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3.3.1 Blocks with too many faults fall asleep

The erasure algorithm begins by repeating the following basic step tex2html_wrap_inline895 times, where tex2html_wrap_inline897 , and tex2html_wrap_inline899 . Initially, every working switch in the network is awake. At each basic step, each switch that is awake examines its tex2html_wrap_inline901 neighbors within the same block, and falls asleep if more than tex2html_wrap_inline903 of them are faulty or asleep. The following lemma shows that if there were not too many faults to begin with, then few working switches fall asleep.


Proof: The proof is by induction on the number of basic steps. The base case is trivial, since initially no working switches are asleep. Now let tex2html_wrap_inline919 be the set of working switches that are asleep at the end of step i. Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline923 . Then


since the switches in tex2html_wrap_inline927 have at least tex2html_wrap_inline929 neighbors, and each switch in tex2html_wrap_inline931 has at most tex2html_wrap_inline933 neighbors that are not asleep or faulty. Since tex2html_wrap_inline935 by induction, and tex2html_wrap_inline937 , we have a contradiction. Thus tex2html_wrap_inline939 . As a consequence, the switches in tex2html_wrap_inline941 have at least tex2html_wrap_inline943 neighbors. Thus,


Now suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline947 . Since tex2html_wrap_inline949 by induction, we have a contradiction.

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The next lemma shows that if any working switch is awake after step tex2html_wrap_inline951 , then it is connected to many nearby working switches.


Proof: If r is still awake at the end of step i, then r must have had at least tex2html_wrap_inline971 neighbors that were awake at the end of step i-1. In turn, these neighbors must have had at least tex2html_wrap_inline975 neighbors that were awake at the end of step i-2, provided that tex2html_wrap_inline979 . Otherwise, these switches had at least tex2html_wrap_inline981 neighbors that were awake. In general, r can reach a set of tex2html_wrap_inline985 switches that were awake at the end of step i-j. Furthermore, there is a path of length j from r to any switch in this set that passes only through working switches. Choosing j such that tex2html_wrap_inline995 , i.e.,


and choosing tex2html_wrap_inline997 completes the proof.

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Bruce Maggs
Mon Jul 22 19:56:03 EDT 1996