If many parties want to call the same output terminal, then we have two options: merging the callers into a single multiparty call, or giving busy signals to all but one of the callers.
In either case, the first thing to do is to sort the calls according
to their destinations. Unfortunately, no deterministic -bit-step sorting algorithm is known for the multibutterfly network
at present, although
word- and bit-step randomized
algorithms are known for the butterfly [20, 34]. If
a deterministic
-bit-step algorithm is required, the
multibutterfly could be augmented with a sorting circuit such as the
AKS sorting circuit [2]. The AKS sorting circuit will
provide us with a set of edge-disjoint paths from its inputs to its
outputs. If node-disjoint paths are desired, then each
comparator in the circuit can be replaced by a
bipartite graph. Note that in neither case is the sorting circuit a
nonblocking network, since adding new calls at the inputs may alter
the sorted order, thus disrupting existing paths. In the remainder of
this section, we will use a sorting circuit either in conjunction with
a butterfly network to route calls in a rearrangeable fashion, or in
conjunction with a multibutterfly to route calls in a nonblocking
fashion. In the latter case, the sorting circuit is used only to help
compute the routes that the calls take, and not to route the calls
Once the calls have been sorted, a parallel prefix computation is
applied to the sorted list of calls. For each destination, one of the
calls is marked as a winner, and the others as losers. For a
description of prefix operations, and how they can be implemented in
bit steps on a complete binary tree (which is a subgraph
of the butterfly), see [16, Section 1.2,].
If it suffices to send a busy signal to all of the callers except one, then these signals can be sent back to the losers along their paths through the sorting circuit, and the winning path can be established (in a nonblocking fashion) in a multibutterfly network.
If the calls are to be merged into a single call, then the next step is to label the winners according to their positions in the sorted order, and to give each loser the label of the winner for its destination. This is also prefix computation.
To route calls in a rearrangeable fashion, we identify the outputs of the sorting circuit with the inputs of a butterfly network. Each call is routed greedily in the butterfly network to the output in the row with the same number as the winner's index. This type of routing problem is called a packing problem. Surprisingly, only calls with the same destination will collide during the routing of any packing problem [16, Section 3.4.3,]. After this step, all of the calls to the same destination have been merged into a single call. Since the calls remain sorted by destination, the problem of routing them to their destinations is called a monotone routing problem. Any monotone routing problem can be solved with a single pass through two back-to-back butterfly networks without collisions [16, Section 3.4.3,].
To route calls in a nonblocking fashion, we can either assume that all
callers are known at the time that a call is established or not. If
all of the callers are known, we can route the calls backwards through
a multibutterfly from the shared output to each of the inputs of the
callers using the first scheme described in
Section 5.1. Otherwise, we can use the second
scheme of Section 5.1 in reverse to route the
calls using paths of length .