Searching the CS Face Board


At present, the searching capabilities are fairly simple. You are presented with two searchable fields: First name and Last name. The criteria entered into these fields will be combined using a logical AND operation.

Essentially, you can search based on name prefix and by letter range. For instance, the query:

		Last name:  Smi
would give you everyone whose last name begins with "Smi". You could also use a query of the form:
		Last name: [A-E]
to show you everyone whose last name begins with a letter between A and E.

Finally, there is one more important tidbit. Queries are case sensitive, and all names are stored with the initial letters capitalized. So looking up "smith" is guaranteed to show you no one, while "Smith" might actually find who you're looking for.


You can choose from among five possible layouts of the search results:
  1. Composite JPEG: The faces of the people matching your search query will be composited into a single contact sheet, and returned to you. This image will be in JPEG format, and it will be used as a client-side image map.
  2. Composite GIF: The same as Composite JPEG, except that the image will be in the GIF format. This is primarily for use in older browsers that don't support inline JPEGs.
  3. Table of GIFs: Each face will be returned to you as a separate GIF thumbnail, and all the faces will be layed out in a table. This will give you better performance than composite images once many faces have been collected in your local cache.
  4. Table of GIFs via AFS: A slight permutation of option 3. This will load the faces directly through AFS rather than over HTTP. This may or may not result in faster performance.
  5. List of Names: This presents a simple alphabetical list of matching names. No images are displayed.

Michael Garland
Last modified: Tue Mar 25 11:58:23 EST 1997