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5.3.1 The network

The network R consists of four parts, each of which contains tex2html_wrap_inline2459 levels of N nodes. Each of the first three parts shares its last level with the first level of the next part, so the total number of levels is tex2html_wrap_inline2463 , and the total number of nodes in the network is tex2html_wrap_inline2465 .

The first part is a set of tex2html_wrap_inline2467 levels labeled tex2html_wrap_inline2469 through tex2html_wrap_inline2471 . For tex2html_wrap_inline2473 , the edges connecting level i to i+1, form an N-input merger. Hence, every set of tex2html_wrap_inline2481 nodes on one level has at least tex2html_wrap_inline2483 neighbors on the next level, where tex2html_wrap_inline2485 , tex2html_wrap_inline2487 , and d are related as in Equation 2.2.

The second part consists of a multibutterfly whose levels are labeled tex2html_wrap_inline2491 through 0. The multibutterfly has expansion property tex2html_wrap_inline2495 , where tex2html_wrap_inline2497 , tex2html_wrap_inline2499 , and d are related as in Equation 2.1.

The third and fourth parts are the mirror images of the first and second parts. The levels of these parts are labeled 0 through tex2html_wrap_inline2505 .

Although any node in R can be chosen to be a source or a sink, it would be more convenient if all of the sources were to reside in the first part, and all the sinks in the fourth. Thus, the node on level -i of the second part, i of the third part, and tex2html_wrap_inline2513 of the fourth part each have an edge called a cross edge to the corresponding node on level tex2html_wrap_inline2515 of the first part. Similarly, each node in the fourth part has cross edges to the corresponding nodes in first, second, and third parts. If a node in any part other than the first is chosen to be a source, then its path begins with its cross edge to the first part. If a node in any part other than the fourth is chosen to be a sink, then the path to it ends with a cross edge from the fourth part. At this point, each node in the first part may represent up to four sources, and each node in the fourth part may represent up to four sinks.

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Bruce Maggs
Mon Jul 22 21:19:59 EDT 1996