computer Science summer school on formal methods, June 1996.

David Garlan worked with students and SEI researchers to develop a formal archtectural model for the SIMPLEX fault-tolerant, real-time architecture.

Workshops, Presentations, and Meetings

Software Tools

Our Nitpick tool, the only tool available for completely automatic checking of relational specifications (that is, those in languages like Z and VDM that use relational data structures), was released in a beta version in January 1996.

Release of Aesop (V2). Includes support for ACME.

Refereed Papers

Checking Relational Specifications with Binary Decision Diagrams. Craig A. Damon, Daniel Jackson, and Somesh Jha. Proc. 4th ACM SIGSOFT COnf. on Foundations of Software Engineering, San Francisco, CA, October 1996.

Elements of Style: Analyzing a Software Design Feature with a Counterexample Detector. Daniel Jackson and Craig A. Damon. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, to appear (probably August 1996).

Elements of Style: Analyzing a Software Design Feature with a Counterexample Detector. Daniel Jackson. Proc International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, San Diego, CA, January 1996.

Faster Checking of Software Specifications. Daniel Jackson, Craig A. Damon and Somesh Jha. Proc. ACM Conf. on Principles of Programming Languages, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, January 1996.

Nitpick: A Checkable Specification Language. Daniel Jackson. Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Practice. San Diego, CA, January 1996.

Problem Decomposition for Reuse. Daniel Jackson and Michael Jackson. Software Engineering Journal, Vol 11, No 1, January 1996.

Structuring Z Specifications with Views. Daniel Jackson. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Vol 4, No 4, October 1995. (appeared in January 1996)


David Garlan and Mary Shaw, "Architectures for Software Systems." Full-day tuorial for CMU School of Computer Science summer school, June 1996.


Mary Shaw and David Garlan, Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Engineering Discipline." Prentice Hall, 1996.

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Last modified: July 1996