- ...time.
- 8#8Department of Computer Science, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305. Research supported in part by ONR Young
Investigator Award N00014-91-J-1855, by NSF Presidential Young
Investigator Grant CCR-8858097 with matching funds from AT&T and DEC,
Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing, by a grant form
Mitsubishi Corp, and by NEC Research Institute.
- ...time.
- 9#9NEC Research Institute, Princeton NJ 08540.
- ...time.
- 10#10Department of Computer Science, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305. Research supported by NSF Research Initiation
Award CCR-900-8226, by U.S. Army Research Office Grant
DAAL-03-91-G-0102, by a grant from Mitsubishi Electric
Laboratories, and by NEC Research Institute.
- ...permutations
- Throughout this
paper, 12#12 denotes 13#13.