Upfal's greedy algorithm starts by partitioning the packets into
waves so that at most one packet in each wave is destined for any
set of L contiguous outputs, where L is a power of 2. One way to
do this is to group packets into the same wave if they are in the same
permutation and their destinations are congruent modulo L. If there
are P permutations to be routed, this results in the formation of at
most PL waves. In general, we will set
since then we will be guaranteed that at most
packets in any wave will ever pass through the up (or down) edges of
any M-input splitter of the multibutterfly. Since M is a power of
2 and
is a power of
is an integer unless
, in which case
This will allow us to apply the
-expansion property to
the set of inputs of any splitter occupied by the packets of a single
wave at any time. (E.g., if k inputs of a splitter contain packets
of a single wave that want to traverse up edges, then these inputs are
connected to at least
up outputs.) This is because packets
going through the
up (or
down) splitter
outputs can only be destined for the descendant set of
contiguous multibutterfly outputs. For
, an M-input
splitter can receive at most one upward or downward destined packet,
and we obtain expansion
. (Note that for
we can replace an M-input splitter with an
bipartite graph.)
The routing of the packets proceeds in stages, each stage consisting of an even and odd phase, and each phase consisting of 2d steps. In even phases, packets are sent from even levels to the next (odd) level, and in odd phases, packets are sent from the odd levels to the next (even) level. The edges within each splitter are colored with 2d colors so that exactly one edge of each color is incident on each input and exactly one edge of each color is incident on each output. In each phase, we process the colors in sequence, one step per color. For each color, we move a packet forward along an edge with that color if there is a packet in the switch at the tail of the edge that wants to go in that direction (up or down) and if there is no packet in the switch at the head of the edge. Alternatively, if there is a packet in the switch at the head of the edge and if it is in a later wave than the packet at the tail of the edge, then the two packets are swapped, so that the packet in the earlier wave moves forward. Note that every switch processes and/or contains at most one packet at any step.
If there is only one permutation to route, then each input of the
multibutterfly starts with one packet. If there are P permutations
to be routed, however, then it will be useful to augment the front-end
of the multibutterfly with P-1 copies of the first level of the
multibutterfly. Each switch on each of these levels starts with one
packet. This will preserve the bound of queue size 1 at the
input level, and it will ensure that these levels have the same
-expansion property as the first level. For
notational purposes, we will refer to these additional levels as