NPT Source Code Agreement

In order to obtain the source please read the following agreement and check that you and your organization qualify for source access. If you do quality, please fill in the fields in the request form below and hit sent. We will review your request and send you the source code package if approved.


This software is available in source-code form to academic researchers who satisfy the following conditions and agree to the following restrictions.

The software is available for free to researchers at academic institutions (universities, schools and government research labs). It may also be used by members of the researcher's research team, for example: graduate students, undergraduate students, post-docs, and research programmers employed by the researcher.

Before being sent the source code the researcher must agree:

(1) To only give source code access to the designated "source code users" specified in the download form.

(2) Not to sell the source code to other parties.

(3) Not to sell executables or libraries built with portions of this source code to other parties.

(4) Not to give away the source code to other parties

(5) To acknowledge the Auton Lab and the listed source code authors in any academic publications that have made substantial use of the course code.

Request Form

I agree with the above conditions

Questions or comments? Please email Andrew Moore