Once the working nodes have been identified, new paths from the inputs to the outputs of the multi-Benes network can be established using an algorithm that is essentially the same as the circuit-switching algorithm for multibutterflies described in Section 4.3. There are two main differences. First, in the multi-Benes network, only working nodes are used. However, by Lemmas 4.9 and 4.10 the working switches have an unshared neighbors property. Hence, we can run the algorithm of Section 4.3 with . Second, routing in the first half of the multi-Benes network is actually easier than in the second half, which is a multibutterfly, since there is no notion of up or down edges. The goal is simply to get each new path from an input on level to any working node on level 0. The algorithm uses placeholders and cancellation signals in the first half in the same way that they are used in the second half.