Submitting New Pictures

If you don't like your picture on the face board, you're welcome to submit a new face. You should provide a 288x384 full-color image of your face (just your face). TIFF is the preferred file format.

Here are some quick tips to keep in mind when preparing an image of your face:

Currently, there is no automated, or even semi-automated, method to submit your new face photo. What you need to do is send me e-mail at with a pointer to your image. I'll collect it and put it on the face board.

Acquiring Pictures

The best way to get a photo of your face is to take a picture with a good camera and get your pictures developed onto PhotoCD. At some point, we will probably have a departmental camera to use for this purpose.

Your other option is to scan a photo. In case you didn't know, there are a couple of scanners available in the Terminal Room (WeH 3509). I suggest scanning your photo at fairly high resolution (300-400 dpi) and then cropping it down to the correct size (288x384 pixels). Photoshop will do this for you quite nicely, and is installed on the machines driving the scanners.

Michael Garland
Last modified: Tue Mar 25 12:00:21 EST 1997