Major Components
Q-RAM (QoS Resource Allocation Model) - Optimizes total system utility for all tasks while meeting resource constraints.
RTQ (Real-Time Queueing) - Estimates task lateness distribution given task arrival and servicing models.
RPM (Resource Priority Multiplexing) - Validates assurance levels given task resource usage profiles and computes scheduling parameters.
RPM Scheduler - Mechanism for implementing resource priority multiplexing.
FRUM (Forecasted Resource Usage Module) - Predicts resource usage based on historical trends.
DMOD (Dependability Module) - Estimates historical resource availabilities and predicts host failures.
SesCo (Session Coordinator) - Receives session requests, queries the monitoring modules FRUM and DMOD, and the policy advisor modules Q-RAM, RPM, and RTQ to make resource allocation decisions, and controls low-level mechanisms to implement resource allocations.
Visualization - Assists users in making QoS/Resource tradeoffs.
Simulator - Enables rapid validation and tuning of new policies and mechanisms under controlled environmental conditions.
Synthetic Workload Generator - Used to stress testbed and create artificial session requests.